# UFO Event Timeline, KWIC Index Page: p [Back to Main timeline](timeline.html) ## Letters Directory: [a](kwic_a.html) [b](kwic_b.html) [c](kwic_c.html) [d](kwic_d.html) [e](kwic_e.html) [f](kwic_f.html) [g](kwic_g.html) [h](kwic_h.html) [i](kwic_i.html) [j](kwic_j.html) [k](kwic_k.html) [l](kwic_l.html) [m](kwic_m.html) [n](kwic_n.html) [o](kwic_o.html) [p](kwic_p.html) [q](kwic_q.html) [r](kwic_r.html) [s](kwic_s.html) [t](kwic_t.html) [u](kwic_u.html) [v](kwic_v.html) [w](kwic_w.html) [x](kwic_x.html) [y](kwic_y.html) [z](kwic_z.html) [numbers](kwic_numbers.html) [misc](kwic_misc.html) ## Words Directory: "p&c" "p&db" "p-1" "p-10" "p-2" "p-22" "p-3" "p-38" "p-38's" "p-47" "p-47d" "p-47s" "p-5" "p-51" "p-61" "p-61b" "p-70" "p-8" "p-80" "p-80r" "p1-3" "p10" "p102" "p104" "p107" "p114" "p12" "p121" "p122" "p124" "p126" "p127" "p128" "p13" "p133" "p135" "p136-p137" "p137" "p14" "p145" "p147" "p15" "p150-153" "p151" "p153" "p153-154" "p155" "p16" "p160" "p161-166" "p165" "p17" "p176" "p177" "p179" "p180" "p181" "p183+" "p183-184" "p188-189" "p19" "p191-192" "p197" "p198" "p2" "p20" "p20-23" "p207" "p208" "p21" "p210" "p211" "p212" "p213" "p216" "p217-p220" "p218" "p22" "p221" "p222" "p222-p223" "p225" "p24" "p244" "p25-32" "p257" "p258" "p26" "p260-p262" "p264" "p265" "p266" "p267" "p268+269" "p269" "p27" "p270" "p272" "p275" "p276" "p278" "p279" "p28" "p280" "p282" "p284" "p286" "p29" "p296" "p2v" "p2v-5" "p2v-5f" "p2v-7" "p2v3" "p30" "p30-31" "p307" "p308" "p309" "p309-311" "p311" "p314" "p324" "p33" "p330" "p34" "p342" "p35" "p36" "p369" "p370" "p38" "p4" "p4-5" "p449" "p45" "p45s" "p47" "p476-p478" "p4y-2" "p5" "p51" "p513" "p51s" "p52" "p52s" "p55" "p57" "p6" "p6+internet" "p64-68" "p65" "p67" "p7" "p70" "p71" "p73" "p750054-1939_b" "p78-1" "p8" "p80" "p804" "p82" "p85" "p86" "p89" "p91" "p92" "p93" "p94-97" "p97" "p97-98" "p98" "p99-101" "p99-105" "pa" "pa-16" "pa-24" "pa-28" "pa-28-140" "pa-28-181" "pa-31-310" "pa-32" "pa-32r-301t" "pa60" "paa" "paarl" "paat" "pabianice" "pablo" "pac" "paca" "pacaf" "pacajus" "pace" "paced" "pacemaker" "pacer" "paces" "pacheco" "pachuca" "paciencia" "pacific" "pacific-western" "pacifists" "pacify" "pacing" "paciência" "pack" "package" "packages" "packard" "packed" "packet" "packets" "packing" "packinghouse" "packrat" "packs" "paco" "pacoima" "pad" "pad#1" "padana" "padded" "padding" "paddle" "paddles" "paddock" "paddocks" "paddy" "padelford" "padellero" "padilla" "padin" "padlock" "padova" "padre" "padres" "padrick" "padrón" "pads" "padua" "padul" "paea" "paf" "paga" "pagan" "pagano" "page" "pageid=665&copageid=4" "pagella" "pager" "pages" "paget" "pagni" "pagosa" "pagozalski" "pagán" "pahang" "pahrump" "pahute" "paia" "paid" "paige" "paignton" "pail" "paillard" "paille" "paillé" "pails" "paimboeuf" "pain" "painblanc" "paine" "painful" "painfully" "pains" "paint" "paint-job" "painted" "painter" "painting" "paintings" "paints" "paintsville" "paintwork" "pair" "paired" "pairs" "pais" "paisano" "paisley" "paiva" "pajama" "pajanosas" "pajara" "pajas" "pajasblancas" "pak" "paka" "pakenham" "paki" "pakistan" "pakistani" "pakula" "pal" "palace" "palacec" "palacio" "palada" "palafrugell" "palagnano" "palagonia" "palais" "palais-sur-vienne" "palalda" "palamede" "palamo" "palanga" "palanquin" "palatine" "palatka" "palau-del-vidre" "palavas" "palavecino" "pale" "pale-" "pale-blue" "pale-bluish" "pale-faced" "pale-green" "pale-looking" "pale-red" "pale-skinned" "pale-white" "pale-yellow" "paleblue" "palelooking" "palely" "palembang" "palencia" "palenque" "paler" "palermo" "palestine" "palestn" "palette" "palgong" "palhano" "palhares" "palisade-1" "palisades" "paliza" "palla" "palladium" "pallas" "palldium-ltem" "pallets" "pallice" "pallid" "pallmann" "pallor" "pally" "palm" "palm-readers" "palm-tree" "palm-width" "palma" "palmar" "palmarejo" "palmareno" "palmareña" "palmarito" "palmas" "palmdale" "palmdale's" "palmeira" "palmeiras" "palmer" "palmero" "palmerson" "palmerston" "palmerton" "palmes" "palmetto" "palmira" "palmiter" "palms" "palmyra" "palo" "palomar" "palomares" "palos" "palpala" "palquebudis" "palquibudis" "pals" "paltz" "palumbo" "pam" "pamela" "pamiers" "pamlico" "pammunjon" "pampa" "pampas" "pamphlet" "pamphlets" "pamploma" "pamplona" "pampulha" "pampulhas" "pamuk" "pan" "pan-am" "pan-american" "pan-shaped" "pan-starrs" "pana" "panagra" "panam" "panama" "panambi" "panamint" "panassiti" "panavicino" "pancake" "pancake'" "pancake-object" "pancake-saucer" "pancake-shaped" "pancakes" "pancho" "panchuela" "pancole" "pandamonium" "pandelon" "pandemic" "pandemonium" "pandering" "pando" "pandolfi" "pandora" "pane" "panel" "panelists" "panels" "panes" "pang" "pangong" "panhandle" "pani" "panic" "panic-dies" "panic-stricken" "panick" "panicked" "panicking" "panicky" "panics" "panique" "panir" "panjang" "pankaj" "pankakoski" "panmunjeom" "panmunjon" "pannitteri" "pano" "panola" "panora" "panorama" "panoramic" "pans" "pansy" "pantano" "pantelimon" "pantelleria" "pantex" "panther" "pantiacolla" "pantoja" "pants" "pantsuit" "panzanella" "panzarella" "paola" "paoli" "paolini" "paolo" "paonia" "papa" "papago" "papagos" "papayo" "papeete" "paper" "paper-like" "paper-thin" "paper-white" "paperback" "paperboy" "paperclip" "papered" "papers" "paphos" "papike" "papillon" "papina" "papineau" "papoose" "papotto" "pappas" "pappy" "papua" "papua-ng" "papuda" "paput" "papyrus" "paquet" "paquet's" "paquette" "paquier" "paquin" "paquita" "paqutte" "par" "para" "parabola" "parabolic" "paracambi" "paracampo" "parachilna" "parachute" "parachute'" "parachute-" "parachute-like" "parachute-rigging" "parachute-saucer" "parachute-shaped" "parachute-size" "parachute-ufo" "parachutelike" "parachutes" "parachutes'" "parachutist" "paracuru" "parade" "paradeseca" "paradigm" "paradigmresearchgroup" "paradise" "paradox" "paradoxes" "paraffin" "parafuso" "paraglider" "paragon" "paragould" "paragraph" "paragraphs" "paraguay" "paraguayan" "paraguayas" "paragy" "paraiba" "paraipaba" "paraiso" "parakeet" "paralela" "parallaxuap" "parallel" "parallel-universe" "paralleled" "parallelepiped" "paralleling" "parallelogram" "parallels" "paralysis" "paralytic" "paralyze" "paralyzed" "paralyzeduntil" "paralyzes" "paralyzing" "paramaraibo" "paramaribo" "paramedic" "parameter" "parameters" "paramilitary" "paramount" "paramus" "parana" "paranagua" "paranaiba" "paranet" "paranet&cufon" "paranoia" "paranoid" "paranomal" "paranormal" "paranormally" "paraná" "parapet" "paraphrases" "parapsychological" "parapsychologiques" "parapsychologist" "parapsychology" "parasitical" "parasol" "parasol-shaped" "parasols" "paratrooper" "paraíba" "paraíbo" "parc" "parchments" "parco" "pardo" "paredes" "parent" "parent's" "parentheses" "parents" "parents'" "pargoe" "parguera" "parham" "parham's" "pariahuanca" "parikkala" "parinacota" "paring" "paripueira" "paris" "parish" "parishioner" "parisian" "parisienne" "parit" "park" "parka" "parkas" "parked" "parker" "parkersburg" "parkes" "parking" "parkland" "parks" "parkside" "parkstone" "parkville" "parkway" "parl" "parle" "parliament" "parliamentary" "parlor" "parma" "parmain" "parnaiba" "parnarama" "parnassia" "parnaíba" "parodi" "parole" "paroux" "parque" "parr" "parra" "parramatta" "parravicini" "parravicino" "parreno" "parrish" "parrot" "parrott" "parrott's" "parrotta" "parrsboro" "parry" "parshall" "parsipany" "parsippany" "parsley" "parson-naturalist" "parsonage" "parsons" "parstell" "part" "part-owner" "part-time" "parted" "partenavia" "partenit" "parthenay" "parthenope" "partial" "partialiy" "partially" "participant" "participants" "participate" "participated" "participates" "participating" "participation" "particle" "particles" "particulalr" "particular" "particularly" "particulars" "particulate" "partido" "parties" "partin" "parting" "partitions" "partizanskii" "partly" "partner" "partnered" "partners" "partnership" "partridge" "parts" "party" "partygoers" "parvin" "parviz" "parys" "pará" "pas" "pas-de-calais" "pas-decalais" "pasadena" "pascagoula" "pascagoula_abduction" "pascal-a" "pascal-b" "pascal-c" "pasco" "pascual" "pasedena" "pasiano" "pasiphae" "pasko" "pasnembi" "paso" "pasquale" "pasquier" "pass" "passa" "passage" "passages" "passageway" "passageways" "passaic" "passapatanzy" "passe" "passed" "passell" "passenger" "passenger's" "passengers" "passerby" "passero" "passers-by" "passersby" "passes" "passess" "passfield" "passing" "passins" "passive" "passmore" "passo" "passport" "past" "paste" "pastebin" "pastel" "pastel-colored" "pastel-green" "paster" "pasteur" "pastine" "pastor" "pastora" "pastoral" "pastorff" "pastoril" "pastrana" "pastro" "pasture" "pastures" "pasturing" "pasty" "pasty-faced" "pasu" "pasulka" "pat" "pata" "patagonia" "patagonian" "patapsco" "patch" "patcham" "patches" "patchin" "patching" "patchogue" "patenet" "patent" "patent-motorwagen" "patented" "patentimages" "patents" "pateof" "paterna" "patero" "paterson" "patesville" "path" "pathes" "pathfinder" "pathological" "pathologist" "pathologists" "pathology" "paths" "pathway" "patience" "patient" "patients" "patinha" "patio" "patna" "pato" "patoka" "patos" "patras" "patric" "patrice" "patricia" "patricio" "patrick" "patrickgross" "patrington" "patriot" "patriot-news" "patrocle" "patrol" "patrol-car" "patroling" "patrolled" "patrolling" "patrolman" "patrolman's" "patrolmen" "patrols" "patrons" "pats" "patsy" "pattan" "patted" "pattern" "patterns" "patterson" "patterson's" "patti" "patting" "patton" "pattonville" "patty" "patuxent" "pau" "pau-uzein" "paul" "paul's" "paula" "paulden" "paulding" "paulette" "paulien" "paulilatino" "pauline" "pauling" "paulino" "paulo" "paulo-rio" "pauls" "paulsen" "pause" "paused" "pauses" "pauses-then" "pausesti-maglasi" "pausing" "pavao" "paved" "pavel" "pavement" "paves" "pavia" "pavilion" "pavillion" "pavlodar" "pavuna" "paw" "pawing" "pawleena" "pawlik" "pawlowski" "pawnee" "paws" "pawtucket" "paxton" "pay" "paya" "paycheck" "paydirt" "payerne" "payette" "paying" "payload" "payloads" "payment" "payments" "payne" "paynter" "payoff" "payphone" "pays" "paysandu" "payson" "paywall" "paz" "pazrt" "pb" "pbb" "pbm" "pbs" "pby" "pc" "pc-472" "pcp" "pcr" "pdc" "pdd" "pdf" "pdf#page=1" "pdf#page=10" "pdf#page=137" "pdf#page=4" "pdfs" "pdr" "pdr-27" "pdst" "pdt" "pe" "pea" "pea-shaped" "pea-size" "peabody" "peace" "peace-" "peaceful" "peacefully" "peacefulness" "peacekeeper" "peacetime" "peach" "peach-colored" "peach-pink" "peacock" "peage" "peak" "peak-billed" "peaked" "peaking" "peaks" "peakskill" "peal" "pealed" "peanut" "peanut-ovoid" "peanut-shaped" "pear" "pear-shape" "pear-shaped" "pear-shapes" "pear-ufo" "pearcy" "pearl" "pearl-color" "pearl-colored" "pearl-hifi" "pearl-like" "pearl-white" "pearlshaped" "pearly" "pearly-white" "pears" "pearsall" "pearson" "pearsonville" "peas" "peasant" "peasants" "pease" "peba" "pebble" "pebble-like" "pebble-shaped" "pebbles" "peblinge" "pebre" "pecan" "pecan-shaped" "peccinetti" "pecem" "pecha" "pecha's" "pechengsky" "peck" "peckham" "pecos" "pecquet" "peculiar" "peculiar-looking" "peculiarity" "peculiarly" "pedal" "pedal-driven" "pedaling" "pedalled" "pedals" "peddie" "peddle" "peddler" "peddling" "pedernal" "pedernales" "pedestal" "pedestals" "pediatric" "pedley" "pedras" "pedregal" "pedrera" "pedro" "pedroche" "pedrona" "pedrosa" "peebles" "peek" "peekaboo" "peeked" "peeking" "peeks" "peekskill" "peel" "peeled" "peeling" "peels" "peeltree" "peenemünde" "peep" "peer" "peer-reviewed" "peered" "peering" "peers" "peesane" "peg's" "pegamoid" "pegase" "pegaso" "pegasus" "peggy" "pegram" "pegs" "pegswood" "pehuajo" "pehuelches" "pei" "peierls" "peimeter" "peixoto" "pekan" "pekin" "pekinese" "peking" "pelabuhan" "pelacoy" "pelchy" "pelee" "pelem" "pelham" "pelican" "pelicans" "pelice" "pelion" "pell" "pellery" "pellet" "pellets" "pelley" "pelly" "pelona" "pelotas" "pelotense" "pelpos" "pelted" "pelting" "pemberton" "pemberville" "pembine" "pembroke" "pembrokeshire" "pemex" "pemigewasset" "pen" "pen-like" "pen-shaped" "pen-y-cwm" "penaat" "penalties" "penalty" "penalva" "penang" "penaranda" "penasco" "penberville" "penchant" "pencil" "pencil-cloud" "pencil-like" "pencil-shape" "pencil-shaped" "pencil-sized" "pencil-thick" "pencil-thin" "pencils" "pendelton" "pending" "pendleton" "pendular" "pendulous" "pendulum" "pendulum-like" "pendulums" "peneleos" "penetrate" "penetrated" "penetrates" "penetrating" "penetration" "penfield" "penge" "penguin" "penha" "penhoek" "penhold" "peniche" "penicuik" "peninsula" "penis" "penistone" "penitenciário" "penkridge" "penlee" "penlights" "penn" "penna" "penned" "pennine" "pennington" "pennisi" "penniston" "pennisula" "penns" "pennsboro" "pennsylavania" "pennsylvania" "penny" "pennzoil" "penon" "penong" "penpendicular" "penrith" "penrose" "penroy" "pens" "pensa" "pensacola" "pense" "pensioner" "pensylvania" "pentacle" "pentacon" "pentagon" "pentagon's" "pentagon-saucer" "pentagon-shaped" "pentagon-wide" "pentagonal" "pentagons" "pentagoreportnotnews" "pentax" "penteado" "penthereaz" "penthesilee" "penthouse" "penticton" "pentland" "pentothal" "pentru" "penuelas" "penwortham" "penycwm" "penysarn" "penza-19" "penzance" "peopie" "people" "people--a" "peopled" "peoplen" "peoples" "peoria" "peotone" "pepactin" "pepacton" "pepato" "pepinster" "pepper" "peppered" "pepperell" "pepperrel" "pepperrell" "pepperwood" "pequannock" "per" "pera" "peraira" "perak" "peralta" "perano" "perazzo" "perce" "percebal" "perceivable" "perceive" "perceived" "perceives" "perceiving" "percent" "percentage" "percentages" "percepients" "perceptible" "perception" "perceptions" "perceptual" "perch" "percharde" "perched" "percipient" "percipients" "percival" "percy" "perdido" "perdoux" "perego" "peregozzo" "pereira" "pereslavl-zalesky" "pereslavl-zalesskiy" "pereslavl-zalessky" "pereyaslavl-zalessky" "pereyra" "perez" "perez's" "perfect" "perfect-round" "perfected" "perfection" "perfectly" "perforated" "perform" "performance" "performed" "performing" "performs" "perfume" "perfumey" "perfunctory" "pergamino" "pergine-v" "perhaps" "peri" "pericle" "periclymentos" "peridot" "periero" "perigee" "perigueux" "peril" "perimeter" "period" "periodially" "periodic" "periodical" "periodically" "periodicals" "periods" "peripheral" "peripheries" "periphery" "periscope" "periscopes" "perisse" "perjuret" "perkins" "perks" "perm" "permalink" "permanent" "permanently" "permeate" "permeated" "permeates" "permeating" "permian" "permindex" "permission" "permit" "permits" "permitted" "pernambuco" "peropava" "perot" "perouzi" "perpendicular" "perpendicularly" "perpetrated" "perpetrating" "perpetration" "perpetrator" "perpetual" "perpetuate" "perpetuated" "perpetuates" "perpignan" "perplexed" "perplexes" "perrian" "perrier" "perrin" "perrine" "perrior" "perros-guirec" "perry" "persecution" "perseid" "perseids" "persekutuan" "pershing" "persia" "persian" "persimmon" "persinger" "persist" "persisted" "persistence" "persistent" "persistently" "persisting" "persists" "perske" "person" "person's" "personal" "personalities" "personality" "personally" "personnel" "persons" "perspectivas" "perspective" "perspectives" "perspiration" "persson" "persuade" "persuaded" "persuades" "persuading" "persuasive" "persuasiveness" "pertain" "pertaining" "perth" "perthshire" "perthus" "pertinent" "pertre" "perturb" "perturbation" "perturbed" "pertusella" "pertussis" "peru" "perugia" "peruvian" "pervade" "pervaded" "pervades" "pervasive" "pervomayskoye" "perú" "pesaro" "pescadero" "pescaia" "pescara" "peseux" "peshawar" "peshka" "peski" "pesquisas" "pesquiso" "pessac" "pessimist" "pessimistic" "pessoa" "pest" "pestalozzi" "pet" "petal" "petal-like" "petaluma" "petani" "petare" "petawawa" "pete" "peter" "peterborough" "peterlee" "peters" "petersburg" "petersburg-tampa" "petersen" "petershagen" "peterson" "petford" "petijean" "petit" "petit-honach" "petit-rechain" "petit-ry" "petite" "petite-he" "petite-ile" "petition" "petitioned" "petitioning" "petits" "petoskey" "petr" "petracca" "petrakis" "petrel" "petrelli" "petri" "petrie" "petriera" "petrified" "petrila" "petrioskiy" "petro" "petrobras" "petroglyphs" "petrograd" "petrol" "petroleum" "petroleum-industry" "petrolia" "petrolina" "petronius" "petropavlovsk" "petropolis" "petrov" "petrovskaya" "petrovszky" "petrozavodsk" "petrus" "petrópolis" "pets" "petsamo" "petsche" "pett" "petter" "petteway" "pettingell" "pettit" "petty" "petushka" "petworth" "petyak" "petyaks" "peugeot" "peugeot-pacing" "peveto" "pewter" "pewter-" "pewter-colored" "peyret" "peyrins" "pezarro" "pezzi" "pezzuto" "pezzutto" "peña" "pfalzerwald" "pfc" "pfeifer" "pfeiffer" "pfief" "pfister" "pflock" "pfuhl" "pfutzenreuter" "pg" "pg1" "pg10" "pg113" "pg12#pid19113927" "pg21" "pg22" "pg23" "pg25" "pg3#pid19545714" "pg4" "pg5" "pg9" "ph" "ph-04" "ph-dbz" "phanom" "phantasmagoria" "phantom" "phantoms" "pharis" "pharmaceutical" "pharmaceuticals" "pharmacy" "pharos" "pharr" "phase" "phased" "phases" "phayanak" "phd" "phds" "pheasant" "phelippeau" "phelps-dodge" "phenix" "phenom" "phenomena" "phenomenal" "phenomene" "phenomenes" "phenomenology" "phenomenom" "phenomenon" "pheophytins" "pheres" "phial" "phil" "philadelphia" "philadelphian" "philanthropic" "philco" "philco-ford" "philcox" "philip" "philipeville" "philipp" "philippe" "philippine" "philippines" "philips" "philipsburg" "phillip" "phillipine" "phillippeville" "phillips" "phillipsburg" "phillipston" "philo" "philoctete" "philomath" "philosopher" "philosophical" "philosophy" "philpot" "phinney" "phipps" "phisai" "phl" "phlp" "phobos" "phobos-2" "phoebe" "phoebus" "phoenix" "phoenix-like" "phoenix-mesa" "phoenixville" "phon" "phoncon" "phone" "phone-lines" "phoned" "phones" "phonetically" "phoning" "phonograph" "phony" "phosphate" "phosphorescence" "phosphorescent" "phosphorous" "phosphorus" "phosphorus-like" "phosporescent" "photo" "photo-" "photo-mapping" "photo-navigator" "photo-optical" "photoanalysis" "photoanalyst" "photocell" "photocopies" "photocopy" "photoelectric" "photoflashes" "photogrammatic" "photogrammetric" "photograph" "photograph-q" "photograph-reconnaissance" "photograph-records" "photographed" "photographer" "photographer's" "photographer-reporter" "photographers" "photographic" "photographing" "photographs" "photography" "photojournalist" "photometric" "photopthalmia" "photoreconnaissance" "photos" "phototheodolite" "phototheodolites" "photovoltaic" "php" "phrase" "phto" "phylis" "phyllis" "phylos" "phys" "physical" "physical-effects" "physically" "physician" "physicians" "physicist" "physicists" "physics" "physiological" "physiologist" "physiology" "physiotherapist" "physrev" "phänomene" "phänomens" "phénomenes" "phénomèna" "phénomène" "phénomènes" "pi" "pi-40" "piacenza" "piallaway" "piancavallo" "pianello" "pianist" "piano" "piano-" "piastow" "piastów" "piatra-neamt" "piauí" "piazza" "piaçabuçu" "pibal" "pic" "picacho" "picaco" "picard" "picares" "picayune" "piccalilli" "piccolomini" "piceno" "picerni" "pichaca" "picher" "pichi" "pichidangui" "pichon" "picina" "pick" "pick-congress" "pick-up" "pickaway" "picked" "pickens" "picker" "pickerel" "pickering" "picket" "pickett" "picking" "pickle" "pickrel" "pickrell" "picks" "pickup" "pickup's" "pickups" "picnic" "picnicing" "picnicking" "picnics" "pico" "picos" "pics" "pictogram" "pictographs" "pictorial" "picture" "pictured" "pictures" "pid" "pidcock" "pidsea" "pie" "pie-pan" "pie-pan-shaped" "pie-pans" "pie-plate" "pie-shaped" "pie-slice" "pie-tin" "piece" "piece-outfits" "pieces" "piedade" "piedmont" "piedmonte" "piedra" "piedras" "pielisjärvi" "piemonte" "pienaar" "pieplate'" "pier" "piera" "pierce" "pierced" "pierceland" "piercing" "pierman" "piero" "pierpont" "pierre" "pierre-d'aubezies" "pierre-de-bresse" "pierre-de-fursac" "pierre-sur-mer" "pierreclos" "pierrefontaine-les-varans" "pierreville" "pierrot" "piers" "pierson" "pies" "piet" "pietermaritzburg" "pietra-lavezzara" "pietracamela" "pietralunga" "pietro" "pieve" "piezo-electrical" "piezoelectric" "pig" "pig-like" "pig-shaped" "pigeon" "pigeons" "pigg" "piggot" "piggott" "pigmentation" "pignatelli" "pigs" "pigs'" "pihlava" "pii" "pik" "pike" "pikes" "pikesville" "piketon" "piketown" "pila" "pilansberg" "pilapila" "pilar" "pilch" "pile" "pile-1" "piled" "piles" "pilgrim" "pilgrim's" "pilgrims" "pilichis" "pill" "pill-ovoid" "pill-shaped" "pillaged" "pillar" "pillars" "pillow" "pills" "piloceman" "piloezinhos" "pilor" "pilot" "pilot's" "pilot-air" "pilot-engineer" "pilot-in-training" "pilot-like" "pilot-operated" "pilot-related" "pilotage" "pilote" "piloted" "piloting" "pilotless" "pilots" "pima" "pimba" "pimdvpcquty" "pin" "pin-1" "pin-prick" "pina" "pinal" "pinamar" "pinang" "pinar" "pinardville" "pincers" "pinched" "pincher" "pinckney" "pinckneyville" "pincota" "pindhos" "pine" "pineapples" "pineau" "pinecastle" "pinecrest" "pinedrops-sloat" "pinehurst" "pinelands" "pinellas" "pineridge" "pines" "pineto" "pinetown" "pinetree" "pinetreeline" "pineville" "pinewood" "piney" "ping" "ping-pong" "ping-pong-ball" "ping-pong-shaped" "pinging" "pingpong" "pings" "pingwu" "pinhal" "pinhead" "pinheads" "pinheiro" "pink" "pink-colored" "pink-glow" "pink-glowing" "pink-haired" "pink-orange" "pink-red" "pink-silver" "pink-violet" "pink-yellowish" "pinkerton" "pinkish" "pinkish-purple" "pinkish-red" "pinkish-white" "pinky" "pinky-red" "pinnaroo" "pinned" "pinnock" "pino" "pinols" "pinos" "pinotti" "pinpoint" "pinpoints" "pinpricks" "pins" "pins-and-needles" "pinsonneault" "pintada" "pinterville" "pinto" "pintwater" "pinwheel" "pinwheeling" "pinwheels" "pio" "pioche" "piombino" "pioneer" "pioneers" "pipe" "pipe-cylinder" "pipe-like" "pipefish" "pipeline" "piper" "piper-twin" "pipers" "pipes" "piping" "pipkin" "piqua" "piquerobi" "piracicaba" "piragine" "pirai" "piran" "pirana" "pirangi" "piranha" "pirassununga" "pirat" "pirate" "pirated" "pires" "piriapolis" "pirie" "piritu" "pirogovskoye" "pirouzi" "pisa" "pisani" "piscataway" "pisceno" "pisco" "pisgah" "pisonia" "pissotte" "pistakee" "pistarini" "pistol" "pistol-shot" "piston" "piston-driven" "piston-like" "pisuerga" "pit" "pitane" "pitanga" "pitch" "pitch-black" "pitch-coupled" "pitched" "pitchfork" "pitching" "pitea" "pith-helmet" "pitigliano" "pitlochry" "piton" "piton-a" "piton-c" "pits" "pitt" "pittburgh" "pitted" "pittem" "pitten" "pitthee" "pittman" "pittsburg" "pittsburg-stockton" "pittsburgh" "pittsfield" "pittsford" "piuok2" "piura" "pius" "pivot" "pivotal" "pivoted" "pivoting" "pivots" "pixley" "pizancon" "pizza" "pizzas" "pié" "pj" "pk" "pkmre8mnkmm" "placard" "place" "placed" "placement" "placentia" "placer" "placerville" "places" "placid" "placido" "placing" "placitas" "plage" "plaged" "plague" "plagued" "plaguing" "plaid" "plain" "plain-clothes" "plainclothes" "plainclothesmen" "plaine" "plaine-des-cafres" "plaines" "plainfield" "plainly" "plains" "plainsboro" "plaintiff" "plaintiffs" "plainview" "plainville" "plaissan" "plaistow" "plait" "plaka" "plan" "plan-de-dieu" "planalto" "planar" "plance" "plancenoit" "plancher-les-mines" "planchette" "plane" "plane'" "plane's" "plane--approximately" "plane-it" "plane-like" "plane-size" "plane-speed" "planer" "planes" "planet" "planet-like" "planetarium" "planetary" "planete" "planetoid" "planets" "planform" "plank" "planned" "planners" "planning" "planolas" "planques" "plans" "plant" "plantain" "plantation" "planted" "planteh" "planter" "planting" "plantonev" "plants" "plappeville" "plaque" "plasencia" "plasencia-bejar" "plasma" "plasma-based" "plasma-beams" "plasma-cloud" "plasma-glow" "plasma-like" "plasmas" "plaster" "plasterer" "plasters" "plastic" "plastic-like" "plastics" "plastow" "plata" "plate" "plate'" "plate-like" "plate-saucer" "plate-saucers" "plate-shaped" "plate-sized" "plate-tectonic" "plate-ufo" "plate-weird" "plateau" "plated" "platelets" "plates" "plates-matte" "platform" "platform-shaped" "platforms" "plating" "platinum" "platinum-" "platinum-colored" "platinum-shiny" "platner" "plato" "platoon" "platov" "platt" "platte" "platter" "platter-shaped" "platters" "platteville" "plattevillie" "plattonville" "plattsburg" "plattsburgh" "plattville" "platypus" "plauen" "plausible" "plausibly" "play" "playa" "playboy" "played" "player" "players" "playfully" "playground" "playhouse" "playing" "playlist" "plays" "plaza" "plazoleta" "plea" "plead" "pleads" "pleasant" "pleasanton" "pleasantview" "pleasantville" "please" "pleased" "pleases" "pleasure" "pleaşa" "pledge" "pledges" "pleiades" "pleiku" "plemet" "plentiful" "plenty" "plenum" "plerin" "plesetsk" "plesetzk" "plessiel" "plestin" "pleure" "pleuville" "pleven" "plevna" "plewman" "plexiglas" "plexiglass" "plexus" "pliers" "plimmerton" "plinio" "ploemeur" "ploeren" "ploesti" "ploești" "plogastel-st" "ploice" "ploiesti" "ploieşti" "plombieres" "plomo" "plop" "plopping" "plopului" "plot" "plotkin" "plots" "plotted" "plotting" "plouay" "ploubazlanec" "plouezoch" "plougastel" "plough" "ploughed" "ploughing" "plover" "plovers" "plow" "plowe" "plowed" "plowing" "plows" "ploy" "plozevet" "plucked" "plucking" "plucks" "plug" "plugged" "plugs" "plum" "plumage" "plumas" "plumbbob" "plumber" "plumbers" "plume" "plumerville" "plumes" "plummans" "plummet" "plummeted" "plummeting" "plummets" "plunge" "plunged" "plunges" "plunging" "plunkett" "plurality" "plus" "plus-sign" "plusd" "pluto" "plutonium" "plutonium-based" "plutonium-dispersal" "plymouth" "plympton" "plyns" "plínio" "pm" "pm+" "pmg" "pne" "pneumatic" "pneumatically" "pneumonia" "png" "pnw" "po" "po-di-gnocca" "poached-egg" "poachers" "poatina" "pobeda" "pocantico" "pocatello" "pocinhos" "pock-marked" "pock-mocked" "pocked" "pocket" "pocketknife" "pockets" "pocklington" "pockmark" "pockmarked" "pocks" "pocock" "pocono" "poconos" "pod" "pod-a" "pod-marks" "podcast" "podesta" "podesta-emails" "podgorica" "podgortsy" "podiatrist" "podkamennaia" "podkamennaya" "podklenov" "podkletnov" "podleketnov" "podmoskovnaya" "podpage" "pods" "podvinje" "podvyazniy" "podwisłocze" "poem" "poer" "poerstal" "poet" "poetic" "poetry" "poffenberger" "poggio" "poggstall" "pogo" "pogson" "pohang" "pohangdong" "poher" "pohl" "poienarii" "poilly-lez-gien" "poindexter" "point" "point---or" "point-lights" "point-source" "pointe" "pointe-aux-oies" "pointe-noire" "pointe-st" "pointed" "pointed-end" "pointek" "pointer" "pointing" "points" "pointy" "poised" "poison" "poisoned" "poisoning" "poisonous" "poisson" "poissy" "poistion" "poitiers" "poix-terron" "pojucara" "poke" "poked" "poker" "pokes" "pokhara" "poking" "pokomoke" "pol" "polanco" "poland" "polanuruwa" "polar" "polar-orbiting" "polaris" "polarize" "polarized" "polaroid" "polaroids" "polastron" "polbeth" "polcanto" "pole" "pole-like" "pole-shaped" "pole-shapes" "polegate" "poles" "polesine" "policastro" "police" "police-light" "policeman" "policemen" "policewoman" "policia" "policies" "policy" "policymakers" "polie" "poligny" "poligon" "polis" "polish" "polish-australian" "polish-born" "polished" "polished-aluminum" "polished-silver" "polisher" "polishing" "polite" "political" "political-military" "politically" "politician" "politician-in-exile" "politicians" "politico" "politicos" "politics" "polje" "polk" "polka" "polkville" "poll" "polled" "pollenca" "pollock" "pollos" "polls" "pollute" "pollution" "pollux" "polo" "polo's" "polomka" "polonium" "polonnaruwa" "polorotov" "pols" "polski" "polston's" "poltergeist" "poltergeist-like" "poltergeists" "polychromatic" "polydore" "polyethylene" "polygon" "polygon-cake" "polygon-shaped" "polygonum" "polygraph" "polygraphed" "polymer" "polymerase" "polymeropoulos" "polymorphed" "polynesia" "polypheme" "polytechnic" "polytechnical" "polythene" "polyurea" "polyvinyl" "pomarez" "pomata" "pomba" "pomeroy" "pomidoro" "pommard" "pommiers" "pomona" "pompano" "pompeo" "pompey" "pompignan" "pompton" "ponca" "ponce" "poncelet" "poncey-sur-l" "poncey-sur-l'ignon" "poncey-sur-lignon" "poncha" "ponchartrain" "pond" "pond-sized" "ponda" "ponder" "pondera" "pondered" "pong" "pongee" "ponies" "ponil" "ponnar" "ponoka" "pons" "pons-brooks" "ponsa" "pont" "pont-a-mousson" "pont-croix" "pont-de-cheruy" "pont-de-salars" "pont-en-royans" "pont-l'abbe" "ponta" "pontal" "pontano" "pontarlier" "ponte" "pontecchio" "pontedera" "ponteiro" "pontejos" "ponteland" "pontelongo" "pontes" "pontevedra" "ponthierry" "pontiac" "pontiff" "pontijou" "pontoise" "pontoon" "pontrobert" "ponts-de-ce" "pontus" "pontypool" "pony" "ponytail" "ponzano" "poodle" "poof" "pool" "pool-rack" "poole" "pooled" "pools" "poopo" "poopó" "poor" "poor-quality" "poorer" "poorly" "poorman" "pop" "popa" "popcorn" "pope" "pope-hats" "popescu" "popkum" "poplar" "popocatépetl" "popov" "popovic" "popovich" "popovitch" "popped" "poppel" "poppen" "popping" "popponessett" "poppycock" "poprocky" "pops" "popudinske" "populace" "popular" "popularity" "popularized" "popularizes" "popularizing" 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"portmanteau" "portneuf" "porto" "portobello" "portoferraio" "portogruaro" "portola" "porton" "portoscuso" "portrait" "portray" "portrayed" "ports" "portsdown" "portside" "portslade" "portsmouth" "portugal" "portugal--a" "portugl" "portuguese" "portuguese-language" "portulaca" "portville" "porziano" "porã" "poręba" "posad" "posada" "posadas" "poschiavo" "pose" "posed" "poseidon" "poses" "posing" "posited" "position" "positioned" "positioning" "positions" "positive" "positively" "positivity" "positron" "posits" "poso" "posorja" "posse" "possess" "possessed" "possesses" "possession" "possessions" "possibilities" "possibility" "possible" "possibly" "possonniere" "possony" "possum" "post" "post-1967" "post-dispatch" "post-hypnotic" "post-mortem" "post-stall" "post-traumatic" "post-war" "posta" "postal" "postapocalyptic" "postdoctoral" "posted" "posten" "poster" "posthole" "posthumously" "posthypnotic" "posting" "postle" "postlethwaite" "postman" "postmarked" "postmarks" "postmaster" "postmortem" "postpartum" "postpone" "postponed" "posts" "posture" "postwar" "pot" "pot-" "pot-bellied" "pot-ovoid" "pot-shaped" "potassium" "potato" "potato-patch" "potato-shape" "potatoes" "potatos" "potbelly" "poteet" "potential" "potentiality" "potentially" "potes" "potholes" "potin" "potocki" "potomac" "potosi" "potpec" "potraux" "potrero" "potrillo" "pots" "potsdam" "potted" "potter" "potters" "pottery" "potting" "pottsdam" "pottstown" "pottsville" "pouch" "pouching" "poughkeepsie" "poughquag" "pouilly" "poulderat" "pouldergat" "poullaouen" "poulsbo" "pounce" "pounced" "pound" "pounded" "pounding" "pounds" "poundsgate" "pounta" "pour" "poured" "pouring" "pournoy-la-chetive" "pournoy-la-chétive" "pours" "poussay" "pouzin" "pouzou" "povelites" "poverty" "povo" "pow" "poway" "powder" "powder-blue" "powder-like" "powdered" "powdered-milk" "powders" "powdery" "powell" "power" "power-plant" "powered" "powerful" "powerful-sounding" "powerfully" "powerhouse" "powering" "powerless" "powerlines" "powerplant" "powers" "powerscourt" "powhatan" "powley" "pows" "powys" "poya" "poza" "poznan" "poznań" "pozo" "pozzi" "pozzouli" "pozzuoli" "pozzuolo" "pp" "pp-anm" "ppd" "ppi" "pps-100" "pptx" "pr" "pr10" "pr101" "pr11" "pr138" "pr16" "pr169" "pr2" "pr28-30m" "pr37" "pr41" "pr417" "pr480" "pr57" "pr9" "pr95" "pr97" "pra" "pracht" "practical" "practically" "practice" "practiced" "practices" "practicing" "practitioners" "prada" "pradash" "prades" "pradesh" "prado" "praglia" "prague" "prahova" "praia" "prairie" "prairieton" "praise" "praises" "prank" "pranks" "prankster" "pranksters" "praszczałek" "prat" "prata" "prates" "prather" "pratica" "pratinha" "prato" "pratt" "pravda" "prawda" "pray" "prayed" "prayer" "prayers" "praying" "prcirovnik" "pre-" "pre-arranged" "pre-cancerous" "pre-dawn" "pre-exposed" "pre-fab" "pre-nsa" "pre-positioned" "pre-production" "pre-publication" "pre-recorded" "pre-sunset" "pre-teen" "preacher" "preamble" "prearranged" "preble" "precaution" "precautions" "preceded" "precedes" "preceding" "preceeding" "prechac" "precinct" "precious" "precipice" "precipitated" "precipitation" "precipitous" "precipitously" "precise" "precisely" "precision" "precisions" "precognitive" "preconceived" "precursor" "precy-sous-thil" "predale" "predation" "predator" "predators" "predawn" "predeal" "predecessor" "predict" "predictable" "predicted" "predicting" "prediction" "predictions" "predicts" "predisposition" "predominance" "predominantly" "predominate" "predominating" "predtechensk" "pref" "preface" "prefaced" "prefeccture" "prefecture" "prefer" "preference" "prefers" "pregnancies" "pregnancy" "pregnant" "prehistoric" "preiswerk" "prejudgment" "prejudice" "prejudices" "prejudicial" "prela" "preliminary" "premanon" "premature" "prematurely" "premier" "premieres" "premiers" "premise" "premises" "premonitions" "premonitory" "premont" "prenessaye" "prensa" "prentice" "prentice-hall" "prentis" "preoccupation" "preoccupied" "preparation" "preparations" "preparatory" "prepare" "prepared" "preparedness" "prepares" "preparing" "preque-ile" "prerecorded" "pres" "presbyterian" "prescient" "prescot" "prescott" "prescribed" "prescribes" "presence" "present" "presentation" "presentations" "presented" "presenters" "presenting" "presently" "presents" "preservation" "preserve" "preserved" "presided" "presidency" "president" "president-elect" "presidente" "presidential" "presidentialufo" "presidents" "presides" "presiding" "presidio" "presley" "presque" "press" "press-release" "press-releases" "press-scimitar" "pressac" "presse" "pressed" "presses" "pressing" "pressure" "pressured" "pressurized" "prestatyn" "prestes" "prestfoss" "prestige" "preston" "prestonsburg" "prestwick" "presumably" "presume" "presumed" "presumes" "presuming" "pretend" "pretending" "preterhuman" "pretext" "preto" "pretore" "pretoria" "pretoria-" "pretoria-bronkhorstspruit" "pretty" "pretzel" "prev" "prevail" "prevailed" "prevailing" "prevails" "prevent" "prevented" "preventing" "prevention" "preventive" "prevents" "preview" "previous" "previously" "prevost" "prewitt" "preziose" "priam" "price" "prichard" "prick" "pricked" "pricking" "prickled" "prickling" "pricklings" "prickly" "pricks" "prickwillow" "prico" "pried" "priest" "priest's" "priestly" "prieta" "prigent" "prim" "prima" "primaries" "primarily" "primary" "prime" "primetime" "primitive" "primorskiy" "primorsky" "prince" "princes" "princeton" "principal" "principally" "principals" "principato" "principios" "principle" "principles" "princton" "prineville" "pring" "pringle" "pringles" "prins" "print" "printed" "printer" "printing" "printout" "prints" "priolo" "prior" "priorato" "priori" "priorities" "priority" "priors" "priory" "pripyat" "priscilla" "prism" "prism-ish" "prism-like" "prismatic" "prison" "prisoner" "prisoners" "prisons" "pristina" "pritchard" "pritz" "privacy" "privat" "private" "privateer" "privately" "privatized" "privilege" "privileged" "privy" "privé" "prize" "prize-winning" "prk" "prlss" "prnewswire" "pro" "pro-" "pro-adamski" "pro-american" "pro-eth" "pro-saucer" "pro-tem" "pro-ufo" "proaza" "probability" "probable" "probably" "probe" "probe-like" "probed" "probert" "proberta" "probes" "probing" "probiscus" "problem" "problematic" "problems" "proboscis-shaped" "proc" "procedure" "procedures" "proceed" "proceeded" "proceeding" "proceedings" "proceeds" "process" "processed" "processes" "processing" "procession" "processus" "prochaska" "proclaim" "proclaimed" "proclaiming" "proclaims" "procles" "procris" "proctor" "proctors" "procure" "procurement" "procuring" "procyon" "prod" "prodigious" "prodigy" "produce" "produced" "producer" "producers" "produces" "producing" "product" "production" "productions" "productive" "products" "prof" "profession" "professional" "professionally" "professionals" "professions" "professor" "professor-amateur" "professors" "professors--robinson" "professsor" "profile" "profiles" "profitable" "profits" "profitt" "profound" "profs" "profusely" "profusion" "progeria" "program" "program'" "program20thannual" "programmable" "programme" "programmed" "programmer" "programmers" "programming" "programs" "progres" "progress" "progressed" "progression" "progressively" "prohibit" "prohibited" "prohibiting" "prohibition" "prohibitive" "prohibits" "project" "project's" "project-aquarius-documents" "project-controlled" "project-greenglowb8683404" "project088" "project126" "project1947" "project_serpo" "projectavalon" "projectbetastory0000bish" "projectbluebook" "projectcamelot" "projected" "projectile" "projectile-shaped" "projectiles" "projecting" "projection" "projectionist" "projections" "projector" "projects" "projecttwinkle-november1951" "prokofiyevna" "prokoshin" "prolapsed" "prolate" "proliferation" "prolific" "prolifically" "prolongation" "prolonged" "prom" "prometheus" "prominence" "prominent" "prominently" "promis" "promis-embedded" "promise" "promised" "promises" "promising" "promontorium" "promontory" "promote" "promoted" "promoter" "promoting" "promotion" "promotional" "promotions" "prompsat" "prompt" "prompted" "prompting" "promptly" "prompts" "promulgated" "prone" "proneness" "prong" "prong-like" "prongs" "pronin" "pronounce" "pronounced" "pronouncements" "pronounces" "pronouncing" "proof" "proof-of-concept" "proofs" "prop" "prop-plane" "propaganda" "propagated" "propagation" "propane" "propel" "propell" "propellant" "propellantless" "propelled" "propeller" "propeller-driven" "propeller-shape" "propeller-shaped" "propellers" "propellor" "propellor-driven" "propellors" "propensity" "proper" "properly" "properties" "property" "prophecies" "prophecy" "prophesies" "prophesized" "prophet" "proponent" "proponents" "proportion" "proportioned" "proportions" "proposal" "proposals" "propose" "proposed" "proposes" "proposing" "proposition" "propounded" "propped" "propriano" "proprietary" "proprietor" "props" "propulsion" "propulsive" "propusion" "pros" "prosaic" "prosaically" "prosecuting" "prosecution" "prosecutors" "prospect" "prospecting" "prospector" "prospectors" "prospectus" "prospekt" "prosthetic" "prostitutes" "prostitution" "prostrate" "protagonist" "protect" "protected" "protecting" "protection" "protections" "protective" "protects" "protein" "protest" "protested" "protesting" "protests" "protezione" "proteção" "protić" "proto" "proto-language" "protocol" "protocols" "prototype" "prototypes" "protrude" "protruded" "protrudes" "protruding" "protrusion" "protrusions" "protuberance" "protuberances" "protuberant" "proturberance" "protvino" "prouant" "prouille" "prouvy" "prov" "provably" "prove" "proved" "proven" "provenance" "provencal" "provence" "provencio" "provenzano" "proves" "proveshenia" "provide" "provided" "providence" "providencia" "provider" "providers" "provides" "providing" "province" "province's" "provinces" "provincetown" "provincia" "provincial" "proving" "provision" "provisionally" "provisions" "provo" "provocative" "provoking" "provost" "provs" "prow" "prowler" "prowlers" "proword" "proxima" "proximity" "prt" "prtgl" "pru" "prudence" "prudent" "prudente" "prudently" "prufos" "prunchak" "pruning" "prussia" "prussian" "prv" "prweb" "prweb364473" "pryal" "prying" "pryor" "przasnysz" "przbylow" "przemyśl" "przhevalsk" "przybylski" "przyrownica" "prémanon" "préparer" "présence" "ps" "psb" "pscolka" "pseudo-aircraft" "pseudo-human" "pseudo-humans" "pseudo-plane" "pseudo-satellite" "pseudonym" "pseudonyms" "pseudoscience" "pseudosciences" "pseudoscientific" "pseudostars" "psh" "psi" "psi-tech" "psig" "psilocybin" "psitech" "pskovskaya" "pst" "psu" "psu-may-have-investigated-ufos" "psucollegian" "psv" "psyche" "psycheans" "psychedelic" "psychiatric" "psychiatrist" "psychiatrists" "psychiatry" "psychic" "psychical" "psychically" "psychics" "psycho-therapeutic" "psychoactive" "psychobabble" "psychodynamics" "psychokinetic" "psychologial" "psychological" "psychologically" "psychologist" "psychologists" "psychology" "psychologytoday" "psychometrist" "psychopathology" "psychosis" "psychosocial" "psychosomatic" "psychotherapy" "psychotic" "psychotronic" "psyco-effects" "psyop" "psyops" "pt" "pta" "ptbt" "ptc" "pterodactyl" "pto" "ptolemaida" "ptolemais" "ptsd" "ptsd-like" "ptv" "pu-239" "pu-240" "pub" "pubic" "public" "public-facing" "publication" "publications" "publicity" "publicize" "publicized" "publicly" "publio" "publish" "published" "publisher" "publishers" "publishes" "publishing" "pubs" "puccinelli" "puce" "pucioasa" "puck" "puckered" "puckett" "pucusana" "pudasjarvi" "pudding" "puddle" "puddles" "puddy" "pudgate" "puebla" "pueblo" "puente" "puentes" "puerco" "puerto" "puff" "puffed" "puffs" "puffy" "puget" "puget-sur-durance" "puggish" "pugh" "pugina" "puglia" "puglio" "puharich" "puig" "puilly" "puisserguier" "puits-d'edme" "pujaut" "puketapu" "puketutu" "pukin" "pula" "pulaski" "pulham" "pulido" "pulj" "pulju" "pulkov" "pulkova" "pull" "pulled" "pullen" "pulley" "pulling" "pullman" "pullover" "pulls" "pulpy" "pulsar" "pulsars" "pulsate" "pulsated" "pulsates" "pulsating" "pulsation" "pulsations" "pulse" "pulsed" "pulser" "pulses" "pulses-saucer" "pulsing" "pultneyville" "pulverized" "puma" "pumice" "pumong" "pump" "pumped" "pumphouse" "pumping" "pumpkin" "pumpkin-colored" "pumpkin-like" "pumpkin-shaped" "pumpkinlike" "pumpkins" "pumpkinseed" "pumps" "puna" "punaania" "punat" "punch" "punch-and-judy" "punchbowl" "punched" "punches" "punctuated" "punctuation" "puncture" "punctured" "punctures" "pungent" "punished" "punishment" "puno" "punt" "punta" "puná" "pup" "pupil" "pupils" "pupin" "puppet" "puppets" "puppies" "puppy" "purcell" "purchase" "purchased" "purchases" "purchasing" "purdue" "purdy" "pure" "pure-colored" "pure-white" "purely" "purge" "purged" "purity" "purl" "purnell" "purnong" "purple" "purple-blue" "purple-colored" "purple-green" "purple-violet" "purplish" "purplish-blue" "purplish-bluish" "purplish-white" "purport" "purported" "purportedly" "purporting" "purports" "purpose" "purposefully" "purposely" "purposes" "purposly" "purr" "purr-buzz" "purr-noise" "purring" "purrington" "purrs" "purse" "pursed" "purser" "pursuant" "pursue" "pursued" "pursuer" "pursuers" "pursues" "pursuing" "pursuit" "pursuit%20-%20situ%20" "pursuits" "purua" "purus" "pusan" "push" "push-broom" "pusharo" "pushed" "pushes" "pushie" "pushing" "pushino-na-oke" "pushkin" "pushkino" "puskas" "pussy" "put" "putaruru" "putative" "puthoff" "putnam" "putney" "putong" "putre" "puts" "putt" "putte" "putting" "putty" "putty-colored" "puuwaawaa" "puy" "puy-de-" "puy-de-dome" "puy-de-dorne" "puy-de-dôme" "puy-en-velay" "puy-saint-gulmier" "puy-verday" "puyallup" "puye" "puyehue" "puyfourcat" "puzzled" "puzzlement" "puzzles" "puzzling" "pv" "pv2" "pval" "pvc" "pvt" "pvts" "pvwhsi" "pwllheli" "pwr-antigravity" "py1xhqbqiy8" "py4-2" "pyatigorsk" "pyecombe" "pyeongtaek" "pygmy" "pygra" "pylade" "pyle" "pyles" "pylon" "pylons" "pymatuning" "pyongtaek" "pyongyang" "pypard" "pyramid" "pyramid-object" "pyramid-shaped" "pyramidal" "pyramids" "pyramidshaped" "pyrenees" "pyrenees-atlantique" "pyrenees-atlantiques" "pyrennes-orientales" "pyrite" "pyrogovskoye" "pyrotechnic" "pyrrhos" "pyrénées-atlantiques" "pyungthek" "pzt" "pzuhl" "pátero" "pátzcuaro" "pârvu" "pérez" "pătruţ" "păun" ## Word: "p&c" (Back to Top)
ing through the parking lot of the P&C grocery store in Windsor, Vermont, L 4/15/1981 #35899  
## Word: "p&db" (Back to Top)
ided that Dr. Whitman, chairman of P&DB, would investigate undertaking R&D  8/20/1952 #7654  
## Word: "p-1" (Back to Top)
Secret Report (100–203–79,p.12,Sec.P-1) Pilot and Co-pilot of a Pan Am airc 9/12/1948 #3798  
## Word: "p-10" (Back to Top)
 the south. Cinetheodolite station P-10, located 5.7 miles down range to th 5/24/1950 #4964  
## Word: "p-2" (Back to Top)
Secret Report (100–203–79,p.12,Sec.P-2): Mr. Booneville observed a reddish  6/15/1948 #3669  
## Word: "p-22" (Back to Top)
cal traces found. (Ridge, 1994, -? P-22.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)    5/10/1967 #22308  
## Word: "p-3" (Back to Top)
ing ship traffic, an RAAF Lockheed P-3 Orion aircraft, plus eight civilian  10/21/1978 #33856  
## Word: "p-38" (Back to Top)
tedly flashing light SW of Laguna, P-38 dispatched, flashing stopped        Spring 1943 #1487  
ea At 11:00 a.m. a flight of three P-38 fighters at 33,000 feet saw above t 6/1944 #1599  
s Angeles, CA Newspaper article: A P-38 tangles with a flying disc at 32k f 7/7/1947 #2833  
th round edge, about the size of a P-38 wingspan (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 9/5/1949 #4346  
## Word: "p-38's" (Back to Top)
 WA Three Flat Objects Faster Than P-38's (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters,  6/21/1947 #2352  
## Word: "p-47" (Back to Top)
rce detachment as an instructor on P-47 Thunderbolts, accepts the challenge 7/1945 #1888  
## Word: "p-47d" (Back to Top)
 beyond the service ceiling of the P-47D” and opens fire with 8 machine gun 7/1945 #1888  
## Word: "p-47s" (Back to Top)
Meyers is leading a flight of four P-47s from the 67th Fighter Group about  4/1/1948 #3603  
ttempts to contact the other three P-47s, he realizes his radio is dead. As 4/1/1948 #3603  
gins its UFO study (referred to as P-47S and nicknamed Little Stork) under  3/31/1952 #5998  
## Word: "p-5" (Back to Top)
of 3 hours. Cinetheodolite station P-5 films an object using a one-frame-pe 8/31/1950 #5154  
## Word: "p-51" (Back to Top)
hio. While executing a flip of his P-51 at 18,000 feet, he sees a silvery d 1948 #3521  
ngshaped Object Hovers Then Passes P-51 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code:  11/24/1951 #5786  
H. Fairbrother and D.E. Stewart in P-51 Mustangs. One milky white object sh 11/24/1951 #5788  
t. William Fairbrother is flying a P-51 over Mankato, Minnesota, at 25,000  11/24/1951 #5789  
ar Prescott?), MN "Deke" Slayton / P-51 Encounter (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 12/12/1951 #5816  
t. Donald “Deke” Slayton, flying a P-51 fighter at 10,000 feet, sees a whit 12/12/1951 #5817  
## Word: "p-61" (Back to Top)
ht Fighter Squadron, equipped with P-61 Black Widow fighters, reports seein Early 11/1944 #1690  
ction, which soon outdistanced the P-61, one of the fastest propeller drive 4/18/1945 #1848  
r and radar operator Hemphill of a P-61 "Black Widow" night fighter.  Up to 10/15/1948 #3840  
tor Hemphill in a propeller driven P-61 "Black Widow" night fighter tracked 10/15/1948 #3843  
## Word: "p-61b" (Back to Top)
s from the island. The gunner in a P-61B "Black Widow" aircraft attached to 4/18/1945 #1848  
act with a target. The gunner of a P-61B plane saw a reddish, round light.  4/18/1945 #1848  
## Word: "p-70" (Back to Top)
 huge orange sphere while flying a P-70 over Speyer, Germany on this night. 11/27/1944 #1708  
## Word: "p-8" (Back to Top)
cked on radar by Air Force Station P-8 near El Vado Dam.                    3/25/1948 #3598  
ect Twinkle cinetheodolite station P-8 films one object to the northeast fo 5/24/1950 #4964  
miles down range to the north from P-8 and 7 feet higher, films another obj 5/24/1950 #4964  
## Word: "p-80" (Back to Top)
Lt. William G. McGinty is flying a P-80 from Williams AFB [now Phoenix-Mesa 6/30/1947 #2486  
nant named McGinty was flying in a P-80 fighter aircraft near Williams Fiel 6/30/1947 #2489  
 3-4 times the apparent speed of a P-80, also in sight. One object flew str 7/29/1947 #3252  
 3-4 times the apparent speed of a P-80, also in sight. One object flew str 7/29/1947 #3256  
## Word: "p-80r" (Back to Top)
ed record of 624 mph in a Lockheed P-80R Shooting Star at Muroc AFB [later  6/19/1947 #2342  
## Word: "p1-3" (Back to Top)
tails. / Saga UFO Report Summer'76 p1-3.                                    8/12/1972 #26905  
## Word: "p10" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p10                                      1953 #8483  
## Word: "p102" (Back to Top)
fied-another-individual-from.html (p102)                                    2010 #45263  
## Word: "p104" (Back to Top)
0mph over woods. Wide-end first. / p104.                                    10/1/1948 #3823  
ing-Room/FileId/161544/ (p55, p57, p104).   https://www.archives.gov/files/ 3/1968 #23799  
ing-Room/FileId/161544/ (p55, p57, p104)                                    2/25/1982 #36370  
## Word: "p107" (Back to Top)
ooks/SkinwalkersatthePentagon.pdf (p107)   https://www.liberationtimes.com/ 5/8/2009 #45221  
## Word: "p114" (Back to Top)
s.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA392587.pdf (p114)                                    5/1996 #42891  
## Word: "p12" (Back to Top)
 dives. Climbs away fast. / MJ#205 p12.                                     7/1948 #3687  
library/document/0054/4525586.pdf (p12)   https://archive.org/details/CIAUF 4/3/1966 #20214  
on-ufo-journal-1978-8-august.html (p12)  Note: Leonard H. Stringfield was a 8/1978 #33460  
## Word: "p121" (Back to Top)
om/documents/ufos/ufodocsnasa.pdf (p121, p126)                              1/17/1978 #32888  
uments/ufos/ufodocsnasa.pdf (p124, p121)                                    9/19/1978 #33710  
## Word: "p122" (Back to Top)
12Brad%20SparksandBarry_Greenwood (p122)   https://archive.org/details/proj 1980's? #35109  
## Word: "p124" (Back to Top)
om/documents/ufos/ufodocsnasa.pdf (p124, p121)                              9/19/1978 #33710  
## Word: "p126" (Back to Top)
uments/ufos/ufodocsnasa.pdf (p121, p126)                                    1/17/1978 #32888  
## Word: "p127" (Back to Top)
at 1110 EDT flying above 700 mph. (p127 of Ruppelt’s book)                  9/10/1951 #5656  
## Word: "p128" (Back to Top)
lights. Going quickly west. / r203 p128.                                    12/24/1933 #1180  
## Word: "p13" (Back to Top)
ls see reference and more / MJ#238 p13.                                     9/27/1974 #29485  
useZechel/JustCauseZechelv1i7.pdf (p13)                                     2/1979 #34399  
## Word: "p133" (Back to Top)
ivestock mutilations. See / r98#26 p133 for much more.                      10/1975 #30402  
## Word: "p135" (Back to Top)
ult.com/documents/dtic/750554.pdf (p135)                                    6/1972 #26694  
## Word: "p136-p137" (Back to Top)
s-Involvement-ebook/dp/B0916JQDCS (p136-p137) *   https://inteltoday.org/20 4/25/2019 #45572  
## Word: "p137" (Back to Top)
s-Involvement-ebook/dp/B0916JQDCS (p137)                                    4/25/2019 #45572  
## Word: "p14" (Back to Top)
.org/books/TheRoswellReportR2.pdf (p14)   https://archive.org/details/B-001 9/23/1947 #3419  
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p14                                      5/21/1953 #8899  
## Word: "p145" (Back to Top)
piracies and Realities, Alexander, p145.                                    2/15/2011 #45317  
## Word: "p147" (Back to Top)
 / flashlight! Avoids plane. / r83 p147.                                    7/27/1967 #22737  
## Word: "p15" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p15                                      1953 #8482  
ts/ntis/CondonReport-Complete.pdf (p15)   https://archive.org/details/ufoex 11/15/1968 #24662  
cumentSeries-Number_2.pdf#page=10 (p15)     Note: Doty states he was ordere 11/17/1980 #35646  
over Kiev. 2 RADAR's. UFO mag V7#4 p15.                                     12/27/1982 (approximate) #36727  
## Word: "p150-153" (Back to Top)
ooks/SkinwalkersatthePentagon.pdf (p150-153)                                2/2011 #45312  
## Word: "p151" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p151                                     12/14/1980 #35716  
## Word: "p153" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p153                                     1974 #28633  
## Word: "p153-154" (Back to Top)
ooks/SkinwalkersatthePentagon.pdf (p153-154)                                6/2011 #45327  
## Word: "p155" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p155                                     3/14/1975 #29900  
## Word: "p16" (Back to Top)
ng trails west going quickly east. P16.                                     11/5/1990 #39831  
## Word: "p160" (Back to Top)
eleased by NASA.  Majic Eyes Only, p160                                     12/10/1965 #19764  
## Word: "p161-166" (Back to Top)
n-Russian-Meddling/dp/1945962186/ (p161-166)                                11/1/2005 #44899  
## Word: "p165" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p165     Note: FTD (TDETR) is in corresp 1959 #15516  
## Word: "p17" (Back to Top)
0Journals/1999/07/July%201999.pdf (p17)                                     12/28/1973 #28612  
## Word: "p176" (Back to Top)
stry of Defence memo (DEFE 24/3152 p176) addressed to DI(ST) titled “Uniden 12/2/1993 #41320  
## Word: "p177" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p177                                     1967 #21239  
## Word: "p179" (Back to Top)
ightings-Encounters/dp/0943358329 (p179)   (p99-101)                        1962 #17011  
## Word: "p180" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p180                                     1950 #4464  
## Word: "p181" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p181                                     1952 #5847  
## Word: "p183+" (Back to Top)
 Addiction, and Homeland Security, p183+                                    7/2003 #44560  
## Word: "p183-184" (Back to Top)
n-Russian-Meddling/dp/1945962186/ (p183-184)                                10/12/1993 #41232  
## Word: "p188-189" (Back to Top)
/fsc/flying-saucer-conspiracy.pdf (p188-189, p309-311)                      7/23/1954 #10044  
## Word: "p19" (Back to Top)
erates and shoots away. / LDLN#326 p19.                                     5/30/1954 #9844  
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p19                                      1955 #11900  
 going quickly south over house. / p19.                                     4/1966 (approximate) #20186  
gov/UFO/UFO%20Part%2010%20of%2016 (p19)                                     7/21/1966 #20664  
/ Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) #21 p19.                                     3/26/1973 #27378  
## Word: "p191-192" (Back to Top)
n-Russian-Meddling/dp/1945962186/ (p191-192)     Note: The MJ-12 conspiracy 7/22/1993 #41077  
## Word: "p197" (Back to Top)
tion/iscap/pdf/2014-004-doc01.pdf (p197)                                    12/28/1954 #11870  
## Word: "p198" (Back to Top)
piracies and Realities, Alexander, p198     Note: The SOM1-01 manual states 1954 #9424  
## Word: "p2" (Back to Top)
g/documents/20797978-twining-memo (p2)                                      1952 #5843  
on/iscap/pdf/2009-068-doc212.pdf  (p2)   https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/sp 3/1968 #23799  
is published. The UAPTF discloses (p2) it received input from USD(I&S), DIA 6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "p20" (Back to Top)
 leaves luminous trail. / LDLN#326 p20.                                     9/29/1954 #10494  
st. No further details. / LDLN#326 p20.                                     9/30/1954 (approximate) #10502  
ngObjects-Part2/page/n20/mode/1up (p20)   https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/aa 7/21/1966 #20664  
org/docs/501015oakridge_docs1.pdf (p20)                                     6/28/2008 #45148  
## Word: "p20-23" (Back to Top)
rbs and disk fly. / saga Spring'75 p20-23.                                  11/15/1973 #28423  
## Word: "p207" (Back to Top)
xperience00jall/page/206/mode/2up (p207)   https://archive.org/details/ufoe 5/1972 #26666  
## Word: "p208" (Back to Top)
xperience00jall/page/208/mode/2up (p208)                                    5/1972 #26666  
al UFO Crash Retrieval Conference, p208                                     2004 #44640  
## Word: "p21" (Back to Top)
ehind) trail. No further details / p21.                                     10/25/1954 #11375  
er. No further details. / LDLN#326 p21.                                     10/26/1954 #11407  
/000149315222012740/form253g2.htm (p21)                                     10/26/2017 #45488  
/000149315222012740/form253g2.htm (p21)   https://www.prnewswire.com/news-r 7/2018 #45532  
## Word: "p210" (Back to Top)
eStevenM.Greer/page/n210/mode/1up (p210)                                    4/28/2006 #44935  
sible-science-ebook/dp/B08VYR4DZ6 (p210)     Note: TTSA advisors Christophe 10/26/2017 #45488  
## Word: "p211" (Back to Top)
eStevenM.Greer/page/n211/mode/1up (p211)                                    Mid 1990's #41926  
## Word: "p212" (Back to Top)
eStevenM.Greer/page/n212/mode/1up (p212)     Note: CIA Office of Scientific 4/28/2006 #44936  
## Word: "p213" (Back to Top)
R-71 aka Aurora.  Majic Eyes Only, p213                                     9/26/1994 #41776  
## Word: "p216" (Back to Top)
sible-science-ebook/dp/B08VYR4DZ6 (p216)                                    7/2018 #45532  
## Word: "p217-p220" (Back to Top)
gObjects-Part2/page/n217/mode/2up (p217-p220)   https://archive.org/details 7/21/1966 #20664  
## Word: "p218" (Back to Top)
rg/details/aliencontacttops00good (p218, p222)                              3/16/2022 #45740  
## Word: "p22" (Back to Top)
k/ProjectTwinkle-November1951.pdf (p22)     Note: A 25 May 1950 summary sho 2/19/1952 #5911  
eres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) p22.                                     11/3/1954 #11545  
ine sputters and radio dead. / r79 p22.                                     8/30/1964 (approximate) #18521  
## Word: "p221" (Back to Top)
xperience00jall/page/220/mode/2up (p221)                                    11/15/1968 #24662  
## Word: "p222" (Back to Top)
ails/aliencontacttops00good (p218, p222)                                    3/16/2022 #45740  
## Word: "p222-p223" (Back to Top)
ops00good/page/223/mode/1up?q=bdm (p222-p223)     Note: BDM has several lin 10/1989 #39139  
## Word: "p225" (Back to Top)
al UFO Crash Retrieval Conference, p225                                     2004 #44639  
## Word: "p24" (Back to Top)
cumentSeries-Number_2.pdf#page=10 (p24)     Note: Sen. Schmitt ended up org 2/16/1979 #34431  
## Word: "p244" (Back to Top)
5 minute(s) later. Hums and turns. P244.                                    11/5/1957 #14309  
## Word: "p25-32" (Back to Top)
regovernme00blum/page/24/mode/2up (p25-32)                                  12/1986 #38079  
## Word: "p257" (Back to Top)
Rejoins. Photographs and drawings. P257.                                    8/25/1969 #25329  
## Word: "p258" (Back to Top)
bserver(s). No star-Sat-plane etc. P258.                                    9/9/1969 #25356  
## Word: "p26" (Back to Top)
ilent north going quickly south. / p26.                                     6/30/1990 #39631  
rees by military camp. Vanishes! / p26.                                     7/14/1990 #39645  
## Word: "p260-p262" (Back to Top)
s/B-001-014-055/page/260/mode/2up (p260-p262)   https://archive.org/details 9/23/1947 #3419  
## Word: "p264" (Back to Top)
s. Spews sparks. Maneuvers. Hobana p264.                                    9/18/1969 #25372  
## Word: "p265" (Back to Top)
p and down [to] pointed end first. P265.                                    3/11/1969 #24995  
eStevenM.Greer/page/n212/mode/1up (p265)     Note: Former Lockheed Martin S 4/28/2006 #44937  
## Word: "p266" (Back to Top)
 Slows near ground. Goes. Returns. P266.                                    5/2/1970 #25653  
## Word: "p267" (Back to Top)
Gs over N508. Vanishes / thin air. P267.                                    11/25/1957 #14608  
 shape. All over harbor / 4 hours. P267.                                    6/21/1970 #25702  
## Word: "p268+269" (Back to Top)
trajectory. Back in August. Hobana p268+269.                                7/11/1970 #25730  
## Word: "p269" (Back to Top)
es. Cops and military examine all. P269.                                    1/4/1958 #14803  
east. 1 night it swallows another. P269.                                    8/1970 #25763  
## Word: "p27" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p27                                      1977 #31658  
eres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) p27.                                     8/19/1990 #39692  
## Word: "p270" (Back to Top)
 disappears. 2 observer(s). Hobana p270.                                    11/17/1970 #25907  
## Word: "p272" (Back to Top)
ight crescent dish pointed upward. P272.                                    4/18/1971 #26076  
## Word: "p275" (Back to Top)
ucture. Night lights / 7 November. P275.                                    11/6/1957 #14370  
## Word: "p276" (Back to Top)
cers 4 nights running / LAX tower. P276.                                    7/15/1952 (approximate) #6820  
## Word: "p278" (Back to Top)
hape. Goes going up. Lost / stars. P278.                                    12/24/1972 #27186  
## Word: "p279" (Back to Top)
ms / light / center. Haze and gas. P279.                                    8/1960 #16357  
## Word: "p28" (Back to Top)
hard-Lecture-ebook/dp/B01KJ04KFG/ (p28)                                     1990 #39356  
## Word: "p280" (Back to Top)
ectly hexagonal metal pieces fall! P280.                                    7/1842? #135  
## Word: "p282" (Back to Top)
tigation/investigators. No traces. P282.                                    7/17/1961 #16762  
## Word: "p284" (Back to Top)
/www.nicap.org/bb/BB_Unknowns.pdf (p284)   https://sohp.us/collections/ufos 5/19/1960 #16292  
## Word: "p286" (Back to Top)
Base gets small square RADAR blip. P286.                                    6/7/1955 #12189  
## Word: "p29" (Back to Top)
h yellow halo hovers / 45+min. / r.p29.                                     7/7/1996 #42948  
## Word: "p296" (Back to Top)
nt lights inside. Passes silently. P296.                                    3/10/1953 #8742  
## Word: "p2v" (Back to Top)
aine Witnesses:  crew of U.S. Navy P2V Neptune patrol plane, visually and v 9/16/1952 #7961  
           The crew of a U.S. Navy P2V Neptune patrol plane, Boak, Prentis  9/16/1952 #7963  
tok, Russia 9:23–11:50 p.m. A Navy P2V Neptune spy plane on an electronic i 4/14/1953 #8824  
## Word: "p2v-5" (Back to Top)
on by 10 crew members of U.S. Navy P2V-5 patrol plane. Groups of 5-10 color 3/14/1953 #8752  
 Robert J. Wooten is flying a Navy P2V-5 antisubmarine plane over the Sea o 3/14/1953 #8753  
 crewmembers flying in a U.S. Navy P2V-5 patrol witnessed several groups of 3/14/1953 #8754  
## Word: "p2v-5f" (Back to Top)
      NORTH / ADAK ISLAND 4 / Navy P2V-5F. RADAR blip hovers. Turns going q 1/11/1958 #14818  
 Atka Island, Aleutian Islands, AK P2V-5F Encounters 3 Lights Tracked at 1, 1/11/1958 #14819  
          At 7:30 a.m. a U.S. Navy P2V-5F with a crew of four flying north  1/11/1958 #14820  
## Word: "p2v-7" (Back to Top)
ebook Case #2496. RADAR's and 10 / P2V-7. 90-100 small colored balls / vari 3/14/1953 #8749  
## Word: "p2v3" (Back to Top)
                Kodiak NAS, AK USN P2V3 Patrol Plane and USS Tillamook Enco 1/22/1950 #4501  
          At 4:40 a.m. a U.S. Navy P2V3 patrol plane flying from the Kodiak 1/23/1950 #4506  
## Word: "p30" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p30                                      12/10/1964 #18655  
## Word: "p30-31" (Back to Top)
IA-RDP81R00560R000100030026-1.pdf (p30-31)   https://www.cufon.org/cufon/tp 1/18/1953 #8551  
## Word: "p307" (Back to Top)
n). 2 disks / 10k' altitude. / r28 p307. / The New York Times (NYT) 03 Aug. 7/10/1952 #6745  
## Word: "p308" (Back to Top)
s dive at car. Turn up and vanish. P308.                                    10/7/1952 #8097  
## Word: "p309" (Back to Top)
 going up and down. Flashes. Gone. P309.                                    1/8/1954 #9468  
sible-science-ebook/dp/B08VYR4DZ6 (p309)                                    11/2/2017 #45490  
## Word: "p309-311" (Back to Top)
g-saucer-conspiracy.pdf (p188-189, p309-311)                                7/23/1954 #10044  
## Word: "p311" (Back to Top)
e #9666 = photo / saucer in Tulsa. P311.                                    8/3/1965 #19277  
## Word: "p314" (Back to Top)
ts "sunburn" / night under object. P314.                                    10/16/1985 #37682  
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p314                                     3/16/1991 #40015  
## Word: "p324" (Back to Top)
 to watch. Vanishes without trace. P324.                                    3/23/1966 #20035  
going north. Intense white lights. P324.                                    3/24/1966 #20063  
## Word: "p33" (Back to Top)
eropoint0000cook/page/33/mode/1up (p33)  Note: In 1955, Brown worked for Fr 1952 #5843  
## Word: "p330" (Back to Top)
 at car. 2 observer(s). Flies off. p330.                                    4/24/1966 #20396  
## Word: "p34" (Back to Top)
sky. Shoots green beams / light. / p34.                                     10/19/1954 #11229  
ucer in sky. No further details. / p34.                                     10/20/1954 #11262  
## Word: "p342" (Back to Top)
vers / 20M altitude / 3 minute(s). P342.                                    4/1/1967 #22036  
## Word: "p35" (Back to Top)
elgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) IFS#23 p35.                                     8/23/1015 #6  
elgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) IFS#23 p35.                                     1/1034? #7  
## Word: "p36" (Back to Top)
potlights light ground like day. / p36.                                     10/17/1954 #11165  
## Word: "p369" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p369                                     6/27/1979 #34637  
## Word: "p370" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p370                                     4/12/1991 #40038  
## Word: "p38" (Back to Top)
  ADRIATIC NORTHEAST / BARI, ITL 3 P38 crews. Silver disk / 50k'. Going dow 6/5/1944? #1603  
     WEST / BLYTHE, CA Bill Lear / P38 plane. 2 near collision with wingles 7/1947 #2497  
   (E.PANHANDLE), WV Biologist and P38 pilot and 1. 8M saucer going up [to] 10/1953 (approximate) #9193  
## Word: "p4" (Back to Top)
Missing time? Abduction? / r241'79 p4.                                      2/5/1979 #34402  
## Word: "p4-5" (Back to Top)
LLIGENCE%20BULL%5B15721996%5D.pdf (p4-5)                                    10/15/1955 #12506  
## Word: "p449" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p449                                     9/28/1989 #39132  
## Word: "p45" (Back to Top)
onunidenti00rupp/page/45/mode/1up (p45)                                     2/1956 #12691  
piracies and Realities, Alexander, p45.                                     2/15/2011 #45316  
## Word: "p45s" (Back to Top)
estrial groups visiting Earth: the P45s, humans from approximately 45,000 y 2008 #45109  
 and spiritual. Burisch claims the P45s and P52 stayed on Earth after a cat 2008 #45109  
and later Mars. Burisch claims the P45s are intent on justifying their hist 2008 #45109  
## Word: "p47" (Back to Top)
         PORTLAND, OR Ex-Air Force P47 pilot. 3 saucers fly in perfect V-fo 8/11/1951 #5600  
al-Group-Workshop-Proceedings.pdf (p47)                                     12/9/1952 #8401  
## Word: "p476-p478" (Back to Top)
s/B-001-014-055/page/476/mode/2up (p476-p478)                               9/23/1947 #3419  
## Word: "p4y-2" (Back to Top)
es:  two U.S. Navy pilots flying a P4Y-2 patrol plane.  Three white disc-sh 8/29/1952 #7787  
ator LtJG R. S. Moore are flying a P4Y-2 patrol plane west of Thule Air Bas 8/29/1952 #7788  
     Two U.S. Navy pilots flying a P4Y-2 patrol plane witnessed three white 8/29/1952 #7790  
## Word: "p5" (Back to Top)
nside. 3 observer(s). UFO mag V2#4 p5.                                      2/7/1987 #38114  
## Word: "p51" (Back to Top)
  RHINE VALLEY, GERM J. Thompson / P51. 4-5 silvery football shapes. A comm 1/12/1945? #1755  
  BLOOMINGTON, IN Several jets and P51 chase saucers. P51 O / O / control.  1/9/1956 #12651  
everal jets and P51 chase saucers. P51 O / O / control. Explodes over farm. 1/9/1956 #12651  
raises tubes 1M over surface. / r5 p51.                                     10/25/1986 #38054  
## Word: "p513" (Back to Top)
-Encounters-Nuclear/dp/1544822197 (p513)                                    10/2002 #44412  
## Word: "p51s" (Back to Top)
0M SOUTHWEST / MINNEAPOLIS, MN 2 / P51s. 8' white triangle saucer hovers an 11/24/1951 #5783  
## Word: "p52" (Back to Top)
ture of similar appearance and the P52 Orions, who are human looking and sp 2008 #45109  
itual. Burisch claims the P45s and P52 stayed on Earth after a catastrophe  2008 #45109  
 Earth after a catastrophe and the P52 Orions left Earth for the Moon and l 2008 #45109  
rophe to occur, while the P52s and P52 Orions do not. Burisch also claims a 2008 #45109  
## Word: "p52s" (Back to Top)
lived in an apocalyptic Earth; the P52s from 52,000 years in the future of  2008 #45109  
he catastrophe to occur, while the P52s and P52 Orions do not. Burisch also 2008 #45109  
## Word: "p55" (Back to Top)
istory/pdf/GROSS-1958-Nov-Dec.pdf (p55)                                     12/21/1958 #15495  
ronic-Reading-Room/FileId/161544/ (p55, p57, p104).   https://www.archives. 3/1968 #23799  
ronic-Reading-Room/FileId/161544/ (p55, p57, p104)                          2/25/1982 #36370  
## Word: "p57" (Back to Top)
-Reading-Room/FileId/161544/ (p55, p57, p104).   https://www.archives.gov/f 3/1968 #23799  
-Reading-Room/FileId/161544/ (p55, p57, p104)                               2/25/1982 #36370  
## Word: "p6" (Back to Top)
verhead. Engine restarts. / IFS#33 p6.                                      11/1966 #21055  
/www.nicap.org/bb/BB_Unknowns.pdf (p6)                                      4/1975 #29931  
## Word: "p6+internet" (Back to Top)
. RCAF investigating. / J. Aldrich p6+Internet.                             7/3/1947 #2565  
## Word: "p64-68" (Back to Top)
sed%20Editio.html?id=VoMTMQAACAAJ (p64-68)                                  5/1957 #13633  
## Word: "p65" (Back to Top)
 15' / 1 observer(s). / F. Edwards p65.                                     7/22/1966 #20666  
## Word: "p67" (Back to Top)
. Try abduction observer(s)! / r13 p67.                                     2/5/1967 #21452  
## Word: "p7" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p7                                       1948 #3525 (p7)                                      3/1/1967 #21719  
nd rocks. Cat goes crazy. / MJ#216 p7.                                      8/16/1974 #29359  
ason-report-2018-havana-syndrome  (p7)                                      11/29/2018 #45549  
## Word: "p70" (Back to Top)
eropoint0000cook/page/70/mode/1up (p70, p71)  Note: Italian author Renato V 1958 #14787  
## Word: "p71" (Back to Top)
 300M luminous wheels / sea. / r28 p71.                                     5/1880 #232  
int0000cook/page/70/mode/1up (p70, p71)  Note: Italian author Renato Vesco, 1958 #14787  
## Word: "p73" (Back to Top)
om/documents/ufos/ufodocsnasa.pdf (p73)                                     12/13/1977 #32771  
## Word: "p750054-1939_b" (Back to Top)
https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/P750054-1939_b.html *   https://www.dia. 2/25/1982 #36370  
## Word: "p78-1" (Back to Top)
                         US The US P78-1 Solwind solar observation satellit 9/13/1985 #37660  
## Word: "p8" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p8                                       1952 #5846  
on-ufo-journal-1978-8-august.html (p8) *   http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Ma 8/1978 #33460  
 hovers and darts around. / MJ#221 p8.                                      5/22/1986 #37887  
 UFO Newsclipping Service r60 #273 p8.                                      3/11/1992 #40371  
## Word: "p80" (Back to Top)
. 3 round rolling objects faster / P80 planes.                              7/8/1947 #2955  
Air Force Officers. 2 saucers pace P80 landing. Others maneuver and going q 7/29/1947 #3249  
experience00jall/page/80/mode/2up (p80)   http://web.archive.org/web/200010 4/5/1966 #20253  
## Word: "p804" (Back to Top)
ia-3rd-Jerome-Clark/dp/0780816595 (p804)                                    2/14/1968 #23759  
## Word: "p82" (Back to Top)
lt.com/documents/dtic/a154363.pdf (p82)  Note: Quasicrystals were largely i 1998 #43481  
## Word: "p85" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p85                                      1978 #32830  
## Word: "p86" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p86                                      1978 #32831  
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p86                                      1979 #34263  
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p86   https://www.militarytownadvisor.co 4/5/1979 #34499  
## Word: "p89" (Back to Top)
ial%20Intelligence%20Research.pdf (p89)   https://documents.theblackvault.c 9/19/1978 #33710  
## Word: "p91" (Back to Top)
978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p91                                      3/28/1975 #29924  
## Word: "p92" (Back to Top)
owledge%20Steven%20M.%20Greer.pdf (p92)     Note: To more deeply probe the  8/2004 #44724  
## Word: "p93" (Back to Top)
lt.com/documents/dtic/a426465.pdf (p93)   https://archive.org/details/huntf 2001 #44112  
## Word: "p94-97" (Back to Top)
nwalkersatthePentagon.pdf (p97-98, p94-97)   https://ufos-scientificresearc 2010 #45263  
## Word: "p97" (Back to Top)
ngObjects-Part2/page/n97/mode/2up (p97)   https://archive.org/details/FbiUn 7/21/1966 #20664  
## Word: "p97-98" (Back to Top)
ooks/SkinwalkersatthePentagon.pdf (p97-98, p94-97)   https://ufos-scientifi 2010 #45263  
## Word: "p98" (Back to Top)
al UFO Crash Retrieval Conference, p98                                      1994 #41348  
## Word: "p99-101" (Back to Top)
istory/pdf/GROSS-1960-Jan-Jun.pdf (p99-101)                                 5/19/1960 #16292  
Encounters/dp/0943358329 (p179)   (p99-101)                                 1962 #17011  
## Word: "p99-105" (Back to Top)
-Account-Government/dp/B09HR54GQF (p99-105)   https://www.pearl-hifi.com/11 5/8/2009 #45221  
## Word: "pa" (Back to Top)
                       Youngstown, PA John Boback, 17, was walking along th 10/1916 #952  
                       YOUNGSTOWN, PA Swish! 3M saucer / field by railway.  10/1917 (approximate) #966  
 broadcast from KDKA in Pittsburgh PA                                       11/2/1920 #1007  
                      Cherryville, PA Morning. A man observed a faint viole Summer 1933 #1160  
             NORTHWEST / NAZARETH, PA Violet glow / field. 3M sphere / grou 8/1933 (approximate) #1170  
                        WATTSBURG, PA 1+1 observer(s). 35cm ball / light ex 6/1934 #1209  
                     Unknown City, PA Resembled a modern day jet airliner w 7/1939 #1308  
ter to his aide, Brig. Gen. Edwin “Pa” Watson with the instruction: “Pa, th 8/2/1939 #1313  
“Pa” Watson with the instruction: “Pa, this requires action!”               8/2/1939 #1313  
                         Columbia, PA THEY FOLLOW THE LEADER - Mrs. A.M. St 12/1942 #1466  
               NEAR CONNELLSVILLE, PA Mrs. Hart. 13 23cm glowing-plates hov 6/25/1947 (approximate) #2403  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA Doctor and more/others. Round object  7/4/1947 #2627  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA Group / teens. Orange disk follows tr 7/5/1947 #2697  
                          TOWANDA, PA 2 20cm disks / intense light bob and  7/7/1947 #2864  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA Henry Quin. 3' round silver object wh 7/7/1947 #2886  
                       GETTYSBURG, PA 16 observer(s). 6+6 15cm saucers roll 7/7/1947 #2891  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA Scores / observer(s). Grey truncated- 7/8/1947 #2996  
                            Media, PA Boyce Case, (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 8/1947 #3273  
                            MEDIA, PA Project Bluebook Case #70. Ex Air For 8/6/1947 #3296  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA Many observer(s). "Giant firecracker" 8/6/1947 #3299  
                             Erie, PA Engineer saw elliptical UFO which fle Summer 1948 #3676  
                           Easton, PA Physicist watched 3 luminescent green Summer 1948 #3677  
                        UNIONTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #164. Several o 6/29/1948 #3681  
                     W. Uniontown, PA An oval luminous object "rolling" ver 6/29/1948 #3682  
                       Dravesburg, PA Jannicky. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index 7/4/1948 #3696  
                       McKeesport, PA Veway and Geltz. (McDonald list; FUFO 7/8/1948 #3700  
                          Altoona, PA Griebel. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 7/24/1948 #3730  
    Pittsburgh (8-12 miles SE of), PA Round white object moving at high spe 9/12/1948 #3799  
                Pittsburgh (near), PA USAF officers saw round object tothe  12/9/1948 #3920  
                   North Ambridge, PA Formation of 8 white luminescent rota 12/17/1948 #3932  
                         AMBRIDGE, PA Project Bluebook Case #272. Railroad/ 4/26/1949 #4110  
orthwest. He announces it over the PA system to the crowd of 150–200 observ 7/3/1949 #4261  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA Scores / observer(s). Silver disks cr 7/9/1949 #4266  
                           TACONY, PA 2 observer(s). 9 discs cross sky goin 7/10/1949 #4267  
                        SALTSBURG, PA Ex USAF Officer. 15M turtle saucer ho 3/5/1950 #4580  
                         PENFIELD, PA 2 / car / malfunctions due to EME (el 3/15/1950 #4641  
                       CORAOPOLIS, PA 2 military observer(s). Silent saucer 3/30/1950 #4768  
                   MCALISTERVILLE, PA Farm boy. 2 ovoids dive fast. Level o 3/31/1950 #4775  
          SR38 NORTHEAST / BUTLER, PA 4 / car. Silver football flashes goin 4/2/1950 #4789  
                        DUNCANNON, PA 2 railroad/railway men. Saucer is siz 4/7/1950 #4806  
                       PITTSBURGH, PA Kids / baseball. Blue-white object /  4/7/1950 #4810  
                        NEAR YORK, PA 9 / road crew. Whine! 6m saucer 150m  4/10/1950 #4836  
                         ABINGTON, PA Squadron / saucers circles all over t 5/6/1950 #4925  
                          DU BOIS, PA 80 National Guardsmen. 30' rotating m 9/1950 #5155  
                       SAND PATCH, PA Kids. Huge metallic dome with square  9/1950 (approximate) #5157  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA 2 cops / car. 6' saucer descends / gr 9/26/1950 #5198  
                  SOUTH / ALTOONA, PA 2 observer(s). Large silent silver ov 10/19/1950 #5242  
                       PITTSBURGH, PA 2 / AT11 trainer plane. Comet-like pu 2/11/1952 #5895  
                       Pittsburgh, PA AT-11 Encounters Object (NICAP: 11 -  2/11/1952 #5896  
                        LANCASTER, PA Saucer-like object seen / sky. / Rich 4/11/1952 #6055  
                     WILLIAMSPORT, PA Odd vapor trails. Then "big block of  4/17/1952 #6095  
                NAS, Willow Grove, PA Target Follows Sweep (NICAP: 09 - RAD 5/1952 #6228  
                       MIDDLETOWN, PA Former Air Traffic Controller. Round  6/13/1952 #6491  
                       Middletown, PA Orange object travel S, stop for 1 se 6/13/1952 #6494  
                     JERSEY SHORE, PA 4+observer(s). Several saucers and ci 6/19/1952 #6545  
                        POTTSTOWN, PA 2 glowing-objects going southeast. 15 6/26/1952 #6634  
                        Pottstown, PA 3 different sightings of flashing lig 6/26/1952 #6636  
                         KUTZTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #1409. Farmer.  7/9/1952 #6733  
                         Kutztown, PA Aluminum, oval-shaped object change d 7/9/1952 #6735  
                  EAST / STEELTON, PA New "star" hovers over Oberlin garden 7/14/1952 #6805  
                   BALLIETTSVILLE, PA 2 women. 2 red glowing-balls follow p 7/17/1952 #6855  
                      ELKINS PARK, PA Project Bluebook Case #1494. Unidenti 7/19/1952 #6908  
                      Elkins Park, PA Saw 2 star-like lights maneuver, hove 7/19/1952 #6924  
                  NEAR NORRISTOWN, PA 2.5M flat green-metallic going west u 7/21/1952 #6960  
                        POTTSTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #1554 unidentif 7/23/1952 #7047  
                        Pottstown, PA Silver object, shaped like a long pea 7/23/1952 #7065  
                          Altoona, PA 3 cylindrical objects in a vertical s 7/23/1952 #7066  
                     WILKES-BARRE, PA Large black saucer slowly tilts verti 7/25/1952 #7133  
                  CHIPPEWA TWNSHP, PA Ground Observer Corps (GOC) spotter.  7/26/1952 #7146  
                        LEWISTOWN, PA Large round object hovers. Shadows mo 7/27/1952 (approximate) #7194  
                    EAST / TYRONE, PA AA flight #519 / 18k' altitude. Small 7/28/1952 #7233  
                       GREEN LANE, PA 3+observer(s). Dark oval = round sauc 7/29/1952 #7290  
                             YORK, PA Numerous separate observer(s). 3M dis 7/30/1952 #7351  
                         LANSDALE, PA 3 observer(s). Misty ovoid = disk / t 8/11/1952 #7543  
                       GREAT BEND, PA Dazzling gold blob hangs / sky briefl 8/14/1952 #7591  
                      Neffesville, PA Undescribed object flying at 500 ft a 8/20/1952 #7659  
                       MIDDLETOWN, PA Curious spinning object flies in a ci 8/23/1952 #7688  
           NORTHWEST / TITUSVILLE, PA News editor. Night lights maneuver. C 8/24/1952 #7695  
                       POTTSVILLE, PA 2 observer(s). Domed yellow saucer ho 8/25/1952 #7720  
                NORTH / MAXATAWNY, PA 3 observer(s). 25' saucer near ground 8/25/1952 #7724  
                          WOODLYN, PA Separate observer(s). 7-8 observer(s) 9/1/1952 #7806  
                            CORRY, PA Several / ground. Round disk paces 3  9/7/1952 #7872  
                    JENNINGSVILLE, PA 4 observer(s). Silver ball hovers / 2 9/7/1952 #7873  
                         SHAMOKIN, PA 1 observer. Cylinder/cigar-shape / sk 9/8/1952 #7880  
                      HOKENDAUQUA, PA 4 observer(s). White round disk with  9/12/1952 #7900  
                        ALLENTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #2085. 1 observ 9/13/1952 #7910  
                        Allentown, PA A white light with red trim and strea 9/13/1952 #7913  
          OLMSTEAD AIR FORCE BASE, PA Project Bluebook Case #2093. 2 civil  9/14/1952 #7919  
                      Olmsted AFB, PA Blue light fly very fast on a collisi 9/14/1952 #7931  
                           MORRIS, PA News. Red fireball hovers over town / 9/17/1952 #7965  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA 3 observer(s) and more. Silent alumin 9/17/1952 #7968  
                             ERIE, PA HIQ Ground Observer Corps (GOC) spott 2/22/1953 #8693  
                             Erie, PA 150' Silvery Disc Reported By Former  2/22/1953 #8694  
                           Easton, PA Television picture "began going up an 9/29/1953 #9189  
                         SCRANTON, PA 2 high-altitude night lights reverse  11/20/1953 #9311  
                             YORK, PA Ground Observer Corps (GOC) observers 2/22/1954 #9563  
                             York, PA Observers saw 14 discs climb when the 2/22/1954 #9564  
                Harrisburg (near), PA Saw 3 objects, each with two lights,  3/2/1954 #9592  
                       Pittsburgh, PA (McDonald list) Anti-Aircraft Units T 3/11/1954 #9613  
                         HAZLETON, PA Several ground and air. 4 large silen 3/22/1954 #9631  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA 2+observer(s). 25 silver saucers / FO 3/29/1954 #9649  
                          Altoona, PA DC-6 Crew Paced By Object (NICAP: 11  9/26/1954 #10449  
         ALTOONA AND PHILADELPHIA, PA 3 airline(s)/airliner crews and more/ 9/27/1954 #10466  
               NORTH / NORTH EAST, PA Domed object with double row / portho 12/5/1954 #11762  
                       North East, PA House radio "pulsated" as UFO observe 12/5/1954 #11763  
                       Harrisburg, PA Flying Tiger Pilot Sees Brilliant Obj 2/7/1955 #11980  
                         MCDONALD, PA Civil observer(s). Red-orange-yellow  8/3/1955 #12326  
                       HARRISBURG, PA Observer(s) = Mclaren. Several object 8/23/1955 #12394  
                        SALTSBURG, PA 2+observer(s). UFO / fast flashing li 9/25/1955 #12472  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA Photographer and several. 12 silver s 11/9/1955 #12557  
                     Philadelphia, PA Newspaper photographers and others sa 11/9/1955 #12559  
                          BEDFORD, PA 2 observer(s). Small silent moon desc 11/21/1955 (approximate) #12581  
                        Aliquippa, PA (McDonald list) RV Draws Scramble of  5/8/1956 #12837  
                        HOMESTEAD, PA 12 scouts and more. Numerous shiny si 6/21/1956 #12911  
                     MAHANOY CITY, PA Several observer(s). 2 glistening orb 6/27/1956 #12923  
                         NEWVILLE, PA Smooth humming. Huge red-glow ovoid j 7/1956 #12934  
                       PITTSBURGH, PA Bright steel-grey saucer hovers / 2 h 8/11/1956 #13067  
                          JUNIATA, PA Project Bluebook Case #4348. 2 observ 8/27/1956 #13134  
                          ALTOONA, PA 1 observer. 3' saucer / plastic dome  8/27/1956 #13135  
                          Juniata, PA Bright disc with a clear dome fly ver 8/27/1956 #13137  
                         BRADFORD, PA 3 observer(s). Double soup-bowl sauce 8/29/1956 #13149  
                         LEESPORT, PA Boy and 2 / farm. 3M thick saucer 60M 9/2/1956 #13171  
                    EAST / BUTLER, PA 2 / farm. 60cm washtub saucer circles 9/5/1956 (approximate) #13188  
                        TOBYHANNA, PA 4 observer(s). Silver cylinder/cigar- 10/29/1956 #13296  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA Ovoid flutters going down. Speeds goi 2/9/1957 #13486  
                          MILFORD, PA 7M bowl 5M over ground. Tilts. Pseudo 5/25/1957 (approximate) #13677  
                        MONROE CO, PA Many separate observer(s). Ovoid goin 8/26/1957 #13931  
                     SHIPPINGPORT, PA Several observer(s). 60M glowing-cyli 10/1/1957 #14053  
                     Shippingport, PA UFO circled atomic plant (NICAP: 01 - 10/1/1957 #14054  
                       PITTSBURGH, PA Family. 3+3 night lights maneuver in  10/22/1957 #14141  
                       Pittsburgh, PA Family saw six UFOs in two separate g 10/22/1957 #14143  
                     Philadelphia, PA Apartment lights dead, electric clock 11/5/1957 #14333  
                        WEATHERLY, PA Group / teens. Ovoid swoops going dow 11/7/1957 #14451  
                         HAZLETON, PA Delta/triangle/box-like craft / lit c 11/12/1957 #14536  
                         Hazelton, PA TV disrupted as UFO seen (NICAP: 03 - 11/12/1957 #14537  
                       CORAOPOLIS, PA Important woman / car. 8M metallic sa 11/17/1957 #14570  
                          Guthrie, PA USAF pilots saw orange circular or cr 12/11/1957 #14709  
                       EVANS CITY, PA Girl / 14. Yellow sphere maneuvers in 12/27/1957 #14762  
                     ELLWOOD CITY, PA Cops. 2' red saucer blinks and going  4/3/1958 #14961  
                     BENTLEYVILLE, PA 3 observer(s). 2 40cm disks / low alt 8/1/1958 #15172  
                NORTHWEST / EGYPT, PA Radio buzz. 2 cars electro-magnetic e 8/30/1958 (approximate) #15230  
                         LANSDALE, PA 5M saucer hovers / 10M altitude. Lit  10/1958 #15292  
                      STROUDSBURG, PA Project Bluebook Case #6089. 2 / car. 10/2/1958 #15297  
                      Stroudsburg, PA Naturalist Ivan Sanderson saw a dull- 10/2/1958 #15299  
                       UNION DALE, PA Large cylinder/cigar-shape with tail  10/27/1958 #15387  
                       Union Dale, PA Large gray cigar-like object with an  10/27/1958 #15389  
             PYMATUNING RESERVOIR, PA UFO stops overhead. Motor and lights  1/13/1959 #15545  
                  Pymatuning Lake, PA Truck motor, lights and radio failed  1/13/1959 #15548  
                 NEAR PHILIPSBURG, PA 3 plane crews and passengers. 3 300'  2/11/1959 #15585  
                         BRADFORD, PA AND MORE/OTHERS 6 airline(s)/airliner 2/24/1959 #15600  
    Williamsport (13 miles SW of), PA Killian case (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 2/24/1959 #15602  
                          CORSICA, PA Project Bluebook Case #6317. Odd 20'  3/26/1959 #15670  
                          Corsica, PA Dark red, barrel-shaped object, 20 ft 3/26/1959 #15671  
                       BLOOMSBURG, PA 2+observer(s) / (seen thru) binocular 5/8/1959 #15725  
                     Philadelphia, PA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  5/14/1959 #15732  
                BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT, PA Several small saucers streak to big o 6/4/1961 #16718  
                Blue Ridge Summit, PA A cigar-shaped or long elliptical UFO 6/4/1961 #16719  
                            DERRY, PA Engineer. 4 blue luminous/glowing sau 10/30/1961 #16935  
                         Ligonier, PA Engineer observed four luminous blue  10/30/1961 #16936  
                      SPRINGFIELD, PA Several separate observer(s). 30' sil 4/24/1962 #17125  
                     Philadelphia, PA Series of UFO sightings over area. Ci 4/24/1962 #17126  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA Numerous observer(s). Domed saucer wi 5/23/1962 #17194  
              EAST / PHOENIXVILLE, PA United Airlines (UAL) pilot. Silver c 4/10/1963 #17724  
                     Philadelphia, PA Freidman. (Mary Castner/CUFOS) (NICAP 10/6/1963 #17981  
                        PALMERTON, PA Several observer(s). Small disk orbit 5/26/1964 #18299  
                     PLEASANTVIEW, PA Project Bluebook Case #8839. Saucer i 5/26/1964 #18301  
                     Pleasantview, PA Yellow-orange light, shaped like the  5/26/1964 #18303  
                     NEW FREEPORT, PA 2 observer(s). Slow red domed disk /  8/15/1964 #18484  
                     HARVEYS LAKE, PA 2 meteors. 1 stops! Goes up and down  11/1964 #18601  
                    NEAR RED ROCK, PA Small disk going down / Benton AFS. Z 3/5/1965 #18843  
                          ECONOMY, PA 2 large orbs with 3 small orbs betwee 5/27/1965 #18967  
                       PITTSBURGH, PA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Silve 7/22/1965 #19158  
                           Beaver, PA Lucci Photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic 8/8/1965 #19340  
                           Beaver, PA Dog "went crazy" at hovering disc (NI 8/11/1965 #19365  
         SOUTHWEST / WILKES-BARRE, PA Pilot and 2+ground RADAR. Large brigh 8/12/1965 #19369  
                            BADEN, PA 100M saucer going north / 50mph. Blue 8/13/1965 #19374  
                            Baden, PA Object Crosses Moon / Medical Effects 8/13/1965 #19378  
                        ALLENTOWN, PA Ivan Sanderson and 1. Night light div 9/25/1965 #19597  
                           MONACA, PA 2 observer(s). 45' metallic saucer /  10/1965 #19628  
                     SPRING GROVE, PA 50cm chrome saucer lands near schoolh 10/16/1965 #19660  
                         TIDIOUTE, PA 2 objects pace 2 men / light plane. J 11/9/1965 #19704  
                       Kecksburgh, PA A UFO crash-landed in the Kecksburgh, 12/9/1965 #19760  
FO crash-landed in the Kecksburgh, PA woods. It had appeared as a fireball  12/9/1965 #19760  
ed the name of Kecksburg to “Acme” PA. After 20 yrs. Bill Bulebush came for 12/9/1965 #19760  
                 WEST / KECKSBURG, PA Meteor flames down. Recovery grossly  12/9/1965 #19761  
say they saw crashed in Kecksburg, PA on 9 December 1965, a bell shaped obj 12/10/1965 #19764  
                       MEYERSDALE, PA Nurse and 5 / car. Headlights dim. Si 1/11/1966 #19823  
                        Myerstown, PA 7:40 p.m. EST. About 140 miles west-s 1/11/1966 #19827  
                       Grove City, PA Night. Motorists saw lights rise from 4/7/1966 #20264  
                       GREENSBURG, PA 15M cigar 5M / ground. Rises going up 4/11/1966 #20282  
                       Greensburg, PA Well-defined cigar shaped object 50 f 4/11/1966 #20283  
45 ft metallic object from Ohio to PA (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BB 4/16/1966 #20302  
                             Over, PA Early morning. An airline pilot obser 4/20/1966 #20348  
                          TOWANDA, PA Car motor and lights electro-magnetic 4/25/1966 #20408  
                          Towanda, PA Night. As their car engine and headli 4/25/1966 #20412  
                NEAR WILLOW GROVE, PA 20' domed saucer buzzes 2 Navy jets a 5/21/1966 #20501  
                     Willow Grove, PA Domed Disc Observed By Pilot & Passen 5/21/1966 #20503  
                     Willow Grove, PA Experienced pilot in light plane enco 5/21/1966 #20504  
                       WEST POINT, PA 2 observer(s). 7M diameter object hov 6/3/1966 #20526  
                         KIRKWOOD, PA Project Bluebook Case #10739. 2 obser 7/11/1966 #20636  
                   Union-Kirkwood, PA Large (100 ft wide, 20 ft high) brigh 7/11/1966 #20637  
                       BLOOMSBURG, PA Several observer(s). 2 silver saucers 7/22/1966 #20665  
                     PRESQUE ISLE, PA Project Bluebook Case #10798. Top-hat 7/31/1966 #20697  
   Erie (Presque Isle State Park), PA Square or hexagonal object with edges 7/31/1966 #20699  
                        NEAR ERIE, PA 2 cops and more/others. Metal saucer  8/3/1966 #20723  
                             Erie, PA 9:30 p.m. EDT. A woman and four child 8/5/1966 #20724  
                       FORTY FORT, PA Astronomer. Ovoid flashes 1 / 20 seco 8/11/1966 (approximate) #20738  
                         Oil City, PA Time not reported. A train crew saw a 8/18/1966 #20761  
                           Easton, PA 10:15 p.m. EDT. An orange-red mass of 8/22/1966 #20784  
                     New Kingston, PA Disc hovered near Cessna (NICAP: 11 - 9/30/1966 #20937  
                    NEW KINGSTOWN, PA Private pilot. Disk with blinking lig 11/30/1966 #21161  
                     New Kingston, PA Time not reported. A private pilot wa 11/30/1966 #21164  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA 4 observer(s). Disk buzzes and circle 1/5/1967 #21254  
                     Philadelphia, PA 5:40 p.m. EST. A bank employee and th 1/5/1967 #21256  
                         SHAMOKIN, PA Observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 1/18/1967 #21338  
                         Shamokin, PA 6:00 p.m. EST. A family watched a dis 1/18/1967 #21341  
                  Shamokin (area), PA Around 6:00 p.m. Another family repor 1/19/1967 #21351  
                     Irish Valley, PA 6:00 p.m. Members of three families s 1/28/1967 #21407  
reported. (Shamokin News Dispatch, Pa., 1/29/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NIC 1/28/1967 #21407  
                       Homer City, PA 9:15 p.m. EST. A sales engineer and a 2/4/1967 #21449  
vers. (Johnstown Tribune-Democrat, Pa., 3/11/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NIC 2/4/1967 #21449  
                          Towanda, PA 6:00 p.m. EST. A woman saw a big roun 2/16/1967 #21563  
                       Abbotstown, PA 3:45 p.m. EST. A couple saw a small g 2/26/1967 #21656  
                      Blairsville, PA 7:00 p.m. EST. Two witnesses watched  3/1/1967 #21707  
                         Shamokin, PA Time not reported. A bank treasurer a 3/9/1967 #21831  
                         OHIOPYLE, PA Saucer follows car home / 30M altitud 3/17/1967 #21908  
                     Central area, PA 7:00 p.m.EST. A couple and their thre 3/17/1967 #21910  
                        Ohio Pyle, PA 8:00 p.m. EST. About 345 miles southe 3/17/1967 #21912  
r home. (Uniontown Morning Herald, Pa., 3/18/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NIC 3/17/1967 #21912  
                           BUTLER, PA Globes going down. 5 odd pseudo-human 3/20/1967 #21919  
             FISHING CREEK VALLEY, PA 12M saucer going down [to] by 2 kids. 4/1/1967 #22034  
                       Harrisburg, PA 9:15 p.m. EST. A woman reported an il 4/1/1967 #22039  
             Fishing Creek Valley, PA Two dogs barked at object 150' away ( 4/1/1967 #22040  
                        JONESTOWN, PA Car malfunctions due to EME (electro- 4/5/1967 #22056  
                        Jonestown, PA Round object, flashing blue light, mo 4/5/1967 #22059  
            US Jonestown/Lickdale, PA. Disc passed over car, gave off spark 4/5/1967 #22065  
                      Millersburg, PA Afternoon. Three women and three chil 4/8/1967 #22094  
ppeared. (Harrisburg Patriot-News, Pa., 4/9/67, copy in NICAP files) (NICAP 4/8/1967 #22094  
                         Danville, PA 3:30-4:00 a.m. EST. A woman saw a shi 4/10/1967 #22104  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA Metallic disk low / road. Paces ahead 5/3/1967 #22268  
                     Philadelphia, PA 6:30 a.m. EDT. A metallic-appearing g 5/3/1967 #22270  
                  Chester Heights, PA 11:00 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a round o 5/8/1967 #22299  
              I76 WITH ROXBOROUGH, PA 1 / car. 12M metallic saucer follows  5/18/1967 #22372  
                         Danville, PA Evening. A woman and three children s 5/31/1967 #22428  
                       McKeesport, PA Conflicting data on whether to ID thi 6/2/1967 #22453  
                     Philadelphia, PA 10:20 p.m. EDT. A man saw a glowing o 6/2/1967 #22454  
                         Shamokin, PA Evening. A school principal, teachers 6/5/1967 #22464  
                       Pine Grove, PA 11:55 p.m. EDT. A woman and her son s 6/6/1967 #22471  
                       Pittsburgh, PA 9:35 p.m. EDT. Three adults and three 6/9/1967 #22481  
                       Harrisburg, PA 11:15 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a bright  6/11/1967 #22490  
                       SUMMERDALE, PA 2 observer(s) paralyzed. 10' ovoid sp 6/13/1967 #22500  
                       Harrisburg, PA 2:05 a.m. EDT. A couple saw a bright  6/25/1967 #22553  
                       NEW CASTLE, PA 2 Polaroid photographs / soup-dish sa 6/28/1967 #22566  
                       Harrisburg, PA 9:30 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a torpedo- 7/4/1967 #22609  
                       Harrisburg, PA 10:25 p.m. EDT. Two boys, 12 and 14,  7/9/1967 #22636  
                       Harrisburg, PA 10:30 p.m. EDT. Two couples, includin 7/14/1967 #22658  
                       Harrisburg, PA 10:30 p.m. EDT. A couple saw an objec 7/15/1967 #22662  
                            Enola, PA 10:30 p.m. EDT. About 50 witnesses re 7/15/1967 #22663  
n, Mich., and July 14, Harrisburg, Pa.) that hung over the WHP radio towers 7/15/1967 #22663  
                         Newville, PA 1:00 a.m. EDT. Three people saw a rou 7/17/1967 #22676  
                       Summerdale, PA 10:45 p.m. EDT. Three people saw a ro 7/20/1967 #22709  
                          Dauphin, PA 11:20 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a red lig 7/26/1967 #22733  
                          Dauphin, PA 11:20 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a red lig 7/26/1967 #22734  
                          Chester, PA 9:00 p.m. EDT. The wife and daughter  8/1/1967 #22772  
                    Wyoming Flats, PA 3:30 p.m. EDT. Six witnesses saw a sh 8/6/1967 #22826  
                  NEAR HARRISBURG, PA 22M object / type unknown hovers / fi 8/10/1967 #22855  
                       Harrisburg, PA 9:40 p.m. EDT. A top official with a  8/10/1967 #22857  
                       Churchtown, PA 11:00 p.m. EDT. Two people saw a ciga 8/11/1967 #22861  
                            Enola, PA Time not reported. Two men saw a glow 8/11/1967 #22862  
                    Mechanicsburg, PA 10:20 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a horizon 8/18/1967 #22887  
                     Chambersburg, PA 9:45 pm.m EDT. Two men saw a white li 8/19/1967 #22891  
                       North York, PA Twilight. Five people, two of them ad 8/29/1967 #22950  
                       Lewisberry, PA 8:35 p.m. EDT. A woman, her sister, a 8/31/1967 #22962  
                  SHENANGO VALLEY, PA Cops and many. Power outage / transfo 9/7/1967 #23014  
                    Shepherdstown, PA 10:35 p.m. EDT. Two men in separate c 9/10/1967 #23030  
              Mount Holly Springs, PA 9:35 p.m. EDT. A policeman saw two li 9/23/1967 #23120  
                      BETHEL PARK, PA Several observer(s). 8 night lights g 10/21/1967 #23276  
                         Carlisle, PA 1:30 a.m. EDT. A man saw a silver egg 10/23/1967 #23293  
                     S. Allentown, PA 7:10 p.m. EST. A woman and her son sa 10/30/1967 #23368  
                         Carlisle, PA 8:30 p.m. EST. Two women saw an oblon 11/15/1967 #23461  
                       Harrisburg, PA 10:00 p.m. EST. Several witnesses saw 11/15/1967 #23462  
                       Summerdale, PA Bt. 10:50 and 11:15 pm. Multiple witn 11/15/1967 #23463  
                       Harrisburg, PA 9:25 p.m. EST. A woman saw an object  12/6/1967 #23554  
                        WELLS TWP, PA 2 / car. Domed disk follows rural roa 12/27/1967 #23614  
                         CARLISLE, PA 2 nurses. 9M flat disk paces car / 3  1/12/1968 #23659  
                       SUMMERDALE, PA Numerous separate observer(s). Very l 1/12/1968 #23660  
                  NEAR HARRISBURG, PA 4 cops / 2 cars chase white-orange fl 1/20/1968 #23678  
                          INDIANA, PA 1 / car. Saucer with transparent fron 1/24/1968 #23691  
                  NEAR GREENSBURG, PA 2 observer(s). 55' saucer / 30' altit 2/1968 #23718  
                    NEAR CARLISLE, PA Engineer and 1. Ovoid darkens as plan 2/24/1968 #23781  
                        OTTSVILLE, PA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Obser 8/21/1968 #24361  
                         SCRANTON, PA 2 cops. Night light over railroad/rai 3/21/1970 #25603  
                           Jessup, PA 9:00 p.m. While walking home from a h 9/1970 #25821  
                          CALLERY, PA 2 / car follow saucer going [to] farm 4/14/1971 #26069  
                          Gallery, PA Close-range sighting of disc with win 4/14/1971 #26070  
                          Callery, PA Close-range sighting of disc with win 4/14/1971 #26071  
                       Pittsburgh, PA Dusk. A man and a woman while driving 4/18/1971 #26077  
                        Pottstown, PA About 9:00 p.m. A woman spotted a lum 4/25/1971 #26082  
                  WEST LEISENRING, PA 120' cone saucer 20' over road. Hums. 5/21/1971 #26119  
           West Leisenring (near), PA 1:10 a.m. A man was returning home wh 5/21/1971 #26120  
                    SHIREMANSTOWN, PA Weatherman / car. Silent grey ball /  8/5/1971 #26266  
                     PHOENIXVILLE, PA 3 cops and 4+12. DC3-sized boomerang  1/19/1972 #26548  
                     Phoenixville, PA Three police officers reported observ 1/19/1972 #26549  
                       GREENSBURG, PA Several report(s). Fireballs and disk 4/22/1972 #26657  
                       GREENSBURG, PA Dead dog / all hair gone.. 40' from 6 7/13/1972 #26793  
                     NEAR READING, PA 3 cops and more/others. Ovoid hovers  8/20/1972 #26937  
                          Reading, PA Three city police officers, including 8/20/1972 #26938  
                          Reading, PA Three city police officers, including 8/29/1972 #26968  
              IRWIN AND JEANNETTE, PA AND MORE/OTHERS AND MORE All Radars q 1/25/1973 #27245  
                     SAYLORS LAKE, PA Cops and many. 40 white objects with  3/1/1973 #27320  
               HIGHLAND RESERVOIR, PA 200+observer(s). 1000' cone-cylinder/ 3/1/1973 #27321  
                     Eastern Area, PA A major UFO "wave" apparently hit a t 3/1/1973 #27322  
                     Saylors Lake, PA There were 42 objects with flashing l 3/1/1973 #27323  
           HAMBURG AND HARRISBURG, PA Several observer(s). Elongated object 3/6/1973 #27333  
                           Milton, PA Police reportedly were swamped with c 3/15/1973 #27348  
                        BUSH KILL, PA Chief / police and more/others. 3 sil 3/21/1973 #27355  
                BELFAST-ALLENTOWN, PA 12 observer(s). 7+saucers in formatio 3/23/1973 #27363  
                  MARSHALLS CREEK, PA Rotating saucers. White light flashin 3/27/1973 #27380  
                        ROBESONIA, PA 4 observer(s). Multicolor saucer land 3/28/1973 #27382  
                   PENN AND MANOR, PA 12 observer(s). Saucer buzzes car. He 4/15/1973 #27429  
                 Bt. Manor & Penn, PA During the late afternoon on the road 4/15/1973 #27430  
                     SPRING MILLS, PA 3 observer(s). Glowing-ovoid going so 4/24/1973 #27442  
                     Spring Mills, PA Three adults observed an oval-shaped  4/24/1973 #27444  
                         Shamokin, PA More than a dozen residents of the Fe 4/29/1973 #27453  
                          SUNBURY, PA Several observer(s). Round or cone-sh 6/14/1973 #27565  
                        JEANNETTE, PA 1 observer. Sphere appears / nowhere. 7/18/1973 #27639  
                            IRWIN, PA Moon-size sphere/orb/globe just over  7/25/1973 #27649  
                       Greensburg, PA On this night a woman reported seeing 8/27/1973 #27725  
                     WEST CHESTER, PA Afternoon. 1 observer. Round object w 9/5/1973 #27763  
      1 MILE(S) SOUTH / MILLVILLE, PA 2 observer(s). Saucer over Paul Vandi 9/6/1973 #27772  
ND LOWER ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBORO, PA Many observer(s). Ovoid with blinking 9/15/1973 #27824  
                            MEDIA, PA 2 state cops. Heart-shape hovers / 35 10/4/1973 #27928  
                      COLUMBIA CO, PA 1 / car. Disk overhead. Buzz. Car out 10/15/1973 #28035  
                        LEVITTOWN, PA 6 observer(s). 2 saucers hover / blue 10/17/1973 #28103  
                      EAST BERLIN, PA Several observer(s). Luminous blimp h 10/20/1973 #28208  
                  WEST LEISENRING, PA 15+observer(s). 100' saucer going dow 10/25/1973 #28280  
                          TOWANDA, PA 2 observer(s). Football shaped object 10/28/1973 #28307  
HIOVILLE AND INDUSTRY AND MIDLAND, PA AND NJ Disk / light / low altitude. / 11/1/1973 #28332  
                WEST / BRYN ATHYN, PA 2 observer(s). Cone with triangular w 11/6/1973 #28372  
  3 MILE(S) WEST / FREDERICKSBURG, PA 1 observer. Fiery ovoid over road. /  11/14/1973 #28420  
                     WILLIAMSPORT, PA 12 observer(s). 2 cigars dart all ove 11/19/1973 #28446  
                       GERMANTOWN, PA 2 observer(s). Moon-size red sphere/o 11/22/1973 #28456  
                 5MI EAST / PAOLI, PA 2 observer(s). Slow triangle / low al 11/29/1973 #28481  
                           BETHEL, PA 4 observer(s). Multicolor object offl 11/30/1973 #28484  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA Several observer(s). Acorn-object goi 12/2/1973 #28503  
                     Ellwood City, PA On a crisp, clear night a couple repo 12/13/1973 #28567  
                  WEST / OHIOPYLE, PA 2 observer(s) fire guns going [to] 7' 2/6/1974 #28741  
                      COATESVILLE, PA 1 observer. Saucer extends 4 legs to  5/7/1974 #29089  
                       Coatsville, PA 9:00 p.m. Disc with lighted dome on t 5/7/1974 #29090  
                     WILKES-BARRE, PA Airliner crew. Daylight disk turns. G 7/6/1975 #30161  
                     Wilkes-Barre, PA BAC-111 crew encountered daylight dis 7/6/1975 #30164  
              Wilkes Barre (near), PA Daytime. A disc made a turn and enter 7/6/1975 #30166  
                          BIG RUN, PA Disk paces 3 / car close. White beams 3/19/1976 #30948  
          SR970 EAST / CLEARFIELD, PA 200' canoe-cylinder/cigar-shape over  3/28/1976 #30962  
       LEVEL GREEN TO/FROM ARDARA, PA 3 observer(s). Saucer hugs hillside.  3/28/1976 #30963  
                     MT. PLEASANT, PA 2 / mobile home. Top-shaped saucer ro 3/28/1976 #30964  
                     Gatchelville, PA 7:30 PM. Nine independent witnesses w 3/7/1977 #31871  
                    GATCHELLVILLE, PA 2+2+2+2+2+observer(s). Red fireball m 3/8/1977 #31875  
                           WILCOX, PA 1 observer. Silver sphere. Many light 5/3/1977 #32049  
                       CLEARFIELD, PA 2 observer(s). Green-glow sphere with 5/11/1977 #32084  
                       Clearfield, PA 3:00 AM. A housewife reported sightin 5/11/1977 #32086  
                         OIL CITY, PA Many observer(s) with CB radios etc.  10/26/1977 #32612  
                        LEHIGHTON, PA 2 observer(s). Polaroid photograph /  1/17/1978 #32886  
                      Strinestown, PA Round object with body lights hovered 4/2/1978 #33117  
                      Strinestown, PA Round object with body lights hovered 4/2/1978 #33118  
           NORTHWEST / PITTSBURGH, PA 3 observer(s). Odd blimps come / go t 4/5/1978 #33124  
                           MOSCOW, PA 4 / car. Circular cloud drops / sky.  8/22/1978 #33542  
                           Moscow, PA Four rnen were driving in a car pool  8/22/1978 #33545  
                     PHILADELPHIA, PA Several observer(s). Silent Adamski-s 6/26/1979 #34630  
                       WAYNESBURG, PA 2 cops / helicopter. 2' saucer passes 8/4/1979 #34709  
           7MI SOUTH / WASHINGTON, PA 1 / car. 20' silent metallic football 8/16/1979 #34745  
                      STROUDSBURG, PA 2 / I80. Silent disk going west / 2 m 9/1/1979 #34817  
                       Greensburg, PA 1:45 AM. A 17-year old girl was baby- 2/14/1981 #35828  
         SOUTHWEST / PHILADELPHIA, PA Pilot. Rocket / cylinder/cigar-shape. 3/30/1981 #35878  
igar-shape. Pilot reports all over PA / same time.                          3/30/1981 #35878  
                         DANVILLE, PA 6 observer(s) / (seen thru) binocular 5/4/1981 #35925  
            NORTHEAST / PITTBURGH, PA Several separate observer(s). 8 objec 11/8/1981 #36209  
                        UNIONTOWN, PA Odd space-shuttle / delta/triangle/bo 2/1982 #36318  
                        FLEETWOOD, PA 2 observer(s) / car. Saucer follows c 2/24/1982 #36362  
                        Fleetwood, PA A bright round, lighted object flew o 2/24/1982 #36363  
                        TUNNELTON, PA 1 observer. 10' domed saucer / low al 2/25/1982 #36367  
                        Saltsburg, PA A large disc with a dome on top flew  2/25/1982 #36368  
                        SCOTTDALE, PA 1 / car. Very large silent delta/tria 3/22/1982 #36407  
           SOUTHEAST / NEW CASTLE, PA 3 separate cops. Bright saucer over h 3/23/1982 #36410  
                          OAKMONT, PA 1 observer. Bright shiny silver disk  3/29/1982 #36416  
                          CHICORA, PA 3 observer(s). Delta over barn. 2 sma 4/1/1982 #36424  
                 NORTH WASHINGTON, PA 3 observer(s). Red delta/triangle/box 4/1/1982 #36425  
                 North Washington, PA A reddish triangular object with roun 4/1/1982 #36426  
                     WEST SUNBURY, PA Amateur astronomers / telescope. Larg 4/14/1982 #36444  
                            DERRY, PA 2 bright orange-glowing orbs hover ov 4/21/1982 #36449  
       YOUNGSTOWN RIDGE / LATROBE, PA 1 observer. 15' domed saucer going ea 5/5/1982 #36462  
                   PLEASANT HILLS, PA Many night lights / police. Semi-tran 5/5/1982 #36463  
                        JEANNETTE, PA "Helicopter crash" leaves (something  5/19/1982 #36474  
                          Latrobe, PA Several independent witnesses reporte 7/25/1982 #36549  
                            DERRY, PA 1 observer. 200' saucer goes over car 8/30/1982 #36584  
                           Girard, PA A man driving around dusk on the I90  9/1982 #36589  
                        JOHNSTOWN, PA 2 observer(s). Deep humming. 150' cyl 9/4/1982 #36594  
                        BUTLER CO, PA Longitude & latitude coords. approxim 9/12/1982 #36601  
                          INDIANA, PA Guard. Vertical hot dog. Beams going  9/24/1982 #36614  
                          LATROBE, PA Several separate observer(s). 300' gr 7/25/1983 #36923  
                 EAST / JEANNETTE, PA Noise shakes house. Silver 2-deck lay 7/25/1983 #36924  
            US220 EAST / BELLWOOD, PA 24' saucer going [to] overhead. Car l 10/15/1983 #37007  
                          Altoona, PA Silvery disc passed overhead, right w 10/15/1983 #37008  
                          Altoona, PA Silvery disc passed over car, right w 10/15/1983 #37009  
                  KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 2 boys. Large silent saucer with ligh 1/27/1984 #37155  
                  King Of Prussia, PA 6:15 AM. Two young boys delivering pa 1/27/1984 #37157  
                       POTTSVILLE, PA 1 observer. Silent night light overhe 1/31/1984 #37168  
                        UNIONTOWN, PA Several observer(s). 2 bright night l 2/9/1984 #37183  
                     NEAR LATROBE, PA Ex-airman / ex-skeptic and 1. Silent  2/9/1984 #37184  
                       POCONO MTS, PA 2 observer(s). Silent saucer stops 10 2/21/1984 #37195  
               NEAR MECHANICSBURG, PA 1 observer and dog. 40' diamond-objec 2/29/1984 #37206  
                    Mechanicsburg, PA 9:00 PM. A man and his dog in Mechani 2/29/1984 #37208  
                    Mechanicsburg, PA 9:00 PM. A man and his dog in Mechani 2/29/1984 #37209  
                     NEAR CLARION, PA 2 observer(s). 15M cylinder/cylindric 7/27/1984 #37420  
                        SMETHPORT, PA 1 observer. 5' x2.5'x3'GLOWING box wi 10/14/1984 #37485  
             1.5MI NORTH / TYRONE, PA 300' saucer 100' over treetops. Goes  10/23/1984 #37488  
                Tyrone (north of), PA 8:30 PM. A disc-shaped object with an 10/23/1984 #37489  
                      LEVEL GREEN, PA 2 observer(s). Taps / window. Sphere/ 12/31/1984 #37537  
                      Level Green, PA 6:10 PM. In Level Green, Pennsylvania 12/31/1984 #37538  
                        JONESTOWN, PA 2 kids. 15' saucer / 200' altitude. H 1/2/1985 #37545  
                      BETHEL PARK, PA Several separate observer(s). Huge cy 6/20/1985 #37605  
                       HARRISBURG, PA 2 observer(s). Huge saucer covers 5 h 10/3/1985 (approximate) #37671  
                       PITTSBURGH, PA 1+observer(s). Large metal saucer ove 1/7/1986 #37753  
                           Butler, PA UFO emitted six light beams toward gr 1/7/1986 #37754  
                           Butler, PA UFO emitted six light beams toward gr 1/7/1986 #37755  
                       SLICKVILLE, PA Several observer(s). Large delta/tria 1/23/1986 #37769  
                       NEW CASTLE, PA Several observer(s). 50' metal ovoid. 2/28/1986 #37790  
                       New Castle, PA Hovering oval object, body lights, br 2/28/1986 #37791  
                       New Castle, PA Hovering oval object, body lights, br 2/28/1986 #37792  
                 NEAR DOWNINGTOWN, PA 3 / car. Delta/triangle/box-like craf 3/25/1986 #37808  
                          DELMONT, PA 1 observer. 6M glowing circle / light 4/12/1986 #37822  
                    CROSSINGVILLE, PA 2 observer(s). 35' saucer / 200' alti 4/23/1986 #37837  
                         NAZARETH, PA 2 observer(s). Vibrant bright white n 4/30/1986 #37849  
                  NEAR GREENSBURG, PA Several observer(s). Night light / mo 5/7/1986 #37856  
                         DANVILLE, PA 3 observer(s). Power outage. Missing  5/9/1986 #37859  
                      FORBES ROAD, PA 2 observer(s). 150' cylinder/cylindri 6/21/1986 #37919  
                         SPANGLER, PA 2 observer(s). "Half-moon" object bea 8/2/1986 #37969  
                 NEAR NEW STANTON, PA Cylinder/cigar-shape with lights dive 8/31/1986 #38004  
                EAST / VANDERBILT, PA 3 observer(s). Fireball / field rises 9/7/1986 #38019  
                       SCOTTSDALE, PA 2 observer(s). Bright orange vertical 9/8/1986 #38021  
                        SCOTTDALE, PA 2 observer(s). Bright white object be 9/9/1986 #38022  
                       PITTSBURGH, PA 2 observer(s). TV Radio Frequency Int 10/8/1986 #38041  
                     NEAR HOPWOOD, PA 3 observer(s). Silver cylinder/cigar- 11/14/1986 #38063  
                       WASHINGTON, PA 2 observer(s). Bright gold delta/tria 1/6/1987 #38093  
                           ARNOLD, PA 1 observer. Bright ovoid over homes.  1/21/1987 #38100  
                  SEWICKLEY HILLS, PA 50' x10'CGR hovers near car. Spotligh 1/21/1987 #38101  
 goes quickly going up. See Arnold.PA above.                                1/23/1987 #38102  
             SEVEN MOUNTAINS AREA, PA 300' UFO lights entire mountainside.  2/7/1987 #38114  
                    Potters Mills, PA Motorists encountered hovering large  2/7/1987 #38115  
                    Potters Mills, PA Motorists encountered hovering large  2/7/1987 #38116  
                       LOYALHANNA, PA 1 observer. Glowing red 2' cylinder/c 3/16/1987 #38142  
                          LATROBE, PA 4 observer(s). Solid black cylinder/c 3/20/1987 #38149  
                       GREENSBURG, PA 3 cops and 2. Metallic saucer over po 9/3/1987 #38276  
                           Sharon, PA Barking dogs alerted to triangle, tre 1/25/1988 #38433  
                       GREENSBURG, PA 1 observer. Delta/triangle/box-like c 2/14/1988 #38464  
                            IRWIN, PA 3 observer(s). Silent saucer close by 2/22/1988 #38473  
                            Irwin, PA Cat fearful as disc at treetop level  2/22/1988 #38474  
                        EBENSBURG, PA 1 observer. 20' silent silver sphere/ 9/2/1988 #38628  
                       HARRISBURG, PA Cop. 75' cylinder/cigar-shape hums /  12/4/1988 #38738  
                       Harrisburg, PA Silvery oval object hovered, brillian 12/4/1988 #38740  
                       Harrisburg, PA Silvery oval object hovered, brillian 12/4/1988 #38741  
                       PITTSBURGH, PA 2 / car. White ovoid with red beacons 5/17/1989 #38955  
                    MINERAL POINT, PA 9+observer(s). Huge metal sphere/orb/ 8/26/1989 #39075  
                           BUTLER, PA Multiple observer(s). Silent mushroom 8/31/1989 #39077  
                  Butler Township, PA Luminous mushroom-shaped object hover 8/31/1989 #39079  
                  Butler Township, PA Luminous mushroom-shaped object hover 8/31/1989 #39080  
                        EBENSBURG, PA Teen / car. Arrowhead-shape / treetop 9/3/1989 #39087  
                    HARRISON CITY, PA 1 observer. 40' metal saucer 60m over 1/27/1990 #39392  
                        PIKE TOWN, PA 2+observer(s). Manta without body / 1 1/31/1990 #39399  
                          OAKLAND, PA UC#3039. 8 crop circle investigators. 3/14/1990 #39461  
                    UPPER BURRELL, PA 2 / car. Part / sky starless. 40' cyl 4/17/1990 #39531  
                 NORTH HUNTINGDON, PA 1 observer. Large boomerang near powe 5/24/1990 #39586  
                 North Huntington, PA Dog became still and quite before a b 5/24/1990 #39587  
                 North Huntingdon, PA Dark, delta-shaped object with large  5/24/1990 #39588  
                          Waymart, PA Dog barked continuously, oval object  6/7/1990 #39607  
                  NEAR PITTSBURGH, PA US Air B727. Shiny rectangular object 1/13/1991 #39951  
                       Pittsburgh, PA U.S. Air flight crew saw a rectangula 1/13/1991 #39952  
                       Pittsburgh, PA U.S. Air flight crew saw a rectangula 1/13/1991 #39953  
                      STROUDSBURG, PA 3 observer(s). 150' silent box with m 2/4/1991 #39972  
                   , NY AND NJ AND PA Many pilots delta/triangle/box-like c 3/6/1991 #39994  
                   WEST MIDDLESEX, PA Man and kid. Grey blimp surrounded /  5/15/1991 #40062  
              NORTH / BLAIRSVILLE, PA 2 women westbound / US22. Large delta 8/30/1991 #40173  
            40M EAST / PITTSBURGH, PA Astronomer / airliner. 3 saucers in f 9/8/1991 #40180  
                           LINDEN, PA 2 separate sightings / delta/triangle 2/5/1992 #40315  
                     WILLIAMSPORT, PA Very loud delta/triangle/box-like cra 2/5/1992 #40316  
                    COGAN STATION, PA Delta/triangle/box-like craft seen he 2/5/1992 #40317  
                   NORTHUMBERLAND, PA 1 observer. House rumbles. Delta/tria 2/5/1992 #40318  
                        LEWISBURG, PA 2 separate observer(s). Houses rumble 2/5/1992 #40319  
                           ARNOLD, PA Cemetery. Saucer shines beam on 2 boy 3/9/1992 #40365  
                            IRWIN, PA Car-size ovoid / 15m altitude. Hums.  3/28/1992 #40401  
                      SELINSGROVE, PA Houses rumble. Delta/triangle/box-lik 5/2/1992 #40445  
                      COATESVILLE, PA Several observer(s). Silver "melon" l 6/10/1992 #40490  
             US22 EAST / WVA LINE, PA 3 silent saucers / treetops. Blink /  6/23/1992 #40503  
             US22 WITH PITTSBURGH, PA 2 long wingless fuselages circle low. 6/23/1992 #40504  
                       HOMER CITY, PA Several separate motorists / US22. La 8/14/1992 #40570  
                       Homer City, PA Triangular silvery object passed over 8/14/1992 #40571  
                        Homer City PA Triangular silvery object passed over 8/14/1992 #40572  
             US220 NEAR GLEN MAWR, PA RADAR detector alarms. 250' x200' del 10/27/1992 #40692  
                     WILLIAMSPORT, PA 2 observer(s). Boomerang / 500' altit 10/27/1992 #40693  
                        KITTANING, PA May. 7 report. Night light-saucers se 1993 #40776  
                WEST / TITUSVILLE, PA Plate-UFO near pine trees / 20 minute 8/23/1993 #41152  
                       GREENSBURG, PA 2 observer(s). Delta hovers. Hums. Va 11/21/1993 #41287  
                         ARMBRUST, PA 4 hunters. 20M delta/triangle/box-lik 11/22/1993 #41295  
                       PITTSBURGH, PA 1 observer. Whoosh! Flat-bottom disk  12/2/1993 #41317  
                         CARLISLE, PA Police report. Saucer near Trimble Ro 8/23/1994 #41686  
                            NOXEN, PA 1 observer. Odd sound. Strange ship / 1/4/1995 #41949  
                          DELMONT, PA AND BEAVER RUN DAM Pilot / ground. 2  2/13/1995 #42043  
                        JEANNETTE, PA 2+observer(s). Triangles zip going up 3/3/1995 #42073  
                        BOYERTOWN, PA 1 observer. Green and white and red " 4/5/1995 #42141  
                       FOX CHAPEL, PA 2 observer(s). Small objects dart in  5/21/1995 #42218  
                         NAZARETH, PA 1 observer. Huge triangular ship cove 11/17/1995 #42601  
                EAST / DOYLESTOWN, PA 3 bright fireballs. Van motor and lig 2/25/1996 #42778  
                        ALLENTOWN, PA Cross with circles / bottom/underside 3/24/1996 #42840  
                      PHILIPSBURG, PA Airbus crew and NY FAA RADAR. Intense 4/12/1996 #42863  
                          BOSWELL, PA 2+3 observer(s) / (seen thru) binocul 7/16/1996 #42957  
              NORTH / GEORGEVILLE, PA 2 boys. 4' sky-blue figure marches /  9/24/1996 #43040  
                 NEAR LINGLESTOWN, PA Several observer(s). "15cm" triangle  5/18/1997 #43295  
                     ALLISON PARK, PA 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars.  12/16/1997 #43463  
                NEAR SPARTANSBURG, PA 3 / car. Definite triangle stops over 10/4/1998 #43661  
                HUNTINGDON VALLEY, PA Silent luminous Derby-hat saucer goin 7/23/1999 #43810  
                     LANCASTER CO, PA Fake new mobile home going up [to] fr 7/23/1999 #43811  
                         BERKS CO, PA 3 separate observer(s) and more. Silv 8/16/1999 #43823  
                          NINEVEH, PA 2 / car. 2 large 30M triangles hover  8/18/1999 #43825  
                         Carlisle, PA Dog fearful of glowing chevron (NICAP 5/9/2005 #44835  
## Word: "pa-16" (Back to Top)
 flying service, is flying a Piper PA-16 Clipper at 19,000 feet 10 miles no 7/24/1949 #4283  
## Word: "pa-24" (Back to Top)
 MEXICO 3 2M saucers bracket Piper PA-24. RADAR. Electro-magnetic effect (E 5/3/1974 #29080  
s Santos Montiel is flying a Piper PA-24 Comanche from Zihuatenejo, Guerrer 5/3/1975 #30026  
tiel, the pilot of a Monteil Piper PA-24, felt a strange vibration, and saw 5/3/1975 #30029  
## Word: "pa-28" (Back to Top)
      EAST / DOUGLAS, GA 2 / Piper PA-28 plane. Large red ball stays off ri 2/1/1971 #26010  
30 a.m. The pilot of a Piper Arrow PA-28 is flying at 3,500 feet between Di 8/13/1976 #31261  
e Saint-Jovite, Quebec, in a Piper PA-28 Cherokee Warrior piloted by a frie 8/17/1979 #34752  
ent pilot) are flying a 1968 Piper PA-28 Cherokee 140 about 10 miles southe 10/24/1982 #36663  
 single-engine EMB-712 Tupi (Piper PA-28 Cherokee) over Ilha da Sarangonha, 10/5/1996 #43057  
## Word: "pa-28-140" (Back to Top)
pilot is flying his Piper Cherokee PA-28-140 from Waterville, Nova Scotia,  7/1996 #42943  
## Word: "pa-28-181" (Back to Top)
lot named Dennis is flying a Piper PA-28-181 Archer II near the San Luis Re 4/8/1981 #35887  
## Word: "pa-31-310" (Back to Top)
so observed by a Gendarmeria Piper PA-31-310 that is flying 1,900 feet abov 7/31/1995 #42347  
## Word: "pa-32" (Back to Top)
commercial pilot is flying a Piper PA-32 Cherokee Six near Mount Baldy, Ari 10/12/1973 #28017  
## Word: "pa-32r-301t" (Back to Top)
lot named Dennis is flying a Piper PA-32R-301T Turbo Saratoga SP at 8,000 f 11/5/1980 #35620  
## Word: "pa60" (Back to Top)
aton, FL Two discs circle Aerostar PA60 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        9/28/1980 #35540  
## Word: "paa" (Back to Top)
AND, HI Project Bluebook Case #59. PAA crew. Night light splits / 2. Turn t 9/13/1947 #3394  
     600MI EAST / JACKSONVILLE, FL PAA crew. 3 large night lights going qui 5/8/1952 #6273  
E / NY, NY Pulsing saucer passes 3 PAA airliners / 22K' altitude. / MJ#252+ 4/23/1954 #9709  
 WITH AZORES Crew and passengers / PAA DC6. Huge saucer lights large area.  9/28/1954 #10480  
                     GMX, LA TO FL PAA flight engineer. Large long object / 1/22/1956 #12676  
                  CAPE SABLE, FL 6 PAA RADAR experts. Blip = huge bar-bell. 11/8/1956 #13312  
                          ATLANTIC PAA flight 257 ducks glowing-ovoid going 3/9/1957 #13535  
AMAS Brilliant night light follows PAA flight 206A going northeast. On RADA 3/29/1957 #13568  
            SOUTHWEST / BOSTON, MA PAA pilot. Fast silver night light / hig 10/8/1957 #14070  
                        ATLANTIC / PAA FLIGHT 68° 56W-29° 03N. RADAR-visual 9/5/1958 #15252  
      150MI EAST / GOOSE BAY, NFLD PAA flight-114. Odd object going quickly 9/26/1959 #15993  
EVERGLADES NOT PLOTTED ON MAPS, FL PAA aero RADAR's. Huge ovoid blip / fast 11/8/1959 #16083  
                     ARLINGTON, TX PAA radioman and several. Orange star /  9/29/1960 #16466  
         NEAR WAKE ISLAND BOAC and PAA liners and military ship. Bright whi 9/21/1961 #16863  
## Word: "paarl" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHEAST / PAARL, RSA Pseudo-human/entity asks / wa 12/25/1952 (approximate) #8447  
## Word: "paat" (Back to Top)
ZA STRIP Silver ellipsoid hovers / Paat Hasadeh. Holes found / ground and h 11/2/1997 #43436  
## Word: "pabianice" (Back to Top)
                                   Pabianice, Poland 12:05 a.m. A Mr. Mateu 10/13/2013 #45390  
ct with yellow lights flying above Pabianice, Poland, from northeast to wes 10/13/2013 #45390  
## Word: "pablo" (Back to Top)
                               SAN PABLO, CA Project Bluebook Case #176. 2  9/23/1948 #3807  
                               San Pablo, CA Fast-flying irregularly shaped 9/23/1948 #3808  
                               San Pablo, California Witnesses: Sylvester B 9/23/1948 #3810  
                               San Pablo, California. At twelve noon Sylves 9/23/1948 #3813  
                               SAN PABLO BAY EAST / SAN RAFAEL, CA 50' cyli 8/17/1952 #7624  
rgentina After an intense rainfall Pablo Michalowski and Roberto Jorge Mart 3/12/1963 #17702  
e highway to watch it. Taxi driver Pablo Garcia García blinks his lights at 8/15/1976 #31270  
nd dead and mutilated near the San Pablo Wilbert Maestas Ranch. A helicopte 11/30/1977 #32712  
turning home on his bicycle in San Pablo de las Nazas, Jalisco, Mexico at 1 11/1/1995 #42575  
## Word: "pac" (Back to Top)
                      WAKE ISLAND, PAC Project Bluebook Case #9031. Night l 8/10/1964 #18473  
## Word: "paca" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Paca” YieldMax: 20KT                     5/7/1962 #17152  
la, Spain, including a woman named Paca and two local boys, were walking up 9/24/1992 #40639  
 boys, were walking up a hill when Paca suddenly felt chills and felt compe 9/24/1992 #40639  
 witness, standing directly beside Paca, was not able to see anything. Acco 9/24/1992 #40639  
able to see anything. According to Paca the figure had extremely beautiful  9/24/1992 #40639  
ter the area suddenly became cold. Paca again became paralyzed and was unab 9/24/1992 #40639  
## Word: "pacaf" (Back to Top)
(initials), Security Police Squad (PACAF) also witnessed and reported the i 1/18/1978 #32890  
FB, NJ Sgt. J.M. (initials) of the PACAF writes to Len Stringfield that he  9/16/1980 #35522  
## Word: "pacajus" (Back to Top)
                                   PACAJUS, BRZ 3 / boat / reservoir. Silen 4/20/1986 #37826  
were in a boat on a reservoir near Pacajus, Ceara State, Brazil when a gray 4/20/1986 #37828  
## Word: "pace" (Back to Top)
dull red glow. It moved at a rapid pace, then slowed.                       4/16/1897 #512  
s it, it moves away at a leisurely pace and passes through wire netting. It 1/22/1919 #983  
oard wing 600 feet away. They keep pace with his plane for 5 minutes. Final 1/1926 #1056  
e soundless and moved at a snail's pace. Duncan's sighting has many things  1934 #1189  
Air Force. Glowing-orbs and ovoids pace and buzz planes and airfields..     1941 #1351  
s before departing at “a hell of a pace.” It turns again and dives into the Summer 1942 #1419  
shape pull alongside the plane and pace it at a distance of about 100 feet  2/1944 #1569  
GUENAU, 67, FR Orange night lights pace USAF fighters. RADAR malfunctions d 12/22/1944 #1726  
ker and McFalls, watched the light pace their aircraft for awhile and then  12/24/1944 #1733  
LAND, TRUK B29 crew. 2 red circles pace B24 through complex maneuvers going 5/3/1945 #1860  
 12 observer(s). 3 white teardrops pace Army Air Force (AAF) C46. / r215p52 8/28/1945 #1927  
CA 2 Air Force Officers. 2 saucers pace P80 landing. Others maneuver and go 7/29/1947 #3249  
w and more/others. 2 white saucers pace V2 rocket. 1 passes through exhaust 6/10/1949 #4230  
McLaughlin watched two white discs pace a V-2 rocket during its test launch 6/10/1949 #4233  
          White Sands, NM Two UFOs Pace V-2 Rocket (NICAP: 08 - Photographi 6/14/1949 #4238  
 two smaller circular objects that pace it, one on each side. One then pass 6/14/1949 #4240  
 quickly northwest. Flying hubcaps pace B36 also.                           3/23/1950 #4708  
quickly northwest / Lambert Field. Pace plane / 13 July.                    7/12/1950 #5057  
 begin a jittering motion, keeping pace with them, circling above and below 9/1950 #5159  
qual triangular formation join and pace C45. / Narcap.                      9/15/1951 #5670  
C124 crew. 3 blue circular objects pace transport plane / 3-4 minute(s).    4/24/1952 #6165  
NTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 saucers pace B36 / wingtips. Going quickly south 5/1/1952 #6231  
, IL 2 observer(s). 2 yellow disks pace airliner / lower altitude. 1 turns  7/8/1952 #6725  
re/others. Huge ship and 5 saucers pace going northeast / 20 minute(s). / r 6/29/1954 #9960  
4 bombers saw a disc-shaped object pace their planes (NICAP: 11 - Aviation  7/11/1954 #10008  
 minutes. They disappear at a fast pace.                                    10/18/1954 #11213  
 / airliner panic. 19 100' saucers pace. / MJ#259+/ r242p119.               11/21/1954 #11679  
inder/cigar-shape and domed saucer pace railroad/railway train going southw 11/1/1955 #12537  
 1 / plane. Flash. Swarm / objects pace airliner. Duck / clouds and return. 2/21/1956 #12734  
hree move off in a V formation and pace the ship for a short time. The ligh 6/18/1957 #13740  
ed star blinks. White night lights pace. Paralysis. Lights going up / field 11/16/1957 #14564  
but return quickly and continue to pace the train. Total time of observatio 10/3/1958 #15311  
ews and passengers. 3 300' saucers pace airline(s)/airliner. Not / RADAR. / 2/11/1959 #15585  
rline(s)/airliner crews. 3 saucers pace. / r46p27+/ APRO 3'59+/ r242+/ r143 2/24/1959 #15600  
, Japan. The object slowed down to pace the Lockheed jet trainer, and follo 11/29/1960 #16522  
ES, ARG Cops and 3. 2 night lights pace truck. 2 domed objects / roadside.  1/9/1962 #17017  
parent, 3-foot spheres that easily pace the speeding vehicle. Occasionally  Summer 1962 #17239  
st horizon. It seems to be keeping pace with them for several miles. Sudden 8/4/1963 #17863  
he side of the road, continuing to pace the van for a while, finally zoomin 10/31/1963 #18014  
ve away, the large object seems to pace their car for a short time. It then 5/13/1964 #18262  
 SR60 WITH VERO BEACH, FL 15+disks pace car / miles. Hide / other cars. / A 6/23/1964 (approximate) #18369  
e #8924. 4+2 night lights buzz and pace airliner. Vanish. / r70p3-100.      7/16/1964 #18413  
     Pacific Ocean, At Sea 3 ovals pace Flying Tiger crew (radar) (NICAP: 1 2/11/1965 #18807  
p about 5 miles off the wing. They pace the plane for 30 minutes, then spee 2/11/1965 #18809  
            TIDIOUTE, PA 2 objects pace 2 men / light plane. Jets pursue! O 11/9/1965 #19704  
ported. A train crew watched a UFO pace their train, pull ahead, hover, and 3/24/1966 #20064  
O with red, green and white lights pace his truck at two o'clock in the mor 3/28/1966 #20119  
 with colored blinking body lights pace above and ahead of heir car. A low  4/22/1966 #20364  
ir, and pursues their car, keeping pace at even 100 mph. The entity does no 11/15/1966 #21107  
ANGOLA Luminous points / clear sky pace and buzz airliner. Numerous observe 12/7/1966 #21189  
 saucers rise / field. Blow steam. Pace car. Big blast.                     12/25/1966 #21218  
ject moved up and down, slowed its pace, and appeared to be changing its sh 1/15/1967 #21314  
Larsen (Larson?) and Larry Pateof (Pace?) are driving by car 20 miles west  1/30/1967 #21418  
 CHICLAYO, PERU 2 70M cone saucers pace DC4 / 800km. Cabin lights dim. Radi 2/2/1967 #21437  
tes which maneuvered and seemed to pace his car. (NICAP report form, Los An 2/13/1967 #21535  
 = Deluce. 2 night lights / field. Pace car. Fly over house. / CUFOS.       3/23/1967 #21951  
e telephone wires but continued to pace him the rest of the way home. At ho 7/17/1967 #22683  
ckered in brightness. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, p. 6.) (NICAP: 02 - Close En 8/23/1967 #22899  
for about 30 seconds. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, p. 8.) (NICAP: 02 - Close En 8/29/1967 #22949  
red and moved around. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 29-34.) (NICAP: 02 - Clo 8/30/1967 #22959  
 for about 5 minutes. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 10, 34-35.) (NICAP: 02 - 8/31/1967 #22961  
ase with many facets. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 11,13, 40-43; witness in 9/2/1967 #22980  
tigators Roger Stanway and Anthony Pace that she "half imagined" she could  9/2/1967 #22984  
. No sound was heard. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, p. 14.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 9/5/1967 #23004  
 irregular intervals. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 14-15.) (NICAP: 02 - Clo 9/6/1967 #23010  
hind nearby rooftops. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, p. 15.) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 9/18/1967 #23081  
different directions. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, p. 16.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 9/20/1967 #23097  
for about 30 seconds. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, p. 16.) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 9/20/1967 #23098  
land BUFORA researchers Anthony R. Pace and Roger H. Stanway visit the S4 U 9/27/1967 #23136  
 pulsated off and on. (Stanway and Pace, p. 16.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 10/10/1967 #23203  
lluminated portholes. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 17, 44-46.) (NICAP: 02 - 10/17/1967 #23242  
around the center. (Stanway and f, Pace, 1968, p. 18.) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 10/27/1967 #23346  
bject, about 100 feet in diameter, pace his truck for about half a mile on  10/27/1967 #23352  
 clear, starry night. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, p. 18.) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 10/31/1967 #23377  
le, British researchers Anthony R. Pace and Roger H. Stanway visit the UK S 6/20/1968 #24054  
 6 large saucers exit huge object. Pace 2 / plane going west. Radio Frequen 8/22/1968 #24366  
 moved away then, but continued to pace them down the road. Once more it ma 11/25/1968 #24705  
        CYPRESS LAKE, FL 4 saucers pace 2 Cessnas. 1 grows legs and going d 11/26/1968 #24710  
Pilot. 4 50x30cm glowing footballs pace wingtips / 2500M altitude. Away and 6/17/1969 #25218  
e name Castillo had a bright light pace their car in Osuna, Sevilla provinc 12/22/1971 #26515  
erver(s). 3 very low round objects pace truck. / Newton Kansan.             6/19/1973 #27570  
ile the object, which continued to pace them, beamed a light in their direc 9/13/1973 #27815  
lanked by two glowing objects that pace it for several minutes, then speed  3/13/1974 #28880  
RTIENTES, SP 1M white night lights pace truck / 65km. Distance / 25M. Flash 4/10/1974 #29002  
usinessman and a teacher had a UFO pace their car as they drove on the road 5/15/1974 #29106  
ed fairly close and seemed to keep pace with the car. For a brief while the 5/31/1974 #29150  
ve to the rigt side of his car and pace it for 30 seconds before disappeari 11/5/1974 #29587  
cends to 1,000 feet, but they keep pace, one on each wingtip, the third abo 5/6/1975 #30041  
      OHATCHEE, AL Ovoids / woods. Pace car / 13 mile(s). CB Radio dead. Hi 2/18/1976 #30878  
ough several window-like openings, pace his aircraft with occasional bursts 3/11/1976 #30936  
omparable turn to port in order to pace the ship. The ship and the object b 4/23/1976 #31017  
ry quickly and they could not keep pace with it.                            6/3/1976 #31082  
ht. It was self-luminous, and kept pace with the car, flew over, then flew  6/25/1976 #31140  
ea since November 1976) is keeping pace with him as he moves up and down th Mid 1/1977 #31723  
It begins moving forward at a slow pace then stops above a ventilation pipe 1/21/1977 #31742  
NO, NSW, AUSTR 6-8 flashing lights pace 2 / car. No visible structure. / MJ 6/25/1977 #32192  
AUS Many observer(s). Night lights pace liner. Circle airport. Resume pacin 9/10/1977 #32476  
rives away, the lights continue to pace them for 6 miles, keeping 10–30 fee 9/17/1977 #32492  
20 mph, but the UFO keeps the same pace. As he reaches town the object clim 9/27/1977 #32528  
RPORT, CA 2 bright circular lights pace and buzz commuter plane. / MJ#181.  12/8/1977 #32745  
R and pilots. Fake landing lights. Pace plane. / MJ#146+/ r41p244.          12/20/1978 #34180  
    OFF KAIKOURA, NZ Domed objects pace cargo plane / 12 mile(s). Loop / fi 12/22/1978 #34196  
ne steady) appear to the right and pace the car at 85 mph, moving closer un 6/17/1980 #35379  
IA Several observer(s). 1+1 cigars pace Soviet airliner through cloud. 5 li 2/25/1981 #35842  
ighted area of town. The UFO keeps pace and moves closer, allowing the witn 7/12/1981 #36002  
Tasmania watched a metallic sphere pace the Boeing 737 aircraft for two min 6/27/1982 #36519  
Tasmania watched a metallic sphere pace the Boeing 737 aircraft for two min 6/27/1982 #36522  
eapolis, Minnesota. It matches the pace of the airplane until it reaches a  9/2/1982 #36593  
es faces / regular intervals. Jets pace.                                    10/16/1982 #36644  
ar slowed down, then come back and pace the car when the driver sped up. (S 12/21/1982 #36721  
ar slowed down, then come back and pace the car when the driver sped up. In 12/21/1982 #36724  
90 feet, moves at a gentle walking pace, and makes only a faint hum. As it  12/31/1982 #36733  
slowly, and dropped in altitude to pace their car. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 1/9/1984 #37121  
slowly, and dropped in altitude to pace their car. Its underside was criss- 1/9/1984 #37125  
ld, oval-shaped object appeared to pace their car. As they watched, the obj 1/21/1984 #37135  
have the object pull alongside and pace his vehicle. (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 1/22/1984 #37142  
sive turn, only to have the object pace them within 150 feet for 3 minutes. 1/22/1984 #37147  
s position, turns south, and keeps pace with the ship, gyrating for 3 minut Mid 6/1984 #37364  
 a disc-shaped object maneuver and pace their ship. The 25 meter in diamete 6/15/1984 #37365  
e lower disc, but at a much slower pace. Suddenly the UFO jumped up several 6/15/1984 #37365  
/ bus. 3 silent domed glow saucers pace bus. Completely smooth.             3/30/1986 (approximate) #37813  
 Two flat white lights continue to pace the airplane, then drop back and ar 11/17/1986 #38072  
VA 2 observer(s). 2 silent saucers pace truck / SR671 on drivers side. Veer 11/25/1986 #38076  
observer(s). Vibrant bright lights pace car / miles. Shoot straight going u 1/3/1988 #38388  
eze, Florida had a disc-shaped UFO pace his van. The UFO stayed just ahead  4/28/1988 #38547  
st one, then two “strange objects” pace them on their left. One is almost e 7/26/1989 #39033  
deduced the animal had a two meter pace                                     8/10/1989 #39051  
s saw some yellowish orange lights pace their car for several miles at abou 12/6/1989 #39301  
r, first hovered, then appeared to pace his automobile. It appeared to chan 4/18/1990 #39536  
vansille, Indiana at a slow steady pace and low altitude. Its multicolored  5/29/1990 #39598  
riangle east going west / moderate pace. Odd faint sound. / p.28.           11/24/1990 #39903  
a green glow. The object begins to pace his car which is traveling about 40 3/20/1992 #40394  
first they moved at a steady, slow pace, but then they accelerated as they  8/20/1992 #40586  
 hover / 6M altitude. Maneuver and pace car. Fast maneuvers. No structure.  1/1/1993 #40784  
ated to 90 mph but the object kept pace. As he watched in the rear view mir 11/29/1993 #41309  
bserver(s). 2 bright white objects pace car and zoom away / opposite direct 3/18/1995 #42109  
lowed, then moved away at a steady pace. At 8:35 all TV channels went off.  9/11/1995 #42455  
oved silently overhead at a steady pace in Colorado Springs, Colorado.      9/17/1995 #42479  
ENCE, RI 1 observer. 3 white balls pace airliner. Vanish and return / diffe 9/30/1995 #42521  
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at steady pace and a high altitude at 10:45 p.m. I 3/26/2000 #43969  
 toward the North at a fairly fast pace. It was viewed through binoculars b 8/24/2002 #44385  
rban area. It first flew at a slow pace, then sped off at an extremely fast 3/14/2004 #44677  
e figure flew at a reasonably fast pace. The moment she saw it she screamed 7/26/2004 #44717  
lights heading northeast at a slow pace and low altitude.                   5/9/2005 #44837  
nd. As the witnesses quicken their pace toward the building, the “winged be 8/9/2017 #45478  
## Word: "paced" (Back to Top)
hite lights which danced about it, paced in front of an automobile being dr 3/23/1905 #675  
descended to about 40,000 feet and paced the fighters for 3 minutes, then a 6/1944 #1599  
 TO/FROM SUMATRA B29 / bombing run paced. 2M sphere/orb/globe. 90° turns. G 8/10/1944 #1636  
 Sighting of maneuvering UFO which paced B-29 (Reida case) during mission.  8/10/1944 #1637  
pulsing, maneuvering ball of light paced a U.S. Army Air Force B-29 bomber  8/10/1944 #1639  
RTHEAST / STRASBOURG, FR US planes paced / 8-10 fast red Foo-Fighters. / LD 11/23/1944 #1702  
 5 to 10 miles distant. The object paced the aircraft, hovering at times. ( 5/25/1945 #1869  
ed up two small circular UFOs that paced the missile. One of the UFO’s pass 6/10/1949 #4229  
Alaska, route, an air freighter is paced for five minutes by a UFO. When th 1/1950 #4469  
t. A dark, five-foot diameter disc paced a car. When the driver stopped the 3/5/1950 #4583  
co a dark, five-foot diameter disc paced a car. When the driver stopped the 3/5/1950 #4584  
glowing disc-shaped object closely paced a jeep along a road in Nanyuki, Ke 12/2/1950 #5312  
cigar-shaped with no wings, and it paced their aircraft for a short while b 1/20/1951 #5408  
sh-white object circled around and paced an American Airlines flight 100 mi 5/22/1951 #5518  
    SOUTH / THULE, GRNLND B36 crew paced. RADAR jammed. Autopilot malfuncti 9/18/1951 #5674  
east of Abilene, Texas. The object paced the airliner for about one minute. 11/2/1951 #5764  
s)/airliner flight 610 crew. Liner paced / 20 minute(s)-turns back.         11/18/1951 #5777  
imate. Navy Sec. Kimball. 2 planes paced and buzzed / saucer. / speech.     3/15/1952 (approximate) #5958  
ase #2126. Unidentified. C124 crew paced / 2 green night lights. No ship /  9/26/1952 #8033  
s pilot reported round gray object paced plane. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Avia 1953 #8475  
        A U.S. Air Force C-119 was paced by an unknown object while flying  2/11/1953 #8665  
utheast of Vladivostok, Russia) is paced and attacked by 10 agile and highl 4/14/1953 #8824  
                 SKI, NORW 2 / car paced / domed saucer. Watches magnetized 11/1953 #9268  
c. of Air Force Talbott's aircraft paced by UFO over Fresno, CA             3/1954 #9574  
ecretary Talbot and several. Plane paced metal UFO. Flashes away. / MJ#251. 3/24/1954 #9636  
rver(s). 4 USAF bombers going west paced / saucers. / r242p22+/ r173p190.   7/11/1954 #10007  
lane.  One dark blue oblong object paced the C-47, veered away, then crosse 8/15/1954 #10144  
ted a dark blue oblong object that paced the C-47, veered away, then crosse 8/15/1954 #10145  
ralian Navy Hawker Sea Fury II was paced on either side by two dark, 50 met 8/31/1954 #10220  
 The crew discovers they are being paced by a missile-shaped object only 10 9/3/1954 #10239  
             Altoona, PA DC-6 Crew Paced By Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 9/26/1954 #10449  
          Waben (near), France UFO paced car. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 02 - Close 10/3/1954 #10656  
 Navy pilot reported that two UFOs paced his aircraft. The UFOs appeared on 12/15/1954 #11817  
to-face, and 120-130' in diameter, paced the B-25, showing both its edge an 1/1/1955 #11908  
A perfectly round, gray-white disc paced a pleasure boat for six minutes ni 7/9/1955 #12246  
perfectly round, grayish-white UFO paced a pleasure boat for six minutes. I 7/10/1955 #12248  
 SOUTH / KEY WEST, FL 2 / Navy jet paced / red night light. Shoots away / 2 7/28/1955 #12292  
ston, Texas at 6:07 p.m., and then paced them for 28 minutes. A Project Blu 2/19/1956 #12733  
       NEAR LEMMON, SD? USAF RB36H paced. Crew photographs domed metallic s 11/1956 (approximate) #13298  
                    In 1956 a disc paced a transport plane over Baltimore,  12/3/1956 #13387  
Horizonte, Brazil Disc-like object paced, maneuvered around airliner. [UFOE 6/30/1957 #13759  
e Janeiro, Brazil and subsequently paced the aircraft for 40 minutes. It ma 6/30/1957 #13760  
razil Disc with dome and portholes paced airliner. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - A 7/4/1957 #13776  
shaped object with a sphere on top paced a teenage driving in a car in Kyge 3/14/1959 #15645  
llic disc, six meters in diameter, paced a car on highway 124 southeast of  3/19/1959 #15653  
ng over Virginia at 3:10 a.m., was paced by a cigar-shaped object for ten m 10/7/1959 #16027  
              A disc-shaped object paced a car in Cumberland, Maryland at d 10/22/1959 #16053  
T / FT WILLIAM, ON 4 hunters / car paced / 50km. Stays / 15M altitude. / r1 10/25/1959 #16057  
ey did, and was white in color. It paced their car and remained with them f 10/25/1959 #16061  
   A red light 10 feet in diameter paced the Lewis family in their car in C 5/14/1960 #16278  
that illuminated the road. the UFO paced their car for one kilometer, makin 8/2/1960 #16364  
d from Cape Canaveral, Florida was paced by a UFO. Its radar signal was so  1/10/1961 #16575  
e DC-3 and circled the plane, then paced the aircraft as it flew to the nor 5/28/1961 #16702  
      Datil (near), NM Four lights paced car, maneuvered, shot away upward. 10/21/1961 #16921  
thin sight of an airliner and then paced the DC-4 aircraft near Aso-san, Ja 12/21/1961 #17002  
ie film of a grayish-white UFO. It paced the X-15 for five seconds, and the 7/17/1962 #17280  
ght on Highway 15 at 11:30 p.m. It paced the car to the woman's house, cros 8/4/1963 #17864  
ng white lights with reddish tinge paced an aircraft, twice turning and app 2/25/1964 #18137  
                At 6:17 p.m. a UFO paced a vehicle being driven by a man na 3/13/1964 #18149  
tion. The UFOs came from above and paced along the left side of their trans 4/20/1964 #18181  
      Fifteen or more flying discs paced a car on Highway 60 in Vero Beach, 6/23/1964 #18370  
ifteen or more disc-shaped objects paced a truck driver and his wife in Ver 6/24/1964 #18372  
object made head-on passes at car, paced ahead of it, hovering and darting  6/29/1964 #18382  
m. a huge domed disc-shaped object paced an airliner flying from Leningrad  7/12/1964 #18405  
white lights joined by two others, paced aircraft for five minutes          7/16/1964 #18419  
ichigan. They slowed rapidly, then paced his airplane for five minutes.     7/16/1964 #18423  
           At 8:50 p.m. seven UFOs paced a Quantas Airlines Electra flying  1/14/1965 #18730  
dar 5 miles off the wing. The UFOs paced the Flying Tiger freighter aircraf 2/11/1965 #18803  
bjects, tracked on airborne radar. Paced aircraft for 30 minutes, departed  2/11/1965 #18808  
and Tachikawa AFB, Japan. The UFOs paced the aircraft for 30 minutes. They  2/11/1965 #18811  
              Himeji, Japan Object paced plane (E-M) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases 3/18/1965 #18863  
sland, Australia Elliptical object paced airliner, accelerated and sped awa 5/28/1965 #18972  
 Queensland, Australia, when it is paced for 10–15 minutes by an oblate UFO 5/28/1965 #18973  
:25 a.m., and said they were being paced by a UFO. They took several photog 5/28/1965 #18974  
erville, Ontario, CAN Domed object paced car, climbed out of sight (UFOE II 7/20/1965 #19148  
ille, Ontario, Canada Domed object paced car, climbed out of sight          7/20/1965 #19150  
hen moved parallel to the road and paced their car at 50-80 mph for six min 9/25/1965 #19606  
n Francisco to Houston, Texas, was paced by a bright object just after take 1/16/1966 #19839  
s glowed green. One of the objects paced a car for 3 hours between Indio, C 3/11/1966 #19950  
ed and white flashing lights, that paced his car. The object then changed c 3/14/1966 #19961  
omed disc with a row of red lights paced a car along a country road, then s 3/14/1966 #19969  
t with projections on top. The UFO paced a car, swerving from side to side, 3/19/1966 #19992  
tted a brilliant white light as it paced a police car. It was described as  3/19/1966 #19995  
 underside chases 2 / car. Cop car paced. / r19p45.                         3/20/1966 #19999  
, green, and white body lights had paced his truck. When he blinked his hea 3/28/1966 #20110  
        Ocala, FL Governor's plane paced by globes (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 4/25/1966 #20413  
aydon Burns’s campaign airplane is paced by a UFO. Copilot Herb Bates first 4/25/1966 #20415  
he governor of Florida's plane was paced by two UFOs over Ocala, Florida. T 4/25/1966 #20418  
w-orange globe-shaped objects that paced the plane for about 40 miles. Witn 4/25/1966 #20418  
            A huge cone-shaped UFO paced a private aircraft being flown by  9/20/1966 #20903  
howls. Dog chases. Tracks end. Car paced by "Mothman".                      11/15/1966 #21103  
           NEAR SINTON, TX Trucker paced / flashing dome. Many cops see. Go 11/17/1966 #21112  
 piloted by Capt. Henrique Maia is paced by two luminous objects near Luand 12/7/1966 #21190  
hi-pitched noise, maneuvered, then paced a car at three a.m. near a farm tw 12/25/1966 #21221  
   OFF NORTHWEST / PERU DC8 / 35K' paced? Lights and V-beams quickly going  12/30/1966 #21224  
         Peru Two luminous objects paced Canadian Pacific Airlines plane at 12/30/1966 #21229  
 At 3:03 a.m. two luminous objects paced a Canadian Pacific Airlines plane  12/30/1966 #21231  
Ray shaped UFO with two lights. It paced their car for three minutes and la 1/16/1967 #21323  
          RIPON, WI Car going west paced / 220km / 18M glowing-ovoid. Hides 1/19/1967 #21346  
e funnel-shaped flying object that paced the Fawcett Airlines DC-4 passenge 2/2/1967 #21438  
                   Lima, Peru Cone paced airliner (E-M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 2/2/1967 #21439  
nd Lima, Peru when their plane was paced by a cone-shaped object. The aircr 2/2/1967 #21443  
ect hovered over the highway, then paced the car and was joined by the seco 2/6/1967 #21466  
 saw a luminous orange object that paced his truck. When he stopped his tru 2/23/1967 #21629  
 p.m. MST a luminous orange object paced a car in Boneta, Utah for ten minu 2/23/1967 #21637  
ing from the underside. The object paced her car and dipped low before disa 2/27/1967 #21672  
               Red Hill, NH Object paced car at 100 feet, dog reacted (NICA 3/3/1967 #21740  
ayes, SD Night. A family's car was paced at telephone-wire heiaht by a V-sh 3/5/1967 #21760  
orange light for a half hour as it paced their car at close range. The foll 3/13/1967 #21881  
nia saw a fiery orange object that paced their car for more than a mile, th 3/17/1967 #21912  
e C47+ground observer(s). Airliner paced / orange saucer. Circles. / r120p3 3/21/1967 #21928  
ng a humming noise, approached and paced the witnesses' car.                4/5/1967 #22069  
     Edmonton, Alberta, CAN Object paced airliner (radar) (NICAP: 09 - RADA 4/6/1967 #22076  
r 9:00 p.m. a reddish-orange light paced a Canadian Pacific Western airline 4/6/1967 #22084  
off, it went behind their car, and paced them for five minutes. The engine  4/21/1967 #22195  
flashed light beams onto a car and paced the car at J an estimated altitude 4/27/1967 #22229  
le legs skimmed over the trees and paced a car being driven by witnesses Ke 4/27/1967 #22236  
DT. A metallic-appearing gray disc paced ahead of a car, top section revolv 5/3/1967 #22270  
nia a gray metallic-appearing disc paced ahead of a car being driven by a M 5/3/1967 #22271  
 was a glass-like dome. The object paced the bus for 2 miles. (Clausen repo 6/1/1967 #22446  
n directly in front of his car. It paced him, keeping a distance of 15 to 2 7/17/1967 #22683  
ROM MIGUEL PERIERO, BRZ 1+2 / jeep paced / saucer. Responds / headlights. T 8/3/1967 #22780  
 to be spinning as they apparently paced the witnesses' car. (London Free P 10/1967 #23154  
eported that his freight train was paced by an unidentified object for 30 m 10/13/1967 #23232  
n estimated two blocks away. As it paced her car, she saw 2-3 white streaks 10/27/1967 #23343  
         Parshall, ND Sphere rose, paced car, which began steering hard. Ob 10/27/1967 #23347  
         Parshall, ND Sphere rose, paced car, which began steering hard. Ob 10/27/1967 #23349  
owing white elliptical object that paced their car for 30 minutes. It cross 2/13/1968 #23756  
O] IRON RANGE, QLD, AUSTR Airliner paced / UFO briefly. Shoots off / 1500mp 3/2/1968 #23803  
 feet from Cairns to Iron Range is paced by a UFO. About 50 feet of film is 3/2/1968 #23806  
LINA AND LINS, BRZ 2 separate cars paced / night lights and lit / beams. Re 10/12/1968 #24558  
NORTH / YELLOWKNIFE, NWT 3 / plane paced / saucer / 5 minute(s). Human shap 11/1968 #24609  
prus, FL Four bright, oval objects paced aircraft. Pilot turned plane towar 11/26/1968 #24717  
     Grey, S. AU Top-shaped object paced car, sped away (Section XII). 69Un 12/8/1968 #24751  
 South Australia Top-shaped object paced car, sped away                     12/8/1968 #24752  
l UFOs in the sky swooped down and paced a car with five teenage hunters in 12/15/1968 #24771  
 but then ran normally. The object paced the car for some distance quite lo 2/20/1969 #24935  
   Atlanta, MO Luminous red object paced ahead of car, effects associated w 3/4/1969 #24966  
bject emitting blinding light beam paced ahead of vehicle, heat felt. Light 3/4/1969 #24967  
headlights failed. The object then paced the car closely for 20 minutes at  3/12/1969 #25003  
 a.m. in Uba, Brazil an orange UFO paced and circled a car. The engine and  6/5/1969 #25203  
Interference (RFI) and static. Car paced / red glowing-object / 3mi. Going  7/21/1969 #25284  
aced the three miles home. The UFO paced him the entire distance and "moved 7/21/1969 #25290  
proached, drew alongside, and then paced his car for a few minutes. (2) Tha 8/5/1969 #25311  
4:30 a.m. a luminous ball of light paced a car driving between Saintes and  10/11/1969 #25407  
or, New South Wales, Australia was paced by a one-meter ball of light  for  1/5/1971 #25978  
rais region, Brazil Airline flight paced for 20 minutes by glowing orange d 8/9/1971 #26277  
ke two basins placed edge to edge, paced a plane flying from Belo Horizonte 8/9/1971 #26278  
 203 near Beausejour, Manitoba. It paced the car at a low altitude and flew 9/7/1972 #26980  
 low flying maneuvering light also paced a car occupied by a single eyewitn 1/11/1973 #27231  
                   GAFFNEY, SC Car paced / saucer. Radio Frequency Interfer 1/19/1973 #27242  
 static on his car radio as he was paced by an oval, metallic UFO.          1/27/1973 #27249  
w Zealand Intense blue-white light paced airliner for 20-25 seconds, naviga 2/2/1973 #27264  
The second UFO had an antenna, and paced a car. There were a total of four  2/11/1973 #27284  
iameter, violet disc-shaped object paced a car for 11 kilometers from Geren 5/15/1973 #27493  
      A yellow ovoid-shaped object paced cars near Gravatai, Rio Grande do  9/14/1973 #27822  
4 p.m. when an intensely white UFO paced their aircraft briefly. The two Sp 9/26/1973 #27871  
n, NH UFO with bright yellow light paced car, moved in front of it; motoris 11/2/1973 #28349  
s and night lights and orbs.. Cars paced. Maneuvers..                       11/18/1973 #28439  
 could only creep along as the UFO paced them only 30 meters away for the n 11/19/1973 #28449  
unters drove away the UFO silently paced their truck for half a mile on Hig 11/26/1973 #28468  
 on the wings. It moved slowly and paced their car on Route 252 in Paoli, P 11/29/1973 #28482  
 cigar-shaped object descended and paced a car with a mother and daughter i 12/1/1973 #28497  
 Observer(s) = B. R. Arroyo in car paced by ovoid / low altitude. No furthe 12/10/1973 #28544  
s car around 2:00 a.m. when he was paced by an ovoid UFO at low altitude ne 12/10/1973 #28551  
AR CALVERT, TX Crew / farm workers paced / object / treetop altitude. Stops 12/19/1973 #28580  
 At 9:00 p.m. a disc-shaped object paced a car with six witnesses north of  1/5/1974 #28650  
       Ely, NV Round orange object paced, approached truck, E-M effects on  2/14/1974 #28771  
       EAST / LATROBE, TASM 2 cars paced / 2 days / triangular night light  2/25/1974 #28800  
with three rounded corners, and it paced their vehicle. The object was abou 2/27/1974 #28811  
lanked by two glowing objects that paced it for several minutes, then sped  3/13/1974 #28879  
 him at a low altitude. The object paced his car at a distance of some 70 m 6/14/1974 #29193  
 a Canadian armed forces pilot, is paced by a UFO over Grand Falls, Newfoun 10/10/1974 #29512  
        A blue, oval-shaped object paced a car in Aveley, Essex, England at 10/27/1974 #29561  
   NEAR SHABBONA, IL Private pilot paced / 36m silver saucer. Mag.compass r 11/24/1974 #29604  
ended from 8,000 to 6,000 feet and paced a Fokker F-27 IB aircraft for one  11/24/1974 #29606  
n the same night a circular object paced a private aircraft flying over Sha 11/24/1974 #29607  
se at 4-5 rpm. The circular object paced his aircraft for 10 seconds, then  11/28/1974 #29620  
ront of them; then it approached & paced the car at a distance of 24 ft. Ab 1/8/1975 #29733  
ngo Lake, Mexico Three domed discs paced small aircraft, one off each wing  5/3/1975 #30023  
      US2 EAST / NASHUA, MT 3 cops paced / 14 mile(s). Night light hovers / 11/10/1975 #30587  
er with a dome on top. After being paced for 60 kilometers, they stopped to 2/17/1976 #30877  
 the UFO moved across the road and paced them again at varying distances un 2/17/1976 #30877  
ported that lights high in the sky paced their car for 13-14 miles from Cha 2/18/1976 #30880  
Okatchee, The two objects that had paced the car were egg-shaped and glowin 2/18/1976 #30880  
ported that lights high in the sky paced their car for 13-14 miles from Cha 2/18/1976 #30881  
 working. The two objects that had paced the car were egg-shaped and glowin 2/18/1976 #30881  
MAJORCA Iberia airline(s)/airliner paced / long object with bright light. R 3/11/1976 #30932  
    Palma de Majorca, Spain Object paced airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 3/11/1976 #30935  
             In 1976 a flying disc paced a car with three people inside ver 3/19/1976 #30949  
uminous UFO shaped like coolie hat paced a car in the desert near Alamogord 5/21/1976 #31069  
uminous UFO shaped like coolie hat paced a car in the desert near Alamogord 5/21/1976 #31070  
   GASPESIE PROV PARK, QB Fog. Car paced / red spotlight and malfunctions d 8/6/1976 #31237  
meter where it struck the road. It paced their car for several miles, alway 8/6/1976 #31241  
THWEST / WHITEHORSE, YKN Ambulance paced / Brill ovoid. Electrics electro-m 12/26/1976 #31631  
 men named Banks and Schofield was paced for 22 minutes by two oval-shaped  12/26/1976 #31632  
            PLANTATION, FL 1 / car paced by saucer. Erratic motion. 2nd sau 1/13/1977 #31719  
on, Florida 12:30 a.m. A driver is paced by a UFO shaped like a flattened f 1/13/1977 #31720  
in Plantation, Florida had her car paced by a disc-shaped object. It engage 1/13/1977 #31721  
                OXFORD, OH 2 / car paced by white night light-saucer. Descr 4/29/1977 #32033  
ed by another female passenger was paced by a white glowing object for thre 4/29/1977 #32034  
ed by another female passenger was paced by a white glowing objectin Oxford 4/29/1977 #32037  
a three meter wide nocturnal light paced their car. The color of the object 6/3/1977 #32145  
, three witnesses, saucer hovered, paced car. (CIQ,24) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 10/1977 #32538  
     MT. MAGNET, WEST AUST 2 / car paced / night light. Night lights land.  10/17/1977 #32583  
                Troy, MO Light a/c paced for three minutes, E-M (NICAP: 11  11/18/1977 #32684  
ound, only 20 meters away. It then paced the car for two minutes.           12/10/1977 #32757  
. Atlantic, At Sea Circular object paced TWA for 20 minutess (NICAP: 11 - A 12/22/1977 #32806  
ed blinking lights top and bottom, paced airliner for 20 minutes. Emitted g 12/22/1977 #32807  
al light about 27 feet in diameter paced a car 30 meters away. The two witn 12/30/1977 #32819  
al light about 27 feet in diameter paced a car 30 meters away. The two witn 12/30/1977 #32822  
erical OVJ in center / large glow. Paced airliner. No further details.      1/7/1978 #32858  
lia a 30-year-old truck driver was paced by a UFO on the Eyre Highway at ar 2/5/1978 #32956  
n bright orange-white lights which paced his plane, climbed rapidly, then s 2/5/1978 #32958  
 red and white lights in the front paced the car of two students, ages 21 a 6/10/1978 #33265  
 red and white lights in the front paced the car of two students, ages 21 a 6/10/1978 #33267  
s). Shoots going quickly east. Car paced one hour earlier.                  8/7/1978 #33482  
9:00 PM. Light with whirring noise paced car for several minutes. (IUR,3,9) 8/7/1978 #33484  
ular object with two yellow lights paced a "Tristar" airliner from Heathrow 11/23/1978 #33990  
ain. It hovered over their car and paced it for several miles. The witnesse 12/10/1978 #34086  
           Pomeroy, WA A large UFO paced a car with three women inside. The 12/14/1978 #34120  
in Pomeroy, Washington a large UFO paced a car with three women inside. The 12/14/1978 #34130  
              KAIKOURA, NZ TV crew paced. RADAR and good films. Cone-saucer 12/31/1978 #34233  
       RADENCI, SLOVENIA, YUGO Car paced / large glowing-sphere. Anticipate 3/30/1979 #34494  
-meter in diameter disc-shaped UFO paced a car at 11:20 a.m. for two minute 8/25/1979 #34776  
five 6-pointed star-shaped objects paced a police Cessna airplane with thre 9/9/1979 #34854  
N TO/FROM WINDERMERE, TASM 4 / car paced / red misty glow / 15 minute(s). N 10/7/1979 #34949  
car, and they in turn took off and paced her car. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 7/18/1980 #35418  
car, and they in turn took off and paced her car. It was her impression tha 7/18/1980 #35419  
ers altitude in Ross, Tasmania and paced a car. When the car approached a h 2/3/1981 #35813  
ers altitude in Ross, Tasmania and paced a car. When the car approached a h 2/3/1981 #35814  
 northwest of Tallinn, Estonia was paced by two orange, elongated objects a 2/25/1981 #35843  
 northwest of Tallinn, Estonia was paced by two orange, elongated objects a 2/25/1981 #35845  
   TACUAREMBO, URU Cop and 3 / car paced / 28 mile(s) / saucer. Responds /  3/1981 #35850  
ith gold, red and green lights. It paced their car along a back road, makin 7/12/1981 #36003  
op shaped UFO with a spinning ring paced an airplane off its left wing over 8/8/1981 #36063  
op shaped UFO with a spinning ring paced an airplane off its left wing over 8/8/1981 #36065  
n, southwest of Starks, Maine. It  paced the sheriff's car and prevented th 11/28/1981 #36236  
 large, multicolored flying object paced a commercial aircraft for 82 minut 2/8/1982 #36325  
 large, multicolored flying object paced a commercial aircraft for 82 minut 2/8/1982 #36328  
r 82 minutes. VASP flight #169 was paced by the UFO from Pernambuco state n 2/8/1982 #36328  
 the road, made a U-turn, and then paced the car for 15 blocks. It flew awa 3/30/1982 #36418  
 the road, made a U-turn, and then paced the car for 15 blocks. It flew awa 3/30/1982 #36420  
 A mushroom cap shaped flying disc paced two people in a car. It had hazy l 4/7/1982 #36437  
 A mushroom cap shaped flying disc paced two people in a car in Fort Wayne, 4/7/1982 #36439  
ct, with a convex curved rear end, paced a car being driven by two teenager 4/8/1982 #36441  
ct, with a convex curved rear end, paced a car being driven by two teenager 4/8/1982 #36443  
 South Wales, AU A nocturnal light paced a car in Bowna, New South Wales, A 5/23/1982 #36484  
    At 3:30 a.m. a nocturnal light paced a car in Bowna, New South Wales, A 5/23/1982 #36485  
           NEAR JASPER, NY 3 / car paced / gold ovoid. Lands / ridge. Going 1/21/1984 #37134  
oot diameter, white glowing saucer paced their car for three minutes at onl 1/22/1984 #37149  
ooked larger than a Boeing 747. It paced his truck for five minutes. (NICAP 3/21/1984 #37234  
ooked larger than a Boeing 747. It paced his truck for five minutes. He rep 3/21/1984 #37238  
oshen, Connecticut a row of lights paced car on a rural road at 9:30 p.m. T 9/17/1984 #37462  
PM. A 30 foot long X-shaped object paced a car for 20 minutes along a highw 12/30/1984 #37535  
.m. a 30 foot long X-shaped object paced a car for 20 minutes along a highw 12/30/1984 #37536  
70 empty cars and a locomotive, is paced by a strange object for 31 miles f 2/1985 #37552  
overed ahead of car; second object paced alongside car, bright illumination 9/15/1985 #37662  
overed ahead of car. Second object paced alongside car, bright illumination 9/15/1985 #37663  
disc with portholes around the rim paced cars at ten o'clock in the evening 9/15/1985 #37664  
                 Three domed discs paced a bus in Caraguatatuba, Brazil at  3/30/1986 #37814  
all of light rose from a field and paced a car on SR highway 201 for three  9/7/1986 #38020  
ensland, AU Bright blue-green oval paced ahead of car, buzzing sound, forwa 10/20/1986 #38051  
 on US Highway 1. Two silent discs paced a truck on SR 671 northeast of Win 11/25/1986 #38078  
Some very bright lights in the sky paced a car for several miles around 5 p 1/3/1988 #38390  
 a.m. when their car started being paced by a mysterious light. It followed 1/20/1988 #38423  
T / BLUBBERHOUSES, NORTH YORKS Bus paced briefly / yellow saucer. Going qui 2/3/1988 #38438  
at several bright nocturnal lights paced their bus for 10 minutes at 12:10  10/10/1988 #38668  
             PENSACOLA, FL 2 / car paced / 20' saucer. Goes. (1 observer(s) 3/8/1989 #38866  
nd reported that a cone-shaped UFO paced a car. Lights on object turned cou 7/12/1989 #39018  
              A bright white light paced a car driving on the A5 highway ne 9/17/1989 #39111  
 with columns of light, which then paced their vehicle at close range in Hu 10/27/1989 #39189  
, HUNGARY Hung.af training flights paced / orange UFO's. Invisible to RADAR 11/13/1989 (approximate) #39227  
an Air Force training flights were paced by orange UFOs near Kecskemet, Hun 11/13/1989 #39229  
t with flashing, blue-green lights paced ahead of car. MUFON UFO Journal, A 1/20/1990 #39382  
ery object with two rows of lights paced just ahead of car for two to three 1/20/1990 #39383  
rmi II nuclear reactor. The object paced in front of car, emitting "sparks" 2/11/1990 #39416  
 IL Brilliant white pulsating oval paced truck, hovered over road, instant  3/2/1990 #39440  
 IL Brilliant white pulsating oval paced truck, hovered over road, instant  3/2/1990 #39441  
              Concepcion, Paraguay Paced Cessna 210 & airliner, R/V, E-M. ( 6/8/1991 #40090  
r tracked reddish oval object that paced a small aircraft and hovered above 6/8/1991 #40091  
 a reddish oval-shaped object that paced a small aircraft and then hovered  6/8/1991 #40093  
t buzzed a Japanese airliner, then paced a Cessna for 25 minutes.           6/8/1991 #40093  
5-foot-wide green, domed disc that paced his patrol car. The engine, lights 3/19/1992 #40390  
o orange, then back to white, then paced their car, and finally turned ruby 7/18/1992 #40526  
     ALTON, WILTS, ENGL Seti group paced and zapped. Gear messed with. Fire 7/24/1992 #40532  
re-Loire, France had their vehicle paced by a bluish UFO. The form of the o 5/16/1993 #40983  
      CHALON-SUR-SAONE, FR 2 / car paced / luminous/glowing saucer. 2nd hov 10/17/1993 #41236  
self directly overhead. The object paced their car for ten miles, and then  11/29/1993 #41309  
linking strobe-light flying object paced a car on US highway 285 near Sagua 6/5/1994 #41553  
     In 1995 two bright white UFOs paced a car southwest of Falkirk, Scotla 3/18/1995 #42110  
            A manta ray-shaped UFO paced a car for several miles near Kairi 4/22/1995 #42171  
ges, and moved slowly. It may have paced the witness.                       6/25/1995 #42275  
 At 11:50 p.m. an intense fireball paced an airliner while flying over Phil 4/12/1996 #42864  
e, Brazil a luminous flying object paced an Orion aircraft for several minu 11/28/1996 #43125  
ct with two headlights continually paced a bread delivery truck starting at 8/15/1997 #43383  
                     A white light paced a truck in Burnaby, British Columb 10/16/1999 #43861  
ows airliner going east. Perfectly paced.                                   2/18/2000 #43952  
near New Plymouth. One of the UFOs paced a car, hovering 100 feet overhead  1/1/2001 #44115  
nes parallel to the road, and then paced the car. It responded to the flash 1/2/2001 #44116  
allic sphere or disc-shaped object paced a T-33 trainer with a military pil 3/26/2001 #44151  
oast of Ireland at 41,000 feet was paced by a bright red UFO. It stopped mi 10/23/2003 #44612  
 over Lindsay, Ontario, Canada. It paced the witness's vehicle for 10-15 mi 9/29/2004 #44763  
## Word: "pacemaker" (Back to Top)
es / very low altitude. / Carolina Pacemaker 3.11.73. No further details.   11/1/1973 #28334  
## Word: "pacer" (Back to Top)
 above the flight line behind the “Pacer Fence.” The source mentions there  12/15/2010 #45307  
## Word: "paces" (Back to Top)
es from the object. He walks a few paces and steps into a buggy, which Inma Late 3/1873 #200  
  BASS STRAIT, AUS 50M domed ovoid paces RAAF plane. Turns 2X. Dives / sea. 8/1942 (approximate) #1424  
r disk / 50k'. Going down [to] and paces / 3 minutes. Going quickly north.  6/5/1944? #1603  
 NORW 3 / RAF 9th Squadron. Sphere paces plane. Speeds and slows. No furthe 11/22/1944 #1698  
TRIA Light and heat. Orange saucer paces going quickly southwest. No flak.  11/24/1944 #1703  
E, GERM Red ball going up [to] and paces US fighters. Can't shake it. Rises 12/24/1944 #1732  
R LINZ, AUSTRIA Solid crystal ball paces B24 12M from gunner's window.      4/1945 #1833  
 1600' silent cylinder/cigar-shape paces ship. Spotlights going down / sea. 7/3/1947 (approximate) #2572  
 Center, KS 30-50' Circular Object Paces B-25, Accelerates (NICAP: 11 - Avi 7/6/1947 #2804  
lightly lower than their plane. It paces them for a while then shoots off.  7/6/1947 #2808  
ucers north going quickly south. 1 paces car. 2 good photos. / r192p321+/ r 7/19/1947 #3200  
. Cpl. Luke Sims is able to run 10 paces to a field telephone before it van 3/8/1949 #4041  
 observer(s). Saucers / 30k kph. 1 paces balloon going east. / MJ#252+/ r29 4/24/1949 #4100  
        NEAR BLOOMFIELD, NM Object paces car. Car stops. Dark 5' saucer cir 3/5/1950 (approximate) #4579  
tary Air Traffic Controllers. Blip paces jets. 4 blips to 2052h. 2500mph ve 3/9/1950 #4596  
ND, IN All / TWA DC3 / 2K'. Saucer paces DC3 / 8 minute(s). Veers going nor 4/27/1950 #4904  
anks right again, while the object paces the airliner about 20–30 seconds b 5/29/1950 #4972  
ett, California A cigar-shaped UFO paces a United Airlines plane (Capt. E.  6/24/1950 #5004  
RTLAND, OR Long "sharpened pencil" paces plane / higher altitude through tu 8/20/1950 #5129  
r(s). Pearly glowing saucer spins. Paces jeep. Bee buzz sound.              12/2/1950 #5306  
cigar-shape circles and maneuvers. Paces DC3. Going quickly northwest. / MJ 1/20/1951 #5405  
Green glowing-cylinder/cigar-shape paces plane. Bursts into red fireballs g 11/2/1951 #5758  
F / B29. Orange fireball / sphere. Paces plane / 5 min. No further details. 1/29/1952 #5879  
escribed as a “huge ball of fire,” paces two B-29s on the same night, 80 mi 1/29/1952 #5886  
 AIR FORCE BASE, CA Strange object paces USAF B25 / 30 minutes. 90 minute(s 6/18/1952 #6532  
March AFB (100 miles E of), CA UFO Paces B-25 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases,  6/18/1952 #6538  
   SPOTSYLVANIA CO, VA Blue saucer paces flight 611. DC4 turns on lights. S 7/13/1952 #6788  
m-colored box drops over airliner. Paces just above. Going quickly west.    8/15/1952 #7603  
Y, PA Several / ground. Round disk paces 3 planes going west. Repositions f 9/7/1952 #7872  
UTH / DOUGLASS, KS 11m domed ovoid paces 2 military / car / low altitude. F 9/15/1952 #7952  
 22K' altitude. Luminous white dot paces. Sudden turns.                     10/1/1952 #8078  
bean Sea, At Sea Bright Red Object Paces Aircraft (Photo ?) (NICAP: 11 - Av 11/21/1952 #8314  
ut 1,000 feet overhead, slows, and paces the aircraft. When the Squadron Co 1953 #8477  
s, Tunisia, and Tripoli, Libya UFO Paces C-119 Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 2/11/1953 #8663  
 30cm white night light buzzes and paces C47. Makes 90-turn upward and gone 2/13/1953 #8672  
 Bright blue night light drops and paces plane. Speeds away. No further det 4/8/1953 #8809  
] going down [to] 1500'. Stops and paces C54. Drops back and gone.          1/28/1954 #9504  
owing UFO crosses bay 4X. Fireball paces plane. Busy all month / USAF.      4/21/1954 #9699  
ots. 6' orange fireball buzzes and paces T6 trainers. Rapid maneuvers.      5/1954 #9737  
CIFIC 147° 12W-26° 05N Night light paces Air Force-C124 / 5 minute(s). Retu 5/13/1954 #9782  
c Controllers and F51. Night light paces F81 / 45 minute(s). Turns going so 6/23/1954 #9932  
      WABEN TO/FROM RUE, FR Saucer paces 3 / car / several km. Going quickl 10/3/1954 #10643  
/ CARNARVON, WEST AUST Dark object paces car / 25km. Flash pattern repeats  12/15/1954 #11811  
saucer ESE going quickly [to] WNW. Paces jet / 7 minute(s).                 1/1/1955 #11904  
    Cochise, NM Huge Metallic Disc Paces B-25 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases,  1/1/1955 #11907  
ht. Red and white sphere/orb/globe paces jet / 5 minute(s). Steady climb /  2/1/1955 #11957  
op-saucer with portholes and rings paces airliner. Radio Frequency Interfer 2/2/1955 #11961  
r. Odd night light maneuvers. Then paces passing plane.                     2/7/1955 #11978  
ep right turn but the object still paces the plane. When the Beechcraft’s e 3/24/1955 #12059  
nder/cigar-shape over road. Hides. Paces. Cows stampede. / r139#4.          4/28/1955 #12102  
 Angeles. 25 / airliner. Metal UFO paces / 45 minute(s). Not on RADAR!      8/20/1955 #12376  
 and passengers / DC3. Night light paces plane / 5 minute(s). 850mph. High- 10/31/1955 #12532  
w Zealand 8:06 p.m. A flying light paces New Zealand National Airways DC-3  11/1/1955 #12540  
e object, which changes course and paces the airplane at the same speed. Af 1956 #12636  
tense white night light buzzes and paces / 28 minute(s).                    2/19/1956 #12730  
RHODESIA Blue-glowing disk on edge paces 2 / car going south. Instant shift 5/28/1956 (approximate) #12871  
range umbrella top / 30M altitude. Paces fast car. Up and away.             8/1956 #13034  
 it tilts, shoots to one side, and paces them at a distance of 300 feet. It Fall 1956 #13237  
       WARRENSBURG, MO Orange ball paces 3 / car. Small blue objects exit / 6/5/1957 #13703  
     NEAR CAMPOS, BRZ Domed saucer paces and maneuvers all over/all about a 7/4/1957 #13775  
 silver object like disk flipping. Paces bomber plane.                      11/8/1957 #14467  
H, SCOTLAND 14 observer(s). Saucer paces and buzzes truck. Turns going quic 11/8/1957 #14473  
ng beam. Quickly going up [to] and paces car.                               11/17/1957 #14569  
     CARACAS, VNZ Engineer. Object paces Sputnik. Veers away and back! Time 12/18/1957 #14744  
PORA, BRZ 5 observer(s). 5M saucer paces jeep / 2 hours. 2nd saucer circles 12/21/1957 #14751  
radio. Lights dim. 6M metal saucer paces. / MJ#251+/ r242p75.               3/19/1959 #15650  
ST / SVENBORG, DK Saucer / ground. Paces bicycle / 5km / 6M altitude. Lumin 4/15/1959 #15703  
. Brief beams going up. Small disk paces maneuvers. 2nd sphere shows.       8/10/1959 #15900  
RES Navy crew. Very large fireball paces USS chambers / 10 kts / 1 hr. 150M 10/3/1959 #16012  
C Crew and 1. Cylinder/cigar-shape paces airliner going southwest / 10 minu 10/7/1959 #16024  
 AND MORE/OTHERS Blue ball / light paces car / miles. Stops with car 6X. Se 11/6/1959 #16081  
BIG GUESS Several brass. 2000' UFO paces flying tigers plane. RADAR-visual. 2/15/1960 #16176  
     NEAR PUERTO RICO Luminous UFO paces Venezuelan.airliner / 20 minute(s) 7/2/1960 #16325  
dentified. 2 / T33 trainer. "Star" paces plane. Vanishes. / r185.           11/29/1960 #16517  
    Kyushu (South of), Japan Light Paces T-33 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases,  11/29/1960 #16519  
3° 40W-19° 48S Radars. Huge object paces Polaris missile test. / r211p55.   1/10/1961 (approximate) #16566  
erver(s). Small disc / night light paces USAF jet. / r185.                  4/24/1961 #16658  
vel. Going up [to] and circles and paces DC3 going northeast.               5/28/1961 (approximate) #16701  
ts / 4 night lights. Maneuvers and paces. Quickly going up / town. / r24v2# 10/21/1961 #16920  
neuver. 1 emits sphere/orb/globe / paces DC4. Photographs.                  12/21/1961 #16999  
ving beneath the silent object. It paces them for a short time then moves a 1962 #17007  
   ESPORA NAS, ARG Luminous saucer paces plane. Lights cockpit. Radio Frequ 5/22/1962 #17188  
     COSMONAUT V.BYKOVSKY Oval UFO paces Russian space capsule for some tim 6/18/1963 #17790  
eparate truckers. 40' domed saucer paces truck / 20 minute(s) up hill. Tilt 7/26/1963 #17853  
 WAYNE, IL 7 observer(s). Fireball paces car / 6mi. Car and radio and phone 8/4/1963 #17861  
           MT. VERNON, IL Fireball paces and circles car / 30 min. Electro- 8/8/1963 #17878  
/ WILTON, ND Luminous round object paces private pilot 15km back. Going qui 6/10/1964 #18341  
and more/others. Huge domed saucer paces airliner. Going quickly [to] away. 7/12/1964 #18403  
R HIMEJI AND MATSUYAMA, JPN Object paces airliner / 55 mile(s). Radio Frequ 3/18/1965 #18862  
 Osaka (near Himeji), Japan Object Paces Japanese Airliner (NICAP: 03 - EME 3/21/1965 #18871  
         NEAR NILES, MI 11M saucer paces trucks. Responds / flashing lights 3/28/1966 #20105  
ting lights. 1 going down [to] and paces car / 1000'. / Catena.             3/29/1966 #20122  
nknown. 25M domed saucer / windows paces car. Truck tire noise. / USAF Tech 4/18/1966 #20324  
rc. When it reaches Ursa Major, it paces along the Big Dipper, then turns a 10/31/1966 #21053  
ry very fast saucer slows / 90kph. Paces car / malfunctions due to EME (ele 11/30/1966 #21162  
 power outage. Domed glowing-disk. Paces car. / r41p325.                    1/18/1967 #21336  
reen cigars with rows / windows. 1 paces car. 2nd on ground joins. Both goi 2/6/1967 #21464  
se #11383. 1 observer. Night light paces car / 5-6 minute(s). Fading edges. 2/16/1967 #21558  
#11384. Ex-airman. Orange-red dome paces truck. Going [to] behind trees. /  2/20/1967 #21600  
re hovers / road. Beam going down. Paces car. Speedo and watch electro-magn 2/21/1967 #21609  
EITH.ND Misty ovoid? with 3 lights paces cop car. 18 mm / airline(s)/airlin 3/2/1967 #21722  
r. V-delta/triangle/box-like craft paces car / low altitude. Light humming  3/5/1967 #21758  
DUCHESNE Orange saucer follows and paces car / county road. Door visible..  3/13/1967 #21879  
 / VAUGH, MT Luminous round object paces 2 / car. Many calls / radio statio 3/26/1967 #21991  
llic band nears car. Backs off and paces car / news.                        4/5/1967 #22057  
    REDVALE, CO 100' saucer. Heat. Paces car / malfunctions due to EME (ele 4/6/1967 #22073  
bject that flies erratically as it paces the aircraft, then speeds away. Co 4/6/1967 #22081  
er(s). Saucer hovers / streetlamp. Paces car / malfunctions due to EME (ele 4/12/1967 #22114  
WA 4 / car. Night light buzzes and paces. Car malfunctions due to EME (elec 4/22/1967 #22202  
PHIA, PA Metallic disk low / road. Paces ahead / car. Quickly going up [to] 5/3/1967 #22268  
K Metallic saucer with glassy dome paces school bus. Responds / headlights. 6/1/1967 #22440  
   NEAR ISLAMORADA, FL Night light paces car. Goes when oncoming car seen.  7/20/1967 #22706  
t long, glowing blue and white. It paces the ship for 15 minutes, then sudd 7/30/1967 #22753  
 from red to orange and blue as it paces the aircraft for 15 minutes, bobbi 8/6/1967 #22831  
own hovers / field / 37M altitude. Paces 2 / car both sides / road.         8/10/1967 #22855  
. GHEORGE, ROM 6M saucer with tail paces ferryboat. U-turn back going west. 9/18/1967 #23080  
N, IA Sonic boom. Moon-size object paces 2 cops / car. Quickly going down / 10/8/1967 #23192  
ses blue-glowing sphere/orb/globe. Paces car. Yellow rectangle hovers near  10/22/1967 #23283  
n estimated two blocks away. As it paces her car, she sees 2–3 white light  10/27/1967 #23351  
 object then hovers above a field, paces the truck again, hovers, paces the 10/27/1967 #23352  
ld, paces the truck again, hovers, paces the truck again (stopping when it  10/27/1967 #23352  
L CAJON, CA Pilot. 12M bell saucer paces plane going east / 55km. Going qui 11/26/1967 #23513  
       LANSING, NY Red night light paces car. Beam. Voice says "your friend 12/12/1967 #23570  
ARLISLE, PA 2 nurses. 9M flat disk paces car / 3 km. Swerves in front. See  1/12/1968 #23659  
S-DE-BIGORRE, FR Silent 30M saucer paces 2 / car / long valley. Going quick 3/15/1968 #23842  
        BEAUSEJOUR, MBA 12M saucer paces truck. Lights PR 12. Hums. Colored 4/3/1968 #23885  
y Ford II and several. 600' saucer paces plane / 60 mn. / MJ#240+/ r11p118. 4/16/1968 #23908  
GATE, CO 4 observer(s). Red saucer paces car / miles. Thumping radio Radio  4/23/1968 #23918  
ELL, NM Odd object makes 90° turn. Paces car / 10 minute(s). 3 beams / fron 6/20/1968 #24052  
uminous ball stops / intersection. Paces tractor / 90° turn. Vanishes!      7/11/1968 #24167  
cular object shoots rainbow beams. Paces car. Shoots away.                  7/22/1968 #24200  
s). Domed disk with square windows paces bus closely. / r224p101.           8/22/1968 #24365  
RIFE, CANARY ISLANDS 20cm fireball paces airliner. Lights interior blue. Zi 9/17/1968 #24472  
 SOUTH AUST Top-saucer going down. Paces car. Suddenly shoots away / extrem 12/8/1968 #24748  
 Luminous 10M cylinder/cigar-shape paces car / low altitude. Blows dust and 2/20/1969 #24932  
)/airliner crew. Bright red object paces. Quickly going down. Quickly going 2/25/1969 #24942  
        GLADSTONE, QLD, AUS Saucer paces and hovers over 2 cars. Headlights 3/19/1969 #25027  
RZ 7 / car / mountains. Orange UFO paces and circles. Radio Radio Frequency 6/5/1969? #25201  
ES TO/FROM ROYAN, FR Luminous ball paces car in front. Sways Left and Rt.4X 10/11/1969 #25404  
OOK, BC 7 observer(s). Night light paces and buzzes car northbound / PR95 r 10/15/1969? #25415  
imate. Headlights go out as 7' UFO paces car. OK afterward.                 5/1970 (approximate) #25649  
   NEAR PENRITH,, AUST Im fireball paces car closely / 13 minute(s). Goes w 1/5/1971 #25977  
r road. Car starts and night light paces to town. / TUFOIC.                 5/1971 #26088  
   NEAR GLEICHEN, ALTA Night light paces car. Car lifted 2' over road. Sets 5/14/1971 #26108  
r 15m overhead. Car starts. Saucer paces..                                  5/18/1971 #26116  
/ car. 30 red-glowing round object paces car / miles / northwest coast.     5/23/1971 #26123  
UTH / PRATINHA, BRZ Washtub-saucer paces plane / 20 minute(s) going west. A 8/9/1971 #26275  
minous/glowing ball / 10M altitude paces car to Navekvarn. Exact same 14 Ap 4/13/1972 #26643  
 DURBAN, RSA 727 crew. Night light paces liner. Shoots going quickly southw 7/1/1972 #26751  
 / light plane. Star maneuvers and paces plane. Magnetic compass deviates.  7/10/1972 #26785  
          NEAR KARLSTAD, MN Saucer paces. Responds / flashlight. Car malfun 8/1972 #26859  
orange sphere/orb/globe rushes and paces car to 75mph. Circles overhead at  8/22/1972 #26947  
 AUSTR Several / car. Large saucer paces car. Lands. / Essex Weekly 23.11.7 8/27/1972 #26959  
RLINGTON, CO 3 / US385. 12M saucer paces car / 3mi. Quickly going up [to] a 9/13/1972 #26988  
reball going up / ground. Flashes. Paces 737. Going quickly southeast / sea 1/8/1973 #27225  
liner. Intense blue-white fireball paces. Compasses spin 12 rpm. / r175+/ r 2/2/1973 #27260  
nna. Delta/triangle/box-like craft paces car.                               2/11/1973 #27281  
       EAST / MCALESTER, OK Saucer paces cargo DC8. 3 figure(s) / dome. Hid 2/14/1973 #27286  
A 2 observer(s). Large bright disk paces car / 8mi. Jet sound. Car shudders 4/8/1973 #27415  
VILLA, SP HWY521. 1M violet saucer paces car / 11+km. No other cars. / r50p 5/15/1973 #27488  
 clouds. 90-turns and maneuvers. 1 paces plane.                             6/12/1973 #27562  
MULLUMBIMBI, NSW Bright red object paces ahead / car. Follows winding road  9/2/1973 #27745  
5' saucer buzzes jeep 2' overhead. Paces / 1 mile. No RADAR. / MJ#188.      9/8/1973 #27776  
RAVATAI, BRZ 4 / car. Yellow ovoid paces cars. No electro-magnetic effect ( 9/14/1973 #27817  
OUTHWEST / MANNFORD, OK 50M object paces 4 / truck. Changes shape. Reacts t 10/16/1973 #28065  
 BROWNSVILLE, TX Red silent saucer paces 2 cops / cruiser. Prisoners / rear 11/14/1973 #28419  
     SSW / TRACY, QB Luminous ball paces car. Pink fog / road. Figure sweep 11/18/1973 #28438  
d small humanoid (or Grey) inside. Paces truck. Cone-beam going up. Battery 11/19/1973 #28445  
 GLENHAM, SD 6 observer(s). Saucer paces car. Electro-magnetic effect (EME) 1/5/1974 (approximate) #28646  
server(s). 8m white-glowing saucer paces car / 3 minute(s). 50m altitude. 3 1/22/1974 #28689  
ball quickly going down. Red ovoid paces / low altitude. Beams going down.  2/6/1974 #28740  
notice a round, orange object that paces them, then approaches. They feel a 2/14/1974 #28772  
Saucer quickly going down [to] and paces car. Stops when they stop. Plays i 2/24/1974 #28794  
          BRIDGEWATER, TASM Saucer paces 2 / car. High near houses and low  7/26/1974 #29280  
., DK Yellow luminous/glowing ball paces girl / moped. Low drone sound. Goi 9/1974 (approximate) #29408  
Y Flash. Night light maneuvers and PACEs car. Whine recorded / police radio 10/21/1974 #29549  
T 3 / car. Silent 18M glowing-disk paces through turns / 30M altitude. Bigg 10/28/1974 #29563  
          Pensacola, FL Red Sphere Paces Training Jet (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 11/11/1974 #29591  
be plays tag with truck / 2 miles. Paces 2nd truck right after.             12/1/1974 #29626  
llow 'bunch of moons" clusters and paces auto. See Carlyle / NY.            1/1975 (approximate) #29681  
FFS 2 separate groups. Dome-object paces cars / low altitude. Windows. Land 1/9/1975 #29736  
  VINITA, OK Round object circles. Paces car. White lights. Hovers over hou 1/19/1975 #29754  
ZE-SUR-LE-MIGNON, FR 140M crescent paces alongside car / 25 minute(s).      2/8/1975 #29790  
USSEL, KS 2 / car. Dazzling funnel paces / low altitude. Blindingly bright. 7/4/1975 #30153  
ROI, RHODESIA Odd sphere/orb/globe paces cars /. Several nights. East going 7/6/1975 #30163  
O over gas station/depot/facility. Paces car. Seen / Maldon, VCT / 2030hrs. 7/22/1975 #30199  
ARLINGTON, VA Thin white oval disk paces landing jet closely. Sudden 90° tu 11/1975 #30527  
g saucer with antenna lights area. Paces 2 campers / truck / 15 mile(s).    11/6/1975 #30563  
O/FROM BERIDALE, TASM Domed saucer paces 2 / truck til Dawn. Radio = static 2/17/1976 #30875  
                  BIG RUN, PA Disk paces 3 / car close. White beams into ca 3/19/1976 #30948  
      MITCHELLSBURG, KY 75' saucer paces 4 / truck. Loss / control or phony 7/18/1976 #31171  
circle on the road ahead. The beam paces ahead of them for several miles, t 8/6/1976 #31240  
r. When they had got to within ten paces they could see that the light insi 8/6/1976 #31241  
W NORFOLK, TASM Domed metal saucer paces van. Car radio fades when near. /  8/15/1976 #31265  
reature then ran with little short paces across the road and up Westfield G 10/15/1976 #31465  
 he climbs to 12,000 feet, the UFO paces him then disappears.               2/1977 #31772  
   SOUTHWEST / VALENCIA, SP Saucer paces 5 / car / one hour. Car and separa 2/22/1977 #31836  
 car. Radio static. 3M night light paces car. Blinding white. Shape unknown 6/3/1977 #32144  
MI WITH SANTA BARBARA, CA 80' disk paces small plane / several min. 1000' a 10/1/1977 #32540  
. Blinding luminous pulsing object paces jets. VHF radios out.              10/11/1977 #32567  
O/FROM VICHY, MO White night light paces light plane / 3 minute(s). Transpo 11/18/1977 #32683  
ween Vichy and Troy, Missouri, and paces the airplane for 3 minutes. The li 11/18/1977 #32686  
s its normal operation. The object paces the aircraft for 3–4 miles at a di 11/18/1977 #32686  
 upright 20M away / 50cm altitude. Paces car..                              12/10/1977 #32755  
ST / BOSTON TWA crew. White saucer paces 747. 2 green smoke rings going dow 12/22/1977 #32804  
X Pilot. Circular blue-white light paces light plane. Makes 45° turn.       12/22/1977 #32805  
 KEITH, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 27' saucer paces car. Slight electro-magnetic effec 12/30/1977 #32818  
al light about 27 feet in diameter paces a car 90 feet away near Keith, Sou 12/30/1977 #32821  
HILNA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Night light paces truck. Vanishes when 2nd truck nea 3/5/1978 #33014  
lent delta/triangle/box-like craft paces cars. Hovers.                      6/10/1978 #33264  
 red and white lights in the front paces a car driven by two students, ages 6/10/1978 #33266  
ews. Delta/triangle/box-like craft paces plane to airport. Back several X.  11/23/1978 #33986  
CASALBORDINO, ITL Large hemisphere paces car / 10M altitude. Turns going qu 12/13/1978 #34103  
NEAR COCHESETT, MA Pentagon-saucer paces cars. Lights / corners and rear ed 3/23/1979 #34485  
t is directed at the object, which paces the aircraft, flying over and arou 10/27/1979 #34971  
, PEI 1 / car. Red-glow 40' saucer paces car 2k' away / 180' altitude. Seve 1/25/1980 #35145  
d 100' overhead zaps truck-bed and paces. Gauges etc. electro-magnetic effe 2/28/1980 #35184  
E BERRYESSA, CA 45' Saturn-torpedo paces small plane. Turns / fireball. Sho 11/5/1980 #35619  
ns. Then, slowly drifting back, it paces him. The object is glowing orange  4/8/1981 #35887  
 NZ 5 observer(s). Brilliant ovoid paces car going east. Slots and windows. 7/12/1981 #35999  
           BALTIC SEA 16' fireball paces and blasts hole in Russian jet. Ne 10/16/1981 #36173  
CKINSON, TX 2 / car. Silver saucer paces car. Crosses road. Night lights /  10/26/1981 #36189  
s). 2 intense night lights. Saucer paces jogger who hides in building.      2/2/1982 #36320  
 FT. WAYNE, IN Mushroom-cap saucer paces 2 / car. Hazy lights. Odd maneuver 4/7/1982 #36436  
 teens. Silent 80' ovoid-boomerang paces car / 30' altitude. See reference  4/8/1982 #36440  
          BOWNA, AUSTR Night light paces car / 7M altitude. Hovers / car st 5/23/1982 #36483  
 Engineer / plane. Metallic sphere paces 737 / 2 minute(s). Rises going qui 6/27/1982 #36518  
ht follows car. Hides / car slows. Paces again 800M back..                  12/21/1982 #36719  
ROPS Saucer with lights swoops and paces car / 50 min. 2 observer(s). Gone  10/21/1983 #37012  
ODBURY, NY Trucker. Huge boomerang paces / 5 min. Pure-colored lights. Vani 3/21/1984 #37232  
s red, white, and green lights. It paces his truck for five minutes then va 3/21/1984 #37236  
AR Russian tanker crew. 24M saucer paces. Rotates. Goes over 2nd ship. Inte 6/15/1984? #37363  
craft swoops going down. 180-turn. Paces car / 2 minute(s). Vanishes.       7/15/1984 #37398  
). 15M cylinder/cylindrical object paces Lear jet backwards--flames / front 7/27/1984 #37420  
RG 6 / light plane. Classic saucer paces. Compasses spin. Separate Al. obse 9/23/1984 #37464  
-shaped object. 5 lights / bottom. Paces over car / 20 minute(s). Hums.     12/30/1984 #37534  
 / light plane. Large white circle paces plane. Makes 360° orbit.           2/20/1985 #37558  
 CAAC flight 933. UFO 6 miles wide paces 747 going south. / r210p218.       6/11/1985 #37597  
 right down US30. Hovers over car. Paces car / miles.                       3/25/1986 #37808  
a lighted object hovering about 50 paces away and approximately 15 meters a 5/15/1986 #37870  
t orange object on hill. Rises and paces car.                               7/10/1986 #37935  
RALIA 3 / car. Bright round object paces car / 40km. Going west over hill.  9/1986 #38006  
ver(s). Fireball / field rises and paces car / SR201 / 3 minute(s). From Ra 9/7/1986 #38019  
er(s). Silver cylinder/cigar-shape paces jet plane. 2nd black cylinder/ciga 11/14/1986 #38063  
 SOUTH / FT. YUKON, AK Huge walnut paces JAL 747. Ground and air RADAR's. / 11/17/1986 #38069  
JOLIET, IL 2 observer(s). 8' ovoid paces car in front and back / 7mi. Car p 2/9/1987 #38118  
ox-like craft going [to] overhead. Paces truck / 3 minute(s). Sails away ov 3/7/1987 #38131  
      SOMERS, MT 2 / car. Fireball paces car. Divides / 2. 1 part on each s 9/1987 #38267  
hape or rectangular UFO buzzes and paces 2 / helicopter.                    2/21/1988 #38472  
   ROCKBRIDGE BATHS, VA 20' x7'OBJ paces and blocks car / SR39. 1' thick. L 3/23/1988 #38518  
WANTAGE, OXFORDS Large night light paces car / complex path / 40 min. Absol 4/10/1988 #38540  
 driver and 7. Bright night lights paces bus. Report ridiculed later.       10/1988 #38659  
ows car / 25 minute(s). Car stops. Paces 5 minute(s) more.                  11/29/1988 #38726  
   CORYDON, IN 5 / car. 40' object paces car. X-pattern / lights / undersid 1/21/1989 #38788  
tiple observer(s). Bright fireball paces car / treetop level. = dark mass w 2/3/1989 #38816  
OUTHEND, ESSEX 6+observer(s). Cone paces car. Lights. Turns counterclockwis 7/12/1989 #39017  
obed fan blade 30m over cornfield. Paces tractor.                           7/26/1989 #39032  
         NEAR VONA, CO Night light paces car. Clocks and gas = one hour but 11/7/1989 #39217  
, NJ 2 observer(s). Ovoid / saucer paces car / 7 minute(s). Maneuvers. Bril 1/4/1990 #39362  
        TAIYUAN, SHANXI, CH Saucer paces 2 / jeep. Jeep stops. UFO stops. O 1/10/1990 #39372  
     BOYLE, MS 8' cone / round top paces car. Avoids large trees. Car malfu 1/20/1990 #39381  
 feet, It makes a banking turn and paces the car, moving with the terrain a 7/26/1990 #39663  
ozen yards from the car. The light paces the car at the same speed, slowing 10/21/1990 #39803  
 replies affirmatively. The object paces his plane for 25 minutes within ab 6/8/1991 #40092  
TH YORKS Blue-glow 25cm bone-shape paces car briefly near NSA M-wave facili 2/7/1992 #40322  
SSEX 3 separate observer(s). Ovoid paces cars. Lots / lights. Vanishes.     8/30/1992 #40597  
RT, FL Cop. Silent black boomerang paces car. Going quickly [to] WSW / spot 4/16/1993 #40936  
TH LE LAS, FR 2 / car. Night light paces. Makes small fast circles. Going q 5/29/1993 #40996  
g quickly northeast. Back / 2300h. Paces car. Hides.                        10/4/1994 #41783  
    KAIRI, QLD, AUS 1 / car. Manta paces car several km. Cockpit and window 4/22/1995 #42166  
E-D'HOSSUS, FR 2 / car. 2.5M ovoid paces car 22km / 1M altitude! Silent.    1/21/1996 #42700  
LA SERRE, FR East / car. 6M saucer paces car / 7km closely. Hides / another 3/16/1996 #42826  
and NY FAA RADAR. Intense fireball paces liner. Jumps 20 mile(s) / seconds. 4/12/1996 #42863  
n trip, the white mass returns and paces the car for several kilometers. Th 8/29/1996 #42999  
1 / car. Ball / light 2x moon-size paces car going west. Crosses PR417 goin 10/7/1996 #43060  
EAR PIRASSUNUNGA, BRZ Small sphere paces Tucano trainer plane. Hits and des 11/16/1996 #43111  
d 3 cops / car. Lights all / beam. Paces / 13km. Turns going south.         6/14/1997 #43322  
onal white lights stops over road. Paces car. Rotates.                      8/30/1997 #43391  
ucer with concave bottom/underside paces 2 / car. Shoots going quickly [to] 7/29/1998 #43615  
y pilot. Brilliant metallic sphere paces T33 trainer at distance. No furthe 3/26/2001 #44150  
e siren suddenly comes on. The UFO paces them to one side before it finally 11/28/2002 #44453  
ey drive off again, but the object paces them at a distance of about one mi 1/8/2013 #45359  
## Word: "pacheco" (Back to Top)
                                   PACHECO PASS, CA Forester. Blue-glowing  7/28/1967 #22745  
peared to land some place near the Pacheco School in Shasta County.         1/8/1974 #28668  
## Word: "pachuca" (Back to Top)
                                   PACHUCA, MX Scientists and more/others / 2/4/1955 #11973  
                                   PACHUCA, HGO, MEXICO Dozens / observer(s 6/2/1991 #40081  
lta-shaped objects in the sky over Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico. Photographs an 6/2/1991 #40082  
## Word: "paciencia" (Back to Top)
                                   PACIENCIA, ARG Several observer(s). Moon 6/3/1962 #17215  
                                   PACIENCIA, BRZ 3 robot(s)/android(s) abd 9/15/1977 #32482  
                                   Paciencia, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. 9/15/1977 #32485  
## Word: "pacific" (Back to Top)
                             North Pacific Victoria, British Columbia 5:00  2/25/1885 #264  
bia 5:00 a.m. Sailing in the North Pacific some 800 miles west of Victoria, 2/25/1885 #264  
k on the Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railway, is on a train heading n Mid 7/1896 #328  
President of the University of the Pacific Moses Smith Cross also sees the  11/26/1896 #364  
ded from the sky 15 miles north of Pacific Grove, California and landed on  12/2/1896 #374  
rove, California and landed on the Pacific Ocean. Three human occupants abo 12/2/1896 #374  
ght. Chidsey alerts other Missouri Pacific train stations to the west. Over 2/26/1897 #389  
, Kansas Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railroad depot Night. Residents  3/23/1897 #393  
s at the Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railroad depot and others in Bel 3/23/1897 #393  
                  Elburn, Illinois Pacific Atlantic Chicago and North Weste Early 4/1897 #413  
 say that they are flying from the Pacific to the Atlantic by following the Early 4/1897 #413  
of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific railways also view the light     12/5/1897 #613  
              San Francisco (North Pacific off), CA Formation of three obje 2/28/1904 #669  
 sighted by U.S.S. Supply in North Pacific off San Francisco. (NICAP UFO Ev 2/28/1904 #669  
        At 35.97 N 128.60 W in the Pacific Ocean between Honolulu and San F 2/28/1904 #671  
                 STRAITS / MALACCA Pacific and Orient Steamship Line steams 3/14/1907 #693  
                 Panama Canal Zone Pacific Atlantic 10:00 p.m. Edward Winte 1935 #1220  
 Canal Zone at high speed from the Pacific to the Atlantic for about 30 min 1935 #1220  
or coordinating the defense of the Pacific Coast                            3/17/1941 #1356  
                                   Pacific Coast The Western Defense Comman 3/17/1941 #1357  
or coordinating the defense of the Pacific Coast and training soldiers prio 3/17/1941 #1357  
les, California Los Angeles County Pacific coast Southern California The Ba 2/24/1942 #1388  
ident is front-page news along the Pacific coast and earns some mass media  2/24/1942 #1388  
land in the Soloman Islands in the Pacific. They were flying in an equally  8/12/1942 #1435  
al Airport] on Tarawa Atoll in the Pacific Ocean Matt P. Dillingham is on e 12/1943? #1548  
al Airport] on Tarawa Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. He begins receiving radar 12/1943? #1548  
                            Europe Pacific Theater Physicist David T. Grigg 10/28/1944 #1685  
ter moves his investigation to the Pacific Theater. His report to Arnold at 10/28/1944 #1685  
                                   Pacific Maj. Gen. James P. Hodges writes 4/17/1945 #1847  
tographs of “balls of fire” in the Pacific.                                 4/17/1945 #1847  
h an unknown radar target over the Pacific Ocean at a distance of 18 to 8 m 4/18/1945 #1848  
Fala Island in the Truk Atoll, the Pacific Ocean encountered two objects wi 5/3/1945 #1863  
                                   Pacific Theatre Truk XXI Bomber Command  6/9/1945 #1875  
Report on the balls of fire in the Pacific Theatre. The Truk sighting is at 6/9/1945 #1875  
 they approached the island in the Pacific. The plane's engines faltered, i 8/28/1945 #1931  
                                   Pacific Coast Region, US The Western Def 3/6/1946 #1975  
the Commander-in-Chief Air Forces, Pacific, to Gen. Lauris Norstad, War Dep 8/7/1946 #2109  
 burning ship sink slowly into the Pacific Ocean where no ship was reported 7/3/1947 #2586  
                                   Pacific Northwest Capt. E. J. Smith co-p 7/4/1947 #2591  
e reports fall in a swath from the Pacific Northwest down through the Missi 7/4/1947 #2671  
lane was flying near Guam over the Pacific Ocean.                           8/14/1947 #3333  
                                   Pacific Heights, Oahu, HI Bright Silver  10/18/1948 #3846  
                                   Pacific Heights, Oahu, HI Round or ellip 10/18/1948 #3847  
                                   PACIFIC CITY, OR 2 observer(s). Photogra 3/12/1950 #4616  
                                   PACIFIC BEACH, WA Blue Book. Civil obser 3/14/1950 #4633  
                  At 11:30 p.m. in Pacific Beach, Washington civilians watc 3/14/1950 #4638  
rd the W and fly away out over the Pacific Ocean.                           12/23/1950 #5362  
ense GCI radar to a target off the Pacific Coast 30 miles west of Long Beac 9/23/1951 #5687  
                                   Pacific Ocean (near Hawaii), HI Admiral  3/14/1952 #5956  
                                   Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and Guam Ko Late 5/1952 #6362  
adian warship HMCS Iroquois in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and Guam en Late 5/1952 #6362  
                                   Pacific bet. Hawaii and Calif., in airsp 6/28/1952 #6656  
                                   PACIFIC 153° 45W-23° 18N 2 military obse 8/22/1952 #7674  
                                   PACIFIC 148° 05W-25° 45N 2 / USAF R5D pl 10/19/1952 #8157  
                                   PACIFIC 155° 35W-12° 17N Project Blueboo 10/19/1952 #8159  
                      TRUK ISLAND, PACIFIC Army weatherman. Bullet shaped o 2/6/1953 #8640  
     NEAR TINIAN ISLAND, MARIANAS, PACIFIC Several UFO's seen / United Stat 4/1953 #8803  
33 military aircraft. At 8:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time a USAF T-6 pilot f 4/28/1953 #8848  
                                   PACIFIC 166° 05W-28° A4N United States N 4/29/1953 #8849  
                                   Pacific Northwest, OR Ground & Airborne  5/12/1953 #8876  
 California Long Beach, California Pacific 4:58 p.m. Lockheed Skunk Works c 12/16/1953 #9374  
 (25,000 mph) to the west over the Pacific. It disappears in 10–13 seconds  12/16/1953 #9374  
Ware, see a flying saucer over the Pacific Ocean while flying a Navy Super  12/18/1953 #9384  
t 6:40 a.m. on Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. The explosion and energy  3/1/1954 #9589  
                                   PACIFIC 147° 12W-26° 05N Night light pac 5/13/1954 #9782  
                                   Pacific bet. Hawaii and Calif, At Sea Ob 5/13/1954 #9788  
         Continental United States Pacific Atlantic Caribbean Alaska Northe 9/1/1954 #10228  
ed to support US commanders in the Pacific, Atlantic, Caribbean, Alaska, No 9/1/1954 #10228  
                                   PACIFIC SOUTHEAST / TAIWAN USAF C47 crew 10/29/1954 #11475  
                                   Pacific Ocean, At Sea Military pilot saw 1/19/1955 #11937  
                Groom Lake, Nevada Pacific Ocean Test pilot Ray J. Goudey r 9/8/1955 #12438  
as up above Nevada I could see the Pacific Ocean, which was 300 miles away. 9/8/1955 #12438  
                             North Pacific Midway Island Japan 7:45 p.m. W. 1956 #12638  
 destroyer USS Maddox in the North Pacific between Midway Island and Japan. 1956 #12638  
                                   PACIFIC 131'30E-28'53N Military Air Tran 2/11/1956 #12708  
r is standard for flights over the Pacific. This information does not seem  7/5/1956 #12954  
                            On the Pacific island of Levuka in the Fiji Isl 7/12/1956 #12968  
USAF pilot flying near Guam in the Pacific Ocean sighted a UFO that remaine 1/1/1957 #13446  
                              DEEP PACIFIC Japanese boat. 2 10M silver obje 4/19/1957 #13604  
                                   Pacific Ocean, near Japan Japanese fishe 4/19/1957 #13606  
                                   Pacific Ocean 300 miles southeast of Tok 4/19/1957 #13607  
tallic discs are seen entering the Pacific Ocean about 300 miles southeast  4/19/1957 #13607  
                                   Pacific Ocean, 150 miles off San Francis 6/18/1957 #13738  
 Area 51 Los Angeles Canada Mexico Pacific During the 74-kiloton Plumbbob H 7/5/1957 #13779  
to Mexico and 800 miles out in the Pacific. The blast wave reaches Los Ange 7/5/1957 #13779  
     Kuril Islands Sakhalin Oblast Pacific Ocean Nemuro Strait Hokkaido Jap 7/24/1957 #13826  
s, Sakhalin Oblast, Russia, in the Pacific Ocean open fire on luminous, fas 7/24/1957 #13826  
h speed UFOs on this day along the Pacific Coast of the Soviet Union.       7/25/1957 #13838  
                                   Pacific Ocean San Francisco, California  8/3/1957 #13875  
adar early warning patrol over the Pacific Ocean about 175 miles southwest  8/3/1957 #13875  
sia Kazakhstan Baikonur Cosmodrome Pacific Ocean Russia makes the first suc 8/27/1957 #13936  
an. The dummy warhead lands in the Pacific Ocean.                           8/27/1957 #13936  
ng Stratocruiser flying across the Pacific mysteriously crashes midway betw 11/8/1957 #14489  
                                   Pacific Ocean, At Sea Photograph of alle 12/1957 #14647  
              Johnston Atoll North Pacific Ocean Hawaii The Teak thermonucl 8/1/1958 #15174  
d from Johnston Atoll in the North Pacific Ocean and carries a payload of 3 8/1/1958 #15174  
nication is interrupted across the Pacific. Due to this failure, Johnston A 8/1/1958 #15174  
                                   Pacific bet. Hawaii and Calif, At Sea (M 6/18/1959 #15775  
                                 N Pacific, 800 n.mi. from, HI Pilots (Wils 7/11/1959 #15833  
                                   Pacific Ocean Honolulu, Hawaii 6:02 a.m. 7/11/1959 #15834  
apt. George Wilson flying over the Pacific Ocean about 1,035 miles northeas 7/11/1959 #15834  
lick Airways plane, and a Canadian Pacific airliner.                        7/11/1959 #15834  
                                   PACIFIC LONGITUDE & LATITUDE COORDS. = B 2/15/1960 #16176  
                                   Pacific Ocean, At Sea (McDonald list) (N 6/4/1960 #16306  
pace Force Base], California North Pacific The Discoverer 13 Corona KH-1 ph 8/10/1960 #16367  
tellite splashes down in the North Pacific and its payload is recovered. It 8/10/1960 #16367  
                                   PACIFIC 132° 15W-34° 34N Blue Book. US N 4/2/1961 #16642  
                                   PACIFIC 35° 50N-125° 40W WITH SAN JOSE 2 4/24/1961 #16658  
                                   PACIFIC 124° 00E-22° 22N. Project Bluebo 5/10/1961 #16680  
                                   PACIFIC 141° 55E-35° 26N. Project Bluebo 5/15/1961 #16683  
                                   PACIFIC 148° 10W-26° 03N PROJECT BLUEBOO 6/17/1961 #16729  
                                   Pacific Ocean, At Sea (McDonald list) Tw 6/25/1961 #16737  
                                   PACIFIC 175° 19E-22° 27N PROJECT BLUEBOO 8/6/1961 #16779  
                                   Pacific Ocean near, Wake Island Airline  9/21/1961 #16864  
 with a halo while flying over the Pacific Ocean northeast of Midway Island 9/21/1961 #16867  
                                   Pacific Coast, At Sea (McDonald list) Un 9/27/1961 #16874  
                                   PACIFIC 143° 55W-58° 14N Blue Book. Mili 10/23/1961 #16924  
                                   PACIFIC 173° 00W-40° 00N Project Blueboo 11/29/1961 #16983  
                                   PACIFIC 174° 00W-40° 00N Project Blueboo 12/15/1961 #16995  
                                   PACIFIC 173° 15W-44° 45N Project Blueboo 4/5/1962 #17099  
                                   PACIFIC 160° 40W-22° 00N Project Blueboo 4/12/1962 #17110  
                                   PACIFIC 170° 00W-33° 00N Blue Book. Mili 4/19/1962 #17122  
                                   PACIFIC 137° 30W-28° 23N Project Blueboo 5/1/1962 #17146  
ons were designed to drop into the Pacific Ocean where its VHF beacon would Summer 1962 #17239  
                                   PACIFIC 163° 40E-34° 42N Project Blueboo 7/29/1962 #17297  
                                   PACIFIC 163° 44W-23° 34S Project Blueboo 8/29/1962 #17371  
                                   PACIFIC 163° 03E-34° 35N Project Blueboo 9/3/1962 #17384  
                                   PACIFIC 163° 48E-33° 55N Uscgc Matagorda 9/17/1962 #17408  
                                   PACIFIC 173° 12W-37° 12N Project Blueboo 10/18/1962 #17477  
       NEAR CANTON ISLAND, CENTRAL PACIFIC Project Bluebook Case #unknown.  10/25/1962 #17492  
                       MV ACONIS / PACIFIC 160° 49W-11° 59N Project Blueboo 11/16/1962 #17549  
                                   PACIFIC 174° 30W-20° 21N Project Blueboo 11/22/1962 #17556  
                                   PACIFIC 131° 58W-16° 08N Project Blueboo 11/23/1962 #17558  
                                   PACIFIC 173° 30W-45° 50N Project Blueboo 12/7/1962 #17572  
rish and Joy, were flying over the Pacific Ocean near Oahu Island, Hawaii w 3/11/1963 #17699  
                                   PACIFIC 176° 41W-04° 35N Project Blueboo 3/13/1963 #17703  
                      USS DURANT / PACIFIC 168° 19W-03° 45S Project Blueboo 3/15/1963 #17707  
                                   PACIFIC 173° 00W-42° 20N Project Blueboo 4/21/1963 #17728  
                     USS LANSING / PACIFIC 169° 00W-30° 50N Navy crew obser 5/29/1963 #17769  
                    USS H.POWELL / PACIFIC 155° 52E-36° 25N Observer(s) = s 6/17/1963 #17789  
                                   PACIFIC 172° 00W-42° 20N Project Blueboo 6/19/1963 #17793  
                 USCGC MATAGORDA / PACIFIC 168° 36E-33° 12N. Blue Book Case 6/20/1963 #17796  
                                   PACIFIC 176° 25W-31° 45N Project Blueboo 6/26/1963 #17804  
                                   PACIFIC 174° 09W-35° 20N Project Blueboo 7/20/1963 #17841  
                                   PACIFIC 175° 19W-31° 45N Project Blueboo 8/16/1963 #17904  
                                   PACIFIC 174° 00E-31° 57N Project Blueboo 8/25/1963 #17918  
                                   PACIFIC 155° 27W-22° 00N Project Blueboo 9/9/1963 #17928  
                                   PACIFIC 151° 10W-21° 49N Northwest airli 10/25/1963 #18009  
                     USS FALGOUT / PACIFIC 174W-40N Project Bluebook Case # 11/3/1963 #18024  
                       USS FALGOUT PACIFIC 173W-40N Project Bluebook Case # 11/11/1963 #18029  
                                   PACIFIC NORTH / MIDWAY Project Bluebook  12/16/1963 #18083  
                                   Pacific Ocean, At Sea MATS A/C Radar Tra 12/21/1963 #18089  
                                   PACIFIC 170° 00W-50° 40N Project Blueboo 2/28/1964 #18138  
                                   PACIFIC 171° 40W-43° 01N Project Blueboo 3/14/1964 #18150  
                                   PACIFIC 171° 00E-35° 50N Project Blueboo 4/9/1964 #18163  
                                   PACIFIC 175° 50W-36° 50N Project Blueboo 7/2/1964 #18392  
                                   PACIFIC 178° 05E-20° 05N Project Blueboo 7/5/1964 #18394  
             On Wake Island in the Pacific Ocean west of Hawaii, an aircraf 8/10/1964 #18477  
aveled to Kwajalein Atoll over the Pacific Ocean on this date. Mannsman sta 9/1964 #18525  
                                   PACIFIC WELL OFF CALIFORNIA Saucer circl 9/3/1964 (approximate) #18526  
                                   PACIFIC 164° 05E-34° 55N Project Blueboo 11/19/1964 #18625  
                            Tokyo (Pacific, 1400 miles E of), At Sea Bright 11/19/1964 #18626  
iles east of Tokyo, Japan over the Pacific Ocean (34.92 N, 164.08 E) severa 11/19/1964 #18630  
                                   PACIFIC 164° 10E-33° 55N Uscgc Matagorda 11/28/1964 #18641  
                                   PACIFIC 162° WEST-13° NORTH PROJECT BLUE 11/28/1964 #18642  
                                   PACIFIC 163° 48E-34° 20N USCG Matagorda. 11/29/1964 #18644  
                                   PACIFIC 164° 14E-33° 58N USCG Matagorda  11/30/1964 #18647  
ed object that approached from the Pacific Ocean. He started to run from it 1/30/1965 #18785  
                                   PACIFIC 174° 15-35° 45N Airborne militar 2/2/1965 #18792  
                                   Pacific Ocean Personal Interview report  2/11/1965 #18803  
 Air Base, Japan Radar/Visual Over Pacific Ocean (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases,  2/11/1965 #18806  
                                   Pacific Ocean, At Sea 3 ovals pace Flyin 2/11/1965 #18807  
                                   Pacific Ocean Flying Tiger aircrew obser 2/11/1965 #18808  
 cargo plane flying over the North Pacific between Anchorage, Alaska and Ta 2/11/1965 #18811  
ith "arms" while in orbit over the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. Motion pictur 6/4/1965 #18991  
                                   Pacific Northwest, Various 9:40 P.M. Fir 8/10/1965 #19359  
                                   Pacific Northwest 9:40 P.M. Fireball met 8/10/1965 #19362  
                                   PACIFIC 138° 44E-25° 04N PROJECT BLUEBOO 11/16/1965 #19722  
launched from Johnson Atoll in the Pacific Ocean on December 7 by the Air F 12/9/1965 #19762  
                                   Pacific Ocean, At Sea Large, cigar shape 1/11/1966 #19825  
0 p.m. PST. Along the coast of the Pacific Ocean near Los Angeles Internati 4/3/1966 #20212  
                                   PACIFIC NEAR JOHNSTON ISLAND Silent 600' 6/27/1966 #20613  
                      Wake Island (Pacific, 400 miles E of), At Sea Radio O 6/27/1966 #20616  
                                   Pacific bt. Pearl Harbor & Seattle, Wash 7/1966 #20624  
wo luminous objects paced Canadian Pacific Airlines plane at 35,000 feet fo 12/30/1966 #21229  
 luminous objects paced a Canadian Pacific Airlines plane at 35,000 feet ov 12/30/1966 #21231  
ines plane at 35,000 feet over the Pacific Ocean for seven minutes while fl 12/30/1966 #21231  
                                   Pacific Western Airlines Edmonton, Alber 4/6/1967 #22081  
 International Airport 9:45 p.m. A Pacific Western Airlines pilot and crew  4/6/1967 #22081  
dish-orange light paced a Canadian Pacific Western airliner flying near Edm 4/6/1967 #22084  
                    Gulf of Mexico Pacific Coast Transport 10:10 p.m. Ship  5/16/1967 #22355  
y and Eric Koster, all crew of the Pacific Coast Transport ship SS Point Su 5/16/1967 #22355  
ew low and fast to the southwest. (Pacific Stars & Stripes, 7/6/67, copy in 7/1967 #22587  
38 p.m. Capt. Shindler is piloting Pacific Western Airlines Flight 748 west 7/26/1967 #22735  
 Vandenberg AFB Lompoc, California Pacific Ocean Northern California coast  10/6/1967 #23185  
tionary object some miles over the Pacific Ocean off the Northern Californi 10/6/1967 #23185  
 include human anecdotal accounts. Pacific Air Forces’ unit history clearly 8/1968 #24284  
                                   Pacific Ocean 930 miles off the coast of 8/21/1968 #24364  
S Mackenzie is on a mission in the Pacific Ocean about 930 miles off the co 8/21/1968 #24364  
                             South Pacific Ocean Valparaiso, Chile 12:43 a. 10/24/1969 #25422  
ing north at 20 knots in the South Pacific Ocean about 350 miles south of V 10/24/1969 #25422  
hicago and it was shot down in the Pacific; it was in a large quonset hut.  6/1973 #27543  
land, Nunavut 1:35 p.m. A Canadian Pacific Air Lines DC-8 is flying west at 7/25/1973 #27650  
                                   Pacific Palisades, California 2:15 a.m.  12/20/1973 #28591  
hael Wagner and Robert B. Klinn of Pacific Palisades, California, see a yel 12/20/1973 #28591  
 huge, yellowish glowing blob over Pacific Palisades, California at 2:15 a. 12/20/1973 #28592  
ow over the treetops. At 4:20 p.m. Pacific Standard Time a photograph of a  12/31/1973 #28623  
d his student were flying over the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Santa Ana 1/29/1974 #28713  
                                   Pacific Ocean, Guam USO Apparently Track 9/1974 #29411  
 installation” on an island in the Pacific Ocean.  He also states he witnes 3/14/1975 #29900  
O shot away to the west toward the Pacific Ocean.                           8/3/1975 #30232  
                                   PACIFIC, MO Luminous UFO near car. Radio 11/15/1975 #30621  
                                   Pacific, MO A red flying object approach 11/15/1975 #30625  
 Prichard with three passengers in Pacific, Missouri, then ejected several  11/15/1975 #30625  
 Prichard with three passengers in Pacific, Missouri, then ejected several  11/15/1975 #30628  
                 W. of California, Pacific Ocean Object Tracked on Radar by 3/29/1977 #31930  
                                   Pacific, MD Humanoid report. No details. 5/18/1977 #32110  
             San Diego, California Pacific Naval Air Station North Island P 3/27/1978 #33088  
s; an A-4 Skyhawk crashes into the Pacific 50 miles to the west; and an S-3 3/27/1978 #33088  
                                   PACIFIC PALISADES, CA Oval-glow drifts g 6/22/1978 #33296  
                                   Pacific Palisades, California 1:30 a.m.  6/22/1978 #33298  
s, California 1:30 a.m. A woman in Pacific Palisades, California, watches a 6/22/1978 #33298  
                                   PACIFIC EAST / HOKKAIDO, JP 2 separate J 6/18/1982 #36505  
sion, over the western part of the Pacific Ocean. The cloud was slightly lu 4/9/1984 #37254  
                             NORTH PACIFIC Northwest orient 747 crew. Lumin 7/27/1984 #37419  
a Klyuchi, Kamchatka Krai Northern Pacific Ocean Pilot Robert Hopkins is fl 10/1988 #38661  
R, to the right, over the Northern Pacific Ocean. It covered the entire sky 10/1988 #38661  
ine network Adm. Bernard A. Clarey Pacific Fleet Holloman AFB, New Mexico M 12/18/1988 #38755  
 Clarey, commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet, he had seen two documents 12/18/1988 #38755  
                                   Pacific Northwest, OR 12:15 A.M. Bright  2/24/1992 #40334  
                                   Pacific Northwest (Oregon) 12:15 A.M. Br 2/24/1992 #40335  
void object approach them from the Pacific Ocean. The object stopped over t 1/30/1993 #40821  
n Gridley, California at 4:32 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time a six-minute long  6/26/1993 #41039  
following people in a salon in the Pacific Heights neighborhood of San Fran Mid 1990's #41926  
                                   PACIFIC 147W-47N Canadian airline(s)/air 6/9/1995 #42245  
                      Arica, Chile Pacific Ocean Chacalluta International A 3/30/1997 #43245  
west of Arica, Chile, and over the Pacific Ocean, causing some alarm. Witne 3/30/1997 #43245  
       SOUTH / NEWCASTLE, AUS 11 / Pacific highway. Triangular night light  4/28/1997 #43282  
er a river in the Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean One of them, estimated to  8/10/1997 #43378  
and it leaves to the west over the Pacific Ocean.                           8/11/1997 #43380  
               Horne Islands South Pacific 3:00 p.m. Sgt. John F. Duffy is  Winter 1997 #43468  
 of the Horne Islands in the South Pacific. He notices a white object on th Winter 1997 #43468  
ogy Officer of General Motors Asia Pacific, while Zimmerman was with GM Res 7/31/1999 #43815  
he sky. At the same time in nearby Pacific Palisades, California a white gl 7/7/2000 #44012  
cessful US antimissile test in the Pacific. Carteret is only ten miles from 7/15/2001 #44209  
er the Bellagio Hotel at 9:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. There were four c 11/1/2002 #44434  
t “Lee” at an apartment complex in Pacific Beach, CA, after he had allegedl 7/2003 #44560  
turned by flying back out over the Pacific Ocean.                           2/9/2004 #44660  
Oregon as it flew slowly along the Pacific Ocean coastline. At the same tim 9/20/2007 #45063  
ive isotopes are released into the Pacific Ocean during and after the disas 3/11/2011 #45318  
## Word: "pacific-western" (Back to Top)
                       ENDERBY, BC Pacific-western airline(s)/airliner pilo 7/19/1967 #22696  
## Word: "pacifists" (Back to Top)
 confusion. Some QFSRB members are pacifists, apparently, and are seeking t 8/1959 #15887  
## Word: "pacify" (Back to Top)
s the stimoceiver in the bully and pacify him. A female in the cage soon fi 1952 #5837  
## Word: "pacing" (Back to Top)
n height to 45°, and appears to be pacing the train, keeping a half-mile or Mid 7/1896 #328  
asive action, but the object keeps pacing him. Finally, it moves in front o 6/25/1942 #1422  
ntly throbs, at about 12,500 feet, pacing them about 1,500 feet off the sta 8/11/1944 #1640  
o balls of fire on three occasions pacing their plane. Barber describes the 1/2/1945 #1751  
lanation for the red balls of fire pacing planes. No response has been loca 1/2/1945 #1753  
nds, NM McLaughlin crew sights UFO pacing Navy missile (NICAP: 01 - Distant 6/14/1949 #4237  
y, Ohio saw a saucer-shaped object pacing his airliner.                     7/17/1952 #6872  
 South Australia when a UFO begins pacing them. They snap some 200 photos a 4/18/1954 #9696  
 object seems to be glowing. After pacing the B-47 a short time, it shoots  9/3/1954 #10239  
 it. The UFO stays with the plane, pacing it above and below, and performin 9/3/1954 #10239  
 observed just above the Freighter pacing it. The Dakota crew apparently to 6/1956 #12879  
Onofre Soares observe a domed disc pacing their C-47 cargo plane at 6,300 f 8/14/1957 #13893  
e fluctuating from white to yellow pacing their car on the right side, abou 11/5/1957 #14345  
 suddenly rises straight up. After pacing their car for a few minutes, the  11/5/1957 #14348  
d it approached to within 10 feet, pacing their truck and emitting a high-p 12/1/1958 #15467  
bject in the sky that seemed to be pacing their car, and they continued to  9/19/1961 #16858  
ject “like polished chrome.” It is pacing the aircraft near its left wingti 1962 #17006  
d altitude / 314K' films 5-8 UFO's pacing!                                  7/17/1962 #17276  
 side-by-side, at 30-50' altitude, pacing the witnesses' car for 6 minutes. 9/25/1965 #19603  
 is alerted and watches the object pacing the plane on the right side. The  4/25/1966 #20415  
me blinking white and green lights pacing their car. The lights were first  5/8/1966 #20467  
 he notices that another object is pacing him, He hits his brakes and reach 9/1966 #20827  
t noticed a bright light seemingly pacing him. A long cigar-shaped object w 1/16/1967 #21318  
when a cigar-shaped object started pacing her car. It was green with a long 2/6/1967 #21472  
ed light at various distances (car pacing). Two of the witness's students c 2/15/1967 #21554  
beam of light downward. It started pacing her car. Her speedometer was affe 2/21/1967 #21615  
 giving off a whining noise. After pacing her for 15 minutes, it climbs ver 3/22/1967 #21948  
oint-source lights that seem to be pacing the ship over the Gulf of Mexico. 5/16/1967 #22355  
with green vapor billowing from it pacing the train at treetop level near W 10/25/1967 #23322  
 one mile at a high rate of speed, pacing the aircraft for nearly 20 miles  10/24/1968 #24587  
n he notices another sunlit object pacing the aircraft at a higher altitude 3/24/1973 #27372  
dence, Rhode Island at 12:15 a.m., pacing a car driven by a hospital worker 3/27/1973 #27381  
bject approach their car and begin pacing them to the left side apparently  9/13/1973 #27814  
ear the town of Gravatai and begin pacing them on the left side, some 2-3 k 9/13/1973 #27815  
le, but then realize the object is pacing them and descending. When the Hat 10/16/1973 #28087  
it for 90 seconds, realizing it is pacing the helicopter. He mentions it to 10/18/1973 #28172  
me speed (75–80 mph) and altitude, pacing him at 120° at an estimated one-q 11/28/1974 #29619  
feet long and 30 feet thick. After pacing him for 8–10 seconds, the object  11/28/1974 #29619  
rplane. Then he sees to the right, pacing alongside, a 10-to 12-foot-diamet 5/3/1975 #30026  
omed disc three meters in diameter pacing him to his right. There was anoth 5/3/1975 #30029  
at the strange object seemed to be pacing the aircraft. The object then bri 11/11/1975 #30606  
hat the strange object seems to be pacing the aircraft. The object then bri 11/11/1975 #30610  
rough Lincoln, the objects stopped pacing the car and the CB radio suddenly 2/18/1976 #30881  
reported seeing two silver objects pacing a KC-135 tanker flying over Willi 5/13/1976 #31049  
d, Ohio, when a white light begins pacing their car on the left about 180 f 4/29/1977 #32036  
pace liner. Circle airport. Resume pacing.                                  9/10/1977 #32476  
nters in the area, including a car pacing, a 24-year-old taxi driver named  11/9/1978 #33941  
ct with green and red lights began pacing her car. She saw spots of pure wh 11/22/1978 #33983  
Yunque de Henares when a UFO began pacing his car and followed him for seve 12/3/1979 #35046  
He speeds up, but it maintains its pacing until it veers to the southwest.  5/20/1981 #35943  
nges direction and begins silently pacing the car. Mrs. Thew, who is drivin 7/12/1981 #36002  
ct. The object was round and began pacing their vehicle. At this point the  7/15/1981 #36008  
ct. The object was round and began pacing the vehicle. At this point the ve 7/16/1981 #36010  
nd flies right over her car, later pacing her as she drives the remaining 1 3/30/1982 #36419  
They speed up but the object keeps pacing them on their right. They become  4/8/1982 #36442  
pt moving in front of the vehicle, pacing it at 40 feet altitude. The botto 8/30/1982 #36586  
gold, oval object that seems to be pacing their car. It lands on a nearby r 1/20/1984 #37132  
eparate JAL crew sees night lights pacing / 30 min. / Paranet&CUFON. News.  1/11/1987 #38097  
 a multicolored disc-shaped object pacing them at a distance. The 30 foot i 11/24/1987 #38334  
pproached their car and then began pacing them, positioning itself directly 11/29/1993 #41309  
-shaped light in sky, that started pacing his car. Panicked, he sped along  3/23/2000 #43967  
g loops around passenger aircraft, pacing planes despite pilots’ evasive at 10/15/2000 #44056  
eight lights about 200 meters away pacing his car. He stopped, and when he  12/13/2000 #44102  
bject about 30–50 feet in diameter pacing their car 100 feet above them. Th 1/1/2001 #44114  
, maintains separation, and begins pacing. The captain estimates that the U 3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "paciência" (Back to Top)
                                   Paciência, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2:15 a 9/15/1977 #32484  
Bogado La Rúbia leaves his home in Paciência, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to ca 9/15/1977 #32484  
## Word: "pack" (Back to Top)
e point a single object leaves the pack, heading east, and Newhouse holds t 7/2/1952 #6694  
aut wore a blue uniform and had no pack. They all had on striped caps and l 4/13/1967 #22128  
ht-fitting coveralls and carries a pack on its back. It opens the car door  11/2/1967 #23390  
ht fitting coveralls and carried a pack on his back. To their horror, the b 11/2/1967 #23392  
ack teeth. He tossed the cigarette pack close to one, who put his hand abov 2/6/1969 #24897  
who put his hand above it, and the pack floated up into his hand. The thumb 2/6/1969 #24897  
 funny, so he tosses the cigarette pack toward them. One of them leans side 2/7/1969 #24901  
ys and stretches out his hand. The pack floats 8 inches up to his hand and  2/7/1969 #24901  
ack teeth. He tossed the cigarette pack close to one, who put his hand over 2/7/1969 #24902  
, who put his hand over it and the pack floated up into his hand. The thumb 2/7/1969 #24902  
nd the sides of its head. It had a pack on its back from which two tubes le 9/27/1971 #26384  
 teams would take the craft apart, pack them up and ship them around the co 10/1989 #39139  
 White 1M round-head figure west / pack and antenna. Clicks. Footprints. /  3/6/1996 #42803  
reports that a man flying in a jet pack has passed by them about 90 feet aw 8/29/2020 #45659  
hat appears to be someone in a jet pack flying at about 6,500 feet roughly  10/14/2020 #45662  
## Word: "package" (Back to Top)
? Boy / 12 goes / town for mystery package. Gives it to pseudo-human/entity 6/1942 (approximate) #1413  
 onto the plane. One, a triangular package about two feet long, is wrapped  7/8/1947 #3019  
oes to Ramey’s office and puts the package on his desk. They both go to a m 7/8/1947 #3019  
mey’s office, Marcel sees that the package he brought has been substituted  7/8/1947 #3019  
elease of the parachute instrument package from the balloon, they see 3 whi 8/29/1952 #7788  
he right of the Skyhook instrument package at 74,000 feet for some 2–3 minu 8/29/1952 #7788  
 Martin Luther King Jr. a “suicide package” note that contains audio record 11/21/1964 #18631  
ungry, after which it tosses him a package of pills. It tells him to take o 10/15/1974 #29531  
aime Shandera receives an unmarked package in the mail containing an undeve 12/11/1984 #37522  
arked Albuquerque, New Mexico, the package is most likely sent by individua 12/11/1984 #37522  
al Airport in Kentucky 1:55 p.m. A package handler at Louisville Internatio 6/24/2009 #45228  
it Green claims he was delivered a package of material on his doorstep in D 2011 #45310  
## Word: "packages" (Back to Top)
 the bombardier’s seat. Only a few packages are loaded onto the plane. One, 7/8/1947 #3019  
 Marcel gets off taking one of the packages that he has been carrying on hi 7/8/1947 #3019  
## Word: "packard" (Back to Top)
AF Evanton Around 9:00 p.m. Harvey Packard and five other men are fishing n Summer 1962 #17239  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Packard” Yield: 10KT                     1/15/1969 #24847  
## Word: "packed" (Back to Top)
 8:54 p.m. Shortly after they have packed up their Speed Graphic cameras pr 12/20/1948 #3936  
e the ground and grass are tightly packed. Tree branches are broken from ab 9/26/1954 #10451  
the last time. The files have been packed in boxes and are on their way to  1/30/1970 #25564  
to the house, changed his clothes, packed a small bag, drove to the airport 7/4/1970 #25727  
uch a degree that they immediately packed their gear and returned to town.  3/14/1971 #26047  
omposed of many small white lights packed together and three main lights in 5/19/1977 #32112  
and they looked strange; they were packed in dry ice; he had not been aware 7/9/1991 #40116  
ws and the objects were gone. They packed their camping gear and headed hom 5/16/2003 #44538  
## Word: "packet" (Back to Top)
 E. Roe, captain of the Ohio River packet T. M. Barnsdall, as well as watch 4/18/1897 #527  
2° in diameter. The team directs a packet of radio pulses at the source, bu 10/22/1965 #19672  
e find an empty water bottle and a packet containing two wet towels. A smal 8/20/1966 #20779  
tes man / bicycle 2X. No UFO seen. Packet / beef Suet gone.                 7/16/1970 #25738  
## Word: "packets" (Back to Top)
         US In the past two years, packets of information-- including some  1963 #17619  
## Word: "packing" (Back to Top)
ter, California 2:15 p.m. As he is packing up his telescope, Adamski sees a 11/20/1952 #8309  
ame a number of cylindrical metal "packing cases." After that, about 40 hea 6/8/1974 #29173  
orkers and truck drivers at a meat packing plant that was under constructio 5/5/1980 #35307  
Night. A female employee at a meat packing plant in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, step 9/16/1989 #39106  
ng female employee of a local meat packing plant in Nikolayev, Russia had s 9/16/1989 #39108  
## Word: "packinghouse" (Back to Top)
rloo, Iowa Night. Paul Rutledge, a packinghouse worker at Waterloo, Iowa, s 11/7/1957 #14463  
## Word: "packrat" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Packrat” YieldMax: 20KT                  6/6/1962 #17218  
## Word: "packs" (Back to Top)
e striped suits and had scuba like packs on their backs. The eighth UFOnaut 4/13/1967 #22128  
drone fitted with a mannequin. Jet packs would take up too much fuel to get 10/14/2020 #45662  
## Word: "paco" (Back to Top)
                                   PACO DE ARCOS, PORTUGAL Observers saw di 10/17/1954 #11154  
                                   PACO DE ARCOS, PRT Pink ovoid going sout 12/25/1980 #35731  
## Word: "pacoima" (Back to Top)
                                   PACOIMA, CA 2 1M dull-grey orbs going so 8/5/1951 #5596  
## Word: "pad" (Back to Top)
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  3/15/1946 #1979  
fire of V-2 missile at White Sands Pad 33                                   3/15/1946 #1979  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  4/16/1946 #1982  
st V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, reaching 5.5km altitude (radio c 4/16/1946 #1982  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  5/10/1946 #1989  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 112.6km altitude                 5/10/1946 #1989  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  5/29/1946 #2000  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 112.1km altitude                 5/29/1946 #2000  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  6/13/1946 #2011  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 117.2km altitude                 6/13/1946 #2011  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  6/28/1946 #2017  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 107.8km altitude (nose separatio 6/28/1946 #2017  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  7/9/1946 #2032  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 134.4km altitude                 7/9/1946 #2032  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  7/19/1946 #2065  
ed V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 4.8km altitude (oxygen pump expl 7/19/1946 #2065  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  7/30/1946 #2085  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 161.5km altitude                 7/30/1946 #2085  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  8/15/1946 #2136  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 6.4km altitude (Radio cut-off 16 8/15/1946 #2136  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  8/22/1946 #2147  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 0km altitude (Control failure le 8/22/1946 #2147  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  10/10/1946 #2200  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 173.8km altitude                 10/10/1946 #2200  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  10/10/1946 #2201  
e. V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 104.6km altitude (subnormal prop 10/10/1946 #2201  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  11/7/1946 #2206  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, .32km altitude (Guidance failure 11/7/1946 #2206  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  11/21/1946 #2207  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 101.4km altitude (Sub-normal pro 11/21/1946 #2207  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  12/5/1946 #2210  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 152.9km altitude (Control system 12/5/1946 #2210  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  12/17/1946 #2212  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 184.4km altitude (Rocket explode 12/17/1946 #2212  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  1/10/1947 #2225  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 116.2km altitude (Degraded perfo 1/10/1947 #2225  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  1/23/1947 #2233  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 49.9km altitude (Degraded perfor 1/23/1947 #2233  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  2/20/1947 #2242  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 109.4km altitude (Blossom 1 — Pr 2/20/1947 #2242  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  3/7/1947 #2247  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 165.2km altitude                 3/7/1947 #2247  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  4/1/1947 #2258  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 129.2km altitude                 4/1/1947 #2258  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  4/8/1947 #2260  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 102.2km altitude                 4/8/1947 #2260  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  4/17/1947 #2264  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 142.4km altitude (Successful tes 4/17/1947 #2264  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  5/15/1947 #2282  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  5/29/1947 #2300  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 79.3km altitude (Hermes II proto 5/29/1947 #2300  
ite Sands (which would probably be Pad 33).                                 6/29/1947 #2452  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  7/10/1947 #3076  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 16.25km altitude (Early yaw led  7/10/1947 #3076  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  7/29/1947 #3244  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 160.7km altitude (Near vertical  7/29/1947 #3244  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  9/6/1947 #3387  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  10/9/1947 #3451  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 156.1km altitude (Internal explo 10/9/1947 #3451  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  11/20/1947 #3493  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 26.7km altitude (GE technology p 11/20/1947 #3493  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  12/8/1947 #3497  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 104.6km altitude (Stable flight  12/8/1947 #3497  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  1/22/1948 #3561  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 159.3km altitude (Payload separa 1/22/1948 #3561  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  2/6/1948 #3575  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 111km altitude (Successfully man 2/6/1948 #3575  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  3/19/1948 #3591  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 5.5km altitude (Low altitude fli 3/19/1948 #3591  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  4/2/1948 #3605  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 144km altitude (Three previous l 4/2/1948 #3605  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  4/19/1948 #3626  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 56km altitude (Faulty steering l 4/19/1948 #3626  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  5/13/1948 #3648  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 127.3km altitude (Bumper 1 Prema 5/13/1948 #3648  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  5/27/1948 #3656  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 139.7km altitude (Steady flight  5/27/1948 #3656  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  5/27/1948 #3657  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 139.7km altitude (Steady flight  5/27/1948 #3657  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  6/11/1948 #3668  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 62.3km altitude (Blossom 2 — Cut 6/11/1948 #3668  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  7/26/1948 #3739  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 86.9km altitude (Turbine overspe 7/26/1948 #3739  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  8/5/1948 #3774  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 165.7km altitude                 8/5/1948 #3774  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  8/19/1948 #3784  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 13.4km altitude (Bumper 2 First  8/19/1948 #3784  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  9/2/1948 #3795  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 150.6km altitude (Vehicle broke  9/2/1948 #3795  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  9/30/1948 #3816  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 150.3km altitude (Bumper 3 WAC s 9/30/1948 #3816  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  11/1/1948 #3860  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 4.8km altitude (Bumper 4 Explosi 11/1/1948 #3860  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  11/18/1948 #3879  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 145.3km altitude (First Hermes B 11/18/1948 #3879  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  12/9/1948 #3919  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 108.4km altitude (Vane failure a 12/9/1948 #3919  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  1/13/1949 #3971  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33 (1st Hermes II test)              1/13/1949 #3971  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  1/28/1949 #3982  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 59.9km attitude (Defecti 1/28/1949 #3982  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  2/17/1949 #4011  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 100.6km attitude         2/17/1949 #4011  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  2/24/1949 #4022  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 129km attitude (Successf 2/24/1949 #4022  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  3/21/1949 #4051  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 133.5km attitude (Blosso 3/21/1949 #4051  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  4/11/1949 #4086  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 87.2km attitude (Degrade 4/11/1949 #4086  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  4/21/1949 #4096  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 49.9km attitude (Prematu 4/21/1949 #4096  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  5/5/1949 #4145  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 8.85km attitude (Second  5/5/1949 #4145  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  6/14/1949 #4236  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 133.5km attitude (Blosso 6/14/1949 #4236  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  9/16/1949 #4359  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 4.2km attitude (Blossom  9/16/1949 #4359  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  9/29/1949 #4376  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 150.8km attitude         9/29/1949 #4376  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  10/6/1949 #4384  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33 (2nd Hermes II test)              10/6/1949 #4384  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  11/18/1949 #4417  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 123.9km attitude         11/18/1949 #4417  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  12/8/1949 #4436  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 130.3km attitude         12/8/1949 #4436  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  2/17/1950 #4539  
al V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 148.7km attitude         2/17/1950 #4539  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  7/24/1950 #5076  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  7/29/1950 #5080  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  8/31/1950 #5152  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 136.4km attitude (Blosso 8/31/1950 #5152  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  10/26/1950 #5256  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 8km attitude (Explosion  10/26/1950 #5256  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  11/11/1950 #5274  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33 (3rd and Final Hermes II test)    11/11/1950 #5274  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  1/18/1951 #5404  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 1.6km (Stalled on pad for 13s th 1/18/1951 #5404  
te Sands Pad 33, 1.6km (Stalled on pad for 13s then rose slowly for 38s bef 1/18/1951 #5404  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  3/8/1951 #5472  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 3.1km (Blossom 8 — Three explosi 3/8/1951 #5472  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  6/14/1951 #5540  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 0km (Exploded on pad at start of 6/14/1951 #5540  
ite Sands Pad 33, 0km (Exploded on pad at start of main-stage thrust after  6/14/1951 #5540  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  6/28/1951 #5553  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 5.8km (Blossom 9 — Tail explosio 6/28/1951 #5553  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  8/22/1951 #5615  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 213.4km (Army training test — la 8/22/1951 #5615  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  10/29/1951 #5750  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 140.9km (Army training test. Pay 10/29/1951 #5750  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  5/20/1952 #6340  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 103.5km (Army training test. Als 5/20/1952 #6340  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  8/22/1952 #7672  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 78km (Army training test. Thrust 8/22/1952 #7672  
                       White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM  9/19/1952 #7974  
NM V-2 missile test at White Sands Pad 33, 27km (Army training test. Tail e 9/19/1952 #7974  
1.5 meters in diameter and landing pad imprints 16 cm long.                 9/30/1954 #10521  
 missile is launched from a ground pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida. A disc,  1/10/1961 #16574  
officially dedicates a UFO landing pad as a public park and as a safe place 6/3/1967 #22457  
ies in by helicopter to launch the pad. It consists of a raised platform wi 6/3/1967 #22457  
lse and the missile remains in its pad. Meanwhile, the UFO moves away strai 3/1974 #28830  
lse and the missile remains in its pad.  The UAP then moves away from Romeo 3/1974 #28831  
wide burnt patch, and four landing pad indentations.                        9/9/1974 #29440  
ngular object above the B-52 Alert Pad about half a mile away. It begins to 5/1980 #35296  
nearby concrete helicopter landing pad, with no airstrip or runway, surroun 12/14/1980 #35716  
 one of them directly above launch pad number 1. On June 2, bolts and rivet 6/1/1982 #36489  
e old grass. A prickly pear cactus pad is found at the edge of the ring; th 5/20/1983 #36862  
 lights hovering above the caliche pad of an oil well. Later, in October, w 7/5/2012 #45347  
sition over the helicopter landing pad. By this point, the encounter has la 7/14/2019 #45592  
## Word: "pad#1" (Back to Top)
r overhead. 1 directly over launch pad#1. Electro-magnetic effect (EME.)    7/1982 (approximate) #36523  
## Word: "padana" (Back to Top)
l min. Fast flaming takeoff. / Gaz.Padana.                                  10/14/1954 #11039  
## Word: "padded" (Back to Top)
ls. He sees no instruments, only a padded ledge.                            2/1949 #3994  
bout eight feet tall and wearing a padded "space suit" that was self-lumino 12/10/1977 #32759  
## Word: "padding" (Back to Top)
. The rest of the report is mostly padding.                                 10/31/1968 #24608  
 time). About 95% of the report is padding.                                 7/1995 #42286  
## Word: "paddle" (Back to Top)
 men and all four of them began to paddle frantically toward shore, trying  8/26/1976 #31307  
object is metallic, with an oar or paddle at its rear. In the front is a wi 12/12/1989 #39315  
## Word: "paddles" (Back to Top)
mall turbine blades that look like paddles in a water mill. It seems to be  Early 8/1939 #1312  
elt around in the water with their paddles where the floor of the lake was  6/22/1960 #16316  
## Word: "paddock" (Back to Top)
 placed edge on edge” resting on a paddock. Some oval-shaped windows are vi 1925 #1045  
cer going down [to] and going up / paddock. Tall figure exits and walks aro 2/29/1964 #18139  
with landing gear land in a nearby paddock in Plympton, South Australia at  2/29/1964 #18141  
behind a stand of trees and into a paddock at The Grange in front of the We 4/6/1966 #20257  
tnesses said they saw a cow in the paddock where the object came down. The  4/6/1966 #20259  
eteran, noticed a glow in a nearby paddock while driving his patrol car alo 12/3/1967 #23547  
 Vienne, France five horses in the paddock of M. Meingault were panicked by 2/16/1969 #24923  
 was a great deal of damage to the paddock and fences caused by the frighte 2/16/1969 #24923  
, and the third circle straddled a paddock fence. In Puketutu, Waikato, New 11/5/1969 #25452  
 bottom a neon yellow was near the paddock. It had three bar appendages on  6/2/1970 #25688  
y 75 feet away from him in a sheep paddock. Ron estimated the craft's diame 11/2/1971 #26450  
cle 10 feet in diameter in a wheat paddock. Another family had seen a red b 12/1971 #26482  
white oval object to her left in a paddock. It had lights on both sides, wa 8/3/1972 #26870  
ge, S. AU Diamond-shaped object in paddock, "beeping" sounds on radio. Frol 11/30/1972 #27153  
g on the ground 148 feet away in a paddock. His car radio starts making a n 11/30/1972 #27154  
 on the ground 45 meters away in a paddock. The car radio made a noise like 11/30/1972 #27155  
 domed object that had landed in a paddock in Waipukurau, New Zealand. It t 10/28/1973 #28313  
 strange object on the ground in a paddock. It takes off vertically and hov 9/25/1976 #31428  
le of dried grass was found in the paddock were the straw had been blown or 9/25/1976 #31429  
-foot diameter, circular ring in a paddock at Brayfield Station, southwest  3/11/1977 #31896  
 a landed saucer-shaped craft in a paddock about 100 feet away. It is about 12/2/1977 #32726  
isc-shaped object descended over a paddock. It then emitted three smaller o 12/13/1977 #32765  
isc-shaped object descended over a paddock in Leitchville, Victoria, Austra 12/13/1977 #32769  
l power lines are located near the paddock where the ground traces were dis 12/13/1977 #32769  
s car and set off walking into the paddock to try to get closer to the obje 1/10/1978 #32870  
-ovoid with 2 strong beams circles paddock / 3M altitude 2X.                1/31/1978 #32925  
oached a farmhouse and circled the paddock at low altitude. (NICAP: 02 - Cl 1/31/1978 #32927  
 Huge white globe hovers 100M over paddock. Intense flash. Going down.      2/20/1981 #35838  
ern Vale stables (they inspect the paddock but find no traces), then it is  7/22/1983 #36921  
inder/cigar-shape? Sparks. Lands / paddock. Windows / side. Going up [to] a 1/14/1996 #42684  
                 A UFO landed in a paddock in Large George, New South Wales 1/14/1996 #42685  
UON VALLEY, TASM Room lit. Ovoid / paddock. Thin figure / garden beckons. B 2/10/1996 #42753  
tical shape about 50cm away in the paddock. There was a brilliant bluish wh 2/10/1996 #42754  
low / roadside. Make 90° turn into paddock.                                 8/23/1996 #42990  
r. Going down [to] few meters over paddock. Observer(s) flees.              10/22/1996 #43090  
t of the house. The circle is in a paddock at a higher elevation and in fro 6/24/1997 #43337  
like a landed disc-shaped UFO in a paddock. The craft was round and about f 8/3/2008 #45154  
## Word: "paddocks" (Back to Top)
s from the sky, leaving a sheen on paddocks, hedges, and trees over a 90 km 6/9/1999 #43783  
## Word: "paddy" (Back to Top)
ral / car. Brilliant object / rice Paddy. White beam searches. Going quickl 7/28/1966 #20690  
                               OFF PADDY ISLAND, TASM Fishermen / 2 boats.  10/28/1969 (approximate) #25426  
        Fishermen in two boats off Paddy Island, Tasmania sighted a domed d 10/28/1969 #25429  
oid early in the morning in a rice paddy outside the village, and that he l 9/9/2005 #44871  
## Word: "padelford" (Back to Top)
iles southwest of Reno, USAF Major Padelford, Lt. White and Lt. Cripe, the  4/12/1953 #8821  
## Word: "padellero" (Back to Top)
talian Air Force sergeants (Franco Padellero and Attilio di Salvatore), an  7/4/1978 #33335  
## Word: "padilla" (Back to Top)
 Mexico, and is discovered by Jose Padilla, 9, and Remigio Baca, 7, when th 8/16/1945 #1924  
.m. Patricio Hanessian and Alfredo Padilla are driving in the state of Guan Mid 5/1967 #22347  
 SAN JUAN, PR Observer(s) = Manuel Padilla. Bullet shaped object / sky. No  12/17/1973 #28579  
## Word: "padin" (Back to Top)
                           Rodolfo Padin was driving with a male companion  11/22/1962 #17557  
## Word: "padlock" (Back to Top)
a hinged plate locked with a large padlock.                                 1954 #9420  
## Word: "padova" (Back to Top)
                                   PADOVA, ITL 3 observer(s). 8M ovoid / 12 10/28/1954 #11457  
                         In Padua (Padova), Italy three witnesses watched a 10/28/1954 #11467  
                                   PADOVA, ITL 1 / bicycle. Headlight dies. 8/22/1977 #32417  
      In a farming area outside of Padova (Padua), Italy at around midnight 6/8/1994 #41558  
                              NEAR PADOVA, ITL Robot with lights etc. Telep 7/8/1994 #41615  
## Word: "padre" (Back to Top)
                                   Padre Island, TX Ray Stanford contacts s 11/6/1954 #11582  
                                   PADRE ISLAND, TX Teacher / beach. Cloud  6/1/1970 #25685  
         A teacher on the beach on Padre Island, Texas sighted a cloud ciga 6/1/1970 #25686  
ronto, Marche, Italy Exodus Andrea Padre 5:30 p.m. While fishing in the Adr 11/8/1978 #33928  
f another fishing boat, the Andrea Padre, reports a moving submerged object 11/8/1978 #33928  
## Word: "padres" (Back to Top)
                               LOS PADRES FOREST, CA Camper abduction / 4 s 4/5/1967 #22055  
## Word: "padrick" (Back to Top)
ton AFB 2:00 a.m. TV repairman Sid Padrick is walking along Manresa Beach n 1/30/1965 #18784  
who calls himself “Xeno” and gives Padrick a tour of the ship and other cre 1/30/1965 #18784  
 in a deeply spiritual experience. Padrick reports his experience to Hamilt 1/30/1965 #18784  
                               Sid Padrick, age 52, was walking on the beac 1/30/1965 #18785  
 within two feet of the beach. Mr. Padrick was invited by the voice to come 1/30/1965 #18785  
ty had no sickness, vice or crime. Padrick saw on a TV screen another such  1/30/1965 #18785  
## Word: "padrón" (Back to Top)
 9:27 p.m. Dr. Don Francisco-Julio Padrón León and Santiago del Pino are tr 6/22/1976 #31128  
## Word: "pads" (Back to Top)
c-shaped UFO with a dome and three pads on the underside suddenly comes tow 12/8/1957 #14691  
iameter, with two V-shaped landing pads and a dome, which had landed on the 7/12/1965 #19095  
er, which had two V-shaped landing pads and a dome, and which had landed on 7/12/1965 #19099  
eaves three impressions of landing pads about 4 feet square.                5/22/1966 #20507  
ported by two legs ending in round pads joined by a bar. He got within 12 m 10/9/1967 #23200  
from him. The legs end in circular pads and are joined by a curved bar. The 10/9/1967 #23201  
 legs had what looked like landing pads at the ends of them, and the object 4/23/1971 #26079  
object with four legs with landing pads, descended from 150 feet altitude w 5/13/1972 #26682  
scopic legs that terminate in flat pads. A figure about 3.5 feet tall appea 9/18/1978 #33708  
nt 200' ovoid with bars. Vertical. Pads / bottom. Wave.                     1/16/1994 #41373  
 is a huge object on three landing pads. It has the form of two inverted so 3/30/1995 #42127  
## Word: "padua" (Back to Top)
                    Boaria Pisani, Padua, Italy In Boaria Pisani, Padua, It 10/15/1954 #11109  
ni, Padua, Italy In Boaria Pisani, Padua, Italy, a farmer is leading his co 10/15/1954 #11109  
                                In Padua (Padova), Italy three witnesses wa 10/28/1954 #11467  
through the snowy woods outside of Padua, Italy saw a very large, round lum 2/6/1963 #17657  
 a farming area outside of Padova (Padua), Italy at around midnight a robot 6/8/1994 #41558  
## Word: "padul" (Back to Top)
                                EL PADUL, SP Shepherd. 10M saucer lands. Fl 4/30/1958 #15004  
r came to rest on a hillside in El Padul, Spain at dusk. It was sighted by  4/30/1958 #15005  
                                EL PADUL, SP Several / car. Luminous 2-dome 7/1968? #24101  
## Word: "paea" (Back to Top)
                                   PAEA, TAHITI Screech! Moon-size fireball 4/15/1975 #29988  
                                   PAEA, TAHITI 8 observer(s). Hubcap sauce 11/24/1975 #30657  
## Word: "paf" (Back to Top)
                    CHICLAYO, PERU PAF Commander and engineer chase disk /  4/1950 #4781  
                   CORUCHE, PORT 4 PAF jets buzzed / objects which exit lar 9/4/1957 #13975  
GAR AIR FORCE BASE / LA JOYA, PERU PAF SU22 jets fire / saucer over Air For 5/9/1980 #35318  
## Word: "paga" (Back to Top)
lot named Quinn, flying a DC-3 for PAGA Airlines between Lima and Hueca, Pe 8/5/1952 #7474  
## Word: "pagan" (Back to Top)
nd Thunder”), in which he condemns pagan folk beliefs, such as the notion o 812 #2  
## Word: "pagano" (Back to Top)
ICAP report, investigation by John Pagano.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 10/10/1966 #20980  
## Word: "page" (Back to Top)
V Flaming, one-hundred foot blimp (Page 6 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 11/1/1931 #1132  
             Durham, NY Airplane. (Page 6 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 4/1932 #1140  
        Sussex, UK Gigantic light (Page 6-7 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 7/5/1933 #1166  
 and Britain, mysterious aircraft (Page 7 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 8/1933 #1174  
Beam of light coming from machine (Page 7 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 12/24/1933 #1181  
City, Sweden Low-flying aeroplane (Page 7 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 12/30/1933 #1187  
s reported by the New York Times) (Page 8 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 2/3/1934 #1202  
e aeroplane with eight propellers (Page 8 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 4/1/1934 #1207  
lestine, TX Bright shaft of light (Page 10 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 11/24/1935 #1237  
f light hanging motionless in sky (Page 10 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 12/1935 #1238  
t, no propellers, gun metal color (Page 10-11 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 02 - Close En 1/1/1937 #1258  
with red and green glowing lights (Page 11, Ref. 1) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 2/11/1937 #1264  
 UK Light (Nicknamed Ghost Flier) (Page 11 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 7/20/1937 #1273  
 Space Lights of alleged aircraft (Page 11 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 7/22/1937 #1274  
s described as coffins and swords (Page 11 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc Late 1937 #1278  
 were floating in the British sky (Page 11-12 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  2/8/1938 #1283  
object with rectangular portholes (Page 12 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou Summer 1938 #1284  
irliner without wings; weird glow (Page 14 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 7/1939 #1308  
about half the size of full moon. (Page 17 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 12/1941 #1374  
oving in counterclockwise circles (Page 17-18 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  12/1941 #1375  
h (Patrick, delete single quotes) (Page 18 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 12/22/1941 #1380  
 location at 3,500 miles per hour (Page 23 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 2/27/1942 #1396  
ct; sometimes remained motionless (Page 23 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc Spring 1942 #1401  
 defined rectangle; gray in color (Page 23 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc Spring 1942 #1402  
ber, Cheshire cat emblem on dome. (Page 29 Ref 1) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases Summer 1942 #1418  
ting sun, the size of a full moon (Page 23-25 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  6/25/1942 #1420  
oximately ninety feet in diameter (Page 27 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 8/5/1942 #1429  
described as a bright white light (Page 29-30 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  8/11/1942 #1431  
lose to 150; mighty roaring sound (Page 28 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 8/12/1942 #1433  
t the front; aluminum hued color. (Page 30-31, Ref 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  Mid 8/1942 #1439  
t with a long white tail of light (Page 30 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 8/17/1942 #1441  
o wings; electronic interference. (Page 35-36 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  11/1942 #1460  
t equal distances along its body. (Page 34-35 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  11/28/1942 #1463  
, flying in unison; not aircraft. (Page 36 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 12/1942 #1468  
 exhaust, smoke, or vapor trails. (Page 51 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 1943 (approximate) #1476  
ke a huge irregular mass of neon. (Page 39, Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 3/13/1943 #1485  
range balloon on or near the sea. (Page 41 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 5/1943 #1497  
t giving off a green star. (Ref. 1 Page 39) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 5/12/1943 #1499  
Large number of so-called rockets (Page 39-40 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 5/23/1943 #1501  
 several thousand miles per hour. (Page 40-41 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 5/27/1943 #1504  
 Objects resembling silver discs. (Page 43 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 9/6/1943 #1527  
d Light moving high in night sky. (Page 84 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco Fall 1943 #1529  
ircraft; streak-like vapor trail. (Page 51 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 12/11/1943 #1550  
, Italy Small round bright light. (Page 52 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 12/14/1943 #1552  
se; fiery head and blazing stern. (Page 54 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 1/2/1944 #1561  
 Germany Black plate-sized discs. (Page 55 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 1/5/1944 #1562  
rance, In Air Airborne red light. (Page 56 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 1/28/1944 #1564  
 aircraft through evasive action. (Page 56 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 1/29/1944 #1565  
glowing balls; snake-like motion. (Page 59-60 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 2/19/1944 #1574  
s along the bottom of the object. (Page 60 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 2/19/1944 #1575  
of the wind & not interconnected. (Page 60 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 2/24/1944 #1578  
 large orange glow & smoke trail. (Page 66 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 4/11/1944 #1590  
r-dropped craft; probable Me-163. (Page 63 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 4/25/1944 #1591  
zed¬; looking like large oranges. (Page 64-65 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 4/26/1944 #1592  
Luminescent discus-shaped object. (Page 67-68 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 6/1944 #1598  
oximately the size of a football. (Page 70 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 6/1944 #1600  
blunted on each end like sausage. (Page 67 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 6/6/1944 #1604  
lly glistening motionless object. (Page 78 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco Summer 1944 #1608  
ying at extremely high altitudes. (Page 81 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 7/1944 #1616  
 before disappearing into clouds. (Page 79-80 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 8/1944 #1632  
d intense red or orange in color. (Page 71-74 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 8/1/1944 #1634  
d intense red or orange in color. (Page 71-74 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation  8/10/1944 #1638  
 portholes in a ship; motionless. (Page 75 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 8/12/1944 #1642  
in air for at least five minutes. (Page 76 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 8/13/1944 #1643  
ct & egg-shaped & very brilliant. (Page 76 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 9/1944 #1658  
cal object & like a rolling ball. (Page 83 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 9/1944 #1660  
& three to four feet in diameter. (Page 82-83 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 9/1944 #1661  
ped; red glow emitting from rear. (Page 81-82 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E Late 9/1944 #1668  
ll black dot; hanging stationary. (Page Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 10/16/1944 #1678  
 appearance of an aircraft light. (Page 84 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 10/20/1944 #1679  
ange balls diving into the hills. (Page 84 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 10/20/1944 #1680  
e sightings of possible balloons. (Page 78 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 10/25/1944 #1681  
ge, and moving at terrific speed. (Page 95 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco Late 10/1944 #1682  
, Philippines Bright green globe. (Page 95-96 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E Late 10/1944 #1683  
oximately three feet in diameter. (Page 85-86 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 10/29/1944 #1686  
, pale orange, clean edged light. (Page 86 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 10/30/1944 #1687  
long purple-blue parabolic trail. (Page 77-78 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 11/5/1944 #1693  
; several flares similar to jets. (Page 86-87 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 11/5/1944 #1694  
tly, swift and jerking movements. (Page 89 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 11/22/1944 #1699  
ding light; felt unbearable heat. (Page 89-93 Ref.1) (NICAP: 05 - Medical I 11/24/1944 #1704  
t disappeared in long red streak. (Page 93-94 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 11/26/1944 #1706  
t at times appeared cigar-shaped. (Page 97-98 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 12/1944 #1713  
not solid color; no radar return. (Page 118-119 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 12/1944 #1714  
ze of tennis ball at arms length. (Page 119 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 12/1944 #1715  
crews aircraft; no radar contact. (Page 120 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 12/1944 #1716  
 steady, seemingly hanging light. (Page 96 Ref.1) Ghedi Airdrome area (NICA 12/2/1944 #1717  
bed out of range in nothing flat. (Page 96 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 12/5/1944 #1718  
larger than a star going 200 mph. (Page 96,130 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  12/14/1944 #1720  
t at times appeared cigar-shaped. (Page 103-104 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 12/16/1944 #1723  
 red and green lights in T-shape. (Page 100,130 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 12/17/1944 #1724  
eared to be under perfect control (Page 102,130 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 12/22/1944 #1727  
 City, Germany Red streak in sky. (Page 103,130 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 12/23/1944 #1729  
ing into a dive and disappearing. (Page 103,130 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 12/23/1944 #1730  
ws; row of vertical white lights. (Page 103,131 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 12/26/1944 #1734  
ight inverted triangle formation. (Page 104-106 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 12/26/1944 #1735  
ts of three red and white lights. (Page 107-108,131 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 12/27/1944 #1736  
oving slowly before disappearing. (Page 108 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 12/27/1944 #1737  
r to have anything supporting it. (Page 108 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 12/28/1944 #1738  
 a tremendous speed; disappeared. (Page 108-110 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 12/28/1944 #1739  
n tandem; three feet in diameter. (Page 114-117 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 1/1/1945 #1749  
 (north of), France Foo fighters. (Page 131 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 1/1/1945 #1750  
ss parallel and at same altitude. (Page 125 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 1/10/1945 #1754  
in sky approx. 5 ft. in diameter. (Page 131 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 1/14/1945 #1756  
traveling in separate directions. (Page 132 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 1/18/1945 #1758  
ights about one foot in diameter. (Page 129,131 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 1/29/1945 #1763  
 yellowish-red intermittent glow. (Page 149 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 2/1945 #1767  
ual green light & moving rapidly. (Page 133 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 2/1/1945 #1769  
ather balloon with a metal sheen. (Page 59 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 2/4/1945 #1772  
r to a small flak burst floating. (Page 59 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 2/4/1945 #1773  
-like object changing stationary. (Page 59 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 2/8/1945 #1775  
ourg (near), France Yellow light. (Page 133 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 2/8/1945 #1776  
 Very bright light moving slowly. (Page 133 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 2/9/1945 #1777  
en returned to original position. (Page 136 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 2/13/1945 #1781  
n each side) blinking off and on. (Page 136 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 2/14/1945 #1782  
are; flare that seemed to spiral. (Page 136 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 2/15/1945 #1783  
spurts of flame; no radar return. (Page 136 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 2/15/1945 #1784  
e white flares; no radar contact. (Page 136- (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   2/16/1945 #1786  
craft; fired upon without result. (Page 137 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 2/17/1945 #1787  
hat did not appear to be Jet A/C. (Page 137 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 2/17/1945 #1788  
uster of 15 orange balls of fire. (Page 139-140 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 2/21/1945 #1791  
arge red balls of fire; hovering. (Page 140 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 2/21/1945 #1792  
that did not appear to be flares. (Page 141 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 2/22/1945 #1793  
angle observed; no radar contact. (Page 141-142 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 2/27/1945 #1795  
nless ,swept away like dragonfly. (Page 142-143 Ref.1) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 3/1945 #1800  
ny Two balloon-like silver balls. (Page 143 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 3/3/1945 #1807  
ng horizontally at same altitude. (Page 145 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 3/5/1945 #1808  
pped in air; called foo fighters. (Page 145-146 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 3/9/1945 #1809  
 fire; (2) two balls of foo fire. (Page 147 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 3/13/1945 #1812  
rd at a fantastic rate of speed . (Page 151-152 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Mid 3/1945 #1813  
 contact, then light disappeared. (Page 148 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 3/18/1945 #1815  
s; one orange and one greenballl. (Page 148 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 3/19/1945 #1818  
Ghedi, Italy 2 balls of foo fire. (Page 150 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 3/23/1945 #1821  
rmany Stationary airborne object. (Page 150 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 3/23/1945 #1822  
of soccer ball; red ball of fire. (Page 152-153 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 3/24/1945 #1823  
parently individually controlled. (Page 153-154 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 3/25/1945 #1825  
 followed through evasive action. (Page 157-158 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 4/3/1945 #1837  
avel thousands of miles per hour. (Page 158-159 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 4/7/1945 #1840  
e changing colors; orange to red. (Page 161 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 4/7/1945 #1841  
 same size as B-29 landing light. (Page 166 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 5/14/1945 #1867  
d from bright red, to dim orange. (Page 180 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 6/18/1945 #1876  
9 followed by strong white light. (Page 180 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 6/19/1945 #1877  
f fire; no fuselage or any wings. (Page 180 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 6/19/1945 #1878  
ved in direction object departed. (Page 188- 189 Ref.1) (NICAP: 02 - Close  Summer 1945 #1880  
, but of somewhat the same color. (Page 182-183 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 7/2/1945 #1890  
 appearing to hit with no affect. (Page 186 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 7/7/1945 #1892  
 traveling with it at same speed. (Page 186-187 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 7/12/1945 #1893  
went straight-up and disappeared. (Page 188 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc Mid 7/1945 #1895  
ngs, and 35 to 50 feet in length. (Page 189-190 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 8/1945 #1909  
then return to original position. (Page 195-196 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 9/1945 #1933  
/archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/260/mode/2up (p260-p262)   https:// 9/23/1947 #3419  
/archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/476/mode/2up (p476-p478)            9/23/1947 #3419  
/archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/396/mode/2up                        10/1947 #3440  
l accomplishments of the Germans” (page 5, paragraph 4). [However, a fake v 10/28/1947 #3469  
    Fate Magazine 1948 Volume 1 #1 page 26 reports on the Maury Island inci 1/1948 #3528  
e.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/54/mode/2up     Note: This is at a  7/6/1950 #5047  
g/details/huntforzeropoint0000cook/page/33/mode/1up (p33)  Note: In 1955, B 1952 #5843  
chive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/145/mode/1up   http://textfiles.com 4/24/1952 #6179  
chive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/176/mode/1up     Note: USAF Capt. E 4/24/1952 #6179  
non reported over Seattle on front page of NY Times, reported as possible m 5/12/1952 #6303  
rd(s) Manhattan. Glows. Rim spins. Page 3-12.                               7/27/1952 #7185  
ncluding astronomer Thornton Leigh Page) and engineers to review the status 12/10/1952 #8408  
Walter Alvarez, and Thornton Leigh Page. CIA members Philip Grandin Strong, 1/14/1953 #8539  
not openly hostile to UFO reports. Page later says that “H. P. Robertson to 1/14/1953 #8539  
a phony issue invented by Thornton Page), the Air Force should embark on a  1/17/1953 #8548  
gnatory of the report, Thornton L. Page admitted on 3 October 1992 that the 1/18/1953 #8551  
. Lloyd Berkner and Prof. Thornton Page.                                    1/26/1953 #8568  
org/details/reportonunidenti00rupp/page/228/mode/2up   https://archive.org/ 2/9/1953 #8656  
org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/70/mode/2up   https://archive.org/d 2/9/1953 #8656  
e.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/236/mode/2up                        2/9/1953 #8656  
chive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/182/mode/2up                        2/19/1953 #8686  
/archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/282/mode/2up   http://www.waterufo. 3/10/1954 #9611  
dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) List page 20.                                 7/25/1954 #10048  
Stops. Suddenly speeds away. / r49 page unknown.                            9/27/1954 #10459  
org/details/flyingsaucersunc00wilk/page/234/mode/2up                        10/14/1954 #11075  
g/details/huntforzeropoint0000cook/page/74/mode/1up   https://documents.the 1955 #11897  
etails/1956-01-7340421-Afghanistan/page/n2/mode/1up                         1/24/1956 #12681  
org/details/reportonunidenti00rupp/page/45/mode/1up (p45)                   2/1956 #12691  
FbiUnidentifiedFlyingObjects-Part2/page/n519/mode/1up                       9/24/1957 #14030  
g/details/huntforzeropoint0000cook/page/50/mode/1up (page 50)   https://www 1958 #14787  
eropoint0000cook/page/50/mode/1up (page 50)   https://www.abebooks.com/firs 1958 #14787  
g/details/huntforzeropoint0000cook/page/70/mode/1up (p70, p71)  Note: Itali 1958 #14787  
e.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/146/mode/2up   https://www.nicap.or 5/19/1960 #16292  
                    An alleged one page memo from President Kennedy (not us 6/28/1961 #16738  
org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/86/mode/2up   https://babel.hathitr 10/29/1962 #17518  
e trading post, south-southwest of Page, Arizona saw an ovoid object fly in 6/3/1964 #18327  
tts 12:00 midnight–3:00 a.m. Irene Page watches a sparkling ball of light t 10/29/1964 #18595  
ve.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/80/mode/2up (p80)   http://web.arch 4/5/1966 #20253  
             At 2:00 a.m. Dr. Eula Page, a psychologist, was driving home f 4/22/1966 #20377  
man. Standing outside the car, Dr. Page watched the UFO for about 20 minute 4/22/1966 #20377  
by Robertson Panel member Thornton Page, discovered in the Smithsonian’s ar 5/10/1966 #20474  
In the September 10, 1966, letter, Page relates to Frederick C. Durant that 5/10/1966 #20474  
FbiUnidentifiedFlyingObjects-Part2/page/n217/mode/2up (p217-p220)   https:/ 7/21/1966 #20664  
FbiUnidentifiedFlyingObjects-Part2/page/n97/mode/2up (p97)   https://archiv 7/21/1966 #20664  
FbiUnidentifiedFlyingObjects-Part2/page/n20/mode/1up (p20)   https://docs.w 7/21/1966 #20664  
d, and finally sped away. (Sagan & Page, 1972, pp. xxii-xxiii.) (NICAP: 02  9/22/1966 #20913  
vises a witness questionnaire. One page is devoted to the UFO, the other 20 12/1966 #21172  
org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/237/mode/1up (page 237)   https://c 3/1/1967 #21719  
tentgover00fawc/page/237/mode/1up (page 237)   https://citeseerx.ist.psu.ed 3/1/1967 #21719  
ch is displayed at the top of this page. (NICAP & MUFON files) (NICAP: 08 - 3/9/1967 #21832  
RS, December 1979, Bantam Edition, page 331) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 3/24/1967 #21964  
g/details/huntforzeropoint0000cook/page/134/mode/1up (page 134)     Note: “ 1968 #23633  
ropoint0000cook/page/134/mode/1up (page 134)     Note: “Marckus” suggests e 1968 #23633  
                                   PAGE, ND Cylinder/cigar-shape with 2 row 1/1968 (approximate) #23636  
llite reentry and decay (Sagan and Page, 1972, 155-161). (NICAP: 01 - Dista 3/3/1968 #23812  
llite reentry and decay (Sagan and Page, 1972, 155-161).                    3/3/1968 #23814  
overed over trees. (MUJ, issue and page unknown) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 7/16/1968 #24181  
eres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) page 6.                                  7/23/1968 #24211  
ve.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/220/mode/2up (p221)                 11/15/1968 #24662  
ry fast. Viewed about 10 seconds. (Page 31, Regional Encounters: The FC Fil 7/18/1969 #25279  
he program is arranged by Thornton Page (NASA Manned Spacecraft Center), Ph 12/26/1969 #25509  
bers are Hynek, McDonald, Thornton Page, Gordon D. Thayer, and Philip Klass 1/21/1970 #25548  
in their twenties, named Gavey and Page. The sighting lasted several second 10/17/1970 #25881  
rds. (UFO Investigator / May 1971, page 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   4/18/1971 #26077  
ner. ( UFO Investigator, May 1971, page 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   4/25/1971 #26082  
rd. (UFO Investigator / July 1971, page 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   5/29/1971 #26141  
chive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/284/mode/2up                        6/1971 #26154  
ts. (UFO Investigator / Aug. 1971, page 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/28/1971 #26249  
ide. (UFO Investigator/ Nov. 1971, page 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   10/12/1971 #26421  
tes. (UFO Investigator/ Dec. 1971, page 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   11/6/1971 #26463  
 course and disappeared.(UFOI, 71, page 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 11/7/1971 #26467  
p.m. (UFO Investigator / Jan 1972, page 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   12/14/1971 #26498  
ve.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/206/mode/2up (p207)   https://archi 5/1972 #26666  
ve.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/208/mode/2up (p208)                 5/1972 #26666  
ights describing a circle. (SL-56, page 7) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/11/1972 #26714  
A. Witness was "Alterwitz". (EGBA, page 672) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/16/1972 #26716  
ice beat at the base. (Skylook 57, page 12). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 6/19/1972 #26720  
ind clouds. (NICAP UFOI, Oct 1972, page 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/3/1972 #26756  
rve in opposite direction. (SL-58, page 12) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  7/19/1972 #26812  
n. KXOK received 13 calls. (SL-72, page 10) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  7/22/1972 #26824  
 radar track at Scott AFB. (SL-59, page 13) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  7/31/1972 #26849  
atched with field glasses. (SL-60, page 9) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   8/1/1972 #26866  
 and looked at the object. (SL-59, page 11) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  8/11/1972 #26895  
ect. (See Bensonville, IL) (SL-59, page 11) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  8/11/1972 #26896  
:30 a.m. Same object seen. (SL-59, page 11) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  8/11/1972 #26897  
uish-green. (NICAP UFOI, Oct 1972, page 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   8/20/1972 #26938  
 fir trees. (NICAP UFOI, Oct 1972, page 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) ( 8/21/1972 #26943  
 fir trees. (NICAP UFOI, Oct 1972, page 3) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)          8/27/1972 #26961  
e: UFO INVESTIGATOR, October 1972, page 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   8/29/1972 #26968  
ming out of the bottom." . (SL-60, page 5) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   9/11/1972 #26987  
arby field. (NICAP UFOI, Oct 1972, page 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   9/13/1972 #26990  
t witness' name was Eastman.(EGBA, Page 673) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)     9/20/1972 #27015  
onds it then switched off. (SL-62, Page 10) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  10/14/1972 #27075  
e slowed her car to watch. (SL-62, Page 11) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 11/24/1972 #27138  
rence: UFO INVESTIGATOR, May 1973, page 2) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 2/1973 #27256  
ipse hovered near house. (UFOE II, page 341) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 9/16/1973 #27827  
ed, and object took off. (UFOE II, page 341) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)     10/10/1973 #27979  
: UFO INVESTIGATOR, February 1974, page 2) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   1/22/1974 #28690  
nce: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1974, page 4) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/13/1974 #28764  
rence: UFO INVESTIGATOR, May 1974, page 2) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/17/1974 #28777  
ence: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July 1974, page 1) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   4/15/1974 #29028  
ence: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July 1974, page 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 5/28/1974 #29141  
 died. See clippings (main link is page 1) and Page 2.        http://www.ni 10/20/1974 #29547  
lippings (main link is page 1) and Page 2.        http://www.nicap.org/7410 10/20/1974 #29547  
rence: UFO INVESTIGATOR, May 1975, page 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   1/20/1975 #29757  
e: UFO INVESTIGATOR, October 1975, page 2) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   6/24/1975 #30119  
e: UFO INVESTIGATOR, October 1975, page 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/14/1975 #30179  
: UFO INVESTIGATOR. December 1975, page 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/4/1975 #30416  
 Barry J. Greenwood, Clear Intent, page 33) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  10/18/1975 #30441  
 Barry J. Greenwood, Clear Intent, page 34) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 10/20/1975 #30452  
CT 75. (Actual document below. See page 1 & 2) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 10/29/1975 #30508  
e: UFO INVESTIGATOR, January 1976, page 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 11/11/1975 #30605  
 Barry J. Greenwood, Clear Intent, page 35) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)         11/11/1975 #30606  
rence: UFO INVESTIGATOR, May 1976, page 1) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   1/25/1976 #30819  
nce: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1976, page 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   1/27/1976 #30822  
ence: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July 1976, page 1) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   2/10/1976 #30861  
ence: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July 1976, page 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/19/1976 #30884  
nce: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1976, page 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/19/1976 #30885  
nce: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1976, page 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/26/1976 #30909  
                                   PAGE FIELD AND FT. MYERS, FL NAL pilot a 6/26/1976 #31141  
wcett and Greenwood, Clear Intent, page 47) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  8/10/1976 #31250  
: UFO INVESTIGATOR, February 1977, page 4) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   1/21/1977 #31738  
ence: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July 1977, page 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 5/9/1977 #32077  
ence: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July 1977, page 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 5/9/1977 #32078  
ence: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July 1977, page 1) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   5/9/1977 #32079  
rence: UFO INVESTIGATOR, May 1977, page 4) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   5/20/1977 #32115  
: UFO INVESTIGATOR, December 1977, page 4) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/4/1977 #32234  
e: UFO INVESTIGATOR, October 1977, page 4) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   7/21/1977 #32296  
org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/194/mode/2up   http://www.noufors.c 1/19/1978 #32900  
 family photograph. No visual. See page 1 / reference. Misidentified (conve 7/15/1978? #33384  
d. On arrival at 9:35 p.m. Officer Page saw a triangular UFO hovering motio 8/6/1978 #33481  
org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/54/mode/2up   https://archive.org/d 12/20/1978 #34186  
org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/54/mode/2up     Note: Documents dec 12/20/1978 #34186  
org/details/aliencontacttops00good/page/258/mode/1up *   http://nebula.wsim 2/16/1979 #34431  
org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/10/mode/2up                         9/1979 #34816  
g/details/projectbetastory0000bish/page/120/mode/2up     Note: AFOSI’s acti 1980's? #35109  
/archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/406/mode/2up   https://archive.org/ 7/1980 #35398  
g/details/projectbetastory0000bish/page/64/mode/2up   https://archive.org/d 7/1980 #35398  
g/details/projectbetastory0000bish/page/54/mode/2up                         7/1980 #35398  
 Lazar appears on the front Sunday page of the “Los Alamos Monitor”         6/27/1982 #36517  
g/details/huntforzeropoint0000cook/page/262/mode/1up   https://www.reddit.c 1983 #36738  
org/details/outtheregovernme00blum/page/24/mode/2up (p25-32)                12/1986 #38079  
munity.” He provides a copy of one page of the MJ-12 briefing document, wit 5/1987 #38169  
g/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/10/mode/2up                         5/15/1989 #38953  
g/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/412/mode/2up *   https://archive.or 6/1989 #38972  
g/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/10/mode/2up  Note: As noted on the  6/1989 #38972  
org/details/aliencontacttops00good/page/223/mode/1up?q=bdm (p222-p223)      10/1989 #39139  
g/details/huntforzeropoint0000cook/page/83/mode/1up   https://apps.dtic.mil 3/1990 #39436  
gas Review-Journal, Mar. 20, 1994, Page 1B.                                 3/20/1994 #41461  
own Rio Grande River. / C. O'Brian page 241.                                5/24/1994 #41537  
lyst has many similar / this area. Page 26.                                 7/1/1994? #41597  
uthForbiddenKnowledgeStevenM.Greer/page/n211/mode/1up (p211)                Mid 1990's #41926  
and space capabilities by 2025. On page 114 of the document, an “airborne h 5/1996 #42891  
g/details/huntforzeropoint0000cook/page/99/mode/1up                         8/1997 #43363  
g/details/huntforzeropoint0000cook/page/145/mode/1up     Note: Photographic Late 1990's #43480  
/SecretSpaceProgrammeAndrewJohnson/page/n262/mode/1up   https://archive.org 1998 #43481  
/SecretSpaceProgrammeAndrewJohnson/page/n257/mode/1up   http://checktheevid 1998 #43481  
/SecretSpaceProgrammeAndrewJohnson/page/n215/mode/1up                       6/17/1998 #43589  
/SecretSpaceProgrammeAndrewJohnson/page/n237/mode/1up                       1999 #43709  
crapers in the city. It made front page news, and was viewed by hundreds.   12/2/1999 #43891  
ost%20Rockets%20File.pdf#page=137 (page 137) *   https://www.crunchbase.com 12/3/1999 #43892  
/SecretSpaceProgrammeAndrewJohnson/page/n231/mode/1up     Note: Thomas Town 5/9/2001 #44183  
uthForbiddenKnowledgeStevenM.Greer/page/n210/mode/1up (p210)                4/28/2006 #44935  
uthForbiddenKnowledgeStevenM.Greer/page/n212/mode/1up (p212)     Note: CIA  4/28/2006 #44936  
uthForbiddenKnowledgeStevenM.Greer/page/n212/mode/1up (p265)     Note: Form 4/28/2006 #44937  
g/details/adafterdisclosur0000dola/page/276/mode/2up                        2012 #45336  
org/details/americanindianmy00marr/page/n185/mode/2up   https://www.aboveto 2/20/2015 #45431  
 million “interested” on the event page, which subsequently attracts widesp 6/27/2019 #45588  
he Congressional record, the first page of which describes an organization  5/17/2022 #45751  
tudies launches its first Facebook page.                                    5/27/2022 #45752  
## Word: "pageid=665&copageid=4" (Back to Top)
ntent/clickonlinearchive182006.asp?pageid=665&copageid=4                    11/2002 #44428  
## Word: "pagella" (Back to Top)
sent a patrol, under Comm. Osvaldo Pagella, which found a large, metallic o 5/24/1965 #18960  
sent a patrol, under Comm. Osvaldo Pagella, which found a large, metallic o 5/24/1965 #18965  
## Word: "pager" (Back to Top)
small humanoids (or Greys) inside. Pager malfunctions due to EME (electro-m 1/8/1974 #28662  
ises had noticed a failure on his "pager" radio four times between 7 and 10 1/8/1974 #28665  
ises had noticed a failure of his "pager" radio four times between seven an 1/8/1974 #28667  
## Word: "pages" (Back to Top)
 expands its size to more than 200 pages and encourages readers to contribu 2/1938 #1281  
siderable reader interest, and the pages of Amazing Stories are soon filled 11/1943 #1541  
; Case summary by Ted Bloecher, 14 pages. Interviews by Bloecher, Lucius Fa Late 8/1946 #2159  
f the Intelligence Department). 72 pages are visible in the NICAP copy and  2/11/1949 #4003  
isible in the NICAP copy and 1,537 pages (some illegible) are available on  2/11/1949 #4003  
on brought six single-spaced typed pages of questions they and their friend 1953 #8469  
e official file is several hundred pages long.                              8/5/1953 #9049  
al report by Battelle is about 300 pages, but the Air Force distills this d 10/25/1955 #12519  
ater, Gray-Cobb discovers that the pages for the event are gone from the lo 10/22/1965 #19672  
s found at site. (Hall, 1964-1967, pages 474-482, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence 6/13/1967 #22501  
off straight up. (Hall, 1964-1967, pages 474-482, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence 7/31/1967 #22759  
 1968, Soviet Life published three pages pertinent to UFOs, by Felix Zigel. 2/22/1968 #23776  
 biggest impression, presenting 30 pages of UFO reports. He states: “my own 7/29/1968 #24254  
the various reports, along with 11 pages of attachments cobbled together in 10/24/1968 #24587  
er, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, pages 175-180, 340.) (NICAP: 02 - Close  5/31/1971 #26148  
rence: UFO INVESTIGATOR, May 1973, pages 1, 4) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 3/1/1973 #27322  
: UFO INVESTIGATOR, February 1975, pages 1-2) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 1/2/1975 #29697  
: UFO INVESTIGATOR, February 1975, pages 1- 2) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 1/2/1975 #29698  
 UFO INVESTIGATOR, September 1975, pages 1-2 (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/4/1975 #30156  
berta Donovan and Keith Wolverton, pages 48-49) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 2/5/1976 #30847  
nce: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1976, pages 3-4) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 3/15/1976 #30942  
ceives the first batch of some 300 pages of UFO reports from the Spanish Ai 10/30/1976 #31509  
s FOIA requests to obtain some 400 pages of UFO-related documents, mostly f Summer 1977 #32182  
s given a two-volume report of 290 pages, including three general presentat 12/1977 #32719  
 a five-volume report totaling 670 pages is prepared. The first volume is a 6/1978 #33245  
 has a chance to look at the 1,000 pages of documents that are currently un 8/10/1978 #33496  
its own UFO-related documents, 900 pages in all. The letter, signed by CIA  12/14/1978 #34124  
er and suggests she might want 600 pages of UFO reports that have come into 10/28/1986 #38056  
re provides photocopies of all the pages of the Majestic-12 briefing docume 6/1987 #38183  
issues a 13-page statement with 37 pages of appended documents and mails it 3/1/1989 #38859  
                     More than 300 pages of Army CIC documents relating to  1994 #41342  
hting report he could file had two pages of information, and an inch of rem 8/30/1996 #43003  
ormation, and an inch of remaining pages are a psychological profile of the 8/30/1996 #43003  
 Bahnson, Naudin, Hartman, Nipher, Pages, Kelly, Rieken, Searl, Hammel, Dav 1/1998 #43483  
nd 16 attachments amounting to 296 pages.                                   9/14/1998 #43645  
ing an alien craft. Davis takes 15 pages of notes, which are leaked to rese 10/16/2002 #44417  
ed Fold3), totaling nearly 130,000 pages, each one an individual JPG image. 2007 #44994  
atch of UFO files, more than 6,000 pages of documentation and reports from  2/17/2010 #45269  
al Archives releases another 5,000 pages of UFO files to the public. This r 8/5/2010 #45290  
s to information. More than 10,000 pages of previously confidential documen 4/18/2013 #45364  
09 UFO files, approximately 52,000 pages, covering 2009. The full set of fi 6/21/2013 #45374  
rectly so that documents with many pages are out of correct order.          1/10/2015 #45426  
tional dubious MJ-12 documents (47 pages total) are provided to Heather Wad 6/2017 #45473  
## Word: "paget" (Back to Top)
inal members are physicists George Paget Thomson, James Chadwick, John Cock 4/10/1940 #1331  
AUD Committee is written by George Paget Thomson and circulates among commi 6/26/1941 #1366  
## Word: "pagni" (Back to Top)
zo Cabassi, Stelio Asso, and Mario Pagni.                                   6/25/1977 #32195  
## Word: "pagosa" (Back to Top)
   Archuleta County US Highway 160 Pagosa Springs, Colorado 6:29 a.m. An Ar 12/6/1979 #35056  
 driving west on US Highway 160 in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, when he sees a 12/6/1979 #35056  
## Word: "pagozalski" (Back to Top)
ng Intelligence Officer Maj. L..J. Pagozalski. Four black objects in a clus 4/30/1955 #12105  
F Intelligence Officer Major L. J. Pagozalski sighted four black objects at 4/30/1955 #12107  
## Word: "pagán" (Back to Top)
é L. Maldonaldo Torres and José A. Pagán Santos, are flying an ERCO Ercoupe 6/28/1980 #35393  
## Word: "pahang" (Back to Top)
                            KARAK, PAHANG, MALAYSIA Several observer(s). 1M 12/1985 #37728  
                            PEKAN, PAHANG, MALAYSIA Hundreds / observer(s). 3/25/1987 #38154  
                            PEKAN, PAHANG, MLYS TV crew. Dazzling object ho 4/19/1987 #38162  
## Word: "pahrump" (Back to Top)
und 10:15 p.m., while driving near Pahrump, Nevada southwest of Las Vegas,  1/29/1976 #30833  
## Word: "pahute" (Back to Top)
OC, Dart East MOC, Dart South MOC, Pahute Mesa MOC, Sally Corridor MOC, Gro 7/28/1991 #40136  
 Plant, Phillips Labs, Area 51/S4, Pahute Mesa, Area 19, Groom Lake, Los Al 8/30/1996 #43001  
            Steven Greer states at Pahute Mesa there is $40 billion in curr 4/5/2014 #45406  
## Word: "paia" (Back to Top)
                                   Paia, Maui, Hawaii Wailuku Mountains Mou 1/4/1906 #686  
Martin Meyerson is on the beach at Paia, Maui, Hawaii, when he sees a green 1/4/1906 #686  
## Word: "paid" (Back to Top)
ware items to repair the craft. He paid with a ten-dollar bill and took off 4/22/1897 #555  
ware items to repair the craft. He paid with a ten-dollar bill. The craft t 4/22/1897 #561  
 decided that Sturdevant should be paid for medical expenses incurred for t 10/2/1956 #13258  
by later comments that “Dick Helms paid the price for that ‘No’ [to the Whi 11/20/1972 #27130  
ld buttons on the chest. The being paid for the fare with a dollar bill, wh 11/11/1973 #28410  
e hundred yards away. Only one cow paid any attention to the small discs. I 3/1/1974 #28842  
t its feet touching the ground. It paid no attention to the witnesses until 7/15/1976 #31165  
 third stood before a screen. They paid no attention to her. She had the im 4/4/1977 #31943  
psychologist Neil Hibler. They are paid for by Roswell Declaration author K 1/10/1997 #43169  
s for the “owner” of the materials paid for via interagency project contrac 10/2/2021 #45714  
ther physical evidence and they’re paid by a private company based out of L 11/30/2021 #45726  
## Word: "paige" (Back to Top)
Slocombe, William A. Owens, Emmett Paige Jr., Lin Wells, John Ellis, Charle 10/16/2002 #44418  
## Word: "paignton" (Back to Top)
                                   PAIGNTON, DEVON Cylinder/cigar-shape dro 10/30/1950 #5258  
                  At 11:00 p.m. in Paignton, Devonshire, England a cigar-sh 10/30/1950 #5259  
                       TORQUAY AND PAIGNTON AND BRIXTON, DEVON Several obse 5/17/1977 #32100  
## Word: "pail" (Back to Top)
 Small humanoid (or Grey) stands / pail and watches parents / kitchen windo 10/15/1940? #1346  
rists and ankle. He filled a shiny pail with water and handed it to someone 5/20/1953 #8888  
ear. The pilot fills a rubber-like pail with creek water and goes back insi 5/20/1953 #8889  
e. The UFO occupant filled a shiny pail with water and handed it to someone 5/20/1953 #8890  
ncluding the "little man" with the pail of water. The little man was dresse 6/20/1953 #8944  
ng gear. The "midget" scooped up a pail of water, saw that he was being wat 6/20/1953 #8944  
nc-iron alloy, perhaps from a zinc pail. In 1966, Blue Book chief Maj. Hect 4/24/1964 #18200  
## Word: "paillard" (Back to Top)
, Michel Frappard, age 39, and Mr. Paillard, 39.  It had a dome on its unde 3/1/1974 #28839  
## Word: "paille" (Back to Top)
ouzou, France Between Serifere and Paille, a man from Cherbonnieres suddenl 10/21/1954 #11300  
uzou, France. Between Serifere and Paille, a man from Cherbonnieres suddenl 10/21/1954 #11309  
## Word: "paillé" (Back to Top)
                                   Paillé Pouzou Charente-Maritime, France  10/21/1954 #11303  
ad with his 4-year-old son between Paillé and Pouzou, Charente-Maritime, Fr 10/21/1954 #11303  
## Word: "pails" (Back to Top)
r. Small humanoid (or Grey) passes pails / water inside. / r113p170.        5/20/1953 #8887  
10 small humanoids (or Greys) with pails dig / grass. / r210v24#8p1.        1/12/1975 #29741  
## Word: "paimboeuf" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / PAIMBOEUF, FR 1+1+1 observer(s). Saucer  10/24/1954 (approximate) #11356  
## Word: "pain" (Back to Top)
counter, including numbness, chest pain, and difficulty breathing. The UFO  6/28/1947 #2449  
s attacker on the head. Screams of pain slashed through the dark night. Mar 4/10/1954 #9681  
arted crying. They felt increasing pain as the car went on, and suddenly th 10/21/1954 #11300  
arted crying. They felt increasing pain as the car went on, and suddenly th 10/21/1954 #11309  
down. Child badly burnt. Soot / no pain. / r111p226+/ r8.                   6/2/1964 #18316  
ned, although he does not feel any pain. They take him to the hospital, whe 6/2/1964 #18321  
d that the burns did not cause any pain despite the fact that his eyes had  6/2/1964 #18323  
 to the light from the object, the pain was gone, and the wound cured unnat 9/3/1965 #19506  
dex finger is suddenly relieved of pain, later healing rapidly but unnatura 9/3/1965 #19512  
e to the light from the object the pain was gone, and the wound cured unnat 9/3/1965 #19517  
rted having an eye inflamation and pain as a result, which caused her to ma 11/1/1966 #21064  
did so the witness experienced jaw pain at that moment.                     5/3/1967 #22271  
tney also experiences leg and back pain, sunburn on his face and hands, and 10/22/1967 #23290  
htmares. Her eyes were causing her pain, and two reddish ring-shaped marks  5/3/1968 #23942  
 for three days, and suffered from pain and extreme nervousness.            6/25/1968 #24081  
ent he found that the swelling and pain from his leg injury had vanished, a 11/1/1968 #24620  
ward him. When it hit him, he felt pain and was paralyzed; as the UFO took  2/6/1969 #24897  
d” at him. When it hit him he felt pain and was paralyzed. The UFO took off 2/7/1969 #24902  
 injured…you will feel no physical pain…I am going to “regenerate” you by a 8/11/1969 #25317  
oken bones but reported feeling no pain, then or later. He underwent severa 8/11/1969 #25317  
 grove. Observer(s) can't breathe. Pain. A smell.                           9/11/1969 #25360  
 but she did not bleed or felt any pain. A voice in her head told her that  9/7/1970 #25828  
 The woman awoke the next day with pain all over her body and with no furth 1/1/1971 #25966  
er one of the soldiers screamed in pain from a sudden bright flash that see 3/25/1971 #26054  
tion, repeated headaches, and back pain in his lumbar region for eight days 9/21/1972 #27022  
es, legs, and head. She screams in pain, and the young woman who rents the  5/27/1973 #27533  
ately paralyzing her. Feeling some pain and dizziness, she was nevertheless 5/27/1973 #27535  
ut she continued working until the pain returned and she was forced to call 5/27/1973 #27535  
e ran away screaming like a man in pain.                                    8/17/1973 #27709  
bbed Hickson by his arms he felt a pain in his left shoulder. This immobili 10/11/1973 #28005  
ed her. She felt discomfort but no pain. Soon the three men came into the r 10/16/1973 #28089  
ge in resistance, they experienced pain.                                    8/22/1974 #29376  
 of Diaz's, but this caused him no pain. They even pulled out some hair fro 1/5/1975 #29723  
an who had been struck screamed in pain and fell to the ground. He recovere 7/12/1975 #30174  
he can’t account for. Moody gets a pain in his lower back in the afternoon. 8/13/1975 #30264  
ating from the object, causing her pain in her mouth. Also, pressure on her 1/23/1976 #30817  
 he would not reveal. He had sharp pain in his neck and wrists following th 5/14/1976 #31052  
imed to be healed of his arthritis pain. Landing traces were found at the s 9/6/1976 #31350  
m in the chest. He feels a searing pain and blacks out. His parents think i Early 12/1976 #31579  
r car. They also complained of eye pain and conjunctivitis as a result of t 1/1/1977 #31678  
 a 45° angle. They complain of eye pain and conjunctivitis for 48 hours aft 1/1/1977 #31681  
r car. They also complained of eye pain and conjunctivitis as a result of t 1/1/1977 #31682  
 The man suffered from severe neck pain after his encounter.                9/25/1977 #32519  
ntrol and a lack of sensitivity to pain. He does not eat, so he is fed intr 3/24/1978 #33078  
 that covered his body. He felt no pain but could not move. After the exami 1/3/1979 #34292  
 home. Large ovoid over dog house. Pain and paralysis. 50 minutes / missing 2/1979 #34395  
nd cowering, and she gets a severe pain in her head that causes her to fall 2/1979 #34398  
r, Henryk Elwardt, is gripped with pain, affected by the pulsing vibrations 8/23/1979 #34768  
ers from a headache, sickness, and pain in his chin for some hours afterwar 11/9/1979 #34989  
a black metallic suit relieved her pain by passing a had in front of her fa 12/10/1979 #35068  
of appetite, weakness, lumbar back pain, and leg pain. There was also some  2/11/1980 #35170  
eakness, lumbar back pain, and leg pain. There was also some damage to his  2/11/1980 #35170  
ne. Brill white light. Dog howls / pain.                                    3/8/1980 #35202  
 begin to hurt simultaneously. The pain shifts from their right ears to the 12/5/1980 #35701  
g hit by a beam of light. She felt pain and was floated into a room, there  7/15/1981 #36008  
in his ears and still feeling some pain in his neck. He had some unexplaine 2/19/1982 #36357  
 all suffered from intense stomach pain (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NIC 7/23/1982 #36546  
 all suffered from intense stomach pain.                                    7/23/1982 #36547  
lt rough. He experienced a burning pain that twisted down his spinal cord l 5/1/1988 #38551  
 the silver rods, at times causing pain. He continued to struggle and fell  5/1/1988 #38551  
eye irritation, headache, and neck pain after the incident. He notes that t 12/4/1988 #38743  
g a welder's torch and felt facial pain. Frightened, it occurred to him tha 5/10/1989 #38942  
ctricity in his body. Upset and in pain, Perez cursed at whoever was respon 5/10/1989 #38942  
at whoever was responsible for his pain, and moments later he received a th 5/10/1989 #38942  
eloped a headache, nausea and neck pain. There was no missing time associat 4/16/1990 #39530  
im. It is so bright that it causes pain in his eyes and he feels rooted to  6/16/1991 #40099  
ke to the others Luis felt a sharp pain in his head. All the humanoids were 3/5/1992 #40359  
of a recent work injury and was on pain medication. Suddenly he was wide aw 7/23/1992 #40531  
 / car. Sudden mist. Missing time. Pain and marks. Oz-factor? busy road emp 8/8/1992 #40557  
wn. Extremely bright. Lights area. Pain and insomnia after.                 10/4/1992 #40661  
from fatigue, headaches and muscle pain.                                    5/30/1993 #40997  
 No odor. Going quickly northeast. Pain. / r226#18+#20.                     8/7/1993 #41112  
hest area, without causing her any pain or discomfort. They seemed to be ch 12/15/1994 #41895  
inations. The primary witness felt pain in her left arm. They also realized 2/11/1995 #42036  
 potentiality for recall, residual pain, nerve response, body normalization Mid 1995 #42258  
disk hovers / road. Observer(s) in pain. Marks on skin. Missing time?       8/6/1995 #42362  
ast of Kalamazoo. The witness felt pain after the event, and the close enco 8/6/1995 #42363  
 stung like needles and caused him pain, causing him to close his eyes. Whe 8/11/1995 #42376  
 Then Chereze develops a fever and pain all over his body.                  2/6/1996 #42742  
as, Brazil, suffering from intense pain in the lower back and fever.        2/12/1996 #42759  
e somehow overpowered. Ryan felt a pain in the back of his neck as he fell  1/7/1997 #43167  
female voice that he would feel no pain but would feel his legs go numb, an 10/15/1997 #43429  
e up the next morning feeling some pain in his lower back with a triangular 10/15/1997 #43429  
oin. He felt no real discomfort or pain. The needle and tube were removed a 12/14/1997 #43462  
g approached it started howling in pain and slunk away. He fired at the hum 11/25/1998 #43685  
counter, because a persistent back pain went away, but she also experienced 10/19/2000 #44060  
d of headaches, stomachaches, back pain, and dizziness.                     2/9/2001 #44138  
 minutes the witness felt a severe pain in his lower abdomen. His dog growl 1/26/2003 #44480  
ng crazy and dogs howling as if in pain. At dawn, two circular marks are fo 2/7/2005 #44813  
ed—including strange sensations of pain, pressure, and sound that often app 8/2020 #45657  
## Word: "painblanc" (Back to Top)
                                   PAINBLANC, 21, FR Night lights play / sk 9/29/1954 #10497  
## Word: "paine" (Back to Top)
                                   Paine, Chile Members of the Santiago NIC 3/12/1963 #17701  
 3:23 a.m. Police officers Mark E. Paine and Michael Alden watch three lumi 8/11/1974 #29323  
and Concord, New Hampshire Mark E. Paine and Michael Alden of the Tilton Po 8/11/1974 #29325  
he wrote. Attendees were Thomas O. Paine, Riccardo Giaconni, Gerard K. O’Ne 6/11/1985 #37600  
r(s). Several bizarre objects near Paine field. Hover and jump and vanish.  8/31/1995 #42432  
## Word: "painful" (Back to Top)
The objects are so bright they are painful to look at. A possible outgassin 6/18/1845 #141  
n from Cherbonnieres suddenly felt painful pricklings similar to electric s 10/21/1954 #11300  
n from Cherbonnieres suddenly felt painful pricklings similar to electric s 10/21/1954 #11309  
 described as orange and making a "painful" sound.                          10/2/1959 #16010  
 11+horse. Orange disk going down. Painful humming. Windows / Flying Saucer 10/4/1959 (approximate) #16013  
sion became hazy and his eyes were painful. He gradually lost vision in bot 8/13/1965 #19379  
vision becomes hazy, his eyes grow painful, and he gradually loses vision i 8/13/1965 #19382  
t was emitting very bright light ("painful to stare at"). The object made r 4/12/1967 #22117  
uickly with a fiery light that was painful to the eye. There were several w 11/14/1967 #23448  
e UFO was so brilliant that it was painful to look at.                      11/14/1967 #23451  
d her eyes bloodshot. Her body was painful, particularly in the joints and  5/27/1973 #27535  
 the children covered their ears, "painful electrical shocks began penetrat 9/16/1974 #29460  
, the witnesses’ eyes turn red and painful.                                 9/3/1975 #30340  
ted about into various extreme and painful positions upon this "vaulting ho 12/10/1976 #31594  
y giant entities who put a hot and painful helmet on his head. The humanoid 12/6/1978 #34065  
ht room by giant beings that put a painful helmet on his head. The beings w 12/6/1978 #34069  
again to tell her, both regain the painful lumps in their temples.          12/5/1980 #35701  
ted to restart the truck he felt a painful, tingling sensation in his neck  2/19/1982 #36357  
rom the base of the object that is painful to the driver’s eyes. He leaves  12/14/1987 #38364  
m, he realized his penis felt very painful. Pulling back the foreskin he fo 7/23/1992 #40531  
rom behind her. The touch was very painful, almost like an "electric shock" 8/13/1992 #40569  
hat the beings then performed some painful physical exam procedures on her  10/8/1992 #40667  
hotos of the creature in seemingly painful physical conditions.             5/9/1993 #40971  
haped object, extremely bright and painful to the eyes even in broad daylig 9/11/2002 #44396  
xplosion keeps growing until it is painful to perceive through closed eyes, 4/2003 #44508  
nlarge, multiply to 24, and become painful in February 2010. One of the lum 5/8/2009 #45220  
 more plausibly explain reports of painful sounds, ills, and traumas than d 9/1/2018 #45538  
## Word: "painfully" (Back to Top)
ilent cylinder/cigar-shape passes. Painfully brilliant. Vanishes in place.  7/31/1960 #16350  
began beaming a pinkish light of a painfully brilliant intensity into the b 1/25/1967 #21388  
ge, bowl-shaped object emitting a "painfully" bright light. It made rapid m 4/12/1967 #22123  
 Hovers. Going quickly north fast. Painfully bright and silent.             5/25/1968 #23982  
ut moments later a long needle was painfully inserted into her belly. She t 8/1/1978 #33464  
## Word: "pains" (Back to Top)
d tree, and Johansson gets prickly pains in his lower body.                 Late 10/1959 #16060  
n clears, the UFO is gone. She has pains in her eyes the next two days and  11/1/1966 #21061  
so experiences nightmares, stomach pains, and a red pigmentation appears ar 11/2/1968 #24625  
         WNW / MILHOUSEN, IN Chest pains. Huge delta/triangle/box-like craf 3/10/1972 #26593  
d Worley, the woman suffered chest pains at the time of the UFO encounter,  3/10/1972 #26598  
smoke." He later had headaches and pains in his legs.                       8/16/1972 #26922  
d subsequently suffered nausea and pains in the neck, as well as a burning  9/27/1972 #27035  
goes back to work, but she now has pains in her knees, legs, and head. She  5/27/1973 #27533  
3 small humanoids (or Greys). Knee pains cured!                             11/1975 #30531  
ral hours later, and felt terrible pains throughout his body that prevented 7/10/1977 #32257  
me getting severe headaches, chest pains, and nausea. The navigator, Henryk 8/23/1979 #34768  
 Walking toward it, he feels sharp pains in his back and his knees collapse 10/1979 #34936  
orange light that creates shooting pains in her eyes and lights up the enti 3/23/1987 #38152  
 again. The light created shooting pains in her eyes, so that her eyes didn 3/23/1987 #38153  
h can smell vomit and feel stomach pains. Kelly notices a triangular mark b 8/8/1993 #41117  
 occasions, one for severe stomach pains, and another for a uterine infecti 8/8/1993 #41118  
ns near home. Noises / ground. Odd pains. Going southeast. / LDLN#324.      1/4/1994 #41359  
t saucer fills car / green light. "Pains in head". (Mst?)                   11/19/1995 #42608  
nside his head. Now having stomach pains, he heard the voices warn him agai 2/26/1997 #43210  
vening all three girls had stomach pains. One of them could not sleep and d 7/28/2002 #44367  
## Word: "paint" (Back to Top)
izing the wiring, and cracking the paint. Stewart takes a sub-machine gun f 3/29/1952 #5995  
FB, SC (McDonald list) Four Radars Paint Bright Circular Object (NICAP: 09  12/10/1952 #8403  
 domed saucer. Watches magnetized. Paint changes color. / APRO 3'62.        11/1953 #9268  
people vouch for the fact that the paint on the car changed from dark beige 11/1953 #9269  
fe points out that the car’s beige paint has turned a bright green.         11/1953 #9271  
g, a watch stopped working and the paint on the car allegedly changed color 7/20/1954 #10029  
atches stops working and the car’s paint changes color.                     7/20/1954 #10030  
ng a watch stopped working and the paint on their car changed color.        7/20/1954 #10032  
 effects). 100' saucer. Beam burns paint and observer(s) skin. Electrical d 3/30/1955 #12069  
ss, burning his elbow and bubbling paint on the car. Mr. Florio also felt h 3/30/1955 #12071  
utes later, operators at Goose Bay paint a stationary target about 40 miles 2/12/1956 #12714  
on. They look into radar-absorbing paint.                                   8/16/1956 #13094  
 a U-2 covered in radar-deflecting paint for a test run out of Area 51 and  4/4/1957 #13581  
without incident when suddenly the paint causes the aircraft to overheat, s 4/4/1957 #13581  
nses that result in “normal Mode 3 paint” on radar scopes. A very slight st 7/18/1957 #13811  
d. The crew notices that the white paint on the metal railings at the edge  11/29/1957 #14638  
ed four or five times. Analysis of paint samples from explosion proved inco 4/12/1960 #16224  
 nine ground scars. An analysis of paint samples from the explosion proved  4/12/1960 #16225  
nd a substance resembling metallic paint was found.                         4/18/1960 #16233  
nd a substance resembling metallic paint was found.                         4/18/1960 #16234  
's hood was warped with bubbled up paint.                                   6/29/1964 #18383  
a balloon covered with fluorescent paint in woods (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 3/23/1966 #20041  
a balloon covered with fluorescent paint but it became so intensely bright  3/23/1966 #20046  
a balloon covered with fluorescent paint. However, it became so intensely b 3/23/1966 #20054  
ge silver saucer goes over 2 cars. Paint Job ruined / tiny clear bubbles.   6/17/1966 #20570  
their car and some bubbling of the paint on the top. At 1:00 a.m., Cpl. K.  8/28/1967 #22943  
it was daytime, and the car, whose paint was badly scorched, was parked in  5/1968 #23936  
c effects). Strong UV light wrecks paint.                                   7/28/1968 #24241  
isted through 3 or 4 washings. The paint began to come off his car when he  3/5/1971 #26044  
h what looked like red fluorescent paint along the top, and it had four fee 9/11/1972 #26987  
in green figure(s) try / stop car. Paint peels.                             11/13/1973 (approximate) #28417  
0 two miles east of Poteet, Texas. Paint peeled from the car due to somethi 11/13/1973 #28418  
(RFI). Watchdial extremely bright! Paint changes color.                     11/4/1974 #29582  
 at 2,700 feet has visual and skin paint over Lake Huron for about 20 miles 10/30/1975 #30522  
e upper edge of the trunk, but the paint is not fractured. About the same t 7/27/1978 #33427  
 at 11:00 a.m. There is a reported paint on the radar 7 miles distant at a  12/4/1980 #35698  
er the incident. He notes that the paint on his car has been dulled and an  12/4/1988 #38743  
Styrofoam, cut it into a triangle, paint it black, embed a flashlight in ea 4/4/1990 #39509  
e of heat transferred to the car’s paint.                                   11/27/1998 #43686  
## Word: "paint-job" (Back to Top)
 150' saucer over fence. New house paint-Job ruined. All cracked.           9/2/1967 #22978  
## Word: "painted" (Back to Top)
e of canvas on which an airship is painted.                                 4/11/1897 #429  
                                   PAINTED DESERT, AZ 2 / camp. Rotating ob 1/11/1954 #9477  
hich correlated exactly with those painted by the radar scope. This observa 7/12/1955 #12253  
un and showing a series of circles painted on its surface, landed for 20 mi 9/26/1957 #14035  
s of laminated metal that has been painted with a white substance. The two  11/21/1957 #14590  
 destroyed, a U-2 plane is quickly painted in NASA colors and a photo is sh 5/5/1960 #16256  
a clutter. The objects can only be painted with the IFF on. The radar is an 9/27/1961 #16876  
es that he had superimposed images painted on glass over the backyard scene 2/1962 #17033  
ure, three to four feet tall, with painted ears and a tail emerged, collect 4/23/1964 #18186  
                                   PAINTED ROCK PARK, MT Campers. Brilliant 8/9/1964 #18471  
s like “it had lights in back of a painted black glass.” It flies over the  4/5/1967 #22066  
raping the wall; after it had been painted, the marks reappeared.           7/7/1967 #22631  
er a white station wagon with dark painted windows came into view on a litt 11/8/1975 #30584  
EACH, CA Huge bronze triangle with painted nose. Vertical dive and levels o 10/14/1985 #37680  
## Word: "painter" (Back to Top)
                        CAPRI, ITL Painter. Fat silent metallic 4M glowing- 10/17/1954 #11156  
ew York City Howard Menger, a sign painter from High Bridge, New Jersey, go 10/29/1956 #13297  
                      Mr. N. N., a painter, was driving from Slagelse to Na 4/27/1960 #16244  
                     A 21-year-old painter name Salmaso, walking through th 2/6/1963 #17657  
Britain Four teenagers, among them painter John Flaxton, while walking on a 11/16/1963 #18044  
England four teenagers, among them painter John Flaxton and another named H 11/16/1963 #18046  
ve a.m. the witness, a 33-year-old painter living in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, 1/5/1980 #35124  
                     On this night painter Maria Adilia Germana Hohagen rep 5/13/1988 #38569  
## Word: "painting" (Back to Top)
icist Donald W. Olson discovered a painting by Hudson River artist Frederic 7/20/1860 #155  
light. Later he draws a watercolor painting to show how the UFO dwarfed the 8/11/1944 #1641  
, “Tyler D.,” sent him photos of a painting inside the old Hughes Aircraft  10/20/2022 #45783  
## Word: "paintings" (Back to Top)
cs to archetypes, dreams, visions, paintings, and the metaphysical symbol o 1959 #15511  
a Boulevard in El Segundo, CA; the paintings show human beings flying throu 10/20/2022 #45783  
## Word: "paints" (Back to Top)
rn confirms that it has two radar “paints” in company with him. Radar opera 8/31/1954 #10218  
N Night lights cavort. Hutch RADAR paints blip.                             6/19/1956 #12908  
 two targets are displayed as skin paints. However, IFF transponder codes a 5/15/1964 #18270  
m/underside ovoid going SSW. RADAR paints 20 objects.                       11/26/1968 #24711  
llers are the witnesses. The radar paints the targets as 10–15 miles apart  12/14/1976 #31603  
         CERRO COLORADO, CHL RADAR paints huge object 14 X. South-curve / S 11/22/1978 #33977  
## Word: "paintsville" (Back to Top)
                                   Paintsville, OH At exactly 2:47 a.m., wh 1/14/2002 #44307  
## Word: "paintwork" (Back to Top)
coating. At daybreak, however, the paintwork is perfectly normal again.     11/29/1957 #14638  
## Word: "pair" (Back to Top)
harply from side to side and has a pair of flapping wings and a red light o 11/26/1896 #364  
                 Ardennes, Belgium Pair of fog lights; bright yellowish ora 1/1/1945 #1749  
plane. Barber describes them as a “pair of fog lights, shooting up to 60 or 1/2/1945 #1751  
a small cigar-shaped object with a pair of small wings south of Vålberg, Vä 7/24/1946 #2078  
gue that one of the photos shows a pair of eyeglasses, such as a human pilo 7/7/1948 #3699  
 and broke off pursuit. The second pair of F-86's was vectored by GCI  rada 9/23/1951 #5687  
 They watched the object through a pair of binoculars.                      4/17/1952 #6111  
d, Ann Arbor, Michigan. He grabs a pair of 5x binoculars and studies them u 7/27/1952 #7213  
irport in Chicago. At 5:55 a.m., a pair of F-86 Sabre jets piloted by Capt. 9/2/1952 #7829  
th protuberances, accompanied by a pair of smaller bodies. Chief Controller 3/1/1954 #9588  
tronomic photographs / night light pair. Maneuvers. Same / 19 Aug. '57. / r 5/3/1957 #13646  
t. 2 going quickly north then join pair going quickly northwest. / r114p111 5/23/1957 #13673  
head to the north, joining another pair also going to the northwest.        5/23/1957 #13674  
 join and circle / pairs. 1 / each pair puffs smoke!                        8/22/1957 #13919  
arge circles of light with another pair some 12 miles away. He makes a clos 9/30/1959 #16001  
east above Sunset, Utah. The first pair looks like puffy cotton joined toge 10/14/1961 #16911  
by “stringy stuff,” and the second pair are metallic discs.                 10/14/1961 #16911  
raft, which is spherical and has a pair of antennas on top, is completely t 8/28/1963 #17922  
ruck him and knocked him down. The pair left the barn quickly, but as they  1/26/1965 #18770  
ith no sound. They appear as three pair of lights, all with the same intens 3/8/1965 #18851  
     Peruvian Coast (near), At Sea Pair Of Luminous Objects Hover Near DC-8 12/30/1966 #21227  
nd the sky some distance away. The pair watches them a they zip back and fo Mid 8/1967 #22882  
y calling the girls; it also had a pair of large pointed ears. Moments late 11/9/1968 #24649  
lmet through which she could see a pair of glowing reflective eyes, like th 3/22/1969 #25037  
large gray colored eyes. It wore a pair of green shorts and it walked towar 8/16/1971 #26290  
on this occasion he also found the pair of boots that he'd lost on his earl 3/21/1973 #27356  
ointing toward the left. Through a pair of binoculars Mr. Cosme could see t 3/25/1973 #27376  
andler. The colonels encourage the pair to make a documentary on the UFO ph 5/1973 #27460  
 car and saw the same or a similar pair of beings on the road. They were de 10/22/1973 #28244  
 noticed except box-like feet. The pair moved in a clumsy, flopping manner  10/22/1973 #28244  
ht that creep slowly upward like a pair of snail feelers. After moving up a 10/28/1973 #28310  
r speed traps, he slowed down. The pair of them began to think in more deta 5/31/1974 #29150  
en, red, and white markings, and a pair of ski boots with square toes and h Mid 11/1974 #29596  
 may have been "spacemen", and the pair returned to the scene later, where  10/1/1975 #30409  
 the car again. Again fearful, the pair drove home. The car subsequently ma 10/1/1975 #30409  
a tight-fitting black jacket and a pair of light trousers, which seemed to  8/2/1976 #31222  
night a husband and wife were in a pair of sleeping bags by the seashore wh 3/20/1977 #31920  
night a husband and wife were in a pair of sleeping bags by the seashore in 3/20/1977 #31921  
member. She had been wearing a new pair of shoes, and that morning she noti 4/4/1977 #31943  
rn what they looked like through a pair of binoculars. They looked as thoug 4/19/1977 #32002  
in the distance, and the remaining pair disappears into a cloud bank.       7/4/1977 #32236  
f the original family sees another pair of similar objects in the south abo 10/17/1977 #32584  
 being of medium built, who wore a pair of silvery calf-length boots, met t 3/11/1978 #33034  
 top rested on four legs. He saw a pair of long hands close a small trap do 11/24/1978 #33997  
e ran into the house and grabbed a pair of high-powered binoculars. Closer  12/16/1978 #34144  
right distant light in the NW to a pair of bright headlights to what appear 12/2/1979 #35037  
. The boy observed the tree with a pair of binoculars but was unable to dis 2/11/1980 #35168  
in into one luminous spot. Using a pair of binoculars, they watched the lig 2/11/1980 #35169  
ason it is not visible through the pair of binoculars they have. It makes a 5/1980 #35296  
nd walls inside the craft. Using a pair of powerful binoculars, the cosmona 5/14/1981 #35937  
topped at about 5 meters above the pair. It was described as white in color 9/1981 #36096  
iscs, then a third disc joined the pair, making a V formation that flew off 4/6/1986 #37819  
bject for more than an hour with a pair of binoculars. It has a red light o 2/10/1989 #38832  
ola, Florida at around nine p.m. a pair of 52-year-old witnesses saw at lea 8/15/1989 #39064  
 Stratotanker and accompanied by a pair of F-111 fighter-bombers. Gibson an Late 8/1989 #39073  
 of La Ronge, Saskatchewan, sees a pair of blinking lights moving across hi 11/1/1989 #39207  
ne. It had a belt that supported a pair of loose fitting trousers. It was t 1/19/1993 #40802  
in color, covering its body with a pair of wings. It had a flattened, vulpi 11/9/1995 #42589  
face of the Gironde River. Using a pair of binoculars, from about 200-300 m 9/15/1996 #43021  
returned armed with a camera and a pair of binoculars. They were soon overc 9/5/1997 #43395  
s it approached. viewing through a pair of binoculars, the witness saw a hu 12/16/1997 #43464  
ton, Cheshire, England 1:00 a.m. A pair of dark triangular objects appear t 1/11/1998 #43497  
 farmers, the groundskeeper, and a pair of tourists watched the humanoid fl 8/8/1998 #43620  
elt when he approached the strange pair he had entered some kind of a tranc 3/26/2002 #44326  
oking towards the east. They had a pair of binoculars and a pair of walkie- 7/28/2002 #44367  
hey had a pair of binoculars and a pair of walkie-talkies with them. The gi 7/28/2002 #44367  
the car. For subsequent nights the pair have seen strange lights in the sky 7/12/2003 #44563  
ht this was odd, so he retrieved a pair of quality 20x binoculars from insi 4/17/2007 #45018  
 to bed at 1:50 a.m. and sighted a pair of lights just over the horizon. It 9/21/2007 #45065  
 the men saw what appeared to be a pair of red eyes at about 100 meters awa 4/12/2008 #45128  
s. As they looked around, the same pair of red shiny eyes appeared again, a 4/12/2008 #45128  
One of them managed to see a large pair of dark wings disappear into some n 4/12/2008 #45128  
tem. While investigating the first pair of UADs, another two appeared to pa 4/23/2014 #45407  
weeks apart, with the audio of the pair including voices of military person 2/2015? #45430  
e building. It hovers with a large pair of wings for about 5 seconds, then  8/9/2017 #45478  
 An RAF Typhoon pilot is leading a pair of fighters from Coningsby, England 1/15/2019 #45558  
## Word: "paired" (Back to Top)
n later aircraft, those pieces are paired with triangular inserts made of r 4/26/1962 #17131  
## Word: "pairs" (Back to Top)
at a speed of 500 mph. It has four pairs of red lights spaced along its bod 11/28/1942 #1464  
rance Orange lights, singly and in pairs, suspended in air, moving slowly b 12/27/1944 #1737  
        SAN JUAN, PR 2+2 saucers / pairs. Northeast going quickly southwest 7/8/1947 #2957  
wise stripes on underside, and 6-8 pairs of soft, glowing lights on trailin 8/25/1951 #5623  
 stripes on the underside, and 6-8 pairs of soft, glowing lights on the tra 8/25/1951 #5628  
ctory. The smaller objects move in pairs following a broken, zig-zag path.  10/17/1952 #8148  
        GAILLAC, FR 4+12 saucers / pairs. Large cylinder/cylindrical object 10/27/1952 #8192  
white cylinder surrounded by eight pairs of Saturn-like red balls were seen 10/27/1952 #8205  
es they are single, other times in pairs, threes, fours, sevens, or twelves 11/6/1954 #11585  
 6 domed saucers join and circle / pairs. 1 / each pair puffs smoke!        8/22/1957 #13919  
ver(s). Silver specks fly singly / pairs / large groups. Jets chase / too f 11/6/1958 #15430  
ral silver points of light flew in pairs and large groups. Jet aircraft pur 11/6/1958 #15431  
ive objects that usually appear in pairs. The radar returns are said to be  10/2/1959 #16011  
 white metallic discs traveling in pairs over the Mount Hale shearing stati 8/5/1961 #16778  
bserver(s). 12 white-metal disks / pairs / 6 hours. Angel hair going down.  8/6/1961 #16780  
jects flew over the countryside in pairs for six hours. They left an angel  8/6/1961 #16782  
hael Burson and his wife watch two pairs of UFOs move to the east above Sun 10/14/1961 #16911  
into the coming tower and gets six pairs of binoculars that he distributes  Late 9/1965 #19604  
nd more/others. Oblong object with pairs of lights near LAX airport.        4/3/1966 #20210  
other witness reported seeing four pairs of flashing red lights in changing 4/3/1966 #20212  
lars and 2 cops. Several objects / pairs west going east slow. Rotate. X /  12/19/1969 #25505  
ey police officers watched several pairs of UFOs fly over slowly from the w 12/19/1969 #25507  
al a blinking red light flanked by pairs of amber lights.                   9/24/1976 #31422  
ht of the house. They then saw two pairs of yellow lights that seemed to be 8/21/1978 #33540  
                             Three pairs of white lights hovered and maneuv 8/11/1979 #34734  
   COLUMBIA, CT 2+2 observer(s). 3 pairs / humming 70' night lights hover a 12/4/1981 #36245  
ngle/box-like crafts singly and in pairs. Cops etc. won't even look.        2/1/1984 #37173  
d triangle about 75 feet wide with pairs of flashing red lights at each cor 11/24/1986 #38075  
s at each corner. On the sides are pairs of steady white and red lights. Th 11/24/1986 #38075  
AMPESTRE, BRZ Saucer going down. 9 pairs / holes / 5M circle. 15cm deep. Bu 11/1989 #39203  
ntered red light on the bottom and pairs of white lights at the three apexe 4/10/1990 #39516  
.m. a dark disc-shaped object with pairs of green and orange lights located 12/25/1992 #40769  
d at the same time that he saw two pairs of moist, black oval shaped eyes s 4/15/1996 #42870  
ops. Small disks exit and return / pairs.                                   4/24/1997 (approximate) #43273  
s pursued by one military jet. Two pairs of fighters take off from Andrews  7/26/2002 #44366  
m nearby Camp Pendleton, stolen 25 pairs of night vision goggles, a pistol  7/2003 #44560  
is date. Formations of slow moving pairs of rapidly flashing lights, possib 9/11/2004 #44754  
## Word: "pais" (Back to Top)
 occurred at a time when Salvatore Pais, later inventor of the Navy’s trian 8/1997 #43363  
edings, but it is not disclosed if Pais was in attendance. It is certainly  8/1997 #43363  
raft patent submitted by Salvatore Pais and Naval Air Station Patuxent Rive 8/1998 #43618  
                         Salvatore Pais of the Naval Air Station Patuxent R 11/2/2017 #45490  
roved. The technology described in Pais’ patent is similar to that of Hal P 11/2/2017 #45490  
 AATIP DIRD on vacuum engineering. Pais’ patent describes a craft that is a 11/2/2017 #45490  
 colleagues had any information on Pais or what he was working on. “If ther 11/2/2017 #45490  
## Word: "paisano" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Paisano” Yield: 20KT                     4/24/1963 #17730  
## Word: "paisley" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHEAST / PAISLEY, ON 2+2 separate cops. Saucer ho 10/31/1958 #15405  
## Word: "paiva" (Back to Top)
                            LAGUNA PAIVA, ARG 2 women. Saucer north going q 6/24/1968 #24074  
## Word: "pajama" (Back to Top)
e--were enjoying a typical teenage pajama party in Pittsfield, Pennsylvania 1/25/1967 #21388  
## Word: "pajanosas" (Back to Top)
Extremadura stopped his car in Las Pajanosas, Sevilla province, Spain and g 1/15/1969 #24850  
                               LAS PAJANOSAS, SP Luminous/glowing rectangle 1/16/1969 #24852  
hile driving down a highway in Las Pajanosas, Spain in Sevilla province a m 1/16/1969 #24853  
## Word: "pajara" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pajara” YieldMax: 20KT                   12/12/1973 #28558  
## Word: "pajas" (Back to Top)
                                   PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG Farmers. 21M black eg 9/25/1956 #13243  
                                   PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG Pseudo-human/entity a 5/1/1957 #13634  
                                   Pajas Blancas International Airport in C 5/1/1957 #13638  
ng a motorcycle about 9 miles from Pajas Blancas International Airport in C 5/1/1957 #13638  
was traveling down a road near the Pajas Blancas Airport in Cordoba provinc 5/1/1957 #13639  
                                   PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG Car malfunctions due  6/5/1964 #18330  
            While driving near the Pajas Blancas airport in Cordoba provinc 6/5/1964 #18332  
                              NEAR PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG 2 airline crews. Brig 4/2/1974 #28989  
iza Buenos Aires Rosario Argentina Pajas Blancas Airport Uruguay Brazil Chi 6/14/1980 #35368  
ated the surface of the river.” At Pajas Blancas Airport in Córdoba, a UFO  6/14/1980 #35368  
## Word: "pajasblancas" (Back to Top)
                                   Pajasblancas Airport, Argentina When his 5/1/1957 #13637  
                                   Pajasblancas, Argentina A 42-year-old do 6/5/1964 #18331  
## Word: "pak" (Back to Top)
                          KARACHI, PAK Multiple Ob. 4 translucent white dis 12/7/1952 #8391  
## Word: "paka" (Back to Top)
                                   PAKA, TERENGGANU, MLYS Several kids. Sev 10/1985 #37669  
## Word: "pakenham" (Back to Top)
y up and down through the sky over Pakenham East, Victoria, Australia on th 4/21/1965 #18910  
                  NARRE WARREN AND PAKENHAM AND EMERALD AND COCKATOO, VCT S 5/27/1996 #42913  
## Word: "paki" (Back to Top)
ow / lights circles city. Stops at Paki Paki. Circles there then going quic 9/7/1956 #13201  
lights circles city. Stops at Paki Paki. Circles there then going quickly s 9/7/1956 #13201  
## Word: "pakistan" (Back to Top)
                        NEAR SIBI, PAKISTAN Tribesmen. Saucers / 2 nights r 11/13/1952 (approximate) #8265  
                         PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN 2 brilliant objects southwest g 12/21/1953 #9386  
                       NEAR DACCA, PAKISTAN Airport/apartment crews. Large  11/4/1955 #12548  
                         PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN Red saucer trails bursts of spa 7/4/1956 #12950  
                                   Pakistan Badaber (Peshawar Air Station)  7/1958 #15128  
isenhower requests permission from Pakistan to establish a secret US intell 7/1958 #15128  
                                   Pakistan Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kaza 4/9/1960 #16219  
crosses into the Soviet Union from Pakistan and flies over the Semipalatins 4/9/1960 #16219  
                         Peshawar, Pakistan Baikonur, Kazakhstan Chelyabins 5/1/1960 #16248  
y Powers, takes off from Peshawar, Pakistan, and performs photographic aeri 5/1/1960 #16248  
                           Pattan, Pakistan Chitral, Pakistan 7:00 p.m. Exe 12/18/1974 #29646  
         Pattan, Pakistan Chitral, Pakistan 7:00 p.m. Executive Engineer Mo 12/18/1974 #29646  
verlooking the approach to Pattan, Pakistan, for about 25 minutes. It is al 12/18/1974 #29646  
nutes. It is also seen in Chitral, Pakistan. An earthquake (Hunza Earthquak 12/18/1974 #29646  
he treaty; India, North Korea, and Pakistan have not signed it.             9/10/1996 #43014  
ground, confirmed, salvo. Country: Pakistan                                 5/28/1998 #43572  
: Underground, confirmed. Country: Pakistan                                 5/30/1998 #43575  
## Word: "pakistani" (Back to Top)
                  Indian Air Force Pakistani border Two Indian Air Force Mi 7/11/1976 #31158  
MiG 21 jets are scrambled near the Pakistani border to intercept what appea 7/11/1976 #31158  
appears initially on radar to be a Pakistani jet. But the object is moving  7/11/1976 #31158  
## Word: "pakula" (Back to Top)
                            Matias Pakula was looking out his bedroom windo 5/14/1997 #43293  
## Word: "pal" (Back to Top)
booms, “Better not touch the hull, pal, it’s still hot.” After some convers 7/4/1950 #5042  
ht. The film is produced by George Pal, directed by Byron Haskin, and stars 8/13/1953 #9068  
## Word: "palace" (Back to Top)
g rays / colored light near summer palace.                                  7/13/1947 #3161  
hire, England Dishforth Buckingham Palace 10:53 a.m. During Exercise Mainbr 9/19/1952 #7980  
orts for examination at Buckingham Palace and begins an informal study that 9/19/1952 #7980  
                        Buckingham Palace London, England Australia Prince  Mid 3/1954 #9622  
r Stephen Darbishire to Buckingham Palace in London, England, to relate his Mid 3/1954 #9622  
                    RIO DJ, BRAZIL Palace guards and thousands. Luminous ov 12/18/1954 #11830  
uding sentries guarding the Catete Palace in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil witness 12/18/1954 #11831  
                         Soestdijk Palace in Baarn The Hague George Adamski 5/18/1959 #15737  
rd of the Netherlands at Soestdijk Palace in Baarn on his world lecture tou 5/18/1959 #15737  
. Dark 10' saucer circles imperial palace / 10 minute(s). / LDLN#159 / La D 7/14/1976 #31163  
ect that circled over the Imperial Palace, about 400 yards from the police  7/16/1976 #31166  
a University Beijing, China Summer Palace 10:00 p.m. Two students at Tsingh 8/1980 #35437  
 object in the sky near the Summer Palace. It has several lights that flash 8/1980 #35437  
                     Grand Kremlin Palace Moscow, Russia Geneva Summit At a 2/16/1987 #38121  
 a conference in the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow, Russia, Soviet Preside 2/16/1987 #38121  
. Video taken. Near Ally Pally and palace.                                  5/1993 #40962  
## Word: "palacec" (Back to Top)
Parliament buildings and the Royal Palacec in Stockholm Kiruna and Luleå ai 1/17/2022 #45734  
Parliament buildings and the Royal Palacec in Stockholm, as well as the Kir 1/17/2022 #45734  
## Word: "palacio" (Back to Top)
rnor of Morelos state, Emilio Riva Palacio; Valentín López González, the ma 9/23/1965 #19591  
                             GOMEZ PALACIO, MX Tall blond man appears / roo 1/2/1978 #32843  
sitting in his front room in Gomez Palacio, Mexico reading late at night wh 1/2/1978 #32848  
                             GOMEZ PALACIO, MX 12+observer(s). Blue-green d 4/1978 #33107  
## Word: "palada" (Back to Top)
ameter, hovered over a vineyard in Palada, France. It was witnessed by Mr.  4/22/1957 #13613  
## Word: "palafrugell" (Back to Top)
                                   PALAFRUGELL, SP 34 hours / missing time! 7/21/1985 #37626  
## Word: "palagnano" (Back to Top)
                                   PALAGNANO, ITL Oval light nears. Stops 2 7/11/1976 #31155  
## Word: "palagonia" (Back to Top)
                                   PALAGONIA, ITL Semi-transparent saucer h 10/29/1954 #11474  
p.m. several workers in a field in Palagonia, Italy sighted a luminous tran 10/29/1954 #11482  
## Word: "palais" (Back to Top)
                             PETIT PALAIS, 33, FR 2 / car. Luminous white 6 4/25/1993 #40949  
g clockwise over the road in Petit Palais, Gironde, France by two witnesses 4/25/1993 #40950  
                             GRAND PALAIS, PARIS, FR Triangular mass follow 7/11/1995 #42297  
## Word: "palais-sur-vienne" (Back to Top)
                                   PALAIS-SUR-VIENNE, FR 2 / car. Huge fire 12/8/1975 #30692  
                   At 5:30 p.m. in Palais-sur-Vienne, France a huge ball of 12/8/1975 #30696  
## Word: "palalda" (Back to Top)
                                   PALALDA, FR 5M flaming disk hovers / vin 4/22/1957 #13609  
                                   Palalda, France Mr. and Mrs. Firmin Baso 4/22/1957 #13611  
## Word: "palamede" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Palamede” Yield: 5KT                     7/28/1979 #34686  
## Word: "palamo" (Back to Top)
                           Between Palamo and Playa de Oro, Spain 6:30 p.m. 7/16/1973 #27634  
## Word: "palanga" (Back to Top)
                                   PALANGA, LITHUANIA 1+many observer(s). 2 11/11/1979 #34994  
## Word: "palanquin" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Palanquin” Yield: 4.3KT                  4/14/1965 #18906  
## Word: "palatine" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PALATINE, IL 3+separate observer(s). 15M 5/12/1969 #25130  
                                   Palatine, Illinois 8:20 p.m. Sam Puccine 4/20/1980 #35279  
s parking his car in his garage in Palatine, Illinois, when he sees a cresc 4/20/1980 #35279  
                 In the suburbs of Palatine, Illinois at 8:20 p.m. a father 4/20/1980 #35283  
                                   Palatine, IL Police Commander Michael Mc 11/27/1982 #36691  
                                   PALATINE, IL Cop car lit / object overhe 11/27/1982 #36692  
                                   Palatine, IL Luminous object brightly il 11/27/1982 #36693  
                                   Palatine, IL Luminous object brightly il 11/27/1982 #36695  
thwest Highway and Smith Street in Palatine, Illinois Lincoln Avenue Busse  11/27/1982 #36697  
thwest Highway and Smith Street in Palatine, Illinois. Two other officers ( 11/27/1982 #36697  
 At 5:00 o'clock in the morning in Palatine, Illinois in the suburbs of Coo 11/27/1982 #36698  
 p.m. on a Saturday, two people in Palatine, Illinois saw a metallic, cigar 5/19/2001 #44186  
## Word: "palatka" (Back to Top)
                                   PALATKA, FLA 1 object splits into 2. Bot 7/25/1961 #16773  
 to suddenly disappear was seen in Palatka, Florida.                        3/1/2005 #44818  
## Word: "palau-del-vidre" (Back to Top)
                                   PALAU-DEL-VIDRE, FR Farmer. Silent red 3 10/3/1975 #30411  
## Word: "palavas" (Back to Top)
                                   PALAVAS, FR Trusted observer(s). Thick f 11/3/1954 (approximate) #11541  
witness encountered a thick fog in Palavas, Herault, France. Inside was a h 11/3/1954 #11549  
## Word: "palavecino" (Back to Top)
ice commissioner's son in Estacion Palavecino, Entre Rios province, Argenti 12/13/1965 #19767  
## Word: "pale" (Back to Top)
llowing a clap of thunder, a flat, pale object is seen “dancing” in the sky 4/27/1759 #79  
ilmington, Delaware at 9:45 p.m. a pale blue light illuminated a 200-foot l 7/13/1860 #154  
dy” with a Zeppelin-like shape and pale green color, passing from horizon t 11/17/1882 #249  
rn, New South Wales, see a bright, pale blue light arise from behind some h 8/7/1909 #801  
clear blue sky. Then the sun grows pale and a cloud hovers above the oak tr 8/13/1917 #960  
at him and he sees their heads are pale and “shaped like lightbulbs” and th 11/1926 #1067  
 Germany A ball of fire; circular, pale orange, clean edged light. (Page 86 10/30/1944 #1687  
 NSW 1 observer. Humming or drone. Pale blue blimp-cylinder/cigar-shape ove 6/27/1947 (approximate) #2428  
flat bottom and a dome on top. Its pale blue color made Urie think that it  8/13/1947 #3322  
e green fireballs are described as pale green or yellow-green. Normal meteo 2/16/1949 #4010  
apons storage site, see a flash of pale blue light in the sky to the northe 3/6/1949 #4035  
kery and Pfc. John Ransom notice a pale blue-white light streaking across t 3/6/1949 #4035  
d light which gradually shifted to pale pastel-colored lights.” A shimmerin 9/1950 #5159  
r figure. Crescent had large eyes, pale skin, long hair that seemed to be a 1951 #5372  
 a trail. At 10:30 p.m. 50 or more pale orange lights in a V formation were 4/19/1952 #6132  
                       BURBANK, CA Pale blue object circles / 1500' altitud 7/28/1952 #7248  
t surrounds the waist. Its face is pale and the huge round eyes, nearly 3 i 10/1952 #8073  
                    Alamogordo, NM Pale blue oval, with its long axis verti 10/7/1952 #8100  
co Witness:  USAF Lt. Bagnell. One pale blue oval, with its long axis verti 10/7/1952 #8101  
 changed color from red to pink to pale white to white and then back to red 2/17/1953 #8685  
edges / 1.5sec. 8 minute(s) / arc. Pale blue. No further details.           10/9/1953 #9213  
s are short humanoid “Asians” with pale skin and wider eyes, and even short 1954 #9424  
        Key Largo, FL Huge, bright pale blue or whitish-blue egg or blimp-s 7/29/1954 #10062  
aring a sort of diving suit with a pale green light emitted from either sid 10/26/1954 #11422  
round. A broad-shouldered man with pale skin was inside the craft. Another  12/9/1954 #11789  
n were broad shouldered, with very pale skin, slanted eyes, and long blond  12/9/1954 #11789  
 them lights up from inside with a pale green light and they can see three  6/1956 #12880  
n AFB-White Sands range area, NM A pale yellow ball of indistinct outline a 7/14/1956 #12970  
                     Oldsmar, FL A pale yellow fireball glide into the wate 7/29/1957 #13852  
lorida Witness:  E.E. Henkins. One pale yellow fireball glided into the wat 7/29/1957 #13854  
. witness E. E. Henkins observed a pale yellow fireball glide into the wate 7/29/1957 #13856  
 away. The object is surrounded by pale green light, and a relaxing emerald 3/1958 #14905  
ride to the Exeter police station, pale and shaken, and reports the inciden 9/3/1965 #19511  
 red light, surrounded by white or pale green haze, hover, swoop down, and  8/25/1966 #20806  
appeared like a teardrop. It was a pale greenish-blue color with a cluster  2/5/1967 #21454  
urned to a blood-red color, then a pale blue. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 2/7/1967 #21475  
ny 9:00 p.m. LT. A glowing, round, pale yellow object that sometimes pulsat Summer 1967 #22529  
e wearing skin-tight clothing of a pale yellow color. At the end of the lan 8/13/1967 #22874  
nted horns, yellow in color with a pale bluish tail, moving at about 1.5 de 10/18/1967 #23261  
g, high altitude object emitting a pale blue light over the city. First it  11/21/1967 #23490  
CAMARILLO, CA Movie scene footage. Pale circular image drifts R going [to]  12/27/1967 #23613  
side of town. The objects glowed a pale red. Lt. Germonde took the call. Mi 6/14/1968 #24034  
were all tall and human like, with pale complexions, and long, light colore 6/30/1968 #24097  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Pale blue light. / r215p51+/ LDLN#97.    7/16/1968 #24180  
O flew close to ground, emitting a pale blue light. The object was describe 7/16/1968 #24183  
h intensely bright eyes "of a very pale, brilliant green." Mr. Meingault sa 2/16/1969 #24923  
and their feet in a ditch, while a pale young woman with white, shoulder le 2/22/1969 #24939  
he sky. It was green in color with pale brown spots, and had “legs” underne 3/19/1969 #25031  
ribed as being five-foot tall with pale gray skin, large round heads, and l 4/5/1969 #25051  
tballs. Circling each helmet was a pale green band that reflected the headl 5/11/1969 #25128  
uld see that he was bald and had a pale green complexion. He had large eyes 10/16/1969 #25417  
s and legs are very thin, its face pale like wax, and its nose hooked; it w 1/7/1970 #25540  
area. He had thin arms and legs, a pale waxy complexion with a hook nose, a 1/7/1970 #25541  
shirts and dark trousers, and had "pale complexions and mousy hair." They a 5/8/1971 #26103  
ject. Three small men who glowed a pale green color were moving around the  7/27/1971 #26246  
ject. Three small men who glowed a pale green color were moving around the  7/27/1971 #26247  
ilt, and human like, but with very pale skin that seemed to lack any pores. 8/16/1971 #26290  
ur astronomers. Sphere/orb/globe / pale light crosses sky / 20 second(s). / 7/27/1972 #26840  
slit-like mouth. The face appeared pale green, but this may have been do to 9/27/1972 #27035  
it as being "all the same color, a pale color." (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 8/4/1973 #27678  
 watched an oval-shaped UFO with a pale yellow light on top, and a segmente 10/11/1973 #28003  
l conventional aircraft, and had a pale yellow (or gold) transparency. Ther 11/9/1973 #28398  
ds. The little men were bald, with pale skin, seemingly completed coated wi 11/18/1973 #28443  
foil type uniforms" and one wore a pale blue uniform. One of his examiners  5/26/1974 #29135  
 and Oriental features. Others are pale and bug- eyed. Their behavior is fr 1975 #29670  
void of hair. They were dressed in pale cream colored "rubber" suits that c 1/5/1975 #29723  
                 ST. GENCE, 87, FR Pale triangle crosses sky going quickly  6/26/1975 #30121  
es are about 5 feet tall, thin and pale, and are wearing whitish coveralls  7/31/1975 #30218  
were four beings. They were small, pale, fair haired, with slanted almond e 7/31/1975 #30219  
s greenish and the bottom half was pale white. This strange creature ran by 11/3/1975 #30548  
 skin seemed translucent it was so pale, and their fingers were exceptional 12/4/1975 #30685  
ny, 7-foot-tall man with a narrow, pale face and long, pointed nose. It is  12/14/1975 #30715  
 In this window stood a being with pale white skin, apparently unclothed,wi 10/28/1976 #31503  
ir, a dark beard, and his skin was pale. Just as he approached the woman no 11/14/1976 #31549  
r a triangular or cone-shaped UFO, pale blue in color, flew from the north  12/20/1976 #31627  
ted. The figure was short and very pale and had only two digits on each han 10/26/1977 #32619  
r their muscles to show. They wore pale yellow cowls or hoods, leaving only 2/5/1978 #32957  
es out and notices her daughter is pale and shaking with fear. The object f 5/13/1978 #33204  
nce, Argentina saw three UFOs with pale green luminescence and a metallic a 6/1/1978 #33248  
ho said she appeared cold and very pale. She described the humanoids as 1.2 7/11/1978 #33368  
nite Asian features. It had narrow pale lips, a small chin, and snub nose w 9/28/1978 #33770  
INGTON, OXFORDS Dark triangle with pale yellow lights / corners goes south  11/25/1978 #33999  
gers. Dark triangular objects with pale yellow lights were seen over Heathr 11/25/1978 #34005  
seconds and changes to purple then pale blue and moves off.                 11/18/1979 #35006  
h individual light of the group is pale white with a slight tint of yellow. 1/17/1980 #35137  
cribes seeing a calf drawn up in a pale yellow beam of light into a UFO.    5/28/1980 #35343  
uth, long arms and hands, and very pale skin. He wore a belt with a circula 9/25/1980 #35535  
e months later that looked like a "pale birth mark."                        9/10/1981 #36109  
ic of Karelia, Russia. The glow is pale blue and is shaped like a cloud, in 2/19/1982 #36356  
at one point, and it has a haze of pale green along one side.               8/13/1986 #37987  
e and reflected sunlight. It had a pale green haze that was visible along o 8/13/1986 #37989  
30 p.m. Capt. Terauchi checked the pale white light behind their craft visu 11/17/1986 #38068  
solutely identical faces—extremely pale, long blond hair, large eyes, and c 7/4/1989 #39007  
s on board. The beings looked very pale and had identical faces, like ident 7/4/1989 #39009  
 above the northern horizon. It is pale yellow and surrounded by a hazy lum 8/2/1989 #39042  
about 65 feet long with orange and pale green lights, and it flies toward t 3/28/1990 #39490  
an-like, tall, slender, and with a pale young face without wrinkles. He als 9/13/1990 #39731  
 William Cooper publishes Behold a Pale Horse, an elaborate collection of c 1991 #39933  
ON-ON-SEA, ESSEX Orange fireball / pale halo. East going west / seafront. S 6/5/1991 #40083  
         An orange fireball with a pale halo flew east to west along the wa 6/5/1991 #40084  
le and said the bodies were small, pale, with slanted eyes and large heads, 7/9/1991 #40116  
re described as very tall and very pale in complexion, and had blond hair a 7/21/1991 #40128  
 in the sky. One stick pattern was pale red, the other green. As it approac 11/29/1991 #40249  
W, AUST Conical UFO has orange and pale blue lights. 2 observer(s). No heli 5/6/1992 #40455  
one-shaped UFO that had orange and pale blue lights was seen hovering in Co 5/6/1992 #40456  
 bed three small figures. They had pale white skin, frail looking bodies, l 6/9/1992 #40489  
ch she was given a medical exam by pale, human-looking men.                 12/31/1992 #40775  
diver's suits. They had long arms, pale complexions, large blue slanted eye 3/20/1993 #40895  
emerged. He was one meter tall and pale with a scrawny neck, big eyes and l 9/16/1994 #41755  
bed as 1.20 meters tall, with very pale skin and four-fingered hands, large 12/11/1994 #41890  
RTMENT, WA Air Traffic Controller. Pale yellow night light looks square in  2/3/1996 #42734  
see a four-foot tall creature with pale shiny porcelain colored skin standi 5/5/1996 #42896  
arance, with high cheekbones, very pale skin, and slanted eyes. They had la 7/16/1996 #42959  
ibed as about five feet tall, with pale grayish skin and large black eyes.  10/19/1997 #43433  
 that looked deformed. It was very pale in color with its head was shaped l 8/24/1998 #43637  
s skin appeared to be also gray or pale. As the wind from the approaching h 9/21/1998 #43650  
, with shoulder length blond hair, pale eyes, very pale skin, and wearing a 1/7/1999 #43711  
length blond hair, pale eyes, very pale skin, and wearing a dark blue jumps 1/7/1999 #43711  
 New Jersey. It was illuminated by pale orange lights. It moved extremely s 11/6/1999 #43875  
 but have large hands and are very pale. Zhang Jingping of the World Chines 12/1999 #43890  
large tree on their left. It was a pale blue color. Thinking that it was so 3/12/2000 #43966  
ton William Cooper’s book Behold a Pale Horse. Another Disclosure Project w 5/9/2001 #44182  
 into a rotating segmented ring of pale yellow light. The ring becomes larg 6/30/2001 #44199  
 gown. The strange figure was very pale and appeared elderly. It repeatedly 5/3/2002 #44336  
olors of orange, yellow, white and pale blue. At fist they thought it was a 7/28/2002 #44367  
" was shorter than other. It had 7 pale yellow lights on one side and 5 on  11/1/2002 #44434  
                                 A pale blue, oval-shaped object made right 1/2/2003 #44463  
use. The strange figure had a very pale white complexion, extremely white a 10/27/2004 #44771  
he witnesses then saw a tall, very pale humanoid figure with glowing eyes t 1/30/2006 #44920  
nd their eyes glowed softly with a pale blue light, but he could not see an 8/29/2007 #45050  
,000 years in the future that were pale and “grey alien” in appearance, hav 2008 #45109  
as spotted at 8:10 p.m. in Almagro Pale, Buenos Aires, Argentina.           10/26/2008 #45178  
re too thin. Their skin also had a pale, glossy look, and they had very lar 8/30/2009 #45240  
of the craft is flat and smooth, a pale pearly metallic color. It has three 3/19/2013 #45362  
## Word: "pale-" (Back to Top)
 when they see an intensely bright pale- yellow light. It is oblong in shap 5/13/1978 #33204  
## Word: "pale-blue" (Back to Top)
                 SAMARIA ISL., PNG Pale-blue disk stops overhead / 4 minute 6/1958 #15065  
ght, violet light at one end and a pale-blue light at the other. They stopp 9/3/1965 #19506  
 woman greeted her. She wore shiny pale-blue pants, a jeweled scarf, and a  10/5/1973 #27954  
## Word: "pale-bluish" (Back to Top)
r. At 1:40 a.m., he sees a bright, pale-bluish light in the north-northeast 7/26/2002 #44366  
## Word: "pale-faced" (Back to Top)
he witnesses see the faces of four pale-faced men with black hoods covering Late 7/1955 #12285  
## Word: "pale-green" (Back to Top)
friends see three perfectly round, pale-green objects less than a mile away Fall 1912 #863  
aring a sort of diving suit with a pale-green light on either side of the h 10/26/1954 #11414  
al sand pile are irregular bits of pale-green glass-like material made of n 10/30/1969 #25439  
## Word: "pale-looking" (Back to Top)
them and saw several small beings, pale-looking, making friendly gestures.  5/13/1960 #16273  
## Word: "pale-red" (Back to Top)
xington, Kentucky sighted a small, pale-red light in the western sky at 11: 4/16/1956 #12811  
## Word: "pale-skinned" (Back to Top)
 a nearby meadow, and a beautiful, pale-skinned, amber-haired spacewoman st 1/28/1975 #29772  
road. Four tall, broad-shouldered, pale-skinned men in dark suits jump out  5/3/1975 #30026  
## Word: "pale-white" (Back to Top)
ar near Butte Falls, Oregon, see a pale-white light hovering 300 feet ahead Late 8/1960 #16416  
               BERRA, ITL 1 / car. Pale-white hemisphere going [to] overhea 10/1976 #31437  
## Word: "pale-yellow" (Back to Top)
(now Heathrow) England 7:25 p.m. A pale-yellow light is seen by officials a 2/25/1959 #15615  
he rising moon. It was a circular, pale-yellow object, with a silhouette mo 8/9/1965 #19347  
t drifts on the surface, showing a pale-yellow light. Wickens contacts the  10/4/1967 #23176  
ordon, Wisconsin, sees a flashing, pale-yellow ball of light as he is drivi 9/4/1978 #33633  
hing lights. There are three large pale-yellow lights, one on each side and 6/10/1981 #35960  
NNE, FR Air Force mechanic. Silent pale-yellow "star" makes 90° turn going  10/16/1990 #39788  
## Word: "paleblue" (Back to Top)
a blue, bright suit, and holding a paleblue sphere in his hand, had appeare 6/1968 #23998  
## Word: "palelooking" (Back to Top)
them and saw several small beings, palelooking, making friendly gestures. H 5/14/1960 #16275  
## Word: "palely" (Back to Top)
could be seen to be connected to a palely lit cigar-shaped object. Watts be 10/15/1968 #24563  
## Word: "palembang" (Back to Top)
                                   Palembang, Sumatra Reida Case (M) Reddis 8/10/1944 #1638  
B-29 bomber over the ocean between Palembang, Indonesia and Ceylon (Sri Lan 8/10/1944 #1639  
ation about 100 miles northwest of Palembang off the island of Sumatra. The 8/10/1944 #1639  
                  Kharagpur, India Palembang, Sumatra, Indonesia Shortly af 8/11/1944 #1640  
, India, on a bombing mission over Palembang, Sumatra, Indonesia, when his  8/11/1944 #1640  
                                   PALEMBANG, SUMATRA, INSPECT 3+1 observer 4/7/1953 #8808  
## Word: "palencia" (Back to Top)
                               OFF PALENCIA, SP 10 fishing. Saucer going do 11/17/1967 #23473  
                                   PALENCIA, SP Industrialist. Landed UFO / 11/30/1968 #24734  
is day an industrialist driving in Palencia, Spain saw a landed UFO on the  11/30/1968 #24736  
## Word: "palenque" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHWEST / PALENQUE, DOM.REP Ovoid / bushes. Pseudo 9/22/1972 #27023  
 University's experimental farm in Palenque, San Cristobal, Dominican Repub 9/22/1972 #27026  
## Word: "paler" (Back to Top)
 still visible, eventually growing paler. They find deep, clear-cut tracks  2/8/1974 #28748  
lothing. Their skin appeared to be paler than human skin. Their hairless he 2/24/1977 #31846  
hing aircraft are much smaller and paler. They lose sight of the lights whi 10/14/1990 #39785  
## Word: "palermo" (Back to Top)
                                   Palermo Observatory Italy At the Palermo 5/11/1835 #129  
  Palermo Observatory Italy At the Palermo Observatory in Italy, astronomer 5/11/1835 #129  
 of numerous objects flew over the Palermo Observatiory in Sicily, Italy at 11/30/1880 #241  
                              NEAR PALERMO, ITL 3 / outing. Disk hovers / 3 6/3/1952 (approximate) #6431  
                                   Palermo AFB, NY UFO Incident During the  10/1962 #17448  
                                   PALERMO, ITL UFO going [to] over open ai 8/24/1964 #18506  
                                   PALERMO, ITALY Police reports / UFO's 11 12/11/1978 #34087  
                                   PALERMO, SICILY 10+observer(s). Black re 9/28/1997 #43419  
## Word: "palestine" (Back to Top)
                                   PALESTINE Many observer(s). Chariots and 5/21/70 #1  
                                   Palestine, TX Bright shaft of light (Pag 11/24/1935 #1237  
nto circle formation. Going west / Palestine, TX.                           7/8/1947 #2998  
            JERICHO AND RAM ALLAH, PALESTINE Many observer(s). 2 silver sau 4/7/1950 #4807  
Jericho and Ramallah in Israel and Palestine. At eleven o'clock in the morn 4/7/1950 #4819  
 them playing cat and mouse. At E. Palestine, OH, officer Wayne Huston join 4/17/1966 #20305  
andolph, Ohio Mahoning County East Palestine, Ohio Salem, Ohio Youngstown,  4/17/1966 #20318  
three counties. As they reach East Palestine, Ohio, Patrolman H. Wayne Hust 4/17/1966 #20318  
## Word: "palestn" (Back to Top)
                           NABLUS, PALESTN Guard fires at flaming "boat". C 8/15/1965 #19393  
## Word: "palette" (Back to Top)
ateur astronomer. Saucer / artists palette. North going quickly south. Abso 5/28/1990 #39594  
## Word: "palgong" (Back to Top)
 Daegu Air Force Base, South Korea Palgong Mountain in the Taebaek Range 9: 3/1979 #34453  
 Air Force Base, South Korea. Near Palgong Mountain in the Taebaek Range, a 3/1979 #34453  
## Word: "palhano" (Back to Top)
                                   PALHANO, BRZ 2 observer(s). Saucer going 3/5/1992 #40356  
cks in an isolated area in the Rio Palhano area, Ceara State, Brazil. At 6: 3/5/1992 #40359  
## Word: "palhares" (Back to Top)
oel comes across firefighters Sgt. Palhares, Cpl. Rubens, and soldiers Sant 1/20/1996 #42693  
zil, where doctors Fortunato Badan Palhares and Conradín Metz begin perform 1/23/1996 #42709  
## Word: "palisade-1" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Palisade-1” YieldMax: 60KT               5/15/1989 #38951  
## Word: "palisades" (Back to Top)
                           Pacific Palisades, California 2:15 a.m. Michael  12/20/1973 #28591  
ner and Robert B. Klinn of Pacific Palisades, California, see a yellow, glo 12/20/1973 #28591  
ellowish glowing blob over Pacific Palisades, California at 2:15 a.m. It ha 12/20/1973 #28592  
                           PACIFIC PALISADES, CA Oval-glow drifts going nor 6/22/1978 #33296  
                           Pacific Palisades, California 1:30 a.m. A woman  6/22/1978 #33298  
ornia 1:30 a.m. A woman in Pacific Palisades, California, watches an irregu 6/22/1978 #33298  
At the same time in nearby Pacific Palisades, California a white glow was r 7/7/2000 #44012  
## Word: "paliza" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Paliza” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT      10/1/1981 #36151  
## Word: "palla" (Back to Top)
                                   PALLA DE MALLORCA Odd star going south.  7/29/1968 #24250  
## Word: "palladium" (Back to Top)
cret CIA-MoD experiment, codenamed Palladium, to simulate an aircraft blip  5/20/1957? #13667  
elements: telluride, germanium and palladium. Bushman claims some debris an 8/2014 #45413  
of germanium, uranium and rhodium. Palladium is used as a key material in c 8/2014 #45413  
## Word: "pallas" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pallas” YieldMax: 20KT                   8/18/1973 #27712  
## Word: "palldium-ltem" (Back to Top)
th other colored lights. (Richmond Palldium-ltem, Ind., 3/3/67, copy in NIC 2/22/1967 #21620  
## Word: "pallets" (Back to Top)
 left and disappearing behind some pallets. He had been in view from 60 to  9/28/1972 #27038  
nto a dock behind a large stack of pallets to have a smoke. He then had the 4/21/2003 #44517  
## Word: "pallice" (Back to Top)
                         France La Pallice La Rochelle Charente-Maritime Ni 8/11/1944 #1641  
returning from a bombing run on La Pallice, La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime, 8/11/1944 #1641  
## Word: "pallid" (Back to Top)
h could be seen four tall men with pallid faces, dressed in something like  3/18/1950 #4680  
 to each other. They are small and pallid. One is dressed in a blue suit wi 5/14/1960 #16276  
nt near them and saw several small pallid beings, who were making friendly  5/14/1960 #16277  
s strongly built, and his skin was pallid in color. He had large round, gre 5/4/1969 #25115  
n. The being's complexion was very pallid, and he had a bald head with high 9/21/1972 #27022  
ands, which had long fingers, were pallid white, his ears were small and po 5/16/1973 #27496  
g face had a long pointed nose and pallid white skin. The upper lip was pul 12/11/1975 #30705  
. He was normally dressed, but had pallid facial features and wore goggles. 5/16/1976 #31058  
memory later returned of two tall, pallid humanoid beings wearing gray cove 8/15/1986 #37993  
ilian-like humanoid, several small pallid skinned humanoids, and insect-lik 8/15/1990 #39689  
 facial features, but was somewhat pallid. The hair was light brown in colo 9/24/1992 #40639  
ble column. Suddenly a slim, small pallid humanoid being jumped on top of h 5/11/1994 #41523  
## Word: "pallmann" (Back to Top)
g the afternoon of this day Ludwig Pallmann felt a burning sensation from a 1/15/1969 #24849  
al for an upcoming contact, so Mr. Pallmann took his motorboat to a local s 1/15/1969 #24849  
Ra was inexpressively sad. He told Pallmann that another extraterrestrial t 1/15/1969 #24849  
## Word: "pallor" (Back to Top)
 that the visitor had an unnatural pallor. His speech was also strange, wit 1/9/1967 #21278  
## Word: "pally" (Back to Top)
med saucer. Video taken. Near Ally Pally and palace.                        5/1993 #40962  
## Word: "palm" (Back to Top)
  Seattle, Washington Boise, Idaho Palm Springs, California Washington Stat 7/7/1947 #2935  
ngton; one in Boise, Idaho; one in Palm Springs, California; and one in Was 7/7/1947 #2935  
                                   Palm Beach, Florida 2:00 a.m. In Palm Be 2/20/1948 #3582  
  Palm Beach, Florida 2:00 a.m. In Palm Beach, Florida, lawyer and writer C 2/20/1948 #3582  
                               OFF PALM ISL., AUSTRALIA 2 fishing. Plain sh 10/1949 #4379  
 More trees, including a very tall palm, can be seen in the photograph. The 5/7/1952 #6270  
                              WEST PALM BEACH, FL Project Bluebook Case #14 7/15/1952 #6822  
                              West Palm Beach, FL Discus-shaped object, gre 7/15/1952 #6825  
                              West Palm Beach, Florida Witnesses: J. Antone 7/15/1952 #6827  
n it appeared muddy.  Hovered over Palm Beach International Airport, then f 7/15/1952 #6827  
without the hole", approached West Palm Beach, Florida very rapidly. It the 7/15/1952 #6831  
                              WEST PALM BEACH, FL 2 observer(s). Double pie 8/15/1952 #7604  
 Eastern sky. No further details / Palm Beach Post.                         8/15/1952 #7604  
                              West Palm Beach (near), FL August 18, 1852; n 8/18/1952 #7634  
ar), FL August 18, 1852; near West Palm Beach, FL. "Desvergers Case", "Scou 8/18/1952 #7634  
                              WEST PALM BEACH, FL Scoutmaster aims flashlig 8/19/1952 #7643  
                              West Palm Beach, Florida Ronny Desvergers saw 8/19/1952 #7646  
          Everglades south of West Palm Beach, Florida About 10:00 p.m. Sco 8/19/1952 #7651  
ge of the Everglades south of West Palm Beach, Florida, when he sees a ligh 8/19/1952 #7651  
ct above him in a clearing in West Palm Beach, Florida. It had a turret on  8/19/1952 #7653  
                                   PALM BEACH, FL 3+tots. Coin saucer lands 8/29/1952 #7778  
                              WEST PALM BEACH, FL Saucer going south down B 9/24/1952 #8018  
wer disappearing from reporters at Palm Springs for a secret meeting at Edw 2/20/1954 #9559  
                  Smoke Tree Ranch Palm Springs, California Edwards Air For 2/20/1954 #9560  
lf vacation at Smoke Tree Ranch in Palm Springs, California, when he breaks 2/20/1954 #9560  
 hand, but he only brushes Edith’s palm with it. He has long hair with a na 8/20/1954 #10157  
                                   Palm Springs, California Aviation invent 12/1954 #11735  
isc giving off greenish light near Palm Springs, California. It hovers for  12/1954 #11735  
                                   PALM SPRINGS, CA Shiny saucer leaves (so 11/6/1957 #14376  
Brazil. It soars above her, hits a palm tree, gyrates a bit in the air, the 10/31/1963 #18017  
d and struggled" in the air, hit a palm tree, changed direction while spinn 10/31/1963 #18019  
                                   Palm Springs, CA Author of “Behind the F 6/23/1964 #18368  
nd journalist Frank Scully dies in Palm Springs, CA. In 1988 his large arch 6/23/1964 #18368  
ves a lecture on flying saucers at Palm Beach Towers, FL                    1/11/1966 #19822  
t hovering 100 feet above a nearby palm tree. Within a few minutes, an open 8/3/1967 #22788  
lane had been moved much closer to Palm Beach, Florida.                     12/4/1970 #25926  
                            EAST / PALM SPRINGS, CA 1+Air Traffic Controlle 12/28/1970 #25954  
                              WEST PALM BEACH, FL 3 RADAR's and Air Traffic 9/14/1972 #26992  
                                   Palm Beach, FL Ground/Visual; Two 106's  9/14/1972 #26996  
                                   Palm Beach (Florida) International Airpo 9/14/1972 #26997  
target is detected on radar at the Palm Beach (Florida) International Airpo 9/14/1972 #26997  
 was detected on radar at the West Palm Beach International Airport by FAA  9/14/1972 #27000  
erceptors were scrambled from West Palm Beach Airport, Florida to intercept 9/14/1972 #27000  
             20 miles northeast of Palm Springs, California Just before sun 1/1/1975 #29690  
desert about 20 miles northeast of Palm Springs, California, when they see  1/1/1975 #29690  
to take one out and hold it in his palm. He does and is shocked to find tha 9/11/1976 #31376  
shaped craft flying above a nearby palm grove. The craft stopped to hover.  8/31/1977 #32444  
shaped craft flying above a nearby palm grove. The craft stopped to hover.  8/31/1977 #32447  
                            WEST / PALM SPRINGS, CA 2 / car. Domed disk hum 3/18/1978 #33050  
                                   Palm Springs, California Around 4:00 p.m 3/18/1978 #33054  
 wife are driving 15 miles west of Palm Springs, California. He pulls over  3/18/1978 #33054  
bout 20 inches wide high above the palm trees. Suddenly he falls flat on hi 3/24/1978 #33078  
fic Naval Air Station North Island Palm Springs During a 9-hour period near 3/27/1978 #33088  
e, and something that crashed near Palm Springs that the news media was tol 3/27/1978 #33088  
                                   Palm Desert, California 5:00 a.m. Former 1/1/1979 #34275  
rd over the mountains southeast of Palm Desert, California. It is about 10  1/1/1979 #34275  
                              WEST PALM BEACH, FL 4 girls. Domed faceted sa 11/8/1979 #34985  
                              West Palm Beach, Florida Southern Horizon Sto 11/8/1979 #34986  
00 p.m. Five teenage girls in West Palm Beach, Florida, watch a round objec 11/8/1979 #34986  
asant named Santiago was weeding a palm grove near La Palma, Oaxaca state,  11/30/1979 #35033  
nce was recorded on the videotape. Palm fronds are visible in the foregroun 8/10/1989 #39054  
ic disc rose up from ground, and a palm tree was seen bending and swaying a 3/17/1992 #40385  
of this day a woman living in West Palm Beach, Florida awoke feeling very g 7/24/1993 #41082  
here appeared in the center of its palm that emitted an extremely bright li 8/11/1995 #42376  
silent metallic saucer going down. Palm tree bends away! Saucer nest left.  3/17/1996 #42827  
                                   PALM BEACH, NSW 2 observer(s). Blue-glow 4/6/1997 #43255  
                           In West Palm Beach, Florida a woman named June,  9/11/1997 #43405  
                           In West Palm Beach, Florida a woman named June,  9/12/1997 #43407  
e top-secret fund to a location at Palm Beach, FL belonging to the Coast Gu 2004 #44638  
cularly, and then left through the palm trees. According to the witnesses,  5/8/2004 #44696  
moving very fast across the sky in Palm Harbor, Florida.                    9/20/2007 #45062  
## Word: "palm-readers" (Back to Top)
 with and recruit fortune-tellers, palm-readers, clairvoyants, astrologers, 1969 #24800  
## Word: "palm-tree" (Back to Top)
FL 5 observer(s). Disk hovers 2M / palm-tree. 2 figure(s) / transparent dom 10/1968 #24529  
## Word: "palm-width" (Back to Top)
t its closest approach it is about palm-width in size at arm’s length. The  7/15/2013 #45377  
## Word: "palma" (Back to Top)
                                LA PALMA DEL CONDADO, SP Several observer(s 3/29/1950 #4755  
                                   PALMA DE MALLORCA, SPAIN 4 seminary prof 9/3/1952 #7835  
                                   PALMA, MAJORCA Astronomers. Silent delta 5/22/1960 #16295  
   Majorca Isle, Mediterranean Sea Palma Observatory reported morning obser 5/22/1960 #16297  
                                   PALMA, MAJORCA, SP Power out. Light / pa 7/1967 #22583  
bas on the Mediterranean island of Palma de Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spai 7/7/1967 #22631  
                              NEAR PALMA, MAJORCA Iberia airline(s)/airline 3/11/1976 #30932  
                                   Palma de Majorca, Spain Object paced air 3/11/1976 #30935  
                                   Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spa 3/11/1976 #30936  
berian Airlines pilot flying above Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spa 3/11/1976 #30936  
                                LA PALMA ISLAND, CANARIES 2 red objects spi 6/25/1976 #31139  
                                La Palma and Tenerife, Canary Islands Ad Da 3/24/1977 #31929  
e Castle 8:50 p.m. Witnesses on La Palma and Tenerife, Canary Islands, see  3/24/1977 #31929  
ving along a highway in Lluchmayor Palma de Mallorca, Baleares, Spain when  8/25/1977 #32423  
, there had been a UFO sighting at Palma de Mallorca. No UFO was associated 8/25/1977 #32423  
o was weeding a palm grove near La Palma, Oaxaca state, Mexico at around 5  11/30/1979 #35033  
                                   PALMA, QLD, AUS Several observer(s). Fla 4/26/1980 #35290  
                  Barcelona Maella Palma de Mallorca northeastern Spain 6:4 11/11/1980 #35634  
een object over Barcelona, Maella, Palma de Mallorca, and other points in n 11/11/1980 #35634  
## Word: "palmar" (Back to Top)
                    SOUTH LUIS DEL PALMAR, ARG UFO going quickly. Car / sha 6/29/1968 #24094  
    On this evening in San Luis de Palmar, Corrientes, Argentina on Highway 6/29/1968 #24095  
                    SOUTH LUIS DEL PALMAR, ARG Flash. Trucker wakes far awa 12/10/1981 #36254  
                      San Luis Del Palmar, Arg A 42-year old Ruben Meneses  12/15/1981 #36256  
                   In San Luis del Palmar, Corrientes Province, Argentina a 12/15/1981 #36259  
## Word: "palmarejo" (Back to Top)
                                   PALMAREJO, PR Separate observer(s). 5 gr 8/11/1990 #39683  
rey humanoids walk down a  road in Palmarejo, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico at arou 8/11/1990 #39686  
                                   Palmarejo, Puerto Rico For two nights in 3/31/1991 #40025  
or two nights in a row a couple in Palmarejo, Puerto Rico, hears their two  3/31/1991 #40025  
## Word: "palmareno" (Back to Top)
          On this night Juan De La Palmareno, an 81-year-old peasant, was g 9/11/1971 #26328  
          On this night Juan De La Palmareno, an 81-year-old peasant, was g 9/12/1971 #26331  
## Word: "palmareña" (Back to Top)
s by the nickname of Juan el de la Palmareña, is in his hut on the Los Luna 9/12/1971? #26330  
## Word: "palmarito" (Back to Top)
                                   PALMARITO, VNZL Farmers. Globe lands. Se 11/28/1954 #11716  
                                   Palmarito Mérida Venezuela A group of pe 11/28/1954 #11723  
a Venezuela A group of peasants at Palmarito, Mérida, Venezuela, see a stra 11/28/1954 #11723  
## Word: "palmas" (Back to Top)
le flying between Tenerife and Las Palmas in the Canary Islands. The UFO di 11/24/1974 #29606  
own of Galdar on the island of Las Palmas also in the Canary Islands, at 10 6/22/1976 #31131  
lorca, Balearic Islands, Spain Las Palmas in the Canary Islands Torrejón Ai 11/11/1979 #34997  
, before setting course toward Las Palmas in the Canary Islands. Pilot Fran 11/11/1979 #34997  
                               Las Palmas Arrecife Canary Islands 3:10 a.m. 12/23/1985 #37735  
ránea Company, is sailing from Las Palmas to Arrecife in the Canary Islands 12/23/1985 #37735  
                          NEAR LAS PALMAS, PR 3 observer(s). Saucer with co 8/17/1991 #40158  
 radar blimp for 30 minutes in Las Palmas, Bayamon, Puerto Rico. It made a  8/17/1991 #40159  
                                   Palmas–Brigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airpo 6/5/2003 #44554  
rigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airport Palmas Brasilia 4:45 p.m. Shortly after  6/5/2003 #44554  
ter TAM Flight 3287 takes off from Palmas–Brigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airpo 6/5/2003 #44554  
adeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airport in Palmas, Brazil, to Brasilia, air traffic 6/5/2003 #44554  
is flight area. When they are over Palmas, the copilot sees a gigantic obje 6/5/2003 #44554  
## Word: "palmdale" (Back to Top)
                                   PALMDALE, CA 1 observer. Mother saucer w 7/6/1947 #2797  
ro / news and FBI. Possible same / Palmdale objects. / MJ#121.              7/6/1947 #2799  
 Going quickly southeast toward(s) Palmdale very fast.                      11/27/1950 #5291  
                                   Palmdale, CA (McDonald list) F-94C Track 9/28/1953 #9183  
                                   Palmdale, California Witness: radar obse 9/28/1953 #9184  
                                   Palmdale, California 7:10 p.m. In Palmda 9/28/1953 #9187  
 Palmdale, California 7:10 p.m. In Palmdale, California, a UFO appears on a 9/28/1953 #9187  
                                   PALMDALE, CA Air Traffic Controllers / ( 7/12/1955 #12256  
                                   Palmdale, California Pilot Horace A. Han 8/20/1955 #12378  
rth American F-100C Super Sabre at Palmdale, California.                    8/20/1955 #12378  
                                   PALMDALE, CA Blue Book. Saucer = silver  9/13/1955 #12449  
                                   Palmdale, California The first flight of 12/22/1964 #18673  
kes place at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, piloted by Robert  12/22/1964 #18673  
  United States Air Force Plant 42 Palmdale, California The Northrup Grumma 11/22/1988 #38718  
nited States Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, where it is assemb 11/22/1988 #38718  
                                   PALMDALE, CA Sec. guard and Air Traffic  6/4/1989 #38976  
          Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, California 7:45 p.m. A securit 6/4/1989 #38977  
roller at Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, California, witness a silver f 6/4/1989 #38977  
roller at Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, California witnessed a silver  6/4/1989 #38978  
                                   PALMDALE, CA Several HIQ observer(s). Ni 6/12/1993 #41014  
ater flew to Air Force Plant 42 at Palmdale, CA. They wrote they believed t 9/26/1994 #41776  
 Gordon. While leaving Plant 42 in Palmdale, Cook allegedly sees a large ch Late 1990's #43480  
 triangles flying in a circle over Palmdale, California, spinning at fantas 8/16/2004 #44734  
## Word: "palmdale's" (Back to Top)
. A call was immediately placed to Palmdale's regional facility for radar e 12/18/1980 #35724  
## Word: "palmeira" (Back to Top)
                           LECA DE PALMEIRA, PORT UFO / same Hr / 4 nights. 1/1/1977 #31675  
                           Leca de Palmeira, Oporto Province, Portugal 9:00 1/1/1977 #31679  
tes later. At nine p.m. in Leca de Palmeira, Oporto Province, Portugal a TV 1/1/1977 #31682  
## Word: "palmeiras" (Back to Top)
                    Santa Cruz das Palmeiras, Brazil At night, two witnesse 2/14/1982 #36344  
## Word: "palmer" (Back to Top)
      Chicago, Illinois Raymond A. Palmer is hired as editor of Amazing Sto 2/1938 #1281  
                               Ray Palmer, editor of Amazing Stories magazi 9/1943 #1526  
one can decode the secret meaning. Palmer applies the formula to several wo 9/1943 #1526  
                       Mantong Ray Palmer publishes an article, “An Ancient 11/1943 #1541  
                       Lemuria Ray Palmer edits, rewrites, and publishes Ri 1/1945 #1748  
thousands of letters, according to Palmer). The correspondents claim that t 1/1945 #1748  
           Barto, Pennsylvania Ray Palmer travels to Barto, Pennsylvania, a 3/1945 #1806  
                       Lemuria Ray Palmer publishes a second story by Richa 4/1945 #1835  
he author, according to editor Ray Palmer, “from Tibet by mental telepathy. 7/1946 #2021  
orado Mount Shasta, California Ray Palmer publishes a letter from Maurice D 10/1946 #2195  
 pick up fragments. Dahl mails Ray Palmer in Chicago, Illinois, some fragme 6/22/1947 #2363  
      Maury Island, Washington Ray Palmer writes to Kenneth Arnold and tell 7/22/1947 #3213  
      Maury Island, Washington Ray Palmer wires Kenneth Arnold $200 to inve 7/27/1947 #3234  
land. Retrieved metals sent to Ray Palmer and sent to a lab for analysis. M 7/29/1947 #3243  
nfiscated by the military from Ray Palmer. Dahl leaves in terror and is tra 7/29/1947 #3243  
ter hearing the news, Arnold calls Palmer and offers to return his money. P 8/1/1947 #3281  
er and offers to return his money. Palmer says to just mail him some fragme 8/1/1947 #3281  
             Chicago, Illinois Ray Palmer and Flying magazine editor Curtis Spring 1948 #3592  
ntional aircraft by Curtis Fuller. Palmer and Fuller use the shared pseudon Spring 1948 #3592  
s friend and publisher, Raymond A. Palmer. As publicity, the story “Flying  9/1952 #7802  
d Mary Margaret Stiehm Fuller, Ray Palmer founds a would- be competitor, My 1955 #11895  
quickly south. Clearly seen. / Ray Palmer.                                  9/5/1957 #13980  
                               Ray Palmer begins publishing The Hidden Worl 1961 #16548  
                                   PALMER, AK Project Bluebook Case #7931.  5/27/1962 #17208  
                                   Palmer, AK (NARA) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 5/27/1962 #17209  
             Numerous witnesses in Palmer, Alaska watched two triangular UF 5/27/1962 #17211  
Chilean and Argentine Bases on the Palmer Archipelago in Antarctica.        7/9/1962 #17268  
lands / field near reservoir. / R. Palmer.                                  5/9/1964 #18249  
reys) "make repairs". / FS Mag-Ray Palmer.                                  4/22/1966 #20357  
           At 12:30 a.m. CDT Kathy Palmer, age 14, looked out the window of 8/1/1966 #20720  
    At around 2:00 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Palmer in Wood Green, outside of London, 8/15/1966 #20750  
                                   PALMER, MA Observer(s) films silent orbs 2/17/1967 #21581  
                                   Palmer, MA 8:15 p.m. EST. Three yellow-r 2/17/1967 #21585  
 Road Old Warren Road Flynt Street Palmer, Massachusetts New Jersey Around  2/17/1967 #21586  
ld Warren Road and Flynt Street in Palmer, Massachusetts. Suddenly a white  2/17/1967 #21586  
son. Kenneth Arnold and Raymond A. Palmer are originally scheduled but canc 6/22/1967 #22535  
                                   Palmer Park, MD 9:30 p.m. EDT. A 13-year 7/6/1967 #22619  
ily Christopher Southall and Roger Palmer, at the Royal Aircraft Establishm 9/4/1967 #22998  
of an encounter on this night from Palmer, Massachusetts. “We went riding i 11/9/1969 #25455  
                                   PALMER ISL., NSW 5 observer(s). 10M disk 6/3/1975 #30076  
object zig-zagged across a road on Palmer Island, New South Wales, Australi 6/3/1975 #30079  
the object, he calls a friend, Bob Palmer, who arrives around 2:30 p.m. Con 1/10/1977 #31715  
tive satellite or aircraft debris, Palmer notifies the police, who soon arr 1/10/1977 #31715  
   National Strategy Forum Chicago Palmer House Hotel During a question-and 5/4/1988 #38554  
tional Strategy Forum in Chicago’s Palmer House Hotel, President Reagan is  5/4/1988 #38554  
                                   PALMER, AK 15 observer(s) and police cal 3/17/1994 #41460  
erde, Arizona, in 1894 by an S. L. Palmer and loaned to the Chapin Mesa Arc 5/5/2015 #45437  
## Word: "palmero" (Back to Top)
alencia, Spain - At 11:00 a.m. Sr. Palmero Camanez, a 70-year-old farmer, w 5/29/1974 #29144  
          Kennebunk, Maine - Carol Palmero was sitting in her backyard at a 6/28/1981 #35980  
## Word: "palmerson" (Back to Top)
                                   PALMERSON NORTH, NZ Several separate obs 5/10/1973 #27473  
## Word: "palmerston" (Back to Top)
                                   PALMERSTON, SI, NZ Green ovoid going qui 12/6/1952 #8384  
                                   PALMERSTON NORTH, NZ Small bright-blue U 5/30/1953 #8914  
                                   Palmerston North, New Zealand After a sm 5/30/1953 #8915  
rregular motion passes overhead at Palmerston North, New Zealand, numerous  5/30/1953 #8915  
 irregular motions in the sky over Palmerston North, New Zealand. "Angel ha 5/30/1953 #8916  
                                   Palmerston, North City, NZ A college stu 6/16/1963 #17788  
                       SOUTHWEST / PALMERSTON NORTH, NZ 2 / car. Orange-glo 5/30/1967 #22424  
gged over Highway 57, southwest of Palmerston North, New Zealand. It was hu 5/30/1967 #22426  
                                   Palmerston North, NZ 1:30 a.m. LT. A you 7/14/1967 #22657  
                                   PALMERSTON NORTH, NZ Silent 10M cylinder 1/15/1969 (approximate) #24845  
e riding bikes in a wooded area of Palmerston, Ontario, Canada observed a g 7/1/2001 #44200  
## Word: "palmerton" (Back to Top)
                                   PALMERTON, PA Several observer(s). Small 5/26/1964 #18299  
                                   Palmerton, Pennsylvania 10:00 p.m. Mr. a 5/26/1964 #18307  
two UFOs in the northwest sky near Palmerton, Pennsylvania. One is a large, 5/26/1964 #18307  
                                In Palmerton, Pennsylvania a small disc orb 5/26/1964 #18310  
                     TALBOTTON AND PALMERTON, GA 3 separate cops. "Dull lig 9/8/1973 #27779  
## Word: "palmes" (Back to Top)
the middle of the night Mr. & Mrs. Palmes noticed a large dark gray object, 9/2/1960 #16432  
## Word: "palmetto" (Back to Top)
da, when he sees a light in a wild palmetto grove. The boys do not see it,  8/19/1952 #7651  
## Word: "palmira" (Back to Top)
                                   PALMIRA, COL. [1 OF 24] 16 soldiers and  5/26/1971 #26138  
## Word: "palmiter" (Back to Top)
100' up. Duration: 10 mins. (FI-4 /Palmiter/ MUFON Indiana) (NICAP: 02 - Cl Summer 1973 #27577  
## Word: "palms" (Back to Top)
ng hands he slightly brushed their palms, and then spoke in a "sing song ty 8/20/1954 #10158  
                        Twentynine Palms, California Tiny’s Café Contactee  12/1954 #11737  
gelucci, now working in Twentynine Palms, California, is at Tiny’s Café whe 12/1954 #11737  
k marks on his right cheek, on the palms of both hands, on his shoulders an 1/29/1976 #30832  
 develops a skin irritation on the palms of her hands.                      Late 9/1977 #32518  
They approached him, holding their palms up as if showing they carried no w 11/29/1982 #36702  
They approached him, holding their palms upward as if to show they carried  11/30/1982 #36703  
 Arias was patrolling the Colonial Palms shopping mall in Miami, Florida ju 12/8/1989 #39305  
s was seen flying over Twenty-Nine Palms USMC military base in California a 5/7/2006 #44941  
## Word: "palmyra" (Back to Top)
                                   Palmyra Atoll A Coast Guard ship receive 6/1944 #1597  
                                   Palmyra Atoll Edward W. Ludwig is comman 6/1944 #1602  
ast Guard–manned cargo vessel near Palmyra Atoll. While looking for a lost  6/1944 #1602  
## Word: "palo" (Back to Top)
                                   PALO ALTO, CA Aero worker. 6 glowing-dis 10/12/1952 #8120  
                                   Palo Alto, CA V-formation of six apparen 10/12/1952 #8123  
                   Amarillo, Texas Palo Duro Canyon After 12:00 midnight. A 11/4/1957 #14282  
returning to Amarillo, Texas, from Palo Duro Canyon when they see a glowing 11/4/1957 #14282  
12, were riding on a snowmobile in Palo, Minnesota at 2:15 p.m. when they s 3/12/1967 #21874  
                         SOUTHEAST PALO ALTO, CA 1 / car. Tuna-can object w 10/22/1976 #31485  
 sighted at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. It moved from eas 9/19/1995 #42486  
e-shaped object zoomed overhead in Palo Alto, California. It made no noise  9/11/2004 #44754  
                                   Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station To 9/29/2019 #45610  
na 11:00 p.m. Security officers at Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station ne 9/29/2019 #45610  
            East Ajo Way and South Palo Verde Road in Tucson, Arizona Davis 2/9/2021 #45676  
e corner of East Ajo Way and South Palo Verde Road in Tucson, Arizona, dire 2/9/2021 #45676  
## Word: "palomar" (Back to Top)
na Beach Valley Center, California Palomar Observatory George Adamski moves 3/1940 #1324  
lifornia, about 9 miles from where Palomar Observatory is under constructio 3/1940 #1324  
                                   Palomar Mountain, California Palomar Gar 1944 #1560  
      Palomar Mountain, California Palomar Gardens George Adamski and his f 1944 #1560  
i and his followers move closer to Palomar Mountain, California, along the  1944 #1560  
 K. Wells sets up a roadside café, Palomar Gardens. According to coworker C 1944 #1560  
                             Mount Palomar, California San Diego Evening. G 10/9/1946 #2199  
 the mountain ridge south of Mount Palomar, California. He claims to meet a 10/9/1946 #2199  
                               MT. PALOMAR, CA Astronomers and more. 18 nig 10/14/1949 #4392  
                               Mt. Palomar Observatory, CA Perfect "V of V' 10/14/1949 #4393  
 California Point Loma, California Palomar Gardens Café 1:15 p.m. Harley C. 10/14/1949 #4395  
ll, manager of public relations at Palomar Observatory in San Diego County, 10/14/1949 #4395  
fore they stop in at Alice Wells’s Palomar Gardens Café on the way in. Afte 10/14/1949 #4395  
                               MT. PALOMAR, CA Small black dot zips along b 10/17/1949 #4396  
                               Mt. Palomar Observatory and Palomar Gardens, 10/17/1949 #4397  
       Mt. Palomar Observatory and Palomar Gardens, CA Observatory Asst. Su 10/17/1949 #4397  
                               MT. PALOMAR, CA Banana-object nearby. No Gei 10/21/1949 (approximate) #4398  
                               Mt. Palomar Observatory, CA Elongated slight 10/21/1949 #4399  
                               Mt. Palomar, CA Flying discs first observed  11/25/1949 #4425  
served near the observatory at Mt. Palomar. A recording geiger counter was  11/25/1949 #4425  
                             Mount Palomar, California Palomar Gardens Café 8/20/1950 #5132  
         Mount Palomar, California Palomar Gardens Café An FBI informant me 8/20/1950 #5132  
i at Alice Wells’s restaurant, the Palomar Gardens Café, south of Mount Pal 8/20/1950 #5132  
lomar Gardens Café, south of Mount Palomar, California. In addition to the  8/20/1950 #5132  
                                   Palomar Gardens Café California Albert a Late 8/1952 #7734  
 Albert and Betty Bailey go to the Palomar Gardens Café in California to vi Late 8/1952 #7734  
                                   Palomar Gardens Café The Baileys and Wil 11/4/1952 #8247  
ome up together for a visit to the Palomar Gardens Café. Adamski tells them 11/4/1952 #8247  
                                   Palomar Gardens Café Blythe, California  11/20/1952 #8306  
nd Alice Wells, drive out from the Palomar Gardens Café. They meet the Will 11/20/1952 #8306  
                   Phoenix Gazette Palomar Gardens The first printed accoun 11/24/1952 #8333  
ly famous, and Williamson moves to Palomar Gardens for several days. When h 11/24/1952 #8333  
                                   Palomar Gardens Café in California Morni 12/13/1952 #8414  
econd appearance, this time at the Palomar Gardens Café in California, oste 12/13/1952 #8414  
 special tracking equipment on Mt. Palomar, CA before the crash.  [Retrieva 1953 #8482  
                        California Palomar Mountain One of the first UFO me 8/7/1954 #10112  
alifornia is held on the slopes of Palomar Mountain, with lectures by Georg 8/7/1954 #10112  
                                   PALOMAR AIRPORT, CA Triangle shines 2-3  6/1990 #39603  
## Word: "palomares" (Back to Top)
rranean Sea off the coast of Spain Palomares, Spain Savannah River plant in 1/17/1966 #19844  
 near the small fishing village of Palomares, Spain. The non-nuclear explos 1/17/1966 #19844  
                              NEAR PALOMARES DEL RIO, SP 16 observer(s). Re 7/18/1977 #32290  
                                   Palomares, Spain A red, round object hov 7/18/1977 #32291  
t hovered over some olive trees in Palomares, Spain at 2:10 a.m. It directe 7/18/1977 #32291  
t hovered over some olive trees in Palomares, Spain at 2:10 a.m. It directe 7/18/1977 #32293  
## Word: "palos" (Back to Top)
         Camarillo, California Los Palos Hills North American Rocketdyne pl 3/22/1957 #13553  
ights below the horizon of the Los Palos Hills. The green object seems to b 3/22/1957 #13553  
                                   PALOS VERDES, CA 1 observer. 5 orange sa 2/25/1959 #15610  
                                   PALOS VERDES, CA 2 abduction. "Brain" wa 8/17/1971 #26292  
## Word: "palpala" (Back to Top)
                                In Palpala, Argentina at 8 o'clock in the e 10/5/1978 #33798  
## Word: "palquebudis" (Back to Top)
                                   PALQUEBUDIS, CHILE 1 observer. Brilliant 7/23/1968 #24211  
ect zigzagged through the sky over Palquebudis, Chile emitting orange spark 7/23/1968 #24215  
                              NEAR PALQUEBUDIS, CHILE 2 observer(s). Enormo 7/24/1968 #24217  
## Word: "palquibudis" (Back to Top)
                                   PALQUIBUDIS, CHILE 9 observer(s). UFO ea 7/12/1968 #24170  
## Word: "pals" (Back to Top)
en on a Saturday night, a group of pals, Allen, Bobby, Rick, and Danny were 5/11/1967 #22316  
                           NORTH / PALS, SP Pilot. 20M upright ovoid maneuv 7/16/1973 #27633  
## Word: "paltz" (Back to Top)
              POUGHKEEPSIE AND NEW PALTZ, NY 3+separate groups / observer(s 6/10/1978 #33264  
                               New Paltz, NY A dark, silent wedge-shaped ob 6/10/1978 #33265  
             State Highway 299 New Paltz, New York 9:30 p.m. A dark, silent 6/10/1978 #33266  
east on State Highway 299 near New Paltz, New York. The UFO turns south tow 6/10/1978 #33266  
rove eastbound on Route 299 in New Paltz, New York. The UFO turned south to 6/10/1978 #33267  
## Word: "palumbo" (Back to Top)
ghtings occurred on this date. Dr. Palumbo, the director of the meteorologi 12/23/1978 #34199  
## Word: "pam" (Back to Top)
                   Kordel, Germany Pam Owens abduction case. (MUFON investi 11/25/1978 #34001  
                    Trier, Germany Pam Owens abduction case. (MUFON investi 11/25/1978 #34003  
## Word: "pamela" (Back to Top)
. by Irma Hudgins and her daughter Pamela Sue near the intersection of I-77 11/4/1966 #21075  
se to the Havana Syndrome attacks. Pamela L. Spratlen, a career foreign ser 3/12/2021 #45679  
## Word: "pamiers" (Back to Top)
                               N20 PAMIERS TO/FROM BENAGUES, FR 1 observer. 10/26/1989 #39187  
                                   PAMIERS, FR Cop and newsman. 100M sphere 6/5/1995 #42237  
inutes at 700 meters altitude near Pamiers, France at 12:10 a.m. The occupa 6/5/1995 #42240  
## Word: "pamlico" (Back to Top)
as Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range Pamlico Sound area off the coast of Nort Late 1948 #3842  
of Nellis Air Force Base); and the Pamlico Sound area off the coast of Nort Late 1948 #3842  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pamlico” Yield: 3880KT                   7/11/1962 #17272  
                                   Pamlico County, North Carolina New York  7/21/1967 #22718  
olina New York Ronnie Hill, 14, of Pamlico County, North Carolina, sends a  7/21/1967 #22718  
              On this afternoon in Pamlico County, North Carolina 14-year-o 7/21/1967 #22721  
## Word: "pammunjon" (Back to Top)
 over enemy territory northeast of Pammunjon, Korea at 1:00 p.m. It was wit 4/19/1953 #8839  
## Word: "pampa" (Back to Top)
                                LA PAMPA, ARG Engineer. 10M saucer and 3 de 5/15/1950 #4943  
n Hidalgo Ferrocarril Sarmiento La Pampa, Argentina Afternoon. Architect En 5/15/1950 #4944  
Hidalgo Ferrocarril Sarmiento), La Pampa, Argentina, when he sees a metalli 5/15/1950 #4944  
e mountains, about 14 km from Abra Pampa, a luminous object 30 m in diamete 4/15/1958 #14987  
tina about 14 kilometers from Abra Pampa, a luminous object 30 meters in di 4/15/1958 #14989  
ry metallic disc in Tres Lomas, La Pampa, Argentina. Grass at the landing s 5/20/1959 #15742  
                                   Pampa Province, Argentina V. and G. Toma 5/12/1962 #17162  
    Bahia Blanca Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, Argentina Puerto Belgrano Naval B 5/12/1962 #17165  
 Bahia Blanca to Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, Argentina, when they see a lanter 5/12/1962 #17165  
n Route 35 at Kilometer 72 near La Pampa, La Pampa province, Argentina saw  5/12/1962 #17166  
 at Kilometer 72 near La Pampa, La Pampa province, Argentina saw a rectangu 5/12/1962 #17166  
uenos Aires, La Rioja, Neuquen, La Pampa, Cordoba, and Mendoza. In Mercedes 5/13/1962 #17172  
being was sighted on a ranch in La Pampa, Argentina on this day by a ranche 5/24/1962 #17198  
                                   Pampa Lluscuma, Chile 3:50 AM. Eight sol 4/25/1977 #32024  
ldiers on a military patrol on the Pampa Lluscuma, Chile suddenly saw a bri 4/25/1977 #32027  
irts of the city of Santa Rosa, La Pampa province, Argentina when he notice 4/23/1980 #35286  
l Route 35 north of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina Escuela Agrotécnica de  4/3/1981 #35884  
l Route 35 north of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina, watch an object hoveri 4/3/1981 #35884  
Platner saw a UFO in Winifreda, La Pampa province, Argentina at 7:30 p.m. a 8/9/1983 #36940  
                     In Alvear, La Pampa Province, Argentina several young  5/3/2002 #44336  
             Santa Rosa Airport La Pampa province Argentina 7:30 p.m. Just  Late 7/2005 #44857  
oach to the Santa Rosa Airport, La Pampa province, Argentina, the airport c Late 7/2005 #44857  
other lights in between, flew over Pampa, Texas at 11:00 p.m. heading east. 10/11/2006 #44975  
          Jacinto Aráuz, Hucal, La Pampa Province, Argentina In 2021, a wom 11/16/2021 #45722  
## Word: "pampas" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Pampas” Yield: 9.5KT                     3/1/1962 #17071  
                     Winifreda Las Pampas Argentina A woman is hospitalized 5/22/1962 #17192  
an object land near Winifreda, Las Pampas, Argentina. Two large “robot-like 5/22/1962 #17192  
e driving a Citroën CG on the flat pampas south of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 9/23/1978 #33734  
## Word: "pamphlet" (Back to Top)
iator Kenneth Arnold publishes the pamphlet “The Flying Saucer as I Saw It” 1950 #4459  
ajor problems in the earth. In his pamphlet, Les Soucoupes Volantes: Le pro 6/26/1968 #24084  
## Word: "pamphlets" (Back to Top)
e witness claims he threw out some pamphlets that were written in an unknow 10/8/1954 #10820  
## Word: "pamploma" (Back to Top)
y to work in Torres de Elorz, near Pamploma, Navarra, Spain when he saw ove 8/29/1991 #40170  
## Word: "pamplona" (Back to Top)
                                   PAMPLONA, SP 1 observer. 3 distinct copp 9/1969 (approximate) #25345  
                                   PAMPLONA, SP Night watchman and 1? 2M? s 8/30/1991 #40172  
## Word: "pampulha" (Back to Top)
                                   PAMPULHA, BRZ Night light follows Air Fo 7/14/1957 #13795  
                                   Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais S 7/14/1959 #15849  
plane for one hour as it flew from Pampulha to Belo Horizonte, Brazil. All  7/14/1959 #15854  
                                   PAMPULHA, BRZ 2 cops. Car malfunctions d 5/5/1979 #34541  
## Word: "pampulhas" (Back to Top)
                                   Pampulhas, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Object 5/5/1979 #34543  
ith portholes landed in a field in Pampulhas, Minas Gerais, Brazil for 90 s 5/5/1979 #34545  
## Word: "pamuk" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Pamuk” Yield: 47KT                       5/21/1968 #23976  
## Word: "pan" (Back to Top)
WERP, BELGIUM 1 observer. Aluminum pan / rooftop altitude. Robot(s)/android 4/1935 (approximate) #1225  
DOSTA, GA 2 / light plane. 1M cake pan / 600M altitude 1500M away. (Cake pa 7/10/1947 #3082  
 / 600M altitude 1500M away. (Cake pan missing!)                            7/10/1947 #3082  
 crewmen, including Mr. Leidy, for Pan American Airways. Watched briefly wh 7/10/1947 #3101  
Georgia a one-meter diameter "cake pan" shaped object flew over at 600 mete 7/10/1947 #3114  
ncluding Mr. Leidy, a mechanic for Pan American Airways, took photographs o 7/10/1947 #3118  
2,Sec.P-1) Pilot and Co-pilot of a Pan Am aircraft en route from Midway to  9/12/1948 #3798  
eter that looks like a huge frying pan. It has two rows of holes in its per 6/17/1950 #4991  
     Heathrow Airport, London Four Pan American Airways employees (Fred Wil 11/5/1950 #5265  
n east of South Carolina 2:27 a.m. Pan American Airways pilot Clayton C. Ga 5/8/1952 #6275  
                                   Pan American Airlines flight 203 was fly 5/8/1952 #6277  
                                   Pan American pilots see formation of UFO 7/14/1952 #6799  
     Norfolk, Virginia Witnesses:  Pan American Airways First Officer Willi 7/14/1952 #6815  
r William H. Fortenberry, flying a Pan American Airways DC-4, see six crims 7/14/1952 #6817  
en were flying a DC-4 aircraft for Pan American Airways when they sighted s 7/14/1952 #6818  
EACH, FL 2 observer(s). Double pie pan saucer going quickly south / Eastern 8/15/1952 #7604  
wn of Hasselbach. The huge “frying pan” was approx. 13 to 15 meters in diam 8/23/1952 #7684  
SCOTTA LK, ME Doctor. Large frying pan going northeast. Handle rotates. Sil 8/30/1952 #7795  
 to Puerto Rico, In Airspace Three Pan American Airways pilots watched UFO  Fall 1952 #8011  
ienced private pilot and wife of a Pan Am flight engineer.  A large light,  3/11/1953 #8745  
    Miami to New York, In Airspace Pan American Airways flight saw two redd 2/11/1955 #11997  
                    At 8:30 p.m. a Pan American Airways flight engineer nam 1/22/1956 #12679  
0 miles per hour was reported by a Pan American World Airways radar expert. 11/8/1956 #13315  
               San Juan (near), PR Pan American Airways pilot took evasive  3/9/1957 #13536  
lantic Ocean Jacksonville, Florida Pan Am Flight 269 4:33 a.m. Capt. Matthe 3/9/1957 #13540  
 Matthew A. Van Winkle, piloting a Pan American World Airways DC-6A airline 3/9/1957 #13540  
evasive action. Ed Perry, piloting Pan Am Flight 269 about 175 miles behind 3/9/1957 #13540  
                          New York Pan American Airways Plane almost collid 3/10/1957 #13541  
                          New York Pan American Airways Plane almost collid 3/10/1957 #13542  
                Off East Coast, FL Pan American Airways pilot observed bril 3/29/1957 #13570  
                 Boston (near), MA Pan American Airways pilot saw a brillia 10/8/1957 #14073  
ess, Mr. J. Flynn, was flying in a Pan Am DC-7C airliner over Norfolk Count 10/8/1957 #14080  
  San Francisco Honolulu 6:00 p.m. Pan Am Flight 7, a Boeing Stratocruiser  11/8/1957 #14489  
                          TIRO, OH Pan disk follows car. Swings / all direc 11/23/1957 #14598  
 Arequipa Lima Peru Yauca District Pan American Highway 220 miles northwest 1/30/1958 #14851  
ound the Yauca District) along the Pan American Highway 220 miles northwest 1/30/1958 #14851  
                                   PAN DE AZUCAR, URG 18m cone buzzes light 5/5/1958 #15014  
                                   Pan De Azucar, Uruguay Aerial encounter, 5/5/1958 #15015  
                                   Pan De Azucar, Uruguay Top-Like Object H 5/5/1958 #15016  
ejo Rodriguez near the airfield in Pan de Azucar near the city of San Carlo 5/5/1958 #15019  
rayish object like a “fried egg in pan.” Later it flips over, and another m 8/18/1958 #15215  
c (at 29° 3' N, 68°56' W)., At Sea Pan Am Pilot Observes Object / Tracked B 9/5/1958 #15254  
 and up to 37 other witnesses from Pan American and United Airlines flights 2/24/1959 #15606  
Ocean Honolulu, Hawaii 6:02 a.m. A Pan American Boeing Stratocruiser pilote 7/11/1959 #15834  
b Scott also see the UFOs. Another Pan Am flight sees essentially the same  7/11/1959 #15834  
707 airliners, a BOAC flight and a Pan Am flight, witnessed a bright white  9/21/1961 #16867  
                      Corona, NY A Pan American Airways mechanic, about 1:3 11/3/1963 #18026  
                               Mr. Pan Chen Hsiang, who was inside his hous 5/27/1968 #23988  
ew York City Empire State Building Pan Am building Hudson River 12:00 noon. 10/4/1979 #34940  
pire State Building. It clears the Pan Am building and flies off along the  10/4/1979 #34940  
ribbean Sea south of Haiti between Pan Am flight 440 and an unidentified bl 9/22/1980 #35527  
bbean Sea south of Haiti 3:43 a.m. Pan Am Flight 440, flying at 39,000 feet 9/22/1980 #35528  
 windows. The distance between the Pan Am flight and the UFO at its closest 9/22/1980 #35528  
ribbean Sea south of Haiti between Pan Am flight 440 and an unidentified bl 9/22/1980 #35529  
 windows. The distance between the Pan Am flight and the UFO at its closest 9/22/1980 #35529  
ega in Panama; supporting the Nazi PAN party in Mexico; channeling money to 11/18/1983 #37046  
 away. It is shaped like a “frying pan turned upside down” with a shiny, me Mid 6/1984 #37364  
 a 95-foot pole; the camera has to pan almost 180° to cover the entire leng 7/24/1984 #37412  
GUACU, BRZ Hundreds / observer(s). Pan shaped disk twice the size / 747. No 8/22/1986 #37997  
UATU 2 pilots and many. Red orange pan south going north. Sudden turn going 1/9/1996 #42676  
## Word: "pan-am" (Back to Top)
                 IZTAPA, GUATEMALA Pan-AM passengers / airport/apartment. F 7/11/1947 (approximate) #3122  
   MITCHELL AIR FORCE BASE, LI, NY Pan-AM pilot. Night light hovers and man 6/26/1952 #6633  
               SOUTH / SWAN ISLAND Pan-AM crew. Red night light zigzags in  2/4/1959 #15577  
UEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Observer(s) = Pan-AM flight. No further details [in] a 3/15/1962 #17076  
## Word: "pan-american" (Back to Top)
        Standard Oil of New Jersey Pan-American Highway Lima, Peru 4:30 p.m 2/1949 #3994  
 Jersey, is driving noth along the Pan-American Highway about 6 miles south 2/1949 #3994  
ed item #540801. The letter covers Pan-American airline pilot UFO sightings 8/1/1954 #10086  
 rest stop while driving along the Pan-American highway near San Carlos del 12/16/1954 #11824  
e Base Talara, Peru Sechura Desert Pan-American Highway 1N 2:00 a.m. Peruvi 1/31/1955 #11956  
 through the Sechura Desert on the Pan-American Highway 1N when they see a  1/31/1955 #11956  
is night two people driving on the Pan-American Highway near near Arequipa, 8/30/1965 #19480  
## Word: "pan-shaped" (Back to Top)
              ST. NIKLAAS, BELGIUM Pan-shaped object / roadside. Small huma 8/1946 #2090  
lgium 8:30 p.m. A young man sees a pan-shaped object near a road in Sint-Ni 8/1946 #2093  
bach, East Germany 40-50 ft frying pan-shaped object with two rows of 1 ft  6/17/1950 #4990  
 a small ridge. Next to them was a pan-shaped disc, approximately 40-50 fee 6/17/1950 #4992  
bach, East Germany 40-50 ft frying pan-shaped object with two rows of 1 ft  6/17/1952 #6522  
 province, China, sees a metallic, pan-shaped object land behind a hill. It Early 1970 #25524  
ence, Kentucky 4:30 p.m. A silver, pan-shaped object flies past an eastboun 8/16/1979 #34748  
## Word: "pan-starrs" (Back to Top)
scovered by Robert Weryk using the Pan-STARRS telescope at Haleakala Observ 10/19/2017 #45485  
## Word: "pana" (Back to Top)
                                   Pana, IL Evening. Three boys reported th 2/8/1973 #27272  
## Word: "panagra" (Back to Top)
n approaching DC-8 jet operated by Panagra, whose captain asks what the obj 12/22/1962 #17606  
## Word: "panam" (Back to Top)
EATHROW AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ENG 4 / PanAm. Long object going [to] overhead / 11/5/1950 #5260  
f Mexico (nr. New Orleans), At Sea PanAm engineer saw large elongated objec 1/22/1956 #12677  
## Word: "panama" (Back to Top)
                                   Panama Canal Zone Pacific Atlantic 10:00 1935 #1220  
elin-shaped object flying over the Panama Canal Zone at high speed from the 1935 #1220  
       Canal Zone Miraflores Lake, Panama Late evening. Mrs. E. P. Higgins  1936 #1240  
rth to south near Miraflores Lake, Panama. Suddenly it halts and travels in 1936 #1240  
ore over Ciudad Juarez, CHH, MX. / Panama News.                             7/7/1947 (approximate) #2838  
ssee North Carolina Tyndall AFB in Panama City, Florida Gulf of Mexico Arou 9/12/1952 #7905  
 jet fighter out of Tyndall AFB in Panama City, Florida, piloted by 2Lt Joh 9/12/1952 #7905  
                                   PANAMA CZ Project Bluebook Case #101. 2  11/25/1952 #8336  
                                   Panama Canal, Panama Two Objects Tracked 11/25/1952 #8339  
                     Panama Canal, Panama Two Objects Tracked By A/A Gun Ra 11/25/1952 #8339  
                                   Panama Canal Zone Two UFOs are tracked b 11/25/1952 #8341  
re tracked by defense radar in the Panama Canal Zone.                       11/25/1952 #8341  
                                   PANAMA CITY, FL Very large saucer circle 11/19/1953 #9308  
                       FORT DAVIS, PANAMA CZ Several soldiers. Silent disk  11/10/1955 #12561  
                           BALBOA, PANAMA CZ Several observer(s). Odd fast  12/10/1955 #12602  
                       FT. AMADOR, PANAMA 1 military observer(s). Luminous  9/21/1957 #14022  
                 TABOGA ISLAND AND PANAMA CANAL Strong RADAR blips. Evasive 3/9/1958 #14921  
                                   Panama Canal Zone, Panama Radar Lock Bro 3/9/1958 #14922  
                Panama Canal Zone, Panama Radar Lock Broken By UO (NICAP: 0 3/9/1958 #14922  
                                   PANAMA CANAL More RADAR blips. Jets scra 3/10/1958 #14923  
                           BALBOA, PANAMA CZ Silver object crosses sky. Tra 1/8/1959 #15539  
                                   Panama Canal, Panama Panama Canal, G,V ( 1/23/1959 #15561  
                     Panama Canal, Panama Panama Canal, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RA 1/23/1959 #15561  
              Panama Canal, Panama Panama Canal, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 1/23/1959 #15561  
 as it arced across the sky in the Panama Canal Zone. It was tracked by US  1/23/1959 #15562  
OCATION UNKNOWN U2 plane vanishes. Panama RADAR spots UFO near U2 / same ti 7/29/1966 #20694  
                                   PANAMA CITY Numerous observer(s). Ovoid  1/21/1974 #28686  
                       FT CLAYTON, PANAMA Large Saturn saucer in photograph 6/17/1978 #33284  
              Fort Clayton Balboa, Panama Fuerte Amador 1:20 p.m. Photograp 6/17/1978 #33286  
 Clayton [now closed] near Balboa, Panama. Her final frame shows an oval ob 6/17/1978 #33286  
                    City of David, Panama Two women teachers, Ms. Griselda  1/16/1979 #34347  
 Gonzalez, in the city of David in Panama, sighted an oval-shaped UFO in th 1/16/1979 #34349  
      Washington, D.C. Philippines Panama Mexico Medellin The National Endo 11/18/1983 #37046  
 Philippines and Manuel Noriega in Panama; supporting the Nazi PAN party in 11/18/1983 #37046  
                         SANTIAGO, PANAMA 15 observer(s). Triangle hovers o 2/26/1998 #43523  
ed over the ocean off the coast of Panama City, Florida at 11:00 p.m. The s 3/13/2003 #44501  
## Word: "panambi" (Back to Top)
                                   PANAMBI, BRZ Car malfunctions due to EME 7/30/1962 #17301  
## Word: "panamint" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Panamint” YieldMax: 20KT                 5/21/1986 #37886  
## Word: "panassiti" (Back to Top)
tina 1:20 a.m. Adela Casalvieri de Panassiti, 45, night nurse at the Dr. Ca 7/22/1968 #24204  
ed trees are burned. Casalvieri de Panassiti has first-degree burns on her  7/22/1968 #24204  
## Word: "panavicino" (Back to Top)
                                   Panavicino d'Erba, Italy Renzo Pugina, 3 10/20/1954 #11274  
## Word: "pancake" (Back to Top)
     ENID, OK Ed Herbig. Aluminum "pancake" / terrific speed. 10-12K' altit 7/7/1947 #2870  
lejack Ferguson and family. Flying pancake disk skips along going northwest 7/8/1947 #3000  
n the morning an aluminum colored, pancake shaped object was sighted by a f 7/8/1947 #3028  
  HAZLEHURST, GA 2+observer(s). 8M pancake saucer circles. Moves side-to-si 7/22/1952 #6992  
OH Woman / driveway. Silent silver pancake disk passes smoothly. No further 1/26/1956 #12683  
hield. It reminds Barney of a huge pancake. Carrying his pistol in his pock 9/19/1961 #16857  
         GRAND RAPIDS, MI 1 / car. Pancake saucer tilts. Gleams / sunlight. 12/2/1963 #18061  
e southeast. The shape was "like a pancake." (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 12/2/1963 #18062  
      GALESBURG, IL 2 women. Domed pancake nears. Blinding flash / 10 secon 3/9/1967 #21824  
Galesburg, IL Object shaped like a pancake with a rounded top,red lights on 3/9/1967 #21828  
sewives.  One object shaped like a pancake with a rounded top; object was p 3/9/1967 #21838  
 they were able to see that it was pancake shaped, covered with lights, and 12/4/1972 #27162  
 west. They think they see a dark “pancake” body twice the Moon’s diameter  10/29/1977 #32631  
ton, Connecticut, when they see a “pancake”-shaped object in the southeast. 9/11/1980 #35516  
n them drives right past the local Pancake House. Suddenly the objects disa 3/1981 #35856  
a.m. A witness is driving toward a pancake house in Memphis, Tennessee, for 3/1981 #35859  
, CH 1 observer. Red-glowing domed pancake disk hovers / tilted. Shoots goi 6/11/1981 #35962  
 DES PLAINES, IL 1 observer. Domed pancake saucer going north over River Ro 6/14/1998 #43588  
## Word: "pancake'" (Back to Top)
WOODSTOCK, MN Very large tan 'half pancake' follows car? Going north slow.  12/9/1956 #13392  
## Word: "pancake-object" (Back to Top)
H, CA 2 military observer(s). Pink pancake-object flips in sky. / Brawley,  4/7/1950 (approximate) #4805  
## Word: "pancake-saucer" (Back to Top)
AST / RICHLAND, WA 2 / car. Silver pancake-saucer hovers. Slow tilts / mane 7/19/1952 #6912  
## Word: "pancake-shaped" (Back to Top)
                 Spokane, WA Three Pancake-Shaped Objects Observed (NICAP:  9/3/1950 #5166  
 in Toledo, Ohio spotted a silver, pancake-shaped disc that flew by smoothl 1/26/1956 #12684  
o, Italy when he came upon a flat, pancake-shaped object resting in a court 1/6/1968 #23655  
## Word: "pancakes" (Back to Top)
3' saucer ask farmer / water. Bake pancakes! / MJ#276.                      4/18/1961 #16650  
e man, who gave him three ordinary pancakes, and the craft took off.        4/18/1961 #16652  
d. Simonton receives four ordinary pancakes or cookies, 3 inches in diamete 4/18/1961 #16653  
minutes. Simonton gives one of the pancakes to Judge Frank Wellington Carte 4/18/1961 #16653  
nalysis is performed on one of the pancakes by the US Department of Health, 4/18/1961 #16653  
water. They appeared to be cooking pancakes on a griddle, and in exchange f 4/18/1961 #16654  
he water they gave him four of the pancakes from griddle. The men were desc 4/18/1961 #16654  
## Word: "pancho" (Back to Top)
              Raimundo Alvarez and Pancho Torres, two masons, were working  8/18/1972 #26928  
## Word: "panchuela" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Panchuela” YieldMax: 20KT                6/30/1987 #38201  
## Word: "pancole" (Back to Top)
                                   PANCOLE, ITL Doctor / car. Luminous/glow 10/24/1954 #11358  
0 p.m. a doctor driving his car in Pancole, Tuscany, Italy saw a luminous g 10/24/1954 #11372  
## Word: "pandamonium" (Back to Top)
ered over hog farmyard setting off pandamonium in dogs, chickens, pigs, and 5/16/1971 #26114  
## Word: "pandelon" (Back to Top)
                               ST. PANDELON, FR 1 observer. Teardrop turns  12/29/1976 #31637  
## Word: "pandemic" (Back to Top)
                          COVID-19 Pandemic: The World Health Organization  3/11/2020 #45638  
 concern on 30 January 2020, and a pandemic on 11 March 2020.               3/11/2020 #45638  
## Word: "pandemonium" (Back to Top)
over the hog farmyard, setting off pandemonium of howling, squacking, and s 5/16/1971 #26115  
## Word: "pandering" (Back to Top)
g. The charge is reduced to felony pandering, to which he pleads guilty on  6/5/1990 #39606  
ly. Political leaders come and go, pandering to the masses for votes in the 2018 #45498  
## Word: "pando" (Back to Top)
                                   PANDO, URUGUAY 2 / bus. 60M domed ovoid  3/11/1958 #14925  
                                   PANDO, URUGUAY Blue-green ovoid going no 10/2/1958 #15298  
## Word: "pandolfi" (Back to Top)
 to two dozen people including Ron Pandolfi and Kit Green; Maccabee states  7/7/1987 #38206  
 if any findings were discovered.  Pandolfi later told Maccabee that a CIA  7/7/1987 #38206  
in the files. Maccabee also states Pandolfi admitted there might be a “mole 7/7/1987 #38206  
ion between CB Scott Jones and Ron Pandolfi on 15 April 1993 which referred 4/15/1993 #40934  
or MITRE’s contract was Dr. Ronald Pandolfi, of CIA. Ten years later (see 2 10/2008 #45173  
ears later (see 26 February 2019), Pandolfi was sued by FOX TV producer Rob 10/2008 #45173  
e Firmage, former CIA official Ron Pandolfi, and former Rep. David D. Marri 2/26/2019 #45564  
pment based on UAP.  Kiviat states Pandolfi was trying to sabotage the comp 2/26/2019 #45564  
    Cameron claims CIA officer Ron Pandolfi told Dan Smith about an entranc 10/20/2022 #45782  
t was about to open in “a desert.” Pandolfi claims people will enter and re 10/20/2022 #45782  
ameron also states CIA officer Ron Pandolfi told him a jump room was at thi 10/20/2022 #45783  
this location and that a friend of Pandolfi told him to “hang on” and wait  10/20/2022 #45783  
## Word: "pandora" (Back to Top)
                  Moscow The DARPA Pandora Project committee discusses plan 5/12/1969 #25131  
assifies a lengthy file on Project Pandora and Project Bizarre, a program f 2014 #45400  
## Word: "pane" (Back to Top)
 up to a window and knocked on the pane, making a mooing sound "like a cow. 7/28/1968 #24245  
than a foot. His wife, hearing the pane of glass breaking, entered the kitc 4/2/1971 #26065  
ing horizontally through the lower pane, which was 4.5 feet from the floor. 4/2/1971 #26065  
## Word: "panel" (Back to Top)
 with a chair facing an instrument panel remains intact. Police officers, m Early Spring 1941 #1355  
ork, noting that it has selected a panel of consultants, initiated a news c 4/25/1952 #6186  
his ADC briefings to the Robertson Panel.                                   8/1/1952 #7408  
e reports have been evaluated. The panel has looked at two films and soil a 10/10/1952 #8114  
   Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton OH Panel of four scientists convened at ATI 11/1952 #8223  
ted reports. Recommended convening panel of top scientists.                 11/1952 #8223  
               An Air Force review panel meets at ATIC for three days and r 11/21/1952 #8316  
 unravel at the proposed Robertson Panel meeting.                           11/25/1952 #8340  
icts the findings of the Robertson Panel, Blue Book, and Condon Committee t 12/2/1952 #8364  
ead for what will be the Robertson Panel.                                   12/4/1952 #8376  
s in preparation for the Robertson Panel in January. CIA consultant Frederi 12/9/1952 #8400  
 UAP data. CIA held the “Robertson Panel” the next month without these key  12/9/1952 #8401  
bertson of Cal Tech to establish a panel of scientists (including astronome 12/10/1952 #8408  
reports for the upcoming Robertson Panel, sends a three-man team to Wright- 12/12/1952 #8413  
e requests the CIA to postpone the panel until March so they can finish the 12/12/1952 #8413  
. Robertson agrees to postpone the panel, but is later overruled by CIA Dir 12/12/1952 #8413  
t finds out that the CIA Robertson Panel is back on again after being postp 12/22/1952 #8442  
erses the decision to postpone the panel meeting till March 1953 or later.  12/22/1952 #8442  
 later. Smith orders the Robertson Panel to be carried out immediately. A r 12/22/1952 #8442  
ut immediately. A rush-to-judgment panel will have no time to reflect on th 12/22/1952 #8442  
howed the interior of the craft, a panel with levers all colored in muted p 1953 #8483  
al Intelligence Agency) convened a panel of top scientists to weigh the acc 1/12/1953 #8534  
 accumulated evidence. ["Robertson Panel" - headed by Howard P. Robertson]  1/12/1953 #8534  
headed by Howard P. Robertson] The panel was to decide whether the evidence 1/12/1953 #8534  
nterplanetary was presented to the panel by Maj. Dewey Fournet.             1/12/1953 #8534  
e opening meeting of the Robertson Panel convenes in the OSI conference roo 1/14/1953 #8539  
ed by conventional reasoning.” The panel first reviews the CIA OSI study fr 1/14/1953 #8539  
   The second day of the Robertson Panel. Ruppelt completes his presentatio 1/15/1953 #8541  
    The third day of the Robertson Panel. Hynek speaks again, followed by M 1/16/1953 #8543  
 Physicist Lloyd Berkner joins the panel in the afternoon. In the afternoon 1/16/1953 #8543  
n the afternoon. In the afternoon, panel members talk about conclusions the 1/16/1953 #8543  
usions of the scientific Robertson Panel were not made public at the time.  1/17/1953 #8544  
ons Reported by Ruppelt, 1956: The panel recommended that the UFO project b 1/17/1953 #8544  
y Released by Air Force, 1958: The panel concluded that UFOs constituted no 1/17/1953 #8544  
 current scientific concepts." The panel recommended "immediate steps to st 1/17/1953 #8544  
 have unfortunately acquired." The panel suggested "an integrated program d 1/17/1953 #8544  
 been told. If the decision of the panel had been clearly negative, as the  1/17/1953 #8544  
 supports Ruppelt's version of the panel conclusions), the Air Force began  1/17/1953 #8544  
tah The final day of the Robertson Panel. The panel reviews Robertson’s dra 1/17/1953 #8548  
al day of the Robertson Panel. The panel reviews Robertson’s draft report ( 1/17/1953 #8548  
poses should be kept in mind.” The panel and report are kept classified unt 1/17/1953 #8548  
tate University from the Robertson Panel, he and his new research assistant 1/18/1953 #8550  
gs on UAP, known as the “Robertson Panel.” The CIA concludes that all natio 1/18/1953 #8551  
                     The ROBERTSON PANEL convenes, headed by Prof. H.P. Rob 1/26/1953 #8568  
 of the persons involved with this panel were Capt. Ruppelt, Dr. Allen Hyne 1/26/1953 #8568  
lt still thinks that the Robertson Panel has accepted Garland’s recommendat 1/29/1953 #8613  
clerical time. Given the Robertson Panel findings, he proposes to call the  5/1953 #8851  
s above saucer! Portholes. Control panel.                                   6/24/1953 #8960  
 portholes through which a control panel was visible. No occupant was seen. 6/24/1953 #8966  
 portholes through which a control panel was visible. No occupants were see 6/24/1953 #8971  
see if any change in the Robertson Panel’s conclusions is warranted. One of 7/1953 #8979  
value”. The CIA concluded that the panel’s (name?) recommendations might ha 12/8/1953 #9347  
hallenged as "proof," this time by panel of scientists. Conflicting version 1954 #9415  
 1952 he was participating in a TV panel in New York City when someone in t 4/18/1954 #9697  
and Gustavo Gonzáles are driving a panel truck along Calle Bella Vista in P 11/28/1954 #11722  
F and the possibility of forming a panel to assist in analyzing reports. Th 12/26/1954 #11862  
 wants to show them on TV during a panel discussion on UFOs, the office ref 6/13/1955 #12196  
he basic contours of the Robertson Panel.                                   1/1956 #12642  
 and breaks a dormitory ventilator panel. The Plumbbob tests continue until 5/28/1957 #13684  
ommendations of the 1953 Robertson Panel. The briefing book (including Spec 9/16/1957 #14001  
oe finds out that it will not be a panel discussion but a scripted conversa 12/1957 #14654  
of the Situation and the Robertson Panel), saying it is too long. Ruppelt,  12/1957 #14654  
leases parts of the 1953 Robertson Panel report, a mere three paragraphs re 3/1958 #14904  
otion study, and the CIA Robertson Panel. Wallace surprises him by saying A 3/8/1958 #14920  
ace also quotes from the Robertson Panel summary that was just released. A  3/8/1958 #14920  
his date in 1958 the CIA Robertson Panel report was released. At 3:30 a.m.  4/9/1958 #14972  
 Hynek’s newly formed UFO Advisory Panel holds its first meeting at Wright- 5/5/1959 #15723  
Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. The panel consists of Hynek, Lt. Col. Richar 5/5/1959 #15723  
                  The UFO Advisory Panel meets to “determine the type of in 5/22/1959 #15746  
atterson AFB Ohio The UFO Advisory Panel meets at Wright-Patterson AFB in O 7/27/1959 #15881  
ems to be working at an instrument panel. They are only the size of a 14-ye Late 10/1959 #16060  
performed on the hovering craft. A panel on the craft was rotated inside an 8/11/1960 #16370  
igure move to what appears to be a panel on the rear wall of the hallway th 9/19/1961 #16857  
ing spaces for cameras and a brass panel that explains, in pictures, what t Summer 1962 #17239  
inside. The interior had a control panel but no occupants, but when he turn 9/1/1962 #17382  
underside of the object is a large panel of blue light. They watch it for 3 8/10/1963 #17882  
chine that appears to be a control panel. The passengers are about 6 feet t 8/28/1963 #17922  
re stood in front of an instrument panel. At the time, the witness believed 3/6/1965 #18846  
er man seated before an instrument panel. Shortly thereafter the object too 7/20/1965 #19149  
er man seated before an instrument panel. Shortly thereafter the object too 7/20/1965 #19153  
Academy of Sciences to establish a panel of physical and social scientists  8/30/1965 #19478  
sory Board requesting a scientific panel to review the methods and findings 9/28/1965 #19618  
equests that a “working scientific panel composed of both physical and soci 9/28/1965 #19619  
 Quintanilla, review the Robertson Panel report, and examine a few UFO case 2/3/1966 #19879  
program, The Open Mind, presents a panel discussion titled “Are Flying Sauc 2/27/1966 #19925  
tmospheric Sciences, urging that a panel be set up by a scientific body to  3/28/1966 #20117  
 Hynek recommends that a “civilian panel of physical and social scientists  4/5/1966 #20249  
mittee in February. He assembles a panel of experts that suggests he bring  4/22/1966 #20374  
 A handwritten letter by Robertson Panel member Thornton Page, discovered i 5/10/1966 #20474  
e CBS TV show around the Robertson Panel’s conclusions.” Quintanilla has sp 5/10/1966 #20474  
 an unedited copy of the Robertson Panel report. As it has not been release 6/6/1966 #20535  
t for a photocopy of the Robertson Panel report is denied.                  6/30/1966 #20622  
ain denied a copy of the Robertson Panel report because it has been “reclas 7/20/1966 #20660  
UDE, FR 3 observer(s). Rectangular panel / light in field. Vanishes. No tra 8/1966 #20706  
ard the craft past an instrumental panel into a "wildly furnished" room. Sh 8/11/1966 #20739  
e information that the [Robertson] panel was sponsored by the CIA.” Weber n 8/15/1966 #20748  
s about the January 1953 Robertson Panel report before it was declassified. 9/3/1966 #20842  
 (sanitized) copy of the Robertson Panel report and publishes a version of  9/3/1966 #20843  
e media about the secret Robertson Panel report. The CIA has ordered the Ai 10/7/1966 #20971  
Woodrow Derenberger is driving his panel truck home to Parkersburg, West Vi Early 11/1966 #21070  
s difficulty seeing his instrument panel. It maintains its position in fron 1/13/1967 #21299  
d difficulty seeing his instrument panel, and it maintained a position in f 1/13/1967 #21301  
he establishment of a UFO research panel. Seitz is not convinced.           Late 1/1967 #21384  
t material she could see a control panel with a lever on top, and two occup 1/29/1967 #21412  
d two occupants, one seated at the panel, the other standing. They wore "sh 1/29/1967 #21412  
 with antennas and lights and flat panel / windows.                         3/22/1967 #21941  
iety of Newspaper Editors sponsors panel discussion on UFOs at its annual m 4/22/1967 #22207  
t with a large rectangular lighted panel that hovered 12 feet off the groun 10/30/1967 #23373  
feet away. The rectangular lighted panel was about 4 feet high and 16 feet  10/30/1967 #23373  
 are four stools and an instrument panel. Pereira sees four beings around i 10/2/1968 #24537  
nside the object at the instrument panel. The being with the weapon fires i 10/2/1968 #24537  
iences for review by an 11- member panel, chaired by Yale University astron 11/15/1968 #24661  
Force, stating that the NAS review panel "unanimously approved" the Colorad 1/8/1969 #24825  
l meeting, in Boston, MA, included panel discussion on UFOs. Scientists joi 12/26/1969 #25508  
rtion. One stands at an instrument panel, with the other behind it. The sec 1/1/1970 #25532  
autics and Astronautics sponsors a panel that meets in New York City to dis 1/21/1970 #25548  
ring viewpoints on UFOs. Among the panel members are Hynek, McDonald, Thorn 1/21/1970 #25548  
ering over a console or instrument panel. The craft descended silently behi 8/15/1970 #25787  
overalls standing around a control panel. They waved at the witnesses. The  2/26/1971 #26033  
d against a very brightly lit wall panel. A machine directly in front of hi 3/14/1971 #26047  
to conceal some sort of instrument panel. He seemed to be trying to attract 6/9/1971 #26165  
h a brief history of the Robertson Panel and suggests the following respons 7/29/1971 #26251  
. On what appeared to be a control panel Renz saw numerous strange symbols. 8/16/1971 #26291  
inistry” engaging in debate with a panel of experts and taking questions fr 1/1972 #26534  
nted five experts to a blue-ribbon panel that will evaluate all the entries 3/12/1972 #26601  
uary 1, 1973. On May 23, 1973, the panel announces that none of the entries 3/12/1972 #26601  
e 1971 landing trace evidence. The panel awards seven other UFO cases with  3/12/1972 #26601  
nd him was some sort of instrument panel. Several other humanoid beings wer 3/25/1972 #26623  
. There was also a long instrument panel bearing "a lot of instruments and  12/30/1972 #27193  
 down. Figure(s) work / instrument panel. Telepathy? Fragmentary account.   1/1/1973 #27206  
board working behind an instrument panel.                                   1/1/1973 #27212  
her humanoids sitting at a control panel, and three cubicles as well as bea 10/15/1973 #28060  
 FR Big sphere/orb/globe and white panel hover / low altitude. Blue cloud / 2/27/1974 #28806  
le high backed chairs at a control panel. After this incident he claims to  5/26/1974 #29135  
, as well as four seats, a control panel, a mirror, a map, and several elk, 10/15/1974 #29531  
 classification and privacy review panel begins reviewing them, sanitizing  4/1975 #29930  
 of the terrace behind his control panel. There was no way for anyone to ge 4/6/1975 #29978  
nother 60 minutes. All the control panel instruments go haywire, and the pi 5/6/1975 #30041  
 see 4 people, one standing near a panel of flashing colored lights, the ot 7/31/1975 #30218  
ure(s) / cabin. Colored instrument panel.                                   10/19/1975 #30448  
 8 feet high, with a small control panel. There were eight crewmembers insi 11/3/1975 #30547  
th / 180+kph. Lights / corners and panel / center. Hums.                    12/1975 #30678  
ives NARA facilities The Air Force panel finishes reviewing the Blue Book f 12/1975 #30679  
h UFOs was with the 1953 Robertson Panel.                                   3/26/1976 #30957  
ks he can see, though an open side panel, something moving inside it. The o 4/22/1976 #31010  
minous horseshoe-shaped instrument panel 3-4 meters long. A cask-like devic 5/14/1976 #31052  
inside object operating instrument panel. Object departed out to sea. (Brun 6/22/1976 #31127  
When he next checks his instrument panel, he discovers that his magnetic co 8/13/1976 #31261  
ile at it, but his weapons control panel malfunctions, as well as his radio 9/18/1976 #31395  
 4 miles, the radio and instrument panel go out again. The light disappears 9/18/1976 #31395  
ile at the UFO he lost all weapons panel and communication control. The UFO 9/19/1976 #31396  
gray-brown object features a large panel of fluorescent green light on the  3/29/1977 #31933  
oots. Two were seated at a control panel, while the third stood before a sc 4/4/1977 #31943  
wonders if NASA could form a small panel to follow up on the Condon report  7/21/1977 #32297  
th his recommendation on a new UFO panel; however, NASA wants to be assured 9/6/1977 #32463  
is suggestion for a scientific UFO panel to investigate reports.            9/14/1977 #32480  
urant report on the 1953 Robertson Panel.                                   9/21/1977 #32502  
o NASA setting up an investigatory panel: “All in all, undertaking a formal 10/31/1977 #32643  
comes in, but declines to set up a panel to investigate cases.              12/21/1977 #32802  
              Playboy publishes a “panel discussion” on UFOs that features  1/1978 #32834  
 wall was a large square lead gray panel and a metallic rectangular table.  2/5/1978 #32957  
njuring its leg. Inside, he sees a panel with buttons and some tables. A ro 9/6/1978 #33638  
d in. Inside, he was able to see a panel with buttons, tables, and a small  9/6/1978 #33640  
nd could not move, as he watched a panel open and two humanoids emerge and  9/17/1978 #33703  
 interest the UN in a three-member panel to initiate a formal UFO study pro 11/27/1978 #34010  
n Hynek states the CIA’s Robertson Panel was concerned of public reaction t 1979 #34260  
 facing what seems to be a control panel. The object is lighted from within Late 8/1979 #34774  
er the room but was prevented by a panel that rose from the floor and block 12/11/1979 #35073  
 three-hour program on UFOs with a panel consisting of Richard H. Hall, Bru 2/7/1981 #35817  
ther standing behind an instrument panel. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (N 2/14/1981 #35828  
NSA case is heard by a three-judge panel (J. Skelly Wright, Roger Robb, and 10/28/1981 #36192  
Alarm. Dark mass hovers / electric panel. Cone beams. Humming. Going west.  6/10/1982 #36493  
. They duck beneath the instrument panel. When they get up, they sense some 9/9/1985 #37656  
 wheels, and a featureless control panel. The cockpit is so small that two  Early 8/1987 #38225  
. In this level, he sees a control panel and very small chairs—too small fo 3/1989 #38855  
 behind what looked like a control panel. The object later became dark and  9/13/1990 #39732  
of the room. In front of him was a panel with multicolored lights, and he h 3/5/1992 #40359  
 humanoid (or Grey) behind control panel. Tree baked!                       6/3/1992 #40483  
ll, thin humanoid behind a control panel inside the object. A nearby tree w 6/3/1992 #40485  
vidence for the 1953 CIA Robertson Panel.  2nd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval C 1994 #41348  
MBER ILES, QBC 2 / car going east. Panel / lights follows / 70 minute(s) go 8/7/1995 #42364  
chers present their best data to a panel of scientists agreeable to hearing 9/29/1997 #43420  
agreeable to hearing them out. The panel is charged with deciding whether t 9/29/1997 #43420  
ution of the UFO question. For the panel, Sturrock recruits astronomers (an 9/29/1997 #43420  
director Jean-Jacques Velasco. The panel makes several observations: The UF 9/29/1997 #43420  
sions, Sturrock announces that the panel will issue a statement to be draft 9/29/1997 #43420  
e states Majestic was a government panel appointed by President Truman to l 7/7/1999 #43798  
ke a thunder clap was heard, and a panel opened on the object and a bright  10/19/2000 #44060  
d. On one side there was a control panel with shiny knobs, which flashed si 10/28/2000 #44063  
k for 30 hours over five days. The panel reaches the conclusion that the US 4/29/2013 #45366  
as a member of the CIA’s Robertson Panel in 1953 which studied the UAP issu 4/25/2019 #45572  
ntractor involved in the Robertson Panel, and Vallee states it is Battelle  12/4/2020 #45668  
            Havana An intelligence panel investigating the cause of Havana  2/2/2022 #45737  
eclassified intelligence report. A panel of intelligence community experts  2/2/2022 #45737  
                    Huntsville, AL Panel held at the SCU APC conference nea 6/4/2022 #45755  
nd shown how to use a plastic-like panel with symbols; Jean Kimura, who cla 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "panelists" (Back to Top)
ssor Eric F. Goldman is moderator. Panelists include astronomer Donald H. M 2/27/1966 #19925  
 annual meeting in Washington, DC. Panelists included Dr. James E. McDonald 4/22/1967 #22207  
sts of Larry King interviewing the panelists; then he takes phone calls for 2/7/1981 #35817  
     San Francisco, California The panelists from the Sturrock workshop rec 11/28/1997 #43451  
## Word: "panels" (Back to Top)
val for “two series” of scientific panels in January and February, which wo 1/9/1953 #8522  
the house. Through two transparent panels they saw two men with white skin, 10/21/1954 #11298  
, England. Through two transparent panels they see two men with white skin, 10/21/1954 #11302  
 4:45 p.m. Through two transparent panels they saw two men with white skin, 10/21/1954 #11307  
5 pseudo-human/entity / instrument panels. 6 separate observer(s). Going no 5/1/1957 #13634  
al people seated before instrument panels, lighted by an extraordinary ligh 5/1/1957 #13637  
side seated in front of instrument panels, lit by an extraordinary light. H 5/1/1957 #13638  
ving suits working some instrument panels. He was taken for a 30 minute rid 5/1/1957 #13639  
e stage, outfitted with reflective panels that make it a first magnitude ob 10/4/1957 #14057  
 1500M ahead. 4 silver rectangular panels / side.                           1/14/1959 #15552  
en dark figures working at control panels inside, when they stopped to inve 9/19/1961 #16852  
en dark figures working at control panels inside. One of the occupants seem 9/19/1961 #16858  
he large object opens—two vertical panels and two horizontally aligned pane 1965 #18690  
anels and two horizontally aligned panels slide apart—and the three smaller 1965 #18690  
nder them. Two aliens, and control panels with lights and knobs, could be s 10/24/1967 #23302  
. Two humanoid figures and control panels visible. Object tilted back up, s 10/24/1967 #23303  
. Two humanoid figures and control panels are visible through windows. The  10/24/1967 #23305  
 follows rural road. Banks. Square panels glow / bottom/underside. Silent!  12/27/1967 #23614  
t that reveals square, fluorescent panels on the bottom. The dome light in  12/27/1967 #23615  
seeing nearly identical instrument panels and other instruments. There sket 8/7/1968 #24308  
et in diameter with luminous white panels around the circumference and ligh 10/28/1969 #25431  
ely, with even more intense, small panels inset all around it. It is as wid Late 7/1975 #30204  
sparent soap bubble, they see some panels and two enormous beings on a plat 6/22/1976 #31128  
he two humanoids and their control panels remained their original size. Aft 6/22/1976 #31130  
 bottom section with red and white panels of light. It was self-luminous, a 6/25/1976 #31140  
by 3 foot door, which had flashing panels of light inside. The tall figure  8/16/1976 #31273  
wer section there are four or five panels. The object is about 42–50 feet i 6/17/1977 #32171  
ed room crammed full of instrument panels. He did not see any occupants. Af 12/15/1978 #34137  
 does with her son, seeing lights, panels, chairs, and a table. They jump o 1/4/1979 #34294  
e the object where she saw chairs, panels and a table. She was asked to com 1/5/1979 #34303  
 with three rows of lighted window panels and an illuminated rotating dome  10/28/1983 #37027  
l inversion); photographed control panels; photographed 5 foot tall aliens  1/1989 #38772  
ular room encircled by windows and panels and lit up by a diffuse pinkish w 11/6/1989 #39216  
). Absolute(ly) silent object with panels makes tight turn. Rotating light  12/11/1989 #39310  
ium. It looks like a series of 3–4 panels of light traveling north to south 12/11/1989 #39313  
50–980 feet. Beneath the series of panels, and close to the center, is a ro 12/11/1989 #39313  
to] overhead / 150mph. Rectangular panels / underside.                      3/4/1990 #39443  
ead at 150 mph. It had rectangular panels on the underside. One hour and tw 3/4/1990 #39447  
 John E. Mack, with presentations, panels, and discussions about the UFO ab 6/13/1992 #40492  
. Silent 5M saucer with concentric panels / 75M away. Rotates. Gone!        3/4/1993 #40878  
ct with bright square-shaped light panels that glowed amber and blue. It tr 3/16/1993 #40886  
IDGWATER, SOMERSET UFO with square panels lands / field. 40 sightings near  7/7/1994 #41611  
. Disk with rectangular-box shaped panels / edge. Slow rotation. Odd trajec 8/26/1994 #41689  
tude hovers / one hour. Turns. Lit panels. Small objects exit. Going quickl 8/27/1995 #42419  
itting in chairs in front of glass panels. Some of these beings were courte 6/5/1997 #43311  
ontinuous windows. She saw control panels located at the center of the craf 1/7/1999 #43711  
k, flying cross-shaped object with panels of lights on the underside flew l 4/3/2003 #44510  
large V-shaped object with lighted panels on the underneath side. At 9:00 p 2/15/2005 #44814  
 wingless object with spear-shaped panels maneuvering slowly and silently a 8/18/2013 #45383  
y an Atlas V rocket and uses solar panels for power in space. While the com 10/27/2019 #45615  
object that appeared to have solar panels. But the true figure could be muc 1/1/2021 #45672  
## Word: "panes" (Back to Top)
Czech Republic] 5:00 p.m. François Panes watches a cigar-shaped object at a Summer 1944 #1609  
y somehow passed through the glass panes in the windows). They had oval-sha 3/22/1953 #8776  
complex, knocking out thousands of panes of glass or making fine holes in t 6/1/1982 #36489  
falls around them, breaking window panes and plunging through roofs. A loca 1/14/1993 #40795  
allic gray with a band of apparent panes of dark glass and facets on its up 7/15/1995 #42303  
## Word: "pang" (Back to Top)
City 9:00 p.m. John Lennon and May Pang watch a rotating, oval-shaped disc  8/23/1974 #29379  
## Word: "pangong" (Back to Top)
al Pradash Kargil Leh Thakung Lake Pangong Tso Himalayas Indian Army troops 8/1/2012 #45350  
 in the Thakung district near lake Pangong Tso in the Himalayas. The report 8/1/2012 #45350  
## Word: "panhandle" (Back to Top)
                                (E.PANHANDLE), WV Biologist and P38 pilot a 10/1953 (approximate) #9193  
## Word: "pani" (Back to Top)
stationed at a radar base at Monte Pani, Cabo De Creus, Spain were alerted  3/25/1971 #26054  
## Word: "panic" (Back to Top)
ATION UNKNOWN Sudden 'extra moon'. Panic stops execution of priest / r186 # 9/12/1271 #13  
Airship west beams / light. Horses panic. Going southwest.                  11/30/1896 #371  
r beams going down / wagon. Horses panic. More beams. Lights / rim. Vanishe 10/1909 #814  
e episode is famous for inciting a panic by convincing some members of the  10/30/1938 #1299  
 taking place, though the scale of panic is disputed.                       10/30/1938 #1299  
comes famous for allegedly causing panic among its listening audience, thou 10/30/1938 #1300  
audience, though the scale of that panic is disputed as the program has rel 10/30/1938 #1300  
gical warfare campaign to generate panic. Some contemporary press outlets s 2/24/1942 #1388  
ntry into World War II, widespread panic resulted, and five people were kil 2/25/1942 #1391  
ause of fears it could create mass panic. The incident allegedly involves a Late 1942? #1456  
ernment, concerned about spreading panic or giving away vital intelligence  9/7/1944 #1666  
ans land in Puente Alto, causing a panic and the death by heart attack of a 11/12/1944 #1696  
nsiders the ghost rockets a social panic phenomenon. An RAF Intelligence re 9/9/1946 #2172  
           BRIDGEPORT, NE Chickens panic. 2 platters going southeast / 3km  6/23/1947 #2371  
ppens again and the cows go into a panic, running off to the other side of  7/4/1947 #2665  
] confusion almost to the point of panic."                                  7/31/1947 #3265  
th Air Traffic Controllers flee in panic!                                   1/1949 #3949  
oadcast in Quito, Ecuador, causing panic, a riot, and a major fire.         2/12/1949 #4005  
 from the public in order to avoid panic: “For the past 175 years, the plan 12/24/1949 #4443  
flects / invisible center. Turkeys panic.                                   2/25/1952 #5930  
s: the potential for psychological panic by citizens, and demonstrating the 9/10/1952 #7891  
mena, in order to minimize risk of panic.”                                  9/10/1952 #7891  
 the red light. The group flees in panic. Sheriff Robert L. Carr and his de 9/12/1952 #7905  
e Hunt Williamson is in a state of panic from the messages he and the Baile 10/16/1952 #8138  
ing it up from the public to avoid panic. He has gotten clearance from Rupp 10/1/1953 #9198  
 but they fear creating a state of panic by admitting as much.              3/23/1954 #9634  
and motor stop. Passengers in near panic.                                   9/10/1954 #10281  
yllium mine. Going up / very fast. Panic. / r70p3-33.                       9/15/1954 #10305  
hape very fast over treetops. Cows panic. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16# 10/11/1954 #10913  
t an altitude of 50 feet. The cows panic and run away, apparently suffering 10/14/1954 #11056  
bject fly over his house. The cows panic and run away, knocking a girl to t 10/15/1954 #11109  
    SHABANI, SOUTH RHODESIA Miners panic. Illuminated object hovers over go 10/23/1954 (approximate) #11331  
AIBA RIVER, SP, BRZ All / airliner panic. 19 100' saucers pace. / MJ#259+/  11/21/1954 #11679  
he car, and the witness ran out in panic as the vehicle caught fire. The ob 11/1957 #14181  
               PULASKI, WI Animals panic. 60M top-saucer hovers. Blue beam  11/14/1957 #14544  
ending possibility of hysteria and panic.” Keyhoe approves the script, but  6/1958 #15070  
        BOYANG CO, JIANGXI, CH Big panic. Round object low and slow. Shoots 8/1958 (approximate) #15168  
     CORDOBA, ARG Pilots and many. Panic. Extra moon stops / 45 minute(s) / 12/26/1960 #16539  
 California reported seeing cattle panic and run when several small beings  4/1/1963 #17721  
gible sounds. The children fled in panic, and one girl was admitted to the  9/19/1963 #17944  
visible face. The children fled in panic. One girl was admitted to the hosp 9/19/1963 #17948  
bserved for 40 min causing a local panic. One was hovering at ground level  10/21/1963 #17996  
e next 40 minutes, causing a local panic in Trancas, Argentina. One UFO hov 10/21/1963 #17998  
that scared Zamora to the point of panic.” Some investigators think the cas 4/24/1964 #18200  
in public because that would cause panic. Asked if they knew about music, h 8/9/1965 #19350  
Scotland, causing the livestock to panic. There were several witnesses, and 8/15/1965 #19401  
 buzzed / 2 saucers / 3 minute(s). Panic going [to] 80mph. 1 going southeas 9/25/1965 #19599  
using the two witnesses to flee in panic inside their farmhouse.            11/11/1965 #19713  
oing down / 300M altitude. General panic.                                   3/12/1966 #19952  
LACAYO, PERU Several observer(s) / panic. Small silent creature walks stree 7/5/1966 #20631  
ing above and behind his car. Near panic, he flees the area with the object 10/15/1966 #21006  
 about sky / 15 minute(s). General panic. Exit unknown.                     3/1967 (approximate) #21686  
s into the distance. The witnesses panic then push the car to a main road w 4/8/1967 #22095  
car "reared" and Sr. Edrosa became panic stricken, fleeing on foot. Unnerve 9/21/1967 #23106  
TRILA, ROM Many observer(s). Birds panic. Sombrero-saucer. Antennas / all o 11/22/1967 #23493  
ghts inside / cars. 15 minute(s) / panic.                                   12/1967 #23527  
hem. This behavior spread fear and panic among the local inhabitants.       6/26/1968 #24085  
ucers. Wave / earth tremors. Local panic. APRO NOV'68?                      7/5/1968 #24143  
e like yours, there would be total panic.”                                  7/22/1968 #24203  
ectangular. Many beams going down. Panic.                                   8/8/1968? #24309  
 two legs beneath it. Both of them panic and drive home, dragging their tee 7/13/1969 #25268  
object with a pinkish cast, caused panic among the animals on one ranch and 6/26/1971 #26195  
 NORTH / ITAPERUNA, BRZ 20 / bus / panic. Saucer follows / miles. Beams goi 10/20/1971 (approximate) #26430  
auses 15 minute(s) traffic jam and panic.                                   4/2/1972 (approximate) #26634  
ll be negative. Tell media, do not panic. We mean no harm.” Several months  7/25/1972 #26833  
 odor. The officer and the witness panic and jump into the police car and d 10/25/1973 #28285  
2 cops / cruiser. Prisoners / rear panic. Lands.                            11/14/1973 #28419  
 low altitude. Power out. 65 bulls panic and die.                           12/5/1973 #28519  
follows plane / 15 minute(s). Near panic. / LDLN#132.                       12/8/1973 #28539  
           Farm animals reacted in panic when a nocturnal light maneuvered  9/4/1974 #29423  
ike legs or landing gear. In their panic they repeatedly honked their car h 3/2/1975 #29870  
a, Spain, causing the witnesses to panic. The six witnesses got back into t 4/26/1975 #30007  
        A dog and cat reacted with panic when a bottle-shaped silver UFO fl 5/23/1975 #30065  
eballs etc. Burning beams. General panic.                                   10/1/1975 (approximate) #30408  
y / blue ray. Near death. Wave and panic. / FSRv22#2.                       10/27/1975 (approximate) #30480  
ow altitude for two hours, causing panic. It shot beams of blue and orange  10/29/1975 #30513  
he ground like a thunderbolt. In a panic, the rest of the crew speeds away  11/5/1975 #30562  
oids shoot by. Observer(s) runs in panic. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v12# 12/14/1975 #30712  
ld land on them.” They ran away in panic to a nearby police station. At 8:2 1/6/1976 #30771  
ld. All of Fidel's friends fled in panic, so he was left behind alone. With 4/23/1976 #31019  
00 p.m. A dog and cat reacted with panic when a bottle-shaped silver UFO fl 5/23/1976 #31071  
s signaling, but the other drivers panic and drive away rapidly.            8/15/1976 #31270  
 of the plane, causing the crew to panic. The sighting lasts about 5 minute Mid 9/1976 #31384  
banks of the Turbio River, causing panic. Two small human like figures, wal 1/23/1977 #31748  
         SOCORRO, COLOMBIA General panic / news. Several UFO's fire red and 7/1977 #32208  
                  VISEU, BRZ Local panic / weeks. Cylinder/cylindrical obje 7/1977 #32210  
ds before speeding out of sight. A panic ensues, and allegedly 300 people a 7/7/1977 #32245  
ve the crowd. The UFOs generated a panic and stampede in which two children 7/7/1977 #32247  
mets. Mrs. Gaizand was seized by a panic and begged her husband to drive aw 7/24/1977 #32310  
Luminous ball / low altitude. Cows panic. Yellow dust / reservoir = sulfur! 8/16/1977 #32404  
t and led to UFO. Missing time and panic. Possible abduction.               9/27/1977 #32525  
ht lights shoot by. Power resumes. Panic / Umbatuba nearby.                 10/18/1977 #32587  
 and suddenly stops. The witnesses panic and leave the area, driving to a n 1/2/1978 #32846  
 men became frightened and fled in panic from the clearing. During the enco 1/6/1978 #32856  
bove a field, and watched the cows panic and neighborhood dogs start barkin 9/1/1978 #33621  
e above a field and watch the cows panic and hear neighborhood dogs start b 9/1/1978 #33622  
 the vicarage. Her horses begin to panic and sweat profusely. Later, UFO in 9/1/1978 #33622  
bove a field, and watched the cows panic and neighborhood dogs start barkin 9/1/1978 #33623  
rns to face the children, and they panic and run back to school, one child  9/27/1978 #33761  
land, causing the two occupants to panic and the driver to swerve off the r 12/10/1978 #34086  
ndoza, Argentina fled their pen in panic. The noise from the goats woke the 5/1/1979 #34538  
is running around and barking in a panic. He hears a kind of hissing sound  11/9/1979 #34989  
t the same time his dog started to panic. He turned and was surprised to se 2/6/1980 #35160  
hed farm animals (cows and horses) panic and run from a 10-inch wide flying 12/18/1980 #35729  
effect (EME) / Havsa / 2135hrs and panic / Izmir / 2330hrs.                 12/15/1981 #36255  
ens of İzmir, western Anatolia, to panic. When the UFO hovers above the Buc 1/15/1982 #36301  
ches the ship, causing the crew to panic and the ship’s dog to howl. A fift 9/17/1982 #36607  
 saucer hovers 8M overhead. Horses panic. Digital watch ruined.             10/27/1982 #36665  
tree and experiences an irrational panic. In 1987, he sees the cover of Whi Summer 1985 #37606  
Pass, NWT/Yukon Border, CAN Horses panic as object flies by (UFO) (NICAP: 0 7/1988 #38594  
     NORTH / SARI, IRAN 50+/ beach panic. 10M orange saucer rises / Caspian 9/3/1989 #39088  
 meters from shore. The UFO caused panic among many witnesses; in fact, in  9/3/1989 #39089  
avement, spinning and yelling in a panic, “Please don’t take me, I do not w 10/8/1989 #39150  
 moving or speaking. In a state of panic she mentally commanded the figures 10/31/1989 #39199  
inger, but dropped it during their panic and fled. They later returned to f 5/14/1991 #40060  
   LAS VEGAS, NM Odd humming. Cows panic. 3 pulled through trees by strange 9/13/1994 #41741  
d towards her house. She begins to panic and rushes inside her house, switc 2/21/1995 #42055  
ng [to] slow 70' overhead. Animals panic.                                   9/22/1995 #42498  
ed because of the witness state of panic and the short duration of the enco 7/23/2001 #44210  
tential societal collapse and mass panic if Disclosure of the reality of UF 6/4/2022 #45756  
## Word: "panic-dies" (Back to Top)
op. Ringed / lights. Pulses. Dog / panic-dies. / r70.                       12/24/1960 #16535  
## Word: "panic-stricken" (Back to Top)
ings look at each other, seemingly panic-stricken. They drop the witness, c 2/5/1967 #21460  
t when his captors suddenly became panic-stricken, dropped him, hurriedly g 2/5/1967 #21462  
tered, sputtered then fell silent. Panic-stricken Mrs. Versacci pressed her 10/16/1973 #28089  
s without hair or facial features. Panic-stricken, Jacques drove on past; t 11/30/1974 #29622  
## Word: "panick" (Back to Top)
ything inside, causing everyone to panick. A strange looking being entered  11/6/1972 #27109  
, causing the sheep in the area to panick and scatter.                      11/29/1977 #32708  
## Word: "panicked" (Back to Top)
er emitting beams of light; horses panicked during the overflight as the un 11/30/1896 #372  
fast at treetop level while cattle panicked. Three witnesses.               10/11/1954 #10932  
fast at treetop level while cattle panicked. There were three witnesses.    10/11/1954 #10948  
               At 6:40 p.m. horses panicked and ran when a bluish yellow sa 10/11/1954 #10950  
bject fly over his house. The cows panicked and ran away, throwing a girl t 10/15/1954 #11099  
bject fly over his house. The cows panicked and ran away, knocking a girl t 10/15/1954 #11115  
off a red gleam on the ground. The panicked witness felt like his legs were 10/18/1954 #11224  
nesses onboard, and the passengers panicked.                                11/21/1954 #11685  
e hand gestures to the locals, who panicked and ran to their houses. The ob 11/27/1954 #11714  
l of red vapor. Some citizens were panicked.                                1/3/1955 #11918  
yside "like daylight." The witness panicked and ran when he heard the sound 7/13/1959 #15844  
 was in view for 15 minutes. A dog panicked in an agitated reaction, and la 12/24/1960 #16536  
hem to come closer, but the couple panicked and left at high speed. Eight o 7/18/1962 #17283  
ise. Horses and cattle on the farm panicked and fled. It climbed into the s 2/15/1963 #17670  
ure in Ambleside, Cumbria, England panicked when a fiery red cigar-shaped o 8/6/1965 #19335  
e. The crowd at a movie projection panicked, thinking it was an earthquake, 5/10/1966 #20472  
 object crashed and exploded. They panicked, thinking at the time it was pe 5/10/1966 #20476  
streets, while children and adults panicked.                                7/5/1966 #20633  
ee times as it landed. The witness panicked and fled, but others saw it.    8/7/1967 #22842  
n the paddock of M. Meingault were panicked by "something shining" with int 2/16/1969 #24923  
to the front seat and become quite panicked. She tries to drive through the 3/6/1969 #24976  
e first a horse was reported to be panicked on a farm in Kaharoa, Bay of Pl 11/5/1969 #25452  
liptical portholes at close range. Panicked, he shot several times at the U 8/30/1970 #25816  
oser to him. Alone on the hill, he panicked and ran to his car, got in, and 10/28/1971 #26438  
 in his field. Cows in the pasture panicked. The whole area was illuminated 6/16/1972 #26717  
hum of a motor was heard. Her cows panicked, and one was found dead.        4/11/1974 #29004  
tnesses and stopped. The witnesses panicked, left the area and drove to a n 1/2/1978 #32847  
glowing eyes. One of the witnesses panicked and ran home, the second remain 7/9/1978 #33362  
t its origin. The witness suddenly panicked and screamed and began to faint 8/1/1978 #33464  
object and climbs in. His horse is panicked again and keeps kicking the obj 9/6/1978 #33638  
olored, changing lights. His horse panicked and he barely managed to ride b 9/6/1978 #33640  
 in an unintelligible language. He panicked and tried to fire a warning sho 12/6/1978 #34070  
 the ground. The farm animals were panicked and a tree bent over as the obj 1/8/1979 #34317  
 the ground. The farm animals were panicked and a tree bent over as the obj 1/8/1979 #34320  
fly and stared at the witness, who panicked and quickly drove away.         8/8/1980 #35448  
he object, while the other two men panicked and ran from the truck. A short 9/25/1980 #35535  
galloped away and cattle bellowed, panicked and ran. Mr. Blackwell suffered 9/30/1980 #35548  
he bottom of the object, had I not panicked." (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 3/1981 #35856  
ould not accelerate. All the women panicked and became more confused when t 7/15/1981 #36008  
open her eyes from fear. Again she panicked and mentally commanded the alie 10/31/1989 #39199  
his caused her to become even more panicked and nearly hysterical. The ray  2/18/1990 #39422  
stics not known on Earth. The USAF panicked when it recovered flying discs  7/1991 #40108  
above. At this point the witnesses panicked and drove away quickly from the 3/13/1992 #40377  
d two horns appeared. The students panicked and some seemed to go into a tr 1/22/1993 #40810  
ds them, apparently gliding. Kelly panicked and began yelling hysterically  8/8/1993 #41118  
s in their hands. The nearby sheep panicked and ran when blue flames shot f 6/27/1994 #41588  
 50 feet. The second man, however, panicked and "freaked out", shooting his 10/28/1994 #41816  
ence although he would normally be panicked. After a few more minutes he wa 9/6/1995 #42445  
e direction. Livestock in the area panicked. The entire sighting lasted abo 9/22/1995 #42501  
 with an oily substance. The girls panicked and ran away to tell others. So 1/20/1996 #42697  
lking swiftly around the yard. She panicked and lost sight of the being as  3/6/1996 #42811  
it the craft approached them. They panicked and drove off.                  7/3/1999 #43790  
 sky, that started pacing his car. Panicked, he sped along road, but then w 3/23/2000 #43967  
e green light disappeared and Carl panicked, because out of nowhere a massi 9/16/2007 #45059  
## Word: "panicking" (Back to Top)
ward the automobile from the rear. Panicking, they try to jump out of the c 9/10/1968 #24449  
 states his friend from Sandia is “panicking” and his house has been burgla 9/29/1982 #36619  
ting the area behind her house and panicking her cats. Two more objects pas 2/22/1984 #37198  
d come in peace, and she regretted panicking during her contact experience. 10/31/1989 #39199  
## Word: "panicky" (Back to Top)
e chickens and rabbits were acting panicky, running around strangely, and s 11/15/1974 #29597  
 Blazing ovoid going down. Follows panicky observers 3km going northwest. P 4/26/1975 #30005  
s looking out. These two women had panicky expressions on their faces and a 6/15/1994 #41568  
## Word: "panics" (Back to Top)
t the bridge, one of the guardsmen panics and fires his rifle at it. It mov 4/13/1917 #955  
 JEDBURGH, SCOTLAND Air Cadet. Dog panics. Silent 40' silver cylinder/cigar 8/1955 #12307  
ding at a great height. The driver panics and tries to speed away, but the  10/10/1957 #14095  
jects. A nervous battery commander panics and gives unauthorized orders to  Summer 1961 #16734  
s still collecting water. Fernando panics and tackles José, who falls to th 8/28/1963 #17922  
gzag all over/all about. Livestock panics.                                  8/15/1965 (approximate) #19395  
ands. Blinks 3X. Goes. Observer(s) panics. Others see..                     8/7/1967 #22838  
ONT, NH Saucer hovers / hours. Dog panics. Beam and "arm" reaches down. Sau 7/30/1968 #24258  
ver. 1.1M "ghost" with bright eyes panics horses. / FSRv16#4+v18#1+/ r30.   2/16/1969 #24922  
NV Ranchers. Brilliant night light panics livestock. Generator quits. Objec 6/26/1970 #25708  
its base toward the ground. Pátero panics and runs about 100 feet when some 5/22/1973 #27518  
orbs hover over trees. Observer(s) panics and falls. Orbs vanish. / r30.    7/11/1973 #27629  
hine and the cat Bates is carrying panics and escapes his hold; it runs sev 8/16/1974 #29362  
s of multicolored light. His horse panics, and Perez manages to ride home.  9/6/1978 #33638  
 object moves in his direction. He panics as it approaches, but then hears  12/31/1982 #36733  
land, lets her cat outside, but it panics. She looks up and sees strange li 3/5/2013 #45361  
## Word: "panique" (Back to Top)
Inter radio program, OVNIs: Pas de panique! Galley says his department has  2/21/1974 #28787  
## Word: "panir" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Panir” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT       8/31/1978 #33608  
## Word: "panjang" (Back to Top)
            At 4:30 p.m. in Rantau Panjang, Kelantan, Malaysia a 6-year-old 2/15/1972 #26580  
## Word: "pankaj" (Back to Top)
Gianluca Gemme, Gary V Stephenson, Pankaj S Josh, Ning Li, Giorgio Fontana, 5/6/2003 #44526  
## Word: "pankakoski" (Back to Top)
                                   PANKAKOSKI, FINL Red light-ball going do 3/19/1979 #34480  
## Word: "panmunjeom" (Back to Top)
                                   Panmunjeom, Korea 6:00 p.m. Six members  4/30/1952 #6224  
Regiment at the front lines around Panmunjeom, Korea, see two silvery wingl 4/30/1952 #6224  
## Word: "panmunjon" (Back to Top)
e UFO flying 25 miles northeast of Panmunjon, Korea. It was described as 10 3/19/1953 #8763  
                       NORTHEAST / PANMUNJON, KOREA 2M and white rounded de 4/19/1953 #8836  
## Word: "pannitteri" (Back to Top)
   At 1:30 a.m. laborer Sebastiano Pannitteri suddenly woke up in his bedro 12/30/1979 #35104  
## Word: "pano" (Back to Top)
e formation on his land. On May 1, Pano Karkanis of the University of Lethb 4/1/2001 #44156  
## Word: "panola" (Back to Top)
                                   PANOLA CO, MS Private pilot. Gigantic so 10/23/1989 #39180  
## Word: "panora" (Back to Top)
                                   PANORA, IA 2 observer(s). Huge silent ov 4/19/1989 #38910  
## Word: "panorama" (Back to Top)
The three children report seeing a panorama of visions during the event, in 10/13/1917 #970  
3. From 1962 to 1971, it publishes Panorama.                                1953 #8480  
d about the sky. That afternoon in Panorama City, California three independ 7/19/1956 #12991  
                                   Panorama City, California Three witnesse 7/20/1956 #12993  
                                   Panorama City Los Angeles California Thr 7/20/1956 #12996  
 California Three witnesses in the Panorama City neighborhood of Los Angele 7/20/1956 #12996  
 Mars or Venus. Three witnesses in Panorama City, California independently  7/20/1956 #12997  
on April 18 and on the BBC program Panorama on April 20 where he debates wi 4/18/1959 #15707  
## Word: "panoramic" (Back to Top)
a small lens that cannot achieve a panoramic view. A later report claims th 4/11/1897 #429  
le on vacation snap a photo of the panoramic landscape of the Pyrenees moun 7/1/1975 #30144  
exéville, Vosges, France 2:00 a.m. Panoramic radar at an air force base at  12/14/1976 #31603  
## Word: "pans" (Back to Top)
is day. It was shaped like two pie pans rim-to-rim, and was estimated to be 7/1/1947 #2531  
10,000 feet. Looking like “two pie pans, one inverted on top of the other,” 7/2/1952 #6694  
metallic disc, shaped like two pie pans face-to-face, and 120-130' in diame 1/1/1955 #11908  
ation. Some 4,000 galvanized steel pans sprayed with tacky resin are set up 4/24/1957 #13615  
 Round night light zips up. Stops. Pans beam all over. Shoots away.         11/14/1975 #30617  
 Rhyl, Clwyd, Wales. As the camera pans through the crowd on the beach, a s 8/1993 #41099  
## Word: "pansy" (Back to Top)
after a while, telling the mother, Pansy Westmoreland, about it in the morn 6/25/1962 #17245  
## Word: "pantano" (Back to Top)
                           Between Pantano and Tuejar, Valencia, Spain flas 5/19/1974 #29113  
## Word: "pantelimon" (Back to Top)
Bucegi Mountains, Romania Engineer Pantelimon Mizof and others see an objec 1957 #13436  
## Word: "pantelleria" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PANTELLERIA ISLAND, ITALY Different tank 6/30/1955 #12220  
    A tanker crew in a vessel near Pantelleria Island off the coast of Sici 6/30/1955 #12222  
## Word: "pantex" (Back to Top)
                                   PANTEX, TX Several military and cops. Od 11/7/1957 #14449  
        Atomic Energy Commission’s Pantex Plant Amarillo, Texas Farin Road  11/7/1957 #14462  
ver the Atomic Energy Commission’s Pantex Plant 15 miles east of Amarillo,  11/7/1957 #14462  
 at the Atomic Energy Commission’s Pantex Plant in Amarillo, TX report thre 11/7/1957 #14465  
nnah River plant in South Carolina Pantex, in Amarillo, Texas Danish Instit 1/21/1968 #23684  
na. Bomb fragments are recycled by Pantex, in Amarillo, Texas. The incident 1/21/1968 #23684  
## Word: "panther" (Back to Top)
ff. Minutes later he is in his F9F Panther jet heading north to Virginia Be 2/11/1953 #8664  
y. Captain Thomas Riggs, whose F9F Panther has also been scrambled, reports 2/11/1953 #8664  
ard Balocco is scrambled in an F9F Panther from Naval Auxiliary Air Station 2/19/1953 #8686  
only 11) that menaced four US Navy Panther jets from the carrier USS Oriska 3/14/1953 #8753  
ifornia at 8:04 a.m. Two Navy F-9F Panther jets attempted to catch up with  12/24/1953 #9395  
                              NEAR PANTHER, WV Bus driver and 2. 300' white 2/19/1993 #40852  
ite lights hovering over a park in Panther, West Virginia. It stayed there  2/19/1993 #40854  
ia an ambulance crew driving along Panther Creek spotted a saucer with red, 2/19/1993 #40854  
                              NEAR PANTHER, WV 2 observer(s). Jet sound. Si 8/31/1994 #41704  
## Word: "pantiacolla" (Back to Top)
anú National Park Cuzco Cadena del Pantiacolla George Hunt Williamson, expl 7/10/1957 #13788  
rtheast of Cuzco called Cadena del Pantiacolla.                             7/10/1957 #13788  
## Word: "pantoja" (Back to Top)
me 34-year-old pilot Ivaldo Viegas Pantoja was flying from Colarfes and spo 11/23/1977 #32694  
## Word: "pants" (Back to Top)
gures are dressed in leather “knee pants” held up by suspenders. They are m Late Summer 1919 #993  
landed with four men wearing white pants and long white coats, to which KA  4/12/1954 #9685  
y looked normal wore black leather pants, white belts, light-colored jersey 11/6/1957 #14411  
hes tall and wearing black leather pants, a white belt, and a light-colored 11/6/1957 #14421  
omplexion. They wore black leather pants, white belts, and light-coloured j 11/6/1957 #14434  
oned shirts and long beige colored pants with what appeared to be colorful  2/12/1969 #24915  
osely cropped hair, and wore brown pants and jackets. He questioned the men 2/22/1969 #24939  
rt. He was wearing a coverall or a pants and shirt combination resembling a 8/11/1969 #25317  
dressed in a brown shirt and black pants and had a small brown cap on its h 9/20/1973 #27850  
as dressed in a brown shirt, black pants, and wore a small brown cap and so 9/26/1973 #27873  
eted her. She wore shiny pale-blue pants, a jeweled scarf, and a headband.  10/5/1973 #27954  
E, OK 3 / car. Odd figure with red pants and welders mask nears. Also separ 12/5/1973 #28522  
oached the car. He wore "blood red pants" and a welder's type mask with a r 12/5/1973 #28525  
 robot-like being dressed in black pants and a red sweater. The creature ha 8/14/1976 #31264  
tening metallic material,” but the pants were dull. She also wore slippers. 8/23/1976 #31294  
and black shoes. The crease in his pants is razor sharp. The man never intr 9/11/1976 #31376  
nd was wearing a blue top and dark pants, but it also wore strange looking  4/12/1977 #31974  
nd was wearing a blue top and dark pants, but it also wore strange looking  4/12/1977 #31977  
d, of normal height and wore white pants and a white shirt. He spoke to the 9/14/1978 #33680  
igures dressed in white shirts and pants, one of whom is named Alpha La Zoo 8/29/1979 #34803  
hree wore light-colored tunics and pants and had long light-colored hair. T 8/2/1987 #38226  
 with stripes on their sleeves and pants legs. The beings had hands with th 5/18/1990 #39576  
old, wearing white shirts and gray pants. They appeared to have nametags on 7/14/1999 #43802  
## Word: "pantsuit" (Back to Top)
 with blond hair, wearing a yellow pantsuit that seemed to glow, and silver 5/5/1972 #26671  
## Word: "panzanella" (Back to Top)
 for much of that period, and that Panzanella too had seen it. Quintanilla  4/18/1966 #20331  
## Word: "panzarella" (Back to Top)
gstown, Ohio. Police officer Frank Panzarella in Conway, Pennsylvania, sees 4/17/1966 #20318  
e and civilians have seen the UFO. Panzarella alerts the Rochester, Pennsyl 4/17/1966 #20318  
ternational Airport. Beighey calls Panzarella and says the Air Force wants  4/17/1966 #20318  
## Word: "paola" (Back to Top)
                                   PAOLA, MALTA Many observer(s). Brilliant 8/1947 #3271  
## Word: "paoli" (Back to Top)
                        5MI EAST / PAOLI, PA 2 observer(s). Slow triangle / 11/29/1973 #28481  
nd paced their car on Route 252 in Paoli, Pennsylvania. The UFO may have ha 11/29/1973 #28482  
## Word: "paolini" (Back to Top)
Day. Government topographer Adolfo Paolini Pisani is driving a jeep along t 1/1961 #16555  
## Word: "paolo" (Back to Top)
                               SAO PAOLO, BRZ Druggist. Black moon-size dis 10/1953 #9195  
o, Marche, Italy two men, satirist Paolo Cutizi and writer Guilio Emery, we 10/19/1954 #11254  
                               SAO PAOLO, BRZ Huge cylinder/cigar-shape blo 12/6/1954 #11765  
                  Chemist P. H. De Paolo in Cedar Grove, New Jersey sighted 9/10/1964 #18547  
             In Santa Adelita, Sao Paolo State, Brazil Mr. P, age 51, was d 10/29/1967 #23364  
                      In Lins, Sao Paolo State, Brazil at 6:20 a.m., while  10/2/1968 #24538  
                               SAO PAOLO, BRZ TV technician. Red-orange obj 11/6/1968 #24636  
0 a.m. people in Pirassununga, Sao Paolo, Brazil were excited about a myste 2/6/1969 #24897  
 At 5:40 a.m. in Pirassununga, Sao Paolo state, Brazil Luis Flozinho De Oli 2/12/1969 #24915  
stadium grounds twice in Lins, Sao Paolo, Brazil. It was seen again over th 3/14/1969 #25014  
                               SAO PAOLO, BRZ Large night light maneuvers.  5/31/1969 #25171  
s driving home to Catanduva in Sao Paolo, Brazil during a rainstorm. He had 5/22/1973 #27519  
                               SAO PAOLO, BRZ Odd cloud going down / street 9/7/1976 (approximate) #31351  
g television in Alto Da Mooca, Sao Paolo, Brazil as her 3 sons slept in the 7/11/1978 #33368  
farming community of Sorocaba, Sao Paolo State, Brazil three newspaper repo 1/12/1979 #34333  
                     Mirassol, Sao Paolo State, Brazil Sr. A. Ferreira was  6/18/1979 #34616  
 a security guard in Mirassol, Sao Paolo State, Brazil at 3:00 a.m. when a  6/18/1979 #34618  
                  In Botucatu, Sao Paolo State, Brazil Joao Valeiro da Silv 11/29/1982 #36702  
         In Botucatu, State of Sao Paolo, Brazil Joao Valeiro da Silva was  11/30/1982 #36703  
Quaderni UFO. It is edited by Gian Paolo Grassino in Turin, Italy, and cont 2/1984 #37171  
tro Ufologico Nazionale, including Paolo Toselli, Gian Paolo Grassino, and  12/1985 #37730  
ale, including Paolo Toselli, Gian Paolo Grassino, and Edoardo Russo, are d 12/1985 #37730  
zie UFO with the same editor, Gian Paolo Grassino, in Turin, Italy. It chan 12/1985 #37730  
       Two observers in Tiete, Sao Paolo State, Brazil watched a luminous g 12/11/1994 #41890  
                               SAO PAOLO, BRZ 1 observer. UFO with colored  12/27/1994 #41907  
                  In Campinas, Sao Paolo state, Brazil Gley Freitas observe 2/17/1999 #43730  
rge round eyes in Votoporanga, Sao Paolo state, Brazil as she was walking t 2/28/1999 #43739  
## Word: "paonia" (Back to Top)
                                   PAONIA TO/FROM DELTA, CO Huge cylinder/c 9/1/1989 #39085  
## Word: "papa" (Back to Top)
 low over the house of the priest, Papa Costas, there is a loud noise and t 2/1959 #15574  
                                   PAPA, HUNG Weathermen. 4 50M orange orbs 11/24/1989 #39248  
                     Weathermen in Papa, Hungary observed four 50 meter wid 11/24/1989 #39249  
## Word: "papago" (Back to Top)
                                   Papago Indian Reservation W.H. (initials 1/1947 #2221  
## Word: "papagos" (Back to Top)
property to buy they came upon the Papagos Indian Reservation, north of the 1/1947 #2221  
## Word: "papayo" (Back to Top)
                                EL PAPAYO BEACH, PR Inspect agents. Several 11/1991 #40215  
## Word: "papeete" (Back to Top)
                                   PAPEETE, TAHITI 2+3 observer(s). Saucer  4/22/1973 #27437  
e the event. Later, at 8 p.m. near Papeete, French Polynesia a disc hovered 4/22/1973 #27440  
## Word: "paper" (Back to Top)
in 1840, in a letter to the weekly paper New World, although his intent is  8/25/1835 #130  
ch is attached a slip of silk-like paper on which Chinese characters are wr 3/26/1880 #230  
ion to the fragments is a scrap of paper with writing in a strange language 6/13/1891 #293  
y west. Rises straight up. / local paper.                                   12/10/1896 (approximate) #377  
shattered glass he finds a slip of paper allegedly written by Capt. James D 12/26/1896 #380  
 out the Martian communications on paper and translates them into French, p 1900 #639  
ein’s Special Theory of Relativity paper published                          9/6/1905 #683  
 Later, Brockville police find two paper balloons that might explain the si 2/14/1915 #925  
Kubikenborg, who finds it contains paper with microscopic black-and-white s 7/10/1946 #2046  
two feet long, is wrapped in brown paper. The other three are about the siz 7/8/1947 #3019  
tos shows Ramey holding a piece of paper (the “Ramey memo”) with words writ 7/8/1947 #3025  
                              In a paper by U.S. Navy Physicist, Dr. Bruce  Mid 7/1947 #3181  
 and it was printed on legal-sized paper. Stamped across the front were the 9/30/1948? #3817  
lson Air Force Base AL with filter paper samples indicating a Soviet nuclea 9/3/1949 #4344  
rtheast overhead and away. / local paper and more / r134#1p35.              3/16/1950 (approximate) #4648  
C-68), a 56-page top secret policy paper that provides the “blueprint for t 4/7/1950 #4818  
SAF Project Rand contracts a white paper on the “Exploitation of Superstiti 4/14/1950 #4853  
ses of Psychological Warfare.” The paper writes that convincing a populatio 4/14/1950 #4853  
 claims is the first peer-reviewed paper describing deep-brain stimulation  1952 #5837  
husetts, J. Allen Hynek presents a paper on “Unusual Aerial Phenomena,” in  10/9/1952 #8107  
onald Menzel presents a dismissive paper on radar angels and mirages, while 10/9/1952 #8107  
and what appeared to be a piece of paper, when he then proceeded to draw a  8/20/1954 #10158  
nd fell gently down like shreds of paper or cloth. The debris, which resemb 10/13/1954 #11002  
mette Falls Locks Crown Zellerbach Paper Mill 4:10 p.m. Iden K. Zimmerman i 11/17/1954 #11663  
sappears over the Crown Zellerbach Paper Mill roof across the river. He can 11/17/1954 #11663  
iment, and Martin Tajmar in a 2004 paper. They find that no thrust can be o 11/30/1955 #12594  
nd that have burned up like tissue paper. Sturdevant applies for workmen’s  10/2/1956 #13260  
r stations equipped with micropore paper are spread over 70 square miles. M 4/24/1957 #13615  
, New Jersey, writes a speculative paper on “The Search for Artificial Stel 6/3/1958 #15077  
las Christofilos in an unpublished paper of the Livermore branch [now the L 8/27/1958 #15229  
il in a buttonhole with a piece of paper wound tightly around it. Irwin cur 2/28/1959 #15624  
round it. Irwin curiously took the paper and burned it. He then went to she 2/28/1959 #15624  
 men asked Da Silva for a piece of paper, and inscribed upon it a message o 4/25/1959 #15713  
ings asked Da Silva for a sheet of paper, and he inscribed upon it a messag 4/26/1959 #15714  
dent Eisenhower signs off on a CIA paper titled “A Program of Covert Action 3/17/1960 #16200  
identified object "like a piece of paper," gray-white. Observed to left of  7/17/1962 #17277  
ll grayish object “like a piece of paper” about 30–40 feet away. He exclaim 7/17/1962 #17279  
n and Robert E. Hohmann, present a paper at the American Rocket Society ann 11/13/1962 #17545  
d astronomer Carl Sagan presents a paper at the American Rocket Society ann 11/15/1962 #17548  
for traversing such distances. The paper ends in consideration of the possi 11/15/1962 #17548  
erials to OSI for preparation of a paper on UFOs. Hall is given a direct ph 1/19/1965 #18748  
10 seconds, dropping two sheets of paper with indecipherable writing, and l 3/2/1965 #18832  
 folded sheets of thin tissue like paper that bore messages written in an u 3/2/1965 #18833  
aining silver sand, and a piece of paper on which the words “Adelphos Adelp 4/24/1965 #18916  
 boots, seemed to study a piece of paper. Inside the craft was another man  7/20/1965 #19149  
, seemed to be studying a piece of paper. Inside the craft was another man  7/20/1965 #19153  
observer(s). Saucer lands / field. Paper found-"CHNY Ynoss" written on it.  12/4/1965 #19752  
he next day, Jones is with another paper carrier, Don Doe, and he suggests  10/4/1966 #20957  
hat looked like a box kite without paper (presumably rectangular) with two  1/16/1967 #21319  
n Laboratory Low writes a position paper that expects the Colorado project  Early 3/1967 #21730  
upport the ETH. Before sharing his paper with project members, he shares hi Early 3/1967 #21730  
ssion is distributed as a briefing paper to all Colorado project members on 3/28/1967 #22005  
do Robert J. Low issues a position paper that outlines, after months of dis 4/21/1967 #22192  
, and saw dirt and loose pieces of paper flying in a large circle around he 6/30/1967 #22580  
ndrew of Northrop Norair publish a paper on Electroaerodynamics in Superson 1968 #23633  
 2002 that the Pentagon pulled the paper and “made it disappear.” Marckus s 1968 #23633  
itute James E. McDonald presents a paper, “UFOs: An International Scientifi 3/12/1968 #23839  
 of UFOs in a privately circulated paper.                                   5/21/1968 #23977  
ory of UFOs in another unpublished paper.                                   6/11/1968 #24021  
itude. Slow and silent. Odor / wet paper. Going northwest. / LDLN#118.      7/8/1968 #24155  
eter and gave off the smell of wet paper. One witness felt drowsy from the  7/18/1968 #24190  
                         A 41-page paper by George Kocher of the RAND Corpo 11/27/1968 #24725  
ort: "a strange sort of scientific paper [that] does not fulfill the promis 4/1969 #25044  
g it a “strange sort of scientific paper [that] does not fulfill the promis 4/1969 #25045  
cson, Arizona, McDonald presents a paper on “Meteorological Factors in Unid 11/17/1970 #25908  
e of them handed Santos a piece of paper on which he drew a flying saucer,  11/24/1970 #25917  
owing why. The being then took the paper back. Finally they disappeared by  11/24/1970 #25917  
reproduce it on a piece of drawing paper, which she does.                   8/4/1973 #27683  
 further details. / 26.10.73 local paper.                                   10/26/1973 #28290  
while driving on her early morning paper route in Duxbury, Massachusetts, t 9/3/1974 #29418  
edactions are made on the original paper files.                             4/1975 #29930  
edactions are made on the original paper files.  https://www.nicap.org/bb/B 4/1975 #29931  
ack robe that seemed to be made of paper, entered the room. It had a bald,  10/27/1975 #30489  
ses the redacted Project Blue Book paper files at its College Park, Marylan Mid 5/1976 #31055  
is daughter bring him a pencil and paper so he could make a sketch, but by  7/12/1977 #32266  
 on its head. The face looked like paper mache. They notified the carabinie 8/28/1977 #32439  
Department of Sociology presents a paper prior to the American Sociological 9/3/1978 #33629  
ogus, undated document, A Briefing Paper for the President of the United St 4/9/1983 #36830  
ailbox just before dawn to get his paper. He observed a large flying triang 4/1984 #37250  
that looked like "masses of silver paper crinkled up" touch down on a cross 4/19/1984 #37273  
that looked like "masses of silver paper crinkled up" touch down on a cross 4/19/1984 #37276  
r watermark; it does not match the paper Cutler used at the time; no record 7/22/1987 #38212  
 the project manager for Veritay’s paper on a 21st Century  Propulsion Conc 4/1988 #38526  
a, Arizona. It is not known if the paper archives still exist, although for 4/12/1988 #38541  
that refers to alien bodies; and a paper on Project Excalibur regarding und 10/8/1988 #38665  
 P. Osedacz writes an unclassified paper at the Air Force Institute of Tech 6/1989 #38972  
o analyze unknown datatracks.  The paper adds that “undocumented” simulatio 6/1989 #38972  
ONMENT, FL 1 observer. 40' silver "paper plate" over nearby house. Lights o 8/18/1989 #39065  
now that they’re putting it in the paper, I can tell you about this. I want 7/9/1991 #40116  
l figurines. She also saw slips of paper underneath the figurines, with the 10/8/1992 #40667  
                        A research paper by Lt. Col. Jack A Jackson Jr., Lt 5/1996 #42891  
f Alabama in Huntsville, publish a paper that states recent experiments sho 8/1/1997 #43364  
Torr also co-authored at least one paper with Ning Li.  https://www.wired.c 3/1/1998 #43527  
t Collins Elite’s Learning the Way paper that theorizes radically indoctrin 3/11/1998 #43532  
ed] has prepared a unique briefing paper on the Lincoln County Trojans in t 3/11/1998 #43532  
fornia State University) publish a paper for the Lockheed Martin Advanced T 8/1998 #43618  
n for propulsion purposes. A later paper discloses the program is funded by 8/1998 #43618  
ss was driving his truck along his paper route in Sunrise Beach, Texas when 9/25/1998 #43651  
ed” by a client to publish a white paper on the subject of life outside of  12/3/1999 #43892  
Catherine Austin Fitts published a paper with a Michigan State University e 12/3/1999 #43892  
ing unsupported spending after the paper was published, and soon after, the 12/3/1999 #43892  
 Martin Space Operations publish a paper on altering the mass of small test 6/2001 #44189  
Catherine Austin Fitts writes in a paper that a “large proportion of the na 6/2004 #44706  
Tech Concepts’ Paul Czysz writes a paper to investigate the development of  2/1/2006 #44921  
ulsion for aerospace purposes. The paper was funded by the Calouste Gulbenk 2/1/2007 #45004  
e sky at high speed over the local paper mill in Iroquois Falls, Ontario, C 2/7/2008 #45116  
AP issue.  A response to the JASON paper from the author of the AAWSAP pape 10/2008 #45173  
aper from the author of the AAWSAP paper, Robert Baker of GravWave LLC, acc 10/2008 #45173  
and scope of the papers. The first paper is on “Advanced Nuclear Propusion  12/1/2009 #45260  
Catherine Austin Fitts publishes a paper with a Michigan State University e 12/11/2017 #45492  
ing unsupported spending after the paper was published, and soon after, the 12/11/2017 #45492  
al assistant Shmuel Bialy submit a paper exploring the possibility that the 10/26/2018 #45541  
 it. But we need to find out.” The paper reports that while former Sen. Har 7/23/2020 #45654  
                     Hal Puthoff’s paper on the ultraterrestrial hypothesis 7/31/2022 #45760  
## Word: "paper-like" (Back to Top)
 seemed to be counting some yellow paper-like objects resembling banknotes. 8/14/1999 #43822  
## Word: "paper-thin" (Back to Top)
. Pieces that resemble metal foil, paper-thin yet extremely strong, and pie 7/8/1947 #3012  
t., oversized heads; hull of craft paper-thin but impenetrable by conventio 1948 #3519  
## Word: "paper-white" (Back to Top)
" Other round markings were on his paper-white cheeks, and a fringe of red  5/15/1973 #27492  
## Word: "paperback" (Back to Top)
’s True article is expanded into a paperback book, The Flying Saucers Are R 10/1950 #5204  
nsylvania An annotated copy of the paperback edition of Morris K. Jessup’s  4/1956 #12777  
nd Future is released along with a paperback book of the same title by Robe 5/9/1974 #29097  
ler publishes the presentations in paperback format in May 1980.            6/24/1977 #32190  
## Word: "paperboy" (Back to Top)
 beams circle / light going down / paperboy. Paralyzed. Missing time. Possi 5/12/1967 #22321  
ed a circle of light down around a paperboy with the last name Prim, who fo 5/12/1967 #22328  
tablishment in Farnborough Dawn. A paperboy in Clevedon, England, discovers 9/4/1967 #22998  
                      BETHESDA, MD Paperboy. 16M saucer / ground. Cone prot 10/24/1968 #24582  
## Word: "paperclip" (Back to Top)
 Overcast, a forerunner to Project Paperclip, a secret recruitment program  7/20/1945 #1903  
ration Overcast is renamed Project Paperclip.                               11/1945 #1947  
ame to the US as part of Operation Paperclip, observes a high-altitude, met 8/17/1951 #5611  
ket scientist retrieved by Project Paperclip.                               12/1951 #5804  
er Nazi scientists under Operation Paperclip, LSD mind-control research, an 11/28/1953 #9324  
y published by the BSRA. Einstein, Paperclip scientists, and government off 4/13/1954 #9686  
 It then comes to look more like a paperclip that flashes on and off, meand 6/1979 #34600  
## Word: "papered" (Back to Top)
had plenty of headroom", was "wall papered" in blue green and covered with  5/15/1973 #27492  
## Word: "papers" (Back to Top)
the machine where he is given some papers with formulas on them that will h 7/25/1868 #176  
d no confirmation in any of Hull’s papers or memoirs.                       1939? #1303  
ing quickly west overhead. / Dijon papers.                                  9/25/1946 #2191  
rhead going quickly west. / London papers.                                  9/26/1946 #2192  
er,” but headline writers in other papers use it (such as the Philadelphia  6/25/1947 #2411  
g tadpole / 4800M altitude. / Arg. papers.                                  7/13/1947 #3163  
lts. No further details [in] local papers.                                  7/22/1947 (approximate) #3212  
found at the AHC in Frank Scully’s papers in Laramie WY. Was going to be gi 3/8/1950 #4588  
sky. Flashes silver light. / local papers.                                  3/17/1952 #5960  
6115818/http://www.nicap.org/match/papers/PentagoReportNotNews.htm          4/24/1952 #6179  
TS PASS, OR Classic saucer / local papers. Glows red. Triangular tail spews 7/9/1952 #6728  
   LOS ANGELES, CA Airline exec to papers. Saucers 4 nights running / LAX t 7/15/1952 (approximate) #6820  
 Several separate observer(s) call papers. 10m saucer up close. Landing tra 8/28/1952 #7758  
 LOS ANGELES, CA Several reports / papers. Brill night lights going up [to] 9/2/1952 #7825  
tree! Several observer(s)" / local papers.                                  9/14/1952 #7924  
ion plant. 20 report(s) going [to] PAPERs. / r242p65.                       7/9/1953 (approximate) #8991  
ast toward(s) Afghanistan / French papers. CIA report.                      12/21/1953 #9386  
 US Jim G. Lucas of Scripps-Howard papers reports that representatives of m 2/13/1954 #9540  
                 US Scripps-Howard papers said the Air Force had worked out 2/23/1954 #9565  
Angeles, California Scripps-Howard papers report that the “nation’s 8,500 c 2/23/1954 #9566  
eld with many of his other private papers at the Broadlands Archive.        2/23/1955 #12015  
s (GOC) run. Jets scramble / local papers.                                  5/24/1955 #12154  
ass (OI) Leon Treadwell, who signs papers agreeing he will tell no one for  7/26/1956 #13020  
Townsend Brown files incorporation papers for a new UFO group, the National 8/29/1956 #13151  
has published occasional groups of papers on UFOs.                          1957 #13438  
. USAF info officer blabs to local papers!                                  9/22/1957 #14023  
ted to the Science Museum with his papers after his death in 1981. Veteran  11/21/1957 #14590  
 a KC-97 tanker. Killian tells the papers, “I don’t care what the air force 3/19/1959 #15652  
en someone present saw some of his papers they should not have.  https://uf 5/17/1965 #18945  
 rear. Photographs public / London papers. / r204p93.                       12/26/1965 #19789  
een. 2 dead men with masks and odd papers. Plants burnt. / r5p1.            8/17/1966 #20757  
ead with welders masks and strange papers on them in Niteroi Morro do Vinte 8/17/1966 #20759  
 Frank B. Salisbury offer prepared papers. NICAP representatives are not pe 7/29/1968 #24254  
ublishing excerpts of the Pentagon papers, leaked by former military analys 6/13/1971 #26174  
. Photographs. / Newcastle evening papers.                                  5/15/1973 #27489  
ect" over town. / FSRv19#6p32+many papers.                                  9/1/1973 #27742  
de. / many local (as a local wave) papers. / r181p15.                       9/8/1973 #27778  
an alien sifting through files and papers. A blue light emanated from its h 4/1974 #28982  
ished later in the year, featuring papers on sighting waves, exosociology,  4/30/1976 #31029  
ranier discovered that many of his papers were missing.                     4/25/1978 #33171  
              Toronto, Ontario Six papers are presented at the American Psy 8/28/1978 #33585  
I know about that…I don’t have any papers or documents to prove it, but due 8/13/1979 #34741  
are an “undue burden” and that the papers released so far are of little imp 9/19/1979 #34900  
bee, and Mark Rodeghier. Presented papers are printed in The Spectrum of UF 9/25/1981 #36137  
6:15 AM. Two young boys delivering papers observed a big circular object wi 1/27/1984 #37157  
ania 6:15 a.m. Two boys delivering papers in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, 1/27/1984 #37159  
search for the first time. Some 40 papers are presented and 17 of them are  8/1985 #37634  
h group after receiving the “Dulce Papers,” a set of documents allegedly di 12/1987 #38342  
und base in Dulce, New Mexico. The papers inspired and are included in The  12/1987 #38342  
TRESTLE. BDM produced at least ten papers on subjects like EMP hardening, E 1990 #39357  
prints of executive laws, official papers, reports, and other extraneous ma 1991 #39933  
veral min. Vanish suddenly / local papers.                                  10/14/1994 #41803  
 and maneuvers. "No blimp" / local papers.                                  1/20/1995 #41986  
s for the next three months. Other papers are slow to pick up the story, bu 8/18/1996 #42985  
contained notes about “fake” MJ-12 papers to mislead ufology and notes abou 3/26/2004 #44682  
66   https://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0611/0611167.pdf                  2/1/2007 #45004  
S) to provide BAASS with technical papers on the subjects of UAP lift, powe 10/17/2008 #45175  
rst of 38 Project Physics position papers (Defense Intelligence Reference D 12/1/2009 #45260  
he precise nature and scope of the papers. The first paper is on “Advanced  12/1/2009 #45260  
 Icarus Interstellar. One of those papers was released to the public by Pop 1/9/2018 #45503  
## Word: "paphos" (Back to Top)
                                   Paphos, Cypress RESTRICTED USAF Intellig 5/10/1952 #6285  
ing: at 2030 hours, in the city of Paphos, S.W. Cypress, a group of persons 5/10/1952 #6285  
                                   PAPHOS, CYPRUS Scientist and several. Sa 5/10/1952 #6289  
                                   Paphos, SW, Cyprus Luminous circular obj 5/10/1952 #6293  
                                   Paphos, Cyprus 8:30 p.m. A British scien 5/10/1952 #6297  
 A British scientist and others at Paphos, Cyprus, see a luminous circular  5/10/1952 #6297  
## Word: "papike" (Back to Top)
sh, atmospheric physicist James J. Papike, radiation physician Günther Reit 9/29/1997 #43420  
## Word: "papillon" (Back to Top)
itnesses, Claude Champoux, Florent Papillon and a man called J. R. were cam 9/30/1973 #27892  
## Word: "papina" (Back to Top)
9:40 p.m. Amateur astronomer Steve Papina is walking south in Placerville,  2/13/1957 #13503  
before speeding directly away from Papina at high speed.                    2/13/1957 #13503  
## Word: "papineau" (Back to Top)
t, driving on Route 317 in Thurso, Papineau County, Quebec, Canada encounte 10/6/1990 #39760  
## Word: "papoose" (Back to Top)
           Nevada Test Site Area 4 Papoose Lake, Nevada The Upshot-Knothole 3/24/1953 #8782  
region, including those grazing at Papoose Lake, Nevada. Sixteen horses and 3/24/1953 #8782  
egas, Nevada Area 51 at Groom Lake Papoose Dry Lake S-4 Lazar reports to wo 12/6/1988 #38748  
l road. They arrive at a base near Papoose Dry Lake known as S-4. Lazar’s I 12/6/1988 #38748  
                                   Papoose Dry Lake Lazar takes group near  3/1989 (approximate) #38853  
                                   Papoose Dry Lake Bob Lazar takes groups  Spring 1989 #38876  
sday nights into the desert around Papoose Dry Lake, 15 miles south of Groo Spring 1989 #38876  
                                   Papoose Dry Lake Lazar records the mean  3/29/1989 #38883  
                                   Papoose Dry Lake Lazar’s 3rd trip with g 4/2/1989 #38886  
                                   Papoose Dry Lake Area-51/S-4 whistleblow 4/7/1989 #38896  
         Las Vegas, Nevada Area 51 Papoose Lake Groom Lake Robert Lazar is  5/15/1989 #38952  
ys the S-4 facility is adjacent to Papoose Lake, which is located south of  5/15/1989 #38952  
ear Groom Lake/Area 51 adjacent to Papoose Lake. Lazar claims the site has  5/15/1989 #38953  
 good one--an off-limits area near Papoose Dry Lake-and no government agenc 10/1992 #40653  
s Bombing Range, not over Groom or Papoose Lakes. It was unclear if the orb 10/20/1992 #40683  
e been a microbiologist working at Papoose Lake Facility/S4 and claims to h 2008 #45109  
## Word: "papotto" (Back to Top)
y 3:00 a.m. A farmer named Carmelo Papotto near Tripoli, Verona, Italy, wat 10/23/1954 #11341  
            A farmer named Carmelo Papotto in Tripoli, Libya saw a flying c 10/23/1954 #11344  
## Word: "pappas" (Back to Top)
 mission piloted by Maj. Frederick Pappas and 5 crew members. The tanker at 10/30/1975 #30522  
## Word: "pappy" (Back to Top)
odies looked Asian), Capt. Oliver “Pappy” W. Henderson, Staff Sgt. Robert A 7/8/1947 #3026  
## Word: "papua" (Back to Top)
rokina Beach, Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea 12:30 p.m. David A. K.  6/1944 #1601  
rokina Beach, Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea. They see “a huge, dark 6/1944 #1601  
                          Oro Bay, Papua New Guinea Leyte Gulf, Philippines 11/16/1944 #1697  
USS Gilliam, enroute from Oro Bay, Papua New Guinea, to Leyte Gulf, Philipp 11/16/1944 #1697  
                     Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Royal Australian Air Fo 8/23/1953 #9105  
iation Department at Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, takes 24 frames of 8mm 8/23/1953 #9105  
                              EAST PAPUA, NG 62 UFO's / 1959. 18 / Boianai  1959 #15507  
ideia Mission Brothers in Boianai, Papua New Guinea.                        4/9/1959 #15695  
                                   Papua (Boianai Mission), New Guinea Fath 6/26/1959 #15788  
                  Boianai Mission, Papua New Guinea Giwa 6:45 p.m. At Boian 6/26/1959 #15790  
Giwa 6:45 p.m. At Boianai Mission, Papua New Guinea, Rev. William Booth Gil 6/26/1959 #15790  
. at Boianai Mission on Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea an Anglican missionary  6/26/1959 #15791  
es was seen maneuvering over Giwa, Papua New Guinea. The UFO made a series  6/26/1959 #15791  
                                   Papua (Boianai Mission), New Guinea Obje 6/27/1959 #15798  
                                   Papua (Boianai Mission), New Guinea Fath 6/28/1959 #15800  
ted by Orwin and Smith in Baniara, Papua New Guinea. That night at 8:40 p.m 7/6/1959 #15819  
shaped UFO did a loop over Dogura, Papua New Guinea.                        7/6/1959 #15819  
ving over the mountains at Didiwa, Papua New Guinea.                        7/18/1959 #15859  
was seen flying over a mountain in Papua New Guinea at around 6 p.m. At 10: 7/20/1959 #15864  
p.m. in Porayebayebera, Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea the son of a paramount  7/22/1959 #15871  
                    In Gaiawanaki, Papua New Guinea a beam of light shone d 7/25/1959 #15878  
was sighted hovering over Wakwapu, Papua New Guinea by Mr. R. Smith. It had 8/4/1959 #15895  
r the shore of Baniara, Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea at 3:50 a.m. local time 8/10/1959 #15903  
                       MT. GWOIRA, PAPUA NG Bright disk / light going north 10/23/1959 #16055  
 on the ocean on the coast of Lae, Papua New Guinea saw a 14 meter diameter 1/31/1960 #16161  
e sky over the village of Sehulea, Papua New Guinea. Its light illuminated  5/25/1965 #18966  
ueensland, Australia Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Brisbane Canberra 3:25  5/28/1965 #18973  
but when he lands in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, he is not allowed to h 5/28/1965 #18973  
 UFO was sighted off of Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea on this night in the sa 7/12/1965 #19097  
 this night in Samarai, Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea a red glowing cylinder  7/17/1965 #19117  
ghtings for this date. In Samarai, Papua New Guinea a red glowing cylinder  7/19/1965 #19135  
igh in the sky that day in Aitape, Papua New Guinea. It was visible for fiv 1/1/1966 #19801  
## Word: "papua-ng" (Back to Top)
                        YULE ISL., PAPUA-NG Doctor and wife. Green-glow dis 5/1955 #12108  
                           DOGURA, PAPUA-NG Numerous separate observer(s).  10/18/1958 #15355  
                    EAST / MENAPI, PAPUA-NG Native. Classic saucer. Luminou 7/22/1959 #15870  
                       KOIABAGIRI, PAPUA-NG 3 observer(s). Brilliant disk h 11/23/1959 #16098  
                          OFF LAE, PAPUA-NG 6 / boat. White 14M umbrella sw 1/31/1960 #16160  
                           RABAUL, PAPUA-NG 2 / home. Globe / light in bedr 2/19/1964 #18133  
## Word: "papuda" (Back to Top)
         Complexo Penitenciário da Papuda São Sebastião Federal District of 4/11/1991 #40034  
over the Complexo Penitenciário da Papuda, a federal prison in São Sebastiã 4/11/1991 #40034  
y. Carloads of people descend upon Papuda and dozens of people observe the  4/11/1991 #40034  
## Word: "paput" (Back to Top)
e Red Flag, Dark East, Dark South, Paput Mesa, Sally Carter, Groom Lake, Dr 7/28/1991 #40136  
## Word: "papyrus" (Back to Top)
could have crossed the Atlantic in papyrus boats centuries before Columbus. 6/11/1970 #25697  
## Word: "paquet" (Back to Top)
                              Mrs. Paquet was tending her cows in a field i 10/18/1954 #11215  
oached to within 50 meters of Mrs. Paquet. One of them turned towards the m 10/18/1954 #11215  
           At 4:30 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Paquet were walking on the outskirts of  8/16/1975 #30281  
## Word: "paquet's" (Back to Top)
anished. Fiteen minutes later Mrs. Paquet's dog began to bark furiously, an 10/18/1954 #11215  
## Word: "paquette" (Back to Top)
River Ontario Early morning. Edgar Paquette and Mrs. Leo Edwards are drivin 7/13/1969 #25268  
inced the light is following them, Paquette turns off the headlights, which 7/13/1969 #25268  
shlight, it comes even closer, and Paquette sees that it is 8 feet in diame 7/13/1969 #25268  
 Ontario, CAN 6:30 a.m. EST. Lyman Paquette, his wife, plus his brother and 11/15/1975 #30622  
## Word: "paquier" (Back to Top)
                                LE PAQUIER, SWZ 2 / car. Night light southw 8/17/1979 #34751  
## Word: "paquin" (Back to Top)
              At 11:00 p.m. Gaetan Paquin, a young man in his twenties, was 7/12/1971 #26224  
nored the presence of the witness, Paquin became frightened and fled.       7/12/1971 #26224  
## Word: "paquita" (Back to Top)
er women, including a woman called Paquita. All three women then opened the 1/6/1969 #24822  
## Word: "paqutte" (Back to Top)
 From Falconbridge. At 1130, Lyman Paqutte, married student, residence Laur 11/15/1975 #30624  
## Word: "par" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Par” Yield: 38KT                         10/9/1964 #18577  
## Word: "para" (Back to Top)
fellow factory employees in Atuba, Para state, Brazil fulfilling a predicti 5/4/1977 #32055  
                         ICOARACI, PARA, BRZ Thunder. 2 fireballs south goi 5/17/1977 #32102  
                          Belem do Para, Para State (near), Brazil 9:30 PM. 5/17/1977 #32104  
                    Belem do Para, Para State (near), Brazil 9:30 PM. In th 5/17/1977 #32104  
village of Icoaraci, near Belem do Para, Para State, Brazil two fiery balls 5/17/1977 #32107  
e of Icoaraci, near Belem do Para, Para State, Brazil two fiery balls of li 5/17/1977 #32107  
lage of Santo Antonio do Ubintuba, Para State, Brazil at 7:30 p.m. As the b 9/10/1977 #32478  
                       In Colares, Para State, Brazil Raimundo Galvao Trind 10/15/1977 #32579  
 Dr. Wellaide Carvalho in Colares, Para State, Brazil a bright metallic obj 10/22/1977 #32601  
tivity in the skies above Colares, Para State, Brazil a young woman, 25-yea 10/26/1977 #32618  
on Mosqueiro Island, near Colares, Para State, Brazil Benedito Campos and h 10/29/1977 #32633  
e fishing in the river in Colares, Para State, Brazil. The light then moved 11/1/1977 #32652  
 light, was observed over Colares, Para State, Brazil. When it changed its  11/1/1977 #32653  
h yellow lights flying over Belem, Para State, Brazil at low altitudes.     11/22/1977 #32692  
30 p.m. in the village of Colares, Para State, Brazil 35-year-old Anotnio F 11/23/1977 #32694  
oreira, age 31, in Vila Mosqueiro, Para state, Brazil witnessed red-yellow  11/28/1977 #32703  
overing over the beach in Colares, Para State, Brazil at 11:30 p.m. It had  1/23/1978 #32908  
dish-yellow light flew over Belem, Para, Brazil from north to south at 900  1/23/1978 #32908  
 8 movie camera in Rio Laranjeira, Para, Brazil using Extachrome film. It l 1/23/1978 #32908  
were three reports from Benevides, Para State, Brazil on this evening. At 7 9/9/1978 #33650  
         At 3:15 p.m. in Tome-Acu, Para State, Brazil 26-year-old Luiz Gome 11/28/1978 #34018  
 a local Catholic Church in Belem, Para State, Brazil, witnessed a UFO land 4/17/1996 #42872  
r-old Zeca Borba of Guaraja-Mirim, Para State, Brazil reported encountering 7/1/2001 #44202  
## Word: "parabola" (Back to Top)
d the ship and moves in a “perfect parabola at great speed, finally disappe 11/16/1944 #1697  
bowl-shaped UFO with a tail like a parabola flew across the sky from the no 12/19/1999 #43900  
## Word: "parabolic" (Back to Top)
ngapore, Malaya A long purple-blue parabolic trail. (Page 77-78 Ref.1) (NIC 11/5/1944 #1693  
slope of Sandia Peak and follows a parabolic curve as the C-47 passes 20 mi 12/5/1948 #3909  
ctor takes 2 photographs / saucer. Parabolic arc going down [to] and going  10/24/1954 #11354  
 one second, one curving away in a parabolic path, the other executing a mo 5/28/1959 #15750  
te object moving east to west on a parabolic path. Two variometers (magneti 7/3/1965 #19062  
phere that descended in a vertical parabolic trajectory disappearing behind 7/20/1968 #24195  
outheast to east, next performed a parabolic turn, and then flew off to the 6/1/1978 #33248  
             BEIJING, CH "Old-type parabolic brass hot-water bottle" shape  10/30/1980 #35596  
AWTHORNE, NJ 2 / car. 2 silent 75' parabolic saucers 200' over SR208. Avoid 1/9/1984 #37118  
aw two silent 75- foot in diameter parabolic discs 200 feet above SR 208. T 1/9/1984 #37122  
saw two silent 75-foot in diameter parabolic discs 200 feet above SR 208. T 1/9/1984 #37126  
## Word: "paracambi" (Back to Top)
ng on the verandah of her house in Paracambi, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil  7/1/2001 #44201  
## Word: "paracampo" (Back to Top)
op of Austral Airlines and Alberto Paracampo of Aerolineas Argentinas, pilo 10/31/1981 #36197  
## Word: "parachilna" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / PARACHILNA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Night light  3/5/1978 #33014  
## Word: "parachute" (Back to Top)
LGARIA Fireball descends slow as a parachute. Going south. Lights entire sk 7/1913? #890  
ither rockets fired from aircraft, parachute rockets, or high-explosive pro 2/9/1944 #1571  
ucer-shaped object, ribbed like a “parachute canopy,” gliding slowly (50–60 7/4/1947 #2660  
te object at first thought to be a parachute was seen (NICAP: 01 - Distant  7/8/1947 #3005  
e. An army hitchhiker and engineer parachute to safety. Brown and Davidson  8/1/1947 #3281  
ches 133.5km attitude (Blossom 3 — Parachute not ejected)                   3/21/1949 #4051  
structure was described as like a "parachute canopy", with slightly off-cen 5/11/1950 #4940  
     OFF DUNKIRK, NY 2+observer(s) parachute glowing-saucer going down [to] 6/7/1950 #4980  
ia, when they see something like a parachute drifting down ahead of them at 9/26/1950 #5199  
 least at 300 mph. It looks like a parachute canopy and has a dark undersur 1/21/1952 #5871  
      HOMEWOOD, IL 2 women. Silver parachute canopy circles plane / 3 minut 4/28/1952 #6204  
t in the SE that resembled a white parachute was apparently circling a larg 4/28/1952 #6206  
OM MOGNEVILLE, FR 6 woodsmen. Huge parachute drops. Nothing found.          6/15/1952 #6502  
astwind, when, upon release of the parachute instrument package from the ba 8/29/1952 #7788  
ut. Suggs bails out and he and his parachute wind up in a homeowner’s backy 6/1953 #8922  
KATERE, NZ 3 / car. Large metallic parachute saucer descends. Stops. Going  1/25/1955 #11941  
           BERKELEY, CA 2 / patio. Parachute saucer going quickly southwest 11/11/1958 (approximate) #15437  
   MASON RESERVOIR, CO Large black parachute weaves back and forth over mou 10/26/1962 #17497  
ed bailout but cannot separate his parachute from his ejection seat. He is  1/5/1967 #21260  
, the object looks like a hovering parachute or a grayish-green shell. The  2/14/1967 #21551  
 to be covered by the objects. The parachute like objects then disappeared  7/20/1968 #24195  
OVA, ITALY E. Cavanesse. "Inverted parachute". Also UFO's / Perugia and La  10/29/1973 #28318  
he two pilots to eject. Nakamura’s parachute catches fire and he falls to h 6/9/1974 #29175  
   DURSLEY, GLOUCS 2 / car. Silver parachute / sphere/orb/globe with shiny  8/2/1974 #29301  
r and was shaped like an elongated parachute. At the bottom was a man protr 8/31/1978 #33611  
a man protruding from its tip. The parachute or cone-shaped object moved ho 8/31/1978 #33611  
at first think is a malfunctioning parachute. At one point, the UFO flicks  10/24/1982 #36663  
EAVERTON, OR 2 observer(s). White "parachute" drifts going east then going  8/20/1995 #42402  
ls, and he was descending as if by parachute. He came down about 50 yards a 7/16/2003 #44565  
yards distant. They cannot see any parachute or paraglider apparatus. Air t 6/13/2014 #45410  
ircraft moving at 85 mph deploying parachute flares.                        1/27/2015 #45428  
## Word: "parachute'" (Back to Top)
and 200 search swamps for 'dropped parachute'. Nothing found.               12/6/1931 #1133  
## Word: "parachute-" (Back to Top)
series of maneuvers, after which a parachute- shaped object emerges from on 11/27/1957 #14632  
## Word: "parachute-like" (Back to Top)
 province, Argentina when he saw a parachute-like object land. Going near i 7/20/1965 #19153  
t reflecting upward into a silver, parachute-like object with ribs connecti 12/27/1977 #32814  
## Word: "parachute-rigging" (Back to Top)
rn and suddenly disappears above a parachute-rigging building. The SR-71 do 5/1980 #35296  
## Word: "parachute-saucer" (Back to Top)
 BANKS, WI 2 / farm. Silent silver parachute-saucer going [to] east-northea 8/22/1952 #7677  
## Word: "parachute-shaped" (Back to Top)
           Montgomery, AL A silver parachute-shaped 8 ft disc with a 5 ft l 4/9/1948 #3618  
50 foot in diameter, hemispherical parachute-shaped object above them about 1/24/1950 #4509  
rilliant white round- topped disc, parachute-shaped, with a humanoid suspen 4/8/1954 #9677  
er their area it was followed by 2 parachute-shaped objects and that the C- 4/1/1959 #15686  
nd Mrs. Bill Jones reported 3 or 4 parachute-shaped UFOs following the C-11 4/1/1959 #15686  
ns, Colorado, spots a large, black parachute-shaped object weaving back and 10/26/1962 #17501  
azil. Some see a few smaller white parachute-shaped objects fall from it. A 3/16/1966 #19974  
## Word: "parachute-size" (Back to Top)
ON-UPON-THAMES, LONDON Plain metal parachute-size saucer over river. 1 Amer 6/1951 #5526  
## Word: "parachute-ufo" (Back to Top)
                         CLUJ, ROM Parachute-UFO. Fierce rays. More UFO's 1 12/11/1968 #24758  
## Word: "parachutelike" (Back to Top)
r Monte de los Curas when he saw a parachutelike object land. Going near, h 7/20/1965 #19149  
## Word: "parachutes" (Back to Top)
ers. US B17 lands. No crew! All 10 parachutes aboard.                       11/23/1944 #1701  
ells from the nose. The pilot then parachutes back to the ground, a chute o 8/20/1947 #3355  
large, circular objects similar to parachutes coming down. Half a dozen wit 6/15/1952 #6507  
eings falling from the sky without parachutes. They wore strange suits and  1/26/1958 #14843  
t beings fell from the sky without parachutes. They wear strange suits and  1/26/1958 #14844  
eings falling from the sky without parachutes. They wore strange suits and  1/26/1958 #14845  
s to “attack the violator.” Powers parachutes safely and is captured. This  5/1/1960 #16248  
NGL All / county. Thousands / huge parachutes / 15-50K' altitude. None land 9/25/1960 #16460  
C Jets chase RADAR blips. "Flaming parachutes" / strong beams. / Flying Sau 11/12/1981 #36216  
5 p.m. objects shaped like flaming parachutes, emitting powerful lights, hu 11/12/1981 #36221  
cers / 1K' altitude. "Like rocking parachutes". Last seen southwest going q 1/26/1986 #37770  
## Word: "parachutes'" (Back to Top)
balls / light and 'planes dropping parachutes' cause Air Force query.       1/28/1948 (approximate) #3566  
## Word: "parachutist" (Back to Top)
 legs bent back, like a "free fall parachutist." (Source: David F. Webb and 4/7/1977 #31956  
 legs bent back, like a "free fall parachutist." There was only about 35 fe 4/7/1977 #31957  
## Word: "paracuru" (Back to Top)
                               OFF PARACURU, BRZ Dark silent object going d 5/13/1960 #16263  
                                   PARACURU, BRZ 100+. 60' saucer / searchl 5/13/1960 #16264  
                                   Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil Céara state Rio  5/13/1960 #16266  
 7:00 p.m. More than 100 people at Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil, watch a disc-sh 5/13/1960 #16266  
         At 18:30 off the coast at Paracuru, Brazil at the location marked  5/13/1960 #16269  
 hovered in a tilted position over Paracuru, Ceara State, Brazil (4) at 19: 5/13/1960 #16271  
alled Capin Acu, near the ocean in Paracuru, Ceara State, Brazil. He went n 5/13/1960 #16273  
                                   PARACURU BEACH, BRZ 2 metallic disks on  5/14/1960 #16274  
                                   Paracuru, Brazil Raimondo dos Santos saw 5/14/1960 #16275  
                                   Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil 4:00 a.m. Fisher 5/14/1960 #16276  
ed on a sandy hill by the beach at Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil. As he approache 5/14/1960 #16276  
ll near a farm called Capin Acu in Paracuru, Brazil. He went near them and  5/14/1960 #16277  
                                   PARACURU, CE, BRZ Several / UFO group. I 10/21/1992 #40685  
                                   PARACURU, CEARA, BRZ 5 observer(s). Red  11/25/1992 #40727  
## Word: "parade" (Back to Top)
          NORTH / PASADENA, CA 1 / parade. Metallic ovoid between mountain  1/1/1953 #8488  
10 silent saucers and night lights parade going quickly west. / r70p3-12.   2/28/1953 #8716  
as roped-off and 8 guards stood at parade rest around it. P.J. and his frie 4/1962 #17093  
Wurtsmith Northern Tier The weekly Parade magazine carries a story by Micha 12/10/1978 #34085  
worth, Kansas, Annual Veterans Day Parade. Prior to the F-16 flyby, the wit 11/11/2021 #45721  
## Word: "paradeseca" (Back to Top)
ernoon in an isolated pasture near Paradeseca, Orense, Spain when his dog b 2/20/1997 #43199  
## Word: "paradigm" (Back to Top)
ional Press Club Stephen Bassett’s Paradigm Research Group holds a Citizens 4/29/2013 #45366  
go a step further from the current paradigm of manned aircrafts and shift t 3/27/2017 #45466  
anned aircrafts and shift toward a paradigm of aircrafts that behave like a 3/27/2017 #45466  
## Word: "paradigmresearchgroup" (Back to Top)
g/images/fortdix3.gif   http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/Webpages/The%2 1/18/1978 #32895  
t up again with them.  https://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/Rockefeller%20 11/1/1995 #42576  
20to%20JG/Letter.jpg   https://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/Rockefeller%20 11/1/1995 #42576  
## Word: "paradise" (Back to Top)
craft and two humanoid “bodies” in Paradise Valley, AZ. Graves states the f 10/1947 #3440  
                                   Paradise Valley, Arizona Private pilot S Early 10/1947 #3446  
f the recovery of a crashed UFO in Paradise Valley, Arizona, on property ow Early 10/1947 #3446  
uatone, proposing to use the name “Paradise Ranch” for the new base.        4/1955 #12077  
                                   PARADISE, CA Saucer scouts up / down fea 7/4/1993 #41050  
5 minute(s) 1 / 2 miles off Hawaii paradise park. 9 observer(s). Silent.    8/3/1993 #41103  
a flash in the sky at 2:30 p.m. in Paradise Valley, Arizona; then a white m 4/27/1997 #43281  
                                   Paradise, Nevada Rear Adm. Thomas R. Wil 10/16/2002 #44417  
gency on July 29, has a meeting in Paradise, Nevada, with Eric W. Davis of  10/16/2002 #44417  
## Word: "paradox" (Back to Top)
 Fermi first formulates the “Fermi Paradox” during a casual conversation (i Summer 1950 #4996  
ic points of Enrico Fermi’s “Fermi Paradox” for an article in the Quarterly 6/1974 #29154  
he Royal Astronomical Society. The paradox is the apparent contradiction be 6/1974 #29154  
n turns create a “Novikov loop” (a paradox where the origin of the event ca 3/20/2020 #45640  
## Word: "paradoxes" (Back to Top)
to the USG knowledge, there are no paradoxes. If the past is changed, it cr 10/2006 #44970  
## Word: "paraffin" (Back to Top)
omewhat sticky residue, not unlike paraffin, which soon disappeared without 10/14/1954 #11041  
 of adhesive substance, not unlike paraffin wax.                            10/14/1954 #11047  
 of adhesive substance, not unlike paraffin wax.                            10/14/1954 #11069  
## Word: "parafuso" (Back to Top)
rough his property by the river in Parafuso, Bahia, Brazil carrying his sho 5/16/1973 #27496  
## Word: "paraglider" (Back to Top)
 Ireland at 2:20 p.m., reported a "paraglider" two miles north of runway 10 9/10/2002 #44394  
. They cannot see any parachute or paraglider apparatus. Air traffic contro 6/13/2014 #45410  
## Word: "paragon" (Back to Top)
  Hornsea, Yorkshire, England Hull Paragon Interchange 8:00 p.m. Coast guar 2/25/1913 #884  
n by crowds in the city center and Paragon Interchange for over an hour. It 2/25/1913 #884  
## Word: "paragould" (Back to Top)
                                   PARAGOULD, ARK Airship with strong beam  1/15/1910 #834  
                                   PARAGOULD, ARK Disk hovers / low altitud 3/12/1967 #21860  
                                   Paragould, AR Early morning CST. Four wi 3/12/1967 #21866  
                                   Paragould, AR Early the following mornin 8/25/1967 #22921  
he following morning, witnesses in Paragould, Ark., saw three oval objects, 8/25/1967 #22921  
## Word: "paragraph" (Back to Top)
lishments of the Germans” (page 5, paragraph 4). [However, a fake version o 10/28/1947 #3469  
ntified Flying Objects Reporting." Paragraph 9 forbids public release of un 8/26/1953 #9110  
 release of unexplained sightings. Paragraph 8 requires classification of r 8/26/1953 #9110  
ome Project Condign in 1997– 2000. Paragraph 2 reads: “I am aware, from int 10/18/1993 #41246  
 him an “exact law,” with an exact paragraph and number on a “government we 4/2016 #45448  
ve materials in the UK. He cites a paragraph in a “UK Restricted” minute fr 8/12/2022 #45762  
## Word: "paragraphs" (Back to Top)
bertson Panel report, a mere three paragraphs recommending that “the nation 3/1958 #14904  
ns. This version devotes five full paragraphs to public release of informat 9/14/1959 #15975  
ect, its unique format—alternating paragraphs written by Shklovsky and Saga 1966 #19795  
## Word: "paraguay" (Back to Top)
                         ASUNCION, PARAGUAY Several observer(s). UFO flies. 2/5/1963 (approximate) #17650  
                        Ascension, Paraguay An object land on the school gr 2/5/1963 #17651  
                        Ascension, Paraguay Approximate date. A student, An 2/5/1963 #17654  
on the school grounds in Asuncion, Paraguay. In a separate observation, sev 2/5/1963 #17655  
                                   Paraguay, Ascuncion, Argentina 3:55 p.m. 4/29/1966 #20426  
, who was flying between Asuncion, Paraguay to Posadas, Argentina, the UFO  4/29/1966 #20428  
                         Asuncion, Paraguay In Paraguay, Asuncion, many res 6/24/1967 #22545  
             Asuncion, Paraguay In Paraguay, Asuncion, many residents saw s 6/24/1967 #22545  
                         Asunción, Paraguay In Asunción, Paraguay, many res 6/24/1967 #22549  
   Asunción, Paraguay In Asunción, Paraguay, many residents see six objects 6/24/1967 #22549  
ancas Airport Uruguay Brazil Chile Paraguay 7:00–8:00 p.m. A flurry of UFO  6/14/1980 #35368  
ime in Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, and Paraguay. CUFOS suspects many of the obs 6/14/1980 #35368  
Os from Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay and Brazil this evening.  At ar 6/14/1980 #35369  
io, Argentina Spain Brazil Uruguay Paraguay US The Third International Cong 12/8/1982 #36708  
tives from Spain, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and the US, as well as Argenti 12/8/1982 #36708  
                 NORTH / ASUNCION, PARAGUAY Intense fireball buzzes Lap lin 6/8/1991 #40087  
                       Concepcion, Paraguay G,V, civil radar, pilot sightin 6/8/1991 #40089  
                       Concepcion, Paraguay Paced Cessna 210 & airliner, R/ 6/8/1991 #40090  
                       Concepcion, Paraguay Pilots encountered and radar tr 6/8/1991 #40091  
                         Asunción, Paraguay Concepción Asunción Airport 6:0 6/8/1991 #40092  
flying two passengers to Asunción, Paraguay, in his Cessna 210. While monit 6/8/1991 #40092  
adar tracked UFOs over Concepcion, Paraguay. Pilots encountered and radar t 6/8/1991 #40093  
                           ACEVAL, PARAGUAY Several / boat. Shiny silver eg 5/24/1998 #43570  
## Word: "paraguayan" (Back to Top)
a Porã, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil Paraguayan border 6:30 p.m. Yvonne Torre 12/21/1957 #14755  
o Grosso do Sul, Brazil, along the Paraguayan border. They see a large ball 12/21/1957 #14755  
eir lights in the direction of the Paraguayan frontier when a reddish light 2/19/1958 #14881  
## Word: "paraguayas" (Back to Top)
 control tower and a Líneas Aéreas Paraguayas airliner, with the pilot repo 6/8/1991 #40092  
## Word: "paragy" (Back to Top)
             SOUTHEAST / ASUNCION, PARAGY Saucer with portholes and exhaust 4/29/1966 #20425  
## Word: "paraiba" (Back to Top)
                                   PARAIBA RIVER, SP, BRZ All / airliner pa 11/21/1954 #11679  
buzzed an airliner flying over the Paraiba River near Rio de Janeiro, Brazi 11/21/1954 #11685  
                         POCINHOS, PARAIBA, BRAZIL UFO lands. 3 small human 4/7/1964 #18160  
e she did laundry in Serra Branca, Paraiba state, Brazil and then vanished  5/10/1977 #32083  
                        Boqueirâo, Paraiba, Brazil Walter Corrêa do Prado o 7/1988 #38596  
lter Corrêa do Prado of Boqueirâo, Paraiba, Brazil, undergoes about one hou 7/1988 #38596  
                        GUARABIRA, PARAIBA, BRAZIL Several observer(s) and  9/10/1996 #43013  
## Word: "paraipaba" (Back to Top)
                                   PARAIPABA, BRZ 2 observer(s). 3 men with 5/5/1974? #29083  
 around 11:50 p.m. on the beach in Paraipaba, Ceara state, Brazil an odd lo 5/5/1974 #29087  
                       MURITI NEAR PARAIPABA, BRZ Farmer and 3. Fireball wi 8/25/1991 #40165  
farmer in Muriti, near the city of Paraipaba, Ceara State, Brazil saw a bal 8/25/1991 #40166  
## Word: "paraiso" (Back to Top)
                                EL PARAISO, VNZL Several observer(s). Flyin 11/20/1954 #11677  
                            Bairio Paraiso dos Barbeiros, Brazil Student Hu 7/12/1965 #19095  
Silva, a student driving in Bairio Paraiso dos Barbeiros, Brazil nearly hit 7/12/1965 #19099  
                                El Paraiso, Mar del Plata, Argentina 2:00 a 2/7/2005 #44813  
:00 a.m. In the farming area of El Paraiso, Mar del Plata, Argentina, a res 2/7/2005 #44813  
## Word: "parakeet" (Back to Top)
tdoors by the squawking of her pet parakeet. When she looked out she saw a  5/27/1973 #27535  
## Word: "paralela" (Back to Top)
                                   Paralela 45 Motel Highway 1 Ploieşti, Ro Late 9/1977 #32517  
s working as a receptionist at the Paralela 45 Motel on Highway 1 north of  Late 9/1977 #32517  
## Word: "parallaxuap" (Back to Top)
ough FOIA on 9 March 2021.  http://parallaxuap.blogspot.com/2021/03/how-dod 7/10/2020 #45651  
## Word: "parallel" (Back to Top)
ee two large, bright lights moving parallel with them at about 1,000 feet a 12/4/1896 #375  
r Topeka, Kansas, moving northward parallel with the horizon until after 20 3/27/1897 #398  
 caught sight of an airship moving parallel with the train shortly after hi 4/12/1897 #446  
 California. They are traveling in parallel with the horizon in a vertical  Fall 1912 #863  
er/cigar-shape going quickly south parallel to street. / r251p29.           8/1920 (approximate) #1004  
e was heard throughout the valley. Parallel marks in found in the snow, 75  2/5/1934 #1204  
aveling to the south at high speed parallel to the ground between himself a 10/1943 #1532  
wo Jima, Japan An amber light pass parallel and at same altitude. (Page 125 1/10/1945 #1754  
bout 20 feet above the sea, moving parallel with the ship. King estimates i 7/1/1947? #2522  
oving rapidly west to east roughly parallel to the shoreline of Lake Erie i Summer 1948 #3679  
 UFO. The object changed course to parallel the plane, then circled the air 5/29/1950 #4974  
eld, California at 9:08 p.m., flew parallel to it for a short while, then p 11/27/1950 #5295  
 Atomic Energy Commission uses its parallel system of secret-keeping to con 1951 #5377  
a large, bluish-white light moving parallel to the car. It looks like a “st 6/1/1951 #5535  
ct with multiple white lights on a parallel flight course, which then cross 9/18/1951 #5679  
, when he sees an object traveling parallel to the ground at a constant alt 4/19/1952 #6131  
e "fingertip" formation twice flew parallel to airplane during 3-4 minute p 4/24/1952 #6175  
er’s altitude of 11,000 feet, then parallel course off left wing at about 2 7/13/1952 #6797  
ter the other, crossing the sky on parallel courses within a few minutes. W 2/28/1953 #8718  
light descended, accelerated, flew parallel to the F-94, increased its spee 4/8/1953 #8812  
 descend, accelerate, and then fly parallel to his F-94 over Fukuoka, Japan 4/8/1953 #8813  
TH 2 orange oval blots cross sky / parallel. 3rd blot follows.              10/9/1953 #9212  
INT, OR 2 / plane. 2 saucers fly / parallel / 1500M altitude. Bright / over 6/6/1954 #9868  
triangle of brilliant white lights parallel to the ground, illuminating eve Summer 1954 #9919  
eed as his airliner, 265 mph, on a parallel course. The small objects are s 6/29/1954 #9962  
, two at each end, which supported parallel aerials. A blond man 5’10” tall 9/20/1954 #10373  
-formation, then converge into two parallel lines and take up a Z-formation Late 10/1954 #11393  
ng. The object climbs rapidly on a parallel flight track for 3 minutes befo 2/1/1955 #11960  
straightens out with the flat side parallel with the ground and hovers abou 8/20/1955 #12379  
d them flying along the coast on a parallel course. Changing color from whi 11/1/1955 #12540  
own object moving on the port side parallel to his course. It looks like a  1956 #12636  
vair T-29 saw white-green light on parallel course (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 6/2/1956 #12882  
the object suddenly accelerates in parallel with the B-36 and then rises ab Fall 1956 #13239  
.m., the target turns to head on a parallel path. The crew loses contact at 8/3/1957 #13875  
 2. It is a luminous trail running parallel to the satellite’s trail, then  12/18/1957 #14747  
e same time and climb out of sight parallel to each other. After landing, t 1962 #17006  
near some railroad tracks that run parallel to the road project a brilliant 11/26/1962 #17563  
y appear below the aircraft, fly a parallel course for a while, then swerve 7/12/1964 #18404  
ith the witnesses' car, then moved parallel to the road and paced their car 9/25/1965 #19606  
 the car, swerve to the right, and parallel the car for several minutes. Th 1/11/1966 #19830  
 descend to about 10 feet, and fly parallel with the road for several momen 3/26/1966 #20088  
und the sky, descend, and then fly parallel with the road for several minut 3/26/1966 #20093  
 sees an “L” shaped box, long side parallel to the ground, sitting on tripo 3/29/1966 #20139  
10 feet above the power lines on a parallel path. The object was emitting a 6/8/1966 #20540  
 gave off a bluish glow and stayed parallel with the car as they drove alon 6/8/1966 #20547  
UFO goes over Bible conf. grounds. Parallel rows / point-lights.            7/20/1966 #20658  
      An elongated object carrying parallel points of horizontal lights pas 7/20/1966 #20661  
n turns and takes an approximately parallel course to the front of the cons 10/31/1966 #21053  
xford, WI An orange red object fly parallel to a truck (NICAP: 02 - Close E 2/20/1967 #21601  
Summer. One orange-red object flew parallel to truck for 2 minutes.         2/20/1967 #21606  
 sky in Oxford, Wisconsin and flew parallel to a truck for two minutes, fin 2/20/1967 #21608  
that an unidentified object glided parallel to his car about 300 yards away 2/28/1967 #21682  
ventional aircraft. It moved south parallel to U.S. Route A1A, then turned  3/14/1967 #21885  
h start moving toward the car in a parallel course. The objects descend a q 3/20/1967 #21923  
saw two bright lights that flew in parallel emitting a sound. (California N 7/15/1967 #22661  
 8-10 revolving white lights and a parallel upper row of yellowish lights ( 8/28/1967 #22942  
tched a dark circular craft moving parallel to his path for 5-1/2 miles as  10/17/1967 #23242  
 8-10 blinking white lights, and a parallel upper row of yellow lights, tha 11/28/1967 #23519  
ve the plane. It moves in a course parallel to the plane and stops suddenly 6/6/1968 #24013  
 altitude / 3 min. Going [to] away parallel to coast.                       7/31/1968 #24268  
FR Ranger. Silver saucer takes off parallel to slope.                       11/1968 #24610  
 ND 1 / car. Bean ovoid going west parallel / US2. Red with blue aura. Sepa 12/16/1968 #24773  
DEL CAMPO, SP Ovoid and sphere fly parallel / road. Egg lands vertically..  3/9/1969 #24984  
oid object and a sphere, that flew parallel to the road on which they were  3/9/1969 #24985  
th and Clare saw red lights flying parallel to his car, heading to the east 6/4/1969 #25199  
he air, 200 feet apart, and nearly parallel to some high-powered electrical 7/11/1969 #25261  
toward them but soon resumed their parallel course when Oliver turns the ca 7/11/1969 #25261  
ear to the southeast, still flying parallel to the power lines.             7/11/1969 #25261  
took a photograph of two lights in parallel motion at 10:00 p.m. They had h 12/24/1970 #25952  
thly changing its direction to fly parallel with them at an estimated dista 10/5/1971 #26410  
hat a UFO "as big as a house" flew parallel to their car as they were drivi 9/13/1972 #26990  
hat a UFO "as big as a house" flew parallel to their car as they were drivi 9/13/1972 #26991  
ia when he sees an oval UFO flying parallel to the ridge of a roof. It trav 12/1972 #27158  
 reddish-orange ball of light flew parallel to I-95 south of Providence, Rh 3/27/1973 #27381  
ts, but the object follows his car parallel to the road about 210 feet away 6/14/1974 #29191  
 mph at 7,500 feet. It maintains a parallel course until it finally disappe 10/11/1974 #29519  
, he sees a disc or ellipse flying parallel to his aircraft at the same spe 11/28/1974 #29619  
dull silver color, that was flying parallel to his Aeronca Champ airplane.  11/28/1974 #29620  
ator Malo Martínez later finds two parallel scorched areas where there are  1/1/1975 #29689  
        CASTELET-LES-SAUSSES, FR 2 parallel ruts / 55M long. 4cm deep. 2nd  6/25/1976 (approximate) #31136  
een flying southwest to northwest (parallel to the coast) at an altitude of 9/19/1976 #31409  
 the craft he had seen were from a parallel universe.                       12/6/1976 #31587  
rom the southeast to the northwest parallel to the ground 20° above the hor 5/1/1977 #32045  
ward a structure composed of three parallel cylinders until they are undern 6/27/1977 #32200  
ers back to the highway and runs a parallel course along the interstate. Di 8/17/1977 #32409  
ped, solid-appearing object moving parallel to the road (NICAP: 02 - Close  9/7/1977 #32468  
ped, solid-appearing object moving parallel to the road. It gave off a bril 9/7/1977 #32470  
 locating the rockslide on May 25. Parallel to the slide is a 325-foot tren 5/6/1978 #33190  
above 35,000 feet. The lights flew parallel to one another, about 100 meter 6/7/1978 #33258  
ay and 200 feet in the air, flying parallel to the fence line. He directs a 6/11/1978 #33275  
160 mph. It makes a sharp 90° turn parallel to the road, descending to abou 9/4/1978 #33633  
ding to about 15 feet, and travels parallel to his car at 60 mph about 150  9/4/1978 #33633  
s. The next morning they find four parallel scratches on the shutters about 9/23/1978 #33736  
gh to have touched it." It had two parallel tubes and one perpendicular tub 12/14/1978 #34128  
hey are able to overtake it flying parallel to the road. It seems to be fly 6/10/1979 #34605  
d ball on their left that seems to parallel them as they turn toward Kalwa. 9/5/1979 #34838  
 briefly then begins moving north, parallel to the shore. It travels more t 1/1980 #35120  
maro watched the object as it came parallel to him. Vommaro then decided to 2/11/1980 #35170  
s it shot away at incredible speed parallel to the horizon.There was a tota 2/11/1980 #35173  
, then was overtaken. Its axis was parallel to the horizon, and it did not  8/28/1980 #35481  
objects at 9:24 p.m. The UFOs flew parallel to the plane and then approache 2/25/1981 #35843  
objects at 9:24 p.m. The UFOs flew parallel to the plane and then approache 2/25/1981 #35845  
, but another object begins moving parallel to his car about 300 feet to hi 5/20/1981 #35943  
rts accompanying the aircraft in a parallel course, keeping the same distan 2/8/1982 #36327  
eaches an unusual configuration of parallel stars.                          12/30/1983 #37086  
n’s sketches of the object closely parallel sketches made by other witnesse 9/7/1984 #37458  
on. The ball is flying soundlessly parallel to the ground. It is later dete 1/29/1986 #37775  
n eastern Asia a red fireball flew parallel to the ground with an estimated 1/29/1986 #37776  
sburgh, Pennsylvania. They move on parallel paths below a scattered cloud c 6/26/1986 #37924  
                  Two objects flew parallel to each other over Pittsburgh,  6/26/1986 #37925  
a at 11:10 that night. They stayed parallel to the driver's side of the veh 11/25/1986 #38078  
ers now can see the lights, flying parallel to each other and to the plane  3/12/1987 #38139  
right green ball of light traveled parallel to his bus and effected the bus 8/11/1987 #38242  
 the same as Phobos. Its sides are parallel and both of the ends are rounde 3/25/1989 #38881  
ight lights, some downward, others parallel to the horizon. Loginov watches 10/1989 #39138  
t red fireball going quickly south parallel / ground at 200M altitude.      10/26/1989 #39187  
 There was also a red light moving parallel to the ground in a horizontal f 3/21/1990 #39476  
ZIMBABWE Small blue fireball flies parallel / ground low altitude / 15M. Wi 6/14/1991 #40096  
ter to his left that begius to fly parallel to the helicopters. The other p 11/1992 #40700  
s him. As it approaches again on a parallel course, the object releases thr 4/28/1993 #40953  
n another account of the same or a parallel incident, at 10:18 in nearby Ha 9/16/1994 #41755  
They also had several smile-shaped parallel ridges on their faces. The smal 9/20/1994 #41765  
. Suddenly they pivot 90° and move parallel with the road toward the southe 12/29/1994 #41910  
object then makes a turn and flies parallel to the 727. It looks like an in 7/31/1995 #42347  
g/work-for-others sector, (4) runs parallel to and separate from convention 8/22/1998 #43635  
lew over the city at 10:30 p.m. in parallel formation.                      9/26/1998 #43653  
 to the height of some power lines parallel to the road, and then paced the 1/2/2001 #44116  
own equipment and software with no parallel runs against the legacy softwar 6/2004 #44706  
 luminous object moving slowly and parallel to the aircraft. The flight pla Late 7/2005 #44857  
eacon states there are a number of parallel timelines, lots of branches; an 10/2006 #44970  
Ontario a cigar-shaped object flew parallel to the highway at midnight, gli 1/13/2007 #45000  
. The second one followed the same parallel path about 40 meters difference 6/1/2008 #45145  
 sees an unidentified light moving parallel to them for about three minutes 1/6/2019 #45556  
tude of 7,500 feet around the 55th parallel over northern Manitoba. The CIR 1/6/2019 #45556  
heading away from the aircraft and parallel to the border without crossing  3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "parallel-universe" (Back to Top)
made contact with an entity from a parallel-universe and received messages  7/2011 #45330  
## Word: "paralleled" (Back to Top)
e vapor trail. The objects' course paralleled that of the carrier. The dura 5/29/1952 #6385  
rainer. One white light 8lowed and paralleled the course of the T-33 for 10 11/29/1960 #16520  
g at 150 feet altitude. The object paralleled the hilly terrain in a contro 8/11/1982 #36571  
         An orange nocturnal light paralleled a car into Colborne, Ontario  6/15/1993 #41018  
## Word: "parallelepiped" (Back to Top)
bout 4 feet tall in the shape of a parallelepiped topped by an oval where a 8/9/1972 #26889  
## Word: "paralleling" (Back to Top)
ree white, teardrop-shaped objects paralleling the plane. Navigational need 8/28/1945 #1930  
r of mountains 5 miles away. It is paralleling the course of a landing C-47 7/12/1947 #3159  
denly reappears on the other side, paralleling them for 2–3 seconds. The ob 1/20/1951 #5407  
eld (near), IN Co-pilot saw object paralleling the plane then dropping down 7/12/1952 #6777  
long at their 11 o’clock position, paralleling their course at the same alt 12/29/1952 #8462  
town when she saw an aerial object paralleling the path of her car, but tra 5/16/1966 #20490  
eter and 3 miles away and has been paralleling their course for 5–6 minutes 7/25/1973 #27650  
s saw a silvery disc-shaped object paralleling their car and then crossing  10/26/1981 #36190  
## Word: "parallelogram" (Back to Top)
saw a UFO that looked like a green parallelogram. They watched it for 8-10  8/26/1947 #3372  
 sky. It seems to be shaped like a parallelogram, but they can’t tell how h Early 1/1979 #34280  
## Word: "parallels" (Back to Top)
er(s). Unidentified green fireball parallels C54 transport / 10 second(s).  8/22/1952 #7674  
n climbs rapidly to 1,000 feet and parallels the airliner at a higher altit 6/3/1957 #13698  
 50–75 feet from the road. The UFO parallels their car at first, then the l 3/22/1959 #15665  
er(s). Very large silent red ovoid parallels A19 going quickly southeast. O 8/24/1974 #29380  
 on the right side of the road. It parallels them as they turn left on Seri 2/8/1986 #37783  
OBOURG, ONTARIO Orange night light parallels car / PR2 into Colborne. 2 sma 6/15/1993 #41016  
## Word: "paralysis" (Back to Top)
 8:00 p.m. He then felt a tingling paralysis, and heard a humming or rushin 5/8/1880 #233  
ly out of sight. Only then did the paralysis subside.                       6/19/1951 #5545  
 and climb rapidly after that. The paralysis subsides.                      6/19/1951 #5546  
ly out of sight. Only then did the paralysis subside.                       6/19/1951 #5547  
cally, then moves gently away. His paralysis ceases. A rush of air shakes h 9/12/1954 #10290  
and felt "pricklings and a sort of paralysis." The object emitted a burst o 10/5/1954 #10727  
 prickling sensation and a form of paralysis. The glowing UFO emitted a bur 10/5/1954 #10739  
 Luminous object / ground. Partial paralysis / bicyclers. Gone / flash.     10/7/1954 #10771  
. The headlights come back on, the paralysis ends, and the engine can be re 10/11/1954 #10938  
his hand. Freed from the temporary paralysis, he runs to attack the intrude 10/19/1954 #11243  
id (or Grey) zaps man / tube. Temp paralysis. Flies / cone-saucer. Whirr! / 10/20/1954 #11267  
his hand. Freed from the temporary paralysis he ran to attack the intruder, 10/20/1954 #11283  
d. Electric shocks and temporarily paralysis. / LDLN#325.                   10/27/1954 (approximate) #11427  
 not stall. The object leaves, the paralysis goes away, and the car returns 11/13/1954 #11639  
e dwarfs took the rabbits, and the paralysis wore off when the UFO took off 11/14/1954 #11655  
s unable to move. As soon as this "paralysis" subsided, he ran to get his b 12/29/1954 #11875  
r zapped / blue light. Temporarily paralysis. Small humanoid (or Grey) on d 6/1955 #12171  
r blinks. White night lights pace. Paralysis. Lights going up / field..     11/16/1957 #14564  
ird witness suffered from temporay paralysis. He reportedly suffered from h 8/30/1962 #17374  
ed disc approached, buzzing sound; paralysis and shock See Section IV (E,L) 9/14/1965 #19558  
tric shock, and suffered temporary paralysis. He could not move or speak, a 9/14/1965 #19561  
Going up and down. Bee buzz sound. Paralysis..                              1/20/1966 #19860  
arming bees and caused a temporary paralysis of the four witnesses inside t 1/20/1966 #19862  
ear ground, whistling sound; heat, paralysis, car vibrating road sign, Flyi 1/11/1967 #21286  
 heat and a temporary sensation of paralysis. He watched a nearby road sign 1/11/1967 #21288  
amily except her enters a state of paralysis “as if time had stopped for th 1/25/1967 #21386  
ring, rocking; witness felt shock, paralysis. See Section VI (E,R,L) car (N 3/8/1967 #21800  
ring, rocking, witness felt shock, paralysis. (See Section VI) (E.R.L.) car 3/8/1967 #21812  
was a fire, the witnesses stopped. Paralysis and ignition interference were 3/8/1967 #21813  
y [to] over 2 observer(s). Partial paralysis and insomnia later. / r30.     10/1/1967 (approximate) #23158  
ectro-magnetic effect (EME). Brief paralysis. / APRO and more / r24 5'68+/  3/3/1968 #23810  
dphones. While he is in a state of paralysis, they question him via telepat 7/17/1968 #24185  
ered in front of car, witness felt paralysis. Flying Saucer Review Case His 3/11/1969 #24996  
n arriving home, D'Annunzio felt a paralysis in both his arms. He could wal 9/20/1971 #26354  
litary hospital for treatment. His paralysis continued until four p.m. the  9/20/1971 #26354  
next seven months he suffered from paralysis in his arms, starting at midni 9/20/1971 #26354  
craft. The witness was frozen with paralysis during the event, which lasted 4/21/1972 #26656  
ed, and the driver was frozen with paralysis for over a minute.             3/25/1973 #27377  
ano, Corisica, France E-M effects, paralysis, cold felt; bright object rose 7/21/1973 #27644  
elieves that Roach underwent sleep paralysis, was influenced by some abduct 10/16/1973 #28088  
g north. Turns going quickly east. Paralysis.                               10/22/1973 #28231  
e roadside, causing them temporary paralysis. The object turned and flew to 10/22/1973 #28242  
ich seemed to release him from the paralysis. They walked away, and the car 1/29/1976 #30833  
him to become frozen in place with paralysis. It stopped some 20 to 25 feet 6/23/1976 #31135  
sation and suffered from temporary paralysis. He later claimed to be healed 9/6/1976 #31350  
Witness felt electric shock, heat, paralysis. Physiological and physical ef 2/18/1977 #31827  
eam tries / abduction man. Partial paralysis. Burnt and sick.               7/1977 #32213  
 p.m. As the beam struck her body, paralysis spread throughout her body acc 9/10/1977 #32478  
LIA, ITL 3 / car. Dark box / road. Paralysis. Heat. Box going up. Shoots be 2/1978 #32933  
 like constant mental struggle her paralysis subsided and she was finally a 2/15/1978 #32971  
 saucer beams going down / 2 boys. Paralysis and apparent abduction. Other  6/14/1978 #33277  
bian Navy officer suffer temporary paralysis when a flying object buzzes th 8/1978 #33459  
 Throbs. Observer(s) / tingles and paralysis. Frogs avoid.                  8/26/1978 #33570  
triangles hovered over road; heat, paralysis, physiological effects, car sl 1/5/1979 #34298  
ated as well. Ms. Emery felt heat, paralysis, and she had a skin rash as th 1/5/1979 #34306  
rge ovoid over dog house. Pain and paralysis. 50 minutes / missing time. Ob 2/1979 #34395  
and headlights, and he experienced paralysis and other physiological effect 2/5/1979 #34406  
ons. Szomborg, feeling symptoms of paralysis and temporary blindness, manag 8/23/1979 #34768  
ppear. When the craft was gone the paralysis went away.                     12/4/1979 #35052  
otorboat, one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiologi 7/31/1981 #36043  
otorboat, one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiologi 7/31/1981 #36044  
otorboat, one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiologi 7/31/1981 #36045  
otorboat, one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiologi 7/31/1981 #36046  
tube with sphere beneath. Heat and paralysis..                              10/22/1981 #36181  
creased body heat, loss of speech, paralysis and weight loss.               10/31/1981 #36198  
         A bedroom visitation with paralysis occurred on this night to four 11/27/1983 #37050  
istant feel unexplained terror and paralysis, remaining rooted to the spot. 2/1984 #37172  
antenna rotates. It caused witness paralysis and radio interference.        3/14/1992 #40380  
rvey assess the respondents’ sleep paralysis, dreams of flying, missing tim 5/1992 #40439  
ing the “Old Hag” imagery of sleep paralysis.                               6/13/1992 #40492  
eing was scanning her mind. A cold paralysis or electric sensation spread t 2/2/1995 #42013  
resist but some invisible force or paralysis kept him still. He experienced 4/13/1998 #43550  
## Word: "paralytic" (Back to Top)
, Cameron experiments with various paralytic drugs, electroconvulsive thera 2/1957 #13481  
## Word: "paralyze" (Back to Top)
 out from behind some boulders and paralyze her. The women have light blond 9/13/1989 #39098  
oom while she is still awake. They paralyze her and move her into the livin 11/30/1989 #39283  
## Word: "paralyzed" (Back to Top)
NA, ARK Woman on porch temporarily paralyzed as saucer hovers 30M away. Fee 10/15/1935 #1236  
around 11:00 p.m. at night. He was paralyzed and was floated up to the top  2/15/1950 #4538  
 within 50 meters he suddenly felt paralyzed, and he observed that birds an 3/19/1950 #4683  
ow. Observer(s) and birds and cows paralyzed. 4 pseudo-human/entity work on 6/19/1951 #5544  
hing within 50 m, he found himself paralyzed and observed that birds had st 6/19/1951 #5545  
n 150 feet of it, he finds himself paralyzed and notices that birds have st 6/19/1951 #5546  
within 50 meters, he found himself paralyzed and observed that birds had st 6/19/1951 #5547  
rest. They get out of bed but feel paralyzed. Then suddenly and inexplicabl 3/22/1953 #8775  
 and long arms. The abductees were paralyzed, taken aboard a domed disc, an 3/22/1953 #8776  
beam observer(s) / tube. Gestures. Paralyzed. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR)  4/1954 (approximate) #9655  
ts left the craft. The witness was paralyzed by a beam of light.            4/1/1954 #9660  
bserver(s) feels and hits it. Temp paralyzed. / FSRv32#5.                   4/24/1954 #9715  
the base of a large rock. He feels paralyzed for a few minutes, but the obj Late 4/1954 #9720  
reys) exit. Cows fall. Observer(s) paralyzed.                               8/1954 #10074  
ied to stop them, he found himself paralyzed as a strong orange light was p 9/10/1954 #10284  
ts within 6 feet, he finds himself paralyzed as a powerful orange beam of l 9/10/1954 #10286  
them, he found himself blinded and paralyzed by a strong orange beam of lig 9/10/1954 #10288  
it by a luminous beam of light and paralyzed. The object took off going str 9/11/1954 #10289  
s. Exits / 10' saucer. Observer(s) paralyzed. / r112p91+/ r217p71.          9/19/1954 #10357  
 (or Greys) exit. Observer(s) temp paralyzed / ray. / r30p86.               9/25/1954 #10443  
covered with hair. A beam of light paralyzed both of the witnesses, and one 9/25/1954 #10444  
bout 50 m away, and found himself "paralyzed" as three figures emerged from 9/28/1954 #10485  
d three figures emerge. He is then paralyzed and loses consciousness. There 9/28/1954 #10488  
 50 meters away, and found himself paralyzed while three figures emerged fr 9/28/1954 #10490  
ly nailed to the spot. He is thus “paralyzed” during the whole observation  9/30/1954 #10517  
               BRY, FR Man and dog paralyzed / luminous white object dives  10/1/1954 #10542  
ry, France A man and his dog were "paralyzed" as a luminous white object di 10/1/1954 #10557  
. An anonymous man and his dog are paralyzed as a luminous white object div 10/1/1954 #10566  
Bry, Nord department, France were "paralyzed" and frozen in place when a lu 10/1/1954 #10573  
er, walking awkwardly as if partly paralyzed.                               Early 10/1954 #10609  
 to within 450 feet, and they feel paralyzed with faintness as a nitrobenze 10/5/1954 #10734  
about 80 cm high, he found himself paralyzed.                               10/6/1954 #10754  
 soldier approaches it, he becomes paralyzed.                               10/6/1954 #10757  
about 80 cm high, he found himself paralyzed.  Finally, at 10:30 p.m. two w 10/6/1954 #10761  
isphere lands / field. Farmer temp paralyzed and gasps for air. / Lumieres  10/7/1954 #10774  
e witness gasped for air and felt "paralyzed."                              10/7/1954 #10785  
he Route N23 road. They are almost paralyzed, then the UFO leaves, flying l 10/7/1954 #10788  
e witness gasped for air and felt "paralyzed."                              10/7/1954 #10798  
 into the forest. The witness was "paralyzed" throughout the incident. The  10/9/1954 #10849  
t into the forest. The witness was paralyzed and was unable to movethrougho 10/9/1954 #10867  
eddish point. Both witnesses were "paralyzed" until the craft left. A third 10/11/1954 #10930  
the headlights go out. They become paralyzed and see on the ground, 150 fee 10/11/1954 #10938  
ithin 2O m of it and found himself paralyzed. The craft took off, throwing  10/13/1954 #10998  
oaches to within 60–70 feet and is paralyzed. The UFO soon takes off. Defin 10/13/1954 #11000  
 20 meters of it and found himself paralyzed. The craft took off, throwing  10/13/1954 #11004  
e seemed to slow down and he felt "paralyzed." He then saw in a field near  10/16/1954 #11143  
e seemed to slow down and he felt "paralyzed. " He then saw in a field near 10/16/1954 #11149  
 walking awkwardly as if partialIy paralyzed.                               10/17/1954 #11173  
 walking awkwardly as if partially paralyzed.                               10/17/1954 #11179  
g speed. Just then the witness was paralyzed by a red beam of light coming  10/17/1954 #11180  
ce Driver of light truck felt half paralyzed, motor began missing; dark elo 10/18/1954 #11206  
As he goes around a bend, he feels paralyzed and his truck slows down to le 10/18/1954 #11212  
oad at 5:30 p.m. when he felt half paralyzed and his van's motor began miss 10/18/1954 #11218  
ed witness felt like his legs were paralyzed. Inside the object he could se 10/18/1954 #11224  
at the witness, who instantly felt paralyzed when struck by a beam of light 10/18/1954 #11225  
(electro-magnetic effects). Driver paralyzed and feels heat. Luminous UFO f 10/20/1954 #11265  
   Schirmeck, France Motorist felt paralyzed, motor stalled, heat felt; UFO 10/20/1954 #11268  
ject. The engine died, and he felt paralyzed: "My hands were as though glue 10/20/1954 #11273  
 of flashlight at him, and he felt paralyzed, until a motion he made when c 10/20/1954 #11274  
3. He continues to drive but feels paralyzed, his hands glued to the wheel. 10/20/1954 #11275  
ject. The engine died, and he felt paralyzed: "My hands were as though glue 10/20/1954 #11282  
m of light from it at him. He felt paralyzed and was unable to move until h 10/20/1954 #11283  
whole countryside. The witness was paralyzed. A dog barking about 100 m awa 10/21/1954 #11297  
whole countryside. The witness was paralyzed. A dog barking about 100 m awa 10/21/1954 #11306  
ither side of its head. Bousard is paralyzed for 10 minutes while the light 10/26/1954 #11418  
, and a head like a diving helmet. Paralyzed with terror, she regained self 10/27/1954 #11448  
lectric shocks and was temporarily paralyzed.                               10/27/1954 #11454  
 a diving helmet. At first she was paralyzed with terror, but she was able  10/27/1954 #11455  
 air. He finds himself temporarily paralyzed with a tingling in his hands.  11/8/1954 #11600  
erhaps a day later, he felt almost paralyzed all day, and was in the infirm 11/9/1954 #11611  
t lands and takes off. Observer(s) paralyzed briefly. / r79p5.              11/13/1954 #11634  
f while he feIt pricklings and was paralyzed. The engine of the car slowed  11/13/1954 #11637  
feels a mild electric shock and is paralyzed. His car engine slows but does 11/13/1954 #11639  
f while he feIt pricklings and was paralyzed. The engine of his car slowed  11/13/1954 #11641  
rabbits to the UFO, but he becomes paralyzed. The UFO takes off, leaving a  11/14/1954 #11653  
r Greys) exit. 1 takes onions from paralyzed observer(s)! Missing time? / L 11/20/1954 #11676  
 a brilliant beam of energy. He is paralyzed and temporarily blinded but ma 11/28/1954 #11722  
ound. He tried to run away but was paralyzed by a violet beam aimed at him  12/19/1954 #11837  
n he tries to approach them, he is paralyzed by a violet beam aimed at him  12/19/1954 #11838  
en he attempted to approach he was paralyzed. The UFO left behind ground tr 12/19/1954 #11841  
es the witness fell to the ground, paralyzed. The shaft of energy was then  2/23/1955 #12016  
s on their chests. Mr. Droguet was paralyzed in place and could not move du 5/14/1955 #12132  
s over him, the man feels numb and paralyzed. The episode haunts him for th Fall 1956 #13238  
 Brazil A man suddenly fell, as if paralyzed, and his two companions then o 9/1957 #13964  
100 m diameter. They became nearly paralyzed and "felt a warm glow." They h 9/16/1957 #13999  
rs in diameter. They became nearly paralyzed and "felt a warm glow." They h 9/16/1957 #14002  
nt domed saucer lands. Observer(s) paralyzed. Car self-starts after.        10/25/1957? #14152  
 and disappeared. The witness was "paralyzed" during the observation. The o 11/5/1957 #14341  
 and disappeared. The witness was "paralyzed" during the observation. The o 11/5/1957 #14353  
.5 feet tall emerge. Stevens feels paralyzed. After a short time, the being 11/7/1957 #14459  
 its base to the ground. Seemingly paralyzed, he stares at the object for 4 3/1958 #14905  
rmal noises ceased. They both were paralyzed and were both then floated up  3/19/1959 #15654  
ve the ground, and he felt himself paralyzed. A man descended from the UFO  4/25/1959 #15713  
itude, perhaps 100 meters. He felt paralyzed and unable to move. In a spira 4/26/1959 #15714  
ened, he tried to run away but was paralyzed in his tracks, and time seemed 9/13/1959 #15973  
felt a current of cold air. He was paralyzed with fear when he saw a white  4/10/1962 #17106  
occurs in the city. Suddenly he is paralyzed by a light beam from an unseen 8/26/1962 #17362  
ifle lying nearby, but he is still paralyzed. After about 2 hours he is ret 8/26/1962 #17362  
d a finger at the witness who felt paralyzed.                               12/17/1962 #17589  
 the village, went toward it, was "paralyzed" when 10 m away. Two min later 1/11/1963 #17633  
 dome. He tries to approach but is paralyzed at 30 feet away. It ascends in 1/11/1963 #17634  
llage, went towards it, and became paralyzed and unable to move when he got 1/11/1963 #17635  
ing noise. The man was temporarily paralyzed during the encounter, which la 6/15/1964 #18364  
hed witness, who froze, apparently paralyzed                                1/19/1965 #18747  
Martinez, 37, reported that he was paralyzed during the landing of a silent 4/1965 #18885  
cil-like object at Masse and he is paralyzed. They enter the UFO through a  7/1/1965 #19047  
 causing him to become temporarily paralyzed and unable to move. They spoke 7/1/1965 #19049  
La Punta, west of the city. He was paralyzed and unable to move during this 8/9/1965 #19350  
. Motorbike engine failed, witness paralyzed, shock, static electricity     9/14/1965 #19559  
ks toward the object, but he feels paralyzed as the flashing blue light bec 9/14/1965 #19560  
uickly going down / car. Passenger paralyzed / electric shock. Cone maneuve 4/24/1966 #20393  
 side of Viola’s body is partially paralyzed. She is in satisfactory condit 4/24/1966 #20404  
g store owner reported that he was paralyzed with fear as he observed a lar 10/26/1966 #21036  
hree girls quickly became weak and paralyzed, unable to cry out or do more  1/25/1967 #21388  
agnetic effects). 2 observer(s). 1 paralyzed / 20 mile(s). / MJ#210+/ r83p1 3/8/1967 #21791  
 tingling electric shocks and felt paralyzed in close presence to the objec 3/8/1967 #21818  
ing another one. She suddenly felt paralyzed, and then lost track of time.  4/2/1967 #22048  
es are visible. The witnesses seem paralyzed or at least extremely distract 5/1967 #22255  
cle / light going down / paperboy. Paralyzed. Missing time. Possible abduct 5/12/1967 #22321  
ver dog / dining room. Observer(s) paralyzed. Dog dies / 3 days.            6/1967 #22435  
      SUMMERDALE, PA 2 observer(s) paralyzed. 10' ovoid spins overhead. Hig 6/13/1967 #22500  
p" sound like sonar. All four felt paralyzed at this point. Ritter's next r 10/24/1967 #23310  
from him. He felt as though he was paralyzed. Shortly, two men over six fee 1/25/1968 #23700  
rsicujo and Krero." Only partially paralyzed, Cobo noted these words, writi 1/25/1968 #23700  
d probes into the hides of several paralyzed cows in the field. The UFO the 1/26/1968 #23704  
pleton, Massachusetts. She becomes paralyzed, her face is immobile, and her 2/27/1968 #23786  
rhead, and the witness was briefly paralyzed.                               3/3/1968 #23813  
ts up the room. She feels somewhat paralyzed and is getting a mental messag 6/15/1968 #24039  
f his right wrist and he then felt paralyzed and lost consciousness. Neighb 6/19/1968 #24051  
d disappeared. Velazquez was found paralyzed on one side by a stroke, cause 6/19/1968 #24051  
 give odd written message. Animals paralyzed. Traces. / r8#916.             7/2/1968 #24123  
. The witness's horse and dog were paralyzed for several minutes. (Magonia  7/2/1968 #24127  
. The witness's horse and dog were paralyzed for several minutes. The boy a 7/2/1968 #24130  
.” The witness’s horse and dog are paralyzed for several minutes. The boy a 7/2/1968 #24131  
Oscar found both his horse and dog paralyzed, and unable to move for some m 7/2/1968 #24133  
egan to dim and she felt partially paralyzed. In a corner of the room she s 7/15/1968 #24179  
hones. They quickly approached and paralyzed him, and he was unable to run  7/17/1968 #24186  
, and she found that her legs were paralyzed. (David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher 7/22/1968 #24202  
r, and she finds that her legs are paralyzed. Putting her hands up to her f 7/22/1968 #24204  
, and she found that her legs were paralyzed. Putting her hands up to her f 7/22/1968 #24205  
Z Powerplant guard buzzed / probe. Paralyzed / 3 men. Fly away / VW bus. /  7/23/1968 #24207  
 working, and the witness remained paralyzed without being able to move. Mo 7/25/1968 #24227  
alk towards the witness, who stood paralyzed with fear. The figure then sud 8/8/1968 #24310  
 overhead. Observer(s) temporarily paralyzed. Red and blue flashes. AOK aft 8/31/1968 #24405  
car when both men found themselves paralyzed. They were soon face to face w 9/1/1968 #24422  
, both motionless. Schneider feels paralyzed and begins to converse telepat 9/26/1968 #24516  
bright flash Pereira found himself paralyzed. He could see that inside the  10/2/1968 #24538  
d retracts beam / light! Observers paralyzed.                               10/13/1968 #24559  
, leaving his right side partially paralyzed. After this close encounter in 11/1/1968 #24620  
th of France 3:55 a.m. A partially paralyzed Algerian veteran, Dr. X, has s 11/2/1968 #24625  
 people closest to the beings were paralyzed, while the others felt dazed a 11/21/1968 #24676  
n it hit him, he felt pain and was paralyzed; as the UFO took off, almost h 2/6/1969 #24897  
m in the thigh. He feels faint and paralyzed as the UFO takes off. His frie 2/7/1969 #24901  
en it hit him he felt pain and was paralyzed. The UFO took off in a horizon 2/7/1969 #24902  
drives through luminous dome. Temp paralyzed. / r30p292.                    3/11/1969 #24992  
netic effects). Driver temporarily paralyzed. / r79p45.                     3/11/1969 #24994  
Julien, France and was temporarily paralyzed.                               3/11/1969 #24997  
 man named Randi, temporarily felt paralyzed. After the light flew away, bo 3/11/1969 #24998  
ype of force field and temporarily paralyzed.                               3/14/1969 #25013  
o-magnetic effects). 2 observer(s) paralyzed. Back 2 minute(s) later.       4/15/1969 #25063  
i, Chile in Coquimbo province were paralyzed and their truck engine died wh 4/15/1969 #25064  
         NOVA LIMA, BRZ 1 observer paralyzed as silent 14M saucer descends. 5/20/1969 #25149  
which came down toward him. He was paralyzed and could not move to re-enter 5/20/1969 #25151  
s hide from view. A beam of energy paralyzed the exposed arms of two of the 6/3/1969 #25194  
obbing. His muscles feel frozen or paralyzed as if he is receiving a severe 6/19/1969 #25227  
 by a yellow-orange light beam and paralyzed by fright. As the object ascen 7/25/1970 #25750  
rd / dam shoots / UFO. Blinded and paralyzed. Slow recovery. / r193#25.     8/30/1970 #25811  
mes at the UFO. He was blinded and paralyzed when struck by a beam of energ 8/30/1970 #25816  
ity guard in Guanabara, Brazil was paralyzed after firing on a UFO with mul 9/9/1970 #25832  
his time she realized that she was paralyzed and couldn't move. After a min 10/5/1970 #25870  
server(s) and sheep weightless and paralyzed. / r50p31.                     12/1970 #25924  
ore silvery spacesuits. The beings paralyzed them and loaded them onto a wa 1/1/1971 #25966  
 but his arms became so completely paralyzed that he could not use them to  9/20/1971 #26354  
brilliant white light hit him that paralyzed him until dawn. He noticed an  1/26/1972 #26556  
 / ground. Take goat away. (Looked paralyzed.)                              9/16/1972 (approximate) #27005  
urning oil. His arms and legs were paralyzed. After 30 seconds of this conf 9/27/1972 #27035  
 humanoids (or Greys). Raises gun. Paralyzed.                               10/28/1972 #27093  
s gun to shoot but feels strangely paralyzed and confused. The beings reent 10/28/1972 #27095  
if they were wearing hoods. He was paralyzed when he did this. A blinding f 10/28/1972 #27097  
France. The driver was temporarily paralyzed during the encounter.          2/25/1973 #27317  
eturning for her. Her left arm was paralyzed, so she was taken to a doctor  2/26/1973 #27318  
 northeast overhead. 2 observer(s) paralyzed. No traces.                    7/3/1973 #27611  
        GAVIGNANO, CORSICA 1 / car paralyzed. Car malfunctions due to EME ( 7/21/1973 #27643  
in Gavignano, Corsica, France felt paralyzed at the same time as the lights 7/21/1973 #27646  
ing around and touching him. He is paralyzed and can only move his eyes. He 7/27/1973 #27656  
d / field. Observer(s) temporarily paralyzed. / r231.                       9/19/1973 (approximate) #27835  
ards them. The two become numb and paralyzed as the entities carry them int 10/11/1973 #27997  
 and a woman, approach him. Nearly paralyzed by the light from the UFO, Lla 10/28/1973 #28309  
uge waves and beams / observer(s). Paralyzed. Going quickly south. / Flying 3/28/1974 #28965  
ting in a deep trough. They remain paralyzed for 20 minutes until the UFO t 3/29/1974 #28968  
very color." They found themselves paralyzed and unable to move as the obje 8/5/1974 #29311  
aucer lands / beach. 2 observer(s) paralyzed / beams. 3 small humanoids (or 8/31/1974 #29404  
her." The vivid lights temporarily paralyzed the observers. From the object 8/31/1974 #29405  
 Argentina, when he is blinded and paralyzed by a beam of light. He revives 1/4/1975 #29715  
nt beam of light and found himself paralyzed. He then heard a humming noise 1/5/1975 #29723  
 from domed disc, witness injured, paralyzed, by flash of light (NICAP UFO  2/14/1975 #29810  
 from domed disc, witness injured, paralyzed, by flash of light             2/14/1975 #29811  
boy who had been touched sat down, paralyzed either by the touch or fear, b 2/23/1975 #29839  
he experience. Some reported being paralyzed by a blue light. (Source: Char 10/25/1975 #30469  
he experience. Some reported being paralyzed by a blue light.               10/25/1975 #30472  
 to get back into his car but felt paralyzed and unable to move. As the men 1/29/1976 #30833  
ectly overhead. He realized he was paralyzed and could not move when he saw 4/2/1976 #30978  
ectly overhead. He realized he was paralyzed and could not move when he saw 4/2/1976 #30980  
nd Barroso, who immediately become paralyzed. A door opens on the UFO and t 4/3/1976 #30983  
moving westward. Suddenly he feels paralyzed as the light approaches and de 6/23/1976 #31134  
“tingly”. Eventually he too became paralyzed. While this was going on, an o 8/1/1976 #31219  
nd draw their weapons, they become paralyzed like statues. The smoke cloud  Early 9/1976 #31326  
found by his neighbors. His leg is paralyzed, so he goes to Azambuja hospit 9/3/1976 #31335  
ing figure / very long arms. Guard paralyzed. Post radio RFIs. Circle / bur 12/12/1976 #31595  
t. Mr. Hermann’s neck muscles were paralyzed, but he was able to run outsid 12/12/1976 #31596  
Colonel. The Colonel was instantly paralyzed, according to the report. Orde 1977 #31658  
g gear. Both of the observers were paralyzed and frozen in place for five m 1/5/1977 #31699  
ncord, where for 15 minutes he was paralyzed and unable to move. He called  2/2/1977 #31781  
hingly at the witness, who was now paralyzed with fear. He was so terrified 2/24/1977 #31846  
r just outside window. Observer(s) paralyzed / one hour. Rises going quickl 8/28/1977 #32430  
ghbor's house and was also briefly paralyzed by a light beam. Both husband  10/29/1977 #32633  
ilver sphere/orb/globe lands. Cows paralyzed. 2 pseudo-human/entity measure 1/27/1978 #32916  
on a nearby field seemed to become paralyzed and unable to move. Using a me 1/27/1978 #32917  
s on a nearby field seem to become paralyzed, unable to move. Using a metal 1/27/1978 #32919  
on a nearby field seemed to become paralyzed and unable to move. Using a me 1/27/1978 #32921  
LVA, BRZ Boy abduction / 81 hours. Paralyzed. Saucer and 3 helmeted small h 3/24/1978 #33076  
uddenly he falls flat on his back, paralyzed. After a short time, he starts 3/24/1978 #33078  
nside he drops to the floor, still paralyzed, and sees three entities about 3/24/1978 #33078  
also missing. He also seemed to be paralyzed. After three days later in the 3/24/1978 #33079  
two boys. The boys found they were paralyzed and couldn't move. They report 6/14/1978 #33278  
Virginia. The boys found they were paralyzed and couldn't move. They report 6/14/1978 #33279  
T. SONA, IT 4 military observer(s) paralyzed. 40' saucer going down. Dims / 7/4/1978 #33328  
ing suits. The four witnesses were paralyzed and could not move during the  7/4/1978 #33337  
 leg. One being approached the now paralyzed witness, making gestures as if 7/11/1978 #33368  
UNJA, COLOMBIA 2 / car temporarily paralyzed as UFO buzzes car. Motor and l 8/1978 #33454  
was shot at the Colonel and he was paralyzed by the humanoid who was descri 8/1978 #33460  
a strange smell, one man's leg was paralyzed, he felt nauseous, and lost co 8/23/1978 #33557  
en in Germany earlier in the day), paralyzed the witness. He tried to run,  8/24/1978 #33568  
nd lights of his car die. He feels paralyzed as he watches a domed disc com 9/17/1978 #33701  
hat like in shape. He found he was paralyzed and could not move, as he watc 9/17/1978 #33703  
NZA, ITL Ovoid / hill. Observer(s) paralyzed. 4 5' small humanoids (or Grey 9/21/1978 #33720  
Two other soldiers with him remain paralyzed for a few seconds. The entity  9/23/1978 #33736  
2M men exit and take stones. Guard paralyzed. / FSRv25#3.                   12/6/1978 #34061  
tted against the light. He becomes paralyzed and can vaguely remember being 12/8/1978 #34077  
ding in front of the light. He was paralyzed, and vaguely remembered odd li 12/8/1978 #34078  
shot from it and she felt slightly paralyzed by one of them. Her watch had  12/12/1978 #34098  
shot from it and she felt slightly paralyzed by one of them. She lost track 12/12/1978 #34100  
lectro-magnetic effect (EME). Tech paralyzed. Saucer going [to] Mt. Sasso.  12/24/1978 #34200  
 out of calibration. Franchi feels paralyzed and falls to the ground. Sudde 12/24/1978 #34201  
hen flipped over and became a bed. Paralyzed, he was unable to move and not 1/3/1979 #34292  
ttachments. Jean clung to her sink paralyzed but then, she says, she also s 1/4/1979 #34296  
 to run), and she feels completely paralyzed. The closest object is only 30 1/5/1979 #34302  
ean was left clinging to the sink, paralyzed, but she next suddenly also fl 1/5/1979 #34304  
 sit down. Once seated the boy was paralyzed and unable to move from the ch 1/13/1979 #34339  
NHA, BRZ 2M UFO zaps man on fence. Paralyzed. Never recovers. Object going  5/1979 #34531  
umanoids came out of the craft and paralyzed him with red beams of light, f 6/18/1979 #34616  
umanoids came out of the craft and paralyzed him with red beams of light, f 6/18/1979 #34618  
claims his dogs’ front legs become paralyzed 6 months later and he has to p 8/1979 #34692  
 and examined her. The witness was paralyzed during the encounter. She late 9/3/1979 #34831  
              VASTERVIK, SWD Woman paralyzed. UFO 1M overhead. 2 thin 180cm 12/4/1979 #35047  
ng a walk when she suddenly became paralyzed and unable to move. Nearby, sh 12/4/1979 #35050  
k, Sweden when she suddenly became paralyzed and unable to move. Nearby, sh 12/4/1979 #35052  
 its hand to her, but she remained paralyzed. They continued to talk betwee 12/4/1979 #35052  
                Two aliens briefly paralyzed a female witness in Araguari,  2/2/1980 #35154  
a light beam on the chest and felt paralyzed. Perceived communication, appa 12/4/1980 #35695  
s six of them lying flat as though paralyzed with fear. Wagner sees an oran 7/22/1981 #36023  
o witnesses. One man, age 35, felt paralyzed and couldn't move his body or  7/31/1981 #36050  
ld not move or yell because he was paralyzed.                               4/20/1982 #36448  
ck in the evening a luminous globe paralyzed a 45-year-old man, Mr. S. Gasp 7/17/1983 #36913  
n he stepped out of his van he was paralyzed by a beam of light. Four small 8/9/1983 #36940  
ommand not to do so or he would be paralyzed.                               2/1984 #37172  
 / hill. Light / head. Observer(s) paralyzed. Red sphere/orb/globe lands. P 10/9/1984 #37482  
aches the window but finds himself paralyzed for a few seconds. The light t 10/9/1984 #37484  
and domed helmets. The witness was paralyzed and abducted, and remembers be 3/1/1985 #37564  
ck Moor. The band remembers being “paralyzed with awe” for several minutes  7/14/1985 #37619  
ature on the hill he was instantly paralyzed, lifted up a few feet, and pul 12/1/1987 #38345  
h row / lit portholes. Observer(s) paralyzed.                               12/12/1987 #38355  
s bed two hours later; his arm was paralyzed.                               10/24/1988 #38687  
 in her head and became completely paralyzed. The next thing she knew it wa 6/29/1989 #38997  
king sound that woke her. She felt paralyzed and a strong tingling sensatio 8/10/1989 #39053  
It soon vanishes. The girl remains paralyzed a while, the tips of her finge 10/11/1989 #39161  
over her. She then felt completely paralyzed and was unable to move, and co 10/31/1989 #39199  
e of the pyramids, but he remained paralyzed, and felt the ground under him 10/31/1989 #39200  
truck by a blue ray of light which paralyzed her. She had trouble breathing 2/18/1990 #39422  
e blue light overhead. Observer(s) paralyzed. OK when object vanishes.      3/1991 #39988  
is eyes begin to burn and he feels paralyzed, as if he is being sucked into 5/12/1991 #40057  
ch farm. Observer(s) levitated and paralyzed. Saucer going south.           9/30/1991 #40198  
 guiding her son down the hallway. Paralyzed at first, when the being was o 3/4/1992 #40354  
od next to her. She was completely paralyzed and apparently her pet cat was 4/3/1992 #40408  
 see anything. Suddenly, he became paralyzed, and saw the approach of two b 4/12/1992 #40414  
erzo, Italy suddenly found himself paralyzed and observed two humanoid figu 4/20/1992 #40425  
nnersville, Indiana reported being paralyzed in his bed in the early mornin 5/12/1992 #40462  
nly became cold. Paca again became paralyzed and was unable to speak, and o 9/24/1992 #40639  
 took her onboard the UFO. She was paralyzed while the humanoids performed  5/18/1993 #40984  
d object before he was temporarily paralyzed and frozen in place. The objec 2/26/1994 #41427  
ng quickly [to] car. Driver temp / paralyzed. / F. ridge.                   10/19/1994 #41807  
” He gets out of the car but feels paralyzed as if a magnet is holding him. 3/30/1995 #42127  
rt/apartment / 75 min. Observer(s) paralyzed. Heat. Hums.                   4/25/1995 #42174  
t coming from the object, and felt paralyzed. The incident lasted 75 minute 4/25/1995 #42175  
tried to move but found themselves paralyzed. At that moment the bedroom cu 12/4/1995 #42638  
ls. Van motor and lights quit. Man paralyzed. "Mind-scanned".               2/25/1996 #42778  
osis. The witnesses recalled being paralyzed inside their vehicle and seein 3/6/1996 #42809  
 to some trees. Suddenly he became paralyzed and unable to move. Beside the 6/21/1996 #42936  
, the being vanished. She remained paralyzed from her waist down, and she w 9/11/1997 #43405  
, the being vanished. She remained paralyzed from her waist down, and she w 9/12/1997 #43407  
l his legs go numb, and would feel paralyzed and unable to move. The roboti 10/15/1997 #43429  
jected into his body. He then felt paralyzed, and after a minute the needle 10/15/1997 #43429  
. At the same time they all became paralyzed. After three minutes the being 11/7/1998 #43678  
glowing blue rod, which apparently paralyzed the witness. He telepathically 7/12/2000 #44015  
 disappeared. The witness remained paralyzed for an additional 10 to 15 min 7/16/2000 #44020  
ly seized by a strange stupor that paralyzed her body. She was unable to mo 8/4/2001 #44225  
outside to gave at the UFO, almost paralyzed with fear. She got a very good 5/13/2003 #44536  
ut appeared to be either asleep or paralyzed. Locals reported that cattle m 9/5/2009 #45242  
## Word: "paralyzeduntil" (Back to Top)
oint of light. Both witnesses were paralyzeduntil the craft left. A third w 10/11/1954 #10946  
## Word: "paralyzes" (Back to Top)
meets a diving suit–clad being who paralyzes him, pulls him inside a UFO, a 1952? #5840  
t aims a light beam at Pugina that paralyzes him briefly. He only manages t 10/19/1954 #11243  
s) load rocks / saucer! Ray-device paralyzes observer(s). / r111p57+/ r138# 12/19/1954 #11834  
) moves slow and vanishes. "Shock" paralyzes observer(s).                   6/1956 #12875  
s himself shot with something that paralyzes his legs. Two small humanoid b 5/4/1969 #25114  
ant figure(s) hide from view. Beam paralyzes exposed arms.                  6/1969 #25180  
Walters is hit by a blue beam that paralyzes him and lifts him several feet 11/11/1987 #38322  
## Word: "paralyzing" (Back to Top)
 and the craft took off, emitting "paralyzing vibrations."                  12/20/1958 #15487  
 and the craft took off, emitting "paralyzing vibrations."                  12/20/1958 #15491  
ted pencil-like device at witness, paralyzing him. Strong physical trace ev 7/1/1965 #19046  
loser to the object and completely paralyzing him. A door now opened and Wi 11/28/1967 #23517  
 ball hits Pereira in the stomach, paralyzing him. The entities go inside,  10/2/1968 #24537  
fore he got to the middle of it, a paralyzing sound resembling loud heart b 8/16/1971 #26291  
verged on the witness, immediately paralyzing her. Feeling some pain and di 5/27/1973 #27535  
luminous beam of light struck him, paralyzing both him and his dog. The bei 5/26/1974 #29136  
ly swoops toward him and directs a paralyzing blue-white beam at him. Herma 3/18/1978 #33055  
 are “being shot with some type of paralyzing drug and the blood is being d 2/16/1979 #34429  
 through the windshield, partially paralyzing his forearms and hands. He st 1/12/1988 #38411  
## Word: "paramaraibo" (Back to Top)
                                   PARAMARAIBO, SURINAM 3+observer(s). 2+1  7/11/1947 #3126  
## Word: "paramaribo" (Back to Top)
                                   PARAMARIBO, SURNM Many observer(s). Moon 6/15/1950 #4987  
## Word: "paramedic" (Back to Top)
         Chicago, IL A 31-year-old paramedic was driving to pick up her hus 1/10/1978 #32868  
 Illinois 12:25 a.m. A 31-year-old paramedic is driving to pick up her husb 1/10/1978 #32869  
## Word: "parameter" (Back to Top)
taken from just outside the bases' parameter show lights moving in an anoma 2013 #45356  
## Word: "parameters" (Back to Top)
Saunders codes the cases with such parameters as source, date, time, locati Spring 1967 #21924  
 those that result from optimistic parameters for the Drake equation).      6/1974 #29154  
 data outside the SRI experimental parameters. The bases are located under  7/9/1974 #29253  
## Word: "paramilitary" (Back to Top)
network inside Cuba, and develop a paramilitary force to be introduced into 3/17/1960 #16200  
 in interrogations. Latin American paramilitary groups working for the CIA  7/1963 #17819  
 on the UAP issue, and states a UK paramilitary group has handled UAP crash 10/7/2022 #45773  
## Word: "paramount" (Back to Top)
                New York City Mars Paramount Pictures’ The War of the World 8/13/1953 #9068  
Bay, Papua New Guinea the son of a paramount chief sighted a domed disc-sha 7/22/1959 #15871  
                                   Paramount premieres Fire in the Sky, a f 3/12/1993 #40881  
## Word: "paramus" (Back to Top)
then faded out on a clear night in Paramus, New Jersey at 11:10 p.m. Two of 7/13/2002 #44360  
## Word: "parana" (Back to Top)
kers working northeast of Pitanga, Parana State, Brazil ran away when they  7/23/1947 #3219  
g over the ocean at Baranagua Bay, Parana State, Brazil was continuously bu 8/6/1954 #10107  
                         Curitiba, Parana State, Brazil - At 3:30 a.m. Mr.  11/13/1954 #11642  
, Sr. & Sra. Gazua were driving to Parana, Entre Rios province, Argentina a 6/3/1962 #17216  
                         CURITIBA, PARANA, BRZ Several observer(s). Squadro 8/3/1965 #19281  
                                   PARANA, ARG Boy photographs classic WW1- 9/6/1970 #25825  
                      In Londrina, Parana State, Brazil Joao Marques, age 3 1/4/1973 #27221  
craft. The object crossed over the Parana River into Entre Rios province.   9/23/1978 #33739  
                          MARINGA, PARANA, BRZ Freelance cameraman films gl 5/21/1986 #37885  
           At 7:30 p.m. in Guaira, Parana State, Brazil three beams of ligh 9/3/1992 #40609  
ning home from a party in Altonia, Parana, Brazil when he noticed what appe 3/15/1999 #43748  
ng on her verandah in Pato Branco, Parana, Brazil drinking some coffee when 12/5/1999 #43894  
ootball field in Quedas do Iguacu, Parana, Brazil. The two witnesses includ 7/29/2001 #44213  
## Word: "paranagua" (Back to Top)
                               OFF PARANAGUA, BRZ Orange fireball buzzes DC 8/5/1954 #10100  
                                   PARANAGUA, BRZ Hundreds / observer(s). L 10/3/1968 #24539  
## Word: "paranaiba" (Back to Top)
lying on top of a rock next to the Paranaiba River, miles from his original 4/20/1969 #25075  
## Word: "paranet" (Back to Top)
 The Usenet bulletin board service ParaNet is launched, managed by James J. 1/1/1986 #37745  
tement was likely uploaded to the "ParaNet" BBS system sometime in early 19 12/29/1987 #38377  
ennewitz, claims in a statement on ParaNet that he has independent confirma 12/29/1987 #38378  
 the alien presence on earth. Many ParaNet members question his assertions. 12/29/1987 #38378  
el Corbin becomes administrator of ParaNet, which runs through the mid-1990 1988 #38382  
 William Cooper and John Lear from ParaNet for bad behavior and peddling pr 10/26/1988 #38697  
## Word: "paranet&cufon" (Back to Top)
es night lights pacing / 30 min. / Paranet&CUFON. News.                     1/11/1987 #38097  
## Word: "paranoia" (Back to Top)
on, rumor, unnamed informants, and paranoia to defend and embellish the ori 3/25/1948 #3598  
 in order to prove his theory that paranoia is much more widespread in Spai 2/6/1966 #19888  
and Bennewitz developed delusional paranoia and was committed to a psychiat 11/17/1980 #35646  
r eight years of stress, fear, and paranoia, Paul Bennewitz has turned over 8/1988 #38611  
MJ-12 are bogus” and it feeds into paranoia of “new world order” to target  4/15/1993 #40934  
 defenses and could instigate mass paranoia if they gained control of US de 7/7/1999 #43798  
## Word: "paranoid" (Back to Top)
ly hospitalized and diagnozed with paranoid schizophrenia, he was able to r 6/8/1974 #29173  
 Myrna Hansen. Bennewitz, now very paranoid, meets him at the door with a g 6/3/1980 #35353  
 mental institution because of his paranoid conspiracy obsession.           9/28/1989 #39130  
s to conquer space. Hans-Adam grew paranoid and refused to invest another $ 5/22/1991 #40075  
## Word: "paranomal" (Back to Top)
or three days, and had a number of paranomal experiences, including a stock 10/27/1975 #30489  
ng: CIA officials in charge of the paranomal/extrasensory departments provi 12/15/1978 #34143  
## Word: "paranormal" (Back to Top)
vincing a population to believe in paranormal and fringe phenomena, or prop 4/14/1950 #4853  
ufologist Luis Schoenherr offers a paranormal explanation for UFOs, saying  3/1963 #17689  
urred in successive years. Strange paranormal phenomena began to take place 11/1/1968 #24620  
uld discuss his UFO experience and paranormal matters. Mr. Bied caused him  11/1/1968 #24620  
next day, and she has had psychic, paranormal experiences ever since the ev 4/22/1973 #27440  
is theories about UFOs and various paranormal phenomena, ultimately connect 1975 #29670  
aintain that UFO visions and other paranormal experiences are the psyche’s  1975 #29671  
fic Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal is launched at a specially co 4/30/1976 #31028  
 a revival of interest in UFOs and paranormal phenomena, as well as new sig 10/31/1977 #32643  
inced Bennewitz what he saw was of paranormal origin, UFOs, and Bennewitz d 11/17/1980 #35646  
could be developed by studying the paranormal. He discusses the remote-view 12/1980 #35686  
           St. Phillips, IN Highly paranormal activity and reported abducti 7/1984 #37384  
rnalists; cerealogist (advocate of paranormal explanations of crop circles) 9/9/1991 #40182  
ncounter various types of UFOs and paranormal phenomena, including cattle m Fall 1994 #41773  
tudy of various fringe science and paranormal topics, especially ufology. I 12/1995 #42635  
 usage of technologies that “hoax” paranormal experiences in the consciousn 8/22/1998 #43635  
a building that offers low rent to paranormal groups and projects. Joe Firm 2/20/2000 #43955  
who had started a cable access UFO/paranormal TV show. The UFO was estimate 11/13/2001 #44276  
returns home to suburban Virginia, paranormal phenomena plague his family,  7/2009 #45229  
S investigations into UAPs and the paranormal events at the Skinwalker Ranc 2/7/2011 #45313  
speakers Chuck and Nancy Wade; the Paranormal Rangers (Stanley Milford Jr.  7/1/2017 #45474  
to study UFO reports and purported paranormal phenomena. According to Steve 2/14/2020 #45633  
## Word: "paranormally" (Back to Top)
votes himself for several years to paranormally guided archaeological exped 12/2/1956 #13384  
## Word: "paraná" (Back to Top)
Colônia Goio-Bang Luiziana Mamboré Paraná Brazil José C. Higgens and some a 7/23/1947 #3218  
ated between Luiziana and Mamboré, Paraná, Brazil. On hearing a sharp sound 7/23/1947 #3218  
                             Urai, Paraná, Brazil 3:30 a.m. Railroad worker 11/14/1954 #11651  
ts near railroad tracks near Urai, Paraná, Brazil. They see him and run bac 11/14/1954 #11651  
                         Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil Rio de Janeiro 11:00 a.m. 12/14/1954 #11807  
 appear in the sky above Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Around 12:00 noon, they  12/14/1954 #11807  
        6 miles west of Arapongas, Paraná, Brazil Pilot Manoel Luiz Christó 5/2/1989 #38935  
e about 6 miles west of Arapongas, Paraná, Brazil, sees a huge circular lig 5/2/1989 #38935  
## Word: "parapet" (Back to Top)
rtion. They were behind a kind of "parapet" which hid them from the waist d 5/27/1973 #27535  
## Word: "paraphrases" (Back to Top)
 causes for UFOs, and Lord Hewlett paraphrases debunking arguments. The Ear 1/18/1979 #34358  
## Word: "parapsychological" (Back to Top)
                    An interesting parapsychological experiment closely tie 7/9/1959 #15829  
## Word: "parapsychologiques" (Back to Top)
naise de Recherches Ufologiques et Parapsychologiques in Ruffey-lès-Echirey 1979 #34256  
## Word: "parapsychologist" (Back to Top)
                       Mars French parapsychologist Albert de Rochas is ask 1895 #318  
ajuato, Mexico Glen Cove, Maine US parapsychologist Andrija Puharich and Du 7/1956 #12940  
ugh hypnosis sessions conducted by parapsychologist D. Scott Rogo, who give 1984 #37094  
includes ufologist Jacques Vallée, parapsychologist Harold E. Puthoff, astr 12/1995 #42635  
uitarist Tom DeLonge, engineer and parapsychologist Harold E. Puthoff, and  9/2017 #45480  
## Word: "parapsychology" (Back to Top)
zation for the purpose of studying parapsychology, UFO’s and extended consc 1951 #5370  
ch, a medical doctor interested in parapsychology, discovers that a person’ 10/1952 #8074  
y, a newsstand magazine devoted to parapsychology and (sometimes) UFOs, in  10/1972 #27042  
has a collection of 1,700 books on parapsychology, UFOs, and the unknown. G 2/19/1973 #27298  
S Naval Research Laboratory has a “Parapsychology Research Unit” that coord 2/21/1990 #39426  
## Word: "parasitical" (Back to Top)
ally are, where they are from, how parasitical entities work and how how to 1/1991 #39944  
## Word: "parasol" (Back to Top)
learing. There was a woman with an parasol or umbrella nearby. It was raini 5/6/1897 #594  
EAR CHARTRES, FR AV.mechanic. Cafe parasol follows car! Both stop. Other ca 11/1955 #12535  
## Word: "parasol-shaped" (Back to Top)
ered and went out when a metallic, parasol-shaped UFO flew twisting maneuve 7/4/1994 #41606  
## Word: "parasols" (Back to Top)
 flat-top bowl saucer with 3 small parasols on stalks on top.               2/22/1973 #27307  
(s). TV and lights go crazy. Metal parasols twist fly unfold and return!    7/4/1994 #41605  
## Word: "paratrooper" (Back to Top)
40 p.m. CDT. A former World War II paratrooper and others saw an object wit 6/6/1967 #22469  
## Word: "paraíba" (Back to Top)
ate Rio Grande do Norte Pernambuco Paraíba Bahia Piauí Maranhão 7:00 p.m. M 5/13/1960 #16266  
Norte, three in Pernambuco, two in Paraíba, two in Bahia, and one each in t 5/13/1960 #16266  
## Word: "paraíbo" (Back to Top)
                                   Paraíbo do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1 11/21/1954 #11683  
PP-ANM airliner at 9,000 feet over Paraíbo do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,  11/21/1954 #11683  
## Word: "parc" (Back to Top)
al strange humanoids at the local "Parc de la Gaudiniere", in Nantes, Loire 9/29/1974 #29492  
nd red night lights dart near Moel Parc radio mast. No further details.     6/27/1994 #41585  
                                   PARC DE LA MOULIERE, FR "Plane" lands /  6/27/1994 (approximate) #41586  
rplane" landed on a jagged peak in Parc de la Mouliere, Alpes-Maritime, Fra 6/27/1994 #41589  
## Word: "parchments" (Back to Top)
eabouts of unusual fabrics, foils, parchments, chemical residuals and biolo 3/11/1998 #43532  
the Lincoln County fabrics, foils, parchments, chemical residuals and biolo 3/11/1998 #43532  
## Word: "parco" (Back to Top)
                                   Parco dell’Etna, Sicily, Italy Monte Son 7/4/1978 #33335  
onina di Pietro are driving in the Parco dell’Etna, Sicily, Italy, when the 7/4/1978 #33335  
## Word: "pardo" (Back to Top)
 take leaves and grass and water / Pardo River. / r113p146.                 11/4/1954 #11560  
azil Jose Alves was fishing in the Pardo River when he suddenly saw a craft 11/4/1954 #11563  
     Pontal, São Paulo, Brazil Rio Pardo A laborer named Jose Alves of Pont 11/4/1954 #11564  
razil, is night fishing in the Rio Pardo in a deserted spot. He sees a silv 11/4/1954 #11564  
                               RIO PARDO, BRZ Saucer overhead points tube a 6/1959 #15752  
otographer calling himself Antonio Pardo produces two more photos of the ed 6/1/1967 #22448  
## Word: "paredes" (Back to Top)
                                   PAREDES DE COURA, PORTUGAL Many observer 3/7/1970 #25600  
## Word: "parent" (Back to Top)
xceptional shots, showing both the parent object and the smaller group. The 10/23/1949 #4401  
uminosity/motion correlation). The parent object then turned to the west an 5/17/1966 #20496  
ick-up was made, then dimming. The parent object then turned to the west an 5/17/1966 #20498  
w off in different directions. The parent object then went straight up at t 6/2/1966 #20521  
and entered the larger object. The parent object had what looked like porth 11/10/1966 #21087  
out the girl's experience. Neither parent could explain why they allowed th 1/28/1967 #21411  
objects return to the level of the parent object and disappear.             9/29/1968 #24521  
rating (or being ejected) from the parent craft. One landed on the Air Base 1977 #31658  
all objects had re-entered and the parent object had sped away.             8/22/1978 #33549  
red and orange and white lights. / parent to NURC.                          2/14/1995 #42048  
 knew the team, its successor, the parent sponsoring entity and two key off 4/25/2002 #44333  
## Word: "parent's" (Back to Top)
slav Novotny was on his way to his parent's home in the evening when he saw 2/7/1990 #39414  
## Word: "parentheses" (Back to Top)
derside—something like two reverse parentheses with a vertical bar position 2/6/1966 #19888  
## Word: "parents" (Back to Top)
onka 8:00 p.m. R. G. Adams and his parents at 3126 Fourth Avenue South in M 4/11/1897 #432  
eged encounter with a UFO on their parents’ farm Connington in the KwaZulu- 10/1917 #968  
or Grey) stands / pail and watches parents / kitchen window.                10/15/1940? #1346  
 object / lightning tail. All tell parents.                                 4/7/1950 #4810  
ting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogator 2/1957 #13481  
king their interrogators are their parents. The Canadian government is appa 2/1957 #13481  
tworthy young man according to his parents and teachers, said the party of  7/30/1957 #13860  
 and he goes back inside. When the parents return home, they find the dogs  2/24/1959 #15605  
s maneuvering in the sky above his parents’ home at 2629 Lynch Street, Corp 7/28/1959 #15884  
haken, he is given a sedative. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Austin, an 8/4/1963 #17863  
 was seen by two young boys, whose parents agreed they must have seen somet 8/18/1963 #17907  
nty, Maine at 12:30 p.m. The boys' parents agreed that they must have seen  8/18/1963 #17908  
imo Blomqvist is visiting with his parents at their summer cottage at Kalla 8/1964 #18466  
hock. Frightened, he ran home. His parents confirmed a 3-inch burn mark on  3/29/1966 #20134  
ock. Frightened, he runs home. His parents confirm a 3-inch burn mark on hi 3/29/1966 #20140  
ct took off again. At the site her parents found a circular area of crushed 4/23/1966 #20392  
fter sunset, Betty Andreasson, her parents and her seven children were frig 1/25/1967 #21389  
n. They rush inside and wake their parents and a sibling. Looking through t 3/5/1967 #21763  
affidavits from Ronnie’s teachers, parents, and the local 4-H club, and sub 7/21/1967 #22718  
VNZ Girl screams. Figure / window. Parents see it fly as if suspended / bal 9/8/1967 #23017  
r bedroom window and screamed. Her parents ran into the room in time to see 9/8/1967 #23020  
ew off. Her brother in law and her parents saw the creature flying off over 9/8/1967 #23021  
 York. About 20 minutes later, the parents of one witness experience a powe 12/27/1967 #23615  
and his wife Lynn are visiting his parents near Vermillion, South Dakota. R 1/20/1968 #23683  
ing toward the trailer home of his parents in Beallsville, Ohio, when he se 3/19/1968 #23849  
 he runs into the house to get his parents, but the entity is gone when the Late 9/1968 #24511  
s that other people, including his parents, watched an elongated white UFO  8/30/1969 #25339  
n the direction of their home. The parents then see the discs as well. The  7/1970 #25723  
he witness, who was staying at his parents home that night, felt a strange  8/15/1970 #25787  
atland Road and reported it to her parents. Her father went outside and saw 8/30/1970 #25812  
over Wheatland Road. She tells her parents, and her father goes outside and 8/30/1970 #25814  
atland Road and reported it to her parents. Her father went outside and als 8/30/1970 #25815  
ajhs returns to the scene with her parents the next day and finds several p 5/1971 #26092  
He runs into the house to tell his parents, and they also see the light in  11/2/1971 #26449  
eems to be crystallized. After the parents touch the soil, it turns their f 11/2/1971 #26449  
 all contact with his fiancee. His parents rejected him, and he subsequentl 10/28/1973 #28311  
wo brothers are transporting their parents’ furniture in a U-Haul truck nea 2/14/1974 #28772  
ound. From the house of the wife's parents, at 8:30 p.m. the man saw it aga 3/31/1974 #28979  
no Severiano Generosa, age 46, his parents, his wife, and his nine children 6/18/1974 #29212  
Bihan, age 20, was awakened by his parents to observe a UFO hovering outsid 9/19/1974 #29464  
the boy's homes and informed their parents, who could at first see the oran 2/23/1975 #29839  
what appeared to be backpacks. His parents felt the vibration and heard the 3/6/1975 #29875  
asty retreat home. They told their parents what they had seen, but no one b 8/8/1975 #30244  
00 a.m., they arrive at Stephens’s parents’ house in Oxford, suffering from 10/27/1975 #30486  
h the smoke. They drove to David's parents trailer, by which time both were 10/27/1975 #30489  
 the street and brings them to his parents. A police search fails to find h 6/23/1976 #31134  
a searing pain and blacks out. His parents think it is a prank until a doct Early 12/1976 #31579  
. They hurried home and told their parents, who said they had heard the hum 5/18/1977 #32111  
 friend is inwardly terrified. The parents are back at the camp and see non 6/17/1977 #32172  
garden. Terrified, she ran for her parents, who saw the slowly ascending ob 2/15/1978 #32971  
w waiting to be picked up by their parents, when suddenly their attention w 10/2/1978 #33791  
e water. She attempted to wake her parents but they continued to sleep. She 12/16/1978 #34155  
an doctor is in the TV room of her parents’ home in Boardman, Ohio, sufferi 6/1979 #34600  
yard, announces to his friends and parents that he is going to board an ali 11/29/1980 #35683  
ny 6:00 p.m. A schoolboy is in his parents’ backyard in Jüchen, Germany, wh 5/24/1983 #36868  
l at 9:30 p.m. The couple were the parents of a woman newspaper reporter wh 1/23/1989 #38798  
lifted toward(s) saucer. Sees net. Parents scream. Released.                10/11/1989 #39160  
he youngest son later informed his parents that that same night he had awok 10/27/1989 #39188  
, West Midlands, England, with his parents when they see a motionless spher 10/18/1998 #43664  
 amazement, forgetting to wake his parents. Next he saw a small being, abou 5/23/1999 #43773  
er, Nebraska, by a man leaving his parents’ house. It rocks slightly from s 1/31/2005 #44811  
inutes. The witness ran to get his parents, who watched the object leave. T 5/6/2007 #45027  
## Word: "parents'" (Back to Top)
man went missing after he left his parents' home in Bariloche, Rio Negro pr 5/4/1999 #43762  
## Word: "pargoe" (Back to Top)
Force transport pilots, Helton and Pargoe, flying over Hartford, Connecticu 1/11/1948 #3556  
## Word: "parguera" (Back to Top)
                                LA PARGUERA / LAJAS, PR Fisherman. Group /  7/1989 #38999  
                        NORTH / LA PARGUERA, PR Small humanoid (or Grey) cr 8/28/1991 (approximate) #40167  
## Word: "parham" (Back to Top)
rder late in the evening, Beauford Parham experienced a close encounter wit 6/29/1964 #18383  
uth Carolina 1:00 a.m. Beauford E. Parham is driving near Lavonia, Georgia, 6/30/1964 #18386  
spinning and takes off vertically. Parham now notices his arms are beginnin 6/30/1964 #18386  
## Word: "parham's" (Back to Top)
f, disappearing in a split second. Parham's hands continued to burn even af 6/29/1964 #18383  
## Word: "pariahuanca" (Back to Top)
a Mexico Moyobamba, Peru Valley of Pariahuanca east of Lima, Peru Dorothy M 12/2/1956 #13384  
se remaining move to the Valley of Pariahuanca east of Lima, Peru, and set  12/2/1956 #13384  
## Word: "parikkala" (Back to Top)
Estonia Latvia Peenemünde, Germany Parikkala in Finland Łeba, Poland The Hu 8/13/1946 #2128  
m suspects Hiiumaa, Peenemünde, or Parikkala in Finland, while the naval at 8/13/1946 #2128  
## Word: "parinacota" (Back to Top)
                    Putre, Arica y Parinacota, Chile Northern Chile 3:45 a. 4/25/1977 #32026  
patrol 3 miles from Putre, Arica y Parinacota, Chile, suddenly see two brig 4/25/1977 #32026  
## Word: "paring" (Back to Top)
 implement was used to take a nail paring from her right hand index finger. 10/16/1973 #28089  
## Word: "paripueira" (Back to Top)
               Maceio, Brazil Near Paripueira, jeweler Wilson Lustosa and n 4/1958 #14953  
Brazilian coast between Maceió and Paripueira, Alagoas, Brazil 6:00 a.m. At 4/1958 #14955  
Brazilian coast between Maceió and Paripueira, Alagoas, Brazil, Wilson Lust 4/1958 #14955  
## Word: "paris" (Back to Top)
y observer(s). Large elegant ship. Paris also. / IFS#23.                    1/1/1254 #11  
hite "crowns" moved in groups over Paris, France at 10:00 p.m.              9/11/1621 #38  
                                   PARIS AND ST. DENIS, FR Separate observe 9/12/1621 #39  
 / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #326p34.                          6/6/1744 #67  
Switzerland Solothurn, Switzerland Paris, France 12:00 noon. An amateur ast 8/9/1762 #81  
 also taking solar measurements in Paris, France, does not see it. It remai 8/9/1762 #81  
                 Hôtel de Cluny in Paris, France 11:46 a.m. French astronom 6/17/1777 #85  
y located in the Hôtel de Cluny in Paris, France. His estimate of their siz 6/17/1777 #85  
                                   PARIS Astronomer Libert. Gold-yellow bol 7/4/1898 #624  
                                   PARIS Astronomer Libert. Very very slow  5/6/1899 #634  
ed, and curved for 12 seconds over Paris, France. Its tail lasted 90 second 2/9/1902 #650  
               Meudon Observatory, Paris, France Pic du Midi Observatory, F 9/20/1909 #811  
telescope at Meudon Observatory in Paris, France, to observe Mars. He sees  9/20/1909 #811  
ll Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona Paris Observatory Swiss astronomer Fritj 10/1913 #892  
ronomer Guillaume Bigourdan at the Paris Observatory thinks the flashes are 10/1913 #892  
                                   Paris, OH Sutton photo of domed disc (NI 5/1932 #1142  
ket attacks begin. Two launched at Paris. V-2’s speed and trajectory made i 9/7/1944 #1666  
                                   Paris, France SHAEF in Paris, France, is 12/13/1944 #1719  
            Paris, France SHAEF in Paris, France, issues a press release id 12/13/1944 #1719  
                          Pentagon Paris Col. Clayton Lawrence Bissell, in  1/2/1945 #1753  
f for Intelligence, sends SHAEF in Paris a classified message seeking an ex 1/2/1945 #1753  
                                US Paris, France 11:00 p.m. A US C-54 trans 1/18/1946 #1966  
e French countryside on its way to Paris, France. Suddenly the pilot sees a 1/18/1946 #1966  
                                   Paris Scandinavia Leningrad St. Petersbu 8/13/1946 #2127  
Hillenkoetter, US naval attaché in Paris, forwards as top secret a report b 8/13/1946 #2127  
 / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #330p18.                          12/11/1950 #5337  
                            France Paris Marc Thirouin founds the first UFO 1951 #5378  
tes sur les Soucoupes Volantes, in Paris. It begins publishing Ouranos in J 1951 #5378  
 / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #330+/ r11p203.                   9/23/1951 #5681  
                            EAST / PARIS, IL Blue Book 985. Private pilot a 10/9/1951 #5708  
                                   Paris, IL Hulman Fld (IN); Paris (IL); N 10/9/1951 #5711  
        Paris, IL Hulman Fld (IN); Paris (IL); Newport atomic plant Unknown 10/9/1951 #5711  
dent happened 3 minutes later near Paris, Illinois (15 miles NW) and was al 10/9/1951 #5714  
miles east of Terre Haute, Indiana Paris, Illinois 1:42 p.m. A fast-moving, 10/9/1951 #5715  
rren, flying at 5,000 feet east of Paris, Illinois, sees a silvery “flatten 10/9/1951 #5715  
 happened three minutes later near Paris, Illinois (15 miles NW) and was al 10/9/1951 #5716  
                                   Paris–Le Bourget Airport, France 1:00 a. 6/13/1952 #6496  
, air traffic control operators at Paris–Le Bourget Airport, France, watch  6/13/1952 #6496  
 / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #330.                             6/17/1952 #6519  
                                   Paris The first issue of Ouranos is publ 6/24/1952 #6619  
tes sur les Soucoupes Volantes, in Paris.                                   6/24/1952 #6619  
ineer Thomas Deweys, Flight Lt. R. Paris, and Leading Aircraftman George Gr 9/19/1952 #7980  
                                   Paris, France Stanley Glickman, an Ameri 10/1952 #8075  
kman, an American artist living in Paris, France, joins a group of fellow A 10/1952 #8075  
iamson takes casts with plaster of paris, which he just happens to carry wi 11/20/1952 #8309  
nternational Airport Oklahoma City Paris, Texas Dallas area 1:05 a.m. The 1 1/6/1953 #8510  
radar target 20 miles southwest of Paris, Texas. An arrowhead-shaped UFO wi 1/6/1953 #8510  
irliner going quickly southeast to Paris.                                   10/9/1953 #9210  
                                   PARIS, FR Saucer near Eiffel Tower studi 12/29/1953 #9404  
                                   Paris New York Boston, Massachusetts 9:3 6/1/1954 #9860  
flight engineer Harold Raney, on a Paris to New York TWA Constellation head 6/1/1954 #9860  
 / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) List page 20.                     7/25/1954 #10048  
           Outside of Vernon, near Paris, France a giant cigar-shaped objec 8/23/1954 #10171  
                                   PARIS, FR Project Bluebook Case #unknown 8/31/1954 #10214  
                     MT. VALERIEN, PARIS, FR 1 observer. Small glowing ball 9/22/1954 #10390  
 nears. Rises going up / clouds. / Paris Soir.                              9/22/1954 #10390  
                 LA VARENNE EAST / PARIS, FR Several separate observer(s).  9/27/1954 #10462  
ng quickly south. Same seen east / Paris. No further details.               10/3/1954 #10647  
 witness and said something like: "Paris? Nord?"  (According to another ver 10/4/1954 #10693  
witness and said some thing like: "Paris? Nord?" (According to another vers 10/4/1954 #10702  
                                   PARIS, FR Several observer(s). Silver di 10/5/1954 #10719  
 / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #319.                             10/5/1954 #10720  
 France Mr. and Mrs. Laroche, from Paris, saw a fiery sphere landing near C 10/6/1954 #10753  
 evening Mr. and Mrs. Laroche from Paris saw a fiery sphere land near Chant 10/6/1954 #10761  
 / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris.)                                  10/7/1954 #10774  
18 km from this town, going toward Paris. It took off without noise, leavin 10/26/1954 #11413  
 distance. It was near the road to Paris, 18 kilometers from the town of An 10/26/1954 #11419  
 / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) p22.                              11/3/1954 #11545  
                                   PARIS, IL 2+observer(s). Silver bell-sha 3/9/1955 #12038  
ss named Metcalfe on the ground in Paris, Illinois reported seeing a bell-s 3/9/1955 #12039  
                                   Paris, France Paris, France, G,V (NICAP: 2/17/1956 #12722  
                     Paris, France Paris, France, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 2/17/1956 #12722  
                     Orly Airport, Paris, France Gometz-le-Châtel, Seine et 2/17/1956 #12723  
affic controllers at Orly Airport, Paris, France, see a target appear on th 2/17/1956 #12723  
ltiple radar sets at Orly Airport, Paris, France tracked an unknown blip fo 2/17/1956 #12724  
                     Orly Airport, Paris, France Light red blinking light f 2/18/1956 #12727  
 / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) APR69+Flying Saucer Review (FSR.) 7/1956 #12938  
                                   PARIS, FR Several thousands and astronom 11/7/1956 #13309  
                                   Paris, France Confidential report, from  9/26/1957 #14034  
                       SACRE COUR, PARIS, FR US embassy Officer and 1. Brig 9/27/1957 #14038  
e Laval, a businessman coming from Paris suddenly saw a motionless object,  9/1/1958 #15245  
 France a businessman driving from Paris suddenly saw a motionless object,  9/1/1958 #15248  
                                   Paris Observatory in Meudon, France 10:3 7/11/1961 #16760  
. Jacques Vallée and others at the Paris Observatory in Meudon, France, see 7/11/1961 #16760  
                                   Paris, France René and Françine Fouéré e 1962 #17009  
 d’Étude des Phénomènes Aériens in Paris, France, with an initial group of  1962 #17009  
                          ATLANTIC PARIS TO/FROM/BETWEEN OTTAWA Observer(s) 5/8/1963 (approximate) #17737  
                                   PARIS, TX Project Bluebook Case #1207. 2 3/7/1967 #21783  
+/ Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #94+.                             8/5/1967 #22811  
 / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) page 6.                           7/23/1968 #24211  
sped away (Section XII). 69Unknown Paris TN 1 Witness was driving back to c 12/8/1968 #24751  
                                   Paris, Franca Spanish ufologist Antonio  1969 #24804  
nication, a letter postmarked from Paris, Franca. An Ummo cult has begun to 1969 #24804  
                                   PARIS AND WATERDOWN, ON Amateur astronom 7/27/1972 #26840  
FR Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) team. Red dome-saucer rises fast. 3/23/1974 #28930  
 Finistère, France Telgruc-sur-Mer Paris 7:00 p.m. A baker named Le Meur, w 5/20/1974 #29119  
 samples and send them to a lab in Paris for analysis. The wilted, brown fe 5/20/1974 #29119  
                                   Paris, France Marly-le-Roi, Yvelines, Fr 4/1976 #30972  
o reach all the UFO groups iaround Paris, France. It soon falls under the a 4/1976 #30972  
                                   PARIS, FR 2 observer(s). Fuzzy object =  11/20/1977 #32691  
                                   Paris, France According to analyst Gary  10/15/1980 #35569  
ck, meetings are allegedly held in Paris, France, between emissaries of the 10/15/1980 #35569  
                                   Paris France The Parisian newspaper Le F 2/11/1983 #36764  
                                   PARIS, FR 1 observer. Black 25M saucer h 4/1984 (approximate) #37251  
                           Beijing Paris Lanzhou, Gansu province, China 10: 6/11/1985 #37598  
 UFO on its flight from Beijing to Paris that almost forces the captain to  6/11/1985 #37598  
encountered a UFO on the Peking to Paris flight that almost forced the capt 6/11/1985 #37599  
 / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) p27.                              8/19/1990 #39692  
                                   PARIS, FR 1 observer / hospital. 5 white 10/10/1990 #39768  
ite discs flew over a racetrack in Paris, France at the speed of aircraft a 10/10/1990 #39772  
 / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) pg10.                             10/21/1990 #39802  
ing quickly south slowly toward(s) Paris..                                  11/5/1990 #39829  
                                   PARIS 1 observer. Yellow-orange pear-sha 11/26/1990 #39911  
                                   Paris, France Didier Gomez begins publis 4/1993 #40921  
omez begins publishing UFOmania in Paris, France. It continues through Apri 4/1993 #40921  
                                   PARIS 2 observer(s). Red 3-4M starfish-o 7/14/1993 #41067  
 / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) pg25.                             7/14/1993 #41067  
                                   PARIS 2 observer(s). Black ball circled  7/18/1993 #41069  
                                   PARIS, FR 2 observer(s). Several luminou 12/5/1993 #41323  
                                   Paris, France Air France airliner-UFO en 1/28/1994 #41388  
                                   Paris, France Air France airliner—UFO en 1/28/1994 #41389  
ng quickly east going quickly [to] Paris.                                   10/31/1994 #41826  
                     GRAND PALAIS, PARIS, FR Triangular mass follows Seine  7/11/1995 #42297  
 Going quickly northwest toward(s) Paris. Type unknown. No further details  11/6/1995 #42583  
rliner flying near Orly Airport in Paris, France. It had 5-6 "exhaust pipes 11/30/1995 #42634  
 Huge triangle going ESE toward(s) Paris. 15cm / arms-length. Seen / 5 Sec. 11/4/1996 #43105  
                                In Paris, France at 1:43 a.m. a witness obs 9/7/1997 #43399  
                                   Paris, France A 90-page report, Les OVNI 7/16/1999 #43805  
tes Études de Défense Nationale in Paris, France, and by other experts. Bef 7/16/1999 #43805  
 a private flight from New York to Paris. The man told Kisling he was with  6/29/2002 #44354  
## Word: "parish" (Back to Top)
0:00 p.m. in St. Rose, St. Charles Parish, Louisiana a 0.6 meter in diamete 7/21/1959 #15868  
tnesses in the Air National Guard, Parish and Joy, were flying over the Pac 3/11/1963 #17699  
p.m. in Avery Estates, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana a luminous red UFO pas 10/10/1973 #27985  
Harald Andersson) comes out of the parish house in Markim, Stockholm County 3/23/1974 #28936  
                       St. Bernard Parish, LA Boat brightly illuminated by  1/21/1977 #31737  
                       St. Bernard Parish, LA 8:45 PM. Two hunters spotted  1/21/1977 #31738  
                       St. Bernard Parish, LA Boat brightly illuminated by  1/21/1977 #31739  
            Yscloskey, St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana 8:45 p.m. Robert Meler 1/21/1977 #31743  
ortheast of Yscloskey, St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, one in a boat and the 1/21/1977 #31743  
ltitude over Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. It flew very fast. It 9/17/2000 #44041  
 Miguel Monteiro is walking in the parish of Alverca do Ribatejo e Sobralin 10/25/2014 #45421  
## Word: "parishioner" (Back to Top)
redo de Oliveira Mendes, age 27, a parishioner at a local Catholic Church i 4/17/1996 #42872  
## Word: "parisian" (Back to Top)
                  Paris France The Parisian newspaper Le Figaro cites unnam 2/11/1983 #36764  
## Word: "parisienne" (Back to Top)
 under the auspices of the Société Parisienne d’Étude des Phénomène Spatiau 4/1976 #30972  
## Word: "parit" (Back to Top)
                                   PARIT BUNTAR, MLYS Several observer(s).  3/13/1985 #37567  
## Word: "park" (Back to Top)
                       St. James’s Park Westminster London England 8:40 p.m 12/16/1742? #65  
ty, is walking through St. James’s Park in Westminster, London, England, wh 12/16/1742? #65  
Sutro Heights estate Sutro Heights Park Richmond District San Francisco, Ca Early 11/1896? #334  
 Heights estate [now Sutro Heights Park in the Richmond District] of San Fr Early 11/1896? #334  
                               Oak Park neighborhood of Sacramento Sacramen 11/17/1896 #340  
lifornia when residents of the Oak Park neighborhood of Sacramento see a hi 11/17/1896 #340  
, Illinois Mississippi River South Park 11:00 p.m. A bright white light wit 4/10/1897 #426  
uth, then west, hovers above South Park for a few minutes, then moves north 4/10/1897 #426  
                            ROGERS PARK, IL W. McCann and 3. Big cylinder/c 4/11/1897 #427  
              4356 East Ravenswood Park in Rogers Park, Chicago, Illinois 5 4/11/1897 #429  
356 East Ravenswood Park in Rogers Park, Chicago, Illinois 5:30 a.m. An all 4/11/1897 #429  
p is taken at 4356 East Ravenswood Park in Rogers Park, Chicago, Illinois,  4/11/1897 #429  
356 East Ravenswood Park in Rogers Park, Chicago, Illinois, by an ex-police 4/11/1897 #429  
                            Queens Park, Chester, England 10:15 p.m. F. W.  3/30/1908 #703  
15 p.m. F. W. Longbottom in Queens Park, Chester, England, is photographing 3/30/1908 #703  
NCS 1 observer. Large ovoid / city park flashes searchlight 9X. Going quick 5/9/1909 #731  
a large ovoid object over the city park in Stamford, Lincolnshire, England. 5/9/1909 #734  
                         Belle Vue Park Yarmouth Road Lowestoft Suffolk Eng 5/16/1909 #750  
rs. Wigg, who lives near Belle Vue Park on Yarmouth Road, Lowestoft, Suffol 5/16/1909 #750  
wn Manhattan around Madison Square Park in New York City, New York making a 8/30/1910 #846  
                               Oak Park, Illinois Medical student William W 9/1929 #1103  
Walton is crossing a street in Oak Park, Illinois, when he sees a very brig 9/1929 #1103  
e a glow near the horizon, so they park and trek a quarter mile into the wo Summer 1933 #1162  
        East Paterson [now Elmwood Park], New Jersey Clifton, New Jersey 3: 8/10/1945 #1922  
club in East Paterson [now Elmwood Park], New Jersey. She is accompanied by 8/10/1945 #1922  
e a small arc around a corner of a park before disappearing.                6/10/1947 #2319  
or. "Lima-bean" flies over Elysian Park. Clear dome.                        7/4/1947 #2630  
                        Twin Falls Park Twin Falls, Idaho 2:50 p.m. Seven p 7/4/1947 #2659  
50 p.m. Seven people at Twin Falls Park, seven miles east of Twin Falls, Id 7/4/1947 #2659  
                           TERRACE PARK, OH 1 observer. 2 shiny silver plat 7/6/1947 #2772  
00 p.m. Mrs. Stollmaier in Terrace Park, Ohio saw two "shiny silver plates" 7/6/1947 #2825  
                  GLACIER NATIONAL PARK, MT 2 private pilots. 7 saucers goi 7/9/1947 #3043  
ion Seattle at Sand Point Magnuson Park Seattle, Washington North 82nd Stre 7/12/1947 #3160  
closed and redeveloped as Magnuson Park], Seattle, Washington. They notice  7/12/1947 #3160  
ton County AFB [now Wilmington Air Park] near Wilmington, Ohio 7:35 p.m. Ba 1/7/1948 #3547  
ton County AFB [now Wilmington Air Park] near Wilmington, Ohio, where Skyho 1/7/1948 #3547  
                           Johnson Park Camden, New Jersey Cooper Free Publ 7/4/1948 #3698  
e minutes while sitting in Johnson Park in Camden, New Jersey, across from  7/4/1948 #3698  
            SAN FRANCISCO, CA City park. Beam zaps man's arm. Arm goes limp 3/1949 (approximate) #4028  
.m. At 3:00 p.m. in Sterling State Park on the shore of Lake Erie in Michig 7/3/1949 #4262  
 in a lake at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming at seven o'clock in the  7/8/1949 #4265  
                            ORLAND PARK, IL Man photographs 30m pie-plate s 3/18/1950 (approximate) #4668  
ma, Arizona a UFO hovered over the park at 20,000 feet for two minutes duri 3/23/1950 #4712  
                          TOLOVANA PARK, OR Domed tank / US101. Lit porthol 8/10/1950 #5116  
ng on the lawn outside her trailer park in Bloomington, California, when sh 9/1951 #5647  
  TUCSON, AZ 2 flat silver objects park in sky over suburbs / several min.  3/7/1952 #5947  
                                   PARK RIDGE, IL 3 military cops. 10M sauc 6/29/1952 #6663  
 night three military policemen in Park Ridge, Illinois near O'Hare Airport 6/29/1952 #6667  
                           SEASIDE PARK, NJ 1 observer. Saucer over 3 Air F 6/30/1952 #6669  
on Salem [now Winter Island Marine Park], Massachusetts 9:35 a.m. US Coast  7/16/1952 #6843  
on Salem [now Winter Island Marine Park], Massachusetts, while cleaning a c 7/16/1952 #6843  
                            ELKINS PARK, PA Project Bluebook Case #1494. Un 7/19/1952 #6908  
                            Elkins Park, PA Saw 2 star-like lights maneuver 7/19/1952 #6924  
                            Elkins Park, Pennsylvania Witnesses: USAF pilot 7/19/1952 #6928  
                            Elkins Park, Pennsylvania 11:35 p.m. USAF pilot 7/19/1952 #6934  
eed up for 5–7 minutes over Elkins Park, Pennsylvania.                      7/19/1952 #6934  
             SOUTHEAST / LEXINGTON PARK, MD 2 night lights over sea / 10 mi 7/23/1952 #7040  
spe, Gen. John M. Willems, William Park Armstrong, Walter F. Colby, Col. Ed 12/4/1952 #8376  
nyon National Parks in California. Park Superintendent Elvind T. Scoyen and 7/30/1953 #9022  
                           SEQUOIA PARK, CA Large disk 3 nights / row. Jets 8/1/1953 #9035  
hovered close to ground in Bedford Park, near Cleveland, Ohio. It threw up  9/3/1953 #9141  
illigan, 16, was driving through a park when he saw something fall in front 10/25/1953 #9253  
gan, age 16, was driving through a park in Santa Fe, New Mexico when he saw 10/25/1953 #9255  
g [now closed], Kent, England Hyde Park Holloman AFB in New Mexico 10:00 a. 11/3/1953 #9279  
got a saucer on the ground in Hyde Park and can charge the public sixpence  11/3/1953 #9279  
an Viet, on guard duty at the tank park in Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virg 12/30/1953 #9409  
                               Oak Park, Illinois Detroit, Michigan Oak Par 4/1954 #9658  
rk, Illinois Detroit, Michigan Oak Park, Illinois, contactee Dorothy Martin 4/1954 #9658  
                           REGENTS PARK, LONDON Several observer(s). 'Bowle 6/27/1954 #9955  
w Griffiss Business and Technology Park] in Rome, New York Walesville, west 7/2/1954 #9984  
w Griffiss Business and Technology Park] in Rome, New York, on an operation 7/2/1954 #9984  
3+2 kids. 25' saucer 1K' over city park. Blue-white flashes. Going up / ver 7/18/1954 #10023  
                                   PARK HILLS, KY Astronomer. 30m white sau 8/1954 #10083  
                                   Park Hills, Kentucky 10:30 p.m. An astro 8/1954 #10085  
heast at a high rate of speed over Park Hills, Kentucky. The seemingly soli 8/1954 #10085  
                               Oak Park, Illinois Detroit, Michigan Europe  8/20/1954 #10156  
pe Contactee Dorothy Martin of Oak Park, Illinois, and Charles and Lilian L 8/20/1954 #10156  
ct land on the road near Chalkwell Park. It had vanished silently when she  10/15/1954 #11104  
ct land on the road near Chalkwell Park, Southend, England. It had vanished 10/15/1954 #11120  
 Pugina noticed a soft glow in the park of the villa, but he attributed thi 10/18/1954 #11225  
iter Guilio Emery, were in a local park when they saw a disc-shaped object, 10/19/1954 #11254  
 Paz stops to relieve himself in a park. He claims he is jumped by a hairy  12/16/1954 #11823  
                               Oak Park, Illinois A group of Dorothy Martin 12/20/1954 #11849  
 followers has gathered at her Oak Park, Illinois, home to await the midnig 12/20/1954 #11849  
                       JOSHUA TREE PARK, CA Strategic Air Command (SAC) B47 3/16/1955 #12050  
                         Alexandra Park, London, UK Circular, luminous obje 5/25/1955 #12158  
Arlington, Virginia Witness:  G.M. Park, using a 400x telescope. Several or 8/23/1955 #12398  
ngton, Virginia at 10:45 a.m. G.M. Park, using a 400x telescope, witnessed  8/23/1955 #12400  
urn Estate District 21 King Albert Park Singapore 8:20 p.m. Physician J. L. 7/26/1956 #13021  
e, in District 21 near King Albert Park, Singapore. They dart about the sky 7/26/1956 #13021  
troglyphs of Pusharo Manú National Park Cuzco Cadena del Pantiacolla George 7/10/1957 #13788  
s of Pusharo, in the Manú National Park] in an area northeast of Cuzco call 7/10/1957 #13788  
                            ROLAND PARK, VA White circles south going quick 7/11/1957 #13790  
                             Allen Park, Michigan 10:00 p.m. Mrs. James Mas 10/1957 #14051  
, just above the treetops in Allen Park, Michigan. They chase it for a bloc 10/1957 #14051  
                           ELMWOOD PARK, IL Electro-magnetic effect (EME).  11/4/1957 #14261  
                           Elmwood Park, IL Squad car lights and spotlight  11/4/1957 #14272  
                           Elmwood Park, IL Police and witness saw red-oran 11/4/1957 #14277  
                           Elmwood Park, Illinois Two policemen, Joseph Luk 11/4/1957 #14280  
                           Elmwood Park, Illinois 3:12 a.m. At Elmwood Park 11/4/1957 #14285  
ark, Illinois 3:12 a.m. At Elmwood Park, Illinois, three policemen (Cliffor 11/4/1957 #14285  
 observer(s). Domed saucer spins / park. Portholes. Hovers / tree-height. / 11/5/1957 #14297  
ork City, New York In Van Cortland Park, Frank C. was talking with a bus dr 11/5/1957 #14340  
 a bus driver when they saw in the park, about 400 m away, a metallic objec 11/5/1957 #14340  
ew York, New York. In Van Cortland Park in New York City at 4:30 a.m., Fran 11/5/1957 #14351  
 a metallic disc-shaped UFO in the park, about 400 m away. It was spinning  11/5/1957 #14351  
                            Canoga Park, CA Four engineers observed three U 11/11/1957 #14531  
Red-yellow blinding object lands / park. Going up [to] and maneuvers. Lands 11/16/1957 #14565  
ik II while orbiting over Brooklyn Park, South Australia on this evening. I 1/24/1958 #14841  
ia Mountain View, California Brook Park, Ohio NASA begins operations. It in 10/1/1958 #15296  
ow Glenn Research Center] in Brook Park, Ohio. It incorporates elements of  10/1/1958 #15296  
                         CLIFFSIDE PARK, NJ 3 men / tree. 2 silver globes c 10/6/1958 #15319  
  Oklahoma Frontier City amusement park northeast of Oklahoma City Mercy Ho 4/19/1959 #15708  
ast of the Frontier City amusement park northeast of Oklahoma City. Frontie 4/19/1959 #15708  
                       Dade County park, Florida Ufologist Morris K. Jessup 4/20/1959 #15709  
p commits suicide in a Dade County park, Florida, from carbon monoxide pois 4/20/1959 #15709  
tfoot and another man in Blackwood Park, a suburb of Adelaide, South Austra 4/29/1959 #15718  
ver Naval Air Station in Lexington Park, Maryland sighted a metallic gold,  6/30/1959 #15804  
                      Brisbane car park Stan Seers, president of the Queens 8/1959 #15887  
meeting with him in a Brisbane car park and offers him important informatio 8/1959 #15887  
 20' silver saucer lands / Ogilbay Park. Photographs lost. Going east smoot 9/1959 #15948  
ate observer(s). 4M saucer rests / park. Vague figure(s) inside. Going quic 12/9/1960 #16528  
g at a glowing object resting in a park. Three witnesses observed it from s 12/9/1960 #16529  
 above the ground in the château’s park. It has two round portholes, behind 12/9/1960 #16530  
king at a glowing UFO resting in a park. Three witnesses observed it from s 12/9/1960 #16531  
   LURGAN, NORTH IREL 3 / isolated park. Noisy 4' saucer going [to] over la 5/1961 #16670  
CARACAS, VNZ Astronomer and many / park. 16 UFO's / different formations ea 2/11/1962 #17046  
elaware County, Pennsylvania Walsh Park 7:45 p.m. Alice W. Gasslein and her 4/24/1962 #17127  
he Gassleins’ home (south of Walsh Park) only 20 feet above ground level an 4/24/1962 #17127  
 odd-shape domed saucer / tripod / park. Gust / wind. Going up [to] and van 1/4/1963 #17627  
t on the ground in a deserted city park. Shape: a dome upon a cylinder, bea 1/4/1963 #17628  
th tripod landing gear landed in a park in Rome, Italy. It was estimated to 1/4/1963 #17629  
                          SANDLING PARK, KENT 4 teens. Night light going do 11/16/1963 #18043  
                          Sandling Park near Saltwood, Kent, England Evenin 11/16/1963 #18045  
 and another youth—are in Sandling Park near Saltwood, Kent, England, when  11/16/1963 #18045  
                      PAINTED ROCK PARK, MT Campers. Brilliant 8M object ov 8/9/1964 #18471  
                          Yosemite Park, CA 3 bright silver, round objects, 8/15/1964 #18488  
                 Yosemite National Park, California Witnesses:  E.J. Haug,  8/15/1964 #18490  
e vacationing at Yosemite National Park, California. The three bright silve 8/15/1964 #18492  
                        BUTANO ST. PARK, CA Several observer(s). Night ligh 11/3/1964 #18604  
CRUZ MOUNTAINS, CA 6 observer(s) / park. 60M disk hovers. Going down [to] t 12/28/1964 #18675  
cility QRC] in Ricketts Glen State Park near Red Rock, Pennsylvania State R 3/2/1965 #18832  
cility QRC] in Ricketts Glen State Park near Red Rock, Pennsylvania, when t 3/2/1965 #18832  
                           In Lake Park, Minnesota an orange UFO, emitting  8/2/1965 #19274  
                            TINLEY PARK, IL Project Bluebook Case #9680. 2  8/4/1965 #19304  
                            Tinley Park, IL Unnamed 14 year-olds saw a ligh 8/4/1965 #19308  
                            Tinley Park, Illinois Witnesses:  two unnamed 1 8/4/1965 #19316  
           At 11:35 p.m. in Tinley Park, Illinois two 14-year-olds watched  8/4/1965 #19325  
old, were driving near the Lincoln Park Golf Course in Grand Forks, North D 8/8/1965 #19342  
                            CANYON PARK, WOODINVILLE, WA Slow 50cm glowing- 8/10/1965 #19357  
                            ISLAND PARK, LI, NY Man woken / light. 4 night  8/21/1965 #19445  
2 girls. Large metal ovoid lands / park. Crushed grass found. / FSR'60#9+'6 10/13/1965 #19654  
bject with bluish lights land in a park at the edge of town. It had left by 10/13/1965 #19655  
 had placed the selector lever in "park." Townsend said his heart was pound 10/23/1965 #19679  
 Forces Base Cornwallis Cornwallis Park Nova Scotia 3:30 a.m. Seaman Ian Ki 11/30/1965 #19742  
es Base Cornwallis [now Cornwallis Park] in Nova Scotia. As he is passing a 11/30/1965 #19742  
                         Worcester Park, southwest London, England 8:45 p.m 12/15/1965 #19770  
 p.m. C. M. W. Martyn of Worcester Park, southwest London, England, watches 12/15/1965 #19770  
                           Daniels Park, Colorado Six teenagers reported st 4/7/1966 #20268  
           At 9:30 p.m. in Daniels Park near Denver, Colorado six 17-year-o 4/7/1966 #20271  
and women were in a shelter in the park when they heard footsteps on the ro 4/7/1966 #20271  
          At 11:40 p.m. at Daniels Park near Denver, Colorado six teenagers 4/8/1966 #20277  
s heard footsteps on the roof of a park shelter where they were sitting and 4/8/1966 #20277  
              Mount Mitchell State Park, North Carolina 12:05 a.m. A group  6/19/1966 #20588  
amping out at Mount Mitchell State Park, North Carolina, sees three red pul 6/19/1966 #20588  
t and land at sea. The pilot, Bill Park, survives, but the launch control o 7/30/1966 #20696  
          Erie (Presque Isle State Park), PA Square or hexagonal object wit 7/31/1966 #20699  
                  Erie, Preque-Ile Park, Pennsylvania Young witnesses repor 7/31/1966 #20701  
                Presque Isle State Park, Pennsylvania Witnesses:  Douglas T 7/31/1966 #20702  
             At Presque Isle State Park near Erie, Pennsylvania at around 8 7/31/1966 #20703  
DT. Citizens and police in College Park, Lanham, Bowie, Seat Pleasant, and  8/1/1966 #20715  
EDT citizens and police in College Park, Lanham, Bowie, Seat Pleasant, and  8/1/1966 #20719  
                            Forest Park, IL 5:40 p.m. CST. A Navy technicia 8/15/1966 #20746  
                            Takoma Park, Maryland 11:50 p.m. A man is drivi 10/26/1966 #21038  
n a rural, wooded area near Takoma Park, Maryland, when he sees a disc that 10/26/1966 #21038  
                          Pinellas Park, FL 9:20 p.m. EST. A young boy saw  11/10/1966 #21087  
                 ROARING RIVER ST. PARK, MO Disk rises / valley. Humming he 11/22/1966 #21133  
               Roaring River State Park, Missouri 10:00 a.m. A deer hunter  11/22/1966 #21141  
 for game near Roaring River State Park, Missouri, returns to his group’s c 11/22/1966 #21141  
amed Bresee in Roaring River State Park, Missouri saw a disc-shaped object  11/22/1966 #21143  
   E Lake Tiorati (Bear Mtn. State Park), NY Silver-brown domed-disc, wobbl 12/18/1966 #21208  
ake Tiorati in Bear Mountain State Park, Orange County, New York looked up  12/18/1966 #21210  
    Lockheed test pilot William C. Park flies an A-12 for 10,198 statute mi 12/21/1966 #21212  
                              Mrs. Park McDaniel was outside her home durin 1/11/1967 #21287  
                            Picaco Park, NM Photograph. No other informatio 3/27/1967 #22000  
ates a UFO landing pad as a public park and as a safe place for aliens to l 6/3/1967 #22457  
                            Palmer Park, MD 9:30 p.m. EDT. A 13-year-old gi 7/6/1967 #22619  
ect appeared to make a search of a park area, moving back and forth and in  9/11/1967 #23040  
HORIZONTE, BRZ Saucer on ground in park. 7' pseudo-human/entity ask boy to  9/17/1967 #23073  
                            BETHEL PARK, PA Several observer(s). 8 night li 10/21/1967 #23276  
                             Villa Park, Illinois 9:00 p.m. Janice, Denise, 1/15/1968 #23667  
ehner are playing records in Villa Park, Illinois, when their father’s “Sau 1/15/1968 #23667  
h Frabush, and return to the area, park on the main road, and walk into the 2/18/1968 #23763  
    BACAU, ROMANIA Light zips over park. 2nd night light zigzags and joins  4/28/1968 #23928  
OKKEHEIST, BELGIUM Leaves rustle / park. Observer(s) finds 120cm cone / gro 7/1968 #24102  
proaching them from above a nearby park. They are giving off many colored l 7/22/1968 #24203  
                          FLINDERS PARK, SOUTH AUST Whirr! Odd 10M object g 2/17/1969 #24924  
               A woman in Flinders Park, South Australia heard a whirring s 2/17/1969 #24925  
AUSTRALIA 3 / cab. 10M saucer over park. Figure / window works controls. /  4/25/1969 #25089  
                           Roberts Park in Greenacre, New South Wales 7:30  4/25/1969 #25090  
re travelling by taxi past Roberts Park in Greenacre, New South Wales, when 4/25/1969 #25090  
man and her daughter return to the park. The UFO is not to be seen.         4/25/1969 #25090  
ed object was seen hovering over a park in Greenacre, New South Wales, Aust 4/25/1969 #25091  
 by taxi. When they passed Roberts Park they saw the object hovering over a 4/25/1969 #25091  
stead he accelerated away from the park and drove straight to her home. Aft 4/25/1969 #25091  
                             MENLO PARK, CA Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Thin 5/5/1969 #25116  
ng in the woods that seemed like a park. There were a number of people ther 7/4/1970 #25727  
xi at 7:30 p.m. On passing Roberts Park they saw an object hovering over th 4/24/1971 #26081  
rcycle near the beach in Semaphore Park Beach, South Australia at 8:40 p.m. 9/22/1971 #26363  
a witness out for a walk in Tinley Park, Illinois saw three lights in the s 10/31/1971 #26442  
                            CANOGA PARK, CA Engineering Professor and more. 11/25/1971 #26476  
             On this day in Canoga Park, California a nocturnal light was s 11/28/1971 #26477  
                 SOUTHWEST / MENLO PARK, CA V brilliant UFO goes east to/fr 2/1972 #26559  
 Stanford Research Institute Menlo Park, California New York City artist an 6/6/1972 #26703  
e [now SRI International] in Menlo Park, California, to begin remote viewin 6/6/1972 #26703  
anford Research Institute in Menlo Park, California Ingo Swann returns to t 8/1972 #26862  
anford Research Institute in Menlo Park, California, as do the two CIA inte 8/1972 #26862  
 Stanford Research Institute Menlo Park, California The CIA awards the Stan 10/1/1972 #27043  
e [now SRI International] in Menlo Park, California, a contract for $49,909 10/1/1972 #27043  
                            BALBOA PARK / SAN DIEGO, CA Odd humming. Photog 10/23/1972 #27086  
 humming sound was heard in Balboa Park in San Diego, California. Although  10/23/1972 #27088  
M football hovers 30M over trailer park / 10 second(s). Quickly going up. / 1/14/1973 #27233  
 hovering 30 meters over a trailer park in Chillicothe, Ohio for 10 seconds 1/14/1973 #27236  
ylinder/cigar-shape goes over Hyde park. / J'burg Star 26.5.73.             5/28/1973 #27536  
          Columbia, MO Mobile home park UFO landing, sound, E-M, animal rea 6/28/1973 #27595  
                               OAK PARK, GA Odd object lands / farm. Glowin 9/9/1973 #27790  
an who was walking through a local park in Actinolite, Ontario, Canada alon 9/26/1973 #27872  
       TUPELO, MS Several cops and park rangers and amateur astronomer etc. 10/2/1973 #27914  
          EAST RIDGE, TN AND ALTON PARK AND ST. ELMO Saucer landings all ov 10/17/1973 #28101  
ts, had gone to El Yunque Mountain Park in Puerto Rico hoping to "contact"  10/20/1973 #28222  
r going quickly [to] over Griffith Park. Horses scared. S. Ana Register 8.1 10/24/1973 #28255  
          At 7:00 p.m. in Griffith Park, California two people watched a la 10/24/1973 #28273  
aze. He drove to his home in Buena Park, California to get someone else to  10/25/1973 #28287  
sual early morning 5 mile run in a park, in a driving rain, when he came up 1/4/1974 #28643  
early morning five mile run in the park in Santa Ana, California. He was ou 1/6/1974 #28654  
brilliant object. Hovers / trailer park. Seem to land on farm.              5/12/1974 #29101  
ina. It hovered over a mobile home park shortly after midnight. It was purs 5/12/1974 #29102  
ghts hovers about 200 feet above a park in Kingston, New York. A hazy white 7/9/1974 #29252  
insk Test Site in Kazakhstan Menlo Park, California Monte Perdido, Huesca,  7/9/1974 #29253  
e [now SRI International] in Menlo Park, California. In another experiment, 7/9/1974 #29253  
ver(s). 10M saucer 5M tall lands / park. Kerosene odor. 3 7cm holes. / r30p 9/29/1974 #29491  
er near the Mid- South Mobile Home Park reported spotting an unidentified f 10/10/1974 #29510  
                           Melrose Park, IL CE-1. No details (CUFOS) (NICAP 10/29/1974 #29567  
te observer(s). 30' saucer lands / park. 10 small humanoids (or Greys) with 1/12/1975 #29741  
           North Bergen (in Hudson Park), NJ 2:30 a.m. Ten 3.5-foot-tall hu 1/12/1975 #29743  
                      North Hudson Park, New Jersey Stonehenge apartment bu 1/12/1975 #29744  
 driving home through North Hudson Park, New Jersey, when he hears static o 1/12/1975 #29744  
 a UFO with multiple lights in the park the same time. Hopkins, Ted Bloeche 1/12/1975 #29744  
amples for three minutes in Hudson Park in North Bergen, New Jersey only 10 1/12/1975 #29745  
J 2 observer(s). UFO lands in same park as 12 Jan. '75 event. No further de 1/15/1976 #30787  
z noticed a human figure in Hudson Park with a light attached to his head,  2/19/1976 #30887  
                             Villa park, IL No details on this close encoun 3/28/1976 #30965  
      US National Archives College Park, Maryland The US National Archives  Mid 5/1976 #31055  
ue Book paper files at its College Park, Maryland, branch.                  Mid 5/1976 #31055  
                               DAW PARK, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 1.7M man / silver  5/31/1976 #31075  
ll humanoid in his backyard in Daw Park, South Australia at around 2:00 a.m 5/31/1976 #31076  
                   Gitchie Manitou Park, IA 9:00 a.m. Two brothers, 8-year- 7/5/1976 #31153  
gh were playing in Gitchie Manitou Park, Iowa when they heard "strange nois 7/5/1976 #31154  
driving in the Gaspesie Provincial Park in Quebec when they encountered a t 8/5/1976 #31235  
                     GASPESIE PROV PARK, QB Fog. Car paced / red spotlight  8/6/1976 #31237  
                 Gaspésie National Park, Quebec 10:00 a.m. A family is driv 8/6/1976 #31240  
ly is driving in Gaspésie National Park, Quebec, when a beam of red light p 8/6/1976 #31240  
Rony were driving across Gaspesian Park, Quebec, Canada in a thick fog, hea 8/6/1976 #31241  
mel Fell in Lake District National Park, Cumbria, England 6:30 p.m. A coupl 8/14/1976 #31263  
mel Fell in Lake District National Park, Cumbria, England, see a bright lig 8/14/1976 #31263  
the golf course at Peninsula State Park in Egg Harbor, Door County, Wiscons 8/16/1976 #31273  
                            CANOGA PARK AND RESEDA, CA 2+2 observer(s). 2 s 9/5/1976 #31343  
     Taola Point Ben Boyd National Park New South Wales 4:00 p.m. Three men 10/23/1976 #31488  
t Taola Point in Ben Boyd National Park, New South Wales, notice two unusua 10/23/1976 #31488  
ON "Screen" appears / brick wall / park. Entities / image converse / observ 10/29/1976 #31504  
man was walking his dog in a local park in Toronto, Ontario at around 10 p. 10/29/1976 #31506  
a campsite in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. He made contact with a bi 10/31/1976 #31513  
e [now SRI International] in Menlo Park, California White House Alfred Webr 1/1977 #31666  
e [now SRI International] in Menlo Park, California, as a senior policy ana 1/1977 #31666  
ast London Hainault Forest Country Park 3:55 a.m. A caller tells police in  5/3/1977 #32050  
ll lake in Hainault Forest Country Park. Two policemen are dispatched, and  5/3/1977 #32050  
ded area of the Hainault Forest, a park in London, England near Cabin Hill. 5/8/1977 #32074  
s Hotel Congress Plaza Hotel Grant Park Chicago, Illinois Fate magazine hol 6/24/1977 #32190  
ess Plaza Hotel] across from Grant Park in downtown Chicago, Illinois, in c 6/24/1977 #32190  
                             OZONE PARK / QUEENS, NY 1+observer(s). 3 25' s 8/18/1977 (approximate) #32410  
7M ovoid going NNE. Stops 30M over park. Away fast.                         9/1977 #32450  
e Tonopah Test Range by pilot Bill Park12/1/1977 #32721  
atory recorded reports from Asbury Park, Belmar, Farmingdale, Haledon, Hamm 12/2/1977 #32731  
lenticular object flew over Reaves Park at a low altitude. It was silent an 12/28/1977 #32817  
d figures moving around the school park, walking stiffly. They are about av 1/31/1978 #32928  
d figures moving around the school park, walking stiffly. These figures wer 1/31/1978 #32930  
h going south overhead / amusement park. 2 lights.                          3/13/1978 #33037  
                      PATAPSCO ST. PARK, MD 4 / camp. 2 100+' triangles goi 3/22/1978 #33069  
             Patapsco Valley State Park, Maryland Baltimore & Ohio Railroad 3/22/1978 #33072  
 campfire in Patapsco Valley State Park, Maryland, near the Baltimore & Ohi 3/22/1978 #33072  
side an apartment window in Forest Park, Georgia only five or six feet away 7/5/1978 #33340  
                             LALOR PARK, NSW 3 teens. Large silver dome hov 9/28/1978 #33765  
                        Huntington Park, California Sierra Madre Mountains  10/8/1978 #33814  
s 5:11 p.m. A couple in Huntington Park, California, watch a huge black dis 10/8/1978 #33814  
                                   Park Ridge, IL Two 12-year-old girls in  12/14/1978 #34118  
Ridge, IL Two 12-year-old girls in Park Ridge who were tobogganing in the c 12/14/1978 #34118  
e who were tobogganing in the city park saw a saucer-shaped object with a r 12/14/1978 #34118  
5:30 p.m. two 12-year-old girls in Park Ridge who were tobogganing in the c 12/14/1978 #34128  
e who were tobogganing in the city park saw a saucer-shaped object with a r 12/14/1978 #34128  
 which is now following them. They park near their house, and the UFO hover 4/12/1979 #34508  
land 10:00 p.m. A man walking in a park in Piastów, Poland, sees two bright 5/22/1979 #34574  
                            CANOGA PARK, CA 4 teens. Large white night ligh 7/25/1979 #34671  
                            CANOGA PARK, CA 3 observer(s). Diffuse white sp 7/25/1979 #34672  
                            CANOGA PARK, CA 25 minute(s) / missing time. Wa 7/25/1979 #34673  
                            CANOGA PARK, CA 2 cops and 5 / (seen thru) bino 7/25/1979 #34674  
                            Canoga Park, CA A large white light made severa 7/25/1979 #34677  
            At 2:00 a.m. in Canoga Park, California a large white light mad 7/25/1979 #34680  
                            CANOGA PARK, CA 2+3 observer(s). Silent saucer  8/4/1979 #34710  
                            Canoga Park, CA Large, glowing disc with bubble 8/4/1979 #34711  
                            Canoga Park, CA Large, glowing disc with bubble 8/4/1979 #34712  
                            Canoga Park, Los Angeles, California Apartment  8/4/1979 #34714  
approach from the west over Canoga Park, Los Angeles, California. Two human 8/4/1979 #34714  
 approach their location in Canoga Park, California from the west. It then  8/4/1979 #34715  
                            Bergen Park, Colorado Soda Creek Road Interstat 8/11/1979 #34732  
, are sitting in a car near Bergen Park, Colorado, looking at the homes at  8/11/1979 #34732  
                            CANOGA PARK, CA 1 observer = Anapol. Pink-viole 8/24/1979 #34769  
 home from school through Zachodni Park in Wroclaw, Poland around four p.m. 8/29/1979 #34804  
                 Slip Bluff County Park Lamoni, Iowa 2:30 a.m. A student ca 8/30/1979 #34809  
t camping out at Slip Bluff County Park near Lamoni, Iowa, is awakened by h 8/30/1979 #34809  
                            CANOGA PARK, CA 2 / car. Huge silent saucer ove 9/14/1979 #34879  
                            Canoga Park, CA Disc with flamelike jets around 9/14/1979 #34880  
                            Canoga Park, CA Disc with flamelike jets around 9/14/1979 #34882  
               Two women in Canoga Park, California witnessed a disc-shaped 9/14/1979 #34885  
                         IZMAJLOVO PARK EAST / MOSCOW Saucer lands. 4-finge 11/16/1979 #35002  
k Griffiss Business and Technology Park, Rome, New York Late afternoon. Two 5/1980 #35298  
e Griffiss Business and Technology Park] in Rome, New York, fly toward the  5/1980 #35298  
ry 10:15 a.m. A Santa Clara County park ranger and another county employee  5/2/1980 #35303  
 and themselves from Independencia Park. One was shaped like a "teething ri 6/14/1980 #35371  
                               Oak Park, Illinois 2:00 a.m. A 70-year-old w 6/15/1980 #35373  
00 a.m. A 70-year-old woman in Oak Park, Illinois, sees an object like a wh 6/15/1980 #35373  
 Skyline Drive Shenandoah National Park Virginia 3:00 p.m. Margaret Lambert 9/3/1980 #35493  
yline Drive in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia when they notice a brig 9/3/1980 #35493  
ficers were parked up in a pub car park when they observed a very bright UF 11/29/1980 #35681  
                            Yantan Park, Lanzhou, Gansu province, China 9:3 12/27/1980 #35747  
truction workers skating in Yantan Park, Lanzhou, Gansu province, China, no 12/27/1980 #35747  
   London, Ohio Madison Lake State Park 7:00 p.m. Larry Tilman again takes  3/21/1981 #35870  
don, Ohio, near Madison Lake State Park. One appears to be the size of a ca 3/21/1981 #35870  
                  BELLENDEN KER NT.PARK, QLD 2 boys. Night light maneuvers  1/23/1982 #36307  
ographed near Taisetsuzan National park. Mountain backdrop.                 5/9/1982 #36467  
ographed near Taisetsuzan National Park, east-southeast of Asahikawa, Hokka 5/9/1982 #36468  
                             BUENA PARK, CA Several observer(s). Glowing ch 3/19/1983 #36789  
other are watching TV at a trailer park in Saltfleet, Lincolnshire, England 4/22/1984 #37281  
e next hour it circles the trailer park in wide loops that take it several  4/22/1984 #37281  
. It shone spotlights on a trailer park, buzzed the witnesses, and then ros 4/22/1984 #37282  
                              HYDE PARK, NY 2 observer(s). Large slow V-sha 6/21/1984 #37368  
sed low over a radio tower in Hyde Park, New York at 8:00 p.m. It had headl 6/21/1984 #37372  
 MO 1 / moped. Domed disk hovers / park. Tilts. Orange glow. Vanishes.      7/5/1984 #37386  
with an orange halo hovered over a park in Cape Girardeau, Missouri at an e 7/5/1984 #37387  
with an orange halo hovered over a park in Cape Girardeau, Missouri at 9:38 7/5/1984 #37388  
                        In Ashbury Park, Monmouth County, New Jersey a roun 8/29/1984 #37446  
                                   PARK RAPIDS, MN 2 observer(s). 2 delta/t 10/24/1984 (approximate) #37491  
                                   Park Rapids, MN Diamond-shaped object, b 10/24/1984 #37492  
                            BETHEL PARK, PA Several separate observer(s). H 6/20/1985 #37605  
                                   PARK RIDGE, IL 2 observer(s). Wingless w 6/16/1986 #37913  
                                   PARK RIDGE, IL 2 observer(s). Cylinder/c 7/16/1986 #37944  
 up almost directly underneath it, park, and step out of the car. They see  10/14/1986 #38048  
                         Herăstrău Park Bucharest, Romania Arcul de Triumf  9/11/1987 #38281  
band are walking between Herăstrău Park [now King Michael I Park] and Aviat 9/11/1987 #38281  
Herăstrău Park [now King Michael I Park] and Aviators Square in Bucharest,  9/11/1987 #38281  
d GB saucer over trees / shoreline park.                                    5/10/1988 #38560  
ARMENIA Large luminous UFO lands / park. Takes off. Black Pumice and burnt  10/24/1988 #38684  
  A large luminous UFO landed in a park in Sevan, Armenia, and then took of 10/24/1988 #38688  
 girl along the Dnieper River in a park near Kyiv, Ukraine, when they see a 7/4/1989 #39007  
pt took place on this evening in a park near Kiev, Ukraine on the banks of  7/4/1989 #39009  
aughter, were out strolling in the park. At twilight they approached the ri 7/4/1989 #39009  
five meters in diameter, land in a park at 8:30 p.m. Two tall humanoids wea 9/21/1989 #39115  
EZH, RUSSIA 45' saucer. 3M robot / park. Aims rod. Boy vanishes and reappea 9/27/1989 #39122  
p.m. Several children playing at a park in Voronezh, Russia, see a pinkish  9/27/1989 #39124  
everal children playing at a local park in Voronezh, Russia first observed  9/27/1989 #39126  
                        Centennial Park, Langenburg, Saskatchewan Parkside  10/11/1989 #39162  
utside the town pool in Centennial Park, Langenburg, Saskatchewan, when the 10/11/1989 #39162  
itoba, is returning home through a park when he sees a “shimmering boomeran 10/12/1989 #39166  
pink sphere that flew over a local park in Voronezh, Russia. The sphere kep 10/28/1989 #39191  
s. On the same night, in Shoreline Park, Florida, an unusual circular depre 11/15/1989 #39233  
ver. Diamond-shape over industrial park. R and G and west beams search grou 11/29/1989 #39265  
th an unsteady, jerky motion. They park the car in a field to watch the obj 2/22/1991 #39982  
woman in Mount Katahdin Iron Works Park, Maine had a close encounter with a 9/30/1992 #40652  
ORKSHIRE 4 boys. Ovoid hovers over park. Zips away faster / any plane.      10/8/1992 #40664  
 ovoid UFO silently hovered over a park in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, Engla 10/8/1992 #40666  
elieved a UAP crashed in Southaven Park near Brookhaven Lab on this date. J 11/24/1992 #40726  
aska Wrangell–Saint Elias National Park The High Frequency Active Auroral R 1993 #40778  
t of Wrangell–Saint Elias National Park, funded by the Air Force, Navy, Uni 1993 #40778  
ect with white lights. Saucer over park / 1030hrs.                          2/19/1993 #40852  
 with white lights hovering over a park in Panther, West Virginia. It staye 2/19/1993 #40854  
ol over General Electric Appliance Park in Louisville, Kentucky, when Graha 4/28/1993 #40953  
                   MIQUELON LAKE / PARK, ALTA Silent UFO's fly / lines and  6/28/1993 #41040  
s) 1 / 2 miles off Hawaii paradise park. 9 observer(s). Silent.             8/3/1993 #41103  
                       GOLDEN EARS PARK, BC 100 observer(s). 2-3-4 night li 9/5/1993 #41182  
hovers over quarry near industrial park.                                    5/12/1994 #41524  
                         SHORELINE PARK, FL Several observer(s). Yellow rec 9/6/1994 #41716  
over a nearby trailer in a trailer park in Taos, New Mexico.                9/7/1994 #41724  
                         SHORELINE PARK, FL Many observer(s). 30 night ligh 11/30/1994 #41871  
JASPER NOT PLOTTED ON MAPS, ALTA 3 Park Wardens. Blue-glowing object lights 2/3/1995 #42015  
                        WASHINGTON PARK, IL 1 observer. Fireball north goin 3/15/1995 #42105  
ound shiny-black disk rises / city park. Reflects street lights.            8/8/1995 #42366  
ght another witness awoke in Buena Park, California to briefly see an extre 8/15/1995 #42390  
iny crest on its back in a nearby  park.                                    8/18/1995 #42401  
Luminous/glowing donut saucer over park. Slow silent beams going down. Not  12/30/1995 #42651  
igate a strange creature seen in a park north of the Jardim Andere neighbor 1/20/1996 #42693  
the loose on the north side of the park. When the fire department arrived t 1/20/1996 #42697  
                BOISE, ID 2 / city park. Meteor = several tiny V-shapes goi 3/9/1996 #42816  
          Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba A couple camping in Ridin 8/17/1996 #42984  
amping in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, see a strange blue light 8/17/1996 #42984  
   At 1:03 a.m. a couple were in a park in Cote-St.-Luc, Quebec, Canada whe 3/14/1997 #43231  
 1:40 p.m. A woman is sitting on a park bench along the St. Clair River in  4/20/1997 #43268  
                            NORMAN PARK, QLD, AUSTR Disk hovers / house. Wo 4/27/1997 #43279  
es. Slow spin. 2 UFO's rise / city park.                                    4/27/1997 #43279  
                         In Norman Park, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia at 4/27/1997 #43280  
. Two more UFOs rose from the city park.                                    4/27/1997 #43280  
              A woman in Hazelwood Park, Adelaide, South Australia reported 5/5/1997 #43288  
                             STONE PARK, IA 3 / car. 20M delta/triangle/box 8/7/1997 #43372  
izontal tail was sighted in Orland Park, Cook County, Illinois at 5:40 a.m. 9/19/1997 #43409  
                           ALLISON PARK, PA 1 observer / (seen thru) binocu 12/16/1997 #43463  
ss was walking through her trailer park in West Carrolton, Ohio with her do 2/27/1998 #43524  
ma Archives II facility in College Park, Maryland William Weitzel and the F Early 3/1998 #43528  
he Archives II facility in College Park, Maryland.                          Early 3/1998 #43528  
  A man walking his dog in Clifton Park, New York at 11:00 p.m. reported to 3/27/1998 #43535  
in the direction of nearby Zappeio park and then once in the opposite direc 9/14/1998 #43646  
s she was walking through the city park at 12:12 a.m. According to the witn 2/28/1999 #43739  
                                   Park Zachodni Wrocław, Poland 11:00 a.m. 6/30/1999 #43788  
esses are walking their dog in the Park Zachodni in Wrocław, Poland, when t 6/30/1999 #43788  
 wobbling in the sky over Highland Park, Los Angeles County, California. It 9/20/1999 #43850  
 Picerni were jogging in the local park in Cachoeira de Sul, Rio Grande do  11/13/1999 #43880  
         Two witnesses in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota reported sighting a dark 12/5/2000 #44098  
, arrow-shaped UFO in Frank Holton Park, juat as the sun was coming up.     1/5/2001 #44118  
us objects flew silently over a RV park in Waterville, Nova Scotia, Canada. 8/13/2002 #44384  
on Pass on Highway 24 in the South Park Basin, Colorado at 5:30 p.m. "The U 11/22/2002 #44449  
             At 1:30 p.m. in Buena Park, California a silver disc was seen  12/31/2002 #44461  
s around them, appeared over Zawra Park in Baghdad, Iraq.                   4/3/2003 #44509  
ere sighted over Yosemite National Park in California; one of the crafts wa 5/16/2003 #44538  
 the center. Other cars stopped to park along the highway to look at it.    3/21/2004 #44678  
er of the Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada. It was moving up 8/11/2004 #44731  
                            Tinley Park Oak Forest Illinois Three red light 8/21/2004 #44738  
een by several witnesses in Tinley Park and Oak Forest, Illinois. Further o 8/21/2004 #44738  
s they played with their sons in a park in Aldershot, England. The object a 9/4/2004 #44747  
ented horizontally flew over Buena Park, California at 8:01 p.m. It had a r 10/8/2005 #44888  
 at the Greenwater Lake Provincial Park in Saskatchewan, Canada first obser 5/18/2006 #44944  
                             North Park Lake McCandless, Pennsylvania Night 4/6/2007 #45016  
. Brian Vike is driving near North Park Lake, McCandless, Pennsylvania, wit 4/6/2007 #45016  
                Anza Borrego State Park, California. Carl Mandeville (pseud 9/16/2007 #45059  
upon the Anza Borrego Desert State Park. They arrived at the park at 5:00 p 9/16/2007 #45059  
rt State Park. They arrived at the park at 5:00 p.m. He had never hiked or  9/16/2007 #45059  
d never hiked or backpacked at the park before, so Carl went to the visitor 9/16/2007 #45059  
 He immediately thought it was the park ranger. The light was about 50 yard 9/16/2007 #45059  
 the treeline. At 8:25 p.m in Deer Park, Ohio an observer witnessed a trian 9/21/2007 #45068  
nendez in the Los Alerces National Park, Chubut province, Argentina next to 1/23/2008 #45113  
ship Morris Plains Madison Florham Park 8:15–9:00 p.m. Mysterious floating  1/5/2009 #45206  
orris Plains, Madison, and Florham Park. On April 7, Russo and Rudy plead g 1/5/2009 #45206  
e had gone camping at Unicoi State Park, Georgia on this night and had gott 8/30/2009 #45240  
he side of the road, putting it in park with the engine running. The object 11/25/2009 #45256  
                                   Park Sonsbeek Arnhem Netherlands Deelen  5/28/2017 #45470  
ops and Harm Duursma see UFOs over Park Sonsbeek, in Arnhem, Netherlands. K 5/28/2017 #45470  
## Word: "parka" (Back to Top)
e man was dressed in a suit like a parka, and he descended from a 8-foot wi 6/20/1953 #8944  
bushes. Small humanoid (or Grey) / parka walks oddly. Domed cylinder/cylind 7/25/1981 #36034  
## Word: "parkas" (Back to Top)
rrounded by USAF personnel wearing parkas. There are symbols on the side of 1977 #31650  
rrounded by USAF personnel wearing parkas. Symbols are present on the side  1977 #31659  
## Word: "parked" (Back to Top)
 “waddling” away. He walks under a parked car and disappears. Kenneth Arnol 4/1950 #4784  
in the sky.” He rushes to his car, parked 60 feet away, and gets his 16mm m 8/15/1950 #5126  
ay in 1952, two flat, silver discs parked in the sky over the Tucson, Arizo 3/7/1952 #5950  
light in a V-formation moving over parked cars near a power plant in Salem, 7/16/1952 #6845  
ook for seashell fossils. After he parked his truck he used a flashlight to 7/27/1952 #7216  
 awestruck. He saw a flying saucer parked about 75 yards away from his truc 7/27/1952 #7216  
he captain, and led him toward the parked craft. Meanwhile, Bethurum looked 7/27/1952 #7216  
efore resuming his walk toward his parked automobile. He next heard a blood 4/10/1954 #9681  
sinessman Bernard Miserey has just parked his car in a garage at Vernon, Eu 8/23/1954 #10170  
Mr. Renzo Pugina, age 37, had just parked his car in the garage at his resi 10/20/1954 #11283  
o low that it hits the corner of a parked truck. An analysis of the metal b 9/1957 #13966  
assing farther to the south of the parked cars and disappears in the west.  11/4/1957 #14286  
   EAST / VIKING, MN Tapping under parked car. Car shakes. Saucer quickly g 11/15/1957 #14558  
 Minnesota, at 11:45 that night, a parked car was buffeted by a flying disc 11/15/1957 #14562  
ts, sees a trio of brilliant discs parked in a triangle formation in the sk 9/10/1960 #16442  
he same as he had seen in 1959. He parked his truck and walked into a blue  9/23/1962 #17436  
vered over a nearby barn when they parked the car.While the UFO was hoverin 8/4/1963 #17864  
  Police officer Lonnie Zamora was parked watching for speeders on the main 4/24/1964 #18202  
spins an incredible story of a UFO parked in a hangar under heavy guard at  4/30/1964 #18231  
avigator lst Lt. H.J. Cavender, in parked USAF C-124 transport plane.  One  8/10/1964 #18475  
and Capt. Jones) were sitting in a parked C-124 transport plane at 5:15 a.m 8/10/1964 #18477  
 Bertrand Jr. comes across a woman parked on State Highway 101. “She was re 9/3/1965 #19511  
es an object like a small airplane parked on the ground. It is silver-gray  Mid 10/1965 #19659  
ith portholes approached a woman's parked car next to a lake in South Kings 2/22/1966 #19914  
ness, truck driver C. W. Anderson, parked a mile down the road. Laxson thin 3/23/1966 #20050  
ew York reports a man waiting in a parked car on the Ohio University campus 3/30/1966 #20167  
irmation of the encounter, a truck parked on the berm of the southbound I-7 Early 11/1966 #21070  
 people had seen a strange vehicle parked in the street. That afternoon, a  8/7/1967 #22839  
one Powers, and Chris Beachner are parked next to a pond in a gravel pit ne 2/18/1968 #23763  
hose paint was badly scorched, was parked in an unknown road. They spoke to 5/1968 #23936  
ns drawn, and two police cars were parked nearby. After a short while a bea 11/21/1968 #24676  
            The two witnesses were parked in a remote area of West Nyack, N 4/5/1969 #25051  
 their heads and departed in a UFO parked nearby that ascended vertically.  5/5/1969 #25117  
Smith and her mother were in their parked car near Atlanta, Georgia talking 12/27/1969 #25510  
tlanta, Georgia talking. They were parked along the side of the road in the 12/27/1969 #25510  
ights later he notices a limousine parked outside of his house with four me 9/1970 #25822  
m her house with her brother. They parked the car in an isolated area at 7: 9/7/1970 #25828  
 Gerald Adams and Donna Martin are parked on a dirt road 3–4 miles north an 10/24/1970 #25885  
ves ahead and hovers above a truck parked a half-mile away. When he comes a 11/1/1970 #25898  
r 1:15 p.m. Miner Claude Girard is parked on the road near the bridge over  7/8/1971 #26216  
He looks up and sees a huge object parked at a height of 300 feet adjacent  10/8/1972 #27058  
wing-ball scouts back yard. Probes parked car. Odd noises.                  4/1973 #27395  
341, where they discovered a small parked white car that had not been there 9/11/1973 #27803  
 there a few minutes earlier. They parked their cars and the two younger bo 9/11/1973 #27803  
341, where they discovered a small parked white car that had not been there 9/12/1973 #27809  
 there a few minutes earlier. They parked their cars and the two younger bo 9/12/1973 #27809  
d one of the cars was shaken while parked. The beings made modulated whistl 10/19/1973 #28197  
 mad dash for their cars that were parked at the bottom of the mountain. No 10/20/1973 #28222  
.m. a man and his fiancé were in a parked car on a road near the shore in E 3/15/1974 #28891  
witness watches three silver ships parked on the highway with a floodlight. 3/26/1974 #28956  
ness witnessed "three silver ships parked on the highway with light similar 3/26/1974 #28957  
ked and saw what looked like a car parked on a hillside. She told her mothe 4/30/1974 #29072  
  At 11:00 p.m. three persons in a parked car near Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, 12/1/1974 #29627  
year-old farmer, noticed something parked on the opposite side of the road  12/2/1974 #29631  
all shines blue light going down / parked car. Car and CB electro-magnetic  1/6/1975 #29727  
e listening to a CB radio in their parked car saw lights approaching them f 1/6/1975 #29728  
e listening to a CB radio in their parked car at around 11 p.m. saw lights  1/6/1975 #29729  
rd the west. Reaching Wausau, they parked the car behind a restaurant and b 4/6/1975 #29975  
ad previous close encounters. They parked and walked about 100 meters on fo 4/22/1975 #30000  
 he arrived at his destination and parked his truck, he got into his car to 9/11/1975 #30353  
hes off the ground in front of his parked car. Beside it stood a man about  9/25/1975 #30384  
io Hikawa and Takashi Furuya, were parked in a car at a scenic spot in Japa 10/1/1975 #30409  
barn might be on fire. The UFO was parked on a road that led to the lake. A 10/7/1975 #30422  
d, which he first took to be a car parked on a hilltop. As he approached, h 10/24/1976 #31493  
                     Two men, were parked in a marshy, densely wooded area  5/8/1977 #32074  
d his partner Officer Coogler were parked west of the object which appeared 7/21/1977 #32296  
d his partner Officer Coogler were parked west of the object, which appeare 7/21/1977 #32299  
                 MARRUBIU, ITL 2 / parked car. Bright orange 2M saucer stop 9/19/1977 #32496  
f behind building to which she was parked. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   1/10/1978 #32868  
       A carload of residents were parked at the local railroad crossing ne 7/10/1978 #33363  
lectro-magnetic effects). Beams up parked car / opening.                    7/16/1978 #33385  
dilla of Springer, New Mexico, are parked on a traffic watch when one of th 4/22/1980 #35285  
neuver above several A-10 aircraft parked at the base. Moments later, the o 6/15/1980 #35374  
argaret Lambert and her family are parked at a scenic overlook along Skylin 9/3/1980 #35493  
ty uniformed traffic officers were parked up in a pub car park when they ob 11/29/1980 #35681  
 Illinois 10:00 p.m. Two teenagers parked next to a swimming pool in a subd 12/5/1980 #35701  
        Auburn, WA The witness had parked her car in her apartment parking  2/10/1981 #35822  
                   The witness had parked her car in her apartment parking  2/10/1981 #35823  
 over houses, telephone wires, and parked cars. Wispy material is falling f 5/4/1981 #35928  
no Vercellese, Piemonte, Italy. He parked his vehicle and proceeded to expl 9/11/1981 #36110  
no Vercellese, Piemonte, Italy. He parked his vehicle and proceeded to expl 9/12/1981 #36112  
Cross (near), GA 7:00 PM. ¬: While parked in a wooded area, a young couple  1/22/1984 #37141  
 observer(s). 25' diamond swoops / parked car. 2nd observer(s) / 7 October. 10/6/1985 #37674  
ball going quickly west stops near parked pickup truck. Goes. Back / 3 Aug. 7/30/1986 #37958  
                EVANSVILLE, IN 2 / parked truck. Rumble. 60' and cylinder/c 9/6/1986 #38016  
at she was looking at a domed disc parked in her backyard. The dome was abo 3/23/1987 #38153  
e out and the alarm team’s vehicle parked 50 feet from the wide-open gate w Winter 1987 #38370  
urners begin to notice a white car parked near their house, and unmarked he 1988 #38383  
re, England, sees a dog run from a parked car he is passing. The dog crosse 2/9/1988 #38448  
head-shaped object in the sky. She parked her car to watch. The object rapi 11/30/1989 #39286  
ge bright eyes, walked in front of parked cars in Lake Cartagena, Cabo Rojo 8/31/1990 #39708  
                 Two investigators parked out in the remote desert of Tikab 3/16/1993 #40886  
so realized that their vehicle was parked at a different spot than it had b 2/11/1995 #42036  
 a different spot than it had been parked, that was miles away from the ori 2/11/1995 #42036  
t. He next recalls finding himself parked in the middle of the road, where  5/7/1995 #42189  
the covered bodies. The trucks are parked on the side of Hospital Humanitas 1/22/1996 #42706  
erly couple standing next to their parked van on the road side; both were s 6/4/1996 #42921  
 they drove down a narrow lane and parked their vehicle. They then saw a la 9/23/1996 #43039  
unters and their hunting dogs were parked on Leonard Road six miles south o 12/1/1996 #43130  
r. Reddish barn-sized round object parked in pasture. No further details.   6/24/1997 #43336  
mall humanoids (or Greys) surround parked car / 40 mn and run. Black car ca 9/22/1997 #43413  
os Munoz and Enrique Bermudez were parked in an isolated wooded area near P 9/30/1997 #43421  
t 1:45 a.m. the two witnesses were parked in an open field in Drente, The N 2/14/1998 #43521  
Brazil Jose Joaquim Dos Santos was parked on the side of the road resting i 2/21/1999 #43733  
g home when he saw a white vehicle parked in front of his house, occupied b 7/14/1999 #43802  
e worn by the early astronauts. He parked his vehicle and approached the tw 3/26/2002 #44326  
 suddenly stopped, and his car was parked on the side of the road with ever 2/13/2003 #44490  
uple and their 7-year-old son were parked next to the Coronda River in Puer 9/5/2009 #45242  
g face to face with a UFO that was parked on the road outside the entrance  8/6/2013 #45381  
gy physicist Arie deGeus died in a parked car in 2007 before a trip to secu 12/2014 #45425  
lington, Virginia. As she passes a parked van, a man gets out and walks pas 11/26/2019 #45618  
## Word: "parker" (Back to Top)
       Norwalk, Ohio 8:00 p.m. Abe Parker of Norwalk, Ohio, sees an object  5/9/1897 #595  
t flew. The main witness was named Parker.                                  2/28/1913 #885  
Alfred Lee Loomis, biologist Caryl Parker Haskins, physicist Luis Walter Al 7/3/1946 #2025  
erceptor Group. 1st Lt. Francis E. Parker, 1st Lt. Frank K. Mattson, Sgt. M 3/9/1950 #4598  
igher. Further indications of what Parker describes as a well-defined, clea 3/9/1950 #4598  
                                   Parker, Arizona foot of Coxcomb Mountain 11/20/1952 #8307  
overhead going in the direction of Parker, Arizona. Adamski asks Lucy McGin 11/20/1952 #8307  
California Colorado River north of Parker Dam on the Arizona border 1:25 p. 3/3/1953 #8727  
t over the Colorado River north of Parker Dam on the Arizona border. He tak 3/3/1953 #8727  
                                   PARKER, AZ USAF T33 pilot. Yellow-white- 6/4/1955 #12178  
                                   Parker, AZ Two Sightings From T-33 / Mag 6/4/1955 #12179  
                            WEST / PARKER, AZ 1 observer. 2 silent silver d 5/20/1956 #12859  
ed object was sighted by a Mrs. H. Parker in Bridgewater, Tasmania at 6:20  12/15/1971 #26504  
            Pascagoula, MS Hickson/Parker Incident (NICAP: 07 - Entity Case 10/11/1973 #27991  
la, MS Charles Hickson and Charles Parker abduction case                    10/11/1973 #27996  
0 p.m. Two men, 19-year-old Calvin Parker and 42-year old Charles E. Hickso 10/11/1973 #27997  
wo men, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, were doing some evening fishing  10/11/1973 #28005  
 the craft. The third being seized Parker, who immediately went limp. Once  10/11/1973 #28005  
lapsed when he touched the ground. Parker stood by with a terrified look on 10/11/1973 #28005  
 same afternoon as the Hickson and Parker abduction in Pascagoula, Mississi 10/11/1973 #28006  
vilians Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker claim they see an oval UAP and ar 10/11/1973 #28009  
stated the testimony was sincere.  Parker claims his father once worked for 10/11/1973 #28009  
f the alleged entities Hickson and Parker saw may match the description of  10/11/1973 #28009  
ey Bay, California 7:55 a.m. Nancy Parker is a passenger on a Western Airli 11/6/1980 #35622  
                       Castle Rock Parker Douglas County Fort Collins Larim 1/8/2020 #45625  
 now being seen in Castle Rock and Parker in Douglas County, Colorado, and  1/8/2020 #45625  
## Word: "parkersburg" (Back to Top)
was flying four miles southwest of Parkersburg, West Virginia at 2:45 p.m.  9/25/1949 #4369  
n, Fairmont, Wheeling, Charleston, Parkersburg, Nitro, Ward, and Chelyan, W 9/12/1952 #7905  
n, Fairmont, Wheeling, Charleston, Parkersburg, Nitro, Ward, and Chelyan, W 9/12/1952 #7905  
                                   PARKERSBURG, WV AND BELPRE AND VIENNA AN 8/12/1956 #13072  
                                   PARKERSBURG, WVA Trucker. 'Car' going do 11/2/1966 #21066  
                                   Parkersburg, West Virginia W. Derenberge 11/2/1966 #21069  
     Minot Donnybrook North Dakota Parkersburg West Virginia Interstate 77  Early 11/1966 #21070  
is driving his panel truck home to Parkersburg, West Virginia, on Interstat Early 11/1966 #21070  
                                In Parkersburg, West Virginia Mr. Woodrow D 11/2/1966 #21071  
                US Highway 50 near Parkersburg, West Virginia intersection  11/4/1966 #21075  
colleague along US Highway 50 near Parkersburg, West Virginia. He starts sp 11/4/1966 #21075  
                  State Highway 47 Parkersburg, West Virginia American Visc 11/6/1966 #21080  
 A driver on State Highway 47 near Parkersburg, West Virginia, sees a UFO a 11/6/1966 #21080  
oun, IL 10:00 p.m. State Police at Parkersburg, Illinois, took this call an 5/23/1974 #29127  
## Word: "parkes" (Back to Top)
                                   PARKES, AUSTR 2 farmers. Dogs bark. Lumi 8/10/1965 #19354  
 Earth. Former UK politician Simon Parkes states “reptilians” are in contro 1/1991 #39944  
                                   Parkes Observatory New South Wales, Aust 4/2019 #45570  
es, Australia Proxima Centauri The Parkes Observatory in New South Wales, A 4/2019 #45570  
## Word: "parking" (Back to Top)
salesman Renzo Pugina, age 37, was parking his car in Erba, Como, Italy aft 10/18/1954 #11225  
nd hovered over the National Guard parking ramp for the F-89’s and then fle 5/1958 #15006  
 New Jersey Late evening. A couple parking in Millville, New Jersey, watch  Spring 1961 #16637  
asgow, Montana, are walking in the parking lot when a bright light appears  8/10/1963 #17882  
tore as viewed from his car in the parking lot to the south. He briefly los 5/26/1964 #18306  
 California were called out to the parking lot to see an unusual object in  5/16/1966 #20490  
rd, Illinois Night. A young couple parking in a rural area near Rockford, I Autumn 1966 #20919  
ge 50, was driving through a large parking lot in Churchville, New York whe 7/21/1967 #22722  
 green lights under it land on the parking lot pavement. He stopped his tru 7/21/1967 #22722  
 NY 15M Saturn saucer going down / parking Lot. 2 small humanoids (or Greys 7/31/1967 #22757  
n, 50, was driving through a large parking lot when he observed a cigar-sha 7/31/1967 #22760  
ped object about 50 feet long in a parking lot. It has greenish blinking li 7/31/1967 #22761  
ge 50, was driving through a large parking lot in Churchville, New York whe 7/31/1967 #22762  
ped objects that came to rest in a parking lot across the street. Shortly a 12/27/1969 #25510  
saw the beings they drove into the parking lot. The figures then abruptly v 12/27/1969 #25510  
12:10 p.m. A witness in Belgium is parking his car when he notices a dozen  7/5/1972 #26774  
of a small car sitting in a nearby parking lot. She hears footsteps behind  8/9/1972 #26889  
l as another bright light over the parking lot. Outside the second light sh 10/21/1973 #28228  
ther light hovering above a nearby parking lot. Inside this light she obser 10/21/1973 #28229  
observer(s). Round object low over parking Lot / wash.monument. / Star-News 11/16/1973 #28429  
investigating noises coming from a parking lot in Montmorency, France. It s 3/4/1974 #28854  
was in a different location in the parking lot, both were dirty, and a quar 4/6/1975 #29975  
 with row / lights going [to] over parking Lot. Tilts up 45° and rises away 11/1/1975 #30532  
, this one a woman standing in the parking lot. She has medium long brown h 1/31/1978 #32928  
, this one a woman standing in the parking lot. She had medium long brown h 1/31/1978 #32930  
 the sky a short distance from the parking space. While the object seems to 4/19/1978 #33153  
d Wing, Minnesota. Standing in the parking lot, they see a star making a bi 1/13/1980 #35133  
linois 8:20 p.m. Sam Puccinelli is parking his car in his garage in Palatin 4/20/1980 #35279  
Battle is driving his truck in the parking lot of the Teledyne-Ohio Steel p 8/17/1980 #35462  
ad parked her car in her apartment parking lot when she saw a huge lighted  2/10/1981 #35822  
ad parked her car in her apartment parking lot in Auburn, Washington at 11: 2/10/1981 #35823  
 turns into the Admiral Benbow Inn parking lot and alerts the night watchma 3/1981 #35859  
mont 7:30 p.m. Walking through the parking lot of the P&C grocery store in  4/15/1981 #35899  
, Georgia 7:00 p.m. A young couple parking near Waycross, Georgia, spot a l 1/22/1984 #37146  
iana. When they pull into the mall parking lot, the daughter notices a stre 1/19/1988 #38416  
n, Louisiana. They pulled into the parking lot of her work and stopped to w 1/19/1988 #38417  
traffic on I-20 came alive and the parking lot became active."              1/19/1988 #38417  
nants were transported to a nearby parking lot and loaded onto flatbeds, an 9/28/1989 #39132  
 FL Watchman / mall. 225cm giant / parking Lot. Big head. Cat-eyes. 2 other 12/7/1989 #39302  
e very tall beings standing in the parking lot area. The humanoids were des 12/8/1989 #39305  
eyes, who he watched walk across a parking lot.                             4/15/1990 #39528  
gle/box-like craft going [to] over parking Lot / treetops. Circular window  10/1990 #39754  
s are lit up in white light. After parking their car on the side of the roa 1/6/1991 #39947  
dlights off and left on the orange parking lights, the UFO changed color to 7/18/1992 #40526  
30' saucer west 2 orbs on top over parking Lot. CB Radio malfunctions due t 8/10/1992 #40563  
ng like a Mickey Mouse cap, over a parking lot. There was also CB radio int 8/10/1992 #40564  
onted by eight faceless men in her parking lot at about 7:00 p.m. They carr 12/29/1992 #40770  
with 4 legs / bottom. Seen / rainy parking Lot. / UFO Newsclipping Service  12/5/1994 #41882  
es were walking across the company parking lot to their car when they notic 3/12/2000 #43966  
           A security guard atop a parking garage in Orlando, Florida saw t 5/12/2002 #44343  
   At 1:20 a.m. at the Burger King parking lot in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, p 11/13/2002 #44438  
    While pulling his car into the parking lot of the Behavioral Health Ser 3/14/2003 #44502  
 to watch it as he pulled into the parking lot at his place of employment,  12/10/2003 #44627  
 arrived back home from work after parking the car in the garage and had wa 4/12/2008 #45127  
west to southeast over the Walmart parking lot in canyon country, Santa Cla 5/9/2008 #45136  
emembers anything whatsoever after parking the car. They do not remember wh 6/7/2008 #45146  
follows them. They stop again at a parking lot and see that the light is co 1/8/2013 #45359  
## Word: "parkland" (Back to Top)
                                   PARKLAND, WA 2 observer(s). Dazzling obj 5/2/1957 #13641  
## Word: "parks" (Back to Top)
O, TX 3 observer(s). Silver saucer parks / sky / 10 minute(s). Shoots strai 3/28/1950 #4743  
INDIA Same observer(s). Same craft parks / sky / 20 minute(s). Vanishes in  3/29/1951 #5494  
YC, NY Round smooth glowing saucer parks overhead. Then going north and sha 6/27/1952 #6641  
 Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks in California A large UFO is seen  7/30/1953 #9022  
 Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks in California. Park Superintendent 7/30/1953 #9022  
BAN, RSA Many / beach. Shiny ovoid parks over radio mast / several min. Sho 9/24/1954 #10427  
         RAF Bentwaters Bentwaters Parks Suffolk, England RAF Lakenheath RA 8/13/1956 #13080  
 at RAF Bentwaters [now Bentwaters Parks], Suffolk, England. A blip traveli 8/13/1956 #13080  
don RAF Bentwaters [now Bentwaters Parks], Woodbridge, Suffolk Bushey, Hert 8/1/1963 #17860  
rom RAF Bentwaters [now Bentwaters Parks] in Woodbridge, Suffolk, and anoth 8/1/1963 #17860  
ow the tree line near the lake. He parks his car and runs along a trail to  7/1968 #24108  
nd approaches swiftly. The student parks his bicycle and runs up some steps 11/29/1970 #25922  
           ISLA DE LOBOS, URUG UFO parks by lighthouse. Guard sees 3 small  10/28/1972 #27093  
egional police constable, and Andy Parks, music director of radio station C 2/4/1975 #29784  
kering Nuclear Generating Station. Parks says they are “floating around, zi 2/4/1975 #29784  
Subcommittee on Lands and National Parks that the Air Force restricted publ 8/7/1984 #37429  
s car in front and back / 7mi. Car parks. UFO hovers and goes.              2/9/1987 #38118  
## Word: "parkside" (Back to Top)
ial Park, Langenburg, Saskatchewan Parkside School 7:30 p.m. Brad Schmidt,  10/11/1989 #39162  
 The object moves away over nearby Parkside School, pauses for a moment, th 10/11/1989 #39162  
## Word: "parkstone" (Back to Top)
                                   PARKSTONE, DORSET 200' torpedo-ship 300' 7/14/1963 #17827  
ong torpedo-shaped craft flew over Parkstone, Dorset, England at 300 feet.  7/14/1963 #17828  
                                   PARKSTONE, UK 6M saucer. Blue beam going 9/25/1977 (approximate) #32516  
                                   Parkstone, Poole, Dorset, England 11:00  Late 9/1977 #32518  
el May Field is in her backyard in Parkstone, Poole, Dorset, England, when  Late 9/1977 #32518  
## Word: "parkville" (Back to Top)
                                   Parkville, MD 12:45 p.m. EST (11:45 a.m. 2/21/1967 #21611  
## Word: "parkway" (Back to Top)
                     Grand Central Parkway in Queens, New York City Fred Wi Summer 1944 #1610  
path adjacent to the Grand Central Parkway in Queens, New York City. As the Summer 1944 #1610  
minated 50-foot pole in the center parkway ahead. It seems to be retracting 1/1958 #14793  
 as it flew along over the Merritt Parkway and returned. (Westport News, 2/ 2/7/1967 #21473  
             SIMON BUTTE, WA Satus Parkway lookouts. Big glow. Red cylinder 10/26/1976 #31496  
 Eastside of the city near the FDR parkway, a medical student took a photog 6/4/1978 #33256  
 2, 1981 was admitted to Houston's Parkway General Hospital as a burn patie 12/29/1980 #35758  
x-like craft going north / Taconic Parkway.                                 3/17/1983 #36787  
33. Zigzags going north up Taconic Parkway..                                3/24/1983 #36796  
   YORKTOWN, NY All stop / Taconic Parkway. Delta/triangle/box-like craft h 3/25/1984 #37242  
                     Taconic State Parkway Peekskill, New York Night. Hundr 3/25/1984 #37245  
ying lights over the Taconic State Parkway near Peekskill, New York. The li 3/25/1984 #37245  
 Many cars stop / I84 near Taconic Parkway exit. 300' object with lights ov 4/25/1984 #37288  
 a car being driven on the Taconic Parkway. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  5/31/1984 #37345  
asantville, New York Taconic State Parkway Yorktown, New York 8:15 p.m. A V 5/31/1984 #37348  
llows a car down the Taconic State Parkway. At 8:45 p.m., David Boyd in Yor 5/31/1984 #37348  
 a car being driven on the Taconic Parkway. At 8:45 p.m. the lights were se 5/31/1984 #37349  
nal Laboratories via William Floyd Parkway; local police were instructed to 9/28/1989 #39132  
wo witnesses near the Garden State Parkway in Eatontown, New Jersey observe 12/3/1994 #41879  
hts flew low over the Garden State Parkway in Tuckeron, New Jersey at 9:25  5/14/2000 #43994  
## Word: "parl" (Back to Top)
in Hewaheta 10:45 p.m. Tea planter Parl Abeywickrema, his two assistants Os 7/17/1971 #26234  
## Word: "parle" (Back to Top)
Jean-Claude Bourret, OVNI l' Armee Parle, p. 146; David F. Webb and Ted Blo 1/5/1976 #30760  
## Word: "parliament" (Back to Top)
drops fire' / Westminster Hall and parliament.                              3/14/1660 #43  
e incident comes up in a debate in Parliament on November 21. MP William Jo 10/14/1912 #864  
New York Gananoque, Ontario Ottawa Parliament Hill Ottawa 9:15 p.m. The may 2/14/1915 #925  
e reports and orders the lights on Parliament Hill to be turned off at 11:1 2/14/1915 #925  
Minister Hansson tells the Swedish Parliament that most ghost flier sightin 2/2/1934 #1200  
                           Swedish Parliament Northern Region MP Elof Lindb 2/15/1937 #1267  
of Lindberg demands in the Swedish Parliament that a commission with civil  2/15/1937 #1267  
liam McMahon states facetiously in Parliament that flying saucer reports ar 8/14/1952 #7592  
ster for Air William McMahon tells Parliament that all UFO reports “are sti 11/20/1953 #9313  
                           British Parliament The British Parliament discus 11/24/1953 #9320  
    British Parliament The British Parliament discusses the November 3 Lee  11/24/1953 #9320  
be the voice of the Interplanetary Parliament. Several days later, while he 5/8/1954 #9763  
unces the shoot-down to the Soviet parliament but does not reveal yet that  5/5/1960 #16256  
rushchev now reveals to the Soviet parliament that Powers is alive and much 5/7/1960 #16259  
 In 1969 on this date the Canadian Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, Ontario  3/4/1969 #24970  
 died. Later that day the Canadian Parliament Building was buzzed by a myst 6/5/1969 #25203  
                           Italian Parliament Four members of the Italian P 7/10/1984 #37390  
iament Four members of the Italian Parliament—Giancarlo Abete, Publio Fiori 7/10/1984 #37390  
       Belgium France The European Parliament considers a resolution that e 12/1/1993 #41315  
ion for a resolution. However, the Parliament does not have the necessary v 12/1/1993 #41315  
fic helicopter. "UFO over houses / parliament. I'm not joking! ". / daily s 6/1/1995 #42234  
  Europe Toulouse, France European Parliament Member Nello Musumeci submits 1/20/2004 #44652  
                          European Parliament Member Mario Borghezio calls  6/14/2010 #45285  
nd Oskarshamn nuclear power plants Parliament buildings and the Royal Palac 1/17/2022 #45734  
week, drones are seen circling the Parliament buildings and the Royal Palac 1/17/2022 #45734  
## Word: "parliamentary" (Back to Top)
 Lee case and others. Nigel Birch, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry  11/24/1953 #9320  
ials. Lord Kimberley agrees that a parliamentary group should be set up. Lo 1/18/1979 #34358  
## Word: "parlor" (Back to Top)
re walking home from a local pizza parlor in Virgilio, Sicily, Italy at 11: 7/14/1999 #43802  
## Word: "parma" (Back to Top)
erver(s). 'Flying boat' glows over Parma and Pavia and Massa Carrara Provin 9/10/1997 #43404  
                Alessandria, Italy Parma Turin A fall of angel hair covers  10/18/2002 #44419  
iglio Nazionale delle Richerche in Parma and shows “unequivocally” that the 10/18/2002 #44419  
## Word: "parmain" (Back to Top)
                                   PARMAIN, FR 2 observer(s). Boxy object w 2/28/1993 #40865  
## Word: "parnaiba" (Back to Top)
                                   PARNAIBA R, BRZ Night lights buzz fisher 9/23/1984 #37463  
ts buzzed fishermen fishing in the Parnaiba River in Maranhao State, Brazil 9/23/1984 #37467  
## Word: "parnarama" (Back to Top)
                                   PARNARAMA, BRZ Hunters / tree hammocks z 8/15/1981 (approximate) #36073  
                                   PARNARAMA, BRZ Hunter zapped / Chupa? Fa 10/17/1981 #36175  
in the rain forest in Matoes, near Parnarama, Maranhao State, Brazil when t 10/17/1981 #36176  
                        A UFO near Parnarama, Maranhao State, Brazil emitte 10/31/1981 #36198  
## Word: "parnassia" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Parnassia” YieldMax: 20KT                11/30/1971 #26480  
## Word: "parnaíba" (Back to Top)
uama, São Paulo, Brazil Santana di Parnaíba 6:00 p.m. João Prestes is retur 3/5/1946 #1973  
he way to a hospital in Santana di Parnaíba at 3:00 a.m.                    3/5/1946 #1973  
## Word: "parodi" (Back to Top)
y building in La Spezia near Mount Parodi, Italy on this day. The being wor 9/5/1976 #31345  
## Word: "parole" (Back to Top)
issippi Pascagoula River 7:40 p.m. Parole Officer Raymond Broadus, Pascagou 10/11/1973 #27998  
## Word: "paroux" (Back to Top)
, Emile Gerard, age 49, and Victor Paroux, age 40, were bringing a locomoti 9/28/1954 #10491  
15 seconds before veering off. Mr. Paroux was so agitated he had to see a d 9/28/1954 #10491  
## Word: "parque" (Back to Top)
                                   Parque del Este, Caracas, Venezuela UFOs 2/11/1962 #17047  
tting a new tile roof on a shed in Parque en Grande, Brazil when they notic 5/24/1967 #22394  
                                   Parque Zoobotânico Municipal Dr. Mário F 4/21/1996 #42876  
 birthday at the restaurant at the Parque Zoobotânico Municipal Dr. Mário F 4/21/1996 #42876  
## Word: "parr" (Back to Top)
                                   PARR, LANCS 3 observer(s). Saucer / 3 le 7/22/1963 #17846  
                                   Parr, Great Britain William Holland, 12, 7/22/1963 #17847  
shaped object pass into a cloud in Parr, Merseyside, England. It failed to  7/22/1963 #17849  
## Word: "parra" (Back to Top)
          Valencia, Venezuela Jose Parra, an 18-year-old jockey, saw six sm 12/19/1954 #11837  
alencia, Venezuela 11:00 p.m. José Parra, an 18-year-old jockey, watches a  12/19/1954 #11838  
 eleven o’clock in the evening Mr. Parra, an 18-year-old resident of Valenc 12/19/1954 #11841  
                                LA PARRA AIR FORCE BASE, SP Sweeping light  4/7/1974 #28996  
## Word: "parramatta" (Back to Top)
                                   PARRAMATTA, AUST Dream? Flying head invi 7/25/1868 #175  
                                   Parramatta, New South Wales Engineer Fre 7/25/1868 #176  
er Frederick William Birmingham of Parramatta, New South Wales, watches a b 7/25/1868 #176  
                                   PARRAMATTA, NSW 3 brown colored clouds.  3/9/1873 #199  
ucers going quickly west toward(s) Parramatta. Wave / Sydney. / r171p171.   7/7/1947 #2912  
## Word: "parravicini" (Back to Top)
            Artist Benjamin Solari Parravicini was walking home after midni 6/4/1968 #24006  
very handsome man, was questioning Parravicini in an alien language, which  6/4/1968 #24006  
en beings have allegedly contacted Parravicini several times.               6/4/1968 #24006  
## Word: "parravicino" (Back to Top)
                                   Parravicino, Como, Italy Around 12:00 mi 10/19/1954 #11243  
 just put his car in his garage at Parravicino, Como, Italy, when he sees a 10/19/1954 #11243  
 in the garage at his residence in Parravicino d'Erba, Italy when he saw a  10/20/1954 #11283  
## Word: "parreno" (Back to Top)
la Madrid, Spain Commandante Angel Parreno, the pilot of an Iberian Airline 11/19/1976 #31558  
## Word: "parrish" (Back to Top)
ligence officer (probably Lt. Glen Parrish) at the base, who is about to fo 9/1952 #7801  
m A. Matheny) orders it destroyed. Parrish shows the last copy of the repor 9/1952 #7801  
## Word: "parrot" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Parrot” Yield: 1.3KT                     12/16/1964 #18657  
rmitted to testify. Many witnesses parrot the NORAD party line that its rad 7/29/1968 #24254  
by the dogs, chickens, pigs, and a parrot. The witnesses suffered vibration 5/16/1971 #26115  
 a delta-shaped UFO and took a pet parrot from the yard of a home in the ci 1/3/1998 #43490  
## Word: "parrott" (Back to Top)
rced, California Witness:  William Parrott, former Air Force pilot and majo 4/4/1949 #4073  
                           William Parrott, former Air Force pilot and Majo 4/4/1949 #4074  
onium in dogs, chickens, pigs, and parrott. (Ted Phillips) (NICAP: 06 - Tra 5/16/1971 #26114  
## Word: "parrott's" (Back to Top)
 a clicking sound until overhead.  Parrott's dog reacted. 35 seconds.       4/4/1949 #4073  
f a clicking sound until overhead. Parrott's dog reacted by barking and run 4/4/1949 #4074  
## Word: "parrotta" (Back to Top)
scanaba, Michigan 11:50 p.m. Angie Parrotta and Nancy Hanson, both 18, are  4/8/1982 #36442  
## Word: "parrsboro" (Back to Top)
                two miles north of Parrsboro, Nova Scotia Minas Basin James 12/3/1973 #28514  
 for 15 minutes two miles north of Parrsboro, Nova Scotia. It is over Minas 12/3/1973 #28514  
## Word: "parry" (Back to Top)
erville Utah Ogden Sunset. Bernard Parry and his wife are near Marriott [no 7/20/1894 #316  
ronomer photos perfect and shape / Parry Crater, moon. Bright and sharp.    11/26/1956 #13355  
gs start barking furiously. A Mrs. Parry and her young daughter look out fr 9/1/1978 #33622  
                            WEST / PARRY SOUND, ON 2 observer(s). Long thin 7/15/1997 #43351  
           At 10:00 p.m. Restoule, Parry Sound, Ontario a red light moved f 5/19/2011 #45326  
## Word: "parshall" (Back to Top)
                           Miss N. Parshall, a sixteen-year-old girl in Cal 5/12/1967 #22326  
                                   PARSHALL, ND Cars O / O / control. Cop b 10/27/1967 #23339  
                                   Parshall, ND 3:00 a.m. CDT (4:00 a.m. ED 10/27/1967 #23343  
                                   Parshall, ND Sphere rose, paced car, whi 10/27/1967 #23347  
                                   Parshall, ND Sphere rose, paced car, whi 10/27/1967 #23349  
                                   Parshall, North Dakota 3:00 a.m. A waitr 10/27/1967 #23351  
00 a.m. A waitress driving home in Parshall, North Dakota, sees a large, ro 10/27/1967 #23351  
red near a nuclear missile base in Parshall, North Dakota at 3:00 a.m. It w 10/27/1967 #23356  
## Word: "parsipany" (Back to Top)
s reported a strange object to the Parsipany Police Department. The object  2/19/1976 #30885  
## Word: "parsippany" (Back to Top)
                                   PARSIPPANY, NJ Pilot and many. 30' ovoid 7/4/1975 #30155  
                                   Parsippany, NJ 12:05 a.m. A college stud 7/4/1975 #30156  
## Word: "parsley" (Back to Top)
ttalion Communication Chief SFC A. Parsley. One silver, circular object, it 6/20/1958 #15104  
ttalion Communication Chief SFC A. Parsley observed a silver, circular obje 6/20/1958 #15106  
## Word: "parson-naturalist" (Back to Top)
ngland New Alresford Bradley Dawn. Parson-naturalist Gilbert White wakes up 9/21/1741 #63  
## Word: "parsonage" (Back to Top)
 The Hills attend a meeting at the parsonage of their Unitarian church in P 11/23/1962 #17559  
## Word: "parsons" (Back to Top)
 Mrs. Lloyd Wright and Mrs. Lester Parsons of Bedford, Indiana, see a huge  8/25/1955 #12408  
t regularly as it hovers over Mrs. Parsons’s home. The houselights appear t 8/25/1955 #12408  
          James Earl Jones Estelle Parsons An NBC-TV movie, The UFO Inciden 10/20/1975 #30454  
rring James Earl Jones and Estelle Parsons. It is based on the book The Int 10/20/1975 #30454  
                                   PARSONS, WV Several separate observer(s) 1/27/1990 #39391  
mended copy of New Mexico Origins: Parsons, Hubbard and Babalon Working. Ma 3/11/1998 #43532  
-5 — are still convinced that the “PARSONS TECHNIQUE” can assist in holding 3/11/1998 #43532  
 any attempt to follow the path of Parsons will only result in a catastroph 3/11/1998 #43532  
trophe of the type warned about in Parsons, von Karman and Goddard: A Door  3/11/1998 #43532  
s have had some success using the “PARSONS TECHNIQUE” in achieving spontane 3/11/1998 #43532  
began investigating physicist Jack Parsons for his links to Aleister Crowle 3/31/2011 #45322  
er Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard, and Parsons’ allegiance to the United States 3/31/2011 #45322  
’ allegiance to the United States. Parsons was a principal founder of the N 3/31/2011 #45322  
 claims some in the US IC believed Parsons and his occult practices were re 3/31/2011 #45322  
## Word: "parstell" (Back to Top)
A, MD Project Bluebook Case #1128. Parstell and 3. 7-15 silent orbs / 40° V 4/18/1952 #6114  
## Word: "part" (Back to Top)
o fiery rays extend from its front part. Less than an hour later, a similar 8/15/1663 #44  
after a full 30 seconds. The front part is luminous with a frame-like struc 12/16/1742? #65  
                              DARK PART / MOON Astronomer. Bright object 40 10/20/1824 #119  
                              DARK PART / MOON Luminous dots appear / 2 day 3/18/1847 #142  
mber. Bright flashing light / dark part.                                    3/18/1847 #142  
ts town on March 28, although this part of the tale seems facetious and rac 3/26/1880 #230  
i, Albania (then called Uskudar, a part of Ottoman Turkey). At dawn a lumin 11/2/1885 #271  
sive swellings appear on the upper part of their bodies, especially around  10/24/1886 #276  
d lights passing over the northern part of the city after hearing a man sho 8/30/1892 #305  
ow, “two wings hinged at the upper part of the vessel,” and a compartment f 8/11/1896 #329  
w over a dairy farm in the western part of Iowa after midnight. It was 30 t 4/8/1897 #419  
ty Marshal Brown is in the western part of town making his rounds, and the  4/15/1897 #490  
ars after passing over the western part of the city.                        7/4/1897 #597  
f mile and notices that the bushes part in front of the object and close up 5/1931 #1126  
seaplane over eastern Greenland as part of a photogrammetric survey. Sudden 1932 #1136  
ms are “blinding.” The sighting is part of a wave of “ghost flier” reports  12/24/1933 #1182  
minary Evanston, Illinois Northern part of town Rev. Robert H. Moore and si Spring 1942 #1403  
ctangular object over the northern part of town for 10 minutes.             Spring 1942 #1403  
Wright Field near Dayton, Ohio, as part of the Army Materiel Command. Its o 12/1942 #1469  
rs. Shoots quickly going up. Lower part round and black.                    8/1944 (approximate) #1629  
es Subcommittee (CIOS), charged in part with investigating the strange ball 8/17/1944 #1645  
 uranium enrichment device that is part of the pilot thermal diffusion plan 9/2/1944 #1664  
Capt. William D. Leet’s B-17 crew (part of the 2nd Bombardment Group, 5th W 11/24/1944 #1705  
           Manhattan Project US As part of the Manhattan Project, 18 people 4/10/1945 #1844  
 km) southeast of Socorro, NM (now part of the White Sands Missile Range)   7/16/1945 #1897  
ow Airport], Utah Sandia Base [now part of Kirtland AFB] Kirtland Field The 9/1945 #1935  
 the beginning of Sandia Base [now part of Kirtland AFB]. Nearby Kirtland F 9/1945 #1935  
 cylinder moving over the northern part of Sundsvall.                       7/18/1946 #2063  
60M altitude. 12 portholes / lower part. 1 head looks out each port.        8/25/1946 (approximate) #2158  
lasts one hour. Possibly these are part of the Taurid meteor shower.        10/10/1946 #2202  
Scanlon decided to end MacKenzie's part of the operation. Although MacKenzi 7/1/1947 #2501  
will be almost surely destroyed.” “Part of the discs carry crews, others ar 7/8/1947 #2953  
E. Graves claims to have witnessed part of the recovery of a crashed UFO in Early 10/1947 #3446  
and Truettner almost certainly are part of the writing. Llewellyn certainly 9/30/1948? #3817  
e site finally chosen in 1950, now part of Nellis Air Force Base); and the  Late 1948 #3842  
 a plateau in a remote, fenced-off part of the base. After a few weeks, the 1949 #3945  
end slowly and silently. Suddenly, part of the plateau opens up and they ca 1949 #3945  
on the ground at Hickam Field [now part of Joint Base Pearl Harbor–Hickam]  1/4/1949 #3959  
                        Dayton, OH Part of the Final Report of Project SIGN 2/1949 #3990  
uled deliberately to coincide with part one of Shalett’s article in the Sat 4/27/1949 #4117  
 of the Saturday Evening Post with part one of Sidney Shalett’s “What You C 4/29/1949 #4132  
tions equipment to fail and damage part of his plexiglass cockpit canopy th 5/6/1949 #4158  
                                   Part two of Shalett’s article on UFOs ap 5/6/1949 #4160  
more skeptical tone than the first part, with the Gorman case receiving a p 5/6/1949 #4160  
o suicide note is found other than part of a translation of Sophocles’s tra 5/22/1949 #4203  
 hemisphere with a flattened lower part, and estimated to be 70-80 meters i 1/24/1950 #4510  
ur people at Falmouth Airport [now part of Frances Crane Wildlife Managemen 2/2/1950 #4526  
ctor of Special Investigations. In part, it states: “In a liaison meeting w 5/25/1950 #4966  
between the aircraft and the upper part of the moon, revealing an object wi 5/29/1950 #4972  
claimed many frames from the first part of the film, those showing the best 8/5/1950 #5108  
 Hundreds / silvery balls join and part and fly going quickly north. Webby  10/11/1950 #5218  
but are escorted away. They do see part of the crash field and pick up a sm 12/6/1950 #5330  
g at 3,000 feet above the northern part of Fort Myers, Florida. Through 10x 12/6/1950 #5331  
ty in optics who came to the US as part of Operation Paperclip, observes a  8/17/1951 #5611  
he activities at Manzano Base [now part of Kirtland Air Force Base]. At one 2/22/1952 #5920  
 the uranium mines in the southern part of the Belgian Congo near Elisabeth 3/29/1952 #5993  
sylvania Pentagon McGuire AFB [now part of Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst 5/1952 #6229  
re scrambled from McGuire AFB [now part of Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst 5/1952 #6229  
ject is nearly vertical, seen over part of the ocean and some distant hills 5/7/1952 #6270  
rse of an hour above the northeast part of the city.                        5/28/1952 #6376  
Fr. Morocco Disc with lights along part of its circumference (Berliner) (NI 9/9/1952 #7885  
igence. One disc with lights along part of its circumference, flew twice as 9/9/1952 #7886  
simo sees a disc with lights along part of its circumference over Rabat, Mo 9/9/1952 #7887  
, sighted a disc with lights along part of its circumference. It flew twice 9/9/1952 #7888  
twoods incident was only one small part of a major UFO display involving mu 9/12/1952 #7905  
allic noise was heard; and the top part of the object lowered itself toward 11/18/1952 #8294  
ide, made up of a rapidly rotating part that produced a noise similar to an 11/18/1952 #8298  
allic noise was heard; and the top part of the object lowered itself toward 11/18/1952 #8298  
coln Laboratory would like to be a part of any scientific study of the UFO  12/2/1952 #8363  
   US Project SIGMA established as part of Project xxxx (name CENSURED). To 1954 #9414  
on it be leaked to Soviet spies as part of a disinformation campaign. The i 1954 #9424  
 luminous clothing and a hood over part of her head. Mrs. Forster has to be 2/1954 #9521  
/cigar-shape / 4K'. Separate blips part and rejoin. / MJ#250.               2/4/1954 #9533  
 that he should not talk about his part in the neighborhood drug store and  4/12/1954 #9685  
te later and flies over the higher part of Tananarive. When the object flie 8/16/1954 #10148  
tal sphere circles. Divides / 3. 1 part vanishes. 2 go off separately.      9/23/1954 #10405  
er(s). 1 or more saucers maneuver. Part and rejoin.                         9/27/1954 #10462  
low, the rest brown. From the fore part, two appendages extended to the gro 10/1/1954 #10556  
low, the rest brown. From the fore part, two appendages extended to the gro 10/1/1954 #10572  
oing south. Stops. Divides. Bottom part going down / ground. Rejoins and go 10/3/1954 #10648  
 small discs emerge from its lower part.                                    10/7/1954 #10791  
ie projectionist in Rinkerode [now part of Drensteinfurt], North Rhine-West 10/9/1954 #10858  
ng multicolored beams. The central part appeared to be metallic. The object 10/10/1954 #10885  
olored beams of light. The central part of the object appeared to be metall 10/10/1954 #10895  
-Louviers railroad line. The lower part was ringlike, and the object gave o 10/11/1954 #10927  
-Louviers railroad line. The lower part was ringlike, and the object gave o 10/11/1954 #10943  
of metallic scales while the lower part was contained by a large “pipe” 50  10/18/1954 #11225  
rge as a bicycle wheel.” Its upper part was dome-shaped and orientated hori 10/18/1954 #11225  
ting on a strange frame. The upper part was white with a black domelike tur 10/19/1954 #11239  
it standing near a tree. The lower part of its body is like a cone. It aims 10/19/1954 #11243  
ting on a strange frame. The upper part of the disc was white with a black  10/19/1954 #11250  
d like an inverted cone, the lower part phosphorescent, the middle dull, th 10/20/1954 #11273  
d like an inverted cone, the lower part phosphorescent, the middle dull, an 10/20/1954 #11282  
n faces and masks. When he touched part of the craft, the witness felt a st 10/23/1954 #11338  
 with human faces. When he touches part of the object, he gets an electric  10/23/1954 #11341  
 had on facemasks. When he touched part of the craft he got a strong electr 10/23/1954 #11344  
ber of small “red jags.” The upper part is a transparent dome; a man who is 11/23/1954 #11696  
er of small, "red jags." The upper part was a transparent dome, and a man w 11/23/1954 #11698  
e like a sewing machine. Its upper part resembled a jeep hood.              12/11/1954 #11800  
t were seen flowing from the lower part of the object while it was accelera 12/18/1954 #11831  
on and NASA. Project Rover becomes part of NASA’s Nuclear Engine for Rocket 1955 #11892  
ing of two parts, with the leading part larger than the other. A loud explo 2/6/1955 #11977  
vada Test Site. Ground forces take part in Exercise Desert Rock VI, which i 2/18/1955 #12010  
ional” propulsion systems based in part on collection of UAP materials in t 3/1/1955 #12027  
ng quickly west tilted 30°. Center part glows.                              5/8/1955 #12124  
saw round object with/silver lower part climb when approached (NICAP: 11 -  7/20/1955 #12273  
his activity continues the greater part of the night and includes heavy gun 8/21/1955 #12386  
ven o’clock at night. In the lower part of the dome she could see figures m 12/21/1955 #12619  
Overall, about 7,000 soldiers take part in these experiments that involve e 1/1956 #12641  
g-term follow-up is not planned as part of the Department of Defense studie 1/1956 #12641  
ctor, Harry Morgan, in a voiceover part. UFO witnesses Delbert Newhouse, Ni 5/3/1956 #12828  
                         southwest part of Springfield, Illinois 11:30 p.m. Summer 1956 #12915  
 by two witnesses in the southwest part of Springfield, Illinois. The car d Summer 1956 #12915  
ed and were a fiery red, while the part in the center was dimly visible. Sh 7/23/1956 #13013  
t no “tail-chase” or action on the part of the target occurred. They also a 8/13/1956 #13080  
lter was driving in an uninhabited part of Georgetown, Connecticut around t 2/3/1957 #13482  
 feet and legs hidden by the lower part of the object. Inside the open vehi 5/1957 #13631  
s tracking of the object. The main part of the incident occupies 30 minutes 7/17/1957 #13808  
de of shining metal, and the upper part rotates slowly over the lower part. 8/5/1957 #13881  
part rotates slowly over the lower part. Both objects have a kind of tube w 8/5/1957 #13881  
ts as it landed 15 m away. The top part was spinning. It became green as it 10/16/1957 #14127  
 it landed 15 meters away. The top part of the UFO was spinning, and it bec 10/16/1957 #14131  
. It came from an object whose top part was reddish yellow. Two figures eme 10/25/1957 #14154  
. It came from an object whose top part was reddish yellow. Two figures eme 10/25/1957 #14157  
 at about 1,500 feet. Radar tracks part of this maneuver. The object then c 11/4/1957 #14289  
et above the water, and the bottom part continues to rotate as the water fo 11/6/1957 #14424  
ng flying over his garage. The top part was bright, and there were two figu 11/8/1957 #14483  
 garage in Waterloo, Iowa. The top part was bright and there were two figur 11/8/1957 #14494  
the object is solid, but the upper part is transparent, and he can see two  11/21/1957 #14589  
ed he will have final say over his part of the script, and he agrees. Howev 12/1957 #14654  
upporting anti-gravity research as part of its Science for Peace and Securi 1958 #14786  
ot out. The being wore a helmet as part of his uniform. After a few minutes 1/4/1958 #14807  
rts, both a clear, gray color. One part is in the sea, while the other seem 1/10/1958 #14817  
tán de Corbeta Naval Air Base [now part of Capitán de Corbeta Carlos A. Cur 5/5/1958 #15018  
over resort going east. Triangular part / underside.                        6/1958 #15066  
haped like Saturn, less the bottom part; silver with no metallic luster, fl 6/14/1958 #15095  
mputers and huge displays remain a part of Cold War lore.                   6/26/1958 #15117  
awaii The Teak thermonuclear test, part of Operation Hardtack I, is launche 8/1/1958 #15174  
 William Natcher (D-Ky.), which is part of the Select Committee on Astronau 8/8/1958 #15184  
 dragging himself along the beach. Part of his face appeared to be burnt an 1/21/1959 #15560  
of a series of satellites that are part of the Corona spy program. The miss 2/28/1959 #15623  
ight blue trunks. The "helmet" was part of the suit, like a hood. She yelle 3/7/1959 #15631  
kely Oscar Wayne Wolff 1935-2015), part of the CIA's secret UFO investigati Spring 1959 #15656  
quarters. A few FBI officials took part in the meeting but not Director J.  Spring 1959 #15656  
ad. It was about 5 m long, the top part emitting a bright light. The object 4/29/1959 #15717  
at a 45 degree angle was witnessed part of the time. The four figures on to 6/26/1959 #15791  
ring of 3-4 white lights seemingly part of one object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 8/19/1959 #15931  
 many to believe that Murray was a part of the MK Ultra program. His experi 9/1959 #15952  
 on February 9, 1960. The NSSCC is part of the Air Force Command and Contro 12/1959 #16106  
 vanishes but reappears in another part of the sky. Their commanding office 1960 #16143  
tery satellite that is in the same part of the sky as Echo I, which is also 8/16/1960 #16396  
glowing, with windows on the upper part. The engineer gets a look at it thr 1961 #16551  
stare as the object hits the upper part of his hood and windshield. The noi 5/10/1961 #16681  
 waves for a brief time. Its lower part was similar to an upside down plate 6/3/1961 #16717  
an upside down plate and the upper part was shaped like a cone. As it was e 6/3/1961 #16717  
etting up new missile batteries as part of Moscow’s defensive network. A hu Summer 1961 #16734  
nter], Colorado Springs, Colorado, part of NORAD’s Space Detection and Trac 7/1/1961 #16742  
France, see a mystery satellite as part of Project Moonwatch. The following 7/11/1961 #16760  
paper reporter that he will not be part of Keyhoe’s “cheap scheme to discre 8/28/1961 #16806  
 Coast Guard to make sure it’s not part of a training exercise. Shortly aft 10/14/1961 #16910  
d, hovered nearby. "From the under part, a metallic cylinder over 3 m long  9/5/1962 #17386  
ikely the M-01 launch site that is part of Malmstrom AFB complex], sees a t 10/2/1962 #17451  
siles from Turkey is negotiable as part of a comprehensive settlement.      10/26/1962 #17499  
s withdraw missiles from Turkey as part of the deal. JFK responds by offeri 10/27/1962 #17505  
 the object then followed them for part of their trip.                      5/15/1963 #17740  
e Tonopah Test Range in Nevada, as part of Operation Roller Coaster. The ot 5/15/1963 #17742  
 the object then followed them for part of their trip. The sighting lasted  5/15/1963 #17743  
termined that a tiny, pencil-sized part called a pilot tube, a device that  5/24/1963 #17765  
und. Through the transparent front part she could see three figures. Sudden 10/1963 #17966  
sions separately, and for the most part are instructed not to remember thei 1/4/1964 #18109  
0 feet. The YF-12A is announced in part to continue hiding the A-12, its st 2/29/1964 #18140  
divides in two again, with the top part fading away and the bottom part ass 4/11/1964 #18169  
op part fading away and the bottom part assuming a vertical pencil shape, w 4/11/1964 #18169  
5 m high, with a cone-shaped front part, resting on four legs, was seen in  5/18/1964 #18283  
degree burns on his face, and lost part of his hair.                        6/2/1964 #18319  
ussell Mickinan's house. The lower part was bright red, with three lights o 7/7/1964 #18397  
ed, with three lights on the upper part. As it left, a green light illumina 7/7/1964 #18397  
TE.MAXIME, FR Many / beach. Clouds part. Large grey cylinder/cigar-shape ho 8/1964 #18461  
bject with wavy lines on the front part (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 8/15/1964 #18487  
th wavy lines on the rounded front part and six pipes along the straight re 8/15/1964 #18489  
th wavy lines on the rounded front part and six pipes along the straight re 8/15/1964 #18491  
Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site as part of Project NERVA. The nuclear rocke 1/12/1965 #18718  
lly just disappeared. "The strange part was that it made no sound and did n 2/12/1965 #18813  
Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site as part of Project Rover. It runs at full p 6/25/1965 #19027  
about a quarter-mile away. Its top part is orange, and on its brim is a fli 7/12/1965 #19096  
tal legs, with a transparent upper part. A blond-haired pilot, wearing plas 7/20/1965 #19149  
tal legs, with a transparent upper part. A blond pilot, wearing plastic cov 7/20/1965 #19153  
er, had small windows in its upper part, and a revolving telescopic appenda 7/25/1965 #19170  
er, had small windows in its upper part, and a revolving telescopic appenda 7/25/1965 #19174  
um there were large pores and this part of his head was white. His eyes wer 8/13/1965 #19383  
shaped door opened under the lower part of the object, and a man came out w 9/4/1965 #19520  
g sight of the craft. Road damage: part of the road was caved-in, and in a  9/16/1965 #19569  
ht. Later investigation shows that part of the road is caved in as if from  9/16/1965 #19574  
f Stewart Island, the southernmost part of New Zealand. At 11:30 a.m. they  11/13/1965 #19719  
examining UFO features, the second part deals with sighting frequencies, an 1966 #19794  
ighting frequencies, and the third part analyzes cases according to type.   1966 #19794  
 they came closer he saw they were part of an elliptical UFO with a dome on 3/23/1966 #20057  
system during peak travel hours as part of a field experiment on the vulner 6/6/1966 #20536  
bodies had lead masks on the upper part of the face. An autopsy failed to d 8/20/1966 #20778  
re wearing lead masks on the upper part of the face. An autopsy failed to d 8/20/1966 #20782  
rld War II munitions plant and now part of the McClintic Wildlife Managemen 11/15/1966 #21107  
 daughter remembered and confirmed part of the above testimony. Betty was t 1/25/1967 #21389  
b hovering in the sky over a rural part of Amherst, Massachusetts. It eject 2/16/1967 #21575  
  Two men were driving in a remote part of Piggott, Arkansas when their tru 3/10/1967 #21854  
with colored curved windows / rim. Part invisible? Maneuvers / school. Goin 3/14/1967 #21883  
ssiles are offline for the greater part of the day.                         3/16/1967 #21904  
op. It had a hazv indefinite lower part at least as large as the upper part 4/1/1967 #22038  
art at least as large as the upper part. (NICAP report form; U.F.O. Investi 4/1/1967 #22038  
                                SW part of State, OK 8:30 p.m. Three witnes 4/27/1967 #22229  
med object in the sky. The central part is bright white and the edge is bri Mid 5/1967 #22347  
O land on some grass in a deserted part of the Rondò-Torretta quarter in Mi 7/7/1967 #22630  
                          Southern part of State, MI 11:30 p.m. EDT (10:30  7/25/1967 #22729  
und its circumference on the lower part. It changed direction to approach t 8/4/1967 #22806  
or over ten minutes in the western part of the sky. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 01 - D 8/5/1967 #22813  
. The object moved with the convex part facing forward. The weather was cle 9/4/1967 #22995  
s and golf courses in the southern part of England. The sites lie on a stra 9/4/1967 #22998  
t among the tall buildings in that part of the city. They all said he was w 9/8/1967 #23021  
                           Western part of State, VA 4:00 p.m. EDT. A man o 9/14/1967 #23057  
re highway. It was dome shaped, in part a fiery orange- yellow color, and i 11/9/1967 #23434  
fiery orange- yellow color, and in part ash black. Inside the object they c 11/9/1967 #23434  
ntific and Technical Intelligence (part of the Joint Intelligence Bureau) c 1968 #23629  
beam shoots out and hits the upper part of his arm, knocking him down. His  3/19/1968 #23849  
ay as the light beam hit the upper part of his arm, knocking him to the gro 3/19/1968 #23850  
porthole-like windows on its lower part. Through the portholes shadows or s 5/17/1968 #23970  
 top and bottom. Around the bottom part of the object were yellow, red, and 6/10/1968 #24018  
forward spotters along the eastern part of the Demilitarized Zone in Vietna 6/15/1968 #24040  
t, 50 cm above the ground. The top part was spinning, and it cast a vertica 6/21/1968 #24064  
t, 50 cm above the ground. The top part was spinning, and it cast a vertica 6/21/1968 #24065  
d object. The UFO had on its lower part a kind of helix, where lights of wh 6/27/1968 #24087  
s away from the boys. On the upper part of the object appeared a couple, a  6/27/1968 #24087  
 objects” ejected from its central part, which landed on the ground. After  8/28/1968 #24392  
use in Vila Baumer in the northern part of Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazi 9/26/1968 #24516  
eyboard inside the transparent top part. The object took off rapidly, leavi 10/9/1968 #24554  
though looking at something in the part of the object below the rim. Then t 11/20/1968 #24672  
 of the mind are beyond reach.” As part of the operation, Gottlieb and othe 1969 #24800  
 Fake moon changes color(s). Haze. Part breaks off.                         1/6/1969 #24819  
e made of some metallic substance. Part of the surface of the object flung  3/17/1969 #25020  
                          Southern part, UK 7:38 P.M. Bright fireball meteo 4/3/1969 #25046  
ow that takes up most of the upper part. A humanoid figure is apparently op 4/25/1969 #25090  
feet high, and illuminates a small part of the ground. The sighting lasts 4 6/17/1969 #25220  
r. She saw inside this transparent part the silhouettes of several men star 7/4/1969 #25254  
 Air Force Manual 55-1 and are not part of the Blue Book system.” This is a 10/20/1969 #25418  
vid I. Simpson. Foxwell himself is part of the skeptical group (having pre- 3/28/1970 #25613  
of the UFO, illuminating the upper part of the cloud. The object then moves 11/5/1970 #25902  
rizonte, Brazil during a time when part of the city experienced a power out 11/24/1970 #25917  
Through three windows in the upper part of the object three more entities c 2/5/1971 #26015  
shape going down / 11M. Divides. 1 part rises other drops.                  8/14/1971 #26283  
, then divided into two parts. One part rose into the sky, while the other  8/14/1971 #26285  
 entered it by a door in the upper part of the curved portion, the UFO then 8/16/1971 #26289  
osta Rica, taking aerial photos as part of a preliminary study for future h 9/4/1971 #26317  
 afternoon in Kladar, Bosnia (then part of Yugoslavia) a cloud of dense "fl 10/13/1971 #26422  
t and pouring water on the exposed part. The soil would not allow water to  11/2/1971 #26450  
bject lighting up her backyard and part of the pasture beyond. Going to the 11/3/1971 #26452  
CASE was built by the Americans as part of this project, however another “P 1972 #26526  
stigates sightings. The program is part of the BBC’s Man Alive series and i 1/1972 #26534  
ng machine with a rim on the upper part and wide projections in the under p 3/16/1972 #26606  
 and wide projections in the under part" about 100 yards away. Three men wi 3/16/1972 #26606  
four evenings in a row in the same part of the sky west of the village. On  9/1972 #26973  
          At 2:30 a.m., in the old part of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Sr. Joaqu 10/13/1972 #27071  
 objects, with a cone on the upper part, very clearly. They had lights rota 10/13/1972 #27071  
l feet above the ground. Its lower part is glowing like a neon light, while 12/13/1972 #27176  
like a neon light, while the upper part has a row of orange-red portholes.  12/13/1972 #27176  
. 3 luminous cones / beach. Bottom part spins. Going quickly [to] different 2/9/1973 #27275  
the affidavit so it can be used as part of a growing accumulation of eviden 2/19/1973 #27298  
ked like a rugby ball cut on lower part. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)       7/16/1973 #27634  
s, appeared to have feet on bottom part. Emitted a very powerful light." (N 9/11/1973 #27800  
hues of light; and it seemed to be part of the flight control mechanism. Sh 10/5/1973 #27954  
he device caused numbness in every part of her body apart from her head. Th 10/16/1973 #28089  
                In 1973 in a rural part of Greensboro, North Carolina, 9 pe 11/14/1973 #28421  
understood that the blue light was part of a sterilization system. On board 11/18/1973 #28443  
everal other UFO sightings in this part of Quebec the same evening.         11/18/1973 #28444  
nds and going quickly southeast. 1 part tilted and other horizontal.        12/28/1973 #28608  
erent beam of light from the front part of the collar. The light could leng 3/17/1974 #28898  
reen and white lights around lower part rotating 3 to 4 square windows eman 5/22/1974 #29123  
r-shape south going quickly north. Part detaches at 90 degree angle.        8/9/1974 #29317  
dlight on a sports car.” The lower part of the object rotates, but the dome 8/12/1974 #29337  
esman had two stripes on the upper part of his arm, while the other three h 9/3/1974 #29418  
of the year. Curt Collins writes, “Part of the reason Carr’s story took hol 11/2/1974 #29580  
Church (D-Idaho), the committee is part of a series of investigations into  1/27/1975 #29767  
ime another witness in a different part of town sawa large domed disc with  6/1/1975 #30074  
t, each with two eyes in the upper part. The forms were white in color, and 8/18/1975 #30288  
ddle portion white, and the bottom part red. It appears to change to a sauc 9/3/1975 #30340  
s and hundreds. 6 luminous spheres part. Regroup. Stop dead. Fly away.      3/24/1976 #30953  
 At about the same time in another part of the city, Luis Barroso Fernandes 4/3/1976 #30983  
angular object in the northwestern part of the sky. In the middle portion o 5/9/1976 #31041  
angular object in the northwestern part of the sky over the town of Braine- 5/9/1976 #31042  
er the service station in an urban part of the city for several minutes, an 7/31/1976 #31207  
he camping trip, but the abduction part of the story is a total fabrication 8/20/1976 #31282  
slowly counterclockwise. The upper part of the object is flattened, and a l 9/3/1976 #31335  
ore a black coverall uniform, with part of it covering its head. It had two 9/5/1976 #31345  
 9,800–13,000 feet away. The upper part is bright silver, and the lower par 9/9/1976 #31363  
rt is bright silver, and the lower part is dark gray. It moves in the direc 9/9/1976 #31363  
LDEN, SOGN, NORWAY Shiny UFO seen. Part of wave / Anton Lidstrom. No furthe 9/19/1976 #31397  
 14-year-old girls in the northern part of Belmont, North Carolina, see a r 11/8/1976 #31531  
nalyst Marcia S. Smith claims that part of the debriefing is about UFOs, wh 11/19/1976 #31557  
asis only. Simple curiosity on the part of the President wasn’t adequate.”  11/19/1976 #31557  
cer appeared over the southwestern part of Moscow, Russia. It was photograp 1/16/1977 #31724  
cer appeared over the southwestern part of Moscow, Russia. It was photograp 1/16/1977 #31725  
 I could see windows in this lower part. There appeared to be a figure insi 3/15/1977 #31907  
 I could see windows in this lower part. There appeared to be a figure insi 3/15/1977 #31910  
        Jakarta, Indonesia Eastern part of Jakarta, Indonesia 6:35 p.m. Sev 5/3/1977 #32051  
p.m. Several people in the eastern part of Jakarta, Indonesia, are watching 5/3/1977 #32051  
team continued to observe the same part of the sky, as have others, but the 8/15/1977 #32402  
, triangle-shaped light on the top part of its face. The witness yelled out 8/26/1977 #32426  
 Moon, which is visible in another part of the sky. It has an orange-red co Late 9/1977 #32517  
d to by military doctors, who were part of a team in the area investigating 10/26/1977 #32618  
 Board 20' saucer and fly. Nuclear part / warhead missing.                  11/16/1977 #32675  
d difficulty recollecting the next part of his journey. Some 30 minutes lat 1/10/1978 #32867  
d difficulty recollecting the next part of his journey. Some 30 minutes lat 1/10/1978 #32870  
ck breaking away from the northern part of the island and impacting the gro 4/2/1978 #33119  
inous zone near Baritu in northern part of Salta province. A widespread aer 5/6/1978 #33191  
 airliner flying over the northern part of Iran encountered a glowing UFO f 7/16/1978 #33387  
 airliner flying over the northern part of Iran encountered a glowing UFO f 7/16/1978 #33391  
 Large orange object splits / 2. 1 part emits 3 night lights. Maneuver and  8/9/1978 #33492  
 eye moves toward them. The center part is like shiny black glass and the b 8/12/1978 #33512  
peared. The bureau notes that “the part has been identified as having come  10/21/1978 #33856  
 While driving on the southwestern part of Bribie Island, Queensland, Austr 5/6/1979 #34549  
s in Evanston, Illinois. The first part covers IFOs, showing how normal obj 8/1/1979 #34699  
clock in the afternoon in a wooded part of Petushka, Russia when he came up 9/2/1979 #34820  
ins below the skyline for the most part, slowly moving in a number of diffe 9/12/1979 #34867  
over him at 300 feet up. The front part is octagonal and the rear is a rect 12/23/1979 #35093  
r a rim that runs around the lower part of the object. He can now see two f 1/14/1980 #35135  
Personnel at the La Joya Air Base [part of the Mariano Melgar Airport], Are 4/11/1980 #35269  
er set of photos allegedly showing part of an alien cadaver is released by  8/1980 #35436  
Over 40 people in the southeastern part of London, England saw a UFO hover, 12/15/1980 #35718  
over 40 people in the southeastern part of London, England saw a UFO hover, 12/15/1980 #35720  
nidentified object that ripped off part of the right wing and sent their pl 12/18/1980 #35724  
e created by US and UK military as part of a series of top-secret experimen 12/28/1980 #35750  
tell me it will help the baby feel part of something. I can't believe this  12/31/1980 #35759  
 silver sphere/orb/globe splits. 1 part vanishes! Other going east / SR237. 2/16/1981 #35830  
e sky moving toward them. They are part of a dark, triangular object with a 4/15/1981 #35899  
. When he awoke he was in a remote part of Brazil, over 1000 kilometers awa 4/20/1981 #35910  
ed, sometimes hovering. The middle part is white, and the bottom is luminou 4/25/1981 #35915  
 up-and-down as it remained in one part of the sky.                         4/25/1981 #35917  
hes. The object clears the highest part of the bridge by about 10 feet, mak 7/22/1981 #36023  
gazine Gente, followed by a second part in the August 7 issue. Ziegel claim 7/31/1981 #36047  
 to US intelligence satellites” as part of an espionage operation.          1982 #36286  
ooks like a cloud with the central part a raised-up cupola and is emanating 4/22/1982 #36450  
ct with portholes around the lower part. It emitted blue beam of light at f 5/20/1982 #36477  
haped object with a rotating lower part. It was silent when first noticed,  5/9/1983 #36857  
 was a red light also on the lower part, and small white lights below row p 5/9/1983 #36857  
radars do not detect any launches. Part of his reasoning is that the system 9/26/1983 #36986  
r of one witness who sees they are part of a cigar-shaped object 100 feet a 2/22/1984 #37198  
uclear explosion, over the western part of the Pacific Ocean. The cloud was 4/9/1984 #37254  
national Airport Barbados Northern part of the island 2:10 a.m. Air traffic 4/12/1984 #37258  
cts at 4:00 a.m. over the northern part of the island. By 4:10 a.m., they d 4/12/1984 #37258  
cks the yellow object in half, one part disintegrating and the other part f 4/20/1984 #37278  
 part disintegrating and the other part falling to the ground. Two other ob 4/20/1984 #37278  
he fuses have burnt out. The upper part of the object is giving off a red l 5/5/1984 #37318  
ving off a red light and the lower part a blue light, and it hovers above t 5/5/1984 #37318  
eported abduction during the first part of the month of July. Witness later 7/1984 #37384  
n into a delta.  They seemed to be part of one UFO, changing shape.         9/17/1984 #37462  
port, Connecticut, where they took part in a call-in TV show about the Huds 3/21/1985 #37572  
ion. She speculated that he may be part of Operation Starlight.             3/23/1985 #37573  
Department… examine the reports as part of their normal duties… and we cann 4/19/1985 #37580  
lored flashing lights in the lower part. At 7:00 p.m., flight controllers a 5/19/1986 #37878  
ed by his two daughters in a rural part of Nego, Minas Gerais state, Brazil 6/3/1986 #37904  
ghts up the entire yard. The lower part of the object is blue-silver and an 3/23/1987 #38152  
like a thick orange fog. The lower part of the craft looked blue-silver, es 3/23/1987 #38153  
Fireball paces car. Divides / 2. 1 part on each side of car. Continues.     9/1987 #38267  
AFOSI officer Rick Doty played the part of ‘Falcon’ in the Kodak-produced d 10/14/1988 #38672  
or human pilots. He discovers that part of the skin of the craft can become 3/1989 #38855  
idence of drug smuggling... on the part of individual Contras, Contra suppl 4/13/1989 #38905  
 in front of the sphere. The lower part of their bodies were black and the  4/30/1989 #38927  
didly for the first time about his part in counterintelligence operations a 7/1/1989 #39002  
ated cow. Tongue vagina rectum and part / jaw gone. Bloodless.              7/17/1989 #39024  
tongue, sexual organs, rectum, and part of the jaw had been removed. The sc 7/17/1989 #39025  
, ID Rancher. Mutilated cow found. Part / jaw and udder removed / surgical  7/23/1989 #39031  
eparated and faded from view. Only part of the disappearance was recorded o 8/10/1989 #39054  
 Brookhaven National Laboratory is part of a UFO coverup and is developing  9/28/1989 #39130  
sed by Ford Aerospace and became a part of Ford Motor Company. In 1990, For 10/1989 #39139  
 a window or cockpit. On the front part is a logo consisting of several ell 12/12/1989 #39315  
        UPPER BURRELL, PA 2 / car. Part / sky starless. 40' cylinder/cigar- 4/17/1990 #39531  
 from white to orange as its upper part rises. He calls his wife to watch t 5/4/1990 #39556  
                      southwestern part of the United States William Scott  10/1/1990 #39756  
nge aircraft over the southwestern part of the United States. Some of the o 10/1/1990 #39756  
ilently into the sky. On the lower part of the object is a circle of 7–8 li 10/21/1990 #39803  
northeast, displaying on its lower part three bright white lights in the fo 10/23/1990 #39807  
ooden railing that surrounded that part of the forest. The man had long hai 10/31/1990 #39822  
e. The witness felt that this last part of the experience had a dream-like  10/31/1990 #39822  
 on the lower rear end. The bottom part is bulged out and dark gray in colo 1/6/1991 #39947  
niform lying prone on a projecting part of their roof near a ladder. A K-9  5/14/1991 #40061  
ctangle follows boy home. Possible part / series of family abductions.      1/12/1992 #40286  
 F14 jet. Splits top / bottom. 1st part going quickly southwest. Rest going 4/28/1992 #40434  
 blonde hair wrapped around a body part. He turns the hair over to Bill Cha 7/23/1992 #40530  
s). 200x600' UFO splits / 2. Large part births saucer. Saucer going quickly 7/29/1992 #40538  
ilroad Valley and the northwestern part of Nellis Range. lt struck upward f 12/1992 #40736  
 LANGOLD, NOTTS Saucer with lights part of sky. White and green lights / su 10/8/1993 #41225  
nd green lights on its surface lit part of the sky over Langold, Nottingham 10/8/1993 #41226  
ights that behaved as if they were part of a single, solid triangular craft 10/24/1993 #41251  
ed for IC comms, and is told he is part of the “first wave” of intcomm pers 12/1993 #41313  
icha Peak Electronic Combat Range, part of the Nellis Range northwest of th 1994 #41341  
 1977, the ERDA was reorganized as part of the Department of Energy (DOE).  1994 #41349  
nd news. 1-7 night lights join and part. Wave / northwest states. / r147'94 9/18/1994 (approximate) #41761  
ar and heading toward the northern part of the airfield. After several minu 5/5/1995 #42179  
viet nuclear explosions. The first part of the 1,000+-page document is an i 7/1995 #42286  
ased in September 1994. The second part is a synopsis of Project Mogul ball 7/1995 #42286  
overs / 5 minute(s). Splits / 2. 1 part drops / horizon. Other shoots going 11/29/1995 #42629  
osing Brazilian scientists to take part in future space missions.           1/26/1996 #42713  
 of falling towards the lake. This part was very confusing and could not be 2/29/1996 #42789  
st Kingsfield Road in the northern part of Pensacola, Florida, when he sees 6/17/1996 #42931  
side he noticed some inscriptions, part of which resembled "IOIO." From the 7/16/1996 #42959  
ay. It claims that “For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Ar 8/18/1996 #42985  
s been perhaps the most criticized part of the series. Webb commits suicide 8/18/1996 #42985  
d NRO operative, states: “I became part of a group that would investigate,  8/30/1996 #43002  
aliens told Ricardo that they were part of an alliance of interstellar worl 9/15/1996 #43020  
 appartition appeared on the upper part of the closet door directly across  11/24/1996 #43120  
ater Range in southwest Arizona as part of Operation Snowbird; news coverag 3/13/1997 #43229  
cle / counterclockwise. 2 join and part. Hover and then going quickly north 3/22/1997 #43237  
nitiative project in the 1980s was part of that campaign successfully concl 6/1997 #43304  
ller spheres emerge from the upper part of the object and remain 10 feet aw 6/1997 #43307  
 AFB were actually test dummies as part of balloon launch-and-recovery oper 6/24/1997 #43339  
ed, McDonnell, Ford Aerospace (now part of Northrop Grumman), Aerojet Elect 8/19/1997 #43387  
s, Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical (now part of Northrop Grumman), Kaman Industr 8/19/1997 #43387  
). Yellow moon too large and wrong part / sky. Low altitude. Lost / overcas 1/4/1998 #43492  
iter sees that disagreement on our part with STAC is unlikely to inflame si 3/11/1998 #43532  
hts that moved around on the outer part (rim) of the object." It flew off t 5/16/1998 #43568  
an wore gloves, but his shoes were part of his one-piece metallic uniform.  7/11/1998 #43601  
March 1999. Rowlette states he was part of a cleanup detail sent to the imp 3/1999 #43741  
out 30 meters in diameter. The top part of the object was completely transp 8/14/1999 #43822  
ared almost "invisible". The lower part consisted of a green platform that  8/14/1999 #43822  
ude (37,000 feet). The lights were part of a large triangular-shaped craft, 10/26/1999 #43865  
 her testimony that claims she was part of a secret reverse-engineering pro 5/8/2000 #43991  
nd a cone, with a pod on its lower part. Ground control has nothing on its  8/6/2001 #44227  
from behind a tree and crossed the part of the sky visible from their windo 8/31/2002 #44388  
 only 100-130 feet away. The lower part of the object was revolving, and it 3/18/2003 #44503  
sing near the UFO in the very same part of the sky. The satellite was dimme 5/19/2003 #44542  
es Vallée states Hal Puthoff was a part of John Petersen and the Arlington  9/14/2003 #44602  
e stubby wings which may have been part of the body, like some type of bat. 4/5/2004 #44684  
 the cruiser USS Princeton that is part of the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Gr 11/14/2004 #44784  
ared to be very big, and the white part was very bright with black edges. S 11/29/2004 #44793  
y dim orange lights, outlining the part of the craft that the witness could 3/6/2005 #44820  
mall white lines on the underneath part, from Lompoc, California to the Nat 4/25/2005 #44826  
h the object flying with the broad part of the triangle facing forward.     8/11/2005 #44861  
arance” took place in 1987 and was part of a rural relocation program to al 10/13/2010 #45302  
 naval aviators and that they are “part of a larger issue of an increased n 2/2015? #45430  
affic light, they see the dots are part of a vast, noiseless triangular obj 2/3/2016 #45444  
isk of collision and luck played a part in missing it.                      12/30/2018 #45553  
each of which falls in a different part of the village. José María Madiedo  2/10/2019 #45561  
The United States Space Force Act, part of the National Defense Authorizati 12/20/2019 #45622  
sky over Izmir, Turkey. The visual part of the event lasts several seconds  7/30/2021 #45701  
f Aegean University, the object is part of the Perseid meteor shower.       7/30/2021 #45701  
d accountability. Coulthart states part of this apparatus involves a group  11/30/2021 #45726  
s Program (AAWSAP) has produced as part of its Project Physics under the di 3/25/2022 #45742  
## Word: "part-owner" (Back to Top)
explanation was soon squashed when part-owner of the Seabrae Hotel--Mr. G.  6/6/1965 #18995  
## Word: "part-time" (Back to Top)
ain 11:00 p.m. Charles Lethbridge (part-time dock worker and Punch-and-Judy 5/18/1909 #758  
rville, Virginia 12:00 midnight. A part-time farmer named Constantine and a 7/19/1952 #6936  
ect “inactive” and devote only one part-time analyst and a file clerk to ma 5/1953 #8851  
 point there are 4 full-time and 3 part-time employees involved in the effo 1967 #21238  
terature. Four full-time and three part-time employees make up the project  1967 #21240  
O researcher Robert Hastings has a part-time job as a janitor in Malmstrom  Mid 3/1967 #21891  
t EG&G again for what seems like a part-time position.                      12/5/1988 #38746  
red US Army Col. John B. Alexander part-time and biochemist Colm Kelleher a 12/1995 #42635  
## Word: "parted" (Back to Top)
Winsted, Connecticut. The water is parted for yards by a huge ball of fire  Early 9/1888 #285  
at a ranch house and the “branches parted like a great force had struck.” H 9/11/1946 #2177  
Separate blips on the radar screen parted and rejoined. The sighting lasted 2/4/1954 #9536  
the exterior windows, fuselage and parted tail section showed signs of havi 9/29/1959 #15997  
edroom. Without warning the drapes parted of their own accord and a midget- 1/25/1967 #21388  
ever. Soon a shapeless dark figure parted from the strange building and app 12/6/1971 #26490  
hin the craft with long white hair parted down the middle, large eyes, and  9/3/1976 #31336  
eside it; they had long white hair parted down the middle, large eyes, and  9/3/1976 #31340  
th had blond, shoulder length hair parted in the middle, and were wearing w 5/9/1985 #37589  
## Word: "partenavia" (Back to Top)
ot military and not jets; they are Partenavia P.68 Observers belonging to R 11/9/2019 #45616  
## Word: "partenit" (Back to Top)
 the seashore near Cape Plaka near Partenit, Crimea, Ukraine in the company 8/2/2004 #44725  
ear) Mountain, just to the west of Partenit. Their first six nights were un 8/2/2004 #44725  
d to the shoreline near one of the Partenit piers. There they saw another h 8/2/2004 #44725  
## Word: "parthenay" (Back to Top)
                                   PARTHENAY, FR 2 / truck. Glowing-disk la 10/1954 #10529  
## Word: "parthenope" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Parthenope” YieldMax: 20KT               8/24/1973 #27722  
## Word: "partial" (Back to Top)
MANS, FR Luminous object / ground. Partial paralysis / bicyclers. Gone / fl 10/7/1954 #10771  
                                   Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT). At this  8/5/1963 #17865  
                Moscow, Russia The Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty is signe 8/5/1963 #17867  
rmation Act, requiring the full or partial disclosure of previously unrelea 7/4/1966 #20630  
d. He also reports headaches and a partial loss of vision.                  5/1/1967 #22262  
g quickly [to] over 2 observer(s). Partial paralysis and insomnia later. /  10/1/1967 (approximate) #23158  
f-control accident that leads to a partial core meltdown and massive radioa 1/21/1969 #24863  
it begins to run out of control. A partial meltdown occurs, destroying or d 11/30/1975 #30677  
ucer beams man up. Found in Natal. Partial amnesia.                         6/14/1976 #31107  
ng them. They temporarily suffered partial deafness, perhaps from the UFO's 4/6/1977 #31953  
t-like beam tries / abduction man. Partial paralysis. Burnt and sick.       7/1977 #32213  
in County, Pennsylvania, suffers a partial meltdown, resulting in a radiati 3/28/1979 #34493  
ced an episode of missing time and partial amnesia about other events, but  7/25/1979 #34680  
were unseen entities, and obtained partial answers in an unspecific fashion 9/20/1979 #34909  
ring the sound of an engine. Other partial memories included a man and a wo 12/11/1979 #35073  
over trees / roadside follows car. Partial electro-magnetic effect (EME). F 2/6/1980 #35159  
d his own UFO sighting. In 2014, a partial witness to the event surfaces, a 11/29/1980 #35682  
ne Pripyat, Ukraine Lenin Square A partial meltdown occurs at Chernobyl nuc 9/9/1982 #36599  
rconium-niobium-95 consistent with partial destruction of the reactor core. 9/9/1982 #36599  
oon, shirtless, sweating, and with partial amnesia.                         8/12/1998 #43629  
lso flew vertically and gave off a partial beam of red light.               9/24/2003 #44606  
## Word: "partialiy" (Back to Top)
retreated, walking awkwardly as if partialIy paralyzed.                     10/17/1954 #11173  
## Word: "partially" (Back to Top)
e of the ship where it falls turns partially black and the copper plating i 3/19/1887 #279  
 NY 3 locals. 'Great airship' with partially covered spotlight. Going north 4/30/1897 #583  
ape of a football emerges from the partially blocked entrance of the tomb.  5/1931 #1126  
 admits the phenomenon is at least partially real.                          7/8/1935 #1231  
 Bruno Burato, age 20, witnessed a partially yellow, partially maroon color 9/30/1954 #10520  
 20, witnessed a partially yellow, partially maroon colored cigar-shaped ob 9/30/1954 #10520  
6 m in diameter. Poplar trees were partially burned. Official investigation 10/15/1954 #11102  
feet in diameter. Poplar trees are partially burned.                        10/15/1954 #11110  
6 m in diameter. Poplar trees were partially burned. Official investigation 10/15/1954 #11118  
retreated, walking awkwardly as if partially paralyzed.                     10/17/1954 #11179  
ery bright light. His clothing was partially burned when he went close to i 11/14/1954 #11649  
s for urgent and personal reasons, partially because his wife is seriously  4/10/1957 #13593  
ct then decreased in size, tilted, partially sank into the ground, grew to  10/1963 #17966  
 He then walked to a shiny machine partially hidden in the brush, as the bo 7/16/1964 #18416  
 the right side of Viola’s body is partially paralyzed. She is in satisfact 4/24/1966 #20404  
shows the object at treetop level, partially hidden by a tree, with a porti 5/6/1967 #22284  
 Navis, Karsicujo and Krero." Only partially paralyzed, Cobo noted these wo 1/25/1968 #23700  
he light began to dim and she felt partially paralyzed. In a corner of the  7/15/1968 #24179  
"tire man." Both wore helmets that partially masked their faces. They turne 7/31/1968 #24272  
in Algeria, leaving his right side partially paralyzed. After this close en 11/1/1968 #24620  
lgeria south of France 3:55 a.m. A partially paralyzed Algerian veteran, Dr 11/2/1968 #24625  
returns to the ground, where it is partially obscured by trees, but it cont 6/1970 #25684  
ited Kingdom an oval-shaped light, partially obscured by haze, was seen mov 9/7/1971 #26322  
spot with his .303 rifle. Hovering partially behind some brush 200 yards aw 6/26/1972 #26736  
 from the roof as the zinc roofing partially melted.                        6/29/1974 #29231  
 shoulders of an occupant was seen partially emerging from it. The dome clo 11/6/1975 #30566  
 shoulders of an occupant was seen partially emerging from it. The dome clo 11/6/1975 #30568  
 inside it. The object has several partially extended legs and a long, blac 4/22/1976 #31010  
ject then moved behind some trees, partially obscuring it. The object disap 2/3/1977 #31783  
ject then moved behind some trees, partially obscuring it. On the dome was  2/3/1977 #31784  
FO in a field behind the building, partially hidden by trees and shrubs. Tw 2/4/1977 #31790  
bject was a very tall, thin "man," partially hidden by some bushes. He stoo 5/18/1977 #32111  
r 4 minutes until the screens are “partially obliterated by high-powered in 5/21/1977 #32121  
 a cargo plane. The upper section, partially concealed by cloud, is black,  6/17/1977 #32171  
an is driving on the A303 with his partially sighted fiancée near Warminste 6/25/1977 #32194  
 a.m. when he noticed through some partially opened blinds a very bright wh 8/26/1977 #32426  
h a curved bottom. The sighting is partially corroborated by one of the att 11/1/1977 #32651  
 egg-shaped object on a slope in a partially wooded area. The object was da 1/10/1978 #32872  
me from a huge landed UFO that was partially hidden behind some nearby elec 7/11/1978 #33367  
resent, Rachel, heard any buzzing. Partially satisfied that they had stumbl 10/31/1978 #33902  
 remained behind. The two men saw, partially hidden by some trees, a large  11/24/1978 #33996  
e watched them move around through partially opened blinds. Finally, she de 12/6/1978 #34068  
 out. Their memories returned only partially, but they seemed to have had 4 12/11/1979 #35073  
 in the witness's vehicle had been partially erased. In El Cajon, Californi 8/30/1981 #36093  
                              On a partially cloudy day, at 4:12 p.m., 20 n 6/15/1984 #37365  
luish-yellow lights connected to a partially illuminated structure. Suddenl 10/5/1984 #37477  
 clearly visible, pentagon-shaped, partially translucent crystals. The pilo 7/1985 #37613  
n her backyard about 75 feet away, partially obscured by a tree. The dome i 3/23/1987 #38152  
 the window to investigate. Though partially obscured by a tree and its lim 3/23/1987 #38153  
m of light through the windshield, partially paralyzing his forearms and ha 1/12/1988 #38411  
the strange figure moving behind a partially collapsed brick-wall and ran f 4/15/1994 #41493  
t to make out any facial features, partially due to the covering they wore. 8/11/1995 #42376  
. CSETI (see 13 February 2009) was partially funded by Laurance Rockefeller 8/2004 #44724  
tific data on UFOs which today are partially or wholly withheld.”           6/14/2010 #45285  
                 Anonymous website partially encoded publishes an article o 3/27/2017 #45466  
an external source, according to a partially declassified intelligence repo 2/2/2022 #45737  
 says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human orig 6/5/2023 #45798  
## Word: "participant" (Back to Top)
rt Goenner of Goettingen, a former participant of RIAS (see 1955), writes A Late 1956 #13281  
ng over the job to another unnamed participant. Later, a second attempt is  9/1960 #16428  
Director William J. Casey as a key participant, and “high-level Iranian and 10/15/1980 #35569  
 indicated was a behind-the-scenes participant. Steinman calls Walker, sayi 8/30/1987 #38264  
Jeffrey W Griffith, and the Zodiac participant is suggested to be Mary Eliz 5/8/2000 #43991  
## Word: "participants" (Back to Top)
Mexico Debriefings of all military participants in the debris recovery oper 7/11/1947 #3137  
, several attempts to disguise the participants have resulted in confusion  2/9/1951 #5436  
eral Dynamics Corp.  Among the IPP participants mentioned are: Bryce S. Dew 11/20/1955 #12580  
t Orion used drugs and hypnosis in participants, one of which, John Lilly,  1958 #14788  
ethods of Gathering Data on UFOs.” Participants include Harold Greenwald, R 9/4/1967 #22999  
and Al Bielek claimed to have been participants in Montauk activities too,  1/1971 #25963  
 interest in gynecology, and human participants in the physical examination 10/16/1973 #28088  
n of UFOs. He says he was asked by participants at the UFO conference in Ac 6/14/1977 #32163  
  A committee of advanced workshop participants from the Institut des Haute 6/20/1977 #32176  
cized as a biased perspective. The participants on the US version of this B 10/12/1982 #36640  
Jacques Vallée writes that alleged participants were from Los Alamos Nation 5/20/1985 #37591  
 group of former advanced workshop participants at the Institut des Hautes  7/16/1999 #43805  
 took place. The essays written by participants, along with reflections by  9/2000 #44035  
ed and it created delusions in its participants. Hal Puthoff says he had no 8/7/2004 #44727  
included high-level US and Russian participants. The purpose of SDI is to p 9/20/2005 #44877  
uch higher” than Petersen, and the participants were told the US, Russia an 12/6/2005 #44908  
chological warfare targeted at the participants.  https://www.amazon.com/Fo 12/6/2005 #44908  
w enforcement also warns potential participants in the event against trespa 9/20/2019 #45609  
## Word: "participate" (Back to Top)
in Britain, they are ineligible to participate in secret war work—issue the 3/1940 #1326  
 from Another World by refusing to participate and objecting to any display 9/13/1950 #5176  
unds that “it is our policy not to participate in any proposal that will pe 9/13/1950 #5176  
ember 1983 that he “was invited to participate in several discussions assoc 9/15/1950 #5178  
htings to date. O/CI and O/SI will participate in this study and prepare a  7/29/1952 #7273  
e. D/CI [Walter Bedell Smith] will participate in this study with D/SI [H.  7/29/1952 #7325  
tionary, while the other six discs participate in maneuvers similar to a do 5/21/1953 #8896  
ntinues to practice channeling and participate in contactee groups until he Early 1/1955 #11912  
hael Wertheimer tells Cook he will participate in the Colorado project. (Cl 9/22/1966 #20916  
0s. He confirms he was “invited to participate in several discussions assoc 11/29/1983 #37057  
## Word: "participated" (Back to Top)
reported. Even though 24 airplanes participated in the search, no Swedish p 3/4/1934 #1206  
ppel, and William T. Reid) who had participated in the Battelle project, Ma 10/25/1955 #12519  
interrupted. Sixty-seven countries participated in IGY projects. The IGY en 7/1/1957 #13768  
hing in which the Colorado project participated in, even phone calls. He wa 11/13/1967 #23443  
 that no officer at the school has participated in the alleged operation. H 5/8/1996 #42900  
e “Annex 2 states” are states that participated in the CTBT’s negotiations  9/10/1996 #43014  
The story refers to Masters having participated in a UAP crash retrievals g 7/31/1999 #43815  
an expert in photoanalysis who has participated in UFO studies at CNES.     2001 #44111  
Parvin Williams is alleged to have participated in an “alien dissection”; P 3/5/2002 #44323  
has reference them before. Puthoff participated in the Pentagon’s AATIP pro 5/2002 #44335  
ss was taught by Maj. Ed Dames who participated in Project Star Gate’s vari 7/2012 #45346  
l Brad MacBolen III claims to have participated in a SAP having to do with  7/8/2012 #45348  
## Word: "participates" (Back to Top)
nd encountering a media frenzy. He participates in a police UFO chase that  3/23/1966 #20053  
  Ingo Swann meets Hal Puthoff and participates in a remote viewing magneto 6/1972 #26695  
## Word: "participating" (Back to Top)
r crew members of the USS Advance, participating in the First Grinnell Expe 9/15/1850 #145  
n their own communities as well as participating in an annual conference in 1938 #1279  
rom several countries aboard ships participating in the NATO "Operation Mai 9/14/1952 #7943  
reveals that in August 1952 he was participating in a TV panel in New York  4/18/1954 #9697  
:43 p.m. Kenneth J. Delano, who is participating in aurora and meteor watch 11/6/1957 #14429  
15 p.m. from a Brazilian Navy ship participating in the International Geoph 1/16/1958 #14832  
enos Aires Province, Argentina Car participating in road rally brightly ill 9/22/1978 #33728  
enos Aires Province, Argentina Car participating in road rally brightly ill 9/22/1978 #33729  
      Atlantic Ocean, At Sea While participating in a trans-Atlantic crossi 11/25/1978 #34002  
                             While participating in a trans-Atlantic crossi 11/25/1978 #34004  
rough 2008, data are recorded from participating abductees. However, fundin 2006 #44916  
## Word: "participation" (Back to Top)
 The sketchy story is based on the participation of Pvt. Guy B. Simeone, wh Early 10/1941 #1372  
 to his later criminal career. His participation in these experiments and h 9/1959 #15952  
hts of Hessdalen, Norway, with the participation of J. Allen Hynek, who arr 1/13/1985 #37548  
## Word: "particle" (Back to Top)
CCE, ITL 3M domed saucer offloads "particle". Stops spin. Rises. Going quic 2/20/1963 #17673  
ugh binoculars, reported seeing a "particle" leave the object, after which  2/20/1963 #17674  
y from the Kalnicki apartment. One particle on the window sill registered a 4/23/1966 #20390  
hing in a window or a small nearby particle.”                               11/14/1984 #37504  
ects behaved oddly for any type of particle, ice or otherwise, and Carlotto 9/15/1991 #40187  
## Word: "particles" (Back to Top)
light then exploded in a shower of particles. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 6/6/1949 #4227  
vel flight, then bursts into small particles. The duration is less than 3 m 6/6/1949 #4228  
ball sighting-left possible copper particles (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 7/24/1949 #4281  
ocorro. The samples contain copper particles of unusually large size.       7/24/1949 #4285  
 Crozier says he thinks the copper particles may have come from a campus bu 8/18/1949 #4322  
 the open country contain the same particles. LaPaz notes that copper is ex 8/18/1949 #4322  
rratia marcescens) and fluorescent particles. Six simulated attacks are con 9/1950 #5160  
    Charleston, WV Bright metallic particles or flashes, up to 3 ft in leng 9/24/1952 #8019  
 bomber. A lot of bright, metallic particles or flashes, up to 3' in length 9/24/1952 #8021  
d seeing a lot of bright, metallic particles or flashes, up to three feet i 9/24/1952 #8023  
 the secret release of fluorescent particles (zinc cadmium sulfide) and pla 4/1953 #8806  
nesses report “fine cotton or wool particles” falling from them.            10/28/1954 #11465  
d Mingus manages not to inhale any particles. A radiological survey team de 4/24/1957 #13615  
 unusual and suspects that ionized particles are the cause.                 6/20/1957 #13743  
onnected at ¾ʺ intervals by minute particles resembling snowflakes.” The ma 10/12/1959 #16030  
nding area grows intensely bright. Particles of white matter continue to fa 9/18/1961 #16847  
nd discharges angel hair. Vitreous particles are recovered, which consist o 1/17/1963 #17636  
long sparkly tail of red and green particles. It came from the direction of 6/9/1971 #26163  
ound 3:00 a.m., a multitude of red particles appear in the air around the a 8/12/1972 #26911  
scence content of soil and mineral particles taken from within the affected Late 2/1976 #30905  
d green in color, and spewed fiery particles, resembling an airplane on fir 12/21/1978 #34188  
d green in color, and spewed fiery particles, resembling “an airplane on fi 12/21/1978 #34194  
g laboratory indicates that flying particles were responsible for the damag 8/27/1979 #34787  
 over house. 1 / away. Eject flame particles.                               10/6/1981 #36160  
s of uranium dioxide fuel, and hot particles containing zinc-65 and zirconi 9/9/1982 #36599  
potassium, silicon, chlorine, clay particles, and calcium. The Seven Networ 1/20/1988 #38422  
eous fission, producing antimatter particles that are converted to electric 3/1989 #38855  
veled inter-dimensionally on light particles. The beings also talked about  6/29/1989 #38997  
. NASA explains the objects as ice particles reacting to a Space Shuttle th 9/15/1991 #40187  
nd he finds some odd reddish-brown particles of dirt on the mound. He concl 4/1/2001 #44156  
ed, leaving only the reddish-brown particles. Meteorite impact expert Alan  4/1/2001 #44156  
ite was so close to earth that the particles burned up in reentry.          2/21/2008 #45122  
## Word: "particulalr" (Back to Top)
rossing pathes. One huge object in particulalr, a bright yellow or silver-w 9/9/2004 #44751  
## Word: "particular" (Back to Top)
 west of Toronto, Ontario. On this particular night he was standing on a st 5/4/1932 #1143  
 tasks within T-2. For Loedding in particular, his role and prestige are ne 1/1949 #3950  
he 6–10-mile range) and move in no particular pattern—sometimes erratically 9/2/1952 #7829  
r an F-86 has been circling over a particular spot in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 7/19/1953 #9004  
ed without leaving any trace. This particular phenomenon is very similar to 10/14/1954 #11041  
 10 times the normal size for this particular species.                      7/30/1957 #13860  
y of a Phenomenon, which generates particular excitement for its sober, sci 6/1965 #18978  
he sightings with swamps, in these particular cases, is more than coinciden 3/25/1966 #20080  
 once more visible in the sky. One particular bright light was strong enoug 3/26/1967 #21998  
, NM 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. On one particular night glowing objects were sp 1968 #23622  
rom the ground as he passes over a particular spot. He notifies the field’s Mid 7/1969 #25270  
g on a UFO outside; the freezer in particular surged when the lights on the 12/6/1973 #28536  
iguous control room indicators. In particular, a hidden indicator light lea 3/28/1979 #34493  
radio contact with the crew and in particular with its wireless operator, M 6/22/1979 #34626  
escribed one of "them" saying this particular baby was his and that he had  12/31/1980 #35759  
nd gullies, before stopping in one particular gully. They continued to watc 10/24/1981 #36186  
n’t we come together to fight that particular threat?”                      5/4/1988 #38554  
 of exotic aircraft and not to one particular airframe. Funding of the proj 3/1990 #39434  
o continue the classification of a particular document or group of document 4/14/1995 #42150  
not appear to be doing anything in particular and are stationary or near-st 3/13/2018 #45523  
ctions, and contagious anxiety. In particular, a growing number of analysts 9/1/2018 #45538  
t Green wanted him to do work on a particular form of ancient meditation: k 12/12/2018 #45551  
 him “Look, I had your job (with a particular service, I’m not going to men 7/19/2020 #45653  
hat often appear to emanate from a particular direction or occurred in a sp 8/2020 #45657  
of the 144 UAP cases analyzed.  In particular, one NNSA contractor, Triad N 6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "particularly" (Back to Top)
eir individual fly-cycles and seem particularly fond of air travel, with as 1873 #198  
 over 7,000 miles. The meteors are particularly unusual in that there is no 2/9/1913 #881  
e rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which  9/23/1947 #3417  
, with the Gorman case receiving a particularly harsh thrashing. However, h 5/6/1949 #4160  
r to Green Run, although this is a particularly large test. Evidence sugges 12/2/1949 #4431  
ctivity. The timing of the IGY was particularly suited for studying some of 7/1/1957 #13768  
ocated more of the lost documents. Particularly in the George T. Gregory ye 7/17/1957 #13808  
ook and finds mixed corroboration, particularly the existence of Schriever  1958 #14787  
d agree that publicity is unwise, “particularly in an open or closed formal 6/20/1958 #15105  
tion throughout his whole body but particularly in his head. His dogs are c 6/11/1961 #16724  
ce to several government agencies, particularly signals intelligence (SIGIN 9/6/1961 #16818  
 of their strange encounter. He is particularly interested in the missing t 11/23/1962 #17559  
sisted by Sgt. David Moody, who is particularly hostile to UFOs and tends t 10/1963 #17967  
 afterwards. Barney’s sessions are particularly intense. However, by the en 1/4/1964 #18109  
saw a rapidly-moving light like a "particularly bright star" traveling from 9/21/1966 #20907  
oucester, Massachusetts, notices a particularly bright star in the southwes 10/31/1966 #21053  
ld behave in the manner described, particularly with respect to the reporte 5/13/1967 #22339  
s bloodshot. Her body was painful, particularly in the joints and especiall 5/27/1973 #27535  
ched the area. They found nothing. Particularly mystifying was the fact tha 11/12/1976 #31540  
t Walter Mondale aside to describe particularly sensitive CIA programs. Con 11/19/1976 #31557  
. During the exam, the aliens were particularly interested in her hands and 1/22/1982 #36306  
al control over federal employees, particularly their relationships with th 3/11/1983 #36780  
 researchers later find suspicious—particularly when there are commercial a 3/24/1997 #43239  
tes that extraterrestrials are not particularly rare, it’s just that the mo 8/21/1998 #43633  
red with extremely long gray hair, particularly around the neck. It had two 7/13/2000 #44016  
one and his entire body felt sore, particularly below the waist.            11/25/2005 #44905  
 seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.”                           6/15/2019 #45584  
es involving a combination of four particularly puzzling “core characterist 2/2/2022 #45737  
at “pulsed electromagnetic energy, particularly in the radiofrequency range 2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "particulars" (Back to Top)
esponds to Corning asking for more particulars about the reports.           1/20/1945 #1759  
ssified. Miller also states he has particulars on a special team involved i 4/25/2002 #44333  
## Word: "particulate" (Back to Top)
 and Utirik atolls, while the more particulate and gaseous fallout spreads  3/1/1954 #9584  
## Word: "partido" (Back to Top)
                      Bahía Blanca Partido Macachín Estación Hidalgo Ferroc 5/15/1950 #4944  
an isolated region in Bahía Blanca Partido (possibly between Macachín and E 5/15/1950 #4944  
zeiza International Airport Ezeiza Partido Greater Buenos Aires Argentina A 12/22/1962 #17606  
i International Airport] at Ezeiza Partido in Greater Buenos Aires, Argenti 12/22/1962 #17606  
## Word: "parties" (Back to Top)
y left in Germany, after all other parties are banned or split up.          7/4/1933 #1165  
ates hostile actions through third parties, such as employers, elected offi 8/1956 #13042  
ublic hysteria” was discussed. All parties agree “it would be unwise to giv 6/20/1958 #15107  
e materials were stolen by unknown parties some months after the incident.  10/20/1973 #28222  
t from its helmet. When one of the parties flashed a light on the figure, i 8/30/1977 #32441  
irts of Groom Lake for UFO viewing parties.                                 5/24/1989 #38961  
 BDM Intl.  Shapiro tells Oechsler parties in the US are in possession of e 10/1989 #39139  
der the order, the numbers of both parties on a call, as well as the locati 6/5/2013 #45370  
## Word: "partin" (Back to Top)
ford Runyon and copilot Maj. James Partin) to the location of the UFO near  10/24/1968 #24587  
## Word: "parting" (Back to Top)
ien beings was responsible for the parting of the Red Sea.                  1968 #23624  
d the Frenchman can see the waters parting in a deep trough. They remain pa 3/29/1974 #28968  
## Word: "partitions" (Back to Top)
y are separated from each other by partitions and use separate computers.   2/6/1967 #21470  
## Word: "partizanskii" (Back to Top)
                                   PARTIZANSKII, DALNIY-V Sphere passes 1/2 7/25/1988 #38608  
## Word: "partly" (Back to Top)
cans. The relatively low price was partly the result of Ford’s efficient fa 10/1/1908 #718  
ething like an “aluminum building” partly concealed in the trees. A short d Summer 1940 #1340  
. Cylinder/cigar-shape zaps plane. Partly melted. / F. Zigel and more / r27 5/6/1949 #4151  
51 when the situation was reviewed partly due to public protests.           1950 #4460  
                 WINDSOR LOCKS, CT Partly translucent "dinner plate". / dou 9/26/1950 #5197  
bit later, walking awkwardly as if partly paralyzed.                        Early 10/1954 #10609  
ck-size mass. Luminous/glowing and partly transparent. Hovers then rises ve 10/4/1954 #10678  
. Orange saucer scouts reservoirs. Partly translucent. / r111p213.          8/19/1962 #17344  
 shape was observed in silhouette, partly illuminated by a white light on t 6/26/1963 #17807  
rops box / ground. Kids look. Find partly transparent 10' man! / r8#581.    9/19/1963 #17943  
. 3 figure(s) inside. Tilts. Sinks partly / soil. Grows! Up and away. / r8. 10/1963 #17963  
es are resting next to each other, partly covered by grass. Each one is wea 8/20/1966 #20779  
orts.) The interior appeared to be partly visible, and a creature or being  7/17/1967 #22676  
"burst of fire" coming from a form partly hidden in the bushes. Seized with 5/4/1969 #25115  
away. It is about 130 feet across, partly lit up, and has three legs hangin 4/1/1972 #26633  
AKE JALKA, SWDN Odd mist over lake partly hides 10M Tuna-can saucer on wate 3/1974 #28827  
 he had been looking due east, sky partly cloudy, saw one bright white obje 11/15/1975 #30624  
ed the cylindrical object that was partly hidden behind some bushes. The ob 9/20/1981 #36134  
OJAI, CA Allagash Jim "frozen" and partly levitated / 45° angle. Possible s 5/1982 #36458  
uminated bluish disc-shaped object partly resting on top of a large boulder 6/20/1986 #37918  
gle/box-like craft low / roadside. Partly transparent!                      8/30/1991 #40173  
man, who was sitting with her legs partly folded under her. Their facial ex 7/23/1992 #40531  
ds. Pointed octagon with 3 lights. Partly transparent. Hovers / low altitud 2/4/1993 #40837  
 3M saucer hovers / 80cm altitude. Partly transparent. 25 small humanoids ( 5/19/1995 #42216  
ter with a disc-shaped object on a partly cloudy night at 9:15 p.m. The obj 4/8/1996 #42858  
shed right in front of them in the partly cloudy sky.                       8/20/2004 #44736  
 the silent V-shaped object in the partly cloudy sky. He also felt a tingli 5/9/2005 #44838  
d next to some tree limbs, and was partly concealed by them.                5/25/2005 #44845  
e to driving a car with the window partly rolled down. The duration ranges  8/2017 #45477  
## Word: "partner" (Back to Top)
morning, Greene tells his business partner Russell Rouse about the sighting 8/1952 #7385  
is alone for each sighting, so his partner John Van Allen cannot corroborat 5/20/1953 #8889  
 to the craft and zoomed away. His partner Mr. John Van Allen only saw the  6/20/1953 #8944  
s respected Navy commander and his partner. A meeting was arranged to be he 7/9/1959 #15829  
 expedition and is waiting for his partner. He hears a noise like an aircra 6/22/1960 #16315  
 down and stops spinning. When his partner arrives, they get into a canoe a 6/22/1960 #16315  
 1700 feet away from him. When his partner arrived they took a canoe and we 6/22/1960 #16316  
e object hit the water. He and his partner went back to the location on two 6/22/1960 #16316  
t.” He takes two photos of it. His partner, Ed White, is asleep at the time 6/4/1965 #18990  
ill AFB.  Pickett and his business partner Harold Baker claim they were inv 1966 #19799  
 couple and the husband’s business partner purchase an abandoned ranch prop Fall 1975 #30379  
phenomenon. Officer Bruner and his partner Officer Coogler were parked west 7/21/1977 #32296  
ve the UFO. Officer Bruner and his partner Officer Coogler were parked west 7/21/1977 #32299  
d. Hours later, Woods and his team partner responded to an penetration alar 11/1977 #32648  
ours have passed, and he, his team partner and their truck are near Newell  11/1977 #32648  
r to the facility. He wakes up his partner, who also watches the light. Ano 3/1992 #40343  
igator Christopher O'Brien and his partner while driving seven miles north  9/17/1992 #40626  
liant outburst of light, while his partner tried to keep hold of the patrol 4/15/1996 #42870  
ion analyst Kit Green and his life partner Kristin B Zimmerman about a stor 7/31/1999 #43815  
. Terrified, he ran to wake up his partner and called the police, who searc 7/11/2000 #44014  
enbarger, and Holland & Knight LLP Partner Tillie Fowler.  https://www.bibl 11/27/2002 #44452  
ntures, of which Asprey was also a partner. The company’s state filings are 3/2004 #44671  
eymouth at the time to pick up his partner, Charlotte Rose, from work at th 8/6/2013 #45381  
## Word: "partnered" (Back to Top)
lcome Bender. It is suggested RIAS partnered with IPP.  Note: Gordon Gray’s 11/20/1955 #12580  
gies. He also suggests the company partnered with EG&G and contracted scien 4/2001 #44155  
## Word: "partners" (Back to Top)
f a century at most; corporate IPP partners include Glenn L. Martin Co., Co 11/20/1955 #12580  
Department of National Defence. It partners with the Royal Canadian Mounted 1968 #23630  
                        Pathfinder Partners, a national security VC fund, c 11/10/1986 #38061  
ency, and it is comprised of three partners: Battelle Memorial Institute, T 5/17/1999 #43770  
rity Agency and other intelligence partners and reveals existing techniques 2/24/2014 #45402  
nmanned aerial vehicle testing for partners at Air Force, Army, Navy, Marin 3/5/2016 #45445  
veloper Brandon Fugal. In 2020, he partners with the History Channel on a T 4/2016 #45447  
 NNSA and it is comprised of three partners: Battelle Memorial Institute, T 6/25/2021 #45695  
s put into a private trust and two partners from Brown Brothers Harriman be 10/2021 #45713  
tt and John Jay McCloy, all senior partners at Brown Brothers Harriman. She 10/2021 #45713  
## Word: "partnership" (Back to Top)
tion (NNSA) publicly discloses its partnership with NASA for planetary defe 3/22/2017 #45465  
## Word: "partridge" (Back to Top)
      Korean Theatre Gen. Earle E. Partridge of the Fifth Air Force, respon 6/8/1950 #4981  
          At 10:30 p.m. Mr. Newell Partridge was sitting at home in Salem,  11/14/1966 #21101  
orch his dog Bandit began wailing. Partridge picked up a flashlight and wen 11/14/1966 #21101  
toward the hay barn in the bottom. Partridge shined his light in that direc 11/14/1966 #21101  
                            Newell Partridge was sitting at home at 10:30 p 11/15/1966 #21109  
rch, his dog Bandit began wailing. Partridge picked up a flashlight and wen 11/15/1966 #21109  
toward the hay barn in the bottom. Partridge shined the light in that direc 11/15/1966 #21109  
ral individuals—Harold E. Puthoff (Partridge), John B. Alexander (Chickadee Fall 1986 #38034  
## Word: "parts" (Back to Top)
y towns for supplies or mechanical parts, posing either as tourists or “har 4/21/1897? #551  
ver Eesterhazy, Mortlach and other parts of southeastern Saskatchewan. It e 2/9/1913 #882  
 to be “composed of two interwoven parts revolving and moving in opposite d 1938 #1280  
side. They collect two shiny metal parts from the periphery of the crash si 8/16/1945 #1924  
was it carrying actual flying disc parts.                                   8/14/1947 #3332  
. Description: Each consisted of 2 parts, a cockpit or cabin about 6 ft. di 1/16/1950 #4493  
2 federal agents were looking for “parts” and “gadgets” from crashed flying 3/31/1950 #4772  
r than a jet’s. It breaks into two parts at one point but maintains its con 4/19/1952 #6131  
7. Hoffman and 6. Saucer with dark parts / rim. Glows red behind cloud.     5/25/1952 #6354  
eports are being received from all parts of the US and distant parts of the 7/29/1952 #7324  
om all parts of the US and distant parts of the world. Boyd explains that U 7/29/1952 #7324  
speed, and then divided into three parts.                                   8/5/1952 #7473  
 diameter made of rapidly rotating parts, producing a noise similar to that 11/18/1952 #8294  
“cleared by Security”, and it says parts of his talk had to be “dummied up” 3/19/1953 #8761  
has been stripped of all removable parts to make it as light as possible. W Spring 1953 #8766  
 that he thinks might contain body parts.                                   Autumn 1953 #9176  
observers see it consisting of two parts, with the leading part larger than 2/6/1955 #11977  
hts going quickly east. Splits / 3 parts going quickly [to] different direc 8/2/1955 #12321  
 object changes colors. Splits / 3 parts. Turn red.                         11/30/1957 #14641  
e, then gold, then separate into 3 parts (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 11/30/1957 #14643  
en gold, then separated into three parts and turned red.  Sighting lasted 2 11/30/1957 #14644  
gold. It then separated into three parts and turned red. The sighting laste 11/30/1957 #14645  
 that he had faked the photo using parts of plastic airplane models.        12/3/1957 #14666  
nd is getting bigger and is in two parts, both a clear, gray color. One par 1/10/1958 #14817  
ed above it. Without warning, both parts suddenly sink out of sight. Shortl 1/10/1958 #14817  
. He now sees clearly that the two parts are joined by several narrow uprig 1/10/1958 #14817  
ement.” Shortly afterwards the two parts of the object close up again, and  1/10/1958 #14817  
            The Air Force releases parts of the 1953 Robertson Panel report 3/1958 #14904  
 craft falls / Hunter jet. Splits. Parts rise and going NNE.                4/1/1958 (approximate) #14956  
t guards watched UFO split in four parts; two rose vertically at high speed 1/1/1959 #15525  
outheast and then splits into four parts. Two rise vertically at high speed 1/1/1959 #15527  
looks like a jumble of unconnected parts. As it turns out, the OTC- X1 deve 4/19/1959 #15708  
ight slow down and split into four parts after 45 minutes. The four lights  7/7/1961 #16752  
that their amnesia concerning some parts of the episode has unsettled them, 10/21/1961 #16923  
ise. The UFO then divides into two parts that fly off in different directio 5/12/1962 #17165  
chen, NJ 3-5 lights from different parts of the sky dart about the sky (NIC 7/19/1962 #17287  
er shape. It then divides into two parts, one above the other. The top obje 4/11/1964 #18169  
tigators (a turbine fitting, metal parts, a broken bulb and fitting, a phia 4/24/1965 #18916  
, like a satellite, split into two parts, one of which was copperish color, 5/7/1965 #18933  
er Oxford, Michigan split into two parts, one of which was copper colored.  5/7/1965 #18935  
the supply of electricity, affects parts of Ontario, Connecticut, Massachus 11/9/1965 #19709  
and “C”, were transferred to other parts of the county. The UFO wasn’t disa 3/21/1966 #20014  
s circular white object splits / 5 parts. All fly going quickly west. Seen  8/23/1966 #20791  
ens borough, New York at 1:30 a.m. Parts of the UFO seemed to move independ 1/26/1967 #21401  
graphs while the UFO took off. Two parts of the landing gear are shown in f 5/6/1967 #22287  
s. The objects hovered in separate parts of the sky, suddenly accelerated o 8/16/1967 #22884  
oon. The sphere divided into three parts, two of which accelerated out of s 9/14/1967 #23056  
agnetic effects). Cargo = Titanium parts. Cone hovers. Missing time? Ozone  10/26/1967 #23324  
shining through the mist. The mist parts, and he sees an enormous object th 7/1968 #24109  
hands (an allergic reaction?), and parts of her nurse’s cap and clothing ar 7/22/1968 #24204  
e burns on her face and hands, and parts of her nurse's cap and clothing we 7/22/1968 #24205  
t swings / pendulum over treetops. Parts go dark.                           8/2/1968 #24290  
inder/cigar-shape? Hovers. Splits. Parts maneuver. Strong Radio Frequency I 10/24/1968 #24580  
USTE, SP Night light splits / many parts. Circle Monestery. Going [to] away 12/31/1968 #24797  
g quickly [to] L-shape. Splits / 3 parts.                                   6/1/1969 #25188  
tion of 20 UFO groups in different parts of the country. The secretary’s of 1970 #25521  
e fire of an unknown object, large parts being driven away on flatbeds, spe 1/1971 #25962  
e shoreline, then divided into two parts. One part rose into the sky, while 8/14/1971 #26285  
ncy presents the agreement and the parts of the draft article it considers  3/1972 #26584  
g. At least four adults in various parts of Waterbury, Connecticut, spot a  4/14/1972 #26646  
ht ovoid object divided into three parts. Two of the parts flew off, while  10/26/1973 #28296  
vided into three parts. Two of the parts flew off, while the third split in 10/26/1973 #28296  
at and coyotes have eaten the soft parts. Many ranchers reject the explanat 12/1973 #28494  
fornia saw an object hovering over parts of the city on four separate occas 3/19/1975 #29912  
known. Cow mutilated. Jaw skinned. Parts gone. No tracks.                   11/16/1975 #30629  
     NEAR DULCE, NM Cow mutilated. Parts missing. Triangular pod marks. Sau 6/13/1976 #31104  
 dead cow, mutilated and with body parts missing was found in a field next  6/13/1976 #31105  
ar. Bright night light splits / 3. Parts going quickly [to] 3 different dir 10/26/1976 (approximate) #31497  
30 p.m. Ten witnesses in different parts of Rapid City, South Dakota, obser 7/4/1977 #32236  
e appears over Kremlin. Splits / 3 parts. 1 going quickly [to] church and h 8/5/1977 #32362  
ey as well as Charleston and other parts of South Carolina.  The earliest r 12/2/1977 #32731  
3-4 feet in diameter with rotating parts on top, made a head-on pass at two 7/4/1978 #33330  
3–4 feet in diameter with rotating parts on top, makes a head-on pass at 80 7/4/1978 #33333  
3-4 feet in diameter with rotating parts on top, made a head-on pass at two 7/4/1978 #33336  
ile other lights appear in various parts of the dark object. It continues t 7/20/1978 #33404  
ight light rises slow. Splits / 2. Parts shoot going up [to] faster.        7/17/1979 #34660  
is left shoulder and several other parts of his body. At the same time they 2/6/1980 #35160  
 Calf mutilated / alien base. Body parts / red liquid!                      5/5/1980 #35305  
es tanks of water with cattle body parts, as well as a human arm.           5/5/1980 #35306  
errestrial beings who harvest body parts required for their survival or res 5/28/1980 #35343  
ified phenomenon might have caused parts of the case, she notes: “Whilst so 12/28/1980 #35750  
H Luminous object splits / 2, 3, 4 parts. Some rejoin. / r208p219.          6/5/1981 #35951  
flying object that splits into two parts, then three, then four. Shortly af 6/5/1981 #35952  
Long object going west. Splits / 3 parts going north going northeast and go 2/15/1982 #36345  
s. The object separates into three parts, each of which increases in speed  11/1983 #37037  
s away after breaking into several parts, each about 30–80 feet long. The d 10/10/1986 #38044  
ured by a mist. Witnesses in other parts of town also see a similar display 3/6/1987 #38130  
overnments, harvests of human body parts, friendly and unfriendly alien spe 12/1987 #38342  
 and consists of two saucer-shaped parts on top of each other. He hears a l 12/1/1987 #38345  
 UFO sightings reported throughout parts of Yorkshire, England. At 8:10 p.m 1/4/1988 #38404  
ir bodies were black and the upper parts were yellow in color. The sphere a 4/30/1989 #38927  
hanged shaped and divided into two parts. Dr. William Heijster, a Dutch mil 8/10/1989 #39054  
 an hour the object split into two parts, which then separated and faded fr 8/10/1989 #39054  
mittee.” He states he changed some parts of his story re: the craft in 1991 1990 #39358  
t that stated a UFO crashed in two parts near Penkridge, England and West G 7/1991 #40109  
 blasting it into almost two equal parts and bending its internal structure 8/28/1991 #40168  
 on her upper belly, and the lower parts of her breasts.                    1/24/1992 #40302  
diamond / 30m altitude. Splits / 3 parts. 1 hovers. 1 going quickly. 1 goin 3/24/1992 #40398  
aucer. Saucer going quickly north. Parts fly off.                           7/29/1992 #40538  
ipper" incisions in the corpse and parts of the body surgically removed-but 3/1993 #40867  
f light. It finally split into two parts and flew off to the east and west. 11/3/1993 #41262  
. Silver beams / light. Splits / 2 parts going east and going west.         11/3/1994 #41831  
f, and there is a blackout in many parts of the city. When the ground light 7/31/1995 #42347  
ecting his vehicle he noticed that parts of the steering wheel had apparent 9/24/1995 #42508  
the east, and then split into four parts.                                   6/6/1996 #42924  
.   (II) Acoustical with no moving parts and employ vibration to alter nucl 1/1998 #43483  
 red balls of light over different parts of the island.                     9/21/1998 #43650  
 in the night sky, huge and in two parts that were connected. They somehow  9/3/2003 #44592  
ed the program was split into four parts and about 200 people were on the b 9/10/2003 #44595  
s like a radaint sphere with three parts. Other witnesses report four light 9/5/2006 #44958  
counties further north, as well as parts of northern Sweden. The phenomenon 12/9/2009 #45261  
## Word: "party" (Back to Top)
 David W. Paul is traveling with a party of workmen from Burlington to Fran 4/14/1897 #462  
.m. As people are returning from a party at the Armory Hall in Natchitoches 4/19/1897 #534  
ent up for his daughter’s birthday party, but “balloon” sightings continue  7/25/1908 #715  
LES Boy abduction / farm Christmas party. Screams. Tracks / snow end. Gone  12/24/1909 #824  
he Nazis become the only political party left in Germany, after all other p 7/4/1933 #1165  
ngeles columnist George Todt, in a party of four Army officers including a  Summer 1944 #1607  
            At 1:00 p.m. in 1947 a party of surveyors in Payette, Idaho saw 7/5/1947 #2730  
by Swedish Gen. Helge Jung and his party. A salvage operation was unsuccess 11/4/1948 #3868  
ation and has asked that a working party be set up to look into significant 8/15/1950 #5127  
ld go to the Flying Saucer Working Party.                                   8/15/1950 #5127  
er horizontal stretch. The Working Party concludes they have imperfectly vi 9/5/1950 #5169  
      UK The Flying Saucer Working Party is created in the UK by Ministry o 10/1950 #5206  
US UK The UK Flying Saucer Working Party produces its six-page final report 6/1951 #5530  
      The UK Flying Saucer Working Party is disbanded.                      6/25/1951 #5552  
 CIA man and military brass / lawn party. Vibrant bright night light going  5/1952 #6226  
nior CIA official is having a lawn party at his home near Alexandria, Virgi Early 5/1952 #6248  
eport by the Flying Saucer Working Party].                                  7/28/1952 #7267  
ame area around 2:30 a.m. A fourth party sees two orange flares dropping fr 11/22/1953 #9315  
 picked the story up at a cocktail party hosted by Mountbatten. Her story i 5/22/1955 #12148  
one targets the American Communist Party. Typical methods are anonymous or  8/1956 #13042  
his parents and teachers, said the party of 5 had accidentally stumbled upo 7/30/1957 #13860  
         CORDOBA, ARG 40 / outdoor party. Strange buzz. Luminous saucer goe 10/23/1959 #16054  
swer, in English, was: "One of our party knows you; we will return." The ob 10/1963 #17966  
 enjoying a typical teenage pajama party in Pittsfield, Pennsylvania and we 1/25/1967 #21388  
ght. Comedian Dick Gregory is at a party with friends at Big Sur, Californi 10/12/1967 #23228  
y. Many witnesses parrot the NORAD party line that its radars only look in  7/29/1968 #24254  
nder the terms of the treaty, each party is limited to two ABM complexes, e 5/26/1972 #26689  
 / SANTA BARBARA, CA Phony scene / party house and guests. (Burnt down 6 we 11/4/1972 #27108  
nt as a candidate of the Universal Party, with Daniel Fry as his running ma 11/7/1972 #27110  
g mate, on the ballot in Iowa. The party offers solutions recommended by ex 11/7/1972 #27110  
w began to take place. Some in the party saw a farmhouse several hundred fe 10/25/1973 #28286  
 book, and that the doctors were a party to the hoax (which seems highly un 10/28/1973 #28311  
 p.m., Higdon is found by a rescue party, which includes Fleming, the Carbo 10/15/1974 #29531  
itoba Three men wander away from a party on the shore of Stephenfield Lake, 5/16/1975 #30061  
eemed to be watching the witness’s party most intently. The two men were sh 8/10/1976 #31252  
azil and disappeared, and a search party failed to locate him. Eighty-one h 3/24/1978 #33079  
 a 50-year-old important Communist Party politician, was alone in a wooded  10/15/1978 #33837  
 a multi-colored UFO appeared at a party honoring the Virgin of the Rosary. 11/22/1978 #33982  
her man went for help and a rescue party searched for the missing man. He w 12/8/1978 #34078  
f people in what he thought was a "party". Soon he was taken into another r 1/3/1979 #34292  
 Committee of the Soviet Communist Party forbids all activities of the BVPT 12/1979 #35035  
ent and the film is later shown to party leaders by cosmonaut Georgy Berego 5/14/1981 #35937  
línio Couto de Alencar Júnior to a party. The cycle breaks down, so they pu 8/12/1983 #36949  
 home and head back on foot to the party. They pass the train tracks and th 8/12/1983 #36949  
es, and the two witnesses run off. Party hosts Roberto de Lira Pessoa Neto  8/12/1983 #36949  
in Panama; supporting the Nazi PAN party in Mexico; channeling money to the 11/18/1983 #37046  
25' UFO and 'green face' / slumber party. Apparent classic abduction scenar 6/24/1988 #38591  
/ DALNEGORSK Large sphere hovers / party building / seconds. Moves off. Fla 8/27/1988 #38626  
oratory Suffolk County, Republican Party Night. Long Island UFO Network fou 9/28/1989 #39130  
d of the Suffolk County Republican Party, who Ford believes is covering up  9/28/1989 #39130  
ear the Saris Dzas River. A search party led by Michael Eltchin was dispatc 8/28/1991 #40168  
ideotape. Whenever a member of the party got closer than 800 meters to the  8/28/1991 #40168  
usband Andrew are returning from a party in Narre Warren North, in the Dand 8/8/1993 #41117  
finally found, she told the search party that she had been cared for by "a  9/15/1996 #43020  
pended vertically, with the bottom party positioned 25° above the horizon.  4/20/1997 #43268  
me and proclaiming him “the guilty party.” He jokes that the media is takin 6/19/1997 #43331  
riedrich was returning home from a party in Altonia, Parana, Brazil when he 3/15/1999 #43748  
 told to drop it by an undisclosed party.  Wilson next calls a program mana 10/16/2002 #44418  
  While driving home from a dinner party at two o'clock in the morning a ma 7/27/2004 #44719  
ome at 1:00 p.m. from her birthday party in Woodbury, Connecticut a teenage 8/22/2004 #44739  
perty of a local Chinese Communist Party cadre for nearly two hours. They a 11/2006 #44979  
ebunk HFGW because the responsible party listed on the SF298 for MITRE’s co 10/2008 #45173  
ario 9:40 p.m. A three-man hunting party observes a barbell-shaped object w 8/28/2013 #45385  
e flow of money going to the third party company that’s running a waived-un 5/1/2021 #45687  
## Word: "partygoers" (Back to Top)
he same direction as the beam. The partygoers watch the lights for about 40 10/12/1967 #23228  
s. After the initial surprise, the partygoers enthusiastically applauded th 11/22/1978 #33982  
## Word: "parvin" (Back to Top)
c Davis says a Lt. Col. Dr. Robert Parvin Williams is alleged to have parti 3/5/2002 #44323  
## Word: "parviz" (Back to Top)
nctionality return. Squadron Cmdr. Parviz Jafari takes off in a second jet  9/18/1976 #31395  
## Word: "parys" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHWEST / PARYS, RSA Large area lit. 15M saucer di 12/14/1963 #18079  
## Word: "pará" (Back to Top)
                          Colares, Pará, Brazil Brazilian National Archives 7/1977 #32220  
rous UFOs are reported in Colares, Pará, Brazil. Residents claim that scars 7/1977 #32220  
São José dos Campos Rio de Janeiro Pará Ademar José Gevaerd leads a delegat 5/20/2005 #44844  
estigation of UFOs held in 1977 in Pará by Col. Uyrange Hollanda, who died  5/20/2005 #44844  
## Word: "pas" (Back to Top)
5 p.m., on the road to Boulogne in Pas de Calais department, France a bluis 10/8/1954 #10821  
France Inter radio program, OVNIs: Pas de panique! Galley says his departme 2/21/1974 #28787  
sses northwest of Bully-les-Mines, Pas de Calais, France spotted a brillian 8/5/1974 #29310  
                                El Pas de la Casa, Andorra Calafell, Catalo 7/1/1975 #30144  
es mountains just after leaving El Pas de la Casa, Andorra. They have the r 7/1/1975 #30144  
ng in a garden in Noeux les Mines, Pas de Calais, France. It was just 0.6 m 10/30/1993 #41256  
ered a four-lane highway in Arras, Pas d' Calais, France for 15 minutes.    12/5/1993 #41325  
## Word: "pas-de-calais" (Back to Top)
15 minutes over the town of Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France. It suddenly spira 11/1/1461 #22  
                            Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France 4:27 a.m. A fiery  1/7/1954 #9463  
 luminous trail, is seen in Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France. The disc remains  1/7/1954 #9463  
d over the town of Bois-en-Ardres, Pas-de-Calais, France and circled the ar 9/15/1954 #10314  
                        Erquières, Pas-de-Calais, France Northeast of Erqui Mid 10/1954 #11113  
heast of the village of Erquières, Pas-de-Calais, France, when they see a b Mid 10/1954 #11113  
en along the roadside in Coulogne, Pas-de-Calais, France. It had a row of p 10/29/1954 #11480  
. near the local airport in Berck, Pas-de-Calais, France, Mr. Davril saw a  11/13/1954 #11640  
ving between Difques and St. Omer, Pas-de-Calais department, France at 12:0 8/2/1960 #16364  
                          Lestrem, Pas-de-Calais, France Jean-Pierre D’Hond 1965 #18684  
iste d’Études des OVNI in Lestrem, Pas-de-Calais, France. It publishes Rech 1965 #18684  
g grass for her rabbits in Dannes, Pas-de-Calais, France at 2:05 p.m. when  5/30/1971 #26145  
r a road in Haisnes-lez-la-Bassee, Pas-de-Calais, France. It shot away very 12/13/1973 #28569  
 347 between Lens and La Bassee in Pas-de-Calais, France Mr. Liefooghe had  12/31/1973 #28623  
                         St. Omer, Pas-de-Calais, France 11:30 p.m. Two you 8/22/1975 #30297  
icle" in the vicinity of St. Omer, Pas-de-Calais, France. A short distance  8/22/1975 #30297  
icle" in the vicinity of St. Omer, Pas-de-Calais, France. A short distance  8/22/1975 #30298  
utside with a telescope in Auchey, Pas-de-Calais, France passing only four  10/2/1977 #32547  
over some trees in Vieille-Eglise, Pas-de-Calais, France; it shot away towa 9/17/1979 #34898  
## Word: "pas-decalais" (Back to Top)
inous trail, was sighted in Arras, Pas-deCalais department (NICAP: 01 - Dis 1/7/1954 #9462  
## Word: "pasadena" (Back to Top)
ealand Mount Wilson Observatory in Pasadena, California Alice May Williams  Summer 1931 #1130  
at the Mount Wilson Observatory in Pasadena, California, describing her enc Summer 1931 #1130  
                           NORTH / PASADENA, CA 1 / parade. Metallic ovoid  1/1/1953 #8488  
                                   Pasadena, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index 3/23/1953 #8779  
                                   PASADENA, CA 2 observer(s). Round silver 2/3/1955 #11971  
were seen by several thousand from Pasadena, Tujunga, and Montrose, Califor 5/19/1955 #12143  
                              OVER PASADENA, CA 2 / plane. 3 15M saucers /  1/2/1956 #12643  
                                   PASADENA, CA Separate Ground Observer Co 7/29/1956 #13025  
faster / jet. Stops and continues. Pasadena RADAR confirm.                  7/29/1956 #13026  
       Pasedena, CA July 29, 1956; Pasadena, California, G,V (NICAP: 09 - R 7/29/1956 #13027  
                                   PASADENA, CA Airline(s)/airliner pilot a 9/6/1956 #13191  
                                   Pasadena, CA Airline Pilot Reports UFO T 9/6/1956 #13195  
 were seen flying erratically over Pasadena, California at 1:10 a.m. and we 9/6/1956 #13196  
                                   PASADENA, CA Cops and many. Ovoids stop. 2/14/1957 #13505  
                              OVER PASADENA, TX 2 / DC3. Object with 2 ligh 3/8/1957 #13525  
                    Houston (near) Pasadena, TX UFO Maneuvers Near DC-3 (NI 3/8/1957 #13527  
                                   Pasadena, Texas Tennessee Gas Transmissi 3/8/1957 #13532  
see Gas Transmission Company above Pasadena, Texas, when they see a UFO bea 3/8/1957 #13532  
         Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, California The Jet Propulsion  12/1958 #15464  
a The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, is transferred to  12/1958 #15464  
                                   PASADENA, CA Chemist / private plane. 3  4/30/1966 #20429  
                                   Pasadena, CA Three objects near airplane 4/30/1966 #20432  
of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Pasadena, California, physicist Peter A. 1/20/1975 #29758  
                                   PASADENA, CA 8cm clear bubble floats goi 8/30/1976 #31313  
                                   PASADENA, CA 2 / private plane. White sa 6/4/1978 #33252  
 a hovering saucer-shaped UFO over Pasadena, California.                    6/4/1978 #33256  
                                   PASADENA, CA Movie producer Paul davids  2/25/1987 #38122  
maneuver close to his residence in Pasadena, California.                    2/25/1987 #38124  
                                   Pasadena, California Los Angeles County  1/1988 #38385  
County A family in the vicinity of Pasadena, California, notices a large, p 1/1988 #38385  
     In the evening of this day in Pasadena, Texas a man reported seeing a  12/31/2001 #44301  
## Word: "pascagoula" (Back to Top)
                                   Pascagoula, Mississippi Gulf of Mexico 1 8/13/1874 #206  
ud” flies over the western edge of Pascagoula, Mississippi, from the northw 8/13/1874 #206  
                                   PASCAGOULA, MS Project Bluebook Case #21 10/1/1952 #8079  
                                   Pascagoula, MS Heard a loud blast and sa 10/1/1952 #8081  
                                   Pascagoula, Mississippi Witnesses: Mr. a 10/1/1952 #8083  
                                   PASCAGOULA, MS Blue light. UFO opens. 2  10/11/1973 #27989  
                                   Pascagoula, MS Hickson/Parker Incident ( 10/11/1973 #27991  
                                   Pascagoula, MS Charles Hickson and Charl 10/11/1973 #27996  
              Gautier, Mississippi Pascagoula River Keesler AFB in Biloxi M 10/11/1973 #27997  
r, Mississippi, are fishing in the Pascagoula River when they hear a buzzin 10/11/1973 #27997  
US Highway 90 Gautier, Mississippi Pascagoula River 7:40 p.m. Parole Office 10/11/1973 #27998  
m. Parole Officer Raymond Broadus, Pascagoula City Councilor Emmanuel P. Si 10/11/1973 #27998  
the ground and meanders toward the Pascagoula River.                        10/11/1973 #27998  
                                   Pascagoula, Mississippi 9:00 p.m. Larry  10/11/1973 #27999  
ssissippi 9:00 p.m. Larry Booth of Pascagoula, Mississippi, finishes watchi 10/11/1973 #27999  
er in an abandoned shipyard on the Pascagoula River in Pascagoula, Mississi 10/11/1973 #28005  
hipyard on the Pascagoula River in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Shortly after n 10/11/1973 #28005  
he Hickson and Parker abduction in Pascagoula, Mississippi, a three-year-ol 10/11/1973 #28006  
ner Williams, Alabama not far from Pascagoula.                              10/11/1973 #28006  
 “robots” for examination near the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. Hickson 10/11/1973 #28009  
r USG contractor projects. Was the Pascagoula event an early example of a s 10/11/1973 #28009  
                       SOUTHWEST / PASCAGOULA, MS Many and USCG. 12' lumino 11/6/1973 #28369  
identified submerged object in the Pascagoula River in Mississippi sometime 11/6/1973 #28377  
## Word: "pascagoula_abduction" (Back to Top)
er?  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascagoula_Abduction   https://en.wikipe 10/11/1973 #28009  
## Word: "pascal-a" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pascal-A” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 20KT      7/26/1957 #13844  
## Word: "pascal-b" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pascal-B” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 20KT      8/27/1957 #13935  
## Word: "pascal-c" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pascal-C” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 20KT      12/6/1957 #14677  
## Word: "pasco" (Back to Top)
chmond, Virginia Naval Air Station Pasco, Washington Night. Navy Lt. George 12/23/1944 #1731  
dar operators at Naval Air Station Pasco, Washington, report unusual blips  12/23/1944 #1731  
ationed at US Naval Air Station in Pasco WA, were scrambled in their F6F He Summer 1945 #1879  
                 Naval Air Station Pasco, Washington Hanford facility Noon. Mid 7/1945 #1896  
ellcat pilots at Naval Air Station Pasco, Washington, are scrambled after r Mid 7/1945 #1896  
                                   PASCO, WA Near nuclear facility. Private 7/1948 #3687  
                                   Pasco, WA Pilot reports domed disc near  7/1948 #3689  
                                   Pasco, Washington 1:00 p.m. Former Air F 7/1948 #3691  
feet in diameter, maneuvering over Pasco, Washington. “The exterior finish  7/1948 #3691  
                                   PASCO, WA 25+observer(s). Glowing-cylind 11/21/1950 #5281  
                              NEAR PASCO, WA 2 observer(s). Glowing-object  7/15/1952 #6821  
ed UFO zig-zagged over the city of Pasco, Washington. There was a mist surr 7/15/1952 #6830  
                           NORTH / PASCO, WA Farmers. Silver to/from/betwee 8/29/1979 #34793  
                                   Pasco, Washington alfalfa field 10 miles 8/29/1979 #34799  
on alfalfa field 10 miles north of Pasco, Washington 8:00 a.m. A woman is i 8/29/1979 #34799  
er alfalfa field 10 miles north of Pasco, Washington, when she sees what ap 8/29/1979 #34799  
## Word: "pascual" (Back to Top)
ard Heim of Goettingen University, Pascual Jordan of Hamburg University, Va 11/20/1955 #12580  
UFO / type unknown hovers over San Pascual / several min. Vanishes.         4/9/1979 #34504  
## Word: "pasedena" (Back to Top)
                                   Pasedena, CA July 29, 1956; Pasadena, Ca 7/29/1956 #13027  
## Word: "pasiano" (Back to Top)
                                   PASIANO, ITL Mopod/motorscooter/motorbik 1/1979 #34266  
## Word: "pasiphae" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pasiphae” Yield: 20KT                    11/5/1987 #38317  
## Word: "pasko" (Back to Top)
onnecticut 10:30 p.m. Mrs. Charles Pasko notices a peach-pink glow in the w 9/20/1967 #23101  
ted, Connecticut by two witnesses, Pasko and Ellis. Circular ground marks w 9/21/1967 #23107  
## Word: "pasnembi" (Back to Top)
                                   Pasnembi, Brazil A man driving near Pasn 7/30/1962 #17304  
asnembi, Brazil A man driving near Pasnembi stopped when his engine failed  7/30/1962 #17304  
ande do Sul, Brazil on the road to Pasnembi two men, Sr. Lombero and Sr. Ga 7/30/1962 #17306  
oup, were driving down the road to Pasnembi when their car engine stalled.  7/30/1962 #17306  
## Word: "paso" (Back to Top)
                                El Paso, Texas 2:00 a.m. A man in El Paso,  4/19/1897 #535  
 Paso, Texas 2:00 a.m. A man in El Paso, Texas, sees a cigar-shaped object  4/19/1897 #535  
         Biggs Field Fort Bliss El Paso, Texas As their C-47 prepares to la Mid 2/1945 #1785  
and at Biggs Field, Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, S/Sgt Ralph Bayer is alarme Mid 2/1945 #1785  
                                EL PASO, TX 1 observer. Shiny 12 Mx2M metal 6/22/1947 #2362  
                 Mount Franklin El Paso, Texas 3:30 p.m. G. Oliver Dickson  6/22/1947 #2365  
ve Mount Franklin just north of El Paso, Texas. He estimates it is about 40 6/22/1947 #2365  
ying disc' zip over the city of El Paso, Texas on this day. It was shaped l 7/1/1947 #2531  
                                EL PASO, TX Several observer(s). Silver-alu 7/25/1947 #3228  
                                El Paso (Near Amarillo and Lamesa), TX AFOS 1/30/1949 #3983  
htings. Sightings reported from El Paso, Albuquerque, Alamogordo, Roswell,  1/31/1949 #3986  
. (Circulation of this Memo to: El Paso, Little Rock, Dallas, Oklahoma City 1/31/1949 #3987  
                                El Paso, TX AFOSI Case 52; Witness reported 4/12/1949 #4089  
                               DEL PASO HEIGHTS, CA Blue Book. Star-like ni 7/28/1952 #7232  
           Hermanas, New Mexico El Paso, Texas 10:15 a.m. USAF Col. Gerald  8/24/1952 #7713  
 by which time the F-84 is over El Paso, Texas. One after the other, the ob 8/24/1952 #7713  
                                EL PASO, TX Engineer and 3. 7 groups / 15 n 9/14/1952 #7926  
                                El Paso, TX (NARA) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 9/14/1952 #7930  
                                EL PASO, TX 2 boys. Round array / lights ro 9/25/1952 #8025  
se [now Biggs Army Airfield] in El Paso, Texas Weed, New Mexico Oil Center, 4/5/1955 #12080  
se [now Biggs Army Airfield] in El Paso, Texas, sees an apparent meteor str 4/5/1955 #12080  
                         EAST / EL PASO, TX T33 pilot. Glowing-ovoid ahead  8/1/1956? #13047  
             Dallas Los Angeles El Paso, Texas Salt Flats Flight 655 en rou 7/17/1957 #13809  
lt flats some 100 miles east of El Paso, Texas. Bachner puts the plane into 7/17/1957 #13809  
                                   PASO ROBLES, CA Silver saucer flies from 8/29/1957 #13942  
                                   Paso Robles, CA Silver circular object f 8/29/1957 #13945  
                                EL PASO, TX Car malfunctions due to EME (el 11/4/1957 #14268  
                                El Paso (3 miles SE of airport), TX Egg sha 11/4/1957 #14278  
             Texas state border El Paso Airport Texas Franklin Mountains 7: 11/4/1957 #14287  
is driving 3 miles southeast of El Paso Airport in Texas when his car engin 11/4/1957 #14287  
                             US El Paso US scientists are “pretty shook up” 11/6/1957 #14423  
“Chick” Capen in the November 7 El Paso Times. However, Capen talks more ab 11/6/1957 #14423  
                                El Paso (Biggs AFB), TX (McDonald list; FUF 1/9/1958 #14814  
                    Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas Cedar City, Utah Idaho Pfc.  2/20/1959 #15595  
in, on leave from Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, is driving near Cedar City, 2/20/1959 #15595  
o his barracks at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas. He had reached Cedar City,  2/28/1959 #15624  
                     Fort Bliss El Paso, Texas Early evening. A rocket proj 12/13/1959 #16118  
roject officer at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, is out looking at the Moon  12/13/1959 #16118  
g above their school grounds in El Paso, Texas on this afternoon. "It seeme 4/27/1964 #18212  
            Anthony, New Mexico El Paso, Texas Port of Entry Early evening. 4/28/1964 #18216  
est over the Port of Entry near El Paso, Texas. He says it looks like the o 4/28/1964 #18216  
                                EL PASO, TX 3 observer(s). Dinner-plate sau 4/30/1964 #18225  
                                EL PASO, TX 4-day wave / night lights and d 11/6/1964 #18608  
                                   Paso de las Carretas, Argentina Hunters  5/24/1965 #18960  
           At 6:40 p.m. hunters in Paso de las Carretas, Argentina saw thro 5/24/1965 #18965  
ro-magnetic effects happened in El Paso, Texas on this day.                 12/2/1965 #19749  
                                El Paso, TX 10:00 p.m. CST. An American Air 1/16/1966 #19839  
object just after take-off from El Paso en route to Houston via San Antonio 1/16/1966 #19839  
                                   Paso de los Libres, Argentina At 10:00 p 6/24/1967 #22544  
s Libres, Argentina At 10:00 pm in Paso de los Libres, policemen saw 8-10 b 6/24/1967 #22544  
                                   Paso de los Libres, Corrientes, Argentin 6/24/1967 #22548  
 in Chaco, Argentina 10:00 p.m. At Paso de los Libres, Corrientes, Argentin 6/24/1967 #22548  
                                El Paso, TX Early evening. An attorney saw  12/7/1967 #23556  
           On this evening near El Paso, Texas William C. Collins observed  12/7/1967 #23558  
 all over/all about southeast / El Paso. / El Paso Times.                   9/5/1973 #27765  
ll about southeast / El Paso. / El Paso Times.                              9/5/1973 #27765  
                   At 9:43 p.m. in Paso Robles, California a solid red beam 12/14/1973 #28573  
lano, Coyame, Chihuahua, Mexico El Paso Mexico City After 10:00 p.m. A docu 8/25/1974 #29386  
th a small aircraft flying from El Paso to Mexico City. Debris from the cra 8/25/1974 #29386  
                                   Paso Fondo, Brazil Paso Fondo, Brazil (N 3/12/1976 #30937  
                Paso Fondo, Brazil Paso Fondo, Brazil (NICAP: 08 - Photogra 3/12/1976 #30937  
                                   PASO DE LOS TOROS, URUGUAY 10-days / UFO 10/19/1976 #31477  
                                   Paso de Los Toros Durazno Uruguay An obj 10/19/1976 #31481  
luminous mercury lamp is seen over Paso de Los Toros, Durazno, Uruguay. The 10/19/1976 #31481  
                         EAST / EL PASO, TX Airline(s)/airliner DC10 crew.  9/22/1977 #32504  
                                El Paso, TX Object w/row of lights overtook 9/22/1977 #32506  
                                El Paso, TX Object with row of "windows" ov 9/22/1977 #32508  
                                El Paso, Texas 5:25 a.m. Capt. George Didla 9/22/1977 #32510  
 climbing to 33,000 feet out of El Paso, Texas, when he sees an elongated o 9/22/1977 #32510  
nental Airlines flight 954 near El Paso, Texas on a cloudy morning at 5:25  9/22/1977 #32513  
                                EL PASO CO, CO Ticking noise. 12' orange gl 8/30/1982 #36585  
                             In El Paso, Texas at midnight a witness saw a  2/14/1999 #43727  
                  At 10:30 p.m. in Paso Robles, California a formation of t 6/30/2000 #44007  
ear the Mexican border close to El Paso. No other details were given.  http 6/29/2002 #44354  
from Albuquerque, New Mexico to El Paso, Texas. The close encounter lasted  1/11/2005 #44807  
## Word: "pasquale" (Back to Top)
Italy Nuraghe Trudumeddu 4:30 p.m. Pasquale Masala is out riding his horse  5/1931 #1126  
## Word: "pasquier" (Back to Top)
              Tours, France Claude Pasquier saw two disks flying very low,  8/16/1953 #9073  
                            Claude Pasquier saw two discs flying very low a 8/16/1953 #9075  
## Word: "pass" (Back to Top)
         VERDUN, FR 'Fiery armies' pass in sky here and all E. France accor 3/927 (approximate) #4  
 red. Brown hat-crown size objects pass overhead going quickly east. / Char 5/16/1808 #101  
nown. Astronomer Pastorff. 2 disks pass sun's face. No further details.     10/23/1822 #114  
tronomer Pastorff watched two disc pass in front of the face of the Sun.    10/23/1822 #115  
VER(S), ITL Astronomer. Odd shapes pass suns face / 2 days. / Nature. / r2p 5/11/1845 #139  
 large cannon shot. Several groups pass over his head, disappearing suddenl 11/4/1867 #169  
 seen to rise from the horizon and pass from east to west at Kattenau, East 3/22/1880 #226  
CO Astronomer Bonilla. 283 objects pass suns face. Photograph of 1 taken.   8/12/1883 #254  
roach the sun but are dark as they pass across its face. He takes several p 8/12/1883 #255  
ers in London see a similar meteor pass over slowly for about 5 minutes, an 8/31/1895 #321  
in Belleville watch a bright light pass above the city for 45 minutes. It d 3/23/1897 #393  
ike a “big piece of yellow canvas” pass over Bloomington, Illinois, at a hi 4/11/1897 #430  
d object “as large as a wagon bed” pass over the town toward the east. It h 4/15/1897 #489  
alde, Texas Goshen, New York Eagle Pass, Texas San Angelo Getty Street in U 4/20/1897 #546  
acquaintance, C. C. Akers of Eagle Pass, Texas. After procuring water from  4/20/1897 #546  
n for 15 minutes, take one hour to pass, and stay visible for another hour  2/4/1898 #618  
 a large balloon-like arrangement” pass overhead. It shines a bright search 1/26/1899 #631  
gar-shaped object” like an airship pass over the city. It is seen first in  9/16/1906 #688  
a long, dark, bottle-shaped object pass by at a low altitude. She thinks sh 5/16/1909 #750  
Indiana, see a “dirigible balloon” pass over the city for 15 minutes. The c 9/3/1909 #810  
es them for 10 seconds before they pass behind some trees.                  Fall 1912 #863  
 Lawrence Thornton sees an airship pass over his house in Framfield, East S 2/2/1913 #879  
dirigible” carrying a bright light pass in a northwesterly direction.       2/5/1913 #880  
hree groups of “dark objects” that pass on the same course as the previous  2/9/1913 #881  
ntario, see “two large aeroplanes” pass from east to west. Sporadic sightin 8/13/1914 #911  
 He watches several hundred bodies pass; about half are perfectly round and 9/9/1914 #916  
t into the river. Two more objects pass from the east and west ends of Broc 2/14/1915 #925  
 it descends, apparently to make a pass at the bridge, one of the guardsmen 4/13/1917 #955  
titude. 1 observer moves to let it pass.                                    8/1919 (approximate) #992  
leaf, watch a revolving red object pass over Greencastle, Indiana. The obje 1923 #1029  
raight and level trajectory / each pass.                                    9/1935 #1232  
t it, although the bullets seem to pass through it. The object alters cours 4/9/1943 #1494  
t for about 2 minutes, they see it pass behind a small cloud before it disa Summer 1944 #1612  
gh windows. Aims device and people pass out. Odd smell.                     8/8/1944 #1635  
them and see 9 disc-shaped objects pass overhead at approximately 2,000 fee 11/29/1944 #1709  
    Iwo Jima, Japan An amber light pass parallel and at same altitude. (Pag 1/10/1945 #1754  
                           BRENNER PASS, AUSTR-ITL Small extremely fast whi 3/1945 #1796  
ket-like objects about 7 feet long pass over their heads at a very low alti 7/18/1946 #2062  
                            GRANTS PASS, OR Intense red and green flares sw 8/12/1946 (approximate) #2119  
                       Over Grants Pass, Oregon an intense red and green ob 8/12/1946 #2125  
ckets seen over the country and to pass on all reports to the military Inte 8/21/1946 #2146  
itish Army observer(s). 'Missiles' pass overhead going quickly west. / Lond 9/26/1946 #2192  
in back. She sees about 10 objects pass per minute. Sometimes there is an i 10/10/1946 #2202  
 Harrison watches a large fireball pass toward the northwest from her resid 6/26/1947 #2417  
l object like two inverted saucers pass over their house moving northwest i 7/2/1947 #2549  
ngly white flame and a smoke trail pass overhead as he is working his field 7/3/1947 #2583  
veral / car. 4 fast silent saucers pass summit. / r187#220+/ International  7/4/1947 #2599  
poria, Kansas. It veered slowly to pass over a hill and fly toward the sout 7/6/1947 #2824  
vers / edge over airport as clouds pass.                                    7/8/1947 (approximate) #2982  
AN 2 small crescent-shaped objects pass over them on a zigzag path (NICAP:  8/14/1947 #3325  
. Several groups / 1 to 35 saucers pass / formation. Going quickly northeas 8/19/1947 #3349  
                   NEAR SNOQUALMIE PASS, WA 3 mountain climbers. Semi trans 8/24/1947 #3363  
ee mountain climbers on Snoqualmie Pass, Washington saw a semi-transparent  8/24/1947 #3365  
e (near), GA A blue circular flame pass the plane, turn, then blink [out?]  1/9/1948 #3551  
oach from the south at 20,000 feet pass overhead at 1,500 mph. They first a 7/17/1948 #3714  
 from the south at 20,000 feet and pass overhead at 1,500 mph. They shifted 7/17/1948 #3715  
 huge flying craft similar to a V2 pass their aircraft in flight (NICAP: 01 7/20/1948 #3718  
o have observed a "glowing object" pass by their plane before it appeared t 7/24/1948 #3724  
g an object like a huge V-2 Rocket pass their jet. Sighted 4 times through  7/25/1948 #3736  
a time in the northwest where they pass out of sight to the west.           8/15/1948 #3782  
 moves up to 600 mph. On his first pass he gets as close as 500 feet from t 10/1/1948 #3827  
ime the object speeds away. On one pass the crew sees the object’s silhouet 10/15/1948 #3841  
ly glowing white light. He makes a pass to check on it, but it takes evasiv 11/18/1948 #3883  
                           Sanberg Pass, CA "Sausage" Circles T-11 At High  2/23/1949 #4020  
                          SANDBURG PASS, CA Large jet-blimp glows. Going so 2/28/1949 #4026  
), TX A reddish white ball of fire pass horizontally over the base airstrip 3/31/1949 #4060  
aucers. Cigars. Small night lights pass through trees etc.                  4/27/1949 #4113  
–50 seconds two oblong white discs pass through a field of fire. They are f 5/5/1949 #4150  
 technician. 6 silent metal plates pass overhead in a row.                  6/1949 (approximate) #4220  
in watch seven bluish-white lights pass over Fort Worth, Texas, in a V form 7/24/1949 #4284  
hington named Sagmiller saw a disc pass overhead at 9:40 a.m. It reflected  7/27/1949 #4294  
 30 minutes for all the objects to pass overhead. One witness is convinced  9/14/1949 #4357  
al Air Station saw a flat oval UFO pass under a B36 bomber. (NICAP: 01 - Di 3/16/1950 #4654  
ULSA, OK 2+3 observer(s). Pie-pans pass / low-altitude. 1 stops and darts o 3/27/1950 #4734  
er(s). Series / 11 glowing-saucers pass Pikes Peak / 1 min intervals.       5/25/1950 #4965  
sceola, Arkansas, see a domed disc pass in front of them. Airborne radar co 7/11/1950 #5056  
il and US B29 RADAR. Blip lets B29 pass by. Then zips off / 400knt.         8/22/1950 #5135  
 IRELAND Postman. 8 'table-knives' pass / high-altitude. Weave up and down. 12/5/1950 (approximate) #5315  
lane over in hopes that they could pass underneath. Everyone onboard began  2/8/1951 #5434  
ilot saw a green flare [fireball?] pass his plane. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 2/19/1951 #5448  
se direction.” It makes a headlong pass at his aircraft. It travels at “tre 7/9/1951 #5569  
0 round, luminous objects silently pass over from west to east in a matter  Mid 8/1951 #5609  
ife saw a flying wing-shaped craft pass overhead (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 8/25/1951 #5621  
ed a huge flying wing-shaped craft pass over their heads at 9:58 p.m. at an 8/25/1951 #5628  
, whereas the other now appears to pass from above the first row, through i 8/30/1951 #5638  
ed a “huge, soundless flying wing” pass over her house. Ruppelt knows that  8/30/1951 #5638  
tated “everything delivered had to pass by me.”  [Retrievals of the Third K 1952 #5846  
e earth when the object made a low pass at them. It went away at 2247.      Early 1952 #5848  
ing (or hemisphere) shaped objects pass overhead, swaying back and forth li 3/10/1952 #5952  
t to northwest at 100 mph. As they pass, his radio goes to static twice.    3/26/1952 #5978  
 Japan Brigham/T-6 Case: UFO Makes Pass At F-84 (BBU 1082) (NICAP: 11 - Avi 3/29/1952 #5987  
ew alongside the AT-6, then made a pass at an F-84 jet fighter, flipped on  3/29/1952 #5990  
sawa, Japan Small, shiny disc made pass at Air Force plane                  3/29/1952 #5991  
LAT, NV 6+observer(s). 4-6 saucers pass through atomic cloud after atomic t 4/15/1952 #6079  
 slower northbound F-86 Sabre jets pass above them. They make a rumbling so 4/30/1952 #6224  
earby Sandia Base watch three UFOs pass directly overhead. One comes from t 5/1/1952 #6245  
o leave them a copy of his book to pass on to Joseph Kaplan and J. Allen Hy Early 5/1952 #6249  
ights going quickly north head-on. Pass left wing. / r150.                  5/8/1952 #6273  
cts approach, then two other discs pass high overhead from different direct 5/10/1952 #6298  
ow altitude that it must ascend to pass over some tall tanks at the facilit 5/10/1952 #6298  
d of time, but they had to rise to pass over tall tanks on the ground. They 5/10/1952 #6299  
 TX 8 / USAF B36. 7-9 white ovoids pass / tilted stack formation. Photograp 5/19/1952 #6338  
 made two unsuccessful attempts to pass the UFO.                            5/31/1952 #6395  
hind the city, make a double loop, pass over the roadstead, and then dive t 6/1/1952 #6417  
s saw an object descend slowly and pass across a pasture at 7 m altitude. S Summer 1952 #6576  
                            GRANTS PASS, OR Classic saucer / local papers.  7/9/1952 #6728  
ricans / 2 days. Diamond / saucers pass / V formation overhead. Report goin 7/13/1952 #6792  
EM, NETH Many observer(s). 4 disks pass. 50 Saturn-sphere follow / V format 7/24/1952 #7102  
BOR, MI Biologist. 15 tuning forks pass / pool-rack formation. Silent. / r6 7/27/1952 #7188  
ht of at least 10 luminous objects pass over Albuquerque, New Mexico. At fi 7/29/1952 #7329  
orea Fireball with stream of flame pass an aircraft (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Case 8/9/1952 #7522  
ight lights wobble inside. Silent. Pass going west / 30 second(s).          8/11/1952 #7542  
LUFF, TX Several metallic pie-pans pass 2 / plane. Climb going south. Glowi 8/12/1952 #7555  
ht flying at 500 mph and 15,000 ft pass his aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation  8/12/1952 #7557  
er(s). 20+silent dim-white saucers pass overhead. 4K' altitude / 300mph. Di 8/19/1952 #7639  
,000 and 2,000 feet. On the fourth pass, it heads directly toward the light 8/21/1952 #7670  
officers see a shiny, metallic UFO pass overhead and disappear in clouds to 9/20/1952 #7988  
left as if positioning for another pass. In fear Arnold turns off his runni 12/4/1952 #8377  
hted object when it made a head-on pass at his plane. The UFO flew at extre 12/4/1952 #8378  
on for 10–15 minutes until a final pass when the object shines a bright lig 1953 #8479  
nd level, overtake a jet aircraft, pass overhead, and disappear in the haze 1/28/1953 #8600  
 flee the cabin. As they run, they pass an apparition or “vaporous somethin 3/22/1953 #8775  
 or exhaust are noted. The objects pass under the right nacelle of the obse 4/12/1953 #8819  
llic disc approach their plane and pass underneath.                         4/16/1953 #8831  
                            COYOTE PASS / HEMET, CA Huge saucer lights hous 8/25/1953 #9109  
l writer watched rotating triangle pass overhead (cf., May 22, 1960, Majorc 9/7/1953 #9152  
ped object with many bright colors pass over Exmouth, Devon handle-end firs 12/14/1953 #9364  
hed elongated UFO with "portholes" pass overhead. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 -  4/16/1954 #9695  
 them from over a nearby hill. Two pass over them, but the third slowly des Late 4/1954 #9720  
 then move away to the south. Each pass takes 45 seconds.                   5/12/1954 #9779  
) telescope. Glowing-domed saucers pass moons face west going east. 5 lit w 5/15/1954 #9801  
me, 20 feet long and 10 feet wide, pass slowly overhead, then stop and hove Late Spring 1954 #9803  
 radio and lights die as 3 saucers pass overhead. Beams / light to ground.  5/22/1954 #9823  
ars and more. 6 orange-yellow orbs pass over town. Seen as discs when tilte 7/23/1954 #10040  
NIS, MA 2 downtown. 3 silver disks pass / incredibly fast. Instant 45° turn 8/1954 (approximate) #10076  
going northwest. A remote mountain pass.                                    9/19/1954 #10353  
BES, FR 6 silent giant 'eggplants' pass. Hover. Away / at dizzy speed. No f 10/15/1954 #11095  
uino, Italy An ovoid object made a pass over a range of trees; two caught f 10/15/1954 #11101  
uino, Italy an ovoid object made a pass over a range of trees; two of the t 10/15/1954 #11117  
cts were seen, one of which made a pass at treetop level. It top-shaped, an 10/16/1954 #11140  
 Quasso, Italy one of which made a pass at treetop level. It was top-shaped 10/16/1954 #11152  
from each, walk toward each other, pass without stopping, and enter the oth 10/18/1954 #11214  
hite disks going northeast. Hover. Pass plane. Turn going east and going so 10/19/1954 #11236  
 ALGERIA Every day / days. Saucers pass north to/from/between south / 5 min 10/26/1954 #11410  
nt observer(s). 6-12 domed saucers pass overhead. Direction unknown. No fur 12/23/1954 #11854  
sident respectively. All proposals pass through the Special Group on the wa 12/28/1954 #11868  
 CA Crew flying B-47 saw 2 objects pass the plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 12/29/1954 #11874  
y news report(s). Umbrella saucers pass / airplane speed. No further detail 1/5/1955 (approximate) #11919  
ght. Three unusual green fireballs pass over New Mexico. Radio and TV inter 4/6/1955 #12085  
            LOVELAND, OH 4 saucers pass low over Ground Observer Corps (GOC 5/24/1955 #12154  
Ohio, watch four UFOs in formation pass low over their enclosure, then zoom 5/24/1955 #12155  
ucer / 1.5km altitude. Photographs pass fake tests. / r219p10+/ Flying Sauc 6/5/1955 #12184  
n, where it executes a half-circle pass and disappears. The object then app 7/29/1955 #12302  
inous body hovers / 1 hour! Clouds pass beneath. Then extremely quickly goi 8/11/1955 #12349  
ect come from the south-southwest, pass over, and descend into a gully abou 8/21/1955 #12386  
 the “first flying disc ascend and pass over the train” and goes “rushing i 10/4/1955 #12488  
shaped object as large as the road pass over their car, no sound (NICAP: 01 4/16/1956 #12807  
zip and hover. Dart away when jets pass. / Stringfield.                     7/23/1956 #13011  
 and down in the sky. On the third pass, the pilot reports that the object  11/25/1956 #13352  
 bobbing up and down. On the third pass the UFO was picked up on radar by t 11/25/1956 #13353  
 out-doors in time to see red disc pass overhead (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)    1957 #13427  
 in the Bucegi Mountains, Romania, pass over them silently and land. Some o 1957 #13436  
 out-doors in time to see red disc pass overhead. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 4/1957 #13574  
. coast (McClellan AFB), CA Lights Pass In Front & Below RC-121 (NICAP: 11  5/4/1957 #13647  
reet lights out as 7 white saucers pass. / r79p7+/ r141#3.                  6/25/1957 #13751  
 (seen thru) binoculars. 2 saucers pass. Return. Split into 4 saucers. Goin 7/13/1957 #13793  
pe chases civilians. Hides as jets pass. Dead battery. / r8#399.            8/22/1957 #13918  
g like a gun or flamethrower. They pass through a fence on the way to a riv 9/1957 #13966  
tnesses see a luminous oval object pass over Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela, at  10/12/1957 #14104  
500 feet altitude as it swerves to pass to the south of Stokes and the othe 11/4/1957 #14286  
men watched two silvery ovoid UFOs pass overhead at high speed in East St.  11/5/1957 #14352  
shington, see a huge, fiery object pass overhead from north to south. Both  12/8/1957 #14692  
indows Starr sees two figures that pass each other, walking in opposite dir 12/16/1957 #14735  
shafts, “like beads on a necklace” pass in a “disorderly and simultaneous m 1/10/1958 #14817  
haped like an equilateral triangle pass directly overhead in a north to sou 7/18/1958 #15149  
 and 1. 8 saucers / 4.5km altitude pass in formation. 3X-4X plane speed.    8/23/1958 #15219  
behave differently. All the object pass in the same direction and in the sa 9/25/1958 #15281  
X 5 observer(s). 4 luminous ovoids pass over entire 1 / 2 miles train / bot 10/3/1958 #15308  
separate observer(s). Night lights pass. Brilliant green flare / 1200M alti 10/18/1958 #15355  
rch chemist saw 2-3 bright objects pass through field of telescope. [VI] (N 10/26/1958 #15380  
H Ex-Navy man. 6-8 classic saucers pass / crescent formation. / NICAP Jan'5 11/30/1958 #15461  
wo witnesses saw three white discs pass into a cloud over the city of Warso 2/22/1959 #15599  
tside the object is making a third pass and he goes back inside. When the p 2/24/1959 #15605  
ion for the pilot to make a firing pass. The pilot fires two missiles, but  Spring 1959 #15662  
r Freeport, Texas saw a bright UFO pass low in front of their car, causing  8/13/1959 #15917  
de of 3,000 feet during its second pass. The object is about 500 feet in di 11/16/1959 #16089  
 March 11], “which was expected to pass the Stockholm latitude in a souther 3/6/1960 #16198  
bjects come up from the southeast, pass overhead, and disappear over the ro 9/29/1960 #16467  
ct hover over Bains Kloof Mountain Pass near Wellington, Western Cape, Sout 5/9/1961 #16679  
ches a group of six metallic discs pass over his farm near Beloit, Ohio, at Summer 1961 #16736  
 bright light like shiny aluminum, pass overhead (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 7/11/1961 #16758  
, bright light like shiny aluminum pass overhead. Their sighting lasted 20  7/11/1961 #16761  
rlines pilot watched spherical UFO pass below aircraft. [NICAP UFO Evidence 5/21/1962 #17185  
ght followed by two smaller lights pass over the facility in a few seconds  7/7/1962 #17265  
rovince, Argentina saw three discs pass over their school at 7:45 a.m. head 7/27/1962 #17292  
6 white lights and one green light pass silently over Philadelphia, Pennsyl 8/26/1962 #17363  
ed a low flying bell-shaped object pass into a cloud in Parr, Merseyside, E 7/22/1963 #17849  
bserver(s). Fireballs maneuver and pass over town. Finally go away fast. No 8/5/1963 #17866  
0 p.m., saw a round reddish object pass overhead from southwest to northeas 8/13/1963 #17896  
 11:30 p.m. saw a round red object pass overhead from the southwest to the  8/13/1963 #17901  
anges very definite. They watch it pass overhead for several minutes. Sudde 9/14/1963 #17938  
 watch a lighted triangular object pass directly overhead in Baltimore, Mar 8/22/1964 #18505  
le to a traffic signal. The lights pass between the barn and the house at a 3/8/1965 #18851  
                        SNOQUALMIE PASS, WA Glowing disk / very high speed  4/26/1965 #18918  
o Grande do Sul, Brazil. When they pass a vacant lot on Rua David Canaberra 7/26/1965 #19181  
EN, MASS 3 Girlscouts. 9 "bubbles" pass. Last 3 flash lights back and forth 8/3/1965 #19280  
eddish glowing, oval-shaped object pass overhead and land 200 meters away.  8/20/1965 #19444  
T DERRY, NH 3 scouts. 9 black orbs pass / groups / 3. Buzzing sound. Light  8/28/1965 #19468  
ds later, they saw a flying saucer pass overhead.                           8/30/1965 #19480  
ts flying in a half wing formation pass over La Jolla, California.          10/17/1965 #19662  
0 feet wide and completely silent, pass over his home toward the northwest  12/15/1965 #19770  
. This object then began to make a pass at the car, so the witness drove aw 1/18/1966 #19851  
ela 7:55 p.m. Two luminous objects pass over Acarigua, Venezuela, one from  1/19/1966 #19859  
he object blinks out when aircraft pass overhead, then comes on again after 2/6/1966 #19887  
ng lights descend from the sky and pass close to their dorm. It settles in  3/21/1966 #20021  
iz.) about the idea, asking him to pass the letter on in confidence to Gera 3/28/1966 #20117  
est to east, turns, makes a second pass from east to west, turns again, and 4/8/1966 #20276  
st, turns again, and makes a third pass. It makes a low humming sound when  4/8/1966 #20276  
hey next saw a big humanoid figure pass in front of a landed light in a nea 4/8/1966 #20277  
ating red, green, and white lights pass over the Watertown Arsenal. (Fowler 5/1/1966 #20439  
nomers photograph 2 large objects. Pass suns face / 17 minute(s). / r223p44 8/23/1966 #20790  
 second object, white, was seen to pass in front of clouds. At the radar ba 8/24/1966 #20801  
bject, white in color, was seen to pass in front of the clouds. At the rada 8/24/1966 #20803  
         OLHAO, PORTUGAL 2 spheres pass / sky. May. '71 round nightlights b 9/3/1966 #20836  
mental message from the UFO not to pass on any information about the close  10/10/1966 #20984  
his companion Carl Ardo, who often pass undetected among earthlings, throug 11/4/1966 #21075  
ck. Terrified, they drive away but pass a similar creature on a hill by the 11/15/1966 #21107  
ure on a hill by the road. As they pass it, it spreads its wings, rises int 11/15/1966 #21107  
       State Highway 58 Willamette Pass, Oregon Diamond Peak overlook 9:00– 11/22/1966 #21140  
 Highway 58 through the Willamette Pass, Oregon, when he decides to stop an 11/22/1966 #21140  
line crew. 3 cigars and 20 saucers pass plane. Compasses deviate.           12/1966 #21169  
tro-magnetic effects). Tiny lights pass windshield. Car OK after. / r113p44 1/5/1967 (approximate) #21255  
imed that they observed the saucer pass over low and silently not far from  1/9/1967 #21275  
 noise and saw a low flying object pass over their area. A third person als 2/23/1967 #21636  
ominster, Massachusetts, when they pass through a dense fog near St. Leo’s  3/8/1967 #21815  
                  US 285 / KENOSHA PASS, CO 2 / car. Saucers seen / 2 minut 4/1/1967 #22033  
s over a streetlight, then makes a pass at the car. At that point, the car  4/12/1967 #22121  
wing oval, apparently translucent, pass by at an estimated altitude of less 7/18/1967 #22693  
 hurricane and saw a bright object pass over his house at night. It seemed  7/20/1967 #22712  
                           PACHECO PASS, CA Forester. Blue-glowing sponge m 7/28/1967 #22745  
 Weapons Station China Lake Walker Pass Edwards AFB Boron AFS ADC radar sit 7/30/1967 #22754  
r on radar to the west over Walker Pass (about 20 miles) and is reported to 7/30/1967 #22754  
nge objects change formation, then pass over the airport.                   8/6/1967 #22835  
r Kincardine, Ontario, watch a UFO pass over the plant in an easterly direc 9/11/1967 #23044  
s (or Greys) near barn hide / cars pass. / r8#883+/ r113p188.               9/15/1967 #23062  
zuela, watches three luminous disc pass across the sky from north to south. 9/28/1967 #23144  
ut the window, Schirmer watches it pass overhead then shoot up out of sight 12/3/1967 #23545  
 engine. Moments after the objects pass to the north, the headlights come b 3/4/1968 #23824  
                           GRODNER PASS, ITL 1 / car. 75M saucer / meadow.  7/1968 #24099  
                           Gardena Pass, South Tyrol, Italy Rhodes, Greece  7/1968 #24109  
the road just south of the Gardena Pass, South Tyrol, Italy, when he wakes  7/1968 #24109  
ight light. Blinks out when planes pass. Continues.                         7/5/1968 #24145  
m. when they saw a luminous object pass over and land near Villavicencio, a 7/8/1968 #24159  
s). 25' egg hovers still as clouds pass. 1 mile altitude. 10' wide. Away /  8/1968 (approximate) #24278  
MB 2 observer(s). 3 grey footballs pass. Angel hair falls. Disintegrates /  9/18/1968 #24477  
 photographs / hat-saucer / beach. Pass tests. / LDLN#172.                  9/23/1968 #24501  
om a field on their left, silently pass over the car, and move toward a sol 11/20/1968 #24672  
ithin 100 ft. of car; made 2nd car pass; E-M effects again. Keyhoe & Lore,  11/25/1968 #24702  
down the road. Once more it made a pass at the car, and again the engine lo 11/25/1968 #24705  
wing rectangle / ground. 3 figures pass several times. Traces / soil. / r50 1/16/1969 #24852  
 landing it made an abrupt turn to pass under some high tension (5 Kv) powe 1/29/1969 #24877  
nds, both pilots watch the objects pass below their aircraft and beyond.    3/17/1969 #25019  
. Odd dog jumps 12M. Hide / trucks pass. / r30.                             6/4/1970 #25689  
reak / flame. 2 fast orange globes pass / 1.5M altitude. Withered grass.    6/13/1970 #25698  
MELLON RADAR and visual. 3 objects pass / 3200mph. "SITREP" sent.           8/1970 (approximate) #25759  
                            DONNER PASS, CA 2 / car. Orange saucer. 3 hours 9/1970 #25817  
 The soil would not allow water to pass through. Further experimentation sh 11/2/1971 #26450  
nterference (RFI). Hides as others pass. 7M saucer later. / r50p36.         12/22/1971 #26513  
ing slowly from west to east. They pass through a cloud bank, illuminating  7/4/1972 #26764  
porate / 1 minute(s). Night lights pass later.                              7/11/1972 #26792  
noculars to see if the being would pass the line of trees leading back down 7/26/1972 #26836  
arate observer(s). 2 large spheres pass. / M. Hervey / UK.                  8/5/1972 #26875  
Missoula, Montana, sees the object pass directly overhead and hears a doubl 8/10/1972 #26892  
    LOS ALTOS, CA 4 silver spheres pass. No further details. / Saga UFO Rep 8/12/1972 #26905  
e, the torso of a very tall figure pass close by. Only when he could see th 9/28/1972 #27038  
L 3 / airliner. 3 X-bright objects pass north going quickly south. Extreme  11/1972 #27103  
                           PENHOEK PASS, RSA 2 / car. Huge "train" object g 1/1/1973 #27204  
er shutters. She saw a white light pass over the roof of the nearest house  3/20/1973 #27353  
 striped double-domes / bat shapes pass / low altitude. See reference figur 3/29/1973 #27389  
e object move toward her car, then pass directly overhead. He car lights di 4/10/1973 #27422  
rical shaped UFO made a low silent pass. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)     5/19/1973 #27509  
rical shaped UFO made a low silent pass over Springfield, Missouri at aroun 5/19/1973 #27512  
oad, thinking a truck was about to pass. He then saw a hovering object abou 5/22/1973 #27519  
 bright globe of light descend and pass near them. They could see three hum 7/29/1973 #27662  
d object, about 50 feet in length, pass in front of their car around 10:30  8/14/1973 #27701  
 be the one shot down on its third pass over a Navy vessel by a missile. Th 9/1973 #27735  
riangle and star-like night lights pass over Harding mall.                  9/1/1973 #27743  
ANYON, GA 5 / camp. 6 small planes pass. 6 cones going up / ground and foll 9/28/1973 (approximate) #27883  
SIKESTON, MO 2 / car. Night lights pass. Silent 50' red-glowing sphere/orb/ 10/1/1973 #27910  
r of a mile ahead of them. As they pass, it starts moving westward over the 11/18/1973 #28442  
nous saucer hovers still as clouds pass. Saucer back 2 Jun. '76. / r251p90. 2/3/1974 #28728  
 EVANSVILLE, IN 4 / car levitated. Pass out. Pseudo-human/entity know obser 2/9/1974 #28753  
e. They then moved off and let him pass. About 100 feet to the right side o 2/28/1974 #28822  
 approach it would simply rise up, pass over the cow and settle down on the 3/1/1974 #28842  
 momentarily, and resumes its slow pass overhead. It is twice the size of t Summer 1974 #29218  
 observer(s). 12 moon-size objects pass. 1 makes "rear-March" over city. No 6/27/1974 #29226  
bove the nose cone, and watched it pass in front of the warhead (while main 7/17/1974 #29267  
to the tower, go down an elevator, pass down a corridor, and go into a room 10/15/1974 #29531  
ite headlight beam and a red light pass in front of him in the distance, ap 11/30/1974 #29622  
hite. Going quickly SSE / mountain pass.                                    12/31/1974 #29663  
utes of waiting and not seeing him pass, Richard went back down to discover 7/12/1975 #30175  
UY, FR Trucker. Moon-size fireball pass from cloud to cloud 3 times. No fur 8/18/1975 #30286  
                           FLESHER PASS, MT Truck and motor and lights and  10/18/1975 #30438  
 steering. Two minutes later, they pass through Oxford, a trip that normall 10/27/1975 #30486  
t UFO case of the year” after they pass polygraph tests administered by Cy  11/5/1975 #30562  
rain, two angular, ice-blue lights pass slowly across his field of view. Mo 1/4/1976 #30758  
y and back extremely fast / planes pass. LDLN#158.                          6/21/1976 #31120  
are not turning. The three objects pass overhead and move beyond the hill b 8/1976 #31216  
                          ELEPHANT PASS, TASM 25M ovoid low / gully. Night  9/8/1976 #31353  
e sky low over a gully in Elephant Pass, Tasmania. A nocturnal light also h 9/8/1976 #31357  
ticolored object approach them and pass silently 100 feet over a house in E 10/28/1976 #31502  
nesses see a red-orange oval light pass overhead in Miami, Florida, about 2 12/18/1976 #31615  
Missouri, watch a northbound light pass beneath them and climb to their alt 2/1/1977 #31775  
indrical object about 40 feet long pass alongside him a few hundred feet aw 2/16/1977 #31822  
e a time exposure. Several minutes pass and suddenly the light moves rapidl Mid 3/1977 #31909  
ar-shaped UFO with black portholes pass over the city in the predawn sky. I 4/18/1977 #31994  
t 180 feet away. They speed up and pass it after 3 minutes. The mother only 4/29/1977 #32036  
or 10 minutes as it makes a second pass over the area. It descends silently 5/10/1977 #32082  
         Bayview Avenue and Willow Pass Road, West Pittsburg [now Bay Point 5/20/1977 #32116  
eld near Bayview Avenue and Willow Pass Road, West Pittsburg [now Bay Point 5/20/1977 #32116  
ll hill. A car is just starting to pass him, and it too is slowing down. Su 6/6/1977 #32151  
nesses see a flashing light source pass swiftly across the sky twice in abo 6/26/1977 #32197  
in the sky as rolling storm clouds pass overhead. It “skips” in position sl 7/13/1977 #32269  
 drive toward it, overtake it, and pass underneath, and they see that it is 8/28/1977 #32433  
 figure 8 at least 6 times as they pass nearly overhead to the west.        9/28/1977 #32531  
ess of 1,000 mph. One made head-on pass at an aircraft, observed on radar   12/17/1977 #32788  
 the objects makes a close head-on pass at an aircraft. A third radar stati 12/17/1977 #32790  
proaching from the northwest. They pass the chopper to the right at an esti 12/27/1977 #32814  
ectro-magnetic effects). 2 / truck pass out.                                2/1978 #32931  
ls in a fixed sword-like formation pass silently overhead in a straight lin 5/30/1978 #33242  
ating parts on top, made a head-on pass at two witnesses in an airplane. (N 7/4/1978 #33330  
ting parts on top, makes a head-on pass at 800 mph toward Floyd Hallstrom a 7/4/1978 #33333  
ound and the object makes a second pass before disappearing.                7/4/1978 #33333  
ating parts on top, made a head-on pass at two witnesses in an airplane.    7/4/1978 #33336  
e just act as a sounding board and pass on the information to our UFO Depar 7/9/1978 #33357  
own, flying low, and the witnesses pass by it. A pre-recorded tape in the c 9/28/1978 #33768  
p.m. a car driving over a mountain pass near Sayama City, Japan was suddenl 10/3/1978 #33797  
of the UN to study UAP, failing to pass the draft resolution. Former Projec 12/8/1978 #34079  
t hair odor. 2 pseudo-human/entity pass glow sphere. Solid beam going up.   1/3/1979 #34284  
p in a vertical formation. As they pass to his left, his magnetic compass a 5/26/1979 #34590  
atched a huge blimp-like structure pass over her house at treetop level. Th 8/29/1979 #34807  
alifornia, sees an object silently pass over him at 300 feet up. The front  12/23/1979 #35093  
silently toward him. He watches it pass, and the tingling at the back of hi 12/27/1979 #35101  
th a steady red glow on either end pass in front of his windshield. The ste 3/13/1980 #35214  
s white lights on the bottom. They pass silently above his car and hover ah 5/14/1980 #35331  
 MOUNTAIN HOUSE, ALTA DC9 crew and pass. Metallic disk hovers. "Net" beneat 6/12/1980 #35358  
reported that a UFO made a head-on pass at his plane at 50,000 feet altitud 6/14/1980 #35366  
the, California, from the east and pass overhead for 2–3 minutes and shoot  9/26/1980 #35537  
ous additions. Doty tells Moore to pass it on to Bennewitz, which he does e 11/17/1980 #35645  
nton, Missouri, watches the lights pass overhead four different times; the  11/18/1980 #35654  
n Jose, CA Red-lighted object made pass at aircraft, instant relocation. "V 2/9/1981 #35820  
ver(s). Red night light back. Slow pass overhead then fast. RADAR invisible 2/19/1981 #35835  
at about 2 p.m. when she saw a UFO pass overhead. The object was shaped som 6/28/1981 #35980  
ing out of the object. On a second pass, the object is moving south when it 7/15/1981 #36006  
row above and two below. When they pass nearly under the lights, they notic 9/18/1981 #36129  
man beings are in view and no cars pass by.                                 10/2/1981 #36154  
ecticut saw two rows of red lights pass over their house and fly off toward 3/8/1982 #36385  
he vehicle they sat and watched it pass overhead. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 3/25/1982 #36413  
ut of sight, but they reappear and pass over his head at about 1,000 feet.  5/22/1982 #36482  
they saw three disc-shaped objects pass overhead. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 9/17/1982 #36605  
Maxial, Portugal Round object made pass at AF trainer (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 11/2/1982 #36671  
ft for 10 minutes, when it makes a pass at the second plane and speeds off  11/2/1982 #36674  
erved a huge triangular shaped UFO pass overhead in various places along th 2/19/1983 #36766  
ad back on foot to the party. They pass the train tracks and the Cavan pole 8/12/1983 #36949  
hen she sees a large, silvery disc pass about 30 feet above her car. The fo 10/13/1983 #37004  
ds. It leaves a contrail that they pass through.                            1/22/1984 #37145  
nicking her cats. Two more objects pass above her house. Investigator Shirl 2/22/1984 #37198  
 watches a huge dome-shaped object pass over their house at an altitude of  4/19/1984 #37274  
bottom. The UFO takes 5 minutes to pass over them. By the time the security 7/24/1984 #37412  
d observer(s). 3 50M metallic orbs pass 747. Luminous/glowing trails. / r15 7/26/1984 #37418  
                        SNOQUALMIE PASS, WA 2 / light plane. 2 red orbs off 3/1/1986 #37795  
ivate pilot flying over Snoqualmie Pass, Washington encountered two amber s 3/1/1986 #37796  
ong beams. Hides / steam as planes pass.                                    4/17/1986 #37824  
                Sedona, AZ Head-on pass of object below Cessna 172 (NICAP:  5/11/1986 #37864  
aw dome-shaped object make head-on pass at plane                            5/11/1986 #37865  
rver. Large UFO with small objects pass over botanical gardens / 15 minute( 5/18/1986 #37873  
d object about 20 feet in diameter pass nearby. They watch it for less than 8/1986 #37964  
es / screen. 8 gold square objects pass in formation.                       10/8/1986 #38041  
unknown object. The plane and UFO “pass clear of each other,” although no d 11/25/1986 #38077  
 that is hovering above them. They pass out and wake up later to find thems 3/7/1987 #38132  
ers watch two cross-shaped objects pass slowly and silently over his home f 8/4/1987 #38228  
arge, conical or triangular object pass silently in the sky. It has sparsel 9/22/1987 #38291  
the Saturn-shaped UFO proceeded to pass him and moved in front, then tilted 9/24/1987 #38294  
                         MacMillan Pass, NWT/Yukon Border, CAN Horses panic 7/1988 #38594  
rratically from west to east. They pass behind the only cloud in the sky th 10/25/1988 #38693  
n she sees a “cloudlike boomerang” pass over her car.                       Late 8/1989 #39072  
 teardrop or football-shaped light pass low and fast over his property in N 11/3/1989 #39213  
road dead ends and watches the UFO pass for 2–4 minutes. Then the object ab 12/11/1989 #39313  
observed two boomerang-shaped UFOs pass low over the Seneca Nuclear Power P 12/23/1989 #39328  
from the front, hesitate, and then pass 15-20 feet over his truck at a leis 5/19/1990 #39578  
angle giving off three bright rays pass directly overhead at no more then 3 9/13/1990 #39729  
und. She and her father watched it pass low over their house, move off into 10/16/1990 #39792  
The ground below lights up as they pass. A few moments later, the object pa 10/23/1990 #39806  
t windows all around. Night lights pass near.                               11/5/1990 #39852  
 UFO with many lights and a cupola pass overhead heading northwest. At 6:30 1/6/1991 #39947  
, and many of the recorded objects pass in front of clouds.                 7/11/1991 #40119  
EST SUSSEX 2 dim silent rectangles pass over chimneys and disappear.        8/19/1991 #40161  
veral X. Drops going down / planes pass.                                    9/23/1991 #40195  
his neighbor saw a cylindrical UFO pass over a house. It was not well lit,  11/24/1991 #40238  
o watch a gigantic silent triangle pass over Salinas, Puerto Rico, heading  Summer 1992 #40502  
lu, Hawaii watched a flying object pass down the length of the freeway at 6 9/10/1992 #40617  
ped UFO with bright beams of light pass over cars in a forested area and bo 12/24/1992 #40767  
ped UFO with bright beams of light pass over cars in a forested area at 6:0 12/24/1992 #40768  
VLF UFO detector noise. Satellites pass overhead. Venus chases!             12/30/1992 (approximate) #40772  
d helicopter follow. Jets make 2nd pass.                                    3/23/1993 #40896  
er(s). Sit still / sky when planes pass. Vor nearby.                        6/17/1993 #41021  
ark, gray-black, triangular object pass quickly and silently overhead for 4 8/12/1993 #41133  
man saw a gray, disc-shaped object pass silently in front of his vehicle fr 9/9/1994 #41732  
            At 9:09 p.m. a La Veta Pass, Colorado family called UFO investi 11/22/1994 #41860  
south. Serrated edges. Video / 2nd pass. / r147.                            12/18/1994 #41900  
 on the nose. They move slowly and pass in front of the car to a field on t 12/29/1994 #41910  
NGL 3 observer(s). 2 silent cigars pass low and close. Red lights / sides.  2/1/1995 #42007  
t the object was using the code to pass unnoticed. At 7:40 p.m. a yellowish 3/14/1995 #42095  
tnessed a domed disc-shaped object pass overhead at 11:49 p.m. It had two l 4/21/1995 #42165  
y luminous/glowing crescent-shapes pass overhead. No further details in ava 8/4/1995 #42356  
ver(s). ~10 red-purple 15cm globes pass right over yard! Toy balloons?      8/9/1995 #42369  
                    US285 / PONCHA PASS, CO 2+1 separate observer(s). Huge  8/28/1995 #42424  
riving on US Highway 285 on Poncha Pass, Chaffee County, Colorado witnessed 8/28/1995 #42426  
              US16O EAST / LA VETA PASS, CO 10+observer(s). Big humming. 30 9/22/1995 #42498  
SC 1 man. Saucer and torpedo shape pass overhead. No further details. Wife  11/20/1995 #42614  
 FAA man. 2-4-20 tiny night lights pass overhead. Report(s) to 2200hrs.     4/14/1996 #42867  
up and down. She also saw a shadow pass by the window to the left of the be 11/24/1996 #43120  
                           STEVENS PASS, WA 2 skiers. Orange disk appears.  12/16/1996 #43142  
             Two skiers at Stevens Pass in Washington watched an orange col 12/16/1996 #43143  
TEL AVIV, ISR 3 dark sponge shapes pass / 700M altitude. Videos taken. Goin 11/26/1997 #43449  
EZ, COSTA RICA Several day-saucers pass. Zigzag / San Jose. / r226#38.      12/22/1997 #43470  
, CHILE 5 observer(s). 2 fireballs pass. 18M ovoid goes up River Canyon. .. 1/24/1998 #43503  
ervers first saw two fireballs fly pass at 8:00 p.m. Next, an 18-meter long 1/24/1998 #43504  
           At 1:30 p.m. at La Veta Pass, Colorado on US Highway 160 a silve 5/17/1998 #43569  
d object with a row of blue lights pass over the trees to the northeast. An 6/30/1999 #43788  
 Odd large bullet shape and sphere pass closely going north. / MUFON-CT.    12/13/1999 #43897  
ommercial airliner that happens to pass by.                                 11/4/2000 #44072  
 a disc-shaped object very quickly pass over their patrol vehicle at 5:30 a 1/31/2002 #44314  
 driving four miles past Wilkerson Pass on Highway 24 in the South Park Bas 11/22/2002 #44449  
sees one with a blue tapering tail pass over the mountains of the Great Div 5/16/2006 #44943  
otating at first and takes another pass over the highway at a higher altitu 9/16/2008 #45168  
sually acquires it as they see it “pass down the right side of their aircra 6/27/2013 #45376  
            Highway 40 Rabbit Ears Pass, Colorado 9:00 p.m. A father and da 10/6/2013 #45389  
 on Highway 40 through Rabbit Ears Pass, Colorado, when the father notices  10/6/2013 #45389  
t drops in elevation and begins to pass slowly overhead. The father sees th 10/6/2013 #45389  
 report. The pilot is only able to pass within 1,000 feet of it and cannot  3/26/2014 #45405  
and cannot identify it. After that pass, they lose sight of it and never re 3/26/2014 #45405  
r of UADs, another two appeared to pass through the ATFLIR field of vision  4/23/2014 #45407  
that “reported a very bright light pass overhead of them” when “there was n 4/15/2016 #45450  
itude and takes about 7 seconds to pass, making them believe it is hovering 7/14/2017 #45475  
irregular-shaped, dark-lack object pass down the left side at the same alti 5/5/2018 #45526  
a rectangular or elliptical object pass 500–1,000 feet below the aircraft.  7/5/2018 #45533  
Airport, Scotland, sees an “object pass between three and 10 feet from the  12/30/2018 #45553  
London, England, sees a red object pass down the right-hand side of the air 3/30/2019 #45568  
rical object like a cruise missile pass above his location west of Clayton, 2/21/2021 #45678  
## Word: "passa" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PASSA TEMPO, BRZ Large dark ovoid 2M awa 2/24/1981 #35841  
                                   PASSA TEMPO, MG, BRZ Several observer(s) 12/22/1992 #40761  
near a thicket on the outskirts of Passa Tempo. Several witnesses watched i 12/23/1992 #40764  
## Word: "passage" (Back to Top)
nel; it finally breaks up, after a passage within the atmosphere of around  8/18/1783 #90  
ate of the lost Franklin Northwest Passage expedition, watch a balloon-like 9/15/1850 #145  
 several dock workers observed the passage of a large flying machine in whi 2/29/1916 #944  
 Istanbul, Turkey, watch the rapid passage of four square-shaped lights, re 1946 #1960  
el. Very fast. 30 second(s) / each passage.                                 7/27/1952 #7187  
 very fast and made no sound. Each passage of UFOs took 30 seconds. First t 7/27/1952 #7217  
 Kariambkam, Madras, India saw the passage of a UFO described as “a flying  11/27/1954 #11714  
ck then turns away abruptly into a passage. Suddard alerts the police, but  8/16/1955 #12364  
ity studies ended in 1970 with the passage of the Mansfield Amendments, whi Late 1956 #13281  
a photographic plate recording the passage of Sputnik 2. It is a luminous t 12/18/1957 #14747  
 telephone became entangled by its passage.                                 6/13/1961 #16728  
aving a clearly visible trail. Its passage is registered by an all-sky came 7/7/1962 #17265  
 car.  At the time of the object’s passage, neighbors noted unusual TV and  5/20/1965 #18947  
ed the tops of nearby trees in its passage overhead and, after landing, the 8/20/1965 #19444  
neighborhood had seen the object’s passage overhead, and still others had h 8/20/1965 #19444  
 the RCMP detachment in Barrington Passage and reports he has seen a large  10/4/1967 #23176  
found a door and realized that the passage behind him was closing itself of 8/15/1970 #25787  
le interference as a result of the passage of the object. Later, local UFO  9/20/1971 #26354  
low Point, British Columbia Inside Passage Quadra Island Day. A man in Will 4/24/1972 #26660  
t, British Columbia, on the Inside Passage takes a photo of a disc-shaped o 4/24/1972 #26660  
is car to drive home and found his passage blocked by a UFO.  Several "Men  9/11/1975 #30353  
rve. Continuing along the circular passage, he came to a small ladder. The  2/5/1978 #32957  
                              Mona Passage Puerto Rico Dominican Republic T 6/28/1980 #35393  
 415-D at 1,500 feet over the Mona Passage between Puerto Rico and the Domi 6/28/1980 #35393  
 sheriff's car and prevented their passage, forcing a detour onto SR 148. T 11/28/1981 #36236  
ar in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania. Its passage was accompanied by radio interfe 2/24/1982 #36363  
ar in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania. Its passage was accompanied by radio interfe 2/24/1982 #36366  
ft over Lancaster, California. The passage of the UFO appeared on radar and 5/21/1990 #39583  
n images obtained during its close passage with Earth in early December 199 11/6/1991 #40220  
Geole, Seine-Marne, France saw the passage of a hexagon shaped UFO with whi 5/6/1995 #42181  
ing buzz could be heard during the passage of this object.                  7/21/1997 #43354  
Garonne, France witnessed the slow passage of a luminous sphere at around 1 8/9/1998 #43623  
ying over France observed the fast passage of six luminous points of light  8/26/1998 #43638  
witness at a campsite observed the passage of a triangle delimited by three 8/20/2001 #44239  
s in the sky. It was quiet and its passage lasted a few minutes. The son of 8/20/2001 #44239  
                        In Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia, Canada several gra 7/19/2005 #44855  
## Word: "passages" (Back to Top)
agency responds with a list of 339 passages that it claims are classified i 3/1972 #26584  
is printed with blanks for deleted passages and boldface type for the 171 d 3/1972 #26584  
d” odor that irritated their nasal passages. They got out of their car and  8/6/1976 #31241  
## Word: "passageway" (Back to Top)
les. It turned off suddenly into a passageway and was lost to sight. The wi 8/16/1955 #12363  
les. It turned off suddenly into a passageway and was lost from view. The w 8/16/1955 #12366  
## Word: "passageways" (Back to Top)
p Castillo was led through several passageways and in one area he noticed a 11/18/1973 #28443  
## Word: "passaic" (Back to Top)
                                   PASSAIC, NJ Great photographs / domed sa 7/29/1952 #7285  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Passaic” YieldMax: 20KT                  4/6/1962 #17101  
## Word: "passapatanzy" (Back to Top)
                                   Passapatanzy, WV 10:00 p.m. Michael D, 1 5/15/1971 #26110  
    Fifteen-year-old Michael D. of Passapatanzy, West Virginia was on his w 5/15/1971 #26111  
## Word: "passe" (Back to Top)
er report suggests that the object passe over Seal Rocks and shone its sear Early 11/1896? #334  
## Word: "passed" (Back to Top)
ack discs in groups and separately passed rapidly through the sky over Chat 11/4/1867 #170  
re than 20 minutes. Several groups passed silently overhead, then vanished  11/4/1867 #170  
en 150 and 3,350 feet, and to have passed only 334 to 5,000 miles from the  8/12/1883 #255  
cas, Mexico watched as 283 objects passed across the face of the sun. He to 8/12/1883 #256  
more a luminous cylindrical object passed overhead, then appeared to descen 2/14/1889 #287  
g toward Quincy, Illinois had just passed Perry Springs, Missouri when a lo 4/15/1897 #499  
 IN 9:00 p.m. A mysterious airship passed over the city twice on the night  4/16/1897 #503  
 and intensifies again when it has passed beyond it. It moves in undulation 4/19/1897 #534  
d a white cigar-shaped object that passed rapidly over the city at around 1 1/13/1910 #832  
          A "splendidly lit craft" passed over Warmley Village, Bath, Engla 3/6/1912 #859  
 object, with no motor or rigging, passed silently from SW to NE. (NICAP UF Early 1918 #972  
eencastle, IN Revolving red object passed over-head from NE to SW. Two witn 1923 #1028  
 face and hands after his airplane passed close by the object.              7/5/1933 #1168  
d out to sea. The UFO at one point passed in front of the moon, briefly obs 7/1944 #1615  
any a pink sphere (3' in diameter) passed a RAF Spitfire XI fighter from th 3/26/1945 #1831  
10:45 p.m. a procession of objects passed over the Mariestad area of Sweden 8/11/1946 #2118  
and emits an intense light: “As it passed immediately overhead, it grew so  8/24/1946 #2156  
pass began spinning when the discs passed over. His watch also stopped runn 6/24/1947 #2401  
   Also that day four silent discs passed the summit of Mount Jefferson in  7/4/1947 #2676  
f Roswell. Samples of wreckage are passed around the table. Pieces that res 7/8/1947 #3012  
ke” objects to be investigated and passed on to T-2 Technical Intelligence  7/9/1947 #3057  
esident, etc., know.” The study is passed up the line to Gen. George Schulg 7/30/1947 #3262  
d as looking like "skeet targets", passed beneath a United Airlines transpo 8/18/1947 #3347  
s of light flying in a group. They passed within half of a mile of the ship 9/6/1947 #3390  
FBI offices. Even hoaxes are to be passed on to the FBI.                    2/4/1948 #3574  
aced the missile. One of the UFO’s passed thru the missiles exhaust and rej 6/10/1949 #4229  
ge in New Mexico. One of the discs passed through the rocket's exhaust and  6/10/1949 #4233  
Tree branches thrashed about as it passed by.                               10/28/1949 #4405  
vanished in a flash. A second disc passed over the area eight minutes later 2/13/1950 #4537  
25 p.m. a huge reddish-orange disc passed a TWA DC-3 airliner being flown o 4/27/1950 #4911  
followed unidentified target, then passed it at l/4-mile distance, target f 8/25/1950 #5138  
arget followed for 5 minutes, then passed B-29 and sped away.  Total time o 8/25/1950 #5138  
owed the unidentified target, then passed it at one-quarter-mile distance,  8/25/1950 #5139  
them for the next five minutes. It passed the B-29 and sped away. A blue st 8/25/1950 #5139  
d at 1:00 p.m. as 8 "table knives" passed over at high altitude, weaving up 12/5/1950 #5320  
rth Worth, Texas at 10:45 p.m. One passed overhead at a low altitude, and m 1/8/1951 #5388  
d wife. A flying wing-shaped craft passed over their heads at an estimated  8/25/1951 #5623  
a semi-circle or wing shape, which passed over from north to south. They we 8/25/1951 #5627  
etween 1,000-1,500 mph. The object passed within about 8,000 feet distance  9/10/1951 #5661  
 orange, 75-foot long ovoid object passed by a US Army C-54 at a very high  3/4/1952 #5945  
Long Beach, CA Two yellowish discs passed by slowly; "as they passed the ra 3/26/1952 #5977  
h discs passed by slowly; "as they passed the radio was agitated twice." (N 3/26/1952 #5977  
9:30 a.m. four to six flying discs passed through the mushroom cloud create 4/15/1952 #6083  
ugh the sky in a zigzag motion. It passed over the eastern horizon in two m 4/19/1952 #6132  
approach. The formation of objects passed thru 20 degrees of arc in 6-8 sec 4/20/1952 #6143  
rst, then two more in a procession passed over flying east to west.         4/22/1952 #6156  
ase is investigated by the FBI and passed on to the Pentagon and the Atomic 5/10/1952 #6298  
ts. Fifteen minutes later two more passed over in the same configuration. A 6/26/1952 #6640  
interceptor.  One round blue light passed F-94, spinning.                   7/22/1952 #7021  
rnheim, The Netherlands four discs passed over the city, followed by 50 Sat 7/24/1952 #7119  
 inch diameter discs overhead. One passed over the hood of their car, emitt 7/24/1952 #7121  
ng like "70 white ping pong balls" passed across the sky in Sidney, New Yor 8/1/1952 #7413  
 rapidly from a lower altitude and passed the plane.                        8/12/1952 #7561  
 the Air Force, many of which were passed on to military witnesses as a tri 9/10/1952 #7890  
ct with row of lights on underside passed low overhead; cattle bolted. [UFO 9/16/1952 #7959  
use the statute of limitations has passed.                                  10/1952 #8075  
er Allen's car. As Lt. Allen's car passed underneath it his radio went comp 10/31/1952 #8222  
tion, flew at 400 m.p.h.  and were passed by the T-33 at 450 m.p.h. during  12/9/1952 #8399  
west of the radar site. The object passed behind a hill and then reappeared 1/26/1953 #8576  
North Africa. A disc-shaped object passed the transport plane while flying  2/11/1953 #8665  
       A big reddish flying object passed a USAF C-47 transport plane flyin 2/16/1953 #8680  
sed windows (that is, they somehow passed through the glass panes in the wi 3/22/1953 #8776  
ing toward their aircraft. The UFO passed underneath at 300 knots, just und 4/16/1953 #8832  
ps observer. It was flashing as it passed over the city, heading northwest. 4/18/1953 #8835  
ing up and down real fast," as UFO passed overhead (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)  9/29/1953 #9189  
ut when a UFO emitting white vapor passed overhead in Easton, Pennsylvania. 9/29/1953 #9190  
radio quit and motor missed as UFO passed low over car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cas 1/29/1954 #9511  
engine missed as a disc-shaped UFO passed low over their car.               1/29/1954 #9513  
l of exhaust and emitted no sound. Passed directly over tower at an Alt. of 2/6/1954 #9538  
nts later the white globe of light passed in front of their car. At that sa 3/28/1954 #9648  
il the Coast Guard search boat had passed. Then the UFO enlarged and rose u 4/8/1954 #9678  
Japan TV pictures distorted as UFO passed over (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)      5/1/1954 #9743  
. sighted a delta winged UFO as it passed the first Navy jet at a speed in  5/10/1954 #9772  
at 45 degrees from great altitude, passed under his aircraft, made two 360' 6/10/1954 #9888  
horse for the house. The UFO rose, passed close by them, and landed again n 8/7/1954 #10113  
 Brazil House lights failed as UFO passed (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)           8/30/1954 #10208  
 them the impression of fringe. It passed over at high speed.               9/4/1954 #10247  
perate properly as round shiny UFO passed tower (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)     9/16/1954 #10322  
mitter failed as a round shiny UFO passed by the tower.                     9/16/1954 #10325  
dlights failed as cigar-shaped UFO passed above (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)     10/9/1954 #10840  
engers felt ''electric shock"; UFO passed ahead of car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cas 10/27/1954 #11441  
d, form at the foot of the bed. It passed up the bed toward his head, “free 11/9/1954 #11611  
freezing” his body with cold as it passed. Then it stopped, and three figur 11/9/1954 #11611  
 10 meter long cigar-shaped object passed overhead at 40-meters altitude. I 12/3/1954 #11755  
 a north to south flight path, and passed within six meters. It was round,  12/7/1954 #11774  
tanding by the roadside as his car passed. Mr. Hunnicutt reported an odor l 5/25/1955 #12160  
    Nr. Auckland, NZ Bright object passed National Airlines DC-3. [UFOE, X] 10/31/1955 #12533  
ard there. When the unknown object passed over witnesses reported TV interf 7/28/1956 #13024  
r (a C-47 at 4,000 feet reports it passed underneath him) and ground observ 8/13/1956 #13080  
a transparent cockpit on the front passed over Kaponga, New Zealand making  9/5/1956 #13189  
object with sharply outlined edges passed overhead in Malvern, South Africa 11/5/1956 #13308  
 system "mysteriously dead" as UFO passed over railroad yards (NICAP: 03 -  11/16/1956 #13332  
 MD Eastern Airlines pilot Duboise passed / torpedo. Possible landing / gro 11/23/1956 #13345  
to the sky. It reversed course and passed overhead.                         1/2/1957 #13448  
were shadows moving behind. As she passed the object, it took off straight  2/9/1957 #13487  
fiery round, greenish-white object passed plane. [NICAP UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 3/9/1957 #13536  
ex Ellison saw about 36 UFOs which passed overhead in groups of 6 and 8 dur 4/29/1957 #13623  
The light rose into sky when a car passed. A circular ground mark was found 5/10/1957 #13655  
n this night a flat glowing object passed near a LAV DC-3 airliner flying b 6/9/1957 #13715  
of seven white discs with red rims passed overhead (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)  6/25/1957 #13753  
of seven white discs with red rims passed overhead."                        6/25/1957 #13754  
s, then hide from an airplane that passed overhead. They were described as  8/15/1957 #13901  
rts confirmed that when the object passed at close range car engines and li 11/2/1957 #14221  
and engine failed, then the object passed directly over the vehicle with a  11/2/1957 #14221  
lock and wristwatch stopped as UFO passed low over car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cas 11/6/1957 #14406  
l city lights failed as three UFOs passed overhead (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)  11/25/1957 #14612  
nd went out, as large fiery object passed overhead (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)  12/8/1957 #14689  
ained stalled until the object had passed out of sight. There were eight wi 12/8/1957 #14697  
ndows were two humanoid forms that passed each other, walking in opposite d 12/16/1957 #14736  
sc-shaped “flying bomb” technology passed on to Germany.  Schriever also ma 1958 #14787  
raft, or 15-20 meters in diameter, passed within 500 meters, and the pilot  5/5/1958 #15019  
It didn't in fact go over them but passed very close by, making such big wa 6/12/1958 #15092  
ally shaped flying objects as they passed between his telescope and the moo 7/1958 #15131  
ion of four or five flying objects passed over Chautauqua Lake, New York be 8/11/1958 #15194  
ted strange buzz as green fireball passed (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)           10/3/1958 #15309  
              A disc-shaped object passed very low over the city of Bari, A 12/6/1958 #15473  
gholm, Den Car motor failed as UFO passed overhead; headlights and spotligh 1/13/1959 #15547  
he object moved toward the car and passed over it at a height of 100 meters 1/13/1959 #15550  
ossible that some of them may have passed through our stage of evolution, a 1/28/1959 #15569  
ion of two dots and a dash) as UFO passed (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, NC)       2/25/1959 #15611  
tor, R. Gribble, that as the C-118 passed over their area it was followed b 4/1/1959 #15686  
ped UFOs following the C-118 as it passed over their home. Chief of Police, 4/1/1959 #15686  
ort, Texas A bright, flying object passed low over a car, whose engine stal 8/13/1959 #15912  
er station turned off as round UFO passed over following trunk line. After  8/17/1959 #15922  
that rotated, made a 90° turn, and passed over the airfield again. The towe 11/16/1959 #16089  
me from the west at high speed and passed over Campos Sales, Brazil. It two 5/13/1960 #16268  
 a very bright cigar-shaped object passed by slowly. Its light was so inten 7/31/1960 #16352  
topographer, Adolfo P. Pisani, was passed by a truck as he was driving on t 1/1/1961 #16558  
a government topographer, had just passed a truck on the Andean Highway bet 1/1/1961 #16559  
o occasions as elongated UFO twice passed overhead (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)  2/28/1961 #16614  
 bright light like shiny aluminum, passed overhead in 20 minutes.           7/11/1961 #16759  
e 20 or more smaller objects as it passed overhead.                         8/7/1961 #16784  
(or V-shaped UFO with body lights) passed behind trees at low altitude. [NI 8/17/1961 #16798  
shaped object with running lights, passed behind some trees flying at a low 8/17/1961 #16799  
r, headlights not affected, as UFO passed ahead of car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cas 2/9/1962 #17041  
ming from the rear: “As the object passed over Robinson [in Ogden, Utah?],  4/18/1962 #17120  
de no noise and left no wake as it passed by a boat on the surface, and was 7/28/1962 #17296  
d the engine stalled as the object passed over, and the witnesses felt a se 8/5/1963 #17868  
t a sensation of cold when the UFO passed within 100 feet. Multiple indepen 8/5/1963 #17868  
e seen something unusual. The disc passed from north to south, emitting a h 8/18/1963 #17907  
e seen something unusual. The disc passed from north to south, emitting a h 8/18/1963 #17908  
s across the leading edge. The UFO passed overhead, emitting a flame-like t 10/4/1963 #17977  
p truck. The truck stalled when it passed underneath the UFO. Mr. D. Adams  4/28/1964 #18218  
he objects split the formation and passed on either side of a group of tree 6/24/1964 #18372  
etnam Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is passed, airstrikes against Vietnam begin 8/7/1964 #18470  
t diameter dark disc-shaped object passed over an industrial plant in Danve 10/1/1964 #18568  
, orange to red elliptical objects passed before observers in Bethel, Vermo 1/4/1965 #18694  
ess jumped back, but when he again passed it close to her face she discover 5/30/1965 #18977  
las, TX 1:30 AM - Man in a car was passed by a huge, orange object flying a 8/4/1965 #19305  
t came from a police car, then was passed by a huge, orange object flying a 8/4/1965 #19312  
ange object flying at ground level passed him.                              8/4/1965 #19324  
flew in three groups of three, and passed about 400 feet away from them. Th 8/28/1965 #19470  
 altitude of only 300-400 feet. It passed directly over the guard shack at  9/3/1965 #19514  
with headlamps and rotating lights passed overhead.                         9/9/1965 #19543  
 oval-shaped object emitting a hum passed low over observers in Felixstowe, 9/20/1965 #19585  
essed a flight of seven UFOs which passed overhead, then circled the city o 10/17/1965 #19661  
e lights went out when the objects passed overhead. One person in a car sai 11/26/1965 #19737  
nd radio had failed as the objects passed nearby.                           11/26/1965 #19737  
e a Land Rover but without wheels, passed the witness’s car. It made a whin 12/8/1965 #19759  
 a Land Rover, but without wheels, passed a car, and then vanished in a puf 12/15/1965 #19771  
 two to three times its length. It passed overhead at an extreme speed. The 12/16/1965 #19776  
ing clouds at the time and the UFO passed under the clouds.                 12/16/1965 #19776  
 and red lights on the corners. It passed over his car and landed in a fiel 1/16/1966 #19841  
st for about 7 to 10 minutes as it passed overhead at his workplace. It had 1/18/1966 #19847  
ming UFO came straight at them. It passed directly overhead at an estimated 1/18/1966 #19852  
nterference on the car radio as it passed nearby. The object was glowing re 2/26/1966 #19924  
object with amber body lights that passed over a car and hovered just off t 3/30/1966 #20154  
its lights off. When the train had passed, both objects landed again and tw 4/1/1966 #20199  
round, then an unidentified object passed over their car causing E-M effect 4/7/1966 #20264  
sc with dome that made sharp turn, passed beneath his wing                  5/21/1966 #20504  
med disc that made sharp turns and passed beneath the wing of his aircraft  5/21/1966 #20506  
The UFO was completely silent, and passed within 30 meters of his car, flyi 6/8/1966 #20546  
bject with two rows of body lights passed over a religious center. As it pr 7/20/1966 #20659  
rallel points of horizontal lights passed over the Mount Monadnock Bible Co 7/20/1966 #20661  
ating incidents, but they’re to be passed to local FBI offices. FBI seems t 7/21/1966 #20664  
nship with USAF where UAP data was passed between local offices and USAF. O 7/21/1966 #20664  
 the "thing" from his window as it passed by his house. This humanoid encou 8/22/1966 #20789  
oved as if attached to one object, passed directly overhead in Chelmsford,  10/17/1966 #21013  
n electric transformer. The object passed by the stalled car and increased  11/30/1966 #21167  
 object with lights around the rim passed over a car in a snowstorm in the  12/5/1966 #21186  
ne falter when several tiny lights passed their windshield. The car functio 1/5/1967 #21263  
f light from portholes. The object passed between witnesses and a mountain. 1/15/1967 #21309  
ody lights). It flew, hovered, and passed over the witnesses. While hoverin 2/10/1967 #21500  
nder 300 feet altitude. As the UFO passed over the highway the car being dr 2/16/1967 #21577  
ody lights). The object, going NE, passed over the road. (U.F.O. Investigat 2/17/1967 #21584  
ion reportedly blacked out when it passed over. Other EM effects also were  3/1967 #21694  
ght. It made a humming sound as it passed low over the car and it illuminat 3/5/1967 #21768  
sated red.  Approached witness and passed overhead at low altitude, making  3/6/1967 #21777  
e UFO approached the witness, then passed overhead at a low altitude. Like  3/6/1967 #21779  
bject emitted green" flashes as it passed overhead in straight level flight 3/8/1967 #21807  
ning rim and a pulsating red light passed overhead, making a hissing sound. 3/8/1967 #21819  
ut as two white lights that slowly passed overhead (body lights). (Letter f 3/17/1967 #21911  
 circular object that at one point passed in front of a house and in front  3/25/1967 #21983  
   US Jonestown/Lickdale, PA. Disc passed over car, gave off sparks, car ro 4/5/1967 #22065  
y on the ground, which flew up and passed nearby and then flew away. Three  4/8/1967 #22096  
euvering around each other as they passed at about 200 feet altitude. (Lett 4/12/1967 #22118  
neuvered around each other as they passed overhead at about 200 feet altitu 4/12/1967 #22124  
moved out over the Kattegat. As it passed over the shore it threw out some  4/13/1967 #22128  
w five lluminated white ovals that passed behind small scattered clouds. Th 4/17/1967 #22154  
ed, and tilted as a small aircraft passed beneath it. The plane reversed co 4/21/1967 #22182  
gine of the car missed when it was passed on left by the oncoming white and 4/21/1967 #22195  
lorida. It tilted as a small plane passed beneath it. The airplane then rev 4/21/1967 #22197  
and started to follow a truck that passed.                                  4/26/1967 #22225  
three round spots on the underside passed below clouds and was observed thr 5/12/1967 #22323  
three round spots on the underside passed below the clouds and was observed 5/12/1967 #22325  
w a lens-shaped object (disc) that passed under clouds, turned over, and ch 5/13/1967 #22334  
UFO pulled to the east (right) and passed over the airport at an indicated  5/13/1967 #22339  
ted height of 200 feet. The object passed within 1.5 miles of the control t 5/13/1967 #22339  
w a lens-shaped object (disc) that passed under the clouds, turned over, an 5/13/1967 #22340  
erved for two or three minutes. It passed almost over-head and took off int 5/17/1967 #22365  
, Madrid. All the Ummite messages, passed on to Sesma by his associates Enr 5/31/1967 #22431  
ith peaked top for 2-3 minutes. It passed in front of a cloud and made a so 6/1/1967 #22443  
ppearing. It was estimated to have passed 100-150 feet away from the witnes 6/11/1967 #22492  
rotrusion) at the rear. The object passed over the house, turned about a ha 6/25/1967 #22554  
object approached at low altitude, passed overhead, made a tight U-turn (ma 7/19/1967 #22699  
ged formation (maneuvered) as they passed over the airport. (Ramos letter,  8/6/1967 #22827  
t leaving a red trail. An aircraft passed beneath the objects during the si 8/12/1967 #22866  
e with us? We need one more." Cova passed out.                              8/26/1967 #22935  
 was a small human-like figure. He passed within ten feet of the creature.  8/26/1967 #22936  
 but one witness felt "wind" as it passed overhead. A complex case with man 9/2/1967 #22980  
arent collision course. The object passed above the aircraft at close range 9/3/1967 #22988  
 red light on top at 10:30 p.m. It passed back and forth in front of the wi 9/8/1967 #23022  
on, approached airliner from west, passed under starboard wing, turning and 9/10/1967 #23031  
t, and the figures hid while a car passed, after which the object pulsated  9/15/1967 #23066  
t, and the figures hid while a car passed, afterwards the object pulsated b 9/15/1967 #23071  
a bright orange oblong object that passed overhead, maneuvered, hovered, an 11/5/1967 #23404  
nute encounter with an object that passed over them at about 50,000 feet. ( 11/15/1967 #23459  
s, and white light from underneath passed near the car illuminating its int 12/12/1967 #23572  
r. A wave of heat was felt when it passed overhead. The duration of the enc 12/22/1967 #23600  
quit. The light came near the car, passed overhead, and moved away to the s 12/24/1967 #23608  
he objects landed, while the other passed over a house, making a motor soun 1/24/1968 #23698  
             An oval, domed object passed low over a car at the edge of a p 2/11/1968 #23749  
c UFO detector went off when a UFO passed over in Carol Stream, Illinois. A 3/4/1968 #23825  
moving over waves in the ocean. It passed over the local electric power sub 3/10/1968 #23835  
d they discover that two days have passed. They visit the Argentine embassy Early 5/1968 #23939  
ts going to the Board of Trade are passed on to the Ministry of Defence.    6/11/1968 #24022  
idely publicized asteroid "Icarus" passed close to Earth, strange events we 6/14/1968 #24034  
tted a vivid orange light. When it passed close to their car it shook the c 6/29/1968 #24095  
ant strides," and came up and then passed by them without speaking. He was  7/8/1968 #24159  
en something sounding like a train passed by at a distance: it had a string 10/15/1968 #24563  
ce on the edge of the "disc" as it passed overhead. After he crossed the st 2/15/1969 #24921  
       Westhope, ND Disc with dome passed overhead, stopped, emitted light  3/10/1969 #24988  
       Westhope, ND Disc with dome passed overhead, stopped, emitted light  3/10/1969 #24989  
      That same night a domed disc passed over a police car five miles west 3/10/1969 #24991  
m wide, floating towards him. They passed Maslund within inches and he foun 3/12/1969 #25002  
were going home by taxi. When they passed Roberts Park they saw the object  4/25/1969 #25091  
 and that four and a half days had passed since his abduction. He suffered  5/4/1969 #25115  
uth Australia then rose upward and passed overhead heading toward the south 6/6/1969 #25205  
flew from 30 degrees elevation and passed near zenith overhead. One witness 6/14/1969 #25215  
 sped up the car and just after he passed through Macae his headlights fail 8/19/1969 #25324  
eading edge of a dark object, that passed overhead at 3,000 feet altitude i 10/14/1969 #25414  
iles away. At least 8 minutes have passed, with three radar technicians tra 10/24/1969 #25422  
E (electro-magnetic effects) until passed. / r79.                           11/15/1969? #25459  
reat speed around 2:30 a.m.. As it passed over the road close to the car th 11/15/1969 #25460  
 over corral. Beams freeze dogs. 1 passed out.                              11/24/1969 #25470  
ht leg was numb. He vomited and he passed urine that was black in color. Vi 1/7/1970 #25541  
ith a snap of his fingers. He then passed a thick leash around its neck. Th 6/4/1970 #25690  
 away from the village. Two trucks passed and as they did the little men an 6/4/1970 #25690  
he surface of the river. The light passed over them and their car motor spu 12/5/1970 #25929  
he road. After some time the light passed over to the left side of the road 2/2/1971 #26011  
ers on all fours. His car had just passed them when it filled with a bluish 3/5/1971 #26044  
estershire, UK Luminous white disc passed over car, bright illumination; li 5/25/1971 #26134  
 and bathed her car in light as it passed over. When 110 meters away from t 5/25/1971 #26137  
pidly toward the west. The objects passed only 90 meters away from the airc 6/5/1971 #26158  
zig-zagged, descended, slowed, and passed by silently at an estimated altit 6/28/1971 #26200  
t a stone thrown at him would have passed right through him. Although the a 7/12/1971 #26224  
 away and was lost to view went it passed the morning Sun.                  8/30/1971 #26306  
t appeared in front of the car. It passed back and forth across the road, o 10/3/1971 #26405  
zil. It was seen by hundreds as it passed over the town at low altitude.    12/4/1971 #26486  
titude with a falling leaf motion, passed over witnesses, and landed remote 5/13/1972 #26682  
ge red flickering light on top. It passed directly overhead, then came back 9/14/1972 #27002  
f 1968 these UFO reports have been passed along to the NRC. Evidence sugges 10/2/1972 #27044  
eived by the Canadian military are passed on to the National Research Counc 10/2/1972 #27045  
 Paya, the Domican Republic, a UFO passed over the house where the service  11/6/1972 #27109  
 to the right of the road. As they passed it, the two observed a red orange 2/4/1973 #27270  
 Degnor, a Ceduna truck driver who passed by the same area at 10.00 p.m. de 2/4/1973 #27270  
henomenon. Mr. Max Inglis, who had passed Brian and Sharon just before reac 2/4/1973 #27270  
ed object surrounded by green haze passed over car. APRO Bulletin, MayJune  4/10/1973 #27421  
uge, black bird-like creature that passed within one hundred feet of them.  5/21/1973 #27514  
car. It flew up and over them, and passed low over the other side and away. 5/23/1973 #27522  
omed catfish-shaped" object, as it passed overhead and off to the right at  Summer 1973 #27577  
object approaching to her left. It passed a post on the patio and abruptly  6/23/1973 #27584  
land watched as a star-like object passed overhead. A car's engine malfunct 8/12/1973 #27697  
morning a 20 foot wide lighted UFO passed over Lanett, Alabama at low altit 9/8/1973 #27784  
answer the boy's questions as they passed on either side of them, when aske 9/11/1973 #27803  
where they went after the "hikers" passed them. Hypnotic regression was att 9/11/1973 #27803  
answer the boy's questions as they passed on either side of them, when aske 9/12/1973 #27809  
where they went after the "hikers" passed them. Hypnotic regression was att 9/12/1973 #27809  
rish, Louisiana a luminous red UFO passed overhead, causing a CB radio to s 10/10/1973 #27985  
ey moved mechanically. The witness passed out and then came to on the floor 10/15/1973 #28059  
owed the bones of his legs when it passed over them. He had a severe headac 10/15/1973 #28059  
them. He had a severe headache and passed out again as a being reached towa 10/15/1973 #28059  
iving on the motorway and had just passed the Langford Budville, England ex 10/16/1973 #28089  
, at a considerable distance. They passed through a cloud of red dust that  11/18/1973 #28444  
f-luminous and appeared solid, and passed low over the treetops. At 4:20 p. 12/31/1973 #28623  
t then came directly at the truck, passed close by, and continued on behind 2/14/1974 #28773  
ld lengthen and shrink. As the car passed by the entity the engine began to 3/17/1974 #28898  
ned by a gloved implement that was passed over her. She was taken for an ho 3/20/1974 #28916  
 out any facial features. After he passed the site he looked back and saw t 3/21/1974 #28920  
owly, making a swishing sound, and passed over some nearby trees, which wer 5/7/1974 #29093  
 principal witness became sick and passed out. He then felt as if he was be 5/9/1974 #29098  
e was being drawn upwards and also passed out. He next became aware of a br 5/9/1974 #29098  
alled him by his name, and then he passed out again. The aliens were descri 5/9/1974 #29098  
aped object making a humming sound passed within 500 feet of a farmhouse in 5/30/1974 #29146  
would be visited again. The figure passed from view and Justice took contro 8/1/1974 #29298  
ng legs from the bottom. The craft passed barely inches from the windshield 9/3/1974 #29418  
t the size and shape of a baseball passed in front of the window. He heard  9/8/1974 #29437  
ed, size of plate at arm's length, passed over house. (MUFON, Skylook 89) ( 11/1974 #29572  
surrounded by a kind of fog. As he passed, the car "darkened, as if in shad 12/2/1974 #29631  
 "electronic music." He apparently passed out and did not see the humanoid  3/31/1975 #29928  
ht object from his car. The object passed within about 1500 feet of his car 6/24/1975 #30119  
e developed a body rash. As months passed he regained memory of the missing 8/13/1975 #30258  
It circled behind some trees, then passed the witness making a faint whirli 10/2/1975 #30410  
 object with green flashing lights passed over truck from behind, hovered a 10/17/1975 #30436  
thirty feet in the air. The object passed over his truck from the rear and  10/18/1975 #30441  
ects lights went out, interceptors passed and then came on again. Then the  10/28/1975 #30492  
15. Approximately 1120, the object passed over the radar station, 1000-2000 11/10/1975 #30593  
s head. Le Duc swerved his car and passed within two or three feet of him.  12/11/1975 #30705  
dge, MN Flat, round, orange object passed nearby, engine restarted by itsel 12/23/1975 #30730  
e Lexington Police Department. All passed. Under a series of hypnotic sessi 1/6/1976 #30762  
aft, and the two-meter wide sphere passed within 30 cm when it passed over  3/3/1976 #30923  
sphere passed within 30 cm when it passed over the right wing. It didn't sh 3/3/1976 #30923  
n pulsating light off the road. It passed overhead at an estimated 300-400  4/21/1976 #31006  
by a Mrs. Kent at 6:15 a.m. as she passed by. Both were gone 20 minutes lat 5/11/1976 #31044  
ere gone 20 minutes later when she passed by the site again. (Source: J. Be 5/11/1976 #31044  
by a Mrs. Kent at 6:15 a.m. as she passed by. Both were gone 20 minutes lat 5/11/1976 #31045  
ere gone 20 minutes later when she passed by the site again.                5/11/1976 #31045  
ethany and New Haven. When the UFO passed overhead the engine of his car di 8/1/1976 #31219  
 a short while, and then gradually passed. When they got up they could see  8/6/1976 #31241  
t object with an intense blue glow passed only 12 feet over a car. The car  9/17/1976 #31390  
hovering near the highway. When he passed, the object (apparently dumbbell- 10/24/1976 #31492  
 100 meters altitude. After he had passed it by it began to follow him, and 10/24/1976 #31493  
t began to follow him, and the UFO passed over his car so as to be in front 10/24/1976 #31493  
s the size of a helicopter, and it passed over their car at 3:30 a.m. It ho 11/23/1976 #31569  
e object began to ascend, and soon passed out of sight to the south. Ms. St 2/10/1977 #31808  
ruzzi, Italy 1:50 AM. A domed disc passed over a hill in Roseto Degli Abruz 7/12/1977 #32261  
                      A domed disc passed over a hill in Roseto Degli Abruz 7/12/1977 #32265  
d the being ran back to the fence, passed under it, and then stopped and pu 7/12/1977 #32266  
witnesses believe only an hour has passed but in fact more than three hours 7/23/1977 #32305  
itnesses believed only an hour had passed but actually over three hours had 7/23/1977 #32306  
ferina sat down on a rock and then passed out. When she came to there was n 8/3/1977 #32356  
d object with brightly lit windows passed Continental Airlines flight 954 n 9/22/1977 #32513  
he checked the time 12 minutes had passed but it seemed it should have been 9/26/1977 #32522  
ess at dawn, after four hours have passed, and he, his team partner and the 11/1977 #32648  
. The UFO came from the southeast, passed low over a house in a zigzag moti 11/22/1977 #32693  
  Kunanurra, N. Territory, AU Oval passed Cessna 206 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation  12/9/1977 #32753  
Falls, OR V-formation of 10 lights passed plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 1/5/1978 #32853  
noticed a "plane" like object that passed slowly over the field. Moments la 1/31/1978 #32930  
ncident, a brightly lighted object passed him, and then a small dull light  2/5/1978 #32956  
om which point Julio seems to have passed out. After another whistle Julio  2/5/1978 #32957  
Twenty minutes of missing time has passed.                                  2/23/1978 #32997  
iquid going down his throat and he passed out. His next memory was that of  3/24/1978 #33079  
ect “made the earth tremble” as it passed over. The Bolivian Air Force disp 5/6/1978 #33190  
e UFO turned south toward them and passed over their car. The male student  6/10/1978 #33267  
 inserted into her belly. She then passed out, and awoke later to see the t 8/1/1978 #33464  
vering motionless in sky as clouds passed by. After a short while it flew a 8/6/1978 #33481  
als, NC Glowing, yellow domed disc passed nearby, hovered, shot straight up 8/11/1978 #33503  
ght of his motorcycle died when he passed close by a domed disc hovering lo 8/11/1978 #33508  
nst a clear, pre-sunset sky. As it passed overhead at a uniform speed, abou 8/20/1978 #33531  
o confirm its type but says it has passed about 1,000 feet overhead and is  10/21/1978 #33856  
ere, about two meters in diameter, passed low over houses in a residential  12/15/1978 #34139  
y illuminated rhomboid object that passed over from south to north. It was  12/25/1978 #34207  
ransito. They believed no time had passed because their cigarettes were the 12/28/1978 #34222  
and a tree bent over as the object passed. (Source: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT  1/8/1979 #34317  
and a tree bent over as the object passed.                                  1/8/1979 #34320  
r car when the brightly lit object passed low overhead. They reported an ab 4/19/1979 #34514  
r car when the brightly lit object passed low overhead. They reported an ab 4/19/1979 #34516  
ide and once inside he believed he passed out. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 6/18/1979 #34616  
ide and once inside he believed he passed out. However, under hypnosis he r 6/18/1979 #34618  
12 photographs of the object as it passed over their boat. Reportedly a wri 7/16/1979 #34658  
12 photographs of the object as it passed over their boat. Reportedly a wri 7/16/1979 #34659  
A A large white light made several passed at a car. One hour later a diffus 7/25/1979 #34677  
a a large white light made several passed at a car. One hour later a diffus 7/25/1979 #34680  
a two-foot wide disc-shaped object passed them at 4:05 p.m. It flew slowly  8/5/1979 #34717  
ying to hide from the UFO. It then passed over a nearby bar making a very l 8/26/1979 #34783  
lic, with bolts "like a tank," and passed slowly and silently over the car  10/6/1979 #34948  
he loses consciousness and remains passed out about 20 minutes. He is woken 11/9/1979 #34989  
 pungent odor,and at this point he passed out and remained unconscious for  11/9/1979 #34991  
hing television when both suddenly passed out. Their memories returned only 12/11/1979 #35073  
omans, France A multi-colored disc passed by fast a residential neighborhoo 12/12/1979 #35075  
At 11:45 p.m. a multi-colored disc passed by fast a residential neighborhoo 12/12/1979 #35076  
ganto feel weak and dizzy. He then passed out. When he awoke he and the car 4/23/1980 #35286  
olored triangle, that appeared and passed in front of the full moon at arou 4/26/1980 #35294  
 p.m. a luminous Saturn-shaped UFO passed directly over the house of a 20-y 9/26/1980 #35538  
omething huge, saying: “The object passed about 20 feet above the barn maki 10/26/1980 #35591  
e UFO was over their barn. The UFO passed only twenty feet over the barn an 10/26/1980 #35592  
 slowly, left to right. The object passed him, but when he looked behind hi 12/31/1980 #35759  
y. Thinking only a few minutes had passed, he called his girlfriend to tell 12/31/1980 #35759  
 occurred when a bullet-shaped UFO passed within 500 feet of an airplane be 4/4/1981 #35885  
 occurred when a bullet-shaped UFO passed within 500 feet of an airplane be 4/8/1981 #35888  
t flew very low to the ground, and passed over a car flying off to the west 4/15/1981 #35897  
t flew very low to the ground, and passed over a car flying off to the west 4/15/1981 #35900  
 DE Dog oddly silent as domed disc passed over house (NICAP: 04 - Animal Re 8/1/1981 #36052  
 soft "whoosh" sound as the object passed, like gas escaping from a propane 8/10/1981 #36069  
lifornia a huge disc-shaped object passed over homes, making a deep rumblin 9/17/1981 #36123  
ansposing positions when flashing, passed over two witnesses in a car at 7: 10/30/1981 #36194  
f the dome. It made no sound as it passed left to right just above the tres 11/24/1981 #36233  
 individual but it was revealed he passed away in 1997, and later evidence  1982 #36293  
 caused the house to shake when it passed over.                             3/8/1982 #36385  
ect finally began moving and as it passed by their location, they heard a d 7/22/1982 #36544  
 triangle during the daytime as it passed overhead in Swansea, West Glamorg 2/19/1983 #36767  
s revolving and dark underside. It passed out of sight in about 2-3 minutes 8/13/1983 #36950  
          Altoona, PA Silvery disc passed overhead, right wheels lifted off 10/15/1983 #37008  
          Altoona, PA Silvery disc passed over car, right wheels lifted off 10/15/1983 #37009  
 6:50 p.m. an oyster-shaped object passed over a house at 2000 feet altitud 10/17/1983 #37010  
ed beam of light. Every time a car passed by the lake the lights on the obj 10/28/1983 #37028  
hree witnesses in a car as the UFO passed over them at 100 feet while they  4/25/1984 #37291  
hree witnesses in a car as the UFO passed over them at 100 feet while they  4/25/1984 #37296  
the NE heading SW. The object then passed directly over the team at high al 5/18/1984 #37332  
as before. After 10-15 minutes had passed, the object began to drift away t 5/19/1984 #37335  
er if all connected to one object, passed directly over the home of an IBM  5/31/1984 #37344  
y, New York It made no sound as it passed overhead except a faint humming.  5/31/1984 #37344  
er if all connected to one object, passed directly over the home of an IBM  5/31/1984 #37349  
, New York. It made no sound as it passed overhead except a faint humming.  5/31/1984 #37349  
      A large, slow V-shaped craft passed low over a radio tower in Hyde Pa 6/21/1984 #37372  
ath, flew at 125 feet altitude and passed over Magnolia Bay and surrounding 11/26/1984 #37510  
ath, flew at 125 feet altitude and passed over Magnolia Bay and surrounding 11/26/1984 #37511  
on a boomerang-shaped craft, which passed overhead, and then hovered. Other 3/14/1985 #37568  
of bright lights rotating while it passed him by. It was also seen in the s 4/22/1986 #37836  
red to take evasive action the UFO passed quickly to the left and below of  5/11/1986 #37861  
tside a low flying disc-shaped UFO passed overhead, flying very fast to the 8/5/1986 #37972  
et. The object flew quite low, and passed behind several trees.             8/11/1986 #37980  
occupants of the airliner. When it passed above the airliner, it tipped up  8/13/1986 #37989  
d then veered away. A radar target passed close to an airliner near the cit 11/25/1986 #38078  
chasing the ambulance in April had passed above power lines.                Late 12/1986 #38087  
d by a pencil-like device that was passed over it. Moments later the room b 3/7/1987 #38133  
lerated out of sight. When the UFO passed the car there was a slight stall  9/24/1987 #38294  
rge, bright aircraft flew over and passed silently over a hill in the west. Mid 10/1987 #38305  
nnsylvania at 6:50 p.m. The object passed only 30 feet above her car. It ha 1/31/1988 #38436  
flickered when a triangle of light passed overhead at around 6:00 p.m. The  10/10/1988 #38669  
felt overwhelmed with fatigue, and passed out or fell back asleep. He awoke 10/24/1988 #38687  
from 75 feet to 300 feet in width, passed slowly overhead at low altitude.  12/2/1988 #38735  
to faking a government ID card and passed himself off as an intelligence op 6/1989 #38971  
nd it had silvery gray hair. As it passed the girls it emitted a strange sq 6/20/1989 #38991  
ngers also saw the humanoid. As it passed in front of a car it turned a str 6/20/1989 #38991  
t, an estimated 70 feet on a side, passed low overhead. At 9:30 p.m. in Nav 8/23/1989 #39071  
gs hid while diamond shaped object passed over 890921-1007 Voronezh Russia  9/14/1989 #39100  
 hid while a diamond-shaped object passed over her home in Cantonment, Flor 9/14/1989 #39102  
ht 440, flying at 9,000 feet as it passed the plane. A vertical light beam  10/24/1989 #39184  
At 9:20 p.m. a delta-shaped object passed low over a road south of Plombier 11/30/1989 #39284  
e thought that only 15 minutes had passed, but he had actually been missing 12/31/1989 #39345  
bright oval object approached car, passed low overhead. Driver fled, looked 3/27/1990 #39488  
bright oval object approached car, passed low overhead. Driver fled, looked 3/27/1990 #39489  
 the object followed them, then it passed by, glowing yellow and surrounded 4/17/1990 #39532  
and stayed there until the car had passed. While in the field the aliens ap 5/18/1990 #39576  
. Their houselights dimmed when it passed overhead.                         10/16/1990 #39792  
 a single occupant stalled when it passed a short humanoid standing on the  12/3/1990 #39924  
n a huge black, delta-shaped craft passed by at a low altitude. The UFO ros 1/16/1991 #39956  
oing directly overhead and finally passed beyond some trees. He could see t 3/10/1991 #40009  
urther scrutiny, and his notes are passed by his family to ABC News and Tim 8/10/1991 #40147  
 odor and suffocating heat, and he passed out. When he recovered 45 minutes 12/4/1991 #40254  
gure suddenly crossed the room and passed into the adjoining room, making a 1/24/1992 #40302  
ontinued to watch until the object passed behind and was hidden by some nea 3/3/1992 #40349  
dio of his car failed when the UFO passed less than 20 feet overhead, and h 3/19/1992 #40390  
City, PA Triangular silvery object passed over car, blue flashing body ligh 8/14/1992 #40571  
 City PA Triangular silvery object passed over car, blue flashing body ligh 8/14/1992 #40572  
0 a.m. As the lights on the object passed over them, five vertical beams of 8/15/1992 #40576  
aused him an electric shock and he passed out. He woke up naked, with mud o 9/30/1992 #40649  
, and the air got cold as the UFOs passed over. At 9:10 p.m. in Gastonia, N 9/30/1992 #40651  
ee bright orbs of light, and as it passed over their vehicle one of the men 3/16/1993 #40886  
gs howled as a cigar-shaped object passed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)    7/13/1993 #41063  
t, and then drift to the north. It passed in front of trees, and then behin 7/13/1993 #41065  
y of Colorado. A beam of red light passed from one helicopter to the other. 8/5/1993 #41108  
     Norman, OK Dogs barked, light passed (excitement of witnesses a factor 8/10/1993 #41121  
s a huge, fat, battleship gray UFO passed near the four witness's car. The  8/10/1993 #41122  
h four lights, one in each corner, passed low (400 feet altitude) over the  11/29/1993 #41308  
 craft turned off when an airplane passed nearby.                           1/5/1994 #41364  
as cigar-shaped object with lights passed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)    2/3/1994 #41405  
ly calm after a rectangular object passed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)    4/12/1994 #41488  
ly calm after a rectangular object passed at a low altitude. It had a white 4/12/1994 #41489  
                     A round craft passed in front of a car in Pensacola, F 4/28/1994 #41509  
ensacola, Florida at 10:40 p.m. It passed to within 50 feet of the front of 4/28/1994 #41509  
ion that he was floating before he passed out. The next thing he recalls he 5/11/1994 #41523  
ailed a red stream behind it as it passed overhead and landed remotely in t 8/14/1994 #41675  
    A huge manta ray shaped object passed just above a car being driven bet 9/20/1994 #41768  
an, New South Wales, Australia. It passed over woods, and then roared away. 11/15/1994 #41849  
rs from yellow to green to red. It passed through the area making a noise l 11/30/1994 #41872  
lights on their leading edge, that passed in front of her car.  The objects 12/29/1994 #41912  
iangular UFO with a yellow center, passed overhead at 50 meters altitude.   1/3/1995 #41946  
ling in loops on a trajectory that passed in front of a nearby building. It 1/16/1995 #41979  
nt, manta ray shaped flying object passed overhead in Snake River, Idaho. I 7/23/1995 #42323  
 medical procedure on him. He then passed out and saw flashing lights again 8/15/1995 #42387  
    A thin silent cigar-shaped UFO passed over the witness's house in Rio C 8/30/1995 #42429  
ia thought it was a dog, but as he passed to within 3 meters of the creatur 11/1/1995 #42575  
e and vegetation where the UFO has passed is dead or defoliated.            12/12/1995 #42641  
oss the culvert. When the sergeant passed the corner near his house he hear 7/8/1996 #42950  
   Akron, OH Dogs hid as boomerang passed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)    7/25/1996 #42965  
ortugal and while in it apparently passed out. When he came to, he found hi 9/15/1996 #43020  
roken out as the object or objects passed overhead. Witnesses in at least f 10/3/1996 #43052  
o go, that eight hours had already passed. On his was back to the craft the 12/9/1996 #43133  
gures looked to be transparent and passed close to him, seemingly unaware o 1/5/1997 #43166  
val-shaped object with six windows passed over Littleton, New Hampshire fro 1/23/1997 #43174  
y have been a huge V-shaped object passed over the states of Nevada and Ari 3/13/1997 #43230  
ay. Shortly after the UFO silently passed over the truck and quickly flew o 4/28/1997 #43283  
d see that its shape was round; it passed just above them and then flew awa 5/3/1997 #43287  
verhead in Ginkunai, Lithuania. It passed within 10 meters of five observer 5/12/1997 #43292  
 blue and white lights. The object passed close by the aircraft.            6/7/1997 #43317  
 still existed as of 2021. Ning Li passed away on 27 July 2021.  https://ww 8/1/1997 #43364  
gton to report that a large object passed overhead at 11:45 a.m. going towa 12/17/1997 #43465  
drail towards their vehicle. As it passed by the vehicle shook very hard.   6/9/1998 #43585  
ched it he suddenly felt dizzy and passed out. He was found three hours lat 8/12/1998 #43629  
aveling together. As the first car passed them, the headlights of the car d 9/25/1998 #43652  
le-shaped craft outlined by lights passed silently over Bethelem, Pennsylva 12/15/1998 #43699  
 he returned allegedly no time had passed.                                  4/22/1999 #43760  
nt V-shaped or delta-shaped object passed over three scared teenagers drivi 5/9/1999 #43765  
ack, and the sensation as an “arm” passed over his ribcage. Concerned, he t 7/18/1999 #43807  
w York at 23,000 feet altitude. It passed to within 400 feet above the airl 8/9/1999 #43819  
  At 6:03 p.m. a triangular object passed overhead in Matawan, New Jersey.  11/6/1999 #43875  
lthough it seemed only minutes had passed. Later, under hypnotic regression 9/23/2000 #44045  
f the objects between the ends. It passed behind a church tower at a fairly 10/5/2000 #44053  
a humanoid figure and a blue light passed through a skylight and materializ 12/31/2000 #44110  
ssion of orange/red fireballs that passed from west to east. The second fol 4/26/2001 #44168  
5 minute interval, then 20 minutes passed before the third object, and then 4/26/2001 #44168  
minutes again until the fourth one passed. They all travelled beneath the c 4/26/2001 #44168  
om the tip. As the tube or bar was passed over her head she felt a slight s 5/2/2001 #44174  
rnpike to watch the lights as they passed overhead. The Carteret case is si 7/15/2001 #44209  
  At 11:30 a.m. two silver spheres passed under a C-130 Aircraft while flyi 8/10/2001 #44231  
color to a subdued orange. When it passed overhead at 300 meters altitude,  9/9/2001 #44254  
uddenly it disappears as if it has passed behind something. She also sees a 8/13/2002 #44383  
d appeared to blot out stars as it passed them without making any sound. Th 9/15/2002 #44397  
 flew just above the treeline, and passed silently, directly over her car.  1/24/2003 #44479  
 It was travelling to the west and passed by in 3 minutes. It made no sound 3/1/2003 #44498  
 it, the reddish-orange object has passed silently overhead at about 75 fee 4/2003 #44508  
 similar structures underneath. It passed directly over the Baltic Fleet, w 4/18/2003 #44516  
t had been. About half an hour had passed, but it seemed to have been much  7/12/2003 #44563  
en much longer. Her mother was now passed out and outside of the car. She a 7/12/2003 #44563  
   A black boomerang-shaped object passed low and fast over Napoleonville i 8/13/2003 #44575  
 or tail light, and no vapor trail passed over a home in Chester County, So 2/8/2004 #44659  
d then back to her bedroom. As she passed through the kitchen she was surpr 2/13/2004 #44664  
lt emanating from it. When the UFO passed along the seashore, Andrey notice 8/2/2004 #44725  
stwatch had stopped when the craft passed directly overhead. At around 3:00 8/2/2004 #44725  
n State, a huge triangle of lights passed over a remote campsite at high al 9/11/2004 #44754  
owhere to run. As the giant object passed overhead, it blocked out all the  10/2/2004 #44766  
ss the bottom of the object. As it passed directly overhead he felt an ener 10/2/2004 #44766  
ating or drumming noise which also passed throughout his body. After the ob 10/2/2004 #44766  
oughout his body. After the object passed him, it suddenly turned west and  10/2/2004 #44766  
ootball-shaped solid yellow lights passed a car and its driver at close ran 3/5/2005 #44819  
 craft that the witness could see, passed over St. Augustine, Florida at 11 3/6/2005 #44820  
p.m. a slow-moving triangle object passed overhead in Peterborough, Ontario 3/14/2005 #44821  
was lost from sight when the craft passed into some cumulus clouds.Duration 9/14/2005 #44875  
of the wings, made no sounds as it passed over Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at  3/5/2006 #44928  
s the money E-Systems receives are passed through shell companies from vari 4/28/2006 #44935  
with blue, yellow and green lights passed 30 feet above the witness's car a 9/6/2006 #44959  
 was a strange droning noise as it passed overhead.                         9/13/2006 #44961  
ey broke cloud cover once they had passed his house. While standing on the  4/17/2007 #45018  
dependent lights forming a chevron passed silently over San Carlos, Califor 9/17/2007 #45061  
ould only be seen when a spotlight passed over it, reflecting on the clouds 3/6/2008 #45125  
       At 9:35 p.m. a square craft passed right over a couple's car at abou 5/9/2008 #45135  
 meters difference, approached and passed over the two witnesses. Duration  6/1/2008 #45145  
timated ten miles per hour, and it passed directly over their vehicle as th 6/30/2008 #45149  
 "little army of star-like lights" passed over Sacramento County, Californi 2/11/2009 #45211  
a "crooked triangle" of red lights passed near witnesses in Dryden, Ontario 5/19/2011 #45326  
w that illuminates the trees as it passed by. The primary witness exits his 8/20/2013 #45384  
ia, WA The Washington State Senate passed Resolution 8648 about the Maury I 4/18/2017 #45468  
hat a man flying in a jet pack has passed by them about 90 feet away at the 8/29/2020 #45659  
, while funding for it has not yet passed, it has been included in drafts o 10/8/2021 #45715  
rgency $250 million loan guarantee passed by the US Congress in 1971 to muc 10/21/2021 #45717  
## Word: "passell" (Back to Top)
er Research Institute (EPRI)’s Tom Passell tells Plotkin ERAB lied to Congr 5/17/1999 #43770  
## Word: "passenger" (Back to Top)
 long and “resembling the top of a passenger coach in shape” with a powerfu 4/14/1897 #471  
     Perry Springs, MO 9:00 p.m. A passenger train on the Wabash line, goin 4/15/1897 #481  
         Perry Springs, Missouri A passenger train on the Wabash line, goin 4/15/1897 #485  
             At around 9:00 p.m. a passenger train on the Wabash line headi 4/15/1897 #499  
yn, Wales. There was also a female passenger in the car, also with the last 3/23/1905 #675  
rg, FL The world’s first scheduled passenger airline service took off from  1/1/1914 #895  
ibe as being similar to a train of passenger coaches, seeming to weave in a 12/1942 #1466  
 1944. A civilian V-2 expert was a passenger on U-234, bound for Japan in M 8/1944 #1624  
m. Mrs. A. M. King is with another passenger on the deck of the Union-Castl 7/1/1947? #2522  
 p.m. Private pilot Dan Whelan and passenger Duncan Underhill are flying at 7/4/1947 #2661  
 feet altitude, Mr. Harris and his passenger sighted five circular objects  7/4/1947 #2673  
ST / BOISE, ID Airline(s)/airliner passenger. Saucer flashes by going quick 7/6/1947 #2749  
             Mr. Bates, an airline passenger in a plane flying southeast of 7/6/1947 #2817  
et over Alton, New Hampshire, with passenger Jere Stetson. They see a metal 7/8/1947 #3024  
to a cloud bank at 6,000 feet. One passenger, Clarence L. McKelvie of Colum 7/24/1948 #3734  
ly toward it. Army Courier Service passenger 1st Lt. John H. Van Santen is  1/24/1950 #4509  
ogers, with Maj. Edward Ballard as passenger, spots a “silver-colored objec 9/10/1951 #5660  
:15 a.m. an American Airlines DC-4 passenger plane was followed by a bright 11/2/1951 #5764  
hicago meteorologists, and another passenger are driving on Hwy 83 north of 1/10/1954 #9476  
t over Long Beach, California. One passenger (Coles Barber) is thrown to th 4/14/1954 #9690  
nds, California, was flying with a passenger over Desert Hot Springs from P 11/14/1955 #12569  
ls RNZAF Airman Derek Mansell is a passenger in a Bristol 170 Freighter Mk  6/1956 #12879  
ing at Amarillo to hospitalize one passenger who is injured during the mane 7/22/1957 #13817  
OS ANGELES, CA Airline(s)/airliner passenger. 250' metallic saucer going [t 11/11/1957 #14528  
    Los Angeles (near), CA Airline passenger saw elliptical UFO flying low  11/11/1957 #14532  
 D. Hahn, a jewelry designer, is a passenger and describes it as a large, e 11/11/1957 #14534  
d Claypans Postmaster C. Towill as passenger. They have just climbed Courna 3/13/1959 #15641  
rofessor driving in a car, and his passenger, watched a silent 30-meter in  11/24/1960 #16512  
t. Pierce, FL Beechcraft pilot and passenger saw an intense bright light ri 3/23/1961 #16639  
 (near), DC Private pilot, newsman passenger, watched a pulsating yellow-wh 2/5/1963 #17652  
                              US A passenger of a Convair-880 related to UF 7/17/1963 #17835  
 Maj. Jack D. Bond is sitting in a passenger seat of a T-29 aircraft on a h 8/12/1965 #19373  
estimated to be the same size as a passenger train car. It circled slowly i 4/17/1966 #20320  
l swoops quickly going down / car. Passenger paralyzed / electric shock. Co 4/24/1966 #20393  
 PA Domed Disc Observed By Pilot & Passenger (Powell Case) (NICAP: 11 - Avi 5/21/1966 #20503  
llow Grove, Pennsylvania, with one passenger, Muriel McCrave. He spots a br 5/21/1966 #20505  
a knee-length coat standing by the passenger side. Derenberger’s space adve Early 11/1966 #21070  
ross in front of the windshield. A passenger sees an orange-and-red flash g Early 1/1967 #21244  
lot Carl M., a flight officer, and passenger Jimmie Moran on a Lear Jet 23  1/13/1967 #21301  
at paced the Fawcett Airlines DC-4 passenger liner in flight from Piura to  2/2/1967 #21438  
ebruary 2, 1967, at 06:30 P.M. One passenger, who insisted on remaining ano 2/2/1967 #21438  
 which reminded the witnesses of a passenger coach of a train with seven ta 4/10/1967 #22102  
in Comanche, plus two pilots and a passenger on board, saw a " bright light 10/27/1967 #23342  
anche, with two other pilots and a passenger on board, is flying over the A 10/27/1967 #23350  
ve melted. The veterinarian’s girl passenger is taken to a hospital sufferi 11/6/1967 #23414  
r 1 p.m. Mr. Garfinkel, an airline passenger on an Eastern Airlines flight  4/27/1969 #25098  
 same time he noticed on the front passenger seat an opaque cube-shaped for 6/11/1969 #25211  
 driven by a Mrs. McWhite with one passenger. The car headlights dimmed, an 8/5/1969 #25311  
orado 6:20 a.m. Norman Vedaa and a passenger are driving along Interstate 8 8/29/1969 #25337  
ago, Illinois to Cleveland, Ohio a passenger on a plane sighted a silver di 9/11/1969 #25364  
t landed in a nearby field and his passenger left the vehicle unseen. The c 8/8/1972 #26885  
. The hitchhiker was gone, and the passenger door handle was detached, layi 8/28/1972 #26966  
a on Route One, Brian Hunt and his passenger, Miss Sharon Kinckler, observe 2/4/1973 #27270  
r son, and was seated in the front passenger seat. The same "man" again app 2/22/1973 #27310  
urning from a show onboard a small passenger bus, when between Casalincontr 8/16/1973 #27706  
nd Ivy Tanks, AU The witness was a passenger in a semi-trailer on Route 1 e 9/6/1973 #27773  
             On this night a woman passenger in a semi-trailer truck on Rou 9/6/1973 #27774  
 the next ten minutes. Faques, the passenger, observed the UFO closely and  11/19/1973 #28449  
a Ms. Beckman, with her child as a passenger. The UFO came from the east, s 11/29/1973 #28483  
e UFO appeared at 2:30 a.m. on the passenger side of the car (left hand sid 5/31/1974 #29150  
at guttural in tone, came from the passenger seat to his right, and Justice 8/1/1974 #29298  
 route from Deer Lake to Gander. A passenger first notices a strange light  10/10/1974 #29512  
  NEAR ZVISHAVANE, RHOD Odd bus. 1 passenger standing. Vanishes / open road 8/17/1975 #30282  
dent appeared to be sitting in the passenger seat.                          12/11/1975 #30705  
becomes aware of a “shadow” in the passenger seat. From the shape of the he 12/14/1975 #30715  
 and accompained by another female passenger was paced by a white glowing o 4/29/1977 #32034  
 and accompained by another female passenger was paced by a white glowing o 4/29/1977 #32037  
t 12:24 a.m. a taxi driver and his passenger saw a white football-shaped ob 5/21/1977 #32122  
r that day a private pilot and his passenger reported a near collision with 6/4/1978 #33256  
 Illinois 10:48 p.m. The pilot and passenger of a commercial charter plane  6/24/1978 #33306  
sachusetts, with Harold Johnson as passenger. Johnson sees a bright reflect 8/27/1978 #33578  
bject, lifted off road, driver and passenger blinded, steering control lost 9/22/1978 #33728  
bject, lifted off road, driver and passenger blinded, steering control lost 9/22/1978 #33729  
blacks out. Turner wakes up in the passenger seat at 3:00 a.m. at his desti 8/29/1979 #34803  
port in Red Bluff, California. His passenger, a school official, calls his  9/4/1980 #35494  
fornia 7:55 a.m. Nancy Parker is a passenger on a Western Airlines flight p 11/6/1980 #35622  
 for Omni Airlines and his teenage passenger escaped uninjured after a mida 12/18/1980 #35724  
five minutes. The driver and child passenger were named Goold. The driver b 9/17/1989 #39111  
 Airport in California 6:00 p.m. A passenger on a flight 15 minutes out of  6/3/1993 #41003  
eden Baltic Sea Twilight. A Polish passenger on a ferry to Stockholm, Swede 6/1997 #43307  
a with a beam of light. It circled passenger jet, then changed shape, divid 4/10/1998 #43546  
king inside his car through a rear passenger window. Frightened, he got out 2/21/1999 #43733  
 on this date in 2000 a driver and passenger were driving westbound on the  1/28/2000 #43935  
                                   PASSENGER / UNITED AIRLINES (UAL) FLIGHT 4/23/2000 #43984  
een fireballs, flying loops around passenger aircraft, pacing planes despit 10/15/2000 #44056  
bject. An incoming Yakovlev Yak-40 passenger plane also sees an object at B 1/22/2001 #44127  
of the car's sunroof Mary C. and a passenger noticed three steady lights mo 8/20/2001 #44240  
ia Highway 7:55 a.m. The drive and passenger of a truck traveling along a h 3/3/2003 #44499  
 an altitude higher than a passing passenger jet but below the cirrus cloud 9/2003 #44591  
int primary return radar signal. A passenger behind the captain confirms wh 4/23/2007 #45022  
 the radar reflections of cargo or passenger ferries may have affected at l 4/23/2007 #45022  
to an advertising blimp but has no passenger gondola or advertising on its  10/23/2010 #45303  
g northbound. After the commercial passenger jets confirms the position, NO 10/25/2017 #45487  
5 p.m. The pilot of an Embraer 175 passenger plane approaching the runway a 12/30/2018 #45553  
egean Sea Turkey Greece An airline passenger films a supposed UFO over the  3/2019 #45565  
## Word: "passenger's" (Back to Top)
iver’s seat and the husband in the passenger's. Since he is 6’5” and she is 6/7/2008 #45146  
## Word: "passengers" (Back to Top)
he south. Its rays are so hot that passengers cannot remain inside the ship 12/15/1547 #27  
on carrying a searchlight and four passengers passes over Newark, New Jerse 6/1/1892 #303  
nd a compartment for machinery and passengers.                              8/11/1896 #329  
desto Manteca Sebastopol 5:30 p.m. Passengers on a streetcar in Oakland, Ca 11/20/1896 #343  
ifornia Broadway 6:45 p.m. Several passengers on a train crossing the bay f 11/24/1896 #356  
na, coming from the northwest. Six passengers can be seen on board.         4/14/1897 #465  
Perry Springs and Hersman. All the passengers saw the craft, which had a re 4/15/1897 #481  
Perry Springs and Hersman. All the passengers saw the craft, which had a re 4/15/1897 #485  
ject started following it. All the passengers saw the craft, which followed 4/15/1897 #499  
shaped balloon and a structure for passengers beneath it. At some point he  4/20/1897 #545  
d for Okinawa, Japan, with US Army passengers and equipment. Radar operator 4/24/1945 #1853  
the objects speed away. One of the passengers is future UFO investigator Le 8/28/1945 #1930  
Charles K. Gunn, his wife, and two passengers are driving near North Bedequ 7/1/1947 #2517  
          IZTAPA, GUATEMALA Pan-AM passengers / airport/apartment. Flat-sha 7/11/1947 (approximate) #3122  
a, KS 8:25 p.m. USAF B¬47 crew and passengers saw an elliptical blue-white  11/15/1947 #3490  
nesses on the ground as well as by passengers and crew of an airliner flyin 3/9/1950 #4599  
. Stewardess Gloria Henshaw and 11 passengers (including Boeing engineers C 4/27/1950 #4910  
Arnholt, a stewardess, and several passengers on an American Airlines DC-6  5/29/1950 #4972  
gus, plus unidentified drivers and passengers in other cars stopped to watc 1/8/1951 #5387  
Reserve Lt. Graham E. Bethune) and passengers of a US Navy R5D transport fl 2/9/1951 #5436  
ch it for 3 minutes, then tell the passengers about it. Bicknell observes i 2/19/1951 #5449  
ely stationary for 17 minutes. Two passengers take photos of it. Then it be 2/19/1951 #5449  
ntral airline(s)/airliner crew and passengers. Light colored objects / V fo 4/14/1952 #6073  
         Wichita, TX B-47 crew and passengers saw an elliptical blue-white  11/15/1952 #8278  
riding in a bus with about a dozen passengers near Guatemala City, Guatemal 1/17/1953 #8549  
ision / AAL DC6 & UFO / same size. Passengers injured.                      10/19/1953 #9240  
 a steep dive. Caught unaware, the passengers are tossed about the cabin, m 10/19/1953 #9243  
out the same size as the aircraft. Passengers were injured in the avoidance 10/19/1953 #9244  
                 New York City, NY Passengers saw a fiery object hit the ai 1/14/1954 #9485  
cles under the object while the 60 passengers take a look. Zanesville Radio 6/26/1954 #9954  
.m. The captain, officers, and 463 passengers of a Dutch ocean liner watch  7/3/1954 #9991  
ay. Bus headlights and motor stop. Passengers in near panic.                9/10/1954 #10281  
     ATLANTIC WITH AZORES Crew and passengers / PAA DC6. Huge saucer lights 9/28/1954 #10480  
partment, France at 6:30 p.m., bus passengers observed a luminous object ra 10/2/1954 #10617  
e Car motor and headlights failed, passengers felt shock and numbness; roun 10/11/1954 #10924  
rance Headlights and motor failed, passengers felt ''electric shock"; UFO p 10/27/1954 #11441  
eira, steward, radio operator, and passengers of National Airlines Douglas  11/21/1954 #11683  
than 16 witnesses onboard, and the passengers panicked.                     11/21/1954 #11685  
le driving a country road with two passengers, Mr. Fry noticed a dark shado 7/17/1955 #12266  
      NORTH / WAITARA, NZ Crew and passengers / DC3. Night light paces plan 10/31/1955 #12532  
r Force Requests Plane Loaded With Passengers To Chase UFO (NICAP: 11 - Avi 4/8/1956 #12801  
tendant Phyllis Reynolds, and many passengers take off on American Airlines 4/8/1956 #12803  
sudden maneuver causes four of the passengers to be thrown out of their sea 3/9/1957 #13540  
asses only 50 feet above them. Two passengers suffer slight injuries and ar 7/17/1957 #13809  
mplete control of a car with three passengers. The driver, an employee of a 12/8/1957 #14690  
enly comes toward a car with three passengers at Woodward, Oklahoma. The ca 12/8/1957 #14691  
right and back again ahead of him. Passengers and crew also see the light,  12/11/1957 #14713  
a (near), Ohio Truck, bus, and car passengers felt shock; motors of all thr 1/30/1958 #14850  
s (near), Brazil Car motor failed; passengers then noticed a Saturn-shaped  2/24/1958 #14887  
; motor and headlights failed, two passengers felt heat (NICAP: 03 - EME Ca 10/26/1958 #15379  
 PHILIPSBURG, PA 3 plane crews and passengers. 3 300' saucers pace airline( 2/11/1959 #15585  
 announces on the intercom for the passengers to take a look. He also puts  2/24/1959 #15604  
 an opportunity for many of the 35 passengers to observe them. They are als 2/24/1959 #15604  
at aircraft, he says: “If they (35 passengers and several crew members) saw 2/25/1959 #15614  
ce C-118 transport plane with four passengers suddenly radioed in ”MAYDAY,  4/1/1959 #15686  
ville Shanks is driving with three passengers on Highway 332 north of Freep 8/13/1959 #15914  
ff Airways Flight 542, carrying 28 passengers and 6 crew members, was found 9/29/1959 #15997  
 five o'clock in the afternoon the passengers and crew of two Boeing 707 ai 9/21/1961 #16867  
nsparent. It holds four human-like passengers sitting inside, one of whom s 8/28/1963 #17922  
appears to be a control panel. The passengers are about 6 feet tall and dre 8/28/1963 #17922  
ed by air traffic control, and the passengers are told not to discuss the i 10/1963 #17968  
ed an oilcan, and then left. Other passengers on an incoming train saw the  12/17/1963 #18087  
d lights of a car with three women passengers suddenly died in Chascomus, A 1/9/1966 #19821  
    FARMINGTON, NM 3 airliners and passengers. 4 photographs. Brilliant "cl 4/22/1966 #20358  
 over Ocala, Florida. The crew and passengers of the Convair aircraft carry 4/25/1966 #20418  
ent on the vulnerability of subway passengers in New York City to covert at 6/6/1966 #20536  
:15 p.m. EST A pilot and his three passengers saw a round, glowing white ob 1/20/1967 #21358  
o to Lima, Peru, when the crew and passengers notice a bright light coming  2/2/1967 #21442  
and was witnessed by a total of 58 passengers and crew.                     2/2/1967 #21443  
razilian military aircraft with 14 passengers encounters a glowing-red, obl 3/21/1967 #21936  
 driver of a VW minibus, and three passengers were listening to the radio u 5/17/1968 #23970  
UFO, along with his copilot and 18 passengers, for 5 minutes during a night 6/6/1968 #24013  
al pilot, Dogie Stockmar, and four passengers observed a light source with  9/30/1968 #24525  
ed windows in which silhouettes of passengers sitting up inside were visibl 10/15/1968 #24563  
the ground on the roadside by many passengers on a bus traveling north of B 3/7/1969 #24982  
 Martin, Chile. The driver and two passengers watched the UFO for ten minut 3/18/1969 #25026  
d despite the disappearance of all passengers and crew.                     7/20/1969 #25282  
 to 4 meters above the ground. His passengers were all sleeping at the time 8/19/1969 #25324  
ded vertically upward. Both of the passengers experienced a sensation of we 12/4/1970 #25926  
raveled toward Newport. One of her passengers also saw it.                  1/1/1971 #25964  
ting lights. Brown notifies the 15 passengers aboard and turns out the inte 10/23/1972 #27087  
the front seat of the car whom her passengers did not see. As she approache 2/22/1973 #27310  
he was able to describe to the two passengers in the car what she was seein 2/22/1973 #27310  
er stopped the car and he and some passengers then got out, waving their ar 9/13/1973 #27815  
ght in their direction. One of the passengers said she had the impression s 9/13/1973 #27815  
f Gibraltar Ceuta Algeciras, Spain Passengers on a ferry on the Strait of G 4/15/1974 #29029  
ter the UFO landing in France, all passengers aboard a ferry off the coast  4/15/1974 #29033  
r vehicle giving off heat. All the passengers inside except for the princip 5/9/1974 #29098  
ect began following a car with two passengers in Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Vaucl 7/8/1974 #29246  
, p. 16; Margaret Sachs, Celestial Passengers, p. 108). (NICAP: 06 - Trace  2/10/1975 #29799  
itish airline(s)/airliner crew and passengers. 6 bright shiny disks / 300M  3/15/1975 #29902  
 east. Air traffic controllers and passengers watch the golden disc with wh 10/17/1975 #30437  
iven by a Mrs. Prichard with three passengers in Pacific, Missouri, then ej 11/15/1975 #30625  
iven by a Mrs. Prichard with three passengers in Pacific, Missouri, then ej 11/15/1975 #30628  
aining three occupants. One of the passengers, a 28-year-old woman named Br 5/21/1976 #31069  
aining three occupants. One of the passengers, a 28-year-old woman named Br 5/21/1976 #31070  
hey announce the sighting to their passengers. After several minutes watchi 7/30/1976 #31203  
rt toward the city. The pilots and passengers of an Iranian airliner flying Mid 3/1977 #31908  
30 seconds according to one of the passengers aboard. The witness, a radio  5/26/1977 #32131  
 4:10 p.m. according to one of the passengers aboard. The witness, a radio  5/26/1977 #32136  
hen it gets dangerously close, the passengers and crew can see it. It depar 7/16/1977 #32281  
d followed a car with three female passengers along Highway 35 for a mile u 12/6/1977 #32738  
h two 19-year-old teenage girls as passengers, causing the engine to lose p 8/24/1978 #33567  
ow light followed a car with three passengers for six miles at 9:15 p.m. It 9/20/1978 #33716  
iven by Mr. La Bandera and his two passengers. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 12/14/1978 #34121  
iven by Mr. La Bandera and his two passengers. It circled at a distance of  12/14/1978 #34129  
 Christchurch, Startup invites the passengers to accompany him back to Blen 12/31/1978 #34246  
 p.m. During a thunderstorm, three passengers and the driver watch a 2-foot 8/30/1979 #34810  
 police Cessna airplane with three passengers flying 30 kilometers north of 9/9/1979 #34854  
At the same time pilots, crew, and passengers of some commercial airplanes  6/14/1980 #35370  
                The pilot and four passengers onboard a Piper Aztec airplan 9/21/1980 #35525  
Houston, Betty J. Cash and her two passengers notice a bright light ahead.  12/29/1980 #35757  
 NORTHEAST / VALENCIA, SP Crew and passengers. Red-orange double-sphere fol 7/25/1981 #36033  
s the plane, allowing crew and 150 passengers to view its lenticular form.  2/8/1982 #36327  
iver, Mary Ann Poland. She and the passengers (Rose Messina, Mary LaMontagn 9/30/1982 #36622  
rohibited Soviet airspace. All 269 passengers and crew aboard are killed, i 9/1/1983 #36968  
 The sighting lasts for 2 minutes. Passengers do not see the object.        6/11/1985 #37598  
 side of the airplane’s wing. Some passengers now can see the lights, flyin 3/12/1987 #38139  
            A bus driver and seven passengers in Mundrabilla, Western Austr 10/10/1988 #38668  
f them a headache. A number of bus passengers also saw the humanoid. As it  6/20/1989 #38991  
as MD-80 Alitalia airliner with 57 passengers. They are over the English Ch 4/21/1991 #40046  
 Angel David Farina are flying two passengers to Asunción, Paraguay, in his 6/8/1991 #40092  
 p.m. Walter Leiss and three other passengers on board Dan Air Flight DA 47 6/17/1991 #40101  
 swooped down over a car with four passengers and pursued it for seven minu 1/16/1992 #40290  
 At 6:20 a.m. a bus driver and two passengers saw a 300 foot in diameter ro 2/19/1993 #40854  
                             Three passengers in a truck reported their veh 12/30/1994 #41917  
irways Boeing 737 aircraft with 60 passengers when they are buzzed by a bri 1/6/1995 #41956  
 Airways Boeing-737 flight with 60 passengers aboard was buzzed by a bright 1/6/1995 #41957  
Boeing 727 with three crew and 102 passengers, is in the landing pattern fo 7/31/1995 #42347  
topped along the highway and their passengers had gotten out of their vehic 10/3/1996 #43051  
cal cab driver, was taking several passengers home from a pub in Hallbankga 11/23/1996 #43118  
er, after driving another group of passengers from the pub, he came up a hi 11/23/1996 #43118  
 his hands. Both David and his two passengers were extremely frightened and 11/23/1996 #43118  
 County, New York was driving some passengers through town when they witnes 7/14/1999 #43803  
altitude. After he dropped off his passengers he noticed that the UFO was s 7/14/1999 #43803  
   Sweden Gdansk, Poland Dozens of passengers on the Rogalin ferry returnin 8/20/2001 #44238  
 Sweden to Gdansk, Poland, with 50 passengers on board watch an object 10 f 8/20/2001 #44238  
tly still. The two girls riding as passengers began to scream for the drive 5/2/2003 #44521  
nter continues for 8–10 minutes as passengers watch. At one point, wake tur 1/4/2004 #44644  
C Casquets Alderney Afternoon. The passengers of Flight A-Line 544 depart S 4/23/2007 #45022  
 Highway 37 in Belleville, Ontario passengers in a vehicle spotted an orang 5/15/2009 #45222  
## Word: "passerby" (Back to Top)
 insist that the figure was just a passerby, get angry, and drive away, lea 5/24/1964 #18297  
memory of his own identity until a passerby took him to a hospital, where h 10/28/1973 #28311  
## Word: "passero" (Back to Top)
                              CAPO PASSERO, ITL Disk sinks 200M offshore. N 2/8/1960 #16170  
## Word: "passers-by" (Back to Top)
IK, UKRAINE Woman levitated / UFO. Passers-by scream. Beam releases her!    9/16/1989 #39105  
## Word: "passersby" (Back to Top)
 the occupants are able to talk to passersby.                               9/30/1909 #813  
## Word: "passes" (Back to Top)
visible until September 7, when it passes the Sun’s western limb.           8/9/1762 #81  
 others, during which time a cloud passes in front of it.                   8/20/1829 #125  
ith a slight undulatory motion. It passes below the star Eta Ursae Majoris  1/22/1855 #149  
. It moves toward a large barn and passes through its center, setting it on 6/19/1857 #150  
own the rails to the engine. As it passes under the locomotive, he feels a  Early 7/1880 #235  
p.m. A cylindrical luminous object passes over Oella, Maryland, at only sev 2/7/1889 #286  
 a searchlight and four passengers passes over Newark, New Jersey, descendi 6/1/1892 #303  
oba 6:00 p.m. A mysterious balloon passes over Winnipeg, Manitoba, to the e 7/1/1896 #325  
eville, Iowa (13.7 miles away), it passes out of sight behind buildings. Po Mid 7/1896 #328  
 turns to the north just before it passes from view. Another report suggest Early 11/1896? #334  
r up higher.” Hundreds watch as it passes at low altitude for 30 minutes, a 11/17/1896 #340  
owing with onlookers as the object passes above Broadway, flashing its ligh 11/24/1896 #356  
r(s). Barrel-shape / high-altitude passes with sinuous motion up and down / 11/25/1896 #359  
 airship behind a large light that passes over the town.                    Mid 2/1897 #388  
ine “shaped like an ordinary boat” passes overhead. It has red and green li 4/11/1897 #434  
ish cigar-shaped object with wings passes south of Marion, Indiana, coming  4/14/1897 #465  
 rounds, and the “ship or balloon” passes overhead about 200 feet in the ai 4/15/1897 #490  
 row of red lights along the sides passes above Emerson, South Dakota.      4/15/1897 #491  
rove, Iowa Morning. A large object passes slowly over Linn Grove, Iowa, hea 4/16/1897 #507  
 attached to a cigar-shaped object passes over Trenton, Tennessee, at an al 4/17/1897 #524  
bject approaches from the east and passes overhead at 500 feet. Voices from 4/19/1897 #535  
y J. Bowles sees the airship as it passes over Getty Street in Uvalde. Aker 4/20/1897 #546  
in the center and at each end.” It passes to the southeast in about 5 minut 5/4/1897 #588  
f town for about one mile after it passes over Main Street, says the shadow 5/9/1897 #595  
ended from it. After 20 minutes it passes out of sight.                     11/2/1897 #611  
erman 9:00 p.m. A brilliant object passes over Italy, Greenville, Garland,  10/4/1898 #625  
furrows into visible relief. As it passes closer, McKinnon sees that it is  10/1899 #638  
about 14 feet in diameter silently passes above her and over a nearby meado Summer 1900 #640  
sinks down, comes toward them, and passes within 16 feet at eye level. Then 11/1906 #692  
s apparently close to the sun.” It passes in front of the sun, completely c 7/7/1907 #699  
tion, coming within 300 feet as it passes by at 60 feet altitude. Three sec 1909 #719  
 about 50 yards watching it. As it passes out of sight, he hears three expl 3/4/1909 #723  
 Numerous observer(s). White ovoid passes. 2 men dressed / white inside. /  4/24/1909 #727  
ral observer(s). Egg-shape quickly passes clouds going quickly west. / r221 5/2/1909 #730  
ome men on a platform below it. It passes out of sight at 20 mph northeast  5/13/1909 #740  
e object for “a minute or two.” It passes over the Bristol Channel towards  5/19/1909 #765  
r Wroxham, Norfolk, England. As it passes, the motorcycle headlight fails.  5/19/1909 #766  
begins working again after the UFO passes.                                  5/19/1909 #766  
loon “supposed to be from Chicago” passes over Edinburgh, Indiana. Its anch 9/30/1909 #813  
 BATH, AVON 'Splendidly lit craft' passes over Warmley Village. Going quick 3/6/1912 #858  
 the whir of motors as the vehicle passes by.                               2/21/1913 #883  
 Michigan Sunset. An aerial object passes over Lansing, Michigan, from sout 6/29/1913 #889  
he plant motor stops as the object passes over, and insulation from some el 8/14/1914 #912  
 toward the sun within an hour and passes below the horizon. It has a promi 5/4/1916 #946  
moves away at a leisurely pace and passes through wire netting. It follows  1/22/1919 #983  
 it has multicolored lights. As it passes in front, the driver feels a heat 6/1925 #1047  
eels heat and pressure. The object passes over him at about 100 feet altitu 9/1929 #1103  
 knocks him to his knees. After it passes, he detects an odor of sulfur.    9/1929 #1103  
f the object and close up after it passes. His companion is frightened and  5/1931 #1126  
ines quit. On his way down, Thomas passes so close to the light that it cau 7/5/1933 #1167  
server(s) / news. Mystery aircraft passes going quickly west. Turns over Jo 12/16/1933 #1177  
range buzzing noise. As the object passes directly overhead, they notice it 10/1936 #1250  
acles” moving around on the bottom passes overhead at 500–1,000 feet.       Mid 5/1940 #1332  
Y Several observer(s). Lens saucer passes. Power fails. Light wind. / and T 9/15/1940 #1345  
LGIUM Nurse. Metallic-domed saucer passes. Moon-size. Going east with sligh 7/1943? #1514  
ently trying to dig it up. When he passes by, the figure, apparently an Asi 7/18/1943 #1518  
 aircraft over the target area. It passes below the bombers in a straight l 12/11/1943 #1551  
t hovers just above one wing, then passes over the top to the other wing wh Winter 1943 #1555  
atic charge. Even after the object passes, the bomber’s wings are covered w 1944 #1559  
ut 45 mph. It makes a 45° turn and passes about 100 feet above the trees of 2/20/1944 #1576  
rs building. Stops over 5 workers. Passes through 6TH!                      8/1944 #1630  
ut to sea. At one point the object passes in front of the moon, briefly obs Late 8/1944 #1646  
SA 2 observer(s). Sphere/orb/globe passes through disk / 15M altitude. 2 ps 2/1946 (approximate) #1968  
and 10:17 p.m. A rocket-like light passes over Helsinki, Finland, at 10,000 6/9/1946 #2005  
iameter of the full moon in length passes over Stockholm, Sweden.           7/10/1946 #2047  
KRONA, SWD 5' cylinder/cigar-shape passes 50M from observer(s). Faint green 8/13/1946 #2126  
           WILMINGTON, NC Fireball passes slowly going quickly northeast. 1 8/24/1946 #2153  
(seen thru) telescope. Dark object passes moons face. Straight and level. / 5/3/1947 #2277  
bout 1,800 mph). As it noiselessly passes overhead, it appears to be circul 5/17/1947 #2287  
, AZ Doctor and 3. Big silver ball passes north rim fast. / r22p19.         6/26/1947 #2413  
and 2 / farm. 25cm fast green disk passes close / 35' altitude. Going south 7/4/1947 #2622  
loud roar. A large transport plane passes overhead, but he also sees a dark 7/4/1947 #2666  
ight and hear a roaring sound that passes overhead. Ragsdale knows that som 7/4/1947 #2670  
s a crashed UFO with 4 ET’s, later passes a polygraph test, interviewed by  7/5/1947 #2679  
object “the size of a barrel head” passes overhead in the same direction.   7/9/1947 #3069  
up of 12–15 objects approaches and passes him. At first he takes them for b 7/15/1947 #3187  
 cloud. Back up / cloud when plane passes. Very fast.                       7/17/1947 #3194  
ectro-magnetic effects) / fireball passes / r171.                           8/17/1947 #3340  
mate Brig. Gen. George F. Schulgen passes the updated Garrett Estimate on t Late 8/1947 #3369  
          Garrett Estimate Twining passes the Garrett Estimate on to Col. H Mid 9/1947 #3396  
utheast / 1400kph! 4500M altitude. Passes airliner.                         9/16/1947 #3397  
 Harry M. Kimball in San Francisco passes Col. R. H. Smith’s memo up the ch 9/19/1947 #3406  
2M blue-grey ball with 12M antenna passes cloud to cloud / 200M altitude.   9/25/1947 (approximate) #3426  
 Army’s investigation. Stratemeyer passes the query on to Garrett and Taylo 11/18/1947 #3492  
ls Skyhook balloon Flight B, which passes about 40 miles to the southwest o 1/7/1948 #3542  
 Airlines DC3. Circular blue-flame passes airliner. Turns going down [to] a 1/9/1948 #3550  
 moving at about 700 mph. After it passes the plane it swoops into a cloud  7/24/1948 #3734  
lows a parabolic curve as the C-47 passes 20 miles northeast of Albuquerque 12/5/1948 #3909  
e 60-second observation, the light passes through the branches of a tree. A 4/27/1949 #4118  
 2 white saucers pace V2 rocket. 1 passes through exhaust.                  6/10/1949 #4230  
ace it, one on each side. One then passes through the rocket’s exhaust, joi 6/14/1949 #4240  
r whirls across sky. 6K' altitude. Passes through clouds. No further detail 7/26/1949 #4288  
LUP VALLEY, WA Crop duster. Saucer passes overhead. Brilliantly reflects su 7/28/1949 #4295  
little before reaching the car and passes overhead. As it does so, his radi Fall 1949 #4367  
 and comes in as if for an attack, passes through the center of the scope,  1/12/1950 #4484  
 Rotates. Quickly going up / plane passes.                                  1/15/1950? #4491  
vers. Vanishes / flash! 2nd saucer passes. / AFU Sweden.                    2/13/1950 #4536  
tish Columbia. It slows down as it passes overhead and wobbles as it moves  2/26/1950 #4560  
nter to the outer edge. The object passes directly in front of the airliner 3/20/1950 #4690  
RBOR, HI Brill blue-green fireball passes overhead. Pauses and continues. D 3/24/1950 #4716  
liner rocks violently. Huge turtle passes. "Controlled".                    4/2/1950 #4788  
ollows it with a 4x spyglass as it passes in front of a small cumulus cloud 5/20/1950 #4955  
° turn to the right and the object passes from 11 o’clock to 7 o’clock posi 5/29/1950 #4972  
r altitude. The light very briefly passes between the aircraft and the uppe 5/29/1950 #4972  
      Tucson, AZ Triangular Object Passes C-47 At 700 MPH (NICAP: 11 - Avia 6/16/1950 #4988  
ude. 1200mph. Blue flame. Roars. 3 passes.                                  6/21/1950 #4993  
  Hamilton AFB, CA Disc Makes Five Passes At Control Tower (NICAP: 01 - Dis 6/21/1950 #4995  
roar like thunder as it makes five passes over the base. They observe it th 6/21/1950 #4998  
e with two F-86s. The clear target passes the planes at a speed of at least 9/21/1950 #5192  
,200 mph, makes a right turn, then passes directly over or under the F-86s. 9/21/1950 #5192  
aucer going quickly east / Mach 1. Passes Rt. wing going quickly [to] cloud 10/20/1950 #5245  
en the light reverses suddenly and passes 100–200 feet above his plane at i 11/7/1950 #5270  
TR Group women and kids. 20' ovoid passes school-bus stop. Buzzes. Investig 12/14/1950 (approximate) #5347  
ter returns to base. In all, three passes are made at targets, all with rad 1/21/1951 #5410  
s. Many observer(s). Silver saucer passes over airport. Wind direction diff 3/26/1951 (approximate) #5493  
over Dearing, Georgia with head-on passes several times. Pilot Kinmon said  7/9/1951 #5570  
etic effects). Unidentified object passes overhead.                         9/18/1951 #5674  
' white triangle saucer hovers and passes over jets. / LDLN#330.            11/24/1951 #5783  
, MN Wingshaped Object Hovers Then Passes P-51 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 11/24/1951 #5786  
 wing. It hovers at first, then it passes 100 feet above and to the left of 11/24/1951 #5789  
ject approaching from the east. It passes north of their position, travelin 1/20/1952 #5868  
o help with the analysis, which he passes on to Fournet and Garland. Strang 2/8/1952 #5894  
t. Claremore and), OK Bright Light Passes C-54, Drops Down (NICAP: 11 - Avi 3/7/1952 #5948  
aircraft, pulls away, flips again, passes the F-84, crosses in front, and a 3/29/1952 #5992  
     OVER MEMPHIS, TN 1M inv. bowl passes 2 / United States Navy (USN) plan 4/14/1952 #6074  
         Memphis, TN Inverted Bowl Passes Aircraft At 300' (NICAP: 11 - Avi 4/14/1952 #6075  
 up [to] going down / sky. Makes 3 passes over city. Finally goes going qui 4/28/1952 #6203  
ather than silver like the others, passes low overhead and looks like a “cy 5/1/1952 #6245  
 Airport in Chicago, Illinois. One passes the other before disappearing.    6/11/1952 #6476  
 theodolite. Silver-metallic ovoid passes going quickly southwest.          6/25/1952 (approximate) #6620  
sc spins counterclockwise. Several passes south to/from/between north / 45° 6/25/1952 #6621  
eor and 2 night lights. Then ovoid passes straight and level / low altitude 7/11/1952 #6760  
obbins (Turner AFB), GA Blip Makes Passes On Wind-Finding Target (NICAP: 09 7/21/1952 #6970  
ill radar site see an object as it passes nearly overhead. MacDill radar lo 7/22/1952 #7027  
 car. Six 15cm saucers overhead. 1 passes over hood / car. Emits smoke.     7/24/1952 #7107  
i begins to leave, but a green ray passes above his head and he feels an el 7/25/1952 #7137  
s shafts / light. Stops when plane passes.                                  7/28/1952 #7244  
rver(s). Dark oval = round saucer. Passes going south under low clouds. See 7/29/1952 #7290  
n come back in behind him after he passes through the area.                 7/29/1952 #7320  
K' altitude rises to 10K' when C97 passes. Back down.                       7/30/1952 #7343  
e / 60 minute(s). Going up / plane passes. Going down [to] after. Infra-red 7/30/1952 #7345  
titude of an estimated 5,000 feet, passes over Westover AFB [now Westover R 8/5/1952 #7468  
tower operators watch a disc as it passes over Tokyo Bay at about 1,500 fee 8/5/1952 #7472  
 by the fourth object. An aircraft passes under the fourth object with no a 8/7/1952 #7508  
de chases night light. Night light passes jet / return trip. / r98#203.     8/12/1952 #7549  
h oars / 20' altitude. Olive drab. Passes T6 pilot. / r8+/ r70.             8/12/1952 #7552  
. Witnesses estimate that the ball passes over at 5,000 feet, growing faint 8/14/1952 #7595  
t in Chicago. The pilot makes four passes between 10,000 and 2,000 feet. On 8/21/1952 #7670  
 targets as shown on radar, making passes at 800 and at 4,000 feet without  9/2/1952 #7829  
N ANSELMO, CA 2 observer(s). Plane passes. Silver ovoid hovers. Going NNW s 9/6/1952 #7862  
 glow illuminates the ground as it passes, and it gains altitude and disapp 9/14/1952 #7938  
 AFR 2+1 observer(s). Metal saucer passes over. 1 observer sees it go going 9/26/1952 #8029  
server. Blue-glowing ovoid. Rolls. Passes behind invisible curtain til gone 9/29/1952 #8050  
are at Rogers Dry Lake when a B-29 passes overhead. Cameraman Carlos Garcia 9/30/1952 #8070  
in from the west at high speed and passes him only 325 feet away. It falls  10/2/1952? #8085  
               KANKAKEE, IL Saucer passes over town. Angel hair falls / gro 11/1952 #8224  
 shortly after a US Air Force B-29 passes overhead going in the direction o 11/20/1952 #8307  
C), GA 2 observer(s). Red fireball passes over H-bomb plant. Seen 30s. Goin 11/21/1952 #8312  
 circles town. Buzzes T28. Head-on passes. 90° turns. Going up. / r242+r172 12/4/1952 #8371  
range fireball seen / 5 minute(s). Passes plane and climbs O / O / south. / 12/31/1952 #8466  
E of), Puerto Rico Red-Orange Ball Passes RB-36 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 12/31/1952 #8467  
 metallic domed disc with windows, passes them again. The pilot accelerates 1953 #8479  
SC Fowl and mules vocalize as disc passes overhead (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reac 1/29/1953 #8611  
 in Prescott, Arizona. Another UFO passes over the house at 10:00 p.m.      2/3/1953 #8632  
UFO has fluorescent lights inside. Passes silently. P296.                   3/10/1953 #8742  
ore than “70 aggressive non-firing passes” in “high-speed runs,” many just  4/14/1953 #8824  
SON, NY Forest ranger. Lens-saucer passes going quickly west. Black line st 4/23/1953 #8842  
 sandbar. Small humanoid (or Grey) passes pails / water inside. / r113p170. 5/20/1953 #8887  
TH AFRICA Air Force Radars. Object passes Cape 6X / 1250 and more/others mp 5/23/1953 #8901  
ince, South Africa, that makes six passes at more than 1,250 mph at 5,000–1 5/23/1953 #8906  
ct with a strange irregular motion passes overhead at Palmerston North, New 5/30/1953 #8915  
rol aircraft reports three head-on passes. These close calls alarm the pilo 8/6/1953 #9052  
  EAST NEW HAVEN, CT 18cm fireball passes cars. Hits signboard. H2S smell.  8/19/1953 #9083  
, CA TB29 crew. Grey ovoid makes 4 passes at trainer plane. Dives going dow 8/20/1953 #9086  
 One greyish oval object made four passes at the airplane (three times at 1 8/20/1953 #9089  
er, California. The UFO makes four passes at the plane, then dives vertical 8/20/1953 #9090  
. PDT a gray oval object made four passes at their airplane (three times at 8/20/1953 #9091  
LEY, UTAH Movie crew. White sphere passes between 2 rock formations.        9/5/1953 #9146  
ONDON Pilots. Huge metallic saucer passes airliner going quickly southeast  10/9/1953 #9210  
r(s). White night light going east passes C47 / 6621 Squadron.              10/18/1953 #9238  
e round silver object over 1000mph passes behind clouds and away.           10/24/1953 #9249  
VON Many observer(s). Dagger-shape passes handle-first! Bright colors. Big  12/14/1953 #9363  
 aircraft for about 10 seconds. It passes about 1,970 feet under the DC-3 a 12/15/1953 #9366  
          MINNEAPOLIS, MN "Meteor" passes under clouds. Silent. Bright gree 12/27/1953 #9400  
light moving off a hilly field. It passes over their car at an altitude of  1/29/1954 #9512  
he southwest. A “mystery aircraft” passes over Carswell tower at just over  2/4/1954 #9535  
ny feels a heavy wind when the UFO passes. Others see the object, which has 3/1954? #9579  
ankers. 2 night lights maneuver. 1 passes plane. 1 quickly going up / r150. 3/5/1954 #9595  
 planes.  One object or light made passes at KC-97s, the other flew straigh 3/5/1954 #9597  
te or amber objects or lights make passes at the aircraft on collision cour 3/5/1954 #9598  
aircraft running lights. One light passes over and one under the KC-97. At  3/5/1954 #9598  
object, yellowish-orange in color, passes silently over the ship from bow t 4/7/1954 #9673  
  ATL. SSE / NY, NY Pulsing saucer passes 3 PAA airliners / 22K' altitude.  4/23/1954 #9709  
cers going quickly south / several passes. Back 6+11 May.                   5/5/1954 #9752  
because he can only see it when it passes by gaps in the clouds. He watches 8/1/1954 #10089  
ht is observed at nine o’clock. It passes about a mile in front of the Sea  8/31/1954 #10218  
ORT PHILLIP BAY, VCT, AUSTR Saucer passes then cylinder/cigar-shape loops w 9/2/1954 (approximate) #10229  
t lights climb and reform as plane passes. Back to line.                    9/6/1954 #10258  
 ARDECHE, FR 2 observer(s). Saucer passes entire sky. Shoots straight up at 9/16/1954 #10318  
nd fast maneuvers. Darkens / plane passes.                                  9/22/1954 #10392  
Night lights play / sky. Large UFO passes over observer(s) / N470. Spins.   9/29/1954 #10497  
S, FR Government weathermen. Ovoid passes / amazing speed. Altitude = 3000' 10/2/1954 #10582  
LAVENAY, SARTHE, FR Luminous ovoid passes overhead going quickly southeast. 10/7/1954 #10772  
tro-magnetic effects). Night light passes going quickly northeast. Now engi 10/11/1954 #10908  
ONNAY, FR 2 farm hands. Red saucer passes behind hill. No further details.  10/14/1954 #11020  
FR Several observer(s). Fiery disk passes radio antenna. Changes color(s).  10/14/1954 #11028  
 when a brilliant reddish fireball passes near his car to the west at low a 10/14/1954 #11059  
                 LUINO, ITL Saucer passes over / range of trees. 2 catch fi 10/15/1954 #11079  
ONTARGIS, FR Luminous yellow ovoid passes over. No further details [in] at  10/15/1954 #11088  
ding light in front of them. As it passes over the van, the engine stalls a Mid 10/1954 #11113  
ises from one side of the road and passes over them. The mare rises about 9 10/17/1954 #11176  
/motorscooter/motorbike. Red ovoid passes / low altitude. Brilliant blindin 11/1/1954 #11515  
 of Cennina, Arezzo, Italy. As she passes through a wooded area, she sees a 11/1/1954 #11518  
h lights all around scares Bedoin. Passes all over town.                    11/2/1954 #11525  
mall dull-red cylinder/cigar-shape passes over town at 600mph. Possibly a s 11/11/1954 #11622  
r/cigar-shape drops / fireball and passes Ifo trees!                        11/12/1954 #11625  
om the northeast at 7,200 feet and passes below the airliner at high speed. 11/21/1954 #11683  
c bishop. Luminous/glowing disk(?) passes. No further details. / APRO v3#5+ 12/1/1954 #11739  
erver(s). 10M cylinder/cigar-shape passes / 40M altitude. Big porthole / si 12/3/1954 #11748  
er(s). Round silvery object easily passes airliner / higher altitude. Going 2/3/1955 #11971  
Strange white sphere/orb/globe / 4 passes. Hovers. No planes here. / r70p3- 5/1/1955 #12113  
drical object makes 3 30 second(s) passes / 10 minute(s) intervals. 500mph. 6/15/1955 #12197  
). Red saucer makes 3 90 second(s) passes / 10 minute(s) intervals. See Bry 6/20/1955 #12205  
 / Boston, MA, Various 150' Object Passes Over DC-3 Crew From Behind (NICAP 6/23/1955 #12208  
 Airline pilot. Meteor-night light passes plane. Hovers. Rises away.        10/2/1955 #12482  
ng silver rod-cylinder/cigar-shape passes going quickly northwest in very e 10/12/1955 #12502  
 White cylinder/cylindrical object passes over house going quickly west.    10/21/1955 #12514  
de Observatory A mysterious object passes over Serbia and is seen throughou 10/25/1955 #12520  
, TRINIDAD Glowing circular object passes over men / road.                  12/1955 #12595  
ops going down / ground when plane passes. Sparks.                          1/7/1956 #12647  
iveway. Silent silver pancake disk passes smoothly. No further details.     1/26/1956 #12683  
server(s). Violet saucer / several passes / town. Photographs. / APRO JLY'5 3/13/1956 #12752  
 saucer-shaped object made several passes over the city of Barquismeto, Ven 3/13/1956 #12754  
oins him to watch. One more object passes in the same flight path, then a g 5/4/1956 #12832  
bserver. Night light makes several passes over town. 180 turns. Low-pitch h 7/2/1956 #12944  
elt. Many / RADAR-visual. Fireball passes / top saucer going down [to] bott 7/26/1956 #13017  
veling west at 2,000–4,000 mph. It passes directly overhead and is seen as  8/13/1956 #13080  
 evasive action. White night light passes 40' / plane.                      8/16/1956 #13091  
  Near Azores, At Sea Object Makes Passes / DC-4 Takes Evasive Action (NICA 8/16/1956 #13093  
 CA 4 kids / pool. 6M ball / light passes overhead. Returns and away. Swish 8/23/1956 #13124  
URSAC, 23, FR Long luminous UFO. 3 passes and drops near / ground. Observer 9/1956 #13162  
flying biscuit with lights / sides passes straight and level. Separate obse 9/18/1956 (approximate) #13226  
 the air about 25 feet away. As it passes over him, the man feels numb and  Fall 1956 #13238  
rn back. Out again as Dakota plane passes.                                  10/10/1956 #13271  
 33+observer(s). Huge round object passes. Silent. Sharp edges. Going [to]  11/5/1956 #13306  
AFB in Rapid City that makes three passes at a brilliantly lit UFO bobbing  11/25/1956 #13352  
e 54th Fighter Squadron made three passes at a brilliantly lit UFO that was 11/25/1956 #13353  
ened when these UFOs made 5-6 more passes in formation following the same m 11/25/1956 #13353  
NG, ENG 3+observer(s). Silent disk passes / jet speed. Hole / center. Going 11/30/1956 #13368  
ing north. 1M red and green object passes over car / 6M altitude 5 times! E 12/22/1956 (approximate) #13411  
eams strong light / 3 observer(s). Passes / 55' altitude.                   12/30/1956 #13419  
k the loose snow up under it as it passes.                                  3/8/1957 #13531  
 Columbia, SC Fiery Ball With Tail Passes C-47 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 3/9/1957 #13539  
). Dazzling object hovers / field. Passes water tower / low altitude. Maneu 5/2/1957 #13641  
ft for 40 minutes. It made several passes, crossing above or under the airl 6/30/1957 #13760  
e plane into a dive and the object passes only 50 feet above them. Two pass 7/17/1957 #13809  
ircraft into a dive and the object passes above him. Schemel has to make an 7/22/1957 #13817  
ck dart and maneuver. Hide / plane passes. Glow. Going quickly southeast.   8/15/1957 #13898  
beach report a similar object that passes over at high speed.               8/20/1957 #13912  
der/cylindrical object with struts passes under helicopter. Going quickly [ 8/28/1957 #13939  
 military. Silent glowing ovoid. 4 passes north going quickly south. / r141 9/20/1957 #14016  
luorescent.  Made four 5-10 second passes from north to south, with 4-5 min 9/20/1957 #14019  
to south, with 4-5 minutes between passes.                                  9/20/1957 #14019  
ar trajectory 150 miles behind. It passes over Ontario, Michigan, Illinois, 9/20/1957 #14020  
orescent. It made four 5-10 second passes over the airbase from north to so 9/20/1957 #14021  
to south, with 4-5 minutes between passes.                                  9/20/1957 #14021  
/ RAAF! Dark ovoid / 300M altitude passes / 600kph. / r120p161+/ r141#5.    10/16/1957 #14122  
heads straight toward their truck, passes directly overhead at about 200 fe 11/2/1957 #14216  
ch with two engines, fail as a UFO passes overhead. The Air Force calls the 11/2/1957 #14216  
 (electro-magnetic effects) as UFO passes near. Quickly going up [to] with  11/3/1957 #14227  
nking light appears in the sky and passes nearly above the car toward the n 11/3/1957 #14250  
 sound like an artillery shell. It passes above his car at about 150 feet,  11/4/1957 #14287  
NGO, CO 2 observer(s). Silver moon passes fast. Flipped over = ovoid. / r14 11/5/1957 #14294  
s, the light turns toward the car, passes over it, and hovers over the Perm 11/5/1957 #14348  
ermian Basin Pipeline plant. As it passes overhead, the car engine sputters 11/5/1957 #14348  
egg-shaped and multicolored. As it passes over their car, the engine stalls 11/6/1957 #14419  
static on his TV set as the object passes, slower than a meteor.            11/6/1957 #14426  
 for a total of 4 minutes until it passes behind some buildings.            11/6/1957 #14429  
M white luminous/glowing rectangle passes over town several times.          11/7/1957 #14442  
Going quickly SSE when light plane passes under.                            11/15/1957 #14554  
he returns to tell his friends, he passes a young couple walking toward the 11/21/1957 #14590  
all of fire crosses the sky. As it passes over the hull of the small boat,  11/29/1957 #14638  
ir headlights also fail as the UFO passes overhead. In addition, the inside 12/8/1957 #14692  
rs remain stalled until the object passes out of sight. Police say the obje 12/8/1957 #14692  
 Silver disk going south. 2nd disk passes first. / r141#19p14.              12/29/1957 #14768  
rm. Location unknown. Silent ovoid passes. Drops / hills. No further detail 2/2/1958 #14864  
in rear glides and accelerates and passes others!                           5/17/1958 #15039  
ar section with rounded points. It passes within 900 feet of her hotel.     6/1958 #15071  
RO, NH 4 / car. Big classic saucer passes into woods. Red orange. Silent. F 8/27/1958 #15226  
ights. Motorcycle stops. 7M saucer passes overhead. Going quickly [to] Cham 9/1/1958 #15242  
tists. Silent metallic disk. 2 low passes. Telepathy?                       10/11/1958 #15335  
RI, ITALY Many observer(s). Saucer passes / very low altitude. Power blacko 12/6/1958 #15470  
 CT Cop. Silent blue-glowing ovoid passes / 1 min. Flame / rear. Seen widel 12/17/1958 #15478  
lit. Dogs howl. 50M ovoid / 3 wide passes. Hums. / r55p167.                 2/24/1959 #15601  
scending path toward his house. It passes over the front yard at a height o 2/24/1959 #15605  
 a red egg shaped object made five passes over their house, which is locate 2/24/1959 #15607  
na 8:00 p.m. A large, luminous UFO passes over Salta, Argentina, and blacks 6/22/1959 #15784  
all the keys disconnected as a UFO passes overhead, traveling toward the ma 8/17/1959 #15923  
ching at high speed. As soon as it passes, the entire system returns to nor 8/17/1959 #15923  
oot going quickly west as airliner passes. Going quickly [to] back again.   9/10/1959 (approximate) #15963  
down [to] tilted. Slow spin. Plane passes. Object gone!                     12/19/1959 #16124  
or two, it veers southeastward and passes out of sight. No sound is heard o 2/5/1960 #16168  
s echo satellite. Featureless disk passes / 5 minute(s). / r24v1#10.        6/8/1960? #16307  
observer. 2M grey metallic torpedo passes / few meters altitude. Straight a 7/1960 #16320  
re approaches out of the south. It passes above their car dragging a trail  7/2/1960 #16327  
. Slow silent cylinder/cigar-shape passes. Painfully brilliant. Vanishes in 7/31/1960 #16350  
s disk. 1 photographs boomerang. 4 passes / 70 minute(s).                   9/10/1960 #16439  
a, Mérida, Venezuela, when a truck passes him. A few minutes later, a brill 1/1961 #16555  
olished blue steel swoops down and passes dangerously close above the hood  1/1961 #16555  
ook. Roar. Bright-yellow ovoid / 2 passes. House lights fail. Going quickly 2/28/1961 #16612  
ravels slowly to the southwest. It passes directly above their house, illum 2/28/1961 #16615  
 Frank Wellington Carter, who then passes it on to the National Investigati 4/18/1961 #16653  
 observer(s) / car. Classic saucer passes. Car engine quits. No further det 6/1961 #16707  
t lights or delta / running lights passes behind trees. Low altitude.       8/17/1961 #16797  
tching the object. At one point it passes near the Old Man of the Mountain. 9/19/1961 #16857  
 vibrates and a tingling sensation passes through them. At this point in ti 9/19/1961 #16857  
over Nephi, Utah, after the object passes overhead. Capt. Herman Gordon Shi 4/18/1962 #17120  
nged direction, because at Reno it passes west to east, in Utah it is seem  4/18/1962 #17120  
nly 20 feet above ground level and passes over their backyard before making 4/24/1962 #17127  
io transmission is disrupted as it passes underneath.                       5/22/1962 #17191  
ghts. It continues to approach and passes above a Fiat truck in the road ah 8/1962 #17309  
/ EGYPT UK airmen. Strong fireball passes 4 RAF jets / MACH 2. Makes 150° t 9/11/1962 #17393  
, Argentina A formation of objects passes over Entre Ríos province, Argenti 1/17/1963 #17636  
AUSTRALIA Radio cuts out as saucer passes over car.                         5/18/1963 #17747  
et of his car, swerves upward, and passes above him as the car radio makes  8/4/1963 #17863  
d on the car radio as the UFO made passes at the car. His engine also misse 8/4/1963 #17864  
FORT KENT, ME 2 boys agree. Saucer passes overhead north going south. Inter 8/18/1963 #17905  
. The UFO, about 65 feet diameter, passes a few feet above the car, making  8/20/1963 #17912  
go crazy, then reverses course and passes over the car again with the same  8/20/1963 #17912  
s sides appears from the north and passes overhead toward the south. The ro 9/14/1963 #17938  
e blunt forward edge as the object passes from south to north. He estimates 10/4/1963 #17980  
Blyth, Northumberland, England. It passes within a mile of their port side, 11/20/1963 #18052  
ATS A/C Radar Tracks Object Making Passes (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 12/21/1963 #18089  
r battery dies. UFO / type unknown passes. Cows ill. / news.                12/24/1963 #18091  
He briefly loses sight of it as it passes behind cumulus cloud cover. No no 5/26/1964 #18306  
lit top-shaped object made head-on passes at car, paced ahead of it, hoveri 6/29/1964 #18382  
r repeated washings. After several passes over his car, it starts spinning  6/30/1964 #18386  
t” approaches at high speed. As it passes by, the trees shake and they hear 8/9/1964 #18472  
, MASS 1 observer. Dark 24' saucer passes over factory. 2000' altitude / 30 10/1/1964 #18567  
 lines. It is so huge that when it passes nearly in front of him, it fills  12/21/1964 #18670  
H. Hall meets with a CIA agent and passes on some UFO case information and  1/19/1965 #18748  
n object that had made several low passes over the village with other flyin 2/21/1965 #18824  
,500 feet. Just after the aircraft passes Himeji, Hyogo, an elliptical lumi 3/18/1965 #18864  
DFORD, MASS Classic saucer makes 2 passes / golf course. Terrific speeds. 1 5/14/1965 #18938  
d, when a large disc-shaped object passes over, making a slight swishing no 6/1965 #18979  
range calming sensation as the UFO passes by.                               6/1965 #18979  
OULON, VAR Silver sphere/orb/globe passes leaving orange trail / sky. Sever 6/28/1965 (approximate) #19030  
Maria Airport stop when the object passes overhead. Weather personnel and o 7/9/1965 #19088  
witness this clearly. The aircraft passes the objects but cannot see them v 8/1/1965 #19245  
come back on intermittently. A UFO passes just above his truck with a wind- 8/4/1965 #19319  
5,000 feet. An Iberia Airlines jet passes him on the way up at 24,000 feet. 9/17/1965 #19580  
GL Phony land rover without wheels passes car. Whines and vanishes!         12/8/1965 #19757  
ON Phony land rover without lights passes car. Vanishes / puff / smoke.     12/15/1965 (approximate) #19769  
 transport crew. Fast dark dome. 2 passes / same altitude over airport.     12/22/1965 #19785  
 At Sea Large, cigar shaped object passes within 1 mile of ship (NICAP: 01  1/11/1966 #19825  
0° and from almost exact north. It passes directly overhead at less than 15 1/18/1966 #19850  
traight at them from the north. It passes overhead less than 150 feet, dive 1/18/1966 #19853  
d. Saucer at 300'. Darkens / plane passes. Going west.                      2/6/1966 #19881  
speed. At another point the object passes directly over the Mannors with a  3/20/1966 #20012  
ht lights / field. Hide when train passes and return. Manlike shadows. Odd  4/1/1966 #20194  
 in all the areas where the object passes over.                             4/5/1966 #20250  
. It zooms toward them in a flash, passes overhead from west to east, turns 4/8/1966 #20276  
 makes a low humming sound when it passes about 15 feet above them. The boy 4/8/1966 #20276  
 follows car / miles up to 180kph. Passes and goes going up. / r73p31.      5/6/1966 #20452  
flips over, and, rolling inverted, passes over the top of the XB-70, striki 6/8/1966 #20544  
er(s). Octagon with lights makes 2 passes over field. Shoots straight going 7/5/1966 #20632  
PORTUGAL Fast cylinder/cigar-shape passes / 1km altitude. No further detail 9/16/1966 #20887  
er messages follow, and Villagrasa passes them on to Fernando Sesma, an emp 11/28/1966 #21157  
ast at 6:15 p.m., it reappears and passes over the car.                     12/15/1966 #21203  
 / sharp maneuvers. Stops as plane passes. Going quickly south.             1/16/1967 #21317  
rliner crew / daytime. Pearly disk passes IL-18 / 8km altitude. 90° turn qu 2/1967 #21425  
set reception is disrupted when it passes by.                               2/10/1967 #21505  
 the bottom. It flies, hovers, and passes over the witnesses. While hoverin 2/10/1967 #21506  
 (or Greys) hide / house until car passes. Saucer flies away.               2/18/1967 #21588  
 approaches the farmhouse. When it passes above a power line, it stops and  3/5/1967 #21763  
cond. It remains silent even as it passes above them. A second light, much  Spring 1967 #21926  
 is flooded with static. An object passes near the car and disappears into  4/8/1967 #22095  
d disk hovers. Tilts / small plane passes. Plane makes 180° turn.           4/21/1967 #22176  
aft approaches it, flies above it, passes it, turns, and approaches it from 4/28/1967 #22245  
nvisible whistling-rumbling entity passes over man. No plane..              5/11/1967 #22314  
blip pulls to the right (east) and passes over the airport at an estimated  5/13/1967 #22337  
f about 200 feet. The object track passes within 1.5 miles of the control t 5/13/1967 #22337  
 BARCA, PORTUGAL Farmer and 2. UFO passes. 2 classic small humanoids (or Gr 7/1967 #22584  
      CHATOU, FR Blinding fireball passes 20M / observer(s). Steers around  7/17/1967 #22670  
5 minutes, then suddenly dives and passes underneath the ship, vanishing in 7/30/1967 #22753  
but disappears after a white cloud passes in front of it.                   9/1967 #22971  
observer(s). Torpedo or fiery ring passes 30' from 1 observer(s). Going nor 10/9/1967 #23197  
ly across the road from the right, passes slowly to the left, then speeds u 11/6/1967 #23414  
ights rotate and maneuver. Several passes. No hard form in binocs.          11/20/1967 #23485  
h an unusual white, flashing light passes above them at a distance of 100–2 11/22/1967 #23498  
epartment, led by Lev Artsimovich, passes a resolution denouncing studying  12/1967 #23529  
ut 90 feet above the road. Then it passes overhead and causes the car to go 12/12/1967 #23575  
pointed top hovers. Heat wave when passes overhead.                         12/22/1967 #23597  
erence (RFI). Globular / red light passes over car. Going quickly south. /  12/24/1967 #23602  
il. The object approaches the car, passes overhead, then moves away to the  12/24/1967 #23606  
r, road illuminated; made repeated passes at car (Section XII, Vol. II, The 1/20/1968 #23680  
r, road illuminated. Made repeated passes at car                            1/20/1968 #23681  
w-flying, disc-shaped object as it passes overhead. The UFO is about 50 fee 2/4/1968 #23734  
         JOHNSTON, RI Domed saucer passes over observer(s) car. Lights on r 2/11/1968 #23748  
neer and 1. Ovoid darkens as plane passes. Vanishes when hit / light.       2/24/1968 #23781  
g at an altitude of 2,000 feet. It passes them in a matter of seconds.      3/3/1968 #23815  
 55' cylinder/cigar-shape / saucer passes car. Car malfunctions due to EME  3/4/1968 #23820  
 car in West Seneca, New York, and passes in front of it. The object is 50– 3/4/1968 #23823  
at the back was observed for a few passes, then moved off, silently and qui Spring 1968 #23851  
g the now extinguished sphere, and passes outside. Still shaken, María goes 6/15/1968 #24039  
r way. They drop to the ground, it passes over them, and then shoots away s 7/2/1968 #24131  
Z 1 observer. Cylinder/cigar-shape passes. Saucer exits square door and re- 8/1/1968 #24285  
     NEAR ORADEA, ROMANIA 3M ovoid passes airliner going quickly west / 120 8/17/1968 #24345  
utes, the procession of 20 objects passes nearly overhead, heading west. Th 8/21/1968 #24364  
rilliant 8M saucer / 150M altitude passes 500M away by Itaipu Rock.         9/9/1968 #24444  
parate observer(s) / beach. Saucer passes several X. Hums and spins. Lands. 9/9/1968 #24445  
ght, and it made several low-level passes over the beach before briefly lan 9/9/1968 #24448  
 engine and radio to cut out as it passes over his car. The object changes  11/23/1968 #24695  
LAND Fr. pilots. Intense 20M ovoid passes. Heat. Mirage drops 1500M.        12/22/1968 #24786  
n view for 10–12 minutes before it passes out of sight. Skeptic Robert Shea 1/6/1969 #24821  
 smoke rises from the ground as he passes over a particular spot. He notifi Mid 7/1969 #25270  
EY, MASS 1 observer. Apparent disk passes overhead. Static sparks appear /  10/14/1969 #25412  
uments go dead as the large object passes overhead. Bright red lights under 10/24/1969 #25422  
 right leg numb, and he vomits and passes black urine; Viljo also suffers s 1/7/1970 #25540  
EAST TO HAWAII Large silver sphere passes going [to] WSW. Seems controlled. 6/7/1970 (approximate) #25691  
l nights / succession. Night light passes going southeast. 1 night it swall 8/1970 #25763  
er color for about 5 minutes as it passes overhead to the northeast. It mak 8/14/1970 #25784  
      NEAR EVERETT, WA Night light passes over car. Car slows way down / no 12/5/1970 #25927  
ey see a bright flash as something passes overhead and in front of the car. 9/19/1971 #26347  
eparate photographs. Orange object passes rapidly. Meteor?                  10/3/1971 #26404  
e from behind on the west side. It passes within a few hundred yards of the 12/20/1971 #26509  
0:00 p.m. A dark, wedge-shaped UFO passes directly over several witnesses a 6/29/1972 #26742  
 2:29 p.m. An earth-grazing meteor passes 35 miles above the Earth’s surfac 8/10/1972 #26892  
the headlights dim. A wave of heat passes over him, then the UFO races away 9/20/1972 #27016  
      OSORNO, CHILE Saucer makes 2 passes / car / stalls. 2 observer(s). Sa 1/1/1973 #27207  
Power outage as white glowing-dome passes. No further details.              1/7/1973 #27224  
b on color film as it pulsates and passes behind distant trees before disap 1/11/1973 #27230  
erver(s). Luminous/glowing 7M disk passes low over homes. Going south very  2/18/1973 #27294  
ees a bright light approaching. It passes over the roof of a nearby house,  3/20/1973 #27352  
 RHODESIA 2 cops. Boomerang object passes over town. / Skywatch-RSA #25p11. 4/9/1973 #27416  
ore/others. Glowing-ball / several passes. / r31p20.                        4/13/1973 #27428  
    PYLES MOUNTAIN, MO Night light passes by. 10 second(s) photograph shows 5/4/1973 #27467  
r moving around inside his car. It passes in front of the dashboard and he  5/22/1973 #27518  
royer’s radar and made three close passes. RK states he heard the object wa 6/1973 #27543  
lent yellow crescent shaped object passes fast / high altitude.             8/10/1973 #27690  
ral observer(s). Huge round object passes over. / r232v3#2p4.               8/23/1973 #27719  
observer(s). Vertical beam / light passes over island.                      9/1/1973 #27741  
 2+observer(s). 20' lighted object passes / very low altitude. / many local 9/8/1973 #27778  
p back in the truck but apparently passes out. He later notices he has some 9/23/1973 #27859  
e. Circle / lights makes fantastic passes / low altitude.                   10/5/1973 #27942  
was seen in the sky making several passes over the area at high speeds and  10/5/1973 #27953  
HAM, ENGL 1 observer. Domed saucer passes over town. No further details.    10/18/1973 #28151  
      Owego, NY Cows run as object passes over (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reaction 10/19/1973 #28195  
 Clinton Township New Jersey A UFO passes over Round Valley Reservoir, Clin 10/20/1973 #28217  
 and 1. Silent flying wing makes 5 passes going east to going southeast ove 10/22/1973 #28233  
ar the railroad tracks. As a train passes through, the object dims and hove 10/22/1973 #28240  
            LEMBEEK, BELGIUM Globe passes over town. / Nieusblad 11.73+GESA 11/1/1973 #28331  
ORO, NC Several observer(s). Ovoid passes / very low altitude. / Carolina P 11/1/1973 #28334  
 speeds up against her will as she passes Westlawn Cemetery. The object is  11/2/1973 #28352  
observer(s). Diamond-shaped object passes / low altitude. / contact-USA v1# 11/3/1973 #28360  
nd. The UFO begins moving east and passes out of sight at treetop level in  11/6/1973 #28376  
veral observer(s). Luminous object passes. Electric power fluctuates / same 11/9/1973 #28395  
 MO 2 observer(s). Red-orange bowl passes / very low altitude. / W. Star-Jo 12/2/1973 #28504  
observer(s). Large circular object passes over. / Portland Journal 6.12.73. 12/4/1973 #28518  
its precision. After the formation passes, another Portuguese aircraft repo 1/26/1974 #28709  
ts stand / rim / dome-saucer as it passes / 50kph.                          2/25/1974 #28798  
 of domed disc-shaped object as it passes by at 50 kph in York Plains, Tasm 2/25/1974 #28802  
illiant orange blimp hovers. Plane passes under. Going northwest.           3/6/1974 #28863  
ireball silently blinks and slowly passes over 2 gardeners east going west  3/18/1974 #28906  
bject turns abruptly to the south, passes behind a small mountain peak, tur 4/15/1974 #29031  
s greatly as screaming night light passes north going quickly south.        4/20/1974 #29050  
/APARTMENT, MO Night lights. Plane passes with red light / wrong wing. Huge 5/24/1974 #29130  
S, SP Star maneuvers all over sky. Passes car. Blinks. Lands in woods.      5/27/1974 #29138  
rge dome lands and darkens / plane passes. Spin and sparks. / Flying Saucer 6/6/1974 #29167  
” The object then makes high-speed passes at the plane, drawing closer. The 6/9/1974 #29175  
s suspended beneath it. The object passes silently less than 20 feet above  Summer 1974 #29218  
2 men / road. Bright blue 9M ovoid passes.                                  8/3/1974 #29305  
      PEYRINS, 26, FR Large "star" passes east going quickly west straight  8/28/1974 #29393  
STR Car / roadside. White fireball passes by. Car shakes and engine quits.  9/1974 #29409  
ver(s). 3M saucer seen / detail. 2 passes northwest going quickly southeast 9/10/1974 #29442  
dio and headlights go out. The UFO passes the road ahead and then lands on  9/21/1974 #29467  
ing a brilliant white light. As it passes over, horses act up and a dog tri 10/15/1974 #29531  
 a height of 25 feet. It turns and passes them in the opposite direction an 11/5/1974 #29586  
703. Delta/triangle/box-like craft passes 350' over cop. Glows. Silent. Spo 4/4/1975 #29956  
ats going up. Zaps observer(s) who passes out. Rooster dead. / r186#29+/ r7 4/18/1975 #29993  
many / ground. Red metallic saucer passes plane. / LDLN#339p29.             7/20/1975 #30188  
ucker. Thick fog. 7M glowing-ovoid passes closely. Missing time / r11p110.  8/1975 #30224  
 from the center of its base as it passes over them. Silently, the craft tu 8/20/1975 #30291  
elligible. 2M silent silver object passes. / r30.                           9/1/1975 (approximate) #30334  
 25–30 feet in the air. The object passes over his truck from the rear and  10/18/1975 #30444  
s counterclockwise / low altitude. Passes 35M from observer(s) / 15.        11/1975 #30530  
ghts, perhaps hundreds of them. It passes slowly over their car, so close t Early 11/1975 #30539  
ta 10:15–11:20 p.m. A bright light passes over Minot AFB, North Dakota, mov 11/10/1975 #30594  
ting up both sides of the road. It passes directly over the cruiser at abou 11/11/1975 #30612  
 rays going down / ground. Makes 2 passes. Going quickly southeast. / FSRv1 11/24/1975 #30659  
UNS, BRZ 1 / VW car. Silent 4M egg passes / low altitude. Transparent point 12/3/1975 #30682  
tal saucer low / sky. Flat bottom. Passes steeple. Straight and level going 1/28/1976 #30827  
a collision at the last minute and passes over his right wing. The radar sh 3/3/1976 #30921  
c effect (EME). 45M glowing-object passes. Local (as a local wave) wave. /  3/15/1976 #30941  
sts into flame. When the white car passes the couple, they notice it is cov 3/22/1976 #30952  
IUM Widow and 2 kids. Domed saucer passes. Small lights around rim. / R.deG 5/4/1976 #31034  
t that swings back and forth as it passes his car. It makes a slight whistl 6/21/1976 #31121  
meter. The UFO moves toward Klein, passes 33 feet above his head, and then  9/3/1976 #31335  
The first UFO is moving closer and passes over a neighbor’s house, shining  9/10/1976 #31371  
course at a much greater speed. It passes in front of the Massif du Taillef 11/5/1976 #31528  
             PUTNAM, CT Girl / car passes under 2 50' metallic saucers. Col 11/10/1976 #31535  
ng alone near Putnam, Connecticut, passes underneath two dark metallic obje 11/10/1976 #31538  
flying west to east. As the object passes overhead, he realizes it is not a 12/15/1976 #31604  
TH AUSTR Farmer. Flashes. Fireball passes close. Away / high speed. / MJ#12 1/20/1977 #31730  
  CANTON, MS 12m wingless fuselage passes pilot / ground. 50kph. 3 observer 2/16/1977 #31818  
o more yellowish in the middle. He passes directly underneath the object, w 3/4/1977 #31858  
t, Haute-Marne, France Object made passes at Mirage IV (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 3/7/1977 #31868  
   MANDURA, WEST AUSTR Globe light passes overhead. Car engine dies. Headli 3/13/1977 #31902  
thru) binoculars. Moon-size object passes buildings. Lands / trees. 2nd obj 4/8/1977 #31958  
AUSTR Bright night light low / sky passes over car. Lights and radio die. E 4/22/1977 #32011  
n horizon for about 40 seconds. It passes in front of them at a 45° above t 4/23/1977 #32017  
 90m delta/triangle/box-like craft passes overhead. 45m altitude / 55kph. G 7/1977 #32212  
y Interference (RFI). Domed saucer passes toward(s) hill.                   7/12/1977 #32258  
EN Silent 12M cylinder/cigar-shape passes / 300mph. Going down / low altitu 8/24/1977 #32419  
). Vague night light makes several passes. 90° turn going west. Back going  9/7/1977 #32467  
 with a vague outline made several passes at a car in Tooele, Utah. The UFO 9/7/1977 #32472  
denough see the object as well. It passes the aircraft at a speed “beyond c 9/22/1977 #32510  
ir drawings are consistent, so she passes them on to the Cheshire police, w 10/4/1977 #32550  
CONI, ITL 1 / home. 20M top saucer passes / 100M away. 1M altitude. Traces. 12/6/1977 #32735  
, AUS 2 / light plane. 9 x3x1M UFO passes. HF and VHF radios out / 30 minut 12/9/1977 #32751  
ght electro-magnetic effect (EME). Passes overhead and flies away.          12/30/1977 #32818  
ter, and a dome on top. The object passes overhead and seems to land in a w 1/1978 #32837  
roaching at high speed. As the UFO passes about 6,000 feet to his left, Hal 1/1/1978 #32841  
dome as a bright spot when the UFO passes. After about a minute, the object 1/1/1978 #32841  
ld. They notice an “airplane” that passes slowly over the field; moments la 1/31/1978 #32928  
 road only 15 feet from him. As he passes Edwards, the figure looks at him  3/17/1978 #33048  
r, he is subjected to hypnosis and passes a lie detector test and apparentl 5/1978 #33181  
he UFO turns south toward them and passes over their car. The male student  6/10/1978 #33266  
and-forth motions. At one point it passes above the plane. The object is tr 6/24/1978 #33306  
 40' saucer going down. Dims / car passes. 2 pseudo-human/entity. / Interna 7/4/1978 #33328  
 approaching from the north. As it passes overhead at a uniform speed, abou 8/20/1978 #33533  
(RFI). Red sphere. Odors. 1 / crew passes out.                              8/23/1978 #33552  
isible for 30–35 seconds before it passes behind a cloud. He estimates it i 9/20/1978 #33714  
ning through sections of it. As it passes above their car, it seems to be m 10/6/1978 #33800  
 when he sees an orange light that passes overhead and hovers in the southw 10/8/1978 #33816  
tilted slightly toward them. As it passes over their heads, they hear a fai 10/28/1978 #33887  
octagon going down / 60' altitude. Passes overhead / 25mph. Blue lights / e 11/2/1978 #33911  
e company takes photos of it as it passes a water tower and then hovers ove 11/21/1978 #33974  
shire, England, on the A5 when she passes beneath a hovering object shaped  11/22/1978 #33980  
                           The CIA passes on three other UFO documents to t 12/4/1978 #34057  
L, FR 2 kids. 2M orange saucer / 2 passes. Buzzes. Lights / ends. Both obse 1/18/1979 #34354  
de orange disc-shaped UFO made two passes over two witnesses. The UFO made  1/18/1979 #34356  
e orange disc-shaped UFO mades two passes over two witnesses in Metzeral, F 1/18/1979 #34360  
 UFO begins to move toward her and passes overhead. It is as big as a jetli 2/1979 #34398  
omes through the closed window and passes three feet from her face. It then 6/1979 #34600  
 and triangular markings. After it passes silently behind the trees to the  6/10/1979 #34605  
ge white night light makes several passes at car / Bassett and Vanowen St.  7/25/1979 #34671  
 Lewisboro, NY White ball made two passes, two-way and portable radios fail 8/1/1979 #34695  
ns of Lewisboro the same night. It passes southeast directly over his car,  8/1/1979 #34696  
 PA 2 cops / helicopter. 2' saucer passes. Slow at first. Can't catch it af 8/4/1979 #34709  
RO, CEARA, BRAZIL Huge dark object passes. 2 figure(s) / window. Tile roof  8/26/1979 #34781  
y visible as it slowly (10–15 mph) passes overhead, gently spinning on its  Mid 9/1979 #34887  
several witnesses. One of the UFOs passes very close to the airport runway, 11/11/1979 #34997  
long. The next morning her husband passes the field and notices that it is  11/14/1979 #34998  
tire object. It makes a U-turn and passes overhead as it moves south with a 11/15/1979 #35001  
 FR 1 observer. Multi-colored disk passes fast / low altitude. Spins? Leave 12/12/1979 #35074  
ng a silvery-gray jump suit. As he passes, the arc lights on the object sta 1/14/1980 #35135  
e locks herself inside the car and passes out. When she wakes up, her car i 1/21/1980 #35141  
URILLAC, FR Luminous orange sphere passes. Shines beam down. Separate night 1/28/1980 #35148  
. The spotlight switches off as it passes overhead and moves to the northwe 3/15/1980 #35218  
r discs surrounding it. The object passes silently above their car, moving  4/6/1980 #35257  
aly An unknown cigar-shaped object passes close to a commercial aircraft ne 6/11/1980 #35357  
and more. Plain torpedo-tank shape passes 15M away!                         6/12/1980 #35359  
, 10-inch-wide cigar-shaped object passes about 30 feet above them moving s 6/15/1980 #35375  
FR 2 / car. Dark silent 20M sphere passes / 60kph. Spins. Spots / side.     6/26/1980 #35391  
HONFLEUR, FR 12 teens. White ovoid passes. Drops gangway. Shoots going quic 8/20/1980 (approximate) #35467  
L 2 observer(s). 3M blazing saucer passes boat / very low altitude. Lights  9/1980 #35487  
inish. It exhibits no wobble as it passes through the plane’s turbulence. L 9/4/1980 #35494  
grabs binoculars and watches as it passes overhead and continues, appearing 10/6/1980 #35558  
The object is at treetop level and passes to the right of a security light. 10/26/1980 #35591  
s it into an evasive dive. When it passes close to the plane, they see a se 11/11/1980 #35634  
IRKSVILLE, MO FAA RADAR. Blips / 4 passes. 1 object at 45 MPH. No visual. / 11/18/1980 #35649  
t local witnesses alert him to. It passes through the Kirksville area 4–5 t 11/18/1980 #35654  
 so engrossed in watching that she passes by the restaurant. Suddenly the o 3/1981 #35859  
low lights on the underside. As it passes overhead, they hear a heavy hummi 4/15/1981 #35899  
e all metal and black in color. It passes to the west-southwest.            4/16/1981 #35901  
oaches the witness at a 45° angle, passes directly above him, accelerates u 5/16/1981 #35940  
arge, bright-white object make two passes over the reservation. One witness 7/15/1981 #36006  
 red light traveling in tandem. It passes over the house again 30 minutes l 7/30/1981 #36041  
makes a soft whooshing sound as it passes, like gas escaping from a propane 8/10/1981 #36068  
luminum with a grid pattern. As it passes overhead, they hear a low-pitched 9/18/1981 #36128  
ngular lighted objects. The lowest passes over their car at 50– 100 feet al 9/18/1981 #36129  
 the dome. It makes no sound as it passes left to right just above the tres 11/24/1981 #36232  
ansparent. Meneses apparently then passes out. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 12/15/1981 #36256  
Brazil Night. A cylindrical object passes above the Stadium Morenão in Camp 3/6/1982 #36379  
he lights go on again, and the UFO passes over their heads at 250 feet. Its 4/1/1982 #36427  
/ ELIZABETH, CO 50' flattened bell passes car / low altitude. Buzzes house  5/27/1982 #36487  
approaches the car from behind and passes above it by about 30 feet.        6/10/1982 #36498  
 light hovers. Dims out when plane passes. Row / night lights.              9/9/1982 #36598  
aust trail. At the instant that it passes, the vortex hits them so hard tha 10/24/1982 #36663  
makes a humming sound as it slowly passes over them, heading east.          11/1982 #36668  
haped object with a domed covering passes noiselessly overhead. Two small w Early 11/1982 #36673  
 silent and has no markings. As it passes over, the object rotates 360° nos 11/25/1982 #36690  
 and makes only a faint hum. As it passes over, he feels a deep vibration i 12/31/1982 #36733  
ing, UK UFO Alert as Mystery Light Passes over Berks (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 3/15/1983 #36783  
It makes a low droning sound as it passes by.                               12/1983 #37059  
angle preceded by a flashing light passes over Guildford, Surrey, England,  1/1984 #37102  
ut others pink or blue. As the car passes it at a slow speed, they can dete 1/8/1984 #37113  
rver(s). Slow white glowing object passes / 2 minute(s). 90° turn. Large ac 2/9/1984 #37182  
 tractor trailers.” It wobbles and passes over trees to the southwest.      2/29/1984 #37210  
ts in an inverted L pattern. As it passes, it blocks out the sky and stars. 3/6/1984 #37219  
hire 8:00 p.m. A triangular object passes above a car in West Nottingham, N 3/28/1984 #37246  
e/box-like craft with 2 headlights passes 50' over car. No further details. 3/29/1984 #37247  
he entry of an unknown object that passes 15 miles in front of it only 1.8  5/5/1984 #37317  
he entry of an unknown object that passes 15 miles in front of it, and then 5/5/1984 #37320  
lat base and two vast searchlights passes silently over Fairy Cottage, near 5/29/1984 #37342  
f all are connected to one object, passes directly over the home of John Bu 5/31/1984 #37348  
 New York. It makes no sound as it passes overhead except for a faint hummi 5/31/1984 #37348  
 2 observer(s). Large slow V-shape passes radio tower / 40' altitude. Headl 6/21/1984 #37368  
th of three football fields. As it passes over the Unit 3 reactor, at one p 7/24/1984 #37412  
 fields and shaped like a cone. It passes directly over Unit 3 reactor for  7/24/1984 #37416  
 separates from the locomotive and passes around the building. When it retu 2/1985 #37552  
 circular formation of lights that passes over Interstate 84, causing many  5/26/1985 #37593  
00 feet when a wingless projectile passes 200–500 feet below them from left 8/15/1985 #37643  
E, AZ 2 observer(s). Bright saucer passes light plane / 1200mph going quick 5/11/1986 #37862  
r(s) / SR26. 1m saucer with lights passes car / 2m altitude. No effects. Sh 5/11/1986 #37863  
olis, Indiana, for 4–5 minutes. It passes above an airliner going in the op 8/13/1986 #37987  
mble. 60' and cylinder/cigar-shape passes just over ground. Obscured / hous 9/6/1986 #38016  
lowing red 2' cylinder/cigar-shape passes 2nd story window slowly!          3/16/1987 #38142  
lowing cylinder/cylindrical object passes very fast. No further details. /  7/30/1987 #38220  
objects are seen making successive passes over Plymouth, Devon, between 10: 8/4/1987 #38228  
es a low-flying aerial object that passes over the trees to the left. After Mid 10/1987 #38305  
     NYKOBING F., DK 20cm red ball passes bicycle. 2-3M altitude. Turns dow 11/3/1987 (approximate) #38316  
ruise ship in the sky.” The object passes over cars and trees at an altitud 2/10/1988 #38452  
ap of a finger.” They make several passes toward the Perry Nuclear Power Pl 3/4/1988 #38487  
lashing lights make two crisscross passes near the generating station in Ho 7/17/1988 #38603  
t drops from the sky and makes two passes about 200 feet from the ground. I 7/17/1988 #38603  
g noise can be heard as the object passes close by.                         7/17/1988 #38603  
     PARTIZANSKII, DALNIY-V Sphere passes 1/2 jet-speed. 4000M altitude. In 7/25/1988 #38608  
f the airplane.” The wall of light passes at an estimated 6,200 mph, disapp 10/1988 #38661  
LF BREEZE, FL 2 observer(s). Light passes window. Classic GB saucer crosses 12/4/1988 #38739  
 Forest animals freeze as cylinder passes overhead (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reac 1/18/1989 #38784  
 copilot both Captains. 3m torpedo passes 240m under plane.                 1/27/1989 #38803  
of a brightly luminous object that passes nearly overhead in Hakui, Ishikaw 7/6/1989 #39013  
TON, AL 2 observer(s). White ovoid passes. Possible cloaked figure / bedroo 7/18/1989 #39026  
b/globe. High-altitude acrobatics. Passes over jetliner.                    8/26/1989 #39075  
erial glow approaching them. As it passes overhead, they see that it is a d 9/27/1989 #39124  
                     IPAVA, IL Jet passes. 2 cottony forms appear. Angel ha 10/4/1989 #39142  
   TUNICA, MS 300' aluminum sphere passes crop duster diagonally / 800mph.  10/10/1989 #39157  
behind some trees. The object then passes above the police car, moving nort 11/29/1989 #39276  
GIUM Delta/triangle/box-like craft passes low over roadway. 2 large lights  11/30/1989 #39279  
akes a tour of the square; when it passes over their heads, they notice it  12/1/1989 #39292  
tes. It is hovering at first, then passes above their house.                12/11/1989 #39312  
ys). Jump / water / ditch when car passes.                                  5/18/1990 #39574  
 Smith’s taped testimony, which he passes. A controlled VSA test has also b 6/10/1990 #39612  
s. A few moments later, the object passes silently over her house. She noti 10/23/1990 #39806  
med saucer over I95. 3 cars see. 1 passes under. Lights blink / sequence.   1/10/1991 #39949  
EIGHTS, CA Silent perfect triangle passes 3000' overhead. No lights. 120mph 3/10/1991 #40008  
ENT, ENGL 10' cylinder/cigar-shape passes Alitalia airliner. Air Traffic Co 4/21/1991 #40042  
tes as it moves across the ground, passes by a road sign, climbs onto the r 4/26/1991 #40050  
LK 4 / airliner. Wingless fuselage passes very close. No further details.   6/17/1991 #40100  
on course, and within 2 seconds it passes the aircraft’s wing at a distance 7/15/1991 #40123  
rce Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros passes instructions to the Spanish Air R 7/26/1991 #40134  
s, the light changes direction and passes over the roof of the car. The eng 1992 #40272  
Slow delta/triangle/box-like craft passes horizon going [to] horizon / 8 mi 3/3/1992 #40344  
AR TOORA, VCT, AUSTR Pulsing ovoid passes car. Driver feels all air gone.   6/27/1992 #40507  
aft comes directly toward them and passes underneath at an estimated distan 8/5/1992 #40552  
MANAUS, BRZ UFO group. Night light passes. Magnetic detector alarms. Normal 12/30/1992 (approximate) #40771  
ght. 20cm glowing sphere/orb/globe passes through room going south. 2nd goi 1/30/1993 #40819  
  PENSACOLA BEACH, FL Crown-saucer passes 2X. Caught / 8mm video 25 March / 3/24/1993 #40899  
rd in Shropshire, England. The UFO passes over the base “at great velocity  3/31/1993 #40914  
is speed up to 100 mph. The object passes them and climbs hundreds of feet  4/28/1993 #40953  
t with lights hovers near roadway. Passes low over pickup truck. No further 9/26/1993 #41209  
 and lights. Lights out when plane passes nearby.                           1/5/1994? #41363  
  PENSACOLA, FL 2 / car. 8' saucer passes car. Stops 50' over house 50' awa 4/28/1994 #41508  
. Blinding silent 30cm silver ball passes overhead. No further details.     12/12/1994 #41891  
ground. Bright lights / 4 hours. 1 passes plane. / LDLN#308+309+331.        1/1/1995 #41929  
 altitude / 30 minute(s). Airliner passes under.                            2/8/1995 #42026  
s and 2. Green ovoid circles city. Passes overhead. / NURC.                 3/15/1995 #42100  
r(s). Car-sized silver-grey saucer passes mountainside. Scouts 3 ravines. G 6/11/1995 #42250  
lar object with rounded edges that passes straight above their unit, illumi 6/22/1995 #42267  
nd facets on its upper portion. It passes behind trees to the right in abou 7/15/1995 #42303  
rainer plane. Brilliant gold ovoid passes under / 7K' altitude.             7/26/1995 #42328  
Night lights all over/all about. 1 passes window. Observer(s) and lamp oil  8/31/1995 #42433  
. Black triangular mass hovers and passes slowly / 20 minute(s). No further 9/24/1995 #42506  
Their boat engine fails as the UFO passes over, but they restart it and fle 10/1/1995 #42529  
YSHIRE 1+dog. Huge silent triangle passes. Phone and electricity out after. 11/4/1995 #42580  
A Round jet-black sphere/orb/globe passes crescent moon. Excellent report a 4/24/1996 #42881  
 Black 50cm sphere rises / sea and passes plane. Possible missile?          6/9/1996 #42928  
ng on patrol on the main road that passes in front of the police station in 7/8/1996 #42950  
and has a speed of 746–932 mph. It passes about 6.5 feet from the wing of t 11/16/1996 #43112  
OVINA, CA 4 observer(s). Gray disk passes overhead. Pauses then moves on. / 12/14/1996 #43140  
ates hover. Douses lights as plane passes. 10-day wave.                     3/31/1997 #43247  
, BC 1 observer / window. Triangle passes / low altitude. Round white light 4/21/1997 #43269  
and house-lights out 1-by-1 as UFO passes low.                              4/23/1997 #43272  
HUANIA Saucer going [to] overhead. Passes within 10M / 5 observer(s). Rhyth 5/12/1997 #43291  
silent wingless "medicine capsule" passes / 18k' altitude.                  7/7/1997 #43347  
Going quickly southwest when plane passes near.                             12/14/1997 #43459  
 a large equilateral triangle that passes overhead.                         12/3/1998 #43696  
c disk over Trenton. Gone when car passes trees.                            6/7/1999 #43781  
psychologist from Suzhou. Cao also passes a lie detector test at the Beijin 12/1999 #43890  
ineyard man. Luminous plate saucer passes. Absolute(ly) silent. / Police re 2/13/2000 #43949  
. Whistle and humming. "Submarine" passes. Shoots up. 3 lights strobe / top 6/6/2001 #44192  
ht over Lake Minnehaha. The object passes over his car at about 15–20 feet  2/2/2002 #44315  
e UFO takes on a triangular shape, passes in front of the plane, and gives  1/4/2004 #44644  
he illuminated plane of the object passes through the centre of the frame,  1/27/2004 #44657  
hem and through their vehicle. One passes through the windshield and passes 5/1/2005 #44828  
 passes through the windshield and passes through a window. The second pass 5/1/2005 #44828  
asses through a window. The second passes through the man’s left arm and up 5/1/2005 #44828  
s person, in return for anonymity, passes on a huge volume of information e 11/1/2005 #44898  
him and they make three additional passes as they track it on airborne rada 1/12/2007 #44999  
em, grazing Laila’s shoulder as it passes. Within seconds it is lost behind 9/2009 #45241  
urring at a low frequency. The UFO passes overhead and his vehicle suffers  11/25/2009 #45256  
wn object flying at a low altitude passes directly above the Rafael Hernánd 4/25/2013 #45365  
ject slows almost to a hover as it passes above them. Once the object passe 10/6/2013 #45389  
passes above them. Once the object passes out of view to the rear, they are 10/6/2013 #45389  
ort observe a man-like object that passes them to the northeast over Maccle 6/13/2014 #45410  
ervatory, Hawaii, 40 days after it passes its closest point to the Sun on S 10/19/2017 #45485  
grayish, thin-profiled object that passes by very close at the same altitud 2/1/2018 #45505  
ly in sight for 2 seconds below it passes beneath the plane. It is either h 7/5/2018 #45533  
 appears to have a linear form. It passes down the left- hand side of the a 1/15/2019 #45558  
ndently sees the same object as it passes over the leader’s aircraft. He ma 1/15/2019 #45558  
g through cloud at 17,000 feet. It passes beneath them from the center of t 4/28/2019 #45573  
-sized cube with a ball on top. It passes down the left-hand side of the ai 5/5/2019 #45577  
dog in Arlington, Virginia. As she passes a parked van, a man gets out and  11/26/2019 #45618  
anges to a string of lights. As he passes underneath, he notices the object 4/22/2022 #45745  
## Word: "passess" (Back to Top)
(E of), NJ Light Makes 5-6 Head On Passess At Navy Plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 11/7/1950 #5269  
## Word: "passfield" (Back to Top)
                                   PASSFIELD, HAMPS Humming then absolute(l 7/18/1980 #35416  
## Word: "passing" (Back to Top)
 object shoots flames / 20 minutes passing. No further details.             1/2/1756 #76  
mber of round, dark-brown globules passing in front of the disc of the sun  6/17/1777 #85  
osphere over the North Sea, before passing over the east coast of Scotland, 8/18/1783 #90  
00–4:00 p.m. James E. Beveridge is passing the mill by the Waterworks Reser 11/4/1867 #169  
sible for more than 20 minutes. In passing in front of the sun they appear  11/4/1867 #169  
n-like shape and pale green color, passing from horizon to horizon above th 11/17/1882 #249  
nd of balloon” with colored lights passing over the northern part of the ci 8/30/1892 #305  
vale, Nebraska, see a bright light passing overhead. Six smaller lights are 2/4/1897 #387  
higan, see a brilliant white light passing overhead. It is attached to a bl 4/1/1897 #408  
uth Dakota, watch a winged airship passing to the north over the town with  4/13/1897 #453  
an odd noise like a flock of geese passing overhead. Looking up, he sees an 4/14/1897 #467  
.” It turns to the southeast after passing the station and disappears in th 4/14/1897 #471  
t goes out and it disappears after passing over the western part of the cit 7/4/1897 #597  
est sees a balloon of unusual size passing southwest above Dartmouth, Nova  11/2/1897 #611  
rge, dark, dirigible-shaped object passing over a grove of poplar trees. Th Mid Summer 1900 #641  
oach the ship they appear to soar, passing above the broken clouds. After r 2/28/1904 #670  
airship sailing very high” is seen passing from north to south over the For 7/25/1908 #715  
large, gray, torpedo-shaped object passing overhead. Three persons are visi 8/3/1909 #799  
ees an aircraft “like a huge ball” passing silently overhead in a southerly 1/27/1913 #874  
brighter, speeds across his field, passing centrally from south to north in 9/9/1914 #916  
 feet and shine a searchlight on a passing ship near Skjaervser lighthouse  11/21/1914 #921  
n Guelph sees “three moving lights passing over” the Ontario Agricultural C 2/15/1915 #926  
n alteration in the density of the passing clouds, causing the sun’s image  10/13/1917 #970  
f oil east of Barron, Wisconsin. A passing farmer offers to give them some  Late Summer 1919 #993  
t flying at only 75 feet altitude, passing over Rushville, Missouri, was se 6/8/1920 #1002  
 caused by static discharge from a passing trolley car, malfunctioning radi 8/22/1924 #1041  
reappears and approaches the boat, passing it at a distance of 200 feet and Fall 1924 #1044  
e fly over the city from the west, passing directly above the train station 1/2/1934 #1193  
y observe a moving orange-red star passing from north to south near Miraflo 1936 #1240  
 After maneuvering for an hour and passing above Mestre, Veneto, it appears 8/17/1936 #1247  
 then red- yellow, the “phenomenon passing from left to right across the po 5/30/1937 #1270  
on Sergisz notices a German bomber passing by, as well as three bright poin Mid 8/1944 #1644  
ivision sees a clear, yellow flame passing low and slow over the countrysid 8/7/1946 #2110  
er is seen over Budapest, Hungary, passing southeast to northwest at about  5/14/1947 #2281  
Chase watches a disc-shaped object passing overhead at Medford, Oregon. It  7/7/1947 #2937  
imilar object comes from the east, passing close by the first one. A third  7/7/1947 #2939  
of purplish light seen. Car stalls passing. No further details. / M. Persin 8/16/1947 #3338  
 greenish discs, one second apart, passing across the sky above Easton, Pen Summer 1948 #3680  
aried from “J” to “L” to “O” after passing zenith. Est. speed 1500 mph      7/17/1948 #3711  
he Research and Development Board, passing the job on to Karl Taylor Compto 10/1948 #3820  
 sees a reddish-white ball of fire passing horizontally above the base airs 3/31/1949 #4063  
om right to left, then moved again passing behind the telephone pole. It th 4/9/1949 #4085  
ee a number of silvery-white balls passing overhead quickly. They reappear  4/25/1949 #4108  
(SE of), TX Blinking violet object passing through branches of a tree (NICA 4/27/1949 #4114  
plane, then they turn right again, passing the aircraft at about 450–500 mp 7/24/1949 #4283  
ss the sky at 6,000 feet altitude, passing through some clouds.             7/26/1949 #4293  
                   DURANGO, MEXICO Passing saucer stops / 2 hours. No furth 3/7/1950 #4585  
                In 1950, two discs passing over Durango, Mexico stopped in  3/7/1950 #4586  
nd others see a total of four UFOs passing overhead. Smith observes one of  3/13/1950 #4627  
8mm film. Large bright saucer near passing plane. Going quickly west.       6/27/1950 #5012  
 compartment. He films the objects passing behind a water tower, which prov 8/15/1950 #5126  
trailing streaks of red then blue, passing overhead at 10,000–15,000 feet.  7/1/1951 #5558  
 speculates that “the earth may be passing through a region in space of hig 11/27/1951 #5794  
at the theater see an orange light passing silently overhead.               1/29/1952 #5885  
corners. Hawk estimates that it is passing overhead at 2,000 feet altitude  4/23/1952 #6163  
l Korea see a silvery-white object passing below them, banking into a left  6/20/1952 #6562  
n elongated object trailing smoke, passing over the top of a tree and in fr 7/19/1952 #6932  
e wind-finding weather balloon and passing through it three separate times. 7/21/1952 #6982  
ver(s). 5-6 flat disks turn oval / passing. Flat again. Horizontal going [t 7/28/1952 #7238  
alls of fire” or “flaming planes”) passing in westerly and other directions 9/12/1952 #7905  
t near Stapleton airport. Higher / passing C47.                             9/24/1952 #8016  
ishing. 3 silver globes buzz large passing plane! Sharp maneuvers and gone. 8/15/1953 (approximate) #9070  
urns onto a direct head-on course, passing within 2 miles, then suddenly di 3/5/1954 #9598  
ve them “like the sound of a train passing over a metal bridge.” They then  Late 4/1954 #9720  
ue ring with a black center. After passing over the ship it climbed vertica 8/11/1954 #10128  
ylinder/cigar-shape flies to avoid passing plane.                           9/22/1954 #10389  
ed UFO flew in a manner to avoid a passing airplane.                        9/22/1954 #10397  
h men are scratched and bruised. A passing motorist takes them to a police  12/9/1954 #11788  
 night light maneuvers. Then paces passing plane.                           2/7/1955 #11978  
 Texas like a “huge electric arc,” passing from Tyler towards Lufkin.       2/13/1955 #11999  
 tracked an object along Victor-2, passing Boston.”                         6/23/1955 #12209  
seconds a large, top-shaped object passing over their car. It was as large  4/16/1956 #12808  
seconds a large, top-shaped object passing over their car. It was as large  4/16/1956 #12810  
es straight at them at high speed, passing in front of the T-33 at about 22 5/22/1956 #12865  
70. Radios and ignition systems of passing cars go dead, as witnesses—inclu 9/1956 #13167  
en he sees a faint starlike object passing in a direction opposite to the a 9/8/1956 #13208  
t is visible for 10 seconds before passing out of the field. Clark moves th 9/8/1956 #13208  
r of luminous, disc-shaped objects passing above them.                      8/4/1957 #13876  
 on its edge and fluttering before passing out of view. A second, smaller o 8/5/1957 #13881  
rforms the same rounded course but passing farther to the south of the park 11/4/1957 #14286  
en two three a.m. by bright lights passing her bedroom window, which faces  12/16/1957 #14736  
 off horizontally to the northwest passing over the heads of the witnesses. 6/7/1958 #15083  
 Rome, Italy Luminous UFO observed passing overhead as city lights failed;  8/3/1958 #15176  
to back (about a half mile). After passing the rear of the train, the objec 10/3/1958 #15311  
h after 40 seconds. At one point a passing Capitol Airlines Flight 407 flie 10/7/1958 #15329  
ergen, Norway, see a bright object passing north to south, taking two minut 3/12/1959 #15636  
alta, Arg Luminous sphere observed passing in sky, city lights failed (NICA 6/22/1959 #15783  
en a second group enters the room, passing through the screen. They split,  8/1959 #15889  
objects in close echelon formation passing in front from left to right and  8/13/1959 #15913  
ours. Lights / rim darken for each passing plane.                           9/15/1959 #15977  
a two disc-shaped craft are filmed passing a USAF X-15 rocket plane being c 4/29/1962 #17135  
IR FORCE BASE, CA 2 saucers filmed passing Air Force X15 / record flight /  4/30/1962 #17136  
haped, bright-orange in color, and passing in groups up to six behind the X 4/30/1962 #17141  
rver(s). 3 dull-white ovoids waver passing over radio station / 20 minute(s 8/18/1962 #17338  
YACK, NY 2 "silver dollars" rotate passing over. / r78p192.                 9/15/1962 #17398  
ortion of the Moon, then continues passing in a straight line across the bl 12/1/1962 #17568  
re/orb/globe / crazy path merges / passing cylinder/cigar-shape going south 9/14/1963 #17935  
parent size twice that of the Moon passing across the constellation Lyra. T 9/14/1964 #18552  
He sits down and peers intently at passing cars. Houffer stops the car and  1/26/1965 #18769  
M x 2 meters diameter. Car slows / passing. Rises and going quickly northwe 11/16/1965 #19725  
lis Park] in Nova Scotia. As he is passing a window, he sees a lighted yell 11/30/1965 #19742  
aring black clothes, had been seen passing in front of the shelter entrance 4/7/1966 #20268  
 plane on a near-collision course, passing below the starboard wing about 3 5/21/1966 #20505  
ect and sees a second white object passing in front of clouds. The base rad 8/24/1966 #20802  
e “Diamond Peak” sign taken from a passing car.                             11/22/1966 #21140  
 before Betty in the kitchen after passing through a closed door. The being 1/25/1967 #21389  
ng aircraft first saw a white disc passing overhead at high speed. Three ot 2/13/1967 #21532  
heir aircraft at a lower altitude, passing below and out of sight. (Witness 3/11/1967 #21857  
 rotating. The headlights of a car passing nearby went out. The object emit 3/18/1967 #21918  
the sky in 5 seconds, periodically passing behind small scattered clouds. F 4/17/1967 #22147  
 and hovered. It then moved south, passing over the witnesses, who followed 5/9/1967 #22305  
saucer zigzags back and forth over passing jet going northeast / 5 minute(s 5/17/1967 #22361  
Pueblo 11:20 p.m. Kenneth Flack is passing a car near Texas Creek, Colorado 8/27/1967 #22940  
the road, along with the car he is passing and a camper-trailer. He sees a  8/27/1967 #22940  
 plant saw a saucer- shaped object passing over the plant going east. The o 9/11/1967 #23039  
hinks he can see the headlights of passing cars reflected on its bottom sur 9/22/1967 #23114  
k. 1 observer. Fireball flashes 4X passing just over treetops. No further d 10/18/1967 #23260  
d. It matched the description by a passing motorist of a large hairy biped  2/26/1968 #23785  
about 200 feet into the air and is passing above his truck, making a noise  2/27/1968 #23787  
 These beings move back and forth, passing each other, and are visible from 7/22/1968 #24204  
These beings moved back and forth, passing each other, and were visible fro 7/22/1968 #24205  
toward the ship at 45° to the bow, passing below the vessel. The sailors ru 1969 #24805  
springs--a strange sphere was seen passing overhead. Two car engines starte 2/2/1969 #24891  
 Ball of light makes 2 short turns passing. 1 / 3 moon-size.                10/6/1970 #25871  
 back. Finally they disappeared by passing through the walls. He went outsi 11/24/1970 #25917  
oses the FBI COINTELPRO program by passing this material to news agencies.  3/8/1971 #26045  
going home by taxi at 7:30 p.m. On passing Roberts Park they saw an object  4/24/1971 #26081  
lowly approaching at low altitude, passing over some high-tension wires tha 5/15/1971 #26110  
slowly approach at a low altitude, passing over some high-tension wires tha 5/15/1971 #26111  
e disk flies. No further details / passing note.                            7/13/1971 #26225  
above Utah at 9.3 miles/second and passing northward, leaving the atmospher 8/10/1972 #26892  
and it rises and dives at his car, passing just 30 feet above it. The engin 9/20/1972 #27016  
iving and coming straight at them, passing only 30 feet overhead.           9/21/1972 #27021  
s). 7+saucers in formations. Avoid passing planes.                          3/23/1973 #27363  
 rocking the car "as if a semi was passing."                                5/12/1973 #27481  
he floor to see her clothes before passing out one more time that night. Wh 10/16/1973 #28089  
 UFO going quickly [to] over lake. Passing car malfunctions due to EME (ele 10/20/1973 #28202  
 hoping to escape the situation by passing out. Seized by an inexplicable u 10/20/1973 #28222  
they could not see his face. After passing the "sweeper" they saw a car and 11/18/1973 #28444  
rs to be damaged, they flag down a passing car and call for a tow truck. Wh 2/14/1974 #28772  
truck then started normally. After passing the site, Mr. Sanchez saw that t 3/21/1974 #28921  
low a dark forest road. Just after passing a small cottage, he sees two run 3/23/1974 #28936  
. After five minutes it moved off, passing almost directly over the witness 5/11/1974 #29100  
        MERATE, ITL 2 observer(s). Passing luminous sphere quickly going do 7/17/1974 #29263  
suddenly turns to static as she is passing over a bridge and the sky ahead  9/16/1974 #29459  
and saw a black disc-shaped object passing over. He took 5 photographs; the 1/5/1975 #29722  
and saw a black disc-shaped object passing overhead. He took five photograp 1/5/1975 #29724  
a bank of clouds go through with a passing storm, the object reappears, glo 2/26/1975 #29852  
bank of clouds went through with a passing storm, the object reappeared, gl 2/26/1975 #29853  
o City at about 15,000 feet. While passing over Laguna de Tequesquitengo in 5/3/1975 #30026  
 green-blue blob (BOL) approached, passing 25 feet above the school. They g 5/6/1975 #30044  
l saucer spins slowly clockwise in passing.                                 10/1975 #30404  
o be 20-30 feet in diameter. After passing only 25 feet from the car, it su 12/23/1975 #30733  
ut 2 minutes the object sped away, passing directly overhead making a low w 1/19/1976 #30801  
 sees three 7–8 feet tall entities passing through the closed door of the b 2/1976 #30842  
 five objects at this point. After passing through Lincoln, the objects sto 2/18/1976 #30881  
ky somewhere beyond train that was passing. Grey-silver metallic bar bell s 6/1976 #31078  
ve the horizontal and turns right, passing in front of his aircraft. It qui 8/13/1976 #31261  
h of the road and prevent him from passing as the UFO moves behind him some 9/3/1976 #31335  
wearing a silvery suit, emerged by passing through the side of the object.  11/14/1976 #31549  
 a local daycare center. As he was passing a bicyclist he noticed a firebal 12/6/1976 #31587  
ed object inside fly to the south, passing over their heads at only 150 fee 12/18/1976 #31617  
 home after his work shift and was passing the entrance gate of a research  12/31/1976 #31645  
minutes later, a Scandinavian DC-8 passing over Ad Dakhla on the coast of W 3/24/1977 #31929  
w along the shoreline of the lake, passing in front of the witness at his l 6/17/1977 #32170  
w along the shoreline of the lake, passing in front of the witness at his l 6/17/1977 #32173  
stopped his car and flagged down a passing police officer, and he was taken 9/25/1977 #32519  
e in Auchey, Pas-de-Calais, France passing only four meters overhead.       10/2/1977 #32547  
 object looms about 300 feet away, passing near a streetlight that extingui 10/9/1977 #32564  
ear daylight rush from SSE to NNE, passing E of overhead in straight path w 10/13/1977 #32570  
outh-southeast to north-northeast, passing east of overhead in a straight p 10/13/1977 #32571  
pe. He hears what sounds like wind passing around a building and looks stra 10/13/1977 #32572  
range object moving silently east, passing overhead, and disappearing in th 10/14/1977 #32575  
 walking toward the vehicle before passing out.  Woods regains consciousnes 11/1977 #32648  
e / roadside. Silver suit. Waves / passing cars! / MJ#177.                  12/8/1977 #32743  
y. They discuss the UFOs with some passing students. The object remains vis 2/5/1978 #32955  
r and drove on, half an hour later passing Medicaneli. Suddenly he "knew" t 2/5/1978 #32957  
howed interest in Julio's gun and, passing it around among themselves, aske 2/5/1978 #32957  
NUZZE, ITL 2-3 30cm spheres hide / passing car. 2 dark small humanoids (or  5/22/1978 #33231  
fahan. He sees a huge, purple form passing below him at amazing speed. The  6/11/1978 #33274  
 near Ardmore, Alabama. Just after passing the welcome center, they look up 7/1978 #33319  
she told him six months before her passing. *   Navy specialist James Mitch 8/1978 #33460  
EE, IL 2 observer(s). Night lights passing going south suddenly drop and ri 9/27/1978 #33754  
 she can see three or four shadows passing behind it. The UFO leaves quickl 10/7/1978 #33805  
and silently in front of her, then passing behind her car. It is ringed wit 11/7/1978 #33924  
mal sized beings run in front of a passing car.                             11/20/1978 #33968  
 across the sky from east to west, passing overhead. It suddenly makes a 90 6/17/1979 #34613  
ital at Sztum, Poland. As they are passing through Tropy Sztumskie, they no 9/5/1979 #34838  
nd moves toward them again, slowly passing overhead, then shoots off to the 9/26/1979 #34928  
the north. Then it approaches her, passing overhead at 100 mph. It hurts he 12/5/1979 #35054  
metallic suit relieved her pain by passing a had in front of her face. He t 12/10/1979 #35068  
 solid ball of white light that is passing in and out of the clouds. He ask 12/11/1979 #35072  
taxi pilot reports a bright object passing to his left and descending towar 5/22/1980 #35339  
de and sees a 24-by-15-foot sphere passing by, some 6–9 feet off the ground 9/30/1980 #35546  
enger on a Western Airlines flight passing over Monterey Bay, California. S 11/6/1980 #35622  
ness has the curious sensation of “passing through the interior of a ball.” 8/8/1981 #36064  
hting is due to a distant aircraft passing through a condensation trail.    1/9/1982 #36298  
e unexplained burns on his skin. A passing motorist picked him up, and he w 2/19/1982 #36357  
 take four photos of oblong lights passing in front of Finnsåhøgda and Fjel 3/17/1982 #36396  
he two. Then they left the room by passing through a wall. A naked female w 11/29/1982 #36702  
ny Dodd, observed nocturnal lights passing over the moor in Carleton Moor,  3/14/1983 #36782  
eemed to be avoiding being seen by passing cars. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 1/9/1984 #37122  
eemed to be avoiding being seen by passing cars.                            1/9/1984 #37126  
researchers direct a laser beam on passing lights. Out of a total of nine t 1/21/1984 #37136  
though some may be attributable to passing aircraft. Only four of the photo 1/21/1984 #37136  
one side of the road to the other, passing over his car.                    Late 2/1984 #37202  
e observed a large flying triangle passing overheard. It was lighted comple 4/1984 #37250  
ime to see a large metallic object passing above his house at about 750 fee 5/5/1984 #37316  
Switzerland, to Athens and is just passing the Swiss-Italian border at 25,0 8/15/1985 #37643  
le/box-like crafts over reservoir. Passing jet veers around one of them!    4/20/1986 #37825  
EA Ring / bright lights rotates in passing. No structure seen. No further d 4/22/1986 #37831  
 head on and shot quickly to left, passing below the airplane. Its speed wa 5/11/1986 #37866  
 than 2 minutes. It is flying low, passing behind several trees as it moves 8/1986 #37964  
em built to detect orbital objects passing over the US. The intrusion occur Mid 12/1986 #38083  
brightly lit balloon-shaped object passing over Chimanimani, Zimbabwe. The  1/29/1987 #38106  
ire. Suddenly a dark shape appears passing from in back of them from the no Early Autumn 1987 #38274  
 a dog run from a parked car he is passing. The dog crosses the road and ru 2/9/1988 #38448  
nd moves away slowly and silently, passing overhead. It seems wider than th 9/25/1988 #38649  
bout 1.5 the size of the full moon passing overhead at an altitude of sever 10/1989 #39138  
oom, a third being then walked in, passing right through the bedroom wall.  10/27/1989 #39188  
, of one of the triangular objects passing directly overhead about 19 miles 3/31/1990 #39503  
d from right to left in the frame, passing behind a windmill. Its estimated 3/13/1992 #40376  
then moved on away from the house, passing between two trees with only a fe 5/3/1992 #40449  
om via a closed window, apparently passing through the glass without a prob 7/19/1992 #40528  
peared, to re-appear seconds later passing through a closed screen door. Hi 1/19/1993 #40802  
r maneuvers 50-800' altitude. Many passing cars ignore.                     8/1993 #41098  
ng quickly west. Respond to planes passing.                                 5/4/1994 #41513  
istracted, looking intently at the passing vehicles on a nearby road. It wa 4/3/1995 #42138  
 object with white lights was seen passing over houses in Sacramento, Calif 7/19/1995 #42311  
ching the aircraft from behind and passing just at the point where the wing 11/16/1996 #43112  
–9:30 p.m. from Paulden to Tucson, passing over Prescott and Phoenix. Some  3/13/1997 #43229  
server. 2 silver grey disks wobble passing over / aircraft speed. No furthe 7/19/1998 #43611  
 rapidly flashing lights, was seen passing overhead by several citizens and 9/21/1998 #43649  
 a.m. A bright light was also seen passing in front of the moon.            6/21/1999 #43787  
igh speed. They went to the north, passing overhead in Manassas, Virginia.  9/8/2001 #44252  
ecords a video of an oblong object passing by in seconds. No unusual object 10/4/2002 #44414  
erior lights. An airliner was seen passing below the UFO. Fifteen minutes l 4/6/2003 #44512  
le waking his dog, saw a satellite passing near the UFO in the very same pa 5/19/2003 #44542  
bject at an altitude higher than a passing passenger jet but below the cirr 9/2003 #44591  
ange to avoid the object, which is passing in front of the airliner. The UF 1/4/2004 #44643  
up unidentified traffic crossing a passing aircraft, which reports visual c 3/3/2010 #45271  
, watch a white, hat-shaped object passing over a field to the east at abou 4/13/2012 #45341  
known interstellar object detected passing through the Solar System, is dis 10/19/2017 #45485  
g at 37,000 feet reports an object passing above them going in the opposite 2/24/2018 #45513  
,000 feet, reports a bright object passing above them in the opposite direc 2/24/2018 #45513  
ralta receives a radio call from a passing cruise ship, the Carnival Imagin 7/15/2019 #45593  
 a “three-by-two formation.” After passing the flyby, they form a four-poin 11/11/2021 #45721  
## Word: "passins" (Back to Top)
                                   PASSINS, FR Night lights seen. 4 cows di 6/4/1967 #22460  
## Word: "passive" (Back to Top)
 agency’s involvement with UFOs is passive, handing off reports to its geop 6/11/1957 #13718  
Delta rocket and becomes the first passive communications satellite. Microw 8/12/1960 #16372  
effect (EME). Observer(s) suddenly passive!                                 3/1975 #29856  
## Word: "passmore" (Back to Top)
to it. Tudor Jones, age 10, Jeremy Passmore, age 9, and David Ward, age 10, 2/4/1977 #31792  
## Word: "passo" (Back to Top)
                                   PASSO FUNDO, BRAZIL 2 cops and 2. 2 sile 8/21/1956 #13106  
                                   PASSO FUNDO, BRZ 4 / car. Fireball shoot 10/30/1968 #24602  
                       SOUTHWEST / PASSO FUNDO, BRZ 2 / car photograph 7M m 5/12/1976 #31046  
                                   Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil T 1/3/1982 #36295  
rs flying at about 5,000 feet over Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,  1/3/1982 #36295  
aria Air Force Base Rio de Janeiro Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil C 1984 #37096  
cent preparations over the city of Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,  1984 #37096  
s on the road next to his house in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.  12/17/1999 #43899  
## Word: "passport" (Back to Top)
e Mystery, p. 182; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landin 10/15/1954 #11120  
 Clark III 209–218; Jerome Clark, “Passport to Moniheya,” IUR 20, no. 3 (Ma 3/2/1965 #18832  
                                In Passport to Magonia, Jacques Vallée prop 1969 #24802  
y Clark writes that the “genius of Passport, a genuinely brilliant work, is 1969 #24802  
ith a nod to Jacques Vallée’s book Passport to Magonia. It continues until  Fall 1979 #34917  
ishes a second book on abductions, Passport to the Cosmos, in which he cont 1999 #43708  
## Word: "past" (Back to Top)
Lt. Hershel. Luminous disks stream past sun. 1 pauses then burst / speed.   10/17/1849 #144  
ooks his horse, which will not run past it. Shaffer claims the airship is c 5/2/1897 #586  
ath of 35–40 mph. After it circles past him again, he calls his wife and sh 6/1932 #1144  
ious lights have been seen for the past month over Helsinki and Vyborg, Fin 2/2/1934 #1201  
, RUSSIA Oval greyish cloud rushes past man. Big. Diffuse. Whistles.        8/1938 (approximate) #1290  
a.m. A building foreman is driving past a deserted farm near Brockworth, Gl 11/13/1939 #1321  
  In 1939 a building foreman drove past a deserted farm in the early mornin 11/13/1939 #1322  
0 p.m. A cigar-shaped object flies past a witness at Karlskrona, Sweden, at 8/13/1946 #2132  
cts flying in an echelon formation past Mount Rainier, Washington. At first 6/24/1947 #2398  
atio. He clocked them as they flew past Mount Adams, and calculated that th 6/24/1947 #2402  
ond, Oregon, see four discs flying past Mt. Jefferson on a straight course  7/4/1947 #2656  
crescent-shaped objects zig-zagged past a military aircraft twice while the 8/14/1947 #3333  
ally overtakes the UFO from below, past Bowling Green, Kentucky, at about 3 1/7/1948 #3544  
touch down” on the grass extension past the end of the Lockbourne AFB runwa 1/7/1948 #3546  
later said they saw the object fly past the right side of their plane at hi 7/24/1948 #3724  
nted by ONI collaboration over the past two months. UFOs are not extraterre 12/10/1948 #3923  
developing rockets. In view of the past history of mankind, they would be a 2/1949 #3990  
hich have been reported during the past two years.”                         4/27/1949 #4116  
nd various scraps and bits for the past two years, mentions to someone in a Summer 1949 #4246  
developing rockets. In view of the past history of mankind, they should be  8/10/1949 #4315  
 in order to avoid panic: “For the past 175 years, the planet Earth has bee 12/24/1949 #4443  
ance was noted with it. During the past two months the UFO sightings appear 1/31/1950 #4520  
unusual objects that happen to fly past. The official contract gives April  3/16/1950 #4655  
cular metallic object” that speeds past his Gloster Meteor jet fighter at 2 6/1/1950 #4978  
ame size as their airliner, streak past at about same altitude and same eas 11/2/1951 #5763  
east of South Carolina. It streaks past their left wing about a quarter mil 5/8/1952 #6275  
the CIA/OSI hierarchy based on the past several years of OSI intelligence ( 6/1952 #6403  
rew. Brilliant 3'GUITAR-pick dives past bomber / 8K' altitude.              6/21/1952 #6566  
red rim, trailed sparks as it dove past the B-29 at a distance of 500', in  6/21/1952 #6577  
 rim and trails sparks as it dives past the B-29 at a distance of 500 feet  6/21/1952 #6578  
 rim. It trailed sparks as it dove past the B-29 at a distance of 500 feet  6/21/1952 #6582  
eports of UFOs over Chicago in the past week. An Air Force spokesman says t 7/3/1952 #6705  
ition, the last five slid over and past the leader so that the echelon was  7/14/1952 #6817  
 CO AAL pilot. 4 night lights race past. 25K' altitude. 180-turns. 3000+MPH 7/18/1952 #6877  
 RADAR-OP. Blue round object spins past F94. Project Bluebook Case #1556. N 7/22/1952 #7005  
tific Intelligence stating: In the past several weeks numerous UFOs have be 7/29/1952 #7273  
eview of reputed sightings for the past three years and a special group has 7/29/1952 #7273  
 has been collecting cases for the past three years (since 1949): “a specia 7/29/1952 #7325  
like protrusions in the center fly past.                                    8/5/1952 #7469  
/ porch. Silent silver disk whirls past radio tower. Clear skies. No furthe 8/17/1952 #7621  
FOs in the Soviet press during the past two years.                          8/22/1952 #7681  
lligence that the incidents of the past three days caused the RAF to offici 9/21/1952 #7990  
shes, up to 3' in length, streamed past the B-29 for 15 minutes.            9/24/1952 #8021  
up to three feet in length, stream past their aircraft for 15 minutes.      9/24/1952 #8023  
in W. Chidlaw and his staff on the past few months of UFO activity at a lun Late 9/1952 #8027  
n more than 1,800 sightings in the past 5 years.                            9/26/1952 #8036  
ane toward the light, but it zooms past them at high speed. The pilot takes 1953 #8479  
mph and pursues it; the disc roars past them again. The chase goes on for 1 1953 #8479  
ed and tracked on radar within the past few days in Pork Chop and Old Baldy 3/20/1953 #8765  
ge-colored light at the tail flash past toward the east near Wollongong. Th 5/10/1953 #8873  
 had travelled the country for the past 6 years and was convinced the topic 10/2/1953 #9199  
 claim impressive credentials from past lives. Ruth styles herself the Arch 2/1954 #9522  
xtremely bright light above it, go past his signal box. Hypnotic regression 5/13/1954 #9791  
d, England, two circular UFOs shot past him at 9o’clock high. One UFO was s 10/14/1954 #11005  
searcher Alberto Perego is driving past the church of Santa Maria Maggiore  10/30/1954 #11492  
                        At quarter past three in the afternoon on the islan 11/4/1954 #11567  
hen to a bright white as it shoots past them at terrific speed.             1/31/1955 #11956  
aw two reddish-green objects speed past under wing. [UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 -  2/11/1955 #11997  
 Ohio Early morning. A bus driving past Wright-Patterson AFB near Dayton, O 3/29/1955? #12068  
oot weather balloon. Saucer shoots past / same time. / MJ#264.              4/8/1955 #12087  
yells and swerves the car, driving past them. The figures seem oblivious.   7/3/1955 #12232  
ome. 12-inch metal disk going [to] past window. Bang! hits garage and flies 2/29/1956 #12740  
 a 12 inch wide metallic disc flew past their window, banged into a garage, 2/29/1956 #12741  
 generating a foul odor. It swoops past him and vanishes. He loses his sens 10/2/1956 #13260  
 than any aircraft observed in the past." It appeared to be egg-shaped or o 11/8/1956 #13315  
ave off a green light as they flew past.                                    11/25/1956 #13353  
nd the two red objects are zooming past the green object at tremendous velo 3/22/1957 #13553  
oab, UT Round, blue-green UFO sped past below observer's altitude. [UFOE, I 5/12/1957 #13658  
CYPRUS Villagers. 2 wine casks fly past / great speed. No further details.  11/10/1957 #14513  
r had made hoax photographs in the past.                                    1/16/1958 #14831  
ances of UFOs were reported in the past 12 months and what steps were taken 6/10/1958 #15089  
overnment radar operators over the past month and found that 80% have obser 12/19/1958 #15481  
n letter to Ruppelt that lists his past statements on UFOs and urges him no 6/12/1959 #15766  
e skims sea going north. Maneuvers past moon.                               11/20/1959 #16096  
re it has failed many times in the past, but in the face of that success, i 5/15/1961 #16684  
flight and Schalk lands it 2 miles past the runway.                         4/25/1962 #17129  
ey rushed toward the car, he drove past them in terror and saw them going b 11/1962 #17524  
restrial contact with Earth in the past, including the ancient Mesopotamian 11/15/1962 #17548  
                         US In the past two years, packets of information-- 1963 #17619  
e driving east on State Highway 15 past the Mount Vernon, Illinois, airport 8/4/1963 #17863  
 the object climbs slowly and goes past Box Canyon or Six Mile Canyon Mount 4/24/1964 #18200  
just above road. He treid to speed past it, but the object accelerated to k 7/20/1965 #19155  
 Earth on various occasions in the past, and that they did not appear in pu 8/9/1965 #19350  
from directly beneath the Moon and past Arcturus, then suddenly disappears. 12/13/1965 #19766  
isited by aliens many times in the past few billion years, at least once in 1966 #19795  
 tried to flee, but the UFO zoomed past him making a "whooshing" noise, and 5/6/1966 #20453  
 tried to flee, but the UFO zoomed past him making a "whooshing" noise, and 5/6/1966 #20455  
 and followed him aboard the craft past an instrumental panel into a "wildl 8/11/1966 #20739  
p of lights in a field to the west past the dead end. He thinks it might be 10/4/1966 #20957  
enter radar picks up both targets. Past Flagstaff, the object climbs at a 3 1/13/1967 #21299  
nter radar picked up both targets. Past Flagstaff the object climbed at a 3 1/13/1967 #21301  
 face could not be seen. It walked past the swing in the yard and disappear 1/15/1967 #21312  
lot with 29 years experience and a past U.S. Air Force serviceman, was driv 1/30/1967 #21422  
pulsating red light, at one minute past midnight. The UFO flew on a level f 3/6/1967 #21778  
ng northwest on US Highway 20 just past Keeneyville, Illinois. Their beagle 3/7/1967 #21787  
ion of farmland. The two men drove past a man in white coveralls standing a 3/26/1967 #21998  
awake, saw a man with a light walk past the ranch house, so he ran outside  4/1/1967 #22042  
s maneuvering in the skies for the past several nights, had gone to bed aft 4/2/1967 #22048  
hite when closer. The object moved past the plane in the same direction of  9/14/1967 #23057  
Cranleigh, England at half an hour past midnight when they encountered a he 11/13/1967 #23444  
Psychologist Adina Păun is walking past the Republic Factories in Bucharest 12/10/1967 #23567  
d, New Zealand to Guam was sailing past the Loyalty Islands at 11:33 a.m. w 12/21/1967 #23596  
 that dimmed when an airplane flew past.                                    2/24/1968 #23783  
                   At five minutes past midnight in Monte Banderas de Bilba 6/23/1968 #24071  
setts on Cape Cod. When they drove past the area, a sound like a large swar 7/29/1968 #24256  
ashington, on “UFO Investigations: Past, Present, and Future.”              8/7/1968 #24306  
ch has molested the earth in these past years.” The alien crew contacted hi 9/10/1968 #24450  
g the most compelling cases of the past 20+ years. Condon rejects the ETH b 10/31/1968 #24608  
 be earphones. He stopped 20 yards past the object, looked back, and saw th 11/1/1968 #24618  
oing quickly north. Many similar / past months / LDLN#94.                   3/9/1969 #24983  
ld daughter are travelling by taxi past Roberts Park in Greenacre, New Sout 4/25/1969 #25090  
his girlfriend. He had just driven past the Rockville General Store when he 5/11/1969 #25128  
 report, the NAS endorsement, and “past UFO studies.” He repeats the Bolend 12/17/1969 #25501  
tter and our senses and who in the past manifested themselves as fairies or 1970 #25519  
d not be seen. The creature walked past the swing in the yard and disappear 1/15/1971 #25989  
A 2 objects with lights going [to] past window / low altitude. Observer(s)  2/17/1971 #26022  
ly, almost like a robot. It walked past the witnesses maintaining a straigh 8/16/1971 #26290  
 he saw a square black object race past. He was then surrounded by a percei 9/20/1971 #26353  
r. Next, a "human like figure" ran past the car from the rear and then "sud 3/25/1972 #26623  
 ground, and was silent. She drove past without stopping but said that her  8/3/1972 #26870  
nion's attention as he accelerated past the scene, and Sharon was able to s 2/4/1973 #27270  
imp-size metallic disk going north past fire tower. Low and silent. No ligh 3/5/1973 #27331  
e glow. It had a dome on the upper past and a row of small windows around i 7/9/1973 #27625  
g in the craft. As the truck drove past the light rapidly faded until by th 9/6/1973 #27774  
des. Debbie accelerates and drives past the figures. The witnesses alert th 10/22/1973 #28241  
road in front of her. As she drove past them on the roadside they made a lo 10/22/1973 #28244  
r, and with long arms hanging down past the knees. They displayed glowing g 10/25/1973 #28286  
 into the driveway of a house just past the cemetery. She jumps out and run 11/2/1973 #28352  
 at 9:30 p.m. Their dogs ran away, past some cattle, and jumped into their  11/26/1973 #28468  
arted spontaneously after coasting past the dwarf creature and the witness  3/25/1974 #28949  
 Mexico The documentary film UFOs: Past, Present, and Future is released al 5/9/1974 #29097  
 Stillie, 7, are taking a shortcut past an abandoned sandpit close to their 8/16/1974 #29362  
. Panic-stricken, Jacques drove on past; then, reconsidering, he turned aro 11/30/1974 #29622  
h and nose seem flat. Bosak speeds past the object and his car lights sudde 12/2/1974 #29629  
ing. Frightened, Mr. Bosak sped up past the object, which was surrounded by 12/2/1974 #29631  
ed saucer with square windows hums past Stonehenge airports/apartments. / F 1/11/1975 #29740  
Z An orange-red metallic disc flew past a plane flying near Williams Air Fo 7/20/1975 #30191  
  An orange-red metallic disc flew past a plane flying near Williams Air Fo 7/20/1975 #30193  
mutilations in 9 states during the past two years. He has also heard that U 9/11/1975 #30352  
” human beings tied by physiology, past lives, or both, to extraterrestrial 1976 #30745  
rville see multicolored lights fly past their new silo and land in a distan 8/7/1976 #31243  
er 18-year-old friend were walking past a waste storage area in Fencehouses 9/3/1976 #31340  
s three luminescent discs that fly past, circle once, then continue east. A 1/11/1977 #31717  
 or tail could be seen. They drove past within eight feet of the creature,  4/23/1977 #32019  
 heads. The two men drove right on past without stopping, and although the  8/28/1977 #32437  
officer to review reports from the past 10 years.                           9/6/1977 #32463  
truck down a road at a few minutes past midnight when the vehicles lights a 12/18/1977 #32796  
truck down a road at a few minutes past midnight when the vehicle’s lights, 12/18/1977 #32797  
 England, on Daten Avenue, Risley, past the UK Atomic Energy Authority site 3/17/1978 #33048  
tom. The driver continued to drive past the object and did not see how it d 5/24/1978 #33238  
 is very bright, proceeds westerly past the Big Sable Point Lighthouse, and 7/28/1978 #33435  
engine to lose power as they drove past. The lights gave off a humming soun 8/24/1978 #33567  
r, Iowa 1:28 p.m. A man is driving past a cattle lot 2 miles north of Dexte 9/23/1978 #33735  
 orange light. Stunned, they drive past it.                                 10/8/1978 #33817  
our white lights that drift slowly past from west to east. An hour later, R 11/1/1978 #33909  
 noise, three weird creatures flew past her into her lounge. They were only 1/4/1979 #34296  
three weird looking creatures flew past her into the lounge. There were onl 1/5/1979 #34304  
                        At shortly past seven o'clock in the evening, a lum 3/6/1979 #34470  
 A silver, pan-shaped object flies past an eastbound truck near Providence, 8/16/1979 #34748  
llision. An object suddenly speeds past the front of the aircraft, coming w 8/27/1979 #34788  
                        At quarter past midnight in the Bavarian town of Ei 9/17/1979 #34897  
d UFO. See town below and videos / past Eras. / r25p306+/ MJ#150.           9/20/1979 #34905  
elerator to get away but can’t get past 40 mph. She recalls a sense of ligh 9/20/1979 #34907  
is truck to a near crawl and moves past the object, which looks like a “toa 1/14/1980 #35135  
a sudden stop and the Sukhoi flies past it at 36,000 feet. Further maneuver 4/11/1980 #35269  
e a distant hilltop. As they drive past, one light blinks out, leaving two  9/6/1980 #35501  
ared as "just a streak" as it fell past the nose of the plane. Nellis Air F 12/18/1980 #35724  
FO's have been reported within the past 5 years in China. Studies will be d 1981 #35760  
es in Prairieton, Indiana, driving past two different fields on the same ro 1/15/1981 #35792  
 so engrossed in them drives right past the local Pancake House. Suddenly t 3/1981 #35856  
 The main witness had seen for the past 2 months numerous slow flying UFOs  5/1981 #35919  
ys are driving south on Highway 2A past CFB Penhold [now Red Deer Regional  7/16/1981 #36012  
 the interior of a ball.” He walks past them, looks back, and they have dis 8/8/1981 #36064  
eball come back down the tower, go past him, and burst into flame again at  8/15/1981 #36075  
t back dumbfounded, because in the past this officer had spoken to Stringfi 2/6/1982 #36322  
try of Defence has received in the past 4 years, Viscount Long replies that 3/4/1982 #36377  
Houston, Texas. It then moved away past many witnesses. (NICAP: 01 - Distan 7/22/1983 #36920  
Houston, Texas. It then moved away past many witnesses. There was a wind so 7/22/1983 #36922  
for 4 minutes, the witnesses drive past it and go home.                     4/10/1984 #37257  
grab man going [to] saucer. Flight past Pluto. Telepathy. Medical exam..    2/8/1985 #37553  
 than 600 reports were made in the past 5 years.                            8/1985 #37634  
 tree as the witness pulls his car past it. He gets out of his car about 20 11/22/1985 #37721  
ly once as they climbed vertically past him. Brig. Gen. Octavio Moreira Lim 5/19/1986 #37874  
 over a golf course at ten minutes past midnight. At 9:40 p.m. east of Vand 9/7/1986 #38020  
lliam Moore announces that for the past six and a half years he and some as 5/1987 #38169  
.B.A. witnessed light beams moving past her second story window. She looked 10/24/1988 #38690  
 evolution up to 65 times over the past 10,000 years using viruses. They ha 3/1989 #38855  
hen a deltoid- shaped object sails past. It has lines of “Christmas lights” 9/15/1989 #39103  
-foot tall humanoid figure running past their bedroom window on the SW corn 10/31/1989 #39201  
rical involvement of Earth for the past 10,000 years with extraterrestrial  11/10/1989 #39224  
l collaboration with aliens in the past.                                    1/26/1990 #39390  
 the wings of the plane as it shot past.                                    5/21/1990 #39583  
cylinder/cylindrical object floats past balconies. 2nd cylinder/cylindrical 10/21/1990 #39799  
ton-on-Sea, England at ten minutes past midnight on this date. When it shot 6/5/1991 #40084  
he pilot exclaim as the UFO speeds past. A few minutes later, Escobar sees  6/8/1991 #40092  
cted energy weapons testing in the past using technology at Brookhaven and  11/24/1992 #40726  
 asking where she has been for the past 30 minutes.                         1/1/1993 #40785  
town, Rhode Island drove under and past a slow-moving, large, lighted, sile 1/23/1993 #40812  
 Mullingar, Ireland at ten minutes past midnight, encountered an unexplaine 3/30/1993 #40905  
fter five seconds it flew silently past the window and out of sight. He fel 4/17/1993 #40940  
orest Grove, Oregon a half an hour past midnight on this day in 1993 was pu 11/13/1993 #41272  
 has declined significantly in the past 10 years, saying “there is no compe 1/4/1994 #41360  
e visiting the Earth either in the past or present. He worries that fake ne 1995 #41923  
urprising to discover that, in the past, unexplained aeroplane losses have  2/20/1995 #42052  
 one p.m. three girls were walking past a plot of vacant land when they spo 1/20/1996 #42697  
y 18 in a roofing truck five miles past Interstate 85, two men saw a silver 2/18/1996 #42771  
e, England 6:00 p.m. A man driving past a field in Southport, Merseyside, E 3/1/1996 #42795  
She dims her headlights and speeds past as the creature places its hands ov 5/17/1996 #42904  
Scotia, Canada, which then "zoomed past."                                   6/18/1996 #42934  
ck 84001 shows biological signs of past life. NASA Administrator Daniel Gol 8/7/1996 #42971  
nd, when a triangular object flies past them at only 30 feet altitude and 4 8/12/1997 #43381  
 vehicle with tinted windows drove past them at high speed. Simultaneously, 9/30/1997 #43421  
 she does not remember how she got past a sharp bend in road. Possible miss 10/13/1997 #43428  
nk Works aircraft since the XP-80. Past the DarkStar was something called “ Late 1990's #43480  
an takes a video of it as it flies past the eastern side of St. Mary’s Chur 7/2/1998 #43598  
g resembling a "hairy pig" running past the house.                          10/30/1998 #43671  
 All of the objects slowly descend past the Cascades Mountains. A few jets  11/6/1998 #43677  
o an abrupt halt, then accelerates past the airplane at an incredible speed 2/3/1999 #43721  
:07 p.m. a round white object shot past SwissAir flight 127 while flying ov 8/9/1999 #43819  
mething recovered years ago in the past,” technological hardware, an intact 10/16/2002 #44418  
 horizon, while driving four miles past Wilkerson Pass on Highway 24 in the 11/22/2002 #44449  
ows. It hovered, tilted, then shot past the cars on the highway. The center 8/23/2003 #44580  
t 1:20 a.m. a V-shaped object flew past the witness' window in Kelowna, Bri 4/25/2004 #44691  
hen she spotted a black figure run past her window. She looked outside and  5/17/2004 #44703  
nutes. Next, the object acclerated past the vehicle, then stopped and hover 9/29/2004 #44763  
ec. It was slowly flying northeast past the town of Kuujjuaq, Quebec, Canad 5/9/2005 #44839  
ge, there are no paradoxes. If the past is changed, it creates a different  10/2006 #44970  
County Airport from the NNE and go past to the left to land approximately 8 4/17/2007 #45018  
raft. It made no sound as it moved past them.                               5/9/2008 #45135  
that may have worked on UAP in the past, etc. None of that happened as of t 10/2/2008 #45174  
ad been found in the region in the past.                                    9/5/2009 #45242  
 to police forces who have, in the past, routinely forwarded UFO sightings  1/2010 #45264  
velop various classified aircraft. Past examples of devices tested and perf 2013 #45356  
with triangle UAP sightings in the past as well, and Ada has been mentioned 2/20/2015 #45431  
phere from deep space and traveled past a DSP satellite. Fish names The Aer 3/6/2015 #45433  
conducted numerous searches…in the past, and has located no records.” This  11/5/2015 #45439  
a newer facility called “The Cube” past Lancaster in Edwards airspace, whic 4/18/2016 #45451  
 he sees an orange fireball flying past with small fragments falling off it 2/24/2018 #45511  
rked van, a man gets out and walks past her. Her dog starts seizing up. The 11/26/2019 #45618  
uture come back in time to create “past events” which in turns create a “No 3/20/2020 #45640  
perate with more transparency than past Pentagon programs.                  5/17/2022 #45750  
andled UAP crash retrievals in the past. Milburn states aerospace companies 10/7/2022 #45773  
## Word: "paste" (Back to Top)
he German army, and a tin box with paste for polishing metal.               5/18/1909 #758  
 Small humanoids (or Greys) absorb paste / skin as food.                    3/19/1959 #15649  
te and found a "deep, rose colored paste and thick liquid" in the four, dee 5/20/1974 #29120  
## Word: "pastebin" (Back to Top)
s-1941-2007-783175cca190   https://pastebin.com/xFuA5ZQv                    4/2001 #44155  
## Word: "pastel" (Back to Top)
Bluebook Case #1382. 1 observer. 2 pastel disks straight and level very fas 7/3/1952 #6699  
              Chicago, IL 2 bright pastel green discs fly straight and leve 7/3/1952 #6701  
:  Mrs. J. D. Arbuckle. Two bright pastel green discs flew straight and lev 7/3/1952 #6703  
l with levers all colored in muted pastel and white; the next scene showed  1953 #8483  
 shut eyes, each wore a tight suit pastel in color; when the film ended the 1953 #8483  
 him. They wore seamless one-piece pastel green coveralls that reached to t 2/5/1978 #32957  
tching planes. Large triangle with pastel lights / edge going [to] slowly.  7/29/1995 #42341  
## Word: "pastel-colored" (Back to Top)
ht which gradually shifted to pale pastel-colored lights.” A shimmering red 9/1950 #5159  
## Word: "pastel-green" (Back to Top)
rs. J. D. Arbuckle sees two bright pastel-green discs fly straight and leve 7/3/1952 #6705  
## Word: "paster" (Back to Top)
ing entered the building, took the paster by the hand, and reportedly heale 11/6/1972 #27109  
## Word: "pasteur" (Back to Top)
                             Louis Pasteur’s key germ theory experiments    1860 #152  
## Word: "pastine" (Back to Top)
                    Ciampino–G. B. Pastine International Airport Rome, Ital 4/27/1978 #33175  
 witnesses near the Ciampino–G. B. Pastine International Airport in Rome, I 4/27/1978 #33175  
## Word: "pastor" (Back to Top)
wind, as if coming from an impact. Pastor Köllner collects testimony from o 4/1/1826 #122  
crises, the witness, now a retired pastor, found himself in a city of 16,00 5/4/1932 #1143  
exas woman whose grandfather was a pastor of the Red Star Baptist Church, t Spring 1941 #1358  
15–11:00 p.m. Rev. Gregory Miller, pastor of the St. Peter and Paul Church  8/19/1949 #4329  
eads selections of his poetry, the pastor asks him to discuss his personal  11/23/1962 #17559  
the top. About 45 minutes later, a pastor reported following an object in h 1/19/1967 #21351  
m. EDT. The wife and daughter of a pastor saw three red, metallic- appearin 8/1/1967 #22772  
        The wife and daughter of a pastor in Chester, Pennsylvania saw thre 8/1/1967 #22773  
       Salina, Venezuela Evangelic Pastor Estanislao Lugo Contreras was at  8/8/1967 #22846  
Mar, Vargas, Venezuela Evangelical pastor Estanislao Lugo Contreras is on t 8/8/1967 #22847  
                       Evangelical Pastor Estanislao Lugo Contreras was at  8/8/1967 #22849  
in their thirties, Senors Sanchez, Pastor, and Vega. It emitted a vivid ora 6/29/1968 #24095  
ovince 10:30 p.m. Lt. Rafael Muñoz Pastor is returning to Jerez air base [n 9/1975? #30333  
n 2013, Valdés, now an evangelical pastor, admits that no one on the patrol 4/25/1977 #32026  
                      Hospital Bom Pastor in Varginha, Brazil Chereze is ad 2/11/1996 #42758  
hereze is admitted to Hospital Bom Pastor in Varginha, Brazil.              2/11/1996 #42758  
## Word: "pastora" (Back to Top)
                                LA PASTORA, ARG 3 / car / malfunctions due  7/25/1968 #24220  
                    Highway 226 La Pastora, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2:00 a. 7/25/1968 #24225  
 driving along Highway 226 near La Pastora, Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is  7/25/1968 #24225  
              A family of three in Pastora, Argentina saw a silvery object  7/25/1968 #24228  
  TAPALQUE, BA, ARG UFO's here and Pastora and Alvear.. Bullets do nothing. 7/27/1968 (approximate) #24236  
## Word: "pastoral" (Back to Top)
next shone spotlights all over the pastoral countryside at a low altitude.  1/14/1973 #27235  
## Word: "pastorff" (Back to Top)
, GERMANY Date unknown. Astronomer Pastorff. 2 disks pass sun's face. No fu 10/23/1822 #114  
 day in Berlin, Germany Astronomer Pastorff watched two disc pass in front  10/23/1822 #115  
## Word: "pastoril" (Back to Top)
                           NEAR LA PASTORIL, ARG 3 hunters. Brilliant objec 8/29/1996 #42998  
## Word: "pastrana" (Back to Top)
Carrasco, Alberto Borras, Trinidad Pastrana, Sean O’Connelly, Iker J.) who  11/5/2010 #45305  
## Word: "pastro" (Back to Top)
      At 9:15 p.m. police officers Pastro and Thompson at Wanaque Reservoir 10/10/1966 #20985  
## Word: "pasture" (Back to Top)
his son Charley notice lights in a pasture a few hundred yards away near Be 4/19/1897 #539  
a few times then lands in a nearby pasture. Barclay goes down to investigat 4/22/1897 #559  
rd a rumbling sound. Horses out to pasture were spooked by an airship that  7/30/1909 #790  
t 100 feet away on the ground in a pasture. It has portholes emitting ligt  Late Summer 1917 #962  
 10, is walking across his uncle’s pasture in northern Montana when he sees 1920 #995  
LE, IN Boy / 10. Saucer / 3 legs / pasture. 4' men move / glass dome. Speak 6/1923 #1032  
 to make an emergency landing in a pasture. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 9/1926 #1062  
s. He is forced to land in a sheep pasture, whereupon the object shoots awa Late 9/1926 #1064  
nning off to the other side of the pasture. Some kind of dust falls on Seay 7/4/1947 #2665  
t descend slowly and pass across a pasture at 7 m altitude. She stopped her Summer 1952 #6576  
large, brown, circular spot in the pasture where the disk had been resting. 6/21/1954 #9917  
large, brown, circular spot in the pasture where the disc has been resting. 6/21/1954 #9920  
large, brown, circular spot in the pasture where the disk had been resting. 6/21/1954 #9923  
. Luminous/glowing sphere lands in pasture. No further details. / r8 #216.  10/7/1954 #10778  
minous, spherical object land in a pasture.                                 10/9/1954 #10844  
n front of the car and jump into a pasture. Stopping immediately, the witne 10/9/1954 #10850  
ldren cross the road. They enter a pasture where a convex disc rises vertic 10/9/1954 #10855  
minous, spherical object land in a pasture.                                 10/9/1954 #10862  
front of their car and jump into a pasture. The beings were about the heigh 10/9/1954 #10868  
s died. They then saw a craft in a pasture 50 m away. It was cylindrical, f 10/11/1954 #10930  
d craft, 4 m diameter, landed in a pasture. It gave off a powerful red ligh 10/11/1954 #10936  
s died. They then saw a craft in a pasture 50 meters away. It was cylindric 10/11/1954 #10946  
ur meters in diameter, landed in a pasture. It gave off a powerful red ligh 10/11/1954 #10953  
3, saw a phosphorescent cigar in a pasture and a man near it, wearing a gra 10/12/1954 #10973  
osphorescent cigar-shaped UFO in a pasture and a man standing near it, wear 10/12/1954 #10983  
ucer going down [to] by woods near pasture. Man / white in space-suit exits 10/19/1954 #11230  
d object land by some woods near a pasture. A man wearing a white spacesuit 10/19/1954 #11246  
 2 groups / UFO's. 1 group lands / pasture. Both signal other / lights.     10/20/1954 #11256  
was very brilliant and landed in a pasture. Two others were seen near the c 10/20/1954 #11272  
was very brilliant and landed in a pasture. Two others were seen near a cli 10/20/1954 #11281  
a luminous disk, which landed in a pasture.                                 10/25/1954 #11387  
 light at both ends resting in the pasture. Some cows have gathered around  10/25/1954 #11392  
nt, luminous disc that landed in a pasture in Plemet, Cotes-du-Nord, France 10/25/1954 #11394  
 light at both ends resting in the pasture. He dared not investigate, but h 10/27/1954 #11445  
aid, bellowing and grouping in the pasture. They saw a trail of sparks trai 10/27/1954 #11451  
 light at both ends resting in the pasture. He didn't dare get closer to in 10/27/1954 #11453  
ave off an orange light, land in a pasture. Three men in dark coveralls wer 11/5/1954 #11578  
 like a generator land in a nearby pasture. He notices three men standing n 11/5/1954 #11579  
ave off an orange light, land in a pasture. Three men in dark coveralls wer 11/5/1954 #11581  
creams from 2M flying egg landed / pasture.                                 11/9/1954 #11608  
ng of a 2-m-high "flying egg" in a pasture. Screams seemed to emanate from  11/9/1954 #11610  
a two-meter-high "flying egg" in a pasture. Screams seemed to be emanating  11/9/1954 #11613  
 a circular object stationary in a pasture 50 m away. It was blue with symm 12/4/1954 #11758  
 waiter saw a circular object in a pasture in Caselle di Nogara, Italy. It  12/4/1954 #11759  
HILE Family / car. Saucer landed / pasture. Silently rises when approached. 2/15/1955 #12001  
ISSEUGES, FR 3.5M glowing saucer / pasture. Men descend / steps and take pl 9/16/1955 #12455  
0 a.m. a luminous disc flew over a pasture in Bradenton, Florida and stoppe 4/23/1959 #15711  
e down at high speed and land in a pasture near a river. Then it took off v 8/12/1959 #15906  
e down at high speed and land in a pasture near a river. It then took off v 8/12/1959 #15907  
out 40 feet above the trees in his pasture at Wallingford, Kentucky. After  9/7/1959 #15960  
DRAGUIGNAN, VAR Hemisphere lands / pasture. Rises and vanishes instantly. B 4/1961 #16640  
s long and six meters wide, in his pasture in Tioga City, New York at aroun 4/24/1964 #18201  
, while he is leading a cow out to pasture. The cow, normally eager to be l 5/19/1964 #18288  
wing-like projections, landed in a pasture, and three tall beings enveloped 2/21/1965 #18825  
Shortly after 11:00 p.m. cows in a pasture in Ambleside, Cumbria, England p 8/6/1965 #19335  
e orange spheres zig-zagged over a pasture in Pitlochry, Tayside, Scotland, 8/15/1965 #19401  
ane, Alberta, is on his horse in a pasture when he sees an object like a sm Mid 10/1965 #19659  
. Coquil, age 23, was driving by a pasture in Kerrodien en Bolazec, France  1/16/1966 #19841  
aking a humming sound, landed in a pasture on the "El Relajal" estate in Al 2/6/1966 #19891  
ken through the fence around their pasture. One had broken her leg. A pond  1/13/1967 #21300  
 had broken her leg. A pond in the pasture near the site continued to remai 1/13/1967 #21300  
middle, hovered 20-30 feet above a pasture in Elizabeth, Illinois before da 4/22/1967 #22209  
h a cigar-shaped UFO that was in a pasture pulsating with a red glow 100 me 5/14/1967 #22342  
dy lights). The object landed in a pasture about 500 feet from the witnesse 7/12/1967 #22653  
han 30 feet in diameter in his cow pasture near Duhamel, Alberta. A UFO gro 8/5/1967 #22815  
vy force or object were found in a pasture and were believed to have been c 8/5/1967 #22817  
oon-shaped object in a neighboring pasture about 450 feet away. It is shini 8/12/1967 #22868  
vers. Blue luminous saucer lands / pasture. Quickly going up [to] when obse 11/3/1967 #23393  
they were examining some cows in a pasture. It took off when they approache 11/3/1967 #23398  
at hovered low over his goats in a pasture. The billy-goat became impotent  2/9/1969 #24907  
op in the sky and then landed in a pasture in Beauvais, Oise, France, but t 10/11/1969 #25408  
own the stairs and outdoors to the pasture. That evening at 6:30 p.m. Bertr 6/4/1970 #25690  
ct landed on rectangular legs in a pasture in Ruelle-sur-Touvre, Charente,  9/9/1970 #25833  
meters over the ground in a nearby pasture.                                 6/26/1971 #26199  
ng up her backyard and part of the pasture beyond. Going to the front door, 11/3/1971 #26452  
 o'clock in the morning. Outside a pasture was illuminated by a UFO that lo 11/4/1971 #26457  
t landed in his field. Cows in the pasture panicked. The whole area was ill 6/16/1972 #26717  
xington, Alabama a UFO landed in a pasture at 12:20 a.m., about 300 meters  2/18/1973 #27296  
er(s). Circular object lands / cow pasture. / Winston-Salem Journal 1.10.73 8/14/1973 #27699  
ton, Ohio a cow was missing from a pasture after a UFO landed there.        10/14/1973 #28032  
a which began to descend towards a pasture. The incident began when the pri 10/25/1973 #28286  
 triangular windows spins low over pasture. / Times Herald.                 11/6/1973 #28372  
ntenna on top, pulsated red over a pasture, a quarter of a mile north of Ca 12/11/1973 #28557  
K Farmer. Silver object going up / pasture. Lands 2X more. Cows and dog fra 2/17/1974 (approximate) #28774  
tro-magnetic effects). 4M saucer / pasture. Soft buzz. Going SSW. Physical  3/30/1974 #28970  
with transparent domes landed in a pasture in Englefontaine, Nord departmen 8/2/1974 #29303  
Canada Five dome-shaped objects in pasture, spinning and swirling grass. Ob 9/1/1974 #29416  
 ring was discovered this day in a pasture in Doughboy, New South Wales, Au 5/6/1975 #30042  
 UFO / 4 cylinders hanging lands / pasture. Triangle of 3 rings / grass bur 7/19/1975 #30187  
s. 2M sphere/orb/globe on 3 legs / pasture. Cows scared. / r30p572+/ LDLN#1 8/29/1975 #30321  
 “orange fluorescent light” in the pasture of his property. Moments later,  10/7/1975 #30421  
utilated. No tracks / snow. Secure pasture.                                 10/19/1975 #30445  
                              In a pasture in Cascade County near Simms, Mo 12/8/1975 #30697  
ur hours by a UFO that landed in a pasture in Quixada, Ceara State, Brazil  4/23/1976 #31018  
woman named Cater was driving by a pasture in Minehead, England near Kilve  9/26/1977 #32522  
chland, Virginia float away from a pasture. It flew sideways at 20 feet alt 4/10/1978 #33138  
phere descend and land in a nearby pasture. The sphere changed color to a b 1/13/1979 #34337  
ery red sphere descend in a nearby pasture. The sphere changed colors to a  1/13/1979 #34338  
ntral Texas is walking through his pasture to check on a cow that is about  4/1980 #35244  
ird" copter was seen rising from a pasture. The next morning a prize-winnin 6/5/1980 #35355  
ect circle of disturbed grass in a pasture on the Teas Ranch in Hemphill Co 5/20/1983 #36862  
linder/cigar-shape follows fence / pasture. Light whirr. Lights / side. Tra 7/30/1984 #37423  
 object followed a fence line in a pasture at around 9:00 p.m., making a li 7/30/1984 #37424  
es were found on the ground in the pasture.                                 7/30/1984 #37424  
ted a large circle of light over a pasture near Denver, Colorado. Two cows  8/8/1987 #38235  
he barn, and moves away across the pasture.                                 10/13/1989 #39169  
bark. 100' domed saucer glows over pasture. Grid-opening / bottom.          10/16/1990 #39789  
hat hung over a slight rise in the pasture, less than 100 yards from their  5/3/1992 #40449  
ng transparent ovoid object over a pasture. It approached and the witness w 6/3/1992 #40485  
ck in the afternoon in an isolated pasture near Paradeseca, Orense, Spain w 2/20/1997 #43199  
rs saw strange red lights over the pasture.                                 2/20/1997 #43199  
 barn-sized round object parked in pasture. No further details.             6/24/1997 #43336  
IK, CROATIA Flat-iron going down / pasture. 4 small humanoids (or Greys) ex 1/10/1998 (approximate) #43496  
, dogs bark, as object hovers over pasture (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)   5/3/2003 #44522  
ls, Texas looking out at the horse pasture behind his home. The pasture hel 5/3/2003 #44523  
horse pasture behind his home. The pasture held several horses but he could 5/3/2003 #44523  
on the ground in the middle of the pasture. The source was a black craft, h 5/3/2003 #44523  
 an oval-shaped UFO came up from a pasture in Mabank, Texas and darted towa 11/5/2003 #44614  
e light at the northern end of the pasture. Buck and Roger approach it and  7/5/2009 #45230  
n the living room, and cows in the pasture are mooing excitedly. Outside, h 4/5/2018 #45524  
## Word: "pastures" (Back to Top)
ngs of immense trees, forests, and pastures, comparing it to the English co 1783 #88  
 night before, Brazel inspects the pastures surrounding the J. B. Foster ra 7/5/1947 #2723  
served a burned area in one of the pastures. There the sand has been turned 7/6/1947 #2812  
ore. 16' white-glowing object over pastures. Changes color(s).              7/9/1971 #26219  
white glowing object low over some pastures for ten minutes. It changed col 7/9/1971 #26221  
ound a mutilated cow in one of his pastures.                                9/6/1978 #33640  
 moving slowly over one of his cow pastures. He takes six photos of the obj 9/16/1996 #43023  
## Word: "pasturing" (Back to Top)
e location. The villagers had been pasturing cows in the glade where the UF 8/25/2004 #44741  
## Word: "pasty" (Back to Top)
.30 m tall, in gray clothes, with "pasty white faces" that seemed friendly  11/7/1957 #14457  
, wearing gray uniforms. They had "pasty white faces." They seemed friendly 11/7/1957 #14464  
hey were about five feet tall with pasty white faces and huge elongated eye 10/19/1973 #28199  
the abductee awoke she found three pasty white short humanoids in her livin 7/19/1977 #32294  
 on this evening. The humanoid had pasty white skin, reddish blond hair, an 7/12/1998 #43602  
d on a spindly neck. Its color was pasty and it looked like a lot of veins  9/25/1998 #43652  
## Word: "pasty-faced" (Back to Top)
iding door opens, and three small, pasty-faced men about 4.5 feet tall emer 11/7/1957 #14459  
## Word: "pasu" (Back to Top)
 north / Butler co / 1745 hours. / Pasu.                                    8/16/1999 #43823  
## Word: "pasulka" (Back to Top)
                      Author Diana Pasulka’s book America Cosmic states a U 2/20/2019 #45563  
## Word: "pat" (Back to Top)
oke indistinct words.) They gave a pat on the back to Mr. Garreau's dog and 10/4/1954 #10693  
oke indistinct words.) They gave a pat on the back to Mr. Garreau's dog and 10/4/1954 #10702  
           Southend, Great Britain Pat Hennessey ran away when she saw an o 10/15/1954 #11104  
                 On this night Ms. Pat Hennessey ran away when she saw an o 10/15/1954 #11120  
unty (Texas) Sheriff Weir Clem and Pat McCullough see a flash of light “lik 11/3/1957 #14248  
 bedroom in Lake Forest, Illinois, Pat Harvey sees a flash and hears a comm 7/1965 #19039  
, New York Donald Chiszar, 13, and Pat Crozier, 10, saw a bright object hov 10/24/1967 #23302  
 9:30 p.m. Donald Chiszar, 13, and Pat Crosier, 10, are sitting on the Cros 10/24/1967 #23305  
0 p.m. Donald Chiszar, age 13, and Pat Crosier, age 10, reported seeing a l 10/24/1967 #23309  
field. The next morning, they tell Pat’s father, farmer Warren Barr, who th 7/12/1969 #25264  
Lehi, Utah Midnight. Single mother Pat Roach is dozing on the couch with he 10/16/1973 #28088  
            Shortly after midnight Pat Roach and her children Bonnie and De 10/17/1973 #28135  
ralia’s Northern Territory Psychic Pat Price accurately remote views the So 7/9/1974 #29253  
tario Hamilton Spectator 1:30 p.m. Pat McCarthy, 19, is in a quarry off Ont 3/18/1975 #29910  
p.m. Richard W. and three friends, Pat S., Nancy T., and Ross K. were havin 7/12/1975 #30175  
 bar seemingly against their will. Pat tried desperately to turn back, but  7/12/1975 #30175  
fforts failed. After a short while Pat decided to return back inside the co 7/12/1975 #30175  
n standing behind a bush. (Source: Pat Miller, Sioux Falls (SD) Argus-Leade 7/5/1976 #31153  
ve Vineland, New Jersey 11:00 p.m. Pat Martinelli is outside her home on No 1/31/1978 #32929  
ter that same day UFO investigator Pat De La Franier was in his office in S 4/25/1978 #33171  
 on their terraces in the northern pat of Tehran, Iran, spot a “strange glo 7/16/1978 #33390  
    Norwich, Connecticut 8:45 p.m. Pat Gagliardo and another woman watch a  9/26/1979 #34928  
arranged on either side. Ufologist Pat Delgado examines the field and is st 8/1981 #36051  
International and a remote viewer, Pat Price, in 1973. Price believed there 7/1982 #36525  
                      At 6:00 p.m. Pat Clausing, driving on Washington Stat 8/11/1982 #36571  
rmal explanations of crop circles) Pat Delgado examines the circle and decl 9/9/1991 #40182  
ess, and Kit Green with his lawyer Pat Frascogna. Penniston states Green wa 10/20/2022 #45780  
## Word: "pata" (Back to Top)
                                El Pata Air Force Base Talara, Peru Sechura 1/31/1955 #11956  
driguez Cavero are returning to El Pata Air Force Base near Talara, Peru, b 1/31/1955 #11956  
## Word: "patagonia" (Back to Top)
                                   Patagonia Nahuel Huapi Lake, Argentina P Late 12/1968 #24790  
stian José Tarda is on vacation in Patagonia and leading a group of seconda Late 12/1968 #24790  
## Word: "patagonian" (Back to Top)
t a low altitude. It came from the Patagonian mesa flying out to sea and ma 3/2/1975 #29869  
## Word: "patapsco" (Back to Top)
                   Oella, Maryland Patapsco River 6:00 p.m. A cylindrical l 2/7/1889 #286  
away. It follows the course of the Patapsco River to the north for several  2/7/1889 #286  
 while following the course of the Patapsco River. The landscape beneath th 2/14/1889 #287  
                                   PATAPSCO ST. PARK, MD 4 / camp. 2 100+'  3/22/1978 #33069  
                                   Patapsco Valley State Park, Maryland Bal 3/22/1978 #33072  
s are sitting around a campfire in Patapsco Valley State Park, Maryland, ne 3/22/1978 #33072  
## Word: "patch" (Back to Top)
 altostratus cloud layer. The dark patch remains stationary against the mov 4/8/1912 #860  
about 10–15 mph and enters a thick patch of undergrowth. Marsala runs after 5/1931 #1126  
3 / farm. 9' saucer found / carrot patch. USAF truck and men cart object aw 5/1947 (approximate) #2271  
r(s). Shiny saucer 30m over tomato patch and house. Local wave TX and ark.  7/2/1947 #2543  
                              SAND PATCH, PA Kids. Huge metallic dome with  9/1950 (approximate) #5157  
tice a large, orange-red, luminous patch in the sky. It travels from east t 7/26/1952 #7176  
h Captain. Glowing ovoid with dark patch / side. Low humming. Going quickly 9/29/1952 #8052  
ILLE, FR 2 odd talking men / briar patch. 2 more descend. Dark cylinder/cig 10/18/1954 #11193  
E, FR Oval landing traces / carrot patch. Flat ground. Indents and burns. / 10/22/1954 #11313  
seto, Tuscany, Italy. He entered a patch of fog and started hearing a buzzi 10/24/1954 #11366  
60cm washtub saucer circles potato patch 30x. Slow. 6 pegs / top.           9/5/1956 (approximate) #13188  
when grain samples from the burned patch were studied under a microscope, i 7/30/1957 #13860  
, climbs up a bank, and finds in a patch of bracken a metallic saucer shape 11/21/1957 #14590  
  BELLS CORNERS, ON 2 observer(s). Patch / blue light / field. Only 1 obser 8/18/1958 #15213  
eet in diameter and have a reddish patch that rotates. They follow the car  Late 4/1962 #17130  
ect on the inside edge of a nearby patch of woods. He gets off the tractor  4/24/1964 #18199  
sic domed saucer. Dark rectangular patch / top. / r227p71.                  8/29/1965 #19472  
ng about 8 ft. off the ground in a patch of apparent mist. The object glowe 3/20/1966 #19997  
g, originally described as a large patch of yellow, flattened grass with a  4/6/1966 #20257  
ornfield. 3M saucer seen. 1 Mx20cm patch of soil gone. Claw marks?          8/1966 #20704  
e Souza incurred a circular burned patch six inches in diameter, and he was 8/13/1967 #22874  
nds / hillside. Lights / ends. 75' patch / dried grass.                     9/2/1968 #24423  
n of it rotating, and beneath it a patch of violet light was cast onto the  11/21/1968 #24676  
outh Wales, sees and hears a large patch of 2-year- old cane rustling and w 4/20/1969 #25073  
isk going [to] fast. Spins. Lands? Patch / barren ground.                   5/20/1969 #25150  
 Windows / edge. Rises fast. Burnt patch.                                   5/22/1969 #25156  
 Bert O’Neil, discovers a circular patch of dead and silvery-white manuka p 9/4/1969 #25351  
ing site, where they found a large patch of snow melted down to the ground. 2/26/1973 #27318  
ation. She finds a large, circular patch of burned and crushed grass about  10/6/1973 #27960  
ree mysterious walkers, but only a patch of mist appeared on the developed  10/20/1973 #28222  
e the site the next day and find a patch of ferns that appear abnormally wi 5/20/1974 #29119  
s / treetops. Animals react. Burnt patch / alfalfa.                         9/4/1974 #29419  
tside of Sioux City, Iowa. A burnt patch of vegetation was found in an alfa 9/4/1974 #29423  
io tower. Lands / field. 35' burnt patch and 4 indents.                     9/9/1974 #29438  
landing site: a 35 foot wide burnt patch, and four landing pad indentations 9/9/1974 #29440  
he comes across a circular crushed patch of tobacco plants about 30–40 feet 7/6/1975 #30167  
nds at the wrists and ankles and a patch of white at the neck. He also had  12/11/1975 #30705  
ld has been scorched in a circular patch. This grass later dies. On October Late 2/1976 #30905  
ow US 75] when they notice a large patch of cornfield with no corn growing. 10/1976 #31441  
e, Pennsylvania. It leaves a large patch of burning grass (100 feet long by 3/8/1977 #31878  
d landing site and find a circular patch of flattened barley and a path lea 9/1/1978 #33622  
 a football field hovering above a patch of trees. The driver stops the car 5/1980 #35298  
ened by the sudden appearance of a patch of smoke or fog that suddenly enve 5/7/1980 #35317  
es photos of her hand, which has a patch of shiny dermis with spots of bloo 9/10/1981 #36108  
   At sea, South Atlantic A bright patch of light exploded into an orange f 9/17/1982 #36606  
            At 11:03 p.m. a bright patch of light exploded into an orange f 9/17/1982 #36608  
nly sent silent. He next noticed a patch of white light shining on a rise o 4/12/1992 #40414  
l.  The object had a red and white patch; it first oscillated in flight, th 2/25/1999 #43736  
ssile” in the W-72 warning area, a patch of airspace off the coast of Virgi 6/27/2013 #45376  
## Word: "patcham" (Back to Top)
urnal light by a married couple in Patcham, East Sussex, England.           1/24/1978 #32913  
## Word: "patches" (Back to Top)
. He also notes canals, roads, and patches of vegetation, but never writes  1783 #88  
ing over a field, dark window-like patches visible on its side. (Ref. 3; Je 11/13/1939 #1320  
t 25 feet across. Dark window-like patches are visible on the side. A “curt 11/13/1939 #1321  
ely caused by solar reflections on patches of ice crystals on the surface o 1/16/1950 #4495  
y personnel in fatigues with no ID patches standing around the craft.  The  1953 #8483  
s examine the area and find burned patches on the ground and small tree lim 7/30/1957 #13862  
iptical, metallic object with dark patches zigzagging about 200 feet above  11/11/1957 #14534  
, and there are damp, gray-colored patches. These are taken for analysis to 5/12/1962 #17165  
a purplish liquid, 2"x2" marks and patches of singed grass were found at th 8/19/1965 #19424  
a purplish liquid, 2"x2" marks and patches of singed grass were found at th 8/19/1965 #19428  
everal days. Small puddles and mud patches surrounding the pond are not fro 2/18/1968 #23763  
 flight path. It has 6 rectangular patches on its side. It is visible with  8/16/1968 #24341  
arent site and find erratic burned patches of Dasylirion plants (charred at 8/26/1968 #24379  
area is flattened in four distinct patches, the largest 60 by 15 feet. All  4/17/1969 #25067  
ude. Beams pulse going down. Burnt patches / heavy rain!                    5/12/1969 #25129  
m the ground toward the UFO. Burnt patches of vegetation were found at the  5/12/1969 #25132  
 tombstone. He finds four circular patches of flattened grass.              11/29/1970 #25922  
nd finds two 11-foot-wide circular patches of crushed and burned potatos wh 7/29/1971 #26252  
AFR Droning sound and glow. 4 23cm patches / dead grass / lawn. / r180p89.  4/30/1973 #27454  
on his back and stomach. Irritated patches of his skin turn purplish blue.  5/22/1973 #27518  
erclockwise and there are two bare patches.                                 12/15/1973 #28577  
ood on tripod landing gear. It had patches of orange luminescence on top wi 1/7/1974 #28661  
red a few minutes later. Next day, patches of charred vegetation were found 3/1/1974 #28843  
op, and was 20 feet wide. Circular patches were found on the ground at the  8/16/1974 #29364  
e/orb/globe with windows / farm. 4 patches found / dirt. Vegetation gone. / 5/26/1977 #32130  
nd, where the tundra is burning in patches [methane outgassing?].           11/13/1978 #33952  
k armless 3.5M figure with 3 white patches for eyes. / UFORUM.              9/19/1992 #40630  
 side of its head it had two white patches where the eyes might have been.  9/19/1992 #40631  
s's car. The object had two square patches of blue-gray fluorescent light i 8/10/1993 #41122  
l rays appeared between the square patches.                                 8/10/1993 #41122  
 saucer spins / 30m altitude. Dark patches / sides.                         6/18/1994 #41570  
 morning, she finds three circular patches of deep green growth in the area 7/17/1996 #42961  
hts along the edge. Three circular patches of green growth appeared in the  7/17/1996 #42962  
d on the ground. There were burned patches in the grass, and scorched tree  11/15/2002 #44443  
## Word: "patchin" (Back to Top)
                  LINDSBORG, KS P. Patchin. Grey-white clam-shape / 2 miles 4/10/1950 #4839  
## Word: "patching" (Back to Top)
                                   PATCHING, ENGL 1 / car. Large white and  10/30/1981 #36193  
## Word: "patchogue" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / PATCHOGUE, LI, NY 3 cops and more/others 10/21/1966 #21021  
## Word: "patenet" (Back to Top)
gations. Another engineer, Jacques Patenet, replaces Jean-Jacques Velasco a 7/2005 #44850  
                  GEIPAN’s Jacques Patenet announces that the organization  1/2006 #44917  
                  GEIPAN’s Jacques Patenet appears, with Ciel et espace edi 3/30/2007 #45014  
 journalist Yves Calvi about UFOs, Patenet says unequivocally that yes, the 3/30/2007 #45014  
as director of GEIPAN from Jacques Patenet, who continues as an advisor.    1/1/2009 #45204  
## Word: "patent" (Back to Top)
rancisco, California, is granted a patent for a cylindrical airship with a  8/11/1896 #329  
uthored by Thomas Valone, a former patent examiner at the USPTO and co-foun 1968 #23633  
                   Mr. Lusignan, a patent examiner, lost while hiking in th 6/9/1976 #31095  
physicist Bernard Eastlund files a patent on a “Method and apparatus for al 1/10/1985 #37546  
e a section of the ionosphere. The patent speculates on “possible ramificat 1/10/1985 #37546  
plant.  https://patents.google.com/patent/GB1479450A/en   https://archive.o 3/1990 #39436  
n and that the university plans to patent and license this device. No furth 1997 #43156  
cientist Boyd Bushman is awarded a patent for a device that creates a magne 4/17/1997 #43264  
rials.  https://patents.justia.com/patent/5929732     Note: Magnetic monopo 4/17/1997 #43264  
entor of the Navy’s triangle craft patent (see 2 November 2017), was workin 8/1997 #43363  
ble, given his Navy triangle craft patent utilized vacuum fluctuation energ 8/1997 #43363  
te: The triangle antigravity craft patent submitted by Salvatore Pais and N 8/1998 #43618  
TP Group at BDM Intl. is awarded a patent for technology that increases aer 8/22/1998 #43636  
 which manages Los Alamos, filed a patent in 2021 for aerospace vehicles th 5/17/1999 #43770  
93 with Project Chameleo, securing Patent No. 5,307,162 “Cloaking Using Opt 7/2003 #44560  
nding, zero point energy Stardrive patent Mark Tomion died unexpectedly in  12/2014 #45425  
Air Station Patuxent River files a patent for a triangle/diamond shaped cra 11/2/2017 #45490  
 resembles some UAP sightings. The patent was initially rejected but Naval  11/2/2017 #45490  
a was already investing in it. The patent was then approved. The technology 11/2/2017 #45490  
 The technology described in Pais’ patent is similar to that of Hal Puthoff 11/2/2017 #45490  
 DIRD on vacuum engineering. Pais’ patent describes a craft that is able to 11/2/2017 #45490  
ies” related to the triangle craft patent and NAVAIR. Kobitz claims neither 11/2/2017 #45490  
C based in Los Alamos, NM, filed a patent for aerospace vehicles that trave 6/25/2021 #45695  
 to achieve “buoyancy in air.” The patent was published two weeks before th 6/25/2021 #45695  
a. The Triad National Security LLC patent states an air-buoyant structure a 6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "patent-motorwagen" (Back to Top)
                          The Benz Patent-Motorwagen by the German Carl Ben 1885 #262  
## Word: "patented" (Back to Top)
device existed at the time and was patented in the UK to E.J.C. Rickman. BA 3/1990 #39436  
## Word: "patentimages" (Back to Top)
(see 2 November 2017). *   https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/1b/f 8/1998 #43618  
d craft he had access to.  https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/08/d 8/22/1998 #43636  
versity of California. *   https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/51/e 5/17/1999 #43770  
 and trans medium travel.  https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/36/2 5/18/2006 #44945  
etails are not shared. *   https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/36/2 5/18/2006 #44945  
 for propulsion purposes.  https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/1b/f 11/2/2017 #45490  
odni/DEOM-2021-00006.pdf   https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/51/e 6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "patents" (Back to Top)
ry Heintz of Elkton, South Dakota, patents an airship consisting of a cigar 4/20/1897 #545  
aims that HAARP is built using his patents, prompting Nick Begich Jr. to ch 1/10/1985 #37546  
e company’s Warton plant.  https://patents.google.com/patent/GB1479450A/en  3/1990 #39436  
 and separates materials.  https://patents.justia.com/patent/5929732     No 4/17/1997 #43264  
  US Army veteran Gary R. Gochnour patents a plasma based aircraft design s 5/18/2006 #44945  
## Word: "pateof" (Back to Top)
 George Larsen (Larson?) and Larry Pateof (Pace?) are driving by car 20 mil 1/30/1967 #21418  
## Word: "paterna" (Back to Top)
                                   PATERNA, SP Numerous observer(s). Flying 3/25/1950 #4719  
## Word: "patero" (Back to Top)
                       Sr. Onilson Patero, a 40-year-old salesman, was driv 5/22/1973 #27519  
erior of his car began to heat up. Patero felt a lack of air so he opened t 5/22/1973 #27519  
hour later two young men found Sr. Patero laying in the mud and rain. He re 5/22/1973 #27519  
unknown cause. Eleven months later Patero became the principal experiencer  5/22/1973 #27519  
          Forty-one year old Oscar Patero failed to return from a short bus 4/26/1974 #29064  
## Word: "paterson" (Back to Top)
                              East Paterson [now Elmwood Park], New Jersey  8/10/1945 #1922  
 a concert at a night club in East Paterson [now Elmwood Park], New Jersey. 8/10/1945 #1922  
                                   Paterson, NJ Horse reacts to circular li 10/1946 #2194  
                                   PATERSON, NJ Observer(s) = Barton Walker 7/6/1947 #2734  
                                   PATERSON, NJ 2 small orange-gold disks h 7/25/1952 #7132  
                                   PATERSON, NJ 1 observer and more. 1 obse 7/27/1955 (approximate) #12291  
                                   PATERSON, NJ Several observer(s). 40' fl 10/30/1994 #41822  
0-50 feet altitude, was sighted in Paterson, New Jersey at 5:45 p.m. It rep 10/30/1994 #41825  
## Word: "patesville" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PATESVILLE, KY 5+? observer(s). Bell-sha 7/26/1976 #31184  
## Word: "path" (Back to Top)
nst the sky, it takes a horizontal path with an undulating motion before di 12/16/1742? #65  
ning up the underbrush. It makes a path about 16 feet wide for a distance o 6/19/1857 #150  
oss the sky in the same horizontal path. Olson and his colleagues finally p 7/20/1860 #155  
 West Midlands, England, through a path behind his family’s garden when he  Summer 1901 #645  
glides down road. Turns into small path..                                   2/25/1909 #720  
 and then turn and go down a small path.                                    2/25/1909 #721  
horizon in a practically identical path. Individual fireballs are visible f 2/9/1913 #881  
g east across / sky. Each cloud in path vanishes and reappears after!       8/1927 (approximate) #1075  
ail end. It moves in a rectangular path, then speeds up suddenly and climbs 1/1/1931 #1120  
cles back to the woods in a steady path of 35–40 mph. After it circles past 6/1932 #1144  
ject beginning to cross his flight path about 1,000 feet below him. It look 1/1/1937 #1259  
he color of gun metal, crossed the path in front of a aircraft flying near  1/1/1937 #1260  
ter of silver-colored discs in the path of their formation and closing with 10/14/1943 #1536  
avers going quickly north / flight path. Larger / any plane.                7/4/1947 #2597  
aped object flipping in an erratic path (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 7/4/1947 #2647  
th for 5 minutes as it crosses his path several miles in front of him.      7/4/1947 #2655  
The first object then retraces its path to the south at high speed. The dis 7/7/1947 #2939  
 trail and then ascended and cut a path through the clouds.                 7/10/1947 #3101  
 trail. It then ascended and cut a path through the clouds.                 7/10/1947 #3118  
object going northwest / irregular path.                                    7/13/1947 #3164  
objects pass over them on a zigzag path (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BB 8/14/1947 #3325  
81 kilometres from intended flight path)                                    10/20/1947 #3460  
spotted litter on a hillside and a path that had obviously been ripped up b 1948 #3521  
t with a flat top cross his flight path at the same altitude and then turn  1/9/1948 #3552  
The targets always fly in the same path from northwest to southeast, along  Spring 1948 #3593  
ting from it descending across his path. The base tells him it has tracked  6/16/1948 #3671  
saw a UFO flying in an oscillatory path, up and down motions. Intelligence  10/14/1948 #3834  
 is able to triangulate its flight path as 7–8 miles, west to east toward L 12/20/1948 #3936  
long and 10 feet wide, cross their path at an altitude of 1,500–1,600 feet. 1/1/1949 #3955  
ulation of the fireball’s 143-mile path from Amarillo to Lamesa, Texas. He  1/31/1949 #3988  
reen, or blue green. b. Horizontal path, sometimes with minor variations. c 4/19/1949 #4094  
ng in a zig-zag fashion in a level path 6 feet above the ground. It vanishe 4/27/1949 #4118  
 descending slightly on a straight path. (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - D 5/3/1949 #4142  
 flying on a straight level flight path. They estimated the object was betw 1/6/1950 #4475  
wly in 1-1/2 mins in a wavy spiral path (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 6/23/1950 #4999  
all; after it crosses their flight path, it appears like an upside-down sha 7/11/1950 #5056  
isc following a rectangular flight path, consisting of a “falling leaf, hor 9/5/1950 #5169  
time, a similar object crosses the path of an Air Force jet near Pope AFB.  10/15/1950 #5236  
t a low elevation in an undulating path over hills to the south. It disappe 8/3/1951 #5595  
alloon in the area, but its flight path is completely different.            1/21/1952 #5871  
. Very fast saucer. Erratic flight path. Tilts vanishes and reappears.      4/13/1952 #6065  
aped object with an erratic flight path moved very fast through the sky eas 4/13/1952 #6071  
white saucer in straight and level path with side-to-side oscillations.     4/29/1952 #6209  
he second object follows a similar path but at a higher altitude. The first 5/10/1952 #6296  
e obj seen descending in a curving path to the northwest over the San Diego 5/13/1952 #6315  
City, California, flying a curving path to the northwest. At 9:25 p.m., Car 5/13/1952 #6316  
 of about 3,600+ mph on a straight path for about 125 miles for 2 minutes.  6/23/1952 #6607  
rspace Bright Light Crosses C-97's Path (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code:  6/28/1952 #6656  
at about 40,000 feet. The object’s path intersects contrails of the two jet 7/1/1952 #6689  
xtremely sharp turn similar to the path of a ball bouncing off a wall.      7/23/1952 #7078  
another appears on the same flight path. Some family members and neighbors  8/10/1952 #7539  
y follow the straight west-to-east path out of sight. Three deviate from th 8/10/1952 #7539  
t of sight. Three deviate from the path to the north, and one deviates to t 8/10/1952 #7539  
kly northeast. Very fast. Wavering path.                                    8/20/1952 #7657  
ardrop-Shaped Objects Cross Flight Path (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code:  8/22/1952 #7679  
d very fast, stopped, retraced its path upwards, while whirling in the oppo 9/6/1952 #7867  
cend very fast, stop, re-trace its path upwards, and then whirl in the oppo 9/6/1952 #7871  
 jet trainer, in a slightly curved path for 5 seconds.                      9/9/1952 #7886  
3 jet trainer in a slightly curved path.                                    9/9/1952 #7887  
 jet trainer, in a slightly curved path for five seconds.                   9/9/1952 #7888  
 glowing orange eyes blocked their path. The figure was about 12 feet high  9/11/1952 #7896  
th glowing orange eyes blocked the path. About 12 feet high (4 meters), the 9/12/1952 #7906  
 pairs following a broken, zig-zag path. They leave an abundant trail of a  10/17/1952 #8148  
 is too far out to follow the same path and therefore attempts to land on w 11/1/1952 #8228  
nomenal speed on an erratic flight path.  Sighting lasted 10 minutes.       12/8/1952 #8396  
de leaving a contrail crossing his path from left to right at about 35,000– 3/3/1953 #8727  
0–700 mph. Finally, it crosses the path of the aircraft and disappears swif 5/10/1953 #8872  
casional "triangular" deviations / path.                                    10/29/1953 #9259  
e villa lane, maintaining a flight path below the tree branches. The flight 10/18/1954 #11225  
, a farmworker, was walking down a path in a marshy meadow in Castiglion De 10/24/1954 #11366  
the sea on a north to south flight path, and passed within six meters. It w 12/7/1954 #11774  
         A man was walking along a path near a local church in Sommaprado,  12/30/1954 #11882  
t. Returns going quickly northeast path.                                    7/9/1955 #12244  
nly rose upward in a zigzag flight path and flew into a cloud bank.         7/10/1955 #12248  
kly south through clouds. Retraces path south going quickly north.          8/6/1955 #12335  
ight light darts and stops. Zigzag path / 40 minute(s).                     10/2/1955 #12483  
 and seems to block the airliner’s path or risk collision. It disappears br 4/8/1956 #12803  
e object passes in the same flight path, then a group of six, then one more 5/4/1956 #12832  
120cm small humanoids (or Greys) / path stop to see hiker. Walk away.       7/1956 (approximate) #12935  
and thunderstorms 150 miles in the path of planes. With the radar at "zero  11/8/1956 #13315  
Later, at a point along the flight path, a small radio transmitter like tho 2/15/1957 #13509  
ow and low. Seen widely / circular path. Shoots away.                       7/24/1957 #13823  
target turns to head on a parallel path. The crew loses contact at 8:24 p.m 8/3/1957 #13875  
trail formation along an irregular path, frequently banking during 25-30 se 10/8/1957 #14077  
trail formation along an irregular path, frequently banking during the 25-3 10/8/1957 #14081  
 horizon and toward the end of its path makes three “crazy” gyrations then  10/9/1957 #14085  
to] low over desert hills. Erratic path.                                    11/11/1957 #14528  
lights traced a perfect triangular path in the sky.                         1/5/1958 #14810  
ts / rigid formation. Very erratic path going quickly west. / r242p156.     4/16/1958 #14991  
pears directly across their flight path at the same altitude. Their VHF com 5/13/1958 #15031  
 radio Calgary to request a flight path change to avoid the cloud, which is 5/13/1958 #15031  
 inside it, flying in a descending path toward his house. It passes over th 2/24/1959 #15605  
h, a third appears and follows the path the others have taken.              3/20/1959 #15659  
d, one curving away in a parabolic path, the other executing a more gradual 5/28/1959 #15750  
led in a straight and level flight path.A Project Blue Book "unknown."      6/30/1959 #15804  
e at varying speed, in an arc-like path for 5 minutes.                      6/2/1961 #16711  
 at varying speeds, in an arc-like path for five minutes. A radar contact w 6/2/1961 #16712  
began to wobble or fishtail in its path.” Several people see the object ove 4/18/1962 #17120  
take on a speedy horizontal flight path. They notice a second, ball-shaped  6/25/1962 #17245  
rport], Topeka, Kansas. Its flight path is curved upward, with an occasiona 10/12/1962 #17468  
io, Texas, takes 928 pictures on a path selected by DIA analysts, capturing 10/14/1962 #17471  
ine of flight intersected aircraft path at right angles. [Report via Bluegr 1/24/1963 #17638  
ped UFO intersected the aircraft's path at a right angle.                   1/24/1963 #17639  
erver(s). Sphere/orb/globe / crazy path merges / passing cylinder/cigar-sha 9/14/1963 #17935  
lew on a straight and level flight path over Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mr.  5/26/1964 #18309  
ved in and up-and-down oscillating path as they flew along. The sighting la 1/11/1965 #18710  
ing east in long slow south-shaped path.                                    4/1/1965 #18886  
st in a long, slow S-shaped flight path.                                    4/1/1965 #18887  
oments later came back on the same path, hovered again, and finally moved a 5/14/1965 #18943  
–30° from the horizontal. No other path leads into the circle but his own.  6/25/1965 #19028  
moving east to west on a parabolic path. Two variometers (magnetic field me 7/3/1965 #19062  
 as the object tumbled over in its path. It was shaped like a diamond with  5/16/1966 #20490  
w an aerial object paralleling the path of her car, but traveling a little  5/16/1966 #20490  
bove the power lines on a parallel path. The object was emitting a bluish g 6/8/1966 #20540  
and photographs flashing object on path in front and below their craft. Uni 9/19/1966 #20896  
 at 4,000 mph on an erratic flight path.                                    1/6/1967 #21267  
hite light going fast in a zig-zag path. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 -  1/31/1967 #21423  
er line, then retrace its approach path (reverse direction) as it left. Hou 2/20/1967 #21605  
ht. The UFO flew on a level flight path from east to west over Benton Harbo 3/6/1967 #21778  
t in front. It moved on an erratic path, tipping from side to side at 5-10  3/10/1967 #21849  
 two smaller objects came from the path of the first (satellite objects). T 4/6/1967 #22075  
INGDON, HERTFS 1 observer / lonely path. Strange figure digs / dirt / small 6/24/1967 (approximate) #22539  
 then proceeded along its original path at high speed and disappeared behin 6/24/1967 #22547  
king alone at night along a bridal path in Bovington, England came upon a s 6/24/1967 #22551  
igure bent down by the side of the path. The figure was short and was weari 6/24/1967 #22551  
-2 50cm small humanoids (or Greys) path. / r79p36.                          8/1967 #22766  
ias. It flies in an erratic zigzag path, sometimes slowly, at other times a 8/4/1967 #22805  
ture course appeared to follow the path of a radio navigation beam. (Hunkin 8/5/1967 #22812  
y along a low-altitude, horizontal path. (NICAP report forms.) (NICAP: 02 - 8/14/1967 #22875  
ly at tree-top level, retraced its path, hovered, and suddenly ascended. Th 8/29/1967 #22952  
gland. The sites lie on a straight path 220 miles long that spans 1° of lat 9/4/1967 #22998  
,” 16, is walking along an asphalt path near the deserted grounds of an iso 9/14/1967 #23060  
cular craft moving parallel to his path for 5-1/2 miles as he drove at 35-4 10/17/1967 #23242  
RD, UT Large silvery ovoid crosses path of truck. 3MI distant.              10/18/1967 #23250  
d, and resumed its original flight path. (Letter from witness, NICAP files; 11/15/1967 #23460  
 apart and each following the same path. (Haines, 1994, p. 44, from UNICAT  12/24/1967 #23604  
Night light going northwest. Burnt path / woods. 3 trees die.               5/1968 #23934  
, like mist, appeared on the front path. It gradually came towards where I  8/4/1968 #24297  
object retreats along its original path and vanishes seconds later. The thr 8/7/1968 #24307  
r-shaped object cross their flight path. It has 6 rectangular patches on it 8/16/1968 #24341  
nstant angle from their own flight path for more than 10 minutes, while the 8/22/1968 #24369  
ches on across the top of the cane path, and it slowly turns in a half circ 4/20/1969 #25073  
t they found a barley field with a path through it, such as the three human 5/11/1969 #25128  
2M sphere going southwest 12M over path. Returns going northwest.           7/25/1969 #25297  
southwest at only 12 meters over a path in Estival, France. It returned a s 7/25/1969 #25299  
northeast over the bay. The flight path of the UFO curved upwards, and it m 9/28/1969 #25384  
gh an opening that appeared in his path. The interior of the ship resembled 8/15/1970 #25787  
 flying in formation on a straight path from northeast to southwest. Second 11/29/1970 #25922  
erver(s). Silent dome going north. Path follows local faultline.            12/11/1970 #25935  
 off sparks. It flew in a straight path to the west, but at one point compl 3/2/1971 #26039  
lor like a phantom, walking down a path toward the boy's tent. The farther  7/8/1971 #26218  
d ran out of his tent and down the path toward the other tent, but the figu 7/8/1971 #26218  
e oval-shaped UFO that crossed the path of her vehicle. It came from behind 3/7/1972 #26590  
der/cigar-shape lands and darkens. Path / flattened brush. / TUFOIC.        7/5/1972 #26766  
 of the jet and on the same flight path. The object shines a beam of light  10/23/1972 #27087  
 going quickly southeast / erratic path.                                    3/27/1973 #27379  
 remaining object follows the same path a short time afterward. She reports 7/7/1973 #27621  
 about a minute. There had been no path through the woods, and the three ob 9/20/1973 #27849  
rom the scene, literally tearing a path right through the dense vegetation. 10/20/1973 #28222  
 through the dense vegetation. The path led to a 100 foot drop, giving Ramo 10/20/1973 #28222  
o were still blocking the downhill path. From then until the sky began to l 10/20/1973 #28222  
 two runestones by the side of the path. Suddenly a blinding light knocks h 3/23/1974 #28936  
eads toward them on a level flight path until it gets to 500 feet away. It  3/29/1974 #28968  
ases their car and obstructs their path on the road. They turn the car arou 5/15/1974 #29105  
t 35,000 feet, crossing his flight path from north to south. Luftansa Fligh 3/17/1975 #29905  
at 31,000 feet crossing his flight path north to south. Current time zone o 3/17/1975 #29905  
courtyard and walls and going [to] path. / r30.                             6/26/1975 #30120  
 disc-shaped object resting in his path. The UFO quickly ascends and is los 10/7/1975 #30421  
 saucer. Abrupt turns. Complicated path. 20 minute(s).                      11/11/1975 #30601  
ght moving very fast, crossing the path he is traveling. The object is head 4/2/1976 #30979  
s across the road, blocking Joao's path. The object then glided over to a c 9/3/1976 #31341  
                  CUERS, FR Man on path. Small humanoid (or Grey) / black s 12/3/1976 #31580  
ging something outside on the sand path that encircled their house. The sou 1/3/1977 #31687  
ass by a canal in were following a path up a small hill when they saw a UFO 4/12/1977 #31974  
cson, Arizona and were following a path up a small hill when they saw a UFO 4/12/1977 #31977  
s the southeast following a curved path. From out of some bushes beneath wh 4/12/1977 #31977  
four feet wide, that crossed their path about 25 feet away and disappeared  5/8/1977 #32074  
is flying southbound in a straight path.                                    5/15/1977 #32095  
ngth. Object flew in slow straight path from 30-degrees in SW to 30-degrees 7/31/1977 #32327  
e object flies in a slow, straight path from southwest to northeast and is  7/31/1977 #32328  
well known Heathrow Airport flight path. Watching it through binoculars, it 8/4/1977 #32360  
or 20 seconds almost on the flight path. It moves away quickly when an airc 8/4/1977 #32360  
 passing E of overhead in straight path w/o sound or trail. (IUR NF, 10/31/ 10/13/1977 #32570  
ing east of overhead in a straight path without sound or trail. The estimat 10/13/1977 #32571  
ed and returned along its original path towards him. It quickly enveloped h 1/10/1978 #32870  
 white-suited figure standing on a path about 90 feet away. The figure was  1/10/1978 #32872  
anadian territory along a 370-mile path from Great Slave Lake to Baker Lake 1/24/1978 #32912  
rb/globe trails steam and tornado. Path radioactive. = Cosmos 992 Sat?      3/17/1978 #33044  
tant aircraft moving in a straight path over the mountains in the southwest 3/18/1978 #33054  
the northeast in an erratic flight path. At midnight the same or a similar  7/28/1978 #33438  
sponds / flashlight. 2 more / same path.                                    8/11/1978 #33500  
Two more objects followed the same path as the first. The sightings lasted  8/11/1978 #33507  
on. It then continues its straight path southbound to the horizon.          8/20/1978 #33533  
province, Argentina, in a 300-mile path.                                    8/22/1978 #33548  
rushes forward, following the same path as the first light. Total duration  8/23/1978 #33553  
ar patch of flattened barley and a path leading up to it.                   9/1/1978 #33622  
e descended and crossed the flight path of incoming airliners.              11/12/1978 #33950  
 were walking along a mountainside path in Milanere, Torino, Italy when the 12/8/1978 #34078  
OW, POL 3M hockey puck hovers over path. Geometric figure(s) flash / edge.  5/22/1979 #34573  
s itself directly in the Hel-127’s path three times, matching the boat’s co 8/23/1979 #34768  
, and some are charred. He finds a path leading to another circle 18 feet a 9/16/1979 #34890  
et away. It approaches in a zigzag path.                                    12/31/1979 #35107  
. After they are out of the beam’s path, the lights do not flicker again.   5/14/1980 #35330  
dged boomerang circles / irregular path / 30 minute(s). Going quickly south 2/20/1981 #35839  
tion as the Salyut in a suborbital path. Then a “kind of explosion happened 5/5/1981 #35930  
 then another to draw a triangular path in the sky. Then it moves rapidly h 7/1981 #35982  
ter they reappear, standing on the path in front of him. They are 5 feet ta 8/8/1981 #36064  
ptured much of the 6-second flight path of the lights in an 8-minute time e 8/12/1981 #36070  
maller lights are following in its path.                                    9/18/1981 #36128  
ow speed from east to west along a path north of the witnesses. Known as Th 12/4/1981 #36246  
rances, flying overhead across his path. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)   3/24/1983 #36802  
Diggers Rest in a counterclockwise path between 200 and 1,600 feet in altit 7/22/1983 #36921  
 red and white lights. Its erratic path was detected on FAA radar at the Gr 12/12/1983 #37070  
 red and white lights. Its erratic path was detected on FAA radar at the Gr 12/12/1983 #37072  
s to their right and follows their path closely for several minutes. The gl 9/7/1984 #37458  
r for his cow. On the beaten-earth path to the field he encounters an entit 10/8/1984 #37480  
 of the frame and move in a curved path across the right side of the frame. 11/14/1984 #37504  
ve the object. The UFO crosses the path of the airliner at an altitude of 3 6/11/1985 #37598  
e object.. The UFO flew across the path of the airliner at its altitude of  6/11/1985 #37599  
ey are moving along the same glide path as the incoming jets but seem to sl 7/15/1986 #37943  
move to-and-fro on a wiggly flight path, flying silently to the northeast.  7/19/1986 #37949  
t white "star" to and fro / wiggly path. Then goes going quickly northeast. 8/1/1986 #37966  
e. 2-3M altitude. Turns down small path.                                    11/3/1987 (approximate) #38316  
ES Beer-can shaped object / spiral path going northeast and back going sout 4/1988 #38524  
ge night light paces car / complex path / 40 min. Absolute(ly) silent. Vani 4/10/1988 #38540  
found himself walking along a dirt path in a dark wooded area near his hom. 5/1/1988 #38551  
n. Makes 90° turn going [to] level path and away. / 20 second(s).           2/21/1989 #38845  
nd metallic object crosses plane's path. No further details.                10/23/1989 #39180  
 blinking lights moving across his path at 8,500 feet. Air traffic control  11/1/1989 #39207  
he object followed a curved flight path with a wobbling motion.             2/5/1990 #39410  
 cylindrical object crossing their path in Rockwood, Texas at 10:30 p.m. It 9/11/1990 #39726  
egreen cigar-shaped object crossed path of airliner                         3/6/1991 #39998  
 on an easterly course crosses the path of Air Charter Flight 866 near King 3/6/1991 #39999  
        London, UK Missile crossed path of MD-80, RV (NICAP: 11 - Aviation  4/21/1991 #40043  
pproach saw round object cross its path, confirmed by radar                 4/21/1991 #40044  
 flew away in a zig-zagging flight path. Scratch marks and an oily thick an 8/29/1991 #40170  
ater a second object followed same path.                                    9/10/1992 #40616  
turn, and cuts across their flight path. The helicopters slow to a hover an 11/1992 #40700  
oud formation on the exact reverse path.                                    6/1/1993 #41000  
 observer(s). Saucer flies erratic path over town. Local wave / Okanagan Va 8/22/1993 #41151  
range streamers that crossed their path. The two flourescent orange streame 9/13/1994 #41745  
kes a minute to cross the sky on a path angled about 10° away from north to 9/14/1994 #41749  
AR GUIYANG, CHINA 737 evades UFO / path. Spiny object turns and changes col 2/9/1995 #42027  
 missed a UFO that darted into its path, then flew along beside it as it ma 7/31/1995 #42348  
 and going up [to] going down [to] path. Flashes. Military jet follows.     8/8/1995 #42367  
from behind a hill and cross their path. Minutes later the special services 7/13/1996 #42956  
miliar field. He followed a nearby path and reached a village that was more 12/9/1996 #43133  
location and flies along a similar path, flaring every two seconds into a b 6/28/1997 #43343  
XI) that any attempt to follow the path of Parsons will only result in a ca 3/11/1998 #43532  
r similar object follows a similar path shortly afterward.                  6/30/1999 #43788  
ad to investigate the point on the path where it had vanished into the bush 8/22/1999 #43831  
had a smooth and continuous flight path except for a momentary jog or "twit 12/5/2000 #44098  
 the left from the object's flight path.                                    12/5/2000 #44098  
veral lights flies on an irregular path above Policeman’s Point, Yukon Terr 11/11/2001 #44274  
rd the east in a zigzagging flight path in Montreal, Quebec.                6/4/2002 #44346  
peed. It maintained a level flight path moving westward, where the witness  4/5/2004 #44684  
d white lights crossing the flight path into Dulles International Airport i 5/3/2005 #44829  
overnment still provides a funding path and a security umbrella, but contro 8/4/2007 #45043  
ond one followed the same parallel path about 40 meters difference, approac 6/1/2008 #45145  
d obscures the stars on its flight path.                                    8/21/2009 #45238  
ot in diameter, on the same flight path appears and stops in the same posit 5/10/2012 #45343  
 without further deceleration, its path will not allow it to be captured in 10/19/2017 #45485  
 76 behind, are on the same flight path. The pilot of the British Airways p 11/9/2018 #45544  
s above and in front of its flight path. At this point the pilot uses a cel 11/11/2019 #45617  
s of the UFO crossing their flight path, accelerating, and moving away.     11/11/2019 #45617  
## Word: "pathes" (Back to Top)
one behind the other, and crossing pathes. One huge object in particulalr,  9/9/2004 #44751  
## Word: "pathfinder" (Back to Top)
                                   PATHFINDER LK, WY Whistle. 7 10M disks g 2/1956 #12688  
                                   Pathfinder Partners, a national security 11/10/1986 #38061  
## Word: "pathological" (Back to Top)
n. Haye Schaper says, “The man’s a pathological case.”                      5/18/1959 #15737  
 was a hoax and Mr. Schirmer was a pathological liar, the other felt that S 12/3/1967 #23547  
## Word: "pathologist" (Back to Top)
nes arrest John Henry Altshuler, a pathologist at Ross Medical Center in De 9/9/1967 #23026  
n and it gets picked up by the AP. Pathologist Robert O. Adams, chief of su 9/9/1967 #23026  
he Los Angeles County agricultural pathologist who examines a soil sample f 1/1988 #38385  
main anonymous. Experts, including pathologist Cyril Wecht, special effects 8/28/1995 #42425  
## Word: "pathologists" (Back to Top)
a made-up mystery. Only veterinary pathologists, not regular veterinarians, 1984 #37091  
## Word: "pathology" (Back to Top)
 is not in common use at the time, pathology work by the coroner attributes 11/29/1980 #35683  
## Word: "paths" (Back to Top)
nd sending reports on their flight paths to Navy meteorologist Florence Van Spring 1948 #3593  
rs rarely move in long, horizontal paths with nearly constant velocities. H 2/16/1949 #4010  
pearing descend in nearly vertical paths, whereas, in earlier months almost 8/17/1949 #4319  
 2 pieces. 30K' altitude. Separate paths.                                   7/29/1952 #7293  
n a map, occur along straight-line paths, even though different objects see 1958 #14781  
dar only if they intrude on flight paths and create a near miss of the type 1960 #16144  
ical maneuvers, creating rectangle paths and other zig- zags. It then accel Late 8/1960 #16416  
ing west. Plane north going south. Paths cross / 90° angle.                 1/24/1963 #17637  
 the other from the east. When the paths of the two objects cross, the ligh 1/19/1966 #19859  
enough reports are gathered flight paths can be determined, craft can fly a 2/22/1966 #19912  
his Dalmatian are walking familiar paths in a wood lot behind their home ne 3/29/1966 #20139  
tic maneuvering and erratic flight paths) actually can “see” UFOs, but no o 3/28/1967 #22005  
den down and “covered with dew and paths coming in all directions.” Wolski  5/10/1978 #33196  
ennsylvania. They move on parallel paths below a scattered cloud cover. Aft 6/26/1986 #37924  
 and were diverted to other flight paths. The downed object was described a 9/16/1989 #39109  
ut in many directions. Some of the paths were jagged with sharp turns and a 6/8/1990 #39610  
## Word: "pathway" (Back to Top)
bout three kilometers distant. The pathway between the two villages winds a 8/3/1977 #32356  
## Word: "patience" (Back to Top)
                                   PATIENCE WELL, WEST AUSTRALIA Weird 40'  5/21/1987 #38177  
, and it takes some skepticism and patience to figure out what could be ali 10/1992 #40653  
## Word: "patient" (Back to Top)
                Le Jou, France The Patient family witnessed the landing of  9/23/1954 #10416  
At 9:00 p.m. in Le Jou, France the Patient family witnessed the landing of  9/23/1954 #10423  
           At the same time as the Patient family sighting, Mrs. Vignolles  9/23/1954 #10424  
d to be radiation treatment of the patient. After 30 min they went away, le 10/25/1957 #14154  
d to be radiation treatment of the patient. After 30 minutes they left, lea 10/25/1957 #14157  
r and asks the visitor if she is a patient. The visitor, just over 6 feet t 8/25/1968 #24376  
ut 6.5 feet. From his bed, another patient has seen the UFO land some 260 f 8/25/1968 #24376  
             DOOR CO, WI Nurse and patient. 'Monkeys' play / trees and wind 10/5/1970 #25864  
in, a nurse was called by an upset patient. He said he saw "monkeys" outsid 10/5/1970 #25869  
   GUADALAJARA, MEXICO Doctors odd patient = ET. "You need to find better e 10/28/1976 #31498  
tcher bearer are taking a pregnant patient in an ambulance from Żuławka Szt 9/5/1979 #34838  
Parkway General Hospital as a burn patient. She spent four of the next five 12/29/1980 #35758  
    On this night a terminally ill patient staying in the cardiology ward o 4/18/1989 #38908  
ong the body of the terminally ill patient, who then heard a loud clear voi 4/18/1989 #38908  
## Word: "patients" (Back to Top)
of mustard poisoning appear in 628 patients and medical staff, including bl 12/2/1943 #1549  
nclude administering LSD to mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts, and p 6/9/1953 #8930  
ments are typically carried out on patients who have entered the institute  2/1957 #13481  
 encounters with UAP. Green’s 100+ patients were military personnel or from 2005 #44805  
ess; Green based his hypothesis on patients being exposed to some form of b 2005 #44805  
 said within 5-7 years, 25% of his patients died and he had no idea what ki 2005 #44805  
nterpret given the small number of patients.”                               7/2019 #45589  
s that the immediate symptoms that patients reported—including strange sens 8/2020 #45657  
## Word: "patinha" (Back to Top)
 Portugal Fernando António Milhano Patinha founds OVNIGrupo 7 in Lisbon, Po 1977 #31653  
## Word: "patio" (Back to Top)
en. Edwin M. Day is reclining on a patio in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, when he  4/19/1952 #6131  
                  BERKELEY, CA 2 / patio. Parachute saucer going quickly so 11/11/1958 (approximate) #15437  
MA, MAJORCA, SP Power out. Light / patio. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) conf 7/1967 #22583  
an intense light coming from their patio had awakened the daughter of the C 7/7/1967 #22631  
uting for him to come out onto the patio. He ran outside and following his  5/27/1968 #23988  
netic effects). Noise. 4M saucer / patio. Pseudo-human/entity views alfalfa 8/16/1970 #25789  
 boy named Mario goes out onto his patio at Santa Maria Acuexcomac, Puebla, 3/19/1972 #26617  
 p.m. David Owen is sitting on his patio in Bateau Bay, New South Wales, wh 9/14/1972 #26998  
 sighted from her Phoenix, Arizona patio what first appeared to be a star.  6/23/1973 #27584  
t just above some trees beyond her patio. As it hovered, a square opening a 6/23/1973 #27584  
 her left. It passed a post on the patio and abruptly disappeared. She then 6/23/1973 #27584  
me figure appear before her on the patio. She then describes in vague uncer 6/23/1973 #27584  
ple present. When she awoke on the patio, it was some 4 or 5 hours later.   6/23/1973 #27584  
hes at 11:15 p.m. when she saw her patio suddenly light up. She next saw an 10/20/1973 #28221  
 and had just stepped out onto her patio in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico when she  12/12/1973 #28559  
iameter, was found on the concrete patio.                                   9/8/1974 #29437  
ys of two other rooms and onto the patio at the rear of the house, followed 1/2/1978 #32848  
 landed for several minutes on the patio of a residence in Ayacucho, Argent 6/26/1978 #33312  
 landed for several minutes on the patio of a residence in Ayacucho, Argent 6/26/1978 #33314  
cut 11:10 p.m. Gary Hull is on the patio of his in-laws’ home in Stamford,  7/27/1979 #34683  
ned at midnight by noises on their patio where they kept caged rabbits. Whe 3/3/1980 #35194  
ard a loud noise, stepped onto her patio and saw a cigar-shaped object bene 4/18/1982 #36447  
 to find two strange beings on his patio. They are 3–4 feet tall, gray, wit 3/31/1991 #40025  
                 OCEANSIDE, CA 2 / patio. Silent 150' ovoid 50' away / 80'  4/4/1991 (approximate) #40030  
e in her rocking chair on the rear patio of her home, when suddenly she fel 3/11/1992 #40372  
ile roof. Bright beam going down / patio.                                   11/14/1994 #41846  
id (or Grey) stares at boy through patio door! Frozen / fright.             5/10/1995 #42194  
 extremely bright light out on the patio. It appeared to be hovering about  8/15/1995 #42390  
ed to move above the ground in the patio area just outside the blinds. Ever 8/15/1995 #42390  
m outside. She went outside on the patio and saw a strange hairy figure, gr 11/9/1995 #42589  
re/orb/globe going down / 10' over patio. Phone static and lights electro-m 2/28/1997 #43214  
ile home onto her lattice-enclosed patio in Marshalltown, Iowa to get some  9/9/1997 #43403  
ack alley. The two step out on the patio for a better look and see a UFO fl 8/11/2003 #44574  
outdoors, so she went out onto her patio. She next heard a deep humming, vi 8/28/2009 #45239  
## Word: "patna" (Back to Top)
                  PERSIAN GULF HMS Patna swept / 16 spokes / light from 300 5/1880 #232  
                                   PATNA, BIHAR, INDIA 800 observer(s). 15' 10/3/1954 (approximate) #10623  
## Word: "pato" (Back to Top)
ina was sitting on her verandah in Pato Branco, Parana, Brazil drinking som 12/5/1999 #43894  
## Word: "patoka" (Back to Top)
                                   Patoka, IL 6:45 p.m. A lady was on her w 11/24/1972 #27138  
6:45 p.m. A lady was on her way to Patoka from her home on RR 2, 2 miles SW 11/24/1972 #27138  
## Word: "patos" (Back to Top)
 were duck hunting on the Baia dos Patos, near the city of Pedras Negras in 11/28/1953 #9325  
## Word: "patras" (Back to Top)
                        LARISA AND PATRAS AND ALL / GREECE Saucers and nigh 11/3/1969 #25451  
                              NEAR PATRAS, GREECE 2 students photograph sil 7/18/1981 #36015  
                                   Patras, Greece Two students in Patras, G 7/18/1981 #36016  
    Patras, Greece Two students in Patras, Greece took a photograph of a si 7/18/1981 #36016  
 On this afternoon two students in Patras, Greece took a photograph of a si 7/18/1981 #36018  
## Word: "patric" (Back to Top)
dland Windsor, Ontario A man named Patric is driving from Midland to Windso 12/28/1969 #25512  
y. The car comes back to life, but Patric inexplicably reaches Windsor one  12/28/1969 #25512  
## Word: "patrice" (Back to Top)
lans to place it on Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba’s toothbrush. The plot i 9/1960 #16429  
e Congo Katanga DRC Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba is executed by firing sq 1/17/1961 #16578  
t M. Brechant, his 11-year-old son Patrice, and his brother-in-law Mr. Cosm 3/24/1973 #27373  
 Mr. Brechant, his 11-year-old son Patrice, and his brother in law, Mr. Cos 3/25/1973 #27376  
## Word: "patricia" (Back to Top)
se and starring Michael Rennie and Patricia Neal, premieres in New York Cit 9/18/1951 #5677  
                 Azusa, California Patricia Ellingson is seeing “glowing, f Fall 1962 #17435  
t a third girl, 12-year-old Monica Patricia Lagos also saw the bizarre inci 11/9/1968 #24649  
## Word: "patricio" (Back to Top)
     Guanajuato, Mexico 11:00 p.m. Patricio Hanessian and Alfredo Padilla a Mid 5/1967 #22347  
## Word: "patrick" (Back to Top)
 Late evening. Telegraph repairman Patrick C. Byrnes is operating a railroa 4/15/1897 #487  
and Philip Burton Moon; physicists Patrick Blackett, Charles Drummond Ellis 4/10/1940 #1331  
 bright aluminum or chrome finish (Patrick, delete single quotes) (Page 18  12/22/1941 #1380  
 255 Night Fighter Squadron leader Patrick Hardy Vesey Wells is flying his  12/14/1943 #1553  
Fairchild Aircraft illustrator Don Patrick. One translucent object, light g 11/5/1950 #5264  
Airways employees (Fred Wilkinson, Patrick Joseph Maloney, Fred Perrior, an 11/5/1950 #5265  
Fairchild Aircraft illustrator Don Patrick in Oak Ridge, Tennessee saw a tr 11/5/1950 #5266  
                                   PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Project Blueb 7/18/1952 #6886  
                                   Patrick AFB, FL Series of hovering and m 7/18/1952 #6889  
                                   Patrick AFB, Florida Witnesses: three US 7/18/1952 #6894  
                                   Patrick AFB Cocoa Beach, Florida 9:45 p. 7/18/1952 #6898  
 officers and four enlisted men at Patrick AFB, near Cocoa Beach, Florida,  7/18/1952 #6898  
s for over an hour in the sky over Patrick AFB, Florida. They were observed 7/18/1952 #6904  
                                   PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Several milit 7/21/1952 #6966  
                                   Patrick AFB, FL At 2400 Z four airmen at 1/22/1953 #8560  
k AFB, FL At 2400 Z four airmen at Patrick AFB, Florida, visually observed  1/22/1953 #8560  
                                   PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Guard. Formle 6/15/1954 #9907  
es S. Lay Jr. or his associate, J. Patrick Coyne.                           7/14/1954 #10018  
itten by arch-skeptical astronomer Patrick Moore using a pseudonym. His mot 10/1954 #10536  
icly for security reasons. MP Maj. Patrick Wall asks the Under-Secretary of 5/1955 #12110  
0 where he debates with astronomer Patrick Moore, a show that is seen by 9  4/18/1959 #15707  
um Betty and Barney Hill meet with Patrick J. Quirke, a psychiatrist at the 3/1962 #17067  
                                   PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Weathermen an 8/10/1962 #17330  
iece of metal is found. Astronomer Patrick Moore states that a “shrimp-size 7/16/1963 #17833  
es east of Cape Cod, Massachusetts Patrick Loreno and 18 other men aboard T 9/12/1963 #17932  
rs, Belgium, and edited by May and Patrick Morlet. It runs until 1979.      6/1964 #18315  
               Stranraer, Scotland Patrick Nash and his family were awaitin 8/14/1965 #19389  
Pondera County 1:30 a.m. Airman 1C Patrick McDonough is working on an astro 9/1966 #20826  
 time, fishermen Ivan Collicut and Patrick O’Halloran are out for an early  9/21/1966 #20909  
                          UK US MP Patrick Wall asks the UK Secretary of St 11/22/1967 #23496  
 M. Middlehurst, Jaylee M. Burley, Patrick Moore, and Barbara L. Welther. M 7/1/1968 #24117  
ta, which the B-52 navigator Capt. Patrick D. McCaslin observes on the rada 10/24/1968 #24587  
                     Bradenton, FL Patrick Thrush spots a hovering UFO abov 12/13/1973 #28560  
 men, Bernard Gregory, age 19, and Patrick Labonne, age 22, were camping in 8/18/1975 #30288  
w four luminous "forms". He called Patrick, who also saw them. Both men fel 8/18/1975 #30288  
-Echirey Quetigny Côte-d’Or France Patrick Geoffroy founds the Association  1979 #34256  
    At 7:29 a.m. a young man named Patrick, a previous UFO abductee, was dr 1/30/1979 #34393  
the Schick Razor Company, of which Patrick J Frawley was a co-founder with  7/1980 #35399  
            UK House of Commons MP Patrick Wall asks in the UK House of Com 3/9/1984 #37222  
m. Faye Knowles and her three sons Patrick, Sean, and Wayne are en route al 1/20/1988 #38422  
n UFO group SOBEPS), film director Patrick Ferryn, and José Fernandez take  3/31/1990 #39503  
            Petit-Rechain, Belgium Patrick Maréchal, a young worker at Peti 4/4/1990 #39509  
nt Secrecy, chaired by Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.), after conduct 3/3/1997 #43217  
l Miller, Adm. Mike Crawford, Gen. Patrick Hughes, Shari Adamiak (Greer’s a 4/10/1997 #43260  
uit. Assistant US Attorney Richard Patrick says the department has conducte 1/22/1999 #43717  
nd assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Patrick says the DOD conducted a reasona 1/22/1999 #43719  
des Phénomenes Spatiaux, headed by Patrick Ferryn.                          6/11/2007 #45035  
mand Master Chief Southwest Region Patrick McDonough, Lt. Col. Dwynne C. Ar 9/27/2010 #45299  
## Word: "patrickgross" (Back to Top)
a flying saucer.  https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/rw/w/artmcquiddy.htm    7/8/1947 #3030  
saucer material.  https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/rw/w/pics/thomasdubose- 7/8/1947 #3031  
to Wright Field.  https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/rw/w/pics/robertshirkey 7/8/1947 #3032  
proper protocol.  https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/rw/f/pics/schiff28jul19 7/28/1995 #42338  
8jul1995-01.gif   https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/rw/f/pics/schiff28jul19 7/28/1995 #42338  
27-030/mode/2up   https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/rw/witnesses.htm        6/24/1997 #43339  
## Word: "patrington" (Back to Top)
ngton in Lincolnshire, England RAF Patrington [now closed] 10:20 p.m. Three 5/21/1977 #32121  
e light is tracked on radar at RAF Patrington [now closed], moving in a zig 5/21/1977 #32121  
thumberland, England North Sea RAF Patrington in Yorkshire Early morning. A 7/30/1977 #32323  
 out, corroborated by radar at RAF Patrington in Yorkshire.                 7/30/1977 #32323  
## Word: "patriot" (Back to Top)
ow body lights. (Concord Monitor & Patriot, Aug. 12, 1974.) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 8/11/1974 #29322  
## Word: "patriot-news" (Back to Top)
ht up and disappeared. (Harrisburg Patriot-News, Pa., 4/9/67, copy in NICAP 4/8/1967 #22094  
## Word: "patrocle" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Patrocle” Yield: 5KT                     4/3/1976 #30982  
## Word: "patrol" (Back to Top)
and returned from an early morning patrol in his seaplane to make perhaps t 9/6/1914 #915  
rted that, "At 5:35 a.m. whilst on patrol, I sighted an airship steering so 9/6/1914 #915  
50 p.m. An RAAF pilot is on flying patrol off the Tasman Peninsula, Tasmani Summer 1942 #1419  
, an air spotter for the Civil Air Patrol, notices a “huge dark aerial obje 10/1943 #1531  
lying his Bristol Beaufighter on a patrol mission around Naples, Italy, whe 12/14/1943 #1553  
oll. While looking for a lost Navy patrol plane, he observes a bright aeria 6/1944 #1602  
ed areas. On November 4, a US Navy patrol craft discovers one of the first  11/3/1944 #1691  
Afternoon. Several F6F fighters on patrol (one piloted by Ensign Norman P.  2/7/1945 #1774  
th A. McDowell, and Oregon highway patrol Sgt. Claude Cross—view five large 7/4/1947 #2658  
ylie proposes a coast-to-coast sky patrol to report on rockets, meteors, or 12/26/1947 #3511  
uld have been prevented with a sky patrol in place.                         12/26/1947 #3511  
N Maysville, KN: The local Highway Patrol are notified that an UFO has been 1/7/1948 #3536  
Fukuoka, Japan 11:05 p.m. On night patrol, 1st Lt. Oliver “Bud” Hemphill Jr 10/15/1948 #3841  
B. Clark and Sandia’s AF-Civil Air Patrol Liaison Officer Maj. Charles L. P 12/12/1948 #3926  
nergy Security Service to set up a patrol with Speed Graphic cameras to try 12/12/1948 #3926  
erman and Frank Luisi, on security patrol near Killeen Base [now West Fort  3/6/1949 #4035  
50 p.m. Lieut. Frederick Davis, on patrol east of Killeen Base, Texas, sees 3/31/1949 #4063  
 UFO sightings. Each day, a roving patrol gets new orders.                  5/4/1949 #4144  
trucks serve as a roving Artillery Patrol observation post linked to the Ki 5/19/1949 #4196  
 Morocco 4:00 p.m. The French Navy patrol boat La Rusé (formerly the USS PC Summer 1949 #4247  
 a photographic and spectrographic patrol that would stay on to look out fo 7/13/1949 #4269  
          Kodiak, Alaska U.S. Navy patrol plane pilot, Lt. Smith, was on ro 1/22/1950 #4499  
           Kodiak NAS, AK USN P2V3 Patrol Plane and USS Tillamook Encounter 1/22/1950 #4501  
iak], Alaska Kodiak 2:40 a.m. Navy patrol pilot Lieut. Smith makes a routin 1/22/1950 #4503  
     At 4:40 a.m. a U.S. Navy P2V3 patrol plane flying from the Kodiak Nava 1/23/1950 #4506  
RAF Wartling Eastbourne A pilot on patrol from RAF Tangmere in West Sussex, 6/1/1950 #4978  
        Oak Ridge, TN AEC Security Patrol Encounters Object 200' Away (NICA 10/15/1950 #5232  
r in command of first wave, planet patrol, realms of Schare. We have your c 1/6/1952 #5861  
l diffraction grid to be placed on patrol cameras that can be used as a fie 3/7/1952 #5949  
m the scope. An F-97 on combat air patrol engages in a “dogfight” with the  6/21/1952 #6579  
hree Dark Discs Sighted From State Patrol Airplane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 7/5/1952 #6713  
 State Patrolman Hamilton in State Patrol airplane. Three dark discs hovere 7/5/1952 #6715  
st of Norman, Oklahoma, in a State Patrol airplane when he sees three dark  7/5/1952 #6717  
EAST / BUNKER HILL, KOREA All / US patrol. Thin saucer east / moon hovers / 8/14/1952 #7582  
wo U.S. Navy pilots flying a P4Y-2 patrol plane.  Three white disc-shaped o 8/29/1952 #7787  
tJG R. S. Moore are flying a P4Y-2 patrol plane west of Thule Air Base, nea 8/29/1952 #7788  
ings, Colorado 8:35 p.m. Civil Air Patrol pilot Carlton A. Magruder sees th 8/29/1952 #7789  
wo U.S. Navy pilots flying a P4Y-2 patrol plane witnessed three white disc- 8/29/1952 #7790  
             Portland, ME RV: Navy Patrol Plane Crew / Five UFOs Picked Up  9/16/1952 #7958  
es:  crew of U.S. Navy P2V Neptune patrol plane, visually and via radar.  A 9/16/1952 #7961  
he crew of a U.S. Navy P2V Neptune patrol plane, Boak, Prentis and Hara, fl 9/16/1952 #7963  
ward C. Strand is flying a routine patrol mission in a F-94B out of Selfrid 3/1953 #8720  
10 crew members of U.S. Navy P2V-5 patrol plane. Groups of 5-10 colored lig 3/14/1953 #8752  
embers flying in a U.S. Navy P2V-5 patrol witnessed several groups of 5-10  3/14/1953 #8754  
ery close / 4 days. Air Force jets patrol. / r173p33.                       7/23/1953 #9010  
. At 9:00 p.m., the crew of a Navy patrol aircraft reports three head-on pa 8/6/1953 #9052  
y. He tells the story to a highway patrol officer at a nearby bar before dr Autumn 1953 #9176  
cessive leaps. One came close to a patrol car; the men inside felt that the 11/2/1955 #12544  
 this night in 1956, six Civil Air Patrol members and a service station att 11/21/1956 #13341  
me of cat-and-mouse tag with their patrol car. At around 7 p.m. on the same 11/25/1956 #13353  
fice is contacted, and they send a patrol car. Deputy Sheriffs Segura and R 3/22/1957 #13553  
    OMAHA, NE Blue Book. Civil air patrol. UFO dives going down / 200' alti 6/13/1957 #13722  
rations Center radar early warning patrol over the Pacific Ocean about 175  8/3/1957 #13875  
in the next few hours an Army Jeep Patrol at White Sands, N.M., reported an 11/2/1957 #14194  
w Mexico At Stallion Site, an army patrol in a jeep saw an orange, "apparen 11/3/1957 #14242  
rrison Detachment 5, are in a jeep patrol driving west near the site of the 11/3/1957 #14251  
New Mexico proving grounds an Army patrol in a jeep saw an orange, "apparen 11/3/1957 #14254  
 are reported to the State Highway Patrol office by plant guards, and a pat 11/7/1957 #14462  
   Two members of the Ohio Highway Patrol drove east of Georgetown, Ohio on 10/28/1958 #15395  
who is a Lt. Col. in the Civil Air Patrol in Topeka, Kansas, wakes up when  11/11/1958 #15438  
A. Arboreen and B. Talada while on patrol suddenly spotted a glowing red ob 12/20/1958 #15482  
         JAKARTA, INDONS Air Force patrol. Disk hovers. Sudden glare. Shoot 9/20/1959 #15982  
. Carson and Stanley Scott were on patrol when they sighted what they thoug 8/13/1960 #16373  
/ CORNING, CA 2 California Highway Patrol (CHP) and more/others. RADAR. Sau 8/13/1960 #16375  
                           Highway Patrol Red Bluff, California Tehama Coun 8/13/1960 #16380  
ounty 11:50 p.m.–2:05 a.m. Highway Patrol officers Charles A. Carson and St 8/13/1960 #16380  
s at Red Bluff, California, are on patrol when see what they think at first 8/13/1960 #16380  
lst Lt. M.W. Rand, on USAF RC-l2lD patrol plane.  One reddish-white, round  4/24/1961 #16660  
cident. In January 1968, US Border Patrol agent [later BATF agent] Donald E Late 11/1961 #16978  
, eight Komar-class guided missile patrol boats, and a cruise missile site  8/29/1962 #17372  
shington Night. Airmen on security patrol at Larson AFB [now Grant County I 10/2/1962 #17452  
ynamite shack. He runs back to the patrol car and radios headquarters, just 4/24/1964 #18200  
by beaming a ray of light into the patrol car.                              6/8/1964 #18340  
                 Lynden, WA Border Patrol officer saw bright disc illuminat 1/12/1965 #18716  
e and touches the ground. A border patrol officer also sees the object afte 1/12/1965 #18720  
 Mr. Don Flickinger, a U.S. Border Patrol officer, had his patrol car buzze 1/12/1965 #18721  
.S. Border Patrol officer, had his patrol car buzzed by a bright round flyi 1/12/1965 #18721  
a hilltop. The Lujan police sent a patrol, under Comm. Osvaldo Pagella, whi 5/24/1965 #18960  
a hilltop. The Lujan police sent a patrol, under Comm. Osvaldo Pagella, whi 5/24/1965 #18965  
east / Forgan. Seen here / Highway Patrol. Blocks stars. Type unknown. No f 8/1/1965 #19236  
oma 8:08 p.m. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol starts receiving 25–30 visual sig 8/1/1965 #19243  
f UFOs, many by police and highway patrol troopers from Purcell north to No 8/1/1965 #19243  
windows. Report going [to] Highway Patrol. Back 04 August.                  8/2/1965 #19249  
um, which landed as they were on a patrol near Wagle Mountain Lake. Extensi 8/2/1965 #19261  
Lake Tarrant County, Texas As they patrol near Eagle Mountain Lake, two Tar 8/2/1965 #19268  
um, which landed as they were on a patrol near Wagle Mountain Lake. Extensi 8/2/1965 #19271  
uminated object speed toward their patrol car, hover, illuminate them and t 9/3/1965 #19510  
gh, approached a stopped sheriff's patrol car in Damon, Texas. The two sher 9/3/1965 #19517  
uminated object speed toward their patrol car, hover, and illuminate them a 9/3/1965 #19517  
ockem and Koos de Klerk, were on a patrol of the Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit  9/15/1965 #19566  
 Lockem and Koos de Klerk, were on patrol on the Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit  9/15/1965 #19567  
 Lockem and Koos de Klerk while on patrol (after midnight) suddenly had a d 9/16/1965 #19569  
e constable Edward Pinnock on foot patrol in Warminster, England during the 11/30/1965 #19743  
 spinning came within 80 ft of the patrol car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 3/17/1966 #19980  
r of 16 m, came within 25 m of the patrol car, following it for 1 km, then  3/17/1966 #19982  
y, came to within 25 meters of the patrol car, followed it for a kilometer, 3/17/1966 #19986  
igan, and officer “C” (initial) on patrol sighted a landed saucer in a swam 3/21/1966 #20014  
ed. Two sheriffs deputies while on patrol chased a bright round object at h 4/7/1966 #20267  
ficer in New Hampshire stopped his patrol car to check on a building at 2:3 4/11/1966 #20285  
lbur Neff of Portage Countywere on patrol when an UFO stopped above them, i 4/17/1966 #20305  
3:30 a.m. EDT. A police officer on patrol saw a hovering elliptical object  6/24/1966 #20605  
 tremendous speed. Montana Highway Patrol dispatchers in Pondera County rec 9/1966 #20826  
 a flat rim land in front of their patrol car at four o'clock in the mornin 11/17/1966 #21119  
nged into the bay, but a search by patrol boats was unsuccessful.           11/19/1966 #21127  
ar and separate California Highway Patrol (CHP) Officer. Huge saucer with l 2/13/1967 #21529  
id he was riding his motorcycle on patrol when he spotted a boxcar-sized ob 3/9/1967 #21832  
ed by the state police and highway patrol, who find only skid marks at the  7/13/1967 #22656  
 illuminated the interior of their patrol car. Later police sightings that  10/20/1967 #23272  
bright cross-shaped light in their patrol car at 90 mph between Holsworthy  10/24/1967 #23304  
a nearby paddock while driving his patrol car along a highway. He pulled in 12/3/1967 #23547  
pulled in to investigate, then his patrol car engine and lights died. He no 12/3/1967 #23547  
n accident in the fleet. The naval patrol goes on alert, and the fleet comm Early 1968 #23635  
n to normal. A two-man coast guard patrol allegedly sees the UFO land on th Early 1968 #23635  
s was found unconscious by an Army patrol and taken to a hospital in Pinar  6/14/1968 #24029  
es consciousness. At dawn, an Army patrol finds him still unconscious and t 6/14/1968 #24031  
s was found unconscious by an Army patrol and taken to a hospital in Pinar  6/14/1968 #24033  
nstable R. J. Shannahan is on foot patrol near 24 Sussex Drive, the Prime M 3/4/1969 #24969  
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil involving a patrol guard and a rectangular UFO, resu 8/30/1970 #25816  
e RCMP report states that while on patrol at 9:50 PM on the night of Novemb 11/25/1970 #25919  
liams of Loveland, Ohio slowed his patrol car when he saw what looked like  3/3/1972 #26587  
etts began barking. A policeman on patrol noticed a light beam on the groun 4/20/1972 #26655  
                  ARVIN, CA Cop on patrol. Bright yellow classic saucer goi 5/9/1972 #26674  
ht red and white lights dove at MP patrol vehicle (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 9/8/1973 #27781  
s at 2:20 a.m. It dove at their MP patrol vehicle repeatedly and then chase 9/8/1973 #27783  
ect. Three K-9 teams that normally patrol the perimeter report that their d 10/1973 #27902  
d to draw arms from the armory and patrol after a large spherical UAP was s 10/1973 #27903  
ing around. The Ohio State Highway Patrol was dispatched to the scene.      10/11/1973 #28001  
s / UFO's. Also 20 calls / Highway Patrol.                                  10/15/1973 #28036  
nning. The Chief pursued it in his patrol car, but the being accelerated an 10/17/1973 #28142  
cer driving on Highway 100 had his patrol car engine stall when he had a cl 10/24/1973 #28275  
s Brown are sitting in an unmarked patrol car in Freeport, New York, facing 11/6/1973 #28375  
einberg tries to get closer in the patrol car, while Brown stays behind and 11/6/1973 #28375  
d hue of a burning log, from their patrol car. The lights flew to the west, 1/4/1974 #28644  
fficers, Abbington and Regot, in a patrol car in St. Charles, Missouri foll 1/5/1974 #28649  
white beam from object illuminated patrol car (Reference 1, Section I). (NI 7/9/1974 #29250  
white beam from object illuminated patrol car                               7/9/1974 #29251  
 MUFON FIs out on routine SKYWATCH patrol. This report was not filed for el 10/4/1974 #29500  
o north was logged by the SKYWATCH patrol. (UFOFC, ran Ridge files) (NICAP: 10/5/1974 #29501  
 Mt. Vernon, IN 8:20 p.m. SKYWATCH patrol "Money Man" radioed "Sky King" (F 10/6/1974 #29502  
and several soldiers on a military patrol at the Las Bardenas Reales firing 1/2/1975 #29702  
Sunday, February 17th by a Highway Patrol radio station who reported that t 2/17/1975 #29817  
Wisconsin, hears odd noises on his patrol car radio, then he sees a disc-sh 3/2/1975 #29867  
lta/triangle/box-like craft buzzes patrol car. Cop flashes and object respo 4/4/1975 #29962  
 5MI SOUTH / ST. PAULS, NC Highway Patrol. 30' object with Brill white ligh 4/5/1975 #29968  
 activated a special camera on the patrol car which automatically took 3 pi 8/13/1975 #30257  
oss and C. Ragazzo were on routine patrol when officer Ragazzo received a r 10/4/1975 #30416  
, CA Many and 3 California Highway Patrol (CHP) offices. Bright night light 1/28/1976 #30824  
0 AM. Eight soldiers on a military patrol suddenly saw a bright light nearb 4/25/1977 #32024  
ight soldiers camped on a military patrol 3 miles from Putre, Arica y Parin 4/25/1977 #32026  
 pastor, admits that no one on the patrol saw aliens—only that they saw som 4/25/1977 #32026  
 a.m. eight soldiers on a military patrol on the Pampa Lluscuma, Chile sudd 4/25/1977 #32027  
n James M. Dunn is on K-9 security patrol at the Weapons Storage Area at Lo Summer 1977 #32181  
ll. One of the men remained in the patrol vehicle as the second investigate 11/13/1977 #32672  
t of them lights up. They stop the patrol car, look up, and see an object a 1/1978 #32837  
y afterward, an Air Force security patrol was ordered to the back gate of M 1/18/1978 #32889  
he Fort Dix fence line. A security patrol finds its dead body near the McGu 1/18/1978 #32894  
 A State Police officer is on foot patrol between Ornontowice and Chudów, P 2/1978 #32937  
ral soldiers were out on a routine patrol. While resting David was putting  3/1978 #33003  
Police officer Mark Coltrane is on patrol in Colfax, Wisconsin, and stops b 4/19/1978 #33153  
et in diameter and conical. Border Patrol Cpl. Natalio Farfan Ruiz says the 5/6/1978 #33190  
d PFC Johnny Johnson, go on sentry patrol at Naval Weapons Station Earle in 6/11/1978 #33275  
he size of the full moon, while on patrol. It has a white light on each tip 6/17/1978 #33285  
 64-year old security guard was on patrol in downtown Toledo looking at a " 8/20/1978 #33531  
A 64-year old security guard is on patrol in downtown Toledo, Ohio, looking 8/20/1978 #33533  
e photograph, taken from a highway patrol car, shows a black dot on white b 12/11/1978 #34089  
e photograph, taken from a highway patrol car, shows a black dot on white b 12/11/1978 #34092  
ard Fortunato Zanfretta was out on patrol of a housing complex in Marzano d 12/28/1978 #34220  
xico Two Apache tribal officers on patrol near Dulce, New Mexico, see a rou 4/9/1979 #34505  
HAYFORK, CA 3 / California Highway Patrol (CHP) plane. 2 plain 35' lens-sau 8/9/1979 #34719  
s away to a distance of 9 miles. A patrol boat uses its searchlight to illu 8/12/1979 #34739  
 and dims, the searchlight and the patrol boat’s lights also dim.           8/12/1979 #34739  
reaking and sees the inside of the patrol car light up. After the light hit 8/27/1979 #34787  
kke drives Johnson’s 1977 Ford LTD patrol car back to the garage. The insid 8/27/1979 #34787  
mansworth, England in two separate patrol cars chased a long luminous cigar 11/30/1979 #35032  
 to APRO claiming that a Civil Air Patrol cadet named Craig R. Weitzel had  7/1980 #35397  
The fake letter claims a Civil Air Patrol cadet Craig R. Weitzel photograph 7/1980 #35398  
             Pecos, NM A Civil Air Patrol cadet along with several other wi 7/16/1980 #35414  
         At 10:30 a.m. a Civil Air Patrol cadet along with several other wi 7/16/1980 #35415  
 intermittent interference and his patrol car’s engine and headlights pulsa 10/15/1980 #35568  
       A deputy sheriff on routine patrol in Lucky Point, Indiana had stopp 11/1/1980 #35608  
nd was standing next to his police patrol car when he noticed a large, blac 11/1/1980 #35608  
an Godfrey, age 31, was on routine patrol in Todmorden, West Yorkshire, Eng 11/28/1980 #35680  
ned and secure while he sat in his patrol car. When he attempted to alert h 11/28/1980 #35680  
experience a UFO event. A security patrol (A1C John Burroughs and S/Sgt Bud 12/26/1980 #35737  
 outside the base. A USAF security patrol outside the back gate of RAF Wood 12/27/1980 #35748  
F A1C Larry Warren claims he is on patrol at RAF Woodbridge with other serv 12/28/1980 #35750  
             At 4:30 p.m. a police patrol car stalled in Toulouse, Haute-Ga 1/26/1981 #35802  
e St. Helens, Oregon, police is on patrol on US Highway 30 on the edge of t 3/17/1981 #35866  
iving a "UAZ-469" vehicle (Russian patrol jeep) in an area about 10-15 kilo 1982 #36284  
ese Air Force pilots are flying on patrol over the northern military fronti 6/18/1982 #36510  
 Commander Michael McDonald was on patrol at 5:00 a.m. when the area around 11/27/1982 #36691  
ghts brightly illuminates a police patrol car driven by Cmdr. Michael McDon 11/27/1982 #36697  
ak and Dennis Somsel) in two other patrol cars on Lincoln Avenue see a dome 11/27/1982 #36697  
tion brightly illuminated a police patrol car, then changed direction when  11/27/1982 #36698  
mp, CA 4:45 PM. California Highway Patrol officer Harold R. Chandler was on 3/24/1983 #36802  
 Harold R. Chandler was on routine patrol near the Northern California bord 3/24/1983 #36802  
lens and Peter Ferguson are on car patrol east of Melton, Melbourne, Victor 7/22/1983 #36921  
. At 3:30 a.m., the BDF launches a patrol boat and scrambles a Cessna but d 4/12/1984 #37258  
v is riding in the right seat of a patrol vehicle with another policeman in Late 9/1984 #37469  
a lengthy spit on the Caspian Sea. Patrol boats rush to that area, but when 1985 #37541  
ses direction and flies over their patrol car at 300–400 mph. It is soon se 2/10/1989 #38832  
              FT PAYNE, AL Highway Patrol reports Fyffe-UFO. Also other DeK 3/1/1989 #38858  
tograph. At 11:30 p.m. the highway patrol in Fort Payne reported sighting t 3/1/1989 #38860  
             Eupen, Belgium Police patrol car illuminated by brilliant ligh 11/29/1989 #39270  
             Eupen, Belgium Police patrol car illuminated by brilliant ligh 11/29/1989 #39271  
 Belgium. Two police officers in a patrol car are illuminated by a brillian 11/29/1989 #39273  
 the Gendarmerie, driving in their patrol car just south of the city of Eup 11/29/1989 #39277  
t first under the title of Ratchet Patrol) in Toronto, Ontario, focusing on 1/1990 #39359  
ts the Wavre gendarmerie to send a patrol car to investigate. Ten minutes l 3/30/1990 #39499  
 observed three humanoids while on patrol in Miami, Florida at 4:30 a.m. He 4/15/1990 #39528  
ntain Afternoon. Two militiamen on patrol in Almaty, Kazakhstan, notice a f 4/19/1991? #40041  
two MIG-29 fighter jets already on patrol were directed to intercept it. In 8/28/1991 #40168  
me-shaped object maneuvered around patrol car, E-M effects, officer badly f 3/19/1992 #40389  
e green, domed disc that paced his patrol car. The engine, lights, and two- 3/19/1992 #40390  
seconds later, the interior of his patrol car is illuminated with a green g 3/20/1992 #40394  
e engine, lights, and radio on his patrol car cease to function. The object 3/20/1992 #40394  
ding across the sky. An MoD police patrol sees the lights from RAF Cosford  3/31/1993 #40914  
ere four calls to the Ohio Highway Patrol of UFO sightings at around 2:30 a 4/8/1993 #40931  
 and Kenny Downs are on helicopter patrol over General Electric Appliance P 4/28/1993 #40953  
t points downward. They stop their patrol car, and the object moves slowly  6/24/1994 #41581  
 descending to 65 feet above their patrol vehicle. They think this time it  5/5/1995 #42179  
CHEBOYGAN AND PETOSKEY, MI Highway Patrol and sheriff deputies. Glow object 4/14/1996 #42865  
 partner tried to keep hold of the patrol car's steering wheel. When the li 4/15/1996 #42870  
fficer Marcel Rusu were walking on patrol on the main road that passes in f 7/8/1996 #42950  
hat was coming back from a routine patrol, but getting closer he realized t 7/8/1996 #42950  
           SAS troops on an ambush patrol in South Armagh, Northern Ireland 7/13/1996 #42956  
ng 1,000 feet to the left of their patrol car. The lights stop, then accele 6/1997 #43306  
00 a.m. Two police officers are on patrol near Lacock Road in Corsham, Wilt 8/12/1997 #43381  
hovers / town. 10+Mirage 2000 jets patrol 10 minute(s) after..              9/8/1997 #43402  
n (NNSA).  Cabrera states while on patrol he and three colleagues noticed t 10/1998 #43656  
opher Cabrera is at the end of his patrol shift at Area 2 in Nellis AFB in  12/1998 #43694  
300 meter long disc hovered over a patrol car. Their police radio experienc 8/23/1999 #43834  
erro Sampacho 10:00 p.m. Police on patrol in Sampacho, Cordoba, Argentina,  9/6/2001 #44250  
n Cape Girardeau, Missouri a radar patrol police officer witnessed an unlit 1/26/2002 #44311  
                JACUMBA, CA Border patrol. Dog reacts / warble. 12 disks go 1/31/2002 #44312  
               A senior INS Border Patrol officer and his dog witnessed a d 1/31/2002 #44314  
bject very quickly pass over their patrol vehicle at 5:30 a.m. in the deser 1/31/2002 #44314  
e Policeman Guillermo Arias was on patrol in Chaj'n, Cordoba Province, Arge 7/21/2002 #44362  
hem.  As he was driving his police patrol van he spotted a formation of sev 7/21/2002 #44362  
 sparks before it approaches their patrol car. The light reverses its cours 11/28/2002 #44453  
              A California Highway Patrol officer saw a metallic disc in th 5/11/2003 #44533  
han", and went on a reconnaissance patrol. The object was generally saucer- 8/25/2004 #44741  
an Air Force F-14 is on combat air patrol near the heavy water reactor near 10/28/2004 #44773  
             A security officer on patrol in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada obse 5/4/2006 #44940  
AP data? For example, AEC security patrol archives in Oak Ridge, TN contain 6/28/2008 #45148  
ear. At one point, they stop their patrol car to observe the light, which i 1/8/2013 #45359  
## Word: "patrol-car" (Back to Top)
 Bright saucer over house. Follows patrol-car down SR65!                    3/23/1982 #36410  
## Word: "patroling" (Back to Top)
valley below, with black humanoids patroling outside.                       9/16/1994 #41755  
## Word: "patrolled" (Back to Top)
t was restricted, well guarded and patrolled; Larry claims it had a large m 12/14/1980 #35716  
## Word: "patrolling" (Back to Top)
feet near Romford, Essex, England, patrolling for German Zeppelins. He sees 1/31/1916 #941  
ton Log salvager Harold A. Dahl is patrolling east of Maury Island, Washing 6/21/1947 #2356  
John Collins and Joseph Keenan are patrolling on Vare Avenue near 26th Stre 9/26/1950 #5199  
ilot and radar observer of an F-94 patrolling from Moses Lake AFB [now the  12/10/1952 #8409  
h a greenish-yellow trail as he is patrolling on Mission Road. It apparentl 11/4/1957 #14288  
illy E. McCoy and Robert Goode are patrolling Highway 36 between West Colum 9/3/1965 #19512  
 John Lockem and Koos de Klerk are patrolling on the Pretoria- Bronkhorstsp 9/16/1965 #19574  
ie County Constable Gary Butler is patrolling in the area of NASA’s Plum Br 2/10/1967 #21504  
ight. Security guard John Byrne is patrolling Cairo Mill, an old factory at 10/8/1972 #27058  
 Canadian Mounted Police constable patrolling on Grand Valley Road northwes 6/20/1975 #30111  
7:45 p.m. S/Sgt. Danny K. Lewis is patrolling the weapons dump at Loring AF 10/27/1975 #30487  
ing AFB, ME 7:45 - 8:20 p.m. While patrolling the weapons storage area, Sta 10/28/1975 #30500  
lls, New Brunswick 7:45 p.m. While patrolling the weapons storage area, S/S 10/28/1975 #30503  
glia Genoa, Italy 11:30 p.m. While patrolling at Marzano, near Torriglia, a 12/6/1978 #34065  
watchman, Fortunato Zanfretta, was patrolling a housing development in Marz 12/6/1978 #34069  
rriglia, Italy A policeman was out patrolling told that he had lost control 12/28/1978 #34219  
sin, police officer Chuck Urban is patrolling 12 miles west of town when a  2/24/1982 #36365  
 at 10:00 p.m. two security guards patrolling a section of a by-pass road u 9/8/1987 #38280  
    Eupen, Belgium 5:15 p.m. While patrolling on the road between Eupen, Be 11/29/1989 #39272  
m. a security guard name Arias was patrolling the Colonial Palms shopping m 12/8/1989 #39305  
 master sergeant and an airman are patrolling the perimeter of the Ghedi Ai 5/5/1995 #42179  
d volunteer guard Maricel Rusu are patrolling on the main road through Cerț 7/9/1996 #42952  
## Word: "patrolman" (Back to Top)
         SAN FRANCISCO, CA Highway Patrolman and 1. 6 25cm silver balls plu 7/2/1947 #2538  
             MILWAUKIE, OR Highway Patrolman C. Cross. 2-3 shiny white sauc 7/4/1947 #2610  
. At about the same time a highway patrolman in Milwaukee, Oregon watched t 7/4/1947 #2675  
ter summoning Sgt. Joseph Cook and Patrolman James Casper, they go into the 9/26/1950 #5199  
   SOUTHEAST / DURANGO, CO Highway Patrolman. Silver object going [to] alon 6/24/1952 #6617  
 Oklahoma Witness:  Oklahoma State Patrolman Hamilton in State Patrol airpl 7/5/1952 #6715  
 Oklahoma 7:58 p.m. Oklahoma State Patrolman Arthur Myers Hamilton is flyin 7/5/1952 #6717  
         CASCADE, ID State Highway Patrolman. Glowing blue-white saucer. /  10/24/1953 #9250  
. Marine Corps police, one highway patrolman.  One red-orange ball giving o 9/21/1954 #10381  
s police, and a California highway patrolman watched a reddish-orange ball  9/21/1954 #10386  
ouncil Bluffs, Iowa. State Highway Patrolman John Ebert says the light was  4/25/1955 #12101  
he incident to the police. A state patrolman leaves the Shady Oaks restaura 8/21/1955 #12386  
Saucedo calls the occurrence in to Patrolman A. J. Fowler of the Levelland  11/2/1957 #14216  
trol office by plant guards, and a patrolman dispatched to the plant arrive 11/7/1957 #14462  
rth of Highway 60. Guards tell the patrolman they tried to approach the obj 11/7/1957 #14462  
              Carthage, TN Highway patrolman, sheriff, others saw many flas 11/15/1957 #14560  
A, LA Near England Air Force Base. Patrolman photographs 2 round objects. N 6/23/1958 #15114  
. Police Cpl. Kenneth Hartmann and Patrolman Richard Fink drive up and they 10/26/1958 #15385  
antos, São Paulo, Brazil 2:30 a.m. Patrolman Jaime de Miranda and Astrogild 6/5/1961 #16721  
o red. In the evening, a Hawthorne patrolman watched a light approach, hove 9/24/1962 #17437  
ject from radio room window. State patrolman and Cedaredge Marshal observed 10/25/1962 #17494  
, and begins to move away. Another patrolman, David R. Hunt, pulls up and s 9/3/1965 #19511  
        La Porte, IN La Porte, IN: Patrolman Michael Spevak was on duty whe 3/20/1966 #19998  
 60 ft. Both the young men and the patrolman noticed a cross-shaped appenda 3/20/1966 #19998  
s they reach East Palestine, Ohio, Patrolman H. Wayne Huston sees the UFO a 4/17/1966 #20318  
s sighting was confirmed by Police Patrolman Gallegos and Dorothy Lovato of 6/23/1966 #20600  
 Donnybrook, North Dakota A border patrolman saw a bright, shiny disk on it 8/19/1966 #20769  
 North Dakota Witness: U.S. Border Patrolman Don Flickenger.  Round disc wi 8/19/1966 #20770  
, North Dakota 4:50 p.m. US Border Patrolman Donald E. Flickinger, in the p 8/19/1966 #20772  
nnybrook, North Dakota U.S. Border Patrolman Don Flickenger sighted a brigh 8/19/1966 #20773  
  At 2:30 a.m. a Brazilian highway patrolman saw an immense object near Ame 11/28/1967 #23518  
Ashland, NE 2:30 a.m.CST. A police patrolman (Herbert Schirmer) saw a hover 12/3/1967 #23540  
Ashland, NE 2:30 a.m.CST. A police patrolman (Herbert Schirmer) saw a hover 12/3/1967 #23541  
San Antonio Redwood Road 4:15 a.m. Patrolman Arthur H. Byrd sees an object  9/18/1968 #24479  
licemen, Coast Guardsmen, a harbor patrolman, a local newspaper photographe 6/20/1969 #25229  
ast Haven, Connecticut 9:30 p.m. A patrolman and an unnamed couple in East  1/29/1977 #31765  
re, UK 2:25 AM. An automobile club patrolman sighted a luminous orange obje 2/4/1977 #31788  
 - At 2:25 a.m. an automobile club patrolman sighted a luminous orange obje 2/4/1977 #31791  
t speed. A Tennessee State Highway patrolman has also seen a triangular obj 5/16/1977 #32098  
rth East, Pennsylvania 7:30 a.m. A patrolman in North East, Pennsylvania, s 10/29/1977 #32629  
on August 10 by a New Mexico state patrolman.                               9/8/1980 #35505  
0–1,500 feet, and Missouri Highway Patrolman Bob Lober guesses 1,500–1,800  11/18/1980 #35654  
            WIKIEUP, AZ 4+separate Patrolman / US93. Large bright orange ob 7/10/1986 #37935  
    Haines City, Florida 3:51 a.m. Patrolman Luis Delgado has just checked  3/20/1992 #40394  
                       POULSBO, WA Patrolman. Formation / 3 lights. Rotates 1/15/1995 #41976  
s were being sent out to meet him. Patrolman Barrios from Achiras talked to 7/21/2002 #44362  
## Word: "patrolman's" (Back to Top)
a loud humming sound that made the patrolman's head ache. His police car wo 11/28/1967 #23518  
## Word: "patrolmen" (Back to Top)
             PORTLAND, OR 3 harbor patrolmen. 3-6 shiny disks going quickly 7/4/1947 #2609  
cs trailing one another. Then four patrolmen reported seeing 3-6 "chrome hu 7/4/1947 #2675  
een Base, Texas 9:20 p.m. Two Army patrolmen southeast of Killeen Base, Tex 4/27/1949 #4118  
      Batesville, MS State Highway Patrolmen observed two or three round bl 7/17/1952 #6861  
edondo Beach, California 1:30 a.m. Patrolmen Marvin Poer and John Freeland  2/9/1956 #12703  
                               Two patrolmen at Rye, New York watched a lar 6/22/1957 #13748  
                      Dunellen, NJ Patrolmen Le Roy A. Arboreen and B. Tala 12/20/1958 #15482  
              DUNSMUIR, CA Highway patrolmen. Ovoid going down [to] near gr 8/18/1960 #16403  
bject maneuvering in the area. The patrolmen try to signal the object by sh 6/5/1961 #16721  
between Oklahoma and Texas highway patrolmen that a UFO has been tracked on 8/2/1965 #19266  
, New Hampshire Witnesses:  Exeter Patrolmen Eugene Bertrand, Jr. and David 9/3/1965 #19507  
           Gaffney, South Carolina Patrolmen A. G. Huskey and C. Hutchins s 11/17/1966 #21116  
 In Gaffney, South Carolina police patrolmen A. G. Huskey and C. Hutchins r 11/17/1966 #21119  
apid City, SD 2:00 a.m. MDT. Three patrolmen saw a large object with red, g 6/30/1967 #22577  
on of Herbert Schirmer, a Nebraska patrolmen. Was told there were alien bas 12/3/1967 #23535  
 evidence, and interviews with the patrolmen left project staff with no con 12/3/1967 #23545  
         US70 EAST / MEMPHIS, TN 2 patrolmen. "Extraordinary lit object" ov 9/23/1973 #27857  
        Ft. Wayne, IN Evening. Two patrolmen saw an unidentified light whil 9/24/1973 #27863  
               On this evening two patrolmen in Fort Wayne, Indiana saw an  9/24/1973 #27864  
eport, New York 9:00 p.m. Off-duty patrolmen Gary Steinberg and Thomas Brow 11/6/1973 #28375  
 (New Jersey) New Jersey 4:30 a.m. Patrolmen Robert Fiorentino and Amthony  6/17/1978 #33285  
 stating: Two USAF security police patrolmen saw a UFO either hovering or o 12/27/1980 #35738  
## Word: "patrols" (Back to Top)
 and 2:00 a.m., four more security patrols report burst of lights like a fl 3/6/1949 #4035  
, Texas 8:30 p.m. Several security patrols at Killeen Base, Texas, report n 4/28/1949 #4130  
h Early morning. Military security patrols at the deactivated Dugway Provin 4/25/1950 #4894  
idge, TN Sightings by AEC security patrols (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, N 10/13/1950 #5223  
 Air Force spokesman says that jet patrols are on alert 24 hours a day.     7/3/1952 #6705  
nking officers or cleared security patrols. No one is to leave. Those perso Late 10/1975 #30471  
 to the NAB. At 0255, two separate patrols sighted three UFOs; oblong with  7/30/1976 #31195  
e Cascade, Maryland 1:30–3:45 a.m. Patrols at different locations in the US 7/30/1976 #31202  
   WALSALL, STAFFORDS 2 Ind police patrols. Huge silent ovoid / lights. Zip 2/16/1988 #38469  
l sightings were being reported by patrols in nearby communities. Indeed, 1 11/29/1989 #39277  
n the Kargil and Leh districts and patrols the frontier with China, sends r 8/1/2012 #45350  
hey noticed elevated USAF security patrols and missile maintenance vans in  9/19/2012 #45353  
## Word: "patrons" (Back to Top)
at afternoon, at 4:20 p.m. several patrons of a bar reported witnessing a s 11/28/1972 #27150  
ing lot in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, patrons noticed a big, black sphere hove 11/13/2002 #44438  
## Word: "pats" (Back to Top)
ars, speaks in a strange language, pats the guard on the shoulder, gets in  9/21/1954 #10383  
## Word: "patsy" (Back to Top)
r two teenage daughters (Laura and Patsy) and Laura Oliver to see it. While 7/30/1952 #7364  
## Word: "pattan" (Back to Top)
                                   Pattan, Pakistan Chitral, Pakistan 7:00  12/18/1974 #29646  
untain overlooking the approach to Pattan, Pakistan, for about 25 minutes.  12/18/1974 #29646  
## Word: "patted" (Back to Top)
 neither Portuguese nor French. He patted the guard’s shoulder, got back in 9/20/1954 #10373  
ared, spoke in a strange language, patted the guard on the shoulder, got in 9/21/1954 #10382  
ds the witness. He stood over her, patted her on her head and told her tele 1/27/2003 #44481  
## Word: "pattern" (Back to Top)
r ridges that have a fishbone-like pattern, and, with the small refracting  1824 #117  
ven on each side, and in an oblong pattern.” Adam Thielen, a nearby farmer, 4/13/1897 #454  
50 square miles, in a heart-shaped pattern. It is widely thought to have be 6/30/1908 #712  
ghly specialized follow-the-leader pattern. Illumination seemed to emanate  12/1942 #1466  
tly metallic--flew a wide circular pattern, and then one of them later flew 7/8/1947 #3009  
33 p.m. an object flew in a zigzag pattern over Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, H 7/8/1947 #3028  
d, silver objects flew an unstated pattern.                                 9/3/1947 #3382  
   Air Intelligence Memorandum on “Pattern of Flying Saucers” requires that 7/27/1948 #3747  
telligence Division to examine the pattern of tactics of reported UFOs and  7/27/1948 #3747  
10 incidents that strongly fit the pattern and 20 others that might. The sc 2/16/1949 #4010  
ject PPS-100, confirming Ruppelt’s pattern).                                12/19/1951 #5821  
ject maneuvering in the sky in a T pattern for 40 minutes. At 2:15 a.m. a G 7/23/1952 #7085  
t first they appear overhead in no pattern, heading north, then shift to a  7/29/1952 #7329  
e range) and move in no particular pattern—sometimes erratically and someti 9/2/1952 #7829  
nidentified night light in landing pattern. No planes / balloons up.        10/7/1952 #8098  
r 9:00 p.m. a UFO flew in a zigzag pattern over Fort Benning, Georgia.      11/21/1952 #8317  
 to 8,000 ft maneuvering in spiral pattern over airfield (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 3/25/1953 #8786  
 to 8,000 ft maneuvering in spiral pattern over airfield (NICAP: 01 - Dista 5/5/1953 #8864  
atch or rub on the film, and has a pattern of light and shadow consistent w 1954 #9421  
DC. Moves / rectangular-box shaped pattern / 3 hours.                       5/13/1954 #9785  
achusetts while he is in a holding pattern, and he contests in the December 6/29/1954 #9962  
ark object paces car / 25km. Flash pattern repeats 40 times.                12/15/1954 #11811  
neuvers could not be fitted to the pattern of any known object or phenomeno 10/25/1955 #12519  
 oval-shaped, and to have a double pattern resembling an hourglass or figur 11/8/1956 #13315  
ilverly. Thick disk with honeycomb pattern / top. Rocks over hilltops.      7/27/1957 (approximate) #13845  
le interference followed a similar pattern, with engines and lights returni 11/2/1957 #14221  
 with three lights in a triangular pattern hovering above a field off State 11/23/1957 #14604  
It then descends in a falling-leaf pattern to about 12 feet. They can see i 2/24/1958 #14889  
as a red light made the start of a pattern to land at the south edge of an  5/30/1958 #15062  
in the downwind leg of the traffic pattern during a ground- controlled appr 11/4/1958 #15425  
aVista, VA Bright Light In Erratic Pattern (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 1/27/1965 #18772  
itnesses. The photo shows a mosaic pattern of yellow, blue and white light  8/2/1965 #19272  
On a screen on the wall appeared a pattern: seven vertical lines with marki 8/16/1965 #19410  
eft in a 5- 4-3-2-1 then 1-2-3-4-5 pattern. Each cycle takes about 2 second 9/3/1965 #19511  
and a group of students observed a pattern of lights on the ground. The sou 3/21/1966 #20019  
ollege dormitory. They first saw a pattern of lights on the ground. The sou 3/21/1966 #20024  
low, flattened grass with a swirly pattern.                                 4/6/1966 #20257  
und the edge. flashing in the same pattern as the night before. The object  4/24/1966 #20400  
d pulsating lights in a triangular pattern approaching (body lights), then  6/19/1966 #20586  
d pulsating lights in a triangular pattern approach, then hover until about 6/19/1966 #20588  
d by Science magazine reporting a "pattern" to UFO sightings that "suggests 8/27/1966 #20815  
nce magazine in which he reports a pattern to UFO sightings that “suggests  8/27/1966 #20816  
TV blacked out. A fine herringbone pattern appeared on the tube, and simult 11/14/1966 #21101  
anked out. A very fine herringbone pattern appeared on the tube, and at the 11/15/1966 #21109  
s extended. The UFO had a rotating pattern of lights and came down to 30 fe 2/5/1967 #21462  
 angle, then dove and retraced its pattern several times. (NICAP: 02 - Clos 2/20/1967 #21603  
ights were pulsating in a rhythmic pattern opposite to the direction of mot 3/2/1967 #21724  
ce (body lights) that flashed in a pattern. There was a bright white spotli 3/18/1967 #21916  
dy lights). The objects moved in a pattern, stopping and reversing directio 4/20/1967 #22169  
s. It had red lights in a circular pattern, 2-3 more flashing lights, and m 4/27/1967 #22236  
 inch gridlike vent with a uniform pattern of small holes. A blast of hot g 5/20/1967 #22382  
d, moved slowly and precisely in a pattern over a military facility was see Summer 1967 #22529  
that moved slowly in a rectangular pattern at low altitude, then accelerate 8/11/1967 #22862  
phere, which then rose in a spiral pattern with a whistling noise. It left  8/29/1967 #22955  
n saw 18 red lights in a trapezoid pattern, only 1.5 feet above a rural roa 9/9/1967 #23027  
ticut. The object behind the light pattern was at least as tall as a teleph 9/9/1967 #23027  
w red and green lights in a square pattern that glided, hovered, ascended,  10/17/1967 #23243  
ossed the sky quickly in a zig-zag pattern. (Report from local investigator 10/22/1967 #23285  
d I-95. It is moving in an erratic pattern and blinking. Then they see a ba 7/13/1968 #24173  
e ground; it takes off in a zigzag pattern towards the city of Lins.        7/23/1968 #24213  
to the downwind leg of the traffic pattern, the pilots observe a large, ill 10/24/1968 #24587  
i-colored lights that blinked in a pattern indicating a square shape. A neb 10/28/1968 #24599  
ht darting haphazardly in a zigzag pattern but in general moving to the nor 5/23/1969 #25160  
object overhead moving in a zigzag pattern. He takes 11 consecutive color p 5/23/1971 #26124  
 about 30 by 15 feet with a spiral pattern in the middle and 6 regularly pl 5/25/1971 #26136  
sed direction and changed both the pattern and color of its lights. (UFO In 7/28/1971 #26249  
. While on the downwind leg of the pattern to runway 20L at the Santos Dumo 10/5/1971 #26410  
traveling back and forth in an odd pattern in the distance. Suddenly a lumi 1/1972 #26535  
 the ground arranged in a triangle pattern, and some damaged foliage.       4/6/1973 #27409  
" in blue green and covered with a pattern of dials; there was an electric  5/15/1973 #27492  
 ovoid follows airliner in landing pattern.                                 9/3/1973 #27750  
h lights maneuvering in a circular pattern just this side of the ridge. The 9/11/1973 #27803  
h lights maneuvering in a circular pattern just this side of the ridge. The 9/12/1973 #27809  
bject had swooped down in a zigzag pattern and dropped below trees. Several 9/30/1973 #27893  
 as a dancing effect. A snake-like pattern of lights was seen dancing over  10/22/1973 #28244  
low-orange, and produces a similar pattern of signals. Then they notice a t 10/28/1973 #28310  
rass swirled in a counterclockwise pattern. A magnetometer at La Posta Astr 11/16/1973 #28434  
 into house. Landing traces / oval pattern. / r50p488.                      5/25/1974 #29132  
traces were later found in an oval pattern.                                 5/25/1974 #29134  
sed intermittently in an irregular pattern. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, O 7/14/1975 #30179  
lts. The craft breaks the circling pattern and begins flying toward Grand F 10/27/1975 #30488  
apping off the central branch. The pattern of breakage was to displace the  5/3/1977 #32053  
n [now closed], moving in a zigzag pattern. The target registers on radarsc 5/21/1977 #32121  
rting in its characteristic zigzag pattern. He calls the police, who drive  3/18/1978 #33055  
rved cigar-shaped object with same pattern of body lights, moving at very h 7/23/1978 #33411  
rved cigar-shaped object with same pattern of body lights, moving at very h 7/23/1978 #33412  
underside looks like it has a grid pattern, and it emits a bluish glow like 9/18/1978 #33708  
 a.m. three lights in a triangular pattern were seen in the sky over Avezza 12/6/1978 #34067  
ne settles into a rolling, turning pattern and falls at an incredible speed 12/31/1978 #34246  
 the witnesses, moving in a zigzag pattern and hovering 50 feet off the gro 12/31/1978 #34247  
ter. The stalks are flattened in a pattern radiating from the center of the 9/16/1979 #34890  
 landing site, swirled in a spiral pattern bending toward the top of a slop 11/27/1979 #35022  
hree powerful lights in a triangle pattern were higher in the sky, changing 1/5/1980 #35125  
see a star making a bizarre zigzag pattern. It moves above them and they se 1/13/1980 #35133  
nutes after it follows the landing pattern of aircraft into the airport. Si 6/14/1980 #35368  
g of lights shaped in a triangular pattern hovering above them. It would mo 10/23/1980 #35585  
ions on the ground in a triangular pattern, as well as burn marks and broke 12/26/1980 #35737  
ar-like object flew in a sine-wave pattern across in sky in Shazhou County, 7/4/1981 #35988  
 like brushed aluminum with a grid pattern. As it passes overhead, they hea 9/18/1981 #36128  
bbie and her family and uncovers a pattern of events that have affected the Early 7/1983 #36900  
ding outside looking at a circular pattern of lights that are flashing red, 7/12/1983 #36909  
 green lights moving in a circular pattern are visible on the object. The m 7/12/1983 #36909  
 time the UFO flew in a triangular pattern bounded by Melton, Rockbank, Syd 7/22/1983 #36921  
ver(s). Silent 3' square object. X pattern / lights. Going down [to] betwee 12/26/1983 #37081  
 the car. It has an L-shaped light pattern on its underside with two red li 1/22/1984 #37146  
and the object ascends in a zigzag pattern, then moves away at a high rate  2/7/1984 #37180  
. Night light responds / new flash pattern.                                 2/12/1984 #37185  
osest approach, Myers sees it as a pattern of lights in an inverted L patte 3/6/1984 #37219  
pattern of lights in an inverted L pattern. As it passes, it blocks out the 3/6/1984 #37219  
ght lights arranged in a boomerang pattern hovering for about 15 minutes a  6/14/1984 #37361  
 It has white lights in a circular pattern.                                 7/19/1984 #37404  
 they notice an unusual triangular pattern of colored lights about 80 feet  Late 9/1984 #37469  
r marks in an equilateral triangle pattern are found in a nearby vineyard i 10/1984 #37473  
ject descended slowly in a zig-zag pattern. There were no radar returns.    8/2/1985 #37635  
in the area, so they broke off the pattern and turned to follow a bright re 5/19/1986 #37882  
rona, Wisconsin, view a triangular pattern of red, white, and blue flashing 3/20/1987 #38150  
 light maneuvering in a cloverleaf pattern (elliptical orbits with a common 11/23/1987 #38332  
 depressions arranged in a diamond pattern. Each imprint was two inches dee 9/21/1989 #39115  
rom side-to-side and blinked in no pattern at &;00 p.m. They stopped, then  11/1/1989 #39208  
minutes. On November 22, a strange pattern is discovered about 150 feet fro 11/20/1989 #39241  
ed to be blinking in a certain set pattern. She then began to feel extremel 3/24/1990 #39484  
fast moving UFO flew in an erratic pattern over a nuclear power plant in So 3/2/1991 #39991  
 up and down, then in a triangular pattern. One of the lights then descende 8/13/1991 #40152  
different site with the same alarm pattern, which they then reset. On the w 9/1991 #40178  
onfiguration in the sky. One stick pattern was pale red, the other green. A 11/29/1991 #40249  
 observer(s). Bright light / cross pattern as night lights orbit. Actual fo 3/3/1993 #40875  
people close to her seem to have a pattern of alien intrusions and disturba 1994 #41345  
 the ground. Its base has a ribbed pattern. It moves off slowly to the nort 3/1994 #41433  
 translucent, moving in an erratic pattern. The dry grass below has risen u 7/2/1994 #41601  
 / 100' altitude snake by / zigzag pattern. Radio Radio Frequency Interfere 6/28/1995 #42277  
udhurst, Kent, England in a zigzag pattern at an estimated altitude of only 6/28/1995 #42279  
 102 passengers, is in the landing pattern for San Carlos de Bariloche Airp 7/31/1995 #42347  
rom the ground, then moved in an S pattern "in a flash" and upward at a ste 2/18/1996 #42771  
ared dead years earlier, fitting a pattern of black budget programs alleged 8/30/1996 #43000  
e the ground. The lights hold this pattern for more than 15 minutes, leadin 3/13/1997 #43229  
ight red lights flying in a zigzag pattern over the area.                   5/18/1997 #43298  
ayed lights that changed color and pattern.                                 8/14/1998 #43631  
tions. It next moved in a figure-8 pattern and flew off towards the northwe 2/15/1999 #43729  
me-like globes set in a triangular pattern on its underside. Small red ligh 9/3/2000 #44036  
eemed to be flying in a snake-like pattern.                                 9/11/2000 #44039  
he formations were in an irregular pattern something like an elongated egg  12/11/2000 #44100  
 flying with them in a consecutive pattern. This group then disappeared. Ne 9/11/2001 #44258  
seen lights in a large oval shaped pattern in the sky.                      7/28/2002 #44368  
ter have a distinctive 'saw-tooth' pattern to the trailing edge of their wi 10/29/2002 #44424  
east lower than the normal landing pattern. She saw it for three seconds, a 11/25/2002 #44450  
.m.; a fourth appeared, all flew a pattern.                                 11/29/2002 #44456  
ects were later seen moving in a Z pattern in the sky.                      1/6/2003 #44471  
yed a red to green to yellow color pattern, alternating frequently to blue  4/12/2003 #44513  
 orange lights flew in a corkscrew pattern together from south to north ove 4/16/2003 #44514  
d gray, and traveled in a circular pattern; the other was a white triangula 7/14/2003 #44564  
ane or satellite, flew in a zigzag pattern, disappeared and re-appeared in  8/31/2003 #44589  
 7 or maybe 8 lights in a V-shaped pattern.                                 2/11/2004 #44663  
at incredible speeds in an erratic pattern. Controllers on one of the Navy  11/14/2004 #44784  
ared to be rotating in a clockwise pattern. The object was completely silen 11/25/2004 #44791  
around it in a clockwise, circular pattern.                                 3/14/2006 #44929  
of bright blue lights in a marquee pattern.                                 4/18/2006 #44932  
n went up and down in a controlled pattern, and then quickly disappeared in 9/21/2007 #45067  
s were seen flying in a triangular pattern over Davie, Broward County, Flor 1/3/2009 #45205  
a. They keep circling in a regular pattern. Other luminous objects are repo 10/11/2010 #45301  
w a sustained, but an intermittent pattern of drone sightings throughout th 7/30/2019 #45600  
did not have an easily explainable pattern.”                                5/18/2021 #45689  
## Word: "patterns" (Back to Top)
rs. Odd lights maneuver / changing patterns til March / 1870.               8/16/1869 #182  
 A mystery light flies in circular patterns around Sacramento, California,  11/25/1896 #360  
ound in the vicinity of our flying patterns over Japan. One of our crews re 7/1945 #1886  
eliminary analysis of UFO sighting patterns has uncovered a disturbing corr 12/19/1951 #5821  
ced as it did not follow the usual patterns                                 5/12/1952 #6303  
n cruising about in unconventional patterns.                                7/19/1952 #6906  
 objects shift around into various patterns, including a perfect V at one p 8/1/1952 #7411  
plied to him for an examination of patterns, which he has never produced. H 3/1953 #8721  
jects, which are flying in holding patterns above the area of the blast. Ta 3/1/1954 #9585  
They fly in erratic, sharp-turning patterns for about 5 minutes, including  8/1956 #13045  
culiar grid-like or diamond-shaped patterns and lights up a canyon northeas 2/17/1958 #14878  
al object is 20° elevation. Flight patterns are erratic. Range changes from 10/2/1959 #16011  
 Another section examines observed patterns, such as descriptions of shape, 5/1964 #18237  
ifornia. They moved erratically in patterns; they also would brighten for f 1/14/1965 #18733  
t section gives an analysis of UFO patterns by examining UFO features, the  1966 #19794  
 at low altitude, flew in circular patterns over a reservoir, occasionally  1/11/1966 #19826  
r, New Jersey. It flew in circular patterns over the reservoir, occasionall 1/11/1966 #19829  
een flying in circular and zig-zag patterns. The object suddenly darted awa 4/17/1966 #20313  
ject flying in circular and zigzag patterns. It suddenly darted away at an  4/17/1966 #20320  
o objects performed complex flight patterns for about an hour. (NICAP repor 9/23/1966 #20917  
hs showing superimposed clock-like patterns a subject of some interest.     2/17/1967 #21586  
 can produce changes in behavioral patterns or in responses.”               7/25/1972 #26833  
the object constantly change their patterns of display and movement. The fo 8/12/1972 #26911  
outh Australia Strange, nylon-like patterns are seen in the sky above Gawle 5/19/1973 #27511  
in. Very bright. Flies / irregular patterns. No RADAR.                      11/2/1975 #30537  
lights are seen performing unusual patterns in the sky at Cedar Rapids, Iow 11/15/1976 #31552  
 has small, square indentations in patterns along its sides and it rotates  10/13/1977 #32572  
e objects with triangular lighting patterns that shine beams of light to th 2/22/1984 #37198  
y as to create boomerang or circle patterns. The author, Glenn Garelik, not 11/1984 #37500  
e embers) with constantly changing patterns.” She stops to watch it as it h 2/4/1988 #38439  
ights / 8 minute(s). Unusual light patterns. No further details.            11/12/1989 #39226  
th domed ceilings that had strange patterns of top. The witnesses reported  3/6/1996 #42809  
apparently caught within the sweep patterns of ship-borne radars, which aut 4/18/2003 #44516  
aft had no apparent seams or rivet patterns and was estimated to be about t 4/18/2003 #44516  
s the sky in repeated figure eight patterns. It disappeared completely afte 1/30/2004 #44658  
slowly in unison, making different patterns in the sky, and reflecting at d 11/5/2004 #44778  
at 3:00 a.m. They moved in zig-zag patterns in the sky over a long period o 10/2/2005 #44885  
objects usually fly in square grid patterns nearly every night between 5:00 12/2019 #45620  
## Word: "patterson" (Back to Top)
S Under Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson authorizes the Corps of Engine 9/29/1942 #1449  
 Mexico Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson and Secretary of the Navy Jame 1/29/1947 #2236  
lter Lissy, Robert Ellis, and Earl Patterson, all WWII veterans) who see th 7/4/1947 #2658  
mingham, Alabama; Tucson, Arizona; Patterson, New Jersey; Chicago, Illinois 7/6/1947 #2815  
                         Robert P. Patterson 2:40 p.m. Secretary of War Rob 7/10/1947 #3107  
40 p.m. Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson meets with Groves and Montague 7/10/1947 #3107  
                            Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH USA 2/11/1949 #4000  
loud layer, and was seen by guards Patterson and Lang from two guard statio 3/8/1949 #4042  
                            Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton OH Reply letter co 5/18/1949 #4190  
  Great Falls AFB to AMC at Wright Patterson AFB writes on 17 August 1949 t 8/17/1949 #4321  
control tower operators at Wright- Patterson AFB pick it up visually and on 3/8/1950 #4593  
  Santiago, Chile Witness:  M/Sgt. Patterson, of the office of the U.S. Air 3/28/1950 #4748  
er states he was a guard at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in 1952 and saw 1952 #5846  
rders Ruppelt to return to Wright- Patterson AFB in Ohio.                   7/21/1952 #6981  
 called out to see it over Wright- Patterson), are probably USAF reconnaiss 7/23/1952 #7083  
s.” One F-94 pilot, Lieut. William Patterson, says, “I saw several bright l 7/26/1952 #7174  
rmy claims he saw crates at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in 1953 with re 1953 #8482  
A, Tech Intelligence Center Wright Patterson AFB. (see 06/24/1953 for detai 6/26/1953 #8972  
going quickly west later / crowd / Patterson, NJ.                           7/2/1954 #9982  
    Ekuk, Alaska Dillingham Wright Patterson AFB A silver-colored round obj 5/19/1960 #16289  
nation of the sighting.” At Wright Patterson AFB, Blue Book analysts classi 5/19/1960 #16289  
                            Wright Patterson AFB Flight Commander P.J. (ini 4/1962 #17093  
aval Research to travel to Wright- Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio, and exami 6/6/1966 #20535  
                                   Patterson, AR 9:30 p.m. CST. A man saw a 3/2/1967 #21723  
                     That night in Patterson, Arkansas at 9:30 p.m. a man w 3/2/1967 #21733  
 is five miles to the northwest of Patterson, two high school teachers witn 3/2/1967 #21733  
                              NEAR PATTERSON, MO 2 / car. Silver saucer til 2/22/1973 #27308  
               Loxley, AL Clarence Patterson and his pickup truck were suck 10/17/1973 #28126  
       Late on this night Clarence Patterson said he and his pickup truck w 10/17/1973 #28143  
ent for an hour flying from Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio. The witness experie 5/6/1975 #30043  
be reflecting a porch light. Scott Patterson went to his car and turned the 8/21/1978 #33540  
for the deputy sheriffs to arrive. Patterson pointed a 22-caliber pistol at 8/21/1978 #33540  
ith his instructor, US pilot David Patterson, south of Las Vegas, Nevada, w 9/9/1985 #37656  
craft debris transported to Wright Patterson AFB. A South African Air Force 5/17/1989 #38954  
y 1947, Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson and Secretary of the Navy Jame 1994 #41349  
, I know we have a room at Wright- Patterson where you put all this secret  10/1/1994 #41779  
r trailer and called nearby Wright Patterson Air Force Base. She was given  2/27/1998 #43524  
ory Roswell Army Air Field Wright- Patterson AFB Sandia Army Base Los Alamo 11/1/2005 #44898  
he craft and sent it on to Wright- Patterson AFB. The second site was not d 11/1/2005 #44898  
orking in unison that day. Captain Patterson, the second pilot witness, pos 4/23/2007 #45022  
t a UFO Conference about ex-Wright Patterson AFB worker June Crain, who had 11/6/2009 #45253  
## Word: "patterson's" (Back to Top)
 humanoid then lurched towards the Patterson's car. The witnesses fled insi 8/21/1978 #33540  
## Word: "patti" (Back to Top)
        Van Horne, Iowa 11:00 p.m. Patti Barr and Kathy Mahr, two teenage c 7/12/1969 #25264  
## Word: "patting" (Back to Top)
d out and touched one of the boys, patting him twice on the shoulder and ut 2/23/1975 #29839  
## Word: "patton" (Back to Top)
red object and asks Maj. Harvey N. Patton to give chase. He pursues it from 1/28/1953 #8603  
on the same night, Mr. & Mrs. Phil Patton of Freetown, reported to State Po 1/17/1967 #21330  
he road. Less than 2 km away, Phil Patton saw an identical object that came 1/17/1967 #21332  
he road and is badly damaged. Phil Patton and his wife apparently see the s 1/17/1967 #21333  
y and at about the same time, Phil Patton saw an identical object that came 1/17/1967 #21334  
 11:00 p.m. James Ferguson and Tom Patton are in the desert about 2 miles w Mid 3/1977 #31909  
## Word: "pattonville" (Back to Top)
            Old Saint Charles Road Pattonville, Missouri 5:00 p.m. Nova Har 7/4/1947 #2660  
off Old Saint Charles Road west of Pattonville, Missouri. They see a saucer 7/4/1947 #2660  
## Word: "patty" (Back to Top)
bers unintelligibly and gives odd "Patty".                                  2/27/1970 (approximate) #25593  
                       Greenup, IL Patty Markwell, 13, was in her mother's  8/4/1973 #27680  
## Word: "patuxent" (Back to Top)
                                   PATUXENT RIVER NAS, MD 2 military observ 6/30/1959 #15801  
                                   Patuxent River, MD Metallic gold, oblate 6/30/1959 #15802  
                                   Patuxent River NAS, Maryland Witness: US 6/30/1959 #15803  
nder and a female companion at the Patuxent River Naval Air Station in Lexi 6/30/1959 #15804  
                                   Patuxent Naval Air Station Memo to Chief 12/19/1964 #18660  
se #(censured): Subject: UFOs over Patuxent Naval Air Station between 1500  12/19/1964 #18660  
                                   PATUXENT NAS, MD 3 separate civil and mi 12/19/1964 #18661  
                                   Patuxent River NAS, MD Radar tracked 2 l 12/19/1964 #18662  
                 Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland 3:50 p.m. Nav 12/19/1964 #18663  
ryland 3:50 p.m. Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland tracks two la 12/19/1964 #18663  
lvatore Pais and Naval Air Station Patuxent River in 2017 utilized a simila 8/1998 #43618  
tore Pais of the Naval Air Station Patuxent River files a patent for a tria 11/2/2017 #45490  
                 Naval Air Station Patuxent River St. Mary’s County Marylan 2/13/2019 #45562  
-23), flying out Naval Air Station Patuxent River in St. Mary’s County, Mar 2/13/2019 #45562  
## Word: "pau" (Back to Top)
 tending some cattle in Portela de Pau, Orense, Spain in the late afternoon 10/20/1955 #12513  
co Brazil 8:30 a.m. Farmer Antônio Pau Ferro is working on his farm in São  9/10/1965 #19550  
                           Antonio Pau Ferro, a farmer, was working in his  9/10/1965 #19551  
         Guarulhos, Brazil Antonio Pau Ferro saw two objects land. Two dwar 9/11/1965 #19554  
## Word: "pau-uzein" (Back to Top)
                                   PAU-UZEIN AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR 4 / 2 he 2/25/1969 #24943  
                              Near Pau-Uzein Airport, France at 8:00 p.m. f 2/25/1969 #24944  
## Word: "paul" (Back to Top)
pse, four amateur observers in St. Paul’s Junction [possibly a railroad sto 8/7/1869 #180  
f the Chicago-and- Alton Railroad, Paul McCramer, stated that he came suffi 4/12/1897 #443  
of the Chicago-and-Alton Railroad, Paul McCramer, stated that he came suffi 4/12/1897 #445  
of the Chicago and Alton Railroad, Paul McCramer, stated that he came close 4/12/1897 #450  
 morning. Marble merchant David W. Paul is traveling with a party of workme 4/14/1897 #462  
rnia, high- school science teacher Paul M. Barry Jr. is skywatching when he 7/31/1933 #1169  
. Lavern P. Zewiske and his father Paul are checking some recently planted  Mid 5/1940 #1332  
                               St. Paul, Minnesota Nellie Carlin and anothe 10/1944 #1674  
 are about to drive to work in St. Paul, Minnesota, when they see what seem 10/1944 #1674  
Highway 136 Havana, Illinois Dusk. Paul Cummings Jr. is driving east on US  3/14/1946 #1977  
 Konstantinos Tsaldaris. Physicist Paul Santorinis is placed in charge of a 9/1/1946 #2167  
rmation that the discs exist. Maj. Paul Gaynor says the Army Air Force need 7/3/1947 #2582  
                               ST. PAUL, MN 1 / grand Ave. 8cm disk! Low an 7/4/1947 #2636  
They talk to Tacoma Times reporter Paul Lantz in the hotel lobby, who write 8/1/1947 #3281  
 Kentucky 4:45–7:06 p.m. USAF 1Lt. Paul I. Orner tracks an unidentified whi 1/7/1948 #3545  
 back, he consults with astronomer Paul Herget of the Cincinnati Observator 5/7/1948 #3643  
the northeast. An FBI man from St. Paul found an area 70 cm in diameter whe 8/11/1948 #3778  
the northeast. An FBI man from St. Paul found an area 70 cm in diameter whe 8/11/1948 #3779  
, Hawaii Witness: USAF pilot Capt. Paul Stoney, on ground. one flat white,  1/4/1949 #3958  
–Hickam 2:00 p.m. USAF pilot Capt. Paul R. Stoney, on the ground at Hickam  1/4/1949 #3959  
am Field, Honolulu, Hawaii Captain Paul Storey sighted a large, round, flat 1/4/1949 #3960  
search. He later tells AFOSI agent Paul Ryan that the fireballs are artific 1/31/1949 #3988  
iller, pastor of the St. Peter and Paul Church in Norwood, Ohio, has purcha 8/19/1949 #4329  
                     St. Peter and Paul Church in Norwood, Ohio 7:15–10:45  10/23/1949 #4401  
hlight once again at St. Peter and Paul Church in Norwood, Ohio. Sgt. Berge 10/23/1949 #4401  
            Shelby, North Carolina Paul Limerick, commander of the Veterans 4/8/1950 #4830  
s, were taken by a farming couple, Paul and Evelyn Trent near McMinnville,  5/11/1950 #4936  
    McMinnville (9 miles W of), OR Paul Trent Photos (NICAP: 08 - Photograp 5/11/1950 #4938  
rtheast. She yells for her husband Paul, who is inside the house; he comes  5/11/1950 #4939  
before it speeds away to the west. Paul Trent’s father briefly sees the obj 5/11/1950 #4939  
 were taken on this evening by Mr. Paul Trent in McMinnville, Oregon. The U 5/11/1950 #4940  
ucers, the two snapshots by farmer Paul Trent, and the film shot by Louisvi 11/17/1950 #5279  
p.m. USAF B-36 radar operator Maj. Paul E. Gerhart and navigator Maj. Charl 9/18/1951 #5678  
rginia Beach James River 9:00 p.m. Paul R. Hill, an aeronautical research e 7/16/1952 #6844  
:00 p.m. EDT aeronautical engineer Paul R. Hill along with his wife Frances 7/16/1952 #6846  
                     SR33 NEAR ST. PAUL, MN 2 observer(s). 4 2' saucers / 2 7/17/1952 #6847  
 midnight on State Route 33 in St. Paul, Minnesota four two-foot diameter d 7/17/1952 #6870  
ing. American Airlines pilot Capt. Paul L. Carpenter, First Officer George  7/18/1952 #6895  
                               ST. PAUL, MN Ground RADAR's and visual obser 7/28/1952 #7241  
            Osceola, Wisconsin St. Paul, Minnesota 1:30 a.m. An Air Defense 7/29/1952 #7319  
ified targets. Four F-51s from St. Paul, Minnesota, are scrambled, but the  7/29/1952 #7319  
exico 10:20 p.m. Civilian engineer Paul L. Anderson sees 3 light-green cyli 8/3/1952 #7437  
t River Sinks Howe, Idaho Evening. Paul Solem has his first contact with a  Fall 1952 #8014  
to it. He tells Solem to call him “Paul 2.” He says he is from Venus and te Fall 1952 #8014  
it is revealed by Defence Minister Paul Hellyer.                            1954 #9423  
ilots Capt. Robert R. Zadnick, Lt. Paul R. Fisher, and Lt. George A. Kerr f 3/5/1954 #9598  
nville, Oregon, UFO photo taken by Paul Trent.                              3/5/1954 #9599  
with former Belgian prime minister Paul van Zeeland and the then-head of Un 5/29/1954 #9840  
and and the then-head of Unilever, Paul Rykens.                             5/29/1954 #9840  
 Homer H. Speer Jr and copilot Lt. Paul Daily, call sign Archie 29, and pil 7/5/1955 #12238  
                               ST. PAUL, MN Silver hamburger-saucer going [ 8/10/1955 #12346  
nville, Oregon photograph taken by Paul Trent in 1950.                      3/5/1957 #13520  
ched Earth discovered on the spot. Paul Hartman, a writer for the Galt Repo 7/30/1957 #13860  
. Barbara Jean Stokes, her husband Paul, and another couple are driving in  10/31/1957 #14176  
             Waterloo, Iowa Night. Paul Rutledge, a packinghouse worker at  11/7/1957 #14463  
                    Waterloo, Iowa Paul Rutledge saw an object 16 m long fl 11/8/1957 #14483  
                 On the same night Paul Rutledge saw an object 16 meters lo 11/8/1957 #14494  
ngle on her back. An acquaintance, Paul Boyett, has a Geiger counter, with  2/17/1958 #14878  
raska, SAC Operations Officer Maj. Paul A. Duich, plus several officers fro 9/8/1958 #15261  
esearch Organisation is founded by Paul Teugells, Nigel Stephenson, Susanne 12/1959 #16105  
                               Mr. Paul Simonton, a Chicken farmer in Eagle 4/18/1961 #16654  
ronautics Committee by Rep. George Paul Miller (D-Calif.) who indicates he  9/16/1961 #16841  
hout mentioning the figures). Maj. Paul W. Henderson of the 100th Bomb Wing 9/21/1961 #16866  
                   French composer Paul Misraki writes Les Extraterrestres  1962 #17010  
xtraterrestres using the pseudonym Paul Thomas. He links modern UFO sightin 1962 #17010  
us witnesses, among them policeman Paul Arteche, saw a reddish, round objec 4/28/1964 #18215  
etts Sears Roebuck store 7:43 p.m. Paul Wańkowicz, RAF pilot and ex-Smithso 5/26/1964 #18306  
       Tillamook Head, Oregon Mrs. Paul Zimmerman Gearhart and her two sons 1/11/1965 #18708  
uver them. Among the witnesses are Paul M. Dickey Jr., Edward Shad, Sam Web 1/11/1965 #18709  
n January 12, 1965 noted that Mrs. Paul Zimmerman Gearhart and her two sons 1/11/1965 #18711  
the Minister of National Defence,” Paul Hellyer. It reiterates the US opini 4/20/1965 #18908  
enhoe Hall Lane 1:00 a.m. Engineer Paul Green is riding a motorcycle south  9/14/1965 #19560  
                               ST. PAUL, MN Many observer(s). Blue night li 11/26/1965 #19735  
                               St. Paul, Minnesota 8:00–9:00 p.m. Numerous  11/26/1965 #19736  
 Numerous power outages around St. Paul, Minnesota, are accompanied by obse 11/26/1965 #19736  
   In 1965 in a wide area from St. Paul, Minnesota to the Wisconsin border, 11/26/1965 #19737  
 many residents of Totem Town, St. Paul, Minnesota saw strange objects flyi 11/26/1965 #19737  
 department members (Carl Metz and Paul Shipco), report seeing an object in 12/9/1965 #19762  
A radar technician, the father of “Paul” in Michigan, claims he witnessed a 1966 #19798  
sant, West Virginia police captain Paul Yoder and B. Enochs saw a huge bird 11/18/1966 #21124  
 egg-shaped object was reported by Paul Poorman on a farm near some strip m 2/7/1967 #21475  
niversity of Athens, Greece Greece Paul Santorinis, civil engineer of the N 2/24/1967 #21642  
                               St. Paul, Alberta Canada The town of St. Pau 6/3/1967 #22457  
ul, Alberta Canada The town of St. Paul, Alberta, officially dedicates a UF 6/3/1967 #22457  
land. Minister of National Defence Paul Hellyer flies in by helicopter to l 6/3/1967 #22457  
ublay, Yvelines, France Afternoon. Paul Stehlin, military aviator and vice- 9/1967 #22975  
e books/presentations by physicist Paul Laviolette] *   https://www.amazon. 1968 #23633  
 p.m. five young people, including Paul Sauve, age 20, and his sisters, Nic 7/28/1968 #24245  
                               ST. PAUL, REUNION AND AREA Several separate  8/11/1968 #24315  
New Zealand 9:30 p.m. John Dow and Paul Franklin are driving on Springfield 9/6/1968 #24434  
tient clinic Evening. John Dow and Paul Franklin are on the Omarunui Road s 9/10/1968 #24449  
f Georgia Institute of Technology, Paul MacCready of Meteorology Research,  12/1968 #24740  
es in the Ottawa River, farmer Leo Paul Chaput is awakened by his dog barki 5/11/1969 #25125  
Indian Reservation Idaho Contactee Paul Solem, who has been speaking to Sho 7/12/1969 #25263  
 vertically. (Wendelle Stevens and Paul Dong, UFOs over Modern China, UFO P Early 1970 #25524  
P behavior. Bob Wood, Chan Thomas, Paul Wilson, Joe Brown and Stanton Fried 4/5/1970 #25625  
                                   Paul Foster, in the St. Helliers section 6/21/1970 #25704  
escott, Arizona Evening. Contactee Paul Solem, who has managed to convince  8/7/1970 #25775  
eives a message from space brother Paul 2, who tells him that the saucers a 8/7/1970 #25775  
mpulsion to go to a certain place, Paul de Brescia walked to an isolated wo 8/25/1971 #26305  
ersation one of the humanoids gave Paul something resembling a piece of cho 8/25/1971 #26305  
ils. CUFOS field investigator John Paul Oswald joins her occasionally and i 1972 #26528  
sentatives from the US government. Paul Shartle, chief of requirements for  5/1973 #27460  
LLE, PA 2 observer(s). Saucer over Paul Vandine farm. / Bloomburg Press 8.9 9/6/1973 #27772  
d on C.S, Rt 29, 300 feet ahead of Paul Brown's car (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 10/17/1973 #28124  
S Highway 29 Danielsville, Georgia Paul Brown is driving on US Highway 29 n 10/17/1973 #28132  
e, Georgia about 300 feet ahead of Paul Brown's car, forcing him to make an 10/17/1973 #28139  
oba Lake Manitoba Before midnight. Paul Dedieu, his brother, and a friend a 5/4/1975 #30032  
the American Humanist Association. Paul Kurtz, James Randi, Martin Gardner, 4/30/1976 #31028  
r home in Little Britain, Ontario. Paul Hood notices a flashing light in th 9/11/1976 #31377  
roaches, it darts off. Days later, Paul and Don Hood find a 30-foot-diamete 9/11/1976 #31377  
                                   Paul Bennett was playing with five frien 10/15/1976 #31465  
n it, and most of them made fun of Paul when he told them. One of them, Mic 10/15/1976 #31465  
hem, Michael McDermott, did assist Paul in a search for some evidence of th 10/15/1976 #31465  
rea University of Kansas 1:20 a.m. Paul Thompson is driving home from his j 10/22/1976 #31486  
ed for more than an hour. (Source: Paul Stonehill, The Soviet UFO Files, p. 1/16/1977 #31724  
                               ST. PAUL, FR 2 / car and more. Luminous dumb 3/14/1978 #33038  
ver two witnesses driving in Saint Paul, Vosges, France at 7:15 p.m. It ros 3/14/1978 #33039  
sin St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin St. Paul, Minnesota 7:00 and 8:45 p.m. Two w 3/22/1978 #33071  
d follows an 85-mile course to St. Paul, Minnesota. Witnesses see formation 3/22/1978 #33071  
nts. A telex sent by US Ambassador Paul H. Boeker to the State Department r 5/6/1978 #33190  
         Albuquerque, NM Ufologist Paul Bennewitz, President and owner of T 1979 #34253  
                               ST. PAUL, MN 2 observer(s). Silver dome / bl 10/16/1979 #34957  
                east side of Saint Paul, Minnesota Interstate 694 6:10 p.m. 10/16/1979 #34958  
itnesses on the east side of Saint Paul, Minnesota, near Interstate 694 see 10/16/1979 #34958  
                   France Toulouse Paul Sabatier University A 13-year-old g 11/27/1979 #35019  
incident, and samples are taken to Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse for 11/27/1979 #35019  
nfusion and a 4-hour loss of time. Paul Bennewitz, an Albuquerque, New Mexi 5/5/1980 #35306  
Wyoming R. Leo Sprinkle arrives at Paul Bennewitz’s house in Albuquerque, N 6/3/1980 #35353  
 there is considerable interest in Paul Bennewitz and that he is to spy on  9/8/1980 #35504  
   Manzano Test Range Investigator Paul Bennewitz contacts Major Ernest Edw 10/24/1980 #35586  
eak northwest of Dulce, New Mexico Paul Bennewitz over a number of months h 10/26/1980 #35590  
   Manzano Test Range Investigator Paul Bennewitz presented his evidence of 11/10/1980 #35623  
        Kirtland AFB in New Mexico Paul Bennewitz visits with a small group 11/10/1980 #35625  
 physicist and Coast Guard veteran Paul F. Bennewitz. Doty states he was or 11/17/1980 #35646  
d shot away to the north. (Source: Paul Dong and Wendelle Stevens, UFOs ove 6/13/1981 #35969  
               William Moore gives Paul Bennewitz an altered version of the Summer 1981 #35977  
ornia China Chinese UFO researcher Paul Dong (Moon Wai), a resident of Cali Summer 1981 #35978  
 China, by Wendelle C. Stevens and Paul Dong, 1983.                         Summer 1981 #35978  
o, about AFOSI investigations into Paul Bennewitz’s claims. He then dashes  7/30/1981 #36040  
      Albuquerque, NM Investigator Paul Bennewitz was sending regular repor 1982 #36283  
 with the code name Falcon to lead Paul Bennewitz astray by giving him fals 1982 #36283  
             SR36 WITH MINERAL, CA Paul Cerny. Chiles-Whitted rocket cylind 12/10/1982 #36709  
 was witnessed by UFO investigator Paul Cerny on SR36 west of Mineral, Teha 12/10/1982 #36714  
from an earlier conversation about Paul Bennewitz’s claims. Miller drives h 4/9/1983 #36830  
and must be an unknown phenomenon. Paul Devereux is convinced that they are 1/13/1985 #37548  
       PASADENA, CA Movie producer Paul davids and 2. Silent silver domed s 2/25/1987 #38122  
t of his house 4:10 p.m. Filmmaker Paul Davids is at work in his home offic 2/25/1987 #38123  
                    Movie producer Paul Davids and two others watched two s 2/25/1987 #38124  
stories by Albuquerque businessman Paul Bennewitz, claims in a statement on 12/29/1987 #38378  
ico Letter received from ufologist Paul F. Bennewitz describing Project Bet 6/6/1988 #38581  
ars of stress, fear, and paranoia, Paul Bennewitz has turned over his busin 8/1988 #38611  
leged UFO contact at Holloman AFB. Paul Shartle describes the Holloman film 10/14/1988 #38674  
jord Lavik Vadheim Vestland Norway Paul Paulsen Frøyen sees two “U-boats” i 6/2/1989 #38973  
terintelligence operations against Paul Bennewitz. Moore says he provided D 7/1/1989 #39002  
 in the disinformation directed at Paul Bennewitz. He gives the names of ot 7/1/1989 #39002  
 Schmidt, 13, Todd Weinheimer, 13, Paul Goddard, 12, Kevin Still, and one o 10/11/1989 #39162  
movement. According to sociologist Paul Gilroy, Cooper claims to explain th 1991 #39933  
Col. John Alexander, Lyn Buchanan, Paul H. Smith, Mel Riley, Joni Dourif, D 3/9/1992 #40368  
ed by Jeremy Kagan and produced by Paul Davids, premieres on Showtime. It s 7/31/1994 #41649  
OM and DIA) with Charlene Shufelt, Paul H. Smith, Lyn Buchanan, Bill Ray, A 6/30/1995 #42284  
lanidloes, Powys, Wales 10:30 p.m. Paul Best and his girlfriend are driving 6/5/1998 #43580  
ial UFO origin has emerged either. Paul Stonehill, a Russian UFO scholar, b 2000 #43911  
                                   Paul Czysz, WPAFB veteran and former McD 11/2000 #44070  
f California State University, and Paul March of Lockheed Martin Space Oper 6/2001 #44189  
s this confirmed by OUSDAT officer Paul Kaminski, Director of SAPCO Brig. G 10/16/2002 #44418  
s, M Portilla, Valentin N Rudenko, Paul A Murray, Nikolai N Gorkavyi, Glen  5/6/2003 #44526  
w Brunswick Caraquet Moncton Saint Paul 7:45 p.m. A witness at Bass River,  1/17/2004 #44651  
he ocean toward the east. In Saint Paul, another witness sees two lights he 1/17/2004 #44651  
d Pratt and Whitney.  Note: Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, a materials scientist wh 8/2004 #44724  
is disinformation campaign against Paul Bennewitz.                          2/27/2005 #44817  
               HyperTech Concepts’ Paul Czysz writes a paper to investigate 2/1/2006 #44921  
 check on traffic heading his way. Paul Kelly at Jersey ATC cannot see any  4/23/2007 #45022  
l was to analyze the nightmares of Paul Garratt after a near-death experien 3/31/2011 #45322  
ary representatives (Robert Salas, Paul Hellyer, Nick Pope), testify to six 4/29/2013 #45366  
d (see June 2001) of Cal State and Paul March of Lockheed Martin Space Oper 4/2017 #45467  
–10:39 p.m. The Navy destroyer USS Paul Hamilton is cruising 80 nautical mi 7/17/2019 #45595  
ired DOD senior technology analyst Paul Murad states the company “Orbitech” 2/29/2020 #45635  
ds Warwickshire, England 5:00 a.m. Paul Froggatt sees a glowing orange sphe 7/16/2020 #45652  
## Word: "paul's" (Back to Top)
                               St. Paul's Junction, Iowa About 4:45 p.m. Du 8/7/1869 #180  
## Word: "paula" (Back to Top)
                Caracas, Venezuela Paula Valdez, suffering from a headache, 9/3/1967 #22989  
evening in Caracas, Venezuela Miss Paula Valdez, a young actress, came home 9/3/1967 #22990  
 - At three o'clock in the morning Paula Caetano Silveira awoke from sleep  10/11/1971 #26418  
                             SANTA PAULA, CA 2 / light plane. 3' saucer wit 7/4/1978 #33326  
                             Santa Paula, CA A small domed disc-shaped obje 7/4/1978 #33330  
                             Santa Paula, California 3:15 p.m. A small dome 7/4/1978 #33333  
and 3,500 feet altitude near Santa Paula, California. Its dome is a bright  7/4/1978 #33333  
             At 3:15 p.m. in Santa Paula, California a small domed disc-sha 7/4/1978 #33336  
ford, England Judy Woods 6:45 p.m. Paula E. Green, 12, undergoes her first  10/1983 #36990  
                  SAO FRANCISCO DE PAULA, MG, BRAZIL Rectangular UFO. Beam  9/20/1992 #40632  
ss from a road in Sao Francisco de Paula, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. This  9/20/1992 #40633  
## Word: "paulden" (Back to Top)
on, Nevada Phoenix Tucson, Arizona Paulden Prescott Barry Goldwater Range i 3/13/1997 #43229  
 travel around 8:10–9:30 p.m. from Paulden to Tucson, passing over Prescott 3/13/1997 #43229  
## Word: "paulding" (Back to Top)
                   County Road 126 Paulding, Ohio John P. Timmerman investi 7/4/1996 #42945  
Dan Arend off County Road 126 near Paulding, Ohio.                          7/4/1996 #42945  
## Word: "paulette" (Back to Top)
                                   Paulette (near), MS Cone-shaped object ( 6/20/1952 #6560  
## Word: "paulien" (Back to Top)
                               ST. PAULIEN, FR 1 / car. Long rectangular cy 7/10/1967 (approximate) #22643  
## Word: "paulilatino" (Back to Top)
                                   PAULILATINO, SARDINIA 2 observer(s). Fak 5/1931 #1125  
                                   Paulilatino, Sardinia, Italy Nuraghe Tru 5/1931 #1126  
 a friend a few miles southeast of Paulilatino, Sardinia, Italy. When they  5/1931 #1126  
## Word: "pauline" (Back to Top)
rough a medium named Nada-Yolanda (Pauline Sharpe) in the Miami-based Mark- 9/1962 #17379  
England, trainee riding instructor Pauline Abbott sees a shiny white UFO on 12/27/1963 #18098  
          At around 1:00 a.m. Mrs. Pauline Coombs, age 31, and her husband  4/23/1977 #32018  
uited figure outside their window. Pauline had seen it first, but she said  4/23/1977 #32018  
nd one o'clock in the morning Mrs. Pauline Coombs, age 31, and her husband  4/24/1977 #32021  
ver suited figure at their window. Pauline saw it first, but said nothing t 4/24/1977 #32021  
ilford Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales Pauline Coombes reports seeing a luminou 4/26/1977 #32029  
                              Mrs. Pauline Coombs, her mother, and her four 10/30/1977 #32639  
ther witnesses. Debbie Foreman and Pauline Osborne report headlight and eng Late 10/1983 #37015  
## Word: "pauling" (Back to Top)
clear activism of biochemist Linus Pauling3/28/1957 #13566  
## Word: "paulino" (Back to Top)
                 At 1:15 a.m. Jose Paulino Nunez, a distillery worker, enco 6/30/1968 #24097  
ista Da Silva, age 9, and Benedito Paulino Ramos, age 13, called to her att 2/6/1969 #24898  
## Word: "paulo" (Back to Top)
     Tietê River Araçariguama, São Paulo, Brazil Santana di Parnaíba 6:00 p 3/5/1946 #1973  
sister’s home in Araçariguama, São Paulo, Brazil. As he is entering the hou 3/5/1946 #1973  
ay of fishing in Aracariguama, Sao Paulo State, Brazil but he returned home 3/5/1946 #1974  
                     Angatuba, São Paulo, Brazil São Paulo Aladino Félix an 11/1952 #8227  
   Angatuba, São Paulo, Brazil São Paulo Aladino Félix and a friend are cli 11/1952 #8227  
climbing a hill near Angatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. When they get to the top, 11/1952 #8227  
, he is visited at his home in São Paulo by the saucer captain, who claims  11/1952 #8227  
     Santo Amaro Rua Andaguara São Paulo, Brazil South America 10:30 a.m. T 11/2/1954 #11537  
er at Santo Amaro, a suburb of São Paulo, Brazil, and starts to walk home.  11/2/1954 #11537  
ed by several psychiatrists in Sao Paulo who concluded that he showed no si 11/2/1954 #11539  
                       Pontal, São Paulo, Brazil Rio Pardo A laborer named  11/4/1954 #11564  
er named Jose Alves of Pontal, São Paulo, Brazil, is night fishing in the R 11/4/1954 #11564  
ishing on the river in Pontal, Sao Paulo state, Brazil when he saw a lumino 11/4/1954 #11568  
ics over farmland in Campinas, Sao Paulo state, Brazil at dusk. One peeled  12/13/1954 #11805  
ics over the city of Campinas, Sao Paulo state, Brazil on this afternoon in 12/14/1954 #11808  
                Caraguatatuba, São Paulo, Brazil São Sebastião Ilhabela 7:0 7/16/1956 #12974  
on the beach at Caraguatatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, when he observes a hat-sh 7/16/1956 #12974  
                     Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil Avenida Julio Mesqita 3:00 9/1957 #13966  
n Penteado’s farm in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, when Sabiá’s dog begins g 9/1957 #13966  
                      Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil Several people fishing nea Early 9/1957 #13971  
l people fishing near Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, watch a disc dive down fr Early 9/1957 #13971  
                  Porto Alegre São Paulo, Brazil Araranguá, Santa Catarina  11/4/1957 #14283  
rgo plane from Porto Alegre to São Paulo, Brazil. They are near Araranguá,  11/4/1957 #14283  
eza de Itaipu in Praia Grande, São Paulo, Brazil Rio de Janeiro 2:00 a.m. T 11/4/1957 #14284  
eza de Itaipu in Praia Grande, São Paulo, Brazil, watch an orange object ap 11/4/1957 #14284  
                   Mogi Mirim, São Paulo, Brazil 10:00 p.m. All the lights  11/25/1957 #14614  
hts in the town of Mogi Mirim, São Paulo, Brazil, suddenly dim and fail. Nu 11/25/1957 #14614  
                      Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil South Atlantic Day. Capt.  1/10/1958 #14817  
e porch of a house in Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil, overlooking the South Atl 1/10/1958 #14817  
 Rolleiflex 2.8 model E. Commander Paulo Moreira da Silva of the Brazilian  1/16/1958 #14831  
n the evening of April 23rd in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Around midnight of April  4/25/1959 #15713  
e sky before he went to bed in Sao Paulo, Brazil and when he awoke at midni 4/26/1959 #15714  
ed over the town of Vila Ezio, Sao Paulo State, Brazil moving at high speed 5/6/1960 #16257  
 30 miles northwest of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil 2:30 a.m. Patrolman Jaime  6/5/1961 #16721  
 30 miles northwest of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil. When they arrive, they fi 6/5/1961 #16721  
                       Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil Rio Peropava Eight-year-ol 10/31/1963 #18017  
towards her house near Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil. It soars above her, hits  10/31/1963 #18017  
 the Peropava River in Iguape, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. It "writhed and str 10/31/1963 #18019  
ear a farm gate in Mogi Guacu, Sao Paulo state, Brazil at around 9 p.m. by  11/11/1965 #19713  
he late evening in Mogi-Guacu, Sao Paulo State, Brazil Sr. Dario Filho, his 11/13/1965 #19720  
over a farm in Ribeirao Pires, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It had 4 legs for l 5/30/1967 #22427  
immense object near Americana, Sau Paulo State, Brazil "as high as a 15-sto 11/28/1967 #23518  
                      Caconde, São Paulo, Brazil 5:00 a.m. Caetano Sergio d 5/17/1968 #23969  
s a night watchman at Caconde, São Paulo, Brazil. In the courtyard of his h 5/17/1968 #23969  
ldade de Medicina de Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil 12:30 a.m. Three boys are  7/1/1968 #24118  
ldade de Medicina de Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. Suddenly they see a large 7/1/1968 #24118  
0 p.m. three boys in Botucatu, Sao Paulo State, Brazil saw a disc-shaped ob 7/1/1968 #24120  
                               São Paulo Highway in Brazil Late evening. A  7/17/1968 #24185  
 is allegedly snatched off the São Paulo Highway in Brazil and taken into a 7/17/1968 #24185  
ctrical substation near Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil Lins 1:00 a.m. Daíldo de O 7/23/1968 #24213  
ctrical substation near Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil, confronts three intruders 7/23/1968 #24213  
                     In Bauru, Sao Paulo state, Brazil a night watchman nam 7/23/1968 #24214  
 Ferrreira sanitarium in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil 5:00 a.m. Hospital assista 8/25/1968 #24376  
 Ferrreira sanitarium in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil, hears a noise like the br 8/25/1968 #24376  
ptionist Maria Cintra in Lins, Sao Paulo State, Brazil opened the door to f 8/26/1968 #24381  
   Avenida da Saudade in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil 6:20 a.m. While oiling his 10/2/1968 #24537  
of Avenida da Saudade in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil, Turíbio Pereira sees only 10/2/1968 #24537  
stopped for a while in Macedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. At 9:30 p.m. she sa 11/21/1968 #24676  
ara Do Benedito, Pirassununga, Sao Paulo State, Brazil when two boys, Joao  2/6/1969 #24898  
                 Pirassununga, São Paulo, Brazil hill on the grounds of the 2/7/1969 #24901  
p at his home in Pirassununga, São Paulo, Brazil, and hears a neighbor shou 2/7/1969 #24901  
ter 7:00 a.m. in Pirassununga, Sao Paulo State, Brazil the shouts of people 2/7/1969 #24902  
On this night in Pirassununga, Sao Paulo, Brazil the manager of the Bela Al 2/20/1969 #24936  
                     Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil Erratically moving, color- 3/11/1969 #24996  
me day a motorist in Campinas, Sao Paulo state, Brazil saw a light moving e 3/11/1969 #24998  
over an athletic club in Lins, Sao Paulo state, Brazil.                     3/15/1969 #25015  
n a highway between Ibiuna and Sao Paulo, Brazil in Sao Paulo State at 4:30 4/26/1969 #25097  
biuna and Sao Paulo, Brazil in Sao Paulo State at 4:30 a.m.                 4/26/1969 #25097  
his day in the city of Osasco, Sao Paulo, Brazil a man photographed a sauce 5/3/1969 #25112  
ew erratically in the sky over Sao Paulo, Brazil. It released a smaller sph 5/31/1969 #25175  
                       Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil 2:00 a.m. Kaneto and Kioko 6/17/1969 #25220  
hovering in the air in Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil. It appears to be 30 feet  6/17/1969 #25220  
  4 miles northwest of Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil 2:30 p.m. Sr. Benedito, a  6/26/1969 #25236  
t 4 miles northwest of Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil, when he hears a humming n 6/26/1969 #25236  
                       Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil After a series of UFO sigh 7/1969 #25241  
ted in the area around Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil, the Brazilian Air Force i 7/1969 #25241  
                                   PAULO LOPES, BRZ 4 / car. Saucer lifts c 7/23/1969 #25292  
tated a car with four occupants in Paulo Lopes, Santa Catarina state, Brazi 7/23/1969 #25294  
bject at 9:00 p.m. in Marilia, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The object followed his c 8/15/1970 #25786  
other in Sao Joa da Boa Vista, Sao Paulo, Brazil 17-year-old Valeria was up 9/7/1970 #25828  
                               Sr. Paulo Caetano Silveira, age 27, a typewr 9/22/1971 #26365  
 only three meters from his house. Paulo Caetano saw several small figures  10/11/1971 #26418  
ent, for 10 minutes. At some point Paulo Caetano's head began to ache. The  10/11/1971 #26418  
pun over the city of Campinas, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It was seen by hund 12/4/1971 #26486  
                                   Paulo Caetano Silveira's fourth "contact 12/5/1971 #26489  
between Ubirajara and Galia in Sao Paulo State, Brazil had a close encounte 10/28/1972 #27096  
                    Catanduva, Sao Paulo (near), Brazil A man and his wife  5/1973 #27459  
                               São Paulo, Brazil Catanduva 3:00 a.m. Onilso 5/22/1973 #27518  
lic libraries for the State of São Paulo, Brazil, is just outside Catanduva 5/22/1973 #27518  
        Sao Jose Do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2:00 a.m. saw a luminous f 5/27/1973 #27532  
        São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil 2:00 a.m. A Mrs. Geni, 57, 5/27/1973 #27533  
home in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. Through her balcony windo 5/27/1973 #27533  
        Sao Jose Do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil - Geni Lisboa was busily b 5/27/1973 #27535  
tanduva and Julio de Mesquita, Sao Paulo, Brazil. In fact, his car was foun 4/26/1974 #29064  
city of Sao Bernardo da Campo, Sao Paulo state, Brazil at 7:30 p.m. It repo 6/20/1974 #29217  
                               Sao Paulo, Brazil In the city of Americana,  12/17/1975 #30720  
 of Americana, in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil 16-year old Mr. Salles de  12/17/1975 #30721  
                   Aricanduva, São Paulo, Brazil 11:30 p.m. Paulo Coutinho, 6/23/1976 #31134  
duva, São Paulo, Brazil 11:30 p.m. Paulo Coutinho, 18, is returning home fr 6/23/1976 #31134  
m a night class in Aricanduva, São Paulo, Brazil, when he sees a light in t 6/23/1976 #31134  
erience occurred this night in Sao Paulo, Brazil. A bright nocturnal light  6/23/1976 #31135  
                    Rua Cajati São Paulo, Brazil Three men watch a dense wh Early 9/1976 #31326  
 hover low above Rua Cajati in São Paulo, Brazil. It dissipates, revealing  Early 9/1976 #31326  
and, and Florida. In Mirrasol, Sao Paulo State, Brazil a man was walking ho 12/31/1978 #34250  
scs over the city of Sorocaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil began on this evenin 1/11/1979 #34330  
                     Mirassol, São Paulo, Brazil Security guard Antonio Car 6/28/1979 #34639  
furniture factory in Mirassol, São Paulo, Brazil. He is approached by three 6/28/1979 #34639  
y 101 near Linhares, Brazil in Sao Paulo state at 6:30 p.m. when a bright l 4/20/1981 #35910  
                               Sao Paulo, Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Nea 5/19/1986 #37874  
il Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Near Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Betwee 5/19/1986 #37874  
                Rio de Janeiro Sao Paulo, Brazil Brazilian Aircraft / UFO E 5/19/1986 #37876  
                               Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Radar-v 5/19/1986 #37877  
          São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil Brasilia São Paulo 6:30 p. 5/19/1986 #37878  
os, São Paulo, Brazil Brasilia São Paulo 6:30 p.m. 2ndSgt Sergio Mota da Si 5/19/1986 #37878  
oller for São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil, sees two luminous objects 5/19/1986 #37878  
ht controllers at Brasilia and São Paulo confirm three primary radar target 5/19/1986 #37878  
Santa Cruz Air Force Base near São Paulo Anápolis Air Force Base, Goiás Bra 5/19/1986 #37881  
Santa Cruz Air Force Base near São Paulo. One of the pilots, Capt. Marcio B 5/19/1986 #37881  
curred in Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 5/19/1986 #37882  
ch to Sao Jose de Campos, near Sao Paulo, at 9:10 p.m. Sao Paulo radar noti 5/19/1986 #37882  
, near Sao Paulo, at 9:10 p.m. Sao Paulo radar notified them that an unknow 5/19/1986 #37882  
Sao Jose dos Campos and nearby Sao Paulo. All civilian air traffic was put  5/19/1986 #37882  
scrambled from Santa Cruz AFB, Sao Paulo State, and Anapolis AFB, near Bras 5/19/1986 #37882  
                     On this night Paulo Pereira Campos was returning to hi 6/3/1986 #37904  
 craft flying over her area of Sao Paulo, Brazil. She heard a voice in her  5/13/1988 #38569  
Guararapes, Pernambuco, Brazil São Paulo 11:00 p.m. A captain of the Brazil 12/1/1988 #38733  
inutes earlier in the state of São Paulo more than 1,242 miles away.        12/1/1988 #38733  
                    Americana, São Paulo, Brazil 3:46 a.m. TAM Airlines Fli 5/30/1989 #38967  
 in the vicinity of Americana, São Paulo, Brazil, is contacted twice by the 5/30/1989 #38967  
                    In Ipigua, Sao Paulo state, Brazil birds were seen flee 3/17/1992 #40385  
his night a man in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil encountered three 50 8/26/1995 #42417  
 witness's house in Rio Claro, San Paulo State, Brazil at five o'clock in t 8/30/1995 #42429  
city of Santa Barbara D'Oeste, Sao Paulo State, Brazil when he noticed a ve 9/24/1995 #42508  
ajor Rio Piaçabuçu São Vicente São Paulo Brazil 11:00 p.m. Fernando Beserra 10/1/1995 #42529  
abuçu adjacent to São Vicente, São Paulo, Brazil, when a bright yellow obje 10/1/1995 #42529  
     University of Campinas in São Paulo, Brazil Legal Medical Institute at 1/23/1996 #42709  
pacial in São José dos Campos, São Paulo Canoas Air Force Base, Rio Grande  1/23/1996 #42709  
 the University of Campinas in São Paulo, Brazil, where doctors Fortunato B 1/23/1996 #42709  
pacial in São José dos Campos, São Paulo, where they are examined in secret 1/23/1996 #42709  
 Several people in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil saw a triangular sha 9/8/1996 #43009  
                       Santos, São Paulo, Brazil During an exhibition by th 11/16/1996 #43112  
 over the coastline of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil, one of the EMB-312 Tucano 11/16/1996 #43112  
                  Southwest of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil a luminou 11/28/1996 #43125  
       Southwest of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil a luminous flying ob 11/28/1996 #43125  
                               Sao Paulo, Brazil Dogs barked a small sphere 1/2/1998 #43485  
 Capão Redondo neighborhood of São Paulo, Brazil 9:30 p.m. Fernando Mariano 1/2/1998 #43486  
 Capão Redondo neighborhood of São Paulo, Brazil, when they see a small lum 1/2/1998 #43486  
n over the beach on Isla Bela, Sao Paulo State, Brazil by three witnesses.  7/7/1999 #43796  
rence occurred in Sao Vicente, Sao Paulo State, Brazil at 3:30 a.m. when a  1/11/2001 #44123  
p.m. a resident of the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil reported that first everyt 1/29/2001 #44134  
 over the port city of Santos, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It had alternating  11/22/2002 #44448  
                               São Paulo–Congonhas Airport, Brazil Afternoo 2004 #44635  
ith a luminous sphere near the São Paulo–Congonhas Airport, Brazil. The enc 2004 #44635  
                               São Paulo Recife, Brazil 2:00 p.m. Lt. Ribei 2/20/2004 #44668  
e is retuning on a flight from São Paulo to Recife, Brazil. He is ordered t 2/20/2004 #44668  
ília, Brazil Rio Grande do Sul São Paulo São José dos Campos Rio de Janeiro 5/20/2005 #44844  
ho pursued 21 UFOs flying over São Paulo, São José dos Campos, and Rio de J 5/20/2005 #44844  
 Bela Vista district of Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil 8:00 p.m. A circle of six  8/13/2010 #45291  
 Bela Vista district of Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil. Dentist Daniela Tamarossi 8/13/2010 #45291  
## Word: "paulo-rio" (Back to Top)
                               SAO PAULO-RIO DJ, BRZ 6hr wave / huge object 5/19/1986 #37875  
## Word: "pauls" (Back to Top)
                               ST. PAULS, NC Cops and more. Big flash. Sile 4/3/1975 #29937  
                       NORTH / ST. PAULS, NC Delta/triangle/box-like craft  4/4/1975 #29957  
                   5MI SOUTH / ST. PAULS, NC Highway Patrol. 30' object wit 4/5/1975 #29968  
                               ST. PAULS BAY, MALTA Tourist photographs bri 9/11/1978 #33662  
## Word: "paulsen" (Back to Top)
Lavik Vadheim Vestland Norway Paul Paulsen Frøyen sees two “U-boats” in Sog 6/2/1989 #38973  
## Word: "pause" (Back to Top)
t the speed of a man walking. They pause briefly in a small hollow, then co 6/1904 #672  
 Pilots and more/others. 2 objects pause over town. Type unknown. 50 mile(s 2/22/1950 #4546  
riangle-formation. Erratic course. Pause. Continue.                         11/3/1953 #9277  
rno Czech Republic Night. During a pause in army maneuvers near Brno [now i 1960 #16143  
nd three .38 revolvers, but things pause in 1961 as John F. Kennedy assumes 8/1960 #16362  
 frantically, punctuated by an odd pause for several seconds. Outside, they 2/4/1978 #32951  
ned, the girls run up the hill but pause to take another look. The object r 2/22/1979 #34444  
object ascend from the same ridge, pause in mid-air, then move away horizon 1/28/1984 #37162  
equence: first two flashes, then a pause, then three flashes, another pause 8/30/2001 #44249  
pause, then three flashes, another pause, four flashes, pause, and then it  8/30/2001 #44249  
shes, another pause, four flashes, pause, and then it repeated. The front l 8/30/2001 #44249  
## Word: "paused" (Back to Top)
 its thickness. It changed course, paused, then rose vertically straight up 6/25/1952 #6630  
, white-grey light flew very fast, paused, and then increased speed during  11/3/1952 #8235  
g in front of the building. Weaver paused long enough to take a photo befor 1/26/1965 #18770  
aced for the object, and when they paused to look back, they were expecting 6/3/1966 #20529  
a slight whistling sound. There it paused briefly, then departed toward the 9/27/1973 #27879  
r witnesses in yard of rural home, paused to hover in the northeast over a  10/22/1982 #36659  
 ahead, and then shot straight up, paused and finally accelerated out of si 9/24/1987 #38294  
amond-shaped UFO with blunt points paused in the sky, then vanished.        1/28/1994 #41391  
## Word: "pauses" (Back to Top)
 Luminous disks stream past sun. 1 pauses then burst / speed.               10/17/1849 #144  
jerky upward sweeps with 10-15 sec pauses. 3-5 mins. (Berliner) (NICAP: 11  11/15/1947 #3489  
ue-green fireball passes overhead. Pauses and continues. Doesn't fall.      3/24/1950 #4716  
climbing at 1,000 mph to the east, pauses, then descends into some haze.    5/15/1952 #6332  
ky upward sweeps with 10-15 second pauses during a 3-5 minute sighting.     11/15/1952 #8280  
em is a luminous green. The object pauses above a field near their car, whi 10/18/1954 #11214  
ill several hundred yards away, it pauses briefly and hovers. At that preci 8/2/1965 #19263  
is time to about 10 feet, where it pauses, moves horizontally, pauses and r 3/29/1966 #20139  
ere it pauses, moves horizontally, pauses and rotates clockwise again, then 3/29/1966 #20139  
eak overlook, takes 2 photos, then pauses to take a third. Suddenly, he cla 11/22/1966 #21140  
mp up to the door. The last one in pauses and pulls out a kind of weapon, p 2/7/1969 #24901  
 Silent 40cm silver ring descends. Pauses. Going quickly southwest over mun 10/1970 #25861  
l [now Kangilinnguit] in Greenland pauses to look at the Northern Lights. H 2/1977 #31771  
 in groups of twos and threes. One pauses and he can see it is round and me 5/4/1981 #35928  
 away over nearby Parkside School, pauses for a moment, then takes off to t 10/11/1989 #39162  
ver(s). Gray disk passes overhead. Pauses then moves on. / NUFORC.          12/14/1996 #43140  
## Word: "pauses-then" (Back to Top)
rver(s). Chrome-ovoids maneuver. 1 pauses-then tears off going quickly sout 6/28/1950 #5021  
## Word: "pausesti-maglasi" (Back to Top)
                                   PAUSESTI-MAGLASI, ROMANIA Many observer( 9/1971 #26308  
## Word: "pausing" (Back to Top)
t 10 mph behind their pickup, then pausing to hover above a field 10 feet u 9/4/1979 #34834  
across the sky into a large cloud, pausing before entering it one by one. T 6/25/1998 #43593  
dge-line behind the house, briefly pausing near a transmitter mast position 3/19/2013 #45362  
## Word: "pavao" (Back to Top)
                               Mr. Pavao, a 55-year old farmer from Montarg 2/6/1980 #35160  
then pointed to the sheep, and Mr. Pavao told him the type of animal it was 2/6/1980 #35160  
## Word: "paved" (Back to Top)
deavor — only four months — but it paved the way for today’s daily transcon 1/1/1914 #895  
ths, the base consists of a single paved runway, three hangars, a control t 5/4/1955 #12117  
ionage program. It consists of one paved runway, three hangars, a control t 7/1955 #12225  
as hovering half a meter above the paved road. There was also a small stran 7/8/1996 #42950  
## Word: "pavel" (Back to Top)
t Government appointed a cosmonaut Pavel Popovich to head the Commission on 3/27/1983 #36817  
 and is headed by former cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, who tells the trade unio 2/1984 #37170  
ing a request by Russian cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, the KGB declassifies sev 10/1991 #40202  
## Word: "pavement" (Back to Top)
he highway only one foot above the pavement and possibly touching both shou 3/14/1946 #1977  
sing the road and illuminating the pavement. Ronald Martin saw an UFO land  11/2/1957 #14194  
the south of them, lighting up the pavement.                                11/3/1957 #14248  
same noise as a heavy truck on wet pavement. The object followed the car fo 4/18/1966 #20330  
same noise as a heavy truck on wet pavement. The object follows the car for 4/18/1966 #20332  
ray and its base was 1 m above the pavement. When the witness turned his hi 4/21/1967 #22188  
gnetic effects). Physical traces / pavement. / r0p138+/ r41p455.            4/22/1967 #22202  
s under it land on the parking lot pavement. He stopped his truck within 30 7/21/1967 #22722  
green lights under it, land on the pavement. He stopped his truck within 30 7/31/1967 #22760  
een lights under it, landed on the pavement. He stopped his truck within 30 7/31/1967 #22762  
l footprints in this "rust" on the pavement below his balcony. Several neig 8/6/1967 #22832  
l footprints in this "rust" on the pavement below his balcony. Several neig 8/7/1967 #22840  
r, causing Salvesen to fall on the pavement. He hears a sharp crack caused  10/29/1970 #25893  
ight lights and saucer. Schoolyard pavement torn up. / r167p126+/ APRO Jan' 11/12/1972 #27119  
ellow burn marks were found on the pavement. Three hours later in Grafton,  4/22/1973 #27440  
nt of the car. When it reached the pavement the figure stood looking to the 5/12/1973 #27481  
 object is only 3–4 feet above the pavement and covers the width of the roa 8/1973 #27672  
des and barely seemed to touch the pavement.                                8/19/1973 #27714  
 front of her and 7 feet above the pavement. It speeds up when she approach 7/1975 #30141  
inneapolis, Minnesota. It hits the pavement and erupts into a shower of spa 8/30/1979 #34810  
asting effects can be found in the pavement after the storm.                8/30/1979 #34810  
e back wheels of the car leave the pavement and the car rises at an angle i 11/19/1980 #35659  
wheels of their car lifted off the pavement. They then experienced an hour  11/19/1980 #35660  
 object hovering 30 feet above the pavement. The lights are running along i 10/14/1986 #38048  
of dogs. Then he falls hard on the pavement and the UFO is gone. Over the n 11/11/1987 #38322  
minute(s) flying 8M behind 1M over pavement.                                2/20/1989 #38843  
ostok, Russia when she fell to the pavement, spinning and yelling in a pani 10/8/1989 #39150  
down and was able to rise from the pavement. In the morning she felt extrem 10/8/1989 #39150  
d lights hovering 2 feet above the pavement. Three small people with elonga 7/9/1996 #42952  
circle-shaped burn markings on the pavement of the street. About 10 seconds 3/12/2004 #44676  
our, he heard no tires hitting the pavement, no brakes, no engine, no idlin 2005 #44804  
ith lights around it. Close to the pavement it let off a green beam of ligh 9/24/2006 #44966  
## Word: "paves" (Back to Top)
pons “impotent and obsolete.” This paves the way for a Strategic Defense In 3/23/1983 #36792  
## Word: "pavia" (Back to Top)
                                   PAVIA, ITL Silent glowing-dome going [to 7/10/1974 #29256  
Bordeaux La Réole 1:30 a.m. Franck Pavia and Jean-Marc Guitard are stopped  6/19/1978 #33291  
                                   PAVIA, ITL 1 / car / home. Saucer hovers 1/1983 #36740  
                            Varzi, Pavia, Italy alfalfa field 5:00 a.m. Ret 6/5/1983 #36876  
barking outside his home at Varzi, Pavia, Italy. He sees a shining object w 6/5/1983 #36876  
                         TROMELLO, PAVIA, ITL 4 / car and more. "Merry-go-r 9/9/1996 #43012  
'Flying boat' glows over Parma and Pavia and Massa Carrara Provinces.       9/10/1997 #43404  
## Word: "pavilion" (Back to Top)
sembling sculptures in the African Pavilion at the Montreal Expo.           7/2/1968 #24135  
                      Light Street Pavilion Inner Harbor Baltimore, Marylan 9/2/1984 #37454  
 is standing near the Light Street Pavilion in the Inner Harbor in Baltimor 9/2/1984 #37454  
## Word: "pavillion" (Back to Top)
ectangle. Also amber football over Pavillion later.                         9/6/1994 #41716  
## Word: "pavlodar" (Back to Top)
                                   PAVLODAR, KAZAKH Flying man comes within 1/1936 (approximate) #1241  
## Word: "pavuna" (Back to Top)
                                   PAVUNA, BRZ Cops and many separate obser 5/2/1969 #25108  
## Word: "paw" (Back to Top)
of sight. The next day the "dog's" paw prints were found. Six days later, t 6/4/1970 #25690  
ctangular table and blood from his paw was extracted using a fairly normal  2/5/1978 #32957  
## Word: "pawing" (Back to Top)
t over the treetops by whining and pawing at its ears. Jane carried the dog 3/14/1975 #29899  
## Word: "pawleena" (Back to Top)
                                   PAWLEENA, TASM, AUSTRALIA 1 observer. Gl 1/31/1978 #32925  
                                   Pawleena, Tasmania A round object with t 1/31/1978 #32927  
## Word: "pawlik" (Back to Top)
orange glow remains behind. Alojzy Pawlik sees the same object in Laskowice 8/29/1979 #34800  
## Word: "pawlowski" (Back to Top)
tonehenge apartment building, Bill Pawlowski, who sees a UFO with multiple  1/12/1975 #29744  
## Word: "pawnee" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / PAWNEE, OK 5 cops and 20. Huge bright ob 2/21/1982 #36360  
## Word: "paws" (Back to Top)
 trying to cover its ears with its paws. Sixteen head of cattle, loose in t 2/19/1968 #23767  
 at them. The creature’s two front paws or hands were resting on the window 11/9/1968 #24648  
covered its eyes and ears with its paws. The UFO moved away then, but conti 11/25/1968 #24705  
## Word: "pawtucket" (Back to Top)
                                   Pawtucket, Rhode Island 3:00 p.m. Hans M 1914 #893  
7, is sitting in his front yard in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, when he hears a 1914 #893  
                                   Pawtucket, RI 9:00 p.m. EST. A man saw a 3/10/1967 #21849  
                                   PAWTUCKET, RI Dark saucer / small search 3/10/1968 #23833  
local electric power substation in Pawtucket, Rhode Island and flew off fol 3/10/1968 #23835  
## Word: "paxton" (Back to Top)
s. Then going quickly northwest. / Paxton Record 6 Nov. '57.                11/5/1957 #14298  
## Word: "pay" (Back to Top)
 to them, but they did not seem to pay attention and disappeared among the  1896 #323  
 to them, but they did not seem to pay attention and disappeared among the  1896 #324  
 suspenders. They are mumbling but pay no attention to him. Terrified, he c Late Summer 1919 #993  
      Date range of Einstein’s USN pay stubs at National Archives.          7/1/1943 #1516  
ahoma, and fined $5,000. Unable to pay, Carr works off his fine in jail at  11/19/1959 #16095  
mpany, which initially declines to pay, until Simon explains that he was tr 1/4/1964 #18109  
the earlier incident causes him to pay attention. At first Bertrand and Mus 9/3/1965 #19511  
male said to him that if he would "pay attention." The people told him that 7/4/1970 #25727  
trical company workers and did not pay them any attention. But he soon look 1/19/1979 #34362  
bit trying to get the Air Force to pay for it.”                             12/29/1980 #35757  
show, Breiland calls him up from a pay phone. Immediately afterward, he see 10/2/1981 #36154  
hrough the windows. They appear to pay no attention to her, although she fe 2/3/1983 #36761  
3, Morton is ordered by a judge to pay $11.5 million to the SEC within 14 d 1991 #39935  
hat the European Commission should pay special attention to UFO studies by  1/20/2004 #44652  
 conversation with her and did not pay much attention to her. Several secon 8/2/2004 #44725  
ed they knew information “above my pay grade.” When the BMOW wrote the sigh 5/9/2022 #45747  
## Word: "paya" (Back to Top)
ng an evangelist church service in Paya, the Domican Republic, a UFO passed 11/6/1972 #27109  
## Word: "paycheck" (Back to Top)
ics, a subsidiary of EG&G, but his paycheck comes from “someone else.”  htt 1991 #39940  
## Word: "paydirt" (Back to Top)
1950 by Lt. Col. John R. Hood hits paydirt when a UFO appears, sighted both 7/1951 #5556  
 Bank, West Virginia, seems to hit paydirt. As he slews his antenna off Tau 4/8/1960 #16218  
## Word: "payerne" (Back to Top)
                                   Payerne, Vaud, Switzerland A Swiss Air F 9/1949 #4342  
n diameter with jagged edges above Payerne, Vaud, Switzerland. He observes  9/1949 #4342  
                              NEAR PAYERNE, SWZ Military flight instruction 9/6/1949 #4348  
tary flight instructor flying over Payerne, Switzerland watched a metallic  9/6/1949 #4349  
## Word: "payette" (Back to Top)
                                   PAYETTE, ID 3 surveyors. 4 silver saucer 7/5/1947 #2691  
m. in 1947 a party of surveyors in Payette, Idaho saw four silvery discs th 7/5/1947 #2730  
                                   PAYETTE, ID 2 / farm. 5' slate-grey ovoi 9/6/1952 #7861  
## Word: "paying" (Back to Top)
eporting network, loss of members, paying himself a $20,000 contractor’s fe 10/1978 #33786  
## Word: "payload" (Back to Top)
titude (Successful test of ram-jet payload)                                 4/17/1947 #2264  
te Sands Pad 33, 159.3km altitude (Payload separation failure)              1/22/1948 #3561  
ude (Blossom 2 — Cut-off at 57.7s; payload separation at 96s)               6/11/1948 #3668  
est of ramjet diffuser in place of payload section. Nominal performance.)   11/18/1948 #3879  
est of ramjet diffuser in place of payload section)                         5/5/1949 #4145  
eaches 4.2km attitude (Blossom 5 — payload. Explosions led to early termina 9/16/1949 #4359  
d 33, 140.9km (Army training test. Payload released but damaged on impact.) 10/29/1951 #5750  
 North Pacific Ocean and carries a payload of 3.8 megatons. The warhead is  8/1/1958 #15174  
 down in the North Pacific and its payload is recovered. It represents the  8/10/1960 #16367  
e a one-way trip, eject its camera payload at the end of the mission for re 10/1962 #17449  
pturing and dispersing its nuclear payload of four hydrogen bombs carried o 1/21/1968 #23684  
t the third satellite might be the payload of the Delta IV Heavy launch des 3/1/1990 #39437  
 June 2012. That launch deposits a payload into geosynchronous orbit but, g 3/1/1990 #39437  
power in space. While the complete payload for OTV-5 is classified, the Air 10/27/2019 #45615  
## Word: "payloads" (Back to Top)
ce probes, including US and Soviet payloads, booster rockets, and debris.   11/29/1957 #14639  
e possibility of other, undetected payloads.                                3/1/1990 #39437  
o determine how balloons and their payloads could be maintained at high alt 7/1995 #42286  
e Tracking and Surveillance System payloads are operating in medium-earth,  1/2018 #45499  
## Word: "payment" (Back to Top)
cana, or Trafficante accept a down payment for the job. According to CIA fi 9/1960 #16428  
and directly, from 1981 to 1987 as payment for Iranian cooperation.         10/15/1980 #35569  
## Word: "payments" (Back to Top)
of NICAP, a nonprofit supported by payments from U.S. citizens to study UAP 3/27/1950 #4742  
slaw claims that the feds withheld payments on the software, then pirated i 1982 #36286  
## Word: "payne" (Back to Top)
er M. Ramey. The pilot is Lt. Col. Payne Jennings Jr. with Lt. Col. Robert  7/8/1947 #3019  
two friends, Tom Wilson and Arnold Payne, to US Highway 78 near Leland, Geo 7/7/1953 #8989  
D, WA Sheriff reports 6 saucers to Payne Air Force Base. Jets sent / live a 5/1/1954 #9741  
o H. Luehman. CIA officers Richard Payne and John S. Warner are possibly th 7/15/1960 #16337  
Sheep-shearing contractor Edwin C. Payne picks up the material and it fades 8/5/1961 #16778  
o hours earlier 18-year-old Debbie Payne had reported seeing an oval-shaped 5/11/1969 #25128  
         TILTON, NH Also Alder and Payne and Laconia and more/others. Cops  8/11/1974 #29320  
                              NEAR PAYNE AIR FORCE BASE, WA Many cars / I5  3/1/1986 #37794  
 Many cars pulled over on I-5 near Payne Field, Everett, Washington at arou 3/1/1986 #37796  
                                FT PAYNE, AL Highway Patrol reports Fyffe-U 3/1/1989 #38858  
30 p.m. the highway patrol in Fort Payne reported sighting the Fyffe UFO.   3/1/1989 #38860  
## Word: "paynter" (Back to Top)
. Ronald Reagan and his pilot Bill Paynter in his Cessna Citation see a bri Summer 1974 #29219  
low the light for several minutes. Paynter says it “was a fairly steady lig Summer 1974 #29219  
## Word: "payoff" (Back to Top)
ability to project a technological payoff.                                  1967 #21238  
n 1969 due to little technological payoff.  https://majesticdocuments.com/a 1967 #21240  
## Word: "payphone" (Back to Top)
eyes. The guard ran to the closest payphone and dialed the emergency number 12/8/1989 #39305  
## Word: "pays" (Back to Top)
ivery methods for anthrax. The CIA pays SOD $200,000 a year for these servi 11/19/1953 #9310  
eptember 23 to November 28. No one pays attention. After about 66 days with 9/1962 #17379  
         Washington, D.C. Saunders pays Keyhoe a surprise visit in Washingt 11/22/1967 #23495  
e charge and the insurance company pays for the damages.                    9/10/1968 #24449  
3' pseudo-human/entity takes taxi. Pays / yellow $1 bill! Featureless face. 11/11/1973 #28403  
ses on New Mexico cases, though it pays some attention to incidents in othe 4/25/1979 #34523  
es, and calcium. The Seven Network pays the Australian Mineral Development  1/20/1988 #38422  
e inaccessible to the public which pays the bills ... It’s time for the fil 1995 #41923  
## Word: "paysandu" (Back to Top)
                                   PAYSANDU PROV, URUG 3 observer(s). Silen 5/1956 #12818  
                                   PAYSANDU, URUGUAY UFO over power tower.  2/22/1977 #31837  
the cities of Colon, Argentina and Paysandu, Uruguay witnessed a huge trian 10/26/2006 #44977  
## Word: "payson" (Back to Top)
                                   PAYSON, AZ Cop and more/others. 4 silver 1/6/1981 #35771  
                                   Payson, AZ Four silvery discs executed t 1/6/1981 #35772  
                                   Payson, AZ Four silvery discs executed t 1/6/1981 #35773  
                              NEAR PAYSON, AZ 2 observer(s) and video. Bell 10/1992 (approximate) #40654  
## Word: "paywall" (Back to Top)
/12/an-extraterrestrial-007/ (rg - paywall link)   https://web.archive.org/ 4/1974 #28984  
ea-51-i-cant-discuss-it-sir/ (rg - paywall URL)   https://web.archive.org/w 8/7/1984 #37429  
tors-private-journal/ (rg - behind paywall)   https://web.archive.org/web/2 12/12/2020 #45669  
## Word: "paz" (Back to Top)
47 p.m. astronomers Dr. Lincoln La Paz, Director of the Institute of Meteor 7/10/1947 #3117  
g toward the north. In 1948 Dr. La Paz served as a voluntary consultant for 7/10/1947 #3117  
en ascended. It was seen by Dr. La Paz, a meteor expert who later prepared  12/12/1948 #3927  
SAF man photos disk. Astronomer LA Paz has no explanation. / FBI.           2/24/1950 #4550  
                 COCHABAMBA AND LA PAZ, BLV 2+glowing-disks going northeast 3/16/1950 (approximate) #4648  
f, who attacked one of them, Jesus Paz, before fleeing into a disk-shaped m 12/16/1954 #11822  
       San Carlos, Venezuela Jésus Paz, Luis Mejia, and another young man a 12/16/1954 #11823  
ant in San Carlos, Venezuela, when Paz stops to relieve himself in a park.  12/16/1954 #11823  
. His friends rush the unconscious Paz to a hospital.                       12/16/1954 #11823  
Carlos del Zulia, Venezuela, Jesus Paz left his two friends in their car an 12/16/1954 #11824  
hot off with a loud whistle. Jesus Paz had deep scratches on his body from  12/16/1954 #11824  
enzuela returned to his home in La Paz, Baja California, Mexico at around 1 5/15/1967 #22348  
                            Carlos Paz, Argentina Pedro Pretzel, 39, motel  6/1968 #23998  
                            CARLOS PAZ, ARG UFO quickly going down. 2M pseu 6/14/1968 #24025  
in the resort town of Villa Carlos Paz, Cordoba, Argentina sighted a UFO wi 6/14/1968 #24032  
al Highway 20 east of Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina Highway 20 1:05  6/15/1968 #24039  
al Highway 20 east of Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina, is locking up f 6/15/1968 #24039  
 case 1968-89, citing G. J. Gianza Paz & A. M. Baragiola). (NICAP: 07 - Ent 7/22/1968 #24202  
                                La Paz, Bolivia Top-shaped object with wind 11/8/1973 #28389  
                                La Paz, Bolivia Top-shaped object with wind 11/8/1973 #28392  
                           NEAR LA PAZ, BOLIVIA Airliner and Air Force pilo 11/11/1973 #28402  
                                La Paz, Bolivia Airlines crew & interceptor 11/11/1973 #28409  
a Wright-Patterson AFB Pentagon La Paz 4:15 p.m. An object crashes into the 5/6/1978 #33190  
der. The US military attaché in La Paz sends a message to Wright-Patterson  5/6/1978 #33190  
                           NEAR LA PAZ, BOLIVIA Buzz wakens man. Plain silv 8/15/1978 #33516  
                             In La Paz, Bolivia a buzzing sound woke the ma 8/15/1978 #33517  
    A young couple in Villa Carlos Paz, Entre Rios, Argentina was pursued b 8/25/1978 #33569  
       A 12-year-old boy in Marcos Paz, Buenos Aires province, Argentina ph 9/21/1978 #33724  
ivia Enconada Buen Retiro Chile La Paz Cape Canaveral, Florida Two large me 8/10/1979 #34724  
se Attaché of the US Embassy in La Paz promptly informs the US Defense Inte 8/10/1979 #34724  
                           NEAR LA PAZ, BOLV Military pilot. Brilliant meta 3/26/2001 #44150  
a distance while in flight over La Paz, Bolivia.                            3/26/2001 #44151  
e local "Hospital del Torax" in La Paz, Bolivia nurse Wilma Huanapaco was w 8/4/2001 #44225  
## Word: "pazrt" (Back to Top)
 are supported by the US military. Pazrt of this is based on allegations th 1997 #43154  
## Word: "pb" (Back to Top)
                       CAJAZEIRAS, PB, BRZ Town terrorized / UFO's for mont 11/1979 #34978  
## Word: "pbb" (Back to Top)
Radar Return Reported to Air Force PBB (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, R 2/19/1958 #14880  
## Word: "pbm" (Back to Top)
craft deployed to look for them, a PBM Mariner with a 13-man crew, also dis 12/5/1945 #1950  
 report attributes the loss of the PBM aircraft to an explosion in midair w 12/5/1945 #1950  
## Word: "pbs" (Back to Top)
ena near the facility. *   https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E3FVC1sWYAAB6fC?form 2/19/1952 #5911  
dium (URL not working) *   https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E3FVDV4WQAEmUTR?form 2/19/1952 #5911  
ect to the UFO “problem.”  https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EcRd7A8WoAIaXL1?form 1/9/1953 #8526  
?format=jpg&name=900x900   https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EcRhgjPX0AAezWX?form 1/9/1953 #8526  
unauthorized disclosure.”  https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FYIHqt0XEAUhS_f?form 10/30/1958 #15404  
o/?74189-1/life-mars   https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcripts/2407alien. 8/7/1996 #42971  
torneys/jeffrey-griffith   https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fe5IR6AaAAAd9Xd?form 9/15/2021 #45710  
## Word: "pby" (Back to Top)
na (Bet. Roswell and), NM Fmr Navy PBY pilot enc EME and elliptical object  8/13/1959 #15911  
## Word: "pc" (Back to Top)
12:10 AM An on duty police officer PC IAN MACKENZIE observed two very brigh 8/28/1977 #32431  
than 20 minutes, police (including PC Ian MacKenzie, PS James Trohear, PC A 8/28/1977 #32432  
C Ian MacKenzie, PS James Trohear, PC Alexander Inglis, and PC David Wild)  8/28/1977 #32432  
 Trohear, PC Alexander Inglis, and PC David Wild) and citizens in Windermer 8/28/1977 #32432  
rmed officers, PS. Ian Victory and PC Anthony Underwood were driving a mark 3/25/1982 #36413  
           Stanmore, Middlesex, UK PC Richard Milthorp was one of at least  4/1984 #37252  
## Word: "pc-472" (Back to Top)
rol boat La Rusé (formerly the USS PC-472) encounters a cigar-shaped bluish Summer 1949 #4247  
## Word: "pcp" (Back to Top)
 scopolamine, 2-PAM chloride, LSD, PCP, cannabinoids, riot control agents,  1/1956 #12641  
## Word: "pcr" (Back to Top)
) using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. The results are star 7/23/1992 #40530  
## Word: "pdc" (Back to Top)
                         L'ARBRET, PDC, FR N25. 2 cops. Fireball goes going 8/3/1952 #7432  
                   BOIS-EN-ARDRES, PDC, FR Red cylinder/cigar-shape reappea 9/15/1954 #10306  
                LIEVIN AND ABLAIN, PDC, FR 100 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar- 10/3/1954 #10648  
                    HESDIN FOREST, PDC, FR Numerous observer(s). Luminous s 10/27/1954 #11433  
                           DANNES, PDC, FR Domed 4M saucer / very low altit 5/30/1971 #26144  
                           ARQUES, PDC Red fireball silently blinks and slo 3/18/1974 #28906  
## Word: "pdd" (Back to Top)
                          PERRIER, PDD, FR 3 separate observer(s). 4M sauce 11/3/1954 #11546  
  LOUROUX-HODEMENT, FR AND CHANAT, PDD Big luminous sphere south going quic 11/5/1954 #11574  
                  PUY ST. GULMIER, PDD, FR 1.1M saucer flies / edge. Maneuv 5/31/1955 #12168  
                 CLERMONT-FERRAND, PDD Black delta/triangle/box-like craft  2/14/1970 #25581  
## Word: "pdf" (Back to Top)
IC.  https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/hillenkoetter_memo.pdf               9/19/1947 #3410  
cuments.com/pdf/hillenkoetter_memo.pdf                                      9/19/1947 #3410  
  http://www.nicap.org/docs/470923.pdf  Note: Twining’s letter also led to  9/23/1947 #3419  
cufos.org/books/TheRoswellReportR2.pdf (p14)   https://archive.org/details/ 9/23/1947 #3419  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p7                                 1948 #3525  
el.  https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/cia_oscurapeak.pdf                   8/17/1949 #4320  
icdocuments.com/pdf/cia_oscurapeak.pdf                                      8/17/1949 #4320  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p180                               1950 #4464  
pubs/research_memoranda/2008/RM365.pdf                                      4/14/1950 #4853  
.nicap.org/docs/bethunenicapfile02.pdf   https://www.ufoexplorations.com/fi 1951 #5379  
aca0261f418177495ca81a5c831721b607.pdf                                      1951 #5379  
sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1951.pdf                       2/27/1951 #5465  
ions/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1951.pdf                                      2/27/1951 #5465  
ownsendbrown.com/hydro/winterhaven.pdf     Note: According to author Nick C 1952 #5843  
ia.  https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/mj12_fifthannualreport.pdf           1952 #5845  
nts.com/pdf/mj12_fifthannualreport.pdf                                      1952 #5845  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p8                                 1952 #5846  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p181                               1952 #5847  
uebook/ProjectTwinkle-November1951.pdf (p22)     Note: A 25 May 1950 summar 2/19/1952 #5911  
le/1911/110197/wrc15848_transcript.pdf?sequence=3&   https://www.texasmonth 10/1952 #8077  
/12docs/USAF-BeaconHillReport_1952.pdf   https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/do 12/2/1952 #8364  
ov/readingroom/docs/DOC_0000015345.pdf     Note: Project Lincoln may just b 12/2/1952 #8364  
torical-Group-Workshop-Proceedings.pdf (p47)                                12/9/1952 #8401  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p15                                1953 #8482  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p10                                1953 #8483  
ocs/CIA-RDP81R00560R000100030026-1.pdf (p30-31)   https://www.cufon.org/cuf 1/18/1953 #8551  
3%2003%2015%20-%20Vol%201%20No%205.pdf   https://archive.org/details/needto 2/19/1953 #8686  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p14                                5/21/1953 #8899  
es/AFR%20200-2,%20Aug%20%2026,1953.pdf                                      8/26/1953 #9113  
://www.waterufo.net/bluebook/bbpdf.pdf                                      3/10/1954 #9611  
books/fsc/flying-saucer-conspiracy.pdf (p188-189, p309-311)                 7/23/1954 #10044  
s.gov/files/declassification/iscap/pdf/2014-004-doc01.pdf (p197)            12/28/1954 #11870  
ification/iscap/pdf/2014-004-doc01.pdf (p197)                               12/28/1954 #11870  
documents/SilverBug/AFD-070114-006.pdf     Note: John Frost’s son states he 1955 #11897  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p19                                1955 #11900  
9FirstProgressReportAF33(038)-3736.pdf   https://www.sunrisepage.com/roswel 5/5/1955 #12123  
SecondProgressReportAF33(038)-3736.pdf   https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl 5/5/1955 #12123  
0INTELLIGENCE%20BULL%5B15721996%5D.pdf (p4-5)                               10/15/1955 #12506  
SM/NASM-NASM_AudioIt-000003014DOCS.pdf     Note: FTD swept up UAP informati 1956 #12639  
20-%20Vol%2001%20No%204%20-%201968.pdf   http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/20 4/1956 #12779  
ments/UFOI/016%20MAR-%20JUL%201962.pdf                                      5/1/1956 #12825  
ee%20on%20Government%20Information.pdf     Note: Given Blue Book scientific 7/5/1956 #12953  
logia/FSR,1957,Jan-Feb,V%203,N%201.pdf                                      7/5/1956 #12954  
%201973%203.%20March%20-%20Skylook.pdf                                      9/1956 #13168  
edia/documents/JNGoldbergCV-1995-1.pdf   https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstra Late 1956 #13281  
1063/1.1703717   https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.03319.pdf     Note: It is thoug Late 1956 #13281  
  https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.03319.pdf     Note: It is thought the ARL anti Late 1956 #13281  
nd%20congressional%20sub-committee.pdf                                      2/28/1958 #14899  
Congressman%20Henderson%20briefing.pdf                                      6/20/1958 #15107  
ck%20congressional%20sub-committee.pdf                                      8/13/1958 #15200  
sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1958-Nov-Dec.pdf (p55)         12/21/1958 #15495  
s-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1958-Nov-Dec.pdf (p55)                                12/21/1958 #15495  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p165     Note: FTD (TDETR) is in c 1959 #15516  
m/bluebookdesk/hynekcorrespondence.pdf                                      1959 #15516  
es/AFR%20200-2,%20Aug%20%2026,1953.pdf                                      1960 #16145  
tps://www.nicap.org/bb/BB_Unknowns.pdf (p284)   https://sohp.us/collections 5/19/1960 #16292  
sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-Jan-Jun.pdf (p99-101)     5/19/1960 #16292  
s-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-Jan-Jun.pdf (p99-101)                            5/19/1960 #16292  
ocs/CIA-RDP68-00046R000200090025-2.pdf (rg - changed to https variant)   ht 6/22/1960 #16317  
ocs/CIA-RDP68-00046R000200090025-2.pdf (rg - archive.org version)   https:/ 6/22/1960 #16317  
tional physics.  https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.03319.pdf                       1961 #16552  
  https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.03319.pdf                                      1961 #16552  
ocs/CIA-RDP68-00046R000200090019-9.pdf   https://books.google.com/books?id= 2/16/1961 #16600  
essional%20briefings%20and%20Smart.pdf     Note: It is questionable that th 3/17/1961 #16634  
ploads/2022/08/kennedyciadirector1.pdf                                      6/28/1961 #16738  
in%20-%201964%2007%2000%20-%20July.pdf   http://www.nicap.org/docs/640515wh 4/30/1964 #18236  
cap.org/docs/640515whitesands_docs.pdf                                      4/30/1964 #18236  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p30                                12/10/1964 #18655  
n%20NACA%20BB%20Rivera-Heaphy%20CU.pdf                                      1966 #19799  
.gov/library/document/0054/4525586.pdf (p12)   https://archive.org/details/ 4/3/1966 #20214  
TALOG-BB-Unknowns-1.27-Dec-20-2016.pdf   https://archive.org/details/ufoexp 4/5/1966 #20253  
c_f0eedb874d1543789a0c586ad02b88cc.pdf     Note: A 4 February 1948 memo fro 7/21/1966 #20664  
docs/480204investigation_reporting.pdf *   https://ia801301.us.archive.org/ 7/21/1966 #20664  
-05-9613233-Ellenton-SouthCarolina.pdf *   https://vault.fbi.gov/UFO/UFO%20 7/21/1966 #20664  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p177                               1967 #21239  
s/MUFON/Journals/2008/October_2008.pdf   https://www.remoteviewed.com/McDon 1967 #21240  
ell%20Douglas/Douglas%20UFO%20Docs.pdf                                      1967 #21240  
s.gov/files/declassification/iscap/pdf/2009-068-doc212.pdf  (p2)   https:// 3/1968 #23799  
fication/iscap/pdf/2009-068-doc212.pdf  (p2)   https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ 3/1968 #23799  
n%20NACA%20BB%20Rivera-Heaphy%20CU.pdf *   http://www.nicap.org/reports/490 3/1968 #23799  
//www.nicap.org/images/680517andes.pdf                                      5/17/1968 #23972  
cuments/ntis/CondonReport-Complete.pdf (p15)   https://archive.org/details/ 11/15/1968 #24662  
ackvault.com/documents/dtic/750554.pdf (p135)                               6/1972 #26694  
ac0ac132bebd5b43ffa84a5c5813d784c4.pdf  Note: Gen. Curtis LeMay was alleged 12/28/1973 #28612  
FON%20Journals/1999/07/July%201999.pdf (p17)                                12/28/1973 #28612  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p153                               1974 #28633  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p155                               3/14/1975 #29900  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p91                                3/28/1975 #29924  
tps://www.nicap.org/bb/BB_Unknowns.pdf (p6)                                 4/1975 #29931  
t.com/documents/cia/ufos/C05515622.pdf   https://archive.org/details/CIA-RD 4/26/1976 #31027  
136fecc9fe863f/cia-role-study-UFOs.pdf     Note: This teletype was written  4/26/1976 #31027  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p27                                1977 #31658  
ult.com/documents/ufos/ufodocsnasa.pdf (p73)                                12/13/1977 #32771  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p85                                1978 #32830  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p86                                1978 #32831  
ult.com/documents/ufos/ufodocsnasa.pdf (p121, p126)                         1/17/1978 #32888  
nt/uploads/sites/29/docs/SUN/SUN73.pdf                                      1/18/1978 #32895  
an,%20UK/DEPT%20 OF%20STATE%20BULK.pdf                                      1/19/1978 #32900  
restrial%20Intelligence%20Research.pdf (p89)   https://documents.theblackva 9/19/1978 #33710  
ult.com/documents/ufos/ufodocsnasa.pdf (p124, p121)                         9/19/1978 #33710  
paracast.com/darkmatters/AIRReport.pdf   https://www.abovetopsecret.com/for 12/15/1978 #34142  
paracast.com/darkmatters/AIRReport.pdf   https://www.abovetopsecret.com/for 12/15/1978 #34143  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p86                                1979 #34263  
ustCauseZechel/JustCauseZechelv1i7.pdf (p13)                                2/1979 #34399  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p86   https://www.militarytownadvi 4/5/1979 #34499  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p369                               6/27/1979 #34637  
,Status%20Report%20II-3,FSR83V28N4.pdf                                      8/13/1979 #34741  
Journal%20-%201979%2010.%20October.pdf   https://archive.org/details/cleari 9/1979 #34816  
content/uploads/S17-Weitzel-Letter.pdf (fake)   https://archive.org/details 7/1980 #35398  
nsa/nsaaffidavit-aftermdr-july2014.pdf                                      11/18/1980 #35655  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p151                               12/14/1980 #35716  
ean,%20UK/DEPT%20OF%20STATE%20BULK.pdf *   https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cabl 2/25/1982 #36370  
0Memo%20sarbacher-steinman-29nov83.pdf                                      11/29/1983 #37058  
ac461cac7b9fc24ae59f3a6569a56d0b3f.pdf   https://www.ufoexplorations.com/fi 5/16/1984 #37330  
ac02990b506eb941b29c48d3cdfe60bd44.pdf   http://www.cufon.org/cufon/foiasop 5/16/1984 #37330  
cuments/nrc/FOIA-2017-0368-NRC-UFO.pdf                                      7/24/1984 #37416  
foundation.org/media/103818/061185.pdf   https://www.reaganfoundation.org/r 6/11/1985 #37600  
ic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a197537.pdf     Note: This study is meaningful b 4/1988 #38526  
ic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a227121.pdf     Note: Pharis Williams has severa 4/1988 #38527  
fault/files/docs/program20thannual.pdf                                      4/1988 #38527  
/781/1/223-239Cons-Ciencias%2002-8.pdf (rg - orig URL dead, archive.org ver 1/1989 #38772  
documents/ufos/fastwalkers/a209227.pdf     Note: On 6 January 1967, Project 6/1989 #38972  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p449                               9/28/1989 #39132  
//apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA221595.pdf                                      3/1990 #39436  
ckvault.com/documents/dtic/a227121.pdf                                      8/1990 #39674  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p314                               3/16/1991 #40015  
main/1978MufonSymposiumStringfield.pdf), p370                               4/12/1991 #40038  
tical%20Physics%20WG/Oke%20Shannon/pdf/ATPWG%20-%20notes%20by%20Oke%20Shann 3/9/1992 #40368  
Oke%20Shannon%20-%20SSN%20redacted.pdf                                      3/9/1992 #40368  
ufos/fastwalkers/FY14-19NOV2013-07.pdf                                      5/25/1995 #42229  
//apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA392587.pdf (p114)                               5/1996 #42891  
www.gao.gov/assets/nsiad-86-45s-15.pdf   https://www.planetary.org/profiles 8/7/1996 #42971  
ov/readingroom/docs/DOC_0005517742.pdf   https://www.nytimes.com/1997/08/03 8/3/1997 #43367  
com.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/TR-3B%20questions%20and%20Answers.pd 1998 #43481  
/TR-3B%20questions%20and%20Answers.pdf   https://archive.org/details/Secret 1998 #43481  
com.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/Edgar%20Fouches%20Military%20Documen 1998 #43481  
r%20Fouches%20Military%20Documents.pdf (Fouche request for assignment from  1998 #43481  
ckvault.com/documents/dtic/a154363.pdf (p82)  Note: Quasicrystals were larg 1998 #43481  
018/06/advanced-chemistryprize2011.pdf                                      1998 #43481  
/40/5712193f6a971f/US20170313446A1.pdf                                      8/1998 #43618  
/08/da/1c/e8d763bcd38db0/US5797563.pdf    http://www.jerrypippin.com/Jerry% 8/22/1998 #43636  
ed.  https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/jehovah.pdf     Note: U.S. media has 11/1998 #43673  
/majesticdocuments.com/pdf/jehovah.pdf     Note: U.S. media has been domina 11/1998 #43673  
up.  https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/burnedmemo-s1-pgs3-9.pdf   https://m 1/23/1999 #43720  
ments.com/pdf/burnedmemo-s1-pgs3-9.pdf   https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/ 1/23/1999 #43720  
df   https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/burnedmemo-s1-pgs1-2.pdf   https://m 1/23/1999 #43720  
ments.com/pdf/burnedmemo-s1-pgs1-2.pdf   https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/ 1/23/1999 #43720  
df   https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/burnedmemocoverletter.pdf            1/23/1999 #43720  
ents.com/pdf/burnedmemocoverletter.pdf                                      1/23/1999 #43720  
51/ef/a0/035d0116bc183d/US11027816.pdf *   https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/ 5/17/1999 #43770  
30.  https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/important_memo.pdf                   7/7/1999 #43798  
icdocuments.com/pdf/important_memo.pdf                                      7/7/1999 #43798  
tent/uploads/2020/11/Sedge-Masters.pdf   https://ufos-scientificresearch.bl 7/31/1999 #43815  
u/images/downloads/DrGreen_Article.pdf     Note: Zodiac is described as a p 7/31/1999 #43815  
tonInstituteBoardMeeting-10Apr2000.pdf   https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL 12/3/1999 #43892  
ckvault.com/documents/dtic/a426465.pdf (p93)   https://archive.org/details/ 2001 #44112  
ocuments/UFOI/067%20OCTOBER%201971.pdf *   https://www.wired.com/2003/08/pw 5/9/2001 #44183  
t study.  https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/pdf/10.2514/6.2001-3907                  6/2001 #44189  
ity.html   http://www.gravwave.com/pdf/HFGW%20References.pdf                5/6/2003 #44526  
gravwave.com/pdf/HFGW%20References.pdf                                      5/6/2003 #44526  
althskater.com/Documents/UNITEL_12.pdf   https://www.unexplainable.net/othe 3/2004 #44671  
on.ca/~nagui/Appnotes/AttachToMail/PDF/Maynard%20Interview.PDF   https://ia 8/2004 #44724  
tachToMail/PDF/Maynard%20Interview.PDF   https://ia803008.us.archive.org/4/ 8/2004 #44724  
%20Knowledge%20Steven%20M.%20Greer.pdf (p92)     Note: To more deeply probe 8/2004 #44724  
ess-WhereWeveBeenandWhereWeCouldGo.pdf                                      2/1/2006 #44921  
u/images/downloads/DrGreen_Article.pdf *   https://imgur.com/a/7D5xIGk  Not 4/28/2006 #44936  
https://irp.fas.org/dia/aatip-list.pdf *   https://unlab.us/advanced-propul 4/28/2006 #44937  
/e2/dd500616a8f698/US20060102795A1.pdf     Note: Gochnour is described as a 5/18/2006 #44945  
/e2/dd500616a8f698/US20060102795A1.pdf *   https://web.archive.org/web/2022 5/18/2006 #44945  
ts/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/docid-32192752.pdf (rg - replaced with archive.org URL, 5/18/2006 #44945  
1528e2c/1560472703346/NARCAP_TR-10.pdf                                      1/1/2007 #44996  
rg/ftp/physics/papers/0611/0611167.pdf                                      2/1/2007 #45004  
https://irp.fas.org/dia/aatip-list.pdf *   https://medium.com/@altpropulsio 2008 #45108  
t.com/documents/dod/FY17PE0603286E.pdf     Note: It was later disclosed by  6/2008 #45144  
icap.org/docs/501015oakridge_docs1.pdf (p20)                                6/28/2008 #45148  
fas.org/agency/dod/jason/gravwaves.pdf   https://documents2.theblackvault.c 10/2008 #45173  
cyGravitationalWave_Communications.pdf   http://www.gravwave.com/docs/JASON 10/2008 #45173  
wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Energy1.pdf     Note: It is a general theme amon 2/13/2009 #45212  
h/01Books/SkinwalkersatthePentagon.pdf (p107)   https://www.liberationtimes 5/8/2009 #45221  
h/01Books/SkinwalkersatthePentagon.pdf (p97-98, p94-97)   https://ufos-scie 2010 #45263  
h/01Books/SkinwalkersatthePentagon.pdf (p150-153)                           2/2011 #45312  
h/01Books/SkinwalkersatthePentagon.pdf (p153-154)                           6/2011 #45327  
1NexusmagazineIssueJune%96July2011.pdf                                      7/2011 #45330  
ic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a564120.pdf                                      12/2011 #45335  
  https://futuretheater.com/assets/pdf/star-shield.pdf                      6/2013 #45368  
theater.com/assets/pdf/star-shield.pdf                                      6/2013 #45368  
nandplans/ExercisesandProjects/175.pdf                                      2014 #45400  
documents/ufos/F16-0010_Greenewald.pdf     Note: The emails also reveal the 11/5/2015 #45439  
EWORKTOLEVERAGEADVANCED_PROPULSION.PDF     Note: The Lockheed PZT experimen 4/2017 #45467  
/40/5712193f6a971f/US20170313446A1.pdf   https://documents2.theblackvault.c 11/2/2017 #45490  
sedonVacuumSpacetimeMetricEngineer.pdf   https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-z 11/2/2017 #45490  
s/walker.house.gov/files/UAPLetter.pdf                                      9/6/2019 #45607  
lackvault.com/casefiles/wilsonleak.pdf                                      11/29/2019 #45619  
b7813b04c6f8 *   https://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0108005.pdf                  2/4/2020 #45630  
ps://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0108005.pdf                                      2/4/2020 #45630  
-an-unusual-electromagnetic-device.pdf                                      2/29/2020 #45635  
com/documents/odni/DEOM-2021-00006.pdf   https://patentimages.storage.googl 6/25/2021 #45695  
51/ef/a0/035d0116bc183d/US11027816.pdf   https://twitter.com/history/status 6/25/2021 #45695  
//apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA294169.pdf *   https://archive.org/stream/swusi 9/3/2021 #45707  
ments/HHRG-117-IG05-20220517-SD001.pdf                                      5/17/2022 #45751  
Ws4_Xu24Jog   https://www.hal5.org/PDF/HAL5-Dec2018-Talk-AntiGravity.pdf    6/15/2022 #45758  
/PDF/HAL5-Dec2018-Talk-AntiGravity.pdf   https://twitter.com/Alien_Scientis 6/15/2022 #45758  
tical%20Physics%20WG/Oke%20Shannon/pdf/ATPWG%20-%20notes%20by%20Oke%20Shann 9/26/2022 #45772  
Oke%20Shannon%20-%20SSN%20redacted.pdf     Note: At the time this was publi 9/26/2022 #45772  
communicationswithextraterrestrial.pdf                                      10/14/2022 #45776  
ploads/2022/08/kennedyciadirector1.pdf   https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/ 12/17/2022 #45787  
df   https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/mj12opsreview-dulles-61.pdf   https: 12/17/2022 #45787  
ts.com/pdf/mj12opsreview-dulles-61.pdf   https://silvarecord.com/2020/06/21 12/17/2022 #45787  
## Word: "pdf#page=1" (Back to Top)
2011%2012%20-%20Vol%2006%20No%2003.pdf#page=1                               8/1978 #33460  
## Word: "pdf#page=10" (Back to Top)
cations002-DocumentSeries-Number_2.pdf#page=10 (p24)     Note: Sen. Schmitt 2/16/1979 #34431  
cations002-DocumentSeries-Number_2.pdf#page=10 (p15)     Note: Doty states  11/17/1980 #35646  
## Word: "pdf#page=137" (Back to Top)
20-%20The%20Ghost%20Rockets%20File.pdf#page=137 (page 137) *   https://www. 12/3/1999 #43892  
## Word: "pdf#page=4" (Back to Top)
vice%20-%201974%2001%20-%20no%2057.pdf#page=4     Note: A FOIA response by  12/28/1973 #28612  
## Word: "pdfs" (Back to Top)
de/1up   https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA221595.pdf                       3/1990 #39436  
ersary.  https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA392587.pdf (p114)                5/1996 #42891  
ase files into easily downloadable PDFs. The work is done by a contributor  1/10/2015 #45426  
fortunately, the JPG conversion to PDFs is done incorrectly so that documen 1/10/2015 #45426  
WkBa *   https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA294169.pdf *   https://archive.o 9/3/2021 #45707  
## Word: "pdr" (Back to Top)
                          CABANAS, PDR, CUBA Landed UFO zaps man. Traces =  6/15/1968 #24036  
## Word: "pdr-27" (Back to Top)
n the surrounding area using an AN/PDR-27, a standard US military radiation 12/28/1980 #35749  
## Word: "pdst" (Back to Top)
      Travis AFB, CA At 2215 hours PDST, thirteen witnesses of the 1501st M 7/24/1952 #7110  
## Word: "pdt" (Back to Top)
                     At 11:00 p.m. PDT (2:00 p.m. EDT) a man in Burien, Was 7/10/1947 #3115  
 Air Base, California At 2:50 p.m. PDT the Assistant Base Operations Office 7/29/1947 #3256  
n the object was seen at 7:55 a.m. PDT at the 12 o'clock high position. It  9/23/1951 #5687  
                     At 12:15 p.m. PDT three disc-shaped objects were sight 4/22/1952 #6158  
ifornia reported that at 9:05 p.m. PDT a gray oval object made four passes  8/20/1953 #9091  
Banning, California - At 5:30 a.m. PDT Mr. Bierman watched a thin disc with 6/6/1956 #12890  
        Temple City, CA 12:30 p.m. PDT. A newspaper editor and office manag 5/16/1966 #20486  
         Temple City, CA 4:15 p.m. PDT. A woman driving in Temple City saw  5/24/1966 #20509  
               Malibu, CA Sunrise, PDT. A diesel mechanic and former Navy a 8/25/1966 #20805  
           Livermore, CA 4:25 p.m. PDT. Two Sandia Corporation ; engineers  10/21/1966 #21024  
       Half Moon Bay, CA 1:30 a.m. PDT. A family saw a triangular object wi 5/16/1967 #22352  
o County, California. At 1:30 a.m. PDT a family saw a triangular object wit 5/16/1967 #22357  
      Castro Valley, CA 10:30 p.m. PDT. A couple saw a metallic-appearing d 5/25/1967 #22398  
ncouver Island, BC, CAN 10:30 p.m. PDT. Five neighbors saw a large saucer-s 6/5/1967 #22466  
         Los Angeles, CA 2:30 a.m. PDT (5:30 a.m. EDT). Two witnesses in a  6/21/1967 #22527  
             Corning, CA 5:15 a.m. PDT. At least five witnesses from two in 7/4/1967 #22607  
            San Jose, CA 2:00 a.m. PDT. Two people saw two bright lights th 7/15/1967 #22661  
              Gilroy, CA 9:30 p.m. PDT. A state forestry employee at a fire 7/28/1967 #22746  
              Arnold, CA 1:00 a.m. PDT. Two witnesses saw an orange light " 7/29/1967 #22748  
             Olympia, WA 9:00 p.m. PDT. A woman saw an oval light, sometime 7/29/1967 #22749  
               Venice, CA Daytime, PDT. A summer school class and teacher s 8/1967 #22768  
       Walnut Creek, CA 10:30 p.m. PDT. Four people saw a boomerang-shaped  8/14/1967 #22875  
     El Dorado Hills, CA 9:30 p.m. PDT. Two witnesses saw two saucer-shaped 8/16/1967 #22884  
       Port Townsend, WA 2:00 a.m. PDT. Four witnesses saw a white, dome-sh 9/5/1967 #23003  
             Barstow, CA 7:50 p.m. PDT (10:50 p.m. EDT). A man saw n a gree 9/14/1967 #23058  
           San Mateo, CA 3:24 p.m. PDT. Two witnesses saw six silver discs  9/28/1967 #23143  
           Berkeley, CA 10:04 p.m. PDT (11:04 p.m. MDT). A woman saw an egg 10/17/1967 #23245  
ine humanoid contact, at 9:35 p.m. PDT in Long Beach, California a diamond- 7/9/1968 #24164  
                      At 9:15 a.m. PDT the firelook at Satus Peak on the Ya 8/5/1976 #31234  
                     At 11:45 p.m. PDT five people in a boat on a lake in B 7/15/1977 #32278  
                     At 8:30 p.m. (PDT) a group of geologists spotted a con 9/9/1979 #34857  
 shot off. That same night at 9:45 PDT a large orange object flew across th 6/6/1997 #43316  
ject made any sound. At 10:05 p.m. PDT a couple in Vancouver, British Colum 6/5/1998 #43581  
                      At 8:30 p.m. PDT, two sets of seven lights, yellow, b 9/11/1998 #43643  
                      At 2:14 a.m. PDT a woman in California (exact locatio 10/26/1999 #43866  
                     At 10:00 p.m. PDT another flying triangle was sighted  8/20/2001 #44240  
Florida at 9:30 p.m. At 10:30 p.m. PDT a single object approached from the  9/11/2002 #44396  
 about the same time, at 8:21 p.m. PDT, 4 or 5 rectangles connected by a th 9/26/2002 #44409  
                     At 10:44 p.m. PDT a disc-shaped object was seen circli 8/31/2003 #44590  
                      At 9:52 p.m. PDT a V-shaped object with lights was se 5/19/2004 #44705  
t, at three o'clock in the morning PDT a triangle-shaped object zoomed over 9/11/2004 #44754  
                      At 8:00 p.m. PDT a cigar-shaped object, possibly hund 9/20/2007 #45063  
 markings flew over. At 10:30 p.m. PDT a triangular object with red lights  5/9/2008 #45136  
n by three witnesses at 10:15 p.m. PDT.                                     9/7/2008 #45167  
## Word: "pe" (Back to Top)
                             DARPA PE 0603286E is disclosed in the PUBLIC D 6/2008 #45144  
## Word: "pea" (Back to Top)
be. Sharply outline. Curves / sky. Pea / arms length.                       2/25/1955 #12018  
ndiana.  It was half the size of a pea at arm's length, and its lights were 9/21/1968 #24498  
RA, ARG 2 observer(s). 3M metallic pea lands behind spa 10M away. Up fast a 1/1/1969 #24812  
.” Maj. Keyhoe sent this letter to PEA Research in 1987.                    9/4/1987 #38278  
s tall. It was about the size of a pea at arm's length. In Covina in Los An 1/23/2000 #43932  
## Word: "pea-shaped" (Back to Top)
heir temples, and they both feel a pea-shaped lump under their skin. They r 12/5/1980 #35701  
## Word: "pea-size" (Back to Top)
                DENVER, CO 6 round pea-size UFO's / triangular formation. B 8/3/1956 #13049  
## Word: "peabody" (Back to Top)
                                   PEABODY, MASS 4+4 observer(s). Red UFO c 4/17/1966 #20309  
                                   Peabody, MA 7:30-7:45 p.m. EST. Fifteen  4/17/1966 #20313  
m. EST. About 9 miles southwest of Peabody, witnesses reported an oval obje 4/17/1966 #20314  
ized cloud. At 7:30 p.m. in nearby Peabody, Massachusetts four witnesses re 4/17/1966 #20320  
                                   PEABODY, MASS 4 observer(s). Long ovoid  4/18/1966 #20322  
                                   Peabody, MA 7:15 p.m.EST. Several witnes 4/18/1966 #20326  
EST. About 25 miles southeast of I Peabody, witnesses reported an oval obje 4/18/1966 #20327  
ng lights on each end hovered over Peabody, Massachusetts, zipped around, a 4/18/1966 #20333  
                                   PEABODY, MA 2+5 observer(s). Night light 4/19/1966 #20337  
                                   Peabody, MA 12:00 p.m. EST. On the north 4/19/1966 #20340  
                                   Peabody, Massachusetts A man saw what he 4/19/1966 #20345  
                                   Peabody, Massachusetts State Highway 114 4/19/1966 #20346  
ts State Highway 114 10:45 p.m. In Peabody, Massachusetts, witnesses report 4/19/1966 #20346  
een by two witnesses in a field in Peabody, Massachusetts. It had red, gree 4/19/1966 #20347  
                                   Peabody, KS Pre-dawn. Stewart and Lyle L 1/22/1971 #25994  
o boys, Stewart and Lyle Leppke of Peabody, Kansas were doing their early m 1/22/1971 #25996  
                     US50 3MI WITH PEABODY, KS 4+observer(s). 3 very low ro 6/19/1973 #27570  
## Word: "peace" (Back to Top)
        Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty signed on 28 June 1919. One 6/28/1919 #988  
ld S. Whitehead and Justice of the Peace Jacob M. Lampert see an object wit 6/24/1947 #2399  
                                   Peace River, Alberta, CAN Bright orange  11/17/1948 #3878  
nd China. It also targets domestic peace and civil rights activists. It las 1/1952 #5854  
c aliens to bring their message of peace to Earth people and that other hum 1955 #11896  
om Venus) reveals a plan for human peace and enlightenment.                 1/1955 #11903  
ews on “Flying Saucer Clubs Probe: Peace Messages ‘from Outer Space’” revea 5/26/1957 #13680  
, wife of Tamaroa's justice of the peace, said she heard "a sputtering nois 11/14/1957 #14552  
ium and was coming from a world of peace and harmony. Suddenly he disappear 11/18/1957 #14576  
ium and was coming from a world of peace and harmony. He suddenly disappear 11/18/1957 #14578  
esearch as part of its Science for Peace and Security (SPS) grant mechanism 1958 #14786  
hich the United States can live in peace.”                                  11/30/1961 #16984  
o-human/entity / diving suits give peace message. 15M saucer on ground near 4/30/1962 #17137  
blue light, who delivered to him a peace message in Italian. The voice had  4/30/1962 #17139  
They delivered to him a message of peace in Italian. The voice he heard had 4/30/1962 #17142  
.W. orders her to go on a fast for peace until he sends a “light elevator”  9/1962 #17379  
space people would return to bring peace on earth. The humanoids then retur 2/21/1965 #18825  
stown, Pennsylvania Justice of the Peace John H. Demler was driving north o 4/5/1967 #22064  
nsylvania 7:45 p.m. Justice of the Peace John H. Demler is driving north on 4/5/1967 #22066  
vania on Highway 72 Justice of the Peace John H. Demler saw a ten-meter dia 4/5/1967 #22068  
xico. Both have a feeling of great peace. When the UFO vanishes, the wife f 6/20/1968 #24055  
.m. Sr. Benedito, a justice of the peace, is walking along a trail about 4  6/26/1969 #25236  
age that they were on a mission of peace, preparing people for eventual con 12/5/1971 #26489  
she felt a sudden sense of joy and peace. The Perhaps a coincidence, but on 1/8/1974 #28669  
 shines into car. Driver feels "at peace".                                  6/5/1974 (approximate) #29163  
itness shook. He said, “We come in peace. I am Sunar from Jupiter. This is  8/23/1976 #31294  
d very handsome. She gave them the peace sign, but they did not respond, di 10/31/1976 #31512  
 told him they "were emissaries of peace" and that they could enter Earth's 1/27/1977 #31761  
 large eyes. Julio felt a sense of peace and calm envelop him. When they ad 2/5/1978 #32957  
” and experiencing a sensation of “peace, calm, and warmth,” she watches th 12/6/1980 #35704  
   NEW LONDON, CT Nurse / car. Odd peace! Sphere emits odd beam. Missing ti 4/1983 (approximate) #36828  
 entered her apartment had come in peace, and she regretted panicking durin 10/31/1989 #39199  
er, repeating the words, "Pray for peace in the world." A strong rose-like  9/24/1992 #40639  
rience she felt a sense of joy and peace, and was convinced that the beings 12/15/1994 #41895  
d out two fingers forming a "V" or peace sign. Marisa reported later findin 6/27/1998 #43596  
wever, he reported that he felt at peace during the encounter.              8/18/1999 #43826  
## Word: "peace-" (Back to Top)
ngs will not threaten the wise and peace- loving space people. Van Tassel r 1/6/1952 #5861  
## Word: "peaceful" (Back to Top)
a man who told him his purpose was peaceful and requested some common hardw 4/22/1897 #555  
A man who told him his purpose was peaceful met Barclay and requested some  4/22/1897 #561  
verse with her about God and their peaceful home world that is prone to nat 8/17/1953? #9077  
rf said in broken English: "We are peaceful people; we only want your dog." 11/6/1957 #14414  
rf said in broken English: "We are peaceful people, we only want your dog.  11/6/1957 #14438  
 civilian orientation, encouraging peaceful applications in space science.  7/29/1958 #15157  
sed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affa 12/14/1960 #16532  
 Second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space in Seattle, Washi 4/30/1962 #17141  
bingira, asks the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space to encourag 11/3/1971 #26451  
ootball by US52. 6 portholes glow. Peaceful feeling.                        10/1/1973? #27908  
e in his mind that the beings were peaceful. Hickson subsequently reported  10/11/1973 #28005  
oid with lights follows road. "Odd peaceful feeling".                       4/1/1976 #30973  
tside, all was utterly, infinitely peaceful.” He was moving around like an  8/10/1976 #31252  
ll (German: Mauerfall), during the Peaceful Revolution, was a pivotal event 11/9/1989 #39221  
ars. As he watched the spectacle a peaceful feeling came over him and he fe 3/12/2004 #44676  
## Word: "peacefully" (Back to Top)
ski further claims that aliens are peacefully living on Earth, and that he  1955 #11896  
med to ignore the tent and walked “peacefully” by. The witness remained lyi 9/16/2007 #45059  
## Word: "peacefulness" (Back to Top)
r, and she experienced feelings of peacefulness, describing the entity as a 5/15/2004 #44701  
## Word: "peacekeeper" (Back to Top)
 a similar situation occurred with Peacekeeper missile tests in late 1984 o 1984 #37098  
y northwest of Grassrange, Montana Peacekeeper APC Night. Air Force Securit Winter 1987 #38370  
ves up to the vehicle when his own Peacekeeper APC loses power. At that mom Winter 1987 #38370  
## Word: "peacetime" (Back to Top)
obby for the implementation of the peacetime Communication Instruction for  1947 #2219  
ral Intelligence Agency, the first peacetime intelligence agency in the US. 7/26/1947 #3233  
g other things, it specifies three peacetime functions of the 4602d Air Int 11/13/1961 #16962  
scribed as a “Joint Army/Air Force peacetime military exercise in the sub-a 1972 #26526  
## Word: "peach" (Back to Top)
mbing turn to the north, shifts to peach color as it makes a rapid sharp tu 2/17/1949 #4015  
r. Pear-UFO / 500' altitude sprays peach tree. Dead to roots in 24 hours!   7/22/1955 #12276  
f he felt better. The next day his peach tree was dead.                     7/22/1955 #12280  
 block," that was cone-shaped with peach, green, and white colored lights.  11/27/1980 #35675  
## Word: "peach-colored" (Back to Top)
o a soft contour chair and given a peach-colored liquid to drink. She was l 10/5/1973 #27954  
## Word: "peach-pink" (Back to Top)
 p.m. Mrs. Charles Pasko notices a peach-pink glow in the woods outside her 9/20/1967 #23101  
## Word: "peacock" (Back to Top)
were four witnesses, including Mr. Peacock.                                 9/16/1973 #27828  
## Word: "peage" (Back to Top)
                                   PEAGE / ROUSILLON, FR Several observer(s 12/10/1978 #34083  
oad daylight. At the same time, in Peage, France, a luminous UFO, about fiv 12/10/1978 #34086  
## Word: "peak" (Back to Top)
ickly southeast. Examines mountain peak.                                    11/24/1896 #355  
xamined the Mount Rainier mountain peak.                                    11/24/1896 #357  
       This was the day before the peak date in a wave of "airship" sightin 4/14/1897 #472  
                      This was the peak date in a wave of "airship" sightin 4/15/1897 #495  
 going quickly north over mountain peak. / L'Espoir 18 Sep. '46.            9/16/1946 (approximate) #2183  
                            Pike’s Peak Railway Manitou Springs, Colorado A 5/19/1947 #2294  
ean A. Hauser and six other Pike’s Peak Railway workers (including Ted Weig 5/19/1947 #2294  
stance between Rainier and another peak in 1 minute 42 seconds. He estimate 6/24/1947 #2398  
n heading south over the last high peak of Mount Adams. Arnold tells the ai 6/24/1947 #2398  
north. Possible landing / mountain peak. "No bird or plane".                7/12/1947 #3154  
utter motion. Drops and rises over peak. Turns going west.                  8/21/1947 #3357  
oenix Las Vegas, New Mexico Sandia Peak Albuquerque Pioneer Airlines Flight 12/5/1948 #3909  
ises from the east slope of Sandia Peak and follows a parabolic curve as th 12/5/1948 #3909  
                        Starvation Peak (near Bernal), NM AFOSI Case 13; La 12/12/1948 #3925  
                             PIKES PEAK, CO Saucer over peak. Newpaper line 3/16/1950 #4653  
        PIKES PEAK, CO Saucer over peak. Newpaper lines jammed / calls. Als 3/16/1950 #4653  
es / 11 glowing-saucers pass Pikes Peak / 1 min intervals.                  5/25/1950 #4965  
otion at 750 mph behind a mountain peak near Pomona, California.            10/3/1950 #5209  
                             Pikes Peak Broadcasting Company Pueblo, Colora 7/22/1952 #7024  
 Colorado Montana California Pikes Peak Broadcasting Company President Jose 7/22/1952 #7024  
] over San Luis valley to mountain peak. Silent.                            11/20/1952 #8303  
ver radio station/depot/facility / peak. Photograph. / r217p60+/ r49p81.    9/26/1954 #10447  
over a radio station on a mountain peak in Col-de-Chat, Savoie department,  9/26/1954 #10453  
ootball hovers still by Belledonne peak / several min.                      10/3/1954 #10629  
d watching his flock on a mountain peak called “Moumboa”, located at about  10/24/1954 #11368  
 2+observer(s). Fireball high over peak. Small cylinder/cigar-shape drops / 11/12/1954 #11625  
    Southern New Mexico Sacramento Peak near Cloudcroft Biggs Air Force Bas 4/5/1955 #12080  
a Saenz is stationed on Sacramento Peak near Cloudcroft when she sees a yel 4/5/1955 #12080  
t to west on the south side of the peak. An airplane from Biggs Air Force B 4/5/1955 #12080  
                          BOUNDARY PEAK, NV / CA 2 hikers. Beams from cresc 9/11/1955 #12446  
ams from crescent light valley and peak. Missing time?                      9/11/1955 #12446  
triple star Alpha Centauri. At its peak, AFSCA has more than 5,000 members. 1/1957 #13440  
se phenomena, since it covered the peak of solar cycle 19. Both the Soviet  7/1/1957 #13768  
OCK, BRAZIL 2 silver moons hover / peak. Black bands grow until surfaces co 7/2/1957 #13773  
orce Station [now closed] at Angel Peak, Nevada Grand Canyon in Arizona Mar 7/16/1957 #13801  
orce Station [now closed] at Angel Peak, Nevada, are using the FPS-3A L-ban 7/16/1957 #13801  
00 mph average speed (3,500 mph at peak) and 1,100 mph average relative to  10/14/1957 #14110  
verage relative to the aircraft’s (peak 2,200 mph). Radar indicates the obj 10/14/1957 #14110  
                          MULHACEN PEAK, SP 3 observer(s). 8M rocket rests  8/1958 #15166  
                              Troy Peak (and Tonopah Airport), NV (McDonald 11/13/1958 #15441  
orce radar installation at Angel's Peak, 30 miles NW of Las Vegas, saw the  6/17/1959 #15772  
k / light going northwest. Circles peak. Maneuvers. Going southeast again.  10/23/1959 #16055  
 technical associate with the Kitt Peak National Observatory, so he and Cor 1960 #16140  
ction and is lost to view behind a peak. Project Blue Book concludes it is  6/7/1962 #17221  
tinct blue band / light at foot of peak / edge / crater.                    11/14/1964 #18612  
he UFOCAT database, coming off the peak that occurred on March 28.          3/30/1966 #20164  
New York City Subway system during peak travel hours as part of a field exp 6/6/1966 #20536  
58 Willamette Pass, Oregon Diamond Peak overlook 9:00–10:00 a.m. A biochemi 11/22/1966 #21140  
e scenery. He stops at the Diamond Peak overlook, takes 2 photos, then paus 11/22/1966 #21140  
is a blurred photo of the “Diamond Peak” sign taken from a passing car.     11/22/1966 #21140  
e US nuclear stockpile reaches its peak at 31,255 bombs.                    1967 #21235  
 Disk with cone top. Green light / peak. Body yellow and red. Going [to] ov 4/5/1967 #22058  
                             GAVEA PEAK, BRZ Doctors etc. / (seen thru) bin 4/15/1967 #22133  
ublic interest in UFOs, reaching a peak toward the end of the year,” and th 1/22/1968 #23685  
                             Ţarcu Peak, Romania Berzasca Danube River Seme 3/30/1968 #23877  
nd at the weather station on Ţarcu Peak, Romania. They watch it for 2.5 hou 3/30/1968 #23877  
beam going down [to] stops 6M over peak!                                    8/2/1968 (approximate) #24289  
         Gleeson, Colorado Brown's Peak 7:50 p.m. Pearl Christiansen is unc 8/26/1968 #24379  
ring above 7,200-foot high Brown’s Peak. They remain for several hours, the 8/26/1968 #24379  
tted atop each other on a mountain peak in Gleeson, Arizona at 7:50 p.m. Th 8/26/1968 #24382  
right domed square object hovers / peak / 1 minute(s). Vanishes. / r230v4#3 8/29/1968 #24397  
ct over the Mount Kobetas mountain peak for one minute. It was square, with 8/29/1968 #24400  
cant non-background radiation at a peak that seems to derive from cesium-13 4/29/1970 #25645  
omach. They wore black hats with a peak behind. All four, with the "dog", t 6/4/1970 #25690  
                      WEST / BALDY PEAK, AZ Pilot. Red night light / ground 10/12/1973 #28011  
OCHRIES, GERM 14M ovoid / mountain peak. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) 12/10/1973 #28546  
th, passes behind a small mountain peak, turns east again, and vanishes ove 4/15/1974 #29031  
         The fire lookout at Satus Peak in Yakima County, Washington record 7/20/1974 #29271  
                             SATUS PEAK, WA Fire lookout / (seen thru) bino 7/21/1974 #29272  
                             HINES PEAK OBSERVER(S), CA Data rate / 4600A ( 8/26/1974 #29390  
                         TRINCHERA PEAK, CO "Helicopter" lands / mountain t 10/6/1975 #30418  
:15 a.m. PDT the firelook at Satus Peak on the Yakima Indian Reservation in 8/5/1976 #31234  
 Big roar. Red night light circles peak. Angel hair found. / International  10/12/1976 #31460  
. 4 unidentified blips near Laguna peak. Move 5mi / 1 RADAR sweep. / r41p13 12/8/1977 #32744  
         Oxnard, California Laguna Peak 8:00 p.m. Air traffic controllers a 12/8/1977 #32750  
Os about 3–5 miles north of Laguna Peak. They watch the targets for nearly  12/8/1977 #32750  
                             SATUS PEAK, WA Fire watcher / (seen thru) bino 9/29/1978 #33777  
p.m. a woman fire watcher at Satus Peak, Yakima County, Washington sighted  9/29/1978 #33783  
phere buzzes car. Stops / mountain peak. Shoots toward(s) town.             11/9/1978 #33932  
ars. Pyramid going down / mountain peak. Cylinder/cigar-shape going up / pe 1/6/1979 #34307  
k. Cylinder/cigar-shape going up / peak and going down [to] valley. Luminou 1/6/1979 #34307  
                   NEAR GOAT ROCKS PEAK, WA Fire rangers / (seen thru) bino 9/12/1979 #34865  
                             Satus Peak tower Yakama, Washington, Indian Re 9/12/1979 #34867  
0 p.m. A fire lookout at the Satus Peak tower on the Yakama, Washington, In 9/12/1979 #34867  
SIMON BUTTE, WA 2 lookouts / Satus Peak. 2+1 orange fireballs zigzag / skyl 9/13/1979 #34868  
 Coyote Canyon Test Area Archuleta Peak northwest of Dulce, New Mexico Paul 10/26/1980 #35590  
is an alien base beneath Archuleta Peak northwest of Dulce, New Mexico. Aft 10/26/1980 #35590  
uge "chair" hovers behind mountain peak. Grows 2nd leg. See dwg.            11/28/1980 #35677  
 Cone rises point up from mountain peak. Emits blue beams. / r120p217.      12/14/1980 #35713  
 metallic with a dome and “kind of peak on it.” His sister joins them and s 5/4/1981 #35928  
a.m. the fire lookout at the Satus Peak fire tower on the Yakima Indian Res 6/22/1981 #35979  
n unsuccessful attempt on the main peak of Mount Chamlang in the Himalayas  9/26/1981 #36141  
disc to the right of and above the peak. UFO researcher Richard F. Haines e 10/8/1981 #36167  
ject to the right of and above the peak and a plume of cloud. The photograp 10/8/1981 #36170  
                 SOUTHEAST / SATUS PEAK, WA 3 / fire lookout. Night light h 9/9/1982 #36598  
bject going quickly south. Stops / peak. Folds and vanishes in sight.       10/23/1988 #38681  
                           Tikaboo Peak, Nevada, off Highway 375 Video of J 3/22/1989 #38877  
                           Tikaboo Peak, Nevada Highway 375 S-4 8:30 p.m. A 3/22/1989 #38878  
e Tracy drive Lear’s RV to Tikaboo Peak, Nevada, off Highway 375 to view a  3/22/1989 #38878  
                           Tikaboo Peak, Nevada Bob and Tracy Lazar, Gene H 3/29/1989 #38885  
 and Jim Tagliani drive to Tikaboo Peak, Nevada, to observe another flight  3/29/1989 #38885  
l” UFOs has declined to 47% from a peak of 57% in 1978 and 54% in 1973. Onl 1990 #39350  
         Las Vegas, Nevada Tikaboo Peak Groom Lake Arranged by Norio Hayaka 2/1990 #39403  
d the TV crew drive out to Tikaboo Peak, where they film an orange light ma 2/1990 #39403  
lometers east of Przhevalsk near a peak known as Pik Pobeda (Peak of Victor 8/28/1991 #40168  
k near a peak known as Pik Pobeda (Peak of Victory). The actual site lay in 8/28/1991 #40168  
                              Kitt Peak National Observatory The small near 11/6/1991 #40220  
an astronomer James Scotti at Kitt Peak National Observatory. The uncertain 11/6/1991 #40220  
                           Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range Nellis Rang 1994 #41341  
round radar station at the Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range, part of th 1994 #41341  
OULIERE, FR "Plane" lands / jagged peak! 2 ovoid join. Camcorder malfunctio 6/27/1994 (approximate) #41586  
  An "airplane" landed on a jagged peak in Parc de la Mouliere, Alpes-Marit 6/27/1994 #41589  
ing-balls hover 500M from mountain peak. Vanish like magic.                 7/15/1994? #41620  
ower meter fried! Huge saucer with peak / middle.                           7/25/1994 #41638  
                            MILLER PEAK, AZ 2 backpackers. 2 delta/triangle 7/1/1995 #42287  
e/box-like crafts circle 16K' over peak. 1 going [to] clouds. Other going q 7/1/1995 #42287  
s). Yellow-white disk nears remote peak. Away and back with 2nd small objec 9/12/1995 #42463  
linding sun-like fireball hovers / peak / 4 minute(s). Vanishes suddenly.   8/12/1996 #42981  
          New Mexico Corona Pelona Peak Datil Loa Alamos National Laborator 11/1/2005 #44898  
f Corona, and the second at Pelona Peak, south of Datil. The Corona site wa 11/1/2005 #44898  
 southwest of Corona and at Pelona Peak, one live entity was found and seve 11/1/2005 #44899  
           Tucson, Arizona Picacho Peak Around midnight. The pilots of a US 11/6/2018 #45543  
ch the foothills of nearby Picacho Peak, they suddenly appear to rotate aro 11/6/2018 #45543  
ted States during 2020, reaching a peak of 7,200 reports.                   4/13/2021 #45681  
## Word: "peak-billed" (Back to Top)
ing a “forest-green outfit” and a “peak-billed cap with a cord” around it.  5/20/1953 #8889  
## Word: "peaked" (Back to Top)
 saw a disc with a flat bottom and peaked top moving very slowly. The objec 3/14/1967 #21885  
ife and grandson saw a disc with a peaked top surmounted by a green light.  4/5/1967 #22063  
 A woman saw a revolving disc with peaked top for 2-3 minutes. It passed in 6/1/1967 #22443  
Hundreds of sightings in wave that peaked in October. House of Commons took 8/1967 #22769  
erect and wearing a uniform with a peaked cap, and the other crouched forwa 1/14/1980 #35135  
The dwarf wore a black cape with a peaked hood connected to the cape. No fa 5/5/1992 #40454  
## Word: "peaking" (Back to Top)
ntah Basin, UT Local concentration peaking in late 1966 and 1967            9/1966 #20824  
noise, increasing to a high pitch, peaking and then breaking off, as if on  11/15/1966 #21109  
## Word: "peaks" (Back to Top)
cisco, California Golden Gate Twin Peaks downtown Pierce Street hill Ashbur 11/22/1896 #349  
others see the light over the Twin Peaks downtown. At the top of Pierce Str 11/22/1896 #349  
 Cohen sees it returning from Twin Peaks, and at 7:51 p.m. he watches it fr 11/22/1896 #349  
s swerve in and out of the smaller peaks, flipping from side to side in uni 6/24/1947 #2398  
                              TWIN PEAKS, SF, CA 2 observer(s). Yellow-glow 9/11/1948 #3796  
bject, symmetrical, with two small peaks or projection on opposite sides of 7/29/1952 #7330  
 correlation between sightings and peaks in radiation backgrounds. Now ther 11/4/1952 #8245  
e. Metallic ovoid between mountain peaks. Hovers and rises then shoots away 1/1/1953 #8488  
ht-fitting skull caps with pointed peaks in front, and heavy goggles. They  9/30/1954 #10510  
ght fitting skullcaps with pointed peaks in front, and heavy goggles. They  9/30/1954 #10519  
Y 2 teens / car. 10M saucer with 2 peaks just over road. Electro-magnetic e 10/30/1957 #14162  
 and observed between two mountain peaks. The sun at the time is below the  6/7/1962 #17221  
dually. Zigzagging around mountain peaks that tower above 5,000 feet, the U 8/25/1974 #29386  
nous bar of light cruises mountain peaks northeast going southwest. Arcs up 11/9/1985 #37700  
d going down [to] between mountain peaks. Lands and lights area.            1/4/1986 #37750  
ts in various formations over twin peaks.                                   9/5/1993 #41182  
ge disks seen over nearby mountain peaks. No further details. / Liste Annue 10/21/1996 #43086  
## Word: "peakskill" (Back to Top)
                                   Peakskill, New York Mr. and Mrs. Forster 2/1954 #9518  
## Word: "peal" (Back to Top)
, after a flash of lightning and a peal of thunder, witnesses see a huge fl Early 9/1888 #285  
## Word: "pealed" (Back to Top)
se he was in creaked as the object pealed off, made 6-7 barrel rolls, and l 6/2/1919 #987  
## Word: "peanut" (Back to Top)
       L'ILE D'ALBE, FR Blazing 5M peanut shape in tree! Vanishes. No trace 12/11/1974 #29636  
ectro-magnetic effects). Silent 2M peanut over sand dune. Going up [to] and 1/24/1979 #34372  
 entity had black slanting eyes, a peanut shaped, helmeted head, and wore b 8/10/1989 #39055  
elonging to the Coast Guard called Peanut Island, a property near a facilit 2004 #44638  
## Word: "peanut-ovoid" (Back to Top)
ENTHERIC, FR 2 observer(s). Silent peanut-ovoid (figure 8) going SSE. Glow  3/6/1996 #42806  
## Word: "peanut-shaped" (Back to Top)
   A massive "footprint-shaped" or peanut-shaped UFO was seen over Chesterf 1/23/1988 #38431  
## Word: "pear" (Back to Top)
Supply. The largest one was egg or pear shaped, and six times the apparent  2/28/1904 #671  
grey with dark core, shaped like a pear or bean. Flew for 5-10 minutes with 11/5/1950 #5264  
Ridge, Tennessee saw a translucent pear or bean-shaped object, light gray w 11/5/1950 #5266  
ook Case #962. 2 / car. Silent 50' pear crosses US70 going east / 150' alti 8/31/1951 #5639  
es fly "unbelievably fast" between Pear Blossom and Big Pine, California. I 4/8/1952 #6046  
 Silver object, shaped like a long pear with 2-3 squares beneath (NICAP: 11 7/23/1952 #7065  
 silver object, shaped like a long pear with two or three squares beneath i 7/23/1952 #7075  
 silver object, shaped like a long pear with 2–3 squares beneath it, flying 7/23/1952 #7080  
r going quickly northeast. Glowing pear / 0230hrs. Going quickly west. Fain 8/25/1956 #13127  
lights exit and return to luminous pear shaped object.                      8/12/1963 #17888  
road going [to] trees. Head = INVd pear.                                    4/1966 #20185  
nd yellowish. A branch of a nearby pear tree was newly broken off, thrown s 6/27/1966 #20618  
     FOCOLA, NEW CALEDONIA Flaming pear shape / sky. Exposed skin burnt. At 12/1966 #21170  
server(s). Huge brilliant metallic pear hovers / high altitude. Going west. 8/29/1968 #24394  
 of 11-year-old children. They had pear shaped heads and appeared to be lac 4/12/1969 #25059  
rge, circular face plate showing a pear shaped, grayish head with no hair,  1/7/1974 #28661  
“somewhat like a flattened avocado pear.” The blunt leading end seems to be 10/15/1977 #32578  
t light vanishes. 1 man abduction? Pear shaped craft and figure(s). / r243p 12/8/1978 #34074  
as burned the old grass. A prickly pear cactus pad is found at the edge of  5/20/1983 #36862  
       ST.-GUENOLE, FR 1 observer. Pear shape going down. Makes V-turn back 8/7/1985? #37638  
                                 A pear shaped UFO was seen zigzagging over 7/28/1995 #42337  
 RHO, ITL 2 / farm. White inverted pear going down. Door opens. Small human 3/8/1998 #43530  
ect in the shape of an upside-down pear hovering above a field. He called h 3/8/1998 #43531  
s head was shaped like an inverted pear. It had no nose, and they could not 8/24/1998 #43637  
ticed an object resembling a shiny pear ahead in the middle of the roadway. 3/26/2002 #44326  
## Word: "pear-shape" (Back to Top)
 Aircraft illustrator. Translucent pear-shape darts about / 5-10 minute(s). 11/5/1950 #5261  
llers and pilots. Jets can't catch pear-shape.                              9/13/1959 #15966  
gineer and lawyer. Intense glowing pear-shape hovers near RTE C1310.        4/2/1976 #30976  
  MAUBEUGE, FR 1 observer. Glowing pear-shape going down / 45° angle. Stops 5/10/1977 #32080  
     PTOLEMAIS, GREECE 1 observer. Pear-shape 500M away / 100M altitude. Ra 11/12/1981 #36218  
   PARIS 1 observer. Yellow-orange pear-shape with red lights / center goin 11/26/1990 #39911  
ALY Numerous observer(s). Luminous pear-shape rotates. Maneuvers. Zigzags.  7/28/1995 #42334  
## Word: "pear-shaped" (Back to Top)
m the west. It seems attached to a pear-shaped object with the apex pointed Mid 4/1897 #493  
REGON CITY, OR Cabbie. Green-glow "pear-shaped tube" going south slow / 240 7/24/1947 #3227  
rcraft Illustrator Reports Darting Pear-Shaped Object Over Oak Ridge (NICAP 11/5/1950 #5263  
t star-like object adjacent to the pear-shaped balloon. As they approach an 1/22/1951 #5413  
                       Matador, TX Pear-shaped object the length of a B-29  8/31/1951 #5640  
tly of excellent reputations.  One pear-shaped object with a length of a B- 8/31/1951 #5641  
Texas, when they see to the west a pear-shaped object the length of a B-29  8/31/1951 #5642  
h (4 meters), and it had a reddish pear-shaped head or helmet, with two lum 9/11/1952 #7896  
en toward a luminous, 20-foot wide pear-shaped about 50 feet away, which wa 9/11/1952 #7896  
ther and Sheriff Floyd Hadley find pear-shaped footprints, wide at the toes 9/2/1954 #10232  
t. At the site were found numerous pear-shaped footprints 2 inches wide x 4 9/2/1954 #10233  
and vanished. The creature had two pear-shaped boxes under his arms that ma 10/4/1954 #10703  
dark reddish colored liquid from a pear-shaped object flying slowly at 1,00 7/22/1955 #12280  
NORTHWEST / LAS VEGAS, NV Teacher. Pear-shaped object jumps all over and ab 8/17/1955 #12367  
otionless white,cream and metallic pear-shaped obj (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 9/13/1959 #15968  
of a Mooney private airplane.  One pear-shaped object, colored white, cream 9/13/1959 #15970  
 Mooney private aircraft sighted a pear-shaped object, colored white, cream 9/13/1959 #15974  
 exited and returned to a luminous pear-shaped UFO hovering over the Birchi 8/12/1963 #17890  
                   FORT PIERCE, FL Pear-shaped object photographed underwat 7/5/1965 #19068  
n went out and entered a luminous, pear-shaped UFO craft, shaped with a fla 8/26/1968 #24381  
                    LINS, BRZ Huge pear-shaped Ob hovers / 30M altitude 50M 10/12/1968 #24557  
pera, Barcelona, Spain witnessed a pear-shaped UFO with a horizontal axis t 1/29/1969 #24877  
t. Each one carried an illuminated pear-shaped implement, held by a small r 8/19/1969 #25324  
erial object described as round or pear-shaped with four or five red lights 6/20/1973 #27576  
e when he saw an orange, luminous, pear-shaped UFO in the sky. The dog beha 3/13/1977 #31903  
e when he saw an orange, luminous, pear-shaped UFO in the sky. Around its u 3/13/1977 #31904  
s when he saw an orange, luminous, pear-shaped UFO in the sky. He walked to 3/13/1977 #31906  
 Maryland, when he notices a gray, pear-shaped object tilted at an angle an 9/20/1978 #33714  
g. He only remembers approaching a pear-shaped light when he sees 3–4 human 12/8/1978 #34077  
ees. One of the men approached the pear-shaped light and he suddenly vanish 12/8/1978 #34078  
 in Poplar Grove, Illinois, when a pear-shaped blue light, surrounded by a  9/20/1979 #34907  
                    At 5:30 a.m. a pear-shaped form of blue light engulfed  9/20/1979 #34908  
hree and four feet in height, with pear-shaped heads, large slanted eyes, l 8/31/1990 #39708  
or, with thin long arms and a huge pear-shaped head that was completely bal 7/21/1991 #40129  
 80 2 nights / row. Vibrant bright pear-shaped fireball over trees.         2/11/1995 #42034  
    Around 4:00 a.m. a very bright pear-shaped ball of light was seen over  2/11/1995 #42035  
ne type of tall with (upside down) pear-shaped heads, huge eyes, and no dis 5/7/1995 #42189  
es staring down at him from large, pear-shaped heads. The police officer ha 4/15/1996 #42870  
he men walked away and entered the pear-shaped craft, while the other remai 3/26/2002 #44326  
nd walked towards the nearby shiny pear-shaped object; he then disappeared  3/26/2002 #44326  
## Word: "pear-shapes" (Back to Top)
QB Pilot sighting. 2 saucers and 2 pear-shapes / 10K' altitude. No further  3/13/1950 #4622  
        SANTIAGO, CHL Fleet / huge pear-shapes stop / 3 minute(s). Away fas 2/11/1980 #35163  
## Word: "pear-ufo" (Back to Top)
        CINCINNATI, OH 1 observer. Pear-UFO / 500' altitude sprays peach tr 7/22/1955 #12276  
## Word: "pearcy" (Back to Top)
als plant in Jones Mills, Arkansas Pearcy, Arkansas 10:30 p.m. Six workers  4/22/1954 #9705  
sas, are waiting on a carpool near Pearcy, Arkansas, to go to work when the 4/22/1954 #9705  
                                   PEARCY, ARK 6 men. White 3M luminous bal 4/23/1954 #9708  
g ball of light circled a house in Pearcy, Arkansas slowly, stopping at irr 4/23/1954 #9712  
## Word: "pearl" (Back to Top)
               [U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii](https: 12/7/1941 #1377  
537311,-157.9730976) The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military str 12/7/1941 #1377  
tes against the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii, just b 12/7/1941 #1377  
 in her book "Alien Gene" that the Pearl Harbor attacks were being observed 12/7/1941 #1377  
                  Honolulu, Hawaii Pearl Harbor Around noon. Red Cross volu 12/8/1941 #1378  
The smoke is still rising from the Pearl Harbor attack to the west. One of  12/8/1941 #1378  
                                   PEARL HARBOR, HI 100 Navy men. Silver sa 7/8/1947 #2990  
ject flew in a zigzag pattern over Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. At 9:4 7/8/1947 #3028  
 Field Honolulu, Hawaii Joint Base Pearl Harbor–Hickam 2:00 p.m. USAF pilot 1/4/1949 #3959  
ckam Field [now part of Joint Base Pearl Harbor–Hickam] near Honolulu, Hawa 1/4/1949 #3959  
                                   PEARL HARBOR, HI Brill blue-green fireba 3/24/1950 #4716  
                                 A pearl white, spinning, glowing disc-shap 12/2/1950 #5312  
r, then they could lead to a worse Pearl Harbor than we have ever experienc 2/25/1951 #5458  
nce of them could lead to a “worse Pearl Harbor than we have ever experienc 2/27/1951 #5465  
                                   PEARL HARBOR, HI 5hr marathon. 75 night  8/6/1953 #9051  
rbers Point Naval Air Station near Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 75 radar blips on s 8/6/1953 #9053  
                                   Pearl Harbor Letter from US Navy Rear Ad 10/5/1955 #12490  
Navy Rear Admiral J. L. Herlihy at Pearl Harbor to the future director of t 10/5/1955 #12490  
RTH / GREENLAND Soviet TU-4 pilot. Pearl colored lens-saucer. / r120p226+/  7/1/1956? #12941  
                 At 9:30 a.m. Rev. Pearl Kerwin of Silver Spring, Maryland  3/7/1959 #15631  
 the Stennis NASA Test Facility in Pearl River, Hancock County, Mississippi 5/11/1966 #20478  
                       Pacific bt. Pearl Harbor & Seattle, Washington, At S 7/1966 #20624  
      Miss Dianne Marable and Mrs. Pearl Robins, nurses, were driving home  11/9/1967 #23434  
n, Colorado Brown's Peak 7:50 p.m. Pearl Christiansen is unchaining the dri 8/26/1968 #24379  
ilbox site in Nevada with his wife Pearl. He leaps out of his lawn chair wh 2/28/1990 #39432  
        NORTH / BROOME, WEST AUSTR Pearl farmers. Crescent-UFO 200' overhea 8/8/1992 #40561  
                    A witness from Pearl, Mississippi reports that at 8:30  10/30/2000 #44067  
## Word: "pearl-color" (Back to Top)
                GREENSBORO, NC 50' pearl-color saucer flies and hovers and  6/6/1975 #30084  
## Word: "pearl-colored" (Back to Top)
his course. It looks like a “large pearl-colored lens with wavy, pulsating  1956 #12636  
id to be 150 m long and 20 m high, pearl-colored, glistening under the sett 9/26/1957 #14035  
## Word: "pearl-hifi" (Back to Top)
B09HR54GQF (p99-105)   https://www.pearl-hifi.com/11SpiritedGrowth/01Books/ 5/8/2009 #45221  
verflights from 1975.  https://www.pearl-hifi.com/11SpiritedGrowth/01Books/ 2010 #45263  
 look into the event.  https://www.pearl-hifi.com/11SpiritedGrowth/01Books/ 2/2011 #45312  
act BAASS within DHS.  https://www.pearl-hifi.com/11SpiritedGrowth/01Books/ 6/2011 #45327  
## Word: "pearl-like" (Back to Top)
empaua," and went out to a bright, pearl-like sphere, that took off with th 8/27/1968 #24390  
## Word: "pearl-white" (Back to Top)
 Stokes stops and gets out, sees a pearl-white oval or egg-shaped object ab 11/4/1957 #14286  
## Word: "pearlshaped" (Back to Top)
ch as "Rempaua," and went out to a pearlshaped, bright object that took off 8/27/1968 #24388  
## Word: "pearly" (Back to Top)
epted by a silver disc bathed in a pearly luster. Around this time Elizabet 10/1917 #968  
 speed of 30–40 mph. The object is pearly silver in color with faint dark b Fall 1924 #1044  
AKLAND, CA Mrs. Devaughn. String / pearly luminous disk-orbs going quickly  7/3/1947 #2570  
Bluebook Case #845. 2 observer(s). Pearly glowing saucer spins. Paces jeep. 12/2/1950 #5306  
            Nanyika, Kenya, Africa Pearly, iridescent object with a flatten 12/2/1950 #5309  
, Kenya Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott. One pearly, iridescent object with a flatten 12/2/1950 #5310  
ester, England, watch a noiseless, pearly white triangular object traveling 9/16/1964 #18557  
irline(s)/airliner crew / daytime. Pearly disk passes IL-18 / 8km altitude. 2/1967 #21425  
bject and surrounds it, turning it pearly gray with a faintly bluish sheen. 5/24/1971 #26130  
        THOMPSON, MB 10+kids. Huge pearly ovoid hovers /. Zigzags / instant 2/1973 (approximate) #27255  
t from Algiers, Algeria, observe a pearly white flattened sphere moving to  7/1978 #33318  
e craft is flat and smooth, a pale pearly metallic color. It has three redd 3/19/2013 #45362  
## Word: "pearly-white" (Back to Top)
 HELENA, MT 1+kids and more. Unlit pearly-white round object going [to] ove 8/25/1995 #42412  
## Word: "pears" (Back to Top)
 crews. 3 silver 80' cylinders and pears / 2400kph. / LDLN#330.             7/23/1952 #7047  
m. Farmer Gilbert Hée is gathering pears on his farm at Les-Jonquerets-de-L 10/25/1954 #11392  
farmer, Gilbert Hee, was gathering pears when he suddenly saw an elongated  10/27/1954 #11445  
ets-de-Livet, France was gathering pears when he suddenly saw an elongated  10/27/1954 #11453  
ulders, heads shaped like inverted pears, long arms, large eyes, and no nos 1/7/1974 #28660  
## Word: "pearsall" (Back to Top)
     On this night teenager Marisa Pearsall from Cassopolis, Michigan found 6/27/1998 #43596  
## Word: "pearson" (Back to Top)
                                   Pearson building in downtown New Castle, 5/2/1898 #621  
a Dusk. Bystanders in front of the Pearson building in downtown New Castle, 5/2/1898 #621  
münde, Germany Finland Capt. J. B. Pearson Jr., US naval attaché in London, 2/17/1947 #2241  
Pentagon Syndicated columnist Drew Pearson publishes “Worried about Flying  3/31/1950 #4777  
r reading a March 7 column by Drew Pearson that alleges the US attempted to 4/24/1967 #22214  
-old girls, Lynsey Tebbs and Susan Pearson, are tobogganing down the slopes 2/22/1979 #34444  
## Word: "pearsonville" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / PEARSONVILLE, CA 4 / van. 14M cylinder/c 1/9/1984 #37117  
                                   Pearsonville, CA 7:30 PM. A metallic obj 1/9/1984 #37120  
wo cars on US Highway 395 south of Pearsonville, near the China Lake Weapon 1/9/1984 #37120  
wo cars on US Highway 395 south of Pearsonville, near the China Lake Weapon 1/9/1984 #37127  
## Word: "peas" (Back to Top)
icago. They were the size of small peas at arms length, traveling high and  9/11/1946 #2178  
## Word: "peasant" (Back to Top)
ace Creek, California 10:00 p.m. A peasant in the Taijiang(?) District of F Early 1970 #25524  
ital of Brasília. An unnamed local peasant is quoted as saying that the “st 1/23/1971 #25999  
an De La Palmareno, an 81-year-old peasant, was guarding a melon field in A 9/11/1971 #26328  
an De La Palmareno, an 81-year-old peasant, was guarding a melon field in A 9/12/1971 #26331  
rt on a dirt road, with a barefoot peasant wearing a straw hat. Another pic 9/15/1977 #32485  
ile In a farming region of Talco a peasant out plowing the fields encounter 9/25/1979 #34922  
 the object and briefly chased the peasant. The humanoid caught up with the 9/25/1979 #34922  
a farming region of Talco, Chile a peasant out plowing the fields encounter 9/25/1979 #34923  
 the object and briefly chased the peasant. The humanoid caught up with the 9/25/1979 #34923  
                                 A peasant named Santiago was weeding a pal 11/30/1979 #35033  
istant planet the son of a Chinese peasant will be born in 60 years.” His s Early 6/1994 #41548  
## Word: "peasants" (Back to Top)
s an episode in which some foolish peasants capture “three men and one woma 812 #2  
r the lake for an hour and a half. Peasants in a boat try to get close to i 8/15/1663 #44  
ities in addition to the dozens of peasants who are present. A kind of door 6/12/1790 #91  
marito Mérida Venezuela A group of peasants at Palmarito, Mérida, Venezuela 11/28/1954 #11723  
                                   Peasants in Bulnes Nuble, Chile saw a fi 6/20/1968 #24057  
 dusk in Maracaibo, Venezuela. Two peasants in their twenties, named Sr. Ch 8/5/1974 #29311  
## Word: "pease" (Back to Top)
                                   Pease AFB in Portsmouth CFB Goose Bay Ni 7/1958 #15130  
n Air Force Base in New Hampshire [Pease AFB in Portsmouth?] from Goose Bay 7/1958 #15130  
                                   PEASE AIR FORCE BASE, NH Project Blueboo 5/2/1959 #15720  
                                   Pease AFB, NH (McDonald list) Three Rada 5/2/1959 #15721  
                          Lincoln (Pease AFB), NH Radar Tracks Object Befor 9/19/1961 #16851  
                                   Pease AFB Portsmouth, New Hampshire 2:14 9/20/1961 #16861  
ortsmouth, New Hampshire 2:14 a.m. Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard  9/20/1961 #16861  
Hampshire 2:14 a.m. Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base] in Portsm 9/20/1961 #16861  
                                   Pease AFB Betty Hill calls Pease AFB and 9/21/1961 #16866  
        Pease AFB Betty Hill calls Pease AFB and reports her UFO incident ( 9/21/1961 #16866  
      Quincy Center, Massachusetts Pease AFB The Hills give a presentation  11/3/1963 #18027  
 the session is Capt. Ben Swett of Pease AFB, himself a practicing hypnotis 11/3/1963 #18027  
                                   Pease AFB, NH CPN-18 Tracks UFO / Visual 8/20/1965 #19436  
                                   PEASE AIR FORCE BASE, NH Many observer(s 9/3/1965 #19496  
re Exeter police station Route 150 Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard  9/3/1965 #19511  
e station Route 150 Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base] in Portsm 9/3/1965 #19511  
 daytime, the police station calls Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard  9/3/1965 #19511  
olice station calls Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base] in Portsm 9/3/1965 #19511  
     At midnight all the lights at Pease Air Force Base, New Hampshire went 9/3/1965 #19514  
                            Exeter Pease AFB John G. Fuller summarizes the  10/2/1965 #19638  
ff-the-record information from the Pease AFB indicates frequent radar blips 10/2/1965 #19638  
ane. Near collision with fireball. Pease Air Force Base RADAR confirms obje 11/22/1966 #21136  
ar confirmation of the object from Pease AFB.                               11/22/1966 #21145  
  In Greenland, New Hampshire near Pease Air Force Base at 1:10 a.m. a low  4/28/1974 #29069  
  Hudson Valley Brewster, New York Pease Air National Guard Base Pozzuoli P 8/25/1984 #37440  
m the FBI, Air Force officers from Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard  8/25/1984 #37440  
Force officers from Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base], and a my 8/25/1984 #37440  
## Word: "peba" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Peba” YieldMax: 20KT                     9/20/1962 #17421  
## Word: "pebble" (Back to Top)
                                   Pebble Beach, CA On this night a husband 3/20/1977 #31920  
f sleeping bags by the seashore in Pebble Beach, California when they saw a 3/20/1977 #31921  
## Word: "pebble-like" (Back to Top)
int Cintra notices a semicircular “pebble-like” light on the ground and a U 8/25/1968 #24376  
## Word: "pebble-shaped" (Back to Top)
               YAKIMA, WA Pilot. 7 pebble-shaped 3M objects in V-formation. 3/1944 #1581  
## Word: "pebbles" (Back to Top)
. Puts water going [to] bottle and pebbles going [to] belt. Going up [to] a 10/4/1954 #10676  
He put water in a bottle, and some pebbles in a belt pouch; he then rose up 10/4/1954 #10703  
ile Defense Organization Brilliant Pebbles, a non-nuclear system of satelli 11/1986 #38057  
capable SDI systems, the Brilliant Pebbles program is canceled in 1994 by t 11/1986 #38057  
## Word: "peblinge" (Back to Top)
 8. Metallic pod going down / Lake Peblinge. Away extremely fast going up.  6/17/1993 #41019  
## Word: "pebre" (Back to Top)
           Rebouillon, France Rene Pebre and two others were driving back f 7/17/1966 #20648  
          Rebouillon, France. Rene Pebre and two others were driving back f 7/17/1966 #20649  
## Word: "pecan" (Back to Top)
ia Airport,  saw a bluish metallic pecan shaped object 5’ x 10’ land on 4 l 9/20/1954 #10373  
ent object with searchlight lights pecan trees. Altitude = 60m. Going quick 4/3/1975 #29939  
 200 feet altitude and lit up some pecan trees. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 4/3/1975 #29946  
 200 feet altitude and lit up some pecan trees. At 3:30 a.m. a police offic 4/3/1975 #29953  
## Word: "pecan-shaped" (Back to Top)
 10 ft x 5 ft light metallic blue, pecan-shaped object (NICAP: 01 - Distant 9/21/1954 #10380  
.  One 10'x5' light metallic blue, pecan-shaped object with a clear glass o 9/21/1954 #10382  
 10 x 5-foot, light metallic blue, pecan-shaped object with a clear glass o 9/21/1954 #10383  
## Word: "peccinetti" (Back to Top)
alle Neuquén 3:42 a.m. Juan Carlos Peccinetti and Fernando José Villegas ar 9/1/1968 #24421  
na two casino workers, Juan Carlos Peccinetti and Fernando Jose Villegas, w 9/1/1968 #24422  
 car quit and the lights went out. Peccinetti had just started getting out  9/1/1968 #24422  
## Word: "pecem" (Back to Top)
                      BEACH EAST / PECEM, BRZ Glowing-object chases man 3 h 2/1981 #35809  
                                   PECEM, BRZ Fireball chases 2 women 500M. 4/1982 #36421  
                                   PECEM, CE, BRZ Saucer zaps fisherman / r 2/1983 #36757  
## Word: "pecha" (Back to Top)
Colusa, California 12:54 a.m. Bill Pecha Jr. is watching TV in his home 3 m 9/10/1976 #31371  
ook- like cables are hanging down. Pecha approaches until he is just under  9/10/1976 #31371  
e Lenda, who also sees the object. Pecha can now see two other objects over 9/10/1976 #31371  
shining a light on it. Frightened, Pecha grabs his two children and he and  9/10/1976 #31371  
ornia. At 12:45 a.m. mechanic Bill Pecha and other household members notice 9/10/1976 #31373  
ms with hooks which retracted when Pecha stepped toward the object. The obj 9/10/1976 #31373  
## Word: "pecha's" (Back to Top)
nds. The power came back on in Mr. Pecha's mobile home; the entire elapsed  9/10/1976 #31373  
## Word: "pechengsky" (Back to Top)
 USAF headquarters Petsamo region (Pechengsky District) of Finland Russia B 10/14/1947 #3457  
nt observed in the Petsamo region (Pechengsky District) of Finland, recentl 10/14/1947 #3457  
## Word: "peck" (Back to Top)
is led by retired astronomer David Peck Todd with the military assistance o 8/22/1924 #1041  
  Bethel, Alaska Pilots Capt. Jack Peck and Vince Daly see a smooth UFO nor 8/4/1947 #3291  
 DC-3 for Al Jones Flying Service. Peck hauls back on his controls to bring 8/4/1947 #3291  
 be as large as a C-54. Intrigued, Peck dives on the object as it pulls awa 8/4/1947 #3291  
                           OVER FT PECK, MT USAF photograph-reconnaissance  7/13/1950 #5058  
                              Fort Peck, MT Weather Recon flight crew saw 4 7/13/1950 #5061  
c silvery objects flying over Fort Peck, Montana at 11:51 a.m.              7/13/1950 #5064  
12:25 a.m. Radio/TV engineer Robin Peck is driving a van just north of Birc 6/19/1969 #25226  
. It has an orange glow around it. Peck feels that the air is electrified.  6/19/1969 #25226  
## Word: "peckham" (Back to Top)
e report was made by two men named Peckham and Clements.                    9/26/1949 #4373  
## Word: "pecos" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / PECOS, TX Project Bluebook Case #1079. 4 3/26/1952 #5975  
                                   Pecos (6 miles W of near Lackland AFB),  4/9/1952 #6050  
                          6MI WITH PECOS, TX 50x75' diamond rotates 1 / sec 4/10/1952 #6053  
                                   PECOS, TX 30M x 9M object lands near hig 3/30/1966 #20146  
                                   Pecos, TX Time not reported. An oblong o 3/30/1966 #20156  
                                   Pecos, Texas An elongated object about 3 3/30/1966 #20159  
ng object landed near a highway in Pecos, Texas. It stayed on the ground fo 3/30/1966 #20166  
                                   Pecos, New Mexico Kirtland AFB in Albuqu 7/1980 #35397  
nd photographed a UFO landing near Pecos, New Mexico. Weitzel takes photos  7/1980 #35397  
el photographed a UAP landing near Pecos, NM. The letter claims Weitzel was 7/1980 #35398  
                                   PECOS, NM USAF man. Saucer lands. Small  7/16/1980 #35413  
                                   Pecos, NM A Civil Air Patrol cadet along 7/16/1980 #35414  
, circular object maneuvering near Pecos, New Mexico. The cadet got closer  7/16/1980 #35414  
, circular object maneuvering near Pecos, New Mexico. The cadet got closer  7/16/1980 #35415  
ing occurred on a clear day on the Pecos River at Route 84 in De Baca Count 4/3/1998 #43543  
## Word: "pecquet" (Back to Top)
r. Tillier, with a shop owner, Mr. Pecquet, saw an oval object on the groun 10/31/1954 #11499  
, Mr. Tillier, with shop owner Mr. Pecquet, saw an oval object on the groun 10/31/1954 #11500  
## Word: "peculiar" (Back to Top)
te Osman Edward Middleton hears a “peculiar rushing noise” at Morpeth, New  11/1862 #160  
ch Republic] sees “an object of so peculiar a character that I do not know  4/24/1874 #203  
t morning, searchers find a cup of peculiar workmanship, but both artifacts 3/26/1880 #230  
light has a smoky appearance and a peculiar smell. The next morning, the sw 10/24/1886 #276  
entucky, notice that the sun has a peculiar color. Thousands of small discs 8/18/1893 #309  
s after sunrise the sun took on a "peculiar color" and the sky became fille 8/26/1893 #310  
ile others (a Martian airship) are peculiar but unconvincing.               8/1895 #319  
ying a tract of land when he saw a peculiar object anchored on the ground.  4/23/1897 #563  
ying a tract of land when he saw a peculiar object anchored on the ground.  4/23/1897 #564  
ying a tract of land when he saw a peculiar object anchored on the ground.  4/23/1897 #566  
vere fighting in the Dardanelles a peculiar cloud engulfed a British regime 8/21/1915 #933  
vere fighting in the Dardanelles a peculiar cloud engulfed a British regime 8/21/1915 #934  
 he cannot see much because of the peculiar light coming from the ceiling.  Summer 1933 #1163  
s normal. The creature walked in a peculiar "but elegant" fashion, the head Fall 1938 #1295  
 64.3s. Commanding Officer blames “peculiar phenomena” for the accident. Fo 5/15/1947 #2282  
 Lt. Col. Harold R. Turner blames “peculiar phenomena” for the accident. Th 5/15/1947 #2284  
 over the Cascade Mountains with a peculiar weaving motion “like the tail o 6/25/1947 #2411  
. The only thing that remains is a peculiar dark substance on the sand and  7/9/1947 #3068  
h is at 20,000 feet. The UFO has a peculiar glow. It comes into sight at a  10/10/1951 #5719  
ll levels of atmosphere. This is a peculiar hypothetical framework as it di 1952 #5843  
Zeigler overrules them and blames “peculiar atmospheric conditions.”        9/2/1952 #7829  
eings then walk to the sphere in a peculiar waddling manner, wave as they e 8/17/1953? #9077  
 morning when she suddenly heard a peculiar sounding language which she cou 10/18/1954 #11215  
 course. They spoke English with a peculiar accent, and said they would int 10/20/1954 #11279  
olished material. There was a very peculiar looking creature standing besid 10/24/1954 #11366  
e bottom a cylinder was hanging. A peculiar sound could be heard. The objec 10/30/1954 #11490  
der was hanging from the bottom. A peculiar sound could also be heard. The  10/30/1954 #11493  
 watched. Also, his dog was acting peculiar and the hairs on his dog's back 7/17/1955 #12267  
15 feet in diameter that sends out peculiar grid-like or diamond-shaped pat 2/17/1958 #14878  
figures, over 2 m tall, dressed in peculiar suits. As they fled, they heard 11/1958 #15414  
in Sevilla, Spain, when he feels a peculiar pricking sensation throughout h 6/11/1961 #16724  
zi and three other witnesses saw a peculiar craft fly above them and land o 4/11/1962 #17108  
t that they had been awakened by a peculiar object.                         2/21/1963 #17676  
some horses in the yard. He sees a peculiar structure in the Rio Vallecitos 4/26/1964 #18209  
arm noted radio interference and a peculiar "beeping sound," then saw an ob 8/20/1965 #19439  
              unknown location, TX Peculiar light phenomenon and a small fi 9/5/1966 #20849  
   Texas A civilian man observed a peculiar light phenomenon and a small fi 9/5/1966 #20850  
ds writes: “It was one of the most peculiar scientific grants of all time.  11/1/1966 #21060  
inny" voice that seemed especially peculiar coming from such a large man. H 1/9/1967 #21278  
all three simultaneously spotted a peculiar light shimmering through the cl 1/25/1967 #21388  
 above Woonsocket, Rhode Island. A peculiar piston-like apparatus appears t 7/3/1967 #22601  
e being spoke perfect Spanish, had peculiar heart sounds, and did not under 8/7/1967 #22839  
inches wide, leading to and from a peculiar circular pile of fist-sized sto 10/22/1967 #23290  
ng in the air, his body emitting a peculiar glow, near a bright, unknown ob 7/2/1968 #24126  
ng in the air, his body emitting a peculiar glow, near a bright, unknown ob 7/2/1968 #24129  
warthy. Their heads and faces were peculiar since they had dog or canine-li 7/20/1968 #24195  
and at that time had experienced a peculiar incident, which left him with a 12/28/1968 #24794  
form a line and move into a large, peculiar cloud. After 3–4 minutes, the c 7/1970 #25723  
." Then she saw, near the men, two peculiar looking creatures covered with  11/3/1971 #26452  
t. Erling Bakke and his wife see a peculiar vessel on the water east of Sun 7/4/1972 #26765  
 previous encountered, of a rather peculiar shape. A metallic ladder emerge 11/18/1973 #28443  
 At this point, the witnesses feel peculiar sensations of being unable to m 8/26/1975 #30310  
cts shot back upwards. Sandy had a peculiar feeling as though the car was m 8/26/1975 #30312  
rs, the result of a broken piston. Peculiar "hoof like" marks were observed 10/1/1975 #30409  
hingnon, France happened upon some peculiar tracks in the grass of the prai 11/8/1975 #30584  
 be re-started. They could smell a peculiar “acid” odor that irritated thei 8/6/1976 #31241  
, Durham, England, when they see a peculiar object resting on a mound of ea 9/3/1976 #31336  
ow, Russia woke up when they heard peculiar voices speaking in a language t 11/29/1977 #32710  
 inadvertently takes two photos of peculiar black objects just 20 minutes b 10/21/1978 #33856  
rd it barking. Soon they noticed a peculiar pink glow beyond a tarmac road. 1/5/1979 #34303  
w they noticed that it came from a peculiar egg-shaped craft resting on the 1/5/1979 #34303  
, and left behind a metal bar with peculiar markings, which they said was a 4/21/1979 #34520  
ralls. They were also walking in a peculiar fashion, and he had never seen  10/2/1981 #36155  
ran inside. The women next heard a peculiar sucking or croaking noise that  7/22/1982 #36545  
thuania at 10:10 p.m. The beam was peculiar because it did not light the gr 9/11/1985 #37657  
ew York. After he is awakened by a peculiar noise, he opens his eyes to see 12/26/1985 #37738  
ine a black object hovering with a peculiar vibrating motion. It is “like a 2/4/1986 #37779  
lleville, Wisconsin, and spot four peculiar objects one above the other in  3/6/1987 #38130  
 frightened, apparently upset by a peculiar sound like a phonograph record  3/31/1991 #40025  
ralls and a helmet. He walked in a peculiar manner.                         7/25/1992 #40536  
                                 A peculiar looking robot-like humanoid was 7/17/1993 #41068  
ke feeling very groggy and heard a peculiar low frequency buzzing sound. Tw 7/24/1993 #41082  
rted feeling a presence and seeing peculiar shadows in his bedroom, about t 8/20/1993 #41148  
ng next to the bed and they made a peculiar "chirping" or "giggling" sound. 9/20/1994 #41766  
e about 30-40 feet away. It had an peculiar "out of focus" quality. He said 2/10/1995 #42033  
ightmarish raptor had an even more peculiar characteristic: instead of a be 4/23/1995 #42173  
        MASON CITY, IA 1 observer. Peculiar star zigzags across sky. 5th si 7/26/1995 #42329  
ime in an aisle when he heard some peculiar sounds coming from behind some  8/11/1995 #42376  
er ones ran away very quickly in a peculiar shuffling manner, with apparent 8/11/1995 #42376  
ESCENT CITY, CA 50-60 observer(s). Peculiar objects maneuver over sea. Back 8/25/1995 #42414  
. It began floating up and down in peculiar movements. From a belt around i 2/23/1996 #42776  
eing approached Bragatto and, in a peculiar language that sounded like Span 12/9/1996 #43133  
sheen to it. Still speaking in the peculiar language that the witness was s 12/9/1996 #43133  
ta at 5:30 p.m. he spotted a huge, peculiar oval-shaped cloud in the sky. I 8/11/1999 #43821  
elaxed and at ease. She would have peculiar "dreams" in which several short 10/19/2000 #44060  
dark, domed ovoid object. It had a peculiar knob shape on the bottom of the 12/19/2001 #44297  
ish beams of light. The beams were peculiar because the never seemed to tou 4/8/2004 #44685  
## Word: "peculiar-looking" (Back to Top)
 in Oakland, California, notice a “peculiar-looking contrivance” high in th 11/20/1896 #343  
## Word: "peculiarity" (Back to Top)
ndergone a certain instability and peculiarity in character. Ants, where th 7/30/1957 #13860  
## Word: "peculiarly" (Back to Top)
he Czech Republic], soldiers see a peculiarly colored light above the city. 1960 #16143  
## Word: "pedal" (Back to Top)
 again when the driver pressed the pedal.                                   6/23/1977 #32186  
## Word: "pedal-driven" (Back to Top)
,” kind of a winged balloon with a pedal-driven propellor, plans for which  12/1/1896 #373  
## Word: "pedaling" (Back to Top)
n. The man moves off to the south, pedaling constantly. Around 8:00 p.m., t 7/28/1880 #237  
## Word: "pedalled" (Back to Top)
object ignoring the witness, so he pedalled his bicycle away from the site  8/25/1968 #24377  
 Then he reboarded his bicycle and pedalled home. The creature wore a type  11/1/1995 #42575  
## Word: "pedals" (Back to Top)
utheast, which startles him and he pedals home quickly. The student returns 11/29/1970 #25922  
## Word: "peddie" (Back to Top)
angamahu, New Zealand, Harding and Peddie, sighted three large red lights a 11/29/1968 #24732  
## Word: "peddle" (Back to Top)
FO problem and has twice tried to ‘peddle’ it to NASA—without success.”     4/22/1967 #22208  
## Word: "peddler" (Back to Top)
with red eyes and brown skin. Fish peddler João Bosco Manoel comes across f 1/20/1996 #42693  
## Word: "peddling" (Back to Top)
 from ParaNet for bad behavior and peddling probable disinformation.        10/26/1988 #38697  
elieve him. The young boy, who was peddling spring water around the beach r 8/25/2004 #44742  
## Word: "pedernal" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pedernal” YieldMax: 20KT                 9/29/1971 #26387  
## Word: "pedernales" (Back to Top)
                                   PEDERNALES RIVER, TX Camper. 7M glowing- 4/24/1966 #20394  
                                   Pedernales River, Texas Tom M. Lasseter, 4/24/1966 #20402  
an architect, was camping near the Pedernales River in Texas when he was aw 4/24/1966 #20405  
## Word: "pedestal" (Back to Top)
 Flat 15M disk 10cm thick. Rests / pedestal. Splits! Voices. Quickly going  1/2/1964 (approximate) #18108  
 Top-object / roadside. Lands / 2' pedestal. Spins and hops and flies off!  6/25/1964 #18373  
yramidal sides and a two-foot long pedestal was seen resting on the ground. 6/25/1964 #18376  
 the evening. It stood on a single pedestal that looked like a pillar, and  9/6/1964 #18542  
r moved but stayed together like a pedestal. Their feet were elephant-like. 10/11/1973 #28005  
nd surmounted a single leg, like a pedestal, with a rounded base. The three 9/15/1977 #32485  
room was a pillar with an enormous pedestal. There were 13 aliens in the ro 5/13/1993 #40976  
ject that looked like a globe on a pedestal followed two people in a car fo 12/31/1993 #41338  
## Word: "pedestals" (Back to Top)
n black. Inside were four seats on pedestals, and the light inside the craf 1/24/1968 #23697  
## Word: "pediatric" (Back to Top)
esole, Italy had gone to visit the pediatric ward of the local hospital, an 10/6/1977 #32555  
## Word: "pedley" (Back to Top)
goon, near Tully, Australia George Pedley, 27, was driving his tractor when 1/19/1966 #19857  
 9:00 a.m. A banana grower, George Pedley, is driving a tractor about one h 1/19/1966 #19858  
ustralia, owned by Albert Pennisi. Pedley’s attention is drawn by a hissing 1/19/1966 #19858  
ays rotating. After its departure, Pedley finds a clearly defined, nearly c 1/19/1966 #19858  
## Word: "pedras" (Back to Top)
e Baia dos Patos, near the city of Pedras Negras in Maranhao State, Brazil  11/28/1953 #9325  
## Word: "pedregal" (Back to Top)
field encircled by trees on the El Pedregal farm. It made no noise nor smok 5/8/2004 #44696  
## Word: "pedrera" (Back to Top)
n the evening several villagers in Pedrera, Sevilla, Spain, including a wom 9/24/1992 #40639  
## Word: "pedro" (Back to Top)
                               San Pedro, Los Angeles, California Wyoming M 11/3/1944 #1691  
st Fu-Go balloons floating off San Pedro, Los Angeles, California. National 11/3/1944 #1691  
                               SAN PEDRO AND REDONDO BEACH, CA 3+1 separate 7/4/1947 #2598  
             Agricultural engineer Pedro Bardi's farm in the Madre de Dios  7/19/1952 #6932  
do 4:30 p.m. Agricultural engineer Pedro Bardi and others on a farm in the  7/19/1952 #6932  
              On this day two men, Pedro Serrate and Francisco Teixeira, we 11/28/1953 #9325  
f smaller bodies. Chief Controller Pedro V. Ocamp is still fumbling with bi 3/1/1954 #9588  
mdr. Armando Braulino, pilot Cmdr. Pedro Luiz Teixeira, steward, radio oper 11/21/1954 #11683  
 Brazil Near the site of Case 349, Pedro Morais saw two human beings dresse 12/11/1954 #11800  
               At 5:00 p.m. farmer Pedro Morais of Linha Bela Vista, Rio Gr 12/11/1954 #11802  
ires province, Argentina 9:30 a.m. Pedro Navarro, 25, takes a photograph of 8/30/1955 #12418  
as 10:50 p.m. Farmhand and veteran Pedro Saucedo and Joe Salaz are driving  11/2/1957 #14216  
ja, Brazil Farmers Joao Ernani and Pedro Zilli heard a strange humming soun 11/18/1957 #14575  
ja, Brazil Farmers Joao Ernani and Pedro Zilli heard a strange humming soun 11/18/1957 #14577  
                               San Pedro, California 2:30 p.m. Z. Thad Fogl 12/3/1957 #14666  
o of a saucer off the coast of San Pedro, California. The photo appears in  12/3/1957 #14666  
                               SAN PEDRO, VNZ 3 observer(s). Saucer going d 8/7/1965 #19338  
, 50 feet in diameter, land in San Pedro de los Altos, Venezuela. A shaft o 8/7/1965 #19339  
                           OFF SAN PEDRO, CA 2 observer(s) photograph red-g 12/2/1965 #19748  
                                   Pedro Petrelli of Guernica, Argentina he 7/20/1967 #22712  
ort above from 1965), at 2:00 a.m. Pedro Riera was awakened by someone shak 8/6/1967 #22832  
ela In the San Bernardino section, Pedro Riera, of Avila Ave., was awakened 8/7/1967 #22839  
                      At 2:00 a.m. Pedro Riera of San Bernardino, Caracas,  8/7/1967 #22840  
                                   Pedro Jose Ramirez in Caracas, Venezuela 8/16/1967 #22885  
             Carlos Paz, Argentina Pedro Pretzel, 39, motel owner, observed 6/1968 #23998  
  At 45 minutes after midnight Mr. Pedro Pretzel, a 36-year-old hotel propr 6/14/1968 #24032  
. A few minutes later, her father, Pedro Jacobo Pretzel, arrives and discov 6/15/1968 #24039  
 eleven p.m. a civil servant named Pedro Dema Filho heard a loud humming no 7/17/1968 #24186  
                      At 7:30 p.m. Pedro Aylagas Galvez saw a lighted objec 8/28/1968 #24392  
pped work briefly to watch it. Lt. Pedro Edvaldo De Souza took statements f 7/18/1969 #25280  
pped work briefly to watch it. Lt. Pedro Edvaldo De Souza took statements f 7/18/1969 #25281  
ce of Walter Griehl on the Avenida Pedro Molina in Mendoza, Argentina 12:10 5/24/1971 #26130  
ce of Walter Griehl on the Avenida Pedro Molina in Mendoza, Argentina, when 5/24/1971 #26130  
                               SAN PEDRO DE MACORIS, DOM.REP 2 separate obs 4/28/1973 #27452  
ken to the local police station in Pedro Avila. When he felt better he left 9/25/1977 #32519  
even seen from Safi, Morocco. Maj. Pedro Ortega García and Capt. José Juan  3/5/1979 #34465  
                               SAN PEDRO CHANNEL, CA 2 observer(s) / Hollyw 12/10/1980 #35707  
ally for five minutes over the San Pedro Channel offshore of Los Angeles, C 12/10/1980 #35709  
ba, Argentina. It was witnessed by Pedro Heslop of Austral Airlines and Alb 10/31/1981 #36197  
Ribeiro de Oliveira and his friend Pedro Rodrigues da Silva, had gone hunti 3/5/1992 #40359  
right light enveloped both men and Pedro ran and hid behind some nearby bus 3/5/1992 #40359  
 into the object, while his friend Pedro watched in terror as he saw Luis b 3/5/1992 #40359  
uis being taken up into the light. Pedro saw Luis enter the round light and 3/5/1992 #40359  
 Terrified but determined to help, Pedro armed himself with a shotgun and s 3/5/1992 #40359  
ter Luis appeared in town and told Pedro what had happened to him after he  3/5/1992 #40359  
ng a little dizzy, he searched for Pedro and found his shotgun, and then wa 3/5/1992 #40359  
 Brazil Varginha Brig. Gen. Sergio Pedro Coelho Lima, commander of the Esco 5/8/1996 #42900  
t hovering low over a field in San Pedro Toxin, Jalisco State, Mexico at 11 5/16/1996 #42903  
               At 7:00 p.m. in San Pedro, California a set of 7-10 flashing 11/13/2002 #44440  
r-shaped object was sighted in San Pedro, Los Angeles County, California at 2/26/2007 #45008  
## Word: "pedroche" (Back to Top)
                                   Pedroche, Córdoba, Spain A businessman a 5/15/1974 #29105  
ain A businessman and a teacher in Pedroche, Córdoba, Spain, see a round ob 5/15/1974 #29105  
r car as they drove on the road in Pedroche, Spain. The object was describe 5/15/1974 #29106  
## Word: "pedrona" (Back to Top)
                         GIJON AND PEDRONA AND AS PONTES, SPAIN Wave / ovoi 1/1996 #42660  
## Word: "pedrosa" (Back to Top)
                                   PEDROSA DEL REY, SP Cylinder/cylindrical 7/17/1975 #30185  
## Word: "peebles" (Back to Top)
                                   PEEBLES AND LANGENBURG AND LK LENORE, SS 9/1974 (approximate) #29410  
## Word: "peek" (Back to Top)
vation lasts 3 hours as the couple peek out of the window periodically. At  6/25/1974 #29224  
## Word: "peekaboo" (Back to Top)
rs. Night light follows car. Plays peekaboo. Engine and lights electro-magn 3/13/1967 #21878  
nd out of its cloud as if playing “peekaboo.”                               10/10/1973 #27981  
## Word: "peeked" (Back to Top)
ter who was asleep. She cautiously peeked through the curtain and watched i 7/15/1977 #32275  
 in his tent, very scared. He then peeked out of the tent and saw 12 to 15  9/16/2007 #45059  
## Word: "peeking" (Back to Top)
ng 3.5 feet tall, with a baldhead, peeking out from behind a tree. He did n 8/13/1965 #19384  
## Word: "peeks" (Back to Top)
HOW, WA 3 / home. 1M luminous disk peeks / windows! Hides from observers. F 2/13/1966 #19900  
s maneuver. Bizarre "electric man" peeks going [to] door! / Flying Saucer R 10/16/1973 #28068  
studies car. Hovers and maneuvers. Peeks / home windows.                    11/11/1979 #34994  
ight delta/triangle/box-like craft peeks / clouds over large military convo 2/11/1992 #40327  
## Word: "peekskill" (Back to Top)
                                   Peekskill, New York Mr. and Mrs. Forster 2/1954 #9521  
, New York Mr. and Mrs. Forster of Peekskill, New York, see a UFO on the gr 2/1954 #9521  
                              NEAR PEEKSKILL, NY 2 IBM programmers abductio 8/23/1958? #15218  
            MAHOPAC AND CARMEL AND PEEKSKILL, NY Extra moon changes color(s 8/4/1976 #31228  
                                   PEEKSKILL, NY AND NEARBY COUNTIES Many o 8/20/1976 #31281  
                        TAPPAN AND PEEKSKILL, NY Several calls / cops. 3 br 8/30/1976 #31314  
                                   PEEKSKILL AND YORKTOWN AND BEDFORD, NY A 3/25/1984 #37241  
             Taconic State Parkway Peekskill, New York Night. Hundreds of p 3/25/1984 #37245  
ver the Taconic State Parkway near Peekskill, New York. The lights seem to  3/25/1984 #37245  
                                   PEEKSKILL, NY Delta/triangle/box-like cr 6/14/1984 #37358  
                                   Peekskill, NY UFO Hovers Over Nuclear Po 6/24/1984 #37377  
t at Buchanan, New York Camp Smith Peekskill 9:00 p.m. Security police at I 7/24/1984 #37412  
 the UFO over the plant. Police in Peekskill receive quite a few calls that 7/24/1984 #37412  
                                   Peekskill, New York Ossining, New York U 10/5/1984 #37477  
rom an interview with witnesses in Peekskill, New York, on US Highway 9 whe 10/5/1984 #37477  
 New York; large meteorite fell in Peekskill, NY. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 10/9/1992 #40669  
 New York. Large meteorite fell in Peekskill, NY.                           10/9/1992 #40670  
                                   Peekskill, New York 7:50 p.m. A fragment 10/9/1992 #40671  
ichelle Knapp while she is home in Peekskill, New York. She goes outside af 10/9/1992 #40671  
## Word: "peel" (Back to Top)
rtington Just before dawn. Cecilia Peel Yates of Ashburton, Devon, England, Late 6/1915 #929  
The six swoop around in formation, peel off, and shoot directly up and down 5/21/1953 #8896  
kin on his hands and feet begin to peel and Demler is a nervous wreck. His  4/5/1967 #22066  
                                   Peel Tree, WV Elliptical object hovered  5/1/1967 #22260  
## Word: "peeled" (Back to Top)
ects "swooped around in formation, peeled off, and shot directly up and dow 5/21/1953 #8895  
o Paulo state, Brazil at dusk. One peeled off from the others, diving low o 12/13/1954 #11805  
afternoon in 1954. One of the UFOs peeled off, dove low over the roof of a  12/14/1954 #11808  
ter, and the top layer of his skin peeled off the next few days.            4/5/1967 #22068  
miles east of Poteet, Texas. Paint peeled from the car due to something dri 11/13/1973 #28418  
## Word: "peeling" (Back to Top)
 Chicago, Illinois. Red sparks are peeling away from its nose and it has mu 6/1925 #1047  
ological effects (perspiration and peeling skin) were reported after 12 hou 4/5/1967 #22064  
e next morning he noticed his skin peeling around his nose, forehead, and f 12/14/1978 #34127  
 reddened. She develops a rash and peeling skin the next day.               1/5/1979 #34302  
## Word: "peels" (Back to Top)
 blotches. By November 2, the skin peels off and the blotches are round sor 10/24/1886 #276  
s making 6–7 barrel rolls. It then peels off in a straight line, headed nor 6/2/1919 #986  
ht / B47s east going quickly west. Peels off and vanishes east going quickl 11/2/1954 #11533  
hwest. Car rocks. Observer(s) skin peels. / r41p208.                        4/5/1967 #22056  
en figure(s) try / stop car. Paint peels.                                   11/13/1973 (approximate) #28417  
, SC 1 observer. Large silver disk peels away from Cessna plane / low altit 11/12/1977 #32665  
## Word: "peeltree" (Back to Top)
                                   PEELTREE, WV Car and radio electro-magne 5/1/1967 #22259  
                                   Peeltree, West Virginia Night. A man’s c 5/1/1967 #22262  
ine fails while he is driving near Peeltree, West Virginia. He sees a 40-fo 5/1/1967 #22262  
## Word: "peenemünde" (Back to Top)
                           Germany Peenemünde German test pilot Heini Dittm 10/2/1941 #1371  
t-powered Messerschmidt Me 163A at Peenemünde, Germany.                     10/2/1941 #1371  
                           England Peenemünde, Germany A Polish bomber unit Autumn 1943 #1530  
ided the Nazi V-1 weapons plant in Peenemünde, Germany. RAF intelligence of Autumn 1943 #1530  
Sea Hiiumaa island, Estonia Latvia Peenemünde, Germany Parikkala in Finland 8/13/1946 #2128  
iiumaa island, Estonia; Latvia; or Peenemünde, Germany. Gen. Joseph T. McNa 8/13/1946 #2128  
ces in Europe Theater replies that Peenemünde is a likely origin, since the 8/13/1946 #2128  
ché in Stockholm suspects Hiiumaa, Peenemünde, or Parikkala in Finland, whi 8/13/1946 #2128  
                            Moscow Peenemünde, Germany The US military atta 8/19/1946 #2144  
the ghost rocket launch site is at Peenemünde, Germany. The rockets appear  8/19/1946 #2144  
                                   Peenemünde East Germany Moscow Gulf of B 8/22/1946 #2150  
the “weight of evidence” points to Peenemünde (which has become a Soviet na 8/22/1946 #2150  
tting leads to the conclusion that Peenemünde is the launch site. CIG specu 8/22/1946 #2150  
                   London, England Peenemünde, Germany Finland Capt. J. B.  2/17/1947 #2241  
liable.” They seem to originate in Peenemünde, Germany, and fly toward Finl 2/17/1947 #2241  
Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio Peenemünde, Germany Robert Emmett Ginna  3/3/1952 #5942  
 former German rocket scientist at Peenemünde, Germany, tells Ginna he has  3/3/1952 #5942  
                                   Peenemünde (on Usedom) Lubmin Greifswald 8/24/1990 #39701  
y hover for nearly 30 minutes near Peenemünde (on Usedom) and the Soviet-bu 8/24/1990 #39701  
## Word: "peep" (Back to Top)
ling themselves The Two (or Bo and Peep), Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Ne 9/14/1975 #30360  
ie Nettles (formerly called Bo and Peep).                                   3/26/1997 #43240  
## Word: "peer" (Back to Top)
e foresees problems with workload, peer pressure, and prejudgment—an enormo 10/31/1977 #32643  
e and it is not well understood or peer reviewed.  https://www.abovetopsecr 3/13/2015 #45435  
## Word: "peer-reviewed" (Back to Top)
uthors what he claims is the first peer-reviewed paper describing deep-brai 1952 #5837  
ia Ukraine Russia France Italy The peer-reviewed European Journal of UFO an 9/1999 #43838  
 a failure to review all available peer-reviewed literature. When asked if  10/2008 #45173  
## Word: "peered" (Back to Top)
atedly popped up at the doorway or peered into the windows.                 4/21/1955 #12096  
eature shuffled onto the porch and peered into windows. It was gone by the  11/16/1966 #21110  
d he wore a turtleneck garment and peered intently into the witness's face. 4/5/1969 #25051  
uptly looked up and out at her and peered directly at her, leaning out of t 6/23/1973 #27584  
oid with eyes "like balls of fire" peered through his window. Afterwards th 10/23/1973 #28253  
oid with eyes "like balls of fire" peered at him through his car window. Af 10/24/1973 #28272  
d. Crouching behind her window she peered out and noticed a light like a fl 12/6/1978 #34068  
ght outside his landing window. He peered out and saw a glowing ball the si 4/17/1993 #40940  
up of Grey alien looking creatures peered in the window at her. She was not 11/18/1993 #41284  
## Word: "peering" (Back to Top)
oached to about 30 feet from them, peering over a small ridge. Next to them 6/17/1950 #4992  
bout 8–11 humanoid figures who are peering out of the craft’s windows, seem 9/19/1961 #16857  
rown color. They stood motionless, peering out, while several additional sh 10/24/1967 #23309  
an ordinary average guy," was seen peering out from a window inside the cra 3/17/1969 #25021  
e of some figures who seemed to be peering over a console or instrument pan 8/15/1970 #25787  
s incident or not, the witness was peering out his kitchen window and sight 9/25/1970 #25852  
mysterious dark "prowler" was seen peering through windows.                 12/7/1970 #25934  
 about inside. Some appeared to be peering down out of the windows. The bac 7/10/1973 #27627  
nches of slush surrounds the hole. Peering into the hole, McCarthy sees som 1/10/1977 #31715  
bove the ground. A second being is peering over a fence at them. The encoun 1/12/1983 #36745  
w what looked like an eye-like orb peering in through the window. (NICAP: 0 12/31/1984 #37538  
w what looked like an eye-like orb peering in through the window. It turn a 12/31/1984 #37539  
aw a strange being with large eyes peering at her through the window and sc 5/1/1989 #38932  
head and large almond-shaped eyes, peering in the window at her. The creatu 8/28/2009 #45239  
## Word: "peers" (Back to Top)
e of the ridicule generated by his peers in the military.                   4/10/1957 #13593  
oad from a field. He sits down and peers intently at passing cars. Houffer  1/26/1965 #18769  
                                   PEERS, ALTA "Truck" / roadside = saucer. 10/14/1975 #30429  
 WALES 1+kids. Large silver figure peers / window. Sphere/orb/globe chases  4/26/1977 #32028  
 is away from the car window as he peers out. Although the redness fades, t 5/13/1978 #33202  
 Tosteson, appoints a committee of peers to confidentially review Departmen 5/1994 #41510  
## Word: "peesane" (Back to Top)
                            EAST / PEESANE, SSK 2 / farm. Green night light 5/12/1975 #30050  
                                   Peesane, Saskatchewan Carson's farmhouse 5/12/1975 #30052  
in his farmhouse 2.5 miles east of Peesane, Saskatchewan, when he and his w 5/12/1975 #30052  
ing over an area two miles east of Peesane, Saskatchewan for 12 minutes. It 5/12/1975 #30054  
## Word: "peg's" (Back to Top)
t 10:55 p.m. between Ashington and Peg's Wood, Northumberland, England felt 2/13/1967 #21538  
## Word: "pegamoid" (Back to Top)
 skin was brown-green, compared to pegamoid, hands normal. The creature wal Fall 1938 #1295  
## Word: "pegase" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pegase” YieldMax: 20KT                   7/27/1970 #25754  
## Word: "pegaso" (Back to Top)
a north of Algeria by radar in the Pegaso control room at Torrejón Air Base 3/13/1979 #34474  
 about the lights, but neither the Pegaso Defense Radar Center in Torrejón  11/11/1979 #34997  
a Mancha 4:20 p.m. The underground Pegaso Defense Radar Center at Torrejón  11/17/1979 #35005  
o the UHF-1 channel linking him to Pegaso: “Hello, how are you? Hello, hell 11/17/1979 #35005  
## Word: "pegasus" (Back to Top)
experimented on in a DARPA Project Pegasus that utilized the “Montauk chair 1/1971 #25963  
 quickly [to] away seconds later. [Pegasus re-entry? ].                     9/14/1979 #34877  
laims he served in a DARPA Project Pegasus in the 1970s which utilized time 1981 #35765  
 signed affidavit alleging Project Pegasus gave the DOD foreknowledge of th 1981 #35765  
ng and time travel under a Project Pegasus are exaggeration. Green says the 8/7/2004 #44727  
## Word: "peggy" (Back to Top)
h of Marquette, Michigan 7:00 p.m. Peggy Iery sees a large central white li 1/27/1983 #36754  
## Word: "pegram" (Back to Top)
 with American physicist George B. Pegram as the vice chairman.             6/28/1941 #1367  
## Word: "pegs" (Back to Top)
 circles potato patch 30x. Slow. 6 pegs / top.                              9/5/1956 (approximate) #13188  
SIDE, CA 1 / car. 18cm sphere with pegs protruding buzzes car / eye level c 12/20/1983 #37078  
uzzed by a 7" wide sphere that had pegs protruding from it. It flew by the  12/20/1983 #37079  
uzzed by a 7” wide sphere that had pegs protruding from it. It flew by the  12/20/1983 #37080  
## Word: "pegswood" (Back to Top)
            A197 ASHINGTON TO/FROM PEGSWOOD, ENGL Static / car radio. Visua 2/13/1967 #21531  
## Word: "pehuajo" (Back to Top)
                                   PEHUAJO, ARG J. Arigues sees saucer / 60 7/24/1947 #3225  
## Word: "pehuelches" (Back to Top)
                                   Pehuelches station, Buenos Aires, Argent 5/20/1959 #15741  
hunting rabbits about 7 miles from Pehuelches station, Buenos Aires, Argent 5/20/1959 #15741  
## Word: "pei" (Back to Top)
                    NORTH BEDEQUE, PEI Farmer and separate observer(s). Fas 7/1/1947 #2508  
                   AUGUSTINE COVE, PEI Farmer. Bright round "apple-shape" n 7/3/1947 #2564  
                       SHERBROOKE, PEI 2 observer(s). Fireball northwest go 7/3/1947 #2565  
                    VILLAGE GREEN, PEI Farmer. Black cylinder/cigar-shape w 7/3/1947 #2566  
                  NEAR SUMMERSIDE, PEI 3 observer(s). Dark disk going quick 7/7/1957 #13780  
                       SUMMERSIDE, PEI 8 pilots and more. UFO going down. H 9/21/1966 #20905  
                          BEDEQUE, PEI 2 / car. Lampshade glowing-saucer go 9/30/1977 #32533  
                  NEAR WELLINGTON, PEI 1 / car. Red-glow 40' saucer paces c 1/25/1980 #35145  
                         EBENEZER, PEI Several observer(s). Green cone land 8/22/1990 #39697  
## Word: "peierls" (Back to Top)
alia Otto Robert Frisch and Rudolf Peierls, two researchers at the Universi 3/1940 #1326  
## Word: "peimeter" (Back to Top)
 a row of glowing ports around its peimeter. The object moved up-and-down a 5/29/1971 #26142  
## Word: "peixoto" (Back to Top)
n the pre-dawn hours on the Amaral Peixoto Highway in Brazil when the road  8/9/1972 #26890  
## Word: "pekan" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pekan” YieldMax: 20KT                    8/12/1963 #17889  
                                   PEKAN, PAHANG, MALAYSIA Hundreds / obser 3/25/1987 #38154  
                                   PEKAN, PAHANG, MLYS TV crew. Dazzling ob 4/19/1987 #38162  
## Word: "pekin" (Back to Top)
                                   PEKIN, IL Several observer(s). Low-flyin 5/18/1973 #27502  
                                   Pekin, IL 10:00 p.m. A large "unidentifi 5/18/1973 #27505  
## Word: "pekinese" (Back to Top)
ad a "pushed in" nose similar to a Pekinese. The color of its skin was "blu 11/21/1974 #29601  
## Word: "peking" (Back to Top)
study UFOs had been established in Peking.                                  11/24/1980 #35663  
oeing 747 encountered a UFO on the Peking to Paris flight that almost force 6/11/1985 #37599  
## Word: "pelabuhan" (Back to Top)
anded in a field during the day in Pelabuhan Klang, Selangor province, Mala 9/28/1990 #39751  
## Word: "pelacoy" (Back to Top)
                             N20 / PELACOY / FR 2 / car. 2 huge cigars sout 3/31/1993 #40908  
## Word: "pelchy" (Back to Top)
rcellus, New York 6:00 p.m. Elaine Pelchy is driving with her 2-year-old so 11/25/1968 #24704  
rges into the star and disappears. Pelchy drops her son off at her mother-i 11/25/1968 #24704  
## Word: "pelee" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pelee” Yield: 150KT                      11/19/1987 #38329  
## Word: "pelem" (Back to Top)
                    ST. NICOLAS DU PELEM, FR 2 observer(s). Red-orange cyli 12/8/1979 #35060  
## Word: "pelham" (Back to Top)
                                   PELHAM AND DAWSON AND ADEL, GA Blue-gree 8/31/1973 #27733  
                                   PELHAM, GA Saucer going down / farm. Cow 8/6/1977 #32364  
                                   Pelham, GA 10:30 AM. Tom Dawson, 63, a r 8/6/1977 #32365  
                                   Pelham, GA 10:30 AM. Tom Dawson, 63, a r 8/6/1977 #32366  
## Word: "pelican" (Back to Top)
                                   PELICAN LAKE, UT SR88 11M south / US40.  10/15/1968 #24562  
                                   PELICAN LAKE, UT Dirt-sucking tube-torna 11/14/1968 #24653  
   Around 4:30 in the afternoon at Pelican Lake, Utah two hunters saw a sil 11/14/1968 #24657  
## Word: "pelicans" (Back to Top)
 Arnold observed a flight of white pelicans is equally improbable. Research 6/24/1947 #2398  
 in 2007 that Arnold may have seen pelicans, based on their movements, but  7/12/1947 #3157  
## Word: "pelice" (Back to Top)
                                   Pelice, France Enormous disc; circular l 8/12/1944 #1642  
## Word: "pelion" (Back to Top)
                 HIGH SLOPES / MT. PELION, GREECE 2 observer(s). Soup-bowl  11/1954 #11504  
## Word: "pell" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHEAST / PELL CITY, AL Sky lit. Car malfunctions  11/6/1957 #14360  
                                   Pell City, AL Car motor stalled, as driv 11/6/1957 #14404  
                              NEAR PELL CITY, AL 2 / car. 2 cylinders / col 10/22/1970 #25884  
ingbird, an aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell, D-R.I.), USAF Capt. Robert M. Coll Fall 1986 #38034  
erved as an aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell from 1985-1991.  https://www.abovet 4/15/1993 #40934  
## Word: "pellery" (Back to Top)
                                   PELLERY, 21, FRANCE Vertical cloud cigar 10/2/1954 #10597  
## Word: "pellet" (Back to Top)
 was treated with what looked like pellet wounds.                           5/21/1971 #26121  
## Word: "pellets" (Back to Top)
agments and reports that the shiny pellets are largely silver mixed with a  7/9/1947 #3068  
d was engulfed in the blaze. Metal pellets were found.                      8/27/1954 #10191  
ction / Portola Road ablaze. Metal pellets found.                           8/28/1954 #10194  
rive and find odd, crumbling black pellets on the edge of the lake. Divers  2/1961 #16593  
ubmerged pieces of broken ice. The pellets seem to be an inorganic substanc 2/1961 #16593  
celerates upward, and speeds away. Pellets from the UFO, apparently from th 5/16/1981 #35940  
allic fabric debris, lead and iron pellets, and magnetic anomalies. Tempera 1/29/1986 #37776  
## Word: "pelley" (Back to Top)
d white supremacist William Dudley Pelley claims he has an out-of-body expe 5/1928 #1085  
 mystic and fascist William Dudley Pelley. Mostly he contributes UFO news f Summer 1954 #9918  
news for the magazine, but some of Pelley’s anti-Semitic attitudes creep in Summer 1954 #9918  
## Word: "pelly" (Back to Top)
                                   PELLY CROSSING, YKN 7 separate / observe 12/11/1996 #43135  
erritory, Canada Fox Lake Carmacks Pelly Crossing Mayo 7:00–8:30 p.m. At le 12/11/1996 #43137  
central Yukon: Fox Lake, Carmacks, Pelly Crossing, and Mayo, with 6, 9, 8,  12/11/1996 #43137  
## Word: "pelona" (Back to Top)
                 New Mexico Corona Pelona Peak Datil Loa Alamos National La 11/1/2005 #44898  
hwest of Corona, and the second at Pelona Peak, south of Datil. The Corona  11/1/2005 #44898  
 Mexico southwest of Corona and at Pelona Peak, one live entity was found a 11/1/2005 #44899  
## Word: "pelotas" (Back to Top)
                                   PELOTAS, BRAZIL Firemen and more/others. 10/12/1954 #10964  
                                   PELOTAS TO/FROM CAMAGUA, RGS, BRZ Ball / 5/21/1969 #25152  
                       NORTHEAST / PELOTAS, BRZ Silent 25M metallic saucer  10/31/1971 #26440  
meters over a tractor northeast of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The  10/31/1971 #26441  
                                   Pelotas, Rio Grande de Sul, Brazil Luis  1972 #26532  
o e Pesquiso de Discos Voadores in Pelotas, Rio Grande de Sul, Brazil. It p 1972 #26532  
                            WEST / PELOTAS, BRZ 300 sheep mutilated. Blood  6/1972 #26692  
top. At eight p.m. that evening in Pelotas, Brazil in the state of Rio Gran 3/2/1978 #33011  
                                   PELOTAS, BRZ Blue beam zaps man. Abducti 3/3/1978 #33012  
                                   Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil The w 5/10/1978 #33194  
 witness was walking home alone in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil when  5/10/1978 #33199  
                       SOUTHEAST / PELOTAS, BRAZIL 4 / plane. Silent 150M p 10/5/1996 #43054  
 Light plane going [to] under. See Pelotas above..                          10/5/1996 #43055  
 do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Brazil Pelotas Airport 10:00 a.m. Businessman-p 10/5/1996 #43057  
rs at the Infraero control room at Pelotas Airport visually confirm the obs 10/5/1996 #43057  
raer-712 aircraft 35 miles east of Pelotas Airport, Brazil at 10:30 a.m. A  10/5/1996 #43058  
## Word: "pelotense" (Back to Top)
 Rosário Real founds the Sociedade Pelotense de Investigacão e Pesquiso de  1972 #26532  
## Word: "pelpos" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pelpos” Yield: 20KT                      4/4/1980 #35255  
## Word: "pelted" (Back to Top)
rd in Cincinnati, Ohio when he was pelted with a dark reddish colored liqui 7/22/1955 #12280  
## Word: "pelting" (Back to Top)
 Wisconsin. The witnesses saw rain pelting off the back of the UFO as it fl 10/31/2001 #44270  
## Word: "pemberton" (Back to Top)
                  At 10:10 p.m. in Pemberton, British Columbia four witness 11/25/1999 #43887  
## Word: "pemberville" (Back to Top)
                                   PEMBERVILLE, OH Red object darkens / lan 6/13/1964 #18349  
## Word: "pembine" (Back to Top)
                                   PEMBINE, WS Whine then silence. Glowing  2/26/1982 #36372  
## Word: "pembroke" (Back to Top)
                                   Pembroke, Ontario, CAN Dog raised alarm  5/11/1969 #25124  
               RED SPRINGS TO/FROM PEMBROKE, NC SR710. Deputies report UFO  4/4/1975 #29965  
                                   PEMBROKE, NC CUFOS team and cops. Silent 4/5/1975 #29967  
                           NORTH / PEMBROKE, NC Cop and 5. 5 night lights / 4/6/1975 #29971  
 Strickland farm one mile north of Pembroke, North Carolina at an estimated 4/6/1975 #29977  
     Broad Haven Primary School in Pembroke, Wales RAF Brawdy [now Cawdor B 2/4/1977 #31790  
, at Broad Haven Primary School in Pembroke, Wales, are playing football wh 2/4/1977 #31790  
                     Little Haven, Pembroke, Wales Early morning. Rosa Gran 4/19/1977 #32001  
 Haven Fort Hotel in Little Haven, Pembroke, Wales, is disturbed by a stran 4/19/1977 #32001  
                                   PEMBROKE, ON 1 observer. Huge silent bla 11/18/1993 (approximate) #41282  
                                   PEMBROKE PINES, FL 1 observer. Green tri 1/13/1995 #41972  
                                   PEMBROKE PINES, FL 1 / car. Blimp / W. s 4/19/1995 #42158  
## Word: "pembrokeshire" (Back to Top)
           Loch Ness Tenby harbor, Pembrokeshire, Wales 7:00 p.m. Loch Ness 10/8/1966 #20974  
 lifeboat slipway at Tenby harbor, Pembrokeshire, Wales, when he and other  10/8/1966 #20974  
choolboys at Broad Haven school in Pembrokeshire, Wales saw a huge silvery  2/4/1977 #31792  
                                   Pembrokeshire, Walws During the day a te 2/17/1977 #31824  
n workers at Broad Haven school in Pembrokeshire, Wales watched a silvery y 2/17/1977 #31825  
                        Pen-Y-Cwm, Pembrokeshire, Wales 9:00 PM. Stephen Ta 3/13/1977 #31903  
                        Pen-Y-Cwm, Pembrokeshire, Wales 9:00 PM. Stephen Ta 3/13/1977 #31904  
s girlfriend's house in Pen-Y-Cwm, Pembrokeshire, Wales when he saw an oran 3/13/1977 #31906  
                    Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales 5:00 AM. Mr. Cyril  4/7/1977 #31956  
don at 5:00 a.m. in Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales when he noticed a l 4/7/1977 #31957  
                     Little Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales 2:00 AM. The radio  4/19/1977 #31997  
                     Little Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales 2:00 AM. The radio  4/19/1977 #31998  
                     Little Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales 2:00 AM. The radio  4/19/1977 #31999  
                     Little Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales. At two o'clock in  4/19/1977 #32002  
                     Herbrandston, Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK Mark Marston, a 4/20/1977 #32004  
 nests in a hedge in Herbrandston, Pembrokeshire, Wales when "a red glow ap 4/20/1977 #32005  
t their Ripperston farm near Dale, Pembrokeshire, Wales when they saw a sil 4/24/1977 #32021  
                    Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales Pauline Coombes rep 4/26/1977 #32029  
 into her window at Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales, for an hour. She d 4/26/1977 #32029  
Middle Cliff field, at St. Brides, Pembrokeshire, Wales not farm from their 5/15/1977 #32096  
r Ripperston Farm home near Dyfed, Pembrokeshire, Wales at around three o'c 10/30/1977 #32639  
raveling between Haverfordwest and Pembrokeshire. He calculated its speed a 3/30/1993 #40906  
## Word: "pemex" (Back to Top)
                                   Pemex oil refinery in Tapachula, Chiapas 8/28/2004 #44744  
e of an airliner is seen above the Pemex oil refinery in Tapachula, Chiapas 8/28/2004 #44744  
## Word: "pemigewasset" (Back to Top)
ollege New Hampshire Interstate 93 Pemigewasset River floodplain Campton, N 10/20/1978 #33847  
 at a height of 100 feet above the Pemigewasset River floodplain in Campton 10/20/1978 #33847  
## Word: "pen" (Back to Top)
 awakened by a noise in the cattle pen of their ranch at Yates Center, Kans 4/19/1897 #538  
er(s). Silver disk going [to] over pen factory. 5M cylinder/cigar-shape goi 4/7/1950 #4809  
 silver, rotating disc flew over a pen factory in Fort Madison, Iowa. It le 4/7/1950 #4819  
st 5 minutes over a busy drive-in. Pen Meyer, another service station atten 2/5/1960 #16168  
ch shell, and a poisonous fountain pen.                                     3/17/1960 #16200  
directions. Fascinated / ballpoint pen.                                     1/3/1967 (approximate) #21245  
He was fascinated with a ballpoint pen, as if he had never seen one before. 1/3/1967 #21252  
writing them down with a ballpoint pen on his bare arms. They next told him 1/25/1968 #23700  
 when she discovers that her sheep pen is covered with a net made of some p 3/10/1968 #23834  
like material, and that inside the pen is a helmeted being, 3.5 ft tall, wh 3/10/1968 #23834  
 netting. The woman approaches the pen with a cudgel, upon which the being  3/10/1968 #23834  
heard noises coming from her sheep pen located between the towns of Uyini a 5/14/1968 #23962  
o investigate. She found the sheep pen covered with some form of plastic ne 5/14/1968 #23962  
eenager is putting hay in a rabbit pen at his home in the East Linden neigh Late 9/1968 #24511  
 feet a shed attached to the sheep pen. The rumbling is replaced by a high- 11/2/1971 #26449  
 in his hand: it was the very same pen that had mysteriously vanished from  12/6/1971 #26490  
LVERT, TX 3 / car. Saucer over cow pen. Tower and antennas. Whoosh / takeof 12/11/1973 #28554  
erver(s). Luminous green "fountain pen" in sky / 30 minute(s).              3/7/1974 #28864  
. Using a metal cage, the entities pen in one cow and seem to measure it. T 1/27/1978 #32919  
ras, Mendoza, Argentina fled their pen in panic. The noise from the goats w 5/1/1979 #34538  
## Word: "pen-like" (Back to Top)
lmets with antennas. One carried a pen-like instrument, which he pointed to 8/26/1995 #42417  
## Word: "pen-shaped" (Back to Top)
ne County, Texas reported seeing a pen-shaped or oblong metallic cylinder-s 11/9/2006 #44983  
## Word: "pen-y-cwm" (Back to Top)
                                   Pen-Y-Cwm, Pembrokeshire, Wales 9:00 PM. 3/13/1977 #31903  
                                   Pen-Y-Cwm, Pembrokeshire, Wales 9:00 PM. 3/13/1977 #31904  
visit to his girlfriend's house in Pen-Y-Cwm, Pembrokeshire, Wales when he  3/13/1977 #31906  
## Word: "penaat" (Back to Top)
 fracture, and stewardess Naomi J. Penaat breaks an ankle. The object is on 4/14/1954 #9690  
## Word: "penalties" (Back to Top)
recent months and threatens severe penalties for violating security.        10/23/2010 #45303  
ot have seen” and threatens severe penalties for violating security.  https 10/23/2010 #45304  
## Word: "penalty" (Back to Top)
alking about their sightings under penalty of 10 years in prison or $10,000 12/21/1958 #15494  
rder of talking about sightings by penalty of 10 years in prison or $10,000 12/21/1958 #15495  
 to speak about the incident under penalty of court-martial.  Jenkins state 10/1973 #27903  
## Word: "penalva" (Back to Top)
                                   PENALVA, BRZ Boy abduction / 81 hours. P 3/24/1978 #33076  
                                   Penalva, Maranhão, Brazil Scrub forest S 3/24/1978 #33078  
g guava in the forest just west of Penalva, Maranhão, Brazil, when he hears 3/24/1978 #33078  
y had gone out into the woods near Penalva, Maranhao, Brazil and disappeare 3/24/1978 #33079  
                  On this night in Penalva, Maranhao State, Brazil a witnes 8/23/1978 #33556  
## Word: "penang" (Back to Top)
ear old student in Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia reported seeing about 2 8/19/1970 #25796  
eral young boys in Bukit Mertajam, Penang province, Malaysia encountered a  8/20/1970 #25799  
## Word: "penaranda" (Back to Top)
               MACOTERA GOING [TO] PENARANDA, SP Night light on roadside. V 4/21/1969 #25078  
ng through the countryside between Penaranda and Macotera in Salamanca, Spa 4/21/1969 #25079  
## Word: "penasco" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Penasco” YieldMax: 20KT                  11/19/1970 #25909  
## Word: "penberville" (Back to Top)
                                   Penberville, Ohio Karen Fahle saw a brig 6/13/1964 #18351  
       At 9:00 p.m. Karen Fahle of Penberville, Ohio saw a bright object co 6/13/1964 #18353  
## Word: "penchant" (Back to Top)
siderable technical know-how and a penchant for pranks.                     2/15/1957 #13509  
## Word: "pencil" (Back to Top)
HAPEVILLE, GA Silent bright red 6M pencil shape going south. Flickers like  4/9/1950 (approximate) #4834  
NORTH PORTLAND, OR Long "sharpened pencil" paces plane / higher altitude th 8/20/1950 #5129  
a pocket and with something like a pencil draws circles, apparently represe 8/20/1954 #10157  
t of his coverall that resembled a pencil and what appeared to be a piece o 8/20/1954 #10158  
tood staring fixedly at her, and a pencil beam of orange light came from hi 10/19/1954 #11252  
nd his missing jacket. There was a pencil in a buttonhole with a piece of p 2/28/1959 #15624  
he bottom part assuming a vertical pencil shape, which fades away. The whol 4/11/1964 #18169  
ike asbestos rope and as wide as a pencil. On the same day, web-like “fine  5/11/1968 #23958  
        WHITEFIELD, ME Minister. 2 pencil rays / light through window. Clas 9/23/1968 #24500  
NNAY, SWITZ Saucer / low altitude. Pencil beams shine going down. Saucer go 1/6/1976 #30765  
f the men’s eyes and mouths with a pencil size rod with a light on its tip. 8/26/1976 #31307  
ness told his daughter bring him a pencil and paper so he could make a sket 7/12/1977 #32266  
oorknob to go inside, a lime-green pencil of light comes from the object an 9/10/1981 #36108  
distortion while in contact with a pencil thin, green beam of light from a  9/10/1981 #36109  
A, QLD, AUS Woman / garden. Silver pencil shape going south. Phone problems 10/22/1990 #39804  
## Word: "pencil-cloud" (Back to Top)
           RICHMOND, CA Slow fiery pencil-cloud going east from bay. Dozens 9/19/1951 #5680  
## Word: "pencil-like" (Back to Top)
round, two small humanoids pointed pencil-like device at witness, paralyzin 7/1/1965 #19046  
ation. One of the figures points a pencil-like object at Masse and he is pa 7/1/1965 #19047  
Her blanket was removed and a thin pencil-like device was used to prod and  10/16/1973 #28089  
thigh that was quickly healed by a pencil-like device that was passed over  3/7/1987 #38133  
## Word: "pencil-shape" (Back to Top)
 ANGELES, CA B25 Test Pilot. Metal pencil-shape hovers / goes slowly. No fu 7/30/1954 #10064  
## Word: "pencil-shaped" (Back to Top)
nd, when he and other airmen see a pencil-shaped, metallic object moving fa Summer 1944 #1612  
                      A bright red pencil-shaped UFO, about six meters in l 4/9/1950 #4835  
  Los Angeles (15 miles SE of), CA Pencil-Shaped Object Encountered By B-25 7/30/1954 #10067  
ying a B-25 bomber.  One metallic, pencil-shaped object flew slowly or hove 7/30/1954 #10068  
r 3 minutes, they see a horizontal pencil-shaped object moving from left to 4/11/1964 #18169  
 awoke at 2:30 a.m. EDT to see two pencil-shaped beams of light coming thro 9/23/1968 #24504  
p.m. a very bright, multi-colored, pencil-shaped object flew directly over  11/28/1978 #34021  
           SELBY, NORTH YORKS Thin pencil-shaped object. Red and blue runni 1/4/1988 #38401  
all of light. At 8:45 p.m. a thin, pencil-shaped UFO with red and blue runn 1/4/1988 #38404  
ards and his family photographed a pencil-shaped object in the western sky  11/12/1995 #42597  
## Word: "pencil-sized" (Back to Top)
tion it is determined that a tiny, pencil-sized part called a pilot tube, a 5/24/1963 #17765  
## Word: "pencil-thick" (Back to Top)
stance resembling cellulose, and a pencil-thick iron rod runs through a “wh 11/21/1957 #14590  
## Word: "pencil-thin" (Back to Top)
his bed, but a few seconds later a pencil-thin beam of white light lit the  5/10/1989 #38942  
## Word: "pencils" (Back to Top)
that “appeared to be flashing thin pencils of different colored lights.” Ba 9/19/1961 #16857  
oming from its interior like three pencils of light.                        8/14/1993 #41139  
## Word: "pendelton" (Back to Top)
                                   Pendelton, OR A humanoid report on the s 6/24/1947 #2395  
## Word: "pending" (Back to Top)
2 hours / missing time. Regression pending.                                 5/23/1986 #37890  
## Word: "pendleton" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / PENDLETON, OR Farmer. Silver sphere hove 6/24/1947 #2384  
                 25 miles north of Pendleton, Oregon Columbia River Afterno 6/24/1947 #2396  
emote rural road 25 miles north of Pendleton, Oregon, when he hears a loud  6/24/1947 #2396  
Washington Mount Adams, Washington Pendleton, Oregon 3:00 p.m. Boise, Idaho 6/24/1947 #2398  
t 4:00 p.m. and they call ahead to Pendleton, Oregon, to alert them of Arno 6/24/1947 #2398  
e of 9,500 feet. When he landed in Pendleton, Oregon he was interviewed at  6/24/1947 #2402  
          East Oregonian office in Pendleton, Oregon Cascade Mountains Kenn 6/25/1947 #2411  
es to the East Oregonian office in Pendleton, Oregon, and speaks with repor 6/25/1947 #2411  
                                   Pendleton, Oregon Kenneth Arnold is inte 6/26/1947 #2418  
 interviewed live on KWRC radio in Pendleton, Oregon, by broadcaster Theodo 6/26/1947 #2418  
                                   Pendleton, Oregon Texas Idaho In a Unite 6/27/1947 #2431  
ho In a United Press dispatch from Pendleton, Oregon, Kenneth Arnold expres 6/27/1947 #2431  
y.” A woman recognizes Arnold in a Pendleton café and runs out shrieking th 6/27/1947 #2431  
                                   PENDLETON, OR Several observer(s). 6-9 s 7/1/1947 #2506  
               In mid-afternoon in Pendleton, Oregon six to nine shiny plat 7/1/1947 #2530  
was vectored by GCI  radar to Camp Pendleton, arrived there at 8:10 a.m. at 9/23/1951 #5687  
                                   Pendleton, OR Many civilians in 5 cars a 7/15/1952 #6826  
southern England Day. Capt. Gordon Pendleton and First Officer J. P. Murphy 5/21/1962 #17187  
                              Camp Pendleton, San Diego, CA R. T. (initials 7/3/1967 #22593  
, assigned to Canine Corps at Camp Pendleton, San Diego, CA., states that h 7/3/1967 #22593  
n 1967 where he departed from Camp Pendleton to a retrieval site “somewhere 7/3/1967 #22604  
quarters before being sent back to Pendleton for punishment. RT states when 7/3/1967 #22604  
                              Camp Pendleton, CA 8:00 p.m. 15-20 minutes Wh 3/21/1970 #25604  
ee saucer craft hovering near Camp Pendleton rifle range during night firin 3/21/1970 #25604  
legedly gone AWOL from nearby Camp Pendleton, stolen 25 pairs of night visi 7/2003 #44560  
## Word: "pendular" (Back to Top)
 it descended it was swinging in a pendular motion like a falling leaf. Pen 9/20/1952 #7982  
## Word: "pendulous" (Back to Top)
ndular motion like a falling leaf. Pendulous motion ceased and object began 9/20/1952 #7982  
## Word: "pendulum" (Back to Top)
s night. Crescent moon swings like pendulum!                                8/1942 #1426  
 sky, swinging back and forth in a pendulum motion. They were white on top, 7/15/1947 #3188  
aw a UFO swing back and forth in a pendulum motion.                         7/20/1947 #3207  
h it. The object oscillated with a pendulum motion. The Air Force explanati 1/24/1950 #4510  
installation. The UFO swung like a pendulum in the sky.                     1/1/1952 #5857  
ead, swaying back and forth like a pendulum. (NICAP report.) (NICAP: 01 - D 3/10/1952 #5952  
 night lights. 1 to/from/between / pendulum. 1 going quickly southeast. / T 8/1/1952 #7388  
iff deputies. One light swung in a pendulum motion, the other shot off to t 8/1/1952 #7412  
to rise gradually, to swing like a pendulum, and to leave a luminous trail. 9/13/1952 #7914  
solid looking, and it swung like a pendulum as it lost altitude. Ten Britis 9/19/1952 #7981  
A Blinking white light move like a pendulum then shoot straight up (NICAP:  10/10/1952 #8112  
 blinking white light moved like a pendulum for 20 minutes, and then shot s 10/10/1952 #8113  
hite light swing in the sky like a pendulum for 20 minutes. It then shot st 10/10/1952 #8115  
ollow them. The object rose with a pendulum motion and shot up vertically.  8/18/1953 #9080  
es, stop on edge, and swing like a pendulum a few meters above the ground.  9/3/1954 #10238  
stop on its edge, and swing like a pendulum just a few meters above the gro 9/3/1954 #10240  
iginal group, “moving like a clock pendulum.” The man flees to his car but  Late 7/1955 #12285  
1 blinks on and off. 1 swings like pendulum.                                8/14/1957 #13888  
 It descended towards the ground a pendulum motion. Two of the men walked t 2/24/1958 #14890  
y observed a light swinging like a pendulum, coming close to the ground. It 8/9/1959 #15897  
a light swinging in the sky like a pendulum, and coming closer to the groun 8/9/1959 #15899  
alifornia swinging in the sky in a pendulum motion.                         5/19/1960 #16291  
he disc flew off toward the north. Pendulum motion was also reported.       12/25/1960 #16538  
nd object, which made side-to-side pendulum swings, then flew away to the n 7/1/1965 #19050  
aying from side to side in a broad pendulum swing, at least a mile in each  7/12/1965 #19097  
nes, bobbed around and rocked in a pendulum motion. Through binoculars, a d 3/20/1966 #20005  
es, bobbed around, and rocked in a pendulum motion                          3/20/1966 #20010  
scillating motion, swinging like a pendulum. The object suddenly brightened 3/29/1966 #20131  
ed and swung back and forth like a pendulum. (Fowler 1974, < p. 339.) [Note 4/19/1966 #20343  
 over him, circled, came down with pendulum motion, and appeared to land on 4/19/1966 #20345  
hovered, and swung in the sky in a pendulum motion. At midnight a UFO about 4/19/1966 #20347  
making a humming sound, swung in a pendulum motion over Cuttingsville, Verm 12/22/1966 #21215  
s). The larger object swung like a pendulum (oscillation), then suddenly ac 2/20/1967 #21602  
 sky, swinging back-and-forth in a pendulum motion making a purring sound.  2/26/1967 #21663  
 low to the ground with a rocking, pendulum motion. The rim of the object g 3/8/1967 #21818  
re seen, moving up and down with a pendulum motion.                         4/7/1967 #22088  
or, swinging back and forth like a pendulum. It was a domed disc, shaped li 5/1/1967 #22263  
g right to left in the manner of a pendulum. Before it moves off to the eas 7/3/1967 #22601  
 "swinging from side to side" in a pendulum motion.                         10/27/1967 #23355  
ch, Massachusetts. They swung in a pendulum motion and changed colors from  4/10/1968 #23899  
, SP Soldiers. Odd object swings / pendulum over treetops. Parts go dark.   8/2/1968 #24290  
na province, Spain swinging like a pendulum.                                8/2/1968 #24291  
n front / observer(s) car. Sways / pendulum. Hovers. Shoots going quickly s 8/7/1968 #24303  
found at the sight. The UFO made a pendulum movement during its departure.  11/25/1968 #24707  
 p.m. a nocturnal light swung in a pendulum motion over a major highway int 3/2/1971 #26040  
p-and-down and back and forth in a pendulum motion.                         5/29/1971 #26142  
from right to left in a descending pendulum trajectory, finally slipping be 9/20/1971 #26354  
neon-white sphere/orb/globe / sky. Pendulum motion. Possible landing traces 3/12/1972 #26600  
observer(s). Night lights swings / pendulum. Goes and returns. Bald spot /  8/27/1972 #26957  
100 feet in diameter moving with a pendulum motion toward Mont Rougemont. I 9/20/1972 #27016  
nessed a Saturn-shaped disc making pendulum movements in the sky, then land 9/21/1972 #27021  
alternately hovered, swinging like pendulum, darted around at high speed (U 10/15/1973 #28057  
alternately hovered, swinging like pendulum, darted around at high speed    10/15/1973 #28058  
red, with a slight back-and forth, pendulum motion. No sound was heard. The 6/14/1974 #29193  
round it swung back-and-forth in a pendulum motion. The UFO suddenly shot s 10/5/1976 #31449  
t, and swung back and forth like a pendulum. At ball of light was at the en 5/23/1977 #32125  
t, and swung back and forth like a pendulum. At ball of light was at the en 5/23/1977 #32126  
France by six witnesses. It made a pendulum wobble, and had six lights arra 9/10/1978 #33659  
e object, which is swinging with a pendulum motion. It is still visible abo 2/21/1980 #35180  
t beams that swung in the sky in a pendulum motion. The UFO was blue on top 8/25/1992 #40591  
 lights move back and forth like a pendulum before heading south. Another w 4/26/1993 #40951  
ging back in forth in the sky in a pendulum motion.                         9/2/1995 #42437  
s at both ends. It engaged in some pendulum motion, and then flew away at a 2/27/1999 #43738  
## Word: "pendulum-like" (Back to Top)
 up speed, one of them moving in a pendulum-like motion. He thinks they are 3/10/1952 #5953  
nd then fluttered like a leaf in a pendulum-like motion.                    9/19/1952 #7981  
approaches the tower and hovers in pendulum-like motions directly above it. 8/23/1955 #12399  
that is swinging in the air with a pendulum-like motion. As it approaches,  8/9/1959 #15898  
## Word: "pendulums" (Back to Top)
l cylinders hang vertical. Swing / pendulums. 10 / 1 length ratio.          10/9/1950 #5217  
ung back and forth in the sky like pendulums over a swamp.                  3/14/1966 #19967  
 disks. Flash hover and swing like pendulums.                               4/19/1966 #20338  
## Word: "peneleos" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Peneleos” Yield: 5KT                     12/6/1986 #38080  
## Word: "penetrate" (Back to Top)
n” on his hands. The rain seems to penetrate his clothing and gloves as if  11/17/1954 #11663  
to space. Only the atomic bomb can penetrate the astral realm, which is why 1958 #14782  
to test his bombers’ capability to penetrate US air space. An F-89J Scorpio Early 1960 #16146  
ta Late night. Unknown individuals penetrate the flight line at Grand Forks 11/3/1975 #30546  
ged ability of unknown aircraft to penetrate airspace and over above SAC ba 12/20/1978 #34183  
ged ability of unknown aircraft to penetrate airspace and over above SAC ba 12/20/1978 #34186  
on feels a powerful electric shock penetrate her body with a buzzing sound. 1/3/1984 #37105  
out 12 inches apart. He decides to penetrate the mass with his left wing, h 7/1985 #37613  
Russia suddenly felt a strong wind penetrate her room, even though the door 4/18/1989 #38908  
cognitive environments in order to penetrate U.S. facilities, influence dec 10/1998 #43656  
e. It had tiny eyes that seemed to penetrate the witness's mind. On one sid 10/28/2000 #44063  
Of Information Act requests cannot penetrate Unacknowledged Special Access  2018 #45498  
## Word: "penetrated" (Back to Top)
n a round plate. These plates have penetrated the full depth of the snow (1 2/5/1971 #26014  
ggered, meaning that something has penetrated the security fence surroundin Autumn 1973 #27860  
28, 1975; Objects with body lights penetrated security areas on two consecu 10/27/1975 #30484  
 Wing that an unknown aircraft has penetrated the base perimeter. The base  10/27/1975 #30487  
was at an altitude of 150 feet and penetrated Loring AFB. (SOURCE: 42 BW CP 10/29/1975 #30508  
               A beam of red light penetrated the roof of 32-year-old Beatr 9/10/1977 #32478  
ng into projects that could not be penetrated with a TS clearance and Senat 1994 #41346  
estern hemisphere and that one has penetrated Brazilian airspace.           1/13/1996 #42681  
## Word: "penetrates" (Back to Top)
, Quebec, when a beam of red light penetrates the fog and creates a six-inc 8/6/1976 #31240  
 SUL, BRZ UFO hovers. Tube / light penetrates metal car roof. Photographs t 5/24/1978 #33234  
, the light emanating from the UFO penetrates the interior of the cabin and 2/8/1982 #36327  
## Word: "penetrating" (Back to Top)
        MARACAIBO, VNZ Humming and penetrating light. Family / 9 vomits. Bu 10/24/1886 #274  
ble of doing. With the radar blips penetrating highly secure air space at w 7/1/1947 #2500  
 Northampton, New York as "rays of penetrating light shot from it." There w 4/9/1956 #12806  
land. The witness reported a "dull penetrating sound," then sighting a red  8/9/1967 #22853  
high-pitched whine that has such a penetrating intensity it is similar to a 2/19/1968 #23767  
e room. The UFOnauts all had very "penetrating" eyes with no pupils. They s 5/3/1968 #23942  
opsychiatry Hospital, heard a loud penetrating humming noise outside in the 7/22/1968 #24202  
 Mendoza, Argentina, hears a loud, penetrating, humming noise outside in th 7/22/1968 #24204  
opsychiatry Hospital, heard a loud penetrating humming noise outside in the 7/22/1968 #24205  
r the witness, staring at him with penetrating black eyes. As other witness 8/19/1971 #26296  
oid had human features with a dark penetrating gaze and wore a shimmering s 8/19/1973 #27714  
t gives off a blinding light and a penetrating low-pitched hum. They have a 10/16/1973 #28087  
, "painful electrical shocks began penetrating their bodies." This went on  9/16/1974 #29460  
 1:45 a.m. they heard a very loud, penetrating whistle that continued for f 11/12/1976 #31540  
ike an albino rabbit," and were so penetrating that when the woman looked a 11/14/1976 #31549  
counter began at 12:30 a.m. when a penetrating sound and bright lights comi 1/23/1977 #31748  
e spot in his car. He then heard a penetrating foreign voice on his car rad 12/2/1978 #34051  
y—“It was like a light or an X-ray penetrating.” They told her she would no 1/4/1979 #34296  
, "it was like a light or an X-ray penetrating." They told her telepathical 1/5/1979 #34304  
. He hears an unusually strong and penetrating ringing sound and he is lift 3/1985 #37561  
All had beautiful faces with clear penetrating eyes. The witness attempted  1/25/1987 #38104  
long hair, large slanted eyes, and penetrating stares.                      3/9/1992 #40367  
own wavy hair. Her eyes were of a "penetrating" blue color. She wore a silk 4/23/1993 #40948  
tranger's stare was so intense and penetrating that she could not move; she 10/27/2004 #44771  
## Word: "penetration" (Back to Top)
 weapon by a prolonged ineffectual penetration of the United States.” This  4/28/1949 #4125  
MCC Joint Staff Memo: Subject: AFB penetration. At 290200 EST, AFOC informe 10/29/1975 #30506  
d his team partner responded to an penetration alarm on the outer zone of t 11/1977 #32648  
/triangle/box-like craft. Possible penetration / Major RADAR base. / r207p4 9/13/1990 #39728  
h noting that in his autobiography Penetration, Swann claims through his wo 3/31/1995 #42130  
y of the US air-defense network to penetration by foreign missiles mimickin 8/3/1997 #43365  
## Word: "penfield" (Back to Top)
                                   PENFIELD, PA 2 / car / malfunctions due  3/15/1950 #4641  
## Word: "penge" (Back to Top)
observer(s). Triangle UFO hovers / Penge Road. Circles 4X / Osmasten Road.  2/22/1995 #42057  
## Word: "penguin" (Back to Top)
 man saw a light on the beach near Penguin Street and got out of his car to 2/3/1965 #18795  
                                   Penguin Street South New Brighton New Ze 2/3/1965 #18796  
man sees a light on the beach near Penguin Street, South New Brighton, New  2/3/1965 #18796  
ew American Library, a division of Penguin Putnam Inc., 375 Hudson Street,  8/6/1977 #32365  
ew American Library, a division of Penguin Putnam Inc., 375 Hudson Street,  8/6/1977 #32366  
## Word: "penha" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / PENHA, BRZ MD and dozens. 3 extremely br 4/21/1969 #25077  
emote mountain cave near Cabeca da Penha Mountain, Portugal and while in it 9/15/1996 #43020  
## Word: "penhoek" (Back to Top)
                                   PENHOEK PASS, RSA 2 / car. Huge "train"  1/1/1973 #27204  
## Word: "penhold" (Back to Top)
                    Highway 2A CFB Penhold [now Red Deer Regional Airport]  7/16/1981 #36012  
iving south on Highway 2A past CFB Penhold [now Red Deer Regional Airport]. 7/16/1981 #36012  
## Word: "peniche" (Back to Top)
                                   PENICHE, PORTUGAL Odd cone shape seen ne 7/28/1965 #19193  
## Word: "penicuik" (Back to Top)
                                   PENICUIK, SCOTLAND Solid metal delta/tri 6/18/1994 #41571  
## Word: "peninsula" (Back to Top)
nington Island, near the Antarctic Peninsula. This expedition would complet 1939 #1302  
               Bass Strait, Tasman Peninsula A singular airfoil of glisteni Summer 1942 #1418  
                            Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania Bass Strait 5:50 p.m Summer 1942 #1419  
is on flying patrol off the Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania, following reports b Summer 1942 #1419  
                             Bruce Peninsula Lake Huron Georgian Bay, Ontar 11/29/1944 #1709  
 daughter Frances are on the Bruce Peninsula between Lake Huron and Georgia 11/29/1944 #1709  
                            Motubu Peninsula, Okinawa Tracked stationary ta 3/27/1950 #4738  
                            Motobu Peninsula, Okinawa, Japan 10:30 a.m. USA 3/27/1950 #4740  
ry target on radar over the Motobu Peninsula, Okinawa, Japan, at 18 miles r 3/27/1950 #4740  
                              DOOR PENINSULA, WI 3 / SR57. Shiny saucer fol 7/24/1952 #7092  
                              BOSO PENINSULA, JPN 100M cylinder/cigar-shape 12/10/1957 #14700  
rs long, was sighted from the Boso Peninsula in Japan. It shot off to the s 12/10/1957 #14704  
ness could see the coastline and a peninsula, La Punta, west of the city. H 8/9/1965 #19350  
ias, Argentina North of the Valdez Peninsula, a group of men on a fishing b 3/2/1975 #29865  
ias, Argentina north of the Valdez Peninsula, a group of men on a fishing b 3/2/1975 #29869  
orth going quickly south over Cape peninsula. No plane.                     6/22/1976 #31125  
to a culvert on the golf course at Peninsula State Park in Egg Harbor, Door 8/16/1976 #31273  
ITL 3 / balcony. Huge sphere low / peninsula. Odd 'radio' noise. Vanishes!  12/20/1978 #34177  
                    Baltic Sea Hel peninsula, Poland 8:15 p.m. Two fishing  8/23/1979 #34768  
ltic Sea some 46 miles off the Hel peninsula, Poland, when their radar malf 8/23/1979 #34768  
                       Chalupy Hel peninsula Gdynia Poland 6:15 p.m. A witn 8/8/1981 #36064  
some friends at Chalupy on the Hel peninsula, north of Gdynia, Poland. He l 8/8/1981 #36064  
uclear Power Plant in Armenia Kola Peninsula in northwest Russia A generato 10/1982 #36625  
cy team is airlifted from the Kola Peninsula in northwest Russia to help sa 10/1982 #36625  
gor [now Naval Base Kitsap] Kitsap Peninsula, Washington 10:55 p.m. A dark, 8/31/1987 #38265  
w Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washington, which houses the  8/31/1987 #38265  
                         Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Klyuchi, Kamchatka Krai 10/1988 #38661  
nce aircraft east of the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia when he is notified  10/1988 #38661  
k Oblast, Russia Arctic Ocean Kola Peninsula Early morning. Residents of Mu 9/2/1990 #39716  
, and moves slowly toward the Kola Peninsula. Soviet Air Defense thinks it  9/2/1990 #39716  
 radar screens over the Mangishlak Peninsula, Shaitan Mazar, Kyrgizstan. It 8/28/1991 #40168  
                 Prospect Chebucto Peninsula Nova Scotia 9:00 p.m. A woman  4/18/1995 #42157  
p.m. A woman in Prospect, Chebucto Peninsula, Nova Scotia, sees a large, br 4/18/1995 #42157  
se Bangor Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula, Washington 9:23 p.m. Civilian 4/22/1998 #43557  
w Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washington. At one point, the 4/22/1998 #43557  
se Bangor Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula, Washington 7:03 a.m. A witnes 1/22/1999 #43718  
w Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washington, sees an orange vo 1/22/1999 #43718  
w Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washington 7:30 p.m. A witnes 2/25/2003 #44496  
w Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washington, at an altitude of 2/25/2003 #44496  
 southwestern point of the Crimean peninsula, Ukraine between 2:00 p.m. and 5/15/2003 #44537  
ashington Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula 9:00 p.m. Brian Junkin, Chuck  9/16/2004 #44757  
to Naval Base Kitsap on the Kitsap Peninsula. The light keeps changing colo 9/16/2004 #44757  
ashington Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula 7:15 p.m. Several witnesses ar 3/5/2007 #45009  
at Naval Base Kitsap on the Kitsap Peninsula. It moves slowly north for 10  3/5/2007 #45009  
      County Kerry, Ireland Dingle peninsula Shannon Airport 6:47 a.m. A Br 11/9/2018 #45544  
ty Kerry, Ireland, near the Dingle peninsula at 330 mph at an altitude of 3 11/9/2018 #45544  
## Word: "penis" (Back to Top)
ot had cold extremities and a cold penis, but does not lack "warmth" and sw 6/22/1969 #25231  
ish and ordered him to cut off his penis with his machete. The witness appa 11/30/1979 #35033  
o to the bathroom, he realized his penis felt very painful. Pulling back th 7/23/1992 #40531  
over his pubic hair just above the penis on the left side. A needle was the 12/14/1997 #43462  
## Word: "penistone" (Back to Top)
                                   PENISTONE, ENGL 4 / A629. Silent metalli 2/10/1988 #38451  
## Word: "penitenciário" (Back to Top)
                          Complexo Penitenciário da Papuda São Sebastião Fe 4/11/1991 #40034  
lue to red flies over the Complexo Penitenciário da Papuda, a federal priso 4/11/1991 #40034  
## Word: "penkridge" (Back to Top)
ed a UFO crashed in two parts near Penkridge, England and West Germany. The 7/1991 #40109  
## Word: "penlee" (Back to Top)
                                   Penlee Secondary School Plymouth, Devon, 2/16/1977 #31820  
orning. Four boys and one adult at Penlee Secondary School in Plymouth, Dev 2/16/1977 #31820  
## Word: "penlights" (Back to Top)
humanoids (or Greys) with blinking penlights exit.                          8/26/1996 #42996  
## Word: "penn" (Back to Top)
avenna, OH Ravenna, OH, to Conway, Penn.: Deputy Sheriffs Dale Spaur and Wi 4/17/1966 #20305  
more/others. Ovoid hovers over Mt. Penn. Changes color(s). Suddenly shoots  8/20/1972 #26937  
thousand feet in the sky above Mt. Penn. They said the object changed color 8/20/1972 #26938  
thousand feet in the sky above Mt. Penn. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, Octo 8/29/1972 #26968  
ousand feet in the sky above Mount Penn. They said the object changed color 8/29/1972 #26969  
                                   PENN AND MANOR, PA 12 observer(s). Sauce 4/15/1973 #27429  
                       Bt. Manor & Penn, PA During the late afternoon on th 4/15/1973 #27430  
noon on the road between Manor and Penn, Pennsylvania twelve witnesses saw  4/15/1973 #27430  
noon on the road between Manor and Penn, Pennsylvania twelve witnesses saw  4/15/1973 #27431  
bservations of UFOs in the area of Penn and Manor, Pennsylvania, near the l 4/15/1973 #27431  
                           Florida Penn State William Steinman again contac 4/1988 #38525  
 handwritten note back to him from Penn State, not Florida. At the top of t 4/1988 #38525  
s Eric Walker, former president of Penn State University and former chairma 1990 #39355  
                                 A Penn State alumni claims former Penn Sta 9/6/1990 #39717  
 A Penn State alumni claims former Penn State University president Eric A.  9/6/1990 #39717  
## Word: "penna" (Back to Top)
                                   Penna. and Ohio, various (McDonald list) 7/13/1965 #19101  
                                   PENNA ST. ANDREA, ITL 4 / car. Silent ve 9/1978 #33613  
## Word: "penned" (Back to Top)
. Using a metal cage, the UFOnauts penned in one cow and seemed to measure  1/27/1978 #32917  
. Using a metal cage, the UFOnauts penned in one cow and seemed to measure  1/27/1978 #32921  
## Word: "pennine" (Back to Top)
                              OVER PENNINE MOUNTAINS, ENG Ba 747 with 60 ab 1/6/1995 #41954  
-shaped object as it flew over the Pennine Alps in Derbyshire, England on i 1/6/1995 #41957  
## Word: "pennington" (Back to Top)
                                   PENNINGTON, NJ Several / home. Orange ni 7/22/1952 #6997  
 the same nuclear missile sites in Pennington County, South Dakota as occur 8/12/1968 #24320  
ylvania 2:30 p.m. Oil worker Rusty Pennington is watching a pump a quarter  2/25/1980 #35182  
Pennsylvania a 23-year old man, R. Pennington, heard an explosion mixed wit 2/25/1980 #35183  
## Word: "pennisi" (Back to Top)
nsland, Australia, owned by Albert Pennisi. Pedley’s attention is drawn by  1/19/1966 #19858  
## Word: "penniston" (Back to Top)
raft but, when others (S/Sgt James Penniston, Burroughs, and A1C Edward Cab 12/26/1980 #35737  
a nearby farm went into a frenzy.” Penniston later claims he and Burroughs  12/26/1980 #35737  
ast. After daybreak, Burroughs and Penniston return to a small clearing nea 12/26/1980 #35737  
sputes the testimony of Sgt. James Penniston, who claims to have touched an 12/28/1980 #35749  
ien spacecraft; he had interviewed Penniston at the time and he had not men 12/28/1980 #35749  
meeting between Ret. USAF Sgt. Jim Penniston, Rendlesham Forest incident wi 10/20/2022 #45780  
een with his lawyer Pat Frascogna. Penniston states Green wanted DNA sample 10/20/2022 #45780  
wanted DNA samples and an MRI from Penniston, and Green told him he was wor 10/20/2022 #45780  
## Word: "pennisula" (Back to Top)
O over Lake Michigan and the Upper Pennisula of Michigan. The radar blips o 11/23/1953 #9319  
h on the southern tip of the Sinai Pennisula in Egypt. The acceleration and 11/6/2002 #44435  
## Word: "penns" (Back to Top)
like object with fins hovered over Penns Wood, Pennsylvania at 500 feet alt 6/13/1973 #27563  
## Word: "pennsboro" (Back to Top)
OLLY SPRS AND LOWER ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBORO, PA Many observer(s). Ovoid wi 9/15/1973 #27824  
## Word: "pennsylavania" (Back to Top)
 Brighton Township, Beaver County, Pennsylavania said that their dog "went  8/11/1965 #19368  
## Word: "pennsylvania" (Back to Top)
                       Carbondale, Pennsylvania Sunset. A large cloud moves 6/19/1857 #150  
ge cloud moves in over Carbondale, Pennsylvania, from the northwest, accomp 6/19/1857 #150  
     Norfolk, Virginia Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 11:00 p.m. Another seeming  8/2/1860 #156  
omenon is also seen in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Some unnamed contemporary  8/2/1860 #156  
                        Adamstown, Pennsylvania 12:00 noon. Four or five wi 8/7/1869 #179  
north of the village of Adamstown, Pennsylvania. It is originally square-sh 8/7/1869 #179  
nter of an empty lot in Adamstown, Pennsylvania in Lancaster county. It sho 8/7/1869 #181  
            Topeka, Kansas western Pennsylvania Columbus, Ohio Rochester, I 12/21/1876 #208  
US from Topeka, Kansas, to western Pennsylvania. Over Columbus, Ohio, it is 12/21/1876 #208  
                                   Pennsylvania Delaware River Port Jervis, 2/16/1885 #263  
y flashes in the high rocks on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware River  2/16/1885 #263  
                             Erie, Pennsylvania Lake Erie 11:00 p.m. Confec 4/21/1897 #552  
nk King, and Frank Mulick of Erie, Pennsylvania, watch a cigar- shaped, win 4/21/1897 #552  
                         Carlisle, Pennsylvania 3:00 a.m. Luther Myers hear 8/28/1897 #607  
king outside his home in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. When he looks through the  8/28/1897 #607  
n building in downtown New Castle, Pennsylvania Dusk. Bystanders in front o 5/2/1898 #621  
n building in downtown New Castle, Pennsylvania, notice a bright arc light  5/2/1898 #621  
s Bermuda Brazil Michigan New York Pennsylvania Ontario Toronto 9:00 p.m. A 2/9/1913 #881  
 the world is ending) and Osceola, Pennsylvania. The observations are analy 2/9/1913 #881  
                       Youngstown, Pennsylvania 12:30 p.m. John Boback is w Late Summer 1917 #962  
ong railroad tracks in Youngstown, Pennsylvania, when he hears a swishing s Late Summer 1917 #962  
                       Youngstown, Pennsylvania John Boback, 17, was walkin 10/1917 #967  
                        Wattsburg, Pennsylvania Evening. Reuben D. Knight i 6/1932 #1144  
h of his farmhouse near Wattsburg, Pennsylvania, when he notices a bright s 6/1932 #1144  
                      Cherryville, Pennsylvania A man observed a faint viol Summer 1933 #1161  
                      Cherryville, Pennsylvania 2:30 a.m. A man who still i Summer 1933 #1163  
 1964 is driving near Cherryville, Pennsylvania, when his car gets a flat t Summer 1933 #1163  
                        St. Clair, Pennsylvania Near St. Clair, Pennsylvani Summer 1940 #1340  
lair, Pennsylvania Near St. Clair, Pennsylvania, as he is walking along a c Summer 1940 #1340  
                        Rochester, Pennsylvania outskirts of Rochester, Pen 10/1944 #1673  
nnsylvania outskirts of Rochester, Pennsylvania Late night. Members of a fa 10/1944 #1673  
rea on the outskirts of Rochester, Pennsylvania, are awakened by a loud noi 10/1944 #1673  
                            Barto, Pennsylvania Ray Palmer travels to Barto 3/1945 #1806  
vania Ray Palmer travels to Barto, Pennsylvania, and spends a weekend with  3/1945 #1806  
                  Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital Philadelphia Sunse 7/4/1947 #2666  
ior intern at the Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital at 44th and Market 7/4/1947 #2666  
                       Zelienople, Pennsylvania John Philip Bessor of Zelie 7/7/1947 #2936  
 John Philip Bessor of Zelienople, Pennsylvania, writes to the US Air Force 7/7/1947 #2936  
                  US Philadelphia, Pennsylvania New Mexico British radio an 7/8/1947? #3018  
ut 250 miles west of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he hears an announcement t 7/8/1947? #3018  
                            Media, Pennsylvania USAF fighter pilot W. Boyce 8/1947 #3274  
 sees a hovering disc above Media, Pennsylvania.                            8/1947 #3274  
                         In Media, Pennsylvania at 6:00 p.m. an ex-U.S. Air 8/6/1947 #3301  
 observers in nearby Philadelphia, Pennsylvania sighted a "giant firecracke 8/6/1947 #3301  
 Bay], Labrador Lake Erie in Erie, Pennsylvania USAF Maj. Edwin A. Jerome r Summer 1948 #3679  
he shoreline of Lake Erie in Erie, Pennsylvania. It suddenly and silently a Summer 1948 #3679  
                           Easton, Pennsylvania Physicist Carl A. Mitchell  Summer 1948 #3680  
ssing across the sky above Easton, Pennsylvania, from north to south.       Summer 1948 #3680  
ten miles southeast of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania saw a round white object mo 9/11/1948 #3797  
riving on Highway 80 in Saltsburg, Pennsylvania said he watched a turtle sh 3/5/1950 #4584  
n highway 153 north of Clearfield, Pennsylvania. There were humanoids insid 3/15/1950 #4644  
ty of Abington, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. There were many witnesses. 5/6/1950 #4928  
26th Street in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10:00 p.m. Policemen John C 9/26/1950 #5199  
26th Street in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, when they see something li 9/26/1950 #5199  
                       Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Witnesses: Capt. G.P. Arns  2/11/1952 #5897  
11 trainer flying near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at three o'clock in the mor 2/11/1952 #5898  
ts in the evening sky over Sharon, Pennsylvania that looked like "a sidevie 4/6/1952 #6040  
          Washington, D.C. eastern Pennsylvania Pentagon McGuire AFB [now p 5/1952 #6229  
l (which would put it over eastern Pennsylvania). Two other Army units also 5/1952 #6229  
                       Middletown, Pennsylvania Witness: R.S. Thomas, Olmst 6/13/1952 #6495  
                    In Middletown, Pennsylvania at 8:45 p.m. Mr.R. S. Thoma 6/13/1952 #6497  
                     Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania 6:00 p.m. Army Capt. Harold 6/19/1952 #6553  
ng across the sky at Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania.                            6/19/1952 #6553  
                        Pottstown, Pennsylvania Witness: assistant manager  6/26/1952 #6638  
      Later that day in Pottstown, Pennsylvania a procession of discs flew  6/26/1952 #6640  
                         Kutztown, Pennsylvania Witness: farmer John Mittl. 7/9/1952 #6738  
         2 miles east of Kutztown, Pennsylvania 5:30 p.m. Farmer John Mittl 7/9/1952 #6741  
his farm 2 miles east of Kutztown, Pennsylvania, finally tipping on end and 7/9/1952 #6741  
 up-and-down motion over Kutztown, Pennsylvania at 6:30 p.m. Observers took 7/9/1952 #6744  
 across the sky in Balliettsville, Pennsylvania.                            7/17/1952 #6873  
                      Elkins Park, Pennsylvania Witnesses: USAF pilot Capt. 7/19/1952 #6928  
                      Elkins Park, Pennsylvania 11:35 p.m. USAF pilot Capt. 7/19/1952 #6934  
 for 5–7 minutes over Elkins Park, Pennsylvania.                            7/19/1952 #6934  
                        Pottstown, Pennsylvania Witnesses: the two-man crew 7/23/1952 #7075  
                          Altoona, Pennsylvania Witnesses: two-man crews of 7/23/1952 #7076  
                        Pottstown, Pennsylvania 8:40 a.m. The crews of thre 7/23/1952 #7080  
ing at 170–210 mph over Pottstown, Pennsylvania. A smaller object, delta-sh 7/23/1952 #7080  
                          Altoona, Pennsylvania 12:50 p.m. Crews of two USA 7/23/1952 #7081  
46,000 feet altitude near Altoona, Pennsylvania, see three cylindrical obje 7/23/1952 #7081  
                      Neffesville, Pennsylvania Witnesses: Bill Ford and tw 8/20/1952 #7662  
Ford and two others in Neffsville, Pennsylvania watched an unidentified obj 8/20/1952 #7665  
                                   Pennsylvania, exact location unknown Her 8/31/1952 #7799  
                        Allentown, Pennsylvania Witness: private pilot W.A. 9/13/1952 #7915  
  On that same night in Allentown, Pennsylvania at 7:40 p.m., private pilot 9/13/1952 #7917  
                     Olmstead AFB, Pennsylvania Witness:  pilot of Flying T 9/14/1952 #7937  
   While flying over Olmstead AFB, Pennsylvania the pilot of a Flying Tiger 9/14/1952 #7944  
e vapor passed overhead in Easton, Pennsylvania.                            9/29/1953 #9190  
           vicinity of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Witness:  research engineer 3/2/1954 #9593  
more, Maryland New York City Hotel Pennsylvania Otis T. Carr founds OTC Ent 1955 #11894  
ght clerk in New York City’s Hotel Pennsylvania, where Tesla was living in  1955 #11894  
                   New Kensington, Pennsylvania Philadelphia UFO researcher 1/13/1956 #12657  
er from someone in New Kensington, Pennsylvania, who calls himself Carlos M 1/13/1956 #12657  
elphia Navy Yard APRO headquarters Pennsylvania An annotated copy of the pa 4/1956 #12777  
 Carl Allen, who lives near him in Pennsylvania. In the October 1980 issue  4/1956 #12777  
erved moving south over Aliquippa, Pennsylvania at an altitude of 5,000 to  5/8/1956 #12838  
e southeastern sky near Homestead, Pennsylvania maneuvering at high speed a 6/21/1956 #12916  
e seen hovering over Mahonoy City, Pennsylvania at 8:15 p.m. They glistened 6/27/1956 #12926  
vered over the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for two hours, and then dis 8/11/1956 #13069  
                          Juniata, Pennsylvania Witness:  Mrs. R.S. Pope. O 8/27/1956 #13139  
                       In Juniata, Pennsylvania at 9:55 p.m. Mrs. R.S. Pope 8/27/1956 #13141  
ground over a backyard in Altoona, Pennsylvania. The witness, a married wom 8/27/1956 #13142  
                       Conashaugh, Pennsylvania Night. Marie Carow goes out 12/17/1956 #13409  
es outside her home in Conashaugh, Pennsylvania, with a flashlight and disc 12/17/1956 #13409  
es. At about 9 p.m. in Conashaugh, Pennsylvania Ms. M. Carow, a 68-year-old 12/17/1956 #13410  
                          Milford, Pennsylvania Frances Stichler, who lived 5/1957 #13628  
                          Milford, Pennsylvania 6:00 a.m. Frances Stichler  5/1957 #13631  
is working in her barn in Milford, Pennsylvania, when she hears a whirring  5/1957 #13631  
ed low over the ground in Milford, Pennsylvania by a 62-year-old woman name 5/25/1957 #13678  
southwestern sky in Monroe County, Pennsylvania over the Poconos Mountains. 8/26/1957 #13933  
chland Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Butler Valley Turnpike exit 11/23/1957 #14604  
chland Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. It has a green light at th 11/23/1957 #14604  
 Walnut housing area Ellwood City, Pennsylvania Night. A 2-foot red blinkin Early 4/1958 #14959  
lnut housing area in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania. Police officers Joseph Sca Early 4/1958 #14959  
                        Allentown, Pennsylvania 9:40 p.m. Lester Billheimer 4/13/1958 #14980  
a white neon light over Allentown, Pennsylvania. It travels northwest at fi 4/13/1958 #14980  
                      Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania Witness: naturalist Ivan Sa 10/2/1958 #15301  
   Delaware Water Gap Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania Shortly after 5:00 p.m. Nat 10/2/1958 #15304  
laware Water Gap near Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.                            10/2/1958 #15304  
ottom" was sighted in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania at 5:29 p.m. At was a dull  10/2/1958 #15305  
                       Union Dale, Pennsylvania An object resembling a larg 10/27/1958 #15390  
 at treetop level over Union Dale, Pennsylvania making a strong "swishing"  10/27/1958 #15393  
   Hartstown Road Pymatuning Lake, Pennsylvania 7:00 a.m. Robert Collins is 1/13/1959 #15549  
stown Road across Pymatuning Lake, Pennsylvania, when he sees a bright ligh 1/13/1959 #15549  
g a pick-up truck near Greenville, Pennsylvania, noticed lights in the sky  1/13/1959 #15551  
      Newark Detroit Williamsport, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh 8:20 p.m. Capt.  2/24/1959 #15604  
out 13 miles west of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. At first Killian thinks he 2/24/1959 #15604  
 refueling routes exist in central Pennsylvania. Brad Sparks uncovers new e 2/24/1959 #15604  
ing over Philipsburg and Bradford, Pennsylvania. His co-pilot also sighted  2/24/1959 #15606  
                          Corsica, Pennsylvania Or March 27, 1959. Witness: 3/26/1959 #15672  
 in a wooded area west of Corsica, Pennsylvania at 12:45 p.m. It was seen b 3/27/1959 #15675  
 7:30 p.m. a disc flew over Wayne, Pennsylvania.                            8/10/1959 #15903  
ll of ice from the sky in Portage, Pennsylvania.                            7/3/1960 #16330  
                Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania Mrs. James W. Annis, a libr 6/4/1961 #16720  
to the north of Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania. Farther to the east, a clu 6/4/1961 #16720  
     Springfield, Delaware County, Pennsylvania Walsh Park 7:45 p.m. Alice  4/24/1962 #17127  
e in Springfield, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, when they see a large dome 4/24/1962 #17127  
                  In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania a domed disc with portholes 5/23/1962 #17195  
                     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 12:30 a.m. Walter T. Jones  8/26/1962 #17363  
t pass silently over Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for 3–5 minutes.           8/26/1962 #17363  
                     Pleasantview, Pennsylvania Witness: Rev. H.C. Shaw. On 5/26/1964 #18305  
                        Palmerton, Pennsylvania 10:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ter 5/26/1964 #18307  
 the northwest sky near Palmerton, Pennsylvania. One is a large, stationary 5/26/1964 #18307  
                    Pleasant View, Pennsylvania 11:00 p.m. Rev. H. C. Shaw  5/26/1964 #18308  
 ball in a field at Pleasant View, Pennsylvania, and chases it down the roa 5/26/1964 #18308  
                     In Palmerton, Pennsylvania a small disc orbited around 5/26/1964 #18310  
miles down a road in Pleasantview, Pennsylvania.                            5/26/1964 #18311  
tts Glen State Park near Red Rock, Pennsylvania State Route 487 south of Lo 3/2/1965 #18832  
ia State Route 487 south of Lopez, Pennsylvania Williamsport, Pennsylvania  3/2/1965 #18832  
 Lopez, Pennsylvania Williamsport, Pennsylvania Stewart AFB [now Stewart Ai 3/2/1965 #18832  
tts Glen State Park near Red Rock, Pennsylvania, when they see a small, sau 3/2/1965 #18832  
 air police cannot locate the men. Pennsylvania State Police assist in a se 3/2/1965 #18832  
nton Air Force Base near Red Rock, Pennsylvania when a small metallic looki 3/5/1965 #18844  
       Bunker Hill Lebanon County, Pennsylvania 10:00 p.m. Connie Wolferd a 7/9/1965 #19089  
ts of Bunker Hill, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, watch a clam- shaped objec 7/9/1965 #19089  
at Doehler’s Beach in northeastern Pennsylvania with their families, and we 8/3/1965 #19294  
n in West Homestead, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.                            8/6/1965 #19335  
                           Beaver, Pennsylvania Beaver County Times Colorad 8/8/1965 #19341  
 allegedly photographed in Beaver, Pennsylvania, by James Lucci, 17. Accord 8/8/1965 #19341  
                            Baden, Pennsylvania A 37-year-old civilian had  8/13/1965 #19379  
                            Baden, Pennsylvania Beaver, Pennsylvania 9:30 p 8/13/1965 #19382  
       Baden, Pennsylvania Beaver, Pennsylvania 9:30 p.m.? Leonard Chalupia 8/13/1965 #19382  
 his car into his garage at Baden, Pennsylvania, when he sees a disc-shaped 8/13/1965 #19382  
haps confusing it with the Beaver, Pennsylvania, hoax photo of August 8.    8/13/1965 #19382  
e New Jersey New York Rhode Island Pennsylvania Vermont Queenston, Ontario  11/9/1965 #19709  
ew Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. Over 30 milli 11/9/1965 #19709  
Michigan Northern Ohio Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Kecksburg, Pennsylvania Joh 12/9/1965 #19762  
ittsburgh, Pennsylvania Kecksburg, Pennsylvania Johnson Atoll Vandenberg AF 12/9/1965 #19762  
ses sonic booms in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, metropolitan area. It is g 12/9/1965 #19762  
in the small village of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, claim something has crashe 12/9/1965 #19762  
 down in the woods near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania at 4:50 p.m.                12/9/1965 #19763  
ecember 1965 after it arrived from Pennsylvania. He states it was there for 12/10/1965 #19764  
J., in the vicinity of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a nurse and others togethe 1/11/1966 #19827  
                        Myerstown, Pennsylvania 7:40 p.m. A nurse and other 1/11/1966 #19828  
 together in a car near Myerstown, Pennsylvania, see a luminous disc, like  1/11/1966 #19828  
ving to a scout hall in Myerstown, Pennsylvania at 7:40 p.m. when the headl 1/11/1966 #19830  
ier, 105 miles to the southeast in Pennsylvania, silver cigar-shaped object 4/7/1966 #20264  
                       Greensburg, Pennsylvania A civilian man, 43, saw a w 4/11/1966 #20284  
lem, Ohio Youngstown, Ohio Conway, Pennsylvania Rochester, Pennsylvania Pit 4/17/1966 #20318  
io Conway, Pennsylvania Rochester, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Greater Pittsbur 4/17/1966 #20318  
fficer Frank Panzarella in Conway, Pennsylvania, sees the UFO, very bright  4/17/1966 #20318  
nterception is in progress. Now in Pennsylvania, Spaur and Neff are given o 4/17/1966 #20318  
. Panzarella alerts the Rochester, Pennsylvania, police operator, John Beig 4/17/1966 #20318  
f, and Huston go to the Rochester, Pennsylvania, police station and Spaur p 4/17/1966 #20318  
ect from Ravenna, Ohio to Atwater, Pennsylvania in the pre-dawn hours of th 4/17/1966 #20319  
              Portage County, Ohio Pennsylvania Quintanilla announces in a  4/22/1966 #20373  
llite, with later observations (in Pennsylvania) of Venus. Quintanilla call 4/22/1966 #20373  
:15 p.m. two motorists in Towanda, Pennsylvania felt heat and had their car 4/25/1966 #20417  
                     Willow Grove, Pennsylvania NAS Willow Grove NAS Joint  5/21/1966 #20505  
scombe aircraft over Willow Grove, Pennsylvania, with one passenger, Muriel 5/21/1966 #20505  
ar Willow Grove Naval Air Station, Pennsylvania.                            5/21/1966 #20506  
                  West Point City, Pennsylvania Two witnesses observed a st 6/3/1966 #20527  
 Two witnesses in West Point City, Pennsylvania observed a stationary objec 6/3/1966 #20530  
                   Union-Kirkwood, Pennsylvania Two civilian women saw a re 7/11/1966 #20638  
                            Union, Pennsylvania Witnesses:  Carl Wood and C 7/11/1966 #20639  
od and Charles Hawthorne of Union, Pennsylvania observed a large, 100-foot  7/11/1966 #20640  
            Erie, Preque-Ile Park, Pennsylvania Young witnesses reported an 7/31/1966 #20701  
          Presque Isle State Park, Pennsylvania Witnesses:  Douglas Tibbett 7/31/1966 #20702  
Presque Isle State Park near Erie, Pennsylvania at around 8:25 p.m. EDT Dou 7/31/1966 #20703  
low windows for about 30 seconds. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report.) 8/5/1966 #20724  
saw on the ground in Collegeville, Pennsylvania a luminous object that seem 11/17/1966 #21118  
                    New Kingstown, Pennsylvania 4:35 p.m. J. G. Hockenberry 11/30/1966 #21165  
g a Cessna 150 near New Kingstown, Pennsylvania, when he sees a saucer-shap 11/30/1966 #21165  
Mr. Hockenberry over New Kingston, Pennsylvania. It then shot straight up u 11/30/1966 #21166  
m. four observers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania watched a disc-shaped objec 1/5/1967 #21262  
                         Shamokin, Pennsylvania 6:00 p.m. A family in Shamo 1/18/1967 #21343  
ia 6:00 p.m. A family in Shamokin, Pennsylvania, watches through binoculars 1/18/1967 #21343  
                      In Shamokin, Pennsylvania a disc-shaped UFO approache 1/18/1967 #21345  
eenage pajama party in Pittsfield, Pennsylvania and were doing anything but 1/25/1967 #21388  
e Kushner household in Pittsfield, Pennsylvania following a frightening clo 1/28/1967 #21411  
 couple named Young in Abbotsford, Pennsylvania saw a small gray object app 2/26/1967 #21664  
rbor, Mich., a couple in southwest Pennsylvania saw a fiery orange object t 3/17/1967 #21912  
                           Butler, Pennsylvania A man and his daughter saw  3/20/1967 #21922  
                           Butler, Pennsylvania 11:00 p.m. A man and his da 3/20/1967 #21923  
and his daughter living in Butler, Pennsylvania, take the car out to go loo 3/20/1967 #21923  
 a man and his daughter in Butler, Pennsylvania saw two lights that they th 3/20/1967 #21927  
ulsating red light (body lights). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report,  4/1/1967 #22039  
 p.m. EST in Fishing Creek Valley, Pennsylvania a 12-meter diameter disc de 4/1/1967 #22043  
                        Jonestown, Pennsylvania Justice of the Peace John H 4/5/1967 #22064  
        State Highway 72 Lickdale, Pennsylvania 7:45 p.m. Justice of the Pe 4/5/1967 #22066  
Highway 72 just south of Lickdale, Pennsylvania, when his car’s engine sput 4/5/1967 #22066  
ween Jonestown and South Lickdale, Pennsylvania on Highway 72 Justice of th 4/5/1967 #22068  
           At the same time as the Pennsylvania close encounter, the Daunce 4/5/1967 #22069  
 At 6:30 a.m. EDT in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania a gray metallic-appearing d 5/3/1967 #22271  
Ms. L. Geisler in Chester Heights, Pennsylvania saw a round object with fou 5/8/1967 #22300  
time power outage at Shamokin Dam, Pennsylvania. When the UFOs left the ele 6/5/1967 #22468  
failures reported at 10:16 a.m. in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and  6/5/1967 #22468  
s the fastest jet over Pine Grove, Pennsylvania. It was in sight for three  6/6/1967 #22474  
, three miles north of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. As police approached the o 6/25/1967 #22555  
Susquehanna River near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It approached them with a  7/9/1967 #22637  
altitude until lost behind trees. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report,  7/15/1967 #22662  
(NICAP report form and letter from Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee, 8/29,67 7/17/1967 #22676  
ing home at 1:00 a.m. in Newville, Pennsylvania Mr. Stanley L. noticed a li 7/17/1967 #22683  
 sighting reports in south central Pennsylvania.                            7/17/1967 #22683  
 tower of WHP Radio in Summerdale, Pennsylvania. The object turned red, des 7/20/1967 #22713  
d to rotate as the color changed. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report,  7/26/1967 #22733  
erence was reported (EM effects). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report,  7/26/1967 #22734  
d daughter of a pastor in Chester, Pennsylvania saw three red, metallic, sa 8/1/1967 #22773  
 in Wyoming Flats, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania six men reporting witnessin 8/6/1967 #22834  
der-type structure in the middle. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report,  8/10/1967 #22857  
craft and maneuvered erratically. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report,  8/11/1967 #22861  
hin one-half block of the object. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report,  8/11/1967 #22862  
inished as the object moved away. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report,  8/18/1967 #22887  
ds and dressed in shiny clothing. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report,  8/19/1967 #22891  
ttom of the object (body lights). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report,  8/29/1967 #22950  
ported an odd cloud the same day. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report,  8/31/1967 #22962  
y across the sky at low altitude. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report,  9/10/1967 #23030  
d the other remaining motionless. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report,  9/23/1967 #23120  
                     Wernersville, Pennsylvania 8:30 p.m. Four workers in a 9/29/1967 #23147  
s in a restaurant at Wernersville, Pennsylvania, are alerted by a neighbor  9/29/1967 #23147  
color change/motion correlation). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report a 10/23/1967 #23293  
 in front and back (body lights). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report a 11/15/1967 #23461  
ll discs positioned to each side. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report,  11/15/1967 #23462  
 WTPA TV towers for 2-10 minutes. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report a 11/15/1967 #23463  
  Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania Elmira, New York 9:00 p.m.  12/27/1967 #23615  
n Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, when they see three lights 12/27/1967 #23615  
 driving on a highway in Carlisle, Pennsylvania two female witnesses, Ms. L 1/12/1968 #23661  
    At 6:20 a.m. in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania a large round white object, 1/13/1968 #23663  
itnesses. That night in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania the Rev. R. Mossir reported 1/13/1968 #23663  
rhart was driving home in Indiana, Pennsylvania at 3:30 p.m. when he saw a  1/24/1968 #23697  
              Two men in Westhill, Pennsylvania reported sighting an oval s 2/24/1968 #23783  
            Colorado Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Condon speaks publicly for  4/26/1969 #25094  
osophical Society in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on “UFOs I Have Loved and  4/26/1969 #25094  
                                   Pennsylvania Turnpike 1:45 p.m. James D. 8/1969 #25307  
ames D. Appleman is driving on the Pennsylvania Turnpike when he notices a  8/1969 #25307  
                           Jessup, Pennsylvania 9:00 p.m. While walking hom 9/1970 #25822  
gh school football game in Jessup, Pennsylvania, Frank Scassellati, 16, obs 9/1970 #25822  
                        In Jessup, Pennsylvania a 16-year-old boy was retur 9/25/1970 #25852  
ure" soaring towards Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania. It was dark colored and it 10/28/1970 #25889  
                            Media, Pennsylvania The Citizens’ Commission to 3/8/1971 #26045  
gles an FBI field office in Media, Pennsylvania, takes several dossiers, an 3/8/1971 #26045  
ple, were driving near Evans City, Pennsylvania when they saw a yellow whit 4/14/1971 #26073  
 9:00 p.m. a woman near Pottstown, Pennsylvania spotted a luminous object o 4/25/1971 #26084  
driving home near West Leisenring, Pennsylvania at 1:10 a.m. and he had jus 5/21/1971 #26121  
72 a UFO was seen over Greensburg, Pennsylvania at 9:30 p.m., swaying back  4/2/1972 #26635  
ille, Youngstown and Kiska Valley, Pennsylvania. It dropped debris, and met 4/22/1972 #26659  
of its hair missing in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. Forty feet away from the c 7/13/1972 #26794  
                    Three Reading, Pennsylvania police officers, including  8/29/1972 #26969  
hit a three-county area of eastern Pennsylvania. Mostly round and oval ligh 3/1/1973 #27322  
 over Saylors Lake in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania beginning at 7:25 p.m. At 9 3/1/1973 #27324  
 underside, at Highland Reservoir, Pennsylvania.                            3/1/1973 #27324  
n the road between Manor and Penn, Pennsylvania twelve witnesses saw a disc 4/15/1973 #27430  
n the road between Manor and Penn, Pennsylvania twelve witnesses saw a disc 4/15/1973 #27431  
FOs in the area of Penn and Manor, Pennsylvania, near the larger town of Je 4/15/1973 #27431  
ss who was driving near the Manor, Pennsylvania Power plant at 10:55 p.m. w 4/15/1973 #27431  
with fins hovered over Penns Wood, Pennsylvania at 500 feet altitude for se 6/13/1973 #27563  
ronomer at 8:45 p.m. in Jeannette, Pennsylvania. The UFO looked like a brig 7/18/1973 #27640  
ernoon at 1:35 p.m. in Greensburg, Pennsylvania at the Greengate Mall two m 8/14/1973 #27702  
shaped UFO was seen in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that same night at 9:35 p.m 8/14/1973 #27702  
driving near Route 30 in Kingston, Pennsylvania reported that his vehicle a 8/17/1973 #27709  
t p.m. residents of Buffalo Mills, Pennsylvania spotted an eight-foot tall  8/19/1973 #27714  
was alone in her bedroom in Derry, Pennsylvania and had her bedroom window  8/21/1973 #27718  
 this night a woman in Greensburg, Pennsylvania reported seeing a large boo 8/27/1973 #27726  
s in Whitney, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania had an encounter with a Big 9/3/1973 #27754  
standing outside in Beaver County, Pennsylvania at 9:30 p.m. when an eight- 9/27/1973 #27880  
t 5:40 a.m. near Crooked Mountain, Pennsylvania a small circular object wit 10/17/1973 #28137  
                        Uniontown, Pennsylvania 9:00 p.m. A 22-year-old man 10/25/1973 #28285  
er land in a field near Uniontown, Pennsylvania. “Screaming sounds” emanate 10/25/1973 #28285  
ing low in the sky near Uniontown, Pennsylvania which began to descend towa 10/25/1973 #28286  
 two small towns in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Many calls were made to th 11/1/1973 #28339  
pe-like creatures seen in Midland, Pennsylvania. Stan Gordon, the local UFO 11/1/1973 #28339  
                          Midland, Pennsylvania Night. Police officers look 11/2/1973 #28353  
imal” seen in the area of Midland, Pennsylvania, spot a large, disc-shaped  11/2/1973 #28353  
                          Midland, Pennsylvania bottom of a gully in an iso 11/3/1973 #28361  
section of the woods near Midland, Pennsylvania Day. At the bottom of a gul 11/3/1973 #28361  
section of the woods near Midland, Pennsylvania, two hunters find a 42-foot 11/3/1973 #28361  
 this night witnesses in Industry, Pennsylvania reported to the local polic 11/3/1973 #28364  
FO followed a car in Saint Thomas, Pennsylvania. It hovered, and then disap 11/19/1973 #28449  
d their car on Route 252 in Paoli, Pennsylvania. The UFO may have had a 100 11/29/1973 #28482  
m. several teenagers in Levittown, Pennsylvania observed a UFO with lights  12/2/1973 #28507  
al city residents of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania watched a UFO over the Lind 12/2/1973 #28507  
         Fayette County Uniontown, Pennsylvania Late evening. A woman watch 2/6/1974 #28742  
ral Fayette County near Uniontown, Pennsylvania, hears a “rattling of tin c 2/6/1974 #28742  
incolnshire, Illinois Coatesville, Pennsylvania 5:30 p.m. David Dorn and Tr 5/5/1974 #29085  
, nurse’s aide at the Coatesville (Pennsylvania) Veterans Administration Ho 5/5/1974 #29085  
istration Hospital in Coatesville, Pennsylvania was walking from one hospit 5/7/1974 #29093  
s were driving around northeastern Pennsylvania in the hopes of catching a  3/28/1975 #29923  
s north-northwest of Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.                            7/6/1975 #30169  
 orange balls at the tip. In York, Pennsylvania four orange lights in a del 10/23/1975 #30463  
                         Bensalem, Pennsylvania 2:45 a.m. James D. Appleman Late 10/1975 #30470  
.m. James D. Appleman of Bensalem, Pennsylvania, sees two large condensatio Late 10/1975 #30470  
le inside very closely in Big Run, Pennsylvania. White beams of light were  3/19/1976 #30949  
                    Gatchellville, Pennsylvania 7:30 p.m. Eleven witnesses  3/8/1977 #31878  
the ground south of Gatchellville, Pennsylvania. It leaves a large patch of 3/8/1977 #31878  
 against the wind in Gatchelville, Pennsylvania at 7:30 p.m. Holes were fou 3/8/1977 #31879  
                     West Decatur, Pennsylvania 12:30 a.m. A witness in a r 3/29/1977 #31933  
in a rural area near West Decatur, Pennsylvania, sees an “upside-down teard 3/29/1977 #31933  
                           Wilcox, Pennsylvania 9:20 p.m. A woman in Wilcox 5/3/1977 #32052  
vania 9:20 p.m. A woman in Wilcox, Pennsylvania, sees a large silver sphere 5/3/1977 #32052  
r-old woman in Wilcox, Elk County, Pennsylvania sighted a large silver sphe 5/3/1977 #32054  
                       Clearfield, Pennsylvania 3:00 a.m. A woman and her s 5/11/1977 #32088  
kened in their home in Clearfield, Pennsylvania, by a loud humming sound. T 5/11/1977 #32088  
ering near her home in Clearfield, Pennsylvania at three o'clock in the mor 5/11/1977 #32091  
                                   Pennsylvania Delaware River Callicoon, N 7/3/1977 #32232  
re sitting on their front porch in Pennsylvania across the Delaware River f 7/3/1977 #32232  
                         Fairview, Pennsylvania creek near Fairview, Pennsy 7/18/1977 #32292  
 Pennsylvania creek near Fairview, Pennsylvania 12:05 a.m. An intense blue- 7/18/1977 #32292  
 feet above a creek near Fairview, Pennsylvania. After 4 seconds, it jumps  7/18/1977 #32292  
                       North East, Pennsylvania 7:30 a.m. A patrolman in No 10/29/1977 #32629  
30 a.m. A patrolman in North East, Pennsylvania, spots a brown, cigar-shape 10/29/1977 #32629  
                       North East, Pennsylvania 7:45 p.m. Two young teenage 10/29/1977 #32631  
Two young teenagers in North East, Pennsylvania, notice a light flashing di 10/29/1977 #32631  
                             Erie, Pennsylvania Police and citizens in the  10/29/1977 #32632  
 and citizens in the area of Erie, Pennsylvania, report multiple sightings  10/29/1977 #32632  
n Elysburg, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.                            12/2/1977 #32730  
h a UFO in Hilltown, Adams County, Pennsylvania.                            1/23/1978 #32910  
dependent witnesses in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on this night, between 9:20 3/1/1978 #33009  
                           Moscow, Pennsylvania Tobyhanna Army Depot Coolba 8/22/1978 #33547  
 driving in a carpool from Moscow, Pennsylvania, to work at the Tobyhanna A 8/22/1978 #33547  
an at the Willow Grove Exit of the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Montgomery Coun 1/9/1979 #34324  
nia Turnpike in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania suddenly encountered a brig 1/9/1979 #34324  
, Lower Merion, and Lower Gwynedd, Pennsylvania.                            1/9/1979 #34324  
Generating Station Dauphin County, Pennsylvania Atlantic Ocean 4:00 p.m. Re 3/28/1979 #34493  
erating Station in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, suffers a partial meltdown 3/28/1979 #34493  
                     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 3:20 p.m. A sharply outline 6/26/1979 #34633  
northeast section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is smaller than the ful 6/26/1979 #34633  
y guards in downtown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania watched a domed disc-shaped 6/26/1979 #34635  
                       Waynesburg, Pennsylvania: two cops in a police helic 8/5/1979 #34717  
         US Highway 19 Washington, Pennsylvania 4:22 a.m. A male nurse is d 8/16/1979 #34747  
9 seven miles south of Washington, Pennsylvania. Ahead of him on the left i 8/16/1979 #34747  
                      Youngsville, Pennsylvania quarter mile west of Youngs 2/25/1980 #35182  
 quarter mile west of Youngsville, Pennsylvania 2:30 p.m. Oil worker Rusty  2/25/1980 #35182  
 quarter mile west of Youngsville, Pennsylvania. Suddenly he hears an explo 2/25/1980 #35182  
y day at 2:30 p.m. in Youngsville, Pennsylvania a 23-year old man, R. Penni 2/25/1980 #35183  
                             Erie, Pennsylvania Wright-Patterson AFB near D 3/22/1980 #35229  
eets with two new sources in Erie, Pennsylvania, who show him three photos  3/22/1980 #35229  
                     University of Pennsylvania Stringfield receives eight  6/2/1980 #35352  
udy conducted at the University of Pennsylvania.                            6/2/1980 #35352  
 reports from pilots from all over Pennsylvania at the same time that a pil 3/30/1981 #35882  
                         Danville, Pennsylvania 2 :00 p.m. As he is pulling 5/4/1981 #35928  
ulling up to his home in Danville, Pennsylvania, on a motorcycle, William F 5/4/1981 #35928  
ject flew over a car in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania. Its passage was accompanie 2/24/1982 #36363  
ject flew over a car in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania. Its passage was accompanie 2/24/1982 #36366  
er the witness's car in Saltsburg, Pennsylvania and shone a beam of light o 2/25/1982 #36369  
                         Petrolia, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh 7:15 p.m. Three  4/1/1982 #36427  
 are repairing a jeep in Petrolia, Pennsylvania, when one of them notices a 4/1/1982 #36427  
              In North Washington, Pennsylvania a reddish triangular object 4/1/1982 #36429  
              In Youngstown Ridge, Pennsylvania a single witness observed a 5/5/1982 #36464  
rg. At 11:17 in in Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania hundreds of residents witne 5/5/1982 #36464  
sewage treatment plant in Latrobe, Pennsylvania heading west.               7/25/1982 #36551  
in diameter chased a car in Derry, Pennsylvania with a single male occupant 8/30/1982 #36586  
ound at low altitude in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. It had a red light and a w 9/4/1982 #36596  
d object stopped in Butler County, Pennsylvania when hit by a beam of light 9/11/1982 #36600  
                          Latrobe, Pennsylvania 5:15 a.m. Tom Jackson is ge 7/25/1983 #36925  
getting ready for work in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, when he sees a bright ligh 7/25/1983 #36925  
                          Altoona, Pennsylvania 8:30 p.m. Catherine Burk is 10/13/1983 #37004  
is driving to her home in Altoona, Pennsylvania, when she sees a large, sil 10/13/1983 #37004  
                  King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 6:15 a.m. Two boys deliveri 1/27/1984 #37159  
ivering papers in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, see a circular object with 1/27/1984 #37159  
                    Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 9:00 p.m. A woman in Mechan 2/29/1984 #37210  
:00 p.m. A woman in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, sees a dark, diamond-shape 2/29/1984 #37210  
 man and his dog in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania witnessed a 40 foot wide di 2/29/1984 #37212  
 driving in a car north of Tyrone, Pennsylvania.                            10/23/1984 #37490  
                         Trafford, Pennsylvania Night. A married couple are 12/1984 #37514  
e up late watching TV in Trafford, Pennsylvania, when they hear a tapping o 12/1984 #37514  
Green, PA 6:10 PM. In Level Green, Pennsylvania in the UFO hotspot of Westm 12/31/1984 #37538  
                   In Level Green, Pennsylvania in the UFO hotspot of Westm 12/31/1984 #37539  
                           Butler, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh A UFO emitting b 1/7/1986 #37756  
ward the ground is seen in Butler, Pennsylvania. In Pittsburgh, 20 minutes  1/7/1986 #37756  
 the mountain community of Butler, Pennsylvania at 10:54 p.m. a UFO emitted 1/7/1986 #37757  
                       New Castle, Pennsylvania 11:30 p.m. Multiple witness 2/28/1986 #37793  
 Multiple witnesses in New Castle, Pennsylvania, watch a 50-foot-long light 2/28/1986 #37793  
 p.m. a single witness in Delmont, Pennsylvania sighted a 6-meter glowing c 4/12/1986 #37823  
 zigzag maneuvers over Greensburg, Pennsylvania for eight minutes starting  5/7/1986 #37857  
          A witness from Danville, Pennsylvania called the UFO Reporting Ce 5/9/1986 #37860  
                       Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 9:49 p.m. A husband and wif 6/26/1986 #37924  
as bright as Venus, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They move on parallel path 6/26/1986 #37924  
lel to each other over Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 9:49 p.m. After a minute 6/26/1986 #37925  
. At 9:40 p.m. east of Vanderbilt, Pennsylvania a glowing ball of light ros 9/7/1986 #38020  
 three motorists in Potters Mills, Pennsylvania and the Seven Mountains are 2/7/1987 #38117  
er some power lines in Greensburg, Pennsylvania at around 1:00 a.m. It was  9/3/1987 #38277  
ng in the suburban town of Eureka, Pennsylvania at 6:50 p.m. The object pas 1/31/1988 #38436  
mbria Somerset counties Johnstown, Pennsylvania 7:45–8:30 p.m. Numerous ind 2/10/1988 #38452  
 Somerset counties near Johnstown, Pennsylvania, see a 60-foot object with  2/10/1988 #38452  
                In suburban Irwin, Pennsylvania a silent, orange disc-shape 2/22/1988 #38475  
         Watching TV in Johnstown, Pennsylvania at 7:50 p.m., a witness and 3/1/1988 #38479  
woman over a farm in Westmoreland, Pennsylvania at 9:40 p.m. It had a refle 3/1/1988 #38479  
                       Homer City, Pennsylvania Night. Several witnesses se 7/17/1988 #38603  
 generating station in Homer City, Pennsylvania. Later one object drops fro 7/17/1988 #38603  
                        Ebensburg, Pennsylvania Afternoon. A man sitting by 9/2/1988 #38629  
is rural residence near Ebensburg, Pennsylvania, is startled to see an obje 9/2/1988 #38629  
                   Dauphin County, Pennsylvania 5:25 a.m. A police officer  12/4/1988 #38743  
 to his station in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, notices a brilliant glow i 12/4/1988 #38743  
       At 5:25 a.m. in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania a 23-year-old corrections o 12/4/1988 #38745  
ject flew over the town of Butler, Pennsylvania making a roaring sound a 8: 2/24/1989 #38850  
On this evening in Fayette County, Pennsylvania a 10-year-old girl saw two  4/19/1989 #38911  
es driving in a car in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 2:57 a.m. had a close en 5/17/1989 #38956  
ht hovered over a field in Butler, Pennsylvania. Two smaller objects with r 8/31/1989 #39081  
ing at treetop level in Ebensburg, Pennsylvania at 10:30 p.m. It rotated co 9/3/1989 #39090  
 his property in North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. It was the size of a TV se 11/3/1989 #39213  
eca Nuclear Power Plant in Warren, Pennsylvania. Either the same two object 12/23/1989 #39328  
esses in Piketown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania at 6:30 p.m. It was estimat 1/31/1990 #39400  
 At 9:15 p.m. in North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania a couple in their mid-thirt 2/5/1990 #39411  
p circle investigators in Oakland, Pennsylvania saw a glowing disc hovering 3/14/1990 #39463  
ded area of Upper Burrel Township, Pennsylvania at 10:30 p.m. first saw thr 4/17/1990 #39532  
lking her dog in North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania saw a UFO approach and hove 5/24/1990 #39589  
 in the farm community of Haymart, Pennsylvania a woman saw a bright light  6/7/1990 #39609  
 At 10:35 a.m.  in West Middlesex, Pennsylvania a man and a kid observed a  5/15/1991 #40063  
e Alberta sighting in Blairsville, Pennsylvania at 11:15 p.m. two women dri 8/30/1991 #40175  
                      Coatesville, Pennsylvania. Several workers at the Luk 6/10/1992 #40491  
S Highway 22 in Washington County, Pennsylvania near the West Virginia Stat 6/23/1992 #40506  
2 in Homer City, near Blairsville, Pennsylvania several separate motorists  8/14/1992 #40573  
 reports occurred over Alabama and Pennsylvania. At 5 a.m. noise attracted  1/28/1993 #40817  
shing light was seen in Uniontown, Pennsylvania.                            1/28/1993 #40817  
                  Near Titusville, Pennsylvania a plate-shaped UFO was obse 8/23/1993 #41154  
0-9:45 p.m. a woman in Greensburg, Pennsylvania went outside because her do 11/21/1993 #41288  
y, at 10:30 p.m. at Bovard Tunnel, Pennsylvania a triangle pursed a vehicle 11/21/1993 #41288  
later, 4 miles east of Greensburg, Pennsylvania the same of similar triangl 11/21/1993 #41288  
    At 9:45 p.m. hunters in Udell, Pennsylvania put their spotlight on a bo 11/22/1993 #41300  
he witnesses' house in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 150 feet altitude, makin 12/2/1993 #41319  
       At 8:29 p.m. in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania the County Emergency Agency 1/30/1995 #42001  
ner while flying over Philipsburg, Pennsylvania, then suddenly moved 20 mil 4/12/1996 #42864  
r school not far from Georgeville, Pennsylvania. The creature was reportedl 9/24/1996 #43041  
ew across the sky in West Chester, Pennsylvania.                            5/5/1997 #43289  
ut his bedroom window in Bethelem, Pennsylvania at three o'clock in the mor 5/14/1997 #43293  
hts passed silently over Bethelem, Pennsylvania. It flew from the east to t 12/15/1998 #43699  
 from a field in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania at 11:30 p.m., and then exe 7/23/1999 #43812  
pendent witnesses in Berks County, Pennsylvania observed a silver, double c 8/16/1999 #43824  
ime flying north in Butler County, Pennsylvania. A married couple described 8/16/1999 #43824  
         At 10:05 p.m. in Nineveh, Pennsylvania two witnesses watched as tw 8/18/1999 #43827  
t crossed the sky over Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at steady pace and a high a 3/26/2000 #43969  
       At 10:00 p.m. in Uniontown, Pennsylvania a witness saw a five-foot-t 8/3/2000 #44027  
           Gettysburg Battlefield, Pennsylvania 3:09 p.m. Two blurry round  8/20/2000 #44032  
ent on the Gettysburg Battlefield, Pennsylvania. They are not noticed at th 8/20/2000 #44032  
driving on Highway 982 in Latrobe, Pennsylvania at 6:27 p.m. It shot off at 10/30/2000 #44066  
rmation of lights flew over Irwin, Pennsylvania, causing some radio interfe 2/19/2001 #44139  
silently over the town of Clarion, Pennsylvania and continued east-northeas 3/1/2001 #44145  
me home from school in Grantville, Pennsylvania and said she had to tell he 8/29/2001 #44247  
in the neighborhood in Brookhaven, Pennsylvania.                            7/9/2002 #44358  
gzagged through the sky over York, Pennsylvania, speeding off and disappear 7/30/2002 #44371  
 on Montour Ridge, Northumberland, Pennsylvania at 5:30 in the morning by a 8/6/2002 #44376  
period in Mount Wolf, York County, Pennsylvania beginning at 10:00 p.m.; a  11/29/2002 #44456  
 the sky at 10:15 p.m. in Holland, Pennsylvania. The sighting lasted from t 5/4/2003 #44525  
 around 9:00 p.m. in New Brighton, Pennsylvania a black triangular-shaped o 6/30/2003 #44559  
                     In Limmerick, Pennsylvania a slow moving triangle-shap 11/29/2003 #44623  
s driving to her mother's house in Pennsylvania on Mother's Day at 10:10 p. 5/9/2004 #44698  
o her mother's house in Wagontown, Pennsylvania. It then hovered low over a 5/9/2004 #44698  
sighted at 2:26 a.m. in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. It shot straight up into t 8/10/2004 #44730  
 in the clear sky over Mount Cobb, Pennsylvania and called his mother and t 9/10/2004 #44752  
A 48-year-old witness in Carlisle, Pennsylvania reported that his dog becam 5/9/2005 #44838  
Washington, D.C. White House rural Pennsylvania airstrip 11:28 a.m. Radar t 5/11/2005 #44840  
ng with outdated maps from a rural Pennsylvania airstrip and they are lost. 5/11/2005 #44840  
d later that night in Virginia and Pennsylvania.                            7/15/2005 #44854  
ottom, was seen over Williamsport, Pennsylvania for about an hour beginning 9/7/2005 #44869  
a 14-year-old witness in Leesport, Pennsylvania was asleep in his bed when  11/25/2005 #44906  
unds as it passed over Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 9:00 p.m.                3/5/2006 #44928  
rn for 60 minutes in Nesquehoning, Pennsylvania starting at 7:00 p.m. It ha 3/6/2007 #45011  
       North Park Lake McCandless, Pennsylvania Night. Brian Vike is drivin 4/6/2007 #45016  
 near North Park Lake, McCandless, Pennsylvania, with friends when he sees  4/6/2007 #45016  
area in Biglerville, Adams County, Pennsylvania. It stayed there for about  5/3/2007 #45024  
eter was sighted in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.                            9/4/2007 #45052  
200 feet distance in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 10:00 p.m. for a minute  7/14/2008 #45150  
                     In Allentown, Pennsylvania a slow moving, sometimes ho 8/28/2008 #45162  
                       In Oakland, Pennsylvania a flying disc-shaped object 12/2/2008 #45195  
ed in 30 seconds. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at around 9:35 p.m. EDT the 5/16/2010 #45282  
don Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, and turned left toward Gre 6/1/2013 #45369  
                     University of Pennsylvania Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Ha 3/2018 #45520  
ersity of Pennsylvania Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Havana University of Pennsy 3/2018 #45520  
 Pennsylvania Havana University of Pennsylvania researchers examine 21 affe 3/2018 #45520  
a chief neurologist in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on an unspecified number o 3/2018 #45520  
     New York Havana University of Pennsylvania American According to a New 9/1/2018 #45538  
ry and Repair at the University of Pennsylvania, says that microwaves are n 9/1/2018 #45538  
                     University of Pennsylvania Havana, Cuba New York Times 7/2019 #45589  
uent findings by the University of Pennsylvania team find that, compared to 7/2019 #45589  
## Word: "penny" (Back to Top)
       Lake Sorell, Tasmania Mount Penny 8:45 p.m. A former RAAF crewman an 2/26/1975 #29852  
hovering to the north toward Mount Penny, speeds off in the same direction. 2/26/1975 #29852  
o the north, stationary over Mount Penny. The main object was now very clea 2/26/1975 #29853  
s acknowledges he has a dime and a penny. The stranger tells him to take on 9/11/1976 #31376  
## Word: "pennzoil" (Back to Top)
anies in the early 1990s including Pennzoil, Texaco, Tenneco, Marathon and  1994 #41347  
## Word: "penon" (Back to Top)
h a propeller, allegedly landed in Penon de Los Banos, Mexico on this day.  3/13/1950 #4629  
## Word: "penong" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PENONG, SOUTH AUSTR 1 / truck. Voice. Br 9/6/1973 (approximate) #27769  
                               bt. Penong and Ivy Tanks, AU The witness was 9/6/1973 #27773  
2 was enroute to Perth and between Penong and Ivy Tanks, Western Australia. 9/6/1973 #27774  
## Word: "penpendicular" (Back to Top)
The tail also had a smaller row of penpendicular lights.                    9/19/1997 #43409  
## Word: "penrith" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PENRITH,, AUST Im fireball paces car clo 1/5/1971 #25977  
             A car driving between Penrith and Windsor, New South Wales, Au 1/5/1971 #25978  
1:00 p.m. In one report from South Penrith six witnesses watched four objec 1/29/2000 #43936  
## Word: "penrose" (Back to Top)
At 11:30 p.m. Navy Commander H. R. Penrose was driving homeward from Derby  5/13/1954 #9791  
sun, that appeared in the sky over Penrose; it moved away and down slowly f 5/19/1971 #26117  
## Word: "penroy" (Back to Top)
tton, MT ??? a.m. UFO, radar lock, Penroy. Pentagon notified of UFO. (NIDS  12/18/1975 #30724  
## Word: "pens" (Back to Top)
 irritation in his arms. Ballpoint pens in Coutinho’s pockets are radioacti 6/23/1976 #31134  
n some way before being mutilated, pens 120 of Gomez’s cattle in a corral a 7/5/1978 #33339  
unting and knocking about in their pens. They settled down immediately afte 10/26/1980 #35591  
WILLISTON, FL Humming. Dogs hide / pens and cry. Area turns red. Saucer 20' 5/6/1984 #37322  
s were attempting to hide in their pens and whining. As he went out to inve 5/6/1984 #37323  
13-year-old boy is washing out dog pens in Williston, Florida, when he hear 5/6/1984 #37324  
 whimpering and running around the pens. Suddenly, the area turns red and l 5/6/1984 #37324  
s were attempting to hide in their pens and whining. As he went out to inve 5/6/1984 #37325  
bject. When he returned to the dog pens, the dogs barked at him and would n 5/6/1984 #37325  
bserver(s). 20-30 silent wingless "pens" going quickly east / high altitude 10/22/1995 #42561  
## Word: "pensa" (Back to Top)
ce French diplomatic scholar Henri Pensa writes that a silvery object trail 11/28/1928 #1092  
## Word: "pensacola" (Back to Top)
                                   PENSACOLA, FL Saufley Field. Group / mil 3/23/1950 #4709  
                     ELLYSON NAS / PENSACOLA, FL 2 cadets. 5M fireball-cyli 4/4/1965 #18891  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 1 observer at home. Bright 10/24/1973 #28256  
                                   Pensacola, FL Red Sphere Paces Training  11/11/1974 #29591  
 states he and his fiancé moved to Pensacola, FL and his fiancé was later k 1982 #36291  
of July holiday two adult women in Pensacola, Florida were outside in the e 7/4/1987 #38204  
                              WEST PENSACOLA, FL Several observer(s). 6 sph 7/23/1987 #38213  
he sky in broad daylight over West Pensacola, Florida.                      7/23/1987 #38214  
                   On the shore of Pensacola Bay, a couple in their sixties 5/11/1988 #38563  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 2 observer(s). Silent sauc 7/8/1988 #38599  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 2 / car. 15' Saturn-disk s 12/29/1988 #38765  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL Bay bridge. 2 / car. Orang 1/6/1989 #38776  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 2 / car paced / 20' saucer 3/8/1989 #38866  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL Woman / car. Huge fireball 4/4/1989 #38889  
                                In Pensacola, Florida at around nine p.m. a 8/15/1989 #39064  
    Driving north on 9th Avenue in Pensacola, Florida close to Olive Road a 8/25/1989 #39074  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 35 observer(s). Walters ph 9/12/1989 #39097  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 4 / car. Silver disk wobbl 10/9/1989 #39152  
ng to meet a friend in the city of Pensacola, Florida at 8:30 p.m. saw a wh 10/13/1989 #39170  
                                In Pensacola, Florida at 6:30 p.m. a huge g 11/30/1989 #39285  
                                In Pensacola, Florida at 6:30 p.m. a 36-yea 2/5/1990 #39410  
              Two women driving in Pensacola Beach, Florida at three o'cloc 3/13/1990 #39459  
jects make an angular descent over Pensacola Bay. The objects were estimate 3/13/1990 #39459  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 2 / bay bridge. Delta/tria 4/10/1990 #39515  
                                   Pensacola Bay Bridge in Florida Pensacol 4/10/1990 #39516  
   Pensacola Bay Bridge in Florida Pensacola A couple driving north on the  4/10/1990 #39516  
cola A couple driving north on the Pensacola Bay Bridge in Florida see an o 4/10/1990 #39516  
they near the end of the bridge in Pensacola, the object moves toward the w 4/10/1990 #39516  
              Little Sabine Island Pensacola Beach, Florida Gulf Breeze Nig 4/12/1990 #39522  
ing above Little Sabine Island off Pensacola Beach, Florida. It stays there 4/12/1990 #39522  
              Gulf Breeze, Florida Pensacola At least seven people report a 4/14/1990 #39524  
e seen in various locations around Pensacola by other groups of people. Som 4/14/1990 #39524  
 miles. Becomes saucer. Vanishes / Pensacola. Photographs blank.            4/18/1990 #39535  
                                   Pensacola (Fla.) Gulf Breeze, Florida Re 6/10/1990 #39612  
orter Craig Myers announces in the Pensacola (Fla.) News-Journal that a foa 6/10/1990 #39612  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 5+observer(s). Large silve 6/21/1990 #39618  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL Ret Navy pilot and 1. Huge 7/20/1990 #39653  
-white glowing orb in the sky over Pensacola, Florida. It arced down and do 7/20/1990 #39655  
ida. It arced down and dove toward Pensacola Bay.                           7/20/1990 #39655  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 2 observer(s). Domed metal 11/11/1990 #39884  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 2+4 kids. Car-size saucer  12/5/1990 #39926  
                                   PENSACOLA BEACH, FL 2 observer(s). 10M " 2/5/1993 #40840  
                                In Pensacola Beach, Florida a ten meter lon 2/5/1993 #40841  
                                   PENSACOLA BEACH, FL Crown-saucer passes  3/24/1993 #40899  
                                   PENSACOLA BEACH, FL Crown-saucer hovers  4/2/1993 #40924  
bject moving low over the ocean in Pensacola, Florida. The object suddenly  8/6/1993 #41110  
n the back room of an old house in Pensacola, Florida, talking with a male  8/10/1993 #41123  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 2 / car. 8' saucer passes  4/28/1994 #41508  
 craft passed in front of a car in Pensacola, Florida at 10:40 p.m. It pass 4/28/1994 #41509  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 2 / car. 2 silent 150' met 5/20/1994 #41533  
                   NAVARRE TO/FROM PENSACOLA, FL 2 observer(s). 2 small sau 6/26/1994 #41583  
                                   PENSACOLA BEACH, FL 6 observer(s). Huge  6/29/1994 #41592  
n entire water tower was seen from Pensacola Beach, Florida at 11:55 p.m. b 6/29/1994 #41593  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 1 / car. Brilliant silent  3/10/1995 #42083  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 1 observer. Metallic-grey  4/10/1995 #42144  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 1 / car. Black disk going  6/5/1995 #42239  
d moving toward the northeast over Pensacola, Florida. It flew slowly at 15 6/5/1995 #42240  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 2 / car / bay bridge. Red  9/2/1995 #42436  
At 10:30 p.m. at the Bay Bridge in Pensacola, Florida two witnesses watched 9/2/1995 #42437  
                                   PENSACOLA BEACH, FLR 8+observer(s). Ring 9/20/1995 #42490  
                                In Pensacola Beach, Florida a ring-shaped o 9/20/1995 #42493  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 1+several observer(s). Tri 6/17/1996 #42930  
              East Kingsfield Road Pensacola, Florida 10:30 p.m. A witness  6/17/1996 #42931  
field Road in the northern part of Pensacola, Florida, when he sees a large 6/17/1996 #42931  
                                   PENSACOLA, FL 1 / car. 18' sombrero sauc 10/18/1996 #43080  
                      Fort Pickens Pensacola, Florida Gulf of Mexico 7:57 p 10/9/1999 #43859  
hile fishing off Fort Pickens near Pensacola, Florida, an ex-Air Force secu 10/9/1999 #43859  
umber of craft” that were taken to Pensacola Naval Air Station. EMPRESS and 8/18/2014 #45414  
## Word: "pense" (Back to Top)
       LAST MOUNTAIN LAKE, SSK AND PENSE AREA Several separate observer(s). 10/24/1967 #23297  
              Trans-Canada Highway Pense, Saskatchewan Moose Jaw 10:30 p.m. 11/1/1970 #25898  
 Trans-Canada Highway just west of Pense, Saskatchewan, when they see an di 11/1/1970 #25898  
## Word: "pensioner" (Back to Top)
ns out that the man is a Stockholm pensioner named Ove who is doing some tr 10/16/2014 #45417  
## Word: "pensylvania" (Back to Top)
 three witnesses near Downingtown, Pensylvania at 12:30 a.m. It made no sou 3/25/1986 #37810  
## Word: "pentacle" (Back to Top)
whom Vallée assigns the pseudonym “Pentacle”) could have led to the militar 1/9/1953 #8521  
some 14 months before he wrote the Pentacle Memorandum. Cross was involved  12/17/2001 #44294  
## Word: "pentacon" (Back to Top)
ngland James P. Templeton, using a Pentacon camera with Kodacolor X stock,  5/24/1964 #18297  
## Word: "pentagon" (Back to Top)
                                   Pentagon Paris Col. Clayton Lawrence Bis 1/2/1945 #1753  
. Clayton Lawrence Bissell, in the Pentagon’s Office of the Assistant Chief 1/2/1945 #1753  
                                   Pentagon Pentagon Army AF Public Relatio 6/27/1947 #2430  
                          Pentagon Pentagon Army AF Public Relations Office 6/27/1947 #2430  
 originates from his bosses at the Pentagon. Attention needs to be diverted 7/8/1947 #3019  
                Wright Field, Ohio Pentagon The US Army Air Force issues cl 7/9/1947 #3057  
, Ohio, with summaries sent to the Pentagon. However, most of the early cas 7/9/1947 #3057  
orce Office of Intelligence at the Pentagon.                                7/9/1947 #3057  
                                   Pentagon Vandenberg 10:30 a.m. Lt. Gen.  7/10/1947 #3105  
or Research and Development at the Pentagon, meets with Vandenberg, Maj. Ge 7/10/1947 #3105  
                 Ernest Harmon AFB Pentagon A more detailed report on the E 7/21/1947 #3209  
Harmon AFB incident is sent to the Pentagon.                                7/21/1947 #3209  
nd Wright Field, Ohio Stephenville Pentagon After assessing the Ernest Harm 7/28/1947 #3239  
iately” and report directly to the Pentagon afterwards. McCoy suspects Germ 7/28/1947 #3239  
right Field T-2’s liaison with the Pentagon) meets with Garrett and Carroll 9/5/1947 #3386  
arroll. Flying disk reports at the Pentagon are transferred to Wright Field 9/5/1947 #3386  
                                   Pentagon Arrangements are made to transf 9/21/1947 #3412  
files from Garrett’s office in the Pentagon to Alfred Loedding at AMC.      9/21/1947 #3412  
                                   Pentagon Wright-Patterson Pentagon Col.  12/18/1947 #3506  
         Pentagon Wright-Patterson Pentagon Col. James F. Olive Jr. (chief  12/18/1947 #3506  
 of the earlier documents from the Pentagon and Wright-Patterson, rewrite a 12/18/1947 #3506  
e unknown. / Col. Ewert going [to] Pentagon going [to] Blue Book.           1/21/1948 #3559  
                                   Pentagon Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Ma 3/3/1948 #3587  
tor of Plans and Operations at the Pentagon, rejects a proposal by Col. How 3/3/1948 #3587  
                Room 3E-869 of the Pentagon The USAF Scientific Advisory Bo 3/17/1948 #3590  
 Board meets in Room 3E-869 of the Pentagon, with physicist Theodore von Ká 3/17/1948 #3590  
nce group on one side, an anti-ETH Pentagon Intelligence Requirements Offic 9/30/1948? #3817  
                                   Pentagon Chiles-Whitted A letter is sent 11/8/1948 #3871  
are extra- terrestrial whether the Pentagon thinks so or not: It mentions t 11/8/1948 #3871  
 D.C. Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Pentagon MIT Project Sign personnel trav 11/12/1948 #3874  
ding, Truettner, and McCoy. On the Pentagon side, Boggs and Cabell are ther 11/12/1948 #3874  
and AFB in New Mexico notifies the Pentagon that it will launch an immediat 1/31/1949 #3988  
                                   Pentagon James Forrestal leaves office i 3/28/1949 #4058  
mal ceremony. He rides back to the Pentagon with his opponent Stuart Syming 3/28/1949 #4058  
r of special investigations at the Pentagon. Carpenter promises to investig 4/14/1949 #4090  
                                   Pentagon Office of Public Information A  4/27/1949 #4117  
Project Saucer” is released by the Pentagon Office of Public Information, s 4/27/1949 #4117  
watch out for “fake tips” from the Pentagon. Keyhoe is initially skeptical, 5/9/1949 #4175  
                                   Pentagon Los Alamos Joseph Kaplan brings 11/3/1949 #4409  
F Scientific Advisory Board at the Pentagon. By this time, he is convinced  11/3/1949 #4409  
ess officers; and Maj. Jere Boggs, Pentagon liaison to Project Grudge. Most 1/1950 #4470  
nnel to relay UFO sightings to the Pentagon or AMC only if they are of “pri 2/8/1950 #4535  
                                   Pentagon Syndicated columnist Drew Pears 3/31/1950 #4777  
him, “there ain’t no such animal.” Pentagon Public Relations Officer Maj. D 3/31/1950 #4777  
                               The Pentagon Wright-Patterson AFB Air Force  9/8/1950 #5172  
Control Branch (AFOIN-CC-1) at the Pentagon issues a new intelligence repor 9/8/1950 #5172  
                                   Pentagon Wright-Patterson JANAP 146(A) i 9/25/1950 #5195  
 to the Air Defense Command at the Pentagon and to the Secretary of Defense 9/25/1950 #5195  
                                   Pentagon William Webster, chair of the D 2/13/1951 #5441  
, convenes a press briefing at the Pentagon and announces that “Careful stu 2/13/1951 #5441  
                  Wright-Patterson Pentagon Wright-Patterson’s Technical In 5/21/1951 #5513  
Directorate of Intelligence in the Pentagon. Project Grudge goes along with 5/21/1951 #5513  
                                   Pentagon Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Th 9/6/1951 #5653  
 to the Air Defense Command in the Pentagon (which presumably will send the 9/6/1951 #5653  
and field mounting concern for the Pentagon.                                10/1951 #5692  
                                   Pentagon Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio 10 10/1/1951 #5694  
rson AFB in Ohio 10:00 a.m. At the Pentagon, Cummings and Rosengarten brief 10/1/1951 #5694  
                                   Pentagon Columbus, Ohio Ruppelt travels  12/19/1951 #5821  
umbus, Ohio Ruppelt travels to the Pentagon with ATIC Chief Col. Frank Dunn 12/19/1951 #5821  
                                   Pentagon Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alab 1952 #5838  
e records are transferred from the Pentagon to Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, A 1952 #5838  
                                   Pentagon AFOIN offices Dayton, Ohio On h 1/29/1952 #5883  
es Dayton, Ohio On his trip to the Pentagon to brief Gen. William M. Garlan 1/29/1952 #5883  
                                   Pentagon White Sands and Los Alamos, New 1/29/1952 #5884  
, and his staff are briefed at the Pentagon on the status of Project Grudge 1/29/1952 #5884  
                                   Pentagon Wright-Patterson AFB Wonsan Dew 2/8/1952 #5894  
n AFB Wonsan Dewey Fournet, on the Pentagon’s UFO desk, writes to Ruppelt a 2/8/1952 #5894  
          USAF headquarters at the Pentagon Life magazine reporter Robert E 2/25/1952 #5931  
r. visits USAF headquarters at the Pentagon to gather information for his U 2/25/1952 #5931  
red by several top officers in the Pentagon.                                4/7/1952 #6041  
hington, D.C. eastern Pennsylvania Pentagon McGuire AFB [now part of Joint  5/1952 #6229  
The report goes all the way to the Pentagon, where orders are given to fire 5/1952 #6229  
                                   Pentagon office Harvard University Georg Early 5/1952 #6249  
niversity A meeting is held in the Pentagon office of Stefan Possony, actin Early 5/1952 #6249  
ed by the FBI and passed on to the Pentagon and the Atomic Energy Commissio 5/10/1952 #6298  
nsultants, including Hynek. In the Pentagon, Maj. Dewey Fournet Jr. is a fu 6/1952 #6402  
                                   Pentagon Ruppelt says that by this time  6/30/1952 #6674  
this group took a firm hold in the Pentagon, at Air Defense Command headqua 6/30/1952 #6674  
s upset the “silence group” in the Pentagon.                                7/1/1952 #6688  
 FBI. White night light hangs over Pentagon / 4 hours. Drops. Veers away /  7/27/1952 #7193  
 (10 miles SSW of), OH B-25 Crew & Pentagon Brass See Lights (NICAP: 11 - A 7/27/1952 #7204  
                   Washington (The Pentagon), DC At 2000 hours July 27 and  7/27/1952 #7210  
a white light immediately over the Pentagon, then it made a direct descent  7/27/1952 #7210  
t made a direct descent toward the Pentagon, stopped and veered off. (NICAP 7/27/1952 #7210  
day. UFO inquiries are jamming the Pentagon telephones. Air Force and CIA o 7/28/1952 #7262  
                                   Pentagon Andrija Puharich, invited by an 11/24/1952 #8332  
s a lecture on ESP to high-ranking Pentagon officers in the Army’s Psycholo 11/24/1952 #8332  
                              Utah Pentagon Al Chop has written a press rel 2/9/1953 #8653  
release, which then goes on to the Pentagon, which “screamed ‘No!’” Ruppelt 2/9/1953 #8653  
                                   Pentagon Pentagon press officer Albert M 2/25/1953 #8703  
                          Pentagon Pentagon press officer Albert M. Chop wr 2/25/1953 #8703  
r of Air Force Intelligence in the Pentagon indicates that “flying objects” 6/24/1953 #8970  
                    ATIC in Dayton Pentagon USAF issues Air Force Regulatio 8/26/1953 #9112  
e groups: USAF intelligence at the Pentagon, the 4602nd AISS, and ATIC (alt 8/26/1953 #9112  
t informed of the tests. In a 1975 Pentagon Inspector General’s report, the 9/15/1953 #9168  
                 USAF headquarters Pentagon Menzel meets with USAF headquar 10/22/1953 #9247  
. George E. Perry) and ATIC at the Pentagon.                                10/22/1953 #9247  
assified documents coming from the Pentagon and other agencies. The Pentago 11/5/1953 #9285  
e Pentagon and other agencies. The Pentagon responds by creating its own “s 11/5/1953 #9285  
ane and no trace of it is found. A Pentagon spokesman claims the UFO was an 11/23/1953 #9318  
                                   Pentagon Cincinnati, Ohio Utah PIO Capt. 6/7/1954 #9872  
Utah PIO Capt. Robert White at the Pentagon repeats the 87 reports statisti 6/7/1954 #9872  
                                   Pentagon Colorado Pentagon press officer Early 4/1955 #12079  
                 Pentagon Colorado Pentagon press officer Capt. Robert Whit Early 4/1955 #12079  
            Navy Department at the Pentagon Frank Edwards travels with a TV 6/13/1955 #12196  
ucer to the Navy Department at the Pentagon and asks for some unclassified  6/13/1955 #12196  
USAF public information officer to Pentagon UFO press spokesman. The film u 5/3/1956 #12828  
                                   Pentagon ATIC briefs Howard P. Robertson 9/16/1957 #14001  
the UFO movie) is delivered by the Pentagon’s Maj. James F. Byrne.          9/16/1957 #14001  
                                   Pentagon In response to the launching of 2/7/1958 #14874  
ojects Agency and houses it in the Pentagon.                                2/7/1958 #14874  
                                   Pentagon Hynek wants to start bringing t 2/17/1959 #15591  
als, and Blue Book staffers in the Pentagon. This meeting includes, besides 2/17/1959 #15591  
awa Air Base Honshu Tsugaru Strait Pentagon Early evening. A weather office Spring 1959 #15662  
it on top. The commander calls the Pentagon for authorization for the pilot Spring 1959 #15662  
                                   Pentagon Air Force Regulation 200-2 is r 9/14/1959 #15975  
ice of Information Services at the Pentagon. Local base commanders can rele 9/14/1959 #15975  
   US Through its spokesman in the Pentagon, Lt. Col. Lawrence J. Tacker, t 1960 #16138  
                                   Pentagon Pentagon UFO spokesman Lt. Col. 12/5/1960 #16525  
                          Pentagon Pentagon UFO spokesman Lt. Col. Lawrence 12/5/1960 #16525  
                                   Pentagon Blue Book officer Maj. Robert F 12/27/1960 #16541  
o to Air Force Intelligence in the Pentagon. Friend complains about civilia 12/27/1960 #16541  
                                   Pentagon Europe Maj. Tacker is removed f 4/1961 #16641  
 Tacker is removed from his job as Pentagon UFO spokesman and reassigned to 4/1961 #16641  
 William T. Coleman is replaced as Pentagon UFO spokesman by Maj. Carl R. H 2/1962 #17030  
                              USAF Pentagon USAF Pentagon spokesman Maj. Ca 5/25/1962 #17201  
                USAF Pentagon USAF Pentagon spokesman Maj. Carl R. Hart tel 5/25/1962 #17201  
publicly maintain their story. The Pentagon forces a TV crew about to inter 1/11/1965 #18709  
                               The Pentagon Richmond, Virginia The Pentagon 2/11/1965 #18810  
he Pentagon Richmond, Virginia The Pentagon sends Blue Book chief Maj. Hect 2/11/1965 #18810  
                                   Pentagon National Academy of Sciences Hy 8/30/1965 #19478  
 the Air Force to suggest that the Pentagon work with the National Academy  8/30/1965 #19478  
                                   Pentagon In a Blue Book briefing, Brig.  7/7/1966 #20634  
 of USAF Public Information at the Pentagon, again denies that NORAD radars 7/7/1966 #20634  
 Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia Pentagon Condon, Saunders, Low, William  2/20/1967 #21607  
fter lunch, the group meets in the Pentagon with Brig. Gen. Edward B. Gille 2/20/1967 #21607  
 industry, states in 2002 that the Pentagon pulled the paper and “made it d 1968 #23633  
                                   Pentagon Secretary of the Air Force Offi 3/1969 #24956  
d J. Shea attends a meeting in the Pentagon in which “there was no doubt th 3/1969 #24956  
                          New York Pentagon Vietnam The New York Times begi 6/13/1971 #26174  
 begins publishing excerpts of the Pentagon papers, leaked by former milita 6/13/1971 #26174  
and if he complained, the USAF and Pentagon would pull his access to case f 5/1972 #26666  
             ALIEF, TX 1 observer. Pentagon / 300m altitude going quickly n 12/1975 #30678  
 ??? a.m. UFO, radar lock, Penroy. Pentagon notified of UFO. (NIDS UFO 40)  12/18/1975 #30724  
iral Morin reports 2 75' saucers / Pentagon. Blue lights on top etc.        1/21/1976 #30803  
CITY, TX 2 observer(s). Engineless Pentagon hovers. Lights / corners. Going 9/1976 #31318  
icycle. Headlight dies. Rounded 8M Pentagon going down / 1M altitude. Grey  8/22/1977 #32417  
 Lt. Gen. John R. Kelly Jr. at the Pentagon?] is said to be on his way to t 3/27/1978 #33088  
rija, Bolivia Wright-Patterson AFB Pentagon La Paz 4:15 p.m. An object cras 5/6/1978 #33190  
n AFB and USAF headquarters at the Pentagon, claiming that the Bolvian Army 5/6/1978 #33190  
ound observer(s) and DC10 / above. Pentagon object. Green light / underside 7/1/1979 #34643  
            WEISSENBURG, BAVARIA 2 Pentagon UFO's verified / police. Munich 9/17/1979 #34891  
T, GERM 10 cops and more/others. 3 Pentagon UFO's going quickly northwest.  9/17/1979 #34892  
lf of the inspector General of the Pentagon.                                12/29/1980 #35753  
TE, MI 1+1 observer(s). Huge metal Pentagon over power lines. Follows car.  1/27/1983 #36753  
ut the sky. Its shape is a perfect pentagon with a small white light at eac 1/27/1983 #36754  
l Reports on the recoveries at the Pentagon but was instructed NOT to remov 11/29/1983 #37053  
McLean Secure Facility in Virginia Pentagon Army Col. John B. Alexander (Ho 5/20/1985 #37590  
Virginia, and the last time at the Pentagon. This first meeting’s attendees 5/20/1985 #37590  
e San Jose Mercury states that the Pentagon has a “Black Budget” which has  2/15/1987 #38120  
                                   Pentagon Assistant Secretary of Defense  11/10/1988 #38710  
f Defense J. Daniel Howard holds a Pentagon press conference and reveals th 11/10/1988 #38710  
fied government records; per three Pentagon computer systems the next day,  9/28/1989 #39132  
                                US Pentagon US journalist Tim Weiner publis 9/1990 #39712  
 Weiner publishes Blank Check: The Pentagon’s Black Budget, based on his ar 9/1990 #39712  
es on black-budget spending at the Pentagon and CIA for the Philadelphia In 9/1990 #39712  
SHO, JAPAN 2 / observatory. Oblong Pentagon going quickly southwest through 2/24/1996 #42777  
                                   Pentagon Portland, Oregon Rear Adm. Thom 4/10/1997 #43260  
 Joint Chiefs of Staff, meets in a Pentagon conference room with former ast 4/10/1997 #43260  
ite Sands Missile Range New Mexico Pentagon In an effort to gauge the vulne 10/17/1997 #43431  
-3 at a distance of 238 miles. The Pentagon claims mixed results because a  10/17/1997 #43431  
l MJ-12 was a consolidation of two Pentagon projects Majestic and Jehovah o 7/7/1999 #43798  
                                   Pentagon Bill Sweetman writes in Jane’s  1/5/2000 #43921  
pecial access programs” within the Pentagon at the close of 1999, many of w 1/5/2000 #43921  
efore. Puthoff participated in the Pentagon’s AATIP program studying UAP an 5/2002 #44335  
told Kisling he was from a “secret Pentagon office” that had recovered “out 6/29/2002 #44354  
m OUSDAT, one from NSC and another Pentagon SES employee; most names were c 10/16/2002 #44418  
 briefings concerning UAP while at Pentagon or at White House Com Center, s 7/21/2003 #44567  
nts about AMS were answered by the Pentagon with its hire of IBM, but IBM i 6/2004 #44706  
ootage is publicly released by the Pentagon in 2017. This footage is known  11/14/2004 #44784  
e GIMBAL video, is released by the Pentagon alongside the 2004 FLIR1 footag 11/14/2004 #44784  
ctor and then a consultant for the Pentagon U.F.O. program (Advanced Aerosp 2007 #44993  
 Identification Program (AATIP), a Pentagon program to study UFOs—as a DIA  Fall 2007? #45070  
 project on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring to evaluate the threat Fall 2007? #45070  
om now through the year 2050.” The Pentagon will spend this money between S Fall 2007? #45070  
                                   Pentagon Luis Elizondo, an employee of t 2008 #45106  
up of UFO-curious personnel at the Pentagon who are studying UFOs encounter 2008 #45106  
ASS served as a contractor for the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Sys 10/17/2008 #45175  
tah Virginia Robert Bigelow brings Pentagon technical analyst Juliett Witt  8/2009 #45231  
                                   Pentagon Sen. Harry Reid’s request for S 11/2009 #45252  
rogram is denied by a group at the Pentagon consisting of Deputy Defense Se 11/2009 #45252  
                               The Pentagon Washington, D.C. The Pentagon’s 2013 #45357  
 The Pentagon Washington, D.C. The Pentagon’s black budget is at $52.6 bill 2013 #45357  
sessment of these disclosures, the Pentagon concludes that Snowden committe 6/14/2013 #45372  
 aerial phenomena.” Susan Gough, a Pentagon spokeswoman, confirms that the  2/2015? #45430  
ficials and the former head of the Pentagon’s AATIP Program Luis Elizondo.  12/2015 #45441  
                                   Pentagon Luis Elizondo resigns from his  10/4/2017 #45483  
gon Luis Elizondo resigns from his Pentagon UFO office to protest what he s 10/4/2017 #45483  
shington DC NY Times discloses the Pentagon’s AATIP program                 12/16/2017 #45493  
                                   Pentagon New York Post Pentagon spokesma 5/22/2019 #45579  
            Pentagon New York Post Pentagon spokesman Christopher Sherwood  5/22/2019 #45579  
                               The Pentagon The Pentagon officially release 4/27/2020 #45643  
                  The Pentagon The Pentagon officially releases the three v 4/27/2020 #45643  
                                   Pentagon Florida The US Senate Intellige 6/23/2020 #45649  
ed investigatory process, asks the Pentagon for a detailed, unclassified re 6/23/2020 #45649  
                                US Pentagon President Donald Trump signs a  12/27/2020 #45670  
s from a crash site. Reid says the Pentagon would not give him access to th 5/1/2021 #45686  
lligence Committee, pushes for the Pentagon and the public to understand th 5/17/2022 #45750  
e with more transparency than past Pentagon programs.                       5/17/2022 #45750  
yed at U.S. Space Force, something Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough confir 8/23/2022 #45764  
## Word: "pentagon's" (Back to Top)
                                   Pentagon's C Ring Las Vegas Alaska Hawai Fall 2007? #45070  
## Word: "pentagon-saucer" (Back to Top)
        FORET DE BOIS-BLANC, FR 8M Pentagon-saucer 5M over ground. Dried an 6/13/1970 #25699  
     SR24 / 106 NEAR COCHESETT, MA Pentagon-saucer paces cars. Lights / cor 3/23/1979 #34485  
## Word: "pentagon-shaped" (Back to Top)
e Bavarian town of Eichstatt three pentagon-shaped UFOs were seen by many,  9/17/1979 #34895  
n town of Eichstatt, Germany three pentagon-shaped UFOs were seen by many,  9/17/1979 #34897  
lleyball team, saw an arrowhead or pentagon-shaped object with many multico 10/2/1982 #36630  
 of “millions” of clearly visible, pentagon-shaped, partially translucent c 7/1985 #37613  
## Word: "pentagon-wide" (Back to Top)
, Brennan McKernan, leads this new Pentagon-wide project.                   12/27/2020 #45670  
## Word: "pentagonal" (Back to Top)
112 / MAUREILHAN, FR Same teacher. Pentagonal box with 5 portholes seen.    11/24/1994 #41865  
Hugo, Minnesota two bright lights, pentagonal in shape and red in color, mo 5/16/2010 #45282  
## Word: "pentagons" (Back to Top)
 and many / factory. 3 fast silent pentagons beam light. Going quickly nort 9/16/1979 #34888  
## Word: "pentagoreportnotnews" (Back to Top)
/http://www.nicap.org/match/papers/PentagoReportNotNews.htm                 4/24/1952 #6179  
## Word: "pentax" (Back to Top)
They made their photograph using a Pentax camera on a tripod. The two light 12/24/1970 #25952  
## Word: "penteado" (Back to Top)
nida Julio Mesqita 3:00 p.m. Hélio Penteado and his foreman Zaca Sabiá are  9/1957 #13966  
aca Sabiá are repairing a fence on Penteado’s farm in Campinas, São Paulo,  9/1957 #13966  
on the end that pierce the ground. Penteado goes closer to investigate and  9/1957 #13966  
toward the city. Back at his barn, Penteado notices that all his metallic t 9/1957 #13966  
at the metal is high in magnesium. Penteado later goes to the landing site  9/1957 #13966  
## Word: "penthereaz" (Back to Top)
                                   Penthereaz, Switzerland 9:00 PM. A small 12/21/1982 #36722  
he car when the driver sped up. In Penthereaz, Switzerland at 9:00 p.m. a s 12/21/1982 #36724  
## Word: "penthesilee" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Penthesilee” Yield: 20KT                 3/1/1979 #34455  
## Word: "penthouse" (Back to Top)
, NY Ex-Beatle John Lennon and 1 / penthouse balcony. UFO near UN building  8/23/1974 #29377  
 light on top from the roof of his penthouse apartment on East 52nd Street  8/23/1974 #29379  
  SAN JUAN, PR Radio DJ / studio / penthouse. 3 taps / window. Glowing figu 4/6/1975 #29972  
 a disc jockey, was working in the penthouse studio of WBMJ atop the Darlin 4/6/1975 #29978  
## Word: "penticton" (Back to Top)
                                   PENTICTON, BC Several UFO's with flashin 8/10/1976 #31249  
number of objects were observed at Penticton Tower. The objects had steady  8/10/1976 #31250  
                                   PENTICTON, BC 2 observer(s). Cylinder/ci 5/14/1993 #40979  
## Word: "pentland" (Back to Top)
seen by two women at a bus stop in Pentland Hills, Borders, Scotland. It br 11/8/1979 #34987  
                                MV PENTLAND / CHRISTMAS ISLAND Wide barrel  1/20/1983 #36751  
                                   PENTLAND HILLS, SCTL Man and dog. Silent 3/13/1999 #43747  
## Word: "pentothal" (Back to Top)
orehead. Under hypnosis and sodium pentothal Llanca recalled being transpor 10/28/1973 #28311  
## Word: "pentru" (Back to Top)
 D. Farcaş establish the Asociația pentru Studiul Fenomenelor Aerospațiale  9/28/1998 #43654  
## Word: "penuelas" (Back to Top)
 object dove into the sea at Playa Penuelas, Chile. It trailed flames and s 7/23/1968 #24215  
                                In Penuelas, Puerto Rico Ivan Rivero Morale 9/26/1997 #43417  
## Word: "penwortham" (Back to Top)
were seen hovering in the sky over Penwortham, South Australia at 6:30 p.m. 6/4/1969 #25199  
## Word: "penycwm" (Back to Top)
                          BRAWDY / PENYCWM, WALES 1 observer. Domed saucer  3/17/1977 #31914  
## Word: "penysarn" (Back to Top)
                        A5025 near Penysarn, Anglesey, Wales 10:40 p.m. Elf 10/8/1978 #33816  
is driving south on the A5025 near Penysarn, Anglesey, Wales, when he sees  10/8/1978 #33816  
## Word: "penza-19" (Back to Top)
              Soviet Union Soviet “Penza-19” nuclear weapons program plant  1955 #11887  
## Word: "penzance" (Back to Top)
                                   PENZANCE, CORNWALL 3 observer(s). Small  6/30/1998 #43597  
## Word: "peopie" (Back to Top)
    Lordsburg, NM 11:00 p.m. Three peopIe listening to a CB radio in their  1/6/1975 #29728  
near Lordsburg, New Mexico - Three peopIe listening to a CB radio in their  1/6/1975 #29729  
## Word: "people" (Back to Top)
ines Venusians to be “little black people, scorched with the Sun, full of f 1686 #50  
f a world’s inhabitants; thus, the people who live on Mercury are the stupi 3/1755 #73  
who happens to be among a group of people on the terrace at Windsor Castle, 8/18/1783 #90  
t-fitting suit and, seeing all the people, says some words that are not und 6/12/1790 #91  
hel of plants, animals, and winged people on the lunar surface. Using a hug 8/25/1835 #130  
        Washington, D.C. 9:30 p.m. People in Washington, D.C., see a brilli 3/21/1854 #148  
lumbiad space gun and launch three people—the Gun Club’s president, his Phi 1865 #163  
ses flew low over this town. Local people also described it as a giant bird 7/1868 #173  
ses flew low over this town. Local people also described it as a giant bird 7/1868 #174  
vel’s anti-hero Robur, who kidnaps people and takes them on board the airsh 1886 #273  
that illuminates the interior. The people begin to pray but they start vomi 10/24/1886 #276  
 much brighter light” that dazzles people standing several hundred feet awa 6/13/1891 #293  
xahachie, Texas 11:00 p.m. Several people in Waxahachie, Texas, see a “kind 8/30/1892 #305  
mberland County, Kentucky Sunrise. People living near the small hamlet of L 8/18/1893 #309  
 Columbia The chief of the Kispiox people and a group of Canadian trappers  7/3/1896 #327  
avoiding buildings and hills. Some people claim to hear voices, either argu 11/17/1896 #340  
 with technical problems. However, people in Oroville sense a hoax, as they 11/22/1896 #347  
in Sacramento, California, by many people. At times it disappears, then fla 11/22/1896 #348  
n San Francisco, California. Other people on the streetcar also watch the l 11/22/1896 #349  
mpo, California Just after sunset. People in Acampo, California, see an air Mid 1/1897 #381  
g Springs, Nebraska Night. A dozen people returning home from a prayer meet 2/4/1897 #387  
stings Kenesaw Hartwell 10:15 p.m. People at the railway depot in Falls Cit 2/26/1897 #389  
             Wesley, Iowa Evening. People in Wesley, Iowa, view a cone-shap 4/2/1897 #412  
 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 8:00 p.m. Many people in towns along the Burlington, Ce 4/8/1897 #418  
outh Chicago 8:30 p.m. Hundreds of people in Chicago, Evanston, Niles Cente 4/9/1897 #420  
peed, is on top. Hundreds of other people also see the object over the next 4/11/1897 #432  
in Lincoln, Illinois, more than 50 people stand on Pulaski Street to watch  4/12/1897 #447  
or Charles Merritt Seely and other people in Canton, South Dakota, watch a  4/13/1897 #453  
eor heading toward the Earth, more people gather outside to watch. City Mar 4/15/1897 #490  
unication with quite human-looking people.                                  4/15/1897 #495  
an aerial craft land near him. Six people emerged from it and spoke to him  4/16/1897 #502  
an aerial craft land near him. Six people emerged from it and spoke to him  4/16/1897 #504  
enter Avenue 12:30 a.m. A group of people returning home from a lodge meeti 4/16/1897 #506  
an aerial craft land near him. Six people emerged from it and spoke to him  4/16/1897 #514  
tchitoches, Louisiana 1:30 a.m. As people are returning from a party at the 4/19/1897 #534  
he naked eye.” The outlines of two people aboard are plainly visible.       4/22/1897 #557  
rtheast over Kokomo, Indiana. Some people can distinguish the faint outline 4/22/1897 #558  
               Merkel, TX Evening. People returning from church observed a  4/25/1897 #571  
                     Merkel, Texas People returning from church observed a  4/25/1897 #572  
ng down the rope. But when he sees people watching him, he cuts the rope an 4/25/1897 #573  
                                   People returning from church in Merkel,  4/25/1897 #575  
0 p.m. in Sidnaw, Michigan several people saw a green ball of light fly ove 4/26/1897 #581  
 Hopley is one of a small group of people in Sandusky, Ohio, who watch a “f 5/11/1897 #596  
eastern reaches of Siberia several people witnessed a round UFO flying towa 9/17/1897 #610  
 the operator at Colfax, Iowa, and people in the depot there also see it.   11/19/1897 #612  
        McMahan, Texas Late night. People returning from a dance near McMah Mid 1/1899 #630  
    McAlester, Oklahoma 11:00 p.m. People outside the opera house in McAles 1/26/1899 #631  
and over the next few days several people report a half-human, half-animal  9/29/1903 #662  
ight for over two minutes by three people. Barry Greenwood thinks they are  2/28/1904 #670  
ington Late afternoon. Hundreds of people in Indianapolis, Indiana, see a “ 9/16/1906 #688  
panied by a shock wave that knocks people off their feet and breaks windows 6/30/1908 #711  
n front, steering the craft. Other people in Lowestoft hear engine sounds a 5/16/1909 #750  
                 At 1:00 a.m. five people driving in the mountains from Mon 5/16/1909 #751  
s aircraft for public viewing, and people gradually realize it is a hoax.   12/22/1909 #821  
, author H. P. Lovecraft sees what people are claiming is Tillinghast’s air 12/24/1909 #825  
                  Several thousand people in Chattanooga, Tennessee watched 1/13/1910 #832  
If human life exists on Venus, the people do not live as we do.”            1/9/1911 #853  
spite a gale-force wind. Two other people, tradesman Mr. Langley and Police 1/4/1913 #866  
ol, England 7:00–8:30 p.m. Several people see a mysterious aircraft over th 1/25/1913 #872  
observers see the meteors and many people hear a thundering noise, while ot 2/9/1913 #881  
andet, Nordland, Norway Some 20–30 people watch an airship flying at 2,300  11/21/1914 #921  
 Portugal Cova da Iria Some 18,000 people have been flocking to Fátima and  8/13/1917 #960  
mel, and Saint Joseph blessing the people. Father John de Marchi, an Italia 10/13/1917 #970  
d lights across the landscape, the people, and the surrounding clouds. The  10/13/1917 #970  
eport seeing the Sun “dance.” Some people only see the radiant colors, and  10/13/1917 #970  
              Approximately 70,000 people crowded the fields surrounding th 10/13/1917 #971  
 Missouri, was seen by two hundred people. It made a 90-degree turn to the  6/8/1920 #1002  
France 11:00 p.m. A group of young people, including sisters Louise and Mar Summer 1920 #1003  
ve great power. They are something people of this earth have never seen.” T Summer 1931 #1130  
ils about a crash and dead “little people” to his family in a letter and ph Early 10/1941 #1372  
raphs hat saucer over busy street. People stare. See reference.             1/1942? #1386  
id to throw a scare into 2,000,000 people, or a mistaken identity raid, or  2/24/1942 #1388  
idespread panic resulted, and five people were killed by the anti-aircraft  2/25/1942 #1391  
e afternoon in Chauny, France many people witnessed several small brilliant 1/8/1943 #1479  
haver, kidnapping surface-dwelling people by the thousands for meat or tort 11/1943 #1541  
s through windows. Aims device and people pass out. Odd smell.              8/8/1944 #1635  
 part of the Manhattan Project, 18 people in the US are injected with pluto 4/10/1945 #1844  
o obliterate the city. Some 78,000 people die instantly or immediately afte 8/6/1945 #1915  
ami Valley. At least 35,000–40,000 people are killed, and 60,000 others are 8/9/1945 #1920  
incident appears to be a hoax, few people can reach the Technical Intellige 1946 #1962  
tation in Södertälje 2:30 p.m. Two people on the north side of Vaxön, Swede 7/9/1946 #2036  
     Turku, Finland 3:35 p.m. Many people see a bright red, rocket-like obj 7/9/1946 #2041  
ckholm 9:00–10:00 p.m. Hundreds of people in central and southern Sweden se 8/11/1946 #2117  
ges, Cher Department, France. Many people were awakened by the noise.       8/24/1946 #2157  
 has gotten out of hand: “Half the people I see look at me as a combination 6/27/1947 #2431  
on of nine UFOs seen by a group of people west of Medford (NICAP: 01 - Dist 6/29/1947 #2465  
 on the flying discs. Ramey thinks people are “seeing heat waves.” Kalberer 6/30/1947 #2487  
 County Oregon 1:05–5:30 p.m. Many people in Portland, Oregon—including KOI 7/4/1947 #2658  
 Twin Falls, Idaho 2:50 p.m. Seven people at Twin Falls Park, seven miles e 7/4/1947 #2659  
 flying toward the south. Two more people at the nearby University of Washi 7/4/1947 #2677  
s, and other disc-like debris that people find or make in order to have som 7/7/1947 #2930  
r neighbor's roof. Several "little people" emerged, but disappeared when re 7/7/1947 #2946  
alls, Newfoundland. He calls other people to watch them as well. They are m 7/9/1947 #3069  
              At 11:30 a.m. 47,000 people in a new football stadium in Mana 11/15/1947 #3491  
 later writes, “Why couldn’t these people, whoever they might be, stand the 12/1947 #3496  
l investigating and he still wants people to report their sightings.        12/17/1947 #3505  
 on something like a ramp are tall people with bluish-silvery robes. She wa 1948? #3524  
's last words were, "My God, I see people in this thing!")                  1/7/1948 #3537  
 he saw the object. Altogether, 20 people reported sighting flying saucers- 7/11/1948 #3707  
                               Six people in Chamblee, Georgia briefly saw  7/26/1948 #3744  
       In the early afternoon many people in Phoenix, Arizona witnessed fou 8/15/1948 #3783  
Laboratory, New Mexico, a group of people are waiting for an airplane at th 9/23/1948 #3811  
llyn certainly looks in. All these people, as well as higher-ups in Clinger 9/30/1948? #3817  
have little impact on the American people or the American economy. Five pri Late 1948 #3842  
to, California. He and a few other people, including some command pilots, a 1949? #3944  
ard rumors of autopsies of “midget people” at Los Alamos, experiments at Ho 1949 #3947  
, New Mexico 5:54 p.m. Hundreds of people see a green meteor come out of th 1/30/1949 #3985  
ial Army Staff Message: Approx. 30 people sighted UFO’s on Jan. 30, 1949. E 1/31/1949 #3986  
                 At 18:40 p.m. two people driving near East Ganado Mission, 2/14/1949 #4008  
-page piece in the W-T: ‘Air Force people are convinced the flying disc is  5/18/1949 #4193  
                 At 11:40 a.m. two people fishing in a flooded quarry north 7/23/1949 #4277  
p and flying upward. This group of people does not know their distant neigh 9/26/1949 #4372  
 and was witnessed by more than 50 people.                                  10/23/1949 #4402  
ject spewing smoke is seen by many people over Tucson, Arizona. The radio o 2/1/1950 #4524  
I 544) February 5 — 5:10 p.m. Four people at Falmouth Airport [now part of  2/2/1950 #4526  
                             Seven people witnessed two cylindrical objects 2/5/1950 #4531  
e men in a truck and several other people witnessed a dark red, torpedo-sha 2/21/1950 #4543  
 “that we never investigated. Some people believe the memo repeats a hoax t 3/22/1950 #4702  
rman, and Charlie Ross, as well as people on the street.                    4/7/1950 #4816  
num-colored object with four other people for 2 minutes. It follows a horiz 4/8/1950 #4830  
os Alamos, New Mexico More than 15 people report seeing a UFO for 20 minute 4/17/1950 #4859  
FOs as rotating disks—are missing. People in the Great Falls area who view  8/15/1950 #5126  
ssion has established contact with people from other planets who apparently 8/20/1950 #5132  
e Welch estimates that 3–4 million people have heard about saucers, thanks  9/8/1950 #5171  
 interested civilians and military people to accept UFO reality, government 10/1950 #5204  
                              Four people flying over Camaguey province, Cu 10/20/1950 #5248  
cCoy in Project Grudge. It offends people so badly that many pilots afterwa 1/1951 #5380  
Navy report is erroneous. It lulls people into a false sense of security.”  2/25/1951 #5458  
nd ONR are purposefully misleading people and true UAP are not balloons and 2/27/1951 #5465  
o a locomotive headlight. Some 200 people have been gathering along the roa 3/1951 #5469  
The witnesses shout out, and 17–20 people rush out of the hanger and see th 3/15/1951 #5489  
anda that will subconsciously turn people away from communism and toward de 4/4/1951 #5498  
                           Several people witnessed a luminous disc buzz th 7/19/1951 #5579  
, Ruppelt also learns that several people in and around Lubbock claim to ha 8/30/1951 #5638  
ge investigators, another group of people who, “because of their associatio 8/30/1951 #5638  
cDougall’s husband and three other people also see it.                      9/1951 #5647  
 California 6:30 a.m. A carpool of people on their way to work at United Ai 1952 #5841  
Southwest; the bodies were “little people.” He stated “everything delivered 1952 #5846  
n the wise and peace- loving space people. Van Tassel reprints many of thes 1/6/1952 #5861  
o be secure bunkers are visible to people (mostly military personnel) who g 2/22/1952 #5920  
              At 9:15 p.m. several people at a drive-in theatre in Flint, M 4/20/1952 #6142  
 Navy captains from ONI, and “some people I can’t name.” The meeting is con Mid 6/1952 #6512  
ut 8 minutes. He guesses about 500 people are watching the object.          7/1/1952 #6690  
disappear. The UFO is seen by 400+ people, with 14 others making reports to 7/12/1952 #6784  
he said in regards to UFO's “Those people have seen something. What they sa 7/23/1952 #7035  
0 p.m. in Wichita Falls, Texas two people witnessed two phosphorescent disc 7/27/1952 #7220  
nal Airport 8:30–9:00 p.m. We, the People, a 30-minute TV news show produce 8/1/1952 #7410  
 and many other planetary and star people communicate with them. The space  8/2/1952 #7424  
e communicate with them. The space people call earth “Saras.” Nah-9 says th 8/2/1952 #7424  
f Saras must unite with good space people to avert a calamity. More Ouija s 8/2/1952 #7424  
ria Constantine, Algeria 7:20 p.m. People on the docks of Phillippeville [m 8/14/1952 #7594  
 greenish trail. At 9:15 p.m., two people in Constantine, Algeria, watch a  8/14/1952 #7594  
            At 10:10 a.m. fourteen people in Enfield, Connecticut watched a 9/6/1952 #7870  
                  A group of young people in Flatwoods, West Virginia saw a 9/11/1952 #7896  
ds, West Virginia A group of young people saw a "meteor" land on top of a h 9/12/1952 #7902  
nia.” The Air Force concludes that people have seen a meteor and that the m 9/12/1952 #7905  
                  A group of young people in Flatwoods, West Virginia saw a 9/12/1952 #7906  
                           Several people in Charleston, West Virginia saw  9/14/1952 #7947  
e Baileys have received from space people. He writes an associate doing mis 10/16/1952 #8138  
 Ruppelt and Col. Bower with seven people from the laboratory. Several of t 10/23/1952 #8178  
    Landrum (near), SC Hundreds of people saw a huge disc, watched through  11/16/1952 #8288  
t of sight. About 6 minutes later, people see a group of round, glowing obj 11/16/1952 #8289  
amson and tells him that the space people have informed him a physical enco 11/18/1952 #8297  
pdates to Congress or the American people, and Stratton’s interest contradi 12/2/1952 #8364  
                  At 4:15 p.m. six people sighted two discs maneuvering ove 12/17/1952 #8430  
e Air Force is that “many credible people have seen incredible things.”     3/1953 #8722  
rs, drug addicts, and prostitutes—“people who could not fight back,” as one 6/9/1953 #8930  
dates to Congress and the American people.  http://www.nicap.org/directives 8/26/1953 #9113  
tion techniques derived from space people.                                  9/1953 #9130  
atch stopped working, and numerous people vouch for the fact that the paint 11/1953 #9269  
southwest of Sétif) 1:30 p.m. Many people in Saint-Arnaud [now El Eulma], A 1/18/1954 #9494  
s investigating the saucer, saucer people look like humans, after the Briti 2/22/1954 #9562  
troit, Michigan, which draws 4,700 people.                                  3/28/1954 #9647  
drunk and taken to a room with 4-5 people where he was asked questions abou 4/12/1954 #9685  
-like shock through the area. Some people report seeing a glowing ball befo 5/1/1954 #9744  
                               Two people witnessed the landing of a lens-s 5/18/1954 #9812  
st meeting is initiated by several people, including Polish politician-in-e 5/29/1954 #9840  
liamson. O’Mara replies that these people are obvious hoaxers and need no s 6/7/1954 #9872  
Germany Tempelhof Airport Some 300 people in West Berlin, Germany, see thre Late 6/1954 #9947  
 a building and an auto, killing 4 people, and injuring 5 others. Atkins te 7/2/1954 #9984  
other witness, but when three more people arrived the object took off, glow 8/7/1954 #10113  
y Head Wicklow 9:35 p.m. Crowds of people in Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland. 8/26/1954 #10182  
         Helsinki, Finland Several people reported having seen a circular f 9/14/1954 #10296  
  Helsinki, Finland Night. Several people see a circular UFO over Helsinki, 9/14/1954 #10300  
n diameter was sighted by over 800 people, hovering for a few minutes.      9/15/1954 #10313  
 Rome Around 4:45 p.m. Hundreds of people see a UFO over Rome, Italy, makin 9/17/1954 #10333  
seen in the sky by over a thousand people including military witnesses near 9/17/1954 #10335  
e and was witnessed by at least 11 people in Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dome, 9/17/1954 #10336  
above Danané, Ivory Coast, by many people: a Catholic priest named Fr. Myar 9/18/1954 #10348  
nous cloud-cigar was seen by three people emitting disc-shaped UFOs in Font 9/22/1954 #10397  
kes off at tremendous speed. Other people notice a circular area about 10 f 9/26/1954 #10451  
oussignargues, France At "Revety," people in a bus saw a reddish light comi 9/27/1954 #10469  
ussignargues, France. At "Revety," people on a bus saw a reddish light with 9/27/1954 #10474  
:00 o'clock in the morning several people in the city of Clermont-Ferrand,  10/2/1954 #10616  
s, and descend to ground level. As people run to the spot, it takes off aga 10/3/1954 #10665  
            Tregon, France Several people noticed an object hovering near a 10/4/1954 #10694  
 France At Les Chavannes, about 20 people, among them Remy Gaudicourt of Sa 10/4/1954 #10695  
                           Several people noticed an object hovering near a 10/4/1954 #10704  
nes, France. At 6:30 p.m. about 20 people, among them Remy Gaudicourt of Sa 10/4/1954 #10705  
seen for 20 minutes by hundreds of people over El Mahalla El Kubra, Egypt.  10/5/1954 #10731  
:45 a.m. in Bordeaux, France, five people saw two bright metallic discs fly 10/5/1954 #10742  
ters from Beaumont, France several people saw an flying object coming towar 10/5/1954 #10743  
                     Dreux, France People out hunting saw a luminous sphere 10/9/1954 #10843  
     Soubran, France Several local people saw a luminous, spherical object  10/9/1954 #10844  
  In Soubran, France several local people saw a luminous, spherical object  10/9/1954 #10862  
              Siena, Italy Several people saw a landed object in a meadow.  10/16/1954 #11146  
               At midnight several people saw a landed object in a meadow i 10/16/1954 #11153  
             At 10:00 p.m. several people in the town of Ascoli Pisceno, Ma 10/17/1954 #11185  
s normal route, and starts telling people about the event. Later ufologists 10/18/1954 #11212  
                        At noon 70 people in the city of Amiens, Somme, Fra 10/19/1954 #11246  
en he notices a crowd of about 100 people gazing up at the sky. He sees two 10/30/1954 #11492  
 in order to make contact with the people he thought were associated with t 11/1/1954 #11522  
 Monza, Italy A crowd of about 150 people, destroying barriers to come clos 11/8/1954 #11596  
At 10:30 a.m. a crowd of about 150 people jumped barriers to get closer to  11/8/1954 #11602  
          At 6:00 p.m. a number of people in the Vacheresse Forest in Vouss 11/8/1954 #11603  
      At 8:30 p.m. about a hundred people in Kariambkam, Madras, India saw  11/27/1954 #11714  
erformed a vertical landing. Three people wearing “western” suits emerged a 11/27/1954 #11714  
s and fly toward the forest. Other people in a bus saw the same thing.      12/9/1954 #11785  
      At 3:45 a.m. several hundred people, including sentries guarding the  12/18/1954 #11831  
gator; publicity to encourage more people to report sightings; a liaison wi 12/26/1954 #11862  
her sister May that the local Zulu people are reporting appearances of a my 12/27/1954 #11864  
ld “elder philosopher of the space people,” who is called “the Master.” Ada 1955 #11896  
ng their message of peace to Earth people and that other humans throughout  1955 #11896  
                  At 7:25 a.m. two people in a car in Melbourne, Victoria,  1/3/1955 #11918  
ntrim Northern Ireland Hundreds of people gather each night at the Black Ar 8/1955 #12310  
rthern Ireland. It is seen by many people for about 10 minutes. Jeffrey Moo 8/19/1955 #12374  
the window in the evening. Several people in Mount Air, Ohio saw a dwarf cr 8/26/1955 #12412  
e a common front against attack by people from other planets.” The meeting  10/7/1955 #12491  
 Ashfield & Greenfield, MA Several people watched a cigar-shaped object wit 12/6/1955 #12599  
uld see figures moving about, like people "walking in front of a light." Th 12/21/1955 #12619  
 out of Wright Field, staffed with people from Ramo-Wooldridge. West Wing a 1956 #12639  
 intelligences. They mention space people, underwater cities, force fields, 4/1956 #12777  
r ship” filled with friendly space people. At one point a huge video image  4/7/1956 #12798  
              At 6:30 p.m. several people in South Bay, New York including  5/17/1956 #12856  
that Puharich and Hurkos are space people come to assist them, based on the 7/1956 #12940  
evuka in the Fiji Islands, several people on a fishing boat saw a cigar-sha 7/12/1956 #12968  
                At 10:00 p.m. many people on the beach in Higuerote, Venezu 9/3/1956 #13180  
 Plain States they surprised a few people in southern Florida as well. Abou 11/8/1956 #13315  
the region, affecting over 250,000 people. The radioactivity released into  1957 #13424  
O, which argues that human “little people” (like the pygmy peoples of the C 1957 #13429  
 Lemuria, reincarnation, and space people—both benign and malevolent. He wr 1957 #13430  
d malevolent. He writes that space people first arrived 1 billion years ago 1957 #13430  
ng in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand two people in Rissington saw a huge luminous 1/1/1957 #13446  
                At 10:00 a.m. many people in Campo Quijano, Argentina witne 1/18/1957 #13465  
t compete with the science-fiction people.”                                 2/19/1957 #13511  
the machine and saw inside several people seated before instrument panels,  5/1/1957 #13637  
nters the machine and sees several people inside seated in front of instrum 5/1/1957 #13638  
on highway 13 north of town, three people driving together in a car had an  6/5/1957 #13707  
work in Peru, Indiana, and notices people standing along the road looking a 8/1957 #13868  
d soon show themselves to warn all people about the dangers of a nuclear ca 8/20/1957 #13911  
us clouds. A few minutes later, 15 people on the beach report a similar obj 8/20/1957 #13912  
d soon show themselves to warn all people about the dangers of a nuclear ca 8/20/1957 #13915  
scent-shaped object followed three people driving in a car in Glenelg, Sout 8/28/1957 #13941  
has stopped working. The same day, people observe a UFO over a hospital on  9/1957 #13966  
Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil Several people fishing near Ubatuba, São Paulo,  Early 9/1957 #13971  
 Yellow Falls, Texas Three hundred people were said to have seen three elon 9/26/1957 #14035  
 some 20,000 square miles; 270,000 people are exposed to dangerous radiatio 9/29/1957 #14044  
 opens, and seven apparently human people come out dressed in luminous suit 10/10/1957 #14095  
es to them rose to about a hundred people.”                                 11/2/1957 #14194  
n broken English: "We are peaceful people; we only want your dog." The litt 11/6/1957 #14414  
ounds like German to him. The four people go into the craft by seemingly wa 11/6/1957 #14422  
    Toronto, Ontario 8:02 p.m. Six people in Toronto, Ontario, watch a yell 11/6/1957 #14426  
n broken English: "We are peaceful people, we only want your dog. " The lit 11/6/1957 #14438  
wo domed discs were sighted by two people driving on US highway 40 in New C 11/6/1957 #14439  
      Edinburgh, Scotland Fourteen people, including Mrs. Maty Home, report 11/8/1957 #14480  
ltitude and dropped to the ground. People seemed to be moving around it, bu 11/8/1957 #14482  
 himself and murdering 43 innocent people in the process.                   11/8/1957 #14489  
   In Edinburgh, Scotland fourteen people, including Mrs. Maty Home, report 11/8/1957 #14491  
de and then dropped to the ground. People seemed to be moving around outsid 11/8/1957 #14493  
   Hammond, Indiana 7:00 p.m. Many people see a UFO at Hammond, Indiana. Tw 11/10/1957 #14525  
 and other UFOs reportedly seen by people all over the U.S.” [Angle: Artifi 11/12/1957 #14535  
l, suddenly dim and fail. Numerous people see a circular light traveling di 11/25/1957 #14614  
hington Highway 17 9:00 p.m. Eight people traveling together in two cars on 12/8/1957 #14692  
e same time in Bonanza, Oregon two people claimed to have seen a luminous d 12/8/1957 #14695  
h ultimately chased a jeep load of people for approximately 30 minutes, had 12/21/1957 #14753  
formation are “entirely in error.” People who report UFOs simply want confi 1/1958 #14791  
            Bogota, Colombia Eight people working in a wood saw a green cre 5/2/1958 #15010  
                             Eight people working in a forest near Santa Fe 5/2/1958 #15011  
in diameter called Trijanon. Other people tell their personal fantastic sto 6/28/1958 #15123  
to give a briefing, while allowing people like Menzel, Ruppelt, and Keyhoe  8/8/1958 #15184  
   Leman Lake, Switzerland A dozen people out on the lake in perfect weathe 8/16/1958 #15202  
                           A dozen people were out on Leman Lake in Switzer 8/16/1958 #15204  
rsory examination for burns. Other people in the neighborhood either see an 10/26/1958 #15385  
account of his meetings with space people.                                  1959 #15514  
George Van Tassel claims the space people have taught him a method of rejuv 1959 #15515  
                 At 1:30 a.m. five people saw a luminous globe make sharp m 1/4/1959 #15535  
Stigsjö, Sweden Lake Länsjön Eight people see a UFO over Stigsjö, Sweden. T 1/18/1959? #15555  
 Digeliotika, Greece 9:30 p.m. The people of Digeliotika, Greece, hear a hu 2/1959 #15574  
. Running out of their homes, many people see a luminous disc circling the  2/1959 #15574  
use of sightings related to him by people who worked with him at the South  3/11/1959 #15634  
re he encountered various races of people, who allegedly lived in dwellings 4/1/1959 #15689  
apau Abednego and other indigenous people on Prince of Wales Island in the  7/8/1959 #15827  
 whether Catholics were the chosen people. They were told that they were no 7/9/1959 #15829  
es, experiments focus on measuring people’s reactions under extreme stress. 9/1959 #15952  
rl of Clancarty, publishes The Sky People, in which he claims that Adam and 1960 #16141  
hat actually happened to groups of people on Mars, he writes, with the Grea 1960 #16141  
lywood, California 11:15 p.m. Many people see a distinctly round UFO hover  2/5/1960 #16168  
sses around the intersection, with people gaping at the object overhead. Pe 2/5/1960 #16168  
rles Walker, say that “hundreds of people saw it— everybody was looking” as 2/5/1960 #16168  
s to waste no time in alerting the people. Any sudden, hostile act against  2/27/1960 #16186  
ith a loud explosion heard by many people, and a flame. It bounced in an ea 4/18/1960 #16233  
ith a loud explosion heard by many people, and a flame. It bounced in an ea 4/18/1960 #16234  
í Maranhão 7:00 p.m. More than 100 people at Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil, watch 5/13/1960 #16266  
planes and missiles…. The American people must be convinced, by documented  8/31/1960 #16426  
ied. The wife recalls seeing short people in tight-fitting uniforms, and he 9/2/1960 #16432  
r, British Columbia 9:25 p.m. Five people are out looking for the Echo 1 sa 9/29/1960 #16467  
ian UFO organizations supported by people for “financial gain, religious re 12/27/1960 #16541  
ussia, bound for Kurgan with seven people on board. About 80–100 miles from 1961 #16550  
     Maine Portland Brunswick Many people report strange lights flashing ar 2/5/1961 #16596  
ed. The only trouble was that many people—good, reliable observers— continu 2/5/1961 #16596  
 Savona, Italy Off this town, four people in a boat were suddenly shaken by 6/3/1961 #16714  
off the town of Savona, Italy four people who were taking a ride in a small 6/3/1961 #16717  
20 cars stopped along the road and people watching a luminous disc-shaped o 6/5/1961 #16721  
to white again. Over a dozen other people witnessed it for several minutes  6/11/1961 #16725  
rvation Area, Nevada 2:00 a.m. Two people driving about one mile north of B 7/17/1961 #16765  
                On this night five people on a farm in Stillwater, Minnesot 8/17/1961 #16799  
             Toulouse, France Five people at Toulouse, France, see a lumino 8/25/1961? #16804  
Crawfordsville, IN 4:00 a.m. Three people reported a round, orange UFO whic 9/13/1961 #16832  
n about 2–3 seconds. Several other people, including airport controller Jay 10/2/1961 #16889  
5 p.m. over Washington, D.C. three people witnessed a sharply defined diamo 12/13/1961 #16993  
Witnesses: many unidentified young people.  One large red ball flew or fell 3/26/1962 #17087  
ct was reported by over a thousand people. The object appeared to land and  4/18/1962 #17115  
 or fishtail in its path.” Several people see the object over Eureka, Utah, 4/18/1962 #17120  
, Argentina Approximate date. Four people whose car had run out of gas, wer 5/1962 #17145  
t high speed. In Alta, a number of people reported a bright object moving a 7/30/1962 #17304  
away and came back with a group of people, who found the scarf on the groun 7/30/1962 #17305  
to reveal any clue. Many terrified people left the area.                    8/20/1962 #17347  
             On this night several people watched a luminous blue disc-shap 8/28/1962 #17369  
                             Three people, including a man named Bellantoni 8/28/1962 #17370  
contact J.W. saying that the space people are upset with human wars and nuc 9/1962 #17379  
nd the boy remarks that he can see people in it. One of the “men” gets out  10/28/1962 #17513  
erve Destiny that aimed to develop people with “intcomm” (intuitive communi 1/1963 #17625  
               At 11:45 p.m. three people in two separate airplanes sighted 2/7/1963 #17659  
 driven by a civilian man. Several people called authorities to report that 2/21/1963 #17676  
d leaving a trail observed by many people just after 8:00 p.m. Two National 3/11/1963 #17698  
utes. At about the same time three people in Rockland, Massachusetts in nea 6/26/1963 #17811  
                At 8:30 p.m. three people watched a low flying bell-shaped  7/22/1963 #17849  
s out of sight. Thousands of other people in the London area, including an  8/1/1963 #17860  
 fast. It was observed by numerous people. Total duration: 15 min.          8/8/1963 #17879  
t beams terrific light / homes and people. Going east. Turns going quickly  8/15/1963 (approximate) #17902  
ing they observed "several rows of people inside" and a thin, 3 m tall bein 8/28/1963 #17920  
        Monticello, Wisconsin Four people in a car observed a rigid configu 4/3/1964 #18156  
        Marie Morrow and two other people were driving west on a highway at 4/22/1964 #18185  
 not be alarmed. We have talked to people before.” They ask him what he is  4/24/1964 #18199  
Mexico Night. Two Spanish-speaking people 9 miles away from Golden, New Mex 4/25/1964? #18205  
0:28 p.m. It was witnessed by five people from two families.                5/15/1964 #18273  
                At 8:45 p.m. three people at the Coppermine trading post, s 6/3/1964 #18327  
er 200 feet long. Inside 12 "large people" could be seen moving about. The  9/7/1964 #18544  
                              Many people witnessed brilliant nocturnal lig 1/14/1965 #18733  
      On the same night a group of people in Torrent, Argentina in the prov 1/31/1965 #18789  
             At 10:45 p.m. several people witnessed a large, seven-meter di 2/3/1965 #18797  
     On or about this date several people in Torrent, Corrientes province,  2/4/1965 #18802  
anilla says. “I cannot explain why people want to see UFOs.”                2/11/1965 #18810  
othing to fear, and that the space people would return to bring peace on ea 2/21/1965 #18825  
e decontamination effort takes 400 people two months to complete, and costs 6/25/1965 #19027  
nt and often technically competent people to warrant closer attention than  7/1965 #19038  
y Islands, Antarctica 7:42 p.m. 17 people (including three visiting Chilean 7/3/1965 #19064  
mes. Also, later that evening five people witnessed a luminous circular obj 7/19/1965 #19136  
d him. He was told that the "space people" would soon show themselves to pe 7/21/1965 #19156  
ple" would soon show themselves to people everywhere on earth. They also to 7/21/1965 #19156  
   Puerto Monte, Chile Hundreds of people in two separate spots observed an 7/30/1965 #19210  
                       Hundreds of people from Puerto Monte, Chile in two s 7/30/1965 #19213  
lluco where it was seen by several people. The object emitted a bright, pur 7/31/1965 #19218  
lluco where it was seen by several people. The object emitted a bright, pur 7/31/1965 #19221  
“I heard that AFOSI was debriefing people. OSI was charged with doing whate 7/31/1965 #19225  
itorial: "Maybe it's time for more people to get serious about the UFO ques 8/3/1965 #19288  
s 'flying saucers. . . .' Too many people of obviously sound mind saw and r 8/3/1965 #19289  
                At 11:00 p.m. five people driving in a car in Salto, Urugua 8/14/1965 #19392  
 Salto, Uruguay at 11:00 p.m. five people in a car heard a loud hum and the 8/15/1965 #19402  
                 On this night two people driving on the Pan-American Highw 8/30/1965 #19480  
 otherwise dried-up lake bed. Many people witnessed the event.              9/6/1965 #19528  
ania, and Vermont. Over 30 million people and 80,000 square miles are left  11/9/1965 #19709  
 leaving the witness amazed. Other people saw "a luminous man" walking alon 12/16/1965 #19773  
                               Six people were driving to a scout hall in M 1/11/1966 #19830  
ras Ipanema, Brazil 5:45 p.m. Many people see a white, oval object crash in 3/16/1966 #19974  
y West, Florida 10:00 p.m. Several people standing outside the Waterfront P 3/22/1966 #20032  
ght lights was observed by a dozen people. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 3/23/1966 #20044  
the country: “I think the American people would feel better if there was a  3/25/1966 #20081  
, CAN Time not reported. About 100 people watched a revolving disc-shaped o 3/27/1966 #20096  
ew Hampshire, several professional people including a deputy sheriff and a  3/29/1966 #20133  
objective auspices. . . . Too many people have seen too many things for the 3/31/1966 #20178  
                     Kittery, ME 4 people saw a landed object through binoc 4/5/1966 #20236  
, CO Time not reported. A group of people on a picnic saw white, blue, and  4/7/1966 #20265  
         Bagley, Minnesota Several people were said to have observed an obj 4/22/1966 #20370  
on, OH Time not reported. About 10 people watched a saucer-shaped glowing o 5/4/1966 #20445  
 on or about this date, a crowd of people in Atafona Campos, Brazil were wa 5/10/1966 #20476  
ect, they said, and they could see people moving inside. On one side, there 6/3/1966 #20529  
 away "like a bullet." Three other people saw it from the next house.       6/23/1966 #20601  
onald). 1967, Trenton, Maine - Two people sighted a silver-gray, hat-shaped 6/24/1966 #20608  
fic jam in Mexico City, Mexico, as people are getting out of their cars and Late 7/1966 #20684  
port, NJ 3:30 p.m. EDT. A group of people saw a metallic-appearing oblong o 9/26/1966 #20928  
 to discover what it is that makes people imagine they see things.”         10/8/1966 #20973  
nesboro, TN 7:10 p.m. EDT. Several people sighted a cigar-shaped object whi 10/11/1966 #20990  
n also promised to return. Several people who drove by the witness did repo 11/2/1966 #21069  
n also promised to return. Several people who drove by the witness reported 11/2/1966 #21071  
ells the press that he knows “some people [McDonald] who believe the air fo 11/5/1966 #21077  
gether.” After this sighting, more people begin reporting encounters, and h 11/15/1966 #21107  
eather conditions at the time. Six people traveling in a car between Mount  1/16/1967 #21323  
ercial artist, as well as 19 other people driving along Interstate 91 in Cr 1/24/1967 #21377  
hed. Before long, a crowd of 50–60 people gather around their apartment bui 1/26/1967 #21399  
             At 7:30 p.m. CST nine people in Granite City, Illinois reporte 1/30/1967 #21421  
:40 p.m. CST (8:40 p.m. EST). Five people watched a disc or ellipse that fi 2/3/1967 #21445  
ghts). The object also was seen by people in another car as it moved northw 2/5/1967 #21454  
 separate groups of four and three people, respectively, reported seeing a  2/10/1967 #21499  
 separate groups of four and three people in Woodstock, Connecticut, see a  2/10/1967 #21505  
                           Several people in Haliburton, Ontario witnessed  2/10/1967 #21507  
         Wharton, TX Evening. Many people, including an airport manager, sa 2/12/1967 #21518  
ing/beeping sound, which two other people also heard. (Fowler, 1974, p. 344 2/17/1967 #21582  
 drove underneath it and saw other people in cars looking at it. (Massachus 2/17/1967 #21583  
hatsworth, GA 4:30 p.m. EST. Three people saw a shiny cigar-shaped object a 2/18/1967 #21589  
  Hollywood, FL 4:30 p.m. EST. Two people saw a gun-metal gray oval object  2/19/1967 #21595  
t windows, and "antenna." Heads of people (occupants) were seen in the wind 2/19/1967 #21595  
dows, and an antenna. The heads of people could be seen looking out from in 2/19/1967 #21598  
nfield, KS 8:35-9:00 p.m. CST. Two people saw a brilliant white cylinder th 2/21/1967 #21613  
m. in Minneapolis, Minnesota seven people sighted three "brushed aluminum"  2/25/1967 #21651  
    Oxford, MA 6:30 p.m. EST. Five people, including a newspaper reporter,  2/26/1967 #21657  
, Ontario, CAN 7:30 p.m. EST. Nine people in southeastern Ontario, includin 2/26/1967 #21658  
a purring sound. At 6:30 p.m. five people in Oxford, Massachusetts, includi 2/26/1967 #21663  
mbia, CAN 7:30-8:30 p.m. PST. Four people saw a large bright oval with a ta 2/27/1967 #21673  
     Grand Haven, MI Night. Twelve people, including six deputy sheriffs, o 2/28/1967 #21681  
      Hillsboro, KS Evening. Three people saw a flash of light, then an obj 3/1967 #21689  
   Gosport, IN 9:30 p.m. EST. Five people in a car saw a red object, fuzzy  3/1/1967 #21710  
0 miles northwest of Gosport, four people in a car saw a luminous red disc  3/1/1967 #21711  
Poland, Indiana at 10:10 p.m. four people in a car were chased to their hom 3/1/1967 #21718  
voked by the military. Twenty-nine people report seeing one or more objects 3/2/1967 #21731  
7:00 p.m. CST (8:00 p.m. EST). Two people had several sightings of a bright 3/3/1967 #21739  
    Wheaton, MA 7:25 p.m. EST. Two people watched a glowing yellow disc wit 3/3/1967 #21741  
 Dorchester, MA 7:25 p.m. EST. Two people watched a glowing yellow disc wit 3/3/1967 #21744  
                  Comas, Peru Many people in Comas, Peru, watch 15 discs ci 3/8/1967 #21816  
30 p.m. CST (8:30 p.m. EST). Three people saw an oval or bowl-like object w 3/18/1967 #21916  
      Kent, CT 7:18 p.m. EST. Many people saw an object hovering in the sky 3/24/1967 #21963  
 object woke up several residents. People in trains going toward Acapulco a 3/25/1967 #21984  
n trains going toward Acapulco and people traveling by car saw the same phe 3/25/1967 #21984  
sidents in Iguala, Mexico at dawn. People in trains going to Acapulco and p 3/25/1967 #21987  
le in trains going to Acapulco and people travelling by car saw the same ph 3/25/1967 #21987  
 Berkshire, UK 7:30 p.m. GMT. Five people saw a carrot-shaped (cone-shaped) 3/30/1967 #22013  
 Westmont, IL 8:25 p.m. CST. Three people saw a disc with a dome and two re 3/30/1967 #22016  
   Orange, MA 6:45 p.m. EST. Three people saw a flattened disc or ellipse w 4/11/1967 #22107  
      Hackettstown, NJ Night. Five people, including a policeman, watched a 4/12/1967 #22115  
   Bolten, MA 9:40 p.m. EST. Three people saw a domed disc with eight glowi 4/20/1967 #22170  
1972, Phoenix “neutralizes” 81,740 people (26,369 are killed) suspected of  5/1967 #22253  
drive to the nearest town. Several people return with them to the spot and  5/7/1967? #22295  
        Champaign, IL Evening. Two people saw a white-lighted object that c 5/9/1967 #22301  
-shaped UFO rapidly approached two people driving in a vehicle, five miles  5/12/1967 #22327  
 north of Nieva-Segovia. They saw "people" enter the ashcolored craft, whic 5/16/1967 #22353  
Segovia, Cordoba, Spain. They saw "people" enter the ash-colored craft, whi 5/16/1967 #22356  
8:55 p.m. CDT (9:55 p.m. EDT). Two people saw a cigar-shaped object with a  5/25/1967 #22397  
n the evening of June 1. The space people have supplied the exact geographi 5/31/1967 #22431  
e was in mental contact with space people, who sent him telepathic messages 6/10/1967 #22487  
curred on this day in Austria. Two people, one named Tutter, took a photogr 6/10/1967 #22487  
Austria at 9:55 p.m., and two more people, one named Brettschneider, took a 6/10/1967 #22487  
a, Ontario, CAN 2:35 a.m. EDT. Two people saw two stationary objects, one d 6/15/1967 #22509  
ulluri Viña del Mar, Chile Several people in Mulluri, [perhaps near Viña de 6/18/1967 #22519  
   Trenton, ME 10:00 a.m. EDT. Two people saw a silver-gray, hat-shaped obj 6/24/1967 #22541  
 Warrenton, VA 11:00 p.m. EDT. Two people saw three small objects and a lar 6/24/1967 #22543  
an 8:00 p.m. LT. Reportedly 10,000 people saw a bright round, glowing objec 6/28/1967 #22567  
   Saginaw, MI 12:05 a.m. EDT. Two people saw a large bright object that em 7/3/1967 #22596  
   Durban, S. Africa Evening. Four people, including a retired U.S. Air For 7/3/1967 #22599  
                       One hundred people in Clifton, England claimed to ha 7/5/1967 #22617  
ater, at 8:00 p.m. local time, two people driving on a highway in Santa Cla 7/10/1967 #22647  
   San Jose, CA 2:00 a.m. PDT. Two people saw two bright lights that flew i 7/15/1967 #22661  
 Newville, PA 1:00 a.m. EDT. Three people saw a round object (10-15 feet di 7/17/1967 #22676  
range object along with four other people. The weather was clear at the tim 7/17/1967 #22679  
s of fireballs seen by hundreds of people throughout Europe. Some believed  7/17/1967 #22684  
mmerdale, PA 10:45 p.m. EDT. Three people saw a round green light hovering  7/20/1967 #22709  
served to be spinning. Some twenty people in the vicinity saw it. It stoppe 7/20/1967 #22712  
   Newton, NH 1:00 a.m. EDT. Three people, including an electronics technic 7/27/1967 #22739  
  Syracuse, NY 9:20 p.m. EDT. Four people saw a bell-shaped object with a h 8/4/1967 #22798  
tonio Neri Perez and several other people saw three glowing, red disks take 8/6/1967 #22828  
enerally moving west to east. Many people at the Mexico City International  8/6/1967 #22830  
tonio Neri Perez and several other people in Hidalgo, Mexico saw three glow 8/6/1967 #22833  
en he rushed to the balcony. Other people had seen a strange vehicle parked 8/7/1967 #22839  
Churchtown, PA 11:00 p.m. EDT. Two people saw a cigar-shaped object with a  8/11/1967 #22861  
nut Creek, CA 10:30 p.m. PDT. Four people saw a boomerang-shaped object wit 8/14/1967 #22875  
     North York, PA Twilight. Five people, two of them adults, saw a round  8/29/1967 #22950  
   Newton, NH 10:30 p.m. EDT. Four people saw a Saturn-shaped object with t 9/8/1967 #23019  
rent, England 8:30–9:30 p.m. Seven people in Stoke-on-Trent, England, see a 9/20/1967 #23100  
uela Cerro El Ávila 4:00 p.m. Many people in Caracas, Venezuela, watch a lu 9/28/1967 #23145  
are turret. Near the UFO were four people of normal stature wearing dark un 10/1/1967 #23160  
Basin, UT 8:30-9:00 p.m. MDT. Many people, singly and in groups, independen 10/11/1967 #23214  
rger craft. A car stopped with six people who also saw the lights. (Bondarc 10/22/1967 #23286  
ield. They are joined by six other people who have stopped their car to loo 10/22/1967 #23290  
n River in Manaus, Brazil. Several people who were attacked described the c 11/8/1967 #23428  
    Orlando Gonzales and two other people in Barinas, Venezuela saw an oval 11/14/1967 #23452  
ngston, Jamaica 8:00 p.m. LT. Four people saw two red lights (body lights)  11/18/1967 #23478  
fic, resulting in the deaths of 46 people.                                  12/15/1967 #23591  
nia Elmira, New York 9:00 p.m. Two people are traveling along a back road i 12/27/1967 #23615  
 mankind. Binder writes that space people return every few centuries to int 1968 #23625  
       In Castle Rock, Colorado 12 people saw a transparent bubble with 12  1/2/1968 #23644  
                       At noon two people took a photograph of a UFO in Nee 3/2/1968 #23808  
About 9:50 P.M. (CST). Hundreds of people reported fiery objects streaking  3/3/1968 #23812  
About 9:50 P.M. (CST). Hundreds of people reported fiery objects streaking  3/3/1968 #23814  
 unknown road. They spoke to local people and found that they were in Mexic 5/1968 #23936  
side the machine, with three other people. One of these, a very handsome ma 6/4/1968 #24006  
ght near Catamarca, Argentina four people in a car saw a bright, stationary 6/18/1968 #24045  
distillery worker, encountered two people on the beach in Lujan, Mendoza, A 6/30/1968 #24097  
dress and actions were like normal people, but they showed him a spherical  6/30/1968 #24097  
cm in which he could see images of people walking about. Speaking in a stra 6/30/1968 #24097  
them asked him, "Do you know these people? They were like you. Many more wi 6/30/1968 #24097  
 Many more will be like them. Many people in the world will see the same th 6/30/1968 #24097  
is, be sure it is with responsible people." At that point the witness exper 6/30/1968 #24097  
im an hour to compose himself. The people he saw in the images were all tal 6/30/1968 #24097  
ntified flying object or UFO. Some people call them spaceships, and if the  7/22/1968 #24203  
e call them spaceships, and if the people of the world knew how many genuin 7/22/1968 #24203  
           At 9:00 p.m. five young people, including Paul Sauve, age 20, an 7/28/1968 #24245  
                              Four people driving in La Atalaya, Argentina  7/29/1968 #24255  
 a square where there were lots of people and lots of little boys..." She k 8/4/1968 #24297  
lton, OH 11:00 p.m. Large group of people saw a UFO approach, beam lights d 8/16/1968 #24339  
ar. Cintra readies herself to meet people needing medical assistance. She o 8/25/1968 #24376  
yellow light. At 9:40 p.m. several people in Castrejana, Vizcaya, Spain saw 8/29/1968 #24400  
tory of Madrid Night. Thousands of people in Madrid, Spain, see a bright ob 9/5/1968 #24431  
                       Eight young people in Drummondville, Quebec saw a "m 9/14/1968 #24460  
l. By 9:30 p.m. a crowd of some 50 people had assembled to see what was goi 9/21/1968 #24497  
                              Four people driving in a car eight miles nort 10/28/1968 #24598  
the beings was a crowd of about 20 people, including three police officers, 11/21/1968 #24676  
ot forth from the cylinder and the people closest to the beings were paraly 11/21/1968 #24676  
 "Tabor lights" = dim glow. Follow people. Graves robbed.                   11/27/1968 #24722  
                             Seven people saw a domed disc with an antenna  12/20/1968 #24782  
 Owens writes How to Contact Space People. Owens, who calls himself the “PK 1969 #24803  
 is witnessed by about 10–12 other people and is in view for 10–12 minutes  1/6/1969 #24821  
                      At 7:30 a.m. people in Pirassununga, Sao Paolo, Brazi 2/6/1969 #24897  
 Paulo State, Brazil the shouts of people exclaiming about a mysterious blu 2/7/1969 #24902  
              That same night four people in a car in Chabut, Argentina saw 2/25/1969 #24945  
ightly in the wind. When the first people neared the site the object and it 3/31/1969 #25041  
                 At 11:00 p.m. two people driving on the highway near Pichi 4/15/1969 #25064  
wanted him to "work against my own people" and expressed his great fear tha 5/21/1969 #25153  
                               Two people were sleeping outside in their ba 6/10/1969 #25209  
 2:30 a.m. in Tucson, Arizona four people saw a glowing red light in the no 6/14/1969 #25215  
ther children and adults. Thirteen people, including their father, return t 7/4/1969 #25251  
 of the flying saucer beings. Many people, including Idaho State Reporter B 7/12/1969 #25263  
                 At 10:50 p.m. two people witnessed three luminous triangul 8/12/1969 #25320  
ry. When asked how many of the 500 people assembled have had a UFO sighting 8/22/1969 #25325  
              At 10:10 p.m. eleven people were watching for UFOs on Cradle  8/27/1969 #25333  
othing. He later learns that other people, including his parents, watched a 8/30/1969 #25339  
ich, Queensland, after hundreds of people in Kygole and along the Darling D 8/31/1969 #25344  
this night in Izmir, Turkey eleven people watched a black, segmented rectan 9/28/1969 #25384  
                             Three people in Corral de Bustos, Argentina ob 11/15/1969 #25460  
llinois on State Highway 96, three people saw an object shaped like a round 11/30/1969 #25481  
                          Over 400 people including school students in Mara 5/7/1970 #25657  
d at a 45-degree angle toward four people in a car in Apopka, Florida. It c 6/29/1970 #25721  
nd himself down on the ground. The people in the city appeared to be both m 7/4/1970 #25727  
ike a park. There were a number of people there, and a male said to him tha 7/4/1970 #25727  
t if he would "pay attention." The people told him that they did not need f 7/4/1970 #25727  
                              Five people driving in a car in Brindisi, Ita 7/16/1970 #25739  
    In Old Forge, New York several people noticed an ovoid, metallic, and f 7/29/1970 #25757  
                At 6:35 a.m. three people had just arrived at a bus stop at 8/24/1970 #25802  
                               Two people were driving between farms on thi 10/24/1970 #25886  
                           Several people driving west of town, including w 10/28/1970 #25889  
rospatiales 7:00 p.m. Thousands of people in Turin and other places in Pied 2/23/1971 #26030  
mont, Belgium at 7:40 p.m. several people witnessed a silent, delta-shaped  3/2/1971 #26040  
place only hours after a number of people in nearby Kempsey had observed a  4/2/1971 #26065  
              At 7:30 p.m. several people on the Williams farm in Marrawah, 7/9/1971 #26221  
        In the early evening three people were driving down a road in Gross 7/16/1971 #26232  
and, was seen by a family of seven people maneuvering over the countryside  8/1/1971 #26262  
                             Three people saw a twelve foot by twelve foot  9/23/1971 #26369  
 7:30 p.m. Chen Chu, a member of a People’s Liberation Army unit stationed  Late 9/1971 #26378  
              At 5:45 p.m. several people on a bus in North Montreal, Quebe 10/28/1971 #26437  
e on a mission of peace, preparing people for eventual contact.             12/5/1971 #26489  
in Acuescoma, Mexico at least four people saw a glowing blue sphere land. I 3/19/1972 #26618  
 Badajoz, Spain at 12:30 a.m. four people watched an orange ball of light i 4/8/1972 #26641  
tions on it. She told him that her people had come from "the other side of  5/5/1972 #26671  
ymonville, Belgium a group of four people sighted a red hat-shaped disc tha 7/19/1972 #26815  
 This event occurs while two other people are present with her, but they on 7/25/1972 #26833  
ville, IL 9:45 p.m. 3-4 Mins. Four people observed a yellow discoid object, 7/31/1972 #26849  
 hour later, at 9:40 p.m. CDT four people in Belleville, Illinois observed  7/31/1972 #26852  
 as well as in San Juan and Ponce. People travel to the small town of Adjun 8/1972 #26864  
untas is traveling with a group of people in three cars along a lonely stre 8/1972 #26864  
e over Alberta. It is seen by many people and recorded on film and by space 8/10/1972 #26892  
shaped UFO followed a car with two people home along Highway 203 near Beaus 9/7/1972 #26980  
ly, who police say are responsible people, reported that a UFO "as big as a 9/13/1972 #26990  
, who police said were responsible people, reported that a UFO "as big as a 9/13/1972 #26991  
ia in Yolo County.  There were two people involved in the abduction.        10/26/1972 #27090  
t nine o’clock in the evening five people saw a large disc make a 180-degre 1/2/1973 #27216  
           At around 2:00 a.m. two people watched a mushroom-shaped object  1/11/1973 #27231  
near Christchurch, New Zealand two people first heard a humming sound, then 1/14/1973 #27235  
d River Junction, RI More than 250 people have reportedly have seen the obj 2/1973 #27256  
                At 3:00 a.m. three people driving in a car on the A414 high 2/9/1973 #27279  
r a sedative. The next day several people went out to the landing site, whe 2/26/1973 #27318  
i Amin was among a large number of people who saw a UFO splash down into La 3/3/1973 #27328  
ying craft, "with two figures like people, in big hats and linked together  5/1973 #27459  
confided that he was frightened of people." At his invitation, the children 5/15/1973 #27492  
orld-I come from a planet that you people call a satellite." He also said t 5/16/1973 #27496  
little beings to stories of little people from Mexican folklore, called the 5/22/1973 #27520  
t ten o'clock in the evening three people in a car near Sousas, Brazil saw  6/7/1973 #27557  
     Littleyork, IN 9:30 p.m. Four people in a car were driving near Weston Summer 1973 #27577  
 had the impression there were two people present. When she awoke on the pa 6/23/1973 #27584  
an Antonio, Texas 10:30 p.m. Three people are sitting in their front yard i 8/1973 #27672  
 room hummed. There were two other people with her; one dressed in gray, lo 8/4/1973 #27683  
m. young Cinzia Giomi and 10 other people were returning from a show onboar 8/16/1973 #27706  
                              Many people witnessed the landing of a four m 9/3/1973 #27753  
7, where they met the four younger people. All seven then drove north into  9/11/1973 #27803  
 from the same direction the young people had just driven (they had not see 9/11/1973 #27803  
 come from. According to the young people, the "hikers" apparently turned r 9/11/1973 #27803  
d not account for. The three older people could not recall what they did or 9/11/1973 #27803  
7, where they met the four younger people. All seven then drove north into  9/12/1973 #27809  
 from the same direction the young people had just driven (they had not see 9/12/1973 #27809  
 come from. According to the young people, the "hikers" apparently turned r 9/12/1973 #27809  
d not account for. The three older people could not recall what they did or 9/12/1973 #27809  
ng on September 20. Though several people reported seeing something, the ma 9/20/1973 #27850  
            At about 9:00 p.m. two people watched a segmented circular obje 9/25/1973 #27867  
f time he was in the woods several people watched a silvery object hovering 9/27/1973 #27880  
 Neither Congress nor the American people at the time were aware that physi 10/1973 #27903  
und in the field, are five “little people” about 4 feet tall performing var 10/6/1973 #27960  
port from Connersville, Indiana 46 people watched an oval-shaped UFO with a 10/11/1973 #28003  
-fitting outfit with a hood. Other people had gathered to see the UFO and s 10/15/1973 #28060  
nyone, as well as seeing a line of people waiting to go on board. Disturbed 10/16/1973 #28088  
ooster, Ohio 11:30 p.m. A group of people in Wooster, Ohio, notices a brigh 10/18/1973 #28173  
linton Township, New Jersey. Three people who are driving by and watching t 10/20/1973 #28217  
                  At 7:35 p.m. two people and three dogs in a car just west 10/22/1973 #28242  
. in Griffith Park, California two people watched a large round object at v 10/24/1973 #28273  
            At around nine p.m. 15 people observed a very large red spheric 10/25/1973 #28286  
attention to the presence of three people floating in the air over the surf 10/29/1973 #28319  
e sky overhead. At least 100 other people also see the object.              11/2/1973 #28353  
t of Greensboro, North Carolina, 9 people watched a blue ovoid UFO that mad 11/14/1973 #28421  
they saw a car and three dark clad people beside the road. There were sever 11/18/1973 #28444  
aking of the ground. Going outside people saw blue and orange lights floati 1/23/1974 #28693  
ountain, east of the village. Many people hear a terrific explosion and a v 1/23/1974 #28694  
 the ground. Running outside, many people saw blue and orange lights floati 1/23/1974 #28695  
ees “shadows of four or five hairy people” who approach him. They have “fir 2/6/1974 #28742  
          At around 9:00 p.m. four people riding in a car traveling on a hi 2/9/1974 #28754  
g quality of the evidence and that people must regard UFOs with a “complete 2/21/1974 #28787  
 are forwarded to CNES, would make people see that it is “pretty disturbing 2/21/1974 #28787  
 site covering a large area. Other people in the vicinity reported seeing s 3/1/1974 #28843  
metallic chair and having several "people" standing around him. He remember 3/15/1974 #28892  
e its underside. As the man alerts people to the object on his CB radio, he Early 4/1974 #28990  
                  At 6:15 a.m. two people driving in a taxi watched a large 4/9/1974 #29001  
ere is a group of 12 highly placed people in government who have decided to 6/2/1974 #29157  
sappeared. There were twenty other people on the beach who also saw the obj 6/18/1974 #29212  
ing Earth for many years, and many people who have been examined by the ali 9/3/1974 #29418  
mark 9:30–10:00 p.m. More than 100 people in north Zealand, Denmark, watch  9/26/1974 #29483  
  In Ramona, California five young people from the Overfelt and Nelson fami 10/15/1974 #29533  
 hold was that it was so familiar, people wanted something like it to be tr 11/2/1974 #29580  
ey see it again with several other people who have stopped. The object is n 11/7/1974 #29588  
ed next. At 9:45 p.m. more than 40 people including police saw the same or  6/2/1975 #30075  
in Uzbekistan 3:00 a.m. Four young people camping out on the shore of the C Early 7/1975 #30148  
nd busy coffee bar, occupied by 80 people, became absolutely silent, when e 7/12/1975 #30175  
still frame from a motion picture. People were twisted in strange and unsta 7/12/1975 #30175  
 started to happen normally again. People continued their actions from the  7/12/1975 #30175  
happened. He walked down as normal people do (his steps somehow lighter tha 7/12/1975 #30175  
hrough a large window he can see 4 people, one standing near a panel of fla 7/31/1975 #30218  
ffly in the direction of the young people. They held their arms as if they  8/8/1975 #30244  
es. After about a minute the young people, who had been petrified with fear 8/8/1975 #30244  
 believed them. Next day the young people went back to the site. Although t 8/8/1975 #30244  
s on Cape Cod, Lloyd Costa saw two people near a round dome like "tent" in  8/28/1975 #30315  
 for him. He also saw the UFO. The people near the object were described as 8/28/1975 #30315  
           In August 1975 about 20 people in and around Gilroy, California  9/15/1975 #30363  
Evening. Two soldiers of a Chinese People’s Liberation Army unit stationed  Fall 1975 #30380  
 planet" for colonization by Earth people, and Jackson was asked to help th 11/3/1975 #30547  
er introduces the concept of “Star People,” human beings tied by physiology 1976 #30745  
nd began communications with other people regarding the light that was disp 3/15/1976 #30942  
flying disc paced a car with three people inside very closely in Big Run, P 3/19/1976 #30949  
 is released four days later. Some people in the area have difficulty with  4/22/1976 #31010  
distance, several additional towns people arrived to see the object disappe 4/23/1976 #31019  
            Troy, MI 9:55 p.m. Two people saw a disc-shaped object the colo 6/3/1976 #31081  
                               Two people saw a disc-shaped object the colo 6/3/1976 #31082  
 about 10 p.m. He watched as 15-20 people emerged from the two craft. They  6/9/1976 #31095  
way, giving off a whistling sound. People in a nearby house reported that t 6/22/1976 #31130  
 flew away toward the sea. Over 50 people witnessed the UFO. The object was 10/17/1976 #31475  
is, Minnesota 9:35 p.m. A group of people at the southwest end of Lake Harr 10/19/1976 #31482  
d red steady lights. More than 100 people report seeing UFOs in nearby Gast 11/8/1976 #31531  
ineer was driving with three other people in Givet, Ardennes, France when t 11/8/1976 #31532  
he local newsapaper that two other people reported seeing a "spaceman" look 12/31/1976 #31645  
vered to Congress and the American people stating a lack of physical eviden 1977 #31659  
m with a metallic floor with some "people" that were involved in a project, 1/1/1977 #31683  
                 On this night six people in a car in Chalmette, Louisiana  1/22/1977 #31746  
next five minutes. When a crowd of people armed with flashlights approached 1/23/1977 #31748  
w the being. David Ward said, "the people wore green--they had sort of came 2/4/1977 #31792  
 about 60–80 feet long. Some 10–15 people exiting the lodge begin to see th Mid 2/1977 #31817  
. Mrs Stites said that she saw two people on the hillside carrying "basketb 3/5/1977 #31861  
Joan Le Clair and four other local people saw a UFO hovering over some near 3/15/1977 #31907  
Joan Le Clair and four other local people saw a UFO hovering over some near 3/15/1977 #31910  
karta, Indonesia 6:35 p.m. Several people in the eastern part of Jakarta, I 5/3/1977 #32051  
t eight o'clock in the evening two people driving in a car in Hanover, Nort 6/3/1977 #32145  
r cigar shaped object followed two people riding on a motorcycle between Sa 6/21/1977 #32179  
r cigar shaped object followed two people riding on a motorcycle between Sa 6/21/1977 #32183  
enneth Arnold sighting. Some 1,500 people attend to hear speakers Ted Bloec 6/24/1977 #32190  
om UFOs have sucked blood from 400 people. In 1997, two decades after the o 7/1977 #32220  
d five minutes. Description: I saw people in a disk shaped object approxima 7/4/1977 #32235  
r me for around 5 minutes with 6-7 people on board. (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 7/4/1977 #32235  
ian, China 8:30 p.m. As some 3,000 people are attending an outdoor screenin 7/7/1977 #32245  
 A panic ensues, and allegedly 300 people are injured and two children kill 7/7/1977 #32245  
            At 11:45 p.m. PDT five people in a boat on a lake in Blythe, Ri 7/15/1977 #32278  
UIERO ISLAND, BRZ Chupa beams burn people / house and dog. Figure(s) and ps 10/29/1977 #32626  
personnel and certain the American people have not been made aware of this  11/1977 #32648  
and Waimata Valley 7:30 p.m. Three people in a car near Tatapouri Point, Ne 12/6/1977 #32736  
 sea. It followed a car with three people inside. The headlights on the car 12/7/1977 #32740  
 p.m. It followed a car with three people inside. The headlights on the car 12/7/1977 #32742  
and Hinckley (btn), UK At least 17 people saw a delta-shaped object that fl 1/24/1978 #32911  
 and Hinckley, England at least 17 people saw a delta-shaped object shortly 1/24/1978 #32913  
     Sometime around 11 p.m. three people were camping on the site of a Mao 3/11/1978 #33034  
er, on April 23, 2019, hundreds of people on the island hear another explos 4/2/1978 #33119  
from view. Shortly after that some people reported that they had witnessed  5/4/1978 #33187  
azza Genoa Italy Evening. Numerous people watch a moon-sized oval object wi 5/10/1978 #33197  
o the police station. However, six people at the station noted that he look 5/13/1978 #33205  
e witnesses seem to be responsible people.                                  7/4/1978 #33335  
t is strangely quiet and devoid of people and traffic.                      7/21/1978 #33407  
                             Three people driving in Sheffield Village, Ohi 7/27/1978 #33430  
zes a large gathering of about 100 people from more than 40 civilian UFO gr 9/1978 #33616  
Italy La Carta Fiat 8:40 p.m. Many people in the San Michele boarding house 9/7/1978 #33645  
ly 5:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Hundreds of people watch a white, roughly triangular 9/20/1978 #33715  
e, England 6:30–8:30 p.m. Some 200 people involved in 67 sighting reports w 10/23/1978 #33862  
emporarily blinded the three young people. The older man nearly fainted fro 10/30/1978 #33894  
emporarily blinded the three young people. The older man nearly fainted fro 10/30/1978 #33898  
r man goes for help and a group of people comes to search for the missing m 12/8/1978 #34077  
                 Shortly after two people saw a luminous mass descend close 12/13/1978 #34109  
editerranean island of Sicily, two people witness a small ovoid object take 12/17/1978 #34165  
             Sorrento, Italy Three people on the balcony of their house sou 12/20/1978 #34181  
 five o’clock in the morning three people on the balcony of their house sou 12/20/1978 #34184  
given to Congress and the American people at the time, which state UAP are  12/20/1978 #34186  
          Zermatt, Switzerland Two people witnessed a luminous round object 12/31/1978 #34245  
ors, England 7:00 p.m. Hundreds of people in the United Kingdom see a brigh 12/31/1978 #34248  
n time in Zermatt, Switzerland two people witnessed a luminous round object 12/31/1978 #34252  
r room he saw a large gathering of people in what he thought was a "party". 1/3/1979 #34292  
urn. “We come down here to talk to people but they don't seem to be interes 1/4/1979 #34296  
that "we come down here to talk to people but they don't seem to be interes 1/5/1979 #34304  
         Tunis, Tunisia A group of people witnessed a small disc, about 1.5 1/8/1979 #34318  
rning in Tunis, Tunisia a group of people witnessed a small disc, about 1.5 1/8/1979 #34319  
t eight o’clock in the evening two people sighted a 15-foot long cylinder a 1/8/1979 #34321  
ay during the day. There were four people in the car, two of them police. T 1/9/1979 #34326  
                   Rivera, Uruguay People watched an ovoid object dive at a 3/2/1979 #34457  
        In Rivera, Uruguay several people watched an ovoid object dive at a 3/2/1979 #34459  
requires federal action. About 200 people attend, including Fort Worth (Tex 4/20/1979 #34517  
ning. A fleet of 10–15 UFOs alarms people in Choconta, Colombia. Eight of t 5/9/1979 #34552  
view a larger vessel in flight and people on the surface looking up at the  5/17/1979 #34566  
wife and children and a crew of 11 people. About three miles ahead of the p 6/22/1979 #34625  
wife and children and a crew of 11 people. At about 6:30 p.m. the beautiful 6/22/1979 #34626  
cie Warsaw 7:30–9:00 p.m. Some 119 people in northern and eastern Poland ob 8/20/1979 #34763  
ight in Hudon, Wisconsin four more people, including a 40-year-old salesman 8/25/1979 #34777  
ay like a "time tunnel," including people in costumes of bygone days. Sudde 9/20/1979 #34909  
                        Thirty-two people, including the mayor of Ahilinco, 2/11/1980 #35171  
rsity of Wyoming campus. Barely 20 people show up, but Sprinkle notes they  5/23/1980 #35340  
kle notes they are average, normal people, though highly susceptible to hyp 5/23/1980 #35340  
 object approached a car with five people inside from behind, forcing the d 6/14/1980 #35369  
       Hamilton, Texas Night. Some people camping near Hamilton, Texas, wak 9/13/1980 #35520  
p hears a loud explosion, and some people see sparks above the top of a hil 9/13/1980 #35520  
nt Monroe City, Indiana A group of people go to Lucky Point, east of Monroe 10/1/1980? #35552  
o, California. They see a group of people looking at the sky where a Piper  11/2/1980 #35610  
                  At 9:00 p.m. two people driving in a vehicle southeast of 11/3/1980 #35616  
        Kirksville, MO Hundreds of people in north-central Missouri, includ 11/18/1980 #35652  
Peru, Indiana 7:30–11:00 p.m. Many people living in northern Missouri and n 11/18/1980 #35654  
once out of several attempts. Most people provide an estimated altitude for 11/18/1980 #35654  
                London, UK Over 40 people in the southeastern part of Londo 12/15/1980 #35718  
                   In 1980 over 40 people in the southeastern part of Londo 12/15/1980 #35720  
ni, in her book You Can’t Tell the People (2000), publishes a photo of the  12/26/1980 #35737  
or on the ground” and that “We had people in position to validate Halt’s na 12/28/1980 #35749  
tart barking loudly. They can hear people talking outside their window in a 1981 #35763  
    Terre Haute, Indiana 9:30 p.m. People in Terre Haute, Indiana, begin re 1/15/1981 #35791  
gstaff, Arizona Night. About 25–30 people on an interstate highway in Flags 2/12/1981 #35824  
ca de Santa Rosa 9:30 p.m. Some 50 people driving on National Route 35 nort 4/3/1981 #35884  
f sight at 7:25 a.m. Some 20 other people also watch the UFO.               4/25/1981 #35915  
a Uruguay Evening. Several hundred people in Florida, Uruguay, watch a drum 5/22/1981 #35945  
eived calls from more than fifteen people asking what the lights over the w 6/28/1981 #35980  
                           Several people were fishing on a lake in Newberr 7/15/1981 #36009  
ion, and he had never seen similar people before in the area. The bus conti 10/2/1981 #36155  
                             Three people driving in a car through Salen Fo 10/8/1981 #36169  
Factory Captain O. Celen and other people in Aksaray, Turkey, see a huge, g 12/21/1981 #36273  
 game attended by more than 24,000 people.                                  3/6/1982 #36379  
.m. Two highly technically trained people separated by more than a mile obs 3/8/1982 #36384  
m cap shaped flying disc paced two people in a car. It had hazy lights and  4/7/1982 #36437  
m cap shaped flying disc paced two people in a car in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  4/7/1982 #36439  
                             Three people in a car in Clare, South Australi 4/25/1982 #36454  
ments, “You know, there aren’t six people in this room who know how true th 6/27/1982 #36521  
 30 seconds. Three hours later ten people in a bus in Brighton, Missouri wa 10/2/1982 #36630  
 sky above Adana, Turkey, and many people stop their cars to look at it. So 1/14/1983 #36747  
                       Two hundred people, including school students, a boy 1/18/1983 #36748  
South Wales, UK Daytime. Up to 200 people observed a huge triangular shaped 2/19/1983 #36766  
w York 7:00–10:00 p.m. Hundreds of people see a boomerang-shaped object mov 3/17/1983 #36788  
o a slime green. At the same time, people 15 miles north in Putnam County s 3/24/1983 #36807  
ty pole 600 feet away. Three other people driving near the pole stop by it. 3/24/1983 #36808  
ld. It stopped the game as the 200 people present stared at the incredible  4/28/1983 #36847  
ld. It stopped the game as the 200 people present stared at the incredible  4/28/1983 #36848  
tted over Australia by hundreds of people (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)  5/13/1983 #36859  
cities in Victoria, AU Hundreds of people living in the Australian state of 5/20/1983 #36861  
uth-southwest. In Vidor, Texas six people watched a star-shaped object with 6/5/1983 #36877  
anbury, Connecticut, where several people are standing outside looking at a 7/12/1983 #36909  
triggered by the strife within the People’s Revolutionary Government that r 10/25/1983 #37016  
00 a.m. in Columbus, Georgia three people in a car at Camp McKensie, a Boy  10/26/1983 #37022  
 he had no direct association with people involved in the “recovery” of UAP 11/29/1983 #37058  
efully. Sarbacher also states the “people” operating these machines were al 11/29/1983 #37058  
15 AM. CST. On Interstate 80 three people driving in a van outside Cozad sa 1/8/1984 #37112  
of Cozad, Nebraska 3:15 a.m. Three people are traveling southeast in a van  1/8/1984 #37113  
5 a.m. CST, on Interstate 80 three people driving in a van outside Cozad, N 1/8/1984 #37115  
estigator Shirley Coyne locates 12 people who have seen the lights, but onl 2/22/1984 #37198  
skill, New York Night. Hundreds of people see low-flying lights over the Ta 3/25/1984 #37245  
           Llano, TX 8:05 PM. Five people in Llano, Texas, witnessed a huge 4/19/1984 #37272  
                 At 8:05 p.m. five people in Llano, Texas witnessed a huge  4/19/1984 #37275  
 Beaverton, Oregon 10:04 p.m. Four people in a car in Beaverton, Oregon, se 4/20/1984 #37278  
                              Four people in a car in Beaverton, Oregon rep 4/20/1984 #37279  
ing in the snack bar a short time, people see lights in the direction of th 6/21/1984 #37370  
opter, the UFO is gone. Many other people in the area also report seeing th 7/24/1984 #37412  
l in Brewster, New York, and 1,500 people show up. Hynek attends, as well a 8/25/1984 #37440  
ds, as well as news media, various people from the FBI, Air Force officers  8/25/1984 #37440  
ozzuoli videotape is shown and 900 people fill out UFO sighting reports.    8/25/1984 #37440  
s in a V-formation. One dozen more people watched it with her. Mr. Wescon,  10/31/1984 #37499  
. China Daily reported that 20,000 people involved in UFO research. Profess 1985 #37540  
sentation on UFO propulsion. Other people supposedly connected to the group 5/20/1985 #37590  
e 84 9:30–10:15 p.m. More than 100 people around Newtown and Southbury, Con 5/26/1985 #37593  
ty is such that we could orbit 300 people,” he wrote. Attendees were Thomas 6/11/1985 #37600  
re are 10 fatalities, and 49 other people suffer radiation injuries. The ex 8/10/1985 #37641  
 the “China Daily” reports: 20,000 people are involved in UFO research. The 8/27/1985 #37651  
remarks during a toast that if the people of the world were to find out tha 11/19/1985 #37711  
                   At 7 p.m. three people were in a boat on a reservoir nea 4/20/1986 #37828  
 near Pesaro, Italy 11:00 p.m. Two people are driving on the Via Flaminia n 4/22/1986 #37834  
sitating the evacuation of 300,000 people from the area. Around 5% of the c 4/26/1986 #37843  
f ionizing radiation. Of these 134 people, 28 die in the days to months aft 4/26/1986 #37843  
en with large black eyes jars many people to recall their own apparent enco 2/1987 #38108  
is home answering machine. Several people close to him begin to tell him ab 3/1987 #38127  
        At around 11:00 p.m. seven people witnessed a disc-shaped object ho 4/17/1987 #38160  
t at CIA headquarters to two dozen people including Ron Pandolfi and Kit Gr 7/7/1987 #38206  
ject over the Gulf of Guinea. Some people report the sound of explosions as 7/27/1987 #38219  
  Sevastopol Crimea Russia Several people see a triangular object with thre 8/11/1987 #38241  
                              Many people witnessed a disc-shaped object in 8/18/1987 #38247  
It is subsequently handled by many people, resulting in four deaths. About  9/13/1987 #38285  
ting in four deaths. About 112,000 people are examined for radioactive cont 9/13/1987 #38285  
ic suggestion, termination of some people so they could be biological mater 12/29/1987 #38379  
iological material, termination of people who are a threat, genetic experim 12/29/1987 #38379  
a campsite near Athens, Maine. Two people were tent camping when a disc-sha 8/22/1988 #38618  
 he gets out and talks to the four people from the other cars for a few min 9/25/1988 #38649  
                 At 6:00 p.m. many people in Nottingham, England witnessed  12/10/1988 #38752  
                      In 1988 four people on a lonely road in Wisbech, Engl 12/12/1988 #38753  
rto Rico Lago Samán 7:45 p.m. Many people in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, see a  12/28/1988 #38763  
 At 8:30 p.m. in Sande, Norway two people watched a 7 meter long dark objec 1/23/1989 #38796  
o be able to exert mind control on people when they are relaxed or sleeping 3/1989 #38855  
 order to keep in good graces with people who knew something about UFOs and 7/1/1989 #39002  
an off at her apartment. The space people tell her they will meet again.    9/13/1989 #39098  
 window. Three figures, similar to people, then appeared standing on her ca 10/31/1989 #39199  
d guards with possibly hundreds of people working on it.  The source states 1990 #39358  
                           Several people in Mauriac, France at 12:40 p.m.  1/4/1990 #39364  
body light photographed by several people                                   1/8/1990 #39370  
body light photographed by several people (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)  1/18/1990 #39380  
oom." Small beings were working on people on tables. Although celibate, she 1/30/1990 #39398  
         At 10:10 p.m. in 1990 two people in a car driving in New Albany, I 3/4/1990 #39447  
 diameter near the window. Several people detect a strong “perfume” odor fr 3/7/1990 #39452  
, in reports after the event, some people claim that the phenomenon is visi 3/30/1990 #39499  
, Florida Pensacola At least seven people report a red light to the north o 4/14/1990 #39524  
round Pensacola by other groups of people. Some of these sightings are undo 4/14/1990 #39524  
andomly. Another group of about 20 people, who were visiting in rental unit 6/8/1990 #39610  
official Nick Pope, one of the few people to see the photos and the analysi 8/4/1990 #39679  
n [shut down soon afterward]. Five people, including nuclear physicist Ludm 8/24/1990 #39701  
es in southern Poland. Hundreds of people in Opole see a group of 15–20 sph 11/5/1990 #39870  
e to increasing cloud cover. Other people around the city and at the airpor 11/7/1990 #39881  
nati’s declaration of war upon the people of America.” Political scientist  1991 #39933  
government imposed on the American people against their wishes and in flagr 1991 #39933  
 Thomas says he was interviewed by people in civilian clothes why he was ou 1991 #39941  
                   At 3:30 p.m. 15 people on a bus in Czestochowa, Poland s 1/18/1991 #39961  
ading west. Later that morning two people saw a silver missile shaped objec 3/6/1991 #40000  
ights and colors vary. Carloads of people descend upon Papuda and dozens of 4/11/1991 #40034  
 descend upon Papuda and dozens of people observe the UFO. After 100 minute 4/11/1991 #40034  
m the debris; soon after, military people came to the scene and took over t 4/12/1991 #40038  
uebla Oaxaca 12:21 p.m. While many people in Mexico City, Mexico, are looki 7/11/1991 #40119  
orthern Territory, Australia, five people are in a car driving around a ben 2/1992 #40311  
 “very nice technologies” that the people building the B-2 bombers (Northro 3/9/1992 #40368  
h Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine and people who were “connected to covert pro 3/9/1992 #40369  
   A nocturnal light followed five people into the town of Russas, Ceara St 4/9/1992 #40411  
atures common to the isolated Lahu people of China and Thailand, but DNA fr 7/23/1992 #40530  
 to directly deny his claims. Even people who believe Lazar find it hard to 10/1992 #40653  
figurines, with the names of other people to be abducted that night. A fema 10/8/1992 #40667  
rim. She told the witness that her people "were trapped in a time dimension 10/8/1992 #40667  
                           Several people at the local Dairy Queen in Iaege 12/18/1992 #40752  
his evening in Goshen, Indiana two people in a car had their car bathed by  3/2/1993 #40873  
unknown smelly substance that made people nauseous.                         3/20/1993 #40894  
 Shawbury 1:10–1:15 a.m. Dozens of people across Devon, Cornwall, South Wal 3/31/1993 #40914  
s later in Cromwell, Indiana three people traveling south on Rte. 3 saw a n 7/13/1993 #41066  
      Melbourne, Victoria, AU Five people in two separate cars encountered  8/8/1993 #41115  
elbourne, Victoria, Australia Five people in two separate cars encountered  8/8/1993 #41116  
them on the road. It seems to have people in it, but it quickly shoots off  8/8/1993 #41117  
ether they had missing time or saw people. They both can smell vomit and fe 8/8/1993 #41117  
pped by the road with at least two people in it. By November 17, Phenomena  8/8/1993 #41117  
toria, Australia three carloads of people, including the principal witness  8/8/1993 #41118  
c tricks in front of several other people. The witness was standing in the  8/10/1993 #41123  
                            Thirty people at a barbecue near Bristol, Avon, 8/14/1993 #41138  
               At 10:30 p.m. three people in Saint Gaudens, Haute-Garrone,  8/14/1993 #41139  
 Armageddon would not be what most people think it will be. At the same tim 11/15/1993 #41278  
lnshire, England at 4:30 p.m. many people reported sighting several silent  12/12/1993 #41330  
a globe on a pedestal followed two people in a car for several kilometers n 12/31/1993 #41338  
disturbed to find that at least 10 people close to her seem to have a patte 1994 #41345  
tion is signed by more than 20,000 people interested in finding out the tru 3/1994 #41432  
                               Two people sighted a UFO resembling huge cyl 3/6/1994 #41444  
 and clinical investigation of the people who had shared their alien encoun 5/1994 #41510  
edroom window. He also saw "little people on the poles." He was told by his 7/27/1994 #41644  
60 east of Del Norte, Colorado two people witnessed two orange streamers th 9/13/1994 #41745  
ia, followed by a sonic boom. Some people see three large lights in front,  9/14/1994 #41749  
an even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set thei 1995 #41923  
eer alleges he meets the following people in a salon in the Pacific Heights Mid 1990's #41926  
Earth for a very long time; Basque people are most likely to be hybrids; EM Early 1995 #41927  
rge white, box-shaped objects and "people" were observed on the ground and  5/7/1995 #42188  
ansported over a city where he saw people looking up at him. He then flew a 9/6/1995 #42445  
a humming sound at 8:45 p.m., four people in Navaho Estates, Colorado went  9/22/1995 #42501  
                     The following people met in Las Vegas to discuss assem 1/28/1996 #42725  
                              Five people driving on highway 375 in Nevada  2/28/1996 #42788  
                           Several people were staying at a country home in 6/4/1996 #42921  
et above the pavement. Three small people with elongated heads, white faces 7/9/1996 #42952  
ert programs. I would go interview people who claimed they had seen somethi 8/30/1996 #43002  
bout it,” was told that’s the only people he should notify when a UAP event 8/30/1996 #43003  
                           Several people in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, B 9/8/1996 #43009  
time was stopped.” Dozens of other people in the region see UFOs that same  10/15/1996 #43070  
endent witness and dozens of other people in the region reported UFOs that  10/15/1996 #43071  
llicothe, Ohio 8:30–9:00 p.m. Many people over a wide area of south-central 10/16/1996 #43073  
                             Fifty people on the beach in Eforie Nord, Cons 11/3/1996 #43103  
ng Mayo 7:00–8:30 p.m. At least 31 people in the Yukon Territory, Canada, w 12/11/1996 #43137  
wo silver-gray objects follow five people along a road. They hover above th 2/22/1997 #43202  
                         Two young people reported sighting a triangular sh 2/25/1997 #43209  
criptions are seen by thousands of people (many of whom are looking for Com 3/13/1997 #43229  
learned the admiral “had found the people responsible for the cover-up and  4/10/1997 #43260  
sible for the cover-up and for the people who were in the know and were tol 4/10/1997 #43260  
                     In 1997 three people witnessed a fluorescent flying ob 6/4/1997 #43310  
 Vancouver, British Columbia Seven people in Vancouver, British Columbia, s 12/14/1997 #43460  
and Słocina forest 11:30 p.m. Many people in the area of Rzeszów, Poland, w 12/31/1997 #43477  
ut indistinguishable from ordinary people (blond, blue- eyed Nordics). Some 1/1998 #43482  
. The UFO was witnessed by over 30 people, who described it as a a gigantic 5/16/1998 #43568  
98 in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada two people witnessed two UFOs at 11:49 p.m.  6/5/1998 #43581  
                           Several people in Surrey, British Columbia obser 8/13/1998 #43630  
                 At 9 p.m. several people in Torriglia, Italy watched a lum 9/18/1998 #43648  
they saw what appeared to be some "people" gathered around. They reported t 10/19/1998 #43666  
                           Fifteen people, including members of a Puerto Ri 11/7/1998 #43678  
 the city of Helsinki, Finland two people heard and saw something resemblin 11/13/1998 #43682  
                  At 5:20 p.m. two people at the Grand Canyon in Coconino C 12/23/1998 #43702  
l and Alien Abduction, a review of people claiming to have been abducted by 1999 #43707  
                           Several people in a car in Alicante, Spain have  2/20/1999 #43732  
r, Derbyshire, England Night. Five people in the towns of Brinsley, Notting 3/24/1999 #43750  
n the Hautes Pyrenees, France many people observed a semicircular form, lum 5/5/1999 #43763  
o52 Värmland Regiment Day. Several people living near the shore of Lake Bac 7/27/1999 #43814  
                               Two people in Barrington, New Hampshire witn 9/20/1999 #43848  
                  At 7:15 p.m. two people in Post Falls, Idaho witnessed a  9/21/1999 #43851  
                           Several people in Priolo, Siracusa, Sicily, Ital 2/2/2000 #43938  
y changing color. At 7:45 a.m. two people in Maracay City, Venezuela saw a  3/2/2000 #43962  
, Brazil 10:00 pm. A group of five people is traveling in a Volkswagen on a 12/13/2000 #44101  
aland New Plymouth 12:01 a.m. Five people driving along Highway 3 south of  1/1/2001 #44114  
iac, which allegedly involved real people like Dale Graff who ran RV experi 3/3/2001 #44147  
   At 2:17 p.m. on a Saturday, two people in Palatine, Illinois saw a metal 5/19/2001 #44186  
’s rooms; it is concluded that any people in the room would have been kille Early 6/2001 #44190  
, British Columbia 12:25 a.m. Five people watch seven gray objects flying i 8/12/2001 #44232  
20 p.m. near Tucumcari, Texas many people witnessed a brightly lit object m 12/1/2001 #44280  
                 At 10:30 a.m. 100 people in Danville, Contra Costa County, 9/20/2002 #44402  
                       Hundreds of people saw a silvery UFO flying rapidly  11/1/2002 #44431  
ights. The witness brought several people out from the building, and they a 3/14/2003 #44502  
tes the “Galactic Federation” says people are not ready to know this. *   h 5/7/2003 #44528  
im. The witness said, "Some of the people behind me got out of their cars a 5/13/2003 #44535  
n the house, which had a number of people seated in it. These people were i 9/3/2003 #44592  
mber of people seated in it. These people were important to the experiencer 9/3/2003 #44592  
m of what she had seen. One of the people was a brown haired girl, about 20 9/3/2003 #44592  
plit into four parts and about 200 people were on the bigot lists. An unnam 9/10/2003 #44595  
ect with red lights flies over two people in Whitehorse, Yukon.             9/11/2003 #44596  
        Atlanta, GA Dog excited as people see meteor (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Ani 12/14/2003 #44628  
  Airdrie, Alberta 1:00 p.m. Three people in Airdrie, Alberta, watch a chro 12/24/2003 #44632  
 An Aer Lingus Boeing 737 with 135 people on board is about 2 miles off the 1/4/2004 #44643  
Aer Lingus Boeing 737-400 with 135 people on board was damaged by near a mi 1/4/2004 #44645  
0:30 p.m. when a A330-200 with 213 people on board encountered a flashing s 1/4/2004 #44645  
a municipality of Boyeros, several people witnessed the presence of a small 5/8/2004 #44696  
e laser, similar to the light some people use on the hoods of their cars. W 7/27/2004 #44718  
al Access Programs where only four people knew what was happening. Maynard  8/2004 #44724  
this evening around 10:00 p.m. two people watched a set of brilliant strobi 9/3/2004 #44746  
 an interview that a total of four people (two pilots and two weapons syste 11/14/2004 #44784  
ng shot down. Officials say 35,000 people are evacuated from the Capitol an 5/11/2005 #44840  
san Clancy publishes Abducted: How People Came to Believe They Were Kidnapp 10/2005 #44883  
 that alien abduction stories give people meaning and a way to understand t 10/2005 #44883  
sion list for retired intelligence people who are interested in UFOs. This  11/1/2005 #44898  
for retired intelligence community people interested in UAP, receives what  11/1/2005 #44899  
   In Trienta y Tres, Uruguay many people saw intensely bright "stars" in t 1/26/2006 #44919  
ry purposes.” The report describes people who believe themselves to have ha 5/15/2006 #44942  
, Nova Scotia multiple independent people observed large lights in the sky. 8/20/2006 #44956  
ng at real players, not small time people any more. He suggests the issue c 9/27/2006 #44969  
e causes delusion among high-level people but it’s still relevant to study  9/27/2006 #44969  
levant to study them because those people have power.  https://www.amazon.c 9/27/2006 #44969  
                 At 5:30 p.m. four people standing in their front yard in G 10/6/2006 #44972  
ounty, southern Yunnan, China Many people in a village in Zhenyuan Yi, Hani 11/2006 #44979  
ppear to keep changing shape. Many people from neighboring villages hear ab 11/2006 #44979  
phenomenon and arrive to watch it. People try to pursue the lights, but the 11/2006 #44979  
knows where it came from? A lot of people saw it, and I saw it too. It was  3/18/2007 #45012  
e thinks he knows where “the right people” hide with respect to the secret  8/4/2007 #45043  
. "A person was seen and then more people were seen. A lot of phenomena."   8/18/2007 #45049  
 humanoid figures that looked like people, but some were extremely tall, an 9/16/2007 #45059  
ledge of their superiors. The core people in this group will form the basis 2008 #45106  
reaches a readership of 25 million people.                                  8/5/2010 #45290  
cksonville, Florida 11:00 p.m. Two people camping on Cumberland Island Nati 8/16/2010 #45292  
ohn Alexander states that “if five people know [the reality of UAP], Dr. Ed 2/15/2011 #45316  
 light” fly from the bodies of the people into the saucers. Often personnel 3/31/2011 #45322  
wa, Poland Night. A group of young people at Góra Ossona in Częstochowa, Po 8/1/2013 #45379  
lse has come forward because those people obviously would have seen the sam 8/6/2013 #45381  
tion of the third vehicle. "I know people are going to think that it's craz 8/6/2013 #45381  
lse flag operations’ and emails to people’s families and friends. Who would 2/24/2014 #45402  
ams states it was a location where people could come to Norton and see the  12/2014 #45425  
he missing scientists and “certain people” would prefer that he not talk ab 1/30/2015 #45429  
sentation in front of nearly 7,000 people at the Auditorio Nacional in Mexi 5/5/2015 #45437  
it’s a “very, very small group” of people at the top putting it all togethe 3/27/2016 #45446  
 “involved” in different groups of people working on the UAP issue; he clai 8/31/2016 #45458  
gists studying medical issues with people coming in close proximity to craf 8/31/2016 #45458  
minds, and even traps the souls of people. Police say the men confess that  10/27/2016 #45460  
r at home or in hotel rooms. Other people nearby, family members and guests 8/2017 #45477  
es that vary in intensity. Several people on the other side of the street a 8/9/2017 #45478  
Waregem, Belgium 7:30 a.m. Several people traveling to work in Wielsbeke fr 2/23/2018 #45508  
al connectivity of the caudate” in people who practiced these forms of medi 12/12/2018 #45551  
perations on December 21 after two people are arrested then released withou 12/19/2018 #45552  
that “this program references real people by their real names, a real gover 1/8/2019 #45557  
sidad de Huelva Afternoon. Several people in Cogollos de Guadix, Granada, S 2/10/2019 #45561  
nformation scheme, in which honest people’s talents were used to further an 2/26/2019 #45564  
 one very brief meeting on it. But people are saying they’re seeing UFOs. D 6/15/2019 #45584  
 September 20. More than 2 million people responded “going” and 1.5 million 6/27/2019 #45588  
k event takes place with about 150 people showing up at the entrance to Are 9/20/2019 #45609  
 law enforcement, and up to 10,000 people visit the area over the weekend.  9/20/2019 #45609  
riefed on the event and discourage people from attempting to enter military 9/20/2019 #45609  
te, and federal agencies brings 75 people to Brush, Colorado, to share info 1/6/2020 #45624  
“Earth humans” from the future and people from the future come back in time 3/20/2020 #45640  
fologist Joe Murgia that: “Various people within the United States governme 5/1/2021 #45687  
society” exists and it intimidates people into silence.  https://www.ufojoe 5/26/2021 #45691  
ck rapidly increasing UFOs. To the People’s Liberation Army they are ‘unide 6/4/2021 #45692  
nes to name, and he’s had “lots of people offer lots of money to take this  6/29/2021 #45696  
led by a relatively small group of people, not all in government, including 8/1/2021 #45703  
, not all in government, including people in aerospace, intelligence and co 8/1/2021 #45703  
ndestine “intensive effort to shut people up,” adding his sources are now “ 12/17/2021 #45729  
rez states he came across a lot of people inside the Agency who were intere 1/30/2022 #45736  
berate attempts to cause injury to people who are working on the periphery  5/2022 #45746  
there was concern that some of the people are not being adequately protecte 5/2022 #45746  
s of acclimation focusing on young people.                                  6/4/2022 #45756  
 Christopher Mellon says “credible people” tell him there is a covered up p 9/2022 #45767  
k; he also states for all of those people he hears an equal number of credi 9/2022 #45767  
 hears an equal number of credible people who are highly placed and say the 9/2022 #45767  
st 1996). *   https://www.nndb.com/people/392/000058218/                    9/26/2022 #45772  
 an “inner circle” of intelligence people who may have controlled some UAP  10/14/2022 #45776  
 Cameron publishes a collection of people who claim to have piloted a UFO,  10/20/2022 #45779  
by Saint Germain onto a craft with people that looked like humans; and Enri 10/20/2022 #45779  
pen in “a desert.” Pandolfi claims people will enter and return.  https://w 10/20/2022 #45782  
states on a podcast that there are people “involved in high level physics”  2/28/2023 #45797  
## Word: "people--a" (Back to Top)
its around its circumference. Four people--a local reporter, a bullfighter, 9/10/1965 #19552  
## Word: "peopled" (Back to Top)
f a plurality of inhabited worlds “peopled with myriads of intelligent bein 1756 #75  
hich she describes as luminous and peopled with phantoms. Subsequent sessio 1895 #318  
## Word: "peoplen" (Back to Top)
:05 p.m. PST (11:05 p.m. MST). Two peoplen saw a fat, solid-gray cigar (ell 4/6/1967 #22075  
## Word: "peoples" (Back to Top)
w Project Mogul scientist James W. Peoples and the other witnesses. Unfortu 4/5/1948 #3612  
an “little people” (like the pygmy peoples of the Congo basin) were “plante 1957 #13429  
 Idaho about a migration of Indian peoples and the coming of a True White B 7/12/1969 #25263  
that knowledge would unite all the peoples of the world.                    11/19/1985 #37711  
## Word: "peoria" (Back to Top)
                              EAST PEORIA, IL 1 observer. 25-30 disks hover 7/7/1947 #2897  
 red lights on perimeter. Ovoids / Peoria / APRO v2#2.                      8/21/1953 #9093  
                                   PEORIA, ILL Large blue object flies over 9/24/1966 #20920  
                                   Peoria, Illinois 3:30 a.m. A man named G 9/24/1966 #20923  
 is driving his girlfriend home in Peoria, Illinois, when they see a large, 9/24/1966 #20923  
                                   Peoria, Illinois MUFON holds its first a 6/13/1970 #25700  
lds its first annual conference in Peoria, Illinois. Shortly afterwards, Wa 6/13/1970 #25700  
                                   PEORIA, IL 4 / car. Luminous 50'"giant g 10/22/1973 #28234  
                                   Peoria, Illinois 6:00 p.m. Two Bradley U 2/5/1978 #32955  
dley University security guards in Peoria, Illinois, are making their round 2/5/1978 #32955  
                                   PEORIA, IL 2 / car. Fireball flies behin 8/7/1978 #33482  
                                   Peoria, IL 9:00 PM. Light with whirring  8/7/1978 #33484  
                                   Peoria, Illinois 10:00 p.m. A couple is  8/7/1978 #33485  
 a First Assembly of God church in Peoria, Illinois when they see a shootin 8/7/1978 #33485  
                      31st Avenue, Peoria, Arizona 10:30 a.m. A man is at h 9/17/2005 #44876  
n is at his home on 31st Avenue in Peoria, Arizona, when he sees a bright o 9/17/2005 #44876  
## Word: "peotone" (Back to Top)
ss traveling on Interstate 57 near Peotone, Illinois.                       11/13/2004 #44783  
## Word: "pepactin" (Back to Top)
ur of missing time. Campers at the Pepactin Reservoir in Ulster County firs 11/8/1975 #30583  
## Word: "pepacton" (Back to Top)
                                   PEPACTON RESERVOIR, NY 2 campers. Lumino 11/8/1975 #30578  
## Word: "pepato" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pepato” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT      6/11/1979 #34606  
## Word: "pepinster" (Back to Top)
                                   Pepinster, Belgium 9:25 p.m. Four witnes 10/23/1990 #39807  
 object with very bright lights in Pepinster, Belgium. The have the impress 10/23/1990 #39807  
## Word: "pepper" (Back to Top)
e two witnesses named Cantrell and Pepper.                                  6/23/1947 #2377  
ise, and left behind an odor "like pepper."                                 7/13/1959 #15843  
## Word: "peppered" (Back to Top)
is suspended from a balloon and is peppered with electrical lights. At one  6/1/1898 #622  
## Word: "pepperell" (Back to Top)
, Newfoundland, Canada Witnesses:  Pepperell AFB operations officer and sev 9/23/1952 #8013  
wfoundland, Canada. No time given. Pepperell AFB operations officer and sev 9/23/1952 #8015  
## Word: "pepperrel" (Back to Top)
                                   Pepperrel AFB, Newfoundland Unusual UFOB 7/12/1955 #12253  
foundland Unusual UFOB report from Pepperrel AFB, Newfoundland. UFO sighted 7/12/1955 #12253  
## Word: "pepperrell" (Back to Top)
                                   Pepperrell AFB, Newfoundland, CAN Two Ob 7/27/1954 #10055  
                                   Pepperrell AFB, Newfoundland, CAN Newfou 7/5/1955 #12237  
                                   Pepperrell AFB, Newfoundland, CAN Red Eg 12/19/1957 #14750  
## Word: "pepperwood" (Back to Top)
                                   PEPPERWOOD, CA 3 / farm. Shiny disk circ 4/11/1950 (approximate) #4842  
## Word: "pequannock" (Back to Top)
                                   PEQUANNOCK, NJ Project Bluebook Case #83 5/22/1963 #17757  
                                   Pequannock, NJ 4 pink wheels spin or rol 5/22/1963 #17758  
                                   Pequannock, New Jersey Witness:  Myra Ja 5/22/1963 #17759  
sed by a civilian named Jackson in Pequannock, New Jersey at 10:50 p.m.     5/22/1963 #17761  
## Word: "per" (Back to Top)
it. It flew at a speed of 25 miles per hour to the south, and carried red a 4/16/1897 #513  
 puts a question to Prime Minister Per Albin Hansson, asking what action th 1/27/1934 #1197  
 estimated speed of 250 kilometers per hour. It had rectangular windows and 8/27/1938 #1292  
; departed location at 3,500 miles per hour (Page 23 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - D 2/27/1942 #1396  
ing away at several thousand miles per hour. (Page 40-41 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01  5/27/1943 #1504  
ight and travel thousands of miles per hour. (Page 158-159 Ref.1) (NICAP: 0 4/7/1945 #1840  
ck. She sees about 10 objects pass per minute. Sometimes there is an interr 10/10/1946 #2202  
was estimated to be 900 kilometers per hour. The report was one of the earl 6/14/1947 #2329  
e flying at a speed of 1,500 miles per hour and at an altitude of 9,500 fee 6/24/1947 #2402  
st at an estimated speed of 800 km per hour. They were lost in the clouds a 7/5/1947 #2730  
at an estimated speed of 600 miles per hour, at 7000 feet altitude.         7/21/1947 #3211  
rized project to investigate UFOs, per General LeMay’s 1946 instructions.   8/1947 #3275  
 at a speed estimated at 900 miles per hour. There were two witnesses on bo 8/18/1947 #3347  
les over one spot in 30-40 seconds per turn over the runway, at a speed of  1/7/1948 #3546  
rminal velocity was about 11 miles per second or 39,000 mph. Radio interfer 4/1/1948 #3604  
ircled the airfield, blinking once per second, finally flying away climbing 1/4/1949 #3960  
est at an estimated 700 kilometers per hour.                                5/13/1949 #4186  
 V-2 attains a speed of 2,000 feet per second in its upward flight, it is j 6/14/1949 #4240  
e same altitude, oscillating at 48 per minute, and disappears into the sun. 7/3/1949 #4261  
a blue-white fireball moving 5°–7° per second over Kirtland Air Force Base, 11/27/1949 #4427  
nnels still require UFO reporting, per AFCIR-CC7, “Reporting of Information 1/12/1950 #4483  
d a climb rate of up to 7,000 feet per minute.                              3/9/1950 #4598  
blinking at an estimated 3 flashes per second. The bottom of the object app 3/20/1950 #4690  
 at an estimated speed of 1,000 km per hour. They took a photograph of it.  2/19/1951 #5451  
      Stockholm University, Sweden Per Sundh is appointed head of a unit at 10/1951 #5693  
 fan-shaped light pulsed 3-4 times per second for 2 seconds.                4/29/1952 #6214  
n-shaped light that pulsed 8 times per second for four seconds.             4/29/1952 #6217  
bs over Los Angeles at 35,000 feet per minute. The target then levels out f 6/1/1952 #6418  
, Georgia at a speed of 1200 miles per hour and at an altitude of 50,000 fe 7/21/1952 #6985  
tify the objects. Approximately 90 per cent of the personnel at the base ob 7/23/1952 #7074  
ng 16 mm film exposed at 24 frames per second, obtains footage of a high-sp 7/29/1952 #7330  
smissions are only five microwatts per square centimeter, well below the po 1/1953 #8486  
 in length and flew at 3,600 miles per hour. Fifteen minutes later a bright 1/1/1953 #8495  
rge light, blinking at 10-15 times per minute (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 3/10/1953 #8744  
rge light, blinking at 10-15 times per minute, moved up and down along a mo 3/11/1953 #8745  
t an estimated speed of 1200 miles per hour. It was sighted by a pilot in a 4/28/1953 #8848  
t speeds of several thousand miles per hour, and can reach high altitudes.  8/1953 #9034  
n and shot away at over 1800 miles per hour. Unidentified radar returns wer 12/3/1953 #9340  
em; Air Force could not explain 10 per cent of the sightings. [Quoted by Un 5/15/1954 #9798  
 feet and a speed of 150-180 miles per hour. It left a luminous vapor trail 9/17/1954 #10335  
-O-Lantern", flying at 1,000 miles per hour.                                2/11/1955 #11998  
rotating as it flew by, six cycles per second. It tilted upward and flew aw 9/23/1955 #12471  
timated speed of 40,000 kilometers per hour.                                1/8/1956 #12650  
d speed of the craft was 150 miles per hour, and the sighting lasted five m 9/22/1956 #13236  
or a jet - maybe 800 to 1000 miles per hour. It was just a streak through t 11/8/1956 #13314  
across the sky at about 1250 miles per hour. The UFO came up fast and the j 11/8/1956 #13315  
 shooting into space at 4000 miles per hour was reported by a Pan American  11/8/1956 #13315  
 was estimated at 550 to 650 miles per hour." "It then moved in to 50 miles 11/8/1956 #13315  
a flying speed of about 4000 miles per hour.) The object was last observed  11/8/1956 #13315  
d hum at a low pitch of 200 cycles per second. The FCC admits it is baffled 11/7/1957 #14461  
rd the southwest at 800 kilometers per hour.                                12/8/1957 #14695  
north moving at 1.5 degrees of arc per minute.                              7/6/1960 #16333  
r J. Allen Hynek a raise of $1,000 per year and purchase one new polaroid c 3/17/1961 #16634  
At Sea White light blink 2-3 times per second moving very fast (NICAP: 01 - 12/16/1963 #18085  
 One white light blinked 2-3 times per second as it moved very fast across  12/16/1963 #18086  
ct giving off bursts of light once per second. It took off again when Crawf 6/12/1964 #18348  
e of 10 man-days might be required per sighting so studied. The information 2/3/1966 #19879  
 at a speed of about 30 kilometers per hour. It was about 80 centimeters in 3/26/1966 #20092  
oging at least one radar “unknown” per month in its first year alone. Blue  4/5/1966 #20253  
tion reading of .025 millimentgens per hour from a Geiger counter.          4/23/1966 #20390  
his car. He sped up to 70-75 miles per hour but the creature kept up with h 11/24/1966 #21146  
d his speed to between 70-75 miles per hour but the creature easily kept up 11/25/1966 #21148  
 meters, a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, and made no discernable sound. 12/5/1966 #21186  
 shoot along at 100,000 kilometers per hour. They move without producing th 2/1967 #21431  
ing at a modest angular rate of 1° per second. It remains silent even as it Spring 1967 #21926  
 tail, moving at about 1.5 degrees per second. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distan 10/18/1967 #23261  
ia at a speed of about 60–65 miles per hour. He is approached by a lighted  10/30/1967 #23371  
e is suddenly going at 60–65 miles per hour again, with no feeling of accel 10/30/1967 #23371  
edham, Massachusetts at one-degree per second. It was about magnitude-2 in  9/29/1968 #24522  
 Her car slowed down from 50 miles per hour to just 8 mph when the beam tou 3/10/1969 #24990  
wards, at a frequency of 1–2 rocks per second. A “depressing blue glow” can 4/25/1969 #25090  
the brain waves…. About ten cycles per second…. You can produce changes in  7/25/1972 #26833  
es, driving at a speed of 55 miles per hour. It then stopped ahead of the w 3/27/1973 #27381  
wise at a rate of four revolutions per minute. He looks to his right side a 11/28/1974 #29619  
armingly above normal (3 roentgens per hour versus normal background radiat 1/10/1977 #31715  
ht moving at several hundred miles per hour from north to south at an altit Mid 4/1978 #33149  
ted, was estimated to be 600 miles per hour, but they accelerated and sped  8/9/1979 #34722  
ts that flash on and off 2–3 times per second. The object itself is shaped  8/1980 #35437  
en the lights are seen 15–20 times per week, attracting many tourists.      11/1981 #36201  
 the District of Columbia issues a per curiam judgment that denies an appea 11/3/1981 #36206  
 Journalists Nils Kåre Nesvold and Per Holden see a shiny, spherical object 12/20/1981 #36271  
nd climbed at a speed of 6000 feet per second.                              10/24/1982 #36664  
embers and is receiving many calls per day, mostly IFOs.                    1/1/1986 #37745  
ments is equivalent to 1,100 grams per metric ton. This is much higher than 1/29/1986 #37775  
centration of gold reaches 4 grams per metric ton. There are no gold deposi 1/29/1986 #37775  
th an estimated speed of 15 meters per second, leaving no wake or trail. At 1/29/1986 #37776  
ved a top speed of 3000 kilometers per hour when it crossed the Kamchatka s 11/25/1986 #38078  
 to classified government records; per three Pentagon computer systems the  9/28/1989 #39132  
flying from west to east at 960 km per hour, and at an altitude of 6600 met 8/28/1991 #40168  
esponsible for UAP data collection per AFR 200-2.  Kissner added his source 1994 #41349  
itness drove at speeds of 90 miles per hour in an attempt to get away, and  10/13/1997 #43428  
 the UFO was moving at 3,000 miles per hour.                                12/17/1997 #43465  
County, Missouri at about 25 miles per hour from East to West.              5/6/2002 #44340  
rk segments. The Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale in Turin di 10/18/2002 #44419  
eparting speed was 2600 kilometers per hour. The humanoid figures then walk 8/25/2004 #44741  
t red, blue and yellow lights, 4-5 per side, was observed moving slowing at 9/24/2007 #45071  
, moving at an estimated ten miles per hour, and it passed directly over th 6/30/2008 #45149  
ks of Interest have averaged 1,800 per year since 2011. It states that it r 7/1/2016 #45455  
e rate stability, and oscillations per pulse” to the recording.             1/4/2019 #45555  
orce of about 300 to 500 kilograms per square meter.  https://medium.com/pr 2/4/2020 #45630  
## Word: "pera" (Back to Top)
ly, a neighbor named Juan Gerónimo Pera, his wife, and children, had seen a 1/1963 #17624  
                    CASTANHEIRA DE PERA, PORT Street lights out. 1M sphere/ 7/17/1978 #33394  
                    Castanheira de Pera, Portugal A one-meter diameter sphe 7/17/1978 #33395  
above the ground in Castanheira de Pera, Portugal at 5:30 in the morning. A 7/17/1978 #33396  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pera” YieldMax: 20KT                     9/8/1979 #34845  
## Word: "peraira" (Back to Top)
er, Amauri, at km 15 on the Miguel Peraira Highway saw two yellowish lights 8/3/1967 #22785  
were at kilometer 15 on the Miguel Peraira Highway when they saw two yellow 8/3/1967 #22790  
## Word: "perak" (Back to Top)
s tall outside her house in Lumut, Perak State, Malaysia at 7:00 a.m. She s 6/18/1980 #35380  
                             IPOH, PERAK, MALAYSIA 5 joggers. Saturn-shape  1/24/1982 #36308  
                village of Ipoh in Perak, Malaysia 7:00 AM. Five early morn 1/24/1982 #36310  
         In the village of Ipoh in Perak, Malaysia five early morning jogge 1/24/1982 #36311  
## Word: "peralta" (Back to Top)
he USS Kidd advises the USS Rafael Peralta of the situation. The USS Rafael 7/14/2019 #45592  
a of the situation. The USS Rafael Peralta logs show that at around 10:00 p 7/14/2019 #45592  
 the flight deck of the USS Rafael Peralta. The drone manages to match the  7/14/2019 #45592  
agination 8:39 p.m. The USS Rafael Peralta again spots unidentified UAVs be 7/15/2019 #45593  
d right. Meanwhile, the USS Rafael Peralta receives a radio call from a pas 7/15/2019 #45593  
nto the night, with the USS Rafael Peralta first recording two UAVs and the 7/15/2019 #45593  
## Word: "perano" (Back to Top)
rasole, France Messrs. Olivier and Perano and a third man saw a reddish dis 10/13/1954 #10998  
:35 p.m. Three witnesses (Olivier, Perano, and a third man) see a reddish d 10/13/1954 #11000  
hat same night Messrs. Olivier and Perano and a third man in Bourrasole, Fr 10/13/1954 #11004  
## Word: "perazzo" (Back to Top)
uenos Aires, Argentina J. Bautista Perazzo allegedly had contact with extra 9/10/1968 #24450  
## Word: "perce" (Back to Top)
                               CAP PERCE, QB 2 observer(s). Dark grey disk  7/10/1981 #35992  
## Word: "percebal" (Back to Top)
e 12-year-old boys including Diego Percebal were walking near an old crumbl 4/15/1994 #41493  
## Word: "perceivable" (Back to Top)
e, though there is some slight but perceivable variation in diameter among  7/15/2001 #44209  
## Word: "perceive" (Back to Top)
titude of 500–600 feet. They dimly perceive some men on a platform below it 5/13/1909 #740  
 the air 150 feet and he seemed to perceive a “convex-shaped” solid mass be 3/23/1966 #20053  
side a sphere where he was able to perceive numerous lights and movement ar 9/11/1981 #36110  
side a sphere where he was able to perceive numerous lights and movement ar 9/12/1981 #36112  
t out, but the witness could still perceive that the silhouette of the UFO  1/28/1997 #43179  
ving close to them, and they could perceive small shadows nearby. They next 9/30/1997 #43421  
eps growing until it is painful to perceive through closed eyes, then quick 4/2003 #44508  
## Word: "perceived" (Back to Top)
ting telescope he is using, can be perceived as resembling buildings comple 1824 #117  
ink, yellow, and blue. There was a perceived lowering of the temperature, a 8/13/1917 #961  
ers in Omaha, Nebraska, in what is perceived as a threat trajectory potenti 9/20/1957 #14020  
imilar to that of a helicopter and perceived a "burning" odor. He saw a bal 11/5/1957 #14341  
imilar to that of a helicopter and perceived a "burning" odor. He saw a bal 11/5/1957 #14353  
ition and to have heard or somehow perceived the word "ZEMU" repeated twice 1/22/1961 #16586  
ition and to have heard or somehow perceived the word "ZEMU" repeated twice 1/22/1961 #16588  
d by a feeling of intense cold and perceived a greenish light in the room.  6/26/1962 #17248  
 in the sky leaving them, but they perceived no time lapse nor did they eve 11/9/1967 #23433  
, apparently the way the creatures perceived him. The beings communicated v 8/15/1970 #25787  
 of the upper windows, and Miss L. perceived two human like figures silhoue 4/14/1971 #26073  
 past. He was then surrounded by a perceived dense black cloud that seemed  9/20/1971 #26353  
runa, Minas Gerais, Brazil when he perceived a strong beam of reddish light 9/25/1971 #26379  
ing her name. The next morning she perceived a message telling her to retur 2/22/1973 #27310  
ecame hysterical. The other couple perceived nothing unusual and believed t 10/14/1973 #28031  
range vibration coming from it and perceived an audible sound. The craft th 3/6/1975 #29875  
 forcibly turned to the right. She perceived an arm appear that described a 12/10/1976 #31594  
tter look. As they approached they perceived a strong burning smell, an odo 1/3/1979 #34290  
m on the chest and felt paralyzed. Perceived communication, apparent abduct 12/4/1980 #35695  
 to suspected terrorists and other perceived threats to US national interes 1982 #36286  
 as it lay on the bed. Suddenly he perceived a stream of beautiful golden l 4/3/1995 #42137  
e as in descended. A dark mass was perceived at low altitude, but was lost  8/13/1995 #42381  
nably acceptable transition of the perceived true nature of the Lincoln Cou 3/11/1998 #43532  
## Word: "perceives" (Back to Top)
ily sick. Pârvu encounters what he perceives to be the same object in Augus Early 8/1939 #1312  
 indicates official censorship. It perceives a danger that the Russians mig 8/19/1952 #7648  
zil, when he begins dozing off. He perceives figures moving around him, and 5/4/1969 #25114  
nly sees a light, but the daughter perceives a “saucer with a vertical cone 4/29/1977 #32036  
## Word: "perceiving" (Back to Top)
m he has tasked with clairvoyantly perceiving cosmic ray bursts of sufficie 10/1952 #8074  
icrowaves can trick the brain into perceiving what seem to be ordinary soun 9/1/2018 #45538  
## Word: "percent" (Back to Top)
        US Gallup Poll reported 96 percent public awareness of UFOs, and th 5/8/1966 #20462  
     US Gallup Poll showed that 51 percent of Americans believe UFOs are "r 11/28/1973 #28474  
ricans believe UFOs are "real," 11 percent claim personal sightings, and 93 11/28/1973 #28474  
t claim personal sightings, and 93 percent are aware of the subject.        11/28/1973 #28474  
al and it was found to be about 60 percent aluminum and different from any  9/16/1996 #43026  
## Word: "percentage" (Back to Top)
 as possible, thereby reducing the percentage of the unknowns to a bare min 2/15/1955 #12004  
ases of insufficient evidence, the percentage of unknowns is lower: 23 unkn 6/30/1955 #12221  
O fact sheet, emphasizing the high percentage of explained cases and the la 11/5/1957 #14344  
IC’s responsibility to “reduce the percentage of unidentifieds to the minim 2/5/1958 #14872  
ch, even though it is only a small percentage of the CNES budget.           2/11/1983 #36764  
ugh he makes it clear that a large percentage of UFO sightings are explaina 1/2011 #45311  
## Word: "percentages" (Back to Top)
blic Affairs. These emphasized the percentages of explained cases, and agai 11/1957 #14179  
e abduction narrative and attaches percentages to each to indicate how ofte 1987 #38089  
## Word: "percepients" (Back to Top)
Reporting Center in Seattle by the percepients. The first was in Del Valle, 10/15/2000 #44058  
## Word: "perceptible" (Back to Top)
ree well-coordinated turns with no perceptible sound. It moves at tremendou 9/3/1952 #7838  
## Word: "perception" (Back to Top)
reports: first, a study of witness perception and recall, then a statistica 12/26/1951 #5826  
from the United States. The common perception was that the UFO wave was con 10/17/1973 #28134  
 propulsion, and the psychology of perception.                              6/1978 #33245  
gs also talked about human being's perception of dying and the existence of 6/29/1989 #38997  
sciousness that undermine ordinary perception and conceptual thinking. Thro 5/1/1992 #40442  
hological operations and strategic perception management, with additional f 5/1996 #42891  
scussing how to shape the public’s perception of UAP on behalf of a USG cli 12/3/1999 #43892  
sonating at a frequency beyond the perception of human senses and electroni 4/28/2006 #44937  
information scheme to frame public perception of the UAP issue.  A response 10/2008 #45173  
states he has been told how public perception on UAP has been shaped by pri 3/27/2016 #45446  
om of the diplomatic incidents—the perception of loud noises, including rin 9/1/2018 #45538  
## Word: "perceptions" (Back to Top)
p between media coverage and local perceptions. Raymond Fowler finds that t 9/3/1965 #19511  
## Word: "perceptual" (Back to Top)
f close encounters due to inducing perceptual alterations or hallucinations 5/15/2006 #44942  
## Word: "perch" (Back to Top)
ad blocked by a wingless aircraft, perch fish-shaped (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 3/23/1966 #20042  
## Word: "percharde" (Back to Top)
n Jima, near Okinawa Witness: P.L. Percharde, electrical engineer and assis 8/11/1954 #10124  
 Yoron-Jima, Japan 8:55 p.m. P. L. Percharde, electrical engineer and assis 8/11/1954 #10127  
a, near Okinawa at 8:55 p.m. P. L. Percharde, an electrical engineer and as 8/11/1954 #10128  
## Word: "perched" (Back to Top)
 whitish green color. One of these perched in a tree. While this strange as 10/14/1973 #28031  
oung girl and her sister saw a man perched in a tree nearby who had legs "b 7/4/1976 #31151  
 the couple saw a similar creature perched near a tree that was overlooking 4/12/1977 #31978  
## Word: "percipient" (Back to Top)
r Limoges, France at 6:30 p.m. The percipient was driving in a car when it  12/10/1977 #32758  
## Word: "percipients" (Back to Top)
sychosocial manifestations because percipients psychologically need them fo 1984 #37092  
Abduction near Mt. Vernon, IN. Two percipients, several hours. (Ridge files 11/17/1984 #37506  
## Word: "percival" (Back to Top)
xplanation, by American astronomer Percival Lowell in Flagstaff, Arizona, a 5/1894 #314  
lagstaff, Arizona Mars Astronomers Percival Lowell and William H. Pickering 6/7/1894 #315  
bservatory Flagstaff, Arizona Mars Percival Lowell at Lowell Observatory in 12/1900 #642  
owards Weston-super-Mare. Aeronaut Percival G. Spencer says that he recentl 5/19/1909 #765  
## Word: "percy" (Back to Top)
               Oakland, California Percy Drew watches an enormous airship w 11/28/1896 #368  
New Mexico 5:17 p.m. Special Agent Percy Wyly II in the Dallas, Texas, FBI  7/8/1947 #3026  
d by amateur Welsh astronomer Hugh Percy Wilkins. Although it turns out to  7/30/1953 #9021  
his morning, British astronomer H. Percy Wilkins observed two brilliant, ov 6/11/1954 #9893  
aide, Carl Towill, postmaster, and Percy Briggs, mail carrier, saw a dome-s 3/13/1959 #15640  
namont Hill Murray River 2:00 a.m. Percy Briggs is driving from Purnong to  3/13/1959 #15641  
                  Yarmouth, Canada Percy McBride saw a flashing object, the 11/29/1967 #23523  
               At around 2:00 a.m. Percy McBride saw a flashing flying obje 11/29/1967 #23524  
, Ontario Lake Ontario Night. Dave Percy and two other security guards at t 12/31/1974 #29667  
## Word: "perdido" (Back to Top)
hstan Menlo Park, California Monte Perdido, Huesca, Spain Mount Nyangani, Z 7/9/1974 #29253  
 The bases are located under Monte Perdido, Huesca, Spain; Mount Nyangani,  7/9/1974 #29253  
a, Mt. Nyangani, Zimbabwe, and Mt. Perdido, Spain. The unofficial project c 7/1982 #36525  
                                   PERDIDO KEY, FL 1 / (seen thru) binocula 2/4/1995 #42018  
## Word: "perdoux" (Back to Top)
                               ST. PERDOUX, FR Small humanoid (or Grey) / s 10/4/1954 #10676  
## Word: "perego" (Back to Top)
e 1:00 p.m. UFO researcher Alberto Perego is driving past the church of San 10/30/1954 #11492  
ve Vatican City 11:00 a.m. Alberto Perego is in the Tuscolana district in R 11/6/1954 #11585  
jects appears 10 minutes later and Perego notices shining filaments falling 11/6/1954 #11585  
 11:00 a.m. in the morning Alberto Perego watched about 100 white spots tra 11/6/1954 #11586  
 of Rome, Italy 11:30 a.m. Alberto Perego is returning from the Tuscolana d 11/7/1954 #11589  
Gandolfo, Italy 11:30 a.m. Alberto Perego watches even more formations of w 11/12/1954 #11628  
o retired Italian diplomat Alberto Perego that he is most interested in “ac 2/26/1957 #13514  
sstag, meets with diplomat Alberto Perego and Mario Maioli at Ristorante La 6/13/1959 #15768  
## Word: "peregozzo" (Back to Top)
ing disc earlier that night, Luisa Peregozzo awoke to an intense cold feeli 6/26/1962 #17249  
## Word: "pereira" (Back to Top)
 the State of Goiás; Joaquim Neves Pereira; and Antenor Gomes, then-Secreta 10/10/1957 #14095  
a.m. Attorney Carlos José de Costa Pereira, Manoel Mendes, and Antônio de A 2/24/1958 #14889  
fternoon of this day two men named Pereira and Viana, alleged UFO contactee 8/17/1966 #20759  
f two men, electronics technicians Pereira da Cruz and Viana. The bodies ha 8/20/1966 #20778  
e two men are identified as Manoel Pereira da Cruz and Miguel José Viana, t 8/20/1966 #20779  
of two men, electronic technicians Pereira da Cruz and Viana. The bodies we 8/20/1966 #20782  
                            MIGUEL PEREIRA, BRZ 4 observer(s). 6M and silen 7/1967 #22586  
o de Janeiro, Brazil Japeri Miguel Pereira Arcádia La Chaumiere 8:00 p.m. A 8/3/1967 #22787  
. When they are approaching Miguel Pereira on a mud road between Arcádia an 8/3/1967 #22787  
ira at their destination in Miguel Pereira.                                 8/3/1967 #22787  
n Lins, São Paulo, Brazil, Turíbio Pereira sees only a few feet away a gold 10/2/1968 #24537  
ur stools and an instrument panel. Pereira sees four beings around it weari 10/2/1968 #24537  
 fires it and a luminous ball hits Pereira in the stomach, paralyzing him.  10/2/1968 #24537  
ff at high speed. With difficulty, Pereira climbs off the tractor and stumb 10/2/1968 #24537  
is bulldozer’s engine, Sr. Doribio Pereira saw a golden colored cigar-shape 10/2/1968 #24538  
and when it emitted a bright flash Pereira found himself paralyzed. He coul 10/2/1968 #24538  
s with cross garters to the knees. Pereira, in a state of near shock, was g 10/2/1968 #24538  
    Lins, Brazil 6:20 a.m. Doribio Pereira, 41, municipal employee, suddenl 10/9/1968 #24553  
              Lins, Brazil Doribio Pereira, 41, municipal employee, suddenl 10/9/1968 #24554  
                              Jose Pereira Sacramento was awakened by a noi 5/20/1969 #25151  
in brightness to such a point that Pereira lost consciousness. At 6:00 a.m. 5/20/1969 #25151  
Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil José Jean Pereira de Alencar founds the Centro de  1977 #31652  
l a young woman, 25-year-old Nueza Pereira Aragao, was in her kitchen with  10/26/1977 #32618  
radar. He and his companion, Alcir Pereira da Silva, saw bright red-orange  5/19/1986 #37874  
os Campos. His copilot Cmdr. Alcir Pereira da Silva receives a call from CI 5/19/1986 #37880  
s, with his pilot, Commander Alcir Pereira da Silva, was descending through 5/19/1986 #37882  
               On this night Paulo Pereira Campos was returning to his home 6/3/1986 #37904  
## Word: "pereslavl-zalesky" (Back to Top)
                                   PERESLAVL-ZALESKY, RUSSIA High-alert. RA 3/21/1990 #39471  
## Word: "pereslavl-zalesskiy" (Back to Top)
                                   Pereslavl-Zalesskiy, USSR G,A,V, a/l pil 3/21/1990 #39472  
                                   Pereslavl-Zalesskiy, USSR Interceptor pi 3/21/1990 #39473  
                                   Pereslavl-Zalesskiy, Russia Jet intercep 3/21/1990 #39474  
## Word: "pereslavl-zalessky" (Back to Top)
ukovo Fryazino Khabarovsk Kirzhach Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl Oblast, Ru 3/21/1990 #39475  
s seen at 6,500 feet altitude over Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl Oblast, Ru 3/21/1990 #39475  
## Word: "pereyaslavl-zalessky" (Back to Top)
                                At Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Russia a fighter a 3/21/1990 #39476  
## Word: "pereyra" (Back to Top)
             Quilmes, Argentina R. Pereyra was driving near Monte de los Cu 7/20/1965 #19149  
nd eight o'clock in the morning R. Pereyra was driving near Monte de los Cu 7/20/1965 #19153  
                        Dr. Carlos Pereyra Neuropsychiatric Hospital at Itu 7/22/1968 #24204  
 45, night nurse at the Dr. Carlos Pereyra Neuropsychiatric Hospital at Itu 7/22/1968 #24204  
## Word: "perez" (Back to Top)
:00 p.m. Baltazar Flores, Franciso Perez, Ruben Lozaya, and Elpidio Salas a 8/9/1964 #18472  
      Hidalgo, Mexico Antonio Neri Perez and several other people saw three 8/6/1967 #22828  
 Mexico Office worker Antonio Neri Perez and several others watch three glo 8/6/1967 #22829  
                      Antonio Neri Perez and several other people in Hidalg 8/6/1967 #22833  
ence, France 8:00 PM. Mr. and Mrs. Perez had a close encounter with a ten-m 1/1/1977 #31678  
, Drôme, France 8:00 p.m. François Perez and his wife are chased in their c 1/1/1977 #31681  
ivitis for 48 hours afterward, and Perez’s watch stops working.             1/1/1977 #31681  
e light. At 8:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Perez had a close encounter with a ten-m 1/1/1977 #31682  
ina Perez's home 6:45 a.m. Juan O. Perez, 12, goes to gather a herd of hors 9/6/1978 #33638  
lored light. His horse panics, and Perez manages to ride home. His father b 9/6/1978 #33638  
of breathing apparatus. It invites Perez inside the craft, so he ties his h 9/6/1978 #33638  
ing some animal bones into pieces. Perez tries touching the tall being and  9/6/1978 #33638  
prevented by an invisible barrier. Perez jumps out the door and back to the 9/6/1978 #33638  
he tall being follows him outside. Perez asks for one of the giant’s gloves 9/6/1978 #33638  
ence. When it takes off the glove, Perez sees a green, claw-like hand with  9/6/1978 #33638  
 nails. The tall being then pricks Perez’s right arm and apparently extract 9/6/1978 #33638  
apparently extracts some blood. As Perez rides home with the glove, two fly 9/6/1978 #33638  
ith a magnetic force. The wound on Perez’s arm stays open for many years an 9/6/1978 #33638  
 scar remains six years later when Perez has a medical check-up for militar 9/6/1978 #33638  
about its origin. After the event, Perez begins having premonitory dreams a 9/6/1978 #33638  
        The young witness, Juan O. Perez, had gone out at dawn to bring in  9/6/1978 #33640  
illero, Zapopan, Mexico - Apolonio Perez was awakened at 2:15 a.m. while sl 5/10/1989 #38942  
ty in his body. Upset and in pain, Perez cursed at whoever was responsible  5/10/1989 #38942  
## Word: "perez's" (Back to Top)
          Venado Tuerto, Argentina Perez's home 6:45 a.m. Juan O. Perez, 12 9/6/1978 #33638  
## Word: "perfect" (Back to Top)
and continue until dusk. They are “perfect flakes or rags; some near an inc 9/21/1741 #63  
           MOON Astronomer Ingall. Perfect point / Steller light / Mare Cri 4/10/1865 #164  
up [to] going down [to] and turns. Perfect control. Lights / ends. / r221p2 5/16/1909 #748  
wn and with turns. It seemed under perfect control, and had lights on the e 5/16/1909 #751  
 ten across and fifteen deep, in a perfect square. They were definitely not 8/12/1942 #1435  
           CHAMPIGNY-SUR-MARNE, FR Perfect oval cloud hovers. Shoots quickl 8/1944 (approximate) #1629  
om behind the ship and moves in a “perfect parabola at great speed, finally 11/16/1944 #1697  
lowed plane - appeared to be under perfect control (Page 102,130 Ref.1) (NI 12/22/1944 #1727  
           RENEVE, FR Priest. 17cm perfect midget / grey hair and beard run 4/20/1945 (approximate) #1849  
   NEAR TULSA, OK Separate airmen. Perfect ring / light going northeast str 7/10/1947 #3095  
 airmen near Tulsa, Oklahoma saw a perfect ring of light in the sky that fl 7/10/1947 #3120  
e a high-speed dive, level, make a perfect turn in formation, angle upwards 7/1/1948 #3694  
 Saw 13 saucer shaped objects in a perfect straight line formation (NICAP:  5/1949 #4135  
f twos with one behind, and made a perfect, but unbanked, turn.  During the 7/24/1949 #4282  
ameter near his plane. They make a perfect and unbanked right turn 1,500 fe 7/24/1949 #4283  
       Mt. Palomar Observatory, CA Perfect "V of V's" formation of about 16 10/14/1949 #4393  
rom the observatory when he sees a perfect “V of V’s” formation of about 16 10/14/1949 #4395  
 100 feet diameter, that flew in a perfect line formation.                  10/15/1950 #5238  
 Force P47 pilot. 3 saucers fly in perfect V-formation. / NICAP. No further 8/11/1951 #5600  
parently spherical, traveling in a perfect V. [VII) (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 2/20/1952 #5914  
ichland, WA Hanford Atomic Works - perfect circular white disc above the si 7/5/1952 #6712  
                       ORLANDO, FL Perfect 35' metal football exits tall th 7/10/1952 #6746  
12 disks going quickly southwest / perfect V-formation extremely fast. 3 mo 7/27/1952 #7198  
ll man said: “You name it.” It was perfect English, recalled Bethurum, who  7/27/1952 #7216  
rk eyes. Their skin complexion was perfect and had no wrinkles or blemishes 7/27/1952 #7216  
into various patterns, including a perfect V at one point. Their shifts in  8/1/1952 #7411  
GE, MD Newsman and 1. 3 huge white perfect disks going quickly southwest. 2 8/10/1952 #7530  
     WEST / GLENRIO, NM 2 / bus. 2 perfect round white disks hover. Reposit 8/11/1952 #7540  
 HIQ RADAR traces. Nothing seen in perfect weather..                        11/30/1952 #8355  
 The project attempts to produce a perfect truth drug for use in interrogat 4/13/1953 #8823  
ject 54, is the Navy’s top secret “Perfect Concussion” program, which uses  4/13/1953 #8823  
our holes 2 inches deep, forming a perfect square 13 inches in size, are fo 7/1/1953 #8982  
and four holes 5 cm deep forming a perfect square, 36 cm on each side, that 7/1/1953 #8983  
and four holes 5 cm deep forming a perfect square 36 cm in side were found  7/2/1953 #8986  
upt stop. The three objects form a perfect triangle. An oval object then be Summer 1954 #9922  
      STOCKHOLM TO/FROM MALMO, SWD Perfect metal sphere flashes under airli 12/17/1954 #11825  
s) / (seen thru) binoculars. White perfect cylinder/cylindrical object goin 5/8/1955 #12124  
and, New York. The star moves in a perfect circle around Saturn, heads east 7/29/1955 #12302  
r Miami, Florida at 9:00 p.m. in a perfect equilateral triangle formation.  3/31/1956 #12771  
ch shows two objects, one a nearly perfect oval, the other blurred.         7/26/1956 #13021  
und Observer Corps (GOC) and MD. 2 perfect silver disks going quickly east. 8/29/1956 #13150  
rs / (seen thru) telescope. Silent perfect disk hovers overhead. Glows red  9/27/1956 #13249  
      ALAMOGORDO Astronomer photos perfect and shape / Parry Crater, moon.  11/26/1956 #13355  
        YOKOHAMA, JPN Photograph / perfect 8M saucer / 20M altitude. Going  1/17/1957 #13464  
 two females, who apparently speak perfect German and claim to be from the  11/5/1957 #14343  
BEACHWOOD, OH 3 night lights trace perfect imaginary triangle / sky! Fly /  1/5/1958 #14808  
io three nocturnal lights traced a perfect triangular path in the sky.      1/5/1958 #14810  
 A dozen people out on the lake in perfect weather saw a bright light comin 8/16/1958 #15202  
ut on Leman Lake in Switzerland in perfect weather at five o'clock in the a 8/16/1958 #15204  
ing at fantastic speeds, executing perfect 90° turns, steep vertical climbs 12/19/1958 #15481  
pproached Raps and spoke to him in perfect German.. He warned the witness o 3/29/1959 #15678  
f warts in an almost geometrically perfect circular ring in his groin but d 3/25/1962 #17079  
ight with the A-12. The takeoff is perfect, but after the A-12 gets to abou 4/26/1962 #17131  
trange lights in the sky. They are perfect ovals possibly a quarter mile hi 11/1963 #18022  
ghts take off at a great speed in “perfect unison” toward the north.        11/1963 #18022  
ITE, NM 2 saucers RADAR / visible. Perfect flight maneuvers. Send proper IF 5/15/1964 #18266  
rth of the radar site, performing “perfect, precise flight maneuvers” in ta 5/15/1964 #18270  
ing. Then, a voice spoke to him in perfect Spanish, and asked him to get ou 8/9/1965 #19350  
had large luminous eyes, and spoke perfect Portuguese. He gave Sr. do Rio a 8/14/1965 #19390  
Queensland. They did not keep in a perfect line, but 1-2 dropped out of pla 10/17/1965 #19661  
sweep reveals that the source is a perfect circle 2° in diameter. The team  10/22/1965 #19672  
rea. Some of the witnesses found a perfect circle of flattened grass on the 4/6/1966 #20259  
r. Small humanoid (or Grey) exits. Perfect English! / LDLN#97.              11/17/1966 #21111  
e within 6 m of them, and spoke in perfect English before taking off.       11/17/1966 #21116  
. Hutchins claimed the alien spoke perfect English. "Didn't have any accent 11/17/1966 #21119  
e dog's body was pressed flat in a perfect circle 20 feet in diameter. Ever 11/20/1966 #21129  
 who examined him. The being spoke perfect Spanish, had peculiar heart soun 8/7/1967 #22839  
 The man wore a silver suit, spoke perfect Spanish, and moved strangely. Th 8/7/1967 #22841  
rickling sensation in his body. In perfect Spanish the creature said: "Won' 8/26/1967 #22932  
ear to change positions, forming a perfect triangle. Fortney looks at them  10/22/1967 #23290  
ASS "Diesel rumble / night". Sharp perfect 12M indent / ground. Dogs avoid. 11/1/1967 #23383  
nd communicated with him orally in perfect Castilian Spanish about his tech 9/10/1968 #24450  
e language. They then told Luis in perfect Portuguese that they were leavin 2/12/1969 #24915  
 there are three holes that form a perfect equilateral triangle, 15 feet on 5/11/1969 #25125  
orange clouds steadily cross sky / perfect formation.                       8/15/1969 #25322  
nces / meadows. Imprints / grass = perfect triangle.                        7/4/1970 #25725  
rsity campus. Two smaller objects, perfect replicas of the first, next came 8/11/1971 #26280  
              DRAGUIGNAN, VAR 5.6M perfect circle / burnt discolored grass. 9/11/1971 #26327  
       BASSE WAVRE, BELGM 1 / car. Perfect 12cm green sphere over city dump 5/16/1973 #27495  
d in San Antonio, Texas. Two “very perfect” cumulus clouds move into view l 8/1973 #27672  
RCINELLE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). 6 perfect orbs exit saucer-cloud and perfo 9/16/1973 #27826  
HEAST / MENDOZA, ARG College Prof. Perfect triangle east going quickly west 9/28/1973 #27882  
BELMONT, MA Engineer. White disk / perfect 180° arc at jet contrail. Contin 10/9/1973 #27967  
" the examiner now spoke to her in perfect English. The robot was a trained 10/16/1973 #28089  
                 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Perfect disk flashes and glows. Fades to 12/2/1973 #28498  
GHE, XINJIAN, CH Geologists. Large perfect oval / burnt grass. Not lightnin 8/1974 #29289  
Wales, Australia. It was an almost perfect circle of dead grass, with an in 5/6/1975 #30042  
t hovers 12 minute(s). Going east. Perfect 6' circle / grass found 14 May.  5/12/1975 #30050  
. It then flew away to the east. A perfect circle was found in the grass at 5/12/1975 #30054  
ything about him looked strikingly perfect. The man was surrounded by a bea 7/12/1975 #30175  
ross sky going quickly southeast / perfect bullet formation.                8/4/1975 #30234  
ELGIUM 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Perfect ovoid cloud with light hovers ov 9/20/1975 #30371  
ed to help then recruit colonists; perfect health was offered to him in ret 11/3/1975 #30547  
in a taxi observed a gray-colored, perfect sphere at 9:30 p.m. which hovere 6/22/1976 #31130  
oping ground and in the shape of a perfect circle 100 feet in diameter. The 10/1976 #31441  
AS, FR Power outage. Orange glow = perfect ovoid. Blinks slow. Vanishes / p 11/10/1976 #31536  
ne towers and is in the shape of a perfect triangle standing on edge. Later 5/16/1977 #32098  
inois Chesterton, Indiana A nearly perfect circular ring, 12 feet in diamet 8/7/1977 #32369  
the base. The dome appears to be a perfect hemisphere about 20 feet in diam 1/1/1978 #32841  
     WHEATLEY, OXFORDS 1 observer. Perfect helicopter / very low altitude.  7/24/1978 #33413  
, DEVONS Amateur astronomer. Fuzzy perfect cube / (seen thru) telescope. Sp 9/12/1978 #33667  
e spoke to the witness by name, in perfect English, then re-entered the obj 9/14/1978 #33680  
 (electro-magnetic effects). Sharp perfect outline.                         3/25/1980 #35239  
y, then shoots forward and makes a perfect right-angle turn upward. Five mi 11/5/1980 #35620  
bserver(s). Brilliant red 10M x 5M perfect rectangle hovers. Follows car. G 9/13/1981 #36113  
 through the main door and walk in perfect synchronization to a nearby road 10/2/1981 #36154  
blocks out the sky. Its shape is a perfect pentagon with a small white ligh 1/27/1983 #36754  
 and another ranch hand discover a perfect circle of disturbed grass in a p 5/20/1983 #36862  
eir yard a ring of dead grass in a perfect circle 13 feet in diameter.      8/26/1983 #36960  
 VALLEY, CA Boy / 15. Dull 14' x5' perfect cylinder/cylindrical object / se 11/1/1983 #37038  
others and moves over their car in perfect silence. Its underside appears d 3/21/1984 #37237  
e light. Suddenly the light made a perfect vertical drop in mid-air. They s 7/15/1984 #37399  
e light. Suddenly the light made a perfect vertical drop in mid-air. They s 7/15/1984 #37401  
KBRIDGE, ENGL 2 / car / A272. Huge perfect ferris wheel with spokes. See Fl 7/6/1985 #37615  
bserver. Big bright round object / perfect vertical descent behind trees. S 9/14/1986 #38028  
separate locations. Night lights / perfect triangle. Zigzags going southwes 3/30/1990 #39494  
evening several lights flying in a perfect equilateral triangle zigzagged t 3/30/1990 #39500  
s they had taken trying to get the perfect look.                            4/4/1990 #39509  
 he sees a glittering, iridescent, perfect sphere. He calls Manakov and tog 9/27/1990 #39748  
 in advance and could serve as the perfect cover for covert aerial activity 11/5/1990 #39872  
         CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA Silent perfect triangle passes 3000' overhead.  3/10/1991 #40008  
with the witness telepathically in perfect Portuguese. Soon the leader left 3/5/1992 #40359  
FIELD, CA 2 / I680. Vibrant bright perfect circle with blue clouds. Rises a 6/11/1995 #42251  
L 3 observer(s). Large dark silent perfect triangle seen against cloud. Goi 9/14/1995 #42469  
eifers were found dead, lying in a perfect row in the middle of a lonely ro 11/24/1995 #42622  
3 / ORCHIES, NORD 5 night lights / perfect triangular formation hovers high 1/19/1996 #42689  
       NORTH / BOULAN, FR 1 / car. Perfect rectangle going east straight &  2/7/1997 #43186  
d. He then got a mental message in perfect Spanish, telling him to guard th 3/10/1997 #43225  
hers. 3 groups / 27 night lights / perfect diamond formation.               3/30/1997 #43243  
r. 3 pure-white moon-size ovoids / perfect triangle. View blocked.          6/1/1997 #43309  
NGE, GA Meteor going quickly west. Perfect white disk hovers / 150M / 5 min 9/21/1997 #43411  
             I10 / (SOUTHEAST), AL Perfect silver sphere hovers. Shoots goi 2/3/1998 #43512  
 bright lights along its bottom in perfect alignment.                       2/25/1999 #43735  
lars she could tell the UFO was "a perfect black triangle" with a row of re 3/10/1999 #43746  
ravelled slowly through the sky in perfect unison, and then made a banking  4/7/2002 #44330  
 advancing trough the sky, then a “perfect black triangle of gargantuan pro 8/13/2002 #44383  
e strand of silk in the shape of a perfect chevron, moving at a constant sp 8/9/2004 #44729  
and almost like a siren but not as perfect. It was followed by a loud blood 1/30/2006 #44920  
## Word: "perfect-round" (Back to Top)
. COLLINS, CO Ex-Army man and 4. 8 perfect-round shiny silver disks going q 7/17/1947 #3193  
## Word: "perfected" (Back to Top)
tricity and that his invention was perfected in a small town in New York St 4/16/1897 #511  
ast examples of devices tested and perfected in this locale include the U2  2013 #45356  
## Word: "perfection" (Back to Top)
 formed for endless progression in perfection and felicity.”                1756 #75  
## Word: "perfectly" (Back to Top)
ORENBURG, RUSSIA Odd cloud hovers. Perfectly hexagonal metal pieces fall! P 7/1842? #135  
tal line. It appears made of three perfectly developed balls of an equal si 9/30/1880 #240  
ing, 15, and two friends see three perfectly round, pale-green objects less Fall 1912 #863  
undred bodies pass; about half are perfectly round and the rest are dumbbel 9/9/1914 #916  
is stationary, the girl can see a “perfectly proportioned tiny pilot wearin 1929 #1093  
he crest of a hill, they see three perfectly round, pulsating, orange-red b 1933 #1151  
              On a clear evening a perfectly circular, vividly white disc-s 7/14/1934 #1214  
gtip of the B-17. It is bright and perfectly circular. Leet orders the gunn 11/24/1944 #1705  
6x30 binoculars, the UFO appearing perfectly round with sharp edges and no  10/1/1948 #3827  
                Reno (east of), NV Perfectly round, silver object with curv 9/5/1949 #4346  
was badly damaged the other almost perfectly intact. Description: Each cons 1/16/1950 #4493  
ged ship the two crew members were perfectly preserved.                     1/16/1950 #4493  
s, to see them. Instead, he sees a perfectly circular object moving slowly  4/6/1950 #4802  
on.” Looking upward, he sees three perfectly circular, silver objects appro 2/20/1952 #5915  
T FRONT, KOREA 6 / USAF T6. Silent perfectly circular 25' metallic saucer g 10/16/1952 #8137  
rectly at the witness. They looked perfectly human, wore rubber coveralls a 11/18/1952 #8294  
   DUNOON, SCOTLAND 2 observer(s). Perfectly round saucer exits cloud. Spin 6/21/1953 #8946  
gest are about 2 feet in diameter, perfectly round, and consist of four con 1/18/1954 #9493  
found the trees, grass, and ground perfectly dry.                           10/20/1954 #11271  
found the trees, grass, and ground perfectly dry.                           10/20/1954 #11280  
                ECCLESFIELD, YORKS Perfectly circular chrome disk going qui 5/27/1955 #12161  
                                 A perfectly circular chrome disc flew over 5/27/1955 #12163  
                                 A perfectly round, gray-white disc paced a 7/9/1955 #12246  
fornia at 2:32 in the afternoon, a perfectly round, grayish-white UFO paced 7/10/1955 #12248  
o friends out stargazing saw seven perfectly circular objects fly over Hick 6/6/1957 #13710  
adionuclide half-life or less) two perfectly formed holes six inches in dia 11/6/1957 #14430  
aybreak, however, the paintwork is perfectly normal again.                  11/29/1957 #14638  
e sees four objects traveling in a perfectly spaced line of flight. It make 9/14/1960 #16446  
 all of them are “explainable on a perfectly normal basis.”                 10/20/1960 #16486  
 the soil and stood at a tilt, was perfectly round and shaped like a hambur 12/10/1964 #18655  
urn to the UFO. The door closes so perfectly that an outline cannot be seen 1/19/1965 #18750  
h was closely cropped. There was a perfectly round spot on the back of his  1/9/1967 #21278  
vering silvery disc-shaped object, perfectly smooth without any visible ope 9/26/1967 #23133  
was fuzzy at first but then became perfectly clear. It began to move in cir 11/24/1970 #25918  
, FR 7M round semi-transparent UFO perfectly immobile over rooftops.        10/1971 (approximate) #26390  
d, and when he glanced up he saw a perfectly round, white glowing disc-shap 4/20/1972 #26655  
               SCITUATE, MASS Cop. Perfectly round white disk goes overhead 5/13/1972 #26679  
t was about a car length long, but perfectly round with what looked like re 9/11/1972 #26987  
ose up he could see that they were perfectly proportioned adults but only t 5/22/1973 #27520  
s move into view low above them. A perfectly round sphere with a green glow 8/1973 #27672  
niform, which stretched to fit him perfectly. A gigantic craft came into vi 11/18/1973 #28443  
s check valves. The ball is almost perfectly balanced, and it takes only a  3/27/1974 #28961  
e binoculars and watched her stand perfectly still for 10 minutes as a seco 5/11/1974 #29100  
he air in front of his car. It was perfectly human in appearance, a male fi 8/1/1974 #29298  
UM 1 observer. 2 dull-glowing orbs perfectly still / horizon.               9/11/1974 #29451  
 some fences and he comes across a perfectly round circle of burned grass,  5/12/1975 #30052  
hen moved away against the wind. A perfectly ovoid-shaped cloud lit from in 9/20/1975 #30374  
ide for a closer look. The hole is perfectly round and cuts smoothly throug 1/10/1977 #31715  
t about their own altitude.” It is perfectly round and almost 3° arc in app 3/12/1977 #31901  
 and notices a large round object, perfectly silent, about 500 feet above t Late 4/1978 #33167  
he midst of a dazzling light, they perfectly executed a series of maneuvers 5/4/1978 #33187  
ssifies them into four categories: perfectly or probably identified (26%),  6/1978 #33245  
then shoots up to 20,000 feet in a perfectly straight trajectory. It moves  9/10/1978 #33655  
going NNW up coast. 2 photograph = perfectly round.                         1/1979 (approximate) #34265  
come back on and the engine starts perfectly.                               2/9/1979 #34416  
rents, and the compass was working perfectly. Another strange occurrence wa 6/22/1979 #34626  
gh it. The couple begins to see a “perfectly round white circle of light,”  1981 #35763  
in Winnipeg, Manitoba, observes a “perfectly black orb” traversing the Sun  1/14/1983 #36746  
 lights form a triangle and remain perfectly still, until it moves above hi Late 10/1983 #37015  
ating for 3 minutes. The object is perfectly round and about 75 feet in dia Mid 6/1984 #37364  
dena, California, notices a large, perfectly circular brown spot, 13 feet i 1/1988 #38385  
rom the first couple’s residence—a perfectly round circle, 65 feet in diame 11/20/1989 #39241  
a Autonomous Okrug, Russia, sees a perfectly circular opening in the cumulu Summer 1990 #39620  
io, outside Cincinnati. It remains perfectly stationary until after dark. O 6/1994 #41545  
ARTMENT, UT 1 / Delta Flight 1485. Perfectly circular object ~50'OVR roofto 2/20/1995 #42051  
unexplained mutilations. A 6 inch, perfectly circular coring had been perfo 9/26/1995 #42512  
 ball follows airliner going east. Perfectly paced.                         2/18/2000 #43952  
were short with bluish black skin, perfectly round eyes, and they wore cove 3/11/2000 #43965  
hich I observed appeared to have a perfectly straight trailing edge--just l 10/29/2002 #44424  
color. They did not move but stood perfectly still. The two girls riding as 5/2/2003 #44521  
le formation moved through the sky perfectly spaced, suggesting they belong 5/23/2003 #44544  
st such countermeasures. It is not perfectly clear if the Russell had this  7/24/2019 #45598  
## Word: "perforated" (Back to Top)
earing coveralls with wide, shiny, perforated belts, metal collars, and sma 8/18/1953 #9080  
ps. On its chest was a silver disk perforated with holes. It turned off sud 8/16/1955 #12363  
ments. A circular, silvery object, perforated with holes, appears on the fi 8/16/1955 #12364  
ps. On its chest was a silver disc perforated with holes. It turned off sud 8/16/1955 #12366  
 or cookies, 3 inches in diameter, perforated with small holes. The object  4/18/1961 #16653  
## Word: "perform" (Back to Top)
. 2 pseudo-human/entity appear and perform operation / injured man!         2/1941 #1353  
uranium-238, by using calutrons to perform electromagnetic isotope separati 11/4/1943 #1542  
 takes off without any problems to perform a series of flight tests. After  2/18/1945 #1790  
igh, faster than any aircraft, and perform rapid, erratic motions. One obje 4/5/1948 #3612  
ntrolled tactics and an ability to perform tight circles, quick variation o 11/18/1948 #3880  
Two other discs come into view and perform the same aerobatics.             6/12/1950 #4984  
l object with a "definite airfoil" perform a fast climb (NICAP: 01 - Distan 6/1/1952 #6411  
ions which no known aircraft could perform.” Several Capitol Airlines pilot 7/19/1952 #6935  
utheast also sees the object. They perform some triangulation measurements  1/25/1954 #9500  
quick reaction basis to recover or perform field exploitation of unidentifi 11/13/1961 #16962  
 Ray glides to a lower altitude to perform a controlled bailout but cannot  1/5/1967 #21260  
 has the knowledge or resources to perform a serious investigation. Other t 2/1967 #21429  
PIC personnel will be available to perform work of a “photogrammatic nature 2/20/1967 #21607  
re told what had happened, doctors perform a blood analysis that returns wi 8/13/1967 #22873  
s later. The three smaller objects perform a series of spectacular maneuver 8/7/1968 #24307  
emerging from the main object, and perform complex maneuvers. Some of the w 8/12/1972 #26911  
perfect orbs exit saucer-cloud and perform odd ballet / sky.                9/16/1973 #27826  
d hovers nearby. It then begins to perform a series of spectacular right-an 4/2/1976 #30979  
o hours, two brightly shining UFOs perform fantastic maneuvers at the Gober 7/14/1976 #31164  
43-year-old doctor. The doctor did perform the exam and was shocked at his  10/28/1976 #31501  
ing down, and crossing the road to perform the same motion on another pole. 5/9/1980 #35319  
pathy, and told her that she would perform some important task in the futur 1/22/1982 #36306  
and two military trucks apparently perform a search of the area beginning a 4/15/1984 #37263  
ne. It was the first spaceplane to perform an uncrewed flight, including la 11/15/1988 #38715  
ites, though useful, simply cannot perform the type of missions for which t 11/22/1989 #39245  
red to clean their suits, and then perform what appeared to be somersaults  5/18/1990 #39576  
en to humans; create incisions and perform medical procedures that are unde 11/25/1991 #40241  
 for is performed and a select few perform intcomm work too. He begins peri Early 1995 #41927  
n from non-human entities (NHI) to perform various duties. One of them was  3/31/1995 #42130  
Grey" beings enter his bedroom and perform some type of operation on one of 11/1/1998 #43674  
es, remove or insert implants, and perform medical examinations and memory  1999 #43707  
He writes that a crew’s ability to perform its duties safely is disrupted w 10/15/2000 #44056  
This much smaller anomaly began to perform some unusual maneuvers. From a s 7/28/2002 #44367  
ls and Green used the materials to perform research on unsuspecting subject 8/19/2003 #44576  
ial project at the company. Did GM perform UAP work officially or unofficia 4/28/2006 #44936  
d craft emerged from the first and perform impossible manuevers for 15 minu 7/15/2010 #45287  
ted or robotically controlled) can perform manoeuvres impossible for a mann 2013 #45356  
ion that deploy “MilOrbs” and they perform covert test unbeknownst to USG k 3/27/2017 #45466  
, at the minimum level required to perform “core diplomatic and consular fu 3/2/2018 #45521  
library and was alone with them to perform analysis. It is unknown how he o 2/20/2019 #45563  
 Kiviat claims he was recruited to perform media duties for InterNASA and t 2/26/2019 #45564  
nd the GAO is given the ability to perform a later “audit.”  https://dougla 12/6/2022 #45785  
## Word: "performance" (Back to Top)
6km altitude (subnormal propulsion performance)                             10/10/1946 #2201  
km altitude (Sub-normal propulsion performance, beyond Kármán line)         11/21/1946 #2207  
Pad 33, 116.2km altitude (Degraded performance led to roll rate of 60 rpm)  1/10/1947 #2225  
 Pad 33, 49.9km altitude (Degraded performance led to roll rate of 80 rpm)  1/23/1947 #2233  
match the objects’ description and performance, and the late 1990s explanat 6/24/1947 #2398  
hat no German design can match UFO performance. The USAF Aeromedical Labora 12/1947 #3496  
to obtain information about saucer performance characteristics and their pu 12/30/1947 #3513  
ts failed in year prior. Excellent performance)                             4/2/1948 #3605  
 degree turn, then out climbed the performance aircraft, rising straight up 10/1/1948 #3828  
 place of payload section. Nominal performance.)                            11/18/1948 #3879  
Donald Putt on “Special Design and Performance Characteristics That Are Bel 12/13/1948 #3929  
Reaches 59.9km attitude (Defective performance)                             1/28/1949 #3982  
 Reaches 87.2km attitude (Degraded performance from 43s)                    4/11/1949 #4086  
volve configurations and described performance which might conceivably repr 4/28/1949 #4125  
ation posts: ALL had witnessed the performance of the 2 circular UFOs.      6/10/1949 #4229  
.5km attitude (Blossom 4 — Nominal performance.)                            6/14/1949 #4236  
beam then turn out of it. The same performance is repeated 30 minutes later 10/23/1949 #4401  
6.4km attitude (Blossom 7- Nominal performance)                             8/31/1950 #5152  
ven’t been able to duplicate their performance, it’s pretty certain they di 9/15/1950 #5177  
cond group appears and repeats the performance. Others, including Carl Hemm 8/25/1951 #5625  
garten (chief of the ATIC Aircraft Performance Section).                    9/12/1951 #5663  
“It is difficult to reconcile this performance with the capabilities of our 8/1953 #9034  
o be “any airborne object which by performance, aerodynamic characteristics 8/12/1954 #10138  
200 in recognition of his superior performance in his duties.               10/5/1955 #12490  
 constructed “rigs” to improve the performance of Thomas Townsend Brown’s g 11/30/1955 #12594  
caused temporary disruption of the performance of the engines and the elect 8/14/1957 #13894  
position. When the object left the performance of the engine returned to no 11/9/1957 #14508  
mely high altitude, and high-speed performance.                             9/14/1959 #15976  
ife and two neighbors to watch the performance.                             12/13/1959 #16118  
 a rock band were returning from a performance and were driving in a van ne 10/16/1971 #26427  
inion, could have duplicated their performance. A few seconds later a white 11/8/1975 #30584  
ow humming sound. Trouble with the performance of the car persisted after t 9/17/1976 #31390  
s in ways to improve their psychic performance. In 1984, Maj. Gen. Harry So 1983 #36738  
rn and flew away, but repeated the performance one more time.               12/31/1984 #37539  
ing from point to point. Their low performance airplane could not gain on t 5/19/1986 #37882  
e for the minute and a half of the performance. A strange silence permeated 1/19/1988 #38417  
oreign Technology Division, Flight Performance Division (FTD/SQDF) to analy 6/1989 #38972  
riangular UFO and cannot match the performance of the Belgian triangles.    4/29/1993 #40956  
ombination of stealth, aerodynamic performance, and avionics systems enable 12/15/2005 #44909  
 II (ASETS-II), which measures the performance of an oscillating heat pipe. 10/27/2019 #45615  
## Word: "performed" (Back to Top)
War of the Worlds” radio broadcast performed and broadcast live over the CB 10/30/1938 #1299  
he War of the Worlds (1898). It is performed and broadcast live in New York 10/30/1938 #1300  
t, but he thinks a medical exam is performed. He wakes up back at his sentr Late Summer 1942 #1440  
 for over an hour while the bomber performed evasive maneuvers; there were  5/3/1945 #1863  
d human administration experiments performed under MED [Manhattan Engineer  8/9/1947 #3308  
 near Maxwell Air Force Base, then performed a flip over the city of Montgo 11/23/1950 #5286  
sc designs in a vacuum, where they performed even better than in atmosphere 1952 #5843  
 mph). It hovered, flew curves and performed a variety of maneuvers.        4/5/1952 #6035  
 blinked every 1-2 seconds as they performed erratic maneuvers for 10 minut 4/22/1952 #6153  
l object with a "definite airfoil" performed a fast climb for 7 seconds.    6/1/1952 #6414  
d object with a "definite airfoil" performed a fast climb for 7 seconds.    6/1/1952 #6420  
me…. I can safely deduce that they performed gyrations which no known aircr 7/19/1952 #6935  
 m.p.h.), hovered, flew curves and performed a variety of maneuvers.        8/5/1952 #7467  
w at 330 knots, then hovered, then performed a variety of maneuvers. It was 8/5/1952 #7473  
alysis of the deposits on the sign performed by Anderson Laboratories in Mi 8/19/1953 #9084  
tail, ascended at 20 degree angle, performed a loop and returned. Fifty sec 10/19/1953 #9242  
ect then approached the ground and performed a vertical landing. Three peop 11/27/1954 #11714  
                  Three gray discs performed acrobatics over farmland in Ca 12/13/1954 #11805  
                   Three gray disc performed aerobatics over the city of Ca 12/14/1954 #11808  
hape memory alloys Battelle itself performed for Wright-Patterson AFB six y 5/5/1955 #12123  
0 hours of wind-tunnel testing are performed. Drawings developed by Avro sh 3/1956 #12742  
al evidence; metallurgical studies performed by USAF contractor Battelle.   7/5/1956 #12953  
s confirm fantastic maneuvers were performed.                               8/13/1956 #13081  
meetings and zero investigation is performed.  https://files.afu.se/Downloa 2/28/1958 #14899  
 some apparent repair activity was performed on the hovering craft. A panel 8/11/1960 #16370  
y continued to watch the UFO as it performed ”unbelievable” aerial feats. T 8/13/1960 #16373  
or himself. A thorough analysis is performed on one of the pancakes by the  4/18/1961 #16653  
then a series of hypnosis sessions performed by a psychiatrist in Boston br 9/19/1961 #16858  
s. The US Air Force was called and performed a perfunctory, sloppy investig 9/4/1964 #18534  
ree previous launches, this one is performed straight and level, not in an  7/30/1966 #20696  
ating slowly around it. The object performed complex, high-speed maneuvers. 8/25/1966 #20805  
y whistling noise. The two objects performed complex flight patterns for ab 9/23/1966 #20917  
disc skimmed over the treetops and performed other maneuvers. The sighting  2/12/1967 #21526  
 impressed with the technical work performed, and Condon remarks that for t 5/5/1967 #22275  
 July 1980 and threatened where RT performed a citizen’s arrest with a gun  7/3/1967 #22604  
t changed color from green to red, performed a number of maneuvers, and lef 2/12/1968 #23751  
-engined utility plane.  One light performed aerobatics for 15 minutes and  9/15/1968 #24466  
requently for more than a year. It performed some maneuvers before landing  1/31/1969 #24882  
es that gave off flashes." The UFO performed various maneuvers over the cem 7/18/1969 #25280  
es that gave off flashes.” The UFO performed various maneuvers over the cem 7/18/1969 #25281  
wn hair. Before eating a berry, he performed an "odd trick" with it; he pla 5/15/1973 #27492  
some US Army Reserve personnel who performed their initial active duty for  7/12/1973 #27631  
oached him in a zigzag fashion. It performed an astonishing series of maneu 11/18/1973 #28443  
Sprinkle investigated the case and performed the hypnotic regression on the 8/22/1974 #29376  
ht orange light, which hovered and performed aerobatics, and later became d 8/14/1975 #30271  
th the eyes remaining visible, had performed some sort of surgical operatio 8/26/1975 #30312  
bmarine base. It rose up, and then performed some amazing maneuvers. There  2/12/1976 #30867  
rveillance and domestic propaganda performed by CIA, FBI and NSA in 1975. D 4/26/1976 #31027  
 five landing gear. An analysis is performed but with ambiguous results.    2/11/1977 #31810  
Data processing and bookkeeping is performed by I. G. Petrovskaya and most  1/1978 #32835  
agged from southeast to east, next performed a parabolic turn, and then fle 6/1/1978 #33248  
 left of the airliner. The objects performed up and down and other maneuver 5/29/1979 #34594  
primarily from hypnotic regression performed by licensed psychologist Aphro 1981 #35761  
some 200 to 300 meters from a car, performed maneuvers in the sky for a few 12/15/1981 #36258  
ose seen on helicopters. The craft performed this extension as they watched 1/19/1988 #38417  
at “undocumented” simulations were performed on UAP in the Space Surveillan 6/1989 #38972  
 Levin and Klimenko say the object performed acrobatic maneuvers, at one po 7/28/1989 #39035  
who was smaller and brown in color performed the surgery. Following that he 11/9/1991 #40224  
attle mutilation in progress being performed by several short, gray-skinned 9/24/1992 #40640  
 she recalled that the beings then performed some painful physical exam pro 10/8/1992 #40667  
 was paralyzed while the humanoids performed several medical tests on her.  5/18/1993 #40984  
a facility where USAF ELINT for is performed and a select few perform intco Early 1995 #41927  
perfectly circular coring had been performed on its rectum, half of its ton 9/26/1995 #42512  
, where the first examinations are performed.                               1/20/1996 #42696  
 series of cover-up operations are performed involving doctors, nurses, sol 1/22/1996 #42706  
n moved back and the second needle performed the same operation. He woke up 10/15/1997 #43429  
lien implants since 1995. Leir has performed surgery to remove small object 1998 #43479  
s advanced aerospace projects were performed by Wernher von Braun’s team at 1998 #43481  
lear blue sky while silver spheres performed aerobactic maneuvers and made  8/10/1998 #43626  
 Australia at 10:55 p.m. They then performed incredible acrobatics for the  1/13/2000 #43927  
hree small, satellite-like lights, performed figure-8 movements around one  6/30/2000 #44007  
hen formed into a circle, and they performed aerial aerobatics for the next 8/14/2001 #44233  
## Word: "performing" (Back to Top)
wide, and he encountered three men performing repairs on the craft.         4/16/1897 #516  
        A large number of saucers, performing aerobatics, appeared over Far 3/18/1950 #4679  
light brown--were seen three times performing fast maneuvers.               5/28/1952 #6375  
d the other orange or light brown, performing fast maneuvers on three diffe 5/28/1952 #6376  
lver object in the shape of a coin performing spinning and tumbling maneuve 6/6/1952 #6454  
 hovers near an air filter center, performing more maneuvers and disappeari 8/5/1953 #9049  
ne, pacing it above and below, and performing figure-eights and other maneu 9/3/1954 #10239  
form. It seemed that the being was performing some sort of task, moving abo 10/24/1954 #11366  
. “The second flying disc was seen performing the same actions about one mi 10/4/1955 #12488  
near Cape Morris Jesup, Greenland, performing strategic ice reconnaissance. 1956 #12636  
 spherical object at ground level, performing zig-zags on the road. They st 11/25/1957 #14613  
rgets are north of the radar site, performing “perfect, precise flight mane 5/15/1964 #18270  
 and his family see a bright light performing acrobatics in the northern sk 1/29/1965 #18781  
tremely high speed (3,500 mph) and performing various maneuvers. The craft  5/6/1965 #18930  
rological officer Jorge Stanich is performing a routine observation at the  6/7/1965 #18996  
over North Weymouth, Massachusetts performing irregular maneuvers. It was w 7/29/1965 #19203  
voir Police watches a bright light performing fantastic maneuvers over the  10/10/1966 #20982  
et, hovered, then moved away after performing several radical maneuvers. (J 2/4/1967 #21449  
. A dark-colored disc with a dome, performing slow and low flights in Owen  3/1/1967 #21712  
bout. The two outside seemed to be performing some repairs on the object. T 1/6/1968 #23655  
ne, observed an unidentified light performing aerobatics in the night sky.  9/15/1968 #24469  
 “little people” about 4 feet tall performing various actions. Assuming the 10/6/1973 #27960  
 than 4 feet from the hotel tower, performing a slight rocking motion in th 4/6/1975 #29978  
d unstable positions, frozen while performing movements, and their bodies l 7/12/1975 #30175  
th brilliant white lights are seen performing unusual patterns in the sky a 11/15/1976 #31552  
were seen moving around the object performing various tasks. They wore gray 8/3/1977 #32350  
were seen moving around the object performing various tasks. They wore gray 8/3/1977 #32355  
um, and phosphorus. The scientists performing the analysis are unable to ex 3/24/1978 #33077  
 of a silver, saucer-shaped object performing maneuvers over some nearby is 7/18/1981 #36016  
 of a silver, saucer-shaped object performing maneuvers over some nearby is 7/18/1981 #36018  
m. They went south toward Meliden, performing aerobatics.                   1/22/1986 #37768  
 shape of a “Y,” with some spheres performing individual movements. Some of 8/24/1990 #39701  
 Germany. Two RAF Phantom jets are performing practice intercepts under str 11/5/1990 #39869  
 short stocky woman was apparently performing magic tricks in front of seve 8/10/1993 #41123  
claims while at PPD location 1 and performing regular USAF ELINT duties as  Early 1994 #41352  
embered several tall female beings performing some type of operation on her 2/11/1995 #42036  
n Palhares and Conradín Metz begin performing autopsies. Lab workers are pr 1/23/1996 #42709  
phs are members of The Golddiggers performing on The Dean Martin Show.      1997 #43155  
as that the Air National Guard was performing flight operations from Luke A 3/13/1997 #43230  
South Wales, see “20 silver balls” performing complex maneuvers. Angel hair 8/10/1998 #43625  
es, twelve white objects were seen performing maneuvers over Strathroy, Ont 8/14/2001 #44233  
hts at 7:58 p.m., moving southwest performing manuevers. They split apart,  2/11/2003 #44487  
issance diversion group (RDG), was performing rear guard operations and was 8/25/2004 #44741  
se that there indeed were 10 F-16s performing training operations that nigh 1/8/2008 #45112  
hts moving in an anomalous manner; performing turning manoeuvres which woul 2013 #45356  
## Word: "performs" (Back to Top)
 US Department of Agriculture, who performs a chemical analysis that shows  9/20/1892 #306  
rd, then rises to 400–500 feet and performs other maneuvers. He rides home  8/13/1918 #976  
with it for 10 minutes. The object performs very tight curves and quick acc 11/18/1948 #3883  
hite light straight ahead. The UFO performs a steady climbing turn and acce 5/26/1952 #6366  
approaches from the north. It then performs a climbing turn away from the a 7/10/1952 #6751  
, vanishes when the jet closes in, performs intricate maneuvers, and at one 8/5/1952 #7472  
t is clear of the ship, the object performs some zigzag maneuvers before ra 4/7/1954 #9673  
above Vatican City. The cross then performs a three-quarter turn on its axi 11/6/1954 #11585  
mnant of the samples from APRO and performs further analysis on two of them Early 9/1957 #13971  
object has completely circled) and performs the same rounded course but pas 11/4/1957 #14286  
ench Alps for 8 minutes. The group performs a series of maneuvers, after wh 11/27/1957 #14632  
lf of Mexico, at Sea Reddish Light Performs Maneuvers Near Airplane (NICAP: 2/4/1959 #15579  
s off from Peshawar, Pakistan, and performs photographic aerial reconnaissa 5/1/1960 #16248  
sweeps the ground with a red beam, performs aerial gymnastics, then heads e 8/13/1960 #16380  
ange. No sound is heard. The light performs geometrical maneuvers, creating Late 8/1960 #16416  
d. In 1989, physicist Irwin Wieder performs a detailed analysis of the phot 11/22/1966 #21140  
nge light continues eastward, then performs a tight 180° turn and returns t Spring 1967 #21926  
et. It crosses behind them, stops, performs two 360° turns and disappears a 9/4/1968 #24428  
. Flames shoot from the back as it performs elaborate rolls and maneuvers.  11/7/1974 #29588  
later, it reappears behind him and performs a similar maneuver. The sightin 11/5/1980 #35620  
aray, central Anatolia, Turkey. It performs some maneuvers and disappears t 12/15/1981 #36257  
calm. A group of green aliens then performs medical experiments on him, ins 12/1/1987 #38345  
w seen in profile. The object then performs a turn of 180° to the left. The 12/11/1989 #39313  
ject moves to the right, descends, performs a back turn and a 5,000-foot su 2/21/1990 #39424  
ry, physician Robson Ferreira Melo performs surgery to remove the abscess,  2/6/1996 #42742  
yellow lights on the object, which performs several side-to-side displaceme 4/2/1999 #43753  
about 3,300 feet. The larger craft performs erratic maneuvers at high speed 8/28/2004 #44744  
ge how it uses the money or how it performs against the goals set by the pr 2013 #45357  
a glowing red to a dull gray as it performs a banking turn and comes to a s 7/15/2013 #45377  
ition relative to the aircraft. It performs a 180° turn and then matches th 11/11/2019 #45617  
## Word: "perfume" (Back to Top)
ent. However, the owner of a local perfume company confessed in late Decemb 12/15/1953 #9366  
w. Several people detect a strong “perfume” odor from the scorched area.    3/7/1990 #39452  
## Word: "perfumey" (Back to Top)
w. 11' circle / burnt grass found. Perfumey.                                3/7/1990 #39448  
## Word: "perfunctory" (Back to Top)
r Force was called and performed a perfunctory, sloppy investigation of the 9/4/1964 #18534  
## Word: "pergamino" (Back to Top)
                  On this night in Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina J. Ba 9/10/1968 #24450  
## Word: "pergine-v" (Back to Top)
                                   PERGINE-V, ITL Several observer(s). Silv 8/10/1955 #12347  
## Word: "perhaps" (Back to Top)
hwestern France or northern Italy. Perhaps the most prominent witness is Ti 8/18/1783 #90  
ted to be 12 meters in length, and perhaps 800 feet in the air. Days later  1/30/1897 #383  
. Allen sees an oblong dark shape, perhaps 100 feet long, with lights in fr 5/13/1909 #740  
ar-shaped object flying swiftly at perhaps 2,600 feet and making a whizzing 5/19/1909 #765  
ing patrol in his seaplane to make perhaps the first report of a UFO sighti 9/6/1914 #915  
t in a visible location in the US, perhaps in Washington, D.C. The children 7/1/1947 #2523  
ssion of something highly unusual, perhaps Soviet, alerts the next higher h 7/6/1947 #2812  
e explained on some basis which is perhaps slightly beyond the scope of our 11/4/1948 #3868  
 the ETH. It includes Sneider, and perhaps Deyarmond, Loedding, Truettner,  11/12/1948 #3874  
de, Boggs and Cabell are there and perhaps Vandenberg, and they are having  11/12/1948 #3874  
 they are soon no longer involved, perhaps not even assigned to the same ba 1/1949 #3950  
an and McCoy become less involved, perhaps because they have also heard tha 1/1949 #3950  
that the fireballs are artificial, perhaps radio-controlled missiles direct 1/31/1949 #3988  
 issue that needs to be addressed, perhaps by LaPaz.                        2/11/1949 #4002  
bout Communists following him, and perhaps one suicide attempt.             3/31/1949 #4061  
ctures of UFOs taken by civilians, perhaps in cooperation with the FBI, but 7/6/1950 #5046  
ht that they thought at first that perhaps the auto-pilot had gone off cour 2/8/1951 #5434  
 the "Lubbock Lights", a string of perhaps 50 beads of light in a semi-circ 8/25/1951 #5627  
some 20 feet up. It is lenticular, perhaps 100 feet in diameter, and dull s 9/1951 #5647  
 Also, the sun-spot maxima in 1948 perhaps in some way may be a contributin 11/27/1951 #5794  
 consultants (Julius Stratton, and perhaps Lloyd Berkner and Howard P. Robe 9/24/1952 #8022  
and Streeter having a deep secret (perhaps that Streeter has attempted psyc 9/28/1952 #8048  
bout 40°–45° above the horizon and perhaps one-half mile from the ship. Cap Late 10/1952 #8185  
tific study of the UFO phenomenon, perhaps through Millikan’s MIT Center fo 12/2/1952 #8363  
ites a letter to Chadwell, saying “perhaps that’ll take care of the Fortean 1/20/1953 #8557  
ion during the developing process, perhaps a flammable fluid deliberately p 5/16/1953 #8879  
 return on July 20 does not occur, perhaps because scores of sightseers des 5/20/1953 #8889  
dwards AFB to captured saucers and perhaps have a meeting. One reporter iss 2/20/1954 #9559  
and it flew away. The next day, or perhaps a day later, he felt almost para 11/9/1954 #11611  
 comes from powdered milk residue, perhaps from the Dairylea milk processin 2/21/1955 #12011  
ing at a tremendous rate of speed (perhaps 1,150 mph).                      5/4/1955 #12118  
FO lore suggest a deliberate hoax, perhaps with the help of a journalist.   6/5/1955 #12186  
ics ascribed to UFOs and IFOs, but perhaps not as significant as the initia 10/25/1955 #12519  
er viscose or cuprammonium rayon,” perhaps from a defective filter.         9/25/1956 #13245  
p to 200+ additional cancer deaths perhaps ensue from the radioactive conta 9/29/1957 #14044  
s to be silver and platter-shaped, perhaps 12 feet in diameter, with a pink 10/15/1957 #14120  
 lands with a soft whirring sound, perhaps 500 feet away. Moore watches cau 11/6/1957 #14430  
 metal is. Some of the material is perhaps sent to ATIC.                    11/13/1957 #14541  
, the Air Force has evidence that “perhaps as many as 100,000 persons belon 11/30/1958 #15462  
sén, hypnotizes the men in what is perhaps the first use of hypnosis of a U 12/20/1958 #15489  
rug’s effects last for three days, perhaps as long as six. Between 1959 and 1959 #15510  
kind of fugue. He soon deserts and perhaps disappears, but not forever, as  2/20/1959 #15595  
ar UFO appeared at a low altitude, perhaps 100 meters. He felt paralyzed an 4/26/1959 #15714  
s of the body of a dwarf humanoid, perhaps 80 cm tall. Fragments of the cra 9/26/1959 #15994  
 he saw the light for about two or perhaps three seconds, going north to so 1/3/1960 #16149  
cruising at unprecedented altitude—perhaps 80,000 feet. At the time, no kno 4/8/1960 #16218  
arewell address in a TV broadcast. Perhaps best known for advocating that t 1/17/1961 #16579  
                                In perhaps the most famous UFO abduction st 9/19/1961 #16858  
 secret working models of saucers, perhaps piloted by “midgets,” are respon 3/1962 #17066  
ions the objects photographed (and perhaps shows the slides; it is not ment 4/30/1962 #17141  
al source was 11 light years away, perhaps the Epsilon Eridani system.      11/13/1962 #17545  
me galactic civilizations could be perhaps millions or billions of years ah 1963 #17620  
alysis suggests a zinc-iron alloy, perhaps from a zinc pail. In 1966, Blue  4/24/1964 #18200  
Damon B. Reeder on February 8, and perhaps other officers after that.       1/30/1965 #18784  
              An aerial explosion, perhaps similar to the Tunguska blast of 3/31/1965 #18882  
Hawaii watched a small white disc, perhaps one meter in diameter, fly by ve 5/23/1965 #18954  
 times yellow, and is observed for perhaps 15–20 minutes. The edges of the  7/2/1965 #19053  
Portsmouth (NH) Herald editorial: "Perhaps we really do have visitors from  8/13/1965 #19381  
s. The Air Force labels it a hoax, perhaps confusing it with the Beaver, Pe 8/13/1965 #19382  
nding headlights with other lights perhaps in the rear, and flew at an alti 9/3/1965 #19514  
ibution.” They also conclude that “perhaps 100 sightings a year might be su 2/3/1966 #19879  
has done an excellent job on UFOs, perhaps there is room for “even stronger 4/5/1966 #20249  
icked, thinking at the time it was perhaps related to an earthquake. Accord 5/10/1966 #20476  
st laughed. The meeting was brief, perhaps only two or three minutes. Then, 11/17/1966 #21119  
 object behaved like a ghost echo, perhaps a ground return being reflected  5/13/1967 #22335  
 object behaves like a ghost echo, perhaps a ground return being reflected  5/13/1967 #22337  
 object behaved like a ghost echo, perhaps a ground return being reflected  5/13/1967 #22339  
 Chile Several people in Mulluri, [perhaps near Viña del Mar], Chile, see t 6/18/1967 #22519  
ns, New Jersey. It was very large, perhaps 200 feet wide, and 25-30 feet th 6/29/1967 #22575  
hape was not clearly seen, but was perhaps 50 feet long. A bright spotlight 10/30/1967 #23373  
haped UFO 6-8 feet in diameter and perhaps three feet thick. On top was a t 11/2/1967 #23392  
luded and how they are written up (perhaps he no longer trusts Low to do th 11/13/1967 #23443  
lying saucer to another planet, or perhaps another spatial dimension, and t 1968 #23624  
he remembered "hearing" them talk, perhaps telepathically. They were engage 1/24/1968 #23697  
ated as early as January 1966, and perhaps even earlier.” He sends a copy t 1/31/1968 #23714  
ace...he was slender and not tall, perhaps five feet nine. He changed posit 2/26/1968 #23784  
g chased by 4 or 5 small entities, perhaps 3 feet tall with heads shaped li 7/28/1968 #24244  
                                At perhaps the same time (10:30 p.m. EDT) a 11/25/1968 #24708  
en they noticed some lights ahead, perhaps a kilometer away. As they got cl 4/21/1969 #25079  
oster glanced away thinking it was perhaps a mailman, but when he realized  6/21/1970 #25704  
 figures appeared to be very tall, perhaps about 10 feet in height. Frighte 4/14/1971 #26073  
 bus" land near an old well. Many, perhaps over 50, blue uniformed men with 9/11/1971 #26328  
 bus" land near an old well. Many, perhaps over 50, blue uniformed men with 9/12/1971 #26331  
 for the two witnesses that lasted perhaps 10 minutes. The object departed  8/11/1972 #26899  
he size of a small person emerged, perhaps a robot, and later re-entered, a 10/10/1973 #27983  
ct disgorged a variety of figures, perhaps twenty. They could see a couple  10/14/1973 #28031  
sed. They were as tall as the men, perhaps 1.75 meters. Eventually Castillo 11/18/1973 #28443  
white flying ball of light. It was perhaps the size of a watermelon. It som 11/18/1973 #28444  
sudden sense of joy and peace. The Perhaps a coincidence, but on this date  1/8/1974 #28669  
is close to the width of the road, perhaps 16 feet. They stare at the objec 7/1975 #30142  
t ascend into the sky at an angle. Perhaps because of their astonishment an 8/22/1975 #30298  
dozen rows of multicolored lights, perhaps hundreds of them. It passes slow Early 11/1975 #30539  
headrests seen from the rear), and perhaps entities. He hears a humming noi Late 2/1976 #30905  
is moving slowly at an altitude of perhaps 120 feet. The object has two rev 8/1976 #31217  
omeone had just photographed them, perhaps with the aid of a minature, conc 8/10/1976 #31252  
are both the size of a large doll, perhaps 1–1.5 feet tall. Frightened, the 9/3/1976 #31336  
s it as bigger than the full moon, perhaps 100–150 feet in diameter, and ho 2/1/1977 #31776  
ated. After the quiz, which lasted perhaps 20 to 30 minutes, she found hers 4/4/1977 #31943  
f bees. After watching the UFO for perhaps 15 seconds, she ran to her bathr 4/6/1977 #31953  
orarily suffered partial deafness, perhaps from the UFO's noise. At least t 4/6/1977 #31953  
s, 3000 meters away. It was small, perhaps only 1.5 meters in size, and goi 11/23/1977 #32694  
ibe. He asks why, and they reply, “Perhaps if we did, we would not be such  5/1978 #33181  
f 1,600 feet to the west-northwest perhaps 3 miles away. Collins activates  5/14/1978 #33210  
arger than a full moon would look, perhaps as large as a car. The Frisbee h 8/21/1978 #33538  
n size. Two beings of human shape (perhaps the same two seen in Germany ear 8/24/1978 #33568  
                  On this evening, perhaps as early as 4:30 p.m., a 50-year 1/13/1979 #34338  
he animal’s legs have been broken, perhaps by clamps being placed on them.  2/16/1979 #34429  
t “we have, indeed, been contacted—perhaps even visited—by extraterrestrial 5/1979 #34532  
“we have, indeed, been contacted — perhaps even visited — by extraterrestri 5/1979 #34533  
a cluster of small objects, stones perhaps, have done the damage. The car’s 8/27/1979 #34787  
highway, he stops. They are short, perhaps 4.5 feet tall, and wear what loo 12/13/1979 #35079  
 down briefly, but then sped away. Perhaps the approaching driver had seen  2/11/1980 #35170  
icle behaving in a strange manner, perhaps because it was being levitated,  9/25/1980 #35535  
e object is seen as dull black and perhaps 1,320 feet from wingtip to wingt 10/23/1980 #35584  
spects, biological in purpose, and perhaps lifelong in scope. Hopkins also  1981 #35761  
                                   Perhaps the best documented and most tho 1/8/1981 #35780  
r object about 1,200 feet away and perhaps 1,000 feet above the ground. It  7/1981 #35982  
nished. There was a time lapse, of perhaps 25 minutes, noted when they reac 7/15/1981 #36008  
xagonal object nearly overhead, at perhaps a distance of 500 feet. It had t 8/10/1981 #36067  
xagonal object nearly overhead, at perhaps a distance of 500 feet. It has t 8/10/1981 #36068  
xagonal object nearly overhead, at perhaps a distance of 500 feet. It had t 8/10/1981 #36069  
igures of short to average height, perhaps 5 feet tall. These figures were  6/20/1986 #37918  
states to the UN General Assembly “Perhaps we need some outside, universal  9/21/1987 #38290  
se occurred on this day in Kansas, perhaps one of the most persuasive cases 11/6/1989 #39216  
ibed as a gray oval-shaped object, perhaps 20 feet in diameter, which made  11/28/1990 #39913  
enes to repopulate their planet or perhaps plot a takeover of the Earth.    3/1992 #40342  
ir and dark eyes. The other looked perhaps Scandinavian, with light colored 7/23/1992 #40531  
-colored domed disc-shaped object, perhaps 16-20 feet in diameter, moving i 12/4/1992 #40742  
eft his car and then a tiny being, perhaps a meter and a half tall, appeare 5/13/1993 #40976  
some UFO reports and analyses, and perhaps voluminous files, have been made 1995 #41923  
ber 1946 to December 1949. This is perhaps not unusual for the time, as rec 7/28/1995 #42335  
ked the “crack explosion” has been perhaps the most criticized part of the  8/18/1996 #42985  
 some type of "knock" in his head, perhaps some form of telepathic communic 1/1/1998 #43484  
minum silicate), a hydrated metal (perhaps manganese) oxide, and a celluloi 11/27/1998 #43686  
e she saw a flash of motion ahead, perhaps some 50 feet away. It was a blue 8/22/1999 #43831  
ova Scotia. The object is massive, perhaps the size of a university footbal 3/15/2002 #44324  
of his bed. It was very heavy set, perhaps weighing as much as 115 kilos (2 1/26/2003 #44480  
ight is coming from a giant sphere perhaps 100 feet across approaching them 4/2003 #44508  
o separate rows of creatures, with perhaps 15 standing in each row. They we 5/2/2003 #44521  
      CNES decides to close SEPRA, perhaps because engineer Jean-Jacques Ve 1/2004 #44641  
ould be monitoring our weapons and perhaps warning us about their use.      9/27/2010 #45298  
acks using unspecified technology, perhaps a sonic or ultrasonic weapon.    8/2017 #45477  
nd to keep a program in existence, perhaps indefinitely. Political leaders  2018 #45498  
-metallic object at high altitude (perhaps above 15,000 feet) for 5 minutes 10/9/2021 #45716  
trangers, visitors and residents. “Perhaps it is because of what we have do 1/30/2022 #45736  
## Word: "peri" (Back to Top)
g prayer at a local grotto in Vila Peri. He described the being as female,  4/23/1993 #40948  
## Word: "pericle" (Back to Top)
 Two students, Pietro Alberini and Pericle Sacchi, who were hunting, saw a  11/2/1954 #11536  
## Word: "periclymentos" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Periclymentos” Yield: 150KT              5/29/1991 #40078  
## Word: "peridot" (Back to Top)
               4 MILES NORTHWEST / PERIDOT, AZ Family westbound / US70. Sma 6/10/1960 (approximate) #16309  
## Word: "periero" (Back to Top)
            CONRADO TO/FROM MIGUEL PERIERO, BRZ 1+2 / jeep paced / saucer.  8/3/1967 #22780  
## Word: "perigee" (Back to Top)
ee of as much as 4,200 miles and a perigee of about 300 miles. They immedia 8/25/1960 #16414  
## Word: "perigueux" (Back to Top)
                                   PERIGUEUX, FR 2 observer(s). Silent flat 8/3/1967 #22779  
      At 11:35 a.m. in the town of Perigueux, Dordogne, France a silent dis 8/3/1967 #22789  
## Word: "peril" (Back to Top)
                                   PERIL STRAIT, AK 3 USCG. 2 white saucers 7/8/1950 #5050  
is time appears to be fraught with peril.” Williamson sees two choices: ref 10/31/1977 #32643  
## Word: "perimeter" (Back to Top)
. Rectangular windows surround the perimeter of the UFO’s base. Seated at t Summer 1922 #1022  
kelite. Marcel and Cavitt walk the perimeter of the field and then range ou 7/7/1947 #2928  
ucer seen. Green and red lights on perimeter. Ovoids / Peoria / APRO v2#2.  8/21/1953 #9093  
l with green and red lights around perimeter. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - Dist 8/21/1953 #9094  
 high, and 6 feet wide. Around the perimeter was a three foot rim of transp 11/28/1953 #9325  
 smoke rings had lights around the perimeter. They seemed to stand in place 12/10/1953 #9355  
bject with white lights around its perimeter. It is descending from the nor 4/9/1958 #14971  
. 4 yellow night lights maneuver / perimeter of missile test base.          8/10/1962 #17330  
green, and white lights around its perimeter. The object illuminates a truc Late 8/1962 #17361  
ion. The earth seems burned on the perimeter of the hole and a whitish subs 5/5/1964 #18244  
d a red light revolving around its perimeter.                               9/6/1964 #18543  
n, red and white lights around the perimeter was seen in Sharon, Massachuse 10/18/1965 #19667  
and has about 30 lights around its perimeter. As it flies off, his car engi 3/28/1966 #20118  
 top and colored lights around its perimeter, circling over a schoolhouse a 4/12/1966 #20288  
 top and colored lights around its perimeter, circling over a schoolhouse a 4/12/1966 #20291  
each end and blue lights along its perimeter was seen hovering off Route 16 4/16/1966 #20303  
h rotating white lights around its perimeter. The object circled slowly, th 4/17/1966 #20312  
 horizon and back three times. The perimeter of the object glowed blue. A d 4/18/1966 #20333  
, and red lights racing around the perimeter of the object, as well as a so 4/22/1966 #20380  
others. Saucer with white lights / perimeter. Colored lights flash / bottom 4/23/1966 #20384  
bject with white lights around its perimeter, colored flashing lights on it 4/23/1966 #20387  
ghts were visible around the lower perimeter (body lights). After hovering  6/1/1966 #20518  
ights are visible around the lower perimeter. After hovering briefly, the U 6/1/1966 #20519  
rows of lights flashing around its perimeter, took off rapidly as the witne 6/1/1966 #20520  
blue-green lights around the lower perimeter. After hovering briefly, the U 6/1/1966 #20520  
bulb turned out." Plewman said the perimeter lights clearly outlined the da 6/1/1966 #20520  
with greenish-yellow lights on its perimeter. Stevens attempted to chase th 6/24/1966 #20602  
 greenish-yellow lights around its perimeter, and it was surrounded by a mi 6/24/1966 #20608  
 flashing lights hovering near the perimeter fence on that September night. 9/1966 #20820  
, and white body lights around its perimeter, hovering silently. It had a l 11/18/1966 #21122  
ct with a halo of light around its perimeter descended and approached two w 12/13/1966 #21199  
ing ywllow and white lights on its perimeter.                               1/17/1967 #21333  
e-like openings visible around the perimeter. Rays of light (light beams) o 2/14/1967 #21546  
and 4-5 purplish lights around its perimeter (body lights). The object hove 2/17/1967 #21582  
 with 4-5 purple lights around its perimeter hovered at treetop level over  2/17/1967 #21587  
t with many body lights around the perimeter (green and red, plus white, bl 3/8/1967 #21805  
g figures. Portholes glowed on the perimeter of the object. An odor was rep Spring 1967 #21921  
ht glowing yellow ports around the perimeter, white light on top, and red l 4/20/1967 #22170  
ft, and eight yellow lights on its perimeter.                               4/20/1967 #22173  
 lights (body lights) 4 around the perimeter, white and golden at the botto 6/1/1967 #22444  
t to the south. Visible around the perimeter of the underside were 15-20 br 8/4/1967 #22797  
e ground. On a platform around its perimeter were seated eight to ten littl 8/15/1967 #22883  
bject that glowed yellow around it perimeter. It carried a red, a greenish  10/2/1967 #23168  
d body lights revolving around its perimeter buzzed a car. (UFO Fact & Comm 12/22/1967 #23598  
ine of the base and in the distant perimeter. The staff at the Air Force Ba 1968 #23622  
a dish with a dark ring around its perimeter. It had a dome on top and one  1/20/1969 #24861  
ite rotating light; and around its perimeter were other multi-colored light 8/16/1970 #25791  
 object with dark ports around its perimeter. It hovered a few feet above t 5/31/1971 #26148  
. It had dark portholes around its perimeter, and was in plain view in fron 5/31/1971 #26149  
K-9 teams that normally patrol the perimeter report that their dogs are afr 10/1973 #27902  
 the weapons area to the southwest perimeter of the base. The angel hair ha 10/1973 #27902  
 sentries at a lookout post on the perimeter of Istrana Air Base, Veneto pr Mid 11/1973 #28424  
f green lights light up around its perimeter, flashing in sequence. The thi 11/16/1973 #28434  
                          northern perimeter of Japan Night. Maj. Shiro Kub 6/9/1974 #29175  
m II interceptor over the northern perimeter of Japan, apparently to interc 6/9/1974 #29175  
o Wha Unan is inspecting the outer perimeter of a rock formation near Mount 6/15/1974 #29198  
 that looked like they were on the perimeter of a large, dark flying object 12/1/1974 #29627  
egic Air Command base guarding the perimeter of the northern United States. 1975 #29668  
nd it has a black stripe along its perimeter. A row of lights is visible al 1/2/1975 #29701  
ion reveals 4 marks on the outside perimeter of a circle 30 feet in diamete 7/31/1975 #30218  
ied aircraft approaching the north perimeter at an altitude of about 300 fe 10/27/1975 #30487  
strobe light. The craft enters the perimeter of the base. In the control to 10/27/1975 #30487  
n aircraft has penetrated the base perimeter. The base is immediately put o 10/27/1975 #30487  
uct a sweep of the weapons storage perimeter inside and out. An additional  10/27/1975 #30488  
o within about 3 miles of the base perimeter and is seen to have a flashing 10/28/1975 #30503  
and-down erratically near the base perimeter. One white light was pointed d 10/30/1975 #30523  
ed and white spotlights around its perimeter. (Sources: J. Delaire, UFO Reg 4/7/1976 #30989  
ed and white spotlights around its perimeter. At 11:40 p.m. in Laroque Timb 4/7/1976 #30990  
 of lights like windows around its perimeter. It shot off after a few secon 7/28/1976 #31191  
are windows were visible along the perimeter, and a white light beam shone  10/21/1976 #31484  
hts flashing on and off around the perimeter.                               12/18/1976 #31614  
res below it, portholes around the perimeter, and a dome on top. The object 1/1978 #32837  
house. It had portholes around its perimeter, and made a noise on takeoff.  2/19/1978 #32983  
lit rectangular windows around its perimeter. The main witness and several  8/22/1978 #33551  
isc, glowing on-and-off around the perimeter, that dropped behind the treel 9/10/1978 #33658  
m glow through openings around its perimeter was sighted by a 19-year-old f 9/26/1978 #33752  
ith 8 symmetrical marks around its perimeter and 4 marks within the oval ar 10/2/1978 #33790  
r metallic dome-shaped craft whose perimeter was which surrounded by small  10/15/1978 #33837  
CA Disc with flamelike jets around perimeter hovered ahead of car, darted f 9/14/1979 #34880  
CA Disc with flamelike jets around perimeter hovered ahead of car, darted f 9/14/1979 #34882  
ect with flamelike jets around the perimeter hovering ahead of their car at 9/14/1979 #34885  
een lights are rotating around its perimeter. A commercial aircraft and new 5/1980 #35298  
y bright white lights surround its perimeter, rotating in a clockwise direc 9/11/1980 #35514  
d white flashing lights around its perimeter. It seems to be 30–40 feet in  3/21/1981 #35871  
y the roadside in Turis, Spain. It perimeter was revolving and it appeared  5/12/1982 #36470  
y the roadside in Turis, Spain. It perimeter was revolving and it appeared  5/12/1982 #36471  
he UFO had amber lights around its perimeter. It made a high-pitched "whoop 8/30/1982 #36586  
 was lighted completely around its perimeter with multicolored lights which 4/1984 #37250  
9:45 p.m. It had lights around the perimeter, mostly white lights but there 5/27/1985 #37594  
rows of bluish-white lights on the perimeter. The sighting lasts for 2 minu 6/11/1985 #37598  
rows of bluish-white lights on the perimeter. The sighting lasted for two m 6/11/1985 #37599  
g large oval object, lights around perimeter, terrain brightly illuminated  2/7/1987 #38115  
g large oval object, lights around perimeter, terrain brightly illuminated  2/7/1987 #38116  
l object. It had lights around its perimeter, and the mountainside terrain  2/7/1987 #38117  
sia. A yellow light surriounds the perimeter, and a bright white light is s 8/11/1987 #38241  
 in a precise boomerang shape. The perimeter of the shape is covered with 1 Early Autumn 1987 #38274  
 “turbines” or openings around its perimeter that are spinning like a slowl 1/19/1988 #38416  
ray disc-shaped object. Around the perimeter were openings like wind scoops 1/19/1988 #38417  
with bright blue lights around its perimeter was reported in Stockbridge, M 1/28/1990 #39393  
tly after 12:00 midnight. The base perimeter at Fort Allen Training Center  7/19/1990 #39651  
this is the light illuminating the perimeter. Two F/A-18 Hornets (probably  7/19/1990 #39651  
r became dark and landed outside a perimeter fence of the Volga-Ural Milita 9/13/1990 #39732  
eet away. It had six lights on its perimeter. First it was seen hovering, t 10/6/1990 #39762  
hted object with six lights on the perimeter of a large circle with a ray o 11/7/1990 #39881  
rwards across the field beyond the perimeter fence, as if it is looking for 3/31/1993 #40914  
ad red and green lights around its perimeter, as well as four roving spotli 10/6/1993 #41222  
ot wide UFO scanning the huge mesh perimeter fence of the Glenochil Prison  5/15/1994 #41527  
t and an airman are patrolling the perimeter of the Ghedi Air Force Base ne 5/5/1995 #42179  
and had lights rotating around its perimeter.                               5/27/1995 #42231  
ny 4-toed human tracks" around the perimeter of his trailer site. He had al 8/15/1995 #42389  
ve the witnesses decided to make a perimeter check of the area. Suddenly on 1/7/1997 #43167  
at hovered just outside the school perimeter at 40 feet above the ground. N 10/19/2000 #44060  
 It has multiple lights around its perimeter. They drive toward it, flashin 11/4/2000 #44071  
meter orb” quickly moves along the perimeter fences of Area 2, a weapons st 10/2002 #44411  
  A three-foot orb moves along the perimeter fences of Area 2, a weapons st 10/2002 #44412  
haped craft with lights around the perimeter flew over Winnebago, Minnesota 1/2/2003 #44466  
2 in Clinton, Missouri. Its bottom perimeter looked octagonal, and it had f 5/8/2003 #44529  
 p.m. It had a black tinted curved perimeter with lights around it. Close t 9/24/2006 #44966  
 individual blue lights around the perimeter. It then traveled to the right 4/17/2007 #45018  
rt/starboard lights, only the blue perimeter lights and no strobe lights. H 4/17/2007 #45018  
ry, and green in color) around its perimeter was sighted in Mechanicsburg,  9/4/2007 #45052  
ing yellow white lights around its perimeter. The witnesses attempted to ap 8/3/2008 #45154  
ze with white or red lights on its perimeter and red-green lights on its ba 3/8/2010 #45272  
ing some flashes of light from its perimeter.                               6/6/2011 #45328  
## Word: "period" (Back to Top)
s the first report from the entire period to be declared a possible UFO. Dr 4/15/1897 #480  
aft that circles the dredge over a period of several minutes, rising and fa 7/30/1909 #789  
 lights flicking on and off over a period of several days. Through a telesc Early 9/1917 #964  
Mary, the mother of Jesus. After a period of rain, the dark clouds break an 10/13/1917 #970  
e Day is promoted during a 36-hour period in August 21–23, with all radios  8/22/1924 #1041  
ns writing letters over a two-year period to Edison Pettit and Seth Barnes  Summer 1931 #1130  
s, and the procession lasted for a period of two and a half hours.          1/8/1943 #1479  
ere seen hovering in the sky for a period of three hours over Bremerton, Wa 6/17/1947 #2337  
persistent trail or dust cloud. f. Period of visibility from one to five se 4/19/1949 #4094  
tains near Tucson, Arizona, over a period of 12 minutes. The object is shin 4/28/1949 #4129  
se he wanted to have a cooling off period from the deep impression the New  7/13/1949 #4269  
itations.” Project Grudge enters a period of dormancy until July 1950. The  8/10/1949 #4315  
                  Over a 30-minute period starting at 9:30 p.m. several sma 9/14/1949 #4358  
                           US This period has been called the "Dark Ages" o 1950 #4460  
n by thousands of witnesses over a period of several days. Local newspapers 3/16/1950 #4646  
degrees to 161 degrees during that period and went up seven degrees vertica 11/26/1950 #5287  
llel to airplane during 3-4 minute period.                                  4/24/1952 #6175  
of the clouds during a 5-10 minute period.                                  5/7/1952 #6266  
lew straight and level for a short period of time, but they had to rise to  5/10/1952 #6299  
d four enlisted men.  Over an hour period, a series of hovering and maneuve 7/18/1952 #6894  
e seen at one time over a 2-minute period. Carpenter says they seem to be a 7/18/1952 #6895  
red several times over a four-hour period.                                  7/18/1952 #6903  
tt, Operations Officer during this period, said that he had been receiving  7/20/1952 #6940  
ng unidentified lights during this period as well. Sharp UFO targets on the 7/26/1952 #7180  
star, moved up and down for a long period of time.                          9/1/1952 #7814  
 star, move up and down for a long period of time.                          9/1/1952 #7820  
ved in North Carolina in that time period, and these Feschino suspects may  9/12/1952 #7905  
t flew toward the southeast over a period of 30 seconds.                    11/4/1952 #8244  
ft fire, was seen over a 20 minute period.                                  11/27/1952 #8348  
e, which was seen over a 20 minute period.                                  11/27/1952 #8349  
ect following the meeting. After a period of apparent serious interest in g 1/17/1953 #8544  
eds. It is visually observed for a period of 3–5 minutes. The B-36 makes a  2/6/1953 #8643  
 light was visually observed for a period of three to five minutes. The B-3 2/6/1953 #8644  
an oscillating light followed by a period of about two hours of missing tim 3/22/1953 #8776  
adar Site. UFO was observed for, a period of twenty minutes in the northern 6/30/1953 #8975  
colored, oval object is seen for a period of 20 minutes in the northern sky 6/30/1953 #8976  
pears on an F-94C radarscope for a period of 15 seconds. The object is trav 9/28/1953 #9187  
ry effort went on for an extensive period of time, and failed to find any w 11/23/1953 #9319  
 model of trailer, common for this period, is aluminum in color and somewha 8/23/1954 #10172  
en, and twelve for over a two hour period. They often would form lozenge-sh 11/6/1954 #11586  
racked over England for a two hour period.                                  11/6/1954 #11586  
A spherical UFO hovered for a long period over Louisville, Kentucky. U.S. A 11/12/1954 #11631  
and E.C. Ingber. During a 5 minute period, two slender, vertical rectangles 5/23/1955 #12150  
entration of sightings over 12-day period. Retired fire department engineer 8/8/1956 #13061  
s are made from Bentwaters in this period, with the exception of a single a 8/13/1956 #13080  
 have landed, was complicated by a period of unexplained radio interference 10/28/1956 #13295  
s of 6 and 8 during a forty minute period. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 4/29/1957 #13623  
(IGY). It marked the end of a long period during the Cold War when scientif 7/1/1957 #13768  
both picture and sound during same period of time (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)   11/5/1957 #14334  
ure and sound during the same time period.                                  11/5/1957 #14345  
 over a wide area for a ten minute period around Dauphin, Manitoba. At 6:40 11/5/1957 #14354  
ype ICBMs” at “sometime during the period from mid-1958 to mid- 1959.” The  12/1957 #14649  
ir traffic controllers for a short period of time.                          8/11/1958 #15191  
 times. They apparently suffered a period of amnesia. Years later under hyp 3/19/1959 #15654  
the Las Vegas area during a 3 week period. A man told Nellis Air Force Base 5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748  
the Las Vegas area during a 3 week period. One object was reported sighted  6/3/1959 (approximate) #15756  
 night the weather permitted for a period of 33 days.” They write to Projec 10/8/1959 #16028  
a trance. There was an undisclosed period of missing time.                  9/2/1960 #16432  
rves several UFOs over a 35-minute period. Witnesses at the control tower a 5/22/1962 #17191  
as noticed in the area during that period and blamed on the same cause.     9/18/1962 #17415  
as noticed in the area during that period and blamed on the same cause.     9/18/1962 #17417  
ular UFO which hovered for a -long period of time, then climbed out of sigh 8/1/1963 #17859  
e until 1982, its most influential period.                                  10/22/1964 #18589  
SPS-49 radar is jammed for a short period of time. Other radar encounters t 11/19/1964 #18629  
lity. This was in the same 24-hour period that James McDivitt took a photo  6/5/1965 #18994  
 vision came back gradually over a period of several days.                  8/13/1965 #19379  
nd like bees humming. After a long period of time, the lights brightened an 1/20/1966 #19861  
ffered unspecified "effects" for a period of time. Grass was found depresse 2/25/1966 #19917  
s had a series of sightings over a period of nearly two hours, including an 3/30/1966 #20154  
eceived many calls over a two-hour period reporting UFOs.                   3/30/1966 #20166  
on saw the object for much of that period, and that Panzanella too had seen 4/18/1966 #20331  
 Another report from the same time period mentions that some missiles went  8/24/1966 #20802  
ack several times over a 45 minute period in the city of Eau Claire, Wiscon 9/7/1966 #20862  
 was observed several times over a period of 20 minutes. (Toledo Record, 3/ 3/1/1967 #21709  
    Omaha, NE During the same time period, a woman in another area of Omaha 3/23/1967 #21953  
es. They pulsate with a 4.5-second period and an approximate 1:3 brightness 5/16/1967 #22355  
ars to be from a much earlier time period as it has a strange resemblence t 6/18/1967 #22515  
OR Index) 17 Unknowns In 80 Minute Period (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 9/11/1967 #23038  
of Lake Superior over an 80-minute period, tracked at speeds of up to 2,000 9/11/1967 #23046  
e was hospitalized for an extended period of time.                          9/21/1967 #23106  
is son admitted him, and it took a period of time to calm him sufficiently  11/2/1967 #23392  
ared and disappeared over a 2-hour period. (Saskatoon UFO Club report, NICA 12/3/1967 #23542  
 adequately before its contractual period is up. He does send him a catalog 2/23/1968 #23779  
                  For a three hour period beginning at around 11:00 p.m., n 8/16/1968 #24344  
arently repairing the craft, for a period of two to three minutes.          2/20/1969 #24936  
as reportedly seen over a two hour period. It made a buzzing sound, and dog 5/12/1969 #25133  
rred during approximately one-hour period of missing time.                  6/11/1969 #25211  
-colored, maneuvering lights for a period of at least two hours. Among the  6/20/1969 #25229  
over the area within a five minute period.                                  12/25/1970 #25953  
photographs of it over a 10-minute period.                                  5/23/1971 #26124  
cident occurs following an 18-hour period simulating General Quarters. Yeom 6/1971 #26153  
nd on five times over a ten minute period until she finally managed to wake 8/11/1971 #26280  
n the base. There was a seven-hour period of missing time. Years later, und 8/16/1971 #26291  
llinois State Troopers over 2 hour period. (UFOI, 71) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  10/5/1971 #26409  
t-fitting hoods, and spent a short period of time collecting soil samples.  12/31/1971 #26525  
f." She watched the humanoid for a period of two hours, and it gave her the 4/24/1972 #26661  
ends at this point with an ensuing period of missing time.                  8/26/1972 #26956  
 to bluish-green. After an unknown period of time, the UFO suddenly shot up 8/29/1972 #26969  
iple witnesses during a three-hour period (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)  3/1/1973 #27323  
nce of 15 degrees over a 30 minute period beginning at 10:30 p.m. The objec 6/23/1973 #27585  
a. He seemed to have experienced a period of missing time. Under hypnosis h 7/27/1973 #27657  
 had seen in the woods. During the period of time he was in the woods sever 9/27/1973 #27880  
    On this evening, during a time period that was during the height of the 10/10/1973 #27982  
ored the witness for the 30 minute period that the encounter lasted. It was 10/20/1973 #28219  
than in his earlier experiences. A period of an hour and a half could not b 10/25/1973 #28287  
and severe anxiety for a prolonged period, followed by personality change.  10/28/1973 #28311  
t occurred within the same 24-hour period.                                  1/8/1974 #28669  
SFIELD, CHESHIRE Same 2 / car. 2nd period / missing time = 2 hours. Now fin 1/16/1974? #28681  
 to find him. After waiting a safe period of time, he cautiously returned t 3/21/1974 #28921  
 emanated from them for a two hour period. In early July ground marks that  7/17/1974 #29266  
hey are noticed. Within a 3-minute period, 14 security police sentries, two 10/14/1974 #29527  
ext, but he knew he had a two hour period of missing time. Under hypnosis b 10/25/1974 #29557  
r up to two and three hours over a period of three days."                   1975 #29668  
shaped to basketball-shaped over a period of 10 minutes then suddenly disap 2/10/1975 #29800  
ess reports that she experienced a period of "good fortune" after the incid 3/6/1975 #29876  
ing place that last for a two-year period: whirring noises, UFOs, strange f Fall 1975 #30379  
 able to observe the objects for a period of five minutes. (Reference: UFO  10/4/1975 #30416  
their memories of the missing time period grow more elaborate, but their st 1/6/1976 #30770  
 that she had suffered a 45 minute period of missing time and could vaguely 1/23/1976 #30817  
g out at the witnesses for a brief period. (Source: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT  5/18/1976 #31060  
g out at the witnesses for a brief period. It then moved away. A second obj 5/18/1976 #31061  
egro, Argentina Before dawn. For a period of two hours, two brightly shinin 7/14/1976 #31164  
ned next, but after experiencing a period of missing time the next thing th 9/3/1976 #31340  
the objects from the ground over a period of 45 minutes.                    1/11/1977 #31717  
er hypnosis that during a two hour period of missing time she had been take 6/20/1977 #32177  
ny with another light. During this period the cattle on the adjacent farm " 7/12/1977 #32266  
ately 45 minutes. During that time period, the UFO appeared to stand still  7/21/1977 #32299  
ently three times over a 15-minute period in Tooele, Utah. It first travels 9/7/1977 #32469  
sland Palm Springs During a 9-hour period near San Diego, California, an F- 3/27/1978 #33088  
s suggests that they experienced a period of missing time lasting at least  8/22/1978 #33550  
le sketchy, and they experienced a period of missing time. However, the mai 9/20/1978 #33718  
.m. when a flash of light led to a period of unconsciousness. Later than ni 11/15/1978 #33959  
incidents occurred over a two-week period in 1975, which is the sort of inf 12/20/1978 #34186  
to the northwest. Also during this period of repeated sightings of low leve 1/5/1979 #34306  
nter in town during this same time period.                                  12/10/1979 #35066  
nia involving several women over a period of 25 years.                      1980 #35111  
ousness and experienced a two-hour period of time loss. She later recalled  4/2/1980 #35249  
was being levitated, followed by a period of missing time. Later under hypn 9/25/1980 #35535  
 AFB Security Police who, over the period of the next few months, became co 10/24/1980 #35586  
 a large, triangular object over a period of more than four hours. At one t 11/18/1980 #35652  
ville area 4–5 times in a 2–3 hour period. He estimates its speed at 45 mph 11/18/1980 #35654  
began sputtering. He experienced a period of missing time, and the next thi 12/31/1980 #35759  
n scope. Hopkins also shows that a period of unexplained missing time is a  1981 #35761  
cts hundreds of UFO cases from the period 1978–1981. In the next few years, Summer 1981 #35978  
peared to have experienced a short period of missing time, and recalled see 5/20/1982 #36476  
 light at front of car. They had a period of missing time, but do recall wi 5/20/1982 #36477  
 boomerangs, continuing for a long period of time                           Late 1982 #36642  
urred in the same twenty-four hour period on opposite sides of the globe. A 12/21/1982 #36724  
r 83. Its purpose is to simulate a period of conflict escalation, culminati 11/7/1983 #37044  
 total number of sightings in this period is 188, although some may be attr 1/21/1984 #37136  
ter (30 foot) wide circle. After a period of troubling dreams his memory la 8/15/1986 #37993  
 feet above the ground for a short period, then was dropped back onto the h 1/20/1988 #38423  
rroundings. This was followed by a period of missing time, and he recovered 10/24/1988 #38687  
o work when she experienced a long period of missing time. Later she was ab 5/1/1989 #38933  
eijster filmed it on and off for a period of about one hour, using a handhe 8/10/1989 #39054  
n upstairs to alert her husband. A period of about 50 minutes of missing ti 3/13/1990 #39458  
ere are two reports from that time period of objects making a buzzing or pu 11/5/1990 #39871  
ing Earth civilizations for a long period of time before present day.  http 1992 #40276  
           On this night, during a period of appallingly poor weather condi 1/12/1993 #40793  
 driving quickly away from them. A period of missing time was noted. Later, 3/16/1993 #40886  
ng him and his female companion. A period of "missing time" occurred shortl 11/29/1993 #41309  
 cigar to a delta over a 20-minute period. It had lights on its edge.       7/6/1994 #41610  
they stopped to look. Missing time period discovered upon arrival home (Bas 7/24/1994 #41636  
they stopped to look. Missing time period discovered upon arrival home (Bas 7/24/1994 #41637  
 probes over a two and a half hour period over Rockville, Indiana. There we 9/6/1994 #41718  
ta shaped objects seen during this period.                                  11/29/1995 #42631  
three a.m. They then experienced a period of missing time. An abduction sce 3/6/1996 #42809  
the mission. He next experienced a period of missing time. Under hypnosis h 4/17/1996 #42872  
ate their society. Their gestation period is reportedly only three to four  12/14/1997 #43462  
le. Suddenly his engine stalled. A period of missing time ensued. A second  11/1/1998 #43674  
he then experienced a three minute period of missing time.                  8/22/1999 #43830  
00 feet in diameter. After a short period of time it climbs again, still ro 6/30/2001 #44199  
ny day; this was during the no fly period two days after the World Trade Ce 9/13/2001 #44260  
ay." The light shone on them for a period of about half a minute. At this p 7/28/2002 #44367  
rcular UFO. This was followed by a period of missing time, and when he reco 9/25/2002 #44408  
 witness watched over a two minute period there was an accumulation of shim 11/20/2002 #44445  
w through the sky over a 10 minute period in Mount Wolf, York County, Penns 11/29/2002 #44456  
h Ridgeville, Ohio for an extended period of time, beginning at 9:00 p.m.   11/22/2003 #44619  
ag patterns in the sky over a long period of time.                          10/2/2005 #44885  
spheric anomalies over an extended period. The goal is to compare any repor 2006 #44916  
1977. Some 400 files, covering the period 1988–2005, are put online first.  3/22/2007 #45013  
 lights at them for a three minute period; which was "not like anything we' 5/15/2009 #45222  
nt weigh the strategic harm in the period following the disclosures more he 6/14/2013 #45372  
 above the station for an extended period. Polie unsuccessfuly attempt to t 9/29/2019 #45610  
## Word: "periodially" (Back to Top)
e direction. It had one red window periodially facing the observer. It went 1/1952 #5852  
## Word: "periodic" (Back to Top)
ortheast at a fantastic speed with periodic flashes of light.               4/26/1897 #578  
ortheast at a fantastic speed with periodic flashes of light.               4/26/1897 #579  
ccur at scattered times, fitting a periodic 1.5-hour time schedule, a pheno 10/14/1949 #4395  
 1st Marine Aircraft Wing puts out periodic intelligence reports through 19 1951 #5376  
i, Drake is greeted with a strong, periodic, pulsed signal on 1420 MHz, the 4/8/1960 #16218  
r USAF ELINT duties as a cover for periodic Project Preserve Destiny intcom Early 1994 #41352  
erform intcomm work too. He begins periodic numeric information string intc Early 1995 #41927  
## Word: "periodical" (Back to Top)
mmediately sets out to enliven the periodical, which is close to folding. C 2/1938 #1281  
 one document that was leaked in a periodical to prove UAP-related cables e 1/19/1978 #32900  
ógicas in Mexico City, Mexico. The periodical continues until February 1996 12/1993 #41312  
                      A ufological periodical claims in 1998, researchers a 7/2011 #45330  
## Word: "periodically" (Back to Top)
cross the Golden Gate and flashing periodically. When the streetcar disemba 11/22/1896 #349  
thing changed. The object appeared periodically over southern New Mexico, b 7/1/1947 #2501  
ct with a small flame at the rear, periodically increasing in brightness. I 7/17/1952 #6869  
ct with a small flame at the rear, periodically increased in brightness.  I 7/18/1952 #6892  
ng from the rear of the craft that periodically increased in brightness, an 7/18/1952 #6903  
 sound, and shafts of orange light periodically shot out from the object. I 11/13/1960 #16502  
 difficult to look at directly. It periodically flashes even brighter. Plan 3/12/1966 #19954  
ike speed, dimming and brightening periodically. Two objects are operating  3/17/1966 #19983  
bject is seen. The smaller objects periodically leave the larger object and 9/17/1966 #20892  
moved across the sky in 5 seconds, periodically passing behind small scatte 4/17/1967 #22147  
 the couple peek out of the window periodically. At one point, they see 15  6/25/1974 #29224  
dar contact. Other lights are seen periodically over the next few days, inc 11/11/1975 #30609  
wn of Laissaud, Savoie, France. It periodically emitted beams of light down 1/6/1976 #30771  
only 10 feet above the ground, but periodically rose and fell back down ano 2/22/1976 #30895  
 down a mountainside. It seemed to periodically issue a "shower of sparks". 1/10/1978 #32867  
 down a mountainside. It seemed to periodically issue a "shower of sparks". 1/10/1978 #32870  
, then disappears. The searchlight periodically shines directly in the wind 1/3/1984 #37105  
 TX 3 observer(s). Black orbs glow periodically / underside. Silent. North  7/28/1986 #37954  
entioned bodies were flown to LANL periodically from late 1945 to 1957, add 3/16/1991 #40015  
 wilderness where a triangular UAP periodically appeared as if on schedule  3/31/1995 #42130  
ed. Some of the aircraft are flown periodically and have been spotted flyin 4/22/2008 #45130  
## Word: "periodicals" (Back to Top)
Sonic booms. No further details. / Periodicals.                             11/18/1795 #93  
ecomes one of the most widely read periodicals in ufology. It soon changes  9/1986 #38008  
## Word: "periods" (Back to Top)
elation between UFO sightings and “periods of intense meteorite activity.”  1/28/1954 #9508  
urce emitting from the tail during periods of acceleration. The pilot pursu 11/19/1964 #18629  
reat Falls, Montana, for prolonged periods. It eventually ascends to an alt 4/10/1967 #22105  
intense activity followed by quiet periods—intended to lead human conscious 6/1979 #34599  
 mention the hovering for extended periods. In his 1987 book Night Siege, P 11/1984 #37500  
to high temperatures for prolonged periods of time. One of the mesh fragmen 1/29/1986 #37775  
ects remaining motionless for long periods of time. By 8:00 p.m., CINDACTA  5/19/1986 #37879  
rget every night he is on duty for periods of 3–20 minutes. He discovers an 8/1986 #37964  
ntained at high altitudes for long periods of time). About 95% of the repor 7/1995 #42286  
bjects persist in the air for long periods of time and might “be out there  2/2015? #45430  
## Word: "peripheral" (Back to Top)
bout 30° above the horizontal. The peripheral lights become brighter and tu Fall 1956 #13239  
## Word: "peripheries" (Back to Top)
y had lights rotating around their peripheries. At one point she saw someth 10/13/1972 #27071  
## Word: "periphery" (Back to Top)
n City, NJ Aluminum-like disc with periphery of yellowish lights or "portho 1/29/1932 #1137  
ect two shiny metal parts from the periphery of the crash site. A recent an 8/16/1945 #1924  
n. It has two rows of holes in its periphery and a black conical tower abou 6/17/1950 #4991  
r and had two rows of holes on its periphery, about 30 centimeters in circu 8/23/1952 #7684  
, showing numerous openings at the periphery.                               7/31/1953 #9026  
, showing numerous openings at the periphery.                               7/31/1953 #9029  
emitting a bright light around its periphery. The duration is 30 seconds. A 11/3/1953 #9279  
k with a row of blue lights on the periphery slowly maneuvered above a car  10/28/1955 #12528  
t with a row of blue lights on the periphery slowly maneuvered above a car  10/28/1955 #12529  
aft had a stationary dome, but the periphery was spinning.                  7/30/1957 #13861  
 a cornfield. It had lights on its periphery, and made a clanking noise.    8/18/1957 #13906  
diameter with portholes around the periphery, emitting a current of hot air 12/8/1957 #14690  
igh, with exhaust pipes around the periphery, land near his house. A door w 4/18/1961 #16652  
igh, with exhaust pipes around the periphery, land nearby. A door opens and 4/18/1961 #16653  
 of lights or "portholes" on outer periphery. [NICAP UFOE, I] (NICAP: 01 -  10/30/1961 #16936  
now colored lights spinning at the periphery, and a diameter of 16 m, came  3/17/1966 #19982  
colored lights spinning around its periphery, came to within 25 meters of t 3/17/1966 #19986  
d showed about 30 lights along its periphery.                               3/28/1966 #20113  
d showed about 30 lights along its periphery.                               3/28/1966 #20120  
r watermelon with colored lights / periphery. Hovers / 20 minute(s) and awa 3/8/1967 #21794  
 orange-lighted windows around its periphery. In the larger object were fou 6/13/1967 #22504  
tting a cloudy haze all around its periphery.                               3/4/1968 #23826  
tting a cloudy haze all around its periphery.                               4/4/1968 #23895  
n ovoid UFO with lights around its periphery flew low over Groomsport, Nort 8/11/1969 #25316  
ially flashing white lights on the periphery and steady red and white light 10/14/1973 #28029  
 on top and gold lights around its periphery. Above the dome was a deep red 3/5/1976 #30928  
in the center, bluish-white at the periphery, and is surrounded by an inten 11/5/1976 #31528  
light, and more intense around its periphery. The small head appeared to be 11/12/1976 #31540  
 without windows. Around its lower periphery revolved yellow, green, blue,  4/6/1977 #31953  
w of shining green ports along its periphery." Then, she thought to herself 12/12/1978 #34100  
ject about 35 feet in the air. Its periphery is marked by small, multicolor 6/10/1981 #35960  
 green, and blue lights around its periphery, was sighted in Frankfort, Ill 3/6/1996 #42813  
 meter from the ground. Around the periphery of the object was a continuous 7/8/1996 #42950  
le domed-disk gyrates. Red light / periphery. / NUFORC.                     11/19/1996 #43113  
 It radiated a fog from around its periphery. Its light snapped off, and th 7/7/2000 #44013  
y to people who are working on the periphery of that program and there was  5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "periscope" (Back to Top)
3 observer(s). Saucer / 3 legs and periscope beneath. Going up / odd cloud. 7/22/1963 #17846  
ltitude. It had three "legs" and a periscope underneath that pointed at the 7/22/1963 #17847  
 Object going down / ground level. Periscope extends / 2 minute(s) and retr 4/26/1965 #18919  
 ground level 60 m away. A sort of periscope emerged from it, and a strange 4/26/1965 #18920  
her) was noted. After 1-2 min the "periscope" disappeared, the object rose, 4/26/1965 #18920  
d level, 60 meters away. A sort of periscope emerged from the craft, and a  4/26/1965 #18921  
ed. After a couple of minutes the "periscope" disappeared, the object rose, 4/26/1965 #18921  
was seen. There was no sign of any periscope or railing and nothing but the 11/13/1965 #19719  
box-like object to his face with a periscope like extender sticking out and 6/21/1970 #25704  
out and up to the right side. This periscope device was pointed away from t 6/21/1970 #25704  
 late husband’s World War I trench periscope and sees a humanoid figure dre 3/20/1973 #27352  
ground. Turret / windows. Legs and periscope. Going northeast.              4/4/1974 #28993  
k, and something like a horizontal periscope or boom protruded form the rig 4/4/1977 #31943  
S, SP Spanish submersible crew via periscope. Silver metallic 100M saucer h 6/11/1980 #35356  
## Word: "periscopes" (Back to Top)
o-and-a-half minutes, noting their periscopes and towers. When they submerg 6/2/1989 #38973  
## Word: "perisse" (Back to Top)
wo Chilean scientists, Barrera and Perisse, witnessed, tracked with a theod 7/3/1965 #19065  
## Word: "perjuret" (Back to Top)
                           COL. DE PERJURET, LOZERE D996. Green saucer or s 8/31/1975 #30330  
## Word: "perkins" (Back to Top)
       Concord, New Hampshire Vale Perkins, Quebec 7:30–8:00 p.m. A flying  8/9/1909 #802  
he same time, Bertha Niles of Vale Perkins, Quebec, watches a similar light 8/9/1909 #802  
ston, Florida Deputy-sheriff A. H. Perkins, C. F. Bell, and a dozen other w 11/2/1955 #12544  
              Two police officers, Perkins and Williams, in Lexington, Kent 4/16/1956 #12811  
heath. According to T/Sgt. Forrest Perkins, watch supervisor at the Lakenhe 8/13/1956 #13080  
light Lt. Freddie H. C. Wimbledon. Perkins and Wimbledon claim the jets are 8/13/1956 #13080  
the accounts of both Wimbledon and Perkins, the air crews now state that th 8/13/1956 #13080  
gton, Lincoln, and Morgan counties Perkins County The Federal Aviation Admi 12/2019 #45620  
unties) and southwestern Nebraska (Perkins County) for the last 2 weeks in  12/2019 #45620  
## Word: "perks" (Back to Top)
d 4:10 a.m. Police Constable Colin Perks is checking business property alon 1/7/1966 #19813  
## Word: "perm" (Back to Top)
                                   PERM, NOVOS, RUSSIA 3 observer(s). Odd r 8/5/1967 #22810  
                                   Perm, Russia 8:50 p.m.Y.G. Solovyev, his 8/5/1967 #22813  
                                   PERM, RUSSIA UFO investigator. Problems  6/1987 #38181  
                                   PERM, NOVOSIB, RUSSIA Bright disk / sky. 2/6/1989 #38817  
          On this night a woman in Perm, Russia saw a bright disc-shaped ob 2/6/1989 #38818  
                                   PERM, NOVOSBRSK, RS Numerous observer(s) 3/17/1989 #38873  
                                   PERM, URALS, RUSSIA Tall dark figure. Sh 8/1989 (approximate) #39037  
ght witnesses north of Zaostravka, Perm, Russia watched several disc-shaped 9/16/1989 #39109  
                                   PERM, NVSB, RUSSIA Hundreds / observer(s 5/7/1990 #39562  
 a.m. several hundred observers in Perm, Russia watched an unidentified fly 5/7/1990 #39564  
void object flew over the river in Perm, Russia at 12:30 a.m. and became ob 7/17/2002 #44361  
## Word: "permalink" (Back to Top)
.osti.gov/biblio/1811856   https://permalink.lanl.gov/object/tr?what=info:l 3/22/2017 #45465  
## Word: "permanent" (Back to Top)
 and urging the establishment of a permanent project to analyze future repo 9/23/1947 #3416  
o airmen, and two civilians on his permanent Blue Book staff (including Lt. 6/1952 #6402  
. This expedition also established permanent Antarctic bases at McMurdo Sou 11/1955 #12534  
      The Argentine Navy creates a permanent commission for the study of UF 1962 #17008  
loss of hearing. His eye damage is permanent. The landing marks and burned  3/15/1965 #18859  
 restarted spontaneously there was permanent damage to the mechanics.  His  10/15/1966 #21008  
nes, without, however, leaving any permanent damage. So refined a technolog 2/1967 #21431  
yan finds for the CIA and issues a permanent injunction requiring Marchetti 3/1972 #26584  
s lead to the establishment of the permanent US Senate Select Committee on  1/27/1975 #29767  
n Joseph J. F. Clark replies that “permanent” UAP files are not maintained. 12/20/1978 #34186  
t AFB and Malmstrom AFB maintained permanent UAP files of SAC base overflig 12/20/1978 #34186  
 S. Stratton (D-N.Y.) saying that “permanent” UFO files are not maintained, 2/9/1979 #34415  
ng. Corradi remarks that that the “permanent presence of the UFOs over the  5/1/1979 #34537  
s hands, including one that left a permanent mark on his left hand.         3/13/1980 #35215  
h on his face that eventually left permanent scaring. He would experience f 5/10/1989 #38942  
 Agent Jim Christy told the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations 6/21/1996 #42937  
t the mysterious radar blips are a permanent radar echo caused by the 273-f 10/5/1996 #43056  
Yves Sillard. The committee has 15 permanent members: representatives of ci 7/2005 #44850  
## Word: "permanently" (Back to Top)
. Ruppelt leaves Project Blue Book permanently, leaving Max Futch in charge 8/31/1953 #9124  
sense of taste and smell, possibly permanently. His face is burned to the p 10/2/1956 #13260  
um depression, many of whom suffer permanently from his actions. His treatm 2/1957 #13481  
ung children, driving many of them permanently insane.                      7/1963 #17819  
e left-hand mudguard changes color permanently from red to orange.          11/4/1974 #29583  
## Word: "permeate" (Back to Top)
white beams of light that suddenly permeate the fog from above and converge 11/4/1997 #43437  
## Word: "permeated" (Back to Top)
ness. There was a sickly odor that permeated his nostrils, and he closed hi 11/28/1980 #35680  
ren. There was an odd silence that permeated the encounter, which lasted on 4/26/1984 #37303  
the performance. A strange silence permeated the environment. "It seemed... 1/19/1988 #38417  
 grass. A powerful vibrating sound permeated the air during the encounter.  5/18/1990 #39576  
 A strong rose-like fragrance then permeated the area. The apparition moved 9/24/1992 #40639  
## Word: "permeates" (Back to Top)
ious onlookers. A smell of ammonia permeates the scene.                     1/20/1996 #42693  
## Word: "permeating" (Back to Top)
hey hear a loud, low-frequency hum permeating the launch facility. The guar Early 1/1979 #34280  
## Word: "permian" (Back to Top)
   US Highway 62 Hobbs, New Mexico Permian Basin Pipeline plant 11:00 p.m.  11/5/1957 #14348  
asses over it, and hovers over the Permian Basin Pipeline plant. As it pass 11/5/1957 #14348  
## Word: "permindex" (Back to Top)
ont company located in Switzerland Permindex. Torbitt claims DISC’s offices 1970 #25523  
loyee Guy Bannister. It is alleged Permindex is aware of advanced UAP proje 1970 #25523  
## Word: "permission" (Back to Top)
, was stopped by two men who asked permission to draw water from his well.  4/22/1897 #554  
, was stopped by two men who asked permission to draw water from his well.  4/22/1897 #556  
t was stopped by two men who asked permission to draw water from his well.  4/22/1897 #562  
 has asked Secretary Forrestal for permission to feed Shalett some statisti 11/30/1948 #3893  
sc pulsating with light. Wall asks permission to shoot and fires a round fr Early Spring 1951 #5471  
ns and the Baileys, with Adamski’s permission, drive to Phoenix, Arizona, a 11/20/1952 #8310  
 took off there, claimed Air Force permission to talk.                      2/22/1954 #9562  
ver, who become interested and get permission (as long as it does not invol 4/1956 #12777  
meter of 600 feet). The pilots get permission to abandon their test exercis 8/30/1956 #13156  
s to be hovering. They need to get permission from Baker to photograph anyt 5/2/1957 #13643  
 Antonio, Texas, asks for Keyhoe’s permission to use The Flying Saucer Cons 1/1958 #14792  
esident Dwight Eisenhower requests permission from Pakistan to establish a  7/1958 #15128  
ot to fire on the UFO, and he gets permission for the pilot to make a firin Spring 1959 #15662  
station chief Larry Devlin refuses permission.                              9/1960 #16429  
ector. In the summer he had gotten permission from Keyhoe to fire five of N 10/27/1969 #25425  
nothing about. At the last minute, permission to use the film is withdrawn, 5/1973 #27460  
 know about. After pre-production, permission to use the landing film is wi 5/1973 #27461  
 Royal Australian Air Force grants permission to UFO researcher Bill Chalke 1982 #36289  
for being in a secure area without permission. During questioning, the tech 10/28/1986 #38056  
d altitude several times, with FAA permission, in an effort to identify the 11/17/1986 #38072  
d by the large object and requests permission to change course. After the c 11/17/1986 #38072  
ile from his position. He requests permission to intercept and goes after t 12/1/1988 #38733  
rossed the Botswana border without permission in order to retrieve the craf 5/7/1989 #38939  
“Okay, you can do it. You have our permission.” Greer claims Stubblebine re 3/9/1992 #40369  
 International Airport, requesting permission to land. The plane lands safe 12/19/1996 #43148  
he jet, appearing and reappearing. Permission to fire on the UFO is denied  10/19/1998 #43665  
c.html (rg - archive.org URL, orig permission denied)   https://www.wired.c 3/2004 #44671  
catski contacts Robert Bigelow for permission to visit the Skinwalker Ranch 6/19/2007 #45036  
## Word: "permit" (Back to Top)
e given the circumstances involved permit the admission that there are indi 3/2/1958 #14911  
## Word: "permits" (Back to Top)
disks in formation seen as weather permits. / r173p179.                     7/1954 #9976  
fficially folds Project Magnet but permits Wilbert Smith to continue using  8/10/1954 #10118  
” who have given him a “code which permits him to free the corresponding wa 8/11/1969 #25317  
rt UFO sightings as their workload permits.                                 4/1/1975 #29934  
## Word: "permitted" (Back to Top)
eers with security clearances, are permitted to examine some classified Pro 12/20/1948 #3935  
ing shape “every night the weather permitted for a period of 33 days.” They 10/8/1959 #16028  
ers. NICAP representatives are not permitted to testify. Many witnesses par 7/29/1968 #24254  
vernment’s UFO policy is no longer permitted and NICAP turns into a mere “s 5/29/1970 #25676  
the examiner said that she was not permitted to touch them or to board one  9/3/1974 #29418  
## Word: "pernambuco" (Back to Top)
il Céara state Rio Grande do Norte Pernambuco Paraíba Bahia Piauí Maranhão  5/13/1960 #16266  
r in Rio Grande do Norte, three in Pernambuco, two in Paraíba, two in Bahia 5/13/1960 #16266  
                São João Garanhuns Pernambuco Brazil 8:30 a.m. Farmer Antôn 9/10/1965 #19550  
 farm in São João, near Garanhuns, Pernambuco, Brazil, when he hears a nois 9/10/1965 #19550  
king in his cornfield in Sao Joao, Pernambuco State, Brazil at 8:30 in the  9/10/1965 #19551  
                       Canhotinho, Pernambuco, Brazil Evening. José Camilo  10/22/1965 #19673  
r the city cemetery in Canhotinho, Pernambuco, Brazil, when he runs across  10/22/1965 #19673  
ear a landed object in Canhotinho, Pernambuco State, Brazil.                10/22/1965 #19674  
n stump around noon in Canhotinho, Pernambuco state, Brazil. They were one  10/26/1965 #19682  
 cornfield in Sao Benedito Do Sul, Pernambuco, Brazil. Inside the object sh 7/19/1967 #22701  
                        Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil Belo Horizonte Galeão 2/8/1982 #36327  
ource while flying over Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil, on a southern course 2/8/1982 #36327  
ght #169 was paced by the UFO from Pernambuco state near Petrolina to Rio d 2/8/1982 #36328  
          Jaboãtoa dos Guararapes, Pernambuco, Brazil São Paulo 11:00 p.m.  12/1/1988 #38733  
d is over Jaboãtoa dos Guararapes, Pernambuco, Brazil, when his radar indic 12/1/1988 #38733  
## Word: "peropava" (Back to Top)
                                   Peropava River, Brazil A farmer, Issuo O 10/31/1963 #18016  
     Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil Rio Peropava Eight-year-old Rute de Souza he 10/31/1963 #18017  
n the air, then falls into the Rio Peropava near the opposite shore. She ru 10/31/1963 #18017  
ing a huge aluminium ball near the Peropava River in Iguape, Sao Paulo stat 10/31/1963 #18019  
## Word: "perot" (Back to Top)
ho looked human, kind of like Ross Perot and not the classic gray alien.  h 2/28/2023 #45796  
## Word: "perouzi" (Back to Top)
ot of the first aircraft, Houssain Perouzi, tried to fire one of his missil 9/19/1976 #31411  
## Word: "perpendicular" (Back to Top)
d then right itself and move along perpendicular. The object was clearly ou 4/8/1948 #3616  
seconds. The object flew very fast perpendicular to the wind direction.     7/18/1952 #6901  
g in the sky only ten meters away, perpendicular to the ground, which block 8/5/1970 #25770  
ly, it seemed to stand at a slant, perpendicular to the slope. Frightened,  8/30/1977 #32441  
. He appeared to stand at an angle perpendicular to the slope. Some rocks w 8/31/1977 #32446  
 It had two parallel tubes and one perpendicular tube but no windows. It to 12/14/1978 #34128  
 front end, and having a blue ring perpendicular to the craft. The object w 4/8/1981 #35888  
me were like small boxes with four perpendicular lights. The witness brough 3/14/2003 #44502  
 to pinkish-purple, and turns on a perpendicular heading away from the airc 3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "perpendicularly" (Back to Top)
ontally for a bit then is directed perpendicularly upward. Finally, toward  8/12/1972 #26911  
eached the lake, the objects dived perpendicularly into the water.          11/3/1986 #38059  
took off once more." It lifted off perpendicularly, and then left through t 5/8/2004 #44696  
## Word: "perpetrated" (Back to Top)
ems to suggest the case is a hoax, perpetrated by two magazine writers who  5/7/1952 #6270  
France is that the photo is a hoax perpetrated by Bedet to confirm the visu 3/23/1974 #28937  
vents are later revealed as a hoax perpetrated by Joe Rudy and Chris Russo, 1/5/2009 #45206  
## Word: "perpetrating" (Back to Top)
s interviews Conrad, who admits to perpetrating a publicity hoax.           8/1949 #4301  
 the Jaroslaw brothers admitted to perpetrating the prank. (NICAP: 08 - Pho 1/9/1967 #21275  
 by Ed Walters, in which he denies perpetrating a hoax.                     6/10/1990 #39612  
## Word: "perpetration" (Back to Top)
ut the war, and was central to the perpetration of the Holocaust, is born i 4/20/1889 #288  
## Word: "perpetrator" (Back to Top)
Scully was himself a victim, not a perpetrator.                             9/1952 #7804  
 not the Air Force, is the primary perpetrator of the UFO cover-up.         12/1973 #28495  
gy. The report does not point to a perpetrator, though it mentions “signifi 8/2020 #45657  
## Word: "perpetual" (Back to Top)
 “harmless cranks trying to invent perpetual motion.” After giving the witn 4/21/1897? #551  
## Word: "perpetuate" (Back to Top)
ticipate in any proposal that will perpetuate this hoax.”                   9/13/1950 #5176  
## Word: "perpetuated" (Back to Top)
oduct of unusual mental states and perpetuated by social acceptance. He arg 1969 #24802  
## Word: "perpetuates" (Back to Top)
UFO sightings in the area. He also perpetuates a fake radio transmission fr 9/1974 #29412  
## Word: "perpignan" (Back to Top)
                                   PERPIGNAN, FR Several groups / observer( 9/27/1954 #10460  
                                   Perpignan, France A college student saw  9/27/1954 #10471  
                                   Perpignan, France. A college student saw 9/27/1954 #10476  
                                   Perpignan, France Near the swimming pool 10/15/1954 #11098  
y swimming pool in Saint-Assiscle, Perpignan, France Damien Figueres, age 5 10/15/1954 #11114  
ambulance at around 6:00 a.m. from Perpignan to Rouen, France when he heard 8/11/1969 #25317  
## Word: "perplexed" (Back to Top)
 that seemed to reflect the light. Perplexed, Vommaro watched the object as 2/11/1980 #35170  
llowing it again to the north. The perplexed technicians decide to stop the 4/22/1986 #37833  
g on three metallic legs. Somewhat perplexed, he continued to drive closer, 3/26/2002 #44326  
## Word: "perplexes" (Back to Top)
ction, and suicide. One thing that perplexes Turner is why military groups  1994 #41345  
## Word: "perrian" (Back to Top)
    Reedsburg, Wisconsin 3:00 a.m. Perrian A. McGilvra, 14, is returning on Mid Summer 1900 #641  
## Word: "perrier" (Back to Top)
                                   PERRIER, PDD, FR 3 separate observer(s). 11/3/1954 #11546  
## Word: "perrin" (Back to Top)
                                   Perrin AFB [now North Texas Regional Air 12/29/1952 #8462  
nd Capt. Herbert T. Lange, both of Perrin AFB [now North Texas Regional Air 12/29/1952 #8462  
                                   Perrin Tower, TX Emergency Message to Ai 7/26/1953 #9015  
itude of 5 to 8 thousand feet near Perrin Tower, TX. Visually observed by c 7/26/1953 #9015  
                                   PERRIN AIR FORCE BASE AND DENISON AND SH 7/26/1953 #9016  
                                   Perrin AFB, TX Ground observed seven uni 7/26/1953 #9017  
usand feet. Visually observed from Perrin Tower and citizens of Denison and 7/26/1953 #9017  
                                   Perrin AFB [now North Texas Regional Air 7/26/1953 #9018  
Texas Sherman Denison 9:39 p.m. At Perrin AFB [now North Texas Regional Air 7/26/1953 #9018  
s by one of its members, Christian Perrin de Brichambaut, general inspector 9/1/1983 #36967  
## Word: "perrine" (Back to Top)
vening. Astronomers Charles Dillon Perrine and Anna Estelle Glancy observe  5/4/1916 #946  
## Word: "perrior" (Back to Top)
nson, Patrick Joseph Maloney, Fred Perrior, and E. Newman) see a bright obj 11/5/1950 #5265  
## Word: "perros-guirec" (Back to Top)
                                   PERROS-GUIREC, 22, FR 10 observer(s). Lu 10/4/1954 #10688  
## Word: "perry" (Back to Top)
                                   Perry Springs, MO 9:00 p.m. A passenger  4/15/1897 #481  
w-flying object for 15 min between Perry Springs and Hersman. All the passe 4/15/1897 #481  
                                   Perry Springs, Missouri A passenger trai 4/15/1897 #485  
w-flying object for 15 min between Perry Springs and Hersman. All the passe 4/15/1897 #485  
d Quincy, Illinois had just passed Perry Springs, Missouri when a low-flyin 4/15/1897 #499  
   Osage Hills, Oklahoma 1:00 a.m. Perry G. Powers and Duncan Miller are re 1/1924 #1039  
usetts Midnight. Artist Malcolm B. Perry sees what looks like a Navy blimp  Summer 1938 #1285  
ska 11:00 a.m. USAAF Col. Bruce H. Perry and Maj. William E. Geyser, 59th A 7/11/1947 #3138  
ician Wilbur L. Mitchell and Capt. Perry Bryant of the objects’ size as 30  4/27/1950 #4909  
            NEAR MORAN, TX Captain Perry / USAF T6D. 15M ovoid / 500mph cli 8/17/1952 #7620  
ersonnel (including Col. George E. Perry) and ATIC at the Pentagon.         10/22/1953 #9247  
o USAF Intelligence Col. George E. Perry writes to Gen. Woodbury M. Burgess 12/23/1953 #9389  
County. A child with the last name Perry, in Camp Washington, Ohio was repo 8/26/1955 #12412  
rviewing three men (Art Westerman, Perry Rieppel, and William T. Reid) who  10/25/1955 #12519  
ight during the evasive action. Ed Perry, piloting Pan Am Flight 269 about  3/9/1957 #13540  
               GRAND BLANC, MI Joe Perry photographs domed saucer. FBI-type 2/13/1960 #16171  
ysterious Markings in Field Baffle Perry County Farm Family. A five foot ci Late 6/1964 #18374  
   A young boy on a farm near Port Perry, Durham county, Ontario, Canada he 8/15/1967 #22883  
                              Cape Perry, Northwest Territories, CAN Time n 8/24/1967 #22912  
(Beauford Sea) - Officials at Cape Perry Distant Early Warning radar site s 8/24/1967 #22912  
land 6:55 p.m. Truck driver Andrew Perry is driving from Bideford to Cullom 2/27/1968 #23787  
 that causes his truck to vibrate. Perry gets upset and climbs back into th 2/27/1968 #23787  
seconds later, the noise stops and Perry sees the UFO moving away in the di 2/27/1968 #23787  
ey, Switzerland Kalmthout, Belgium Perry Petrakis founds the Association d’ 1974 #28626  
                                   PERRY CONTROLLER, NY Flash. Night light  10/21/1974 #29549  
ear-old girls, Ms. Chapman and Ms. Perry, in Mawman, England heard a hissin 7/3/1976 #31147  
                              PORT PERRY, ON 3 / car. Night light over tree 9/11/1976 #31375  
                                   Perry Road Claxton, Georgia 8:00 p.m. A  3/21/1984 #37237  
ther and daughter driving south on Perry Road near Claxton, Georgia, notice 3/21/1984 #37237  
lision / dark cylinder. 2M x 1M. / Perry Petrakis.                          7/10/1985 #37617  
          Eastlake, Ohio Lake Erie Perry Nuclear Power Plant Detroit Coast  3/4/1988 #38487  
hey make several passes toward the Perry Nuclear Power Plant about 20 miles 3/4/1988 #38487  
ns publishing Phénomèna, edited by Perry Petrakis, in Aix-en-Provence, Fran 1/1991 #39943  
es to Secretary of Defense William Perry that the GAO is initiating a revie 2/9/1994 #41408  
                        SR144 NEAR PERRY, IA 1 / car. Crescent-sphere/orb/g 12/7/1994 #41887  
ccording to ufologist Luis Sanchez Perry, "They call the UFOs robones (thie 5/16/1998 #43568  
ke Kostelnik and SecDef William J. Perry that the special records group exi 10/16/2002 #44418  
nfirmed by Kaminski, Kostelnik and Perry, who tell him he has the correct c 10/16/2002 #44418  
e in its portfolio.” Wilson states Perry wanted an investigation into cost  10/16/2002 #44418  
## Word: "persecution" (Back to Top)
ity" in reference to that regime's persecution of its Christian minorities, 5/24/1915 #928  
## Word: "perseid" (Back to Top)
ent also coincided with the annual Perseid meteor shower; even migrating bi 8/12/1883 #255  
                                   Perseid meteor shower (mean date).       8/11/1964 #18479  
                                   Perseid meteor shower (mean date).       8/11/1965 #19366  
                                   Perseid meteor shower (mean date).       8/11/1967 #22863  
                                   Perseid meteor shower (mean date).       8/11/1970 #25778  
                                   Perseid meteor shower (mean date).       8/11/1971 #26279  
                                   Perseid meteor shower (mean date).       8/11/1972 #26898  
                                   Perseid meteor shower (mean date).       8/11/1973 #27694  
                                   Perseid meteor shower (mean date).       8/11/1975 #30250  
                   NORTHRIDGE, CA "Perseid meteor" stops. Hovers / 90 secon 8/12/1977 #32391  
                    HOLLYWOOD, CA "Perseid meteor" stops. Zigzags tightly.  8/12/1977 #32392  
                                   Perseid meteor shower (mean date).       8/11/1978 #33505  
 maneuver all over / 30 minute(s). Perseid meteors??                        8/11/1979 #34727  
                                   Perseid meteor shower (mean date).       8/11/1979 #34730  
 Saucers / deltas all over fields. Perseid shower also seen = different.    8/9/1980 #35451  
g time-exposure photographs of the Perseid meteor shower with a camera atta 8/12/1981 #36070  
                                   Perseid meteor shower (mean date).       8/11/1986 #37978  
s two UFOs, one while watching the Perseid meteor shower, and the other 7 h 8/12/1986 #37984  
                                   Perseid meteor shower (mean date).       8/11/1987 #38239  
                                   Perseid meteor shower (mean date).       8/11/1989 #39057  
                                   Perseid meteor shower (mean date).       8/11/1992 #40565  
                                   Perseid meteor shower (mean date).       8/11/1993 #41128  
 a.m. Two friends are watching the Perseid meteor shower in a dark school y 8/12/1993 #41133  
ar object as he is looking for the Perseid meteor shower. It appears from t 8/12/1996 #42982  
ick 2:15 a.m. A woman watching the Perseid meteor show in Cow Bay, Nova Sco 8/13/2002 #44383  
versity, the object is part of the Perseid meteor shower.                   7/30/2021 #45701  
## Word: "perseids" (Back to Top)
s / night lights in formation. Not Perseids.                                8/11/1966 (approximate) #20738  
## Word: "persekutuan" (Back to Top)
ldren flying kites in Sentul, West Persekutuan, Malaysia saw a tiny being,  9/22/1992 #40635  
## Word: "pershing" (Back to Top)
 Germany] where surface-to-surface Pershing missiles are stored near Fischb 5/1974 #29075  
## Word: "persia" (Back to Top)
                         Mahallat, Persia Approximate date. Many farmers ob 10/10/1954 #10885  
## Word: "persian" (Back to Top)
                       SS VULTUR / PERSIAN GULF 2 40M luminous/glowing whee 5/15/1879 #218  
                           At sea, Persian Gulf 9:40 p.m. Two very large "w 5/15/1879 #219  
                                   Persian Gulf Two very large "wheels" wer 5/15/1879 #220  
es aboard the ship "Vultur" in the Persian Gulf saw two very large "wheels" 5/15/1879 #221  
                                   PERSIAN GULF HMS Patna swept / 16 spokes 5/1880 #232  
                                   PERSIAN GULF Crew / tanker Chipola. 8 bl 9/6/1947 #3389  
d the US Navy oiler Chipola in the Persian Gulf spotted eight round spots o 9/6/1947 #3390  
                  Strait of Hormuz Persian Gulf Gulf of Oman 6:30 p.m. USNR 11/11/1949 #4413  
n the Strait of Hormuz between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. He ob 11/11/1949 #4413  
ms of light flew over Dubai in the Persian Gulf at 6:15 p.m.                11/27/1995 #42626  
                       Iraq Second Persian Gulf War (Gulf War II)           3/2003 #44497  
             Jacksonville, Florida Persian Gulf Naval Station Norfolk, Virg 2/2015? #45430  
e training for a deployment to the Persian Gulf. Three of those pilots have 2/2015? #45430  
## Word: "persimmon" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Persimmon” YieldMax: 20KT                2/23/1967 #21633  
## Word: "persinger" (Back to Top)
 passing. No further details. / M. Persinger.                               8/16/1947 #3338  
 Lawson, W. C. McCall, and Michael Persinger8/28/1978 #33585  
ip Klass, James Oberg, and Michael Persinger, with only brief appearances b 10/12/1982 #36640  
## Word: "persist" (Back to Top)
 New York Ruppelt says that rumors persist that the Air Force is braced for Mid 7/1952 #6829  
 fairly heavy body” and UFO rumors persist for about a year. However, leadi 5/2/1953 #8857  
ate artificial electron belts that persist several weeks), or an electronic 8/27/1958 #15229  
ays he will return if the symptoms persist, so he shows up the following mo 5/1967 #22254  
idlike burn lesions on his abdomen persist. The symptoms continue well into 5/20/1967 #22382  
en splits into three lights, which persist for about 20 seconds before disa 9/21/2012 #45354  
ilots also report that the objects persist in the air for long periods of t 2/2015? #45430  
## Word: "persisted" (Back to Top)
 his mouth. This strange sensation persisted for awhile but finally left hi 11/2/1954 #11539  
them. An oily substance on the car persisted after several washings, and th 6/29/1964 #18383  
rd went to bed, but the odor still persisted in the house. Sometime later t 10/2/1966 #20950  
me the circle of dirt and dust had persisted, but it now died down. The whi 6/30/1967 #22580  
 in response to the UFO. The noise persisted throughout the night, even aft 8/9/1967 #22853  
nd a brilliant greenish track that persisted for about 15 minutes after the 1/6/1969 #24822  
eared on his undershirt, and these persisted through 3 or 4 washings. The p 3/5/1971 #26044  
s still lit up and the loud sounds persisted. He found his pipe and stooped 8/16/1971 #26291  
de. A strong odor like rotten meat persisted after the creature had gone.   8/21/1973 #27718  
le with the performance of the car persisted after the event. The close enc 9/17/1976 #31390  
as an eerie, abnormal silence that persisted over a mile-wide area.         3/30/1978 #33101  
area. The tall gray humanoid forms persisted in chasing the witness's vehic 2/11/1980 #35169  
ound ceased. The animals' calmness persisted afterward.  Animals involved w 4/12/1994 #41489  
 and memory problems. The symptoms persisted for three days following the v 7/9/1996 #42953  
## Word: "persistence" (Back to Top)
s that ball lightning is caused by persistence of vision, meteorites, will- 1936 #1239  
## Word: "persistent" (Back to Top)
associated with observation. e. No persistent trail or dust cloud. f. Perio 4/19/1949 #4094  
état in Greece. Although there are persistent rumors about an active suppor 4/21/1967 #22193  
ther and merging about 180 m away. Persistent nightmares and various physio 11/2/1968 #24623  
leaving a slowly dissolving cloud. Persistent nightmares and various physio 11/2/1968 #24624  
leaving a slowly dissolving cloud. Persistent nightmares and various physio 11/2/1968 #24626  
s daughter Vanea, 16, hear a loud, persistent, thrashing sound outside thei 6/28/1973 #27598  
ident was followed by many days of persistent headaches. (Source: Lumieres  1/18/1977 #31727  
ident was followed by many days of persistent headaches.                    1/18/1977 #31728  
and pointed ears. He suffered from persistent headaches after the event.    12/6/1978 #34069  
s when they started to notice some persistent, multicolored flashing lights 11/6/1989 #39216  
                After experiencing persistent trouble with his farm vehicle 12/4/1991 #40254  
ects from the encounter, because a persistent back pain went away, but she  10/19/2000 #44060  
 apart become aware of unusual and persistent aircraft activity. In both lo 7/26/2002 #44366  
se bleed once a year and it just a persistent trickle. He then got into the 9/3/2003 #44592  
rtaken at the Air Force’s Overhead Persistent Infrared Battlespace Awarenes 1/2018 #45499  
me in the diplomats that resembles persistent concussion.” While some diplo 3/2018 #45520  
## Word: "persistently" (Back to Top)
vers is alerted by his dog barking persistently and looking to the south. T 6/16/1966 #20568  
## Word: "persisting" (Back to Top)
of sage and cinnamon pervasive and persisting. He soon found a door and rea 8/15/1970 #25787  
soil, it turns their fingers numb, persisting for several weeks. Johnson ta 11/2/1971 #26449  
he sky from horizon to horizon and persisting until at least 2:00 a.m. Dubb 7/28/2003 #44568  
## Word: "persists" (Back to Top)
ves a meteoric stream of fire that persists for at least one hour at Standl 7/14/1745 #68  
 speed, leaving a vapor trail that persists.                                12/11/1943 #1551  
twice and leave a vapor trail that persists for more than an hour.          6/12/1947 #2324  
y direction at about 1,000 mph. It persists for about one minute, so he rec 9/19/1947 #3408  
ge, about 3 feet in diameter, that persists for “fully two minutes” during  1/1949 #3951  
ico, leaving a luminous trail that persists for 15 minutes. Meteorite exper 8/6/1954 #10105  
noise like an electric shaver that persists for one minute. Then he sees a  12/30/1957 #14771  
r is found at the landing site. It persists for two days. Several small pot 7/22/1968 #24204  
over a spot of scorched grass that persists for 4 months. Subsequent invest 8/25/1968 #24376  
rt in Duncan, British Columbia. It persists through the summer issue of 197 1/1969 #24811  
erg’s, this time in New Jersey. It persists until fall 1990.                Autumn 1971 #26368  
ics, in Dunmow, Essex, England. It persists until the Summer 1994 issue.    6/1972 #26693  
ence. It is larger than a star and persists for several minutes before it d 9/14/1972 #26999  
 engine and wipers stop. The light persists for 5 minutes, and the temperat 9/25/1972 #27030  
es he takes 7–10 photos. The light persists for 12 minutes until it ascends 12/11/1974 #29637  
sterical blindness in one eye that persists for months.                     7/22/1975 #30200  
hes at 11;30 p.m., while the other persists until 1:30 a.m. when the sky be 10/11/1977 #32568  
e leader tells him that if mankind persists in its warlike ways, civilizati 3/18/1978 #33055  
d return empty- handed. The target persists on ground scopes, moving south  8/17/1978 #33523  
ilhouette only a few feet away. It persists for at least another 5 minutes. 9/23/1978 #33736  
tional 45–50 minutes. Her headache persists for several weeks.              2/1979 #34398  
e BVPTS civilian UFO group, but it persists into the 1980s.                 12/1979 #35035  
 a distant white light source that persists until dawn at 7:05 a.m. McAlist 9/11/1980 #35514  
pears briefly, leaving a glow that persists for 30 minutes. A Geiger counte 9/17/1982 #36607  
s followed by an unusual odor that persists for 20–30 minutes.              10/10/1986 #38044  
he Journal of Hispanic Ufology. It persists through December 2004 but conti 10/1998 #43655  
house is a possibility but the UFO persists for a couple of minutes. It is  4/23/2007 #45022  
## Word: "perske" (Back to Top)
. Leslie R. Hadley, Capt. Wayne T. Perske, and 2d Lt. Duane A. Swimley. The 8/3/1952 #7436  
## Word: "person" (Back to Top)
resent. A kind of door opens and a person emerges. He is dressed in a tight 6/12/1790 #91  
r Alexander Campbell and one other person observe a “remarkable comet, or m 9/10/1798 #96  
   Heinrich Hertz became the first person to transmit and receive controlle 11/1886 #278  
0 p.m. Louis Charmak and one other person in Woodland, California, notice t Early 11/1896 #335  
th by heart attack of at least one person in Valparaíso.                    11/12/1944 #1696  
nd dies on September 15, the first person to die accidentally from close ex 8/21/1945 #1925  
nd disappears high in the sky. One person calls it “a great white bird; ano 8/15/1946 #2138  
 an electrical worker, and another person independently witnessed a disc-sh 6/27/1947 #2434  
 a radar station near New Mexico a person reported seeing 2 saucers. One wa 1/16/1950 #4493  
ng to flying saucers. Memo names a person in Denver, Colorado that claims t 3/31/1950 #4773  
 circuit. He finally meets Alan in person in 1961.                          7/4/1950 #5042  
       Project Grudge only has one person on staff to investigate UFO repor 6/1951 #5529  
Witnesses:  E.E. Nye and one other person.  One round, white object flew sl 7/30/1952 #7361  
Georgia Witness:  one unidentified person using binoculars.  Two large obje 9/1/1952 #7813  
n parapsychology, discovers that a person’s ESP abilities are enhanced when 10/1952 #8074  
and Mrs. C.C. McLean and one other person.  One round, milky-white object,  10/1/1952 #8083  
 New Mexico Witness: one military  person (no detail).  One white streamer  10/17/1952 #8147  
ad and shoulders of a long-haired” person. When they return to the cabin tw 3/22/1953 #8775  
west of Ramore, Ontario. The first person to see it is A/2c Dean McDonald w 6/30/1953 #8976  
zine, received many e-mails from a person who qualified himself as a Vatica 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
c place in Rome. According to this person, the reason to establish the S.I. 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
ngineer George Avery and one other person.  One silver disc, with a white t 2/26/1954 #9569  
ert Chapman concludes that no such person as Allingham existed. Christopher 10/1954 #10536  
 are obviously written by the same person. Gray Barker’s Saucerian Press pu 4/1956 #12777  
        Mr. Armstrong and a second person in Centennial, Sydney, New South  1/24/1959 #15564  
asham challenges Affa to appear in person or let them see his spaceship, La 7/5/1959 #15817  
 airport to report his sighting in person to the FAA Air Traffic Communicat 9/24/1959 #15987  
rthwest Territories 6:20 p.m. John Person is setting up camp at Clan Lake,  6/22/1960 #16315  
 lake about 1,700 feet behind him. Person sees an object 4–6 feet wide with 6/22/1960 #16315  
st 15 and finds the impact area as Person has described but no submerged ob 6/22/1960 #16315  
ct, large enough to have carried a person and containing spaces for cameras Summer 1962 #17239  
had large bulging eyes. The first “person” was described as like a gnome an 8/13/1965 #19383  
n the objects passed overhead. One person in a car said that his headlights 11/26/1965 #19737  
             Millersville, Texas A person in a car saw an oval object the s 4/17/1966 #20316  
pped up in bed when he saw a small person, 3.5 to four feet tall, dressed i 9/5/1966 #20852  
                                 A person contacted the National UFO Report 10/10/1966 #20984  
lying low over their area. A third person saw the object, and many heard it 2/23/1967 #21632  
ject pass over their area. A third person also saw the object and many othe 2/23/1967 #21636  
r case in which it reports that “a person in an Air Force uniform approache 3/1/1967 #21713  
ng the 15-minute sighting, and one person reported static on the radio (EM  6/18/1967 #22517  
 be discussed with the observer or person making the call,” including “repo 6/28/1967 #22568  
 national defense. He adds that no person from the Ministry ever makes on-t 9/27/1967 #23136  
above the hospital’s lawn. Another person also saw the craft. It took off a 8/26/1968 #24381  
rns in terror after seeing a small person and a craft that lights up and fl 7/4/1969 #25251  
red the building. Noel saw a small person about 3.5 feet tall in a red swea 6/4/1970 #25690  
ints "like a calf's." Then a small person like those seen earlier came out  6/4/1970 #25690  
. What appears to be the head of a person is seen in one window looking at  10/5/1971 #26410  
ith the investigation by a mystery person.                                  3/10/1972 #26598  
ces a $50,000 reward to “the first person who can prove that an Unidentifie 3/12/1972 #26601  
 of it on the left was a very tall person dressed in an outfit that glowed  6/1/1972 #26696  
eeing the bodies at Homestead. The person who Jackie Gleason tells the stor 2/19/1973 #27298  
a flashlight, and turned it on the person who was now walking slowly toward 2/26/1973 #27318  
me out from under the bridge. This person fumbled with a book, dropped it i 5/15/1973 #27492  
tangular about the size of a small person emerged; later reentered, and obj 10/10/1973 #27979  
tangular about the size of a small person emerged, perhaps a robot, and lat 10/10/1973 #27983  
bout 4 feet tall and thin, “like a person draped in a close-fitting sheet.” 10/16/1973 #28085  
t four feet tall and thin, "like a person draped in a close fitting sheet." 10/16/1973 #28091  
 about 4 ft tall and thin, "like a person draped in a close-fitting sheet." 10/19/1973 #28187  
 a statement on the sightings. One person said the UFO was the size of a 2. 7/30/1976 #31195  
aneuvers. After the UFO sighting a person who claimed to be from the "space 10/28/1976 #31501  
 react by making a racket. Another person in the area reports an illuminate 7/12/1977 #32264  
iff, was on duty and was the first person to observe the phenomenon. Office 7/21/1977 #32296  
In Porter, Texas and was the first person to observe the UFO. Officer Brune 7/21/1977 #32299  
What appears to be a human-looking person is behind one of the windows. Tra 10/25/1977 #32609  
hat appeared to be a human-looking person behind one of the windows. Tracks 10/25/1977 #32610  
ted around the craft, each for one person to sit in. There are some rooks i 5/10/1978 #33196  
atened twice (by phone and then in person), moved to a location not of his  7/29/1978 #33439  
 his head. However, only one other person present, Rachel, heard any buzzin 10/31/1978 #33902  
spawned a domed, winged craft. One person reported seeing the object in the 11/27/1978 #34006  
for a closer look. He sees another person walking toward the object; after  6/5/1983 #36876  
; after approaching very near, the person runs away, escaping down the road 6/5/1983 #36876  
n, Karla, her husband, and a third person see a lighted, disc- shaped craft 1988 #38383  
It seems to split, and a “headless person in dark garb” appears. The entity 6/6/1989 #38981  
en by the real Falcon as a liaison person. He says that by mid-1982 Bennewi 7/1/1989 #39002  
n to say that everyday they take a person from Earth to their world. "We wi 7/4/1989 #39009  
uestions directed at Greer and one person asked basically “who the hell do  3/9/1992 #40369  
hological profile of the reporting person, family, bloodlines, etc. The USA 8/30/1996 #43003  
s, etc. The USAF can discredit the person who reports it if they want to, r 8/30/1996 #43003  
y settled to the ground. One young person was emotionally upset by the even 10/3/1996 #43051  
m. going toward the northeast. One person said that their radio was effecte 12/17/1997 #43465  
at it could only be heard within a person’s head. In one experiment, commun 2/17/1998 #43522  
onstrated. Microphones next to the person experiencing the voice could not  2/17/1998 #43522  
37) *   https://www.crunchbase.com/person/john-l--petersen  Note: What make 12/3/1999 #43892  
y not only can render a craft or a person invisible but it can project a re 7/2003 #44560  
ere, another predominantly robotic person who has a face that looked as if  9/3/2003 #44592  
e who are interested in UFOs. This person, in return for anonymity, passes  11/1/2005 #44898  
can “adversely affect a vehicle or person.”                                 5/15/2006 #44942  
y Richard Gochnour (probable, same person) was being monitored for his spre 5/18/2006 #44945  
Everett Hineman would be “the best person” to ask if recovered UAP vehicles 7/7/2007 #45037  
 object or objects then landed. "A person was seen and then more people wer 8/18/2007 #45049  
with no hair. McMoneagle says this person is invisible to ranch personnel,  3/2010 #45270  
n’t talk about that program.” This person then told him the program exists  9/19/2017 #45481  
 but the First Officer and another person have also seen it. None of them h 2/1/2018 #45505  
claim.  Jeffrey W. Griffith is the person ufologist Richard Dolan stated wi 9/15/2021 #45710  
## Word: "person's" (Back to Top)
sensus on these questions, and one person's theory seems as good as anyone  10/1992 #40653  
## Word: "personal" (Back to Top)
, and E. D. McCabe, the governor’s personal secretary. It is three times as 11/25/1896 #360  
                  During a time of personal crises, the witness, now a reti 5/4/1932 #1143  
idual might be desirous of seeking personal publicity, causing hysteria, or 7/30/1947 #3260  
ite on the 16th floor. Forrestal’s personal diaries are removed from his ol 4/2/1949 #4065  
ain lost because they were held in personal archives. Interloper briefed th 1951 #5379  
ures while concocting a fictitious personal history. His activities were in Summer 1951 #5549  
an UFO organization, following his personal observation of two fast-moving  7/1952 #6678  
Capt. Roy L. James (who harbors a “personal dislike for UFOs”). He tells Ru 7/22/1952 #7023  
                           Britain Personal Minute from Prime Minister W.S. 7/28/1952 #7223  
lorida. Retaining a few frames for personal study, Mayher submits the main  7/29/1952 #7330  
 consultant Frederick C. Durant, a personal friend of Ruppelt who urges him 12/12/1952 #8413  
IA programs of which he has direct personal knowledge. A few days before hi 11/28/1953 #9324  
mily and the disintegration of his personal life by 1955.                   12/1953 #9330  
l Bureau of Aeronautics develops a personal interest in the Frances Swan co 7/24/1954 #10046  
g AFL interests and George Meany’s personal outlook. His UFO reportage may  8/11/1954 #10125  
5mm color film of the UFO with his personal camera, but his film and that o 9/3/1954 #10239  
at high speed. Mountbatten takes a personal interest in this incident, inte 2/23/1955 #12015  
net’s motion studies project was a personal endeavor, that the probability  Early 4/1955 #12079  
 board of directors for urgent and personal reasons, partially because his  4/10/1957 #13593  
uous conclusion: “the existence of personal testimonies and of a photograph 3/2/1958 #14911  
 Trijanon. Other people tell their personal fantastic stories, among them W 6/28/1958 #15123  
omplex in Nevada with double-shift personal schedules. They mark an Archime 10/1960 #16472  
the pastor asks him to discuss his personal interest in hypnosis. After the 11/23/1962 #17559  
 Italian President Antonio Segni’s personal driver encounters a UFO near th 8/20/1963 #17912  
ive of 1950’s-early 60's material (personal notes, private correspondences, 6/23/1964 #18368  
#letters (Mannsmann’s and Jacobs’s personal letters of the event)           9/1964 #18525  
                     Pacific Ocean Personal Interview report by Capt. D.M.  2/11/1965 #18803  
illiam T. Powers are devoting more personal time to the UFO problem and are 1/5/1967 #21259  
Polo received another message of a personal nature. On the same night and n 7/18/1967 #22695  
as assistant director of NICAP for personal reasons and is replaced by Gord 9/11/1967 #23043  
ests and have no objections to his personal hobbies. The University of Ariz 9/30/1968 #24526  
 UFOs are "real," 11 percent claim personal sightings, and 93 percent are a 11/28/1973 #28474  
 well documented, both in terms of personal testimonials and declassified C 10/27/1975 #30477  
/OI… Remarks should be confined to personal experiences and care should be  11/11/1975 #30611  
cle Interference, case 398, citing personal investigation). (NICAP: 02 - Cl 6/3/1976 #31081  
ns, some of which were of a highly personal nature, indicating that he must 4/4/1977 #31943  
, and was treated by doctors. Some personal belongings of hers also turned  8/3/1977 #32356  
rd and keeps the case files in his personal possession. He is replaced by A 10/1978 #33786  
dangerous. Lord Gainford relates a personal sighting of a nocturnal light o 1/18/1979 #34358  
gh Earl W. Brian, a man with close personal and business ties to President  1982 #36286  
 and data line connected to an IBM personal computer. CUFON receives most o 1/1/1986 #37745  
rom within those houses, including personal possessions, are seized and inc 9/13/1987 #38285  
 Bryant that it keeps a classified personal file on Stanton T. Friedman and 8/2/1989 #39041  
leases the results of its “Unusual Personal Experiences” survey of nearly 6 5/1992 #40439  
 origin. He stresses that it’s his personal opinion, although he has been a 1993 #40777  
entities affecting human minds and personal communications from other posit 8/2004 #44724  
et somehow comforting and, at some personal psychological level, true.” How 10/2005 #44883  
ely 160 files and remove sensitive personal information. This is described  9/2006 #44957  
## Word: "personalities" (Back to Top)
f the German air force.” Among the personalities involved in the operation  2/23/1944 #1577  
sual twist or concerning prominent personalities which may be of special in 6/1969 #25182  
logical test, that indicated their personalities were normal.               9/20/1979 #34909  
not be classified as fantasy-prone personalities or as especially hypnotica 1991 #39934  
 and arguing instead that abductee personalities, cultural ideas, and inves 3/1999 #43740  
## Word: "personality" (Back to Top)
ts,” and studying "relationship of personality to susceptibility to hypnosi 5/11/1953 #8875  
assassin is by creating a multiple personality with the aid of hypnosis, a  5/13/1968 #23959  
d’s play now to develop a multiple personality through hypnotism.”          5/13/1968 #23959  
or a prolonged period, followed by personality change. He changed jobs freq 10/28/1973 #28311  
 while Elaine and the children had personality and lifestyle changes. For i 10/27/1974 #29561  
 psychosomatic blindness and other personality changes. Gelatinous          7/22/1975 #30201  
venue Wayne, Michigan WJR-AM radio personality Marc Avery is on his way to  2/10/1978 #32965  
tors of deception, suggestibility, personality, sleep phenomena, psychopath 10/1996 #43048  
## Word: "personally" (Back to Top)
y of State Cordell Hull, that Hull personally showed Holt a wrecked circula 1939? #1303  
elt hears that President Truman is personally interested and wants a full i 7/21/1952 #6981  
ago, Illinois. Blanchard offers to personally fly him in a bomber to an air Mid 2/1953 #8676  
,000 feet for three hours. Ruppelt personally investigates and calls it “th 8/5/1953 #9049  
n on UFOs by the Air Force. He has personally seen the Estimate of the Situ 1/1956 #12642  
” Of the signatories, more than 50 personally have reported UFO sightings b 12/1958 #15465  
ray calls “vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive” attacks. Specific, t 9/1959 #15952  
ding the burned area. The case was personally investigated by Dr. J. Allen  4/24/1964 #18202  
k about it, in 2005, he stated: “I personally believe that there is somethi Late 1964 #18584  
st daylight disc photograph I have personally investigated. That says it al 7/3/1967 #22597  
 intelligence community who either personally knows about the case or who h 8/25/1974 #29386  
tenance, use, and dissemination of personally identifiable information abou 12/31/1974 #29666  
 Friedman and Brad Sparks know him personally and will vouch for him (untru 9/30/1980 #35547  
entifications, and distortions. He personally attacks Hynek, Maccabee, Rich 1983 #36737  
se the news to the public was made personally by the president of Brazil, a 5/19/1986 #37882  
“not find that Contra leaders were personally involved in drug trafficking. 4/13/1989 #38905  
r future cases. This allows him to personally view, handle, and copy all of 11/16/1992 #40714  
ut Cabrera never saw anything else personally.  https://www.ufohastings.com 10/1998 #43656  
y’ve never tried to intimidate me, personally.”                             5/26/2021 #45691  
retrieved, Kobitz did not see them personally and he was told there was an  9/3/2021 #45707  
02). Moultrie responds he was “not personally aware” of it. Rep. Gallagher  5/17/2022 #45751  
## Word: "personnel" (Back to Top)
RC policy not to have Army or Navy personnel in the sections. Lyman James B 6/28/1941 #1367  
d sent to medical facilities whose personnel are unaware of the mustard gas 12/2/1943 #1549  
ustard gas. Medical staff focus on personnel with blast or fire injuries. W 12/2/1943 #1549  
qualified technical and scientific personnel to exploit all the worldwide a 2/23/1944 #1577  
portion of important documents and personnel of the German Air Ministry tha 2/23/1944 #1577  
r, effective October 1, scattering personnel through the Departments of Sta 9/20/1945 #1938  
OSS liquidation. Most of the other personnel are cashiered.                 9/20/1945 #1938  
investigations of German technical personnel and US and UK sources reveal n 10/9/1945 #1944  
they came upon a group of military personnel guarding a crashed saucer half 1/1947 #2221  
hting later impresses Project Sign personnel to the extent that they ask qu 7/10/1947 #3110  
and not to talk about it. Military personnel warn civilians around Roswell, 7/11/1947 #3137  
s lists the names of nine military personnel in charge of events in the aft 9/25/1947 #3427  
. E. Garrison Wood, and other USAF personnel see a round or ice-cream- cone 1/7/1948 #3543  
ar Wilmington, Ohio 7:35 p.m. Base personnel at Clinton County AFB [now Wil 1/7/1948 #3547  
B or an ad hoc group with some RDB personnel using the RDB as a cover. *    1/31/1948 #3568  
incidents, in cooperation with CIC personnel and local FBI offices. Even ho 2/4/1948 #3574  
uards and officers, and scientific personnel all around it, also photograph 4/1948 (estimated) #3599  
ir equipment, but later the Watson personnel say that these were probably j 4/5/1948 #3612  
 Force Base, New Mexico three base personnel reported having witnessed two  4/5/1948 #3613  
d Lincoln LaPaz meet with security personnel at Los Alamos. Kaplan reports  4/27/1948 #3630  
mples. The Los Alamos, New Mexico, personnel assigned to remove the filters 5/15/1948 #3651  
ructions for military and civilian personnel on how to report sightings of  10/1/1948 #3826  
and no fuzzy outline. Project Sign personnel arrive within hours and interv 10/1/1948 #3827  
 in Ohio Pentagon MIT Project Sign personnel travel to the National Bureau  11/12/1948 #3874  
ic oversight is requested for Sign personnel. The Scientific Advisory Board 11/12/1948 #3874  
to photograph the green fireballs, personnel (William D. Wilson, Buford G.  12/20/1948 #3936  
 Oak Ridge, Tennessee Project Sign personnel begin to be reassigned. Loeddi 1/1949 #3950  
ign, meets with other Project Sign personnel and concludes that nuclear-pow 2/1/1949 #3995  
conservative opinions by Air Force personnel.                               Early 2/1949 #3996  
in morale of military and civilian personnel. In this respect, it is consid 2/11/1949 #4003  
ment of procedures and training of personnel is in itself worth the effort  2/11/1949 #4003  
ith cameras, transits, and trained personnel.                               2/24/1949 #4023  
veryone except authorized military personnel.                               4/8/1949 #4083  
med Forces Special Weapons Project personnel at Sandia Base, New Mexico. La 4/27/1949 #4115  
ireballs remain unexplained. AFSWP personnel believe they are natural pheno 5/5/1949 #4149  
#85 is issued, directing Air Force personnel to relay UFO sightings to the  2/8/1950 #4535  
and” along their outer edges. USAF personnel deny this accusation and insis 8/15/1950 #5126  
for the use of military locations, personnel, and equipment for his upcomin 9/13/1950 #5176  
d objecting to any display of USAF personnel or equipment on the grounds th 9/13/1950 #5176  
ordon Moore and Chet Fuqua, ground personnel at Western Airlines, go up to  11/26/1950 #5287  
                     Huron, SD CAA personnel saw hovering maneuvering UFO.  11/27/1950 #5292  
rcept course with the planes. Some personnel see the object shortly afterwa 12/6/1950 #5330  
ar a weather balloon. Several navy personnel, including one using a theodol 12/23/1950 #5362  
          Holloman AFB, New Mexico Personnel at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, w 7/25/1951 #5586  
                   Project Twinkle personnel talk to LaPaz about the green  8/28/1951 #5637  
rsity, Sweden. Sundh says that his personnel always took even the weirdest  10/1951 #5693  
e Lewis- McChord] and naval ground personnel see a round, gray object flyin 10/16/1951 #5730  
 M. Zuckert about UFOs seen by his personnel. (                             10/20/1951 #5735  
ena seen by civilians and military personnel that year.  https://www.docume 1952 #5843  
os repeatedly by scientists, AFOSI personnel, airline and military pilots,  2/19/1952 #5911  
visible to people (mostly military personnel) who go to a recreational camp 2/22/1952 #5920  
ornia, the base’s wing director of personnel, playing on a golf course, see 5/1/1952 #6244  
 Dean Warren L. Hickman. Project A personnel seek reports from the public a 7/1952 #6680  
earlier that antiaircraft guns and personnel are on continuous duty in key  7/14/1952 #6816  
/23/1952): 3 UFO spotted by 5 base personnel at Andrews AFB at 0030 hours E 7/20/1952 #6940  
son Field (12 miles E of ), CO ADC Personnel In Cessna See Silver Object (N 7/22/1952 #7015  
. Approximately 90 per cent of the personnel at the base observed the objec 7/23/1952 #7074  
on, DC At 7:30 p.m. Both Air Force personnel and National Airport employees 7/27/1952 #7207  
                At 12:30 p.m. USAF personnel near Ennis, Montana were alert 7/29/1952 #7335  
e is the indicated range the radar personnel leave their windowless operati 9/1/1952 #7817  
                   North Sea Naval personnel on the US aircraft carrier USS 9/20/1952 #7987  
 Assistant Director for Scientific Personnel William H. Crew arranges a spe 10/23/1952 #8178  
onfirmation of the UFO by military personnel near Opheim. According to Earl 11/13/1952 #8272  
A: Another meeting by A-2 and ATIC personnel was held on this date. UFOs mu 11/25/1952 #8335  
 to comply. At ATIC they meet with personnel from Battelle Memorial Institu 12/12/1952 #8413  
ource claims he saw 10-15 military personnel in fatigues with no ID patches 1953 #8483  
 82nd Fighter Interceptor Squadron personnel at Larson AFB [now Grant Count 1/8/1953 #8515  
he object is also observed by base personnel at Ephrata, Washington. An F-9 1/8/1953 #8515  
l Divide, NM At 2115 MST Air Force personnel stationed at an AC&W station i 1/26/1953 #8572  
        At 9:15 p.m. MST Air Force personnel stationed at the 769th AC&W st 1/26/1953 #8576  
 visual observation reported it to personnel manning the radar equipment. T 1/26/1953 #8576  
orgia Witnesses: radar maintenance personnel.  Radar tracked one stationary 1/28/1953 #8599  
irst UFO book by a scientist. ATIC personnel are displeased that Menzel has 3/1953 #8721  
gesting that field teams of 4602nd personnel interview UFO witnesses.       3/5/1953 #8733  
een as aiding ATIC and giving AISS personnel valuable experience in field i 3/23/1953 #8780  
ng to the southeast by at least 10 personnel of the 912th AC&W Squadron. (n 6/30/1953 #8975  
ng to the southeast by at least 10 personnel of the US 912th Air Control an 6/30/1953 #8976  
er and other Ground Observer Corps personnel report a glowing disc about 20 8/9/1953 #9058  
an investigation by Naval Ordnance personnel. IFSB sends the sample to Col. 8/19/1953 #9084  
ope photographs of UFOs. Air Force personnel instructed to discuss sighting 8/26/1953 #9110  
ss sightings only with "authorized personnel." (Note rapid drop-off of offi 8/26/1953 #9110  
y to be discussed with “authorized personnel.” Reports by USAF personnel no 8/26/1953 #9112  
orized personnel.” Reports by USAF personnel no longer go to Project Blue B 8/26/1953 #9112  
 Intelligence, and reports by USAF personnel do not go to Project Blue Book 8/26/1953 #9113  
The experiments use Chemical Corps personnel to test decontamination method 9/15/1953 #9168  
lfur mustard and nerve agents. The personnel are deliberately exposed to th 9/15/1953 #9168  
enzel meets with USAF headquarters personnel (including Col. George E. Perr 10/22/1953 #9247  
 to be classified “Restricted” and personnel must not communicate any sight 12/16/1953 #9373  
served by 5 trained USG contractor personnel and omitted from updates to Co 12/18/1953 #9384  
d it is not a conventional object, personnel should state “The information  12/23/1953 #9389  
rate headings, such as the type of personnel involved, military or civilian 1/13/1954 #9481  
land, California American military personnel saw a cigar-shaped object of a 4/22/1954 #9703  
                 American military personnel saw a cigar-shaped object of a 4/22/1954 #9706  
ight logs were confiscated by USAF personnel.                               6/29/1954 #9958  
our civilians and several military personnel at Brookley AFB [now Mobile Ae 6/30/1954 #9970  
 leaks coming from navy and marine personnel. It is unpublicized but unclas 7/23/1954 #10043  
to stop leaks from Navy and Marine personnel and cites JANAP 146, AFR 200-2 7/23/1954 #10044  
., Lt. Bruno Giustiniani and other personnel at a military unit at Ciampino 9/17/1954 #10333  
onfusion, helicopter, and military personnel.                               10/6/1954 #10756  
 high speed. They are also seen by personnel of Varig airlines and some civ 10/24/1954 #11365  
C Civil Aeronautics Administration personnel watched round, yellowish UFO t 12/3/1954 #11752  
nd gets distributed to appropriate personnel.                               3/15/1955 #12049  
udimentary accommodations for test personnel. The few amenities include a m 5/4/1955 #12117  
s in Burbank. To preserve secrecy, personnel fly to Nevada on Monday mornin 7/24/1955 #12283  
rt Wright-Patterson AFB 11:50 p.m. Personnel at the Ground Observer Corps t 8/23/1955 #12399  
tion in its Project Moon Dust, and personnel from Ramo-Wooldridge later joi 1956 #12639  
it does not involve official naval personnel) to send the copy to the Varo  4/1956 #12777  
dge or USS Engstrom) invisible and personnel on board showed side effects.  4/1956 #12778  
t what is going on, and Lakenheath personnel see a luminous object stop, th 8/13/1956 #13080  
ram and justifying its budgets and personnel may never be determined. Neith 9/1956 #13166  
 two sergeants, and dozens of base personnel—observe the object as it takes 9/1956 #13167  
kes off with a whirring sound. All personnel at Holloman AFB are assembled  9/1956 #13167  
. Witnesses include dozens of base personnel and watch the object land befo 9/1956 #13168  
ct land before shortly taking off. Personnel are allegedly assembled at Hol 9/1956 #13168  
ntional Aircraft,” stipulates that personnel involved in sightings must “no 1/31/1957 #13479  
heir superior officer(s) and other personnel authorized by the Acting Chief 1/31/1957 #13479  
C observer, police, and Oxnard AFB personnel.                               3/23/1957 #13558  
 Hiroshima bomb and causes Area 51 personnel 11 miles away to be temporaril 5/28/1957 #13684  
in the continental US. All Area 51 personnel are evacuated prior to the bla 7/5/1957 #13779  
fterwards, Brazilian Army and USAF personnel, along with investigators of t 11/4/1957 #14284  
and crew also see the light, as do personnel at the Mexico City control tow 12/11/1957 #14713  
nd the door was left open for USAF personnel to take custody of.  https://w 1958 #14784  
 felt it would encourage Air Force personnel to violate present Air Force p 1/23/1958 #14840  
ue to this failure, Johnston Atoll personnel are unable to contact their su 8/1/1958 #15174  
E Offutt air traffic control tower personnel, saw an brilliantly white elon 9/8/1958 #15260  
d Offutt air traffic control tower personnel see a brilliant-white, elongat 9/8/1958 #15261  
.” The study recommends that 18–20 personnel be assigned to temporary UFO i 10/1958 #15294  
nce of the object. Air Force tower personnel also see the UFO hovering abov 11/4/1958 #15425  
mmediately postponed by senior AEC personnel. Middleton is debriefed and sw 1959? #15508  
inging together ATIC and Blue Book personnel for monthly meetings where sci 2/17/1959 #15591  
ng it to stop writing to Air Force personnel about UFOs. Keyhoe tells Hille Spring 1959 #15660  
ussia Soviet radar and Air Defense personnel observe UFOs circling and hove Spring 1959 #15661  
c Montreal 8:00 p.m. Control tower personnel and airport officials at St. H 4/12/1959 #15699  
s positively identified. Air Force personnel are not to contact private ind 9/14/1959 #15975  
y are able to start the car again. Personnel at the airfield tell them they 11/16/1959 #16089  
tudy, Wolf states that all defense personnel “should be told that the UFOs  8/31/1960 #16426  
d, Air Force Congressional Liaison personnel briefed key Congressional comm 6/1961 #16706  
nt of qualified field intelligence personnel on a quick reaction basis to r 11/13/1961 #16962  
Betz writes that intelligence team personnel are needed to support Air Forc 11/13/1961 #16963  
ark] Burns Flat, Oklahoma All base personnel on flying status attend a brie Spring 1962 #17078  
 orange. When approached by ground personnel it took off at very high speed 8/2/1962 #17318  
ls around the US teaching military personnel about his techniques (hooding  7/1963 #17819  
orking for the CIA and US military personnel receive training in these psyc 7/1963 #17819  
, New Mexico. Three former missile personnel at the base—Jerry C. Nelson, B Winter 1963 #18090  
e devoted to sightings by military personnel, pilots and aviation experts,  5/1964 #18237  
ting to the mayor of Lavonia, then personnel at the Anderson Regional Airpo 6/30/1964 #18386  
4.92 N, 164.08 E) several military personnel sighted a bright white, uniden 11/19/1964 #18630  
nd Chilean military and scientific personnel observed an UFO moving at a fr 7/3/1965 #19056  
 (including three visiting Chilean personnel) observe a lens-shaped disc th 7/3/1965 #19064  
he object passes overhead. Weather personnel and other witnesses all agree  7/9/1965 #19088  
s 148 objects were reported by 143 personnel.  Additional testimony from la 7/31/1965 #19225  
r John F. Earnshaw states security personnel described the UAP as oblong fr 7/31/1965 #19225  
F Chugwater 1:30–4:30 a.m. Various personnel from Francis E. Warren Air For 8/1/1965 #19242  
ts in an alert at the base for all personnel to be on the watch for anythin 8/1/1965 #19242  
aphné, a dozen French sailors, and personnel of the weather observatory. Al Late 9/1965 #19604  
ns of witnesses described military personnel cordoning off the landing area 12/9/1965 #19760  
he film is confiscated by military personnel. WHJB office manager Mabel Maz 12/9/1965 #19762  
nd Baker say they interviewed base personnel who said the discs were develo 1966 #19799  
        Columbus, GA Control tower personnel, police. Radar-visual sighting 3/27/1966 #20100  
encountered military or government personnel in the area who warned them to 4/6/1966 #20259  
 meteorologists and weather agency personnel, hoping to learn that a weathe 4/18/1966 #20331  
 TX 9:00 a.m. CDT. Service station personnel saw a white object shaped like 7/18/1966 #20654  
n, Texas 9:00 a.m. Service station personnel in Baytown, Texas, see a white 7/18/1966 #20655  
               Atlanta, GA Six FAA personnel observed oval UFOs, radar-visu 7/26/1966 #20687  
        Minot AFB, ND Missile site personnel sight a multi-colored light hi 8/24/1966 #20800  
en hovering at low altitude by all personnel at Heathrow Airport Air Traffi 9/1966 #20825  
IRPORT/APARTMENT, LONDON All tower personnel. Saucer / low altitude. Flies  9/15/1966 #20883  
ice Specialists plus control tower personnel saw a large round red object t 2/1967 #21428  
 CIA’s analysis capabilities. NPIC personnel will be available to perform w 2/20/1967 #21607  
yone about the sighting.” All USAF personnel hearing about such incidents s 3/1/1967 #21713  
11:00 p.m. U.S. Air Force security personnel watched as a disc-shaped objec 3/5/1967 #21769  
      Montevideo, Uraguay Daytime. Personnel of Antares astronomical observ 3/16/1967 #21898  
rs, where maintenance and security personnel tell them about the UFOs. The  3/16/1967 #21904  
visible even through binoculars by personnel in the control tower. The Colo 5/13/1967 #22337  
visible even through binoculars by personnel in the control tower. This cas 5/13/1967 #22339  
were seen by several U.S. military personnel on the ground near the militar 6/11/1967 #22495  
 Taipei, Taiwan Time not reported. Personnel at Yuanshan Observatory saw a  7/1967 #22587  
e memo makes the rounds of project personnel, then gets refiled.            7/1967 #22589  
:17 p.m. LT. Airport control tower personnel and others saw 10 yellow-orang 8/6/1967 #22827  
 or bullet shaped. Dozens of other personnel watch it until it disappears a 12/2/1967 #23533  
-7 2:15–5:18 a.m. Sixteen military personnel stationed throughout the Minut 10/24/1968 #24587  
 At noon several Swedish Air Force personnel sighted seven balloon or disc- 4/12/1969 #25058  
d car when he got a call to assist personnel at the Port Authority. Looking 6/20/1969 #25230  
e officer in charge and five other personnel can now see one massive and fi 10/24/1969 #25422  
areness among a tight group of key personnel including J. Edgar Hoover, Wer 1970 #25523  
beds, special access by Brookhaven personnel, county police turned away by  1/1971 #25962  
destroyed some of the base and its personnel, thereby ending psychic operat 1/1971 #25963  
s, FAA officials, U.S. Coast Guard personnel and numerous other Muskegon ci 3/8/1972 #26591  
ith USG officials, Lockheed Martin personnel and Clinton campaign personnel 5/1973 #27461  
tin personnel and Clinton campaign personnel in 2016. Those meetings led to 5/1973 #27461  
                          Military Personnel Records Center in Overland, Mi 7/12/1973 #27631  
me 16–18 million official military personnel records at the Military Person 7/12/1973 #27631  
 personnel records at the Military Personnel Records Center in Overland, Mi 7/12/1973 #27631  
ude 80% loss to records of US Army personnel discharged November 1, 1912, t 7/12/1973 #27631  
5% loss to records of US Air Force personnel discharged September 25, 1947, 7/12/1973 #27631  
James E.; and some US Army Reserve personnel who performed their initial ac 7/12/1973 #27631  
 place called Porton Down military personnel opened the crates and the Pres 1/23/1974 #28693  
d not to stop for anyone. Military personnel open the crates and Prescott s 1/23/1974 #28694  
ast of the village. Police and RAF personnel were in the area quickly and c 1/23/1974 #28695  
d. According to Prescott, military personnel opened the crates and found tw 1/23/1974 #28695  
edish Home Guard assigns 50 of its personnel to work with 15 ufologists to  3/23/1974 #28936  
away. The next day, other security personnel tell him that the only measure 4/1974 #28983  
It is surrounded by armed military personnel.                               5/28/1974 #29142  
even as US electronic surveillance personnel listen in on the rescue activi 8/25/1974 #29386  
akota 9:09 p.m. Air Force security personnel assigned to the Bomber Alert A 10/14/1974 #29527  
Air Force: UFO spotted by military personnel at Las Bardenas Reales, near Z 1/8/1975 #29730  
 air traffic controllers and other personnel to report UFO sightings as the 4/1/1975 #29934  
manually and land safely. Aviation personnel who know him testify to his so 5/3/1975 #30026  
              US Reliable military personnel saw unconventional and unexpla 10/1975 #30401  
patrols. No one is to leave. Those personnel on base who have just complete Late 10/1975 #30471  
 suspicious objects seen by ground personnel. Sounded like jet aircraft. In 10/28/1975 #30492  
ver the nuclear weapons site. Base personnel thought they saw the running l 10/30/1975 #30523  
            Malmstrom AFB, MT Base personnel saw orange disc that breached  11/7/1975 #30575  
follow-up interviews with military personnel and learned that as the object 11/11/1975 #30606  
follow-up interviews with military personnel and learns that as the object  11/11/1975 #30610  
A CIA teletype admits “offices and personnel within the Agency” monitor UAP 4/26/1976 #31027  
ded in snow and surrounded by USAF personnel wearing parkas. There are symb 1977 #31650  
 out again, he finds that military personnel have arrived. They arrest him  1977 #31656  
mbedded in snow surrounded by USAF personnel wearing parkas. Symbols are pr 1977 #31659  
mitted to a nearby hospital, whose personnel verify the singeing and that h 4/19/1977 #32000  
 that must be reported by military personnel. It distinguishes UFOs from ot 5/17/1977 #32105  
umberland, England. Two other base personnel, a Cpl. Torrington and a Sgt.  7/1977 #32222  
se and composed mainly of military personnel, and the Setka-AN, under the o 10/1977 #32539  
change of messages between airport personnel, the NATO base at Decimomannu, 10/27/1977 #32623  
e found and recovered by Ellsworth personnel and debriefed by AFOSI. Woods  11/1977 #32648  
ware of possible abductions of USG personnel and certain the American peopl 11/1977 #32648  
Starfighters, as well as the tower personnel at Cagliari Elmas Airport on S 11/2/1977 #32656  
tings reported by Italian military personnel during 1977.                   1978 #32826  
 Science (NIDS), which had several personnel who would later support the DI 1/18/1978 #32895  
the target vanishes. A dozen naval personnel visually observe red, green, a 5/14/1978 #33210  
eon Bay, Wisconsin 12:00 midnight. Personnel at the Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin 7/28/1978 #33437  
 Belton, Missouri several military personnel witnessed the flyover of a UFO 8/8/1978 #33488  
on, Missouri, and several military personnel at nearby Richards-Gebaur Air  8/8/1978 #33490  
 Belton, Missouri several military personnel witnessed the flyover of a UFO 8/8/1978 #33491  
nidentified lights for 35 minutes. Personnel from Barcelona Air Control Cen 9/9/1978 #33649  
th a series of white lights. Tower personnel scanned the skies trying to se 12/16/1978 #34144  
ability of Air Force equipment and personnel to intercept and identify such 12/20/1978 #34183  
ability of Air Force equipment and personnel to intercept and identify such 12/20/1978 #34186  
dio contact with airborne military personnel, who had a visual sighting of  5/29/1979 #34594  
r Airport Arequipa, Peru 7:15 a.m. Personnel at the La Joya Air Base [part  4/11/1980 #35269  
Early afternoon. Thousands of base personnel and their families are congreg 5/1980 #35296  
l “flash” message goes out to base personnel telling them not to talk to th 5/1980 #35296  
erous witnesses, including airport personnel and meteorologists, with exten 6/14/1980 #35365  
ario, Argentina, including airport personnel and meteorologists, with exten 6/14/1980 #35368  
no range to high ranking Air Force personnel including Brigadier General Wi 11/10/1980 #35623  
 later after this breach, all Army personnel were restricted to their quart 12/14/1980 #35716  
, and no occupants were seen; USAF personnel surrounded the object when it  12/14/1980 #35716  
 the United States Air Force. USAF personnel, including deputy base command 12/26/1980 #35737  
s. The case involved many military personnel, including the base commander, 12/27/1980 #35748  
arge field where about 40 military personnel are gathered. They are ordered 12/28/1980 #35750  
gens” to test the reactions of the personnel exposed to them.               12/28/1980 #35750  
Colby are interviewed at length by personnel at Bergstrom and told that the 12/29/1980 #35757  
 an informant, US and UK Air Force personnel meet at RAF Lakenheath in Engl 8/16/1981 #36078  
tween 1958 and 1979. Only military personnel with a Top Secret Clearance we 11/3/1981 #36205  
e these claims and did, using Army personnel outside of USG work hours.  Th 7/1982 #36525  
15 p.m. Four women, all management personnel of New England Bell Company, a 9/30/1982 #36622  
eastern Mediterranean Sea. British personnel at RAF Troödos on Cyprus liste 10/19/1982 #36654  
ic advisers. GEPAN’s resources and personnel are drastically reduced. Durin 9/1/1983 #36967  
0–40 airfield workers and military personnel are watching a motionless red- Late Summer 1984 #37434  
or design and inadequately trained personnel lead to the fuel rods overheat 4/26/1986 #37843  
atka Afternoon. Civil and military personnel in Magadan Airport, Russia, no 11/25/1986 #38077  
 Province, China the airport tower personnel saw a small ball of light hove 8/27/1987 #38262  
Dennis Mauer, 10, sons of military personnel, are sitting on the swings and 8/31/1987 #38265  
Two boys who were sons of military personnel, ages 8 and 10, were sitting o 8/31/1987 #38266  
ngton DC JMP (Justice for Military Personnel) letter sent to President Rona 9/4/1987 #38278  
ry, CT) states that: “WE (military personnel) have been ordered by the CIA  9/4/1987 #38278  
 Among the many witnesses included personnel from the local US Coast Guard  3/4/1988 #38488  
s also seen by air traffic control personnel.                               6/1/1988 #38579  
                       Many police personnel and others at 10 locations, ce 3/1/1989 #38860  
outh African and American military personnel crossed the Botswana border wi 5/7/1989 #38939  
ing into a swamp. Several military personnel tried to get near the crash si 9/16/1989 #39109  
 light. An officer orders that all personnel must remain in the barracks or 7/19/1990 #39651  
 UFO investigators that Fort Allen personnel have been briefed on UFOs with 7/19/1990 #39651  
ain test site,” involving military personnel and creatures with “big heads  1991 #39940  
og of UFO observations by military personnel and police officers; Maj. Ramó 5/22/1991 #40074  
indows but an access opening. Base personnel were around the craft wearing  7/1991 #40107  
 Kapustin Yar, Mangishlak military personnel contacted the Cosmodrome. Kapu 8/28/1991 #40168  
ped object was observed by airport personnel at Dyce Airport, Aberdeen, Sco 11/9/1991 #40223  
tigating UFO sightings by military personnel. The added responsibility is p 1/15/1992 #40288  
pants.  Dames also claims Psi-Tech personnel had an in-house project for te 3/9/1992 #40368  
round the same time other military personnel saw an object shaped like a ci 4/20/1992 #40425  
art of the “first wave” of intcomm personnel.  https://www.amazon.com/Above 12/1993 #41313  
e being abducted by human military personnel and taken to underground milit 1994 #41345  
ntrol group and see if oil company personnel were involved, or if there was 1994 #41347  
f there was ever crossover between personnel on related defense projects an 1994 #41347  
b told him flying discs led to USG personnel deaths in 1947, that 2-4 flyin 1994 #41349  
and its Z Division at Sandia Base. Personnel from the JRDB, MIT, Brookhaven 1994 #41349  
aths taken by military or civilian personnel involved in UFO cases. Promote 3/1994 #41432  
to a cloud. Later, law enforcement personnel searched the area and found th 9/2/1994 #41713  
Between June and August 1997, NIDS personnel observe anomalies on every occ Fall 1994 #41773  
into the base. Special Air Service personnel arrive in plainclothes and in  9/26/1994 #41775  
nd Krzesiny AFB 8:00 p.m. Military personnel at Poligon Nadarzyce airbase n 10/8/1994 #41795  
cludes photos of various Air Force personnel and Mogul scientists. The repo 7/1995 #42286  
il Several scientists and military personnel linked to NASA arrive at the U 1/26/1996 #42713  
llegedly changing the names of its personnel and faking their death certifi 8/30/1996 #43000  
h certificates to more easily move personnel without oversight.             8/30/1996 #43000  
/visual encounters reported by RAF personnel in the 1950s, evidence that GC 3/1997 #43215  
icers, pilots, and former military personnel. Minimal coverage is provided  3/13/1997 #43229  
ompanies mentioned above, and have personnel overlap between those contract 8/19/1997 #43387  
phenomena observed by any aviation personnel, civil or military.            10/3/1997 #43423  
s a group of current and former IC personnel who believed UAP were demonic  3/11/1998 #43532  
and uses some for cover, (5) draws personnel from technology corporations a 8/22/1998 #43635  
encies/offices it draws monies and personnel from and (10) has zero oversig 8/22/1998 #43635  
 to have been abducted by military personnel who interrogate them about the 1999 #43707  
lifax” about a UAP crash retrieval personnel member pseudonym “Sedge Master 7/31/1999 #43815  
ounts of UAP sightings by military personnel and US civilians, most of whic 7/31/1999 #43815  
g significant is former government personnel were allegedly discussing how  12/3/1999 #43892  
 most are dominated not by Defense personnel but by private contractors. He 1/5/2000 #43921  
etc). The individuals involved are personnel inside IC SAPs, black units in 4/2001 #44154  
nd the UAP eventually outpaces the personnel. It is unlikely these NNSA UAP 10/2002 #44412  
he ranks and names of unknown USAF personnel. Another sheet had tabs for “m 11/2002 #44428  
my, Navy, Air Force and contractor personnel and halfway through, the moder 7/2003 #44560  
ional; he was then detained by 3-4 personnel who made him prove the informa 7/2003 #44560  
witnessed by Fravor and other Navy personnel off the coast of southern Cali 2004 #44634  
dam. The presence of U.S. military personnel was also reported, although re 5/15/2004 #44702  
ing exercises. Later, intelligence personnel interviewed the men, and appea 8/25/2004 #44741  
northern end of the airfield. USAF personnel were advised to stay away but  2005 #44804  
 the base was locked down and USAF personnel were advised to stay inside an 2005 #44804  
e aircrafts were, but states other personnel he has spoken to share similar 2005 #44804  
reen’s 100+ patients were military personnel or from aerospace industries,  2005 #44805  
anch. The letter says one of their personnel went to the ranch and saw some 10/21/2007 #45078  
TIP), a small group of UFO-curious personnel at the Pentagon who are studyi 2008 #45106  
dying UFOs encountered by military personnel. Confusingly, it has the same  2008 #45106  
: It was later disclosed by AAWSAP personnel Luis Elizondo and James Lacats 6/2008 #45144  
n doors, intros to potentially key personnel at contractors that may have w 10/2/2008 #45174  
ant lymphoma. The same day the DHS personnel first interview “Jones,” he he 5/8/2009 #45221  
 this person is invisible to ranch personnel, although he attempts to ciomm 3/2010 #45270  
rings together former US Air Force personnel who testify to the existence o 9/27/2010 #45298  
B near Cheyenne, Wyoming Air Force personnel at Francis E. Warren AFB near  10/23/2010 #45303  
                              USAF personnel at Francis E. Warren AFB near  10/23/2010 #45304  
 and former intelligence community personnel who believe UAP are demonic in 3/31/2011 #45322  
Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) personnel attempted to contact entities  3/31/2011 #45322  
 Operation Often and Collins Elite personnel used a cover story that they w 3/31/2011 #45322  
derstand mental trauma in military personnel; the group’s actual goal was t 3/31/2011 #45322  
ath experience. Garratt told Often personnel after seeing a tunnel of brigh 3/31/2011 #45322  
the people into the saucers. Often personnel concluded the NDE suggested sa 3/31/2011 #45322  
R seeks to understand how to train personnel on “intuitive decision making. 2012 #45337  
non-disclosure statements by AFOSI personnel. One week earlier, declassifie 9/19/2012 #45353  
ers, meteorologists, and Air Force personnel to analyze these events.       10/2013 #45387  
 pair including voices of military personnel who are questioning what they  2/2015? #45430  
    Note: This meeting between USG personnel, Lockheed Martin, Clinton camp 1/24/2016 #45443  
rent and former USG/USG contractor personnel, some of whom were not disclos 1/24/2016 #45443  
 The enforcement of SWEEP utilizes personnel who pose as government agents  4/5/2016 #45449  
ce that US and Canadian diplomatic personnel in Havana, Cuba, have experien 8/2017 #45477  
ity incidents involving diplomatic personnel.” Retired US Ambassador to Lib 1/9/2018 #45502  
t can produce all the symptoms USG personnel report related to Havana Syndr 11/29/2018 #45549  
he recording of a sound made by US personnel in Cuba and release it to the  1/4/2019 #45555  
ic guided by current or former CIA personnel.  https://www.thesun.co.uk/new 2/26/2019 #45564  
y concludes that the US government personnel have been physically injured i 7/2019 #45589  
ices are behind the hits on Agency personnel, Haspel challenges them. She a 12/3/2019 #45621  
(an “exchange program” between USG personnel and ET personnel on a differen 2/2/2020 #45629  
gram” between USG personnel and ET personnel on a different planet) are rea 2/2/2020 #45629  
he Office of Information tells all personnel to “not refer to UAPs as UFOs. 7/24/2020 #45655  
 Syndrome, concluding that embassy personnel in Cuba, China, Russia, and ot 8/2020 #45657  
s well as the exposure of military personnel in Eurasian communist countrie 8/2020 #45657  
the evidence on the attacks on CIA personnel overseas, which have long been 12/2020 #45667  
 Disease Control and Prevention US personnel in Cuba Havana, Cuba The Cente 1/15/2021 #45673  
s medical incidents suffered by US personnel in Cuba but cannot determine t 1/15/2021 #45673  
lanned US Air Force exercise, USAF personnel observe a slide presentation t 5/2021 #45685  
 group of military (possibly Army) personnel retrieved the gold totalling $ 10/2021 #45713  
e to provide financial support for personnel suffering brain injuries. Howe 10/8/2021 #45715  
y issues. The official states that personnel from legacy ventures and progr 5/16/2022 #45749  
high ranking civilian and military personnel and “The Others,” “The Watcher 10/20/2022 #45781  
## Word: "persons" (Back to Top)
 and tempestuous, a family of nine persons, sleeping in a hut a few leagues 10/24/1886 #275  
m Maracaibo, Venezuela Night. Nine persons who are sleeping in a hut some 1 10/24/1886 #276  
Mount Vernon, Illinois Night. Many persons in Mount Vernon, Illinois, inclu 4/14/1897 #469  
e half-mile away. After seeing two persons carrying lights, they draw their 5/6/1897 #593  
mmern state, Germany, and 11 other persons see an object crossing the Sun’s 2/4/1898 #618  
ea, Gulf of Guinea 3:05 a.m. Three persons aboard the "Fort Salisbury," inc 10/28/1902 #654  
              Gulf of Guinea Three persons aboard the "Fort Salisbury," inc 10/28/1902 #655  
ped object passing overhead. Three persons are visible in it, one of whom s 8/3/1909 #799  
N William J. Kiehl and seven other persons saw a spherical craft on the sur 8/1914 #905  
a William J. Kiehl and seven other persons saw a spherical craft on the sur 8/1914 #906  
                 Robsart, CAN Five persons among them Einar Rostivold, saw  7/1929 #1101  
              Robsart, Canada Five persons among them Einar Rostivold, saw  7/1929 #1102  
              Juminda, Estonia Two persons saw a strange "frog-man" 1 m tal Fall 1938 #1294  
ian coast (Or following year.) Two persons saw a strange "frog-man" 1 m tal Fall 1938 #1295  
Rev. Robert H. Moore and six other persons attending the Seabury-Western Th Spring 1942 #1403  
e of a lake in southern Sweden Two persons on the shore of a lake in southe 10/21/1946 #2204  
rup and military pilots and ground persons. Fast disk spins / 1200m altitud 7/7/1947 #2890  
sident H.Truman. It consists of 12 persons selected to control all branches 9/24/1947 #3420  
n he looks up and sees two “flying persons” to the south. They are 150–250  9/16/1948 #3803  
ool and then transferred. The only persons left active on the project are t 1/1949 #3950  
sta Miller and three other unnamed persons.  One object shaped like two pla 4/3/1949 #4068  
epeated 30 minutes later. About 50 persons, including newspaper reporters o 10/23/1949 #4401  
hree men in a truck, several other persons, none named.  A dark red, torped 2/21/1951 #5455  
ighting is confirmed by four other persons.                                 8/17/1951 #5611  
ORCE BASE, WA USAF pilots and Navy persons / ground. Grey round object high 10/16/1951 #5728  
ecurity inspectors and “many other persons of various occupations whose rel 2/19/1952 #5911  
f Paphos, S.W. Cypress, a group of persons including a noted British Scient 5/10/1952 #6285  
ut Lake, Michigan Witnesses: seven persons, including John Hoffman, his fam 5/25/1952 #6360  
nd former OSI agent; and two other persons.  One bright red object remained 6/5/1952 #6447  
S/Sgt. D.P. Foster and three other persons.  Three times, a single white, d 7/9/1952 #6739  
tnesses: J. Antoneff and two other persons.  One discus-shaped object, grey 7/15/1952 #6827  
ercept them have failed, and that “persons making these reports actually se 7/18/1952 #6896  
dar operator M/Sgt. W.F. Dees, and persons in the base control tower.  Rada 7/28/1952 #7258  
   Ennis, Montana Witnesses:  USAF persons, alerted that UFOs were coming f 7/29/1952 #7318  
sses: sheriff's deputies and other persons, one named Mallette. Two brillia 8/1/1952 #7407  
ford Sunday evening by at least 14 persons (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/11/1952 #7545  
 Mrs. William Davis and nine other persons.  One light, similar to the even 9/1/1952 #7814  
d and Iceland. Witnesses: military persons from several countries aboard sh 9/14/1952 #7918  
d and Iceland Witnesses:  military persons from several countries aboard sh 9/14/1952 #7934  
   Knoxville, Tennessee Witnesses: persons at airport weather station.  Six 10/21/1952 #8171  
                                   Persons at the Knoxville, Tennessee airp 10/21/1952 #8173  
s a nuclear physicist. Some of the persons involved with this panel were Ca 1/26/1953 #8568  
          East Prairie, MO Several persons observed UFOs. Objects were circ 4/15/1953 #8827  
ghting information to unauthorized persons. Reports must be sent to the air 12/16/1953 #9373  
Department, Algeria 1:30 p.m. Many persons in Saint Arnaud observed an obje 1/18/1954 #9492  
to 4000 ft. and was visible to all persons on duty. The UFO, when viewed on 2/6/1954 #9538  
       Pyrenees, France A group of persons taking a walk near Sare in the r 4/28/1954 #9731  
en Province, Sweden Morning. Three persons in three different areas observe 5/13/1954 #9787  
non Air Force Base, New Mexico Two persons witnessed the landing of a lens- 5/18/1954 #9810  
inted while telling his story. Two persons in neighboring villages independ 10/1/1954 #10576  
inted while telling his story. Two persons in neighboring villages independ 10/2/1954 #10607  
egion of Cote-d'Or, France several persons observed a huge cigar-shaped lum 10/2/1954 #10618  
, France Ten km from here, several persons saw an object coming toward them 10/5/1954 #10729  
 back from Toulouse with two other persons when they saw two small figures, 10/9/1954 #10850  
her sister Roselyne, and two other persons saw a luminous object on the gro 10/11/1954 #10931  
                Birac, France Four persons, among them Julia Juste, Maria B 10/11/1954 #10935  
                 At 9:50 p.m. four persons in Birac, Charente, France--amon 10/11/1954 #10952  
France At Donjon de Montlaur, five persons, among them J. Dubois, saw a rou 10/13/1954 #10997  
ok off at very high speed. Several persons confirmed the sighting. The disk 10/14/1954 #11045  
 vanished without a noise. Several persons in Angles observed the scene.    10/14/1954 #11046  
 off at very high speed. Sev- eral persons confirmed the sighting. The disk 10/14/1954 #11066  
hed without a noise. Several other persons in Angles also observed the scen 10/14/1954 #11067  
the house and fainted; three other persons saw the craft depart. Dark, surr 10/15/1954 #11099  
house and then faints. Three other persons see the craft depart. It is dark 10/15/1954 #11109  
ouse and then fainted. Three other persons saw the craft depart. It was dar 10/15/1954 #11115  
 San Giovanni Vesuviano, Italy Two persons in a car saw an object resting b 10/23/1954 #11337  
 At one o'clock in the morning two persons in a car saw an object resting b 10/23/1954 #11342  
In the Vacheresse Forest, reliable persons reported seeing a luminous spher 11/8/1954 #11597  
bout one hour by a large number of persons.                                 11/14/1954 #11650  
at treetop height. With four other persons he saw it for several hours, som 11/22/1954 #11688  
at treetop height. With four other persons he watched it for several hours, 11/22/1954 #11692  
          Melbourne, Australia Two persons in a car saw a flying object com 1/3/1955 #11916  
     Salon, near Arles, France Two persons in a car saw a lighted object di 8/1/1955 #12314  
m each other.  Observed by various persons form 4 to 15 minutes.            11/20/1955 #12578  
colors of ink, apparently by three persons, A, B, and Jemi, who claim to kn 4/1956 #12777  
h annotations from three different persons who claim to know about UFO inte 4/1956 #12778  
or disseminate such information to persons or agencies other than their sup 1/31/1957 #13479  
 [now closed], California, with 36 persons aboard. Pilot Lt. Cmdr. W. F. No 10/10/1957 #14094  
eland, TX. He interviewed only two persons who had stalled cars and reporte 11/5/1957 #14291  
inia Hank Mollohan and eight other persons saw an elongated object, 12 m lo 11/8/1957 #14482  
p.m. Hank Mollohan and eight other persons saw an elongated object land in  11/8/1957 #14493  
razil Mrs. Mendonca and five other persons saw a light in the south, which  12/21/1957 #14754  
 p.m. Mrs. Mendonca and five other persons in Ponta Poran, Brazil saw a lig 12/21/1957 #14757  
        Healdsburg, California Two persons, in their backyard, saw a round  3/14/1958 #14929  
itzerland Around 5:00 p.m. Several persons on Lake Geneva, Switzerland, wat 8/16/1958 #15203  
e that “perhaps as many as 100,000 persons belong to these UFO organization 11/30/1958 #15462  
on Officer at McChord AFB. Several persons told APRG investigator, R. Gribb 4/1/1959 #15686  
ple gaping at the object overhead. Persons on hotel and apartment rooftops  2/5/1960 #16168  
king a transport plane carrying 26 persons aboard when, suddenly, another b 5/1961 #16669  
use, France Approximate date. Five persons observed a luminous, yellow sphe 8/25/1961 #16803  
        On or about this date five persons riding in a car near Toulouse, F 8/25/1961 #16805  
ce of Wales Island, Australia Four persons from Thursday Island, among them 6/16/1962 #17230  
nd left at high speed. Eight other persons later came forward stating that  7/18/1962 #17283  
 Hawthorne, NJ That night, 4 young persons in Hawthorne reported seeing a b 9/21/1962 #17426  
William Holland, 12, and two other persons saw a hovering, silvery object w 7/22/1963 #17847  
          Centralia, Illinois Five persons observed a luminous source flyin 8/7/1963 #17876  
 175' 54' W) Witness:  unspecified persons aboard a military aircraft.  One 12/16/1963 #18086  
 Mexico Marie Morrow and two other persons were driving west, about 2O km e 4/22/1964 #18183  
      Tallulah Falls, Georgia Nine persons from three different houses, inc 7/7/1964 #18397  
 Witnesses:  unidentified military persons.  One bright white flashing ligh 11/19/1964 #18628  
 in Maryland 4:20 p.m. At least 12 persons, including six Army Signal Corps 1/11/1965 #18709  
ia Rappahannock Valley Night. Nine persons near Fredericksburg, Virginia, s 1/25/1965 #18767  
e came back to the site with other persons, and a dog that became restless  2/3/1965 #18795  
        Torrent, Argentina Several persons observed five luminous objects i 2/4/1965 #18799  
        Mount Airy, Maryland Three persons saw a cigarshaped object with tw 3/8/1965 #18849  
                At 7:40 p.m. three persons in Mount Airy, Maryland, includi 3/8/1965 #18852  
ighting is verified by three other persons on duty. The report states: “Thi 7/28/1965 #19196  
s Mr. Ryerson noticed two unusual "persons" walking along the side of the r 8/13/1965 #19383  
               Salto, Uruguay Five persons in a car heard a humming sound,  8/15/1965 #19400  
 by a strange feeling." Four other persons also saw the object, from which  9/1/1965 #19491  
               Jalapa, Mexico Four persons saw a creature with glowing catl 9/10/1965 #19547  
craft flew over their car. Several persons living 20 km away also reported  9/29/1965 #19622  
  Ponte Praia, Brazil Thousands of persons saw a circular object that flew  10/18/1965 #19666  
s of the Congress and other public persons.” The Air Force ignores their re 2/3/1966 #19879  
ain Spain Around 8:00 p.m. Several persons in the barrio of Aluche, Madrid, 2/6/1966 #19888  
ion of these incidents, which some persons allege have taken place.”        3/25/1966 #20081  
bserved through binoculars by four persons. It took off, hovered for a whil 4/5/1966 #20242  
Quincy, MA 11:45 p.m. EST. Several persons saw a large disc-shaped object a 4/19/1966 #20343  
Columbia, CAN 11:00 p.m. LT. Three persons reported that their car was foll 6/8/1966 #20540  
 away "like a bullet." Three other persons saw it from the next house. (Ati 6/23/1966 #20596  
          Chaclacayo, Peru Several persons reported seeing a very small cre 7/5/1966 #20633  
  Duluth, MN 10:45 p.m. CST. Three persons in a car saw a very large, spinn 8/16/1966 #20752  
venport, IA 6:15 p.m. CDT. Several persons saw two brightly luminous object 10/11/1966 #20989  
Witnesses:  civilians and military persons.  Three round objects, as large  12/25/1966 #21220  
ranches of the military warning of persons imitating military officers and  3/1/1967 #21703  
nty, was reported to have followed persons in an auto for miles until they  3/1/1967 #21712  
     Leominster, Massachusetts Two persons observed deep fog in the vicinit 3/8/1967 #21813  
mo Roldan, his daughter, and other persons saw a glowing, egg-shaped object 4/16/1967 #22139  
cyclopedia Britannica as excellent persons to write UFO entries.            4/28/1967 #22244  
pacio, speaks to an audience of 40 persons gathered at a café in Madrid, Sp 5/31/1967 #22431  
on a table in this room, with two "persons" at his head and feet. The entit 6/25/1967 #22557  
Clifton, Great Britain One hundred persons claimed to have seen a silvery d 7/5/1967 #22614  
Santa Clara del Mar, Argentina Two persons saw a cigar-shaped object on the 7/11/1967 #22650  
Santa Clara del Mar, Argentina two persons saw a cigar-shaped object on the 7/11/1967 #22651  
            Caracas, Venezuela Two persons saw a luminous, whitish object,  8/3/1967 #22786  
ela Orlando Gonzales and two other persons saw an oval object, 1.5 m high,  11/14/1967 #23449  
r for many years, have no files or persons knowledgeable on the subject, an 7/29/1971 #26251  
during their ascent they met three persons heading down the trail. There wa 10/20/1973 #28222  
heir car, the silhouettes of three persons with long arms, bending forward. 3/15/1974 #28891  
ign governments, corporations, and persons in order to advise public policy 6/12/1974 #29180  
               At 11:00 p.m. three persons in a parked car near Moose Jaw,  12/1/1974 #29627  
Richard C. Henry is one of several persons asked to attend a meeting to dis 8/3/1977 #32352  
urora, Illinois Chicago Night. Ten persons call the Aurora, Illinois, polic 4/29/1978 #33179  
ng for a robbery suspect, although persons who saw the light said it was st 7/9/1978 #33357  
O AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ITL Air Force persons and Air Traffic Controllers. 3 o 11/12/1978 #33948  
n areas Monday night. A total of 6 persons reported seeing the object, desc 11/27/1978 #34006  
opened in front of him and several persons came out. Cardenas began feeling 1/3/1979 #34292  
plaint Form: At Kirtland AFB three persons report seeing UFO over a Restric 8/9/1980 #35449  
   Carmel, New York 8:00 p.m. Four persons in Carmel, New York, see a half- 3/24/1983 #36806  
Flying Saucers”) story is true and persons definitely involved in operation 11/29/1983 #37053  
                               Two persons observed three deep blue colored 6/12/1986 #37909  
presented at the conference in the persons of Mark Rodeghier, Stuart Appell 6/13/1992 #40492  
n the top of the craft and several persons came out. They appeared to be no 11/26/1993 #41304  
ds; statements and interviews with persons connected with Project Mogul; an 7/1995 #42286  
remembered seeing images of famous persons flash around her, including John 5/2/2001 #44174  
 a huge explosion and many injured persons.                                 8/2/2001 #44220  
f two experiments with handicapped persons on board.                        6/2005 #44846  
Japanese prisoners and handicapped persons, who were involved in government 6/2017 #45472  
rant a private cause of action for persons who feel they’ve suffered repris 12/6/2022 #45785  
## Word: "perspectivas" (Back to Top)
o Héctor Escobar begins publishing Perspectivas Ufológicas in Mexico City,  12/1993 #41312  
## Word: "perspective" (Back to Top)
f Russian origin, and based on the perspective thinking and actual accompli 10/28/1947 #3469  
scribed the UAP as oblong from one perspective, disc-like from another, usu 7/31/1965 #19225  
s of radionuclides. To put that in perspective, the Chernobyl incident rele 1967 #21233  
 shaped, then assumed a domed disc perspective, as she was travelling on th 9/22/1973 #27853  
s, which is criticized as a biased perspective. The participants on the US  10/12/1982 #36640  
wledge about the UFO phenomenon in perspective.                             1987 #38090  
sses see the disc from a different perspective and feel a strong wind.      5/21/1994 #41534  
Group at BDM Intl. on UAP from the perspective of the CIA’s remote viewing  5/2002 #44335  
rify if that meant from a findings perspective, a budgetary perspective or  7/19/2020 #45653  
 findings perspective, a budgetary perspective or a political perspective.  7/19/2020 #45653  
dgetary perspective or a political perspective.  https://silvarecord.com/20 7/19/2020 #45653  
## Word: "perspectives" (Back to Top)
he European Space Policy Institute Perspectives newsletter. Although he mak 1/2011 #45311  
 was briefed on UAP from different perspectives, including the Collins Elit 3/31/2011 #45322  
## Word: "perspiration" (Back to Top)
t took off. Physiological effects (perspiration and peeling skin) were repo 4/5/1967 #22064  
. She became completely covered in perspiration in under a minute. Then "th 2/18/1990 #39422  
## Word: "persson" (Back to Top)
 researchers Clas Svahn and Anders Persson check with the Swedish military  11/11/1999 #43879  
## Word: "persuade" (Back to Top)
re here on a mission to attempt to persuade humanity to change its ways. Af 8/25/1971 #26305  
 into the back. William manages to persuade her to return, and they set off 10/16/1973 #28087  
 scene and unsuccessfully tries to persuade his father to take a look. Retu 7/22/1975 #30200  
two humanlike beings in coveralls, persuade them to be hypnotized on August 8/15/1986 #37992  
## Word: "persuaded" (Back to Top)
d Teller and Eugene Wigner. He has persuaded Albert Einstein to sign it as  8/2/1939 #1313  
t in the ground. Kenneth Arnold is persuaded that reports of the Norton Cou 2/18/1948 #3579  
his eyes with his hands, but he is persuaded to come back. Suddenly the lig 11/26/1964 #18639  
## Word: "persuades" (Back to Top)
   The Army Signal Security Agency persuades ITT, RCA, and Western Union to 8/1945 #1910  
fuel, he returns to Lockbourne. He persuades his major to fly over the cras 1948 #3521  
se imaginary objects.” But Burgess persuades him to stay.                   1/13/1954 #9481  
tary for research and development, persuades the committee’s chief counsel, 1/1958 #14791  
rded, ATIC Capt. George T. Gregory persuades him to allow the Air Force to  8/8/1958 #15184  
a fuss. After 30 minutes, Saunders persuades him that he is having a negati 2/1/1967 #21433  
 Boyd visits her with a nurse, who persuades her to see a doctor. Scab tiss 9/10/1981 #36108  
 and is greeted with jokes. But he persuades them to go outside and see the 4/11/1991 #40034  
## Word: "persuading" (Back to Top)
venes and prevents their lynching, persuading the crowd that the charges ar 812 #2  
es the plans with the intention of persuading John F. Kennedy of their meri 11/29/1960 #16521  
## Word: "persuasive" (Back to Top)
ust and mask it from radar is also persuasive. Lockheed has also added twin 9/14/1959 #15976  
in Kansas, perhaps one of the most persuasive cases on the objective realit 11/6/1989 #39216  
## Word: "persuasiveness" (Back to Top)
k to the public with authority and persuasiveness. ARDC briefly considers,  12/1958 #15465  
## Word: "pertain" (Back to Top)
. Leaked photos and videos said to pertain to this incident are released by 7/15/2019 #45593  
## Word: "pertaining" (Back to Top)
ashington DC Memo to Director, FBI pertaining to flying saucers. Memo names 3/31/1950 #4773  
cess to the information, allegedly pertaining to UAP crash recoveries, stud 11/20/1955 #12580  
the Air Force, issues instructions pertaining to “UFO business” to every ai 12/24/1959 #16133  
e art in aerospace technology, all pertaining to the 12 areas chosen by the 12/1/2009 #45260  
d about the release of information pertaining to “anti-energy” devices.  ht 2/8/2020 #45631  
## Word: "perth" (Back to Top)
                     Coupar Angus, Perth, Scotland River Isla River Ericht  9/9/1767 #83  
 the River Isla near Coupar Angus, Perth, Scotland. It moves northeast to t 9/9/1767 #83  
                                   PERTH, WEST AUS 30M shiny bronze ovoid w 6/11/1954 (approximate) #9891  
                            Sydney Perth Adelaide Melbourne Brisbane, Austr Late 2/1959 #15612  
 his world lecture tour in Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, and Brisbane Late 2/1959 #15612  
           MERCURY 9 G. Cooper and Perth ground RADAR. Green UFO follows mo 5/16/1963 #17744  
Victoria, Australia Mount Pleasant Perth UFO Research Group Flying Saucer R 2/27/1965 #18829  
t Pleasant. Representatives of the Perth UFO Research Group, the Victorian  2/27/1965 #18829  
                                   PERTH SUBURBS, AUSTR 3 separate observer 7/19/1968 #24191  
                                   PERTH, ON 1+2 observer(s). 25' egg hover 8/1968 (approximate) #24278  
e quickly raising dust and leaves. Perth West Australian, Norseman, Feb. 21 2/20/1969 #24934  
      KALAMUNDA AND CLOVERDALE AND PERTH, WEST AUS RADAR blips and night li 5/23/1969 #25158  
     Cloverdale, Western Australia Perth Airport Kalamunda 6:35 p.m. A 13-y 5/23/1969 #25160  
simultaneously gets a request from Perth Airport to check out an unidentifi 5/23/1969 #25160  
                                   PERTH, ON 2 observer(s). Silent domed sa 7/25/1971 (approximate) #26243  
ew west to east, then stopped near Perth, Ontario. When the witness raised  7/25/1971 #26244  
seen in the sky over Nedlands near Perth, Western Australia at 9:50 a.m.. I 7/29/1971 #26253  
semi-trailer on Route 1 enroute to Perth. She awoke to observe a brightly-l 9/6/1973 #27773  
er truck on Route 2 was enroute to Perth and between Penong and Ivy Tanks,  9/6/1973 #27774  
                                   PERTH, WEST AUSTRALIA Pilot sighting. 5  4/25/1974 #29060  
                              NEAR PERTH, AUSTRALIA Airline(s)/airliner pil 8/22/1978 #33541  
                                   Perth, AU Large object w/satellite objec 8/22/1978 #33544  
                       Adelaide to Perth, Australia Object ahead of airline 8/22/1978 #33546  
Australia. Flying from Adelaide to Perth a Murchison Air Services airliner  8/22/1978 #33549  
                                   PERTH AIRPORT, WEST AUS Air Traffic Cont 12/4/1980 #35692  
                                   Perth, AU G,V, Four UFOs on a/port radar 12/4/1980 #35696  
                                   Perth, Western Australia Radar-visual si 12/4/1980 #35697  
                                   Perth, Western Australia 8:38 a.m. Graha 12/4/1980 #35698  
Moyle and other controllers at the Perth, Western Australia, airport report 12/4/1980 #35698  
                                   Perth, Western Australia Melbourne, Vict 1/20/1988 #38422  
 route along the Eyre Highway from Perth, Western Australia, to Melbourne,  1/20/1988 #38422  
                                   PERTH.W.AUSTRL Chirp. Semi-transparent 6 4/12/1989 #38900  
          At 12:25 a.m. a woman in Perth, Western Australia was awake in be 4/12/1989 #38902  
                                In Perth, Western Australia in 1992 a woman 3/4/1992 #40354  
                                   PERTH, WEST AUSTRALIA Large delta/triang 3/5/1992 #40355  
                                   PERTH, ON Possible report abductee. 100' 8/1993 #41098  
                                   PERTH, WEST AUST Hundreds / observer(s)  8/21/1996 #42988  
                                In Perth, Western Australia a rectangular-s 11/1/2002 #44430  
                  At 12:24 p.m. in Perth, Western Australia a witness watch 3/14/2004 #44677  
## Word: "perthshire" (Back to Top)
                                   Perthshire, Scotland James W. Allen, 14, 10/1980 #35550  
tographing Ben Vrackie mountain in Perthshire, Scotland. As he is walking h 10/1980 #35550  
                  A9 near Calvine, Perthshire, Scotland RAF Brampton [now c 8/4/1990 #39679  
o hikers near the A9 near Calvine, Perthshire, Scotland, see a diamond-shap 8/4/1990 #39679  
## Word: "perthus" (Back to Top)
                                   PERTHUS, FR Odd delta/triangle/box-like  8/8/1956 #13059  
## Word: "pertinent" (Back to Top)
available evidence in the light of pertinent scientific theories.’” The mee 12/4/1952 #8376  
ed to evaluate all UFO information pertinent to space technology.           1968 #23620  
 Soviet Life published three pages pertinent to UFOs, by Felix Zigel. He al 2/22/1968 #23776  
## Word: "pertre" (Back to Top)
                                LE PERTRE, FR 2 farmers. Silent orange ovoi 10/3/1954 #10635  
## Word: "perturb" (Back to Top)
quarks. One scientist asks him to “perturb” the device. As Swann sits there 6/6/1972 #26703  
## Word: "perturbation" (Back to Top)
 California, allegedly registers a perturbation at 7:20 p.m.                11/16/1973 #28434  
idate for exotic propulsion is the perturbation of space-time by understand 2002 #44302  
change, (2) zero-point energy, (3) perturbation of spacetime through electr 2002 #44302  
## Word: "perturbed" (Back to Top)
oting that “local commanders [are] perturbed by implications of phenomena.” 1/31/1949 #3988  
## Word: "pertusella" (Back to Top)
                           CARONNO PERTUSELLA, ITL Separate observer(s). Lu 4/23/2001 #44160  
           At 4:10 p.m. in Caronno Pertusella, Piedmont, Italy two resident 4/23/2001 #44162  
                           CARONNO PERTUSELLA, ITL Watchman. Round object w 4/30/2001 #44170  
0 a.m. a night watchman in Caronno Pertusella, Italy saw a domed disc-shape 4/30/2001 #44171  
## Word: "pertussis" (Back to Top)
A obtains quantities of Hemophilus pertussis, whooping cough bacteria, from 3/1955 #12024  
## Word: "peru" (Back to Top)
                                   Peru, Nebraska Missouri River Cuba 2:00  4/6/1897 #416  
uthard gets lost on his ranch near Peru, Nebraska, looking for strayed catt 4/6/1897 #416  
                       Miraflores, Peru 3:00 p.m. Abdon Gonzales Tello, 13, 5/1942 #1411  
the sky to the west of Miraflores, Peru. Its ends are cut off at sharp angl 5/1942 #1411  
                             Lima, Peru Three "Figures" Near Disc (NICAP: 0 2/28/1947 #2243  
                         Pucusana, Peru C. A. V. an oil company employee, 3 2/1949 #3992  
 Jersey Pan-American Highway Lima, Peru 4:30 p.m. A representative of the I 2/1949 #3994  
ghway about 6 miles south of Lima, Peru, when he sees a metallic disc hover 2/1949 #3994  
                             Lima, Peru Swiss engineer Julian Gardiol repor 3/16/1950 #4645  
                       MIRAFLORES, PERU Swiss engineer and family. Glowing  3/16/1950 #4647  
                         CHICLAYO, PERU PAF Commander and engineer chase di 4/1950 #4781  
            NEAR PUERTO MALDONADO, PERU Several observer(s). Luminous sauce 7/19/1951 #5577  
uzz the city of Puerto Maldonaldo, Peru at 4:50 p.m. The object flew off to 7/19/1951 #5579  
                       NORTHWEST / PERU, NEBR 10M saucer seen 6M / roadside 12/1951 #5800  
                                   Peru (NW of), NB Blue light in the NW, v 12/1951 #5801  
                                   Peru, Nebraska A man from Lincoln was dr 12/1951 #5802  
d had reached a point northwest of Peru when he saw an orange glow in the s 12/1951 #5802  
                     SOUTH / LIMA, PERU Saucer 2M over road. 3 mummy small  2/28/1952? #5934  
on the highway in Lomo de Ballena, Peru at 4:30 p.m. when he allegedly enco 2/28/1952 #5935  
                      Porto Maldo, Peru Photograph of oval UFO taken by cus 7/19/1952 #6921  
arm in the Madre de Dios region of Peru Puerto Maldonado 4:30 p.m. Agricult 7/19/1952 #6932  
arm in the Madre de Dios region of Peru see a UFO flying at 325 feet shortl 7/19/1952 #6932  
                           YUNGAY, PERU Orange disk displays yellow tail. N 8/1952 (approximate) #7374  
                             JAEN, PERU Several include/including submersib 8/1952 (approximate) #7375  
                         AYACUCHO, PERU Several prison guards. 2 saucers ho 8/1952 (approximate) #7376  
                     NORTH / LIMA, PERU DC3 pilot. 3 60' metallic ovoids /  8/5/1952 #7455  
        Huacho (between Lima and), Peru 3 saucer-shaped objects in a V-form 8/5/1952 #7463  
A Airlines between Lima and Hueca, Peru, took a photograph of three saucer- 8/5/1952 #7474  
                         CELENDIN, PERU Engineer. 2 saucers converge / oppo 8/14/1952 #7587  
                       MIRAFLORES, PERU Many observer(s). Large disk hovers 2/11/1954 #9539  
                   CHICAMA VALLEY, PERU Brill saucer flashes. Moves slow an 10/27/1954 #11426  
his night in the Chicama Valley of Peru a brilliant disc flashed in the sky 10/27/1954 #11450  
                             LIMA, PERU 50+observer(s). 5 brilliant metalli 12/30/1954 #11879  
                             Lima, Peru Fifty residents of Lima, Peru, watc 12/30/1954 #11881  
ima, Peru Fifty residents of Lima, Peru, watch a flight of 5 iridescent sil 12/30/1954 #11881  
                           TALARA, PERU Disk maneuvers / 6km altitude. Lit  1/12/1955 #11930  
 a light plane flying over Talara, Peru encountered a domed, disc-shaped UF 1/16/1955 #11935  
    El Pata Air Force Base Talara, Peru Sechura Desert Pan-American Highway 1/31/1955 #11956  
l Pata Air Force Base near Talara, Peru, by car through the Sechura Desert  1/31/1955 #11956  
                            PISCO, PERU Several / theodolite and air observ 5/27/1955 #12162  
ects circled the airport at Pisco, Peru at 11:00 p.m. They flew at one kilo 5/29/1955 #12167  
                         AREQUIPA, PERU Several separate observer(s). Silve 4/1956 #12772  
                             LIMA, PERU Engineer. Loud roar. Wingless fusel 5/1956 #12819  
rescott, Arizona Mexico Moyobamba, Peru Valley of Pariahuanca east of Lima, 12/2/1956 #13384  
alley of Pariahuanca east of Lima, Peru Dorothy Martin sets off from Presco 12/2/1956 #13384  
n Mexico, they head for Moyobamba, Peru, under the direction of their spiri 12/2/1956 #13384  
alley of Pariahuanca east of Lima, Peru, and set up the Outer Retreat of th 12/2/1956 #13384  
                    Lake Titicaca, Peru Arizona Metaphysical author George  1957 #13430  
ground city beneath Lake Titicaca, Peru. Migrants from the “Sirius system”  1957 #13430  
                        MOYOBAMBA, PERU Ray Stanford and more. 8M domed sau 2/10/1957 (approximate) #13490  
                                   Peru Monastery of the Seven Rays Petrogl 7/10/1957 #13788  
orge Hunt Williamson, exploring in Peru from his base at the Monastery of t 7/10/1957 #13788  
                                   Peru, Indiana Night. A young woman is dr 8/1957 #13868  
oman is driving home after work in Peru, Indiana, and notices people standi 8/1957 #13868  
                       NEAR NAZCA, PERU Shocks! Car and truck and bus elect 1/27/1958 #14847  
                     Arequipa Lima Peru Yauca District Pan American Highway 1/30/1958 #14851  
driving between Arequipa and Lima, Peru, at a point (roughly around the Yau 1/30/1958 #14851  
point 220 miles north of Arequipa, Peru heading towards Lima. Several secon 1/30/1958 #14852  
                             Lima, Peru Europe Betty Jane Williamson dies i 8/11/1958 #15192  
etty Jane Williamson dies in Lima, Peru, when her husband George Hunt Willi 8/11/1958 #15192  
           Catalina Huanca Apongo, Peru A UFO appears above the iron-ore mi 1961 #16551  
rcona Mining Company, near Apongo, Peru. It hovers for 5–15 minutes, only a 1961 #16551  
                              East Peru, Maine Ardgay, Sutherland, Scotland Summer 1962 #17239  
ve other men are fishing near East Peru, Maine, when three orange globes sh Summer 1962 #17239  
                     NORTH / LIMA, PERU Chemical Engineer and several. Obje 7/23/1965 #19161  
                             Lima, Peru An object was observed to land on r 7/23/1965 #19163  
              Chosica Power Plant, Peru Mr. Alva was awakened by a strange  7/25/1965 #19170  
ound near the Chosica Power Plant, Peru emitting flashes of green light. He 7/25/1965 #19174  
SICA POWER STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, PERU 3M tank / ground. Flashes / porthol 7/27/1965 #19186  
                       CHINCHEROS, PERU All in town. Disk hovers over city  7/28/1965 #19192  
boy named San Roman Nunez in Lima, Peru watched a saucer-shaped UFO descend 8/1/1965 #19247  
s from Latvia, Austria, Argentina, Peru, Mexico and seven reports from Braz 8/2/1965 #19269  
the beach in the city of La Punta, Peru located not far from Lima. However, 8/2/1965 #19270  
 driving on the outskirts of Lima, Peru around 10:00 p.m. when his car's en 8/9/1965 #19350  
                             LIMA, PERU Small humanoid (or Grey) knocks / d 8/17/1965 #19412  
                       NEAR CUZCO, PERU Tiny small humanoids (or Greys) / I 8/20/1965 #19432  
                            Cuzco, Peru Several tourists, including Alberto 8/20/1965 #19438  
50 a.m. several tourists in Cuzco, Peru, including Alberto Ugarte and Elwin 8/20/1965 #19443  
                           CALLAO, PERU 20+college. Luminous/glowing disk g 8/24/1965 #19458  
                           Callao, Peru A red object shaped like a plate, e 8/25/1965 #19463  
edly landed on the roof in Callao, Peru. Faculty and students at the Santa  8/25/1965 #19465  
erican Highway near near Arequipa, Peru saw “a strange being, a Martian, wh 8/30/1965 #19480  
                    NEAR AREQUIPA, PERU 1-eyed 80CM "shrub" with small eyes 8/31/1965 #19482  
                          HUANUCO, PERU 85CM small humanoid (or Grey) with  9/1/1965 #19490  
                          Huanuco, Peru A worker observed the landing of an 9/1/1965 #19491  
ded on an estate near the Huanaco, Peru airport at 5:00 a.m. A being with a 9/1/1965 #19493  
                            CUZCO, PERU Thousands / observer(s). 4 saucers  9/3/1965 #19500  
                    SANTA BARBARA, PERU 2 80CM small humanoids (or Greys) w 9/5/1965 #19522  
                    Santa Barbara, Peru Governor Sebastian Macha saw two dw 9/5/1965 #19524  
 Sebastian Macha of Santa Barbara, Peru saw two dwarfish creatures, 80 cm t 9/5/1965 #19525  
                      San Joaquin, Peru More than 200 witnesses saw two obj 9/7/1965 #19530  
      At 9:00 p.m. in San Joaquin, Peru more than 200 witnesses saw two obj 9/7/1965 #19532  
                             PUNO, PERU Boy. 7 80CM 1-eyed small humanoids  9/8/1965 #19535  
                             Puno, Peru A child reported the observation of 9/8/1965 #19537  
ject land in the vicinity of Puno, Peru and to have made an unsuccessful at 9/8/1965 #19541  
                     HUANCAVELICA, PERU Hundreds / observer(s). 1 large and 9/12/1965 (approximate) #19555  
                          PICHACA, PERU 6 80cm small humanoids (or Greys) / 9/20/1965 #19582  
                          Pichaca, Peru A farm woman saw an object land, an 9/20/1965 #19583  
man saw an object land in Pichaca, Peru and six dwarves, 80 cm tall, emerge 9/20/1965 #19584  
                         AREQUIPA, PERU 1-eyed 80CM small humanoid (or Grey 9/29/1965 #19620  
                         Arequipa, Peru Two men in a car, Julio L. de Roman 9/29/1965 #19622  
Bedoya, while driving in Arequipa, Peru nearly ran down a strange bipedal c 9/29/1965 #19624  
                  A child in Puno, Peru reported seeing a luminous object a 10/8/1965 #19653  
                          HUANUCO, PERU Saturn saucer hovers / 400M. Antenn 11/1/1965 #19696  
                        NEAR LIMA, PERU C46 pilot. Silent blinding white 25 3/7/1966 #19945  
                       CHACLACAYO, PERU Several observer(s) / panic. Small  7/5/1966 #20631  
                       Chaclacayo, Peru Several persons reported seeing a v 7/5/1966 #20633  
                         ICA, ICA, PERU 200+. 2 saucers slowly descend. Hov 9/7/1966 #20857  
                   OFF NORTHWEST / PERU DC8 / 35K' paced? Lights and V-beam 12/30/1966 #21224  
                                   Peru Two luminous objects paced Canadian 12/30/1966 #21229  
en minutes while flying from Lima, Peru to Mexico City, Mexico. It emitted  12/30/1966 #21231  
                    NEAR CHICLAYO, PERU 2 70M cone saucers pace DC4 / 800km 2/2/1967 #21437  
                             Lima, Peru This is the only surviving photo of 2/2/1967 #21438  
                             Lima, Peru Cone paced airliner (E-M) (NICAP: 1 2/2/1967 #21439  
                             Lima, Peru Airliner buzzed by maneuvering cone 2/2/1967 #21441  
-4 airliner from Chiclayo to Lima, Peru, when the crew and passengers notic 2/2/1967 #21442  
 flying between Chiclayo and Lima, Peru when their plane was paced by a con 2/2/1967 #21443  
                           YUNGAY, PERU Man photographs 2-3 domed saucers / 3/1967 #21685  
                           Yungay, Peru March 1967; Yungay, Peru (NICAP: 08 3/1967 #21692  
  Yungay, Peru March 1967; Yungay, Peru (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)    3/1967 #21692  
       Huascarán mountains Yungay, Peru Day. Augusto Arranda is taking phot 3/1967 #21699  
e Huascarán mountains near Yungay, Peru. He takes three photos of a disc-sh 3/1967 #21699  
                            COMAS, PERU Hundreds / observer(s). 15 silent s 3/8/1967 #21790  
                            Comas, Peru Many people in Comas, Peru, watch 1 3/8/1967 #21816  
 Comas, Peru Many people in Comas, Peru, watch 15 discs circle noiselessly  3/8/1967 #21816  
stralia, Spain, North America, and Peru.                                    3/8/1967 #21817  
    PIURA GOING QUICKLY [TO] LIMA, PERU Airliner chased / 120'"dart" shapes 3/22/1967 #21939  
                           Yungay, Peru 5:30 p.m. Hundreds of Yungainos and 3/22/1967 #21943  
               PISCO TO/FROM LIMA, PERU 5 / airline crew. Globe / light all 8/6/1967 #22822  
                             Lima, Peru Pisco, Peru 8:00 p.m. A Peruvian ai 8/6/1967 #22831  
                 Lima, Peru Pisco, Peru 8:00 p.m. A Peruvian airliner pilot 8/6/1967 #22831  
le flying between Lima, and Pisco, Peru. The light changes color from red t 8/6/1967 #22831  
                         CASTILLA, PERU Many observer(s). Silver objects /  11/3/1967 #23395  
                         AREQUIPA, PERU Numerous observer(s). Luminous whit 11/4/1967 #23399  
                      EAST / LIMA, PERU Several observer(s). 6 soup-bowl sa 6/2/1968 #24000  
leta de Montevideo School in Lima, Peru reported encountering a strange sho 11/28/1968 #24729  
                             LIMA, PERU Saucer zaps man / balcony. Myopia a 12/9/1968 #24754  
                          LADD AND PERU, IL Pilot. 4 50x30cm glowing footba 6/17/1969 #25218  
                         TRUJILLO, PERU Several / beach. Inverted bowl very 4/1972 #26630  
                      HUAYPO LAKE, PERU 4 cars electro-magnetic effect (EME 4/1972 #26631  
         In Trujillo, La Libertad, Peru a man had his eyesight impaired, an 4/16/1972 #26648  
                             LIMA, PERU Numerous observer(s). Brilliant rou 2/21/1973 #27302  
     RIMAC RIVER NORTHWEST / LIMA, PERU 2 observer(s). Domed saucer going / 10/19/1973 #28178  
                       NNW / LIMA, PERU All / airliner / 3km altitude. UFO  12/8/1973 #28539  
 a remote desert spot near Chilca, Peru the witness saw a luminous, disc-sh 10/7/1974 #29504  
                      HUAYPO LAKE, PERU 2 observer(s). 6M ovoid going [to]  11/27/1974? #29612  
                      HUAYPO LAKE, PERU Engineers and more/others. Cars ele 8/3/1975 #30230  
                            NAUTA, PERU 4M saucer crashes according to Robe 11/11/1975 #30596  
00 feet from a truck in Accopampa, Peru. The truck motor stalled. Two men e 9/6/1976 #31350  
                     NEAR AYAVIRI, PERU 2 / truck. 30M saucer / roadway. 2  9/8/1976 #31354  
                 Ollachea Ayaviri, Peru Leoncio Torres and Elena Bedjara ar 9/8/1976 #31356  
road between Ollachea and Ayaviri, Peru, when a UFO lands 90 feet in front  9/8/1976 #31356  
hway between Ollachea and Ayaviri, Peru encountered a 30 meter wide saucer  9/8/1976 #31358  
                        In Cascas, Peru a multi-colored UFO appeared at a p 11/22/1978 #33982  
            San Martin department, Peru A fleet of six UFOs was seen by Per 12/25/1978 #34203  
iver in the San Martin department, Peru on this night. They first noticed a 12/25/1978 #34207  
e towns of Desaguadero and Pomata, Peru saw a bright circular UFO with red  1/29/1980 #35150  
e Mariano Melgar Airport Arequipa, Peru 7:15 a.m. Personnel at the La Joya  4/11/1980 #35269  
Mariano Melgar Airport], Arequipa, Peru, see a strange object flying in the 4/11/1980 #35269  
O MALGAR AIR FORCE BASE / LA JOYA, PERU PAF SU22 jets fire / saucer over Ai 5/9/1980 #35318  
, near La Joya, Arequipa Province, Peru. It fired on the round object, but  5/9/1980 #35320  
tus AFB in Oklahoma Grissom AFB in Peru, Indiana 7:30–11:00 p.m. Many peopl 11/18/1980 #35654  
 KC-135 tanker from Grissom AFB in Peru, Indiana, that evening. The two pla 11/18/1980 #35654  
                           TALARA, PERU 200 / ballgame. Huge saucer lights  3/12/1986 #37799  
aly Japan Russia Germany UK Mexico Peru Venezuela Chile Brazil Canada US We 5/1/1991 #40053  
, Russia, Germany, the UK, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, Brazil, Canada,  5/1/1991 #40053  
               HUARAS AND HUAYLAS, PERU Numerous separate observer(s). Nigh 4/6/1993 #40928  
                      RECUAY PROV, PERU 6 observer(s). 6 objects rise / lak 1/31/1996 #42728  
untain village in Ancash province, Peru at eight o'clock in the morning, se 1/31/1996 #42729  
                       BOCA NEGRA, PERU Several observer(s). 2 saucers hove 3/17/1997 #43234  
                      WEST / LIMA, PERU UFO offshore. Beams up and down coa 8/11/1997 #43379  
 UFO was sighted offshore of Lima, Peru at 11:15 p.m. It directed light bea 8/11/1997 #43380  
                        OFF PISCO, PERU Fishermen. Large light rises / sea! 2/9/1999 #43723  
.m. a group of fishermen in Pisco, Peru watched an anomalous light emerge f 2/9/1999 #43725  
                             LIMA, PERU Many observer(s). 5 glowing-disks m 3/3/1999 #43742  
                        CHINCHERO, PERU Glowing-object lands / field. Large 3/8/1999 #43744  
h with its narrow end forward over Peru, Indiana 20 miiles south of Grissom 7/7/1999 #43797  
                                   Peru Peru sets up a new Air Force agency 12/2001 #44279  
                              Peru Peru sets up a new Air Force agency, the 12/2001 #44279  
                     OFF AREQUIPA, PERU 6 aero experts / Cessna 650. 3 rect 12/14/2001 #44289  
                                   Peru Peru reopens its Departamento de In 10/2013 #45387  
                              Peru Peru reopens its Departamento de Investi 10/2013 #45387  
 Argentina Turkey Hungary Bulgaria Peru The Five Continents UFO Forum is he 10/15/2018 #45540  
ipov (Bulgaria), and Anthony Choy (Peru). The conference is promoted by the 10/15/2018 #45540  
## Word: "perugia" (Back to Top)
of a fishing boat off the coast of Perugia, Italy watched an ovoid object d 4/1/1950 #4787  
"Inverted parachute". Also UFO's / Perugia and La Spezia and Assisi.        10/29/1973 #28318  
     Hayden, Alabama Nocero Umbra, Perugia, Italy 8:45 p.m. A couple are dr 8/11/1977 #32384  
imately) — Night. At Nocero Umbra, Perugia, Italy, several witnesses, inclu 8/11/1977 #32384  
                                   PERUGIA, ITALY Several observer(s). 2-le 8/13/1977 (approximate) #32396  
                                   PERUGIA, ITL Triangular object stops / s 9/14/1979 #34874  
            Nocera Umbra Valtopina Perugia, Italy 9:00 p.m. Between Nocera  11/16/1986 #38067  
etween Nocera Umbra and Valtopina, Perugia, Italy, two witnesses see a dark 11/16/1986 #38067  
## Word: "peruvian" (Back to Top)
 Pan-American Highway 1N 2:00 a.m. Peruvian Air Force Commander Guillermo S 1/31/1955 #11956  
ral pilots and crew members of the Peruvian Air Force, flying to the southe 2/16/1955 #12006  
ry to an uncle, an official in the Peruvian police, who informed reporters. 8/9/1965 #19350  
                                   Peruvian Coast (near), At Sea Pair Of Lu 12/30/1966 #21227  
Lima, Peru Pisco, Peru 8:00 p.m. A Peruvian airliner piloted by Capt. Samue 8/6/1967 #22831  
ru A fleet of six UFOs was seen by Peruvian fishermen over the Caynarachi R 12/25/1978 #34203  
   A fleet of six UFOs was seen by Peruvian fishermen over the Caynarachi R 12/25/1978 #34207  
                    At 7:00 a.m. a Peruvian Air Force Sukhoi-22 warplane wa 5/9/1980 #35320  
      Area 51 DoD Report: The FAP (Peruvian Air Force) spotted a UFO twice  5/10/1980 #35322  
## Word: "pervade" (Back to Top)
ribute of matter is its ability to pervade through other matter." Goralski  9/20/1979 #34909  
## Word: "pervaded" (Back to Top)
 noticed an unnatural silence that pervaded the area.                       10/23/1954 #11347  
## Word: "pervades" (Back to Top)
als on a console. An ammonia scent pervades the room, which is notably chil Summer 1933 #1163  
## Word: "pervasive" (Back to Top)
or, the aroma of sage and cinnamon pervasive and persisting. He soon found  8/15/1970 #25787  
## Word: "pervomayskoye" (Back to Top)
O, TOMSK Saucer going quickly [to] Pervomayskoye. Several cars stall. Many  11/11/1991 (approximate) #40226  
## Word: "perú" (Back to Top)
waldo Sanvitti is flying a Faucett Perú DC-4 airliner from Chiclayo to Lima 2/2/1967 #21442  
## Word: "pesaro" (Back to Top)
                 Via Flaminia near Pesaro, Italy 11:00 p.m. Two people are  4/22/1986 #37834  
e driving on the Via Flaminia near Pesaro, Italy, when their car engine sto 4/22/1986 #37834  
## Word: "pescadero" (Back to Top)
      Butano Creek Girl Scout Camp Pescadero, California 8:15 p.m. A barkin 11/3/1964 #18605  
 Butano Creek Girl Scout Camp near Pescadero, California. He goes outside a 11/3/1964 #18605  
## Word: "pescaia" (Back to Top)
                   CASTIGLIONE D / PESCAIA, ITL Buzz. Small humanoid (or Gr 10/24/1954 #11350  
 marshy meadow in Castiglion Della Pescaia, Grosseto, Tuscany, Italy. He en 10/24/1954 #11366  
## Word: "pescara" (Back to Top)
                                   PESCARA, ITL Night lights follow fishing 10/12/1978 #33829  
ct shaped like a "priest's hat" in Pescara, Italy. It had a very brilliant  10/23/1978 #33865  
## Word: "peseux" (Back to Top)
                                   PESEUX, SWZ 2 observer(s). Huge metal ov 12/31/1954 #11884  
## Word: "peshawar" (Back to Top)
                                   PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN 2 brilliant objects s 12/21/1953 #9386  
                                   PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN Red saucer trails bur 7/4/1956 #12950  
                 Pakistan Badaber (Peshawar Air Station) President Dwight E 7/1958 #15128  
 intelligence facility at Badaber (Peshawar Air Station) to fly U-2 reconna 7/1958 #15128  
                                   Peshawar, Pakistan Baikonur, Kazakhstan  5/1/1960 #16248  
rancis Gary Powers, takes off from Peshawar, Pakistan, and performs photogr 5/1/1960 #16248  
## Word: "peshka" (Back to Top)
tchingson, Farrow, Bielik, Zinser, Peshka, Schlecker and Smith.   (V) Solid 1/1998 #43483  
## Word: "peski" (Back to Top)
on Suoyarvi, Karelia, Russia Novye Peski station Zastava station Petrozavod 2/1985 #37552  
the train is approaching the Novye Peski station, Engineer Sergei Orlov swi 2/1985 #37552  
## Word: "pesquisas" (Back to Top)
zil Alberto Romero founds Grupo de Pesquisas Aérospaciais Zenith in Salvado 1972 #26531  
        Brasília, Brazil Núcleo de Pesquisas Ufológicas (NPU) Ufological Re 12/7/1997 #43453  
); Rafael Cury, from the Núcleo de Pesquisas Ufológicas (NPU); Reginaldo de 12/7/1997 #43453  
## Word: "pesquiso" (Back to Top)
iedade Pelotense de Investigacão e Pesquiso de Discos Voadores in Pelotas,  1972 #26532  
## Word: "pessac" (Back to Top)
                                   PESSAC, FR Girl / 18. Silent ovoid cross 4/15/1949 #4092  
                                   PESSAC, FR Black triangle / 30° elevatio 8/24/1997 #43390  
## Word: "pessimist" (Back to Top)
round whom to rally. The so-called pessimist and optimist schools take shap 6/13/1992 #40492  
## Word: "pessimistic" (Back to Top)
lishes The UFO Handbook, a harshly pessimistic assessment of his investigat 8/1/1979 #34699  
## Word: "pessoa" (Back to Top)
aleza, Ceará, Brazil, João de Lira Pessoa Neto is riding his motorcycle wit 8/12/1983 #36949  
n off. Party hosts Roberto de Lira Pessoa Neto and his wife Rejane, Rejane’ 8/12/1983 #36949  
                              JOAO PESSOA, BRZ 300+panic. 240' box hovers / 10/16/1996 #43072  
## Word: "pest" (Back to Top)
the increased use of fumigation as pest control by the embassies themselves 5/24/2019 #45580  
## Word: "pestalozzi" (Back to Top)
 intelligence officer Maj. Rudolph Pestalozzi and an airman standing outsid 5/1/1952 #6243  
## Word: "pet" (Back to Top)
dward Watters buys a monkey from a pet shop, shaves and kills it, cuts off  7/7/1953 #8989  
eight miles from George AFB. Their pet dogs began howling and ran to get in 2/24/1959 #15607  
n outdoors by the squawking of her pet parakeet. When she looked out she sa 5/27/1973 #27535  
n their presence, and Mrs. Smith's pet bird went wild with fear in her pres 1/6/1976 #30762  
etely paralyzed and apparently her pet cat was also affected. She does not  4/3/1992 #40408  
ild animal he had befriended, his "pet black bear", was now missing. He sai 8/15/1995 #42389  
from a delta-shaped UFO and took a pet parrot from the yard of a home in th 1/3/1998 #43490  
## Word: "petal" (Back to Top)
                                   PETAL, MS Many observer(s). Night lights 10/8/1973 #27965  
## Word: "petal-like" (Back to Top)
pain a round UFO with three flower petal-like shapes around its center was  1/16/2003 #44476  
## Word: "petaluma" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PETALUMA, CA 3+/ car. Dull silver cylind 9/4/1959 #15954  
                           NORTH / PETALUMA, CA Cops and Air Traffic Contro 5/22/1986 #37887  
ghts east going quickly west. (See Petaluma.)                               5/23/1986 #37889  
rted on this day. At 11:05 a.m. in Petaluma in Sonoma County a metallic dis 1/23/2000 #43932  
## Word: "petani" (Back to Top)
er-shaped UFO flew low over Sungai Petani, Malaysia at 8:10 p.m.            10/8/1989 #39149  
## Word: "petare" (Back to Top)
                                   PETARE, VNZ 3 separate observer(s). 3 ha 11/28/1954 #11715  
                 Calle Bella Vista Petare Caracas Venezuela Esquina de Sála 11/28/1954 #11722  
l truck along Calle Bella Vista in Petare, Caracas, Venezuela. They find th 11/28/1954 #11722  
       At 2:00 a.m. in the city of Petare, Venezuela two men had a violent  11/28/1954 #11724  
                                   PETARE, VNZ Family. 5 ovoids going down  6/10/1955 #12193  
                                In Petare, Venezuela five ovoid objects des 6/10/1955 #12194  
                                   PETARE AND MORE/OTHERS, VNZL Many observ 5/28/1958 #15058  
                                   PETARE, VNZL 2 observer(s). Red sphere w 10/8/1997 #43425  
## Word: "petawawa" (Back to Top)
                                   PETAWAWA, ON 2 military observer(s) ice- 2/1964 #18123  
                              NEAR PETAWAWA, ON 2 / car and cops and more.  7/13/1969 #25266  
                                   Petawawa, Ontario Ottawa River Ontario E 7/13/1969 #25268  
 Mrs. Leo Edwards are driving near Petawawa, Ontario, when they see a brigh 7/13/1969 #25268  
## Word: "pete" (Back to Top)
s, Maj. Edwin D. Easley, Ruben and Pete Anaya, New Mexico Lieutenant Govern 7/8/1947 #3026  
auts on Gemini XI, Dick Gordon and Pete Conrad, during their 18th orbit of  9/13/1966 #20881  
    Source “AF” claims his brother Pete saw a saucer in a hangar at Naval A 1967 #21239  
ase in Yuma, AZ in 1967; he states Pete took photos, got into trouble and w 1967 #21239  
nd fled to Mexico. AF later states Pete was approached by an “agency” and w 1967 #21239  
                    Pilot William “Pete” Knight reaches a speed of 4,519 mp 10/3/1967 #23171  
e sighting was reported to Sheriff Pete Howard of Choteau County. Howard co 11/11/1975 #30606  
he sighting is reported to Sheriff Pete Howard of Choteau County. Howard co 11/11/1975 #30610  
FB in Albuquerque, New Mexico Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.Mex.) meets briefly w 7/30/1981 #36040  
and 1984”: Leonard H. Stringfield, Pete Mazzola, Peter Gersten, Lawrence Fa 7/1/1989 #39002  
lieved existed. Puthoff wrote to a Pete Aldridge and Under Secretary Jacque 9/10/2003 #44595  
## Word: "peter" (Back to Top)
n Greenland Danish pilots Lt. Col. Peter Grunnet and Lt. Tage Andersen are  1932 #1136  
its side. (Ref. 3; Jenny Randles & Peter Warrington, Sience & The UFOs, 198 11/13/1939 #1320  
 Gregory Miller, pastor of the St. Peter and Paul Church in Norwood, Ohio,  8/19/1949 #4329  
                               St. Peter and Paul Church in Norwood, Ohio 7 10/23/1949 #4401  
 his searchlight once again at St. Peter and Paul Church in Norwood, Ohio.  10/23/1949 #4401  
earch Laboratories LaPaz writes to Peter H. Wyckoff of the USAF Cambridge R 2/20/1950 #4541  
                     Cmdr. Charles Peter Edwards, Canadian Deputy Minister  12/2/1950 #5311  
terson AFB’s Engineering Division, Peter A. Stranges of the Propulsion Bran 2/8/1952 #5894  
s. It is chaired by astrophysicist Peter M. Millman and includes Wilbert B. 4/22/1952 #6155  
Philip suggests to RAF Air Marshal Peter Horsley, who is serving as equerry 9/19/1952 #7980  
wn time, chaired by astrophysicist Peter M. Millman of the Dominion Observa 2/25/1953 #8704  
St. Louis Post-Dispatch Journalist Peter H. Wyden’s interview with Ruppelt  3/8/1953 #8739  
to of “Cedric Allingham” is really Peter Davies, who posed for the photogra 10/1954 #10536  
 Chichester, England British pilot Peter Twiss reaches an official airspeed 3/10/1956 #12751  
Andrija Puharich and Dutch psychic Peter Hurkos accidentally meet Charles L 7/1956 #12940  
illiam Joseph Hull and his copilot Peter H. Macintosh are flying Capital Ai 11/14/1956 #13329  
picking the Brazilian lab results. Peter A. Sturrock acquires the remnant o Early 9/1957 #13971  
nd Day. Former RAF Flight Engineer Peter Spencer is flying in an Auster air 6/29/1958 #15126  
ylvania Pittsburgh 8:20 p.m. Capt. Peter W. Killian is flying an American A 2/24/1959 #15604  
ederick Browning and RAF Commander Peter Horsley meet with Adamski and Desm 4/18/1959 #15707  
earch Society and UFOIC, edited by Peter E. Norris and Andrew P. Tomas. It  1/1960 #16147  
9, the National Research Council’s Peter Millman takes a look and is convin 6/12/1960 #16312  
ella, writing under the pseudonym “Peter Kor,” proposes that UFOs originate 9/1962 #17380  
          Bloomingdale, New Jersey Peter Valko and Jim Keosian ran toward a 11/15/1963 #18040  
                                   Peter Valko and Jim Keosian ran toward a 11/15/1963 #18042  
, where he locates Chief of Police Peter McCollum. Together they search for 8/2/1965 #19266  
20 m above ground. Chief of Police Peter Mehan confirmed that the sighting  4/1/1967 #22041  
on, England UK House of Commons MP Peter Mills asks about UFO sightings in  11/8/1967 #23426  
d contain a crystalline substance. Peter Millman of the National Research C Mid 7/1969 #25270  
                   John Hodges and Peter Rodriguez, both in their late twen 8/17/1971 #26293  
            Chicago, IL 10:42 p.m. Peter Reich, aerospace writer for CHICAG 7/19/1972 #26812  
ngland 9:00 a.m. Building surveyor Peter Day is driving near Cuddington, Bu 1/11/1973 #27230  
an Francisco, California Physicist Peter A. Sturrock mails questionnaires t 4/9/1973 #27418  
order, Friedrich Lennartz, 33, and Peter Zettel, 29, had a close encounter  12/10/1973 #28549  
r, Friedrich Lennartz, age 33, and Peter Zettel, age 29, had a close encoun 12/10/1973 #28553  
via Fort Victoria and Beit Bridge. Peter and Frances saw what they thought  5/31/1974 #29150  
a. This is what he seemed to be to Peter, who was driving his Peugeot 404 w 5/31/1974 #29150  
hrenheit, down to less than 50º F. Peter took his foot off the accelerator  5/31/1974 #29150  
hey lost all sound from the radio. Peter lost all track of time and he reme 5/31/1974 #29150  
es indicated it was only 7:30 a.m. Peter was also surprised when reading th 5/31/1974 #29150  
 those she remembered consciously. Peter, however recalled seeing the insid 5/31/1974 #29150  
in Pasadena, California, physicist Peter A. Sturrock organizes a UFO sympos 1/20/1975 #29758  
                               St. Peter, Minnesota Police Station 8:00 p.m 11/19/1976 #31560  
der 150 feet above a church in St. Peter, Minnesota. They drive to a police 11/19/1976 #31560  
               Stanford University Peter A. Sturrock of Stanford University 1/1977 #31665  
 complaint, spearheaded by lawyers Peter Gersten and Henry Rothblatt, with  9/21/1977 #32502  
ord Frosch Stanford astrophysicist Peter A. Sturrock writes to Frosch, offe 12/30/1977 #32820  
y W. Todd Zechel, Brad Sparks, and Peter Gersten. Its purpose is to uncover 4/1978 #33110  
                                   Peter Gersten, on behalf of Ground Sauce 6/1978 #33244  
ct of Columbia William Briggs asks Peter Gersten of Ground Saucer Watch to  8/17/1978 #33522  
                                   Peter Gersten of CAUS files a request wi 12/22/1978 #34197  
                                   Peter Gersten appeals the NSA’s decision 1/29/1979 #34390  
Cowley Beach, Queensland 9:00 p.m. Peter Hathaway is driving on the Bruce H 2/9/1979 #34416  
                                   Peter Gersten again files a FOIA request 2/16/1979 #34430  
                                   Peter Gersten, on behalf of Ground Sauce 9/19/1979 #34900  
eases two UFO-related documents to Peter Gersten, but states that the origi 1/10/1980 #35129  
                                   Peter Gersten files an appeal with the N 1/23/1980 #35142  
ials to the public as requested by Peter Gersten.                           3/24/1980 #35237  
ens Against UFO Secrecy’s attorney Peter Gersten brings a lawsuit against t 5/1980 #35295  
 CIA moves for summary judgment in Peter Gersten’s lawsuit for UFO document 5/30/1980 #35344  
 departure of W. Todd Zechel, with Peter Gersten as director and Lawrence F 6/1980 #35348  
                                   Peter Gersten files a reply to the NSA’s 11/6/1980 #35621  
 a result of AFOSI’s actions. Sen. Peter Domenici met with AFOSI; existing  11/17/1980 #35646  
acques Vallée state Brigadier Gen. Peter J. Hennessy was the “top guy” abov 11/17/1980 #35646  
 with its nose pointing southeast. Peter McSherry, clerk of works for Lovel 12/15/1980 #35719  
 for their injuries. With attorney Peter Gersten taking on the case pro bon 12/29/1980 #35757  
nator Harrison Schmidt and Senator Peter Domenici, as well as other UFO inv 1982 #36283  
ientific Exploration is founded by Peter A. Sturrock at a meeting held at t 1/5/1982 #36296  
o the unknown before we got them.” Peter Hill-Norton asks whether all UFO r 3/4/1982 #36377  
                  US Supreme Court Peter Gersten’s 84-page petition (filed  3/8/1982 #36383  
 AFB US CAUS director and attorney Peter Gersten has two meetings with Rich 1/10/1983 #36742  
lice constables Raymond Ellens and Peter Ferguson are on car patrol east of 7/22/1983 #36921  
 Base Pozzuoli Philip Imbrogno and Peter Gersten convene a public meeting o 8/25/1984 #37440  
ter. She brings along a colleague, Peter A. Hough. The informant (“John”) i 10/28/1986 #38056  
trange dreams. Following ufologist Peter Hough’s advice, he attends a sessi 12/1/1987 #38345  
nard H. Stringfield, Pete Mazzola, Peter Gersten, Lawrence Fawcett, Jim and 7/1/1989 #39002  
ral policemen, Dieter Plummans and Peter Nicoll, see a triangular UFO near  11/29/1989 #39276  
 of physical evidence. Businessman Peter Khoury had at least one previous a 7/23/1992 #40530  
                      At 7:30 a.m. Peter Khoury was in bed in Sydney, New S 7/23/1992 #40531  
nned by their surprise appearance, Peter was unable to react as the blond w 7/23/1992 #40531  
            In Birmingham, England Peter Gregory had gotten out of bed at 2 4/17/1993 #40940  
 data and materials: USAF Lt. Col. Peter McDuff, Hal Puthoff, Sandia engine 1/28/1996 #42725  
me UFO interest, English physicist Peter A. Sturrock holds a workshop at th 9/29/1997 #43420  
rizona Illinois St. Clair Triangle Peter Gersten, executive director of Cit 1/22/1999 #43717  
itizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) Peter Gersten files a FOIA lawsuit in a  1/22/1999 #43719  
Ret. CDR Will Miller told attorney Peter Gerston that senior government off 2000 #43914  
C special Seeing Is Believing with Peter Jennings, an hour-long Discovery C 1/5/2000 #43920  
rt UFO researchers Karl Pflock and Peter Brookesmith organize an invitation 9/2000 #44035  
      UK In the UK House of Lords, Peter Hill-Norton asks the Ministry of D 1/25/2001 #44131  
of Lords In the UK House of Lords, Peter Hill-Norton asks the Ministry of D 5/3/2001 #44175  
                                   Peter O'Hanlon sighted four orange glowi 8/25/2002 #44386  
xpert John Callahan, and physicist Peter Sturrock.                          11/8/2002 #44436  
                Stanford professor Peter Sturrock confides to Jacques Vallé 3/22/2003 #44504  
merican TV documentary narrated by Peter Jennings, airs on ABC-TV. The show 2/24/2005 #44816  
nd early 1960s, speaks with writer Peter Janney about the extraterrestrial  9/20/2005 #44877  
, California hills at 12:00 hours. Peter Davenport believes the witness is  5/12/2010 #45281  
l.” Retired US Ambassador to Libya Peter W. Bodde is chosen to lead the boa 1/9/2018 #45502  
ss.”  The book additionally tracks Peter Whitley, an American who moved to  10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "peterborough" (Back to Top)
                                   PETERBOROUGH, ENGL Separate observers. S 3/23/1909 #724  
                                   Peterborough, England Cromwell Road 5:15 3/23/1909 #725  
. Police Constable James Kettle of Peterborough, England, sees a powerful l 3/23/1909 #725  
 very strong searchlight flew over Peterborough, England at 5:10 a.m.       3/23/1909 #726  
searchlight 9X. Going quickly [to] Peterborough.                            5/9/1909 #731  
, and then flew off quickly toward Peterborough. At 11:20 p.m. a witness na 5/9/1909 #734  
      Kelmarsh Northampton England Peterborough Night. C. W. Allen and two  5/13/1909 #740  
f sight at 20 mph northeast toward Peterborough.                            5/13/1909 #740  
    St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary in Peterborough, New Hampshire 8:00 p.m. A  10/1955 #12477  
 at St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary in Peterborough, New Hampshire, sees four g 10/1955 #12477  
                              NEAR PETERBOROUGH, SOUTH AUSTR Car malfunctio 3/30/1967 #22012  
                On this night near Peterborough, South Australia a car's en 3/30/1967 #22017  
                                   PETERBOROUGH, ON Small glowing-sphere wi 4/5/1967 #22057  
                                   Peterborough, Ontario, CAN 7:45 p.m. EST 4/5/1967 #22062  
metallic band aooroach their car. (Peterborough Examiner 4/14/67.) About 45 4/5/1967 #22062  
ario, about 165 miles northeast of Peterborough, a man saw an obiect with b 4/5/1967 #22062  
metallic band around the middle in Peterborough, Ontario. The object emitte 4/5/1967 #22069  
                   A bus driver in Peterborough, South Australia reported t 8/11/1987 #38242  
                          A man in Peterborough, Ontario reported seeing a  5/7/2001 #44181  
n hovering over a nuclear plant in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada at 3:30 a. 7/7/2004 #44715  
triangle object passed overhead in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada making a t 3/14/2005 #44821  
                   At 7:15 p.m. in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada a big, red 10/15/2007 #45076  
## Word: "peterlee" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PETERLEE, DURHAM 2 / car / A19. Large fi 6/21/1994 #41576  
## Word: "peters" (Back to Top)
                                   PETERS MOUNTAIN, WV 2 hunting. Disk shoo 11/27/1975 #30668  
 within 100 feet of two hunters on Peters Mountain, West Virginia at around 11/27/1975 #30670  
logy Robert S Walker, USAF Whitten Peters, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, General A 11/27/2002 #44452  
## Word: "petersburg" (Back to Top)
                               ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA Large and 2 small glo 7/30/1880 #238  
                               St. Petersburg, FL The world’s first schedul 1/1/1914 #895  
 airline service took off from St. Petersburg, FL and landed at its destina 1/1/1914 #895  
           Pushkin Leningrad Saint Petersburg Russia During an air battle b 9/1943 #1525  
shkin outside Leningrad [now Saint Petersburg], Russia, notices a disc-shap 9/1943 #1525  
   Paris Scandinavia Leningrad St. Petersburg Russia Capt. Roscoe H. Hillen 8/13/1946 #2127  
ginating in the Leningrad [now St. Petersburg] area, Russia.                8/13/1946 #2127  
                               ST. PETERSBURG, FL Silver-white UFO going qu 2/8/1956 #12701  
 Minsk, Belarus Leningrad [now St. Petersburg], Russia Baltic states Pilot  7/4/1956 #12951  
Minsk, Belarus; Leningrad [now St. Petersburg], Russia; and the Baltic stat 7/4/1956 #12951  
                           OFF ST. PETERSBURG, FL 2 / (seen thru) binocular 9/22/1956 #13232  
                           SOUTH / PETERSBURG, IN 1 observer. Mechanical no 11/30/1956 #13365  
on Highway 61 three miles south of Petersburg, Indiana a Mr. Malott had a c 11/30/1956 #13373  
                       NORTH / ST. PETERSBURG, FL Newsmen? Large metallic o 9/19/1957 #14008  
                               St. Petersburg, Florida In a letter to NICAP 5/6/1958 #15020  
ICAP member George Stocking of St. Petersburg, Florida, Ruppelt says he is  5/6/1958 #15020  
                Leningrad [now St. Petersburg] Moscow Kaliningrad Hiroshima 12/14/1960 #16533  
four targets in Leningrad [now St. Petersburg], 23 weapons on six target co 12/14/1960 #16533  
     Karelia, Russia Leningrad St. Petersburg Forester Vasili Brodski finds 2/1961 #16593  
estigators from Leningrad [now St. Petersburg] arrive and find odd, crumbli 2/1961 #16593  
                               ST. PETERSBURG, FL Fast yellow-gold domed di 4/10/1965 #18903  
                               ST. PETERSBURG, FL 1 observer. Humming. 125' 8/15/1968 #24328  
                     Leningrad St. Petersburg Russia Gulf of Finland Unit O 11/30/1975 #30677  
Unit One of the Leningrad [now St. Petersburg], Russia, nuclear power plant 11/30/1975 #30677  
                               St. Petersburg, Florida 8:30 a.m. A woman in 6/14/1979 #34612  
, Florida 8:30 a.m. A woman in St. Petersburg, Florida, sees an object with 6/14/1979 #34612  
                                   PETERSBURG, VA 2 observer(s). Large cyli 10/26/1985 #37693  
                                In Petersburg, Virginia a large cigar-shape 10/26/1985 #37695  
                               ST. PETERSBURG, FL House shakes. Radio Frequ 8/5/1986 #37971  
ion caused a house to shake in St. Petersburg, Florida at 4:30 a.m. There w 8/5/1986 #37972  
                     Leningrad St. Petersburg Northern Karelia Vyborg Monch Early 8/1987 #38225  
y contingent in Leningrad [now St. Petersburg] is dispatched with four othe Early 8/1987 #38225  
                               ST. PETERSBURG, FL 2 observer(s). 7 7' disks 4/9/1989 #38898  
on airport radar in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).                             3/2/1991 #39991  
                               ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA 4 separate sightings. 3/14/1995 #42090  
          Serebristy Boulevard St. Petersburg, Russia Pulkov Highway 3:40–4 3/14/1995 #42092  
ome on Serebristy Boulevard in St. Petersburg, Russia. He sees a bright ora 3/14/1995 #42092  
                               St. Petersburg, Russia 7:00–8:00 p.m. A furt 3/14/1995 #42093  
 radar case, take place around St. Petersburg, Russia.                      3/14/1995 #42093  
cked at 800 feet altitude near St. Petersburg, Russia, was detected for 40  3/14/1995 #42095  
s viewed through binoculars in St. Petersburg, Russia. When it stopped movi 3/14/1995 #42095  
time in Lomonosov, a suburb of St. Petersburg, a hovering yellow-orange lig 3/14/1995 #42095  
                               ST. PETERSBURG, FL 5 observer(s). Bright obj 3/19/1996 #42829  
r UFO with orange lights flew over Petersburg, a small central Illinois tow 11/28/2009 #45257  
## Word: "petersburg-tampa" (Back to Top)
iles (27 kilometers) away. The St. Petersburg-Tampa Airboat Line was a shor 1/1/1914 #895  
## Word: "petersen" (Back to Top)
unded in Denmark by Hans-Christian Petersen under the name Sydjysk UFO Info 12/17/1957 #14741  
n Denmark, Lt. Col. Hans-Christian Petersen, tells the magazine B-T that mu 4/25/1958 #15000  
s as fantasy,” he tells reporters. Petersen has founded the Skandinavisk UF 4/25/1958 #15000  
urope at the invitation of Hans C. Petersen, He attends the Skandinavisk UF 4/30/1963 #17732  
indbergh Foundation, of which John Petersen was decades later the Chairman. 11/2/1993 #41259  
A later entry claims futurist John Petersen’s ideology (see 3 December 1999 12/10/1994 #41888  
tephengreerexcerptsfrom/     Note: Petersen states he was twice the runner- 12/10/1994 #41888  
 political campaigns in the 1990s. Petersen is also the founder of The Arli 12/10/1994 #41888  
 industry and government UAP work. Petersen is also a Board member of the L 12/10/1994 #41888  
llée states he ate lunch with John Petersen at the Garden Court and Peterse 3/31/1995 #42130  
n Petersen at the Garden Court and Petersen told him President Bill Clinton 3/31/1995 #42130  
lch, Arlington Institute head John Petersen, Sen. Harrison Schmidt, Los Ala 1/28/1996 #42725  
elow was also giving money to John Petersen at the time who was developing  1/11/1998 #43499  
that he remains fascinated by John Petersen’s brief of “Day After” disclosu 1/8/1999 #43712  
ts futurist Michael Lindemann with Petersen who would create first contact  1/8/1999 #43712  
ensamongus07.htm     Note: John L. Petersen was the Chairman of the Arlingt 12/3/1999 #43892  
could see alien bodies. Curiously, Petersen has also served as the Chairman 12/3/1999 #43892  
dustry executives present. John L. Petersen, Chairman of the TAI board, den 12/3/1999 #43892  
b Bigelow are also linked to TAI’s Petersen and Firmage, with Jacques Vallé 12/3/1999 #43892  
at the moment. On 9 June 2001 John Petersen of the Arlington Institute tell 5/9/2000 #43993  
e writes that Hal Puthoff and John Petersen of the Arlington Institute “ass 8/23/2003 #44581  
 Puthoff at the suggestion of John Petersen.  That general is later reveale 9/10/2003 #44595  
tes Hal Puthoff was a part of John Petersen and the Arlington Institute’s “ 9/14/2003 #44602  
shops he attends that involve John Petersen and the Arlington Institute. Th 12/6/2005 #44908  
attendance “went much higher” than Petersen, and the participants were told 12/6/2005 #44908  
 The Arlington Institute with John Petersen, Hal Puthoff denies rumors that 2/8/2020 #45631  
## Word: "petershagen" (Back to Top)
                          Diepholz Petershagen, Germany Hannover airport 8: 8/13/1976 #31261  
at 3,500 feet between Diepholz and Petershagen, Germany, when he notices a  8/13/1976 #31261  
## Word: "peterson" (Back to Top)
    Hawarden, Iowa 12:30 a.m. John Peterson, E. K. Rowley, George Moody, Ba 4/11/1897 #428  
d, New York Late evening. Helen C. Peterson sees a string of lighted beads  5/1908 #704  
                       Phoenix, AZ Peterson. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) ( 10/24/1948 #3850  
osty-color objects zip over B25 at Peterson Airfield.                       4/15/1949 #4091  
                                   Peterson Field (12 miles E of ), CO ADC  7/22/1952 #7015  
s Aircraft test pilots Englert and Peterson, flying a B-25 bomber.  One met 7/30/1954 #10068  
7:40 p.m. Commanding Officer C. J. Peterson of the minesweeper HMS Maxton s 4/19/1961 #16655  
riveway. The second witness, Larry Peterson, next reported a similar experi 11/24/1970 #25918  
(s). Orange orange going [to] over Peterson Air Force Base. Also seen / aur 6/10/1973 #27558  
      Glenview, Illinois 2457 West Peterson Avenue, Chicago The Center for  5/1/1987 #38170  
m Glenview, Illinois, to 2457 West Peterson Avenue in Chicago.              5/1/1987 #38170  
                 Cheyenne Mountain Peterson Air Force Base Colorado Springs 7/28/2006 #44951  
s NORAD’s day-to-day operations at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Spri 7/28/2006 #44951  
## Word: "petford" (Back to Top)
                                   PETFORD, QLD 1 observer. Silent night li 1/20/1982 #36305  
## Word: "petijean" (Back to Top)
agri, Morocco Approximate date. R. Petijean saw a luminous object, 20 m dia 7/20/1952 #6951  
 in Dai-el-Aouagri, Morocco Mr. R. Petijean observed a 20-meter wide lumino 7/20/1952 #6953  
## Word: "petit" (Back to Top)
    Corrompu, France Near Long, P. Petit and his employee, Mr. Tillier, wit 10/31/1954 #11499  
                            Mr. P. Petit and his employee, Mr. Tillier, wit 10/31/1954 #11500  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Petit” Yield: 2.2KT                      6/19/1962 #17233  
pecified) afterwards. (Montreal Le Petit Journal, 10/1/67, copy in NICAP fi 8/29/1967 #22952  
                   Two men, Gerard Petit and F. Tantot, in Taize, Saone-Loi 9/7/1972 #26979  
mar José Gevaerd and Marco Antônio Petit where he recounts his experiences  7/1977 #32220  
AN’s resident expert, Jean- Pierre Petit, who has suggested such a project. 7/1983 #36898  
                                   PETIT LOMONT, 25, FR Police calls. Sauce 11/28/1984 #37512  
                                   PETIT PALAIS, 33, FR 2 / car. Luminous w 4/25/1993 #40949  
volving clockwise over the road in Petit Palais, Gironde, France by two wit 4/25/1993 #40950  
search Center (CPU); Marco Antônio Petit, from Fluminense UFO Research Asso 12/7/1997 #43453  
## Word: "petit-honach" (Back to Top)
CHE, FR Pith-helmet saucer circles Petit-Honach Mountain several times. Fau 8/7/1967 #22837  
## Word: "petit-rechain" (Back to Top)
                                   Petit-Rechain, Belgium Belgium, triangle 4/4/1990 #39508  
                                   Petit-Rechain, Belgium Patrick Maréchal, 4/4/1990 #39509  
atrick Maréchal, a young worker at Petit-Rechain, Belgium, takes a photo of 4/4/1990 #39509  
## Word: "petit-ry" (Back to Top)
                Limelette, Belgium Petit-Ry neighborhood 1:30–1:45 p.m. A r 7/2/1994 #41601  
elette, Belgium, is at home in the Petit-Ry neighborhood when he looks out  7/2/1994 #41601  
## Word: "petite" (Back to Top)
                                   PETITE ILE, REUNION 12' saucer going dow 2/14/1975 #29807  
                 Piton du Calvaire Petite Île Réunion Indian Ocean 12:05 p. 2/14/1975 #29812  
 Piton du Calvaire, a hill outside Petite Île on the southern coast of Réun 2/14/1975 #29812  
## Word: "petite-he" (Back to Top)
                                   Petite-He, Reunion, France Three humanoi 2/14/1975 #29810  
## Word: "petite-ile" (Back to Top)
                                   Petite-Ile (Reunion), France 1:30 p.m. A 2/14/1974 #28770  
                                   Petite-Ile, Reunion, France Three humano 2/14/1975 #29811  
## Word: "petition" (Back to Top)
e 450 airline pilots have signed a petition protesting the official policy  12/1958 #15465  
sts to Congress. Citizens can also petition courts to render decisions on w 12/31/1974 #29666  
reme Court Peter Gersten’s 84-page petition (filed in early 1982) for the S 3/8/1982 #36383  
s start collecting signatures on a petition to declassify Argentine militar 2009 #45202  
## Word: "petitioned" (Back to Top)
self is not a SAP. Sen. Harry Reid petitioned the DoD to confer SAP status  2018 #45498  
## Word: "petitioning" (Back to Top)
 on those planets. He spends years petitioning the French government to bui 1869 #178  
Case #83–1932 (Judge Oliver Gasch) petitioning for a Writ of Habeas Corpus  6/24/1983 #36891  
## Word: "petits" (Back to Top)
                                   PETITS GOULETS, FR 1M sphere/orb/globe l 5/7/1974 #29088  
ghway tunnels on Highway N518 near Petits Goulets, Drome department, France 5/7/1974 #29092  
## Word: "petoskey" (Back to Top)
" very low over trees. Vanishes. / Petoskey News 4.12.73.                   12/3/1973 #28510  
                     CHEBOYGAN AND PETOSKEY, MI Highway Patrol and sheriff  4/14/1996 #42865  
## Word: "petr" (Back to Top)
ned by Naval Deputy Chief of Staff Petr Nikolayevich Navoytsev.             10/7/1977 #32559  
## Word: "petracca" (Back to Top)
Investigators Dick Ruhl and Richie Petracca are on Interstate 84 in Dutches 6/21/1984 #37370  
p into a boomerang shape. Ruhl and Petracca suspect they are seeing the “St 6/21/1984 #37370  
## Word: "petrakis" (Back to Top)
itzerland Kalmthout, Belgium Perry Petrakis founds the Association d’Étude  1974 #28626  
 / dark cylinder. 2M x 1M. / Perry Petrakis.                                7/10/1985 #37617  
lishing Phénomèna, edited by Perry Petrakis, in Aix-en-Provence, France. It 1/1991 #39943  
## Word: "petrel" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Petrel” Yield: 1.3KT                     6/11/1965 #19002  
## Word: "petrelli" (Back to Top)
                             Pedro Petrelli of Guernica, Argentina heard a  7/20/1967 #22712  
## Word: "petri" (Back to Top)
ing photographs of the Moon with a Petri V6 camera in Tokyo, Japan. On deve 2/13/1967 #21536  
## Word: "petrie" (Back to Top)
Reasoning Tools) chips, code-named Petrie, a Trojan horse capable of covert 1982 #36286  
## Word: "petriera" (Back to Top)
aibo, Venezuela Agriculturist Luis Petriera, along with several others, wat 3/23/1957 #13557  
## Word: "petrified" (Back to Top)
re carbonized, and the ground was "petrified." Sample analysis was done by  5/12/1962 #17162  
re carbonized, and the ground was "petrified." Sample analysis was done by  5/12/1962 #17166  
ute the young people, who had been petrified with fear, "found their legs"  8/8/1975 #30244  
king down at her. She stares at it petrified for several minutes until a ca 4/2/1978 #33121  
tion off the car hood is dazzling. Petrified for 45 seconds, he finally sti 7/11/1978 #33366  
 circle in which the sand has been petrified or hardened into chunks. Soil  5/1/1979 #34537  
eyes that ran across the driveway. Petrified, they shut themselves inside b 1/30/2006 #44920  
## Word: "petrila" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PETRILA, ROM Many observer(s). Birds pan 11/22/1967 #23493  
                                   Petrila, Romania 12:30 p.m. Ladislau Sch 11/22/1967 #23497  
hmidt is sitting in his kitchen in Petrila, Romania, with the outside door  11/22/1967 #23497  
## Word: "petrioskiy" (Back to Top)
                                   PETRIOSKIY GATE / MOSCOW Slow luminous s 9/1935 #1232  
## Word: "petro" (Back to Top)
scoid object hovered over Northern Petro Chemical Company plant. Brief powe 9/5/1973 #27766  
d object hovered over the Northern Petro Chemical Company plant for 20 minu 9/5/1973 #27768  
## Word: "petrobras" (Back to Top)
gs. As Ospires Silva, President of Petrobras Oil Company were preparing to  5/19/1986 #37874  
gineer and a manufacturing CEO for Petrobras, is preparing for a landing at 5/19/1986 #37880  
## Word: "petroglyphs" (Back to Top)
  Peru Monastery of the Seven Rays Petroglyphs of Pusharo Manú National Par 7/10/1957 #13788  
channelings, rediscovers a wall of petroglyphs [now known as the Petroglyph 7/10/1957 #13788  
l of petroglyphs [now known as the Petroglyphs of Pusharo, in the Manú Nati 7/10/1957 #13788  
## Word: "petrograd" (Back to Top)
                                   PETROGRAD, RUSSIA Shiny metal rectangula 11/9/1989 #39222  
ery low over Proveshenia Prospekt, Petrograd, Russia on this night.         11/9/1989 #39223  
                                   PETROGRAD, RUSSIA Street oddly deserted. 6/17/1990 #39617  
                                   PETROGRAD Dolotov abduction again / 2 Me 3/29/1991 #40024  
                                   PETROGRAD, RUSSIA Delta/triangle/box-lik 11/17/1991 #40233  
## Word: "petrol" (Back to Top)
d Gerrie Buitendag) are guarding a petrol dump at Rosmead, East Cape, South 11/12/1972 #27120  
es going down / 3 legs. Traces and petrol odor. / LDLN#146.                 1/5/1975 #29717  
ed. It was witnessed by a man at a petrol service station along with five e 7/31/2004 #44722  
## Word: "petroleum" (Back to Top)
                        A Phillips Petroleum aircraft with two men on board 7/6/1947 #2819  
epresentative of the International Petroleum Company, a subsidiary of Stand 2/1949 #3994  
mist Aaron Gustav “Gus” Oberg, and petroleum engineer William Lyon Ducker J 8/25/1951 #5625  
:30, USAF Capt. Robert E. Metcalf, petroleum officer for the 6520th Test Su 7/1/1952 #6689  
   El Tigre, Venezuela An American petroleum engineer takes a photo of a fo 12/10/1954 #11795  
                                 A petroleum worker measuring levels in sto 8/2/1959 #15891  
ero, Tierra del Fuego Mr. Uribe, a petroleum engineer, and two other witnes 8/9/1959 #15897  
 Tierra del Fuego, Chile 7:30 p.m. Petroleum engineer Armando Uribe is retu 8/9/1959 #15898  
                      Mr. Uribe, a petroleum engineer, and two other witnes 8/9/1959 #15899  
und imprint marks and an odor like petroleum. (Sources: Roland Godefroy, Ph 1/5/1975 #29719  
 behind traces on the ground and a petroleum odor. The ground marks include 1/5/1975 #29726  
ke the three witnesses, a group of petroleum engineers and technicians. A r 5/1/1979 #34538  
he chemistry, and no herbicides or petroleum.                               8/2/1979 #34702  
light that struck a house near the petroleum tanks, and the house caught fi 6/5/1980 #35355  
, whose husband Bernerd had been a petroleum geologist in West Texas. The s 5/5/2015 #45437  
## Word: "petroleum-industry" (Back to Top)
hemist analyzes the substance in a petroleum-industry lab but finds out lit 11/6/1968 #24637  
## Word: "petrolia" (Back to Top)
                                   Petrolia, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh 7:15 p 4/1/1982 #36427  
 Three men are repairing a jeep in Petrolia, Pennsylvania, when one of them 4/1/1982 #36427  
## Word: "petrolina" (Back to Top)
                              near Petrolina to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 3:11 2/8/1982 #36325  
                                   Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil Belo Horiz 2/8/1982 #36327  
nse light source while flying over Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil, on a sout 2/8/1982 #36327  
the UFO from Pernambuco state near Petrolina to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It  2/8/1982 #36328  
## Word: "petronius" (Back to Top)
utes later. Damasceno informs Sgt. Petronius, a CINDACTA flight controller, 4/11/1991 #40034  
tion of three hours to the right.” Petronius is following the object on rad 4/11/1991 #40034  
## Word: "petropavlovsk" (Back to Top)
                                   PETROPAVLOVSK, KAZAKH 4 observer(s). 2 s 3/1964 #18142  
## Word: "petropolis" (Back to Top)
                                   PETROPOLIS, BRZ 7+observer(s). 2 small h 10/25/1957 #14153  
                                   Petropolis, Brazil A girl suffering from 10/25/1957 #14154  
                                In Petropolis, Brazil a girl suffering from 10/25/1957 #14157  
                                   PETROPOLIS, BRZ 2+several. Bell-saucer a 2/24/1971 #26031  
maneuvered around the mountains in Petropolis, Brazil on this evening at ar 2/24/1971 #26032  
## Word: "petrov" (Back to Top)
ch from the US. Lt. Col. Stanislav Petrov, who is on duty during the incide 9/26/1983 #36986  
es headed to the Soviet Union, but Petrov again dismisses the reports as fa 9/26/1983 #36986  
## Word: "petrovskaya" (Back to Top)
 bookkeeping is performed by I. G. Petrovskaya and most of the text is writ 1/1978 #32835  
## Word: "petrovszky" (Back to Top)
             A priest named Ivanku Petrovszky saw a glistening ball of ligh 12/24/1903 #664  
## Word: "petrozavodsk" (Back to Top)
                                   PETROZAVODSK, RS White saucer hovers. Be 9/20/1977 #32497  
                                   Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia Copenhagen 9/20/1977 #32499  
f light appears moving slowly over Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia. It is las 9/20/1977 #32499  
light beamed rays to the ground in Petrozavodsk, Russia, causing damage to  9/20/1977 #32500  
                                   Petrozavodsk, Russia The Petrozavodsk ph 10/1977 #32539  
          Petrozavodsk, Russia The Petrozavodsk phenomenon in Russia contri 10/1977 #32539  
                        Lake Onega Petrozavodsk Republic of Karelia Russia  2/19/1982 #36356  
 above the frozen Lake Onega, from Petrozavodsk in the Republic of Karelia, 2/19/1982 #36356  
ovye Peski station Zastava station Petrozavodsk Kutizhma station 2:35 a.m.  2/1985 #37552  
from the opposite direction toward Petrozavodsk. Conductor Mironov gets out 2/1985 #37552  
## Word: "petrus" (Back to Top)
he court 8:00 p.m. Three soldiers (Petrus Nel, Fanie Rosseau, and Gerrie Bu 11/12/1972 #27120  
## Word: "petrópolis" (Back to Top)
                                   Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil On a  10/25/1957 #14155  
 de Janeiro, Brazil On a farm near Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a ho 10/25/1957 #14155  
## Word: "pets" (Back to Top)
ale is home babysitting the family pets and his younger brother in Victorvi 2/24/1959 #15605  
uction. Exam. Missing time. Burns. Pets avoid observer(s). Death. / r110p11 1/6/1976 #30767  
with head / outside house. Traces. Pets avoid spot.                         1/3/1977 #31685  
## Word: "petsamo" (Back to Top)
                 USAF headquarters Petsamo region (Pechengsky District) of  10/14/1947 #3457  
et firing incident observed in the Petsamo region (Pechengsky District) of  10/14/1947 #3457  
## Word: "petsche" (Back to Top)
           Bisbee, Arizona John A. Petsche, electrical worker and another w 6/17/1947 #2336  
nearby hill. At 10:30 a.m. John A. Petsche, an electrical worker, and anoth 6/27/1947 #2434  
## Word: "pett" (Back to Top)
 NJ Associated Press reporter Saul Pett about midnight saw an intensely glo 7/19/1952 #6922  
## Word: "petter" (Back to Top)
ngaskylä Kinnula Finland 3:00 p.m. Petter Aliranta and Esko Juhani Sneck ar 2/5/1971 #26014  
## Word: "petteway" (Back to Top)
        At 10:15 a.m. Mr. James E. Petteway of Boise, Idaho briefly sighted 7/21/1947 #3211  
## Word: "pettingell" (Back to Top)
r, Ray, Smith, Buchanan, Gabrielle Pettingell, Riley, David Morehouse, Greg 6/30/1995 #42284  
DIA and CIA) with Smith, Buchanan, Pettingell, Riley, Greg S, Angela D, Rob 6/30/1995 #42284  
## Word: "pettit" (Back to Top)
s over a two-year period to Edison Pettit and Seth Barnes Nicholson, astron Summer 1931 #1130  
                                   PETTIT, TX 4 engines in 2 grain combines 11/2/1957 #14199  
velland, Texas Route 116 [now 114] Pettit Five Mile Road Pettit, Texas 10:5 11/2/1957 #14216  
16 [now 114] Pettit Five Mile Road Pettit, Texas 10:50 p.m. Farmhand and ve 11/2/1957 #14216  
s, on Route 116 [now 114] south of Pettit (near its intersection with Five  11/2/1957 #14216  
the Levelland sheriff’s office. At Pettit, Texas, the same night, two grain 11/2/1957 #14216  
## Word: "petty" (Back to Top)
whose hostility might end all our “petty arguments on earth.”               7/9/1947 #3056  
             Dallas, TX Navy Chief Petty Officer at Naval Air Station saw a 3/16/1950 #4654  
exas Just before 12:00 noon. Chief Petty Officer Charles Lewis sees a flyin 3/16/1950 #4656  
Dartmouth 11:15 p.m. Two navy men (Petty Officer Carter and Able Seaman Con 6/30/1950 #5028  
glowing objects is made by a chief petty officer in North Dartmouth.        6/30/1950 #5028  
 of Tremonton, Utah, US Navy Chief Petty Officer Delbert C. Newhouse and hi 7/2/1952 #6694  
n company with him. Radar operator Petty Officer Keith Jessop confirms the  8/31/1954 #10218  
ous speed. One of the witnesses is Petty Officer 3rd Class (OI) Leon Treadw 7/26/1956 #13020  
Guard, and Seaman James Powers and Petty Officer John Knaub drive to the be 3/4/1988 #38487  
                        USS Nimitz Petty Officer Kevin Thomas claims he see 1991 #39941  
             Informant Third Class Petty Officer S.M., a specialist trained 7/1991 #40109  
nte islands, California Navy Chief Petty Officer Kevin Day, stationed on th 11/10/2004 #44782  
    off the coast of Haiti US Navy Petty Officer John Baughman sees a “Tic- 1/2010 #45265  
                         U.S. Navy Petty Officer John Baughman sees a “Tic- 1/2010 #45266  
                   Retired US Navy Petty Officer First Class flight Enginee 1/30/2015 #45429  
## Word: "petushka" (Back to Top)
                                   PETUSHKA, RUSSIA Surveyor. Saucer / grou 9/2/1979 #34818  
                                   Petushka, Russia Witness was out picking 9/2/1979 #34819  
 the afternoon in a wooded part of Petushka, Russia when he came upon a lar 9/2/1979 #34820  
## Word: "petworth" (Back to Top)
                                   PETWORTH, ENGL Dark double-disk hovers / 1/2/1981 #35769  
## Word: "petyak" (Back to Top)
site 10:17 p.m. George and Brownie Petyak see a bright yellow star-like lig 7/30/1967 #22754  
## Word: "petyaks" (Back to Top)
ause the questionnaire sent to the Petyaks uses the military time (Greenwic 7/30/1967 #22754  
## Word: "peugeot" (Back to Top)
 saucer was slightly bigger than a Peugeot car, 9-12 feet above the ground, 1/11/1967 #21288  
o be to Peter, who was driving his Peugeot 404 well in excess of the posted 5/31/1974 #29150  
## Word: "peugeot-pacing" (Back to Top)
ge, Zimbabwe 2:30 a.m. A prolonged Peugeot-pacing case from Mvuma to Beitbr 5/31/1974 #29149  
## Word: "peveto" (Back to Top)
rt Washita, Oklahoma, Mrs. William Peveto (possibly Mary Peveto) watches a  10/4/1898 #626  
Mrs. William Peveto (possibly Mary Peveto) watches a fireball (probably the 10/4/1898 #626  
r, she will lead her to a fortune. Peveto becomes terrified, and the entity 10/4/1898 #626  
nd a male ghost also talks to her. Peveto becomes ill and apparently moves  10/4/1898 #626  
## Word: "pewter" (Back to Top)
                                 A pewter colored object shaped like a stor 4/21/1967 #22199  
er, 15 feet tall, and the color of pewter. During his stay at S-4, he sees  3/1989 #38855  
## Word: "pewter-" (Back to Top)
sh Columbia, a large, disc-shaped, pewter- colored craft spins and bobs aro 12/8/1997 #43454  
## Word: "pewter-colored" (Back to Top)
feet away on the road ahead. It is pewter-colored, shaped like a storage ta 4/21/1967 #22194  
## Word: "peyret" (Back to Top)
            Le Puy, France Gilbert Peyret founds Groupement Langeadois de R 1975 #29675  
## Word: "peyrins" (Back to Top)
                                   PEYRINS, 26, FR Large "star" passes east 8/28/1974 #29393  
                                   PEYRINS, FR Car malfunctions due to EME  2/10/1975 #29792  
## Word: "pezarro" (Back to Top)
cluded Pharos Technologies, Alexis Pezarro, John Hutchison, George Hathaway 1983 #36738  
## Word: "pezzi" (Back to Top)
            Italian Lt. Col. Mario Pezzi reaches a record altitude of 56,85 10/22/1938 #1298  
## Word: "pezzuto" (Back to Top)
e runway by Horado Alora and Mario Pezzuto, the two control tower operators 12/21/1962 #17600  
## Word: "pezzutto" (Back to Top)
 operators Horacio Alora and Mario Pezzutto are watching an Aereolíneas Arg 12/22/1962 #17606  
## Word: "peña" (Back to Top)
on dump. Motorist José Luis Jordán Peña gets a close, extended view of the  2/6/1966 #19888  
haracterizes as “enormous.” Jordán Peña sends Spanish ufologist Antonio Rib 2/6/1966 #19888  
nything like this. In 1992, Jordán Peña confesses to hoaxing his sighting,  2/6/1966 #19888  
s The UFO seen by José Luis Jordán Peña in Aluche, Madrid, Spain, allegedly 6/1/1967 #22448  
osé de Valderas. This time, Jordán Peña plays UFO investigator, taking stat 6/1/1967 #22448  
ted in June would be found. Jordán Peña later confesses to hoaxing the plas 6/1/1967 #22448  
ations technician José Luis Jordán Peña confesses for the first time to hoa 4/1993 #40920  
itted Ummo hoaxer José Luis Jordán Peña elaborates on the reason why he beg 11/5/2010 #45305  
## Word: "pfalzerwald" (Back to Top)
                           EASTERN PFALZERWALD, GER Pilot / 415th Squadron. 5/3/1945 (approximate) #1861  
 a 415th NFS fighter pilot east of Pfalzerwald, Germany.                    5/3/1945 #1863  
## Word: "pfc" (Back to Top)
ge W. Hayden (radar observer), and PFC William Brasvell (gunner).           3/26/1945 #1829  
 Albuquerque, New Mexico 5:30 p.m. PFC Everitt sees a bright-white, diamond 1/6/1949 #3967  
 boundary, Sgt. Hubert Vickery and Pfc. John Ransom notice a pale blue-whit 3/6/1949 #4035  
  Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 32-34; PFC. Max Eugene Manlove, 1st Provost Squ 3/7/1949 #4036  
heorwon, South Korea Dusk. US Army Pfc. Francis P. Wall is on maneuvers wit Early Spring 1951 #5471  
lley in a southeasterly direction. Pfc H. B. Webb thinks they are flying at 4/30/1952 #6224  
itnesses: Sgt. B.C. Grassmoen, WAC Pfc. A.P. Turner. One saucer-shaped obje 7/28/1952 #7257  
mi Beach, Florida 9:35 p.m. Marine Pfc Ralph C. Mayher, using 16 mm film ex 7/29/1952 #7330  
eorge G. Meade, Maryland 9:30 p.m. Pfc Alfred V. De Bonise and Sgt1C James  12/7/1953 #9345  
 Base Quantico, Virginia 9:05 p.m. Pfc Norman Viet, on guard duty at the ta 12/30/1953 #9409  
 and two coworkers, Cpl. Flath and Pfc. Hough. Described as round, the colo 4/29/1954 #9734  
 New Mexico, Cpl. Glenn H. Toy and Pfc. James E. Wilbanks are making rounds 11/3/1957 #14249  
Paso, Texas Cedar City, Utah Idaho Pfc. Bernard G. “Gerry” Irwin, on leave  2/20/1959 #15595  
                           “AK,” a PFC on guard duty at the Motor Pool at F 12/10/1964 #18655  
                           VIETNAM PFC W. J. McREYNOLDS. UFO's zigzag repea 3/1966 #19928  
 TOP SECRET CRYPTO Clearance, rank PFC, assigned to Canine Corps at Camp Pe 7/3/1967 #22593  
atinate, Germany 3:30 a.m. US Army Pfc R. Jack Phillips is assigned to the  5/1974 #29075  
ntries, Gunnery Sgt. Brininger and PFC Johnny Johnson, go on sentry patrol  6/11/1978 #33275  
## Word: "pfeifer" (Back to Top)
watchers in Silverton, Oregon, Ida Pfeifer and Dorothy Sthamann, see an alu 8/7/1952 #7509  
## Word: "pfeiffer" (Back to Top)
azine. The photographer's name was Pfeiffer.                                5/8/1966 #20466  
## Word: "pfief" (Back to Top)
 to the Cedar County sheriff, Otto Pfief, who returned to the site with a g 2/28/1959 #15624  
burned it. He then went to sheriff Pfief, who provided him with the details 2/28/1959 #15624  
## Word: "pfister" (Back to Top)
nald Reagan Fabrizio Calvi Thierry Pfister The National Security Agency, th 1982 #36286  
erests. Fabrizio Calvi and Thierry Pfister in 1997 claim that NSA has been  1982 #36286  
## Word: "pflock" (Back to Top)
c, New Mexico According to Karl T. Pflock, two CIA agents clandestinely vis 3/1950 #4566  
sibly by microwave radiation. Karl Pflock thinks it is a hoax, but Jerry Cl 8/19/1952 #7651  
ong them Joseph Bryan III, Karl T. Pflock, Stuart Nixon, John Acuff, and Ro 1/1979 #34268  
n Head Resort UFO researchers Karl Pflock and Peter Brookesmith organize an 9/2000 #44035  
## Word: "pfuhl" (Back to Top)
ntonio, Texas Witness:  Mrs. Susan Pfuhl. Four glowing white discs:  one ma 8/7/1952 #7506  
xas 9:08 a.m. Mrs. Susan Pzuhl (or Pfuhl) observes over San Antonio, Texas, 8/7/1952 #7508  
## Word: "pfutzenreuter" (Back to Top)
                         Hecla, SD Pfutzenreuter. (McDonald list; FUFOR Ind 6/30/1948 #3685  
## Word: "pg" (Back to Top)
                       WHITE SANDS PG, NM Theodolite films / missile test.  4/27/1950 #4899  
                       WHITE SANDS PG, NM 2 separate theodolites film objec 5/29/1950 #4967  
                       WHITE SANDS PG, NM 2 objects near B29. 2 RADAR's and 7/14/1951 #5572  
r. (See drawing. UFOs: A New Look, pg. 44) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   7/15/1968 #24176  
Regional Encounters: The FC Files, pg. 27) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   9/8/1968 #24439  
wd. (Anthony Lee, FSR, March 1983, pg. 24). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  7/7/1977 #32244  
## Word: "pg1" (Back to Top)
vetopsecret.com/forum/thread465182/pg1                                      1/1971 #25962  
vetopsecret.com/forum/thread663499/pg1   https://www.drboylan.com/colww3a.h 8/19/1997 #43387  
vetopsecret.com/forum/thread378150/pg1   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oper 8/4/2008 #45155  
vetopsecret.com/forum/thread690030/pg1   https://www.openminds.tv/oklahoma- 2/20/2015 #45431  
## Word: "pg10" (Back to Top)
). Engine fails. Odd noises. / r23 pg10.                                    10/28/1955 #12525  
eres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) pg10.                                    10/21/1990 #39802  
## Word: "pg113" (Back to Top)
vetopsecret.com/forum/thread185069/pg113   https://www.amazon.com/Flying-Sa 11/1/2005 #44899  
## Word: "pg12#pid19113927" (Back to Top)
etopsecret.com/forum/thread1057454/pg12#pid19113927                         3/13/2015 #45435  
## Word: "pg21" (Back to Top)
akebed. See reference photograph / pg21.                                    1/2/1979 #34278  
## Word: "pg22" (Back to Top)
THERS Cigars and spheres all over. Pg22.                                    10/30/1954 #11487  
## Word: "pg23" (Back to Top)
isible in transparent compartment. Pg23.                                    12/29/1954 #11871  
## Word: "pg25" (Back to Top)
eres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) pg25.                                    7/14/1993 #41067  
## Word: "pg3#pid19545714" (Back to Top)
etopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg3#pid19545714                          6/16/1974 #29204  
etopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg3#pid19545714                          12/10/1974 #29635  
## Word: "pg4" (Back to Top)
etopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg4                                      10/7/1972 #27055  
etopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg4                                      2/11/1974 #28758  
etopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg4                                      12/15/1978 #34142  
etopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg4                                      12/15/1978 #34143  
etopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg4     Note: CB Scott Jones denies dire 4/15/1993 #40934  
vetopsecret.com/forum/thread331108/pg4 *   https://medium.com/discourse/do- 8/1/1997 #43364  
## Word: "pg5" (Back to Top)
etopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg5                                      5/22/1992 #40470  
etopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg5                                      4/15/1993 #40934  
## Word: "pg9" (Back to Top)
gold claims. See dwg / MJ#Jul. '99 pg9.                                     6/16/1999 #43786  
## Word: "ph" (Back to Top)
 Walton, a physical chemist with a Ph.D., and his wife witnessed two round  9/25/1965 #19606  
0 miles north of Point Pleasant, a Ph.D. professor at Ohio University, who  4/18/1967 #22159  
ntroversy in America, based on his Ph.D. dissertation in history. It become 6/1975 #30073  
                    At 9:45 p.m. a Ph.D., his wife and their three children 5/17/2001 #44185  
2281.html (rg - was a dead archive.ph link, replaced with archive.org)      7/29/2002 #44369  
h=12a6b881f2cd *   https://archive.ph/cvS5q (rg - alt URL) *   https://www. 5/7/2003 #44528  
ional-waves.html   https://archive.ph/TZuYJ (rg - archived backup)   https: 2008 #45108  
0527xw9zvma1yy91   https://archive.ph/aQkoy (rg - archived URL)             10/17/2008 #45175  
## Word: "ph-04" (Back to Top)
A Ground Observer Corps (GOC) post Ph-04 / black. "Silent fighter-sized sil 9/4/1952 #7841  
## Word: "ph-dbz" (Back to Top)
 flying Royal Dutch Airlines DC-4 (PH-DBZ). Three or four dark, lens-shaped 8/29/1954 #10202  
lying a Royal Dutch Airlines DC-4 (PH-DBZ) at 11:05 a.m. near Prince Christ 8/29/1954 #10205  
## Word: "phanom" (Back to Top)
                            Nakhon Phanom, Thailand GCA Has Two Uncorrelate 11/28/1968 #24727  
i Air Force Base (RTAFB) in Nakhon Phanom, Thailand Ground Control Approach 11/28/1968 #24728  
ere confirmed by radar. The Nakhon Phanom Command Post was informed that th 11/28/1968 #24728  
## Word: "phantasmagoria" (Back to Top)
ages, while Urner Liddel presents “Phantasmagoria or Unusual Observations i 10/9/1952 #8107  
## Word: "phantom" (Back to Top)
imply about a battle in the sky by phantom armies told as an allegory of wh 4/4/1561 #32  
SYDNEY, AU Prince / Wales and 13. "Phantom vessel all aglow" / sky. / r2p17 6/11/1881 #242  
 a fully lighted ship was seen ("a phantom vessel all aglow"). (NICAP: 01 - 6/11/1881 #243  
 a fully lighted ship was seen ("a phantom vessel all aglow").              6/11/1881 #244  
 a fully lighted ship was seen, "a phantom vessel all aglow."               6/11/1881 #245  
nce, either. The rate at which the phantom signal traverses the sky suggest 4/8/1960 #16218  
 mph in a McDonnell-Douglas F4H-1F Phantom II over Edwards AFB, California. 11/22/1961 #16972  
n Beckington, Wiltshire, England a phantom automobile, shaped like a Land R 12/8/1965 #19759  
                         In 1965 a phantom automobile was seen in the Cotsw 12/15/1965 #19771  
ning, and several US 7th Air Force Phantom fighter-bombers soon arrive on t 6/15/1968 #24040  
several reports of an 18-foot-tall phantom either walking or floating along 4/24/1969 #25088  
o his battle stations. The two F-4 Phantom jets on high readiness alert can 6/1971 #26153  
igure, foggy white in color like a phantom, walking down a path toward the  7/8/1971 #26218  
                 Teheran, Iran F-4 Phantom radar/E-M Case (NICAP: 03 - EME  9/19/1973 #27837  
 her boyfriend Jim were camping at Phantom Lake, Wisconsin with another cou 10/14/1973 #28031  
oshio Nakamura are flying an F-4EJ Phantom II interceptor over the northern 6/9/1974 #29175  
 day several observers in USAF F-4 Phantom jets reported seeing two silver  5/13/1976 #31049  
than 4 minutes later, two USAF F-4 Phantom jets arrive on either side of hi 8/13/1976 #31261  
ect and scrambles an Air Force F-4 Phantom II interceptor piloted by Capt.  9/18/1976 #31395  
         Teheran, Iran Iranian F-4 Phantom Jet Chase, Radar/Visual (NICAP:  9/19/1976 #31406  
         Two Iranian Air Force F-4 Phantom jets with AIM-9 missiles were sc 9/19/1976 #31411  
by radars at Cape Erimo. Two F-4EJ Phantom jets are scrambled from Chitose  8/17/1978 #33523  
o Republic of Korea Air Force F-4D Phantom II jets, piloted by Lt. Col. Seu 3/1979 #34453  
                                 A phantom helicopter was seen over Albuque 9/11/1979 #34862  
is seen by the pilot of an RAF F-4 Phantom II aircraft. It vanishes as quic 10/1980 #35551  
om an aircraft carrier, and an RAF Phantom is diverted from a night flying  10/19/1982 #36654  
at are precisely the same. Two F-4 Phantom II jets appear and give chase to 3/1987 #38128  
Rhein–Westphalia, Germany. Two RAF Phantom jets are performing practice int 11/5/1990 #39869  
 of being extraterrestrial beings, phantom helicopters, etc.; that the ET s 11/25/1991 #40241  
t is run in “top secret” by Boeing Phantom Works, and states documents they 7/29/2002 #44369  
   At 3:30 p.m. a photograph of a “phantom UFO” was taken by a woman showin 1/23/2008 #45113  
At 11:50 a.m. a photograph of two “phantom UFOs” was taken in the vicinity  2/17/2008 #45120  
amily, including a humanoid shape, phantom footsteps, blue orbs, and a wolf 7/2009 #45229  
## Word: "phantoms" (Back to Top)
ribes as luminous and peopled with phantoms. Subsequent sessions reveal tha 1895 #318  
sual atmospheric conditions create phantoms on the BMEWS that cannot be see 10/5/1960 #16481  
 hit by 3 missiles from one of the Phantoms, causing major damage and killi 6/15/1968 #24040  
 side. It only leaves when two F-4 Phantoms from Denver enter base airspace 1975 #29680  
## Word: "pharis" (Back to Top)
 for Explosive Technology Research Pharis Williams was essential to the res 4/1988 #38527  
/fulltext/u2/a227121.pdf     Note: Pharis Williams has several indirect tie 4/1988 #38527  
 discussed (see 16 October 2002).  Pharis Williams also spoke at a UAP tech 4/1988 #38527  
## Word: "pharmaceutical" (Back to Top)
                                 A pharmaceutical products salesman was ret 3/26/2002 #44326  
## Word: "pharmaceuticals" (Back to Top)
is based on allegations that human pharmaceuticals have been found in mutil 1997 #43154  
## Word: "pharmacy" (Back to Top)
g that members of the engineering, pharmacy, law, and liberal arts colleges 7/1952 #6680  
## Word: "pharos" (Back to Top)
rials cloaking. The group included Pharos Technologies, Alexis Pezarro, Joh 1983 #36738  
## Word: "pharr" (Back to Top)
t up into six similar objects over Pharr, Texas and quickly dispersed.      11/9/1962 #17541  
## Word: "phase" (Back to Top)
lic be told "every detail of every phase" of the investigation. The scienti 1/17/1953 #8544  
 is visible in about three-quarter phase in the sky. Both glance up and see 8/1966 #20711  
ssue technical reports on whatever phase or case they have concentrated on. 8/27/1967 #22939  
he date on which the investigative phase ends, there is a substantially new Late 5/1968 #23983  
Ufologists Commission begins a new phase of its “UFOs: Freedom of Informati 2/2018 #45504  
## Word: "phased" (Back to Top)
f the SR-71 Blackbird. It is to be phased out by June 1968.                 12/28/1966 #21223  
enland The entire USAF Solid State Phased Array Radar System goes into oper 1/31/2001 #44136  
rt of 2018. While the Predator was phased out by the Air Force in favor of  3/9/2018 #45522  
 radars (including the Solid State Phased Array Radar System), the DARPA Sp 6/23/2019 #45587  
## Word: "phases" (Back to Top)
rch with respect to many valuable- phases of air doctrine, research, employ 2/23/1944 #1577  
## Word: "phayanak" (Back to Top)
ase, with up to 408 counted at the Phayanak festival on October 24, 2018 (2 10/6/2006 #44971  
## Word: "phd" (Back to Top)
          MADISON, WI E. McGilvery PhD. Bright round self-Illum.obj 2 / 3 m 6/17/1947 (approximate) #2335  
              SOUTH / WOODLAND, WA PhD and 1. 2 groups / 4-5 silent shiny t 6/27/1947 #2425  
                       HOUSTON, TX PhD and 8 police report(s). Glowing-boom 1/21/1967 #21362  
 an interview by Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD for the failure of the “Crash Retrie 1989 #38767  
                   FEDERAL WAY, WA PhD and 2 sons / I5. Delta/triangle/box- 5/19/1995 #42215  
November 2017), was working on his PhD dissertation at Case Western Reserve 8/1997 #43363  
ton DC NY Times: Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD, an astrophysicist, starts working a 2007 #44993  
In an interview, Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD (who has a security clearance) talks 4/30/2019 #45574  
   Washington DC Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD gave classified briefings on "retrie 10/21/2019 #45613  
   Washington DC Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD gave classified briefings on "retrie 10/23/2019 #45614  
ton DC NY Times: Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD, Aerospace Corporation (a defense co 3/2020 #45636  
## Word: "phds" (Back to Top)
4:00 p.m. Five witnesses, all with PhDs, report an upside-down-ice-cream-co 2/23/1984 #37201  
## Word: "pheasant" (Back to Top)
reserve was doing some work at the pheasant hatchery in County Tipperary, I 10/31/1990 #39822  
## Word: "phelippeau" (Back to Top)
wo businessmen, Messrs. Estier and Phelippeau, who were driving back from R 10/1/1954 #10560  
wo businessmen, Messrs. Estier and Phelippeau, who were driving back from R 10/1/1954 #10575  
## Word: "phelps-dodge" (Back to Top)
                  Morenci, Arizona Phelps-Dodge Corporation’s copper smelti 10/23/1980 #35584  
d Larry Mortensen, employed at the Phelps-Dodge Corporation’s copper smelti 10/23/1980 #35584  
## Word: "phenix" (Back to Top)
                      COLUMBUS AND PHENIX CITY, OH Silver saucers over avia 7/9/1953 (approximate) #8991  
## Word: "phenom" (Back to Top)
 8:52 p.m. The pilot of an Embraer Phenom business jet flying at 45,000 fee 4/22/2022 #45745  
## Word: "phenomena" (Back to Top)
 on observations of various marine phenomena, hazards, and other activities 6/21/1866 #167  
other celestial and meteorological phenomena.                               6/21/1866 #167  
marks around her neck. Poltergeist phenomena (tables moving) occur and a ma 10/4/1898 #626  
anything unusual. No unusual solar phenomena are observed by scientists. So 10/13/1917 #970  
s caused by natural meteorological phenomena. The Miracle of the Sun is int 10/13/1917 #970  
optical effects and meteorological phenomena, such as the sun being seen th 10/13/1917 #970  
brush discharge, and other natural phenomena.                               1936 #1239  
Bomber Command issues a report on “Phenomena Connected with Enemy Night Tac 8/11/1940 #1343  
 determines there are two types of phenomena: a ball of fire that is shot f 9/25/1942 #1448  
rt of its investigation on “Rocket Phenomena,” concluding that the air crew 2/9/1944 #1571  
k into incidents of unusual aerial phenomena in Europe and interview pilots 10/28/1944 #1685  
ion of German involvement with the phenomena.                               10/9/1945 #1944  
idents with “certain kind of light phenomena’ that might be associated with 6/26/1946 #2016  
% appear to be meteors (“celestial phenomena”), although radar has tracked  10/10/1946 #2203  
d UK continue to think so. Natural phenomena and popular imagination are co 1/20/1947 #2232  
ommanding Officer blames “peculiar phenomena” for the accident. Former stat 5/15/1947 #2282  
 Harold R. Turner blames “peculiar phenomena” for the accident. The officia 5/15/1947 #2284  
nzen, the co-founder of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization in 1952  6/10/1947 #2320  
or seeing too much in some natural phenomena. Something is really flying ar 7/30/1947 #3262  
clusion that they were not natural phenomena. The report is forwarded to T- 9/26/1947 #3428  
n any reported and sighted unusual phenomena, of the ‘flying disk’ type, in 2/12/1948 #3576  
reached the conclusion that “these phenomena are obviously the result of a  11/4/1948 #3868  
[are] perturbed by implications of phenomena.” LaPaz speaks to dozens of wi 1/31/1949 #3988  
 New Mexico A Conference on Aerial Phenomena is held at Los Alamos Scientif 2/16/1949 #4010  
eballs might be electrical-optical phenomena. Navy Commander Richard S. Man 2/16/1949 #4010  
inued occurrences of unexplainable phenomena of this nature in the vicinity 2/16/1949 #4010  
oncerned with all anomalous aerial phenomena. Disgusted, Godsoe leaves the  2/24/1949 #4023  
ey are misidentifications of other phenomena.                               3/15/1949 #4045  
ing reports of unidentified “light phenomena” to the scientific community a 4/28/1949 #4125  
personnel believe they are natural phenomena; AFOSI and FBI give no opinion 5/5/1949 #4149  
 conference be held to discuss the phenomena. Kaplan suspects that the fire 7/13/1949 #4269  
 of reports on “anomalous luminous phenomena.” He notes that “Many of the g 8/17/1949 #4319  
o believe in paranormal and fringe phenomena, or prophesies concerning futu 4/14/1950 #4853  
he frequency of unexplained aerial phenomena in the New Mexico area was suc 5/25/1950 #4966  
information with respect to aerial phenomena in this general area.”         5/25/1950 #4966  
I headquarters, “Summary of Aerial Phenomena in New Mexico,” discusses the  8/1950 #5093  
tes that OSI is concerned with the phenomena seen over sensitive installati 8/1950 #5093  
 that all future reports of aerial phenomena should go to the Flying Saucer 8/15/1950 #5127  
P are not balloons and not natural phenomena. Mirarchi states UAP show “man 2/27/1951 #5465  
 or defensive utilization of these phenomena for psychological warfare purp 1952? #5828  
Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) with former DCI VADM R 1952 #5843  
ly talking about the “flying disc” phenomena seen by civilians and military 1952 #5843  
nd Coral Lorenzen found the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization in Sturg 1/1952 #5853  
B, not be declassified because the phenomena could not be debunked by natur 2/19/1952 #5911  
d to study green fireball and disc phenomena near the facility. *   https:/ 2/19/1952 #5911  
-fledged organization, the "Aerial Phenomena Group." Soon thereafter, the c 3/1952 #5937  
rganization under the title Aerial Phenomena Group and is renamed Project B 3/25/1952 #5973  
ion of Project A: Investigation of Phenomena, saying that members of the en 7/1952 #6680  
 that about 20% involve “unnatural phenomena.” After unsuccessful attempts  7/1952 #6680  
s have no trouble identifying such phenomena.                               7/26/1952 #7174  
er in July were caused by “weather phenomena” that caused radar beams to be 7/29/1952 #7328  
ttle progress in learning what the phenomena or objects are.”               7/31/1952 #7372  
 sightings are either astronomical phenomena, mistaken sightings of balloon 8/9/1952 #7516  
d be told the public regarding the phenomena, in order to minimize risk of  9/10/1952 #7891  
 ionospheric, and extraterrestrial phenomena, with the added possibility th 9/24/1952 #8022  
resents a paper on “Unusual Aerial Phenomena,” in which he expresses skepti 10/9/1952 #8107  
estigating Soviet knowledge of UFO phenomena is a “primary concern” for the 10/13/1952 #8128  
r optical illusions or atmospheric phenomena. He pointed out, however, that 10/27/1952 #8199  
d can NOT be attributed to natural phenomena or KNOWN types of aerial vehic 11/25/1952 #8335  
ey are not attributable to natural phenomena or known types of aerial vehic 12/2/1952 #8363  
 balloons to generate spurious UFO phenomena. The memo is a desperate effor 1/9/1953 #8521  
ence of inimical forces behind the phenomena."Exactly what transpired at th 1/17/1953 #8544  
xplains all UFO sightings as known phenomena such as mirages and temperatur 3/1953 #8721  
tely fit the category of unnatural phenomena.”                              3/18/1953 #8760  
 aircraft, and unexplained natural phenomena.                               9/21/1954 #10384  
uvers. Misidentified (conventional phenomena) / moon? / LDLN#102p2+/ r217p9 10/3/1954 #10633  
rcraft” that are not “conventional phenomena or illusions.”                 10/24/1954 #11365  
gages in speculation about Fortean phenomena, ancient astronauts, levitatin 3/1955 #12022  
ilure to properly identify prosaic phenomena that can already account for I 10/25/1955 #12519  
Os are indeed distinctly different phenomena. In the initial results, all c 10/25/1955 #12519  
Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena organized in Washington DC     8/29/1956 #13148  
Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena in Washington, D.C.            8/29/1956 #13151  
ence of certain and obvious aerial phenomena to justify independent evaluat 11/4/1956 #13305  
gins publishing S.P.A.C.E. (Saucer Phenomena and Celestial Enigma), a month 1/1957 #13441  
 suited for studying some of these phenomena, since it covered the peak of  7/1/1957 #13768  
       MISIDENTIFIED (CONVENTIONAL PHENOMENA)-ATLANTIC 54° 30W-38° 00N Stea 4/25/1958 #14999  
f balloons, aircraft, astronomical phenomena, etc. I don’t believe they are 5/6/1958 #15020  
 airplanes, balloons, astronomical phenomena, etc.” He says he is not being 7/30/1958 #15162  
 House Subcommittee on Atmospheric Phenomena, chaired by Rep. William Natch 8/8/1958 #15184  
fs the Subcommittee on Atmospheric Phenomena and House Select Committee on  8/13/1958 #15200  
ediately that the UFOs are natural phenomena (“lightning, meteors, and mete 12/19/1958 #15481  
en place at 8:19 p.m. APRG (Aerial Phenomena Research Group) investigators  4/1/1959 #15686  
ol radars. This means that “aerial phenomena” appear on radar only if they  1960 #16144  
rly direction. They are similar to phenomena he has seen before, but these  3/6/1960 #16198  
Dr. Olavo T. Fontes for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization.         5/13/1960 #16267  
Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena; another he gives to J. Allen  4/18/1961 #16653  
hat apparitions may be UFO-related phenomena.                               1962 #17010  
 could not tie in with any natural phenomena known to our investigators.” H 1965 #18681  
use most sightings involve natural phenomena seen by unreliable witnesses.  4/20/1965 #18908  
 home experiences such poltergeist phenomena as whirring or sawing noises,  3/1966 #19930  
mittee investigation into the “UFO phenomena.”                              3/28/1966 #20116  
Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena                                1/7/1967 #21272  
 that the Soviets are aware of UFO phenomena too.                           2/1967 #21431  
 Cleveland, Ohio The United Aerial Phenomena Agency begins publishing Flyin Spring 1967 #21925  
rrey Investigation Group on Aerial Phenomena publishes the SIGAP Newsletter 6/1967 #22438  
an observing a "series of luminous phenomena" months before. The objects we 5/17/1968 #23972  
 invents the term “transient lunar phenomena” to describe short-lived chang 7/1/1968 #24117  
ults who subsequently observed the phenomena were Normand Daigle and Luc Ca 8/29/1968 #24401  
s (hoaxes, hallucinations, natural phenomena, secret earth projects, and ex 10/1968? #24534  
ccessive years. Strange paranormal phenomena began to take place around the 11/1/1968 #24620  
ghtmares and various physiological phenomena were later recorded. (Magonia  11/2/1968 #24623  
ghtmares and various physiological phenomena were later recorded.           11/2/1968 #24624  
ghtmares and various physiological phenomena, including identical triangula 11/2/1968 #24626  
 media reports on UFOs and related phenomena. The service is largely run by 5/1969 #25104  
special consultant” on atmospheric phenomena. He reports to Col. George R.  5/5/1970 #25655  
 They had had sightings of similar phenomena earlier in the week and were p 12/24/1970 #25952  
loating high above Nyírábrány. The phenomena are still there as they are wa 9/1972 #26973  
c field study, able to monitor the phenomena in real-time, enabling Rutledg 4/1973 #27397  
d Rees found the Manchester Aerial Phenomena Investigation Team in the Grea 9/1973 #27740  
arly example of a similar “mi-lab” phenomena? *   https://youtu.be/I3U56KZb 10/11/1973 #28009  
ular culture to describe a similar phenomena reported by some witnesses.  N 10/11/1973 #28009  
, experienced a variety of strange phenomena, including a gloved hand appar 10/14/1973 #28031  
rsenal, states “unexplained aerial phenomena” were observed during ballisti 7/17/1974 #29267  
 about UFOs and various paranormal phenomena, ultimately connecting them to 1975 #29670  
Reports of Wisconsin's Unexplained Phenomena, p. 67). (NICAP: 02 - Close En 3/8/1975 #29879  
und a number of strange verifiable phenomena. Mechanical and electrical dev 1/6/1976 #30762  
nel within the Agency” monitor UAP phenomena, but not on an official basis. 4/26/1976 #31027  
p Osaka Bay also sees the luminous phenomena in the shape of a sphere. Maj. 6/22/1976 #31129  
 Air Force can identify no unusual phenomena. The official documents can be 7/1977 #32220  
in is known for reports of strange phenomena. During the skywatch a total o 8/3/1977 #32353  
esearch into anomalous atmospheric phenomena, proposed by scientist Anatoly 10/1977 #32539  
bility of watching out for unusual phenomena. The second group studies phys 10/1977 #32539  
of interest in UFOs and paranormal phenomena, as well as new sightings. It  10/31/1977 #32643  
ed by his Study Group on Anomalous Phenomena.                               12/30/1977 #32820  
ervations of Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena in the USSR: A Statistical Ana 1/1978 #32835  
rence. Misidentified (conventional phenomena) july.                         7/15/1978? #33384  
89, instead “Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena” was the sanctioned acronym.   End of 1978 #34036  
ntified flying objects and related phenomena.” Beyond newspaper publicity,  12/8/1978 #34076  
Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena has long been riddled with CIA 1/1979 #34268  
Some reports are caused by natural phenomena, while others are unidentified 1/16/1979 #34348  
 to show that all UFOs are natural phenomena that UFO enthusiasts are popul Late 1/1979 #34380  
non.  FBI monitors interest in the phenomena from Sen. Harrison Schmitt; do 2/16/1979 #34431  
time that probably account for the phenomena.                               3/5/1979 #34465  
ular culture to describe a similar phenomena reported by some witnesses.    1980's #35110  
ilm), The Amazing World of Psychic Phenomena about psi and TK during the pr 7/1980 #35399  
or an Air Force grant to study the phenomena.                               11/10/1980 #35623  
the event that any strange ‘aerial phenomena’” are sighted. On August 17, a 8/16/1981 #36078  
ion or misidentified (conventional phenomena.)                              10/5/1981 #36157  
ashington, D.C., in order to study phenomena “generally regarded by the sci 1/5/1982 #36296  
Commission on Abnormal Atmospheric Phenomena. Popovich declared the inciden 3/27/1983 #36817  
stigation of Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena is established in Moscow, Russ 2/1984 #37170  
ished from other reports of aerial phenomena. In any event, he says, “none  3/4/1984 #37216  
r Eastern Commission for Anomalous Phenomena, arrives on the site on Februa 1/29/1986 #37775  
cratches, and bruises. Poltergeist phenomena occur. The Turners begin to no 1988 #38383  
e concept for use in analyzing UFO phenomena.                               3/1989 #38854  
r, most are explainable as natural phenomena, rocket launches, or satellite 11/9/1990 #39882  
echnical analysis of unusual space phenomena conducted by more than 15 sepa 1991 #39938  
s of the Expert Group on Anomalous Phenomena of the Soviet Academy of Scien 2/18/1991 #39977  
he Research Institute on Anomalous Phenomena is established in Kharkiv, Ukr 1992 #40275  
a and were waiting for any unusual phenomena. At 8:05 p.m. they saw a large 9/22/1992 #40636  
ssible misidentified (conventional phenomena) helicopter. Local (as a local 7/13/1993 #41061  
 two people in it. By November 17, Phenomena Research Australia has located 8/8/1993 #41117  
 US A memo on “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Study” from a UK wing commande 10/18/1993 #41246  
ces, that xxxxx believes that such phenomena exists and has a small team st 10/18/1993 #41246  
DI(ST) titled “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Study - Proposed amendment to  12/2/1993 #41320  
ces that Russia believes that such phenomena exist and has a small team stu 12/2/1993 #41320  
rious types of UFOs and paranormal phenomena, including cattle mutilations, Fall 1994 #41773  
The Polish Army concludes that the phenomena were caused by a laser searchl 10/8/1994 #41795  
es, France. Video was taken of the phenomena for seven minutes.             8/18/1995 #42400  
 of the town witness unusual light phenomena.                               7/9/1996 #42952  
suggestibility, personality, sleep phenomena, psychopathology, psychodynami 10/1996 #43048  
AP working group, and that “mental phenomena” could assist in the remote pi 6/1997 #43308  
ming them unidentifieds or natural phenomena, but provides no evidence. Blu 8/3/1997 #43367  
ncident involving anomalous aerial phenomena observed by any aviation perso 10/3/1997 #43423  
he National Institute of Aerospace Phenomena Investigations (INFA); Rafael  12/7/1997 #43453  
tion Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena Retired NASA psychologist Rich 1999 #43706  
tion Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena as a place for pilots, crews,  1999 #43706  
, 90% of the anomalous atmospheric phenomena observed in Russian territory  2000 #43911  
d be rare or still unknown natural phenomena. However, no evidence is found 2000 #43911  
tion Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena Richard Haines’s National Avia 10/15/2000 #44056  
tion Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena releases a 90-page report that 10/15/2000 #44056  
nd prolonged luminous and/or solid phenomena cavorting near their aircraft. 10/15/2000 #44056  
-gravity effects and attribute the phenomena to ionic drift. NASA has studi 5/9/2001 #44183  
lar Travel and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: Science Fiction or Science Fa 11/8/2002 #44436  
 may be connected to the “MiLAB '' phenomena, i.e. fake alien abductions.   7/2003 #44560  
e study of unexplained atmospheric phenomena.” He suggests that the Europea 1/20/2004 #44652  
. Other witnesses hear and see the phenomena, and others are wakened by the 2/7/2005 #44813  
February 2000. Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defence Region,  5/15/2006 #44942  
agnetic fields generated by plasma phenomena are also said to explain repor 5/15/2006 #44942  
 close connection between the ‘UFO phenomena’ and Plasma technologies,” and 5/15/2006 #44942  
e “potential threat aspects of the phenomena.”                              6/19/2007 #45036  
en more people were seen. A lot of phenomena."                              8/18/2007 #45049  
hould reopen investigations of UFO phenomena. It would not imply that the c 7/29/2008 #45152  
e to suburban Virginia, paranormal phenomena plague his family, including a 7/2009 #45229  
 there. Like Jonathan Axelrod, the phenomena follow her back home to Virgin 8/2009 #45231  
 where she experiences poltergeist phenomena and sees a huge owl that attac 8/2009 #45231  
ings suggests the presence of such phenomena means that aliens could be mon 9/27/2010 #45298  
nder of the Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Reporting Scheme, publishes “U 1/2011 #45311  
aciales for the study of aerospace phenomena. Capt. Moriano Mohaupt, Air Fo 5/6/2011 #45323  
ased sightings of anomalous aerial phenomena” in the country’s skies. DIFAA 10/2013 #45387  
onsider to be “unidentified aerial phenomena.” Susan Gough, a Pentagon spok 2/2015? #45430  
 incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena in recent years.” In April 202 2/2015? #45430  
with the DOD’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), and states 11/5/2015 #45439  
nesses and studying the hitchhiker phenomena.  https://youtu.be/BJieA8lvucw 8/31/2016 #45458  
ion of nearby, material objects or phenomena in the air. Finally, the well- 1/1/2017 #45463  
ain capability and intent of these phenomena for the benefit of the armed f 10/4/2017 #45483  
rous scientific examination of UFO phenomena. Its executive board includes  10/27/2017 #45489  
stigation into unidentified aerial phenomena,” dispelling rumors that the p 5/22/2019 #45579  
tion Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena issues an advisory for pilots  6/2019 #45583  
O reports and purported paranormal phenomena. According to Steven Aftergood 2/14/2020 #45633  
he release states that “the aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain  4/27/2020 #45643  
t on UFOs, or “unidentified aerial phenomena.” In his report attached to th 6/23/2020 #45649  
 of an ongoing Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force managed by the Unde 6/23/2020 #45649  
. (Wikipedia, “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force”; M. J. Banias, “Se 6/23/2020 #45649  
lishment of an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force. The Department of  8/4/2020 #45658  
ecording of any unexplained aerial phenomena they encounter and that the fo 9/15/2020 #45661  
Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, Civilian Saucer Intelligence  11/2020 #45664  
t a report on “unidentified aerial phenomena (also known as ‘anomalous aeri 12/27/2020 #45670  
nce data about unidentified aerial phenomena. It demands a detailed analysi 12/27/2020 #45670  
borne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, US government or industry dev 6/25/2021 #45694  
ss made by the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) is publishe 6/25/2021 #45695  
ice to Address Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” introduced by Sen. Kirsten Gi 12/27/2021 #45730  
ds hearings on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, as directed by the National D 5/17/2022 #45750  
O and the Unidentified Submersible Phenomena.” Much of the article is in a  8/23/2022 #45763  
black site” due to UAP and related phenomena on the property.  https://yout 10/14/2022 #45777  
vernment calls unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). The office tracking rep 1/12/2023 #45792  
reas known as “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.” A command and control vessel 2/27/2023 #45795  
ntative to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force from 2019-2021. Fro 6/5/2023 #45798  
## Word: "phenomenal" (Back to Top)
vel for 2 minutes, then climbed at phenomenal speed on an erratic flight pa 12/8/1952 #8396  
, NV C47 crew. Wingless fuselage / phenomenal speed going quickly [to] east 5/30/1954 #9843  
eported that they appeared to have phenomenal strength. At one point one of 11/28/1954 #11724  
can be seen ducking for cover as a phenomenal fireball consumes the sky ove 8/1/1958 #15174  
ich came directly toward them at a phenomenal rate of speed from the West,  12/20/1958 #15482  
nly zooms toward the witnesses at “phenomenal speed.” It stops abruptly abo 2/26/1975 #29852  
ly zoomed toward the witnesses "at phenomenal speed." It stopped abruptly 9 2/26/1975 #29853  
caling the steps in two jumps with phenomenal agility. With some difficulty 2/5/1978 #32957  
ily be heard. The craft moved at a phenomenal speed and disappeared and rea 6/9/2004 #44709  
apidly and suddenly shoots away at phenomenal speed and disappears within s 3/19/2013 #45362  
## Word: "phenomene" (Back to Top)
es OVNI en Bretagne: Anatomie d'un Phenomene, p. 75). (NICAP: 06 - Trace Ca 12/24/1975 #30737  
## Word: "phenomenes" (Back to Top)
roleum. (Sources: Roland Godefroy, Phenomenes Spatiaux, March 1975, p. 9).  1/5/1975 #29719  
rthwest. (Source: Francis Leblond, Phenomenes Spatiaux, September 1976, p.  3/2/1976 #30916  
         France Groupe d'Etude des Phenomenes Aerospatiaux Non-Identifies ( 5/1977 #32041  
## Word: "phenomenology" (Back to Top)
 out a detailed study of abduction phenomenology based on his research with 3/1992 #40342  
## Word: "phenomenom" (Back to Top)
e same time as an anomalous aerial phenomenom appeared over the northern sk 3/23/1985 #37573  
## Word: "phenomenon" (Back to Top)
30 p.m. Short hears that a similar phenomenon is seen at the same time in V 12/5/1737 #60  
 up then reuniting once again. The phenomenon is said to have occurred at n 12/6/1737 #62  
ht, leaving a sparkling trail. The phenomenon is also seen in Pittsburgh, P 8/2/1860 #156  
zon to horizon above the moon. The phenomenon transits the sky in approxima 11/17/1882 #249  
nutes. Moore says he has seen this phenomenon before and considers it a sig 11/12/1887 #283  
 purple color. All are silent. The phenomenon lasts about one hour, during  8/18/1893 #309  
g borders, the military admits the phenomenon is at least partially real.   7/8/1935 #1231  
mes yellow, then red- yellow, the “phenomenon passing from left to right ac 5/30/1937 #1270  
n the immediate future... This new phenomenon would also lead to the constr 8/2/1939 #1311  
          Aachen (near), Germany A phenomenon described as a bright white l 8/11/1942 #1431  
 further information on the “Night Phenomenon.”                             1/16/1945 #1757  
ht missions in June and July a UFO phenomenon was reported. Our air crews s 7/1945 #1886  
               Honshu, Japan Light Phenomenon.Spotted enemy aircraft appare 7/12/1945 #1893  
s the ghost rockets a social panic phenomenon. An RAF Intelligence report,  9/9/1946 #2172  
e author of seven books on the UFO phenomenon, witnessed an unidentified li 6/10/1947 #2320  
or seeing too much in some natural phenomenon. Something is really flying a 7/1947 #2492  
Others in the area report the same phenomenon.                              7/4/1947 #2669  
EAL! Concerning “Flying Discs” the phenomenon reported is something real, n 9/23/1947 #3415  
a potentially serious but puzzling phenomenon, and turn this over to Chief  12/18/1947 #3506  
 agreeing with Cabell that the UFO phenomenon is not identifiable and that  11/8/1948 #3871  
-made missiles rather than natural phenomenon,” probably made in Russia.    3/25/1949 #4053  
ly even-handed introduction to the phenomenon.                              4/29/1949 #4132  
 that the fireballs are an auroral phenomenon, but concedes that their hori 7/13/1949 #4269  
periodic 1.5-hour time schedule, a phenomenon not seen before or after, and 10/14/1949 #4395  
   Holloman AFB, NM Unknown Aerial Phenomenon Sighted (NICAP: 01 - Distant  12/13/1949 #4438  
re not characteristic of a natural phenomenon. He says the “Navy report is  2/25/1951 #5458  
out that the lights are a “natural phenomenon” and requests no further publ 8/30/1951 #5638  
ould continue, I would suspect the phenomenon is not natural.” The fireball 11/9/1951 #5773  
a, who have been following the UFO phenomenon. They form Civilian Saucer In 12/1951 #5804  
ry commission dedicated to the UFO phenomenon at its Puerto Belgrano Naval  1952 #5839  
uctions; unknown if related to UAP phenomenon.  https://www.urigeller.com/t 1952 #5844  
          Seattle, WA “Blue Flash” phenomenon reported over Seattle on fron 5/12/1952 #6303  
could have been an electromagnetic phenomenon but they did not believe it w 7/21/1952 #6982  
of some unfamiliar and unexplained phenomenon.”                             7/30/1952 #7362  
of any scientific study of the UFO phenomenon, perhaps through Millikan’s M 12/2/1952 #8363  
on in this area observed an aerial phenomenon simultaneously by electronic  1/26/1953 #8572  
ide, New Mexico observed an aerial phenomenon simultaneously by electronic  1/26/1953 #8576  
has concluded that UFOs are a real phenomenon, but they fear creating a sta 3/23/1954 #9634  
o the left of the setting sun,” a “phenomenon so rare that it apparently ha 6/29/1954 #9962  
leaving any trace. This particular phenomenon is very similar to the substa 10/14/1954 #11041  
ailed to identify the cause of the phenomenon.                              10/21/1954 #11299  
ailed to identify the cause of the phenomenon.                              10/21/1954 #11308  
the pattern of any known object or phenomenon.” Out of 3,201 cases, 69% are 10/25/1955 #12519  
s a semi-documentary about the UFO phenomenon in the US, U.F.O. Edward J. R 5/3/1956 #12828  
ief that UFOs are a real, physical phenomenon of unknown origin.            5/3/1956 #12828  
peed record in 1957) was a weather phenomenon. Lewis delivered his conclusi 9/24/1957 #14030  
                The Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU) was disestablished Late 1950's #14773  
ervice, tells O Globo that the UFO phenomenon is a “fact confirmed by mater 2/28/1958 #14897  
ly clear and certainly indicated a phenomenon for which he had no ready exp 7/1958 #15131  
convinced it is not an atmospheric phenomenon. They say that “the UFO prese 11/4/1958 #15425  
and on them are exterminated, in a phenomenon the technicians call “instant 6/1959 #15754  
experiment closely tied to the UFO phenomenon was conducted on this day in  7/9/1959 #15829  
m flight sees essentially the same phenomenon, as well as an Air Force bomb 7/11/1959 #15834  
t Russian scientists about the UFO phenomenon through the Soviet cultural o 8/1959 #15887  
ther lunar observers have seen the phenomenon, so it must be closer to the  10/8/1959 #16028  
 silver salt could have caused the phenomenon.”                             10/12/1959 #16030  
ques Vallée publishes Anatomy of a Phenomenon, which generates particular e 6/1965 #18978  
r, scientific treatment of the UFO phenomenon. Well reviewed, it plays a si 6/1965 #18978  
social scientists to study the UFO phenomenon.                              8/30/1965 #19478  
U 8:00 p.m. LT. As a strange light phenomenon (including an oval with a con 4/4/1966 #20220  
nknown location, TX Peculiar light phenomenon and a small figure that enter 9/5/1966 #20849  
lian man observed a peculiar light phenomenon and a small figure that appea 9/5/1966 #20850  
ut UFOs. “I cannot dismiss the UFO phenomenon with a shrug,” he concludes.  10/1966 #20944  
e.’ Because the reports of the UFO phenomenon are so complex and multidimen 11/1/1966 #21060  
 entirely. Another witness saw the phenomenon from a separate location, 2 k 1/17/1967 #21331  
 entirely. Another witness saw the phenomenon from a separate location, two 1/17/1967 #21335  
og was reported to be upset by the phenomenon (animal reaction) during the  1/26/1967 #21393  
this date. Suspected extraordinary phenomenon (meteor train?) or military m 2/26/1967 #21660  
ople traveling by car saw the same phenomenon. It came to ground level with 3/25/1967 #21984  
ple travelling by car saw the same phenomenon. The UFO came down to ground  3/25/1967 #21987  
 southeast reported a very similar phenomenon. They saw 5-6 objects radiati 7/25/1967 #22729  
 C. Wyman, remarking that the UFO “phenomenon could be of great importance  11/30/1967 #23525  
that Klass is using one unverified phenomenon (his hypothetical plasmas) to 1968 #23627  
mas) to explain another unverified phenomenon (UFOs). Klass and physicist J 1968 #23627  
t is not attributable to any known phenomenon or aircraft, but that the rec 2/4/1968 #23734  
 UFO Subcommittee to study the UFO phenomenon objectively. Joachim P. Kuett 12/1968 #24740  
jects” and concludes that the “UFO phenomenon appears to have been global i 10/1969 #25389  
m outer space and is not a natural phenomenon.” It has appointed five exper 3/12/1972 #26601  
ear. A photograph was taken of the phenomenon.                              8/13/1972 #26915  
ifted off. He said he observed the phenomenon for 15 minutes.               8/25/1972 #26954  
.m. described essentially the same phenomenon. Mr. Max Inglis, who had pass 2/4/1973 #27270  
e reaching the site of the strange phenomenon.                              2/4/1973 #27270  
s asking their opinions on the UFO phenomenon. He receives 423 responses fr 4/9/1973 #27418  
r to make a documentary on the UFO phenomenon and the question of extraterr 5/1973 #27460  
tish aircraft also report the same phenomenon.                              1/26/1974 #28709  
n which he speculates that the UFO phenomenon is a “control system” in whic 1975 #29672  
nt from first observing a luminous phenomenon in the area to the disappeara 1/5/1975 #29726  
eds in taking a color slide of the phenomenon. Immediately after the photo  7/26/1975 #30208  
(Source: Michael Hitt, Georgia UFO Phenomenon 1947-1987, p. 73). (NICAP: 02 11/20/1975 #30646  
 Although they acknowledge the UFO phenomenon is real, its reality skirts t 12/15/1975 #30718  
er in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international ex 6/26/1976 #31142  
ria necessary for a study of a UFO phenomenon.” And, “an inordinate amount  9/19/1976 #31396  
rways jumbo jet describes the same phenomenon. 310 miles to the south, Capt 3/24/1977 #31929  
 International Congress on the UFO Phenomenon is held in Acapulco, Mexico,  4/17/1977 #31987  
s assumed by all involved that the phenomenon had an apparently extraterres 5/10/1977 #32083  
as the first person to observe the phenomenon. Officer Bruner and his partn 7/21/1977 #32296  
gs separating the witness from the phenomenon. Next, one of the humanoid fi 8/26/1977 #32426  
bes it as a “giant jellyfish.” The phenomenon is seen over a vast territory 9/20/1977 #32499  
concern about whether the observed phenomenon is caused by Soviet weapons t 9/20/1977 #32499  
ol. Boris Sokolov reveals that the phenomenon is observed from 12:00 midnig 9/20/1977 #32499  
munications are restored after the phenomenon ceases. Since 1977, the pheno 9/20/1977 #32499  
phenomenon ceases. Since 1977, the phenomenon has often (though not univers 9/20/1977 #32499  
sfactorily understand the observed phenomenon.”                             9/20/1977 #32499  
rozavodsk, Russia The Petrozavodsk phenomenon in Russia contributes to the  10/1977 #32539  
ions on the seriousness of the UFO phenomenon and the need for global coope 11/28/1977 #32702  
er independent reports of the same phenomenon that night from Belem and Col 11/28/1977 #32703  
gether four witnessed this strange phenomenon. Later on the girls slept in  10/31/1978 #33902  
o an investigator for APRO (Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization), and o 1979 #34253  
the international character of the phenomenon. He concludes with a request  1/18/1979 #34358  
d Nevil Hughes, also witnessed the phenomenon together with several other i 1/26/1979 #34382  
o “cover up” the cattle mutilation phenomenon.  FBI monitors interest in th 2/16/1979 #34431  
d from distant points of view. The phenomenon is even seen from Safi, Moroc 3/5/1979 #34465  
Look on “How the CIA Views the UFO Phenomenon.” He asserts that “we have, i 5/1979 #34532  
or its own purposes, while the UFO phenomenon operates as a control system— 6/1979 #34599  
other hand, he argues that the UFO phenomenon is ancient and that the messa 6/1979 #34599  
less operator, Mr. Guzzi. But this phenomenon did not end with the disappea 6/22/1979 #34626  
tes. Sapkov claims to see the same phenomenon in 1986 and is assured by off 11/1979 #34981  
cily, Italy and observed a strange phenomenon. The electrical power seemed  12/30/1979 #35104  
to back up the truck. Finally, the phenomenon ceases and she drives home. W 5/9/1980 #35319  
“When I turned north at Wafra, the phenomenon was still clearly visible and 6/20/1980 #35382  
les away reports sighting the same phenomenon. Radar does not detect the ob 6/20/1980 #35382  
le suggesting that an unidentified phenomenon might have caused parts of th 12/28/1980 #35750  
of 5–7 rads on the ship. A similar phenomenon is seen by another ship in th 9/17/1982 #36607  
elpful. Researchers categorize the phenomenon into three different types: a 1/21/1984 #37136  
group known as the “Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit” that unofficially analy 5/16/1984 #37330  
entation on “Properties of the UFO Phenomenon” at a special session on “The 5/29/1984 #37341  
ittle light activity is noted. The phenomenon ceases in 1986. Investigators 1/13/1985 #37548  
e and space and must be an unknown phenomenon. Paul Devereux is convinced t 1/13/1985 #37548  
4,920 feet. (Ion Lazeanu, “Unusual Phenomenon Observed with Radar Device in 8/1986 #37964  
nd a shining, metallic-blue, misty phenomenon appears and floats about for  10/10/1986 #38044  
ce current knowledge about the UFO phenomenon in perspective.               1987 #38090  
ce letter: The IPU (Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit) of the Scientific and T 3/12/1987 #38136  
 presumably connected with the UFO phenomenon. A woman in Tennessee noticed 4/2/1989 #38888  
ctive reality of the UFO abduction phenomenon to be reported. Two women, "S 11/6/1989 #39216  
 event, some people claim that the phenomenon is visible from the ground, d 3/30/1990 #39499  
s a group of workers that the “UFO phenomenon is real and we should approac 4/26/1990 #39543  
cosponsor a conference on “The UFO Phenomenon in the 1990s” at the Lobero T 11/3/1990 #39826  
ng they started the UK crop circle phenomenon in 1978 with the use of simpl 9/9/1991 #40182  
have evolved into an international phenomenon, with hundreds of sophisticat 9/9/1991 #40182  
rmine how widespread the abduction phenomenon might be. Five indicator ques 5/1992 #40439  
iscussions about the UFO abduction phenomenon. UFO researchers like Budd Ho 6/13/1992 #40492  
 Both continue to believe that the phenomenon is extraterrestrial. Hopkins, 6/13/1992 #40492  
perts in the early days of the UFO phenomenon.                              4/1993 #40919  
atches it for 2–3 minutes, and the phenomenon moves slowly to the north and 7/2/1994 #41601  
tic development (a display by “the phenomenon” or a USG announcement) will  1/11/1998 #43499  
by voice communication.” And, “The phenomenon is tunable in that the charac 2/17/1998 #43522  
 to revolve around the object. The phenomenon was seen from two locations,  2/9/1999 #43724  
lien explanation for the abduction phenomenon and arguing instead that abdu 3/1999 #43740  
he correct explanation for the UFO phenomenon. The study recommends that th 7/16/1999 #43805  
hould adjust to the reality of the phenomenon and conduct further research. 7/16/1999 #43805  
oke or a fog-like cloud. A similar phenomenon was reported at the same time 1/18/2000 #43931  
 government that he saw a luminous phenomenon moving quietly and slowly at  2/5/2000 #43941  
ng to an unknown atmospheric light phenomenon “able to produce a luminous p 8/5/2002 #44374  
out GEIPAN. He states that the UFO phenomenon is serious and involves many  9/29/2005 #44881  
lt of a supernormal meteorological phenomenon not fully understood by moder 5/15/2006 #44942  
understood by modern science. This phenomenon is referred to in the report  5/15/2006 #44942  
itary applications” of this plasma phenomenon is warranted, and that “the i 5/15/2006 #44942  
alls arising from the river: “This phenomenon has a tremendous social and h 10/6/2006 #44971  
eighboring villages hear about the phenomenon and arrive to watch it. Peopl 11/2006 #44979  
e sighting was caused by a weather phenomenon and that the agency would not 11/7/2006 #44981  
rport in Chicago, IL as a “weather phenomenon” despite O’Hare Daily Record  1/1/2007 #44996  
, posits some type of “atmospheric phenomenon” as an explanation.           4/23/2007 #45022  
g it a taboo even to acknowledge a phenomenon that has been declared non-ex 5/6/2008 #45134  
at could shed light on the UFO/UAP phenomenon. Robert Bigelow sets up the B 9/22/2008 #45170  
ere long-term interaction with the phenomenon is discussed.  https://www.am 12/24/2008 #45199  
, an organization to study the UFO phenomenon in detail. Silvia Simondini a 2009 #45202  
l as parts of northern Sweden. The phenomenon consists of a blue beam of li 12/9/2009 #45261  
an open-minded approach toward the phenomenon is necessary. He argues that  1/2011 #45311  
ed a deeper investigation into the phenomenon that concluded abductions wer 3/31/2011 #45322  
g number of analysts cite an eerie phenomenon known as the Frey effect, nam 9/1/2018 #45538  
rt releases a documentary, The UFO Phenomenon, which recounts the history o 9/5/2021 #45708  
esis that there is an unidentified phenomenon interacting with the planet t 7/31/2022 #45760  
## Word: "pheophytins" (Back to Top)
and an unknown element (indicating pheophytins associated with the degradat 5/20/1974 #29119  
## Word: "pheres" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pheres” Yield: 150KT                     11/23/1988 #38720  
## Word: "phial" (Back to Top)
arts, a broken bulb and fitting, a phial containing silver sand, and a piec 4/24/1965 #18916  
## Word: "phil" (Back to Top)
             CLARK AIR FORCE BASE, PHIL 3 planes. Object climbs 800mph goin 9/8/1949 #4351  
Valley Capt. Robert Filler and Lt. Phil Lee, based with the 82d Fighter Int Summer 1961 #16735  
                                   Phil Klass asserts in Aviation Week that 8/22/1966 #20786  
                                   Phil Klass has another article in Aviati 10/3/1966 #20955  
hway on the same night, Mr. & Mrs. Phil Patton of Freetown, reported to Sta 1/17/1967 #21330  
off the road. Less than 2 km away, Phil Patton saw an identical object that 1/17/1967 #21332  
off the road and is badly damaged. Phil Patton and his wife apparently see  1/17/1967 #21333  
s away and at about the same time, Phil Patton saw an identical object that 1/17/1967 #21334  
ima, Ohio 1:15 a.m. Security guard Phil Battle is driving his truck in the  8/17/1980 #35462  
skegon, Michigan 4:45 p.m. Captain Phil Schultz is flying TWA Flight 842, a 7/4/1981 #35987  
ign Technology on 30 October 1989. Phil Imbrogno states published NASA data 9/28/1989 #39132  
Washington.” Emenegger states Col. Phil Corso tried to give him a fake phot 2/26/1994 #41428  
                              Col. Phil Corso tells Jacques Vallée he may h 1/13/1997 #43171  
George Bush Sr. on the phone about Phil Corso’s claims. Davis asks Bush if  3/26/2004 #44681  
## Word: "philadelphia" (Back to Top)
y–San Marcos Hudson River New York Philadelphia Washington, D.C. Baltimore  7/20/1860 #155  
ind another, are seen in New York, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Baltimor 7/20/1860 #155  
ted by Capt. Urghart, was going to Philadelphia when it was surrounded by a 1908 #700  
ted by Capt. Urghart, was going to Philadelphia when it was surrounded by a 1908 #701  
                                   Philadelphia Navy Yard Two chemists are  9/2/1944 #1664  
lot thermal diffusion plant at the Philadelphia Navy Yard.                  9/2/1944 #1664  
n other papers use it (such as the Philadelphia Inquirer on June 26), and r 6/25/1947 #2411  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA Doctor and more/others. 7/4/1947 #2627  
itute of the Pennsylvania Hospital Philadelphia Sunset. M. K. Leisy, a juni 7/4/1947 #2666  
ital at 44th and Market streets in Philadelphia, is reading on the porch of 7/4/1947 #2666  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA Group / teens. Orange d 7/5/1947 #2697  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA Henry Quin. 3' round si 7/7/1947 #2886  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA Scores / observer(s). G 7/8/1947 #2996  
                                US Philadelphia, Pennsylvania New Mexico Br 7/8/1947? #3018  
ss the US. About 250 miles west of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he hears an  7/8/1947? #3018  
ls were given.” When he arrives at Philadelphia, there is nothing in the ne 7/8/1947? #3018  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA Many observer(s). "Gian 8/6/1947 #3299  
d flames. Many observers in nearby Philadelphia, Pennsylvania sighted a "gi 8/6/1947 #3301  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA Scores / observer(s). S 7/9/1949 #4266  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA 2 cops / car. 6' saucer 9/26/1950 #5198  
e Avenue near 26th Street in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10:00 p.m. Po 9/26/1950 #5199  
e Avenue near 26th Street in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, when they se 9/26/1950 #5199  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA 3 observer(s) and more. 9/17/1952 #7968  
                                   Philadelphia Washington, D.C. Conowingo  10/19/1953 #9243  
 an American Airlines DC-6 between Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., when  10/19/1953 #9243  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA 2+observer(s). 25 silve 3/29/1954 #9649  
                       ALTOONA AND PHILADELPHIA, PA 3 airline(s)/airliner c 9/27/1954 #10466  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA Photographer and severa 11/9/1955 #12557  
                                   Philadelphia, PA Newspaper photographers 11/9/1955 #12559  
      New Kensington, Pennsylvania Philadelphia UFO researcher Morris K. Je 1/13/1956 #12657  
visible in October 1943 [the bogus Philadelphia Experiment]. He writes anot 1/13/1956 #12657  
    Seminole, Texas Garland, Texas Philadelphia Navy Yard APRO headquarters 4/1956 #12777  
SS Engstrom, which were not in the Philadelphia Navy Yard at the time) and  4/1956 #12777  
hing seriously enough to write The Philadelphia Experiment in 1979, which l 4/1956 #12777  
ims that an 1943 experiment in the Philadelphia Navy Yard rendered a destro 4/1956 #12778  
tics for aerospace purposes.  The “Philadelphia experiment,” as it becomes  4/1956 #12778  
ition/     Note: The timing of the Philadelphia experiment rumor coming out 4/1956 #12778  
re subject to an experiment at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Allende claims h 4/1956 #12779  
cts. Allende later tells APRO the “Philadelphia Experiment” was a hoax, but 4/1956 #12779  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA Ovoid flutters going do 2/9/1957 #13486  
                                   Philadelphia, PA Apartment lights dead,  11/5/1957 #14333  
t with the Allende letters and the Philadelphia experiment to his death, bu 4/20/1959 #15709  
                                   Philadelphia, PA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 5/14/1959 #15732  
                                   Philadelphia, PA Series of UFO sightings 4/24/1962 #17126  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA Numerous observer(s). D 5/23/1962 #17194  
                                In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania a domed disc  5/23/1962 #17195  
                                   Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 12:30 a.m. Wa 8/26/1962 #17363  
one green light pass silently over Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for 3–5 minu 8/26/1962 #17363  
                                   Philadelphia, PA Freidman. (Mary Castner 10/6/1963 #17981  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA 4 observer(s). Disk buz 1/5/1967 #21254  
                                   Philadelphia, PA 5:40 p.m. EST. A bank e 1/5/1967 #21256  
    At 5:40 p.m. four observers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania watched a dis 1/5/1967 #21262  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA Metallic disk low / roa 5/3/1967 #22268  
                                   Philadelphia, PA 6:30 a.m. EDT. A metall 5/3/1967 #22270  
               At 6:30 a.m. EDT in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania a gray metall 5/3/1967 #22271  
                                   Philadelphia, PA 10:20 p.m. EDT. A man s 6/2/1967 #22454  
                          Colorado Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Condon speaks 4/26/1969 #25094  
 American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on “UFOs I H 4/26/1969 #25094  
claim he and Cameron served in the Philadelphia Experiment (see April 1956) 1/1971 #25963  
ed sphere/orb/globe crosses sky. / Philadelphia Review 6.12.73.             11/22/1973 #28456  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA Several observer(s). Ac 12/2/1973 #28503  
rn-object going quickly [to] over. Philadelphia Evening.Bulletin 3.12.73.   12/2/1973 #28503  
:35 p.m. several city residents of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania watched a UFO 12/2/1973 #28507  
 center while driving in northeast Philadelphia on Interstate 95. The objec 12/2/1973 #28507  
                                   PHILADELPHIA, PA Several observer(s). Si 6/26/1979 #34630  
                                   Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 3:20 p.m. A s 6/26/1979 #34633  
ghbors in the northeast section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is smalle 6/26/1979 #34633  
 eight security guards in downtown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania watched a dom 6/26/1979 #34635  
                                   Philadelphia Church Road Lincolnton, Nor 4/10/1980 #35266  
olina A businessman driving on the Philadelphia Church Road near Lincolnton 4/10/1980 #35266  
                       SOUTHWEST / PHILADELPHIA, PA Pilot. Rocket / cylinde 3/30/1981 #35878  
r cigar-shaped object southwest of Philadelphia at 11:50 p.m.               3/30/1981 #35882  
ng at the Pentagon and CIA for the Philadelphia Inquirer. Weiner shows that 9/1990 #39712  
 the ship DE50 USS Engstrom in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Dudgeon states h 1994 #41350  
 experiments. Vallee concluded the Philadelphia experiment story was disinf 1994 #41350  
was viewed at 200 feet distance in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 10:00 p.m. 7/14/2008 #45150  
 and disappeared in 30 seconds. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at around 9:3 5/16/2010 #45282  
fo San Matias off Argentina   The “Philadelphia experiment” was related to  9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "philadelphian" (Back to Top)
ople—the Gun Club’s president, his Philadelphian armor-making rival, and a  1865 #163  
## Word: "philanthropic" (Back to Top)
 in English, stating that they had philanthropic and scientific purposes.   12/1957 #14648  
ucker in English, saying they have philanthropic and scientific purposes.   12/1957 #14653  
## Word: "philco" (Back to Top)
      Wheelus AFB, Libya Witness:  Philco technical representative A.M. Sla 9/1/1958 #15246  
     At 12:15 a.m. A. M. Slaton, a Philco technical representative working  9/1/1958 #15247  
## Word: "philco-ford" (Back to Top)
r on a rural road northwest of the Philco-Ford Manufacturing Plant. (Don Wo 11/27/1967 #23514  
## Word: "philcox" (Back to Top)
ce Estimates Division to Norman W. Philcox, an FBI liaison to the Air Force 7/29/1952 #7324  
## Word: "philip" (Back to Top)
inutes. Meteorologist Charles John Philip Cave suspects the object is a pil 4/8/1912 #860  
, Under-Secretary of State for Air Philip Sassoon claims that it was an RAF 2/1/1934 #1199  
John Cockcroft, Mark Oliphant, and Philip Burton Moon; physicists Patrick B 4/10/1940 #1331  
     Zelienople, Pennsylvania John Philip Bessor of Zelienople, Pennsylvani 7/7/1947 #2936  
dom, owner of the airport, and Lt. Philip Foushee Jr. of Otis AFB [now Otis 2/2/1950 #4526  
 U.S. Navy fighter pilot, USAF Lt. Philip Foushee, pilot from Otis AFB, and 2/5/1950 #4530  
ic Intelligence team consisting of Philip Grandin Strong, Ransom L. Eng, an 8/8/1952 #7515  
 and civilians also see it. Prince Philip suggests to RAF Air Marshal Peter 9/19/1952 #7980  
                     CIA OSI Chief Philip Grandin Strong meets with MIT Pro 12/2/1952 #8364  
d Thornton Leigh Page. CIA members Philip Grandin Strong, Lt. Col. Frederic 1/14/1953 #8539  
e London, England Australia Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, invites proba Mid 3/1954 #9622  
 owned by Lord Mountbatten, Prince Philip’s uncle, sees a large disc-shaped 2/23/1955 #12015  
 Intelligence Deputy Director Gen. Philip G. Strong has been pushing the Ai 8/3/1956 #13050  
ts. Lampshire has talked with Gen. Philip J. Strong, who knows of no Soviet 6/11/1957 #13718  
 proprietor from Scarborough named Philip Longbottom, who claims the 2,000- 11/21/1957 #14590  
                    Topeka, Kansas Philip Billard Municipal Airport 1:35 a. 11/11/1958 #15438  
 time it is the controllers at the Philip Billard Municipal Airport, who kn 11/11/1958 #15438  
sh royal family, especially Prince Philip, are also keen to meet Adamski. A 5/18/1959 #15737  
 B. Dougher (ATIC commander), Col. Philip G. Evans (ATIC Deputy for Science 11/10/1959 #16086  
d for SETI by Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison, and still favored as a  4/8/1960 #16218  
obert Friend and his boss at ATIC, Philip G. Evans, write a memo to Air For 12/27/1960 #16541  
          Washington DC ex-Lt. Col Philip J. Corso said in 1961 he was give 1961 #16543  
Missile Combat Crew Commander 1Lt. Philip E. Moore is on duty in Site 7 (ea Late 1964 #18583  
                     USAF Lt. Col. Philip E. Moore states that while at Wal Late 1964 #18584  
 Theory May Explain Many UFOs," by Philip J. Klass, Aviation Week.          8/22/1966 #20785  
FOs Are Identified as Plasmas," by Philip J. Klass in Aviation Week.        10/3/1966 #20954  
asmas as an explanation for UFOs. (Philip J. Klass, “Many UFOs Are Identifi 10/3/1966 #20955  
turing. Low forwards the letter to Philip Klass in December.                6/27/1967 #22565  
           Australia Europe Russia Philip Klass, who has heard of McDonald’ 12/16/1967 #23593  
FO skeptic and electrical engineer Philip J. Klass publishes his first UFO  1968 #23627  
ur University of Redlands faculty: Philip Seff (geology), Judson Sanderson  2/4/1968 #23734  
pace Institute, analyzing in depth Philip Klass’s plasma theory of UFOs and 3/12/1968 #23839  
                                   Philip J. Klass attempts to refute James 5/21/1968 #23977  
                                   Philip J. Klass attempts to refute James 6/11/1968 #24021  
Project: Trouble on the Ground" by Philip M. Boffey in Science magazine, re 7/26/1968 #24233  
             Australia Europe USSR Philip J. Klass writes a letter to Rober 9/30/1968 #24526  
e (NASA Manned Spacecraft Center), Philip Morrison (MIT), Walter Orr Robert 12/26/1969 #25509  
ornton Page, Gordon D. Thayer, and Philip Klass. The subcommittee, led by J 1/21/1970 #25548  
                       UFO skeptic Philip J. Klass publishes UFOs Explained 1974 #28629  
ngland 8:15 p.m. Keith Kilford and Philip Staff watch a small orange triang 10/20/1977 #32595  
, Frank Salisbury, Jacques Vallée, Philip J. Klass, and Ernest H. Taves.    1/1978 #32834  
rthur, among others. Of note, Col. Philip Corso, who claimed UAP programs q 7/1980 #35399  
, Canada New Brunswick UFO skeptic Philip Klass sends a letter to A. G. McN 8/15/1980 #35458  
nd Allan Hendry; the debunkers are Philip J. Klass, James E. Oberg, and Rob 9/6/1980 #35500  
Reynolds-Parnham and her boyfriend Philip are driving through the northwest 9/1982 #36590  
is BBC production include skeptics Philip Klass, James Oberg, and Michael P 10/12/1982 #36640  
                                   Philip J. Klass writes UFOs: The Public  1983 #36737  
New York. (Source: J. Allen Hynek, Philip Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt, Night Si 3/30/1983 #36823  
e Air National Guard Base Pozzuoli Philip Imbrogno and Peter Gersten conven 8/25/1984 #37440  
accompanied by field investigators Philip Imbrogno and Dennis, saw a "Ferri 10/1984 #37472  
ience teacher and UFO investigator Philip J. Imbrogno and Fred Dennis are r 10/5/1984 #37477  
accompanied by field investigators Philip Imbrogno and Dennis, saw a "Ferri 10/5/1984 #37478  
ods. In his 1987 book Night Siege, Philip J. Imbrogno lists 12 reasons for  11/1984 #37500  
cticut Hudson Valley Interstate 95 Philip J. Imbrogno and his team of inves 3/21/1985 #37572  
former London policeman (pseudonym Philip Spencer) is walking across Ilkley 12/1/1987 #38345  
huttle thruster firing. Astronomer Philip C. Plait discusses the issue in h 9/15/1991 #40187  
never been independently verified. Philip Mantle of BUFORA has spent 25 yea 8/28/1995 #42425  
rcraft Bell Labs Moon US Army Col. Philip J. Corso writes, with William J.  6/1997 #43304  
               Former US Army Col. Philip J. Corso claims he came in contac 6/1997 #43308  
 Disclosure Project whistleblower, Philip J. Corso, states in his book The  5/9/2001 #44182  
ell interviews Linda Moulton Howe, Philip J. Corso, and Bill Birnes were in 7/4/2001 #44204  
## Word: "philipeville" (Back to Top)
                                   PHILIPEVILLE, BELGIUM Military observer( 6/1952 #6399  
## Word: "philipp" (Back to Top)
n Europe, Canadian soldier Maurice Philipp Tuteur and two sergeant majors w 12/17/1916 #953  
## Word: "philippe" (Back to Top)
                                   Philippe Daurces and four other witnesse 2/28/1953 #8718  
, premieres in the US. Directed by Philippe Mora, Strieber is played by act 11/10/1989 #39225  
ational Airport, when pilots Capt. Philippe Bobet and First Officer Kurt Gr 8/9/1997 #43376  
                                   Philippe Ailleris, amateur astronomer an 1/2011 #45311  
## Word: "philippine" (Back to Top)
ps (including the aircraft carrier Philippine Sea), and 25 aircraft. It was 1946 #1955  
rs aboard the aircraft carrier USS Philippine Sea pick up an unidentified t 2/2/1952 #5893  
  A US Naval vessel sailing in the Philippine Sea had a radar-visual encoun 5/5/1965 #18926  
                                   PHILIPPINE SEA 12 / Navy ship. 3+4 objec 5/6/1965 #18927  
                                   Philippine Sea, At Sea Radar detected 4  5/6/1965 #18928  
                                   Philippine Sea 9:10 a.m. The crew of a U 5/6/1965 #18929  
 The crew of a US Navy ship in the Philippine Sea notices an aircraft appro 5/6/1965 #18929  
ng west at 265° at 15 knots in the Philippine Sea sighted approaching aircr 5/6/1965 #18930  
nesia a disc hovered over the ship Philippine Bear, then shot straight up i 4/22/1973 #27440  
## Word: "philippines" (Back to Top)
                    Lingayen Gulf, Philippines Bright green globe. (Page 95 Late 10/1944 #1683  
 Bay, Papua New Guinea Leyte Gulf, Philippines 11:55 p.m. Lt. J. L. Besmond 11/16/1944 #1697  
, Papua New Guinea, to Leyte Gulf, Philippines, observes an unusual object  11/16/1944 #1697  
  Leyte Gulf Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippines As the USS Gilliam is transp 11/30/1944? #1711  
eyte Gulf to Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippines, Lieut. JG Kendall Bruce, fi 11/30/1944? #1711  
                     Luzon Island, Philippines Pilot saw a half-moon shaped 4/1/1948 #3602  
             Sorsogon City, Luzon, Philippines 9:55 a.m. USAF 1st Lt. Rober 4/1/1948 #3603  
southeast of Sorsogon City, Luzon, Philippines. At 1,500 feet, he notices a 4/1/1948 #3603  
ered in the sky over Manila in the Philippines and made a number of ninety- 4/1/1948 #3604  
ter that day at Clark Field in the Philippines American military observers  8/1/1948 #3767  
                Clark AFB, Manila, Philippines Very large 300 ft long 140 f 11/12/1948 #3873  
7D transport plane flying over the Philippines saw a long narrow bright blu 10/29/1954 #11483  
                           Manila, Philippines Flat-bottomed, domed object  11/28/1954 #11719  
 east of the city of Manila in the Philippines, two 39-year-old men, one of 11/28/1954 #11725  
                     Bohol Island, Philippines Pilot saw object w/shiny met 5/9/1958 #15025  
 At 1:05 p.m. an airline pilot for Philippines Airline saw a bright, shiny  5/9/1958 #15027  
hile flying over Bohol Island, The Philippines. A Project Blue Book "uniden 5/9/1958 #15027  
                           Quezon, Philippines Large round or oval object,  10/4/1959 #16015  
                   South China Sea Philippines A-12 pilot Jack W. Weeks is  6/4/1968 #24005  
 over the South China Sea near the Philippines during a functional checkout 6/4/1968 #24005  
th of Baras in Rizal province, the Philippines saw a red light come down an 11/1/1968 #24616  
         A second encounter in the Philippines occurred two hours later whe 11/1/1968 #24617  
encounter of the third kind in the Philippines was made that same day by an 11/1/1968 #24618  
                           Mudeng, Philippines 2:00 a.m. Amateur astronomer 5/1/1977 #32045  
 the size of the moon near Mudeng, Philippines. It moves silently from the  5/1/1977 #32045  
                          Talisay, Philippines Police witnesses reported se 4/19/1979 #34513  
                       Davao City, Philippines 8:00 a.m. A scientist, Ron K 5/20/1979 #34571  
ing smaller objects in Davao City, Philippines.                             5/20/1979 #34571  
                           Manila, Philippines A UFO with two antennae was  5/26/1979 #34586  
                    In Manila, the Philippines that same night a UFO with t 5/26/1979 #34592  
                  Washington, D.C. Philippines Panama Mexico Medellin The N 11/18/1983 #37046  
tabilizing Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines and Manuel Noriega in Panama 11/18/1983 #37046  
mentary school in Quezon City, the Philippines were burning some wood in a  1/22/1993 #40810  
                   LAGUNA PROVINCE PHILIPPINES Several towns. Huge white sa 4/3/1994 #41474  
     San Fernando Cebu Island, The Philippines - At three o'clock in the mo 11/25/1998 #43684  
 of San Fernando, Cebu Island, the Philippines. There was a sudden flash of 11/29/1998 #43689  
 and beverage maker in Manila, the Philippines were walking across the comp 3/12/2000 #43966  
ternoon in Santa Cruz, Manila, the Philippines when she was approached by f 9/6/2000 #44037  
ayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental, The Philippines. After dinner they sat aroun 6/14/2005 #44847  
platinum and silver throughout the Philippines. This was allegedly discover 10/2021 #45713  
## Word: "philips" (Back to Top)
             At 3:30 a.m. two men, Philips and Brown, had a close encounter 9/30/1975 #30400  
ball of light was seen by a Mr. J. Philips hovering 350 feet over a power l 5/4/1983 #36852  
sas 3:50 a.m. Police officer James Philips sees a silent, yellowish-orange  5/4/1983 #36854  
ball of light was seen by a Mr. J. Philips hovering 350 feet over a power l 5/4/1983 #36855  
## Word: "philipsburg" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PHILIPSBURG, PA 3 plane crews and passen 2/11/1959 #15585  
 the cloud layer while flying over Philipsburg and Bradford, Pennsylvania.  2/24/1959 #15606  
                                   PHILIPSBURG, PA Airbus crew and NY FAA R 4/12/1996 #42863  
aced an airliner while flying over Philipsburg, Pennsylvania, then suddenly 4/12/1996 #42864  
## Word: "phillip" (Back to Top)
                              PORT PHILLIP BAY, VCT, AUSTR Saucer passes th 9/2/1954 (approximate) #10229  
                                   Phillip Molava, age 13, living at an orp 11/9/1954 #11611  
ltimore 10:30 p.m. Alvin Cohen and Phillip Small are rounding a curve on Ma 10/26/1958 #15385  
ock Raven Dam, Maryland Witnesses: Phillip Small, Alvin Cohen. One large, f 10/27/1958 #15391  
                      US Army Col. Phillip J. Corso states when the USAF Fo 1961 #16553  
ook. Everyone, except UFO debunker Phillip Klass who visited Socorro four y 4/24/1964 #18202  
ckly [to] over then dives / prince Phillip bay.                             8/29/1965 #19471  
## Word: "phillipine" (Back to Top)
                          Manilla, Phillipine Islands Witness: one anonymou 11/28/1954 #11721  
                     Bohol Island, Phillipine Islands Witness:  Phillipine  5/9/1958 #15026  
land, Phillipine Islands Witness:  Phillipine Airlines pilot.  One object w 5/9/1958 #15026  
                           Quezon, Phillipine Islands Witnesses: USN Lt. C. 10/4/1959 #16016  
 night light hovers over steamship Phillipine Bear. Shoots quickly going up 4/22/1973 #27437  
## Word: "phillippeville" (Back to Top)
                          SKIKDA = PHILLIPPEVILLE, ALG Many at docks see hu 8/14/1952 #7586  
                                   Phillippeville [modern Skikda], Algeria  8/14/1952 #7594  
a 7:20 p.m. People on the docks of Phillippeville [modern Skikda], Algeria, 8/14/1952 #7594  
## Word: "phillips" (Back to Top)
ds a telegram to the Rev. T. E. R. Phillips at Ashstead, Surrey, but the sk 9/9/1914 #916  
                                 A Phillips Petroleum aircraft with two men 7/6/1947 #2819  
ol Liaison Officer Maj. Charles L. Phillips) see a green fireball near Bern 12/12/1948 #3926  
rector in Atlanta, George M. “Pup” Phillips, receives a report of the objec 7/21/1952 #6982  
             Houston, Texas Howard Phillips, Hilda Walker and Judy Meyers s 6/18/1953 #8939  
               At 2:30 a.m. Howard Phillips, Hilda Walker and Judy Meyers w 6/18/1953 #8940  
i Seaquarium Florida Keys P. Craig Phillips, curator of the Miami Seaquariu Summer 1957 #13744  
s from migrating airborne spiders, Phillips takes some samples and puts the Summer 1957 #13744  
d (imprints) at the landing spot. (Phillips, 1975. p. 40; from Flying Sauce 2/25/1966 #19917  
nts later were found at the site. (Phillips 1975, p. 44.) (NICAP: 07 - Enti 11/17/1966 #21115  
PRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 7; Phillips, 1975, p. 48.) (NICAP: 06 - Tra 5/7/1967 #22292  
 oddly. Alamosa County Sheriff Ben Phillips blames Lady’s death on lightnin 9/9/1967 #23026  
          At 11:00 p.m. Mr. & Mrs. Phillips were driving on Highway 11 one  4/20/1969 #25076  
 chickens, pigs, and parrott. (Ted Phillips) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)      5/16/1971 #26114  
wn. Burnt area. Trees harmed. / T. Phillips.                                10/3/1973 #27919  
many 3:30 a.m. US Army Pfc R. Jack Phillips is assigned to the 193rd Milita 5/1974 #29075  
rity lights in the complex go out. Phillips tries to report this, but his f 5/1974 #29075  
 to reset all the alarms manually. Phillips admits that most of the guards  5/1974 #29075  
te Fred Beckman, and ufologist Ted Phillips1/20/1975 #29758  
                                   PHILLIPS, WI 30' saucer on ground 1000'  3/2/1975 #29864  
                                   Phillips, Wisconsin A police officer in  3/2/1975 #29867  
ips, Wisconsin A police officer in Phillips, Wisconsin, hears odd noises on 3/2/1975 #29867  
ank Salisbury, J. Allen Hynek, Ted Phillips, Dennis Hauck, Betty Hill, and  6/24/1977 #32190  
Cseh, and scientists from the USAF Phillips Weapons Lab—at Kirtland AFB in  11/10/1980 #35625  
                               St. Phillips, IN Highly paranormal activity  7/1984 #37384  
um gives him the pseudonym “Harold Phillips”), director of advanced concept 5/20/1985 #37590  
ncy body headed by “Col. Harold E. Phillips” of the Defense Intelligence Ag 9/1990 #39711  
, Lockheed-Martin Helendale Plant, Phillips Labs, Area 51/S4, Pahute Mesa,  8/30/1996 #43001  
hut Corp., Village Supercomputing, Phillips Labs, McDonnell Douglas, TRW, R 8/30/1996 #43001  
works, USAF and CIA contractor Don Phillips claims Lockheed has extraterres 4/2001 #44155  
ances” have come from their study. Phillips states Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch is 4/2001 #44155  
nologies at private laboratories.  Phillips also said he started a company  4/2001 #44155  
nch, Llano Plant, Helendale Plant, Phillips Labs are all underground, a new 4/18/2016 #45451  
                                   Phillips, Yuma, Washington, Lincoln, and 12/2019 #45620  
al areas of northeastern Colorado (Phillips, Yuma, Washington, Lincoln, and 12/2019 #45620  
## Word: "phillipsburg" (Back to Top)
                                   PHILLIPSBURG, NJ Teacher and 1. 1 disk g 7/7/1947 #2866  
lights, one at each end, flew over Phillipsburg, New Jersey at 7:00 p.m.    2/17/2004 #44667  
## Word: "phillipston" (Back to Top)
                                   Phillipston, MA 12:20 a.m. EST. A witnes 3/10/1967 #21847  
e down was seen in a rural area of Phillipston, Massachusetts by a single w 3/10/1967 #21853  
                                   Phillipston, MA 8:00 p.m. EST. Three wit 4/21/1967 #22184  
## Word: "philo" (Back to Top)
                 Taylorsville (now Philo) Bristol Township Lawrence Road Ne Late 3/1873 #200  
m the village of Taylorsville [now Philo], Ohio, and are possibly in Bristo Late 3/1873 #200  
## Word: "philoctete" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Philoctete” Yield: 20KT                  3/9/1979 #34472  
## Word: "philomath" (Back to Top)
                                   PHILOMATH, OR Purple fireball cruises go 9/6/1946 #2170  
                       NORTHEAST / PHILOMATH, OR Ex Anti-Aircraft guns/team 8/5/1947 (approximate) #3294  
## Word: "philosopher" (Back to Top)
        Moon English clergyman and philosopher John Wilkins writes The Disc 1638 #40  
                            French philosopher Bernard le Bovier de Fontene 1686 #50  
                    Jupiter German philosopher Immanuel Kant publishes Univ 3/1755 #73  
berius Cavallo, an Italian natural philosopher who happens to be among a gr 8/18/1783 #90  
e he met the 1,000-year-old “elder philosopher of the space people,” who is 1955 #11896  
## Word: "philosophical" (Back to Top)
ject in an address to the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, P 4/26/1969 #25094  
## Word: "philosophy" (Back to Top)
 teachings, much of which resemble philosophy in the 1882 book Oahspe, prod 9/1953 #9131  
i says he and the Master discussed philosophy, religion, and the “Earth’s p 1955 #11896  
 Maitra, head of the Department of Philosophy and dean of the Faculty of Ar 4/17/1959 #15706  
nal. NICAP’s William B. Weitzel, a philosophy professor, begins his own inv 4/17/1966 #20318  
uts around. Missing time. Change / philosophy.                              8/22/1988 #38615  
 caused a profound change in their philosophy of life.                      8/22/1988 #38618  
## Word: "philpot" (Back to Top)
                                   PHILPOT, KY Pop! Barrel going up / field 8/4/1967 #22795  
                                   Philpot, KY Nr. midnight. A man saw an o 8/4/1967 #22799  
## Word: "phinney" (Back to Top)
                   SEATTLE, WA 7 / Phinney Ridge. 4-6 tiny metallic cigars  9/15/1995 #42472  
## Word: "phipps" (Back to Top)
L. Wallander, Capt. Belleman, A/3c Phipps. One orange object (a blue streak 11/15/1952 #8280  
ge seniors J.B. Furkenhoff and Tom Phipps. One very large oval object with  8/12/1961 #16790  
e seniors J. B. Furkenhoff and Tom Phipps see a large oval object with a fi 8/12/1961 #16791  
## Word: "phisai" (Back to Top)
                 Mekong River Phon Phisai District, Thailand Night. Ufologi 10/6/2006 #44971  
 is along the Mekong River in Phon Phisai District, Thailand, for the annua 10/6/2006 #44971  
tanawapee District and 148 in Phon Phisai).                                 10/6/2006 #44971  
## Word: "phl" (Back to Top)
      CLARK AIR FORCE BASE, LUZON, PHL Wingless cylinder/cigar-shape with r 8/1/1948 (approximate) #3766  
               TEUGUEGARAO, LUZON, PHL Flying saucer visible for over 40 mi 3/24/1950 (approximate) #4715  
EA April and May. US Princeton and PHL sea. Many RADAR report(s). To 1200mp 5/1951 (approximate) #5510  
                   SOUTH / MANILA, PHL Project Bluebook Case #3341. Unident 11/28/1954 #11717  
                     BOHOL ISLAND, PHL Project Bluebook Case #5800. Airline 5/9/1958 #15024  
                           MUDENG, PHL Amateur astronomer / clergy. Red-bro 5/1/1977 #32044  
                   MASBATE ISLAND, PHL Hundreds / observer(s). UFO / type u 4/9/1979 #34504  
                     BOHOL ISLAND, PHL Hundreds / observer(s) / 3 towns. UF 4/23/1979 #34522  
                           MANILA, PHL Many observer(s). UFO with 2 antenna 5/26/1979 #34581  
## Word: "phlp" (Back to Top)
                    NORTH / BARAS, PHLP 3 separate observer(s). Fake car =  11/1/1968 #24613  
## Word: "phobos" (Back to Top)
-2 probe photos 25km-long UFO near Phobos. Shadowed / Mars. Probe dies.     3/25/1989 #38879  
             The Soviet Mars probe Phobos 2 takes an infrared photograph of 3/25/1989 #38881  
 object very close to Mars moonlet Phobos. If this Phobos Mystery Object is 3/25/1989 #38881  
se to Mars moonlet Phobos. If this Phobos Mystery Object is at the same dis 3/25/1989 #38881  
 surface brightness is the same as Phobos. Its sides are parallel and both  3/25/1989 #38881  
e ends are rounded. The end toward Phobos narrows slightly; the other end h 3/25/1989 #38881  
## Word: "phobos-2" (Back to Top)
                       MARS Soviet Phobos-2 probe photos 25km-long UFO near 3/25/1989 #38879  
## Word: "phoebe" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Phoebe” YieldMax: 20KT                   8/8/1971 #26273  
in this case and in that of singer Phoebe Snow, which he never publicized.  11/30/1989 #39283  
## Word: "phoebus" (Back to Top)
      Area 25 Nevada Test Site The Phoebus 1A nuclear rocket engine is test 6/25/1965 #19027  
## Word: "phoenix" (Back to Top)
                                   Phoenix, Arizona 6:40 p.m. W. E. Thomas  7/7/1907 #699  
omas is watching a vivid sunset in Phoenix, Arizona, when he sees a “blue d 7/7/1907 #699  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ 2+2 separate observer(s). La 7/1/1947 #2511  
S MORE SAUCERS - David W. chase of Phoenix, Oregon, radar technician saw an 7/7/1947 #2835  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ 80+observer(s)? 2 large silv 7/7/1947 #2883  
                                   Phoenix, AZ The Rhodes Photo Case (NICAP 7/7/1947 #2926  
                                   Phoenix, Arizona Hamilton Army Airfield  7/7/1947 #2940  
ependent scientist and inventor in Phoenix, Arizona, takes two photos of a  7/7/1947 #2940  
des was working in his backyard in Phoenix, Arizona when he heard a whooshi 7/7/1947 #2947  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ 30+observer(s). 3 metallic-g 7/8/1947 #2977  
exico Wright Field in Ohio Arizona Phoenix North Carolina 5:00 a.m. Accordi 3/25/1948 #3598  
. A third spaceship goes down near Phoenix with 2 dead occupants. The story 3/25/1948 #3598  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ W. Andrus and many. 4 silver 8/15/1948 #3781  
                          downtown Phoenix, Arizona Morning. Future ufologi 8/15/1948 #3782  
mation east to west over downtown, Phoenix, Arizona. They simply vanish in  8/15/1948 #3782  
the early afternoon many people in Phoenix, Arizona witnessed four silver d 8/15/1948 #3783  
                                   Phoenix, AZ Peterson. (McDonald list; FU 10/24/1948 #3850  
                            Denver Phoenix Las Vegas, New Mexico Sandia Pea 12/5/1948 #3909  
 flying a USAF C-47 from Denver to Phoenix. Just west of Las Vegas, New Mex 12/5/1948 #3909  
                       SOUTHEAST / PHOENIX, AZ 7 observer(s). 200' metal ov 3/10/1950 #4603  
er Indian School Road southeast of Phoenix, Arizona at 6:00 p.m. It was est 3/10/1950 #4608  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ 4 observer(s). 1 large dull- 4/5/1952 #6026  
                                   Phoenix (Glendale?), AZ Large, dull grey 4/5/1952 #6029  
                                   Phoenix, Arizona Witnesses:  Mr. and Mrs 4/5/1952 #6031  
yan, R.L. Stokes, and D. Schook of Phoenix, Arizona watched a large, dull g 4/5/1952 #6033  
                                   Phoenix, AZ Gaudet [and Wolf?]. (Jan Ald 6/30/1952 #6672  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ Orange-yellow saucer hovers. 8/4/1952 #7439  
                                   Phoenix, AZ Yellow ball which lengthened 8/4/1952 #7447  
                                   Phoenix, Arizona Witness:  USAF A/3c W.F 8/4/1952 #7449  
                   At 2:20 a.m. in Phoenix, Arizona USAF Airman W. F. Vain  8/4/1952 #7451  
                                   Phoenix, Arizona 9:00 p.m. The Williamso 11/20/1952 #8310  
ith Adamski’s permission, drive to Phoenix, Arizona, and tell the story of  11/20/1952 #8310  
 their contact to reporters at the Phoenix Gazette.                         11/20/1952 #8310  
                                   Phoenix Gazette Palomar Gardens The firs 11/24/1952 #8333  
counter with Orthon appears in the Phoenix Gazette. The newspaper publishes 11/24/1952 #8333  
enger over Desert Hot Springs from Phoenix, Arizona. He saw what he first t 11/14/1955 #12569  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ Luminous sphere/orb/globe ho 7/19/1956 #12984  
                                   Phoenix, AZ Luminous round object hovere 7/19/1956 #12987  
                                   Phoenix, Arizona Cleveland, Ohio Ground  1957 #13433  
und Saucer Watch is established in Phoenix, Arizona, by Ted Starrett. Willi 1957 #13433  
do Las Vegas, Nevada Luke AFB near Phoenix, Arizona Nephi, Utah Levan, Utah 4/18/1962 #17120  
s are scrambled from Luke AFB near Phoenix, Arizona, and the jets are possi 4/18/1962 #17120  
 Air Force Station Keweenaw County Phoenix, Michigan Lake Superior Duluth,  8/4/1965 #19320  
 operated by Keweenaw County] near Phoenix, Michigan, track 7–10 objects in 8/4/1965 #19320  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ Blue Book-unidentified. 3 ob 4/12/1967 #22114  
                                   Phoenix, AZ 8:59 p.m MST. A bell-shaped  4/12/1967 #22119  
                                   Phoenix, AZ Bell-shaped object buzzed ca 4/12/1967 #22120  
                                   Phoenix, Arizona 8:59 p.m. In Phoenix, A 4/12/1967 #22121  
     Phoenix, Arizona 8:59 p.m. In Phoenix, Arizona, a bell-shaped object a 4/12/1967 #22121  
                   At 8:59 p.m. in Phoenix, Arizona a close encounter occur 4/12/1967 #22125  
th Vietnamese The CIA launches the Phoenix Program in Vietnam to gather inf 5/1967 #22253  
population. Between 1968 and 1972, Phoenix “neutralizes” 81,740 people (26, 5/1967 #22253  
            An unidentified man in Phoenix, Arizona was awakened at one a.m 2/26/1968 #23784  
                                   Phoenix Lake Havasu, Arizona Two pilots  3/17/1969 #25019  
ts are flying a Cessna 150 between Phoenix and Lake Havasu, Arizona, when t 3/17/1969 #25019  
to reality. Nichols claims Project Phoenix III worked on time travel aspect 1/1971 #25963  
borate” the existence of a Project Phoenix at the facility.  https://youtu. 1/1971 #25963  
dnight Roberta T. sighted from her Phoenix, Arizona patio what first appear 6/23/1973 #27584  
 sky, the witness had to return to Phoenix and she asked her brother to go  8/4/1973 #27683  
                                   Phoenix, Arizona Ground Saucer Watch of  7/14/1975 #30180  
ix, Arizona Ground Saucer Watch of Phoenix, Arizona, headed by William Spau 7/14/1975 #30180  
 At 9:45 p.m. two UFO witnesses in Phoenix, Maryland experienced an episode 10/23/1975 #30463  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ Many separate observer(s). N 5/12/1977 #32093  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ 2 observer(s). Flashes. 8 si 9/21/1977 #32501  
                                   Phoenix, Arizona Northern Sky 8:47 p.m.  9/21/1977 #32503  
shing light in the northern sky in Phoenix, Arizona. Suddenly, a formation  9/21/1977 #32503  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ Several observer(s). 25' dou 2/2/1978 #32944  
                                   Phoenix, AZ Bob Lazar appears in the “Ar 8/21/1982 #36578  
he “Arizona Republic” newspaper in Phoenix AZ and is said to be working in  8/21/1982 #36578  
                          A man in Phoenix, Arizona reported that he had ha 11/1/1982 #36669  
                          Projects Phoenix, Phoenix II and Rainbow allegedl 1983 #36739  
                 Projects Phoenix, Phoenix II and Rainbow allegedly occur a 1983 #36739  
tsdale, Arizona Evanston, Illinois Phoenix Glenview, Illinois J. Allen Hyne 8/1984 #37426  
ational Center for UFO Research in Phoenix), publications, and a TV series  8/1984 #37426  
                                   Phoenix, Arizona Hynek writes a letter t 11/22/1985 #37720  
Myers, and the ICUFOR operation in Phoenix, Arizona, is “null and void.” Fu 11/22/1985 #37720  
. Henderson and his wife, Nann, of Phoenix, AR, were flying at an altitude  5/11/1986 #37861  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ 7 observer(s). Delta/triangl 11/15/1986 #38065  
d. Structure on top. Fireball over Phoenix next morning.                    5/21/1995 #42217  
ear Luke Air Force Base outside of Phoenix, Arizona sighted a reddish orang 10/8/1995 #42541  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ Several observer(s). 10 shin 11/19/1995 #42609  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ 4 observer(s). Night lights  1/1/1996 #42661  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ Pilot and 1000 observer(s).  3/13/1997 #43228  
                 Henderson, Nevada Phoenix Tucson, Arizona Paulden Prescott 3/13/1997 #43229  
son, Nevada, at 6:55 p.m., through Phoenix to the edge of Tucson, Arizona.  3/13/1997 #43229  
 Tucson, passing over Prescott and Phoenix. Some witnesses see a huge carpe 3/13/1997 #43229  
s of stationary lights seen in the Phoenix area around 10:00 p.m. The Air F 3/13/1997 #43229  
s the flares, not the earlier UFO. Phoenix city councilwoman Frances Emma B 3/13/1997 #43229  
 at the time by the media, even in Phoenix.                                 3/13/1997 #43229  
                      Thousands in Phoenix, Arizona saw lights arranged in  3/13/1997 #43230  
 Airport Orkney, Scotland Aberdeen Phoenix About 11:20 a.m. Writer Georgina 5/30/1997 #43302  
 about chevron-shaped objects over Phoenix.                                 5/30/1997 #43302  
                              NEAR PHOENIX, AZ Amateur astronomer. 4 sphere 6/17/1997 #43324  
                               USA Phoenix, Arizona USA Today breaks the me 6/18/1997 #43327  
breaks the media silence about the Phoenix, Arizona, UFOs in a front-page s 6/18/1997 #43327  
ry and nickname the object(s) the “Phoenix Lights.”                         6/18/1997 #43327  
found who was responsible” for the Phoenix Lights. He proceeds to make ligh 6/19/1997 #43331  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ Numerous separate observer(s 9/27/1997 #43418  
                                   PHOENIX, AZ Daylight hockey-puck disk. 1 11/14/1997 #43441  
                                   Phoenix, Arizona Illinois St. Clair Tria 1/22/1999 #43717  
wsuit in federal district court in Phoenix, Arizona, to release documents r 1/22/1999 #43717  
 release documents relating to the Phoenix Lights and (later) the St. Clair 1/22/1999 #43717  
uit in a federal district court in Phoenix, AZ to release documents related 1/22/1999 #43719  
o release documents related to the Phoenix Lights incident and the St. Clai 1/22/1999 #43719  
              Stockton, California Phoenix, Arizona In a campaign press con 3/1/2000 #43959  
in (R-Ariz.) acknowledges that the Phoenix Lights incident “has never been  3/1/2000 #43959  
                           Arizona Phoenix Lights US District Court Judge S 3/30/2000 #43972  
S lawsuit seeking documents on the Phoenix Lights in Arizona, concluding th 3/30/2000 #43972  
                                   Phoenix, Arizona 8:45 p.m. An 11-year-ol 11/20/2000 #44075  
-year-old boy on the north side of Phoenix, Arizona, watches three dark tri 11/20/2000 #44075  
                                   Phoenix, Arizona 7:00 p.m. Jason Ingraha 11/28/2000 #44084  
ed blinking light on each point in Phoenix, Arizona. It moves northwest for 11/28/2000 #44084  
titude object was seen flying over Phoenix, Arizona. It stopped, started, m 4/6/2003 #44512  
O hovered low near a mountain near Phoenix, Arizona at 10:10 p.m. It had pi 5/27/2003 #44547  
                    Kenneth Arnold Phoenix lights Southern Illinois Roswell 2/24/2005 #44816  
s the Kenneth Arnold sighting, the Phoenix lights, southern Illinois triang 2/24/2005 #44816  
aircraft flying at 3,500 feet near Phoenix, Arizona.                        5/8/2005 #44834  
                           Arizona Phoenix Lights Former Arizona Gov. Fife  3/18/2007 #45012  
of unknown origin” during the 1997 Phoenix Lights event, but notes that he  3/18/2007 #45012  
:40 p.m. A Learjet 36 belonging to Phoenix Air flying at 37,000 feet report 2/24/2018 #45513  
## Word: "phoenix-like" (Back to Top)
 when Andreasson witnesses a giant phoenix-like bird burn up and reappear f 1/25/1967 #21386  
## Word: "phoenix-mesa" (Back to Top)
                 Williams AFB [now Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport], Arizona G 6/30/1947 #2486  
ying a P-80 from Williams AFB [now Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport], Arizona,  6/30/1947 #2486  
## Word: "phoenixville" (Back to Top)
                            EAST / PHOENIXVILLE, PA United Airlines (UAL) p 4/10/1963 #17724  
                                   PHOENIXVILLE, PA 3 cops and 4+12. DC3-si 1/19/1972 #26548  
                                   Phoenixville, PA Three police officers r 1/19/1972 #26549  
## Word: "phon" (Back to Top)
                      Mekong River Phon Phisai District, Thailand Night. Uf 10/6/2006 #44971  
alker is along the Mekong River in Phon Phisai District, Thailand, for the  10/6/2006 #44971  
n Rattanawapee District and 148 in Phon Phisai).                            10/6/2006 #44971  
## Word: "phoncon" (Back to Top)
 EST states: 1. At 310805 received phoncon from AFOC: MG Lane, CG, Armament 1/31/1976 #30835  
## Word: "phone" (Back to Top)
ple” to his family in a letter and phone call. Walter N. Webb reports on hi Early 10/1941 #1372  
er southern CA. BSRA received many phone calls. BSRA mediums established co 10/9/1946 #2197  
. One of them heads to the closest phone to tell Sheriff George A. Wilcox o 7/5/1947 #2719  
tory. Brazel allegedly gets on the phone with Joyce and mentions debris and 7/6/1947 #2807  
         United Press reports on a phone call to Einstein: “absolutely no c 7/8/1947 #2952  
is time to “go on leave.” Too many phone callers into the base are asking t 7/8/1947 #3021  
orth Army Air Field and received a phone call from Gen. Clements McMullen o 7/8/1947 #3031  
t up, hovered, maneuvered to avoid Phone lines and trees, and flew away to  8/11/1948 #3778  
 buried in letters, telegrams, and phone calls demanding information about  12/24/1949 #4443  
 Round array / lights rotates over phone building. Winks out. Away extremel 9/25/1952 #8025  
earns about this the same day in a phone call to Ruppelt.                   12/9/1952 #8400  
talked to Leonard Stringfield, his phone was disconnected.  https://www.ear 1953 #8484  
warned of consequences following a phone call he made in January 1982.  htt 4/12/1954 #9685  
of the Worlds radio drama. Some 60 phone calls come in from listeners who t 10/9/1957 #14084  
e into Towson, Maryland, to make a phone call to the Ground Observer Corps  10/26/1958 #15385  
ight. She goes back to bed and the phone rings; it is a neighbor who has se 11/11/1958 #15438  
oward her house. At 7:30 a.m., the phone rings again; this time it is the c 11/11/1958 #15438  
ysics. The show generates numerous phone calls and letters to NBC, most of  12/5/1960 #16526  
epot/facility. 25cm disk just over phone lines. Whistles. Lines tangled.    6/13/1961 #16727  
 was flying at the altitude of the Phone poles, slowly spinning. Dark spots 9/13/1962 #17394  
natoly Dobrynin and agrees after a phone call to the president that the rem 10/26/1962 #17499  
paces car / 6mi. Car and radio and phone electro-magnetic effect (EME). / M 8/4/1963 #17861  
s silent and about the length of a Phone pole. Scorch marks and four imprin 4/26/1964 #18208  
 rose first to the altitude of the Phone poles, then took off vertically. W 5/18/1964 #18283  
er on UFOs. Hall is given a direct phone number for the agent’s office. He  1/19/1965 #18748  
or the agent’s office. He uses the phone line only once to “report some hig 1/19/1965 #18748  
1:30 p.m.–midnight. Talking on the phone in her second-floor bedroom in Lak 7/1965 #19039  
chigan police received over thirty phone calls from residents reporting lig 3/28/1966 #20119  
ON, IL Saucer near house. Static / phone lines. Dog hides / corner. / Flyin 10/14/1966 #20997  
 high speed, causing static on the phone as the boy was calling his mother  10/14/1966 #20999  
. A newspaper editor responding to phone calls saw a glowing white, cigar-s 10/28/1966 #21044  
rs. Ray Tibbetts is talking on the phone in her home at Newfields, New Hamp 11/1/1966 #21061  
 over the witness's car just above phone wires along the road, appearing bi 2/12/1967 #21518  
ttom edge flew over car just above phone lines. Later at treetop level, sto 2/12/1967 #21523  
nd Mrs. Weston were talking on the phone when they were surprised to hear a 2/23/1967 #21632  
nd Mrs. Weston were talking on the phone in Linstead, Maryland when they we 2/23/1967 #21636  
sas, 3/27/69, copy in NICAP files; phone conversation with surgeon's wife 5 3/14/1967 #21884  
t there was nothing wrong with the phone and that all evening she had been  5/1967 #22256  
gs began, the newspaper received a phone call stating, "Attention, it will  6/21/1967 #22530  
 house again before disappearing. (Phone call from witness, 7/20/67, NICAP  6/25/1967 #22554  
 it disappeared after 10 minutes. (Phone call to NICAP) (NICAP: 01 - Distan 7/17/1967 #22677  
 The Kernville witnesses report by phone during their sighting to the Boron 7/30/1967 #22754  
but it eluded him over Lake Erie. (Phone call to NICAP from Walter Stroud,  8/29/1967 #22951  
 get a runaround. After 2 weeks of phone calls, they find that no X-15 flew 9/1/1967? #22977  
 moved out of sight behind trees. (Phone call from witness, 9/12/67, NICAP  9/11/1967 #23041  
ent direction from the first two. (Phone call from witness's father, 9/15/6 9/14/1967 #23056  
rado project participated in, even phone calls. He wants to write a section 11/13/1967 #23443  
, and white lights (body lights). (Phone call, NICAP file memo.) (NICAP: 01 12/1/1967 #23530  
         McDonald calls Low on the phone and expresses his concerns about t 1/19/1968 #23676  
rant bright orange ball moves near phone lines.                             2/16/1968 #23760  
ARANSEBES, ROMANIA Weathermen here phone UFO report. Duration unknown. Same 3/30/1968 #23874  
than the others. Lights pulsated. (Phone call to NICAP) (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 9/30/1968 #24525  
ERSON, IN 4 observer(s). Power and phone fail. Screech. Dogs howl. UFO wobb 5/16/1971 #26113  
bulary (police) station received a phone call at 2:30 a.m. that an unidenti 8/16/1971 #26287  
The base Ops received more than 50 phone calls about the UFO.               11/14/1971 #26472  
Grey 'flying Volkswagens' hop over phone wires going quickly east.          11/19/1972 (approximate) #27128  
 minutes. At 7:20 p.m. hundreds of phone calls were received by the police  10/5/1973 #27953  
ief Jeffrey Greenhaw responds to a phone call about a UFO on the outskirts  10/17/1973 #28133  
O Reporting Center, with a hotline phone number that is shared with Federal 1974 #28630  
ries to report this, but his field phone is out. The backup generators fail 5/1974 #29075  
City psychic Ingo Swann receives a phone call from a friend in a government 2/1975 #29781  
              GRASSE, FR Anonymous phone report. Cylinder/cigar-shape takes 2/10/1975 #29794  
ty. Moments later, he receives two phone calls telling him not to interfere 10/7/1975 #30421  
12 at 3:00 a.m. Suffern receives a phone call from a “Lt. Colin Hunter” fro 10/7/1975 #30421  
ng down [to] by woods. Sonic boom. Phone out / 7 days.                      9/12/1976 #31380  
ent irregular shapes over road and phone lines. 3 similar nearby.           11/4/1976 #31521  
UFO investigator, got an anonymous phone call reporting a UFO landing. He d 11/29/1977 #32708  
g company owner are talking on the phone when they are interrupted by anoth 3/27/1978 #33088  
chigan, Coast Guard station gets a phone call from a man whose daughter and 7/28/1978 #33435  
on, OH. He is threatened twice (by phone and then in person), moved to a lo 7/29/1978 #33439  
king furiously. They both tried to phone the police but the phone was not w 9/15/1978 #33684  
 tried to phone the police but the phone was not working. (NICAP: 02 - Clos 9/15/1978 #33684  
arking furiously. They both try to phone the police but the phone is not wo 9/15/1978 #33687  
th try to phone the police but the phone is not working. When the police ar 9/15/1978 #33687  
king furiously. They both tried to phone the police but the phone was not w 9/15/1978 #33688  
 tried to phone the police but the phone was not working. When the police e 9/15/1978 #33688  
 4M sphere/orb/globe hovers low by phone lines. Intense cold felt. Shoots g 10/24/1978 #33868  
ns cease functioning. The internal phone system works, however, and workers 11/21/1978 #33974  
se, Val d’Oise, France 5:00 a.m. A phone call to police in Pontoise, Val d’ 11/26/1979 #35015  
Mexico, Bill Moore is contacted by phone from someone at Kirtland Air Force 9/8/1980 #35504  
ewing the panelists; then he takes phone calls for two hours.               2/7/1981 #35817  
, Breiland calls him up from a pay phone. Immediately afterward, he sees tw 10/2/1981 #36154  
he second asks for his address and phone number. He does not respond, and a 10/2/1981 #36154  
LEY, NORW Glowing metal ovoid over phone lines / mining area. Magnetic anom 1/18/1982 #36302  
T be sent to MOD (AFOR). A list of phone numbers and locations is shown in  1984 #37087  
               At 8:30 p.m. police phone lines in Manhasset, New York were  11/22/1985 #37723  
an who refuses to give his name or phone number. He says his commanding off 10/28/1986 #38056  
mmanding officer has given him her phone number and suggests she might want 10/28/1986 #38056  
IA UFO investigator. Problems with phone. Pseudo-human/entity / diving-suit 6/1987 #38181  
         ANUCHINO, DALNY Several / phone exchange. 1 / 4 moon-size triangle 9/4/1988 #38632  
mos After speaking to John Lear by phone for the first time on October 4, c 10/8/1988 #38665  
r. Door opens lighting tree below. Phone static.                            4/5/1989 #38891  
. Silver pencil shape going south. Phone problems. TV audio out.            10/22/1990 #39804  
t he frequently received harassing phone calls late at night; that some of  8/10/1991 #40147  
+dog. Huge silent triangle passes. Phone and electricity out after.         11/4/1995 #42580  
central Ohio and northern Kentucky phone police to report strange lights in 10/16/1996 #43073  
and he is unable to use his mobile phone to call for help. He stops and get 1/27/1997 #43178  
globe going down / 10' over patio. Phone static and lights electro-magnetic 2/28/1997 #43214  
p managed to blurt out over a cell phone what they were witnessing. The hum 11/7/1998 #43678  
ork, and she also tried to use the phone by her bed, but it was also out of 10/26/1999 #43866  
and in the process lost his mobile phone. At this point an immense light ro 7/21/2002 #44362  
ran inside the house and there the phone was ringing, and they again "knew" 9/3/2003 #44592  
 power, so they did not answer the phone. In the dream, there was a glassed 9/3/2003 #44592  
ormer Pres. George Bush Sr. on the phone about Phil Corso’s claims. Davis a 3/26/2004 #44681  
to of it with a Nokia 6230 digital phone.                                   7/31/2004 #44722  
 called his girlfriend on his cell phone, and while talking the cell phone  8/16/2004 #44734  
 phone, and while talking the cell phone died. Then the digital camera they 8/16/2004 #44734  
". Yet when they got home both the phone and the camera worked, and when th 8/16/2004 #44734  
tograph the object with his mobile phone, but the picture was totally blurr 6/14/2005 #44847  
. One of them next tried to make a phone call to a neighbor, but the phone  1/30/2006 #44920  
 phone call to a neighbor, but the phone was not working and instead made a 1/30/2006 #44920  
                              In a phone call now in the PUBLIC DOMAIN betw 7/7/2007 #45037  
tried to call his wife on his cell phone, but it would not work, either fro 9/14/2009 #45247  
ad never happened before. The cell phone failed to connect all the way to t 9/14/2009 #45247  
he media hotlines are flooded with phone calls. Two luminous objects circli 10/11/2010 #45301  
d her mother on her bluetooth cell phone. She asked her mother if she had a 6/1/2013 #45369  
igital dashboard display, her cell phone signal, and her FM radio all black 6/1/2013 #45369  
 on, and she was able to make cell phone contact again with her mother as s 6/1/2013 #45369  
showing that the NSA has collected phone records from over 120 million Veri 6/5/2013 #45370  
so states he was threatened on the phone for talking about the ARV and stat 12/2014 #45425  
n” claims he received an anonymous phone call that told him not to talk abo 1/30/2015 #45429  
fer that he not talk about it. The phone number was not blocked; he searche 1/30/2015 #45429  
ter look, the man grabs his wife’s phone to take photos and a video. He sho 12/10/2016 #45461  
t the approximate height of a cell phone tower” near High Prairie, Alberta. 11/21/2018 #45548  
Weinberger, and states he received phone calls from a “mechanical voice” wh 3/20/2020 #45640  
er experience were scarce, and her phone, which would have traveled with he 11/16/2021 #45722  
## Word: "phone-lines" (Back to Top)
VROCOURT, FR Double-sphere follows phone-lines / 10M altitude. Radio Freque 3/20/1972 #26619  
## Word: "phoned" (Back to Top)
y residents of La Plata, Argentina phoned the police and the newspapers on  6/21/1962 #17241  
f Abruzzi. A semi-hysterical woman phoned the Celano, Italy police station  6/14/1968 #24034  
 Henderson, KY 8:40 PM. Report not phoned in to UFO Filter Center but came  7/24/1977 #32309  
 11:00 p.m. a young Hispanic woman phoned her neighbors and asked them to c 8/18/1993 #41146  
## Word: "phones" (Back to Top)
ore veering away. At La Grande, he phones aviation editor David N. Johnson  7/29/1947 #3254  
e Intelligence Gen. Charles Cabell phones McCoy’s office at Wright-Patterso 7/25/1948 #3738  
. Returning to the observatory, he phones electrician Benjamin B. Traxler,  10/14/1949 #4395  
lows train. Boom! Railroad/railway phones and signals out. / MJ#283+/ r140# 11/16/1956 #13331  
er 16, 1956; Lemmon, S.D. Railroad phones, automatic block system "mysterio 11/16/1956 #13332  
ing down / Johnson's Wax building! Phones dead. News.                       7/1/1959 #15809  
kes car. Several waken oddly. Many phones ring. / MJ#238.                   2/22/1963 #17680  
Z Bright ovoid maneuvers over sea. Phones out. Back / 16 March. / r111p271. 3/6/1966 #19943  
sylvania, police station and Spaur phones the USAF station at Pittsburgh. S 4/17/1966 #20318  
e south going north / 20mph. Hums. Phones out. / r174p124.                  3/8/1967 #21792  
vering in impossible ways. The NCO phones his commander, 1Lt. Robert Salas, 3/24/1967 #21973  
e sure the site is secure while he phones the command post. Meanwhile, one  3/24/1967 #21973  
ng above a munitions dump. Serafim phones one of the other sentries then sh 1/31/1968 #23715  
t light. Suspecting a prowler, she phones a neighbor, who calls the police  10/16/1973 #28088  
aneuver and circle / 20 minute(s). Phones jammed. / LDLN#133.               12/23/1973 #28598  
saucer and dome UFO's follow cars. Phones and TVs out. Possible abduction?  3/24/1974 #28941  
rrie then retreats to her home and phones her husband, who drops what he is 4/19/1974 #29047  
earches and retracts! Going south. Phones out.                              5/8/1975 #30048  
lowing-blimp hovers / wind. TV and phones and cameras electro-magnetic effe 6/9/1976 #31093  
IETRACAMELA, ITL Power station and phones electro-magnetic effect (EME). Te 12/24/1978 #34200  
               HARTFORD, CT Police phones jammed. Huge boomerang. I84 traff 1/9/1986 #37758  
, Spain have their cellular mobile phones and the car's electrical system d 2/20/1999 #43732  
 powerful light. The next day cell phones in the area would not work, and t 2/9/2001 #44138  
## Word: "phonetically" (Back to Top)
rkstar Mike. Messages consisted of phonetically transmitted alphanumerics.  3/23/1992 #40397  
## Word: "phoning" (Back to Top)
nside the transparent tower. After phoning another sentry he approached the 2/2/1968 #23727  
 A friend whom he had succeeded in phoning came by to pick him up, but did  2/15/2006 #44923  
## Word: "phonograph" (Back to Top)
oor apartment building repairing a phonograph in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil whe 11/24/1967 #23508  
y upset by a peculiar sound like a phonograph record played at the wrong sp 3/31/1991 #40025  
## Word: "phony" (Back to Top)
cts that might some day appear” (a phony issue invented by Thornton Page),  1/17/1953 #8548  
 sky. Night lights join and orbit. Phony Venus nearby?                      11/9/1953 #9286  
ories are bogus, and later he runs phony investment scams and becomes a con 12/1953 #9329  
FR Small humanoid (or Grey) boards phony car! Glides over road / 30 minute( 10/12/1954 #10963  
Everglades, Florida NICAP is fed a phony UFO crash story in the Everglades, 5/1957 #13629  
REZ, JURA, FR 2 observer(s). Large phony train / railroad/railway tracks fl 10/30/1957 #14165  
en / car and separate observer(s). Phony sun going up [to] over hill. Hover 11/2/1957 #14198  
who proclaim an “undeclared war on phony organizations that capitalize on t 11/30/1958 #15462  
FO on tape. See 15 May.. UFO sends phony IFF!                               5/22/1964 #18290  
found. No radiation/radioactivity. Phony hoaxer!                            9/4/1964 #18527  
         A36 NEAR BECKINGTON, ENGL Phony land rover without wheels passes c 12/8/1965 #19757  
              COTSWOLD HILLS, AVON Phony land rover without lights passes c 12/15/1965 (approximate) #19769  
               MILAN, MICH 2 cops. Phony plane on street intersection! Goin 6/13/1966 #20555  
 SAIGON, VIETNAM Many observer(s). Phony sun dances all over/all about sky  3/1967 (approximate) #21686  
LAST, RUSSIA 6 observer(s). Silent phony half-moon and star going east as i 8/3/1967 (approximate) #22781  
 Black to May. '95. Men in Black = phony linemen. Fix stovepipe. See refere 1/27/1968 #23705  
  BOULDER, CO Several observer(s). Phony moon quickly going up [to] and qui 5/25/1968 #23982  
     CUESTA DL VACAS, ARG 5 / car. Phony train floats across road / 1M alti 7/7/1968 #24150  
 MOUNTAINS, FR 2 observer(s). Huge phony moon hovers / 30 minute(s). Slight 10/17/1968 #24566  
   MORET-SUR-LOING, FR 1 observer. Phony train over railroad/railway viaduc 12/8/1968 (approximate) #24750  
TRANS, FR Farmers and more/others. Phony sun going up [to] one hour early.  2/23/1971 #26029  
              NEAR BANANEIRAS, BRZ Phony bus. Light-beam opens car. 2 abduc 11/17/1971 #26473  
away. Back / 2130h with others and phony car. / r113p131.                   10/7/1972 #27054  
         NORTH / SANTA BARBARA, CA Phony scene / party house and guests. (B 11/4/1972 #27108  
/ night lights = pseudo-plane with phony engine sounds!                     5/25/1973 #27529  
 FL Pilots and ground observer(s). Phony rocket going southeast. Lands? / r 8/18/1973 #27711  
ses / quarry. 40' diameter. Fast. "Phony helicopter".                       9/18/1973 #27830  
ays. Night lights and lit objects. Phony helicopter maneuvers impossibly.   9/26/1973 #27868  
               NEAR JONESBORO, ARK Phony plane divides. Halves "explode". N 10/17/1973 #28102  
r engine quits. Mimics 2nd train / phony signals.                           10/20/1973 #28206  
WPORT, SHROPS Several observer(s). Phony helicopter hovers. Shoots away / i 12/15/1973 #28575  
/ UMVUMA, RHD Car and 2 abduction. Phony scenery. 288KM / 2 liters / gas. A 6/1/1974 #29155  
Night lights and ovoids / 10 days. Phony village. Possible missing time.    8/10/1974 #29319  
Frequency Interference (RFI). Dark phony helicopter 5M over field. Beams go 2/10/1975 #29798  
ops chase unidentified helicopter. Phony Air Force RADAR coordinates / radi 8/21/1975 #30292  
 ammunition dump. Going northeast. Phony helicopter. / r218p189+r149p48.    10/28/1975 #30496  
paces 4 / truck. Loss / control or phony scenery. 18 separate observer(s).  7/18/1976 #31171  
    ALBUFIERA, PORT 2 observer(s). Phony building hovers / hotel. Lights ro 8/10/1976 #31248  
t light-saucer. Descriptions vary. Phony moon? near Nike Base.              4/29/1977 #32033  
te observer(s). Needle-clouds like phony contrails maneuver all over/all ab 5/12/1977 #32093  
EAR BIRDWOOD, SOUTH AUS 50M silent phony airliner lands by power lines. Goi 7/30/1977 #32321  
 GRAFTON, NSW, AUS Man / bad road. Phony chicken Coop flies. Fog. 2 hours m 1/10/1978 #32864  
VALE, ENGL Family / car abduction. Phony scenery. One hour missing time. Se 6/19/1978 #33290  
ROCABA, BRAZIL Airman and 3 / car. Phony plane going down / low altitude. H 1/15/1980 (approximate) #35136  
urs. Missile launch codes enabled! Phony orders!                            10/4/1983 #36997  
                    NEW ALBANY, IN Phony 747 flies backwards. 60m altitude  12/17/1987 #38366  
 / car stop. Extremely bright 100' phony plane drifts west going east like  2/9/1992 #40326  
      BROMLEY, ZIMBABWE Dog barks. Phony moon hovers / farm. Small balls ma 8/2/1992 #40546  
             WNW / MAISSE, FR 120M phony sun descends / forest. Then "sets" 11/22/1993 #41292  
                 ODENSE, DK Bright phony moon going west / overcast sky. Ex 1/28/1994 #41385  
    WARREN, IL Many observer(s). 3 phony space-shuttles hover and scoot. Sm 2/18/1995 #42050  
I TO/FROM PIRACICABA, BRZ 2 / car. Phony cloud = white metallic cylinder/ci 3/24/1996 #42837  
             STE.CROIX-SUR-MER, FR Phony plane and metallic ovoid. Both sil 7/22/1997 #43355  
## Word: "phosphate" (Back to Top)
bstance which proved to be calcium phosphate.                               8/1/1966 #20720  
ogical effects as a result. At the phosphate plant north of Vernal, Utah Mr 10/11/1967 #23219  
een 4 and 5 tons. Trace amounts of phosphate and zinc are found in the samp 1/8/1981 #35779  
## Word: "phosphorescence" (Back to Top)
 He thinks it is caused by natural phosphorescence, stimulated by some mari 11/11/1949 #4413  
l is off course, He notices an odd phosphorescence in the water on the star 1/23/1964 #18117  
## Word: "phosphorescent" (Back to Top)
 lights, is hovering, with several phosphorescent beams extending to the gr 10/1909 #815  
re; ball of fire emitting a steady phosphorescent glow; wing in connection  4/3/1945 #1837  
"Flying Barrelhead" and 4 saucers. Phosphorescent aura.                     7/9/1947 #3049  
im. A hole opens in the bottom and phosphorescent white sparks drop toward  3/1952 #5940  
WICHITA FALLS, TX 2 observer(s). 2 phosphorescent saucers at 1000mph / 15 s 7/27/1952 #7195  
ls, Texas two people witnessed two phosphorescent disc-shaped objects flyin 7/27/1952 #7220  
   LAMORICIERE, ALGERIA Motorists. Phosphorescent disk seen briefly. No fur 7/29/1952 #7281  
ct, which is about 8 feet tall and phosphorescent. Suddenly it disappears a 10/7/1954 #10790  
y, France Gilbert Lelay, 13, saw a phosphorescent cigar in a pasture and a  10/12/1954 #10973  
ance. Gilbert Lelay, age 13, saw a phosphorescent cigar-shaped UFO in a pas 10/12/1954 #10983  
saw seven small beings flee into a phosphorescent object when they were app 10/14/1954 #11042  
saw seven small beings flee into a phosphorescent object when they were app 10/14/1954 #11063  
ed object in a meadow. It appeared phosphorescent and of large size. It too 10/16/1954 #11146  
eadow in Siena, Italy. It appeared phosphorescent and to be large in size.  10/16/1954 #11153  
nd 7 feet high. From one end came “phosphorescent” lights, which reflected  10/17/1954 #11180  
e an inverted cone, the lower part phosphorescent, the middle dull, the top 10/20/1954 #11273  
e an inverted cone, the lower part phosphorescent, the middle dull, and the 10/20/1954 #11282  
nd on the road when he spotted two phosphorescent points of light near a gl 10/23/1954 #11346  
hou, municipal muncilor, 30, saw a phosphorescent craft shaped like a brood 10/25/1954 #11389  
, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France saw a phosphorescent craft shaped like a chick 10/25/1954 #11400  
 continent and it had a glowing or phosphorescent quality. Upon closer exam 11/2/1954 #11539  
, moving rapidly. One is holding a phosphorescent bucket, and another has a 12/15/1954 #11815  
n Madison, Wisconsin, then watch a phosphorescent object speed over the cit 3/11/1955 #12041  
rge disc, leaving behind a wake of phosphorescent smoke that dissipates qui 8/28/1956 #13146  
nical, greenish-blue object with a phosphorescent glow through binoculars.  10/9/1957 #14085  
use of the stench and the blinding phosphorescent light emanating from it.  5/27/1958 #15056  
cause of the stench and a blinding phosphorescent light that emanated from  5/27/1958 #15057  
ome type of unknown craft emitting phosphorescent flashes. Making no sound  11/26/1962 #17563  
 outside of Arriondas, Spain saw a phosphorescent tube-like object land nea 9/7/1967 #23016  
ic in color but had a wide orange, phosphorescent band crossing it from sid 8/11/1971 #26280  
department, France first sighted a phosphorescent green light in the sky ju 9/7/1972 #26979  
is jet was then enveloped in green phosphorescent light for several seconds 3/3/1976 #30920  
his plane is surrounded by a green phosphorescent light that illuminates th 3/3/1976 #30921  
 image of a human-like entity of a phosphorescent white color, with no visi 11/13/1977 #32671  
 have long, oval-shaped heads with phosphorescent eyes, pointed ears, and n 8/15/1986 #37992  
n and Tishchayev. The UFO glowed a phosphorescent green. It circled the dep 7/28/1989 #39036  
d two long legs and two huge round phosphorescent red eyes. When the two of 10/6/1990 #39760  
énées-Atlantiques, France an ovoid phosphorescent shape was seen coming out 8/28/1993 #41167  
Brisbane, Queensland, then watch a phosphorescent green ball about 12 inche 5/16/2006 #44943  
## Word: "phosphorous" (Back to Top)
nd caused the latter to fluoresce. Phosphorous may also have been baked out 11/2/1971 #26450  
nd his car was lighted, as if by a phosphorous flare. Looking up he saw a l 11/27/1982 #36691  
## Word: "phosphorus" (Back to Top)
sc-shaped objects illuminated by a phosphorus light (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 7/27/1952 #7208  
c-shaped objects, illuminated by a phosphorus light, flew at an estimated l 7/27/1952 #7212  
rmal level of zinc, potassium, and phosphorus. The scientists performing th 3/24/1978 #33077  
## Word: "phosphorus-like" (Back to Top)
bject which appeared to drip white phosphorus-like fire. The object was sta 2/16/1967 #21567  
l is illuminated with a dim green, phosphorus-like color. It circles two or 7/28/1989 #39035  
## Word: "phosporescent" (Back to Top)
 quarry beside the road. A glowing phosporescent UFO then came out of the q 6/23/1977 #32185  
de the road at 5:15 a.m. A glowing phosporescent UFO then came out of the q 6/23/1977 #32186  
## Word: "photo" (Back to Top)
ago, Illinois 5:30 a.m. An alleged photo of an airship is taken at 4356 Eas 4/11/1897 #429  
al newspapers. The Chicago Tribune photo editor pronounces it a fake becaus 4/11/1897 #429  
 photographs. He manages to take a photo of a nearby lightning strike and d 4/25/1897 #574  
 Whittier makes many copies of the photo and sells them to Sunbury resident 4/25/1897 #574  
8 and 9 kilometers, using a “radio photo message continuous transmission ma 8/22/1924 #1041  
      Ward, CO Possible UFO In Old Photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, C 4/1929 #1095  
                  Paris, OH Sutton photo of domed disc (NICAP: 08 - Photogr 5/1932 #1142  
 and afterward sees someone take a photo of an alien propped up by the arms Early Spring 1941 #1355  
evening, he is given a copy of the photo by a member of his congregation (t Early Spring 1941 #1355  
m. Erik and Asa Reuterswärd take a photo of a greenish-white daylight meteo 7/9/1946 #2035  
rs throughout Sweden; however, the photo probably shows an unusual daylight 7/9/1946 #2035  
 assistant Shirley J. Wright class photo in newspaper                       5/31/1947 #2302  
gineer W. R. Presley takes a muddy photo of a UFO at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.  6/1947 #2306  
 Seattle, WA Frank Ryman-1st known photo of Circular obj which moved across 7/4/1947 #2649  
 20 others, traveling 500 mph. The photo shows a small, blurred white oval  7/4/1947 #2662  
the Birmingham Age-Herald, takes a photo that shows two round white spots c 7/6/1947 #2813  
 Photographer Al Hixenbaugh took a photo of a flying saucer at 10:15. There 7/7/1947 #2836  
            Phoenix, AZ The Rhodes Photo Case (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cas 7/7/1947 #2926  
fy the debris as from a balloon. A photo of Newton with the debris is taken 7/8/1947 #3025  
d, Newfoundland, CAN Harmond Field Photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, C 7/10/1947 #3097  
e Morristown Daily Record, takes a photo of four luminous objects as he is  7/10/1947 #3104  
Wright: Newspaper college freshman photo                                    9/28/1947 #3430  
 gives them a copy of a telescopic photo he took in February 1949 with his  10/14/1949 #4395  
ectronics Lab later attributes the photo to “electric discharge which frequ 10/14/1949 #4395  
        White Sands, NM Theodolite photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, N 5/29/1950 #4970  
. Ernest W. Spradley Jr. of Aerial Photo Lab and Capt. James E. Cocker of A 1/22/1951 #5413  
o, Uraguay Puerto Maldonado, Cigar Photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)   7/19/1951 #5578  
eport and reference to an attached photo on NARAPBB89-1203) (NICAP: 09 - RA 9/13/1951 #5664  
Project Bluebook Case #1201. Clear photo of ovoid / broad daylight. Looks b 5/4/1952 #6255  
e object as disc-shaped. The third photo is taken as the object tilts sligh 5/7/1952 #6270  
aissance Laboratory and the Navy’s Photo Interpretation Laboratory. Both an 7/2/1952 #6694  
ion photographed through window of photo lab.                               7/16/1952 #6842  
lass) from his position inside the photo lab at Coast Guard Air Station Sal 7/16/1952 #6843  
disappear suddenly in a flash. The photo is explained as showing reflection 7/16/1952 #6843  
             Washington, DC Famous Photo of Objects Over Capitol (NICAP: 08 7/19/1952 #6925  
ingo Troncosco photographs it. The photo shows an elongated object trailing 7/19/1952 #6932  
Columbus, Ohio. She walks into the photo lab, where colleague Joe Sheehy is Late Summer 1952 #7612  
Maj. Gen. John A. Samford, the UFO photo taken by Shell Alpert, a photo tak 8/23/1952 #7693  
UFO photo taken by Shell Alpert, a photo taken by August C. Roberts, German 8/23/1952 #7693  
e of the object in each successive photo, one could see that it was moving  9/20/1952 #7987  
 Bright Red Object Paces Aircraft (Photo ?) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 11/21/1952 #8314  
e of Adamski’s photos as well as a photo of the Williamsons and the Baileys 11/24/1952 #8333  
ibly so that Orthon can return the photo he borrowed. The film holder is pu 12/13/1952 #8414  
     Muskogee, OK The “flying cup” photo. Blue Book listed as hoax, which i 1953 #8476  
, Warner E. Anderson, manager of a photo shop with wartime air spotter expe 1/1/1953 #8494  
 Neasham and Harry Woo of the Navy Photo Interpretation Laboratory report o 1/14/1953 #8539  
        Muskogee, OK 2:00 p.m. The photo was allegedly taken in the Summer  Summer 1953 #8949  
ce report, at 1400 hours he took a photo of an unidentified flying object w Summer 1953 #8949  
 film with a red filter obtained a photo of a disembodied globe of light    11/14/1953 #9300  
orce Base California A promotional photo of a Martin B-57 Canberra bomber t 1954 #9421  
ow consistent with the rest of the photo.                                   1954 #9421  
s high, then drops low. He takes a photo, then it shoots off at high speed  1/1954 #9429  
off at high speed to the west. The photo, reproduced in the newspaper, show 1/1954 #9429  
ouen, France McMinnville, Oregon A photo supposedly taken near Rouen, Franc 3/5/1954 #9599  
hter pilot is actually a retouched photo showing the 1950 McMinnville, Oreg 3/5/1954 #9599  
 the 1950 McMinnville, Oregon, UFO photo taken by Paul Trent.               3/5/1954 #9599  
of Edinburgh, invites probable UFO photo hoaxer Stephen Darbishire to Bucki Mid 3/1954 #9622  
         At 12:25 p.m. a B-17 on a photo mapping mission over Richmond, Ind 5/24/1954 #9833  
 with a telephoto lens and takes a photo. After 5 minutes, the discs begin  9/9/1954 #10277  
me from the area that morning. The photo shows a blurry oval with a small d 9/9/1954 #10277  
oore never admits to the hoax. The photo of “Cedric Allingham” is really Pe 10/1954 #10536  
how burn marks. Lt. Tewrik takes a photo of a rotating UFO that emits smoke 10/5/1954 #10731  
going quickly north at high speed. Photo taken.                             10/8/1954 #10806  
merican petroleum engineer takes a photo of a formation of UFOs over El Tig 12/10/1954 #11795  
ographer for Foto Heisler, snaps a photo of the disc above a building. He s 12/14/1954 #11807  
e takes out his camera and snaps a photo. The object descends, then rises a 6/5/1955 #12186  
reproduce enhanced versions of the photo, but it is never critically analyz 8/30/1955 #12418  
 later. The best guess is that the photo shows a round cloud.               8/30/1955 #12418  
 disc flew eastward. At 4:30 a.m a photo was taken of a light seen east of  7/20/1956 #12997  
g sharp 30° turns. One man takes a photo. They report the sighting to the n 8/1956 #13045  
ting horizontal.” He takes a color photo. An analysis suggests that it woul 8/27/1956 #13140  
Minot, ND Oct 28, 1956; Minot, ND, photo from missile crew, RV (NICAP: 08 - 10/28/1956 #13293  
inot, N. Dakota, Missile base, RV, Photo, EM (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rati 10/28/1956 #13294  
; Rouen, France, RAF Flying Review photo (hoax) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic C 1957 #13428  
1957; Fujisawa City, Japan, Takeda photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)   8/20/1957 #13910  
11:28 a.m. Shinichi Takeda takes a photo of a silvery disc near Enoshima Be 8/20/1957 #13912  
 and disappears in the clouds. The photo shows capsule-shaped image near ba 8/20/1957 #13912  
er car and snaps a 35mm Kodachrome photo. Analysts generally agree this is  10/16/1957 #14129  
 SS Ramsey, claims to have taken a photo of a saucer off the coast of San P 12/3/1957 #14666  
oast of San Pedro, California. The photo appears in Flying Saucer Review in 12/3/1957 #14666  
 Fogl admits that he had faked the photo using parts of plastic airplane mo 12/3/1957 #14666  
d not provide an evaluation of the photo.                                   12/15/1957 #14731  
nd (NE of), At Sea Trindade Island Photo (E-M, Radar, AR) Case (NICAP: 08 - 1/16/1958 #14830  
e it does not even mention the UFO photo incident. A 1999 analysis by Marti 1/16/1958 #14831  
ly in the morning to try to take a photo of an unidentified satellite, term 3/6/1960 #16198  
ickly painted in NASA colors and a photo is shown to the media at NASA Flig 5/5/1960 #16256  
car, grabs his camera, and takes a photo of the object, which is moving slo 7/3/1960 #16329  
nd disappears into the clouds. The photo shows a conical object low above t 7/3/1960 #16329  
harleston, South Carolina, takes a photo of a mystery satellite that is in  8/16/1960 #16396  
ky as Echo I, which is also in the photo.                                   8/16/1960 #16396  
page, NY Grumman mystery satellite photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, C 8/25/1960 #16413  
c Birch, 14, snaps an out-of-focus photo of five domed discs that he and tw 2/1962 #17033  
land. Alec and his father show the photo later to the Air Ministry, which p 2/1962 #17033  
        Cuba A U-2 takes the first photo of an IRBM site under construction 10/17/1962 #17476  
                     On this day a photo of a flying saucer was taken over  3/1/1963 #17691  
of Norfolk County. The time-lapsed photo shows a light making ninety-degree 6/26/1963 #17811  
shey, Hertfordshire, takes a clear photo. The official explanation is a bal 8/1/1963 #17860  
 NM B57 radios white ovoid landed. Photo reconnaissance called. / r214p117. 4/30/1964 #18223  
hey saw a white ovoid object land. Photo reconnaisance was ordered.         4/30/1964 #18234  
ra with Kodacolor X stock, takes a photo of his 5-year-old daughter Elizabe 5/24/1964 #18297  
laim they had seen no one when the photo was taken. He tells the Carlisle p 5/24/1964 #18297  
ack of Templeton’s wife. After the photo receives some local publicity, Tem 5/24/1964 #18297  
 Project Bluebook Case #9411. Good photo / donut shape or saucer on edge.   5/30/1964 #18312  
shoots up out of sight. He takes a photo, but nothing registers on the film 7/14/1964 #18409  
o turn to run after Weaver snaps a photo. In the light of the flashbulb, th 1/26/1965 #18769  
ttle man standing by the barn. The photo is allegedly confiscated by govern 1/26/1965 #18769  
eaver paused long enough to take a photo before joining up with the other i 1/26/1965 #18770  
 period that James McDivitt took a photo of an unknown light source from th 6/5/1965 #18994  
n estimated 3,000 feet altitude. A photo of the same or a similar object wa 6/13/1965 #19003  
   Sherman, TX The Sherman, Texas, Photo Case (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cas 8/2/1965 #19259  
lying away into the night sky. The photo is a probable fake of a color whee 8/2/1965 #19263  
 one had supporting witnesses. The photo shows a mosaic pattern of yellow,  8/2/1965 #19272  
Also Project Bluebook Case #9666 = photo / saucer in Tulsa. P311.           8/3/1965 #19277  
       Tulsa, OK The Smith / Tulsa Photo Case (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cas 8/3/1965 #19283  
                  Beaver, PA Lucci Photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, C 8/8/1965 #19340  
 and UFO researchers determine the photo is a hoax created by holding a pla 8/8/1965 #19341  
ith the Beaver, Pennsylvania, hoax photo of August 8.                       8/13/1965 #19382  
        Melbourne (near), AU Brown photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)   4/2/1966 #20207  
ds the earth.” He snaps a Polaroid photo, after which the object takes off  4/2/1966 #20208  
niversity of Arizona, examines the photo, he finds a jagged line of discont 4/2/1966 #20208  
cals spreading unevenly across the photo.                                   4/2/1966 #20208  
n for a General Electric publicity photo when his F-104 drifts into contact 6/8/1966 #20544  
us MN, N. Dakota, Wisconsin, scope photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)   8/16/1966 #20753  
taly. He manages to take one color photo before the objects disappear near  Early 9/1966 #20835  
ar near the northwest horizon. The photo shows both a round object and a cy Early 9/1966 #20835  
 p.m. Franz Trautsamwieser takes a photo of the Church of San Giorgio Maggi 9/5/1966 #20851  
ot see anything, but the developed photo shows a UFO-shaped whitish object  9/5/1966 #20851  
:30 p.m. CDT. A former army aerial photo specialist and others saw two larg 9/23/1966 #20917  
olumn of vapor. NICAP is given the photo but is not impressed. In 1989, phy 11/22/1966 #21140  
erforms a detailed analysis of the photo and determines that it is a blurre 11/22/1966 #21140  
nd determines that it is a blurred photo of the “Diamond Peak” sign taken f 11/22/1966 #21140  
as it ascends and manages a second photo a few seconds later. It is an alum 11/22/1966 #21141  
able and said that he had seen the photo himself. (Ridge, APRO & NICAP file 1/19/1967 #21350  
egs. He grabs a camera and snaps a photo of the object, which has started m 1/24/1967 #21375  
Linda, California at 5:25 p.m. The photo was reported in the Santa Ana Regi 1/24/1967 #21376  
a, Peru This is the only surviving photo of the funnel-shaped flying object 2/2/1967 #21438  
n separately zoomed up and away. A photo was taken but shows little. (A. Co 2/8/1967 #21478  
os of a disc-shaped object and one photo showing two objects. A Kodak emplo 3/1967 #21699  
s. The report said that a Polaroid photo was taken. (Columbus Dispatch, Ohi 3/9/1967 #21833  
tains and the city of Yungay-Peru. Photo by: Augusto Arrando. (NICAP: 08 -  3/22/1967 #21943  
 and mirages, a special section on photo cases, and a statistical treatment 4/21/1967 #22192  
rried out on the November 1966 UFO photo case from Roseville, Ohio. The ana 5/5/1967 #22275  
le, Ohio. The analysis debunks the photo. The committee is again impressed  5/5/1967 #22275  
showed it in flight, and the third photo missed the object.                 5/6/1967 #22283  
as the object takes off. The first photo shows the object at treetop level, 5/6/1967 #22284  
ght against a clear sky. The third photo shows nothing.                     5/6/1967 #22284  
he landing gear are shown in first photo, while the second showed no legs a 5/6/1967 #22287  
ably had been retracted. The third photo missed the object.                 5/6/1967 #22287  
 a camera, and allegedly took this photo. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)  5/11/1967 #22316  
photographs that he drops off at a photo lab on June 2. He then calls newsp 6/1/1967 #22448  
 a rim through its midsection. One photo shows the bottom of the UFO with t 6/1/1967 #22448  
mine that the San José de Valderas photo with the Ummo symbol is a small mo 6/1/1967 #22448  
n San Jose de Valderas, Spain. The photo shows an "H" insignia on the botto 6/1/1967 #22449  
, one named Brettschneider, took a photo in Ganserndorf, Austria at 11:35 p 6/10/1967 #22487  
                Woodsocket, RI The photo actually appears to be from a much 6/18/1967 #22515  
nty, North Carolina, sends a color photo of what looks like a little man in 7/21/1967 #22718  
he local 4-H club, and submits the photo to “several professional photograp 7/21/1967 #22718  
, however, Keel has doubts and the photo is revealed to be that of a small  7/21/1967 #22718  
s” Brooks, a former BOAC pilot and photo interpreter, is walking his Dalmat 10/26/1967 #23334  
cases, as well as the Warren Smith photo. Robertson advises that UFO sighti 11/14/1967 #23450  
                A college yearbook photo editor from Laurentian University  1/23/1968 #23689  
rs in the northeast. Iorga takes a photo of it at 8:00 a.m. and looks at it 3/30/1968 #23876  
FO moving slowly at 90,000 feet. A photo taken through a telescope at the R 9/5/1968 #24431  
uver Island, British Columbia. One photo shows a large object surrounded by 9/29/1968 #24521  
                         Minot, ND Photo from missile crew, RV (NICAP: 08 - 10/28/1968 #24596  
       Minot, ND Missile base, RV, Photo, EM (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rati 10/28/1968 #24597  
B-47). William K. Hartmann divides photo cases into fabrications, misidenti 10/31/1968 #24608  
 Dong, UFOs over Modern China, UFO Photo Archive, 1983, p. 56) Early 1970s  Early 1970 #25524  
rofessor of socioeconomics takes a photo of a cigar-shaped object in Rio de 1/29/1970 #25559  
del Plata, Argentina Daylight disc photo similar to August 3, 1965, Santa A 4/15/1970 #25631  
del Plata, Argentina Daylight disc photo similar to August 3, 1965, Santa A 4/15/1970 #25632  
r Chuck Roberts takes a time-lapse photo of one.                            8/7/1970 #25775  
o of Alamogordo, New Mexico took a photo of a luminous point in motion, mak 12/24/1970 #25952  
t beginning to descend. He snaps a photo but can no longer see the light. T 1/25/1971 #26002  
t can no longer see the light. The photo shows a circular light with a dark 1/25/1971 #26002  
 witness raised a camera to take a photo it vanished in place!              7/25/1971 #26244  
h then takes off. Sundberg snaps a photo, then contacts writer and monster  8/16/1971 #26288  
te, Costa Rica Aerial survey plane photo showing disc on edge               9/4/1971 #26316  
hard Haines and concludes that the photo shows “an unidentified, opaque, ae 9/4/1971 #26317  
for several weeks. Johnson takes a photo of the circle. Seven separate soil 11/2/1971 #26449  
bia, on the Inside Passage takes a photo of a disc-shaped object spinning “ 4/24/1972 #26660  
 the north on a zigzag course. The photo is blurry, but shows a disc.       4/24/1972 #26660  
     PLYMOUTH, DEVON UFO caught in photo of giraffe at zoo. Distant dots al 8/15/1972 #26917  
 several minutes, he takes a color photo with his Instamatic, which shows a 9/14/1972 #26998  
nt of one of the objects. Only one photo turns out and shows a squarish lig 3/20/1973 #27352  
noid figure was imaginary, and the photo was a blurry streetlight.          3/20/1973 #27352  
saw a weather balloon and that the photo is the result of a development fla 3/24/1973 #27372  
       In Orbit, Skylab Skylab III Photo Incident (NICAP: 08 - Photographic 9/20/1973 #27846  
    Falkville, AL Alleged humanoid photo. Police Chief Jeff Greenhaw photog 10/17/1973 #28125  
uld take 10 feet in one leap." The photo is regarded by some UFO investigat 10/17/1973 #28142  
ers, who had stayed behind, took a photo of the three mysterious walkers, b 10/20/1973 #28222  
year-old man named Contin took the photo of the object in Susa, Italy as it 11/24/1973 #28464  
and photographs it. He submits the photo to NASA, which replies on June 18  1/18/1974 #28684  
. A consultant wonders whether the photo shows a reflection in the car wind 1/18/1974 #28684  
 researchers in France is that the photo is a hoax perpetrated by Bedet to  3/23/1974 #28937  
 go out in a car, hoping to take a photo. When they get to the shore of Nia 11/7/1974 #29588  
stern bank of the lake. He snaps a photo of it as it hovers in the air abou 11/17/1974 #29598  
looks back the object is gone. The photo shows a circular object with an es 11/17/1974 #29598  
as as bright as the full moon. The photo, however, showed five small lights 11/26/1974 #29610  
                         Kauai, HI Photo of Saturn-shaped object with squar 1/2/1975 #29696  
                         Kauai, HI Photo of Saturn-shaped object with squar 1/2/1975 #29700  
to his right. When he develops one photo, the image shows an odd object til 5/3/1975 #30025  
ting only lasts 10–15 seconds. The photo shows a slightly blurry disc above 5/26/1975 #30066  
 A Dutch couple on vacation snap a photo of the panoramic landscape of the  7/1/1975 #30144  
 phenomenon. Immediately after the photo is taken, the object starts to mov 7/26/1975 #30208  
ich time a foreign tourist takes a photo. 400 miles to the south, the crew  6/22/1976 #31129  
t is carrying a camera and snaps a photo of the UFO, which starts jumping f Mid 9/1976 #31384  
98 US embassy bombings; and a 2019 photo, revealed by President Donald Trum 12/19/1976 #31620  
    Indianapolis, IN 4:00 PM. Hoax photo. (APRO Bulletin) (NICAP: 08 - Phot 3/10/1977 #31891  
s they are getting ready to take a photo, the floor of the desert around th Mid 3/1977 #31909  
istance. The trail of light on the photo shows the light’s departure.       Mid 3/1977 #31909  
. Ground Saucer Watch explains the photo as a chip in the glass of Leming’s 8/17/1977 #32409  
O, hovering motionless. He takes a photo of it, which appears in the May 18 5/13/1978 #33203  
 Agency at Fort Clayton, sends the photo to Carter with an explanation of t 6/17/1978 #33286  
e sky for 3–4 minutes. She snaps a photo of it, which shows a dark object w 7/6/1978 #33345  
handle confidential film and saw a photo of a small humanoid allegedly kill 8/1978 #33460  
m. Teenager Franklin Youri takes a photo of an unusual object behind his ho 10/8/1978 #33813  
e is similar to the May 13 Iranian photo.                                   10/8/1978 #33813  
rolina 7:10 p.m. A student takes a photo of a distant daylight disc from hi 10/8/1978 #33815  
    Kuwait A civil servant takes a photo of a UFO as he is walking along a  12/2/1978 #34048  
1978. New Zealand radar-visual and photo cases.                             12/21/1978 #34191  
ooth about 3 feet tall. He takes a photo of the object before it abruptly d 5/16/1979 #34563  
r Teleportation,” which features a photo of an alien cadaver similar to the 5/6/1980 #35308  
n cadaver encased under glass. One photo shows a hand with four fingers and 6/2/1980 #35352  
 of the Great Wall of China take a photo of an unusual object. The photo re 8/24/1980 #35479  
 a photo of an unusual object. The photo reportedly looks like three stars  8/24/1980 #35479  
bright reflection. She is taking a photo of her son and the reflection seem 9/3/1980 #35493  
light behind her son’s head in the photo.                                   9/3/1980 #35493  
 a disc-shaped object, and takes a photo of it. Analysis of the photo point 10/1980 #35550  
kes a photo of it. Analysis of the photo points to a hoax photo of a helium 10/1980 #35550  
ysis of the photo points to a hoax photo of a helium-filled balloon.        10/1980 #35550  
haped object appears on the second photo. Probable reflection or lens flare 11/6/1980 #35622  
RET USAF OSI Document: Analysis of photo of UFO following C-5A aircraft inc 11/17/1980 #35644  
following C-5A aircraft inclusive. Photo analysis of Cylinder Shaped UFO le 11/17/1980 #35644  
of Cylinder Shaped UFO legitimate. Photo E. showed legitimate disc shaped U 11/17/1980 #35644  
ell the People (2000), publishes a photo of the supposed landing site taken 12/26/1980 #35737  
 London, Ohio, hoping to get a UFO photo. He notices a small orange light o 3/20/1981 #35868  
ation, so he takes a time exposure photo as the light blinks out.           3/20/1981 #35868  
ime later that morning. As for the photo, the lights were most likely cause 8/12/1981 #36070  
er Island, B.C., CAN Daylight disc photo (section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photog 10/8/1981 #36164  
Island, B.C., Canada Daylight disc photo                                    10/8/1981 #36166  
ritish Columbia. She snaps a color photo of one of the mountains to the wes 10/8/1981 #36167  
g cumulus cloud above it. When the photo is developed, it shows a silvery d 10/8/1981 #36167  
e and red-orange lights. The final photo shows the tops of nearby trees and 1/9/1982 #36298  
 astronomer Walter Schwarz takes a photo that apparently shows a balloon. A 4/26/1983 #36845  
le toward the UFO, taking a fourth photo before it shoots straight up and o 3/7/1985 #37566  
 He pulls off the road and snaps a photo of the formation. He is sure there 5/26/1985 #37593  
UFO research. The first recognized photo of a UFO in China was taken in 194 8/27/1985 #37651  
p Pols and pilots / planes see and photo bright cylinder/cigar-shape. RADAR 9/5/1985 #37654  
              PORT CHESTER, NY UFO photo shows only 7 lights in most of app 11/21/1985 #37715  
rabs a Polaroid camera and snaps a photo just as the UFO is moving from beh 11/11/1987 #38322  
ars a loud hum. He fails to take a photo of the object. Rather than continu 12/1/1987 #38345  
ction than it should be. While the photo is getting examined by experts, Sp 12/1/1987 #38345  
d Walters produces his most famous photo—a brightly lit structured craft ho 1/12/1988 #38410  
ims he has no memory of taking the photo.                                   2/8/1988 #38445  
cies and fire chief report. 1 poor photo.                                   3/1/1989 #38857  
 very high speed. Bruce Maccabee’s photo analysis shows that the object is  7/6/1989 #39013  
draws a sketch but fails to take a photo. He sees a similar object on Janua 12/1/1989 #39293  
at Petit-Rechain, Belgium, takes a photo of a delta-shaped object on which  4/4/1990 #39509  
t each corner. Maréchal admits the photo is a hoax in an interview for RTL  4/4/1990 #39509  
e, Yugoslavia Merican tourist took photo of church, unexplained image showe 9/19/1991 #40191  
, Yugoslavia American tourist took photo of church, unexplained image showe 9/19/1991 #40192  
ng Medjugorje, Bosnia, and takes a photo of St. James Church from a distanc 9/19/1991 #40194  
                 JAPAN Astronomers photo very large object casting shadow / 1/1993 (approximate) #40779  
middle, and tapered at the ends. A photo was taken of a stealth-aircraft li 1/28/1993 #40817  
hil Corso tried to give him a fake photo of an autopsy.  https://ufos-scien 2/26/1994 #41428  
onal attachments and appendices. A photo section includes photos of various 7/1995 #42286  
 goes around near the top. In each photo the UFO is shown at a slightly dif 9/16/1996 #43023  
ey are not noticed at the time the photo is taken.                          8/20/2000 #44032  
ct and only discovers it after the photo is developed.                      12/19/2000 #44106  
 the car, he was too slow to get a photo. The size of the light went down,  10/31/2001 #44269  
 cloud high in the sky. He takes a photo, then leaves to attend a meeting.  2/20/2002 #44319  
c-shaped UFO appeared on a digital photo of some scenery taken at 11:45 a.m 7/7/2002 #44357  
son, British Columbia, Canada. The photo is evaluated as not a hoax.        7/7/2002 #44357  
f slides, including one in which a photo of an “alien face” is inserted. Gr 8/19/2003 #44576  
 1950-51. Green didn’t know if the photo was real but Zimmerman admits they 8/19/2003 #44576  
 who has confessed to faking a UFO photo in 1962, takes a series of color s 1/27/2004 #44657  
g with five employees. He took one photo of it with a Nokia 6230 digital ph 7/31/2004 #44722  
g to the local OVNI UFO group, the photo appears to be genuine.             5/6/2005 #44832  
d then another object showed up. A photo was taken at 4:30 p.m.             12/31/2006 #44992  
ntre Rios Province, Argentina. The photo shows clear, sharp images.         2/17/2008 #45120  
ke photos of the UFO. One daylight photo taken earlier in the afternoon sho 7/7/2010 #45286  
ect emitting golden light. Another photo clearly shows an airplane with a c 7/7/2010 #45286  
frey Forden says the most credible photo shows an arc streaking across the  7/7/2010 #45286  
t. The witness attempted to take a photo with her iPhone, but the camera fu 6/1/2013 #45369  
its his car and attempts to take a photo with his cellphone, but its camera 8/20/2013 #45384  
tes. One witness manages to take a photo of the light, which by then is dim 9/23/2017 #45482  
The ship immediately activates its photo expert team (SNOOPIE) and enters i 7/14/2019 #45592  
hip at approximately 2,000 feet. A photo is taken with a forward- looking i 7/17/2019 #45595  
pear to the west at great speed. A photo is taken showing the orbs and the  11/11/2021 #45721  
## Word: "photo-" (Back to Top)
 the film and sends it to the USAF Photo- Reconnaissance Laboratory and the 7/2/1952 #6694  
 a Serviços Aéreos Cruzeiro do Sul photo- mapping aircraft see a UFO in the 3/27/1967 #22001  
## Word: "photo-mapping" (Back to Top)
a converted RAAF aircraft during a photo-mapping flight over central Austra 1965 #18690  
## Word: "photo-navigator" (Back to Top)
any Witness:  lst Lt. John Hendry, photo-navigator on an RB-26C reconnaissa 6/2/1952 #6427  
On this night Lt. John Hendry, the photo-navigator on a RB-26C reconnaissan 6/2/1952 #6430  
## Word: "photo-optical" (Back to Top)
ert Jacobs is officer-in-charge of photo-optical instrumentation for the 13 9/15/1964 #18556  
## Word: "photoanalysis" (Back to Top)
ir weapons. It begins to develop a photoanalysis capability.                8/1947 #3276  
 researcher colleague. None of the photoanalysis data in these cases has be 1962 #17004  
which has cooperated with NICAP on photoanalysis but also has military and  5/29/1970 #25676  
er, François Louange, an expert in photoanalysis who has participated in UF 2001 #44111  
## Word: "photoanalyst" (Back to Top)
trailing the B-57 in flight. NICAP photoanalyst Ralph Rankow points out tha 1954 #9421  
n Walters fake some of the photos. Photoanalyst Bruce Maccabee continues to 11/11/1987 #38322  
leman, geophysicist J. R. Jokipii, photoanalyst François Louange, geologist 9/29/1997 #43420  
                   After an audit, photoanalyst François Louange recommends 11/2002 #44427  
## Word: "photocell" (Back to Top)
 light lights large area. Puts out photocell central street lights.         2/24/1982 #36361  
## Word: "photocopies" (Back to Top)
                       NICAP sends photocopies of O’Keefe’s 1959 “UFOs Seri 2/27/1960 #16186  
                    Moore provides photocopies of all the pages of the Maje 6/1987 #38183  
## Word: "photocopy" (Back to Top)
in Dayton, Ohio, his request for a photocopy of the Robertson Panel report  6/30/1966 #20622  
ashington, D.C., and allows him to photocopy the Low memorandum, saying it  11/22/1967 #23495  
d for months until they are sent a photocopy of an article in UFO Investiga 2/2/1978 #32945  
## Word: "photoelectric" (Back to Top)
ent out as the UFO approached, the photoelectric switch apparently triggere 5/3/1992 #40449  
## Word: "photoflashes" (Back to Top)
nute it emits a series of 3 bright photoflashes at one-second intervals and 1/22/1951 #5413  
## Word: "photogrammatic" (Back to Top)
be available to perform work of a “photogrammatic nature, such as attemptin 2/20/1967 #21607  
## Word: "photogrammetric" (Back to Top)
ver eastern Greenland as part of a photogrammetric survey. Suddenly, Anders 1932 #1136  
andria, Virginia] at the NPIC on a photogrammetric analysis he had carried  5/5/1967 #22275  
## Word: "photograph" (Back to Top)
nilla. 283 objects pass suns face. Photograph of 1 taken.                   8/12/1883 #254  
oss the face of the sun. He took a photograph of one of them.               8/12/1883 #256  
 a.m. in Barring Cross, Arkansas a photograph of a structured flying object 4/26/1897 #580  
ed in Silver City, New Mexico. The photograph "has the appearance of three  3/7/1901 #644  
the other two." Unfortunately, the photograph was later lost.               3/7/1901 #644  
                  Sebeş, Romania A photograph shows a domed disc hovering n 1923 #1030  
mprints and burn marks, which they photograph. Two of them write an article Summer 1933 #1162  
 New South Wales, Australia took a photograph of a circular flying object a 10/10/1935 #1235  
re shooting away. The plane’s crew photograph the object, which “hovered no Late 1942? #1456  
n ever attempted and would map and photograph almost 1,400,000 square km of 1946 #1955  
heast overhead / X-formation. Poor photograph taken.                        6/18/1947 #2338  
hey race over. Enlargements of the photograph show “seven dots” in a format 6/18/1947 #2340  
esses in the Lake City area took a photograph.                              7/4/1947 #2677  
y east. 1 high and 1 low. No wind. Photograph / grey ovoid. / r131#4.       7/7/1947 #2883  
MPE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #46. Photograph / manta-saucer with small dom 7/7/1947 #2887  
(s). Domed disks. Size = 2' or 5'. Photograph see reference. 100mph / 150'  7/7/1947 #2899  
roximately 3,060 mph). They try to photograph it, but it quickly disappears 7/7/1947 #2934  
the east for about 30 seconds. The photograph quality was sharp and clear,  7/7/1947 #2947  
8:15 p.m. in Sorrento, Louisiana a photograph was taken by a Mr. Hofard of  8/18/1947 #3348  
st. At 5:05 p.m. a Mr. Wray took a photograph of an irregular-shaped UFO no 2/18/1948 #3580  
th Speed Graphic cameras to try to photograph the fireballs.                12/12/1948 #3926  
ameras provided by LaPaz to try to photograph the green fireballs, personne 12/20/1948 #3936  
a series of instrument stations to photograph and analyze the fireballs. Te 2/16/1949 #4010  
   PACIFIC CITY, OR 2 observer(s). Photograph. Turtle-shell object south go 3/12/1950 #4616  
everal X. Going quickly southeast. Photograph / r97#52.                     4/23/1950 #4881  
 of 1,000 km per hour. They took a photograph of it.                        2/19/1951 #5451  
                  LUBBOCK, TX Good photograph. 18+bright saucers going quic 9/1/1951 #5648  
very tall palm, can be seen in the photograph. The fourth picture, taken as 5/7/1952 #6270  
an, Shell R. Alpert, took a famous photograph of four oval globs of light i 7/16/1952 #6845  
                 Porto Maldo, Peru Photograph of oval UFO taken by customs  7/19/1952 #6921  
J 1 / Ground Observer Corps (GOC). Photograph / orange glowing coin shape n 7/28/1952 #7247  
tween Lima and Hueca, Peru, took a photograph of three saucer-shaped object 8/5/1952 #7474  
s and floats. Absolute(ly) silent. Photograph in source.                    8/23/1952 #7687  
ucer chased / newspaper editor and photograph. Lost over Cordele.           5/22/1953 #8900  
ed summer / 53. Apparent dome? See photograph section.                      8/1953 (approximate) #9030  
r studies city center? 2 minute(s) photograph exposure. / r147p74.          12/29/1953 #9404  
            CONISTON, LANCS 2 lads photograph fuzzy domed-saucer. Going nor 2/15/1954 #9544  
 white coats, to which KA tried to photograph them but he was told “don’t t 4/12/1954 #9685  
ere indistinguishable; he tried to photograph the box but was told by the g 4/12/1954 #9685  
er, one of the crewmembers, took a photograph of the object, directed downw 5/24/1954 #9833  
       CHICAGO, IL 2 orbs appear / photograph / solar eclipse. Exact same / 6/30/1954 #9964  
rp saucer going quickly southwest. Photograph shows 3 concentric rings.     7/5/1954 #9995  
atal province, South Africa a good photograph was taken of a gray elliptica 7/31/1954 #10070  
DMONT, AUSTRIA 4 observer(s). Good photograph. 3-4 mushroom-cap saucers on  8/3/1954 #10097  
 altitude / 6 minute(s). Telephoto photograph. 5 saucers back 2350hrs / 10  9/9/1954 #10275  
                                 A photograph of three disc-shaped UFOs was 9/9/1954 #10278  
                 NEAR GRENOBLE, FR Photograph = black saucer or sphere/orb/ 9/24/1954 #10425  
ing behind) dark trail behind. See photograph section. No further details.  9/24/1954 #10425  
dio station/depot/facility / peak. Photograph. / r217p60+/ r49p81.          9/26/1954 #10447  
hting lasted at least 4 minutes. A photograph was taken.                    9/26/1954 #10453  
ly Peter Davies, who posed for the photograph with Moore’s reflecting teles 10/1954 #10536  
rth over Tyrol Village. To fast to photograph.                              10/12/1954 (approximate) #10960  
his day in France and Italy, and a photograph was taken of a UFO in Und, Hu 10/27/1954 #11450  
 Famous United Press International photograph / 2 white saucers over shorel 11/19/1954 #11669  
 Venezuela on this date in 1954. A photograph of five objects was taken in  12/10/1954 #11798  
                                 A photograph of a spherical UFO was taken  8/5/1955 #12333  
erver(s). Tremendous domed saucer. Photograph / wide attention. / r139#2p82 8/30/1955 #12417  
30 a.m. Pedro Navarro, 25, takes a photograph of some swirling storm clouds 8/30/1955 #12418  
ERSOLL, ON Several observer(s) and photograph. Black disk going north again 12/1/1955 #12596  
l cigars. Radiation/radioactivity. Photograph. 40 Kkph. / r148p66.          1/8/1956 #12648  
 on Robertson Island, Antarctica a photograph was taken by the Chilean Anta 1/8/1956 #12650  
ilot and more/others. Diamond-UFO. Photograph = squiggly trail. / r140#3p7. 8/2/1956 #13048  
                                 A photograph of a UFO shaped like a dome w 8/11/1956 #13068  
 / 17. Saucer appears / time lapse photograph / moon. No visual. Possible p 1/16/1957 #13458  
                     YOKOHAMA, JPN Photograph / perfect 8M saucer / 20M alt 1/17/1957 #13464  
earance to the McMinnville, Oregon photograph taken by Paul Trent in 1950.  3/5/1957 #13520  
ed to get permission from Baker to photograph anything, so they call it in, 5/2/1957 #13643  
 FUKUOKA, KYUSHU, JP 3 observer(s) photograph 2 silent hovering tadpole obj 6/8/1957 #13713  
                  FT BELVOIR, VA 6 photograph. Black hoop / sky grows its o 9/1957 #13962  
             Pacific Ocean, At Sea Photograph of alleged disc-shaped UFO. [ 12/1957 #14647  
                             A UFO photograph was taken in Misawa, Japan an 12/15/1957 #14731  
                                 A photograph of a brilliant light making a 1/1/1958 #14795  
     GRIMSBY, ENGL 2 / light plane photograph 2M black dumbell. Maneuvers.  6/29/1958 #15124  
ngton, D.C., manages to repeatedly photograph “geometrically shaped flying  7/1958 #15131  
                      MUSZYNA, POL Photograph through window / odd orange g 12/22/1958 #15496  
Kowalczewski, a physician, takes a photograph of a dark, disc-shaped object 12/22/1958 #15497  
f Adelaide, South Australia took a photograph of a saucer-shaped object. Th 4/29/1959 #15718  
aphs domed saucer. FBI-types seize photograph. / r27p198.                   2/13/1960 #16171  
            LEIBNITZ, AUS Newsman. Photograph / saucer over woods. Skin bur 3/2/1960 #16191  
rial object. He was able to take a photograph of the luminous UFO, but he a 3/2/1960 #16192  
                    NORRTALJE, SWD Photograph shoots 3 satellites going sou 3/6/1960 #16197  
light disks. No further details. / photograph only.                         4/21/1960 #16235  
NORTH RHODESIA Troops / helicopter photograph silent shiny metallic saucer. 10/3/1961 (approximate) #16892  
                A Mr. Torri took a photograph of a UFO in Riccione, Italy a 12/15/1961 #16996  
 Riccione, Italy at 10:40 a.m. The photograph was published in an Italian n 12/15/1961 #16996  
 CORDOBA, ARG 2 astronomy students photograph disk / 2000' altitude. Leaves 3/1962 #17064  
-15 flight, piloted by Joe Walker; Photograph (no visual sighting) of 5 or  4/30/1962 #17138  
a, to Ely, Nevada, the instruments photograph 5–6 cylindrical objects. No v 4/30/1962 #17141  
aylight disks. No further details. Photograph section.                      5/15/1962 #17175  
           BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Local photograph gets 2 shots / saucer which v 5/21/1962 #17184  
                           A clear photograph of a gray cloud with three li 7/9/1962 #17268  
         YERUA', ARG 2 observer(s) photograph luminous object rising / fore 3/12/1963 #17700  
. Volunteers attempt to locate and photograph the UFO visually. On June 8,  1964 #18102  
                    An interesting photograph was taken this day in Burgh l 4/26/1964 #18210  
a, England. A Mr. Templeton took a photograph of a little girl holding a no 4/26/1964 #18210  
                   BURGH MARSH, UK Photograph / girl shows man / spacesuit. 5/23/1964 #18292  
estigators. The disposition of the photograph has never been determined.    1/26/1965 #18770  
astle, New South Wales. He takes a photograph but it is not published.      3/17/1965 #18861  
 speed does 150g stop near Cessna. Photograph SECTn.                        4/26/1965 #18918  
I 4 OVER HAWAII White and McDivitt photograph cylinder/cylindrical object w 6/3/1965 #18987  
ge, lens-shaped UFO at 4:00 p.m. A photograph was taken and electromagnetic 6/18/1965 #19013  
              RUSSIAN R, KENAI, AK Photograph / saucer rises / riverback =  7/5/1965 #19069  
 day at 6 o'clock in the morning a photograph was taken of a flying disc-sh 7/5/1965 #19070  
    TULSA, OK 4+observer(s). Clear photograph / 45' saucer with delta/trian 8/2/1965 #19250  
 that precise moment, Alan snaps a photograph with his inexpensive camera,  8/2/1965 #19263  
                    A famous color photograph was taken in Tulsa, Oklahoma  8/2/1965 #19272  
rhead. Photographs / prize winning photograph. No further details.          8/17/1965 #19411  
   LAKE NORMAN, NC 2 / light plane photograph 3 saucers over McGuire nuclea 10/1965 #19627  
cer with portholes. 15° tilt. Good photograph. / r100p351+/ r59p61.         10/21/1965 #19668  
“whistling whine.” Strauch snaps a photograph just as the object begins to  10/21/1965 #19670  
   OFF SAN PEDRO, CA 2 observer(s) photograph red-glow object. Dives / ocea 12/2/1965 #19748  
rns out to be the star Arcturus. A photograph taken by Deputy David Fitzpat 3/23/1966 #20053  
ROUGH, ENGL 5 observer(s). Classic photograph / 3 saucers near power pole.  3/28/1966 #20109  
        BALWYN, AUS 2 observer(s). Photograph shiny silver bell-saucer. Pos 4/2/1966 #20206  
ering overhead. He took a Polaroid photograph of the UFO and when pulling t 4/11/1966 #20285  
 a man named George Buchert took a photograph of a double-saucer shaped obj 4/17/1966 #20319  
NORTH / IPAMERI, BRZ 2 observer(s) photograph 75' diamond going quickly sou 5/8/1966 #20461  
 off inland to the west. The color photograph appeared in LIFE magazine. Th 5/8/1966 #20466  
rver(s). 4 night lights / 4h. Time photograph like intestine. / APRO 7'66+/ 8/15/1966 #20743  
   KANDILLI, TURK UTC. Astronomers photograph 2 large objects. Pass suns fa 8/23/1966 #20790  
ir 18th orbit of the Earth, took a photograph of a unknown object in outer  9/13/1966 #20881  
00 feet away. He is able to take a photograph of it as it ascends and manag 11/22/1966 #21141  
LE, CA Anonymous observer(s) takes photograph / domed saucer near power lin 12/5/1966 (approximate) #21183  
er near power lines. See reference photograph section.                      12/5/1966 (approximate) #21183  
d noiseless. He was able to take a photograph of the object before it disap 12/18/1966 #21210  
             Milan, IN 3:00 p.m. A photograph was reportedly taken of a UFO 1/19/1967 #21350  
 pp. 286-87, from "The Yorba Linda Photograph" in Flying Saucer Review, Spe 1/24/1967 #21374  
ith the last name of Kirsch took a photograph of a disc-shaped structured o 1/24/1967 #21376  
               STANFORD, CA 2 boys photograph huge silver donut saucer. Win 2/2/1967 #21436  
ng his film from which this single photograph was made. (NICAP: 08 - Photog 2/2/1967 #21438  
ver(s). Fireball-saucer on ground. Photograph taken flying off. No further  2/26/1967 #21654  
 to the story, the reporter took a photograph of the object. (Worcester Eve 2/26/1967 #21657  
at high speed. The reporter took a photograph of the object.                2/26/1967 #21663  
 WEST / LAS CRUCES, NM 1 observer. Photograph / silver saucer / edge over r 3/12/1967 #21862  
buzzes Army convoy. Gi takes fuzzy photograph. / r208p309.                  3/15/1967 (approximate) #21888  
                 SALEM, OR 2 teens photograph ovoid. Hovers briefly. Shoots 3/16/1967 #21895  
                   Picaco Park, NM Photograph. No other information availab 3/27/1967 #22000  
/ low altitude. Lights / rim. Good photograph. No traces.                   5/6/1967 #22280  
ia on the bottom of the craft. The photograph, however, is regarded by many 6/1/1967 #22449  
                         A daytime photograph of a disc-shaped object was t 6/10/1967 #22487  
y UFO contactee Harold Trudel. The photograph shows a slightly asymmetric h 6/10/1967 #22487  
o people, one named Tutter, took a photograph of a UFO in Vienna (Wien), Au 6/10/1967 #22487  
owing-object lands. Ratchet sound. Photograph taken. 3 saucers / horizon.   7/1967 #22582  
 Hynek stated: "best daylight disc photograph I have personally investigate 7/3/1967 #22597  
 if subject to a rotating force. A photograph taken of the scene turns out  7/5/1967 #22615  
ing the encounter. A controversial photograph of the humanoid and UFO was t 7/21/1967 #22721  
n and subsequently publicized. The photograph is widely regarded as a hoax  7/21/1967 #22721  
he witness claimed to have taken a photograph of the being. A copy of this  9/2/1967 #22985  
graph of the being. A copy of this photograph was not made available, and t 9/2/1967 #22985  
otographs 3 luminous cloud-ovoids. Photograph in reference.                 9/21/1967 #23102  
DONA, AZ Saucer / ground vanishes. Photograph shows 144 strobe images / 60° 9/23/1967 #23117  
Kakizawa of Yokohama, Japan took a photograph of a UFO at 4:45 a.m.         1/1/1968 #23641  
 domed disc-shaped object. Another photograph of a luminous UFO was taken b 1/23/1968 #23689  
REDINHA, PORTUGAL College students photograph UFO. Hides in smoke cloud. Lo 2/9/1968 #23741  
         At noon two people took a photograph of a UFO in Neenah, Wisconsin 3/2/1968 #23808  
rts were recorded for this date. A photograph of a UFO was taken in Tully,  3/4/1968 #23825  
reat. Possible hoax. See reference photograph section.                      3/21/1968 #23854  
east over remote cabin. 1 Polaroid photograph. NICAP investigate.           8/1/1968 #24286  
                      RIGA, LATVIA Photograph taken. Delta/triangle/box-lik 8/4/1968 #24293  
 Long Island, New York in order to photograph the landscape. Walking on foo 1/12/1969 #24836  
       ELSTHORPE, NZ 2 observer(s) photograph Saturn-saucer with halo. Mane 1/14/1969 #24839  
f light. At 8 p.m. a doctor took a photograph of a 50-meter wide red-orange 6/4/1969 #25200  
Tasmania, Australia a poor quality photograph of a gray domed disc was take 7/17/1969 #25275  
  At nine o'clock in the morning a photograph of a UFO was taken at Flippin 7/18/1969 #25280  
                    At 6:20 a.m. a photograph of a disc-shaped object was t 8/28/1969 #25335  
 over mountain. Gone / flash. Also photograph / saucer JLY'70.              9/26/1969 #25379  
and widely believed to be a hoaxed photograph by him) descended in a back-a 3/2/1970 #25597  
gine of his car stalled. He took a photograph of the object. It rose into s 4/1/1970 #25619  
 A man by the name of Galan took a photograph of it before it disappeared.  4/15/1970 #25634  
igh rating for reliability and the photograph a strong rating for genuinene 4/15/1970 #25634  
ows / daylight. Vanishes in sight. Photograph / r215p156.                   4/17/1970 #25635  
saucer. Regular sonic booms heard. Photograph second(s).                    9/6/1970 #25825  
--Larsh, Neal, and Sellars--took a photograph of two lights in parallel mot 12/24/1970 #25952  
ure on this night. They made their photograph using a Pentax camera on a tr 12/24/1970 #25952  
ging shape slowly. Someone takes a photograph of it from Caluso. The follow 2/23/1971 #26030  
                  A well known UFO photograph was taken on this day by a ge 4/9/1971 #26067  
zontal trajectory. Sundberg took a photograph as the last of the occupants  8/16/1971 #26289  
                    An exceptional photograph of a disc-shaped object emerg 9/4/1971 #26319  
domed saucer over house in tourist photograph. Looks good / Gsw.            11/1971 #26443  
etimes reported to be humming. One photograph was taken as it hovered over  12/1/1971 #26483  
boy named Skiver took a night time photograph of a hovering UFO in Beckemey 1/8/1972 #26545  
                                 A photograph of a domed, transparent objec 2/27/1972 #26583  
          POKHARA, NEPAL 2 British photograph swarm / white dots. Merge int 4/18/1972 #26650  
 tourists in Pokhara, Nepal took a photograph of a swarm of white dots that 4/18/1972 #26651  
   BUFFALO, SD Many observer(s). 6 photograph. Wedge-UFO hovers and maneuve 6/29/1972 #26741  
nearby. They failed to reappear. A photograph was taken of the phenomenon.  8/13/1972 #26915  
 Japanese tourist Mr. Takao took a photograph of a Buddhist temple in Bangk 3/7/1973 #27337  
 De Weerdt manages to take a color photograph of the object, which shows a  3/24/1973 #27372  
ight light passes by. 10 second(s) photograph shows no streak. = scattered  5/4/1973 #27467  
 Lake Stanley Draper. Steam rises. Photograph.                              7/11/1973 #27628  
bserver. Sphere appears / nowhere. Photograph taken. Vanishes in sight. / s 7/18/1973 #27639  
       MONTREAL, QBC 2 observer(s) photograph line / 12 fast silent night l 8/5/1973 #27684  
        ACKLAM, ENGL 2 observer(s) photograph mushroom-cap saucer. / Northe 8/16/1973 #27705  
t lights over police headquarters. Photograph captures domed disk.          9/9/1973 #27787  
    CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO Former aero photograph. Silver saucer / erratic mane 10/3/1973 #27922  
 1967. In Elkhorn, West Virginia a photograph was taken of a huge object, f 10/13/1973 #28020  
). Going southeast. Shape unknown. Photograph taken. / MJ#115.              10/17/1973 #28108  
        MAYAGUEZ, PR 2 observer(s) photograph round metallic object over un 10/24/1973 #28259  
                                 A photograph of a domed ovoid UFO was take 11/24/1973 #28464  
ube into river. Pulls and flies on photograph flash. Drops iron pyrite.     12/13/1973 #28564  
m. local time. On the same night a photograph of a UFO was taken in Chilton 12/19/1973 #28589  
 4:20 p.m. Pacific Standard Time a photograph of a luminous UFO was taken i 12/31/1973 #28623  
 Sirius. Zigzags. Goes to horizon. Photograph.                              1/6/1974 #28651  
AY, FR Several observer(s) and bad photograph. 50cm saucer-cylinder/cigar-s 2/3/1974 #28729  
NION, 22, FR 2 observer(s) and bad photograph. Flame-shaped object going qu 2/3/1974 #28731  
BIOSC, FR Anonymous doctor. Famous photograph / milking-stool saucer with 4 3/23/1974 #28933  
           LINCOLNSHIRE, IL 2 boys photograph saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape w 5/5/1974 #29081  
gar-shape with tower. Moves oddly. Photograph looks OK / Hynek.             5/5/1974 #29081  
report(s). 7-days. 27 events. Cops photograph 3 objects. Respond / lights / 8/14/1974 #29341  
near Laconia, New Hampshire took a photograph of three UFOs that appeared t 8/14/1974 #29345  
windows illuminated from inside. A photograph was taken. When the house lig 9/4/1974 #29422  
RO, SARDINIA 2 amateur astronomers photograph vague ovoid. Photograph shows 10/9/1974 #29508  
stronomers photograph vague ovoid. Photograph shows clear classic saucer!   10/9/1974 #29508  
is Polaroid camera. He snapped one photograph. His father also saw the obje 11/26/1974 #29610  
nd large pointed ears removing the photograph from a drawer. When he sat up 11/26/1974 #29610  
(s). Luminous ball stops / beach. "Photograph flashes". Conic beam going do 1/8/1975 #29731  
an shore at 3:20 p.m. A night time photograph of a luminous UFO was taken i 2/18/1975 #29824  
laming barrel caught / advertising photograph. Descends / 45° angle.        5/3/1975 #30018  
ck. Hums. Going quickly southeast. Photograph no good/useless/broken/photos 5/7/1975 #30046  
inute(s). Returns going west. Good photograph.                              7/26/1975 #30205  
edge-hopping disk. Observers hide. Photograph. / LDLN#155.                  9/5/1975 #30343  
an for some distance. He wanted to photograph them, but because it was gett 11/8/1975 #30584  
              KANSAS CITY, MO Time photograph / cucumber twisting / sky. Ma 11/10/1975 #30592  
                                 A photograph of a metallic, domed disc was 12/8/1975 #30695  
                CONEJO, CA 2 teens photograph silent 12M domed saucer / 800 2/8/1976 #30852  
UTHWEST / PASSO FUNDO, BRZ 2 / car photograph 7M metallic Saturn-globe with 5/12/1976 #31046  
ory building. On that same night a photograph of another UFO was taken near 6/22/1976 #31131  
. Lights room. Pseudo-human/entity photograph observers earlier.            8/10/1976 #31248  
      GRAND HARBOR, MALTA 2 / boat photograph 2 white glowing-objects. Fast 6/28/1977 #32201  
       DELAND, FL 1 observer / 21. Photograph / silent silver dish overhead 1/15/1978 #32883  
IGHTON, PA 2 observer(s). Polaroid photograph / huge silver saucer / snowst 1/17/1978 #32886  
ering flying object. He manages to photograph it, but civil aviation author 4/1978 #33111  
e the man spoke. "Would you like a photograph of your family?" It was a str 4/25/1978 #33171  
 parkway, a medical student took a photograph of a three-foot tall egg-in-c 6/4/1978 #33256  
TON, PANAMA Large Saturn saucer in photograph / pres.carters helicopter. Un 6/17/1978 #33284  
TL Classic saucer appears / family photograph. No visual. See page 1 / refe 7/15/1978? #33384  
 cataloged thousands of UAP items, photograph and tagging them; there were  8/1978 #33460  
 box-UFO. Going quickly northeast. Photograph shows fuzzy blob only.        10/8/1978 #33809  
aba, Zaragoza, Spain attempting to photograph some eagle nests, when sudden 10/15/1978 #33837  
nd increased. He managed to take a photograph of the object as it departed, 10/15/1978 #33837  
dge shapes object going [to] over. Photograph / domed saucer / 02 December. 11/23/1978 #33987  
                                 A photograph was taken of a disc-shaped ob 12/2/1978 #34050  
ino, Italy A police trooper took a photograph of a round, possibly disc-sha 12/11/1978 #34089  
 beam of energy at the ground. The photograph, taken from a highway patrol  12/11/1978 #34089  
 trooper in Avellino, Italy took a photograph of a round, possibly disc-sha 12/11/1978 #34092  
 beam of energy at the ground. The photograph, taken from a highway patrol  12/11/1978 #34092  
sumed playing. On the same night a photograph of a domed disc with a neon g 12/12/1978 #34101  
aper photographer took a nighttime photograph of a UFO that changed color s 12/13/1978 #34110  
re/orb/globe going NNW up coast. 2 photograph = perfectly round.            1/1979 (approximate) #34265  
/ indents / lakebed. See reference photograph / pg21.                       1/2/1979 #34278  
ch the local UFO group was able to photograph before the snow melted. She a 1/4/1979 #34296  
ch the local UFO group was able to photograph before the snow melted.       1/5/1979 #34304  
sion on the bottom. As he tries to photograph the second object, he hears a 5/16/1979 #34563  
proaches and tries to take another photograph, but there is a sudden flash  5/16/1979 #34563  
sion on the bottom. As he tried to photograph this second object he heard a 5/16/1979 #34564  
proached and tried to take another photograph, but there was a sudden flash 5/16/1979 #34564  
WALL NORTH / BEIJING, CH 2 campers photograph saucer. Rotates. Silent out a 8/23/1980 #35477  
en lights around it. He manages to photograph the array only once out of se 11/18/1980 #35654  
    NEAR PATRAS, GREECE 2 students photograph silver saucer / maneuvers. Se 7/18/1981 #36015  
 students in Patras, Greece took a photograph of a silver, saucer-shaped ob 7/18/1981 #36016  
 students in Patras, Greece took a photograph of a silver, saucer-shaped ob 7/18/1981 #36018  
              EWE RIVER BRIDGE, BC Photograph / saucer. No visual. Analysis 10/8/1981 #36161  
 in the morning a famous color UFO photograph of a silvery disc-shaped obje 10/8/1981 #36170  
s traveling with family and took a photograph of a mountain at the time and 10/8/1981 #36170  
 snapped the picture.The resulting photograph shows an object to the right  10/8/1981 #36170  
the peak and a plume of cloud. The photograph has been judged authentic by  10/8/1981 #36170  
ear Washington, North Carolina, to photograph the rising full moon with a n 1/9/1982 #36298  
here is a mountain backdrop in the photograph.                              5/9/1982 #36468  
e objects, astronomers in Santiago photograph them, and the Arturo Merino B 8/17/1985 #37645  
                                 A photograph was taken of a UFO over Port  11/21/1985 #37716  
kley Moor, where he then takes his photograph. He claims that the alien is  12/1/1987 #38345  
 Walters took his twenty-first UFO photograph of a domed, disc-shaped objec 1/24/1988 #38432  
ky. Mr. Walters snapped a Polaroid photograph of it, then experienced two h 2/8/1988 #38445  
 ind. observer(s). Ed takes stereo photograph. 5 watch developing. Night li 3/17/1988 #38509  
d object overhead and attempted to photograph it, but was soon surrounded b 5/1/1988 #38551  
nd installation and told he was to photograph a flying saucer and autopsy o 1/1989 #38772  
Alabama, and took one poor-quality photograph. At 11:30 p.m. the highway pa 3/1/1989 #38860  
s probe Phobos 2 takes an infrared photograph of what appears to be a large 3/25/1989 #38881  
rate observer(s) see night lights. Photograph / black hand.                 10/20/1989 #39177  
9.5 / SR375. Gary Schultz and wife photograph / classic hat-saucer from S4. 2/28/1990 #39431  
and briefly. Resembles Gulf Breeze photograph #18.                          6/10/1990 #39611  
                        A close up photograph was taken of a circular objec 10/6/1990 #39761  
 8cm at arms length. Telescope and photograph.                              4/9/1991 #40032  
                                 A photograph of a glowing red UFO with lig 7/7/1991 #40114  
ne the object. They were unable to photograph the object because some sort  8/28/1991 #40168  
     CHERNOBYL, UKR Saucer found / photograph / power plant 1 day after nea 10/12/1991 #40210  
lls over reservoir. Disappear when photograph flashes.                      5/5/1992 #40450  
ndow, and was hoping to get a good photograph of what was going on when a s 6/4/1992 #40486  
ing this close encounter to take a photograph.                              6/4/1992 #40486  
outine flights at the same hour. A photograph confirms the latter interpret 12/16/1992 #40749  
one of the men attempted to snap a photograph. At this point a state of con 3/16/1993 #40886  
ucer hovers near house. 1 Polaroid photograph.                              4/2/1993 #40924  
         TIRASPOL, MOLDOVA 3 teens photograph black silent object scouting  4/20/1993 #40945  
y observer(s). "Wants to be seen". Photograph.                              6/26/1993 #41035  
RISTOL, AVON 30 / barbecue see and photograph wildly maneuvering night ligh 8/14/1993 #41136  
LAND 2 kids see and draw identical photograph / domed saucer west 4 legs. G 8/27/1993 #41163  
all blank include/including family photograph!                              11/4/1993 #41263  
t with fantastic acceleration. The photograph is considered genuine.        2/19/1994 #41421  
   SANTA ROSA SOUND, FL Ed Walters photograph. Water funnel up to saucer. O 4/26/1994 #41504  
HAILAND Ovoid hovers / background. Photograph at bridge / River Kwai! Unide 6/5/1994 #41551  
   COL. DE VENCE, FR 2+observer(s) photograph dark ovoid. Analyst has many  7/1/1994? #41597  
16m disks near home. Good Polaroid photograph of 1 with smoke trail.        4/3/1995 #42136  
hwest / Heathrow over houses. Good photograph.                              8/15/1995 #42386  
ghting episode when he was able to photograph the strange craft, the next d 8/15/1995 #42389  
a diver suits in apartment. Flash "photograph" observer(s) through wall!    11/1/1995 #42574  
RPATEK, HUNGARY Domed disk shows / photograph over field. No visual when ta 10/27/1996 #43098  
he light. One witness attempted to photograph it, but the light dimmed, bec 3/19/1997 #43235  
ABE, FR Man photographs mountains. Photograph shows grey blot / saucer shap 4/25/1997 #43277  
ot / saucer shape. Not seen. Cover photograph.                              4/25/1997 #43277  
                      A man took a photograph of a mountain in St. Barnabe, 4/25/1997 #43278  
ternoon. After being developed the photograph clearly showed a gray saucer- 4/25/1997 #43278  
into thundercloud. Dangerous. Poor photograph.                              6/9/1997 #43319  
           SIRACUSA, SICILY 2 boys photograph shiny metallic disk. Erratic  11/15/1997 #43442  
 flew off towards the northwest. A photograph was taken. The next day the w 2/15/1999 #43729  
 center. When one of them tried to photograph it the craft approached them. 7/3/1999 #43790  
et a single yet ambiguous Polaroid photograph of the object. The incident i 1/5/2000 #43920  
vens in Millstadt, Illinois took a photograph of a huge arrow-shaped UFO fl 1/5/2000 #43922  
w over lake. Silent. Reflects sun. Photograph publicized / Italy.           2/3/2000 (approximate) #43939  
o blurry round objects appear in a photograph hovering above the copse of t 8/20/2000 #44032  
ry, Alberta, who manages to take a photograph.                              3/11/2001 #44149  
 4:05 p.m. local time a man took a photograph of a spherical UFO over Baku, 1/2/2003 #44462  
a, California. Those aboard took a photograph of the object. The estimated  1/3/2004 #44642  
e witness's car would not start. A photograph taken of the UFO shows a glow 5/15/2005 #44842  
 One of the witnesses attempted to photograph the object with his mobile ph 6/14/2005 #44847  
circled, then dropped from view. A photograph was taken.                    12/29/2005 #44915  
                    At 3:30 p.m. a photograph of a “phantom UFO” was taken  1/23/2008 #45113  
                   At 11:50 a.m. a photograph of two “phantom UFOs” was tak 2/17/2008 #45120  
backyard. When “Jones” attempts to photograph it, the device fails. When he 5/8/2009 #45221  
n plain sight, but they managed to photograph the bizarre series of events. 9/5/2009 #45242  
y. Steve Douglass and Dean Muskett photograph a triangular aircraft giving  3/10/2014 #45404  
he month, the Swedish navy shows a photograph of an unidentified foreign ve 10/16/2014 #45417  
e pilot uses a cellphone to take a photograph and record 47 seconds of the  11/11/2019 #45617  
rs and hovers. One of them takes a photograph. The MUFON investigator suspe 10/9/2021 #45716  
Dr. David Clarke publishes a clear photograph of the alleged “Calvine UFO,” 8/12/2022 #45762  
## Word: "photograph-q" (Back to Top)
raphs silver saucer. See reference photograph-Q. Disappears instantaneously 11/6/1989 #39215  
## Word: "photograph-reconnaissance" (Back to Top)
             OVER FT PECK, MT USAF photograph-reconnaissance plane. 4 separ 7/13/1950 #5058  
RMANY Project Bluebook Case #1249. Photograph-reconnaissance airman Hendry  6/2/1952 #6423  
## Word: "photograph-records" (Back to Top)
e=   https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/photograph-records/97-1869               11/20/1955 #12580  
## Word: "photographed" (Back to Top)
ater report claims that McCann has photographed a piece of canvas on which  4/11/1897 #429  
counts report a flying machine was photographed in Silver City, New Mexico. 3/7/1901 #644  
landed sufficiently recently to be photographed, we would have no record of 6/22/1947 #2366  
                 Datil, NM Saw and photographed a circular luminous object  2/24/1950 #4552  
missile. The object is tracked and photographed by both stations. After the 5/29/1950 #4973  
it turns out that the stations had photographed different objects. Analysts 5/29/1950 #4973  
entify the film of the object they photographed. One of the men becomes ang 7/1950 #5035  
 he had seen what he reported, had photographed the object, and is convince 7/1950 #5035  
5th Army Division: John de Reneaux photographed the saucer which crashed ne 10/6/1950 #5215  
  Holloman AFB, NM Project Twinkle Photographed UFO (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 3/24/1951 #5492  
ptical blobs of light in formation photographed through window of photo lab 7/16/1952 #6842  
several different warshaps. It was photographed by Wallace Litwin aboard th 9/20/1952 #7989  
 45 minutes. Orthon declines to be photographed but asks Adamski to borrow  11/20/1952 #8309  
   BAD HERSFELD, HESSE, GER Saucer photographed summer / 53. Apparent dome? 8/1953 (approximate) #9030  
 vegetation. Allingham touched and photographed the saucer and also photogr 2/18/1954 #9555  
d photographed the saucer and also photographed the pilot, from a side rear 2/18/1954 #9555  
     Rouen, France Disc-shaped UFO photographed. (UFOE) (NICAP: 08 - Photog 3/1954 #9576  
way Two silvery disks observed and photographed from eclipse expedition pla 6/30/1954 #9968  
          Nelson, NZ Hovering disc photographed. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 08 -  9/9/1954 #10276  
 military officer in Behnay, Egypt photographed a "rotating saucer."        10/5/1954 #10738  
rought to the base; all items were photographed and tagged. Mrs. G. Also wi 1955 #11900  
        Honolulu, HI UFO formation photographed. (UFOE, VIII) (NICAP: 08 -  3/5/1956 #12750  
. Ironically, the U-2 has actually photographed the entire Bison fleet; the 7/9/1956 #12957  
ockies, near Fort MacLeod, Alberta photographed in color "an intensely bril 8/23/1956 #13125  
er pilot flying over Rouen, France photographed a hat-shaped saucer identic 3/5/1957 #13520  
). Cylinder/cylindrical object-UFO photographed. 4000' altitude. 90-turn. 2 8/20/1957 #13909  
Angeles, CA Formation of oval UFOs photographed. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 08 -  12/1/1957 #14659  
 is seen later along the coast and photographed.                            12/15/1957 #14730  
 HI Group of round UFOs reportedly photographed. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 08 -  1/3/1958 #14798  
                 Troy, MI Oval UFO photographed. [UFOE,VIII] (NICAP: 08 - P 1/9/1958 #14816  
 seems to indicate that the object photographed is an airplane, distorted b 1/16/1958 #14831  
                 Troy, MI Oval UFO photographed. [UFOE,VIII] (NICAP: 08 - P 2/9/1958 #14875  
and AFB (near), LA State policeman photographed two round UFOs. [UFOE, VIII 6/23/1958 #15115  
pheres. An occupant 2.5 m tall was photographed by the witness as he crosse 11/23/1958 #15456  
ccupant, 2.5 meters in height, was photographed by the witness as the cross 11/23/1958 #15457  
ry observer(s). Multiple RADAR's / photographed. 14 objects. Type unknown.  5/2/1959 #15720  
  An Argentinean Air Force Captain photographed a cone-shaped UFO between Y 7/3/1960 #16330  
k The “dark satellite” is seen and photographed five times by Grumman Aircr 8/25/1960 #16414  
he same mystery satellite seen and photographed by the Grumman observers.   8/26/1960 #16421  
 turn and sped back over the Gulf. Photographed on 8 mm movie film by a bus 1/22/1961 #16585  
ngton, Walker mentions the objects photographed (and perhaps shows the slid 4/30/1962 #17141  
oberto Jorge Martinez observed and photographed a luminous object that rose 3/12/1963 #17702  
 in nearby Plymouth County saw and photographed a disc-shaped object zigzag 6/26/1963 #17811  
shows man / spacesuit. Unseen when photographed. / Flying Saucer Review (FS 5/23/1964 #18292  
ed, tracked with a theodolite, and photographed a bluish-green lighted obje 7/3/1965 #19065  
FORT PIERCE, FL Pear-shaped object photographed underwater beneath schools  7/5/1965 #19068  
OSASCO, SP, BRZ Glowing red saucer photographed. No further details. See Ho 7/18/1965 #19119  
0 p.m. A luminous UFO is allegedly photographed in Beaver, Pennsylvania, by 8/8/1965 #19341  
ESCA, SPAIN Uneven dumbbell object photographed. Similar to Romanian object 12/21/1965 #19783  
oot long diamond-shaped object was photographed north of Ipamari, Goias Sta 5/8/1966 #20466  
a reported that he encountered and photographed several 90-centimeter tall  1/9/1967 #21279  
.m. PST. A 14-year-old boy saw and photographed a metallic-appearing object 1/24/1967 #21374  
s of the humanoids reportedly were photographed. (Miller letter, Kirksville 3/1967 #21695  
          A conical-shaped UFO was photographed over Sofiya, the capital ci 4/9/1967 #22098  
bject, said to be lens-shaped, was photographed 30 minutes earlier in San J 6/1/1967 #22449  
gre, Brazil, for 30 minutes and is photographed by Brazilian Air Force tech 8/4/1967 #22805  
et glow. Heflin thinks he is being photographed or recorded. The FM radio a 10/11/1967 #23216  
color with a green fringe. Witness photographed the UFOs on color film and  11/6/1967 #23412  
of Osasco, Sao Paulo, Brazil a man photographed a saucer-shaped object. It  5/3/1969 #25112  
    A black cone-shaped object was photographed over the Vermillion River O 5/9/1971 #26104  
                 Conejo, CA Youths photographed disc-shaped object, analysi 2/8/1973 #27271  
                 Conejo, CA Youths photographed disc-shaped object, analysi 2/8/1973 #27273  
 Italy a 16-year-old boy found and photographed some strange traces he foun 7/27/1973 #27657  
ces were left in the mud and later photographed.                            8/10/1973 #27692  
round or oval objects was seen and photographed near Toyama on the west coa 8/24/1973 #27723  
 Space, In Space Skylab III's crew photographed a strange red object not mo 9/20/1973 #27845  
er space aboard Skylab III saw and photographed a strange red object over t 9/20/1973 #27848  
      Elkhorn, WV Pulsating object photographed during sighting wave (UFOE  10/17/1973 #28118  
 photo. Police Chief Jeff Greenhaw photographed a 5' foot being in a silver 10/17/1973 #28125  
      Elkhorn, WV Pulsating object photographed during sighting wave        10/17/1973 #28130  
eff Greenhaw of Falkville, Alabama photographed a 5 1/2 foot tall being in  10/17/1973 #28142  
de plaster casts of the prints and photographed them. These materials were  10/20/1973 #28222  
us witnesses in Málaga, Spain, and photographed by Sr. Salas, picture edito 3/27/1974 #28962  
t downward." Traces were found and photographed at the site. (Sources: Vice 1/1/1975 #29687  
t downward." Traces were found and photographed at the site.                1/1/1975 #29691  
t the object is really a road sign photographed directly from their slow-mo 7/1/1975 #30144  
g impression that someone had just photographed them, perhaps with the aid  8/10/1976 #31252  
n as daylight allowed, the witness photographed the footprints of Treena an 8/23/1976 #31294  
ern part of Moscow, Russia. It was photographed as it hovered for more than 1/16/1977 #31724  
ern part of Moscow, Russia. It was photographed as it hovered for more than 1/16/1977 #31725  
day humanoid tracks were found and photographed at the site. A neighbor wom 7/12/1977 #32266  
ees apparently the same UFO he has photographed frequently before. He start 3/18/1978 #33055  
e or a similar object was seen and photographed over Two Rivers, Wisconsin  7/28/1978 #33438  
0,000-40,000 meters, and they were photographed with "special cameras and t 8/29/1978 #33592  
, Buenos Aires province, Argentina photographed a UFO during the day with a 9/21/1978 #33724  
             A hat-shaped disc was photographed at 5:30 in the afternoon ov 10/8/1978 #33821  
with a note saying that Pushie had photographed the star Vega.              12/3/1979 #35045  
amed Craig R. Weitzel had seen and photographed a UFO landing near Pecos, N 7/1980 #35397  
 Air Patrol cadet Craig R. Weitzel photographed a UAP landing near Pecos, N 7/1980 #35398  
  ESE / ASAHIKAWA, JP Hat-like UFO photographed near Taisetsuzan National p 5/9/1982 #36467  
                A hat-like UFO was photographed near Taisetsuzan National P 5/9/1982 #36468  
oliticians and pilots saw and then photographed a bright, cigar-shaped UFO  9/5/1985 #37655  
table and UFO abductee Mr. Spencer photographed a little man on the moors s 12/1/1987 #38346  
grabbed his camera and his gun. He photographed a large, bowl-shaped craft  12/2/1987 #38348  
                        Ed Walters photographed three oval-shaped UFOs at 5 12/23/1987 #38371  
 impression that they wanted to be photographed, according to his account o 12/23/1987 #38371  
                At 4:40 a.m. a man photographed a flying saucer and jets so 5/13/1988 #38567  
be this as topological inversion); photographed control panels; photographe 1/1989 #38772  
ion); photographed control panels; photographed 5 foot tall aliens with alm 1/1989 #38772  
haken violently. The woman witness photographed a silver disc-shaped object 12/5/1989 #39299  
 oblong object with red body light photographed by several people           1/8/1990 #39370  
 oblong object with red body light photographed by several people (NICAP: 0 1/18/1990 #39380  
At 11:37 p.m. a silent red UFO was photographed in Gulf Breeze, Florida by  11/24/1990 #39907  
igators, Weatherford and Morrison, photographed a structured UFO in Gulf Br 11/5/1991 #40218  
ear Bristol, Avon, England saw and photographed a wildly maneuvering set of 8/14/1993 #41138  
lic humming disc-shaped object was photographed over the reservoir in Craig 2/19/1994 #41421  
        Tim Edwards and his family photographed a pencil-shaped object in t 11/12/1995 #42597  
       In Valley, Alabama a farmer photographed a dark thimble-shaped UFO a 9/26/1996 #43044  
wo boys in Siracusa, Sicily, Italy photographed a shiny metallic disc makin 11/15/1997 #43444  
riangular shaped flying object was photographed over Col de Vence, Alpes-Ma 11/4/1999 #43874  
nalists in Yining, Xinjiang, China photographed a bright ball of light with 11/1/2002 #44429  
               Gen. Roger Ramey is photographed holding a typed message at  2004 #44639  
sound at intervals was sighted and photographed over Yamuna Nagar, Haryana  7/31/2004 #44722  
         A black daylight disc was photographed, high in the sky, in Donaco 5/6/2005 #44832  
 time of the sighting and may have photographed the event. NARCAP publishes 11/7/2006 #44981  
t white, cigar-shaped objects were photographed in Calgary, Alberta, Canada 9/13/2007 #45056  
 A large beam of light is seen and photographed for 10 minutes over all of  12/9/2009 #45261  
 the black triangle description is photographed multiple times over Kansas  2/2014 #45401  
 seen wading to shore and is later photographed wading off the nearby islan 10/16/2014 #45417  
an be contributed to the sightings photographed by the US Navy,” he conclud 6/29/2021 #45697  
## Word: "photographer" (Back to Top)
  Getå Stockholm, Sweden 3:00 p.m. Photographer Gösta Skog takes a color fi 8/22/1946 #2149  
                 A former military photographer claimed that a UFO, 30-40 f 5/31/1947 #2303  
cky CAMERA CATCHES TWO IN FLIGHT - Photographer Al Hixenbaugh took a photo  7/7/1947 #2836  
ntucky 10:15 p.m. Louisville Times photographer Al Hixenbaugh is at Preston 7/7/1947 #2942  
bris is switched for the newspaper photographer, James Bond Johnson, at a p 7/8/1947 #3025  
ith the debris is taken by another photographer.                            7/8/1947 #3025  
                    Los Alamos, NM Photographer Nicholas Van Poppen, an aer 4/1948 (estimated) #3599  
                                   Photographer Nicholas Van Poppen, an aer 11/1949 #4407  
avenues 4:15 p.m. Al Hixenbaugh, a photographer for the Louisville Times, i 6/27/1950 #5018  
ilm shot by Louisville (Ky.) Times photographer Al Hixenbaugh on June 27, 1 11/17/1950 #5279  
                           Amateur photographer Neff was making time exposu 7/6/1952 #6723  
husetts Witness:  U.S. Coast Guard photographer Shell Alpert. Four roughly  7/16/1952 #6842  
achusetts 9:35 a.m. US Coast Guard photographer Seaman Shell R. Alpert sees 7/16/1952 #6843  
gland and Scandinavia. An American photographer doing a story of the fleet  9/20/1952 #7983  
g across the sky behind the fleet. Photographer Wallace Litwin takes three  9/20/1952 #7987  
          Edwards AFB, CA Aviation photographer, others, observed two discs 9/30/1952 #8069  
ilot Chester Mathews, and Northrup photographer Jim Wilkinson see four meta 1/29/1953 #8617  
     Bouffioulx, Belgium 8:15 p.m. Photographer Herman Charmanne is near Bo 5/16/1953 #8879  
na at 6:10 p.m.On the same date, a photographer using infrared film with a  11/14/1953 #9300  
ans. On the same day, an anonymous photographer is taking photos of Mount G 1/1954 #9429  
eed. Maxim Cicaida, a professional photographer for Foto Heisler, snaps a p 12/14/1954 #11807  
                  PHILADELPHIA, PA Photographer and several. 12 silver sauc 11/9/1955 #12557  
 Derek Murray, later a Home Office photographer.                            Late 10/1957 #14156  
r and many crew members, including photographer Almiro Baraúna, see a Satur 1/16/1958 #14831  
ormation stating that the original photographer had made hoax photographs i 1/16/1958 #14831  
tic Ocean. Sr. Barauna, the ship’s photographer took the photographs, but o 1/16/1958 #14832  
e of personal testimonies and of a photographer, of some value given the ci 3/2/1958 #14911  
 Fireball near sun. 1600 reading / photographer light meter. Sun = 300.     5/8/1958 #15022  
 Stockholm latitude 5:15–5:27 a.m. Photographer Esse Jansson of Norrtälje,  3/6/1960 #16198  
d of an independent news agency, a photographer and numerous policemen watc 9/24/1962 #17437  
ficers conduct a search with local photographer Charles Weaver, but find no 1/26/1965 #18769  
the scene, as well as a young news photographer, Charles Weaver. Weaver, an 1/26/1965 #18770  
uffer approached a barn, which the photographer entered first. Huffer heard 1/26/1965 #18770  
village with other flying craft. A photographer took several pictures and n 2/21/1965 #18824  
ells, Texas 3:00 a.m. KXWI-TV news photographer Robert Campbell hears on hi 8/2/1965 #19266  
              Montsoreau, France A photographer, Mr. Lacoste, and his wife, 7/28/1966 #20691  
                                 A photographer, Mr. Lacoste, and his wife, 7/28/1966 #20693  
ry, MA 2:00 p.m. EST. A commercial photographer and his son saw two silvery 2/8/1967 #21478  
There are 25 feet of film, and the photographer is considered highly reliab 3/9/1967 #21841  
on June 2. He then calls newspaper photographer Antonio San Antonio, tellin 6/1/1967 #22448  
g the two arms. In August, another photographer calling himself Antonio Par 6/1/1967 #22448  
Santa Ana, California in 1965. The photographer was a 45-year-old man, alon 8/18/1968 #24353  
y Citizen reporter Cecil James and photographer Dan Tortorell visit the app 8/26/1968 #24379  
isc flies above the grandstands. A photographer gets a snapshot that shows  9/16/1968 #24470  
arbor patrolman, a local newspaper photographer, and an electronics enginee 6/20/1969 #25229  
isappeared. Richard Hall gives the photographer a high rating for reliabili 4/15/1970 #25634  
t few nights, and Prescott Courier photographer Chuck Roberts takes a time- 8/7/1970 #25775  
tells the newspaper, which sends a photographer to the site. UFO researcher 1/3/1971 #25972  
droelectric projects. On board are photographer Sergio Loaiza, a specialist 9/4/1971 #26317  
                A former aerospace photographer sighted a silver disc-shape 10/3/1973 #27927  
sightings" / cop;minister;salesman;photographer. No further details.        10/4/1973 #27930  
, Denmark 8:00 a.m. A professional photographer is taking pictures of the I 5/3/1975 #30025  
oa, Panama Fuerte Amador 1:20 p.m. Photographer Linda Arosemena is taking p 6/17/1978 #33286  
vening. In Resistencia a newspaper photographer took a nighttime photograph 12/13/1978 #34110  
adlights. Rick Hull, a 20-year-old photographer from Trenton, Missouri, wat 11/18/1980 #35654  
                        TACOMA, WA Photographer. 4 frames / videotape show  8/13/1982 #36574  
and a green light in the center. A photographer estimates the object is abo 3/25/1984 #37245  
upen, Belgium 6:50 p.m. An amateur photographer is sitting in his living ro 12/1/1989 #39293  
dence of Gulf Breeze, Florida, UFO photographer Ed Walters. Myers writes a  6/10/1990 #39612  
 the morning Mr. Hooker, the chief photographer for WFRV-TV, videotaped a c 3/13/1992 #40376  
                              Army photographer Sgt. Frederick Benthal stat 9/1/1994 #41712  
s. 5 minute(s) / videotape / Prof. photographer.                            6/11/1995 #42248  
 made of the UFO by a professional photographer.                            6/11/1995 #42252  
be allowed. Mike Maloney, a former photographer for the London tabloid Dail 8/28/1995 #42425  
en around 10:00 p.m. by an amateur photographer that clearly shows the flar 3/13/1997 #43229  
mes over Kansas and Texas. Amateur photographer Jeff Templin snaps pictures 2/2014 #45401  
## Word: "photographer's" (Back to Top)
aph appeared in LIFE magazine. The photographer's name was Pfeiffer.        5/8/1966 #20466  
ph was not made available, and the photographer's intent was to sell it whe 9/2/1967 #22985  
 then arched away to the west. The photographer's name was Lenzi.           5/1/1971 #26095  
## Word: "photographer-reporter" (Back to Top)
ted toward Chicago.” Bill Allen, a photographer-reporter for The Michigan C 6/20/1969 #25230  
## Word: "photographers" (Back to Top)
d 100,000, including reporters and photographers, gathers at Cova da Iria,  10/13/1917 #970  
ined up across the sky.” Newspaper photographers say the dots “might be a f 6/18/1947 #2340  
     Washington, DC Witnesses: Two photographers, one plate maker for the A 9/7/1955 #12434  
              Washington, D.C. Two photographers and an engraving plate mak 9/7/1955 #12436  
        Philadelphia, PA Newspaper photographers and others saw 12 silvery- 11/9/1955 #12559  
              TIMISOARA, ROMANIA 2 photographers. Moonlike disk hovers / lo 9/1964 #18524  
nd provides recommendations to the photographers and the information it sho 5/1/1967 #22261  
the photo to “several professional photographers” in New York, who cannot f 7/21/1967 #22718  
s West. None of the flight crew or photographers saw the object at the time 9/4/1971 #26319  
## Word: "photographic" (Back to Top)
ible UFO In Old Photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5)  4/1929 #1095  
n photo of domed disc (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      5/1932 #1142  
vince, N. China China (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1942 #1383  
 CA, searchlight case (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      2/25/1942 #1390  
ge, Tennessee. It is most likely a photographic flaw.                       6/1947 #2306  
wind [UFOE, VII, XII] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/4/1947 #2649  
The Rhodes Photo Case (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5)  7/7/1947 #2926  
N Harmond Field Photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5,  7/10/1947 #3097  
NJ 6 DD from aircraft (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/10/1947 #3098  
ounters, BB: 139, NC) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      4/5/1948 #3610  
obj broke into pieces (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC, LC)     1/30/1949 #3983  
 of lighted fragments (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC, LC)     1/30/1949 #3984  
nes plans for a network of visual, photographic, spectrographic, and radar  4/27/1949 #4115  
 UFOs Pace V-2 Rocket (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC)         6/14/1949 #4238  
icult to explain.” He recommends a photographic and spectrographic patrol t 7/13/1949 #4269  
OH UFO in searchlight (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      8/19/1949 #4326  
cular luminous object (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC)         2/24/1950 #4552  
. Stanfield and other Holloman AFB Photographic Branch project staff at an  2/24/1950 #4554  
d Bud, IL Red Bud, IL (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      4/23/1950 #4882  
n By Tracking Station (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5,  4/27/1950 #4906  
 OR Paul Trent Photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5,  5/11/1950 #4938  
s At Tracking Station (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5,  5/24/1950 #4963  
, NM Theodolite photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, NC)                  5/29/1950 #4970  
eporter Al Hixenbaugh (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU)             6/27/1950 #5015  
ontana UFO Color Film (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5)  8/15/1950 #5125  
lmed After V-2 Launch (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5,  8/31/1950 #5153  
ounters, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      3/24/1951 #5492  
 Tracking Camera Film (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC)         7/14/1951 #5573  
aldonado, Cigar Photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/19/1951 #5578  
ck, TX; (Hart photos) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      8/25/1951 #5622  
 Brazil Brazil photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      5/7/1952 #6265  
/ Newhouse Color Film (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5)  7/2/1952 #6693  
some indistinct light (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: 1397)            7/6/1952 #6721  
t in formation filmed (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: 1501)            7/16/1952 #6841  
rance Fregnale Photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/18/1952 #6891  
fficial. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/19/1952 #6921  
 Objects Over Capitol (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 0)  7/19/1952 #6925  
eleased. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/29/1952 #7308  
ills Taken (BBU 1747) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5,  7/29/1952 #7311  
io, gun-camera photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      8/20/1952 #7661  
os (Denmark & Norway) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11  9/19/1952 #7978  
r the USAF, specifically analyzing photographic reconnaissance and surveill 12/2/1952 #8364  
hich it probably was. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1953 #8476  
te visual skywatch, with radar and photographic coverage, plus all other in 1/9/1953 #8521  
lendale, AR. Contrail (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      3/3/1953 #8726  
h appeared in the sky (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      Summer 1953 #8949  
th AFB, SD Gun-camera (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      8/12/1953 #9062  
e film taken by Drury (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU)             8/23/1953 #9102  
ia, AU The Drury Film (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      8/23/1953 #9103  
 photographed. (UFOE) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      3/1954 #9576  
                 Richmond, IN B-17 Photographic Mission Case (NICAP: 08 - P 5/24/1954 #9831  
ographic Mission Case (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5,  5/24/1954 #9831  
diana 12:25 p.m. While flying on a photographic mapping mission 10 miles we 5/24/1954 #9832  
graphed. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      9/9/1954 #10276  
mur, Belgium (images) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      6/5/1955 #12185  
ta. Filmed by AF crew (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1956 #12630  
graphed. (UFOE, VIII) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      3/5/1956 #12750  
ed by AF crew. Radar. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C Late 1956 #13280  
from missile crew, RV (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      10/28/1956 #13293  
g Review photo (hoax) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1957 #13428  
, CA Edwards AFB Case (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5)  5/2/1957 #13642  
, Japan, Takeda photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      8/20/1957 #13910  
ped UFO. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      12/1957 #14647  
graphed. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      12/1/1957 #14659  
 finds an odd luminous streak on a photographic plate recording the passage 12/18/1957 #14747  
graphed. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1/3/1958 #14798  
ographed. [UFOE,VIII] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1/9/1958 #14816  
(E-M, Radar, AR) Case (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5,  1/16/1958 #14830  
ographed. [UFOE,VIII] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      2/9/1958 #14875  
nd UFOs. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      6/23/1958 #15115  
ect hovering in the W (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU)             9/8/1958 #15260  
 included a variety of reports and photographic images of flying saucers an Spring 1959 #15656  
n ONI liaison officer to the CIA’s Photographic Intelligence Center in Wash 7/5/1959 #15817  
 6, Larsen goes to director of the Photographic Intelligence Office, Arthur 7/5/1959 #15817  
m Peshawar, Pakistan, and performs photographic aerial reconnaissance over  5/1/1960 #16248  
stery satellite photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5)  8/25/1960 #16413  
n. [NICAP UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1/22/1961 #16585  
t. [NICAP UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      5/29/1961 #16703  
                    CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center Accor 1962 #17004  
ely referred to the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center (esta 1962 #17004  
gularly sent to the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center. The  1962 #17011  
 [NICAP UFO Evidence] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      4/30/1962 #17138  
                    CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center The C 10/15/1962 #17472  
retation Center The CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center revie 10/15/1962 #17472  
P UFO Evidence, VIII] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 12/21/1962 #17599  
 NICAP Subcommittee.] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/18/1963 #17838  
ables Dummy Warhead ? (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5,  9/15/1964 #18554  
cal instrumentation for the 1369th Photographic Squadron at Vandenberg AFB  9/15/1964 #18556  
archers quiz him on the 1953 Drury photographic case, but Roberts is unawar 2/27/1965 #18829  
lo, NM Bernacillo, NM (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, NC)                  4/18/1965 #18907  
, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/3/1965 #19061  
an, Texas, Photo Case (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5)  8/2/1965 #19259  
a / Rex Heflin Photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5)  8/3/1965 #19282  
th / Tulsa Photo Case (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 0)  8/3/1965 #19283  
ng a hubcap, complicated by flawed photographic analyses and investigations 8/3/1965 #19290  
eaver, PA Lucci Photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5)  8/8/1965 #19340  
near), AU Brown photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      4/2/1966 #20207  
e areas that the object crossed. A photographic reconstitution by the U.S.  4/5/1966 #20243  
A Catalina Island, CA (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      4/15/1966 #20299  
isconsin, scope photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      8/16/1966 #20753  
 (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      8/24/1966 #20799  
pt. of State AIRGRAM) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      11/12/1966 #21093  
sc. Later, Raytheon deals with the photographic analysis of the photos. The 11/13/1966 #21098  
to a tent as well as to a treetop. Photographic evidence was submitted.     11/22/1966 #21143  
, wobbling, noiseless (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU)             12/18/1966 #21208  
rpetrating the prank. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1/9/1967 #21275  
s recreations over to the National Photographic Interpretation Center, whic 1/9/1967 #21277  
, APRO & NICAP files) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1/19/1967 #21350  
ov. 1967, pp. 26-35.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1/24/1967 #21374  
r found to be a hoax. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      2/1967 #21426  
 photograph was made. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      2/2/1967 #21438  
tter in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      2/8/1967 #21478  
cientist, visit the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center in Fo 2/20/1967 #21607  
copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      2/26/1967 #21657  
ch 1967; Yungay, Peru (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      3/1967 #21692  
(NICAP & MUFON files) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      3/9/1967 #21832  
7, copy NICAP files.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      3/9/1967 #21833  
copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      3/16/1967 #21898  
 by: Augusto Arrando. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      3/22/1967 #21943  
ailable at this time. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      3/27/1967 #22000  
edly took this photo. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      5/11/1967 #22316  
1950s. Probable hoax. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      6/18/1967 #22515  
chita, KS Wichita, KS (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      6/27/1967 #22563  
st of the early days. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/3/1967 #22597  
 the Sixtine Chapel." (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/18/1967 #22691  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      11/6/1967 #23412  
h Zoran, near Zagreb. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      11/23/1967 #23501  
search facility involved with this photographic case has been set up in the 5/17/1968 #23972  
from missile crew, RV (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      10/28/1968 #24596  
cludes summaries of field studies, photographic evidence, direct and indire 10/31/1968 #24608  
state 76 by a man named Vedaa. The photographic negative was submitted to q 8/28/1969 #25335  
 Washington, D.C.-based Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers [n 5/29/1970 #25676  
(UFOE II, Section V). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      6/27/1970 #25712  
able Leslie G. Leek.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      8/16/1971 #26287  
o de Cote, Costa Rica (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      9/4/1971 #26315  
OR, May 1973, page 2) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      2/1973 #27256  
UFOE II, Section VII) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      2/8/1973 #27271  
ed, SC South Carolina (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      3/7/1973 #27336  
tical miles from them (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      9/20/1973 #27845  
ab III Photo Incident (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5)  9/20/1973 #27846  
FOE II, Section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      10/17/1973 #28118  
ance Albiosco, France (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      3/23/1974 #28934  
ay 23, 1974 clipping) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      5/5/1974 #29084  
oite, Yugo Yugoslavia (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/17/1974 #29264  
k, April 1975, p. 1). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1/1/1975 #29687  
nce II, Section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1/2/1975 #29696  
t occurred to Mahon.] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1/5/1975 #29722  
lton, Ontario, Canada (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      3/18/1975 #29909  
ecember 1975, p. 15). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      5/12/1975 #30051  
nce II, Section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/2/1975 #30146  
ook, May 1976, p. 9). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      9/26/1975 #30388  
Actual FOIA document) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1/31/1976 #30835  
ghting. (UFO 66 NIDS) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      2/25/1976 #30904  
il Paso Fondo, Brazil (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      3/12/1976 #30937  
ke an electric motor. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1/1/1977 #31679  
et UFO Files, p. 69). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1/16/1977 #31724  
hoto. (APRO Bulletin) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      3/10/1977 #31891  
rg Centeno, Argentina (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      6/21/1977 #32180  
ay Maldonada, Uraguay (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/26/1977 #32315  
irthday cake". (MORA) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      10/1977 #32537  
 on white background. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      12/11/1978 #34089  
dar at the same time. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 12/31/1978 #34238  
ICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/16/1979 #34658  
on, SC Charleston, SC (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      4/4/1980 #35253  
P: 07 - Entity Cases) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/16/1980 #35414  
vidence (section II). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      12/27/1980 #35743  
 taken (section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1/25/1981 #35798  
 some nearby islands. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/18/1981 #36016  
- Distant Encounters) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/24/1981 #36031  
 photo (section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      10/8/1981 #36164  
nuary-February 1984). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      11/1981 #36199  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      11/21/1981 #36226  
- Distant Encounters) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      12/31/1982 #36732  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      11/7/1983 #37043  
te Tracks Fast Walker (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5,  5/5/1984 #37315  
r disc-shaped object. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/24/1984 #37411  
, IN Corydon, Indiana (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      8/23/1987 #38251  
alters (section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      11/11/1987 #38320  
 speed (section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      7/6/1989 #39011  
lved." (section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      8/10/1989 #39048  
hed by several people (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1/18/1990 #39380  
ium Belgium, triangle (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      4/4/1990 #39508  
n Space STS-48 Images (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      9/15/1991 #40186  
eloped (section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      9/19/1991 #40191  
ear), NV Nellis Video (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      9/30/1991 #40199  
a, AU 1994; Australia (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1994 #41339  
, NV Nellis AFB Video (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      1994 #41340  
k for UAP and directed analysis of photographic evidence for the 1953 CIA R 1994 #41348  
ongo, IN Mongo Photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      8/31/1994 #41706  
deo, Shuttle Columbia (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      12/1/1996 #43128  
ico Mexico City video (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)                      8/6/1997 #43370  
00cook/page/145/mode/1up     Note: Photographic evidence “ASTRA/AURORA” was Late 1990's #43480  
 raced out to view it.” So far, no photographic evidence of the UFO has sur 11/7/2006 #44981  
ultiple reports but no physical or photographic evidence. The military are  12/19/2018 #45552  
MOD may have been in possession of photographic evidence of UAP it believed 8/12/2022 #45762  
## Word: "photographing" (Back to Top)
 Queens Park, Chester, England, is photographing the Whirlpool Galaxy (NGC  3/30/1908 #703  
ts activists. It lasts until 1973, photographing 2 million envelopes and op 1/1952 #5854  
he UFO is around 42 feet. Lucci is photographing the full moon with his bro 8/8/1965 #19341  
se on Okinawa, Japan, locating and photographing surface-to-air missile sit 5/30/1967 #22425  
 planes were sent up, scouring and photographing every square kilometer of  4/24/1970 #25643  
kville; New Brunswick, CAN Two men photographing the stars observed a trian 7/28/1971 #26249  
d David Mahon was behind his house photographing his dog when he heard a lo 1/5/1975 #29722  
s backyard in Brownstown, Illinois photographing his dog when he heard a lo 1/5/1975 #29724  
e, Scotland James W. Allen, 14, is photographing Ben Vrackie mountain in Pe 10/1980 #35550  
                         While out photographing a meteor shower at 1:30 a. 8/16/2004 #44734  
res of a triangular aircraft while photographing wildlife in Kansas.        2/2014 #45401  
at Area 51: Project Candid Sky for photographing UAP, Project Radiant Bravo 6/13/2022 #45757  
## Word: "photographs" (Back to Top)
 across its face. He takes several photographs and suspects that they are r 8/12/1883 #255  
ylinder/cigar-shape going north. 2 photographs taken / clear skies. No furt 4/11/1897 #427  
 printing office to take lightning photographs. He manages to take a photo  4/25/1897 #574  
               PINOS ALTOS, NM Man photographs airship. 3 cylinders lashed  3/7/1901 #643  
[to] going down [to] ladder / 30m. Photographs / physical traces. / IFS#35  8/1933 (approximate) #1171  
ilitary observer(s) / Nobby's Head photographs definite circular object. De 10/10/1935 #1234  
                    MANCHURIA Many photographs / Japanese Air Force. Glowin 1941 #1351  
      TIANJIN, CHINA Street vendor photographs hat saucer over busy street. 1/1942? #1386  
C. on this night around 11:00 p.m. Photographs were taken, and a big CAA in 8/13/1942 #1437  
 devices are now available to take photographs of “balls of fire” in the Pa 4/17/1945 #1847  
TTLE, WA USCG man and more/others. Photographs saucer / front porch. Severa 7/4/1947 #2619  
ver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 1 photographs silver saucer going quickly  7/4/1947 #2620  
.m. Coast Guard Yeoman Frank Ryman photographs a round disc over his home a 7/4/1947 #2662  
He grabbed his camera and took two photographs. The flying object was twent 7/7/1947 #2947  
objects follow. Disks going north. Photographs. FBI. / r171p93+MJ#121.      7/8/1947 #2975  
rs 850mph going south over island. Photographs going [to] mainland. / r187# 7/8/1947 #2980  
law at Wright Field. DuBose states photographs of a weather balloon given t 7/8/1947 #3031  
C54-size saucer cuts arc / clouds. Photographs. / r26p154.                  7/10/1947 #3093  
nic for Pan American Airways, took photographs of a C-54 sized translucent  7/10/1947 #3118  
              WILLIMANTIC, CT "Man photographs flying metallic hexagon!". T 7/22/1947 (approximate) #3212  
Saucers circle small lake in town. Photographs. Car malfunctions due to EME 8/17/1947 #3340  
ing [to] low over trees and roads. Photographs taken. No further details.   8/18/1947 #3345  
emed advisable, in order to secure photographs necessary to the obtainment  2/12/1948 #3576  
h blacked-out windows. He sees and photographs a huge disc-shaped object si 4/1948 (estimated) #3599  
ific personnel all around it, also photographs small bodies.                4/1948 (estimated) #3599  
seems to fit the body shown in two photographs that are mailed to Willard F 7/7/1948 #3699  
T ANTARCTIC STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY Photographs. 3 saucers maneuver. / r134# 2/23/1949 (approximate) #4019  
          STEPHENVILLE, NFLD "USAF photographs UFO's here". Type unknown. N 5/14/1949 #4187  
 the objects. Miller takes several photographs and asks Sgt. Leo Davidson o 10/23/1949 #4401  
lens. Davidson also takes 10 still photographs of the large disc-shaped obj 10/23/1949 #4401  
omplex and sees and makes detailed photographs of a large disc-like object. 11/1949 #4407  
AM tourist. Double truncated cone. Photographs (lost). 9000' altitude.      3/16/1950 #4649  
               ORLAND PARK, IL Man photographs 30m pie-plate saucer. Dives  3/18/1950 (approximate) #4668  
          MONTUIRI, MALLORCA, SP 3 photographs. Flash! Photographs shows ov 3/29/1950 #4753  
MALLORCA, SP 3 photographs. Flash! Photographs shows ovoid with glowing-ant 3/29/1950 #4753  
   McMinnville, OR McMinnville UFO photographs, also known as the Trent UFO 5/11/1950 #4936  
sic 30' saucer over farm. 1st good photographs. No spin. Going quickly west 5/11/1950 #4937  
                    Two famous UFO photographs were taken on this evening b 5/11/1950 #4940  
erver(s). 2 saucers / theodolites. Photographs hazy / objects. Back 31 Aug. 8/30/1950 #5144  
an article in Fate on his fake UFO photographs. A follow-up article in July 9/1950 #5161  
ficials” had attempted to take the photographs away from him but that he ha 10/6/1950 #5215  
 1950, the alleged first authentic photographs and motion picture film of f 11/17/1950 #5279  
. 6+GM scientists / theodolite and photographs. 2 60' saucers maneuver and  1/16/1951 #5400  
(s)/airliner crew and more/others. Photographs. Huge bullet going up [to] a 2/19/1951 #5446  
south going quickly north. Buzzes. Photographs. Main southwest radio dead.  7/19/1951 #5577  
ckly south. 30° / arc / second(s). Photographs.                             8/25/1951 #5618  
 4 Air Force B50D pilots and RADAR photographs. Red and green night lights  3/26/1952 #5975  
ng up [to] going down [to] motion. Photographs = twin streaks and spiral.   4/16/1952 #6088  
            BARRA DA TIJUCA, BRZ 5 photographs. 200' silent saucer. Going s 5/7/1952 #6263  
ompany of João Martins, takes five photographs of a UFO over Barra da Tijuc 5/7/1952 #6270  
                   Five very clear photographs were taken on this day at 4: 5/7/1952 #6271  
ids pass / tilted stack formation. Photographs. / r114p66.                  5/19/1952 #6338  
 maneuvers rises and falls. 3 poor photographs.                             7/9/1952 #6733  
s.  Case file includes three vague photographs.                             7/9/1952 #6738  
 Observers took three poor-quality photographs of the object.               7/9/1952 #6744  
military RADAR operators and RADAR photographs. 2 B36 = sized blips / 1700m 7/12/1952 #6767  
ts maneuver. 1+1 join. Play / sky. Photographs. All going quickly south. /  7/16/1952 #6837  
g quickly east straight and level. Photographs test genuine see / r48+/ r97 7/18/1952 #6883  
ms Administrator Domingo Troncosco photographs it. The photo shows an elong 7/19/1952 #6932  
rs. UFO makes cloud. Saucers exit. Photographs taken.                       7/29/1952 #7283  
                 PASSAIC, NJ Great photographs / domed saucer / G. J. stock 7/29/1952 #7285  
. Going down [to] after. Infra-red photographs.                             7/30/1952 #7345  
er moves in and out / clouds. Poor photographs taken. No further details.   8/1952 #7379  
       DELFT, NETH Radioman / roof photographs fast silver saucer. Big surg 8/6/1952 #7476  
      EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA 3 photographs and more. 2 saucers circle B 9/30/1952 #8067  
ight lights hover / V formation. 5 photographs taken. Then fly going quickl 10/23/1952 #8177  
                           Two UFO photographs were taken on this day, one  1/2/1953 #8497  
silver object crosses sky. 2 Prof. photographs show curvy lines.            1/15/1953 #8540  
make extreme turns / meteor speed. Photographs no good. Going quickly north 4/15/1953 #8825  
 leaving behind a black smoke. Two photographs were taken of the disc envel 5/16/1953 #8880  
 Extra moon hangs / sky / 5 hours. Photographs. = saucer seen sideways. Goi 6/26/1953 #8973  
ires classification of radar-scope photographs of UFOs. Air Force personnel 8/26/1953 #9110  
; media, recordings, maps, charts, photographs and film taken to Building 2 1954 #9424  
               MT. GILLEN, AUS Man photographs 30M and saucer. Hovers and s 1/15/1954 #9486  
Going quickly [to] east-northeast. Photographs. / FSRv29#4+r114.            2/1/1954 #9524  
f them named Baumgartner took some photographs. The first two objects were  2/1/1954 #9527  
ue Book. USAF RB29. Reconnaissance photographs / 125' saucer. = Indianapoli 5/24/1954 #9827  
 Maj. Leo N. Brubaker observes and photographs a bright object below the pl 5/24/1954 #9832  
ucer / center. Low altitude. Scope photographs / r55.                       7/3/1954 #9986  
 reflector experiment. Jets chase? Photographs confiscated.                 8/15/1954? #10141  
    EL QANTARA, EGYPT Military man photographs rotating saucer over Suez ca 10/5/1954 #10711  
Railroad/railway inspector takes 2 photographs / saucer. Parabolic arc goin 10/24/1954 #11354  
oots 2 beams / forward and down. 5 photographs. Going quickly ESE. / r138.  11/4/1954 #11557  
round. 3 men. Box emits 3M beam. 7 photographs. Going west / 1805h.         11/5/1954 #11572  
klings on his face as he ran. Four photographs of the scene were taken. Tra 11/5/1954 #11578  
klings on his face as he ran. Four photographs of the scene were taken. Tra 11/5/1954 #11581  
R WILCANNIA, AUS Sheep-man takes 3 photographs. Invisible saucer with invis 11/9/1954 #11607  
        RIO DE JANEIRO, BRZ Banker photographs saucer over munitions plant. 12/9/1954 #11783  
            EL TIGRE, VNZ Engineer photographs 5 saucers south going quickl 12/10/1954 #11790  
-shape hovers / 18 hours! Windows. Photographs confiscated.                 12/16/1954 #11820  
MANHATTAN, NY Many observer(s) and photographs. Blazing ovoid loops over ci 5/15/1955 #12133  
M Classic saucer / 1.5km altitude. Photographs pass fake tests. / r219p10+/ 6/5/1955 #12184  
the same time, a sequence of three photographs were taken in St. Marc, Belg 6/5/1955 #12187  
et saucer / several passes / town. Photographs. / APRO JLY'56.              3/13/1956 #12752  
irfield, near Saratov, Russia, and photographs 20 M-4 Bison bombers on the  7/9/1956 #12957  
           SAN BERNARDINO, CA Teen photographs classic saucer over house. S 7/19/1956 #12985  
D, ALTA RCAF pilot / 11km altitude photographs silver 10M saucer. 1 gigawat 8/23/1956 #13122  
. Macleod, Alberta, CAN RCAF Pilot Photographs Object Radiating Power (NICA 8/27/1956 #13138  
LEMMON, SD? USAF RB36H paced. Crew photographs domed metallic saucer. Groun 11/1956 (approximate) #13298  
ucer over SR34. Cops chase / 12km. Photographs. / MJ#283+/ r140.            11/25/1956 #13347  
9, GSW has analyzed nearly 700 UFO photographs and films, of which they ver 1957 #13433  
ALQUIER OBSERVER(S), FR Astronomic photographs / night light pair. Maneuver 5/3/1957 #13646  
ucers maneuver low / salt marshes. Photographs. / r141#4.                   8/5/1957 #13878  
        NORTH / TULAROSA, NM Nurse photographs white-glow ovoid over Hollom 10/16/1957 #14124  
                   ANAHEIM, CA Man photographs blimp over Disneyland. Odd s 11/6/1957 #14370  
TLANTIC OCEAN. 100+9 scientists. 4 photographs / 120' saucer. Electric powe 1/16/1958 #14829  
riginal photographer had made hoax photographs in the past.                 1/16/1958 #14831  
ater than same day a famous set of photographs of a Saturn-shaped UFO was t 1/16/1958 #14832  
, the ship’s photographer took the photographs, but over 100 witnesses aboa 1/16/1958 #14832  
AY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Photographs / UFO up close. 1 object see 1/30/1958 #14849  
 England Air Force Base. Patrolman photographs 2 round objects. No further  6/23/1958 #15114  
0° turn. Compass spins. Gun camera photographs?                             2/20/1959 #15592  
            ANTIGO AND MADISON, WI Photographs / 25-30 RADAR blips. Object  4/13/1959 #15700  
lepathy = stop atom tests. 4 clear photographs. / r79p16.                   4/24/1959 #15712  
ISLAND, DK 2 young birdwatchers. 3 photographs / classic saucer / low altit 7/8/1959 #15822  
ilver saucer lands / Ogilbay Park. Photographs lost. Going east smooth and  9/1959 #15948  
hases glowing-object. Too fast for photographs. / r242p37.                  10/6/1959 #16018  
         GRAND BLANC, MI Joe Perry photographs domed saucer. FBI-types seiz 2/13/1960 #16171  
. Christophe. Vanish and reappear. Photographs. No further details.         4/10/1960 #16220  
CANTO, ARG Air Force Captain / car photographs cone. 8M tall-4M diameter. S 7/3/1960 #16328  
962. 4 observer(s). 1 sees disk. 1 photographs boomerang. 4 passes / 70 min 9/10/1960 #16439  
s). Ovoid maneuvers / 7 minute(s). Photographs poorly copied. / Flying Sauc 10/28/1961 #16933  
mits sphere/orb/globe / paces DC4. Photographs.                             12/21/1961 #16999  
ht. The pilot, Mr. Matsumura, took photographs. That night at 9:45 local ti 12/21/1961 #17002  
LET, ANTARC 7 scientists and clear photographs. Grey cloud with 3 lights go 7/9/1962 #17266  
X-15 flight, Maj. Bob White pilot. Photographs and visual sighting of unide 7/17/1962 #17277  
 NEAR DOLORES, ARG Jose Bellantoni photographs iridescent 75M saucer / loca 8/28/1962 #17367  
erpretation Center reviews the U-2 photographs and identifies objects that  10/15/1962 #17472  
/ RANGITOTO ISLAND, NZ Observer(s) photographs city. Film shows yellow disk 10/16/1962 #17474  
r. Saucer lands. 7' figure exits. "Photographs" plants with cake-tin. Missi 5/1963? #17733  
omagnetic effects, radar tracking, photographs, sound, physiological effect 5/1964 #18237  
                      USNS ELTANIN PHOTOGRAPHS DEEP SEABED FINDs erect 1M s 8/29/1964 #18519  
isk hovers / low. 4X moon-size. No photographs!                             9/1964 #18524  
ntity / several saucers. Cops take photographs. / FSR'65#4+/ r8.            2/21/1965 #18823  
ok off with a blinding luminosity. Photographs were said to have been taken 2/21/1965 #18825  
rliner, accelerated and sped away, photographs taken                        5/28/1965 #18972  
 paced by a UFO. They took several photographs of the spherical, slightly o 5/28/1965 #18974  
0-15 minutes, resulting in several photographs. The film was conficated by  5/28/1965 #18974  
lassic saucer resembles well known photographs. No further details.         6/14/1965 #19004  
magnetograph tapes. Also, 10 color photographs were taken of the UFO.       7/3/1965 #19056  
                 BUENOS AIRES, ARG Photographs of 2 saucer-cigars. Very bri 7/3/1965 #19057  
agnetograph tapes and variometers. Photographs were taken. The blue-green l 7/3/1965 #19065  
 ANA, CA Highway inspector. 3 good photographs / 4' hat-saucer. MIB. Big in 8/3/1965 #19278  
so on this day a famous set of UFO photographs was taken by Ray Heflin in S 8/3/1965 #19293  
fornia. At 12:38 p.m. he took four photographs of a metallic hat-shaped UFO 8/3/1965 #19293  
lowing object going [to] overhead. Photographs / prize winning photograph.  8/17/1965 #19411  
55? unidentified. Heller and many. Photographs no good-blacked out / USAF.  8/18/1965 #19415  
/ light. 4 night lights / 2 hours. Photographs show 4 identical irregular s 8/21/1965 #19445  
rs scout Gemini 5 launch contrail. Photographs. / MJ#268.                   8/21/1965 #19446  
TER, WILTS Several observer(s) and photographs / classic domed saucer. Dark 8/29/1965 #19472  
ous object / 3km altitude. Several photographs.                             9/19/1965 #19581  
erver(s). Silver lampshade saucer. Photographs faulty or show nothing!      9/22/1965 #19588  
alarmed citizens. He takes several photographs and conducts interviews with 12/9/1965 #19762  
2 / car. Saucer with flame / rear. Photographs public / London papers. / r2 12/26/1965 #19789  
med disk / 2400M altitude. Several photographs. 1 sent to APRO.             2/13/1966 #19899  
, NM 3 airliners and passengers. 4 photographs. Brilliant "cloud". See refe 4/22/1966 #20358  
old named Bruce Pollock took three photographs of three hexagonal flying ob 5/8/1966 #20465  
l object and small bright objects. Photographs and ask / RADAR confirm. R22 7/18/1966 #20650  
           GEMINI 11 Crew sees and photographs flashing object on path in f 9/19/1966 #20896  
tic effects). Fuzzy visual.. sharp photographs.                             10/12/1966 #20994  
ver/all about. Changes color(s). 4 photographs / NY Daily News.             10/21/1966 #21021  
o, the numbers on the backs of the photographs are out of sequence with Dit 11/13/1966 #21098  
g heard. Tent and treetop burnt. 2 photographs.                             11/22/1966 #21133  
ROOKSVILLE, FL Saucer lands again. Photographs / circular traces. Independe 12/4/1966 #21181  
LAKE TIORATI, NY Fisherman. 2 good photographs / 18' saucer. Going northeas 12/18/1966 #21207  
   SOUTHEAST / INNIS, LA Fisherman photographs double-domed saucer. More ph 1/12/1967 #21289  
tographs double-domed saucer. More photographs / 13 Jan! "Genuine" / analys 1/12/1967 #21289  
        MILAN, IN Rumble. Boy / 15 photographs silent 2M beanpot jar. Clear 1/19/1967 #21347  
  SOUTHEAST / YORBA LINDA, CA Teen photographs UFO. Looks fake but tests go 1/24/1967 #21369  
         HAMPTON, VA Teen sees and photographs saucer near power lines. Aut 1/25/1967 #21379  
a Zanesville, Ohio barber took two photographs of this unknown object. Ditt 2/1967 #21426  
/box-like craft hovers over homes. Photographs / lit corners. Electro-magne 2/10/1967 #21497  
known. Observer(s) = Nethken. CE2. Photographs and instrument readings. UFO 2/13/1967 #21527  
                     TOKYO, JP Man photographs moon. Sharp image / ovoid al 2/13/1967 #21528  
 5:58 p.m. Sachio Sakuma is taking photographs of the Moon with a Petri V6  2/13/1967 #21536  
 sightings, further UFO films, and photographs showing superimposed clock-l 2/17/1967 #21586  
pting to measure objects imaged on photographs,” but it will be strictly te 2/20/1967 #21607  
yracuse, New York at 6:05 p.m. UFO photographs were taken of nocturnal ligh 2/25/1967 #21652  
                  YUNGAY, PERU Man photographs 2-3 domed saucers / 40° angl 3/1967 #21685  
eru Day. Augusto Arranda is taking photographs of the scenery in the Huasca 3/1967 #21699  
wn [to] over freeway construction. Photographs. Quickly going up [to] and g 3/3/1967 #21734  
/railway station/depot/facility. 5 photographs. Low altitude. / Flying Sauc 3/5/1967 #21756  
orange ovoid" over Liggett school. Photographs. Air Force investigation/inv 3/8/1967 #21796  
, and left to the northwest. Three photographs were reportedly taken.       3/12/1967 #21871  
wards the northwest. He took three photographs of the UFO.                  3/12/1967 #21873  
umerous color and black- and-white photographs were reported to have been t 3/16/1967 #21898  
   NORTH / MONTEVIDEO Astronomers. Photographs / domed ovoid / 6km. 3 small 3/17/1967 #21906  
nd 13, he manages to take Polaroid photographs. In all, he haw 10 photograp 3/31/1967 #22023  
oid photographs. In all, he haw 10 photographs of the cylindrical UFO in fl 3/31/1967 #22023  
e highway. The engineer took three photographs while the UFO took off. Two  5/6/1967 #22287  
de. An anonymous man takes several photographs that he drops off at a photo 6/1/1967 #22448  
TH SAN JUAN, CA 2 boys. Good clear photographs / 10M saucer / ground at old 6/2/1967 #22451  
r. Oddly enough, two more cases of photographs being taken of UFOs occurred 6/10/1967 #22487  
         NEW CASTLE, PA 2 Polaroid photographs / soup-dish saucer. Hovers / 6/28/1967 #22566  
ops small object. Vanishes? 2 good photographs.                             7/3/1967 #22594  
 all over sky / 30 minute(s). Many photographs and big news.                8/4/1967 #22793  
LTA 6 separate crop-circles found. Photographs going quickly [to] Condon Co 8/5/1967 #22808  
creature, of which he took several photographs.                             9/2/1967 #22981  
, CROATIA Unidentified observer(s) photographs 3 luminous cloud-ovoids. Pho 9/21/1967 #23102  
                              Four photographs were taken on this evening o 9/23/1967 #23122  
inutes. Gregory takes two Polaroid photographs that show a red object at th 10/12/1967 #23228  
ps / sky. Going quickly southwest. Photographs / Alamosa. CO / 0120h.       10/14/1967 #23235  
             COMMERCE CITY, CO Boy photographs 2 red orbs float around. Pho 10/26/1967 #23325  
otographs 2 red orbs float around. Photographs show disks instead.          10/26/1967 #23325  
 changes shape several X. Film and photographs. / r84p193+/ r193#15.        11/21/1967 #23489  
SLAND, ANTARCTICA Chilean Navy man photographs domed disk. No further detai 12/4/1967 #23549  
ing objects. 1 maneuvers, 2 hover. Photographs and telescope. News report(s 12/24/1967 #23603  
h Korean forces on January 23. His photographs pinpoint the Pueblo’s exact  1/26/1968 #23703  
               NEAR FREDONIA, AZ 7 photographs / saucer. 1 looks great. Pos 3/21/1968 #23854  
ht light flickers and maneuvers. 3 photographs. / see FSRv15#2.             5/16/1968 #23964  
rill lens-cone circles and pulses. Photographs. / APRO 5'68.                5/17/1968 #23965  
                             Three photographs of luminous UFOs were taken  5/17/1968 #23972  
verhead. Regular flashes / dome. 6 photographs. FSRv15#4.                   5/27/1968 #23984  
from its dome. Mr. Hsiang took six photographs of the object, which show an 5/27/1968 #23988  
lindrical object / 1800M altitude. Photographs. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR 6/4/1968 #24003  
          LOMMA, SWEDEN 3 teens. 2 photographs metallic domed 10M saucer. H 6/9/1968 #24016  
Double-saucer glows and rotates. 2 photographs stolen later.                7/4/1968 #24141  
 southwest. Stops and maneuvers. 4 photographs. / r84p93+/ r193#24.         8/18/1968 #24348  
-southwest of Cluj, Romania, three photographs were taken of a silvery hat- 8/18/1968 #24353  
tructure similar to the Rex Heflin photographs from Santa Ana, California i 8/18/1968 #24353  
YA SHANGRILA, URG 1+3 boys. 2 good photographs / hat-saucer / beach. Pass t 9/23/1968 #24501  
officer Reginald Neal take several photographs of a UFO that they have seen 9/29/1968 #24521  
EVO, BOSNIA Amateur astronomers. 4 photographs / bullet UFO with conical po 10/18/1968 #24569  
             RENTON, WA 2 teens. 7 photographs / 55' UFO 40' thick. Porthol 11/30/1968 #24735  
, in Renton, Washington took seven photographs of a 55-foot wide UFO that w 11/30/1968 #24737  
to] WNW slow. Absolute(ly) silent. Photographs and more.                    1/4/1969 #24814  
   CAMPINAS, BRZ Professor takes 3 photographs / spinning metallic umbrella 1/25/1969 #24869  
 Rancher. Saucer lands. Crew seen! Photographs taken / Sbedv Bulletin 69 /  3/3/1969 (approximate) #24958  
                   OURO PRETO, BRZ Photographs / saucer. 2 objects and powe 4/10/1969 #25053  
                   OSASCO, BRZ Man photographs saucer. Rapid maneuvers / al 5/3/1969 (approximate) #25111  
 / 1M altitude 150M away. MD takes photographs. / O Dia 6 Jun. '69.         6/4/1969? #25198  
owly shrings. Splits / 3. Rejoins. Photographs and drawings. P257.          8/25/1969 #25329  
n the air. They manage to take two photographs before it speeds away. Groun 8/29/1969 #25337  
al observer(s). 3 saucers hover. 3 photographs catch fast maneuvers. Going  9/3/1969 #25348  
. Turns 25° going east and away. 6 photographs. News.                       12/29/1969 #25513  
 stalls. Saucer / roadside. Driver photographs saucer rising going up / sky 4/1/1970 #25617  
coming from the UFO. He took three photographs before the object made a rap 8/13/1970 #25783  
s / mountains. Wormlike time-lapse photographs / trajectory. 3 pulses / sec 9/5/1970 #25824  
                   PARANA, ARG Boy photographs classic WW1-helmet saucer. R 9/6/1970 #25825  
           Two independent sets of photographs showing luminous balls of li 12/24/1970 #25952  
tonhook" effect on the image. Both photographs are reproduced below.        12/24/1970 #25952  
 / 15 mn. 2 legs hang going down / photographs. Jet chases. / r156#11.      2/6/1971 #26016  
         BASTIA, CORSICA Family. 3 photographs / domed saucer in front / wh 2/12/1971 #26018  
                          The good photographs were taken by a family of a  2/12/1971 #26019  
lane was taking a series of aerial photographs at 10,000 feet when at 8:25  4/9/1971 #26067  
2 million mailed items every year, photographs 30,000 envelopes, and opens  4/14/1971 #26072  
RTHEAST / SKILLINGARYD, SWD 2 good photographs / 10M saucer near gunnery ra 5/6/1971 #26101  
ern. He takes 11 consecutive color photographs of it over a 10-minute perio 5/23/1971 #26124  
                            Twelve photographs were taken of a silverly met 5/23/1971 #26125  
ral observer(s). Saucer-delta. Odd photographs = no balloon. See reference. 6/12/1971 #26169  
                 POOLE, DORSET Man photographs glowing inverted hat-saucer. 7/15/1971 #26230  
r. 3 Polaroid shots. See reference photographs.                             7/15/1971 #26230  
etal ovoid hovers / one hour. Good photographs. Moves going quickly SSW.    8/1971 #26255  
me to see the object. They took 12 photographs of the object (bright lumino 8/16/1971 #26287  
cal object. Clear / eyes. Fuzzy in photographs. News.                       9/29/1971 #26385  
Saucer 3M over nearby transformer. Photographs. 2 cords hang. / r186#22.    10/1/1971 #26397  
ver(s) and 8 pilots and 5 separate photographs. Orange object passes rapidl 10/3/1971 #26404  
lta/triangle/box-like crafts seen. Photographs and news. / APRO 9'71+/ r84p 10/9/1971 #26414  
         TOKYO, JPN Nario Hanabusa photographs dark lens-object from Tokai  5/26/1972 #26688  
object rising / ground. Gone fast. Photographs.                             6/25/1972 #26729  
les rapidly in place. Rises then 3 photographs taken.                       7/5/1972 #26770  
             FISHING CREEK, NJ Man photographs 25' saucer. Spins low over h 7/7/1972 #26782  
/railway station/depot/facility. 3 photographs. / r156#16.                  7/19/1972 #26810  
 railroad station. They took three photographs of the object.               7/19/1972 #26815  
ver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 2 photographs / night light. 1 appears / d 7/23/1972 #26826  
Africa Mr. and Mrs. Marco took two photographs of a of luminous object in t 7/23/1972 #26827  
rough field glasses. In one of the photographs the object seems to be shape 7/23/1972 #26827  
ver(s). Ovoid changes to triangle. Photographs. Also night lights / 0500hrs 8/24/1972 #26951  
oing west / 800M altitude. Several photographs. / Midi Libre.               9/16/1972 #27004  
disk flips 6-8X. Fantastic speeds. Photographs. / LDLN#127.                 9/19/1972 #27010  
                 Mr. Jamieson took photographs as a brilliant disc-shaped o 9/19/1972 #27011  
ous object hovers and maneuvers. 4 photographs. Exits going quickly east. / 9/22/1972 #27025  
  TIRGU-MURES, ROMANIA Observer(s) photographs orange sphere / horizon. Goi 10/20/1972 #27081  
 PARK / SAN DIEGO, CA Odd humming. Photographs / canyon. Ovoid shows on dev 10/23/1972 #27086  
n't see anything, the witness took photographs of a canyon in the direction 10/23/1972 #27088  
noise originated. On the developed photographs there was an image of an ovo 10/23/1972 #27088  
      SAN SEBASTIAN, PR 1 observer photographs disk / low altitude. Going d 10/27/1972 #27091  
y / ballgame and TV shots. 3 35 mm photographs / silver cone. Possible ball 11/11/1972 #27117  
GA 2 observer(s) with T cameras. 8 photographs / classic silent silver sauc 12/12/1972 #27173  
            SOUTH / HAMBURG, GER 2 photographs / 737. Domed saucer over clo 1/4/1973 #27220  
with trucker = repeat observer(s). Photographs spinning ferris-wheel disk.  1/17/1973 #27241  
    NEAR BANGKOK, THAI Akita Takao photographs temple. Silver Saturn-sphere 3/7/1973 #27335  
ripod rises / lake. Hover / field. Photographs. Power outage / r231.        3/14/1973 #27345  
n flying at high and low altitudes.Photographs were taken and a power outag 3/14/1973 #27347  
separate observer(s). Silver disk. Photographs. / Newcastle evening papers. 5/15/1973 #27489  
rts from independent witnesses and photographs of a silvery disc-shaped obj 5/15/1973 #27494  
rn / northeast when close. Several photographs.                             5/18/1973 #27500  
ST 9 separate observer(s) and good photographs. Night lights / crazy maneuv 5/29/1973 #27538  
entists / Concorde eclipse flight. Photographs / oval blob. / APRO 3'74.    6/30/1973 #27602  
               NAGAI CITY, JPN Cop photographs car wreck. Ovoid clear in pr 7/9/1973 #27624  
                       Three color photographs of a UFO were taken by a nuc 7/18/1973 #27640  
y A 16-year-old UFO buff finds and photographs some strange marks on the gr 7/27/1973 #27656  
ke off. He picks up his camera and photographs the ground traces.           7/27/1973 #27656  
  CAMILLA, GA C. A. Tatum sees and photographs "ribbed object" over town. / 9/1/1973 #27742  
                                   Photographs of nighttime lights and obje 10/13/1973 #28020  
Domed saucer going / low altitude. Photographs. / FSRv20#1p32+/ r156#18.    10/19/1973 #28178  
ALTA 2 / car. Saucer lights field. Photographs. Series / distant stations / 10/20/1973 #28204  
ed objects over Midway, Texas. She photographs one of them. About 20 minute 10/23/1973 #28250  
cility. Power brownout. Away fast. Photographs.                             10/26/1973 #28293  
   TOKYO, JPN Several observer(s). Photographs / 2 saucers near Tokyo tower 10/29/1973 #28316  
AR COCOYOC, MEXICO 4 / car. 3 good photographs "land mine" ovoid. Lands / 7 11/3/1973 #28356  
OVERTORNEA, SWD 1 observer. 5 good photographs analyzed. Disk arcs going no 11/11/1973 #28404  
ARAJEVO, YUGO Several observer(s). Photographs / odd luminous object. / r23 11/13/1973 #28415  
              SALONIKA, GREECE Man photographs clouds. White pith-helmet sa 12/2/1973 #28502  
d a tube into water. They took two photographs of the UFO. The UFO then ret 12/13/1973 #28570  
thru) telescope. 6 slow saucers. 5 photographs. / LDLN#167.                 1/7/1974 #28657  
y. He stops his car, gets out, and photographs it. He submits the photo to  1/18/1974 #28684  
     BELMONT TO/FROM GRENANT, FR 2 photographs / tree show saucer / sphere. 2/13/1974 #28762  
ectangular rays hovers. 1 pointed. Photographs. See dwg.                    2/14/1974 #28768  
            BAULMES, SWITZ Several photographs / "inexplicable" round night 2/18/1974 #28779  
 in his place. Pseudo-human/entity photographs bridge. See reference.       2/28/1974 #28814  
:30 p.m. A French doctor allegedly photographs an odd object near Albiosc,  3/23/1974 #28937  
 night lights / row rise / ravine. Photographs. 1 shows domed saucer edgewi 3/24/1974 #28942  
rescent moon going west / 2 hours. Photographs. Curved trajectory? / r30p47 3/25/1974 #28947  
ect buzzes newsman / car. Beams. 3 photographs = big news. Shoots away.     4/1/1974 #28985  
     CONTOIRE, FR 2 observer(s). 3 photographs luminous/glowing point / sky 4/1/1974 #28987  
ly 75 feet altitude. He took three photographs. The UFO beamed a light ray  4/1/1974 #28988  
                  MONZA, ITALY Man photographs luminous hemisphere going ea 4/3/1974 #28991  
ntinue ESE going quickly [to] WNW. Photographs not seen.                    4/14/1974 #29018  
on Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain, photographs an object described in a US  5/22/1974 #29125  
oing quickly southwest. Reappears. Photographs = domed disk. See reference. 7/19/1974 #29270  
cer smaller / nearby helicopters. (Photographs lost.)                       7/25/1974 #29276  
st going quickly northwest. 3 poor photographs.                             8/15/1974 #29349  
A 4 scientists. 4M sphere on legs. Photographs. 2M men board. Going quickly 9/6/1974 #29426  
   ONOMICHI, JPN 3 observer(s) and photographs. Headache! 40M saucer going  10/11/1974 #29515  
away lands. Tube extends / bottom. Photographs. / r30+FSRv24#4.             11/19/1974 #29599  
 VALENII DE MUNTE, ROMANIA Teacher photographs brilliant night light. Blowu 12/12/1974 #29639  
SHORE / KAUAI, HI 2 observer(s). 3 photographs 25' square object. Below clo 1/2/1975 #29692  
two minutes, Lindstrom takes three photographs (slides), which show a spher 1/2/1975 #29701  
Hawaii a married couple took three photographs of a 25-foot square UFO, fly 1/2/1975 #29704  
slowly to the south-southwest. The photographs are regarded by CUFOS as of  1/2/1975 #29704  
g quickly south over beach. 2 good photographs and drawings.                1/3/1975 #29706  
ped object passing over. He took 5 photographs; then he felt himself drawn  1/5/1975 #29722  
ect passing overhead. He took five photographs, then felt himself being lev 1/5/1975 #29724  
 been gone for nearly an hour. The photographs of the UFO were overexposed  1/5/1975 #29724  
t in Switzerland and takes several photographs of it. The ship lands in a n 1/28/1975 #29772  
                                   Photographs of UFOs were taken on this d 2/18/1975 #29824  
2 luminous 35M balls over hedge. 4 photographs taken. Rise and vanish. / r3 3/3/1975 #29871  
                              Four photographs were taken of two luminous b 3/3/1975 #29872  
ucer going [to] by quarry. Several photographs. Size / DC8. / APRO Oct'75.  3/18/1975 #29907  
                     In 1975, four photographs of a sombrero-shaped UFO wer 3/18/1975 #29911  
 The investigators snapped several photographs before fleeing the area. The 3/28/1975 #29923  
 France 7:45 p.m. Didier Burr, 17, photographs a dark, disc-shaped object o 5/26/1975 #30066  
. Antennas and beams going down. 2 photographs no good/useless/broken/photo 6/5/1975 #30081  
n that same night two poor quality photographs were taken of a Saturn-shape 6/5/1975 #30083  
        REVIGNY-SUR-ORNAIN, FR Cop photographs 2 luminous ovoids over trees 6/6/1975 #30088  
ur-Ornain, France a policeman took photographs of two luminous ovoid-shaped 6/6/1975 #30090  
t going quickly west. Several good photographs. Stops / horizon. Suddenly d 7/21/1975 #30196  
LE, FR 2+5 separate observer(s). 2 photographs / saucers. 1 near car. / r30 8/15/1975 #30273  
              MENDOZA, ARG Student photographs 6 identical luminous metalli 9/4/1975 #30341  
oing up and down / 10 minute(s). 8 photographs. / MJ#104.                   9/26/1975 #30386  
from it and rose vertically. Eight photographs were taken. (Source: Richard 9/26/1975 #30388  
from it and rose vertically. Eight photographs were taken.                  9/26/1975 #30389  
                SHELBY, MT Newsman photographs cylinder/cigar-shape / ovoid 10/19/1975 #30446  
                   NAGOYA, JPN Boy photographs dark metallic high-domed sau 12/8/1975 #30691  
CLOVIS, NM Several observer(s) and photographs / lumpy banana. Black disks  1/23/1976 #30813  
      INDIANAPOLIS, IN Boy / 13. 3 photographs / dark saucer with transpare 3/10/1976 #30931  
le home. Observer(s) very close. 2 photographs no good.                     3/28/1976 #30962  
             KUMAMOTO, JPN Student photographs castle. Double-dome Saturn s 5/20/1976 #31064  
CHELLES, FR Cat meows. Observer(s) photographs night lights.. = 2 domed sau 6/7/1976 #31090  
n to its presence. The men took 17 photographs. The object disappeared once 6/7/1976 #31092  
            BALI ISL.INDONESIA Man photographs Mt. Gning-Agun. Dark saucer  8/17/1976 #31276  
aged area was noticed. Myers takes photographs of the circle and soil sampl 10/1976 #31441  
ns. Large glowing-dome and clouds. Photographs. Clouds and object gone / sa 11/20/1976 #31562  
ens. 4 saucers / procession. Clear photographs analyzed = genuine / Kodak C 1/5/1977 #31694  
o teenagers in Wrexham, Wales took photographs of four disc-shaped objects  1/5/1977 #31702  
O ALEGRE, BRZ Many observer(s) and photographs / glowing-ovoid maneuvers. R 1/10/1977 #31714  
rs / Ubac Mountains going south. 2 photographs.                             1/30/1977 #31766  
ast name of Brandenburg took three photographs of a dark disc-shaped object 3/10/1977 #31893  
the UFO was circling the area. The photographs appeared to be genuine, acco 3/10/1977 #31893  
, Arizona, preparing to take night photographs of saguaro cacti using flash Mid 3/1977 #31909  
ows. Splits / opposite directions. Photographs.                             3/21/1977 #31922  
          AJACCIO, CORSICA Newsman photographs orange-violet luminous disk. 4/9/1977 #31967  
s maneuver all over/all about sky. Photographs.                             5/12/1977 #32093  
 WHEATHAMPSTEAD, HERTFS 2 / car. 4 photographs / fuzzy domed saucer. Backgr 6/25/1977 #32193  
ight near moon. Several telescopic photographs. Also night light / Greece,  6/26/1977 #32196  
ear-old in Tehran, Iran took three photographs of three lights moving in a  6/26/1977 #32198  
, BRZ By now island 90% evacuated. Photographs of saucer emerging / Marajo  8/1/1977 #32342  
, and Leming is able to take three photographs, only one of which is not bl 8/17/1977 #32409  
ield-ditch. Search beam / top. Bad photographs.                             10/28/1977 #32624  
arolina, in his car and takes four photographs. He has other sightings on D 11/27/1977 #32700  
 hovering over the ground. He took photographs but they only show a blurred 1/10/1978 #32870  
   MURRAY, UT Art student. Several photographs / 2 saucers. Tilt 45° and gl 2/4/1978 #32949  
going down. Hovers just over lake. Photographs. / r60#104.                  3/11/1978 #33028  
 disk hums and hovers / mountains. Photographs. Going southwest and then qu 3/18/1978 #33050  
mes out of the car, and snaps some photographs. The object is so close in o 4/19/1978 #33153  
/ light penetrates metal car roof. Photographs taken later.                 5/24/1978 #33234  
            NY, NY Medical student photographs 3' egg-in-cup saucer. Hovers 6/4/1978 #33253  
IO DJ, BRZ Electric engineer / bus photographs Saturn-saucer 2X. Observer(s 6/20/1978 (approximate) #33293  
      ST. PAULS BAY, MALTA Tourist photographs bright circular saucer. Hove 9/11/1978 #33662  
          EAST / ANDERSON, SC Teen photographs box-UFO. Going quickly north 10/8/1978 #33809  
man/entity. 1 pushes rod / ground. Photographs = fog. / r177p134+/ LDLN#196 10/15/1978 #33834  
            NEAR CAPE OTWAY, VCT 5 photographs show UFO rise / sea. Joins 2 10/21/1978 #33851  
                               Two photographs were taken at night of an ob 10/23/1978 #33865  
               TOBALABA, CHL Pilot photographs and Air Traffic Controllers. 10/30/1978 #33891  
y / 5 minute(s). Professional news photographs. / Diario de Noticias.       11/21/1978 #33969  
ower / 30 mn. Back 23+29 November. Photographs. / r10p60+/ r41p163.         11/21/1978 #33971  
I, UN.ARAB EMIRATES Government man photographs domed disk. Neon glow;/ Arab 12/3/1978 (approximate) #34052  
KE EYRE, SOUTH AUSTR Private pilot photographs 30M circle / indents / lakeb 1/2/1979 #34278  
BUTTERWORTH, PINANG, MLYS RAAF man photographs silver saucer. 8 portholes / 1/2/1979 #34279  
t. Power outage. Flashlight quits! Photographs. Going west.                 1/17/1979 #34351  
ERN KUWAIT 10+observer(s). Several photographs. Cone saucer hovers. Shoots  1/20/1979 #34363  
s form going [to] discoid. Several photographs. Car malfunctions due to EME 2/1979 #34394  
d plasma-beams over Lago Maggiore. Photographs and wide publicity.          3/3/1979 #34461  
oing up and down / ground level. 5 photographs. Same / 10 Mar. '79.         3/16/1979 #34478  
s) going northwest / 20 minute(s). Photographs. Shoots going quickly ESE.   3/21/1979 #34483  
nt object / 21M altitude 63M away! Photographs and police report.           3/22/1979 #34484  
 MARINGA, BRZ Several observer(s). Photographs. 2 men abduction / field. Mu 4/13/1979 #34509  
         LOS MOLINOS DAM, ARG Good photographs / silent metallic hat-saucer 5/5/1979 #34542  
                             Clear photographs were taken of a metallic, ha 5/5/1979 #34544  
lamuchita, Cordoba, Argentina. The photographs were taken in the middle of  5/5/1979 #34544  
(s) and RADAR's. Black torpedo. 80 photographs. Vanishes! / r150.           6/18/1979 #34615  
oat. Metallic saucer hovers / 30M. Photographs. Watch stops. Fishing lures  7/16/1979 #34657  
ar Lake. They were able to take 12 photographs of the object as it passed o 7/16/1979 #34658  
:00 a.m. They were able to take 12 photographs of the object as it passed o 7/16/1979 #34659  
iner pilot. 3 disks follow Cessna. Photographs taken. No further details. / 8/17/1979 #34750  
TUNAU BEACH, NZ Odd night lights / photographs. Saucer? with 2 decks / ligh 10/27/1979 #34968  
:15 a.m. Lou Blackburn takes three photographs of his friends’ fishing boat 10/27/1979 #34970  
the craft also showed him numerous photographs of friends and others, whom  12/2/1979 #35040  
ve / saucers cigars and triangles. Photographs. No further details / news r 6/14/1980 #35363  
 Saucer going northwest. MIB wants photographs..                            7/16/1980 #35413  
in a nearby clearing and took some photographs. He then observed a human lo 7/16/1980 #35414  
in a nearby clearing and took some photographs. He then observed a human lo 7/16/1980 #35415  
an who wanted him to turn over the photographs to him.                      7/16/1980 #35415  
gin” while in the forest, which he photographs and touches, although there  12/26/1980 #35737  
th dome, darting motions, numerous photographs taken (section VII). (NICAP: 1/25/1981 #35798  
th dome, darting motions, numerous photographs taken                        1/25/1981 #35799  
g east in and out / real clouds. 3 photographs (2 in reference.)            1/30/1981 #35807  
            At around 1 p.m. three photographs were taken of a giant daylig 1/30/1981 #35808  
aph silver saucer / maneuvers. See photographs / r177 and more / Flying Sau 7/18/1981 #36015  
rtholes northeast going southwest. Photographs and drawings.                7/24/1981 #36028  
 a spiral trail. It made no sound. Photographs of the object were taken, an 7/24/1981 #36031  
om the northeast to the southwest. Photographs of the object were taken, an 7/24/1981 #36032  
son, Indiana, taking time-exposure photographs of the Perseid meteor shower 8/12/1981 #36070  
s maneuver / HIQ time-lapse meteor photographs. Connected? 90° turn going s 8/13/1981 #36071  
ars. Many structured object cases, photographs (January-February 1984). (NI 11/1981 #36199  
ars. Many structured object cases, photographs (see January—February 1984). 11/1981 #36200  
oing quickly east. Weak blue glow. Photographs.                             11/21/1981 #36225  
veksvarn, Sweden towards the east. Photographs were taken. (Source: AFU Swe 11/21/1981 #36226  
veksvarn, Sweden towards the east. Photographs were taken.                  11/21/1981 #36227  
ed color film. He sees and takes 8 photographs of a strange, tubular object 1/9/1982 #36298  
northeast. Follows police car. Bad photographs.                             2/21/1982 #36360  
c (similar to the McMinnville 1950 photographs) moving fast, and it extends 8/13/1982 #36577  
human/entity enters it. 2 MIB take photographs. Blows smoke. Going SSW. / r 6/5/1983 #36875  
                               Two photographs were taken of two UFOs in Ma 7/19/1983 #36914  
merous sightings, radar trackings, photographs by scientific field team wit 1/1984 #37100  
ST. HIPPOLYTE-DU-FORT, FR Boy / 14 photographs circular object dropping beh 3/1984 #37213  
        LLANO, TX 2+2 observer(s). Photographs / night light = dual cylinde 3/20/1984 #37230  
shape with tailfins? See reference photographs. Also night lights / 22 Feb. 3/20/1984 #37230  
ne by one on a nearby runway. Ruhl photographs the serial number of one of  6/21/1984 #37370  
 the witness is able to take three photographs of the distant object, and h 3/7/1985 #37566  
an going [to] home Monday. Several photographs taken = vague figure(s). See 7/21/1985 #37626  
k Valley. Absolute(ly) silent. Bad photographs.                             1/9/1986 #37761  
 huge saucers land. Hover / hours. Photographs. Live radio coverage.        3/12/1986 #37798  
ver(s). 4 cigars maneuver / 7000'. Photographs. Saucer / 500mph. 1 turns 90 8/21/1987 #38249  
lic saucers 1M over roof. Windows. Photographs blank.                       8/24/1987 #38254  
                 GULF BREEZE, FL 5 photographs crown-saucer. Mr. Ed lifted  11/11/1987 #38319  
e, Florida at 4:00 p.m. Ed Walters photographs a disc-shaped object outside 11/20/1987 #38330  
essage in Spanish telling him, "No photographs!"                            11/20/1987 #38330  
ST YORKS Ex-cop / abduction victim photographs LGM / moors south / town. Ru 12/1/1987 #38343  
   In 1987 Ed Walters took several photographs of a disc-shaped UFO with li 12/17/1987 #38367  
5hrs. Orange ovoid GB-type saucer. Photographs bad.                         3/4/1988 #38484  
/ car chase huge saucer / windows. Photographs come out bad.                3/14/1988 #38504  
       SOUTH / HORMIGUEROS, PR Man photographs saucer and jets. 3 hours / m 5/13/1988 #38564  
 presentation area and take aerial photographs of the aircraft’s then-secre 11/22/1988 #38718  
r. X-pattern / lights / underside. Photographs show nothing.                1/21/1989 #38788  
               FYFFE, AL Local man photographs banana-delta/triangle/box-li 3/9/1989 #38867  
er when she snaps three time-lapse photographs of a distant UFO just above  3/9/1989 #38869  
ar in appearance to the  Lindstrom photographs from Maui, Hawaii taken on J 7/7/1989 #39014  
                 ROCHESTER, NY Man photographs saucer 2x. 2 observer(s). 3r 7/15/1989 #39020  
SACOLA, FL 35 observer(s). Walters photographs saucer. Rises going up [to]  9/12/1989 #39097  
 women, Wilson and Underwood, took photographs of a reddish-orange object w 10/27/1989 #39189  
               SOUTH BEND, IN Lady photographs silver saucer. See reference 11/6/1989 #39215  
rs / airport. Silver ovoid hovers. Photographs. Air Force helicopter chases 11/14/1989 #39230  
Y, WI House shakes violently. Lady photographs silver saucer emitting balls 12/5/1989 #39297  
e craft with lights / corners. Bad photographs taken.                       3/18/1990 #39466  
cer back. Lands / same substation. Photographs. Again / 28 Mar. '90!        3/27/1990 #39486  
of the full moon. As a control, he photographs an ordinary airplane several 3/31/1990 #39503  
omes saucer. Vanishes / Pensacola. Photographs blank.                       4/18/1990 #39535  
es / TV mast going [to] Dnieper R. Photographs. Rises and gone.             6/11/1990 (approximate) #39613  
tes. One of the hikers takes color photographs of the incident. Desk office 8/4/1990 #39679  
 six) videos shot and eleven still photographs taken by separate witnesses. 8/24/1990 #39702  
 sphere/orb/globe. Arms hang. Good photographs. Slow and fast. 40° arc / 4s 9/10/1990 #39722  
 / light. Vibrant bright but 35 mm photographs show nothing.                10/7/1990 #39763  
oomerang and ovoid / low altitude. Photographs. Ovoid circles back going qu 11/5/1990 #39860  
de? Many observer(s) and cops etc. Photographs.                             11/7/1990 #39880  
Shepherd. Eyes red. No recall of 2 photographs / Brill object / complex tra 12/24/1990 #39930  
 Grey cone-searchlight going down. Photographs.                             3/7/1991 #40003  
ta/triangle/box-like crafts / sky. Photographs and video taken. TV coverage 6/2/1991 #40081  
sky over Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico. Photographs and a videotape were taken,  6/2/1991 #40082  
uring solar eclipse. Videotape and photographs. / r214p254.                 7/11/1991 #40118  
c effects). Windows shake. Several photographs / black UFO test AOK.        7/31/1991 #40138  
igators saw a red sphere, and took photographs and videos                   10/5/1991 #40206  
lity witnesses watched, took still photographs, and videotoaped as red sphe 3/14/1992 #40381  
nt disk. 2 separate observer(s). 1 photographs. Shaft / light going down [t 3/20/1992 #40392  
as, radio hobbyist Steven Douglass photographs a “donuts on a rope” contrai 3/23/1992 #40397  
In addition to providing the first photographs of the distinctive contrail  3/23/1992 #40397  
d 7 small objects / 30K' altitude. Photographs. / r147'92.                  4/13/1992 #40415  
nknown. Horses react. Saucer seen. Photographs taken. No further details. H 5/2/1992 #40444  
BELMONT, ONT 5 observer(s). 5 good photographs / domed saucers. Possible Mc 5/5/1992 #40451  
ive wave seen / thousands. Videos. Photographs. Clocks stop. 2+UFO's.       8/6/1992 #40555  
vestigator George Hoenig, who took photographs of a "stack of dishes" rotat 8/20/1992 #40586  
MAUBEUGE, FR Dull sound. Girl / 12 photographs Saturn saucer going NNE slow 3/26/1993 (approximate) #40900  
ope Valley, CA Numerous sightings, photographs reportedly taken             6/1993 #40999  
) and more. White lights surround. Photographs.                             6/22/1993 #41029  
        EDNASTON, DERBYSHIRE Woman photographs saucer with lights. Film rol 11/4/1993 #41263  
d-white saucer 25mph across sky. 3 photographs show object. Not shown.      11/10/1993 #41268  
rporation engineer, claims he sees photographs of artificial structures on  1994 #41351  
ro. Portholes. Whistles. Vanishes. Photographs no good/useless/broken/photo 1/10/1994 #41366  
USCAR, SCOTLAND 1 observer. 2 good photographs. Metallic saucer hums over r 2/19/1994 #41420  
 Saucer close-by / 15 minute(s). 2 photographs as it leaves. Big investigat 2/26/1994 #41425  
of Rosyth, Fife, Scotland took two photographs of a saucer-shaped object be 2/26/1994 #41427  
 12 rpm. Follows observer(s) home. Photographs.                             4/19/1994 #41496  
 a center point at 12 rpm. He took photographs of the lights.               4/19/1994 #41497  
ver(s). Beams light countryside. 3 photographs / silent fuzzy moth-shape.   7/5/1994 #41607  
link / edge. Hovers over mountain. Photographs no good/useless/broken/photo 7/17/1994 #41629  
 Glows. Many points blink. Noises. Photographs no good/useless/broken/photo 7/25/1994 #41639  
       NEAR GREOLIERES, FR Newsman photographs white ovoid or double saucer 7/26/1994 (approximate) #41643  
 US97 NEAR BREWSTER, WA 1 observer photographs solitary lenticular cloud ne 8/1994 #41650  
o] over homes. Ozone and static. 5 photographs.                             8/21/1994 #41684  
aneuvers. Going quickly southwest. Photographs investigation/investigators  8/31/1994 #41703  
sight. They were able to take some photographs, which show an overexposure  8/31/1994 #41708  
HOWDEN, HUMBERSIDE 50+observer(s). Photographs. Cone saucer called laser li 10/24/1994 #41811  
DURAS Several observer(s). Tourist photographs silent top-saucer. Back seve 11/16/1994 #41850  
ll over/all about. Sinuous trail / photographs.                             2/13/1995 #42041  
gle with lights / corners. Several photographs. / UFO MagUK'95#3.           3/3/1995 #42074  
ights in formation. 3 turn upward. Photographs no good.                     7/31/1995 #42343  
Glowing ovoid circles car. Several photographs. Goes / 2nd car nears.       8/21/1995 #42406  
KAPYONG PROVINCE, SOUTH KOREA Good photographs and 4m / video. 100M cylinde 9/4/1995 #42440  
). Dome shaped object near home. 2 photographs sent going [to] BUFORA. No f 9/19/1995 #42484  
void gone. Night light going east. Photographs no good/useless/broken/photo 11/30/1995 #42632  
RUE-AURIAC, FR 1 observer. Several photographs / classic flattened-bell sau 12/19/1995 #42648  
 TAEGU, KOREA Many observer(s) and photographs. Luminous/glowing donut sauc 12/30/1995 #42651  
x / bottom doesn't. 130' altitude. Photographs.                             1/7/1996 #42669  
           COACALCO, MX, MX 3 good photographs / metallic ovoid. Computer a 5/25/1996 #42912  
 Force Base. UFO hovers / 2 hours. Photographs and videos. Not / RADAR's. G 6/1996 #42918  
                 VALLEY, AL Farmer photographs / dark "thimble". Dog howls. 9/26/1996 #43042  
 a westerly direction. At least 10 photographs were taken of the objects, a 11/25/1996 #43123  
er confirmed that the women in the photographs are members of The Golddigge 1997 #43155  
er's hair stands on end. Video and photographs.                             1/4/1997 #43165  
               ST. BARNABE, FR Man photographs mountains. Photograph shows  4/25/1997 #43277  
 Numerous separate observer(s) and photographs and videos. Silver disk turn 9/27/1997 #43418  
ot out their camera and took three photographs as the UFOs moved higher int 10/13/1997 #43427  
 was approximately 45 minutes. The photographs showed many details. The RAA 10/13/1997 #43427  
names Fisher and Schmidt took five photographs of a silent maneuvering silv 4/3/1998 #43543  
rts offshore. Going quickly north. Photographs taken.                       1/16/1999 #43715  
, Mexico, and taking time-exposure photographs. On one 20-second exposure h 12/19/2000 #44106  
lights going northeast / 300kph. 2 photographs.                             12/14/2001 #44289  
 minutes. They claim to have taken photographs.                             3/18/2003 #44503  
                                   Photographs were taken of a stationary s 8/6/2003 #44571  
                   Some famous UFO photographs were taken on this day near  3/5/2004 #44673  
ey were not conventional aircraft. Photographs were reportedly taken.       12/18/2004 #44800  
tes there was written material and photographs that validated Roswell was a 7/8/2012 #45349  
tes, the crew observes and takes 8 photographs and four video segments of t 3/19/2020 #45639  
m. A witness in Marietta, Georgia, photographs a white, cigar-shaped object 11/6/2021 #45719  
## Word: "photography" (Back to Top)
 Nicholas Van Poppen, an aerospace photography expert, tells Dr. George C.  4/1948 (estimated) #3599  
 Nicholas Van Poppen, an aerospace photography expert, tells Dr. George C.  11/1949 #4407  
minate a battlefield for nighttime photography. USAF Public Information Off 4/7/1952 #6043  
e about missile launches and lunar photography than UFO sightings.          11/6/1957 #14423  
gio Loaiza, a specialist in aerial photography, plus geographer Juan Bravo  9/4/1971 #26317  
d, Nottinghamshire, England, for a photography competition. He sees nothing 1/27/2004 #44657  
O sightings supported by evidence (photography, video, or material). All of 11/19/2021 #45723  
## Word: "photojournalist" (Back to Top)
        A Coruña, Galicia, Spain A photojournalist takes four photos of a r 4/15/1974 #29030  
## Word: "photometric" (Back to Top)
ive was submitted to quantitative, photometric analysis and judged to be ge 8/28/1969 #25335  
ccelerated at 20 G's, according to photometric analysis.                    1/24/1988 #38432  
aped UFO, then back into a sphere. Photometric analysis suggests that the c 11/8/1995 #42588  
## Word: "photopthalmia" (Back to Top)
sea, vomiting, and eye irritation (photopthalmia).                          10/30/1976 #31511  
## Word: "photoreconnaissance" (Back to Top)
ific The Discoverer 13 Corona KH-1 photoreconnaissance satellite is launche 8/10/1960 #16367  
## Word: "photos" (Back to Top)
He sees no canals. The outstanding photos of Mars taken at the new Baillaud 9/20/1909 #811  
. LeBlanc, detailing the drawings, photos, models, and documents relating t 1/10/1946 #1964  
tor in Phoenix, Arizona, takes two photos of a dark, heel-shaped disc at hi 7/7/1947 #2940  
s home at 4333 N. 14th Street. The photos are reproduced in the July 9 issu 7/7/1947 #2940  
 late afternoon. Johnson takes six photos of the debris and leaves after 20 7/8/1947 #3025  
eaves after 20 minutes. One of the photos shows Ramey holding a piece of pa 7/8/1947 #3025  
n hour. Leidy takes two Kodachrome photos of the exhaust trail. The sightin 7/10/1947 #3110  
quickly south. 1 paces car. 2 good photos. / r192p321+/ r129p96.            7/19/1947 #3200  
Washington. They cannot locate the photos. Arnold calls Brown and Davidson  7/31/1947 #3264  
UFO witnesses, confiscating of UFO photos, harassing and debunking of witne 9/24/1947 #3420  
ence Charles P. Cabell. The Rhodes photos and 99 other cases are listed. A  4/23/1948 #3628  
ber 1978. The body depicted in the photos sent to McIntyre has come to be k 7/7/1948 #3699  
 crash. They argue that one of the photos shows a pair of eyeglasses, such  7/7/1948 #3699  
 ask him if he would send them any photos he might take with one of his tel 10/14/1949 #4395  
hem. But Mayo’s story and Miller’s photos were not used in Time or Life and 10/23/1949 #4401  
e of requests by Miller, these two photos are never returned.               10/23/1949 #4401  
               DATIL, NMX USAF man photos disk. Astronomer LA Paz has no ex 2/24/1950 #4550  
st at Datil, New Mexico, take five photos (using a Cineflex camera with 3-i 2/24/1950 #4554  
 to get a camera and tries to take photos, but the object is too bright to  3/28/1950 #4750  
ation also tracks the objects. The photos show only a smudgy dark object, b 4/27/1950 #4909  
raphs, also known as the Trent UFO photos, were taken by a farming couple,  5/11/1950 #4936  
ille (9 miles W of), OR Paul Trent Photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases,  5/11/1950 #4938  
t a camera and manages to take two photos of the object before it speeds aw 5/11/1950 #4939  
 until they use it up and show the photos only to a few friends. Eventually 5/11/1950 #4939  
 desire to make any money from the photos. Although the Colorado project in 5/11/1950 #4939  
orado project initially thinks the photos seem genuine, three Interface Pil 5/11/1950 #4939  
 at anchor, and made no sound. The photos were published in Life Magazine.  5/11/1950 #4940  
y 1951 features even more dramatic photos.                                  9/1950 #5161  
or 17 minutes. Two passengers take photos of it. Then it begins rising and  2/19/1951 #5449  
watch of UFOs at the base. Several photos are taken. The report does not co 7/25/1951 #5586  
    Lubbock, TX Lubbock, TX; (Hart photos) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 8/25/1951 #5622  
ver Lubbock, Texas, and takes five photos. He gets the roll of film develop 8/30/1951 #5638  
ated Press wire. ATIC examines the photos and notes that the “two rows of s 8/30/1951 #5638  
s Cecil Cross looks at the Lubbock photos under a microscope and rules out  8/30/1951 #5638  
94's Encounter Round Grey Object / Photos Taken (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 10/16/1951 #5729  
 Island in Oak Harbor, Washington. Photos taken from the F-94s show the obj 10/16/1951 #5730  
ver. Some in front / sun. Military photos / Tucson Air Force Base.          1/1952 #5849  
ow an IFO) B-50 Radarscope / Scope Photos (Downgraded) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 3/26/1952 #5976  
    Barra da Tijuca, Brazil Brazil photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)  5/7/1952 #6265  
the illumination and dismisses the photos as hoaxes. Today, the best eviden 5/7/1952 #6270  
zilian Air Force conclusion on the photos is that the "object is several ki 5/7/1952 #6271  
            Governors Island, NY 4 photos of some indistinct light (NICAP:  7/6/1952 #6721  
eparting. He manages to take three photos.                                  7/9/1952 #6741  
 Project Bluebook Case #1501. USCG photos / 4 oval globs over cars. / Flyin 7/16/1952 #6835  
      Lac Chauvet, France Fregnale Photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)  7/18/1952 #6891  
nt speed. He immediately takes two photos when the object is at its largest 7/18/1952 #6897  
     Dayton (WPAFB), OH Gun-camera photos Smith/Hemer Case (M) (NICAP: 09 - 8/1/1952 #7404  
colleague Joe Sheehy is developing photos, one of which he says is a UFO th Late Summer 1952 #7612  
 20, 1952; WPAFB, Ohio, gun-camera photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)  8/20/1952 #7661  
 & latitude coords. approximate. 3 photos / saucer from carrier Roosevelt / 9/19/1952 #7975  
9, 1952; Operation Mainbrace color photos (Denmark & Norway) (NICAP: 08 - P 9/19/1952 #7978  
lloon. The Navy never released the photos of the UFO.                       9/20/1952 #7983  
r Wallace Litwin takes three color photos that are developed and examined b 9/20/1952 #7987  
ears near Adamski, who takes seven photos through his telescope. The cigar- 11/20/1952 #8308  
2:12 pm., Adamski takes three more photos of the Scout ship with a Kodak Br 11/20/1952 #8308  
ski to borrow one of his unexposed photos. After Orthon leaves in his Scout 11/20/1952 #8309  
wspaper publishes one of Adamski’s photos as well as a photo of the William 11/24/1952 #8333  
 ground. One of the three Venusian photos taken by Adamski, though credited 12/13/1952 #8414  
Bill Moore claims in 1985 that the photos resemble the prototype space vehi 12/13/1952 #8414  
d hovers, allowing him to take two photos that depict a fried-egg-looking s 5/16/1953 #8879  
 Recent analyses indicate that the photos are likely the result of a chemic 5/16/1953 #8879  
have discovered the F-89 and taken photos on side-scan sonar, but the claim 11/23/1953 #9318  
n anonymous photographer is taking photos of Mount Gillen, Northern Territo 1/1954 #9429  
, in the sky. Darbishire takes two photos, which resemble those of scoutshi 2/15/1954 #9549  
to say anything explicit about the photos, which no longer exist. (Clark II 2/15/1954 #9549  
lot, from a side rear angle. These photos are reproduced in his book. A sli 2/18/1954 #9555  
           ROUEN, FR Fighter pilot photos saucer identical to McMinnville,  3/5/1954 #9594  
ns pacing them. They snap some 200 photos and take some ciné film of the ob 4/18/1954 #9696  
 to their car, and confiscates the photos and film. They are never returned 4/18/1954 #9696  
avels six miles at that speed. The photos are taken with a USAF T-11 mappin 5/24/1954 #9832  
ularly carry movie cameras to take photos of UFOs. Eickhoff says that is a  6/7/1954 #9872  
Bermuda (near), At Sea Radar scope photos of a geometric formation of 7 obj 7/3/1954 #9989  
Györ-Moson-Sopron county takes two photos of what is an apparent meteor.    10/15/1954 #11108  
ject Blue Book including films and photos that led them to conclude UAP use 1955 #11899  
 near US41. 2 very bright flashes. Photos?                                  1/6/1955 #11923  
 of white smoke. He takes two more photos. Anomalies in the blurred grain,  6/5/1955 #12186  
ied by the different angles in the photos. The UFO was seen low nearby the  6/5/1955 #12187  
gon and asks for some unclassified photos of rockets. When the Navy learns  6/13/1955 #12196  
ng maneuvers. Wingless and silent. Photos taken not shown.                  3/15/1956 #12756  
t. The Dakota crew apparently took photos, but these have not turned up. Af 6/1956 #12879  
ica Elizabeth Klarer takes several photos of a silvery disc as it is hoveri 7/17/1956 #12980  
 sight. He manages to take several photos, one of which shows two objects,  7/26/1956 #13021  
r Traffic Controllers. Jets chase. Photos? Going east / 500mph. MJ#280 and  8/13/1956 #13077  
bers rush to the portholes to take photos. The object has a low dome at the Fall 1956 #13239  
 Lloyd says the crew turned in all photos, logs, and equipment to an intell Fall 1956 #13239  
ber 28, 1956; Minot, North Dakota, photos by missile crew, radar (NICAP: 03 10/28/1956 #13292  
             ALAMOGORDO Astronomer photos perfect and shape / Parry Crater, 11/26/1956 #13355  
med James Woods take many infrared photos of the desert sky over southern C Summer 1957 #13745  
se #4928. Unidentified. 5 daylight photos / dark ovoid. Not Chiltose!       9/1/1957 #13968  
stay, Moore is shown slides of UFO photos and a UFO film taken from inside  11/17/1957 #14571  
e was the mystery man on the moor. Photos taken by UFO researcher John Dale 11/21/1957 #14590  
d Object Also Tracked On Radar / 5 Photos Taken (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 12/19/1957 #14750  
 the northwest. Baraúna takes four photos with a Rolleiflex 2.8 model E. Co 1/16/1958 #14831  
araúna is officially there to take photos of the island, underwater photos, 1/16/1958 #14831  
e photos of the island, underwater photos, photos of the IGY activities, an 1/16/1958 #14831  
 of the island, underwater photos, photos of the IGY activities, and the sh 1/16/1958 #14831  
ssed the maneuvering UFO. The four photos are somewhat over exposed, but sh 1/16/1958 #14832  
 There are thousands of documents, photos, and sighting evidence demonstrat 2/28/1958 #14897  
y 16 Ilha da Trindade sighting and photos, offers an ambiguous conclusion:  3/2/1958 #14911  
mph. Spencer manages to take three photos of it, but the images show a spee 6/29/1958 #15126  
n his telescope and the moon.” The photos are “remarkably clear and certain 7/1958 #15131  
A USAF colonel takes several color photos with a 35mm camera on a tripod bu 9/8/1958 #15261  
ents, tapes, letters, manuscripts, photos, rumors, and false intelligence.  1959 #15513  
of Denville, New Jersey, is taking photos of the Moon through a telescope a 3/18/1959 #15648  
ith a box camera, and he takes six photos of what he calls a flying saucer. 10/1959 #16004  
es the negatives of his three best photos to forward to the Brazilian Navy  10/1959 #16004  
 later, the Navy returns different photos and offers no technical report.   10/1959 #16004  
ansas. It flew too fast to get any photos.                                  10/6/1959 #16023  
se #6724. Unidentified. Poor naval photos / daylight disks. No further deta 4/21/1960 #16235  
gs). NICAP is unable to obtain the photos. NASA claims the objects are ice  4/30/1962 #17141  
 La Nueva Provincia, takes several photos of a luminous object above Bahia  5/21/1962 #17186  
ow closed], to take reconnaissance photos of Russian military and nuclear f Summer 1962 #17239  
Missile Crisis”) September 5 — U-2 photos reveal for the first time the pre 9/1/1962 #17381  
ophane-like material. He took four photos before the man climbed aboard the 2/6/1963 #17657  
im a bulky portfolio of glossy UFO photos, many of them showing detailed fe 6/1964 #18314  
id not exactly resemble any of the photos, and the officer tells him that t 6/1964 #18314  
n. Observer(s) = Lookabaugh. Still photos / UFO. No further details.        10/30/1964 #18597  
nown. Observer(s) = Meacham. Still photos. UFO type unknown. No further det 11/2/1964 #18603  
ference display includes false UFO photos and fake debris. “I am a facts ma 2/11/1965 #18810  
ave exhaust gasses coming from it. Photos of the UFO were taken by the pilo 5/28/1965 #18969  
LE REEF DC6 buzzed / large saucer. Photos and Air Traffic Controller tapes  5/28/1965 #18970  
 AU Flattened Sphere Buzzes DC-6 / Photos Confiscated (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 5/28/1965 #18971  
 also see the object. Barker takes photos of the UFO, but when he lands in  5/28/1965 #18973  
of one corner of it.” He takes two photos of it. His partner, Ed White, is  6/4/1965 #18990  
he Antarctica Sightings (E-M Case, Photos) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, 7/3/1965 #19061  
slao Duran Martinez takes 10 color photos through theodolite and field glas 7/3/1965 #19064  
lan Smith at 1:45 a.m. Unlike most photos of alleged UFOs taken by teenager 8/2/1965 #19272  
cer / RADAR going quickly south. 4 photos / newsman show sharp edges.       8/3/1965 #19276  
nta Ana, CA Santa Ana / Rex Heflin Photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases,  8/3/1965 #19282  
tigator Rex Heflin, three Polaroid photos of domed-disc UFO (section VII).  8/3/1965 #19289  
x Heflin takes four clear Polaroid photos of a hat-shaped UFO on a lonely s 8/3/1965 #19290  
lin’s coworkers offers to send the photos to Life magazine; he does, but Li 8/3/1965 #19290  
over. They are not seen again. The photos are most likely a prank hoax by H 8/3/1965 #19290  
ut most UFO researchers regard the photos as genuine.                       8/3/1965 #19293  
 friends encourage him to send the photos to the Beaver County Times, where 8/8/1965 #19341  
. Box held beneath. Also Blue Book photos / Swan Lake.                      9/27/1965 #19609  
n Cappoquin, Ireland several clear photos were taken by two single women of 12/26/1965 #19790  
g from the rear of the object. The photos published in London newspapers.   12/26/1965 #19790  
n. Observer(s) = Wilgas. CE2+still photos taken. No further details in avai 3/30/1966 #20145  
Canadian–US instruction, adds that photos should be sent to the US Director 3/31/1966 #20180  
mage suggesting there are separate photos joined together and rephotographe 4/2/1966 #20208  
pe over swamp. Animals react. USAF PHOTOs later.                            4/5/1966 #20233  
wn. Observer(s) = Todd. CE2. Still photos taken. No further details.        5/1/1966 #20437  
en the pilot snaps two color-slide photos of a reddish disc-shaped object t 7/1966 #20625  
commission declines to examine the photos in detail, noting some discrepanc 7/1966 #20625  
y modified November 9). Radarscope photos are automatically classified. How 9/19/1966 #20898  
r heard of the Trindade Island UFO photos. Sigismond applies for an opening 9/21/1966 #20910  
 Ohio, takes several “spectacular” photos of a daylight disc. Later, Raythe 11/13/1966 #21098  
h the photographic analysis of the photos. The report states that the objec 11/13/1966 #21098  
port states that the object in the photos is 3–4 inches in diameter, not 30 11/13/1966 #21098  
feet from the camera lens; and the photos are not taken in rapid succession 11/13/1966 #21098  
ely 70 minutes has elapsed between photos. Also, the numbers on the backs o 11/13/1966 #21098  
Multiple witness, daylight, (#253) photos (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)         11/22/1966 #21137  
, when he decides to stop and take photos of some scenery. He stops at the  11/22/1966 #21140  
the Diamond Peak overlook, takes 2 photos, then pauses to take a third. Sud 11/22/1966 #21140  
 he develops the roll of film, the photos show a blurred disc- shaped objec 11/22/1966 #21140  
a, AZ in 1967; he states Pete took photos, got into trouble and went AWOL a 1967 #21239  
      Lake St. Clair, MI 2:30 p.m. Photos by Grant and Dan Jaroslaw, Mt. Cl 1/9/1967 #21275  
give chase. Dr. Hynek examined the photos and stated in a Detroit News arti 1/9/1967 #21275  
nt P. Jaroslaw, take some Polaroid photos from the backyard of their home o 1/9/1967 #21277  
mond Nyls attempts to recreate the photos at the original site using a bloc 1/9/1967 #21277  
garage and presumably outside. The photos only show a vague luminous area.  1/9/1967 #21279  
plastic camera and snapped several photos. One of the photos seems to show  1/19/1967 #21355  
snapped several photos. One of the photos seems to show the head of a human 1/19/1967 #21355  
 avid sky watcher. He made the two photos available to the press. Later fou 2/1967 #21426  
go two teenagers took two Polaroid photos of a round, possibly disc-shaped  2/25/1967 #21652  
 near Yungay, Peru. He takes three photos of a disc-shaped object and one p 3/1967 #21699  
vate citizens and confiscating UFO photos.                                  3/1/1967 #21703  
a badge from NORAD confiscated his photos of a flying disc.  https://archiv 3/1/1967 #21719  
 Miriam Coyle take a series of six photos of a silvery UFO at Hallam, Victo 3/5/1967 #21764  
ilts 45+going quickly northeast. 3 photos.                                  3/12/1967 #21861  
luebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) photos saucer. Circular traces. Great fa 4/2/1967 #22046  
A, BULGARIA Conical UFO over city. Photos. Newspapers. TV airs films. No fu 4/9/1967 #22097  
issues a press release calling for photos of UFOs taken by private citizens 5/1/1967 #22261  
 and 1 / car. Saucer / roadside. 3 photos / takeoff;2 are good. / r8#839.   5/6/1967 #22278  
hey stopped the car and took three photos of the object as it was taking of 5/6/1967 #22283  
ey stop the car and he takes three photos as the object takes off. The firs 5/6/1967 #22284  
lf Antonio Pardo produces two more photos of the edge-on disc taken the sam 6/1/1967 #22448  
 above them. They took a series of photos that show only a blur.            6/11/1967 #22493  
 above them. They took a series of photos but they showed only a blurry lig 6/11/1967 #22497  
h grabbed the camera, and took two photos of the object. Definitely one of  7/3/1967 #22597  
f Calgary, Alberta, take two color photos of a daylight disc that appears t 7/3/1967 #22600  
 treetop level at great speed. The photos are examined by both Canadian and 7/3/1967 #22600  
describes them as some of the best photos on record at the time. An analysi 7/3/1967 #22600  
eclarations to the effect that the photos are not a hoax; if proven false,  7/3/1967 #22600  
in diameter. He takes a total of 6 photos of the objects.                   7/3/1967 #22601  
 A USAF intelligence officer takes photos of one in Welford, Berkshire, and 9/4/1967 #22998  
names. They ask him about his 1965 photos and topics like the Bermuda Trian 10/11/1967 #23216  
ersity in Sudbury, Ontario took 12 photos with a 35mm camera using tri-X fi 1/23/1968 #23689  
shows the Royal Nepali Army showed photos of four space objects to U.S. off 3/1968 #23799  
a / 7000M altitude. Theodolite and photos. Seen on-off / hours.             3/29/1968 #23865  
, ROMANIA Weathermen. Drawings and photos. Delta/triangle/box-like craft "b 3/29/1968 #23867  
odolites. Zigzag motion / 5 hours. Photos.                                  3/29/1968 #23869  
, loads her camera, and takes five photos, only one of which shows the ligh 7/13/1968 #24173  
verhead, reversed direction, three photos taken. Object finally shot upward 8/18/1968 #24350  
verhead, reversed direction, three photos taken. Object finally shot upward 8/18/1968 #24351  
es. Barnea succeeds in taking four photos of the object before it suddenly  8/18/1968 #24352  
bserver(s) = Schrieberg. CE2+still photos taken. No further details.        8/21/1968 #24361  
Astronomsko-Astronautiki Klub take photos of the object and, six months lat 10/18/1968 #24571  
                         Minot, ND Photos by missile crew, radar (NICAP: 03 10/28/1968 #24595  
rking at the time. They sent their photos to Dr. G. Allen.                  11/30/1968 #24737  
i Lake, Argentina. Tarda is taking photos of the lake shore near Puerto Ble Late 12/1968 #24790  
es from its density profile in the photos that it is a solid object.        8/29/1969 #25337  
ll night lights drop / large ones. Photos.                                  11/26/1969 #25473  
ne observer (Norman Foxwell) takes photos that appear in the July/August 19 3/28/1970 #25613  
 to August 3, 1965, Santa Ana, CA, photos (UFOE II, Section VII). (NICAP: 0 4/15/1970 #25631  
 to August 3, 1965, Santa Ana, CA, photos                                   4/15/1970 #25632  
:30 a.m. Gunar Gruenzner is taking photos of the scenery near Praia da Arma 1/25/1971 #26002  
the island of Corsica, France. The photos were taken along the cloudy shore 2/12/1971 #26019  
de Cote, Costa Rica, taking aerial photos as part of a preliminary study fo 9/4/1971 #26317  
 the aircraft and taking automatic photos with an intervalometer. No one se 9/4/1971 #26317  
y has a Leica camera and takes two photos without having time to adjust the 10/2/1971 #26400  
s behind a nearby tower. Chbosky’s photos are blurry.                       10/2/1971 #26400  
side to get a camera and takes two photos before the object disappears. Bal 7/19/1972 #26813  
 and van Utrecht conclude that the photos show the Moon setting in the sout 7/19/1972 #26813  
cts’ slow speed allows her to take photos. At one point she looks through h 3/20/1973 #27352  
ht up. The witness reportedly took photos of some of the lights. "It was im 3/20/1973 #27353  
ure, all the while taking Polaroid photos of it. It steps towards him and G 10/17/1973 #28133  
 it in his car, it eludes him. The photos quickly become a national news st 10/17/1973 #28133  
raft to the water. Witness takes 2 photos with his flash, the tube retracts 12/13/1973 #28560  
Spain A photojournalist takes four photos of a round object over A Coruña,  4/15/1974 #29030  
              Lincolnshire, IL Six photos taken. Boys sight UFO, Hynek call 5/5/1974 #29084  
 has a new camera and he snaps six photos with his Kodak X-15 camera. The c 5/5/1974 #29085  
 A reporter in Funchal takes a few photos. The lights are probably Poseidon 11/22/1974 #29603  
the next 3–4 minutes he takes 7–10 photos. The light persists for 12 minute 12/11/1974 #29637  
 continue, and Meier produces more photos so that he becomes a regional occ 1/28/1975 #29772  
Waterdown, Ontario, trying to take photos of hawks. He is about to leave wh 3/18/1975 #29910  
 moving swiftly, and he takes four photos of it, capturing the object 3 tim 3/18/1975 #29910  
 Photograph no good/useless/broken/photos show nothing.                     5/7/1975 #30046  
on the outside edge. The RCMP take photos and samples.                      5/12/1975 #30052  
photographs no good/useless/broken/photos show nothing. / r251p065.         6/5/1975 #30081  
                  Unknown City, HI Photos of Saturn-shaped object, very sim 7/2/1975 #30146  
                            Hawaii Photos of Saturn-shaped object, very sim 7/2/1975 #30147  
  HYAKURI-KICHI, JAPAN O. Tsugaane photos glowing inverted bowl. Original r 10/10/1975 #30426  
ra and takes three black-and-white photos. Two of the photos show two irreg Late 10/1975 #30470  
black-and-white photos. Two of the photos show two irregular light blobs, w Late 10/1975 #30470  
m. In 1980, he sends a copy of the photos to the Center for UFO Studies bec Late 10/1975 #30470  
resemble the lights in two undated photos taken from an airplane by J. Alle Late 10/1975 #30470  
ft. The officers show him close-up photos of UFOs and say that their govern 12/12/1975 #30708  
us optical anomalies in the Apollo photos show that the moon landings are f 1976 #30743  
d right. Observer(s) takes several photos = point / light only.             1/9/1976 #30776  
 southwest of Valparaiso, Florida. Photos are taken.                        1/31/1976 #30836  
Location unknown, MT 8:30 p.m. UFO photos, daylight sighting. (UFO 66 NIDS) 2/25/1976 #30904  
s observations, drawings, and NASA photos of lunar pipes, conduits, gears,  8/1976 #31214  
take both motion picture and still photos, showing one bell-shaped object a 10/23/1976 #31488  
drid, Spain. The documents include photos and clips of gun-camera film take 10/30/1976 #31509  
Blue Book.” He claims to have seen photos of a flying saucer embedded in sn 1977 #31650  
 Blue Book.” Sheehan claims to see photos of a flying disc embedded in snow 1977 #31659  
procession of objects. Their clear photos were analyzed and pronounced as g 1/5/1977 #31702  
hts. He retrieves a camera to take photos and notices an elliptical dark ob 2/1977 #31771  
s on only one of his time-exposure photos. Possible altocumulus cloud.      2/1977 #31771  
                NAMUR, BELGIUM Man photos UFO from his car. Studies indicat 6/5/1977 #32146  
llanda Lima. In late 1977, several photos of the lights are recorded, but t 7/1977 #32220  
Edmonton, Alberta. They are taking photos when they see a large, dark, bloc Mid 8/1977 #32401  
hrough the sky. Canute snaps three photos before the object disappears upwa Mid 8/1977 #32401  
 / low altitude. Quickly going up. Photos.                                  11/12/1977 #32665  
uary 22, 1978, when he snaps eight photos.                                  11/27/1977 #32700  
stigations, an analysis of two UFO photos, and five statistical analyses of 12/1977 #32719  
llowdale, Ontario, a compendium of photos of many ufologists active in the  1978 #32825  
ed access and never cleared to see photos. He claims he heard that the bein 1/18/1978 #32895  
 lake. One of them starts snapping photos, but after 5 seconds the object r 3/11/1978 #33032  
ing sound. He manages to snap tree photos. The noise stops and the object s 3/18/1978 #33054  
ographer Linda Arosemena is taking photos of President Jimmy Carter’s helic 6/17/1978 #33286  
any Day. Eligio Macchini is taking photos from the rail of a river excursio Summer 1978 #33295  
in Sandwich, Massachusetts, taking photos of a ship in the Cape Cod Canal w 7/6/1978 #33345  
ops abruptly, and Randall snaps 10 photos. The object then “slingshots” to  7/28/1978 #33436  
 Victoria, inadvertently takes two photos of peculiar black objects just 20 10/21/1978 #33856  
. An employee of the company takes photos of it as it passes a water tower  11/21/1978 #33974  
Zealand, NZ G,V, R/V by a/l crews, photos (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 12/21/1978 #34190  
ht dome. Independent sets of clear photos are obtained from distant points  3/5/1979 #34465  
d disappears. The men take a dozen photos, but they only show black sky whe 5/19/1979 #34568  
 mile of the witnesses, who take 9 photos, estimate its size as 165–330 fee 8/12/1979 #34739  
                 SYDNEY, NS, CND 7 photos / dot-night lights. 4 came out OK 12/3/1979 #35041  
Police officer John Pushie takes 7 photos (four of which turn out) of a bri 12/3/1979 #35045  
, Pennsylvania, who show him three photos allegedly showing an alien cadave 3/22/1980 #35229  
r Pecos, New Mexico. Weitzel takes photos and is debriefed at Kirtland AFB  7/1980 #35397  
                    Another set of photos allegedly showing part of an alie 8/1980 #35436  
y Bay, California. She takes three photos of the scenery below, but when sh 11/6/1980 #35622  
in New Mexico to present his film, photos, and electromagnetic findings.    11/10/1980 #35625  
ith Geiger counters, someone takes photos, and another operates a movie cam 12/28/1980 #35750  
y Tilman again takes time-exposure photos of orange balls of light east of  3/21/1981 #35870  
-11 reconnaissance satellites take photos of the object. The object moves f Early 5/1981 #35924  
at the NSA had altered Bennewitz’s photos and incidentally found them to be Summer 1981 #35977  
or 45 minutes. Witnesses take many photos of a bright white triangle more t 8/16/1981 #36078  
r 6 hours, then leave with all the photos and other evidence. Shortly after 8/16/1981 #36078  
outh UFO Research Group, who takes photos of her hand, which has a patch of 9/10/1981 #36108  
00 a.m. Hannah McRoberts is taking photos with her family at a rest area so 10/8/1981 #36167  
ect moving from the northeast. The photos show a double tube with varying c 1/9/1982 #36298  
essdalen team manages to take four photos of oblong lights passing in front 3/17/1982 #36396  
t Venus serve as references in the photos to show their relative motion.    7/19/1983 #36914  
ski grabs a camera and takes three photos that shows the large object looki 9/3/1983 #36969  
tigators see numerous lights, take photos of many of them, and track them i 1/21/1984 #37136  
passing aircraft. Only four of the photos taken through the special lens gr 1/21/1984 #37136  
 bottom. One of the officers takes photos, but they do not come out well. S 4/26/1984 #37302  
 straight up and out of sight. The photos only show a blur of distant light 3/7/1985 #37566  
f the plane, so Hastings takes two photos in that direction. When the film  9/9/1985 #37656  
l of the landing ground is normal. Photos of the site using two different c 1/29/1986 #37775  
sk Naval Intelligence to study UAP photos from Costa Rico.  https://ufos-sc 11/10/1986 #38061  
ring only one meter over the roof. Photos were taken but the images came ou 8/24/1987 #38255  
        Gulf Breeze, FL First five photos reported taken by builder Ed Walt 11/11/1987 #38320  
        Gulf Breeze, FL First five photos reported taken by builder Ed Walt 11/11/1987 #38321  
behind a tree. He takes three more photos as the object, 150 feet away, dri 11/11/1987 #38322  
ly direction. As he is taking more photos, the object moves above him, and  11/11/1987 #38322  
 Walters continues to produce more photos of the UFOs plaguing him. The ver 11/11/1987 #38322  
 Walters knew how to double-expose photos well before his UFO pictures. In  11/11/1987 #38322  
 a prototype for a fake UFO in his photos, is found in the wall of the hous 11/11/1987 #38322  
 has seen Walters fake some of the photos. Photoanalyst Bruce Maccabee cont 11/11/1987 #38322  
   GULF BREEZE, FL Mr. Ed. Several photos / saucer. Possible abduction / Ed 12/17/1987 #38365  
ALEKSANDROVA / BOLSHAYA ZLATOGORKA Photos / fireball analyzed = solid.      3/18/1988 #38510  
 Forms (ALFs) and that he has seen photos of aliens that supposedly landed  12/18/1988 #38755  
, and alien technology, as well as photos of gray alien bodies. The aliens  3/1989 #38855  
        MARS Soviet Phobos-2 probe photos 25km-long UFO near Phobos. Shadow 3/25/1989 #38879  
r Force Intelligence officer leaks photos of the EBE’s.                     5/17/1989 #38954  
 named Ivanitsky hastily takes two photos. The film is developed in the off 6/24/1989 #38994  
y got away. The eyewitness took 48 photos of the event. This even occurred  9/28/1989 #39127  
lsing, ellipsoid objects. He takes photos, one of which clearly captures an 2/28/1990 #39432  
rryn, and José Fernandez take four photos, using high-sensitivity film, of  3/31/1990 #39503  
ers, are barely discernible on the photos. The triangular shape, clearly vi 3/31/1990 #39503  
aréchal shows reporters many trial photos they had taken trying to get the  4/4/1990 #39509  
eement is made to share videos and photos of new sightings.                 5/21/1990 #39582  
ing how Walters likely hoaxes some photos using a double-exposure technique 6/10/1990 #39612  
 has seen Walters fake some of the photos, the entire Walters family is in  6/10/1990 #39612  
 Aleksandr Polorotov begins taking photos of them until his camera malfunct Summer 1990 #39620  
 object can be seen on some of the photos, but the open circle of sky is no Summer 1990 #39620  
y of Defence blocks release of the photos from their scheduled declassifica 8/4/1990 #39679  
, one of the few people to see the photos and the analysis, says the photos 8/4/1990 #39679  
 photos and the analysis, says the photos are authentic and show a material 8/4/1990 #39679  
., reveals that one of the Calvine photos was brought to the US by British  8/4/1990 #39679  
an Section obtains 6 videos and 11 photos from different observers and inte 8/24/1990 #39701  
rnalist from La Presse, takes some photos. The object disappears around 10: 11/7/1990 #39881  
gedly the Vatican has UAP sighting photos going back to 1915 of all shapes  7/1991 #40108  
s medium. They show the journalist photos of individuals killed during psyc 11/25/1991 #40241  
ceno, Italy. He takes six Polaroid photos of the creature in seemingly pain 5/9/1993 #40971  
             Ed Walters took three photos of a silver tank or disc-shaped o 8/6/1993 #41110  
top to bottom. Jill began snapping photos through the sliding glass door. A 8/18/1993 #41146  
Photographs no good/useless/broken/photos show nothing.                     1/10/1994 #41366  
. One witness takes at least three photos of it. At one point it ascends to 6/1994 #41545  
Photographs no good/useless/broken/photos show nothing.                     7/17/1994 #41629  
Photographs no good/useless/broken/photos show nothing.                     7/25/1994 #41639  
                   Mongo, IN Mongo Photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)  8/31/1994 #41706  
rly July 1947, and ordered to take photos of the crash and bodies. Most of  9/1/1994 #41712  
me was spent in a dark tent taking photos of the bodies, with dark complexi 9/1/1994 #41712  
pendices. A photo section includes photos of various Air Force personnel an 7/1995 #42286  
nning at 8:30 p.m. for 28 minutes. Photos and video documented the event.   11/28/1995 #42627  
Photographs no good/useless/broken/photos show nothing.                     11/30/1995 #42632  
 of his cow pastures. He takes six photos of the object. Black to dark gree 9/16/1996 #43023  
object. Black to dark green in the photos, the cone-shaped object, when enl 9/16/1996 #43023  
erland tells interviewers that his photos are of spaceship models he has cr 1997 #43155  
rly fictitious. She also says that photos of purported extraterrestrial wom 1997 #43155  
omen “Asket” and “Nera” are really photos of Michelle DellaFave and Susan L 1997 #43155  
ew of Space Shuttle Endeavor takes photos of an unusual dark object in low  12/11/1998 #43698  
serted that it was illegal to take photos of the power lines. I.P. & L. was 2/15/1999 #43729  
 create a worldwide catalog of UFO photos. He eventually accumulates close  2000 #43908  
iameter. She snaps two motion-blur photos with her Minolta that shows an ob 12/24/2000 #44109  
The local TV stations had close up photos. At 7:30 a.m. a huge, brilliant m 3/26/2001 #44151  
ough the clear sky. They take some photos.                                  8/25/2001 #44244  
er Saint-Laurent, Chambly, Quebec. Photos were taken.                       8/25/2001 #44245  
lines than dots. Burke takes a few photos. They remain stationary all night 1/22/2004 #44654  
 the UFOs, and the Trindade Island photos.                                  4/15/2004 #44687  
Dhar grab cameras and take several photos. It has a cylindrical head with 2 9/27/2004 #44762  
 to reach this crash site. He took photos, drove back to Datil, and notifie 11/1/2005 #44898  
the F-117 fleet remains intact and photos show the aircraft carefully mothb 4/22/2008 #45130  
sses attempted to approach to take photos but several “men” in white suits  8/3/2008 #45154  
rprised and frightened to take any photos on their cellphones. The humanoid 9/4/2008 #45165  
 hour later. Nearby residents take photos of the UFO. One daylight photo ta 7/7/2010 #45286  
t 2:28 p.m., Mustaţa takes several photos of the object before it disappear 4/13/2012 #45341  
e document even includes three UFO photos as illustrations of these techniq 2/24/2014 #45402  
-scientists/     Note: He provides photos, a service medal certificate and  1/30/2015 #45429  
man grabs his wife’s phone to take photos and a video. He shoots 6–8 minute 12/10/2016 #45461  
 an adequate investigation. Leaked photos and videos said to pertain to thi 7/15/2019 #45593  
s 45 minutes and she takes several photos.                                  12/3/2021 #45727  
tates: “The remaining ASTRA/AURORA photos and 35mm slides are also on this  8/12/2022 #45762  
n UAP expert, “Tyler D.,” sent him photos of a painting inside the old Hugh 10/20/2022 #45783  
## Word: "phototheodolite" (Back to Top)
pecified by the Air Force, and the phototheodolite operators at White Sands 3/16/1950 #4655  
## Word: "phototheodolites" (Back to Top)
 Land-Air, Inc. which operates the phototheodolites at White Sands, New Mex 3/16/1950 #4655  
## Word: "photovoltaic" (Back to Top)
perties, and cadmium telluride has photovoltaic properties. Pure germanium  8/2014 #45413  
 used to create a thermoelectrical/photovoltaic generator with a semiconduc 8/2014 #45413  
## Word: "php" (Back to Top)
 https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-observed-by-us-air-for 1960 #16145  
 https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-are-stalking-and-inter 9/1964 #18525  
 https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/three-former-u-s-air-force- Late 1964 #18584  
 https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/three-former-u-s-air-force- 7/31/1965 #19225  
801301.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/8/items/bluebook/1950s.zip& 7/21/1966 #20664  
95840/http://www.waterufo.net/item.php?id=197     Note: Publisher of this a 10/24/1969 #25424  
 https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufo-fired-upon-as-it-hovere 10/1973 #27903  
 https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufo-activated-one-of-his-ic 3/1974 #28831  
 https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-are-stalking-and-inter 7/17/1974 #29267  
 https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/former-usaf-missile-securit 11/1977 #32648  
 https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ex-cia-official-says-storie 5/1979 #34533  
rojectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?110821-The-Remote-Viewing-Data-Dump  7/1982 #36525  
 https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-are-stalking-and-inter 1984 #37098  
 https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/JohnE.Brandenburg                    1994 #41351  
 https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/triangular-shaped-ufo-sight 10/1998 #43656  
chnologies-to-show-off-power-cubed.php   https://al.ltddir.com/companies/tr 3/2004 #44671  
 https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/the-ufos-nukes-connection-p 9/27/2010 #45299  
 https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/huge-ufo-sighted-near-nucle 10/23/2010 #45304  
 https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-reported-near-malmstro 9/19/2012 #45353  
 https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-reported-near-malmstro 9/19/2012 #45353  
s.html   http://www.xvis.org/index.php/Main_Page   https://www.sandia.gov/c 5/2/2018 #45525  
November/1101-triad-takes-the-helm.php (rg - dead URL) *   https://web.arch 6/25/2021 #45695  
November/1101-triad-takes-the-helm.php (rg - archive.org version)           6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "phrase" (Back to Top)
e version of this document has the phrase “it is the considered opinion of  10/28/1947 #3469  
Saucer, the first book to use that phrase in its title. The story revolves  1948 #3523  
 existence of UFOs. Tauss used the phrase "interplanetary aspects and alien 8/1/1952 #7387  
witness could not quite recall the phrase but it was like going to a veteri 9/3/2003 #44592  
## Word: "phto" (Back to Top)
M B-57 radios white object landed, phto recon (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 4/30/1964 #18227  
## Word: "phylis" (Back to Top)
           Rome, Georgia 5:10 a.m. Phylis Barlow watches a triangular UFO c 5/10/1977 #32082  
## Word: "phyllis" (Back to Top)
                   central Germany Phyllis Marie Day. While on a bombing mi Winter 1943 #1555  
. Louis Kiss, a tail gunner on the Phyllis Marie, a B-17 of the 390th Bomba Winter 1943 #1555  
.m. Ground Observer Corps observer Phyllis Killian spots a UFO in Black Haw 8/5/1953 #9049  
cer William Neff, flight attendant Phyllis Reynolds, and many passengers ta 4/8/1956 #12803  
ay 15 11:30 p.m. Ronnie Austin and Phyllis Bruce are driving east on State  8/4/1963 #17863  
and to the left. When Austin drops Phyllis off at home in Wayne City, it is 8/4/1963 #17863  
                 Ronnie Austin and Phyllis Bruce, age 18, were driving to P 8/4/1963 #17864  
lis Bruce, age 18, were driving to Phyllis Bruce's home in Wayne City, Illi 8/4/1963 #17864  
s it is sent to analytical chemist Phyllis Budinger for tests and analysis. 11/27/1998 #43686  
ia, and sent to analytical chemist Phyllis Budinger for Fourier Transform i 11/11/1999 #43878  
   Stan Romanek Industrial chemist Phyllis Budinger reports on her laborato 7/22/2005 #44856  
tary for Intelligence and Analysis Phyllis Green, and others decided not to 6/2011 #45327  
## Word: "phylos" (Back to Top)
tations by a spirit calling itself Phylos the Tibetan, an Atlantean who rev 1905 #673  
ma and reincarnation and describes Phylos’s final incarnation in 19th centu 1905 #673  
## Word: "phys" (Back to Top)
 well be false claims. *   https://phys.org/news/2013-06-quantum-teleportat 1981 #35765  
## Word: "physical" (Back to Top)
 Venus in an astral body while his physical form remains at a temple inside 1905 #673  
n [to] ladder / 30m. Photographs / physical traces. / IFS#35 / r210v25#9.   8/1933 (approximate) #1171  
y) outside holds tree-branch. Burn physical trace(s).                       8/1946 #2090  
om him. He experienced a number of physical complaints as the result of his 6/28/1947 #2449  
pon mankind, but my advice is that physical man set up no belligerence, for 7/3/1947 #2551  
alking to reporters. He is given a physical by doctors at the base hospital 7/10/1947 #3111  
black domestic project; to pick up physical evidence; and to find out if th 9/23/1947 #3417  
ing Gen. George Schulgen states no physical UAP evidence from “crash recove 9/23/1947 #3419  
e Joint Chiefs. His mental health, physical condition, and authority are de 11/3/1948 #3866  
 identifiable and that no concrete physical proof exists to identify it. At 11/8/1948 #3871  
om one place to another, while his physical is in one place and he is in an 8/1949 #4300  
e undertaken. The organization and physical location of units of this Distr 5/25/1950 #4966  
 ISLANDS, CA Military Lt. Definite physical silver saucers. 3 jets scout /  8/4/1952 #7443  
orroborate his story and there are physical traces. Grass samples from the  8/19/1952 #7651  
e space people have informed him a physical encounter will take place on No 11/18/1952 #8297  
 One of its missions is to collect physical UFO evidence.                   1/3/1953 #8499  
t” be undertaken by USAF to obtain physical data. This would consist of “ob 1/9/1953 #8521  
d that UFOs constituted no "direct physical threat to national security," t 1/17/1953 #8544  
ack-garbed aliens. She undergoes a physical examination and the aliens show 3/22/1953 #8775  
ken aboard a domed disc, and given physical exams. The UFOnauts communicate 3/22/1953 #8776  
and recall complex arrangements of physical objects,” and studying "relatio 5/11/1953 #8875  
ident of Jupiter. Lee insists on a physical visit. Not long afterward, as s 9/1953 #9131  
vertiser Service, McGraw Hill. The physical letter was scanned by AFU staff 8/1/1954 #10086  
whole story, including making some physical trace marks.                    9/27/1954 #10473  
by 10M sphere. Jet takeoff! Ground physical traces.                         10/6/1954 #10747  
eports, it has found “no authentic physical evidence” that UFOs are spacesh 10/9/1954 #10852  
Force relied on statements that no physical evidence had ever been recovere 10/14/1954 #11075  
le, France at 6:15 a.m. It left no physical traces, but there were independ 11/2/1954 #11538  
y going up [to] extremely fast. No physical trace(s). / LDLN#325.           11/3/1954 (approximate) #11541  
ld objects that look like weapons. Physical traces are found at the landing 11/5/1954 #11579  
fins. 12cm footprints and metallic physical traces.                         12/7/1954 #11766  
n scientific knowledge because no “physical matter” had ever been recovered 5/5/1955 #12123  
ed their conclusion that a lack of physical evidence meant UAP were not adv 1/24/1956 #12681  
 date and continued to not include physical debris.  https://archive.org/de 1/24/1956 #12681  
s his belief that UFOs are a real, physical phenomenon of unknown origin.   5/3/1956 #12828  
t also withheld key information on physical evidence; metallurgical studies 7/5/1956 #12953  
r Force stance at the time that no physical evidence of UAP existed or was  7/5/1956 #12954  
n. 3 jets chase. Only 1 gets RADAR physical trace(s). / MJ#283+/ r140.      11/25/1956 #13348  
ng and radiation/radioactivity and physical traces. / r198p104+/ r242p166+/ 11/6/1957 #14391  
50' saucer lands / roadside. Grass physical trace(s).                       11/16/1958 #15444  
However, he remains puzzled by the physical evidence.                       1959 #15511  
 to be the leader. Both were given physical exams and several experiments w 3/19/1959 #15654  
ana. At 9:00 p.m. Monroe Arnold, a physical scientist, saw a fiery-red disc 4/12/1960 #16225  
tallic ovoid maneuvers low. Lands. Physical traces. / r111p185.             5/22/1960 #16296  
nk UAP, which stated no compelling physical evidence had ever been recovere 11/13/1961 #16963  
id. Doors slam. Going quickly SSW. Physical traces. / r55p224+/ APRO 5'64+/ 4/24/1964 #18188  
intelligent control and another to physical evidence or interactions, such  5/1964 #18237  
mstock, MN Object landed in field, physical traces (UFOE Section VII). (NIC 5/5/1964 #18241  
mstock, MN Object landed in field, physical traces                          5/5/1964 #18243  
beam, landed craft, humming noise, physical traces. (E,L) See Section VI. V 5/10/1964 #18258  
d helmet, climbed on top of craft. Physical traces found at site (UFOE Sect 7/16/1964 #18415  
d helmet, climbed on top of craft. Physical traces found at site            7/16/1964 #18418  
agnetic effects). Going northeast. Physical traces / radiation/radioactivit 12/21/1964 #18664  
ye required medical attention, and physical traces in the form of a circle  3/14/1965 #18854  
at witness, paralyzing him. Strong physical trace evidence at site          7/1/1965 #19046  
 (or Greys) gather grass and dirt. Physical exam. Complex conversion.       8/16/1965 #19405  
ject shot straight up into clouds. Physical traces at site                  8/19/1965 #19425  
f Sciences to establish a panel of physical and social scientists to study  8/30/1965 #19478  
om two tubes on the underside. The physical traces included a burned five f 9/16/1965 #19575  
ico Witnesses:  Dr. George Walton, physical chemist, and wife.  Two round w 9/25/1965 #19603  
n the evening Dr. George Walton, a physical chemist with a Ph.D., and his w 9/25/1965 #19606  
 scientific panel composed of both physical and social scientists be organi 9/28/1965 #19619  
(s) / 3 portholes. Retracts beams. Physical trace(s).                       10/1965 #19628  
g, including the landing marks and physical traces, in order to prove his t 2/6/1966 #19888  
parent landing gear or skid marks (physical traces) were found in the snow  3/24/1966 #20066  
commends that a “civilian panel of physical and social scientists … examine 4/5/1966 #20249  
 E-M effects, noise (unspecified), physical and psychological effects. Inde 4/7/1966 #20264  
d forming an equilateral triangle (physical traces). (Report to Center for  6/19/1966 #20586  
ology of the witnesses rather than physical evidence. The memo stays under  8/9/1966 #20734  
et away, emitting a humming sound. Physical traces included some burn damag 11/22/1966 #21143  
through several rooms, was given a physical exam, and had a needle inserted 1/25/1967 #21389  
eld. Marks were found in the snow (physical traces) at the landing spot nex 2/14/1967 #21543  
olving electromagnetic effects and physical traces occurred in Sheboygan, W 2/21/1967 #21616  
, which began to rock violently * (physical effect). As the object neared t 3/1967 #21689  
voice requesting that he undergo a physical examination. When the witness r 3/31/1967 #22020  
bject requesting that he undergo a physical examination so that he can go o 3/31/1967 #22023  
d he agreed to go. They gave him a physical exam and took him on a flight i 3/31/1967 #22025  
orkers confirm he is in a state of physical or psychological shock for many 4/5/1967 #22066  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Physical traces / pavement. / r0p138+/ r 4/22/1967 #22202  
t was at rest. Ground impressions (physical traces) were found at the landi 4/26/1967 #22220  
t was at rest. Ground impressions (physical traces) were found at the landi 4/26/1967 #22224  
lands / end. 2.75h / missing time. Physical traces. / Flying Saucer Review  5/1967 #22250  
found on the charred road surface (physical traces). (Edmonton Journal, 5/8 5/7/1967 #22292  
 off. Charring of stones and other physical traces were found at the site.  5/7/1967 #22297  
nesses left to get the sheriff. No physical traces found. (Ridge, 1994, -?  5/10/1967 #22308  
inside. Observer(s) burnt / chest. Physical traces. / FSRv27#1+/ APRO 5'67. 5/20/1967 #22376  
s away. The object landed and left physical traces, including a burned area 5/31/1967 #22429  
ving three holes and burned grass (physical traces) at the landing site. (B 6/1/1967 #22442  
h cigar-shaped craft with windows. Physical traces found at site. (Hall, 19 6/13/1967 #22501  
currying around outside the cigar. Physical traces found at the site includ 6/15/1967 #22509  
ed leaves on top were later noted (physical effects). (Bondarchuk, 1979, p. 6/18/1967 #22517  
ed leaves on top were later noted (physical effects). (Bondarchuk, 1979, p. 6/18/1967 #22518  
s reportedly were bent and broken (physical traces), all at the same height 6/21/1967 #22526  
n field where the object was seen (physical traces), and a sample was sent  8/4/1967 #22799  
found scrape marks and footprints (physical traces) at the site. (El Univer 8/6/1967 #22825  
he doctor and told him he wanted a physical exam. The being had no ear orif 8/7/1967 #22841  
 legs. Burn marks and impressions (physical traces) were found at the site. 8/23/1967 #22896  
ed, apparently gathered specimens. Physical traces                          8/23/1967 #22903  
d on a golf course. A burned ring (physical traces) was found on the golf c 9/5/1967 #23003  
ortholes landed on a soccer field. Physical traces were left by the object. 9/17/1967 #23074  
Going up / deep humming. No flame. Physical traces. / r8+/ r113p15.         10/9/1967 #23198  
o Frequency Interference (RFI). No physical traces. / MJ#235+/ r8+/ r41.    11/16/1967 #23467  
at had a dome and red body lights. Physical traces were found at the site.  11/24/1967 #23505  
eported visits by small beings and physical marks left on her body (suggest 12/8/1967 #23560  
nvestigate UFO incidents involving physical evidence. The effort lasts unti 1968 #23629  
ect / border post. Clear hexagonal physical traces / snow. / r180p55.       3/22/1968 #23857  
 air, then flew off at high speed. Physical traces included the ground mark 7/1/1968 #24120  
boy ride / saucer. Refuses. Tripod physical traces / ground. Saucer / separ 7/4/1968 #24142  
essed him and conducted a detailed physical examination. They put a luminou 7/17/1968 #24186  
d in civil or criminal courts, the physical reality of UFOs has been proved 7/29/1968 #24254  
estigate UFO sightings, especially physical trace cases. The operation last 10/1968 #24535  
phic evidence, direct and indirect physical evidence, optical and radar cas 10/31/1968 #24608  
uickly east over airport. No RADAR physical trace(s).                       2/25/1969 #24943  
 abducted. He supposedly bears the physical marks of his ordeal— wounds on  5/4/1969 #25114  
his abduction. He suffered various physical ailments later. Jose Antonio ha 5/4/1969 #25115  
pparently injured…you will feel no physical pain…I am going to “regenerate” 8/11/1969 #25317  
m” for the RAAF to investigate UFO physical evidence. In a memo to the dire 11/8/1969 #25453  
 Object beams intense white light. Physical traces. "Doubtful Case".        7/20/1970 #25740  
l evenings. There was no verbal or physical contact with the strangers.     9/25/1970 #25852  
 lake. Going down / snow. Metallic physical traces. Going southwest. / LDLN 1/3/1971 #25970  
off. Lights ground. Circular and H physical trace(s) / ground. / r30p360.   6/25/1971 #26192  
famous UFO close encounter leaving physical evidence occurred on this day a 11/2/1971 #26450  
, square silver boots. A number of physical effects occurred simultaneous w 9/28/1972 #27038  
 minutes, scared animals, and left physical traces.                         11/13/1972 #27123  
a humanoid encounter, landing with physical traces (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases 3/13/1973 #27342  
rvers with college training in the physical sciences, including a large arr 4/1973 #27397  
 legs hovered in a grove of trees, physical traces found                    4/6/1973 #27408  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Physical traces. / r50p40.               4/22/1973 #27438  
 the next several days he suffered physical ailments of an unknown cause. E 5/22/1973 #27519  
 light beams, bright illumination, physical traces                          6/28/1973 #27595  
d been done on a thin, strand-like physical substance recovered outside on  10/1973 #27903  
people at the time were aware that physical evidence was being recovered af 10/1973 #27903  
nd rectangular box exit and crawl. Physical traces. Observer(s) ill. / LDLN 10/6/1973 #27955  
oids (or Greys) near UFO / ground. Physical traces. Top Secret. / Flying Sa 10/7/1973 #27962  
ogy, and human participants in the physical examination. However, Randle no 10/16/1973 #28088  
r arms, and recalled going through physical examinations. Debbie was ill at 10/17/1973 #28135  
white light beam was also seen. No physical traces were found at any of the 10/19/1973 #28197  
ed to remove her clothing. After a physical examination she is led outside  10/19/1973 #28199  
eys) enter bright washtub and fly. Physical traces / ground and grass. / r1 10/23/1973 #28245  
eld he saw a dark circular object. Physical traces were found at the landin 2/28/1974 #28820  
 and squat figure on ground. Burnt physical traces. Investigation/investiga 3/1/1974 #28838  
 suffered from headaches and other physical symptoms. She had two more expe 3/20/1974 #28916  
r / pasture. Soft buzz. Going SSW. Physical trace(s) = 3 rectangular holes. 3/30/1974 #28970  
aken aboard a UFO and been given a physical exam, but he resisted giving an 4/26/1974 #29064  
three levels, and interacting with physical beings that he believed could t 5/31/1974 #29150  
ve. Dome blinks. Many observer(s). Physical traces. / r39p74.               7/10/1974 #29256  
                           Another physical traces case occurred on this ni 8/28/1974 #29399  
SSK 30 day rash / crop circles and physical traces. / RCMP and B. Cameron.  9/1974 (approximate) #29410  
ived, grandiose, and dismissive of physical evidence.                       1975 #29671  
 in face, nose bleed and vomiting. Physical traces at site (NICAP UFO Evide 7/31/1975 #30216  
 in face, nose bleed and vomiting. Physical traces at site                  7/31/1975 #30217  
 with 5 12' legs over power lines. Physical traces and odor. / MJ#205.      12/14/1975 #30713  
. All three of them experience odd physical and psychological symptoms. The 1/6/1976 #30770  
oy using telepathy, and gave him a physical exam on an exam table. He had s 3/3/1976 #30922  
, Ceará, Brazil, during an outdoor physical education session, see a large  4/3/1976 #30983  
 hovers / PR16. Blinding flash. No physical traces. / r120p194+FSRv22#3.    4/21/1976 #31001  
bduction experience his mental and physical health quickly deteriorated, an 4/23/1976 #31018  
, wearing helmets. They were given physical exams and communicated with via 6/20/1976 #31117  
ejoins. Possible landing field. No physical trace(s).                       12/28/1976 #31635  
red soldiers signaled, mostly in a physical way. The UFO’s responded by “co 1977 #31648  
 American people stating a lack of physical evidence was a key reason why U 1977 #31659  
/ plowed field. Humming wavers. No physical trace(s).                       1/21/1977 #31734  
heat, paralysis. Physiological and physical effects.                        2/18/1977 #31827  
ng coveralls. She was also given a physical exam. She has a small circular  6/20/1977 #32177  
An abduction by aliens including a physical exam occurred around midnight o 7/19/1977 #32294  
ht beam and conducted some type of physical exam after making her lie on a  7/19/1977 #32294  
ial, and gives Sandoval a complete physical examination. The dwarf steps aw 9/4/1977 #32460  
servations, radiolocation reports, physical measurements, and accompanying  9/20/1977 #32499  
henomena. The second group studies physical effects related to UFOs and tri 10/1977 #32539  
s recalled was an abduction with a physical exam by several humanoids. The  12/10/1977 #32758  
ries and examine any bona fide new physical evidence that comes in, but dec 12/21/1977 #32802  
Frosch, offering to make available physical evidence “such as films, materi 12/30/1977 #32820  
atures of the abduction included a physical exam on a table inside the UFO, 3/18/1978 #33056  
2 meters in diameter. Next morning physical traces including a deep imprint 6/4/1978 #33255  
a, light beams humanoid encounter, physical traces. See Section XII (E,L) c 9/17/1978 #33699  
cted eight months earlier to study physical evidence retrieved from UAP on  9/19/1978 #33710  
ated NASA would receive “bona fide physical [UAP] evidence.” One year later 9/19/1978 #33710  
rs from a colleague writes the UAP physical evidence program is ongoing, kn 9/19/1978 #33710  
2 weak sky-blue beams hovers. Burn physical traces.                         3/23/1979 #34486  
ide. Quickly going up [to] silent. Physical traces. / r177p135.             7/25/1979 #34675  
vents, but did recall undergoing a physical exam while lying on her back. A 7/25/1979 #34680  
ctro-magnetic effect (EME). Tripod physical traces. / FSRv28#1.             6/14/1980 #35362  
ne. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Physical trace(s). / r174p175.           9/30/1980 #35542  
fortable sound, livestock reacted. Physical traces                          9/30/1980 #35545  
d 4:55 a.m. experiences one of the physical effects Godfrey describes—an od 11/29/1980 #35682  
landed craft in Rendlesham Forest, physical evidence (section II). (NICAP:  12/27/1980 #35743  
landed craft in Rendlesham Forest, physical evidence                        12/27/1980 #35745  
Trans-en-Provence, France Landing, physical trace case investigated by offi 1/8/1981 #35778  
:00 p.m. A well-documented case of physical effects from a UFO takes place  1/8/1981 #35779  
fic team of UFO investigators. The physical traces include evidence of vege 1/8/1981 #35779  
st thoroughly investigated case of physical effects from a UFO occurred on  1/8/1981 #35780  
fic team of UFO investigators. The physical traces included evidence of veg 1/8/1981 #35780  
and going south. Seems to land. No physical traces.                         7/22/1981 #36022  
our-digits. She was submitted to a physical exam, and allegedly had somethi 1/22/1982 #36306  
FO abduction encounter including a physical exam.                           2/3/1983 #36761  
O by Grey aliens, which included a physical exam in a chair with a scan by  3/24/1983 #36803  
O by Grey aliens, which included a physical exam in a chair with a scan by  3/24/1983 #36810  
 accelerated rapidly out of sight, physical traces                          4/10/1983 #36835  
repairs. Seems to land / woods. No physical trace(s).                       7/22/1983 #36917  
efied both common sense and common physical sense.”                         5/29/1984 #37341  
lyzed. Red sphere/orb/globe lands. Physical traces. / MJ#204.               10/9/1984 #37482  
him using telepathy and gave him a physical exam. He was also taken on an o 2/8/1985 #37554  
 glass dome. Extends legs. Landing physical traces.                         8/8/1985 #37639  
s had two-hour memory loss, strong physical traces at site. Memory later re 8/15/1986 #37990  
s had two-hour memory loss, strong physical traces at site. Memory later re 8/15/1986 #37991  
ion, and the methods of mental and physical control. Bullard examines the l 1987 #38089  
 / light near oil-rig. Saucers and physical traces / months. See reference. 5/21/1987 #38177  
 pilot John Lear. It appeared in a physical letter sent to the BSRF, which  12/29/1987 #38377  
ling to learn why they are feeling physical symptoms of stress. She reads M 1988 #38383  
t buzzed car, car lifted off road, physical traces (section VI). (NICAP: 03 1/20/1988 #38420  
t buzzed car, car lifted off road, physical traces                          1/20/1988 #38421  
     An abduction by aliens with a physical exam occurred on this night in  10/24/1988 #38687  
ar’s ID is prepared, he is given a physical and treated for allergic reacti 12/6/1988 #38748  
up [to] and spins and away. Tripod physical traces.                         5/15/1989 #38950  
se encounters to explain them as a physical survey of the earth. (2) The hu 6/1989 #38970  
 walk with them but experience odd physical sensations and beg to be let go 7/4/1989 #39007  
 Circles tree. Going quickly west. Physical traces / grass. / MJ#260.       8/13/1989 #39059  
ed her friend undergo some type of physical examination on a nearby table.  11/6/1989 #39216  
 There were reportedly unspecified physical effects on the pilots.          11/22/1989 #39247  
portedly slowed, and other strange physical effects were noted. Some of the 9/13/1990 #39732  
ns are divine souls trapped in the physical world where escape can only be  1/1991 #39944  
P sightings are the projections of physical 3D objects by undisclosed proje 11/25/1991 #40241  
 “single-witness testimony with no physical or instrumental evidence to sup 2/15/1992 #40331  
    Dundee, OH Animal reactions to physical traces (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reac 3/20/1992 #40393  
and crop circles found. Triangular physical trace(s) / cornfield.           6/1992 #40476  
ustralia, involving a rare case of physical evidence. Businessman Peter Kho 7/23/1992 #40530  
y are human-like but have some odd physical characteristics: narrow heads a 7/23/1992 #40530  
beings then performed some painful physical exam procedures on her that she 10/8/1992 #40667  
de Bourret, in which he admits the physical reality of UFOs and the probabi 1993 #40777  
agnetometer, are used to study the physical processes that occur in the exc 1993 #40778  
h of the area failed to locate any physical evidence.                       4/19/1993 #40944  
 the creature in seemingly painful physical conditions.                     5/9/1993 #40971  
 involving entities and a “strange physical dimension.” A few weeks later,  8/8/1993 #41117  
 meadow. Portholes around dome. No physical trace(s).                       10/29/1994 #41818  
had apparently taken them away for physical examinations. The primary witne 2/11/1995 #42036  
uge ovoid rises / ground;dog sick. Physical traces.                         6/3/1995 #42235  
t. Shhh again. Walks through wall. Physical traces.                         2/13/1997 #43190  
indow. Drops going down / yard. No physical trace(s).                       4/8/1997 #43258  
ith deciding whether the available physical evidence can produce results th 9/29/1997 #43420  
s that include as much independent physical evidence as possible; continuin 9/29/1997 #43420  
tact between the UFO community and physical scientists could be productive; 9/29/1997 #43420  
e United States to manipulate both physical and cognitive environments in o 10/1998 #43656  
ons of the UFO, and the mental and physical controls the aliens use on the  7/2/1999 #43789  
way. Takes off and away. Odors and physical effects.                        12/21/2000 #44107  
ed, stiff arms and legs, and total physical exhaustion. Other family member 9/3/2003 #44592  
n 2003, using layers designated as physical, anti-physical, psychological,  9/30/2010 #45300  
ravel to other destinations in our physical reality but that humans are bei 7/8/2012 #45348  
 speeds with maneuvers “beyond the physical limits of a human crew.” The pi 2/2015? #45430  
 There are multiple reports but no physical or photographic evidence. The m 12/19/2018 #45552  
 also asks if officials have found physical evidence to substantiate the cl 7/16/2019 #45594  
y 2019 asked if the Navy had found physical evidence from UAP, and if any f 9/6/2019 #45607  
e cases, the UAP recordings are of physical objects and not false readings, 6/25/2021 #45694  
orld to investigate UAP and gather physical evidence and they’re paid by a  11/30/2021 #45726  
## Word: "physical-effects" (Back to Top)
. Large disk with 5 beams / light. Physical-effects / pilots.               11/22/1989 #39243  
## Word: "physically" (Back to Top)
oper’s reported UFO experience was physically real.” Schirmer undergoes hyp 12/3/1967 #23545  
uld be started. The witness became physically ill after the sighting. There 2/19/1975 #29828  
l Archives, apparently without yet physically moving the files to NARA faci 12/1975 #30679  
 examine the crew and find nothing physically wrong, but they are prescribe 8/23/1979 #34768  
curred, and several witnesses felt physically pulled toward the object. At  3/14/1992 #40380  
e was not sure if they were really physically there or some form of apparit 11/18/1993 #41284  
 US government personnel have been physically injured in a way consistent w 7/2019 #45589  
## Word: "physician" (Back to Top)
 Italy Kilkenny, Ireland 5:00 p.m. Physician Thomas Short witnesses a blood 12/5/1737 #60  
stminster London England 8:40 p.m. Physician Cromwell Mortimer, secretary o 12/16/1742? #65  
p, a man known to Davis H. Tucker, physician at the Harlem Prison Farm [now 4/19/1897 #536  
i, Ohio 9:00 p.m. Louis Dumhoff, a physician living at 112 Garfield Place i 5/4/1897 #588  
      Fosston, Minnesota Midnight. Physician Malcom McKinnon is driving hom 10/1899 #638  
ina 11:00 a.m. Colden R. Battey, a physician from Augusta, Georgia, is fish Late 5/1947 #2298  
World War II. Allegedly, aerospace physician William Randolph Lovelace II t 7/5/1947 #2722  
                 LAKE LOTAWANA, MO Physician sailing. 7 saucers going quick 7/6/1947 #2744  
 Hartford, Connecticut including a physician, saw a reddish brown disc move 7/6/1947 #2827  
ng Albert Park Singapore 8:20 p.m. Physician J. L. Bennet and his wife watc 7/26/1956 #13021  
                NORTHERN HILLS, OH Physician and wife. Small balls maneuver 9/27/1956 #13246  
                               AEC physician and Navy Capt. Charles Wesley  3/28/1957 #13566  
 top. The witness had to consult a physician several days later because of  11/10/1957 #14520  
 top. The witness had to consult a physician several days later because of  11/10/1957 #14527  
 failing completely in some areas. Physician Angelo Corsi witnesses it 37 m 8/3/1958 #15177  
:00 p.m. Stanislaw Kowalczewski, a physician, takes a photograph of a dark, 12/22/1958 #15497  
           CRESPO, ENTRE RIOS, ARG Physician. 2 huge beings near saucer by  7/18/1962 #17282  
 afternoon in Caracas, Venezuela a physician, Dr. Sanchez Vegas, had a most 8/7/1967 #22841  
 also diagnosed with leukemia by a physician, from which he died less than  8/13/1967 #22874  
y morning, pre-dawn hours a French physician living in the Alpes-de-Haute-P 11/1/1968 #24620  
árico, Venezuela 6:00 p.m. Spanish physician Guillermo Arguello de la Motta 7/7/1971 #26211  
ddiq, merchant Ibrahim Khaleb, and physician Muhammad Watif are standing on 2/8/1974 #28748  
echnical writer John DeHerrera and physician William C. McCall, carries out 1977 #31655  
          Toledo, Ohio 7:00 p.m. A physician in Toledo, Ohio, watches a red 10/14/1977 #32575  
mountain to the south of town. One physician sees a “squat, orange object”  10/20/1977 #32594  
ired senior USAF officer who was a physician to work on a science board at  1982 #36293  
be hypnotized on August 23–24 by a physician in Pordenone. They relate that 8/15/1986 #37992  
ft arm. At the barracks infirmary, physician Robson Ferreira Melo performs  2/6/1996 #42742  
ysicist James J. Papike, radiation physician Günther Reitz, and plant biolo 9/29/1997 #43420  
lls him he spoke with an Air Force physician, Brig. Gen. Donald Flickinger, 3/5/2002 #44323  
t lymphoma, but a BAASS-contracted physician suspects Jones has undergone a 5/8/2009 #45220  
## Word: "physicians" (Back to Top)
 bloody. Within a week, two Bogotá physicians, unaware of his UFO experienc 7/4/1969 #25251  
ia south of Algiers 7:30 p.m. Four physicians and a diplomat in an undevelo Late 10/1976 #31495  
## Word: "physicist" (Back to Top)
 Texas State University–San Marcos physicist Donald W. Olson discovered a p 7/20/1860 #155  
lizabeth, NJ Ufologist and nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman is born in 7/29/1934 #1215  
                       Atmospheric physicist William Jackson Humphreys, aft 1936 #1239  
y United States Hungarian-American physicist Leo Szilárd writes a confident 8/2/1939 #1313  
         US Columbia University US physicist John R. Dunning and colleagues 3/1940 #1325  
ty verify the hypothesis of Danish physicist Niels Bohr that fission is mor 3/1940 #1325  
gate nuclear weapons by Australian physicist Mark Oliphant because, as enem 3/1940 #1326  
                   Bakersfield, CA Physicist and his wife north of Bakersfi 1941 #1350  
north of Bakersfield, California A physicist and his wife are traveling not 1941 #1352  
ction, Vannevar Bush adds American physicist Samuel King Allison, Russian-A 6/28/1941 #1367  
uel King Allison, Russian-American physicist Gregory Breit, American physic 6/28/1941 #1367  
 physicist Gregory Breit, American physicist Edward Condon, physicist Lloyd 6/28/1941 #1367  
 American physicist Edward Condon, physicist Lloyd P. Smith, and Henry DeWo 6/28/1941 #1367  
, and Henry DeWolf Smyth. American physicist Ross Gunn is dropped in line w 6/28/1941 #1367  
emains the chairman, with American physicist George B. Pegram as the vice c 6/28/1941 #1367  
 the S-1 Section meeting, American physicist Ernest Lawrence asks for $400, 12/18/1941 #1379  
iately recommends granting it. MIT physicist Karl Taylor Compton is allocat 12/18/1941 #1379  
um to Los Alamos. Italian-American physicist Emilio Segrè receives the firs 4/5/1944 #1589  
ion), Howard P. Robertson (CalTech physicist), and Cmdr. Ian Fleming (Admir 9/6/1944 #1665  
            Europe Pacific Theater Physicist David T. Griggs, a civilian ad 10/28/1944 #1685  
atory New Mexico Manhattan Project physicist Harry Daghlian is conducting a 8/21/1945 #1925  
 The original founding members are physicist Alfred Lee Loomis, biologist C 7/3/1946 #2025  
s, biologist Caryl Parker Haskins, physicist Luis Walter Alvarez, physicist 7/3/1946 #2025  
ns, physicist Luis Walter Alvarez, physicist William Shockley, and George D 7/3/1946 #2025  
artment; chemist Gustaf Ljunggren; physicist Martin Fehrm; and Olof Kempe f 7/6/1946 #2027  
e Minister Konstantinos Tsaldaris. Physicist Paul Santorinis is placed in c 9/1/1946 #2167  
scientific advisor to MI6, English physicist Reginald Victor Jones, conside 9/9/1946 #2172  
es place; informants like Austrian physicist Adolf Smekal of Frankfurt, Ger 7/5/1947 #2721  
           In a paper by U.S. Navy Physicist, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, he stated Mid 7/1947 #3181  
 Room 3E-869 of the Pentagon, with physicist Theodore von Kármán presiding. 3/17/1948 #3590  
ers, a radar technician (and later physicist) working on airport operationa Spring 1948 #3593  
ndia Base Los Alamos in New Mexico Physicist Joseph Kaplan, a member of the 4/27/1948 #3630  
                        Easton, PA Physicist watched 3 luminescent greenish Summer 1948 #3677  
              Easton, Pennsylvania Physicist Carl A. Mitchell sees three lu Summer 1948 #3680  
 writes to his friend, atmospheric physicist James Van Allen, describing th 5/12/1949 #4182  
tonium bomb. The project is led by physicist Igor Kurchatov.                8/29/1949 #4340  
            Los Alamos, New Mexico Physicist Enrico Fermi first formulates  Summer 1950 #4996  
   EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Navy physicist Wykoff / (seen thru) binocular 8/10/1950 #5115  
attends a classified briefing with physicist Robert I. Sarbacher of the US  9/15/1950 #5178  
                                   Physicist Urner Liddel, Office of Naval  2/27/1951 #5463  
          Office of Naval Research physicist Urner Liddel states in a publi 2/27/1951 #5464  
US, OH Project Bluebook Case #980. Physicist. Bright ovoid with clipped tai 10/2/1951 #5695  
ttelle Memorial Institute graduate physicist Howard Cross. One bright oval  10/2/1951 #5698  
                                   Physicist Joseph Kaplan visits ATIC to d 3/7/1952 #5949  
cts that some of those present are physicist George Valley Jr., engineer Ju 4/1952 #6010  
., engineer Julius Adams Stratton, physicist Albert G. Hill, and chemical e 4/1952 #6010  
In 1969, however, Colorado project physicist Gordon David Thayer concludes  7/26/1952 #7174  
 University of Arizona atmospheric physicist James McDonald disagreed, argu 7/26/1952 #7174  
nk Scully, and U.S. Army Engineers physicist Noel W. Scott.                 8/23/1952 #7693  
r known types of aerial vehicles.” Physicist Julius Adams Stratton and econ 12/2/1952 #8363  
s that indicate controlled flight. Physicist Lloyd Berkner joins the panel  1/16/1953 #8543  
use of being renowned as a nuclear physicist. Some of the persons involved  1/26/1953 #8568  
lved UFO cases of 1953 to Cal Tech physicist Howard P. Robertson in an effo 7/1953 #8979  
to Col. Robert B. Emerson, an Army physicist at Louisiana State University  8/19/1953 #9084  
he RAAF by University of Melbourne physicist O. H. “Harry” Turner.          6/5/1954 #9866  
Bluebook Case #3341. Unidentified. Physicist. 65' saucer stops / 3 minute(s 11/28/1954 #11717  
and Melbourne, Victoria Australian physicist O. H. “Harry” Turner has been  12/26/1954 #11862  
                                   Physicist Louis Witten states he was rec 1955 #11898  
ARL) at Wright-Patterson AFB hires physicist Joshua N. Goldberg to administ Late 1956 #13281  
gineer Wallace Russell Gambill and physicist N. D. Greene) collect soil sam 11/6/1957 #14422  
 Ted Taylor of General Atomics and physicist Freeman Dyson, its initial foc 1958 #14780  
             Princeton, New Jersey Physicist Freeman Dyson in Princeton, Ne 6/3/1958 #15077  
 (psychologist), V. J. Handmacher (physicist), and L. V. Robinson (astronom 5/5/1959 #15723  
USSR are reporting UFOs. It quotes physicist Lev Artsimovich saying that “i 1/8/1961 #16565  
                ANDOVER, MASS Navy physicist. Fireball no meteor. It kept o 9/27/1965 #19611  
                                 A physicist employed by the U.S. Air Force 9/27/1965 #19616  
by University of Rochester optical physicist Brian O’Brien, meets at Wright 2/3/1966 #19879  
 University of Arizona atmospheric physicist James E. McDonald writes a 2-p 3/28/1966 #20117  
o prominent University of Colorado physicist Edward U. Condon, who hesitate Late 7/1966 #20683  
     BALTIMORE AND MORE/OTHERS, MD Physicist and many. Ovoid whines all ove 8/1/1966 #20713  
rough his friend Aimé Michel, with physicist Yves Rocard and gives him a co 8/1/1966 #20717  
na astronomer William K. Hartmann, physicist Frederick Ayer, and psychologi 10/7/1966 #20970  
oto but is not impressed. In 1989, physicist Irwin Wieder performs a detail 11/22/1966 #21140  
          Colorado Robert M. Wood, physicist and aerospace manager for McDo 1967 #21238  
     McDonnell Douglas Corporation physicist Robert M. Wood states he is as 1967 #21240  
 University of Arizona atmospheric physicist, gave a presentation on UFOs t 6/7/1967 #22477  
         EAST / UNIVERSITY HTS, OH Physicist and 1 / car. 4-5 silent glowin 8/1967 (approximate) #22765  
     Mendota, California 2:30 a.m. Physicist Lewis E. Hollander Jr. and his 10/14/1967 #23237  
ified phenomenon (UFOs). Klass and physicist James E. McDonald engage in a  1968 #23627  
rn Australia An Australian nuclear physicist attached to the Directorate of 1968 #23629  
g: Also see books/presentations by physicist Paul Laviolette] *   https://w 1968 #23633  
torial help from Joseph H. Rush, a physicist from the National Center for A Late 5/1968 #23983  
                           British physicist Reginald Victor Jones publishe 7/1968 #24106  
al Standards Laboratory Australian physicist O. H. “Harry” Turner has been  11/8/1969 #25453  
group of UFO debunkers, among them physicist David I. Simpson. Foxwell hims 3/28/1970 #25613  
mes E. McDonald, noted atmospheric physicist and UFO researcher, was found  6/13/1971 #26175  
known stage psychic Uri Geller and physicist Andrijah Puharich drove to the 12/6/1971 #26490  
         San Francisco, California Physicist Peter A. Sturrock mails questi 4/9/1973 #27418  
 MOUNTAIN NORTHEAST / PIEDMONT, MO Physicist and 1 / light plane. Night lig 4/12/1973 #27423  
 was observed from a Cessna 150 by physicist Harvy Rutledge and one other w 4/12/1973 #27427  
   BRUSHY CREEK AND CHARLESTON, MO Physicist / (seen thru) telescope and mo 4/13/1973 #27428  
          NEAR CLEARWATER LAKE, MO Physicist and 3 / plane. 1+1+7+1 night l 5/11/1973 #27476  
oing quickly northwest straight at physicist and more/others. 90-turn / nor 5/18/1973 #27500  
                    FARMINGTON, MO Physicist and 3 / airport / (seen thru)  5/24/1973 #27523  
                     On this night physicist Harley D. Rutledge had his sec 5/24/1973 #27528  
                CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO Physicist. Odd UFO shape = .45 slug! Cha 6/19/1973 #27573  
                CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO Physicist / camera. Pseudo-satellite goi 7/8/1973 #27622  
                CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO Physicist and 1. 20' glowing-saucer rise 1/3/1975 #29708  
0 p.m. in Cape Girardeau, Missouri physicist Harley Rutledge and his wife h 1/3/1975 #29711  
ronautics in Pasadena, California, physicist Peter A. Sturrock organizes a  1/20/1975 #29758  
                     MONTENILS, FR Physicist and 3. 4M saucer lands / 3 2M  5/15/1976 #31053  
                CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO Physicist. Classic saucer shoots up. Str 9/5/1976 #31342  
                       VOREPPE, FR Physicist sees saucer. Going quickly ESE 11/5/1976 #31525  
pinning. At the same time a French physicist is driving 7 miles away near V 11/5/1976 #31528  
                                   Physicist Bruce Maccabee uses FOIA reque Summer 1977 #32182  
                CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO Physicist and 2. Fireball dims and turns 10/7/1977 #32556  
                  NEAR COTTER, ARK Physicist / light plane buzzed / night l 9/10/1978 #33654  
Doty delivers a forged document to physicist and Coast Guard veteran Paul F 11/17/1980 #35646  
tor for MUFON. Schuessler and NASA physicist Alan Holt interviewed the witn 12/29/1980 #35758  
                                 A physicist watched an uneven line of six  6/15/1981 #35972  
                  NEAR MAHOPAC, NY Physicist and 3. 75' delta going [to] 40 3/26/1983 #36813  
 A letter from Robert I Sarbacher, physicist who consulted to the DOD Resea 11/29/1983 #37058  
rbor Baltimore, Maryland 7:28 p.m. Physicist Bruce Maccabee is standing nea 9/2/1984 #37454  
t was witnessed by many, including physicist Bruce Maccabee.                9/2/1984 #37455  
                      US Alaska US physicist Bernard Eastlund files a paten 1/10/1985 #37546  
ed no tremors). University of Oslo physicist Elvand Thrane says the lights  1/13/1985 #37548  
 kinetic warheads, is conceived by physicist Lowell Wood at Lawrence Liverm 11/1986 #38057  
                             Naval physicist Bruce Maccabee states he spoke 7/7/1987 #38206  
s Vegas, Nevada Groom Lake, Nevada Physicist Edward Teller allegedly calls  11/28/1988 #38724  
er allegedly calls the out-of-work physicist and electronics technician Rob 11/28/1988 #38724  
                            A ret. physicist who claims to have worked clos 1990 #39358  
                 BEAUFAYS, BELGIUM Physicist and several / (seen thru) bino 3/18/1990 #39465  
d]. Five people, including nuclear physicist Ludmilla Ivanova, videotape th 8/24/1990 #39701  
nomy, agreeing with NASA. However, physicist Jack Kasher and Mark Carlotto  9/15/1991 #40187  
, research, and energy, chaired by physicist Tullio Regge, holds several me 12/1/1993 #41315  
ll, mathematician Gian-Carlo Rota, physicist O’Dean Judd, physicist Johndal 12/1995 #42635  
Carlo Rota, physicist O’Dean Judd, physicist Johndale Solem, astronaut and  12/1995 #42635  
 Sen. Harrison Schmidt, Los Alamos physicist Johndale Solem, USAF space sur 1/28/1996 #42725  
 NASA Marshall Space Flight Center physicist Ning Li, with David Noever, To 8/1/1997 #43364  
tps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NingLi(physicist)     Note: In 2008, AATIP scie 8/1/1997 #43364  
 a long-time UFO interest, English physicist Peter A. Sturrock holds a work 9/29/1997 #43420  
ologist H. Jay Melosh, atmospheric physicist James J. Papike, radiation phy 9/29/1997 #43420  
st Richard Conn Henry, theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, astrophysicist Be 11/8/2002 #44436  
aviation expert John Callahan, and physicist Peter Sturrock.                11/8/2002 #44436  
                                   Physicist Jack Sarfatti claims an unders 1/25/2006 #44918  
hwassmann–Wachmann 3, according to physicist Stephen Hughes at the Queensla 5/16/2006 #44943  
ence Livermore National Laboratory physicist “Henry Deacon” (pseudonym) cla 10/2006 #44970  
for Manned Deep Space Missions” by physicist Friedwardt Winterberg.         12/1/2009 #45260  
other agencies began investigating physicist Jack Parsons for his links to  3/31/2011 #45322  
                              NASA physicist Bob Oechsler believes Navy EMP 8/18/2014 #45414  
 a presentation, zero point energy physicist Arie deGeus died in a parked c 12/2014 #45425  
ns,” was attributed to theoretical physicist Richard Obousy, director of th 1/9/2018 #45503  
     EarthTech and Aerospace Corp. physicist Eric Davis states “there have  4/30/2019 #45575  
onto, Canada Ufologist and nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman dies age 8 5/13/2019 #45578  
                                   Physicist Jack Sarfatti states a metamat 3/20/2020 #45640  
eputy Director of Intelligence and physicist Sean Kirkpatrick to head the A 5/12/2022 #45748  
                          Stanford physicist Garry Nolan states there are c 8/3/2022 #45761  
## Word: "physicists" (Back to Top)
consultation with fellow Hungarian physicists Edward Teller and Eugene Wign 8/2/1939 #1313  
lbert C. Hoover. It is attended by physicists Fred L. Mohler from the Natio 10/21/1939 #1318  
, London. The original members are physicists George Paget Thomson, James C 4/10/1940 #1331  
 Oliphant, and Philip Burton Moon; physicists Patrick Blackett, Charles Dru 4/10/1940 #1331  
of Chicago Stagg Field Teams under physicists Herbert L. Anderson and Walte 11/15/1942 #1461  
s Alamos, New Mexico?) with fellow physicists Edward Teller, Herbert York,  Summer 1950 #4996  
f the National Committee of Soviet Physicists V. A. Leshkovtsev write an ar 2/29/1968 #23791  
              University of Lisbon physicists Alexandre Martins and Mario P 2/1/2007 #45004  
ked to UAP in the PUBLIC DOMAIN by physicists.  Ning Li and Robert Baker we 2008 #45108  
 also states the ET assisted human physicists and engineers in reverse engi 11/1/2013 #45392  
rs, psychologists, meteorologists, physicists, and representatives of the a 7/31/2014 #45412  
the UAP issue; he claims there are physicists studying “crashed craft,” bio 8/31/2016 #45458  
## Word: "physics" (Back to Top)
shington Conference on Theoretical Physics D.C. The Carnegie Institution of 1/26/1939 #1306  
shington Conference on Theoretical Physics in D.C. to announce the discover 1/26/1939 #1306  
ed, “will just have to learn their physics all over again, someday, if they 7/3/1947 #2551  
s, wife of a University of Vermont physics professor, said she observed a f 7/11/1948 #3707  
 some propulsion method not in the physics books.”                          4/25/1952 #6185  
“couple of meaningless high school physics experiments.”                    Early 5/1952 #6249  
                    WASHINGTON, DC Physics Professor and 500 at G. Washingt 7/1/1952 #6683  
d visually. At about 12:00 noon, a physics professor at George Washington U 7/1/1952 #6690  
rdon, project officer of the CIA’s Physics and Electronics Branch) of UFO h 8/14/1952 #7593  
rdon, project officer of the CIA’s Physics and Electronics Branch, provides 8/22/1952 #7682  
Kents Hill School, Maine 9:02 p.m. Physics teacher Leigh Van Etten, two oth 3/8/1953 #8740  
r keeping abreast of UFOs to OSI’s Physics and Electronic Division. Todos M 5/1953 #8851  
 M. Odarenko, chief of the CIA/OSI physics and electronics division, condes 12/17/1953 #9381  
r Power Plant, at the Institute of Physics and Power Engineering in Obninsk 6/27/1954 #9957  
 of them a doctor with a degree in physics, watched an orange domed disc ma 11/28/1954 #11725  
 after RIAS and was a professor of physics 1968-1991.  https://youtu.be/iH8 1955 #11898  
nclude UAP used “multi-dimensional physics.” The group was asked to forget  1955 #11899  
ton, NH, and the Institute of Pure Physics (IPP) at the University of North 11/20/1955 #12580  
rce Base, Dayton, Ohio The General Physics Laboratory of the Aeronautical R 9/1956 #13166  
                       The General Physics Laboratory of the Aeronautical R Late 1956 #13281  
                       JACKSON, MS Physics Professor / (seen thru) telescop 6/18/1957 #13736  
                       Jackson, MS Physics professor sighted UFO with "a ha 6/18/1957 #13737  
geomagnetism, gravity, ionospheric physics, longitude and latitude determin 7/1/1957 #13768  
                       OTTAWA, ONT Physics professor Jacques Hebert. Rocket 11/5/1957 #14317  
              HONOLULU, HI Nuclear physics student. 90s / 8mm film / 9 silv 1/3/1958 #14796  
o'clock in the afternoon a nuclear physics college student, Mr. Delacy, sho 1/3/1958 #14801  
st toward(s) Caracas. No sputnik / physics man.                             5/28/1958 #15058  
                 NEAR DEFIANCE, OH Physics Professor and 1 / car. Silent 30 11/24/1960 #16510  
 At 10:00 a.m. in Defiance, Ohio a physics professor driving in a car, and  11/24/1960 #16512  
cker’s apparent ignorance of basic physics. The show generates numerous pho 12/5/1960 #16526  
Bichteler to work on gravitational physics.  https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.033 1961 #16552  
 to head toward ground. Driver was physics student at Georgia Institute of  1/26/1964 #18120  
r of the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, is not. Roberts suggests the Un Late 7/1966 #20683  
           NORTH / HAYNESVILLE, LA Physics Professor. Vibrant bright saucer 12/30/1966 #21225  
          Haynesville, Louisiana A physics professor driving through a wood 12/30/1966 #21228  
Haynesville, Louisiana 8:15 p.m. A physics professor named Galloway [possib 12/30/1966 #21230  
use they do not follow the laws of physics.                                 9/15/1967 #23068  
                                   Physics Department The Soviet Academy of 12/1967 #23529  
nt The Soviet Academy of Sciences’ Physics Department, led by Lev Artsimovi 12/1967 #23529  
lishes a skeptical view of UFOs in Physics Bulletin, but supports genuine s 7/1968 #24106  
       25KM NORTH / BUCHAREST, ROM Physics student / train. Large UFO birth 9/19/1968 #24483  
               BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ Physics student and more/others. Odd obj 1/7/1969 #24823  
y Space Science, for the academy’s Physics 370 course. The last chapter is  10/1969 #25389  
tifies as an expert in atmospheric physics at the House Committee on Approp 3/2/1971 #26038  
w or radical change in fundamental physics [is] required,” it writes.  http 6/1972 #26694  
outheast Missouri State University physics professor Harley Rutledge hears  4/1973 #27397  
rcraft; others violate the laws of physics. The most startling discovery is 4/1973 #27397  
so hosted the “Advance Theoretical Physics Conference” to study UAP under D 2/16/1979 #34431  
 group titled Advanced Theoretical Physics Group made up of scientists and  5/20/1985 #37590  
eports determining the theoretical physics required to achieve such results 5/20/1985 #37590  
ity hosts the “Advance Theoretical Physics Conference,” under DOE supervisi 5/20/1985 #37591  
ded the 1985 “Advanced Theoretical Physics Conference” under DOE supervisio 4/1988 #38527  
                  FLAMBOROUGH, ONT Physics Major and 1. Large diamond with  6/23/1993 #41031  
sponsors a breakthrough propulsion physics workshop at the NASA Glenn Resea 8/1997 #43363  
n came together. But “breakthrough physics” which would lead to the creatio 8/1997 #43363  
rge of the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics (BPP) program at the time. *   h 8/1997 #43363  
ent of the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics program (see August 1997), and b 8/1998 #43618  
ered UAP hardware and research the physics of how the craft worked. He stat 7/7/1999 #43798  
world understanding of the laws of physics. Puthoff states the most likely  2002 #44302  
pany, Aerojet General Corporation, Physics International Company and Pratt  8/2004 #44724  
rials scientist who studied plasma physics and the crystalline structure of 8/2004 #44724  
etween he and Hal Puthoff over the physics behind vacuum energy and zero po 1/25/2006 #44918  
nder led the “Advanced Theoretical Physics Conference” under DOE supervisio 4/28/2006 #44936  
etter agency and that black budget physics is decades ahead of physics in t 10/2006 #44970  
budget physics is decades ahead of physics in the open source. Deacon claim 10/2006 #44970  
ar weapons testing and high energy physics testing has created “time loops  10/2006 #44970  
/1.2437566   https://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0611/0611167.pdf          2/1/2007 #45004  
ce. Its goal is “to understand the physics and engineering of these [advanc Fall 2007? #45070  
ram issues the first of 38 Project Physics position papers (Defense Intelli 12/1/2009 #45260  
cetime metric engineering, quantum physics, beamed energy propulsion and ac 7/2018 #45532  
rogram only focused on theoretical physics.                                 5/22/2019 #45579  
meta material wave guides, quantum physics, quantum communications, and bea 10/17/2019 #45612  
3b04c6f8 *   https://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0108005.pdf                      2/4/2020 #45630  
ly being withheld from the broader physics community by private aerospace,  2/11/2022 #45739  
 states it is possible fundamental physics knowledge is being withheld from 2/11/2022 #45739  
by aerospace corporations; the new physics would have to be involved.” Puth 2/11/2022 #45739  
as produced as part of its Project Physics under the direction of Hal Putho 3/25/2022 #45742  
are people “involved in high level physics” who worked in Huntsville, AL an 2/28/2023 #45797  
## Word: "physiological" (Back to Top)
eir square-toed shoes. Soil sample.Physiological effect: severe headache.   1/12/1953 #8536  
vanished in a very strange manner. Physiological effects in all witnesses.  9/30/1954 #10511  
rs, in a unique case of collective physiological reaction. Almost certainly 9/30/1954 #10517  
oth vanished in a very odd manner. Physiological effects in all witnesses.  9/30/1954 #10522  
ependent witnesses, and there were physiological effects reported.          5/12/1956 #12847  
and the other suffered some severe physiological aftereffects from the enco 5/17/1959 #15734  
tnesses and reportedly had lasting physiological effects.                   5/12/1962 #17166  
redictable human behavioral and/or physiological changes in support of high 1964 #18101  
adar tracking, photographs, sound, physiological effects. Another section e 5/1964 #18237  
(near), CA Humanoids and "robots", physiological effects (NICAP: 05 - Medic 9/4/1964 #18529  
 his eyes were sore and bloodshot (physiological effects). (U.F.O. Investig 4/18/1966 #20329  
r mouths and difficulty breathing (physiological effects), birds were shrie 4/28/1966 #20424  
-shaped object that caused lasting physiological effects and left ground tr 8/15/1966 #20750  
h was sticky and reportedly caused physiological effects on some who touche 10/12/1966 #20996  
cts associated with light; extreme physiological effects. See Section I, (E 10/15/1966 #21003  
inated, engine, headlights failed. Physiological effects                    10/15/1966 #21004  
nent damage to the mechanics.  His physiological effects included chronic i 10/15/1966 #21008  
d rocked when the object took off. Physiological effects (perspiration and  4/5/1967 #22064  
g sound heard. Sulphur-like smell. Physiological effects                    4/5/1967 #22065  
icochet off. He also suffered some physiological after effects as the resul 5/6/1967 #22285  
 tingling like static electricity (physiological effects). (Letter from Chu 5/25/1967 #22396  
s next seen resting in some woods. Physiological after-effects included hea 8/3/1967 #22790  
 An important close encounter with physiological effects happened at Rivers 8/28/1967 #22945  
suddenly ascended. The witness had physiological effects (not specified) af 8/29/1967 #22952  
ehicle for 15 seconds. He suffered physiological effects as a result. At th 10/11/1967 #23219  
s, followed by headaches and other physiological effects. The case was thor 12/3/1967 #23547  
 her, and she suffered unspecified physiological effects. She had a time co 12/8/1967 #23560  
 Persistent nightmares and various physiological phenomena were later recor 11/2/1968 #24623  
 Persistent nightmares and various physiological phenomena were later recor 11/2/1968 #24624  
 Persistent nightmares and various physiological phenomena, including ident 11/2/1968 #24626  
psychological forces" and suffered physiological effects as a result of his 3/10/1969 #24991  
30 p.m. a man and a woman suffered physiological effects from a close encou 7/17/1969 #25277  
with light beams, causing reported physiological effects for the female wit 8/11/1969 #25316  
rom object. Memory loss, extensive physiological effects (Humcat 1970-4 ; U 1/7/1970 #25538  
rom object. Memory loss, extensive physiological effects                    1/7/1970 #25539  
k urine; Viljo also suffers severe physiological effects. Heinonen claims,  1/7/1970 #25540  
 color. Viljo also suffered severe physiological effects. Aarno Heinonen wo 1/7/1970 #25541  
nd one 1.5 meters long. There were physiological effects experienced by the 7/25/1970 #25751  
tangular UFO, resulting in lasting physiological effects. The guard, 31-yea 8/30/1970 #25816  
ming fashion. UFO report involving physiological effects occurred in Quebec 10/5/1970 #25870  
linded by strong blue-white light, physiological effects. Object departed r 10/29/1970 #25891  
linded by strong blue-white light, physiological effects. Object departed r 10/29/1970 #25892  
h a silver-colored UFO. There were physiological effects when a beam of ene 8/2/1971 #26264  
O that involved landing traces and physiological effects.                   9/19/1971 #26348  
irport, Orebro, Sweden experienced physiological effects when a disc-shaped 11/1/1971 #26444  
acted, light beam, landing traces, physiological effects                    11/2/1971 #26448  
ight flashed at it and caused some physiological effects.                   8/12/1972 #26912  
aceiras himself experienced severe physiological aftereffects: diarrhea, na 12/30/1972 #27193  
ed to call her neighbor again. Her physiological symptoms worsened and she  5/27/1973 #27535  
urs, and involved missing time and physiological effects. R. Leo Sprinkle i 8/22/1974 #29376  
he children suffered no subsequent physiological effects, Mrs. Richards had 9/16/1974 #29460  
 UFO that caused them some lasting physiological effects.                   9/21/1974 #29468  
 eventhough they wore no headgear. Physiological effects and post traumatic 9/29/1974 #29492  
 Carroll County, Maryland suffered physiological effects during a close enc 10/27/1974 #29562  
minutes. (Source: John Schuessler, Physiological Effects from UFOs, p. 64). 5/5/1975 #30037  
t pulsating light beam down on it. Physiological effects (NICAP UFO Evidenc 8/29/1975 #30324  
t pulsating light beam down on it. Physiological effects                    8/29/1975 #30325  
for two minutes and suffered other physiological effects after the close en 8/29/1975 #30326  
 told him they would return. Their physiological effects included chills, s 10/27/1975 #30489  
 in Arendal, Norway caused lasting physiological effects for two 75-year-ol 11/28/1975 #30674  
ue light; missing time, abduction, physiological effects (Ref. 1, Section X 1/6/1976 #30768  
ue light. Missing time, abduction, physiological effects                    1/6/1976 #30769  
                       In 1976 two physiological effects cases occurred on  1/28/1976 #30829  
arch 20, 1983; John F. Schuessler, Physiological Effects from UFOs, p. 70). 5/21/1976 #31069  
, and made a soft whistling sound. Physiological effects were reported.     9/2/1976 #31327  
r-visual UFO, E-M system failures, physiological effects                    9/19/1976 #31408  
or five minutes. Afterwards, their physiological effects were: sleepiness,  10/30/1976 #31511  
nn, 26-years-old, suffered lasting physiological effects from a UFO.        12/19/1976 #31623  
t electric shock, heat, paralysis. Physiological and physical effects.      2/18/1977 #31827  
 hovered, tingling sensation felt, physiological effects. See Section VI (E 3/9/1977 #31883  
Pressure, tingling sensation felt, physiological effects                    3/9/1977 #31884  
n a car had a close encounter with physiological effects with a four-meter  10/24/1978 #33870  
rting at 5:30 p.m. There were also physiological effects.                   11/1/1978 #33910  
ding to the report there were also physiological effects on the witnesses.  12/2/1978 #34050  
overed over road; heat, paralysis, physiological effects, car slowed. MUFON 1/5/1979 #34298  
onted car, forward motion impeded, physiological effects                    1/5/1979 #34301  
UFO encounters experienced lasting physiological effects due to the close a 1/28/1979 #34387  
UFO encounters experienced lasting physiological effects due to the close a 1/28/1979 #34388  
he experienced paralysis and other physiological effects. He next experienc 2/5/1979 #34406  
female medical technician suffered physiological effects from a close encou 9/9/1979 #34855  
 landing site. He suffered lasting physiological effects including headache 11/9/1979 #34991  
range light in field, memory loss, physiological effects. MUFON UFO Journal 2/11/1980 #35166  
ollowed they suffered from various physiological reactions and the followin 5/7/1980 #35317  
om window. It rotated and wobbled. Physiological effects included red burni 9/11/1980 #35512  
d ran. Mr. Blackwell suffered from physiological effects including headache 9/30/1980 #35548  
ocked vehicle. Heat, sound, strong physiological effects indicating radioac 12/29/1980 #35756  
 loss of control of the vehicle, a physiological effect on the witness, and 1981 #35762  
og." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiological effects (Volume II, The UF 7/31/1981 #36043  
og." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiological effects (section VII). (NI 7/31/1981 #36044  
og." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiological effects (Volume II, The UF 7/31/1981 #36045  
og." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiological effects                    7/31/1981 #36046  
 sound, witness blacked out; later physiological effects. La Razon, Feb. 23 2/19/1982 #36352  
aken to hospital with memory loss, physiological effects (section VII). (NI 2/19/1982 #36353  
aken to hospital with memory loss, physiological effects                    2/19/1982 #36354  
ead, right wheels lifted off road; physiological effects. See Section VI (E 10/15/1983 #37008  
 onto road, engine stalled. Severe physiological effects                    10/15/1983 #37009  
ration of sightings including many physiological effects cases and traumati 3/19/1986 #37801  
ey also experienced some temporary physiological effects: eye damage, conju 8/1/1986 #37968  
a top secret Air Force UFO study), physiological studies of actual aliens,  Fall 1986 #38034  
t hovered, brilliant illumination, physiological effects. UFO maneuvered er 12/4/1988 #38740  
t hovered, brilliant illumination, physiological effects. UFO maneuvered er 12/4/1988 #38741  
r with a UFO in Michigan involving physiological effects when at 10:30 p.m. 8/6/1995 #42363  
nstrument into their eyes. Unusual physiological aftereffects were noted.   3/6/1996 #42809  
ng sound. He suffered from bizarre physiological aftereffects soon after th 7/5/2000 #44010  
cal, anti-physical, psychological, physiological, psychic, and cultural. Th 9/30/2010 #45300  
ses, including those with “adverse physiological effects.” It funds a new o 12/27/2021 #45730  
## Word: "physiologist" (Back to Top)
anuel Rodríguez Delgado, a Spanish physiologist at Yale University, coautho 1952 #5837  
astronomer Donald H. Menzel, plant physiologist Frank B. Salisbury, journal 2/27/1966 #19925  
## Word: "physiology" (Back to Top)
via telepathy about human customs, physiology, and reproduction. The creatu 7/17/1968 #24185  
Star People,” human beings tied by physiology, past lives, or both, to extr 1976 #30745  
 the university’s Center for Plant Physiology says there is no “unequivocal 11/27/1979 #35019  
## Word: "physiotherapist" (Back to Top)
        Homer, New York Witnesses: physiotherapist W.B. Ochsner and wife.   4/11/1964 #18168  
hwest of Homer, New York 6:30 p.m. Physiotherapist William B. Ochsner and h 4/11/1964 #18169  
   In Homer, New York at 6:30 p.m. physiotherapist W.B. Ochsner and his wif 4/11/1964 #18170  
## Word: "physrev" (Back to Top)
urnals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.113.357   https://journals.aps.o 1955 #11898  
urnals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.115.206   https://journals.aps.o 1955 #11898  
urnals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.111.315   https://aip.scitation. Late 1956 #13281  
## Word: "phänomene" (Back to Top)
 Gesellschaft zur Analyse anomaler Phänomene in 2017 and 2019.              1975 #29678  
Erforschungsnetz Auβergewöhnlicher Phänomene [later Himmelsphänomene] in Ma 3/1976 #30912  
schaft zur Erforschung unbekannter Phänomene (later Gesellschaft zur Erfors 1/1980 #35119  
## Word: "phänomens" (Back to Top)
ellschaft zur Erforschung des UFO- Phänomens) publishes the first issue of  1/1980 #35119  
## Word: "phénomenes" (Back to Top)
al group, Comité Belge d’Étude des Phénomenes Spatiaux, headed by Patrick F 6/11/2007 #45035  
## Word: "phénomèna" (Back to Top)
coupes Volantes) begins publishing Phénomèna, edited by Perry Petrakis, in  1/1991 #39943  
## Word: "phénomène" (Back to Top)
upement de Recherche et d’Étude du Phénomène OVNI in Sorgues, Vaucluse, Fra 1975 #29674  
blishes a quarterly newsletter, Le Phénomène OVNI, from 1977 to 1985.       1976 #30747  
the Société Parisienne d’Étude des Phénomène Spatiaux et Étranges in Marly- 4/1976 #30972  
 Delille founds Groupe d’Études du Phénomène OVNI in Saint-Symphorien-de-La 11/1976 #31516  
## Word: "phénomènes" (Back to Top)
é establish the Groupe d’Étude des Phénomènes Aériens in Paris, France, wit 1962 #17009  
ing year GEPA launches a magazine, Phénomènes Spatiaux, which is published  1962 #17009  
gium The Société Belge d’Étude des Phénomènes Spatiaux is established in Br 5/1971 #26090  
ce The Société Varoise d’Étude des Phénomènes Spatiaux in Toulon, France, b 12/1973 #28496  
e Société Vauclusienne d’Étude des Phénomènes Spatiaux in Vedene, France.   12/1973 #28496  
ntre d’Études et de Recherches des Phénomènes Inexpliqués in Saintes, Franc 11/20/1975 #30648  
Gendarmerie The Groupe d’Etude des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non Identifiés ( 5/1/1977 #32046  
s a report titled Rapport sur les “Phénomènes Aeriens Non Identifiés, which 6/20/1977 #32176  
PAN is renamed Service d’Étude des Phénomènes de Rentrées Atmosphériques (S 11/1988 #38701  
 d’Études et de Recherches sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux in Marseille, Fr 2/1990 #39405  
FO agency, Service d’Expertise des Phénomènes de Rentrée Atmosphérique (SEP 12/1/1993 #41315  
orgenthaler founds the Sciences et Phénomènes Insolites du Ciel et de l’Aér 5/2001 #44172  
 d’Études et d’Information sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés ( 9/22/2005 #44878  
ideas on UFOs in the landmark book Phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifies:  4/2007 #45015  
gium The Société Belge d’Étude des Phénomènes Spatiaux in Brussels, Belgium 6/11/2007 #45035  
d'Études et d'Informations sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés,  11/2021 #45718  
## Word: "pi" (Back to Top)
                  SOUTHEAST LUZON, PI 3 F47S and more/others. 10M silver sa 4/1/1948 #3601  
                      QUEZON CITY, PI Project Bluebook Case #6538. 2 milita 10/4/1959 #16014  
                            DAVAO, PI American Scientist and 600. Flash. Sa 5/20/1979 #34570  
                     ORMOC, LEYTE, PI Several kids. White cloud going down  3/2/1984 #37215  
                    BAGUIO, LUZON, PI Hundreds / observer(s). Night light s 2/13/1995 #42041  
## Word: "pi-40" (Back to Top)
at include MJ, Majestic, Majority, PI-40, etc., but none of this has ever b 11/1998 #43673  
er Nixon, Ford and Carter, and the PI-40 Committee under Reagan. Alleged St 2004 #44638  
## Word: "piacenza" (Back to Top)
                                   Piacenza, Italy Two large red balls of f 2/21/1945 #1792  
                              NEAR PIACENZA, ITL 4 jet pilots and many. Lar 10/17/1966 #21011  
                                   PIACENZA, ITL Air Force F104 pilot. Inte 9/21/1978 #33721  
n Italian Air Force F-104 jet over Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna, Italy. It disa 9/21/1978 #33725  
## Word: "piallaway" (Back to Top)
         Quirindi, New South Wales Piallaway, New South Wales 12:00 noon–1: 8/10/1998 #43625  
 is spider web. Another witness in Piallaway, New South Wales, reports simi 8/10/1998 #43625  
## Word: "piancavallo" (Back to Top)
                                   PIANCAVALLO NORTHWEST / AVIANO, ITL Gree 4/14/1985 #37578  
## Word: "pianello" (Back to Top)
                                   PIANELLO, CORSICA Bright metallic ovoid  9/26/1969 #25379  
## Word: "pianist" (Back to Top)
rsey Clifton, New Jersey 3:00 a.m. Pianist Doris La Fountain is driving hom 8/10/1945 #1922  
 Mendoza on Route # 143, a concert pianist and six others traveling togethe 12/28/1954 #11869  
## Word: "piano" (Back to Top)
ng a narrative by Menger and bland piano music written by his wife Connie ( 1957 #13431  
 buckles that had what looke like "piano keys" on them. The beings stared a 11/28/1967 #23517  
s walking home from a late evening piano lesson when he saw three red pulsa 12/13/1971 #26496  
                                   PIANO CHIESA, ITL 2 observer(s). Glowing 4/18/1975 #29992  
sc came out from behind a house in Piano Chiesa, Italy at 7:50 p.m. and sho 4/18/1975 #29994  
women place a device on her nearby piano and bend over it. At one point she 1/25/1987 #38104  
zzing sound interupted a witness's piano playing and singing in Piscataway, 4/21/2005 #44825  
## Word: "piano-" (Back to Top)
rockton, Massachusetts. They see a piano- shaped object with lights all ove 4/12/1979 #34508  
## Word: "piastow" (Back to Top)
                                   PIASTOW, POL 3M hockey puck hovers over  5/22/1979 #34573  
## Word: "piastów" (Back to Top)
                                   Piastów, Poland 10:00 p.m. A man walking 5/22/1979 #34574  
00 p.m. A man walking in a park in Piastów, Poland, sees two bright yellow  5/22/1979 #34574  
## Word: "piatra-neamt" (Back to Top)
                                   PIATRA-NEAMT, ROMANIA Several observer(s 8/24/1968 #24372  
## Word: "piauí" (Back to Top)
 do Norte Pernambuco Paraíba Bahia Piauí Maranhão 7:00 p.m. More than 100 p 5/13/1960 #16266  
hia, and one each in the states of Piauí and Maranhão report UFO sightings. 5/13/1960 #16266  
## Word: "piazza" (Back to Top)
rs. 2 flashing saucers 1 mile over Piazza Colonna. Spin and move slowly.    5/6/1950 #4926  
er-shaped object one mile over the Piazza Colonna at 4:30 p.m. They were sp 5/6/1950 #4927  
## Word: "piaçabuçu" (Back to Top)
                 Ilha do Major Rio Piaçabuçu São Vicente São Paulo Brazil 1 10/1/1995 #42529  
ajor, a mangrove area near the Rio Piaçabuçu adjacent to São Vicente, São P 10/1/1995 #42529  
## Word: "pibal" (Back to Top)
gary, Alberta During a launch of a pibal balloon at Calgary, Alberta, a sil 6/8/1952 #6470  
## Word: "pic" (Back to Top)
 Meudon Observatory, Paris, France Pic du Midi Observatory, French Pyrenees 9/20/1909 #811  
en at the new Baillaud dome at the Pic du Midi Observatory in the French Py 9/20/1909 #811  
                                   PIC / MIDI D'OSSAU, FR 'Rocket' from Spa 9/16/1946 (approximate) #2183  
ngland Two small boys see and take pic of UFO near Coniston, England.       2/15/1954 #9543  
ifornia Michael Savage, Cal. takes pic of saucer.                           7/19/1956 #12983  
                       NORTHWEST / PIC ST. LOUP, FR 3+observer(s). UFO alar 5/14/1968 #23960  
                                   PIC ST. LOUP, FR Tourist. Large metallic 9/16/1972 #27004  
## Word: "picacho" (Back to Top)
                   Tucson, Arizona Picacho Peak Around midnight. The pilots 11/6/2018 #45543  
s approach the foothills of nearby Picacho Peak, they suddenly appear to ro 11/6/2018 #45543  
## Word: "picaco" (Back to Top)
                                   Picaco Park, NM Photograph. No other inf 3/27/1967 #22000  
## Word: "picard" (Back to Top)
 No further details. / Le Courrier Picard.                                  10/18/1954 #11201  
## Word: "picares" (Back to Top)
ng southeast to sea / Praia Grande Picares.                                 1/11/2001 #44122  
## Word: "picayune" (Back to Top)
iana 12:30 a.m. An employee of the Picayune newspaper in New Orleans, Louis 4/21/1897 #550  
## Word: "piccalilli" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Piccalilli” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT  11/21/1969 #25466  
## Word: "piccolomini" (Back to Top)
trait(s)-line found / moons crater Piccolomini.                             5/6/1954 #9758  
## Word: "piceno" (Back to Top)
                            ASCOLI PICENO, ITL Fishermen. Brilliant Oblong  3/30/1976 #30968  
                   Pretore, Ascoli Piceno, Italy Artist and ceramicist Fili 5/9/1993 #40971  
n near his home in Pretore, Ascoli Piceno, Italy. He takes six Polaroid pho 5/9/1993 #40971  
## Word: "picerni" (Back to Top)
          Andre Marquetti and Jair Picerni were jogging in the local park i 11/13/1999 #43880  
## Word: "pichaca" (Back to Top)
                                   PICHACA, PERU 6 80cm small humanoids (or 9/20/1965 #19582  
                                   Pichaca, Peru A farm woman saw an object 9/20/1965 #19583  
g farm woman saw an object land in Pichaca, Peru and six dwarves, 80 cm tal 9/20/1965 #19584  
## Word: "picher" (Back to Top)
                            EAST / PICHER, OK = "SPOOKSTOWN" Abandoned Lead 9/3/1966 #20839  
## Word: "pichi" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PICHI NEUQUEN, ARG Military cops. Night  12/28/1967 #23616  
## Word: "pichidangui" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PICHIDANGUI, CHILE Saucer lights road. T 4/15/1969 #25063  
people driving on the highway near Pichidangui, Chile in Coquimbo province  4/15/1969 #25064  
## Word: "pichon" (Back to Top)
uoka, Japan Witness:  lst Lt. D.J. Pichon, pilot of USAF F-94B jet intercep 4/8/1953 #8812  
            At 7:55 p.m. Lt. D. J. Pichon, pilot of a USAF F-94B jet interc 4/8/1953 #8813  
## Word: "picina" (Back to Top)
                         ACQUAVIVA PICINA, ITL Several observer(s). Red lum 10/31/1978 #33900  
## Word: "pick" (Back to Top)
n a foreign language. They quickly pick up something from the ground, then  5/18/1909 #758  
grass for about 45 feet. They also pick up a small red French military labe 5/18/1909 #758  
ers and equipment. Radar operators pick up “unidentified aeroplanes” headin 4/24/1945 #1853  
 they allegedly go to the beach to pick up fragments. Dahl mails Ray Palmer 6/22/1947 #2363  
inutes, then waves his geologist’s pick at them and asks where they come fr 8/14/1947 #3330  
lying there, one of them grabs his pick and he notices its green hand has 8 8/14/1947 #3330  
t blows him across the ground. His pick is missing.                         8/14/1947 #3330  
 a deep-black domestic project; to pick up physical evidence; and to find o 9/23/1947 #3417  
ing quickly south / 2 days. Radios pick up strange voices / unknown languag 1/28/1950 #4515  
operators at Wright- Patterson AFB pick it up visually and on radar (“a goo 3/8/1950 #4593  
do see part of the crash field and pick up a small piece of metal from the  12/6/1950 #5330  
dars at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, pick up another object moving at 1,000 m 9/11/1951 #5662  
trait in northern Canada when they pick up radar interference coming from a 9/18/1951 #5678  
ircraft carrier USS Philippine Sea pick up an unidentified target off the e 2/2/1952 #5893  
a bus in Oakland, California. They pick up speed, one of them moving in a p 3/10/1952 #5953  
FB Goose Bay], Labrador, radar men pick up a UFO track. 2nd Lt. A’Gostino a 6/19/1952 #6551  
west across Boston. Radar couldn't pick it up so the jets were vectored int 7/1/1952 #6691  
aring. Robertson says “we couldn’t pick it up on our radar. We reversed our 7/5/1952 #6716  
hat caused radar beams to bend and pick up objects on the ground. James off 7/29/1952 #7328  
by the Navy’s ELINT systems (which pick up and analyze radar beams emitted  4/14/1953 #8824  
suits emerge from a landed UFO and pick up flowers, shrubs, and twigs.      9/24/1954 #10436  
3 hairy small humanoids (or Greys) pick apples! / LDLN#325.                 11/18/1954 #11666  
ing horse hairs that the fishermen pick up the next day. The object crashes 1956 #12637  
briefly at Wright-Patterson AFB to pick up one officer and drop another off 11/17/1957 #14571  
mall humanoids (or Greys) exit and pick up heavy object / ground.           12/30/1957 #14769  
learing. One of them bends over to pick something up and carries something  12/30/1957 #14771  
port and air defense radars do not pick up any target. RAF Fighter Command  2/25/1959 #15615  
o a long red cigar. Radar does not pick it up. Suddenly it takes off toward 4/12/1959 #15699  
uff when the sun hit them. You can pick one up, but you can't really tell i 11/18/1961 #16964  
t wore white clothing, appeared to pick up something from the ground, and r 4/23/1965 #18914  
en move back to the two UFOs. They pick up a tomato and examine it. The obj 9/10/1965 #19550  
ue ball returns; his car begins to pick up speed, the brakes won’t work, an 9/24/1966 #20923  
glow red when the car’s headlights pick it up. Scarberry describes it as sh 11/15/1966 #21107  
n at NICAP in Washington, D.C., to pick up some case material. Keyhoe and H 1/31/1967 #21424  
 San Antonio, telling him where to pick them up. All but one show an edge-o 6/1/1967 #22448  
the witnesses, and was observed to pick up stones, examine them, look up an 8/3/1967 #22786  
he witnesses, and they watched him pick up stones, examine them, look up, a 8/3/1967 #22791  
 the east. They drive into town to pick up an additional witness, Joseph Fr 2/18/1968 #23763  
nts. At times the beings seemed to pick something up from the ground. The l 7/27/1971 #26247  
ires, Argentina when he stopped to pick up a very tall hitchhiker wearing a 8/28/1972 #26966  
OLUMBIA, MS Also Marion co RADAR's pick up reported UFO blips. 1 set conks  10/15/1973 #28034  
s leaving the area. His headlights pick up two 4-foot figures 20 feet off t 10/22/1973 #28241  
tnessed the object when he came to pick them up. The UFO rose up into the s 4/30/1974 #29072  
x-like craft seen / bottom. Guitar pick shape. Northwest going southeast. S 9/10/1974 #29447  
 invisible obstruction. He goes to pick it up, then hears a twig snap and s 10/15/1974 #29531  
riving near Winchester, England to pick up the woman's son and girlfriend f 11/14/1976 #31549  
 look. Then he goes to the barn to pick up a rake, hoe, and pole. Back at t 1/10/1977 #31715  
-year-old paramedic was driving to pick up her husband (a policeman) from w 1/10/1978 #32868  
1-year-old paramedic is driving to pick up her husband (a policeman) from w 1/10/1978 #32869  
nside her head that said: "We will pick you up and you will join us." Terri 2/15/1978 #32971  
uro Radar Site on Hokkaido, Japan, pick up a target flying from the north t 8/17/1978 #33523  
s almost immediately. Other radars pick up targets intermittently. The obje 12/31/1978 #34246  
for help, and her husband comes to pick her up. She sleeps abnormally and e 9/20/1979 #34907  
at Morenci, Arizona, go outside to pick up three other employees for an eve 10/23/1980 #35584  
n NATO base in Chortiatis, Greece, pick up unidentified targets on their ra 11/12/1981 #36220  
ford, claims that RAF radar cannot pick up the object.                      3/15/1983 #36784  
father and daughter are driving to pick the mother up from work in Benton,  1/19/1988 #38416  
ather and daughter were driving to pick up the mother from work at around 5 1/19/1988 #38417  
as no one around. He then tried to pick her up, but to his surprise she pro 10/8/1989 #39150  
h long red hair, who was trying to pick up a smooth stone that was wedged i 2/28/1993 #40866  
e months. Other papers are slow to pick up the story, but African Americans 8/18/1996 #42985  
ory. NBC and ABC evening newsrooms pick up the story and nickname the objec 6/18/1997 #43327  
n experiencing the voice could not pick up the sound. Additional developmen 2/17/1998 #43522  
me washing when the winds began to pick up strength. She went back inside h 9/21/1998 #43650  
yamon, Puerto Rico had gone out to pick up some trash bins in order to secu 9/21/1998 #43650  
stations in Hebei province, China, pick up an unknown target moving above a 10/19/1998 #43665  
 a human being. He did not stop to pick up the body but drove on. Sightings 4/22/2003 #44518  
as its radar jammed and is able to pick up the object on an infrared channe 11/14/2004 #44784  
ad succeeded in phoning came by to pick him up, but did not see anything. H 2/15/2006 #44923  
mph. At 7:20 p.m., two radar sites pick up a target that corresponds to Con 1/8/2008 #45112  
AFB near Rapid City, South Dakota, pick up unidentified traffic crossing a  3/3/2010 #45271  
ving into Greymouth at the time to pick up his partner, Charlotte Rose, fro 8/6/2013 #45381  
## Word: "pick-congress" (Back to Top)
                                   Pick-Congress Hotel Congress Plaza Hotel 6/24/1977 #32190  
 International UFO Congress at the Pick-Congress Hotel [now the Congress Pl 6/24/1977 #32190  
## Word: "pick-up" (Back to Top)
m. Robert Collins, while driving a pick-up truck near Greenville, Pennsylva 1/13/1959 #15551  
in groups, brightening each time a pick-up was made, then dimming (luminosi 5/17/1966 #20496  
in groups, brightening each time a pick-up was made, then dimming. The pare 5/17/1966 #20498  
ssing time, and the clock in their pick-up truck was off by six hours. They 10/27/1989 #39189  
hat happened was that a teenager's pick-up truck engine died. He next saw a 4/17/1994 #41495  
licopter at the scene, and a black pick-up truck. They were baffled as to h 6/4/1996 #42921  
## Word: "pickaway" (Back to Top)
                                   Pickaway County, OH A UFO resembling a p 11/6/1971 #26463  
 followed a couple driving home in Pickaway County, Ohio at 1:00 p.m., and  11/6/1971 #26465  
## Word: "picked" (Back to Top)
et back to the place where the UFO picked him up 5 minutes earlier.         1921 #1010  
 airwaves. He intends for it to be picked up by Martian wireless. The next  10/27/1926 #1065  
foo-fighters twice. “A foo-fighter picked me up at 700 feet and chased me 2 1/2/1945 #1752  
bject trailing exhaust. It is also picked up on radar and follows the plane 2/22/1945 #1794  
ere were no airborne radar returns picked up from the objects. On this even 5/3/1945 #1863  
hey are replaced by about 50 hand- picked regular officers.                 9/1945 #1935  
he North Sea an RAF Mosquito pilot picked up a strange object on radar 50 m 1/16/1947 #2229  
 Base, Hokkaido, Japan A target is picked up on radar at Chitose Air Base,  7/1/1947 #2518  
e Army Air Base on Hokkaido, Japan picked up an unidentified target 16 mile 7/1/1947 #2525  
w Radar Station there was a target picked up (radar only) in orbit at a ran 8/28/1947 #3376  
 Japan An incoming radar target is picked up at Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuo 9/16/1947 #3399  
 the skies south of Godman AFB and picked out a dim light in the hazy sky.  1/7/1948 #3536  
e radar by Hemphill, and his radar picked up the targets five miles ahead o 10/15/1948 #3843  
t missile at 2k ft/second suddenly picked up two small circular UFOs that p 6/10/1949 #4229  
ico northwest of Cuba, a USAF B-29 picked up three unidentified radar blips 1/12/1950 #4485  
on routine security flight when he picked up a radar track on an UFO, two t 1/22/1950 #4499  
 clear target like an aircraft are picked up with increasing regularity ove 3/9/1950 #4598  
mine’s house newsletter, then gets picked up by some Canadian newspapers an 7/2/1950 #5039  
William Shaffer, flying in a B-29, picked up an unidentified radar blip. Th 8/25/1950 #5139  
 group of teardrop-shaped UFOs was picked up on multiple radar units for te 12/14/1950 #5349  
 Roswell witness Shirley J. Wright picked for “Who’s Who Among Students in  1/14/1951 #5394  
       At 9:27 p.m. military radar picked up a large sausage-shaped radar b 10/3/1951 #5702  
during the Korean War. The UFO was picked up by both ground and airborne ra 5/26/1952 #6367  
uclear facility a radar target was picked up and later sighted as a feature 6/21/1952 #6583  
wly and silently to the south, but picked up speed instantly speed and clim 6/28/1952 #6660  
       Williams Bay, WI Radars had picked up strange objects in several are 7/12/1952 #6775  
ject the size of a B-36 bomber was picked up on radar flying over Kirksvill 7/12/1952 #6786  
 place for 90 seconds. Finally, it picked up speed and disappeared out of s 7/15/1952 #6831  
, D.C.: Long range “overfly” RADAR picked up a formation of seven blips tha 7/19/1952 #6906  
ermined altitude. Approach Control picked up another UFO at 0415 EST which  7/20/1952 #6940  
t evening and the objects had been picked up by radar.                      7/20/1952 #6940  
al unidentified radar targets were picked up and tracked on ARTC radar at N 7/20/1952 #6956  
tts, and a few minutes later it is picked up by GCI radar. When Ground Cont 7/22/1952 #7026  
.m. ground based air defense radar picked up a bogey over Alaska southeast  7/24/1952 #7120  
tallation in Port Austin, Michigan picked up several large flying objects t 8/6/1952 #7492  
idway Airport in Chicago, Illinois picked up 40 targets flying in miscellan 9/2/1952 #7830  
Navy Patrol Plane Crew / Five UFOs Picked Up On Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 9/16/1952 #7958  
up of five unidentified lights and picked up a long thin blip on radar. Inv 9/16/1952 #7963  
 an unidentified flying object was picked up on radar between 2:20 and 2:43 11/13/1952 #8272  
e states he heard that the UAP was picked up by special tracking equipment  1953 #8482  
or 5 minutes until 10:09 PM  Radar picked up a target at 10:08 PM  moving i 2/17/1953 #8684  
C&W Squad in Port Austin, Michigan picked up a clear and steady radar retur 2/17/1953 #8685  
 better view. The objects are then picked up unassisted by two more members 4/12/1953 #8819  
the objects. The objects were then picked up unassisted by two more members 4/12/1953 #8821  
cial assignment” that day and “got picked up at Indian Springs AFB…for a jo 5/21/1953 #8899  
ted 30 seconds. Radar returns were picked up from the same or another UFO a 11/3/1953 #9281  
rra aircraft at 55,000 ft. when he picked up on the new experimental radar  Winter 1953 #9385  
 the keys. He dropped the keys and picked them up and attempted to open the 4/10/1954 #9681  
s dropped his hoe, the man smiled, picked it up, and gave it back to him, a 12/9/1954 #11784  
 and this third man, with a smile, picked it up and gave it back to him. Al 12/9/1954 #11789  
atten. Some suggest that Kilgallen picked the story up at a cocktail party  5/22/1955 #12148  
 OH Jet Fighters Dogfight With UFO Picked Up On Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 8/23/1955 #12396  
of the boys to climb a tree to be “picked up.” They did so, and a UFO start 8/29/1955 #12416  
,000 mph on an east-west course is picked up on radar. It moves in a straig 8/13/1956 #13080  
. At 10:55 p.m., another target is picked up 30 miles to the east, travelin 8/13/1956 #13080  
ing uniforms, emerged. One of them picked up objects from the beach. There  9/1956 #13165  
r expert. Donald Freestone said he picked up the UFO while testing weather  11/8/1956 #13315  
adar. It is rumored that a blip is picked up on ground radar by the 740th A 11/25/1956 #13352  
own. On the third pass the UFO was picked up on radar by the 740th ACW squa 11/25/1956 #13353  
55 p.m., two objects then one were picked up on radar at Los Angeles Intern 3/22/1957 #13552  
de from 50,000 to 135,000 feet, is picked up over the Atlantic by NORAD rad 9/20/1957 #14020  
all, moving with strange jumps. He picked up something from the ground.     9/26/1957 #14035  
ma, LA (McDonald list) Huge Target Picked Up On Three Radars (NICAP: 09 - R 11/21/1957 #14587  
. An unidentified beeping sound is picked up for three minutes on KBR Rural 12/5/1957 #14673  
 walked around a clearing, and one picked up something before returning to  12/30/1957 #14770  
around a clearing, and one of them picked up something before returning to  12/30/1957 #14772  
ree lights flying at 900 knots and picked them up on radar. The radar targe 1/11/1958 #14820  
ard). The base radar and FAA radar picked up the UFO as it was apparently h 5/1958 #15006  
ps it to Japan. The other piece is picked up by the Canadian Armament Resea 6/12/1960 #16312  
om ground radar that the UFOs were picked up on radar.                      7/20/1961 #16769  
nic signature emitted from the UFO picked up by specific ECM devices.       Spring 1962 #17078  
over Bay area. Unidentified signal picked up by local radio station (NICAP: 11/7/1963 #18028  
e Fallon Air Force Station, Nevada picked up on his ground radar unit two b 4/17/1964 #18178  
lly moved off to the south. It was picked up on radars at Tinker and Carswe 7/31/1965 #19222  
    Chicago (area), IL Two Objects Picked Up On Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 8/5/1965 #19327  
to the spot from which it had been picked up. He told his story to an uncle 8/9/1965 #19350  
 curved sweeps.” Radar targets are picked up between 8:00–8:30 p.m. by an A 8/19/1965 #19427  
nguage, smiled at the witness, and picked a tomato; then the two discs came 9/10/1965 #19551  
; then the two discs came down and picked them up, rising vertically with a 9/10/1965 #19551  
irection it was pointing when they picked up the signal. They do, but forge 10/22/1965 #19672  
gain denies that NORAD radars have picked up any “spaceships,” interplaneta 7/7/1966 #20634  
og Bandit began wailing. Partridge picked up a flashlight and went outside  11/14/1966 #21101  
his light in that direction and it picked up two red circles, or eyes, whic 11/14/1966 #21101  
0 yards. As soon as the flashlight picked out the "eyes" Bandit snarled and 11/14/1966 #21101  
og Bandit began wailing. Partridge picked up a flashlight and went out in t 11/15/1966 #21109  
he light in that direction, and it picked up two red circles or eyes, which 11/15/1966 #21109  
0 yards. As soon as the flashlight picked out the eyes his dog Bandit snarl 11/15/1966 #21109  
when Los Angeles ARTC Center radar picked up both targets. Past Flagstaff t 1/13/1967 #21301  
rado Springs airport an object was picked up on radar. During this time a B 5/13/1967 #22335  
s, Colorado 4:40 p.m. An object is picked up on radar at the Colorado Sprin 5/13/1967 #22337  
 an unidentified flying object was picked up on radar at 4:40 a.m. MDT. Dur 5/13/1967 #22339  
 its October 5 edition and it gets picked up by the AP. Pathologist Robert  9/9/1967 #23026  
dar at Duluth, Minnesota, has also picked up the targets. The Colorado proj 9/11/1967 #23046  
ifornia. At least two objects were picked up on five separate radars. Scram 10/6/1967 #23186  
he mysterious man in the black car picked him up and drove him to his home. 6/20/1968 #24056  
zigzagged through the sky and were picked up as blips on radar as they mane 5/23/1969 #25161  
                   Multiple radars picked up a UFO a MacDill AFB in Tampa,  5/26/1970 #25672  
n the beach where he was initially picked up.                               8/15/1970 #25787  
. in Sheerwater, Nova Scotia radar picked up an unidentified flying object, 10/5/1970 #25870  
t tends to melt and disappear when picked up. It is extremely light and ten 3/15/1971 #26048  
ng up on a military jeep and being picked up by two soldiers, still on the  8/16/1971 #26291  
olice officer Johnson's headlights picked up an animal lying on the road. A 3/17/1972 #26607  
 trying to break it open, and then picked up a rock intending to smash it o 8/26/1972 #26956  
 Argentina a luminous object which picked up a tall humanoid entity. It did 9/27/1972 #27036  
rope to the ground. The being then picked up a bit of grass and put it to h 1/4/1973 #27221  
 mouth, then discarded it. He next picked up a hydrangea plant, which he to 1/4/1973 #27221  
the mainland in June 1973, and was picked up on a destroyer’s radar and mad 6/1973 #27543  
ilitary radar at nearby Baer Field picked up the object, (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 10/9/1973 #27970  
 went to the foot of the table and picked up some boxes or cubes. He placed 10/16/1973 #28089  
d, and the high beams from his car picked up a silvery reflecting object ho 12/13/1973 #28566  
 next to the ICBM nose cone. Radar picked up an inverted saucer-shaped obje 7/17/1974 #29267  
nd then cut hard left. Gander then picked up the object for two or three sw 10/10/1974 #29512  
 and was knocked to the ground. He picked himself up and took off running a 11/21/1974 #29601  
e at same time as Loring AFB radar picked up blips 15 miles east of the bas 10/28/1975 #30504  
n response to a slow moving target picked up by RAPCON (Radar Approach Cont 10/31/1975 #30524  
n response to a slow-moving target picked up by RAPCON radar.               10/31/1975 #30525  
lieved that these two vehicles had picked up the humanoids.                 11/8/1975 #30584  
both he and his truck were somehow picked up and abducted. (Sources: FSR, O 5/14/1976 #31051  
both he and his truck were somehow picked up and abducted. Inside the craft 5/14/1976 #31052  
n by three crew members as well as picked up on radar.                      7/30/1976 #31204  
more minutes then “it took off and picked up speed very rapidly and just di 3/12/1977 #31901  
ome after work when his headlights picked up a shining triangular figure in 8/11/1977 #32385  
stern end of Hokkaido and is later picked up by radars at Cape Erimo. Two F 8/17/1978 #33523  
d area, and were now waiting to be picked up by their parents, when suddenl 10/2/1978 #33791  
 UFOs and extraterrestrial signals picked up by the National Security Agenc 5/1979 #34532  
ties,” and claims the NSA may have picked up signals intelligence related t 5/1979 #34533  
er Intelligence Officer Reveals ‘I picked up wreckage of UFO that exploded  2/28/1980 #35186  
emoved it from the tripod and thus picked up two mercury-vapor lights at a  8/12/1981 #36070  
o the Hortiati NATO Air Base, were picked up on radar, and witnessed by pol 11/13/1981 #36222  
ns on his skin. A passing motorist picked him up, and he was hospitalized i 2/19/1982 #36357  
f lights flashing 20 at a time, is picked up on the aircraft’s radar as it  10/19/1982 #36654  
reens for 40 minutes. It was first picked up 50 nautical miles north of Gor 3/27/1983 #36820  
h and is lost to sight. The UFO is picked up on radar at Tullamarine Air Tr 7/22/1983 #36921  
 running low on fuel. Ground Radar picked up 10–13 more UFOs that surrounde 5/19/1986 #37874  
. He was then unable to move. They picked him up and carried him, and it wa 5/1/1988 #38551  
skemet, Hungary. The UFOs were not picked up on radar.                      11/13/1989 #39229  
 Three Lights in Triangle Are Also Picked Up On Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 3/30/1990 #39497  
 Three Lights in Triangle Are Also Picked Up On Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 3/31/1990 #39502  
. Duluth Air Traffic Control radar picked up seven unidentified targets and 10/10/1990 #39773  
yy Bor, Russia at 7:30 p.m. It was picked up on airport radar in Leningrad  3/2/1991 #39991  
avit that her husband in 1980-1981 picked up a newspaper at a grocery store 7/9/1991 #40116  
 place that the UFO had originally picked him up from. Feeling a little diz 3/5/1992 #40359  
o her home. Once at her house they picked up some additional witnesses and  3/13/1992 #40377  
 NEAR LOGAN, UT Cow mutilated. Jaw picked clean. Eye gone. No tracks / bloo 8/26/1993 (approximate) #41160  
ck going in the same direction was picked up 70 seconds after the first one 3/8/1995 #42081  
his mobile home and truck had been picked up and moved "6 inches", based on 8/15/1995 #42389  
white and an attractive woman that picked him up and apparently wanted to o 5/4/1999 #43762  
rkness. Suddenly, an unseen forced picked him up and threw him backwards ab 7/11/2000 #44014  
ome at heights of 99,000 feet, are picked up on radar at Newark Internation 7/14/2001 #44208  
e that radars in the New York area picked up a series of anomalous targets  7/15/2001 #44209  
oncton Center in New Brunswick had picked up an unidentified target at that 8/13/2002 #44383  
evelopment of SEPRA. The report is picked up by the French press.           11/2002 #44427  
right oval-shaped object allegedly picked up a cow.                         1/31/2005 #44812  
ue lights in the sky. They quickly picked up a video camera and began to fi 1/30/2006 #44920  
 across the sky, and then suddenly picked up speed and quickly vanished.    10/6/2006 #44972  
e, he overheard a member say they “picked up a Fastwalker,” how it entered  3/6/2015 #45433  
## Word: "pickens" (Back to Top)
                               FT. PICKENS, FL "Meteor" slows. Drops going  7/8/1995 #42292  
                              Fort Pickens Pensacola, Florida Gulf of Mexic 10/9/1999 #43859  
o 7:57 p.m. While fishing off Fort Pickens near Pensacola, Florida, an ex-A 10/9/1999 #43859  
## Word: "picker" (Back to Top)
he woods. In the woods, a mushroom picker encountered three short beings dr 9/27/1978 #33764  
## Word: "pickerel" (Back to Top)
                                   PICKEREL LAKE, MI 2 observer(s). 75m cyl 9/11/1989 #39095  
## Word: "pickering" (Back to Top)
ers Percival Lowell and William H. Pickering at Lowell Observatory in Flags 6/7/1894 #315  
ston Harvard astronomer William H. Pickering tells the Boston Post that he  1/9/1911 #853  
niversity astronomer William Henry Pickering claims that he has discovered, 10/9/1921 #1016  
HF DF Operator and pilot Albert R. Pickering, Detachment 733, 103rd AACS Sq 1/7/1948 #3546  
                                   Pickering, Ontario Lake Ontario Night. D 12/31/1974 #29667  
d two other security guards at the Pickering, Ontario, Nuclear Generating S 12/31/1974 #29667  
                                   Pickering, Ontario Lake Ontario Night. M 1/31/1975 #29774  
ike McKenna, security guard at the Pickering, Ontario, Nuclear Generating S 1/31/1975 #29774  
                                   Pickering, Ontario Durham regional Aginc 2/4/1975 #29784  
 Ontario Durham regional Agincourt Pickering Nuclear Generating Station Nig 2/4/1975 #29784  
ar Generating Station Night. Three Pickering, Ontario, ambulance drivers, a 2/4/1975 #29784  
ored objects maneuvering above the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. Pa 2/4/1975 #29784  
## Word: "picket" (Back to Top)
r two dogs, on the other side of a picket fence 50–75 feet away, begin bark 5/1913 #888  
## Word: "pickett" (Back to Top)
otz in 1966 and journalist Jack D. Pickett in 1967 state they see USAF-deca 1966 #19799  
ft with tail fins at MacDill AFB.  Pickett and his business partner Harold  1966 #19799  
, 40, 70 and 116 feet in diameter. Pickett and Baker say they interviewed b 1966 #19799  
otz in 1966 and journalist Jack D. Pickett in 1967. Curiously, 18 years ear 3/1968 #23799  
## Word: "picking" (Back to Top)
 Andrew A. Titcomb is on leave and picking oranges at his wife’s family hom 5/1946 #1988  
r on June 26), and reporters start picking it up.                           6/25/1947 #2411  
ymond Edward Lane and his wife are picking huckleberries near Midland, Mich 7/9/1947 #3068  
Streeter, and asks for his help in picking up the space signals.            8/2/1952 #7424  
 Bob Hagan, encounter difficulties picking up navigational beacons due to “ 11/1/1952 #8228  
rway met the pilot of a UFO. While picking blueberries in fields around Cey 8/20/1954 #10158  
 They ran making little jumps, and picking up various things. They entered  11/4/1954 #11569  
oughout the Western Hemisphere are picking up signals at 14.286 megacycles, 11/7/1957 #14461  
s Road returning to Edinburgh from picking Brussels sprouts in a nursey at  11/8/1957 #14490  
star) began moving across the sky, picking up speed, and disappeared in the 7/20/1963 #17843  
 portholes emitting a harsh light. Picking up his revolver, he fired four s 10/12/1963 #17988  
Two dwarfs were beside the object, picking up leaves and twigs, and examini 11/11/1965 #19713  
th small lights on them. They were picking up and examining small objects o 6/13/1967 #22504  
red feet above the ground, finally picking up speed and disappearing from v 7/4/1967 #22610  
ts, which were also black. One was picking something up from the ground, an 8/29/1967 #22955  
on Island in the Indian Ocean, was picking some grass for his rabbits at ar 7/31/1968 #24272  
h a weapon in its hand, another is picking up earth samples, the third is l 10/2/1968 #24537  
 concern and moved away only after picking up several rocks. The giant crea 1/14/1969 #24842  
 street and caught it in his hand, picking it up and running back to put it 12/27/1969 #25510  
is outside in a crouched position, picking up rocks. They all appear to be  6/9/1971 #26162  
e window, who was stooped over and picking up rocks from the ground. She wa 6/9/1971 #26165  
        At around 5:30 p.m., while picking mushrooms in the woods on Mont R 9/27/1973 #27879  
ly toward the southeast, gradually picking up speed.                        3/2/1975 #29868  
his head, bent over and apparently picking things up from the ground and pu 2/19/1976 #30887  
00 noon. Luis Carlos Serra, 16, is picking guava in the forest just west of 3/24/1978 #33078  
out 4 miles away. It moves closer, picking up speed and shooting by them at 8/27/1978 #33578  
land 1:00 p.m. Henryk Marciniak is picking mushrooms in the forest near Gol 9/27/1978 #33762  
equently bending down as if he was picking things up. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 1/13/1979 #34337  
equently bending down as if he was picking things up. Frightened, the witne 1/13/1979 #34338  
 a woman and her two children were picking wild flowers on the river bank i 8/19/1979 #34760  
  Petushka, Russia Witness was out picking mushrooms and saw a landed UFO w 9/2/1979 #34819  
  The witness, a surveyor, was out picking mushrooms at five o'clock in the 9/2/1979 #34820  
1:30 a.m. A man and his son finish picking fruit in their orchard on Wolick 9/30/1982 #36621  
 by this saucer. Government is not picking up the medical bills. "Grey" bas 6/6/1988 #38581  
s was leaned over and looked to be picking something up from the ground. Th 10/24/1998 #43669  
## Word: "pickle" (Back to Top)
ne dull-grey object, shaped like a pickle with a flat bottom, flew erratica 10/2/1958 #15301  
 a dull-gray object, shaped like a pickle with a flat bottom, fly erratical 10/2/1958 #15304  
d like a puff of smoke, then "like pickle with a flat bottom" was sighted i 10/2/1958 #15305  
observer(s). Glowing "stunted Dill pickle" / low altitude. 10 minute(s). /  1/15/1968 #23664  
ct that looks “like a stunted dill pickle,” greenish-blue in color and sile 1/15/1968 #23666  
## Word: "pickrel" (Back to Top)
issippi 3:30 a.m. Howard and Julia Pickrel are driving on US Highway 49 thr 5/14/1980 #35330  
en a car with witnesses Mr. & Mrs. Pickrel drove through the light beam the 5/14/1980 #35332  
## Word: "pickrell" (Back to Top)
 disappeared after about an hour. (Pickrell report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 0 6/24/1967 #22543  
## Word: "picks" (Back to Top)
nutes. Shortly thereafter the wind picks up again. (This could be a magma p 6/18/1845 #141  
ith hair down to her waist. As she picks flowers, she speaks in an unknown  4/16/1897 #508  
 Okinawa, Japan, when the SG radar picks up an unidentified target at 6 mil 4/22/1945 #1852  
rivateer bomber flying over Sweden picks up signals that might be directing 2/8/1947 #2239  
n Shika Island off Fukuoka, Japan, picks up a target moving 450–478 mph at  8/28/1947 #3375  
t of Fukuoka, Japan, when the crew picks up an object on radar going 200 mp 10/15/1948 #3841  
 this first night. The searchlight picks up the same or similar objects on  8/19/1949 #4329  
Sgt. Berger turns on the light and picks up a large object in the beam. At  10/23/1949 #4401  
 about 10:00 p.m., the searchlight picks up two distinct groups of five tri 10/23/1949 #4401  
r switches ranges on the scope and picks up the object on the 20- and 50- m 1/12/1950 #4484  
                  Key West, FL F6F Picks Up Object Tracked By Gnd Radar At  1/14/1950 #4488  
 fire.” At 4:40 a.m., Lieut. Smith picks up another blip moving so fast tha 1/22/1950 #4503  
t of Cape May, New Jersey, when he picks up a radar target coming in from d 3/1951 #5470  
H 40cm double-hubcap / ground. Man picks it up and sets it down. It flies a 6/1951 #5527  
McDonald list; FUFOR Index) CPS-6B Picks Up High Speed Object (NICAP: 09 -  7/30/1951 #5587  
ns to a group of visiting officers picks up a target that is moving too fas 9/10/1951 #5660  
t to Baffin Island, CAN B-36 Radar Picks Up Object Seen Visually (NICAP: 09 9/17/1951 #5672  
rs stationary to his left rear. It picks up speed and heads to the northeas 10/9/1951 #5715  
denly, at which point ground radar picks it up again. A third F-94 is sent  1/22/1952 #5876  
ron, Japan Air Self-Defense Force, picks up a radar target over the Korea S 4/18/1952 #6124  
ned near Washington, D.C., when he picks up an unknown target on his M33 sc 5/1952 #6229  
 at MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida, picks up a target at 40,000 feet flying  Summer 1952 #6581  
ute Traffic Control (ARTC) in D.C. picks up a formation of seven objects on 7/19/1952 #6935  
on, DC: Long range “overfly” RADAR picks more blips, just one week after th 7/26/1952 #7140  
dar outside of Osceola, Wisconsin, picks up some unidentified targets. Four 7/29/1952 #7319  
0:50 p.m., Andrews AFB in Maryland picks up two unidentified blips moving s 8/5/1952 #7470  
nd AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, picks up an unknown target approaching a 9/1952 #7801  
 Yaak Air Force Station in Montana picks up UFOs exhibiting changes of dire 9/1/1952 #7817  
 Salisbury Plain, Townsend-Withers picks up a blip on his screen. It shows  Spring 1953 #8766  
le, Newfoundland, after base radar picks up an unknown target. One of the p Summer 1953 #8952  
t Sea (McDonald list) Ground Radar Picks Up Objects (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Case 12/16/1953 #9371  
 fear of firearms of any kind, she picks up the gun and pulls the trigger o 2/19/1954 #9558  
is flying at 40,000 feet and Hasty picks up two or three unidentified targe 3/1/1954 #9585  
ard Harris at Wright-Patterson AFB picks up the plane and the UFO on radar. 6/23/1954 #9936  
ica di Mare Air Base south of Rome picks up a target for 20–45 minutes, plo 9/17/1954 #10333  
pparently stationary. Ground radar picks up several objects, some in a dist 7/5/1955 #12238  
es alongside it for 15 miles, then picks up speed and disappears into the d 11/1/1955 #12540  
n resumes its upright position. He picks it up and is surprised at its ligh 9/7/1956 #13202  
e below the overcast. Ground radar picks up the planes but not the UFO. One 10/7/1956 #13266  
adio at Hot Springs, South Dakota, picks up transmissions made by a jet int 11/25/1956 #13352  
pilot flying an F- 86D interceptor picks up a large blip on airborne radar. 12/17/1956 #13408  
Laredo AFB, TX (McDonald list) GCA Picks Up More Than Seven Targets (NICAP: 11/6/1957 #14399  
ity AFS, TN (McDonald list) FPS-10 Picks Up Target Large As Three B-47's (N 12/11/1957 #14710  
 farm at Langdon, North Dakota. He picks out a strange metallic substance f 12/14/1957 #14729  
shearing contractor Edwin C. Payne picks up the material and it fades away  8/5/1961 #16778  
closed] at East Mountain, Vermont, picks up an unidentified radar target at 9/19/1961 #16855  
ase] in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, picks up an unidentified radar blip 4 mi 9/20/1961 #16861  
 Netherlands. The jet’s radar also picks up the object and control tower ra 1/29/1962 #17026  
m Kansas and Colorado. NORAD radar picks up the object; ADC alerts several  4/18/1962 #17120  
o, spotting a brick on the ground, picks it up and aims it at the cyclops,  8/28/1963 #17922  
Anchorage. The aircraft radar also picks them up about 5 miles off the wing 2/11/1965 #18809  
     Truax Field, WI Missile Radar Picks Up Target At 100,000' (NICAP: 09 - 7/25/1965 #19168  
                    Topeka, KS 707 Picks Up 12-15 Targets (NICAP: 09 - RADA 8/1/1965 #19240  
ner flying west of Topeka, Kansas, picks up 12–15 targets on Air Intercept  8/1/1965 #19245  
on, colliding with each other. One picks up the tube and the other points a 10/22/1965 #19673  
 they completed their therapy. UPI picks up the story the same day. The Hil 10/25/1965 #19680  
ng sound intensifies as the object picks up speed and disappears in 20 seco 11/22/1966 #21141  
ter which Los Angeles Center radar picks up both targets. Past Flagstaff, t 1/13/1967 #21299  
l entities moving around it, so he picks up some stones and approaches it.  2/14/1967 #21551  
west of McIntosh, South Dakota. He picks up three friends—Dick Makens, Juni 3/12/1967 #21872  
 figure steps out, who bends over, picks up some stones, examines them, and 8/3/1967 #22788  
s and the body of her husband, and picks up his rifle. But during this time 8/13/1967 #22873  
opping when it stops), turns blue, picks up speed, turns green, then shoots 10/27/1967 #23352  
it was built in 1960–1962. It soon picks up unidentified radar returns.     3/1/1968 #23802  
icial cuts on her arms. The entity picks up the machine, which has absorbed 3/10/1968 #23834  
rce radar at Great Falls, Montana, picks up “foreign objects” at the same t 11/26/1968 #24718  
and illumination radar. The system picks up 365 unidentified tracks through 1/31/1969 #24881  
get to the other side when the car picks up speed.                          3/6/1969 #24976  
vo International Airport in Bosnia picks up an unidentified radar target tr Early 2/1972 #26561  
object and watches it take off. He picks up his camera and photographs the  7/27/1973 #27656  
 thick fog when the radar operator picks up an echo, presumably a surface v 6/23/1975 #30117  
 its motion frequently. Finally it picks up speed and blinks out.           Late 7/1975 #30204  
ights and is not seen again. Radar picks up a target moving in the directio 10/28/1975 #30503  
se, and at about 1,000 feet, NORAD picks up the UFO on radar. Two F- 106 je 11/7/1975 #30576  
ights up again, scaring him, so he picks up a piece of wood and throws it a 9/9/1976 #31362  
Some 27 miles from the UFO, Jafari picks the object up on radar, the return 9/18/1976 #31395  
 at Contrexéville, Vosges, France, picks up unknown targets at 2:00 a.m., 3 12/14/1976 #31603  
rom Akureyi to Reykjavik, Iceland, picks up a clear radar target at 18,000  12/18/1976 #31613  
y out to sea, radar at RAF Boulmer picks up two targets 20–30 miles out, co 7/30/1977 #32323  
 in the Barents Sea when its radar picks up an unknown target approaching a 10/7/1977 #32559  
seems to move toward him, Coltrane picks up his Polaroid camera, comes out  4/19/1978 #33153  
n Raeford, North Carolina, when it picks up some strange interference for a 6/1978 #33246  
ernational Airport] in Antofagasta picks up the object and confirms its lar 10/1978? #33787  
nd within 2 minutes aircraft radar picks up a target 37 miles away. Startup 12/31/1978 #34246  
mes to a stop for 30 seconds, then picks up speed slowly for 7 seconds, and 6/19/1979 #34622  
Citizens Band radio, but the radio picks up strange interference like an “i 1/8/1984 #37113  
es, brushing a tree, and the woman picks up her son and hides behind a tree Summer 1984 #37369  
 Airport] near Bucharest, Romania, picks up a target flying above Alexeni A 8/23/1984 #37438  
ion in Bucharest, Romania, when he picks up a stationary target that appear 8/1986 #37964  
t is about 2,000 feet altitude. It picks up speed and streaks away to the n 3/6/1987 #38130  
 of Warrington, Cheshire, England, picks up a white light, seemingly tennis 2/1991 #39970  
 London Air Traffic Control Center picks up a target moving away from the p 7/15/1991 #40123  
debris that looks like tinfoil. He picks up a larger piece that is thin and 1/13/1996 #42681  
 Claxby by Normanby, Lincolnshire, picks up a strong target over Boston, an 10/5/1996 #43056  
d RAF Waddington near Lincoln also picks up an unidentified target in anoth 10/5/1996 #43056  
e UAP. Nonetheless, the news media picks up the NRO report and the concept  8/3/1997 #43367  
other, Alan Bruno de Oliveira, 10, picks up a camcorder and films the light 1/2/1998 #43486  
eactor near Khondab, Iran, when it picks up an unidentified target at a dis 10/28/2004 #44773  
-14 makes a turn at 7,000 feet, it picks up the target again and flies 2,00 10/28/2004 #44773  
y traffic in that position, but he picks up a faint primary return radar si 4/23/2007 #45022  
ory in New South Wales, Australia, picks up a 982.992 MHz radio signal, lab 4/2019 #45570  
## Word: "pickup" (Back to Top)
chuening, a farmer, is driving his pickup truck down a remote rural road 25 6/24/1947 #2396  
e likely those of a 1942 Chevrolet pickup truck driven by local Max Lockard 9/12/1952 #7905  
den. Ekberg is driving his Ford V8 pickup when they see a bright flying obj 11/11/1956 #13322  
nd John R. Gettys Jr. are in their pickup expecting a normal day. As they a 5/2/1957 #13643  
0 a.m. Robert Collins is driving a pickup truck south on Hartstown Road acr 1/13/1959 #15549  
n 11-year-old housemaid when their pickup runs out of fuel. As they are wai 8/9/1959 #15898  
 and red lights. It approached his pickup truck, flew ahead of him, then fl 10/31/1963 #18018  
own and hovered 100 feet above his pickup truck. The truck stalled when it  4/28/1964 #18218  
roid camera from his Orange County pickup truck. The U.S. Air Force claimed 8/3/1965 #19293  
 is driving his father’s 1962 Ford pickup truck, heading west just south of 12/19/1965 #19777  
amed Burns was driving home in his pickup truck in Herman, Minnesota at 11: 12/20/1965 #19782  
uk, New York Mr. Field's 1965 Ford pickup truck experienced total engine fa 3/30/1966 #20166  
engineer saw a bluish-white object pickup 10 smaller objects in groups, bri 5/17/1966 #20496  
or, Ohio saw a bluish-white object pickup 10 smaller objects in groups, bri 5/17/1966 #20498  
t 4:30 a.m. when the engine of his pickup truck stalled near Howard Lake. H 1/25/1967 #21387  
na, with her two children when her pickup’s engine fails and the lights go  2/13/1967 #21537  
    The engine and headlights of a pickup truck failed simultaneously in Bi 2/13/1967 #21539  
vanson, 18, is returning home in a pickup truck on Highway 36 south of Tabe Early 9/1967 #22983  
           SOUTHWEST / TABER, ALTA Pickup overheats. Saucer hovers next / t 9/5/1967? #23001  
his son Eugene, 14, are starting a pickup truck with jumper cables in Allen 9/22/1967 #23114  
h C45H Encounters UFO / Gnd Radars Pickup (BBU 12498) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 9/15/1968 #24465  
            HUNTINGTON, IN Car and pickup chased to farm. Hovers over barn. 10/15/1973 #28039  
ley, AL Clarence Patterson and his pickup truck were sucked up into a huge/ 10/17/1973 #28126  
Clarence Patterson said he and his pickup truck were sucked up into a huge  10/17/1973 #28143  
s. They had trouble starting their pickup truck, and then could only creep  11/19/1973 #28449  
oudcroft, New Mexico, is driving a pickup truck when he sees a silver-gray  10/11/1974 #29520  
to within a quarter of a mile of a pickup truck being driven by an astronom 10/11/1974 #29523  
er men in several four-wheel-drive pickup trucks. He seems confused, so he  10/15/1974 #29531  
he top. Deputy Herb Lynn stops his pickup truck a few miles out of town to  2/17/1975 #29820  
adley begins following them in his pickup truck. Outside the lights of the  2/23/1975 #29838  
er to red. When it hovers over his pickup for 10–20 seconds, the lights go  5/3/1975 #30027  
and 17, had gone back out to their pickup truck to talk on the CB radio. Th 7/4/1975 #30159  
m. a 23-year-old woman stopped her pickup truck on a bridge three miles eas 4/21/1976 #31006  
e and his wife speed away in their pickup. They stop at a friends’ house an 9/10/1976 #31371  
linding point source alongside his pickup truck outside New Albany, Indiana 11/24/1976 #31571  
htly. He decides to go home in his pickup truck. One week later, around 11: Mid 1/1977 #31723  
north of Nashville). He was in his pickup truck and had his dog with him. I 1/27/1977 #31761  
 wife, Deborah, were driving their pickup truck around a bend in the road w 3/5/1977 #31860  
 wife, Deborah, were driving their pickup truck around a bend in the road i 3/5/1977 #31861  
78; see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 72 (E) pickup truck & car (NICAP: 03 - EME Case 12/17/1977 #32787  
:00 p.m. Marguerite Camp is in her pickup truck on State Highway 2 near Ken 12/17/1977 #32791  
Mr. Herrero Sierra was driving his pickup truck down a road at a few minute 12/18/1977 #32796  
uel Herrero Sierra was driving his pickup truck down a road at a few minute 12/18/1977 #32797  
th of the city in their 1930 Chevy pickup when their vehicle was lifted fro 7/6/1978 #33346  
78, see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 73 (E) pickup truck (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)     8/30/1978 #33601  
ht. A 38-year-old man is driving a pickup on State Highway 38 a half-mile w 8/30/1978 #33604  
 a 38-year-old couple driving in a pickup truck on Highway 38 in Nisula, Mi 8/30/1978 #33606  
 crosses it at 10 mph behind their pickup, then pausing to hover above a fi 9/4/1979 #34834  
minutes he managed to crawl to his pickup truck and drive home. Ground trac 11/9/1979 #34991  
 shine directly down on Spurlock’s pickup truck. The object is revolving co 11/24/1981 #36232  
the UFO shown directly down on his pickup truck. The object was revolving c 11/24/1981 #36233  
ar Summit Lake, Alaska, when their pickup stops with a frozen gas line. Aft 10/27/1982 #36666  
ing quickly west stops near parked pickup truck. Goes. Back / 3 Aug. '86.   7/30/1986 #37958  
e bright light came at a lady in a pickup truck in her driveway in Richmond 7/31/1986 #37962  
p.m. Ed Walters was driving in his pickup truck on US 98 in Gulf Breeze, Fl 1/12/1988 #38411  
about 30 minutes. One UFO buzzed a pickup truck. The witnesses said it had  12/8/1989 #39306  
n East Fork, Kentucky two men in a pickup truck saw a gray, disc-shaped fly 2/25/1992 #40339  
n this evening a witness driving a pickup truck on a rural road on Gaither  10/31/1992 #40697  
ad was turning off the heat in her pickup truck. Two hours later she awoke  11/25/1992 #40730  
 ND Night lights / roadside ditch. Pickup truck malfunctions due to EME (el 6/30/1993 #41042  
vers near roadway. Passes low over pickup truck. No further details.        9/26/1993 #41209  
                      Two men in a pickup truck were skywatching for UFOs a 10/28/1994 #41816  
ad, and as it did it levitated the pickup truck and dropped it in a bar dit 10/28/1994 #41816  
nd level, and pulled up to avoid a pickup truck whose headlights had just b 12/26/1999 #43904  
10:30 p.m. A family traveling in a pickup truck between Achiras and Sampach 9/9/2001 #44253  
30 p.m. A family is traveling in a pickup truck northward along Provincial  9/9/2002 #44392  
d then hovered in the bed of their pickup truck for 10 seconds.             9/5/2003 #44593  
 smoke. It was about the size of a pickup truck tire. Raul Beltran, 17, sta 5/8/2004 #44696  
its contractors hid it, created a “pickup game” of counter intelligence, De 4/2016 #45448  
## Word: "pickup's" (Back to Top)
here the incident had begun. Their pickup's engine restarted and they drove 7/6/1978 #33346  
## Word: "pickups" (Back to Top)
tion present between unknown radar pickups and rises in radiation, and he s 11/4/1952 #8245  
## Word: "picnic" (Back to Top)
               TWIN FALLS, ID 60 / picnic. 3 groups / saucers in V formatio 7/4/1947 #2612  
eir grandson were returning from a picnic when, about 14 km south of Ely, t 5/7/1950 #4931  
eir grandson were returning from a picnic at 6:45 p.m. when they saw a silv 5/7/1950 #4933  
          CARRIZAL, VNZL Several / picnic. 2 saucers maneuver over town. St 12/20/1954 #11844  
, Barney stops the car at a scenic picnic area south of Twin Mountain. Thro 9/19/1961 #16857  
 engineer, stopped by a lake for a picnic while on a business trip around n 9/1/1962 #17382  
wife and two children are having a picnic on a hill about 10 miles northwes 4/11/1964 #18169  
t reported. A group of people on a picnic saw white, blue, and red lights i 4/7/1966 #20265  
eir car as they left the site of a picnic in a state of extreme fear. An un 4/7/1966 #20268  
                DUBUQUE, IA Kids / picnic. 3M silver ovoid with legs. 15M a 10/12/1967 #23223  
he "Mississauga Blob", landed on a picnic table in the backyard of a home i 6/26/1979 #34636  
ied couples were enjoying a garden picnic when some very strange events beg 7/15/1995 #42304  
asses started to move about on the picnic table. A dark gray mass and fog t 7/15/1995 #42304  
## Word: "picnicing" (Back to Top)
va Hart and his wife Marveline are picnicing off Old Saint Charles Road wes 7/4/1947 #2660  
## Word: "picnicking" (Back to Top)
o Scarborough, Ontario Dusk. While picnicking on the shore of Sawbill Bay o 7/2/1950 #5039  
le companion, and two children are picnicking on a Lake Ontario beach in St Late 7/1955 #12285  
ghter Elizabeth when his family is picnicking on the marshes at Burgh by Sa 5/24/1964 #18297  
a Matea, and two other friends are picnicking in the Hoia Baciu forest near 8/18/1968 #24352  
## Word: "picnics" (Back to Top)
Mountain 1:00 p.m. Adamski’s group picnics along the roadside. At 1:30 p.m. 11/20/1952 #8307  
## Word: "pico" (Back to Top)
da Trindade, Brazil Atlantic Ocean Pico Desejado Around 12:00 noon. As the  1/16/1958 #14831  
d from the east, flies towards the Pico Desejado, makes a steep turn, and g 1/16/1958 #14831  
                                   PICO DA TIJUCA, BRZ 3 observer(s) 20km a 2/11/1968 #23747  
                                   PICO BLANCO, COSTA RICA Series / night l 10/20/1977 (approximate) #32591  
              San José, Costa Rica Pico Blanco Several witnesses in San Jos 10/20/1977 #32594  
a Rica, see lighted objects around Pico Blanco, a mountain to the south of  10/20/1977 #32594  
## Word: "picos" (Back to Top)
                             CINCO PICOS, AZORES Radio electro-magnetic eff 1/30/1968 #23709  
 morning a security guard in Cinco Picos, The Azores experienced radio inte 1/30/1968 #23711  
   On this night a sentry at Cinco Picos AFB on the Azores Islands, Sr. Ser 2/1/1968 #23724  
                              TRES PICOS, ARG 3 / car. Saucer north going q 7/28/1968 #24241  
NORTH / TRES ARROYOS, ARG 3 / Tres Picos. Odd rotating cloud with flashing  10/14/1972 #27072  
## Word: "pics" (Back to Top)
s://ufologie.patrickgross.org/rw/w/pics/thomasdubose-affidavit.jpg          7/8/1947 #3031  
s://ufologie.patrickgross.org/rw/w/pics/robertshirkeya01.jpg                7/8/1947 #3032  
s://ufologie.patrickgross.org/rw/f/pics/schiff28jul1995-01.gif   https://uf 7/28/1995 #42338  
s://ufologie.patrickgross.org/rw/f/pics/schiff28jul1995-02.gif              7/28/1995 #42338  
## Word: "pictogram" (Back to Top)
tshire, England A 450-foot “Snail” pictogram appears in a wheatfield at Alt 7/9/1992 #40519  
## Word: "pictographs" (Back to Top)
ractal expert Richard Taylor, “the pictographs they created inspired a seco 9/9/1991 #40182  
on, with hundreds of sophisticated pictographs now appearing annually aroun 9/9/1991 #40182  
## Word: "pictorial" (Back to Top)
         Life magazine publishes a pictorial news story on the flying discs 7/21/1947 #3210  
## Word: "picture" (Back to Top)
see nothing at all. The only known picture of the Sun taken during the even 10/13/1917 #970  
te Sands Proving Grounds, NM First picture of Earth from space. V-2 missile 10/10/1946 #2201  
e maneuvers for 45 seconds. Motion picture filming was attempted, but resul 7/9/1947 #3074  
t the end of the report he draws a picture of what the objects appeared to  7/12/1947 #3157  
cher came when the air force got a picture recently of three discs flying f 5/18/1949 #4193  
incinnati a black-and-white motion picture film was made showing a large di 10/23/1949 #4402  
t authentic photographs and motion picture film of flying saucers, the two  11/17/1950 #5279  
hting of a fast-moving UFO. Motion picture footage was allegedly obtained,  7/14/1951 #5576  
seen in the photograph. The fourth picture, taken as the object tilts the o 5/7/1952 #6270  
ised ring on the bottom. The final picture is taken as the object is nearly 5/7/1952 #6270  
spheres.” They have a color motion picture camera with them, but the UFOs a 9/30/1952 #8070  
             At 4:00 p.m. a motion picture film crew filmed a disc-shaped o 11/28/1952 #8353  
t had a turret on top. She draws a picture and Geyer says it looks like one 1/28/1953 #8602  
             Easton, PA Television picture "began going up and down real fa 9/29/1953 #9189  
Cedric Allingham meets and takes a picture of a man from Mars and saucer.   2/18/1954 #9551  
them but he was told “don’t take a picture of me, just take what you were t 4/12/1954 #9685  
 in town dimmed, finally lost both picture and sound during same period of  11/5/1957 #14334  
s in town dim, finally losing both picture and sound during the same time p 11/5/1957 #14345  
 Brazilian Navy releases authentic picture of UFO                           2/1958 #14857  
three silver discs with his motion picture camera, flying over Dubuque, Iow 3/4/1960 #16196  
 Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. Motion picture film was shot.                   6/4/1965 #18991  
m the site he was. But I did see a picture of a sort of a cone-like thing.  12/9/1965 #19762  
meraman named Hansen shot a motion picture film of a disc-shaped object whi 4/15/1966 #20300  
nearby building and a 35-mm motion picture film crew who filmed the entire  5/11/1966 #20478  
med Mr. Niles reportedly snapped a picture of the "thing" from his window a 8/22/1966 #20789  
ouse had the color fade out of the picture during the encounter. After five 2/10/1967 #21508  
tee Stella V. Lansing takes motion picture footage on a borrowed Keystone 8 2/17/1967 #21586  
                 Torrance, CA This picture, although a fairly clear shot, d 5/11/1967 #22316  
 humans. Watts attempted to take a picture of the being, who quickly ran ba 6/11/1967 #22496  
y 10:00 a.m. Drew Wright took this picture. "I had a terrible hangover from 7/18/1967 #22691  
                Zagreb, Yugoslavia Picture taken by Farcich Zoran, near Zag 11/23/1967 #23501  
hite lights shaped like television picture tubes turn on, each about 22 inc 10/5/1968 #24544  
entering. Someone shot some motion picture film of the object.              6/14/1969 #25215  
                            Motion picture film was shot of a blazing sauce 5/1/1971 #26095  
es province, Argentina when the TV picture went out. When he got up to chec 11/28/1972 #27150  
photo lens and attempted to take a picture, but his film jammed.            5/21/1973 #27514  
in, and photographed by Sr. Salas, picture editor of the Sur newspaper.     3/27/1974 #28962  
 a dashed trail leading across the picture. Later that night Mike was awake 11/26/1974 #29610  
e sat up, the creature dropped the picture and ran out the door.            11/26/1974 #29610  
e like a still frame from a motion picture. People were twisted in strange  7/12/1975 #30175  
which he felt might have taken his picture, appeared below the low flying d 8/1/1976 #31219  
 car lit up like a "yellow lighted picture screen", on which he could see p 8/2/1976 #31222  
usa, California, when suddenly the picture crackles, fades, and blacks out, 9/10/1976 #31371  
rom them. The men take both motion picture and still photos, showing one be 10/23/1976 #31488  
asant wearing a straw hat. Another picture of him showed him next to an ora 9/15/1977 #32485  
acava, switches on the TV, but the picture is distorted. The light moves so 9/7/1978 #33645  
vince, China At an open-air motion picture film showing, several Chinese Ai 10/23/1978 #33861  
             At an open-air motion picture film showing in Kansu Province i 10/23/1978 #33864  
 company technicians made a motion picture of a UFO in Kuwait, but the film 11/19/1978 #33964  
ly after midnight, a famous motion picture film was taken by a news crew wh 12/31/1978 #34238  
ly after midnight, a famous motion picture film was taken by a news crew wh 12/31/1978 #34249  
ng in the clouds that looks like a picture frame. A vivid orange or red obj 9/21/1980 #35524  
serve the UFO when she snapped the picture.The resulting photograph shows a 10/8/1981 #36170  
ights, grabs a camera, and takes a picture that turns out poorly. He hears  2/24/1982 #36365  
 the light as yellowish. Through a picture window, Mr. Zurwaski sees an obj 8/26/1983 #36960  
e takes out his camera and snaps a picture. The creature then runs away and 12/1/1987 #38345  
h in the lower left portion of the picture. NASA explains the objects as ic 9/15/1991 #40187  
ch, unexplained image showed up in picture when developed (section VII). (N 9/19/1991 #40191  
ch, unexplained image showed up in picture when developed                   9/19/1991 #40192  
L, stated Huntsville was where big picture interstellar vision came togethe 8/1997 #43363  
ect with his mobile phone, but the picture was totally blurry. The five oth 6/14/2005 #44847  
l officer Sven Olof Kviman snaps a picture of what looks like a 65–98-foot  10/31/2014 #45422  
## Word: "pictured" (Back to Top)
hortly five saucers (such as those pictured by George Adamski) appeared ove 1943 #1474  
## Word: "pictures" (Back to Top)
 a man in an airship who projected pictures onto the side of his barn.      4/11/1897 #436  
t and the smaller group. These two pictures are last seen by Time-Life corr 10/23/1949 #4401  
 and over again if they have taken pictures and to describe the object they 7/1950 #5035  
 strong interest to acquire motion pictures of UFOs taken by civilians, per 7/6/1950 #5046  
tes he wants to collect UAP motion pictures taken by U.S. citizens with coo 7/6/1950 #5047  
           On this day 8 mm motion pictures were shot with a telescopic len 9/11/1950 #5173  
 1952. Witness: Charles Muhr. Four pictures taken of some indistinct light  7/6/1952 #6722  
a story of the fleet exercise took pictures of the UFO which was ascertaine 9/20/1952 #7983  
      New York City Mars Paramount Pictures’ The War of the Worlds premiere 8/13/1953 #9068  
                   Tokyo, Japan TV pictures distorted as UFO passed over (N 5/1/1954 #9743  
science fiction film from Columbia Pictures, produced by Charles H. Schneer 6/13/1956 #12900  
nd a brass panel that explains, in pictures, what the finder should do in t Summer 1962 #17239  
lin AFB, Del Rio, Texas, takes 928 pictures on a path selected by DIA analy 10/14/1962 #17471  
                      Color motion pictures were taken of a UFO near Angel  12/21/1962 #17602  
craft. A photographer took several pictures and noted that the creatures fe 2/21/1965 #18824  
aken out of the wall, and with it “pictures” were taken of her; the object  8/16/1965 #19410  
r; the object glowed blue when the pictures were taken. On a screen on the  8/16/1965 #19410  
r Mabel Mazza describes one of the pictures: “It was very dark and it was w 12/9/1965 #19762  
haped like a camp lantern or cone. Pictures were taken but reportedly show  3/8/1967 #21806  
000 feet. Fisher took color motion pictures of the objects, one frame of wh 3/9/1967 #21832  
 Fisher, age 32, filmed 8mm motion pictures of a luminous oval or disc shap 3/9/1967 #21841  
man from the ship. Most of Watts’s pictures are black and white, but at lea 3/31/1967 #22023  
ot speak any Portuguese but, using pictures, the leader manages to convey t 5/4/1969 #25114  
much power." He was also shown 3-D pictures of atomic explosions, and of a  8/17/1971 #26293  
o, California she began to receive pictures in her mind and had a sense of  8/4/1973 #27683  
h his Kodak X-15 camera. The color pictures reveal a distinct dark object i 5/5/1974 #29085  
raphs before fleeing the area. The pictures only vaguely show what appears  3/28/1975 #29923  
rofessional photographer is taking pictures of the Irma kød company south o 5/3/1975 #30025  
rol car which automatically took 3 pictures of the UFO. As the UFO sped awa 8/13/1975 #30257  
g else in the area. Possibility of pictures. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 12/4/1975 #30684  
 said no, he did not need any more pictures. And with that the stranger ste 4/25/1978 #33171  
                      Sunn Classic Pictures releases the film Hangar 18 abo 7/1980 #35399  
B three years later.  Sunn Classic Pictures was established in 1971 by the  7/1980 #35399  
-expose photos well before his UFO pictures. In June 1990, a model UFO, see 11/11/1987 #38322  
witnesses takes at least four good pictures with a Vivitar fully automatic  8/31/1994 #41707  
51: The Alien Interview” by Rocket Pictures. Claims two psychics were prese 2/1997 (approximate) #43182  
nd erratically. He attempts taking pictures of it with a camera and a video 5/8/2009 #45220  
ur photographer Jeff Templin snaps pictures of a triangular aircraft while  2/2014 #45401  
## Word: "pid" (Back to Top)
 same night as Piedmont incident. (PID,18) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)     4/12/1973 #27426  
 dim yellow light on top. 3 secs. (PID,195) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 1/3/1975 #29709  
al ascent. One witness. (Rutledge, PID,200) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 9/5/1976 #31344  
## Word: "pidcock" (Back to Top)
ker and her boyfriend, Burnham and Pidcock, saw a round domed disc with a w 11/21/1970 #25914  
## Word: "pidsea" (Back to Top)
                            BURTON PIDSEA, HUMBERSIDE 1 / car. Orange spher 9/18/1994 #41759  
## Word: "pie" (Back to Top)
n this day. It was shaped like two pie pans rim-to-rim, and was estimated t 7/1/1947 #2531  
out 10,000 feet. Looking like “two pie pans, one inverted on top of the oth 7/2/1952 #6694  
LM BEACH, FL 2 observer(s). Double pie pan saucer going quickly south / Eas 8/15/1952 #7604  
. A metallic disc, shaped like two pie pans face-to-face, and 120-130' in d 1/1/1955 #11908  
ROOK, IN 2 observer(s). Brilliant "pie plate" going quickly northeast. Sudd 8/24/1958 #15222  
                     DATIL TO/FROM PIE TOWN, NM 2 teardrop shapes connected 11/25/1958 (approximate) #15458  
               US Highway 60 Datil Pie Town, New Mexico 2:00 a.m. A brillia 10/21/1961 #16922  
they are driving between Datil and Pie Town, New Mexico. It then veers into 10/21/1961 #16922  
0 feet it starts shedding all the “pie slice” fillets of titanium on the le 4/26/1962 #17131  
scribed as being like a "very huge pie" lighted with red, blue, and white l 3/17/1966 #19986  
ed as if in terror, taking a mince pie each with them. Outside in her garde 1/4/1979 #34296  
hey fled in terror, taking a mince pie with them. Outside in her garden was 1/5/1979 #34304  
 50 feet away. An object like “two pie plates rim to rim” is motionless in  10/13/1989 #39169  
nd was shaped like a tall slice of pie. It had two 10 foot wide white pods  1/26/2001 #44133  
## Word: "pie-pan" (Back to Top)
lot B. Savage. Large silent silver pie-pan saucer going northwest. / r171p6 5/17/1947 #2285  
ELD, CA Several observer(s). Shiny pie-pan flips over several times crossin 7/4/1947 #2603  
that look like a disc or hubcap or pie-pan or half-moon flashing in the sun 7/4/1947 #2658  
NE, WS Whine then silence. Glowing pie-pan saucer going [to] over swamp slo 2/26/1982 #36372  
## Word: "pie-pan-shaped" (Back to Top)
  Wink (70 miles W of), TX Several pie-pan-shaped aluminum colored objects  8/12/1952 #7558  
## Word: "pie-pans" (Back to Top)
        TULSA, OK 2+3 observer(s). Pie-pans pass / low-altitude. 1 stops an 3/27/1950 #4734  
T / RED BLUFF, TX Several metallic pie-pans pass 2 / plane. Climb going sou 8/12/1952 #7555  
 aluminum colored, and shaped like pie-pans. They rose rapidly from a lower 8/12/1952 #7561  
## Word: "pie-plate" (Back to Top)
ings, New Mexico and saw a "flying pie-plate" disc while swimming.          6/22/1947 #2367  
RLAND PARK, IL Man photographs 30m pie-plate saucer. Dives into clouds.     3/18/1950 (approximate) #4668  
eparate observer(s). 2 large shiny pie-plate saucers outmaneuvers jets.     7/29/1952 #7280  
RD, CA T33 pilot. Brilliant silver pie-plate. Then 4 more come and go. 1 st 1/27/1953 #8578  
UT, OH Multiple observer(s). Brown pie-plate going east over Lake Erie shor 12/8/1953 (approximate) #9348  
## Word: "pie-shaped" (Back to Top)
ke that of an egg yolk, with three pie-shaped spots, and in the middle of i 6/15/1984 #37365  
th 4 small humanoids (or Greys) in pie-shaped room / regressed.             5/1/1988 #38549  
ousness he found himself in a hazy pie-shaped hazy room, where he presumes  5/1/1988 #38551  
## Word: "pie-slice" (Back to Top)
    FLAVIGNY-SUR-MOSELLE, FR Hiss. Pie-slice delta/triangle/box-like craft  7/1973 #27606  
## Word: "pie-tin" (Back to Top)
RTHEAST / BAKER, OR 2 observer(s). Pie-tin saucer flies over baths at 'radi 6/22/1947 #2361  
  CLEARWATER, FL 1 observer. Shiny pie-tin disks flip over and over. Fast a 7/6/1947 #2756  
EDERICKSBURG, VA Many observer(s). Pie-tin object bobs going up [to] & goin 1/25/1965 #18763  
        SHARON, ONT 3 observer(s). Pie-tin saucer with square windows going 9/20/1973 #27843  
 2 observer(s). Segmented inverted pie-tin saucer over Crown St. / Evening  9/25/1973 #27866  
ELD, ENGL Civil observer(s). Domed pie-tin saucer hovers over Army base. Mo 11/5/1973 #28368  
COLA, FL 1 observer. Metallic-grey pie-tin saucer over Jordan St. 2" / arm' 4/10/1995 #42144  
## Word: "piece" (Back to Top)
ims that McCann has photographed a piece of canvas on which an airship is p 4/11/1897 #429  
 a flat object looking like a “big piece of yellow canvas” pass over Bloomi 4/11/1897 #430  
Brazel removes the large, circular piece of the debris from the range. Braz 7/5/1947 #2725  
ns a Geiger counter over the large piece of wreckage Brazel has stored in t 7/6/1947 #2814  
own and skipped along. The largest piece of debris is recovered at the sout 7/7/1947 #2928  
f the photos shows Ramey holding a piece of paper (the “Ramey memo”) with w 7/8/1947 #3025  
 to the field where he retrieves a piece of metal “lighter than aluminum fo 7/25/1947 #3231  
 Saucers . . . Said the front-page piece in the W-T: ‘Air Force people are  5/18/1949 #4193  
he crash field and pick up a small piece of metal from the ground. Willingh 12/6/1950 #5330  
n still be seen, appearing like a “piece of magnesium wire burning with a b 12/13/1950 #5345  
“most poorly written, inconclusive piece of unscientific tripe” he had ever 10/1/1951 #5694  
ene of one crash retrieval where a piece of metal was broken from the ship  1952 #5847  
hip and later studied. He said the piece was impervious to diamond saws and 1952 #5847  
iral Herbert B. Knowles a metallic piece from a saucer that was shot down n 7/28/1952 #7266  
r ends, the beings offer Kravets a piece of bread the size of a small coin. 8/17/1953? #9077  
oberts and Joseph Barbieri steal a piece of the sign during an investigatio 8/19/1953 #9084  
ing of flying saucers in 2001 on a piece of scrubland near the Unarius head 2/1954 #9522  
 size till it was no bigger than a piece of newspaper, as it descended and  4/8/1954 #9678  
s lifted from it by a man in a one piece uniform, who effortlessly carried  5/13/1954 #9791  
a pencil and what appeared to be a piece of paper, when he then proceeded t 8/20/1954 #10158  
ng man" was standing on a circular piece of metal, laughing at the witness' 10/14/1954 #11043  
man” who is standing on a circular piece of metal in the middle of the obje 10/14/1954 #11053  
ng man" was standing on a circular piece of metal, laughing at the witness' 10/14/1954 #11064  
of normal height, wearing dark one piece diver's suits, with their heads co 12/28/1954 #11869  
 touch. It is a heavy, three-sided piece of metal about the size of a match 11/11/1956 #13322  
erg and Mr. Sjoberg. A three-sided piece of metal about the size of a match 11/11/1956 #13323  
to balloons is found, then another piece of meteorological equipment in ano 2/15/1957 #13509  
Sieker ejects but is killed when a piece of metal hits him in the head.     4/4/1957 #13581  
reen object, shaped like a 10-cent piece, and one smaller, silver round obj 11/1958 #15415  
reen object, shaped like a 10 cent piece, and one smaller, silver round obj 11/3/1958 #15421  
nd a still-hot, smooth, triangular piece of metal the size of a matchbox, w 11/9/1958 #15435  
urned. In the early 1970s, another piece is examined by James Harder at the 11/9/1958 #15435  
 to retrieve it and brought back a piece of un-rusted metal whose compositi 1/21/1959 #15560  
as a pencil in a buttonhole with a piece of paper wound tightly around it.  2/28/1959 #15624  
 of these men asked Da Silva for a piece of paper, and inscribed upon it a  4/25/1959 #15713  
nd it was shattered with one large piece broken off. The largest section of 9/26/1959 #15994  
ks like a cover is torn off in one piece like a “curved sheet of metal.”    Late 12/1959 #16134  
 submerged. He retrieves a smaller piece (800 pounds) and sells it to a scr 6/12/1960 #16312  
sibly ships it to Japan. The other piece is picked up by the Canadian Armam 6/12/1960 #16312  
 earlier. Craig obligingly takes a piece with him but does not analyze it s 6/12/1960 #16312  
 UFO Society’s Ronald Anstee has a piece of it analyzed by an independent m 6/12/1960 #16312  
ing of unidentified object "like a piece of paper," gray-white. Observed to 7/17/1962 #17277  
ees a small grayish object “like a piece of paper” about 30–40 feet away. H 7/17/1962 #17279  
n top of another with a sandwiched piece of meat protruding around.” It is  6/26/1963 #17809  
feet long and a foot wide. A small piece of metal is found. Astronomer Patr 7/16/1963 #17833  
d. Blomqvist recovers a 2–2.5-inch piece of stone. In 1975, Blomqvist conta 8/1964 #18466  
 conclude it is mostly iron, not a piece of ore, not volcanic, not a meteor 8/1964 #18466  
 a tight fitting, bluish white two piece uniform, continuous with the boots 1/30/1965 #18785  
hial containing silver sand, and a piece of paper on which the words “Adelp 4/24/1965 #18916  
t it was some unknown but man-made piece of debris, while James Oberg, flig 6/4/1965 #18990  
and small boots, seemed to study a piece of paper. Inside the craft was ano 7/20/1965 #19149  
all boots, seemed to be studying a piece of paper. Inside the craft was ano 7/20/1965 #19153  
0CM small humanoid (or Grey) gives piece of metal to fisherman as token.    8/13/1965 #19375  
2 80CM small humanoids (or Greys). Piece / metal with markings. / APRO.     8/19/1965 #19422  
from west to south and dropping a "piece" of the object, then vanishing sud 1/30/1967 #21422  
na. The collosus pulled up a large piece of wood and sat down on it. He gre 5/15/1967 #22348  
on returns to the site and finds a piece of metal in the road. Marks on his 7/13/1967 #22656  
askin goes to the site and finds a piece of metal that he shows to Colorado 12/3/1967 #23545  
ing. He was wearing "a sort of one piece Montgomery, fastened at the wrists 7/8/1968 #24159  
e National Security Agency thought piece on UFOs is written by an unnamed N 10/1968? #24534  
 light looked similar to holding a piece of metal to a grinding wheel. (NIC 12/8/1968 #24751  
rks is convinced this is debris, a piece of mylar covering for the LM, that 6/18/1969 #25222  
ing like "a garbage can lid with a piece of watermelon on top" (more like a 8/30/1970 #25815  
ghts." One of them handed Santos a piece of paper on which he drew a flying 11/24/1970 #25917  
s gave Paul something resembling a piece of chocolate, which he ate, he bec 8/25/1971 #26305  
and they were hooked up to a large piece of machinery that was similar to a 8/4/1973 #27683  
a and be able to reproduce it on a piece of drawing paper, which she does.  8/4/1973 #27683  
ed boots covered their feet. Every piece of clothing was light blue in colo 10/16/1973 #28089  
out from a bag on his back a small piece of substance resembling chocolate; 2/28/1974 #28822  
ec, for a few seconds. They find a piece of metal and a hole in the ground. 4/26/1975 #30006  
ain, scaring him, so he picks up a piece of wood and throws it at the objec 9/9/1976 #31362  
e tops” and the plane lands in one piece with a badly shaken pilot. During  6/17/1977 #32171  
about UAP stating “what could be a piece of a UFO” was examined for over tw 12/13/1977 #32771  
h surface, as though molded in one piece, with no rivets or fittings. At th 2/5/1978 #32957  
object rises. It resembled a large piece of marble. The woman takes out a l 5/16/1979 #34563  
e up. The object resembled a large piece of marble. The woman then took out 5/16/1979 #34564  
are attributed by astronomers to a piece of natural debris seen burning up  12/26/1980 #35737  
iced a bright light above an empty piece of property. The light moved to th 7/22/1982 #36545  
t thinking, she reflexively pops a piece into her mouth and swallows. She l 9/13/1989 #39098  
 him by his arm. The boy grabbed a piece of wood and struck back at one of  5/14/1991 #40060  
Agustin, when they discover an odd piece of metal. They unsuccessfully try  Summer 1992 #40501  
e of her nipples, and he bit it. A piece of her nipple came loose in his te 7/23/1992 #40531  
like tinfoil. He picks up a larger piece that is thin and light. When he kn 1/13/1996 #42681  
eaks off and causes it to crash. A piece of the wing falls on a swimmer and 11/16/1996 #43112  
he said it felt like biting a cold piece of ham. After a few more minutes o 2/24/1997 #43207  
eads. They wore tight fitting, two piece gray colored outfits with belts. I 6/5/1997 #43311  
needle there was a triangle-shaped piece of metal and two rectangle designs 10/15/1997 #43429  
als recovered including a metallic piece with symbols on it; states he was  7/21/2003 #44567  
t the center. The color was like a piece of red hot metal.                  12/4/2004 #44795  
 years has not worked, “having one piece of it at Lockheed,” having other p 8/3/2022 #45761  
## Word: "piece-outfits" (Back to Top)
lexions and wore tight fitting one piece-outfits. They spoke an unknown lan 9/10/1965 #19551  
## Word: "pieces" (Back to Top)
sphere explodes silently, throwing pieces everywhere, and these pieces burn 6/12/1790 #91  
owing pieces everywhere, and these pieces burn until they are powder. The o 6/12/1790 #91  
nd sees a grayish object “like two pieces of tin” approaching the earth wit 4/1/1826 #122  
 hovers. Perfectly hexagonal metal pieces fall! P280.                       7/1842? #135  
 comet may have split into several pieces; these objects were estimated to  8/12/1883 #255  
l from the sky and crash into many pieces, burning the grass and fusing the 6/6/1884 #258  
eet away. The object shatters into pieces before it hits the ground, the fr 6/13/1891 #293  
at Sergeant’s feet and breaks into pieces. He sees an enormous, fish-shaped 12/26/1896 #380  
 two dogs jump him and tear him to pieces. Blood and internal organs spew o 5/1913 #888  
ts by at a constant altitude. Some pieces, 6–8 inches long, fall to earth a Summer 1914 #902  
kes on some “activity.” Some 10–15 pieces of light begin separating from it Summer 1945 #1881  
epressions are plastic-like beams, pieces of lightweight balsawood-like mat 7/5/1947 #2723  
el interviews Brazel, examines the pieces of the material that Brazel broug 7/6/1947 #2812  
ckage are passed around the table. Pieces that resemble metal foil, paper-t 7/8/1947 #3012  
per-thin yet extremely strong, and pieces with unusual markings along their 7/8/1947 #3012  
melting lot where he finds similar pieces of slag. Smith and Arnold check o 8/3/1947 #3285  
hey drive on and stop again. A few pieces break off the original star and a 6/30/1948 #3686  
- green ball shaped obj broke into pieces (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases,  1/30/1949 #3983  
ir Field supposedly confiscate the pieces.                                  Summer 1949 #4246  
out one minute. It then burst into pieces that looked like red fireballs, w 11/2/1951 #5764  
 20 minute(s). Suddenly splits / 5 pieces that zigzag all over/all about.   7/24/1952 #7100  
CA Bright UFO / red rim splits / 3 pieces. Same / Hawthorne, CA / 25 Jl.    7/24/1952 #7101  
ilot and several. Ovoid splits / 2 pieces. 30K' altitude. Separate paths.   7/29/1952 #7293  
ay the next morning turns up a few pieces of metallic debris. The story is  1/4/1954 #9445  
ouds. He watches it split into two pieces.                                  8/1/1954 #10089  
ed of “cotton and wool fibers with pieces of fine copper wire mixed in” and 2/21/1955 #12011  
he documentary analyzes two famous pieces of UFO footage: the Montana film  5/3/1956 #12828  
xploded in the air and fell in two pieces. At the same time a Mrs. Brown, d 7/22/1956 #13008  
n anonymous letter and sends three pieces to O Globo, but no witnesses to t Early 9/1957 #13971  
ike a bright meteor split into two pieces, one of which went straight up. T 11/6/1957 #14417  
ike a bright meteor split into two pieces, one of which heads straight up.  11/6/1957 #14430  
ike a bright meteor split into two pieces, one of which went straight up. T 11/6/1957 #14441  
 Maryland, and two or three burned pieces of metal fall on the hospital gro 11/13/1957 #14541  
illiam A. Zick and J. Caswell. The pieces are checked for radiation and con 11/13/1957 #14541  
 ash inside the cavity, as well as pieces of fused glass and a tightly roll 11/21/1957 #14590  
the process it is split into three pieces. Finally, an engineer in Linköpin 11/9/1958 #15435  
ithout getting red hot. One of the pieces is submitted to the US Air Force  11/9/1958 #15435  
, was found shredded in a thousand pieces. Subsequent inquiry found that th 9/29/1959 #15997  
000–2,000 feet and splits into two pieces that fall into the St. Lawrence R 6/12/1960 #16312  
bec. A beachcomber runs across the pieces, one closer to the shore and visi 6/12/1960 #16312  
rea where grass it cut up in small pieces. They use a pole to probe the lak 6/22/1960 #16315  
oloration on some of the submerged pieces of broken ice. The pellets seem t 2/1961 #16593  
e right. (On later aircraft, those pieces are paired with triangular insert 4/26/1962 #17131  
r days finding and reattaching the pieces. Nonetheless, the flight pleases  4/26/1962 #17131  
AL Green fireball / sky splits / 2 pieces. 1 hovers. Other flies away / 15  11/8/1964 #18609  
aves some items, including several pieces of metal, allegedly from an F-51. 4/24/1965 #18916  
toward the object "as if they were pieces of pipe." Mr. Sullivan overcompen 4/4/1966 #20225  
hen window, and saw dirt and loose pieces of paper flying in a large circle 6/30/1967 #22580  
 in half. Each half broke into two pieces and their light went out (multipl 7/15/1967 #22665  
it felt that he had been ripped to pieces and then reassembled again.       4/5/1969 #25051  
oid (or Grey) nearby gathers chalk pieces!                                  5/30/1971 #26144  
 Within each imprint are two small pieces of lead.                          8/12/1974 #29337  
ck at it. It appears to break into pieces and return to its original locati 5/16/1975 #30061  
6-inch holes. There were also some pieces of a white woven material, "like  8/28/1975 #30315  
 shake as though it were coming to pieces." The car was pulled diagonally o 11/14/1976 #31549  
ltimately able to recover 12 large pieces of the satellite, 10 of which are 1/24/1978 #32912  
 light appears to be breaking into pieces that fall down. Then a spotlight  6/26/1978 #33313  
 is cutting some animal bones into pieces. Perez tries touching the tall be 9/6/1978 #33638  
llows power lines. Breaks / square pieces! Beams.                           10/1978 #33785  
 shot at a brick, breaking it into pieces. Afterwards the creatures ran bac 5/19/1979 #34569  
, it looked disc like with a dome; pieces of strange metal had fallen behin 6/27/1979 #34637  
gland saw a UFO hover, divide into pieces, re-group, dart a short distance, 12/15/1980 #35718  
gland saw a UFO hover, divide into pieces, re-group, dart a short distance, 12/15/1980 #35720  
’s atmosphere, breaks into several pieces, and creates a spectacular firewo 12/25/1980 #35732  
 The test results in 285 cataloged pieces of orbital debris.                9/13/1985 #37660  
ver, and soon it is the subject of pieces in the New York Times, Washington 5/31/1987 #38180  
ngth) is in the crater, along with pieces of the car. The rock is still hot 10/9/1992 #40671  
nutes before it split into several pieces. A transponder number was reporte 3/14/1995 #42095  
gh which white smoke is billowing. Pieces of its fuselage sway in the wind. 1/13/1996 #42680  
raft allegedly exploded into small pieces over Illinois in the USA on this  9/7/1997 #43401  
 lights hit the mountain, then the pieces reformed to make one object, whic 5/8/2000 #43990  
agmentary objects, the size of 10p pieces over Ricksmanworth, Hertford, Eng 8/4/2001 #44224  
 kill produces an estimated 35,000 pieces of one-centimeter-wide debris and 1/11/2007 #44998  
eter-wide debris and another 1,500 pieces that are 10 centimeters or more.  1/11/2007 #44998  
rge triangle-shaped object” in two pieces (“like a carpenter’s framing squa 12/10/2016 #45461  
e of it at Lockheed,” having other pieces elsewhere, “they can’t talk to ea 8/3/2022 #45761  
al John Ramirez states several new pieces of information in an interview in 12/20/2022 #45790  
## Word: "piedade" (Back to Top)
                                   PIEDADE, BRAZIL 3 law students. 1M ring  5/14/1969 #25136  
 the campus of their Law School in Piedade, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil at 5/14/1969 #25137  
## Word: "piedmont" (Back to Top)
                             Turin Piedmont, Italy Caluso French Office Nat 2/23/1971 #26030  
eople in Turin and other places in Piedmont, Italy, observe a conspicuous r 2/23/1971 #26030  
                                   PIEDMONT, MO Saucers high and low. Spher 3/14/1973 #27345  
                                In Piedmont, Missouri at around 11:00 p.m.  3/14/1973 #27347  
                                   Piedmont, MO Rapidly moving multi-colore 3/24/1973 #27371  
outheast Missouri State University Piedmont, Missouri Southeast Missouri St 4/1973 #27397  
dentified lights in the sky around Piedmont, Missouri, and decides to subje 4/1973 #27397  
        CLARK MOUNTAIN NORTHEAST / PIEDMONT, MO Physicist and 1 / light pla 4/12/1973 #27423  
                                   Piedmont (SE of), MO 10:30 p.m. Orange b 4/12/1973 #27425  
d by Piper Cherokee, same night as Piedmont incident. (PID,18) (NICAP: 11 - 4/12/1973 #27426  
s at 2500 feet flying southeast of Piedmont, Missouri. The orange ball of l 4/12/1973 #27427  
 night and at the same time as the Piedmont incident. The object gave off h 4/12/1973 #27427  
                                   Piedmont, MO 8:10 p.m. Row of seven ligh 5/11/1973 #27477  
                                   Piedmont, MO 10:30 p.m. From a cabin on  6/23/1973 #27583  
m a cabin on the Rothwell Ranch in Piedmont, Missouri two men watched as a  6/23/1973 #27585  
 UFO was taken at 5:00 p.m. in the Piedmont region of Italy. A 23-year-old  11/24/1973 #28464  
    western suburb of Alessandrio, Piedmont, Italy 8:00–8:15 a.m. Roberto P 9/2/1978 #33626  
n a western suburb of Alessandrio, Piedmont, Italy. He sees an object over  9/2/1978 #33626  
                      Alessandrio, Piedmont, Italy 10:00 p.m. Edilia Cresta 9/3/1978 #33630  
 and a maize field in Alessandrio, Piedmont, Italy. The strip morphs into a 9/3/1978 #33630  
                                   PIEDMONT, SC 2 observer(s). Loud pulsing 5/5/1984 #37314  
                                   Piedmont, South Carolina 2:55 a.m. A wit 5/5/1984 #37316  
th Carolina 2:55 a.m. A witness in Piedmont, South Carolina, hears a loud p 5/5/1984 #37316  
g overhead at 200 feet altitude in Piedmont, South Carolina. The dogs in th 5/5/1984 #37319  
100' away. No further details. See Piedmont, CA.                            10/1/1995 #42526  
                                   PIEDMONT, CA Extremely bright disk flies 10/1/1995 #42527  
t 4:10 p.m. in Caronno Pertusella, Piedmont, Italy two residents saw a lumi 4/23/2001 #44162  
## Word: "piedmonte" (Back to Top)
          At 1:30 a.m. in Saluzzo, Piedmonte, Italy a yellow and red domed  11/12/1978 #33949  
a glowing ovoid landed in Ferrere, Piedmonte, Italy radiating four beams of 7/30/1990 #39671  
## Word: "piedra" (Back to Top)
                                   PIEDRA AND PIXLEY AND FRESNO, CA Pilots  7/22/1956 #13003  
g men, Ricardo Hurtado and Antonio Piedra, in Caracas, Santa Monica distric 8/23/1967 #22907  
## Word: "piedras" (Back to Top)
                                   PIEDRAS COLORADAS, URUG Several / highwa 12/20/1954 #11842  
                               RIO PIEDRAS, PR 30 families. Bright shiny ov 10/7/1972 #27053  
                               RIO PIEDRAS, PR Fireball / sky shoots beams. 10/28/1972 #27094  
                               RIO PIEDRAS, PR Large and small webfoot figu 3/3/1980 #35192  
s of a family in Buen Consejo, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico were awakened at mi 3/3/1980 #35194  
the Urbanizacion Country Club, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico Mrs. Carmen Vazquez 12/13/1995 #42642  
## Word: "pielisjärvi" (Back to Top)
                  lake Mönninselkä Pielisjärvi, Finland 8:50 p.m. Two men i 7/31/1981 #36048  
motorboat on lake Mönninselkä near Pielisjärvi, Finland, see a dark spot in 7/31/1981 #36048  
## Word: "piemonte" (Back to Top)
some woods near Lake Caluso in the Piemonte region of Italy around nine o'c 6/28/1952 #6662  
ria del Tempio, Casale Monferrato, Piemonte district, Italy. Mauro Bellinge 4/16/1974 #29042  
nferrato hill in Trino Vercellese, Piemonte, Italy. He parked his vehicle a 9/11/1981 #36110  
                 Trino Vercellese, Piemonte, Italy A man saw a bright footb 9/12/1981 #36111  
nferrato hill in Trino Vercellese, Piemonte, Italy. He parked his vehicle a 9/12/1981 #36112  
 maneuvers over a farm in Santena, Piemonte, Italy. It made no sound as it  2/23/2001 #44141  
## Word: "pienaar" (Back to Top)
 South Africa 8:30 a.m. Farmer Jan Pienaar, 45, is driving in the North Wes 3/30/1995 #42127  
## Word: "pieplate'" (Back to Top)
fast going quickly south. 'Size of pieplate'. No further details.           6/29/1947 #2461  
## Word: "pier" (Back to Top)
RI, TURKEY Fireball-saucer circles pier / 6M altitude. Blinding lights. Sin 11/2/1885 #268  
veral circles above the ferry-boat pier. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)     11/2/1885 #269  
veral circles above the ferry-boat pier.                                    11/2/1885 #270  
everal circles above the ferryboat pier then plunged into the sea.          11/2/1885 #271  
fireball going [to] lake toward(s) pier. Observer(s) hides. Strange boat an 8/28/1945 (approximate) #1928  
     OFF BLACKPOOL, ENGL Several / pier. Luminous silver disk maneuvers. Ha 4/1950 #4780  
m-saucer going south. Hovers low / pier. Going quickly east and way up.     5/9/1954 #9765  
                          Number 1 Pier, Kobe, Japan 8:23 p.m. A customs of 11/21/1956 #13340  
ed Kume are walking along Number 1 Pier, Kobe, Japan, when they hear an exp 11/21/1956 #13340  
BOROUGH, ENGL 6 observer(s) / east pier. Silver cigarette-cylinder/cylindri 3/13/1957 #13546  
 half-a-mile out between Redcliffe Pier and Redcliffe Point. They watched i 6/6/1965 #18995  
g some evening fishing from an old pier in an abandoned shipyard on the Pas 10/11/1973 #28005  
closer. They walked to the nearest pier to catch a better look of the light 1/15/1974 #28680  
 lights and began walking down the pier when two more lights became visible 1/15/1974 #28680  
m flashing saucer near Lake Norman pier. Impossible speed. / r95v5#3.       8/1974 (approximate) #29290  
delta/triangle/box-like craft over pier.                                    11/22/1990 #39895  
elta-shaped object was seen over a pier in St. Osyth, Essex, England at 12: 11/22/1990 #39899  
let in a very shaken state. On the pier they spoke to an old sea captain na 8/2/2004 #44725  
## Word: "piera" (Back to Top)
he east. The boarding house owner, Piera Viacava, switches on the TV, but t 9/7/1978 #33645  
## Word: "pierce" (Back to Top)
ia Golden Gate Twin Peaks downtown Pierce Street hill Ashbury Street Oaklan 11/22/1896 #349  
Twin Peaks downtown. At the top of Pierce Street hill, Cohen sees it return 11/22/1896 #349  
n Mr. Langley and Police Constable Pierce, hear the noise but do not see th 1/4/1913 #866  
chusetts Witnesses: architect R.M. Pierce, marine engineer George Avery and 2/26/1954 #9569  
                    Architect R.M. Pierce, Marine Engineer George Avery and 2/26/1954 #9570  
 legs with spheres on the end that pierce the ground. Penteado goes closer  9/1957 #13966  
                              NEAR PIERCE, AZ 2 / horseback. 2 silent metal 6/1960 #16304  
                              FORT PIERCE, FL Mayor and airmen. Fireball /  3/22/1961 #16638  
                               Ft. Pierce, FL Beechcraft pilot and passenge 3/23/1961 #16639  
                              FORT PIERCE, FL Pear-shaped object photograph 7/5/1965 #19068  
                              FORT PIERCE, FL Blue Book. Glowing balloon to 3/23/1966 #20035  
                              Fort Pierce, FL Bright object like a balloon  3/23/1966 #20041  
                              Fort Pierce, Florida Two young men were walki 3/23/1966 #20046  
king through a wooded area in Fort Pierce, Florida when they saw a bright o 3/23/1966 #20054  
ioned at McChord Air Force Base in Pierce County, Washington, were instruct 10/14/1972 #27077  
     A calf was found mutilated in Pierce County, Nebraska. The blood had b 9/7/1974 #29430  
                               FT. PIERCE, FL 2 / car. Moonlit object spins 2/6/1975 #29786  
        On this night in Kapowsin, Pierce County, Washington State the firs 4/17/1994 #41495  
. from various locales in King and Pierce Counties, Washington State report 7/4/2000 #44009  
## Word: "pierced" (Back to Top)
 with the most sparkling water and pierced by the burning rays of the sun.” 5/13/1917 #958  
## Word: "pierceland" (Back to Top)
with a white disc-shaped object in Pierceland, Saskatchewan, Canada. The di 1/30/1995 #42003  
## Word: "piercing" (Back to Top)
t. Two white humanoid figures with piercing eyes and unusually tall hats ar 9/1914 #914  
ling sound similar to a small jet. Piercing and high-pitched voices similar 7/28/1964 #18456  
milar to a small jet. High-pitched piercing voices, similar to those of chi 7/28/1964 #18457  
 They have reddish-orange skin and piercing eyes. One has an extra-long fin 1/19/1965 #18750  
separate report was received of a "piercing, humming object" two hours earl 4/19/1966 #20342  
, Massachusetts giving off a loud, piercing humming sound. At 8:11 p.m. two 4/19/1966 #20347  
eman was heavy set with dark hair, piercing blue eyes and was also deeply t 1/28/1967 #21411  
urce of light in mid-air and heard piercing whistling sounds, then footstep 8/23/1967 #22902  
emitted an extremely high-pitched, piercing tone of constant intensity. Lot 2/24/1977 #31846  
un at his side. Suddenly, a brief, piercing whistle was heard, producing a  2/5/1978 #32957  
putti hears a rumbling sound and a piercing whistle as the object begins to 9/18/1978 #33708  
 light is in the rear. A clear and piercing engine noise is evident as it s 10/15/1981 #36172  
escribed them as human sized, with piercing deep blue eyes, reddish brown h 4/17/1993 #40940  
age of an eagle, a thick neck, and piercing red eyes. The nightmarish rapto 4/23/1995 #42173  
e witnesses there next was a loud, piercing noise, causing the witnesses to 11/28/2000 #44085  
 has a recurring image of a needle piercing his left eye. He has no recolle 4/28/2003 #44519  
## Word: "pierman" (Back to Top)
s (one of them Capt. S. C. “Casey” Pierman) see the objects visually as whi 7/19/1952 #6935  
                  Washington, D.C. Pierman/Wheaton Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - A 7/20/1952 #6947  
## Word: "piero" (Back to Top)
y Italian researchers Giovanni and Piero Mantero of the Centro Internaziona 8/3/1977 #32353  
 Italy, 26-year-old night watchman Piero Fortunato Zanfretta notices four l 12/6/1978 #34065  
## Word: "pierpont" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / PIERPONT, SD 2+1 separate observer(s). 8 12/14/1956 #13401  
                                   PIERPONT, OH Woman / (seen thru) binocul 3/27/1973 #27379  
## Word: "pierre" (Back to Top)
 feet of the treetops. A Commander Pierre of the Belgian Air Force sets out 3/29/1952 #5993  
 at an estimated speed of 930 mph. Pierre gives up his pursuit after about  3/29/1952 #5993  
 from the Belgian Congo: Commander Pierre of Elisabethville Airfield was se 8/16/1952 #7613  
                               ST. PIERRE LE MOUTIER, NIEVRE, FR Saucer glo 9/23/1954 #10413  
                               ST. PIERRE HALTE, FR Baker. 4M mushroom land 10/15/1954 #11076  
                                   Pierre (near), SD Ground/air/visual. Wid 11/24/1956 #13346  
                            EAST / PIERRE, SD Red silent 2M bowl saucer ove 11/25/1956 #13347  
by the 740th ACW squadron. East of Pierre, South Dakota on highway 34, two  11/25/1956 #13353  
                                   Pierre/Hayes, SD Night. A family's car w 3/5/1967 #21760  
mily were driving together between Pierre and Midland, South Dakota on this 3/5/1967 #21768  
7:19 p.m., when Air Canada Captain Pierre Guy Charbonneau, flying between S 10/4/1967 #23177  
                                   PIERRE BUFFIERE, FR 2 observer(s). 110cm 12/6/1967 #23553  
as driving a car following that of Pierre Errecoundo and Maggy Carof, on a  11/30/1974 #29622  
nothing more of the man. Meanwhile Pierre, noticing that Jacques was no lon 11/30/1974 #29622  
         Sorgues, Vaucluse, France Pierre Monnet founds the Groupement de R 1975 #29674  
                               ST. PIERRE / MAILLE, FR 40M disk over meadow 3/16/1979 #34479  
                               ST. PIERRE, REUNION 1 / car. 5M glowing-tube 10/22/1981 #36181  
 of GEPAN’s resident expert, Jean- Pierre Petit, who has suggested such a p 7/1983 #36898  
thy Good interviews astrophysicist Pierre Guérin on the future of GEPAN. Be 11/1984 #37501  
## Word: "pierre-d'aubezies" (Back to Top)
                               ST. PIERRE-D'AUBEZIES, FR 4 / car. Silent re 3/25/1974 #28944  
## Word: "pierre-de-bresse" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / PIERRE-DE-BRESSE, FR Same 2 men. Same 60 6/15/1975 #30105  
## Word: "pierre-de-fursac" (Back to Top)
                               ST. PIERRE-DE-FURSAC, 23, FR Huge UFO touche 10/13/1954 #10994  
## Word: "pierre-sur-mer" (Back to Top)
                               ST. PIERRE-SUR-MER, FR 5M domed saucer / 6M  8/2/1976 #31220  
               At 3:30 a.m. in St. Pierre-sur-Mer, Aude department, France  8/2/1976 #31223  
## Word: "pierreclos" (Back to Top)
                        D45 EAST / PIERRECLOS, FR 1 / car. Lights and engin 10/10/1975 #30427  
            On highway D45 east of Pierreclos, Saone-et-Loire department, F 10/10/1975 #30428  
## Word: "pierrefontaine-les-varans" (Back to Top)
                                   PIERREFONTAINE-LES-VARANS, FR Baker. Red 10/14/1954 #11011  
## Word: "pierreville" (Back to Top)
                               ST. PIERREVILLE, FR Several separate observe 7/23/1975 #30202  
## Word: "pierrot" (Back to Top)
ar, and a black cap like that of a Pierrot. This figure then disappeared “p 10/30/1976 #31510  
## Word: "piers" (Back to Top)
O TO/FROM NITEROI, BRAZIL Crowds / piers. 10M saucer zigzags over bay. Goin 8/23/1957 #13926  
shoreline near one of the Partenit piers. There they saw another humanoid e 8/2/2004 #44725  
## Word: "pierson" (Back to Top)
ut. In that incarnation (as Walter Pierson, gold miner and occult student o 1905 #673  
dagis, Dr. Garry Nolan, Dr. Joshua Pierson, and Mr. Richard Hoffman.        6/4/2022 #45755  
## Word: "pies" (Back to Top)
o] house. Talk / woman. Take mince pies. / r76p73.                          1/4/1979 #34293  
## Word: "piet" (Back to Top)
ct. At 10:30 a.m., police sergeant Piet C. Kitching and warrant officer P.  6/26/1972 #26735  
## Word: "pietermaritzburg" (Back to Top)
                                   PIETERMARITZBURG, RSA Long object rotate 1/1930? #1110  
                                   PIETERMARITZBURG, RSA Bus-sized object / 6/22/1972 #26725  
                                   PIETERMARITZBURG, RSA Several separate o 7/20/1972 #26819  
                                In Pietermaritzburg, South Africa a pink co 7/20/1972 #26822  
## Word: "pietra-lavezzara" (Back to Top)
                   VALBREVENNA AND PIETRA-LAVEZZARA, ITALY Many observer(s) 5/10/1978 #33193  
## Word: "pietracamela" (Back to Top)
                                   PIETRACAMELA, ITL Power station and phon 12/24/1978 #34200  
                                   Pietracamela, Terama, Italy Gran Sasso m 12/24/1978 #34201  
is working in the power station at Pietracamela, Terama, Italy, in a room w 12/24/1978 #34201  
## Word: "pietralunga" (Back to Top)
                                   PIETRALUNGA, ITL 3 / car. Luminous ovoid 7/13/1983 #36910  
## Word: "pietro" (Back to Top)
                 Serchio river San Pietro a Vico, Lucca, Italy 3:00 a.m. Ca 7/25/1952 #7137  
spot on the Serchio river near San Pietro a Vico, Lucca, Italy. He notices  7/25/1952 #7137  
      Cremona, Italy Two students, Pietro Alberini and Pericle Sacchi, who  11/2/1954 #11536  
                               SAN PIETRO VERNOTICO, ITL 4.5M saucer lands. 1/11/1963 #17632  
                               San Pietro, Italy A 43-year-old farmer was a 1/11/1963 #17633  
                               San Pietro Vernotico, Italy Brindisi At 11:0 1/11/1963 #17634  
aly Brindisi At 11:00 p.m., at San Pietro Vernotico, Italy, farmer Antonio  1/11/1963 #17634  
 Luca, a 43-year-old farmer in San Pietro Vernotico, Sardegna, Italy was aw 1/11/1963 #17635  
                    Security guard Pietro Bongiorni was standing guard at t 8/19/1971 #26296  
aurizio Esposito), and Antonina di Pietro are driving in the Parco dell’Etn 7/4/1978 #33335  
## Word: "pieve" (Back to Top)
                                   PIEVE DI TECO, ITL Teen. Copper 'fish' d 2/1923 #1031  
## Word: "piezo-electrical" (Back to Top)
as wearing carried 40,000 volts of piezo-electrical current. The small bein 12/6/1976 #31587  
## Word: "piezoelectric" (Back to Top)
f lead zirconate titanate (PZT), a piezoelectric compound. Woodward and Mar 6/2001 #44189  
g lead zirconate titanate (PZT), a piezoelectric compound, to achieve mass  4/2017 #45467  
## Word: "pig" (Back to Top)
 / days. Burnt grass. Cows scared. Pig missing.                             2/1927 #1069  
ding silently over the roof of his pig house about 100 feet away. The UFO,  2/1948 #3570  
itude over barnyard. 3 beams down. Pig found dead. Noisy. Going west.       2/14/1953 #8675  
ry small humanoids (or Greys) with pig noses. Bottle cracks. / r217p214.    10/20/1954 #11264  
 like teeth, and it grunted like a pig. Whaley struck at it with his scythe 8/1/1955 #12318  
n language and what sounded like a pig being butchered were heard. Light si 4/1/1966 #20199  
ter this they heard the sound of a pig squealing. Next, a point of green li 4/1/1966 #20203  
t, and made her feel like a guinea pig. They were 40-5 feet tall, with head 10/16/1973 #28093  
y light out. Back on / 2330 hours. Pig found mutilated!                     11/28/1974 #29615  
mouth, and an upturned nose like a pig. It is bald, has no eyebrows, and we 6/23/1976 #31134  
en he heard noises coming from the pig sty. He went to check and suddenly f 12/4/1991 #40254  
eing something resembling a "hairy pig" running past the house.             10/30/1998 #43671  
## Word: "pig-like" (Back to Top)
nces a cone of silence and a weird pig-like creature the one night she is t 8/2009 #45231  
## Word: "pig-shaped" (Back to Top)
named Wilson later claims it was a pig-shaped balloon he had sent up for hi 7/25/1908 #715  
## Word: "pigeon" (Back to Top)
f the other, but both are “cutting pigeon wings, looping aerial loops, circ 10/29/1910 #852  
ter that landed on top of a nearby pigeon house. A door opened and a tiny s 1/9/1993 #40790  
## Word: "pigeons" (Back to Top)
on the deck of the object catching pigeons with a net. That same day a man  4/19/1897 #540  
g delightful time…Mollie…catching [pigeons] with a net," and went on to des 4/19/1897 #540  
o and fro between clouds like clay pigeons. / r171p64.                      6/15/1947 (approximate) #2330  
PORTLAND, OR Cops and more/others. Pigeons scared. 5 large disks wobble. 2  7/4/1947 #2606  
rd fancier. Aluminum disk scatters pigeons. No further details / 2 news ite 9/2/1947 #3379  
2 night lights and glowing "clay = pigeons" go overhead.                    7/27/1952 #7199  
er object going [to] overhead. All pigeons watch. / LDLN#130.               5/27/1958 #15054  
 p.m. awaiting the arrival of some pigeons that he customarily fed. He spot 11/15/1969 #25461  
## Word: "pigg" (Back to Top)
dore J. Hieatt (PR), Maj. Leroy D. Pigg (psychologist), V. J. Handmacher (p 5/5/1959 #15723  
## Word: "piggot" (Back to Top)
ng at the time. Two hours later in Piggot, Arkansas, which is five miles to 3/2/1967 #21733  
## Word: "piggott" (Back to Top)
                                   Piggott, AR Time not reported. Numerous  2/3/1967 #21444  
 domes maneuvering in the sky over Piggott, Arkansas. Small satellite objec 2/3/1967 #21447  
                                   Piggott, AR Night. Several independent r 2/28/1967 #21682  
                                   Piggott, AR 11:30 p.m. CST. About 130 mi 3/2/1967 #21725  
n were driving in a remote part of Piggott, Arkansas when their truck's eng 3/10/1967 #21854  
## Word: "pigmentation" (Back to Top)
ghtmares, stomach pains, and a red pigmentation appears around his navel, f 11/2/1968 #24625  
## Word: "pignatelli" (Back to Top)
s-de-Hautes-Provence France Maxime Pignatelli, 65, is hunting with his dog  Early 10/1954 #10609  
## Word: "pigs" (Back to Top)
unusual deaths of their cattle and pigs, mystery intruders, apparitions, ci 1927 #1068  
 dwarves or children (human guinea pigs) who had been surgically altered us 7/1/1947 #2523  
 the area and that; cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs, and two young farmhands had  4/10/1954 #9681  
gs in silvery dress, grunting like pigs, standing close by. The craft took  8/23/1954 #10169  
ms. They made grunting sounds like pigs. The object took on a glowing, fier 8/23/1954 #10172  
ees scorched and ground plowed up. Pigs? / LDLN#324.                        10/19/1954 #11232  
Seventy anesthetized Chester White pigs in military uniforms (as test fabri 7/5/1957 #13779  
due to the launching of the Bay of Pigs Invasion.                           9/1960 #16428  
                            Bay of Pigs Cuba Trinidad President Kennedy app 4/4/1961 #16643  
sident Kennedy approves the Bay of Pigs plan (also known as Operation Zapat 4/4/1961 #16643  
uba Guatemala Nicaragua The Bay of Pigs invasion takes place in Cuba. A cou 4/17/1961 #16649  
                White House Bay of Pigs Invasion Cuba Covert operations aga 11/30/1961 #16984  
nto effect after the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion. A document from the Depar 11/30/1961 #16984  
 saucer grab man and 17 hens and 6 pigs and 2 cows. None return. / LDLN#130 9/16/1962 #17405  
away. They also stole 17 hens, six pigs, and two cows from the plantation.  9/16/1962 #17407  
              Isle of Pines Bay of Pigs, Cuba A CIA U-2 mission over the Is 9/29/1962 #17447  
 over the Isle of Pines and Bay of Pigs, Cuba, reveals additional Soviet SA 9/29/1962 #17447  
GE, NY Many power outages. Several pigs gone / high fences. Saucers seen.   8/1967 #22767  
Alianca Fazenda or ranch heard his pigs grunting and went outside to invest 2/20/1969 #24936  
age of short shrilly sounds, "like pigs grunting." After four or five minut 5/20/1969 #25151  
off pandamonium in dogs, chickens, pigs, and parrott. (Ted Phillips) (NICAP 5/16/1971 #26114  
d squealing by the dogs, chickens, pigs, and a parrot. The witnesses suffer 5/16/1971 #26115  
pathically, saying, "Are there any pigs in that field? They are hungry." Th 11/3/1971 #26452  
ne. Later she learned that several pigs had been lost at a nearby farm.     11/3/1971 #26452  
ated with her telepathically, "Any pigs in that field? We are hungry."      11/4/1971 #26457  
ks, goats, rabbits, geese, cattle, pigs, and sheep are found dead throughou 2/1975 #29780  
 the barn roof, the sows with baby pigs in the barn jumped up and began wil 10/26/1980 #35591  
 over the barn and disturbed their pigs. The object looked "like facets of  10/26/1980 #35592  
bserver. Electrics / 2 cars fried. Pigs upset. Green man / door. / LDLN#326 12/4/1991 #40252  
four p.m. he went back to feed the pigs and when he was finished he turned  12/4/1991 #40254  
rimenting in 1947 with monkeys and pigs being dropped in devices equipped w 1/15/2005 #44808  
she had seen some 15 human “guinea pigs,” including Japanese prisoners and  6/2017 #45472  
## Word: "pigs'" (Back to Top)
 Greys) / silver suits 'grunt like pigs'. Enter glow saucer and away. / r21 8/23/1954 #10166  
## Word: "pihlava" (Back to Top)
                                   PIHLAVA, FINL 1 observer. Thick DC3-size 5/10/1962 #17156  
## Word: "pii" (Back to Top)
encedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0921453497014627?via%3Dihub#!   htt 8/1/1997 #43364  
.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187538921202500X                    2008 #45108  
## Word: "pik" (Back to Top)
of Przhevalsk near a peak known as Pik Pobeda (Peak of Victory). The actual 8/28/1991 #40168  
## Word: "pike" (Back to Top)
                                   Pike’s Peak Railway Manitou Springs, Col 5/19/1947 #2294  
teran Dean A. Hauser and six other Pike’s Peak Railway workers (including T 5/19/1947 #2294  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pike” YieldMax: 20KT                     3/13/1964 #18148  
00–9,000 feet. His assistant Ellis Pike notes that they look just like airl 8/2/1965 #19265  
               On this night Sally Pike was on a UFO watch on Cradle Hill,  10/28/1971 #26438  
solid. Later that same night, Neil Pike also was on watch near some white m 10/28/1971 #26438  
                                   Pike, IL 5:00 a.m. Awakened by a brillia 1/20/1975 #29756  
cluding its House counterpart, the Pike Committee, and the presidential Roc 1/27/1975 #29767  
 Senate Church Committee and House Pike Committee began investigating domes 4/26/1976 #31027  
lights in the vicinity of Langdale Pike that moved towards him and grew bri 8/28/1977 #32431  
                                   PIKE TOWN, PA 2+observer(s). Manta witho 1/31/1990 #39399  
## Word: "pikes" (Back to Top)
                                   PIKES PEAK, CO Saucer over peak. Newpape 3/16/1950 #4653  
. Series / 11 glowing-saucers pass Pikes Peak / 1 min intervals.            5/25/1950 #4965  
                                   Pikes Peak Broadcasting Company Pueblo,  7/22/1952 #7024  
ueblo, Colorado Montana California Pikes Peak Broadcasting Company Presiden 7/22/1952 #7024  
## Word: "pikesville" (Back to Top)
                                   PIKESVILLE, MD Blast and loud humming. R 10/17/1973 #28111  
                                   Pikesville, MD At three o'clock in the m 10/17/1973 #28114  
                                   Pikesville, MD A woman was awakened by a 10/17/1973 #28128  
 o'clock in the morning a woman in Pikesville, Maryland was awakened by a s 10/17/1973 #28136  
## Word: "piketon" (Back to Top)
                                   Piketon, OH Dog barked at hovering oval  6/14/1993 #41015  
## Word: "piketown" (Back to Top)
age, was seen by many witnesses in Piketown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania a 1/31/1990 #39400  
## Word: "pila" (Back to Top)
ng in a car between Aznalcazar and Pila, Sevilla province, Spain encountere 8/16/1970 #25790  
## Word: "pilansberg" (Back to Top)
                                   PILANSBERG, RSA 2+1 observer(s). 200M cy 1/1984 #37099  
## Word: "pilapila" (Back to Top)
                                   PILAPILA, PNG 5 boys. Large silent cylin 11/4/1999 #43871  
## Word: "pilar" (Back to Top)
                                   PILAR DE GOIAS, BRZ Man shoots going [to 8/13/1967 #22871  
                                   Pilar de Goiás Crixás, Goiás, Brazil Est 8/13/1967 #22873  
ta Maria Goiânia 8:00 p.m. Between Pilar de Goiás and Crixás, Goiás, Brazil 8/13/1967 #22873  
ia, Brazil near the town of Crixas Pilar de Goias, when they saw three figu 8/13/1967 #22874  
their friends Jose Valles and wife Pilar Osborne Domecq were on holiday at  8/10/1976 #31252  
                              Mrs. Pilar Martinez de Arregui opened the win 12/6/1978 #34068  
orgetting about the mystery light, Pilar began doing some housework, when a 12/6/1978 #34068  
d very corpulent humanoid figures. Pilar noticed that the humanoids wore ti 12/6/1978 #34068  
moved rapidly through the sky over Pilar, Madrid, Spain at 6 p.m. It disapp 1/14/1979 #34341  
## Word: "pilch" (Back to Top)
Hal Puthoff, Sandia engineer Marty Pilch, Arlington Institute head John Pet 1/28/1996 #42725  
## Word: "pile" (Back to Top)
                         Windscale Pile Number One Sellafield Cumbria, Engl 10/9/1957 #14083  
pe Evening. Fire ignites Windscale Pile Number One, an air-cooled, graphite 10/9/1957 #14083  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pile Driver” Yield: 62KT                 6/2/1966 #20522  
ng to and from a peculiar circular pile of fist-sized stones. The heel mark 10/22/1967 #23290  
a, Canada clustered around a small pile of stones laid in a circular heap,  10/22/1967 #23291  
ss in the mine tailings. A conical pile of unusual-looking sand is also dis 10/30/1969 #25439  
cattered about in the unusual sand pile are irregular bits of pale-green gl 10/30/1969 #25439  
ing a bluish green, moving among a pile of chassis beside his route. As he  9/27/1972 #27035  
RIE, FR 2 / car. Watery noise. 10M pile / 30cm fireballs appears / field!   12/31/1978 #34235  
is body was found on top of a coal pile. According to the coroner, Adamski  11/29/1980 #35682  
d by aliens and placed on the coal pile “by someone or something.” Godfrey  11/29/1980 #35682  
longside his clothing in a rumpled pile. They rushed him to a hospital wher 11/29/1982 #36702  
 him was his clothing in a rumpled pile. They rushed him to hospital where  11/30/1982 #36703  
ho worked for the Raymond Concrete Pile Company in the Bay Area, was on a g 4/12/1991 #40038  
be in the area. They see a wrecked pile of metal in a clearing and a “milit 3/24/1997 #43239  
## Word: "pile-1" (Back to Top)
                   Germany Chicago Pile-1 (CP-1), the first human-made self 12/2/1942 #1471  
cago University of Chicago Chicago Pile-1, the first nuclear reactor, goes  12/2/1942 #1472  
## Word: "piled" (Back to Top)
balls one-quarter-inch in diameter piled into a cone 3 feet high and within 10/21/1963 #17997  
 minutes of this, all five of them piled into their Ford Bronco and drove a 10/26/1975 #30476  
 minutes of this, all five of them piled into their Ford Bronco and drove o 10/27/1975 #30491  
## Word: "piles" (Back to Top)
to the pilot plant stage and build piles to produce plutonium and electroma 6/19/1942 #1417  
among some old mineshafts and slag piles. They found the object hovering mo 8/8/1975 #30244  
 1995, and that he had discovered "piles of carcasses" up the slope from hi 8/15/1995 #42389  
## Word: "pilgrim" (Back to Top)
level. The object is shaped like a Pilgrim’s hat with a green glow and blui 5/27/1968 #23987  
## Word: "pilgrim's" (Back to Top)
 to a metallic body, shaped like a pilgrim's hat , with a green glow and bl 5/27/1968 #23989  
## Word: "pilgrims" (Back to Top)
ten at close range. Saucer-seeking pilgrims join her on these vigils. CUFOS 1972 #26528  
## Word: "pilichis" (Back to Top)
ome, Ohio Afternoon. John and Mary Pilichis see a huge cigar-shaped object  7/1970 #25723  
ased by Charles Wilhelm and Dennis Pilichis, who receive them through UFO r 8/1980 #35436  
## Word: "pill" (Back to Top)
ves him some kind of mind-altering pill. After taking the pill, Angelucci f 12/1954 #11737  
nd-altering pill. After taking the pill, Angelucci finds himself in an “exa 12/1954 #11737  
t, claiming that she had to take a pill. When she left she walked away into 9/26/1967 #23133  
n a spherical, cylindrical, torus, pill or lattice shape.  This is a simila 5/17/1999 #43770  
 be spherical, cylindrical, torus, pill or lattice shaped. Triad’s website  6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "pill-ovoid" (Back to Top)
+observer(s). Silent 10' blue-grey pill-ovoid hovers / 5 minute(s). Flashes 9/11/1979 #34859  
## Word: "pill-shaped" (Back to Top)
m. six witnesses watched a silvery pill-shaped object that flipped over as  1/26/2008 #45114  
## Word: "pillaged" (Back to Top)
s Security Oath, his apartment was pillaged on 21 July 1980, visited on 22  7/3/1967 #22604  
## Word: "pillar" (Back to Top)
                UXBRIDGE, ENGL Big pillar / fire. Rises going south. Fireba 11/4/1322 #14  
 Berlin, Germany. Possibly a light pillar reflection caused by a bright arc 9/26/1870 #187  
 fades from view. Possibly a light pillar created by a nearby blast furnace 7/19/1916 #950  
ssia. It launches a kilometer-tall pillar of dust and smoke into the sky. G 9/29/1957 #14044  
SLANDS, BC 2 ships Captains. White pillar / light going down. Black saucer  8/27/1959 #15940  
he coast of British Columbia saw a pillar of white light shoot up into the  8/27/1959 #15941  
COFICO, ARG Saucer lands. Rests on pillar. 3 silhouettes outside. / FSR'66# 9/5/1964 #18536  
und briefly. It stood on a sort of pillar and emitted a blinding light. He  9/5/1964 #18537  
 It stood on a kind of cylindrical pillar, giving out a blinding light. Nea 9/5/1964 #18540  
single pedestal that looked like a pillar, and gave off a blinding light. N 9/6/1964 #18542  
 2 miles away, causing an enormous pillar of water to rise and collapse. It 8/2/1965 #19267  
    AVEYRON, FR Glowing orbs enter pillar. Saucer with small humanoid (or G 1/11/1967 #21285  
s. In the middle of the room was a pillar with an enormous pedestal. There  5/13/1993 #40976  
                                   PILLAR MOUNTAIN, KODIAK ISLAND, AK Repor 5/27/1993 #40991  
## Word: "pillars" (Back to Top)
d tail. The whole craft sat on two pillars, rectangular in shape with at le 8/16/1971 #26291  
tom of the canyon. There were two "pillars" at the front of the object. The 6/4/1996 #42921  
 at the front of the object. These pillars may have been posted on either s 6/4/1996 #42921  
a high ceiling. There were several pillars coming down the sides of the wal 3/11/2000 #43965  
ights get brighter. Possible light pillars.                                 1/22/2004 #44654  
## Word: "pillow" (Back to Top)
ight over head! Observer(s) throws pillow. Object going [to] through wall.  7/12/1947 #3141  
 to push it as if there was an air pillow. After it had emerged completely, 6/3/1961 #16717  
 who first tugged at the trainer's pillow, then grasped his arm tightly. As 9/22/1967 #23115  
## Word: "pills" (Back to Top)
it is Giancana who suggests poison pills to add to Castro’s food or drinks. 9/1960 #16428  
d to Castro’s food or drinks. Such pills, manufactured by the CIA’s Technic 9/1960 #16428  
r which it tosses him a package of pills. It tells him to take one, saying  10/15/1974 #29531  
said they were fed various colored pills. Under hypnosis, Meagan recalled e 8/22/1980 #35475  
## Word: "piloceman" (Back to Top)
                  Washington, D.C. Piloceman saw 2 bright lights on 3 occas 5/11/1954 #9774  
## Word: "piloezinhos" (Back to Top)
                                   PILOEZINHOS, BRZ Farmer. Odd silver plan 10/18/1996 #43078  
## Word: "pilor" (Back to Top)
be / ravine. Pseudo-human/entity / Pilor suit unintelligible. / r30p207.    11/2/1954 (approximate) #11528  
## Word: "pilot" (Back to Top)
y. The spirit guides him into the “pilot house” of the machine where he is  7/25/1868 #176  
d suffering from the heat, was the pilot of the craft. (NICAP: 02 - Close E 4/17/1897 #520  
d suffering from the heat, was the pilot of the craft. "His talk, while mus 4/17/1897 #521  
rew debris over several acres. The pilot (reportedly “not of this world,” o 4/17/1897 #523  
d suffering from the heat, was the pilot of the craft. "His talk, while mus 4/17/1897 #526  
d object fly overhead. There was a pilot sitting in the front.              5/15/1909 #747  
ilip Cave suspects the object is a pilot balloon.                           4/8/1912 #860  
                ROCHFORT, ENGL RAF pilot. Row / windows in sky. Quickly goi 1/31/1916 #939  
. Quickly going up [to] and away / pilot shoots. Electro-magnetic effect (E 1/31/1916 #939  
 the same time, Royal Flying Corps pilot Sub-Lieut. J. Eric Morgan, also fl 1/31/1916 #941  
                Royal Flying Corps pilot Lt. Morgan was flying at 5000 feet 1/31/1916 #942  
     (LOC.UNK / WESTERN), KS Stunt pilot. 6 huge shiny disks circle light p 1/1926 #1054  
y (near), UT 11:00 PM. An air mail pilot was repeatedly buzzed by a long, c 9/1926 #1062  
 to sputter and misfire, until the pilot was forced to make an emergency la 9/1926 #1062  
              LOCATION UNKNOWN, NV Pilot buzzed. 30M cylinder/cylindrical o 9/25/1926 (approximate) #1063  
 City, Utah 11:00 p.m. An Air Mail pilot named Colin Murphy is repeatedly b Late 9/1926 #1064  
see a “perfectly proportioned tiny pilot wearing a leather flying helmet, w 1929 #1093  
ed to make emergency landings. One pilot suffered burns to his face and han 7/5/1933 #1168  
icipated in the search, no Swedish pilot has seen a ghost flier. Soldiers o 3/4/1934 #1206  
                  AYLMER LAKE, NWT Pilot / ground. Light aluminum cylinder/ 7/1936? #1246  
jet going quickly north / 770 kph. Pilot follows. Beams / side.             10/10/1936 #1251  
 Private plane chases flying disk. Pilot now state government official.     1/1937? #1255  
             WARREN CO, NC Private pilot. 12M metallic gondola going southe 1/1/1937 #1257  
inia Raleigh, North Carolina Noon. Pilot Howard S. Behr is flying a Curtiss 1/1/1937 #1259  
Mojave Desert, California, by test pilot Vance Breese for several hundred y 7/3/1941 #1368  
    Germany Peenemünde German test pilot Heini Dittmar attains an unofficia 10/2/1941 #1371  
AK, NORWAY Ground RADAR and German pilot. 100M cylinder/cigar-shape 15M dia 3/14/1942 #1399  
           Ground radar and German pilot flying in Banak, Finnmark, Norway  3/14/1942 #1400  
ee’s recommendation to move to the pilot plant stage and build piles to pro 6/19/1942 #1417  
ania Bass Strait 5:50 p.m. An RAAF pilot is on flying patrol off the Tasman Summer 1942 #1419  
      SOMME ESTUARY, FR RAF meteor pilot. Night lights rise / ground. Chase 12/1942 #1467  
e (Calif.) Municipal Airport] with pilot John Wescott Myers. Through May, 4 12/27/1942 #1473  
, CA Flight instructor and student pilot saw a glowing orange disc dive at  4/5/1943 #1491  
uctor Gerry A. Casey and a student pilot in a Boeing-Stearman Model 75 watc 4/5/1943 #1492  
                        A military pilot reported that over Long Beach, Cal 4/5/1943 #1493  
ards AFB], California, killing its pilot Max Constant.                      5/19/1943 #1500  
                                 A pilot over Naples, Italy had a dogfight  12/14/1943 #1554  
                  CARLSBAD, NM B17 pilot. Fast sphere with halo. Brusk mane 3/1944 #1580  
                        YAKIMA, WA Pilot. 7 pebble-shaped 3M objects in V-f 3/1944 #1581  
M objects in V-formation. / Haines pilot files.                             3/1944 #1581  
            Carlsbad, NM Air Force pilot saw fast-moving UFO speed out of s 3/1944 #1583  
sbad, New Mexico An Army Air Force pilot flying a B-17 sees a fast-moving,  3/1944 #1584  
 but there is an accident when the pilot attempts to land without first ret 3/1/1944 #1585  
 Essen, Germany Holland Night. RAF pilot Arthur Horton of the 622 Squadron  4/26/1944 #1593  
feld, Bavaria, Germany German test pilot Heini Dittmar attains an unofficia 7/6/1944 #1620  
ichment device that is part of the pilot thermal diffusion plant at the Phi 9/2/1944 #1664  
 ACHMER AIR FORCE BASE?, GER ME252 pilot. 100M cylinder/cigar-shape. Openin 9/29/1944 #1669  
 At 10:45 a.m. a German Me-262 jet pilot, while in flight over Rechlin Gogg 9/29/1944 #1670  
rance 415th Night Fighter Squadron pilot saw formation of round objects. [N 11/1944 #1689  
Night. A Bristol Beaufighter crew (pilot Lieut. Edward A. Schlueter and rad 11/29/1944 #1710  
             Austria, Austria B-17 pilot (William D. Leet) and crew, on a l 12/1944 #1712  
during bombing raids over Germany. Pilot and operations officer Charlie Hor 12/14/1944 #1721  
other 415th Night Fighter Squadron pilot was followed by three red and whit 1/1945 #1747  
nd the first test flight. The test pilot is Leutnant Erwin Ziller. Two furt 2/2/1945 #1771  
’t appear on the radar screen. The pilot turns the plane toward the light,  3/18/1945 #1817  
 operation, Lieut. Calvin P. Lamb (pilot), Lieut. James G. Holmes (radar ob 3/26/1945 #1829  
arch 28 by Lieut. William F. Sill (pilot), Flight Officer George W. Hayden  3/26/1945 #1829  
          EASTERN PFALZERWALD, GER Pilot / 415th Squadron. 5 orange firebal 5/3/1945 (approximate) #1861  
ere sighted by a 415th NFS fighter pilot east of Pfalzerwald, Germany.      5/3/1945 #1863  
 Washington Hanford facility Noon. Pilot Rolan D. Powell and five other F6F Mid 7/1945 #1896  
One witness, meteorologist and RAF pilot George Raymond Leatherbarrow, esti 1946 #1960  
RBOURG, FR Air Force C54 transport pilot. Odd meteor going down. Rebounds g 1/16/1946 #1965  
way to Paris, France. Suddenly the pilot sees a brilliant “shooting star” a 1/18/1946 #1966  
near Norrvikssand, Sweden. Airline pilot Torvald Linden and other witnesses 7/10/1946 #2046  
-shaped UFO by Air Corps transport pilot. [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall,  8/1/1946 #2095  
e military witnesses including the pilot named Puckett, flying in a twin en 8/1/1946 #2101  
n investigation indicates that the pilot lost control.                      8/12/1946 #2122  
weden 10:02 a.m. Swedish Air Force pilot Lieut. Gunnar Irholm and his signa 8/14/1946 #2135  
    Littlehampton, England British pilot Edward Mortlock Donaldson attains  9/7/1946 #2171  
nia Roseville 11:00 p.m. Air Force pilot Edwin T. Yeoman is returning home  1947 #2220  
land, At Sea 10:30 p.m. (GMT). RAF pilot of Mosquito pursued unidentified r 1/16/1947 #2227  
it for 40 minutes, even though the pilot cannot see it visually, until he l 1/16/1947 #2228  
t in the North Sea an RAF Mosquito pilot picked up a strange object on rada 1/16/1947 #2229  
land, At Sea 10:30 p.m. (GMT). RAF pilot of Mosquito pursued unidentified r 1/17/1947 #2230  
                 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK Pilot B. Savage. Large silent silver pie 5/17/1947 #2285  
                    OVER LEWES, DE Pilot. Fast "mayo jar" crosses nose / li 6/2/1947 #2307  
                Rehoboth Beach, DE Pilot in aircraft saw a silvery jar-shap 6/2/1947 #2308  
  Rehoboth Beach, Delaware Private pilot Forrest Wenyon is flying over Reho 6/2/1947 #2309  
                                   Pilot Wenyon reported that a silver, "ma 6/2/1947 #2310  
                   BAKERSFIELD, CA Pilot Rankin and 1+2. 10 30M saucers goi 6/23/1947 #2369  
lifornia Afternoon. Disabled stunt pilot Richard Rankin views 10 flat, circ 6/23/1947 #2375  
                        A civilian pilot, Kenneth Arnold, reports seeing 9  6/24/1947 #2379  
            UKIAH, CA Unidentified pilot. Saucers similar to Arnold objects 6/24/1947 #2390  
exico Day. Capt. Robert D. Dwan, a pilot out of Alamogordo Army Air Field [ 6/27/1947 #2432  
0 MI NORTHWEST / LAKE MEAD, NV F51 pilot Armstrong. 6 3' white saucers / 6K 6/28/1947 #2438  
s NW of), NV 3:15 [1:15 PST?] p.m. Pilot saw a tight formation of 5-6 white 6/28/1947 #2445  
     SOUTH / GRAND CANYON, AZ Navy pilot. 2 12' grey saucers maneuver / cra 6/30/1947 #2473  
       COLORADO SPRS, CO Air Force pilot. Extremely large disk rises into c 7/4/1947 #2615  
California After 5:00 p.m. Private pilot Dan Whelan and passenger Duncan Un 7/4/1947 #2661  
oject Bluebook Case #36. Air Force pilot. Saucer wobbles 3X. Going quickly  7/6/1947 #2746  
            LONG BEACH, CA Veteran pilot and teacher. Large silver plate go 7/6/1947 #2751  
miles N of ), LA Military aircraft pilot Harston saw a bright silver object 7/7/1947 #2921  
scillating Sphere Observed By Test Pilot & Others (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 7/7/1947 #2924  
               RED BAY, AL Private pilot. Near collision with silver disk!  7/8/1947? #2963  
, CA Project Bluebook Case #1. F51 pilot and ground crew. Large silent silv 7/8/1947 #2972  
         SPOKANE, WA Naval student pilot. Shiny 1M disk with hole / center  7/8/1947 #2979  
OUTH / MUROC ARMY AIR BASE, CA F51 pilot / 20K' altitude. Flat reflective d 7/8/1947 #2987  
     NORTH / ALTON, NH Vet private pilot and 1. 6M metallic saucer veers go 7/8/1947 #2989  
       Los Angeles (near), CA F-51 pilot (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   7/8/1947 #3003  
rection. At 10:10 a.m., XP-84 test pilot Maj. Jowell C. Wise sees a yellowi 7/8/1947 #3014  
ns on the top. Around 4:00 p.m., a pilot flying an F-51 some 40 miles south 7/8/1947 #3014  
report to Gen. Roger M. Ramey. The pilot is Lt. Col. Payne Jennings Jr. wit 7/8/1947 #3019  
a 3:50 p.m. An Army National Guard pilot flying near Mount Baldy, Californi 7/8/1947 #3023  
ke Bed. At the same time a student pilot sighted at flying disc that looked 7/8/1947 #3028  
MERIDIAN, ID United Airlines (UAL) pilot. Flat black saucer / staircase man 7/9/1947 #3041  
ation editor and former (AAF) B-29 pilot Dave Johnson. Watched for more tha 7/9/1947 #3052  
an aviation editor and former B-29 pilot David N. Johnson, flying in an Ida 7/9/1947 #3063  
        OVER UTAH LAKE, UT Private pilot. 6 silver disks flutter and stabil 7/12/1947 #3149  
ouse, Brown and Davidson hear that pilot Emil J. Smith is in Boise on a lay 7/12/1947 #3157  
                   CONCORD, CA CAA pilot. 12-15 5M objects / groups. 200mph 7/15/1947 #3184  
             On this day a private pilot named Jenssen, flying at 6000 feet 7/23/1947 #3220  
 Capt. William Rhyerd, ex-AAF B-29 pilot Ward Stewart. Watched for unknown  7/29/1947 #3252  
 William H. Ryherd and ex-AAF B-29 pilot 1Lt Ward Stewart see two round, sh 7/29/1947 #3255  
yerd, and Ward Steward, an ex-B-29 pilot, watched for unknown length of tim 7/29/1947 #3256  
Hotel Arnold calls United Airlines pilot Capt. Emil J. Smith and asks him t 7/30/1947 #3259  
  Media, Pennsylvania USAF fighter pilot W. Boyce sees a hovering disc abov 8/1947 #3274  
T, MASS Project Bluebook Case #73. Pilot and navigator. 15' glowing gold cy 8/4/1947 #3287  
                               The pilot and co-pilot of an airliner flying 8/4/1947 #3292  
 at 6:00 p.m. an ex-U.S. Air Force pilot and two others saw a hovering sauc 8/6/1947 #3301  
f rocket shells from the nose. The pilot then parachutes back to the ground 8/20/1947 #3355  
 southwest of Fkenberg, Sweden the pilot and co-pilot of a DC-3 Swedish pos 8/26/1947 #3372  
                                   Pilot Selman E. Graves states he witness 10/1947 #3440  
  Paradise Valley, Arizona Private pilot Selman E. Graves claims to have wi Early 10/1947 #3446  
Project Bluebook Case #71. Ex-USAF pilot and more/others. Contrail makes 14 10/8/1947 #3449  
Arizona Witnesses:  ex-AAF fighter pilot J.L. Clark, civilian pilot Anderso 10/14/1947 #3456  
fighter pilot J.L. Clark, civilian pilot Anderson, third man. Watched 45-60 10/14/1947 #3456  
Muroc Edwards AFB, California Test pilot Chuck Yeager unofficially breaks t 10/14/1947 #3458  
, Russia Former Messerschmidt test pilot Fritz Wendel tells US Army CIC tha 11/1947 #3474  
                                   Pilot Hill (1 mile W of), CA High speed  12/30/1947 #3514  
Capt. Thomas Mantell, a Nat. Guard pilot, was killed trying to chase an UFO 1/7/1948 #3537  
ar-old Kentucky Air National Guard pilot, and three others are flying F-51D 1/7/1948 #3544  
15 p.m. Air Traffic Controller and pilot Alex A. Boudreaux and VHF Directio 1/7/1948 #3546  
disappears intermittently. Fighter pilot USAF Capt. Charles E. McGee sees t 1/7/1948 #3546  
les away. USAF VHF DF Operator and pilot Albert R. Pickering, Detachment 73 1/7/1948 #3546  
vercast. It is also sighted by the pilot of a C-45 at 5,000 feet off the ri 1/7/1948 #3546  
eorgia 11:30 p.m. Eastern Airlines pilot Hugh DuBose, flying a DC-3 aircraf 1/9/1948 #3552  
                               RAF pilot John Cunningham reaches an altitud 3/23/1948 #3595  
         Luzon Island, Philippines Pilot saw a half-moon shaped "flying win 4/1/1948 #3602  
A NAS, DC United States Navy (USN) pilot. 30+'sphere. 4500' altitude. Going 4/30/1948 #3632  
roject Bluebook Case #129. Private pilot. Small "Graf-Zeppelin" zooms away  5/12/1948 #3646  
                         A private pilot flying over Westfield, Indiana rep 5/12/1948 #3647  
gh the mushroom cloud. Because the pilot and crew “suffered no ill effects, 5/15/1948 #3651  
nter-of-gravity tests, killing its pilot, Maj. Daniel Forbes (for whom Forb 6/5/1948 #3667  
               LAKE BASKUNCHAK, RS Pilot Apraksin chases banana. Hit / cone 6/16/1948 (approximate) #3670  
trakhan Oblast, Russia Soviet test pilot Arkady Ivanovich Apraksin is flyin 6/16/1948 #3671  
 across the course of Russian test pilot Aprasksin flying over the Kapustin 6/16/1948 #3672  
mit a bright beam that blinded the pilot. It is said that both the plane an 6/19/1948 #3674  
 WA Near nuclear facility. Private pilot. Black saucer dives. Climbs away f 7/1948 #3687  
                         Pasco, WA Pilot reports domed disc near AEC area ( 7/1948 #3689  
hington 1:00 p.m. Former Air Force pilot Don Newman and three friends watch 7/1948 #3691  
elieve the body is that of a human pilot who is badly disfigured by intense 7/7/1948 #3699  
air of eyeglasses, such as a human pilot would wear, near the body.         7/7/1948 #3699  
                    BLACKSTONE, VA Pilot. Glowing cylindrical object leaves 7/24/1948 #3726  
       Marion, VA Light Spotted By Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 7/31/1948 #3758  
     At 3:20 p.m. a U.S. Air Force pilot and copilot flying a C-45 transpor 9/11/1948 #3797  
t Report (100–203–79,p.12,Sec.P-1) Pilot and Co-pilot of a Pan Am aircraft  9/12/1948 #3798  
as flying his F-51 at 4500 ft. The pilot pursued the UFO which took evasive 10/1/1948 #3822  
in every attempt at intercept. The pilot lost contact with the UFO.         10/1/1948 #3822  
s well as others on the ground and pilot Arthur E. Cannon flying a Piper Cu 10/1/1948 #3827  
dianapolis, Ind, various Air Force pilot, major, saw a UFO flying in an osc 10/14/1948 #3834  
        Fusuoka, Japan Witnesses:  pilot Halter and radar operator Hemphill 10/15/1948 #3840  
 end. Six seen on radar separately Pilot attempted to close on visual objec 10/15/1948 #3840  
      At 11:05 p.m. U.S. Air Force pilot Halter and radar operator Hemphill 10/15/1948 #3843  
th a heel-shaped clipped tail end. Pilot Halter attempted to close on the v 10/15/1948 #3843  
, Maryland 10:00 p.m. USAF Reserve pilot Lt. Henry G. Combs is flying a T-6 11/18/1948 #3883  
N: Capt. (blank) is an experienced pilot and completely reliable. While fly 11/23/1948 #3884  
n circling at 27,000 feet. An F-80 pilot sent to intercept it describes it  11/23/1948 #3889  
000 feet at 900 mph. A second F-80 pilot verifies the report.               11/23/1948 #3889  
s (W of), NM AFOSI Case 8; AF C-47 Pilot Observes UFO Similar To Green Flar 12/5/1948 #3907  
erque, NM AFOSI Case 9; Commercial Pilot Reports Green Flare (NICAP: 11 - A 12/5/1948 #3908  
oneer Airlines Flight 63 9:05 p.m. Pilot Capt. William R. Goade is flying a 12/5/1948 #3909  
st of Las Vegas, New Mexico a C-47 pilot and two others saw a huge luminous 12/5/1948 #3910  
Angeles, California Day. A student pilot is flying a two-seat Taylorcraft o 1949 #3946  
uddenly it stops abruptly, and the pilot heads toward the object climbing t 1949 #3946  
    Jackson, Mississippi 5:00 p.m. Pilot Thomas A. Rush and his wife are in 1/1/1949 #3955  
Hickam Field, Hawaii Witness: USAF pilot Capt. Paul Stoney, on ground. one  1/4/1949 #3958  
Pearl Harbor–Hickam 2:00 p.m. USAF pilot Capt. Paul R. Stoney, on the groun 1/4/1949 #3959  
 William Parrott, former Air Force pilot and major.  One generally round ob 4/4/1949 #4073  
 William Parrott, former Air Force pilot and Major, sighted a round object  4/4/1949 #4074  
            EL CAJON, CA Air Force pilot and many. 4 10M silver disks going 4/24/1949 #4101  
 8:00 a.m. Businessman and private pilot Leon A. Faber is flying at 3,000 f 4/28/1949 #4128  
              SARATOV, RUSSIA Test Pilot Apraksin. Cylinder/cigar-shape zap 5/6/1949 #4151  
ia Volga River Saratov Soviet test pilot Arkady Ivanovich Apraksin takes a  5/6/1949 #4158  
 this day, a decorated Soviet test pilot named Apraksin was flying over the 5/6/1949 #4161  
 Washington by a US Air Force F-82 pilot flying over the area.              5/21/1949 #4201  
               Hart Mtn (near), OR Pilot Encounters 5-8 Egg-Shaped Metallic 5/27/1949 #4212  
on Hart Mountain, Oregon 2:25 p.m. Pilot and businessman Joseph Shell, ferr 5/27/1949 #4214  
    Misawa AFB, Honshu, Japan F-80 Pilot Sees Circular Object At High Speed 5/31/1949 #4217  
                 MOUNTAIN HOME, ID Pilot. 7 dark delta/triangle/box-like cr 7/24/1949 #4278  
                                 A pilot flying a twin engine plane over Mo 7/24/1949 #4286  
ltitude at a speed of 150 mph. The pilot attempted to chase them, but they  8/8/1949 #4314  
range-white exhaust. Also separate pilot / 1000hrs.                         9/20/1949 #4361  
 was seen by a U.S. Air Force C-54 pilot flying northeast of Rome, New York 9/20/1949 #4362  
 a.m. It was seen again by another pilot at 10:00 a.m.                      9/20/1949 #4362  
                   OVER LUBECK, WV Pilot. Bright-yellow 50cm fuselage going 9/25/1949 #4368  
JP Project Bluebook Case #501. F80 pilot. 60x20' rectangle. 500mph. 30K' al 11/21/1949 #4420  
                   An F-80 fighter pilot flying over Akita, Japan saw a rec 11/21/1949 #4422  
er who spoke with a young American pilot. The pilot mentions he had just be Early 1950's #4457  
e with a young American pilot. The pilot mentions he had just been sent on  Early 1950's #4457  
     NORTHEAST / FT. SUMNER, NM T6 pilot. Round glowing object going quickl 1/1950 #4467  
                OFF ARGENTIA, NFLD Pilot. 15M saucer rotates just over sea. 1/15/1950? #4491  
iak, Alaska U.S. Navy patrol plane pilot, Lt. Smith, was on routine securit 1/22/1950 #4499  
laska Kodiak 2:40 a.m. Navy patrol pilot Lieut. Smith makes a routine secur 1/22/1950 #4503  
vin Odom, former U.S. Navy fighter pilot, USAF Lt. Philip Foushee, pilot fr 2/5/1950 #4530  
er pilot, USAF Lt. Philip Foushee, pilot from Otis AFB, and two others.  Tw 2/5/1950 #4530  
ght-Patterson AFB Mid-morning. TWA pilot Capt. W. H. Kerr reports to the CA 3/8/1950 #4593  
              NORTH / MONTREAL, QB Pilot sighting. 2 saucers and 2 pear-sha 3/13/1950 #4622  
Los Banos, Mexico on this day. The pilot of the craft conversed in the Span 3/13/1950 #4629  
CITY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, MX Private pilot. 7M dome with green glow / bottom. 3/14/1950 #4631  
           On this night a private pilot at Mexico City Airport, Mexico wit 3/14/1950 #4637  
                  LITTLE ROCK, ARK Pilot sighting. 6-12 black octagons turn 3/17/1950 #4664  
adford, Illinois 8:40 a.m. Private pilot Robert Fisher, flying a Beechcraft 3/18/1950 #4675  
ts 4:45 p.m. Lt. John J. Sevila, a pilot with the 131st Fighter Squadron, h 4/6/1950 #4802  
         ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Pilot and 1 / ground. Silent flash. 8M t 4/10/1950 #4837  
s aloft. Northrop engineering test pilot Max Stanley and observers Lloyd Ba 4/18/1950 #4867  
gar-shaped object was sighted by a pilot in the morning sky over Clarendon, 4/19/1950 #4871  
, Indiana 8:25 p.m. TWA Flight 117 pilot Capt. Robert Adickes and Flight Of 4/27/1950 #4910  
, then moved rapidly away when the pilot attempted a closer approach.       4/27/1950 #4911  
 England RAF Wartling Eastbourne A pilot on patrol from RAF Tangmere in Wes 6/1/1950 #4978  
        Daggett, CA Navy transport pilot Case (AL, M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 6/24/1950 #5003  
d a navy transport plane. The Navy pilot sees for 3 minutes a dark gray obj 6/24/1950 #5004  
. Ross Vermillion, a former bomber pilot, and his wife are driving 9 miles  6/30/1950 #5027  
circling above and below. When one pilot readies his guns, the aircraft rad 9/1950 #5159  
R's direct F82 going [to] 5 blips. Pilot and air.rdr see nothing. / LDLN#33 10/12/1950 #5219  
 NEAR POPE AIR FORCE BASE, NC USAF pilot / ground. Same orbs as DC4 pilots  10/15/1950 #5229  
orth Carolina, Miami Airlines DC-4 pilot Capt. George A. Woodward and copil 10/15/1950 #5236  
                    At 4:20 p.m. a pilot named Daniel, flying from Pope Air 10/15/1950 #5238  
                BONLEE, NC Ex-USAF pilot. MLT blimp with 3 portholes hovers 10/23/1950 #5249  
e, North Carolina Witness: ex-USAF pilot Frank Risher. One aluminum object  10/23/1950 #5252  
                    A retired USAF pilot watched a metallic blimp with thre 10/23/1950 #5253  
  Lakehurst, New Jersey A military pilot flying a Douglas AD-4Q Skyraider n 11/7/1950 #5270  
. Considine asks him about airline pilot witnesses. Watson accuses them of  11/16/1950 #5278  
                    EVANSVILLE, WI Pilot and ground observer(s). Group / 6  11/27/1950 #5289  
Wisconsin Bill Blair, a commercial pilot and flight instructor, watches six 11/27/1950 #5294  
Mr. B. Blair, a commercial airline pilot in flight at that time. At 9:08 p. 11/27/1950 #5295  
LOMA, CA 7 TEARDROPs maneuver near pilot balloon. Several Navy / theodolite 12/23/1950 (approximate) #5361  
             OVER BRADFORD, IL TWA pilot. Night light / violent turns and m 12/27/1950 #5365  
6 Sabrejet over West Germany, USAF pilot Gordon Cooper sees several metalli 1951 #5375  
                 JOLON, CA Private pilot / Navion 4582K. 3 rectangular obje 1/14/1951 #5395  
                 Jolon, CA Private Pilot Reports Mile-Wide Rectangles (NICA 1/14/1951 #5397  
                 Big Bear Lake, CA Pilot Sees 150' Circular Object At 30,00 1/14/1951 #5398  
Johnson Air Base, Japan Witnesses: pilot and radar operator of F-82 night f 2/1/1951 #5427  
 looked like it would collide. The pilot quickly disengaged the auto-pilot  2/8/1951 #5434  
range-red disc was observed by the pilot of a four-engine, U.S. Navy R-5D t 2/10/1951 #5440  
                         Rodeo, NM Pilot saw a green flare [fireball?] pass 2/19/1951 #5448  
            FAYETTE CO, GA Private pilot. Silver white disk. Electro-magnet 4/1951 #5495  
           OVER DODGE CITY, KS AAL pilot buzzed / odd blue night light. 500 5/22/1951 #5515  
Kansas 3:20 a.m. American Airlines pilot Capt. W. R. Hunt observes a blue-w 5/22/1951 #5517  
                      Columbus, GA Pilot Lt. Kinmon sees and reports an UFO 7/9/1951 #5563  
                       Dearing, GA Pilot saw high speed white oval disc abo 7/9/1951 #5566  
with head-on passes several times. Pilot Kinmon said he felt the air distur 7/9/1951 #5570  
  NNE / PORT CLINTON, OH Air Force pilot. 6M cylinder/cigar-shape / 1800M a 8/8/1951 #5597  
     PORTLAND, OR Ex-Air Force P47 pilot. 3 saucers fly in perfect V-format 8/11/1951 #5600  
      Portland, Oregon Former USAF pilot Robert O. Dodge watches three disc 8/11/1951 #5602  
                        US US test pilot Bill Bridgeman attains an unoffici 8/15/1951 #5607  
             PORT MONMOUTH, NJ T33 pilot and RADAR. 40' saucer / 1000mph. 1 9/10/1951 #5657  
                        Korea Navy pilot Lt. Cmdr. Marvin C. Davies is flyi Fall 1951 #5686  
ct Bluebook Case #985. CAA man and pilot. Huge metal ovoid crosses sky goin 10/9/1951 #5707  
/ PARIS, IL Blue Book 985. Private pilot and separate observer(s). Saucer g 10/9/1951 #5708  
           Terre Haute, IN CAA and pilot, "flattened sphere". (NICAP: 11 -  10/9/1951 #5713  
te, Indiana. At 1:45 p.m., private pilot Charles Warren, flying at 5,000 fe 10/9/1951 #5715  
euvering Object Spotted By Private Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 10/10/1951 #5718  
 Wisconsin 10:10 a.m. Engineer and pilot Joseph J. Kaliszewski, flying with 10/10/1951 #5719  
aliszewski, aerologist C.B. Moore, pilot Dick Reilly in the air, and Doug S 10/11/1951 #5724  
zewski and aerologist C. B. Moore, pilot Dick Reilly in the air, and Doug S 10/11/1951 #5726  
t: Mr. (name withheld), a civilian pilot of 14 years experience sighted a d 10/21/1951 #5736  
xas, and Oklahoma. Capitol Airways pilot H. R. DeHoney is flying at 11,000  11/3/1951 #5766  
Mexico, and a Trans World Airlines pilot also see the fireball.             11/20/1951 #5782  
 Coopersville, MI Capital Airlines Pilot Confirms Michigan Sightings (NICAP 11/24/1951 #5785  
 p.m. A Capital Airlines Flight 94 pilot and several control tower and othe 11/24/1951 #5790  
                                 A pilot trainer and his student, flying in 12/7/1951 #5813  
        Andrews AFB, D.C. Civilian pilot. [Nov. 18, 1951, case??] (NARA) (N 12/18/1951 #5820  
 Island, New York 9:50 a.m. A Navy pilot lieutenant commander in a TBM Aven 1/21/1952 #5871  
 second fighter is scrambled. This pilot gets a strong radar return. At fir 1/22/1952 #5876  
ithin 900 feet. At this point, the pilot pulls away to avoid a collision, a 1/22/1952 #5876  
      SOUTH / SAN JOSE, CA Private pilot. Group / odd red night lights play 1/25/1952 #5878  
                               The pilot and co-pilot of a MATS C-47 transp 2/12/1952 #5900  
    Yakima, Washington Witnesses:  pilot and radar operator of F-94 jet int 3/23/1952 #5969  
sawa AFB, Japan Witness:  Brigham, pilot of AT-6 trainer. One small, very t 3/29/1952 #5990  
kes him at 6,000 feet when the T-6 pilot notices a small disc gaining on th 3/29/1952 #5992  
 within 30–50 feet of the T-6. The pilot estimates it is only 8 inches in d 3/29/1952 #5992  
IRVIS Report / V-Formation Seen By Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 4/14/1952 #6076  
 Witness: unidentified CAL airline pilot. Several light colored objects fle 4/14/1952 #6077  
                   TRUAX FIELD, WI Pilot and RADAR. 5-6 glowing-domes going 4/16/1952 #6087  
LLAN AIR FORCE BASE, CA Commercial pilot / ground. Night lights follow plan 4/20/1952 #6137  
            Toronto (west of), CAN Pilot Tracks 11 Objects on radar (NICAP: 4/20/1952 #6139  
         At 9:30 p.m. a commercial pilot named J. Fidelli, on the ground at 4/20/1952 #6143  
              MARSHALL, TX Private pilot. 1 white saucer in straight and le 4/29/1952 #6209  
              Marshall, TX Private pilot saw a round white object fly strai 4/29/1952 #6211  
 Marshall, Texas Witness:  private pilot R.R. Weidman. One round, white obj 4/29/1952 #6213  
ame day in Marshall, Texas private pilot R. R. Weidman sighted a round, whi 4/29/1952 #6218  
ina 2:27 a.m. Pan American Airways pilot Clayton C. Gallagher and his copil 5/8/1952 #6275  
lantic Ocean at 2:27 a.m. when the pilot and co-pilot encountered three rou 5/8/1952 #6277  
                 NATIONAL CITY, CA Pilot and engineer and amateur Ast and 5 5/13/1952 #6310  
            At 3:15 a.m PST an F9F pilot taking off from El Centro Naval Ai 5/13/1952 #6319  
 Bluebook Case #1213. Ex-Air Force pilot and Garcia. 2 orange orbs. 1 hover 5/14/1952 #6321  
co Witnesses: Attorney and ex-USAF pilot Mr. Stipes, Sr. Garcia-Mendez. Two 5/14/1952 #6324  
         North Korea 6:35 p.m. The pilot of an F-51 assigned to the 18th Fi 5/15/1952 #6332  
onio, Texas, his wife, and another pilot see a group of about 12 orange-whi 5/25/1952 #6363  
feet and begins to close. Both the pilot and radar operator see a brilliant 5/26/1952 #6366  
ect Bluebook Case #1236. Air Force pilot / ground. Cylinder/cylindrical obj 5/29/1952 #6381  
 San Antonio, Texas Witness:  USAF pilot Maj. D.W. Feuerstein, on ground. O 5/29/1952 #6384  
h of Chorwon, Korea - At 4:20 a.m. pilot Hufberry turned his F-94 jet to de 5/31/1952 #6395  
       WALLA WALLA, WA Ex military pilot. Ovoid with airfoil. 3500M altitud 6/1/1952 #6407  
a, Washington Witness: ex-military pilot Reserve Maj. W.C. Vollendorf. One  6/1/1952 #6414  
shington. At 1:00 p.m. ex-military pilot Major W. C. Vollendorf sighted an  6/1/1952 #6420  
France Control tower operators and pilot watched brilliant light source cro 6/13/1952 #6493  
ht is also seen by M. Navarri, the pilot of an approaching Air France plane 6/13/1952 #6496  
                 CAPE COD, MA USAF pilot. Star-like night light crosses nos 6/17/1952 #6519  
  Cape Cod, Massachusetts Witness: pilot of USAF F-94 jet interceptor.  A l 6/17/1952 #6525  
assachusetts 1:28 a.m. A USAF F-94 pilot sees a light like a bright star cr 6/17/1952 #6526  
                     YUMA, AZ USAF pilot lane. Round white object flew stra 6/19/1952 #6544  
                          Yuma, AZ Pilot saw a round, white object fly stra 6/19/1952 #6548  
      Yuma, Arizona Witness:  USAF pilot John Lane. One round, white object 6/19/1952 #6550  
MacDill AFB, FL USAF Colonel, B-29 pilot investigated radar target, saw glo Summer 1952 #6571  
MacDill AFB, FL USAF Colonel, B-29 pilot investigated radar target, saw glo Summer 1952 #6574  
ate, searching until midnight. The pilot, a USAF colonel, finally reports a Summer 1952 #6581  
Japan Hq. "CV 4359" Witness:  USAF pilot of the l8th Fighter-Bomber Group.  6/23/1952 #6606  
.Q. "CV 4359". At 6:08 a.m. a USAF pilot of the 18th Fighter-Bomber Group s 6/23/1952 #6612  
HELL AIR FORCE BASE, LI, NY Pan-AM pilot. Night light hovers and maneuvers. 6/26/1952 #6633  
   Topeka, Kansas Witnesses:  USAF pilot 2nd Lt. K. P. Kelly and wife. One  6/27/1952 #6646  
                        A military pilot named Kelly saw a UFO hover at 6:5 6/27/1952 #6648  
              NEAR MASCOT, NSW Ana pilot. Orange fireball going quickly [to 7/1952 #6677  
    COLORADO SPRINGS, CO Air Force pilot. Luminous white airfoil without tr 7/9/1952 #6730  
do Springs, Colorado Witness: USAF pilot Maj. C. K. Griffin. One object sha 7/9/1952 #6737  
line(s)/airliner flight and marine pilot. Green fireballs. Faster / balloon 7/10/1952 #6748  
Quantico, Virginia Night. A Marine pilot on night maneuvers near Marine Cor 7/10/1952 #6752  
uit saying the name of the pursuit pilot, Casey, in an ethereal “ghost-like 7/12/1952 #6785  
this is a prank by Casey’s fighter pilot buddies at the 62nd who are monito 7/12/1952 #6785  
H, FL Project Bluebook Case #1451. Pilot and 2 / ground. Saucer dives / SA1 7/15/1952 #6822  
E ERIE EAST / SANDUSKY, OH Private pilot. 55m saucer seen near United Airli 7/17/1952 #6851  
 as the Lockbourne AFB sighting, a pilot for United Airlines flying over La 7/17/1952 #6872  
               NEAR DENVER, CO AAL pilot. 4 night lights race past. 25K' al 7/18/1952 #6877  
o Early morning. American Airlines pilot Capt. Paul L. Carpenter, First Off 7/18/1952 #6895  
 NDAK Project Bluebook Case #1492. Pilot / US85. Saucer dives. Lights cloud 7/19/1952 #6910  
            STEWART LAKE, YKN Waco pilot. 2 metallic disks oscillate/oscill 7/19/1952 #6915  
Witness:  one experienced civilian pilot.  One elliptical-shaped object wit 7/19/1952 #6927  
Park, Pennsylvania Witnesses: USAF pilot Capt. C.J. Powley and wife.  Two s 7/19/1952 #6928  
 2:55 a.m. An experienced civilian pilot watches an elliptical-shaped objec 7/19/1952 #6929  
Park, Pennsylvania 11:35 p.m. USAF pilot Capt. Charles John Powley and his  7/19/1952 #6934  
Howard Dermott, a Capitol Airlines pilot, and Sgt. Davenport at Andrews. Ra 7/19/1952 #6935  
           An experienced civilian pilot reported that he observed an unide 7/19/1952 #6938  
 Project Bluebook Case #1514. USAF pilot and separate observer(s). 4+night  7/21/1952 #6964  
aden, West Germany Witnesses: USAF pilot Capt. E.E. Dougher, WAF Lt. J.J. S 7/21/1952 #6977  
 Wiesbaden, Germany 6:30 p.m. USAF pilot Capt. Edward E. Dougher and WAF Lt 7/21/1952 #6983  
rthwest of Kermit, Texas a private pilot experienced total radio failure wh 7/21/1952 #6986  
      NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL Private pilot and wife. Metallic disk hovers / 1 7/22/1952 #6994  
   BOSTON TO/FROM PROVINCETOWN, MA Pilot and RADAR-OP. Blue round object sp 7/22/1952 #7005  
Very Large Disc Sighted By Private Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 7/22/1952 #7016  
ncetown, Massachusetts Witnesses:  pilot and radar operator of USAF F-94 je 7/22/1952 #7021  
ectors an F-94 toward the UFO, the pilot sees the UFO near Braintree and lo 7/22/1952 #7026  
ck the object). At 12:08 a.m., the pilot and copilot of a B-29 bomber on la 7/22/1952 #7027  
    Misawa AFB (E of ), Japan USAF pilot flying F-94 jet fighter chased blu 7/23/1952 #7064  
               South Bend, IN USAF pilot Capt. H. W. Kloth saw 2 bright blu 7/23/1952 #7070  
South Bend, Indiana Witness:  USAF pilot Capt. H. W. Kloth. Two bright blue 7/23/1952 #7077  
 base at 75,000 feet. An Air force pilot named Capt. Swartz in Flight Servi 7/23/1952 #7083  
MacDill AFB, FL USAF Colonel, B-29 pilot investigated radar target, saw glo 7/24/1952 #7112  
 in Washington, D.C. At 8:15 p.m., pilot Capt. Berkow and a stewardess of a 7/26/1952 #7174  
ia. Another F-94 is scrambled, the pilot gets a radar lock, and the target  7/26/1952 #7174  
 solid metallic objects.” One F-94 pilot, Lieut. William Patterson, says, “ 7/26/1952 #7174  
nd speed out of sight. Former Navy pilot and aircraft engineer J. E. Kempf  7/27/1952 #7214  
 blips. Five minutes later an F-94 pilot made vsual contact with a round UF 7/27/1952 #7215  
ble speed of the object," said the pilot.                                   7/27/1952 #7215  
 #unknown. GCI RADAR and Air Force pilot and Ground Observer Corps (GOC) sp 7/28/1952 #7225  
                     Michigan USAF pilot pursues UFO over Michigan          7/29/1952 #7271  
            CULVER CITY, CA Former pilot and several. Ovoid splits / 2 piec 7/29/1952 #7293  
 Capital. When an Eastern Airlines pilot tried to check on the radar target 7/29/1952 #7306  
esses:  radar operators on ground, pilot of F-5l Mustang in flight. Several 7/29/1952 #7313  
00 m.p.h.).  One hour total time.  Pilot confirmed one target.              7/29/1952 #7313  
e F-51 pilots see many lights; one pilot at 25,000 feet sees an object blaz 7/29/1952 #7319  
ton, D.C. When an Eastern Airlines pilot tries to check on the radar target 7/29/1952 #7320  
a practice run to investigate. The pilot sees a bright, flashing, colored l 7/29/1952 #7331  
700 mph). One hour total time. The pilot of a F-51 Mustang in flight confir 7/29/1952 #7333  
 Yokota AFB (15 miles E of), Japan Pilot saw object at 7,000 ft off their l 7/31/1952 #7370  
            NORTH / LIMA, PERU DC3 pilot. 3 60' metallic ovoids / V formati 8/5/1952 #7455  
           At 5:10 a.m. an airline pilot named Quinn, flying a DC-3 for PAG 8/5/1952 #7474  
TOKYO, JP U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) pilot. Orange night light spirals going  8/9/1952 #7518  
                      ROCKFORD, IL Pilot / ground and 16. Series 54+white m 8/10/1952 #7531  
0' altitude. Olive drab. Passes T6 pilot. / r8+/ r70.                       8/12/1952 #7552  
lying at 20,000 feet when both the pilot and his radar crewman sight a glow 8/12/1952 #7559  
 a dark backdrop. Curious, the jet pilot adjusts his course and heads direc 8/12/1952 #7559  
 size, apparently moving away. The pilot determines that the object had hal 8/12/1952 #7559  
again hovers. Without success, the pilot tries to raise the local CCI stati 8/12/1952 #7559  
he Cape May area. Low on fuel, the pilot cannot pursue the UFO any further, 8/12/1952 #7559  
 TX Blue Book. Airline(s)/airliner pilot chases night light / 900M. Turns a 8/13/1952 #7568  
 Japan Witness:  USAF Marine Corps pilot Maj. D. McGough. One orange light  8/13/1952 #7573  
eld, Texas Night. Pioneer Airlines pilot Capt. Max M. Jacoby sees a mystery 8/13/1952 #7575  
. In Tokyo, Japan, US Marine Corps pilot Maj. James D. McGough sees an oran 8/13/1952 #7577  
pan at 9:45 p.m. USAF Marine Corps pilot Major D. McGough sighted an orange 8/13/1952 #7579  
       NEAR ROCKHAMPTON, AUST Test Pilot. Large circular / light. Small nig 8/14/1952 #7584  
 Australia an RAAF Vampire fighter pilot encountered a large circular light 8/14/1952 #7596  
,000 feet. The military claims the pilot can see nothing unusual, although  8/15/1952 #7609  
t Lt. William H. Scott, chief test pilot of the Government Aircraft Factori 8/15/1952 #7611  
                      WESTPORT, CT Pilot / ground. Hiss! Long massive silve 8/17/1952 #7617  
           (NORTHERN), AL USAF T6G pilot. Intense-bright white round object 8/17/1952 #7618  
                Red Bluff, CA USAF pilot saw tailess object (NICAP: 11 - Av 8/19/1952 #7645  
rom O’Hare Airport in Chicago. The pilot makes four passes between 10,000 a 8/21/1952 #7670  
r National Guard F-84G jet fighter pilot Col. G.W. Johnson. Two 6' silver b 8/24/1952 #7710  
r National Guard F-84G jet fighter pilot Col. G.W. Johnson. Two six-foot si 8/24/1952 #7716  
HWEST / VENTURA, CA 3 / ground and pilot / air. Large silver sphere jumps u 8/28/1952 #7765  
S, CO Project Bluebook Case #2013. Pilot Magruder. 3 silent 50' metal sauce 8/29/1952 #7781  
olorado Springs, Colorado Witness: pilot C.A. Magruder. Three objects, 50'  8/29/1952 #7786  
Base Qaanaaq, Greenland 10:50 a.m. Pilot LtJG William A. O’Flaherty and nav 8/29/1952 #7788  
olorado 8:35 p.m. Civil Air Patrol pilot Carlton A. Magruder sees three alu 8/29/1952 #7789  
                      At 8:35 p.m. pilot C. A. Magruder, flying near Colora 8/29/1952 #7792  
nnot locate the target. The second pilot suddenly spots what seems to be a  9/1952 #7801  
gain at a range of 3,000 feet, the pilot begins firing at the object, but i 9/1952 #7801  
cson, Arizona 9:00 a.m. Instructor pilot Donald L. McCraven and N. D. Thoma 9/3/1952 #7838  
own, Pennsylvania Witness: private pilot W.A. Hobler, flying a Beech Bonanz 9/13/1952 #7915  
Pennsylvania at 7:40 p.m., private pilot W.A. Hobler was flying his Beech B 9/13/1952 #7917  
A Project Bluebook Case #2086. C54 pilot. Blue-white night light south and  9/14/1952 #7923  
ornia Witness: USAF C-54 transport pilot Tarbutton.  One blue-white light t 9/14/1952 #7933  
mstead AFB, Pennsylvania Witness:  pilot of Flying Tiger Airlines airplane  9/14/1952 #7937  
ver Olmstead AFB, Pennsylvania the pilot of a Flying Tiger Airlines transpo 9/14/1952 #7944  
. Tarbutton, a USAF C-54 transport pilot, sighted a blue-white light that t 9/14/1952 #7946  
                NEAR NORTH BAY, ON Pilot. 30' bronze sphere/orb/globe below 9/15/1952 #7948  
            BEINE WITH CHABLIS, FR Pilot / engineer. Gold-glow olive-shape  9/19/1952 #7977  
                 TIT MELLIL, MAROC Pilot. Ovoid with green halo going [to]  9/20/1952 (approximate) #7984  
reappeared behind them. One Meteor pilot attempted an intercept but was com 9/21/1952 #7990  
LANCA, MOR 5000 / boxing match and pilot. Bright blue-green cylinder/cigar- 9/21/1952 #7993  
 NNW of Azores Islands Witnesses:  pilot, copilot, engineer and aircraft co 9/26/1952 #8035  
 the Azores Islands 11:16 p.m. The pilot and crew of a USAF C-124 see two d 9/26/1952 #8037  
the Azores Islands. 11:16 p.m. The pilot, copilot, engineer and aircraft co 9/26/1952 #8038  
ook Case #2142. Unidentified. RF80 pilot / 22K' altitude. Luminous white do 10/1/1952 #8078  
itness: USAF lst Lt. T.J. Pointek, pilot of RF-8O reconnaissance jet. One b 10/1/1952 #8082  
   OFF HUNGNAM, NORTH KOREA Marine pilot. 20cm orange fireball buzzes inter 10/12/1952 #8119  
           NORTH / OSHIMA, JPN C54 pilot and engineer. Saucer / clouds. Hov 10/13/1952 #8125  
           Oshima, Japan Air Force pilot and engineer saw round object in c 10/13/1952 #8127  
      Oshima, Japan 7:08 p.m. USAF pilot Maj. William D. Leet and his engin 10/13/1952 #8129  
                   Momence, IL CAP Pilot Sees Silver Ball At 1000' (NICAP:  10/19/1952 #8162  
t Lt. Michael Swiney and a student pilot, Royal Navy Lt. David Crofts, are  10/21/1952 #8172  
s. They disappear quickly when the pilot looks away briefly. Two Meteor F.8 10/21/1952 #8172  
end of his mission to successfully pilot his F-84G through the mushroom clo 11/1/1952 #8228  
he cloud, both he and his wingman, pilot Captain Bob Hagan, encounter diffi 11/1/1952 #8228  
            Salton Sea, California Pilot J. Slade Nash reaches 698.5 mph in 11/19/1952 #8300  
               Salton Sea, CA B-50 Pilot Spots Object Changing Colors (NICA 11/20/1952 #8305  
Albuquerque, New Mexico Witnesses: pilot and crew chief of UAAF B-26 bomber 11/27/1952 #8348  
uerque, New Mexico at 12:10 p.m. a pilot and a crew chief of a U.S. Air For 11/27/1952 #8349  
ming, and no fighters scrambled. A pilot at 6,000 feet sees nothing. CAA Se 11/30/1952 #8359  
ional Airport Texas 8:46 p.m. USAF pilot Lt. Robert O. Arnold, 3640th Pilot 12/4/1952 #8377  
pilot Lt. Robert O. Arnold, 3640th Pilot Training Wing, Laredo AFB [now Lar 12/4/1952 #8377  
              At 8:48 p.m. an F-51 pilot, Lt. Robert O. Arnold, flying out  12/4/1952 #8378  
                  Lackland AFB, TX Pilot saw blue light maneuver in a count 12/5/1952 #8379  
      Ladd AFB, Alaska Witnesses:  pilot lst Lt. D. Dickman and radar opera 12/8/1952 #8396  
                Hungnam, Korea USN pilot flying aircraft in near-collision  12/10/1952 #8404  
Richland, Washington 7:15 p.m. The pilot and radar observer of an F-94 patr 12/10/1952 #8409  
 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN F-94 pilot chased disc - changed from bright  12/15/1952 #8419  
                        Borger, TX Pilot Reports* Object Seen Six Minutes L 12/27/1952 #8449  
              NEAR ALBUQUERQUE, NM Pilot. Elongated cigar east going west.  12/28/1952 #8451  
      Arizona Wright-Patterson AFB Pilot (name withheld) stated, “a saucer  1953? #8470  
  Anaco, Venezuela Avensa Airlines pilot reported round gray object paced p 1953 #8475  
 North Texas Evening. An Air Force pilot and a student are flying an F-84 T 1953 #8479  
n out-of-place light. At first the pilot thinks it’s Venus, but they realiz 1953 #8479  
zooms past them at high speed. The pilot takes the stick and turns the airc 1953 #8479  
th windows, passes them again. The pilot accelerates to more than 500 mph a 1953 #8479  
bright light into the cockpit. The pilot takes an evasive measure and flies 1953 #8479  
rcraft over Santa Ana, California. Pilot 1st Lt. Lowell D. Brandt turns to  1/9/1953 #8525  
     WEST / CONTINENTAL DIVIDE, NM Pilot and ground RADAR. White 1" disk go 1/26/1953 #8571  
              OVER HANFORD, CA T33 pilot. Brilliant silver pie-plate. Then  1/27/1953 #8578  
a 2:20 p.m. Northrop Aircraft test pilot Rex Hardy Jr. is flying over Malib 1/28/1953 #8601  
p.m. Maj. Hal W. Lamb, USAF senior pilot at Moody AFB in Valdosta, Georgia, 1/28/1953 #8604  
, by 2nd Lt. Fred T. Goetting Jr., pilot of an F-94B. Goetting points out t 1/29/1953 #8615  
California 2:20 p.m. Northrup test pilot Rex Hardy Jr., test pilot Chester  1/29/1953 #8617  
rup test pilot Rex Hardy Jr., test pilot Chester Mathews, and Northrup phot 1/29/1953 #8617  
te, IN Sighting of a UFO by a T-33 pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 2/1/1953 #8626  
d to blue, to green to yellow. The pilot estimates their altitude to range  2/1/1953 #8627  
crambled to intercept it. The F-94 pilot saw the bright object change speed 2/7/1953 #8648  
#unknown. U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) pilot chases rocket-like object / 3+min. 2/9/1953 #8650  
 Virginia, NC Border. Marine Corps pilot chased rocket-like object. [UFOE,  2/9/1953 #8652  
                A U.S.Marine Corps pilot chased a rocket-like object for ov 2/9/1953 #8655  
1:50 p.m. and was witnessed by the pilot and co-pilot. It then hovered for  2/16/1953 #8680  
iana Witness:  USAF airman/private pilot.  Five yellow discs made circular  2/27/1953 #8713  
ouisiana a USAF airman and private pilot spotted five yellow discs making c 2/27/1953 #8715  
                   DETROIT, MI F94 pilot and ground and air RADAR's. Cigars 3/1953 #8719  
emens, Michigan Detroit 10:00 a.m. Pilot Howard C. Strand is flying a routi 3/1953 #8720  
lendale, Arizona, is an instructor pilot flying an F-84 at 25,000 feet over 3/3/1953 #8727  
 Nina Cook, an experienced private pilot and wife of a Pan Am flight engine 3/11/1953 #8745  
r wake. Townsend-Withers calls his pilot on the microphone and tells him th Spring 1953 #8766  
thing cannot be shaken off, so the pilot executes a sweeping radius turn. A Spring 1953 #8766  
   Mt. Taylor, New Mexico Witness: pilot of USAF F-86 jet fighter at 600 kt 3/27/1953 #8790  
), and executed three fast rolls.  Pilot chased object for 4 minutes.       3/27/1953 #8790  
AZ Silver Disc Encountered By Test Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 3/31/1953 #8798  
          At 7:50 p.m. a USAF F-94 pilot reported sighting a white disc-sha 3/31/1953 #8800  
               FUKUOKA, JAPAN F94B pilot. Bright blue night light drops and 4/8/1953 #8809  
pan Witness:  lst Lt. D.J. Pichon, pilot of USAF F-94B jet interceptor.  On 4/8/1953 #8812  
    At 7:55 p.m. Lt. D. J. Pichon, pilot of a USAF F-94B jet interceptor, w 4/8/1953 #8813  
ford, Lt. White and Lt. Cripe, the pilot, co-pilot, and navigator, sighted  4/12/1953 #8821  
econnaissance observers (including pilot Lt. Julius T. Morgan, Lt. James O. 4/19/1953 #8838  
                    LAREDO, TX T33 pilot. Brown cylinder/cigar-shape / 60K' 4/28/1953 (approximate) #8847  
iles per hour. It was sighted by a pilot in a T-33 military aircraft. At 8: 4/28/1953 #8848  
. Pacific Daylight Time a USAF T-6 pilot flying over Fontana, California sp 4/28/1953 #8848  
e AFB, Labrador, Canada Witnesses: pilot and radar operator of USAF F-94 je 5/1/1953 #8855  
ose Bay], Labrador 11:35 p.m. USAF pilot Capt. R. L. Emberry and radar oper 5/1/1953 #8856  
Bay], Labrador 3:20 a.m. USAF F-94 pilot Lt. D. C. Rogers and radar operato 5/12/1953 #8877  
             ROCKHAMPTON, QLD, AUS Pilot and weatherman / ground. Crescent- 5/18/1953 #8881  
long with a barrel-chested “midget pilot” wearing a “forest-green outfit” a 5/20/1953 #8889  
 has tripod-like landing gear. The pilot fills a rubber-like pail with cree 5/20/1953 #8889  
nearby contained the corpse of the pilot. It was approx. 4 ft. tall and had 5/21/1953 #8892  
              NORTH / PRESCOTT, AZ Pilot and 3. 2+6 saucers cavort / 3km al 5/21/1953 #8893  
    Prescott, AZ A veteran private pilot watched as eight disc-like objects 5/21/1953 #8895  
 AFB, Labrador, Canada Witnesses:  pilot and radar operator of USAF F-94 je 6/22/1953 #8956  
                  At 2:10 a.m. the pilot and radar operator of a USAF F-94  6/22/1953 #8957  
veral miles in all directions. The pilot of one Banshee, Lt. Jg. Jack Olive 6/24/1953 #8970  
     OVER WHITE PLAINS, NY Private pilot. 15cm saucer / 750M.alt. 386kph go 6/28/1953 #8974  
The base scrambles an F-84 and the pilot sees the UFO. Many witnesses see t 8/5/1953 #9049  
 F-84 is sent up. Before long, the pilot receives strong radar returns of a 8/5/1953 #9049  
asses. These close calls alarm the pilot so much he lands immediately. Jet  8/6/1953 #9052  
 and the same night an interceptor pilot sees a “glowing blob” rising rapid 8/6/1953 #9052  
                              Test pilot Lt. Col. Marion Eugene Carl reache 8/21/1953 #9095  
               Greenville, MS USAF pilot, M/Sgt., others, all on the ground 8/27/1953 #9115  
ville, Mississippi Witnesses: USAF pilot, M/Sgt., others, all on the ground 8/27/1953 #9116  
ort], Mississippi 9:45 p.m. A USAF pilot, M/Sgt, and others, all on the gro 8/27/1953 #9117  
d witnesses including an Air Force pilot, Sergeant and others watched an un 8/27/1953 #9118  
 p.m. at Sidi Slimane AFB, Morocco pilot Lt. Col. William Moore and co-pilo 9/2/1953 #9137  
    Littlehampton, England British pilot Neville Duke reaches 728 mph in a  9/7/1953 #9153  
Castel Idris Tripoli Libya British pilot Mike Lithgow attains an official w 9/26/1953 #9180  
E.PANHANDLE), WV Biologist and P38 pilot and 1. 8M saucer going up [to] and 10/1953 (approximate) #9193  
        Salton Sea, California USN pilot James B. Verdin reaches 753 mph in 10/3/1953 #9201  
                  NORFOLK, VA USAF pilot. Large white saucer hovers. Vanish 10/20/1953 #9245  
       Salton Sea, California USAF pilot Frank Kendall Everest Jr. reaches  10/29/1953 #9261  
co 10:00 a.m. An RAF NF.10 Vampire pilot (Flight Lt. Terry S. Johnson) and  11/3/1953 #9279  
Wisconsin Witness: R.J. Bassett, a pilot for 31 years. One silver sphere or 11/18/1953 #9306  
he radio communication between the pilot and Air Traffic Controllers has ne 11/23/1953 #9319  
nity of Hässleholm, Skåne, Sweden, pilot Ulf Christiernsson and flight mech 12/15/1953 #9366  
               HASSLEHOLM, SWD DC3 pilot. Brilliant metallic sphere/orb/glo 12/17/1953 #9377  
s: Capt. Ulf Christiernsson, chief pilot for Transair, flying a DC-3. One s 12/17/1953 #9379  
       At 2:37 p.m. transair chief pilot Ulf Christiernsson and airline mec 12/17/1953 #9383  
 a half in thickness. The military pilot got to within 600 and 800 feet dis 12/26/1953 #9398  
 60 MI EAST / ROCK SPRINGS, WY C47 pilot. 2 red night lights / 1800mph. 1 z 12/29/1953 #9405  
             YARRA VALLEY, AUS DC3 pilot. Huge metal mushroom. Shafts / lig 1/1/1954 #9430  
          Unknown City, AU Airline pilot saw huge, apparently metallic, ell 1/1/1954 #9434  
10:15 a.m. Capt. Douglas Barker, a pilot with Australian National Airways,  1/1/1954 #9436  
 Jersey 10:35 p.m.–12:05 a.m. Navy pilot Lt. JG George G. Morgan of Naval A 1/1/1954 #9437  
     VAN NUYS, CA Former Air Force pilot and 4. Silent saucer / impossible  2/18/1954 #9554  
e saucer and also photographed the pilot, from a side rear angle. These pho 2/18/1954 #9555  
same time a retired U.S. Air Force pilot sighted a flying disc in Van Nuys  2/18/1954 #9556  
 60,000 feet. From the cockpit the pilot and copilot can see the objects, w 3/1/1954 #9585  
                 ROUEN, FR Fighter pilot photos saucer identical to McMinnv 3/5/1954 #9594  
er the KC-97. At 9:55 p.m., senior pilot Capt. William M. Pond, copilot Lt. 3/5/1954 #9598  
n near Rouen, France, by a fighter pilot is actually a retouched photo show 3/5/1954 #9599  
 into the sky. It is reported by a pilot. Ten to twenty nocturnal lights in 3/8/1954 #9603  
into the sky. It was reported by a pilot at the base. At 11:07 p.m. ten to  3/8/1954 #9604  
                    CINCINNATI, OH Pilot / car. Dark ovoid / blue glowing s 3/9/1954 #9606  
                 Mr. J. Stewart, a pilot driving in his car, observed a dar 3/9/1954 #9608  
               A U.S. Marine Corps pilot named Holland, flying a military t 3/24/1954 #9640  
RDALE, FL U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) pilot. Saucer going down / 900m. Evades  3/25/1954 #9641  
  At 3:30 p.m. a U.S. Marine Corps pilot sighted a disc-shaped object flyin 3/25/1954 #9644  
cloud bank. It is also seen by the pilot of a DC-3 west of Sinclair, Wyomin 3/28/1954 #9646  
      WEST / DRUMMOND LAKE, VA F6F pilot. 2 saucers / 3500' altitude going  4/7/1954 #9668  
 and rose up again; the suspended "pilot" entered it, and it took off very, 4/8/1954 #9678  
York City National Airport Airline pilot William B. Nash writes to his frie 4/18/1954 #9697  
                              Test pilot Arthur W. Murray reaches an unoffi 5/28/1954 #9838  
, Massachusetts 9:30–9:40 a.m. TWA pilot Capt. Charles J. Kratovil, copilot 6/1/1954 #9860  
 minutes.  9:09 PM  Witness:  USAF pilot ht.  One white light descended at  6/8/1954 #9876  
 OVER LLANO ESTACADO, TX Air Force pilot and 1. 100' white night light goin 6/10/1954 #9886  
     Estacado, Texas Witness: USAF pilot Capt. Bill McDonald, in flight. On 6/10/1954 #9888  
FB Columbus area 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. Pilot Capt. Harry Roe Jr., flying an Ohi 6/23/1954 #9936  
oject Bluebook Case #3072. Private pilot. 40' saucer / cone / top. Goes on  6/25/1954 #9943  
hio Witnesses: experienced private pilot John Mark, flying Navion lightplan 6/25/1954 #9946  
haped top was sighted by a private pilot over Indian Lake, Ohio at 4:05 p.m 6/25/1954 #9948  
tion. Just as Howard is giving the pilot his position, the small objects di 6/29/1954 #9962  
ept an unidentified aircraft. When Pilot Lt. William E. Atkins cannot find  7/2/1954 #9984  
          LOS ANGELES, CA B25 Test Pilot. Metal pencil-shape hovers / goes  7/30/1954 #10064  
letter covers Pan-American airline pilot UFO sightings of 8-10 flying discs 8/1/1954 #10086  
which then completely disappeared. Pilot of ARMY294 lost sight of it, would 8/12/1954 #10131  
noon two sisters in Norway met the pilot of a UFO. While picking blueberrie 8/20/1954 #10158  
oject Bluebook Case #3189. KLM DC4 pilot. 3 dark lens saucers in formation. 8/29/1954 #10200  
      RAMORE, ONT Cop and separate pilot. Saucer seems to explode / sparks. 9/20/1954 #10365  
e forward end, which contained the pilot. There were four pole-like appenda 9/20/1954 #10373  
                  NAVARRE, OH Navy pilot and 1. Round object lit / sky. Hov 9/22/1954 #10392  
field, Missouri Witnesses: private pilot J.N. Williams, E.J. Ash. A thin, t 9/22/1954 #10394  
ven o'clock in the morning private pilot J. N. Williams and his friend E. J 9/22/1954 #10398  
CIVIL FLIGHT, NY GOING [TO] LISBON Pilot. Extraordinary light at sea surfac 9/27/1954 #10456  
 Shek Kong Airfield China Day. RAF pilot Michael Forrest, stationed at RAF  10/1954 #10537  
tastic speeds. Forrest and another pilot are vectored into the blip at 30,0 10/1954 #10537  
e Champlain 9:20 a.m. An RCAF test pilot is flying at 30,000 feet over Mont 10/1/1954 #10565  
ce A farmer, Mr. Beuc, saw a small pilot enter an object. It glided over th 10/12/1954 #10970  
   A farmer, Mr. Beuc, saw a small pilot enter an object in Orchamps, Franc 10/12/1954 #10980  
ng closer to investigate, he saw a pilot with a diving suit coming out of t 10/21/1954 #11297  
way caused the rapid escape of the pilot into the craft, which took off.    10/21/1954 #11297  
ng closer to investigate, he saw a pilot with a diving suit coming out of t 10/21/1954 #11306  
way caused the rapid escape of the pilot into the craft, which took off.    10/21/1954 #11306  
s. The chief military witness, jet pilot Lt. H. Ferraz de Almeida, sees a d 10/24/1954 #11365  
, Indiana. Kentucky National Guard pilot Lt. Col. Lee J. Merkel notifies Wr 11/12/1954 #11629  
 sends an F-86 to investigate. The pilot sees nothing and returns to the ba 11/12/1954 #11629  
 Merkel and another National Guard pilot give chase in F-51 Mustangs, but t 11/12/1954 #11629  
m. Copilot Cmdr. Armando Braulino, pilot Cmdr. Pedro Luiz Teixeira, steward 11/21/1954 #11683  
e same day a Royal Australian Navy pilot reported that two UFOs paced his a 12/15/1954 #11817  
THEAST / NOGALES, AZ RADAR and F86 pilot. UFO / 10K' altitude chased going  12/23/1954 #11855  
nia, nr. Washington, D. C, VA Navy pilot observed domed disc. [UFOE, IV] (N 1955 #11891  
heed U-2 spy plane). Lockheed test pilot Kelly Johnson sends project pilot  Early 1955 #11901  
 pilot Kelly Johnson sends project pilot Tony LeVier and Skunk Works chief  Early 1955 #11901  
Z Project Bluebook Case #3382. B25 pilot and 1. 130' metal saucer ESE going 1/1/1955 #11904  
 Witnesses: instructor and student pilot in USAF B-25 bomber/trainer. A met 1/1/1955 #11908  
nia and Kansas, air space Airliner pilot saw a dark object leaving a contra 1/14/1955 #11932  
ia. Immediately afterwards, a B-47 pilot reports to March AFB [now March Ai 1/14/1955 #11933  
own object just hit our wing.” The pilot guides the plane to a landing. No  1/14/1955 #11933  
                    At 1:00 p.m. a pilot of a light plane flying over Talar 1/16/1955 #11935  
    Pacific Ocean, At Sea Military pilot saw a white-reddish globular objec 1/19/1955 #11937  
      Cochise (20 miles E of ), NM Pilot saw a very bright round object wit 2/1/1955 #11958  
t dead both at Valera and Barq. as pilot started to report a UFO sighting ( 2/2/1955 #11965  
e lighted portholes. Hurriedly the pilot cuts in his mike to call the Barqu 2/2/1955 #11968  
o operators state that just as the pilot began his report, communication is 2/2/1955 #11968  
  RAGLAN HARBOR, NZ 2 / ground and pilot / air. Odd night light maneuvers.  2/7/1955 #11978  
       Harrisburg, PA Flying Tiger Pilot Sees Brilliant Object (NICAP: 11 - 2/7/1955 #11980  
IR FORCE BASE, GA Eastern Airlines pilot. Red sphere hovers. Green / bottom 2/9/1955 #11983  
                    Blackstone, VA Pilot saw an extremely large light-blue  2/17/1955 #12007  
CA Strategic Air Command (SAC) B47 pilot. Silver circular object going quic 3/16/1955 #12050  
alton Sea (35 miles N of), CA B-47 Pilot Sees Circular Object (NICAP: 11 -  3/16/1955 #12051  
aviation journalist and former RAF pilot Derek Dempster as its first editor Spring 1955 #12053  
a US Kadena Air Base 2:30 p.m. The pilot of a private Beechcraft plane is f 3/24/1955 #12059  
, and under the airplane. When the pilot puts the plane into a dive, the cr 3/24/1955 #12059  
ne’s instruments stop working. The pilot makes a steep right turn but the o 3/24/1955 #12059  
raft’s engine begins to stall, the pilot calls Naha Airport on Okinawa, whi 3/24/1955 #12059  
             SOUTH / METHOW, WA Ex pilot and 1. Disk hovers / 11K' altitude 3/28/1955 (approximate) #12064  
Y-NEMCE, KRUPINA, SLOVAKIA Retired pilot sees classic saucer. Convinced.    4/1955 #12072  
 opener, “Beyond,” in which a test pilot bails out and loses his plane beca 4/5/1955 #12081  
            Niagara Falls, NY F-86 Pilot Encounters 10' Sphere (NICAP: 11 - 5/18/1955 #12141  
               PARKER, AZ USAF T33 pilot. Yellow-white-red object hovers st 6/4/1955 #12178  
York, on a heading to Albany. Both pilot and copilot see an object come ove 6/23/1955 #12209  
       Newfoundland 3:00 a.m. USAF pilot Lt. Homer H. Speer Jr and copilot  7/5/1955 #12238  
ul Daily, call sign Archie 29, and pilot Lt. Robert W. Schneck and copilot  7/5/1955 #12238  
               Toulab, France C-47 Pilot Sees Light Changing Color (NICAP:  7/11/1955 #12252  
ighted by a tanker aircraft (KC97) pilot and ground radar. “Unusual” in tha 7/12/1955 #12253  
round radar. “Unusual” in that the pilot of the Archie 29 called direction  7/12/1955 #12253  
               Syracuse (near), NY Pilot flying F-86 fighter saw an orange  7/25/1955 #12284  
               KANSAS CITY, MO B47 pilot. White saucer / 66K' altitude. Goi 7/26/1955 #12287  
e first U-2, Lockheed’s chief test pilot, Tony LeVier, inadvertently become 8/1/1955 #12316  
              Palmdale, California Pilot Horace A. Hanes attains an airspee 8/20/1955 #12378  
                       England RAF pilot Walter Gibb reaches an official re 8/29/1955 #12415  
om Lake, Nevada Pacific Ocean Test pilot Ray J. Goudey reaches an altitude  9/8/1955 #12438  
5MI NNE / POUGHKEEPSIE, NY Airline pilot. Meteor-night light passes plane.  10/2/1955 #12482  
               MINNEAPOLIS, MN Jet pilot and ground and air RADAR's. White  10/21/1955 #12517  
            San Bernardino Mts, CA Pilot saw a globe of white light approac 11/14/1955 #12567  
                 Marianna, FL MATS Pilot Tracks Unidentifed Target (BBU) (N 12/6/1955 #12600  
 3:24 p.m. Kentucky National Guard pilot Lt. Col. Lee J. Merkel is flying a 1/31/1956 #12687  
           NEAR DAWSON, GA Private pilot. Ovoid with lit portholes and 3 st 2/1956 (approximate) #12689  
      Nr. Fishguard, S. Wales Test Pilot Chases Disc (NICAP: 11 - Aviation  2/1956 #12690  
 Labrador, Canada Witnesses:  F-89 pilot Bowen, radar observer Crawford. On 2/12/1956 #12713  
ying at 20,000 feet, one crewed by pilot Bowen and radar observer Crawford, 2/12/1956 #12714  
                RIVERSIDE, CA Navy pilot. Plain brown cylinder/cigar-shape  2/15/1956 #12715  
wer than the UFO). Orly radios the pilot to alert him to the unidentified t 2/17/1956 #12723  
f the object was briefly made by a pilot landing at the airfield.           2/17/1956 #12724  
of the airplane, was evaded by the pilot.                                   2/19/1956 #12732  
       Chichester, England British pilot Peter Twiss reaches an official ai 3/10/1956 #12751  
 RNZAF Base Ohakea near Bulls, the pilot of a Douglas C-47 Dakota lands and 6/1956 #12879  
               Newton, MS Military pilot of Convair T-29 saw white-green li 6/2/1956 #12882  
           Nellis Air Force Base A pilot driving through the desert and bou Summer 1956 #12912  
ircular appendages underneath. The pilot went back to his car which started Summer 1956 #12912  
SUP, NORTH / GREENLAND Soviet TU-4 pilot. Pearl colored lens-saucer. / r120 7/1/1956? #12941  
 Petersburg], Russia Baltic states Pilot Hervey Stockman makes the first of 7/4/1956 #12951  
       Westover (Otis AFB), MA Jet Pilot Sees Object Reverse Course (NICAP: 7/17/1956 #12978  
ng Island, NY Brief Sighting By AF Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 7/17/1956 #12979  
    NEAR NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV Pilot / car / malfunctions due to EME (e 8/1956 (approximate) #13038  
            EAST / EL PASO, TX T33 pilot. Glowing-ovoid ahead / 2 minute(s) 8/1/1956? #13047  
0 MI EAST / AMARILLO, TX Ex-bomber pilot and more/others. Diamond-UFO. Phot 8/2/1956 #13048  
        OFF SAN FRANCISCO, CA USAF pilot. Fast "balloon" outmaneuvers and o 8/21/1956 #13105  
 Going quickly northwest / 1Kmph / pilot radios. / r70p3-48.                8/21/1956 #13107  
        NEAR FT. MCLEOD, ALTA RCAF pilot / 11km altitude photographs silver 8/23/1956 #13122  
    Ft. Macleod, Alberta, CAN RCAF Pilot Photographs Object Radiating Power 8/27/1956 #13138  
7:20 p.m. Royal Canadian Air Force pilot Robert James “Chick” Childerhose i 8/27/1956 #13140  
g its position. The second Javelin pilot has caught up from behind and conf 8/30/1956 #13156  
            LIVINGSTON, NJ Private pilot and 1. 2 white disks hover 1200M o 9/3/1956 #13177  
  PASADENA, CA Airline(s)/airliner pilot and Ground Observer Corps (GOC) an 9/6/1956 #13191  
              Pasadena, CA Airline Pilot Reports UFO To Air Defense Command 9/6/1956 #13195  
                              Test pilot Iven Carl Kincheloe Jr. reaches an 9/7/1956 #13203  
THWEST / ELSINORE, CA Ex Air Force pilot. Large silver ovoid sucks and blow 9/12/1956 #13216  
     SOUTH / FT. MYERS, FL Ex-Navy pilot / Cessna. Huge cylinder/cigar-shap 9/21/1956 #13231  
heast of Gander, Newfoundland, the pilot notices a cluster of lights beneat Fall 1956 #13237  
                  Grand Rapids, MI Pilot saw 2 delta-shaped objects flying  9/25/1956 #13244  
         COLUMBUS, OH Ex Air Force pilot and 1. 8 cigars hover overhead. Fo 9/28/1956 #13251  
up the planes but not the UFO. One pilot breaks off to return but sees that 10/7/1956 #13266  
. The UFO came up fast and the jet pilot made a tight turn, but couldn't ca 11/8/1956 #13315  
               DESTIN, FL Military pilot / air. Long thin object with serie 11/9/1956 #13317  
                        Destin, FL Pilot saw a long narrow object with a se 11/9/1956 #13318  
     ABERDEEN, MD Eastern Airlines pilot Duboise passed / torpedo. Possible 11/23/1956 #13345  
in the sky. On the third pass, the pilot reports that the object registers  11/25/1956 #13352  
ting of round UFO by Air Force jet pilot. Radar jammed by strong Interferen 12/1956 #13376  
ia, Texas 2:00 p.m. A US Air Force pilot sees a silver object with a “strai 12/10/1956 #13396  
15 minutes at Victoria, Texas. The pilot’s description is a dead ringer for 12/10/1956 #13396  
Airport] in Fukuoka, Japan, a USAF pilot flying an F- 86D interceptor picks 12/17/1956 #13408  
 large blip on airborne radar. The pilot sees a tan object, round on top, a 12/17/1956 #13408  
.8 miles all radar disappears. The pilot estimates its speed as 1,700–2,000 12/17/1956 #13408  
speed as 1,700–2,000 mph. Both the pilot and his wingman report interferenc 12/17/1956 #13408  
 UFO was sighted from the air by a pilot and co-pilot. It flew at a high ra 12/17/1956 #13410  
          Airspace over Guam, Guam Pilot saw a round, white object fly unde 12/31/1956 #13421  
         At 2:10 a.m. a F-86D USAF pilot flying near Guam in the Pacific Oc 1/1/1957 #13446  
white object make rapid maneuvers. Pilot Lt. Col. Howard T. Wright notes th 1/16/1957 #13461  
     INDIANAPOLIS, IN News report. Pilot and many. 4 brilliant night lights 1/24/1957 #13470  
       Unknown City, IN Commercial pilot and many others saw four brilliant 1/24/1957 #13472  
          On this night an airline pilot flying over Indianapolis, Indiana  1/24/1957 #13474  
his morning at 8:13 a.m. a fighter pilot flying over Rouen, France photogra 3/5/1957 #13520  
              SOUTH / BAUDETTE, MN Pilot / ground. 5.5M saucer So low it sw 3/8/1957 #13526  
             Baudette, Minnesota A pilot saw a circular object flying again 3/8/1957 #13529  
             Baudette, Minnesota A pilot watches a UFO from the ground at B 3/8/1957 #13531  
                                 A pilot saw a circular object flying again 3/8/1957 #13533  
an (near), PR Pan American Airways pilot took evasive action as fiery round 3/9/1957 #13536  
cs Board describing the incident: “Pilot took evasive action, object appear 3/9/1957 #13540  
ts / collision course / USAAF C45. Pilot signals. Quickly going up.         3/27/1957 #13561  
ast Coast, FL Pan American Airways pilot observed brilliant pulsating light 3/29/1957 #13570  
            Area 51 Pioche, Nevada Pilot Robert L. Sieker takes a U-2 cover 4/4/1957 #13581  
                     Manston, Kent Pilot Milton Torres flew a F-86 D Sabre  5/1957 #13626  
 to Converse, Louisiana, where the pilot queries ADC radar site, England AF 6/3/1957 #13698  
     OHAKEA AIR FORCE BASE, NZ Jet pilot and ground RADAR. Bright fireball  6/17/1957 #13733  
 RIO DOCE, BRZ Airline(s)/airliner pilot and copilot. Luminous cylinder/cig 7/14/1957 #13794  
heir names are Lewis Dormon Chase, pilot; James H. McCoid, copilot; Thomas  7/17/1957 #13808  
as Night. Capt. G. M. Schemel, the pilot of a TWA Constellation aircraft, i 7/22/1957 #13817  
a, Brazil 8:55 p.m. Varig Airlines pilot Capt. Jorgé Campos Araujo and Firs 8/14/1957 #13893  
        WOODLAND HILLS, CA Ex-Navy pilot. Solid white disk hovers. Tilts an 8/15/1957 #13896  
   Woodland Hills, CA Retired Navy pilot watched disc wobble, climb away. [ 8/15/1957 #13900  
Virginia Night. A Capital Airlines pilot is flying a Viscount at 12,000 fee 8/30/1957 #13952  
ading at 20,000 feet. The Viscount pilot sees a brilliant object that “flew 8/30/1957 #13952  
,000 feet altitude.” The Northeast pilot tries to acquire the object on rad 8/30/1957 #13952  
object.” According to the Viscount pilot, the object “dissolved right in fr 8/30/1957 #13952  
        SOUTHWEST / BOSTON, MA PAA pilot. Fast silver night light / high al 10/8/1957 #14070  
on (near), MA Pan American Airways pilot saw a brilliant object flying at h 10/8/1957 #14073  
alifornia, with 36 persons aboard. Pilot Lt. Cmdr. W. F. Norris reports the 10/10/1957 #14094  
 South African Air Force Sabre jet pilot pursued a high altitude, hovreing  11/1/1957 #14190  
uá, Santa Catarina 1:30 a.m. Chief Pilot Captain Jean Vincent de Beyssac an 11/4/1957 #14283  
gins to glow more brilliantly. The pilot and copilot smell smoke and, as th 11/4/1957 #14283  
 Airport 9:15 a.m. Eastern Airline pilot Capt. Truman Gile Jr. is preparing 11/9/1957 #14506  
OUTHEAST / TARAKLI, TURKEY Turk.af pilot. 10' regular hexagon-shaped object 11/22/1957 #14591  
s SE of), Turkey Turkish Air Force pilot saw a 10 ft regular-hexagon-shaped 11/22/1957 #14593  
 Tonopah, Nevada 6:10 p.m. Fighter pilot 1st Lt. Joseph F. Long’s car engin 11/23/1957 #14603  
                        Joliet, IL Pilot saw a stationary yellowish object  11/26/1957 #14625  
-Kanayis, Egypt 1:30 a.m. Swissair pilot Walter Borner is flying a DC-6B at 12/1/1957 #14660  
                    NEAR LAGOS, MX Pilot and 2 / airline(s)/airliner crew.  12/10/1957 #14702  
                        In 1957, a pilot reported seeing three luminous obj 12/10/1957 #14705  
 Mexico Mexico City Night. Mexican pilot Gilberto Castillo del Valle is fly 12/11/1957 #14713  
/ CHATHAM, ONT Airline(s)/airliner pilot and cops and many. Saucer spins. F 12/12/1957 #14716  
or area, CAN Trans-Canada Airlines pilot, many police, saw orange oval UFO  12/12/1957 #14719  
    Edwards AFB, California A USAF pilot attains 1,208 mph in a McDonnell F 12/12/1957 #14720  
 SW Libya, Libya Military aircraft pilot saw a bright orange light streakin 1/4/1958 #14804  
        Wake Island (W of), At Sea Pilot saw a greenish-blue object emittin 1/12/1958 #14821  
              Dayton (airport), OH Pilot saw a very dark blue 6-8 ft cloud- 4/7/1958 #14965  
krydstrup Airport A Danish fighter pilot reports seeing a formation of UFOs 4/10/1958 #14974  
up Airport in Vojens, Denmark. The pilot attempts to overtake them, but the 4/10/1958 #14974  
                 LYNCHBURG, VA C47 pilot. Large dark-grey rectangular objec 4/14/1958 #14981  
los, Uruguay 3:40 p.m. Experienced pilot Carlos Alejo Rodriguez is flying h 5/5/1958 #15018  
 passed within 500 meters, and the pilot felt a wave of heat. The UFO stopp 5/5/1958 #15019  
oject Bluebook Case #5800. Airline pilot. Shiny metallic object falls and s 5/9/1958 #15024  
         Bohol Island, Philippines Pilot saw object w/shiny metallic surfac 5/9/1958 #15025  
ands Witness:  Phillipine Airlines pilot.  One object with a shiny, metalli 5/9/1958 #15026  
           At 1:05 p.m. an airline pilot for Philippines Airline saw a brig 5/9/1958 #15027  
hey approach at about 155 mph. The pilot unsuccessfully tries to radio Calg 5/13/1958 #15031  
              OFF BAHIA, BRZ Varig pilot. Luminous/glowing saucer maneuvers 5/27/1958 #15052  
State Coast, Brazil Varig Airlines pilot watched a brightly luminous circul 5/27/1958 #15055  
                   At 10:17 a.m. a pilot named Scharf flying an F-102 fight 6/9/1958 #15086  
                  Crystal Lake, IL Pilot saw a white disc the size of a bas 6/20/1958 #15103  
rs behind the first jet. The first pilot reverses his course and again trie Summer 1958 #15111  
FO climbs out of range. The second pilot has the same difficulty with the o Summer 1958 #15111  
NNON, IREL KLM airline(s)/airliner pilot / early morning. Luminous round ob 6/28/1958 #15120  
                                 A pilot flying over Crystal Lake in Chicag 7/20/1958 #15151  
w Świdnica Poland Polish Air Force pilot Apoloniusz Czernów of the 3rd Figh 8/1958 #15171  
             LA VERDE, ARG Private pilot. Engine REVs up. Flat 10M domed sa 8/31/1958 #15233  
9° 3' N, 68°56' W)., At Sea Pan Am Pilot Observes Object / Tracked By Airbo 9/5/1958 #15254  
       VAALHARTZ, RSA Ex Air Force pilot. 3 10M saucers hover / 10 minutes. 10/24/1958 #15370  
ille, North Carolina 9:03 p.m. The pilot of a KB-50 USAF tanker is in the d 11/4/1958 #15425  
        Brazilia, Brazil Air Force pilot and 500 observers saw a moving sau 11/8/1958 #15433  
cy of debunking UFO sightings. One pilot describes the policy as a “lesson  12/1958 #15465  
                     ROCHESTER, NY Pilot / (seen thru) binoculars and more/ 1/3/1959 #15531  
quickly east. No further details / pilot John Novak.                        2/4/1959 #15578  
                CINCINNATI, OH B57 pilot / 12km altitude and more/others. B 2/20/1959 #15593  
    At 8:45 p.m. American Airlines pilot Capt. Killian on Flight 937 sighte 2/24/1959 #15606  
ard the target through Misawa. The pilot says the object is circular and me Spring 1959 #15662  
Pentagon for authorization for the pilot to fire on the UFO, and he gets pe Spring 1959 #15662  
FO, and he gets permission for the pilot to make a firing pass. The pilot f Spring 1959 #15662  
e pilot to make a firing pass. The pilot fires two missiles, but they deton Spring 1959 #15662  
FO then turns toward the terrified pilot, and the command center watches as Spring 1959 #15662  
UTH CHINA SEA Blue Book. USAF RB66 pilot and gunner and RADAR confirm. 4 gr 6/22/1959 #15780  
CHINA SEA 112.35E-20.38N. USAF B66 pilot and gunner. 16 cream-colored ovoid 7/4/1959 #15812  
(South China Sea S of), China USAF pilot and gunner of RB-66 saw a group of 7/4/1959 #15813  
(South China Sea S of), China USAF pilot and gunner of RB-66 gunner of RB-6 7/5/1959 #15816  
      Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Pilot saw large star-like light cross 53 8/10/1959 #15901  
 Witness: Royal Canadian Air Force pilot Flt. Lt. M.S. Mowat, on ground. On 8/10/1959 #15902  
 Daylight Time, a 30-year-old RCAF pilot saw a bright light fly from horizo 8/10/1959 #15903  
            SOUTHEAST / CORONA, NM Pilot. 3 saucers. Compass spins. Warned  8/13/1959 #15908  
Bet. Roswell and), NM Fmr Navy PBY pilot enc EME and elliptical object (NIC 8/13/1959 #15911  
well Corona Kirtland AFB 4:00 p.m. Pilot Jack H. Goldsberry, flying a Cessn 8/13/1959 #15913  
             At around 4:00 p.m. a pilot flying a Cessna 170 between Hobbs  8/13/1959 #15916  
ss to spin. Compass deviation. The pilot reported the incident and was late 8/13/1959 #15916  
         NE of Hawaii, HI Military pilot saw a very bright white light chan 8/14/1959 #15919  
                Elburn, IL Airline pilot saw a string of 3-4 white lights s 8/19/1959 #15931  
INGTON, KY Blue Book. Ex Air Force pilot and more. 5 glowing-ovoids dive an 9/7/1959 #15957  
wo control tower operators and the pilot of a Mooney private airplane.  One 9/13/1959 #15970  
 Bunker Hill AFB, Indiana plus the pilot of a Mooney private aircraft sight 9/13/1959 #15974  
heels into the ground in turn. The pilot, W. D. “Spud” Potocki, immediately 9/29/1959 #15999  
h a student over Poznań, Poland, a pilot named Leszczyński sees two large c 9/30/1959 #16001  
ings. It gets statements from USAF pilot and UFO witness Lt. Col. Richard T 10/1959 #16003  
ational Guard T-33 aircraft with a pilot and co-pilot aboard chased a glowi 10/6/1959 #16023  
ty, AR Kentucky Air National Guard pilot chased glowing object. [NICAP UFOE 10/7/1959 #16026  
 Project Bluebook Case #6563. USAF pilot. Bright yellow night light buzzes  10/19/1959 #16038  
ight came head-on at the T-33, the pilot avoided it and the light dimmed.   10/19/1959 #16042  
 directly head-on at him. The T-33 pilot avoided it and the light then dimm 10/19/1959 #16043  
ecurities to Gurney G. Warnberg, a pilot and railroad man in Yukon, Oklahom 11/19/1959 #16095  
ti, MI Kentucky Air National Guard pilot chased round UFO. [NICAP UFOE, V]  1960 #16139  
. An F-89J Scorpion jet instructor pilot and his radar observer, 1Lt. Joe M Early 1960 #16146  
h had just taken off and asked the pilot for confirmation. The pilot confir 1/3/1960 #16149  
ed the pilot for confirmation. The pilot confirmed McMillen's sighting. An  1/3/1960 #16149  
d to Nellis AFB also confirmed its pilot had also seen a strange light.     1/3/1960 #16149  
E, IA Project Bluebook Case #6667. Pilot and several. 3 saucers / row. Goin 3/4/1960 #16193  
                                   Pilot Charles Morris filmed three silver 3/4/1960 #16196  
. A US U-2 spy plane, flown by CIA pilot Francis Gary Powers, takes off fro 5/1/1960 #16248  
 of Turkey and speculates that the pilot has fallen unconscious and the pla 5/5/1960 #16256  
hed. Under the impression that the pilot has died and that the plane has be 5/5/1960 #16256  
t but does not reveal yet that the pilot has survived.                      5/5/1960 #16256  
       Maiquetia (near), Venezuela Pilot and crew of Venezuelan Airlines Su 7/2/1960 #16326  
    Miho AFB (2 miles E of), Japan Pilot Sees Oblong Object At Very High Sp 7/14/1960 #16336  
   OAK FOREST, IL Former Air Force pilot. Saucer hovers and bobs around. No 8/16/1960 #16387  
   Oak Forest, IL Former Air Force pilot saw disc-like UFO which hovered, b 8/16/1960 #16395  
   Moscow The trial for downed U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers begins in Mosc 8/17/1960 #16402  
UFO observed by chemistry teacher, pilot. [NICAP UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - Di 8/26/1960 #16420  
y two miles across so that an A-12 pilot approaching the end of the overrun 10/1960 #16472  
              SOUTH / BENJAMIN, TX Pilot and more/others. Saucer zigzags go 1/10/1961 #16567  
g-zagging UFO observed from air by pilot (also from ground by others); mane 1/10/1961 #16573  
e, zigzagged, and then landed. The pilot was interviewed by the US Air Forc 1/10/1961 #16576  
         Ft. Pierce, FL Beechcraft pilot and passenger saw an intense brigh 3/23/1961 #16639  
                 AKRON, OH Private pilot and ground RADAR. Glowing-object d 7/4/1961 #16746  
                       Houston, TX Pilot in DC3 saw 2 bright white lights f 7/20/1961 #16767  
             ILHA GRANDE, BRZ Vasp pilot. Fireball maneuvers all over/all a 7/24/1961 #16771  
:00 noon. Waldo J. Harris, private pilot and real-estate broker, is getting 10/2/1961 #16889  
                                 A pilot in flight and seven witnesses on t 10/2/1961 #16890  
   Edwards AFB, California US Navy pilot Robert G. Robinson reaches an airs 11/22/1961 #16972  
tnesses:  C.F. Muncy, ex-U.S. Navy pilot W.J. Myers, and G. Weber. One dark 12/13/1961 #16991  
jects emitted a ball of light. The pilot, Mr. Matsumura, took photographs.  12/21/1961 #17002  
in the southwest Day. An Air Force pilot is flying a brand new B-52 with a  1962 #17006  
res above and below the plane. The pilot goes into an evasive maneuver, but 1962 #17006  
                         USNR test pilot “PJ” states he saw a saucer at WPA 1962 #17012  
etherlands A Royal Dutch Air Force pilot flying an F-86 Sabrejet sights a U 1/29/1962 #17026  
e Potsdam West Berlin, Germany CIA pilot Francis Gary Powers is exchanged f 2/10/1962 #17045  
nounced) flight with Lockheed test pilot Louis Schalk at the controls. Inte 4/25/1962 #17129  
cket plane being commanded by test pilot Walker during a record flight to 2 4/29/1962 #17135  
 246,700 feet (46.7 miles) by NASA pilot Joseph A. Walker from Edwards AFB, 4/30/1962 #17141  
y, UK Irish International Airlines pilot watched spherical UFO pass below a 5/21/1962 #17185  
 tower also see an object. Student pilot Roberto Wilkinson sees a luminous  5/22/1962 #17191  
FB, CA X-15 flight, Maj. Bob White pilot. Photographs and visual sighting o 7/17/1962 #17277  
                  On this day X-15 pilot and future astronaut White was fly 7/17/1962 #17280  
      FLORESTA, BRZ Argentine Navy pilot. Burnished metal lens-saucer maneu 9/8/1962 #17389  
aped UFO sighted by Argentine Navy pilot. [NICAP UFO Evidence, X, XII] (NIC 9/8/1962 #17390  
l was sighted by an Argentine Navy pilot in Florista, Bahia State, Argentin 9/8/1962 #17392  
                SAND SIDE, CUMBRIA Pilot and several separate observer(s).  12/28/1962 #17618  
  CORDOBA TO/FROM TUCUMAN, ARG DC4 pilot. UFO beams strong light. 1 engine  1/1963 #17622  
            WASHINGTON, DC Private pilot and newsman. Pulsing yellow night  2/5/1963 #17649  
     Washington (near), DC Private pilot, newsman passenger, watched a puls 2/5/1963 #17652  
ry Bright Light On Horizon Seen By Pilot of C-46 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 2/6/1963 #17656  
NIXVILLE, PA United Airlines (UAL) pilot. Silver cylinder with orange nose  4/10/1963 #17724  
A thinks it might have been due to pilot error and contracts with a well-kn 5/24/1963 #17765  
a tiny, pencil-sized part called a pilot tube, a device that controls the a 5/24/1963 #17765  
the (unnamed) woman confronted the pilot about the incident, he said, “I wo 7/17/1963 #17835  
            GARSTON, HERTFORDS RAF pilot and flight instrument and tower Ai 8/1/1963 #17856  
   Garston, Herts, UK A former RAF pilot, and flying instructor, observed a 8/1/1963 #17859  
ertfordshire Evening. A former RAF pilot and flight instructor sees a trian 8/1/1963 #17860  
                              Test pilot Joseph A. Walker reaches an altitu 8/22/1963 #17915  
ck Cat Squadron, Republic of China pilot Yeh Changti is flying an American  11/1/1963 #18023  
 on apparent collision course. The pilot twice took evasive action. A third 2/25/1964 #18137  
on above and to its left side. The pilot attempts to radio the ground but t 4/20/1964 #18180  
radar also stops working. When the pilot tries to switch to auxiliary power 4/20/1964 #18180  
ently changed direction. A private pilot made a report of a similar object  4/28/1964 #18219  
ordo, New Mexico Alamogordo A B-57 pilot at Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, New M 4/30/1964 #18231  
ave heard the exchange between the pilot and control tower. Holloman AFB de 4/30/1964 #18231  
olloman AFB. That same day, a B-57 pilot at Holloman AFB radios the control 4/30/1964 #18236  
                      LAWRENCE, MA Pilot and more/others. Vibrant bright ni 5/18/1964 #18281  
to the left. At 10:15 p.m. an Army pilot at the Lawrence, Massachusetts air 5/18/1964 #18285  
E, MA Project Bluebook Case #8836. Pilot / satellite tracker. 20' white sau 5/26/1964 #18300  
usetts Witness:  P. Wankowicz, RAF pilot and ex-Smithsonian satellite track 5/26/1964 #18304  
tore 7:43 p.m. Paul Wańkowicz, RAF pilot and ex-Smithsonian satellite track 5/26/1964 #18306  
uminous round object paces private pilot 15km back. Going quickly [to] unde 6/10/1964 #18341  
gan Witness:  Northern Air Service pilot K. Jannereth. Four white lights in 7/16/1964 #18417  
                 Houghton Lake, MI Pilot observed formation of four white l 7/16/1964 #18419  
e Chelan, Washington A former Navy pilot and another man, both regarded as  7/28/1964 #18456  
       At 10:30 p.m. a former Navy pilot named Lafferty and another man, bo 7/28/1964 #18457  
ses:  Maj. D.W. Thompson and First Pilot lst Lt. J.F. Jonke, on a USAF C-12 8/18/1964 #18495  
SAF Major D. W. Thompson and First Pilot 1st Lt. J. F. Jonke are flying a C 8/18/1964 #18497  
     Major D.W. Thompson and First Pilot Lt. J. F. Jonke were flying a U.S. 8/18/1964 #18498  
ontacts Lt. Cmdr. K. H. Woodsbury, pilot of an F-8C aircraft of Utility Squ 11/19/1964 #18629  
stranger closing in very fast. The pilot describes the object as delta-shap 11/19/1964 #18629  
uring periods of acceleration. The pilot pursues the object but cannot inte 11/19/1964 #18629  
tional Airport] 10:45 p.m. Private pilot George Henry Lissauer is driving n 11/22/1964 #18632  
                     CECIL NAS, FL Pilot. 4 red night lights merge over sta 12/28/1964 #18674  
   Groom Lake, Nevada Area 51 A-12 pilot Ken Collins continues to test A-12 1965? #18680  
, glowing red and oval shaped. The pilot remarked, “we often see UFOs on th 2/11/1965 #18803  
de she could see a human-appearing pilot or occupant who wore a silver flig 3/6/1965 #18846  
                KAIPARA HARBOR, NZ Pilot. 100' x15'PLAIN fuselage in 30' /  3/12/1965 #18853  
antic calls from Joji Negishi, the pilot of a Tokyo Airlines Piper Apache,  3/18/1965 #18864  
FOs were also sighted by a private pilot in a Piper Apache flying over Dish 3/18/1965 #18865  
tance away by an airborne airliner pilot, according to John Colombo.        3/31/1965 #18882  
ed by a UFO at about 3:25 a.m. The pilot radioed the Townsville Ground Cont 5/28/1965 #18969  
hotos of the UFO were taken by the pilot but were later confiscated at Canb 5/28/1965 #18969  
                  Private aircraft pilot Mr. C. Adams, and a television cam 6/6/1965 #18995  
a, together with Chilean Air Force pilot Lt. Benavidez, a meteorologist, an 6/18/1965 #19012  
rine object (USO) was sighted by a pilot flying east of Fraser Island, off  6/21/1965 #19022  
                     MONTREAL, QBC Pilot. Huge cylinder/cigar-shape-shaped  7/4/1965 #19066  
lights rotate / edge. Seen twice / pilot on ground.                         7/16/1965 #19109  
                        An airline pilot saw two red UFOs from the ground i 7/16/1965 #19111  
sparent upper part. A blond-haired pilot, wearing plastic coveralls and sma 7/20/1965 #19149  
 a transparent upper part. A blond pilot, wearing plastic coveralls and sma 7/20/1965 #19153  
ects approaching in formation. The pilot, copilot, and engineer all witness 8/1/1965 #19245  
             NASHVILLE, IN Private pilot. 2 disks hover below clouds. Speed 8/10/1965 #19352  
ollision. Later than day a private pilot attorney saw two discs flying belo 8/10/1965 #19363  
      SOUTHWEST / WILKES-BARRE, PA Pilot and 2+ground RADAR. Large bright n 8/12/1965 #19369  
niform, and she took him to be the pilot. A third entity appeared to be a w 8/16/1965 #19410  
r opened, and a man dressed like a pilot emerged, walked around, and reente 8/23/1965 #19455  
or opened and a man dressed like a pilot emerged, walked around, and then r 8/23/1965 #19456  
O, NM Project Bluebook Case #9971. Pilot / chemist and 1 buzzed / 2 saucers 9/25/1965 #19599  
round radar tracked 12 objects and pilot sighted objects, G,V (NICAP: 09 -  10/7/1965 #19646  
ohn Fuller hears from an Air Force pilot that pilots have been ordered to s 10/27/1965 #19684  
                         Ret. USAF pilot Warren Botz in 1966 and journalist 1966 #19799  
   WAIKIKI, HI Commercial aircraft pilot. White disc going quickly north /  1/16/1966 #19838  
               NEAR LIMA, PERU C46 pilot. Silent blinding white 25cm solid  3/7/1966 #19945  
. Howard Wright, retired Air Force pilot, and family saw a bright white lig 3/19/1966 #19993  
 When the witness approached, the "pilot" went back inside, a sound resembl 3/23/1966 #20047  
 When the witness approached, the "pilot" went back inside, and a sound res 3/23/1966 #20055  
 BRETON WOODS, NJ Former Air Force pilot and 3. 100' shiny saucer with rim  3/28/1966 #20104  
        LOS ANGELES, CA Helicopter pilot and more/others. Oblong object wit 4/3/1966 #20210  
 Airport, a Coast Guard helicopter pilot and another witness reported seein 4/3/1966 #20212  
mated to be one mile offshore. The pilot reported seeing an oblong object w 4/3/1966 #20212  
Over, PA Early morning. An airline pilot observed an unidentified bright or 4/20/1966 #20348  
re very distinct. Burns orders the pilot to turn toward the UFO, and the li 4/25/1966 #20415  
 officials. When Burns ordered his pilot to turn toward the UFOs, they clim 4/25/1966 #20418  
 and exhaust pipes circles private pilot / 10K' altitude. Extremely fast.   4/29/1966 #20425  
ncion, Argentina 3:55 p.m. LT. The pilot of a Beechcraft Bonanza en route t 4/29/1966 #20426  
aircraft flown by a single private pilot at 10,000 feet altitude. According 4/29/1966 #20428  
                   NATAL PROV, RSA Pilot. Blue-green disk follows liner. No 5/1966 #20435  
eston, WV Air traffic controller & pilot saw white-blue object, G,V (NICAP: 5/4/1966 #20443  
w Grove, PA Domed Disc Observed By Pilot & Passenger (Powell Case) (NICAP:  5/21/1966 #20503  
      Willow Grove, PA Experienced pilot in light plane encountered disc wi 5/21/1966 #20504  
       At 3:15 p.m. an experienced pilot flying in a light plane on a clear 5/21/1966 #20506  
, CAN 10:30 p.m. LT. A former RCAF pilot and a friend were cruising on the  6/1/1966 #20518  
off Clarkson, Ontario, former RCAF pilot Richard H. Plewman and Jack Grant  6/1/1966 #20519  
 former RCAF Flight Lieutenant and pilot instructor, was cruising with a fr 6/1/1966 #20520  
          Barstow, California X-15 pilot Joseph A. Walker is killed when hi 6/8/1966 #20544  
killing copilot Carl S. Cross. Its pilot, Alvin S. White, ejects and is the 6/8/1966 #20544  
 Southern Canada 1:30 a.m. Student pilot Joseph Gambucci is flying near Hib Mid 6/1966 #20564  
ight engineer, also an experienced pilot and navigator, and two independent 6/23/1966 #20595  
southwest of Provo, Utah, when the pilot snaps two color-slide photos of a  7/1966 #20625  
members eject and land at sea. The pilot, Bill Park, survives, but the laun 7/30/1966 #20696  
                MALIBU, CA Ex-Navy pilot. Disk with dome makes complex mane 8/25/1966 #20804  
          NEAR SEBRING, FL Private pilot / 2900m chased / 300m cone. Going  9/20/1966 #20899  
               Sebring, FL Private pilot encountered coneshaped object, "si 9/20/1966 #20902  
         At 9:30 p.m. an Air Force pilot and his wife driving on Interstate 10/10/1966 #20986  
eral witnesses including a private pilot saw a very bright, round, pulsatin 11/13/1966 #21097  
         NEW KINGSTOWN, PA Private pilot. Disk with blinking light hovers b 11/30/1966 #21161  
n, PA Time not reported. A private pilot watched a disc with a blinking red 11/30/1966 #21164  
d one blinking red light. When the pilot flies into a cloud layer, the obje 11/30/1966 #21165  
                     Lockheed test pilot William C. Park flies an A-12 for  12/21/1966 #21212  
da Groom Dry Lake An A-12 flown by pilot Walter Ray is lost during a traini 1/5/1967 #21260  
his ejection seat. He is the first pilot to be killed in an A-12 accident.  1/5/1967 #21260  
      Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Pilot and ground radar operators tracked 1/7/1967 #21271  
tense red light so bright that the pilot has difficulty seeing his instrume 1/13/1967 #21299  
                     At 10:00 p.m. Pilot Carl M., a flight officer, and pas 1/13/1967 #21301  
8 over Casa Grande, Arizona, whose pilot confirmed the Lear Jet pilot's rep 1/13/1967 #21301  
th intense red light so bright the pilot had difficulty seeing his instrume 1/13/1967 #21301  
rio, in air space 10:15 p.m. EST A pilot and his three passengers saw a rou 1/20/1967 #21358  
er(s) include/including commercial pilot. Ovoid rises / behind barn. Up and 1/30/1967 #21415  
ways 5 and 85 8:04 a.m. Commercial pilot Delton Schwanz is with his wife De 1/30/1967 #21418  
. CST Delton Schwanz, a commercial pilot with 29 years experience and a pas 1/30/1967 #21422  
                     At 12:30 a.m. pilot Sanvitti and co-pilot Calderon wer 2/2/1967 #21443  
, CT 12:20 a.m. EST. A former Navy pilot and airline navigator saw a brilli 2/7/1967 #21473  
lized police officer and qualified pilot. The object was white and well-def 2/7/1967 #21475  
p.m. PST. An ex-Air Force man with pilot training saw a bright light for 25 2/13/1967 #21535  
rding to the newspaper report, the pilot was unable to see the object. (Kan 2/14/1967 #21547  
   ASCENSION ISL., ATLANTIC OCEAN. Pilot and ground RADAR's. Pulsing night  2/16/1967 #21557  
off coast of), NZ 10:20 p.m. LT. A pilot, copilot, and hostess of an airlin 3/11/1967 #21857  
orce flight surgeon aboard and the pilot and crew of a KC- 135 flving at 15 3/14/1967 #21884  
s, New Mexico 8:45 a.m. An airline pilot watches a small silvery-white disc 3/24/1967 #21971  
Zooms. Hovers. Commercial aircraft pilot chases night light. / r37p130.     4/6/1967 #22072  
45 p.m. A Pacific Western Airlines pilot and crew see a dull orange-red obj 4/6/1967 #22081  
included a former aircraft carrier pilot, two former submarine sailors, and 4/12/1967 #22124  
oint Pleasant, WV 8:00 p.m. EST. A pilot and ground observers reported an a 4/18/1967 #22158  
malous "light-bearing object." The pilot attempted to close in on the objec 4/18/1967 #22158  
 University, who is also a private pilot, and four others saw an unidentifi 4/18/1967 #22159  
in Point Pleasant, West Virginia a pilot and ground observers saw an anomal 4/18/1967 #22161  
ht bearing object" in the sky. The pilot attempted to close with the object 4/18/1967 #22161  
m. MDT (11:35 p.m. EDT). A private pilot and his family saw a flattened ell 4/28/1967 #22243  
      NORTHEAST / INDIANAPOLIS, IN Pilot and cops and RADAR and more/others 5/15/1967 #22344  
polis (NE of), IN 7:30 p.m. EDT. A pilot and a sheriffs deputy saw a 50-foo 5/15/1967 #22345  
                                 A pilot and police along with several othe 5/15/1967 #22349  
            Fremont, OH Evening. A pilot and his wife saw an object with am 6/1967 #22436  
se with the T-33 aircraft when the pilot attempted pursuit. After several m 6/9/1967 #22483  
 couples, including an ex-military pilot, saw an orange ball (sphere) hover 7/14/1967 #22658  
acific-western airline(s)/airliner pilot. Pink object zigzags through cloud 7/19/1967 #22696  
p.m., Mr. H. Schindler, an airline pilot, saw a pink object zigzag through  7/19/1967 #22702  
ard on Citizen's Band radio from a pilot whose plane reportedly crashed. Th 7/27/1967 #22740  
hose plane reportedly crashed. The pilot said that a red glowing object wit 7/27/1967 #22740  
 distress call came from a private pilot flying between Alexandria and Lees 7/27/1967 #22743  
e, forcing the plane to crash. The pilot, badly injured, kept transmitting  7/27/1967 #22743  
                    YALYA, UKRAINE Pilot. Very large ovoid seen. No further 8/13/1967 #22872  
        Toledo, OH Evening, EDT. A pilot was requested by Toledo airport co 8/29/1967 #22951  
ed its diameter as 50-60 feet. The pilot chased the light but it eluded him 8/29/1967 #22951  
d. Multiple witnesses, including a pilot, saw a cigar- shaped object with a 9/13/1967 #23048  
                       BRANDON, MB Pilot and 1. Flaming cone and silver obj 9/28/1967 #23139  
                                   Pilot William “Pete” Knight reaches a sp 10/3/1967 #23171  
. W. “Angus” Brooks, a former BOAC pilot and photo interpreter, is walking  10/26/1967 #23334  
cean NE of), FL 3:00 a.m. EDT. The pilot of a Piper-Twin Comanche, plus two 10/27/1967 #23342  
rida 3:00 a.m. Charlie Little, the pilot of a Piper-Twin Comanche, with two 10/27/1967 #23350  
             NEAR FIRENZE, ITL BEA pilot. Slender shiny metallic delta/tria 11/15/1967 #23456  
 Florence, Italy 2:30 p.m. LT. The pilot and crew of a British European Air 11/15/1967 #23459  
n appearance, was sighted by a BEA pilot at high altitude in flight over Fl 11/15/1967 #23465  
ice officer, who is also a private pilot who has tracked aircraft with NORA 11/19/1967 #23482  
          75KM EAST / EL CAJON, CA Pilot. 12M bell saucer paces plane going 11/26/1967 #23513  
oland 9:00 p.m. A Polish Air Force pilot takes off from Warsaw Modlin Airpo 1968 #23632  
ahwan Bay Wonsan, North Korea A-12 pilot Jack Weeks is dispatched from Kade 1/26/1968 #23703  
ed through defecting Iraqi fighter pilot Munir Redfa. Soviet-built radar sy 3/1968 #23797  
h tail fins witnessed by ret. USAF pilot Warren Botz in 1966 and journalist 3/1968 #23799  
           VLA.CISNEROS, SP.SAHARA Pilot and Air Traffic Controller. Night  3/14/1968 #23840  
                 NEAR BARDENAS, SP Pilot / Air Force F104. Odd triangle wit 6/1/1968 #23999  
  South China Sea Philippines A-12 pilot Jack W. Weeks is lost over the Sou 6/4/1968 #24005  
           LA GUARDIA, ARG Private pilot. 30M domed saucer shoots going qui 6/18/1968 #24043  
SOUTHWEST / CATAMARCA, ARG Private pilot and 4 / car. Cloud = fast saucer.  6/19/1968 #24046  
          WEST SEATTLE, WA Private pilot follows 8 orange night lights goin 7/7/1968 #24152  
aped "satellite objects." When the pilot Capt. Gordon Smith reported their  8/22/1968 #24370  
 an F-104 jet to intercept it. The pilot climbs to 50,000 feet but the obje 9/5/1968 #24431  
Ocala, Florida Witness: missionary pilot Jay Cole, flying a Beech C-45 twin 9/15/1968 #24466  
ala, Florida. 9:30 p.m. Missionary pilot Jay Cole, flying a Beech C-45 twin 9/15/1968 #24469  
ouisville, KY 1:00 a.m. Commercial pilot, Dogie Stockmar, and four passenge 9/30/1968 #24525  
PCON alerts the pilots (instructor pilot Maj. Bradford Runyon and copilot M 10/24/1968 #24587  
ight, oval objects paced aircraft. Pilot turned plane toward them, objects  11/26/1968 #24717  
       SLANIC, ROMANIA Ex-military pilot. Silent bell-shape flies. "No kind 12/6/1968 #24746  
and Lake Havasu, Arizona, when the pilot in the right seat rises up and see 3/17/1969 #25019  
MENLO PARK, CA Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Thin object with bulge / center s 5/5/1969 #25116  
                 LADD AND PERU, IL Pilot. 4 50x30cm glowing footballs pace  6/17/1969 #25218  
          Turkey Turkish Air Force pilot Süleyman Tekyildirim is ordered to 6/17/1969 #25221  
which has never been released. One pilot says the object has three round po 10/24/1969 #25423  
t to BSRF from an active duty USAF pilot asking for information.            1970's #25515  
FINL 2 Air Traffic Controllers and pilot / airport. Flat disk hovers and wo 3/3/1971 #26041  
T CO, ENGL / LOCATION UNKNOWN BOAC pilot. Reflective disk flies. No further 7/13/1971 #26225  
en suddenly sped away. The private pilot was a 24-year-old man named Vicent 8/9/1971 #26278  
Lago de Cote, Costa Rica 8:25 a.m. Pilot Omar Arias is flying a twin-engine 9/4/1971 #26317  
s / 2 airport/apartment towers and pilot and RADAR's. Unidentified object t 10/1971 #26391  
ctor José Américo C. Medeiros, 23, pilot of the Cessna.                     10/5/1971 #26410  
                PLOVER, WI Private pilot and 2. UFO over US51. No plane. Ho 8/21/1972 #26942  
 Romania Night. Romanian Air Force pilot and writer Lt. Col. Doru Davidovic 12/1972 #27158  
                                 A pilot and his friend saw a white light h 12/4/1972 #27162  
                  NORTH / PALS, SP Pilot. 20M upright ovoid maneuvers all o 7/16/1973 #27633  
f Baffin Island, Nunavut, when the pilot sees a “large balloon in close pro 7/25/1973 #27650  
ER QUITMAN, GA Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Football object hovers. Shoots in 9/5/1973 #27764  
euvers of the UFO described by the pilot.                                   9/26/1973 #27871  
             WEST / BALDY PEAK, AZ Pilot. Red night light / ground / desert 10/12/1973 #28011  
dy, Arizona 4:00 a.m. A commercial pilot is flying a Piper PA-32 Cherokee S 10/12/1973 #28017  
Baldy, following its contours. The pilot follows it for a few minutes, abou 10/12/1973 #28017  
ywood, FL 8:30 p.m. A former naval pilot, his wife and two children spotted 10/13/1973 #28019  
           Indianapolis, IN Cessna pilot, object on radar (NICAP: 11 - Avia 10/19/1973 #28194  
olivia Airlines crew & interceptor pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)       11/11/1973 #28409  
 Turin, Italy Turin Rome 7:00 p.m. Pilot Riccardo Marano is about to land a 11/30/1973 #28490  
n my radar.” Commander Tranquillo, pilot of an Alitalia Air Line DC-9 en ro 11/30/1973 #28490  
irport in Turin, Italy; a business pilot named Ricardo Marano and others sa 11/30/1973 #28491  
                 Milan, Italy G,V, pilot chase & Milan radar track (NICAP:  3/9/1974 #28869  
                      Milan, Italy Pilot reports chasing object (radar) (NI 3/9/1974 #28870  
onfirmed by Milan radar, chased by pilot                                    3/9/1974 #28871  
, Italy 9:58 p.m. Fiat Corporation pilot Alfonso Isaia chases a luminous, s 3/9/1974 #28872  
              NEAR MILANO, ITL Jet pilot and Air Traffic Controller and RAD 3/12/1974 #28873  
            Taiwan, Taiwan Airline pilot reported cigar and five smaller ob 3/17/1974 #28895  
             PERTH, WEST AUSTRALIA Pilot sighting. 5 small round bright whi 4/25/1974 #29060  
shoots at saucer. Saucer rams jet! Pilot dies. / r150.                      6/9/1974 #29174  
ifornia Gov. Ronald Reagan and his pilot Bill Paynter in his Cessna Citatio Summer 1974 #29219  
UEBEC, QBC SAS airline(s)/airliner pilot. Delta-object going quickly southw 7/1974 #29233  
                 HALF MOON BAY, CA Pilot sighting. 30' metallic saucer seen 9/6/1974 #29425  
                   At 11:20 a.m. a pilot flying at 1200 feet, heading south 9/6/1974 #29427  
ohn Breen, a Canadian armed forces pilot, is paced by a UFO over Grand Fall 10/10/1974 #29512  
rceptors with one crashing and the pilot ejecting somewhere in Indiana. (So 10/24/1974 #29553  
         NEAR SHABBONA, IL Private pilot paced / 36m silver saucer. Mag.com 11/24/1974 #29604  
      Between Dekalk & Mendota, IL Pilot Says Compass Affected (NICAP: 03 - 11/28/1974 #29616  
                      Shabonna, IL Pilot reported object and E-M effects on 11/28/1974 #29617  
                                 A pilot, Hugo W. Feugen, flying over Shabo 11/28/1974 #29620  
                 Loring AFB Ex-CIA Pilot John Lear stated "The main Air For 1975 #29668  
 electrical engineer and a private pilot, went to his back door to let the  1/2/1975 #29698  
ommissioner Edgar Langston, also a pilot, sees the object through binocular 2/17/1975 #29820  
        US89 SOUTHWEST / DRAKE, AZ Pilot / car. White night light follows c 3/11/1975 #29887  
Mexico Antonio Santos Montiel, the pilot of a Monteil Piper PA-24, felt a s 5/3/1975 #30029  
-Patterson AFB Dayton, Ohio Day. A pilot testing some new equipment in his  5/6/1975 #30041  
nd closing in on his aircraft. The pilot descends to 1,000 feet, but they k 5/6/1975 #30041  
ip, the third above the plane. The pilot levels off and climbs quickly to 3 5/6/1975 #30041  
el instruments go haywire, and the pilot loses all sense of time. The UFOs  5/6/1975 #30041  
                    PARSIPPANY, NJ Pilot and many. 30' ovoid hovers / highw 7/4/1975 #30155  
          Fairfield, NJ Cessna 150 pilot & large oval object (NICAP: 11 - A 7/4/1975 #30157  
                        GILROY, CA Pilot and several. Silent delta/triangle 8/13/1975 #30260  
       STOCKTON, CA ANG helicopter pilot and Air Traffic Controllers. Disk  8/14/1975 #30267  
             Stockton, CA ANG helo pilot & ATC's reported disc (NICAP: 11 - 8/14/1975 #30268  
  An Air National Guard helicopter pilot flying in the air at 9:35 p.m. and 8/14/1975 #30271  
time, they receive a call from the pilot of a military airplane who warns t 8/20/1975 #30291  
for the UFO. Toa Domestic Airlines pilot Capt. Masarus Saito says the objec 10/17/1975 #30437  
    NEAR NEW BALTIMORE, OH Private pilot. Silver object glows and hovers /  10/26/1975 #30474  
               Belgrade, Yugo DC-9 pilot followed by UFOs, E-M, radar (NICA 10/28/1975 #30501  
craft. Testimony of French fighter pilot Colonel Claude Bosc. On night trai 3/3/1976 #30920  
ance Night. Claude Bosc, a student pilot flying a French Air Force T-33 on  3/3/1976 #30921  
Islands, Spain An Iberian Airlines pilot flying above Palma de Mallorca, Ba 3/11/1976 #30936  
  PAGE FIELD AND FT. MYERS, FL NAL pilot and several separate observer(s).  6/26/1976 #31141  
OMBAY TO/FROM CALCUTTA, INDIA DC10 pilot. Large object with bright windows  7/22/1976 #31176  
               CHIRENS, FR Private pilot / ground. 7M metallic sphere going 7/30/1976 #31197  
 NNW / MONASTIR, TUNISIA Tunis air pilot. UFO / 350M altitude north going s 8/3/1976 #31224  
astir Tunis Tunisia 11:25 p.m. The pilot of Tunisair Flight Tu8953, en rout 8/3/1976 #31226  
sia 10:43–10:52 p.m. An Air France pilot en route to Monastir, Tunisia, is  8/4/1976 #31231  
ighting is confirmed by a Tunisair pilot, who says it is a lighted object t 8/7/1976 #31244  
any Hannover airport 8:30 a.m. The pilot of a Piper Arrow PA-28 is flying a 8/13/1976 #31261  
60° clockwise rolls from which the pilot must recover manually. He discover 8/13/1976 #31261  
t the same amount of altitude. The pilot climbs back to his cruise altitude 8/13/1976 #31261  
 ahead of the jet on the left. The pilot is certain they are American plane 8/13/1976 #31261  
eration after the UFO departs. The pilot is interrogated after his landing  8/13/1976 #31261  
DIEPHOLZ, GER Ovoid buzzes private pilot. Compass spins. Loss / control. Je 8/16/1976 #31272  
              RAMAPO MOUNTAINS, NJ Pilot / engineer and more/others. 2 huge 9/3/1976 (approximate) #31328  
 top of the cloud layer below. The pilot asks the Soviet authorities to ide 9/10/1976 #31372  
s radar confirms the sighting. The pilot is carrying a camera and snaps a p Mid 9/1976 #31384  
 R. Mooy, who sat in on one of the pilot interviews. A US Defense Intellige 9/18/1976 #31395  
ntation were suddenly lost. As the pilot broke off pursuit, all aircraft fu 9/19/1976 #31396  
ble on the UFO. The moment the F-4 pilot tried to lock an AIM-9 missile at  9/19/1976 #31396  
o have landed on the ground so the pilot flew down to investigate it. The l 9/19/1976 #31396  
d to be 12feet in diameter. As the pilot descended the light from the lande 9/19/1976 #31396  
communications were lost. When the pilot of the first aircraft, Houssain Pe 9/19/1976 #31411  
             HOLLYWOOD, FL Ex Navy pilot / (seen thru) binoculars and more. 10/13/1976 #31462  
t, Japan Control tower and airline pilot on runway observed glowing disc li 10/17/1976 #31472  
oa Airlines [now Japan Air System] pilot, is preparing to take off when he  10/17/1976 #31474  
n Masara Saito, age 34, an airline pilot for Toa Airlines, situated in an a 10/17/1976 #31475  
ain Commandante Angel Parreno, the pilot of an Iberian Airlines Boeing 727  11/19/1976 #31558  
d and airborne radar. Responded to pilot flashing his landing lights.       1/21/1977 #31740  
N, MS 12m wingless fuselage passes pilot / ground. 50kph. 3 observer(s) in  2/16/1977 #31818  
Mississippi 9:00 p.m. A commercial pilot standing outside his truck in Cant 2/16/1977 #31822  
         NEAR BOGOTA, COL. Airline pilot and many. Luminous/glowing white o 2/19/1977 #31828  
 France 8:34 p.m. French Air Force pilot Maj. René Giraud and navigator Cap 3/7/1977 #31873  
 aircraft from the rear right. The pilot is flying at Mach 0.98 and makes a 3/7/1977 #31873  
racuse (south of), NY 9:05 PM. The pilot and first officer of an United Air 3/12/1977 #31900  
hem as yellow in color. A Japanese pilot the same distance south of Tehran  Mid 3/1977 #31908  
 the large one directly toward the pilot, who changes course and heads for  Mid 3/1977 #31908  
                     DEERFIELD, IL Pilot / car / I94. Silent silver mushroo 4/5/1977 #31946  
Deerfield, IL 2:17 PM. 1-1.5 mins. Pilot driving on I-94 northbound on a co 4/5/1977 #31947  
ield, Illinois Chicago 2:17 p.m. A pilot driving on I-94 northbound near De 4/5/1977 #31949  
     ALSAGER, CHESHIRE Ex-RAF Test Pilot and 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Do 4/15/1977 #31981  
00hrs same seen / London Ontario / pilot and more/others.                   4/15/1977 #31982  
ge International Airport 9:30 p.m. Pilot William Sorum and copilot Richard  4/23/1977 #32017  
 (EME). 60' saucer controls plane. Pilot can't see. / r25p36.               4/29/1977 #32032  
national Airport Manuel Lopez, the pilot of a single-engine plane, is alleg 4/29/1977 #32035  
 9:15 AM. A 22-year-old Cessna 150 pilot trainee, Sr. Lopez Ojeda, had a cl 5/5/1977 #32058  
9:15 a.m. a 22-year-old Cessna 150 pilot trainee, Sr. Lopez Ojeda, had a cl 5/5/1977 #32059  
lerates and vanishes from what the pilot believes is an initial stationary  6/17/1977 #32171  
s in one piece with a badly shaken pilot. During the encounter the directio 6/17/1977 #32171  
bury, NZ 2:10 PM. A Piper Cherokee pilot observed a black cigar-shaped obje 7/1/1977 #32224  
D AERIAL PHENOMENA EIGHTY YEARS OF PILOT SIGHTINGS Catalog of Military, Air 7/1/1977 #32224  
             Billings, MT Airlines pilot encountered object (NICAP: 11 - Av 9/4/1977 #32459  
S, MT Frontier airline(s)/airliner pilot. Glowing ovoid pulses white-green- 9/7/1977 #32464  
NM Continental airline(s)/airliner pilot. UFO type unknown. Separate pilot  10/10/1977 #32565  
 pilot. UFO type unknown. Separate pilot near Denver, CO also.              10/10/1977 #32565  
                Dallas, TX Private pilot & T-38 pilot enc object, E-M (NICA 10/26/1977 #32614  
   Dallas, TX Private pilot & T-38 pilot enc object, E-M (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 10/26/1977 #32614  
er, 1st Lt Seth Bryant (instructor pilot) and 1st Lt Choate (student pilot) 10/26/1977 #32617  
 pilot) and 1st Lt Choate (student pilot) overhear transmissions from Fort  10/26/1977 #32617  
 Traffic Control Center to another pilot who has seen a red object he canno 10/26/1977 #32617  
ees the red object and informs the pilot of its position. The object is fly 10/26/1977 #32617  
idered but deemed unnecessary. The pilot contacts Fort Worth Center, giving 10/26/1977 #32617  
then moves away at high speed. The pilot reports that while the light is ab 11/18/1977 #32686  
airly high above the aircraft. The pilot turns on his other transponder and 11/18/1977 #32686  
cond transponder recovers, but the pilot can never get the first one to wor 11/18/1977 #32686  
went. At the same time 34-year-old pilot Ivaldo Viegas Pantoja was flying f 11/23/1977 #32694  
raph examiner with experience as a pilot and sailor is sitting on her porch 11/24/1977 #32697  
ea 52 in the Tonopah Test Range by pilot Bill Park.                         12/1/1977 #32721  
ring around it for 15 minutes. The pilot says the object approaches so clos 12/8/1977 #32750  
                 NEAR BAY CITY, TX Pilot. Circular blue-white light paces l 12/22/1977 #32805  
RTHWEST / SANTA MONICA, CA Private pilot. Domed saucer with 18 18x24" lit w 1/1/1978 #32838  
          Santa Monica, CA Veteran pilot observed domed disc with portholes 1/1/1978 #32840  
tinues on a course opposite to the pilot’s with no sign of rotation, oscill 1/1/1978 #32841  
AND CANYON, AZ Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Spherical OVJ in center / large g 1/7/1978 #32858  
north of Louisville, Kentucky. The pilot accompanied by his instructor and  1/15/1978 #32884  
          At 8:00 p.m. a corporate pilot flying northwest of Klamath Falls, 2/5/1978 #32958  
 75 miles away from Vicenza, Italy Pilot Luciano Ascione is flying northbou 3/9/1978 #33021  
   MADEIRA ISLAND, ATLANTIC OCEAN. Pilot near airport. Large cylinder/cigar 3/10/1978 #33022  
ehrabad Airport An Iranian airline pilot is flying between Ahvaz and Tehran 4/1978 #33111  
oast. Triangles going down / ends. Pilot upset.                             4/2/1978 #33115  
At 1:00 a.m. the 24-year-old river pilot of the 'Lisa C' and another crewme 5/15/1978 #33218  
rners through which he could see a pilot. On the edges of the side, he said 5/17/1978 #33225  
     AGADES, NIGER Air Zaire DC-10 pilot. Dark blue flat "helicoidal" objec 5/19/1978 #33226  
e hours earlier that day a private pilot and his passenger reported a near  6/4/1978 #33256  
                   LOS ANGELES, CA Pilot. Shiny 2-3' silver ovoid going [to 6/11/1978 #33268  
            Los Angeles, CA Cessna pilot observed small silvery oval that m 6/11/1978 #33271  
            Los Angeles, CA Cessna pilot observed small silvery oval that m 6/11/1978 #33272  
Spain 10:30 p.m. Capt. Namdar, the pilot of a Boeing 707 flying from Shiraz 6/11/1978 #33274  
in Aurora, Illinois 10:48 p.m. The pilot and passenger of a commercial char 6/24/1978 #33306  
RTH, AUSTRALIA Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Small objects exit large UFO. Rad 8/22/1978 #33541  
PARICA, PORTGL Airline(s)/airliner pilot. UFO hovers / 10K' altitude. Beams 8/30/1978 #33596  
. Staircase trajectory. 8 separate pilot report(s)!                         9/10/1978 #33654  
      PIACENZA, ITL Air Force F104 pilot. Intense point / light grows and n 9/21/1978 #33721  
 an aircraft… (end of transmission…pilot presumed dead).                    10/21/1978 #33848  
              NEAR CAPE OTWAY, AUS Pilot radios UFO doing stunts. Plane and 10/21/1978 #33852  
radios UFO doing stunts. Plane and pilot vanish. / LDLN#182.                10/21/1978 #33852  
     Bass Strait, Australia Cessna pilot Frederick Valentich aerial encount 10/21/1978 #33855  
r with elongated object, plane and pilot disappeared                        10/21/1978 #33855  
way, Victoria 7:06 p.m. Australian pilot Frederick Valentich, 20, is on a 1 10/21/1978 #33856  
 the east, thinking that the other pilot might be purposely toying with him 10/21/1978 #33856  
ing to the west. Chinese Air Force pilot Zhou Qingtong says it is large and 10/23/1978 #33863  
                     TOBALABA, CHL Pilot photographs and Air Traffic Contro 10/30/1978 #33891  
rdered to approach the object. The pilot gets a visual confirmation but can 11/15/1978 #33957  
it. At 6:00 p.m. a Puma helicopter pilot and several other witnesses on the 11/21/1978 #33975  
e ground, one a commercial airline pilot, observed a disc-shaped object wit 12/16/1978 #34144  
h glowing white lights. An airline pilot flying in the vicinity also report 12/16/1978 #34152  
falling leaf movements. An airline pilot flying in the vicinity also report 12/16/1978 #34158  
ontrol contacts Capt. Vern Powell, pilot of a freight aircraft about to mak 12/21/1978 #34193  
    LAKE EYRE, SOUTH AUSTR Private pilot photographs 30M circle / indents / 1/2/1979 #34278  
er in the area is alerted, and the pilot reports an intense, elongated ligh 2/25/1979 #34447  
a, Poland Late night. A helicopter pilot and a mechanic are returning by ca 4/21/1979 #34519  
        Hailey, ID G,V, FAA radar, pilot & a/l visuals (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 5/26/1979 #34587  
                Hailey, ID Private pilot and airline crew saw string of ora 5/26/1979 #34589  
      Hailey, Idaho 12:05 a.m. The pilot of a private airplane flying near  5/26/1979 #34590  
 approaches at high speed, and the pilot begins a climb and loses sight of  5/26/1979 #34590  
SOUTHEAST / CLEAR LAKE, CA Private pilot. 6' sparkly torus off wingtip brie 6/9/1979 #34603  
                         A private pilot flying southeast of Clearlake, Cal 6/9/1979 #34604  
        OVER QUINTO, ITL Air Force pilot and ground observer(s) and RADAR's 6/18/1979 #34615  
                       Hayfork, CA Pilot observed two disc-shaped objects b 8/9/1979 #34721  
OE, JAPAN Toho airline(s)/airliner pilot. 3 disks follow Cessna. Photograph 8/17/1979 #34750  
at both wings are turning red. The pilot says his controls are jammed, but  8/17/1979 #34752  
RFIELD, POLAND Airline(s)/airliner pilot. 4 luminous objects fly / triangul 8/20/1979 #34761  
Sandhurst Military College for his pilot’s license test in a Cessna 150. Th 8/27/1979 #34788  
I NORTH / MYRTLE CREEK, OR Private pilot. 30' metal sphere/orb/globe near 2 9/10/1979 #34858  
ch sphere has three portholes. The pilot of an Antonov An-26 transport cann 10/27/1979 #34971  
         Ibiza, Canary Islands The pilot of a Spanish jetliner that made an 11/11/1979 #34996  
 Las Palmas in the Canary Islands. Pilot Francisco Javier Lerdo de Tejada a 11/11/1979 #34997  
acete to intercept the object. The pilot, Spanish Air Force captain Fernand 11/11/1979 #34997  
. After 90 minutes of pursuit, the pilot is forced to return to the base wi 11/11/1979 #34997  
has disappeared. At 6:16 p.m., the pilot is heading back to Los Llanos when 11/17/1979 #35005  
      Therien, Alberta 4:30 a.m. A pilot and two other witnesses are drivin 12/20/1979 #35088  
, Tennessee 12:10 a.m. Former Navy pilot Larry Crawford sees a star-like li 3/7/1980 #35201  
ountains in the Austrian Alps. The pilot sees a gray spherical object flyin 5/7/1980 #35315  
Poland Wielún 3:00 p.m. A civilian pilot is flying a Pirat glider near a ce 5/16/1980 #35336  
 A few minutes later, an aero-taxi pilot reports a bright object passing to 5/22/1980 #35339  
hough its position observed by the pilot matches that of Venus. A false rad 5/22/1980 #35339  
NORTH / HOPSTEN AB, GERM USAF F111 pilot and more. Plain torpedo-tank shape 6/12/1980 #35359  
ntiago, Chile An LAN Chile airline pilot reported that a UFO made a head-on 6/14/1980 #35366  
a landing, a senior Kuwait Airways pilot and crew observed a huge, brightly 6/20/1980 #35381  
a landing, a senior Kuwait Airways pilot and crew observe a huge, brightly  6/20/1980 #35382  
       Soviet Union Ex Soviet test pilot Lev Vyatkin plane collided with an Summer 1980 #35383  
rcraft emitting a “hard beam”. The pilot managed to land successfully, but  Summer 1980 #35383  
                     TEXARKANA, AR Pilot. Ovoid stops over plane. Vanishes. 9/2/1980 #35491  
rkansas by a doctor who was also a pilot; it vanished on the spot!          9/2/1980 #35492  
                               The pilot and four passengers onboard a Pipe 9/21/1980 #35525  
A very bright light is seen by the pilot of an RAF F-4 Phantom II aircraft. 10/1980 #35551  
 the exception of one plane, whose pilot requests authorization to pursue.  10/31/1980 #35599  
loses the object on its radar. The pilot continues to pursue for 2 minutes  10/31/1980 #35599  
                 OZONA, TX Private pilot. Glowing-object going northeast fr 11/3/1980 #35611  
                         A private pilot flying near Ozona, Texas at 6:50 p 11/3/1980 #35615  
sa, California 8:45 p.m. A private pilot named Dennis is flying a Piper PA- 11/5/1980 #35620  
e estimates its speed at 45 mph. A pilot landing at the Olathe, Kansas, Air 11/18/1980 #35654  
ountain, Las Vegas, NV A Las Vegas pilot for Omni Airlines and his teenage  12/18/1980 #35724  
uncontrollable spin at 5000ft. The pilot nursed his crippled Cessna 172 bac 12/18/1980 #35724  
         NEAR SAN JOSE AIRPORT, CA Pilot and 1+1. Bright red night light /  2/28/1981 #35848  
      SOUTHWEST / PHILADELPHIA, PA Pilot. Rocket / cylinder/cigar-shape. Pi 3/30/1981 #35878  
ot. Rocket / cylinder/cigar-shape. Pilot reports all over PA / same time.   3/30/1981 #35878  
nnsylvania at the same time that a pilot reported seeing a rocket or cigar- 3/30/1981 #35882  
ir, California 3:00 a.m. A private pilot named Dennis is flying a Piper PA- 4/8/1981 #35887  
 what he had seen, the former Navy pilot turned and drove back. He and his  4/12/1981 #35894  
    NEAR GUWAHATI, INDIA Air Force pilot. Shiny white round object shoots u 8/5/1981 #36056  
           Apple Valley, Minnesota Pilot Knob Road 3:30 a.m. Russell Matson 8/10/1981 #36068  
lley, Minnesota, when just west of Pilot Knob Road he sees a hexagonal obje 8/10/1981 #36068  
VAS, FR Air Traffic Controller and pilot and several. Silent luminous ovoid 11/22/1981 #36228  
 at Fort Hood, in the late 1960s a pilot had to make a forced landing over  1982 #36292  
at Gray AAF/Robert Gray Field. The pilot saw a huge section of land separat 1982 #36292  
ealing a huge corridor inside; the pilot was blindfolded and taken into the 1982 #36292  
                        Lowell, IN Pilot & student enc dbl globular object  10/24/1982 #36662  
heast of Lowell, Indiana 9:20 a.m. Pilot Michael Davis and his father (a st 10/24/1982 #36663  
el Davis and his father (a student pilot) are flying a 1968 Piper PA-28 Che 10/24/1982 #36663  
 aircraft being flown by a student pilot and a flight instructor southeast  10/24/1982 #36664  
e a grid encircles its middle. The pilot of another Chipmunk trainer sees t 11/2/1982 #36674  
me. Sighting of a Polish Air Force pilot and co-pilot of a near collision w 7/6/1983 #36902  
ce Captain Praszczałek and another pilot go up to intercept it and get with 7/7/1983 #36904  
       CAP ROUGE, QBC Ex-Air Force pilot. Large shiny dirigible going east  8/1/1983 #36927  
Senaki, Georgia Black Sea A Soviet pilot in a MiG-23 is scrambled to interc Spring 1984 #37231  
Sea, it is flying at Mach 1.6. The pilot activates his infrared search and  Spring 1984 #37231  
 New York. An engineer and private pilot, he watched them turn and fly away 5/31/1984 #37346  
 New York. An engineer and private pilot, he watched them turn and fly away 5/31/1984 #37349  
 trainer on a scouting mission. As pilot Henryk Bronowicki approaches the o 7/13/1984 #37395  
c airfield, Poland, reports that a pilot and 30–40 airfield workers and mil Late Summer 1984 #37434  
               CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA Pilot. Silent missile shape flies. No ex 12/17/1984 #37527  
 to lose power. Commercial airline pilot Randy Etting sees the lights as he 5/26/1985 #37593  
tional Airport Ohio 3:00 p.m. As a pilot is flying a Grumman AA TR-2 toward 7/1985 #37613  
artially translucent crystals. The pilot estimates they are 6 inches in dia 7/1985 #37613  
                      SAN JOSE, CA Pilot and 1 / car. Black disc hovers. Ri 7/4/1985 #37614  
LAND, BAHAMAS Eastern Airlines 747 pilot. Shiny chrome sphere closes in rap 8/1985 (approximate) #37632  
urse according to the terrain. The pilot dives down a bit to follow it, but 8/18/1985 #37647  
ert, California 12:05 p.m. British pilot David J. Hastings is flying a Cess 9/9/1985 #37656  
 Skymaster with his instructor, US pilot David Patterson, south of Las Vega 9/9/1985 #37656  
ile flying over the Irish Sea, the pilot of his Vickers VC10 observes a bri 2/26/1986 #37789  
 At about the same time, a private pilot flying over Snoqualmie Pass, Washi 3/1/1986 #37796  
his, Tennessee 9:05 p.m. A private pilot sees a V-shaped configuration of a 4/25/1986 #37839  
                 Sedona, AZ Cessna pilot and wife saw dome-shaped object ma 5/11/1986 #37865  
                        Cessna 172 pilot Robert Henderson and his wife Nann 5/11/1986 #37866  
             BRASILIA, BRZ Private pilot followed 460mi by small luminous o 5/16/1986 #37871  
                         A private pilot flying from Brasilia, Brazil was f 5/16/1986 #37872  
System were swamped with Radar and pilot UFO sightings. As Ospires Silva, P 5/19/1986 #37874  
e Janeiro, Brazil Radar-visual and pilot sightings, military jet intercepto 5/19/1986 #37877  
dent of EMBRAER Airlines, with his pilot, Commander Alcir Pereira da Silva, 5/19/1986 #37882  
er Caldas Marinho, age 25, an F-5E pilot, was vectored toward a target indi 5/19/1986 #37882  
n, then to red again. Another F-5E pilot, Capt. Marcio Jordao, age 29, mana 5/19/1986 #37882  
tional Forest, California, killing pilot Maj. Ross E. Mulhare and starting  7/11/1986 #37939  
 airplane for about 350 miles. The pilot changes course and altitude severa 11/17/1986 #38072  
nity, air traffic control asks the pilot to be aware of an unknown object.  11/25/1986 #38077  
     ATHENS AIRPORT, GRC USAF C141 pilot. Classic saucer with colored light 4/26/1987 #38166  
ociated with it. A Ghana Air Force pilot views the missile-shaped object fr 7/27/1987 #38219  
CE, MARTINIQUE Airline(s)/airliner pilot and Air Traffic Controller / groun 8/21/1987 #38250  
             JIADING, CH Air Force pilot. Orange fireball spirals. Going do 8/27/1987 #38256  
formation at 12K' going NE. seen / pilot / 30 Sec.                          9/2/1987 #38275  
s, NV Statement released by ex-CIA pilot John Lear. It appeared in a physic 12/29/1987 #38377  
                  CIA and civilian pilot John Lear, Nevada State Sen. candi 12/29/1987 #38379  
              Las Vegas, NV Ex-CIA Pilot Claimed To Receive 25 Secret CIA M 1/28/1988 #38434  
ROM CORFU, GRC Airline(s)/airliner pilot and ground RADAR. Ball-light follo 2/11/1988 #38454  
                 Beira, Mozambique Pilot saw hovering object, intense light 2/11/1988 #38457  
        Beginning at 6:09 p.m. the pilot, Simplicio Pinto, and crew of a LA 2/11/1988 #38458  
                  MESA, AZ Private pilot lands. Gulf Breeze type saucer see 3/6/1988 #38492  
ontt, Chile 8:10 p.m. A Boeing 737 pilot, on a final approach to the runway 6/1/1988 #38579  
aight toward the airplane, and the pilot makes a steep turn to the left to  6/1/1988 #38579  
chatka Krai Northern Pacific Ocean Pilot Robert Hopkins is flying a USAF RC 10/1988 #38661  
       NEAR KARLSKOGA, SWD Private pilot. 50-100M saucer drops / clouds / 1 10/1/1988 #38662  
er begins to grow stronger and the pilot arms his missiles; but the missile 12/1/1988 #38733  
th its pursuer. After landing, the pilot is told that another aircraft has  12/1/1988 #38733  
                                 A pilot flying at 6,500 over Texarkana, Te 1/22/1989 #38792  
                  NEAR ATLANTA, GA Pilot and copilot both Captains. 3m torp 1/27/1989 #38803  
After telling writer Gene Huff and pilot John Lear about his UFO secrets, L 3/22/1989 #38878  
NTO, ITL Greek airline(s)/airliner pilot and US military jet. UFO follows a 3/29/1989 #38884  
 west of Arapongas, Paraná, Brazil Pilot Manoel Luiz Christóvão, flying a s 5/2/1989 #38935  
forcing him to maneuver again. The pilot decides to head directly toward th 5/2/1989 #38935  
 in their vicinity. Both times the pilot answers no, but at 3:52 a.m. the p 5/30/1989 #38967  
t answers no, but at 3:52 a.m. the pilot says he can now see a strong light 5/30/1989 #38967  
         Blue Hill Bay, ME Private pilot saw shiny oval object making quick 7/22/1989 #39029  
           VORONEZH, RUSSIA Former pilot Yatsanov sees UFO. Also 27 Septemb 9/29/1989 #39133  
           NORTHEAST / MEMPHIS, TN Pilot going southwest. Round metal objec 10/10/1989 #39158  
                                 A pilot flying between Clarksdale and Memp 10/10/1989 #39159  
             PANOLA CO, MS Private pilot. Gigantic solid round metallic obj 10/23/1989 #39180  
 MI NORTH / LA RONGE, SSK UC#2110. Pilot in flight. 2 objects maneuver. No  11/1/1989 #39205  
La Ronge, Saskatchewan 6:50 p.m. A pilot flying a small airplane 20 miles n 11/1/1989 #39207  
-shape / 8000M altitude. Gone when pilot looks again.                       12/24/1989 #39336  
     Chelyabinsk, Russia 3:00 p.m. Pilot Vladimir Kuzmin sees a dark gray,  12/24/1989 #39338  
ers altitude. It vanished when the pilot attempted to approach.             12/24/1989 #39340  
eslavl-Zalesskiy, USSR Interceptor pilot enc, R/V (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 3/21/1990 #39473  
 challenge to identify itself. The pilot turns steeply and flies 1,600–1,90 3/21/1990 #39475  
ing tracked on military radar. The pilot reported the appearance of a black 3/21/1990 #39476  
            PENSACOLA, FL Ret Navy pilot and 1. Huge blue-white glowing-sph 7/20/1990 #39653  
       At 7:30 p.m. a retired Navy pilot and his wife saw a huge bluish-whi 7/20/1990 #39655  
s an interceptor jet scrambled and pilot Maj. P. Riabishev takes off in pur 10/8/1990 #39766  
           HOYT LAKES, MN Cops and pilot and more/others. Several night lig 10/10/1990 #39769  
dentified targets and a commercial pilot also corroborated the sighting of  10/10/1990 #39773  
              CHAMPLAIN / ORLY, FR Pilot / aero-technician. Thick silent eq 11/1990 #39823  
          GRETZ-ARMAINVILLIERS, FR Pilot and 6. 300M object / sky. Trapezoi 11/5/1990 #39843  
ort North Sea Around 6:00 p.m. The pilot and copilot of a British Airways f 11/5/1990 #39866  
-et-Marne, France 7:00 p.m. French pilot Jean-Gabriel Greslé is standing ou 11/5/1990 #39868  
            SEA WITH DALIAN, CHINA Pilot. Black umbrella-saucer / 5000M alt 11/12/1990 #39885  
n, Jiangsu, China Captain Zho, the pilot of a regional airliner over Kunsha 3/18/1991 #40021  
epcion, Paraguay G,V, civil radar, pilot sightings (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 6/8/1991 #40089  
cepción Asunción Airport 6:00 p.m. Pilot Cesar Escobar and Copilot Angel Da 6/8/1991 #40092  
reas Paraguayas airliner, with the pilot reporting a brightly lit object ap 6/8/1991 #40092  
ing on airport radar. He hears the pilot exclaim as the UFO speeds past. A  6/8/1991 #40092  
because it’s a true story. I’m the pilot who flew the wreckage of the UFO t 7/9/1991 #40116  
    LACANAU-OCEAN, FR Ex-Air Force pilot. Moving field of stars distorted b 8/10/1991 #40146  
rt, Florida a former WW II fighter pilot and his neighbor saw a cylindrical 11/24/1991 #40238  
                      WINNIPEG, MB Pilot and 1. 6 red disks in formation. 2 7/20/1992 #40529  
 6 red disks in formation. 21 July pilot sees 4 white delta/triangle/box-li 7/20/1992 #40529  
                ROGNES, FR Private pilot at home. Black disk north going qu 6/25/1993 #41033  
            At 8:50 p.m. a private pilot at his home in Rognes, France sigh 6/25/1993 #41034  
oon, but it is going too fast. One pilot describes it as looking like a pra 9/16/1993 #41199  
           Indianapolis (near), IN Pilot Spots Unidentified Aircraft Near I 12/2/1993 #41318  
          LE CANNET, FR Engineer / pilot. Black equilateral triangle crosse 12/3/1993 #41322  
ations center 1:14 p.m. Air France pilot Jean-Charles Duboc and two members 1/28/1994 #41390  
et closer to the airplane than the pilot’s estimate. SEPRA investigates the 1/28/1994 #41390  
     NEAR THUNDER BAY, ON Beech-18 pilot. Orange-brown colored saucer follo 2/26/1994 #41426  
ll incident in New Mexico, airline pilot Kent Jeffrey circulates the Roswel 3/1994 #41432  
            Budabest, Hungary Test pilot encounters fast-moving, maneuverin 7/6/1994 #41609  
                        OTTAWA, ON Pilot / amateur astronomer. Silent night 7/7/1994 #41613  
n amateur astronomer who is also a pilot witnessed a disc-shaped object wit 7/7/1994 #41614  
                   At 10:15 p.m. a pilot sighted a big black triangular obj 9/7/1994 #41722  
DSHAW, WV Separate observer(s) and pilot. Silver cylinder/cigar-shape with  11/8/1994 #41842  
                    WAINWRIGHT, AK Pilot and several / ground. Bright light 1/1/1995 #41929  
                      SARASOTA, FL Pilot. 30' saucer going down / slant. Le 1/27/1995 #41999  
ircraft. Some 6,000 feet away, the pilot sees a UFO changing from a rhomboi 2/1995 #42006  
 shape and from yellow to red. The pilot lands safely, even though the obje 2/1995 #42006  
                  ROSS, CA Private pilot / car. 2 silent V-crescent objects 2/2/1995 #42012  
    DELMONT, PA AND BEAVER RUN DAM Pilot / ground. 2 huge triangles with li 2/13/1995 #42043  
           TALLASSEE, TN FAA man / pilot. Triangular ships with bizarre lig 2/26/1995 #42062  
W-47N Canadian airline(s)/airliner pilot. Bright yellow-white object overta 6/9/1995 #42245  
                 STEINKJER, NORWAY Pilot and copilot and more. Wingless fus 7/11/1995 #42296  
YE RYONG MOUNTAIN, SOUTH KOREA Kaf pilot. 4M top-saucer going [to] 4K' belo 9/4/1995 #42439  
                     VANCOUVER, WA Pilot and 2 / ground. 2 metallic disks e 10/19/1995 #42559  
                                   PILOT ROCK, OR 2 / car. Odd blue lights  11/8/1995 #42586  
hway 491 4:00 a.m. Businessman and pilot Carlos de Souza is driving from Tr 1/13/1996 #42681  
                       GILBERT, AZ Pilot. Red object fades. Going east. Sto 2/7/1996 #42744  
                        ITHACA, NY Pilot and wife. Large glowing-object = " 2/16/1996 #42767  
AR SAGINAW, MI Airline(s)/airliner pilot dives to avoid extremely bright fi 2/27/1996 #42785  
nessed by independent witnesses. A pilot of a small aircraft over Saginaw,  2/27/1996 #42786  
                  AUSTIN, TX Comm. pilot and 1 / ground. Triad / white ligh 3/24/1996 #42839  
         LAKEWOOD, CO Ex Air Force pilot. Silver disk streaks going [to] re 4/7/1996 #42853  
nghill, Nova Scotia Day. A private pilot is flying his Piper Cherokee PA-28 7/1996 #42943  
er Cape Blomidon, Nova Scotia, the pilot’s father-in-law (next to him in th 7/1996 #42943  
raft but about 500 feet lower. The pilot banks gently in its direction, and 7/1996 #42943  
a bright dot, then disappears. The pilot is distressed about the encounter  7/1996 #42943  
       NEAR BOGOTA, COL. Air Force pilot videos 6 silver saucers. Exit clou 12/13/1996 #43138  
At 1:00 p.m. a Colombian Air Force pilot videotaped six silver disc-shaped  12/13/1996 #43139  
cracking the outer windshield. The pilot immediately declares an in-flight  12/19/1996 #43148  
                       PHOENIX, AZ Pilot and 1000 observer(s). Huge triangl 3/13/1997 #43228  
ona Roswell Declaration author and pilot Kent Jeffrey announces that he is  6/1997 #43305  
that the lights were flares: “As a pilot and a former Air Force Officer, I  6/19/1997 #43331  
ch is spotted by a United Airlines pilot in nearly the same location and he 8/9/1997 #43376  
eard no sound. She then noticed a "pilot" with something like a form-fittin 9/9/1997 #43403  
 9:20 p.m. A former Canadian F-104 pilot watches a UFO embedded in a cloud  4/22/1998 #43556  
file UAP case where an unnamed USN pilot told Lt. Ryan Graves he witnessed  5/17/1999 #43770  
                       DUBUQUE, IA Pilot. Dark delta/triangle/box-like craf 8/23/1999 #43833  
he jet reportedly crashed, and the pilot who ejected was treated for injuri 9/13/1999 #43844  
e evening in Mexico City, Mexico a pilot sighted a luminous UFO at the same 3/2/2000 #43963  
                               The pilot of a DC-9 airliner sighted a domed 5/26/2000 #43998  
        NEAR LA PAZ, BOLV Military pilot. Brilliant metallic sphere paces T 3/26/2001 #44150  
ced a T-33 trainer with a military pilot at a distance while in flight over 3/26/2001 #44151  
ng to MUFON field investigator and pilot Bob Durant, "In the short time the 7/15/2001 #44209  
 Brazil Day. A Brazilian Air Force pilot and four others are taking supplie 8/3/2001 #44223  
rlisle, England a retired military pilot saw a large, bright object in the  12/12/2001 #44288  
California, Mexico Day. A military pilot off the coast of Southern Californ 10/10/2002 #44416  
in Spanish Fort, Alabama 7:40 p.m. Pilot Thomas J. Preziose takes off from  10/23/2002 #44422  
 Bay in Spanish Fort, Alabama. The pilot’s final words are: “Night Ship 282 10/23/2002 #44422  
tes that the accident is caused by pilot disorientation. However, an indepe 10/23/2002 #44422  
ilia, air traffic control asks the pilot if he can see any other aircraft n 6/5/2003 #44554  
                 At 10:48 p.m. the pilot, co-pilot, load master, and flight 10/23/2003 #44612  
ort, Brazil Afternoon. A Brazilian pilot flying an ATR 42-300 twin turbopro 2004 #44635  
 aircraft and gets very close. The pilot can only see a sphere of light com 2/20/2004 #44668  
                                   Pilot Brian Binnie reaches a world recor 10/4/2004 #44767  
 altitude, heading, and speed. The pilot is ordered to bank toward the targ 10/28/2004 #44773  
r. Approaching at 22,000 feet, the pilot spots the target at 5,000 feet. Th 10/28/2004 #44773  
en light on its tail end. When the pilot turns toward the light, it disappe 10/28/2004 #44773  
 The F-14 arms its weapons and the pilot requests clearance to engage the o 10/28/2004 #44773  
one last time at low altitude. The pilot returns to the 8th Predator Tactic 10/28/2004 #44773  
m. Navy Commander David Fravor and pilot Jim Slaight, flying two McDonnell  11/14/2004 #44784  
d disappearing. Fravor and another pilot, Alex Dietrich, say in an intervie 11/14/2004 #44784  
h and officials cannot contact the pilot, the White House’s internal threat 5/11/2005 #44840  
ontrollable for a few minutes. The pilot reports to London Air Traffic Cont 6/28/2005 #44849  
                               The pilot of an Air France airliner reported 8/13/2005 #44862  
long the way. A commercial airline pilot landing in New Zealand sees a mete 5/16/2006 #44943  
raft. It is believed that both the pilot and copilot also witness the objec 11/7/2006 #44981  
                               The pilot of a Boeing 767 observed a fast mo 11/12/2006 #44984  
700 feet. Closing to 500 feet, the pilot sees a small, irregular object lik 1/12/2007 #44999  
day. Captain Patterson, the second pilot witness, posits some type of “atmo 4/23/2007 #45022  
 Câmpia Turzii, Romania Afternoon. Pilot Marin Mitrică is flying a MiG-21 L 10/30/2007 #45086  
te of speed. At 6:15 p.m., private pilot Steve Allen and three other witnes 1/8/2008 #45112  
NIDS database airline and military pilot sightings, the USAF Blue Book data 9/30/2010 #45300  
would render unconscious any human pilot contained within such a device). H 2013 #45356  
, Berkshire, England 6:35 p.m. The pilot of a Thomas Cook Airbus A320 cruis 7/19/2013 #45378  
orked for defense contractors as a pilot in a “flying disc simulator” and i 11/1/2013 #45392  
shable features,” according to the pilot, who is able to visually acquire t 11/18/2013 #45395  
    3:00 p.m. Another Super Hornet pilot from VFA-143 encounters a white ob 12/18/2013 #45398  
Mach in the W-72 warning area. The pilot’s wingman does not have the object 3/26/2014 #45405  
lor,” according to the report. The pilot is only able to pass within 1,000  3/26/2014 #45405  
d, Cheshire, England 2:36 p.m. The pilot and first officer of an Airbus 320 6/13/2014 #45410  
 it using infrared film. The naval pilot sees it as a “flat, elongated stru 11/11/2014 #45423  
l, no distinct exhaust plume.” One pilot describes something “like a sphere 2/2015? #45430  
g 11:45 p.m. An Air Canada Express pilot flying to Vancouver, British Colum 9/19/2016 #45459  
cle on “turning the vehicle into a pilot’s prosthetic extension.” In the ar 3/27/2017 #45466  
West Sussex, England 7:20 p.m. The pilot of an Airbus A319 is holding at 7, 7/14/2017 #45475  
, England 6:10 p.m. An Airbus A321 pilot is descending from 10,000 feet int 2/1/2018 #45505  
feet. Minutes later, Blenus Green, pilot of an American Airlines Airbus A32 2/24/2018 #45513  
etween 16,000 and 22,000 feet. The pilot visually identifies one at 20,000  3/13/2018 #45523  
es away from the one boat that the pilot noted seeing below.                3/13/2018 #45523  
England 12:45 p.m. A B757 airliner pilot is approaching Gatwick Airport nea 5/5/2018 #45526  
 England 9:30 a.m. A King Air BE90 pilot is cruising at 16,000 feet about 1 7/5/2018 #45533  
rget Acquisition Designation Sight/Pilot Night Vision Sensor. As the three  11/6/2018 #45543  
ning a steady eastward trajectory. Pilot Chris Lehto says they are moving a 11/6/2018 #45543  
, are on the same flight path. The pilot of the British Airways plane notic 11/9/2018 #45544  
 planes in the area. They tell the pilot no and that nothing is showing on  11/9/2018 #45544  
showing on their radar. The Virgin pilot has seen it and thinks it is a met 11/9/2018 #45544  
 satellite re-entry. The Norwegian pilot has seen two bright lights. Shanno 11/9/2018 #45544  
ow Airport, Scotland 6:45 p.m. The pilot of an Embraer 175 passenger plane  12/30/2018 #45553  
e aircraft at the same level.” The pilot cannot tell what it is, but it is  12/30/2018 #45553  
orth Sea 11:40 a.m. An RAF Typhoon pilot is leading a pair of fighters from 1/15/2019 #45558  
 Virginia Beach, Virginia An FA-18 pilot flying out of NAS Oceana in Virgin 3/4/2019 #45566  
 England 2:00 p.m. A B787 airliner pilot flying over London, England, sees  3/30/2019 #45568  
ey, West Sussex, England, when the pilot sees an object a few seconds after 4/28/2019 #45573  
, England 2:00 p.m. An Airbus A320 pilot departing from Gatwick Airport, En 5/5/2019 #45577  
06 mph near Marseille, France. The pilot observes an unusual light flying j 11/11/2019 #45617  
its flight path. At this point the pilot uses a cellphone to take a photogr 11/11/2019 #45617  
nia 6:45 p.m. An American Airlines pilot reports that a man flying in a jet 8/29/2020 #45659  
 minutes later, a Jet Blue Airways pilot spots the flying man.              8/29/2020 #45659  
port, England, at 1,800 feet. Both pilot and First Officer suddenly see a b 9/1/2020 #45660  
 traffic controller alerts another pilot who is preparing to land, and the  10/14/2020 #45662  
 a Bell 206B-3 Jet Ranger. The CPB pilot says that the drone is highly modi 2/9/2021 #45676  
. An American Airlines Airbus A320 pilot reports a long, cylindrical object 2/21/2021 #45678  
 high-profile UAP case where a USN pilot told Lt. Ryan Graves he witnessed  6/25/2021 #45695  
place, Ryan Graves, a retired navy pilot, tells the show. “Every day,” Grav 8/29/2021 #45704  
       Las Vegas, NV Ufologist and pilot John Lear, son of industrialist an 3/29/2022 #45744  
essel, West Virginia 8:52 p.m. The pilot of an Embraer Phenom business jet  4/22/2022 #45745  
 a mysterious UAP that zipped by a pilot’s aircraft in a US Navy training y 5/17/2022 #45750  
 of a large screen; ret. USAF F-16 pilot “Col. David,” who claims he was in 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "pilot's" (Back to Top)
de for 6-7 seconds, approached the pilot's plane, then disappeared into a c 6/23/1952 #6612  
 boots, and cloth headgear (like a pilot's) who pointed a gun at him and sa 10/20/1954 #11270  
ome type of cloth headgear, like a pilot's leather helmet. The man pointed  10/20/1954 #11278  
whose pilot confirmed the Lear Jet pilot's reports. Albuquerque control war 1/13/1967 #21301  
## Word: "pilot-air" (Back to Top)
      NORTH / ATLANTA, GA Military pilot-Air Traffic Controller. 2 discs /  9/3/1952 #7834  
## Word: "pilot-engineer" (Back to Top)
                NEAR PITTSBURG, CA Pilot-engineer and 1. Silent silver disk 7/6/1947 #2742  
## Word: "pilot-in-training" (Back to Top)
nce Forces flight controller tells pilot-in-training Tarmo Tukeva to invest 4/12/1969 #25057  
 125 miles away in Vaasa. A second pilot-in-training, Jouko Kuronen, overhe 4/12/1969 #25057  
## Word: "pilot-like" (Back to Top)
n top there was a glass dome and a pilot-like figure apparently wearing som 1/11/1998 #43498  
## Word: "pilot-operated" (Back to Top)
y system, followed by a stuck-open pilot-operated relief valve in the prima 3/28/1979 #34493  
## Word: "pilot-related" (Back to Top)
t, and engineering on aircraft and pilot-related projects, entirely without 1951 #5377  
## Word: "pilotage" (Back to Top)
                         Comité de pilotage The new CNES director, Yannick  7/2005 #44850  
to a steering committee (Comité de pilotage) called COPEIPAN, headed by Yve 7/2005 #44850  
## Word: "pilote" (Back to Top)
otos seem genuine, three Interface Pilote pour l’Analyse de Clichés d’OVNIs 5/11/1950 #4939  
## Word: "piloted" (Back to Top)
s 40 minutes, some assume they are piloted by German spies.                 3/23/1892 #301  
ea, DE The English ship "Mohican," piloted by Capt. Urghart, was going to P 1908 #700  
laware The English ship "Mohican," piloted by Capt. Urghart, was going to P 1908 #701  
in Romania, a Russian Tupolev Tu-2 piloted by Maj. Bajenov and Boris Suriko 1944 #1559  
everal F6F fighters on patrol (one piloted by Ensign Norman P. Stark) from  2/7/1945 #1774  
n Sector area, and an RAF Mosquito piloted by Flight Lt. William Kent is sc 1/17/1947 #2231  
 approached an F-51 aircraft being piloted by an airman named Armstrong whi 6/28/1947 #2450  
 commander scrambles a fighter jet piloted by Kenny Chandler to locate the  7/4/1947 #2670  
fects,” the Air Force decides that piloted aircraft could collect samples.  5/15/1948 #3651  
California Central Airlines plane, piloted by Capt. Cecil Hardin and Flight 10/5/1950 #5213  
rd, Illinois Sunset. A TWA flight, piloted by Capt. Art Shutts, is enroute  12/27/1950 #5368  
 minutes later, a T-33 jet trainer piloted by Lt. Wilbert S. Rogers, with M 9/10/1951 #5660  
pment is undertaken—to construct a piloted aircraft which has the general d 1952 #5843  
nst the wind. It vectors two F-86s piloted by Maj. James B. Smith and Lt. D 8/1/1952 #7408  
after the object. The interceptor, piloted by 1Lt. Wesley R. Holder and Rad 8/5/1952 #7472  
55 a.m., a pair of F-86 Sabre jets piloted by Capt. William W. Maitland and 9/2/1952 #7829  
ndall AFB in Panama City, Florida, piloted by 2Lt John A. Jones and radar o 9/12/1952 #7905  
lowing an RAF Meteor jet (possibly piloted by Flight Lt. John W. Kilburn an 9/19/1952 #7980  
ay, Labrador. A T-33 and an F-94B (piloted by Capt. E. T. Johnson and Radar 12/15/1952 #8422  
Airport] 1:34 a.m. A B-36 aircraft piloted by Maj. Leo J. Moffatt is over R 2/6/1953 #8643  
n western Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Piloted by Capt. Suggs and radar operato 6/1953 #8922  
or. An F-89C Scorpion interceptor, piloted by Lt. Felix Moncla Jr., with ra 11/23/1953 #9318  
saucers. He believes that UFOs are piloted by etherians from another dimens 12/1953 #9330  
-speed motions. An Army helicopter piloted by WO R. T. Wade is sent to inve 8/11/1954 #10126  
 object. A second Army helicopter, piloted by U. S. Tarma, is diverted to t 8/11/1954 #10126  
cers came from outer space and are piloted by beings of superior intelligen 2/2/1955 #11967  
. A Venezuelan Aeropostal airliner piloted by Captain Dario Celis is flying 2/2/1955 #11968  
 Gloster Javelin interceptors, one piloted by E. H. “Wilbur” Wright, are fl 8/30/1956 #13156  
lifornia. It assumes that UFOs are piloted by friendly extraterrestrials. A 1/1957 #13440  
 route from Dallas to Los Angeles, piloted by Capt. Ed Bachner, has a near  7/17/1957 #13809  
ght over Point Loma. The aircraft, piloted by Lt. Allen L. Ries, tracks the 10/14/1957 #14110  
eship would be 16 stories tall and piloted by 150 men. Soon ARPA and the Ai 1958 #14780  
s revolving around it) on a saucer piloted by a spaceman named Commander Ma 6/28/1958 #15123  
er is flying in an Auster aircraft piloted by Dennis Jackson at 800 feet ne 6/29/1958 #15126  
 Pan American Boeing Stratocruiser piloted by Capt. George Wilson flying ov 7/11/1959 #15834  
a The first powered X-15 flight is piloted by Albert Scott Crossfield out o 9/17/1959 #15981  
strip at Zahedan The U-2 spy plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers crosses i 4/9/1960 #16219  
working models of saucers, perhaps piloted by “midgets,” are responsible fo 3/1962 #17066  
      Edwards AFB, CA X-15 flight, piloted by Joe Walker; Photograph (no vi 4/30/1962 #17138  
 better surveillance capabilities) piloted by USAF Major Richard S. Heyser  10/14/1962 #17471  
                 Cuba Turkey A U-2 piloted by Maj. Rudolf Anderson is shot  10/27/1962 #17505  
Utah Boston, Massachusetts An A-12 piloted by Kenneth S. Collins crashes ne 5/24/1963 #17765  
                            An A-1 piloted by Louis Schalk briefly achieves 7/20/1963 #17844  
 Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, piloted by Robert J. Gilliland. The SR-7 12/22/1964 #18673  
 a.m. An Ansett-ANA DC-6b airliner piloted by Capt. John Barker is flying o 5/28/1965 #18973  
Angola A TAP Air Portugal airliner piloted by Capt. Henrique Maia is paced  12/7/1966 #21190  
ht. A Guatemalan Aviateca airliner piloted by Col. Alfredo Castaneda and Co 2/15/1967 #21556  
Peru 8:00 p.m. A Peruvian airliner piloted by Capt. Samuel Sanguaza, copilo 8/6/1967 #22831  
returning from a refueling mission piloted by Maj. Frederick Pappas and 5 c 10/30/1975 #30522  
 p.m. A British Airways Trident 2E piloted by Capt. Dennis Wood is flying a 7/30/1976 #31203  
r Force F-4 Phantom II interceptor piloted by Capt. Aziz Khani and 1stLt. H 9/18/1976 #31395  
w of an RAF Avro Vulcan B.2 bomber piloted by Flight Lt. David Edwards is f 5/26/1977 #32133  
 11:15 p.m. As Air India Flight 9, piloted by Capt. Dingra, makes its final 7/16/1977 #32281  
:00 noon. Two Chilean F-5 aircraft piloted by Capts. Hernán Gabrielli Rojas 10/1978? #33787  
s chartered an Argosy cargo plane, piloted by Capt. William Startup and Fir 12/31/1978 #34246  
ea Air Force F-4D Phantom II jets, piloted by Lt. Col. Seungbae Lee and Col 3/1979 #34453  
 in a Piper PA-28 Cherokee Warrior piloted by a friend. She looks out the w 8/17/1979 #34752  
 his truck being lifted into a UFO piloted by two humanlike figures dressed 8/29/1979 #34803  
ght 440, flying at 39,000 feet and piloted by Capt. Dave Garber, nearly col 9/22/1980 #35528  
etrievals and states that UFOs are piloted by extraterrestrials from a near 4/9/1983 #36830  
fs about UFOs, which he thinks are piloted by Islamic jinns.                10/1983 #36989  
awk jets of the Zimbabwe Air Force piloted by C. Cordy-Hedge and T. R. Van  7/22/1985 #37628  
eek Olympic Airways Flight OA 132, piloted by Christos Stamulis, is flying  8/15/1985 #37643  
a 9:00 p.m. A Xingu light airplane piloted by Col. Ozires Silva, an aeronau 5/19/1986 #37880  
ves away out to sea. Another F-5E, piloted by Lt. Kleber Caldas Marinho, ch 5/19/1986 #37881  
tion. The airplane is a Cessna 150 piloted by two aviators flying with outd 5/11/2005 #44840  
this footage depict UAVs (remotely piloted vehicles) developed at Groom Lak 2013 #45356  
ound hangar away from S4   A human piloted saucer engaged an ET piloted sph 4/5/2016 #45449  
human piloted saucer engaged an ET piloted sphere and shot it down   Milita 4/5/2016 #45449  
ection of people who claim to have piloted a UFO, many of whom never before 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "piloting" (Back to Top)
 midnight. Capt. Alvah M. Reida is piloting a B-29 bomber based at Kharagpu 8/11/1944 #1640  
 and First Officer Jack Harvey are piloting United Air Lines Flight 105 and 7/28/1947 #3240  
.C. 4:00 a.m. Capt. William Bruen, piloting National Airline Flight 611 hea 7/13/1952 #6797  
 Airport] near Denison, Texas, are piloting a B-26 on a training flight hea 12/29/1952 #8462  
ot 11:00 p.m. Capt. Bob Jackson is piloting an Australian National Airways  5/10/1953 #8873  
adel and 1st Lt. Curtis Carley are piloting a T-33 jet at 18,000 feet 58 mi 5/22/1956 #12865  
 a.m. Capt. Matthew A. Van Winkle, piloting a Pan American World Airways DC 3/9/1957 #13540  
ring the evasive action. Ed Perry, piloting Pan Am Flight 269 about 175 mil 3/9/1957 #13540  
y-Redstone 4 Mission — Gus Grissom piloting Liberty Bell 7 becomes the seco 7/21/1961 #16770  
ornia Maj. Robert Michael White is piloting Flight 62 of the X-15 at Edward 7/17/1962 #17279  
t book. Captain Thomas F. Mantell, piloting an F-51, had been killed in 194 4/24/1965 #18916  
30 p.m. Capt. Marcelo Cisternas is piloting a DC-6b at 8,500 feet for LAN C 9/6/1965 #19527  
mloops 8:38 p.m. Capt. Shindler is piloting Pacific Western Airlines Flight 7/26/1967 #22735  
erez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spain, piloting a Grumman AN-1 antisubmarine ai 9/1975? #30333  
as 5:25 a.m. Capt. George Didlake, piloting Continental Airlines Flight 954 9/22/1977 #32510  
e flying instructor Sha Yongkao is piloting a plane with a student at an ai 7/26/1978 #33418  
Gray AAF, Texas. The special group piloting the helicopters escort for UFO  12/29/1980 #35752  
dge Capt. Gerson Maciel de Britto, piloting a Boeing 727 for VASP Flight 16 2/8/1982 #36327  
a Viriato de Marinho, K.C. Freitas piloting it. Capt. Freitas tracked the U 5/19/1986 #37874  
 and First Officer Mark Stuart are piloting a British Airways Boeing 737 ai 1/6/1995 #41956  
nomena” could assist in the remote piloting of spacecraft and missile count 6/1997 #43308  
e examples of how to replicate the piloting features of a UAP: “there must  3/27/2017 #45466  
## Word: "pilotless" (Back to Top)
toll in the Marshall Islands. B-17 pilotless drone aircraft are flown throu 4/15/1948 #3623  
on of the UFO is consistent with a pilotless drone of the type used for def 4/21/1991 #40046  
## Word: "pilots" (Back to Top)
          Eastern Greenland Danish pilots Lt. Col. Peter Grunnet and Lt. Ta 1932 #1136  
      PORTOFERRAIO, ITL 3 military pilots. Flaming jet going quickly north  10/10/1936 #1251  
1,400 shells are eventually fired. Pilots of the 4th Interceptor Command ar 2/24/1942 #1388  
 phenomena in Europe and interview pilots. He later moves his investigation 10/28/1944 #1685  
wo Lieutenants, Giblin and Cleary, pilots of the U.S. Army Air Force 415TH  11/27/1944 #1708  
rance in the Bas-Rhine region. The pilots names were McFalls and Baker.     12/22/1944 #1728  
  NEAR RASTATT, GERM Several USAAF pilots see 3 groups / night lights at 70 2/13/1945 #1780  
NEAR SPEYER, GERMANY Several USAAF pilots. 2 spheres. 1 orange and 1 green. 3/20/1945 #1819  
roduction facility in Hanford, WA. Pilots were ordered above 42k feet, well Summer 1945 #1879  
 Powell and five other F6F Hellcat pilots at Naval Air Station Pasco, Washi Mid 7/1945 #1896  
, and air sample collectors. Their pilots operate them from mother planes a 7/1/1946 #2024  
 Montgomery, Alabama 9:20 p.m. Two pilots and two intelligence officers (Ca 6/28/1947 #2448  
riously after sightings by airline pilots, other qualified observers.       7/1947 #2493  
2 p.m. United Air Lines Flight 105 pilots Capt. Emil J. Smith and First Off 7/4/1947 #2667  
is. Minutes later two police, both pilots, saw three more discs trailing on 7/4/1947 #2675  
 airline(s)/airliner questions all pilots on Ft. Worth route.               7/6/1947 #2745  
appears to disintegrate and crash, pilots forced to recant their story in c 7/7/1947 #2833  
N AND EAGLE, WI 2 separate private pilots. White ball drops / clouds. Stops 7/7/1947 #2859  
e of official coverup and military pilots and ground persons. Fast disk spi 7/7/1947 #2890  
                   CARRIZOZO, NM 5 pilots / field. Saucer feathers down. Sh 7/8/1947 #2967  
LACIER NATIONAL PARK, MT 2 private pilots. 7 saucers going quickly northeas 7/9/1947 #3043  
   NORTHWEST / MOUNTAIN HOME, ID 2 pilots / United Airlines (UAL) flight-10 7/28/1947 #3237  
K Project Bluebook Case #58. Local pilots. Very large dark fuselage hovers. 8/4/1947 #3288  
                    Bethel, Alaska Pilots Capt. Jack Peck and Vince Daly se 8/4/1947 #3291  
titude. Now 1,000 feet higher, the pilots glance downward and spot the UFO  8/4/1947 #3291  
ring jet exhaust. At dusk two more pilots on a civilian cargo plane saw ano 8/4/1947 #3292  
            NEAR MOUNTAIN HOME, ID Pilots / United Airlines (UAL) flight 14 8/18/1947 #3344  
               BRADLEY FIELD, ID 2 pilots / ground. 2 silver domed saucers  8/21/1947 #3358  
       Late in the day two private pilots flying over Mexico, Missouri sigh 8/26/1947 #3373  
      11 MI NNE / CAVE CREEK, AZ 2 pilots and 1. 3' flying-wing 380mph nort 10/14/1947 #3454  
                 Las Vegas, Nevada Pilots observe a reddish light moving at 12/8/1947 #3499  
       HARTFORD, CT USAF transport pilots. Red saucer dives down / 45 degre 1/11/1948 #3554  
      Two U.S. Air Force transport pilots, Helton and Pargoe, flying over H 1/11/1948 #3556  
                  OFF SKAGEN, DK 2 pilots. Missile / 22K' altitude. Many su 2/21/1948 (approximate) #3585  
 25, 1948, by two Eastern Airlines pilots                                   7/20/1948 #3716  
, Netherlands Two Eastern Airlines pilots reported having seen a huge flyin 7/20/1948 #3718  
ntgomery, Alabama Eastern Airlines pilots Chiles and Whitted see UFO        7/24/1948 #3723  
M on July 24, 1948, two commercial pilots, Clarence S. Chiles and John B. W 7/24/1948 #3724  
,p.12,sec.Q): Two Eastern Airlines pilots reported seeing an object like a  7/25/1948 #3736  
 25, 1948, by two Eastern Airlines pilots.                                  8/3/1948 #3769  
 Munich, Germany Five US Air Force pilots observe a silvery object over Neu 10/29/1948 #3855  
efore by another group of American pilots.                                  10/29/1948 #3855  
                    MOSCOW, RUSSIA Pilots and ground observer(s). Long fish 12/1948 #3897  
0 & 28, 1948; Los Alamos, NM. OSI, pilots, Los Alamos (NICAP: 01 - Distant  12/1948 #3898  
her people, including some command pilots, are sitting in their yard when t 1949? #3944  
, MS Project Bluebook Case #233. 2 pilots / private plane. Near crash / 20m 1/1/1949 #3952  
da (About 250 miles SW of), At Sea Pilots saw a red glow on the ocean 1 mil 1/24/1949 #3976  
cluding a score or so of Air Force pilots, stuck stoutly to their stories.” 5/9/1949 #4174  
   LONGVIEW, WA 150 aero-types and pilots. Series / 3 saucers over air-show 7/3/1949 #4258  
wd of 150–200 observers, including pilots, who watch a metallic disc cross  7/3/1949 #4261  
                  NEAR LEBEC, CA 2 pilots. 35' ovoid rises / foothills / te 9/5/1949 #4345  
                  Lebec, CA 2 USAF pilots flying military aircraft saw an o 9/5/1949 #4347  
porting subjects and that civilian pilots report UFO sightings according to 12/1949 #4430  
 sky. Very high and large. Private pilots can't catch up.                   12/28/1949 #4449  
or five minutes by a UFO. When the pilots try to close in, the craft zooms  1/1950 #4469  
 intelligence officers quizzed the pilots for hours. “From their questions, 1/1950 #4469  
hat the object sighted by military pilots Fehrevach and Edwards was a ballo 1/24/1950 #4510  
                  KEY WEST NAS, FL Pilots and more/others. 2 objects pause  2/22/1950 #4546  
 Station at Key West, Florida Navy pilots and others see two glowing UFOs,  2/22/1950 #4547  
 the CAA that he and two other TWA pilots (D. W. Miller and Malvern H. Rabe 3/8/1950 #4593  
ing in Guatemala, hears from other pilots at La Aurora Airport in Guatemala 3/15/1950 #4643  
     MEXICO CITY, MX Aircrew and 4 pilots / ground and more. Plane chases 3 3/17/1950 #4659  
PARTMENT, GA 6 airline(s)/airliner pilots / ground. Silent aluminum disk go 3/18/1950 #4671  
cipal Airport, Georgia six airline pilots on the tarmac reported sighting a 3/18/1950 #4678  
               OVER HAZEN, ARK DC3 pilots. 27M saucer going quickly north / 3/20/1950 #4686  
uits used by speed flyers and test pilots.” It goes on, “According to Mr. [ 3/22/1950 #4702  
                   BRUNSWICK, GA 3 pilots and 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. 3 3/26/1950 #4723  
eanor Roosevelt interviews airline pilots Jack Adams and G. W. Anderson abo 3/26/1950 #4730  
ONWOOD, MICH 6 airline(s)/airliner pilots / ground / (seen thru) binoculars 3/29/1950 #4758  
ucer reports that are made by many pilots who would not be fooled by halluc 4/5/1950 #4799  
 AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. 2+3 pilots. Saucer / 3000' altitude. 1200mph 6/21/1950 #4993  
            Osceola (near), AR USN pilots of 2 planes saw a domed disc A,V  7/11/1950 #5054  
                      AUBURN, ME 2 pilots / ground. Large dark silent cylin 8/1/1950 #5096  
hed flying saucer and several dead pilots. Rep. Edward H. Jenison (R-Ill.)  9/8/1950 #5171  
              POPLAR, MT 2 ANG F51 pilots and Air Traffic Controllers and g 9/18/1950 #5181  
orting for commercial and military pilots. This adds UFOs to the list of si 9/25/1950 #5195  
F pilot / ground. Same orbs as DC4 pilots above. Going quickly northwest /  10/15/1950 #5229  
in a line about 25 feet apart. The pilots pursue the objects for about 3 mi 10/15/1950 #5236  
 offends people so badly that many pilots afterward refuse to report UFO si 1/1951 #5380  
 of the Artesia Airport, and three pilots. The balloon crew was observing t 1/16/1951 #5402  
, Dugan, Stiles, and four civilian pilots at Artesia Airport see two simila 1/16/1951 #5403  
TY, IA Air Traffic Controllers and pilots. Cylinder/cigar-shape circles and 1/20/1951 #5405  
bing turn at about 1,000 feet, the pilots spot the object to the north-nort 1/20/1951 #5407  
an AFB, New Mexico 11:00 a.m. USAF pilots Capt. Ernest W. Spradley Jr. of A 1/22/1951 #5413  
 UFO project be reinstated because pilots are indeed seeing something that  1/29/1951 #5421  
        ALAMOGORDO, NM 2 Air Force pilots watch large balloon. Saucer / hig 2/14/1951 #5442  
      Alamogordo, NM Two Air Force pilots, while watching a large balloon,  2/14/1951 #5443  
                    U.S. Air Force pilots Cocker and Spradley saw a flat, r 2/14/1951 #5444  
examined, including reports by RAF pilots, explanations can probably be fou 6/1951 #5530  
hen it was sighted by two military pilots flying between Orange and Aspres  6/15/1951 #5543  
        Seoul, South Korea Several Pilots Saw Fireballs (Probable IFO) (NIC 7/1/1951 #5557  
Seoul, Korea 10:50 p.m. Four night pilots of the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing i 7/1/1951 #5558  
             NEAR TESSALIT, MALI 2 pilots / AAC-1. Circular shadow / ground 8/10/1951 #5599  
                    VANDALIA, IL 2 pilots and Air Traffic Controller. Large 8/27/1951 #5634  
                    U.S. Air Force pilots Lt. Wilbert Rogers and Major Ezra 9/10/1951 #5661  
ith the same results. Three of the pilots report seeing a “silver airplane  9/23/1951 #5685  
   MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA USAF pilots and Navy persons / ground. Grey r 10/16/1951 #5728  
r, Washington 11:01 a.m. Air Force pilots flying three F-94 fighters out of 10/16/1951 #5730  
 Big Springs, Texas. Two Air Force pilots landing at Kirtland AFB, Albuquer 11/20/1951 #5782  
 Minnesota Witnesses:  USAF or ANG pilots W.H. Fairbrother and D.E. Stewart 11/24/1951 #5788  
51 fighter aircraft being flown by pilots W. H. Fairbrother and D. E. Stewa 11/24/1951 #5791  
             ALEXANDRIA, VA 2 USAF pilots. Odd craft glow and hover. Up and 11/28/1951 #5795  
                               Two pilots of a Navy TBM plane from Mitchel  1/21/1952 #5872  
nearly immobile. Since none of the pilots obtained a visual sighting, the A 1/22/1952 #5876  
 are weather-related, although the pilots strongly dispute this.            1/22/1952 #5876  
SI personnel, airline and military pilots, security inspectors and “many ot 2/19/1952 #5911  
ebook Case #1079. 4 Air Force B50D pilots and RADAR photographs. Red and gr 3/26/1952 #5975  
JPN Project Bluebook Case #1082. 2 pilots. 20cm saucer buzzes AT6+F84! / r1 3/29/1952 #5984  
ght in a near vertical climb. Both pilots notice the object, which comes wi 3/29/1952 #5992  
ke it easier to encourage civilian pilots to send in reports. That is a bit 3/31/1952 #5999  
s, Tennessee Witnesses:  U.S. Navy pilots Lt. jg. Blacky, Lt. jg. O'Neil. O 4/14/1952 #6078  
  RHEIN-MAIN AIR FORCE BASE, GER 2 pilots. 5cm circle / white light / near  4/25/1952 #6182  
                  NEAR SYDNEY, NSW Pilots and RAAF. Huge "flying submarine" 5/3/1952 (approximate) #6250  
a at least 13 witnesses, including pilots and the RAAF, witnessed a huge "f 5/3/1952 #6252  
    George AFB, CA 1194-1 Two F-86 Pilots Sight Round Silver Object (NICAP: 5/9/1952 #6280  
                          Two F-86 pilots saw a round, silver object flying 5/9/1952 #6284  
   North Korea 8:00 p.m. Two F-86E pilots of the 61st Fighter-Interceptor W 5/15/1952 #6333  
           HOUSTON, TX 2 Air Force pilots. Bright ovoid moves side to side  5/20/1952 #6341  
   Houston, Texas Witnesses:  USAF pilots Capt. J. Spurgin and Capt. BB. St 5/20/1952 #6344  
Heligoland, Germany, North Sea Jet pilots allegedly discover the wreck of a 6/1952 #6404  
                STUTTGART, GER C47 pilots chase night light and vice-versa. 6/4/1952 #6436  
NT, FR Air Traffic Controllers and pilots and many. Saucer-night light play 6/12/1952 #6481  
s:  four Marine Corps Captains and pilots of F4U-4B Corsair fighter planes. 6/20/1952 #6561  
 four US Marine Corps captains and pilots (Bobbie Foster, Richard Francisco 6/20/1952 #6562  
.m. four Marine Corps Captains and pilots of F4U-4B Corsair fighter planes  6/20/1952 #6563  
re vectored onto a target UFO. The pilots had a broad daylight view of the  Summer 1952 #6564  
          NORTHWEST / VALDOSTA, GA Pilots and more/others. Orange night lig 6/26/1952 #6632  
                                   Pilots Nash and Fortenberry see 6 discs. 7/1952 #6676  
                     HANFORD, WA 4 pilots. Saucer 2.7km over atomic plant.  7/5/1952 #6708  
on State 6:00 a.m. Four commercial pilots flying at 9,000 feet above the Ha 7/5/1952 #6716  
Force RADAR and civil and military pilots &1000s / ground. Huge saucer turn 7/12/1952 #6764  
 IL Jets chase. Mystery radio says pilots name as saucer speeds away!       7/12/1952 #6766  
d, but the object pulls away. Both pilots hear a strange radio transmission 7/12/1952 #6785  
                      Pan American pilots see formation of UFO's.           7/14/1952 #6799  
 Bay near Norfolk, Virginia by two pilots named Nash and Fortenberry. The m 7/14/1952 #6818  
                 OVER DENVER, CO 3 pilots. Night light going SSE. 2 more go 7/17/1952 #6849  
perform.” Several Capitol Airlines pilots (one of them Capt. S. C. “Casey”  7/19/1952 #6935  
                  (NORTHERN), VA 2 pilots. Round flat ovoid going up / wood 7/20/1952 #6945  
 tower operator Don Weins, and two pilots for Carco. Eight large, round, br 7/22/1952 #7019  
 seen by ground observers and F-94 pilots moving in arcs and blinking out s 7/22/1952 #7028  
on Sink, Nevada 3:40 p.m. Two USAF pilots, Lt. Col. John L. McGinn and Lt.  7/24/1952 #7115  
with no tails and no canopies. The pilots see a clean upper triangular wing 7/24/1952 #7115  
ground-to-air conversations of the pilots of two F-94s vectored towards the 7/26/1952 #7140  
ators at several airports, airline pilots. Many unidentified blips tracked  7/26/1952 #7169  
shington area, at varying speeds.  Pilots spotted unidentified lights.      7/26/1952 #7169  
ach, the blips disappear. When the pilots return to base, they show up agai 7/26/1952 #7174  
 two more F-94s are scrambled. The pilots obtain radar locks; again, the ob 7/26/1952 #7174  
n area, at varying speeds. Airline pilots reported spotting unidentified li 7/26/1952 #7180  
ifornia 6:35 p.m. A group of eight pilots and engineers see a large, silver 7/27/1952 #7214  
ommand has alerted jet interceptor pilots to take off instantly in pursuit  7/28/1952 #7263  
. Moncel A. Monts states that “jet pilots are, and have been, under orders  7/28/1952 #7263  
or in on a single target. The F-51 pilots see many lights; one pilot at 25, 7/29/1952 #7319  
he nose of his airplane. Two other pilots vainly try to climb up to a hover 7/29/1952 #7319  
 reports by commercial or military pilots, and reports by pilots that are c 7/29/1952 #7324  
or military pilots, and reports by pilots that are confirmed by radar or gr 7/29/1952 #7324  
lifornia. The ground observers are pilots Capt. Leslie R. Hadley, Capt. Way 8/3/1952 #7436  
            Haneda AFB, Japan F-94 Pilots Tracked Object For 90-Seconds (NI 8/5/1952 #7464  
nesses:  USAF F-94 jet interceptor pilots lst Lt. W.R. Holder and lst Lt. A 8/5/1952 #7467  
le(s) area and airline(s)/airliner pilots visual. Type unknown.             8/13/1952 #7567  
H / GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR Braniff#603 pilots. Red disk stops. Shoots away. / J 8/24/1952 #7700  
    WEST / THULE, GREENLAND 2 Navy pilots / PY4-2. 3 saucers / delta/triang 8/29/1952 #7776  
' 15' W) Witnesses:  two U.S. Navy pilots flying a P4Y-2 patrol plane.  Thr 8/29/1952 #7787  
                     Two U.S. Navy pilots flying a P4Y-2 patrol plane witne 8/29/1952 #7790  
cson, Arizona Witnesses:  civilian pilots McCraven and Thomas. One shiny, d 9/3/1952 #7837  
 UFOs, especially those by fighter pilots who have seen them. He arranges f 9/19/1952 #7980  
irspace Three Pan American Airways pilots watched UFO hover, speed away. [U Fall 1952 #8011  
te luminous object was seen by the pilots of two F-94s over Hempstead, Engl 10/29/1952 #8216  
               AGDE, HERAULT, FR 2 pilots / car. Bright silver football. 15 11/6/1952 #8251  
           GOOSE BAY, NFLD F94+T33 pilots and RADAR. Brilliant red night li 12/15/1952 #8418  
, Labrador 7:15 p.m. Two Air Force pilots get a momentary lock on a strange 12/15/1952 #8422  
            OVER SANTA ANA, CA B29 pilots. V formation / blue night lights  1/9/1953 #8517  
Blue Book must even discredit USAF pilots who report UFOs. “It’s a raw deal 2/9/1953 #8653  
Bluebook Case #2426. Air Force B25 pilots. 2 separate night lights / collis 2/20/1953 #8687  
ornia Witnesses:  USAF B-25 bomber pilots. #1 was a bright yellow light see 2/20/1953 #8689  
FB (130 miles W of), AZ Three F-84 Pilots Encounter Manta-Ray, Gun Camera S 3/3/1953 #8725  
a-ray shaped flat surface. Student pilots flying two F-84s, Lt. Jack E. Bra 3/3/1953 #8727  
                OVER CHATHAM, NB 2 pilots. 8M metallic disk head on toward( 4/16/1953 #8830  
ic suit with a skull cap. The dead pilots body had brown skin, with the oth 5/21/1953 #8898  
s up an unknown target. One of the pilots gets radar and visual confirmatio Summer 1953 #8952  
UFO. American and Eastern Airlines pilots reported UFO. Jets fell in flames 6/24/1953 #8959  
t “flying objects” are seen by the pilots prior to the accident. Its distri 6/24/1953 #8970  
SC Ground and air observer(s) both pilots. Silent orange plane-size ovoid g 7/13/1953 #8996  
                WEST / NORFOLK, VA Pilots fly over top / 6 saucers. Estimat 7/14/1953 #8998  
          Rapid City (east of), SD Pilots vectored and saw silvery object l 8/5/1953 #9048  
rms. The witness thought they were pilots of Indian race. One of them spoke 8/18/1953 #9080  
                 Vandalia, IL Navy pilots (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)  9/7/1953 #9151  
ENGLISH CHANNEL SOUTHEAST / LONDON Pilots. Huge metallic saucer passes airl 10/9/1953 #9210  
INNEAPOLIS, MN 3 scientists(former pilots) see saucer maneuver at 45K' / th 10/15/1953 #9226  
, FR 2 British airline(s)/airliner pilots. Classic metal saucer seen. No fu 10/18/1953 #9237  
ONDSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, GRNL USAF pilots and ground observer(s). White nig 10/18/1953 #9238  
             SOUTHEND, ESSEX 2 RAF pilots. Saucer / low altitude trails spa 11/13/1953? #9295  
                At 7:00 p.m. 2 RAF pilots in Southend, Essex, England saw a 11/13/1953 #9296  
              Lockheed Martin test pilots Roy Wimmer, Charlie Grugan and fl 12/18/1953 #9384  
 CFB Suffield], Alberta After RCAF pilots fail to intercept several UFOs in 1954 #9423  
UFO reporting procedures. “Airline pilots are asked not to discuss their si 2/13/1954 #9540  
les, California, and are told that pilots are subject to JANAP 146 (CIRVIS) 2/17/1954 #9550  
“nation’s 8,500 commercial airline pilots have been seeing a lot of unusual 2/23/1954 #9566  
oach landings. At 7:15 p.m., KC-97 pilots Capt. G. E. Brown, 1st Lt. L. B.  3/5/1954 #9598  
n evasive 360° turn. At 7:38 p.m., pilots Capt. Robert R. Zadnick, Lt. Paul 3/5/1954 #9598  
 and adds MERINT reports. Civilian pilots must also report UFOs to the Air  3/10/1954 #9609  
e used for UAP sightings. Civilian pilots are now prohibited from talking a 3/10/1954 #9611  
ve action and radios the other jet pilots to look. The object suddenly stop 3/25/1954 #9643  
in about 15 seconds. The other two pilots flying ahead of him do not see th 3/25/1954 #9643  
              KORAT AB, THAILAND 4 pilots. 6' orange fireball buzzes and pa 5/1954 #9737  
 CA U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) F3D-2 pilots. 22' delta object 10' wide. Fin / 5/10/1954 #9768  
low his left wing. Just as the two pilots try to box in the UFOs, Scarborou 5/14/1954 #9796  
           EAST / TAHORA, NI, NZ 3 pilots. Several huge disks / row. All go 5/24/1954 #9826  
                   Estacado, TX AF Pilots See Light Descend, Maneuver (NICA 6/10/1954 #9887  
inistry does the same, telling the pilots they viewed a solar eclipse (whic 6/29/1954 #9962  
rnia Witness: Hughes Aircraft test pilots Englert and Peterson, flying a B- 7/30/1954 #10068  
   SOUTH / MONTGOMERY, AL Military pilots and engineers. 20M metallic sauce 8/1954? #10078  
alled upon to verify saucer light. Pilots of Army helicopters were: R.T. Wa 8/12/1954 #10131  
ity 8:30 p.m. Several USAF fighter pilots pursue a triangular formation of  8/28/1954 #10198  
IRA = CAIRO, EGYPT Astronomers and pilots ordered to watch saucer seen over 10/5/1954 #10712  
 and Lights Administration, alerts pilots and astronomers to keep watch for 10/5/1954 #10731  
t any sign. After this exchange of pilots both objects flew away with a tre 10/18/1954 #11210  
t any sign. After this exchange of pilots both objects flew away with a tre 10/18/1954 #11222  
 Project Bluebook Case #3281. USAF pilots / ground / (seen thru) binoculars 10/28/1954 #11456  
o Air Base, Japan Witnesses:  USAF pilots Lt. Col. O.C. Cook and Lt. J.W. B 10/28/1954 #11463  
 and James W. Brown, both military pilots, viewed a round or oval object ap 10/28/1954 #11466  
nd altitude charts made / military pilots.                                  12/2/1954 #11744  
                       FUJU, JAPAN Pilots. White circular object moves agai 1/31/1955 #11954  
       Fuju \[?\],, Japan Military pilots saw a white circular object, no t 1/31/1955 #11955  
 SOUTHEAST / QUITO, EQDR Air Force pilots and 100 / ground. Aluminum domed  2/16/1955 #12005  
he west. It was sighted by several pilots and crew members of the Peruvian  2/16/1955 #12006  
                      Tokyo, Japan Pilots flying 2 aircraft tracked an unid 3/20/1955 #12052  
     EASTERN USA Many and dozens / pilots. UFO's over very wide area. Jets  6/16/1955 #12200  
 small group of four Lockheed test pilots, two dozen Lockheed mechanics and 7/1955 #12225  
land, CAN During refueling mission pilots saw 2 bright objects at 20,000 ft 7/5/1955 #12236  
            Portland, OR 2 fighter pilots saw round object with/silver lowe 7/20/1955 #12273  
          Poughkeepsie, NY Airline Pilots Report Round Blue-White Object (N 10/2/1955 #12485  
Jacksonville, Florida, two airline pilots and ground observers see a fast-m 12/11/1955 #12605  
les southwest of the base. The two pilots vectot toward the object and obta 2/12/1956 #12714  
        BIRMINGHAM, AL 2 Air Force pilots / B25. 15m silver saucer going qu 6/5/1956 #12884  
         Alleged unnamed U.S. Navy pilots at Naval Air Station Los Alamitos 7/5/1956 #12954  
 orders to shoot down hostile UAP. Pilots claim this order is standard for  7/5/1956 #12954  
  PIEDRA AND PIXLEY AND FRESNO, CA Pilots and many. Wave. Several report(s) 7/22/1956 #13003  
ornia US Hawaii A group of US Navy pilots based at Naval Air Station Los Al Late 7/1956 #13016  
wn any UFOs that seem hostile. The pilots say this is a standard command is Late 7/1956 #13016  
is is a standard command issued to pilots on the US to Hawaii run.          Late 7/1956 #13016  
 LAKENHEATH AB, ENGL 4 RADAR's and pilots and Air Traffic Controllers. Jets 8/13/1956 #13077  
h Noyes says that one of the Venom pilots has taken a gun-camera film, whic 8/13/1956 #13080  
        NORTH / ISLE / WIGHT 2 RAF pilots. RADAR visual. 300M metal-grey di 8/30/1956 #13154  
t has a diameter of 600 feet). The pilots get permission to abandon their t 8/30/1956 #13156  
to the US Air Force by two airline pilots for Western Airlines.             9/6/1956 #13196  
           Stockton, CA Commercial Pilots Report High Speed Object (NICAP:  9/13/1956 #13218  
 Gander, Newfoundland More than 30 pilots, navigators, and flight engineers Fall 1956 #13237  
and above a narrow cloud bank. The pilots can see it from various angles an 10/7/1956 #13266  
be a flattened circular shape. The pilots decide to fly one above and one b 10/7/1956 #13266  
e from another base to debrief the pilots and they appear very knowledgeabl 10/7/1956 #13266  
ion, not information” and tell the pilots not to discuss the sighting at al 10/7/1956 #13266  
ll. Citizen witnesses are told the pilots were chasing ducks or geese.      10/7/1956 #13266  
 CA 3 U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) F9F pilots. Bright silver disk going [to] un 10/13/1956 #13275  
 feet as if to elude them. The two pilots played cat-and-mouse with the UFO Late 1956 #13277  
ere told by the Air Force that the pilots had been chasing ducks or geese.  Late 1956 #13277  
ips maneuver. Objects invisible to pilots.                                  10/17/1956 #13283  
E / MOBILE, AL Airline(s)/airliner pilots. Fireball stops dead. Zigzags all 11/14/1956 #13326  
      Jackson, AL Capital Airlines Pilots Sees Acrobatic UFO (NICAP: 11 - A 11/14/1956 #13327  
ies that the Air Force has muzzled pilots. “Answers are provided on any uni 4/8/1957 #13589  
. However, at 10:00 a.m., two USAF pilots flying F-86s are scrambled to int 7/24/1957 #13826  
            WEST / ESTELLINE, TX 2 pilots. Glowing ovoid going quickly sout 10/23/1957 #14148  
                  Selma, AL 3 USAF pilots at Selma saw a bright object flas 11/5/1957 #14327  
) Radar Contact On Visuals By Five Pilots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 11/23/1957 #14599  
              Toledo, OH Northwest pilots saw an object flying straight at  11/27/1957 #14631  
OCKBOURNE AIR FORCE BASE, OH 3 F86 pilots. Orange crescent / saucer. Errati 12/11/1957 #14708  
                  Guthrie, PA USAF pilots saw orange circular or crescent-s 12/11/1957 #14709  
     60 MI SOUTH / ZAMA, JPN 2 T33 pilots. 5+3+4 yellow night lights flash  1/31/1958 #14853  
Tokyo (25 miles SW of), Japan USAF pilots saw 12 yellow-orange lights fly S 1/31/1958 #14854  
   ALCALDE, NM 2 / car and several pilots. Silent domed ovoid and beams. Wa 2/17/1958 #14877  
ith five other Danish military jet pilots.                                  4/25/1958 #15000  
            Fort Bragg, NC Airline pilots saw an orange round object headin 5/15/1958 #15034  
     SOUTHEAST / BLOEMFONTAIN, RSA Pilots and many. Disk hovers / official  11/5/1958 #15427  
                  Some 450 airline pilots have signed a petition protesting 12/1958 #15465  
of more than 50 commercial airline pilots, all of whom have had at least on 12/21/1958 #15494  
 methods of interrogating civilian pilots and complain about the gag order  12/21/1958 #15494  
  A group of 50 commercial airline pilots who have seen UAP tell a reporter 12/21/1958 #15495  
policy effectively stopped airline pilots from discussing the UAP air safet 12/21/1958 #15495  
 and five other commercial airline pilots indicate that they can see the ob 2/24/1959 #15604  
ian case and says instead that the pilots saw B-47 bombers refueling in fli 3/19/1959 #15652  
d. The center commander orders the pilots of two specially equipped F-106s  Spring 1959 #15662  
     N Pacific, 800 n.mi. from, HI Pilots (Wilson & Moffatt) and crew saw a 7/11/1959 #15833  
Air Traffic Controller and several pilots and more/others. Flying disks hov 7/22/1959 #15869  
#6507. Air Traffic Controllers and pilots. Jets can't catch pear-shape.     9/13/1959 #15966  
rlier that evening, four different pilots in two commercial airlines planes 1/3/1960 #16149  
 10:30 p.m. in Corning, California pilots and many other witnesses observed 8/16/1960 #16398  
         EAGLE AND MORE/OTHERS, CO Pilots and many. Square object inside ro 9/20/1960 #16455  
unging into the sagebrush. Area 51 pilots call it “The Hook.” For crosswind 10/1960 #16472  
                      CORDOBA, ARG Pilots and many. Panic. Extra moon stops 12/26/1960 #16539  
E, FL Project Bluebook Case #7417. Pilots and many. RADAR's / 2 days. Coin  5/20/1961 #16689  
ks Object Chased By Fighter & Heli Pilots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 5/20/1961 #16691  
ic Ocean near, Wake Island Airline pilots, ship, reported a bright white ci 9/21/1961 #16864  
              Astronaut John Glenn pilots the Friendship 7 Project Mercury  2/20/1962 #17055  
e four sightings by Argentine Navy pilots, two reported landing cases. (NIC 5/1962 #17144  
 BRISTOL, ENGL Airline(s)/airliner pilots. Brown colored sphere/orb/globe w 5/21/1962 #17183  
ires, Argentina At Ezeiza Airport, pilots and control tower operators saw c 12/22/1962 #17604  
after 8:00 p.m. Two National Guard pilots flying jets about 40 miles west o 3/11/1963 #17698  
     SUNNYVALE, CA Tech-writer and pilots. Saucer hovers. Flies going up [t 7/18/1963 #17836  
luminous UFOs for 115 minutes. The pilots provide a minute-by-minute report 10/1963 #17968  
o sightings by military personnel, pilots and aviation experts, and scienti 5/1964 #18237  
tiaircraft batteries and Air Force pilots reportedly open fire on them, eve 9/18/1964 #18559  
e landed, a door opened, and three pilots emerged. They looked human, but h 1/19/1965 #18746  
           Edwards AFB, California Pilots Robert L. Stephens and fire contr 5/1/1965 #18924  
           LIEPAYA, LATVIA Several pilots. Brill white ovoid. Size = moon / 8/12/1965 #19371  
            MEDINA DEL CAMPO, SP 2 pilots and ground observer(s). White tri 9/17/1965 #19577  
hears from an Air Force pilot that pilots have been ordered to shoot down U 10/27/1965 #19684  
              SYRACUSE, NY Several pilots / runway. 50' fireball / 100' alt 11/9/1965 #19706  
           Edwards AFB, California Pilots Alvin S. White and Carl Cross rea 1/12/1966 #19831  
. A group of doctors, lawyers, and pilots saw a constellation of lights, in 4/7/1966 #20266  
t-hand UFO encounters by Air Force pilots that show strong support for the  8/7/1966 #20731  
                 SUMMERSIDE, PEI 8 pilots and more. UFO going down. Hovers. 9/21/1966 #20905  
land, CAN 6:30 a.m. LT. Eight RCAF pilots and crew members observed a brigh 9/21/1966 #20906  
          NEAR PIACENZA, ITL 4 jet pilots and many. Large metallic domed de 10/17/1966 #21011  
rom the object emerged four men or pilots (not described) who walked around 11/10/1966 #21088  
 At 6:25 p.m. two U.S. Coast Guard pilots on a training flight 10 miles off 11/22/1966 #21145  
n the middle of the afternoon five pilots saw what at first appeared to be  12/4/1966 #21182  
n, WV 7:40 p.m. EST. Two Air Force pilots in a T-33 at 27,000 feet above a  12/24/1966 #21217  
                NEAR WINSLOW, AZ 2 pilots and 3+ground RADAR. Red object pl 1/13/1967 #21293  
ontrol tower operator there alerts pilots of a Cruzeiro do Sul aircraft com 3/21/1967 #21936  
the southwest. Minutes later these pilots see apparently the same object, w 3/21/1967 #21936  
ites responsible for shooting down pilots in North Vietnam. They can’t want 5/16/1967 #22354  
le sites that are shooting down US pilots. The A-12s fly at 80,000 feet and 5/30/1967 #22425  
pain Two Spanish Air Force fighter pilots chased UFO, radios failed. Cat an 6/3/1967 #22455  
pain Two Spanish Air Force fighter pilots chased UFO, radios failed. Cat an 6/3/1967 #22456  
 Madrid Day. Two Spanish Air Force pilots flying Lockheed T-33s at 4,000 fe 6/9/1967 #22482  
ach, then moving on again, The two pilots notify the Talavera la Real Air B 6/9/1967 #22482  
            Four Spanish Air Force pilots, in a T-33 and an F-86, were chas 6/9/1967 #22483  
away to the northeast. None of the pilots see anything unusual.             7/6/1967 #22622  
of a Piper-Twin Comanche, plus two pilots and a passenger on board, saw a " 10/27/1967 #23342  
iper-Twin Comanche, with two other pilots and a passenger on board, is flyi 10/27/1967 #23350  
                NEAR CLINTON, MI 2 pilots / car / US12. Delta/triangle/box- 12/14/1967 #23584  
n, MI 11:30 p.m. EST. Two aircraft pilots in a car saw a triangular object  12/14/1967 #23585  
s lost and contact between the two pilots deteriorates. Four UFOs follow th 1968 #23632  
  PUNTA ARENAS AND CHAVUNCO, CHL 2 pilots and 18. Cylinder/cylindrical obje 6/4/1968 #24003  
AND TAURANGA, NZ RADAR and private pilots. White cylinder/cigar-shape follo 6/6/1968 #24011  
        VRYBORG AND WIDE AREA, RSA Pilots and many. Cloud saucer / extreme  7/6/1968 #24147  
se Bay], Labrador Two US Air Force pilots flying in the vicinity of Goose B 9/4/1968 #24428  
               DONG HA, VIETNAM US pilots and troops. Fast object over mari 9/9/1968 #24443  
this evening several US helicopter pilots and troops in Dong Ha, Vietnam ha 9/9/1968 #24447  
les at 3:35 a.m. RAPCON alerts the pilots (instructor pilot Maj. Bradford R 10/24/1968 #24587  
nd leg of the traffic pattern, the pilots observe a large, illuminated UFO  10/24/1968 #24587  
e two "ordinary Caucasian" looking pilots in the craft wearing white covera 11/1/1968 #24616  
                      Bismarck, ND Pilots, FAA, Radar Confirm UFOs (NICAP:  11/26/1968 #24713  
                      Bismarck, ND Pilots, FAA, radar confirm UFOs (NICAP:  11/26/1968 #24714  
               Lake Cyprus, FL Two pilots report four ovals in echelon (NIC 11/26/1968 #24715  
                      Bismarck, ND Pilots saw two luminous objects join up, 11/26/1968 #24716  
                   MANGAMAHU, NZ 2 pilots. 3 night lights / triangle split  11/29/1968 #24730  
                  At 4:10 a.m. two pilots flying over Mangamahu, New Zealan 11/29/1968 #24732  
   LOCATION UNKNOWN, GREENLAND Fr. pilots. Intense 20M ovoid passes. Heat.  12/22/1968 #24786  
   NORTH / SPARTANBURG, SC Several pilots and Air Traffic Controllers and m 1/6/1969 #24819  
  Phoenix Lake Havasu, Arizona Two pilots are flying a Cessna 150 between P 3/17/1969 #25019  
y, in unison. For 20 seconds, both pilots watch the objects pass below thei 3/17/1969 #25019  
            RISSALA, FINL Military pilots and ground RADAR's. 7 orbs 2km ov 4/12/1969 #25056  
. FAA Air Traffic Controller and 3 pilots buzzed / 4 saucers. 1 was 6m wide 6/1969 #25177  
KE SOUTH / TORONTO, ONT 2 separate pilots. Brilliant white night light boun 12/5/1969 #25486  
nvolving 150 aircraft. Many of the pilots reported seeing large unidentifie 4/24/1970 #25643  
ved any reports of the object from pilots nor did an objects show on their  6/26/1971 #26195  
SU, JAPAN Ground observer(s) and 8 pilots and 5 separate photographs. Orang 10/3/1971 #26404  
rt in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, four pilots on board a single-engine Cessna a 10/5/1971 #26410  
                   GURI DAM, VNZLA Pilots and more/others. 2-day wave / dis 11/23/1972 #27134  
R FORCE BASE, SOUTH KOREA 2 ROK F4 pilots. Disk radiates bright golden ligh 3/1973 #27319  
ject was chased by two experienced pilots in a Piper Cherokee over Farmingt 4/12/1973 #27427  
                     HOLLYWOOD, FL Pilots and ground observer(s). Phony roc 8/18/1973 #27711  
NIO, TX Air Traffic Controller and pilots and RADAR and more/others. Red fi 10/23/1973 #28246  
AZ, BOLIVIA Airliner and Air Force pilots. Luminous/glowing top-object foll 11/11/1973 #28402  
SEE, FL Air Traffic Controller and pilots and Tyndall Air Force Base. Glowi 11/12/1973 #28411  
MANAGUA, NICR Helicopter and liner pilots and ground observer(s) and RADAR' 11/15/1973 #28422  
caraugua by helicopter and airline pilots, and was also seen by ground obse 11/15/1973 #28425  
     TORINO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ITL Pilots and many and RADAR. Luminous/glow 11/30/1973 #28485  
ound near CaseIle Airport, seen by pilots and tracked on airport radar      11/30/1973 #28489  
                     Santa Ana, CA Pilots report 5 objects circling plane ( 1/26/1974 #28707  
              NEAR MIKKELI, FINL 2 pilots / DC9+ground observer(s). White c 3/13/1974 #28876  
O strikes the F-4, forcing the two pilots to eject. Nakamura’s parachute ca 6/9/1974 #29175  
ARTMENT, ARG 2 airline(s)/airliner pilots. Vibrant bright object seen. Roun 6/29/1974 #29227  
        TOURS AIR FORCE BASE, FR 3 pilots / ground. Bright night light goin 8/1974 #29293  
rity police sentries, two military pilots, and a B-52 maintenance superviso 10/14/1974 #29527  
                    (SOUTHERN), RI Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers and m 1/15/1975 #29749  
es crew and two Air National Guard pilots flying in the area.               1/15/1975 #29752  
WILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ T37+F4 pilots and many / ground. Red metallic s 7/20/1975 #30188  
                      Stockton, CA Pilots and air traffic controllers at ai 8/14/1975 #30269  
ons officer Kenichi Waga warns all pilots to watch out for the UFO. Toa Dom 10/17/1975 #30437  
        TITOGRAD / PODGORICA, YUGO Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers and m 10/30/1975 #30515  
                OVER EMPORIA, VA 2 pilots / DC9. Mystery missiles going [to 11/19/1975 #30642  
                      Savannah, GA Pilots observe UFO near nuclear plant (N 11/22/1975 #30652  
lle ATC confirmed three reports by pilots in the area.                      11/22/1975 #30653  
          NEAR TOURS, FR 2 FAF T33 pilots. Near crash with 2M green firebal 3/3/1976 #30918  
adar showed nothing, but two other pilots saw the encounter from a distance 3/3/1976 #30920  
radar shows nothing, but two other pilots see the encounter from a distance 3/3/1976 #30921  
IAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ Several F4 pilots. 2 silver objects near KC135 tank 5/13/1976 #31048  
O cases, including those involving pilots. He admits that he has watched a  6/26/1976 #31142  
s moving at 2,600 mph, and the two pilots see the target is an amber- color 7/11/1976 #31158  
AND, TUNISIA 2 airline(s)/airliner pilots and RADAR's. Saucer lands by airp 8/7/1976 #31242  
TRONDHEIM AND AREA, NORWAY Cop and pilots and 200. Huge airship. Shiny sphe 8/25/1976 #31297  
    PINDHOS OROS MOUNTAINS, GREECE Pilots / 2 F5 jets. Instruments go crazy 9/25/1976 #31424  
gun-camera film taken by air force pilots.                                  10/30/1976 #31509  
 AUSTR Air Traffic Controllers and pilots and RADAR. Night lights buzz plan 11/4/1976 #31520  
 Missouri 8:30 p.m. Two helicopter pilots flying south at 60 mph near Carth 2/1/1977 #31775  
alog of Military, Airline, Private Pilots Sightings from 1916 to 2000 Domin 3/12/1977 #31900  
om the desert toward the city. The pilots and passengers of an Iranian airl Mid 3/1977 #31908  
alog of Military, Airline, Private Pilots Sightings from 1916 to 2000 Domin 7/1/1977 #32224  
             RYAZAN, RUSSIA 3 test pilots. Blinding luminous pulsing object 10/11/1977 #32567  
 Sardinia, Italy Italian Air Force pilots and pilots of two German Air Forc 11/2/1977 #32656  
Italy Italian Air Force pilots and pilots of two German Air Force F-101G St 11/2/1977 #32656  
Monica, California 12:45–1:00 p.m. Pilots Floyd P. Hallstrom (in a Cessna 1 1/1/1978 #32841  
     SAVANNAH BEACH, GA 2 separate pilots. Red and white UFO bobs going up  4/6/1978 #33127  
 vicinity of Nakashibetsu. But the pilots can see nothing on their airborne 8/17/1978 #33523  
. On the same night eight military pilots reported they saw several UFOs ma 8/24/1978 #33568  
Barcelona, Spain 8:35 p.m. Airline pilots flying over the Mediterranean abo 9/9/1978 #33649  
r maintain a conversation with the pilots but detect no targets on their ra 9/9/1978 #33649  
ssion near Mejillones, Chile. Both pilots see a radar target that gives a r 10/1978? #33787  
t and confirms its large size. The pilots continue to fly south between 30, 10/1978? #33787  
showing, several Chinese Air Force pilots sighted a large, bright rectangul 10/23/1978 #33861  
China 10:04 p.m. Chinese Air Force pilots are attending an outdoor film scr 10/23/1978 #33863  
n China, several Chinese Air Force pilots sighted a large, bright rectangul 10/23/1978 #33864  
                   Santiago, Chile Pilots, ATC's rep object near airport (N 10/30/1978 #33895  
Tobalaba Airfield, Santiago, Chile Pilots and air traffic controllers saw s 10/30/1978 #33896  
ct was sighted by military fighter pilots while flying over eastern Washing 11/15/1978 #33958  
FLD 2 separate airline(s)/airliner pilots. Domed disk with legs and antenna 11/21/1978 #33970  
 Traffic Controllers and RADAR and pilots. Fake landing lights. Pace plane. 12/20/1978 #34180  
             HAILEY, ID 3 separate pilots and ground RADAR. 5 objects / lin 5/26/1979 #34583  
                        Hailey, ID Pilots enc string of objects, R/V (NICAP 5/26/1979 #34588  
              ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE 2 pilots and ground RADAR-visual (observat 5/28/1979 (approximate) #34593  
 Airlines crew, as well as private pilots flying in the area, independently 5/29/1979 #34594  
fighters to scramble. The Saab 105 pilots think the object’s variable speed 5/7/1980 #35315  
                  At the same time pilots, crew, and passengers of some com 6/14/1980 #35370  
co Dominican Republic Two civilian pilots, José L. Maldonaldo Torres and Jo 6/28/1980 #35393  
omandante Ramos, one of the Iberia pilots, says that the object is “like an 11/11/1980 #35634  
at evening there were reports from pilots from all over Pennsylvania at the 3/30/1981 #35882  
          EAST / MILWAUKEE, WI AAL pilots. Bright silver disk. 6 round port 7/4/1981 #35983  
aracampo of Aerolineas Argentinas, pilots of commercial flights coming in f 10/31/1981 #36197  
         NEAR METTER, GA 3 ex-USAF pilots. 10' silver saucer buzzes corpora 3/8/1982 #36380  
 (near), GA Three former Air Force pilots flying in a private corporate jet 3/8/1982 #36382  
t 1:45 p.m. three former Air Force pilots flying in a private corporate jet 3/8/1982 #36385  
Night. A group of Polish Air Force pilots during missions over northwest Po 4/22/1982 #36450  
 HEILONGJIANG PROV, CH 5 Air Force pilots. Huge odd object / 2 hours. Jets  6/18/1982 #36507  
     NEAR SHANG DU, CHINA Military pilots and ground observer(s). Electro-m 6/18/1982 #36508  
–10:53 p.m. Five Chinese Air Force pilots are flying on patrol over the nor 6/18/1982 #36510  
        Five Chinese Air Force jet pilots flying over Heilongjiang Province 6/18/1982 #36511  
t depart to the south. The fighter pilots can see nothing. Following the in 10/19/1982 #36654  
             NEAR MAXIAL, PORTGL 3 pilots. Metal saucer / low altitude. Cir 11/2/1982 #36670  
COAST LOCATION UNKNOWN 2 Air Force pilots. Near collision with 2 6M cylinde 7/6/1983 #36901  
fail to catch up with it. When the pilots fire at the UFO, it descends to 3 1984 #37097  
  Several intercontinental airline pilots reported sighting a mushroom-shap 4/9/1984 #37254  
ct they are seeing the “Stormville pilots,” so they drive to the Stormville 6/21/1984 #37370  
le approaching Minsk, Belarus, the pilots of a Soviet Aeroflot Tu-134 airli 9/7/1984 #37458  
 object. At the same time that the pilots in the first craft notice the UFO 9/7/1984 #37458  
t the UFOs are actually a group of pilots from Stormville, New York, who fl 11/1984 #37500  
 the explanation of the Stormville pilots. On those occasions when witnesse 11/1984 #37500  
ears on nights when the Stormville pilots are not in the air. The UFO’s man 11/1984 #37500  
ls them that the sighting involves pilots flying in an illegal formation.   3/21/1985 #37572  
amn Gävleborg Sweden Four civilian pilots are flying a Cessna on a southerl 8/18/1985 #37647  
NEAR SYDNEY, NSW Aus. Top Pols and pilots / planes see and photo bright cyl 9/5/1985 #37654  
               Top politicians and pilots saw and then photographed a brigh 9/5/1985 #37655  
PAIN Cops and many and RADAR's and pilots. 9km cylinder/cigar-shape glows.  11/29/1985 #37727  
hite to green then red again. Both pilots broke off chase as they were runn 5/19/1986 #37874  
a press conference and allowed the pilots and radar operators to be questio 5/19/1986 #37874  
ce Base near São Paulo. One of the pilots, Capt. Marcio Brisola Jordão, is  5/19/1986 #37881  
acking the objects. After the F-5E pilots make visual contact, more jets ar 5/19/1986 #37881  
rs and Martra missiles. One of the pilots, Capt. Armindo Sousa Viriato de F 5/19/1986 #37881  
 a press conference and allows the pilots and radar officers to submit to n 5/19/1986 #37881  
trackings by civilian and military pilots occurred in Sao Jose dos Campos,  5/19/1986 #37882  
 ft. altitude and at 5:11 p.m. the pilots noticed bright lights 30 degrees  11/17/1986 #38068  
 the CIA to shoot at UFOs, silence pilots who have seen UFOs, intimidate, h 9/4/1987 #38278  
       ST. DIZIER, FR 2 Mirage jet pilots. Orange-yellow ball. Invisible to 6/17/1988 #38586  
h fighter. After the announcement, pilots can fly the F-117 during daytime  11/10/1988 #38710  
                    APPLETON, WI 2 pilots. 3 white night lights on and off  1/10/1989 #38777  
y small chairs—too small for human pilots. He discovers that part of the sk 3/1989 #38855  
 southeast Romania, 18–20 aircraft pilots of Regiment 57 are inside a build Late 3/1989 #38880  
e nearby trees. He alerts the oher pilots to come out, and they see a trian Late 3/1989 #38880  
OLOMBIA Air Traffic Controller and pilots and RADAR and many. UFO over airp 4/2/1989 #38887  
r airports. The UFO was sighted by pilots, ATCs, and many other witnesses,  4/2/1989 #38888  
 Contras, Contra suppliers, Contra pilots, mercenaries who worked with the  4/13/1989 #38905  
s near the aircraft and one of the pilots estimates its size as about 164 f 5/30/1989 #38967  
               BLUE HILL BAY, ME 2 pilots. Huge metallic saucer 25 mile(s)  7/22/1989 #39027  
e of 20–30 miles. According to the pilots, first one, then two “strange obj 7/26/1989 #39033  
e trail appears around the sphere. Pilots taking off from the airport can s 10/1989 #39138  
 beams / light. Physical-effects / pilots.                                  11/22/1989 #39243  
                  Soviet Air Force pilots reported a large disc-shaped obje 11/22/1989 #39247  
nspecified physical effects on the pilots.                                  11/22/1989 #39247  
reslavl-Zalesskiy, USSR G,A,V, a/l pilots, jet scram (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 3/21/1990 #39472  
 be radar-locks on each other. The pilots never see any of the claimed visu 3/30/1990 #39499  
          ULYANOVSK, KAZAN, RUSSIA Pilots Air Traffic Controllers and hundr 4/6/1990 #39512  
nd and destroyed, killing the four pilots. Kurkchy is removed from his post 5/25/1990 #39592  
'Bilisi, Georgia at 11:22 a.m. The pilots saw two cigar-shaped objects, the 10/8/1990 #39767  
     RHEINDAHLEN, GERM Several RAF pilots. 2 terrific blasts. UFO's in form 11/5/1990 #39865  
or satellites. He admits that some pilots report UFOs apparently of artific 11/9/1990 #39882  
           , NY AND NJ AND PA Many pilots delta/triangle/box-like craft-fir 3/6/1991 #39994  
Airport, London, England, when the pilots see an unknown object for 1–2 sec 6/1/1991 #40080  
              Concepcion, Paraguay Pilots encountered and radar tracked red 6/8/1991 #40091  
ed UFOs over Concepcion, Paraguay. Pilots encountered and radar tracked a r 6/8/1991 #40093  
ambled from Air Station 7. The MIG pilots were directed to intercept the ob 8/28/1991 #40168  
e of the Aral Sea at 5:12 a.m. The pilots observed the object both visually 8/28/1991 #40168  
indrical object going [to] over ex pilots house. After shuttle launch. / r1 11/24/1991 #40237  
 Victorville, California 1:45 p.m. Pilots of United Airlines Flight 934 are 8/5/1992 #40552  
llel to the helicopters. The other pilots confirm the sighting. After a min 11/1992 #40700  
tary airfield at Buzău. One of the pilots, Lt. Col. Doru Drăgoi, is called  11/1992 #40700  
NG, YUNAN, CHINA Group / Air Force pilots chase luminous "balloon" / 900kph 3/2/1993 #40872  
port Mexico City, Mexico 4:00 p.m. Pilots of two airliners preparing to lan 9/16/1993 #41199  
 Several sightings into Dec. '94 / pilots etc. Night lights. Huge objects w 11/21/1994 #41856  
 CH 4 separate airline(s)/airliner pilots. Green ovoid follows airliner / 9 12/4/1995 #42637  
              PORT VILA, VANUATU 2 pilots and many. Red orange pan south go 1/9/1996 #42676  
OSTOK, RUSSIA Several and military pilots. Blinking night lights. Not / RAD 9/23/1996 #43036  
               SOUTH / BEIJING 757 pilots / 9600M. Big flash. Silver-metall 12/19/1996 #43147  
 of UFOs taken by British military pilots, the fact that the GCHQ library c 3/1997 #43215  
office, including police officers, pilots, and former military personnel. M 3/13/1997 #43229  
ennedy International Airport, when pilots Capt. Philippe Bobet and First Of 8/9/1997 #43376  
 crew members, the top 1% of elite pilots from the Navy and USAF. Fouche cl 1998 #43481  
VALLARTA, MX 2 airline(s)/airliner pilots. Night light going west. Very fas 1/3/1998 #43487  
                    QING CO, CHINA Pilots and 4 RADAR's and 140 / ground. C 10/16/1998 #43663  
Anomalous Phenomena as a place for pilots, crews, and air-traffic controlle 1999 #43706  
      At 2:36 a.m. CDT two airline pilots in separate commercial airliners, 10/26/1999 #43865  
al airliners, both former military pilots, flying near Dallas-Forth Worth I 10/26/1999 #43865  
than 100 UFO incidents reported by pilots and their crews, including 56 nea 10/15/2000 #44056  
d radar corroboration. Experienced pilots present accounts of objects, rang 10/15/2000 #44056  
er aircraft, pacing planes despite pilots’ evasive attempts, or flooding co 10/15/2000 #44056  
atalogue of 1,305 UFO sightings by pilots from 1916 to 2000. She finds that 2/2001 #44137  
 (36.7%) are sightings by military pilots and crews; 444 cases (26.9%) are  2/2001 #44137  
 444 cases (26.9%) are by civilian pilots; and 196 cases (11.8%) are by pri 2/2001 #44137  
d 196 cases (11.8%) are by private pilots. In 200 cases (12.1%) the visual  2/2001 #44137  
radar. And in 57 cases (3.45%) the pilots note electromagnetic effects on o 2/2001 #44137  
y Afternoon. Two Turkish Air Force pilots from 122 Squadron are practicing  8/6/2001 #44227  
     Craik, Saskatchewan 8:06 p.m. Pilots of a commercial airliner flying a 12/11/2001 #44287  
 This observation also was made by pilots.                                  11/1/2002 #44432  
rs testimony, largely reports from pilots and air traffic controllers, prov 8/26/2003 #44584  
o Gulf of Mexico Mexican Air Force pilots flying a C-26A Metroliner using i 3/5/2004 #44672  
w that a total of four people (two pilots and two weapons systems officers  11/14/2004 #44784  
they are lost. Authorities say the pilots are so clueless that when officia 5/11/2005 #44840  
nde do Sul in 1954; testimony from pilots who pursued 21 UFOs flying over S 5/20/2005 #44844  
 few times, but after a while both pilots feel strangely relaxed. After hea 6/28/2005 #44849  
d Airlines employees, ranging from pilots to supervisors, who heard chatter 11/7/2006 #44981  
lkevitch finds out that one of the pilots is in possession of a digital cam 11/7/2006 #44981  
about “disc” seen by employees and pilots over terminal. FAA tells the publ 1/1/2007 #44996  
usiasts record the conversation of pilots in two USAF F-15C fighters on a t 1/12/2007 #44999  
in Washington D.C. Nineteen former pilots and military and civilian officia 11/12/2007 #45093  
operating that night, and no other pilots had reported a UFO. On January 16 1/8/2008 #45112  
explained, some involving military pilots. Col. Ariel Sánchez, in charge of 6/2009 #45224  
ologists, air traffic controllers, pilots, and radar experts, who will look 5/6/2011 #45323  
a 2:00 p.m. A father and son, both pilots, are in their propellor-driven Mo 2/18/2012 #45339  
 with departures and arrivals. The pilots of an airborne US Customs and Bor 4/25/2013 #45365  
s, as well as hundreds of sailors, pilots, and divers. On the island of Kor 10/16/2014 #45417  
the 2004 USS Nimitz incident. Five pilots from the VFA-11 “Red Rippers” fig 2/2015? #45430  
o the Persian Gulf. Three of those pilots have chosen to remain anonymous,  2/2015? #45430  
tions, and visual sightings by the pilots and weapon systems officers are r 2/2015? #45430  
cription is given by several other pilots and that encounters are commonpla 2/2015? #45430  
sical limits of a human crew.” The pilots also report that the objects pers 2/2015? #45430  
ht safety report. According to the pilots, the squadron has speculated that 2/2015? #45430  
gram, but the near miss angers the pilots and convinces them that this is a 2/2015? #45430  
 20 December 2017 writes that USAF pilots are trained to be aware of UAP, s 3/27/2017 #45466  
ur own air force; we also need our pilots not to believe in UFOs should the 3/27/2017 #45466  
he FAA contacts commercial airline pilots in the vicinity who visually conf 10/25/2017 #45487  
 Picacho Peak Around midnight. The pilots of a US Army AH-64 Apache attack  11/6/2018 #45543  
ew York Times reports that US Navy pilots fully briefed AATIP about encount 5/26/2019 #45581  
s Phenomena issues an advisory for pilots that offers recommendations on ho 6/2019 #45583  
s that he has been briefed on Navy pilots reporting increased sightings of  6/15/2019 #45584  
hey think,” Trump says of the Navy pilots. “I did have one very brief meeti 6/15/2019 #45584  
However, it’s more likely that the pilots were seeing a battery-powered ele 10/14/2020 #45662  
ew on CBS-TV’s 60 Minutes, US Navy pilots line up to recount their experien 8/29/2021 #45704  
aft’s avionics system fails. Other pilots can see the light as well.        4/22/2022 #45745  
## Word: "pima" (Back to Top)
00 p.m. witnesses in Green Valley, Pima County, Arizona saw a triangular cr 2/26/2008 #45123  
## Word: "pimba" (Back to Top)
Australia Woocalla Birthday Siding Pimba 10:00 p.m. A man who works in the  11/22/1953 #9315  
 flares dropping from the sky near Pimba at 3:15 a.m. All of the objects ar 11/22/1953 #9315  
                     40 MI NORTH / PIMBA, SOUTH AUSTR Several / car. Large  8/27/1972 #26959  
ar while driving 40 miles north of Pimba, South Australia. The UFO seen at  8/28/1972 #26965  
## Word: "pimdvpcquty" (Back to Top)
tment of Energy.  https://youtu.be/PImDVPcQutY?t=1855                       1/13/2022 #45733  
## Word: "pin" (Back to Top)
                                LE PIN, FR Math professor and several. Glea 9/16/1954 #10319  
 along rapidly in calm air over Le Pin, Isere, France by four witnesses.    9/16/1954 #10324  
ape, and the size of the head of a pin. Four smaller objects, traveling ver 9/30/1961 #16881  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pin Stripe” YieldMax: 20KT               4/25/1966 #20414  
ee herself. The being took a small pin and placed it on her thigh. Gabriell 10/16/1973 #28089  
e car, and he knocked the "bowling pin shaped" thing down and ran it over,  8/25/1977 #32423  
hind the ears and found some small pin pricks in the same area.             2/1/1993 #40831  
on of figures, arranged into a ten pin bowling formation. He has a recurrin 4/28/2003 #44519  
## Word: "pin-1" (Back to Top)
. L. J. Reeves is stationed at the PIN-1 Distant Early Warning site at Clin 12/24/1972 #27188  
## Word: "pin-prick" (Back to Top)
 missing time; they found they had pin-prick like marks in a triangle on th 10/17/1973 #28135  
## Word: "pina" (Back to Top)
                                   PINA, TOA ALTA, PR Silver ovoid with ant 11/2/1973 #28346  
## Word: "pinal" (Back to Top)
ssile silo near Oracle, Arizona in Pinal County. Air Force jets were scramb 8/7/1962 #17329  
## Word: "pinamar" (Back to Top)
                               OFF PINAMAR, ARG 1 observer. Saucer rises /  5/31/1971 #26146  
## Word: "pinang" (Back to Top)
                                   PINANG, MALAYSIA Lawyer and 1 with (seen 1/15/1967 #21302  
                      BUTTERWORTH, PINANG, MLYS RAAF man photographs silver 1/2/1979 #34279  
In Bukit Mertajam on the island of Pinang, Malaysia six school children rep 5/19/1979 #34569  
## Word: "pinar" (Back to Top)
AFB, Del Rio, Texas San Cristóbal, Pinar del Río Province Artemisa Province 10/14/1962 #17471  
onstruction site at San Cristóbal, Pinar del Río Province [now in Artemisa  10/14/1962 #17471  
                          Cabañas, Pinar Del Rio (near), Cuba After midnigh 6/14/1968 #24029  
 patrol and taken to a hospital in Pinar Del Rio, where he remained in shoc 6/14/1968 #24029  
           Cabañas, Artemisa, Cuba Pinar del Rio Havana Shortly after 12:00 6/14/1968 #24031  
ous and takes him to a hospital in Pinar del Rio, where he remains in shock 6/14/1968 #24031  
 patrol and taken to a hospital in Pinar Del Rio, where he remained in shoc 6/14/1968 #24033  
## Word: "pinardville" (Back to Top)
                                   PINARDVILLE, NH 5+observer(s). Sphere fo 11/2/1973 #28342  
## Word: "pincers" (Back to Top)
coots / street. Going up and down. Pincers / rear. Zigzags going quickly ea 11/1942 #1459  
ee that its hands were shaped like pincers or crab-like claws. Realizing th 9/30/1968 #24527  
k, and instead of fingers they had pincers like a crayfish. They had two sm 8/25/1976 #31302  
th antennae. Their hands look like pincers. He faints again and walks up at 9/21/1978 #33723  
r hands appeared to be shaped like pincers. This frightened him and he fain 9/21/1978 #33725  
## Word: "pinched" (Back to Top)
gular shaped light. The light then pinched shut and vanished.               1/8/2003 #44473  
## Word: "pincher" (Back to Top)
 East A first-strike scenario, the Pincher war plan, is created by the US m 6/18/1946 #2012  
## Word: "pinckney" (Back to Top)
                                   Pinckney (near), MI NICAP Adviser saw a  8/3/1951 #5594  
lver Silver Lake southern Michigan Pinckney 11:00 p.m. Walter N. Webb, natu 8/3/1951 #5595  
outhern Michigan, 3 miles south of Pinckney, is showing two boy campers som 8/3/1951 #5595  
## Word: "pinckneyville" (Back to Top)
                                   PINCKNEYVILLE, IL 2 / private plane. 20m 2/22/1950 #4545  
## Word: "pincota" (Back to Top)
                                   PINCOTA, ROMANIA Low-flying German plane 5/28/1944 (approximate) #1595  
## Word: "pindhos" (Back to Top)
                                   PINDHOS OROS MOUNTAINS, GREECE Pilots /  9/25/1976 #31424  
## Word: "pine" (Back to Top)
an 100 feet long, hovering above a pine tree 200 feet away. It has a row of Summer 1910 #839  
ge of a clearing, splitting a huge pine tree down the middle. He smells bur 3/1945 #1805  
               Roswell, New Mexico Pine Lodge Road northwest of Roswell 5:0 7/5/1947 #2719  
lice Department, makes a run along Pine Lodge Road northwest of Roswell. Th 7/5/1947 #2719  
                               BIG PINE, CA TV-network engineer / (seen thr 4/8/1952 #6044  
fast" between Pear Blossom and Big Pine, California. It made no sound as it 4/8/1952 #6046  
                              Bush Pine, New York Mr. and Mrs. Bordes, of N 9/17/1955 #12459  
                                   Pine Bush, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Bordes 9/17/1955 #12460  
                                   PINE BLUFF TO/FROM STUTTGART, ARK Saucer 10/14/1957 #14107  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pine” Yield: 2000KT                      7/26/1958 #15156  
g flying only ten meter above some pine trees. It made a buzzing sound. The 12/17/1958 #15480  
crabgrass is seemingly unaffected. Pine trees are the hardest hit of all. C 6/1959 #15754  
                                   Pine Crest, CA Four glowing greenish obj 6/26/1963 #17808  
feet tall, reclining under a shrub pine tree. He had white hair, a small go 5/15/1964 #18271  
 Sioux Army Depot Sydney, Nebraska Pine Bluff Gurley Quebec LCF Chugwater 1 8/1/1965 #19242  
een over the Echo LCF southeast of Pine Bluff at 1:48 a.m. Nine more object 8/1/1965 #19242  
ppeared, this time hovering over a pine grove. It ascends again, emitting t 8/19/1965 #19427  
nge ball or cylinder hovering over pine trees for several minutes. (Hartfor 2/8/1967 #21481  
d the school and then drop below a pine tree. Some of the kids notice an an 4/7/1967 #22090  
ribas observed an object land in a pine forest north of Nieva-Segovia. They 5/16/1967 #22353  
ribas observed an object land in a pine forest north of Nieva-Segovia, Cord 5/16/1967 #22356  
                                   Pine Grove, PA 11:55 p.m. EDT. A woman a 6/6/1967 #22471  
ce as fast as the fastest jet over Pine Grove, Pennsylvania. It was in sigh 6/6/1967 #22474  
rio Highway 15 Joyceville, Ontario Pine Grove Road 4:00 a.m. Stanley Moxon  8/23/1967 #22904  
5 between Joyceville, Ontario, and Pine Grove Road when he sees a green lig 8/23/1967 #22904  
                             White Pine, MI Dog unaffected by hovering disc 9/1967 #22967  
                                   PINE BUSH, NY 3 / car. 22M saucer buzzes 7/1968 #24098  
anding but stops beyond a stand of pine trees some distance from him. The o 1/6/1969 #24821  
 between the towns of Crawford and Pine Bush in Ulster County, New York. Th 1/4/1971 #25975  
haped object hovered low over some pine woods two miles from Gaffney, South 2/24/1973 #27316  
                                   PINE MOUNTAIN, GA Cop and 3. Carsize glo 9/8/1973 #27780  
L 1 observer. Disk going [to] over pine St. Observer's vision temporarily a 10/5/1973 #27938  
                                   PINE, LA Cops chase 5 red-sphere/orb/glo 10/15/1973 #28041  
                                   Pine, LA Sheriffs saw and chased pulsati 10/15/1973 #28057  
                                   Pine, LA Sheriffs saw and chased pulsati 10/15/1973 #28058  
c effects) as it nears saucer over pine grove. OK when saucer flies.        4/19/1974 #29045  
                        In a scrub pine forest near Truro, Massachusetts on 8/28/1975 #30315  
lso took home some of the trampled pine needles, which still had the almond 8/28/1975 #30315  
 hugging. They appeared to be of a pine green color. No traces could be fou 12/6/1976 #31586  
nd stopped at the edge of a nearby pine grove. This was too much for the 24 1/3/1977 #31687  
ining his German shepherd dog in a pine grove when the animal suddenly beca 1/4/1977 #31689  
ining his German shepherd dog in a pine grove when the animal suddenly beca 1/4/1977 #31690  
ining his German shepherd dog in a pine grove in Carapito Beira Alta, Portu 1/4/1977 #31691  
became aware of a powerful odor of pine, or possibly ozone, a smell also de 2/5/1978 #32957  
ating red lights fly low over some pine trees in Prcirovnik, Poland. The ob 9/27/1978 #33764  
                                   Pine Ridge, SC Members of a rock band pr 6/12/1979 #34608  
                                   Pine Ridge, South Carolina Carolina Powe 6/12/1979 #34610  
 rock band practicing in a barn in Pine Ridge, South Carolina, step outside 6/12/1979 #34610  
                                   Pine Ridge, South Carolina. Members of a 6/12/1979 #34611  
                                   PINE BUSH, NY 7 delta/triangle/box-like  7/18/1980 #35417  
                                   Pine Bush, NY Seven delta-shaped objects 7/18/1980 #35418  
vorted and landed at 10:15 p.m. in Pine Bush. Ellen Crystal approached them 7/18/1980 #35418  
vorted and landed at 10:15 p.m. in Pine Bush, New York. Ellen Crystal appro 7/18/1980 #35419  
                                   PINE BUSH, NY E. crystal chases UFO's. F 8/8/1980 #35444  
                                   Pine Bush, NY Author Ellen Crystal was o 8/8/1980 #35446  
 was out in an isolated field near Pine Bush by herself when she noticed a  8/8/1980 #35446  
 was out in an isolated field near Pine Bush, New York by herself when she  8/8/1980 #35448  
                                   PINE BUSH, NY Saucers / deltas all over  8/9/1980 #35451  
ash, age 52, was driving through a pine forest on a rural road near her hom 12/29/1980 #35758  
liptical object hovering near some pine trees less than 500 feet away on th 7/19/1981 #36020  
rious barking of his dog towards a pine forest behind his house. He walked  12/17/1981 #36262  
tices two bright lights above tall pine trees near Cleveland, Texas. He poi 5/22/1982 #36482  
                                   PINE TOWNSHIP, IN 3 observer(s). 3 small 1/12/1983 #36743  
                                   Pine Township, Porter County, Indiana 4: 1/12/1983 #36745  
 a swampy area near their house in Pine Township, Porter County, Indiana. B 1/12/1983 #36745  
 “larger than a 747” hovering over pine trees near his home in Danbury, Con 3/24/1983 #36809  
 sees a huge object hovering above pine trees about 750 feet away. It is me 7/25/1983 #36925  
ed sky observer named Kraus at the Pine Mountain Observatory in Bend, Orego 10/25/1983 #37014  
ed sky observer named Kraus at the Pine Mountain Observatory in Bend, Orego 10/25/1983 #37017  
                                   Pine Bush, NY UFO investigators went to  6/6/1984 #37353  
ish cemetery in the UFO hotspot of Pine Bush, New York. A close encounter w 6/6/1984 #37353  
ish cemetery in the UFO hotspot of Pine Bush, New York. A close encounter w 6/6/1984 #37354  
wster, New York. It moves behind a pine tree then emerges as a string of ro 7/24/1984 #37413  
                  On this night in Pine Bush, Orange County, New York a noc 8/20/1987 #38248  
                                   PINE BUSH, NY Several observer(s). Delta 10/9/1987 #38301  
                                   PINE GAP, AUSTRALIA 3 hunters. Camouflag 12/1989 #39288  
                        SR302 NEAR PINE BUSH, NY 2 / truck. 9 night lights  7/4/1992 #40512  
ST / TITUSVILLE, PA Plate-UFO near pine trees / 20 minute(s). Several obser 8/23/1993 #41152  
-shaped UFO was observed near some pine trees for 20 minutes. Several obser 8/23/1993 #41154  
                               BIG PINE, CA Woman. 2X moon-size triangle go 2/1/1996 #42732  
                              Near Pine Mountain, Georgia driving east on H 2/18/1996 #42771  
ered. When he came upon some large pine trees there was a blinding flash of 2/26/1997 #43210  
hway, shining onto the top of some pine trees. The UFO then rose and entere 7/15/1999 #43804  
. a married couple living north of Pine Gap near Alice Springs, Northern Te 5/15/2000 #43995  
                          North of Pine Gap, near Alice Springs, Northern T 6/7/2000 #44001  
 stationary blinking light through pine trees that flashed every 8 seconds. 12/2/2002 #44458  
                                   Pine Bush, New York Night. Dogs belongin 1/4/2013 #45358  
Dogs belonging to Carlos Torres of Pine Bush, New York, become noisy and ag 1/4/2013 #45358  
 disappears behind a stand of tall pine trees. Then the brighter light begi 10/6/2013 #45389  
## Word: "pineapples" (Back to Top)
three groups of objects, some like pineapples (with platelets) but about 18 3/12/1990 #39456  
## Word: "pineau" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pineau” YieldMax: 20KT                   7/16/1981 #36011  
## Word: "pinecastle" (Back to Top)
                                   Pinecastle Electronic Warfare Range, FL  5/14/1978 #33208  
                                   Pinecastle Electronic Warfare Range in O 5/14/1978 #33210  
k, the duty officer at the US Navy Pinecastle Electronic Warfare Range in O 5/14/1978 #33210  
FO with multicolored lights at the Pinecastle Tracking Station, near Ocala  5/14/1978 #33211  
## Word: "pinecrest" (Back to Top)
                                   PINECREST, CA Many observer(s). 3 green  6/26/1963 #17803  
                                   Pinecrest, California Four glowing green 6/26/1963 #17810  
by a technician and many others at Pinecrest, California. Three objects mov 6/26/1963 #17810  
## Word: "pinedrops-sloat" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Pinedrops-Sloat” YieldMax: 60KT          1/10/1974 #28673  
## Word: "pinehurst" (Back to Top)
hovering overhead on this night in Pinehurst, Idaho. It directed a beam of  6/21/1971 #26184  
## Word: "pinelands" (Back to Top)
T, RSA AND DURBAN AND EMPAGINI AND PINELANDS / 21 JULY / 2030H Domed ovoid  7/20/1972 #26818  
                   At 8:30 p.m. in Pinelands, Western Cape Province, South  7/21/1972 #26823  
## Word: "pinellas" (Back to Top)
                                   Pinellas Park, FL 9:20 p.m. EST. A young 11/10/1966 #21087  
 direction was sighted over Largo, Pinellas County, Florida.                10/27/2004 #44772  
## Word: "pineridge" (Back to Top)
                                   PINERIDGE, SC 7 observer(s). Ovoid beams 6/12/1979 #34607  
## Word: "pines" (Back to Top)
                               Big Pines (near), CA Disc-like UFO observed  4/8/1952 #6045  
                          SOUTHERN PINES, NC 3 observer(s). Green ellipse w 9/29/1952 #8055  
                          Southern Pines, NC Green ellipse. with a long tai 9/29/1952 #8058  
                          Southern Pines, North Carolina Witnesses:  U.S. A 9/29/1952 #8060  
Stevens and two others in Southern Pines, North Carolina observed a green e 9/29/1952 #8066  
                           Isle of Pines Bay of Pigs, Cuba A CIA U-2 missio 9/29/1962 #17447  
A CIA U-2 mission over the Isle of Pines and Bay of Pigs, Cuba, reveals add 9/29/1962 #17447  
                           POLLOCK PINES, CA 1 observer. Dogs bark and run. 9/6/1981 #36104  
ntly low over the trees in Pollock Pines, California. It flew slowly at 10  9/6/1981 #36105  
                          PEMBROKE PINES, FL 1 observer. Green triangle des 1/13/1995 #41972  
                          PEMBROKE PINES, FL 1 / car. Blimp / W. sky. Start 4/19/1995 #42158  
## Word: "pineto" (Back to Top)
                         SCERNE DI PINETO, ITL Red circular object glides g 1/5/1977 #31696  
## Word: "pinetown" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PINETOWN, RSA Several separate observer( 2/13/1972 #26578  
                                   PINETOWN, NATAL, SOUTH AFRICA 3 egg-shap 3/13/1972 #26602  
## Word: "pinetree" (Back to Top)
SP 6 observer(s). "Full moon" over pinetree moves over highway. Vanishes.   10/1968 #24532  
## Word: "pinetreeline" (Back to Top)
              Ramore, Ontario, CAN Pinetreeline Radar Site. UFO was observe 6/30/1953 #8975  
## Word: "pineville" (Back to Top)
                                   PINEVILLE, LA Yellow-white ovoid over tr 11/20/1958 #15453  
                                   PINEVILLE, MO Wave / saucers all month.  2/1977 #31770  
                                   Pineville, MO CE-II, one witness (EGBA,5 2/2/1977 #31778  
                              NEAR PINEVILLE, MO Truck and CB Radio electro 2/14/1977 #31815  
                              NEAR PINEVILLE, MO (SW MO). 2 rectangular met 2/26/1977 #31849  
                                   PINEVILLE, NC Odd lack / traffic. Boomer 6/8/1992 #40488  
## Word: "pinewood" (Back to Top)
                                   PINEWOOD, SC 10 observer(s). White objec 1/25/1953 #8567  
## Word: "piney" (Back to Top)
                                   PINEY CREEK, CA 2 / remote ranch. 4 meta 5/5/1968 #23944  
                                   Piney Woods of East Texas near Huffman H 12/29/1980 #35757  
:00 p.m. While driving through the Piney Woods of East Texas near Huffman,  12/29/1980 #35757  
## Word: "ping" (Back to Top)
escribed as looking like "70 white ping pong balls" passed across the sky i 8/1/1952 #7413  
ectro-magnetic effects). .22 slugs Ping off saucer / 30M altitude. Saucer g 4/24/1964 #18189  
 pistol at it and heard a metallic ping as if the bullet bounced off the ob 4/28/1964 #18218  
tinues. Dogs bark. UFO hovers low. Ping sound.                              3/29/1966 #20124  
t a family of three in the town of Ping Wu, Szechwan Province, China, inclu 3/7/1987 #38133  
                      A sonar-like ping sound was heard, then a silent tria 4/29/1993 #40957  
## Word: "ping-pong" (Back to Top)
     OTEGO, NY Crowd awaits wave / Ping-pong balls. Only 6 seen / 60 minute 8/1/1952 #7394  
 GOAIAS, BRZ 1 observer. Luminous "Ping-pong ball" follows plane 700km. 40K 5/20/1986 #37883  
## Word: "ping-pong-ball" (Back to Top)
RETFORD, MANCHESTER 3 observer(s). Ping-pong-ball with cone and spikes mane 6/15/1975 #30106  
## Word: "ping-pong-shaped" (Back to Top)
        Punta Arenas, Chile Silver ping-pong-shaped object at extreme altit 3/11/1950 #4613  
## Word: "pinging" (Back to Top)
e barking (animal reactions) and a pinging sound attracted other witnesses  3/29/1966 #20132  
room explodes in light. He hears a pinging noise a light source begins puls 6/1966 #20516  
st. They reported feeling several "pinging" electric discharges as it left, 3/3/1967 #21749  
degree turn to the west. It made a pinging bullet sound as it flew.         5/17/1994 #41528  
## Word: "pingpong" (Back to Top)
ecks and bubbles / all directions. Pingpong balls.                          8/1/1952 #7396  
## Word: "pings" (Back to Top)
appear and disappear with musical “pings.” Some adults were called to come  8/29/1955 #12416  
 2 lights shot / fisherman. Bullet pings.                                   7/1987 #38203  
## Word: "pingwu" (Back to Top)
                                   Pingwu county, Sichuan, China A family o 3/7/1987 #38132  
ichuan, China A family of three in Pingwu county, Sichuan, China, is awaken 3/7/1987 #38132  
## Word: "pinhal" (Back to Top)
                                   PINHAL, RGS, BRZ Man compelled to walk t 11/25/1961 (approximate) #16977  
                         Balneário Pinhal, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Beach  Late 11/1961 #16979  
lking along the beach in Balneário Pinhal, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, when  Late 11/1961 #16979  
                                   PINHAL, BRZ Numerous observer(s). Huge n 10/30/1965 #19688  
                                   Pinhal, Brazil Witnesses in a Volkswagen 10/30/1965 #19689  
rved by dozens of witnesses at the Pinhal Junction.                         10/30/1965 #19689  
## Word: "pinhead" (Back to Top)
ty Agency. One flat object, like a pinhead, made three 360 degree right tur 1/10/1953 #8529  
r Ground Observer Corps. One white pinhead moved slowly across 30 degrees o 9/3/1955 #12428  
## Word: "pinheads" (Back to Top)
Railroad/railway crew. 2-10 silver pinheads hover / E. sky. Shoot away 1-by 7/30/1952 #7342  
## Word: "pinheiro" (Back to Top)
meets with another witness, Israel Pinheiro, president of the New Building  10/1959 #16004  
m. Police deputies Bias Fortes and Pinheiro Chagas are driving 9 miles outs 1/20/1968 #23682  
                                   PINHEIRO, BRZ Fireballs March-June. 60%  3/1977 #31854  
                                   Pinheiro, Brazil 1:00 AM. A chicken farm 7/10/1977 #32256  
in the morning a chicken farmer in Pinheiro, Brazil was walking to town to  7/10/1977 #32257  
                           SOUTH / PINHEIRO, BRZ Bogea chased / delta/trian 8/10/1977 #32373  
                                   Pinheiro, Maranhao State, Brazil Early m 8/10/1977 #32374  
lying object through the forest in Pinheiro, Maranhao State, Brazil in the  8/10/1977 #32378  
icists Alexandre Martins and Mario Pinheiro find a connection between elect 2/1/2007 #45004  
## Word: "pink" (Back to Top)
ky turned rainbow colors including pink, yellow, and blue. There was a perc 8/13/1917 #961  
bject was cigar-shaped, emitting a pink glow at its front and a light swirl 1932 #1135  
tuating in brightness, pyrotechnic pink in color, changing speeds violently 11/22/1944 #1699  
     In the Ruhr Valley, Germany a pink sphere (3' in diameter) passed a RA 3/26/1945 #1831  
OUIS, MO Teacher / former skeptic. Pink saucer with dark spot / center. Fas 7/8/1947 #2976  
 BEACH, CA 2 military observer(s). Pink pancake-object flips in sky. / Braw 4/7/1950 (approximate) #4805  
n lens. It also changed color from pink to red. Its speed was estimated at  4/16/1952 #6094  
T WORTH, TX Newspaper reporter. 50 pink glowing winged objects cross sky in 4/23/1952 #6159  
ng the ground in a clearing near a pink disk-shaped object, 8 m in diameter 7/11/1952 #6761  
. Circular object / 12K' altitude. Pink lights wink. / r185.                10/19/1952 #8157  
d air RADAR's. Large white object. Pink portholes. Fast 180° turns.         12/10/1952 #8402  
ng light changed color from red to pink to pale white to white and then bac 2/17/1953 #8685  
). 4 night lights play in stars. 1 pink fireball goes going up / high-speed 3/22/1953 #8774  
D, NC Blimp races over town. Glows pink and blue. Glow extends out some dis 10/28/1953 #9257  
oud hiss. Going quickly southeast. Pink cloud.                              12/6/1953 #9343  
al light change to yellow, orange, pink (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 8/6/1954 #10103  
anged to yellow, then orange, then pink, four or five times while flying st 8/6/1954 #10104  
er-cloud lands / field. Dome glows pink. / La Montagne.                     11/3/1954 #11546  
TON-ON-DEE, WALES 1 observer. Long pink object rushes over silently. Low al 2/10/1955 #11987  
 Observer Corps (GOC) observer(s). Pink streak going quickly south / 10 min 8/7/1955 #12339  
lash and a "gurgling sound," saw a pink, iridescent, mushroom-shaped object 9/17/1955 #12459  
 "gurgling sound." They then saw a pink, iridescent, mushroom-shaped object 9/17/1955 #12460  
erhaps 12 feet in diameter, with a pink flame coming from its base. It make 10/15/1957 #14120  
 22° angle, its color changes from pink to light blue and the combine stops 10/15/1957 #14120  
an astronomer Bart Bok see a vivid pink object moving slowly across the sky 11/8/1957 #14486  
Bluebook Case #8363. 1 observer. 4 pink wheels spin east going quickly west 5/22/1963 #17757  
                  Pequannock, NJ 4 pink wheels spin or roll very fast from  5/22/1963 #17758  
ersey Witness:  Myra Jackson. Four pink wheels spun or rolled very fast fro 5/22/1963 #17759  
                              Four pink wheels spun in the sky while flying 5/22/1963 #17761  
cigar-shaped UFOs, with the colors pink, blue, and white, were seen hoverin 1/6/1966 #19807  
hone lines. An articulated glowing pink to red-colored rod extended to the  6/16/1966 #20567  
ounter experience with a brilliant pink triangular UFO three nights earlier 1/28/1967 #21411  
moved slowly, and changed color to pink. (Worcester Evening Gazette, Mass.  2/19/1967 #21594  
 a red oval object surrounded by a pink glow (halo effect). The object hove 2/23/1967 #21631  
MBA Dark object lights countryside pink near radio towers. Vanishes.        3/26/1967 #21990  
lluminating the countryside with a pink glow. The object itself was dark, w 3/26/1967 #21995  
lluminating the countryside with a pink glow. The object itself was dark wi 3/26/1967 #21999  
that alternated between yellow and pink as it moved over a wide arc of sky  4/18/1967 #22159  
that alternated between yellow and pink as it moved over a wide arc of sky  4/18/1967 #22160  
right white and the edge is bright pink or red. It holds its position for 2 Mid 5/1967 #22347  
lights (body lights) and a glowing pink band around the middle. The object  6/11/1967 #22492  
western airline(s)/airliner pilot. Pink object zigzags through clouds. Hove 7/19/1967 #22696  
Schindler, an airline pilot, saw a pink object zigzag through the clouds, h 7/19/1967 #22702  
itish Columbia. He notices a small pink light moving erratically at about 1 7/26/1967 #22735  
lor around the object changes from pink to brilliant red, and it tilts up a 8/24/1967 #22917  
bia, Canada. It was reported to be pink colored and covered with scaly skin 9/17/1967 #23077  
he moon, which changed colors from pink to blue to green. This turned out t 10/3/1967 #23172  
blue ring changing color to bright pink (color change/motion correlation).  10/23/1967 #23293  
swirling colors, especially green, pink, and white. (Report from Saskatchew 12/7/1967 #23557  
roached him, and emitted a beam of pink light that struck him and caused hi 3/19/1969 #25031  
                CULLEN, TDF, CHILE Pink moon going [to] up and down then ho 4/13/1969 #25060  
rs to have a row of portholes with pink light coming from within. They esti 4/22/1969 #25082  
 and vanished. The sky then turned pink. There were three witnesses in thei 10/17/1970 #25881  
 Churchill. It "glowed brilliantly pink and then faded" 4 or 5 times as it  6/9/1971 #26166  
n Pietermaritzburg, South Africa a pink cone-shaped UFO appeared directly i 7/20/1972 #26822  
 shining from his chest which went pink and blue," Mrs. Muthwa said. She es 8/22/1972 #26949  
windows at the upper dome and glow pink on the bottom side. He flashes his  9/20/1972 #27016  
TRACY, QB Luminous ball paces car. Pink fog / road. Figure sweeps white lin 11/18/1973 #28438  
 that seems to be slowed by an odd pink cloud lying across the highway. The 11/18/1973 #28442  
laborer saw a UFO with a revolving pink light in the front yard of his home 3/27/1975 #29920  
              LIVE OAK, FLA Bright pink sphere flies over and hovers. Groun 7/11/1975 #30172  
RTIN-DE-VALAMAS, FR Dark mass with pink aura leaves (something behind) trai 8/29/1975 #30319  
       LAROQUE TIMBAUT, FR 3M tall pink ovoid 1M wide over ground. Jumps 20 4/7/1976 #30988  
sh, but then glowed green, yellow, pink, and orange, while the antenna on h 8/16/1976 #31273  
, and looked inside. His eyes were pink "like an albino rabbit," and were s 11/14/1976 #31549  
   Creysseilles, France 1:30 AM. A pink glowing sphere hovered in the sky f 1/1/1977 #31676  
is day from France and Portugal. A pink glowing sphere hovered in the sky f 1/1/1977 #31682  
 like with long hair, a beard, and pink eyes. He approached, holding out hi 3/7/1977 #31874  
 of the object was a soft luminous pink, and something like a horizontal pe 4/4/1977 #31943  
MASS Several separate observer(s). Pink small humanoid (or Grey) seen all o 4/21/1977 #32007  
ike thunder. The sky filled with a pink smoke, which slowly dissipated afte 5/17/1977 #32107  
he scene are reported to be “light pink in color” and “did not clot after s 3/24/1978 #33077  
be 4-foot square, and was a frosty pink color.                              5/15/1978 #33218  
buzzed by fireball. White blue and pink. Thunders and leaves (something beh 7/12/1978 #33370  
th lights in a long shape, red and pink as if on fire in SW sky. Angular si 9/15/1978 #33683  
th lights in a long shape, red and pink as if on fire, in the southwest. Tw 9/15/1978 #33686  
figure(s) with flashlights / yard. Pink UFO going down. Figure(s) vanish! / 9/16/1978 #33690  
di, Ohio, see a tight formation of pink/red lights flashing on and off floa 10/7/1978 #33806  
omen are blonde and have beautiful pink skin. They smile at him. The men ar 10/25/1978 #33873  
omen were blonde and had beautiful pink skin and smiled at him. The men wer 10/25/1978 #33875  
bruptly changed color to a reddish pink and began pulsating first slowly, t 12/14/1978 #34127  
tanding in front, wearing white or pink suits and shoes. One with a beard b 1/4/1979 #34294  
king. Soon they noticed a peculiar pink glow beyond a tarmac road. Thinking 1/5/1979 #34303  
 leg-like protrusions. The intense pink glow emanated from the top of the c 1/5/1979 #34303  
ed a flash of light with shades of pink, orange, and silver above a nearby  8/19/1979 #34760  
m half of the craft emitted a soft pink light, and the top domed section wa 9/2/1979 #34820  
gure then disappeared in a puff of pink smoke. Four non-human looking footp 10/4/1979 #34942  
cigar-shape maneuvers erratically. Pink glow.                               12/10/1980 #35707  
 Angeles, California, giving off a pink glow.                               12/10/1980 #35709  
                PACO DE ARCOS, PRT Pink ovoid going southwest over Atlantic 12/25/1980 #35731  
vered over some trees giving off a pink and blue aura. It had brilliant squ 2/19/1981 #35837  
esidential houses, emitting 6 to 7 pink, purple and white light beams. The  9/10/1981 #36109  
s distinctly visible. Its color is pink with a deeper color tone that becom 10/14/1982 #36641  
im, most of them white, but others pink or blue. As the car passes it at a  1/8/1984 #37113  
e to side and vanishes in a sudden pink flash.                              4/25/1984 #37293  
w minutes the object vanished in a pink flash.                              4/25/1984 #37295  
nging colors from blue to green to pink. Soon it emits a large ball of ligh 4/26/1984 #37302  
 5M round "swirling cloud" flashes pink and orange / 7M altitude.           10/4/1985 #37672  
                   A very intense, pink or reddish-orange light lit up the  12/25/1987 #38373  
e sphere stops over village. Small pink object splits off going quickly nor 3/14/1988 #38503  
ed over the village. Next, a small pink object split off and shot away to t 3/14/1988 #38505  
ng then Vova Startsev, saw a large pink sphere that flew over a local park  10/28/1989 #39191  
artment building. Turns going [to] pink going [to] white leaving.           2/5/1990 #39408  
oman watched as it turned to first pink and then white as it flew away.     2/5/1990 #39409  
ee rectangular 20 foot long bright pink lights along the side. There was al 10/10/1992 #40673  
e saucers 4' apart / 50' altitude. Pink glowing / far sides.                2/9/1993 #40845  
in altitude. They seemed to have a pink glow on the far sides. Their lights 2/9/1993 #40846  
, with finely chiseled features, a pink complexion, a heart shaped mouth, a 4/23/1993 #40948  
SET 1 observer. Night light pulses pink and white. Hovers / 15 minute(s). L 5/19/1994 #41532  
averton, Oregon reported seeing a "pink sky", and then a triangular-shaped  5/7/1995 #42188  
                                   PINK HILL, NC 1 / home. Vibrant bright n 3/13/1996 #42822  
sses reported seeing a shiny round pink object at around 7:00 p.m., about a 7/15/2000 #44019  
changed shape. It was clouded in a pink and green haze.                     10/23/2002 #44423  
ll of light with "yellow, blue and pink lights." It hovered for several hou 11/1/2002 #44429  
 blue lights. A second object with pink pulsating lights was also sighted.  5/29/2007 #45033  
rned into different colors: green, pink or red, and then blue. It got so br 5/16/2010 #45283  
## Word: "pink-colored" (Back to Top)
ke flashlights in the yard. Then a pink-colored UFO descended, and the figu 9/16/1978 #33695  
## Word: "pink-glow" (Back to Top)
                     AUSTIN, TX 50 pink-glow objects / 3 formations. 24 Apr 4/23/1952 #6160  
   CREYSSEILLES, FR 5 observer(s). Pink-glow sphere hovers / sky / 6 minute 1/1/1977 #31667  
S Several calls / police. Metallic pink-glow kidney-shaped triangles hover. 10/4/1994 (approximate) #41782  
## Word: "pink-glowing" (Back to Top)
ny and Air Force Base. 3 showings. Pink-glowing saucers going quickly north 5/8/1956 #12836  
 WILMINGTON, DE Civil observer(s). Pink-glowing saucer. Quarter / arms leng 7/11/1956 #12962  
ARTFORD, CT Several observer(s). 5 pink-glowing saucers going north and nor 8/8/1956 #13058  
   MT. STROMLO, AUS 3 astronomers. Pink-glowing object going west slow. / r 11/8/1957 #14474  
ESTON, MD 4 kids / car. Silent 18M pink-glowing saucer 30M / treetops. Goin 12/1/1966 #21174  
           HIGH POINT, NC 2 / car. Pink-glowing delta/triangle/box-like cra 3/23/1974 #28932  
## Word: "pink-haired" (Back to Top)
 a contactee who describes meeting pink-haired, platinum- skinned, fish-eat 12/1953 #9329  
## Word: "pink-orange" (Back to Top)
 at Llangernyw, North Wales, see a pink-orange ball that drifts to the grou 4/15/1984 #37263  
## Word: "pink-red" (Back to Top)
flattened out and changed color to pink-red, and hovered over the highway a 2/21/1967 #21612  
## Word: "pink-silver" (Back to Top)
        NEW ORLEANS, LA Soldier. 4 pink-silver saucers / uneven V-formation 7/6/1947 #2736  
## Word: "pink-violet" (Back to Top)
NOGA PARK, CA 1 observer = Anapol. Pink-violet glowing disk / close approac 8/24/1979 #34769  
## Word: "pink-yellowish" (Back to Top)
 a luminous rhomboid object with a pink-yellowish semicircle on its upper l 4/13/1974 #29012  
## Word: "pinkerton" (Back to Top)
at 6000 mph. Radar operator, Chief Pinkerton had visual on Radar. US Coast  12/19/1964 #18660  
## Word: "pinkish" (Back to Top)
 like a stretched-out egg and, and pinkish in color; Hovered in fixed posit Mid 7/1945 #1895  
 like a stretched-out egg and, and pinkish in color. It hovers in a fixed p Mid 7/1945 #1896  
lar at arm's length. Its color was pinkish to green, and was in sight for 5 5/6/1949 #4164  
 craft. They all had red hair with pinkish faces, and the women had long ha 11/28/1953 #9325  
 formation of five flat, circular, pinkish UFOs over Boulder City, Nevada.  Mid 8/1956 #13089  
take long showers. Betty notices a pinkish powder and a tear in her dress.  9/19/1961 #16857  
from the house. It began beaming a pinkish light of a painfully brilliant i 1/25/1967 #21388  
flees. The object, surrounded by a pinkish glow, follows the motorcycle at  8/24/1967 #22917  
 white lights on its leading edge. Pinkish lights were visible along its ri 9/8/1967 #23019  
wn spotlight on it it changed to a pinkish object and came towards him. (NA 11/13/1967 #23442  
Beach, Adelaide, South Australia a pinkish object flying at high altitude f 7/17/1969 #25276  
lliant white lighted object with a pinkish cast, caused panic among the ani 6/26/1971 #26195  
Timbaut, France a three meter tall pinkish, ovoid object, 1 meter in diamet 4/7/1976 #30990  
speeds off to the west, takes on a pinkish glow, and fades in the distance. 12/17/1977 #32791  
eld to their left, bathing it in a pinkish glow.                            10/6/1979 #34945  
ect had powerful headlights with a pinkish glow, and smaller red and yellow 11/14/1980 #35638  
ect had powerful headlights with a pinkish glow, and smaller red and yellow 11/14/1980 #35640  
 a park in Voronezh, Russia, see a pinkish aerial glow approaching them. As 9/27/1989 #39124  
 Voronezh, Russia first observed a pinkish glow approaching in the sky at 6 9/27/1989 #39126  
and panels and lit up by a diffuse pinkish white light. She encountered sev 11/6/1989 #39216  
     RICKMANSWORTH, HERTFS Locals. Pinkish UFO zigzags about / 3 occasions  10/14/1993 #41233  
ed having a close encounter with a pinkish, 25 foot diameter circular objec 9/17/1994 #41758  
nsas at 4:30 a.m. saw an enormous, pinkish metallic cigar-shaped UFO 100 fe 4/9/2000 #43980  
rpool, England a large, stationary pinkish red light was viewed through bin 3/27/2003 #44507  
eath on a diagonal trajectory. The pinkish red light then winked out.       3/27/2003 #44507  
da Dash 8 turboprop aircraft see a pinkish or reddish light over the ocean  4/25/2013 #45365  
## Word: "pinkish-purple" (Back to Top)
onds along the side of the road. A pinkish-purple object, shaped like an ov 6/6/1977 #32153  
hanges colors from yellow-white to pinkish-purple, and turns on a perpendic 3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "pinkish-red" (Back to Top)
rginia James Roberts saw two round pinkish-red objects on a hillside near h 10/14/1966 #21000  
00 p.m. It had pulsating white and pinkish-red lights around the rim, makin 2/11/1968 #23749  
                             Three pinkish-red objects were sighted travell 1/13/2000 #43927  
object was revolving, and it had a pinkish-red flashing light on it. The en 3/18/2003 #44503  
 the object's lights changed from  pinkish-red to blue, white and yellow.   9/13/2003 #44600  
## Word: "pinkish-white" (Back to Top)
 it neared, the object emitted two pinkish-white light beams downward at ab 1/18/1967 #21341  
 As it nears, the object emits two pinkish-white light beams downward at ab 1/18/1967 #21343  
lights around it. A bright beam of pinkish-white light is coming from the u 7/19/1990 #39651  
## Word: "pinky" (Back to Top)
yton Arboretum 10:32 p.m. Cynthia “Pinky” Poffenberger and 16 other Hillsda 3/21/1966 #20021  
## Word: "pinky-red" (Back to Top)
s on her right a “gigantic, bright pinky-red coloured” object “about seven  2/18/1969 #24928  
## Word: "pinnaroo" (Back to Top)
                  While driving in Pinnaroo, South Australia Mrs. Venning a 8/3/1972 #26870  
## Word: "pinned" (Back to Top)
nstructed of interlocking sections pinned together, but they cannot locate  1948 #3522  
onymously on April 14, with a note pinned to his car windshield when he is  3/23/1974 #28937  
s) / bedside. Observer(s) frozen / pinned. Feels / "one of them". Vivid dre 7/13/1995 #42298  
## Word: "pinnock" (Back to Top)
           Police constable Edward Pinnock on foot patrol in Warminster, En 11/30/1965 #19743  
## Word: "pino" (Back to Top)
Julio Padrón León and Santiago del Pino are traveling in a taxi when they s 6/22/1976 #31128  
## Word: "pinols" (Back to Top)
                                   PINOLS, FR 2 observer(s). Glowing-cresce 8/17/1980 #35460  
## Word: "pinos" (Back to Top)
                                   PINOS ALTOS, NM Man photographs airship. 3/7/1901 #643  
## Word: "pinotti" (Back to Top)
 Notiziario UFO, edited by Roberto Pinotti, in January 1966.                9/26/1965 #19608  
sighting. Speakers include Roberto Pinotti, Antonio Ribera, Ion Hobana, Flo 6/25/1977 #32195  
 Notiziario UFO, edited by Roberto Pinotti. Titled Quaderni UFO, it is edit 3/1981 #35857  
rs include J. Allen Hynek, Roberto Pinotti, and Antonio Ribera.             5/4/1984 #37313  
 include Don Schmitt (US), Roberto Pinotti (Italy), Gary Heseltine (UK), Ad 10/15/2018 #45540  
## Word: "pinpoint" (Back to Top)
e at one time, each beginning as a pinpoint of light, growing bigger, then  4/1944 #1588  
 bigger, then decreasing back to a pinpoint. The display lasts for about 5  4/1944 #1588  
cate that some group was trying to pinpoint Los Alamos with a new sort of w 11/3/1949 #4409  
 on a burst of speed. It dims to a pinpoint and begins to slowly move south 12/27/1950 #5368  
d from Lockbourne AFB, Ohio with a pinpoint of flame at the rear that would 7/17/1952 #6871  
              Bellingham, WA White pinpoint move slowly across 30° of sky ( 9/3/1955 #12427  
Suddenly he sees a brilliant white pinpoint of light materialize in the dar 5/13/1958 #15031  
t] near Waco, Texas. They notice a pinpoint of light at their level 12 mile Early 1960 #16146  
 humming to the east and notices a pinpoint of blue light moving in his dir 9/14/1965 #19560  
ces on January 23. His photographs pinpoint the Pueblo’s exact location in  1/26/1968 #23703  
d mouths. On a TV-like screen were pinpoint of lights, which the brain told 8/17/1971 #26293  
ally, the UFO rose up swiftly to a pinpoint of light in the sky, and then v 8/4/1975 #30235  
 in 5–10 seconds, diminishing to a pinpoint. Other witnesses 3.5 miles to t 7/27/1979 #34683  
enix, Arizona at 10:10 p.m. It had pinpoint lights along its side that flic 5/27/2003 #44547  
                   A double set of pinpoint reddish orange steady lights wa 7/14/2008 #45150  
## Word: "pinpoints" (Back to Top)
tor Charles Cros is convinced that pinpoints of light observed on Mars and  1869 #178  
 stars, which appear as shimmering pinpoints of light.                      7/29/1878 #214  
al in shape, and having two bright pinpoints of light along its main axis”  4/1952? #6008  
s and five aircraft. Lincoln LaPaz pinpoints the fall near Santa Fe. Around 5/28/1952 #6377  
appeared leaving a black ball with pinpoints of light on each side. (Hennes 10/26/1967 #23330  
ss in Wheaton, Illinois, sees 8–16 pinpoints of light “like magnesium burni 8/9/1977 #32371  
t V-shaped object, made up of many pinpoints of light, glided silently and  9/20/2000 #44044  
## Word: "pinpricks" (Back to Top)
red to be covered entirely by tiny pinpricks of white light. No facial feat 5/30/1969 #25169  
## Word: "pins" (Back to Top)
sh Isles with thousands of colored pins representing sightings. Flying Sauc 6/15/1957 #13730  
 feet tall and shaped like bowling pins, in the glare of his headlights. Th 3/4/1977 #31858  
 strange tingling sensation, like "pins & needles." He also felt himself si 12/14/1978 #34127  
re figures in the shape of bowling pins standing in the hallway about five  11/13/1998 #43681  
## Word: "pins-and-needles" (Back to Top)
uch as dizziness, headaches, and a pins-and-needles sensation.              1961 #16547  
## Word: "pinsonneault" (Back to Top)
ulance. At the hospital, Dr. W. A. Pinsonneault examines Johnson’s eyes, bu 8/27/1979 #34787  
more than a few seconds at a time. Pinsonneault suspects corneal flash burn 8/27/1979 #34787  
## Word: "pintada" (Back to Top)
                                   PINTADA, NM "Aluminum bow-tie" somersaul 4/9/1952 #6048  
endoza province Andes mountains La Pintada Cuesta de los Terneros San Rafae 5/1/1979 #34537  
 UFOs over the uranium mines of La Pintada and Cuesta de los Terneros in Sa 5/1/1979 #34537  
## Word: "pinterville" (Back to Top)
                                   PINTERVILLE, FR 2 / home. Luminous yello 12/17/1980 #35721  
## Word: "pinto" (Back to Top)
25 kilometers northeast of General Pinto, in Buenos Aires province, Argenti 10/29/1973 #28319  
At 1:15 a.m. Eloi Weigert and Jose Pinto, captain and first officer of the  9/19/1976 #31413  
 at 6:09 p.m. the pilot, Simplicio Pinto, and crew of a LAM Boeing 737 airl 2/11/1988 #38458  
## Word: "pintwater" (Back to Top)
nnel entrances to the northwest in Pintwater Range.  https://www.biblioteca 5/7/2003 #44528  
## Word: "pinwheel" (Back to Top)
 Suddenly it begins to spin like a pinwheel, but without sparks. The motion 5/1908 #704  
f flame spinning off its edge in a pinwheel fashion in Montuïri, Majorca, B 4/25/1950 #4895  
## Word: "pinwheeling" (Back to Top)
object was seen darting around and pinwheeling about in the night sky for t 7/30/2002 #44371  
## Word: "pinwheels" (Back to Top)
ldren but was immobilized. He saw "pinwheels of odd-shaped colored lights," 5/26/1974 #29135  
f gyroscopes along an inner wall. "Pinwheels" of light energized the gyrosc 5/26/1974 #29135  
## Word: "pio" (Back to Top)
    Pentagon Cincinnati, Ohio Utah PIO Capt. Robert White at the Pentagon r 6/7/1954 #9872  
## Word: "pioche" (Back to Top)
                           Area 51 Pioche, Nevada Pilot Robert L. Sieker ta 4/4/1957 #13581  
pin out of control, and crash near Pioche, Nevada. Sieker ejects but is kil 4/4/1957 #13581  
## Word: "piombino" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PIOMBINO, ITL 2 observer(s). Metallic do 10/27/1978 #33885  
## Word: "pioneer" (Back to Top)
New Mexico Sandia Peak Albuquerque Pioneer Airlines Flight 63 9:05 p.m. Pil 12/5/1948 #3909  
. Ernest Van Lloyd and the crew of Pioneer Airlines Flight 63 also see the  12/5/1948 #3909  
   Dallas Love Field, Texas Night. Pioneer Airlines pilot Capt. Max M. Jaco 8/13/1952 #7575  
t-Marne, France Marignane Aviation pioneer Eugène Farnier watches an unknow 9/30/1954 #10516  
                              NEAR PIONEER, OHIO "Strange craft" lands. "Mi 11/5/1958 #15426  
irst launch of a Juno II, carrying Pioneer 3, at LC-5 at Cape Canaveral, Fl 12/6/1958 #15472  
rom achieving sufficient velocity. Pioneer 3 cannot escape Earth orbit but  12/6/1958 #15472  
atement about the failed launch of Pioneer 3 by a Juno II rocket on Decembe 1/1/1959 #15526  
f 1960 Alpha 1 is reserved for the Pioneer 5 space probe, which isn’t launc 3/6/1960 #16198  
e thought to be the reentry of the Pioneer 7 rocket body that had launched  8/6/1967 #22830  
       Stanford Research Institute Pioneer 10 space probe Jupiter Ingo Swan 4/27/1973 #27450  
rch Institute, concentrates on the Pioneer 10 space probe on its way to Jup 4/27/1973 #27450  
N 3:00 a.m. EST. Six nurses at the Pioneer Manor Sudbury, observed a very b 11/11/1975 #30602  
ollow up call by six nurses at the Pioneer Manor to check on a reported UFO 11/11/1975 #30604  
     BUCKHORN, CA SR88 northeast / pioneer. Large Oblong silver object hang 6/20/1977 #32174  
             Seminary Nursing Home Pioneer Road Red Wing, Minnesota 9:00 p. 1/13/1980 #35133  
ft at the Seminary Nursing Home on Pioneer Road in Red Wing, Minnesota. Sta 1/13/1980 #35133  
              Council Bluffs, Iowa Pioneer Trail Longview Drive 11:40 p.m.  1/21/1980 #35141  
western sky as they are driving on Pioneer Trail. The lights are hovering a 1/21/1980 #35141  
                                   Pioneer Road exit off I-43 near Cedarbur 12/7/1983 #37068  
d her son and daughter stop at the Pioneer Road exit off I-43 near Cedarbur 12/7/1983 #37068  
at the USSR has launched an RSD-10 Pioneer IRBM toward the Kura Missile Tes 10/1988 #38661  
## Word: "pioneers" (Back to Top)
Moon Mars George Adamski publishes Pioneers of Space, detailing his out-of- 8/1949 #4300  
## Word: "pipe" (Back to Top)
WEST / STOCKTON, KS 4' saucer aims pipe / farmer 6' away! Wobbles and flame 2/18/1948 #3578  
peared to aim some type of tube or pipe at him. The UFO then wobbled and em 2/18/1948 #3580  
ppears to be elongated like a bent pipe with corners, one full moon in leng 2/17/1949 #4015  
 inside. One seems to be welding a pipe. Facchini speaks to them, but they  4/24/1950 #4888  
FOY LES LYON, FR 70M saucer. Dome. Pipe and ropes hang / bottom. Same / Cha 6/12/1952 #6480  
wer part was contained by a large “pipe” 50 cm high and 20 centimeters wide 10/18/1954 #11225  
legs were visible). A much smaller pipe 1.5 meters in length was attached h 10/18/1954 #11225  
e the ground. Near the end of this pipe was a luminous disc “as large as a  10/18/1954 #11225  
d orientated horizontally over the pipe, but there was no contact between t 10/18/1954 #11225  
ANA, CA 2 observer(s). Long large "pipe" with ball underneath. Going quickl 10/29/1955 #12530  
ucer covers house and more/others. Pipe extends / bottom/underside. Red glo 5/1956 (approximate) #12820  
ne side shines with a red color. A pipe is attached to one side, and it giv 6/1958 #15072  
hich sounded "as if it came from a pipe." He then walked to a shiny machine 7/16/1964 #18416  
eyes. In his mouth he had a little pipe, and he was blowing on it and makin 8/13/1965 #19383  
ull is tied by its nose to a metal pipe. Harold hears the bull make a noise 8/19/1965 #19427  
 he sees the animal is bending the pipe. Simultaneously, he sees a metallic 8/19/1965 #19427  
ucer. Saucer drops to power lines. Pipe extends to wire!                    10/21/1965 #19669  
 object "as if they were pieces of pipe." Mr. Sullivan overcompensated in h 4/4/1966 #20225  
ed that he had dropped his tobacco pipe and went back to retrieve it. The b 8/16/1971 #26291  
oud sounds persisted. He found his pipe and stooped down to get it. When he 8/16/1971 #26291  
ere/orb/globe dangles 3' box / 10' pipe. Maneuvers against wind. Going quic 11/13/1972 #27121  
ace then stops above a ventilation pipe in the Dixon factory wall. As it ho 1/21/1977 #31742  
SC Huge dome-blimp. Metallic grey. Pipe protrudes. Long windows. / APRO 29# 9/11/1980 #35511  
h metallic gray in color. It had a pipe protruding from it, and long window 9/11/1980 #35513  
o lead, the disappearance of a PVC pipe, time dilation and spontaneous levi 1983 #36738  
, was something that looked like a pipe. It glowed with an unnaturally brig 6/15/1984 #37365  
Frantfort, Kentucky. The UFO had a pipe structure clearly visible on the bo 6/13/1989 #38988  
ds, sounding like "rain in a drain pipe." Both described the creatures as u 7/8/1996 #42950  
owing out of a straight horizontal pipe coming from the top of the object.  7/15/2000 #44019  
performance of an oscillating heat pipe.                                    10/27/2019 #45615  
## Word: "pipe-cylinder" (Back to Top)
               ROCHESTER, NY 15x2' pipe-cylinder/cylindrical object hovers  6/24/1966 #20604  
## Word: "pipe-like" (Back to Top)
 having two windows and protruding pipe-like extensions, and emitting vapor 7/8/1947 #3028  
ess named Deakin witnessed a black pipe-like object in the sky over Holling 7/31/2004 #44721  
## Word: "pipefish" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pipefish” YieldMax: 20KT                 4/29/1964 #18221  
## Word: "pipeline" (Back to Top)
. Going west slow over Major water pipeline.                                2/5/1954 #9537  
ad. Quickly going up [to] over oil pipeline plant. Car malfunctions due to  11/5/1957 #14324  
62 Hobbs, New Mexico Permian Basin Pipeline plant 11:00 p.m. Two young men  11/5/1957 #14348  
 and hovers over the Permian Basin Pipeline plant. As it passes overhead, t 11/5/1957 #14348  
” This drug ring “opened the first pipeline between Colombia’s cocaine cart 8/18/1996 #42985  
## Word: "piper" (Back to Top)
g at the speed of a single- engine Piper Cub. Though he can see nothing, he 12/23/1944 #1731  
minous objects as he is flying his Piper J-3 Cub at 10,000 feet over Morris 7/10/1947 #3104  
istown Daily Record, is flying his Piper J-3 Cub at 6,000 feet near the Mor 7/23/1947 #3217  
He says it was about the size of a Piper Cub airplane and flying point firs 2/20/1948 #3583  
nd pilot Arthur E. Cannon flying a Piper Cub at 1,600 feet. Jensen watches  10/1/1948 #3827  
                 Mountain Home, ID Piper Clipper Encounters Seven Delta-Sha 7/24/1949 #4280  
ager of a flying service, flying a Piper Clipper. Seven delta-shaped object 7/24/1949 #4282  
r of a flying service, is flying a Piper PA-16 Clipper at 19,000 feet 10 mi 7/24/1949 #4283  
ickly west. 3 break away and check Piper cubs. / MJ#254.                    6/1954 #9852  
ay Aerial encounter, heat, between Piper Cub and "top-shaped" object (NICAP 5/5/1958 #15015  
, Uruguay Top-Like Object Heats Up Piper Cub (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, C 5/5/1958 #15016  
rlos Alejo Rodriguez is flying his Piper Cub in the vicinity of Capitán de  5/5/1958 #15018  
 to be three times the size of the Piper aircraft, or 15-20 meters in diame 5/5/1958 #15019  
     La Verde, Arg Light aircraft (Piper) engine increased its revolutions  8/31/1958 #15234  
 flying silently at the speed of a Piper Cub airplane, alternately hovering 9/2/1960 #16431  
shi, the pilot of a Tokyo Airlines Piper Apache, who says he is being chase 3/18/1965 #18864  
so sighted by a private pilot in a Piper Apache flying over Dishima Island. 3/18/1965 #18865  
 sound, and was about as long as a Piper Club. It had a single bright yello 1/5/1966 #19806  
 AU Object emitted 6 "cigars" near Piper Navajo (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 8/22/1968 #24367  
tern Australia, at 8,000 feet in a Piper Navajo single-engine airplane when 8/22/1968 #24369  
Smith and Gardin, were flying in a Piper Navajo for Murchison Air 130 miles 8/22/1968 #24370  
            EAST / DOUGLAS, GA 2 / Piper PA-28 plane. Large red ball stays  2/1/1971 #26010  
, MO 10:30 p.m. OBOL was chased by Piper Cherokee, same night as Piedmont i 4/12/1973 #27426  
sed by two experienced pilots in a Piper Cherokee over Farmington, Missouri 4/12/1973 #27427  
.m. A commercial pilot is flying a Piper PA-32 Cherokee Six near Mount Bald 10/12/1973 #28017  
aselle Airport, Turin, Italy, in a Piper Navajo, when the controller notifi 11/30/1973 #28490  
n the sky, so he gave chase in his Piper aircraft. The object zigzagged awa 11/30/1973 #28491  
errero state to Mexico city in his Piper Aztec 24, he became aware of three 5/2/1974 #29079  
ALPAN, MEXICO 3 2M saucers bracket Piper PA-24. RADAR. Electro-magnetic eff 5/3/1974 #29080  
 de los Santos Montiel is flying a Piper PA-24 Comanche from Zihuatenejo, G 5/3/1975 #30026  
os Montiel, the pilot of a Monteil Piper PA-24, felt a strange vibration, a 5/3/1975 #30029  
r airport 8:30 a.m. The pilot of a Piper Arrow PA-28 is flying at 3,500 fee 8/13/1976 #31261  
lame-orange boundary. Suddenly the Piper goes into two rapid 360° clockwise 8/13/1976 #31261  
u, South Canterbury, NZ 2:10 PM. A Piper Cherokee pilot observed a black ci 7/1/1977 #32224  
g above Saint-Jovite, Quebec, in a Piper PA-28 Cherokee Warrior piloted by  8/17/1979 #34752  
ilot and four passengers onboard a Piper Aztec airplane, including Wendy an 9/21/1980 #35525  
 people looking at the sky where a Piper Cub seems to be on a collision cou 11/2/1980 #35610  
ate pilot named Dennis is flying a Piper PA-32R-301T Turbo Saratoga SP at 8 11/5/1980 #35620  
ate pilot named Dennis is flying a Piper PA-28-181 Archer II near the San L 4/8/1981 #35887  
e. It was described as the size of Piper Cub aircraft, and it flew slowly t 5/5/1982 #36464  
a student pilot) are flying a 1968 Piper PA-28 Cherokee 140 about 10 miles  10/24/1982 #36663  
 p.m. Linda Braga and her daughter Piper see a starlike object that follows 4/27/1984 #37306  
A large disc-shaped UFO followed a Piper airplane from Cordoba to Resistens 9/23/1984 #37465  
a large disc-shaped UFO followed a Piper airplane from Cordoba to Resistens 9/23/1984 #37468  
 is also observed by a Gendarmeria Piper PA-31-310 that is flying 1,900 fee 7/31/1995 #42347  
Day. A private pilot is flying his Piper Cherokee PA-28-140 from Waterville 7/1996 #42943  
ying a single-engine EMB-712 Tupi (Piper PA-28 Cherokee) over Ilha da Saran 10/5/1996 #43057  
## Word: "piper-twin" (Back to Top)
, FL 3:00 a.m. EDT. The pilot of a Piper-Twin Comanche, plus two pilots and 10/27/1967 #23342  
.m. Charlie Little, the pilot of a Piper-Twin Comanche, with two other pilo 10/27/1967 #23350  
## Word: "pipers" (Back to Top)
, Belgium Approximate date. Marcel Pipers a gardener saw a craft resting ne 11/14/1954 #11649  
                                   PIPERS RIVER, TASMANIA Dogs upset. Silve 1/21/1977 #31734  
## Word: "pipes" (Back to Top)
ored crosses” are seen. Two “great pipes” (cannon) are also observed, and e 4/4/1561 #32  
/ 600M altitude. Windows. Steams / pipes!                                   7/8/1947 #2968  
has an apparent rudder and two jet pipes in the back. About 8:00 p.m., witn 7/19/1947 #3201  
ORE R., BOLIVIA Saucer over river. Pipes. Water pours out. 6 pseudo-human/e 11/28/1953 #9323  
ansparent glass. It had two curved pipes or tubes that were pouring out wat 11/28/1953 #9325  
n diameter, 4 m high, with exhaust pipes around the periphery, land near hi 4/18/1961 #16652  
ter and 12 feet high, with exhaust pipes around the periphery, land nearby. 4/18/1961 #16653  
' bullet-object with wavy lines. 6 pipes / rear. Whoosh sound.              8/15/1964 #18485  
 on the rounded front part and six pipes along the straight rear portion, m 8/15/1964 #18489  
 on the rounded front part and six pipes along the straight rear portion fl 8/15/1964 #18491  
 Saucer with portholes and exhaust pipes circles private pilot / 10K' altit 4/29/1966 #20425  
 object with portholes and exhaust pipes circled a Beechcraft Bonanza aircr 4/29/1966 #20428  
 also had what looked like exhaust pipes (see sketch below).                9/15/1966 #20886  
Undescribed object with protruding pipes / very low altitude. Scares cat. / 9/9/1973 #27788  
drawings, and NASA photos of lunar pipes, conduits, gears, gas nozzles, fla 8/1976 #31214  
spended from the two ends by metal pipes from the ceiling, was a green tabl 12/10/1976 #31594  
rface are what look like boxes and pipes. An officer orders Bustinza and Wa 12/28/1980 #35750  
car. Circular metal object hovers. Pipes protrude. Disk spins counterclockw 7/22/1981 #36021  
 off lights (like numerous exhaust pipes). The inside cockpit shined bright 11/17/1986 #38068  
ps overhead / 2 minute(s). Lights. Pipes flat / underside.                  6/13/1989 #38987  
ort wings. Low altitude. Tubes and pipes / underside. Hums.                 9/11/1989 #39095  
nge. Away extremely fast going up. Pipes / underside.                       6/17/1993 #41019  
Paris, France. It had 5-6 "exhaust pipes" on the rear. It then vanished. Th 11/30/1995 #42634  
## Word: "piping" (Back to Top)
wn alloy, and interior bracing and piping composed of a very high grade alu 4/18/2003 #44516  
## Word: "pipkin" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pipkin” Yield: 200KT YieldMax: 1000KT    10/8/1969 #25399  
## Word: "piqua" (Back to Top)
                                   Piqua (area), OH Sightings Over Wide Are 8/7/1957 #13883  
## Word: "piquerobi" (Back to Top)
                       SOUTHEAST / PIQUEROBI, BRAZIL Mayor and several. Dom 6/18/1959 #15773  
## Word: "piracicaba" (Back to Top)
                                   PIRACICABA, BRZ UFO group. 4 night light 12/19/1992 #40753  
                                   PIRACICABA, BRZ 2 observer(s). VLF UFO d 12/30/1992 (approximate) #40772  
            On this night a man in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil enco 8/26/1995 #42417  
                                   PIRACICABA, BRZ Several separate observe 10/20/1995 #42560  
                  CAPIVARI TO/FROM PIRACICABA, BRZ 2 / car. Phony cloud = w 3/24/1996 #42837  
                                   PIRACICABA, BRZ 2 observer(s). 4M saucer 8/26/1996 #42996  
                 Several people in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil saw  9/8/1996 #43009  
                                   PIRACICABA AND MORE/OTHERS, BRZ 100s.Sep 3/4/1997 #43218  
## Word: "piragine" (Back to Top)
Punta Airport [now Doctor Fernando Piragine Niveyro International Airport]  8/2/1962 #17317  
Punta Airport [now Doctor Fernando Piragine Niveyro International Airport], 8/2/1962 #17317  
## Word: "pirai" (Back to Top)
                          BARRA DO PIRAI, BRAZIL 10M luminous disk low over 12/10/1957 #14703  
d at the landing site. In Barra do Pirai, Brazil at 10 p.m., a 10-meter wid 12/10/1957 #14705  
## Word: "piran" (Back to Top)
                                   PIRAN, SLOVENIA Many observer(s) feel co 10/12/1973 #28010  
## Word: "pirana" (Back to Top)
hway between Las Armas and General Pirana, Argentina in Buenos Aires provin 8/5/1962 #17322  
## Word: "pirangi" (Back to Top)
                                   PIRANGI, BRAZIL Many observer(s) to June 3/1971 #26036  
## Word: "piranha" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Piranha” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT     5/13/1966 #20480  
## Word: "pirassununga" (Back to Top)
            At 7:30 a.m. people in Pirassununga, Sao Paolo, Brazil were exc 2/6/1969 #24897  
 place called Chacara Do Benedito, Pirassununga, Sao Paulo State, Brazil wh 2/6/1969 #24898  
                                   PIRASSUNUNGA, BRZ Saucer lands. 2 small  2/7/1969 #24899  
                                   Pirassununga, São Paulo, Brazil hill on  2/7/1969 #24901  
chado, 19, wakes up at his home in Pirassununga, São Paulo, Brazil, and hea 2/7/1969 #24901  
        Shortly after 7:00 a.m. in Pirassununga, Sao Paulo State, Brazil th 2/7/1969 #24902  
                                   PIRASSUNUNGA, BRZ Farmer attacked / 2 1. 2/12/1969 #24911  
                   At 5:40 a.m. in Pirassununga, Sao Paolo state, Brazil Lu 2/12/1969 #24915  
                              NEAR PIRASSUNUNGA, BRZ 5M saucer lands / trip 2/20/1969 (approximate) #24933  
                  On this night in Pirassununga, Sao Paulo, Brazil the mana 2/20/1969 #24936  
                              NEAR PIRASSUNUNGA, BRZ Small sphere paces Tuc 11/16/1996 #43111  
## Word: "pirat" (Back to Top)
 p.m. A civilian pilot is flying a Pirat glider near a cement mill in Dział 5/16/1980 #35336  
## Word: "pirate" (Back to Top)
d it sounded like "a wooden legged pirate.” The skin on their cheeks and ar 8/25/1976 #31302  
## Word: "pirated" (Back to Top)
eld payments on the software, then pirated it, making modifications to allo 1982 #36286  
## Word: "pires" (Back to Top)
                          RIBEIRAO PIRES, BRAZIL 2 observer(s). 5M cylinder 5/30/1967 #22423  
w altitude over a farm in Ribeirao Pires, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It had 4 5/30/1967 #22427  
## Word: "piriapolis" (Back to Top)
y on a beach between the cities of Piriapolis and Funta del Este a reporter 12/23/1978 #34199  
## Word: "pirie" (Back to Top)
                              PORT PIRIE, SOUTH AUSTR Cylinder/cigar-shape  10/18/1952 #8154  
irport, Powell and his copilot Ian Pirie notice a return on their onboard r 12/21/1978 #34193  
ft and disappears. Then Powell and Pirie see a flashing light in front of t 12/21/1978 #34193  
     Walking on a footpath in Port Pirie, South Australia at 3:10 a.m., a 5 7/31/1992 #40541  
## Word: "piritu" (Back to Top)
                            PUERTO PIRITU, VNZL Crew and riders / Lav airli 12/17/1954 #11826  
## Word: "pirogovskoye" (Back to Top)
                                   Pirogovskoye Reservoir north of Moscow,  8/1976 #31217  
rs observe a silvery disc over the Pirogovskoye Reservoir north of Moscow,  8/1976 #31217  
                                   Pirogovskoye Reservoir, Mytishchinsky Di 5/1978 #33181  
ishev is allegedly confronted near Pirogovskoye Reservoir, Mytishchinsky Di 5/1978 #33181  
## Word: "pirouzi" (Back to Top)
reaching night supervisor Houssain Pirouzi, who goes outside at 11:15 p.m.  9/18/1976 #31395  
 of 6,000 feet. Around 12:30 a.m., Pirouzi alerts the Iranian Air Force com 9/18/1976 #31395  
## Word: "pisa" (Back to Top)
                                   Pisa, Italy Multiple sightings: flare; f 2/15/1945 #1783  
                                   PISA, ITALY 6 saucers fly over in backwa 8/19/1955 #12371  
                       Fornacette, Pisa, Italy Emissario Canal Camp Darby m 7/13/1966 #20644  
uty at the crossing in Fornacette, Pisa, Italy, when he is dazzled by a pow 7/13/1966 #20644  
                                   PISA AND LIVORNO, ITL Airliner delays la 12/6/1973 #28528  
 returns from all over the area of Pisa, Italy for 30 minutes. One of these 12/6/1973 #28534  
## Word: "pisani" (Back to Top)
                               CA' PISANI, ITL 2 observer(s). Dark rectangl 10/14/1954 #11012  
                               Ca’ Pisani, Rovigo, Italy 12:00 noon. Farmer 10/14/1954 #11056  
eading his cows to a pond near Ca’ Pisani, Rovigo, Italy, when an egg-shape 10/14/1954 #11056  
                            Boaria Pisani, Padua, Italy In Boaria Pisani, P 10/15/1954 #11109  
ria Pisani, Padua, Italy In Boaria Pisani, Padua, Italy, a farmer is leadin 10/15/1954 #11109  
ernment topographer Adolfo Paolini Pisani is driving a jeep along the highw 1/1961 #16555  
 is lost to view in a few seconds. Pisani stops his jeep to assist, but for 1/1961 #16555  
 government topographer, Adolfo P. Pisani, was passed by a truck as he was  1/1/1961 #16558  
                               Mr. Pisani, a government topographer, had ju 1/1/1961 #16559  
## Word: "piscataway" (Back to Top)
ess's piano playing and singing in Piscataway, New Jersey at 10:50 p.m. Loo 4/21/2005 #44825  
## Word: "pisceno" (Back to Top)
                            ASCOLI PISCENO, ITL Several observers. Umbrella 10/17/1954 #11169  
veral people in the town of Ascoli Pisceno, Marche, Italy witnessed an umbr 10/17/1954 #11185  
## Word: "pisco" (Back to Top)
                                   PISCO, PERU Several / theodolite and air 5/27/1955 #12162  
ped objects circled the airport at Pisco, Peru at 11:00 p.m. They flew at o 5/29/1955 #12167  
                                   PISCO TO/FROM LIMA, PERU 5 / airline cre 8/6/1967 #22822  
                        Lima, Peru Pisco, Peru 8:00 p.m. A Peruvian airline 8/6/1967 #22831  
ght while flying between Lima, and Pisco, Peru. The light changes color fro 8/6/1967 #22831  
t zooms away as the airplane nears Pisco.                                   8/6/1967 #22831  
                               OFF PISCO, PERU Fishermen. Large light rises 2/9/1999 #43723  
11:45 p.m. a group of fishermen in Pisco, Peru watched an anomalous light e 2/9/1999 #43725  
## Word: "pisgah" (Back to Top)
driving alone on a country road on Pisgah Ridge, Tennessee when she heard h 5/5/1974 #29086  
## Word: "pisonia" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pisonia” Yield: 255KT                    7/17/1958 #15147  
## Word: "pissotte" (Back to Top)
                                   PISSOTTE, FR 2 / car. 12M dome 2M over r 4/29/1978 #33178  
## Word: "pistakee" (Back to Top)
                                   PISTAKEE LK, IL Architect. Object whistl 4/21/1954 #9698  
## Word: "pistarini" (Back to Top)
nternational Airport [now Ministro Pistarini International Airport] at Ezei 12/22/1962 #17606  
## Word: "pistol" (Back to Top)
 malfunctioning. When he fires his pistol at it, the lights rise and rapidl 1/31/1916 #941  
ed malfunctioning. When he fired a pistol at the lights they rose rapidly i 1/31/1916 #942  
esitate to ‘kill.’” Allen leaves a pistol nearby, which the secretary has n 2/19/1954 #9558  
ated object: “It could have been a pistol, or it could have been a metal ro 9/30/1954 #10517  
9:30 p.m. two police officers on a pistol range in Barstow, California saw  8/31/1959 #15945  
ey of a huge pancake. Carrying his pistol in his pocket, he steps away from 9/19/1961 #16857  
ad and fires six rounds from a .32 pistol at it with no effect. He can hear 4/28/1964 #18217  
 D. Adams then fired a .22 calibre pistol at it and heard a metallic ping a 4/28/1964 #18218  
rightened, he takes his .22 magnum pistol and fires it four times at the UF 3/23/1966 #20052  
d for a better look, and fired his pistol at it when it was less than 100 f 3/23/1966 #20057  
He fired at it four times with his pistol, hearing the bullets hit a metal  3/25/1966 #20084  
eet over his head. He took out his pistol and fired a complete clip of bull 5/6/1967 #22285  
nto the car and gets a .25 caliber pistol, loads it, and fires point blank  5/13/1967 #22336  
aces and white hair. Brown grabs a pistol and steps halfway out of his car, 10/17/1973 #28132  
ve. Patterson pointed a 22-caliber pistol at it, while Evelyn Clayton loade 8/21/1978 #33540  
He gets out of his car holding his pistol and flashlight, moving cautiously 12/6/1978 #34065  
radio would not work. Armed with a pistol and a flashlight he entered the c 12/6/1978 #34069  
nd incoherent next to his car. His pistol had been fired six times, and gia 12/28/1978 #34220  
or, Turner grabs his .32 automatic pistol and fires 8 rounds at it with no  8/29/1979 #34803  
dly frightened, memory loss. Fired pistol at object circling the car, fled  8/30/1981 #36091  
dly frightened, memory loss. Fired pistol at object circling the car, fled  8/30/1981 #36092  
d his car, and the witness fired a pistol at the object and attempted to fl 8/30/1981 #36093  
ice Agent William Greer shooting a pistol at Kennedy; Lear’s transcription  10/8/1988 #38665  
ey)-monster grabbing dog with .357 pistol. Runs away!                       9/5/1995 (approximate) #42441  
 at and hit a creature with a .357 pistol while the monster was attempting  9/5/1995 #42444  
ow Chow dog. The officer fired his pistol at the creature, which doubled in 9/7/1995 #42447  
he up-close, hovering UFO with his pistol occurred in the early morning hou 9/25/2002 #44406  
the rain. He saw one man shoot his pistol at it about eight times, and the  9/25/2002 #44406  
5 pairs of night vision goggles, a pistol from Iraq, a DOD laptop and an en 7/2003 #44560  
## Word: "pistol-shot" (Back to Top)
sness. She awoke to the sound of a pistol-shot and something striking again 12/10/1976 #31594  
## Word: "piston" (Back to Top)
tholes and he hears a sound like a piston engine.                           Late 9/1953 #9179  
ed repairs, the result of a broken piston. Peculiar "hoof like" marks were  10/1/1975 #30409  
## Word: "piston-driven" (Back to Top)
ines in each of two modified YB-35 piston-driven flying wings, which are re 6/1/1945 #1872  
          Edwards AFB California A piston-driven YB-35 flying wing bomber m 5/15/1948 #3652  
## Word: "piston-like" (Back to Top)
onsocket, Rhode Island. A peculiar piston-like apparatus appears to be pump 7/3/1967 #22601  
## Word: "pisuerga" (Back to Top)
                        OLLEROS DE PISUERGA, SP 1+several observer(s). Delt 12/10/1968 (approximate) #24755  
         On this day in Olleros de Pisuerga,Spain a deltoid object was obse 12/10/1968 #24756  
## Word: "pit" (Back to Top)
reen and white. Lands / old gravel pit. Hums. Quickly going up [to] later.  9/22/1953 #9171  
erver(s). 30M sphere hovers / open pit mine / strong wind. Away extremely f 6/14/1957 #13726  
heir OTC-X1 spacecraft in a gravel pit 6 miles east of the Frontier City am 4/19/1959 #15708  
ot to the touch. The object leaves pit marks burned in the windshield, circ 5/10/1961 #16681  
 parked next to a pond in a gravel pit near Vashon, Washington, when they n 2/18/1968 #23763  
hite barrel with antennas / gravel pit. / FSRv15#6+/ r30p325.               3/14/1969 #25008  
ith antennas hovered over a gravel pit in Malataverne, Drome, France and wa 3/14/1969 #25013  
ght shift. UFO encounter over open pit uranium mine, near Conoco Oil Co. (r Summer 1971 #26183  
ces and burnt grass found / gravel pit.                                     9/13/1973 #27810  
ORTON, MA Domed saucer over gravel pit. Lights / edges. Blows orange and wh 1/22/1974 #28688  
d as a flying saucer near a gravel pit in this New England town. He saw a l 1/22/1974 #28690  
ject was encountered over a gravel pit in Norton, Massachusetts. It had lig 1/22/1974 #28691  
 with boxy bottom on legs / gravel pit. Marks. Military investigation/inves 3/22/1975 #29915  
0 feet, was observed over the slag pit Murray Mine, Sudbury. (National Rese 10/28/1975 #30499  
was seen again later over a gravel pit; it ascended at an 85 degree angle.  9/5/1979 #34840  
## Word: "pitane" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pitane” Yield: 5KT                       7/21/1982 #36540  
## Word: "pitanga" (Back to Top)
                       Bauru, near Pitanga, Brazil A group of survey worker 7/23/1947 #3216  
urvey workers working northeast of Pitanga, Parana State, Brazil ran away w 7/23/1947 #3219  
## Word: "pitch" (Back to Top)
ew in 4-deep formation, tipping in pitch and roll, for 45 seconds.          11/17/1955 #12572  
 approaches the witnesses, the low pitch changes to a high pitch.           7/25/1957 #13837  
s, the low pitch changes to a high pitch.                                   7/25/1957 #13837  
nuous, tone-modulated hum at a low pitch of 200 cycles per second. The FCC  11/7/1957 #14461  
. The signal is a long note of low pitch followed after a few seconds by tw 11/7/1957 #14461  
ed. The humming sound increased in pitch when the objects took off.         11/23/1957 #14605  
 portholes. The whine increases in pitch after about two minutes, and the U 12/8/1957 #14691  
nal ascent, the sound increases in pitch and loudness. The witness’s mother 3/29/1966 #20139  
hining noise, winding up to a high pitch as if on a musical scale. He said  11/14/1966 #21101  
hining noise, increasing to a high pitch, peaking and then breaking off, as 11/15/1966 #21109  
intermittent sound that changed in pitch, then saw over the treetops two br 1/10/1967 #21283  
ector Richard Helms makes one last pitch for the A-12 Oxcart program to Pre 5/16/1967 #22354  
hining sound that rose and fell in pitch. Then he received a distinct menta 7/18/1967 #22695  
en's band radio emitted a variable pitch whining noise (EM effects), interf 7/28/1967 #22746  
and the only maneuver they make is pitch and roll, all done simultaneously, 3/17/1969 #25019  
t his side window and it was still pitch black outside the car. He did his  12/6/1976 #31587  
 no sign of rotation, oscillation, pitch, roll, or yaw. Neither is there an 1/1/1978 #32841  
grey saucer hovers. Wobble = clear pitch and yaw / 1 minute(s). / r218p144. 6/25/1978 #33309  
ars a whirring noise that rises in pitch as it apparently rises into the sk 7/11/1981 #35996  
ars a whirring noise that rises in pitch as it apparently rises into the sk 7/11/1981 #35998  
 seems to transform from silver to pitch black and back to silver again. Th 2/25/1987 #38123  
e clearing around her house. It is pitch black and enormous, moving only ab 8/13/2002 #44383  
 light followed witnesses out of a pitch black forest, and then hovered in  9/5/2003 #44593  
 Mexico reported the night sky was pitch black with no moon nor even cloud  7/27/2004 #44718  
surrounding the desert, and it was pitch black, and his girlfriend was slee 9/16/2007 #45059  
## Word: "pitch-black" (Back to Top)
-feet tall Grey humanoid with huge pitch-black eyes approached him. The bei 7/16/2000 #44020  
## Word: "pitch-coupled" (Back to Top)
rborne, an uncontrollable roll and pitch-coupled oscillation starts that fo 9/29/1959 #15999  
## Word: "pitched" (Back to Top)
range tracks when he heard a high- pitched sound and saw a circular object  2/22/1922 #1019  
strumentation and displays. A tent pitched nearby contained the corpse of t 5/21/1953 #8892  
dark on the bottom. They tipped in pitched and rolled as they flew by. They 11/17/1955 #12573  
 hot blast of air and heard a high pitched sound at the same time. The car  12/8/1957 #14696  
hanged color, and also made a high pitched whining sound. Alan took his sho 8/2/1965 #19272  
ed. 10' ovoid spins overhead. High pitched whine. Zooms going up.           6/13/1967 #22500  
at 8:30 p.m. There was also a high pitched sound associated with the object 2/23/1968 #23780  
uments state Project Skylite was a pitched effort to replicate UAP observab 4/5/1970 #25625  
ees over. The UFO also made a high pitched sound like that of an electric m 6/16/1972 #26717  
 County, Wisconsin. It made a high pitched sound.                           6/23/1972 #26728  
 back of his head and hears a low- pitched sound. The two humanoids quickly 1/7/1974 #28660  
d and heard, simultaneously, a low pitched, modulated sound. The two sudden 1/7/1974 #28661  
utes on this night. It made a high pitched whining sound, then took off at  4/7/1974 #28997  
it wouldn’t start. He heard a high pitched whining sound from the UFO and s 8/13/1975 #30258  
c hangs in the air, making a high- pitched buzz and floating motionless bet 11/5/1975 #30562  
nt column of light emitting a high pitched whine as it left.                9/14/1978 #33680  
Bolingbrook was awakened by a high pitched sound "like a blender running in 4/3/1982 #36432  
k, Illinois was awakened by a high pitched sound "like a blender running in 4/3/1982 #36434  
round their rims. They made a high pitched sound and he fell into a trance, 7/15/1985 #37621  
ddenly she heard in her head a low pitched, mechanical, monotone voice that 10/11/1989 #39164  
 presentation in Stockholm that he pitched vacuum fluctuation energy techno 1994 #41347  
The UFO made a horribly loud, high pitched humming sound.                   4/25/2005 #44826  
## Word: "pitchfork" (Back to Top)
I, ITL Saucer lands. Farmer raises pitchfork and faints. Night lights going 11/24/1978 #33993  
## Word: "pitching" (Back to Top)
altitude, moving in a “tumbling or pitching manner.” One object shoots stra 5/1/1952 #6245  
## Word: "pitea" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PITEA, SWD 4 observer(s). Shiny 'flying  7/19/1946 #2066  
## Word: "pith-helmet" (Back to Top)
                     LABAROCHE, FR Pith-helmet saucer circles Petit-Honach  8/7/1967 #22837  
EECE Man photographs clouds. White pith-helmet saucer shows when developed. 12/2/1973 #28502  
## Word: "pitigliano" (Back to Top)
cked on radar. At the same time in Pitigliano, Italy in Tuscany two hunters 9/17/1954 #10335  
## Word: "pitlochry" (Back to Top)
                                   PITLOCHRY, SCOTLAND 1+several observer(s 8/15/1965 (approximate) #19395  
heres zig-zagged over a pasture in Pitlochry, Tayside, Scotland, causing th 8/15/1965 #19401  
## Word: "piton" (Back to Top)
                                   Piton du Calvaire Petite Île Réunion Ind 2/14/1975 #29812  
ne Séverin, 21, is on the slope of Piton du Calvaire, a hill outside Petite 2/14/1975 #29812  
## Word: "piton-a" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Piton-A” YieldMax: 40KT                  5/28/1970 #25674  
## Word: "piton-c" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Piton-C” YieldMax: 20KT                  5/28/1970 #25675  
## Word: "pits" (Back to Top)
s seen as two small, eroded crater pits.                                    7/30/1953 #9021  
ount of plutonium contained in the pits of the primaries.                   1/21/1968 #23684  
## Word: "pitt" (Back to Top)
in Robeson, Hoke, Sampson, Bladen, Pitt, and Columbus counties in the early 4/3/1975 #29953  
## Word: "pittburgh" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHEAST / PITTBURGH, PA Several separate observer( 11/8/1981 #36209  
## Word: "pitted" (Back to Top)
l blue-gray color with a rough and pitted outer surface, and about the size 7/17/1967 #22685  
eet high, and cream-colored with a pitted surface. He smelled a rather naus 4/26/1969 #25096  
## Word: "pittem" (Back to Top)
                       WINGENE AND PITTEM, BELGIUM Many observer(s). Large  5/3/1973 #27463  
## Word: "pitten" (Back to Top)
    Many observers in the towns of Pitten and Wingene, West Flanders, Belgi 5/3/1973 #27464  
## Word: "pitthee" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pitthee” Yield: 150KT                    6/14/1991 #40097  
## Word: "pittman" (Back to Top)
with the last names of Johnson and Pittman.                                 4/7/1948 #3614  
oster, Richard Francisco, Teddy L. Pittman, and Ronnie A. McDonald) of F4U- 6/20/1952 #6562  
confirmation by college student R. Pittman not clear from available data.   4/4/1965 #18894  
clouds. A college student named R. Pittman also sighted the object.         4/4/1965 #18896  
## Word: "pittsburg" (Back to Top)
                                   Pittsburg, Kansas Naval Cmdr. L. H. With Summer 1947 #2357  
aped UFO flash over the airport at Pittsburg, Kansas.                       Summer 1947 #2357  
                              NEAR PITTSBURG, CA Pilot-engineer and 1. Sile 7/6/1947 #2742  
                                   PITTSBURG, CA 3 observer(s). Disk hovers 7/7/1947 #2867  
                              NEAR PITTSBURG, KS Project Bluebook Case #197 8/25/1952 #7719  
                                   Pittsburg, Kansas Witness:  radio statio 8/25/1952 #7729  
                 Frontenac, Kansas Pittsburg US Highway 160 5:50 a.m. Willi 8/25/1952 #7732  
ontenac, Kansas, to the station at Pittsburg. He is in his 1952 Jeep statio 8/25/1952 #7732  
                                In Pittsburg, Kansas at 5:35 a.m. radio sta 8/25/1952 #7736  
                                   Pittsburg, KS Object reported hovering o 8/27/1952 #7753  
                           Florida Pittsburg, Kansas Battelle issues its si 10/10/1952 #8114  
 samples from cases in Florida and Pittsburg, Kansas. The witness questionn 10/10/1952 #8114  
                             SSE / PITTSBURG, CA 3 teens / (seen thru) bino 8/6/1956 #13055  
                  Joplin, Missouri Pittsburg, Kansas Stone's Corner Coffeyv 1/13/1967 #21298  
ut an unexplained object overhead. Pittsburg, Kansas, police dispatcher Jam 1/13/1967 #21298  
lice that a UFO has been seen over Pittsburg. He describes it as an object  1/13/1967 #21298  
                                   Pittsburg, Kansas 9:00 p.m. A married co Late 7/1975 #30204  
on are driving in the country near Pittsburg, Kansas, when the wife notices Late 7/1975 #30204  
                              NEAR PITTSBURG, KS 3 / car. Ovoid going down  8/1/1975 (approximate) #30228  
                              WEST PITTSBURG, CA 3 teens. Saucer with windo 5/20/1977 #32114  
 Avenue and Willow Pass Road, West Pittsburg [now Bay Point], California Su 5/20/1977 #32116  
 Avenue and Willow Pass Road, West Pittsburg [now Bay Point], California, a 5/20/1977 #32116  
                                   PITTSBURG, KS 16 observer(s). 3 dinner-p 4/3/1994 #41475  
## Word: "pittsburg-stockton" (Back to Top)
                                   Pittsburg-Stockton, CA Bright yellow lig 2/20/1953 #8688  
                                   Pittsburg-Stockton, California Witnesses 2/20/1953 #8689  
## Word: "pittsburgh" (Back to Top)
                 Norfolk, Virginia Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 11:00 p.m. Anot 8/2/1860 #156  
il. The phenomenon is also seen in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Some unnamed c 8/2/1860 #156  
rcial radio broadcast from KDKA in Pittsburgh PA                            11/2/1920 #1007  
5 transport ten miles southeast of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania saw a round whi 9/11/1948 #3797  
                                   Pittsburgh (8-12 miles SE of), PA Round  9/12/1948 #3799  
                                   Pittsburgh (near), PA USAF officers saw  12/9/1948 #3920  
                                   PITTSBURGH, PA Kids / baseball. Blue-whi 4/7/1950 #4810  
                                   PITTSBURGH, PA 2 / AT11 trainer plane. C 2/11/1952 #5895  
                                   Pittsburgh, PA AT-11 Encounters Object ( 2/11/1952 #5896  
                                   Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Witnesses: Capt 2/11/1952 #5897  
ir Force AT-11 trainer flying near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at three o'cloc 2/11/1952 #5898  
                                   Pittsburgh, PA (McDonald list) Anti-Airc 3/11/1954 #9613  
                                   PITTSBURGH, PA Bright steel-grey saucer  8/11/1956 #13067  
ed object hovered over the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for two hours,  8/11/1956 #13069  
                                   PITTSBURGH, PA Family. 3+3 night lights  10/22/1957 #14141  
                                   Pittsburgh, PA Family saw six UFOs in tw 10/22/1957 #14143  
Detroit Williamsport, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh 8:20 p.m. Capt. Peter W. Kill 2/24/1959 #15604  
 well as by the tower operators in Pittsburgh. The Air Force quickly identi 2/24/1959 #15604  
                                   PITTSBURGH, PA Project Bluebook Case #un 7/22/1965 #19158  
or, Ontario Michigan Northern Ohio Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Kecksburg, Penn 12/9/1965 #19762  
ires and causes sonic booms in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, metropolitan a 12/9/1965 #19762  
nnsylvania Rochester, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Greater Pittsburgh Internatio 4/17/1966 #20318  
r, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Greater Pittsburgh International Airport 5:00 a. 4/17/1966 #20318  
nd asks him to contact the Greater Pittsburgh International Airport. Beighe 4/17/1966 #20318  
d Spaur phones the USAF station at Pittsburgh. Spaur speaks to some colonel 4/17/1966 #20318  
oot straight up and out of sight. (Pittsburgh NICAP Subcommittee report.) ( 11/30/1966 #21164  
                                   Pittsburgh, PA 9:35 p.m. EDT. Three adul 6/9/1967 #22481  
rd a plane enroute from Atlanta to Pittsburgh saw a flat object that appear 9/14/1967 #23057  
n. Similar report(s) / Atlanta and Pittsburgh.                              4/4/1968 #23889  
                                   Pittsburgh, PA Dusk. A man and a woman w 4/18/1971 #26077  
e driving on a rural road north of Pittsburgh, observed a football-shaped o 4/18/1971 #26077  
ng. A cigar-shaped UFO was seen in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that same night 8/14/1973 #27702  
m several independent witnesses in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on this night,  3/1/1978 #33009  
                       NORTHWEST / PITTSBURGH, PA 3 observer(s). Odd blimps 4/5/1978 #33124  
            Petrolia, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh 7:15 p.m. Three men are repai 4/1/1982 #36427  
er triangular UFOs are seen in the Pittsburgh area from March 22 to May 19. 4/1/1982 #36427  
                                   PITTSBURGH, PA 1+observer(s). Large meta 1/7/1986 #37753  
 ground. About 20 minutes later in Pittsburgh, silver-gray disc with body l 1/7/1986 #37754  
d ground. About n minutes later in Pittsburgh, silver-gray disc with body l 1/7/1986 #37755  
              Butler, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh A UFO emitting beams of light 1/7/1986 #37756  
s seen in Butler, Pennsylvania. In Pittsburgh, 20 minutes later, a silver-g 1/7/1986 #37756  
 ground. About 20 minutes later in Pittsburgh a silver-grayish disc-shaped  1/7/1986 #37757  
                                   Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 9:49 p.m. A hus 6/26/1986 #37924  
east, about as bright as Venus, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They move on p 6/26/1986 #37924  
s flew parallel to each other over Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 9:49 p.m. Af 6/26/1986 #37925  
                                   PITTSBURGH, PA 2 observer(s). TV Radio F 10/8/1986 #38041  
                                   PITTSBURGH, PA 2 / car. White ovoid with 5/17/1989 #38955  
their twenties driving in a car in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 2:57 a.m. ha 5/17/1989 #38956  
                              NEAR PITTSBURGH, PA US Air B727. Shiny rectan 1/13/1991 #39951  
                                   Pittsburgh, PA U.S. Air flight crew saw  1/13/1991 #39952  
                                   Pittsburgh, PA U.S. Air flight crew saw  1/13/1991 #39953  
                        40M EAST / PITTSBURGH, PA Astronomer / airliner. 3  9/8/1991 #40180  
                         US22 WITH PITTSBURGH, PA 2 long wingless fuselages 6/23/1992 #40504  
                                   PITTSBURGH, PA 1 observer. Whoosh! Flat- 12/2/1993 #41317  
 flew over the witnesses' house in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 150 feet alt 12/2/1993 #41319  
r object that crossed the sky over Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at steady pace  3/26/2000 #43969  
sighted moving to the south toward Pittsburgh.                              6/30/2003 #44559  
, made no sounds as it passed over Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 9:00 p.m.    3/5/2006 #44928  
        University of Pennsylvania Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Havana Universi 3/2018 #45520  
ts taken by a chief neurologist in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on an unspecif 3/2018 #45520  
## Word: "pittsfield" (Back to Top)
                       SOUTHEAST / PITTSFIELD, IL Dull-red 6M ovoid going s 8/15/1952 #7607  
                                   PITTSFIELD, MASS 2 observer(s). 60' cyli 6/15/1953 #8933  
                                   PITTSFIELD, ME Project Bluebook Case #29 4/23/1954 #9707  
                                   Pittsfield, ME Silver circular saucer sh 4/23/1954 #9710  
                                   Pittsfield, Maine Witnesses:  Mr. and Mr 4/23/1954 #9711  
 a typical teenage pajama party in Pittsfield, Pennsylvania and were doing  1/25/1967 #21388  
normal at the Kushner household in Pittsfield, Pennsylvania following a fri 1/28/1967 #21411  
ert White had been on their way to Pittsfield, Maine for dinner. After trav 7/15/1984 #37399  
White were driving on their way to Pittsfield, Maine for dinner. At 9:05 p. 7/15/1984 #37401  
## Word: "pittsford" (Back to Top)
                                   PITTSFORD, NY 1 observer. 2 Saturn-UFO's 6/2/1992 #40481  
                   At 2:15 a.m. in Pittsford, New York two charcoal black,  6/2/1992 #40482  
                                   PITTSFORD, NY Several observer(s). "Stac 8/20/1992 #40584  
ulti-witness sightings occurred in Pittsford, Monroe County, New York that  8/20/1992 #40586  
## Word: "piuok2" (Back to Top)
s://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/piuok2/attorneydanielsheehanforlueelizon 10/2021 #45713  
## Word: "piura" (Back to Top)
                       200KM SSE / PIURA, PRU 2 Air Force officers. Domed o 1/31/1955 #11953  
C-4 passenger liner in flight from Piura to Lima on February 2, 1967, at 06 2/2/1967 #21438  
                                   PIURA GOING QUICKLY [TO] LIMA, PERU Airl 3/22/1967 #21939  
## Word: "pius" (Back to Top)
o Rome to refer everything to Pope Pius XII, who decided to found the S.I.V 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
## Word: "pivot" (Back to Top)
h a rounded top that rotated and a pivot between the base and the top. It t 4/8/1950 #4828  
rounded top that rotated. It had a pivot between the base and the top. It t 4/8/1950 #4832  
ld. The craft was set on a central pivot with six legs, was about 5 m long, 7/1/1965 #19045  
er. The craft was set on a central pivot with six legs, was about five mete 7/1/1965 #19049  
a field on the left. Suddenly they pivot 90° and move parallel with the roa 12/29/1994 #41910  
## Word: "pivotal" (Back to Top)
ing the Peaceful Revolution, was a pivotal event in world history which mar 11/9/1989 #39221  
## Word: "pivoted" (Back to Top)
as a domed, disc shaped craft that pivoted on its vertical axis before emit 9/1964 #18525  
 60 and 90 feet across. The object pivoted, making a 90 degree turn while s 8/10/1981 #36069  
hway in Sermaises, Loiret, France, pivoted in place, and then flew off to t 10/29/1996 #43101  
## Word: "pivoting" (Back to Top)
ircle she saw a small black object pivoting upon itself. During this time s 10/5/1970 #25870  
## Word: "pivots" (Back to Top)
in its center. Suddenly the object pivots to the east and moves away toward 7/20/1894 #316  
ing [to] between mountains. Stops. Pivots. Going quickly northwest. / FSRv2 1/6/1974 #28652  
ers / low altitude / 12 minute(s). Pivots end-on to observer(s). Shoots awa 8/24/1975 #30303  
t is 60–90 feet across. The object pivots, making a 90° turn while stationa 8/10/1981 #36068  
ering at treetop level, the object pivots 360° and then stops. After observ 4/10/1984 #37257  
RMAISES, FR Green triangle hovers. Pivots. Goes going quickly north. Also s 10/29/1996 #43100  
ts sideways and gradually turns or pivots. The underside of the craft is fl 3/19/2013 #45362  
## Word: "pixley" (Back to Top)
                        PIEDRA AND PIXLEY AND FRESNO, CA Pilots and many. W 7/22/1956 #13003  
                                   PIXLEY, CA Blue Book. Air Force C131 hit 7/22/1956 #13005  
                                   Pixley, California Kern County Airport [ 7/22/1956 #13007  
vers is flying at 16,000 feet over Pixley, California, in a Convair C-131D  7/22/1956 #13007  
ns driving between Bakersfield and Pixley, California reporeted seeing a bl 7/22/1956 #13008  
ar Highway City between Fresno and Pixley, California saw an egg-shaped obj 7/22/1956 #13008  
## Word: "pizancon" (Back to Top)
                                   Pizancon, France - Driving home at 1 a.m 6/11/1976 #31103  
## Word: "pizza" (Back to Top)
STWOOD, NJ 2 cops. Orange glowing "pizza" hovers. Going quickly east. / r24 8/24/1958 #15220  
men were walking home from a local pizza parlor in Virgilio, Sicily, Italy  7/14/1999 #43802  
## Word: "pizzas" (Back to Top)
5 After sunset. A woman delivering pizzas in Cygnet, Ohio, is stopped along 10/31/2000 #44068  
## Word: "pié" (Back to Top)
       Torrita di Siena, Italy Via Pié agli Orti Ispra 8:00 p.m. Hairdresse 9/17/1978 #33701  
iving home at 9:00 p.m. on the Via Pié agli Orti, the engine and lights of  9/17/1978 #33701  
## Word: "pj" (Back to Top)
                  USNR test pilot “PJ” states he saw a saucer at WPAFB in 1 1962 #17012  
the right answer to the question.” PJ had a TS clearance that allowed him t 1962 #17012  
able insight otherwise impossible. PJ was puzzled by the lack of security a 1962 #17012  
## Word: "pk" (Back to Top)
                          TOLOVANA PK, OR Saucer back studying clay bank /  8/11/1950 #5117  
                   BABIOGORSKY NAT.PK, POLAND Flying 'buckle' with glowing  12/21/1968 #24784  
ple. Owens, who calls himself the “PK Man,” attributes his psychic and prec 1969 #24803  
                       YELLOWSTONE PK, WY 2 abduction / car. Waken / salt l 6/15/1969 (approximate) #25216  
                 EAST / MYAKKA ST. PK, FL 130M brown colored blimp nears tr 9/7/1999 #43843  
## Word: "pkmre8mnkmm" (Back to Top)
d the Caribbean.  https://youtu.be/Pkmre8mNKmM?t=1028                       10/14/2022 #45775  
the Cosmos Club.  https://youtu.be/Pkmre8mNKmM?t=1500    https://www.nsa.go 10/14/2022 #45776  
## Word: "placard" (Back to Top)
xhibit case with an undecipherable placard next to it. Within days of the p 5/5/2015 #45437  
ur program to read the text of the placard, which reveals that the supposed 5/5/2015 #45437  
## Word: "place" (Back to Top)
ne mile against the current to the place where they had embarked.           1638 #41  
   A dark "flying ship" hovered in place over the ocean near Cherbourg, Fra 2/8/1672 #48  
 the southwest. The incident takes place in the North Atlantic Ocean some 2 11/4/1749 #70  
a physician living at 112 Garfield Place in Cincinnati, Ohio, sees a red, e 5/4/1897 #588  
 the policemen fly with them "to a place where it does not rain." The same  5/6/1897 #592  
emen that they fly with them "to a place where it does not rain." The same  5/6/1897 #594  
and apparently moves away from the place.                                   10/4/1898 #626  
imes flying against the wind, take place in Denmark. They usually have wing Summer 1908 #706  
 7:14 a.m. A large explosion takes place near the Podkamennaya Tunguska Riv 6/30/1908 #711  
k all afternoon to get back to the place where the UFO picked him up 5 minu 1921 #1010  
d / angle. Legs still! Vanishes in place!                                   1/1930? #1109  
 More than 50% of the reports take place between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., w 12/24/1933 #1182  
veillance has actually been taking place since early January.               2/12/1934 #1205  
that a Martian invasion was taking place, though the scale of panic is disp 10/30/1938 #1299  
possible UFO crash/retrieval takes place during preparations for the US Arm Early 10/1941 #1372  
awaii](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Naval+Station+Pearl+Harbor,+Joint+ 12/7/1941 #1377  
ia The Battle of Los Angeles takes place, a rumored enemy attack and subseq 2/24/1942 #1388  
’il Abner comic strip, which has a place called “Skonk Works” where a stron 7/1943 #1515  
 found in the dark. The event took place 35 km northwest of the town. (Mago 1945 #1743  
 found in the dark. The event took place 35 km northwest of the town.       1945 #1746  
-style plutonium-based bomb) takes place at the Trinity site on what is now 7/16/1945 #1900  
undreds of other observations take place over central Sweden. Ravndal sugge 7/9/1946 #2037  
als advice and, if possible, would place all available reports before them. 8/19/1946 #2145  
st of rocket projectiles has taken place over Sweden has been found.”       12/23/1946 #2213  
maneuver / 30 minute(s). Vanish in place. Back twice.                       2/3/1947 #2237  
ed to the brothers allegedly takes place; informants like Austrian physicis 7/5/1947 #2721  
and some neighbors walk toward the place where it apparently has landed, an 7/6/1947 #2811  
. Five separate UFO sightings take place at Muroc AFB [now Edwards AFB] in  7/8/1947 #3014  
the debris recovery operation take place. They are taken into a room in sma 7/11/1947 #3137  
, then takes him to Fred Crisman’s place to see some Maury Island fragments 7/29/1947 #3254  
erything about what has just taken place.                                   7/31/1947 #3264  
een prevented with a sky patrol in place.                                   12/26/1947 #3511  
height. He had "two round holes in place of eyes.” When Sr. Langiano approa 4/3/1948 #3607  
n. The government is looking for a place where nuclear tests would have lit Late 1948 #3842  
‘Organ’ test of ramjet diffuser in place of payload section. Nominal perfor 11/18/1948 #3879  
mented radar-visual UFO case takes place at Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base in Ba 11/23/1948 #3889  
 green, red, and white flares take place at Killeen Base, Texas, including  3/17/1949 #4049  
‘Organ’ test of ramjet diffuser in place of payload section)                5/5/1949 #4145  
 2 minutes. A third sighting takes place at 11:25 a.m. An object approaches 7/3/1949 #4261  
ains “how one may venture from one place to another, while his physical is  8/1949 #4300  
ther, while his physical is in one place and he is in another. That is the  8/1949 #4300  
co A radar-tracking UFO case takes place at a key atomic base (probably Los Fall 1949 #4366  
s returning home from his father’s place in Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro,  12/4/1949 #4434  
nnery Range in Nevada is the right place. President Truman approves the loc 7/1950 #5034  
and stopped in midair, hovering in place for ten seconds.                   7/13/1950 #5065  
White beam going down. Vanishes in place as if erased.                      7/26/1950 #5078  
A top secret meeting on UFOs takes place at the Metropole Building on North 8/15/1950 #5127  
 and visual sightings of UFOs take place over restricted airspace at Oak Ri 10/12/1950 #5222  
ed singing and cows seem frozen in place. Four men with brown skin and wear 6/19/1951 #5546  
, and flies him to an otherworldly place he takes to be Mars. He sees other 1952? #5840  
tact aboard 80,000 feet above this place.” Other messages soon come from El 1/6/1952 #5861  
ther A. Riedel. The briefing takes place at the Mayfair Hotel in Los Angele 4/2/1952 #6016  
sas, Texas During war games taking place in the vicinity of Lampasas, Texas 4/7/1952 #6043  
was a similar sighting at the same place the next day.                      4/17/1952 #6109  
going down [to] to/from. Vanish in place.                                   5/21/1952 #6346  
ing [to] and <. Flips. Vanishes in place!                                   5/25/1952 #6352  
flipped over, and then vanished in place over the New Jersey shore at nine  5/25/1952 #6364  
bjects. The primary sighting takes place near Albuquerque, New Mexico, and  5/28/1952 #6378  
5,000 feet. Another sighting takes place around 11:30 p.m. about 10 miles s 5/28/1952 #6378  
urs later the final sighting takes place near Enid, Oklahoma, also with a B 5/28/1952 #6378  
7 but abandoned when the transport place couldn't close with the UFO. At 5: 6/2/1952 #6429  
le, VA An intercept operation took place in Richmond, VA. An Air Force T-33 6/15/1952 #6498  
a very rapidly. It then hovered in place for 90 seconds. Finally, it picked 7/15/1952 #6831  
d visual sightings are also taking place at Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Ana 7/19/1952 #6935  
esa because he heard it was a good place to look for seashell fossils. Afte 7/27/1952 #7216  
calamity. More Ouija sessions take place through August 17. A message comes 8/2/1952 #7424  
/box-like craft-formation. Flip in place. Entire formation vanishes.        8/3/1952 #7427  
omplex radar-visual sighting takes place at Haneda AFB [later Tokyo Interna 8/5/1952 #7472  
t that the events have truly taken place.                                   8/25/1952 #7733  
hwest of Tampa, the accident takes place under unusual circumstances, and t 9/12/1952 #7905  
uickly southwest slowly. Vanish in place!                                   9/26/1952 #8031  
t a face-to-face meeting will take place soon. Williamson and Bailey ask Ad 11/4/1952 #8247  
him a physical encounter will take place on November 20.                    11/18/1952 #8297  
            Belle-Ile, France At a place alled "La Butte" a luminous sphere 11/21/1952 #8315  
                              At a place called "La Butte" on Belle-Ile, Fr 11/21/1952 #8318  
es he happened to be at the “right place at the right time when the crates  1953 #8482  
heat anything. Shielding is put in place by 1964, but the discovery is kept 1/1953 #8486  
 all out of the ordinary is taking place.                                   1/17/1953 #8544  
ny, but this earlier incident took place on November 18, 1952, resulting in 3/14/1953 #8753  
uverable UFOs. The encounter takes place with only 400 feet of distance bet 4/14/1953 #8824  
 = 23cm / arms length. Vanishes in place. / MJ#242.                         6/16/1953 #8934  
t, a “local field exercise,” takes place at the Army Chemical School [now t 9/15/1953 #9168  
perimeter. They seemed to stand in place, then made abrupt turns.           12/10/1953 #9355  
ge silent disk hovers. Vanishes in place!                                   12/27/1953 #9399  
 See, they finally met in a public place in Rome. According to this person, 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
oon. It remained stationary in one place despite the 30 mph wind. After 30  3/30/1954 #9651  
viewed a solar eclipse (which took place at 7:00 a.m. on June 30). Howard l 6/29/1954 #9962  
that an MJ-12 briefing should take place at the White House July 16. Cutler 7/14/1954 #10018  
Silent. 150m altitude. Vanishes in place.                                   8/1954 #10083  
n [to] 1K' altitude. Fades away in place!                                   8/2/1954 #10091  
nce were "paralyzed" and frozen in place when a luminous white object dove  10/1/1954 #10573  
was witnessing an abduction taking place, and that the man in trenchcoat wa 10/18/1954 #11223  
             Northern Italy, exact place unknown Ulderico Cardinali saw a d 10/25/1954 #11388  
, France Approximate date. At this place situated near Saint Quirin, Mrs. L 10/26/1954 #11415  
to each bar. The convergence takes place over the Trastevere–Monte Mario di 11/6/1954 #11585  
e from any outside planet or other place.” Immediately after the press conf 12/15/1954 #11816  
osophy, religion, and the “Earth’s place in the universe.” Adamski learns t 1955 #11896  
 air. Flips over and disappears in place..                                  1/27/1955 #11945  
The nuclear Teapot Wasp test takes place at the Nevada Test Site. Ground fo 2/18/1955 #12010  
tion without remembering what took place in the meantime.                   3/1955 #12021  
ests. Mr. Droguet was paralyzed in place and could not move during the enco 5/14/1955 #12132  
t flight of the Lockheed U-2 takes place at Groom Lake, Nevada. During a hi 8/1/1955 #12316  
 other planets.” The meeting takes place in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in Ne 10/7/1955 #12491  
of a true thermonuclear bomb takes place at the Semipalatinsk Test Site in  11/22/1955 #12586  
known debris backtraced / time and place. Very large and artificial. Origin 12/18/1955 #12615  
rcles / sky. Blurs and vanishes in place! 2nd object shoots by.             9/3/1956 #13175  
ing apes. The next visitation took place in Arizona in 10,000 B.C. [the beg 1957 #13430  
-sampling balloons are tethered in place; 9 burros, 109 beagles, 10 sheep,  4/24/1957 #13615  
e contaminated equipment buried in place. Data from the test confirms that  4/24/1957 #13615  
tests in Operation Plumbbob, takes place at the Nevada Test Site. At 12 kil 5/28/1957 #13684  
und zero of the blast, which takes place at between 18,500 and 20,000 feet  7/19/1957 #13814  
ast. Slows. Hovers and pulsates in place. No further details.               11/5/1957 #14296  
ay to the southwest. It remains in place for 15 minutes. During this time t 11/6/1957 #14428  
the field where the encounter took place and put him aboard a military heli 11/10/1957 #14523  
 border Several UFO sightings take place along the Finland-Russia border. A 12/1957 #14651  
s going south. Other half hovers / place.                                   12/6/1957 #14675  
h, while the other half hovered in place. That same day in the Tumacacori N 12/6/1957 #14679  
le radar and visual sightings take place over the next three days.          12/12/1957 #14721  
r who has been denied a request to place an ad in the base newspaper asking 1/23/1958 #14840  
e trouble fail. The next inhabited place is far away, so the travelers deci 2/24/1958 #14889  
 Alagoas, Brazil 6:00 a.m. At some place along the Brazilian coast between  4/1958 #14955  
netary Spacecraft Convention takes place at Giant Rock, near Landers, Calif 5/31/1958 #15064  
urning round and round on the same place." It caused a strong air disturban 6/12/1958 #15092  
I series of 37 nuclear tests takes place at the Nevada Test Site through Oc 9/12/1958 #15265  
eir lymphatic system had taken the place of their circulatory system; eyes  1959 #15516  
 line. The initial detection takes place when the aircraft is flying at 8,5 2/24/1959 #15604  
nd asked him to return to the same place three days later.                  3/29/1959 #15678  
that a mid-air collision had taken place at 8:19 p.m. APRG (Aerial Phenomen 4/1/1959 #15686  
ly free flight of an Avrocar takes place. This test proves the nozzle contr 11/12/1959 #16087  
. Painfully brilliant. Vanishes in place.                                   7/31/1960 #16350  
epublic of the Congo with plans to place it on Prime Minister Patrice Lumum 9/1960 #16429  
gua The Bay of Pigs invasion takes place in Cuba. A counter-revolutionary m 4/17/1961 #16649  
. Reaches airdrome and vanishes in place.                                   5/23/1961 #16696  
cal aerodrome and then vanished in place.                                   5/23/1961 #16698  
g about UFO evidence has not taken place. He is replaced on the House Scien 9/16/1961 #16841  
o the spot where the landing takes place, and they see the figures again, w Late 11/1961 #16978  
 aims “for a revolt which can take place in Cuba by October 1962.” One of L 11/30/1961 #16984  
cumented claim that a landing took place. No traces.                        10/24/1962 #17490  
 stopped moving and hovered in one place for a while she stopped watching i 6/13/1963 #17782  
 Lockheed YF-12 interceptor, takes place at Edwards AFB in California.      8/7/1963 #17877  
2 night lights. 1 fades. 1 stays / place while stars move / 50 minute(s).   9/9/1963 #17929  
p their house. Activity was taking place at the railroad tracks about ½ a m 10/21/1963 #17995  
s away). The entire incident takes place in less than 2 minutes. Police Sgt 4/24/1964 #18200  
iving home from a dance at a small place north of Santa Barbara, California 6/1964 #18313  
 turned off, then the reverse took place. A round, aluminum-looking object, 7/28/1964 #18456  
 turned off, then the reverse took place: the cone-shaped light in the sky  7/28/1964 #18457  
 time. Other radar encounters take place in the Caribbean November 16–18 an 11/19/1964 #18629  
flight of an SR-71 Blackbird takes place at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, 12/22/1964 #18673  
Australian UFO organizations takes place in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.  2/27/1965 #18829  
denies that any such incident took place. However, an official statement by 5/28/1965 #18973  
son told him that they came from a place more distant than Mars, that they  8/9/1965 #19350  
(s). Saucer hovers and vanishes in place! Back 29 September. / r204p91+/ r7 9/25/1965 #19595  
.m. the halo reappears at the same place, and the object switches on again. Late 9/1965 #19604  
rfect line, but 1-2 dropped out of place from time to time. They flew off t 10/17/1965 #19661  
   A major military operation took place on this night to recover a bronze  12/9/1965 #19763  
the distance. When they got to the place where it had landed it had already 3/24/1966 #20072  
ich some persons allege have taken place.”                                  3/25/1966 #20081  
, Massachusetts. The incident took place in the pre-dawn hours, beginning a 6/23/1966 #20599  
th-northeast. Other sightings take place over the next week.                6/25/1966 #20610  
:50 p.m. It stopped and hovered in place for three minutes, and then turned 9/6/1966 #20855  
Air Force where the project should place its emphasis. Lt. Col. Hippler, al 1/12/1967 #21290  
elevation. Poor RADAR's. Vanish in place.                                   1/16/1967 #21316  
ng small, circular balls that they place on the ground around the UFO. The  2/5/1967 #21460  
and Haven, Michigan. It stopped in place, then shot away at a speed that wa 2/27/1967 #21678  
ehind, and that the incident takes place in the Judith Basin area many mile Mid 3/1967 #21891  
itoba, Canada Another landing took place near a farm outside Beausejour, Ma 5/31/1967 #22430  
pad as a public park and as a safe place for aliens to land. Minister of Na 6/3/1967 #22457  
 moved up, down, and "all over the place." This witness's dog also whimpere 8/9/1967 #22853  
saucer hovers. Going up and down / place. Tilts. Back / 11 August. Red and  8/10/1967 #22856  
ne denies that a UFO sighting took place.                                   9/1/1967? #22977  
 and Russian governments is taking place. Rees replies that the ministry is 11/22/1967 #23496  
m, “Are you the watchman over this place?”). They are humanoids, 4–5 feet t 12/3/1967 #23545  
 until a wave of UFO reports takes place in Western Australia and he is den 1968 #23629  
g from side to side. It stopped in place two or three times, and when it di 1/28/1968 #23706  
s glow. He disappeared, and in his place was the robot. The ground traces s 9/14/1968 #24460  
 minutes. The object stayed in one place during heavy winds, and caused ele 9/19/1968 #24486  
to the field and find a large oval place where the grass, weeds, and bushes Late 9/1968 #24511  
N 3:00 a.m.The first sighting took place in the Fraser Canyon between Bosto 10/1968 #24533  
P 5 / car. 10M saucer vanishes / 1 place. Reappears / another.. twice!! / L 10/14/1968 #24561  
 for half a minute or more in each place. (Letter to NICAP) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 10/26/1968 #24590  
paranormal phenomena began to take place around the doctor and his family,  11/1/1968 #24620  
c domed disk 400M away. Rotates in place. / Bruno Mazzocchi.                11/15/1968 (approximate) #24658  
                   This event took place about one-quarter mile from the hy 12/10/1968 #24757  
field later that same morning at a place called Chacara Do Benedito, Pirass 2/6/1969 #24898  
ever been willing to return to the place of the encounter.                  2/12/1969 #24915  
ny delta-shaped object remained in place in the sky for two minutes.        4/26/1969 #25095  
 some 300 miles to the east of the place where he had been abducted. He sup 5/4/1969 #25114  
d it, and a head on collision took place 30 kilometers from Rouen. He estim 8/11/1969 #25317  
, France. They stopped, rotated in place, turned >SSE, and then flew away.  8/12/1969 #25320  
se the window and became frozen in place, literally unable to move. Further 8/22/1969 #25326  
 ground about 600 yards away, in a place called "Kidnappers Hole." Christop 8/27/1969 #25333  
ing asphalt. It seemed to hover in place and then back-tracked. It caused e 8/7/1970 #25776  
 car stop. Large cogwheel spins in place. Reverses rotation. Flashes.       1/25/1971 #26001  
conscious memory of what had taken place. However, they both felt an unspec 3/14/1971 #26047  
lass. This strange occurrence took place only hours after a number of peopl 4/2/1971 #26065  
era to take a photo it vanished in place!                                   7/25/1971 #26244  
ng a compulsion to go to a certain place, Paul de Brescia walked to an isol 8/25/1971 #26305  
oactivity in certain areas. In the place where the object had descended the 9/20/1971 #26354  
ah Puharich drove to the appointed place near Tel Aviv, Israel around 10:00 12/6/1971 #26490  
ucer hovers and wobbles rapidly in place. Rises then 3 photographs taken.   7/5/1972 #26770  
the south-southeast. It stopped in place for 15 seconds and suddenly shot o 7/6/1972 #26780  
 in color, with two round bumps in place of eyes, small ears, no visible mo 8/18/1972 #26928  
n the broad daylight. It stayed in place for an hour and 20 minutes.        9/30/1972 #27041  
g eastwards. He finds a convenient place to stop, wind down the window, and 1/11/1973 #27230  
days of bizarre UFO incidents take place. Warren says that Gleason and Nixo 2/19/1973 #27298  
ght light. 180-turn. Fades away in place! / r31p18.                         4/12/1973 #27424  
in Ohio A series of meetings takes place between USAF representatives (Col. 5/1973 #27460  
 could eavesdrop” on events taking place inside. Here the proposal takes pl 5/1973 #27460  
ce inside. Here the proposal takes place, including the promise of using 3, 5/1973 #27460  
house during the night. This takes place in the middle of a concentration o 6/4/1973 #27549  
r. She was in some dark "enclosed" place where she couldn't see and an inst 6/23/1973 #27584  
ws. It didn't feel like a pleasant place, and she felt she had had another  8/4/1973 #27683  
. Then she found herself in a huge place with a domed ceiling, and she was  8/4/1973 #27683  
ere other similar crystals in this place, about five in all, and they were  8/4/1973 #27683  
ppeared. They left him back at the place where they had found him. His legs 10/11/1973 #28005  
opters during the Vietnam War took place, always at night, and prompted sho 10/16/1973 #28084  
igar-shape appears and vanishes in place! Camouflage?                       10/25/1973 #28278  
. Strange events now began to take place. Some in the party saw a farmhouse 10/25/1973 #28286  
 the vicinity of the UFO's resting place. The object itself left four trian 10/29/1973 #28319  
 huge glowing object from front of place of business, chased at high speed  11/6/1973 #28374  
oing north. 10 small orbs hover in place afterwards / 10 minute(s). / news. 11/13/1973 #28416  
hite disc-shaped object hovered in place over Dilbeek, Brabant, Belgium for 12/11/1973 #28556  
said that it appeared to land some place near the Pacheco School in Shasta  1/8/1974 #28668  
wo crates from the crash site at a place called Porton Down military person 1/23/1974 #28693  
ng crates from the crash site to a place called Porton Down where the UK Mi 1/23/1974 #28694  
n and cloned! Guides double in his place. Pseudo-human/entity photographs b 2/28/1974 #28814  
nd silence, translocation from one place to another, altered appearance of  5/31/1974 #29147  
uma to Beitbridge, Zimbabwe, takes place along the A4 highway, during which 5/31/1974 #29149  
nd silence, translocation from one place to another, altered appearance of  5/31/1974 #29149  
ning and seemed to be vibrating in place, and flew away to the north.       6/13/1974 #29186  
rees. Two lights flew all over the place, while a huge ball of light was se 6/14/1974 #29194  
 France. It stopped and hovered in place for three hours. It had portholes  8/1/1974 #29296  
s that the following incident took place. Military radar at Corpus Christi, 8/25/1974 #29386  
 sight. The other half remained in place, and figures in helmets were seen  8/26/1974 #29391  
d ufologist Robert Barry a CR took place in NM the same year.  [Retrievals  3/14/1975 #29900  
y silent, when everything froze in place like a still frame from a motion p 7/12/1975 #30175  
it juice and again sat in the same place. A few times he acknowledged their 7/12/1975 #30175  
fficial sees an object in the same place. The following night at 7:30 p.m., 7/15/1975 #30182  
r Khami Prison. 5 observer(s) same place / 17 July. Going quickly east.     7/16/1975 #30184  
cal procedures, and a journey to a place with sand. She has further regress 8/26/1975 #30310  
numerous weird events start taking place that last for a two-year period: w Fall 1975 #30379  
tober 28. Many unusual events take place that night and the next day, so Fi 10/27/1975 #30486  
 A radar-visual UFO sighting takes place at Wurtsmith AFB [now Oscoda-Wurts 10/29/1975 #30510  
entified helicopter sightings take place in a secure area in Wurtsmith AFB  10/30/1975 #30522  
by two nocturnal lights stopped in place, then descended slowly into some w 11/4/1975 #30552  
by two nocturnal lights stopped in place, then descended slowly into some w 11/4/1975 #30553  
.m. “Scores” of UFO sightings take place around Clovis, New Mexico. Town Ma 1/23/1976 #30815  
nted ears, and a large triangle in place of the nose and mouth. It so frigh 4/17/1976 #30999  
r. Inside a high, round room, they place her on a table, putting handcuffs  6/11/1976 #31102  
an causing him to become frozen in place with paralysis. It stopped some 20 6/23/1976 #31135  
rthwest / 300M by D39. Vanishes in place!                                   7/11/1976 #31156  
d be started at this point. At the place where the UFO had been there was a 8/6/1976 #31241  
rily. The larger object remains in place.                                   8/11/1976 #31256  
gain (See Aug. 15) rises from same place near creek and take the same route 8/18/1976 #31279  
g up and down [to] in same General place / 2 hours.                         8/30/1976 #31316  
elaware at 3:30 a.m. and were at a place called Slaughter Neck when they sa 12/6/1976 #31586  
as now about 100 meters beyond the place she had lost consciousness. She tu 12/10/1976 #31594  
rvers were paralyzed and frozen in place for five minutes, 150 meters away  1/5/1977 #31699  
rchers retrieve a black object and place it inside a van, which quickly lea 1/10/1977 #31715  
t is not moving, seemingly held in place. Then the light quickly leaves and 1/21/1977 #31743  
seen third time, again in the same place for five minutes, by a total of 14 2/4/1977 #31792  
cal lines. It slowly fades away in place.                                   3/22/1977 #31926  
the UFO, which was now moving from place to place above the houses by jumps 4/6/1977 #31953  
which was now moving from place to place above the houses by jumps too rapi 4/6/1977 #31953  
pid to observe. It then stopped in place for more than five minutes, during 4/6/1977 #31953  
ith a sphere on top. It hovered in place for four seconds. When the UFO dep 4/12/1977 #31975  
ve heavy brow ridges, apertures in place of ears, small noses, and slitlike 5/1977 #32042  
ntists and professionals to put in place data- collection systems for UFO r 5/1/1977 #32046  
om. 8cm / arms length. Vanishes in place.                                   5/10/1977 #32081  
nce that such a briefing has taken place.                                   6/14/1977 #32162  
 flash. Other dwarf sightings take place in the area.                       9/4/1977 #32460  
hining object at the same time and place but at a much greater distance.    11/1/1977 #32651  
 looked like a "chicken coop" at a place called Bakers Creek Falls, near Ar 1/10/1978 #32867  
 looked like a "chicken coop" at a place called Bakers Creek Falls, near Ar 1/10/1978 #32870  
ased was to have them in the first place so that one could mail them back t 2/2/1978 #32945  
 high. The whole appearance of the place was the most clinically aseptic. T 2/5/1978 #32957  
2nd car stops also and vanishes in place!                                   2/22/1978 #32989  
ce when flashlight lit. Vanishes / place.                                   4/5/1978 #33125  
an odd noise while this was taking place.                                   6/14/1978 #33279  
anta-saucer hisses and vanishes in place!                                   6/25/1978 (approximate) #33308  
The 1978 MUFON UFO Symposium takes place in Dayton, Ohio. Ufologist Leonard 7/29/1978 #33449  
t flies overhead. Then it stays in place, rocking silently back and forth,  8/20/1978 #33532  
 to the west. Other sightings take place in the same area around Alessandri 9/2/1978 #33626  
her standing still as if frozen in place. She doesn't remember anything els 9/15/1978 #33689  
e witness was reportedly frozen in place during the 20 minute close encount 3/27/1979 #34492  
w that criminal activity is taking place involving many states and it requi 4/20/1979 #34517  
llow. An electrical blackout takes place, and dogs, chicken, and cattle get 5/9/1979 #34552  
 meters before he became frozen in place, unable to move. He said it felt l 5/16/1979 #34564  
ve minutes, a second sighting took place. It hovered to the right of the nu 6/12/1979 #34611  
om/between red "fence post" out of place. Flies southwest going quickly nor 8/29/1979 #34793  
.m. A complete power failure takes place in Huaihua, Hunan, China. At 9:00  9/12/1979 #34866  
, and made no sound. It hovered in place for a few minutes so the witness,  9/23/1979 #34919  
to be able to move around from one place to another in an instant.          10/7/1979 #34951  
00 feet. Further maneuvering takes place, and Huertas finds the object chas 4/11/1980 #35269  
from where the encounter had taken place. He was hospitalized for a nervous 4/23/1980 #35286  
htings by numerous witnesses takes place in Córdoba, Jorge Newbery and Ezei 6/14/1980 #35368  
s a classic daylight disc and took place in the southeast, not New Mexico.  7/1980 #35397  
 says that the incident never took place (which contradicts Curtis’s statem 8/8/1980 #35447  
 which represented the name of the place they came from, it sounded like "A 8/22/1980 #35475  
ate of speed. The UFO settles into place as a distant white light source th 9/11/1980 #35514  
 physical effects from a UFO takes place in Trans-en-Provence, Var, France. 1/8/1981 #35779  
ered over the lake, then floats in place for 3 minutes. He also saw steam o 7/15/1981 #36009  
ls deny that an accident has taken place, but radioactive contamination rea 9/9/1982 #36599  
ing which a silent explosion takes place and an orange object is ejected. A 9/17/1982 #36607  
hape of a triangle appear in their place. About 5 seconds later, the colore 12/31/1982 #36733  
s go out, leaving nothing in their place, as if whatever object was support 3/24/1983 #36807  
 the incident definitely had taken place.                                   3/27/1983 #36817  
 p.m., another sonar contact takes place and six Terne rockets are fired. T 4/27/1983 #36846  
                           COLLEGE PLACE, WA 2 observer(s). Silent flat tri 8/1/1983 #36928  
FO and an abduction scenario takes place, compete with sex with a light-hai 12/14/1983 #37074  
the UFOs seemed to be jumping from place to place. At this time three F-5E  5/19/1986 #37874  
seemed to be jumping from place to place. At this time three F-5E fighter j 5/19/1986 #37874  
arch Association, in an attempt to place current knowledge about the UFO ph 1987 #38090  
 her. She noticed one of the women place a device on her nearby piano and b 1/25/1987 #38104  
id in some bushes. From his hiding place he saw five additional creatures a 3/7/1987 #38134  
alking straight towards his hiding place. He ran about the entire 1.5 kilom 3/7/1987 #38134  
ic effects) twice / 1 night / same place. Yellow glowing-dome / hillside.   6/16/1987 #38190  
ps” with tremendous speed from one place to another and remains stationary, 8/23/1987 #38252  
ctive contamination accident takes place in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil, after a 9/13/1987 #38285  
n group and the US government took place at Holloman AFB in April 1964. Lea 12/29/1987 #38378  
on between aliens and the USG took place at Holloman AFB; they made a “deal 12/29/1987 #38379  
es hover overhead. All 3 vanish in place!                                   1/4/1988 #38394  
 follow cars and planes. Vanish in place.                                   10/1988 (approximate) #38658  
on, D.C. An arranged meeting takes place in Washington, D.C., between AFOSI 11/30/1988 #38728  
                         NEAR HOME PLACE, IN Arrowhead-delta/triangle/box-l 12/4/1988 #38736  
 UFO. Dome / rear end. Vanishes in place!                                   2/25/1989 #38851  
at 7:30 a.m., and then vanished in place.                                   2/25/1989 #38852  
ed “Erra.” She was then taken to a place with numerous forests and trails a 5/1/1989 #38933  
s). 8 odd blimps near Carl Sagan's place / one hour. Humming sound. No furt 5/20/1989 #38958  
 government. A second meeting took place with President Eisenhower at Edwar 5/23/1989 #38960  
         An abduction attempt took place on this evening in a park near Kie 7/4/1989 #39009  
hadowed. The object hovered in one place. After about an hour the object sp 8/10/1989 #39054  
ll of the inner German border took place shortly afterwards. An end to the  11/9/1989 #39221  
 and the German reunification took place in October the following year.     11/9/1989 #39221  
slow and low. Rotates. Vanishes in place!                                   12/24/1989 #39333  
osse outside Moscow, Russia. Their place is taken by three groups of object 3/12/1990 #39456  
and the final confirmed lock takes place at 12:40 a.m. Following several fu 3/30/1990 #39499  
ored lights / corners. Vanishes in place.                                   9/7/1990 #39718  
ts in the corners, and vanished in place.                                   9/7/1990 #39719  
and can’t stop because there is no place to pull over. The lights of an app 10/14/1990 #39785  
ea. Other high-speed contacts take place along the border of Germany and so 11/5/1990 #39867  
, and at other times it floated in place. It had blue, red, and green light 8/30/1991 #40174  
ke up he found himself in the same place that the UFO had originally picked 3/5/1992 #40359  
eing got on either side of him and place a firm grip on his forearms. The b 4/12/1992 #40414  
 then led to a dimly lit room, and place in a reclining position on a chair 4/12/1992 #40414  
7:30 a.m. An abduction event takes place in a suburb of Sydney, New South W 7/23/1992 #40530  
round nuclear test, Divider, takes place at the Nevada Test Site.           9/23/1992 #40638  
ada Test Site would be the logical place to keep them." ... "The Nellis Air 10/1992 #40653  
re many military operations taking place here that most civilians have neve 10/1992 #40653  
er was guarded while the exam took place. The abduction lasted for a total  11/20/1992 #40722  
rotates / 5 minute(s). Vanishes in place. No further details.               12/21/1992 #40758  
y a dead cow was discovered in the place where orange lights had been spott 4/1/1993 #40923  
r Barnhill schoolyard. Vanishes in place!                                   5/26/1993 #40989  
 at 10:45 p.m. It then vanished in place.                                   5/26/1993 #40990  
s first published experiment takes place on this date. The project’s initia 8/1/1993 #41100  
. Moves going east and vanishes in place!                                   8/5/1993 #41106  
r also sees it visually. Estimates place its speed as low as 50 mph. Possib 9/2/1993 #41176  
hovers / sky. Suddenly vanishes in place. (Balloon?)                        9/9/1993 #41190  
emporarily paralyzed and frozen in place. The object hovered close by for 1 2/26/1994 #41427  
stops / 500M altitude. Vanishes in place!                                   5/1/1994 #41512  
lowly and silently, and stopped in place for 5 minutes, then shot away.     6/30/1994 #41595  
CIA-developed Predator drone takes place at the El Mirage Field in the Moja 7/3/1994 #41604  
ing dead some 30 feet away. In the place where its rectum should be is a la 9/13/1994 #41743  
ey crossed the highway at the same place as an ambulance's electrical syste 9/13/1994 #41745  
ty, Colorado, at the same time and place as the sighting of a nocturnal lig 9/20/1994 #41767  
ccurring successively and changing place. They tried to approach but were s 12/29/1994 #41911  
ted out of the vehicle into a dark place. The primary witness also remember 2/11/1995 #42036  
ounters and one a radar case, take place around St. Petersburg, Russia.     3/14/1995 #42093  
Starts moving. Suddenly shrinks in place!                                   4/19/1995 #42158  
west very slow. Stops. Vanishes in place.                                   5/9/1995 #42191  
 sky, then stopped and vanished in place.                                   5/9/1995 #42192  
ute(s). Starts moving. Vanishes in place. Balloon?                          5/15/1995 #42208  
the air. It appeared to be held in place by a dark cable coming down from a 5/15/1995 #42211  
 a minute, then simply vanished in place.                                   8/1/1995 #42352  
 species of beings together in one place.                                   9/6/1995 #42445  
first official board meeting takes place in January 1996. NIDS disbands in  12/1995 #42635  
ts turns and vibrates. Vanishes in place.                                   1/5/1996 #42667  
ect reflects sunlight? Vanishes in place..                                  5/6/1996 #42897  
maises, Loiret, France, pivoted in place, and then flew off to the north. I 10/29/1996 #43101  
ms. The sightings principally take place in four locations in the central Y 12/11/1996 #43137  
one stage, no-fly zones are put in place, an action that some UFO researche 3/24/1997 #43239  
hough a military exercise did take place, at least 3 groups of observers re 3/24/1997 #43239  
ghtings, the sonic events did take place, and at least 1–2 civilian aircraf 3/24/1997 #43239  
successful communication has taken place and that most psychics used in the 5/23/1997 #43301  
 hovers / 5 minute(s). Vanishes in place! / v2#30.                          7/18/1997 #43352  
first World Forum of Ufology takes place in Brasília, Brazil, coordinated b 12/7/1997 #43453  
tuning fork" and was attempting to place it over the witness torso. The wit 4/13/1998 #43550  
ng herself standing in a different place in the room. She heard a voice say 6/10/1998 #43586  
Center on Anomalous Phenomena as a place for pilots, crews, and air-traffic 1999 #43706  
s a disc-shaped object hovering in place.                                   7/24/1999 #43813  
serious criticality incident takes place in the Tokaimura uranium processin 9/30/1999 #43856  
 reactivated SR-71 Blackbird takes place.                                   10/9/1999 #43858  
land, Illinois UFO” sighting takes place over the towns of Highland, Dupo,  1/5/2000 #43920  
nding himself inside a very bright place, but someone "dark" at the same ti 8/10/2000 #44029  
 abduction case in depth. It takes place at the Indian Head Resort in Linco 9/2000 #44035  
 the site where the abduction took place. The essays written by participant 9/2000 #44035  
ly dies down, and no hearing takes place.                                   5/9/2001 #44182  
, New Jersey. It slowly rotated in place.                                   6/2/2001 #44191  
e looked but could not find a safe place to stop on the narrow road to capt 10/31/2001 #44269  
ters is chasing. The pursuit takes place between broken clouds at about 4,0 7/26/2002 #44366  
identified target at that time and place.                                   8/13/2002 #44383  
Mercier, Quebec from their country place near Huntington when the wife sigh 9/15/2002 #44398  
sound. However, what seemed out of place was the extremely bright, single h 10/29/2002 #44424  
y Steven Spielberg. The show takes place from 1944 to 2002 and follows the  12/2/2002 #44457  
was driving home when he reached a place by a small lake in Prospect, Conne 1/22/2003 #44477  
disappeared the witness ran to the place where it had last been seen, and h 4/18/2003 #44515  
or sphere that was hovering in one place for a minute while spinning. It gl 5/16/2003 #44539  
t 12:30 p.m. One object hovered in place while the rest flew away toward th 5/24/2003 #44545  
pulled into the parking lot at his place of employment, and kept watching i 12/10/2003 #44627  
sed by workers at the dam and took place northwest of their location. Soldi 5/15/2004 #44702  
harp rock outcrop and seemingly no place for her to hide. Increasingly agit 8/2/2004 #44725  
llinois. Further observations take place on October 31, 2004; October 1, 20 8/21/2004 #44738  
, and the nearest really inhabited place was the hamlet of Gorodiszhe. At 3 8/25/2004 #44741  
 senior officers of what had taken place. The officers ordered the men to k 8/25/2004 #44741  
gium, is officially dissolved. Its place is taken by a less formal group, C 6/11/2007 #45035  
rward that such an event had taken place at the time on December 9.         12/9/2009 #45261  
 indicate the “disappearance” took place in 1987 and was part of a rural re 10/13/2010 #45302  
:46 p.m. A 9.0 Mw earthquake takes place with an epicenter near Honshu, Jap 3/11/2011 #45318  
ht light, he was taken to a colder place that was never-ending, flat, light 3/31/2011 #45322  
entioned the nearby Mt. Scott as a place that “opened” to escape apocalypse 2/20/2015 #45431  
 government oversight entirely and place it in a compartment as a new entit 5/9/2016 #45452  
omats, or even that an attack took place.” MRI scans and other tests taken  3/2018 #45520  
ast event noted in the slide takes place when one of the UAS crosses the sh 7/17/2019 #45595  
Storm Area 51 Facebook event takes place with about 150 people showing up a 9/20/2019 #45609  
rones “zipping around all over the place.” Iovinella himself sees one with  12/31/2019 #45623  
iplomats in Havana, Cuba. It takes place on the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. 11/2020 #45663  
t Congressional hearings will take place to hear testimony from whistleblow 10/14/2022 #45778  
## Word: "placed" (Back to Top)
g overhead. Six smaller lights are placed at intervals around a larger dark 2/4/1897 #387  
ped device with a small, centrally placed turret. The only opening is a doo Summer 1901 #645  
nes do not reappear, but Ottawa is placed on high alert. Later, Brockville  2/14/1915 #925  
across an object “like two saucers placed edge on edge” resting on a paddoc 1925 #1045  
lish Channel The Chain Home radars placed around the English coastline dete 3/1941 #1354  
d and the AAF Materiel Command are placed under AAF Materiel and Services.  7/17/1944 #1622  
a. National and state agencies are placed on heightened alert status when b 11/3/1944 #1691  
aris. Physicist Paul Santorinis is placed in charge of an investigation. He 9/1/1946 #2167  
ys that some unknown incidents are placed in a classified category, denied  4/8/1949 #4083  
 looks like two cigarette ashtrays placed face to face over Vancouver, Brit 2/26/1950 #4560  
he story, Marshall tells a “highly placed American” and “prominent medical  Summer 1951 #5549  
 It is claimed these implants were placed in subjects during abductions; un 1952 #5844  
g a special diffraction grid to be placed on patrol cameras that can be use 3/7/1952 #5949  
away. The UFO looks like two bowls placed together end to end, 75 feet long 8/25/1952 #7732  
ilities are enhanced when they are placed inside a Faraday cage. His experi 10/1952 #8074  
 Werner” (pseudonym) states he was placed on special assignment to investig 5/21/1953 #8899  
a mountain. The base is supposedly placed on red alert.                     Summer 1953 #8952  
KA had a nervous breakdown and was placed in hospital for three months. Dur 4/12/1954 #9685  
f it dissipates, but the substance placed in closed jars dissipates more sl 10/22/1954 #11320  
ached the machine, which they then placed upright on the tripod. The witnes 10/24/1954 #11368  
ear him. Shaped like two washbowls placed together, it was about 4.5 m in d 11/4/1954 #11563  
ry, glowing UFO like two washbowls placed on top of each other, closing in  11/4/1954 #11564  
it had the form of two deep dishes placed together rim to rim. They could n 12/28/1954 #11869  
is lacking in adequate data, it is placed in the insufficient information c 10/25/1955 #12519  
 Base, south of Miami, Florida was placed on an "alert status."             11/8/1956 #13315  
ary uniforms (as test fabrics) are placed in cages a short distance from gr 7/5/1957 #13779  
.60 meters in height. The body was placed in a freezer and stored in an und 1/21/1959 #15560  
e was flown back to Fort Bliss and placed under observation for four days,  2/28/1959 #15624  
"were there any survivors?" He was placed in a hospital for psychiatric exa 2/28/1959 #15624  
ch the buildings and reactors were placed.                                  6/1959 #15754  
es state that it looks like it was placed there gently from above. All the  1961 #16550  
ary observer(s). Satellite Anna-1B placed / orbit 10 October.               10/16/1962 #17473  
en, as well as four asymmetrically placed, trapezoidal imprints 12–16 inche 4/24/1964 #18200  
 automatic transmission and he had placed the selector lever in "park." Tow 10/23/1965 #19679  
n South Ashburnham, Massachusetts. Placed under hypnosis on several occasio 1/25/1967 #21386  
ked like a giant eye. She was then placed in an enclosed seat that was fill 1/25/1967 #21389  
anded, humanoid beings emerged and placed small spheres on the ground aroun 2/5/1967 #21457  
like shaft came human figures that placed small spheres around the craft. A 2/5/1967 #21459  
g figures wearing black robes, who placed small spheres around the craft. A 2/5/1967 #21462  
nd ports underneath, and forwardly placed light beams. It also had a green  2/9/1967 #21493  
IL Object shaped like a rubber cup placed under a furniture (NICAP: 01 - Di 3/6/1967 #21774  
 shaped like a rubber cup which is placed under furniture leg, with a dome  3/6/1967 #21777  
 an object like two silver saucers placed rim-to-rim (disc) with a transpar Spring 1967 #21921  
 from all around her. She was then placed on a black slab like table and wa 4/2/1967 #22048  
 out and dug up some dirt and then placed it inside the craft. The doorway  4/14/1967 #22131  
he enforcement of the operation is placed on local government militia and p 5/1967 #22253  
ield. Several entities emerged and placed probes into the hides of several  1/26/1968 #23704  
ntain. While she did so, the woman placed her hand on the witness shoulder  8/26/1968 #24381  
icular disc "like two round basins placed face to face" Swooped down over t 11/8/1968 #24644  
 samples from the ground that they placed on the side of the object. The sp 4/12/1969 #25059  
s later he came upon an improbably placed viewing plate in which he could s 8/15/1970 #25787  
 the floor. Scott was stripped and placed against a very brightly lit wall  3/14/1971 #26047  
tern in the middle and 6 regularly placed indentations. Later, another set  5/25/1971 #26136  
shaped UFO, shaped like two basins placed edge to edge, paced a plane flyin 8/9/1971 #26278  
rformed an "odd trick" with it; he placed the berry in his ear, where it di 5/15/1973 #27492  
and an instrument of some sort was placed on her head, which made her uncom 6/23/1973 #27584  
 picked up some boxes or cubes. He placed three of the objects on a rail, w 10/16/1973 #28089  
 middle. As soon as the cubes were placed on the rail they began to glow. T 10/16/1973 #28089  
round the groin. Soon the examiner placed another blanket over her, which p 10/16/1973 #28089  
lf. The being took a small pin and placed it on her thigh. Gabriella stoppe 10/16/1973 #28089  
re with a covering skin. These are placed in decontamination suits. Other u 1/23/1974 #28694  
sees a strange object like a plate placed above another large, round object 3/26/1974 #28956  
range luminous object like a plate placed above another large, round object 3/26/1974 #28957  
at it moves after being shaken and placed on the ground. In 2012, an analys 3/27/1974 #28961  
lée: there is a group of 12 highly placed people in government who have dec 6/2/1974 #29157  
o silver-white every five minutes, placed a car for several minutes in Glad 6/13/1974 #29186  
ith many cables attached to it was placed on his head, and he received mess 5/14/1976 #31052  
rved glowing disc like "two plates placed together" hovering to south. Obje 10/17/1976 #31472  
rs, says it looks like “two plates placed together, with the top one invert 10/17/1976 #31474  
s, said it looked like "two plates placed together, with the top one invert 10/17/1976 #31475  
aching the car, the man bent over, placed one hand on the roof, and looked  11/14/1976 #31549  
t five feet long. She was forcibly placed and twisted about into various ex 12/10/1976 #31594  
he object as similar to two plates placed edge to edge, with flashing yello 2/3/1977 #31784  
the belts around their waists, and placed them in this container, pushing a 9/15/1977 #32485  
e would be all right. She was then placed on a table in a shiny room, where 10/30/1977 #32640  
hat they wanted to examine him and placed him behind the screen on the rect 2/5/1978 #32957  
or to the collapse, and signs were placed to warn visitors to stay away fro 4/2/1978 #33119  
 The UFO resembled two soup plates placed together and was about 15 meters  5/2/1978 #33185  
en broken, perhaps by clamps being placed on them. Helicopters without any  2/16/1979 #34429  
rk of wires. At that point someone placed a helmet on his head and he had a 6/6/1979 #34601  
p ruts it created in the Earth and placed on a semi-trailer covered by a ta 6/27/1979 #34637  
n's shotgun totally dismantled and placed on the kitchen table. Later a fri 7/15/1979 #34656  
elf is shaped like “two straw hats placed brim to brim” with a brilliant ce 8/1980 #35437  
loud or mist, couple examined. Car placed back on road                      11/19/1980 #35658  
 toes. Meanwhile, instruments were placed on his arms and legs , which caus 11/28/1980 #35680  
Adamski was abducted by aliens and placed on the coal pile “by someone or s 11/29/1980 #35682  
d the area. A call was immediately placed to Palmdale's regional facility f 12/18/1980 #35724  
and Landrum wrongly, but honestly, placed the blame for their health proble 12/29/1980 #35757  
they wake up, they are differently placed in the boat, the time is 4:10 a.m 7/31/1981 #36048  
k and his lab in shambles. The man placed his plans in a bank safe but when 9/29/1982 #36619  
, “Must reply, did code (–1),” and placed numbers from 1 to 26 above certai 4/1988 #38525  
rom the wreckage at Brookhaven and placed in secure storage for disposal as 9/28/1989 #39132  
onnel. The added responsibility is placed in the intelligence section, comm 1/15/1992 #40288  
d tunnels worldwide. Luis was then placed inside a gas-filled sphere in the 3/5/1992 #40359  
lled him forward and his mouth was placed on one of her nipples, and he bit 7/23/1992 #40531  
a short Grey humanoid. He was then placed on a metal table that tilted 30 d 3/16/1993 #40886  
 point the "leader" reappeared and placed his hands over the abductee's eye 9/11/1994 #41734  
e an into outer space. He was then placed inside a transparent tub or tank  9/6/1995 #42445  
 5 minutes slow and that a compass placed near the car gives a reading 90°  11/4/1997 #43437  
and scanned his body. The tube was placed over his pubic hair just above th 12/14/1997 #43462  
 Markale remains convinced that if placed into public forum knowledge of TH 3/11/1998 #43532  
ra worked, and when the camera was placed in its charger the message "full  8/16/2004 #44734  
t, multi-instrumental device to be placed in the homes of recurrent abducte 2006 #44916  
ilable to the public worldwide and placed on the CNES website.              1/2006 #44917  
anitized Blue Book documents to be placed on the web through a private comp 2007 #44994  
tation, Florida. The spacecraft is placed into low Earth orbit for testing. 4/22/2010 #45276  
wo long solid red lights ther were placed side by side. These lights were s 6/1/2013 #45369  
 of credible people who are highly placed and say there is no program.  htt 9/2022 #45767  
## Word: "placement" (Back to Top)
 of the contents of the rooms, the placement of furniture and other objects 1/28/1967 #21411  
s in what would be the approximate placement of eyes in their heads. The ne 7/17/1973 #27638  
## Word: "placentia" (Back to Top)
                                   PLACENTIA, CA 2 teens. Clear silent moon 10/31/1977 #32641  
                                   Placentia, California 9:35 p.m. Several  10/31/1977 #32644  
rnia 9:35 p.m. Several students in Placentia, California, watch a disc with 10/31/1977 #32644  
, misty looking object was seen in Placentia, Orange County, California at  12/10/2001 #44286  
## Word: "placer" (Back to Top)
                                   Placer County, California Loch Leven Lak 9/5/1964 #18539  
row hunting in an isolated area of Placer County, California, near the Loch 9/5/1964 #18539  
           On a farm in Roseville, Placer County, California at 8:15 p.m. a 1/3/1986 #37749  
## Word: "placerville" (Back to Top)
                                   Placerville, CA Metallic highly polished 8/14/1947 #3327  
                                   PLACERVILLE, CA Amateur astronomer. Mete 2/13/1957 #13497  
                                   Placerville, California 9:40 p.m. Amateu 2/13/1957 #13503  
r Steve Papina is walking south in Placerville, California, when he notices 2/13/1957 #13503  
                                   PLACERVILLE, CA Retired USAF / aerospace 3/31/1995 #42129  
## Word: "places" (Back to Top)
bserving from Separation, Wyoming, places the object about 2.5° southwest o 7/29/1878 #214  
 the well with a concrete slab and places an outbuilding on the spot in 194 4/17/1897 #523  
alloon who land briefly in various places (usually near a spring) around ce 4/20/1907 #694  
 surface seemed to be rupturing in places, and through these ruptures came  7/2/1907 #698  
. Now one of the most contaminated places on Earth.                         1945 #1742  
. Now one of the most contaminated places on Earth.                         1947 #2216  
sources and from such a variety of places that we are convinced that they c 11/4/1948 #3868  
 with involutional melancholia and places him in a VIP suite on the 16th fl 4/2/1949 #4065  
 book. I actually have gone to the places I speak of.”                      8/1949 #4300  
track them on radar. The radar fix places them at 10,560 feet altitude and  7/10/1952 #6753  
 ovoids circle large sphere. Trade places. Going quickly SSW.               1/1/1954 #9433  
ound another one. They then switch places. Some witnesses attempt to drive  1/1/1954 #9437  
arge, round, reddish fireball, but places the time at 10:45 p.m.            1/4/1954 #9445  
n the air and take him to “unknown places.” They release him, but promise t 12/9/1954 #11786  
 or four fireballs fall in various places in southern New Mexico. Air Force 4/5/1955 #12080  
l incidents at different times and places and that the relationship between 8/13/1956 #13080  
heir home in Cincinnati, Ohio. She places it in an airtight jar. After the  9/25/1956 #13245  
 UFOs were seen in widely separate places. At other times the sighting repo 11/8/1956 #13314  
are hidden in various inaccessible places (“secret places of the lion”) aro 1957 #13430  
rious inaccessible places (“secret places of the lion”) around the globe. W 1957 #13430  
he globe. Williamson’s book Secret Places of the Lion follows in 1958 and R 1957 #13430  
 day, Gilham has “sunburn” in many places. Two days later he is admitted to 11/6/1957 #14425  
or it, the disc is gone. Dickenson places an advertisement in a Scarborough 11/21/1957 #14590  
h only the names of characters and places changed. The Martians are suppose 6/25/1958 #15116  
ed. The ground was scarred in nine places, and a substance resembling metal 4/18/1960 #16233  
ed. The ground was scarred in nine places, and a substance resembling metal 4/18/1960 #16234  
 these psychological techniques at places such as the School of the America 7/1963 #17819  
ay toward them that bends at three places, vertically and horizontally, to  1965 #18689  
ttened reeds were found in several places.                                  1/19/1966 #19857  
e the cemetery. Intrigued, Wallace places the car in neutral, pulls the eme 3/8/1967 #21815  
 at Caransebeş, Romania, and other places.                                  3/30/1968 #23877  
 seen at night and only in certain places. In mid-August, Project LETHAL CH 8/1968 #24284  
sands of people in Turin and other places in Piedmont, Italy, observe a con 2/23/1971 #26030  
hts, which the brain told him were places on Earth where there was "too muc 8/17/1971 #26293  
and square-headed figure seen both places. No further details.              8/16/1972 #26918  
t took them on a ride to different places apparently on earth. Later back a 11/18/1973 #28443  
all over the rugged area. At three places, about 325 feet apart, they find  2/8/1974 #28748  
tors Price, who describes 7 of the places accurately —in some cases before  7/9/1974 #29253  
ell shaped object with a few black places she thought were windows. In bar  6/1976 #31078  
th flash is seen. A military radar places the speed of the target when movi 4/14/1977 #31980  
see the creature appear at several places simultaneously. He thinks that th 4/25/1977 #32026  
see the creature appear at several places simultaneously, he thought that m 4/25/1977 #32027  
ters” break out on his face and in places on his arms, and these last a wee 5/13/1978 #33202  
 skin blistered on his face and in places on his arms. He had the discomfor 5/13/1978 #33205  
dd indentations in the snow in two places.                                  2/22/1979 #34444  
ers his boat closer. The red light places itself directly in the Hel-127’s  8/23/1979 #34768  
ERBY, ENGL 40 odd observer(s) / 15 places. Saucer hums. Going / all directi 8/31/1980 #35482  
rs. Cold beams going down / hiding places. Skin burnt.                      2/1981 #35809  
t knows why UFOs appear in certain places and that “beyond a doubt they’re  1/10/1983 #36742  
haped UFO pass overhead in various places along the South Wales coast. They 2/19/1983 #36766  
 last meeting of the council takes places in 1987.                          9/1/1983 #36967  
 and orange lights located at four places around the underside of the objec 12/25/1992 #40769  
acks the object for 50 seconds but places the target closer to the airplane 1/28/1994 #41390  
eld, if you could get into certain places, you’d find out what the Air Forc 10/1/1994 #41779  
 3 men exit and take plants / both places.                                  12/14/1995 #42644  
ts and speeds past as the creature places its hands over its eyes and flees 5/17/1996 #42904  
he size of two football fields. In places the sand had been vitrified in 4- 7/17/1999 #43806  
bris field site The Sci-Fi Channel places a stone marker at the Roswell deb 7/5/2003 #44561  
peared and reappeared in different places, moving up into the sky. At about 6/9/2004 #44709  
 J.) who sent letters from distant places and that he created the fictional 11/5/2010 #45305  
t is, but it is “lit up in various places and was more horizontally long th 12/30/2018 #45553  
light on top. The UK Airprox Board places this incident in the highest risk 4/28/2019 #45573  
## Word: "placid" (Back to Top)
                              LAKE PLACID, NY 3 observer(s). Metallic blimp 8/1958 #15164  
 blows waves across the heretofore placid surface. Animals up and down the  8/7/1968 #24307  
ntric circles ruffled the normally placid waters of the lake. Shortly after 1/15/1969 #24849  
ht lights below. Nearby a normally placid pony behaved very uneasy during t 8/18/1993 #41144  
## Word: "placido" (Back to Top)
rgan, Colorado Morgan County Dusk. Placido Montoya, a plumber from Fort Mor 12/31/2019 #45623  
## Word: "placing" (Back to Top)
York City. The experiment involves placing uranium oxide inside an ionizati 1/25/1939 #1305  
Treviso, Italy on this foggy night placing nets in the water. He noticed a  11/1/1954 #11522  
cribe “classified intelligence” as placing the Soviet missile count as high 10/13/1959 #16031  
 promulgated to replace AFR 200-2, placing UFOs under the Research and Deve 9/19/1966 #20897  
covered with his hand and removed, placing it in his coat pocket. It resemb 1/9/1967 #21278  
 would mean for the human species, placing credence in the ETH.             10/1968? #24534  
 brilliant work, is its success in placing UFOs into not only cultural but  1969 #24802  
humanoid caught up with the farmer placing its hand on his shoulder. (NICAP 9/25/1979 #34922  
umanoid caught up with the farmer, placing its hand on his shoulder. Later  9/25/1979 #34923  
ct various plant and soil samples, placing them inside the canister. After  12/27/1991 #40268  
 apparently taking human souls and placing them into a box. One alien group 1994 #41345  
## Word: "placitas" (Back to Top)
                                   PLACITAS, NM 2 observer(s). Yellow-orang 7/18/1952 #6885  
                                   PLACITAS, NM Apollo engineer. 300' cylin 6/23/1966 #20592  
                                   Placitas, NM 3:42 a.m. MDT. Julian Sando 6/23/1966 #20595  
                                   Placitas, New Mexico 3:42 a.m. NASA cont 6/23/1966 #20597  
g at an estimated 12,000 feet near Placitas, New Mexico. When the object mo 6/23/1966 #20597  
## Word: "plage" (Back to Top)
                               OYE PLAGE, FR N40. Cylinder/cigar-shape flie 10/27/1954 #11439  
                             QUEND PLAGE, FR Blue beam going up [to] 20M of 11/30/1975 #30676  
## Word: "plaged" (Back to Top)
 hours. After the abduction he was plaged by nightmares, and his watch was  10/31/1976 #31513  
## Word: "plague" (Back to Top)
base. Health problems continued to plague Betty Cash, Vicky Landrum and Col 12/29/1980 #35758  
ban Virginia, paranormal phenomena plague his family, including a humanoid  7/2009 #45229  
## Word: "plagued" (Back to Top)
introduced in the UK this year are plagued by radar “angels” that become a  1954 #9422  
y. Irwin behaved strangely: he was plagued by fainting, didn't seem to be a 2/28/1959 #15624  
able residue Of unknowns which has plagued the U.S. Air Force investigation 4/1969 #25044  
able residue of unknowns which has plagued the U.S. Air Force investigation 4/1969 #25045  
een 7' figure(s) exit. Observer(s) plagued / UFO's afterward.               10/13/1989 #39168  
## Word: "plaguing" (Back to Top)
to produce more photos of the UFOs plaguing him. The veracity of his claims 11/11/1987 #38322  
## Word: "plaid" (Back to Top)
ky build, and wears overalls and a plaid shirt. There is a skullcap on his  4/1950 #4784  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Plaid II” YieldMax: 20KT                 2/3/1966 #19878  
as dressed in blue jeans and a red plaid shirt, and he held a German shephe 10/14/1973 #28031  
## Word: "plain" (Back to Top)
RINEHOLM, SWD Several observer(s). Plain cylinder/cigar-shape faster / any  5/31/1946 #2001  
               SODRA HAMMARBY, SWD Plain tube-cylinder/cylindrical object g 6/1947 #2305  
BANY, GA 4 observer(s). Big bright plain metallic top-saucer hovers 5-10 mi 6/30/1947 #2479  
           EAST POINT, GA 5 / car. Plain bright silver disk going / 10 minu 7/7/1947 #2871  
FF PALM ISL., AUSTRALIA 2 fishing. Plain shiny 100' metallic cylinder/cigar 10/1949 #4379  
 observer(s) / 2 separate ranches. Plain 4M disk circles / 300M altitude. G 3/12/1950 #4618  
      KINGSTON-UPON-THAMES, LONDON Plain metal parachute-size saucer over r 6/1951 #5526  
hovers / 30 second(s). Vanishes in plain sight.                             10/11/1951 #5722  
ontrollers. RADAR-visual. Distinct plain ovoids make very fast turn.        7/28/1952 #7229  
                         Salisbury Plain, UK Daytime. This incident, witnes 1953 #8473  
 AND PRESQUE ILE, ME Several jets. Plain dark grey saucer. RADAR invisible! 1/29/1953 #8606  
n] in Wiltshire, England Salisbury Plain After 12:00 noon. RAF Flight Lt. C Spring 1953 #8766  
 aircraft. Cruising over Salisbury Plain, Townsend-Withers picks up a blip  Spring 1953 #8766  
                         SALISBURY PLAIN, ENGL Test bomber crew / 60K' alti 4/1953 (approximate) #8801  
vel at high altitude. Absolute(ly) plain and silent. No further details.    10/1953 (approximate) #9194  
                         Salisbury Plain, England Salisbury Plain, England: Winter 1953 #9385  
Salisbury Plain, England Salisbury Plain, England: Flight Lt. C.G. Townsend Winter 1953 #9385  
 light. It suddenly disappeared in plain sight.                             3/28/1954 #9648  
  SIDNEY, BC 2 observer(s). Bright plain metallic ovoid crosses sky / 30 se 10/9/1954 #10826  
         RIVERSIDE, CA Navy pilot. Plain brown cylinder/cigar-shape flies s 2/15/1956 #12715  
ULVER CITY, CA 2 / back yard. Flat plain metallic object follows light plan 10/8/1956 #13268  
e UFOs were busy over the northern Plain States they surprised a few people 11/8/1956 #13315  
     SOUTH / ODESSA, MN Dog howls. Plain brilliant round object 1 / 3 moon- 11/28/1956 #13360  
  NORTHPORT, LI, NY Linemen. Large plain cylinder/cigar-shape going south s 5/24/1957 #13675  
s / boat / (seen thru) binoculars. Plain metallic cylinder/cylindrical obje 8/30/1957 #13948  
red above it. The disc vanished in plain sight.                             12/1/1957 #14661  
ars electro-magnetic effect (EME). Plain dark 6M blimp going north overhead 8/30/1958 (approximate) #15230  
       ST. RAPHAEL, FR Man / roof. Plain silent silver fuselage going [to]  12/30/1958 #15502  
    SOUTHEAST / LANDER, WY Farmer. Plain white 12M cylinder/cigar-shape 3.5 1/21/1959 #15557  
ers. Changes color(s). Vanishes in plain sight.                             6/3/1962 #17215  
 ONTARIO, CA 1 / car. Large (20M?) plain silent metallic disk going east ne 7/16/1963 #17832  
T / TIJERAS, NM 1 observer. Silent plain silver ovoid spins over Manzano Mo 5/8/1964 #18247  
book Case #9864. 3 observer(s). 6' plain sphere going down. Bounces off roa 8/30/1965 #19474  
                 ROSS, ND Janitor. Plain flat-bottom/underside dome going s 1/30/1967 #21414  
c-shaped UFOs, entirely lit with a plain bright light. The UFOs flew up fro 2/25/1967 #21652  
  NORTHEAST / CUBA 2 MIG 21s chase plain sphere. 1 opens fire and explodes. 3/1967 #21683  
                                   Plain City, OH 8:30 p.m. EST. Two men sa 3/9/1967 #21833  
                            Scotch Plain, NJ Oyster-shaped object 200 ft wi 6/29/1967 #22571  
        OFF LE BRUSC, FR 3 / boat. Plain silent silver ovoid hovers / 20 mi 4/1968 #23880  
 hung down. It vanished quickly in plain sight in front of the witnesses.   8/6/1968 #24301  
 [to] and lands / hill. Vanishes / plain view! Planes chase.                2/28/1969 #24948  
ABARABA, NEW GUINEA 6+observer(s). Plain silent pointed cylinder/cigar-shap 4/1970 #25615  
                         Salisbury Plain, UK Fleet of "Spaceships" Tracked  1971 #25957  
red a few feet above the ground in plain view in front of trees before asce 5/31/1971 #26148  
s around its perimeter, and was in plain view in front of some trees for a  5/31/1971 #26149  
ITTLE ROCK, AR 3 / car. 20M silent plain metallic cylinder/cigar-shape hove 10/15/1973 (approximate) #28038  
                 MT. DAHJAR, TIBET Plain silver saucer hovers / 4' altitude 6/15/1974 #29196  
urse. Somewhere over a vast desert plain known as El Llano near Coyame, Chi 8/25/1974 #29386  
the crash rains down on the desert plain below, and efforts are soon underw 8/25/1974 #29386  
oned body. It suddenly vanished in plain sight when the man, thinking it mi 8/16/1975 #30281  
er the beings suddenly vanished in plain sight. At the same time, the objec 4/23/1976 #31019  
PRINGS, ID 2 separate cops. Silent plain 30' ovoid 60' away. Whistles. Goin 12/18/1976 #31609  
                          Nullabor Plain South Australia An Australian sold 1977 #31656  
ldier is traveling on the Nullabor Plain in South Australia when he and a c 1977 #31656  
emed to jump up and disappeared in plain sight.                             4/12/1977 #31978  
         TOWSON, MD 2 observer(s). Plain grey 'capsule' with 2 beams going  4/21/1977 #32006  
e apparently vanishes in a mist in plain view of the others. The soldiers f 4/25/1977 #32026  
nveloped Valdes and he vanished in plain view of the others. The others beg 4/25/1977 #32027  
AL, IL Art professor and 2. Silent plain cylinder/cigar-shape 3X moon-size  7/31/1977 #32324  
nding on legs. 77OctLate Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire UK 2 A uniformed office 10/30/1977 #32637  
ude of only 500-700 feet above the Plain. He described it as being oblong w 10/30/1977 #32637  
ut the figure suddenly vanished in plain sight.                             11/29/1977 #32709  
ht around its head. It vanished in plain sight.                             1/4/1978 #32852  
     TUCSON, AZ Beams / windows. 2 plain silent coin-disks going north from 2/19/1978 #32980  
n of Tucson, Arizona witnessed two plain coin-shaped discs that flew silent 2/19/1978 #32984  
edge. 3 circles / 1 side. Backside plain.                                   6/1978 (approximate) #33243  
R LA PAZ, BOLIVIA Buzz wakens man. Plain silver fuselage hovers. Glows gree 8/15/1978 #33516  
                    CAPE ANN, MASS Plain silent orange cylinder/cylindrical 8/27/1978 #33574  
omania. It suddenly disappeared in plain sight. Around the same time an arm 9/23/1978 #33737  
t the figures suddenly vanished in plain sight.                             11/29/1978 #34026  
e vehicle. The witness vanished in plain sight of the others, apparently ta 1/3/1979 #34287  
e vehicle. The witness vanished in plain sight of the others, apparently ta 1/3/1979 #34292  
by car late at night on the barren plain of Toquilla, Casanare province, Co 1/23/1979 #34368  
t before it abruptly disappears in plain sight. He walks to the clearing an 5/16/1979 #34563  
 before it abruptly disappeared in plain sight. He walked to where the craf 5/16/1979 #34564  
rnia Highway Patrol (CHP) plane. 2 plain 35' lens-saucers hug terrain going 8/9/1979 #34719  
                 GANGES, FR Silent plain metallic disk going [to] 100M over 1/10/1980 #35128  
AB, GERM USAF F111 pilot and more. Plain torpedo-tank shape passes 15M away 6/12/1980 #35359  
craft then suddenly disappeared in plain sight.                             8/4/1980 #35441  
ew Mexico William Moore receives a plain envelope from one of the intermedi 2/1982 #36319  
family was driving on the Nullabor Plain west of Mundrabilla in Western Aus 1/20/1988 #38423  
n touched its belt and vanished in plain sight.                             4/12/1989 #38902  
the humanoids suddenly vanished in plain sight.                             4/30/1989 #38927  
isappeared suddenly disappeared in plain sight emitting a loud banging soun 6/29/1989 #38996  
hen the UFO suddenly vanished from plain sight.                             9/27/1989 #39125  
     SURISTER, BELGIUM 1 observer. Plain metallic-grey 20M egg follows road 11/29/1989 #39255  
         TROY, OHIO 2 observer(s). Plain cylinder/cigar-shape larger / airl 7/1/1991 #40110  
AKNAS, SWEDEN 3 observer(s). White plain pointed cylinder/cylindrical objec 8/25/1991 #40164  
t and then it suddenly vanished in plain view. Terrified but determined to  3/5/1992 #40359  
. The figure appeared to vanish in plain sight. The incident was interprete 1/22/1993 #40810  
oticed the witness and vanished in plain sight.                             2/28/1993 #40866  
            CHADDERTON, MANCHESTER Plain 2.5' disk / 200' altitude. Enters  9/8/1993 #41189  
 NORTHEAST / URY, FR 2 / car. 120M plain red sphere just over trees crosses 11/22/1993 #41291  
ERS-EN-BIERE, FR 1 observer. Large plain sphere going quickly SSW curves go 11/22/1993 #41293  
sailles, Yvelines, France. A large plain sphere flew to the south-southwest 11/22/1993 #41296  
 entire scene suddenly vanished in plain sight.                             5/16/1996 #42903  
 WEST / LIVE OAK SPRS, CA 2 / car. Plain metallic silver cylinder/cigar-sha 11/11/1999 #43877  
SOUTH / CRIDERSVILLE, OH 2 / I-75. Plain silent silver sphere going [to] lo 11/21/1999 #43884  
ses driving on Interstate 75 saw a plain silver sphere flying silently low  11/21/1999 #43885  
he men, who seemed to disappear in plain sight of the other two men. Only h 7/25/2000 #44022  
s. The figure suddenly vanished in plain sight. Wilma remained in the stupo 8/4/2001 #44225  
         At 1:13 a.m. a witness in Plain Dealing, Louisiana reported severa 1/5/2003 #44469  
they were awakened by a bright but plain spreading orange light. Their port 8/25/2004 #44741  
th the cow and the ufo vanished in plain sight, but they managed to photogr 9/5/2009 #45242  
## Word: "plain-clothes" (Back to Top)
Police officers, military men, and plain-clothes individuals are sifting th Early Spring 1941 #1355  
## Word: "plainclothes" (Back to Top)
al Air Service personnel arrive in plainclothes and in an Agusta 109 helico 9/26/1994 #41775  
s venture back into the woods. Two plainclothes officers of the Military Po 1/20/1996 #42696  
0 Reston Ebola virus case in which plainclothes military officers, travelin 1997 #43154  
## Word: "plainclothesmen" (Back to Top)
propped up by the arms between two plainclothesmen. The following evening,  Early Spring 1941 #1355  
## Word: "plaine" (Back to Top)
                                   PLAINE / CAFRES, REUNION 5M saucer lands 7/31/1968 #24264  
                                La Plaine des Cafres Réunion Indian Ocean M 7/31/1968 #24271  
ecting grass for his rabbits at La Plaine des Cafres on the island of Réuni 7/31/1968 #24271  
## Word: "plaine-des-cafres" (Back to Top)
                                   Plaine-des-Cafres, La Reunion Island, In 7/31/1968 #24269  
                                   Plaine-des-Cafres, La Reunion Island Luc 7/31/1968 #24270  
## Word: "plaines" (Back to Top)
                               DES PLAINES, IL Blue Book. Separate observer 10/4/1962 #17454  
g on a rural asphalt road near Des Plaines, Illinois. Then she came to a sp 9/3/1965 #19518  
                               DES PLAINES, IL 1 observer. Domed pancake sa 6/14/1998 #43588  
                               Des Plaines, IL Dog raises alarm and barks a 2/28/2006 #44926  
## Word: "plainfield" (Back to Top)
s, was heard during the sighting. (Plainfield Courier-News, N.J., 10/18/67, 10/17/1967 #23243  
                           SOUTH / PLAINFIELD, CT 3 / car. Silent 18M glowi 10/28/1974 #29563  
                                   PLAINFIELD, IN 1 observer. 5 2' saucers  7/15/1988? #38602  
                                   PLAINFIELD, IN 2 observer(s) / separate  4/5/1989 #38890  
                                   Plainfield, IN Dog growling awoke witnes 4/5/1989 #38893  
                         US40 WITH PLAINFIELD, IN Bright white delta/triang 3/3/1992 #40346  
## Word: "plainly" (Back to Top)
 large rudder. Voices can be heard plainly. (“Air Ship Is Seen at Inavale,” 2/4/1897 #387  
 outlines of two people aboard are plainly visible.                         4/22/1897 #557  
es. The car beneath the gas bag is plainly visible.                         9/3/1909 #810  
othly and made no sound. They were plainly visible.                         8/23/1947 #3362  
to explain. The eyes were huge and plainly visible at a distance of 150 yar 11/14/1966 #21101  
ult to explain. They were huge and plainly visible at a distance of 150 yar 11/15/1966 #21109  
nd he wasn't black. He talked very plainly and with no accent. He had black 3/1/1967 #21715  
t is so bright he can see the road plainly. At one point the light crosses  2/24/1982 #36365  
and about 40–50 smaller lights are plainly visible.                         10/2/1982 #36629  
## Word: "plains" (Back to Top)
                                   Plains of San Agustin, NM Plains of San  7/5/1947 #2679  
         Plains of San Agustin, NM Plains of San Agustin area: Gerald Ander 7/5/1947 #2679  
                             WHITE PLAINS, NY 1 observer. 2 saucers with br 7/17/1952 #6856  
                             White Plains, NY 2 round objects, bluish white 7/17/1952 #6862  
                             White Plains, New York Witness:  Mrs. Florence 7/17/1952 #6866  
 two large flying discs over White Plains, New York flying on their edge an 7/17/1952 #6874  
                        OVER WHITE PLAINS, NY Private pilot. 15cm saucer /  6/28/1953 #8974  
                             White Plains, NY August or September 1954; Whi 1954 #9416  
NY August or September 1954; White Plains, New York, G,A,V (NICAP: 09 - RAD 1954 #9416  
 saucers orbit huge saucer / Monay Plains. 1 lands / zigzag.                8/20/1957 #13908  
                       NEAR GRASSY PLAINS, BC 14' ovoid with lit dome on gr 4/29/1959 #15716  
                            Grassy Plains, Canada Alex Gillis and Jerry Mon 4/29/1959 #15717  
                             White Plains, NY Freidman. (Mary Castner/CUFOS 12/10/1963 #18070  
                             White Plains (3 miles W of), NY Rectangular ob 11/6/1966 #21079  
                            SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ Driver. 200' clam-saucer with 6/29/1967 #22569  
                            Scotch Plains, New Jersey Witness: truck driver 6/29/1967 #22572  
d an oyster-shaped UFO near Scotch Plains, New Jersey. It was very large, p 6/29/1967 #22575  
, a salesman, saw an object on the Plains Highway, and a creature, of which 9/2/1967 #22981  
n, encountered a landed UFO on the Plains Highway, near the Hato Viejo farm 9/2/1967 #22985  
                           GILBERT PLAINS, MBA Huge rectangle hovers / 100M 3/2/1968 #23805  
                              YORK PLAINS, TASMANIA 3 150cm pseudo-human/en 2/25/1974 #28798  
 as it passes by at 50 kph in York Plains, Tasmania.                        2/25/1974 #28802  
                            SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ 12 observer(s). Large silent  6/21/1975 #30114  
                              West Plains, MO Six witnesses to a close enco 7/21/1979 #34668  
                           Gilbert Plains, Manitoba 7:45 p.m. A resident of 10/25/1989 #39185  
ba 7:45 p.m. A resident of Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, sees a large object wi 10/25/1989 #39185  
                                   Plains of San Agustin New Mexico Sofitel 2/15/1992 #40331  
the Fund for UFO Research hold the Plains of San Agustin Conference in the  2/15/1992 #40331  
 aliens—both dead and alive—on the Plains of San Agustin, New Mexico, in Ju 2/15/1992 #40331  
im that he had been present on the Plains when he was 5 years old. The sepa 2/15/1992 #40331  
oncludes that the evidence for the Plains of San Agustin crash is “single-w 2/15/1992 #40331  
uquerque Horse Springs, New Mexico Plains of San Agustin An unnamed family  Summer 1992 #40501  
Mexico, in the general area of the Plains of San Agustin, when they discove Summer 1992 #40501  
                            MORRIS PLAINS, NJ 3 cops and 2. Vibrant bright  7/31/1995 #42346  
           At 11:45 p.m. in Morris Plains, New Jersey three cops and two ci 7/31/1995 #42349  
lying object as it flew over White Plains, New York. It made no sound.      6/4/1997 #43310  
lowly, in single file, over Browns Plains, Queensland shortly after 10 p.m. 7/12/2002 #44359  
New Jersey Hanover Township Morris Plains Madison Florham Park 8:15–9:00 p. 1/5/2009 #45206  
nover Township, Morristown, Morris Plains, Madison, and Florham Park. On Ap 1/5/2009 #45206  
NM, August 1945   32’ craft on the Plains of San Augustin, NM, 1-2 July 194 3/26/2011 #45320  
## Word: "plainsboro" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PLAINSBORO, NJ Aero engineer and 1 / car 10/1932 #1147  
                                   Plainsboro, New Jersey New York Evening. 10/1952 #8076  
e an odd object while driving near Plainsboro, New Jersey. At first, they t 10/1952 #8076  
## Word: "plaintiff" (Back to Top)
n, Case #80–1562, goes against the plaintiff and for the defendant, the NSA 11/3/1981 #36205  
, even though he ruled against the plaintiff (CAUS).                        11/3/1981 #36205  
## Word: "plaintiffs" (Back to Top)
misses their case, noting that the plaintiffs have not proved that the heli 12/29/1980 #35757  
laims Tied to Toxic Disposal Fires Plaintiffs Fear Retaliation”             2/8/1996 #42747  
## Word: "plainview" (Back to Top)
                                   PLAINVIEW, TX T33 jet / 30K' altitude. B 7/26/1952 #7152  
                                   Plainview, TX T-33 Crew Encounters Light 7/26/1952 #7166  
## Word: "plainville" (Back to Top)
                                   PLAINVILLE, KS Project Bluebook Case #65 10/19/1959 #16038  
                                   Plainville, KS Bright yellowish light on 10/19/1959 #16040  
                                   Plainville  Kansas Witness:  Capt. F.A.  10/19/1959 #16042  
was flying a T-33 jet trainer over Plainville, Kansas at 9:25 p.m. when a b 10/19/1959 #16043  
## Word: "plaissan" (Back to Top)
                           D2 NEAR PLAISSAN, FR 1 observer. Brilliant red s 11/4/1954 #11559  
## Word: "plaistow" (Back to Top)
                                   PLAISTOW, NH 2+several cops. Glowing sau 4/23/1991 #40049  
## Word: "plait" (Back to Top)
uster firing. Astronomer Philip C. Plait discusses the issue in his book Ba 9/15/1991 #40187  
## Word: "plaka" (Back to Top)
ing time at the seashore near Cape Plaka near Partenit, Crimea, Ukraine in  8/2/2004 #44725  
ya had begun their descent of Cape Plaka, when they heard a voice yelling a 8/2/2004 #44725  
## Word: "plan" (Back to Top)
ar Hoover disapproves of Donovan’s plan, which he sees as a direct threat t 2/10/1945 #1778  
antic Ocean. The squadron’s flight plan is scheduled to take them due east  12/5/1945 #1950  
t-strike scenario, the Pincher war plan, is created by the US military to s 6/18/1946 #2012  
de word “Majestic” for Operational Plan Olympic (the invasion of Northern J 8/7/1946 #2109  
e invasion of Northern Japan). The plan has been downgraded to Restricted ( 8/7/1946 #2109  
s to Baruch, saying that his CIRES plan is “on the verge of being put into  5/5/1947 #2278  
 weather balloon. Ramey proposes a plan that possibly originates from his b 7/8/1947 #3019  
ets. He indicates that he does not plan to duplicate air technical intellig 9/24/1947 #3421  
” Hillenkoetter states he does not plan to duplicate this within the CIA.   9/24/1947 #3425  
           USSR A first-strike war plan (Sizzle) is developed to use 133 nu 12/1948 #3899  
livers the first SAC Emergency War Plan, which calls for dropping 133 atomi 3/1949 #4030  
Fourth Army creates an operational plan for a green fireball observation an 5/4/1949 #4144  
h Kaplan brings the green fireball plan to the USAF Scientific Advisory Boa 11/3/1949 #4409  
co area was such that an organized plan of reporting these observations sho 5/25/1950 #4966  
proves Wilbert B. Smith’s proposed plan to use the Department of Transport  12/2/1950 #5311  
l Strategy Board to coordinate and plan for psychological operations. The b 4/4/1951 #5498  
rations by diverting some Marshall Plan funds, presumably for covert black  8/23/1951 #5616  
ed to be three targets on the PPI (Plan Position Indicator) scope. (See rep 9/13/1951 #5664  
rland approves Ruppelt’s publicity plan to draw in UFO reports from the pub 1/29/1952 #5884  
nd budget limits greatly delay the plan, but Blue Book does transition into 7/28/1952 #7261  
        Gen. Burgess’s 4602nd AISS plan is approved. It is seen as aiding A 3/23/1953 #8780  
uity of Government in the 1950s, a plan that hardened secret underground ba 1954 #9424  
aid the Air Force had worked out a plan with commercial airline companies t 2/23/1954 #9565  
lear power plant in the world. The plan achieves criticality on May 6 and n 6/27/1954 #9957  
osmic Master from Venus) reveals a plan for human peace and enlightenment.  1/1955 #11903  
n Administration to coordinate and plan psychological operations. The Board 11/20/1955 #12580  
h ATIC urges implementation of the plan, Air Force Headquarters kills it.   10/1958 #15294  
is Killian business” and begins to plan for Killian to meet with him. But K 3/27/1959 #15674  
 at Albuquerque cancels his flight plan and orders him to land at Kirtland  8/13/1959 #15913  
ve failed; these are replaced by a plan to mount an initial amphibious assa 10/31/1960 #16490  
irst Single Integrated Operational Plan, titled SIOP-62, is completed. It d 12/14/1960 #16533  
SAF Gen. Thomas D. White finds the plan “splendid.” Disregarding the human  12/14/1960 #16533  
e major departments, on the latest plan (code-named Operation Pluto) that i 1/28/1961 #16590  
t Kennedy approves the Bay of Pigs plan (also known as Operation Zapata) fo 4/4/1961 #16643  
ups of civilians than the Trinidad plan, and it is less noisy militarily, w 4/4/1961 #16643  
ences. Karth and two other members plan for hearings in early 1962. The pla 5/1961 #16672  
an for hearings in early 1962. The plan calls for a statement by Roscoe Hil 5/1961 #16672  
aught flatfooted, having failed to plan what to do next.                    5/15/1961 #16684  
c for 18 minutes and announces his plan to implement a naval blockade of Cu 10/22/1962 #17485  
 Viejo, Sonora, Mexico, where they plan to explore for minerals. Suddenly a 8/9/1964 #18472  
National Standards Laboratory. The plan is soon dropped by the JIB.         11/8/1969 #25453  
unterintelligence. He approves the plan in July but will not sign it; neith 7/23/1970 #25745  
r will Haldeman or Ehrlichman. The plan was originally put together by Hust 7/23/1970 #25745  
 above TOP SECRET. I’ve heard they plan to release some of the information  3/28/1975 #29921  
ve, however, heard that there is a plan underway to release some, if not al 3/28/1975 #29922  
ed, and states he heard there is a plan to release some if not all of the i 3/28/1975 #29924  
th Dakota for Bismarck, which they plan to reach around 7:00 a.m. Forty-fiv 8/26/1975 #30310  
 of “human factors” for the USAF’s plan to put a man into space, he was a c 1982 #36293  
king for signs of deer in order to plan their hunting activities. They see  10/28/1983 #37027  
30 National Aerospace Plane (NASP) plan was considered ambitious at the tim 4/1986 #37815  
vy charged TAI with figuring out a plan to disclose ET “live among us,” and 12/10/1994 #41888  
ut Project Horizon, a 1959 US Army plan to construct a base on the Moon. Wh 6/1997 #43304  
ds there needs to be a contingency plan if it is confirmed “we are cohabiti 1/8/1999 #43712  
isenhower approved a joint defense plan written by MJ-12 that in the event  7/7/1999 #43798  
rallel to the aircraft. The flight plan operator is alerted, and they both  Late 7/2005 #44857  
cMillan states a formal operations plan to address UAP exists and involve a 3/18/2022 #45741  
## Word: "plan-de-dieu" (Back to Top)
                                LE PLAN-DE-DIEU NEAR VIOLES, FR 4M luminous 2/13/1995 #42045  
## Word: "planalto" (Back to Top)
                                   PLANALTO, RS, BRZ 3 observer(s). Satelli 10/15/1992? #40676  
## Word: "planar" (Back to Top)
                         The first planar monolithic integrated circuit (IC 1960 #16137  
## Word: "plance" (Back to Top)
ompano Beach. The UFOs circled the plance 8-10 times maintaining a distance 9/28/1980 #35541  
## Word: "plancenoit" (Back to Top)
                                   PLANCENOIT, BELGIUM 2 / car. Big silent  10/4/1992 #40660  
## Word: "plancher-les-mines" (Back to Top)
                                   PLANCHER-LES-MINES, FR 6 kids. Large cla 11/23/1994 #41861  
                   Six children in Plancher-les-Mines, France watched a sil 11/23/1994 #41863  
## Word: "planchette" (Back to Top)
New York. She keeps records of her planchette experiments and puts them at  8/1895 #319  
## Word: "plane" (Back to Top)
ver Lvov, Ukraine. Another mystery plane, making signals, is spotted over T 2/1/1913 #876  
TSMOUTH, NH Guards fire on mystery plane. 'Toy balloon with smoke'. Turns g 4/14/1917 #956  
ound, rising gradually like a slow plane. Its size was that of an average c 10/1917 #967  
slowly that it was thought to be a plane. A boat was sent out, but nothing  9/9/1922 #1025  
slowly that it was thought to be a plane. A boat was sent out, but nothing  9/9/1922 #1026  
t. 6 huge shiny disks circle light plane. / r65p13.                         1/1926 #1054  
everal Circular Objects Surrounded Plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 1/1926 #1055  
feet away. They keep pace with his plane for 5 minutes. Finally they turn,  1/1926 #1056  
? / TASMAN SEA Sir F. Chichester / plane. Dull grey-white airship. Flashes. 6/10/1931 #1128  
 It was huge compared to any other plane, and it had no rudder, [wings,] or 1932 #1135  
          SORSELE, SWD 1 observer. Plane roars overhead going east. Bigger  1/1/1934 #1191  
craft trying to discover where the plane is based.                          1/9/1934 #1194  
SO, NORWAY AND MORE/OTHERS Mystery plane lights ship like day. Unmarked. No 1/28/1934 #1198  
 Sassoon claims that it was an RAF plane carrying out a training exercise i 2/1/1934 #1199  
, WY Numerous observer(s). Mystery plane circles several times / heavy snow 2/14/1936 #1243  
sees an unusual light ahead of his plane. He follows the light, which is at 10/10/1936 #1252  
        NEAR VAN BUREN, MO Private plane chases flying disk. Pilot now stat 1/1937? #1255  
   KVALSVIK, NORW Fishermen. Large plane going down / sea. Lights out. Blow 2/11/1937 #1263  
y watched what looked like a large plane descend toward the sea around 9:00 2/11/1937 #1266  
 a dome on top. It accompanies his plane for a few minutes before departing Summer 1942 #1419  
IT, AUS 50M domed ovoid paces RAAF plane. Turns 2X. Dives / sea. / r107p225 8/1942 (approximate) #1424  
dly involves an RAF reconnaissance plane returning from a mission in Europe Late 1942? #1456  
r a time before shooting away. The plane’s crew photograph the object, whic Late 1942? #1456  
ere arranged on a straight line or plane and were yellowish like an incande 12/1942 #1466  
 Night lights rise / ground. Chase plane. Drop and land again!              12/1942 #1467  
absolutely no effect on engines or plane surface,” even though one is heard 10/14/1943 #1536  
an odd-looking sphere approach the plane from behind and below. It seems to Winter 1943 #1555  
aw a dark shape pull alongside the plane and pace it at a distance of about 2/1944 #1569  
PINCOTA, ROMANIA Low-flying German plane stops midair. Hovers silent / 2 mi 5/28/1944 (approximate) #1595  
hip receives a message that a Navy plane has been lost at sea, and they wer 6/1944 #1597  
nd towards the direction where the plane was lost.                          6/1944 #1597  
ile looking for a lost Navy patrol plane, he observes a bright aerial spher 6/1944 #1602  
h. Reida tries to shake it off his plane, but it stays in the same relative 8/11/1944 #1640  
3 / RAF 9th Squadron. Sphere paces plane. Speeds and slows. No further deta 11/22/1944 #1698  
p.m. a spherical object followed a plane from the RAF IX Squadron west-sout 11/22/1944 #1700  
glow coming from ground - followed plane - appeared to be under perfect con 12/22/1944 #1727  
re on three occasions pacing their plane. Barber describes them as a “pair  1/2/1945 #1751  
picked up on radar and follows the plane for about 20 miles before disappea 2/22/1945 #1794  
t light attaches / wing / military plane. Matches maneuvers.                3/1945 #1796  
 radar screen. The pilot turns the plane toward the light, keeping on its t 3/18/1945 #1817  
th a target. The gunner of a P-61B plane saw a reddish, round light. Contac 4/18/1945 #1848  
ow Chuuk] Atoll in Micronesia. One plane over Fala Island sees two objects  5/3/1945 #1862  
                           OKINAWA Plane crew. 3 disks orbit large cylinder 6/1945 (approximate) #1871  
, as three UFOs were observed from plane. [2.] (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)      8/28/1945 #1929  
rop-shaped objects paralleling the plane. Navigational needles go wild, the 8/28/1945 #1930  
wild, the engine sputters, and the plane falters until the objects speed aw 8/28/1945 #1930  
began to follow his C-46 transport plane as they approached the island in t 8/28/1945 #1931  
aboard a Martin Mariner sea rescue plane to be lost.                        12/5/1945 #1951  
nce 11:00 p.m. A US C-54 transport plane is at 7,000 feet over the French c 1/18/1946 #1966  
ortholes that flew in front of the plane. The cylinder was about twice the  8/1/1946 #2101  
onnected / bar north going south / plane speed. Absolute(ly) silent. 6km al 9/12/1946 #2179  
urns going quickly north. Faster / plane. Low altitude. / L'Espoir 24 SEPT4 9/23/1946 (approximate) #2188  
d it is traveling too fast for any plane at the time.                       Fall 1946 #2189  
k coast 11:30 p.m. An RAF Mosquito plane chases an unidentified target dete 1/16/1947 #2228  
es controlled, evasive action. The plane pursues it for 40 minutes, even th 1/16/1947 #2228  
st "mayo jar" crosses nose / light plane. Going quickly east / 12Kmph. / MJ 6/2/1947 #2307  
haped object cross in front of his plane. It has a silver-white, fiery exha 6/2/1947 #2309  
 UFO crossed in front of his light plane while flying at between 10,000 and 6/2/1947 #2310  
ral silvery objects moving below a plane at Spokane, Washington.            6/21/1947 #2355  
y direction faster than a speeding plane at an estimated altitude of 1,000  6/22/1947 #2364  
elling at 500mph - faster than any plane he ever saw.                       6/23/1947 #2368  
going quickly south. Sound "unlike plane".                                  6/24/1947 #2380  
Kenneth Arnold, flying his private plane near Mount Rainier, Washington was 6/24/1947 #2402  
 disks northwest going southeast / plane speed in succession. High altitude 6/25/1947 #2406  
], New Mexico, is flying a private plane near Engle, New Mexico, at 3,000 f 6/27/1947 #2432  
ation of 5–6 objects streak by his plane. They are in close formation at an 6/28/1947 #2447  
r" going quickly east faster / jet plane.                                   6/30/1947 #2476  
 WEST / BLYTHE, CA Bill Lear / P38 plane. 2 near collision with wingless fu 7/1947 #2497  
       EAST / MOSCOW, ID 2 / light plane. Very white disk wavers going quic 7/4/1947 #2597  
 north / flight path. Larger / any plane.                                   7/4/1947 #2597  
PAH TO/FROM AUSTIN, NV 2 / private plane. 5 brilliant disks going quickly s 7/4/1947 #2601  
 WEST / LONG BEACH, CA 2 / private plane. 50' skeet-saucer / 7000' altitude 7/4/1947 #2618  
tremely quickly going up [to] when plane nears. / r187.                     7/4/1947 #2624  
ars a loud roar. A large transport plane passes overhead, but he also sees  7/4/1947 #2666  
claimed by Frank Kaufmann). On the plane is Warrant Officer Robert Thomas.  7/4/1947 #2668  
 connected by rod. Going quickly / plane speed. Absolute(ly) silent.        7/5/1947 #2689  
ens. Orange disk follows transport plane going east across river. Going qui 7/5/1947 #2697  
g clam going quickly east faster / plane. Straight and level trajectory. No 7/5/1947 #2703  
ing quickly southwest faster / any plane. 10K' altitude. Rod sticks going d 7/6/1947 #2764  
cers( = boomerangs) / 200mph. Army plane follows. / r187#444.               7/6/1947 #2766  
rthwest fast. Straight and level. "Plane speed or greater".                 7/6/1947 #2779  
). Light colored 40' disk faster / plane. Just below clouds. Rises going qu 7/6/1947 #2780  
 Eastern sky. Humming sound unlike plane.                                   7/6/1947 #2781  
with large propeller outruns light plane. Flash.                            7/6/1947 #2794  
diameter slightly lower than their plane. It paces them for a while then sh 7/6/1947 #2808  
. Bates, an airline passenger in a plane flying southeast of Boise, Idaho w 7/6/1947 #2817  
ard the southwest "faster than any plane." It flew at an estimated altitude 7/6/1947 #2823  
eed was judged to be faster than a plane, and it seemed to be gaining altit 7/6/1947 #2826  
lew on edge at right angles to the plane of the earth and gave off a bright 7/7/1947 #2835  
RT, LA Army Air Force (AAF) Sgt. / plane. Bright moon-size silver saucer ti 7/7/1947 #2853  
nd. Saucer with fins follows light plane going northeast. Flips over. Vanis 7/7/1947 #2857  
             EAST TROY, WI 2 / 2nd plane and weathermen. Saucer going down  7/7/1947 #2863  
TROY, WI Air Force Captain and 1 / plane. Silver object. Calculated / 6000k 7/7/1947 #2877  
ent, debris being flown by special plane to Wright Field                    7/8/1947 #2949  
sported to Wright Field by special plane for examination...Maj. Curtan advi 7/8/1947 #2951  
 should be attacked, the attacking plane will be almost surely destroyed.”  7/8/1947 #2953  
      COOK SPRINGS, AL 1 / private plane. Flash. 1M saucer seen against mou 7/8/1947 #2960  
a few packages are loaded onto the plane. One, a triangular package about t 7/8/1947 #3019  
orth, the enlisted soldiers on the plane are ordered to remain aboard until 7/8/1947 #3019  
p.m. Thomas Dale is flying a small plane at 2,800 feet over Alton, New Hamp 7/8/1947 #3024  
sported to Wright Field by special plane for examination.” Wyly receives th 7/8/1947 #3026  
            VALDOSTA, GA 2 / light plane. 1M cake pan / 600M altitude 1500M 7/10/1947 #3082  
going southeast. Size and speed of plane. Absolute(ly) silent. Flashes / su 7/10/1947 #3094  
 apparent size of a C-54 transport plane coming out of the clouds and trave 7/10/1947 #3110  
stimated to be the size of a small plane and traveling at normal aircraft s 7/10/1947 #3116  
 west / 3km altitude. Faster / any plane. 1500kph. Seen / 30 second(s).     7/11/1947 #3129  
s going north. Dip and rise. Small plane follows.                           7/12/1947 #3150  
SOUTH / HIGH POINT, NC 2 / private plane. Huge fireball-saucer going north  7/12/1947 #3153  
nding / mountain peak. "No bird or plane".                                  7/12/1947 #3154  
out one mile away. Flynn turns his plane around to pursue them, but they ou 7/15/1947 #3187  
rops / cloud. Back up / cloud when plane passes. Very fast.                 7/17/1947 #3194  
ght, the engine gives out, and the plane seems to be motionless. Then he se 7/23/1947 #3217  
ngine faltered, then died, but the plane maintained its altitude. He felt a 7/23/1947 #3220  
f him. He was able to re-start the plane by putting the nose down when he g 7/23/1947 #3220  
 OVER UNION, OR Ken Arnold / light plane again. 20-25 brassy disks flip and 7/29/1947 #3245  
                            A B-25 plane containing materials retrieved fro 8/1/1947 #3278  
 back on his controls to bring his plane up to safer altitude. Now 1,000 fe 8/4/1947 #3291  
wo more pilots on a civilian cargo plane saw another UFO that looked like a 8/4/1947 #3292  
ases round metallic object / light plane. Seen twice / 10 minute(s).        8/6/1947 #3297  
        The FBI concludes that the plane carrying Davidson and Brown was no 8/14/1947 #3332  
 military aircraft twice while the plane was flying near Guam over the Paci 8/14/1947 #3333  
t" shaped objects flying under the plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: B 8/18/1947 #3346  
eneath a United Airlines transport plane flying at 8,000 feet near Mountain 8/18/1947 #3347  
to be caused by a rocket-propelled plane launched straight up from the grou 8/20/1947 #3355  
CO, MO 2 experience airmen / BT-13 plane. 3 grey disks going northwest / 90 8/26/1947 #3371  
 co-pilot of a DC-3 Swedish postal plane saw a UFO that looked like a green 8/26/1947 #3372  
 They tried to chase them in their plane, but were quickly outdistanced.    8/26/1947 #3373  
sees a silvery disc zoom above his plane. He goes in pursuit of it at 325 m 1948 #3521  
ously been ripped up by a crashing plane.” Short on fuel, he returns to Loc 1948 #3521  
 GA A blue circular flame pass the plane, turn, then blink [out?] (NICAP: 1 1/9/1948 #3551  
to his aircraft, blinding him. The plane’s electrical systems malfunction.  6/16/1948 #3671  
systems malfunction. He glides the plane to a safe landing after the UFO di 6/16/1948 #3671  
 blinded, he was able to glide the plane to a landing.                      6/16/1948 #3672  
he pilot. It is said that both the plane and the UFO crashed and the wrecka 6/19/1948 #3674  
igured by intense heat following a plane crash. They argue that one of the  7/7/1948 #3699  
d a "glowing object" pass by their plane before it appeared to pull up into 7/24/1948 #3724  
t fly past the right side of their plane at high speed before it pulled "up 7/24/1948 #3724  
about 700 mph. After it passes the plane it swoops into a cloud bank at 6,0 7/24/1948 #3734  
rth Dakota between an F-51 fighter plane and a somewhat flattened white cir 10/1/1948 #3828  
 than could be made by the fighter plane. The encounter lasted 27 minutes.  10/1/1948 #3828  
200 mph then slows down again. The plane tries closing in six times, but ea 10/15/1948 #3841  
he targets five miles ahead of the plane. Only one of the bogeys was seen v 10/15/1948 #3843  
 large for a bird, too small for a plane, flying at 60 mph. Not confirmed v 11/1/1948 #3863  
l shaped UFO while flying in a T-6 plane. The UFO accelerated rapidly from  11/18/1948 #3880  
troller. Fireball climbs toward(s) plane. Erratic motion. Still rising at 3 12/3/1948 #3900  
 / LAS VEGAS, NM 2 OSI agents / T7 plane. Very big green fireball northeast 12/8/1948 #3915  
book Case #233. 2 pilots / private plane. Near crash / 20m cylinder/cigar-s 1/1/1949 #3952  
ject cross the sky in front of his plane (Project 1947; McDonald list; FUFO 1/1/1949 #3953  
Rush and his wife are in a private plane flying east of Jackson, Mississipp 1/1/1949 #3955  
praksin. Cylinder/cigar-shape zaps plane. Partly melted. / F. Zigel and mor 5/6/1949 #4151  
ct Bluebook Case #392. 1 / private plane. 7 20' ovoids / row. 200mph. 3k' a 5/27/1949 #4211  
s, 35–55 feet in diameter near his plane. They make a perfect and unbanked  7/24/1949 #4283  
right turn 1,500 feet ahead of his plane, then they turn right again, passi 7/24/1949 #4283  
      A pilot flying a twin engine plane over Mountain Home, Idaho at 12:03 7/24/1949 #4286  
 a sharp turn without banking. His plane experienced engine difficulty with 7/24/1949 #4286  
ESE / 10K' altitude. 150mph. Glow. Plane chases.                            8/8/1949 #4311  
0cm fuselage going [to] 100' under plane. Fins. / MJ#124.                   9/25/1949 #4368  
 light zigzags going northwest. No plane. Spirals going up.                 12/17/1949 (approximate) #4439  
 to Scotland and remained with his plane during the conference. He said tha Early 1950's #4457  
in a U.S. Air Force C-47 transport plane near Howard, Kansas on this day wh 1/6/1950 #4475  
r sea. Rotates. Quickly going up / plane passes.                            1/15/1950? #4491  
   Kodiak, Alaska U.S. Navy patrol plane pilot, Lt. Smith, was on routine s 1/22/1950 #4499  
ff all of his lights turn make his plane less conspicuous in the inky color 1/22/1950 #4499  
    Kodiak NAS, AK USN P2V3 Patrol Plane and USS Tillamook Encounter "threa 1/22/1950 #4501  
and heads directly towards Smith’s plane. Smith considers this a threatenin 1/22/1950 #4503  
eral planes and boats. A U.S. Navy plane failed to intercept the UFO becaus 1/22/1950 #4504  
 4:40 a.m. a U.S. Navy P2V3 patrol plane flying from the Kodiak Naval Air S 1/23/1950 #4506  
revach are flying a C-45 transport plane from Pope AFB [now Pope Field], Fa 1/24/1950 #4509  
e miles away from a C-45 transport plane flying from Pope AFB in Halifax Co 1/24/1950 #4510  
 witness reported it as possibly a plane with engine trouble.               2/7/1950 #4532  
     PINCKNEYVILLE, IL 2 / private plane. 20m saucer / 1500m altitude. Goin 2/22/1950 #4545  
0m altitude. Going quickly [to] as plane nears. / r118-Feb. '97.            2/22/1950 #4545  
ir Station at Key West, Florida. A plane is sent to investigate but it is “ 2/22/1950 #4547  
hin at the edges seen from private plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)       2/27/1950 #4562  
ew and 4 pilots / ground and more. Plane chases 30M saucer / 10km altitude. 3/17/1950 #4659  
    BRADFORD, IL Several / private plane. Very fast metallic glowing-ovoid  3/18/1950 #4670  
be no similarity to a conventional plane. They make right-angle turns and r 3/21/1950 #4695  
ONAL AIRPORT, DC Man dives private plane / 40' metallic saucer. Going up /  3/26/1950 #4722  
Library of Congress, is flying his plane at 5,000 feet over Fairfax County, 3/26/1950 #4729  
d more/others. Sounds / unexpected plane. Saucer buzzes tower. Quickly goin 3/29/1950 #4757  
al Guardsmen. White saucer follows plane 300' over plane / rear. (UPI.)     3/30/1950 #4764  
ite saucer follows plane 300' over plane / rear. (UPI.)                     3/30/1950 #4764  
er and engineer chase disk / light plane. Can't reach / 9km altitude.       4/1950 #4781  
ing quickly west. 6K' altitude. No plane insists observer(s).               4/2/1950 #4789  
ailway men. Saucer is size / large plane. 3K' over train. No means / propul 4/7/1950 #4806  
ehind their DC-3. It overtakes the plane in about 2 minutes. Stewardess Glo 4/27/1950 #4910  
nd Hinshaw. The UFO approached the plane from below and behind, overtaking  4/27/1950 #4911  
ire, England. It was the size of a plane.                                   5/17/1950 #4950  
ect changed course to parallel the plane, then circled the aircraft, and re 5/29/1950 #4974  
saw disc-shaped object loop around plane. [VI] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 6/12/1950 #4982  
shaped UFO paces a United Airlines plane (Capt. E. L. Remlin, First Officer 6/24/1950 #5004  
ther airliner and a navy transport plane. The Navy pilot sees for 3 minutes 6/24/1950 #5004  
                  NEWBURGH, NY WW2 plane spotter and more/others. 4 disks i 6/25/1950 #5007  
. Large bright saucer near passing plane. Going quickly west.               6/27/1950 #5012  
r. Shiny spinning object overtakes plane / rear going quickly east.         6/27/1950 #5013  
overhead. He looks up and sees the plane as well as a large disc with a sli 6/27/1950 #5018  
/ 150m altitude! 8m saucer / under plane and zips off / fantastic speed/vel 6/29/1950 #5022  
ly northwest / Lambert Field. Pace plane / 13 July.                         7/12/1950 #5057  
 MT USAF photograph-reconnaissance plane. 4 separate groups / 20' metallic  7/13/1950 #5058  
ng [to] overhead. "Too round to be plane. To fast for balloon".             8/6/1950 #5109  
, OR Long "sharpened pencil" paces plane / higher altitude through turns.   8/20/1950 #5129  
do, CA California Central Airlines plane buzzed by wing-like UFO. [V] (NICA 10/5/1950 #5211  
Nuys A California Central Airlines plane, piloted by Capt. Cecil Hardin and 10/5/1950 #5213  
EY PROV, CUBA 4 good observer(s) / plane. 75' saucer going quickly east / M 10/20/1950 #5245  
 a dirigible or Convair C-99 cargo plane, with 3 portholes, arrived from so 10/23/1950 #5252  
 Makes 5-6 Head On Passess At Navy Plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 11/7/1950 #5269  
 and passes 100–200 feet above his plane at incredible speed. He again tail 11/7/1950 #5270  
sharp turn toward a DC-3 transport plane over Bakersfield, California at 9: 11/27/1950 #5295  
 a bright white light ahead of the plane, also flashing red and green occas 12/27/1950 #5368  
A Blue Book. Hillman and 3 / small plane. 50' saucer / 30K' altitude. Going 1/14/1951 #5396  
d stood by to push the nose of the plane over in hopes that they could pass 2/8/1951 #5434  
e the surface of the ocean. As the plane approaches, the object changes col 2/9/1951 #5436  
ng direction within 5 miles of his plane (Flight 125 from Keflavik, Iceland 2/10/1951 #5437  
. The UFO maneuvered nearer to the plane, which was flying at 10,000 feet a 2/10/1951 #5440  
a green flare [fireball?] pass his plane. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters,  2/19/1951 #5448  
    MINNEAPOLIS, MN 2 scientists / plane and ground theodolite. 2 very fast 4/11/1951 #5501  
 up and down, then dives below the plane and speeds away.                   5/22/1951 #5517  
kly southeast to horizon. Faster / plane.                                   6/1951 #5528  
 car. Saucer / 90° turns. Faster / plane. Slower / meteor. / r135p28.       6/1/1951 #5531  
, adding a debris-catching pursuit plane. However, information is lacking o 7/1951 #5556  
 oval disc about twice size of his plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: B 7/9/1951 #5566  
n. At an approx. distance from his plane the UFO appeared to be 10 to 15 fe 7/10/1951 #5571  
ance as it barrel-rolled under his plane. His nose camera malfunctioned.    7/10/1951 #5571  
 Skyrocket, an air-launched rocket plane powered by the XLR-11 liquid fuel  8/15/1951 #5607  
t radar contact is lost before the plane gets off the ground. An electronic 8/26/1951 #5631  
r. Large orange night light buzzes plane. Going west. Returns and circles p 8/27/1951 #5634  
e. Going west. Returns and circles plane and town.                          8/27/1951 #5634  
object about the size of a fighter plane” flying at 900 mph at 5,000–8,000  9/10/1951 #5660  
Cmdr. Marvin C. Davies is flying a plane off a CVE class aircraft carrier n Fall 1951 #5686  
and takes up a position behind the plane’s wingman, remaining there 5 minut Fall 1951 #5686  
ST / ST. CROIX FALLS, WI 2 / light plane. Glowing cylinder/cigar-shape / fa 10/10/1951 #5717  
MN Project Bluebook Case #989. 2 / plane. Object circles research balloon.  10/11/1951 #5721  
ely fast. Near collision / private plane. / r135p83.                        10/21/1951 #5737  
glowing-cylinder/cigar-shape paces plane. Bursts into red fireballs going q 11/2/1951 #5758  
n American Airlines DC-4 passenger plane was followed by a bright green glo 11/2/1951 #5764  
          TORRANCE, CA 2 / private plane. Shiny metallic football ovoid hov 12/7/1951 #5807  
Shoots going quickly north fast as plane nears!                             12/15/1951 #5819  
          Two pilots of a Navy TBM plane from Mitchel AFB on Long Island, N 1/21/1952 #5872  
em, climbing away. The TBM torpedo plane was flying at 6000 feet altitude w 1/21/1952 #5872  
d night lights play / sky. Away as plane nears. / Sj Merc.                  1/25/1952 #5878  
9. Orange fireball / sphere. Paces plane / 5 min. No further details.       1/29/1952 #5879  
   PITTSBURGH, PA 2 / AT11 trainer plane. Comet-like pulses flame / 2 secon 2/11/1952 #5895  
 co-pilot of a MATS C-47 transport plane flying between Friendship Airfield 2/12/1952 #5900  
 at 1,500 mph. The UFOs circle his plane twice, then move on 50 miles east  3/14/1952 #5957  
e on 50 miles east to another Navy plane carrying Adm. Arthur W. Radford. T 3/14/1952 #5957  
Radford. The UFOs circle Radford’s plane then zoom up out of sight. Kimball 3/14/1952 #5957  
 shiny disc made pass at Air Force plane                                    3/29/1952 #5991  
ant Brigham is flying a T-6 target plane on a practice intercept mission fo 3/29/1952 #5992  
e sets out in pursuit in a fighter plane from the city airport. On his firs 3/29/1952 #5993  
 Hawaii (near), HI Navy Sec. Exec. Plane Encounters UFOs (M) (NICAP: 11 - A 4/1952 #6007  
ARLES, LA Steamship Esso Bermuda. "Plane" falls / sea. None missing. No deb 4/1/1952 #6012  
altitude. Crosses sky faster / jet plane going quickly west.                4/9/1952 #6048  
At 2:30 p.m. a USAF C-54 transport plane flying near Shreveport, Louisiana  4/9/1952 #6051  
asses 2 / United States Navy (USN) plane. Vertical slots / top to bottom.   4/14/1952 #6074  
eaks. 1 follows other closely. Jet plane seen nearby.                       4/16/1952 #6085  
ue circular objects pace transport plane / 3-4 minute(s).                   4/24/1952 #6165  
ses:  crew of USAF C-124 transport plane. Three circular, bluish objects in 4/24/1952 #6175  
n. Silver parachute canopy circles plane / 3 minute(s). Going southeast. No 4/28/1952 #6204  
The objects slow down to match the plane’s speed and remain in formation wi 5/1/1952 #6243  
pilot of an approaching Air France plane.                                   6/13/1952 #6496  
ky in front of a USAF F-94 fighter plane at 1:28 a.m. local time. The light 6/17/1952 #6530  
-7 seconds, approached the pilot's plane, then disappeared into a cloud.    6/23/1952 #6612  
n aboard a Carco Air Service cargo plane flying south of Kirtland AFB at 1: 6/28/1952 #6660  
 saucers hover until cop / private plane asks about them / radio.           7/5/1952 #6709  
bserver(s). 4 white saucers follow plane. Stop dead. 90 turn going quickly  7/12/1952 #6763  
o-pilot saw object paralleling the plane then dropping down (NICAP: 11 - Av 7/12/1952 #6777  
 one-third the size of a transport plane, flew four abreast in formation at 7/12/1952 #6786  
 going [to] flat face forward! Jet plane speed. No further details / news.  7/13/1952 #6787  
luish-white light approached their plane, hovered, and then moved away. The 7/13/1952 #6798  
und. Saucer dives / SA16 amphibian plane. Going quickly south.              7/15/1952 #6822  
 women. 2 red glowing-balls follow plane across sky. Plane type unknown.    7/17/1952 #6855  
ing-balls follow plane across sky. Plane type unknown.                      7/17/1952 #6855  
two red glowing spheres followed a plane across the sky in Balliettsville,  7/17/1952 #6873  
G QUICKLY [TO] OSHIMA, JPN 2 / C54 plane. Rectangular clearing / clouds. Cl 7/18/1952 #6878  
-metallic going west under private plane / 800kph. 150M altitude.           7/21/1952 #6960  
OLLASTON OBSERVER(S), MA Air Force plane spotter. Silver disk circles and m 7/22/1952 #6995  
er disk circles and maneuvers. "No plane".                                  7/22/1952 #6995  
 LA Red blot / light follows small plane through maneuvers. Above and below 7/22/1952 #6998  
object, the size of C-47 transport plane, flew across the sky over Rockvill 7/22/1952 #7032  
fly to within 400–600 yards of the plane. They are three bright silver, del 7/24/1952 #7115  
r beams shafts / light. Stops when plane passes.                            7/28/1952 #7244  
rs seen / theodolite. Faster / any plane..                                  7/29/1952 #7275  
. Large and distant. Much faster / plane.                                   7/29/1952 #7297  
ltitude / 60 minute(s). Going up / plane passes. Going down [to] after. Inf 7/30/1952 #7345  
ls it with 20 newsmen, and has the plane circle over Washington, just in ca 8/1/1952 #7410  
ds greatly going quickly west. "No plane".                                  8/5/1952 #7459  
mation which maneuvered around his plane.                                   8/5/1952 #7474  
/ series. 1/2 mile apart. Faster / plane.                                   8/6/1952 #7480  
rcles 2 / United States Navy (USN) plane going west. 4000mph. Quickly going 8/7/1952 #7501  
t with no apparent reaction by the plane or the object. It vanishes suddenl 8/7/1952 #7508  
Several metallic pie-pans pass 2 / plane. Climb going south. Glowing-exhaus 8/12/1952 #7555  
om a lower altitude and passed the plane.                                   8/12/1952 #7561  
flat silver object crosses sky 4x. Plane speed but silent.                  8/15/1952 #7600  
                     NOROTON, CT 2 plane spotters. Orange 9M ovoid / 600M a 8/18/1952 #7631  
t so they revolve “in a horizontal plane” along the edge of the object. He  8/25/1952 #7732  
O TO/FROM LOS ALAMOS, NM (Up). 3 / plane. Air Force vectors jets chase / 7  8/29/1952 #7775  
 Navy pilots flying a P4Y-2 patrol plane.  Three white disc-shaped or spher 8/29/1952 #7787  
S. Moore are flying a P4Y-2 patrol plane west of Thule Air Base, near Qaana 8/29/1952 #7788  
 Navy pilots flying a P4Y-2 patrol plane witnessed three white disc-shaped  8/29/1952 #7790  
s. Shoots up / impossible speed as plane nears.                             8/31/1952 #7798  
    SAN ANSELMO, CA 2 observer(s). Plane passes. Silver ovoid hovers. Going 9/6/1952 #7862  
r. Saucer dives going [to] private plane. 65° climb and away. / LDLN#331.   9/13/1952 #7910  
 a Flying Tiger Airlines transport plane, # N67977, saw a blue light that f 9/14/1952 #7944  
 saw a blue light that flew at his plane very fast on a collision course. N 9/14/1952 #7944  
      Portland, ME RV: Navy Patrol Plane Crew / Five UFOs Picked Up On Rada 9/16/1952 #7958  
ew of U.S. Navy P2V Neptune patrol plane, visually and via radar.  A group  9/16/1952 #7961  
 of a U.S. Navy P2V Neptune patrol plane, Boak, Prentis and Hara, flying ne 9/16/1952 #7963  
ed a UFO at 1,000 feet above their plane at 10:53 a.m. They described it as 9/19/1952 #7981  
h altitude. Going quickly north as plane nears.                             9/22/1952 #8003  
         GUANTANAMO, CUBA 3 / Navy plane chases orange night light with gre 9/24/1952 #8017  
slow. Jump / lower altitude. Light plane by. / r136#11.                     9/26/1952 #8030  
 / 2 green night lights. No ship / plane. / r185.                           9/26/1952 #8033  
 commander of USAF C-124 transport plane. Two distinct green lights were se 9/26/1952 #8035  
o the right and slightly above the plane, about 400 miles north-northwest o 9/26/1952 #8037  
nt, they appear to turn toward the plane. They remain visible until the pla 9/26/1952 #8037  
ane. They remain visible until the plane sights the islands.                9/26/1952 #8037  
mmander of an USAF C-124 transport plane reported observing two distinct gr 9/26/1952 #8038  
 an unusual object moving near the plane. A second object appears. Soon the 9/30/1952 #8070  
IFIC 148° 05W-25° 45N 2 / USAF R5D plane. Circular object / 12K' altitude.  10/19/1952 #8157  
esses: crew of USAF C-50 transport plane.  One round yellow light, with a r 10/19/1952 #8164  
The crew of an USAF C-50 transport plane, flying 500 miles to the south of  10/19/1952 #8166  
mpts to land on water. Neither his plane nor his body has ever been found;  11/1/1952 #8228  
diameter silver sphere below their plane. It flew north for 5 miles, then m 11/15/1952 #8282  
 and climbed in altitude. When the plane banked toward the UFO, it banked i 11/15/1952 #8282  
r(s). Orange sphere/orb/globe over plane. Metallic when stopped. Glows / sh 12/4/1952 #8370  
when it made a head-on pass at his plane. The UFO flew at extreme speeds, a 12/4/1952 #8378  
’s radar. They maneuver around the plane at a speed of 5,240 mph. The crew  12/6/1952 #8389  
D NAPERVILLE, IL Row night lights. Plane chases. Easily seen. Not on 2 RADA 12/8/1952 #8392  
. Stops over Mt. Toro. Away / Army plane nears.                             12/12/1952 #8412  
ireball seen / 5 minute(s). Passes plane and climbs O / O / south. / MJ#236 12/31/1952 #8466  
t reported round gray object paced plane. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 1953 #8475  
 is moving. The student steers the plane toward the light, but it zooms pas 1953 #8479  
Night light spins over mechanic at plane. Quickly going up. / r198p152.     1/30/1953 #8619  
un in the sky over a mechanic in a plane; the UFO then accelerated up into  1/30/1953 #8620  
shaped object passed the transport plane while flying between Tunis, Tunisi 2/11/1953 #8665  
bject passed a USAF C-47 transport plane flying over Anchorage, Alaska at 1 2/16/1953 #8680  
over runway. Fast ascent. Boat and plane search.                            3/8/1953 #8738  
 members of U.S. Navy P2V-5 patrol plane. Groups of 5-10 colored lights, to 3/14/1953 #8752  
 flying a Navy P2V-5 antisubmarine plane over the Sea of Japan northwest of 3/14/1953 #8753  
t blue night light drops and paces plane. Speeds away. No further details.  4/8/1953 #8809  
–11:50 p.m. A Navy P2V Neptune spy plane on an electronic intelligence (ELI 4/14/1953 #8824  
hes a metallic disc approach their plane and pass underneath.               4/16/1953 #8831  
ly illustration is of an Air Force plane accompanied by three flying saucer 5/1953 #8852  
or, J. H. Lett, announces that the plane “collided with a fairly heavy body 5/2/1953 #8857  
ss dome” is maneuvering around his plane. He and his copilot watch the obje 5/10/1953 #8872  
 that could not be duplicated by a plane." The objects maneuvered overhead  5/21/1953 #8895  
ver that cannot be duplicated by a plane. When they move, they vary from ve 5/21/1953 #8896  
y slow to speeds faster than a jet plane.                                   5/21/1953 #8896  
electro-magnetic effects). 2 jump. Plane and 1 vanish / no trace. ?? / MJ#2 6/1953 #8918  
: crew of USAF KB-29 aerial tanker plane.  Radar tracked an unidentified ta 6/24/1953 #8967  
nd takes up its position after the plane has left toward Knoxville. “This o 7/19/1953 #9004  
3 silver globes buzz large passing plane! Sharp maneuvers and gone.         8/15/1953 (approximate) #9070  
ey ovoid makes 4 passes at trainer plane. Dives going down.                 8/20/1953 #9086  
ses:  crew of TB-29 bomber/trainer plane.  One greyish oval object made fou 8/20/1953 #9089  
. The UFO makes four passes at the plane, then dives vertically as if it co 8/20/1953 #9090  
ight buzzes C47. 90+180° turns. No plane. / r185.                           9/2/1953 #9134  
nnis, flying a USAF C-47 transport plane. One very bright light was on a co 9/2/1953 #9136  
cInnis, flying in a C-47 transport plane at 140 mph at 6000 feet altitude o 9/2/1953 #9137  
 HOLBROOK, AZ Air Force C47+marine plane and Zuni / NM station/depot/facili 9/4/1953 #9142  
rver(s). Round silver disk follows plane. / Stringfield. / No further detai 9/24/1953 #9177  
orps report: silvery disk followed plane. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant  9/24/1953 #9178  
ht back at the DC-6. Kidd puts the plane into a steep dive. Caught unaware, 10/19/1953 #9243  
2 women. Shiny ovoid follows light plane going south. Maneuvers / all sides 10/23/1953 #9248  
 and many. Slow UFO. Vanishes when plane nears. Reappears. Going quickly [t 11/10/1953 #9291  
en. Nothing more is heard from the plane and no trace of it is found. A Pen 11/23/1953 #9318  
e disappearance of an F-89 fighter plane occurred on this date. An F-89 was 11/23/1953 #9319  
eter disk buzzes and circles small plane then shoots away. No further detai 12/11/1953 #9357  
imental radar an UFO following his plane. The science officer went up to th Winter 1953 #9385  
25 knots but it kept up with their plane. Townsend-Withers initiated a wide Winter 1953 #9385  
bject flies more slowly than a jet plane and leaves a luminous yellow trail 1/9/1954 #9473  
cludes that the smoke comes from a plane flying at great altitude. At 2:30  1/18/1954 #9494  
           NEAR TUSCALOOSA, AL 2 / plane. 2+6 white objects circle balloon. 2/1/1954 #9524  
r(s). Large disk hovers. Vanishes. Plane appears in same spot!              2/11/1954 #9539  
ers. Curves up fast as US military plane nears.                             3/2/1954 #9591  
 2 night lights maneuver. 1 passes plane. 1 quickly going up / r150.        3/5/1954 #9595  
peared to be the size of a fighter plane but had neither tanks nor trails.  3/12/1954 #9616  
ppears to be the size of a fighter plane but has neither tanks nor vapor tr 3/12/1954 #9617  
orce Secretary Talbot and several. Plane paced metal UFO. Flashes away. / M 3/24/1954 #9636  
a/triangle/box-like crafts. 6 buzz plane. 8 going east. Also huge object. / 3/24/1954 #9637  
UFO crosses bay 4X. Fireball paces plane. Busy all month / USAF.            4/21/1954 #9699  
object 10' wide. Fin / top. Buzzes plane formation.                         5/10/1954 #9768  
B-29 saw circular object below the plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: B 5/24/1954 #9830  
tographs a bright object below the plane for 45 seconds. The aircraft is fl 5/24/1954 #9832  
 UFO below and to the right of the plane, moving on a different heading. Le 5/24/1954 #9833  
          NEAR MODOC POINT, OR 2 / plane. 2 saucers fly / parallel / 1500M  6/6/1954 #9868  
TLANTA, GA Astronomer HP Wilkins / plane. 2 50' saucers emerge / cloud. 3rd 6/11/1954 #9890  
oles / dull dome going northeast / plane speed.                             6/11/1954 (approximate) #9891  
 Wright-Patterson AFB picks up the plane and the UFO on radar. He scrambles 6/23/1954 #9936  
d white night light maneuvers near plane. Climbs going north. 3 fireballs / 6/24/1954 #9939  
ct hovers / 2-3K' altitude. Size / plane. No wings. Quickly going up [to] f 7/1954 #9974  
 Griffiss control tower orders the plane diverted to intercept an unidentif 7/2/1954 #9984  
without injury. At 11:27 a.m., the plane crashes into the town of Walesvill 7/2/1954 #9984  
          LAKE MCILWAINE, RHOD 2 / plane. Flat-grey 12M saucer hovers flips 7/26/1954 #10054  
metallic saucer. Dives / ground as plane nears. Must see.                   8/1954? #10078  
D. Sauers, flying a C-47 transport plane.  One dark blue oblong object pace 8/15/1954 #10144  
ng a U.S. Air Force C-47 transport plane over San Marcos AFB, Texas when th 8/15/1954 #10145  
er going northeast. Turns green as plane nears. Turns white and going quick 8/23/1954 #10167  
LBURN, NSW 2 50M saucers near Navy plane. Nowra RADAR. Going quickly northe 8/31/1954 #10213  
ircling it. The UFO stays with the plane, pacing it above and below, and pe 9/3/1954 #10239  
 ON 2 / car. Saucer hovers as RCAF plane circles and exits. Saucer blasts r 9/5/1954 #10249  
kly ESE / 2 minute(s). 10-50k'. No plane.                                   9/5/1954 #10251  
4 night lights climb and reform as plane passes. Back to line.              9/6/1954 #10258  
cigar-shape flies to avoid passing plane.                                   9/22/1954 #10389  
vers and fast maneuvers. Darkens / plane passes.                            9/22/1954 #10392  
. Going quickly south faster / any plane.                                   10/3/1954 #10638  
 observer(s). Silver disk larger / plane. 1 sees 'flying wing'. / La Montag 10/5/1954 #10719  
disks going northeast. Hover. Pass plane. Turn going east and going southwe 10/19/1954 #11236  
. No trail. Blue Book says British plane.                                   10/20/1954 #11257  
 a U. S. Air Force C-47D transport plane flying over the Philippines saw a  10/29/1954 #11483  
island. Going quickly east as mail plane dives to look.                     11/20/1954 #11675  
of the Lockheed U-2 reconnaissance plane as a CIA project under the directi 12/1/1954 #11743  
                LOWELL, MA Mystery plane circles / 10 hours. No radio conta 12/15/1954 #11809  
ucer going [to] over camp. Regular plane follows after.                     12/25/1954 #11858  
flying B-47 saw 2 objects pass the plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: B 12/29/1954 #11874  
ect Aquatone (the Lockheed U-2 spy plane). Lockheed test pilot Kelly Johnso Early 1955 #11901  
7. Metal ovoid changes position as plane turns. / r43p24.                   1/12/1955 #11929  
e. Going [to] too high for chasing plane. / r139#5.                         1/12/1955 #11930  
it our wing.” The pilot guides the plane to a landing. No trace of a crashe 1/14/1955 #11933  
F B-47 flying over California. The plane was able to make a safe emergency  1/14/1955 #11934  
   At 1:00 p.m. a pilot of a light plane flying over Talara, Peru encounter 1/16/1955 #11935  
t focused a beam of light onto his plane. He gave chase but the disc ascend 1/16/1955 #11935  
 White night light buzzes military plane. Counters all T33 maneuvers. Great 1/29/1955 #11950  
paratus” flying swiftly toward the plane. Rotating counterclockwise, the ob 2/2/1955 #11968  
ight maneuvers. Then paces passing plane.                                   2/7/1955 #11978  
). Silver bell-shape "swallows jet plane". / L. Stringfield etc.            3/9/1955 #12038  
ws scouts all over/all about light plane. All instruments electro-magnetic  3/24/1955 #12056  
 The pilot of a private Beechcraft plane is flying at 1,500 feet with a stu 3/24/1955 #12059  
 airplane. When the pilot puts the plane into a dive, the craft stays with  3/24/1955 #12059  
dive, the craft stays with it. The plane’s instruments stop working. The pi 3/24/1955 #12059  
urn but the object still paces the plane. When the Beechcraft’s engine begi 3/24/1955 #12059  
WORCESTER, MA FAA official / light plane. Dark blue cylinder/cigar-shape. S 4/1955 #12074  
test pilot bails out and loses his plane because he thinks he’s going to cr 4/5/1955 #12081  
    NUBIAN DESERT, SUDAN 2 / light plane. Classic saucer nears / 3 minutes. 4/15/1955? #12093  
tude. Crosses sky / 5 minutes. "No plane".                                  6/5/1955 #12183  
 minutes. It was definitely "not a plane," according to the witnesses. At t 6/5/1955 #12187  
-white saucer circles flying-tiger plane. Tilts up and away.                6/16/1955 #12201  
object hovers. Hides / clouds when plane nears.                             6/17/1955 #12202  
seen to hide in some clouds when a plane approached.                        6/17/1955 #12204  
FR Farmer. Aluminum saucer follows plane going south / 30 second(s). Sudden 7/23/1955 #12281  
a, in a C-124 Globemaster II cargo plane, accompanied by Lockheed technicia 7/24/1955 #12283  
t a right angle. He thinks it is a plane about to crash. Then the ground is 8/1/1955 #12317  
peeds going quickly southwest when plane nears.                             8/29/1955 #12414  
s the CIA control over the U-2 spy plane program and Area 51.               10/1955 #12476  
e pilot. Meteor-night light passes plane. Hovers. Rises away.               10/2/1955 #12482  
. William Daniel Borggen, says the plane is flying at 15,000 feet when thre 10/3/1955 #12486  
er it breaks away from a refueling plane in a pre-dawn flight. The crew dro 10/3/1955 #12486  
assengers / DC3. Night light paces plane / 5 minute(s). 850mph. High-Q. Big 10/31/1955 #12532  
RINGS, CA Globe / light responds / plane landing lights. 180° turn. / MJ#27 11/14/1955 #12565  
aw a globe of white light approach plane, blinked landing lights; object bl 11/14/1955 #12567  
             OVER PASADENA, CA 2 / plane. 3 15M saucers / 1900kph. Circle p 1/2/1956 #12643  
e. 3 15M saucers / 1900kph. Circle plane. Going quickly west. Clearly seen. 1/2/1956 #12643  
es. Drops going down / ground when plane passes. Sparks.                    1/7/1956 #12647  
low moon glides by going west. Jet plane follows 10 minute(s) after.        1/21/1956 #12673  
ers hover / marine airbase. Away / plane nears. / r140#1+6.                 2/10/1956 #12705  
hey flew away when approached by a plane.                                   2/10/1956 #12706  
indow on the starboard side of the plane—enormous in size, indistinct in ou 2/17/1956 #12723  
white nocturnal light buzzed their plane over Houston, Texas at 6:07 p.m.,  2/19/1956 #12733  
           NEAR KINGSVILLE, ON 1 / plane. Flash. Swarm / objects pace airli 2/21/1956 #12734  
Schenectady, NY Air Force Requests Plane Loaded With Passengers To Chase UF 4/8/1956 #12801  
rver(s). Glowing yellow mass nears plane. Then goes going quickly east desc 6/27/1956 #12920  
s (GOC) and cops and observer(s) / plane. 400' object / 40K' altitude / 8 h 6/29/1956 #12928  
and more. 6 disks going southwest. Plane damaged / shock. / r140#7p52+/ r15 7/22/1956 #13002  
The object, however, is behind the plane and stays there for some time, des 8/13/1956 #13080  
on. White night light passes 40' / plane.                                   8/16/1956 #13091  
[to] going down [to] and sideways. Plane circles UFO 2X.                    8/17/1956 #13095  
ant 180° turn going quickly south. Plane vanishes?                          8/20/1956 #13101  
SERVATION, MT Black dogbone buzzes plane. Going quickly northwest / 1Kmph / 8/21/1956 #13107  
ir Dumbbell-shaped UFOs approached plane. (UFOE, VII) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 8/21/1956 #13108  
      OVER STRATFORD, CT 2 / light plane. 2 2' orbs / dumbell structure by  8/23/1956 #13121  
 observers. Black dog-bone follows plane. More objects join. / FSRv3#1.     8/31/1956 #13157  
iptical object the size of a small plane, oscillating side to side as it mo 9/22/1956 #13235  
h the transport. As it reaches the plane’s altitude, it tilts, shoots to on Fall 1956 #13237  
the UFO is now chasing his buddy’s plane. Several officers arrive from anot 10/7/1956 #13266  
lain metallic object follows light plane going west to sea.                 10/8/1956 #13268  
. U-turn back. Out again as Dakota plane passes.                            10/10/1956 #13271  
bun saucer near military transport plane. Gone in seconds.                  11/17/1956 #13335  
nd. Saucer breaks away / transport plane. Spins counterclockwise. Plane cha 12/3/1956 #13386  
ort plane. Spins counterclockwise. Plane chases. / r70p351.                 12/3/1956 #13386  
  In 1956 a disc paced a transport plane over Baltimore, Maryland for a sho 12/3/1956 #13387  
ay, spinning counterclockwise. The plane attempted to follow the UFO but wa 12/3/1956 #13387  
, ALGERIA French Air Force carrier plane crew. Luminous/glowing disk / gree 1/3/1957 #13449  
l twice its own length. When a jet plane approached it rose vertically and  1/10/1957 #13452  
                   WARDLE, ENG RAF plane follows UFO. Drops weather balloon 2/15/1957 #13508  
ound, greenish-white object passed plane. [NICAP UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 - Avia 3/9/1957 #13536  
ision course. Van Winkle pulls the plane upward in a climb to avoid the obj 3/9/1957 #13540  
     New York Pan American Airways Plane almost collides with UFO (NY to Sa 3/10/1957 #13541  
     New York Pan American Airways Plane almost collides with UFO (NY to Sa 3/10/1957 #13542  
 and going quickly north. Possible plane / R141#12.                         3/23/1957 #13554  
all balls orbit large sphere / 45° plane / 0.5 RPM.                         4/1957 #13573  
reen saucer speeds below observers plane. No further details. / r78p178.    5/12/1957 #13657  
       OFF PUERTO CABELLO, VNZ 3 / plane. Luminous red disk cruises / 9K' a 6/5/1957 #13702  
ounded dome / top. Appears ahead / plane.                                   7/17/1957 #13804  
f El Paso, Texas. Bachner puts the plane into a dive and the object passes  7/17/1957 #13809  
 and green light bears down on his plane in a collision course. He puts the 7/22/1957 #13817  
 at 8:24 p.m., 15 miles behind the plane. No visual confirmation.           8/3/1957 #13875  
domed disc pacing their C-47 cargo plane at 6,300 feet over Joinville, Sant 8/14/1957 #13893  
d when the red disc approached the plane, while the cabin lights also dimme 8/14/1957 #13894  
cm thick dart and maneuver. Hide / plane passes. Glow. Going quickly southe 8/15/1957 #13898  
#unknown. 6 include/including USAF plane. RADAR-visual. Electro-magnetic ef 8/21/1957 #13916  
 UFO plays cat & mouse / Air Force plane. 3 observer(s). / r33p261.         9/19/1957 #14009  
own from the sky, thought it was a plane in trouble and went closer. They f 10/8/1957 #14076  
rom the sky. They thought it was a plane in trouble so they went closer. In 10/8/1957 #14079  
le so they went closer. Instead of plane wreakage they found the object hov 10/8/1957 #14079  
 It is traveling faster than a jet plane on a track from northeast to south 10/9/1957 #14085  
t missing a US Navy DC-6 transport plane out of NAS Alameda [now closed], C 10/10/1957 #14094  
flying a Varig Airlines C-46 cargo plane from Porto Alegre to São Paulo, Br 11/4/1957 #14283  
dar operators who mistake ordinary plane blips for a UFO.                   11/5/1957 #14342  
e. Several observer(s) insist.. no plane. / r8#431.                         11/6/1957 #14377  
t was round and much larger than a plane, had an "odd color," left no trail 11/6/1957 #14412  
t was round and much larger than a plane, had an "odd color," and left no t 11/6/1957 #14435  
t like disk flipping. Paces bomber plane.                                   11/8/1957 #14467  
l UFO flying low over ground below plane. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 11/11/1957 #14532  
INS EAST / BANNING, CA 2 / private plane. Saucer returns light signals 2X.  11/14/1957 #14543  
vers. Going quickly SSE when light plane passes under.                      11/15/1957 #14554  
 film taken from inside a military plane. Moore is asked to sign a document 11/17/1957 #14571  
VILLE, IN 2 observer(s). Air Force plane circles / low altitude as 1M disk  12/1/1957 (approximate) #14655  
Later that same day a US Air Force plane circled at a low altitude as a 1 m 12/1/1957 #14661  
 Sound like conventional propeller plane. No further details / news.        12/14/1957 #14726  
 AZUCAR, URG 18m cone buzzes light plane. Great heat. Going south / sea ext 5/5/1958 #15014  
and below) suddenly approaches his plane head-on. The UFO is about 45–60 fe 5/5/1958 #15018  
circular object maneuver under his plane. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 5/27/1958 #15055  
           GRIMSBY, ENGL 2 / light plane photograph 2M black dumbell. Maneu 6/29/1958 #15124  
er going [to] NQ. Bottom glows. No plane / balloon.                         7/14/1958 #15140  
 altitude pass in formation. 3X-4X plane speed.                             8/23/1958 #15219  
PORTUGAL Airport workers and small plane. 2 bright objects make odd maneuve 10/17/1958 #15350  
ights in the sky he thought were a plane making an emergency landing. The l 1/13/1959 #15551  
            NEAR PHILIPSBURG, PA 3 plane crews and passengers. 3 300' sauce 2/11/1959 #15585  
tigate what seems to be a crashing plane. He is later found unconscious in  2/20/1959 #15595  
eaves formation and approaches the plane, slows down before Killian takes e 2/24/1959 #15604  
the UFOs by an Air Force transport plane 150 miles further south confirms K 2/24/1959 #15604  
ate what he thought was a crashing plane. He was later found unconscious. S 2/28/1959 #15622  
"Have gone to investigate possible plane crash. Please call law enforcement 2/28/1959 #15624  
st, appearing to be smaller than a plane.                                   3/31/1959 #15683  
g, WA An Air Force C-118 transport plane with four passengers suddenly radi 4/1/1959 #15686  
McChord] Tacoma An Air Force C-118 plane with four on board crashes between 4/1/1959 #15688  
r yellow objects closing in on the plane. Best guess is that the plane hit  4/1/1959 #15688  
 the plane. Best guess is that the plane hit a tree and the UFO observation 4/1/1959 #15688  
ht going southwest / 15 second(s). Plane speed.                             5/13/1959 #15727  
traveling at the same speed as the plane.                                   5/13/1959 #15730  
Force bomber crew, a Slick Airways plane, and a Canadian Pacific airliner.  7/11/1959 #15834  
 a Brazilian Air Force B-26 bomber plane for one hour as it flew from Pampu 7/14/1959 #15854  
 from left to right and around his plane at a distance about 450–600 feet a 8/13/1959 #15913  
jects’ position as they circle the plane, and after one full circle they di 8/13/1959 #15913  
ined, and about the size of a T-33 plane. It changed color from white to  b 8/23/1959 #15933  
e U-2. The Archangel-12 (A-12) spy plane will be designed to reduce its rad 9/1959 #15950  
ghts / rim darken for each passing plane.                                   9/15/1959 #15977  
tated. At about 5 degrees above my plane it appeared massive and was at abo 9/29/1959 #15997  
r heat. Also the force causing the plane to come down did not come from wit 9/29/1959 #15997  
 down did not come from within the plane. Radar Operator, E.H. Tindale, lat 9/29/1959 #15997  
mushroom cloud. It is 5° above his plane, with its base at 12,000–15,000 fe 9/29/1959 #15998  
going down [to] tilted. Slow spin. Plane passes. Object gone!               12/19/1959 #16124  
out 11:05 p.m. A departing private plane also saw the object. Earlier that  1/3/1960 #16149  
ry. He said he contacted a private plane which had just taken off and asked 1/3/1960 #16149  
ass. 2000' UFO paces flying tigers plane. RADAR-visual.                     2/15/1960 #16176  
an airstrip at Zahedan The U-2 spy plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers cro 4/9/1960 #16219  
ome near Tyuratam, Kazakhstan. The plane is detected by Soviet Air Defense  4/9/1960 #16219  
aterinburg] 6:26 a.m. A US U-2 spy plane, flown by CIA pilot Francis Gary P 5/1/1960 #16248  
lot has fallen unconscious and the plane has crashed. Under the impression  5/5/1960 #16256  
at the pilot has died and that the plane has been destroyed, a U-2 plane is 5/5/1960 #16256  
he plane has been destroyed, a U-2 plane is quickly painted in NASA colors  5/5/1960 #16256  
to the press that the U-2 is a CIA plane engaged in aerial espionage over t 5/10/1960 #16261  
 a noise that sounded like a large plane in the distance. The noise got lou 6/22/1960 #16316  
tion arriving from Spain, reported plane was followed by a luminous UFO. [N 7/2/1960 #16326  
tellites is to replace the U-2 spy plane in surveilling the Sino-Soviet Blo 8/10/1960 #16367  
ied. 2 / T33 trainer. "Star" paces plane. Vanishes. / r185.                 11/29/1960 #16517  
heed jet trainer, and followed the plane for 10 minutes without making any  11/29/1960 #16522  
at a distance of 328 feet from the plane. A report by the Moscow Aviation I 1961 #16550  
jamin, Texas by two men in a light plane. It followed their Beech Debonair  1/10/1961 #16576  
 M.W. Rand, on USAF RC-l2lD patrol plane.  One reddish-white, round object  4/24/1961 #16660  
 operator was tracking a transport plane carrying 26 persons aboard when, s 5/1961 #16669  
     NEAR GUNDAGAI, NSW, AUSTR 5 / plane take long exposure / huge UFO. Sau 5/7/1961 #16677  
titude of the DC-3 and circled the plane, then paced the aircraft as it fle 5/28/1961 #16702  
und RADAR. Glowing-object dives at plane. Back 5 July. No further details.  7/4/1961 #16746  
         Akron, OH Object Dives At Plane, Climbs Away At Tremendous Speed ( 7/4/1961 #16747  
red sharply around a VASP Airlines plane. [NICAP UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Avia 7/24/1961 #16772  
                  NEAR TOBOLSK, RS Plane and 7 lost. Found intact / small c 8/1961 #16775  
ith 2 wings makes dull shhh sound. Plane? camouflage?                       8/6/1961 #16781  
ored lights.” Barney thinks it’s a plane, though it might be “playing games 9/19/1961 #16857  
 Edwards and hundreds. Advertising plane(?) going south. / r70p376+/ APRO 1 10/12/1961 #16905  
ssic saucer with transparent dome. Plane chases.. too fast.                 11/2/1961 #16945  
em. Assuming they are witnessing a plane crash, they rush to the scene of i Late 11/1961 #16978  
so see spheres above and below the plane. The pilot goes into an evasive ma 1962 #17006  
 filmed passing a USAF X-15 rocket plane being commanded by test pilot Walk 4/29/1962 #17135  
ORA NAS, ARG Luminous saucer paces plane. Lights cockpit. Radio Frequency I 5/22/1962 #17188  
ees a luminous object trailing his plane. It lights up his cockpit and his  5/22/1962 #17191  
 then "darted above and behind the plane." [NICAP UFO Evidence] (NICAP: 11  7/17/1962 #17277  
d then darted above and behind the plane.                                   7/17/1962 #17280  
 Coloma Banes Afternoon. A U-2 spy plane flying over Cuba spots an SA-2 sur 8/29/1962 #17372  
glow, the apparent size of a small plane 1 km away. It left toward the sout 9/15/1962 #17400  
, and the apparent size of a small plane one kilometer away. It left flying 9/15/1962 #17404  
the order to shoot down Anderson’s plane. The incident prompts both leaders 10/27/1962 #17505  
rynin] should know that if another plane was shot at ... we would take out  10/27/1962 #17505  
i R. Diaz is aboard a DC-3 tourist plane on a vacation trip to Angel Falls, 12/21/1962 #17601  
watching an Aereolíneas Argentinas plane that is about to take off. It is a 12/22/1962 #17606  
tor. Large saucer east going west. Plane north going south. Paths cross / 9 1/24/1963 #17637  
sing yellow night light plays with plane. / r78p193.                        2/5/1963 #17649  
-white light maneuver around their plane. [UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 2/5/1963 #17652  
         Boston, MA An advertising plane caused several erroneous UFO repor 7/1963 #17818  
UFO, now rapidly closing in on the plane. Just as they were about to collid 7/17/1963 #17835  
n Woodbridge, Suffolk, and another plane from the De Havilland Aircraft Com 8/1/1963 #17860  
eet (66.9 miles) in an X-15 rocket plane.                                   8/22/1963 #17915  
Case #8654. Observer(s) / military plane. White night light blinks 2-3x / s 12/16/1963 #18083  
g the left side of their transport plane. The aircraft entered a strange ha 4/20/1964 #18181  
 this temporary engine failure the plane did not loose altitude.  The entir 4/20/1964 #18181  
5km back. Going quickly [to] under plane going north. Horizontal rays.      6/10/1964 #18341  
er, in parked USAF C-124 transport plane.  One reddish, blinking light appr 8/10/1964 #18475  
itting in a parked C-124 transport plane at 5:15 a.m. when they sighted a r 8/10/1964 #18477  
. Jonke, on a USAF C-124 transport plane.  One round, blurred, reddish-whit 8/18/1964 #18495  
g a U.S. Air Force C-124 transport plane 200 miles over the Atlantic Ocean  8/18/1964 #18498  
                  OYSTERVILLE, WA "Plane crashes" at sea. None missing. No  8/20/1964 #18500  
DGE CITY, KS Aero-writer / private plane. Circular mass tumbles and maneuve 9/12/1964 #18551  
der/cigar-shape follows C119 cargo plane. No further details.               10/7/1964 #18573  
 a C-119 "flying boxcar" transport plane over Waltham, Massachusetts.       10/7/1964 #18575  
 miles off the wing. They pace the plane for 30 minutes, then speed away at 2/11/1965 #18809  
w of a Flying Tiger Airlines cargo plane flying over the North Pacific betw 2/11/1965 #18811  
                 A strange looking plane was seen to dive into the sea near 2/12/1965 #18813  
 were reported missing. The "ghost plane" may have been seen inland before  2/12/1965 #18813  
 the sea, for a strange low-flying plane was reportedly seen over Swainswic 2/12/1965 #18813  
n Somerset, England. The ash-grey "plane" was flying about 100 feet above t 2/12/1965 #18813  
        Himeji, Japan Object paced plane (E-M) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NIC 3/18/1965 #18863  
ous object appears and follows the plane. Inaba makes a 60° turn to avoid a 3/18/1965 #18864  
ar maneuver then follows along the plane’s left wing for about 56 miles. Em 3/18/1965 #18864  
med to “sort of submerge" when the plane was about one mile away from them. 6/6/1965 #18995  
bject just underwater. Submerges / plane nears.                             6/21/1965 #19020  
It submerged out of sight when the plane flew over.                         6/21/1965 #19022  
l observer(s). Fireball chases jet plane. Military searchlight tries to spo 7/1/1965 #19042  
r finds that the local advertising plane operated by Sky-Lite Aerial Advert 9/3/1965 #19511  
oro Carrión takes off in his light plane and goes to 15,000 feet. An Iberia 9/17/1965 #19580  
   AUYAN TEPUI MOUNTAIN, VNZ Light plane / near collision / huge luminous o 9/19/1965 #19581  
         LAKE NORMAN, NC 2 / light plane photograph 3 saucers over McGuire  10/1965 #19627  
 EAST / CICERO SWAMP, NY 2 / light plane. Huge ball / fire where high tensi 11/9/1965 #19703  
E, PA 2 objects pace 2 men / light plane. Jets pursue! Objects shoot away.  11/9/1965 #19704  
er proposed explanations such as a plane crash, errant missile test, or ree 12/9/1965 #19762  
NAIROBI TO/FROM MOMBASA, KENYA 2 / plane. 6 metallic lens-saucers / circula 1/1966? #19800  
 first believed was an approaching plane. As it neared she saw it was more  1/5/1966 #19806  
t / red. Saucer at 300'. Darkens / plane passes. Going west.                2/6/1966 #19881  
SOUTH / CALABOZO, VNZL Man / light plane. Domed disk / 2400M altitude. Seve 2/13/1966 #19899  
the southwest. He thought it was a plane about to crash, although no sound  3/17/1966 #19982  
y at midnight. He thought it was a plane about to crash, although no sound  3/17/1966 #19986  
t, like a wingless C-124 transport plane; 75' long, 8' high and 12' wide; w 3/23/1966 #20048  
e "twice the size of a jet fighter plane." (Brief United Press Internationa 4/3/1966 #20211  
saw what he thought was a crashing plane, then observed it was oval, had wh 4/19/1966 #20345  
   OVER OCALA, FL Governor and 6 / plane. Glowing-saucer hovers. Plane chas 4/25/1966 #20411  
 6 / plane. Glowing-saucer hovers. Plane chases. / MJ#160+/ APRO May'66.    4/25/1966 #20411  
              Ocala, FL Governor's plane paced by globes (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 4/25/1966 #20413  
 and watches the object pacing the plane on the right side. The lights fluc 4/25/1966 #20415  
p.m. EDT the governor of Florida's plane was paced by two UFOs over Ocala,  4/25/1966 #20418  
lobe-shaped objects that paced the plane for about 40 miles. Witnesses incl 4/25/1966 #20418  
    PASADENA, CA Chemist / private plane. 3 round objects change position i 4/30/1966 #20429  
nute(s). Going quickly [to] fast / plane nears.                             5/4/1966 #20442  
cer buzzes 2 Navy jets and private plane. / MJ#277+/ r41p44.                5/21/1966 #20501  
ove, PA Experienced pilot in light plane encountered disc with dome that ma 5/21/1966 #20504  
without banking and approaches his plane on a near-collision course, passin 5/21/1966 #20505  
xperienced pilot flying in a light plane on a clear day encountered a domed 5/21/1966 #20506  
         MILAN, MICH 2 cops. Phony plane on street intersection! Going quic 6/13/1966 #20555  
 about 3 sec. After the incident a plane load of officials from Washington  Summer 1966 #20590  
 BALA, WALES 30 Army reserves seek plane wreckage. Several trucks electro-m 7/1/1966? #20628  
     OVER CUBA LOCATION UNKNOWN U2 plane vanishes. Panama RADAR spots UFO n 7/29/1966 #20694  
     GUSHER, UT Night light buzzes plane. Makes noise and vanishes. 500M al 10/21/1966 #21022  
         OFF WHITE ISLAND, NH USCG plane. Near collision with fireball. Pea 11/22/1966 #21136  
crew. 3 cigars and 20 saucers pass plane. Compasses deviate.                12/1966 #21169  
ts paced Canadian Pacific Airlines plane at 35,000 feet for seven minutes,  12/30/1966 #21229  
 paced a Canadian Pacific Airlines plane at 35,000 feet over the Pacific Oc 12/30/1966 #21231  
 what she first took to be a small plane approaching. As it drew closer she 1/11/1967 #21287  
latter / sharp maneuvers. Stops as plane passes. Going quickly south.       1/16/1967 #21317  
f and on. The object was above the plane at about 2,000 feet. (Letter to AP 1/20/1967 #21358  
ook position above tail. Lights in plane dimmed, radio interference, radio  2/2/1967 #21441  
bove it. The cabin lights dim, the plane’s compass fluctuates, and the radi 2/2/1967 #21442  
Chiclayo and Lima, Peru when their plane was paced by a cone-shaped object. 2/2/1967 #21443  
maneuvered around a U.S. Air Force plane that was searching for it, directe 2/14/1967 #21547  
, MD Bright object blinks out when plane nears. Slowly relights. Several ob 3/8/1967 #21793  
nder an estimated 2 miles from the plane. (Jacksonville Daily News, Arkansa 3/14/1967 #21884  
M saucer / 1000kph. 10 mk away. No plane or balloon / astronomer.           3/24/1967 #21958  
 identify the object. The Cruzeiro plane follows the UFO for 15 minutes bef 3/27/1967 #22001  
up / 20 observers! 2 shoot away as plane nears. No further details.         4/12/1967 #22111  
L Domed disk hovers. Tilts / small plane passes. Plane makes 180° turn.     4/21/1967 #22176  
overs. Tilts / small plane passes. Plane makes 180° turn.                   4/21/1967 #22176  
ll aircraft passed beneath it. The plane reversed course possibly to look a 4/21/1967 #22182  
ach, Florida. It tilted as a small plane passed beneath it. The airplane th 4/21/1967 #22197  
gar-shaped object that resembled a plane about to land. It appeared to have 5/1967 #22252  
umbling entity passes over man. No plane..                                  5/11/1967 #22314  
ft, and thinking that it was a jet plane about to crash, he got out and saw 5/11/1967 #22317  
ft, and thinking that it was a jet plane about to crash, he stopped the tru 5/11/1967 #22319  
d away. It seemed ready to ram the plane from behind, but instead shot away 5/12/1967 #22326  
at played "cat and mouse" with the plane. The object speeded up and slowed  6/6/1967 #22472  
) when the object was close to the plane. (Good, 1987, p. 149; from Flying  6/6/1967 #22472  
             PRAT DE LLOBREGAT, SP Plane landing aborted. Night lights on r 6/15/1967? #22507  
am-saucer with many lights circles plane. Follows car. Going quickly south. 6/29/1967 #22569  
inning and made a noise like a jet plane. It vanished while still in sight. 7/20/1967 #22711  
ts "wobbling" over a field. When a plane flew into the area, the objects (l 7/25/1967 #22729  
ight responds / flashlight! Avoids plane. / r83 p147.                       7/27/1967 #22737  
en's Band radio from a pilot whose plane reportedly crashed. The pilot said 7/27/1967 #22740  
 tail of his airplane, forcing the plane to crash. The pilot, badly injured 7/27/1967 #22743  
 be about the size of a two-engine plane. (WXUR News report, copy in NICAP  8/1/1967 #22772  
 be about the size of a two-engine plane.                                   8/1/1967 #22773  
ts and disks. 1 object size of 727 plane / 700' altitude.                   8/2/1967 #22774  
dent of Bugatti, is flying his own plane near Vélizy- Villacoublay, Yveline 9/1967 #22975  
then it accelerates and leaves the plane behind at terrific speed.          9/1967 #22975  
e about one-fourth the size of the plane and traveling twice as fast. (NICA 9/3/1967 #22988  
 and it was moving opposite to the plane. It was initially higher, then hal 9/10/1967 #23033  
 VA 4:00 p.m. EDT. A man onboard a plane enroute from Atlanta to Pittsburgh 9/14/1967 #23057  
 closer. The object moved past the plane in the same direction of travel, b 9/14/1967 #23057  
, UKR Saucer and night lights buzz plane / electro-magnetic effect (EME). E 9/19/1967 #23093  
identified object flying above the plane. The aircraft's engines stopped (E 9/29/1967 #23146  
2) in a North American X-15 rocket plane, a record that stands today.       10/3/1967 #23171  
ORTHEAST / JACKSONVL, FL 2 / light plane. Grey triangle with 6 huge white l 10/27/1967 #23338  
man. 3 10M disks 1500M below light plane. Going quickly east.               11/2/1967 #23385  
crew of a British European Airways plane flying at 27,000 feet had a 10-min 11/15/1967 #23459  
N, CA Pilot. 12M bell saucer paces plane going east / 55km. Going quickly e 11/26/1967 #23513  
A Engineer and 1. Ovoid darkens as plane passes. Vanishes when hit / light. 2/24/1968 #23781  
ject follows and circles Air Force plane #2077 / 40 minute(s). No further d 3/1968 #23795  
ic Controller. Night light follows plane in and back out again. / r226#014. 3/14/1968 #23840  
 II and several. 600' saucer paces plane / 60 mn. / MJ#240+/ r11p118.       4/16/1968 #23908  
 spindle-shaped, appears above the plane. It moves in a course parallel to  6/6/1968 #24013  
 moves in a course parallel to the plane and stops suddenly in midair. Then 6/6/1968 #24013  
erves in a right angle back to the plane. It is also seen by airport observ 6/6/1968 #24013  
  SAN ANGELO, TX 2 / MU2 turboprop plane. Red circular object shoots straig 6/12/1968 #24024  
out" and then reappeared after the plane was gone.                          7/5/1968 #24146  
r/cylindrical object follows light plane. Going quickly east. / r214p104+/  7/8/1968 #24156  
s). White object stays in front of plane. Then moves away / different cours 7/29/1968 #24249  
s. Shoots going up [to] as private plane nears.                             8/14/1968 #24325  
ly west / 1200mph. Seen / separate plane. / r84p180.                        8/17/1968 #24345  
w over woods. Shoots away as small plane nears.                             8/19/1968 #24355  
saucers exit huge object. Pace 2 / plane going west. Radio Frequency Interf 8/22/1968 #24366  
reen night light maneuvers. Buzzes plane when radio used. 90 turn. Going do 9/15/1968 #24463  
 a Beech C-45 twin-engined utility plane.  One light performed aerobatics f 9/15/1968 #24466  
g a Beech C-45 twin-engine utility plane, observed an unidentified light pe 9/15/1968 #24469  
ht appeared, heading toward Cole's plane on a collision course. It made a 9 9/15/1968 #24469  
gar-shape going quickly south. Jet plane follows. UFO much faster.          10/7/1968 #24545  
150MI NORTH / YELLOWKNIFE, NWT 3 / plane paced / saucer / 5 minute(s). Huma 11/1968 #24609  
jects paced aircraft. Pilot turned plane toward them, objects formed vertic 11/26/1968 #24717  
' disk glows / low altitude. Light plane circles going [to] over saucer. Sa 1/2/1969 #24813  
ect / water vanishes. Unidentified plane overhead. / r215p156.              2/12/1969 #24912  
cylindrical object larger than the plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: B 3/14/1969 #25010  
hite discs on the left side of the plane, flying very low and in a rough fo 3/17/1969 #25019  
over northern New South Wales. The plane is dispatched from RAAF Base Amber 8/31/1969 #25344  
o Cleveland, Ohio a passenger on a plane sighted a silver disc-shaped objec 9/11/1969 #25364  
diameter. The UFO got close to the plane, within 300 yards, for several min 9/11/1969 #25364  
            MONONA, IA 2 / private plane chase 3' white night light all ove 12/7/1969 #25492  
g, drove to the airport and took a plane to Oklahoma City. A friend then dr 7/4/1970 #25727  
everal observer(s). Silent 2-motor plane hovers by A47 / 5+min. No tail. Go 7/11/1970 #25731  
 cloud quickly encircled a private plane flying from the islands of Bimini  12/4/1970 #25926  
ience. A green mist surrounded the plane when it finally broke free, and th 12/4/1970 #25926  
hen it finally broke free, and the plane had been moved much closer to Palm 12/4/1970 #25926  
s." They thought at first it was a plane crashing. It was 25-30 feet in dia 1/22/1971 #25997  
EAST / DOUGLAS, GA 2 / Piper PA-28 plane. Large red ball stays off right wi 2/1/1971 #26010  
d and blue dumbbell chased / small plane. / MJ#107.                         2/28/1971 #26035  
 this day by a geographical survey plane in Costa Rica. The survey plane wa 4/9/1971 #26067  
ey plane in Costa Rica. The survey plane was taking a series of aerial phot 4/9/1971 #26067  
 follows 50M off Rt. wing of light plane. 2 observer(s) / ground.           8/7/1971 #26270  
PRATINHA, BRZ Washtub-saucer paces plane / 20 minute(s) going west. Away ex 8/9/1971 #26275  
asins placed edge to edge, paced a plane flying from Belo Horizonte to Uber 8/9/1971 #26278  
 that was larger than a Boeing jet plane. It hovered, trembling and shaking 8/11/1971 #26280  
ng sound and thought that it was a plane that was going to crash. Instead,  8/12/1971 #26281  
      LAGO DE COTE, C.RICA Mapping plane. Auto-photograph clear shot / sauc 9/4/1971 #26313  
 de Cote, Costa Rica Aerial survey plane photo showing disc on edge         9/4/1971 #26316  
 notices something approaching the plane from behind on the west side. It p 12/20/1971 #26509  
 its level, flying faster than the plane. The object is metallic and shaped 12/20/1971 #26509  
ant funnel going quickly [to] WSW. Plane instruments go crazy. / r209#7.    3/18/1972 #26610  
MINEE AND SHAWANO COS, WI Cops and plane chase elusive night light. High-to 6/23/1972 #26727  
   At 3:00 a.m. police and a light plane chased an elusive zigzagging noctu 6/23/1972 #26728  
bserver(s). Disk with tailfin like plane hovers. Many black dots orbit.     6/30/1972 #26744  
        NEAR DURBAN, RSA 3 / light plane. Star maneuvers and paces plane. M 7/10/1972 #26785  
ht plane. Star maneuvers and paces plane. Magnetic compass deviates.        7/10/1972 #26785  
             ORANGEBURG, SC Silent plane nears airport. Never lands. 2nd ti 7/27/1972 #26841  
ircles TV towers. Going [to] under plane. / r166p58.                        8/11/1972 #26893  
 10:30 p.m., and then flew under a plane.                                   8/11/1972 #26900  
ate pilot and 2. UFO over US51. No plane. Hovers and maneuvers. Silent. Sho 8/21/1972 #26942  
d outline, and moved slower than a plane. It moved in a straight trajectory 10/29/1972 #27101  
Helene thought it must have been a plane that had crashed somewhere behind  2/26/1973 #27318  
EDMONT, MO Physicist and 1 / light plane. Night light moves. Shoots going u 4/12/1973 #27423  
NORTHEAST / FARMINGTON, MO 2 / Lt. plane chase night light. 180-turn. Fades 4/12/1973 #27424  
made no noise. it outdistanced the plane with a tremendous burst of speed.  4/12/1973 #27427  
ARWATER LAKE, MO Physicist and 3 / plane. 1+1+7+1 night lights / (seen thru 5/11/1973 #27476  
 / (seen thru) binoculars. Follows plane back?                              5/11/1973 #27476  
several X. Extremely fast. Silent. Plane follows. Lands / mountains?        6/2/1973 (approximate) #27545  
s. 90-turns and maneuvers. 1 paces plane.                                   6/12/1973 #27562  
maneuvers all over/all about light plane. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI 7/16/1973 #27633  
rver(s). Red disk buzzes airliner. Plane turns. Disk going quickly south /  7/28/1973 #27658  
 begins to tingle. She hears a jet plane in the distance, and the light goe 9/17/1973 #27829  
          TYLER, TX Trucker. Small plane nearly hits car. Hovers low. Becom 9/23/1973 #27854  
ghway, nearly causing a wreck. The plane flies up over the side of the road 9/23/1973 #27859  
Bud, IL 2:30 p.m. Four-engine prop plane took evasive action to avoid colli 10/1973 #27898  
ast object / low altitude. Follows plane going west. Follows another going  10/1/1973 #27909  
        BRICEVILLE, TN 2 / private plane. 3 night lights land and flash / f 10/2/1973 #27916  
ches a speed about the same as his plane, 170 mph. It is flashing regularly 10/12/1973 #28017  
way. 1 lands / schoolyard. Follows plane.                                   10/17/1973 #28100  
         NEAR JONESBORO, ARK Phony plane divides. Halves "explode". No debr 10/17/1973 #28102  
“I saw this. It wasn’t a bird or a plane.”                                  10/17/1973 #28131  
holes. Lands / mountain. Air Force plane chases. Going quickly south. / r41 11/8/1973 #28384  
aneuvering in a way I have seen no plane do, making fantastic lateral devia 11/30/1973 #28490  
as something solid, lit up, like a plane on my radar.” Commander Tranquillo 11/30/1973 #28490  
rliner / 3km altitude. UFO follows plane / 15 minute(s). Near panic. / LDLN 12/8/1973 #28539  
he object almost collides with the plane before flying straight up at abrup 12/28/1973 #28612  
A Pilots report 5 objects circling plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)       1/26/1974 #28707  
COAST WITH SANTA ANA, CA 2 / light plane. 5 glowing-objects circle and buzz 1/29/1974 #28712  
 5 glowing-objects circle and buzz plane. / Richard Hall.                   1/29/1974 #28712  
wing red UFOs, which circled their plane for the next hour.                 1/29/1974 #28713  
uge brilliant orange blimp hovers. Plane passes under. Going northwest.     3/6/1974 #28863  
object with colored rings ahead of plane confirmed by Milan radar, chased b 3/9/1974 #28871  
doba, Argentina Argentine Airlines plane flanked by two glowing objects tha 3/13/1974 #28879  
a, Argentina An Argentine Airlines plane en route from San Juan, Puerto Ric 3/13/1974 #28880  
itioned extremely close around the plane. (APRO Bulletin, Vol. 24 No. 2, Au 5/2/1974 #29079  
IRPORT/APARTMENT, MO Night lights. Plane passes with red light / wrong wing 5/24/1974 #29130  
s). Large dome lands and darkens / plane passes. Spin and sparks. / Flying  6/6/1974 #29167  
hen makes high-speed passes at the plane, drawing closer. Then, allegedly,  6/9/1974 #29175  
to the heavens. When I got off the plane I told Nancy all about it…. And we Summer 1974 #29219  
et / 10 minute(s). Rises fast when plane nears.                             6/29/1974 #29230  
n minutes. It stayed there until a plane flew over, when it then shot up ve 6/29/1974 #29232  
nd 1 / Cessna. Night light follows plane into airport/apartment. Turns goin 10/10/1974 #29509  
ices a strange light following the plane when they are 50 miles away from G 10/10/1974 #29512  
 or delta-shaped object followed a plane flying 65 kilometers northwest of  10/10/1974 #29513  
d white lights draws alongside the plane as it flies at 290 mph at 7,500 fe 10/11/1974 #29519  
LD Date approximate. Small private plane has near collision / UFO on runway 10/18/1974 (approximate) #29542  
tions going quickly [to] 300M over plane.                                   1/15/1975 #29751  
ELGIUM 1 / car. Strange delta-wing plane low and slow and silent. Going [to 1/21/1975 #29759  
Another appears to the left of the plane, and a third disc approaches head- 5/3/1975 #30026  
ches head-on, dropping beneath the plane. Carlos feels a jolt as if the obj 5/3/1975 #30026  
ever, but it fails to operate. The plane feels as if it is pulled or lifted 5/3/1975 #30026  
owing unexplained objects near his plane that are capable of sharp turns, u 5/3/1975 #30026  
 on, and he felt a jolt, as if his plane was being lifted. The Mexico City  5/3/1975 #30029  
 each wingtip, the third above the plane. The pilot levels off and climbs q 5/6/1975 #30041  
ground. Red metallic saucer passes plane. / LDLN#339p29.                    7/20/1975 #30188  
ange-red metallic disc flew past a plane flying near Williams Air Force Bas 7/20/1975 #30191  
 near Williams Air Force Base. The plane was being flown by a man named Roy 7/20/1975 #30191  
ange-red metallic disc flew past a plane flying near Williams Air Force Bas 7/20/1975 #30193  
ams Air Force Base in Arizona. The plane was being flown by a man named Roy 7/20/1975 #30193  
             OWYHEE R., OR Silent "plane". Silver object / hill. Trance. 2  8/1975 (approximate) #30222  
ACKAY, AUST Night lights buzz RAAF plane and enter cloud. RADAR invisible.  8/30/1975 #30328  
und object the size of twin-engine plane that had gold, red and orange ligh 10/28/1975 #30505  
CE BASE, ND Several shots. 2 "hit" plane. No damage bullets or shooter foun 11/3/1975 #30544  
the object was twice that of a jet plane. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, Jan 11/11/1975 #30605  
t attaches itself to the B-52, the plane’s radar equipment goes out.        11/11/1975 #30610  
             NEAR SAVANNAH, GA 2 / plane. White saucer shape near nuclear p 11/22/1975 #30651  
rossed in front of and above their plane, made a slight wobble, then a shar 11/22/1975 #30653  
nesses were confident it was not a plane or helicopter.                     11/23/1975 #30656  
pezoid below cloud cover. Fades as plane nears.. .                          2/15/1976 #30871  
e object speeds toward him and his plane is surrounded by a green phosphore 3/3/1976 #30921  
ckly south over Cape peninsula. No plane.                                   6/22/1976 #31125  
server(s). Orange fireball follows plane. 750m altitude.                    6/26/1976 #31141  
/ triangular trajectory. Smaller / plane.                                   9/6/1976 #31347  
ger says that no one else “on this plane will ever see that coin again.” Th 9/11/1976 #31376  
 side to the other in front of the plane, causing the crew to panic. The si Mid 9/1976 #31384  
rs at low altitude in front of his plane. Gen. Yousefi then orders Jafari t 9/18/1976 #31395  
shot by the larger disc toward the plane. First, the aircrafts' inertial na 9/19/1976 #31411  
bright white light in front of his plane. They are 7 minutes out of the El  1/21/1977 #31744  
ghts going quickly. Jet noise. "No plane".                                  1/26/1977 #31750  
 about 2,400–2,700 feet behind the plane. The base authorizes him to interc 2/1977 #31772  
Then shoots going quickly east. No plane.                                   2/9/1977 #31799  
sees a huge object in front of his plane. He claims 15–20 smaller objects f Mid 3/1977 #31908  
    NORTHWEST / LOS OLIVOS, CA 2 / plane take 8mm movies / 4 white saucers. 4/11/1977 #31970  
 clear sky. Ground radar calls the plane’s attention to a target 15 miles a 4/14/1977 #31980  
s the target fall back east of the plane and rush at high speed back to a 1 4/14/1977 #31980  
atches the target playing with the plane behind its tail and right wing, wh 4/14/1977 #31980  
 effect (EME). 60' saucer controls plane. Pilot can't see. / r25p36.        4/29/1977 #32032  
opez, the pilot of a single-engine plane, is allegedly blinded in flight by 4/29/1977 #32035  
rliner / 30 second(s). Larger than plane. Going quickly east.               5/26/1977 #32128  
hes from the rear left side of the plane to a position “one plane length” b 5/26/1977 #32135  
de of the plane to a position “one plane length” behind it. The object is 1 5/26/1977 #32135  
uese Air Force Dornier Do 27 light plane over the Castelo de Bode dam in ce 6/17/1977 #32171  
ouds, slightly to the right of his plane. Thinking that the object is a car 6/17/1977 #32171  
hinking that the object is a cargo plane, he banks to the left and immediat 6/17/1977 #32171  
away. It is definitely not a cargo plane. The upper section, partially conc 6/17/1977 #32171  
t “touching the tree tops” and the plane lands in one piece with a badly sh 6/17/1977 #32171  
otates wildly, and by the time the plane lands it has deviated by 180° rela 6/17/1977 #32171  
moon-size going quickly north. "No plane" / observer(s).                    7/3/1977 #32231  
ar-shape. 5 portholes glow. Avoids plane / Heathrow.                        8/4/1977 #32357  
A BARBARA, CA 80' disk paces small plane / several min. 1000' away. Away fa 10/1/1977 #32540  
      EAST / ABILENE, TX 2 / light plane and 2 / USAF T38. Red sphere/orb/g 10/26/1977 #32611  
silver disk peels away from Cessna plane / low altitude. Quickly going up.  11/12/1977 #32665  
, MO White night light paces light plane / 3 minute(s). Transponder malfunc 11/18/1977 #32683  
e dull metallic "airship" when his plane was at 60 meters altitude, and the 11/23/1977 #32694  
ular lights pace and buzz commuter plane. / MJ#181.                         12/8/1977 #32745  
KM SSE / LEGUNE, NT, AUS 2 / light plane. 9 x3x1M UFO passes. HF and VHF ra 12/9/1977 #32751  
o a French Navy Nord-262 transport plane with three crew members aboard and 12/15/1977 #32776  
o a French Navy Nord-262 transport plane with three crew members aboard and 12/15/1977 #32777  
cular blue-white light paces light plane. Makes 45° turn.                   12/22/1977 #32805  
OR V-formation of 10 lights passed plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)       1/5/1978 #32853  
he field. The boys then noticed a "plane" like object that passed slowly ov 1/31/1978 #32930  
WEST / KLAMATH FALLS, OR 6 / light plane. 10 large night lights / V formati 2/5/1978 #32954  
range-white lights which paced his plane, climbed rapidly, then sped away.  2/5/1978 #32958  
ovoid stays 16km ahead / corporate plane. Then climbs. No further details.  2/23/1978 #32992  
ite smoke ball / clear sky. Buzzes plane. Going south. Then turns going up. 3/10/1978 #33023  
 of the sighting as an advertising plane owned and operated by a Chicago fi 4/29/1978 #33179  
          PASADENA, CA 2 / private plane. White saucer hovers. Shoots going 6/4/1978 #33252  
very oval that maneuvered near his plane (section III). (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 6/11/1978 #33271  
very oval that maneuvered near his plane                                    6/11/1978 #33272  
irm a radar tracking. Suddenly the plane’s cabin is flooded with brilliant  6/11/1978 #33274  
rple light continues to follow the plane until a portion of the UFO separat 6/11/1978 #33274  
 passenger of a commercial charter plane flying northwest between Madison a 6/24/1978 #33306  
. At one point it passes above the plane. The object is tracked on radar by 6/24/1978 #33306  
         SANTA PAULA, CA 2 / light plane. 3' saucer with shiny dome with th 7/4/1978 #33326  
o protrusions. Hallstrom turns the plane around and the object makes a seco 7/4/1978 #33333  
irport/apartment 2X. Not on RADAR. Plane chases. Up and away. / r208p118.   7/26/1978 #33416  
structor Sha Yongkao is piloting a plane with a student at an airfield in S 7/26/1978 #33418  
engineers with radio-control model plane. Thin silent fuselage going east o 7/27/1978 #33420  
ly over the horizon “faster than a plane.” Clark radios the Coast Guard sta 7/28/1978 #33435  
owntown Toledo looking at a "large plane" approaching from the north agains 8/20/1978 #33531  
 Toledo, Ohio, looking at a “large plane” approaching from the north. As it 8/20/1978 #33533  
 MI NNW / PROVINCETOWN, MA 2 / Lt. plane. 18' silver saucer / near hit. Gro 8/27/1978 #33575  
        Provincetown, MA A private plane flying over Massachusetts Bay, 10  8/27/1978 #33577  
ut 600 mph, apparently missing the plane by 1,000 feet. It is a silvery-whi 8/27/1978 #33578  
                         A private plane flying over Massachusetts Bay, 10  8/27/1978 #33580  
discarded the notion that it was a plane. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)  8/29/1978 #33589  
discarded the notion that it was a plane. At 11:00 p.m. two UFOs appeared i 8/29/1978 #33592  
NEAR COTTER, ARK Physicist / light plane buzzed / night light. Staircase tr 9/10/1978 #33654  
AUS Pilot radios UFO doing stunts. Plane and pilot vanish. / LDLN#182.      10/21/1978 #33852  
l encounter with elongated object, plane and pilot disappeared              10/21/1978 #33855  
elta/triangle/box-like craft paces plane to airport. Back several X. / r171 11/23/1978 #33986  
"Hercules" C-5A military transport plane. It was totally silent, and flew o 12/10/1978 #34086  
-like craft-winged double fuselage plane circles car. Going quickly east.   12/14/1978 #34115  
 pilots. Fake landing lights. Pace plane. / MJ#146+/ r41p244.               12/20/1978 #34180  
. Randle is flying an Argosy cargo plane from Blenheim to Christchurch, New 12/21/1978 #34192  
gh the clouds. It follows Powell’s plane, and Wellington radar tracks it fo 12/21/1978 #34193  
KOURA, NZ Domed objects pace cargo plane / 12 mile(s). Loop / film. / Inter 12/22/1978 #34196  
ht with blue-glowing follows light plane / miles.                           12/30/1978 #34228  
ier, has chartered an Argosy cargo plane, piloted by Capt. William Startup  12/31/1978 #34246  
target appears to the right of the plane. Fogarty manages to crack, “Let’s  12/31/1978 #34246  
 Dennis Grant, agree to do so. The plane flies out at 2:15 a.m., and within 12/31/1978 #34246  
 The object returns in view of the plane, moving toward it, then drops out  12/31/1978 #34246  
oon appear on the port side of the plane. One settles into a rolling, turni 12/31/1978 #34246  
om work by a UFO she thought was a plane crashing (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 7/25/1979 #34677  
om work by a UFO she thought was a plane crashing. She experienced an episo 7/25/1979 #34680  
/orb/globe flashes / faint blasts. Plane goes under. Sphere/orb/globe quick 7/27/1979 #34682  
 / California Highway Patrol (CHP) plane. 2 plain 35' lens-saucers hug terr 8/9/1979 #34719  
       Hayford, CA Two discs below plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)       8/9/1979 #34720  
 two disc-shaped objects below his plane, contour flying "on the deck" thro 8/9/1979 #34721  
     NEAR LAC SIMON, QBC 2 / light plane. Instruments go crazy. 300' fireba 8/18/1979 #34753  
he object begins flying around the plane for a short time before it flies u 8/27/1979 #34788  
ck and forth in front of the light plane, playing cat-and-mouse.            9/9/1979 #34854  
al sphere/orb/globe near 2nd small plane. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI 9/10/1979 #34858  
tay about 1,600 feet away from the plane. Since the object is violating all 11/11/1979 #34997  
, BRAZIL Airman and 3 / car. Phony plane going down / low altitude. Hovers. 1/15/1980 (approximate) #35136  
t a UFO made a head-on pass at his plane at 50,000 feet altitude. The glowi 6/14/1980 #35366  
n Ex Soviet test pilot Lev Vyatkin plane collided with an aircraft emitting Summer 1980 #35383  
m change course three times. Their plane disappears and no wreckage is foun 6/28/1980 #35393  
tained its distance ahead of their plane for 5-6 seconds, then was overtake 8/28/1980 #35481  
ARKANA, AR Pilot. Ovoid stops over plane. Vanishes. Then going [to] over Re 9/2/1980 #35491  
no wobble as it passes through the plane’s turbulence. List descends to 6,0 9/4/1980 #35494  
0 feet. It changes course when the plane flashes its landing lights. The ev 9/22/1980 #35528  
0 feet. It changed course when the plane flashed its landing lights. The ev 9/22/1980 #35529  
. 2 10' burger-buns circle private plane / 10x. Away very fast. No RADAR.   9/28/1980 #35539  
ut 6,500 feet from the runway, the plane’s blip disappears for 7 seconds. T 10/16/1980 #35573  
 landed, with the exception of one plane, whose pilot requests authorizatio 10/31/1980 #35599  
se with a cigar-shaped object. The plane is moving north to south while the 11/2/1980 #35610  
northeast from Sonora, TX. Splits. Plane malfunctions due to EME (electro-m 11/3/1980 #35611  
 CA 45' Saturn-torpedo paces small plane. Turns / fireball. Shoots going up 11/5/1980 #35619  
s can-cylinder follows 400M behind plane.                                   11/11/1980 #35627  
 dive. When it passes close to the plane, they see a second smaller ball.   11/11/1980 #35634  
n sky and disappear briefly when a plane flies below them.                  11/24/1980 #35664  
t of the right wing and sent their plane into an uncontrollable spin at 500 12/18/1980 #35724  
k" as it fell past the nose of the plane. Nellis Air Force Base spokesman s 12/18/1980 #35724  
 Controllers. Red 3M saucer buzzes plane. Not / RADAR. / MJ#274+/ r41p46.   2/9/1981 #35818  
p.m. The UFOs flew parallel to the plane and then approached from 70 degree 2/25/1981 #35843  
p.m. The UFOs flew parallel to the plane and then approached from 70 degree 2/25/1981 #35845  
            SAN LUIS RESERVOIR, CA Plane invisible / RADAR while buzzed / S 4/8/1981 #35886  
ut. The object shoots ahead of the plane by about 1,500 feet and executes s 4/8/1981 #35887  
rward about 4–5 miles ahead of the plane, and makes an instantaneous right- 4/8/1981 #35887  
V 4' metal saucer buzzes 2 / light plane. Going quickly [to] cloudy mountai 4/20/1981 #35905  
 Small, shiny object below private plane. Object fluttered or tilted, accel 4/20/1981 #35908  
 white round object shoots up when plane chases.                            8/5/1981 #36056  
 this day. Instruments onboard the plane experienced failures, but the effe 8/8/1981 #36063  
 this day. Instruments onboard the plane experienced failures, but the effe 8/8/1981 #36065  
-like craft too large and slow for plane. Diesel engine sound. / r41p229.   9/18/1981 #36124  
ing its speed, moving ahead of the plane and then allowing it to catch up.  2/8/1982 #36327  
rizonte, the object approaches the plane, allowing crew and 150 passengers  2/8/1982 #36327  
disk with 3 lights crosses sky. No plane.                                   4/14/1982 #36444  
st going quickly southwest. Mimics plane?                                   5/5/1982 #36463  
CESTON, TASM Mechanical Engineer / plane. Metallic sphere paces 737 / 2 min 6/27/1982 #36518  
 Night light hovers. Dims out when plane passes. Row / night lights.        9/9/1982 #36598  
 miles away. It circles around the plane and closes in. Two US Navy F-14 fi 10/19/1982 #36654  
e with tube structure buzzes light plane / complex trajectory. See referenc 10/24/1982 #36661  
 vortex hits them so hard that the plane’s airframe groans in protest, and  10/24/1982 #36663  
tal saucer / low altitude. Circles plane. Going quickly southwest. / r41p10 11/2/1982 #36670  
 evasive maneuvers and circles his plane. The object is 7 feet in diameter  11/2/1982 #36674  
when it makes a pass at the second plane and speeds off to the southwest.   11/2/1982 #36674  
 start to go haywire. He pulls the plane sharply to the right, but the UFO  5/23/1983 #36865  
like craft / sky. Away faster than plane. No further details.               6/17/1983 #36882  
0' saucer with beams overhead. "No plane / helicopter.                      2/9/1984 #37184  
 lands / tarmac. Shoots going up / plane lands. / r81p136.                  4/19/1984 #37269  
ng that blocks out the lights of a plane that flies behind it.              6/14/1984 #37361  
t. The target, the size of a small plane or helicopter, appears out of nowh 8/23/1984 #37438  
HEAST / RECONQUISTA, ARG 6 / light plane. Classic saucer paces. Compasses s 9/23/1984 #37464  
ccasions when witnesses see both a plane and a UFO, the plane is clearly au 11/1984 #37500  
es see both a plane and a UFO, the plane is clearly audible and the UFO is  11/1984 #37500  
     NEAR CHARLESTON, WV 2 / light plane. Large white circle paces plane. M 2/20/1985 #37558  
ht plane. Large white circle paces plane. Makes 360° orbit.                 2/20/1985 #37558  
    NEAR SODERHAMN, SWD 4 / Cessna plane. Cylinder/cylindrical object with  8/18/1985 #37646  
ing moving on the port side of the plane, so Hastings takes two photos in t 9/9/1985 #37656  
     SNOQUALMIE PASS, WA 2 / light plane. 2 red orbs off each wing. Radio m 3/1/1986 #37795  
lsion. The X-30 National Aerospace Plane (NASP) plan was considered ambitio 4/1986 #37815  
ickly to the left and below of his plane. The UFO was seen to be wingless a 5/11/1986 #37861  
ver(s). Bright saucer passes light plane / 1200mph going quickly south. Lig 5/11/1986 #37862  
shaped object make head-on pass at plane                                    5/11/1986 #37865  
a at 4:00 p.m. It approached their plane head on and shot quickly to left,  5/11/1986 #37866  
 more UFOs that surrounded another plane with Capt. Armindo Souza Viriato d 5/19/1986 #37874  
rs see the objects surrounding his plane, 6 stationed on one side and 7 on  5/19/1986 #37881  
the other, and later following his plane at a distance of two miles, but on 5/19/1986 #37881  
 objects made 80 degree turns. "No plane I know can make turns like that at 5/19/1986 #37882  
 Luminous "Ping-pong ball" follows plane 700km. 40K' altitude.              5/20/1986 #37883  
 game. Very loud. Beacon / center. Plane?                                   7/8/1986 #37933  
DEVON Several observer(s). Silent "plane" / low altitude drifts / sky. Nigh 8/7/1986 #37973  
ver cylinder/cigar-shape paces jet plane. 2nd black cylinder/cigar-shape /  11/14/1986 #38063  
es Flight 1628, a Boeing 747 cargo plane with a crew of three, is in the vi 11/17/1986 #38072  
hi checks a white light behind the plane and sees “a silhouette of a gigant 11/17/1986 #38072  
be aware of an unknown object. The plane and UFO “pass clear of each other, 11/25/1986 #38077  
 parallel to each other and to the plane for about 20 minutes.              3/12/1987 #38139  
bout 10 feet in diameter above his plane, but the light does not register o 6/19/1987 #38194  
discovered near Vyborg. A military plane had taken it to Monchegorsk, Murma Early 8/1987 #38225  
orth-going south at speed of small plane.                                   8/29/1987 #38263  
r/cylindrical object follows light plane in / landing. Hovers / 4 minute(s) 12/5/1987 #38349  
 driving east when he saw the prop plane as it broke through clouds at 4600 12/5/1987 #38350  
LEEDS, WEST YORKS Ovoid seen, then plane. UFO zigzags to plane. Near collis 1/3/1988 #38389  
d seen, then plane. UFO zigzags to plane. Near collision. Gone.             1/3/1988 #38389  
sky. The UFO zig-zagged toward the plane, causing a near collision, then wa 1/3/1988 #38390  
       ALLEROD FIELD, DK 2 / light plane. 50cm silver ball glows. Follows p 6/7/1988 #38583  
e. 50cm silver ball glows. Follows plane. RADAR invisible.                  6/7/1988 #38583  
Many separate observer(s). Silent "plane" / low altitude and mushroom sauce 11/6/1988 #38704  
ains. 3m torpedo passes 240m under plane.                                   1/27/1989 #38803  
      EAST / JACKSON, CA 2 / light plane. Square domed object with 2 silver 4/19/1989 #38909  
el Luiz Christóvão, flying a small plane about 6 miles west of Arapongas, P 5/2/1989 #38935  
s he is preparing to land. Another plane flying nearby cannot see the light 5/2/1989 #38935  
t positions itself in front of the plane, forcing him to make a sudden mane 5/2/1989 #38935  
nsported to the US in a C-5A cargo plane from South Africa.                 5/7/1989 #38939  
ing at 9,000 feet as it passed the plane. A vertical light beam and sparks  10/24/1989 #39184  
 cylinders, 10 times larger than a plane, with red lights, an orange light, 11/22/1989 #39246  
ortheast in near collision / KC135 plane. Plane rocks wings.                5/21/1990 #39580  
t in near collision / KC135 plane. Plane rocks wings.                       5/21/1990 #39580  
 radar and rocked the wings of the plane as it shot past.                   5/21/1990 #39583  
d a large triangular object like a plane, but changing direction easily and 10/26/1990 #39813  
thinking that it might have been a plane crash. Arriving there, he saw no t 10/31/1990 #39822  
southwest. Emits sphere/orb/globe. Plane circles and follows.               11/11/1990 #39884  
la-saucer / 5000M altitude follows plane. Turns up and away.                11/12/1990 #39885  
neuver. Shoot going quickly SSW as plane nears.                             12/1/1990 #39917  
cylinder/cigar-shape stops ahead / plane. / r150.                           3/6/1991 #39995  
TN Cop videos saucer buzzing light plane / 8 min! 1Kmph and more. Landing t 3/15/1991 #40013  
port, London, UK Alitalia Airlines plane on final approach saw round object 4/21/1991 #40044  
ered above airport, E-M effects on plane                                    6/8/1991 #40091  
ffirmatively. The object paces his plane for 25 minutes within about 1,300  6/8/1991 #40092  
netic effects were reported on the plane. At around 6:00 p.m. an intense bl 6/8/1991 #40093  
ctile below and to the left of the plane flying at an altitude of 4,000–5,0 6/17/1991 #40101  
s up a target moving away from the plane to the southwest at 100 mph.       7/15/1991 #40123  
MENT, URUG Landing lights near. No plane / RADAR. No landing. Lights vanish 10/19/1991 #40213  
/ hospital. Delta whooshes by. "No plane / meteor".                         12/1991 #40250  
 stop. Extremely bright 100' phony plane drifts west going east like a ball 2/9/1992 #40326  
e light seems to come from a small plane that is about to crash. Just secon 3/20/1992 #40394  
MSOMOLSK-NA-AMURE, RUSSIA Military plane crew. UFO / aerobatics / one hour. 4/18/1992 #40420  
 Low silent UFO looks exactly like plane. Maneuvers.                        5/1/1992 #40440  
ft formation maneuver in stars. No plane.                                   5/26/1992 #40474  
 over park. Zips away faster / any plane.                                   10/8/1992 #40664  
utes. It shot away faster than any plane, according to the four teenage wit 10/8/1992 #40666  
triangle followed by audible light plane..                                  11/25/1992 #40728  
on in European discos, and a cargo plane that makes routine flights at the  12/16/1992 #40749  
ckwards / 6m altitude over car. No plane!                                   2/2/1993 #40832  
 first thought it was a low flying plane, but dismissed that idea because o 3/26/1993 #40902  
y southeast fast. Not on RADAR. No plane.                                   3/31/1993 #40910  
  SOUTH LONDON, ENG 2 deltas chase plane. Join and vanish. Plane vanishes!  6/15/1993 #41017  
ltas chase plane. Join and vanish. Plane vanishes! White star appears.      6/15/1993 #41017  
ing quickly southeast behind light plane. Recurrent dreams.                 11/15/1993 #41276  
tholes and lights. Lights out when plane passes nearby.                     1/5/1994? #41363  
range-brown colored saucer follows plane / 2 turns. Drops / ground.         2/26/1994 #41426  
 quickly NNE overhead. Silent. "No plane / helicopter".                     3/3/1994 #41436  
COL. DE VENCE, FR Scientists video plane over mountain. Diamond UFO shows / 6/5/1994 #41552  
          PARC DE LA MOULIERE, FR "Plane" lands / jagged peak! 2 ovoid join 6/27/1994 (approximate) #41586  
ilent stars hover. Vanish when jet plane nears.                             7/21/1994 #41633  
rver. White fireball catches up to plane and vanishes. 5-6X faster. Going q 8/1/1994 #41652  
s no harm in communicating on this plane.” The NHI tells him they are simil 9/1994 #41709  
essel” to maintain intcomm on that plane.  https://www.amazon.com/Above-Bla 9/1994 #41709  
sk flies beneath fuselage of small plane. No further details.               12/2/1994 #41877  
municating with him on the “higher plane.” Sherman says over the next 10 mo Early 1995 #41927  
ths they communicate on the higher plane several times, to which he learns  Early 1995 #41927  
 Bright lights / 4 hours. 1 passes plane. / LDLN#308+309+331.               1/1/1995 #41929  
sky. The mechanic thought it was a plane left to tow the car, while Veroniq 2/21/1995 #42055  
h going quickly south edge-first / plane speed/velocity. 3 domes / corners. 4/4/1995 #42139  
y bright mass / light moves unlike plane. Odd noise.                        5/15/1995 #42209  
roaches the wing of the commercial plane, then minutes later, the USAF craf 5/25/1995 #42229  
RIVER, MA 2 / car. Vibrant bright "plane" with 60° swept wings hovers over  6/18/1995 #42262  
Red-orange fireball flies ahead of plane going quickly SSE.                 6/29/1995 #42281  
       LA BROQUERIE, MBA Screech. "Plane" flashes. Sharp turn. Stops. Hover 7/21/1995 #42314  
st. Dart to horizon. Buzz military plane. No further details.               7/25/1995 #42325  
d then appeared to buzz a military plane. Later that night in Sapello, New  7/25/1995 #42327  
JOSE, COSTA RICA Several / trainer plane. Brilliant gold ovoid passes under 7/26/1995 #42328  
 round object follows landing C130 plane. Vanishes!                         8/27/1995 #42420  
 Odd white sphere/orb/globe size = plane. "Moves sideways. Report going [to 8/28/1995 #42423  
4M top-saucer going [to] 4K' below plane. / Aldrich files.                  9/4/1995 #42439  
UTHEAST / LAKELAND, FL FAA report. Plane crew sees UFO. Type unknown. Nothi 10/18/1995 #42557  
EMOUNT, WA 2 observer(s). Odd slow plane with disk above it. Disk separated 2/4/1996 #42738  
t that appeared to jump out at his plane at around 10:00 p.m. In Seattle, W 2/27/1996 #42786  
ary. Sweeps searchlight / circles. Plane?                                   3/2/1996 #42799  
right object shoots going south as plane nears. Comes back going quickly no 3/19/1996 #42829  
50cm sphere rises / sea and passes plane. Possible missile?                 6/9/1996 #42928  
 30 meters above the aircraft. The plane requested and made an emergency la 6/9/1996 #42929  
west going east / 2 minute(s). "No plane". Back 13 July.                    7/10/1996 #42954  
   SOUTHEAST / PELOTAS, BRAZIL 4 / plane. Silent 150M pyramid hovers. Small 10/5/1996 #43054  
cigar-shape / 800M altitude. Light plane going [to] under. See Pelotas abov 10/5/1996 #43055  
WEST / GUARABIRA, BRAZIL 1 / light plane. 30M pyramid going west. Dome open 10/18/1996 #43077  
ILOEZINHOS, BRZ Farmer. Odd silver plane lands vertically! "Small ugly men" 10/18/1996 #43078  
s) seen. Glowing saucer near small plane. Lost in cloudbank.                10/20/1996 #43084  
NE-NONANCOURT, FR Sonic booms. Jet plane zigzags! Seen / (seen thru) binocu 10/22/1996 #43089  
RES, FR Small object follows light plane / half circle maneuver. Angel-hair 10/24/1996 #43093  
 Small sphere paces Tucano trainer plane. Hits and destroys! Films.         11/16/1996 #43111  
bout 6.5 feet from the wing of the plane.                                   11/16/1996 #43112  
requesting permission to land. The plane lands safely 10 minutes later.     12/19/1996 #43148  
ver plates hover. Douses lights as plane passes. 10-day wave.               3/31/1997 #43247  
mbling objects. It vanished when a plane approached.                        4/27/1997 #43281  
       STE.CROIX-SUR-MER, FR Phony plane and metallic ovoid. Both silent. E 7/22/1997 #43355  
te-grey ovoid-disk follows private plane straight & level flight. No furthe 9/26/1997 #43416  
tude. Going quickly southwest when plane passes near.                       12/14/1997 #43459  
or aboard a KC-130R Hercules cargo plane flying at an altitude of 24,000 fe Winter 1997 #43468  
ns / clouds. Lit portholes. Away / plane lands. Thin beam going down.       1/8/1998 #43495  
hen they saw what appeared to be a plane crashing. They left their truck an 10/19/1998 #43666  
w over the area. Thinking it was a plane, he continued driving. Five minute 5/10/1999 #43767  
was not a meteor or a conventional plane.                                   9/13/1999 #43845  
object that looked a little like a plane, but was fatter and shorter, was r 3/1/2000 #43960  
kylight, and what appeared to be a plane at first that was traveling south  5/17/2000 #43996  
e emergency services think a small plane has crashed, because they have los 1/14/2001 #44124  
he crew of an Ilyushin Il-76 cargo plane refuses to take off, claiming they 1/22/2001 #44127  
incoming Yakovlev Yak-40 passenger plane also sees an object at Barnaul and 1/22/2001 #44127  
etic effects on one or more of the plane’s transmission systems.            2/2001 #44137  
Simmons tried to block a companion plane, he felt threatened by the helicop 2/24/2001 #44142  
ed object that is accompanying the plane about 6t0 feet away. Ground contro 8/3/2001 #44223  
t. It plays cat and mouse with the plane for some minutes before it disappe 8/6/2001 #44227  
 a Cessna 208B single-engine cargo plane en route to Montgomery. Six minute 10/23/2002 #44422  
an see any other aircraft near his plane. He cannot, but ground control say 6/5/2003 #44554  
ic object on the right side of the plane. It is metallic and surrounded by  6/5/2003 #44554  
e sky. They first assumed it was a plane, but then it started moving faster 7/12/2003 #44563  
g ball of light, too large to be a plane or satellite, flew in a zigzag pat 8/31/2003 #44589  
ular shape, passes in front of the plane, and gives off a bright flashing l 1/4/2004 #44644  
oot wing span. The UFO circled the plane aggresively. The second encounter  1/4/2004 #44645  
 coincidental that the illuminated plane of the object passes through the c 1/27/2004 #44657  
ly to the right. At this point his plane is illuminated by a beam of light. 2/20/2004 #44668  
aceShipOne, an air launched rocket plane.                                   10/4/2004 #44767  
intly detected by an E- 2C Hawkeye plane after Princeton sends them coordin 11/10/2004 #44782  
arrive it has disappeared. Another plane launched from the USS Nimitz has i 11/14/2004 #44784  
ut-of-focus low-resolution backlit plane” filmed at a distance. [A second f 11/14/2004 #44784  
p 11:28 a.m. Radar trackers spot a plane entering the Air Defense Identific 5/11/2005 #44840  
y make radio contact and order the plane to divert at 12:06 p.m., the flier 5/11/2005 #44840  
fire four bright flares across the plane’s nose, and the two men realize th 5/11/2005 #44840  
he gravity of their situation. The plane then veers northwest, out of town, 5/11/2005 #44840  
aircraft flying at 3,000 feet. The plane experiences intense waves of heat  6/28/2005 #44849  
ttle they can do except escort the plane to a UK airport, accompanied by th 6/28/2005 #44849  
middle of it. It was larger than a plane.It flew overhead slowly, where it  5/16/2007 #45030  
 It was the size of a 50-passenger plane, had no markings and no windows, a 8/9/2007 #45045  
of organic matter are found on the plane, ruling out birds, and there are n 10/30/2007 #45086  
feet away from the right wing, the plane loses power. All of the electrical 2/18/2012 #45339  
urns off. A few seconds later, the plane regains all systems as the UFO swi 2/18/2012 #45339  
ied documents reveal plans for the plane to reach a top speed of Mach 4 (fo Late 2012 #45355  
 in this locale include the U2 spy plane, the SR-71 and the F-117A and B-2  2013 #45356  
 wingspan larger than a C-5A cargo plane and flies slowly at 12–17 mph with 11/19/2013 #45397  
r data, but finds nothing near the plane. Within an hour, reports are faxed 9/19/2016 #45459  
econds below it passes beneath the plane. It is either hovering or travelin 7/5/2018 #45533  
. The pilot of the British Airways plane notices a bright light moving fast 11/9/2018 #45544  
 pilot of an Embraer 175 passenger plane approaching the runway at Glasgow  12/30/2018 #45553  
 Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico, the plane is flying north at 37,000 feet at  3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "plane'" (Back to Top)
            KALIX, SWEDEN 'Mystery plane' searches area with strong lights. 12/24/1933 #1180  
## Word: "plane's" (Back to Top)
hed the island in the Pacific. The plane's engines faltered, its magnetic c 8/28/1945 #1931  
 200 feet, and then climbed to the plane's altitude. It started a rapid cli 1/21/1952 #5872  
rol tower was interrupted when the plane's radio operator tried to tell the 2/3/1954 #9532  
Ryuku Islands, Okinawa, Japan. The plane's Instruments ceased to function,  3/24/1955 #12060  
nos Aires province, Argentina. The plane's radio failed completely during t 5/22/1962 #17193  
ht at the aircraft, and one of the plane's four engines quit working.       1/3/1963 #17626  
ular UFO at the same time that the plane's automatic direction finder malfu 3/18/1965 #18865  
t attached itself to the B-52, the plane's radar equipment went out. (Refer 11/11/1975 #30606  
 and down and other maneuvers. The plane's engines ran rough, and the compa 5/29/1979 #34594  
izon, and it did not bobble in the plane's turbulence as would a balloon.   8/28/1980 #35481  
M effects experienced included the plane's engine stopping temporarily, and 11/3/1980 #35615  
d color from silver to orange. The plane's compass oscillated between 0.5 a 9/23/1984 #37465  
d color from silver to orange. The plane's compass oscillated between 0.5 a 9/23/1984 #37468  
y, New South Wales, Australia. The plane's radar indicated it was at 100,00 9/5/1985 #37655  
olid round metallic object crosses plane's path. No further details.        10/23/1989 #39180  
## Word: "plane--approximately" (Back to Top)
 was at the same altitude as their plane--approximately 5100-5200 feet. The 7/22/1989 #39030  
## Word: "plane-it" (Back to Top)
e object was not a helicopter or a plane-it was flatter and wider with ligh 7/13/1979 #34652  
## Word: "plane-like" (Back to Top)
a-type aircraft and other silvery "plane-like" objects circled the area. So 4/6/1966 #20259  
## Word: "plane-size" (Back to Top)
ic disks play tag and circle fast. Plane-size. High-altitude. Going quickly 7/2/1947 #2545  
smoke-ring' speeds through clouds. Plane-size.                              5/17/1950 #4947  
rver(s) both pilots. Silent orange plane-size ovoid going quickly north.    7/13/1953 #8996  
/ edge. Going quickly west to sea. Plane-size. 900M altitude.               2/18/1994 #41419  
        ANAHEIM, CA 3 / car. Shiny plane-size daylight disk. Gone / seconds 4/20/1997 #43266  
## Word: "plane-speed" (Back to Top)
. Several crescents zigzag / twice plane-speed. / FBI files / APRO.         8/14/1947 #3324  
## Word: "planer" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Planer” YieldMax: 20KT                   11/21/1969 #25465  
## Word: "planes" (Back to Top)
liant lights / sky sweep hills. No planes up. / r224p42 / Farish.           1/24/1913 #871  
The mayor, who has seen one of the planes flash a searchlight beam that lig 2/14/1915 #925  
ience in which he travels to other planes of existence devoid of corporeal  5/1928 #1085  
emergency landings when both their planes’ engines quit. On his way down, T 7/5/1933 #1167  
t over Sussex, England. Two of the planes suffered engine failure and were  7/5/1933 #1168  
 missions in search of the mystery planes. More than 50% of the reports tak 12/24/1933 #1182  
ry craft goes 30M over highway. No planes up.                               12/28/1933 (approximate) #1185  
, 1952 sighting over Korea by Army planes, as appeared in Life Magazine, Ap 1934 #1189  
 Reuterswärd alerts the press that planes had flown over restricted militar 1/22/1934 #1196  
ing the district. Flights of ghost planes and mysterious lights have been s 2/2/1934 #1201  
the sky.” Regulations prohibit RAF planes from flying over London at less t 6/11/1934 #1210  
wing-orbs and ovoids pace and buzz planes and airfields..                   1941 #1351  
no casualties among our troops, no planes (UFOs) shot down, no AA or Navy p 2/26/1942 #1392  
es (UFOs) shot down, no AA or Navy planes were inaction. (AA Document, OCS  2/26/1942 #1392  
ey are flying faster than Japanese planes and are soon out of sight.        8/12/1942 #1434  
 They were definitely not Japanese planes.                                  8/12/1942 #1435  
ted them. At the approach of naval planes the saucers disappeared.          1943 #1474  
IA Saucers over German and Russian planes watch dogfights. Away incredibly  9/1943 #1520  
ces a disc-shaped object above the planes. It appears to be observing the b 9/1943 #1525  
er" balls followed some US fighter planes of the 415th Squadron flying sout 1/30/1944 #1567  
ts follow allied bombers. Bigger / planes.                                  3/1944 #1582  
accept that the reports are rocket planes or night fighter jets.            Early 11/1944 #1690  
0 MI NORTHEAST / STRASBOURG, FR US planes paced / 8-10 fast red Foo-Fighter 11/23/1944 #1702  
 “no detectable effects” on Allied planes. He does not know whether or not  12/13/1944 #1719  
/ T-formation. Sharp turns. Follow planes.                                  12/18/1944 #1725  
n for the red balls of fire pacing planes. No response has been located to  1/2/1945 #1753  
ombing raid. Fuselage dives / 1000 planes. Stops / midair. Shoots going up  4/7/1945 #1839  
DERDALE, FL 6 Army Air Force (AAF) planes disoriented. Frantic radio. Huge  12/5/1945 #1949  
ateful day six U.S. Army Air Force planes, which took off from Fort Lauderd 12/5/1945 #1951  
ir pilots operate them from mother planes at a safe distance from the deton 7/1/1946 #2024  
 straight & level flight. Faster / planes. 'Tilted disk shape'. / r187#37.  6/24/1947 #2385  
hwest. Very high and very fast. No planes. / r187#120.                      6/30/1947 #2475  
 going quickly southeast. Faster / planes. Going quickly south / separate o 7/1947 #2494  
te. Do figure-8s. Circle. Faster / planes.                                  7/4/1947 #2638  
KOSHKONONG, WI 4 observer(s) / 2 / planes. Saucer / 1200M altitude. Away /  7/7/1947 #2862  
y aircraft. Vandenberg says no AAF planes are looking for discs, but Nation 7/7/1947 #2933  
king for discs, but National Guard planes are looking into the discs on the 7/7/1947 #2933  
round rolling objects faster / P80 planes.                                  7/8/1947 #2955  
est toward(s) mountains. 2 private planes follow. / r131#5.                 7/13/1947 #3168  
. 2 disks going quickly north. Not planes. / r171p200+Ontario Argus 7 Aug.  8/5/1947 #3293  
 slow. Engine sounds. Fiery tails. Planes?                                  10/7/1947 #3447  
issile test site. Several military planes were sent to intercept the object 6/19/1948 #3674  
, Japan Two UFOs, maneuvering like planes in a dogfight, are tracked on USA 11/6/1948 #3870  
o that nuclear-powered disc-shaped planes might be making incursions into U 1/24/1949 #3977  
      CLARK AIR FORCE BASE, PHIL 3 planes. Object climbs 800mph going [to]  9/8/1949 #4351  
shaped object outdistance the [4?] planes at high speed. (Project 1947; FUF 12/29/1949 #4452  
DAR / visual (observation). Buzzes planes and boats. Silent. Going quickly  1/22/1950 #4500  
orne radar. It then buzzed several planes and boats. A U.S. Navy plane fail 1/22/1950 #4504  
s and visual. 40k-80k altitude. No planes scheduled / area.                 3/1/1950 #4568  
another detection the next day. No planes were scheduled in the area at the 3/1/1950 #4572  
vy aircraft “that can outfly other planes.”                                 4/7/1950 #4817  
others. 4 disks in formation. "Not planes". Maneuver. / The New York Times  6/25/1950 #5007  
1 and more/others / several min. 3 planes and ground observer(s). Bluish li 6/26/1950 #5010  
                OSCEOLA, AR 2 Navy planes. 25' saucer So close / WW1 helmet 7/11/1950 #5053  
Osceola (near), AR USN pilots of 2 planes saw a domed disc A,V (NICAP: 09 - 7/11/1950 #5054  
 Disk / extreme-altitude / 3 days. Planes chase. Zips up and away. / LDLN#2 8/1950 #5090  
        City not noted, Korea Navy planes on mission approached by two larg 9/1950 #5158  
r in Korea 7:00 a.m. Three US Navy planes on a combat mission 100 miles sou 9/1950 #5159  
F-86s. The clear target passes the planes at a speed of at least 1,200 mph, 9/21/1950 #5192  
from Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Fighter planes were, scrambled but saw nothing.  11/29/1950 #5300  
gh-speed intercept course with the planes. Some personnel see the object sh 12/6/1950 #5330  
dmiral Radford & Navy Sec. Kimball Planes Buzzed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 3/14/1952 #5956  
 approximate. Navy Sec. Kimball. 2 planes paced and buzzed / saucer. / spee 3/15/1952 (approximate) #5958  
-trails. Go up and down / sky. Not planes.                                  4/11/1952 #6056  
n motion, and were definitely "not planes."                                 4/11/1952 #6057  
rver(s). 20 separate groups / fake planes maneuver impossibly. 1200mph. Goi 4/20/1952 #6136  
ilot / ground. Night lights follow planes / landing approach / 4 minute(s). 4/20/1952 #6137  
scs, appearing as large as fighter planes.  Seven sightings of one disc, on 4/27/1952 #6199  
ere said to be as large as fighter planes. They had seven sightings of one  4/27/1952 #6202  
nd objects are keeping up with the planes at the same altitude, moving in a 5/1/1952 #6245  
d pilots of F4U-4B Corsair fighter planes. One 10-20' white or silver oval  6/20/1952 #6561  
d pilots of F4U-4B Corsair fighter planes of the 7302nd Squadron sighted a  6/20/1952 #6563  
ght light maneuvers. Vanishes when planes near. Back 18-23 Jul. '52.        7/17/1952 #6850  
ve Worcester, Massachusetts, “like planes in attack formation.” One of the  7/22/1952 #7025  
ls in circular orbit over sea. "No planes".                                 7/24/1952 #7106  
vel trajectory. Other in wide arc. Planes?                                  7/27/1952 #7190  
VA Groups 8-10 blips. Away as USAF planes near. / FSRv3#3.                  7/29/1952 #7274  
 height of the targets is unknown. Planes from both Andrews AFB and Bolling 8/5/1952 #7470  
adar sightings were made while the planes were overhead.”                   8/5/1952 #7470  
 [to] high and fast. Casts shadow. Planes chase.                            8/10/1952 #7529  
ver all over/all about flight / 10 planes. 1 / instant 180° turn.           8/14/1952 #7585  
s are the size of blips from light planes or larger (the best target qualit 9/2/1952 #7829  
veral / ground. Round disk paces 3 planes going west. Repositions front and 9/7/1952 #7872  
west. Repositions front and back / planes.                                  9/7/1952 #7872  
rs” or “balls of fire” or “flaming planes”) passing in westerly and other d 9/12/1952 #7905  
g over city. Zoom away shortly. No planes in area.                          9/29/1952 #8051  
night light in landing pattern. No planes / balloons up.                    10/7/1952 #8098  
). Blinking object drops / ground. Planes see night light. Fireball maneuve 11/15/1952 #8276  
balls and RADAR blips 5 / hours. 4 planes scramble. / r37p168.              11/25/1952 #8336  
which reports that they know of no planes in the area and that their ground 12/10/1952 #8409  
 of carrier-based Navy AD-3 attack planes is approached by a rocket-shaped  1953 #8477  
consider we have lost many men and planes trying to intercept them.”        Late 2/1953 #8705  
           In 1953 US Army spotter planes saw a round white UFO flying 25 m 3/19/1953 #8763  
arge "upturned mirrors" follow jet planes. / r137#2.                        7/12/1953 #8994  
s under 2 United States Navy (USN) planes. Going up [to] fast O / O / sight 9/7/1953 #9150  
-shape" / 150' altitude. Roars. No planes down.                             11/10/1953 #9290  
w CFB Suffield], Alberta. All RCAF planes and commercial aircraft are restr 1954 #9423  
mph. 3 join and separate. Vanish / planes near and reappear.                1/14/1954 #9482  
 crews of USAF KC-97 aerial tanker planes.  One object or light made passes 3/5/1954 #9597  
 crews of USAF KC-97 aerial tanker planes and a C-54 transport see one or t 3/5/1954 #9598  
s play tag near daytime moon. Many planes chase.                            5/1/1954 #9740  
rcular object hovers over US91. No planes up. No further details.           5/30/1954 #9841  
otographed from eclipse expedition planes. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 01 - Distan 6/30/1954 #9968  
one of three Scandinavian Airlines planes flying above the Lifjell plateau, 6/30/1954 #9969  
, RHODESIA 13 observer(s). Group / planes going southwest. Instant reversal 7/1954 #9973  
aw a disc-shaped object pace their planes (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB:  7/11/1954 #10008  
     ASNIERES-LE-DIJON, FR 6 watch planes maneuver. Saucer goes east going  8/31/1954 #10212  
. Saucer goes east going west over planes! Not meteor.                      8/31/1954 #10212  
n thru) binoculars. Disk follows 3 planes. Returns 5X. Going quickly northw 9/27/1954 #10458  
ke near Weed, New Mexico, but USAF planes comb the area for 2 hours afterwa 4/5/1955 #12080  
e/orb/globe / 4 passes. Hovers. No planes here. / r70p3-40.                 5/1/1955 #12113  
ims going south / 50kph. Air Force planes circle. / APRO.                   10/1955 (approximate) #12473  
. Going [to] up and down. Military planes chase.                            1/8/1956 #12649  
zzes town". Fast. Over airport. No planes in area.                          1/25/1956 #12682  
/ 15 minute(s). Hovers. Hides from planes. Very fast. / r148p20.            7/30/1956 #13028  
rs. Tilts / 45°. Watching military planes?                                  9/1/1956 #13169  
vercast. Ground radar picks up the planes but not the UFO. One pilot breaks 10/7/1956 #13266  
ather radar which FAA uses in some planes to spot bad weather ahead. It is  11/8/1956 #13315  
derstorms 150 miles in the path of planes. With the radar at "zero tilt" -  11/8/1956 #13315  
t out a blast like at least 50 jet planes at once. It had a flaming exhaust 1/17/1957 #13463  
 ducks glowing-ovoid going west. 7 planes see. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 3/9/1957 #13535  
into Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. No planes are missing. Officials drag the l 3/23/1957 #13557  
t hovers. Shoots going up. Follows planes going south / one hour.           6/3/1957 #13696  
t. Going quickly southwest as RCAF planes near.                             11/5/1957 #14313  
off toward the southwest when RCAF planes approached.                       11/5/1957 #14354  
lso seen by the crews of two other planes flying much farther to the south, 2/24/1959 #15604  
o intercept the target. One of the planes is having instrumentation problem Spring 1959 #15662  
he objects sighted could have been planes.                                  5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748  
he objects sighted could have been planes.                                  6/3/1959 (approximate) #15756  
he objects sighted could have been planes.                                  6/17/1959 #15772  
object / high altitude overtakes 2 planes. Planes audible only.             7/7/1959 #15821  
 high altitude overtakes 2 planes. Planes audible only.                     7/7/1959 #15821  
O AIRPORT, RUSSIA 3 disks / RADAR. Planes sent up.. see nothing! / LDLN#204 8/1959 #15885  
 pilots in two commercial airlines planes flying between Bryce Canyon and M 1/3/1960 #16149  
ht lights maneuver in formation. = planes refueling / USAF.                 8/16/1960 #16390  
s and maneuvers— from conventional planes and missiles…. The American peopl 8/31/1960 #16426  
that we are still losing Air Force planes to UFOs. The first case was an F- 5/1961 #16669  
llows red saucer SSW going NNE. No planes / balloons near.                  2/25/1962 #17059  
7:10–7:45 p.m. A formation of Navy planes, led by flight instructor Lt. Rod 5/22/1962 #17191  
 ARG Fiery saucer 10M over runway. Planes circle. / MJ#236+/ r156#15+LDLN#3 12/22/1962 #17603  
         CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 3 / 2 planes. Saucer over missile site and mor 2/7/1963 #17658  
 object west going quickly east by planes. Trails smoke turns up slow.      3/9/1963 #17694  
HONG KONG Low-altitude UFO's mimic planes landing. 1+/ week for months!     2/1964 #18122  
g after a 90 minute search, and no planes were reported missing. The "ghost 2/12/1965 #18813  
eor. It kept on going. Faster than planes.                                  9/27/1965 #19611  
ghts maneuvers all over/all about. Planes chase. / r5p11.                   3/21/1966 #20015  
, but it was assumed to be a disc. Planes appeared and chased the UFO.      3/21/1966 #20022  
ang 30M over canal. Hides / search planes.                                  4/4/1966 (approximate) #20215  
s. Domed saucer maneuvers / trees. Planes chase. / r174p116+/ r111.         4/6/1966 #20254  
he Air Force, who sent out fighter planes to investigate the UFO. As the of 4/17/1966 #20305  
he UFO. As the officers saw the AF planes approaching the UFO shot straight 4/17/1966 #20305  
g it, apparently Air Force Reserve planes from Youngstown, Ohio. Police off 4/17/1966 #20318  
 whistles and maneuvers. Hides / 5 planes and helicopter search area! / r8# 4/19/1966 #20336  
t down behind some trees when five planes and a helicopter came over the ar 4/19/1966 #20344  
ot seen after the departure of the planes.                                  4/19/1966 #20344  
aucer overhead. 6 generators and 2 planes and trucks and ship electro-magne 6/19/1966 (approximate) #20584  
r hovers / rock pond. Faster / jet planes. 2 saucers back 20 Apr. '67.      3/24/1967 #21959  
ruise missiles or hypersonic space planes. This discussion is distributed a 3/28/1967 #22005  
ir Base on Okinawa, Japan A-12 spy planes begin Operation Black Shield in N 5/30/1967 #22425  
RA, ONT Airport Radars. UFO chases planes about / 3 hours! Type unknown.    7/7/1967 (approximate) #22624  
light all over/all about. No other planes up. / r109p22.                    8/6/1967 #22822  
green night light. Blinks out when planes pass. Continues.                  7/5/1968 #24145  
lowing rays near Mt. Manquehue. No planes up.                               7/24/1968 #24216  
on / 4 minute(s). 5K' altitude. No planes / balloons up.                    12/31/1968 #24796  
nds / hill. Vanishes / plain view! Planes chase.                            2/28/1969 #24948  
ave been due to “transnational spy planes or aircraft.”                     4/12/1969 #25057  
SK Russian bomber vanishes. Search planes find 20 huge saucers / extreme al 4/24/1970 #25642  
ssile range. Soviet reconnaissance planes were sent up, scouring and photog 4/24/1970 #25643  
TON, MD 3 / car and more. 2 silent planes turn without banking. Circle town 1/21/1971 #25993  
t shoots going up / 45° angle as 2 planes search.                           11/4/1971 #26456  
ation). Triangular object chased / planes. Away extremely fast.             2/4/1972 (approximate) #26563  
0+min. Lights / top and bottom. No planes up.                               4/6/1972 #26637  
 a sound. It was confirmed that no planes were up flying at the time.       4/6/1972 #26639  
 going quickly southwest. No other planes in area / Air Traffic Controller. 7/1/1972 #26751  
rs and spins / 2 hours. Hides from planes 3X!                               9/14/1972 #26993  
ucers in formations. Avoid passing planes.                                  3/23/1973 #27363  
DENCE CANYON, GA 5 / camp. 6 small planes pass. 6 cones going up / ground a 9/28/1973 (approximate) #27883  
ntal bar. Suddenly shoots away. No planes down.                             11/30/1973 #28486  
cover the remains. Mexican spotter planes first locate the wreckage of the  8/25/1974 #29386  
Americans hear the Mexican spotter planes say that the small craft is almos 8/25/1974 #29386  
jects were made, Air Force fighter planes were sent aloft in unsuccessful p 10/1975 #30401  
ngs were made at Loring. Air Force planes were scrambled in a luckless atte 10/27/1975 #30477  
ets can't catch. Jet sounds but no planes! Going SSW.                       11/8/1975 #30577  
er. Away and back extremely fast / planes pass. LDLN#158.                   6/21/1976 #31120  
pilot is certain they are American planes. Just as the jets arrive, the UFO 8/13/1976 #31261  
s seems to signal each other. Many planes circle area.                      10/9/1976 #31456  
ilots and RADAR. Night lights buzz planes. 1 zigzags. / MJ#176.             11/4/1976 #31520  
USS Saratoga, and several military planes in flight. Col. Mario d’Angelo, c 10/27/1977 #32623  
his right about 1 mile away. Other planes in the area report a green flash. 3/9/1978 #33021  
50 MI OFF SAN DIEGO, CA 3 military planes electro-magnetic effect (EME). 2  3/27/1978 #33083  
orce Base, but they said all their planes were down.                        12/16/1978 #34144  
ct some 50 times the size of their planes.                                  12/16/1978 #34154  
uth. Absolute(ly) silent. Slower / planes. Bright and dim.                  11/18/1980 #35647  
ru, Indiana, that evening. The two planes flew in tandem at 20,000 feet at  11/18/1980 #35654  
 the UFOs disappear as soon as the planes approach. At 6:45 p.m., luminous  11/12/1981 #36220  
hts. The airline crews of two more planes also witnessed the UFO.           2/8/1982 #36328  
hs the serial number of one of the planes, N76106.                          6/21/1984 #37370  
 Garelik, notes that single-engine planes, even when directly overhead, are 11/1984 #37500  
beyond the power capacity of small planes.                                  11/1984 #37500  
EY, NSW Aus. Top Pols and pilots / planes see and photo bright cylinder/cig 9/5/1985 #37654  
DIAMOND, WA 2 observer(s). 2 small planes crash. 1 explodes. 1 sails away!  2/15/1986 #37788  
nnot be “a bunch of guys flying in planes.”                                 3/26/1986 #37811  
ith strong beams. Hides / steam as planes pass.                             4/17/1986 #37824  
nge UFOs, not at all like stars or planes. They attempted to pursue the UFO 5/19/1986 #37874  
e lights “not at all like stars or planes.” Aborting the landing, they atte 5/19/1986 #37880  
with the Wild Weasels who used F-4 planes with EM detection equipment that  6/22/1986 #37921  
 van. Blue beam going down / road. Planes circle.                           4/28/1988 #38546  
wn onto the road. At the same time planes were seen circling the area.      4/28/1988 #38547  
cers and fireballs follow cars and planes. Vanish in place.                 10/1988 (approximate) #38658  
 stops in mid-air and absorbs both planes, according to Marcado. The object 12/28/1988 #38763  
ey were flown on special transport planes with refrigerator units to keep t 3/16/1991 #40015  
r-shape hangs going down. Military planes and helicopters all over/all abou 4/2/1991 #40028  
in formation. Incredibly fast! Not planes.                                  9/8/1991 #40180  
oods several X. Drops going down / planes pass.                             9/23/1991 #40195  
 observer(s). Sit still / sky when planes pass. Vor nearby.                 6/17/1993 #41021  
w. Small black objects zoom around planes. No further details [in].         8/15/1993? #41140  
ast going quickly west. Respond to planes passing.                          5/4/1994 #41513  
d him if he “intentionally changed planes.” The NHI then signed off.  https 7/1994 #41596  
. Silent translucent ovoid follows planes over lake. All lose 1 day / missi 7/21/1994 #41632  
Small clouds and night lights buzz planes.                                  7/29/1994 #41646  
                  Sherman “changes planes” again when receiving NHI intcomm 9/1994 #41709  
/ 2 hours. Blink red and green. No planes up.                               10/7/1994 #41790  
ulses and maneuvers. Vanishes when planes near.                             2/4/1995 #42018  
quickly west in discrete jumps. No planes up / investigation/investigators. 3/16/1995 #42107  
ke crafts follow tornado and avoid planes / lucky point / 7 May. '95.       6/8/1995 #42243  
LVER CITY, CA Observer(s) watching planes. Large triangle with pastel light 7/29/1995 #42341  
bject hovers / desert. Back 4X. 11 planes chase.                            10/5/1995 #42533  
A White oval light chased / 2 fast planes and easily outpaces them. Very hi 10/17/1995 #42556  
night. Airports said there were no planes in area at that time.             10/15/1996 #43071  
s said there were not any of their planes in the area at that time.         6/18/1997 #43329  
eatureless and silent unlike small planes nearby.                           7/19/1997 #43353  
ting glimpses of U-2 and SR-71 spy planes.” Rather than acknowledging their 8/3/1997 #43365  
hill. Colored lights / corners. No planes up.                               2/26/1998 #43523  
rns up but keeps level trajectory! Planes circle.                           11/29/1998 #43688  
p, but it kept a level trajectory. Planes reportedly circled the area.      11/29/1998 #43690  
ort on the incident was filed. The planes were about 100 miles apart at the 10/26/1999 #43865  
 around passenger aircraft, pacing planes despite pilots’ evasive attempts, 10/15/2000 #44056  
tly and slowly to the south. Small planes were seen in the same area of the 11/13/2002 #44440  
angular objects, the size of small planes, that appeared overhead as shadow 7/18/2003 #44566  
 and much higher than the military planes. That same night many witnesses i 9/10/2004 #44752  
) moving in random directions. The planes fly lower to investigate the obje 11/14/2004 #44784  
the United States in early 2015 by planes from the USS Theodore Roosevelt.] 11/14/2004 #44784  
elopment of breakthrough aerospace planes for the Air Force Research Labora 2/1/2006 #44921  
ke before bed. Normally he can see planes approaching Orange County Airport 4/17/2007 #45018  
pears. Shortly afterward, military planes and helicopters move into the are 6/16/2009 #45226  
exas at 6:30 p.m. They looked like planes without wings, emitting a high co 10/27/2009 #45249  
ion by about 2,000–3,000 feet. The planes are moving east between the Sonor 2/24/2018 #45513  
nnon Airport if there are military planes in the area. They tell the pilot  11/9/2018 #45544  
 Garrison also visited the eastern planes with other aviation experts to vi 1/8/2020 #45625  
## Word: "planet" (Back to Top)
n created for just one race on one planet.                                  1758 #77  
a new emperor to the throne of the planet.” Later, he speculates that the i 1824 #117  
 a slow rate that might indicate a planet beyond Uranus. It is nowhere to b 5/11/1835 #129  
d, in which he suggests that every planet in the Solar System is inhabited. 1838 #133  
comparing the surface area of each planet and the population density of Eng 1838 #133  
 he takes to be an intra-mercurial planet about 3° southwest of the Sun. He 7/29/1878 #214  
belonging originally to some other planet.” The remains of the object are s 6/6/1884 #258  
he makes several references to the planet Mars and Jupiter. She provides a  8/1895 #319  
 map of Jupiter’s surface, and the planet is said to be the “babies’ heaven 8/1895 #319  
 major way during this era and the planet Venus and other celestial objects 2/1897 #385  
es are communications from another planet. He mentions them in a letter to  1899 #628  
la Planete Mars (From India to the Planet Mars) by Théodore Flournoy, profe 1900 #639  
light, but he identifies it as the planet Venus.                            12/24/1909 #825  
ood, south London, England, at the planet Mercury, then about 8° distant fr 9/9/1914 #916  
us object the apparent size of the planet, but brighter, speeds across his  9/9/1914 #916  
erably larger in appearance than a planet” ascend steadily from a meadow to 9/4/1915 #936  
at big lamp.” She writes that “The Planet mars is inhabited by human spirit Summer 1931 #1130  
 and they do not originate on this planet.                                  1/10/1935 #1222  
efore abandoning Earth for another planet because of damaging radiation fro 11/1943 #1541  
righter than the brightest star or planet, and large enough that he made ou 6/1944 #1597  
s dismissed by some experts as the planet Venus. And, after these reports s 7/1945 #1886  
is. They have been absent from our planet since before the fall of the Roma 7/3/1947 #2551  
ere could clean the surface of our planet completely in a matter of less th 7/3/1947 #2551  
out to be space ships from another planet, whose hostility might end all ou 7/9/1947 #3056  
 Clyde Tombaugh, discoverer of the planet Pluto, and other family members w 7/10/1947 #3117  
 in the dirt, indicating a seventh planet, presumably Uranus. He eludes the 7/23/1947 #3218  
 united with Russia defending this planet against attack from space.”       7/26/1948 #3743  
ear testing than any nation in the planet. 214 nuclear devices were tested  1949 #3942  
 objects are visitors from another planet” and refers to commentary in Appe 2/11/1949 #4003  
 Clyde Tombaugh, discoverer of the planet Pluto, reported sighting six to e 8/20/1949 #4334  
/entity invite observer(s) / their planet. Returned 14 Apr. '50!            12/4/1949 #4432  
anic: “For the past 175 years, the planet Earth has been under systematic c 12/24/1949 #4443  
intelligent observers from another planet.” The Air Force finds itself buri 12/24/1949 #4443  
re indeed “spaceships from another planet, operated by animate, intelligent 3/1950 #4565  
t at high speed. ATIC calls it the planet Venus, with radar returns from ic 3/8/1950 #4593  
ting stars, something from another planet.”                                 5/21/1950 #4958  
, senior in command of first wave, planet patrol, realms of Schare. We have 1/6/1952 #5861  
. The Air Force explains it as the planet Venus, but Venus is on the other  5/12/1952 #6305  
slightly higher elevation than the planet Venus over Chicago, Illinois. Occ 6/25/1952 #6630  
oman captain said she was from the planet Clarion, which could not be seen  7/27/1952 #7216  
a “scow,” and her crew is from the planet Clarion, a world that is always o 7/28/1952 #7260  
may possibly be ships from another planet such as Mars,” but he adds that “ 7/29/1952 #7324  
 4–6 objects larger than a star or planet varying from fiery red, red-blue, 8/28/1952 #7773  
nate from “sources outside of this planet.” The supposed document also says 9/26/1952 #8036  
Presque Isle was identified as the planet Jupiter.                          12/16/1952 #8426  
en the saucers may be from another planet. Signed, Albert M. Chop, Air Forc 1/26/1953 #8569  
orgia, apparently sees the setting planet Venus (although this is disputed) 1/28/1953 #8604  
o, CA Two strange men from another planet hired in San Francisco - mysterio 2/1953 #8622  
ly told him they were from another planet, which Villanueva scarcely believ 8/18/1953 #9081  
ents but monsters from the distant planet Kazik. Even Barker concedes priva 9/28/1953 #9186  
USAF Col. William C. Odell titled “Planet Earth: Host to Extraterrestrial L 10/1/1953 #9198  
 Sananda, who lives on the utopian planet Clarion. She begins typing up the 4/1954 #9658  
e moon, the stranger pointed at a ‘planet’ which the women were unable to d 8/20/1954 #10158  
ve that they came from any outside planet or other place.” Immediately afte 12/15/1954 #11816  
 of Earth has decided to spare the planet from destruction. The cataclysm h 12/20/1954 #11849  
ee the Solar System, including the planet Venus, the location where Orthon  1955 #11896  
S Science fiction movie “Forbidden Planet” is released                      3/3/1956 #12743  
her to view scenes from their home planet, Meton, in the Alpha Centauri sys 4/7/1956 #12798  
rs the Navajo are from Maldek, the planet whose destruction formed the aste 1957 #13430  
m of “Authentic Music from Another Planet,” featuring a narrative by Menger 1957 #13431  
 crewmen from the hitherto unknown planet Korendor, orbiting the triple sta 1/1957 #13440  
t object with the magnitude of the planet Venus through his telescope over  10/6/1957 #14066  
ON, TX Several observer(s). Bright planet object zigzags. Cars electro-magn 11/5/1957 #14302  
. A visual object like a brilliant planet is seen at 5:21 a.m. speeding nor 11/5/1957 #14342  
ct German and claim to be from the planet Saturn. They also claim to be int 11/5/1957 #14343  
Jim Richards also see the UFO. The planet Venus is clearly visible in the s 1/1/1959 #15527  
on an otherworldly ride to another planet in the Alpha Centauri system. The 4/1/1959 #15689  
the wake of the discovery that the planet’s atmosphere contains water vapor 12/1/1959 #16109  
t appeared to be a bright star, or planet, which seemed to move erratically 9/19/1961 #16848  
es it is Jupiter, even though that planet’s position is only at 5° elevatio 6/7/1962 #17221  
des that the men were watching the planet Venus.                            8/30/1962 #17373  
 0.001% of stars in the sky have a planet on them on which an advanced civi 11/15/1962 #17548  
ey strongly suspect the UFO is the planet Jupiter.                          9/27/1963 #17960  
eeno" and said that he came from a planet invisible to us, as it is always  1/30/1965 #18785  
ust 1 are “most likely” due to the planet Jupiter and the stars Rigel, Cape 8/2/1965 #19264  
at his own is “Indrid Cold” from a planet called Lanulos in the “Ganymede g Early 11/1966 #21070  
st message from inhabitants of the planet Ummo. The caller speaks in a slow 11/28/1966 #21157  
nd terrestrials back to their home planet Ummo.                             5/20/1967 #22383  
in excruciating detail life on the planet Ummo, which revolves around a sta 5/31/1967 #22431  
se involved either aircraft or the planet Venus. Mills asks if the ministry 11/8/1967 #23426  
arth in a flying saucer to another planet, or perhaps another spatial dimen 1968 #23624  
y a dark ring that looked like the planet Saturn flew over Gloucester. (Ray 8/12/1968 #24319  
y a dark ring that looked like the planet Saturn flew over Gloucester, Mass 8/12/1968 #24321  
resources and their purpose on our planet.                                  9/10/1968 #24450  
befallen the expedition on another planet. Shortly after this close encount 1/15/1969 #24849  
dure that is not yet known on your planet.” He then took from a pouch on hi 8/11/1969 #25317  
ssibility of alien visitors to our planet, or at least of alien controlled  10/1969 #25389  
ty in what he believed was another planet or universe. He next found himsel 7/4/1970 #25727  
nment, presumably the being's home planet. The beings that examined him had 3/14/1971 #26047  
res of atomic explosions, and of a planet destroyed by "too much power." Af 8/17/1971 #26293  
Moon, sent by the inhabitants of a planet orbiting Epsilon Boötis. He says  4/1973 #27396  
 double star. We live on the sixth planet of seven, coming from the sun, wh 4/1973 #27396  
s the larger of the two. Our sixth planet has one moon. Our fourth planet h 4/1973 #27396  
th planet has one moon. Our fourth planet has three. Our first and third pl 4/1973 #27396  
s "not of this world-I come from a planet that you people call a satellite. 5/16/1973 #27496  
UFO corresponds too closely to the planet Mars, at least in the later stage 11/2/1973 #28352  
nse temperatures contrasts on that planet. But he was told, "you would be a 11/18/1973 #28443  
wise. He told her they come from a planet whose name resembled "Omius" or " 9/3/1974 #29418  
es him to what seems to be another planet with a mushroom-shaped tower, 100 10/15/1974 #29531  
half. Her name is Semjase from the planet Erra in the constellation Lyra (a 1/28/1975 #29772  
erworldly journey, apparently to a planet with three moons.                 7/21/1975 #30197  
r. Jackson that they came from the planet "Planteh." They have been prepari 11/3/1975 #30547  
have been preparing "a neighboring planet" for colonization by Earth people 11/3/1975 #30547  
s his first book of many, The 12th Planet, proposing an explanation for hum 1976 #30744  
claims was a race of beings from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. He  1976 #30744  
gy suggests that this hypothetical planet of Nibiru is in an elongated, 3,6 1976 #30744  
“There is no way this is a star or planet.” Fighters are immediately scramb 7/30/1976 #31203  
istance, and did not go to another planet. He was shown a guest room where  8/26/1976 #31306  
dy. He insisted that humans on our planet were very low on the scale of evo 10/28/1976 #31501  
many of you scattered all over the planet," and he said they "would be comi 4/4/1977 #31943  
hey have a base) and to their home planet 3 light years away then back to E 5/1978 #33181  
 he was going to be taken to their planet. The witness declined the invitat 5/10/1978 #33199  
 I thought it was a bright star or planet, but then I saw it move, like a l 12/16/1978 #34144  
ct dos Santos sees an image of the planet Earth and other planets. At this  5/16/1979 #34563  
e witness then saw an image of the planet Earth and other planets. At this  5/16/1979 #34564  
seems to take a trip in space to a planet beyond Alpha Centauri. On Septemb 8/29/1979 #34803  
 in order to colonize them. When a planet was in danger of overpopulation t 1/5/1980 #35124  
 the number of inhabitants on that planet. He also warned that the Earth wa 1/5/1980 #35124  
ment that the Earth "was a fearful planet with a tendency for annihilation. 8/22/1980 #35475  
or, and that they had bases on the planet Mars.                             9/25/1980 #35535  
d Cavallo that she hailed from the planet Clarion and that her name was Cia 9/11/1981 #36110  
d Cavallo that she hailed from the planet Clarion and that her name was Cia 9/12/1981 #36112  
 told Schneider they were from the planet "Humo."                           11/18/1982 #36684  
ross the sky. Streetlights and the planet Venus serve as references in the  7/19/1983 #36914  
 from some civilization beyond our planet.” UFO researcher Cynthia Hind spe 7/22/1985 #37628  
wer from outer space, from another planet. Wouldn’t we all of a sudden find 5/4/1988 #38554  
ed by an Alien race from a hostile planet.                                  5/5/1988 #38555  
as told they were going to visit a planet called “Erra.” She was then taken 5/1/1989 #38933  
s. Cooper says aliens from a dying planet orbiting Betelgeuse landed at Hol 5/23/1989 #38960  
human/entity / boat. "From another planet". Lead women / UFO. Child cries.  7/4/1989 #39005  
ll the women they are from another planet and want to show them their space 7/4/1989 #39007  
d the women they were from another planet, so far away that your minds "can 7/4/1989 #39009  
object has a central ring like the planet Saturn, except that it is squaris 7/6/1989 #39013  
gs described as grey aliens from a planet orbiting the twin binary star sys 11/10/1989 #39224  
aliens there are from “Krondac,” a planet 800 light-years away. Morton is t 1991 #39935  
. Skeptics claim the object is the planet Venus, but the full eclipse lasts 7/11/1991 #40119  
mories of traveling to a moon-like planet and of seeing pyramids from above 12/26/1991 #40267  
it human genes to repopulate their planet or perhaps plot a takeover of the 3/1992 #40342  
as the home star for the imaginary planet. “I wrote the reports on Saturday 4/1993 #40920  
e rooftops. large white light (the planet Venus) in the southeast climbing  6/26/1993 #41038  
RG, WV Several observer(s). Extra "planet" offloads night lights which drif 10/15/1993 #41234  
d, and tell him that “on a distant planet the son of a Chinese peasant will Early 6/1994 #41548  
White plate hovers / long time. No planet / amateur astronomer. Back 5 Dece 12/3/1994 #41878  
going to take him to their "native planet." He was given the impression tha 12/9/1996 #43133  
 was given the impression that the planet was Mars. There was a total of th 12/9/1996 #43133  
ts. On the way to the being's home planet he was given a fruit resembling a 12/9/1996 #43133  
l similarly appearing beings. The "planet" was beautiful in appearance and  12/9/1996 #43133  
 Spanish, telling him to guard the planet against pollution, because their  3/10/1997 #43225  
s (who hail from Pluto and another planet named Loku) until his death in 20 12/1997 #43452  
ater on the surface of a habitable planet.                                  10/31/2002 #44426  
 assume that there is an inhabited planet somewhere 3 billion years older t 6/10/2003 #44555  
 and supplied the name of his home planet, Serpo, in our constellation of Z 11/1/2005 #44898  
he crashed UFO to contact his home planet. An alien/US military meeting was 11/1/2005 #44898  
blish communications with his home planet, “Serpo,” in which 12 trained Ame 11/1/2005 #44899  
hat clearly did not come from this planet” and there were “cadavers.” Forme 7/8/2012 #45349  
acilities worldwide to monitor the planet for signs of nuclear explosions.  11/19/2018 #45547  
’s frequency are consistent with a planet’s movement and may be suggestive  4/2019 #45570  
t and may be suggestive of a third planet within the system. As of December 4/2019 #45570  
el and ET personnel on a different planet) are real.  https://twitter.com/D 2/2/2020 #45629  
t some of the biggest names on the planet that have a lot to lose, or a lot 10/21/2021 #45717  
cause of what we have done to this planet, they are interested in our nucle 1/30/2022 #45736  
ed phenomenon interacting with the planet that is not human, and it is unkn 7/31/2022 #45760  
ims he travels mentally to an “icy planet” where he receives information fr 10/20/2022 #45779  
uggests the craft are from another planet or dimension. They state they hav 12/17/2022 #45786  
## Word: "planet-like" (Back to Top)
ter, New York, both claim to see a planet-like object close to the Sun duri 7/29/1878 #214  
             ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR Planet-like object hovers. Goes going up 1/10/1954 #9474  
 (near), TX Family saw two bright, planet-like objects with 6 or 7 smaller  3/3/1958 #14915  
                    EMMITSBURG, MD Planet-like object hovers. Shoots straig 8/24/1959 #15934  
             Emmitsburg (near), MD Planet-like UFO hovered, took off straig 8/24/1959 #15935  
## Word: "planetarium" (Back to Top)
                             Osaka Planetarium in Japan Mars Tsuneo Saheki  1/16/1950 #4495  
an Mars Tsuneo Saheki of the Osaka Planetarium in Japan sees an explosion o 1/16/1950 #4495  
                       BEDFORD, MA Planetarium Tech. Thin white beams / sky 5/4/1960 #16250  
O, IL 2 / (seen thru) binoculars / planetarium. Echo satellite going east.  8/25/1960 #16412  
                             Adler Planetarium Chicago, Illinois 9:00 p.m.  8/26/1960 #16421  
hnson and other staff at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, Illinois, observ 8/26/1960 #16421  
writes to Walter N. Webb at Hayden Planetarium in Boston, Massachusetts, an 10/19/1961 #16918  
r Robert Risser of the Kirkpatrick Planetarium in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,  8/2/1965 #19264  
 D. Keogh, called the nearby Adler Planetarium, but got the usual "run arou 11/6/1982 #36677  
## Word: "planetary" (Back to Top)
estial Scenery: The Wonders of the Planetary System Displayed, in which he  1838 #133  
 are natural configurations of the planetary surface. From the incorrect tr 10/1877 #211  
g UFO sightings with approaches of planetary bodies) “in order to set up a  Late 8/1947 #3369  
it mentions plotting waves against planetary approaches and finding a corre 11/8/1948 #3871  
9 of Solar X Group” and many other planetary and star people communicate wi 8/2/1952 #7424  
e. When Allingham drew a sketch of planetary orbits, he nodded when Mars wa 2/18/1954 #9555  
cers are real! And, they are inter planetary!”                              8/1954 #10072  
saucer that is to rescue them from planetary disaster. They have left jobs, 12/20/1954 #11849  
rmy, becoming the agency’s primary planetary spacecraft center.             12/1958 #15464  
 the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy”                        5/12/1962 #17160  
sed on energy consumption: Type I (planetary civilization) with “technologi 1963 #17620  
pated—including the existence of a planetary ring.                          4/27/1973 #27450  
/nsiad-86-45s-15.pdf   https://www.planetary.org/profiles/daniel-goldin   h 8/7/1996 #42971  
octrination of faith and values at planetary level to radically and rapidly 3/11/1998 #43532  
oses its partnership with NASA for planetary defense. Both agencies work wi 3/22/2017 #45465  
 in the PUBLIC DOMAIN suggests the planetary defense efforts are UAP-relate 3/22/2017 #45465  
ted research. Los Alamos publishes planetary defense research while under m 3/22/2017 #45465  
## Word: "planete" (Back to Top)
 the publication of Des Indes à la Planete Mars (From India to the Planet M 1900 #639  
## Word: "planetoid" (Back to Top)
ed as a fiery pockmarked meteor or planetoid, is intercepted by a silver di 10/1917 #968  
## Word: "planets" (Back to Top)
                 Jupiter Mars Moon Planets beyond the solar system Swedish  1758 #77  
 the Moon, as well as spirits from planets beyond the solar system. From th 1758 #77  
 encounters, he concludes that the planets are all inhabited and that such  1758 #77  
he lights of large cities on those planets. He spends years petitioning the 1869 #178  
iant lines on the deserts of those planets.                                 1869 #178  
hat she has visited Mars and other planets in astral form. Mars has canals, 1895 #318  
ve come from Mars, Venus, or other planets. It is possible that he is inter 1899 #628  
equently involve journeys to other planets. She claims that Martians have f 1899 #629  
cer Oliver’s book A Dweller on Two Planets is published posthumously. It is 1905 #673  
without atmospheres, the giant gas planets, Venus, Mars, the origin of sola 1940 #1323  
pheroid space ships from the older planets.” “Usually they travel in outer  7/3/1947 #2551  
te spheroid space ships from other planets” with hidden bases on the dark s 7/4/1947 #2654  
er of intelligence exists on other planets? You and I may see the day when  7/26/1948 #3743  
ld they were scientists from other planets, and he was to fly them to Scotl Early 1950's #4457  
hed contact with people from other planets who apparently have a communist  8/20/1950 #5132  
eneral discussion of life on other planets ensues. Michael D. Swords suspec 4/1952 #6010  
 with benevolent beings from other planets.                                 5/23/1952 #6350  
ns crossing space in search of new planets to live on once their own fails. 10/1/1953 #9198  
2 women. Pseudo-human/entity draws planets / orbit. Offers ride / 10' sauce 8/20/1954 #10155  
s circles, apparently representing planets. He finally indicates he wants t 8/20/1954 #10157  
med to represent the orbits of the planets within our solar system. After p 8/20/1954 #10158  
gainst attack by people from other planets.” The meeting takes place in the 10/7/1955 #12491  
ce into the New Age. Life on other planets is described as free from war, h 8/1956 #13044  
    MARSHALL, TX Family. 2 bright "planets" hover. Smaller night lights orb 3/3/1958 #14913  
1955 he has made 21 trips to other planets (and even to “Wolf Star 359 in t 6/28/1958 #15123  
in the Titanian system” that has 2 planets revolving around it) on a saucer 6/28/1958 #15123  
lled the "Universal Association of Planets," and this group had a project m 7/9/1959 #15829  
tion… This is even affecting their planets.” Ridiculed by many, some of Ada 3/27/1962 #17088  
 as it is always behind one of the planets we can see. He further explained 1/30/1965 #18785  
 the “mummies” came from different planets. Finally she was led back to her 8/16/1965 #19410  
causes the appearance of stars and planets to dance and twinkle. Around the 10/27/1965 #19684  
e must call upon beings from other planets when they come to intervene, to  6/26/1968 #24084  
unicate telepathically about other planets and the universe. Eventually the 7/1968 #24109  
net has three. Our first and third planets each have one. Our probe is in t 4/1973 #27396  
bject was brighter than any of the planets.                                 9/20/1973 #27848  
had yet to discover the three more planets that exist in our solar system.  10/28/1976 #31501  
there is intelligent life on other planets. A Roper Organization survey fin 1978 #32824  
mage of the planet Earth and other planets. At this point, the man removes  5/16/1979 #34563  
mage of the planet Earth and other planets. At this point the man the remov 5/16/1979 #34564  
 transported human beings to other planets in order to colonize them. When  1/5/1980 #35124  
g for alien probes or artifacts on planets, satellites, and asteroids becau 3/1980 #35189  
misperceptions of bright stars and planets. The other contacts are all the  3/30/1990 #39499  
e found herself traveling to other planets and meeting aliens.              5/5/1996 #42896  
ulsating and did not rise with the planets and stars.                       11/15/1999 #43881  
 Of those, 13 are determined to be planets, stars, or small hobbyist drones 1/13/2020 #45626  
## Word: "planform" (Back to Top)
rify the “recovery of unidentified planform aircraft” in two locations on J 9/19/1947 #3407  
## Word: "plank" (Back to Top)
opened in the craft, and an angled plank slid down from it from the doorway 8/26/1972 #26956  
se of simple tools consisting of a plank of wood, rope, and a baseball cap  9/9/1991 #40182  
## Word: "planned" (Back to Top)
itude (Stable flight but less than planned altitude)                        12/8/1947 #3497  
ignal box. Hypnotic regression was planned at the time of the report in 197 5/13/1954 #9791  
nts but long-term follow-up is not planned as part of the Department of Def 1/1956 #12641  
infrared system actually begins as planned in 1968, with initial operationa 8/3/1956 #13050  
by abductees and contactees). They planned a mobile field unit to gather da 1967 #21234  
June, in a memo to Low, he said he planned to do some UFO investigating and 6/27/1967 #22565  
hospital much sooner than they had planned. They encountered a green beam o 11/27/1980 #35675  
ect. Rather than continue with his planned route, Spencer heads to another  12/1/1987 #38345  
the launch of a third satellite is planned for 2009. Circumstantial evidenc 3/1/1990 #39437  
 soon had to abandon the site, but planned to return at some indefinite tim 8/28/1991 #40168  
te continues to focus attention on planned disclosure to public of THE THEO 3/11/1998 #43532  
     Area 51 “Storm Area-51” event planned                                  9/20/2019 #45608  
      During a briefing prior to a planned US Air Force exercise, USAF pers 5/2021 #45685  
 conversation mentions there was a planned meeting between high ranking civ 10/20/2022 #45781  
## Word: "planners" (Back to Top)
 Saucers for psychological warfare planners to start planning how the Unite 10/13/1952 #8128  
## Word: "planning" (Back to Top)
n AI and as Operation Z during its planning. (Author Moira McGhee wrote in  12/7/1941 #1377  
e Joint Chiefs agree to use it for planning purposes.                       6/18/1946 #2012  
 the Office of Naval Research for “planning, fostering, and encouraging sci 8/1/1946 #2098  
elligence, Military Operations and Planning, and the Defence Research Board 4/22/1952 #6155  
ological warfare planners to start planning how the United States might use 10/13/1952 #8128  
 days. When he tells Adamski he is planning to write a book about his chann 11/24/1952 #8333  
 of nuclear rocket engines and the planning for space missions.             1955 #11892  
s when he was with the Development Planning Office, he worked very closely  1956 #12639  
e afternoon, a British RAF team is planning to return home from the Maralin Late 10/1957 #14156  
 Lackland AFB’s chief of education planning for the officer candidate schoo 5/15/1958 #15036  
eech also expresses concerns about planning for the future and the dangers  1/17/1961 #16579  
e. He remembered that the girl was planning to attend a college in the sout 8/7/1968 #24308  
 are inside a building at the base planning future exercises; outside, Col. Late 3/1989 #38880  
ense Nationale, a French strategic planning agency, decides to create a 12- 1996 #42656  
missile defense, intelligence, and planning.                                10/1/2002 #44413  
its decision to close SEPRA and is planning a rebirth.                      7/31/2004 #44720  
inner they sat around the campfire planning their next day activities. At a 6/14/2005 #44847  
  In 2020, Eskridge stated she was planning to present novel foundational w 6/15/2022 #45758  
## Word: "planolas" (Back to Top)
orb/globe / bullet-shape toward(s) Planolas. / Stendek v5#17p29.            12/28/1973 #28607  
## Word: "planques" (Back to Top)
                                   PLANQUES, FR 2 / car. Silent saucer with 12/11/1993 #41328  
## Word: "plans" (Back to Top)
oon with a pedal-driven propellor, plans for which he submitted to E. W. Br 12/1/1896 #373  
 asking what action the government plans to take about the ghost fliers.    1/27/1934 #1197  
ment, organization, procedure, and plans of the German air force.” Among th 2/23/1944 #1577  
Times-Herald reveal Bill Donovan’s plans for a postwar intelligence agency  2/10/1945 #1778  
                  Astrakhan Oblast Plans for a new test site for the first  5/13/1946 #1990  
n. Lauris Norstad, director of the Plans and Operations Department, is also 7/9/1947 #3060  
                                   Plans and Operations Brig. Gen. Charles  2/12/1948 #3576  
n. Samuel E. Anderson. director of Plans and Operations, stating that the C 2/12/1948 #3576  
muel E. Anderson, USAF Director of Plans and Operations at the Pentagon, re 3/3/1948 #3587  
 AMC to find out if Project Grudge plans to do anything about the green fir 4/25/1949 #4109  
a Base, New Mexico. LaPaz outlines plans for a network of visual, photograp 4/27/1949 #4115  
ortation, Ottawa Canada, announces plans to build and test free energy geom 3/22/1950 #4697  
n Dulles as CIA Deputy Director of Plans in the Office of Policy Coordinati 8/23/1951 #5616  
 punch card that will be used, and plans for statistical studies.           6/6/1952 #6455  
e and overseas.” They confirm that plans for a detailed reporting system we 2/23/1954 #9566  
utniks and the satellite-launching plans of the US. Later Schmidt brings lo 11/5/1957 #14343  
e direction of CIA Directorate for Plans Richard M. Bissell, MKUltra’s Sidn 3/17/1960 #16200  
ocratic Republic of the Congo with plans to place it on Prime Minister Patr 9/1960 #16429  
Dulles and CIA Deputy Director for Plans Richard Bissell brief President-el 11/18/1960 #16508  
tions, and Eisenhower approves the plans with the intention of persuading J 11/29/1960 #16521  
   Cuba The CIA Deputy Director of Plans Richard Bissell plans for a “lodge 1/4/1961 #16562  
 Director of Plans Richard Bissell plans for a “lodgement” by 750 men at an 1/4/1961 #16562  
 to Cold War psychological warfare plans.  https://majesticdocuments.com/wp 6/28/1961 #16738  
aced as head of the Directorate of Plans by Richard Helms. February — Maj.  2/1962 #17030  
, he also says that the US already plans to remove its missiles from Turkey 10/27/1962 #17505  
Colorado. Condon discusses project plans and asks the Air Force where the p 1/12/1967 #21290  
a Secades of the Cuban military in plans to assassinate Castro. The operati 4/24/1967 #22214  
onsan, North Korea. Instead of war plans, the US proceeds with negotiations 1/26/1968 #23703  
andora Project committee discusses plans to move forward with eight human s 5/12/1969 #25131  
A from 1955 to 1969, announces his plans to write a nonfiction book about t 3/1972 #26584  
oject with White House backing. He plans to establish a comprehensive UFO d 1/1977 #31666  
ze a steering committee to develop plans for possible UN involvement in UFO 7/14/1978 #33383  
ab in shambles. The man placed his plans in a bank safe but when his family 9/29/1982 #36619  
sident Ronald Reagan announces his plans to develop an anti-missile capabil 3/23/1983 #36792  
osal for a 3,500-square-foot (with plans for extending it to 6,000 square f 6/22/1983 #36889  
suggests the Department of Defense plans to spend $80 million on an “Aurora 1985 #37542  
rdnance Group jointly develops its plans with DOE and is available on “extr 1996 #42659  
 direction and that the university plans to patent and license this device. 1997 #43156  
irection. The university states it plans to license the device but no furth 3/1/1998 #43527  
 may prove successful in thwarting plans of enemy.”  “This writer considers 3/11/1998 #43532  
 by some in the CIA Directorate of Plans in 1952 to determine if UAP had de 3/31/2011 #45322  
 The declassified documents reveal plans for the plane to reach a top speed Late 2012 #45355  
ence podcast on June 20. The event plans for the raid in Amargosa Valley on 6/27/2019 #45588  
 of “MJ-12” intelligence operation plans as they relate to Cold War psychol 12/17/2022 #45787  
 to Cold War psychological warfare plans.  A second disputed document alleg 12/17/2022 #45787  
## Word: "plant" (Back to Top)
ghon, a night watchman at a lumber plant in Beaumont, Texas, sees a “globul 4/17/1897 #522  
ski River C. P. Gill stone cutting plant Afternoon. A large ball of fire sw 8/14/1914 #912  
es of the C. P. Gill stone cutting plant near the Winooski River. It is acc 8/14/1914 #912  
object has scorched his hands. The plant motor stops as the object passes o 8/14/1914 #912  
ecommendation to move to the pilot plant stage and build piles to produce p 6/19/1942 #1417  
massive electromagnetic separation plant for enriching uranium at Oak Ridge 2/9/1943 #1483  
or Y-12 electromagnetic separation plant for enriching uranium at Oak Ridge 2/18/1943 #1484  
ins on K-25, the gaseous diffusion plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.           6/2/1943 #1508  
n they raided the Nazi V-1 weapons plant in Peenemünde, Germany. RAF intell Autumn 1943 #1530  
         Oak Ridge, Tennessee Y-12 plant The X-10 Graphite Reactor at Oak R 11/4/1943 #1542  
Tennessee, goes critical. The Y-12 plant is separating uranium- 235 from na 11/4/1943 #1542  
     Oak Ridge Los Alamos The Y-12 plant at Oak Ridge has sent 200 grams of 4/5/1944 #1589  
tube hovers over gaseous diffusion plant (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, C 9/1944 #1657  
art of the pilot thermal diffusion plant at the Philadelphia Navy Yard.     9/2/1944 #1664  
DGE, TN Metal tube hovers / atomic plant days after opening. Goes when crow 9/18/1944 (approximate) #1667  
helyabinsk-40” atomic bomb project plant opened (Plutonium production, comp 1945 #1742  
                   Hanford Nuclear Plant, WA Hanford Nuclear Plant, Washing 1945 #1744  
 Nuclear Plant, WA Hanford Nuclear Plant, Washington, (M) (NICAP: 09 - RADA 1945 #1744  
nnessee The K-25 gaseous diffusion plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, begins pr 3/1945 #1804  
n Matthias, says “it shut down the plant cold, and it took us about three d 3/10/1945 #1810  
                       Hanford AEC Plant, WA UFO over AEC plant tracked by  7/1945 #1885  
Hanford AEC Plant, WA UFO over AEC plant tracked by radar, F84's scrambled  7/1945 #1885  
er Works in Washington, admits the plant has had problems with aerial intru 8/7/1945 #1916  
t “Arzamas-16” atomic bomb project plant opened - the Soviet "Los Alamos" ( 1946 #1956  
Sverdlovsk-44” atomic bomb project plant opened (Uranium enrichment)        1946 #1957  
 and later 65” atomic bomb project plant opened (Plutonium production, comp 1947 #2216  
39 E 59 47 Soviet “Sverdlovsk-45” (Plant 418) atomic bomb project plant ope 1947 #2217  
5” (Plant 418) atomic bomb project plant opened (Uranium enrichment, warhea 1947 #2217  
tor at Waverly Sugar Manufacturing Plant. They had it in sight for five min 6/2/1947 #2311  
ropulsion equipment, and the power plant. It has no wings or tail. The fuse 7/5/1947 #2721  
rangement, landing gear, and power plant. It considers the objects “to be a 10/28/1947 #3469  
er, but they cannot locate a power plant, except possibly some electromagne 1948 #3522  
t “Tomsk-7” atomic weapons project plant opens (Uranium enrichment, compone 1949 #3943  
 were concentrated over the A.E.C. plant at Los Alamos, N.M. (Circulation o 1/31/1949 #3987  
 (?), assistant chief of the Power Plant Laboratory (at Wright-Patterson?)  2/1/1949 #3995  
                       Hanford AEC plant, WA Silvery disc-shaped object hov 5/21/1949 #4199  
closed projects. It states a power plant was recovered from a crashed UAP i 8/17/1949 #4320  
     Tulsa, Oklahoma Don Bushnell, plant superintendent with Southwestern P Fall 1949 #4365  
noyarsk-26” atomic weapons project plant opens (Plutonium production)       1950 #4458  
            At 4:45 p.m. Fairchild plant workers at the nuclear research fa 1/14/1950 #4489  
as defied analysis by the Dearborn Plant. Two crew members in the damaged s 1/16/1950 #4493  
5 / car. Saucer hovers over sulfur plant. Going quickly [to] away / car nea 3/27/1950 (approximate) #4737  
pe going southeast over ammunition plant.                                   4/7/1950 #4809  
  Oak Ridge, TN 4:45 PM. Fairchild plant workers at the nuclear research fa 6/14/1950 #4986  
ver Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) plant. RADAR's. Air Force jets can't cat 7/30/1950 #5082  
e Hanford Atomic Energy Commission plant in Washington State. The object wa 7/30/1950 #5083  
 been sighted over the Hanford AEC Plant. Air Force jets fails to intercept 8/4/1950 #5099  
oing southwest. Stops over Hanford plant. Continues. / MJ#271.              11/21/1950 #5281  
Radar jamming and radiation at AEC plant (Nov 29-30) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 11/29/1950 #5299  
 / 10 minute(s). Site / 1st H-bomb plant not built yet! Going quickly south 12/2/1950 #5308  
oxville, TN Radar Targets Over AEC Plant (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 12/14/1950 #5348  
Attempts Intercept of UFO Over AEC Plant / Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases,  1/21/1951 #5409  
ational Laboratory, Tennessee X-10 plant 4:20 p.m. A UFO that appears to be 1/21/1951 #5410  
ricted area that includes the X-10 plant.                                   1/21/1951 #5410  
ver Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) plant. / r242p44+/ r148p60.              10/9/1951 #5708  
d (IN); Paris (IL); Newport atomic plant Unknown (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 10/9/1951 #5711  
atoust-36” nuclear weapons program plant opens (Warhead assembly)           1952 #5829  
ges of the Propulsion Branch Power Plant Group, to help with the analysis,  2/8/1952 #5894  
 vanadium CORPs uranium processing plant.                                   5/5/1952 (approximate) #6256  
m Corporation's uranium processing plant in Durango, Colorado.              5/5/1952 #6260  
 8 small saucers / Savannah H-bomb plant. 1 going southwest. 1 going north. 5/10/1952 #6291  
O Incident at Savannah River (AEC) Plant (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 5/10/1952 #6294  
yees at the Savannah River nuclear plant. Up to four yellow, disc-shaped ob 5/10/1952 #6295  
Oakridge, TN Radar Visual Near AEC Plant (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 6/21/1952 #6573  
ter), slow-moving UFO near the AEC plant. GCI radar obtains the target, but 6/21/1952 #6579  
4 pilots. Saucer 2.7km over atomic plant. Changes shape. / r242p38.         7/5/1952 #6708  
                       Hanford AEC Plant (at Richland), WA C-46 Crew Observ 7/5/1952 #6714  
WA C-46 Crew Observe Disc Over AEC Plant (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 7/5/1952 #6714  
 Large silver saucer hovers / tire plant. Rim smokes. Going down [to] low n 7/9/1952 #6731  
-shape and saucers circle aircraft plant.                                   7/11/1952 #6755  
ver Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) plant. 4km altitude. Air Force investiga 7/11/1952 #6758  
llow glowing-object circles atomic plant 2X and gone. Back / 0123 hours.    7/14/1952 #6810  
ving over parked cars near a power plant in Salem, Massachusetts at 9:35 a. 7/16/1952 #6845  
rratically at high speed above the plant. It is in view for 2 minutes, movi 7/19/1952 #6931  
cutting capers over their aircraft plant for more than an hour. This occurr 7/21/1952 #6987  
rthwest over the Northrup aircraft plant in nearby Hawthorne, then stops an 7/23/1952 #7082  
 object flying over their aircraft plant. It emitted two small discs, which 7/23/1952 #7090  
ge Saturn saucer hovers over steel plant. Then rises going quickly west ver 7/25/1952 #7130  
. Circular object circles aluminum plant and stops. Quickly going up. Anoth 7/29/1952 #7277  
conds over the Cessna Aircraft Co. plant, during the 5 minute sighting.     7/29/1952 #7317  
conds over the Cessna Aircraft Co. plant. Their sighting lasted five minute 7/29/1952 #7338  
euvers all over Mathieson Chemical Plant.                                   8/14/1952 #7590  
rles, Louisiana Mathieson chemical plant 10:30 p.m. A yellow ball of light  8/14/1952 #7595  
o side over the Mathieson chemical plant in Lake Charles, Louisiana. It is  8/14/1952 #7595  
 p.m. At Holloman AFB, New Mexico, plant supervisor Fred Lee and foreman La 8/25/1952 #7731  
eardrop object spins over aircraft plant. Going down [to] going up. Examine 9/6/1952 #7863  
. Mr. Snitowski thought a chemical plant might be burning in the area and w 9/13/1952 #7914  
. Mr. Snitowski thought a chemical plant might be burning in the area and w 9/13/1952 #7916  
). Red fireball passes over H-bomb plant. Seen 30s. Going quickly SSE.      11/21/1952 #8312  
                       Hanford AEC Plant, WA Object appeared large, round a 12/10/1952 #8406  
                       Hanford AEC Plant, WA Near Hanford Plant, Washington 12/10/1952 #8407  
Hanford AEC Plant, WA Near Hanford Plant, Washington, DC, (M) (NICAP: 11 -  12/10/1952 #8407  
ernational Airport Hanford nuclear plant Richland, Washington 7:15 p.m. The 12/10/1952 #8409  
s a light over the Hanford nuclear plant near Richland, Washington, while f 12/10/1952 #8409  
                 SAVANNAH R.H-BOMB PLANT, SC 2 separate RADAR-visual (obser 3/5/1953 #8730  
rticles (zinc cadmium sulfide) and plant spores (Lycopodium) from an aircra 4/1953 #8806  
ld near the Vacuum Cooling Company plant, not far from Spain Flying Field a 5/5/1953 #8866  
Y, OH Silver saucers over aviation plant. 20 report(s) going [to] PAPERs. / 7/9/1953 (approximate) #8991  
FO seen at North American Aviation plant. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant  7/9/1953 #8992  
ovoid / blue glowing stops over GE plant / 4 minute(s). Going quickly east  3/9/1954 #9606  
and hovered over the Cincinnati GE plant in Hamilton County, Ohio for four  3/9/1954 #9608  
                   Reynolds Metals plant in Jones Mills, Arkansas Pearcy, A 4/22/1954 #9705  
x workers from the Reynolds Metals plant in Jones Mills, Arkansas, are wait 4/22/1954 #9705  
             Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant Obninsk, Kaluga Oblast, Russia Mos 6/27/1954 #9957  
a Moscow The Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant, at the Institute of Physics and P 6/27/1954 #9957  
first grid-connected nuclear power plant in the world. The plan achieves cr 6/27/1954 #9957  
rkers at the Renault manufacturing plant at Le Mans, Sarthe, France, are bi 10/7/1954 #10788  
vation of the moon, accompanied by plant seeds.                             10/11/1954 #10939  
 photographs saucer over munitions plant. See / r111p152.                   12/9/1954 #11783  
e kneels down and plucks a tobacco plant from the field, then both jump int 12/9/1954 #11787  
ed in "yellow bags" take a tobacco plant and a chicken, then go away. Their 12/11/1954 #11800  
e knelt down and plucked a tobacco plant from the field, then both jumped i 12/11/1954 #11802  
“Penza-19” nuclear weapons program plant opens (Warhead assembly)           1955 #11887  
omic test Dairylea milk processing plant in Elmira Early morning. “Cobwebby 2/21/1955 #12011  
 from the Dairylea milk processing plant in Elmira. But milk plant chemists 2/21/1955 #12011  
ocessing plant in Elmira. But milk plant chemists Louis R. Hermani and Robe 2/21/1955 #12011  
er lands going quickly [to] atomic plant!                                   8/5/1955 #12329  
phere/orb/globe hovers over atomic plant / nuclear facility.                8/25/1955 #12403  
oyarsk-45” nuclear weapons program plant opens (Uranium enrichment)         1956 #12627  
 flying north over a coal and iron plant in Birmingham, Alabama on this nig 4/3/1956 #12783  
 / dumbell structure by helicopter plant. Going quickly north fast.         8/23/1956 #13121  
d. Huge red disk hovers / chemical plant. Going quickly south.              9/3/1956 #13178  
abinsk-70” nuclear weapons program plant opens (Weapons design and research 1957 #13425  
os Hills North American Rocketdyne plant in the Simi Hills Oxnard AFB [now  3/22/1957 #13553  
over the North American Rocketdyne plant in the Simi Hills. At this time bo 3/22/1957 #13553  
e taking a break at the Daye Steel Plant in Huangshi, Hubei, China, when th 7/25/1957 #13837  
outh. 180° turn over nuclear power plant. Going north.                      10/1/1957 #14053  
hippingport, PA UFO circled atomic plant (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, N 10/1/1957 #14054  
ver Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) plant. RADAR. Possible scramble. / r43p0 11/5/1957 #14308  
ly going up [to] over oil pipeline plant. Car malfunctions due to EME (elec 11/5/1957 #14324  
 New Mexico Permian Basin Pipeline plant 11:00 p.m. Two young men see a red 11/5/1957 #14348  
rs over the Permian Basin Pipeline plant. As it passes overhead, the car en 11/5/1957 #14348  
with lights all over Major nuclear plant. 1 lands?                          11/7/1957 #14449  
 Atomic Energy Commission’s Pantex Plant Amarillo, Texas Farin Road 2373 Hi 11/7/1957 #14462  
 Atomic Energy Commission’s Pantex Plant 15 miles east of Amarillo, Texas.  11/7/1957 #14462  
the State Highway Patrol office by plant guards, and a patrolman dispatched 11/7/1957 #14462  
 and a patrolman dispatched to the plant arrives at 8:15 p.m. and sees a st 11/7/1957 #14462  
ees a strange light. Guards at the plant are “all shook up” from watching t 11/7/1957 #14462  
 Atomic Energy Commission’s Pantex Plant in Amarillo, TX report three flash 11/7/1957 #14465  
 animal product and suggests it is plant material or plastic.               11/9/1958 #15434  
 worker was alone at a local water plant in El Cobre, Algeciras province, S 10/16/1959 #16035  
 all electricity and lights at the plant were shut off. He went outside to  10/16/1959 #16035  
ary manganese steel from the Sorel plant.                                   6/12/1960 #16312  
                  Douglas Aircraft plant in Santa Monica, California West L 9/15/1960 #16449  
00 feet above the Douglas Aircraft plant in Santa Monica, California, and c 9/15/1960 #16449  
 hovers 100M over Douglas aircraft plant. Test?                             9/16/1960 #16451  
       EUREKA, UT UFO lands. Power plant out / 42 min. Goes going west over 4/18/1962 #17116  
ng electrical service from a power plant close to the landing site. It is d 4/18/1962 #17120  
(Minuteman production at Air Force Plant 77 at Hill AFB); Idaho (Mountain H 4/18/1962 #17120  
        SAUCE VIEJO, ARG 150 / DKW plant. Cylinder/cigar-shape going quickl 7/19/1962 #17285  
s his head affirmatively, plucks a plant from the ground, and then waves hi 8/28/1963 #17922  
s, Brazil. They collected rock and plant specimens.                         4/7/1964 #18161  
saucer spins over water tank / car plant. Hiss. Quickly going up. / r109p10 8/11/1964 #18478  
d object passed over an industrial plant in Danvers, Massachusetts. It flew 10/1/1964 #18568  
Blackbird takes place at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, pilote 12/22/1964 #18673  
 a draftsman at a General Electric plant, is chopping wood at an archery ra 1/19/1965 #18750  
red low over the New England Power Plant in Salem, Massachusetts at 5:00 p. 5/22/1965 #18950  
and stopped their examination of a plant to aim a small device at him, caus 7/1/1965 #19045  
, apparently looking at a lavender plant. Masse approaches them to about 20 7/1/1965 #19047  
and stopped their examination of a plant to aim a small device at him, caus 7/1/1965 #19049  
aneuvers / sky over Beckford power plant. No further details.               7/9/1965 #19086  
in the sky over the Beckford Power Plant north of Cincinnati, Ohio.         7/9/1965 #19091  
                     Chosica Power Plant, Peru Mr. Alva was awakened by a s 7/25/1965 #19170  
 the ground near the Chosica Power Plant, Peru emitting flashes of green li 7/25/1965 #19174  
-shape with hump hovers over power plant / 45 degree angle. Sways and hisse 10/2/1965 #19636  
a dark UFO hovering over the power plant in Salem, Massachusetts. It was ci 10/2/1965 #19639  
mall white night lights over power plant. Rainy day. Go off and back 3X.    11/16/1965 #19724  
in Palomares, Spain Savannah River plant in South Carolina A B-52G Strategi 1/17/1966 #19844  
1,400 tons of radioactive soil and plant life are excavated and shipped to  1/17/1966 #19844  
 and shipped to the Savannah River plant in South Carolina for burial.      1/17/1966 #19844  
n diameter. Within each circle the plant roots are pulled completely out of 1/19/1966 #19858  
clude astronomer Donald H. Menzel, plant physiologist Frank B. Salisbury, j 2/27/1966 #19925  
RIO DJ, BRAZIL 50 / military motor plant. Fast silent 6M ovoid going down / 3/12/1966 #19952  
00–1,800 feet and hovers above the plant. The object is approximately 18 fe 3/12/1966 #19954  
eriodically flashes even brighter. Plant director Col. Jorge Alberto Silvei 3/12/1966 #19954  
rver(s). 30' saucer hovers / steel plant and power station/depot/facility.  8/19/1966 #20764  
nce, hovered over the Algoma steel plant. The object abruptly took off to t 8/19/1966 #20767  
ver the roof of the RCA industrial plant, 400 feet away from the highway. I 10/30/1966 #21051  
mp came down from the craft to the plant roof, and they could see figures m 10/30/1966 #21051  
rg, West Virginia American Viscose plant Little Kanawha River 6:30 p.m. A d 11/6/1966 #21080  
o lights near the American Viscose plant across the Little Kanawha River. T 11/6/1966 #21080  
 wings. Going [to] abandoned power plant. / r4p88.                          11/15/1966 #21105  
of a former World War II munitions plant and now part of the McClintic Wild 11/15/1966 #21107  
en she visited the abandoned power plant in Point Pleasant, West Virginia w 11/24/1966 #21146  
0 meters altitude near an electric plant. They flew to the north, slowly at 3/5/1967 #21767  
egic Missile Wing Boeing's Seattle plant Late evening. An airman with the M 3/24/1967 #21973  
l as lab tests at Boeing’s Seattle plant. No cause for the shutdown can be  3/24/1967 #21973  
a UFO near the Cornhusker Ordnance Plant in Grand Island, Nebraska at dusk. 4/9/1967 #22099  
damaged generators at Shamokin Dam Plant. (Cook report, NICAP files; The Sh 6/5/1967 #22464  
on two generators at the dam power plant. There were power failures reporte 6/5/1967 #22468  
d, initially attributed to a toxic plant, but when de Souza and de Moraes h 8/13/1967 #22873  
ids (or Greys) / helmets. Dirt and plant samples? / MJ#232+/ r109p172.      8/23/1967 #22895  
 more employees of a nuclear power plant saw a saucer- shaped object passin 9/11/1967 #23039  
er- shaped object passing over the plant going east. The object hovered abo 9/11/1967 #23039  
Ontario, watch a UFO pass over the plant in an easterly direction. At one p 9/11/1967 #23044  
ps something into the water. Other plant workers see similar objects over t 9/11/1967 #23044  
objects over the lake or above the plant on five succeeding nights. The pla 9/11/1967 #23044  
ant on five succeeding nights. The plant isn’t operational for another year 9/11/1967 #23044  
, Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at 8:45 p.m. It was seen by Mrs. R 9/13/1967 #23050  
aque spheres maneuver near weapons plant. 2 hover and 1 nears observer(s).  9/24/1967 #23124  
ects as a result. At the phosphate plant north of Vernal, Utah Mr. Rasmusse 10/11/1967 #23219  
al object with 4 arms over nuclear plant. Dogs scared. / LDLN#145+/ r120p64 10/26/1967 #23326  
nd, UK Cylinder w/ 4 arms over nuc plant, A-R (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connecti 10/26/1967 #23328  
 clouds. Hovers / old meat-packing plant. Going [to] to clouds.             11/17/1967 #23474  
t of the Philco-Ford Manufacturing Plant. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - C 11/27/1967 #23514  
es a bluish-green object above the plant at about 45°. It has projecting, t 12/10/1967 #23567  
ake Norman, NC. Domed UFO near AEC plant (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, N 1968 #23621  
Air Base, Greenland Savannah River plant in South Carolina Pantex, in Amari 1/21/1968 #23684  
s are buried at the Savannah River plant in South Carolina. Bomb fragments  1/21/1968 #23684  
         SAN LORENZO, ARG Chemical plant malfunctions due to EME (electro-m 6/25/1968 #24078  
electrician at the Carmal Chemical Plant, noticed that the engines were at  6/25/1968 #24080  
electrician at the Carmal Chemical Plant, noticed that the engines were at  6/25/1968 #24081  
Norman 2 NC Domed UFO near nuclear plant. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, NC)    7/31/1968 #24269  
ilent 3M saucer scouts ultrasonics plant. Voice = "700K 700K..". Southwest  12/15/1968 #24770  
own. 3 5M figure(s) glow. Cane and plant samples. / FSRv15#3+/ MJ#109.      1/14/1969 #24840  
they gathered sugar cane and other plant specimens, without concern for the 1/14/1969 #24842  
r hovers all over/all about cement plant. Man visible / window. Air Force i 7/18/1969 #25278  
onary for 30 seconds near a cement plant. An occupant could be seen inside  7/18/1969 #25280  
 various maneuvers over the cement plant and drew the attention of many of  7/18/1969 #25280  
 for half a minute near the cement plant in the town of Sobral, Ceara State 7/18/1969 #25281  
 various maneuvers over the cement plant, and drew the attention of many em 7/18/1969 #25281  
 the nearby Big Rock Nuclear Power Plant. As he spoke to himself, his voice 8/15/1970 #25787  
. 3 classic saucers hover over gas plant.                                   9/1970 #25818  
g quickly southwest over munitions plant.                                   10/1970 #25861  
 with diesel fuel at the Ready-Mix Plant at 2090 Washington, on the west si 4/30/1971 #26086  
globe / 80M altitude. 50kph. Power plant explodes!                          8/20/1972 #26934  
 / fireball. 7' batman back / auto plant. Cycle malfunctions due to EME (el 9/27/1972 #27033  
ina, is making early rounds at the plant. He enters a previously locked was 9/27/1972 #27034  
ing his motor runabout outside the plant he briefly glimpsed "a sort of rai 9/27/1972 #27035  
aw near the local Ika-Renault auto plant in Santa Isabel, Cordoba, Argentin 9/27/1972 #27036  
 sky from the vicinity of the auto plant.                                   9/27/1972 #27036  
king a delivery to the Ika Renault plant four and a half hours after anothe 9/28/1972 #27038  
n into the northeast sector of the plant to unload. He was driving a 1957 D 9/28/1972 #27038  
 it. He next picked up a hydrangea plant, which he took with him. He ascend 1/4/1973 #27221  
ely 1,500' high hovered over power plant. Witness estimated the object's si 3/22/1973 #27361  
near the Manor, Pennsylvania Power plant at 10:55 p.m. when he observed a l 4/15/1973 #27431  
 about 400 yards west of the power plant and approximately 10 feet above th 4/15/1973 #27431  
 hung over a smelting and refining plant in Glover, Missouri for 10 minutes 4/27/1973 #27451  
isor at the Goshen, Indiana rubber plant was called outside by one of his m 7/10/1973 #27627  
 going down / woods near new power plant. Cones / light going down.         8/1973 #27666  
er Northern Petro Chemical Company plant. Brief power failure reported. (NI 9/5/1973 #27766  
he Northern Petro Chemical Company plant for 20 minutes. There was a brief  9/5/1973 #27768  
OO, MS 2 odd objects over chemical plant. Power outage. / Clarion Ledger 18 10/10/1973 #27974  
haped objects flew over a chemical plant in Yazoo City, Mississippi causing 10/10/1973 #27983  
d, 1 Min. Seen at rear of D&M Mfg. plant when workers stepped outside for b 10/15/1973 #28054  
 Silent 50M ovoid 30M over nuclear plant #3. 4 jets chase. Going quickly ea 11/6/1973 #28373  
n formation split apart over power plant / low altitude. / r71p105.         1/1974 #28635  
ring 60 meters over an electronics plant in Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo  5/15/1974 #29107  
normally wilted. They collect some plant and soil samples and send them to  5/20/1974 #29119  
n the predawn hours on this day in Plant City, Florida a motorcyclist had h 10/7/1974 #29503  
m Lake Ontario and hover above the plant’s service center. After remaining  1/31/1975 #29774  
e. White saucer shape near nuclear plant. RADAR confirm. / r95v5#3+/ r150.  11/22/1975 #30651  
GA Pilots observe UFO near nuclear plant (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 11/22/1975 #30652  
n above the Savannah River Nuclear Plant during this encounter, that lasted 11/22/1975 #30653  
Petersburg], Russia, nuclear power plant is being brought back online after 11/30/1975 #30677  
e building at the south end of the plant. Suddenly the lights shoot straigh 1976 #30750  
r and move to the north end of the plant, dropping down and hovering again. 1976 #30750  
                             Shale Plant on "Bootlegger", MT 5:30 p.m. Seve 1/8/1976 #30775  
bright diamonds zigzag near cement plant. Red laser beams going down. Going 8/23/1976 #31293  
d objects zig-zagged over a cement plant in Haney, British Columbia. They e 8/23/1976 #31295  
the cable and falls 20 feet into a plant. He runs to the house, bruised.    9/9/1976 #31362  
man ran to the gate of the textile plant were he works, in a state of shock 9/15/1976 #31385  
-shape hovers / 200M near aluminum plant. Going [to] away in jumps!         9/19/1976 #31405  
server(s). 60m saucer over nuclear plant construction. Large spot lights 10 10/5/1976 (approximate) #31448  
e of radioactive material into the plant area, requiring a complete decommi 2/22/1977 #31838  
a large silver sphere near a power plant that had many lights in the middle 5/3/1977 #32054  
                      French-Hecht plant east of Walcott, Iowa 8:30 p.m. Ho 10/9/1977 #32564  
security guard at the French-Hecht plant east of Walcott, Iowa, when she se 10/9/1977 #32564  
ake was heard near a nuclear power plant, which caused some concern.        12/2/1977 #32731  
orn, Michigan, near the Ford Motor plant lets out an awful howl. The woman  Late 4/1978 #33167  
 or two then moves toward the Ford plant. It is about 125 feet in diameter  Late 4/1978 #33167  
d saucer going [to] 150m over ford plant. Slow and deliberate.              4/28/1978 (approximate) #33177  
o the ground, who collect soil and plant samples.                           10/8/1978 #33818  
led figure(s) going down. Soil and plant samples.                           10/9/1978 #33823  
y guard at the local hydroelectric plant in Marimbonda near Fronteira, Braz 12/6/1978 #34070  
 over an electric power generating plant. The generator stopped working for 12/28/1978 #34218  
ters over an electrical generating plant, according to two power plant tech 12/28/1978 #34221  
ting plant, according to two power plant technicians, and the generator sto 12/28/1978 #34221  
ve minutes while the central power plant instruments went "haywire." Severa 12/28/1978 #34221  
 POLAND Night lights over electric plant. Power outage. Flashlight quits! P 1/17/1979 #34351  
mpounded by the initial failure of plant operators to recognize the situati 3/28/1979 #34493  
 lights going down / nuclear power plant. 2nd object later. Both going quic 6/12/1979 #34607  
rolina Power & Light nuclear power plant one half mile away to their northe 6/12/1979 #34608  
lina Power and Light nuclear power plant 8:45 p.m. Members of a rock band p 6/12/1979 #34610  
lina Power and Light nuclear power plant one half mile away to the northeas 6/12/1979 #34610  
 to the right of the nuclear power plant and directing a beam of light at i 6/12/1979 #34610  
the northwest. No one at the power plant reports seeing anything unusual.   6/12/1979 #34610  
rolina Power & Light nuclear power plant one half mile away to their northe 6/12/1979 #34611  
 to the right of the nuclear power plant and directed a beam of light at it 6/12/1979 #34611  
the northwest. No one at the power plant reported seeing anything unusual t 6/12/1979 #34611  
uzé of the university’s Center for Plant Physiology says there is no “unequ 11/27/1979 #35019  
voir, not far from a nuclear power plant in Rutherford County. (NICAP: 01 - 4/20/1980 #35276  
voir, not far from a nuclear power plant in Rutherford County, North Caroli 4/24/1980 #35288  
nd truck drivers at a meat packing plant that was under construction saw a  5/5/1980 #35307  
               Teledyne-Ohio Steel plant in Lima, Ohio 1:15 a.m. Security g 8/17/1980 #35462  
ing lot of the Teledyne-Ohio Steel plant in Lima, Ohio, and sees an unusual 8/17/1980 #35462  
nance workers at a copper smelting plant saw a UFO with 12 red lights and a 10/23/1980 #35585  
pitched sound like a hydroelectric plant.                                   2/19/1981 #35837  
hape flew rapidly toward the power plant in Romeoville, Illinois. It stoppe 6/15/1982 #36502  
hape flew rapidly toward the power plant in Romeoville, Illinois. It stoppe 6/15/1982 #36503  
ver woods and the sewage treatment plant heading west. (NICAP: 01 - Distant 7/25/1982 #36549  
ver woods and the sewage treatment plant in Latrobe, Pennsylvania heading w 7/25/1982 #36551  
           Chernobyl nuclear power plant Unit One Pripyat, Ukraine Lenin Sq 9/9/1982 #36599  
 occurs at Chernobyl nuclear power plant Unit One in Pripyat, Ukraine. Offi 9/9/1982 #36599  
spreads as far as 9 miles from the plant. It includes iodine-131, fragments 9/9/1982 #36599  
ore. Contaminated areas around the plant are simply sluiced with water and  9/9/1982 #36599  
 One of the Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant in Armenia Kola Peninsula in north 10/1982 #36625  
 One of the Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant in Armenia. The turbine hall burns 10/1982 #36625  
                  Diamond Shamrock plant at Lamar [now Botham Jean Boulevar 10/15/1982 #36643  
 A witness at the Diamond Shamrock plant at Lamar [now Botham Jean Boulevar 10/15/1982 #36643  
with windows over trees and sewage plant going quickly west.                7/25/1983 #36923  
 it moves toward the town’s sewage plant. Other residents report a brillian 7/25/1983 #36925  
liant orange light over the sewage plant. Still others hear a loud, high-pi 7/25/1983 #36925  
 the east toward the nuclear power plant.                                   10/13/1983 #37005  
a swampy area near a manufacturing plant. The woman and children run toward 11/28/1983 #37052  
cm ovoid exits woods by Boeing 747 plant. Buzzes car / MJ#194.              2/19/1984 #37192  
                 Indian Pt Nuclear Plant, NY 10:30 PM. Guards at the Indian 6/14/1984 #37360  
 at the Indian Point nuclear power plant on the Hudson River, New York sigh 6/14/1984 #37360  
wer Authority Indian Point Nuclear Plant Buchanan, New York 10:15 p.m. New  6/14/1984 #37361  
police at the Indian Point Nuclear Plant near Buchanan, New York, watch 10  6/14/1984 #37361  
 at the Indian Point nuclear power plant on the Hudson River, New York sigh 6/14/1984 #37362  
, NY UFO Hovers Over Nuclear Power Plant (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, R 6/24/1984 #37377  
                 Indian Pt Nuclear Plant, NY 9:00 PM. A very large boomeran 7/24/1984 #37410  
e vent of the Indian Point Nuclear Plant cooling tower for 15 minutes on th 7/24/1984 #37410  
              Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, New York Camp Smith P 7/24/1984 #37412  
ity police at Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, New York, again see a 7/24/1984 #37412  
ars as it approaches steadily. The plant’s movement-detecting sensors and a 7/24/1984 #37412  
 by walking. An officer inside the plant watching security monitors is inst 7/24/1984 #37412  
lso report seeing the UFO over the plant. Police in Peekskill receive quite 7/24/1984 #37412  
ation slowly move toward the power plant. On July 25, the security guard su 7/24/1984 #37412  
ommission oversee a shakeup of the plant’s security operations.             7/24/1984 #37412  
e vent of the Indian Point Nuclear Plant cooling tower for 15 minutes on th 7/24/1984 #37414  
eleven witnesses to the UFO at the plant that night, and that the security  7/24/1984 #37414  
ity police at Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, NY allegedly see a UA 7/24/1984 #37416  
lating yellow, white and blue. The plant’s movement sensors and alarm fails 7/24/1984 #37416  
ion (NRC) reportedly reassigns the plant’s security operations and video an 7/24/1984 #37416  
agent Master Sgt. Richard Doty, to plant disinformation in William Moore’s  12/11/1984 #37522  
            Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant, Saratov Oblast, Russia During sta 6/27/1985 #37609  
ctor at the Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant, Saratov Oblast, Russia, a relief  6/27/1985 #37609  
           Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant at Pripyat, Ukraine 1:23 a.m. The  4/26/1986 #37843  
tor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant at Pripyat, Ukraine, has a power s 4/26/1986 #37843  
   Ukraine Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant About 4:30 a.m. During the nuclear 4/26/1986 #37844  
ter at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, Mikhail Varitsky and o 4/26/1986 #37844  
n. Going northeast / nuclear power plant. / MJ#220.                         8/1/1986 #37967  
ike craft over rancho Seco Nuclear Plant. Beams going down. Also 6 delta/tr 8/27/1986 #38001  
dd pseudo-human/entity near atomic plant. Odd conversation. Away / flying s 12/12/1987 #38354  
on the ground near a nuclear power plant in Malvezi, France in a restricted 12/12/1987 #38357  
angle/box-like crafts near nuclear plant. USAF and NASA investigation/inves 3/4/1988 #38483  
Ohio Lake Erie Perry Nuclear Power Plant Detroit Coast Guard base in Detroi 3/4/1988 #38487  
ses toward the Perry Nuclear Power Plant about 20 miles away. The Bakers al 3/4/1988 #38487  
Erie, not far from a nuclear power plant. Among the many witnesses included 3/4/1988 #38488  
           United States Air Force Plant 42 Palmdale, California The Northr 11/22/1988 #38718  
splayed at United States Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, where  11/22/1988 #38718  
aped object descended over a power plant in Andebu, Norway and hovered for  1/23/1989 #38796  
Air Traffic Controller / Air Force plant 42. Silver object and 3 orbs over  6/4/1989 #38976  
 of the Maine Yankee Nuclear Power plant in Wiscasset. However, a spokesman 7/22/1989 #39030  
 hovers 100m altitude near nuclear plant.                                   8/1989 #39039  
Going quickly [to] McGuire nuclear plant substation.                        8/8/1989 #39043  
 female employee at a meat packing plant in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, steps outsid 9/16/1989 #39106  
e employee of a local meat packing plant in Nikolayev, Russia had stepped o 9/16/1989 #39108  
rver(s). 300' rectangle near power plant and lines. Seen 2X. Pulses felt.   12/21/1989 #39323  
 low over the Seneca Nuclear Power Plant in Warren, Pennsylvania. Either th 12/23/1989 #39328  
ame two objects flew back over the plant from the opposite direction, or tw 12/23/1989 #39328  
 one trial at the company’s Warton plant.  https://patents.google.com/paten 3/1990 #39436  
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) plant near.                              4/17/1990 #39531  
surrounded by mist. A U.S. defense plant is located nearby.                 4/17/1990 #39532  
                          Uralmash plant Sverdlovsk, Russia Mikhail Gorbach 4/26/1990 #39543  
Gorbachev is visiting the Uralmash plant in Sverdlovsk, Russia, when he is  4/26/1990 #39543  
and the Soviet-built nuclear power plant at Lubmin [shut down soon afterwar 8/24/1990 #39701  
ast erratic UFO over nuclear power plant.                                   3/2/1991 #39990  
ratic pattern over a nuclear power plant in Sosnovyy Bor, Russia at 7:30 p. 3/2/1991 #39991  
above the red lights on one of the plant’s huge chimneys, where it hovers a 3/12/1991 #40010  
 mouths. They took leaves from the plant Monsterosa deliciosa. They mumbled 8/13/1991 #40151  
humanoids (or Greys) take leaves / plant / balcony! Mumble. Walk to lake. / 8/14/1991 #40153  
ngs were seen taking leaves from a plant on the balcony of a home in Maguay 8/14/1991 #40154  
 maneuvers here and S. Bor nuclear plant. 1852kph.                          10/10/1991 #40209  
 Saucer found / photograph / power plant 1 day after near nuclear incident. 10/12/1991 #40210  
und the object and collect various plant and soil samples, placing them ins 12/27/1991 #40268  
hat the short beings wanted her to plant certain different kinds of flowers 3/11/1992 #40372  
orkers at the Lukens Steel Company plant saw a disc-shaped UFO land on the  6/10/1992 #40491  
o set up interviews outside of the plant were also unsuccessful.            6/10/1992 #40491  
rmed from still living vegetation. Plant life outside the imprint area had  3/30/1993 #40907  
d two days later flew to Air Force Plant 42 at Palmdale, CA. They wrote the 9/26/1994 #41776  
cers / V formation over locomotive plant.                                   10/5/1994 #41785  
ortheast. Vanishes over barn. Arms plant nearby.                            11/28/1994 #41867  
. Huge saucer glides over electric plant. 2 domed saucer join. All going qu 10/6/1995 #42537  
M altitude. Vanishes over Goodyear plant.                                   3/27/1996 #42843  
jon Rance, McDonnell Douglas Llano Plant, Lockheed-Martin Helendale Plant,  8/30/1996 #43001  
o Plant, Lockheed-Martin Helendale Plant, Phillips Labs, Area 51/S4, Pahute 8/30/1996 #43001  
everal bright objects over a power plant in Bloomington, Indiana. In respon 5/18/1997 #43299  
bjects hovering over a local power plant. Mr. Tosti decided to drive to Sno 5/19/1997 #43300  
id rises / ground. Hovers / sewage plant. 2nd object joins.                 6/6/1997 #43314  
ticed what appeared to be a "power plant," well lighted, on the side of the 8/5/1997 #43369  
ation physician Günther Reitz, and plant biologist Bernard Veyret. To prese 9/29/1997 #43420  
k Works Jack Gordon. While leaving Plant 42 in Palmdale, Cook allegedly see Late 1990's #43480  
 spirals going up [to] over cement plant. Local wave. / r240v3#7.           2/9/1998 #43515  
he Badger Army Ordnance ammunition plant outside Lodi, Wisconsin from east  3/1/1998 #43526  
ity. Before they had the high-tech plant, they didn't have many blackouts ( 5/16/1998 #43568  
e valley towards the hydroelectric plant," coming within a few hundred mete 5/16/1998 #43568  
ngle/box-like craft hovers / water plant. Away and back 3X. Small sphere/or 8/21/1999 #43828  
 BANDON, OR 2+observer(s) / cheese plant. Grey flash. 7 circular objects go 11/1/1999 #43868  
 moving around a farm near a power plant for two minutes in Two Creeks, Man 8/11/2002 #44378  
 employee of a local manufacturing plant in Concord, North Carolina had jus 4/21/2003 #44517  
 next memory was of sitting in the plant manager's office. Someone was givi 4/21/2003 #44517  
t was seen hovering over a nuclear plant in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada a 7/7/2004 #44715  
ery leisurely circuit of the power plant. It moved against the wind, and ve 5/19/2008 #45142  
ransparent center was sighted over Plant City, Florida. At 3:00 p.m. a shin 8/30/2010 #45295  
an Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Ja 3/11/2011 #45318  
he Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Ja 3/11/2011 #45318  
 a 46-foot tsunami sweeps over the plant’s seawall and destroys the generat 3/11/2011 #45318  
 in 1997); the Bugey Nuclear Power Plant, Ain; Blayais Nuclear Power Plant  10/5/2014 #45416  
 Plant, Ain; Blayais Nuclear Power Plant near Blaye, Gironde; the Cattenom  10/5/2014 #45416  
ironde; the Cattenom Nuclear Power Plant, Moselle; the Chooz Nuclear Power  10/5/2014 #45416  
, Moselle; the Chooz Nuclear Power Plant, Ardennes; the Gravelines Nuclear  10/5/2014 #45416  
Nord; and the Nogent Nuclear Power Plant, Aube.                             10/5/2014 #45416  
r within a location called “Possum Plant”   Area 51 had a triangle Astra-TR 4/5/2016 #45449  
 was at Nellis; Tejon Ranch, Llano Plant, Helendale Plant, Phillips Labs ar 4/18/2016 #45451  
ejon Ranch, Llano Plant, Helendale Plant, Phillips Labs are all underground 4/18/2016 #45451  
ove the site. They remain over the plant for more than 80 minutes and are e 9/29/2019 #45610  
            Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant in Forsmark, Sweden Ringhals and O 1/17/2022 #45734  
circles the Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant in Forsmark, Sweden, operating eve 1/17/2022 #45734  
## Word: "plantain" (Back to Top)
 miles, they see an object “like a plantain banana” swathed in smoke. They  10/1978? #33787  
## Word: "plantation" (Back to Top)
        TABACAL, ARG Several sugar plantation. Disk crosses sky going quick 8/18/1958 #15212  
            On this night a rubber plantation worker in Vila Conceicao, nea 9/16/1962 #17407  
s come down into a clearing in the plantation. Three humanoid beings jumped 9/16/1962 #17407  
s, six pigs, and two cows from the plantation. The UFO shot straight up int 9/16/1962 #17407  
azil Three men working in a rubber plantation saw a large, disk-shaped obje 9/18/1962 #17415  
     Three men working on a rubber plantation in Barcelos, Amazonas State,  9/18/1962 #17417  
e early evening after work, rubber plantation latex collectors in Alto Puru 10/8/1965 #19652  
                                   Plantation, FL 9:00 p.m. EST. Seven high 3/3/1967 #21742  
tting in the middle of the road in Plantation, Florida at 9:00 p.m. The UFO 3/3/1967 #21748  
Goiás and Crixás, Goiás, Brazil, a plantation worker at the Estancia de San 8/13/1967 #22873  
n disk drops / very low over sugar plantation.                              4/24/1973 #27441  
                                   PLANTATION, FL 1 / car paced by saucer.  1/13/1977 #31719  
                                   Plantation, Florida 12:30 a.m. A driver  1/13/1977 #31720  
ed football with a dark equator in Plantation, Florida. The noiseless objec 1/13/1977 #31720  
.m. a 17-year-old woman driving in Plantation, Florida had her car paced by 1/13/1977 #31721  
YS Several boys. Several midgets / plantation. 24 August. Same boys. Large  8/22/1982 #36579  
large UFO on the ground in a fruit plantation in Sarikei, Malaysia. Several 8/24/1982 #36581  
## Word: "planted" (Back to Top)
er Paul are checking some recently planted corn on their farm near Fairbank Mid 5/1940 #1332  
Centauri clusters.” “Their masters planted the original humanities here and 7/3/1947 #2551  
story is apparently disinformation planted by ex-Hollywood writers in the C 3/27/1950 #4741  
he entire story was disinformation planted by the CIA Office of Policy Coor 3/27/1950 #4742  
Nick Redfern suspects the story is planted by either Soviet or US intellige 6/1952 #6404  
   An article in American Aviation planted by the Air Force attributes the  3/1/1954 #9586  
 peoples of the Congo basin) were “planted” from UFOs thousands of years ag 1957 #13429  
t the Cutler-Twining memo had been planted, as it had been found in a virtu 12/1987 #38341  
 seeds germinate easily, but those planted in the samples harvested outside 10/1/1995 #42529  
wever correctly or incorrectly, as planted ‘rockets,’ ‘submarine’ firings,  10/6/2006 #44971  
## Word: "planteh" (Back to Top)
on that they came from the planet "Planteh." They have been preparing "a ne 11/3/1975 #30547  
## Word: "planter" (Back to Top)
 Estate in Hewaheta 10:45 p.m. Tea planter Parl Abeywickrema, his two assis 7/17/1971 #26234  
## Word: "planting" (Back to Top)
 up a national debunking campaign, planting articles in magazines and arran 2/9/1953 #8653  
 up a national debunking campaign, planting articles in magazines and arran 2/9/1953 #8656  
in the process of burglarizing and planting surveillance bugs in the Democr 6/17/1972 #26719  
## Word: "plantonev" (Back to Top)
.m. Russian Army Lt. Col. Vladimir Plantonev witnesses an hours-long UFO si 10/4/1982 #36634  
## Word: "plants" (Back to Top)
the top of a hill, unearthing some plants along the slope. The heat is so i 6/12/1790 #91  
nglish astronomer John Herschel of plants, animals, and winged people on th 8/25/1835 #130  
 centrifuge, and gaseous diffusion plants to produce uranium-235.           6/19/1942 #1417  
d.” Water lilies and other aquatic plants are torn up and thrown on the sho 7/19/1946 #2071  
ly but require more advanced power plants than we have.                     11/8/1948 #3871  
the occupants had cells similar to plants that were responsive to sunlight  1949 #3947  
lindrical object scouts 3 aircraft plants. Hovers and extreme accelerations 7/11/1952 #6756  
t, devices, damaged devices, power plants, fragments are to be taken to Are 1954 #9424  
seudo-human/entity exit and look / plants.                                  6/1954 #9854  
r going quickly northeast. Crushed plants. / r217p170.                      9/26/1954 #10446  
ears to be sucked up. The roots of plants are not damaged. The French Air F 10/4/1954 #10698  
lock road / saucer. Take rocks and plants. / r173p239.                      11/28/1954 #11715  
ithout heels. After plucking a few plants, the men returned to their craft, 12/9/1954 #11789  
om waste cotton used in industrial plants.” John B. Diffenderfer, a chemist 2/21/1955 #12011  
ture. Men descend / steps and take plants. Going quickly northwest.         9/16/1955 #12455  
light. The occupants gathered some plants and flew away to the northwest.   9/16/1955 #12456  
light. The occupants gathered some plants and flew away to the northwest.   9/16/1955 #12457  
 slowly. It hovered for 5 min over plants which moved violently, then it fl 4/22/1957 #13611  
a disk that came down as grass and plants fluttered wildly under it. He fou 8/20/1957 #13911  
y descending, making the grass and plants flutter wildly. Reaching for his  8/20/1957 #13913  
isc that descended while grass and plants fluttered wildly underneath it. H 8/20/1957 #13915  
eams going down / beach. Rocks and plants cleared / 4 Sq meters. / r141#4p5 8/28/1957 #13938  
reenish-yellow beam at the ground. Plants and stones vanished from a four-m 8/28/1957 #13940  
nds. Small humanoid (or Grey) puts plants / silver box. / r211p42+/ FSR'63# 10/28/1962 #17507  
the landing gear. He then put some plants into a silver colored box and car 10/28/1962 #17514  
ard the craft, then collected some plants. He also reported a scorched area 4/1/1963 #17721  
ds. 7' figure exits. "Photographs" plants with cake-tin. Missing time?      5/1963? #17733  
 backpacks exit and take rocks and plants etc.                              4/7/1964 #18160  
Blast heard. 28' depression. Wheat plants pulled out / center. / r180p36.   6/28/1965 #19029  
) freeze observer(s). Get lavender plants. / r112p101+/ r8#650.             7/1/1965 #19043  
ey appeared to examine some tomato plants, reentered their craft, 6 m in di 9/11/1965 #19554  
up. Small humanoid (or Grey) takes plants leaves and twigs. Watches horse.  11/11/1965 #19712  
the form of a triangle. Reportedly plants do not grow in the area for the n 3/29/1966 #20139  
. 2 2M pseudo-human/entity examine plants etc. / instruments and lights. Be 5/10/1966 #20470  
ne a number of objects, especially plants. They were 2 m tall, had oversize 5/10/1966 #20471  
number of objects, especially some plants. They were two meters tall, had o 5/10/1966 #20475  
ead men with masks and odd papers. Plants burnt. / r5p1.                    8/17/1966 #20757  
do Vintem, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Plants in their vicinity were burnt. A d 8/17/1966 #20759  
pproached the house failed to grow plants, while plants elsewhere grew norm 1/29/1967 #21412  
house failed to grow plants, while plants elsewhere grew normally.          1/29/1967 #21412  
 a halt our electricity-generating plants, our radio stations, and our engi 2/1967 #21431  
(or Greys). Musical speech. Broken plants and footprints. / r30.            7/17/1967 #22671  
ratic burned patches of Dasylirion plants (charred at the base but not at t 8/26/1968 #24379  
a at 7:50 p.m. There were scorched plants and burned grass found at the sit 8/26/1968 #24382  
e was somewhat radioactive and the plants inside the circle were bone-dry a 10/7/1968 #24549  
ats. Sea boils. Sulfur odor. Marsh plants.                                  1/5/1969 #24816  
 Cloud-saucer lands. 12M / stunted plants found. Earthquake fault zone / r3 3/17/1969 #25016  
are oval in the soybean field. The plants’ leaves are severely dehydrated,  7/12/1969 #25264  
A 40-foot circle of wilted soybean plants was found, but the plants were no 7/12/1969 #25265  
 soybean plants was found, but the plants were not bent over or crushed.    7/12/1969 #25265  
-foot wide circle of burnt soybean plants was found in a field on the farm. 7/13/1969 #25269  
h of dead and silvery-white manuka plants (Leptospermum scoparium, tea tree 9/4/1969 #25351  
robotic figure(s) gather rocks and plants.                                  9/14/1969 #25368  
s and appeared to gather rocks and plants before returning to the object. T 9/14/1969 #25369  
" maneuvers / treetop level. Burnt plants. / r50p29.                        7/24/1970 #25746  
cores, Spain. It left behind burnt plants and leaves.                       7/24/1970 #25748  
abduction. "Brain" warns / nuclear plants. Videos and disinfo. / Flying Sau 8/17/1971 #26292  
scouts all over/all about farm and plants. Quickly going up [to] very fast. 1/25/1972 #26554  
id going down / very low altitude. Plants scorched. / r156.#17'73p16.       9/4/1973 #27759  
ltitude in Maubeuge, Nord, France. Plants were found scorched on the ground 9/4/1973 #27762  
eld. Going quickly NNW. Burnt beet plants found. / r30p512.                 8/28/1974 #29395  
 low over a beet field. Burnt beet plants were found at the site.           8/28/1974 #29399  
ounding a large smoke blot. Nearby plants are burned and stones are blacken 4/20/1975 #29998  
ld. A thirty-foot diameter area of plants was flattened, the tobacco plants 7/6/1975 #30165  
 plants was flattened, the tobacco plants were wilted and burned, and an oi 7/6/1975 #30165  
 circular crushed patch of tobacco plants about 30–40 feet in diameter. Ins 7/6/1975 #30167  
ld. A thirty-foot diameter area of plants was flattened, the tobacco plants 7/6/1975 #30169  
 plants was flattened, the tobacco plants were wilted and burned, and an oi 7/6/1975 #30169  
 cardboard box next to some potted plants, the plants died three days later 8/28/1975 #30315  
ox next to some potted plants, the plants died three days later.            8/28/1975 #30315  
, FR. GUYN Silent 5M sphere lights plants and ground. All glow white! Maneu 12/3/1975 #30683  
d crushed some of their strawberry plants. They found two 0.9-meter diamete 12/8/1975 #30694  
-meter diameter areas in which the plants were flattened and swirled in a c 12/8/1975 #30694  
eters was found in the field where plants were bent and dehydrated. (NICAP: 9/2/1978 #33625  
 An area of crushed and dehydrated plants was found at the landing site. It 9/2/1978 #33627  
ed lights all over. 1 on car. 1 on plants. Fan of light swoops going quickl 10/5/1981 #36158  
he witness notes that two amaranth plants located near the UFO have desicca 10/21/1982 #36657  
 take some samples of the amaranth plants. The analysis of the samples made 10/21/1982 #36657  
mples made by GEPAN finds that the plants are dehydrated, but there is no e 10/21/1982 #36657  
t lands / hill. 20M circle / burnt plants.                                  8/19/1985 #37648  
appearance. Lazar claims the power plants inside the craft are so advanced  5/15/1989 #38953  
es are in front of the UFO, poking plants with a prod and hopping about lik 7/9/1990 #39640  
ver field. 3+1M beams going down / plants. / r238p103.                      11/5/1990 #39861  
tent on inspecting the terrain and plants, constantly murmuring between the 3/11/1992 #40372  
uerto Rico to cut down some banana plants when everything around him became 5/15/1995 #42211  
 Saucer lands. 3 men exit and take plants / both places.                    12/14/1995 #42644  
) / garden. Glow lights ground and plants. Going quickly west.              11/5/1996 #43106  
the witnesses, the grass and small plants at the site where the UFO landed  5/8/2004 #44696  
in. It appeared to be studying the plants, and from this point on he has no 4/12/2008 #45127  
es are observed over seven nuclear plants in France. Interior Minister Bern 10/5/2014 #45416  
 early in the morning. The nuclear plants are the Superphénix in Creys-Malv 10/5/2014 #45416  
ghals and Oskarshamn nuclear power plants Parliament buildings and the Roya 1/17/2022 #45734  
ghals and Oskarshamn nuclear power plants. The previous week, drones are se 1/17/2022 #45734  
## Word: "plappeville" (Back to Top)
                                   PLAPPEVILLE, 57+AVON, 77, FR / 2230H Moo 5/9/1974 #29095  
## Word: "plaque" (Back to Top)
them. Then one of them took out "a plaque with two shining symbols on it,"  3/16/1972 #26606  
ing of the snow. In relief on this plaque and going toward the façade of th 1/6/1977 #31707  
legedly clear Carlos's arteries of plaque.                                  8/15/1990 #39689  
## Word: "plasencia" (Back to Top)
          Around 4:30 a.m. between Plasencia and Bejar, Caceres, Spain a ma 8/5/1970 #25770  
## Word: "plasencia-bejar" (Back to Top)
                                   PLASENCIA-BEJAR, SP 90cm sphere stops. G 8/5/1970 #25768  
## Word: "plasma" (Back to Top)
sky over the Strait. It gave off a plasma glow. On the same day two railroa 4/7/1950 #4819  
SLO, NORWAY 2 / airfield. Ovoid in plasma glow going quickly northeast. See 7/12/1952 #6771  
              DAYTON, OH Disk with plasma cone going [to] flat face forward 7/13/1952 #6787  
A Teacher. White ball / light with plasma. Dances about as if alive / 4 min 9/14/1952 #7921  
shaped object" that was emitting a plasma glow.                             8/23/1956 #13125  
                               US "Plasma Theory May Explain Many UFOs," by 8/22/1966 #20785  
ion Week that the Exeter UFO was a plasma discharge from high-voltage power 8/22/1966 #20786  
ous free-floating plasmas. Klass’s plasma hypothesis is not well received b 1968 #23627  
 analyzing in depth Philip Klass’s plasma theory of UFOs and rejecting it a 3/12/1968 #23839  
es E. McDonald’s criticisms of his plasma theory of UFOs in a privately cir 5/21/1968 #23977  
es E. McDonald’s criticisms of his plasma theory of UFOs in another unpubli 6/11/1968 #24021  
and loss of UHF transmission to “a plasma similar to ball lightning.”       10/24/1968 #24587  
lectro-magnetic effects). Circle / plasma rises. OK.                        9/24/1974 #29472  
 white, formed over a base ring of plasma. It made no sound.                1/9/1979 #34326  
aucer crosses road / low altitude. Plasma glows around object.              1/18/1985 #37549  
nce at a low altitude. There was a plasma glow surrounding the object.      1/18/1985 #37550  
mes since and that might involve a plasma that can temporarily disrupt elec 10/1988 #38661  
e. Tape shows black ring on it and plasma. R123p56.                         12/24/1989 #39334  
ll with a black ring around it and plasma.                                  12/24/1989 #39339  
RISTOL, AVON 3 observer(s). Orange plasma and lights surrounds delta/triang 10/11/1990 #39775  
ichaels the UAP was shot down by a plasma beam using quark gluon technology 11/24/1992 #40726  
atory project to develop a coaxial plasma railgun. It is one of several US  8/1/1993 #41100  
ch Laboratory project to develop a plasma railgun. Two years earlier, journ 8/1/1993 #41101  
EVILLE, IL Disk-ovoid surrounded / plasma going quickly southwest. Stops an 3/15/1995 #42104  
rmore. Fouche claims mercury-based plasma is pressurized, heated and rotate 1998 #43481  
. Orange 12M disk follows 5 / car. Plasma color(s). 4 more join. Going quic 1/1/2001 #44113  
it. In the video it appears that a plasma field or something was surroundin 11/22/2002 #44449  
ed materials scientist who studied plasma physics and the crystalline struc 8/2004 #44724  
erred to in the report as “Buoyant Plasma Formation,” akin to ball lightnin 5/15/2006 #44942  
lectromagnetic fields generated by plasma phenomena are also said to explai 5/15/2006 #44942  
vel military applications” of this plasma phenomenon is warranted, and that 5/15/2006 #44942  
on between the ‘UFO phenomena’ and Plasma technologies,” and are “pursuing  5/15/2006 #44942  
f cases to the “close proximity of plasma related fields” which it said can 5/15/2006 #44942  
veteran Gary R. Gochnour patents a plasma based aircraft design shaped as a 5/18/2006 #44945  
e UFO as a “brilliant yellow white plasma object, teardrop shaped.” There a 3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "plasma-based" (Back to Top)
of several US efforts to develop a plasma-based projectile. It began develo 8/1/1993 #41100  
## Word: "plasma-beams" (Back to Top)
         OFF ARONA, ITL Saucer and plasma-beams over Lago Maggiore. Photogr 3/3/1979 #34461  
## Word: "plasma-cloud" (Back to Top)
everal small objects emerge / oval plasma-cloud & going quickly south towar 2/23/1963 #17682  
## Word: "plasma-glow" (Back to Top)
tical metallic column with colored plasma-glow lights. "Dreadful..".        4/7/1949 #4079  
 about sky over strait / Mackinac. Plasma-glow.                             4/7/1950 #4808  
## Word: "plasma-like" (Back to Top)
types of UAP they could encounter (plasma-like balls, tic-tacs, discs). It  5/2021 #45685  
## Word: "plasmas" (Back to Top)
. Later, he suspects they might be plasmas occurring at the inversion layer Spring 1948 #3593  
   US "Many UFOs Are Identified as Plasmas," by Philip J. Klass in Aviation 10/3/1966 #20954  
nother article in Aviation Week on plasmas as an explanation for UFOs. (Phi 10/3/1966 #20955  
lass, “Many UFOs Are Identified as Plasmas,” Aviation Week and Space Techno 10/3/1966 #20955  
htning and anomalous free-floating plasmas. Klass’s plasma hypothesis is no 1968 #23627  
ified phenomenon (his hypothetical plasmas) to explain another unverified p 1968 #23627  
ing lightweight objects or forming plasmas that look like UAP, but theoreti 11/29/2021 #45725  
## Word: "plaster" (Back to Top)
 p.m., Williamson takes casts with plaster of paris, which he just happens  11/20/1952 #8309  
 the situation and waiting for the plaster to dry, the group returns to Des 11/20/1952 #8309  
goes to the landing site and takes plaster casts of the footprints, which h 9/1957 #13966  
stern Cape, takes soil samples and plaster casts of the imprints.           6/26/1972 #26735  
 heavy creatures. The campers made plaster casts of the prints and photogra 10/20/1973 #28222  
## Word: "plasterer" (Back to Top)
Montville, Ohio Olden Moore, 28, a plasterer was driving home when he sudde 11/6/1957 #14417  
enty-eight year old Olden Moore, a plasterer, was driving home in Montville 11/6/1957 #14441  
## Word: "plasters" (Back to Top)
ward Stuart, Virginia. Billy Wayne Plasters and Richard N. Clifton drove to 3/1/1974 #28843  
## Word: "plastic" (Back to Top)
ogul Flight number 8, a cluster of plastic balloons, is launched from Hollo 7/3/1947 #2580  
ogul Flight number 9, a cluster of plastic balloons, is launched from Hollo 7/3/1947 #2585  
gul Flight number 10, a cluster of plastic balloons, is launched from Hollo 7/5/1947 #2720  
00 feet, tracking a Project Gopher plastic balloon at about 50,000–70,000 f 1/22/1951 #5413  
ts to duplicate a “water drive and plastic core elements” found in an UAP e 1952 #5845  
ect apparently made of transparent plastic fly over the houses, stop on edg 9/3/1954 #10238  
ect apparently made of transparent plastic fly over the houses, stop on its 9/3/1954 #10240  
haped object with a clear glass or plastic nose having a door, and with pol 9/21/1954 #10382  
haped object with a clear glass or plastic nose and door, poles or aerials  9/21/1954 #10383  
 creature resembling "a child in a plastic bag, with eyes larger than human 9/26/1954 #10450  
 be a "diving suit" of transparent plastic, 3.5 feet high. A little man wit 9/26/1954 #10452  
s inside, resembling "a child in a plastic bag, with eyes larger than human 9/26/1954 #10452  
f seemed to be made of transparent plastic, and two humanlike figures were  10/9/1954 #10847  
appeared to be made of transparent plastic, and two humanlike figures were  10/9/1954 #10865  
, and essentially resembled "white plastic bags" lit from within. The figur 10/25/1954 #11404  
ark shiny suits, as if made out of plastic. The creatures quickly retreated 11/23/1954 #11697  
is seeing wind-driven experimental plastic balloons that might travel as fa 10/10/1955 #12497  
LTOONA, PA 1 observer. 3' saucer / plastic dome spins 4' over backyard. Goi 8/27/1956 #13135  
o the witness. He was dressed in a plastic diving suit. The witness entered 5/1/1957 #13637  
endly gestures. He is dressed in a plastic diving suit. The witness enters  5/1/1957 #13638  
all and fair, wore a tight-fitting plastic garment, and seemed to communica 11/18/1957 #14576  
all and fair, wore a tight-fitting plastic garment, and seemed to communica 11/18/1957 #14578  
had faked the photo using parts of plastic airplane models.                 12/3/1957 #14666  
all and fair, wore a tight fitting plastic garment, and seemed to communica 1/7/1958 #14813  
d suggests it is plant material or plastic.                                 11/9/1958 #15434  
 He wore a helmet and some form of plastic clothing, and gloves looking lik 4/25/1959 #15713  
. He wore a helmet and was clad in plastic looking clothing, with gloves th 4/26/1959 #15714  
plays it to his friends in a cheap plastic box—which is how it is sold in t 5/31/1963 #17774  
he size of a Jeep and was a "shiny plastic" color. It rose ten feet off the 6/25/1964 #18376  
art. A blond-haired pilot, wearing plastic coveralls and small boots, seeme 7/20/1965 #19149  
upper part. A blond pilot, wearing plastic coveralls and small boots, seeme 7/20/1965 #19153  
nd trees. The teen grabbed a small plastic camera and snapped several photo 1/19/1967 #21355  
as well as some hard green-colored plastic strips bearing the distinctive A 6/1/1967 #22448  
eña later confesses to hoaxing the plastic strips, which are made of Tedlar 6/1/1967 #22448  
meter) made of material like clear plastic with lighted grillwork and an op 7/15/1967 #22664  
68, p. 3.) [Possible high-altitude plastic research balloon] (NICAP: 02 - C 11/21/1967 #23490  
heep pen covered with some form of plastic net, and inside was a short bein 5/14/1968 #23962  
 They are encased under a glass or plastic lens with embossed figures arran 5/17/1968 #23969  
 with angel hair that he puts in a plastic bag and freezes. A chemist analy 11/6/1968 #24637  
heads and they wore tight-fitting, plastic like outfits, entirely covering  5/20/1969 #25151  
ed slowly and from it descended a “plastic bubble” with a glowing light ins 12/27/1969 #25510  
es / 2 days. 1 3M saucer had clear plastic windshield..                     7/16/1972 #26805  
lood sample was taken with a small plastic looking bottle with tubes and wi 10/16/1973 #28089  
 or having white faces like molded plastic masks. Their eyes were large and 10/20/1973 #28220  
gazes up at it, he feels as if hot plastic is being poured on his head. He  Early 2/1975 #29782  
und base and surmounted by a clear plastic–like, hemispherical dome. Large  7/22/1975 #30200  
 as three other humans put a clear plastic mask over his face. He remembers 11/5/1975 #30562  
ting clothing resembling rubber or plastic, with wide belts whose buckles e 1/29/1976 #30832  
)/airliner and Ni and Sb. Foil and plastic. / news.                         8/6/1976 #31238  
 were made to undress and sit on a plastic like bench. The humanoids then l 8/26/1976 #31307  
ES Saucer lands. Figure(s) / white plastic suits exit. Inspect bomb shelter 4/19/1977 #31995  
tch, set at the same time. The red plastic lens covering the roof light on  8/27/1979 #34787  
ge to the headlight glass and lamp plastic.                                 8/27/1979 #34787  
own at roof-level. 1 found = burnt plastic.                                 9/3/1979 #34824  
 UFO. They seem to be covered in a plastic cloak and have a wobbling gait.  8/12/1983 #36949  
lic foil, a brittle brownish-black plastic like material like Bakelite; and 3/6/1991 #40002  
d it had what appeared to be black plastic shields over them. Its head was  3/16/1993 #40886  
d put in a wooden box with a white plastic or canvas cover, and driven away 1/20/1996 #42697  
 face, and his skin felt like hard plastic. She struggled some more, grabbi 2/24/1997 #43207  
radually deteriorated into a thin, plastic like cover on the lawn.          2/27/1997 #43213  
s then smothered themselves with a plastic bag. Videotaped statements left  3/26/1997 #43240  
e can recall seeing a man inside a plastic looking column filled with liqui 4/15/1997 #43261  
rent synthetic material resembling plastic. They eyes were very light, almo 3/26/2002 #44326  
 carpet and also what sounded like plastic tubes being slapped against a ha 11/25/2005 #44906  
h, and it had a smell like burning plastic. A security light outside kept t 1/30/2006 #44920  
n object. The collision breaks the plastic window covering the cockpit, pun 10/30/2007 #45086  
## Word: "plastic-like" (Back to Top)
o the sinkhole and depressions are plastic-like beams, pieces of lightweigh 7/5/1947 #2723  
     HAMPTON BEACH, VCT, AUS Clear plastic-like dish rushes across skyline. 1/1/1954 #9431  
 looked like "a big bowl of jelly, plastic-like and shiny..." The object wa 5/16/1966 #20490  
is covered with a net made of some plastic-like material, and that inside t 3/10/1968 #23834  
 p.m. Grey fish-shaped object with plastic-like compartment on front and po 10/14/1973 #28027  
 a briefing and shown how to use a plastic-like panel with symbols; Jean Ki 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "plastics" (Back to Top)
od and were composed of metals and plastics not known on Earth. The USAF pa 7/1991 #40108  
## Word: "plastow" (Back to Top)
Hampshire, England, with Lt. James Plastow from Sandhurst Military College  8/27/1979 #34788  
## Word: "plata" (Back to Top)
              Many residents of La Plata, Argentina phoned the police and t 6/21/1962 #17241  
                         MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG 3 observer(s). Blue flash / w 10/10/1962 #17461  
tractor to stop running in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina  10/10/1962 #17465  
 seen on the bank of the Rio de la Plata River by two workers and four youn 7/17/1965 #19116  
 seen on the bank of the Rio de la Plata River by two workers and four youn 7/17/1965 #19118  
                         MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG Several observer(s). Saucer l 8/20/1965 #19434  
                           Mar del Plata, Argentina Mr. and Mrs. Yacobi hea 8/20/1965 #19440  
returning to their home in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina  8/20/1965 #19444  
                                La Plata, MD 11:45 p.m. EDT. A drug store o 10/26/1966 #21036  
ey would meet him again in Mar Del Plata, Argentina. He had a vague recolle 1/25/1968 #23700  
                    NEAR MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG Several observer(s). Top-sauc 6/28/1968 #24090  
d" who tried to talk to them in La Plata, Argentina. He was six feet tall,  7/9/1968 #24163  
                         MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG 2 luminous saucers maneuver.  7/11/1968 #24166  
asia were at their home in Mar del Plata, Argentina when Anastasia suddenly 7/15/1968 #24179  
                         MARCH DEL PLATA.ARG 2 / car. 30M saucer hovers ove 7/23/1968 #24208  
                         MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG Car stalls. Saucer / roadside 4/1/1970 #25617  
UFO seen near a highway in Mar del Plata, Argentina by the driver after the 4/1/1970 #25619  
                           Mar del Plata, Argentina Daylight disc photo sim 4/15/1970 #25631  
                           Mar,del Plata, Argentina Daylight disc photo sim 4/15/1970 #25632  
At 1:38 p.m. local time in Mar del Plata, Argentina a luminous disc-shaped  4/15/1970 #25634  
                         MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG 1 observer. Saucer glows / da 4/17/1970 #25635  
                         MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG Many observer(s) and film. Bl 5/1/1971 #26094  
 saucer-shaped object over Mar del Plata, Argentina between 8:00 and 9:00 p 5/1/1971 #26095  
                            PUERTO PLATA, DOMINICAN REP Extra moon suddenly 11/2/1972 #27105  
laza Colon at 6:30 p.m. in Mar del Plata, Argentina when she observed a bri 7/9/1973 #27625  
walking along the beach in Mar Del Plata, Argentina at midnight when they s 1/15/1974 #28680  
                           NEAR LA PLATA, ARG 3+3 observer(s). 110 dB roar. 11/26/1974 #29608  
 near the ground in a garden in La Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina  11/26/1974 #29611  
                         MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG Videotape shows saucer hover  11/2/1991 #40217  
               El Paraiso, Mar del Plata, Argentina 2:00 a.m. In the farmin 2/7/2005 #44813  
arming area of El Paraiso, Mar del Plata, Argentina, a resident hears a noi 2/7/2005 #44813  
## Word: "plate" (Back to Top)
 as a dark “round flat form like a plate and like a big man’s hat” that hov 4/8/1665 #46  
h a 12.25-inch reflector. When the plate is developed, it shows an unknown  3/30/1908 #703  
 UFO, round "like an inverted soup plate," sped overhead emitting rays of l 11/1928 #1089  
dwiger sees an object like a black plate, whose diameter is one-eighth that Summer 1945 #1882  
 circles. "Size and shape / dinner plate".                                  6/29/1947 #2459  
VALDOSTA, GA Woman. Small aluminum plate flies behind treeline. No further  7/5/1947 #2715  
an pilot and teacher. Large silver plate going north veers going quickly we 7/6/1947 #2751  
EENWOOD, MO 3 / farm. Large silver plate going north. Turns on edge. Turns  7/6/1947 #2761  
  MINNEAPOLIS, MN 1 observer. 25cm plate with propeller / rear flies over h 7/6/1947 #2801  
 OK 1 / back yard. Bright aluminum plate going quickly west high and fast.  7/7/1947 #2860  
-aluminum disk wobbles like tossed plate / 5 minutes. Going north.          7/25/1947 #3228  
 a swishing sound. Shape: inverted plate, 7 m diameter and 3.5 m thick. The 8/13/1947 #3319  
A, SP Numerous observer(s). Flying plate east going quickly west / very hig 3/25/1950 #4719  
CKS, CT Partly translucent "dinner plate". / doubt Magzn.v2#43p212.         9/26/1950 #5197  
GARY, IN 1+dog. Disk size / dinner plate. 3M tail. Red glow. Going [to] low 7/11/1952 #6759  
l which lengthened and narrowed to plate shape (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 8/4/1952 #7447  
l which lengthened and narrowed to plate shape, flew straight and level for 8/4/1952 #7449  
ned and narrowed to the shape of a plate, then flew straight and level for  8/4/1952 #7451  
Elberton, AL Object, shaped like a plate, with a brilliant front and vague  10/24/1952 #8179  
trainer. One object, shaped like a plate, with a brilliant front and vague  10/24/1952 #8180  
th a reddish light and saw a large plate 10 m above him, between gold and c 11/18/1952 #8294  
ct lowered itself toward the lower plate. The sound gained intensity, and t 11/18/1952 #8294  
ct lowered itself toward the lower plate. The sound gained intensity, and t 11/18/1952 #8298  
 locks, doubly secured by a hinged plate locked with a large padlock.       1954 #9420  
954 a UFO shaped like a red dinner plate hung in the sky on edge for 15 min 5/12/1954 #9781  
 saucer / field. Wide door / side. Plate / top. Quickly going up. / r197p01 9/7/1954 #10263  
ike an unfinished haystack, with a plate turned upside down on top of it."  9/7/1954 #10266  
ike an unfinished haystack “with a plate turned upside down on top of it.”  9/7/1954 #10268  
ike an unfinished haystack, with a plate turned upside down on top of it."  9/7/1954 #10270  
    DHUBRI, INDIA Woman. "Luminous plate" lands in field. Flies off again.  10/1/1954 #10538  
minum colored object shaped like a plate, with a dome and two portholes. It 10/10/1954 #10888  
minum-colored object shaped like a plate, with a dome on top and two portho 10/10/1954 #10900  
r craft shaped like an upside-down plate. At the same time, the engine on h 10/14/1954 #11051  
r craft shaped like an upside-down plate just after dark. At the same time, 10/14/1954 #11072  
lat craft, shaped like an inverted plate, fly very low toward the sea. A se 10/15/1954 #11106  
at craft, -shaped like an inverted plate, fly very low toward the sea. A se 10/15/1954 #11122  
ed airplane. It resembled a large "plate" resting on the ground; it was two 10/24/1954 #11366  
gs, and was only as big as a large plate. As it flew low over him, he jumpe 11/9/1954 #11611  
 Witnesses: Two photographers, one plate maker for the Army Map Service (on 9/7/1955 #12434  
Two photographers and an engraving plate maker for the Army Map Service sig 9/7/1955 #12436  
LINGEN, SWZ 2 observer(s). 8M grey plate / 50M altitude spins / 6 second(s) 9/23/1955 #12470  
s closer, it is seen as a circular plate giving off a dazzling white light  7/25/1957 #13837  
 luminous streak on a photographic plate recording the passage of Sputnik 2 12/18/1957 #14747  
, IN 2 observer(s). Brilliant "pie plate" going quickly northeast. Sudden t 8/24/1958 #15222  
shaped like a half egg on top of a plate, and it emitted brilliant orange,  10/16/1959 #16035  
-magnetic effects). Humming. Outer plate pulled in and replaced!            8/11/1960 #16368  
part was similar to an upside down plate and the upper part was shaped like 6/3/1961 #16717  
ar observed an object resembling a plate turned upside down, with a central 8/20/1963 #17911  
t 9:32 p.m. an object resembling a plate turned upside down, with a central 8/20/1963 #17913  
er with vibrant bright rectangular plate hovers over new homes. Going quick 6/2/1964 #18318  
ect with a very bright rectangular plate hovered over some new housing cons 6/2/1964 #18324  
n object resembling an upside-down plate, very luminous, with a red light o 5/24/1965 #18960  
n object resembling an upside-down plate, very luminous, with a red light o 5/24/1965 #18965  
oto is a hoax created by holding a plate up next to the moon with a fist (p 8/8/1965 #19341  
ed object shaped like a large soup plate appeared 50 m away, rose from the  8/14/1965 #19389  
o, Peru A red object shaped like a plate, emittting fire and smoke through  8/25/1965 #19463  
10 a.m. a red object shaped like a plate with two antennae on top and emitt 8/25/1965 #19465  
tle through the sky, like a "giant plate of light that lit up the whole hor 11/30/1965 #19743  
The craft resembled an upside-down plate, very smooth, apparently metallic, 4/8/1966 #20275  
. Brilliant "cloud". See reference plate 58.                                4/22/1966 #20358  
entina, saw a gray object like one plate inverted on top of the other (disc 4/29/1966 #20426  
ed. A disc like an inverted dinner plate, with red and green body lights on 8/19/1966 #20767  
llow-white disc shaped like a soup plate that made a soft swishing sound as 9/8/1966 #20864  
ft's contrail moving like a sailed plate (oscillating motion), once stoppin 10/11/1966 #20989  
as said to be " like a bowl atop a plate" (domed disc). (NICAP: 02 - Close  3/23/1967 #21952  
 an object shaped like an inverted plate emitting a greenish-blue light. It 5/22/1967 #22388  
 an object shaped like an inverted plate emitting a greenish-blue light in  5/22/1967 #22389  
 symbol is a small model—an 8-inch plate suspended by a string or fishing l 6/1/1967 #22448  
er son saw a double disc (like one plate inverted on top of the other) that 6/26/1967 #22558  
our feet above the ground.  It was plate shaped with a convex bottom side,  10/29/1967 #23364  
ct looking like an overturned soup plate with a cupola on top. The object i 6/18/1968 #24044  
h, and above its head was a curved plate with a lever. They spoke among the 5/20/1969 #25151  
appeared as a bright blue inverted plate about 20 meters in diameter. It fl 8/19/1969 #25324  
 upon an improbably placed viewing plate in which he could see the south en 8/15/1970 #25787  
ip. He noticed to his right a view plate. He caught a glance through the da 8/15/1970 #25787  
landing foot there had ben a round plate. These plates have penetrated the  2/5/1971 #26014  
 Tens flash / light. Silent yellow plate 5x diameter / moon east going nort 10/1971 (approximate) #26392  
away County, OH A UFO resembling a plate turned upside down on another plat 11/6/1971 #26463  
late turned upside down on another plate that glowed with a white light, re 11/6/1971 #26463  
helmet with a large, circular face plate showing a pear shaped, grayish hea 1/7/1974 #28661  
esias sees a strange object like a plate placed above another large, round  3/26/1974 #28956  
d a strange luminous object like a plate placed above another large, round  3/26/1974 #28957  
 RIO DJ, BRZ 4+6+observer(s). Fast plate saucer. Bright flashes. Stops dead 6/15/1974 #29195  
changed from white to red, size of plate at arm's length, passed over house 11/1974 #29572  
or, and resembles an inverted soup plate. The strange contraption is approx 7/26/1975 #30208  
rs to their left. It looked like a plate turned upside down with a dome on  8/8/1975 #30244  
pped helmet and a rectangular face plate. Atop the helmet was a whitish lig 1/26/1976 #30821  
bject that looked like an inverted plate while flying over Tabio, Cundinama 5/5/1977 #32058  
bject that looked like an inverted plate while flying over Tabio, Cundinama 5/5/1977 #32059  
 metallic helmet with a glass face plate encasing the head that came to a s 7/12/1977 #32266  
pe, 7 spherical, one like a tilted plate, 3 discoid, one like a half-moon,  8/3/1977 #32353  
ated to be as large as a four-inch plate held at arm's length, at no more t Fall 1977 #32514  
Many observer(s). Luminous/glowing plate rotates. Northwest going southeast 10/21/1977? #32597  
t was shaped like an inverted soup plate, had a matt, silvery metallic colo 2/5/1978 #32957  
uld have been was a round metallic plate. Their one-piece suits were light  7/11/1978 #33368  
d a metallic disc-shaped emblem or plate on the chest, about 15 cm in diame 7/11/1978 #33368  
 sees a silver object resembling a plate turned upside down, about 65 feet  10/7/1978 #33805  
          CASILDA, ARG 2 brilliant plate saucers come and go several X. 1 h 10/19/1978 #33844  
he UFO "looked like an upside-down plate with a dome on it. My kids and I w 11/27/1978 #34006  
the level of their eyes is a glass plate through which they can apparently  8/1979 #34692  
RAMAY, CH 2000 observer(s). Silent plate west going quickly east over outdo 6/25/1982 #36514  
, FL 1 observer. 40' silver "paper plate" over nearby house. Lights on edge 8/18/1989 #39065  
 Bright light shaped like inverted plate with hump.                         5/8/1992 #40459  
d as a bright, stationary inverted plate with a hump on top, was observed a 5/8/1992 #40460  
 the craft was disc-shaped, like a plate upside down, with a smaller bowl o 9/16/1992 #40623  
 COQUILLE, OR 2 observer(s). White plate hovers / long time. No planet / am 12/3/1994 #41878  
 CUBZAC, FR Vineyard man. Luminous plate saucer passes. Absolute(ly) silent 2/13/2000 #43949  
          An object like a "dinner plate" with a dome on the bottom was sig 3/26/2004 #44680  
week later, he reports the license plate to BAASS, which tracks it to a Dep 5/8/2009 #45220  
ngle. “Jones” reported the license plate to Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Spac 5/8/2009 #45221  
(AAWSAP). BAASS tracks the license plate to a DHS carpool.  https://threadr 5/8/2009 #45221  
rilling catalyzed certain tectonic plate movements near the California coas 10/20/2022 #45781  
## Word: "plate'" (Back to Top)
erford / car. Round silver 'dinner plate' going quickly north. High and fas 7/5/1947 #2705  
## Word: "plate-like" (Back to Top)
ed off the expressway to watch two plate-like objects. (NICAP: 01 - Distant 10/11/1973 #27992  
ntgomery County, Ohio to watch two plate-like objects flying around. The Oh 10/11/1973 #28001  
 Island, when she spots an “ovoid, plate-like” object that is tilted slight 12/17/1977 #32791  
en minutes.  At 10:30 p.m. a flat, plate-like or saucer-shaped object with  9/4/2007 #45052  
## Word: "plate-saucer" (Back to Top)
  CASTELFRANCO EMILIA, ITL Farmer. Plate-saucer hovers. 5M cylinder/cylindr 11/16/1952 #8284  
ITH, ARK 3 observer(s). 2M glowing plate-saucer hovers / treetops / rainsto 11/17/1958 #15446  
      NEAR SALTA, ARG 4 / car. 10M plate-saucer hovers / 8M over roadside.  5/14/1964 #18264  
        GAYLORD, MI 2 observer(s). Plate-saucer going [to] over road slowly 5/31/1970 #25678  
    CARRARA, ITL Sculptor. 20M and plate-saucer hovers very low over street 8/24/1977 #32418  
     MIRAFLORES, ARG White-glowing plate-saucer. Fast maneuvers. Stops / se 10/14/1978 #33832  
                  WEST SEATTLE, WA Plate-saucer with red and green and viol 3/12/1988 #38499  
## Word: "plate-saucers" (Back to Top)
S 1 observer. 2-3 luminous/glowing plate-saucers going [to] toward(s) Army  7/7/1947 #2906  
CSON, AZ 2 observer(s). Whistle. 3 plate-saucers circle / counterclockwise. 3/22/1997 #43237  
## Word: "plate-shaped" (Back to Top)
 Craig, Montana a string of twelve plate-shaped objects flew over a couple  7/4/1947 #2676  
ky blue, seven-meter wide inverted plate-shaped flying object 100 meters aw 8/13/1947 #3322  
t. Marcinko sighted a deep orange, plate-shaped flying object with a brilli 10/24/1952 #8182  
 Emilia, Italy saw a 20 meter wide plate-shaped disc hovering at 9:30 a.m.  11/16/1952 #8290  
light on this morning when a large plate-shaped object flew ten meters abov 11/18/1952 #8298  
  An eight meter wide gray colored plate-shaped disc flew at only 50 meters 9/23/1955 #12471  
arold son Robbie observed a large, plate-shaped machine with a dome on top, 10/4/1965 #19642  
st. Police described the object as plate-shaped when stationary above the s 4/22/1966 #20371  
                At 9:00 p.m. EDT a plate-shaped UFO flashing multi-colored  4/22/1966 #20380  
t first saw a bright light, then a plate-shaped object hovering near the ho 10/14/1966 #20999  
about 8 km north of Freetown saw a plate-shaped object with red, yellow, bl 1/17/1967 #21332  
ndiana on this night when he saw a plate-shaped object with red, yellow, bl 1/17/1967 #21334  
a The Sodestrom family obsered two plate-shaped objects, one 30 m in diamet 3/4/1967 #21752  
 the Sodestrom family observed two plate-shaped objects, one 30 meters in d 3/4/1967 #21753  
t of water out of which three huge plate-shaped discs emerged and streaked  8/25/1967 #22922  
uela, from which arise “three huge plate-shaped discs” that streak out of s 8/25/1967 #22925  
being transported onto a hovering, plate-shaped craft via a beam of light.  10/28/1973 #28311  
rvations at his home saw a silver, plate-shaped UFO, within a block of ligh 11/23/1978 #33990  
pontin, Belgium, watch a gigantic, plate-shaped UFO with many lights and a  1/6/1991 #39947  
   Near Titusville, Pennsylvania a plate-shaped UFO was observed near some  8/23/1993 #41154  
ainbow replied that he could see a plate-shaped craft about 27 meters from  8/25/2004 #44741  
## Word: "plate-sized" (Back to Top)
               Kiel, Germany Black plate-sized discs. (Page 55 Ref.1) (NICA 1/5/1944 #1562  
## Word: "plate-tectonic" (Back to Top)
dges, an important confirmation of plate-tectonic theory.                   7/1/1957 #13768  
## Word: "plate-ufo" (Back to Top)
             WEST / TITUSVILLE, PA Plate-UFO near pine trees / 20 minute(s) 8/23/1993 #41152  
## Word: "plate-weird" (Back to Top)
RE STRAITS TIMES Crowds see "white plate-weird smoke trails-flying saucer.. 9/5/1952 #7847  
## Word: "plateau" (Back to Top)
                            Leurda plateau Colun, Romania Cârța River Olt A 6/1926 #1058  
u is with his horses on the Leurda plateau near Colun, Romania, when he see 6/1926 #1058  
s oilman, a UFO crashes on a rocky plateau off Hart Canyon Road east of Azt 3/25/1948 #3598  
 tasked with standing guard over a plateau in a remote, fenced-off part of  1949 #3945  
ghts in the sky. They approach the plateau and descend slowly and silently. 1949 #3945  
nd silently. Suddenly, part of the plateau opens up and they can see light  1949 #3945  
                            TIARET PLATEAU, ALG 3 "reliable observer(s)". S 7/26/1952 #7157  
                           Lifjell plateau, Telemark, Norway 2:17 p.m. John 6/30/1954 #9969  
es planes flying above the Lifjell plateau, Telemark, Norway, to observe a  6/30/1954 #9969  
Angel Falls, Venezuela Auyán-tepui plateau Ali R. Diaz is aboard a DC-3 tou 12/21/1962 #17601  
ing across the face of Auyán-tepui plateau. The UFO seems to oscillate from 12/21/1962 #17601  
                                   PLATEAU DE CAUSSOLS, FR 2 / car. 1 large 8/6/1994 #41657  
## Word: "plated" (Back to Top)
 automobile, with a bright "nickel plated" surface. The conversation contin 9/22/1972 #27026  
ark, close fitting uniform with a "plated" surface, and wearing a helmet co 2/26/1973 #27318  
## Word: "platelets" (Back to Top)
bjects, some like pineapples (with platelets) but about 18 feet long. Other 3/12/1990 #39456  
## Word: "plates" (Back to Top)
nds. They look like two big silver plates set edge to edge. Each appears to Late 10/1920 #1006  
 up by two slender legs with round plates for feet. A man of normal size co 1930 #1106  
diameter shaped like “two inverted plates” hovering near the ground. A cyli 7/25/1938 #1287  
er here. Translucent 30cm luminous plates over Sarnia same day.             7/4/1947 #2592  
/ CRAIG, MT Flash. Series / silver plates. Tumble / waver going quickly nor 7/4/1947 #2613  
ARK, OH 1 observer. 2 shiny silver plates going north under overcast. Strai 7/6/1947 #2772  
AM, NY Boy / 14. 3 large "aluminum plates" / V-formation going west. Straig 7/6/1947 (approximate) #2777  
e Park, Ohio saw two "shiny silver plates" travel north to south at high ra 7/6/1947 #2825  
rsons.  One object shaped like two plates attached face-to-face; matte bott 4/3/1949 #4068  
fied flying object shaped like two plates attached face-to-face at 11:55 a. 4/3/1949 #4070  
97. CAA technician. 6 silent metal plates pass overhead in a row.           6/1949 (approximate) #4220  
everal separate observer(s). White plates / sky. Saucers going northwest. / 4/27/1952 #6190  
machines resembling "inverted soup plates" 200 m away at an altitude of abo Summer 1952 #6575  
            ROCHESTER, KENT 2 13cm plates hang over city. Zoom away shortly 9/29/1952 #8051  
 sound like an electric motor. The plates separated and three human-appeari 11/16/1952 #8290  
sc-shaped and looked like two soup plates joined at the rim, with a shallow 8/18/1953 #9081  
looked exactly like polished metal plates reflecting the sunlight," he wrot 6/11/1954 #9893  
on. It looks like two superimposed plates separated by a strip 65 feet thic 10/10/1957 #14095  
e direction completely. One of his plates shows a third object. The CIA tak 3/6/1960 #16198  
 WY Hovering disc like "two dinner plates face to face," ascended and sped  7/1/1960 #16323  
side of the road. It resembles two plates upside down. The entities are suc 11/1962 #17525  
 diameter, and was shaped like two plates glued together. Through several o 3/13/1963 #17705  
 diameter, and was shaped like two plates glued together. Through several o 3/13/1963 #17706  
N 3 / car. Black car ahead / Tokyo plates suddenly all smoke. Vanishes!     11/19/1963 #18048  
the ground. It was shaped like two plates glued together, with two rows of  12/28/1964 #18677  
his last crew member wore metallic plates on his arms, which had numerous s 7/21/1965 #19156  
5 a.m. EDT. A disc shaped like two plates one on top of the other, with a d 6/11/1966 #20551  
or two min. It was shaped like two plates glued together, and had a smaller 6/11/1966 #20552  
wo minutes. It was shaped like two plates glued together, and had a smaller 6/11/1966 #20554  
 balcony an object shaped like two plates, one inverted on top of the other 8/31/1966 #20818  
t was a domed disc, shaped like to plates put together with a crystal-like  5/1/1967 #22263  
, 10 m in diameter, resembling two plates glued together. The whole yard wa 8/3/1967 #22786  
ss, green, glowing object like two plates put together. It seems near enoug Early 9/1967 #22983  
there had ben a round plate. These plates have penetrated the full depth of 2/5/1971 #26014  
saw a daylight UFO shaped like two plates put together rim to rim about 20  3/13/1973 #27343  
 Sweden. It looked like two saucer plates, separated by a row of broad wind 5/3/1973 #27465  
 36 feet wide, resembling two soup plates attached rim to rim. A tube stret 5/22/1973 #27518  
EIX, FR 2 observer(s). 5 moon-size plates dance and vanish and reappear / t 3/14/1974 #28881  
side them. It was shaped like "two plates with the rims stuck together." Th 8/31/1974 #29405  
ito says the object looks like two plates put together. After 5 minutes, it 10/17/1975 #30437  
ay observed glowing disc like "two plates placed together" hovering to sout 10/17/1976 #31472  
inoculars, says it looks like “two plates placed together, with the top one 10/17/1976 #31474  
ed a glowing yellow disc, like two plates rim-to-rim. It hovered to the sou 10/17/1976 #31475  
noculars, said it looked like "two plates placed together, with the top one 10/17/1976 #31475  
ribed the object as similar to two plates placed edge to edge, with flashin 2/3/1977 #31784  
 light. The UFO resembled two soup plates placed together and was about 15  5/2/1978 #33185  
 appeared to be face coverings or "plates". The humanoids were encased in a 8/23/1978 #33556  
 edge of a wooded area. He can see plates, girders, cylinders, and other st 9/20/1978 #33714  
ides and they had transparent face plates. Inside human-like faces could be 12/15/1978 #34141  
necticut, watches a disc “like two plates put together” approach from the s 6/10/1979 #34605  
feet away. An object like “two pie plates rim to rim” is motionless in the  10/13/1989 #39169  
 structures that look like riveted plates. The object remains for 2–3 minut 2/21/1990 #39425  
PLYMOUTH, ENGL 1 observer. 3 metal plates hover. 3rd joins. Going [to] away 3/8/1991 #40004  
rver. UFO hums / treetop level. "2 plates with box / middle". Row / windows 12/15/1992 #40748  
 has the form of two inverted soup plates with a pudding bowl on top, and t 3/30/1995 #42127  
, like a static charge in the air. Plates and glasses started to move about 7/15/1995 #42304  
    AMERICANA, BRAZIL 2 10M silver plates hover. Douses lights as plane pas 3/31/1997 #43247  
ing men with the following license plates: 4U49864 (white truck), 5DA726 (w 7/2003 #44560  
## Word: "plates-matte" (Back to Top)
 SE of), MT Object like 2 inverted plates-matte blue-grey non-reflected bot 4/3/1949 #4067  
## Word: "platform" (Back to Top)
 They dimly perceive some men on a platform below it. It passes out of sigh 5/13/1909 #740  
 sees from an open window a “round platform” on which nearly a dozen men we 1916? #938  
 saw a saucer-shaped object with a platform and rows of lights, sitting in  10/1916 #952  
 saw a saucer-shaped object with a platform and rows of lights, sitting in  10/1917 #967  
noids (or Greys) ride going down / platform! See drawing. / r50p2.          7/25/1938 #1286  
et in diameter and 15 feet high. A platform with two moving figures is lowe 7/25/1938 #1288  
sses, who feel a sudden chill. The platform rises back up, and the object g 7/25/1938 #1288  
ELL, MT 1+3 men / railroad/railway platform. Round white object going north 7/13/1947 #3164  
ondon, England. After mounting the platform, he enters a trance, and Aether 1/1955 #11903  
raft on some sort of column with a platform at the bottom. He is then dazzl 2/23/1955 #12015  
e silver top. There was a man on a platform on the object, who wore dark co 2/23/1955 #12016  
, New Guinea Father Gill Case -saw Platform shaped object with "men" on top 6/26/1959 #15788  
 Hotel. He publishes his Space Age Platform at the second meeting of his Am 8/9/1960 #16366  
 the Q-12 as both a reconnaissance platform and a cruise missile and the CI 12/7/1962 #17574  
nd in view and exposing a two-foot platform on which stood a "man" wearing  1/5/1966 #19806  
h the pad. It consists of a raised platform with a map of Canada embossed o 6/3/1967 #22457  
vering just above the ground. On a platform around its perimeter were seate 8/15/1967 #22883  
 long and 10 feet wide. There is a platform around it and on the top a tran 10/2/1968 #24537  
nics and red skirts. One is on the platform with a weapon in its hand, anot 10/2/1968 #24537  
,  Next he saw a man standing on a platform that extended from the base of  10/2/1968 #24538  
d outside the craft on an extended platform stood three more men. One of th 10/2/1968 #24538  
 very vivid light three times, the platform retracted, and underneath the c 10/2/1968 #24538  
m. Three beings were standing on a platform under the craft. (Magonia #920, 10/9/1968 #24553  
m. Three beings were standing on a platform under the craft, and another fi 10/9/1968 #24554  
RINCETON, NJ Astronomer. Silent 3M platform with rotating antenna going qui 4/4/1969 (approximate) #25048  
 at its base a dull black metallic platform, shaped like a domed disc, abou 8/11/1969 #25317  
ame closer it became a disc-shaped platform three meters in diameter, with  9/7/1972 #26979  
d 10 feet high resting on a wooden platform.  It was light silvery blue and 6/1973 #27543  
and 10 ft. ht. resting on a wooden platform. Description: Silvery blue and  9/1973 #27735  
          Crowley, LA Offshore oil platform crew saw oblong object with sev 10/17/1973 #28122  
erver(s). Large orange object with platform lands. Odd noise. Dogs upset. / 11/17/1973 #28435  
/cylindrical object on rectangular platform hovers. Moves and stops. Going  1/14/1974 #28678  
orridor, and go into a room with a platform. After being screened by a “gla 10/15/1974 #29531  
nce, and what looked to be a small platform at the bottom of the vehicle."  10/7/1975 #30422  
 It sat upon some type of metallic platform. Two beings in shiny suits, les 3/3/1976 #30919  
 It sat upon some type of metallic platform. Two beings in shiny suits, les 3/3/1976 #30922  
anels and two enormous beings on a platform. The humanoids are some 9–10 fe 6/22/1976 #31128  
, ENGL 2 teens. Silent rectangular platform east / rows / lights going nort 10/24/1976 #31489  
hey were leaning over a console or platform. She commented that the men loo 10/31/1976 #31512  
table itself stood upon a circular platform. Elsewhere stood three smaller  2/5/1978 #32957  
ately pushing buttons. The central platform began to rotate in a counterclo 2/5/1978 #32957  
urface generate a humming sound. A platform descends to the ground, and he  5/10/1978 #33196  
rder to disguise itself. A ring or platform encircles the object with spike 11/9/1979 #34989  
ough the window. The light is on a platform floating on the sea only 130–14 11/30/1979 #35031  
lls and a big helmet. Suddenly the platform reverses and the light goes out 11/30/1979 #35031  
uld see some kind of luminous flat platform approaching the shoreline, and  11/30/1979 #35034  
g the shoreline, and on top of the platform stood a four-foot-tall man. He  11/30/1979 #35034  
hite sphere directly on top of the platform, which emitted some type of mul 11/30/1979 #35034  
s the couple screamed, causing the platform and its occupant to return back 11/30/1979 #35034  
 object then moved over a concrete platform on the right side of the road,  7/31/1980 #35431  
ing-ball hovers and maneuvers near platform. Seen / separate platform too.  11/25/1980 #35667  
ers near platform. Seen / separate platform too.                            11/25/1980 #35667  
               Ninian Northern oil platform in the North Sea Brent oil plat 11/25/1980 #35670  
latform in the North Sea Brent oil platform 6:40 a.m. A glowing orange ball 11/25/1980 #35670  
ing around the Ninian Northern oil platform in the North Sea. It is large e 11/25/1980 #35670  
e seen by workers at the Brent oil platform 12–15 miles away. An RAF Hawker 11/25/1980 #35670  
:00 PM. Mine men working on an oil platform observed a bright orange object 1/30/1984 #37165  
00 p.m. Nine men working on an oil platform in the Big Cypress National Pre 1/30/1984 #37166  
             At 9:00 p.m. nine oil platform workers in a swampy area 50 mil 1/30/1984 #37167  
         LAGUNA CARTAGENA, PR Huge platform over lake. Small luminous objec 6/1986 (approximate) #37902  
 humanoids (or Greys) on anchoring platform for surveillance blimp!         4/1990 #39505  
the area. A huge trapezoid-shaped “platform” moves slowly and silently abov 4/22/1990 #39539  
h. Structures on the bottom of the platform look like “an aircraft carrier  4/22/1990 #39539  
eir surroundings. A huge trapezoid platform moved very slowly and silently  4/22/1990 #39541  
“concern about a possible stealthy platform flying in UK airspace.” A 1992  8/4/1990 #39679  
culars. Half-moon night light with platform / bottom. Curves going quickly  6/6/1996 #42923  
ent, half-moon shaped light with a platform on the bottom. It curved away t 6/6/1996 #42924  
he lower part consisted of a green platform that had a hollow central secti 8/14/1999 #43822  
l in Moscow, Russia, to serve as a platform to launch a worldwide UFO organ 10/15/2018 #45540  
## Word: "platform-shaped" (Back to Top)
m Booth Gill and 38 others watch a platform-shaped object with legs that ap 6/26/1959 #15790  
## Word: "platforms" (Back to Top)
Santos they stood on small rounded platforms. However, Carneiro does not re 4/20/1980 #35281  
arneiro does not recall seeing the platforms.                               4/20/1980 #35281  
er to communicate with space based platforms associated with UAP.  https:// 7/1982 #36525  
ly burn-off flares on offshore oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico.         3/5/2004 #44672  
lies UAP are being detected on NRO platforms, and suggests the FOIA respons 11/5/2015 #45439  
next-generation advanced aerospace platforms (see 25 June 2021).            3/22/2017 #45465  
s interfering with military weapon platforms and displaying beyond-next-gen 10/4/2017 #45483  
## Word: "plating" (Back to Top)
rns partially black and the copper plating is blistered. The wind increases 3/19/1887 #279  
s" of protuberances on the outside plating. The base of the object's body c 6/15/1984 #37365  
## Word: "platinum" (Back to Top)
ll over/all about Tsaid point/port/platinum metal and changes colors.       10/25/1953 #9251  
ly shorter man. The woman had long platinum hair that hung to the middle of 8/3/1977 #32356  
do-human/entity inside. Point/port/platinum metal rivets gone / observers a 12/26/1991 #40266  
TBURY, GLOUCS Glowing 5-point/port/platinum metal star rotates and flies sl 1/24/1992 #40300  
rillions of dollars worth of gold, platinum and silver throughout the Phili 10/2021 #45713  
## Word: "platinum-" (Back to Top)
who describes meeting pink-haired, platinum- skinned, fish-eating Martians  12/1953 #9329  
## Word: "platinum-colored" (Back to Top)
was a disc with a rotating, shiny, platinum-colored area in the middle. The 9/3/1976 #31337  
## Word: "platinum-shiny" (Back to Top)
 see it is a disc with a rotating “platinum-shiny” area in the middle. The  9/3/1976 #31334  
## Word: "platner" (Back to Top)
           A 34-year-old man named Platner saw a UFO in Winifreda, La Pampa 8/9/1983 #36940  
## Word: "plato" (Back to Top)
Reddish ray / light crosses crater Plato during eclipse.                    12/10/1685 #49  
      MOON Night lights converge / Plato crater. Form "marching triangle".  11/23/1887 #284  
5 minute(s) / inside wall / crater Plato.                                   6/27/1966 #20611  
## Word: "platoon" (Back to Top)
and another man of the mine-laying platoon of the 175th Infantry Regiment,  Late 8/1944 #1646  
a 6:00 p.m. Six members of the 3rd Platoon, Heavy Mortar Company, 180th Inf 4/30/1952 #6224  
## Word: "platov" (Back to Top)
ir Migulin, supported by Dr. Yulii Platov as deputy coordinator. According  10/1977 #32539  
coordinator of Setka-MO, and Yulii Platov, deputy coordinator of Setka-AN,  2000 #43911  
## Word: "platt" (Back to Top)
onfirmed to Wired reporter Charles Platt in 1998, the device would create a 1997 #43156  
## Word: "platte" (Back to Top)
                                   Platte City, Missouri 10:00 p.m. A noise 4/10/1897 #424  
00 p.m. A noise draws residents of Platte City, Missouri, outside where the 4/10/1897 #424  
was sighted by John Laube and Fred Platte in Waverly, Iowa. It flew just ab 6/2/1947 #2311  
ural road. 8M silver disk hovers / Platte River. Vanishes. Seen closely.    8/30/1952 #7794  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Platte” Yield: 1.85KT                    4/14/1962 #17113  
landed east of Weston, Missouri in Platte County near Hwy. P at 8:30 p.m. n 2/16/1967 #21576  
## Word: "platter" (Back to Top)
RTON, WA 2+1 separate observer(s). Platter disks since afternoon. Extreme s 6/17/1947 #2334  
 out and sees a “strange goldenish platter” moving swiftly across the sky.  7/4/1947 #2652  
aucer speeds over city. 5 more see platter / 7 July. Extremely bright.      7/6/1950 #5044  
         NEW CASTLE, IN Big silent platter hovers over 3 / car. Beams going 11/5/1957 #14323  
An object looking like "a big meat platter" was seen at close range by Mrs. 11/5/1957 #14339  
An object looking like "a big meat platter" was seen at close range by Mrs. 11/5/1957 #14350  
                     Beverly, MA A platter shaped object the size of a larg 4/22/1966 #20363  
## Word: "platter-shaped" (Back to Top)
         On this day in 1947 three platter-shaped discs were seen hovering  6/17/1947 #2337  
endleton, Oregon six to nine shiny platter-shaped objects whizzed overhead  7/1/1947 #2530  
ac-Pittsburg, KS 70-75 ft inverted platter-shaped dull aluminum color (NICA 8/25/1952 #7726  
 feet. It appears to be silver and platter-shaped, perhaps 12 feet in diame 10/15/1957 #14120  
cluding two police officers, see a platter-shaped object the size of a larg 4/22/1966 #20375  
## Word: "platters" (Back to Top)
  BRIDGEPORT, NE Chickens panic. 2 platters going southeast / 3km altitude. 6/23/1947 #2371  
 OR Several observer(s). 6-9 shiny platters whiz overhead going quickly sou 7/1/1947 #2506  
minum object, shaped like two meat platters, face to face, estimated at 75' 8/25/1952 #7729  
minum object, shaped like two meat platters, face to face. The object was h 8/25/1952 #7736  
aped object, like two incandescent platters inverted one on top of the othe 2/20/1967 #21603  
## Word: "platteville" (Back to Top)
                                   Platteville, Wisconsin 10:05 p.m. Studen 1/28/1977 #31763  
, Wisconsin 10:05 p.m. Students in Platteville, Wisconsin, watch an orange  1/28/1977 #31763  
## Word: "plattevillie" (Back to Top)
                                   Plattevillie, IL Cone-shaped object appr 1/25/1969 #24870  
## Word: "plattonville" (Back to Top)
dwards was walking home at dusk in Plattonville, Louisiana when he saw two  11/21/1974 #29601  
## Word: "plattsburg" (Back to Top)
                                   PLATTSBURG, NY Ground Observer Corps (GO 6/27/1956 #12920  
of obtaining ICBM bases: New York (Plattsburg AFB); Kansas, (Forbes AFB and 4/18/1962 #17120  
## Word: "plattsburgh" (Back to Top)
                                   PLATTSBURGH, NY Ground Observer Corps (G 4/9/1955 #12090  
                  SCHROON LAKE AND PLATTSBURGH, NY Many separate observer(s 11/6/1957 #14374  
                                   Plattsburgh, NY (McDonald list) GCA Rada 8/20/1965 #19435  
                                   Plattsburgh Air Force Base (near), NY A  4/29/1982 #36456  
w a silent dome-shaped object near Plattsburgh Air Force Base. The object h 4/29/1982 #36456  
w a silent dome-shaped object near Plattsburgh Air Force Base, New York at  4/29/1982 #36457  
## Word: "plattville" (Back to Top)
                                   Plattville, Illinois 12:30 a.m. A young  1/25/1969 #24871  
.m. A young couple is driving near Plattville, Illinois. The woman sees a b 1/25/1969 #24871  
## Word: "platypus" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Platypus” YieldMax: 20KT                 2/24/1962 #17057  
## Word: "plauen" (Back to Top)
                                   Plauen, Germany 11:00 p.m. A witness in  5/21/1994 #41534  
n, Germany 11:00 p.m. A witness in Plauen, Germany, is watching TV when she 5/21/1994 #41534  
## Word: "plausible" (Back to Top)
eries that presents scientifically plausible stories in an unsensational ma 4/5/1955 #12081  
nial of direct US involvement more plausible.                               4/4/1961 #16643  
nvestigation, police reconstruct a plausible narrative of the men’s last da 8/20/1966 #20779  
estigators were unable to find any plausible source for these mystery aircr 2/10/1977 #31808  
 everyday circumstances.” The most plausible skeptical explanation is that  12/28/1980 #35750  
chers in Brazil don't accept it as plausible.                               10/31/1983 #37033  
and well crafted and includes many plausible technical details. The alleged 10/1992 #40653  
y small. However, he does think it plausible that Cold War concerns contrib 1995 #41923  
ites that it can not find a single plausible source of energy that can prod 11/29/2018 #45549  
ble symptoms, the agency has found plausible alternative explanations.      1/19/2022 #45735  
ells a public journalist he found “plausible explanations” for all UAP, con 3/16/2022 #45740  
## Word: "plausibly" (Back to Top)
for the next hour. The incident is plausibly explained by Vicente-Juan Ball 8/10/1989 #39050  
aves, some experts now argue, more plausibly explain reports of painful sou 9/1/2018 #45538  
ys that some of the episodes could plausibly have been caused by “pulsed el 2/2/2022 #45737  
larly in the radiofrequency range, plausibly explains the core characterist 2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "play" (Back to Top)
ther celestial objects undoubtedly play a major role, but many airship repo 2/1897 #385  
e aeronauts are dressed strangely, play music, and speak a foreign language 4/20/1907 #694  
ne cloud. 9 white saucers exit and play. Away / V formation going quickly n 4/29/1947 #2268  
 WALTERS, OK 1 observer. 2 saucers play around sky / 30+min. Observer(s) ge 6/25/1947 #2410  
EAST / LAUREL, OR 3 metallic disks play tag and circle fast. Plane-size. Hi 7/2/1947 #2545  
 from west and 2nd from northeast. Play tag. Going quickly south.           7/6/1947 #2757  
. Mother saucer with small saucers play / sky. Out and back several X. Goin 7/6/1947 #2797  
A Separate observer(s). Many disks play like school / fish. Going quickly n 7/7/1947 #2841  
kly southwest / diamond formation. Play tag. Stops and starts..             7/7/1947 #2882  
, OH 2 / farm. "Brilliant saucers" play / western sky / 1 hour. / Sandusky  7/7/1947 #2907  
ssy disks going west against wind. Play in and out / clouds. Spin.          7/8/1947 #2977  
ARLEE, MT 2 observer(s). 2 saucers play hide and seek / clouds / 30 minutes 7/18/1947 #3196  
nd 1. 12m metal objects circle and play / 450m altitude. Type unknown.      7/23/1949 #4275  
w some 12-meter objects circle and play in the sky (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 7/23/1949 #4276  
chmond, VA Richmond VA area: Radio play about a crashed saucer with 12 dead 12/28/1949 #4447  
ect with lights maneuvers. Splits. Play about. Go going quickly northeast.  4/7/1950 #4812  
 2 women. 6 softly glowing saucers play in sky. Rise descend and circle.    4/11/1950 #4843  
 2 / farm. Brilliant white objects play around in sky. ".. here again".     5/13/1950 #4941  
       OCALA, FLA MD. Glowing-orbs play over home. Shrill sounds (made by U 7/14/1950 #5067  
 observer(s). White orbs and disks play / small groups. Very fast (AP.)     7/16/1950 #5068  
ty / transparent bubble see street play near crowd. Going quickly NNE. / MJ 8/1/1951? #5591  
a few meters, flew away, seemed to play with them. Eventually it vanished " 11/2/1951 #5762  
meters, then flew away, seeming to play with them. Eventually it vanished " 11/2/1951 #5765  
ilot. Group / odd red night lights play / sky. Away as plane nears. / Sj Me 1/25/1952 #5878  
GUL, VCT, AUSTRALIA 2 bright disks play tag. Join and merge into 1 then gon 5/3/1952 #6251  
any. 2 objects maneuver. 1+1 join. Play / sky. Photographs. All going quick 7/16/1952 #6837  
erver. 2 dark silent round objects play over treetops. Circle and maneuver. 7/19/1952 #6909  
rps (GOC) post and many. 4 saucers play tag / sky. Silent. No contrails.    7/26/1952 #7156  
V-formation extremely fast. 3 more play tag 35 minute(s) later.             7/27/1952 #7198  
reds. Night lights hover dance and play tag / several counties. / r242p161. 7/28/1952 #7226  
ck. 2 white fireballs maneuver and play all over/all about road / all direc 9/6/1952 #7856  
everal observer(s). 4 night lights play in stars. 1 pink fireball goes goin 3/22/1953 #8774  
AND, OR 1 observer. 2 small ovoids play tag near daytime moon. Many planes  5/1/1954 #9740  
         SYDNEY, AUST Night lights play. Flaming "Trolley" going west from  6/14/1954 #9901  
     VALENCIENNES, FR Night lights play. Bus headlights and motor stop. Pas 9/10/1954 #10281  
    PAINBLANC, 21, FR Night lights play / sky. Large UFO passes over observ 9/29/1954 #10497  
 FR Many observer(s). Night lights play and maneuver / one hour. Saucer lan 10/3/1954 #10637  
G, SUSSEX 3 observer(s). 6 saucers play like tadpoles / clouds. Cylinder/ci 2/11/1955 #11995  
ands / observer(s). 3 silver disks play tag over Mt. Wilson. / r32p151.     5/19/1955 #12142  
icholas Mariana, and Willis Sperry play themselves, and Los Angeles policem 5/3/1956 #12828  
inoculars. 6 small silvery objects play tag / sky. Dive low and shoot away. 3/29/1957 #13567  
zing object, possibly disc shaped, play tag with him over a field on his fa 10/14/1957 #14112  
thermen and more/others. 6 saucers play / storm. / MJ#235+/ r141#6+APRO 5'5 11/5/1957 #14304  
ous/glowing objects Skip about and play tag / sky. / San Marcos Record 23 J 1/22/1958 (approximate) #14837  
UZ, CA Bright silver white saucers play and maneuver / all directions. 1 sh 11/29/1958 #15460  
rver. 5 orange saucers descend and play tag! Going quickly southwest to sea 2/25/1959 #15610  
H, CA 2 / home. 8 saucers race and play tag. Vibrant bright yellow and bron 12/20/1959 #16125  
 the river. Later they appeared to play like children. Their bodies glowed  Spring 1960 #16201  
oids (or Greys) draw water / hose. Play like kids. / O. Binder.             4/1960 (approximate) #16211  
re/others. 2 lit up Oblong objects play over town / 1 hr. No further detail 8/17/1960 #16400  
, CA Sonic booms. 12 metal objects play / sky. Vanish as jets near. / APRO  5/19/1961 #16686  
teur astronomers. 2 bright saucers play / sky. 1 going north. Vanish. / r84 8/1963 #17855  
49. Campers. Whoosh! 3 silver orbs play tag east going west / 6K' altitude. 8/15/1964 #18486  
). Night lights maneuver flash and play all over Army camp area.            9/13/1965 #19556  
ape with green beams. Night lights play nearby. 1 enters cylinder/cigar-sha 3/31/1966 #20171  
firmed. Country: USA Name: “Double Play” YieldMax: 20KT                     6/15/1966 #20562  
 surrounded by a mist. It began to play a game of cat and mouse with his po 6/24/1966 #20608  
LE, CA 2 observer(s). Night lights play / sky. Vanish. Report going [to] Ed 7/30/1967 #22751  
procedure he describes as “child’s play.” Estabrooks suggests that Lee Harv 5/13/1968 #23959  
one. I have done it. It is child’s play now to develop a multiple personali 5/13/1968 #23959  
UIS A.SAUCE, ARG 2 / road. 2 cones play and maneuver. Touch ground / times. 8/24/1968 #24373  
ESIDE, OH Amber-white night lights play around hills. Observer(s) = astrono 2/1969 #24884  
one stayed behind and continued to play around in sky.                      6/3/1969 #25195  
O, WI Nurse and patient. 'Monkeys' play / trees and window ledge. 30M sauce 10/5/1970 #25864  
separate observer(s). Night lights play / inaccessible mountains. 1 dome sh 12/18/1970 #25947  
 Traffic Controllers. Night lights play / mountains. 2 odd circles with bro 12/28/1970 #25954  
separate observer(s). Night lights play and land. Saucer-nest found / same  5/22/1971 #26122  
E, FR 3 separate observer(s). Orbs play in sky / 1km altitude. / LDLN#120.  3/18/1972 #26614  
FR 3 airmen / ground. Night lights play / sky. Going east. One is [a] neon  7/14/1972 #26795  
              BAVILLIERS, FR UFO's play over long cigar / sky. Vanish! Soon 9/4/1973 #27757  
on Grove, California, intending to play in a vacant lot or field in the nei 11/16/1973 #28434  
home in Lincolnshire, Illinois, to play basketball. As they walk down the s 5/5/1974 #29085  
leave my head." They wanted her to play the organ, so she sat down and play 7/17/1974 #29266  
 boy were on their way home from a play in New Harmony, heading south on Hw 7/30/1974 #29286  
 of light emerged from its base to play across a nearby cranberry bog, her  9/3/1974 #29418  
 JACHAL, ARG 4 / car. Night lights play. Tripod marks found. Huge mushrooms 4/21/1975 #29999  
ighting of the several UFOs, which play cat-and-mouse with the aircraft, ex 11/7/1975 #30576  
. Follow power lines. Maneuver and play / low altitude.                     12/13/1975 #30710  
which the witness’s birth memories play a central role. However, Lawson’s m 1977 #31655  
 their home at Ripperston Farm, to play games. It was just after three o'cl 5/15/1977 #32096  
MOUNTAIN, GORNO-ALTAY, RUSSIA Orbs play high / sky. Separate and maneuver.  9/12/1978 #33666  
o a small nearby grove of trees to play. There they encounter a strange man 9/27/1978 #33761  
the Air Force…don’t rock the boat, play it down, cool it, don’t get the pub 1979 #34260  
ts and orbs and triangles leap and play / sea level for 2 hours.            1/3/1979 #34282  
box-like crafts and 3 night lights play / sky. Cop sees fireball.           3/21/1981 #35869  
ough U-turn. Separate night lights play. RADAR blips.                       4/24/1984 #37284  
3+separate sightings. Night lights play up and down mountains and sky. Flas 7/5/1986 #37929  
, MA 1 observer. 5 1' orange balls play / back yard! Turn white. Light gras 7/2/1989 #39003  
triangle/box-like crafts hover and play. 1 lands / field. 1 buzzes car. Abs 11/6/1990 #39878  
 and had gone into the backyard to play on a trampoline in Springfield, Mis 7/21/1991 #40129  
tates over hilltop. "Fairy lights" play / top and sides.                    2/8/1992 #40323  
 back again. R-G-west night lights play over town and river and The wash.   10/18/1993 #41243  
olored night lights drop / ground. Play in sky. Rise and maneuver. Light gr 5/19/1994 #41531  
cops. Night lights hover orbit and play in sky / 2 hours. Scatter / 4 direc 8/13/1994 #41670  
BRIDGE, ENGL 3 teens. Night lights play / sky. Saucer exits cloud. Hovers a 8/15/1994 #41678  
eology (see 3 December 1999) is at play in the organizations: “the aliens a 12/10/1994 #41888  
UNCTION, YKN 1 / car. Night lights play between mountain-tops. Separate obs 12/24/1994 #41905  
 / car. 2 disks / stack formation. Play tag. Sharp maneuvers. Going quickly 9/25/1995 #42510  
ing quickly / opposite directions. Play tag / low altitude. 1 going south.  7/16/1996 #42958  
 with Li since then and she “would play a role” in his current HFGW researc 8/1/1997 #43364  
ry clear night, watching some kids play basketball in the courts. He looked 5/16/2010 #45282  
concern. At the hearing, officials play a declassified video clip showing a 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "playa" (Back to Top)
                                   Playa del Rey, California Richard Kehoe  11/6/1957 #14411  
                     Vista Del Mar Playa Del Rey, California 5:40 a.m. Rich 11/6/1957 #14421  
 is driving along Vista Del Mar in Playa Del Rey, California, when his engi 11/6/1957 #14421  
ehoe was driving near the beach in Playa del Rey, California when his car e 11/6/1957 #14434  
                                   Playa Del Ray, CA 6:50 p.m. PST. Along t 4/3/1966 #20212  
tallic object dove into the sea at Playa Penuelas, Chile. It trailed flames 7/23/1968 #24215  
                                   PLAYA SHANGRILA, URG 1+3 boys. 2 good ph 9/23/1968 #24501  
                Between Palamo and Playa de Oro, Spain 6:30 p.m. Miguel Rom 7/16/1973 #27634  
                                   Playa el Combate beach Pole Ojea, Puerto 11/30/1979 #35031  
ole Ojea, Puerto Rico 8:00 p.m. At Playa el Combate beach outside Pole Ojea 11/30/1979 #35031  
 in a deep sleep at her home in La Playa Guayanilla, Puerto Rico when she h 12/15/1994 #41895  
## Word: "playboy" (Back to Top)
                                   Playboy publishes a “panel discussion” o 1/1978 #32834  
## Word: "played" (Back to Top)
ukuoka, Japan, on September 16 has played a role in concerns about disc man 10/21/1947 #3465  
      On this day two bright discs played tag in the sky over Warragul, Vic 5/3/1952 #6253  
p.m. three silver disc-shaped UFOs played tag over Mount Wilson for 50 minu 5/19/1955 #12143  
. The principal character is Chop, played by Los Angeles Examiner journalis 5/3/1956 #12828  
 D.C., UFO incident, in which Chop played a central role, and recreates his 5/3/1956 #12828  
s if to elude them. The two pilots played cat-and-mouse with the UFO until  Late 1956 #13277  
mysterious object which apparently played tag off the tip of Florida for se 11/8/1956 #13315  
watched the object for two min. It played "hide and seek" with them as they 11/4/1957 #14280  
uminous  objects skipped about and played tag in the sky over Wimberley, Te 1/22/1958 #14839  
hite light beam like a searchlight played toward the witnesses. The beam wa 8/1/1962 #17313  
record the important role you have played in helping to bring about a ratio 4/6/1966 #20258  
oods and stopped overhead. The UFO played cat-and-mouse with them in the pu 4/17/1966 #20319  
ntered an unidentified object that played "cat and mouse" with the plane. T 6/6/1967 #22472  
mmunication radios failed. The UFO played cat-and-mouse with the T-33 aircr 6/9/1967 #22483  
lay the organ, so she sat down and played scales, and when she looked up th 7/17/1974 #29266  
 to be 3.1 meters in diameter, and played cat-and-mouse with the police thr 5/1/1975 #30017  
rtedly was spinning; it tilted and played among the trees.                  1/22/1977 #31746  
esting that he look into the roles played by military and civilian intellig 2/6/1977 #31793  
’s calls for help are recorded and played on a local radio station: “I’ve l 4/29/1977 #32035  
r two children, Adas and Agnieska, played outside. She heard a sound like t 5/17/1978 #33225  
Os tracked on military radar. UFOs played hide-and-seek with them, disappea 11/12/1981 #36221  
nt of Energy (DOE) in 1977. If AEC played a prominent role in early UAP ana 7/24/1984 #37416  
satellite. AFOSI officer Rick Doty played the part of ‘Falcon’ in the Kodak 10/14/1988 #38672  
cted by Philippe Mora, Strieber is played by actor Christopher Walken.      11/10/1989 #39225  
iar sound like a phonograph record played at the wrong speed. It seems to m 3/31/1991 #40025  
and the Rockefeller Institute also played “major roles” following the 1947  1994 #41349  
r-shaped object in the sky as they played with their sons in a park in Alde 9/4/2004 #44747  
l gray circular objects darted and played about in the sky at 11:30 p.m., m 7/19/2005 #44855  
efinite risk of collision and luck played a part in missing it.             12/30/2018 #45553  
The main role of J. Allen Hynek is played by Aidan Gillen, with Laura Menne 1/8/2019 #45557  
dversaries, and possibly two, have played our own cultural norms against us 4/15/2021 #45682  
## Word: "player" (Back to Top)
d, South Australia 2:00 a.m. Doris Player wakes up to see her bedroom illum 2/3/1964 #18125  
in Gum Creek, South Australia Mrs. Player saw a yellow glowing domed disc-s 2/19/1964 #18134  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Player” YieldMax: 20KT                   8/27/1964 #18515  
om. Beam extends to radio and tape player. Radio Frequency Interference (RF 6/22/1972 #26724  
r, a well-known Dominican baseball player who had disappeared mysteriously  9/22/1972 #27026  
 engine sputtered and the cassette player stopped working. He felt an elect 6/6/1974 #29170  
s went out, and the radio cassette player ceased to work. It was as though  2/5/1978 #32957  
and slows down. The radio and tape player also malfunction briefly. A Frenc 9/7/1978 #33645  
hey next attempted to use a stereo player, and then the radio, but these di 9/10/1978 #33657  
tape cassette in the VW car's tape player erased as the car drove close to  9/28/1978 #33767  
. A pre-recorded tape in the car’s player gets completely erased as this ha 9/28/1978 #33768  
 tape casette in the VW car's tape player erased as the car drove close to  9/28/1978 #33772  
d light beam, shone onto car, tape player malfunctioned. See Section VIII,  12/12/1978 #34097  
 died, and the car’s cassette tape player stopped working. He then saw a lu 12/12/1978 #34101  
den outside the home of their bass player in a northern suburb of Glasgow,  7/14/1985 #37619  
1 / car. Night lights. Buzz / tape player. Blinding saucer going [to] 3m ov 3/27/1990 #39487  
was sighted, and the witness's MP3 player stopped working. The witness also 10/15/2007 #45076  
ning to Christmas CDs on the car’s player. Coming around a bend, he sees an 11/25/2009 #45256  
## Word: "players" (Back to Top)
t was unlikely that had any of the players looked up, they would have seen  4/25/1969 #25091  
ikely that had they looked up, the players could have seen anything. The ob 4/24/1971 #26081  
ketball coach Reggie Bone and five players on his team are driving back to  2/21/1973 #27305  
o. Green says he’s looking at real players, not small time people any more. 9/27/2006 #44969  
## Word: "playfully" (Back to Top)
RA, FL 5 observer(s). Night lights playfully flit about / sky north / Lake  8/12/1955 #12356  
## Word: "playground" (Back to Top)
ncipal noticed the children on the playground staring at something in the s 5/16/1966 #20487  
cipal saw children on the school's playground staring at a dark, disc-shape 5/16/1966 #20490  
ying horizontally above the school playground before it climbs into a cloud 2/16/1977 #31820  
12-years old, were playing on the- playground north of Maplewood School. Bu 7/1977 #32219  
nuta takes her 2-year-old son to a playground in the Podwisłocze district o Summer 1984 #37369  
 submarine fleet. It hovers over a playground. Randy Springsteen, 8, and De 8/31/1987 #38265  
gor, Washington and hovered over a playground. Two boys who were sons of mi 8/31/1987 #38266  
s beamed light down on children in playground, two humanoids visible in obj 9/1/1987 #38272  
s beamed light down on children in playground, two humanoids visible in obj 9/1/1987 #38273  
 a.m. Some 60 children in a grassy playground outside Ariel School in Ruwa, 9/16/1994 #41754  
## Word: "playhouse" (Back to Top)
                        Waterfront Playhouse in Key West, Florida 10:00 p.m 3/22/1966 #20032  
le standing outside the Waterfront Playhouse in Key West, Florida, during a 3/22/1966 #20032  
 in the vicinity of the children's playhouse. It was about five feet in dia 4/4/1977 #31942  
 in the vicinity of the children's playhouse. It was about five feet in dia 4/4/1977 #31944  
## Word: "playing" (Back to Top)
ow Mänttä-Vilppula], Finland While playing along the shore of a lake near V Summer 1907 #695  
land Morning. Lawrence J. Crone is playing on a baseball field in the Viole Summer 1910 #839  
atal midlands, South Africa. While playing outside the farmhouse, Elizabeth 10/1917 #968  
a strange chirping sound while out playing. They turn and see a brown-green 7/1919 #990  
Marseille, France An 8-year-old is playing in the hillocks near a canal in  1921 #1010  
Lancashire, England Early evening. Playing hide-and-seek with friends in Bo 11/1926 #1067  
 to outsiders until 1970. They are playing in a garden when they hear engin 1929 #1093  
 and four other schoolchildren are playing in an open field in Armășești, R Early 8/1939 #1312  
al publicity, causing hysteria, or playing a prank.”                        7/30/1947 #3260  
    Hamel, Minnesota Two boys were playing outside when a round dull gray o 8/11/1948 #3778  
                     Two boys were playing outside at noon in Hamel, Minnes 8/11/1948 #3779  
 with dark tans and blond hair are playing on steps that lead from an open  3/28/1950 #4750  
ight, then went up and around like playing a game of tag.                   4/8/1950 #4833  
ont of them is a screen with “rays playing on it,” and on top of the screen 5/15/1950 #4944  
 UFO encounters later in life, was playing in her garden in Withdean, East  2/4/1951 #5432  
base’s wing director of personnel, playing on a golf course, sees one of th 5/1/1952 #6244  
ees four silvery objects seemingly playing tag with a formation of 12 Air F 5/1/1952 #6245  
ncountered a brilliant white light playing in the sky near a bank of high a 7/21/1952 #6986  
r (at which time his radio stopped playing), then climbed out at 45' and tr 10/31/1952 #8220  
 field where the children had been playing and saw an orange object rise an 8/10/1954 #10117  
 field where the children had been playing and saw an orange object rise fr 8/10/1954 #10119  
California A group of children was playing in the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Do 8/22/1955 #12389  
n the afternoon some children were playing in the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Do 8/22/1955 #12390  
to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple re 2/1957 #13481  
   Baltimore, MD Car radio stopped playing and street lights went out as fo 6/25/1957 #13753  
more, Maryland: "Car radio stopped playing and street lights went out as fo 6/25/1957 #13754  
th the Air Force and thus might be playing it safe about UFOs.              6/6/1958 #15081  
 craft maneuvered and seemed to be playing tag over the shoreline in Redond 12/20/1959 #16126  
 it’s a plane, though it might be “playing games” with them. Barney drives  9/19/1961 #16857  
 city for an estimated 40 minutes, playing a game of cat and mouse with jet 5/23/1962 #17195  
om an overcast sky while they were playing outdoors in Leeds, West Yorkshir 7/24/1963 #17851  
Billy Dunlap, and Gary Dunlap) are playing around an apple tree at Conklin, 7/16/1964 #18421  
oices similar to those of children playing were heard. After 40 min the cra 7/28/1964 #18456  
 those of children screaming while playing, were heard. After 40 minutes th 7/28/1964 #18457  
s, James Tilse, and Eric Judin are playing cards at the Epsom Retreat Hotel 5/24/1965 #18962  
car lights dim and his radio stops playing. King says he can hear the elder 3/23/1966 #20052  
ately dimmed and the radio stopped playing at this point. The UFO stopped a 3/23/1966 #20057  
ately start and stop ahead of them playing cat and mouse. At E. Palestine,  4/17/1966 #20305  
naveral, Florida - Three boys were playing behind their apartment about 7:3 6/3/1966 #20529  
wed down. “The object seemed to be playing cat & mouse with me,” he later s 6/24/1966 #20602  
s police cruiser. "It seemed to be playing with me," he said. It moved away 6/24/1966 #20608  
ana 7:45 p.m. Several children are playing outside in Rushville, Indiana, w 8/1/1966 #20718  
er, 10, and five young friends are playing on Studham Common as they are ma 1/28/1967 #21409  
es with the CIA and special forces playing a supervisory role.              5/1967 #22253  
 and that all evening she had been playing cards with friends and talking a 5/1967 #22256  
ned that the five of them had been playing in the yard when the object firs 6/30/1967 #22580  
inous suit. He thought someone was playing a prank, but the apparition was  7/18/1967 #22694  
e. At first he thought someone was playing a prank, but the apparition was  7/18/1967 #22695  
rolina 14-year-old Ronnie Hill was playing in the garden when he noticed a  7/21/1967 #22721  
t of yellow. The beings seem to be playing around silently, but then move q 8/13/1967 #22873  
oias, when they saw three figures "playing about" on the landing strip of t 8/13/1967 #22874  
e saw a mushroom-shaped craft on a playing field. It had a cupola on top, a 9/14/1967 #23059  
e saw a mushroom-shaped craft on a playing field. It had a cupola on top, a 9/14/1967 #23061  
, wondering if it was just someone playing around, or not thinking a whole  1968 #23622  
ce, Denise, and Lori Achzehner are playing records in Villa Park, Illinois, 1/15/1968 #23667  
r-old Graciela Lourdes Gimenez was playing outside her home when she experi 8/4/1968 #24297  
thampton, England Two children are playing in the garden of their father’s  11/1968 #24612  
 9 years of age respectively, were playing on a Sunday night in front of th 11/9/1968 #24649  
hey saw the object hovering over a playing field lit by floodlights, where  4/25/1969 #25091  
loodlights, where some youths were playing football. The floodlights formed 4/25/1969 #25091  
he lighted field where youths were playing football. The field lights forme 4/24/1971 #26081  
ing it must be her younger brother playing a joke, she broke free and pushe 2/26/1973 #27318  
lies in and out of its cloud as if playing “peekaboo.”                      10/10/1973 #27981  
           TANNER WILLIAMS, AL Tot playing. "Nice monster with grey skin" j 10/11/1973 #27987  
ted to his mother that he had been playing with "some old monster" in the b 10/11/1973 #27993  
y told his mother that he had been playing with "some old monster" in the b 10/11/1973 #28006  
jumps to and fro, as if it enjoyed playing hide-and-seek. Its speed was as  11/30/1973 #28490  
Several days later, while Terry is playing the guitar, the sphere seems to  3/27/1974 #28961  
s back in the car and the radio is playing music and the car starts easily. 9/21/1974 #29467  
, KY Daytime. Two 9-year-old girls playing on the bank of the Ohio River ne 10/10/1974 #29510  
year-old Fidel Hernandez Rolla was playing with some friends in a field out 4/23/1976 #31016  
year-old Fidel Hernandez Rolla was playing with some friends in a field out 4/23/1976 #31019  
Andy and 6 year-old Joel Rygh were playing when they heard "strange noises  7/5/1976 #31153  
Andy and 6 year-old Joel Rygh were playing in Gitchie Manitou Park, Iowa wh 7/5/1976 #31154  
                  Paul Bennett was playing with five friends near Westfield 10/15/1976 #31465  
t 8:25 p.m. six young men were out playing near a walled playing field next 10/29/1976 #31505  
men were out playing near a walled playing field next to a local cemetery i 10/29/1976 #31505  
t thing he knew he was in a school playing field and facing a circular craf 2/2/1977 #31781  
ary School in Pembroke, Wales, are playing football when they see a silvery 2/4/1977 #31790  
noon. Nine children, age 8–11, are playing netball with their teacher, Mair 2/16/1977 #31821  
aastricht radar watches the target playing with the plane behind its tail a 4/14/1977 #31980  
ard a strange whirring sound while playing in a field near their house in N 5/18/1977 #32111  
oys, Todd being 12-years old, were playing on the- playground north of Mapl 7/1977 #32219  
 in Roseto Degli Abruzzi. Two kids playing with walkie-talkies experienced  7/12/1977 #32261  
ruzzi, Italy at 1:50 a.m. Two kids playing with walkie-talkies experienced  7/12/1977 #32265  
 Ohio 9:30 a.m. An 11-year-old boy playing baseball in Springfield, Ohio, s 8/1/1977 #32344  
g between two trees while they are playing at Upton Primary Junior School i 10/4/1977 #32550  
 (N.J.) Memorial Elementary School playing field 6:15 p.m. Four boys are pl 1/31/1978 #32928  
ying field 6:15 p.m. Four boys are playing on the ice of the Montvale (N.J. 1/31/1978 #32928  
 (N.J.) Memorial Elementary School playing field. They notice an “airplane” 1/31/1978 #32928  
chael H. (8 and 10 years old) were playing on the ice in the playing field  1/31/1978 #32930  
ld) were playing on the ice in the playing field of the Montvale Memorial E 1/31/1978 #32930  
  On this night four children were playing in the basement of a home in Sou 4/19/1978 #33154  
sta Rica A 10 year-old boy was out playing, saw a cat and ran to a field wh 5/2/1978 #33183  
do Enrique Lacayo, age 10, was out playing in the front yard of his uncle's 5/2/1978 #33185  
 A Mrs. Jenkinson and a friend are playing tennis in Louth, Lincolnshire, E 7/3/1978 #33325  
, Ibiza, Spain Two young boys were playing in a tree and heard a loud noise 7/11/1978 #33365  
               Two young boys were playing in a tree in an empty field near 7/11/1978 #33367  
          LOWER SACKVILLE, NS Kids playing. 30M dark wide cylinder/cigar-sh 8/1978 #33457  
ich vanished while reporting a UFO playing cat and mouse with his airplane  10/21/1978 #33848  
 talks to 9 children who have been playing outside. They have seen the obje 11/1/1978 #33909  
 back on and the tape deck resumed playing. On the same night a photograph  12/12/1978 #34101  
Catania, Italy Two young boys were playing in a yard on the island of Sicil 12/15/1978 #34136  
 At 12:15 p.m. two young boys were playing in a yard in Catania, Italy on t 12/15/1978 #34138  
forth in front of the light plane, playing cat-and-mouse.                   9/9/1979 #34854  
  Four 15-year-old youngsters were playing in a field in Heiloo, Netherland 10/7/1979 #34951  
ania 5:00 p.m. A group of children playing in Chiraleș, Romania, see a milk 11/15/1979 #35000  
range humanoids cavort about as if playing. Vital Carneiro again attempted  4/20/1980 #35281  
bject’s variable speed means it is playing with them. It is flying some 9,8 5/7/1980 #35315  
lding practice in the evening at a playing field between Clifton and Morenc 10/23/1980 #35585  
             Brooklyn, MI Two boys playing in a snow fort behind their hous 12/29/1981 #36281  
 Russia 6:30 p.m. Several children playing at a park in Voronezh, Russia, s 9/27/1989 #39124  
                  Several children playing at a local park in Voronezh, Rus 9/27/1989 #39126  
ed to videotape them. Later, while playing back the results, they discovere 10/31/1989 #39201  
'clock in the evening two children playing outside in Tecumseh, Oklahoma ca 5/16/1990 #39573  
                         Two teens playing in an isolated field on this aft 5/14/1991 #40060  
ater that afternoon, two boys were playing in the area close to the earlier 5/15/1991 #40064  
al times it moves in closer, as if playing a game, and Escobar becomes frig 6/8/1991 #40092  
       Three young farm hands were playing cards late at night in a small s 12/1/1991 #40251  
netic effect (EME). 100+see lights playing.                                 9/10/1993 #41191  
der to keep an eye on her children playing outside. Suddenly everything wen 6/15/1994 #41568  
On this afternoon several children playing at an elementary school in La Ve 4/3/1995 #42138  
anding next to a tree nearby their playing field. The creature was gray col 4/3/1995 #42138  
d, when they see glowing fireballs playing about on the hill and a large or 6/18/1997 #43328  
a Berlina Vega, a young woman, was playing with 10-year-old Valentina, daug 10/19/2000 #44060  
enario exercise that included role playing in various situations of potenti 9/14/2003 #44602  
to be "chasing each other and just playing around."                         10/25/2003 #44613  
mes into a center, "like they were playing a game."                         8/20/2004 #44735  
sound interupted a witness's piano playing and singing in Piscataway, New J 4/21/2005 #44825  
her and son in Bastrop, Texas were playing catch with a baseball when a sil 9/21/2007 #45067  
 radar target balloons—or they are playing along by acting like they do not 4/15/2021 #45682  
## Word: "playlist" (Back to Top)
media. *   https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHZwH5WvwnFfsbDRTG9NwtVwR 5/1973 #27461  
## Word: "plays" (Back to Top)
, CA Many observer(s). Night light plays / sky. 2 night lights / Los Angele 11/27/1896 #366  
 America where his Atlantean karma plays itself out. In that incarnation (a 1905 #673  
hurch. He remembers the melody and plays it on his harmonica years later.   1914 #893  
ND, VA Odd blimp follows turnpike. Plays tag / police car. Away quickly goi 6/24/1951 #5551  
tin, who is more than 7 feet tall, plays the robot Gort.                    9/18/1951 #5677  
ilots and many. Saucer-night light plays to 0200hrs. / LDLN#121+#330.       6/12/1952 #6481  
GA USAF man. Night light darts and plays / 7 minute(s). 2 more do same. Col 7/24/1952 #7094  
ground and airborne radar, the UFO plays tag with the F-94, alternately acc 7/26/1952 #7175  
RADE, NETHL Engineer. Domed saucer plays all over sky. 2nd saucer hovers. / 8/7/1952 #7495  
rver(s). Scary green-faced ape-man plays catch with dead chicken.           4/27/1954 #9728  
ver(s) / 2 days. Bright white disk plays near mine. Maneuvers near light-po 1/7/1955 #11925  
trates a scientific principle that plays a role in the story he is introduc 4/5/1955 #12081  
 California, contactee Dick Miller plays tape recordings allegedly made by  4/28/1956 #12817  
ists and other interested citizens plays a critical role in providing cruci 9/11/1956 #13214  
o police officers sight a UFO that plays a game of cat-and-mouse tag with t 11/25/1956 #13353  
          BALFOUR, NZ Small saucer plays tag with 2 observer(s) on foot! Ju 1/13/1957 #13453  
 DALLAS-FT WORTH, TX Barn-size UFO plays cat & mouse / Air Force plane. 3 o 9/19/1957 #14009  
CO / SALES, BRZ Avb. Blazing disc? plays tag 20x / farm field. 100M altitud 10/14/1957 #14106  
ewsman. Pulsing yellow night light plays with plane. / r78p193.             2/5/1963 #17649  
A Several observer(s). Night light plays / woods. Responds / light signals. 11/3/1964 #18604  
 UFO phenomenon. Well reviewed, it plays a significant role in the renaissa 6/1965 #18978  
ots and 3+ground RADAR. Red object plays cat and mouse with Lear jet. Shoot 1/13/1967 #21293  
ate cars. Night light follows car. Plays peekaboo. Engine and lights electr 3/13/1967 #21878  
e Valderas. This time, Jordán Peña plays UFO investigator, taking statement 6/1/1967 #22448  
     Colorado The Colorado project plays host to 34 Air Force officers havi 6/12/1967 #22498  
 quickly south to sea. 1 stays and plays.                                   6/3/1969 #25193  
d by tree. Follows 5 in car. Radio plays static only.                       10/1970 (approximate) #25862  
d paces car. Stops when they stop. Plays in trees. Quickly going up. / r30p 2/24/1974 #28794  
 observer(s). 10' sphere/orb/globe plays tag with truck / 2 miles. Paces 2n 12/1/1974 #29626  
ing west going down / 3M altitude. Plays cat and mouse. Possible lands / r3 5/1/1975 #30016  
rver(s). Fireball-sphere/orb/globe plays / sky / 30 minute(s). Glides away  1/9/1976 #30780  
s / low altitude. Spins. Tilts and plays / trees. / r210v25#9.              1/22/1977 #31745  
s hover / 4 hours. Unpowered radio plays etc.                               10/31/1980 #35597  
and give chase to the light, which plays cat and mouse with them. This cont 3/1987 #38128  
minutes, during which time the UFO plays with its pursuer. After landing, t 12/1/1988 #38733  
                   YABUCOA, PR UFO plays cat / mouse games with 2 USAF jets 6/29/1990 #39628  
140 / ground. Classic domed saucer plays cat / mouse with jets. Going up.   10/16/1998 #43663  
it abruptly shoots upward. The UFO plays cat and mouse with the jet, appear 10/19/1998 #43665  
nt ovoid blocks stars. Night light plays. Both vanish.                      7/7/1999 #43794  
ide, behind, and above the jet. It plays cat and mouse with the plane for s 8/6/2001 #44227  
d ingenious intelligence-gathering plays of all time. Meanwhile, it seems t 4/15/2021 #45682  
## Word: "plaza" (Back to Top)
 F. Kennedy Assassinated at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, TX.                     11/22/1963 #18055  
overing at 20 feet altitude over a plaza in Hollywood, Florida. It had a ro 2/19/1967 #21598  
led from her Cordoba suburb to the Plaza Espana in the heart of the city. A 8/4/1968 #24297  
 de Veron was crossing the central Plaza Colon at 6:30 p.m. in Mar del Plat 7/9/1973 #27625  
      Pick-Congress Hotel Congress Plaza Hotel Grant Park Chicago, Illinois 6/24/1977 #32190  
k-Congress Hotel [now the Congress Plaza Hotel] across from Grant Park in d 6/24/1977 #32190  
     A man was walking through the Plaza Garibaldi in Viareggio, Italy on t 12/30/1978 #34232  
        ACERRA, ITL 4 observer(s). Plaza lit up. Round orange object going  1/15/1979 #34343  
                   Barker Shopping Plaza State Highway 82 Connecticut Turnp 11/27/1979 #35020  
er of a spa in the Barker Shopping Plaza off State Highway 82 near the Conn 11/27/1979 #35020  
s spotted walking around the local plaza for several hours that night. Two  7/16/1998 #43607  
er(s). Silent 10M box going down / plaza. Hovers / low altitude. Splits / 3 8/3/2001 #44222  
nhuajie district Apparel Town area plaza of the Taiyuan Railway Station 8:4 10/11/2010 #45301  
rack. When reporters arrive at the plaza of the Taiyuan Railway Station, th 10/11/2010 #45301  
## Word: "plazoleta" (Back to Top)
ice officer walking home along the Plazoleta Alfonso de la Vega in Frias, A 4/17/2000 #43982  
## Word: "plea" (Back to Top)
Minister Eric Gairy makes a strong plea for a United Nations program to inv 4/17/1977 #31987  
pheres / light hover over village. Plea for witnesses. No further details.  6/24/1993 #41032  
## Word: "plead" (Back to Top)
nd then as his friends continue to plead with him. Coming within 6 feet, Wa 11/5/1975 #30562  
m Park. On April 7, Russo and Rudy plead guilty to charges of disorderly co 1/5/2009 #45206  
## Word: "pleads" (Back to Top)
 publisher Edward K. Gaylord. Carr pleads the Fifth Amendment.              5/4/1959 #15722  
th for possession of marijuana. He pleads no contest and resigns.           3/1/1968 #23801  
 science et le socialisme, Posadas pleads that “We must call upon beings fr 6/26/1968 #24084  
d to felony pandering, to which he pleads guilty on June 18. At sentencing  6/5/1990 #39606  
## Word: "pleasant" (Back to Top)
                               MT. PLEASANT, IA 1 / fishing. Metallic blue  6/3/1920 #998  
                             Mount Pleasant, Iowa Day. Jesse Clark Linch is 6/3/1920 #999  
ch is fishing on a pond near Mount Pleasant, Iowa, when he sees a soundless 6/3/1920 #999  
 for 15 minutes northeast of Mount Pleasant, Iowa, then took off and flew a 6/3/1920 #1000  
                                PT PLEASANT, WV Several observer(s). 'Flami 10/10/1931 #1131  
                  St. Agnes Avenue Pleasant Street Utica, New York Electric 12/22/1941 #1381  
the corner of St. Agnes Avenue and Pleasant Street in Utica, New York, to w 12/22/1941 #1381  
                             Mount Pleasant, UT Two Silver Objects On Heado 7/21/1949 #4274  
ut to sea at high speed near Point Pleasant. The aerial sighting lasted two 9/10/1951 #5661  
                                   PLEASANT HILL, CA 4 discs / high altitud 10/13/1953 #9221  
" was reported to have occurred in Pleasant Hill, California this night.    10/13/1953 #9224  
                             POINT PLEASANT, NJ Boomerang going down. Grass 9/19/1957 #14010  
                             Point Pleasant, NJ Boomerang-shaped object big 9/19/1957 #14011  
                             Point Pleasant, New Jersey A boomerang-shaped  9/19/1957 #14012  
s reported to have landed in Point Pleasant, New Jersey at 6:40 p.m. Accord 9/19/1957 #14015  
                       CONCORD AND PLEASANT HILL, CA Circular object maneuv 8/16/1960 #16394  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pleasant” YieldMax: 20KT                 5/29/1963 #17771  
                                   Pleasant View, Pennsylvania 11:00 p.m. R 5/26/1964 #18308  
the bottom of a ball in a field at Pleasant View, Pennsylvania, and chases  5/26/1964 #18308  
allarat, Victoria, Australia Mount Pleasant Perth UFO Research Group Flying 2/27/1965 #18829  
rat Municipal Observatory in Mount Pleasant. Representatives of the Perth U 2/27/1965 #18829  
 College Park, Lanham, Bowie, Seat Pleasant, and elsewhere around the regio 8/1/1966 #20715  
 College Park, Lanham, Bowie, Seat Pleasant, and elsewhere around Prince Ge 8/1/1966 #20719  
                          In Point Pleasant, West Virginia a national guard 11/1/1966 #21063  
                        NEAR POINT PLEASANT, WV Mothman follows car / 3M wi 11/15/1966 #21105  
                             Point Pleasant, West Virginia McClintic Wildli 11/15/1966 #21107  
 p.m. Two young couples from Point Pleasant, West Virginia—Roger and Linda  11/15/1966 #21107  
at their car was followed in Point Pleasant, West Virginia around 11:30 p.m 11/15/1966 #21109  
             At 9:00 p.m. in Point Pleasant, West Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Ray 11/16/1966 #21110  
            On this night in Point Pleasant, West Virginia police captain P 11/18/1966 #21124  
 area of the TNT dumpsite in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. That same night 11/24/1966 #21146  
the abandoned power plant in Point Pleasant, West Virginia where it had bee 11/24/1966 #21146  
t 7:15 a.m. on Highway 62 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia Mr. Ury, 25-year 11/25/1966 #21148  
ure with glowing red eyes in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.                 12/6/1966 #21188  
t across the Ohio River from Point Pleasant, West Virginia--saw a brownish  12/7/1966 #21191  
                               PT. PLEASANT, WV Dogs frantic. Car-sized UFO 1/10/1967 #21281  
e her home during the day in Point Pleasant, West Virginia when she saw wha 1/11/1967 #21287  
                                   Pleasant Valley, CT 10:00 p.m. EST. A ne 2/8/1967 #21481  
 for breakfast. He said he spent a pleasant hour and 45 minutes chatting wi 2/16/1967 #21574  
                             Point Pleasant, WV 8:00 p.m. EST. A pilot and  4/18/1967 #22158  
p.m. About 40 miles north of Point Pleasant, a Ph.D. professor at Ohio Univ 4/18/1967 #22159  
             At 8:00 p.m. in Point Pleasant, West Virginia a pilot and grou 4/18/1967 #22161  
move with a gliding motion. (Point Pleasant Register, W.Va., 4/22/67, copy  4/19/1967 #22163  
           Edmonton, Alberta Mount Pleasant Cemetery 2:00 a.m. Ricky Banyar 5/7/1967 #22294  
in Edmonton, Alberta, in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery. As it hovers at about 5/7/1967 #22294  
                        SR 2 / PT. PLEASANT, WV Large brilliant UFO extends 6/5/1967 (approximate) #22461  
 on State Route 2 outside of Point Pleasant, West Virginia an unidentified  6/5/1967 #22468  
itchen late on this night in Point Pleasant, West Virginia heard a loud squ 11/2/1967 #23391  
over the "TNT" area north of Point Pleasant, West Virginia.                 11/19/1967 #23483  
                  Ohio River Point Pleasant, West Virginia Gallipolis, Ohio 12/15/1967 #23591  
 over the Ohio River between Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and Gallipolis, 12/15/1967 #23591  
 or shadows. It didn't feel like a pleasant place, and she felt she had had 8/4/1973 #27683  
                             Point Pleasant, West Virginia Ohio River Silve 1975 #29670  
d Mothman in the area around Point Pleasant, West Virginia, in 1966–1967. I 1975 #29670  
                               MT. PLEASANT, ON 30' shiny domed saucer goin 7/6/1975 #30162  
                             Mount Pleasant, Ontario, CAN 5:00 p.m. A shiny 7/6/1975 #30165  
                             Mount Pleasant, Ontario 5:00 p.m. Joe Borda is 7/6/1975 #30167  
orda is doing farm chores at Mount Pleasant, Ontario, when he sees a domed  7/6/1975 #30167  
 o'clock in the afternoon in Mount Pleasant, Ontario a shiny metallic domed 7/6/1975 #30169  
                               MT. PLEASANT, PA 2 / mobile home. Top-shaped 3/28/1976 #30964  
y, Old Bridge, Oyster Creek, Point Pleasant, Red Bank, Toms River, and Wall 12/2/1977 #32731  
                               MT. PLEASANT, WEST AUSTR 2 / home. Bell shap 3/27/1978 #33084  
The atmosphere inside the craft is pleasant and cool, and there is a smell  5/16/1979 #34563  
he atmosphere inside the craft was pleasant and cool, and there was a smell 5/16/1979 #34564  
                                   Pleasant Point Temuka, New Zealand 12:50 7/12/1981 #36002  
riving east along a back road from Pleasant Point to Temuka, New Zealand, w 7/12/1981 #36002  
                                   PLEASANT HILLS, PA Many night lights / p 5/5/1982 #36463  
 toward Greensburg. At 11:17 in in Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania hundreds of 5/5/1982 #36464  
                              OVER PLEASANT HILLS, MD 6 F15 jets. Shiny UFO 7/10/1986 #37936  
                                   PLEASANT VALLEY, CT 2 cops. Meteor split 3/26/1996 #42841  
                              LAKE PLEASANT, AZ 2 observer(s). Huge triangl 7/11/1997 #43348  
y” next to him, and he next felt a pleasant touch on his upper back, and th 7/18/1999 #43807  
## Word: "pleasanton" (Back to Top)
                                   PLEASANTON, TX 1 / truck. Saucer going u 5/5/1975 #30035  
                                   Pleasanton, TX 9:20 p.m. A domed disc-sh 5/5/1975 #30037  
d object was seen on the ground in Pleasanton, Texas with two figures insid 5/5/1975 #30038  
                      I680 SOUTH / PLEASANTON, CA 3 observer(s). Silent 40' 6/25/1976 #31138  
ing on interstate highway I-680 in Pleasanton, California when they saw an  6/25/1976 #31140  
## Word: "pleasantview" (Back to Top)
                                   PLEASANTVIEW, PA Project Bluebook Case # 5/26/1964 #18301  
                                   Pleasantview, PA Yellow-orange light, sh 5/26/1964 #18303  
                                   Pleasantview, Pennsylvania Witness: Rev. 5/26/1964 #18305  
hased for two miles down a road in Pleasantview, Pennsylvania.              5/26/1964 #18311  
## Word: "pleasantville" (Back to Top)
                                   Pleasantville, NY 8:30 PM. A V-shaped ob 5/31/1984 #37345  
 object was seen from Route 117 in Pleasantville, New York. It was reported 5/31/1984 #37345  
  Hawthorne, New York Route 117 in Pleasantville, New York Taconic State Pa 5/31/1984 #37348  
e object is seen from Route 117 in Pleasantville, New York, and follows a c 5/31/1984 #37348  
 object was seen from Route 117 in Pleasantville, New York. It was reported 5/31/1984 #37349  
## Word: "please" (Back to Top)
 investigate possible plane crash. Please call law enforcement officers." A 2/28/1959 #15624  
 spinning and yelling in a panic, “Please don’t take me, I do not want to f 10/8/1989 #39150  
owards the northeast and vanished. Please bear in mind that satellite re-en 11/5/1990 #39872  
## Word: "pleased" (Back to Top)
e for review. The Air Force is not pleased, objecting to Shalett stating an 3/2/1949 #4032  
ation of the UFO situation: It was pleased to note that the number of sight 12/8/1953 #9347  
generally do whatever it damn well pleased, all in the name of UFOs and the 7/31/1999 #43815  
plied and appeared to be genuinely pleased with his offer of assistance, bu 3/26/2002 #44326  
## Word: "pleases" (Back to Top)
he pieces. Nonetheless, the flight pleases Kelly Johnson.                   4/26/1962 #17131  
## Word: "pleasure" (Back to Top)
tly round, gray-white disc paced a pleasure boat for six minutes nine miles 7/9/1955 #12246  
y round, grayish-white UFO paced a pleasure boat for six minutes. It was su 7/10/1955 #12248  
k official Gerardo Bagnulo is on a pleasure outing with members of his fami Early 9/1966 #20835  
## Word: "pleaşa" (Back to Top)
        north of Ploieşti, Romania Pleaşa Afternoon. Mihnea Mustaţa and oth 4/13/2012 #45341  
about 53 mph toward the village of Pleaşa. It disappears for a few minutes  4/13/2012 #45341  
## Word: "pledge" (Back to Top)
n. Greer claims he has extracted a pledge from Wilson during the meeting to 4/10/1997 #43260  
## Word: "pledges" (Back to Top)
                             MUFON pledges its cooperation with CUFOS, offe 6/1974 #29152  
## Word: "pleiades" (Back to Top)
h they have since emigrated to the Pleiades), and she is the granddaughter  1/28/1975 #29772  
n several humanoid aliens from the Pleiades. Later Morton leads tours aroun 1991 #39935  
y was from, and her reply was "The Pleiades." She was told that they had ba 8/10/1993 #41123  
## Word: "pleiku" (Back to Top)
            West Central Highlands Pleiku, Vietnam After a series of UFO si 1/31/1969 #24881  
in the West Central Highlands near Pleiku, Vietnam, using pulse acquisition 1/31/1969 #24881  
                          Illinois Pleiku At a press conference in Illinois 10/16/1973 #28084  
n 1967 and 1969, especially around Pleiku in February 1969, documents some  10/16/1973 #28084  
## Word: "plemet" (Back to Top)
                                   Plemet, France Approximate date. A. Treu 10/25/1954 #11387  
s disc that landed in a pasture in Plemet, Cotes-du-Nord, France            10/25/1954 #11394  
## Word: "plentiful" (Back to Top)
ctions that show they are far more plentiful than anyone suspects, biologic 1981 #35761  
## Word: "plenty" (Back to Top)
esent a formidable team from which plenty of trouble can be expected.” The  10/1958 #15294  
icked on a farm in Kaharoa, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Later three circles 11/5/1969 #25452  
auranga, New Zealand on the Bay of Plenty. She saw a large bright white bal 6/26/1971 #26197  
 two levels. The lower, which "had plenty of headroom", was "wall papered"  5/15/1973 #27492  
 that this is true. I have been in plenty of black projects, but when we tr 4/10/1997 #43260  
## Word: "plenum" (Back to Top)
t fills the cockpit and the engine plenum chamber fire warning light goes o 7/2/1954 #9984  
## Word: "plerin" (Back to Top)
s driving in a car at 7:30 p.m. in Plerin, France observed flashing blue li 12/29/1994 #41911  
## Word: "plesetsk" (Back to Top)
ur, Kazakhstan Chelyabinsk, Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kyshtym, Russia Sver 5/1/1960 #16248  
s Siberia to get a look at the new Plesetsk Cosmodrome, but at 8:53 a.m. lo 5/1/1960 #16248  
                    Minsk, Belarus Plesetsk Cosmodrome Finland 4:10 a.m. Wh 9/7/1984 #37458  
oviet missile is launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome. Lazurin’s sketches  9/7/1984 #37458  
## Word: "plesetzk" (Back to Top)
                                   PLESETZK, RUSSIA UFO appears by discarde 10/2/1991 #40204  
## Word: "plessiel" (Back to Top)
                                   PLESSIEL FIELD / ABBEVILLE, FR 2 separat 7/18/1955 #12268  
                                   Plessiel Airfield, near Abbeville, Franc 7/18/1955 #12269  
    At 3 o'clock in the morning at Plessiel Airfield, near Abbeville, Franc 7/18/1955 #12270  
## Word: "plestin" (Back to Top)
                                   PLESTIN, FR 2+5 kids. 2 fireballs follow 9/5/1980 #35496  
## Word: "pleure" (Back to Top)
                                   PLEURE, FR 2 observer(s). Silent silver  9/1965 #19486  
## Word: "pleuville" (Back to Top)
                                   PLEUVILLE, 16, FR 4 girls. 5M dome / 10M 3/26/1974 #28953  
 was sighted by three witnesses in Pleuville, Charente, France. It was lumi 3/26/1974 #28958  
## Word: "pleven" (Back to Top)
                                   PLEVEN DEPARTMENT, BULGARIA Many observe 12/29/1978 #34223  
## Word: "plevna" (Back to Top)
                                   Plevna Miles City, Montana Day. William  5/17/1948 #3653  
the hills to the northwest between Plevna and Miles City, Montana. It moves 5/17/1948 #3653  
## Word: "plewman" (Back to Top)
ario, former RCAF pilot Richard H. Plewman and Jack Grant are cruising on t 6/1/1966 #20519  
t was reported to NICAP by Richard Plewman. Plewman, a former RCAF Flight L 6/1/1966 #20520  
orted to NICAP by Richard Plewman. Plewman, a former RCAF Flight Lieutenant 6/1/1966 #20520  
," emitting a low "pulsating hum." Plewman and Grant could now see a disc w 6/1/1966 #20520  
ng "Like a light bulb turned out." Plewman said the perimeter lights clearl 6/1/1966 #20520  
## Word: "plexiglas" (Back to Top)
e was an orange light. There was a Plexiglas type section in the forward en 9/20/1954 #10373  
t got out of a door located in the Plexiglas section, he approached the wit 9/20/1954 #10373  
 screen, and two transparent (like Plexiglas) bucket seats. There are no vi Mid 10/1965 #19659  
 8 feet high, 12 feet wide, with a Plexiglas bubble on top, and bright ligh 3/23/1966 #20050  
## Word: "plexiglass" (Back to Top)
ent to fail and damage part of his plexiglass cockpit canopy that results i 5/6/1949 #4158  
ho described it as "constructed of plexiglass." Three meters away moved a s 10/2/1954 #10620  
s wore transparent coveralls, like plexiglass, and under that gray metallic 1/2/1979 #34281  
## Word: "plexus" (Back to Top)
he UFO, striking them in the solar plexus. It is an intense, electric, silv 6/17/1977 #32172  
## Word: "pliers" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pliers” YieldMax: 20KT                   8/27/1969 #25332  
## Word: "plimmerton" (Back to Top)
                                   PLIMMERTON, NI, NZ Glowing green luminou 12/6/1952 #8382  
## Word: "plinio" (Back to Top)
                                   Plinio Bragatto, a 74-year old laborer,  12/9/1996 #43133  
## Word: "ploemeur" (Back to Top)
                                   PLOEMEUR, FR 20cm probe maneuvers over a 2/3/1974 #28730  
                                   PLOEMEUR, FR Silent orange-glow pot-ovoi 8/16/1975 #30277  
## Word: "ploeren" (Back to Top)
                                   PLOEREN, FR 2 observer(s). Bright rectan 2/3/1974 #28732  
## Word: "ploesti" (Back to Top)
                                   PLOESTI, ROM Engineer. Pointed object go 8/1944 (approximate) #1626  
                                   Ploesti, Rumania Reddish orange balls, a 8/1/1944 #1634  
                           NORTH / PLOESTI, ROM Scientist and 3. 3M saucer  9/25/1968 #24510  
                                   PLOESTI, ROMANIA 2 observer(s). Bright o 8/12/1974 #29331  
## Word: "ploești" (Back to Top)
        Concordia-Vega refinery at Ploești, Romania Afternoon. After a succ 7/9/1944 #1621  
nst the Concordia-Vega refinery at Ploești, Romania, witness Grigore Zmeura 7/9/1944 #1621  
## Word: "plogastel-st" (Back to Top)
                                   PLOGASTEL-ST. GERMAINE, FR 1 observer. 1 10/12/1954 #10962  
## Word: "ploice" (Back to Top)
    Champaign, IL 3:55 PM. Retired ploice officer, ex-pilot, watched, along 10/13/1977 #32570  
## Word: "ploiesti" (Back to Top)
                                   PLOIESTI, ROMANIA 2 observer(s) and more 8/20/1968 #24357  
                                   PLOIESTI, ROM Student. Silent glowing-ov 9/21/1968 #24493  
                           NORTH / PLOIESTI, ROM Rugby-ball saucer goes nor 9/26/1968 #24515  
                                   PLOIESTI, ROM Big sphere/orb/globe over  8/25/1969 #25329  
## Word: "ploieşti" (Back to Top)
                                   Ploieşti, Romania Vega oil refinery 10:0 9/15/1968 #24468  
 wife and two nephews northwest of Ploieşti, Romania, when they see a cylin 9/15/1968 #24468  
       Paralela 45 Motel Highway 1 Ploieşti, Romania 1:00 a.m. A witness wo Late 9/1977 #32517  
ela 45 Motel on Highway 1 north of Ploieşti, Romania, sees a large object 3 Late 9/1977 #32517  
                          north of Ploieşti, Romania Pleaşa Afternoon. Mihn 4/13/2012 #45341  
staţa and other observers north of Ploieşti, Romania, watch a white, hat-sh 4/13/2012 #45341  
## Word: "plombieres" (Back to Top)
                                   PLOMBIERES, 21, FR N5 = A38. Cops. Red b 9/23/1954 #10412  
hey reached Fontland. Policemen in Plombieres and several independent witne 9/23/1954 #10416  
hey reached Fontland. Policemen in Plombieres and several other independent 9/23/1954 #10423  
                           SOUTH / PLOMBIERES, BELGIUM Delta/triangle/box-l 11/30/1989 #39279  
ct passed low over a road south of Plombieres, Belgium. It had two large li 11/30/1989 #39284  
## Word: "plomo" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Plomo” YieldMax: 20KT                    5/1/1974 #29077  
## Word: "plop" (Back to Top)
kly northwest / 1km altitude. Odd "plop" sound.                             7/10/1957 #13785  
## Word: "plopping" (Back to Top)
p rises 8 feet into the air before plopping to the ground.                  4/20/1897 #545  
## Word: "plopului" (Back to Top)
                             Valea Plopului, Romania Odaia hill Just after  Early 9/1972 #26975  
 agricultural cooperative in Valea Plopului, Romania, sees a yellow star wi Early 9/1972 #26975  
## Word: "plot" (Back to Top)
order to bring the world together. Plot elements include a trio of staged s 1948 #3523  
 saucer science-fiction movie, the plot revolves around an alien who lands  9/18/1951 #5677  
ansky become involved in the first plot against Fidel Castro. The strategy  9/1960 #16428  
 Patrice Lumumba’s toothbrush. The plot is abandoned, allegedly because CIA 9/1960 #16429  
e Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, plot 20 silver objects, radar blips at a 3/2/1967 #21731  
ead a fantastic story based on the plot of his upcoming film Ché OVNI. The  Early 5/1968 #23939  
g, premieres in New York City. The plot involves benevolent aliens who make 11/17/1977 #32680  
repopulate their planet or perhaps plot a takeover of the Earth.            3/1992 #40342  
m. three girls were walking past a plot of vacant land when they spotted an 1/20/1996 #42697  
## Word: "plotkin" (Back to Top)
                 SFGate writer Hal Plotkin claims sources tell him the Depa 5/17/1999 #43770  
ly involved in “fraud and deceit.” Plotkin writes that SRI’s Michael McKubr 5/17/1999 #43770  
fic community has little interest. Plotkin also claims MIT chief science wr 5/17/1999 #43770  
stitute (EPRI)’s Tom Passell tells Plotkin ERAB lied to Congress and told l 5/17/1999 #43770  
## Word: "plots" (Back to Top)
c Ocean. He begins receiving radar plots showing a north-south track to the 12/1943? #1548  
o the northeast. Project Blue Book plots the sighting and concludes that bo 10/9/1951 #5715  
           Itazuke AFB, Japan Five Plots on AN/MPS-5 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 12/18/1952 #8431  
nfirming its location on the radar plots and making it impossible to explai 9/20/1957 #14020  
the night Flight 542 crashed. Both plots of the UFO were in the area where  9/29/1959 #15997  
## Word: "plotted" (Back to Top)
ads, are self-destructive, and are plotted over a range of 620 miles. Somet 8/19/1946 #2144  
 The radar station at Ft. Monmouth plotted the same UFO on radar at 1110 ED 9/10/1951 #5656  
.m. CST an Air Force radar station plotted an unidentified target moving at 7/29/1952 #7307  
 a.m., saying there are 40 targets plotted by airport radar flying from 3,0 9/2/1952 #7829  
           MORO ROCK / SEQUOIA NOT PLOTTED ON MAPS, CA Fireballs and 1000'  7/23/1953 #9010  
ds that each day’s sightings, when plotted on a map, occur along straight-l 1958 #14781  
ter told investigators that he had plotted an UFO twice on the night Flight 9/29/1959 #15997  
                    EVERGLADES NOT PLOTTED ON MAPS, FL PAA aero RADAR's. Hu 11/8/1959 #16083  
o investigate an UFO that had been plotted on the Radar scope of an Air Bas 5/1961 #16669  
        White Sands, NM Two Radars Plotted 20 silver objects, radar blips a 3/2/1967 #21727  
y of an apparent falling object is plotted, and a recovery team is dispatch 5/17/1974 #29109  
                   YELLOWSTONE NOT PLOTTED ON MAPS, WY Man flashes Morse co 10/25/1976 (approximate) #31494  
                        JASPER NOT PLOTTED ON MAPS, ALTA 3 Park Wardens. Bl 2/3/1995 #42015  
                    MESA VERDE NOT PLOTTED ON MAPS, CO 3 observer(s). Cloud 6/23/1997 #43334  
## Word: "plotting" (Back to Top)
: It mentions the ETH; it mentions plotting waves against planetary approac 11/8/1948 #3871  
gs. One of the posts serves as the plotting center to coordinate and triang 5/4/1949 #4144  
rvation post linked to the Killeen plotting center by radio. AFOSI Lt. Col. 5/19/1949 #4196  
rvation post, 4-1/2 miles S of the Plotting Center, which suddenly started  6/6/1949 #4227  
on post and 4.5 miles south of the plotting center, hovering 5,280 feet in  6/6/1949 #4228  
cks up a target for 20–45 minutes, plotting a slow course along the coast.  9/17/1954 #10333  
orce to share data in the hopes of plotting a firm orbit for the mystery sa 8/25/1960 #16414  
 drug charges. They are reportedly plotting domestic terrorism based on con 10/27/2016 #45460  
## Word: "plouay" (Back to Top)
                                   PLOUAY, FR Several observer(s) and bad p 2/3/1974 #28729  
## Word: "ploubazlanec" (Back to Top)
                                   PLOUBAZLANEC, FR Separate observer(s). F 12/24/1975 #30735  
light came down near the ground in Ploubazlanec, Cotes-du-Nord, France. A 0 12/24/1975 #30737  
light came down near the ground in Ploubazlanec, Cotes-du-Nord, France. A 0 12/24/1975 #30739  
## Word: "plouezoch" (Back to Top)
                   D46 NORTHEAST / PLOUEZOCH, FR Girl / 12 nears 1M ovoid.  10/27/1954 (approximate) #11427  
id object on the road northeast of Plouezoch, Finistere, France. She receiv 10/27/1954 #11454  
## Word: "plougastel" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHEAST / PLOUGASTEL, FR Naval Engineer and 1. Ver 10/21/1954 #11293  
## Word: "plough" (Back to Top)
head which lady thought was a snow plough. One blinking light of unknown sh 3/23/1977 #31927  
head which lady thought was a snow plough. One blinking light of unknown sh 3/23/1977 #31928  
## Word: "ploughed" (Back to Top)
ering just above the ground over a ploughed field, 80 yards away. It was 25 4/14/1971 #26073  
nds about 300 feet away in a newly ploughed field. They see a human-like fi 11/1/1977 #32651  
## Word: "ploughing" (Back to Top)
id along the ground and submerged, ploughing up the soil. Geologist Vsevolo 2/1961 #16593  
## Word: "plover" (Back to Top)
                                   PLOVER, WI Private pilot and 2. UFO over 8/21/1972 #26942  
## Word: "plovers" (Back to Top)
ar them, and he identifies them as plovers. When he hears about the Lubbock 8/25/1951 #5624  
 is sure the professors are seeing plovers.                                 8/25/1951 #5624  
the witnesses are seeing migrating plovers attracted to Lubbock’s new vapor 8/25/1951 #5625  
## Word: "plow" (Back to Top)
           KINCARDINE, ON Farmer / plow. 5 saucers criss-cross sky 3x / dif 7/9/1947 #3038  
## Word: "plowe" (Back to Top)
                Chicago, IL Thorpe/Plowe (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   12/8/1952 #8394  
## Word: "plowed" (Back to Top)
/ field. Trees scorched and ground plowed up. Pigs? / LDLN#324.             10/19/1954 #11232  
s were scorched and the ground was plowed up at the landing site. Figures m 10/19/1954 #11249  
through the furrows in the freshly plowed field, but he was quickly seized  10/16/1957 #14131  
 sky for two to three seconds.  It plowed through trees, struck the ground, 4/12/1960 #16225  
t hovering at a sharp angle over a plowed field; it had a bright white ligh 11/22/1961 #16973  
 5 feet in diameter in the freshly plowed field.                            4/4/1966 #20224  
econds. Fresh marks are found in a plowed field at the site where the objec 2/8/1974 #28747  
NIA Dogs upset. Silver-red ovoid / plowed field. Humming wavers. No physica 1/21/1977 #31734  
acks were later found in the newly plowed field. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 10/25/1977 #32608  
racks are later found in the newly plowed field. Each track is rectangular  10/25/1977 #32609  
acks were later found in the newly plowed field. Each track was rectangular 10/25/1977 #32610  
s them and sees them enter a muddy plowed field some 80–90 feet across. Thr 10/2/1981 #36154  
ight side of the road in a freshly plowed field. There are 11 lights on the Late 9/1984 #37469  
## Word: "plowing" (Back to Top)
         At 5:40 a.m. a farmer out plowing his fields in Kincardine, Ontari 7/9/1947 #3071  
 follows SNOWPLOWs. Hides. Back as plowing resumes. / r107p264.             1/28/1955 #11946  
owplow stopped, but came back when plowing resumed.                         1/28/1955 #11949  
ervation by A. Villas-Boas. He was plowing a field with his brother when th 10/14/1957 #14109  
illas-Boas and another brother are plowing and see a bright object hovering 10/14/1957 #14111  
ales, Minas Gerais, Brazil. He was plowing the field with his brother on a  10/14/1957 #14112  
l 1:00 a.m. Antonio Villas-Boas is plowing alone near São Francisco de Sale 10/16/1957 #14128  
ming region of Talco a peasant out plowing the fields encountered a landed  9/25/1979 #34922  
gion of Talco, Chile a peasant out plowing the fields encountered a landed  9/25/1979 #34923  
arn in Thurso, Quebec while he was plowing snow with his tractor. This was  2/6/1996 #42743  
## Word: "plows" (Back to Top)
 #6711. Saucer going quickly south plows through trees. Skips off ground. F 4/12/1960 #16222  
## Word: "ploy" (Back to Top)
 long arrest record. The tale is a ploy to gain the attention of potential  9/1952 #7804  
## Word: "plozevet" (Back to Top)
                               OFF PLOZEVET, FR Several boat crews. Orange  10/7/1954 #10769  
                                   Plozevet, France The crew of several fis 10/7/1954 #10781  
                                   Plozevet, France. Early in the day the c 10/7/1954 #10795  
unded by dense smoke. Villagers in Plozevet saw the same object and stated  10/7/1954 #10795  
## Word: "plucked" (Back to Top)
 arm. The first one knelt down and plucked a tobacco plant from the field,  12/11/1954 #11802  
## Word: "plucking" (Back to Top)
ened to shoes without heels. After plucking a few plants, the men returned  12/9/1954 #11789  
eenish, 6-foot-tall creatures, are plucking hair from his head and body. Di 1/4/1975 #29715  
## Word: "plucks" (Back to Top)
arm. The first one kneels down and plucks a tobacco plant from the field, t 12/9/1954 #11787  
ops shakes his head affirmatively, plucks a plant from the ground, and then 8/28/1963 #17922  
## Word: "plug" (Back to Top)
k ground. Going quickly southwest. Plug / dirt gone. / MJ#153.              6/17/1950 #4989  
irective 3820.2 and is intended to plug leaks coming from navy and marine p 7/23/1954 #10043  
s as car nears. Traces and missing plug / dirt.                             12/7/1972 #27163  
ached. Ground traces and a missing plug of earth were found in the woods, a 12/7/1972 #27164  
es burnt. 8M dent / crops. 35x35cm plug gone. / r30p566.                    8/1975 (approximate) #30221  
rs were required to approve every “plug,” often thousands a month. There wa 11/18/2013 #45396  
## Word: "plugged" (Back to Top)
g which the ears of Mrs. Kuittinen plugged up. When they came to a field th 2/2/1971 #26011  
## Word: "plugs" (Back to Top)
ng was found to have all its spark plugs burned out.                        7/24/1949 #4282  
r he lands, he finds all his spark plugs burned out. When Blue Book investi 7/24/1949 #4283  
he case, they confiscate the spark plugs.                                   7/24/1949 #4283  
a dead radio, and only three spark plugs were still firing.                 3/30/1955 #12071  
 battery no longer charged and the plugs no longer sparked properly. Mus st 2/5/1978 #32957  
 month. There was $538 billion in “plugs” for the 2009 alone for the Air Fo 11/18/2013 #45396  
## Word: "plum" (Back to Top)
rs cutting branches off her apple, plum, and cherry trees. Approaching clos 8/17/1953? #9077  
                                   Plum Tree Island, VA Zig-Zagging Object  1/27/1965 #18774  
                                   Plum Tree Island Wildlife Refuge Poquoso 1/27/1965 #18776  
Crimmins Jr. observes an object at Plum Tree Island Wildlife Refuge, near P 1/27/1965 #18776  
                Erie County NASA’s Plum Brook Station Neil A. Armstrong Tes 2/10/1967 #21504  
s patrolling in the area of NASA’s Plum Brook Station [now the Neil A. Arms 2/10/1967 #21504  
e NASA/AEC nuclear facility at the Plum Brook Naval Air Station in Erie Cou 2/10/1967 #21507  
                                   PLUM GROVE, TX 5 observer(s). 15 747-siz 2/1/1984 #37173  
## Word: "plumage" (Back to Top)
 the heads of birds and covered in plumage. Terrified, he speeds ahead and  11/1962 #17525  
 feet tall, with the body and dark plumage of an eagle, a thick neck, and p 4/23/1995 #42173  
## Word: "plumas" (Back to Top)
       Jordan and Marble Creeks in Plumas National Forest, northern Califor 5/20/1953 #8889  
ion of Jordan and Marble Creeks in Plumas National Forest, northern Califor 5/20/1953 #8889  
                                   PLUMAS CO, CA Cop and several. Formation 8/13/1960 #16374  
s morning Mr. & Mrs. K. in Keddie, Plumas County, California had a close en 11/28/1978 #34017  
## Word: "plumbbob" (Back to Top)
t of 29 nuclear tests in Operation Plumbbob, takes place at the Nevada Test 5/28/1957 #13684  
 a dormitory ventilator panel. The Plumbbob tests continue until October 7, 5/28/1957 #13684  
xico Pacific During the 74-kiloton Plumbbob Hood nuclear test at the Nevada 7/5/1957 #13779  
           Yucca Flats, Nevada The Plumbbob John nuclear test at Yucca Flat 7/19/1957 #13814  
                After nuclear test Plumbbob Smokey, Army troops conduct an  8/31/1957 #13959  
        Nevada Test Site After the Plumbbob Galileo nuclear shot at the Nev 9/2/1957 #13972  
              Nevada Test Site The Plumbbob Rainier nuclear shot at the Nev 9/19/1957 #14014  
## Word: "plumber" (Back to Top)
an County Dusk. Placido Montoya, a plumber from Fort Morgan, Colorado, give 12/31/2019 #45623  
## Word: "plumbers" (Back to Top)
on, D.C. 2:30 a.m. The White House Plumbers are arrested in the process of  6/17/1972 #26719  
## Word: "plume" (Back to Top)
s up again. (This could be a magma plume from an undersea volcanic vent.) A 6/18/1845 #141  
 Lindbäck says it generates a high plume of water when it hits the surface, 7/19/1946 #2071  
endent of the local high school. A plume of white smoke is escaping from it 10/17/1952 #8148  
an orange-red disc with a luminous plume coming from the opposite side of i 9/7/1954 #10269  
 his wife Connie (under her nom de plume Marla Baxter, sister of the blonde 1957 #13431  
ar-old woman with the last name of Plume and her father were driving throug 9/14/1973 #27823  
her and entered the object. Soon a plume of smoke emerged from the bottom a 7/11/1978 #33368  
 right of and above the peak and a plume of cloud. The photograph has been  10/8/1981 #36170  
ashington State. The impact sent a plume of water 100 feet into the air bef 7/27/1984 #37421  
ashington State. The impact sent a plume of water 100 feet into the air bef 7/27/1984 #37422  
he lights turn off, and a whirling plume trail appears around the sphere. P 10/1989 #39138  
altitude. 240' flame mimics rocket plume. Military investigation/investigat 1/19/1991 (approximate) #39962  
traight through the enormous white plume of steam before disappearing in th 3/12/1991 #40010  
 it turned she noticed a long blue plume of something, waving from behind i 8/22/1999 #43831  
low was reportedly seen in a large plume of clouds. This white glow changed 7/7/2000 #44012  
distinct tail, no distinct exhaust plume.” One pilot describes something “l 2/2015? #45430  
## Word: "plumerville" (Back to Top)
               Seattle, Washington Plumerville, Arkansas Rod B. Dyke launch 5/1969 #25104  
n by Lucius Farish as co-editor in Plumerville, Arkansas, beginning in July 5/1969 #25104  
## Word: "plumes" (Back to Top)
 loud booming noises, and “several plumes of black smoke” rising from somew 3/24/1997 #43239  
                          Two gray plumes of smoke were first seen in the s 12/18/2001 #44295  
## Word: "plummans" (Back to Top)
p.m. Two federal policemen, Dieter Plummans and Peter Nicoll, see a triangu 11/29/1989 #39276  
## Word: "plummet" (Back to Top)
trolman and 1. 6 25cm silver balls plummet going down / bay at GG bridge!   7/2/1947 #2538  
## Word: "plummeted" (Back to Top)
he claimed that an alien craft had plummeted to Earth in 1961. A local resi 1961 #16545  
## Word: "plummeting" (Back to Top)
 wheel rolling across the sky. The plummeting object, also described as a f 10/1917 #968  
 blue object leaving a fiery trail plummeting toward the surface of the lak 3/11/1978 #33032  
## Word: "plummets" (Back to Top)
lt), effective in February. Morale plummets.                                12/16/1948 #3931  
## Word: "plunge" (Back to Top)
t and was seen by two fishermen to plunge into the sea 6 km away from the c 6/16/1909 #775  
t and was seen by two fishermen to plunge into the sea 6 km away from the c 6/16/1909 #776  
t and was seen by two fishermen to plunge into the sea six kilometers away  6/16/1909 #777  
d corners drops / sky in a flaming plunge".                                 7/9/1952 #6729  
d John Freeland see a ball of fire plunge behind the breakwater at Redondo  2/9/1956 #12703  
l others, watches a glowing object plunge into Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. N 3/23/1957 #13557  
two white lights and one red light plunge into Long Island Sound.           6/22/1957 #13748  
wing jet with no identifying marks plunge into the Altafjord, Troms og Finn 6/1/1958 #15074  
 in this nuclear age, deliberately plunge the world into war which it is cr 10/22/1962 #17485  
 are fired. They hit the water and plunge deep before detonating. Immediate 4/27/1983 #36846  
ee and hear a rocket-shaped object plunge into the water. The object is 6–1 7/27/1999 #43814  
## Word: "plunged" (Back to Top)
min, as a bluish-green flame. Then plunged into the sea. Made several circl 11/2/1885 #269  
min, as a bluish-green flame. Then plunged into the sea. Made several circl 11/2/1885 #270  
cles above the ferryboat pier then plunged into the sea.                    11/2/1885 #271  
ue to yellow. The flat silver disc plunged downward toward earth in a zigza 10/13/1917 #971  
e control tower and by two men who plunged to the earth when the object mad Early 1952 #5848  
r 10 min. From it hung a hose that plunged into the water. The object was 2 7/24/1952 #7113  
 minutes. From it hung a hose that plunged into the water. The object was 2 7/25/1952 #7139  
ct -- flaming like red-hot iron -- plunged from the sky (NICAP: 06 - Trace  3/19/1953 #8762  
n-orange sphere with a dome on top plunged to the ground and bounced severa 10/5/1954 #10741  
sky. The shiny cigar-shaped object plunged abruptly towards the ground at a 10/19/1954 #11252  
rplane making a loud roaring noise plunged into Lake Meridian in Kent, Wash 5/25/1962 #17202  
ing, crossed to the other side and plunged into the water, which appeared t 10/31/1963 #18016  
o the other side of the river, and plunged into the water. The water seemed 10/31/1963 #18019  
tude, but then suddenly dipped and plunged into the sea.                    9/20/1964 #18561  
f the southeast and then “suddenly plunged into the sea some miles offshore 1/11/1965 #18708  
f the southeast and then "suddenly plunged into the sea some miles offshore 1/11/1965 #18711  
nd a house. It was assumed that it plunged into the bay, but a search by pa 11/19/1966 #21127  
rtically, one after the other, and plunged head first into the top of the s 8/29/1967 #22955  
 It trailed flames and smoke as it plunged downward. At 7:30 p.m. a brillia 7/23/1968 #24215  
c arm moved closer to his back and plunged the needle into his back. He fel 10/15/1997 #43429  
apidly over Kaliningrad Harbor and plunged into the water. The event was ca 4/18/2003 #44516  
ched the location where the object plunged into the sea but they were not a 6/22/2003 #44557  
## Word: "plunges" (Back to Top)
eaches a deep gully, into which it plunges and disappears. Historian Willia Late 3/1873 #200  
angle, makes a nearly square turn, plunges downward, and disappears below t 12/27/1950 #5368  
). Whistle. White sphere/orb/globe plunges going down. Stops. Shoots back g 11/19/1953 #9307  
ho prescribes him alcohol. He then plunges to his death from the 10th floor 11/28/1953 #9324  
ject with 2 white and 1 red light. Plunges into L.I. sound. / Local news.   6/22/1957 #13747  
 Airport 4:00 a.m. A huge fireball plunges from the sky near Myton, Utah, j 10/10/1957 #14094  
r object going northwest. Suddenly plunges to sea off Tillamook head.       1/11/1965 #18704  
ends along the same trajectory and plunges broadside into the water. A sudd 8/7/1968 #24307  
## Word: "plunging" (Back to Top)
hey seemed to be busy with a hose, plunging it into the water. (This was sh 8/1914 #905  
hey seemed to be busy with a hose, plunging it into the water. On the oppos 8/1914 #906  
observe the wingless Comet on fire plunging into the village of Jagalgori.  5/2/1953 #8857  
f the overrun can abort instead of plunging into the sagebrush. Area 51 pil 10/1960 #16472  
llow-white light that looked to be plunging into the ocean, but suddenly re 6/13/1963 #17782  
ht lights. Big earth and skyquake. Plunging objects veer back up!           3/27/1968 #23862  
bject had lit up the ground before plunging downward. Locals rush out of be 8/21/1978 #33539  
nd them, breaking window panes and plunging through roofs. A local rock for 1/14/1993 #40795  
## Word: "plunkett" (Back to Top)
            Bristol, England Denis Plunkett forms a British branch of Alber Summer 1952 #6580  
 Saucer Bureau, with his son E. L. Plunkett as president. It publishes Flyi Summer 1952 #6580  
## Word: "plurality" (Back to Top)
enelle writes Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds, in which he specula 1686 #50  
es, proclaiming the certainty of a plurality of inhabited worlds “peopled w 1756 #75  
h he discusses the question of the plurality of worlds in the light of new  1871 #188  
## Word: "plus" (Back to Top)
ct rotates / sky. (Cross-section = plus sign! ). Flies off.                 1/1930? #1110  
illiam Shaffer. Radar observation, plus possible blue streak 3 minutes late 8/25/1950 #5138  
tnesses: Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Boggus, plus unidentified drivers and passengers 1/8/1951 #5387  
sses: three men on the arms range, plus one Lt. Colonel 4 miles away. Five  5/1/1952 #6240  
inson Jr. and Airman Ray H. Foote, plus 5 other controllers, officers, and  6/23/1952 #6607  
en official unidentified sightings plus many unofficial.” It briefs CIA Dir 8/19/1952 #7648  
h radar and photographic coverage, plus all other instruments necessary or  1/9/1953 #8521  
 Sutton, June Taylor, O. P. Baker) plus 3 children (Charlton, Lonnie, and M 8/21/1955 #12386  
lights that seemed to be attached, plus other NLs.                          8/11/1958 #15194  
ations Officer Maj. Paul A. Duich, plus several officers from USAF Ballisti 9/8/1958 #15261  
rators at Bunker Hill AFB, Indiana plus the pilot of a Mooney private aircr 9/13/1959 #15974  
nfusingly sponsored by each group, plus the Queensland Flying Saucer Resear 1/1960 #16147  
es A. Carson and Stanley E. Scott, plus three others at Red Bluff, Californ 8/13/1960 #16380  
s Capt. A.V. Beather, flying DC-3, plus vague report from ground radar.  Tw 7/20/1961 #16768  
ches and some crushed undergrowth, plus three holes in the ground forming a 6/19/1966 #20586  
ches and some crushed undergrowth, plus three holes in the ground forming a 6/19/1966 #20588  
$300,000 offered by the Air Force (plus $13,000 in operating expenses) attr Late 7/1966 #20683  
ht. FAA Flight Service Specialists plus control tower personnel saw a large 2/1967 #21428  
:00 p.m. EST. Two known witnesses (plus other curious motorists) stopped to 2/12/1967 #21520  
ound the perimeter (green and red, plus white, blue, and yellow-orange). Th 3/8/1967 #21805  
 the same object eight more times, plus another whitish object. The car eng 4/12/1967 #22121  
 MA 8:00 p.m. EST. Three witnesses plus another separate individual reporte 4/21/1967 #22184  
y approves an additional $183,155, plus $29,750 for expenses, bringing the  7/1/1967 #22591  
n Blue Book Special Report no. 14. Plus all of Battelle’s original IBM card 9/1967? #22970  
. Four witnesses who were together plus two other single, independent witne 10/2/1967 #23165  
he pilot of a Piper-Twin Comanche, plus two pilots and a passenger on board 10/27/1967 #23342  
ar spiral was found on the ground, plus a silvery lump of unknown material  7/27/1971 #26247  
 specialist in aerial photography, plus geographer Juan Bravo and topograph 9/4/1971 #26317  
ay. Thirty Norwegian Navy vessels, plus NATO forces, are already investigat 11/13/1972 #27122  
, IN 7:30 p.m. No. sound. One hour plus. Object hovered above canning facto 10/9/1973 #27971  
hing underneath every two seconds, plus two headlights. At 6:30 p.m. a lumi 12/11/1973 #28556  
ower resulting in no acceleration, plus the lights dimmed for four seconds. 9/24/1974 #29475  
as found a 3.4 meter diameter ring plus numerous equilateral triangular mar 11/26/1974 #29611  
.m. EST. Lyman Paquette, his wife, plus his brother and sister in law obser 11/15/1975 #30622  
tive spot at the foot of the hill, plus other ground traces in evidence.    1/3/1977 #31687  
a green and a blue flashing light, plus several brightly lit windows could  8/31/1977 #32444  
a green and a blue flashing light, plus several brightly lit windows could  8/31/1977 #32447  
of Air Force and Navy UFO reports, plus some records of unauthorized CIA in 8/10/1978 #33496  
 RAAF Lockheed P-3 Orion aircraft, plus eight civilian aircraft. The search 10/21/1978 #33856  
humming sound. Three separate cops plus many other independent witnesses sa 11/3/1978 #33918  
hings that can masquerade as UFOs, plus the Bible has nothing to say about  1/18/1979 #34358  
the short humanoids gliding about, plus at about 500 meters distance, behin 4/20/1980 #35281  
r a similar object in the distance plus another large red object.           2/11/1990 #39416  
rcraft like the X-2, X-15 and U-2, plus cameras on rockets that were launch 7/1991 #40108  
 lights on the tips of its apexes, plus a small red blinking light and a sm 1/24/2003 #44479  
O with white lights in each corner plus a large red light in the center was 11/29/2006 #44988  
analyzed during the previous year, plus occasional investigations on older  11/19/2021 #45723  
## Word: "plus-sign" (Back to Top)
EIM, CA 2 observer(s). Big silent "plus-sign" shape with many lights east g 5/23/1986 #37889  
 FR 3+2 observer(s). Metallic grey plus-sign. Lights / ends blink. 2 beams  10/7/1994 #41791  
## Word: "plusd" (Back to Top)
ior decade.  https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1978USUNN05784_d.html       12/8/1978 #34079  
BULK.pdf *   https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/P750054-1939_b.html *   htt 2/25/1982 #36370  
## Word: "pluto" (Back to Top)
Tombaugh, discoverer of the planet Pluto, and other family members watched  7/10/1947 #3117  
Tombaugh, discoverer of the planet Pluto, reported sighting six to eight gr 8/20/1949 #4334  
 latest plan (code-named Operation Pluto) that involves 1,000 men landed in 1/28/1961 #16590  
man going [to] saucer. Flight past Pluto. Telepathy. Medical exam..         2/8/1985 #37553  
e extraterrestrials (who hail from Pluto and another planet named Loku) unt 12/1997 #43452  
## Word: "plutonium" (Back to Top)
t stage and build piles to produce plutonium and electromagnetic, centrifug 6/19/1942 #1417  
 Approval for the Hanford Site for plutonium production                     1/16/1943 #1481  
nford site in Washington State for plutonium production.                    1/16/1943 #1482  
on Oak Ridge, Tennessee Land for a plutonium production complex is acquired 2/9/1943 #1483  
nd the development of the gun-type plutonium weapon “Thin Man” is abandoned 7/4/1944 #1618  
 atomic bomb project plant opened (Plutonium production, component manufact 1945 #1742  
nford Los Alamos The first Hanford plutonium arrives at Los Alamos.         2/2/1945 #1770  
people in the US are injected with plutonium in doses ranging from 95 to 5, 4/10/1945 #1844  
onsent. The intent is to study how plutonium is absorbed into the digestive 4/10/1945 #1844  
high altitude above the top-secret Plutonium production facility in Hanford Summer 1945 #1879  
                   NAGASAKI, JAPAN Plutonium bomb destroys city. 2nd of 2.  8/9/1945 #1918  
her atomic bomb (an implosion-type plutonium weapon, Fat Man) is dropped on 8/9/1945 #1920  
st assembly he has built—a ball of plutonium surrounded by tungsten carbide 8/21/1945 #1925  
 atomic bomb project plant opened (Plutonium production, component manufact 1947 #2216  
 similar to the first US “Fat Man” plutonium bomb. The project is led by ph 8/29/1949 #4340  
                      Hanford Site plutonium production facility eastern Wa 12/2/1949 #4431  
ssion products at the Hanford Site plutonium production facility in eastern 12/2/1949 #4431  
tomic weapons project plant opens (Plutonium production)                    1950 #4458  
lt, as well as study the extent of plutonium contamination. Some 4,000 galv 4/24/1957 #13615  
uare-mile block of land to capture plutonium samples. Some 68 air- sampler  4/24/1957 #13615  
. Data from the test confirms that plutonium has a 24,000-year half-life; m 4/24/1957 #13615  
xplodes spontaneously at the Mayak plutonium production site (Chelyabinsk-4 9/29/1957 #14044  
d, uranium-fueled reactor used for plutonium and isotope production at the  10/9/1957 #14083  
imals (dogs, sheep, and burros) to plutonium dispersal in a non- nuclear sc 5/15/1963 #17742  
tion of a 0.77-square-mile area by plutonium. The fourth, which falls into  1/17/1966 #19844  
esent an estimate of the amount of plutonium contained in the pits of the p 1/21/1968 #23684  
## Word: "plutonium-based" (Back to Top)
nuclear weapon (an implosion-style plutonium-based bomb) takes place at the 7/16/1945 #1900  
## Word: "plutonium-dispersal" (Back to Top)
st of four top-secret, dry-surface plutonium-dispersal tests at the Tonopah 5/15/1963 #17742  
## Word: "plymouth" (Back to Top)
              Carrington Road, New Plymouth, New Zealand Evening. Mr. C. Ra 8/13/1918 #976  
to a dance on Carrington Road, New Plymouth, New Zealand, when he sees a br 8/13/1918 #976  
                              OVER PLYMOUTH, MASS F86 / Otis Air Force Base 4/27/1950 #4901  
                                   Plymouth, MA Light-brown flat oval objec 4/27/1950 #4908  
ith a flat oval-shaped object near Plymouth, Massachusetts. The object was  4/27/1950 #4911  
                               New Plymouth, New Zealand Witness: C.S. Chap 5/18/1953 #8883  
                         NORTHWEST PLYMOUTH, NZ 2 near airport. Cylinder/ci 4/7/1957 #13587  
                                   PLYMOUTH, NH 1 observer. Scarlet cylinde 4/25/1960 #16239  
                                   Plymouth, NH Former Town Selectman saw b 4/25/1960 #16240  
                               NEW PLYMOUTH, NZ Project Bluebook Case #8360 5/18/1963 #17748  
                               New Plymouth, NZ White, fuzzy, flashing ligh 5/18/1963 #17749  
out camping at 10:30 p.m. near New Plymouth, New Zealand when he heard a wi 5/18/1963 #17750  
 Rockland, Massachusetts in nearby Plymouth County saw and photographed a d 6/26/1963 #17811  
flying objects at 5:30 a.m. in New Plymouth, New Zealand.                   5/8/1966 #20465  
icers in Wareham, Massachusetts in Plymouth County sighted two inverted dis 5/11/1967 #22318  
                                   PLYMOUTH, DEVON UFO caught in photo of g 8/15/1972 #26917  
           Penlee Secondary School Plymouth, Devon, England Morning. Four b 2/16/1977 #31820  
dult at Penlee Secondary School in Plymouth, Devon, England, independently  2/16/1977 #31820  
                                   Plymouth State College New Hampshire Int 10/20/1978 #33847  
 Kate Chmurny, an archaeologist at Plymouth State College in New Hampshire, 10/20/1978 #33847  
                      Weston Mill, Plymouth, England 11:15 p.m. Denise Bish 9/10/1981 #36108  
urning to her home in Weston Mill, Plymouth, England, when she sees some li 9/10/1981 #36108  
Bob Boyd, an investigator with the Plymouth UFO Research Group, who takes p 9/10/1981 #36108  
se Bishop, age 23, of Weston Mill, Plymouth, Devonshire, England had a time 9/10/1981 #36109  
                                   PLYMOUTH AND LARGE AREA / DEVON Many sep 8/4/1987 #38227  
gland Lympstone Budleigh Salterton Plymouth, Devon Bude, Cornwall Exeter, D 8/4/1987 #38228  
seen making successive passes over Plymouth, Devon, between 10:30 p.m. and  8/4/1987 #38228  
   Many independent witnesses from Plymouth, Devon County, England watched  8/4/1987 #38229  
                                   PLYMOUTH, IN 2 observer(s). Dark domed s 10/19/1990 #39795  
                                   PLYMOUTH, ENGL 1 observer. 3 metal plate 3/8/1991 #40004  
                                   PLYMOUTH, DEVON Huge catamaran-shaped UF 4/1993 #40918  
        On this night a witness in Plymouth, Scotland reported seeing a dar 7/26/1993 #41090  
                        IVYBRIDGE, PLYMOUTH, DEVON Glowing UFO just over Mo 8/26/1993 #41161  
just over the moor at Ivybridge in Plymouth, England. Figures were seen wal 8/26/1993 #41162  
            Highway 3 south of New Plymouth, New Zealand New Plymouth 12:01 1/1/2001 #44114  
h of New Plymouth, New Zealand New Plymouth 12:01 a.m. Five people driving  1/1/2001 #44114  
iving along Highway 3 south of New Plymouth, New Zealand, spot an orange ob 1/1/2001 #44114  
nd only see some as they enter New Plymouth.                                1/1/2001 #44114  
North Island, New Zealand near New Plymouth. One of the UFOs paced a car, h 1/1/2001 #44115  
## Word: "plympton" (Back to Top)
                                   PLYMPTON, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 2 boys. Large  2/29/1964 #18139  
g gear land in a nearby paddock in Plympton, South Australia at two o'clock 2/29/1964 #18141  
## Word: "plyns" (Back to Top)
         NORTH / HOORN ISLAND, FR. PLYNS 1 / U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) / KC1 1/1997? #43159  
## Word: "plínio" (Back to Top)
ing his motorcycle with his friend Plínio Couto de Alencar Júnior to a part 8/12/1983 #36949  
ic cloak and have a wobbling gait. Plínio thinks the object disappears and  8/12/1983 #36949  
## Word: "pm" (Back to Top)
              King's Lynn, UK 9:45 PM. A cigar-shaped object illuminated th 5/13/1909 #739  
   Salt Lake City (near), UT 11:00 PM. An air mail pilot was repeatedly buz 9/1926 #1062  
              Hot Springs, NM 8:00 PM MST. Woman and her daughter observed  6/20/1947 #2345  
t. 1 circles city. 5 observer(s) / pm. Sphere/orb/globe in and out / clouds 7/5/1947 #2683  
   Muroc AFB (40 miles S of), CA 4 PM: a flat reflective object with no ver 7/8/1947 #3007  
dman AFB of the sighting...At 1:45 pm T. Sgt. Quinton Blackwell visually sc 1/7/1948 #3536  
mander Col. Guy Hixarrived at 2:20 pm the UFO looked like “an ice cream con 1/7/1948 #3536  
                Oak Ridge, TN 4:45 PM. Fairchild plant workers at the nucle 6/14/1950 #4986  
he apparent diameter of Moon. 2:59 PM  Witness:  H.L. Russell.              4/5/1952 #6032  
                 Pontiac, MI 11:06 pm. Witness observed an object approxima 4/27/1952 #6195  
      George AFB, CA 1194-2 2 [3?] PM MST - dull white arrowhead-shaped obj 5/9/1952 #6281  
f Nangnim Mt \- #2, North Korea (6 PM) silvery oval shaped object larger th 5/15/1952 #6329  
        Albuquerque, NM (1:45-2:40 PM) 2 circular objects (NICAP: 01 - Dist 5/28/1952 #6372  
        Albuquerque, NM (8:20-8:40 PM) 2 circular objects (NICAP: 01 - Dist 5/28/1952 #6373  
 Airport] Spokane, Washington 4:05 pm. Airport weather observer Rex Thompso 6/23/1952 #6610  
disc with a metallic shine at 4:05 pm. It flashed and fluttered like a flip 6/23/1952 #6615  
isible through binoculars. At 2:12 pm., Adamski takes three more photos of  11/20/1952 #8308  
e slowly for 5 minutes until 10:09 PM  Radar picked up a target at 10:08 PM 2/17/1953 #8684  
 Radar picked up a target at 10:08 PM  moving in a similar direction for 17 2/17/1953 #8684  
                  Calumet, MI 7:19 PM (CST): Lake Superior area (McDonald l 4/19/1953 #8837  
          NM Between 6:30 and 7:15 PM a saucer crashed in the desert, NM. K 4/12/1954 #9683  
buzzing sound for 2 minutes.  9:09 PM  Witness:  USAF pilot ht.  One white  6/8/1954 #9876  
ted on its vertical axis at high r.PM  for 30 seconds.                      12/3/1954 #11753  
                  Spokane, WA 4:40 PM PST, (04/0040Z) 1st Lt. Donald A. Sto 3/3/1956 #12746  
          Westover AFB, MA At 9:17 PM. A strange blip appeared on Westover  3/26/1956 #12768  
                      At around 10 pm. in the town of Vaddo, near Stockholm 11/11/1956 #13323  
later it flew away slowly. At 9:15 pm. B. L. English, a radio announcer at  6/13/1964 #18353  
                   Dallas, TX 9:30 PM - light fly fast, straight and level  8/4/1965 #19306  
ilar reports between 1:00 and 1:30 pm. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee repo 5/16/1966 #20487  
g the Victoria blacktop about 7:00 PM. ( Skylook 41, p. 13) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 1/1967 #21241  
y object with body lights. At 5:30 pm a woman and her daughter saw an objec 1/16/1967 #21319  
 de los Libres, Argentina At 10:00 pm in Paso de los Libres, policemen saw  6/24/1967 #22544  
      Winnipeg, Manitoba, CAN 1:00 pm. CDT. A couple saw a glowing yellow o 6/27/1967 #22562  
             Chambersburg, PA 9:45 pm.m EDT. Two men saw a white light hove 8/19/1967 #22891  
glowing coals beginning about 8:30 pm. At 9:00 pm, two red lights glided in 9/18/1967 #23081  
s beginning about 8:30 pm. At 9:00 pm, two red lights glided in front of a  9/18/1967 #23081  
DT. From early evening until 11:30 pm, numerous independent witnesses obser 10/4/1967 #23175  
rial activity. Near Sambro at 9:00 pm, the captain and crew of a fishing bo 10/4/1967 #23175  
n Nova Scotia. Near Sambro at 9:00 pm, Capt. Leo Howard Mersey and 20 crewm 10/4/1967 #23176  
MP office. Between 11:00 and 11:30 pm, northwest of Brier Island, the capta 10/4/1967 #23176  
Summerdale, PA Bt. 10:50 and 11:15 pm. Multiple witnesses saw a white ball  11/15/1967 #23463  
tates that while on patrol at 9:50 PM on the night of November 25 Constable 11/25/1970 #25919  
               Middleton, OH 10:00 pm.Cigar shaped object with disks. No so 10/7/1973 #27964  
                             At 10 pm. Mr. A. Rias, a stonemason, was liste 5/26/1974 #29136  
      Chabeiul, Drome, France 7:50 PM. A lenticular metallic disc with flam 1/1/1977 #31677  
              Valence, France 8:00 PM. Mr. and Mrs. Perez had a close encou 1/1/1977 #31678  
ra, Oporto Province, Portugal 9:00 PM. A TV crew filmed a UFO. It made a so 1/1/1977 #31679  
hes-Rhone Department, France 10:00 PM. A luminous hemisphere-shaped object, 1/1/1977 #31680  
       St. Bernard Parish, LA 8:45 PM. Two hunters spotted an extremely bri 1/21/1977 #31738  
                 Tasmania, AU 9:30 PM. Several children at a youth camp at  2/3/1977 #31783  
    Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK 12:30 PM. School students from a school saw a  2/7/1977 #31796  
                   Tucson, AZ 7:30 PM. From a window in her house Ms. Lois  2/10/1977 #31806  
                  McNatt, MO 11:00 PM. Lonnie Stites and his wife, Deborah, 3/5/1977 #31860  
               Evansville, IN 5:55 PM. Four witnesses, 5-mins. Two objects, 3/6/1977 #31865  
    Winchester, Hampshire, UK 9:00 PM. Mrs. Jane Bowles was driving with a  3/7/1977 #31869  
    Winchester, Hampshire, UK 9:00 PM. Mrs. Jane Bowles was driving with a  3/7/1977 #31870  
             Gatchelville, PA 7:30 PM. Nine independent witnesses watched a 3/7/1977 #31871  
             Indianapolis, IN 4:00 PM. Hoax photo. (APRO Bulletin) (NICAP:  3/10/1977 #31891  
      Syracuse (south of), NY 9:05 PM. The pilot and first officer of an Un 3/12/1977 #31900  
n-Y-Cwm, Pembrokeshire, Wales 9:00 PM. Stephen Taylor, age 17, was walking  3/13/1977 #31903  
n-Y-Cwm, Pembrokeshire, Wales 9:00 PM. Stephen Taylor, age 17, was walking  3/13/1977 #31904  
         West Jacksonport, WI 8:30 PM. Mrs. Joan Le Clair and four other lo 3/15/1977 #31907  
              Los Angeles, CA 8:50 PM. Two witnesses on a flight at 1500',  3/21/1977 #31923  
                   Gorham, NH 8:15 PM.. Susanne Fortier was walking on the  4/4/1977 #31942  
                Deerfield, IL 2:17 PM. 1-1.5 mins. Pilot driving on I-94 no 4/5/1977 #31947  
   Ste. Dorothee, Quebec, CAN 7:00 PM. The witness, a woman in her thirties 4/6/1977 #31952  
                   Tucson, AZ 3:30 PM. Two young girls walking under a high 4/12/1977 #31974  
                   Joliet, IL 2:00 PM. Adult couple driving westbound watch 5/8/1977 #32071  
                   Joliet, IL 2:30 PM. Adult couple experienced object like 5/8/1977 #32072  
         Harding Township, NJ 9:30 PM. Mrs.Nancy Allocco and her two childr 5/9/1977 #32077  
         Harding Township, NJ 9:30 PM. Leslie Hendricks while walking out o 5/9/1977 #32078  
               Morristown, NJ 9:30 PM. Leslie Hendricks while walking out o 5/9/1977 #32079  
           Bonner Springs, KS 9:45 PM. A silent disc-shaped object with whi 5/11/1977 #32087  
            Lothian, Scotland 9:00 PM In Tranent and seven surrounding town 5/17/1977 #32103  
ra, Para State (near), Brazil 9:30 PM. In the village of Icoaraci, two fier 5/17/1977 #32104  
                   Vienna, VA 9:45 PM. Doris Cuningham and her nine year ol 5/20/1977 #32115  
                 Dowagiac, MI 4:10 PM. An ovoid object followed an airliner 5/26/1977 #32131  
 Timaru, South Canterbury, NZ 2:10 PM. A Piper Cherokee pilot observed a bl 7/1/1977 #32224  
     Steynsburg, South Africa 5:50 PM. A spherical light--larger than the a 7/6/1977 #32239  
                Bellevue, KY 10:45 PM. Mrs. Fern Frey (name changed) was ly 7/15/1977 #32275  
     Cruis (east of), France 10:30 PM. On Route 951 east of Cruis, a couple 7/24/1977 #32308  
                Henderson, KY 8:40 PM. Report not phoned in to UFO Filter C 7/24/1977 #32309  
                   Normal, IL 6:30 PM. University professor called wife and 7/31/1977 #32327  
     Lewes, Sussex (near), UK 5:20 PM. The policewoman noticed a curious, s Fall 1977 #32514  
                Champaign, IL 3:55 PM. Retired ploice officer, ex-pilot, wa 10/13/1977 #32570  
    Asbygda Ringerike, Norway 5:30 PM. Three witnesses, including two deaf  10/25/1977 #32608  
          In Air Space, Japan 5:20 PM. Flight with two witnesses observed 4 10/26/1977 #32613  
       In Air Space, Sardinia 5:35 PM. Flight with 5 witnesses observed UFO 10/27/1977 #32622  
             In Air Space, TN 2:25 PM. Two witnesses on flight at 37,000',  12/12/1977 #32761  
            In Air Space, NC 10:54 PM. Two witnesses, two UFOs on flight at 12/27/1977 #32812  
                   Toledo, OH 7:30 PM (IUR,3,12) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 3/10/1978 #33025  
             Indianapolis, IN 9:30 PM. Truckers engulfed by "UFO" light.(MU 3/29/1978 #33096  
              Los Angeles, CA 3:15 PM. US private aircraft at 2800', two wi 7/4/1978 #33331  
                   Peoria, IL 9:00 PM. Light with whirring noise paced car  8/7/1978 #33484  
        Carlisle, Cumbria, UK 7:00 PM. A silver triangle crossed the sky fr 12/31/1978 #34241  
        Edinborough, Scotland 7:02 PM. A triangle with a grayish hue crosse 12/31/1978 #34242  
                     Hull, UK 7:05 PM. A huge triangle was seen flying in t 12/31/1978 #34243  
         Wiltshire (near), UK 6:00 PM. An oval-shaped flying object approac 2/8/1979 #34410  
 the sheriff's department at 11:00 PM, and they said they were looking at a 12/29/1979 #35102  
                  Memphis, TN 4:40 PM. 5-min duration, two witnesses. Respo 3/1981 #35856  
             Mount Vernon, OR 7:30 PM. The main witness and a friend were d 4/1/1981 #35883  
              Port Byron, IL 10:30 PM. 5-1/2 mins duration. Girl Scout supe 7/11/1981 #35996  
               Praglia, Italy 3:00 PM. Six boys were racing dirt bikes near 10/8/1981 #36165  
                 Hartford, CT 7:10 PM. Two groups of witnesses about twenty 12/4/1981 #36246  
            Hessdalen, Norway 7:30 PM. A luminous metallic ovoid flew over  1/18/1982 #36303  
         Charlottesville, VA 11:15 PM. An ovoid or "submarine"-shaped objec 3/30/1982 #36418  
              Springfield, MO 8:00 PM. Ten witnesses of a deltoid object wi 10/2/1982 #36628  
              Boyd County, KY 4:00 PM. Cube-shaped object tumbles across sk 10/16/1982 #36645  
                  Westort, IN 8:00 PM A large dull grey triangular shaped o 10/22/1982 #36659  
                  Lombard, IL 3:45 PM. A brilliant round, intense light was 11/6/1982 #36676  
               Maddington, AU 1:50 PM. An orange light followed a car down  12/21/1982 #36721  
      Penthereaz, Switzerland 9:00 PM. A small glowing sphere followed a ca 12/21/1982 #36722  
        Tippecanoe County, IN 4:30 PM. CE-III, humanoid report by three wit 1/12/1983 #36744  
               Happy Camp, CA 4:45 PM. California Highway Patrol officer Ha 3/24/1983 #36802  
                Shrub Oak, NY 8:00 PM. Delta-shaped flying objects were see 3/30/1983 #36823  
               Mt. Vernon, IN 7:05 PM. Young man & two friends saw a light  4/11/1983 #36837  
                  McHenry, IL 7:30 PM. A disc-shaped object with a black to 5/23/1983 #36863  
      Hampshire, Tasmania, AU 7:30 PM. A motorist in his 1982 Toyota was dr 7/6/1983 #36903  
                  Houston, TX 9:30 PM. A huge silent, stationary, boomerang 7/22/1983 #36920  
                    Selma, IN 8:50 PM. Close Encounter with two winesses fo 8/9/1983 #36939  
               Split, Croatia 8:00 PM. Nine amateur astronomers sighted at  10/3/1983 #36994  
                     Bend, OR 8:00 PM. An experienced sky observer named Kr 10/25/1983 #37014  
       Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 5:10 PM. An F-5E interceptor was scrambled by 10/31/1983 #37032  
                Riverside, CA 5:30 PM. Witness driving in Riverside had his 12/20/1983 #37079  
            Indianapolis, IN 10:30 PM. A small disc-shaped object with eigh 12/27/1983 #37084  
             Pearsonville, CA 7:30 PM. A metallic object described as blimp 1/9/1984 #37120  
ington (10 miles west of), CT 9:30 PM. Mr. & Mrs. Sprinster had a close enc 1/9/1984 #37121  
     Hawthorne (north of), NJ 9:33 PM. Two witnesses in a car driving north 1/9/1984 #37122  
, Kern County (north of), CA 10:30 PM. Several independent witnesses report 1/9/1984 #37123  
            Jasper (near), NY 9:30 PM.While driving home to Edison, a mothe 1/21/1984 #37135  
         Way Cross (near), GA 7:00 PM. ¬: While parked in a wooded area, a  1/22/1984 #37141  
                   Arnold, MO 7:00 PM. Two occupants of a car observed a ci 1/22/1984 #37142  
               Huntington, WV 7:09 PM. On the way outdoors to start his car 1/22/1984 #37143  
               Flemington, NJ 6:30 PM. A young couple sighted an orange bal 1/28/1984 #37161  
 Miami (40 miles west of), FL 9:00 PM. Mine men working on an oil platform  1/30/1984 #37165  
                 Columbus, OH 4:00 PM. This sighting was by five highly edu 2/22/1984 #37197  
                 Columbus, OH 3:30 PM. On the campus of Ohio State Universi 2/29/1984 #37207  
            Mechanicsburg, PA 9:00 PM. A man and his dog in Mechanicsburg w 2/29/1984 #37208  
            Mechanicsburg, PA 9:00 PM. A man and his dog in Mechanicsburg w 2/29/1984 #37209  
        Norris (west of), ND 10:00 PM. A large boomerang or U-shaped UFO wa 3/6/1984 #37218  
        Albany (south of), NY 7:45 PM. A truck driver driving on Interstate 3/21/1984 #37234  
                  Claxton, GA 8:00 PM. Three 12-meter long boomerang-shaped 3/21/1984 #37235  
                    Llano, TX 8:05 PM. Five people in Llano, Texas, witness 4/19/1984 #37272  
                  Chimayo, NM 7:10 PM. Radar visual confirmation. A 1000 fo 4/24/1984 #37285  
 The Orkney Islands, Scotland 5:30 PM. A silver colored, 150 foot long, bul 4/25/1984 #37290  
                     Napa, CA 9:55 PM. Structural details of a UFO were obs 4/25/1984 #37291  
              Mt. Vernon, IN 10:40 PM. A Skywatch team observed a flashing  5/18/1984 #37332  
                Hawthorne, NY 8:15 PM. A V-Shaped formation of 15 lights, e 5/31/1984 #37344  
            Pleasantville, NY 8:30 PM. A V-shaped object was seen from Rout 5/31/1984 #37345  
                 Yorktown, NY 8:45 PM A V-shaped formation of lights were s 5/31/1984 #37346  
 Indian Pt Nuclear Plant, NY 10:30 PM. Guards at the Indian Point nuclear p 6/14/1984 #37360  
           Cape Girardeau, MO 9:38 PM. A disc with an orange halo hovered o 7/5/1984 #37387  
                  Detroit, ME 9:05 PM. Carol Cloukey and Robert White had b 7/15/1984 #37399  
              Pound Ridge, NY 8:20 PM. A huge boomerang-shaped object with  7/19/1984 #37403  
  Indian Pt Nuclear Plant, NY 9:00 PM. A very large boomerang-shaped UFO ho 7/24/1984 #37410  
                Brewster, NY 10:20 PM. A videotape was made by a Mr. Pozzou 7/24/1984 #37411  
               Mt. Vernon, IN 9:05 PM. Pulsating orange object sighted by M 8/30/1984 #37447  
oba to Resistensia, Argentina 8:00 PM. A large disc-shaped UFO followed a P 9/23/1984 #37465  
        Tyrone (north of), PA 8:30 PM. A disc-shaped object with an amber l 10/23/1984 #37489  
                    Savah, IN 8:45 PM. Abduction near Mt. Vernon, IN. Two p 11/17/1984 #37506  
             Monroe City, IN 10:30 PM. Another black triangle report by two 11/23/1984 #37507  
               Gloucester, MA 6:15 PM. A UFO seen by Mr. & Mrs. Hoel in Glo 11/26/1984 #37510  
             Martinsburg, WV 10:00 PM. A 30 foot long X-shaped object paced 12/30/1984 #37535  
              Level Green, PA 6:10 PM. In Level Green, Pennsylvania in the  12/31/1984 #37538  
 Boomerangs etc. reported (after 9 pm). No further details.                 10/26/1988 #38696  
        On his way to work at 2:55 pm, driving 45 mph on highway 54 between 9/9/1994 #41732  
                           At 2:00 pm. a bowl-shaped disc with square windo 10/25/1996 #43096  
turama, Minas Gerais, Brazil 10:00 pm. A group of five people is traveling  12/13/2000 #44101  
                          At 11:45 pm. several lights "put on a show" over  7/6/2002 #44356  
gh space/water/air/dimensions. The PM next tells Wilson it is likely “not o 10/16/2002 #44418  
i River, Montana Roy, Montana 8:30 pm. Dale Uhler and his wife are driving  9/21/2012 #45354  
## Word: "pm+" (Back to Top)
     Voronezh (near), Russia 10:00 PM+. Two local militia sergeants were dr 1982 #36284  
## Word: "pmg" (Back to Top)
lington, Yorkshire, England Britax PMG factory roof 4:45 p.m. Three female  1/21/1977 #31742  
l object hovering above the Britax PMG factory roof just before it begins m 1/21/1977 #31742  
## Word: "pne" (Back to Top)
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Chagan 1004” Yield: 140KT            1/15/1965 #18738  
irmed, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Butane 1-1” Yield: 4.6KT             3/30/1965 #18880  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Butane 1-2” Yield: 7.6KT             6/10/1965 #19000  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Sary-Uzen 1003” Yield: 1.1KT         10/14/1965 #19657  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-1” Yield: 1.1KT              4/22/1966 #20372  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Urtabulak” Yield: 30KT               9/30/1966 #20939  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Tawda” Yield: .3KT                   10/6/1967 #23184  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Pamuk” Yield: 47KT                   5/21/1968 #23976  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-1” Yield: 27KT             7/1/1968 #24116  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Telkem 1” Yield: .24KT               10/21/1968 #24578  
irmed, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Telkem 2” Yield: .72KT               11/12/1968 #24650  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Grifon-1” Yield: 7.6KT               9/2/1969 #25347  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Grifon-2” Yield: 7.6KT               9/8/1969 #25355  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Stavropol” Yield: 10KT               9/26/1969 #25381  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Mangyshlak-1” Yield: 30KT            12/6/1969 #25490  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Magistral” Yield: 2.3KT              6/25/1970 #25707  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Mangyshlak-2” Yield: 80KT            12/12/1970 #25936  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Mangyshlak-3” Yield: 75KT            12/23/1970 #25951  
irmed, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Taiga” Yield: 45KT                   3/23/1971 #26052  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE” Yield: .23KT                        4/9/1971 #26066  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Globe-4” Yield: 2.3KT                7/2/1971 #26206  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Globe-3” Yield: 2.3KT                7/10/1971 #26222  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Globe-1” Yield: 2.3KT                9/19/1971 #26346  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Globe-2” Yield: 2.3KT                10/4/1971 #26407  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Sapphire-1” Yield: 15KT              10/22/1971 #26432  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-3-1” Yield: 64KT             12/22/1971 #26514  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Crater” Yield: 15KT                  4/11/1972 #26642  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Fakel” Yield: 3.8KT                  7/9/1972 #26783  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Region-3” Yield: 6.6KT               8/20/1972 #26939  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Dnepr-1” Yield: 2.1KT                9/4/1972 #26976  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Region-1” Yield: 2.3KT               9/21/1972 #27020  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Region-4” Yield: 6.6KT               10/3/1972 #27046  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Region-2” Yield: 2.3KT               11/24/1972 #27139  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Region-5” Yield: 6.6KT               11/24/1972 #27140  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Meridian-3” Yield: 6.3KT             8/15/1973 #27704  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Meridian-1” Yield: 6.3KT             8/28/1973 #27727  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Meridian-2” Yield: 6.3KT             9/19/1973 #27838  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Sapphire-2” Yield: 10KT              9/30/1973 #27891  
os tried walking cautiously toward pne being, hoping to show that his inten 10/20/1973 #28222  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kama-2” Yield: 10KT                  10/26/1973 #28295  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kama-1” Yield: 10KT                  7/8/1974 #29244  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Horizon-2” Yield: 7.6KT              8/14/1974 #29344  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Horizon-1” Yield: 7.6KT              8/29/1974 #29401  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Crystal” Yield: 1.7KT                10/2/1974 #29499  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lazurite” Yield: 1.7KT               12/7/1974 #29633  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE” Yield: 3.8KT                        12/16/1974 #29644  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-2” Yield: .35KT            4/25/1975 #30003  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Horizon-4” Yield: 7.6KT              8/12/1975 #30255  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Horizon-3” Yield: 7.6KT              9/29/1975 #30394  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-3-2” Yield: 10KT             3/29/1976 #30967  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-4” Yield: 58KT               7/29/1976 #31194  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Oka” Yield: 15KT                     11/5/1976 #31527  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Meteorite-2” Yield: 15KT             7/26/1977 #32316  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Meterorite-5” Yield: 8.5KT           8/10/1977 #32376  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Meteorite-3” Yield: 8.5KT            8/20/1977 #32416  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Meteorite-4” Yield: 7.6KT            9/10/1977 #32477  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-5” Yield: 10KT               9/30/1977 #32534  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-3” Yield: .1KT             10/14/1977 #32574  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-4” Yield: .01KT            10/30/1977 #32638  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kraton-4” Yield: 22KT                8/9/1978 #33493  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kraton-3” Yield: 22KT                8/24/1978 #33562  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-5” Yield: .08KT            9/12/1978 #33668  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kraton-2” Yield: 15KT                9/21/1978 #33722  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vyatka” Yield: 15KT                  10/8/1978 #33811  
irmed, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-7” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170 10/17/1978 #33840  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kraton-1” Yield: 22KT                10/17/1978 #33841  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-6” Yield: .06KT            11/30/1978 #34029  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-9” Yield: 103KT              12/18/1978 #34170  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-7” Yield: .5KT             1/10/1979 #34328  
irmed, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-8” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170 1/17/1979 #34353  
irmed, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-11” Yield: .003KT YieldMax:  7/14/1979 #34653  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kimberlite-4” Yield: 8.5KT           8/12/1979 #34738  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kimberlite-3” Yield: 8.5KT           9/6/1979 #34842  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Cleavage” Yield: .3KT                9/16/1979 #34889  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kimberlite-1” Yield: 22KT            10/4/1979 #34939  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Sheksna” Yield: 15KT                 10/7/1979 #34950  
irmed, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-10” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 17 10/24/1979 #34963  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Butane 2-1” Yield: 3.2KT             6/16/1980 #35377  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Butane 2-2” Yield: 3.2KT             6/25/1980 #35390  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega-1” Yield: 8.5KT                 10/8/1980 #35560  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Batholith-1” Yield: 8KT              11/1/1980 #35606  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Angara” Yield: 15KT                  12/10/1980 #35708  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Pyrite” Yield: 37.6KT                5/25/1981 #35946  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Helium-1” Yield: 3.2KT               9/2/1981 #36099  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 2-1” Yield: 8.5KT               9/26/1981 #36139  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 2-2” Yield: 8.5KT               9/26/1981 #36140  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Shpat-2” Yield: 8.5KT                10/22/1981 #36182  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Rift-3” Yield: 8.5KT                 7/30/1982 #36555  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Rift-1” Yield: 16KT                  9/4/1982 #36595  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Rift-4” Yield: 8.5KT                 9/25/1982 #36617  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Neva-1” Yield: 15KT                  10/10/1982 #36637  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 3-1” Yield: 13.5KT              10/16/1982 #36646  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 3-2” Yield: 8.5KT               10/16/1982 #36647  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 3-3” Yield: 8.5KT               10/16/1982 #36648  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 3-4” Yield: 8.5KT               10/16/1982 #36649  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lira 1-1” Yield: 15KT                7/10/1983 #36905  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lira 1-2” Yield: 15KT                7/10/1983 #36906  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lira 1-3” Yield: 15KT                7/10/1983 #36907  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 4-1” Yield: 8.5KT               9/24/1983 #36979  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 4-2” Yield: 8.5KT               9/24/1983 #36980  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 4-3” Yield: 8.5KT               9/24/1983 #36981  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 4-4” Yield: 8.5KT               9/24/1983 #36982  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 4-5” Yield: 8.5KT               9/24/1983 #36983  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 4-6” Yield: 8.5KT               9/24/1983 #36984  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lira 2-1” Yield: 15KT                7/21/1984 #37406  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lira 2-2” Yield: 15KT                7/21/1984 #37407  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lira 2-3” Yield: 15KT                7/21/1984 #37408  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Quartz-2” Yield: 8.5KT               8/11/1984 #37431  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Quartz-3” Yield: 8.5KT               8/25/1984 #37439  
irmed, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Dnepr-2” Yield: 3.4KT                8/27/1984 #37443  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Helium 2-1” Yield: 3.2KT             8/28/1984 #37444  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Helium 2-2” Yield: 3.2KT             8/28/1984 #37445  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Quartz-4” Yield: 10KT                9/17/1984 #37461  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 5-1” Yield: 3.2KT               10/27/1984 #37495  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 5-2” Yield: 3.2KT               10/27/1984 #37496  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Benzene” Yield: 2.5KT                6/18/1985 #37604  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Agate” Yield: 8.5KT                  7/18/1985 #37622  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Helium 3-1” Yield: 3.2KT             4/19/1987 #38163  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Helium 3-2” Yield: 3.2KT             4/19/1987 #38164  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Neva 2-1” Yield: 15KT                7/7/1987 #38205  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Neva 2-2” Yield: 15KT                7/24/1987 #38216  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Neva 2-3” Yield: 3.2KT               8/12/1987 #38245  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Batholith-2” Yield: 8.5KT            10/3/1987 #38299  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Ruby-2” Yield: 15KT                  8/22/1988 #38617  
d, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Ruby-1” Yield: 8.5KT                 9/6/1988 #38634  
## Word: "pneumatic" (Back to Top)
d, by creating around themselves a pneumatic vacuum that protects them from 2/1967 #21431  
## Word: "pneumatically" (Back to Top)
wledgeable source at the time as a pneumatically operated poison ice “atomi 9/1957 #13965  
## Word: "pneumonia" (Back to Top)
he develops a nearly fatal case of pneumonia and finds out she is pregnant. 11/19/1980 #35659  
cisions. Both animals also had had pneumonia.                               5/10/1994 #41520  
e respiratory failure, sepsis, and pneumonia. The family begins a legal cha 2/15/1996 #42764  
## Word: "png" (Back to Top)
             AHU, NINGINO ISLANDS, PNG Night light changes color(s). Hovers 8/24/1957 #13928  
4287a8-5d27-40d1-a8e4-10aba17ecf85.png                                      11/7/1957 #14465  
                      PT. MORESBY, PNG Several observer(s). Red blob / ligh 2/6/1958 (approximate) #14873  
                     SAMARIA ISL., PNG Pale-blue disk stops overhead / 4 mi 6/1958 #15065  
                           DOGURA, PNG Cleric and more/others. "Tilley lamp 3/27/1959 #15673  
                          BOIANAI, PNG Fr Gill and 37. Saucer and 4 small h 6/26/1959 #15786  
                          BOIANAI, PNG Fr Gill and 25. Saucer and small hum 6/27/1959 #15793  
                       GAIAWANAKI, PNG 3 observer(s). Huge saucer / treetop 7/25/1959 #15875  
                          BANIARA, PNG Sphere maneuvers. Brief beams going  8/10/1959 #15900  
RBa0zgCLcB/s1600/BLOG%2B50%2B-%2BA.png   https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-eSTVEVM 11/13/1961 #16963  
7odimgCLcB/s1600/BLOG%2B50%2B-%2BB.png   https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Ro21GyI 11/13/1961 #16963  
G5bD7wCLcB/s1600/blog%2B50%2B-%2BC.png                                      11/13/1961 #16963  
11-18/sask-star-phoenix-1974_07-17.png   https://www.ufohastings.com/index. 7/17/1974 #29267  
ps://preview.redd.it/0f0ad161jyf71.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a9 10/1998 #43656  
ps://preview.redd.it/fummqo71jyf71.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=719 10/1998 #43656  
                         PILAPILA, PNG 5 boys. Large silent cylinder/cigar- 11/4/1999 #43871  
                    RABAUL ISLAND, PNG Very large slow cylinder/cigar-shape 11/4/1999 #43872  
              ST. GEORGES CHANNEL, PNG 200M blimp hovers just over sea. Sma 11/4/1999 #43873  
r sea. Small objects orbit. Wave / Png.                                     11/4/1999 #43873  
## Word: "pnw" (Back to Top)
co-pilot & stewardess see UFO’s in PNW                                      7/4/1947 #2591  
## Word: "po" (Back to Top)
                                   Po Valley, Italy Red light appearance of 10/20/1944 #1679  
                                   Po Valley (Central), Italy Observed two  2/17/1945 #1787  
                         Massa and Po Valley (Central), Italy Red ball of f 2/17/1945 #1788  
                                   Po Valley, Italy Alleged flares: cluster 2/21/1945 #1791  
                                   Po della Donzella river channel, Veneto, 10/15/1954 #11110  
 Italy Afternoon. Farmers near the Po della Donzella river channel, Veneto, 10/15/1954 #11110  
          ZIBELLO, ITL Man / river Po. 5M red-yellow disk / surface. Sudden 3/1962 #17065  
here going [to] overhead toward(s) Po River. Low and slow / 20M altitude.   10/1976 #31437  
                             Zhang Po, China Three thousand residents of Zh 7/7/1977 #32244  
 Three thousand residents of Zhang Po saw two huge, orange-colored UFOs des 7/7/1977 #32244  
                             Zhang Po, China - Three thousand residents of  7/7/1977 #32247  
 Three thousand residents of Zhang Po, China saw two huge, orange-colored U 7/7/1977 #32247  
## Word: "po-di-gnocca" (Back to Top)
                                   PO-DI-GNOCCA, ITL Saucer lands and quick 10/15/1954 #11081  
                                   Po-di-Gnocca, Italy Farmers saw a disk-s 10/15/1954 #11102  
              On this afternoon in Po-di-Gnocca, Italy farmers saw a disc-s 10/15/1954 #11118  
## Word: "poached-egg" (Back to Top)
NE, AUSTR Many calls. Huge "flying poached-egg" going quickly south out to  2/9/1955 #11984  
## Word: "poachers" (Back to Top)
on field in Aznacollar, Spain from poachers when he saw a vessel "as big as 9/11/1971 #26328  
on field in Aznacollar, Spain from poachers when he saw a vessel "as big as 9/12/1971 #26331  
ck bush land. Thinking it might be poachers on his land, Mr. Smith went to  6/26/1972 #26736  
es the light, thinking it might be poachers. She thinks she hears someone t 7/21/1978 #33406  
## Word: "poatina" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR POATINA, TASM Strange chill. Car O-O-con 2/1975 (approximate) #29776  
## Word: "pobeda" (Back to Top)
rzhevalsk near a peak known as Pik Pobeda (Peak of Victory). The actual sit 8/28/1991 #40168  
## Word: "pocantico" (Back to Top)
                                   Pocantico Conference Center in Tarrytown 9/29/1997 #43420  
. Sturrock holds a workshop at the Pocantico Conference Center in Tarrytown 9/29/1997 #43420  
## Word: "pocatello" (Back to Top)
                                   POCATELLO, ID 2 / car. 3' disk with dome 7/6/1947 #2738  
n and his son were driving through Pocatello, Idaho at dawn when they saw a 7/6/1947 #2816  
                                   POCATELLO, ID 1 observer. Luminous bar o 11/9/1985 #37700  
## Word: "pocinhos" (Back to Top)
                                   POCINHOS, PARAIBA, BRAZIL UFO lands. 3 s 4/7/1964 #18160  
at one o'clock in the afternoon in Pocinhos, Brazil. They collected rock an 4/7/1964 #18161  
## Word: "pock-marked" (Back to Top)
ourse and follows 2 / car. Windows pock-marked.                             9/14/1977 #32479  
hree minutes. The car windows were pock-marked as a result of the close enc 9/14/1977 #32481  
## Word: "pock-mocked" (Back to Top)
n seven years earlier, except more pock-mocked on the surface, some 175–200 12/29/1976 #31639  
## Word: "pocked" (Back to Top)
, ONT 30M orbs / 6 hours and more. Pocked surface. Jets scramble / r41p92.  11/11/1975 #30598  
## Word: "pocket" (Back to Top)
takes out a “little mirror” from a pocket and with something like a pencil  8/20/1954 #10157  
ancake. Carrying his pistol in his pocket, he steps away from the vehicle a 9/19/1961 #16857  
ed a badge on the stranger's shirt pocket, which he quickly covered with hi 1/9/1967 #21278  
nd removed, placing it in his coat pocket. It resembled a gold or brass bad 1/9/1967 #21278  
. “You have two coins in your left pocket,” he says. Hopkins acknowledges h 9/11/1976 #31376  
## Word: "pocketknife" (Back to Top)
nia from Bond’s flight suit with a pocketknife before going to get help. Th 4/26/1984 #37301  
## Word: "pockets" (Back to Top)
 reached the car fumbling with his pockets for the keys. He dropped the key 4/10/1954 #9681  
arms. Ballpoint pens in Coutinho’s pockets are radioactive.                 6/23/1976 #31134  
## Word: "pocklington" (Back to Top)
                                   POCKLINGTON, HUMBERSD Huge bright sphere 8/9/1991 #40145  
## Word: "pockmark" (Back to Top)
 holes, showed not a single bullet pockmark. A few days after the incident  11/12/1976 #31540  
## Word: "pockmarked" (Back to Top)
 object, also described as a fiery pockmarked meteor or planetoid, is inter 10/1917 #968  
e being stood and should have been pockmarked with bullet holes, showed not 11/12/1976 #31540  
 brown and their complexion seemed pockmarked, their eyes looked normal and 9/10/1978 #33657  
## Word: "pocks" (Back to Top)
sphere, 100 feet in diameter, with pocks like a golf ball, near Summit Lake 10/27/1982 #36667  
## Word: "pocock" (Back to Top)
zona 1:56 p.m. 1st Lt. Clifford E. Pocock, scope operator A2C Walter Lyons, 7/16/1957 #13801  
## Word: "pocono" (Back to Top)
                                   POCONO MTS, PA 2 observer(s). Silent sau 2/21/1984 #37195  
## Word: "poconos" (Back to Top)
ver(s). Ovoid going southwest over Poconos Mountains. Green beams going dow 8/26/1957 #13931  
nroe County, Pennsylvania over the Poconos Mountains. It was emitting green 8/26/1957 #13933  
## Word: "pod" (Back to Top)
PI, FINLAND Blazing ovoid lands. 3 pod marks-1 has black crud. Analysis unk 5/4/1971 #26100  
ales, Australia. Close by were six pod marks about 1 meter in diameter, spa 6/3/1973 #27548  
marks included three large landing pod imprints, irregularly spaced in a tr 1/5/1975 #29726  
tilated. Parts missing. Triangular pod marks. Saucer seen same evening.     6/13/1976 #31104  
ound in a field next to triangular pod marks. A flying disc was seen that s 6/13/1976 #31105  
 had escaped out through an escape pod.                                     12/6/1978 #34066  
 humanoids (or Greys) and robot. 4 pod marks. Holes = soil samples? / MJ#26 9/21/1989 #39113  
erted bathtubs that looked like a “pod” or short-range recon probe. Von Bra 7/1991 #40108  
 COPENHAGEN, DK Girl / 8. Metallic pod going down / Lake Peblinge. Away ext 6/17/1993 #41019  
 between a disc and a cone, with a pod on its lower part. Ground control ha 8/6/2001 #44227  
shes of light at the ground from a pod on the right end of the craft. The c 5/3/2003 #44523  
 an advanced infrared camera (FLIR pod). This camera records an evasive uni 11/14/2004 #44784  
eting system available (the Sniper pod), the F-15s are unable to locate or  10/25/2017 #45487  
## Word: "pod-a" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Pod-A” Yield: 66.8KT                     10/29/1969 #25433  
## Word: "pod-marks" (Back to Top)
 V-shaped formation / traces and 2 pod-marks.                               2/26/1974 #28804  
## Word: "podcast" (Back to Top)
ion. Brian Dunning of the Skeptoid podcast attributes Tesla’s signals to pu 1899 #628  
ports his findings on the Skeptoid podcast. He finds that the notes taken b 12/29/1980 #35757  
ars earlier, Blackburn states on a podcast he reverse engineered the capabi 8/22/1998 #43636  
Musician Tom DeLonge suggests on a podcast he is being advised by USAF Maj. 10/26/2017 #45488  
co-founder Tom DeLonge stated on a podcast that recovered UAP metamaterials 7/2018 #45532  
r than a typical comet. A detailed podcast produced by Rob Reid provides th 10/26/2018 #45541  
orbell on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast on June 20. The event plans for  6/27/2019 #45588  
opher K. Mellon states in a public podcast that if he were President, the f 5/5/2021 #45688  
rnalist Ross Coulthart states on a podcast that U.S. Navy Dir. of Science a 9/3/2021 #45707  
           Tom DeLonge states on a podcast he was told about a large pyrami 9/28/2021 #45711  
Garry Nolan appears on Lex Fridman Podcast’s podcast with the show title “U 2/6/2022 #45738  
n appears on Lex Fridman Podcast’s podcast with the show title “UFOs and Al 2/6/2022 #45738  
rnalist Ross Coulthart states on a podcast that there are people “involved  2/28/2023 #45797  
## Word: "podesta" (Back to Top)
r 1965, a bell shaped object. John Podesta stated in 2003 that it was quest 12/10/1965 #19764  
ells Clinton campaign manager John Podesta that the USAF Defense Support Pr 3/6/2015 #45433  
ells Clinton campaign manager John Podesta that in a TS/SCI organization in 3/6/2015 #45434  
lary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and Clinton campaign assistant M 1/24/2016 #45443  
UAP information.  DeLonge wrote to Podesta that McCasland, who led the Air  1/24/2016 #45443  
rd Doty, Stephen Lovekin, and John Podesta are featured. Narrated by Gianca 5/9/2017 #45469  
lary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta, Dr. Hal Puthoff, former Deputy  10/26/2017 #45488  
## Word: "podesta-emails" (Back to Top)
 his email.  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54211 (rg - can't 3/6/2015 #45433  
220704150819/https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54211 (rg - archi 3/6/2015 #45433  
ce officer.  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/31721 (rg - can't 3/6/2015 #45434  
10301000000*/https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/31721 (rg - archi 3/6/2015 #45434  
## Word: "podgorica" (Back to Top)
                        TITOGRAD / PODGORICA, YUGO Pilots and Air Traffic C 10/30/1975 #30515  
## Word: "podgortsy" (Back to Top)
                                   Podgortsy section of southern Kyiv, Ukra 7/4/1989 #39008  
kovs family are on vacation in the Podgortsy section of southern Kyiv, Ukra 7/4/1989 #39008  
## Word: "podiatrist" (Back to Top)
       Minot, ND 10:30 p.m. CDT. A podiatrist and his wife saw two disc-sha 9/24/1967 #23126  
inkle, hypnotherapist Derrel Sims, podiatrist Roger K. Leir, and crop circl 3/21/1997 #43236  
al Institute for Discovery Science Podiatrist Roger K. Leir publishes The A 1998 #43479  
## Word: "podkamennaia" (Back to Top)
                                   Podkamennaia Tunguska, Russia Tunguska e 6/30/1908 #709  
                                   Podkamennaia Toungouska, USSR Unexplaine 6/30/1908 #710  
## Word: "podkamennaya" (Back to Top)
                                   Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Yeniseysk 6/30/1908 #711  
rge explosion takes place near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Yeniseysk 6/30/1908 #711  
## Word: "podklenov" (Back to Top)
ental-video-b7813b04c6f8     Note: Podklenov states for space travel, it wo 2/4/2020 #45630  
te the antigravitic effect.  Note: Podklenov states when NASA attempted to  2/4/2020 #45630  
an out of money at the last stage. Podklenov states the “Department of Defe 2/4/2020 #45630  
## Word: "podkletnov" (Back to Top)
AC Gravity (1 August 1997), Eugene Podkletnov, Hector Serrano, John Rusek,  5/2002 #44335  
e work of Russian scientist Eugene Podkletnov (see 4 February 2020) to crea 7/29/2002 #44369  
e anti-gravity and evaluate Eugene Podkletnov’s experiments. Boeing states  7/29/2002 #44370  
documents state its examination of Podkletnov’s work show a gravity beam la 7/29/2002 #44370  
on.  Boeing attempted to work with Podkletnov directly but were not allowed 7/29/2002 #44370  
and Lockheed Martin also contacted Podkletnov but he stated he would only w 7/29/2002 #44370  
  Russian ceramics engineer Eugene Podkletnov states he has found an effect 2/4/2020 #45630  
on of a local gravitational field. Podkletnov uses thin gold layers and spi 2/4/2020 #45630  
## Word: "podleketnov" (Back to Top)
tic/shielding based on the work of Podleketnov and Schnurer.   (VI) Nuclear 1/1998 #43483  
## Word: "podmoskovnaya" (Back to Top)
                                   PODMOSKOVNAYA, RS Large saucer lands. Sp 3/19/1958 (approximate) #14938  
## Word: "podpage" (Back to Top)
 and communications.”  https://www.podpage.com/the-joe-rogan-experience-3/1 10/26/2017 #45488  
## Word: "pods" (Back to Top)
et high, and 20 feet long. It has “pods” on the side emitting flames and is 8/13/1947 #3320  
, having engine rods or large wing pods [or] intakes” flying at 56,000–62,0 12/10/1956 #13396  
five feet in diameter, with eight "pods or legs", windows or doors all arou 4/4/1977 #31942  
five feet in diameter, with eight "pods or legs", windows or doors all arou 4/4/1977 #31944  
ring 100 feet away on four landing pods. The entities climb aboard, and the 11/24/1978 #33995  
ng motor and puts out four landing pods. He approaches and tries to take an 5/16/1979 #34563  
 it put out four, leg like landing pods. Arlindo approached and tried to ta 5/16/1979 #34564  
pie. It had two 10 foot wide white pods on the underside. It was in view fo 1/26/2001 #44133  
## Word: "podvinje" (Back to Top)
                                   PODVINJE, CROATIA 1 observer. Gold sauce 12/20/1973 #28590  
## Word: "podvyazniy" (Back to Top)
Krai, Russia 2:00 a.m. Engineer Y. Podvyazniy and two companions are on the 8/12/1979 #34739  
## Word: "podwisłocze" (Back to Top)
                                   Podwisłocze district of Rzeszów, Poland  Summer 1984 #37369  
ear-old son to a playground in the Podwisłocze district of Rzeszów, Poland. Summer 1984 #37369  
## Word: "poem" (Back to Top)
D.C. Baltimore Norfolk 9:40 p.m. A poem by Brooklyn, New York, poet Walt Wh 7/20/1860 #155  
## Word: "poer" (Back to Top)
ifornia 1:30 a.m. Patrolmen Marvin Poer and John Freeland see a ball of fir 2/9/1956 #12703  
                       Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 8th Earl of Clancarty, take 7/1956 #12939  
ing Saucer Review from Brinsley Le Poer Trench.                             9/1959 #15951  
 Mars Atlantis Lemuria Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 8th Earl of Clancarty, publ 1960 #16141  
       London, England Brinsley Le Poer Trench founds Contact (UK) in Londo 4/1967 #22031  
ll, Scotland 7:07 p.m. Brinsley Le Poer Trench, Lord Clancarty, has put dow 1/18/1979 #34358  
                       Brinsley Le Poer Trench, the Earl of Clancarty, asks 3/4/1982 #36377  
## Word: "poerstal" (Back to Top)
 Bethesda, Maryland Witnesses:  R. Poerstal and three other men. Seven to n 4/18/1952 #6120  
sda, Maryland at 11:30 a.m. Mr. R. Poerstal and three other men sighted sev 4/18/1952 #6127  
## Word: "poet" (Back to Top)
p.m. A poem by Brooklyn, New York, poet Walt Whitman, “Year of Meteors (185 7/20/1860 #155  
n armor-making rival, and a French poet—in a projectile with the goal of a  1865 #163  
                       Mars French poet and inventor Charles Cros is convin 1869 #178  
             BUDAPEST, HUNG Famous poet Lazlo Benjamin sees walnut-saucer a 11/20/1967 #23484  
## Word: "poetic" (Back to Top)
mumbled by Mickey Rourke; at times poetic, at times it comes off like comic 12/4/2018 #45550  
## Word: "poetry" (Back to Top)
s recently published a book of his poetry. After he reads selections of his 11/23/1962 #17559  
. After he reads selections of his poetry, the pastor asks him to discuss h 11/23/1962 #17559  
## Word: "poffenberger" (Back to Top)
boretum 10:32 p.m. Cynthia “Pinky” Poffenberger and 16 other Hillsdale (Mic 3/21/1966 #20021  
## Word: "poggio" (Back to Top)
                                   Poggio d'Ambra, Italy A 40-year-old lady 11/1/1954 #11516  
## Word: "poggstall" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / POGGSTALL, AUSTRIA 1 observer. Globe swi 12/22/1974 (approximate) #29654  
## Word: "pogo" (Back to Top)
ions and rejoins and “up-and-down ‘pogo’ maneuvers.” One radar operator obt 5/15/1964 #18270  
## Word: "pogson" (Back to Top)
ne Islands Witnesses: USN Lt. C.H. Pogson, CPO K.J. Moore. One large round  10/4/1959 #16016  
## Word: "pohang" (Back to Top)
                                   Pohang (K-3 area E of), Korea Fireball w 8/9/1952 #7522  
nd control radar in Grid Area K-3, Pohang, Korea made contact with a moving 8/9/1952 #7527  
## Word: "pohangdong" (Back to Top)
                                   POHANGDONG, SOUTH KOREA U.S. Marine Corp 10/1954 #10534  
## Word: "poher" (Back to Top)
s by French space scientist Claude Poher and the US group Ground Saucer Wat 6/1/1967 #22448  
ned and studied in depth by Claude Poher.                                   8/29/1967 #22954  
or is aeronautical engineer Claude Poher. GEPAN sets up a Scientific Counci 5/1/1977 #32046  
e is a synthesis written by Claude Poher. Volumes 2–4 contain 10 detailed f 6/1978 #33245  
According to Jean-Jacques Velasco, Poher’s assistant, the statistical study 6/1978 #33245  
Leonard H. Stringfield, and Claude Poher, meet with UN Secretary General Ku 7/14/1978 #33383  
e GEPAN Scientific Council, Claude Poher resigns as director. His position  12/30/1979 #35103  
 strong opposition from the media. Poher then takes a one-year leave of abs 12/30/1979 #35103  
thematician Alain Esterle replaces Poher as GEPAN director, remaining until 12/30/1979 #35103  
## Word: "pohl" (Back to Top)
oo far away to identify it. Eckard Pohl, the astronomer at the Nuremberg Ob 4/26/1983 #36845  
## Word: "poienarii" (Back to Top)
                                   POIENARII BURCHI, ROMANIA 2M-cylinder/cy 11/21/1967 #23488  
                                   Poienarii Burchii, Romania 4:30 p.m. Dav 11/21/1967 #23491  
e from his backyard at the edge of Poienarii Burchii, Romania. He watches i 11/21/1967 #23491  
## Word: "poilly-lez-gien" (Back to Top)
                                   POILLY-LEZ-GIEN, FR Fireball changes viv 3/5/1974 #28859  
## Word: "poindexter" (Back to Top)
int, the shredding of documents by Poindexter, North, and others, and the d 11/18/1987 #38327  
Bobby Ray Inman, and possibly John Poindexter) to release information about 12/29/1987 #38378  
## Word: "point" (Back to Top)
h aerial ships could navigate from point to point on the earth. Miceal Ross 812 #2  
ships could navigate from point to point on the earth. Miceal Ross argues t 812 #2  
w Jersey and Ohio. At dawn in West Point, New York, a woman milking her cow 11/13/1833 #128  
   MOON Astronomer Ingall. Perfect point / Steller light / Mare Crisium! Al 4/10/1865 #164  
nd Whitburn Tyne Sunderland Lizard Point The British Board of Trade asks Tr 12/1865 #165  
er Lighthouse is erected on Lizard Point.                                   12/1865 #165  
yśl Fortress, Poland, see a bright point of light in the north that seems t 4/16/1892 #302  
eep low over the witnesses. At one point it remained stationary for 5 min a 4/1/1897 #405  
eep low over the witnesses. At one point it remained stationary for five mi 4/1/1897 #409  
er on the city’s west side. At one point it is no more than 400–500 feet ab 4/10/1897 #426  
g and 50 feet across at its widest point. Several men are repairing its sea 4/15/1897 #487  
t stops and changes course. At one point the man is close enough to hear a  Mid 4/1897 #494  
sks where they come from, and they point upward, pronouncing a word that so 4/16/1897 #508  
for passengers beneath it. At some point he allegedly brings his invention  4/20/1897 #545  
red with electrical lights. At one point the lights go out then reappear. A 6/1/1898 #622  
99 when they occur nightly. At one point the ghost claims to have been murd 10/4/1898 #626  
ts from a “well-known geographical point” on Mars for 70 minutes.           12/1900 #642  
e approaches, he notices a strange point of light like a spotlight emanatin 9/29/1903 #662  
e objects about 400 m away, from a point situated 3 km north of Rolling Pra 1904 #665  
e objects about 400 m away, from a point situated 3 km north of Rolling Pra 1904 #666  
                              KAKA POINT, NZ 6 boys / beach. House-sized lu 7/24/1909 #782  
                           At Kaka Point, southwest of Riwaka, New Zealand  7/24/1909 #784  
at there is no apparent radiant—no point in the sky from which the meteors  2/9/1913 #881  
the north at “great speed.” At one point a group of businessmen waiting for 2/21/1913 #883  
IA, CZK 6 fiery red 'stars' circle point very high / sky clockwise. No furt 9/1913 (approximate) #891  
15 feet in diameter at its largest point. Suddenly the sky lights up in a f 8/9/1934 #1217  
lak tracers reaching their highest point and descending.                    2/9/1944 #1571  
nes and out to sea. The UFO at one point passed in front of the moon, brief 7/1944 #1615  
ny, France, and out to sea. At one point the object passes in front of the  Late 8/1944 #1646  
lm is said to be “near the boiling point” with ghost rocket speculation.    8/11/1946 #2117  
e Norfolk, England coast, at which point the object darted away.            1/16/1947 #2229  
                              DANA POINT, CA 2+1 observer(s). 2 saucers goi 7/5/1947 #2682  
                              EAST POINT, GA 5 / car. Plain bright silver d 7/7/1947 #2871  
ring 23 miles at 5,500 mph. At one point it heads straight towards them on  7/7/1947 #2932  
                              SAND POINT NAS AND SEATTLE, WA 2+2 separate o 7/12/1947 #3152  
                 16KM SOUTH / HIGH POINT, NC 2 / private plane. Huge fireba 7/12/1947 #3153  
 Naval Air Station Seattle at Sand Point Magnuson Park Seattle, Washington  7/12/1947 #3160  
 Naval Air Station Seattle at Sand Point [now closed and redeveloped as Mag 7/12/1947 #3160  
ck on the bottom. At their closest point, they are about one mile away. Fly 7/15/1947 #3187  
us as if to suggest that was their point of origin.                         7/23/1947 #3216  
us as if to suggest that was their point of origin.                         7/23/1947 #3219  
                              WOLF POINT, MT Grey 60cm dishpan-saucer going 7/24/1947 #3222  
truck, and then bounce off. At the point of contact a small surface area of 7/30/1947 #3263  
there was] confusion almost to the point of panic."                         7/31/1947 #3265  
deep and 1,200 feet across at that point. It was about seventy-five feet ab 8/13/1947 #3322  
se] in Lockbourne, Ohio Commercial Point Lockbourne AFB runway 7:15 p.m. Ai 1/7/1948 #3546  
 then maneuvers over to Commercial Point about 3–5 miles away to the west-s 1/7/1948 #3546  
n and does more 360° turns. At one point, it disappears into the overcast f 1/7/1948 #3546  
of a Piper Cub airplane and flying point first below the cloud level at bet 2/20/1948 #3583  
 "dipped in cream", and was flying point first below the cloud level at bet 2/20/1948 #3584  
 to no regular formation, at which point a regular pulsating flashing light 7/17/1948 #3715  
 Will attempt to locate the impact point, if any. (Possible search teams in 1/31/1949 #3986  
west into cloud. Then exits / same point going quickly east!                10/2/1949 #4381  
hen exited the cloud from the same point and flew off rapidly to the east.  10/2/1949 #4383  
      San Diego County, California Point Loma, California Palomar Gardens C 10/14/1949 #4395  
he Naval Electronics Laboratory in Point Loma, California (Joseph P. Maxfie 10/14/1949 #4395  
ts rotating about a common central point, which maneuvered in the sky.      1/23/1950 #4506  
 in 2 minutes (about 500 mph) to a point over a mountain, where it is lost. 3/27/1950 #4740  
                             UNION POINT, GA 3 / train crew. Round object h 3/29/1950 #4760  
                             Sandy Point, Newfoundland, CAN A black or dark 8/30/1950 #5145  
                             Sandy Point, Newfoundland, Canada Witnesses:   8/30/1950 #5149  
ees of the Air Force Base at Sandy Point, Newfoundland, Canada including Ka 8/30/1950 #5151  
                                In Point Loma, California on this date in 1 12/23/1950 #5362  
ding out to sea at high speed near Point Pleasant. The aerial sighting last 9/10/1951 #5661  
k toward Auburn, and had reached a point northwest of Peru when he saw an o 12/1951 #5802  
t then it dives suddenly, at which point ground radar picks it up again. A  1/22/1952 #5876  
closes to within 900 feet. At this point, the pilot pulls away to avoid a c 1/22/1952 #5876  
ell as two airborne radars. At one point the short range radar stopped work 1/22/1952 #5877  
f Kirtland Air Force Base]. At one point, a military spokesman says that Ma 2/22/1952 #5920  
                           BARBERS POINT, HI Navy men. 16M saucer hovers si 3/1952 #5938  
                                   Point Conception (60 miles W of), CA Air 3/24/1952 #5971  
s. It breaks into two parts at one point but maintains its constant course. 4/19/1952 #6131  
ht line. Suddenly, as it reaches a point overhead, it swerves to the east o 5/31/1952 #6394  
t to shiny points of light. At one point a single object leaves the pack, h 7/2/1952 #6694  
e approximately 1.5 miles from the point of observation, they execute an ex 7/23/1952 #7078  
n, Rhode Island Camp Hero, Montauk Point, New York Westover AFB, Chicopee,  7/23/1952 #7079  
 Camp Hero [now closed] at Montauk Point, New York. F-94s and F-86s are scr 7/23/1952 #7079  
t and leave no vapor trail. At one point, they make an abrupt 80° turn and  7/25/1952 #7138  
                                   POINT ARENA AND WILLIAMS, CA RADAR blip. 7/26/1952 #7145  
erns, including a perfect V at one point. Their shifts in position are incr 8/1/1952 #7411  
ms intricate maneuvers, and at one point splits into three radar targets. T 8/5/1952 #7472  
west of the Azores Islands. At one point, they appear to turn toward the pl 9/26/1952 #8037  
ove the C-124 at 11:16 p.m. At one point the lights seemed to turn toward t 9/26/1952 #8038  
ee climbs to 35,000 feet, at which point he is level with the unknown objec 12/29/1952 #8461  
                               OFF POINT MUGU NAS, CA Project Bluebook Case 1/28/1953 #8583  
                                   Point Mugu, CA 18-20-inch white, flat di 1/28/1953 #8591  
                 Naval Air Station Point Mugu Naval Base Ventura County Oxn 1/28/1953 #8600  
ore and south of Naval Air Station Point Mugu [now Naval Base Ventura Count 1/28/1953 #8600  
ing, over the Naval Air Station at Point Mugu on the California coast, US M 1/28/1953 #8605  
for over three minutes over Cherry Point, North Carolina at 10:30 a.m. The  2/9/1953 #8655  
ia Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point in Havelock, North Carolina Norfol 2/11/1953 #8664  
at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point in Havelock, North Carolina. By th 2/11/1953 #8664  
 to within roughly 5–10 miles to a point over the Colorado River north of P 3/3/1953 #8727  
             Scenic Avenue Central Point, Oregon 10:00 p.m. A family is ret Summer 1953 #8953  
g home on Scenic Avenue in Central Point, Oregon, when they see three entit Summer 1953 #8953  
                           Quonset Point, Rhode Island USAF EMERGENCY Intel 6/24/1953 #8959  
ce Report: Two jets out of Quonset Point have had mid-air collision at 2130 6/24/1953 #8959  
in flames 15 miles West of Quonset Point.                                   6/24/1953 #8959  
                       NAS Quonset Point Quonset Point Air National Guard S 6/24/1953 #8970  
         NAS Quonset Point Quonset Point Air National Guard Station Exeter/ 6/24/1953 #8970  
2H Banshee jets out of NAS Quonset Point [now Quonset Point Air National Gu 6/24/1953 #8970  
 of NAS Quonset Point [now Quonset Point Air National Guard Station] are on 6/24/1953 #8970  
         Naval Air Station Barbers Point (now Kalaeloa Airport) Hawaii 5:00 8/6/1953 #9052  
d around Naval Air Station Barbers Point [now Kalaeloa Airport], Hawaii, fr 8/6/1953 #9052  
                        At Barbers Point Naval Air Station near Pearl Harbo 8/6/1953 #9053  
ue a missing scout team. They then point out a silvery sphere hovering just 8/17/1953? #9077  
maneuvers all over/all about Tsaid point/port/platinum metal and changes co 10/25/1953 #9251  
seconds, the formation goes from a point overhead to 3° above the horizon w 10/25/1953 #9254  
o one near Soo Locks and Keeneenaw Point, Michigan then the jet disappeared 11/23/1953 #9319  
the test launch of a V-2 rocket at Point Mugu, California many ground obser 12/16/1953 #9375  
 up and down [to], left and right. Point night light orbits 'planet'.       1/10/1954 #9474  
s has a spotlight that they try to point at the object, but it always avoid 4/22/1954 #9705  
ded north near Dallas, Texas. At a point 6 miles west of the city, Scarboro 5/14/1954 #9796  
                        NEAR MODOC POINT, OR 2 / plane. 2 saucers fly / par 6/6/1954 #9868  
e then proceeded to draw a central point surrounded by several circles, whi 8/20/1954 #10158  
her woman was able to see. At this point both women were starting to feel a 8/20/1954 #10158  
asts more than 3 minutes, at which point the object releases some smoke as  9/7/1954 #10268  
asted over three minutes, at which point the object released some smoke as  9/7/1954 #10270  
econds. It rose vertically until a point of light, and disappeared when at  9/15/1954 #10312  
l orientation to vertical with the point down. It had an estimated altitude 9/17/1954 #10335  
tal to vertical and hovers. At one point, a gleaming yellow disc emerges fr 10/2/1954 #10611  
peared, and when he arrived at the point where he had seen the light he not 10/6/1954 #10758  
it windows in the dome, and at one point made a 180 degree turn.            10/6/1954 #10760  
oving forward horizontally. At one point, two small discs emerge from its l 10/7/1954 #10791  
m in diameter rise silently from a point about 250 m to the side of the roa 10/10/1954 #10889  
s in diameter rise silently from a point about 250 meters to the side of th 10/10/1954 #10901  
 was seen, except a small, reddish point. Both witnesses were "paralyzed" u 10/11/1954 #10930  
 was seen, except a small, reddish point of light. Both witnesses were para 10/11/1954 #10946  
p luminous with a yellow or orange point.                                   10/20/1954 #11273  
p luminous with a yellow or orange point.                                   10/20/1954 #11282  
                           LOOKOUT POINT, OAMARU, NZ Orange ovoid with blue 11/5/1954 #11570  
                           Lookout Point, NZ Orange elliptical object with  11/5/1954 #11576  
o have phenomenal strength. At one point one of the man attempted to stab o 11/28/1954 #11724  
and returns repeatedly, and at one point it flies over the lake, illuminati 12/26/1954 #11863  
nose, a chin which came to a sharp point, and long thin arms with claws.    7/3/1955 #12231  
 nose, a chin that came to a sharp point, and long thin arms with claws.    7/3/1955 #12233  
 in spite of heavy gunfire. At one point, one of the entities was knocked d 8/21/1955 #12385  
avy gunfire at times. Sutton fires point blank at it, knocking it from the  8/21/1955 #12386  
d started shooting at them. At one point one of the entities was struck by  8/21/1955 #12387  
                                   Point Lookout, MD Round object, white in 10/11/1955 #12498  
t four o'clock in the afternoon in Point Lookout, Maryland witnesses B. Hal 10/11/1955 #12500  
                            SOMERS POINT, NJ AND MORE/OTHERS 2+several. Lum 2/3/1956 #12696  
with friendly space people. At one point a huge video image projected on th 4/7/1956 #12798  
at Griffiss AFB “asked us our next point of landing and to identify the air 4/16/1956 #12809  
oing south against northwest wind. Point up. / r140#7p37.                   7/3/1956 #12949  
ar. The entire sighting up to this point takes 25 minutes. Five minutes lat 8/13/1956 #13080  
                              HIGH POINT, NC 2 Ground Observer Corps (GOC)  8/29/1956 #13150  
                              HIGH POINT, NC 2 Ground Observer Corps (GOC). 8/30/1956 #13153  
anently. His face is burned to the point where he cannot shave for two week 10/2/1956 #13260  
                                   Point Arena, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR In 11/4/1956 #13304  
 During a missile test firing at a point in space, a UAO was tracked on rad 12/15/1956 (approximate) #13403  
ually powerful lights. Later, at a point along the flight path, a small rad 2/15/1957 #13509  
 World Airways DC-6A airliner at a point over the Atlantic Ocean approximat 3/9/1957 #13540  
                                   Point Mugu, CA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 0 3/22/1957 #13549  
                       USS HUNTERS POINT All crew. Classic glowing black sa 5/6/1957 #13649  
as differing recollections on this point. Twice the UFO blinks out visually 7/17/1957 #13808  
ng at the sky. She stops, and they point to a large black object hovering a 8/1957 #13868  
                             CEDAR POINT, GA Round meteor drops / yard! Com 8/15/1957 #13897  
d to Portalegre, Portugal. At this point, Ferreira notices a UFO like a bri 9/4/1957 #13978  
shrinks to a barely visible yellow point. These changes repeat several time 9/4/1957 #13978  
                                   POINT PLEASANT, NJ Boomerang going down. 9/19/1957 #14010  
                                   Point Pleasant, NJ Boomerang-shaped obje 9/19/1957 #14011  
                                   Point Pleasant, New Jersey A boomerang-s 9/19/1957 #14012  
use was reported to have landed in Point Pleasant, New Jersey at 6:40 p.m.  9/19/1957 #14015  
Island tower San Diego, California Point Loma 7:00 p.m. The Naval Air Stati 10/14/1957 #14110  
ircraft toward a bright light over Point Loma. The aircraft, piloted by Lt. 10/14/1957 #14110  
and the headlights go out. At that point, the object rises quickly into the 11/2/1957 #14218  
tion until it looks like a star or point source. They watch it for 25 minut 11/3/1957 #14251  
 light north of US Highway 62 at a point 38 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico 11/5/1957 #14348  
                              Long Point Road Houston, Texas 4:30 a.m. Will 11/6/1957 #14420  
William Rush II is driving on Long Point Road in Houston, Texas. A brillian 11/6/1957 #14420  
hite smoke is coming out from each point. The object speeds up and disappea 11/6/1957 #14424  
                            SOMERS POINT, NJ Numerous separate observer(s). 11/7/1957 #14448  
and the car rolls to a stop at the point where the light had been. Lacuesta 11/28/1957 #14635  
ween Arequipa and Lima, Peru, at a point (roughly around the Yauca District 1/30/1958 #14851  
nephew felt an electric shock at a point 220 miles north of Arequipa, Peru  1/30/1958 #14852  
                             EAGLE POINT, OR 1 observer. 500' disk going do 2/1958 #14858  
the men walked toward it, at which point it rose up to about 600 feet in al 2/24/1958 #14890  
 10 seconds. It is flying with one point of the triangle as a forward edge  7/18/1958 #15149  
the south after 40 seconds. At one point a passing Capitol Airlines Flight  10/7/1958 #15329  
. The car's engine stopped at this point but the headlights were not affect 1/13/1959 #15550  
, lights, and radio failed at this point. The light, which was too bright f 1/13/1959 #15551  
ears about 5 minutes later. At one point a jet aircraft appears to alter it 7/28/1959 #15884  
wn [to] and away. Wires extend and point going west. See reference.         8/12/1959 #15905  
bounced off the satellite from one point on earth to another.               8/12/1960 #16372  
 watch another 5 minutes, at which point the globe and the entity begin to  Late 8/1960 #16417  
                              LONG POINT, IL Minister and several. Golden f 10/9/1960 #16482  
        Chula Vista, CA Orange-red point of light, with white sparkler-like 11/27/1960 #16514  
and Mrs. L.M. Hart. One orange-red point of light made huge circles and sto 11/27/1960 #16515  
nd maneuvers for 5 minutes. At one point it races directly at a star, abrup Spring 1961 #16637  
alvo is not fired, because at that point the smaller objects stall the elec Summer 1961 #16734  
Notch, watching the object. At one point it passes near the Old Man of the  9/19/1961 #16857  
ation passes through them. At this point in time they experience the onset  9/19/1961 #16857  
lso a map of the stars seen at one point, and Betty asked to take an artifa 9/19/1961 #16858  
iduals standing around it. At this point they seem to hear an explosion and Late 11/1961 #16978  
                              West Point Academy General Douglas McArthur s 5/12/1962 #17160  
tina, one of which is exactly at a point when the object changes course.    5/21/1962 #17186  
 the Earth from his desert takeoff point in California when he saw and took 7/17/1962 #17280  
nation. He attempts to flee at one point and grabs his rifle lying nearby,  8/26/1962 #17362  
                              East Point, Georgia Evening. A husband and wi 12/1/1962 #17568  
vening. A husband and wife in East Point, Georgia, are watching the first-q 12/1/1962 #17568  
                         Nantucket Point, Long Island, NY (Hynek UFO Rpt p. 1/5/1963 #17630  
m, taking on an orange hue. At one point it comes within 100 feet of his ca 8/4/1963 #17863  
al Test Ban Treaty (PTBT). At this point, 499 nuclear tests were conducted  8/5/1963 #17865  
d makes for the object’s vanishing point, has 2 radar contacts on its scree 11/20/1963 #18052  
it dived five or six times, at one point hovering for two min 15 m above th 12/14/1963 #18080  
 as them five or six times, at one point hovering for two minutes just 15 m 12/14/1963 #18082  
 around 9:00 p.m. at the Northeast point at Groote Eylandt in the Northern  1/23/1964 #18118  
as 1 hour and 21 minutes, at which point the blips disappeared to the south 4/17/1964 #18178  
 it too is not functioning. At one point the airplane’s engines stop (the o 4/20/1964 #18180  
stimulus that scared Zamora to the point of panic.” Some investigators thin 4/24/1964 #18200  
asked him to meet him at a certain point. The other officer arrived there f 6/12/1964 #18348  
                                   Point Isabel, OH Late evening. A couple  Summer 1964 #18366  
hat seemed to land. From a vantage point in a tree, he saw a dome-shaped ob 9/5/1964 #18538  
dislodge him from the tree. At one point a white vapor emanates from the ro 9/5/1964 #18539  
), AZERBJ 2 astronomers. Ring with point star / center. Goes west going nor 11/30/1964 #18648  
                                   Point au Fer Reef, LA Ball Of Light Hove 3/3/1965 #18834  
tween Redcliffe Pier and Redcliffe Point. They watched it for 10 minutes. I 6/6/1965 #18995  
wed orange, red and silver. At one point during the sighting two smaller si 7/29/1965 #19203  
and Carswell track the object to a point 15 miles southwest of Tinker when  7/31/1965 #19220  
 minutes later, it is tracked to a point 29 miles south of Tinker when it i 7/31/1965 #19220  
k driver Don Tenopir had reached a point 35 km from Abilene, going toward L 8/4/1965 #19313  
Don Tenopir, age 44, had reached a point 25 miles from Abilene, Texas when  8/4/1965 #19321  
ghtly over five feet tall. At this point a football-shaped UFO landed on th 8/16/1965 #19410  
paulets, and shiny helmets. At one point two of the “men” turned and looked 8/26/1965 #19466  
signal strength begins rising at a point when it should not have. The team  10/22/1965 #19672  
oes silent. JPL later asks them to point their dish in the direction it was 10/22/1965 #19672  
, in a water-filled lagoon, at the point where he first saw it. The marking 1/19/1966 #19858  
ing away at high speed. At another point the object passes directly over th 3/20/1966 #20012  
                             CROWN POINT, NY Elongated object hovers over h 3/23/1966 #20036  
                             Crown Point, NY 8:40 p.m. EST. An elongated ob 3/23/1966 #20045  
 the radio stopped playing at this point. The UFO stopped at a distance of  3/23/1966 #20057  
hovering about 25 feet over woods, point downward, by a farm couple for abo 3/25/1966 #20077  
d, circled, and moved quickly from point to point. At 11:30 p.m... a Ford t 3/30/1966 #20155  
d, and moved quickly from point to point. At 11:30 p.m... a Ford truck expe 3/30/1966 #20155  
d as the object darted around from point to point, emitting a hum like a sw 3/31/1966 #20173  
object darted around from point to point, emitting a hum like a swarm of be 3/31/1966 #20173  
 sound of a pig squealing. Next, a point of green light issued from one of  4/1/1966 #20203  
w off through a corn field, at one point illuminating the terrain. Then the 4/18/1966 #20329  
en depart to the southwest. At one point, witnesses see the object only 20– 4/22/1966 #20375  
 the insulation of the wiring at a point very near the apartment building.  4/24/1966 #20400  
                              WEST POINT, PA 2 observer(s). 7M diameter obj 6/3/1966 #20526  
                              West Point City, Pennsylvania Two witnesses o 6/3/1966 #20527  
             Two witnesses in West Point City, Pennsylvania observed a stat 6/3/1966 #20530  
red body lights. The object at one point emitted an extremely bright light  8/16/1966 #20752  
                                In Point Pleasant, West Virginia a national 11/1/1966 #21063  
                              NEAR POINT PLEASANT, WV Mothman follows car / 11/15/1966 #21105  
                                   Point Pleasant, West Virginia McClintic  11/15/1966 #21107  
 11:30 p.m. Two young couples from Point Pleasant, West Virginia—Roger and  11/15/1966 #21107  
ted that their car was followed in Point Pleasant, West Virginia around 11: 11/15/1966 #21109  
                   At 9:00 p.m. in Point Pleasant, West Virginia Mr. and Mr 11/16/1966 #21110  
it and hovered in the air. At this point she could see 3 or 4 figures movin 11/17/1966 #21118  
fficers. When the figure reached a point about fifteen to twenty feet from  11/17/1966 #21119  
                  On this night in Point Pleasant, West Virginia police cap 11/18/1966 #21124  
to the area of the TNT dumpsite in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. That same 11/24/1966 #21146  
sited the abandoned power plant in Point Pleasant, West Virginia where it h 11/24/1966 #21146  
ight at 7:15 a.m. on Highway 62 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia Mr. Ury, 2 11/25/1966 #21148  
ke figure with glowing red eyes in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.           12/6/1966 #21188  
wn just across the Ohio River from Point Pleasant, West Virginia--saw a bro 12/7/1966 #21191  
confirmed. Country: USA Name: “New Point” YieldMax: 20KT                    12/13/1966 #21198  
ed body light was observed. At one point the object emitted a red ball of l 12/14/1966 #21202  
mination of UFO literature. At one point there are 4 full-time and 3 part-t 1967 #21238  
ppeared under his trousers. At one point it seemed to be indented into his  1/9/1967 #21278  
derstand, sing-song manner. At one point when his face reddened he asked fo 1/9/1967 #21278  
outside her home during the day in Point Pleasant, West Virginia when she s 1/11/1967 #21287  
t moves. Speed is variable. At one point, all the lights go out, and when t 1/15/1967 #21311  
ty increased several fold. At this point the girls became quite frightened  1/25/1967 #21388  
ing from two spots nearby. At that point the school bell sounds, and the bo 1/28/1967 #21409  
powered away down the road. At one point one man was seen writing strange s 1/28/1967 #21411  
 or ports around the edges. At one point the lead disc glowed red like molt 2/25/1967 #21646  
se, "visibly shaken, almost to the point of hysteria." Two footprints of an 3/12/1967 #21874  
orange circular object that at one point passed in front of a house and in  3/25/1967 #21983  
t the base and 25 feet high to the point, where there was a ball-shaped obj 3/28/1967 #22003  
n makes a pass at the car. At that point, the car engine stops. The UFO ban 4/12/1967 #22121  
                                   Point Pleasant, WV 8:00 p.m. EST. A pilo 4/18/1967 #22158  
 8:05 p.m. About 40 miles north of Point Pleasant, a Ph.D. professor at Ohi 4/18/1967 #22159  
                   At 8:00 p.m. in Point Pleasant, West Virginia a pilot an 4/18/1967 #22161  
ed to move with a gliding motion. (Point Pleasant Register, W.Va., 4/22/67, 4/19/1967 #22163  
d, about 3 feet wide at the widest point. William T. Powers, assistant to J 4/21/1967 #22194  
metal tubes. Black orbs / corners. Point down. Going up [to] until gone.    4/25/1967 #22215  
white shirt, and black tie. At one point, French complains of stomach probl 5/1967 #22254  
co, Mexico, when they see a bright point of light in the sky. It descends t 5/7/1967? #22295  
aliber pistol, loads it, and fires point blank at the object. He hears the  5/13/1967 #22336  
                                SS POINT SUR OFF GULF COAST 4 observer(s) / 5/16/1967 #22350  
      Gulf of Mexico, At Sea U.S.S Point Sur (Hynek UFO Exp ch. 7, case RV- 5/16/1967 #22351  
he Pacific Coast Transport ship SS Point Sur, see six red point-source ligh 5/16/1967 #22355  
the colors blend to reddish-orange point sources. They pulsate with a 4.5-s 5/16/1967 #22355  
Four members of the crew of the SS Point Sur in the Gulf of Mexico at 10:10 5/16/1967 #22358  
uding S.V. Ostrovskiy saw a bright point descending in the western sky. It  5/17/1967 #22366  
8 p.m. on State Route 2 outside of Point Pleasant, West Virginia an unident 6/5/1967 #22468  
                    BUCHAREST, ROM Point / light going southeast / 30s. Dro 7/1967 #22585  
f light (light beam). At a certain point, these rays of light disappeared,  7/3/1967 #22596  
 a few yards off the road from the point where the ball of light had been s 7/5/1967 #22613  
the edibility of the corn. At some point a dog nearby began barking, and th 7/19/1967 #22701  
d, circling the fire tower. At one point it emitted a blue-white light beam 7/28/1967 #22746  
he watch-listed Americans. At some point, the NSA is tasked with monitoring 8/1967 #22770  
ed upward and out of sight. At one point the witnesses drove to within one- 8/11/1967 #22862  
, then both discs come to a common point in front of a suddenly visible gra Mid 8/1967 #22882  
," approaching the witness. At one point it made a U-turn in the space of i 8/19/1967 #22890  
 closer range, hovered, and at one point approached the witnesses. (NICAP r 8/25/1967 #22923  
reaching President Johnson. At one point the CIA analysts estimate enemy st 9/1967 #22974  
                           Douglas Point Nuclear Generating Station Kincard 9/11/1967 #23044  
t a dozen employees of the Douglas Point Nuclear Generating Station near Ki 9/11/1967 #23044  
t in an easterly direction. At one point it hovers above Lake Huron about a 9/11/1967 #23044  
 were approaching the UFO. At that point his car "reared" and Sr. Edrosa be 9/21/1967 #23106  
r. All four felt paralyzed at this point. Ritter's next recollection was of 10/24/1967 #23310  
is truck for about an hour. At one point it hovered silently over his truck 10/27/1967 #23344  
 her kitchen late on this night in Point Pleasant, West Virginia heard a lo 11/2/1967 #23391  
ering over the "TNT" area north of Point Pleasant, West Virginia.           11/19/1967 #23483  
                        Ohio River Point Pleasant, West Virginia Gallipolis 12/15/1967 #23591  
Bridge over the Ohio River between Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and Galli 12/15/1967 #23591  
rm on the roof of the car. At this point the man and woman drove away at hi 12/16/1967 #23594  
lent. Another truck stops and they point out the object to the others, who  1/15/1968 #23666  
s to just behind their car. At one point it is hovering only 3 feet above a 1/20/1968 #23683  
The girl became frightened at this point and went to bed, covering her head 2/21/1968 #23774  
he saw a red glowing object with a point on top that was hovering with a fl 4/19/1968 #23915  
e meters above the ground. At this point, their engine failed. The object r 6/18/1968 #24045  
 with responsible people." At that point the witness experienced a lapse of 6/30/1968 #24097  
ow he saw the figure fly away to a point about 200 feet up and several hund 7/1/1968 #24121  
bout 25 meters in diameter. At one point the object ejected a small sphere  7/20/1968 #24195  
uard called out for help, at which point the three men boarded a gray color 7/23/1968 #24214  
the humming growing louder. At one point, a projection from the object desc 7/30/1968 #24263  
hovered above the treetops. At one point one of the lighted objects silentl 8/12/1968 #24322  
n air traffic in the area. At this point the radio fails at all frequencies 8/22/1968 #24369  
d through some flowerbeds. At this point Cintra notices a semicircular “peb 8/25/1968 #24376  
rea was found later at the landing point.                                   8/26/1968 #24380  
Delta/triangle/box-like craft with point going down [to] maneuvers. Cylinde 8/27/1968 #24385  
                                   Point Isabel, OH No time given. One witn Fall 1968 #24503  
experienced a memory lapse at this point. Cloven footprints were found at t 10/15/1968 #24563  
tographs / bullet UFO with conical point. Going quickly SSW.                10/18/1968 #24569  
lue then to red. When it reaches a point just south of Sarajevo and northea 10/18/1968 #24571  
oad/railway yard. Bright very fast point / light maneuvers. 90-turns. All o 10/23/1968 #24579  
green rays from its center. At one point it stops abruptly for a moment and 10/24/1968 #24588  
r Wallingford, Connecticut. At one point it was joined by two more similar  10/27/1968 #24592  
windows on the side. It moves to a point about 10 feet directly above them  11/1968 #24612  
ll object similar in shape. At one point one of the entities came close eno 1/14/1969 #24842  
 quarter mile and the object turns point up and only 30 feet off the ground 1/25/1969 #24871  
ad leafs from the ground under the point where it began its departure.      2/20/1969 #24935  
ly into the witness's face. At one point one of the witnesses remembered st 4/5/1969 #25051  
guage with many "R" sounds. At one point in the journey the craft seemed to 5/4/1969 #25115  
d showed it to the others. At this point a kind of vision appeared to Da Si 5/4/1969 #25115  
 increased in brightness to such a point that Pereira lost consciousness. A 5/20/1969 #25151  
OM 10cm red sphere/orb/globe and 2 point night lights. Flies / airport/apar 6/1/1969 #25187  
ugh binoculars, and he described a point source coming out of the light, or 6/14/1969 #25215  
several men staring at her. At one point she briefly looked away, and when  7/4/1969 #25254  
ed container in the center. At one point the larger figure chased after som 12/27/1969 #25510  
ers 15M over power towers / Coyote Point. Lights / side.                    2/10/1970 #25577  
nd appearance to the face . At one point the witness saw himself in his own 8/15/1970 #25787  
is mind at very high speed. At one point the aliens brought him a small cub 8/15/1970 #25787  
s extended his arm upward. At this point they were able to see that the fig 8/24/1970 #25802  
 an altitude of 10–15 feet. At one point it moves ahead and hovers above a  11/1/1970 #25898  
 Mexico took a photo of a luminous point in motion, making an abrupt change 12/24/1970 #25952  
 maneuvers about imaginary central point in sky. No further details.        1/30/1971 #26005  
d for ten minutes around a central point in the sky over the city of Predea 1/30/1971 #26007  
 to three wires of the "cage" to a point mid-way between the tip of the con 2/18/1971 #26026  
aight path to the west, but at one point completely vanished. There were fi 3/2/1971 #26039  
e-like protuberance on top. At one point it moves away to the northeast and 5/24/1971 #26130  
man his driving car at the highest point on the highway north of Dunedin, N 6/9/1971 #26163  
the sky over the shore at Morgans' Point, Texas at 11:30 p.m. by a man name 6/9/1971 #26166  
ht light floated slowly along to a point over the sea in Brunswick, Maine.  6/28/1971 #26201  
. It tilted to the right, at which point the witness saw two bright points  8/30/1971 #26306  
 movement, for 10 minutes. At some point Paulo Caetano's head began to ache 10/11/1971 #26418  
topped. They all felt heat at this point. They then saw a face with large b 10/16/1971 #26427  
 with numerous instruments. At one point the aliens told one of the witness 10/16/1971 #26427  
                            FAUSSE POINT, LA 5+observer(s). Silver umbrella 1/17/1972 #26547  
are of 8.2 feet. At an equidistant point in the center of the tracks there  3/19/1972 #26617  
                            Willow Point, British Columbia Inside Passage Q 4/24/1972 #26660  
Quadra Island Day. A man in Willow Point, British Columbia, on the Inside P 4/24/1972 #26660  
rve going down [to] and taper to a point / ground.                          7/4/1972 #26763  
elgium, when they see a red-orange point of light slowly moving toward them 7/19/1972 #26813  
ed hybrid. His memory ends at this point with an ensuing period of missing  8/26/1972 #26956  
ed object occurred at 9:00 p.m. in Point Elliot, South Australia.           8/28/1972 #26965  
ld Rodriguez see its head. At that point the being stopped, did a right abo 9/28/1972 #27038  
g around their peripheries. At one point she saw something shoot out from o 10/13/1972 #27071  
s". Enrique is informed he is at a point some 100,000 kilometers above Mexi 10/22/1972 #27085  
                           Clinton Point, Northwest Territories Amundsen Gu 12/24/1972 #27188  
tant Early Warning site at Clinton Point, Northwest Territories, on the Amu 12/24/1972 #27188  
to stop, wind down the window, and point his movie camera at the object. He 1/11/1973 #27230  
 allows her to take photos. At one point she looks through her late husband 3/20/1973 #27352  
                                   POINT DUNE, CA 3 teens. Bright sphere/or 3/23/1973 #27362  
nd one "sliding on it" towards the point, where it disappeared. They seemed 3/24/1973 #27373  
nd one "sliding on it" towards the point, where it disappeared. They seemed 3/25/1973 #27376  
                                L5 point in the same orbit as the Moon Epsi 4/1973 #27396  
age comes from an object at the L5 point in the same orbit as the Moon, sen 4/1973 #27396  
rsened after the experience to the point where she was forced to wear corre 5/27/1973 #27535  
ic circles like heat waves. At one point a small light joined the first obj 6/23/1973 #27585  
ct hovering over the woods. At one point it emitted a beam of light into th 9/27/1973 #27880  
 it finally diminshed into a light point. Mushroon shaped with flat bottom. 10/5/1973 #27950  
 arrive there at 10:30 p.m. At one point during 2 hours of intense grilling 10/11/1973 #27997  
two inches long that came out to a point and resembled a nose. They had a s 10/11/1973 #28005  
om and stared at her body. At this point she felt something awful was going 10/16/1973 #28089  
thin 6 feet of their car, at which point the headlights, radio, and engine  10/20/1973 #28214  
e group's leader, said that at one point during their ascent they met three 10/20/1973 #28222  
here is no associated noise at any point, no trail or exhaust. It is last s 10/25/1973 #28284  
 women drive into Montreal. At one point they encounter a large volume of t 11/18/1973 #28442  
sed in a dull gray uniform. At one point Castillo boarded a smaller craft a 11/18/1973 #28443  
ld Highway 3 near the western Bear Point turnoff when they encountered some 11/25/1973 #28466  
ic messages from the being. At one point she felt compelled to go to the fr 12/12/1973 #28559  
oved directly toward police at one point, and made a hissing sound like esc 1/5/1974 #28649  
ted by a black band from an orange point area; the point was directed diago 3/15/1974 #28891  
and from an orange point area; the point was directed diagonally downwards. 3/15/1974 #28891  
                              HIGH POINT, NC 2 / car. Pink-glowing delta/tr 3/23/1974 #28932  
 beings come out of the first UFO, point to the truck, then go in again. Bo 3/26/1974 #28956  
s). 3 photographs luminous/glowing point / sky show flat metallic round obj 4/1/1974 #28987  
ngs then rotate in unison. At this point, 3–4 jets of flame appear beneath  4/16/1974 #29040  
iding rather than running. At this point a red lighted UFO was seen rising  5/11/1974 #29100  
of the window periodically. At one point, they see 15 robots standing in li 6/25/1974 #29224  
bject, 40 feet in diameter. At one point it came to within 300 feet of a po 8/12/1974 #29339  
pparently Tracked By Radar At Some Point (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 9/1974 #29411  
ed into woods. While driving, at a point approximately four miles west of D 12/21/1974 #29652  
                                   Point Pleasant, West Virginia Ohio River 1975 #29670  
 called Mothman in the area around Point Pleasant, West Virginia, in 1966–1 1975 #29670  
y and hovers for 1–2 hours. At one point a light beam shoots down from the  1975 #29680  
 Deputy Larry Clifford drives to a point about one mile from the site, the  2/17/1975 #29820  
 dogs began barking again. At this point the UFO, now a green sphere, appro 3/31/1975 #29927  
r(s). Large silent cone 150' away. Point up. Lights turn / rim. Much Radio  6/21/1975 #30114  
e continued their actions from the point when they had been suspended in mo 7/12/1975 #30175  
blackened and grass charred at the point over which the object had hovered. 8/8/1975 #30244  
wo of the forms in a tree. At this point the witnesses attempted to approac 8/18/1975 #30288  
alf and others shoot away. At this point, the witnesses feel peculiar sensa 8/26/1975 #30310  
 sounds during the process. At one point he was told by the beings that the 12/4/1975 #30685  
Observer(s) takes several photos = point / light only.                      1/9/1976 #30776  
bubble of UFO. She recalled at one point that the face of the being was ver 1/14/1976 #30786  
The women saw five objects at this point. After passing through Lincoln, th 2/18/1976 #30881  
limbs away at 60° and recedes to a point source and disappears. The total d Late 2/1976 #30905  
en got in their van and drove to a point closer to the object. They noticed 3/5/1976 #30928  
hen stared at the witness. At this point Fidel heard unintelligible words i 4/23/1976 #31019  
da Dillon, and 30+ others. At some point his cameo is filmed.               7/23/1976 #31183  
. The car could be started at this point. At the place where the UFO had be 8/6/1976 #31241  
                             STONY POINT, NY Cop and 2. Fireball spins over 8/22/1976 #31290  
shore, trying to get away. At this point they lost all conscious memory of  8/26/1976 #31307  
hizzes through the air, but at one point appears to float before falling to 9/3/1976 #31335  
sy side, which feels warm. At this point two strange entities are seen with 9/3/1976 #31336  
                             Taola Point Ben Boyd National Park New South W 10/23/1976 #31488  
g to film a solar eclipse at Taola Point in Ben Boyd National Park, New Sou 10/23/1976 #31488  
hit the wall several times; at one point the beam turned white. Moments lat 10/29/1976 #31505  
alked back to their craft. At this point the teens ran to tell their famili 10/29/1976 #31505  
ng to sources and methods.” At one point, Bush and his aide Jennifer Fitzge 11/19/1976 #31557  
 around the Canary Islands watch a point of light climbing into the sky in  11/19/1976 #31559  
at its base diminish to a blinding point source alongside his pickup truck  11/24/1976 #31571  
ther witnesses see it as a distant point of light; when they leave, the obj 11/24/1976 #31571  
ionary, the object diminishes to a point source and returns to its original 11/25/1976 #31574  
                           SALTERS POINT, WEST AUSTR 2 observer(s). Whirrin 12/19/1976 #31619  
            Aquinas College Salter Point Western Australia Night. Neil Bren 12/19/1976 #31622  
noise near Aquinas College, Salter Point, Western Australia. Brennan sees a 12/19/1976 #31622  
          On this night in Salters Point, Western Australia two men, Brenna 12/19/1976 #31624  
d, and looked like a saucer with a point on top. He saw a man with long poi 2/4/1977 #31792  
oved slowly back and forth. At one point he was approached by two tall, hum 2/20/1977 #31833  
d lights," and that the UFO at one point flew over the truck. They turned t 3/5/1977 #31861  
c field around the aircraft to the point where it did pull the aircraft off 3/12/1977 #31901  
he east at treetop level. With the point of the teardrop pointing upward, t 3/29/1977 #31933  
he husband several times, at which point it seemed to jump up and disappear 4/12/1977 #31978  
s Abby Brabham, age 15, home. At a point 1.2 miles east-northeast of the Ba 4/23/1977 #32019  
em to identify themselves. At this point a bright light envelops Valdés and 4/25/1977 #32026  
soldiers has to slap him, at which point Valdés faints. One of the other so 4/25/1977 #32026  
em to identify themselves. At this point a bright light enveloped Valdes an 4/25/1977 #32027  
soldiers had to slap him, at which point he fainted. One of the other soldi 4/25/1977 #32027  
Pass Road, West Pittsburg [now Bay Point], California Suisun Bay 11:00 p.m. 5/20/1977 #32116  
Pass Road, West Pittsburg [now Bay Point], California, about a half mile fr 5/20/1977 #32116  
 sky in Leicester, England. At one point it looked like five balls joined t 5/21/1977 #32122  
make out a V- shaped craft. At one point he awoke briefly to see several me 7/10/1977 #32256  
fore he lost consciousness. At one point he awoke briefly to see several me 7/10/1977 #32257  
ing the head that came to a slight point on top. The helmet was surmounted  7/12/1977 #32266  
 a short extension with a luminous point on top. On the being's back was a  7/12/1977 #32266  
ompletely covered in hair. At this point the rancher apparently lost consci 7/17/1977 #32288  
uggests that NASA become the focal point for further UFO inquiries.         7/21/1977 #32297  
creek and then backs away. At this point both witnesses develop severe head 7/23/1977 #32305  
eek, and then backed away. At this point both witnesses developed severe he 7/23/1977 #32306  
and a black box on its arm. At one point the entity shines a bright beam of 8/31/1977 #32445  
st over Burlington, Iowa. A second point of light appears, catches up to th 9/28/1977 #32531  
, as if preparing to land. At this point she was joined by other witnesses. 10/6/1977 #32555  
trees of an adjacent farm. At this point she hysterically calls for help on 10/9/1977 #32564  
ehind them along the road, a small point of light near the ground, as thoug 11/13/1977 #32671  
 County, Old Bridge, Oyster Creek, Point Pleasant, Red Bank, Toms River, an 12/2/1977 #32731  
                         Tatapouri Point, New Zealand Waimata Valley 7:30 p 12/6/1977 #32736  
ree people in a car near Tatapouri Point, New Zealand, see a red disc comin 12/6/1977 #32736  
"What are you doing here?" At this point the stranger, whose body was surro 1/2/1978 #32848  
e Public Works building and at one point seems to appear and disappear as a 1/31/1978 #32928  
y trees. It is a triangle with the point at the back and many red and white 1/31/1978 #32929  
e Public Works building and at one point seemed to appear and disappear as  1/31/1978 #32930  
ne o'clock in the morning. At some point during the incident, a brightly li 2/5/1978 #32956  
t down on the accelerator. At this point his conscious recollection stopped 2/5/1978 #32957  
ason he suddenly braked. From this point on the car seemed to act of its ow 2/5/1978 #32957  
ith no rivets or fittings. At this point he became aware of a powerful odor 2/5/1978 #32957  
g sound could be heard, from which point Julio seems to have passed out. Af 2/5/1978 #32957  
                                   POINT CLARE, NSW Aus. Several observer(s 3/8/1978 #33018  
hem. Her memory went blank at this point, but she does recall that at 4:00  3/11/1978 #33034  
athed in bright red lights. At one point it seems to be close to the ship a 4/11/1978 #33141  
e close to the ship and at another point it flickers on and off.            4/11/1978 #33141  
ss went to fetch a camera. At this point the sphere seemed to shrink in siz 4/25/1978 #33169  
ppeared to open its mouth. At this point the boy became afraid, and ran awa 5/2/1978 #33185  
 by a bright light. It was at this point that he noticed two more beings se 5/10/1978 #33199  
and begged to be released. At this point the blond woman walked over and or 5/10/1978 #33199  
owly and silently from the vantage point of his home on Black Street.       6/18/1978 #33288  
ast back-and-forth motions. At one point it passes above the plane. The obj 6/24/1978 #33306  
 kilometers (5.5 miles) beyond the point where the incident had begun. Thei 7/6/1978 #33346  
, Michigan Lake Michigan Big Sable Point Lighthouse Two Rivers, Wisconsin 1 7/28/1978 #33435  
oceeds westerly past the Big Sable Point Lighthouse, and then accelerates s 7/28/1978 #33435  
rs, Wisconsin Lake Michigan Rawley Point 11:57 p.m. Six members of the Two  7/28/1978 #33436  
 Michigan and moving toward Rawley Point. It stops abruptly, and Randall sn 7/28/1978 #33436  
ture talking to the others. At one point the witness claimed she saw severa 8/1/1978 #33464  
the ocean and disappeared. At this point, several military jets appeared an 8/22/1978 #33551  
m the larger object and reached at point in the sky over a shed containing  8/31/1978 #33612  
arning them not to scream. At this point one of the men ran for the door, a 9/10/1978 #33657  
ndolph, Nebraska and had reached a point two miles west of Belden at around 9/14/1978 #33680  
back. The UFO came in fast at this point and came very close to ground then 9/15/1978 #33683  
ack. The UFO comes in fast at this point very close to the ground, then lea 9/15/1978 #33686  
 fishing in the Corno river at the point where the Zumiel irrigation canal  9/18/1978 #33708  
 50 feet above the ground. At this point their memory of the event becomes  9/20/1978 #33718  
 ITL Air Force F104 pilot. Intense point / light grows and nears. Gone / 3  9/21/1978 #33721  
All natural sounds stopped at this point. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)    Fall 1978 #33732  
tanding behind the windows. At one point the witnesses became disoriented a 11/11/1978 #33944  
tanding behind the windows. At one point the witnesses became disoriented a 11/11/1978 #33946  
rth in front of the object, at one point approaching the witnesses briefly. 11/24/1978 #33996  
esearch and study mission." At one point one of the men started collecting  12/6/1978 #34070  
en they neared the bridge. At some point, the men spotted a domed UFO, desc 12/28/1978 #34222  
 pressure in his chest and at this point an individual approached him and t 1/3/1979 #34292  
. A few minutes after 8:00 p.m., a point of light is seen to ascend, leavin 3/5/1979 #34465  
arolina, arousing the dogs. At one point the object comes within 150 feet,  3/6/1979 #34469  
t Earth and other planets. At this point, the man removes his helmet reveal 5/16/1979 #34563  
t Earth and other planets. At this point the man the removed his helmet and 5/16/1979 #34564  
toward a network of wires. At that point someone placed a helmet on his hea 6/6/1979 #34601  
ler than the full moon, but at one point they can detect four “domes” on it 6/26/1979 #34633  
ng from burgundy to silver. At one point it makes a 90° turn and circles ar 6/26/1979 #34633  
g raised its long arms and at this point the car's engine stalled. It was w 8/15/1979 #34744  
e shocked bus driver runs over the point of impact as the vehicle is shakin 8/30/1979 #34810  
 as they turn toward Kalwa. At one point it looks so close that the driver  9/5/1979 #34838  
 hovered ahead of car, darted from point to point; took off at "very high s 9/14/1979 #34880  
ahead of car, darted from point to point; took off at "very high speed" (se 9/14/1979 #34880  
 hovered ahead of car, darted from point to point. Took off at "very high s 9/14/1979 #34882  
ahead of car, darted from point to point. Took off at "very high speed"     9/14/1979 #34882  
t 7:55 p.m. It tilted, darted from point to point, and then took off at ver 9/14/1979 #34885  
m. It tilted, darted from point to point, and then took off at very high sp 9/14/1979 #34885  
ise and a pungent odor,and at this point he passed out and remained unconsc 11/9/1979 #34991  
 short time and left their viewing point and and went back to watching tele 11/30/1979 #35034  
 hovering object offshore. At this point the witnesses returned back inside 11/30/1979 #35034  
pot then moves quickly away at one point. He shows them to the commanding o 12/3/1979 #35045  
go, Chile, when he sees a luminous point of light at 20° elevation moving f 1/17/1980 #35137  
or; it seems to be stronger at the point of origin. Terrified, Vommaro jump 2/11/1980 #35170  
inds the object chasing him at one point at 62,000 feet. He abandons the mi 4/11/1980 #35269  
and a dull brownish- green. At one point it turns up one of its corners at  5/16/1980 #35336  
0:28 p.m., when they had reached a point on the road near Conceicao de Arag 9/25/1980 #35535  
an exam bed-like apparatus. At one point the aliens connected some type of  9/25/1980 #35535  
 The beings told Seixas that their point of origin was within the star clus 9/25/1980 #35535  
                             Lucky Point Monroe City, Indiana A group of pe 10/1/1980? #35552  
iana A group of people go to Lucky Point, east of Monroe City, Indiana, to  10/1/1980? #35552  
                             LUCKY POINT, IN Cop. 30m black delta/triangle/ 11/1/1980 #35603  
sheriff on routine patrol in Lucky Point, Indiana had stopped to rest at 9: 11/1/1980 #35608  
which caused him discomfort to the point of sickness. There was a sickly od 11/28/1980 #35680  
sessed with aliens and UFOs to the point of building his own full-size mode 11/29/1980 #35683  
   WEST / XIANGSHAN, CH Cone rises point up from mountain peak. Emits blue  12/14/1980 #35713  
Kent, and although it shows only a point of light in a cloudless sky, it do 12/15/1980 #35719  
had three white lights forming the point of an equilateral triangle. Inside 2/14/1981 #35828  
                          Pleasant Point Temuka, New Zealand 12:50 a.m. Mr. 7/12/1981 #36002  
st along a back road from Pleasant Point to Temuka, New Zealand, with their 7/12/1981 #36002  
egan pacing their vehicle. At this point the vehicle seem to lose power and 7/15/1981 #36008  
 began pacing the vehicle. At this point the vehicle seem to lose power and 7/16/1981 #36010  
ock helicopter attack on an access point to Area 51 to test the system for  1982 #36285  
 view its lenticular form. At this point, the light emanating from the UFO  2/8/1982 #36327  
e can see the road plainly. At one point the light crosses the road ahead o 2/24/1982 #36365  
of the airplane until it reaches a point about 4 miles away when it descend 9/2/1982 #36593  
tains to the south-southeast. Each point of light is made up of several sma 10/14/1982 #36641  
a malfunctioning parachute. At one point, the UFO flicks across their nose, 10/24/1982 #36663  
eep vibration in his chest. At one point, the lights go out and three blind 12/31/1982 #36733  
quantum vacuum energy, or the zero point energy field. Uncontrolled, this e 1983 #36738  
peeds away into the sky toward its point of origin.                         5/24/1983 #36868  
air. He lost consciousness at this point and experienced an episode of miss 7/17/1983 #36913  
gain at the shopping mall. At some point police Sgt. Barry Harman and Chief 7/22/1983 #36921  
umps in a car to pursue it. At one point he sees the object hovering above  11/28/1983 #37052  
izontally at treetop level. At one point it seems to nearly collide with a  12/12/1983 #37071  
clearance had been lowered at that point.  https://www.ufohastings.com/inde 1984 #37098  
nce about every 60 seconds, at one point looking rectangular. It is seen fo 2/23/1984 #37201  
oking fearfully at the UFO. At one point the object drops to 100 feet and h 4/22/1984 #37281  
                             LUCKY POINT, IN Black triangle stops 75m over  5/20/1984 #37337  
                            INDIAN POINT, NY Guards. Dark 30' saucer with l 6/14/1984 #37359  
 NY 10:30 PM. Guards at the Indian Point nuclear power plant on the Hudson  6/14/1984 #37360  
 York State Power Authority Indian Point Nuclear Plant Buchanan, New York 1 6/14/1984 #37361  
rity security police at the Indian Point Nuclear Plant near Buchanan, New Y 6/14/1984 #37361  
At 10:30 p.m. guards at the Indian Point nuclear power plant on the Hudson  6/14/1984 #37362  
ight miles south-southeast of West Point.                                   6/22/1984 #37375  
 35. Delta object seen. See Indian Point Nuclear Facility.                  6/24/1984 #37376  
                         NEAR WEST POINT, NY Thousands / observer(s). Huge  7/12/1984 #37391  
 over an active vent of the Indian Point Nuclear Plant cooling tower for 15 7/24/1984 #37410  
                            Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, New Yor 7/24/1984 #37412  
:00 p.m. Security police at Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, New Yor 7/24/1984 #37412  
es over the Unit 3 reactor, at one point getting as close as 30 feet, it is 7/24/1984 #37412  
 over an active vent of the Indian Point Nuclear Plant cooling tower for 15 7/24/1984 #37414  
         Security police at Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, NY alle 7/24/1984 #37416  
 group Sec. AS (2a) its main focal point for receiving public UFO reports.  Fall 1984 #37466  
 D979 / LA SERRE, FR Triangle with point down drops below treetops. Shoots  10/1984 #37471  
ay. A bright light appears at each point of the triangle. After a short tim Autumn 1985 #37665  
ening over Tucson, Arizona. At one point a police helicopter engaged in a p 10/10/1985 #37679  
several other witnesses in Mineral Point and Vermont, Wisconsin (both locat 1/5/1986 #37752  
o lie down on a table, and at this point he lost consciousness. He later aw 1/15/1986 #37765  
he second has three lights at each point. Both are a few hundred yards long 3/18/1986 #37800  
face with his left arm, but at one point the light struck his right eye. Jo 5/15/1986 #37870  
a new location, as if jumping from point to point. Their low performance ai 5/19/1986 #37882  
ation, as if jumping from point to point. Their low performance airplane co 5/19/1986 #37882  
 he was unable to catch up. At one point ground radar showed the UFO rapidl 5/19/1986 #37882  
lly toward Varna, Bulgaria. At one point he locks the radar directly on the 8/1986 #37964  
The object tips on its edge at one point, and it has a haze of pale green a 8/13/1986 #37987  
inspected the surroundings, at one point they showed interest in a large ce 9/13/1986 #38027  
 aircraft carrier.” At its closest point, the large object casts such a bri 11/17/1986 #38072  
and Debrecen, Hungary, at the same point where his colleague had seen a “tr 1/9/1987 #38096  
rby piano and bend over it. At one point she saw a light-colored disk and w 1/25/1987 #38104  
inutes watching it. At its closest point, about 500 feet away, it hovers in 2/25/1987 #38123  
ir car and walked a mile from that point. The men strongly suspected that t 7/31/1987 #38221  
t spins / hazy spiral glow. Bright point / center. Northwest going quickly  8/27/1987 #38257  
JIANGSU 3 aero-engineers. Circular point / light spirals across sky. Trail  8/27/1987 #38260  
 Jiangsu province, China watched a point of light spiral across the sky at  8/27/1987 #38262  
t with bright white lights at each point and red lights underneath, rotatin 9/1987 #38270  
an–Contra affair. On this critical point, the shredding of documents by Poi 11/18/1987 #38327  
empting to crawl under it. At this point the object brightened and came clo 1/12/1988 #38411  
ollow their station wagon. At some point, Sean does a U-turn to approach th 1/20/1988 #38422  
                             TIGER POINT VILLAGE, FL 4+2 observer(s) to 214 3/4/1988 #38484  
 the creatures. He noticed at this point that the creature wore a helmet. T 5/1/1988 #38551  
           On this morning in West Point, Florida a UFO was seen ascending  6/6/1988 #38582  
wn hours in the ocean off Shagwong Point, Long Island, New York a fishing b 1/30/1989 #38809  
h the window and screamed. At this point her adult son, a repeat UFO abduct 5/1/1989 #38932  
Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. At one point he uses a zoom lens to get a clear 7/6/1989 #39013  
formed acrobatic maneuvers, at one point dividing into three shining points 7/28/1989 #39035  
g here view.  She went back to the point of her first view, but the object  8/25/1989 #39074  
                           MINERAL POINT, PA 9+observer(s). Huge metal sphe 8/26/1989 #39075  
ngles that later fade away. At one point the craft and beings become briefl 9/27/1989 #39124  
gles that later faded away. At one point the craft and beings became briefl 9/27/1989 #39126  
                           Smith's Point Beach, Shirley, NY UFO landing and 9/28/1989 #39127  
they wanted to arrest him. At this point Anna calmed down and was able to r 10/8/1989 #39150  
in the center of which is a bright point. She tries to push it away but get 10/11/1989 #39161  
. At 12:40 a.m. they had reached a point on Interstate I-70 near Goodland,  11/6/1989 #39216  
earing in a different spot. At one point, the streetlights along Route 112  11/20/1989 #39241  
million is insignificant. Analysts point out that satellites, though useful 11/22/1989 #39245  
ilently above a smokestack, at one point covering the entire courtyard, 330 4/22/1990 #39539  
les two jet interceptors, but at a point about 3,200 feet from the disc, th 5/25/1990 #39592  
phere and struck both men. At this point they lost all track of what happen 7/2/1990 #39634  
ir fingers resemble claws. At some point the witness coughs and loses consc 7/9/1990 #39640  
te triangle hovers / 2 minute(s) / point going down. Shoots going up [to] e 7/25/1990 #39660  
ngular object hover for 2 minutes, point up. The craft then shot straight u 7/25/1990 #39662  
n 150 yards of them at the closest point.                                   9/11/1990 #39726  
veloped a strong headache. At this point she lost consciousness. After an h 9/13/1990 #39730  
age bin, climbs a wall, and at one point approaches the camera. The securit 2/1991 #39970  
50 feet of a hovering UFO. At that point, a few rays sweep across the car a 4/19/1991? #40041  
sappeared down an aqueduct. At one point the creature caused one of the boy 5/15/1991 #40064  
 They are grouped toward the front point of the triangle. At least four of  5/17/1991 #40066  
 motionless over the field. At one point a luminous, yellow ray briefly sho 6/8/1991 #40092  
evision screen went blank. At this point all three then saw the same humano 7/21/1991 #40129  
gh the sky in a triangle, with the point towards the rear. It had two red p 9/5/1991 #40179  
ints towards the front and a white point towards the rear, according to the 9/5/1991 #40179  
 up. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside. Point/port/platinum metal rivets gone /  12/26/1991 #40266  
 New Mexico, in July 1947. A focal point for the discussion is the testimon 2/15/1992 #40331  
 ran and grabbed her son, at which point the figure vanished in a flash of  3/4/1992 #40354  
om the light source above. At this point the witnesses panicked and drove a 3/13/1992 #40377  
 air around him has chilled to the point that he can see his breath. The ob 3/20/1992 #40394  
                              HIGH POINT, NC Silent cylinder/cigar-shape ho 5/5/1992 #40452  
he bottom hovered silently in High Point, North Carolina, emitting very bri 5/5/1992 #40453  
, illuminating the ground. At this point the witness is about 600– 900 feet 8/19/1992 #40583  
   CAP D'AGDE, FR 2 observer(s). 4 point night lights / triangle formation. 9/3/1992 #40606  
ong triangle” with a light at each point—a red light and a blue light at th 2/4/1993 #40838  
pted to snap a photograph. At this point a state of confusion seemed to hav 3/16/1993 #40886  
                             BLACK POINT, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Odd "flying squid 4/21/1993 #40946  
ouds, then when it approaches to a point directly in line with his window,  6/3/1993 #41003  
eling of blacking out, but at this point all of the witnesses blacked out.  8/8/1993 #41118  
tly overhead for 4–5 seconds. Each point of the triangle has a red light on 8/12/1993 #41133  
aute-Garrone, France sighted a red point of light of large size, which appe 8/14/1993 #41139  
o red round lights near the "focal point".                                  9/18/1993 #41203  
shined a beam of light, and at one point moved over a mile instantaneously. 9/20/1993 #41205  
ere a bright yellow color. At this point the driver heard a voice in his he 11/29/1993 #41309  
tic. Black triangle hovers / lucky point. Tingly sens. / r147.              1/1/1994 #41353  
The lights rotated around a center point at 12 rpm. He took photographs of  4/19/1994 #41497  
t least three photos of it. At one point it ascends to a higher altitude. T 6/1994 #41545  
eve the wreckage. However, at some point he is hit in the forehead by a shi Early 6/1994 #41548  
Everything became confused at this point.; he was only able to remember see 9/11/1994 #41734  
with long, stout features. At this point the "leader" reappeared and placed 9/11/1994 #41734  
a large window. From this vanntage point he was able to see the stars, and  9/11/1994 #41734  
s. He lost complete recall at this point, and the next thing he remembers w 9/20/1994 #41765  
triangle/box-like craft with blunt point up. 5 portholes / side.            11/24/1994 #41864  
, then it suddenly diminishes to a point and disappears. Borovkov hears a l 3/14/1995 #42092  
drilling a hole in his head at one point.                                   5/7/1995 #42189  
                            SILVER POINT BEACH, NY 8 observer(s). Very larg 5/14/1995 #42202  
w tornado and avoid planes / lucky point / 7 May. '95.                      6/8/1995 #42243  
                             ROCKY POINT, WA 1 observer wakened / Jetlike w 10/19/1995 #42558  
r lunch break at 1:30 p.m. at West Point Lake, near the McGhee Bridge in La 5/7/1996 #42899  
R 4 observer(s). Big triangle with point down going southwest. Saucer exits 6/26/1996 #42940  
d up in front of the girl. At that point the robot-like creature seemed to  7/22/1996 #42963  
e ground, illuminating them at one point.                                   8/17/1996 #42984  
Many writers discussing the series point to errors in it. The claim that th 8/18/1996 #42985  
 in a car noticed a shiny luminous point of unusual size in Corme Royal, Ch 9/16/1996 #43024  
 was in his brother's room at that point.                                   9/16/1996 #43025  
oving towards this object. At this point the witnesses became extremely fri 9/23/1996 #43039  
vering near the two women. At this point the witnesses became disoriented a 9/23/1996 #43039  
les to look at the object. At some point during the sighting the object ext 10/3/1996 #43051  
rom behind and passing just at the point where the wing breaks off. Ufologi 11/16/1996 #43112  
e lights again over a bog. At this point he began to hear voices inside his 2/26/1997 #43210  
ke a small satellite dish.” At one point, the object is directly above the  3/30/1997 #43244  
ne, Loire-Atlantique, France saw a point more luminous than stars. It appro 5/3/1997 #43287  
us memory suddenly stopped at this point, and she could only vaguely rememb 10/18/1997 #43432  
chnology could be developed to the point where words could be transmitted t 2/17/1998 #43522  
e achieved and precise originating point of materials can be determined the 3/11/1998 #43532  
tsap Peninsula, Washington. At one point, the disc tilts slightly, allowing 4/22/1998 #43557  
 towards her stomach area. At this point she lost consciousness.            6/8/1998 #43584  
hanical "hops," until it reached a point just below the crest. It did not b 9/14/1998 #43646  
 minutes a single witness in Lucky Point, Knox County, Indiana saw a bright 2/15/1999 #43729  
 with equal sides, flying with the point first."                            3/10/1999 #43746  
nia observed a very shiny luminous point in the sky that had two rays of li 8/11/1999 #43820  
th walked ahead to investigate the point on the path where it had vanished  8/22/1999 #43831  
as also out of commission. By this point she had calmed down somewhat, and  10/26/1999 #43866  
hor Nick Cook in The Hunt for Zero Point, who associates it with Nazi occul 2000 #43910  
it River. It made no sound. At one point it seemed to be flying in a snake- 9/11/2000 #44039  
ighted floating in water nearWoody Point, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia j 11/5/2000 #44073  
 a deep red blinking light on each point in Phoenix, Arizona. It moves nort 11/28/2000 #44084  
f unable to move or speak. At this point he noticed two short shadowy figur 4/23/2001 #44161  
t see any sexual features. At this point she sensed desperation from the be 5/2/2001 #44174  
r and about her knowledge. At this point another one of the beings seemed t 5/2/2001 #44174  
 'goes out', diminishing to a tiny point and then resuming its original siz 7/15/2001 #44209  
                       Policeman’s Point, Yukon Territory An oval object wi 11/11/2001 #44274  
n irregular path above Policeman’s Point, Yukon Territory.                  11/11/2001 #44274  
hite lights underneath, and at one point stopped and hovered, then turned,  11/13/2001 #44276  
 was sighted. It was longer at one point, with a giant light in the center. 12/18/2001 #44295  
ess lost his mobile phone. At this point an immense light rose from an adja 7/21/2002 #44362  
k and the girls had a good vantage point looking towards the east. They had 7/28/2002 #44367  
od of about half a minute. At this point, it was not clear how it happened, 7/28/2002 #44367  
ly from west to east with its flat point forward.                           8/2002 #44373  
brera is on guard an entry control point at the Indian Springs Air Force Au Late 9/2002 #44405  
d, but she could not speak. At one point she was lying on her stomach and s 1/27/2003 #44481  
ngular object with a light at each point flying silently over Naval Submari 2/25/2003 #44496  
elieves Hal Puthoff’s work on zero point energy is full of “circular argume 3/22/2003 #44504  
smen or government agents. At this point his memory began to fail, but he r 4/28/2003 #44519  
 ridge at the extreme southwestern point of the Crimean peninsula, Ukraine  5/15/2003 #44537  
 stars through the craft. "At this point we were very frightened," the main 5/16/2003 #44538  
as if it had spotted them. At this point their car stopped running. The UFO 7/12/2003 #44563  
 half "android" or robotic. At one point the experiencer could see some of  9/3/2003 #44592  
inutes as passengers watch. At one point, wake turbulence from the UFO trig 1/4/2004 #44644  
vers sharply to the right. At this point his plane is illuminated by a beam 2/20/2004 #44668  
It flew slowly, and stopped at one point. The sighting lasted 15 minutes. A 3/26/2004 #44680  
near the end and tapered back to a point at the rear. The creature appeared 4/5/2004 #44684  
ange size three times, before each point of light on the apexes of the tria 9/11/2004 #44754  
ject reappears at their rendezvous point 60 miles away, but by the time the 11/14/2004 #44784  
                         Squeaking Point, Tasmania 10:00 a.m. Angler John W 5/4/2005 #44830  
bullet, in the sky above Squeaking Point, Tasmania. He estimates its height 5/4/2005 #44830  
d not remember anything after that point. The next morning he woke up on hi 11/25/2005 #44905  
sics behind vacuum energy and zero point energy projects. Sarfatti claims H 1/25/2006 #44918  
ticolored UFO was sighted in Black Point, Nova Scotia, Canada at 8 p.m. It  2/25/2006 #44924  
e fourth circled the others at one point.                                   5/4/2006 #44940  
             At 1:18 a.m. in Black Point, Nova Scotia, Canada a witness fir 8/18/2006 #44955  
red and moved side to side. At one point, they seemed to follow some of the 8/20/2006 #44956  
 is pursuing an experiment of zero point energy extraction at the Universit 5/27/2007 #45032  
rified; nobody was talking at this point, and he didn’t hear footsteps--jus 9/16/2007 #45059  
studying the plants, and from this point on he has no certain recollection  4/12/2008 #45127  
in Political Theory, in which they point to the fundamental weakness of ant 5/6/2008 #45134  
at an altitude of 330 feet. At one point it dims and literally vanishes in  8/20/2008 #45161  
n length and 30 feet at the widest point. Seven dimly yellow lights are pos 8/21/2009 #45238  
llite Launch Center and aimed at a point somewhere in the eastern Gobi Dese 7/7/2010 #45286  
 its shape into a diamond. At this point there were there were four lights  2/11/2011 #45315  
al Puthoff; Puthoff discussed zero point energy, Teller claimed he wasn’t i 2/15/2011 #45316  
rging from various directions to a point where a large object shaped like a 5/10/2012 #45342  
s that appear and reappear. At one point, they stop their patrol car to obs 1/8/2013 #45359  
gs with black centers, one at each point of the triangle, which resemble ho 3/19/2013 #45362  
 Puthoff explained to him how zero point energy could be used to propel a c 12/2014 #45425  
n 2004 before a presentation, zero point energy physicist Arie deGeus died  12/2014 #45425  
ore a trip to secure funding, zero point energy Stardrive patent Mark Tomio 12/2014 #45425  
emies to believe in UFOs up to the point it becomes too late for them to re 3/27/2017 #45466  
0 days after it passes its closest point to the Sun on September 9. When it 10/19/2017 #45485  
he helicopter landing pad. By this point, the encounter has lasted over 90  7/14/2019 #45592  
 front of its flight path. At this point the pilot uses a cellphone to take 11/11/2019 #45617  
quency energy. The report does not point to a perpetrator, though it mentio 8/2020 #45657  
licly without reprisal. As to this point, author Bryan Bender has not revea 5/16/2022 #45749  
in a press conference that to this point they have come across no “holdings 12/17/2022 #45786  
## Word: "point---or" (Back to Top)
er Earth's atmosphere only at this point---or "window"--along the road, tha 1/27/1977 #31761  
## Word: "point-lights" (Back to Top)
ble conf. grounds. Parallel rows / point-lights.                            7/20/1966 #20658  
saucer / 5M altitude. 8+portholes. Point-lights exit away and return.       10/16/1988 #38675  
## Word: "point-source" (Back to Top)
ort ship SS Point Sur, see six red point-source lights that seem to be paci 5/16/1967 #22355  
## Word: "pointe" (Back to Top)
                                   POINTE AUX OIES, FR Several / N40. Big m 9/1962 (approximate) #17376  
ut 300 miles to the West of Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich. (see previous entry) 3/8/1967 #21804  
                            Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 7:45-8:10 p.m. EST. Fiv 3/8/1967 #21806  
                            GROSSE POINTE, MI Brilliant Kelly-green sphere/ 4/9/1994 #41484  
flew near a woman's home in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. It flew off to the wes 4/9/1994 #41485  
## Word: "pointe-aux-oies" (Back to Top)
                                   POINTE-AUX-OIES, FR Railroad/railway ins 10/24/1954 #11354  
## Word: "pointe-noire" (Back to Top)
                                   POINTE-NOIRE, CONGO 2 / wharf. Brilliant 2/26/1969 (approximate) #24947  
## Word: "pointe-st" (Back to Top)
. Large red-blue saucer spins over Pointe-St.-Felix. Falling-leaf descent.  10/3/1954 #10651  
## Word: "pointed" (Back to Top)
er/cigar-shape exits storm clouds. Pointed ends. Drops something.           8/25/1880 #239  
a pear-shaped object with the apex pointed downward. Two yellow rays of lig Mid 4/1897 #493  
ng. It looked like a cylinder with pointed ends, lateral wheels, and horizo 4/20/1897 #543  
ng. It looked like a cylinder with pointed ends, lateral wheels, and horizo 4/20/1897 #544  
ng. It looked like a cylinder with pointed ends, lateral wheels, and had a  4/20/1897 #547  
ns looking at him. Their heads are pointed, and they are dressed in light-c Summer 1910 #839  
warf, wearing shoes with a curved, pointed tip, who remained outside while  8/1914 #906  
o southeast. It has a “long, slim, pointed shape” and appears “silvery in c 1920 #995  
ing back and forth. He heard their pointed, childlike voices, then saw the  6/12/1929 #1097  
            PLOESTI, ROM Engineer. Pointed object going quickly south. Stop 8/1944 (approximate) #1626  
ing wore dark-red coveralls with a pointed helmet.                          4/20/1945 #1851  
sees a black object whiz by. It is pointed at one end, has a narrow body, a 9/11/1946 #2177  
ll. They drew the solar system and pointed to Uranus as if to suggest that  7/23/1947 #3216  
w a sketch of the solar system and pointed to Uranus as if to suggest that  7/23/1947 #3219  
30 a.m. when his daughter Gabriele pointed to what she thought was a young  6/17/1950 #4992  
X B-29 Encounters Flat Object With Pointed Front (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 6/21/1952 #6572  
de. One flat object with a sharply pointed front and rounded rear; white wi 6/21/1952 #6577  
 small, flat object with a sharply pointed front and rounded rear. It is wh 6/21/1952 #6578  
essed a flat object with a sharply pointed front and rounded rear. It was w 6/21/1952 #6582  
dow is open, and the camera is not pointed through glass.                   7/16/1952 #6843  
in and out / clouds. Tilts showing pointed top.                             8/15/1952 #7601  
 150M altitude! 2nd follows / 90m. Pointed and rounded.                     9/24/1952 #8018  
 white object east going west. End pointed. Throws sparks. Angel hair. / r3 10/27/1952 #8194  
sions or atmospheric phenomena. He pointed out, however, that some Military 10/27/1952 #8199  
west over Eyrans, France. It had a pointed end and threw off sparks. Angel  10/27/1952 #8206  
 turns sharply so that its tail is pointed away and shoots upward out of si 1953 #8477  
ry orbits, he nodded when Mars was pointed out, and repeated "Mars." In fur 2/18/1954 #9555  
long gray cigar-shaped object with pointed nose (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 4/22/1954 #9702  
 gray, cigar- shaped object with a pointed nose traveling just above the gr 4/22/1954 #9704  
e Earth and the moon, the stranger pointed at a ‘planet’ which the women we 8/20/1954 #10158  
l man about 3 feet tall with long, pointed ears and a pointed nose standing 9/2/1954 #10232  
tall with long, pointed ears and a pointed nose standing in a crouched posi 9/2/1954 #10232  
ng about 20 feet away. The man had pointed ears and a pointed nose, and wor 9/2/1954 #10233  
ay. The man had pointed ears and a pointed nose, and wore shiny clothing. H 9/2/1954 #10233  
ylinders on his back and had long, pointed ears.                            9/14/1954 #10297  
ylinders on his back and had long, pointed ears.                            9/14/1954 #10302  
n, took off with the object's nose pointed up, then levelled off and climbe 9/21/1954 #10382  
, takes off with the object’s nose pointed up, then levels off and climbs v 9/21/1954 #10383  
ers, tight-fitting skull caps with pointed peaks in front, and heavy goggle 9/30/1954 #10510  
ders, tight fitting skullcaps with pointed peaks in front, and heavy goggle 9/30/1954 #10519  
ground with a whistling sound. The pointed section of the object was yellow 9/30/1954 #10520  
ground with a whistling sound. The pointed section of the object was yellow 10/1/1954 #10556  
ground with a whistling sound. The pointed section of the object was yellow 10/1/1954 #10572  
loth headgear (like a pilot's) who pointed a gun at him and said something  10/20/1954 #11270  
 a pilot's leather helmet. The man pointed a gun at him and said something  10/20/1954 #11278  
effect (EME). Spotlights quit when pointed at saucer!                       6/26/1955 #12213  
gs with thin arms, large eyes, and pointed chins. Two were turned away from 7/3/1955 #12231  
t of cap, no visible mouth, a long pointed nose, a chin which came to a sha 7/3/1955 #12231  
s, wide shoulders, large eyes, and pointed chins. Two were turned away from 7/3/1955 #12233  
t of cap, no visible mouth, a long pointed nose, a chin that came to a shar 7/3/1955 #12233  
zed round heads, big eyes and huge pointed ears harassed them for several h 8/21/1955 #12387  
tripes around the middle and it is pointed at both ends. Hutchinson kicks t 9/7/1956 #13202  
he radar at "zero tilt" - that is, pointed straight out, Freestone first sa 11/8/1956 #13315  
scaly skin and very long arms. The pointed nails of its long fingers nearly 5/2/1958 #15010  
scaly skin and very long arms. The pointed nails of its long fingers nearly 5/2/1958 #15011  
atched a cylindrical object with a pointed end shoot straight up in the sky 12/31/1958 #15505  
heads, big eyes, small mouths, and pointed chins. Each had what looked like 9/29/1959 #16000  
ly eyes. They have mall mouths and pointed chins and are wearing white unif Late 10/1959 #16060  
p level. Going [to] into cloudbank pointed end down.                        1/6/1960 #16150  
tely long legs that are narrow and pointed between the knees and ankles. Th Late 8/1960 #16417  
low, and even Garroway asks Tacker pointed questions and coolly notes Tacke 12/5/1960 #16526  
seemed to move erratically. Barney pointed this out to Betty… As the object 9/19/1961 #16848  
NJ 2 police. Huge cone object with pointed end downward. Seen 7-8 second(s) 9/18/1962 #17410  
oor in the bottom of the craft. It pointed a finger at the witness who felt 12/17/1962 #17589  
s" and a periscope underneath that pointed at the witnesses. The object wen 7/22/1963 #17847  
ld a black box that buzzed when he pointed it at her. He also wore a helmet 2/3/1964 #18126  
ulders. Body hair not obvious; had pointed chin and large ears. Just vanish Summer 1964 #18366  
th a box that emitted a flash when pointed at the witness. The object subse 3/2/1965 #18831  
me headgear, wide-spaced eyes, and pointed chin. It walks to 15 feet away f 3/2/1965 #18832  
es were set far apart and he had a pointed chin. The being walked walked to 3/2/1965 #18833  
at emitted two bright flashes when pointed at the witness; Reeves took it t 3/2/1965 #18833  
was not clearly visible but it had pointed ears, a sort of tail, and was li 4/23/1965 #18914  
ved on ground, two small humanoids pointed pencil-like device at witness, p 7/1/1965 #19046  
r the city at high speed, with the pointed end toward the rear, making loud 7/19/1965 #19135  
 her car. Two beings with slightly pointed heads & “wrap around” eyes emerg 8/16/1965 #19410  
duty when 2 youths pulled over and pointed out an UFO that they said had be 3/20/1966 #19998  
hort cylinder/cylindrical object / pointed ends. Light / each end. South-L  5/7/1966 #20456  
 TX Short, cylindrical object with pointed ends (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 5/7/1966 #20457  
One short, cylindrical object with pointed ends and a yellow light at one e 5/7/1966 #20458  
  A short, cylindrical object with pointed ends was sighted over Goodfellow 5/7/1966 #20460  
 while his face seemed angular and pointed. He had black hair, which was cl 1/9/1967 #21278  
am on the witnesses after they had pointed a spotlight at it (light reactio 2/8/1967 #21480  
d about 3 m away. They had narrow, pointed noses, mouths and eyes like slit 3/20/1967 #21922  
hree meters away. They had narrow, pointed noses, mouths and eyes like slit 3/20/1967 #21927  
with a shaft of light (light beam) pointed upward, descended , tipping and  4/21/1967 #22185  
at a tree in the backyard was, and pointed a device that looked like a gun  6/9/1967 #22484  
r-old girl saw an oval object with pointed ends (ellipse), a dome on top, a 7/6/1967 #22619  
               ORADEA, ROM Cigar / pointed ends hovers silently over school 7/25/1967 #22727  
7 inches tall with large heads and pointed chins around a landed sphere 15  8/29/1967 #22954  
in tight black coveralls. They had pointed heads or helmets, which were als 8/29/1967 #22955  
metallic-looking coverall. Andrade pointed his machine gun at the creature, 9/4/1967 #22996  
metallic-looking coverall. Andrade pointed his machine gun at the creature, 9/4/1967 #23000  
 than air, with its hands and feet pointed backwards." The creature flew ea 9/8/1967 #23021  
as a crescent with sharp edges and pointed horns, yellow in color with a pa 10/18/1967 #23261  
ke a blond haired woman with sharp pointed teeth, wearing a mini-skirt and  11/8/1967 #23428  
ze of a car with a rounded back, a pointed end, and two or three lights (bo 11/29/1967 #23522  
bject lands hill. Rounded rear and pointed front. Flaming takeoff!          12/6/1967 #23552  
CO, OH 6 teens. Silver saucer with pointed top hovers. Heat wave when passe 12/22/1967 #23597  
silvery, disk-shaped object with a pointed projection on top and multicolor 12/22/1967 #23599  
ilver, saucer-shaped object with a pointed top hovering over Holmes County, 12/22/1967 #23600  
am of light came out of the craft, pointed downward at an angle like a ramp 2/21/1968 #23774  
bject and moves around until it is pointed at him. A light beam shoots out  3/19/1968 #23849  
) binoculars. Dull silver object / pointed top. Portholes / bottom. TV CH.6 4/24/1968 #23921  
lies north going south / 2 nights. Pointed rear end. Antennas / sides.      5/5/1968 #23945  
al witness, a Mr. Dumila. It had a pointed read end, and antennae on the si 5/5/1968 #23947  
oes emitted light, and whenever he pointed his hand at her she felt faint a 6/14/1968 #24032  
de, all of green color with rather pointed noses, resembling sculptures in  7/2/1968 #24135  
en a police office named A. Romero pointed his gun at them, a luminous ray  8/9/1968 #24313  
c drill from his sleeve. The being pointed it at the witness, and when it e 10/2/1968 #24538  
girls; it also had a pair of large pointed ears. Moments later, the small w 11/9/1968 #24649  
 second one, when halfway through, pointed a tube at Machado, which emitted 2/6/1969 #24897  
d gone. Shortly afterward the boys pointed out a “luminous ball the size of 2/6/1969 #24898  
t through the door. The second one pointed a tube at Machado when halfway t 2/7/1969 #24902  
 star. Goes going up and down [to] pointed end first. P265.                 3/11/1969 #24995  
sparent upper half of the UFO. One pointed down at the witnesses and then t 4/25/1969 #25091  
GUINEA 6+observer(s). Plain silent pointed cylinder/cigar-shape in bay chas 4/1970 #25615  
ht side. This periscope device was pointed away from the observer to the no 6/21/1970 #25704  
ind it. It vanished when a gun was pointed in its direction.                8/5/1970 #25770  
our wore blue uniforms. The leader pointed a weapon at the witness and shot 8/20/1970 #25799  
tinct UFO has bright crescent dish pointed upward. P272.                    4/18/1971 #26076  
f of the UFO. One of the occupants pointed down at the witness and then tur 4/24/1971 #26081  
nts the next day and finds several pointed holes in the ground about 6–8 in 5/1971 #26092  
nd the cylinder seems deliberately pointed toward the short-wave antenna on 5/24/1971 #26130  
 white being of human form, with a pointed nose, slanted eyes, and a little 7/12/1971 #26224  
mall figures beside the craft, who pointed a small box-like implement in hi 10/11/1971 #26418  
eters away. The creature had large pointed ears, a nose like a dog, and no  12/14/1971 #26502  
reature about five feet tall, with pointed ears, large eyes, and a sharp ch 1/26/1972 #26556  
teeth, big eyes, a wide mouth, and pointed ears," and looked "like the devi 1/26/1972 #26556  
 and he had a bald head with high, pointed ears. The giant wore a very tigh 9/21/1972 #27022  
ort, chestnut colored hair. Miller pointed out to Gomez the craft in which  9/22/1972 #27026  
sts. It has a bald head with high, pointed ears, and very white skin. As Me 9/27/1972 #27034  
yes like yellow light bulbs, large pointed ears, a square chin, and a slit- 9/27/1972 #27035  
ed at the rear. He hadlong, narrow pointed ears. His eyes were numerous cir 9/28/1972 #27038  
Lobos, Rocha province, Uruguay and pointed his gun at three entities he saw 10/28/1972 #27097  
 ears. A narrow mouth with a small pointed chin were also observed. He was  5/12/1973 #27481  
ll and neckless. He wore a yellow, pointed, hood with a black knob on top w 5/15/1973 #27492  
lid white, his ears were small and pointed, and his head "larger than ours. 5/16/1973 #27496  
a bright floodlight-type light was pointed at them. The object was behind t Summer 1973 #27577  
 been smoking a cigarette. The man pointed up and to his left, and they bot 7/10/1973 #27627  
rystal, set at an angle so that it pointed towards the sky. It was green on 8/4/1973 #27683  
an, wearing black, is taller. They pointed out a formula to her, which was  8/4/1973 #27683  
k a huge gorilla like animal, with pointed ears and red glowing eyes. The c 8/17/1973 #27709  
oon. 1 observer. Round object with pointed top going [to] over. / local new 9/5/1973 #27763  
wing eyes, a gray face, long hair, pointed ears, and a hooked nose. It was  9/20/1973 #27850  
ur others saw a tall creature with pointed ears, a hooked nose, a gray face 9/26/1973 #27873  
it was gray with wrinkled skin and pointed ears. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 10/11/1973 #27993  
ey had no neck and their ears were pointed and retractable. Their arms were 10/11/1973 #28005  
er was gray with wrinkled skin and pointed ears. This occurred in Tanner Wi 10/11/1973 #28006  
ges 2 and 4, reported a UFO with a pointed dome and rays emanating from the 10/16/1973 #28082  
ges 2 and 4, reported a UFO with a pointed dome and rays emanating from the 10/16/1973 #28090  
OUTHWEST / SHARON, ONT Saucer with pointed top / treetop height. Can. UFO r 11/1/1973 #28333  
 quickly southeast. Larger / moon. Pointed ends down.                       12/1973 #28492  
ear a mountain ski resort with the pointed end up. Its size was estimated a 12/10/1973 #28553  
oval vertical pupils and veinlets. Pointed ears. (V.M., 28, Ref. Bruno Molo 12/19/1973 #28584  
ct like a short thick ruler with a pointed tip, aimed at the car. The talle 1/7/1974 #28661  
erall, including gloves and heavy, pointed boots. He wore a black belt with 1/7/1974 #28661  
ore white coveralls, and had long, pointed chins, with tall foreheads and s 2/9/1974 #28755  
sk with rectangular rays hovers. 1 pointed. Photographs. See dwg.           2/14/1974 #28768  
hite T-shape hovers / 5 minute(s). Pointed bottom descends and extends wire 2/25/1974 #28801  
 object hovered for 5 minutes. Its pointed bottom descended and extended wh 2/25/1974 #28803  
es with large eyes, long arms, and pointed ears entered the house and made  3/12/1974 #28874  
ngs came out of the first vehicle, pointed to the observer's truck, then we 3/26/1974 #28957  
t of him, whereupon the little man pointed a flashlight kind of instrument  5/1/1974 #29078  
f mask over their faces. One being pointed a glass tube at the witness and  5/26/1974 #29136  
dd rune-like symbols on one of the pointed ends. After reporting the sighti 5/28/1974 #29142  
llic-grey blimp with ears and tail pointed up! Going quickly [to] trees.    6/19/1974 #29213  
were four foot tall creatures with pointed ears and 6 ft. 6 in. tall hooded 10/27/1974 #29561  
in diameter, standing with its end pointed toward the ground. Projecting fr 11/1974 #29574  
eavy brow ridges, jowls, and large pointed ears removing the photograph fro 11/26/1974 #29610  
in was dark brown and he had large pointed ears, but his large head had no  2/23/1975 #29839  
just over railroad/railway tracks. Pointed ends. Vanishes!                  3/11/1975 #29886  
ps by Maure Reservoir. Transparent pointed noses.                           4/1975 #29929  
red hair, slanted eyes, and sharp, pointed chins. They all suddenly look up 7/31/1975 #30218  
escribed as an almond shaped craft pointed at the ends. It then turned blui 10/19/1975 #30449  
ase perimeter. One white light was pointed downward, and two red lights wer 10/30/1975 #30523  
passes / low altitude. Transparent pointed end / top. Glows.                12/3/1975 #30682  
air. His very long face had a long pointed nose and pallid white skin. The  12/11/1975 #30705  
with a narrow, pale face and long, pointed nose. It is dressed in close-fit 12/14/1975 #30715  
d a ridge. When the flashlight was pointed away the figure rose up again, a 1/11/1976 #30785  
 a sketch of a man with wings, big pointed ears, and a large triangle in pl 4/17/1976 #30999  
ggles. He had a long sharp nose, a pointed chin, and a small mouth. She wat 5/16/1976 #31058  
l, flesh color, large bright eyes. Pointed wing-like appendages for hands.  6/22/1976 #31127  
driver switched on a spotlight and pointed it at the object, which rose up  6/22/1976 #31130  
erges with a big head, large eyes, pointed ears, small mouth, and an upturn 6/23/1976 #31134  
g with a big head, large eyes, and pointed ears, no eyebrows, and wearing a 6/23/1976 #31135  
es. It looked like "a big owl with pointed ears."                           7/3/1976 #31147  
the entities. One of the residents pointed a gun in the direction indicated 8/4/1976 #31232  
lver cylinder/cylindrical object / pointed top drifts going up. Balloon?    8/11/1976 #31253  
wall. The being in the middle then pointed a rod like device at the witness 9/3/1976 #31341  
 hoveriong above his garage, so he pointed it out to his wife who was home  10/24/1976 #31493  
ack he was wearing on his side and pointed it at the wall, and a long thin  10/29/1976 #31505  
hem claim to see a silver man with pointed ears next to the craft. The scho 2/4/1977 #31790  
int on top. He saw a man with long pointed ears and wearing a silver suit s 2/4/1977 #31792  
had sort of cameras---and they had pointed ears." The landed UFO was still  2/4/1977 #31792  
al cylinder of white light that is pointed at the top. It is stationary, si 2/16/1977 #31823  
minibus. They have blank faces and pointed heads and are wearing white outf 4/19/1977 #32001  
ject changes to a rectangle with a pointed top. The display continues for 2 5/7/1977 #32068  
id in a green inflated suit with a pointed helmet that has a light on top.  7/12/1977 #32264  
s floated above the ground and one pointed a syringe like device at him and 9/15/1977 #32485  
 entities moved toward the dog and pointed a syringe like device at the ani 9/15/1977 #32485  
 display, an entity approached and pointed a syringe at him; his arm was ra 9/15/1977 #32485  
t leaving no mark. The entity then pointed it at a wall and drew three red  9/15/1977 #32485  
riefly turn golden. The little man pointed to a nearby hovering light, and  9/25/1977 #32519  
ource of the light. As the officer pointed his M-16 at the figure the being 11/13/1977 #32672  
e being suddenly turned around and pointed an object at the officer. This w 11/13/1977 #32672  
hen raised her arm very slowly and pointed to the sky, apparently at anothe 1/31/1978 #32930  
puty sheriffs to arrive. Patterson pointed a 22-caliber pistol at it, while 8/21/1978 #33540  
from, they remained silent but all pointed upwards. After ten minutes both  9/26/1978 #33753  
ngs were greenish in color and had pointed ears, red slanted eyes, and pron 9/27/1978 #33764  
s a meter tall and thin with large pointed ears. One was shorter than the o 11/24/1978 #33997  
oth and bald elongated heads, long pointed noses and large mouths with two  11/24/1978 #33997  
ses and large mouths with two long pointed fangs. They were clad in dark, t 11/24/1978 #33997  
ar eyes, red veins on their heads, pointed ears, and rounded fingers. Furth 12/6/1978 #34065  
yes, red veins on their heads, and pointed ears. He suffered from persisten 12/6/1978 #34069  
s. Their hands are long and end in pointed nails. They invite him on board  1/18/1979 #34359  
small propeller on top and a long, pointed protrusion on the bottom. As he  5/16/1979 #34563  
gg-shaped object descend. It has a pointed top and fin-like protrusions on  5/16/1979 #34563  
ok out a long wand like object and pointed it at the object. On the object  5/16/1979 #34564  
mooth hair, thin lips, thin noses, pointed ears, and large eyes. The others 6/18/1979 #34618  
are approximately 4 feet tall with pointed ears, slanted eyes, and human-li 6/28/1979 #34639  
t metallic football 60' over US19. Pointed ends sag going down.             8/16/1979 #34745  
man speech. One of the beings then pointed to the sheep, and Mr. Pavao told 2/6/1980 #35160  
rge heads, triangular faces, large pointed ears, and rounded eyes. Their bo 4/20/1980 #35281  
feet tall, with webbed hands, long pointed ears, protruding mouths, and alm 4/23/1980 #35286  
rding (made December 28) have been pointed out. In 2010, base commander Col 12/28/1980 #35749  
ines, a surface like aluminum, and pointed ends. They are flying with a sli 1/17/1981 #35793  
ral seven-foot tall humanoids with pointed chins and yellow cat like eyes ( 2/15/1981 #35829  
f the men grabbed a flashlight and pointed it towards the source of the lig 10/24/1981 #36185  
10 feet above the ground. Its ends pointed slightly downward.               12/10/1982 #36712  
oks like a deformed pyramid with a pointed top and estimates it is flying a 4/26/1983 #36845  
he had spoken to small beings with pointed ears.                            7/17/1983 #36913  
witness's bedroom a short humanoid pointed a beam at the witness in bed. Wh 1/8/1984 #37111  
am, Massachusetts a short humanoid pointed a beam at the witness in bed. Th 1/8/1984 #37114  
ed heads with phosphorescent eyes, pointed ears, and narrow mouths.         8/15/1986 #37992  
see an entity with a big head, big pointed “cat” ears, wrinkled skin, and a 8/31/1987 #38265  
w an occupant with a big head, big pointed "cat" ears, wrinkled skin, and a 8/31/1987 #38266  
eing to be about six feet tall. It pointed a device that directed a beam of 8/31/1987 #38266  
e compass he has taken with him is pointed in the opposite direction than i 12/1/1987 #38345  
aken her up through the roof. They pointed at a large dark boomerang-shaped 6/29/1989 #38997  
ing appeared to be wearing a large pointed helmet and flared trousers with  8/10/1989 #39055  
f the beings looked at the boy and pointed a tube at him. A luminous beam c 9/27/1989 #39126  
with large hairless heads and tiny pointed chins. They had huge slanted dar 11/6/1989 #39216  
ties saw a oval-shaped object with pointed appendages and the top and botto 2/5/1990 #39411  
 trees when the seven-year old son pointed out an unusual light in the sky  3/24/1990 #39484  
 surrounded by several lights. She pointed it out to the father who was dri 3/24/1990 #39484  
 three times. Keeping these lights pointed at the moving car, the object mo 7/26/1990 #39663  
5 grey small humanoids (or Greys). Pointed ears. White almond eyes. / LDLN# 8/31/1990 #39706  
d then down a road. They had large pointed ears, with three toes on each fo 8/31/1990 #39708  
ed heads, large slanted eyes, long pointed ears, long arms, with three fing 8/31/1990 #39708  
  LIMOGES, FR Night lights outline pointed box. Blocks stars. Hovers / 1 mi 11/5/1990 #39856  
Abduction? Observer(s) wakes / car pointed backward.                        12/3/1990 (approximate) #39923  
with red oval-shaped eyes and huge pointed ears was spotted on the grounds  5/15/1991 #40064  
 large almond-shaped eyes and huge pointed ears. He was thin with very long 5/15/1991 #40064  
 SWEDEN 3 observer(s). White plain pointed cylinder/cylindrical object glid 8/25/1991 #40164  
the earth 353,000 years ago." They pointed to a small pyramid shaped object 3/5/1992 #40359  
ry helicopter crew. Rectangle with pointed corners near / low altitude. Kit 7/8/1992 #40517  
 500' bat-mobile flies over car. 3 pointed ends / rear. Silent.             7/18/1992 #40525  
with no eyebrows. The creature had pointed ears. That afternoon another boy 9/22/1992 #40635  
tude. It moved backwards, with the pointed end toward the rear. It had many 12/1/1992 #40739  
          MARBLEHEAD, MASS 2 kids. Pointed octagon with 3 lights. Partly tr 2/4/1993 #40837  
oticed that the humanoids had long pointed ears. He also saw numerous conso 3/20/1993 #40895  
, rocking back and forth. She then pointed to the backyard. Jill looked out 8/18/1993 #41146  
bed as greenish in color with long pointed ears. He also had a third eye in 6/15/1994 #41568  
 huge, round hairless heads, small pointed ears, and large, dark, slanted e 12/15/1994 #41895  
s with yellowish-brown skin, large pointed ears, and large round eyes. They 3/19/1995 #42112  
ed a pen-like instrument, which he pointed towards the witness who fled on  8/26/1995 #42417  
           MADISON, WI Family / 4. Pointed ovoid. Bright light dims. Spikes 10/14/1995 #42549  
apartment at 11:40 a.m. The beings pointed a flashing device at the witness 11/8/1995 #42587  
 her way home when the little girl pointed out something in the sky. Lookin 12/13/1995 #42642  
A 5 observer(s). Slender tube with pointed nose south going west. Descends  2/9/1996 #42749  
as carrying a bright lantern so he pointed the light at the nearby "form" o 8/3/1997 #43366  
acial expressions. The head seemed pointed on top and had a very pointed ch 9/5/1997 #43395  
emed pointed on top and had a very pointed chin. Its most prominent feature 9/5/1997 #43395  
rge oval-shaped heads, black eyes, pointed ears and protruding bellies. The 9/26/1997 #43417  
t had drooping ears and a slightly pointed head with very long arms. Fright 5/23/1999 #43773  
          A tube-shaped UFO with a pointed rear end, brilliant white, sped  9/13/1999 #43845  
oblins), but the other two quickly pointed out to him that it had been a UF 7/25/2000 #44022  
h huge glowing red eyes and a long pointed snout. Its overall appearance wa 8/2/2001 #44219  
cross the highway at 8:45 p.m.  He pointed his radar gun at the object, but 1/26/2002 #44311  
an but was unable to scream, so he pointed out the object to a forklift ope 4/21/2003 #44517  
e off the driveway by a house. She pointed it out to the other two. Somewha 5/2/2003 #44521  
et altitude. It had a leading edge pointed slightly upwards and it was movi 5/8/2003 #44530  
cer believed that it was trap. She pointed out to the father of her daughte 9/3/2003 #44592  
 the rock, when Vitya screamed and pointed to the shoreline near one of the 8/2/2004 #44725  
ved sideways, rather than with its pointed end forward, from the southwest  7/7/2005 #44852  
aped, about 20 feet long, with the pointed and narrow end in front and wide 8/29/2007 #45050  
tnesses, and when a flashlight was pointed at the light it reacted by movin 9/16/2007 #45058  
erside County, California a black, pointed, shadowy object turned out the l 12/10/2007 #45100  
med incredibly thin and had a very pointed chin. It appeared to be studying 4/12/2008 #45127  
## Word: "pointed-end" (Back to Top)
bject through binoculars. It flies pointed-end forward and has a pulsing re 9/29/1995 #42518  
## Word: "pointek" (Back to Top)
arolina Witness: USAF lst Lt. T.J. Pointek, pilot of RF-8O reconnaissance j 10/1/1952 #8082  
## Word: "pointer" (Back to Top)
ld Julio Fernandez and his English Pointer dog Mus were driving in his car  2/5/1978 #32957  
## Word: "pointing" (Back to Top)
il a bit west of Polaris. As he is pointing it out to some others, it begin 6/8/1868 #172  
 of them holding a rectangular box pointing at the ground. The children app Early 8/1939 #1312  
f someone. He stunned witnesses by pointing at them a device that "made con End of 8/1944 #1648  
f someone. He stunned witnesses by pointing at them a device that "made con End of 8/1944 #1649  
where he found his wife terrified, pointing to a giant creature (3 m tall), 9/13/1952 #7914  
where he found his wife terrified, pointing at a giant creature.            9/13/1952 #7916  
verything, hanging in the air, and pointing directly at her. All of a sudde Summer 1954 #9919  
ets within our solar system. After pointing out the Earth and the moon, the 8/20/1954 #10158  
otes that his radio compass starts pointing directly toward the object, fol 1/16/1957 #13461  
the facts about the 1956 Ryan case pointing to USAF ordering a commercial f 2/1958 #14859  
d simultaneously swing off course, pointing towards the UFO, which is about 11/12/1963 #18035  
their dish in the direction it was pointing when they picked up the signal. 10/22/1965 #19672  
embled a big mushroom with a stalk pointing towards the earth.” He snaps a  4/2/1966 #20208  
 light beams extended from it, one pointing upward and the other downward.  6/8/1966 #20540  
ut 45 m.p.h. It had beams of light pointing upward and downward coming from 6/8/1966 #20547  
evolving. Jenkins says the cone is pointing down, and the object seems made 4/28/1967 #22245  
ss. When she recovered the car was pointing in the opposite direction and t 7/17/1967 #22686  
l boys were saying "il disco," and pointing skyward. I snapped this quick s 7/18/1967 #22691  
d three rods or antennae that were pointing up, as well as portholes.       8/15/1968 #24333  
. His son was standing in his crib pointing at the window. Behind the shutt 11/1/1968 #24620  
near the window. Another figure is pointing at the witnesses. A third seems 4/25/1969 #25090  
am of light emerged from its base, pointing toward the left. Through binocu 3/24/1973 #27373  
ts base on the sphere and its apex pointing toward the left. Through a pair 3/25/1973 #27376  
 one meter tall, dressed in white. Pointing them out to his companion, Hika 10/1/1975 #30409  
e one nearest them had an arm up,  pointing at the sky. The second was look 10/26/1975 #30475  
el. With the point of the teardrop pointing upward, the gray-brown object f 3/29/1977 #31933  
nd a 13-year-old boy, Jos Madison, pointing a carbine at the sky. The now s 4/6/1977 #31953  
 a triangular object with its apex pointing downward shining and gleaming a 5/7/1977 #32068  
tly at her, making a gesture as if pointing downward. Alarmed, she runs bac Late 9/1977 #32518  
ce and raises her arm very slowly, pointing to the sky at another hovering  1/31/1978 #32928  
ooked like a "hair dryer", and was pointing it at the witnesses. Both men t 9/10/1978 #33657  
 dressed individual appeared to be pointing to the ground. Their clothing w 9/18/1978 #33709  
er soldier who suddenly cried out, pointing to a tall dark figure on a near 9/24/1978 #33744  
ntenna-like sticks at slight angle pointing to ground. (NICAP: 02 - Close E 3/9/1980 #35209  
strange dreams in which "men" were pointing strange weapons or objects at t 5/7/1980 #35317  
d-blue rear section, with its nose pointing southeast. Peter McSherry, cler 12/15/1980 #35719  
ack from school when she saw a man pointing up to the sky. She looked up to 9/1981 #36096  
the object rotates 360° nose down, pointing directly at him, then rotates b 11/25/1982 #36690  
omerang-shaped objects, with wings pointing downward, hovering above a fiel 3/21/1984 #37237  
he sees a glow next to a fir tree. Pointing his flashlight in that directio Summer 1985 #37606  
d flared trousers with “something” pointing down between the legs. The crea 8/10/1989 #39055  
haped like a pyramid with the apex pointing forward. The sighting lasts for 10/23/1990 #39807  
len, Norway, and collects evidence pointing to an unknown atmospheric light 8/5/2002 #44374  
## Word: "points" (Back to Top)
 on outside, tapering both ways to points.” The general appearance is of a  7/3/1884 #261  
are barking fiercely. The stranger points a lantern-like device at them and 4/15/1897 #488  
f flame issuing from it at various points, as if its covering is ruptured.  7/2/1907 #697  
ronomer William Herbert Steavenson points his 3-inch refracting telescope i 9/9/1914 #916  
e about 23 feet away the other man points a thick stick-like device at them Early 8/1939 #1312  
 witness’s chest with her hand and points to the sky. She touches her belt  7/18/1943 #1518  
u?” They reply, “Nothing.” Bentine points out, “Well it was not a very effe Autumn 1943 #1530  
assing by, as well as three bright points of light that descend as the bomb Mid 8/1944 #1644  
mets, are nearby. One of the males points a boxlike device at the witness,  5/18/1946 #1994  
of metal, even though the evidence points to an underwater explosion.       7/19/1946 #2071  
ting that the “weight of evidence” points to Peenemünde (which has become a 8/22/1946 #2150  
assified statement, Kenneth Arnold points out why the unidentified discs he 7/12/1947 #3139  
nd they are about 7 feet tall. One points a small tube at Higgens. They are 7/23/1947 #3218  
ve of trees. He shouts at them and points to the object, walking toward the 8/14/1947 #3330  
aring for an air show when someone points out an object in the sky to the n 7/3/1949 #4261  
 respond with growling sounds. One points a small “camera” at him that emit 4/24/1950 #4888  
says that UFOs are “classified two points higher even than the H-bomb.” In  9/15/1950 #5178  
llow “V” on its bottom. Two slight points extend from its rear corners. Haw 4/23/1952 #6163  
que, New Mexico, from eight ground points and five aircraft. Lincoln LaPaz  5/28/1952 #6377  
cigar” traveling southwest. At two points, the object seems to hover, then  7/1/1952 #6689  
bjects have receded a bit to shiny points of light. At one point a single o 7/2/1952 #6694  
g Jr., pilot of an F-94B. Goetting points out the object to his radar obser 1/29/1953 #8615  
hen he returns home, Jansen’s wife points out that the car’s beige paint ha 11/1953 #9271  
t. NICAP photoanalyst Ralph Rankow points out that the object has dimension 1954 #9421  
lars. Ten or more smaller luminous points are circling it in all directions 9/28/1954 #10487  
e routes described by four or more points on a straight line. Below are som 10/1/1954 #10570  
when he spotted two phosphorescent points of light near a glade. He approac 10/23/1954 #11346  
he stops, the figure stands up and points two powerful light-blue lights at 10/26/1954 #11418  
. One of the dwarfs inside the UFO points a tube at Gonzáles that emits a b 11/28/1954 #11722  
 the UFO on airborne radar at some points suddenly moving at 1,700 mph aver 10/14/1957 #14110  
odd-looking woman. Afterwards, she points to her belly then points to the s 10/16/1957 #14128  
ards, she points to her belly then points to the sky. Then he is given a to 10/16/1957 #14128  
sh triangular section with rounded points. It passes within 900 feet of her 6/1958 #15071  
 Shawbridge, Quebec several silver points of light flew in pairs and large  11/6/1958 #15431  
    RIO PARDO, BRZ Saucer overhead points tube at crocodile hunters. All ab 6/1959 #15752  
ruck, but then moves closer. Uribe points a rifle at it, and it quickly rec 8/9/1959 #15898  
en he bumps into his son Rolf, who points out a brilliant white object hove Late 10/1959 #16060  
ge Adamski and Daniel Fry. He also points out that electronic countermeasur 3/1962 #17066  
ight up. It gets so bright that he points it out to his wife. She notices i 12/1/1962 #17568  
alls and mountain provide location points throughout.                       12/21/1962 #17601  
within the square, stopping at all points before moving again. The undersid 8/10/1963 #17882  
he cyclops speaks to them, then it points one of his fingers at the moon an 8/28/1963 #17922  
k box that buzzes and clicks as he points it. The witness goes back to slee 2/3/1964 #18125  
itnesses saw it from two different points along the coast. A lifeboat, two  2/12/1965 #18813  
es, stares at him for 1.5 minutes, points a box or 6–7-inch black object at 3/2/1965 #18832  
 communication. One of the figures points a pencil-like object at Masse and 7/1/1965 #19047  
object with a light at each of its points move from north to south along th 8/3/1965 #19291  
ne picks up the tube and the other points a straw at Camilo, who runs ahead 10/22/1965 #19673  
elongated object carrying parallel points of horizontal lights passed over  7/20/1966 #20661  
. CDT. Police from several vantage points saw a large white hovering object 9/22/1966 #20913  
0 a.m. Police from several vantage points in Deadwood, South Dakota, see a  9/22/1966 #20915  
     NNW / LUANDA, ANGOLA Luminous points / clear sky pace and buzz airline 12/7/1966 #21189  
bservations were made from various points coordinated by two-way radios. (H 2/3/1967 #21446  
ar object with green lights at two points and a red light at the third (bod 2/14/1967 #21549  
 boys in Bunkie, Louisiana saw two points of light with tails moving in spu 2/27/1967 #21678  
cy brake, and steps outside. As he points toward the light, something pulls 3/8/1967 #21815  
ference. Vapor trails emerged from points along the outer edge of the objec 3/12/1967 #21870  
ually from a number of equidistant points around the object. Its dark mass  3/12/1967 #21876  
t. They first noticed two luminous points that looked like artificial satel 7/4/1967 #22608  
ato, Mexico. They see three bright points flying in formation from northwes 8/6/1967 #22830  
metallic-looking coverall. Andrade points his automatic weapon at the creat 9/4/1967 #22997  
t has hundreds of small, dimly lit points of light in 5–6 rows on its base. 3/3/1968 #23815  
es and pulls out a kind of weapon, points it at Machado, and a flame like a 2/7/1969 #24901  
lity. Bright cloud on clear night. Points / light dance.                    7/10/1969 #25260  
ositioned so as to form the inside points of a triangle. Off to one side is 9/4/1969 #25351  
h point the witness saw two bright points of light on its lower right edge. 8/30/1971 #26306  
maller green and red lights at the points of the triangle. The object makes 3/28/1973 #27385  
                      MOON Several points / light / lunar surface. Seen / E 9/10/1973 #27798  
 TX 5 observer(s). Round object W. points going quickly [to] SR14 / low alt 11/22/1973 #28457  
ject approaches again. One brother points a flashlight at it, whereupon the 2/14/1974 #28772  
e noises. She next saw two shining points of light moving together across t 4/11/1974 #29004  
chael H. Hart formulates the basic points of Enrico Fermi’s “Fermi Paradox” 6/1974 #29154  
his driveway. He sees three bright points of light fixed horizontally in th Summer 1974 #29218  
eption is disrupted, and a compass points to the object as it is moving. Th 10/15/1974 #29531  
eemed to consist entirely of small points of light, and more intense around 11/12/1976 #31540  
vane on a stick that had sparkling points of light. In the dark wall were v 12/10/1976 #31594  
 a drained battery, as Ian Ridpath points out.                              2/22/1977 #31839  
 completely still, surrounded with points of light. The friend estimates it 6/17/1977 #32172  
ghts are observed, 82 appearing as points of light, 7 oblong in shape, 7 sp 8/3/1977 #32353  
t shiny as if made up of many tiny points of light, with wide long sleeves  8/3/1977 #32356  
 and also with brightly reflecting points of light. It came to his knees, b 8/3/1977 #32356  
t delta-shaped object with rounded points was seen at 12:38 a.m. hovering o 8/28/1977 #32438  
 a glowing green metallic suit. It points a weapon at Raeke’s rifle and cau 11/16/1977 #32677  
ength hair. The two smile, and one points to the disc, which is radiating m 7/4/1978 #33335  
r, who saw two zigzagging luminous points of reddish-orange and green light 7/8/1978 #33355  
rs that rise vertically and end in points. Their eyes are large and white,  11/24/1978 #33995  
up, his head hits something and he points his flashlight upward to see a 6- 12/6/1978 #34065  
r photos are obtained from distant points of view. The phenomenon is even s 3/5/1979 #34465  
he woman takes out a long wand and points it at the object. On the object d 5/16/1979 #34563  
ouched a small device to different points on his arm. He conversed with the 6/6/1979 #34601  
ers of red lights are at the three points of the Y. It silently turns and f 12/5/1979 #35054  
ace. [Thus they attack the] softer points of entry, namely the eyes, anal o 6/1980 #35349  
 in the center with luminous white points around the rim. It descended by t 6/14/1980 #35369  
photo of it. Analysis of the photo points to a hoax photo of a helium-fille 10/1980 #35550  
HATEAUREDON, FR 2 luminous/glowing points southeast going quickly northwest 11/11/1980 #35632  
ella, Palma de Mallorca, and other points in northeastern Spain. Spanish jo 11/11/1980 #35634  
ne trees near Cleveland, Texas. He points his spotlight toward them as they 5/22/1982 #36482  
oms og Finnmark, Norway, see three points of light appear above the mountai 10/14/1982 #36641  
lew along the coastline at various points. It was completely silent, and th 2/19/1983 #36767  
irt is mounded up. It has six long points 19 feet long and four shorter poi 3/11/1983 #36781  
ints 19 feet long and four shorter points 9 feet long. In the center is a d 3/11/1983 #36781  
, escaping down the road. Claretto points the object out to a neighbor, Bru 6/5/1983 #36876  
en have been abducted at different points of their lives. Debbie and her mo Early 7/1983 #36900  
) in bed. Small humanoid (or Grey) points beam going [to] observer(s). Read 1/8/1984 #37109  
er lights between each of the four points. It is “longer than a tractor tra 2/29/1984 #37210  
ng one behind the other with their points forward are seen near Newport, So 3/18/1986 #37800  
the being is about 6 feet tall. It points a device that directs a beam of e 8/31/1987 #38265  
 point dividing into three shining points and taking the shape of a triangl 7/28/1989 #39035  
of the beings looks at the boy and points a tube at him. A luminous beam co 9/27/1989 #39124  
istance between the white luminous points is estimated at approximately 33  12/11/1989 #39313  
estic and slow. Next, the luminous points disappear. Only the red rotating  12/11/1989 #39313  
ree daughters were driving on Five Points Road in the suburbs of Indianapol 1/12/1990 #39376  
 a watery-green cosmonaut suit who points to a screen showing the interior  2/6/1991? #39974  
side structure while another light points directly down one of the chimneys 3/12/1991 #40010  
e reported sighting three luminous points traveling through the sky in a tr 9/5/1991 #40179  
t towards the rear. It had two red points towards the front and a white poi 9/5/1991 #40179  
hine down from the object at three points.                                  Summer 1992 #40502  
rmers. Crescent-UFO 200' overhead. Points trail. Misty. Droning.            8/8/1992 #40561  
 a star-shaped disc with 5 rounded points, like a discoid with 5 bites take 9/10/1992 #40617  
re a diamond-shaped UFO with blunt points paused in the sky, then vanished. 1/28/1994 #41391  
ith a central pyramidal spire that points downward. They stop their patrol  6/24/1994 #41581  
 saucer near mountain. Glows. Many points blink. Noises. Photographs no goo 7/25/1994 #41639  
t bright triangular night lights / points down. Hover / high altitude.      11/23/1994 #41862  
ed had to do with abductions. Data points like lat/long, potentiality for r Mid 1995 #42258  
 PORTLAND, OR 2 observer(s). 25-35 points / light going northwest. Sporadic 1/7/1996 #42668  
ceal U-2 sightings. Bruce Maccabee points out that the greater number of UF 8/3/1997 #43365  
n our 1991 briefing to STAC, Entry Points — And How Do We Keep Them Closed? 3/11/1998 #43532  
d the fast passage of six luminous points of light in tight formation for 1 8/26/1998 #43638  
f the object was spiked with three points each. Air traffic control confirm 6/22/2000 #44006  
 minute it emits a mist from three points on its underside so that it appea 6/23/2001 #44196  
iangle delimited by three luminous points in the sky. It was quiet and its  8/20/2001 #44239  
duc, Alberta, Canada. He saw three points of light forming a flying triangl 9/15/2002 #44397  
uments.” Sturrock mentions Puthoff points to the significance of the ratio  3/22/2003 #44504  
 yellow light at each of the three points, and in the middle of the craft w 4/12/2004 #44686  
w York. It had white lights at the points.                                  8/11/2004 #44732  
minated areas like tips. The outer points were brightest, fading into black 12/4/2004 #44795  
confirms what Bowyer is seeing and points out a second UFO immediately behi 4/23/2007 #45022  
rrounded by a mist filled with red points of light. It is silently moving 9 10/31/2008 #45182  
ries fail in both devices. When he points a bright spotlight beam at the tr 5/8/2009 #45220  
raph it, the device fails. When he points a flashlight at the triangle, it  5/8/2009 #45221  
 object with lights at each of its points. It is moving silently to the sou 8/16/2010 #45292  
P events or the “opening” of entry points where more UAP would enter afterw 3/31/2011 #45322  
 glowing object with white glowing points above FRC West at Lemoore Naval A 11/15/2011 #45334  
 and stops a half-mile away. Small points of light break off from its base, 1/8/2013 #45359  
0–11:00 p.m. Witnesses in multiple points in Poland report three successive 8/3/2013 #45380  
an in Ede, Netherlands, sees three points of light (one brighter than the o 2/20/2018 #45507  
riangle with lights at each of its points. The object is nearly motionless, 8/12/2018 #45536  
reviewing the first four episodes, points out numerous historical inaccurac 1/8/2019 #45557  
tion. This is all new, the officer points out to researcher Robert Powell,  5/2021 #45685  
## Word: "pointy" (Back to Top)
rance, with dark hair and a beard, pointy ears, and "demonic" facial featur 11/3/1975 #30548  
rotrusions from their heads, large pointy ears, and were bald headed. They  8/31/1977 #32447  
r like apparatus on top and a long pointy protrusion on the bottom. As he t 5/16/1979 #34564  
 the ground. The ovoid craft had a pointy top, and a fin-like protrusions o 5/16/1979 #34564  
 Slim white cylinder/cigar-shape / pointy ends. Going / cloud to cloud. / F 1/6/1991 #39946  
rs. Slim cylinder/cigar-shape with pointy ends hovers. Vanishes / clear ski 5/22/1991 #40071  
, with dark skin, a round head and pointy chin, large red eyes, no ears and 9/7/1995 #42447  
It had thin but strong legs, large pointy ears, and sharp fang-like teeth.  9/21/1998 #43650  
side of their heads were two large pointy ears, like those of a wolf. Their 8/14/1999 #43822  
rt necks. Their footgear resembled pointy sandals, similar to those worn by 8/14/1999 #43822  
x feet tall, with large, foot-long pointy ears. The eyes were dark black wi 1/22/2003 #44477  
## Word: "poised" (Back to Top)
s a luminous, golden, round object poised motionless at a high altitude ove 12/9/1953 #9352  
## Word: "poison" (Back to Top)
ne of whom is CIA mind-control and poison specialist Sidney Gottlieb. A hea 10/1952 #8075  
unique mechanism for administering poison is described by a knowledgeable s 9/1957 #13965  
e time as a pneumatically operated poison ice “atomizer” that leaves no wou 9/1957 #13965  
files, it is Giancana who suggests poison pills to add to Castro’s food or  9/1960 #16428  
ccessful attempts to introduce the poison into Castro’s food, Orta abruptly 9/1960 #16428  
f Sidney Gottlieb brings a vial of poison concealed in toothpaste to the De 9/1960 #16429  
o locate a fresh trail through the poison ivy and honeysuckle growing on th 5/11/1969 #25128  
operation on conspiracy charges to poison John Powell, the head of the Suff 9/28/1989 #39130  
 harassment and simple things like poison. There’s an espionage battle unde 5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "poisoned" (Back to Top)
o seeking treatment, who have been poisoned by a cloud of sulfur mustard va 12/2/1943 #1549  
ation—intended to be a secret test—poisoned some of the Bikini islanders on 3/1/1954 #9589  
 claims, however, that Khokhlov is poisoned by radioactive polonium (not th 9/1957 #13965  
ate Castro, including the use of a poisoned cigar, a poisoned wetsuit, an e 3/17/1960 #16200  
ing the use of a poisoned cigar, a poisoned wetsuit, an exploding conch she 3/17/1960 #16200  
umstances. Some said they had been poisoned.                                4/20/1969 #25075  
## Word: "poisoning" (Back to Top)
e almost dies from carbon monoxide poisoning.                               1933 #1150  
day, the first symptoms of mustard poisoning appear in 628 patients and med 12/2/1943 #1549  
brothers, die from acute radiation poisoning. The Army compensates them for 3/24/1953 #8782  
ermany. He is treated for thallium poisoning and survives. This case is oft 9/1957 #13965  
B, especially when compared to the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko in 200 9/1957 #13965  
 Litvinenko is later. Litvinenko’s poisoning is also initially mistaken for 9/1957 #13965  
ark, Florida, from carbon monoxide poisoning. Some theorists connect his in 4/20/1959 #15709  
th burned faces and mild radiation poisoning. Morton later shoots more vide 1991 #39935  
, James Allen, died of heavy metal poisoning three months after the film fi 12/2014 #45425  
fter being diagnosed with thallium poisoning at the Mayo Clinic in Rocheste 12/22/2015 #45442  
n, in connection with the thallium poisoning death of Janel Sturzl in 2015, 7/19/2017 #45476  
## Word: "poisonous" (Back to Top)
t, an exploding conch shell, and a poisonous fountain pen.                  3/17/1960 #16200  
 at the secret Air Force base says poisonous substances were routinely igni 3/20/1994 #41461  
## Word: "poisson" (Back to Top)
f oval windows. The driver, Mr. G. Poisson, flashed his car headlights at t 9/21/1972 #27021  
## Word: "poissy" (Back to Top)
                   ORGEVAL TO/FROM POISSY, FR 3 observer(s). Large luminous 10/31/1994 #41826  
## Word: "poistion" (Back to Top)
5° angle, then turns to a vertical poistion. A jet arrives, seemingly in pu 10/25/1967 #23322  
## Word: "poitiers" (Back to Top)
                  Forêt de Molière Poitiers, France 10:30 p.m. A 90-foot-lo 8/21/1976 #31289  
he Forêt de Molière to the east of Poitiers, France. Witnesses hear a hummi 8/21/1976 #31289  
 disc-shaped object was sighted in Poitiers, Vienne, France by six witnesse 9/10/1978 #33659  
                                   POITIERS, FR 1+dog. "Large rectangular b 5/2/1997 #43286  
## Word: "poix-terron" (Back to Top)
                          N51 NEAR POIX-TERRON, FR Boy / car. 2 odd vertica 1/21/1996 #42699  
## Word: "pojucara" (Back to Top)
                                   Pojucara, Bela Horizonte (near), Brazil  7/30/1962 #17303  
## Word: "poke" (Back to Top)
lor about 8 inches long. When they poke it with a stick, the stick becomes  8/9/1964 #18472  
## Word: "poked" (Back to Top)
ering strange short creatures, who poked instruments into his eyes, ears, a 3/5/1965 #18844  
like state on a table and they had poked a rod like device into his back. A 8/13/1975 #30258  
 could only vaguely remember being poked and probed by the aliens. They too 10/18/1997 #43432  
 out the barn door. A cow had been poked by a needle in one of its ears, an 8/1/2001 #44215  
## Word: "poker" (Back to Top)
                                   POKER FLAT, CA = Allegheny. 1 rancher. H 3/24/1980 #35235  
uadron of the 10th Aviation Group (Poker Squadron) is flying back to Santa  1984 #37096  
## Word: "pokes" (Back to Top)
all humanoids (or Greys) / road. 1 pokes / asphalt with rod. Jumps back / a 7/2/1955 #12230  
## Word: "pokhara" (Back to Top)
                                   POKHARA, NEPAL 2 British photograph swar 4/18/1972 #26650  
 afternoon two British tourists in Pokhara, Nepal took a photograph of a sw 4/18/1972 #26651  
## Word: "poking" (Back to Top)
e appeared. They approach him, one poking at the motorcycle and the other h 9/27/1978 #33762  
g mummies are in front of the UFO, poking plants with a prod and hopping ab 7/9/1990 #39640  
er just above the floor, sometimes poking her with an unseen instrument. Sh 7/24/1993 #41082  
nected spheres with several spikes poking out of them were sighted travelin 6/1/2002 #44345  
## Word: "pokomoke" (Back to Top)
                                   POKOMOKE SOUND, VA 2 kids and more. Sauc 3/7/1990 #39450  
## Word: "pol" (Back to Top)
               DOMBROVNO AND AREA, POL 'Balloon' follows railroad/railway g 3/7/1892 #298  
                           WARSAW, POL Balloon going east. Sweeps intense b 3/23/1892 #300  
                           WARSAW, POL Many observer(s). Metallic Saturn-sp 8/1922 (approximate) #1024  
                            WOLIN, POL 7 observer(s). 22M saucer / porthole 7/31/1953 #9024  
                          MUSZYNA, POL Photograph through window / odd oran 12/22/1958 #15496  
                           GDYNIA, POL UFO going down / harbor. Odd metal f 2/21/1959 #15598  
                        KOLOBRZEG, POL Soldiers. 4M triangle rises / sea. C 3/1959 #15626  
                           WARSAW, POL Voice / nowhere says"look". Glowing  5/23/1963 #17763  
                          PIASTOW, POL 3M hockey puck hovers over path. Geo 5/22/1979 #34573  
                SOUTH / ERNESTOWO, POL Silver cylinder/cigar-shape with win 8/29/1979 #34791  
          SKIERNIEWICE AND WARSAW, POL Separate observer(s). Group / silent 12/2/1983 #37063  
## Word: "polanco" (Back to Top)
 Rio Negro, Argentina. Capt. Jorge Polanco suddenly sees a white light bear 7/31/1995 #42347  
ated, according to the captain. As Polanco begins to land, the runway and a 7/31/1995 #42347  
## Word: "poland" (Back to Top)
                           KRAKOW, POLAND Many observer(s). Cross-shape lig 12/6/1269 #12  
 Newark and Rahway, New Jersey. In Poland, Ohio a luminous object in the no 11/13/1833 #128  
                           Warsaw, Poland Kaunas Fortress, Lithuania Modlin 3/23/1892 #301  
, Dąbrowa Górnicza, and Dąbrowice, Poland Evening–1:00 a.m. Residents of Wa 3/23/1892 #301  
ing–1:00 a.m. Residents of Warsaw, Poland, watch a balloon over the city th 3/23/1892 #301  
, Dąbrowa Górnicza, and Dąbrowice, Poland. As they remain stationary for as 3/23/1892 #301  
                Przemyśl Fortress, Poland Witnesses at Przemyśl Fortress, P 4/16/1892 #302  
nd Witnesses at Przemyśl Fortress, Poland, see a bright point of light in t 4/16/1892 #302  
                           Warsaw, Poland Many witnesses in Warsaw, Poland, Summer 1922 #1023  
, Poland Many witnesses in Warsaw, Poland, see a silvery object, shaped lik Summer 1922 #1023  
                    Brzezie Ujazd, Poland 3:00 p.m. A 14-year-old girl is t 1926 #1053  
 meadow between Brzezie and Ujazd, Poland. Suddenly the cows become agitate 1926 #1053  
           Langenau [now Czernica, Poland] Wernher von Braun's laboratory A Summer 1937 #1272  
the sky in Langenau [now Czernica, Poland] into a field belonging to Eva Br Summer 1937 #1272  
                     Warsaw Ghetto Poland Bonifraterska street Old Town 5:0 4/9/1943 #1494  
ing a fire in the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland. They notice a flying object appr 4/9/1943 #1494  
                           Gdynia, Poland Baltic Sea A French prisoner in a 7/18/1943 #1518  
n a German labor camp near Gdynia, Poland, is walking to work along the Bal 7/18/1943 #1518  
a.m. During the Warsaw Uprising in Poland, Zenon Sergisz notices a German b Mid 8/1944 #1644  
     NEAR HEYDEBRECK = KEDZIERZYN, POLAND Allied prisoners of war / ground. 1/22/1945 #1760  
breck labor camp Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland British prisoners being force-mar 1/22/1945 #1761  
amp (near modern Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland) see a four-engine bomber overhea 1/22/1945 #1761  
between Heydebreck and Kedzierzyn, Poland. On the same day there was an une 1/22/1945 #1762  
Germany Parikkala in Finland Łeba, Poland The Hungarian report of August 6  8/13/1946 #2128  
ché in Stockholm thinks that Łeba, Poland, is the launch site.              8/13/1946 #2128  
L 4th Army MESSAGE: Col. Eustis L. Poland stated: “Unconventional Aircraft” 1/13/1949 #3972  
 San Antonio, Texas Col. Eustis L. Poland of US Army Intelligence (G-2) sen 1/13/1949 #3973  
                  Wola Drzewiecka, Poland A young girl in Wola Drzewiecka,  8/16/1949 #4318  
d A young girl in Wola Drzewiecka, Poland, sees a dark green object nearby  8/16/1949 #4318  
                            Wolin, Poland A metallic object 30 m in diamete 7/31/1953 #9026  
                     Wolin Island, Poland 7:00 p.m. Five Poles and two Germ 7/31/1953 #9028  
 a railroad track on Wolin Island, Poland. After several minutes it rises u 7/31/1953 #9028  
ield close to a railway in Woolen, Poland. It was shaped like a sphere with 7/31/1953 #9029  
                   WEGIERSKA GORA, POLAND Girl, 11 abduction. Human looking 7/15/1954? #10019  
r old girl collecting mushrooms in Poland she had a close encounter and mis 7/15/1954 #10020  
 cliff in Wegierska Gorka, Cracow, Poland she saw a glowing, oval-shaped UF 7/15/1954 #10020  
            Wiesbaden East Germany Poland Grodno, Belarus Minsk, Belarus Le 7/4/1956 #12951  
om Wiesbaden over East Germany and Poland before crossing the Soviet border 7/4/1956 #12951  
                     NEAR TUCHOLA, POLAND Bornholm RADAR. 4 blips circle an 8/22/1956 #13112  
                           POZNAN, POLAND Twice / 1957. Classic saucer seen 1957 #13426  
                          MILOWKA, POLAND Several sightings / Jan. 1 to man 1/1957 #13439  
                           KRAKOW, POLAND Strange sphere = no satellite. Or 11/4/1957 #14267  
                        SKARYSZEW, POLAND ~12 observer(s). Bright cylinder/ 11/10/1957 #14512  
                        Skaryszew, Poland Residents of Skaryszew, Poland, w 11/10/1957 #14522  
ew, Poland Residents of Skaryszew, Poland, watch a huge, radiant, cigar-sha 11/10/1957 #14522  
hnology were developed in Breslau, Poland and Prague, Czechoslovakia and on 1958 #14787  
                   Warsaw Świdnica Poland Polish Air Force pilot Apoloniusz 8/1958 #15171  
ption in the area around Świdnica, Poland. Flying at 26,000 feet, he sees a 8/1958 #15171  
                          Muszyna, Poland 3:00 p.m. Stanislaw Kowalczewski, 12/22/1958 #15497  
, disc-shaped object over Muszyna, Poland.                                  12/22/1958 #15497  
                           Gdynia, Poland Gdynia Polytechnic University Pol 1/21/1959 #15558  
he waters of the harbor at Gdynia, Poland. Rumors later claim that a rust-f 1/21/1959 #15558  
falling into the harbor of Gdynia, Poland on this night. Divers were sent t 1/21/1959 #15560  
                         Kolobreg, Poland On the Polish coast, not far from 3/1959 #15627  
       Baltic Sea coast Kołobrzeg, Poland On the Baltic Sea coast near Koło 3/1959 #15628  
e Baltic Sea coast near Kołobrzeg, Poland, soldiers watch the sea become tu 3/1959 #15628  
                        OSTROLEKA, POLAND Several observer(s). 2 silent cig 3/20/1959 #15657  
                        Ostroleka, Poland 5:30 p.m. Witold Sambrowski, an e 3/20/1959 #15659  
ink objects flying over Ostroleka, Poland. They are traveling horizontally  3/20/1959 #15659  
                           WARSAW, POLAND Big and small spheres connected / 3/25/1959 #15667  
anged shape to a disc over Warsaw, Poland at around 11:30 a.m.              3/25/1959 #15669  
                           Poznań, Poland Night. During a training flight w 9/30/1959 #16001  
flight with a student over Poznań, Poland, a pilot named Leszczyński sees t 9/30/1959 #16001  
                          GIZYCKO, POLAND 10M ovoid swoops going down / woo 10/26/1959 #16062  
                         STAROLKA, POLAND Many observer(s). Bright object g 10/4/1960 (approximate) #16476  
                           Warsaw, Poland 2:00 p.m. Residents of Warsaw, Po 6/30/1961 #16739  
and 2:00 p.m. Residents of Warsaw, Poland, see a large, luminous, roughly s 6/30/1961 #16739  
                       LEBSKO BAY, POLAND 1 observer. Big noise. Odd 5M fun 9/24/1961 #16871  
                                   POLAND AND MINERVA AND CARROLL CO, OH 6  9/18/1962 #17409  
                                   POLAND, IN 4 / car chased home / several 3/1/1967 #21706  
                                   Poland, IN 10:05 p.m. About 20 miles nor 3/1/1967 #21711  
s until they reached their home at Poland, in Clay County. The flight was r 3/1/1967 #21712  
                                In Poland, Indiana at 10:10 p.m. four peopl 3/1/1967 #21718  
            Warsaw Modlin Airport, Poland 9:00 p.m. A Polish Air Force pilo 1968 #23632  
es off from Warsaw Modlin Airport, Poland, in a MiG-21 for a short, routine 1968 #23632  
            Stazic street Rzeszów, Poland Three teenagers notice an irregul Summer 1968 #24066  
using in Stazic street in Rzeszów, Poland. It is dark with some brighter bu Summer 1968 #24066  
               BABIOGORSKY NAT.PK, POLAND Flying 'buckle' with glowing ring 12/21/1968 #24784  
e Thompson Lake Oxford, Maine West Poland, Maine Tripp Pond Old Orchard Bea 10/27/1975 #30486  
 eastern sky. They drive into West Poland, Maine, turn around, and go back  10/27/1975 #30486  
al highway between Norway and West Poland, Maine when David discovered that 10/27/1975 #30489  
only when the car had reached West Poland. They turned back, and the car au 10/27/1975 #30489  
                    NEAR GOSTYNIN, POLAND Farmer finds 50cm 30 kg metal dis 2/2/1977 #31777  
        Dalabuszki village Gostyń, Poland Farmer Zbigniew Tuszewski finds a 2/2/1977 #31780  
labuszki village, north of Gostyń, Poland. Concave on one side, flat on the 2/2/1977 #31780  
                          Kargowa, Poland Wolsztyn 2:00 a.m. A couple drivi 9/17/1977 #32492  
.m. A couple driving near Kargowa, Poland, notice two unusual lights in the 9/17/1977 #32492  
               Ornontowice Chudów, Poland 2:00 a.m. A State Police officer  2/1978 #32937  
ol between Ornontowice and Chudów, Poland, when he notices that his dog is  2/1978 #32937  
                          Emilcin, Poland Early morning. Farmer Jan Wolski  5/10/1978 #33196  
ing a horse-drawn cart in Emilcin, Poland, when he is jumped by two “short, 5/10/1978 #33196  
ed in a forest in Emilcin, Lublin, Poland sometime after 7:00 a.m. The abdu 5/10/1978 #33198  
                          EMILCIN, POLAND Farmer abduction / 4 5' men. Many 5/17/1978 #33222  
                          Emilcin, Poland A woman cooking heard a sound lik 5/17/1978 #33223  
                           Lublin, Poland wooded area about 37 miles outsid 5/17/1978 #33224  
rea about 37 miles outside Lublin, Poland 8:00 a.m. A 71-year-old farmer is 5/17/1978 #33224  
rea about 37 miles outside Lublin, Poland. By the roadside he sees 2–4 men  5/17/1978 #33224  
30 a.m. at a farmhouse in Emilcin, Poland just eight-tenths of a kilometer  5/17/1978 #33225  
                     OFF CAPE HEL, POLAND CG cutter. RADAR out and Radio Fr 8/23/1978 #33552  
              Przyrownica Magnusy, Poland 8:00 a.m. Katarzyna Kolińska is o 9/27/1978 #33761  
chool in Przyrownica from Magnusy, Poland, when she sees a bright flash of  9/27/1978 #33761  
                           Golina, Poland forest near Golina, Poland 1:00 p 9/27/1978 #33762  
Golina, Poland forest near Golina, Poland 1:00 p.m. Henryk Marciniak is pic 9/27/1978 #33762  
shrooms in the forest near Golina, Poland. He notices a strange landed obje 9/27/1978 #33762  
ver some pine trees in Prcirovnik, Poland. The object was oval shaped and a 9/27/1978 #33764  
                         ZAKOPANE, POLAND Night lights over electric plant. 1/17/1979 #34351  
                      Blonie area, Poland Late night. A helicopter pilot an 4/21/1979 #34519  
 to their unit in the Blonie area, Poland. A light descends rapidly and sil 4/21/1979 #34519  
                          Piastów, Poland 10:00 p.m. A man walking in a par 5/22/1979 #34574  
 man walking in a park in Piastów, Poland, sees two bright yellow beams of  5/22/1979 #34574  
                         Człuchów, Poland Evening. A resident of Człuchów,  8/1979 #34692  
d Evening. A resident of Człuchów, Poland, is rowing his boat on a lake whe 8/1979 #34692  
                         CZLUCHOW, POLAND 2 separate observer(s). Dark rect 8/10/1979 #34723  
                         Czluchow, Poland 9:00 p.m. Two witnesses are on th 8/10/1979 #34725  
the shore of a lake near Czluchow, Poland, when they see an object gliding  8/10/1979 #34725  
                    LODZ AIRFIELD, POLAND Airline(s)/airliner pilot. 4 lumi 8/20/1979 #34761  
119 people in northern and eastern Poland observe several different types o 8/20/1979 #34763  
         Baltic Sea Hel peninsula, Poland 8:15 p.m. Two fishing boats belon 8/23/1979 #34768  
me 46 miles off the Hel peninsula, Poland, when their radar malfunctions an 8/23/1979 #34768  
                        Ernestowo, Poland Silvery cigar with orange light a 8/29/1979 #34795  
                        Ernestowo, Poland Silvery cigar with orange light a 8/29/1979 #34796  
                   Dziki Ernestowo Poland Laskowice 7:30 p.m. A married cou 8/29/1979 #34800  
 hunt between Dziki and Ernestowo, Poland, when they notice a “strange oran 8/29/1979 #34800  
 through Zachodni Park in Wroclaw, Poland around four p.m. As they were wal 8/29/1979 #34804  
e horizon in Ernestowo, Bydgoszcz, Poland.                                  8/29/1979 #34805  
           Żuławka Sztumska Sztum, Poland Tropy Sztumskie Kalwa 3:40 a.m. D 9/5/1979 #34838  
Sztumska to the hospital at Sztum, Poland. As they are passing through Trop 9/5/1979 #34838  
                            SZTUM, POLAND 2 abduction / odd UFO. See town b 9/20/1979 #34905  
 working in their garden in Sztum, Poland late in the evening and at 9 p.m. 9/20/1979 #34909  
                            Sztum, Poland Two men working in garden saw lan 9/21/1979 #34912  
e Air Base [now Katowice Airport], Poland During interception exercises, se 1980 #35116  
e Air Base [now Katowice Airport], Poland, notice a saucer-shaped object wi 1980 #35116  
                             LODZ, POLAND 3 observer(s) / 3 hours. Classic  3/3/1980 #35191  
                             Lodz, Poland Three bright spheres hovered low  4/6/1980 #35256  
 hovered low over a house in Lodz, Poland spreading a blinding light. (NICA 4/6/1980 #35256  
 hovered low over a house in Lodz, Poland spreading a blinding light. Frigh 4/6/1980 #35258  
                       Działoszyn, Poland Wielún 3:00 p.m. A civilian pilot 5/16/1980 #35336  
 near a cement mill in Działoszyn, Poland, when he notices an object maneuv 5/16/1980 #35336  
                            TROPY, POLAND 4+2 observer(s). 7M sphere follow 9/5/1980 #35495  
                          CHALUPY, POLAND 1 / beach. Saucer hovers. 2 small 8/8/1981 #36062  
      Chalupy Hel peninsula Gdynia Poland 6:15 p.m. A witness is on the bea 8/8/1981 #36064  
he Hel peninsula, north of Gdynia, Poland. He leaves them briefly to go bac 8/8/1981 #36064  
ots during missions over northwest Poland in the area from Elbląg to Ostród 4/22/1982 #36450  
shore of the Vistula River Warsaw, Poland A man is in a meadow near a fores Early 8/1982 #36560  
r a few miles northwest of Warsaw, Poland. Suddenly he hears a sound like a Early 8/1982 #36560  
                        Suchowola, Poland 3:00 p.m. Villagers in Suchowola, 9/18/1982 #36609  
 3:00 p.m. Villagers in Suchowola, Poland, see a triangular UFO with lights 9/18/1982 #36609  
cka street Czerniaków Hill Warsaw, Poland Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych bu 9/30/1982 #36621  
et near Czerniaków Hill in Warsaw, Poland. It is well after curfew, so they 9/30/1982 #36621  
edes owned by the driver, Mary Ann Poland. She and the passengers (Rose Mes 9/30/1982 #36622  
w-flying bright light approaching. Poland pulls the car over and they all j 9/30/1982 #36622  
eir thirties--Messina, LaMontagne, Poland, and LeClair--had a close encount 9/30/1982 #36623  
                      NEAR OLKUSZ, POLAND 4 / car. Cylinder/cylindrical obj 1/30/1983 #36755  
countryside near Olkusz, Katowice, Poland at around 9 p.m. when they had a  1/30/1983 #36756  
                     In air space, Poland Daytime. Sighting of a Polish Air 7/6/1983 #36902  
                  Darłowo Airport, Poland An unauthorized target appears on 7/7/1983 #36904  
 radar screens at Darłowo Airport, Poland, corresponding to a rotating, obl 7/7/1983 #36904  
          coastal lake near Wicie, Poland Day. Wiesław Machowski, his daugh 9/3/1983 #36969  
hing in a coastal lake near Wicie, Poland. They notice an orange sphere wit 9/3/1983 #36969  
                     BIELSKO PROV, POLAND Many separate observer(s). Silent 12/2/1983 #37060  
                  OPOLE AND BRZEG, POLAND Separate observer(s). Silent grou 12/2/1983 #37062  
               Przasnysz Airfield, Poland Night. The commander of a group o 2/1984 #37172  
 warehouses at Przasnysz Airfield, Poland, sees a light silently coming in  2/1984 #37172  
  Podwisłocze district of Rzeszów, Poland Day. A Mrs. Danuta takes her 2-ye Summer 1984 #37369  
e Podwisłocze district of Rzeszów, Poland. A green-metallic object with a b Summer 1984 #37369  
                          Rzeszów, Poland Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport Mielec A 7/13/1984 #37395  
ect comes into view above Rzeszów, Poland, remaining stationary for a long  7/13/1984 #37395  
                  Mielec airfield, Poland 8:00 p.m. Kazimierz Lubertowicz,  Late Summer 1984 #37434  
raffic control at Mielec airfield, Poland, reports that a pilot and 30–40 a Late Summer 1984 #37434  
me on Wiktorska Street in Mokotow, Poland when he saw a dull metallic bowl- 1/15/1986 #37765  
along a dirt road in Dobroslawice, Poland heading for his house when sudden 3/7/1987 #38134  
                       Będzienica, Poland 9:00 p.m.–5:00 a.m. A married cou Late 7/1987 #38218  
ing to their home near Będzienica, Poland. They notice two huge red spheres Late 7/1987 #38218  
eded by the Solidarity Movement in Poland. The fall of the inner German bor 11/9/1989 #39221  
Germany Brzózka Bóbr River Krosno, Poland 4:00 a.m. A witness is traveling  7/9/1990 #39640  
he Bóbr River southwest of Krosno, Poland. He goes for a short walk in the  7/9/1990 #39640  
                           RYBNIK, POLAND Man signals night light. Saucer-c 7/23/1990 #39657  
tepped out of his house in Rybnik, Poland and noticed that his dog had brok 7/23/1990 #39658  
                          Southern Poland Opole Night. Witnesses report a l 11/5/1990 #39870  
, over many localities in southern Poland. Hundreds of people in Opole see  11/5/1990 #39870  
                      CZESTACHOWA, POLAND 15 / bus. Sphere/orb/globe rises  1/18/1991 #39957  
                         MUROWANA, POLAND 2 / car. Brill 30M saucer-cylinde 1/18/1991 #39958  
                           KRAKOW, POLAND Ball with appendage going [to] ov 1/18/1991 #39959  
                        SKARZYSKO, POLAND Yellow-red object going [to] extr 1/18/1991 #39960  
15 people on a bus in Czestochowa, Poland saw a spherical UFO ascend betwee 1/18/1991 #39961  
lding. Later that night in Krakow, Poland at 10:45 p.m. another spherical U 1/18/1991 #39961  
as found in Batovice. In Murowana, Poland a 30-meter long cigar shaped UFO  1/18/1991 #39961  
ven o'clock in Skarzysko-Kamienna, Poland a yellowish-red colored cigar sho 1/18/1991 #39961  
                           LUBLIN, POLAND 1 observer. Radio malfunctions du 7/31/1991 #40138  
        Jerzmanowice Kraków County Poland Kraków Balice 7:00 p.m. Residents 1/14/1993 #40795  
ts of Jerzmanowice, Kraków County, Poland, see a flash of light just before 1/14/1993 #40795  
                      NEAR WARSAW, POLAND 4M dome follows 2 observer(s) hom 7/25/1993 #41086  
owed two witnesses home in Warsaw, Poland. They videotaped the object circl 7/25/1993 #41088  
                        Biskupice, Poland 10:00 p.m. Jerzy Bulczyński and h 10/7/1994 #41793  
yński and his family in Biskupice, Poland, see two identical large discs wi 10/7/1994 #41793  
ligon Nadarzyce airbase Nadardyce, Poland Krzesiny AFB 8:00 p.m. Military p 10/8/1994 #41795  
ase near the village of Nadardyce, Poland, report a spherical UFO surrounde 10/8/1994 #41795  
                             LODZ, POLAND 7 / balcony and more/others. 2 lu 12/31/1995 #42653  
                      In Przbylow, Poland a man saw some flashing lights in 8/11/1996 #42980  
            Węgorzewo northeastern Poland 5:00 p.m. An object explodes in t 3/15/1997 #43232  
und near Węgorzewo in northeastern Poland. The debris is allegedly retrieve 3/15/1997 #43232  
                           Daniec, Poland Night. Two police officers respon 6/1997 #43306  
ng to an emergency call in Daniec, Poland, see two bright spheres maneuveri 6/1997 #43306  
                                   Poland Stockholm, Sweden Baltic Sea Twil 6/1997 #43307  
                Góra Świętej Anny, Poland Evening. Grzegorz Nowak and four  6/18/1997 #43328  
of Annenberg in Góra Świętej Anny, Poland, when they see glowing fireballs  6/18/1997 #43328  
                          Rzeszów, Poland Słocina forest 11:30 p.m. Many pe 12/31/1997 #43477  
any people in the area of Rzeszów, Poland, watch a spherical orange object. 12/31/1997 #43477  
                   Opole Niemodlin Poland Night. Two young men are driving  2/1998 #43509  
e driving from Opole to Niemodlin, Poland, when the car radio goes off and  2/1998 #43509  
            Park Zachodni Wrocław, Poland 11:00 a.m. Two witnesses are walk 6/30/1999 #43788  
g in the Park Zachodni in Wrocław, Poland, when they see a blue-gray, disc- 6/30/1999 #43788  
                                   Poland Polish journalist and author Igor 2000 #43910  
Baranówka neighborhood of Rzeszów, Poland 7:00 p.m. A woman living in the B 12/24/2000 #44109  
Baranówka neighborhood of Rzeszów, Poland, sees a light outside her window  12/24/2000 #44109  
                    Sweden Gdansk, Poland Dozens of passengers on the Rogal 8/20/2001 #44238  
y returning from Sweden to Gdansk, Poland, with 50 passengers on board watc 8/20/2001 #44238  
                        Szczuczyn, Poland Day. Three witnesses in Szczuczyn 8/2002 #44373  
Day. Three witnesses in Szczuczyn, Poland, watch a V-shaped object with bri 8/2002 #44373  
     Old Town district of Rzeszów, Poland A boomerang-shaped object surroun 11/16/2002 #44444  
 the Old Town district of Rzeszów, Poland.                                  11/16/2002 #44444  
        Nowa Karczma Vistula Spit, Poland Day. Frank Delephine takes a vide 8/20/2003 #44577  
 Nowa Karczma on the Vistula Spit, Poland.                                  8/20/2003 #44577  
                   2004, Jordanow, Poland - At one o'clock in the morning M 2/13/2004 #44664  
                      Częstochowa, Poland Two security guards at a glass fa Summer 2004 #44713  
at a glass factory in Częstochowa, Poland, watch a large, oblong-shaped obj Summer 2004 #44713  
f several tourists from Russia and Poland. Their main reason for being ther 8/2/2004 #44725  
                            Wicie, Poland 11:00 p.m. A woman camping on the 7/13/2006 #44950  
man camping on the beach at Wicie, Poland, sees several red and blue lights 7/13/2006 #44950  
                       Hrubieszów, Poland one mile outside Hrubieszów, Pola 8/20/2008 #45161  
oland one mile outside Hrubieszów, Poland 4:45 p.m. A military witness one  8/20/2008 #45161  
tness one mile outside Hrubieszów, Poland, watches a silvery isosceles tria 8/20/2008 #45161  
                         Radomsko, Poland 10:30 p.m. A witness and his fian 9/16/2008 #45168  
e are driving north near Radomsko, Poland, when they see a black triangle w 9/16/2008 #45168  
                       Sandomierz, Poland 6:00 p.m. An architect in Sandomi 10/31/2008 #45182  
0 p.m. An architect in Sandomierz, Poland, sees a boomerang- or half-moon-s 10/31/2008 #45182  
                        Sulejówek, Poland A teacher is taking his dog for a 11/17/2008 #45188  
his dog for a stroll in Sulejówek, Poland, when he comes across a triangula 11/17/2008 #45188  
                          Rzesnów, Poland Chmielnik Tyczyn 9:52 p.m. A man  5/26/2009 #45223  
Tyczyn 9:52 p.m. A man in Rzesnów, Poland, notices from his balcony five st 5/26/2009 #45223  
                   Kowale Oleckie, Poland 9:40 p.m. Tomasz Skorupski sees a 8/21/2009 #45238  
round at 50 mph at Kowale Oleckie, Poland. He estimates it is 10 feet in le 8/21/2009 #45238  
                   Kraków Rzeszów, Poland Dozens of independent witnesses i 3/8/2010 #45272  
t witnesses in Kraków and Rzeszów, Poland, report a strange disc-shaped obj 3/8/2010 #45272  
Baranówka neighborhood of Rzeszów, Poland 8:00 p.m. A Mrs. Beata is walking 6/6/2011 #45328  
Baranówka neighborhood of Rzeszów, Poland. She sees an elliptical, dull met 6/6/2011 #45328  
                          Baborów, Poland 5:00 a.m. An 18-year-old girl in  9/11/2011 #45332  
m. An 18-year-old girl in Baborów, Poland, is awakened by a light from a bl 9/11/2011 #45332  
                          Rzeszów, Poland 3:00 p.m. Workers at a warehouse  5/10/2012 #45342  
Workers at a warehouse in Rzeszów, Poland, see a group of spherical objects 5/10/2012 #45342  
                        Hermanowa, Poland 9:30 p.m. A witness in Hermanowa, 5/10/2012 #45343  
 9:30 p.m. A witness in Hermanowa, Poland, watches a light approach him unt 5/10/2012 #45343  
                             Nysa, Poland village near Nysa, Poland 4:00 a. 1/8/2013 #45359  
   Nysa, Poland village near Nysa, Poland 4:00 a.m. Two policemen in a vill 1/8/2013 #45359  
 policemen in a village near Nysa, Poland, notice distant lights that appea 1/8/2013 #45359  
  Słocina neighborhood of Rzeszów, Poland 5:30 p.m. A witness in the Słocin 3/5/2013 #45361  
e Słocina neighborhood of Rzeszów, Poland, lets her cat outside, but it pan 3/5/2013 #45361  
Biała, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland Chojnów Twilight. A young couple  3/31/2013 #45363  
Biała, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland. It looks to be about 400 feet wi 3/31/2013 #45363  
                 Szklarska Poręba, Poland A triangular object with lights i 6/19/2013 #45373  
h tip is seen at Szklarska Poręba, Poland.                                  6/19/2013 #45373  
          Góra Ossona Częstochowa, Poland Night. A group of young people at 8/1/2013 #45379  
ple at Góra Ossona in Częstochowa, Poland, see a triangular object.         8/1/2013 #45379  
m. Witnesses in multiple points in Poland report three successive sightings 8/3/2013 #45380  
                           Lublin, Poland Night. An amateur astronomer in L 8/14/2013 #45382  
. An amateur astronomer in Lublin, Poland, is tracking an object in an orbi 8/14/2013 #45382  
                           Tyczyn, Poland 7:00 p.m. A family that owns a da 8/18/2013 #45383  
amily that owns a dacha in Tyczyn, Poland, watches a wingless object with s 8/18/2013 #45383  
                          Sokółka, Poland Franciszka Hynka street, Warsaw,  9/9/2013 #45386  
d Franciszka Hynka street, Warsaw, Poland Two witnesses in Sokółka, Poland, 9/9/2013 #45386  
, Poland Two witnesses in Sokółka, Poland, see a gigantic triangular UFO fl 9/9/2013 #45386  
r UFO flying by in a few seconds. (Poland 98) September 12 — Night. A delta 9/9/2013 #45386  
e Franciszka Hynka street, Warsaw, Poland.                                  9/9/2013 #45386  
                        Pabianice, Poland 12:05 a.m. A Mr. Mateusz notices  10/13/2013 #45390  
low lights flying above Pabianice, Poland, from northeast to west. It is su 10/13/2013 #45390  
## Word: "polanuruwa" (Back to Top)
 landing with short humanoids near Polanuruwa, Sri Lanka on this evening. T 6/9/2002 #44350  
## Word: "polar" (Back to Top)
isible seasonal melting of Martian polar icecaps fuels speculation that an  5/1894 #314  
ks” for a few moments on the south polar cap of Mars. The most likely expla 6/7/1894 #315  
nt bright flashes across the south polar cap. A line of tiny white spots se 5/30/1937 #1270  
sing from left to right across the polar cap.”                              5/30/1937 #1270  
ape Morris Jesup, Greenland Soviet polar aviator Valentin Akkuratov is flyi 1956 #12636  
. He further claims that the north polar ice cap melted on Mars, causing th 1960 #16141  
n bases off the Florida coast, the polar region, and off the coast of Argen 12/3/1967 #23535  
elephone Company officials, Gomez, Polar, and Aguilar, on the highway betwe 1/29/1980 #35150  
asnoyarsk Krai, Russia, during the polar night. It disappears and reappears 1/1981 #35768  
llite, dubbed the Black Knight, in polar orbit around the Earth. However, t 12/11/1998 #43698  
inese weather satellite, the FY-1C polar orbit satellite of the Fengyun ser 1/11/2007 #44998  
## Word: "polar-orbiting" (Back to Top)
out meteors and reflections from a polar-orbiting satellite.                9/19/1976 #31409  
oyed, NAVSYCOM had been tracking a polar-orbiting satellite with a decaying 9/28/1989 #39132  
## Word: "polaris" (Back to Top)
 object with a trail a bit west of Polaris. As he is pointing it out to som 6/8/1868 #172  
-19° 48S Radars. Huge object paces Polaris missile test. / r211p55.         1/10/1961 (approximate) #16566  
 FL UFO alters launch of U.S. Navy Polaris missile, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 1/10/1961 #16569  
 (McDonald list) UFO "Alters" Navy Polaris Missile Test (NICAP: 09 - RADAR  1/10/1961 #16571  
e Canaveral, Florida A US Navy A-1 Polaris missile is launched from a groun 1/10/1961 #16574  
eter is close to the length of the Polaris, alters its tracking, but does n 1/10/1961 #16574  
ater returns to again to track the Polaris downrange. The diameter of the d 1/10/1961 #16574  
                   At 12:14 p.m. a Polaris missile launched from Cape Canav 1/10/1961 #16575  
 Object Tracked Prior to Launch of Polaris Missile (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 4/11/1961 #16646  
rangely bright star to the left of Polaris. As he watches, it grows a bit b 8/1967 #22771  
nd begins to move directly beneath Polaris and then continues to the right. 8/1967 #22771  
his in reverse and then goes under Polaris and stops. The star then migrate 8/1967 #22771  
 rapidly. Then it comes back below Polaris and just sits there. After nearl 8/1967 #22771  
hing. At that, the star goes up to Polaris and shoots away to the left.     8/1967 #22771  
y have been related to a U.S. Navy Polaris missile launch. Heyerdahl and hi 6/11/1970 #25697  
eague at the NIDS offices on South Polaris in Las Vegas where the effort wa 5/6/2002 #44341  
## Word: "polarize" (Back to Top)
Nevada Testing Range” were able to polarize molecules by modifying the elec 5/13/1992 #40463  
## Word: "polarized" (Back to Top)
saucer. Concentric rings visible / polarized glasses.                       5/5/1953 #8863  
 are the result of the rotation of polarized light scattered from the atmos 5/5/1953 #8866  
ucer 30M over trees. Invisible via polarized binoculars!                    6/20/1976 #31114  
## Word: "polaroid" (Back to Top)
y! Seen longer by observer(s) with Polaroid glasses..                       9/17/1952 #7967  
; concentric rings visible through Polaroid glasses. [UFOE, VI] (NICAP: 01  5/5/1953 #8865  
t both with the naked eye and with Polaroid glasses with a greenish tint th 5/5/1953 #8866  
imes its diameter when viewed with Polaroid glasses. Webb thinks that the r 5/5/1953 #8866  
silver disc-shaped object. Through polaroid glasses Mr. Webb could see dark 5/5/1953 #8867  
,000 per year and purchase one new polaroid camera and one new geiger count 3/17/1961 #16634  
uebook Case #7927. Unidentified. 2 Polaroid shots / daylight disks. No furt 5/15/1962 #17175  
way investigator Rex Heflin, three Polaroid photos of domed-disc UFO (secti 8/3/1965 #19289  
igator Rex Heflin takes four clear Polaroid photos of a hat-shaped UFO on a 8/3/1965 #19290  
 about 30 feet in diameter, with a Polaroid camera from his Orange County p 8/3/1965 #19293  
ing towards the earth.” He snaps a Polaroid photo, after which the object t 4/2/1966 #20208  
ntinuity is actually caused by the Polaroid developing chemicals spreading  4/2/1966 #20208  
bject hovering overhead. He took a Polaroid photograph of the UFO and when  4/11/1966 #20285  
. and Grant P. Jaroslaw, take some Polaroid photos from the backyard of the 1/9/1967 #21277  
s. In Fargo two teenagers took two Polaroid photos of a round, possibly dis 2/25/1967 #21652  
30 minutes. The report said that a Polaroid photo was taken. (Columbus Disp 3/9/1967 #21833  
 7, 11, and 13, he manages to take Polaroid photographs. In all, he haw 10  3/31/1967 #22023  
                  NEW CASTLE, PA 2 Polaroid photographs / soup-dish saucer. 6/28/1967 #22566  
bout 40 minutes. Gregory takes two Polaroid photographs that show a red obj 10/12/1967 #23228  
sk going east over remote cabin. 1 Polaroid photograph. NICAP investigate.  8/1/1968 #24286  
phs glowing inverted hat-saucer. 3 Polaroid shots. See reference photograph 7/15/1971 #26230  
o the figure, all the while taking Polaroid photos of it. It steps towards  10/17/1973 #28133  
           ERDINGTON, BIRMINGHAM 2 Polaroid shots / classic saucer / low al 9/28/1974 (approximate) #29488  
sky in the evening and ran for his Polaroid camera. He snapped one photogra 11/26/1974 #29610  
ring which Helen failed to use her Polaroid camera, Helen and then the othe 10/26/1975 #30476  
ring which Helen failed to use her Polaroid camera, Helen and then the othe 10/27/1975 #30491  
      LEHIGHTON, PA 2 observer(s). Polaroid photograph / huge silver saucer 1/17/1978 #32886  
 toward him, Coltrane picks up his Polaroid camera, comes out of the car, a 4/19/1978 #33153  
e bottom. He rushes in and grabs a Polaroid camera and snaps a photo just a 11/11/1987 #38322  
 in the sky. Mr. Walters snapped a Polaroid photograph of it, then experien 2/8/1988 #38445  
 Crown-saucer hovers near house. 1 Polaroid photograph.                     4/2/1993 #40924  
Ascoli Piceno, Italy. He takes six Polaroid photos of the creature in seemi 5/9/1993 #40971  
I Boy. 2 16m disks near home. Good Polaroid photograph of 1 with smoke trai 4/3/1995 #42136  
ages to get a single yet ambiguous Polaroid photograph of the object. The i 1/5/2000 #43920  
## Word: "polaroids" (Back to Top)
oslaw, Mt. Clemens, Michigan, four Polaroids depicting a flying saucer. The 1/9/1967 #21275  
HUNTSVILLE, AL Man fishing. 3 poor Polaroids / domed ovoid near redstone ar 11/12/1995 #42596  
  At 10:00 p.m. three poor quality Polaroids of a domed ovoid object near t 11/12/1995 #42598  
## Word: "polastron" (Back to Top)
                                   POLASTRON, FR Silent 35cm saucer near hi 9/6/1967 #23009  
## Word: "polbeth" (Back to Top)
    On this night Mr. J. Curran of Polbeth, Bathgate, Lothian, Scotland wat 11/8/1995 #42588  
## Word: "polcanto" (Back to Top)
                                   POLCANTO, FIRENZE, ITL Figure / hill. Li 10/9/1984 #37482  
              Via della Tessaia in Polcanto, northeast of Florence, Italy 3 10/9/1984 #37484  
idence on the Via della Tessaia in Polcanto, northeast of Florence, Italy.  10/9/1984 #37484  
## Word: "pole" (Back to Top)
e the ladies’ car” and a telegraph pole is splintered from top to bottom.   Early 7/1880 #235  
ctric arc lights” around it and a “pole” or rudder that is similarly lit. T 9/2/1891 #296  
me the first to fly over the South Pole. The flight took 19 hours to fly fr 11/29/1929 #1105  
 to fly from Little America to the Pole and return.                         11/29/1929 #1105  
 retracting an instrument-carrying pole extending from the aircraft. The de 3/1/1944 #1585  
e his second flight over the South Pole and was involved in a number of oth 1946 #1955  
e Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio North Pole An FBI memo from D. M. Ladd to Hoov 1/24/1949 #3977  
turning to the USSR over the North Pole.                                    1/24/1949 #3977  
again passing behind the telephone pole. It then returned to its original p 4/9/1949 #4085  
 dark, barrel-shaped object with a pole down from it into the water, flew a 8/30/1950 #5149  
 dark, barrel-shaped object with a pole extending down from it into the wat 8/30/1950 #5151  
ite disk-ovoid going quickly west. Pole through center with colored lights  9/8/1952 #7879  
 UFO looks like a log or telegraph pole.                                    9/9/1953 #9157  
                             South Pole Los Angeles Albert K. Bender confid 9/28/1953 #9186  
tic tale of abduction to the South Pole by monstrous space beings. Bender d 9/28/1953 #9186  
mer Firsoff. Flashes / lunar south pole resemble lightning / discharges.    5/24/1955 #12152  
aucer / 9 min. Near North magnetic pole.                                    6/4/1955 #12177  
ed in 1955 near the north magnetic pole.                                    6/4/1955 #12181  
ook his last flight over the South Pole on January 8, 1956. This expedition 11/1955 #12534  
nd (McMurdo Station) and the South Pole (Amundsen-Scott Base).              11/1955 #12534  
 Thule Air Base in Greenland North Pole Siberia Some 156 overflight mission 4/5/1956 #12790  
 Home Run. They fly over the North Pole and into Siberia, probing for elect 4/5/1956 #12790  
lsing light, with something like a pole on top, making fast and erratic mot 3/22/1957 #13553  
                             South Pole Trevor James Constable writes They  1958 #14782  
it through an opening in the South Pole and fly 125,000 miles into space. O 1958 #14782  
 large shape with a tall, luminous pole on the side of the road. Her car st 1/1958 #14790  
uge insects were observed near the pole. They soon disappared, and the obje 1/1958 #14790  
en she sees an illuminated 50-foot pole in the center parkway ahead. It see 1/1958 #14793  
ops and the headlights go out. The pole is attached to a saucer-shaped obje 1/1958 #14793  
 diameter has melted dry where the pole has been.                           1/1958 #14793  
e who worked with him at the South Pole.                                    3/11/1959 #15634  
     NAPIER, NZ 3 women. Brilliant pole rises slowly. Turns horizontal and  4/16/1960 #16228  
cut up in small pieces. They use a pole to probe the lake bottom and find a 6/22/1960 #16315  
nt and about the length of a Phone pole. Scorch marks and four imprints wer 4/26/1964 #18208  
utane tank “as long as a telephone pole” about 14 feet in diameter, metalli 4/26/1964 #18209  
nd about the length of a telephone pole. Scorch marks and four imprints wer 4/26/1964 #18211  
 slowly to a height of a telephone pole, then "shot up like a rocket." Grou 5/18/1964 #18285  
round to the height of a telephone pole, then zooms straight up emitting a  5/19/1964 #18288  
 three branches were broken, and a pole was calcined.                       11/1964 #18602  
ite cylindrical shape with a white pole sticking out of one corner of it.”  6/4/1965 #18990  
 photograph / 3 saucers near power pole. Likely fake / BUFORA.              3/28/1966 #20109  
ard from the object onto a utility pole. Domestic animals in the area were  3/30/1966 #20155  
t drove his truck into a telephone pole he was so excited.                  10/30/1966 #21051  
 they were approached at telephone pole height by a V-shaped object with a  3/5/1967 #21768  
 above the ground over a telephone pole about one mile away. The object dis 4/6/1967 #22080  
object (disc) with a "deck" and a "pole" (protrusion) at the rear. The obje 6/25/1967 #22554  
as at least as tall as a telephone pole and as wide as the road (15 feet).  9/9/1967 #23027  
inute(s). Crazy noise. Box hangs / pole. / APRO Jan'68.                     11/29/1967 #23521  
oxlike protuberance supported by a pole underneath.                         11/29/1967 #23523  
oxlike protuberance supported by a pole underneath.                         11/29/1967 #23524  
d portholes. Whines. Circles power pole. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#4 2/19/1968 #23764  
ct 300 feet away circling around a pole with an electric transformer on it. 2/19/1968 #23767  
g a large street light on a nearby pole went out and the dog barked uncontr 3/19/1968 #23850  
tched humming sound like a utility pole transformer. A few minutes later th 7/30/1968 #24263  
lephone linemen are working atop a pole near Lebel-sur-Quévillon, Quebec, w 2/19/1969 #24930  
hat he could touch it with his ski pole. From an opening in the center of t 1/7/1970 #25540  
could have touched it with his ski pole. The two men next saw a beam of lig 1/7/1970 #25541  
ters tall, leaning against a light pole. The being was human looking but ve 8/16/1973 #27706  
 the captain. There was a metallic pole in the center of the craft that fla 10/5/1973 #27954  
 think it is a security light on a pole, but then realize the object is pac 10/16/1973 #28087  
e no greater than the nearby power pole. It is surrounded completely by lig 1974 #28632  
oss the highway at about telephone pole height. The object is round and glo Late 7/1975 #30204  
and in lieu of arms, a telescopic “pole” about 7 feet long, mounted on thei 1/9/1976 #30781  
e barn to pick up a rake, hoe, and pole. Back at the pond, McCarthy sees th 1/10/1977 #31715  
ne end is a tube-like structure or pole. Soon it moves over some community  1/21/1977 #31742  
about 6 feet altitude, lowers its “pole,” and appears to suck up a polythen 1/21/1977 #31742  
 box shoots up / ground near power pole. Lights up. Traces.                 5/28/1977 #32138  
 up from the ground near a utility pole in St. Roch, France lighting up the 5/28/1977 #32139  
They are oriented like a telephone pole with a red light on top and many wh 12/6/1977 #32737  
            Playa el Combate beach Pole Ojea, Puerto Rico 8:00 p.m. At Play 11/30/1979 #35031  
 At Playa el Combate beach outside Pole Ojea, Puerto Rico, Ramonés Torres a 11/30/1979 #35031  
cession, climbing up one telephone pole. Moving down, and crossing the road 5/9/1980 #35319  
perform the same motion on another pole. They approach the truck, forcing h 5/9/1980 #35319  
ille, Indiana then went up another pole on a clear evening at 9 p.m. A dog  5/9/1980 #35321  
 white lights and 1 orange light / pole.                                    10/14/1981 #36171  
ees it directly behind a telephone pole to his left 125 feet from the road, 3/23/1982 #36412  
rang shape hovering over a utility pole 600 feet away. Three other people d 3/24/1983 #36808  
hree other people driving near the pole stop by it. The driver, a correctio 3/24/1983 #36808  
nt orange fireball 350' over power pole. Southwest going quickly northeast  5/4/1983 #36851  
overing 350 feet over a power line pole in Lawrence, Kansas. It flew away t 5/4/1983 #36852  
overing 350 feet over a power line pole. It flies away toward the northeast 5/4/1983 #36854  
overing 350 feet over a power line pole in Lawrence, Kansas. It flew away t 5/4/1983 #36855  
ject using a camera atop a 95-foot pole; the camera has to pan almost 180°  7/24/1984 #37412  
ere observed standing near a power pole. The electrical power came back on. 5/1/1989 #38932  
 frightened and hid behind a light pole. The white beam of light approached 7/23/1990 #39658  
 by the proximity of the object. A pole light on the far side of the drivew 5/3/1992 #40449  
an figure standing next to a light pole. The figure seemed to be staring at 7/31/1993 #41095  
 creature standing next to a light pole. It was described as short and whit 9/4/1997 #43394  
10 miles from the geographic South Pole; he states the area was supposed to 1/30/2015 #45429  
## Word: "pole-like" (Back to Top)
ntained the pilot. There were four pole-like appendages, two at each end, w 9/20/1954 #10373  
## Word: "pole-shaped" (Back to Top)
  A brilliant vertical cylinder or pole-shaped object rose slowly over the  4/16/1960 #16229  
## Word: "pole-shapes" (Back to Top)
SVALL, SWD Hundreds / observer(s). Pole-shapes going southwest slow. Engine 10/7/1947 #3447  
## Word: "polegate" (Back to Top)
                                   POLEGATE EAST SUSSEX Low silent "airline 5/1/1992 #40441  
re driving down the A22 Highway in Polegate, East Sussex, England at 10:20  5/1/1992 #40443  
## Word: "poles" (Back to Top)
ucer / G. J. stock. Over trees and poles. 2 observer(s). / r192p326.        7/29/1952 #7285  
olin Island, Poland 7:00 p.m. Five Poles and two Germans see a disc-shaped  7/31/1953 #9028  
astic nose having a door, and with poles or aerials on the nose.  Humming o 9/21/1954 #10382  
ar glass or plastic nose and door, poles or aerials on its nose. It hums or 9/21/1954 #10383  
practically touching the telephone poles. His car radio develops interferen 1/13/1958 #14824  
lying at the altitude of the Phone poles, slowly spinning. Dark spots were  9/13/1962 #17394  
und at the height of the telephone poles, spinning slowly. There were dark  9/13/1962 #17395  
first to the altitude of the Phone poles, then took off vertically. Wheat w 5/18/1964 #18283  
 seen above the roadside telephone poles, and they followed his car to High 5/8/1966 #20467  
oldering, one of the aluminum tent poles is singed, and the aluminum cots a 11/22/1966 #21141  
t was at a height of two telephone poles and as large as a car. (Ricks lett 4/11/1967 #22109  
n thru) telescope. Hat-saucer with poles / rim. Flames / bottom. Going nort 3/21/1968 #23853  
t on his head and they all carried poles or "rods." They were mumbling or " 9/11/1973 #27803  
t on his head and they all carried poles or "rods." They were mumbling or " 9/12/1973 #27809  
echanical manner and wagging their poles up and down. They then re-entered, 1/9/1976 #30781  
e under 100M object 15M over light poles. Absolute(ly) silent. Quickly goin 10/1976 (approximate) #31434  
ll box-like device standing on two poles that raised it to about the height 9/15/1977 #32485  
rver(s). 3' x7'DISK hovers / power poles. Hums. Attracts birds that follow  5/12/1979 #34555  
x 7' disc hovering over power line poles. It made a humming sound that seem 5/12/1979 #34556  
ke craft hovers nose-up over power poles. Strong lights. Going south.       12/4/1979 #35048  
ghts as it hovers above some power poles to the west. It starts moving slow 12/4/1979 #35051  
á, Brazil Lagoa da Maraponga Cavan poles factory Uruoca, Ceará, Brazil 11:1 8/12/1983 #36949  
ass the train tracks and the Cavan poles factory, where they notice that a  8/12/1983 #36949  
do not bark, and the lights on the poles are blinking intermittently. A str 8/12/1983 #36949  
). Cone beams lights / 4 lightning poles. Poles glow. Going south.          12/30/1988 #38766  
 beams lights / 4 lightning poles. Poles glow. Going south.                 12/30/1988 #38766  
er / 1M altitude. Lights ground. 4 poles going up / edges. / r209#11.       5/4/1990 #39555  
 He also saw "little people on the poles." He was told by his mother to go  7/27/1994 #41644  
r. Bizarre rectangle with 4 barber poles sticking out! Kite?                6/7/1995 #42242  
recise turns that avoid electrical poles, wires, and streetlights. The obje 7/15/2013 #45377  
the freeway just above the utility poles. The object, only a few hundred fe 8/20/2013 #45384  
## Word: "polesine" (Back to Top)
                             BADIA POLESINE, ITL 2 observer(s). Unusual dou 7/8/1955 #12240  
## Word: "policastro" (Back to Top)
                                   POLICASTRO, ITL 2 grey-green cigars goin 3/18/1978 (approximate) #33049  
## Word: "police" (Back to Top)
legedly from a June 17 report by a Police Inspector Liabeuf and forwarded t 6/12/1790 #91  
          Shortly before 3:00 a.m. police heard a drumming noise in Saginaw 4/16/1897 #513  
h, England Cromwell Road 5:15 a.m. Police Constable James Kettle of Peterbo 3/23/1909 #725  
 people, tradesman Mr. Langley and Police Constable Pierce, hear the noise  1/4/1913 #866  
otted by three witnesses including police as it flew over Dover, Kent, Engl 1/4/1913 #867  
 Swansea Bay The Mumbles 7:30 p.m. Police Constable Church at Aberavon, Wal 2/2/1913 #877  
from a local garrison, and several police officers and medical attendants r 3/13/1913 #886  
 lights up a city block, tells the police chief to alert the mayor and poli 2/14/1915 #925  
olice chief to alert the mayor and police chief in Ottawa. At 9:30 p.m., th 2/14/1915 #925  
d on high alert. Later, Brockville police find two paper balloons that migh 2/14/1915 #925  
 a Toronto, Ontario, suburb notify police of a “strange aeroplane” hovering 2/15/1915 #926  
the lake’s surface. However, local police interview the witness and suspect Late 11/1933 #1176  
n instrument panel remains intact. Police officers, military men, and plain Early Spring 1941 #1355  
mith reports the incident to local police, who then inform Naval Intelligen 3/5/1942 #1397  
the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department stationed at No. 1 Pre Winter 1943 #1556  
ok Report includes state and local police witnesses                         7/4/1947 #2590  
AND, OR Hundreds include/including police. 1 saucer then groups. All over O 7/4/1947 #2608  
           PORTLAND, OR 2 separate police report(s) and newsmen. Shiny sauc 7/4/1947 #2614  
unty Sheriff Fred Krives, Portland police officer Kenneth A. McDowell, and  7/4/1947 #2658  
                    At 1:05 p.m. a police officer at police headquarters in 7/4/1947 #2675  
  At 1:05 p.m. a police officer at police headquarters in Portland, Oregon  7/4/1947 #2675  
l vertical axis. Minutes later two police, both pilots, saw three more disc 7/4/1947 #2675  
oing quickly east. Type unknown. / police report.                           7/5/1947 #2695  
         SAN LEANDRO, CA Several / police and fire Departments and many cal 7/5/1947 #2706  
escorted by members of the Roswell Police Department, makes a run along Pin 7/5/1947 #2719  
horizon. Both witnesses called the police.                                  7/5/1947 #2731  
                      PORTLAND, OR Police and many. Silver object circles c 9/11/1947 #3393  
it collided with the ground. State Police estimated the saucer to be 250 ft 1/7/1948 #3537  
                    Kentucky State Police Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox 1/7/1948 #3542  
 Kentucky 1:00 p.m. Kentucky State Police telephone Commanding Officer Col. 1/7/1948 #3542  
other call to Hix comes from state police at about 1:10 p.m. of an observat 1/7/1948 #3542  
s. Going quickly southeast fast. / police inv.                              8/1948 (approximate) #3765  
              RADKERSBURG, AUSTRIA Police report 2 'flying saucers' near Yu 9/8/1949 #4350  
s Sgt. Leo Davidson of the Norwood police department to film the display. H 10/23/1949 #4401  
         WILLOWS AND CORNING, CA 2 police chiefs and co deputies. Silvery d 3/24/1950 #4714  
, and there were many calls to the police and news media. A white substance 4/25/1950 #4897  
               At around 8:00 p.m. police and five other independent witnes 4/30/1950 #4917  
limp follows turnpike. Plays tag / police car. Away quickly going up. / D.  6/24/1951 #5551  
         Three witnesses including police from Beausoleil, France in the Al 8/1/1951 #5592  
g east from bay. Dozens / calls to police.                                  9/19/1951 #5680  
ports the incident to the Security Police and the military UFO desk. The re 12/5/1951 #5805  
 Chicago 5:45 p.m. Three Air Force police officers of the 83rd Air Base Squ 6/29/1952 #6666  
d M/Sgt Joseph R. Bosh, 6520th Air Police Squadron, at Hanscom Field, Bedfo 7/1/1952 #6689  
oma Sidney Eubank went to the Enid police station and told Sergeant Vern Be 7/29/1952 #7312  
 Eubank went to the Enid, Oklahoma police station and told Sergeant Vern Be 7/29/1952 #7334  
een by ground observers, including police. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 8/1952 #7384  
 NEWPORT, RI Many calls going [to] police. 2 small orange disks maneuver ba 8/24/1952 #7701  
                       Atlanta, GA Police watched maneuvering UFO. [UFOE, V 8/28/1952 #7770  
  FAIRFAX, VA 4 blazing discs over police station/depot/facility after disp 9/21/1952 #7992  
                Fairfax County, VA Police observed 3-4 UFOs maneuvering err 9/22/1952 #8006  
 but report came via the Rochester Police Dept. Two flat objects hovered fo 9/29/1952 #8059  
nd. At 3:55 p.m. GMT the Rochester Police Department received a report that 9/29/1952 #8064  
    WEST / NICHOLS, SC 20 calls to police. Silver saucer whirls and rises a 11/16/1952 #8285  
f St. Louis and arranges for local police surveillance “to minimize the pos 4/1953 #8806  
re 13 inches in size, are found by police. Possible hoax.                   7/1/1953 #8982  
 each side, that were found by the police.                                  7/1/1953 #8983  
square 36 cm in side were found by police.                                  7/2/1953 #8986  
             LE PUY-EN-VELAY, FR 2 police. Large red saucer leaves (somethi 8/19/1953 #9082  
                 CHILOQUIN, OREGON Police chief / (seen thru) binoculars an 9/11/1953 #9159  
                     Chiloquin, OR Police Chief, others, watched top-like U 9/11/1953 #9160  
y with a blue-green lightning. The police found broken bushes as evidence o 12/1953 #9327  
akehurst], Toms River, New Jersey, police chief Richard Clement, police off 1/1/1954 #9437  
sey, police chief Richard Clement, police officer Oliver G. Osborne, and ot 1/1/1954 #9437  
at very high speed directly to the police station. The next day, Martinez a 4/10/1954 #9681  
 the night of May 4th, 1954, three police officers in Canfield, Ohio watche 5/4/1954 #9748  
 ZURICH, SWITZ 50 calls going [to] police. Saucer circles city / 20 minute( 6/11/1954 #9889  
from sight. The women notified the police after the encounter and according 8/20/1954 #10158  
ter the encounter and according to police officials both women were of soun 8/20/1954 #10158  
ectacle has lasted 45 minutes. Two police officers and an Army engineer als 8/23/1954 #10170  
the town of Kirkland Lake, Ontario Police Constable Grabovski saw a shiny o 8/31/1954 #10221  
     Ten witnesses including three police officers saw a disc-shaped object 9/5/1954 #10257  
were noted by French Air Force and police on the ballast.                   9/10/1954 #10284  
 must have weighed 30 tons. French police and the French Air Force investig 9/10/1954 #10286  
 must have weighed 30 tons. French police and the French Air Force investig 9/10/1954 #10288  
ight. Strange traces were found by police. The creature was dressed in shin 9/14/1954 #10297  
ight. Unusual traces were found by police. The being was dressed in shiny c 9/14/1954 #10302  
amed Fr. Myard, the local chief of police, a Dr. Mariani, a businessman nam 9/18/1954 #10348  
 policemen, four U.S. Marine Corps police, one highway patrolman.  One red- 9/21/1954 #10381  
 policemen, four U.S. Marine Corps police, and a California highway patrolm 9/21/1954 #10386  
 Dhubri, India A woman reported to police she had seen a luminous disk leav 10/1/1954 #10555  
n Dhubri, Assam, India reported to police that she had seen a luminous disc 10/1/1954 #10571  
Lacotte) independently reported to police that a luminous disk about 3 m in 10/2/1954 #10604  
Lacotte) independently reported to police that a luminous disc about three  10/2/1954 #10613  
estigation by French Air Force and police.                                  10/4/1954 #10697  
ed. The French Air Force and local police investigate and learn there are o 10/4/1954 #10698  
estigation by French Air Force and police.                                  10/4/1954 #10710  
te and La Neuville. In a report to police, he stated he saw a hairy dwarf w 10/5/1954 #10728  
le at 7:15 a.m. In a report to the police, he stated he saw a hairy dwarf w 10/5/1954 #10740  
PPER AUSTRIA Thousands / reports / police. 4 luminous objects over town. /  10/8/1954 #10805  
nd calcined. Samples were taken by police officials for analysis.           10/11/1954 #10926  
ed. Soil samples were taken by the police for analysis.                     10/11/1954 #10942  
eys) / road! Vanish and truck AOK. Police inquiry.                          10/13/1954 #10993  
r flattened object 30 feet long. A police investigation was conducted.      10/18/1954 #11218  
. Man / white in space-suit exits. Police inquire.                          10/19/1954 #11230  
lees with a soft whirring sound. A police investigation finds a spot of oil 10/19/1954 #11243  
His report was investigated by the police.                                  10/19/1954 #11246  
 from insomnia after the incident. Police reportedly found mysterious footp 10/19/1954 #11252  
dlights were burned out." Thorough police investigation failed to identify  10/21/1954 #11299  
lights were burned out. " Thorough police investigation failed to identify  10/21/1954 #11308  
g numerous UFO sightings, issues a police order prohibiting “The overflight 10/25/1954 #11391  
t vanished. Investigation by local police.                                  10/29/1954 #11478  
ation of the incident by the local police.                                  10/29/1954 #11481  
 and he thought about going to the police to report it. He felt like runnin 11/2/1954 #11539  
Ponce sees them and runs to find a police station. Gonzáles recovers in tim 11/28/1954 #11722  
nded but manages to stagger to the police station. A doctor at the emergenc 11/28/1954 #11722  
work in the fields. His family and police fail to find him. On December 10, 12/9/1954 #11786  
A passing motorist takes them to a police station, their clothes torn and s 12/9/1954 #11788  
 When they tell their story to the police, it is obvious that their shirts  12/9/1954 #11788  
try to grab boy. Report going [to] police. / r112p104.                      12/10/1954 #11792  
 When they told their story to the police it was obvious that their shirts  12/10/1954 #11798  
dings in the city center. Chief of Police Col. Carlos Assunção sees a “redd 12/14/1954 #11807  
any reports including several from police witnesses.                        12/19/1954 #11839  
se he found himself driving to the police station without remembering what  3/1955 #12021  
ute standoff. Hunnicut goes to the police station and returns with Police C 5/25/1955 #12159  
he police station and returns with Police Chief John K. Fritz. No trace of  5/25/1955 #12159  
seconds then immediately drives to police headquarters to report the incide Late 6/1955 #12211  
n about 6 minutes later. The Larne police suspect that the lights are flare 8/1955 #12310  
Switzerland Waldibrücke Eschenbach Police from Luzern, Switzerland, investi 8/1955 #12311  
s car. Silent. 2 observer(s) go to police.                                  8/1/1955 #12313  
ts, who went straight to the Arles police.                                  8/1/1955 #12314  
tnesses went straight to the Arles police.                                  8/1/1955 #12320  
into a passage. Suddard alerts the police, but they find nothing.           8/16/1955 #12364  
of ammunition, the Suttons got the police, who observed a lighted object in 8/21/1955 #12385  
ille to report the incident to the police. A state patrolman leaves the Sha 8/21/1955 #12386  
 City, county, state, and military police and reporters drive out to the Su 8/21/1955 #12386  
ark writes that investigations by “police, Air Force officers from nearby F 8/21/1955 #12386  
o observes that “the four military police who accompanied the police office 8/21/1955 #12386  
ilitary police who accompanied the police officers on the night of the even 8/21/1955 #12386  
s fled their farmhouse and got the police, who observed a lighted object in 8/21/1955 #12387  
 Hopkinsville, Kentucky. After the police had searched the Sutton farm and  8/22/1955 #12391  
eplies that the “CIA shall have no police, subpoena, law- enforcement power 9/20/1955 #12463  
                      Williams, FL Police, others saw as many as six oval-s 11/2/1955 #12543  
 authorities are alerted. Military Police Cpl. Ben Elliot observes the glow 1/15/1956 #12661  
                               Two police officers, Perkins and Williams, i 4/16/1956 #12811  
                               Two police watched four 30 meter diameter di 5/15/1956 #12849  
 radar, observed visually by state police as a “teardrop shaped” light sour 7/19/1956 #12990  
dar and visually observed by State Police as it erratically moved about the 7/19/1956 #12991  
                     At 11:00 a.m. police in Escuintla, Guatemala sighted a 7/21/1956 #13001  
from/between green. Many reports / police.                                  8/6/1956 #13052  
 Center] 10:45 p.m. UFO reports by police and civilians around Merced, Cali 10/7/1956 #13266  
 sightings for several days. State police chased UFO, Air Force jets scramb 11/24/1956 #13346  
rol and Warning Squadron 4:30 a.m. Police radio at Hot Springs, South Dakot 11/25/1956 #13352  
e, South Dakota on highway 34, two police officers sight a UFO that plays a 11/25/1956 #13353  
 up, down, sideways, and hovers. A police car approaches it, but the car lo 12/1/1956 #13380  
ddish UFO caused interference on a police radio while being observed.       12/1/1956 #13381  
                       Burbank, CA Police received many calls about oval-sh 2/13/1957 #13501  
bject were made by a GOC observer, police, and Oxnard AFB personnel.        3/23/1957 #13558  
ive minutes, and was followed by a police investigation.                    4/22/1957 #13613  
nd and four little men nearby. The police found lavalike fragments at the s 5/10/1957 #13652  
 fast. Red flame / rear. 90° turn! Police report made.                      10/10/1957 (approximate) #14088  
exas "...a number of motorists and police officers in different localities  11/2/1957 #14221  
car lights and spotlight dimmed as police pursued low-flying UFO (NICAP: 03 11/4/1957 #14272  
teady dit-dit-dit" interference on police radio during UFO sighting (NICAP: 11/4/1957 #14274  
                  Elmwood Park, IL Police and witness saw red-orange cigar- 11/4/1957 #14277  
       DECATUR, MI News-editor and police chief and cops and hundreds. Stra 11/5/1957 (approximate) #14293  
                      BEAUMONT, TX Police Captain and 5 cops and reporter.  11/5/1957 #14295  
the US. Later Schmidt brings local police to view the landing site, where t 11/5/1957 #14343  
 and moves west to east. Woodstock police officers and another individual i 11/5/1957 #14346  
ence (RFI). Silver sphere hovers / police station/depot/facility. / r141.   11/6/1957 #14374  
                      Danville, IL Police chased UFO, unable to notify head 11/6/1957 #14395  
luding Mrs. Maty Home, reported to police that a diskshaped object followed 11/8/1957 #14480  
ng Mrs. Maty Home, reported to the police that a disc-shaped object followe 11/8/1957 #14491  
eping caused radio interference as police chased UFO. TV blackout in city,  11/10/1957 #14518  
d and there is interference on the police radio while the object is in view 11/10/1957 #14525  
UFO sighted. Sighting confirmed by police (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)           12/3/1957 #14665  
il the object passes out of sight. Police say the object stalled as many as 12/8/1957 #14692  
 Trans-Canada Airlines pilot, many police, saw orange oval UFO curving rapi 12/12/1957 #14719  
                    Miami, Florida Police detective Faustin Gallegos and hi 2/28/1958 #14898  
ut it evaporates on the way to the police station.                          2/28/1958 #14898  
rea in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania. Police officers Joseph Scala and Emanuel Early 4/1958 #14959  
 bright disc for 10 minutes. Their police radio malfunctions. They try to g Early 4/1958 #14959  
ng up and down [to] and maneuvers. Police radio malfunctions due to EME (el 4/3/1958 #14961  
                 Newport Beach, CA Police watched two UFOs with flashing bo 4/7/1958 #14964  
 J. Machado, wired the Tupancireta police, and all saw the objects coming t 4/17/1958 #14994  
 J. Machado, wired the Tupancireta police and all saw the UFOs come to grou 4/17/1958 #14995  
                      Westwood, NJ Police reported a circular, orange UFO w 8/24/1958 #15223  
                        Aurora, IL Police reported several yellowish UFOs m 10/12/1958 #15339  
s). Bright orange triangle stops / police station/depot/facility. Many dots 10/23/1958 #15369  
 the Ground Observer Corps and the police. Police Cpl. Kenneth Hartmann and 10/26/1958 #15385  
und Observer Corps and the police. Police Cpl. Kenneth Hartmann and Patrolm 10/26/1958 #15385  
ver to stop. They went back to the police station, and the dispatcher also  10/28/1958 #15395  
west fast. Lights / rim pulsate. / police report.                           11/27/1958 #15459  
                      Dunellen, NJ Police witnesses, vehicle encounter, ver 12/20/1958 #15485  
                      Dunellen, NJ Police witnesses, vehicle encounter (NIC 12/20/1958 #15486  
nd Talada of the Dunellen Township police department in Middlesex County, N 12/20/1958 #15490  
-shaped UFO came directly at their police cruiser. The UFO came to an abrup 12/20/1958 #15490  
e confirmed by the Orting Chief of Police and by Public Information Officer 4/1/1959 #15686  
t passed over their home. Chief of Police, Fred Emard, told R. Gribble that 4/1/1959 #15686  
roups observed the object, and the police were called. The dense underbrush 8/13/1959 #15912  
                  At 9:30 p.m. two police officers on a pistol range in Bar 8/31/1959 #15945  
bout 4:55 a.m. In Redmond, Oregon, police officer Robert Dickerson sees a b 9/24/1959 #15987  
 Class Larry W. Rogers, 3926th Air Police Squadron K-9, states he saw a hal 1960 #16145  
               Red Bluff, CA State Police encounter with highly ma-neuverab 4/13/1960 #16226  
               Red Bluff, CA State Police encounter with highly maneuverabl 4/13/1960 #16227  
er about an elusive UFO that local police in Walkerton, Ontario, have been  Summer 1960 #16313  
, mostly in north, including -many police witnesses. (NICAP UFOE, XII) (NIC 8/13/1960 #16377  
                     Red Bluff, CA Police, vehicle encounter, light beam, E 8/13/1960 #16378  
cs, then heads east, chased by the police car. It is joined by a similar ob 8/13/1960 #16380  
nty, California twice approached a police car at close range. Police office 8/13/1960 #16381  
ached a police car at close range. Police officers Scott and Carson were 18 8/13/1960 #16381  
 experienced heavy static on their police radio, and the UFO swerved to avo 8/13/1960 #16381  
onica, California West Los Angeles police station Santa Monica Boulevard an 9/15/1960 #16449  
calls it into the West Los Angeles police station. Desk Officer Don Anderso 9/15/1960 #16449  
t to shoot at the object but other police prevent him. After 3 hours, the o 6/5/1961 #16721  
 and going quickly [to] very fast. Police report.                           7/7/1961 #16748  
, 11 miles away, where they find a police officer, who listens to the story Late 11/1961 #16978  
it of them. The lights go out, the police officer drives away, and the four Late 11/1961 #16978  
rough the doors only to see an air police sentry with a sub-machine gun gua 1962 #17012  
 road leading to La Bajada. As the police were driving to the scene, they s 1/8/1962 #17016  
hanger he was approached by an air police sentry with a sub-machine gun. Be 4/1962 #17093  
 of La Plata, Argentina phoned the police and the newspapers on this night  6/21/1962 #17241  
ory to Lt. Wilson Lisbõa, chief of police at Diamantina, who conducts a sea 8/17/1962 #17336  
evious cases) testified before the police that while working in a field, he 8/20/1962 #17347  
issolved, everything had vanished. Police investigation, headed by Lieutena 8/20/1962 #17347  
afra da Silva testified before the police that while working in a field in  8/20/1962 #17349  
vanished including his father. The police investigation, headed by Lieutena 8/20/1962 #17349  
 the water. Another witness called police. The luminous object took off a f 9/15/1962 #17400  
 water. Another witness called the police. The luminous object took off a f 9/15/1962 #17404  
                    WESTWOOD, NJ 2 police. Huge cone object with pointed en 9/18/1962 #17410  
   Hawthorne (7 counties near), NJ Police from seven counties reported seei 9/28/1962 #17444  
                         Delta, CO Police dispatcher saw round glowing obje 10/25/1962 #17494  
s the sighting to a colleague, the police, and the press, and soon loses hi 12/18/1962 #17593  
rass and evidence of intense heat. Police investigation. A whitish powder w 1/31/1963 #17646  
dence of intense heat. There was a police investigation, during which a whi 1/31/1963 #17647  
er 13-year-old son reported to the police that, after the house lights blac 5/7/1963 #17735  
er 13-year-old son reported to the police that, after the lights blacked ou 5/7/1963 #17736  
ve landed in the vicinity of Lyle. Police searched an area over 3 km wide o 6/4/1963 #17776  
g into the sky from a nearby town. Police searched the area for 3 miles on  6/4/1963 #17777  
                     Sunnyvale, CA Police officer, many others, observed a  9/26/1963 #17956  
                    At 4:20 a.m. a police officer and eight others in Sunny 9/26/1963 #17957  
entually flies away. The next day, police find large footprints near the ab 10/12/1963 #17987  
object with legs seen on ground by police officer, left imprints and scorch 4/24/1964 #18196  
und 5:50 p.m. Socorro, New Mexico, police officer Lonnie Zamora, while chas 4/24/1964 #18200  
akes place in less than 2 minutes. Police Sgt. M. S. Chavez arrives, and th 4/24/1964 #18200  
Jr., who has heard about it on the police radio, speaks with Zamora in the  4/24/1964 #18200  
 Capt. Richard T. Holder. Military police arrive and collect samples, worki 4/24/1964 #18200  
                                   Police officer Lonnie Zamora was parked  4/24/1964 #18202  
desert behind a rise. He drove his police cruiser over the rise and saw an  4/24/1964 #18202  
 return to town and call the state police, who notify the military. Almost  4/25/1964? #18205  
 imprints were found, according to Police Capt. Martin Vigil.               4/26/1964 #18208  
s gone the next morning, but state police (including Capt. Martin E. Vigil, 4/26/1964 #18209  
 imprints were found, according to Police Capt. Martin Vigil. Also on the s 4/26/1964 #18211  
Tipton, IN 10:15 p.m. Citizens and police officers called to the scene, wit 5/17/1964 #18276  
color, apparently interfering with police radio. lt went down toward the no 5/17/1964 #18277  
color, apparently interfering with police radio. It went down toward the no 5/17/1964 #18278  
o was taken. He tells the Carlisle police, who are puzzled. Kodak is intrig 5/24/1964 #18297  
                                   Police Chief Richard Crawford of Elmore, 6/12/1964 #18348  
balming fluid" was noticeable when police arrived. The next day, witnesses  7/7/1964 #18397  
se at treetop level. He called the police, who also reported seeing the obj 9/15/1964 #18555  
garments, and leave no footprints. Police officers conduct a search with lo 1/26/1965 #18769  
 group then contacted the Staunton police, and within an hour a group of po 1/26/1965 #18770  
ice, and within an hour a group of police were on the scene, as well as a y 1/26/1965 #18770  
e said to have been taken by local police officers.                         2/21/1965 #18825  
eft behind at the antenna, but air police cannot locate the men. Pennsylvan 3/2/1965 #18832  
locate the men. Pennsylvania State Police assist in a search of the area. A 3/2/1965 #18832  
arch by both military and civilian police ensued. Sixteen hours later a sta 3/5/1965 #18844  
ported another disk-shaped device. Police investigation disclosed damaged t 5/23/1965 #18953  
nd landing on a hilltop. The Lujan police sent a patrol, under Comm. Osvald 5/24/1965 #18960  
nd landing on a hilltop. The Lujan police sent a patrol, under Comm. Osvald 5/24/1965 #18965  
      Bougainville Reef, Australia Police statement (interview); Bougainvil 5/28/1965 #18969  
                     Sunnyvale, CA Police lieutenant and officer saw hoveri 7/6/1965 #19074  
                     Sunnyvale, CA Police lieutenant and officer saw hoveri 7/8/1965 #19082  
                                 A police lieutenant named Haag and fellow  7/8/1965 #19083  
e lieutenant named Haag and fellow police officer in Sunnyvale, California  7/8/1965 #19083  
AFB 1:05 a.m. Wynnewood, Oklahoma, police officer Lewis Sikes, 29, reports  7/31/1965 #19220  
fter 1:00 a.m. There were numerous police sightings of a multicolored objec 7/31/1965 #19222  
 visual sightings of UFOs, many by police and highway patrol troopers from  8/1/1965 #19243  
 Kansas Hedgerow Night. Two rookie police officers in Caldwell, Kansas, spe 8/1/1965 #19246  
ke. Extensive investigation by the police led to negative results.          8/2/1965 #19261  
, Texas, where he locates Chief of Police Peter McCollum. Together they sea 8/2/1965 #19266  
and. An extensive investigation by police finds no traces.                  8/2/1965 #19268  
ke. Extensive investigation by the police led to negative results.          8/2/1965 #19271  
                         Cocoa, FL Police Observe Four Objects In Diamond F 8/3/1965 #19284  
 blue light thought it came from a police car, then was passed by a huge, o 8/4/1965 #19312  
at first it might have come from a police car, but then a huge, orange obje 8/4/1965 #19324  
                       ATLANTA, GA Police lines jammed. Glow saucer spins a 8/9/1965 #19345  
uncle, an official in the Peruvian police, who informed reporters.          8/9/1965 #19350  
 gives a sample of it to the state police, who turn it over to Capt. James  8/19/1965 #19427  
AKIA Hundreds complain of UFO's to police. Red and black orbs over villages 9/1/1965 #19489  
  Damon, TX Dark Grey Disc Shadows Police Car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 9/3/1965 #19502  
 New Hampshire A young man and two Police officers observed five lights in  9/3/1965 #19505  
und beneath object and interior of police car.  Driver felt heat on his lef 9/3/1965 #19508  
l object at low level, verified by police, row of bright pulsating red ligh 9/3/1965 #19509  
) Kensington, New Hampshire Exeter police station Route 150 Pease AFB [now  9/3/1965 #19511  
d 1:00 a.m. Exeter, New Hampshire, Police Officer Eugene F. Bertrand Jr. co 9/3/1965 #19511  
scarello gets a ride to the Exeter police station, pale and shaken, and rep 9/3/1965 #19511  
of the others. In the daytime, the police station calls Pease AFB [now Peas 9/3/1965 #19511  
rm the incident. By 1:00 p.m., 2–4 police officers arrive to interview the  9/3/1965 #19511  
the object and the interior of the police car, and the object casts a shado 9/3/1965 #19512  
dependent witnesses as well as two police officers watched a dark object wi 9/3/1965 #19516  
     Silverton, S. Africa Multiple police, landing, traces. (#214) (NICAP:  9/16/1965 #19571  
etoria, South Africa Constables in police van encountered domed disc on hig 9/16/1965 #19573  
highway in South Africa when their police van headlights suddenly illuminat 9/16/1965 #19574  
       Pretoria, South Africa. Two police officer witnesses in an approachi 9/16/1965 #19575  
Aldridge then drove off to get the police, but when they returned they coul 11/24/1965 #19734  
                                   Police constable Edward Pinnock on foot  11/30/1965 #19743  
      On this night Sr. Jaime, the police commissioner's son in Estacion Pa 12/13/1965 #19767  
ous man" walking along the tracks. Police report.                           12/16/1965 #19773  
ingstoke, England at 7:45 p.m. two police officers, J. Harwood and B. Gibbo 12/16/1965 #19776  
T. Hearing a high-pitched whine, a police constable turned to investigate a 1/7/1966 #19811  
ilmslow Cheshire England 4:10 a.m. Police Constable Colin Perks is checking 1/7/1966 #19813  
        Wanaque, NJ 6:20 p.m. EST. Police and citizens reported first a bri 1/11/1966 #19826  
       Beginning at 6:20 p.m. EST, police and citizens reported first a bri 1/11/1966 #19829  
red, maneuvered over area, seen by police and citizens. Tracked on Air Forc 2/11/1966 #19897  
 for four minutes, and was seen by police as well as civilians. It was also 2/11/1966 #19898  
len Hynek. Menzel calls the Exeter police officers “hysterical subjects,” a 2/27/1966 #19925  
        LaCross, WI 9:30 p.m. CST. Police and citizens saw two bluish-green 3/13/1966 #19957  
e counties and out over Lake Erie. Police from five jurisdictions are invol 3/14/1966 #19966  
 3:50 a.m. in Dexter, Michigan two police officers, Bushroe and Foster, saw 3/14/1966 #19967  
oungstown, OH Time not reported. A police officer and other witnesses saw a 3/15/1966 #19970  
                 Milan, Michigan A police officer observed an object in the 3/17/1966 #19982  
s audible. He tried to contact the police headquarters, but his radio trans 3/17/1966 #19982  
         Milan, Michigan 4:25 a.m. Police Sgt. Neil Schneider and Deputy Da 3/17/1966 #19983  
                                 A police officer in Milan, Michigan observ 3/17/1966 #19986  
s audible. He tried to contact the police headquarters, but his radio trans 3/17/1966 #19986  
            LaPorte, In Dawn, EST. Police and others saw a round luminous y 3/19/1966 #19992  
    In the pre-dawn hours of 1966, police and others in La Porte, Indiana s 3/19/1966 #19995  
rilliant white light as it paced a police car. It was described as having h 3/19/1966 #19995  
ter, NH 10:00 p.m.- 2:40 a.m. EST. Police and citizens saw an egg-shaped ob 3/20/1966 #20005  
and other reports disappeared from police headquarters. Then, everyone in t 3/21/1966 #20014  
William Van Horn, who arrives with police. From the dormitory, the landed l 3/21/1966 #20021  
                                 A police officer investigated a vertically 3/21/1966 #20023  
me power lines at 10:00 p.m. Other police soon arrived, and described the o 3/21/1966 #20023  
media frenzy. He participates in a police UFO chase that turns out to be th 3/23/1966 #20053  
                 That same night a police reservist in Monroe Township, New 3/24/1966 #20074  
ut inside it. He chased the UFO to police headquarters before it disappeare 3/24/1966 #20074  
 King, 22, working with the Bangor Police Department, suddenly saw above hi 3/25/1966 #20079  
22, working with the Bangor, Maine Police Department, suddenly saw above hi 3/25/1966 #20084  
al UFOs land in a field behind the police station in Hamilton, Ontario, Can 3/26/1966 #20094  
umbus, GA Control tower personnel, police. Radar-visual sighting of maneuve 3/27/1966 #20100  
                        LINDEN, MI Police chief and more/others. Red blue a 3/28/1966 #20103  
                      The chief of police in Linden, Michigan saw red, blue 3/28/1966 #20119  
 Around 3 a.m. in Warren, Michigan police received over thirty phone calls  3/28/1966 #20119  
                 Hamilton Mountain Police Station Hamilton, Ontario 9:15 p. 3/29/1966 #20140  
field behind the Hamilton Mountain Police Station in Hamilton, Ontario. He  3/29/1966 #20140  
O AND SENECA CO Hundreds / calls / police. Saucers and more/others all goin 3/30/1966 #20152  
 ocean. At about the same time the police station in Oswego, New York recei 3/30/1966 #20166  
g leaves the road and hits a tree. Police find a circular impression about  4/4/1966 #20224  
ere seen near it. When the service police approached, the beings got back i 4/4/1966 #20226  
                                 A police officer in New Hampshire stopped  4/11/1966 #20285  
Kalamazoo, MI Time not reported. A police officer and other witnesses saw a 4/13/1966 #20293  
d and green lights. (NICAP report; police department form.)' (NICAP: 01 - D 4/13/1966 #20293  
0:44 p.m. in Weston, Massachusetts police were called to investigate two re 4/16/1966 #20304  
e game with the UFO. Through local police dispatch the officers alerted the 4/17/1966 #20305  
hased UFO across state line, other police witnesses en route. Object shot s 4/17/1966 #20317  
 have heard of a UFO reported over police radio that night and figure this  4/17/1966 #20318  
he pursuit is being broadcast over police radios in three counties. As they 4/17/1966 #20318  
00 mph. Just before 5:30 a.m., two police officers in Salem, Ohio, see the  4/17/1966 #20318  
erve planes from Youngstown, Ohio. Police officer Frank Panzarella in Conwa 4/17/1966 #20318  
nd disappears. In 30 minutes, many police and civilians have seen the UFO.  4/17/1966 #20318  
lerts the Rochester, Pennsylvania, police operator, John Beighey, and asks  4/17/1966 #20318  
the Air Force wants to talk to the police witnesses. Spaur, Neff, and Husto 4/17/1966 #20318  
go to the Rochester, Pennsylvania, police station and Spaur phones the USAF 4/17/1966 #20318  
ssociates have interviewed all the police officers, as well as several othe 4/17/1966 #20318  
 of the chase and/or had monitored police scanners.                         4/17/1966 #20318  
ion into the Portage County, Ohio, police chase case. Initially they teleph 4/18/1966 #20331  
the wind had been so mild that the police would have had no difficulty catc 4/18/1966 #20331  
n, MA 12:15 a.m. EST. Citizens and police called to the scene to investigat 4/19/1966 #20339  
ling and hovering. They called the police. Two officers arrived and saw the 4/22/1966 #20371  
object flew away to the southwest. Police described the object as plate-sha 4/22/1966 #20371  
erly, Massachusetts, including two police officers, see a platter-shaped ob 4/22/1966 #20375  
o writes to Stanton, defending the police officers’ judgment and characteri Late 4/1966 #20416  
otorist made a statement to Naples police about his car being approached fr 5/6/1966 #20453  
eft and disappeared. (NICAP notes, police statement in Donald E. Keyhoe Arc 5/6/1966 #20453  
otorist made a statement to Naples police about his car being approached fr 5/6/1966 #20455  
                    Portage County police headquarters in Ravenna, Ohio Wei 5/9/1966 #20469  
 Ohio Weitzel is at Portage County police headquarters in Ravenna, Ohio, to 5/9/1966 #20469  
nown object exploded. According to police, a sulphurous odor and a trace 25 5/10/1966 #20472  
to an earthquake. According to the police, a sulphurous odor and a hole in  5/10/1966 #20476  
 Gainesville, FL University campus police saw a round glowing object with o 5/23/1966 #20508  
ico. His sighting was confirmed by Police Patrolman Gallegos and Dorothy Lo 6/23/1966 #20600  
     Richmond, VA 3:30 a.m. EDT. A police officer on patrol saw a hovering  6/24/1966 #20605  
ccelerated and sped away. Separate police witnesses observed a UFO in the s 6/24/1966 #20605  
nded by mist or vapor, observed by police officer, led him on cat-and-mouse 6/24/1966 #20607  
                                   Police officer William L. Stevens had a  6/24/1966 #20608  
y a game of cat and mouse with his police cruiser. "It seemed to be playing 6/24/1966 #20608  
on again and the object takes off. Police turn up other witnesses, but Ital 7/13/1966 #20644  
ange being, 1.80 m tall, was seen. Police report.                           7/31/1966 #20701  
y, MD 12:30 a.m. EDT. Citizens and police in College Park, Lanham, Bowie, S 8/1/1966 #20715  
ast-moving lighted objects. When a police officer approached a hovering obj 8/1/1966 #20715  
er. Andrews AFB denied to a County police dispatcher that they had any unkn 8/1/1966 #20715  
    At 12:30 a.m. EDT citizens and police in College Park, Lanham, Bowie, S 8/1/1966 #20719  
ast-moving lighted objects. When a police officer approached a hovering obj 8/1/1966 #20719  
which was also observed by another police officer. Andrews AFB denied to a  8/1/1966 #20719  
er. Andrews AFB denied to a County police dispatcher that they had any unkn 8/1/1966 #20719  
    Niteroi, Brazil A woman called police to report a luminous object risin 8/20/1966 #20778  
ll with difficult terrain, and the police are unable to reach the bodies un 8/20/1966 #20779  
il August 21. When a small team of police and firefighters arrive, they enc 8/20/1966 #20779  
 or struggle. Next to the corpses, police find an empty water bottle and a  8/20/1966 #20779  
cazes. Following an investigation, police reconstruct a plausible narrative 8/20/1966 #20779  
Janeiro, Brazil a woman called the police to report a luminous object risin 8/20/1966 #20782  
                 El Campo, Texas A police officer was driving at nearly 200 9/1966 #20823  
ire, Wisconsin. It was observed by police and a newspaper reporter. At 11:2 9/7/1966 #20862  
                                   Police constable Dack and two others wit 9/18/1966 #20895  
       Deadwood, SD 3:00 a.m. CDT. Police from several vantage points saw a 9/22/1966 #20913  
  Deadwood, South Dakota 3:00 a.m. Police from several vantage points in De 9/22/1966 #20915  
       Anderson, IN 2:00 a.m. EDT. Police sighted a white ball of light sur 9/30/1966 #20938  
mmittee report; NICAP report form; police department report). (NICAP: 02 -  9/30/1966 #20938  
FO reports from military bases and police forces.                           10/1966 #20945  
        Wanaque, NJ 9:15 p.m. EDT. Police officers observed a spherical obj 10/10/1966 #20980  
e (New Jersey) Reservoir 9:15 p.m. Police Sgt. Benjamin Thompson of the Wan 10/10/1966 #20982  
the Wanaque (New Jersey) Reservoir Police watches a bright light performing 10/10/1966 #20982  
                      At 9:15 p.m. police officers Pastro and Thompson at W 10/10/1966 #20985  
are turn maneuver. The sighting by Police Sgt. Thompson lasted for three mi 10/11/1966 #20993  
  SOUTH / FORT DUCHESNE, UT Tribal police / (seen thru) binoculars. 2 night 10/24/1966 #21033  
Fubara, Italy. It carried flashing police type lights on its top and bottom 11/10/1966 #21088  
o windows. It was gone by the time police arrived. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Mallett 11/16/1966 #21110  
    Gaffney, MA 4:00 a.m. EST. Two police officers saw a round, glowing obj 11/17/1966 #21115  
fney, South Carolina 4:00 a.m. Two police officers see a round, glowing obj 11/17/1966 #21117  
        In Gaffney, South Carolina police patrolmen A. G. Huskey and C. Hut 11/17/1966 #21119  
old color in the headlights of the police car. A small doorway opened noise 11/17/1966 #21119  
ly and deliberately toward the two police officers. When the figure reached 11/17/1966 #21119  
                  HAWKINSVILLE, GA Police chief and 3. Silent 12M grey disk 11/18/1966 #21120  
l witnesses including the chief of police saw a dark gray or black disc, wi 11/18/1966 #21122  
t in Point Pleasant, West Virginia police captain Paul Yoder and B. Enochs  11/18/1966 #21124  
 At 10:15 p.m. Richard West called police to report that a "batman" was sit 11/21/1966 #21132  
ucer chases 1 / car all the way to police station/depot/facility. Cops see  12/24/1966 #21216  
he Colorado project recommend that police squad cars carry cameras that can 1/5/1967 #21259  
an Finley of the Joplin, Missouri, police alerts fellow officers about an u 1/13/1967 #21298  
bject overhead. Pittsburg, Kansas, police dispatcher James Cunningham notif 1/13/1967 #21298  
mes Cunningham notifies the Joplin police that a UFO has been seen over Pit 1/13/1967 #21298  
eetown, he later reported to State Police, when a brilliant glowing white l 1/17/1967 #21329  
ton of Freetown, reported to State Police that a brightly lighted disc-shap 1/17/1967 #21330  
             HOUSTON, TX PhD and 8 police report(s). Glowing-boomerang / er 1/21/1967 #21362  
ard D. Barker of the Seymour State Police post reported he followed a huge  2/5/1967 #21455  
rman was a 33-year-old specialized police officer and qualified pilot. The  2/7/1967 #21475  
                                   Police officer D. E. Swider was driving  2/9/1967 #21492  
ide. Shoots going quickly south. / police report.                           2/10/1967 #21495  
     Putnam, CT 2:00 a.m. EST. Two police officers saw and pursued a large  2/19/1967 #21594  
Air Force uniform approached local police and other citizens who had sighte 3/1/1967 #21713  
                                   Police officer Courson of Galesburg, Ill 3/6/1967 #21779  
te, and had what were described as police cruiser lights on its bottom. It  3/7/1967 #21788  
             DETROIT, MI 8 calls / police. "Burning orange ovoid" over Ligg 3/8/1967 #21796  
spotted two UFOs in the afternoon. Police officer William Fisher said he wa 3/9/1967 #21832  
 IL 8:35 p.m. CST (9:35 p.m. EST). Police and others saw a glowing disc wit 3/9/1967 #21834  
     At 1:30 p.m. Moline, Illinois police officer Mr. Fisher, age 32, filme 3/9/1967 #21841  
es at Tillamook, Oregon, including police and sheriff’s deputies. Radar con 3/11/1967 #21859  
of a landing observation. At dawn, police and a Malmstrom AFB helicopter ma 3/24/1967 #21968  
s come in from this area. At dawn, police and a helicopter from Malmstrom A 3/24/1967 #21974  
 hidden from the highway. At dawn, police and a Malmstrom Air Force Base he 3/24/1967 #21975  
e min, 20 m above ground. Chief of Police Peter Mehan confirmed that the si 4/1/1967 #22041  
tchery, five witnesses including a police officer had a UFO encounter lasti 4/12/1967 #22127  
 drives to South Hill and contacts police. They return and find a kidney-sh 4/21/1967 #22194  
itness became afraid and ran away. Police found six prints at the site.     4/26/1967 #22223  
ed on local government militia and police forces, rather than the military. 5/1967 #22253  
over. Go going [to] cranberry bog. Police spots drive them away.            5/11/1967 #22312  
n like a yo-yo, and sped away when police shone a light at them (light reac 5/11/1967 #22315  
                 At 2:05 a.m. four police officers in Wareham, Massachusett 5/11/1967 #22318  
ke a yo-yo, and sped away when the police tried to shine a spotlight on it. 5/11/1967 #22318  
                       A pilot and police along with several other witnesse 5/15/1967 #22349  
th of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. As police approached the object the light w 6/25/1967 #22555  
 in Rapid City, South Dakota three police officers named Eisnach, Ferguson, 6/30/1967 #22579  
itizen’s arrest with a gun and the police booked the man before another man 7/3/1967 #22604  
er man in a “limousine” showed the police their credentials and he was rele 7/3/1967 #22604  
n all-night bowling alley, and two police officers, Frank Rakes and James O 7/4/1967 #22610  
ove into Coventry and notified the police, but by the time officers arrived 7/5/1967 #22613  
receiving the full report from the police, a field investigator examined th 7/5/1967 #22613  
ntry and reports the matter to the police but the object is gone when they  7/5/1967 #22615  
se, but Low proposes the Red Bluff police report of August 1960, which is f 7/6/1967 #22620  
ump but can see nothing. The local police do not take the incident seriousl 7/13/1967 #22656  
ident is investigated by the state police and highway patrol, who find only 7/13/1967 #22656  
making a sound like an "electronic police car siren." (Amos letter, 9/26/68 8/1967 #22768  
y quickly in a blinding light. The police note “sulfur odor and the dried g 8/29/1967 #22954  
 and blinking off and on randomly. Police radar reportedly suffered interfe 9/3/1967 #22987  
               Valencia, Venezuela Police Officer P. A. Andrade was on duty 9/4/1967 #22996  
     Valencia, Venezuela 5:10 a.m. Police officer P. A. Andrade is on duty  9/4/1967 #22997  
ic object in a field. He calls the police, who send it to the guided weapon 9/4/1967 #22998  
                      At 5:10 a.m. police officer P. A. Andrade was on duty 9/4/1967 #23000  
severe shock. At the landing site, police find some foul-smelling black mat 9/14/1967 #23060  
er the highway ahead of a pursuing police car. The object suddenly stopped, 9/25/1967 #23130  
lledgeville, GA 4:36 a.m. EDT. Two police officers reported that a bright r 10/20/1967 #23272  
nterior of their patrol car. Later police sightings that morning very possi 10/20/1967 #23272  
 car. Yellow rectangle hovers near police station/depot/facility.           10/22/1967 #23283  
     Newnan, GA 4:30 a.m. EDT. Two police officers saw a ball of white ligh 10/22/1967 #23284  
rleigh Devon England 4:00 a.m. Two police constables, Roger Willey and Clif 10/24/1967 #23304  
                  At 4:10 a.m. two police officers chased a pulsating brigh 10/24/1967 #23306  
dio Frequency Interference (RFI) / police radio. 15M metallic cylinder/ciga 10/27/1967 #23337  
 of the chassis. A second witness, police Lt. Glen G. Brunsell, sees a low- 10/27/1967 #23351  
ver the Bacup, Lancashire, England police station's short wave radio, so po 10/27/1967 #23355  
ice station's short wave radio, so police officer B. Earnshaw went outside  10/27/1967 #23355  
ng noise. At 4:15 a.m. six on-duty police officers in Glossop, Derbyshire,  10/27/1967 #23355  
at 3:00 a.m. It was witnessed by a police lieutenant and a civilian. It sho 10/27/1967 #23356  
nidentified newspaper clipping and police report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03  10/31/1967 #23375  
nvestigate at the request of local police. (Topeka Capital-Journal, Kans.,  11/4/1967 #23401  
tain Lorry driver Karl Farlow told police that as his lights and radio blac 11/5/1967 #23407  
     Truck driver Karl Farlow told police that at 11:30 p.m. his lights and 11/5/1967 #23408  
e unprocessed film to the Military Police. (NARA-PBB92-607) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 11/6/1967 #23412  
urgeon, and he and Farlow call the police from a nearby call box. The witne 11/6/1967 #23414  
Rees, who says that the October 24 police chase involved either aircraft or 11/8/1967 #23426  
t a humanoid creature described by police as a "mini-skirted" vampire repor 11/8/1967 #23428  
unty, NJ Bt. 3:30-4:00 a.m. EST. A police officer, who is also a private pi 11/19/1967 #23482  
ade the patrolman's head ache. His police car would not start and its light 11/28/1967 #23518  
 out, as well as the lights in the police booth, but they came back on as s 11/28/1967 #23518  
       Ashland, NE 2:30 a.m.CST. A police patrolman (Herbert Schirmer) saw  12/3/1967 #23540  
       Ashland, NE 2:30 a.m.CST. A police patrolman (Herbert Schirmer) saw  12/3/1967 #23541  
                 Ashland, Nebraska Police Officer Schirmer observed a brigh 12/3/1967 #23543  
te 63 Boulder, Colorado Early a.m. Police Sgt. Herbert Schirmer checks on r 12/3/1967 #23545  
ut of sight. He drives back to the police station and writes in the log boo 12/3/1967 #23545  
Herbert L. Schirmer, a 22-year-old police officer and military veteran, not 12/3/1967 #23547  
rs with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to do the actual investigations.  1968 #23630  
side of Brasília, Brazil 6:00 p.m. Police deputies Bias Fortes and Pinheiro 1/20/1968 #23682  
distance. He drives to the nearest police station to report the incident.   2/27/1968 #23787  
ulder, Colorado Boulder, Colorado, police arrest Colorado project officer J 3/1/1968 #23801  
 to the Ministry of Defence, while police reports are made to the Board of  6/11/1968 #24022  
cal woman phoned the Celano, Italy police station reporting that three huge 6/14/1968 #24034  
nd 19 — Night. Chief of Provincial Police German Rocha and Police Maj. Nice 6/15/1968 #24040  
Provincial Police German Rocha and Police Maj. Niceforo Léon observe a roun 6/15/1968 #24040  
gentina Night. Chief of Provincial Police German Rocha and Police Major Nic 6/16/1968 #24041  
Provincial Police German Rocha and Police Major Niceforo Leon observed a ro 6/16/1968 #24041  
oro, Argentina Chief of Provincial Police German Rocha and Police Major Nic 6/16/1968 #24042  
Provincial Police German Rocha and Police Major Niceforo Leon observed a ro 6/16/1968 #24042  
onsciousness. Neighbors, including police officers, saw the UFO maneuvering 6/19/1968 #24051  
 Calcinations traces were found by police. (Magonia #911, LDLN 95) (NICAP:  6/21/1968 #24064  
. Calcination traces were found by police.                                  6/21/1968 #24065  
. Calcination traces were found by police.                                  6/21/1968 #24067  
.m., five skeptical men (including Police Sgt. Raúl Coronel) from the Sierr 7/2/1968 #24131  
  Constable M. Michaud and another police officer in St. Thomas, Quebec, Ca 7/2/1968 #24136  
           Andacollo, Arg National Police officers saw disc with blue light 7/16/1968 #24182  
                At 12:15 a.m. five police, members of the National Gendarme 7/16/1968 #24183  
nd Around 12:00 midnight. Off-duty police constable Martyn Johnson is walki 7/22/1968 #24203  
 is awakened and told to report to police headquarters, where there are two 7/22/1968 #24203  
 was to be seen. There was a local police investigation.                    7/31/1968 #24272  
e residents turned her over to the police. She had somehow traveled from he 8/4/1968 #24297  
ds exited the landed craft. When a police office named A. Romero pointed hi 8/9/1968 #24313  
                 Wichita Falls, TX Police officer saw a huge ball of fire f 9/20/1968 #24489  
f about 20 people, including three police officers, who had their guns draw 11/21/1968 #24676  
 who had their guns drawn, and two police cars were parked nearby. After a  11/21/1968 #24676  
d light beam to the ground. When a police officer shined a spotlight at it, 11/27/1968 #24726  
                      WESTHOPE, ND Police CHF buzzed / 100' saucer. Blindin 3/10/1969 #24986  
light beam onto road, illuminating police chief's car. Finally ascended, fl 3/10/1969 #24988  
light beam onto road, illuminating police chief's car. Finally ascended, fl 3/10/1969 #24989  
e night a domed disc passed over a police car five miles west of Westhope,  3/10/1969 #24991  
d off vertically into the sky. The police officer, Mr. Janzen, reportedly f 3/10/1969 #24991  
        Mr. Herbert Lancaster told police that a saucer-shaped UFO landed i 3/17/1969 #25021  
ations at the site by the military police found no wreckage.                3/31/1969 #25041  
 hours missing time and abduction? Police report. / r41p533.                4/5/1969 #25050  
10:25 members of the Michigan City Police Department and Port Authority beg 6/20/1969 #25230  
s over a span of about two hours," Police Sgt. Lance M. Hilberg stated in h 6/20/1969 #25230  
 bed to look at the light. Ontario police officers Jack McKay and Grant Cha 7/13/1969 #25268  
ringdale, Arkansas. She called the police and Officer Ken Speedlin “discove 9/6/1969 #25354  
een all over/all about. Hundreds / police reports. / T. Vebos.              11/3/1969 #25451  
       In Saddle River, New Jersey police officers watched several pairs of 12/19/1969 #25507  
 5; see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 48 (L) police car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)       1/30/1970 #25562  
Going south to reservoir. NEARs as police beacon flashes.                   3/21/1970 #25603  
ão Aguiar of the Brazilian Federal police, see a metallic, domed disc resti 6/27/1970 #25714  
, heat felt. See Section V (E,R,L) police car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)       8/13/1970 #25780  
nmark Egg-shaped object approached police car, engine, lights, and radio fa 8/13/1970 #25781  
     Haderslev, Denmark 10:50 p.m. Police officer Evald Hansen Maarup is dr 8/13/1970 #25782  
 young son of a local high-ranking police official was returning from schoo 8/20/1970 #25799  
:00 p.m. in Bull Bridge, England a police headquarters office worker and he 11/21/1970 #25914  
ts from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Styles interviewed Lawrence Smit 11/25/1970 #25919  
                     WANTAGE, ENGL Police report. Flat-top dome. Windows an 12/7/1970 #25931  
ss by Brookhaven personnel, county police turned away by men in black jumps 1/1971 #25962  
orial Hospital. In a report to the police Dickson described the creature as 2/27/1971 #26034  
tnam veteran, told Alton, Illinois police that at 8:55 this evening a 50-fo 6/15/1971 #26176  
rints," which he wrote out for the police. The UFOnauts also invited him to 6/15/1971 #26176  
ts underside was received by state police. Charles P. Kenyon, 39, of New Wi 8/1/1971 #26260  
re, UK 2:30 a.m. The constabulary (police) station received a phone call at 8/16/1971 #26287  
have left marks in the ground, but police do not bother to follow up.       9/12/1971? #26330  
e reported the matter to the local police, but they did not take him seriou 9/22/1971 #26365  
rs. 20M domed saucer lights beach. Police car and radio electro-magnetic ef 9/24/1971 #26370  
PRO Bulletin, Mar.-Apr. 1972 (E,R) police car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)       9/24/1971 #26371  
          In Caleta Buena, Chile a police car engine and its two-way radio  9/24/1971 #26372  
eported his close encounter to the police, who sent him to SAMDU Hospital t 9/25/1971 #26379  
aze of light. Foreman went for the police.                                  9/30/1971 #26388  
                  At 4:30 a.m. two police in Walthamstow, England--Parker a 10/11/1971 #26419  
is night in Minnesota more than 15 police and sheriff deputies in five town 12/1/1971 #26483  
            Phoenixville, PA Three police officers reported observing a str 1/19/1972 #26549  
 around one o'clock in the morning police officer Williams of Loveland, Ohi 3/3/1972 #26587  
rge number of witnesses, including police officers, FAA officials, U.S. Coa 3/8/1972 #26591  
   On this night in Loveland, Ohio police officer Johnson's headlights pick 3/17/1972 #26607  
                                   Police and a separate witness in the Moj 5/9/1972 #26675  
                      At 3:00 a.m. police and a light plane chased an elusi 6/23/1972 #26728  
home, grabs a rifle, and calls the police. He shoots at the object, but the 6/26/1972 #26735  
have little effect. At 10:30 a.m., police sergeant Piet C. Kitching and war 6/26/1972 #26735  
 day, van Rensburg leads a team of police officers to the site, looking for 6/26/1972 #26735  
A. Vosloo, divisional commander of police for the Eastern Cape, takes soil  6/26/1972 #26735  
shaped UFO. He went and called the police, and at 9:00 a.m. Sergeant P. Kit 6/26/1972 #26736  
hed it for another hour before the police had to leave the area. Mr. Smith  6/26/1972 #26736  
ses / ground. Fire still burning / police arrive.                           7/5/1972 #26768  
ltitude. Going down [to] just over police car / 15 minute(s).               7/16/1972 #26803  
 suddenly and hovered just above a police cruiser. The entire incident last 7/16/1972 #26807  
overhead / 30 minute(s). 6 calls / police. Vanishes. (Newspaper acct.)      7/25/1972 #26831  
round, sighted by motorists. State Police in Elgin, the DuPage County Sheri 8/11/1972 #26896  
nty Sheriff's Office, and suburban police departments reportedly received c 8/11/1972 #26896  
            Reading, PA Three city police officers, including a sergeant, o 8/20/1972 #26938  
ude. Fuses Blown. Engine OK after. Police report.                           8/22/1972 #26948  
            Reading, PA Three city police officers, including a sergeant, o 8/29/1972 #26968  
       Three Reading, Pennsylvania police officers, including a sergeant, o 8/29/1972 #26969  
ury Evening News was in the Butler Police Station when a woman walked in. S 9/11/1972 #26987  
Burlington, CO A rural family, who police say are responsible people, repor 9/13/1972 #26990  
amily in Burlington, Colorado, who police said were responsible people, rep 9/13/1972 #26991  
mlin, Monmouthshire, Wales several police constables were sent to the scene 9/14/1972 #27001  
e over homes. No further details / police report.                           10/9/1972 #27061  
day, but Vincennes and Knox County police said they had no clues to its ide 10/9/1972 #27062  
s to its identity. Meanwhile, city police received a telephone can from a w 10/9/1972 #27062  
g and telephoned the base security police. He yelled that they needed help  10/14/1972 #27077  
d to communicate with the security police desk, but the radio would not wor 10/14/1972 #27077  
East Cape, South Africa Middelburg police station Tennis court adjacent to  11/12/1972 #27120  
imary school. At nearby Middelburg police station, Sgt. John Goosen and Con 11/12/1972 #27120  
dug up, so he calls the Middelburg police about it. Goosen and Brazelle res 11/12/1972 #27120  
die and appears scorched. District Police Commandant Col. B. J. van Heerden 11/12/1972 #27120  
ound 1:15 p.m., it is seen by five police officers on Kvamsøy. Norwegian Na 11/20/1972 #27129  
me in Kimba, they called the local police and a constable accompanied them  2/4/1973 #27270  
a member of the Air Force Security Police at RAF Bentwaters [now closed] ne 2/19/1973 #27298  
d. On March 20th Bushkill Township Police Chief Harold Kostenbader reported 3/1/1973 #27322  
ree hours many observers including police witnessed a procession of at leas 3/1/1973 #27324  
                        Milton, PA Police reportedly were swamped with call 3/15/1973 #27348  
             BUSH KILL, PA Chief / police and more/others. 3 silent saucers 3/21/1973 #27355  
e Ferndale sub-division told state police they observed a UFO with "flashin 4/29/1973 #27453  
sappears by growing smaller before police arrive at 1:45 a.m. Later searche 6/28/1973 #27598  
sk going [to] fast 600' over town. Police report. / r231'74.                7/3/1973 #27612  
louds. There were six calls to the police reporting the object. A balloon-s 7/17/1973 #27637  
n four grade-school students and a police officer in Ibague, Colombia saw f 8/10/1973 #27692  
ights witnessed by local and state police. (See separate chronology, sectio 8/31/1973 #27734  
           Savannah, GA A Savannah police officer saw “a large circular cra 9/8/1973 #27782  
                      Two military police, Burns and Shade, at Hunter Air F 9/8/1973 #27783  
                                 A police officer in Savannah, Georgia was  9/8/1973 #27785  
s and news team. Night lights over police headquarters. Photograph captures 9/9/1973 #27787  
  Around 4:00 a.m. Auburn, Alabama police officer Keith Broach had a close  9/9/1973 #27795  
lso witnessed by a Lanett, Alabama police officer.                          9/9/1973 #27795  
n by the armed forces and national police in a coup d’état with the covert  9/11/1973 #27801  
el D. Jenkins of the 96th Security Police Squadron is stationed at Dyess AF 10/1973 #27902  
rs housing nuclear weapons. Twelve police with M-16s are sent to the Weapon 10/1973 #27902  
 Michael D. Jenkins, 96th Security Police Squadron at Dyess AFB, TX worked  10/1973 #27903  
                 Polo, IL Evening. Police officer saw object over Mt. Morri 10/3/1973 #27924  
      CONNERSVILLE, IN 100+calls / police. Circle / lights makes fantastic  10/5/1973 #27942  
 p.m. Buzzing sound heard by some. Police received about 100 calls. Approx  10/5/1973 #27949  
f phone calls were received by the police in Connersville, Indiana about a  10/5/1973 #27953  
    Laurel, Mississippi Evening. A police officer near Laurel, Mississippi, 10/8/1973 #27966  
 of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, two police officers in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia 10/10/1973 #27982  
 low. A New Lebanon Township, Ohio police officer reported his sighting sho 10/10/1973 #27984  
            GREENFIELD, OH Call to police. UFO lands / farm. Cow missing. P 10/14/1973 #28021  
ce. UFO lands / farm. Cow missing. Police can't find farm.                  10/14/1973 #28021  
lliptical objects) by citizens and police. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/14/1973 #28026  
 reports made by both citizens and police from Union and Dayton in Montgome 10/14/1973 #28032  
ocations. Too many UFO report(s) / police to record.                        10/15/1973 #28037  
e phones a neighbor, who calls the police at 12:10 a.m. A few minutes later 10/16/1973 #28088  
                       Clinton, IL Police and citizens saw as many as eight 10/17/1973 #28120  
kville, AL Alleged humanoid photo. Police Chief Jeff Greenhaw photographed  10/17/1973 #28125  
ter 10:00 p.m. Falkville, Alabama, Police Chief Jeffrey Greenhaw responds t 10/17/1973 #28133  
Greenhaw turns on the red rotating police car light. The figure runs away a 10/17/1973 #28133  
             Later this same night Police Chief Jeff Greenhaw of Falkville, 10/17/1973 #28142  
She turned up four days later at a police station, and reported that she ha 10/20/1973 #28220  
ing. In the process of calling the police, she hears a loud, deep, booming  10/21/1973 #28228  
h of UFO sightings by citizens and police. Round, red-orange objects, rapid 10/24/1973 #28263  
by at least 50 citizens as well as police in Mount Airy, Surry County, Nort 10/24/1973 #28271  
 Guilford County, North Carolina a police officer driving on Highway 100 ha 10/24/1973 #28275  
he witness panic and jump into the police car and drive about 150 feet. Sta 10/25/1973 #28285  
r's farmhouse and called the state police. When the state trooper arrived h 10/25/1973 #28286  
       The Kingwood, West Virginia police chief and two fire tower observer 10/26/1973 #28297  
s night for hours. Willard Zinn, a police officer from Terra Alta, West Vir 10/26/1973 #28297  
vania. Many calls were made to the police about ape-like creatures seen in  11/1/1973 #28339  
thing, but Mrs. Beaudoin calls the police. Investigator Walter N. Webb find 11/2/1973 #28352  
      Midland, Pennsylvania Night. Police officers looking into reports of  11/2/1973 #28353  
Pennsylvania reported to the local police the sighting of a large, dark, ha 11/3/1973 #28364  
wing-object with portholes / edge. Police investigation. / r232'74.         1/2/1974 #28639  
20 miles to the north. They find a police station to report the incident an 1/3/1974 #28641  
.m. in rural Lake county Minnesota police officers Haugan and Dufresne of t 1/4/1974 #28644  
and Dufresne of the Waldo Township Police saw four “unbelievably bright” li 1/4/1974 #28644  
                  At 4:25 a.m. two police officers, Abbington and Regot, in 1/5/1974 #28649  
. The object moved directly toward police at one point, and made a hissing  1/5/1974 #28649  
of the explosion as an earthquake. Police and a mountain rescue team from R 1/23/1974 #28694  
ash site after being telephoned by police headquarters is on her way up the 1/23/1974 #28694  
are within a few hundred feet when police and military forces show up and c 1/23/1974 #28694  
ader Mountain east of the village. Police and RAF personnel were in the are 1/23/1974 #28695  
illtop. A nurse, telephoned by the police, was on her way up the mountain t 1/23/1974 #28695  
undred feet of teh object when the police and military showed up and told h 1/23/1974 #28695  
ns. After 10 minutes they call the police and the object disappears behind  1/24/1974 #28701  
ers above the trees. Investigating police arrive and find no tracks but not 2/6/1974 #28742  
                                 A police officer and a gas station operato 2/19/1974 #28782  
. Altitude = 50M. Going northeast. Police report.                           3/2/1974 #28845  
                  At 5:40 a.m. six police officers were confronted by a mas 3/4/1974 #28854  
ant assigned to the 355th Security Police Squadron stationed at Incirlik Ai 4/1974 #28983  
 sees the object from the Security Police dormitory about 2 miles away. The 4/1974 #28983  
L, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). American police siren! Domed saucer outside going 4/21/1974 #29053  
ject emitted a sound like American police sirens as it had a close encounte 4/21/1974 #29055  
 who reported it to the Portsmouth police. It was described as looking like 4/28/1974 #29069  
 is assigned to the 193rd Military Police Battalion guarding Area 3 of an A 5/1974 #29075  
ight. It was pursued by two men, a police officer and a farmer, in their ca 5/12/1974 #29102  
ls blocks D60. Observer(s) flee to police station.                          5/20/1974 #29115  
 Telgruc-sur-Mer to report it. The police examine the site the next day and 5/20/1974 #29119  
      Calhoun, IL 10:00 p.m. State Police at Parkersburg, Illinois, took th 5/23/1974 #29127  
amway. They are stopped by a state police officer, beyond whom they can see 5/28/1974 #29142  
 when he heard what sounded like a police siren. He then saw a metallic dis 5/29/1974 #29144  
ARDO DA CAMPO, BRZ Hundreds and 15 police. Luminous cylinder/cigar-shape co 6/20/1974 #29215  
ral hundred witnesses including 15 police saw a luminous cigar-shaped objec 6/20/1974 #29217  
y lights hovered low, moved toward police car; officer turned spotlight on  7/9/1974 #29250  
y lights hovered low, moved toward police car. Officer turned spotlight on  7/9/1974 #29251  
ject moves to within 500 feet of a police car. When officers James Wallace  7/9/1974 #29252  
lights along the side approached a police car on a road near Kingston, New  7/9/1974 #29254  
ton, New York. It responded to the police spotlight by beaming a bright lig 7/9/1974 #29254  
H In the early morning hours eight police officers from several jurisdictio 8/11/1974 #29322  
n Concord, New Hampshire 3:23 a.m. Police officers Mark E. Paine and Michae 8/11/1974 #29323  
ne and Michael Alden of the Tilton Police Department witnessed three lumino 8/11/1974 #29325  
ad. A domed ellipse approached the police car, and then veered away. Other  8/11/1974 #29325  
e car, and then veered away. Other police and citizen sightings happened at 8/11/1974 #29325  
 around two o'clock in the morning police from four towns in central New Ha 8/12/1974 #29339  
nt it came to within 300 feet of a police cruiser on Interstate 93 in Sanbo 8/12/1974 #29339  
Meridian independently reported to police that they had seen UFOs. In one c 8/13/1974 #29340  
                                 A police officer named Noel with another m 8/14/1974 #29345  
    A series of UFO sightings with police reports and multiple radar confir 8/20/1974 #29374  
e sighting. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Constable Ron Morier, quoted by C 9/1/1974 #29417  
           Brunswick, ME 9:00 p.m. Police officers reported a brilliant ell 9/24/1974 #29474  
Ministry of Defense (MoD, Britain) police report.                           10/9/1974 #29506  
hin a 3-minute period, 14 security police sentries, two military pilots, an 10/14/1974 #29527  
rs and PACEs car. Whine recorded / police radio. / MJ#258.                  10/21/1974 #29549  
wires east of Madison, Ohio Night. Police officers Zachary Space and Lester 11/11/1974 #29592  
                       LINDSAY, ON Police report. "James Todd hits 50' sauc 12/12/1974 #29638  
 that had been left. Hudson County Police Officers Thomas Feldhan and John  1/12/1975 #29744  
Ovoid / falling-leaf motion. Solid police report. / r199p76.                1/14/1975 #29748  
bulance drivers, a Durham regional police constable, and Andy Parks, music  2/4/1975 #29784  
             Phillips, Wisconsin A police officer in Phillips, Wisconsin, h 3/2/1975 #29867  
: Letter to the Ontario Provincial Police) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   3/8/1975 #29880  
hts circle and buzz sheriffs cars. Police radio dies / 15 minute(s).        3/13/1975 #29894  
ent in Iron County at 11:00 p.m. A police radio failed to work for 15 minut 3/13/1975 #29895  
                       In 1975 two police officers in Stockton, California  3/19/1975 #29912  
ouched for the veracity of the two police officers.                         3/19/1975 #29912  
t the size of a car was sighted by police officers hovering over a water to 4/3/1975 #29944  
     Elizabethtown, NC 3:30 a.m. A police officer on Highway 701 chased an  4/3/1975 #29947  
       Grimesland, NC 10:30 p.m. A police officer named Godley sighted a di 4/3/1975 #29948  
tlight. Among the witnesses are 48 police officers.                         4/3/1975 #29952  
t the size of a car was sighted by police officers hovering over a water to 4/3/1975 #29953  
p some pecan trees. At 3:30 a.m. a police officer on Highway 701 in Elizabe 4/3/1975 #29953  
 cover. That night at 10:30 p.m. a police officer named Godley in Grimeslan 4/3/1975 #29953  
(Reference: Royal Canadian Mounted Police report, April, 11, 1975, Carman,  4/10/1975 #29984  
cky observers 3km going northwest. Police report.                           4/26/1975 #30005  
 and played cat-and-mouse with the police through the trees for 35 minutes. 5/1/1975 #30017  
p.m. more than 40 people including police saw the same or similar disc in H 6/2/1975 #30075  
(Reference: Royal Canadian Mounted Police report 11 June 1975. Treherne Det 6/4/1975 #30080  
1:10 p.m. A Royal Canadian Mounted Police constable patrolling on Grand Val 6/20/1975 #30111  
ny. 30' ovoid hovers / highway 46. Police radio Radio Frequency Interferenc 7/4/1975 #30155  
 slippery and oily. The provincial police remove some soil samples; they ar 7/6/1975 #30167  
night light / 15 minute(s). Seen / police station/depot/facility / 10 minut 7/28/1975 #30210  
ows car going east to Egreville. / police report.                           8/11/1975 #30249  
. The frightened observers filed a police report.                           8/11/1975 #30251  
, Denmark Near Haderslev, Denmark: Police Officer Evald Hansen Maarup was d 8/13/1975 #30257  
t least seven witnesses, including police.                                  8/16/1975 #30280  
 Cambridge, Massachusetts Evening. Police stations in the area of Albany, N 8/20/1975 #30291  
e of one of the sightings, where a police detective is observing a blimp-si 8/20/1975 #30291  
fter the meeting, the Oregon State Police launch an investigation. Other au 9/14/1975 #30360  
          Ramsey, NJ 2:55 a.m. Two police officers, Francis J. Gross and C. 10/4/1975 #30416  
mmediately other units of the 42nd Police begin pouring into the area. Secu 10/27/1975 #30488  
ts assistance from the Maine State Police in trying to identify the unknown 10/27/1975 #30488  
without results. The 42nd Security Police conduct a sweep of the weapons st 10/27/1975 #30488  
                              Four police officers and others saw at least  10/28/1975 #30504  
                   On this night a police officer in Viroqua, Wisconsin vie 10/28/1975 #30505  
the craft. He reported it over his police radio and it was subsequently see 10/28/1975 #30505  
io and it was subsequently seen by police in four counties.                 10/28/1975 #30505  
        Wurtsmith AFB, MI Security police and others watched objects breach 10/30/1975 #30521  
th Airport], Michigan, by security police on the ground and by the crew of  10/30/1975 #30522  
10:15 and 10:25 p.m. base security police at the back gate of Wurtsmith rep 10/30/1975 #30523  
leybury, Ontario 5:45 a.m. Ontario Police constables in Haileybury, Ontario 11/3/1975 #30545  
 by Cy Gilson of the Arizona state police (repeated in 1993), the Enquirer, 11/5/1975 #30562  
nce of a crime before using secret police techniques like wiretaps or enter 11/6/1975 #30567  
 visible when the Sudbury Regional Police arrived at 4:55 a.m. (National Re 11/11/1975 #30602  
es and Whiteside, Sudbury Regional Police, observed a cylindrical-shaped ob 11/11/1975 #30603  
AN 4:55 a.m. EST. Sudbury Regional Police constables came on a follow up ca 11/11/1975 #30604  
bridge, Ontario, Canada Civilians, police officers, military officers, and  11/11/1975 #30608  
se Mount Clemens, Michigan Ontario Police in Sudbury 6:15 a.m. A spherical  11/11/1975 #30609  
least seven members of the Ontario Police in Sudbury.                       11/11/1975 #30609  
of Sudbury thru Ontario Provincial Police (also observed by 2 OPP constable 11/12/1975 #30614  
they drive into town to notify the police. The police chief describes Erenb 11/17/1975 #30636  
nto town to notify the police. The police chief describes Erenberger as “te 11/17/1975 #30636  
(Reference: Royal Canadian Mounted Police report, November 26, 1975. Shoal  11/18/1975 #30640  
                       CAMILLA, GA Police chief. Big round object hovers 80 11/20/1975 #30644  
. Follows observer(s) home. Buzzes police car. Hums.                        11/20/1975 #30645  
                   Camilla, GA The police chief of Camilla, Georgia reporte 11/20/1975 #30646  
O hovered just 80 meters above his police station at two a.m. It had bright 11/20/1975 #30646  
                               The police chief of Camilla, Georgia reporte 11/20/1975 #30649  
O hovered just 80 meters above his police station at two a.m. It had bright 11/20/1975 #30649  
f missing time. They contacted the police, and soon their story hit nationw 1/6/1976 #30762  
ests administered by the Lexington Police Department. All passed. Under a s 1/6/1976 #30762  
They ran away in panic to a nearby police station. At 8:20 p.m. a cigar-sha 1/6/1976 #30771  
 line at Cannon AFB, N.M. Security Police report the UFOs to be 25 yards (7 1/21/1976 #30802  
n Clovis Before 3:55 a.m. Security police see two UFOs near the flight line 1/21/1976 #30810  
ore it speeds away to the north. A police dispatcher in Artesia sees 6–7 fl 1/23/1976 #30815  
iving on, he went and notified the police, who investigated on the followin 1/26/1976 #30821  
 a.m. UFOs are spotted by security police over the radar site at the Armame 1/31/1976 #30836  
 a strange object to the Parsipany Police Department. The object was a larg 2/19/1976 #30885  
                  BURY, MANCHESTER Police Sgt. White saucer / fast square t 4/2/1976 #30977  
; Schuessler, 1995, p. 109 (E,R,L) police car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)       4/22/1976 #31008  
, Wisconsin Tuttle Hill 11:00 p.m. Police officer George Wheeler, on duty a 4/22/1976 #31010  
ad, and he becomes dazed. A second police car arrives, noticing that the ca 4/22/1976 #31010  
t 11:10 p.m. in Elmwood, Wisconsin police officer George Wheeler encountere 4/22/1976 #31011  
        CHILLICOTHE, IL 14 calls / police. Cylinder/cigar-shape with lit en 4/25/1976 #31022  
 also wore uniforms that resembled police uniforms.                         5/21/1976 #31070  
s fairly low / apartments complex. Police report.                           6/17/1976 #31112  
gsted, Zealand, Denmark 12:40 a.m. Police officer Th. Brandt-Jensen sees a  6/21/1976 #31121  
ped UFO shone a beam of light at a police car in Ringsted, Denmark causing  6/21/1976 #31122  
 and brings them to his parents. A police search fails to find him. In the  6/23/1976 #31134  
 revived at a nearby hospital. The police officer who carries him to the am 6/23/1976 #31134  
even staff members of the National Police Agency criminal investigation sec 7/16/1976 #31166  
l Palace, about 400 yards from the police building. The object circled at a 7/16/1976 #31166  
00 yds. altitude. At 0345, an Army Police Sgt. sighted an UFO in the vicini 7/30/1976 #31195  
600 feet. In another spot, an Army police sergeant sees an aerial object th 7/30/1976 #31202  
cticut around 6:00 p.m. a man told police he had been buzzed by a round sil 8/1/1976 #31219  
UNISIA 6MI east-northeast / tunis. Police report 4 lit "helos", not helicop 8/6/1976 #31236  
     La Soukra, Tunisia 12:20 a.m. Police at La Soukra, Tunisia, see four l 8/6/1976 #31239  
 wore brown khaki uniforms, like a police officer's but closer fitting, and 8/6/1976 #31241  
bers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. (Reference: Fawcett and Greenwoo 8/10/1976 #31250  
ght roads etc. Going quickly west. Police lines flooded.                    8/11/1976 #31254  
ds, etc; then fly off to the west. Police lines were flooded with UFO repor 8/11/1976 #31258  
 and is about 45 feet in diameter. Police find landing marks and a burned a 9/13/1976 #31382  
ickly southwest 30' / front / car. Police report. Military investigation.   10/16/1976 #31469  
              St. Peter, Minnesota Police Station 8:00 p.m. Three women wat 11/19/1976 #31560  
 Peter, Minnesota. They drive to a police station, where officers also see  11/19/1976 #31560  
 Soda Springs Mountain Road, three police officers had a close encounter wi 12/18/1976 #31611  
 Road east of Soda Springs, Idaho, police officer Dennis Abrams has a close 12/18/1976 #31612  
oad in Caribou County, Idaho three police officers had a close encounter wi 12/18/1976 #31616  
route one hour later after telling police. They see the oval object again,  1/1/1977 #31681  
 in Napanee, Ontario, Canada three police officers watched a bright object  1/5/1977 #31700  
rcraft debris, Palmer notifies the police, who soon arrive in the company o 1/10/1977 #31715  
 the water, and the CD man and the police leave to inform their superiors.  1/10/1977 #31715  
mer has left via the latter. State police escort all but the officially con 1/10/1977 #31715  
lindrical object west legs circles police helicopter / 2 minute(s). Vanishe 2/1/1977 #31773  
  Glendale, California 9:05 p.m. A police sergeant in Glendale, California, 2/1/1977 #31776  
     A 21-year-old man reported to police in Concord, California that on le 2/2/1977 #31781  
 and unable to move. He called the police at 5:33 a.m.                      2/2/1977 #31781  
radio interference at the Stafford police headquarters.                     2/4/1977 #31791  
                                   Police officers Creel and Luke had a clo 2/11/1977 #31811  
igator Randall Jones Pugh, and the police immediately, but the figure had g 4/23/1977 #32018  
, the BUFORA investigator, and the police immediately, but the figure had g 4/24/1977 #32021  
ntry Park 3:55 a.m. A caller tells police in Hainault, northeast London, th 5/3/1977 #32050  
                      At 3:55 a.m. police in Hainault Forest, England took  5/3/1977 #32053  
 and F. E. Bartlett of the Memphis Police Tactical Squad spot a triangular  5/16/1977 #32098  
y had heard the humming sound. The police were notified, and a circular are 5/18/1977 #32111  
 harm him. He made a report to the police, and he told his friends but was  6/12/1977 #32161  
d a unit from the Italian National Police are dispatched, but the object mo 7/1/1977 #32227  
 Mt. Vernon, IL 2:10 AM. Our local police dispatcher reported to the UFO Fi 7/12/1977 #32262  
s were reporting unusual lights to police at Mt. Vernon, ILLINOIS, which is 7/12/1977 #32262  
             Mayfield, KY 2:10 AM. Police radios were reporting unusual lig 7/12/1977 #32263  
                     On this day a police dog handler saw a white cigar-sha 7/17/1977 #32289  
RTER, TX Blazing object responds / police spotlight. Portholes? Power dims  7/21/1977 #32295  
                      At 4:15 a.m. Police Officer John W. Bruner, a deputy  7/21/1977 #32299  
her mother, who notifies the state police. All of the lights and figures di 7/23/1977 #32305  
r just prior to the arrival of the police, the lights in the sky indistingu 7/23/1977 #32305  
her mother, who notified the state police. All of the lights and figures di 7/23/1977 #32306  
d just prior to the arrival of the police, the lights in the sky being indi 7/23/1977 #32306  
to UFO Filter Center but came over police scanner (KNI Net) at UFOFC. Repor 7/24/1977 #32309  
               At around 1:30 a.m. Police Constable David Swift was investi 8/9/1977 #32372  
 seen by five witnesses, including police. There was something that looked  8/11/1977 #32382  
New Jersey 8:05 p.m. A 37-year-old police detective in South Brunswick, New 8/11/1977 #32383  
view, they drive home and call the police. The woman sees the UFO circle ar 8/11/1977 #32384  
                At 4:00 a.m. three police in Casco Township, Michigan witne 8/11/1977 #32386  
 seen by five witnesses, including police. There was something that looked  8/11/1977 #32387  
e, Cumbria, UK 12:10 AM An on duty police officer PC IAN MACKENZIE observed 8/28/1977 #32431  
:10 a.m. For more than 20 minutes, police (including PC Ian MacKenzie, PS J 8/28/1977 #32432  
 A major UFO incident involving 17 police occurred in the Windermere area o 8/28/1977 #32435  
 Sussex, England 5:20 p.m. A woman police constable is waiting at a bus sto Early Autumn 1977 #32456  
    Ardmore, Oklahoma 10:25 p.m. A police detective in Ardmore, Oklahoma, w 9/22/1977 #32512  
Sussex, England 5:20 p.m. A female police constable in Isfield, Sussex, Eng Fall 1977 #32515  
his car and flagged down a passing police officer, and he was taken to the  9/25/1977 #32519  
cer, and he was taken to the local police station in Pedro Avila. When he f 9/25/1977 #32519  
she passes them on to the Cheshire police, who take the report seriously an 10/4/1977 #32550  
  Toledo, Ohio 3:55 p.m. A retired police officer and ex-pilot in Toledo, O 10/13/1977 #32571  
into trees to the north. They call police, but every time one visits the ho 10/29/1977 #32631  
                Erie, Pennsylvania Police and citizens in the area of Erie, 10/29/1977 #32632  
 (Reference: THE 5TH ANNUAL PRUFOS POLICE REPORT 2006 by Detective Constabl 10/30/1977 #32637  
e 1877 HESELTINE British Transport Police (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)        10/30/1977 #32637  
 11:35 p.m. two Air Force security police officers at Ellsworth Air Force B 11/13/1977 #32672  
           Newspaper reporters and police sighted a UFO in La Aurora, Urugu 11/22/1977 #32693  
g orange- red, igniting the grass. Police and firemen who arrive 15 minutes 12/17/1977 #32792  
 RADAR. 2 white cones outmaneuvers police helicopter. Fast turns. / MJ#121. 12/27/1977 #32811  
arlotte, North Carolina 10:54 p.m. Police officers Ron Arey and Howard Dell 12/27/1977 #32814  
ger are flying in a Bell Jetranger police helicopter at 1,100 feet in Charl 12/27/1977 #32814  
10:45 p.m., tracked by a Charlotte Police helicopter and appearing on radar 12/27/1977 #32815  
y, North Yorkshire, England Night. Police Sgt. Tony Dodd and Constable Alan 1/1978 #32837  
 nearby farm where they notify the police. A later investigation suggests t 1/2/1978 #32846  
to allow entry to New Jersey State Police who were searching for something. 1/18/1978 #32889  
ss. Sgt. J.M. (initials), Security Police Squad (PACAF) also witnessed and  1/18/1978 #32890  
x shot humanoid being, AF security police found body on deserted runway     1/18/1978 #32893  
seems to appear and disappear as a police vehicle drives by near her. A sim 1/31/1978 #32928  
eemed to appear and disappear as a police vehicle drove by near her.        1/31/1978 #32930  
e Chudów, Poland 2:00 a.m. A State Police officer is on foot patrol between 2/1978 #32937  
 circle in the snow. They call the police, who find a melted hole about 28  2/2/1978 #32946  
porter reported that a 23-year old police officer named Linnevold was fired 2/7/1978 #32959  
 Research Reactor building Pudgate police station 11:30 p.m. Service engine 3/17/1978 #33048  
ss. He later drives to the Pudgate police station to report the sighting. P 3/17/1978 #33048  
ce station to report the sighting. Police accompany him to the site where t 3/17/1978 #33048  
istic zigzag pattern. He calls the police, who drive him home. The next few 3/18/1978 #33055  
 one case documented by New Mexico police and the FBI, an 11-month-old cros 3/24/1978 #33077  
91 NORTH / HARTFORD, CT 60 calls / police. Big round object with rod throug 4/10/1978 #33137  
                                 A police officer at a stakeout for animal  4/10/1978 #33138  
            Colfax, Wisconsin Day. Police officer Mark Coltrane is on patro 4/19/1978 #33153  
persons call the Aurora, Illinois, police department to report a UFO. One c 4/29/1978 #33179  
 the size of a football field. The police alert the Center for UFO Studies  4/29/1978 #33179  
 30 miles away. Argentinian border police search for wreckage, while report 5/6/1978 #33190  
en caused by the crash. On May 14, police from Tarija, Bolivia, find the ob 5/6/1978 #33190  
up of several witnesses, including police, observed 25-30 luminous UFOs mak 5/6/1978 #33191  
s of the guard from the province's police headquarters. On the same day a s 5/6/1978 #33191  
resno Community Hospital 3:32 a.m. Police officer Manuel J. Amparano is on  5/13/1978 #33202  
                      At 3:32 a.m. police office Manuel Amparano was on the 5/13/1978 #33205  
ion in his body as he drove to the police station. However, six people at t 5/13/1978 #33205  
glio of the Maplewood (New Jersey) Police Department see a soundless triang 6/17/1978 #33285  
omez near Dulce, New Mexico. State Police Officer Gabe Valdez, having heard 7/5/1978 #33339  
ed the area and later notified the police.                                  7/10/1978 #33363  
 Rash of UFO sightings reported to police over two days, probably including 7/27/1978 #33424  
 Rash of UFO sightings reported to police over two days, probably including 7/27/1978 #33426  
ims her husband Carl was Air Force Police at WPAFB and around 1973 was call 8/1978 #33460  
veral reports were received by the police from the public in Billinghurst,  8/6/1978 #33481  
 England of a UFO in the sky, so a police cruiser was dispatched. On arriva 8/6/1978 #33481  
 in Great Mills, Maryland used his police cruiser's spotlight to attempt to 8/11/1978 #33508  
             A deputy sheriff in a police cruiser in Great Mills, St. Marys 8/11/1978 #33510  
LWYN BAY, WALES All report UFO's / police records.                          9/1/1978 #33620  
ns run to the village to alert the police, who upon their arrival find the  9/1/1978 #33622  
anaged to escape, and summoned the police who searched the premises but fou 9/10/1978 #33657  
ndreds for five minutes, including police, guards, and airline workers.     9/14/1978 #33677  
usly. They both tried to phone the police but the phone was not working. (N 9/15/1978 #33684  
iously. They both try to phone the police but the phone is not working. Whe 9/15/1978 #33687  
the phone is not working. When the police arrive 15 minutes later, both the 9/15/1978 #33687  
usly. They both tried to phone the police but the phone was not working. Wh 9/15/1978 #33688  
he phone was not working. When the police eventually arrived both the myste 9/15/1978 #33688  
 after this, but she remembers the police were called. Years later her moth 9/15/1978 #33689  
inistry of Defence asked a retired police constable to investigate.         9/20/1978 #33717  
On October 18, three South African police officers and two trackers visit t 10/2/1978 #33790  
 come and go several X. 1 hovers / police station/depot/facility. Power bro 10/19/1978 #33844  
 Reggio di Calabria, Sicily, Italy Police watched a multi-colored object wi 12/9/1978 #34081  
 then emitted a beam down onto the police car. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 12/9/1978 #34081  
                                   Police in Reggio di Calabria, Sicily, It 12/9/1978 #34082  
 then emitted a beam down onto the police car. Five lights came on aboard t 12/9/1978 #34082  
ame on aboard the object. When the police spotlight was turned off, the lig 12/9/1978 #34082  
l miles. The witnesses went to the police, who saw the object hovering over 12/10/1978 #34086  
                    PALERMO, ITALY Police reports / UFO's 11-13 December. 5 12/11/1978 #34087  
                 Avellino, Italy A police trooper took a photograph of a ro 12/11/1978 #34089  
               On this afternoon a police trooper in Avellino, Italy took a 12/11/1978 #34092  
hear, reported the incident to the police.                                  12/14/1978 #34128  
d summoned the authorities. As the police arrived the strange figure sudden 12/15/1978 #34139  
off the ground for 30 minutes. Two police officers respond to their call an 12/31/1978 #34247  
ay from the original location by a police officer. Later he recalled being  1/3/1979 #34292  
nce. He was found disoriented by a police officer in an isolated section of 1/3/1979 #34292  
ned to normal, and Jean called the police. The electric clock in the house  1/4/1979 #34296  
armac road. Thinking that it was a police car, they approached the area. As 1/5/1979 #34303  
ned to normal, and Jean called the police. Her electric wall clock had stop 1/5/1979 #34304  
                             Three police officers driving on a highway in  1/9/1979 #34325  
our people in the car, two of them police. The UFO changed color and bright 1/9/1979 #34326  
nutes, only 120 feet overhead. Two police constables, Berwyn Jones and Nevi 1/26/1979 #34382  
he is getting stopped in Hobart by police for driving his car without headl 2/5/1979 #34405  
ng his car without headlights. The police find that he does not know his na 2/5/1979 #34405  
ses included a young woman and the Police Chief of the city. It was the you 2/13/1979 #34421  
ng woman's second sighting and the Police Chief's third.                    2/13/1979 #34421  
       New Mexico New Mexico State Police Officer Gabe Valdez informs the F 2/16/1979 #34429  
ector writes that New Mexico State Police officer Gabe Valdez claims the De 2/16/1979 #34431  
                      At noon four police officers viewed a bluish silvery  2/19/1979 #34436  
rry at two o'clock in the morning. Police and two others went to investigat 2/21/1979 #34441  
There were 14 witnesses, including police. The UFO emitted a light beam, an 3/6/1979 #34470  
altitude 63M away! Photographs and police report.                           3/22/1979 #34484  
Man outside. Oval traces / ground. Police report.                           3/27/1979 #34489  
utside the craft, according to the police report. (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 3/27/1979 #34491  
utside the craft, according to the police report. At 8:00 p.m. a thirty-foo 3/27/1979 #34492  
              Talisay, Philippines Police witnesses reported seeing a mothe 4/19/1979 #34513  
1979 Buenos Aires, Argentina (E,R) police car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)       5/5/1979 #34543  
90 seconds. The witnesses were two police officers, who reported that the e 5/5/1979 #34545  
79, see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 74 (R) police car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)       8/1/1979 #34695  
sboro 1:35 a.m. Westchester County police officer William Shaughnessy sees  8/1/1979 #34696  
 a week before reporting it to the police, who alert the Center for UFO Stu 8/2/1979 #34702  
sburg, Pennsylvania: two cops in a police helicopter reported that a two-fo 8/5/1979 #34717  
 aircraft being flown by the state police southeast of Hayfork, California  8/9/1979 #34722  
 Sycamore, Illinois. They call the police, and Deputy Berna Van Vlerah look 8/29/1979 #34802  
ointed star-shaped objects paced a police Cessna airplane with three passen 9/9/1979 #34854  
AVARIA 2 Pentagon UFO's verified / police. Munich Air Traffic Controller ha 9/17/1979 #34891  
Os were seen by many, including 10 police officers. (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 9/17/1979 #34895  
Os were seen by many, including 10 police officers. One object hovered at 5 9/17/1979 #34897  
and Poplar Grove Road. She stops a police car for help, and her husband com 9/20/1979 #34907  
, DE G,V, AF radar & 2 UFOs, state police vis. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Ra 10/15/1979 #34956  
, France 5:00 a.m. A phone call to police in Pontoise, Val d’Oise, France,  11/26/1979 #35015  
intersection in Madrid, Spain. Two police cars were sent to the intersectio 11/27/1979 #35023  
                 At 3:25 a.m. four police officers from Rickmansworth, Engl 11/30/1979 #35032  
p.m. Former Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer John Pushie takes 7 photo 12/3/1979 #35045  
sky (18 or so) and are observed by police officers Charles Crosier and Dan  12/5/1979 #35054  
ows large gouges. Browne calls the police, but the object is gone by the ti 2/7/1980 #35161  
least 10 witnesses, including city police and county sheriff deputies, watc 3/12/1980 #35211  
xico Cimarron Mountains 10:00 p.m. Police Officer Manuel Medina and dispatc 4/22/1980 #35285  
 reported the strange event to the police who advised them to contact a pri 5/7/1980 #35317  
 / 1km. Turns going quickly south. Police inquire / news.                   8/17/1980 #35460  
their left side. They drive to the police station and ask officers Tim Roar 9/26/1980 #35536  
ortheast. During the sighting, his police radio displays intermittent inter 10/15/1980 #35568  
wards of the Kirtland AFB Security Police who, over the period of the next  10/24/1980 #35586  
p.m., and was standing next to his police patrol car when he noticed a larg 11/1/1980 #35608  
her features could be seen. As the police officer stood watching in amazeme 11/1/1980 #35608  
entral Missouri, including a dozen police officers, saw a large, triangular 11/18/1980 #35652  
nd noiselessly. An airport and the police department in Kirksville, Missour 11/18/1980 #35654  
                                   Police constable Alan Godfrey, age 31, w 11/28/1980 #35680  
odmorden, West Yorkshire, England, Police Constable Alan Godfrey allegedly  11/29/1980 #35682  
                  northwest Europe Police stations 9:00 p.m. Soviet spy sat 12/25/1980 #35732  
rks display over northwest Europe. Police stations, coast guards, and the R 12/25/1980 #35732  
t.) Shortly after 4:00 a.m., local police are called to the scene, but they 12/26/1980 #35737  
dbridge stating: Two USAF security police patrolmen saw a UFO either hoveri 12/27/1980 #35738  
 Rendlesham, UK Air Force security police encounter with landed craft in Re 12/27/1980 #35743  
twaters AFB, UK Air Force security police encounter with landed craft in Re 12/27/1980 #35745  
ed landing marks are identified by police and foresters as rabbit diggings. 12/28/1980 #35750  
sh and Landrum contacted the state police and nearby military bases, but no 12/29/1980 #35758  
ight witnesses, including a Dayton police officer, claimed to have seen the 12/29/1980 #35758  
ckly comes to the attention of the police and is soon investigated by GEPAN 1/8/1981 #35779  
s 30%–50% lower than expected. The police report says that the trace, which 1/8/1981 #35779  
ickly came to the attention of the police and was soon investigated by GEPA 1/8/1981 #35780  
                    At 4:30 p.m. a police patrol car stalled in Toulouse, H 1/26/1981 #35802  
ewton, North Carolina at 8:35 p.m. police and an amateur astronomer witness 1/26/1981 #35803  
K At Carleton Moors, two uniformed police officers observed a large glowing 3/10/1981 #35862  
kshire Post, The 5TH ANNUAL PRUFOS POLICE REPORT 2006 by Detective Constabl 3/10/1981 #35862  
e 1877 HESELTINE British Transport Police). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  3/10/1981 #35862  
l Yokum of the St. Helens, Oregon, police is on patrol on US Highway 30 on  3/17/1981 #35866  
 view, where he is joined by other police, but the object is no longer visi 3/17/1981 #35866  
tania, Sicily, Italy 12:20 AM. Two police officers in their car saw a stron 4/15/1981 #35898  
 10:30 p.m. Mr. Santoro, a reserve police officer was driving near the town 8/30/1981 #36093  
 one of those nights two uniformed police officers also saw the object. (So 9/1981 #36095  
ar 30/03/82, The 5TH ANNUAL PRUFOS POLICE REPORT 2006 by Detective Constabl 9/1981 #36095  
 1877 HESELTINE, British Transport Police) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 9/1981 #36095  
cked up on radar, and witnessed by police in Thessaloniki. NATO jets were s 11/13/1981 #36222  
                  COLUMBUS, IN Odd police / Army report. Saucer lands. 2 wo 1/7/1982 #36297  
 / dumps. Going northeast. Follows police car. Bad photographs.             2/21/1982 #36360  
 5:15 a.m. Neillsville, Wisconsin, police officer Chuck Urban is patrolling 2/24/1982 #36365  
 had rotating multicolored lights. Police also witnessed the object. The cl 3/13/1982 #36389  
ny Underwood were driving a marked police vehicle when they observed a yell 3/25/1982 #36413  
s day. A streetlight goes out. The police receive calls of power outages an 4/3/1982 #36433  
 day. A street light went out. The police received calls of power outages a 4/3/1982 #36434  
SANT HILLS, PA Many night lights / police. Semi-transparent delta/triangle/ 5/5/1982 #36463  
any unidentified nocturnal lights. Police watched a semi-transparent delta- 5/5/1982 #36464  
s," flew overhead, seen clearly in police spotlight. Abnormal silence. (sec 5/22/1982 #36479  
s," flew overhead, seen clearly in police spotlight. Abnormal silence (sect 5/22/1982 #36480  
s," flew overhead, seen clearly in police spotlight. Abnormal silence       5/22/1982 #36481  
l-free 1-800 number distributed to police offices across the country.       7/1/1982 #36527  
ame frightened and ran inside. The police were called and searched the area 7/22/1982 #36545  
15 minute(s). Going quickly north. Police and Ministry of Defense (MoD, Bri 9/17/1982 #36603  
                      Palatine, IL Police Commander Michael McDonald was on 11/27/1982 #36691  
ree line of a forest preserve. The police report includes a tape recording  11/27/1982 #36691  
minous object brightly illuminated police car, changed direction when pursu 11/27/1982 #36693  
minous object brightly illuminated police car, changed direction when pursu 11/27/1982 #36695  
iant lights brightly illuminates a police patrol car driven by Cmdr. Michae 11/27/1982 #36697  
 a vehicle encounter between three police officers and a domed disc-shaped  11/27/1982 #36698  
llumination brightly illuminated a police patrol car, then changed directio 11/27/1982 #36698  
In the lower Hudson River Valley a police officer and his wife spotted a de 12/31/1982 #36732  
e 84 Around 11:50 p.m. An off-duty police officer and his family see a boom 12/31/1982 #36733  
in the lower Hudson River Valley a police officer and his wife spotted a de 12/31/1982 #36734  
wl 6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. South Wales police begin to receive reports of UFOs. 1/19/1983 #36750  
hts. A similar object is seen by a police officer 10 miles southwest of Bri 2/7/1983 #36762  
ool children, a football team, and police officers Mike Troake and G. Humph 2/19/1983 #36767  
                    At 3:15 a.m. a police officer, Tony Dodd, observed noct 3/14/1983 #36782  
       POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 25 calls / police. Boomerang UFO. Cop follows delta 3/17/1983 #36787  
ounty Brewster, New York 8:30 p.m. Police officers in Yorktown, New York, s 3/24/1983 #36807  
 with red, blue, and green lights. Police in the nearby villages of Millwoo 3/24/1983 #36807  
irts of Lawrence, Kansas 3:50 a.m. Police officer James Philips sees a sile 5/4/1983 #36854  
ille Heights, Ohio 1:50 a.m. Three police officers on the Warrenville Heigh 5/12/1983 #36858  
 on the Warrenville Heights, Ohio, police force see four dim lights moving  5/12/1983 #36858  
 Lake north of Danbury 9:30 p.m. A police officer answers a call at a locat 7/12/1983 #36909  
hind trees. At 10:55 p.m., Danbury Police Chief Nelson Macedo, his brother- 7/12/1983 #36909  
k Sydenham Diggers Rest 12:40 a.m. Police constables Raymond Ellens and Pet 7/22/1983 #36921  
t the shopping mall. At some point police Sgt. Barry Harman and Chief Inspe 7/22/1983 #36921  
 shoulder, chest, and spine. Local police investigate and find her “visibly 10/13/1983 #37004  
                  At 4:40 a.m. two police constables saw a large structured 10/29/1983 #37030  
                                   Police officer Hamel and several other w 10/31/1983 #37034  
      Skipton, North Yorkshire, UK Police Sgt Tony Dodd's Experience (NICAP 11/7/1983 #37043  
ng or U-shaped UFO was seen by two police officers, Jensen and Myers, west  3/6/1984 #37218  
orris, South Dakota 10:00 p.m. Two police officers, Tom Jensen and Gary Mye 3/6/1984 #37219  
ng or U-shaped UFO was seen by two police officers, Jensen and Myers, west  3/6/1984 #37220  
ND MORE/OTHERS Mini-wave / deltas. Police swamped / calls.                  3/25/1984 #37241  
he Barbados Defense Force, and the police commissioner. The BDF is put on R 4/12/1984 #37258  
he remainder keep on moving north. Police are deployed to the beaches. At 3 4/12/1984 #37258  
Some 20 witnesses (farm workers, a police officer, venture scouts) at Llang 4/15/1984 #37263  
the ground. The witnesses call the police at 10:22 p.m. A team of police ar 4/26/1984 #37302  
the police at 10:22 p.m. A team of police arrives and watches the object fo 4/26/1984 #37302  
ches the object for about 2 hours. Police Constable Richard Milthorp says t 4/26/1984 #37302  
eorgia several witnesses including police watched a W-shaped object with li 4/26/1984 #37305  
ork State Power Authority security police at the Indian Point Nuclear Plant 6/14/1984 #37361  
ield, Connecticut 10:00–11:00 p.m. Police in Danbury, Bethel, Brookfield, a 7/19/1984 #37404  
Smith Peekskill 9:00 p.m. Security police at Indian Point Nuclear Plant at  7/24/1984 #37412  
time it gets to 500 feet away, the police can see an ice-cream-cone-shape a 7/24/1984 #37412  
t, it is moving so slowly that the police can keep up with it by walking. A 7/24/1984 #37412  
ver them. By the time the security police call Camp Smith, a National Guard 7/24/1984 #37412  
ort seeing the UFO over the plant. Police in Peekskill receive quite a few  7/24/1984 #37412  
ve quite a few calls that evening. Police Sgt. Hoffman goes out to investig 7/24/1984 #37412  
                          Security police at Indian Point Nuclear Plant at  7/24/1984 #37416  
security and communications fails. Police report it the length of three foo 7/24/1984 #37416  
 reports in the 1950s. The British Police Force’s elite Special Branch in 1 Fall 1984 #37466  
ter, had just left the Mount Kisco police station when she saw a solid obje 10/31/1984 #37499  
              PETIT LOMONT, 25, FR Police calls. Saucer hovers. Also orange 11/28/1984 #37512  
ong Clawson, England Leicester Two police officers in Long Clawson, England 9/27/1985 #37667  
er Tucson, Arizona. At one point a police helicopter engaged in a pursuit o 10/10/1985 #37679  
. She leaves and calls the Madison police department.                       11/19/1985 #37712  
       MANHASSET AND NASSAU CO, NY Police lines swamped. Silent delta/trian 11/22/1985 #37717  
                      At 8:30 p.m. police phone lines in Manhasset, New Yor 11/22/1985 #37723  
                                   Police and several other witnesses in Mi 1/5/1986 #37752  
                      HARTFORD, CT Police phones jammed. Huge boomerang. I8 1/9/1986 #37758  
 on its side before moving away. A police officer who sees the UFO says it  3/26/1986 #37811  
      On the same night a group of police officers in Kremmling, Colorado s 4/20/1986 #37829  
            DANBURY, CT 50+calls / police etc. Delta/triangle/box-like craf 5/29/1986 #37897  
                               Two police constables, Jim Begg and Tom Murp 12/23/1986 #38086  
Monroe New Glarus Verona 8:00 p.m. Police officer Glen Kazmar and Jeff Furs 1/15/1987 #38099  
                 Verona, Wisconsin Police Station Field 1:00 p.m. Police in 3/20/1987 #38150  
sin Police Station Field 1:00 p.m. Police in Verona, Wisconsin, view a tria 3/20/1987 #38150  
 and blue flashing lights from the police station. The on-duty officer take 3/20/1987 #38150  
   Five witnesses, including three police, witnessed a metallic-appearing,  9/3/1987 #38277  
he afternoon, the family report to police in Ceduna, South Australia, who n 1/20/1988 #38422  
llected for forensic analysis. The police tests are never done, but at leas 1/20/1988 #38422  
          WALSALL, STAFFORDS 2 Ind police patrols. Huge silent ovoid / ligh 2/16/1988 #38469  
                               Two police officers saw a very large spinnin 2/16/1988 #38470  
n County, Pennsylvania 5:25 a.m. A police officer en route to his station i 12/4/1988 #38743  
haped UFO at around 7:40 p.m. Many police cars and helicopters were seen co 12/12/1988 #38753  
Alabama, tells the Fyffe, Alabama, police department that she has been watc 2/10/1989 #38832  
the curve outlined in green light. Police Chief Junior Garmany and Assistan 2/10/1989 #38832  
 hour by four witnesses, including police. It flew over the police cruiser  2/10/1989 #38833  
including police. It flew over the police cruiser at an estimated distance  2/10/1989 #38833  
    Fyffe, Alabama Fyffe, Alabama, police officer Dennison Scott and two ot 2/15/1989 #38841  
FE, AL Multiple observer(s) and 40 police calls. Bright round object bigger 2/24/1989 #38848  
                              Many police personnel and others at 10 locati 3/1/1989 #38860  
Alabama at 8:00 p.m. At 10:10 p.m. police from six agencies and a fire chie 3/1/1989 #38860  
ay -- At 3:30 p.m. Randy Rhodes, a police dispatcher for the City of Ellswo 7/22/1989 #39030  
jeeps and military vehicles with a police escort going to Brookhaven Nation 9/28/1989 #39132  
s via William Floyd Parkway; local police were instructed to reroute traffi 9/28/1989 #39132  
luding some local militia, and the police thought her husband had struck he 10/8/1989 #39150  
                    Eupen, Belgium Police patrol car illuminated by brillia 11/29/1989 #39270  
                    Eupen, Belgium Police patrol car illuminated by brillia 11/29/1989 #39271  
ng overhead at Eupen, Belgium. Two police officers in a patrol car are illu 11/29/1989 #39273  
. The object then passes above the police car, moving northeast. They follo 11/29/1989 #39276  
and dialed the emergency number. A police unit was dispatched but a search  12/8/1989 #39305  
range ball / contrail. Jets chase. Police and Media Lns jammed. Vanishes!   4/21/1990 #39537  
eeing strange lights in the sky to police. At 1:00 a.m. two police officers 5/3/1990 #39551  
he sky to police. At 1:00 a.m. two police officers in Backford, near Cheste 5/3/1990 #39551  
RTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Security police. Several landings reported. / lar 9/8/1990 #39720  
                          Security Police had several landings reported on  9/8/1990 #39721  
                      At 5:30 p.m. police and militia pursued a Saturn-shap 9/21/1990 #39744  
                  At 6:00 p.m. two police officers, Jacques Belanger and St 10/6/1990 #39760  
N G,V, FAA & ANG radar, visuals by police (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 10/10/1990 #39770  
ur ground observers, including two police, saw 3-5 glowing lights in a fore 10/10/1990 #39773  
 emitted from each one.” Municipal police and the RCMP are called and they  11/7/1990 #39881  
                    BENSHAHR, IRAN Police report. Brilliant 1M cylinder/cyl 11/14/1990 #39886  
inder-shaped UFOs from this day. A police report was filed that at 5:20 p.m 11/14/1990 #39890  
                    At 2:45 a.m. a police inspector in Hendale, England saw 11/24/1990 #39905  
h flew south. At the same time two police officers saw a UFO over the Brist 11/24/1990 #39905  
 Lago Sul area and by more than 20 police officers on duty that night. The  4/11/1991 #40034  
ndependent Company of the Military Police. He calls colleagues and is greet 4/11/1991 #40034  
 disappears. The men return to the police station but cannot recall how the 4/19/1991? #40041  
rvations by military personnel and police officers; Maj. Ramón Alvarez Mate 5/22/1991 #40074  
s taken by a Puebla State judicial police officer on this evening, after th 7/7/1991 #40114  
haped UFO was chased by a taxi and police east from the city of Beit She'an 11/6/1991 #40221  
                           Israeli police and the IDF followed a boomerang- 12/6/1991 #40257  
            SOUTH / VILLETHIOU, FR Police commissioner and 6. Large orange  12/24/1991 #40265  
s City, FL Domed object approached police car, green illumination, chill, w 3/19/1992 #40388  
 3:52 a.m. in Haines City, Florida police officer Delgado had a close encou 3/19/1992 #40390  
 light hovers / high altitude over police station/depot/facility. Saturn ri 5/3/1992 #40446  
p.m. Twenty civilian witnesses and police south and west of Monroe, Louisia 12/24/1992 #40767  
     Twenty civilian witnesses and police southwest of Monroe, Louisiana wa 12/24/1992 #40768  
n / 3 minute(s). 1 observer = boy. Police log.                              12/30/1992 #40773  
g a row of lights on one side. Two police officers had seen bright beams of 2/1/1993 #40830  
oadside woods. Reported going [to] police.                                  2/28/1993 #40864  
ct with rotating light like flying police van 200M over town.               2/28/1993 #40865  
Os speeding across the sky. An MoD police patrol sees the lights from RAF C 3/31/1993 #40914  
ear, with no engine noise. The RAF police report also contains details on o 3/31/1993 #40914  
y bases, civil airports, and local police. The police call ahead to alert t 3/31/1993 #40914  
il airports, and local police. The police call ahead to alert the meteorolo 3/31/1993 #40914  
ison guards and separate reports / police. Silent night light with small li 4/8/1993 #40929  
                 Prison guards and police in Lebanon, Ohio sighted a noctur 4/8/1993 #40931  
 Interstate 15 in Sloan, Nevada by police at 10:40 a.m. Then a huge silver  4/8/1993 #40932  
:50 p.m. Jefferson County Air Unit police officers Kenny Graham and Kenny D 4/28/1993 #40953  
south. 3000' altitude. Reported to police and Air Traffic Controllers / Aix 6/25/1993 #41033  
et altitude. He reported it to the police and Air Traffic Control.          6/25/1993 #41034  
SOUTH / CATANIA, SICILY 50+calls / police. "Silver balloon" maneuvers. = ha 7/7/1993 #41053  
                NANTES, FR Several police report(s). Huge dark mass with sp 7/20/1993 #41072  
gh in sky. Several observer(s) and police report. Shoots sparks.            8/3/1993 #41104  
                    In the evening police and other witnesses in Yuma, Ariz 8/28/1993 #41168  
all / field. Lights out-stereo OK! Police radio electro-magnetic effect (EM 9/3/1993 #41177  
  A blue ball of light was seen by police and others in a field in Hull, Qu 9/3/1993 #41178  
a stereo worked OK. EM effect: the police radio didn't work. Rated as high- 9/3/1993 #41178  
ianbattista, 18, tells his father, police officer Franco Giambattista, that 3/6/1994 #41443  
 shadows in a ravine. The military police are notified and converge on the  3/6/1994 #41443  
urning clockwise on its underside. Police officer Jeff Velthouse is dispatc 3/8/1994 #41449  
ves a live report, recorded by the police, of the returns he is tracking. T 3/8/1994 #41449  
oborate this with reports to local police of multi-colored UAP in the same  3/8/1994 #41450  
     PALMER, AK 15 observer(s) and police calls. Silent cylinder/cylindrica 3/17/1994 #41460  
 total duration is 10 minutes. The police radios stop functioning, and the  6/24/1994 #41581  
int beeps. Large black saucer over police radio tower. Going quickly west.  7/16/1994 #41624  
he city of Dusseldorf, Germany six police officers saw a multicolored disc- 7/16/1994 #41626  
aking a beeping sound, flew over a police radio tower in La Chapelle-la-Rei 7/16/1994 #41627  
0 p.m. several witnesses including police in Salisbury, North Carolina watc 8/13/1994 #41672  
                      CARLISLE, PA Police report. Saucer near Trimble Road. 8/23/1994 #41686  
      BACUP, LANCS Several calls / police. Metallic pink-glow kidney-shaped 10/4/1994 (approximate) #41782  
                                 A police officer watched two bright lights 10/8/1994 #41796  
truck" chased / helicopters during police drug raid.                        10/30/1994 #41822  
 at 5:45 p.m. It reportedly chased police helicopters during a drug raid.   10/30/1994 #41825  
      CLARKSON, KY Several calls / police etc. UFO on videotape. Media cove 12/4/1994 #41880  
                                 A police officer and others sighted a larg 12/30/1994 #41916  
l of Canada Royal Canadian Mounted Police The National Research Council of  1995 #41924  
quence, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigations on its behalf ceas 1995 #41924  
                  LINCOLN CITY, OR Police report "UFO taking boat". Cops fi 1/12/1995 #41970  
                   SPRINGFIELD, MO Police report. Silver glowing-ball lands 3/15/1995 #42103  
ers roadway. Going quickly west. / police report.                           3/25/1995 #42115  
 / CAMERON, MO Several report(s) / police. Green ovoid hovers. 2 silent red 6/21/1995 #42266  
ig red nocturnal light was seen by police in Whyalla, South Australia to de 7/19/1995 #42311  
ts. Going quickly [to] over house. Police report.                           7/28/1995 #42331  
                        PUTNAM, CT Police report. 1 observer. Disk going qu 8/13/1995 #42379  
    SOUTHAMPTON, HAMPS 2 cabbies / police report. Moon-size fireball crosse 8/17/1995 #42394  
uth, Dorset, England at noon three police detectives spotted a motionless,  8/23/1995 #42409  
"Moves sideways. Report going [to] police and USAF. No further details.     8/28/1995 #42423  
Away / fantastic speed/velocity. / police report.                           8/28/1995 #42424  
en shot away at fantastic speed. A police report was filed over the inciden 8/28/1995 #42426  
                   On this night a police officer in Campo Rico, Puerto Ric 9/5/1995 #42444  
 tall humanoid creature attacked a police officer's Chow Chow dog. The offi 9/7/1995 #42447  
                                 A police car was followed for 6 kilometers 9/11/1995 #42457  
He quickly ran away and called the police. It is not known if the police fo 12/9/1995 #42639  
the police. It is not known if the police found anything.                   12/9/1995 #42639  
    GOSFORD, NSW Dozens / calls to police. Huge cylinder/cigar-shape boils  12/30/1995 #42650  
OSAGE BEACH AND MORE/OTHERS, MO 60 police report(s). Vibrant bright silent  1/13/1996 #42679  
odor and is startled by a military police officer who approaches him and sh 1/13/1996 #42681  
inclothes officers of the Military Police Intelligence Service, one of them 1/20/1996 #42696  
unusual movements of the Army, the police, and the fire department between  1/21/1996 #42704  
s, soldiers, firemen, and military police. The bodies inside the three truc 1/22/1996 #42706  
         On March 2nd at 6:30 a.m. police in Cuscatancingo, El Salvador fou 2/29/1996 #42789  
hind him. Thinking that it was the police he turned around slowly. His next 2/29/1996 #42789  
            FONTANA, CA Family and police report. Large orange fireball rot 4/3/1996 #42851  
                               Two police officers were conducting their ni 4/15/1996 #42870  
from large, pear-shaped heads. The police officer had not even been able to 4/15/1996 #42870  
t above the highway, prompting the police officers to flee the scene in ter 4/15/1996 #42870  
                                   Police in Nayarit, Mexico reportedly fir 5/3/1996 #42892  
ht on top that resembled that on a police car. It also had two or three bri 5/6/1996 #42898  
re. Silent 6M UFO 0.5M altitude by police station/depot/facility. 3 80cm sm 7/8/1996 #42949  
                                   Police sergeant Marian Mancu and volunte 7/8/1996 #42950  
ergeant Marian Mancu and volunteer police officer Marcel Rusu were walking  7/8/1996 #42950  
n road that passes in front of the police station in the village of Certest 7/8/1996 #42950  
 first thought it was the district police car that was coming back from a r 7/8/1996 #42950  
      Cerțești, Romania 12:30 a.m. Police Sgt. Marian Mancu and volunteer g 7/9/1996 #42952  
                      ELAT, ISRAEL Police alert. Hundreds / observer(s). La 8/4/1996 #42970  
               Thousands including police saw a huge disc maneuver over Tel 9/17/1996 #43028  
tolph’s Church in Boston 2:00 a.m. Police Constable David Leyland in Skegne 10/5/1996 #43056  
d reports them to the coast guard. Police in nearby Boston see a single, st 10/5/1996 #43056  
l Ohio and northern Kentucky phone police to report strange lights in the s 10/16/1996 #43073  
nesses, including the entire local police force of Alice Springs, Northern  11/25/1996 #43123  
ken of the objects, and one of the police officers succeeded in getting the 11/25/1996 #43123  
from his home town. He went to the police and told them what had happened.  12/9/1996 #43133  
and told them what had happened. A police officer conducted an investigatio 12/9/1996 #43133  
Special Branch of the Metropolitan Police, a counter-terrorism division.    3/1997 #43215  
ses who call her office, including police officers, pilots, and former mili 3/13/1997 #43229  
              In 1997 at 4:05 a.m. police in La Escala, Spain saw a yellow  3/19/1997 #43235  
         Daniec, Poland Night. Two police officers responding to an emergen 6/1997 #43306  
       Treherne, Manitoba A former police officer sees a turquoise object t 6/8/1997 #43318  
e of the incident. It ascends when police shine spotlights on it, and it le 8/11/1997 #43380  
am Wiltshire England 1:00 a.m. Two police officers are on patrol near Lacoc 8/12/1997 #43381  
black creature in the sky. He told police investigators that he saw the out 10/10/1997 #43426  
atches on her arm. A neighbor told police that she heard a noise like a hel 10/16/1997 #43430  
The witness heard something like a police siren as the teardrop-shaped UFO  4/21/1998 #43554  
tity mysteriously disappeared. The police were notified.                    7/12/1998 #43602  
g overhead by several citizens and police between Nantwich and Crewe, Chesh 9/21/1998 #43649  
                 At 6:30 p.m. four police constables near a lake in Sheffie 2/9/1999 #43724  
unt Balmaceda Two Chilean national police officers see a UFO hovering above 4/2/1999 #43753  
at Arvika, who in turn contact the police and military. Stellan Jansson, ch 7/27/1999 #43814  
ming. 300M saucer hovers overhead. Police Radio Frequency Interference (RFI 8/23/1999 #43832  
.m. in the city of Ozark, Missouri police reported that a 300 meter long di 8/23/1999 #43834  
c hovered over a patrol car. Their police radio experienced interference at 8/23/1999 #43834  
                                   Police officers and many others watched  9/20/1999 #43849  
orce security policeman and a city police officer watch a triangular UFO wi 10/9/1999 #43859  
c Security in July 2000, where the police construct a computer reconstructi 12/1999 #43890  
d before sinking into the mud. The police in the area set up a one-mile wid 12/8/1999 #43895  
Gomes Misson reported to the local police that on this evening he had encou 12/17/1999 #43899  
 red, blue, and orange lights. The police reportedly found ground traces at 12/17/1999 #43899  
d O’Fallon, Illinois. Five on-duty police officers around these locales, al 1/5/2000 #43920  
el altitude and speeds. One of the police officers manages to get a single  1/5/2000 #43920  
                      At 4:28 a.m. Police Officer Stevens in Millstadt, Ill 1/5/2000 #43922  
series of several UFO sightings by police from eight police departments and 1/5/2000 #43922  
UFO sightings by police from eight police departments and civilians between 1/5/2000 #43922  
t looked like the spotlight from a police helicopter. He noticed a blue tra 1/18/2000 #43931  
cer passes. Absolute(ly) silent. / Police report.                           2/13/2000 #43949  
                  On this night, a police officer walking home along the Pl 4/17/2000 #43982  
as made in Southampton, England by police. A police helicopter flew around  5/19/2000 #43997  
 Southampton, England by police. A police helicopter flew around the UFO se 5/19/2000 #43997  
wake up his partner and called the police, who searched the area but found  7/11/2000 #44014  
          Halifax, Nova Scotia Two police officers in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 8/2000 #44025  
e was later found unconscious by a police officer in the middle of the road 8/11/2000 #44030  
lded. She jumped out screaming for police. She could not explain where she  9/6/2000 #44037  
ect with lights just over trees. / Police report.                           11/29/2000 #44087  
an 11-year-old boy reported to the police that he had seen a five-meter wid 11/29/2000 #44090  
The couple called the Lebanon City Police Department around 10:15 p.m. and  4/25/2001 #44164  
ns Center dispatched a Waynesville police officer to the location. Upon arr 4/25/2001 #44164  
 Southampton, Hampshire, England a police helicopter flew around a UFO twic 5/5/2001 #44177  
s from New York City, and numerous police and firefighters took video of th 7/15/2001 #44209  
rgentina Cerro Sampacho 10:00 p.m. Police on patrol in Sampacho, Cordoba, A 9/6/2001 #44250  
 highway in Rochdale, England by a police woman. The red lights oscillated  11/6/2001 #44273  
When they got home they called the police to report it, as well as talked t 12/10/2001 #44285  
Girardeau, Missouri a radar patrol police officer witnessed an unlit dark d 1/26/2002 #44311  
 smaller discs & triangle startles police dog (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions 1/31/2002 #44313  
 feet above the ground towards the Police Headquarters in Mobile, Alabama.  2/19/2002 #44318  
tion of white lights was seen by a police woman at 3:16 a.m. in Hellifield, 4/7/2002 #44330  
when a radio call alerted him that police in neighboring Achiras had sighte 7/21/2002 #44362  
oward them.  As he was driving his police patrol van he spotted a formation 7/21/2002 #44362  
rgentina Cerro Sampacho 10:00 p.m. Police in Sampacho, Cordoba, Argentina,  9/6/2002 #44391  
pon it started to rain again. "The police came and arrested the man. I'm 10 9/25/2002 #44406  
before it finally disappears. Five police cars are involved in the incident 11/28/2002 #44453  
                                 A police crime scene technician in Seattle 2/13/2003 #44490  
aft. He called 911, and a Winfield police officer responded and watched the 3/14/2003 #44502  
alarm was sounded and the military police from Alba got involved. A motorbo 6/22/2003 #44557  
ar marks are found near the copse. Police forensic experts take samples of  2/7/2005 #44813  
                              Four police officers sighted a diamond-shaped 9/4/2005 #44868  
er witnesses report four lights. A police officer sees an object with 10 ye 9/5/2006 #44958  
 a moth. He first thought it was a police helicopter. What was unusual was  4/17/2007 #45018  
unty, California 9:20 p.m. Retired police officer Buck Scarsdale is sitting 7/5/2009 #45230  
to cancel standing instructions to police forces who have, in the past, rou 1/2010 #45264  
ightings by an Indo-Tibetan Border Police unit in the Thakung district near 8/1/2012 #45350  
linic in Rochester, Minnesota. The police investigate her death as a homici 12/22/2015 #45442  
rounds of ammunition. According to police, the men want to destroy HAARP be 10/27/2016 #45460  
nd even traps the souls of people. Police say the men confess that “God tol 10/27/2016 #45460  
an Army, the Minas Gerais military police, and the fire brigade of Varginha 2/2018 #45504  
O investigative writer and retired police lieutenant Tim McMillan says that 2/14/2020 #45633  
tells them that the West Yorkshire police helicopter had earlier seen “lant 9/1/2020 #45660  
          Bangor, Northern Ireland Police Scotland Using Freedom of Informa 1/1/2021 #45672  
 analyzes 128 separate calls to 16 police forces since 2016 that mention UF 1/1/2021 #45672  
luding one reported by a caller to police in Bangor, Northern Ireland, who  1/1/2021 #45672  
 be much higher, with more than 30 police forces including Police Scotland  1/1/2021 #45672  
re than 30 police forces including Police Scotland saying they have no easy 1/1/2021 #45672  
rnational Airport after the Tucson Police Department and US Customs and Bor 2/9/2021 #45676  
ting an Airbus AS350, while Tucson police are flying a Bell 206B-3 Jet Rang 2/9/2021 #45676  
s the Kiruna and Luleå airports. A police helicopter is seen pursuing a dro 1/17/2022 #45734  
## Word: "police-light" (Back to Top)
AUS Cars chased / extremely bright police-light. Continues going east out t 10/5/1989 (approximate) #39144  
## Word: "policeman" (Back to Top)
de and sporting a searchlight. One policeman thinks he sees enormous wings; 12/22/1909 #821  
g them the vicar, the Mayor, and a policeman saw a cigar-shaped object hove 1/1910 #827  
g them the vicar, the Mayor, and a policeman -saw a cigar-shaped object hov 1/1910 #828  
g of UFO formation by Metropolitan policeman. [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Ha 1943 (approximate) #1475  
r, who turns out to be Cobb County policeman Sherley Brown, that they had s 7/7/1953 #8989  
Rhodesia, Africa J. H. Flanagan (a policeman) and some friends recently obs 7/25/1954 #10050  
 Enkeldoorn [now Chivhu], Zimbabwe Policeman J. H. Flanagan and friends see 7/25/1954 #10052  
                    At 9:15 p.m. a policeman, Louis Moll, saw a bright ligh 9/19/1954 #10363  
ects high in the sky. One witness, policeman M. Corrions, says they are arr 9/23/1954 #10419  
tnesses, among them Mr. Beuclair a policeman, saw a bright red domeshaped o 10/17/1954 #11174  
ance several witnesses, among them policeman Beuclair, saw a bright red dom 10/17/1954 #11182  
 department, France. Mr. Muller, a policeman, saw the being in his garden.  10/23/1954 #11348  
                      Highland, NC Policeman saw 14 yellow-to-red round obj 9/14/1956 #13220  
h Carolina Witness: Scaly, N. Car. policeman O.S. Gryman. Fourteen yellow-t 9/14/1956 #13221  
d, North Carolina three men, one a policeman, sighted fourteen yellow-to-re 9/14/1956 #13222  
land, Sweden Baltic Sea 10:00 p.m. Policeman Ernst W. Akerberg and his wife 8/5/1957 #13881  
ion Road 10:00 p.m. Jan Boucher, a policeman in Kodiak, Alaska, sees a red  11/4/1957 #14288  
w Mexico Witnesses: one Las Cruces policeman, one Dona Ana County Deputy Sh 11/6/1957 #14418  
      England AFB (near), LA State policeman photographed two round UFOs. [ 6/23/1958 #15115  
               Portville, NY State policeman reported two dumbbell-like UFO 7/24/1960 #16346  
               Socorro, New Mexico Policeman Lonnie Zamora observed the lan 4/24/1964 #18194  
corro, New Mexico Witness: Socorro policeman Lonnie Zamora.  Watched object 4/24/1964 #18195  
ico Numerous witnesses, among them policeman Paul Arteche, saw a reddish, r 4/28/1964 #18215  
ay over Anthony, New Mexico. State policeman Raúl Arteche sees it moving we 4/28/1964 #18216  
ne's ear. Crawford radioed another policeman and asked him to meet him at a 6/12/1964 #18348  
B, Cheyenne, Wyoming Midnight. Air Policeman Arthur McEnaney and other guar 8/1964 #18467  
   Marion, Virginia Woody Darnell, policeman, his family, and several neigh 1/25/1965 #18765  
           Marion, Virginia Night. Policeman Woody Darnall, his family, and 1/25/1965 #18766  
ighting the witness went and got a policeman, who also witnessed the UFO.   2/22/1966 #19911  
 northwest. The witness had been a policeman for 10 years, and had never se 3/17/1966 #19982  
 around it. The witness had been a policeman for 10 years, and had never se 3/17/1966 #19986  
               Milan, Michigan The policeman who had observed an object ove 6/13/1966 #20557  
                                 A policeman who had observed an UFO over M 6/13/1966 #20558  
 McDonald, OH Time not reported. A policeman and others saw a large object  8/13/1966 #20741  
3-story house. It flew away as the policeman was about to hit it.           9/1966 #20823  
 Randolph Twp, NJ 8:45 p.m. EDT. A policeman watched as a bright yellow ova 10/23/1966 #21029  
Seymour, IN 7:50 p.m. EST. A state policeman saw a huge object, moving slow 2/9/1967 #21489  
oad. Returning to the scene with a policeman, the found broken branches at  2/11/1967 #21511  
rt while later to the scene with a policeman they found broken branches at  2/11/1967 #21512  
eparately by an Ontario provincial policeman. The policeman described it as 2/24/1967 #21639  
 Ontario provincial policeman. The policeman described it as a "flashing or 2/24/1967 #21639  
rector of radio station and former policeman, and wife.  One round saucer o 3/6/1967 #21776  
                        Moline, IL Policeman spotted two UFOs in the aftern 3/9/1967 #21832  
NJ Night. Five people, including a policeman, watched a revolving object wi 4/12/1967 #22115  
toba, CAN 1:00 p.m. CDT. A Mounted Policeman and a Royal Canadian Air Force 6/5/1967 #22463  
D 10:45 p.m. CDT. Three boys and a policeman saw a hovering oblong object t 6/21/1967 #22528  
Holly Springs, PA 9:35 p.m. EDT. A policeman saw two lights, one was statio 9/23/1967 #23120  
 Rockford, IL Time not reported. A policeman, an FAA specialist, and anothe 10/2/1967 #23163  
ive miles southwest of Weymouth, a policeman and three game wardens see an  10/4/1967 #23176  
merset County, NJ 9:20 p.m. EDT. A policeman and another man saw red and gr 10/17/1967 #23243  
      Holland, MI 4:00 a.m. EST. A policeman saw a bright orange half-moon  10/30/1967 #23367  
   Charleston, SC 4:00 a.m. EST. A policeman saw a bright oval light with a 11/8/1967 #23421  
 above the water. An investigating policeman confirmed the sighting by the  11/25/1968 #24708  
sed by several. When a 37-year-old policeman named Manselon approached the  3/14/1969 #25013  
 UFOs. Robert G. Howington, harbor policeman, said the objects he saw disap 6/20/1969 #25230  
nt back and forth across the sky." Policeman James R. Coughlin and others s 6/20/1969 #25230  
nd. He ran to his window and saw a policeman running toward his car, which  12/14/1970 #25939  
                                 A policeman woke up in his home and saw a  1/4/1971 #25975  
na. It was seen on the ground by a policeman and two others for about a min 6/11/1971 #26168  
te, Massachusetts began barking. A policeman on patrol noticed a light beam 4/20/1972 #26655  
n into Catanduva and return with a policeman, Clóvis Queiros. Turning Páter 5/22/1973 #27518  
a Four grade-school students and a policeman saw four small humanoids benea 8/10/1973 #27691  
creatures head toward the woods. A policeman arrives at 9:45 p.m. and finds 10/25/1973 #28285  
ountains 9:45 p.m. A USAF security policeman at the eastern portion of Kirt 11/6/1973 #28376  
rances saw what they thought was a policeman holding a walkie-talkie radio  5/31/1974 #29150  
 to think in more detail about the policeman. The metallic-looking suit see 5/31/1974 #29150  
ic-looking suit seemed queer for a policeman, as they normally wore khaki.  5/31/1974 #29150  
ng in Revigny-sur-Ornain, France a policeman took photographs of two lumino 6/6/1975 #30090  
e. Airman Michael J. Myers, an air policeman on duty near the main gate, sa 10/30/1975 #30523  
pe from the flight tower. A Clovis policeman sees a cigar-shaped object wit 1/21/1976 #30810  
ristol, Wales, UK Ken, an off-duty policeman, was driving home after his wo 12/31/1976 #31645  
 driving to pick up her husband (a policeman) from work when the 3-year-old 1/10/1978 #32868  
 driving to pick up her husband (a policeman) from work in Chicago, Illinoi 1/10/1978 #32869  
 runaway 3:00–5:00 a.m. A security policeman at McGuire AFB [now Joint Base 1/18/1978 #32894  
mston, North Carolina 12:31 a.m. A policeman in Williamston, North Carolina 1/26/1978 #32915  
     Marzano Di Torriglia, Italy A policeman was out patrolling told that h 12/28/1978 #34219  
 radioactivity was detected, but a policeman who touched the traces had his 9/19/1979 #34902  
uffolk, England 2:30 a.m. Security Policeman Charles P. Wagner and two othe 6/15/1980 #35374  
                A New Mexico State policeman saw a UFO land in the Manzano  8/10/1980 #35455  
many Gerbach Day. US Army Military Policeman Christopher Grooms is on guard 11/25/1982 #36690  
uzzi, his son Michael, and retired policeman Jim Lucksky are boating on Can 7/12/1983 #36909  
t of a patrol vehicle with another policeman in Bayramgulovo, Chelyabinsk O Late 9/1984 #37469  
 Belt, Montana. Air Force Security Policeman Joseph C. Pscolka watches them Fall 1986 #38035  
t Morton 7:15 a.m. A former London policeman (pseudonym Philip Spencer) is  12/1/1987 #38345  
eper APC Night. Air Force Security Policeman Joseph C. Pscolka is awakened  Winter 1987 #38370  
reminded them of a ventilator. One policeman reported that he had also noti 11/29/1989 #39277  
ntrol Facility 10:45 p.m. Security policeman T/Sgt Anthony W. Keel is worki 9/1991 #40178  
azil Catandório 6:30 p.m. Military Policeman Luis Ribeiro and a colleague a 3/5/1992 #40358  
                        A military policeman, Luis Ribeiro de Oliveira and  3/5/1992 #40359  
unt Seymour, British Columbia. The policeman witness was unable to wake his 8/29/1992 #40596  
 Florida, an ex-Air Force security policeman and a city police officer watc 10/9/1999 #43859  
ture's fiery red eyes. The shocked policeman realized it was something othe 4/17/2000 #43982  
                                   Policeman’s Point, Yukon Territory An ov 11/11/2001 #44274  
s flies on an irregular path above Policeman’s Point, Yukon Territory.      11/11/2001 #44274  
                         Argentine Policeman Guillermo Arias was on patrol  7/21/2002 #44362  
 County, Nevada 5:45 p.m. Security Policeman Christopher Cabrera is on guar Late 9/2002 #44405  
light. However, seconds later, one policeman spots a towering, silhouette-l 2004 #44637  
## Word: "policemen" (Back to Top)
 Jacksonville, Illinois 10:30 p.m. Policemen, firemen, and many other resid 4/10/1897 #425  
               Hot Springs, AR Two policemen, Sumpter and McLenore, were ri 5/6/1897 #591  
         Hot Springs, Arkansas Two policemen, Sumpter and McLenore, were ri 5/6/1897 #592  
had a beard and suggested that the policemen fly with them "to a place wher 5/6/1897 #592  
                               Two policemen, Sumpter and McLenore, were ri 5/6/1897 #594  
n had a beard and suggested to the policemen that they fly with them "to a  5/6/1897 #594  
Falls Housing Authority) and three policemen (Richard A. Frazier, H. E. Rou 8/19/1947 #3352  
ed off end, and was sighted by two policemen and a restaurant proprietor. I 4/24/1950 #4889  
ladelphia, Pennsylvania 10:00 p.m. Policemen John Collins and Joseph Keenan 9/26/1950 #5199  
llinois witnesses:  three USAF air policemen.  One bright silver, flat oval 6/29/1952 #6665  
      On this night three military policemen in Park Ridge, Illinois near O 6/29/1952 #6667  
th Test Support Wing, and USAF air policemen M/Sgt James Stiner and M/Sgt J 7/1/1952 #6689  
field, California Witnesses: three policemen.  One object changed color lik 8/18/1952 #7635  
                             Three policemen in Fairfield, California sight 8/18/1952 #7636  
on, DC Witnesses:  three USAF. air policemen at Washington National Airport 5/11/1954 #9775  
 building 4:45 a.m. Three USAF Air Policemen (A/1C Mason W. Augst, A/1C Geo 5/12/1954 #9779  
, California Witnesses:  two local policemen, four U.S. Marine Corps police 9/21/1954 #10381  
g in Barstow, California two local policemen, four U.S. Marine Corps police 9/21/1954 #10386  
r car until they reached Fontland. Policemen in Plombieres and several inde 9/23/1954 #10416  
r car until they reached Fontland. Policemen in Plombieres and several othe 9/23/1954 #10423  
    CHARLEVILLE-MEZIERES, FR Dawn. Policemen. UFO takes off. Type unknown.  10/27/1954 #11428  
                  Mezieres, France Policemen saw a craft, which took off fr 10/27/1954 #11443  
x, France. In Mezieres, France two policemen on bicycles saw a craft which  10/27/1954 #11451  
ther car in which a lawyer and two policemen were traveling. All four saw t 12/1954 #11734  
y play themselves, and Los Angeles policemen stand in for Ruppelt, Fournet, 5/3/1956 #12828  
        Elmwood Park, Illinois Two policemen, Joseph Lukasek and Clifford S 11/4/1957 #14280  
. At Elmwood Park, Illinois, three policemen (Clifford Shaw, Joseph Lukasek 11/4/1957 #14285  
anville, Illinois Night. Two state policemen in Danville, Illinois, observe 11/6/1957 #14427  
see a UFO at Hammond, Indiana. Two policemen (Sgt. Charles J. Mauder, Offic 11/10/1957 #14525  
 of birds." Air Force officers and policemen searched the snowcovered hill  1/4/1958 #14805  
                 At 12:55 a.m. two policemen, Officers Arboreen and Talada  12/20/1958 #15490  
International Airport Missouri Two policemen are in the vicinity of Lambert 3/24/1960 #16206  
Several doctors, a topographer and policemen saw three UFOs, in-line format 5/24/1960 #16299  
          Westwood, NJ 4 a.m.. Two policemen reported a 7-8 second observat 9/18/1962 #17412  
 to a cone. 4:45 a.m.; Two Oradell policemen reported a brilliant light in  9/18/1962 #17412  
                 Northeast, OH Six policemen sighted UFOs about the same ti 9/18/1962 #17414  
                Minerva, Ohio. Six policemen in northeastern Ohio sighted U 9/18/1962 #17418  
m., William Stock and four invited policemen spent a half hour watching a r 9/21/1962 #17425  
olving body lights. At 4 a.m., two policemen, between Hawthorne and North H 9/21/1962 #17425  
gency, a photographer and numerous policemen watched, for 10 minutes, an ob 9/24/1962 #17437  
a About 50 Toba Indians, including policemen, saw three little men with lum 2/21/1965 #18824  
       Silverton, South Africa Two policemen, John Lockem and Koos de Klerk 9/15/1965 #19566  
                               Two policemen, John Lockem and Koos de Klerk 9/15/1965 #19567  
 beam of light toward the sky. Two policemen on the scene also observed the 11/13/1965 #19718  
beam of light towards the sky. Two policemen on the scene also observed the 11/13/1965 #19720  
                        TOLEDO, OH Policemen. Large glowing sphere/orb/glob 3/25/1966 #20076  
ending on top of a high hill. When policemen climbed to the site they found 8/20/1966 #20778  
ending on top of a high hill. When policemen climbed to the site they found 8/20/1966 #20782  
   Hazard, KY 11:30 p.m. EST. Four policemen and a rescue worker saw an obj 2/6/1967 #21467  
from five witnesses (including two policemen) of a glowing bright white, li 2/16/1967 #21566  
             At 10:15 p.m. EST two policemen witnessed a glowing object lik 2/16/1967 #21575  
Ontario, including four provincial policemen, saw a bright shining object w 2/26/1967 #21658  
  Coshocton, OH 7:45 p.m. EST. Two policemen saw two light-colored saucers  2/26/1967 #21659  
p.m. nine witnesses including four policemen in Wiarton, southeastern Ontar 2/26/1967 #21665  
                  At 7:45 p.m. two policemen, Edie and Border, in Coshocton 2/26/1967 #21666  
m. MST. A newspaper editor and two policemen saw a torpedo-shaped object wi 3/8/1967 #21801  
At 10:00 pm in Paso de los Libres, policemen saw 8-10 bright lights that fl 6/24/1967 #22544  
los Libres, Corrientes, Argentina, policemen see 8–10 bright lights that fl 6/24/1967 #22548  
 Toronto, Ontario, CAN Night. Five policemen saw a white light that moved a 9/25/1967 #23130  
edgeville, GA Night. Two groups of policemen about a half-mile apart, while 10/22/1967 #23288  
leigh, Devon, UK 4:00 a.m. LT. Two policemen saw a bright cross-shaped ligh 10/24/1967 #23299  
e sky with a similar object. Other policemen report a UFO on this day and t 10/24/1967 #23304  
wo hours. Among the witnesses were policemen, Coast Guardsmen, a harbor pat 6/20/1969 #25229  
                               Two policemen in Mrewa, Zimbabwe saw three s 1/30/1970 #25565  
 absolutely silent. Nine other air policemen are alerted, and four F-101 Vo 11/6/1973 #28376  
arlowton, MT 2:00 a.m. Several Air Policemen from the K-1 missile base [Kil 2/18/1975 #29823  
 first object moves toward the two policemen who see a brilliant white ligh 8/20/1975 #30291  
ight beams of various colors. When policemen arrive and draw their weapons, Early 9/1976 #31326  
 Hainault Forest Country Park. Two policemen are dispatched, and they see a 5/3/1977 #32050  
he forest near the small lake. Two policemen were directed to the scene. Ar 5/3/1977 #32053  
n a road in Catanzaro, Italy three policemen saw a luminous domed object ti 12/8/1978 #34078  
ore 12:00 midnight. Three security policemen on the eastern side of the Man 8/8/1980 #35447  
t Ellwood, Illinois Early morning. Policemen in New Lenox, Manhattan, Jolie 11/25/1980 #35669  
and the German border, two federal policemen, Heinrich Nicoll and Hubert vo 11/29/1989 #39272  
 de la Gileppe dam for 45 minutes. Policemen Heinrich Nicoll and Hubert von 11/29/1989 #39273  
er Garnstock 7:20 p.m. Two federal policemen, Dieter Plummans and Peter Nic 11/29/1989 #39276  
cat and mouse game with a UFO. The policemen described it as "a dark solid  11/29/1989 #39277  
i Chereze, 23, one of the military policemen involved in the Varginha, Braz 2/6/1996 #42742  
d, he is visited by two Cheltenham policemen who ask him about a UFO group  3/1997 #43215  
Buenos Aires, Argentina Night. Two policemen in Buenos Aires, Argentina, se 11/28/2002 #44453  
 2:30 a.m. Some Air Force security policemen for Area 2, a weapons storage  4/2003 #44508  
ada Night. Three teams of security policemen at Nellis AFB in Nevada are se 2004 #44637  
 in the terrain, with six Security Policemen in hot pursuit, the unknown in 2004 #44637  
ge near Nysa, Poland 4:00 a.m. Two policemen in a village near Nysa, Poland 1/8/2013 #45359  
## Word: "policewoman" (Back to Top)
es, Sussex (near), UK 5:20 PM. The policewoman noticed a curious, silent ob Fall 1977 #32514  
## Word: "policia" (Back to Top)
                          Morro do Policia Porto Alegre Brazil Night. A bri 8/4/1967 #22805  
in the sky in the area of Morro do Policia in Porto Alegre, Brazil, for 30  8/4/1967 #22805  
## Word: "policies" (Back to Top)
to build support for the council’s policies, while also acting as “useful l 1938 #1279  
pposition to defense economization policies and meeting secretly with Thoma 1/11/1949 #3970  
ngs of Project Grudge and suggests policies and agendas for the immediate f 1/3/1952 #5859  
to the success of its’ implemented policies. Some sightings still would hav 12/8/1953 #9347  
t of Energy, with the oversight of policies on energy and safety in handlin 8/4/1977 #32359  
O is initiating a review of “DOD’s policies and procedures for acquiring, c 2/9/1994 #41408  
## Word: "policy" (Back to Top)
industrialists to engineer foreign policy. The first issue of Foreign Affai 7/29/1921 #1013  
nn is dropped in line with an NDRC policy not to have Army or Navy personne 6/28/1941 #1367  
he Manhattan Project. The Military Policy Committee, consisting of Vannevar 9/23/1942 #1447  
                                   Policy adviser Ferdinand Eberstadt write 9/1945 #1936  
he DCI as a non-voting member) for policy and coordination and a Central In 1/22/1946 #1967  
                  The FBI issues a policy statement on “Flying Discs,” sayi 7/30/1947 #3260  
e AMC commanding general that USAF policy is not to ignore UFO reports, but 12/30/1947 #3516  
rnment. To this end, the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) is created ins 6/18/1948 #3673  
                 The CIA Office of Policy Coordination is formally establis 9/1/1948 #3794  
ywood writers in the CIA Office of Policy Coordination’s Political and Psyc 3/27/1950 #4741  
ation planted by the CIA Office of Policy Coordination Political and Psycho 3/27/1950 #4742  
 the saucers are “like our foreign policy. It is in a state of confusion an 4/5/1950 #4799  
 68 (NSC-68), a 56-page top secret policy paper that provides the “blueprin 4/7/1950 #4818  
ent on the grounds that “it is our policy not to participate in any proposa 9/13/1950 #5176  
Ohio, advising him of the standing policy of releasing no details about UFO 10/18/1950 #5241  
 He blasts the US government for a policy of “suicide by secrecy.” The FBI  2/25/1951 #5458  
esponse to the growth of Office of Policy Coordination covert activities du 4/4/1951 #5498  
Director of Plans in the Office of Policy Coordination, with Richard Helms  8/23/1951 #5616  
land introduces a new intelligence policy that emphasizes the use of instru 1/29/1952 #5884  
ir. It recommends that “A national policy should be established as to what  9/10/1952 #7891  
be the time and basis for a public policy to reduce or restrain mass hyster 10/13/1952 #8128  
orce issues its first statement of policy on UFOs, admitting that it does a 4/1954 #9657  
 on UFO information and blasts its policy on Lou Corbin’s radio show.       6/9/1954 #9882  
tes that the “RCAF has no official policy concerning the subject” of UFOs a 12/1957 #14650  
onnel to violate present Air Force policy and specifically AF Regulation 20 1/23/1958 #14840  
a petition protesting the official policy of debunking UFO sightings. One p 12/1958 #15465  
sightings. One pilot describes the policy as a “lesson in lying, intrigue,  12/1958 #15465  
J.) Star-Ledger that the Air Force policy of censorship and denial regardin 12/21/1958 #15494  
 UAP tell a reporter the Air Force policy of denial is like “Big Brother.”  12/21/1958 #15495  
0 fine (JANAP 146) is “nuts.” This policy effectively stopped airline pilot 12/21/1958 #15495  
         US "Air Force Information Policy Letter; For Commanders," Vol. XIV 8/15/1960 #16383  
             Air Force Information Policy Letter for Commanders, vol. 14, n 8/15/1960 #16385  
domination of science-based public policy by what he calls a “scientific-te 1/17/1961 #16579  
a more straightforward information policy that releases all facts on major  5/1961 #16672  
              US The outspoken new policy, if that is what it was, apparent 6/1961 #16706  
ngs, Colorado The AFCIN-1E-0 Draft Policy letter (Betz Memo) is prepared by 11/13/1961 #16962  
   USAF document “AFCIN-1E-0 Draft Policy” written by Lt. Col. Norman M. Ro 11/13/1961 #16963  
 conforms to USAF public relations policy.                                  5/10/1966 #20474  
e Harold Brown has established the policy that all USAF information on UFOs 2/23/1967 #21635  
he USAF document “AFCIN-1E-0 Draft Policy” dated 13 November 1961 that stat 3/1968 #23799  
ing that it does not represent NSA policy. It discusses various hypotheses  10/1968? #24534  
 Criticism of the government’s UFO policy is no longer permitted and NICAP  5/29/1970 #25676  
orce reveals its continuation of a policy to deny USAF interest in the subj 11/11/1975 #30611  
ms. Congressional Research Service Policy Analyst Marcia S. Smith claims th 11/19/1976 #31557  
the Center for the Study of Social Policy at the Stanford Research Institut 1/1977 #31666  
enlo Park, California, as a senior policy analyst. He intends to develop an 1/1977 #31666  
rs to evaluate the data, and issue policy recommendations, including one to 1/1977 #31666  
member of the White House Domestic Policy Staff, who is supportive of his p 1/1977 #31666  
e Office of Science and Technology Policy, writes to Robert A. Frosch, NASA 7/21/1977 #32297  
 Greys) telepathy / Army Officer. "Policy / non-interference. / r11p200.    5/1978 #33180  
has referred to it. NSA’s Chief of Policy Roy R. Banner later declines thei 12/22/1978 #34197  
the House of Lords on the official policy of the UK government on UFOs. He  1/18/1979 #34358  
re written by the chief officer of policy for the NSA, Eugene F. Yeates. Th 11/18/1980 #35653  
or UAP documents. Chief Officer of Policy for the NSA, Eugene F. Yeates, wr 11/18/1980 #35655  
                   NSA Director of Policy Eugene Yeates releases a highly r 5/18/1982 #36473  
e Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) show a discussion between  4/15/1993 #40934  
 investigations in a revised “RAAF Policy: Unusual Aerial Sightings.”       12/1993 #41311  
ces for the national interest when policy makers are not fully informed, th 3/3/1997 #43217  
 to secretly consider a variety of policy options without fear of criticism 3/3/1997 #43217  
; it recommends a series of public policy reforms to enable the aerospace i 11/27/2002 #44452  
 Encounters” in the European Space Policy Institute Perspectives newsletter 1/2011 #45311  
K National Archives opens more UFO policy files, covering 1995–1997, 1997–1 7/2012 #45345  
ate Empire” has greater say on UAP policy than President or Congress.  Gree 4/18/2016 #45451  
## Word: "policymakers" (Back to Top)
 air, and hope far an uprising. US policymakers want to see “a new governme 11/30/1961 #16984  
 persons in order to advise public policymakers) has, according to the auth 6/12/1974 #29180  
## Word: "polie" (Back to Top)
he station for an extended period. Polie unsuccessfuly attempt to track dow 9/29/2019 #45610  
## Word: "poligny" (Back to Top)
Bersaillin, France A woodsman from Poligny saw a very bright light on the r 12/17/1954 #11828  
                                   POLIGNY, FR 20M transparent globe hovers 9/1958 #15236  
                                   POLIGNY, JURA Large white ovoid hovers.  6/5/1995 #42238  
ge white ovoid object hovered over Poligny, France. Six smaller orbs exited 6/5/1995 #42240  
## Word: "poligon" (Back to Top)
                                   Poligon Nadarzyce airbase Nadardyce, Pol 10/8/1994 #41795  
FB 8:00 p.m. Military personnel at Poligon Nadarzyce airbase near the villa 10/8/1994 #41795  
## Word: "polis" (Back to Top)
ns an investigation, as Gov. Jared Polis vows to get to the bottom of the c 12/2019 #45620  
## Word: "polish" (Back to Top)
t. Roman (Ray) Sabiński of the 301 Polish Bomber Squadron is flying an RAF  6/25/1942 #1422  
     England Peenemünde, Germany A Polish bomber unit based in England clai Autumn 1943 #1530  
ly, Antoni Szachnowsky, of the 2nd Polish Artillery Regiment, notices an eg Early 7/1944 #1617  
, metallic, motionless object. The Polish Army anti-aircraft gun fires on i Early 7/1944 #1617  
m in diameter was observed by five Polish and two German workers as it land 7/31/1953 #9026  
s in diameter was observed by five Polish and two German workers as it land 7/31/1953 #9029  
iated by several people, including Polish politician-in-exile Józef Retinge 5/29/1954 #9840  
sterious blond figure was merely a Polish farmer, but this was never confir 10/23/1954 #11346  
            Warsaw Świdnica Poland Polish Air Force pilot Apoloniusz Czernó 8/1958 #15171  
land Gdynia Polytechnic University Polish Naval Academy Soviet Union 6:00 a 1/21/1959 #15558  
s and, after being examined by the Polish navy, sent to Gdynia Polytechnic  1/21/1959 #15558  
lytechnic University [possibly the Polish Naval Academy]. A few days later, 1/21/1959 #15558  
he went to investigate. Using shoe polish, he wrote "Stop" on the side of h 2/28/1959 #15624  
           Kolobreg, Poland On the Polish coast, not far from Kolobreg, sol 3/1959 #15627  
o died on April 23. Adamski was of Polish background and had a noticeable a 4/24/1965 #18916  
Modlin Airport, Poland 9:00 p.m. A Polish Air Force pilot takes off from Wa 1968 #23632  
     Eustaqui Zogorwski, age 63, a Polish immigrant, claimed that on this d 6/20/1968 #24056  
0 nautical miles off of Cape Hel a Polish vessel had radar malfunction and  8/23/1978 #33557  
y are prescribed sedatives and the Polish Navy prohibits them from going ou 8/23/1979 #34768  
 Ostróda Olsztyn Night. A group of Polish Air Force pilots during missions  4/22/1982 #36450  
                                   POLISH COAST LOCATION UNKNOWN 2 Air Forc 7/6/1983 #36901  
ace, Poland Daytime. Sighting of a Polish Air Force pilot and co-pilot of a 7/6/1983 #36902  
d covering flying at 11,0000 feet. Polish Air Force Captain Praszczałek and 7/7/1983 #36904  
he fight controller in Balice, the Polish Army refuses to disclose any furt 1/14/1993 #40795  
unctions during their pursuit. The Polish Army concludes that the phenomena 10/8/1994 #41795  
legedly retrieved by soldiers. The Polish Army denies all knowledge of the  3/15/1997 #43232  
olm, Sweden Baltic Sea Twilight. A Polish passenger on a ferry to Stockholm 6/1997 #43307  
, each carrying a light ball. Some Polish researchers consider this a conco 6/18/1997 #43328  
                            Poland Polish journalist and author Igor Witkow 2000 #43910  
       Aarhus, Denmark 9:00 p.m. A Polish woman living in Aarhus, Denmark,  11/2008 #45185  
 dead of an apparent overdose, but Polish authorities were investigating as 7/16/2016 #45456  
## Word: "polish-australian" (Back to Top)
near Canberra, Australia 3:03 a.m. Polish-Australian astronomer Antoni Przy 11/8/1957 #14486  
## Word: "polish-born" (Back to Top)
               Falcon Lake, Canada Polish-born Steve Michalac, 52, industri 5/20/1967 #22379  
                                   Polish-born Steve Michalac, age 52, an i 5/20/1967 #22384  
## Word: "polished" (Back to Top)
 and dull gray, but they are like “polished mirrors” on top.                7/1946 #2023  
They are silvery and appear highly polished, and on their undersides Battey Late 5/1947 #2298  
sunlight strongly as if is made of polished aluminum or silver.             6/22/1947 #2364  
rth-northeast. It was bright, like polished silver, and flew at an estimate 7/21/1947 #3211  
   Placerville, CA Metallic highly polished chromium surface obj 4-6 ft wid 8/14/1947 #3327  
 formation. They all now look like polished aluminum; they rise to a great  6/30/1948 #3686  
                    Huntsville, GA Polished aluminum object, shaped like a  7/13/1950 #5062  
ct, shaped like a bowtie, and like polished aluminum.  Flew straight and le 7/13/1950 #5063  
sky, appearing like it was made of polished aluminum. It flew straight and  7/13/1950 #5066  
ity Officer Reports Object Made of Polished Metal (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 12/5/1950 #5317  
rience sighted a disk-like, highly polished UFO which closed head on with h 10/21/1951 #5736  
                Abilene, TX Oblong polished metal object climbing at 500 mp 8/17/1952 #7626  
 surface that looked like a highly polished brushed metal. In a nearby tent 5/21/1953 #8898  
               Saraland, AL Highly polished spinning top or cone-shaped obj 8/2/1953 #9038  
e and 20 feet high and looked like polished aluminum. A six-foot-tall man w 2/18/1954 #9555  
n color, they "looked exactly like polished metal plates reflecting the sun 6/11/1954 #9893  
lake, OH Thin bright ellipse, like polished metal, hover for 5-8 secs (NICA 8/2/1954 #10092  
r.  One thin, bright ellipse, like polished metal, hovered for 5-8 seconds, 8/2/1954 #10093  
 looked like it was made of highly polished metal, and was at a minimum dis 8/2/1954 #10095  
Kimpo AB, Korea Round object, like polished aluminum, fly straight and leve 9/18/1954 #10344  
 observer.  One round object, like polished aluminum, flew straight and lev 9/18/1954 #10347  
Korea watched a round object, like polished aluminum, fly straight and leve 9/18/1954 #10350  
de and made of some sort of highly polished material. There was a very pecu 10/24/1954 #11366  
 dome on top, like aluminum with a polished surface. The formation is comin 11/21/1954 #11683  
An object shaped like an “enormous polished brass kettle” with a rectangula 12/9/1954 #11787  
aft "had a bottom like an enormous polished brass kettle," hovered with an  12/11/1954 #11800  
saw a UFO shaped like an "enormous polished brass kettle" with a rectangula 12/11/1954 #11802  
            Miramar NAS, CA Highly polished sphere, with reddish-brown colo 2/2/1955 #11964  
 Cmdr. J.L. Ingersoll.  One highly polished sphere, with reddish-brown colo 2/2/1955 #11966  
. J. L. Ingersoll sighted a highly polished sphere with reddish-brown color 2/2/1955 #11970  
eters in diameter. It had a highly polished chrome-like surface and made a  8/19/1955 #12375  
er, a brilliant metallic disc like polished blue steel swoops down and pass 1/1961 #16555  
when he witnessed a flying disc of polished blue steel swoop down very clos 1/1/1961 #16559  
ved a lens-shaped disc of brightly polished aluminum over the Utah Central  10/2/1961 #16890  
rns to see a metallic object “like polished chrome.” It is pacing the aircr 1962 #17006  
t inside. The object was so highly polished that "I would bet on a clear da 1/19/1965 #18746  
s object that seemed to be made of polished metal. After about half an hour 11/17/1966 #21118  
electronic technician, saw a huge, polished, metallic-appearing ball that h 4/27/1967 #22228  
electronic technician, saw a huge, polished, metallic-appearing ball that h 4/27/1967 #22234  
ject seems made of glass or highly polished metal: “Near the bottom there w 4/28/1967 #22245  
 the road. It looks made of shiny, polished aluminum. It ascends slowly wit 12/3/1967 #23545  
urface of the disc is like silvery polished steel. Mexican troops recover t 8/25/1974 #29386  
t end. A large, shiny sphere (like polished aluminum) about 15–20 feet in d Winter 1974 #29653  
he bottom of the object is “highly polished metal” that casts a reddish glo 5/3/1975 #30027  
 the air is a 75-foot-long, highly polished silver object shaped like an el 12/4/1988 #38743  
a huge metallic disc, shining like polished aluminum, at the 9 o'clock posi 7/22/1989 #39030  
m toward Varginha. It is metallic, polished, and reflects the morning sunli 1/13/1996 #42681  
for 4-5 minutes. It appeared like "polished steel". It made not sound and v 7/17/1996 #42962  
ts were silver in color and highly polished. Each object had a row of about 10/17/1999 #43862  
hey were shiny and reflective like polished aluminum. A small propeller air 1/22/2005 #44809  
mercial jet, but had no wings. Its polished silver surface reflected the su 9/14/2005 #44875  
## Word: "polished-aluminum" (Back to Top)
 Controllers and weathermen. Round polished-aluminum saucer straight and le 9/18/1954 #10338  
## Word: "polished-silver" (Back to Top)
 p.m. Three children see beings in polished-silver suits and a UFO rising u 8/25/1976 #31301  
## Word: "polisher" (Back to Top)
peared “something like an electric polisher, rotating at high speed.” After 10/2/1968 #24538  
## Word: "polishing" (Back to Top)
army, and a tin box with paste for polishing metal.                         5/18/1909 #758  
## Word: "polite" (Back to Top)
s also deeply tanned. The men were polite but very insistent about one thin 1/28/1967 #21411  
 Wood writes Condon a critical but polite letter listing his concerns about 10/13/1967 #23233  
## Word: "political" (Back to Top)
 Germany The Nazis become the only political party left in Germany, after a 7/4/1933 #1165  
 identity raid, or a raid to lay a political foundation to take away Southe 2/24/1942 #1388  
IA Office of Policy Coordination’s Political and Psychological Warfare staf 3/27/1950 #4741  
 CIA Office of Policy Coordination Political and Psychological Warfare Staf 3/27/1950 #4742  
ecialist Sidney Gottlieb. A heated political debate ensues, and when Glickm 10/1952 #8075  
nce of European and North American political, business, finance, academic,  5/29/1954 #9840  
enables the FBI to investigate any political organization on the pretext of 8/1956 #13042  
hat his group is religious and not political. A Special Branch officer visi 5/26/1957 #13680  
Keyhoe, who is characterized as a “political adventurer” allied with Ruppel 10/1958 #15294  
ts him with three basic options: a political option of approaching Castro a 10/16/1962 #17475  
roject is postponed because of the political crisis in France in May 1968.  1967 #21237  
t, which highlights the safety and political risks of the missions. Safety  1/21/1968 #23684  
cies to collect information on the political activities of US citizens.     12/22/1974 #29657  
Cyril John, age 64, a former local political leader, was up early for an ea 4/7/1977 #31956  
Cyril John, age 64, a former local political leader, was up early for an ea 4/7/1977 #31957  
rveillance on domestic and foreign political organizations.                 10/25/1978 #33874  
                Grenada UN Special Political Committee J. Allen Hynek, Jacq 11/27/1978 #34010  
Friday speak before the UN Special Political Committee. Grenada seeks to in 11/27/1978 #34010  
ues Vallée speak to the UN Special Political Committee, which is not intere 12/8/1978 #34079  
 nuclear arsenals rapidly reduced, political support for SDI collapses. SDI 3/23/1983 #36792  
 Allan Sandler was halted because “political conditions were not right.” Wh 4/9/1983 #36830  
ear the Brooklyn Bridge, and a VIP political dignitary later identified as  11/30/1989 #39283  
f war upon the people of America.” Political scientist Michael Barkun chara 1991 #39933  
tions for a number of presidential political campaigns in the 1990s. Peters 12/10/1994 #41888  
cialized liaison groups (to media, political leaders, scientific community, 4/2001 #44154  
                                   Political scientists Alexander Wendt and 5/6/2008 #45134  
icle, “Sovereignty and the UFO” in Political Theory, in which they point to 5/6/2008 #45134  
 Forty UFO researchers, along with political and military representatives ( 4/29/2013 #45366  
n existence, perhaps indefinitely. Political leaders come and go, pandering 2018 #45498  
tive, a budgetary perspective or a political perspective.  https://silvarec 7/19/2020 #45653  
## Word: "political-military" (Back to Top)
etail the secret history of the US political-military involvement in Vietna 6/13/1971 #26174  
## Word: "politically" (Back to Top)
s, believing that these events are politically disruptive, takes the childr 8/13/1917 #960  
arch and Development Board for the politically motivated reason that suspec 6/1953 #8923  
## Word: "politician" (Back to Top)
year-old important Communist Party politician, was alone in a wooded area i 10/15/1978 #33837  
at their lives on Earth. Former UK politician Simon Parkes states “reptilia 1/1991 #39944  
g quickly east over town. Filmed / politician.                              1/27/1996 #42715  
## Word: "politician-in-exile" (Back to Top)
y several people, including Polish politician-in-exile Józef Retinger who,  5/29/1954 #9840  
## Word: "politicians" (Back to Top)
UEANBEYAN, AUSTR NSW, Australia. 2 politicians and more. 1 wingless cigar f 7/6/1954 #9997  
                               Top politicians and pilots saw and then phot 9/5/1985 #37655  
## Word: "politico" (Back to Top)
 DOD official’s recent comments to Politico (see 16 May 2022).              7/22/1993 #41077  
s airspace may pose,” Walker tells Politico.                                9/6/2019 #45606  
nsible for the craft.  https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/06/navy-withh 9/6/2019 #45607  
izondo as his lawyer.  https://www.politico.com/news/2021/05/26/ufo-whistle 5/19/2021 #45690  
         An unnamed official tells Politico that a “secret society” with “n 5/16/2022 #45749  
ed who the source is.  https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/16/intelligenc 5/16/2022 #45749  
## Word: "politicos" (Back to Top)
               BARBACENA, BRAZIL 2 politicos / car. Many luminous/glowing o 5/1957 #13627  
## Word: "politics" (Back to Top)
ject Sign because of internal USAF politics.                                12/30/1947 #3516  
ly with Adam about outer space and politics. Prior to this time, Angelucci  12/1954 #11737  
s://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1984/08/07/air-force-rejects-or 8/7/1984 #37429  
s://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1984/08/07/air-force-rejects-or 8/7/1984 #37429  
ps://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/26/us/politics/ufo-sightings-navy-pilots.html  5/17/1999 #43770  
rity.  https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/10/failure-shuts-d 10/23/2010 #45304  
ps://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/26/us/politics/ufo-sightings-navy-pilots.html  6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "polje" (Back to Top)
ade, Yugoslavia [now Serbia] Zemun Polje Airport 6:15 a.m. Several UFOs, so 10/25/1954 #11390  
kol, and staff at the nearby Zemun Polje Airport. The event is a culminatio 10/25/1954 #11390  
## Word: "polk" (Back to Top)
.” says he was in the Army at Fort Polk, LA in 1953 when they saw an egg sh 1953 #8484  
                              Camp Polk, Louisiana Saucer crash lands near  Summer 1953 #8945  
siana Saucer crash lands near Camp Polk, Louisiana. US Army Pvt. H.J. (init Summer 1953 #8945  
f his companions on Balsam Lake in Polk County, Wisconsin watch a shiny met 8/25/1979 #34777  
## Word: "polka" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Polka” YieldMax: 20KT                    12/6/1967 #23555  
## Word: "polkville" (Back to Top)
                                   POLKVILLE, NJ Ivan Sanderson and 3. Extr 7/31/1966 #20698  
## Word: "poll" (Back to Top)
                  The first Gallup poll on UFOs shows that 90% of Americans 8/14/1947 #3329  
                   A second Gallup poll on UFOs is released, showing that 5 5/21/1950 #4958  
                         US Gallup Poll reported 96 percent public awarenes 5/8/1966 #20462  
                          A Gallup Poll taken April 14–19 reveals that 46%  5/8/1966 #20463  
           Iowa Results of an Iowa Poll, Iowa: 45% Iowans queried believe U Summer 1966 #20589  
                         US Gallup Poll showed that 51 percent of Americans 11/28/1973 #28474  
                          A Gallup poll shows that 51% of Americans believe 11/28/1973 #28476  
              A Roper Organization poll finds that 25% of Americans think t 1/1985 #37544  
room, and puzzling body scars. The poll, financed by the Bigelow Holding Co 5/1992 #40439  
research firm conducts a telephone poll, sponsored by the Sci-Fi channel, t 8/2002 #44372  
hio University conduct a telephone poll on UFOs and extraterrestrial life.  5/2008 #45132  
## Word: "polled" (Back to Top)
the Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger, has polled 1,000 US government radar operato 12/19/1958 #15481  
## Word: "pollenca" (Back to Top)
                                   POLLENCA, MALLORCA, SP Orange ball-sauce 9/1/1968 #24416  
## Word: "pollock" (Back to Top)
etherfield, Essex, UK USAF witness Pollock. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) GC 10/6/1956 #13264  
         A 16-year-old named Bruce Pollock took three photographs of three  5/8/1966 #20465  
                                   POLLOCK PINES, CA 1 observer. Dogs bark  9/6/1981 #36104  
lew silently low over the trees in Pollock Pines, California. It flew slowl 9/6/1981 #36105  
## Word: "pollos" (Back to Top)
                CASTRONUNO TO/FROM POLLOS, SPN 3 observer(s). 4M vertical o 8/22/1975 (approximate) #30295  
ile driving between Castronuno and Pollos in Valladolid province, Spain thr 8/22/1975 #30299  
## Word: "polls" (Back to Top)
lic believes in UFOs, according to polls and private Air Force and NICAP es 1965 #18682  
## Word: "pollute" (Back to Top)
 Texas and Ohio. Hoaxes and pranks pollute the information pool in a major  2/1897 #385  
## Word: "pollution" (Back to Top)
timates of low-level radon and air pollution exposure.                      4/26/1986 #37843  
ng him to guard the planet against pollution, because their own world was a 3/10/1997 #43225  
## Word: "pollux" (Back to Top)
hat the objects are not Castor and Pollux or reflections, Menzel watches th 5/12/1949 #4183  
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pollux” YieldMax: 200KT                  8/3/1968 #24292  
## Word: "polo" (Back to Top)
      At 1:20 a.m. Rev. Anthony De Polo, an Assembly of God minister, was l 7/18/1967 #22695  
efore it completely disappeared De Polo received another message of a perso 7/18/1967 #22695  
south after about five minutes. De Polo has had a number of subsequent UFo  7/18/1967 #22695  
                                   Polo, IL Evening. Police officer saw obj 10/3/1973 #27924  
entity was wearing a grayish-green polo shirt that had a higher than normal 1/19/1993 #40802  
g hole in the middle, like a giant polo mint" or donut. It was observed by  5/15/1994 #41527  
viano Air Base, Italy Venice Marco Polo Airport Istrana Treviso air bases 6 3/6/1997 #43221  
aly. They zoom toward Venice Marco Polo Airport before heading toward Istra 3/6/1997 #43221  
## Word: "polo's" (Back to Top)
the same night and not far from De Polo's home, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dixon he 7/18/1967 #22695  
## Word: "polomka" (Back to Top)
cream truck drivers, Armstrong and Polomka, watched a domed craft maneuveri 6/8/1966 #20545  
## Word: "polonium" (Back to Top)
hokhlov is poisoned by radioactive polonium (not thallium), exactly as Litv 9/1957 #13965  
## Word: "polonnaruwa" (Back to Top)
                                   Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka Strands of cobweb 10/20/2014 #45418  
 hair” fibers fall from the sky in Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka.                  10/20/2014 #45418  
## Word: "polorotov" (Back to Top)
 fly away. Watch officer Aleksandr Polorotov begins taking photos of them u Summer 1990 #39620  
## Word: "pols" (Back to Top)
         NEAR SYDNEY, NSW Aus. Top Pols and pilots / planes see and photo b 9/5/1985 #37654  
## Word: "polski" (Back to Top)
o goes off and the engine of their Polski Fiat 125p fails just as a large o 2/1998 #43509  
## Word: "polston's" (Back to Top)
                             Woody Polston's abduction occurred on this nig 10/31/1976 #31513  
## Word: "poltergeist" (Back to Top)
er strangle marks around her neck. Poltergeist phenomena (tables moving) oc 10/4/1898 #626  
, the Reeves home experiences such poltergeist phenomena as whirring or saw 3/1966 #19930  
e doctor and his family, including poltergeist activity and unexplained dis 11/1/1968 #24620  
ng". da Silva had been troubled by poltergeist activity before the abductio 11/29/1982 #36702  
re wounds, scratches, and bruises. Poltergeist phenomena occur. The Turners 1988 #38383  
, discarnate voices, crop circles, poltergeist activity, electromagnetic an Fall 1994 #41773  
to Virginia, where she experiences poltergeist phenomena and sees a huge ow 8/2009 #45231  
## Word: "poltergeist-like" (Back to Top)
orses and cats. Around 11:30 p.m., poltergeist-like disturbances (a shatter 7/2/1968 #24132  
pt very deeply. Hallucinations and poltergeist-like activity troubled them  10/27/1975 #30489  
## Word: "poltergeists" (Back to Top)
g [to] old mines. Back / Jan. '85. Poltergeists.                            1/31/1920 #997  
## Word: "polychromatic" (Back to Top)
only be described as a glimmering, polychromatic "egg" lying on the ground. 10/20/1973 #28222  
## Word: "polydore" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Polydore” Yield: 20KT                    4/4/1979 #34498  
## Word: "polyethylene" (Back to Top)
hin transparent “grid”, resembling polyethylene, falling over her. Beams of 10/11/1989 #39164  
## Word: "polygon" (Back to Top)
iers / railroad/railway tracks. 2M polygon exits woods 4M away! Pulsates.   9/1965 #19487  
                        A metallic polygon UFO with multi-colored lights wa 2/12/1976 #30866  
 Beams of light emanated from each polygon. The grid-like net began to cont 10/11/1989 #39164  
tating lights were seen on a white polygon UFO, which moved rapidly through 8/20/2006 #44956  
## Word: "polygon-cake" (Back to Top)
VA 1 observer. House-sized 3-layer polygon-cake stops over car. Big rivets. 9/17/1979 #34894  
## Word: "polygon-shaped" (Back to Top)
                   At eight p.m. a polygon-shaped object descended over a p 1/23/1989 #38796  
## Word: "polygonum" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Polygonum” YieldMax: 20KT                10/2/1973 #27918  
## Word: "polygraph" (Back to Top)
ed UFO with 4 ET’s, later passes a polygraph test, interviewed by ufologist 7/5/1947 #2679  
ten matter,” studying hypnosis and polygraph examinations, “hypnotically in 5/11/1953 #8875  
issippi. Hickson refused to take a polygraph, but former Project Blue Book  10/11/1973 #28009  
 case of the year” after they pass polygraph tests administered by Cy Gilso 11/5/1975 #30562  
using an outdated procedure with a polygraph in 1975 and finds him deceptiv 11/5/1975 #30562  
 would allow her near it. All took polygraph tests administered by the Lexi 1/6/1976 #30762  
regression sessions and subsequent polygraph tests as supportive of an abdu 8/20/1976 #31282  
      Smyrna, Georgia 10:00 p.m. A polygraph examiner with experience as a  11/24/1977 #32697  
y the FBI and AFOSI. This includes polygraph tests, which she fails because 10/1981 #36150  
## Word: "polygraphed" (Back to Top)
throat” and in case Vallee is ever polygraphed. Puthoff states that the ATP 10/2/2003 #44610  
ays. Vallee believes Wilson may be polygraphed at his next job as President 10/2/2003 #44610  
## Word: "polymer" (Back to Top)
 organic, but similar to synthetic polymer textile fibers. They have a clea 10/18/2002 #44419  
found to be tere- and isophthalate polymer with possible presence of inorga 10/23/2002 #44422  
## Word: "polymerase" (Back to Top)
 a Nobel Prize for his work on the polymerase chain reaction) is outside hi Summer 1985 #37606  
trial Research Organisation) using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplific 7/23/1992 #40530  
## Word: "polymeropoulos" (Back to Top)
 Russia, covert CIA operative Marc Polymeropoulos suddenly gets symptoms si 12/5/2017 #45491  
 2018, a private neurologist gives Polymeropoulos a diagnosis: occipital ne 12/5/2017 #45491  
## Word: "polymorphed" (Back to Top)
eping beam of light. It reportedly polymorphed into a domed saucer-shaped o 8/18/1980 #35464  
ted as an orange circle in the sky polymorphed into a delta-shaped UFO, the 11/8/1995 #42588  
## Word: "polynesia" (Back to Top)
er, at 8 p.m. near Papeete, French Polynesia a disc hovered over the ship P 4/22/1973 #27440  
## Word: "polypheme" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Polypheme” Yield: 5KT                    2/27/1978 #33001  
## Word: "polytechnic" (Back to Top)
             Gdynia, Poland Gdynia Polytechnic University Polish Naval Acad 1/21/1959 #15558  
by the Polish navy, sent to Gdynia Polytechnic University [possibly the Pol 1/21/1959 #15558  
                          Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universi 2/1/1990 #39406  
 on abductions is held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universi 2/1/1990 #39406  
## Word: "polytechnical" (Back to Top)
here; V. A. Tsion of the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute; and seven membe 8/8/1967 #22848  
## Word: "polythene" (Back to Top)
s “pole,” and appears to suck up a polythene bag. Both objects now move off 1/21/1977 #31742  
## Word: "polyurea" (Back to Top)
ercomputer resources were used and polyurea silicate composites were analyz 3/2014 #45403  
## Word: "polyvinyl" (Back to Top)
 strips, which are made of Tedlar (polyvinyl fluoride) produced by DuPont f 6/1/1967 #22448  
## Word: "pomarez" (Back to Top)
                                   POMAREZ, FR 3 observer(s). Orange saucer 11/29/1979 #35025  
## Word: "pomata" (Back to Top)
tween the towns of Desaguadero and Pomata, Peru saw a bright circular UFO w 1/29/1980 #35150  
## Word: "pomba" (Back to Top)
ral. Luminous 'car' flies 30M over Pomba River. Quickly going up [to] and l 6/30/1969 #25237  
## Word: "pomeroy" (Back to Top)
                                   POMEROY, OH AND AREA Hundreds / observer 7/16/1950 #5068  
                           SOUTH / POMEROY, WA 3 / car. Large object with 2 12/14/1978 #34116  
                                   Pomeroy, WA A large UFO paced a car with 12/14/1978 #34120  
                       Finally, in Pomeroy, Washington a large UFO paced a  12/14/1978 #34130  
## Word: "pomidoro" (Back to Top)
Another railway employee, Salvador Pomidoro, reported seeing the same squar 4/20/1967 #22172  
## Word: "pommard" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pommard” Yield: 1.5KT                    3/14/1968 #23841  
## Word: "pommiers" (Back to Top)
                                   POMMIERS, FR 2 observer(s). Silent brill 10/3/1954 #10649  
## Word: "pomona" (Back to Top)
                                   POMONA, CA Geochemist. Wobble-disk going 10/3/1950 #5207  
                                   Pomona, CA Disc-shaped UFO reported by s 10/3/1950 #5208  
                                   Pomona, California Geochemist J. D. Laud 10/3/1950 #5209  
50 mph behind a mountain peak near Pomona, California.                      10/3/1950 #5209  
                                   POMONA, CA Ground Observer Corps (GOC) o 7/21/1952 #6961  
                                   POMONA, QLD, AUS Woman / garden. Silver  10/22/1990 #39804  
## Word: "pompano" (Back to Top)
                                   POMPANO BEACH, FL Brilliant cylinder/cig 5/18/1962 #17176  
                                   Pompano Beach, FL Cigar-shaped UFO, bril 5/18/1962 #17178  
htings were reported in the area. (Pompano Beach Sun-Sentinel, Florida, 3/7 3/3/1967 #21742  
h Key Largo, Florida Jewfish Creek Pompano Beach US Highway 1 11:30 p.m. Ba 7/20/1967 #22710  
ars. She decides to return home to Pompano Beach with her sister the same m 7/20/1967 #22710  
                                   Pompano Beach, FL Dog in car fearful at  7/21/1967 #22715  
 just 15 feet above the roadway in Pompano Beach. The UFO then veered off t 7/21/1967 #22720  
                              NEAR POMPANO BEACH, FL 1 observer. 2 10' burg 9/28/1980 #35539  
ying over Boca Raton, Florida near Pompano Beach. The UFOs circled the plan 9/28/1980 #35541  
## Word: "pompeo" (Back to Top)
ana, Cuba, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirms to the House Foreign Aff 5/23/2018 #45527  
press then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to turn it over does the Trump ad 8/2020 #45657  
## Word: "pompey" (Back to Top)
                                   POMPEY, NY Radio Frequency Interference  3/30/1978 #33099  
nd buzzed a car at low altitude in Pompey Center, New York after 10:00 p.m. 3/30/1978 #33102  
## Word: "pompignan" (Back to Top)
                                   POMPIGNAN, FR 1 / (seen thru) binoculars 7/6/1990 #39636  
## Word: "pompton" (Back to Top)
                                   POMPTON LAKES, NJ Several observer(s). B 7/17/1973 #27636  
lloon-shaped object was sighted in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey at about the s 7/17/1973 #27637  
## Word: "ponca" (Back to Top)
                                   PONCA CITY, OK 20+observer(s). 40+disks  7/13/1947 #3162  
                                   PONCA CITY, OK 3+1 observer(s). Sparkle- 7/28/1952 #7236  
## Word: "ponce" (Back to Top)
as, Venezuela G. Gonzales and Jose Ponce, truck drivers, found their road b 11/28/1954 #11720  
ital 2:00 a.m. Meat merchants José Ponce and Gustavo Gonzáles are driving a 11/28/1954 #11722  
g dirt and rocks nearby, approach. Ponce sees them and runs to find a polic 11/28/1954 #11722  
              Puerto Rico San Juan Ponce Adjuntas Barrio Garzas Utuado Utua 8/1972 #26864  
o Rico, as well as in San Juan and Ponce. People travel to the small town o 8/1972 #26864  
                                   PONCE, PR Monster floats going up. Zaps  4/18/1975 #29993  
## Word: "poncelet" (Back to Top)
lgian Minister of Defense Jean-Pol Poncelet states that there have been man 12/21/1989 #39326  
## Word: "poncey-sur-l" (Back to Top)
                                   Poncey-sur-l’Ignon, Côte-d’Or, France 8: 10/4/1954 #10698  
on, Côte-d’Or, France 8:00 p.m. In Poncey-sur-l’Ignon, Côte-d’Or, France, M 10/4/1954 #10698  
## Word: "poncey-sur-l'ignon" (Back to Top)
                                   PONCEY-SUR-L'IGNON, FR Many. 1.5M silent 10/2/1954 #10593  
                                   PONCEY-SUR-L'IGNON, FR 3M saucer lands / 10/4/1954 #10684  
## Word: "poncey-sur-lignon" (Back to Top)
                   At 8:00 p.m. in Poncey-sur-Lignon and the region of Cote 10/2/1954 #10618  
                                   Poncey-sur-Lignon, France Mrs. Fourneret 10/4/1954 #10697  
midair and landed near her farm in Poncey-sur-Lignon, France. When Messrs.  10/4/1954 #10710  
## Word: "poncha" (Back to Top)
                           US285 / PONCHA PASS, CO 2+1 separate observer(s) 8/28/1995 #42424  
rists driving on US Highway 285 on Poncha Pass, Chaffee County, Colorado wi 8/28/1995 #42426  
## Word: "ponchartrain" (Back to Top)
                              LAKE PONCHARTRAIN, LA 5 / boat. 3 shiny sauce 7/6/1947 #2763  
 fast toward the north across Lake Ponchartrain, Louisiana at 5:10 p.m. The 7/6/1947 #2822  
bserver. Red object emerges / Lake Ponchartrain and going up. / Cleveland P 10/16/1973 #28062  
                            EAST / PONCHARTRAIN, FR White-green-red cylinde 2/24/1977 #31843  
## Word: "pond" (Back to Top)
ing toward the stream leading to a pond. This smaller one dips up some wate 7/1919 #990  
 Jesse Clark Linch is fishing on a pond near Mount Pleasant, Iowa, when he  6/3/1920 #999  
h maple trees. It flies across the pond and lands 15 feet away. Linch gets  6/3/1920 #999  
                             GREAT POND, ME 4 observer(s) and more/others.  7/7/1947 #2909  
                             Great Pond near Rome, Maine 9:00 p.m. Orrin Wi 7/7/1947 #2939  
 Cecil Grant, are fishing on Great Pond near Rome, Maine, when they see a “ 7/7/1947 #2939  
.m., senior pilot Capt. William M. Pond, copilot Lt. I. W. Gilchrist, and n 3/5/1954 #9598  
 Crepaldi is leading his cows to a pond near Ca’ Pisani, Rovigo, Italy, whe 10/14/1954 #11056  
 Burns haystacks and cattle. Dries pond. / r138#9p52.                       10/15/1954 #11080  
, Italy A farmer leading cows to a pond suddenly saw an object fly over his 10/15/1954 #11099  
d emitted intense heat. The little pond was found desiccated, and haystacks 10/15/1954 #11099  
 a farmer is leading his cows to a pond when he sees an object fly over his 10/15/1954 #11109  
and emits intense heat. The little pond is found desiccated, and haystacks  10/15/1954 #11109  
a farmer was leading his cows to a pond when he suddenly saw an object fly  10/15/1954 #11115  
d emitted intense heat. The little pond was found desiccated, and haystacks 10/15/1954 #11115  
                     Newport (Almy Pond), RI Circular silver object with no 4/5/1956 #12789  
tness was sitting on the bank of a pond on a sunny day in Hope, Arkansas wh 9/20/1956 #13228  
r domed saucer 100m away. 23m over pond. Rotates.                           4/4/1957 (approximate) #13579  
                       NEAR WHITES POND, NJ Hairdresser makes U-turn. 10M s 8/14/1957 #13889  
                    MCCOLL, SC 2 / pond. Large black sphere/orb/globe going 10/31/1957 #14171  
] low. Extends funnel going down / pond / 20 minute(s). Fog follows object  2/1958 #14858  
structed as necessary. A reservoir pond surrounded by trees serves as a rec 8/1961 #16776  
e orange globes show up across the pond and begin dancing about. The globes Summer 1962 #17239  
LLSWORTH, ME Saucer on ground near pond. Body lights. Beams lights going up 8/13/1963 #17891  
y on the ground adjoining Molasses Pond, for more than an hour. Body lights 8/13/1963 #17895  
object on the ground near Molasses Pond, Ellsworth, Maine for almost an hou 8/13/1963 #17900  
r(s). 30' saucer hovers over trees pond and homes. Dives going southeast to 8/1966 #20709  
                        SPLIT ROCK POND, NJ Disk trails. Car / malfunctions 10/15/1966 #21001  
                        Split Rock Pond, NJ Disc-shaped object near car, ef 10/15/1966 #21003  
                        Split Rock Pond, NJ Red-orange disc-shaped object f 10/15/1966 #21004  
                        Split Rock Pond, south of Newfoundland, New Jersey  10/15/1966 #21006  
 and stops his car near Split Rock Pond, south of Newfoundland, New Jersey, 10/15/1966 #21006  
object while driving at Split Rock Pond, New Jersey at 4:30 a.m. The UFO em 10/15/1966 #21008  
pasture. One had broken her leg. A pond in the pasture near the site contin 1/13/1967 #21300  
 observer(s). Saucer hovers / rock pond. Faster / jet planes. 2 saucers bac 3/24/1967 #21959  
ghts. The object hovered over Rock Pond before moving off faster than a jet 3/24/1967 #21964  
 observer(s). Ovoid hovers / Tully Pond. Red light turns / bottom/underside 4/11/1967 #22106  
The object hovered 100 feet over a pond, moved slowly, then sped away. (Mas 4/11/1967 #22107  
d egg." It hovered 100 feet over a pond, and then shot off. It had a rotati 4/11/1967 #22110  
ect hovered over the ground near a pond, made a roaring sound, then took of 5/16/1967 #22352  
ect hovered over the ground near a pond, made a roaring sound, then took of 5/16/1967 #22357  
nd sees two strange objects near a pond in the vicinity of the mine dump. O 6/13/1967 #22503  
cked and churned the water" over a pond. It finally sped off. There were ma 10/17/1967 #23248  
ll aluminum finish hovering over a pond some 100-200 feet away. Its top sec 1/24/1968 #23697  
ed low over a car at the edge of a pond in Johnston, Rhode Island at 7:00 p 2/11/1968 #23749  
rainy day. 9M metallic saucer over pond.. frozen solid / 8cm. / MJ#238.     2/18/1968 #23762  
hris Beachner are parked next to a pond in a gravel pit near Vashon, Washin 2/18/1968 #23763  
n the main road, and walk into the pond area. The object has moved to the e 2/18/1968 #23763  
the light is gone and the 100-foot pond is completely frozen over. Temperat 2/18/1968 #23763  
es and mud patches surrounding the pond are not frozen at all. The pond ice 2/18/1968 #23763  
he pond are not frozen at all. The pond ice is dry, even though it has been 2/18/1968 #23763  
 creature was seen drinking from a pond in Curbarsi, Barcelona province, Sp 2/26/1968 #23785  
e was found on a small island in a pond.                                    11/5/1969 #25452  
 water from the bottom of the fish pond, crouched on its hands and knees. T 2/27/1971 #26034  
Domed semicircular object hovers / pond. Same crosses sky / 21 February / 1 1/28/1973 #27250  
emi-circular object hovered over a pond in Winsford, England at 6:35 p.m.   1/28/1973 #27251  
g in the air over the surface of a pond 100 yards away. Balvidares went to  10/29/1973 #28319  
yards away. Balvidares went to the pond and called out to them. They "disap 10/29/1973 #28319  
elves at the opposite shore of the pond, 300 yards away." (Continued.) Ther 10/29/1973 #28319  
(Continued) On the far side of the pond rested a luminous rectangular objec 10/29/1973 #28319  
res took his horse and rode to the pond, but when he had got halfway there  10/29/1973 #28319  
o maneuver over the surface of the pond, communicating by "a kind of shriek 10/29/1973 #28319  
unted his horse to ride around the pond, but this time the beings returned  10/29/1973 #28319  
d saw the cow lying dead next to a pond. Two weeks later her husband also d 3/1/1974 #28842  
way above some trees near a frozen pond. The brilliant orange mass compress 2/10/1975 #29800  
                             TRIPP POND, ME 2+car abduction / saucer. Small 10/27/1975 #30478  
rd, Maine West Poland, Maine Tripp Pond Old Orchard Beach, Maine 3:00 a.m.  10/27/1975 #30486  
nto a gravel road leading to Tripp Pond, where the engine stalls and the ra 10/27/1975 #30486  
and a thick fog rises out of Tripp Pond, engulfing the car. The radio abrup 10/27/1975 #30486  
urned onto a road leading to Tripp Pond (also called Thompson Lake). The UF 10/27/1975 #30489  
d by a second, maneuvered over the pond, showing red, green, and blue light 10/27/1975 #30489  
 A smoke or fog then rose from the pond and concealed these two objects, so 10/27/1975 #30489  
 is surprised to see a hole in his pond in the town of Wakefield, New Hamps 1/10/1977 #31715  
n of Wakefield, New Hampshire. The pond, 105 by 75 feet, was frozen solid j 1/10/1977 #31715  
a rake, hoe, and pole. Back at the pond, McCarthy sees that the box has sun 1/10/1977 #31715  
0 feet. When McCarthy observes the pond in the morning, he discovers a seco 1/10/1977 #31715  
 to let his animals drink from the pond; he reappears later in the day to e 1/10/1977 #31715  
ion is completed. The next day the pond is frozen over again. Disregarding  1/10/1977 #31715  
rs try unsuccessfully to drain the pond, then see a 6-by-3-foot opening whe 1/10/1977 #31715  
d no abnormal radioactivity in the pond and the surrounding area. The black 1/10/1977 #31715  
STE DOROTHEE, QB 12M saucer grazes pond. Water sizzles. Lands. Small humano 4/6/1977 #31951  
er, in which there was a temporary pond formed by melted snow. They saw the 4/6/1977 #31953  
 very low, and it skimmed over the pond producing a loud sizzle of boiling  4/6/1977 #31953  
 walk down to his favorite fishing pond, when suddenly a disc-shaped craft  8/6/1977 #32365  
 walk down to his favorite fishing pond, when suddenly a disc-shaped craft  8/6/1977 #32366  
haped, noiseless object at Russell Pond in Maine.                           9/2/1978 #33628  
    Black Tickle, Labrador Martins Pond 4:00 p.m. Elizabeth McKibben, a Bri 11/13/1978 #33952  
 help put out the fires at Martins Pond, where the tundra is burning in pat 11/13/1978 #33952  
' orange glowing-ball going down / pond. Up and away / 45°. Crushed reeds.  8/30/1982 #36585  
oll, driving near the frozen White Pond in Kent Cliffs saw a silent, multi- 2/26/1983 #36770  
                             White Pond in Putnam County, New York 8:30 p.m 2/26/1983 #36771  
 are driving near the frozen White Pond in Putnam County, New York, when th 2/26/1983 #36771  
oll, driving near the frozen White Pond in Kent Cliffs, Putnam County, New  2/26/1983 #36772  
r sees the object hovering above a pond near his home in Brewster, New York 3/24/1983 #36807  
shaped tail hung in the sky over a pond in Mahopac Falls, Putnam County, Ne 8/20/1984 #37437  
ania Afternoon. A man sitting by a pond on his rural residence near Ebensbu 9/2/1988 #38629  
                            WORDEN POND, RI Night light rises through overc 3/23/1993 #40896  
 a Volkswagen beetle floating on a pond. He manages to pull it to the shore 1/12/1995 #41971  
w a strange creature alongside the pond in her front yard only 30 feet away 6/26/1997 #43341  
ral / cars. Cylinder/cigar-shape / pond. Dives in. Power out. Black sphere  12/31/1997 #43476  
 that seemed to be drinking from a pond about 150 meters into the woods. Th 1/25/1998 #43505  
om white to red and hovered over a pond. They appeared to be chasing each o 2/27/2001 #44144  
haped UFO was seen hovering over a pond in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada at 2: 4/21/2004 #44690  
that was sucking up water from the pond. Ground marks were reportedly found 4/21/2004 #44690  
triangle above the east end of the pond. It crosses the frozen water at a l 1/31/2005 #44810  
gular object hovered over a frozen pond in Columbia City, Indiana for three 1/31/2005 #44812  
 was spotted briefly at Berryville pond, Berryville, Arkansas at two o'cloc 6/1/2009 #45225  
## Word: "pond-sized" (Back to Top)
d UFO landed in one of the several pond-sized pools in the otherwise dried- 9/6/1965 #19528  
## Word: "ponda" (Back to Top)
                                   PONDA, GOA, INDIA 2 girls. Silent saucer 4/7/1996 #42855  
## Word: "ponder" (Back to Top)
 Las Vegas Review Journal: Experts ponder Vegans' reports of tremors, light 2/24/1985 #37559  
## Word: "pondera" (Back to Top)
     Malmstrom AFB Conrad, Montana Pondera County 1:30 a.m. Airman 1C Patri 9/1966 #20826  
tana Highway Patrol dispatchers in Pondera County receive more than 20 UFO  9/1966 #20826  
## Word: "pondered" (Back to Top)
until the craft disappeared. As he pondered what had happened a bright beam 12/10/1997 #43457  
## Word: "pong" (Back to Top)
bed as looking like "70 white ping pong balls" passed across the sky in Sid 8/1/1952 #7413  
## Word: "pongee" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pongee” YieldMax: 20KT                   7/22/1965 #19160  
## Word: "ponies" (Back to Top)
     At 8:10 p.m. two girls riding ponies in Denton, England saw a bright o 3/25/1971 #26055  
n vanished with a bang. One of the ponies was spooked by the explosion.     3/25/1971 #26055  
## Word: "ponil" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ponil” YieldMax: 20KT                    9/27/1985 #37666  
## Word: "ponnar" (Back to Top)
ed to contact entities “Affa” and “Ponnar,” but those attempts allegedly fa 3/31/2011 #45322  
## Word: "ponoka" (Back to Top)
man driving fourteen miles west of Ponoka, Alberta, Canada had a similar UF 8/5/1969 #25311  
## Word: "pons" (Back to Top)
                   SAINTES TO/FROM PONS, FR Noisy saucer hovers 10' over fi 9/1953 #9128  
                                   PONS, FR 6M egg going down [to] by road. 10/18/1954 #11186  
                                   Pons, France An egg-shaped object, about 10/21/1954 #11296  
overed and landed near the road in Pons, France. Two dwarf humanoids, about 10/21/1954 #11305  
                                   PONS, FR 3 very luminous silent saucers  11/28/1991 #40246  
## Word: "pons-brooks" (Back to Top)
hey thought a fragmented Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks was one possibility, in whic 8/12/1883 #255  
## Word: "ponsa" (Back to Top)
nged colors as it moved over Santa Ponsa, Islas Malgrata, Baleares, Spain a 1/5/1980 #35125  
## Word: "pont" (Back to Top)
                                   PONT REMY, FR 2 / car. 3M domed saucer w 10/4/1954 #10689  
                                   Pont l'Abbe d'Arnoult, France Mr. Meunie 10/18/1954 #11208  
                                At Pont l’Abbe d’Arnoult, Charente-Maritime 10/18/1954 #11217  
hatuzange-le-Goubet, Drôme, France Pont du Martinet bridge 1:15 a.m. Hélène 6/11/1976 #31102  
go out. Some 80 feet away near the Pont du Martinet bridge she sees an oran 6/11/1976 #31102  
                                   PONT SCORFF, FR 2 fireballs quickly goin 3/15/1979 #34477  
## Word: "pont-a-mousson" (Back to Top)
                                   PONT-A-MOUSSON, FR 25M metallic saucer h 6/27/1975 #30123  
                                   Pont-a-Mousson, France 3:30 a.m. A 25 me 6/27/1975 #30125  
                                   Pont-a-Mousson, France 11:20 p.m. A vert 6/27/1975 #30126  
bove a gasoline service station in Pont-a-Mousson, France at 3:30 a.m. It i 6/27/1975 #30127  
                                   PONT-A-MOUSSON, FR 10M saucer rises / fi 11/23/1978 #33985  
                                   PONT-A-MOUSSON, FR Green ball hovers / t 9/8/1997 #43402  
## Word: "pont-croix" (Back to Top)
                                   PONT-CROIX, FR 2 luminous saucers close  2/10/1975 #29795  
## Word: "pont-de-cheruy" (Back to Top)
                                   PONT-DE-CHERUY, FR Silent 10M cone-cylin 3/18/1972 #26612  
## Word: "pont-de-salars" (Back to Top)
                                   PONT-DE-SALARS AND MORE/OTHERS, FR Sauce 10/12/1954 #10955  
 A mother and daughter in a car in Pont-de-Salars, Aveyron, France saw an o 9/11/1996 #43016  
## Word: "pont-en-royans" (Back to Top)
                                   PONT-EN-ROYANS, FR 13+saucers and night  8/12/1974 #29330  
 going quickly northeast toward(s) Pont-En-Royans, 26.                      8/12/1974 #29333  
                                   PONT-EN-ROYANS, 26, FR Several observer( 8/28/1974 #29396  
## Word: "pont-l'abbe" (Back to Top)
                                   PONT-L'ABBE D'ARNOULT, FR Object rises / 10/16/1954 #11130  
## Word: "ponta" (Back to Top)
                                   PONTA GROSSA, BRZ Hundreds / observer(s) 3/13/1956 #12753  
ent, silver colored disc flew over Ponta Grossa, Brazil and off to the west 3/13/1956 #12755  
                                   PONTA PORA, BRZ 5 observer(s). 5M saucer 12/21/1957 #14751  
                                   Ponta Poran, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil  12/21/1957 #14753  
                                   Ponta Porã, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil P 12/21/1957 #14755  
echanic, Marcio Gonçalves, towards Ponta Porã, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil,  12/21/1957 #14755  
Mendonca and five other persons in Ponta Poran, Brazil saw a light in the s 12/21/1957 #14757  
 Grosso do Sul, Brazil Highway 463 Ponta Porã 10:30 p.m. Cicero Claudino da 2/19/1958 #14881  
nuel Vasquez are investigating the Ponta Porã case from December. They are  2/19/1958 #14881  
her side of the car. They head for Ponta Porã at breakneck speed.           2/19/1958 #14881  
                              NEAR PONTA PORA, BRZ Saturn-saucer chases jee 3/3/1958 #14914  
                                   PONTA DELGADA, AZORES Many observer(s).  10/10/1976 #31459  
## Word: "pontal" (Back to Top)
                                   PONTAL, SP, BRAZIL 4M saucer going down. 11/4/1954 #11560  
                                   Pontal, Brazil Jose Alves was fishing in 11/4/1954 #11563  
                                   Pontal, São Paulo, Brazil Rio Pardo A la 11/4/1954 #11564  
ardo A laborer named Jose Alves of Pontal, São Paulo, Brazil, is night fish 11/4/1954 #11564  
 Alves was fishing on the river in Pontal, Sao Paulo state, Brazil when he  11/4/1954 #11568  
## Word: "pontano" (Back to Top)
 East 18th Street, Tucson, Arizona Pontano Wash 9:00 p.m.–2:00 a.m. John, 1 6/25/1962 #17245  
ger and disc-shaped, appears above Pontano Wash with a cone-shaped superstr 6/25/1962 #17245  
## Word: "pontarlier" (Back to Top)
 on Route N471 between Frasnes and Pontarlier when he saw a circular flying 10/12/1954 #10974  
 on Route N471 between Frasnes and Pontarlier when he saw a circular flying 10/12/1954 #10984  
## Word: "ponte" (Back to Top)
                                   Ponte Poran, Brazil Mrs. Mendonca and fi 12/21/1957 #14754  
                                   PONTE / PRAIA FUNDA, BRZ Thousands / obs 10/18/1965 #19663  
                                   Ponte Praia, Brazil Thousands of persons 10/18/1965 #19666  
                              NEAR PONTE DA BARCA, PORTUGAL Farmer and 2. U 7/1967 #22584  
ccurred in Europe. At 1:30 a.m. in Ponte de Lima, Portugal, a 2-meter tall  12/10/1976 #31593  
                                   Ponte a Mensola Florence, Italy Day. A t 5/18/1997 #43297  
desman sees a “flying entity” near Ponte a Mensola in the hills northeast o 5/18/1997 #43297  
          In a hilly area known as Ponte a Mensola, east of Florence, Italy 5/18/1997 #43298  
## Word: "pontecchio" (Back to Top)
                                   PONTECCHIO MARCONI, ITL 1 / home. 20M to 12/6/1977 #32735  
                                   PONTECCHIO MARCONI, ITL Dome going [to]  12/10/1977 #32754  
                  At 12:30 a.m. in Pontecchio Marconi, Italy a dome-shaped  12/10/1977 #32757  
## Word: "pontedera" (Back to Top)
                                   Pontedera, Italy Camillo Faieta, 35, a l 7/13/1966 #20643  
island in the Emissario Canal near Pontedera, Italy. Two little men were se 7/13/1966 #20645  
## Word: "ponteiro" (Back to Top)
ain saw a bright light coming from Ponteiro, and she later observed two tal 9/24/1968 #24509  
## Word: "pontejos" (Back to Top)
                                   PONTEJOS, SPAIN 4 observer(s). 5 pseudo- 1/6/1969 #24820  
chen of her family's small café in Pontejos, Santander, Spain at 9:15 p.m.  1/6/1969 #24822  
## Word: "ponteland" (Back to Top)
                                   PONTELAND, ENGL 4 boys. Large saucer / w 8/31/1955 #12419  
 the rim flew at a low altitude in Ponteland, Northumberland, England. It m 8/31/1955 #12420  
## Word: "pontelongo" (Back to Top)
                                   PONTELONGO, ITL Moon-size orange disk 10 2/10/2000 #43944  
100 meters away at low altitude in Pontelongo, Veneto, Italy. It had stong  2/10/2000 #43945  
## Word: "pontes" (Back to Top)
                              Duas Pontes, Brazil Rivalino da Silva, a diam 8/17/1962 #17335  
                              Duas Pontes Diamantina Minas Gerais Brazil Ev 8/17/1962 #17336  
eet tall, digging a hole near Duas Pontes, 17 miles north of Diamantina, Mi 8/17/1962 #17336  
Sr. Mafra Da Silva's house in Duas Pontes, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. When 8/17/1962 #17337  
                              Duas Pontes, Brazil Raimundo, the son of Riva 8/19/1962 #17346  
                              Duas Pontes, Brazil Raimundo da Silva (see pr 8/20/1962 #17347  
t while working in a field in Duas Pontes, Minas Gerais State, Brazil he sa 8/20/1962 #17349  
          GIJON AND PEDRONA AND AS PONTES, SPAIN Wave / ovoids and delta/tr 1/1996 #42660  
                                AS PONTES, SP Observer(s) and videos. Delta 1/25/1996 #42710  
## Word: "pontevedra" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / PONTEVEDRA, SPAIN 2 observer(s). Saucer  6/28/1975 (approximate) #30129  
              On this afternoon in Pontevedra, Spain two witnesses watched  6/28/1975 #30130  
## Word: "ponthierry" (Back to Top)
                                   PONTHIERRY, FR Large luminous cloud offl 9/22/1954 #10391  
## Word: "pontiac" (Back to Top)
                                   PONTIAC, MI 3 observer(s). Domed disks.  7/7/1947 #2899  
                                   Pontiac, MI 11:06 pm. Witness observed a 4/27/1952 #6195  
                                   PONTIAC, MI Red-orange saucer. White glo 12/20/1954 #11846  
                                   Pontiac, MI Red-orange circular UFO, wit 12/20/1954 #11847  
                                   PONTIAC, MI Many / drive-in theater. 2 y 8/18/1959 #15924  
ch then ascended and disappeared. (Pontiac Press, Mich., 7/14/67, copy in N 7/12/1967 #22654  
## Word: "pontiff" (Back to Top)
ope John XXIII in Rome, Italy. The pontiff is seriously ill and dies three  5/31/1963 #17774  
## Word: "pontijou" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / PONTIJOU, FR 2 observer(s). Silent orang 8/17/1952 #7623  
   At 9:30 p.m. on a road north of Pontijou, France two witnesses saw an or 8/17/1952 #7627  
## Word: "pontoise" (Back to Top)
                                   Pontoise, France 15-year-old Jacques Val 5/1955 #12111  
on top” hovering above a church in Pontoise, France.                        5/1955 #12111  
                                   Pontoise, Val d’Oise, France 5:00 a.m. A 11/26/1979 #35015  
:00 a.m. A phone call to police in Pontoise, Val d’Oise, France, brings off 11/26/1979 #35015  
## Word: "pontoon" (Back to Top)
Y Local observer(s). Helicopters / pontoon landing gear. 4 mutilated cows f 11/3/1975 (approximate) #30541  
## Word: "pontrobert" (Back to Top)
at about 100 feet altitude between Pontrobert and Meiford in Wales, United  5/29/2007 #45033  
## Word: "ponts-de-ce" (Back to Top)
                               LES PONTS-DE-CE, FR 4 / car. Reddish globe g 5/31/1996 #42917  
## Word: "pontus" (Back to Top)
 Norrbotten County Norrbotten Gen. Pontus Reuterswärd, chief of armed force 1/10/1934 #1195  
botten, Sweden, have prompted Gen. Pontus Reuterswärd to alert Minister of  1/4/1937 #1261  
## Word: "pontypool" (Back to Top)
                                   PONTYPOOL, WALES Several observer(s). Gr 5/19/1909 #762  
 At 9:30 p.m. several observers in Pontypool, Wales saw a graceful cigar wi 5/19/1909 #768  
 pulled to the side of the road in Pontypool, Gwent, Wales and stopped his  4/28/2003 #44519  
## Word: "pony" (Back to Top)
             New Haven, WV Dog and pony reacted to beam of light (NICAP: 04 4/17/1967 #22151  
ward. Dogs howled and barked and a pony reacted to the beams of light, and  4/17/1967 #22156  
ts below. Nearby a normally placid pony behaved very uneasy during the enco 8/18/1993 #41144  
## Word: "ponytail" (Back to Top)
lock of hair, tied up tight like a ponytail, that suck up straight from the 6/5/1997 #43311  
## Word: "ponzano" (Back to Top)
                                   PONZANO MAGRA, ITL 12 observer(s). Fireb 7/4/1973 #27613  
## Word: "poodle" (Back to Top)
above the ground. Her sister’s toy poodle is terrified. The light veers awa 7/20/1967 #22710  
above a nearby house, the couple’s poodle becomes agitated and runs off. Th 7/22/1968 #24203  
## Word: "poof" (Back to Top)
t hovers 15m / cornfield. Vanishes poof! / r237p139.                        3/3/1992 #40346  
## Word: "pool" (Back to Top)
and pranks pollute the information pool in a major way during this era and  2/1897 #385  
auvain, France Near the Landeforet pool, Christain Carette saw for 10 sec a 10/9/1954 #10846  
               Near the Landeforet pool in Beauvain, France Christopher Car 10/9/1954 #10864  
erpignan, France Near the swimming pool in Saint-Assiscle, Damien Figueres, 10/15/1954 #11098  
       Near the community swimming pool in Saint-Assiscle, Perpignan, Franc 10/15/1954 #11114  
               COVINA, CA 4 kids / pool. 6M ball / light passes overhead. R 8/23/1956 #13124  
lose to the ground, reflected in a pool of water. It rose and vanished "lik 11/6/1957 #14410  
 Its reflection could be seen in a pool of water. It rose and vanished "lik 11/6/1957 #14431  
” a PFC on guard duty at the Motor Pool at Fort Riley, KS claims on this da 12/10/1964 #18655  
ad. Ten sec later it took off in a pool of flames, at high speed. The tar o 9/15/1965 #19566  
Ten seconds later it took off in a pool of flames at high speed. The tar on 9/15/1965 #19567  
vid Kaback is on duty at the motor pool in the Army’s Fort Riley Military R 11/1965 #19695  
ecoin, Australia Farm manager Alan Pool, 43, saw an object, 6 m in diameter 11/16/1967 #23470  
                 Farm manager Alan Pool, age 43, saw an object, six meters  11/16/1967 #23472  
Germany. The UFO drew water from a pool on the roadway, and then shot away  4/9/1970 #25627  
nie and a friend are at a swimming pool about one-half mile away when they  7/1970 #25723  
uoyah Trueblood was sitting by his pool at his townhouse in Laurel, Marylan 7/4/1970 #25727  
 on the chest, knocking him into a pool of water. It then waddled away and  1/6/1974 #28654  
ccompanied by Helen White and Rick Pool. They shone spotlights around, but  10/26/1975 #30476  
ccompanied by Helen White and Rick Pool. They shone spotlights around, but  10/27/1975 #30491  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pool” Yield: 200KT YieldMax: 500KT       3/17/1976 #30945  
where the hole has been and to the pool bottom. A fresh 6-inch-wide trench  1/10/1977 #31715  
ed for his mother to look over the pool. Hovering no more than twelve stori 5/20/1977 #32115  
d came over me. I would awake in a pool of sweat and afraid.” It is unclear 11/1977 #32648  
ooked like the steps of a swimming pool, with a very shiny finish and a cyl 2/5/1978 #32957  
PA Four rnen were driving in a car pool to work watched a small circular, v 8/22/1978 #33545  
 color. She fell into her swimming pool, and bruised her left ear, eye, and 12/4/1978 #34058  
 now directly over their house and pool. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)     7/13/1979 #34652  
eenagers parked next to a swimming pool in a subdivision of Normal, Illinoi 12/5/1980 #35701  
ves to an unobstructed view of the pool and notices the pool lights are not 7/11/1981 #35996  
d view of the pool and notices the pool lights are not on. Instead, directl 7/11/1981 #35996  
ot on. Instead, directly above the pool, and higher than the regular lights 7/11/1981 #35996  
rees that screen the camp swimming pool, he sees bright lights. He moves to 7/11/1981 #35998  
ves to an unobstructed view of the pool and notices the pool lights are not 7/11/1981 #35998  
d view of the pool and notices the pool lights are not on. Instead, directl 7/11/1981 #35998  
ot on. Instead, directly above the pool, and higher than the regular lights 7/11/1981 #35998  
ed a large light appear over their pool house after 10:45 p.m. They then ha 6/30/1983 #36896  
 diameter moving around the family pool house in Indianapolis, Indiana. Som Early 7/1983 #36900  
are skateboarding outside the town pool in Centennial Park, Langenburg, Sas 10/11/1989 #39162  
about northeast Canada. Hover over pool. Many high-Q observer(s).           1/17/1990 #39378  
tourist is swimming in the rooftop pool of the International Hilton Bonaven 11/7/1990 #39881  
ts come to view it, as well as the pool lifeguard, who describes it as “a l 11/7/1990 #39881  
 2000 L / water missing / swimming pool.                                    11/25/1991 (approximate) #40239  
## Word: "pool-rack" (Back to Top)
 Biologist. 15 tuning forks pass / pool-rack formation. Silent. / r64p61.   7/27/1952 #7188  
## Word: "poole" (Back to Top)
                                   POOLE, DORSET Man photographs glowing in 7/15/1971 #26230  
                              NEAR POOLE, DORSET Large silver saucer hovers 5/21/1977 #32118  
red over a field in Canford Heath, Poole, England. A green cone of light ex 5/21/1977 #32123  
                                   POOLE, DORSET 2 small humanoids (or Grey 9/1977 #32448  
                        Parkstone, Poole, Dorset, England 11:00 p.m. Ethel  Late 9/1977 #32518  
d is in her backyard in Parkstone, Poole, Dorset, England, when she hears a Late 9/1977 #32518  
                                   POOLE HARBOR, ENGL 6 boys. Silent 20M ha 11/13/1980 #35635  
minutes in the late afternoon over Poole Harbour, Dorset, England, making a 11/13/1980 #35636  
                                   Poole, Dorset, England 9:01 a.m. Jean Fi 12/6/1980 #35704  
 England 9:01 a.m. Jean Findley of Poole, Dorset, England, is waiting for a 12/6/1980 #35704  
                                   POOLE, DORSET UFO with lights / both end 10/18/1993 #41245  
## Word: "pooled" (Back to Top)
 military and private industry was pooled together. “They’ve” been using pr 3/27/2016 #45446  
## Word: "pools" (Back to Top)
d in one of the several pond-sized pools in the otherwise dried-up lake bed 9/6/1965 #19528  
figure striding along through deep pools of water alongside the road. She d 3/7/1972 #26590  
## Word: "poopo" (Back to Top)
age 25, a miner, saw a UFO land in Poopo, Oruro, Bolivia. From the landed c 6/19/1968 #24051  
 maneuvering for some minutes over Poopo at a low altitude, illuminating th 6/19/1968 #24051  
## Word: "poopó" (Back to Top)
am Cồn Cỏ (Tiger Island) El Choro, Poopó, Bolivia Night. Allied forward spo 6/15/1968 #24040  
 a vivid blue light near El Choro, Poopó, Bolivia. It lands, leaves a stran 6/15/1968 #24040  
## Word: "poor" (Back to Top)
 northeast overhead / X-formation. Poor photograph taken.                   6/18/1947 #2338  
ing was attempted, but resulted in poor quality images.                     7/9/1947 #3074  
 tips maneuvers rises and falls. 3 poor photographs.                        7/9/1952 #6733  
 Saucer moves in and out / clouds. Poor photographs taken. No further detai 8/1952 #7379  
y an inexperienced camera man with poor coloring and texture. A friend of t 1953 #8483  
ridge. When viewing conditions are poor or the telescope’s aperture is smal 7/30/1953 #9021  
y a few third-generation stills of poor quality remaining. Later researcher 8/23/1953 #9105  
n Hynek said often the Project had poor organization. It is unknown if this 12/18/1953 #9384  
ew obtains gun camera film, but of poor quality. The object speeds off to t 6/4/1955 #12180  
ries of quality, from excellent to poor. For a case to be called identified 10/25/1955 #12519  
Bluebook Case #6724. Unidentified. Poor naval photos / daylight disks. No f 4/21/1960 #16235  
lver-blue saucers / 30° elevation. Poor RADAR's. Vanish in place.           1/16/1967 #21316  
 fabrications, misidentifications, poor image quality, and clear images tha 10/31/1968 #24608  
. in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia a poor quality photograph of a gray domed  7/17/1969 #25275  
les west of Rennie, Manitoba, on a poor highway in bad weather. He stops to 10/3/1969 #25395  
ess drove off, he continued to get poor reception on his car radio. The dur 1/7/1974 #28661  
utheast going quickly northwest. 3 poor photographs.                        8/15/1974 #29349  
 southwest. On that same night two poor quality photographs were taken of a 6/5/1975 #30083  
nt as if this man had absolutely a poor conception of how to put a sentence 4/25/1978 #33171  
s Lockheed Corporation exhibited a poor document-control system over classi 7/24/1986 #37952  
 agencies and fire chief report. 1 poor photo.                              3/1/1989 #38857  
ht, during a period of appallingly poor weather conditions and repeated UFO 1/12/1993 #40793  
     HUNTSVILLE, AL Man fishing. 3 poor Polaroids / domed ovoid near redsto 11/12/1995 #42596  
               At 10:00 p.m. three poor quality Polaroids of a domed ovoid  11/12/1995 #42598  
ight into thundercloud. Dangerous. Poor photograph.                         6/9/1997 #43319  
 to one of the cages. However, the poor lighting was not sufficient to let  8/2/2001 #44218  
## Word: "poor-quality" (Back to Top)
 at 6:30 p.m. Observers took three poor-quality photographs of the object.  7/9/1952 #6744  
n Geraldine, Alabama, and took one poor-quality photograph. At 11:30 p.m. t 3/1/1989 #38860  
## Word: "poorer" (Back to Top)
h his thinking, and his memory was poorer than before the incident.         4/6/1975 #29975  
## Word: "poorly" (Back to Top)
hat the Grudge report is the “most poorly written, inconclusive piece of un 10/1/1951 #5694  
neuvers / 7 minute(s). Photographs poorly copied. / Flying Saucer Review (F 10/28/1961 #16933  
 lost vision in the right eye, saw poorly with the left, went to a doctor i 3/15/1965 #18857  
the sound made by a radio which is poorly tuned." After an hour and a half  10/29/1973 #28319  
. was either circumventing FOIA or poorly executing the FOIA response proce 1/19/1978 #32900  
and takes a picture that turns out poorly. He hears no sound from the objec 2/24/1982 #36365  
## Word: "poorman" (Back to Top)
shaped object was reported by Paul Poorman on a farm near some strip mines. 2/7/1967 #21475  
n on a farm near some strip mines. Poorman was a 33-year-old specialized po 2/7/1967 #21475  
## Word: "pop" (Back to Top)
hain / white lights. Some vanish / Pop. Others maneuver. Balloons?          1/17/1966 #19843  
                       PHILPOT, KY Pop! Barrel going up / field to 30M. Til 8/4/1967 #22795  
sphere over city dump. Gone with a Pop!                                     5/16/1973 #27495  
hway surface, causing the tires to pop. The UFO had a bright yellow light i 1/20/1988 #38423  
ow it, causing the guards’ ears to pop. It disappears over some mountains t 4/2003 #44508  
ff and a U.S. citizen with a large pop culture following, occurred ten mont 1/24/2016 #45443  
## Word: "popa" (Back to Top)
 Romania Night. Costin and Mariana Popa are driving with their daughter Dia 8/13/1993 #41135  
## Word: "popcorn" (Back to Top)
e from the upper surface just like popcorn. The white substance streams upw 9/18/1968 #24478  
## Word: "pope" (Back to Top)
lve the assassination of "the last Pope."                                   10/13/1917 #971  
                                   Pope AFB [now Pope Field], Fayetteville, 1/24/1950 #4509  
                     Pope AFB [now Pope Field], Fayetteville, North Carolin 1/24/1950 #4509  
flying a C-45 transport plane from Pope AFB [now Pope Field], Fayetteville, 1/24/1950 #4509  
transport plane from Pope AFB [now Pope Field], Fayetteville, North Carolin 1/24/1950 #4509  
a C-45 transport plane flying from Pope AFB in Halifax County, North Caroli 1/24/1950 #4510  
                              OVER POPE AIR FORCE BASE, NC Project Bluebook 10/15/1950 #5228  
                              NEAR POPE AIR FORCE BASE, NC USAF pilot / gro 10/15/1950 #5229  
                                   Pope AFB, NC 4 round shiny 100 ft object 10/15/1950 #5231  
                                   Pope AFB, North Carolina Witness:  Danie 10/15/1950 #5234  
                                   Pope AFB, North Carolina Witness:  Woodw 10/15/1950 #5235  
           Raleigh, North Carolina Pope AFB Fort Bragg Pope Field 4:20 p.m. 10/15/1950 #5236  
North Carolina Pope AFB Fort Bragg Pope Field 4:20 p.m. After taking off fr 10/15/1950 #5236  
lic objects descending slowly near Pope AFB [now Pope Field] at Fort Bragg. 10/15/1950 #5236  
scending slowly near Pope AFB [now Pope Field] at Fort Bragg. They look lik 10/15/1950 #5236  
 the path of an Air Force jet near Pope AFB.                                10/15/1950 #5236  
 a pilot named Daniel, flying from Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina sigh 10/15/1950 #5238  
                                   Pope AFB, SC (McDonald list) Four Radars 12/10/1952 #8403  
 UFO appeared on the radarscope at Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina. It  12/10/1952 #8410  
lew to Rome to refer everything to Pope Pius XII, who decided to found the  2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
e Australians, employees of Arthur Pope, see a UFO at close range 100 miles 3/1954? #9579  
, Pennsylvania Witness:  Mrs. R.S. Pope. One bright disc with a clear dome  8/27/1956 #13139  
ennsylvania at 9:55 p.m. Mrs. R.S. Pope saw a bright disc-shaped object wit 8/27/1956 #13141  
                                   Pope AFB, NC Object On Collision Course  11/4/1958 #15424  
                                   Pope AFB Fayetteville, North Carolina 9: 11/4/1958 #15425  
g a ground- controlled approach to Pope AFB [now Pope Field] in Fayettevill 11/4/1958 #15425  
ntrolled approach to Pope AFB [now Pope Field] in Fayetteville, North Carol 11/4/1958 #15425  
egedly has a private audience with Pope John XXIII in Rome, Italy. The pont 5/31/1963 #17774  
a “Golden Medal of Honor” from the pope, but skeptics note that the medal i 5/31/1963 #17774  
k for a “final agreement” from the pope because of his decision not to comm 5/31/1963 #17774  
lanation. Former MoD official Nick Pope, one of the few people to see the p 8/4/1990 #39679  
eed at 1100 mph. According to Nick Pope, the UK Air Ministry's representati 3/30/1993 #40906  
nistry of Defence UFO Officer Nick Pope says there are multiple sightings a 3/31/1993 #40914  
llite into orbit the previous day. Pope later comes around to that viewpoin 3/31/1993 #40914  
                              Nick Pope, a former Ministry of Defence offic 1996 #42657  
 Ministry of Defence official Nick Pope offers a rational response to the b 7/29/2008 #45152  
 (Robert Salas, Paul Hellyer, Nick Pope), testify to six former members of  4/29/2013 #45366  
Elizondo, Christopher Mellon, Nick Pope, and Michael Shermer, will analyze  7/26/2021 #45700  
## Word: "pope-hats" (Back to Top)
l humanoids (or Greys) inside with Pope-hats. Samples? / International UFO  10/25/1978 #33871  
## Word: "popescu" (Back to Top)
 Olt River Drăgășani, Romania Radu Popescu and his cousin are walking by th 5/1935 #1229  
## Word: "popkum" (Back to Top)
 over as it flew across the sky in Popkum, British Columbia.                1/26/2008 #45114  
## Word: "poplar" (Back to Top)
ped object passing over a grove of poplar trees. The trees bend like they a Mid Summer 1900 #641  
                                   POPLAR, MT 2 ANG F51 pilots and Air Traf 9/18/1950 #5181  
                                   Poplar (Bluff?), MT Round object moving  9/18/1950 #5182  
deep crater about 6 m in diameter. Poplar trees were partially burned. Offi 10/15/1954 #11102  
 crater about 18 feet in diameter. Poplar trees are partially burned.       10/15/1954 #11110  
deep crater about 6 m in diameter. Poplar trees were partially burned. Offi 10/15/1954 #11118  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Poplar” Yield: 9300KT                    7/12/1958 #15139  
                              NEAR POPLAR GROVE, IL 2 observer(s). 3 metall 11/8/1961 #16959  
                  US60 NORTHWEST / POPLAR BLUFF, MO 6 / car. Night lights / 2/21/1973 #27303  
                                   POPLAR GROVE, IL 1 / car. Night light ho 9/20/1979 #34904  
                                   Poplar Grove, Illinois Beaverton and Pop 9/20/1979 #34907  
plar Grove, Illinois Beaverton and Poplar Grove Road 5:30 a.m. A woman is d 9/20/1979 #34907  
ad 5:30 a.m. A woman is driving in Poplar Grove, Illinois, when a pear-shap 9/20/1979 #34907  
 the intersection of Beaverton and Poplar Grove Road. She stops a police ca 9/20/1979 #34907  
-year-old nursing home employee in Poplar Grove, Illinois. The surrounding  9/20/1979 #34908  
 dark rectangular mid-section. The poplar trees underneath it are shaking v 6/3/1982 #36491  
that he was just there to help the poplar trees in the forest. He acted in  10/31/1990 #39822  
s of 3 red orbs rise / clouds from poplar trees at stadium.                 12/29/1994 #41908  
## Word: "popocatépetl" (Back to Top)
Tequesquitengo in Jojutla, Morelos Popocatépetl volcano Freeway 1:34 p.m. C 5/3/1975 #30026  
radar screen and speed away toward Popocatépetl volcano. After the objects  5/3/1975 #30026  
               Mexico City, Mexico Popocatépetl 6:10 a.m. Reporter Alfondo  12/19/2000 #44106  
Reyes is observing the eruption of Popocatépetl southeast of Mexico City, M 12/19/2000 #44106  
## Word: "popov" (Back to Top)
, Russia 10:00 p.m. LT. Major Y.B. Popov, of Novosibirsk, together with Jun 5/17/1967 #22365  
scended up into space. Major Y. B. Popov, of Novosibirsk, together with Jun 5/17/1967 #22370  
ed under the auspices of the A. S. Popov Scientific and Technical Society f 11/1978 #33907  
## Word: "popovic" (Back to Top)
                  CLEVELAND, OH G. Popovic and wife. Huge white-rimmed sauc 8/13/1953 #9067  
## Word: "popovich" (Back to Top)
rnment appointed a cosmonaut Pavel Popovich to head the Commission on Abnor 3/27/1983 #36817  
on Abnormal Atmospheric Phenomena. Popovich declared the incident definitel 3/27/1983 #36817  
s headed by former cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, who tells the trade union news 2/1984 #37170  
request by Russian cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, the KGB declassifies several d 10/1991 #40202  
## Word: "popovitch" (Back to Top)
researchers C. W. Fitch and George Popovitch: “We are speculating that what 6/12/1960 #16312  
## Word: "popped" (Back to Top)
ith gray hair and a gray beard. It popped up less than a foot away and ran  4/20/1945 #1851  
. It "opened up" and the creature "popped inside." The craft became luminou 9/14/1954 #10297  
. It "opened up" and the creature "popped inside." The craft became luminou 9/14/1954 #10302  
short, dark figures who repeatedly popped up at the doorway or peered into  4/21/1955 #12096  
 finds that a series of rivets had popped, jamming a rod that controls the  7/22/1956 #13007  
ttle face" with "big red eyes that popped out." She screamed and ran inside 11/26/1966 #21151  
on the witness's car and its doors popped open. These beams pulled the witn 9/22/1971 #26365  
t. It was very much like something popped in our reality.”  https://www.red 5/1984 #37308  
T Saucer lifts car / 90 min. Tires popped. Luggage gone. Ash. / r41p232.    1/20/1988 #38418  
## Word: "poppel" (Back to Top)
raun, Erich W. Neubert, Theodor A. Poppel, August Schultze, Eberhard Rees,  9/1945 #1934  
## Word: "poppen" (Back to Top)
amos, NM Photographer Nicholas Van Poppen, an aerospace photography expert, 4/1948 (estimated) #3599  
         Photographer Nicholas Van Poppen, an aerospace photography expert, 11/1949 #4407  
## Word: "popping" (Back to Top)
soft, whirring sound followed by a popping noise.                           10/29/1962 #17517  
into two groups which moved off. A popping sound, like fireworks, was heard 10/17/1967 #23243  
ove to another spot. He hears some popping noises and sees an object like a 9/4/1977 #32460  
ok. At the instant he thinks about popping the bubble, it speeds off to the 8/1989 #39040  
## Word: "popponessett" (Back to Top)
                                   Popponessett Beach, MA (Hynek-CUFOS-Will 7/23/1967 #22723  
## Word: "poppycock" (Back to Top)
asts to make UFO reports seem like poppycock.” Ruppelt tells Keyhoe that Bl 2/9/1953 #8653  
asts to make UFO reports seem like poppycock,” Chop added. Capt. Edward J.  2/9/1953 #8656  
## Word: "poprocky" (Back to Top)
                       A man named Poprocky wrote to report that at 8:15 p. 4/6/1952 #6040  
## Word: "pops" (Back to Top)
hovers / yard. Pseudo-human/entity pops out and right back. Going quickly [ 8/15/1976 #31267  
 Without thinking, she reflexively pops a piece into her mouth and swallows 9/13/1989 #39098  
o now all of the sudden the bubble pops, and so all of a sudden comes crash 6/10/2021 #45693  
## Word: "popudinske" (Back to Top)
                                   Popudinske Mocadliny, Slovakia - The wit 1/9/1993 #40790  
## Word: "populace" (Back to Top)
 of lightning…which stimulated the populace into a high level of excitement 11/5/1957 #14291  
Angle: Artificial satellite causes populace to go sky crazy.]               11/12/1957 #14535  
re unable to catch up with it. The populace were told by officials that wha 1/1/1964 #18107  
## Word: "popular" (Back to Top)
to think so. Natural phenomena and popular imagination are considered the c 1/20/1947 #2232  
etary spaceships was becoming more popular.”                                1948 #3518  
son AFB, Dayton OH Project "Sign" (popular name "Saucer") established at Wr 1/22/1948 #3562  
) by Devon Francis is published in Popular Science.                         5/1948 #3637  
                  In an article in Popular Science, the editors ask UFO wit 8/1951 #5590  
MADEIRA ISLANDS, PORTUGAL / Diario popular. Flying saucer seen over bay / 1 11/12/1954 #11626  
us as Saucer News and it becomes a popular bimonthly UFO magazine.          6/1955 #12172  
 “milab” is used by ufologists and popular culture to describe a similar ph 10/11/1973 #28009  
-government conspiracy theories in popular media, and caused great confusio 1980's? #35109  
 “milab” is used by ufologists and popular culture to describe a similar ph 1980's #35110  
 report that devastatingly debunks popular theories. The animals have died  6/1980 #35349  
ity “Dennis”. Sometime after this, Popular host Billy Goodman organizes bus 5/24/1989 #38961  
ve. UFOs are one of the three most popular FOI requests made to the Ministr 1/1/2005 #44806  
ence in Israel Icarus Interstellar Popular Mechanics The Defense Intelligen 1/9/2018 #45503  
pers was released to the public by Popular Mechanics on February 14, 2020.  1/9/2018 #45503  
e Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) A Popular Mechanics article by UFO investi 2/14/2020 #45633  
## Word: "popularity" (Back to Top)
of the most influential due to its popularity in militia circles as well as 1991 #39933  
## Word: "popularized" (Back to Top)
 on Mars; as these assumptions are popularized, the canals become famous, g 10/1877 #211  
e Glocke (“The Bell”). It is later popularized by military journalist and a 2000 #43910  
## Word: "popularizes" (Back to Top)
 The Bermuda Triangle, in which he popularizes the concept of the Bermuda T 9/1974 #29412  
## Word: "popularizing" (Back to Top)
r and translates them into French, popularizing automatic writing.          1900 #639  
phenomena that UFO enthusiasts are popularizing through their inept investi Late 1/1979 #34380  
## Word: "popularly" (Back to Top)
ieve that no objects such as those popularly described as flying saucers ha 10/25/1955 #12519  
## Word: "popularmechanics" (Back to Top)
ck-ufo-programs.html   https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/a 5/22/1992 #40469  
org/web/20081105234854/https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/research/12 7/29/2002 #44369  
## Word: "populated" (Back to Top)
y. The explosion over the sparsely populated eastern Siberian taiga flatten 6/30/1908 #711  
ton Post that he believes Venus is populated by “huge monsters and lizards  1/9/1911 #853  
affect over 60,000 square miles of populated coastal region. The Dew I rele 3/26/1952 #5980  
ntation with biological weapons in populated areas, collaboration with form 11/28/1953 #9324  
 Lake?) because it is too close to populated areas. Ritland recalls a “litt Early 1955 #11901  
lat. Its narrow vertical sides are populated by many separate light sources Fall 1956 #13239  
f Atlantis and Lemuria, which were populated with Adamic migrants.          1960 #16141  
round base near Dulce, New Mexico, populated by gray aliens and humans. Dir 12/29/1987 #38378  
e were at least 15. It flew over a populated area at only 200 feet from wes 5/29/1990 #39598  
## Word: "population" (Back to Top)
ed cylinders and fireballs terrify population. 'Rain of blood'(?)           1/3/1551 #28  
urface area of each planet and the population density of England.           1838 #133  
 NE 10:30 p.m. The majority of the population observed an object arriving f 3/28/1897 #399  
maha, Nebraska The majority of the population observed an object arriving f 3/28/1897 #400  
               The majority of the population of Omaha, Nebraska observed a 3/28/1897 #401  
a take note of how segments of the population are easily manipulated into t 10/30/1938 #1300  
e most degenerate over time into a population of mentally impaired sadists  11/1943 #1541  
 are they a cause for alarm to the population.” The discrepancy between Sha 4/27/1949 #4117  
The paper writes that convincing a population to believe in paranormal and  4/14/1950 #4853  
FBI. He does not want the American population to know of USAF interest in t 7/6/1950 #5047  
a region in space of high meteoric population. Also, the sun-spot maxima in 11/27/1951 #5794  
s halos emerged, causing the local population to go down on their knees. Th 2/21/1965 #18825  
 and that nearly half of the adult population believed UFOs were real.      5/8/1966 #20462  
 a negative effect on the civilian population. Between 1968 and 1972, Phoen 5/1967 #22253  
O, BRZ Fireballs March-June. 60% / population sees. Chase and strike with a 3/1977 #31854  
t in government among the domestic population over time, fueled anti-govern 1980's? #35109  
rmine if the behavior of different population groups could be affected.  ht 1983 #36739  
the next 10 years. Among the wider population, an excess of 15 childhood th 4/26/1986 #37843  
mitted to advancement to media and population of both Mogul and extra-terra 3/11/1998 #43532  
to advance THE THEORY to media and population. This writer privately engage 3/11/1998 #43532  
theorizes radically indoctrinating population with belief and faith — and r 3/11/1998 #43532  
aith — and revelation to media and population of true nature of Lincoln Cou 3/11/1998 #43532  
adically and rapidly alter current population mindset is the only alternati 3/11/1998 #43532  
siders the disclosure to media and population of the Lincoln County fabrics 3/11/1998 #43532  
issemination of facts to media and population is required.”                 3/11/1998 #43532  
 Project MK-ULTRA will be used in “population centers” to assist with MJ Pr 1/23/1999 #43720  
 “allowed to blend into” the human population. Walker was the dean of engin 7/31/1999 #43815  
## Word: "populations" (Back to Top)
he use of the weapon over civilian populations without ill effects.         7/19/1957 #13814  
belief is much stronger in younger populations.                             6/1994 #41544  
## Word: "populous" (Back to Top)
rning. A UFO supposedly lands in a populous district on the south side of T 10/12/1954 #10976  
 residence on a busy street in the populous neighborhood of São Cristóvão i 10/2/1971 #26400  
## Word: "poquoson" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR POQUOSON, VA Teen shoots at 4' black dis 10/19/1959 #16037  
             Two teenagers were in Poquoson, Virginia at 6:15 in the evenin 10/19/1959 #16044  
  Plum Tree Island Wildlife Refuge Poquoson, Virginia Hampton, Virginia 6:0 1/27/1965 #18776  
 Tree Island Wildlife Refuge, near Poquoson, Virginia, that is approximatel 1/27/1965 #18776  
35 p.m. a witness driving a van in Poquoson, Virginia saw a bright light st 9/15/2002 #44399  
## Word: "pora" (Back to Top)
                             PONTA PORA, BRZ 5 observer(s). 5M saucer paces 12/21/1957 #14751  
                        NEAR PONTA PORA, BRZ Saturn-saucer chases jeep. Hea 3/3/1958 #14914  
## Word: "poran" (Back to Top)
                             Ponta Poran, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil Before 12/21/1957 #14753  
                             Ponte Poran, Brazil Mrs. Mendonca and five oth 12/21/1957 #14754  
ca and five other persons in Ponta Poran, Brazil saw a light in the souther 12/21/1957 #14757  
## Word: "porat" (Back to Top)
                                   PORAT, EAST / KADIMA, ISR 35 chickens an 1/7/1995 #41959  
## Word: "porayebayebera" (Back to Top)
                   At 7:45 p.m. in Porayebayebera, Milne Bay, Papua New Gui 7/22/1959 #15871  
## Word: "porcelain" (Back to Top)
t superintendent with Southwestern Porcelain Steel Corp., saw an object fal Fall 1949 #4365  
gs, California, when he breaks the porcelain cap of his “upper left central 2/20/1954 #9560  
 for the very bottom, which has a “porcelain” look about it. Two hook- like 9/10/1976 #31371  
foot tall creature with pale shiny porcelain colored skin standing next to  5/5/1996 #42896  
## Word: "porcelain-white" (Back to Top)
nce airman Hendry / B26. Very fast porcelain-white object.                  6/2/1952 #6423  
               Fulda, West Germany Porcelain-white object fly very fast for 6/2/1952 #6425  
RB-26C reconnaissance bomber.  One porcelain-white object flew very fast fo 6/2/1952 #6427  
C reconnaissance bomber, sighted a porcelain-white object that flew very fa 6/2/1952 #6430  
ng blond hair. Their skin appeared porcelain-white, as if they had never be 11/28/1967 #23517  
## Word: "porcello" (Back to Top)
                             Frank Porcello and two others saw two UFOs man 7/24/1960 #16347  
## Word: "porch" (Back to Top)
she remembers is walking up to her porch at her home 15 miles away. It is a 1930 #1106  
euben D. Knight is standing on the porch of his farmhouse near Wattsburg, P 6/1932 #1144  
                MENA, ARK Woman on porch temporarily paralyzed as saucer ho 10/15/1935 #1236  
p.m. James L. Hendry sees from his porch in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, a brig 4/10/1945 #1843  
and Tyra Axberg are sitting on the porch of their cabin on Lake Vassarajärv 7/19/1946 #2072  
0 p.m. Harry Bentrup Jr. is on his porch in Jennings, Missouri, when a circ 5/1947 #2272  
others. Photographs saucer / front porch. Several disks going quickly west. 7/4/1947 #2619  
in Philadelphia, is reading on the porch of the hospital when he hears a lo 7/4/1947 #2666  
                    TOPEKA, KS 1 / porch. Disk from northeast stops and cir 7/13/1947 #3170  
 triangular objects from his front porch in Baltimore, Maryland. The object 6/29/1949 #4256  
exas Midnight. A witness is on his porch in Waco, Texas, looking at the sky Mid 8/1951 #5609  
 Glows. Hovers. Zigzags going [to] porch. Going up / very fast.             8/1952 #7377  
               WELCH, WV 2 women / porch. Silent silver disk whirls past ra 8/17/1952 #7621  
er sister were sitting on the back porch of her sister's home in the evenin 7/23/1956 #13013  
teor drops / yard! Comes toward(s) porch. Pulses. Shoots up going quickly n 8/15/1957 #13897  
ve of trees 100 feet from the back porch. Three individuals come out of the 12/30/1957 #14771  
ha is sitting with his wife on the porch of a house in Guarujá, São Paulo,  1/10/1958 #14817  
uickly going up [to] vertical when porch light lit!                         11/11/1958 #15436  
Kinney opens a door to go out on a porch, but the light zooms straight up a 11/11/1958 #15438  
ther, sitting on the upstairs back porch of their home in Memphis, Tennesse Late 8/1960 #16417  
 viewing. They go out on the front porch and see an object moving silently  7/7/1964 #18398  
y trees. Wolferd is sitting on the porch listening to the radio when it sud 7/9/1965 #19089  
e entire family rushes to the back porch, where they watch the object for a 4/23/1966 #20390  
r winding up. Outside on his front porch his dog Bandit began wailing. Part 11/14/1966 #21101  
 dog was sitting on the end of the porch, howling down toward the hay barn  11/14/1966 #21101  
nerator winding up. Outside on his porch, his dog Bandit began wailing. Par 11/15/1966 #21109  
 dog was sitting at the end of the porch, howling down toward the hay barn  11/15/1966 #21109  
but the creature shuffled onto the porch and peered into windows. It was go 11/16/1966 #21110  
             CASTRO VALLEY, CA 2 / porch. 16M saucer with rivets shoots fla 5/25/1967 #22395  
nonymity, was sitting on her front porch at 11:30 p.m. waiting for her husb 5/31/1967 #22430  
Winnipeg) was sitting on her front porch at 11:30 p.m. waiting for her husb 5/31/1967 #22433  
owd, are sitting on the Nicholls’s porch in Leawood, Kansas, when they see  7/3/1967 #22602  
oked real. He stepped out onto his porch and mentally heard the words,"You  7/18/1967 #22695  
s from the ground near their front porch. A door slides open and a small, g 8/3/1967 #22788  
, are sitting on the Crosier front porch in Newfield, New York, when they s 10/24/1967 #23305  
ified dog crashed through a screen porch to hide from a domed disc-shaped U 10/8/1968 #24552  
all about / low altitude. 60M from porch. Going quickly northeast.          6/23/1969 #25232  
maneuvered only 60 meters from the porch of their farmhouse, located 15 mil 6/23/1969 #25233  
lowing-saucer / 100M altitude hits porch / curved beam / light. Rises and a 1/1/1970 #25529  
r was. He stepped out on his front porch for a better look and was terrifie 2/27/1971 #26034  
le, Alberta, and goes out onto her porch and sees a rectangular object on t 6/9/1971 #26162  
ered outside his second story back porch. Two humanoid occupants of the cra 6/15/1971 #26176  
.m. a 23-year-old man stood on his porch in Bellingham, Massachusetts and w 6/28/1971 #26200  
e interference. He goes out on the porch and sees a huge, round luminous ob 12/13/1972 #27176  
-in backyard. When she goes to her porch door, she sees a flying object hov 5/27/1973 #27533  
 he remembered he was lying on the porch of his cottage porch at about 6:00 7/1/1973 #27610  
 lying on the porch of his cottage porch at about 6:00 a.m. He had lost tra 7/1/1973 #27610  
humming, walked out onto the front porch ana saw a red, transparent oblong  10/17/1973 #28128  
g sound, walked out onto her front porch. There she saw a red, transparent  10/17/1973 #28136  
     GOFFSTOWN, NH F. Dow. Thump / porch. Pseudo-human/entity with large ha 11/1/1973 #28335  
rs a “rattling of tin cans” on her porch. She grabs and loads a shotgun, tu 2/6/1974 #28742  
 and loads a shotgun, turns on the porch light, and steps into the doorway  2/6/1974 #28742  
 and steps into the doorway of the porch, where she encounters a 7-foot-tal 2/6/1974 #28742  
usband were sitting on their front porch enjoying the spring weather on thi 3/1/1974 #28842  
the air only 10 feet away from the porch and 15 feet above the ground is a  11/1974 #29574  
wo witnesses were sitting on their porch when they noticed a bright red ova 7/1/1975 #30145  
itnesses. Lady, out shaking rug on porch and sees glow in creek bed. Family 8/18/1976 #31279  
tness and a little dog were on her porch facing the area of the sighting. S 9/3/1976 #31337  
an in dark clothing walking up the porch stairs. Hopkins unthinkingly opens 9/11/1976 #31376  
 gets up slowly and walks down the porch steps one foot at a time. Hopkins  9/11/1976 #31376  
                          From the porch of their house Richard Britt and h 10/28/1976 #31503  
owards Richie and stopped near the porch. Now it began to give off a white  10/28/1976 #31503  
 15 x 20 foot area in front of the porch where there was no frost on the gr 10/28/1976 #31503  
husband are sitting on their front porch in Pennsylvania across the Delawar 7/3/1977 #32232  
t red light from their first-floor porch in Uccle, Belgium. It is stationar 10/17/1977 #32584  
pilot and sailor is sitting on her porch in Smyrna, Georgia, when she notic 11/24/1977 #32697  
figure standing on top of the back porch roof, only four feet away. The fig 1/9/1978 #32862  
g a noise at the door to the front porch he again saw the white suited figu 1/9/1978 #32862  
carpenter is standing on his front porch in Toledo, Ohio, when he notices a 1/23/1978 #32907  
.m. A teen couple are sitting on a porch in Northport, Alabama, when they s 5/13/1978 #33204  
 silver "frisbee" from their front porch. Standing outdoors, looking up at  8/21/1978 #33536  
                             front porch 3 miles north of downtown Indianap 8/21/1978 #33538  
isbee-like object from their front porch 3 miles north of downtown Indianap 8/21/1978 #33538  
 and friends were out on the front porch of her home near Minerva, Ohio at  8/21/1978 #33540  
hts that seemed to be reflecting a porch light. Scott Patterson went to his 8/21/1978 #33540  
n are crying, and I am on the back porch having the time of my life.” The U 10/26/1980 #35591  
ted barking, so he went out on his porch to check and when he pulled a blin 12/2/1987 #38348  
          Trenton, NY Blind dog on porch indifferent to boomerang (NICAP: 0 5/21/1990 #39581  
ran and hid behind the door on his porch. Moments later, the globe ascended 12/31/1990 #39932  
old woman was standing on her back porch in Roslyn Estates, Nassau County,  3/26/1993 #40902  
 in Syracuse, Indiana a man on his porch heard a dynamo humming sound. He w 7/13/1993 #41065  
g her. Then something moved on her porch outside, and a group of Grey alien 11/18/1993 #41284  
nha, Brazil, when she steps onto a porch to smoke a cigarette. She looks to 4/21/1996 #42876  
is behind a fence that circles the porch. They stare at each other. Clepf g 4/21/1996 #42876  
dow. She stepped out onto the back porch and noticed a disc-shaped object h 5/19/1996 #42905  
d over his house to hover over the porch. Looking out his bedroom window, h 9/26/1996 #43043  
                  Sitting on their porch at 12:45 a.m. in La Grange, Califo 4/18/1997 #43265  
n outside, and when she turned the porch light on, she saw a strange creatu 6/26/1997 #43341  
a.m. a man was sitting on his back porch in North Richland Hills, Texas loo 5/3/2003 #44523  
silence, and as he stepped off his porch he started to hear a low whirring  5/3/2003 #44523  
inside. By the time he gets to the porch, the UFO looks cigar-shaped and is 8/11/2003 #44574  
d UFO. He was sitting on his front porch at 3:00 a.m., not able to sleep, a 5/9/2005 #44838  
 and girlfriend Joanna Fife on the porch of his ranch home in Lagol, Ventur 7/5/2009 #45230  
## Word: "porch-light" (Back to Top)
bserver(s). Ovoid west going east. Porch-light blinks / object flashes. Mil 9/17/1989 #39110  
## Word: "porchietto" (Back to Top)
rofessors, Professors Brunelli and Porchietto, at 2:40 a.m. Their car was t 8/16/1972 #26921  
## Word: "porcie-amblagnieu" (Back to Top)
lique angle and land in a field in Porcie-Amblagnieu, Isere department, Fra 11/27/1979 #35022  
## Word: "porcupine" (Back to Top)
t field. Soil rock hard. Flattened porcupine!                               8/1992 #40542  
## Word: "porcupines" (Back to Top)
m the object are “blasting deer or porcupines from the woods or something.” 2/1975 #29781  
## Word: "pordenone" (Back to Top)
            NATO’s Aviano Air Base Pordenone, Italy 3:00 a.m. Electronic al 7/1/1977 #32227  
at NATO’s Aviano Air Base north of Pordenone, Italy. Something has set off  7/1/1977 #32227  
 Calalzo di Cadore, Belluno, Italy Pordenone 11:00 p.m. A married couple on 8/15/1986 #37992  
 on August 23–24 by a physician in Pordenone. They relate that a being had  8/15/1986 #37992  
                              NEAR PORDENONE, ITL Fat 3M saucer hovers / 80 5/19/1995 #42216  
5:30 a.m. five witnesses in Claut, Pordenone, Italy spotted a UFO and a fly 8/8/1998 #43620  
## Word: "pordoi" (Back to Top)
 6:35 a.m. Giacomo Barra, Giuseppe Pordoi, Filippo Marin, and Silvano Guard 6/3/1961 #16715  
## Word: "poregozzo" (Back to Top)
bout one hour, 20-year-old Roberto Poregozzo, his mother, Maria, and his 25 6/26/1962 #17248  
## Word: "pores" (Back to Top)
nless faces, white craniums, large pores, and a protrusion at the back of t 8/13/1965 #19380  
st of his cranium there were large pores and this part of his head was whit 8/13/1965 #19383  
 pale skin that seemed to lack any pores. It had a large hairless head with 8/16/1971 #26290  
 show is created by Jack Webb, who pores through Air Force files looking fo 2/19/1978 #32982  
## Word: "porfiri" (Back to Top)
Cosmonautics Center with Maj. Gen. Porfiri Stolyarov at the helm and cosmol 5/17/1967 #22369  
Retired Soviet Air Force Maj. Gen. Porfiri Stolyarov is elected chairman an 10/18/1967 #23265  
## Word: "pori" (Back to Top)
nd ground RADAR's. 7 orbs 2km over Pori Air Force Base. Going quickly north 4/12/1969 #25056  
                                   Pori Airport, Finland Vaasa During a Fou 4/12/1969 #25057  
ister aircraft training mission at Pori Airport, Finland, a Finnish Defence 4/12/1969 #25057  
## Word: "pork" (Back to Top)
                     OLD BALDY AND PORK CHOP HILL, KOREA W. Morgan / USAF.  3/20/1953 #8764  
                                   Pork Chop Hill, Korea AP radio news serv 3/20/1953 #8765  
 radar within the past few days in Pork Chop and Old Baldy Hills area, West 3/20/1953 #8765  
                                   Pork Chop Hill 1:00 p.m. Four US Army re 4/19/1953 #8838  
is in the Old Baldy (Hill 266) and Pork Chop Hill areas. Radar supposedly t 4/19/1953 #8838  
## Word: "porlock" (Back to Top)
                          Minehead Porlock, Somerset, England 6:00 p.m. Bet 11/4/1997 #43437  
and 6:00 p.m. Between Minehead and Porlock, Somerset, England, a man drivin 11/4/1997 #43437  
## Word: "pornography" (Back to Top)
ilty of felony possession of child pornography.                             2000 #43913  
## Word: "poronaysk" (Back to Top)
                       VAKHRUSEV = PORONAYSK, SAKHALIN, RUSSIA, NIGHT LIGHT 5/17/1967 #22363  
## Word: "poros" (Back to Top)
                  Monastiri Beach, Poros, Greece 1:30 a.m. A Swedish man is 7/4/1979 #34646  
vern not far from Monastiri Beach, Poros, Greece. He hears a powerful buzzi 7/4/1979 #34646  
## Word: "porous" (Back to Top)
-white squares like a screen. Some porous, rust-colored fragments are also  7/10/1946 #2046  
akota, who finds that it is light, porous, and mostly magnesium dioxide.    12/14/1957 #14729  
## Word: "porrentruy" (Back to Top)
                                   PORRENTRUY, SWZ Saucer spins going quick 9/19/1954 #10358  
## Word: "porridge" (Back to Top)
bottom, until it was nothing but a porridge like substance. Then in the "fi 9/15/1977 #32485  
## Word: "porsangen" (Back to Top)
                                   PORSANGEN FJORD, NORW Still RADAR blip.  12/14/1966 #21201  
## Word: "port" (Back to Top)
   Lyon, France Magonia Mahón, the port of the island of Menorca, Spain Ago 812 #2  
relating to the city of Mahón, the port of the island of Menorca, Spain.    812 #2  
  Hamburg, Germany Mariners in the port of Hamburg, Germany, see a fireball 12/15/1547 #27  
       Pennsylvania Delaware River Port Jervis, New York Night. During a se 2/16/1885 #263  
River some five miles northwest of Port Jervis, New York. The snow-covered  2/16/1885 #263  
ea Strait Hallasan volcano on Jeju Port Hamilton [now the Korean islands of 2/24/1893 #308  
ight as they are sailing east from Port Hamilton [now the Korean islands of 2/24/1893 #308  
wler S.S. Othello was returning to port of was 120 miles from the coast of  2/28/1913 #885  
 it moves at terrific speed to the port side, and the front gunner starts f 6/25/1942 #1422  
tting the lights behind him on the port side. They now appear brighter and  12/1942 #1470  
larger than their aircraft, on the port side. It has several evenly spaced  5/26/1943 #1502  
 Junkers Ju 888 bombers attack the port of Bari, Italy, a key supply center 12/2/1943 #1549  
re turned with me. I turned to the port side and they turned with me. We we 1/2/1945 #1752  
                             B17 / PORT LYAUTTEY GOING QUICKLY [TO] DAKAR,  5/7/1945 #1865  
a morning flight on a B-17 between Port Lyauttey, Mauritania and Dakar, Sen 5/7/1945 #1866  
 lower part. 1 head looks out each port.                                    8/25/1946 (approximate) #2158  
             Lock, South Australia Port Augusta, South Australia Around 7:3 2/6/1947 #2238  
 and two other railroad workers in Port Augusta, South Australia, watch fiv 2/6/1947 #2238  
                                   PORT ALBERNI, BC 2 observer(s). Ducks an 4/1947 #2252  
                                   PORT ORCHARD, WA Coroner. Large silver o 7/29/1947 #3248  
                                   Port Hope, Ontario 2:00 p.m. P. L. Lewis 9/26/1948 #3814  
t moving rapidly across the sky at Port Hope, Ontario, then disappear when  9/26/1948 #3814  
d flew with a "decided list to the port side" at a speed in excess of 1000  5/11/1949 #4179  
                                   PORT MONMOUTH, NJ Military observer(s).  4/14/1950 #4849  
                             NNE / PORT CLINTON, OH Air Force pilot. 6M cyl 8/8/1951 #5597  
                                   Port Clinton (NE of ), OH 20 ft dark cig 8/8/1951 #5598  
 (100'), aluminum or silver with a port or some type of aperture on the sid 8/31/1951 #5641  
s aluminum or silver-yellow with a port or some type of aperture on the sid 8/31/1951 #5642  
                                   PORT MONMOUTH, NJ T33 pilot and RADAR. 4 9/10/1951 #5657  
eserve US Naval Training Center at Port Deposit, Maryland 5:00 a.m. Two wom 3/1952 #5940  
at the US Naval Training Center at Port Deposit, Maryland, are out taking a 3/1952 #5940  
one of the objects appears off the port bow at close range and low elevatio Late 5/1952 #6362  
                                   PORT MONMOUTH, NJ 12+observer(s) / RADAR 7/1/1952 #6682  
                                   Port Huron (20 miles W of), MI Jets vect 7/28/1952 #7250  
                                   Port Huron, MI 9:40 p.m. CST an Air Forc 7/29/1952 #7307  
                                   Port Huron, Michigan 29 miles west of Po 7/29/1952 #7331  
t Huron, Michigan 29 miles west of Port Huron 9:40 p.m. An Aircraft and War 7/29/1952 #7331  
An Aircraft and Warning Station in Port Huron, Michigan, tracks an unidenti 7/29/1952 #7331  
ation of the blip 29 miles west of Port Huron and follows it for 20 minutes 7/29/1952 #7331  
                                   Port Austin, MI FPS-3 Radar Tracks Objec 8/6/1952 #7484  
                                   Port Lyautey, Fr. Morocco Brilliant whit 8/6/1952 #7485  
                                   Port Austin, Michigan Case missing from  8/6/1952 #7488  
S. Air Force radar installation in Port Austin, Michigan picked up several  8/6/1952 #7492  
                                   PORT ARTHUR, TX 15 observer(s). 3+3+3 wh 8/27/1952 #7749  
                                   PORT ARTHUR, TX Several / refinery. 3 ro 9/5/1952 #7848  
                                   PORT PIRIE, SOUTH AUSTR Cylinder/cigar-s 10/18/1952 #8154  
e notices a light below him on the port side on or near the ocean. After tu 2/11/1953 #8664  
                                   PORT AUSTIN, MICH Project Bluebook Case  2/17/1953 #8681  
                                   Port Austin, MI Object larger and bright 2/17/1953 #8683  
                                   Port Austin. Michigan Witnesses: two off 2/17/1953 #8684  
the US Air Force 754 AC&W Squad in Port Austin, Michigan picked up a clear  2/17/1953 #8685  
                                   Port Clinton, OH Unidentified white ligh 7/31/1953 #9025  
                                   Port Moresby, New Guinea Movie film take 8/23/1953 #9102  
                                   Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Royal Aus 8/23/1953 #9105  
he Civilian Aviation Department at Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, takes 24 8/23/1953 #9105  
ers all over/all about Tsaid point/port/platinum metal and changes colors.  10/25/1953 #9251  
rcular night lights going south to Port Ormond. 1 lags behind..             1/15/1954 #9489  
                                   PORT TOWNSEND, WA Sheriff reports 6 sauc 5/1/1954 #9741  
age through a window on the north (port) side of one airplane. When develop 6/30/1954 #9969  
                                   PORT HURON, MI 1 observer. Domed silver  7/22/1954 #10033  
ircraft, taking up position on his port beam, where it appears to orbit. A  8/31/1954 #10218  
                                   PORT PHILLIP BAY, VCT, AUSTR Saucer pass 9/2/1954 (approximate) #10229  
and Roven, the crew of the tanker "Port Lyautey" observed an object touch t 9/30/1954 #10512  
tic Ocean, the crew of the tanker "Port Lyautey" observed a UFO touch the s 9/30/1954 #10523  
oards saucer and flies. On road to Port Lyautey.                            10/12/1954 #10961  
rocco A French engineer driving to Port Lyautey saw a dwarf about 1.2 m in  10/12/1954 #10969  
cco - A French engineer driving to Port Lyautey in the afternoon saw a dwar 10/12/1954 #10979  
 gold, one silver) veer off to his port side, while the third closes to wit 10/14/1954 #11058  
undred yards before veering to his port side. It is saucer-shaped with “bun 10/14/1954 #11058  
going down [to] 50M over cemetery. Port opens and head sticks out!          11/16/1954 #11662  
                                   PORT ELIZABETH, RSA Purple sausage leads 1/21/1955 #11939  
             SANGRE GRANDE TO/FROM PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD Glowing circular 12/1955 #12595  
es an unknown object moving on the port side parallel to his course. It loo 1956 #12636  
 hovers / 5 minutes. Green vapor / port / bottom/underside. Shoots going qu 1/19/1956 #12670  
 Roosevelt as it is berthed in the port of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They are 7/26/1956 #13020  
observer(s). Glowing-discs hover / port / 10 second(s). Back 28 August / 08 8/25/1956 #13128  
                           LISBON, PORT Numerous observer(s). Domed metalli 9/27/1956 #13247  
         VILA REAL DE STO ANTONIO, PORT Several observer(s) / (seen thru) b 10/24/1956 #13289  
e two brightly lit objects off the port beam as they are steaming 150 miles 6/18/1957 #13740  
ent 2.5M cylinder/cigar-shape with port going [to] 4M over kids. Slows. Spe 7/1957 #13763  
                          CORUCHE, PORT 4 PAF jets buzzed / objects which e 9/4/1957 #13975  
                          COIMBRA, PORT Weathermen. Extraordinary changes / 9/4/1957 #13976  
              VILA FRANCA DE XIRA, PORT Group / Navy officers. Saucer refle 11/6/1957 #14357  
O was seen high in the sky east of Port Broughton, South Australia. It drif 11/13/1957 #14542  
                                   Port Jack, Douglas, Isle of Man Scotland 11/29/1957 #14638  
rawler Ella Hewett, is 4 miles off Port Jack, Douglas, Isle of Man, when an 11/29/1957 #14638  
                                   Port Elliot, Australia Barry Neale was d 3/31/1959 #15681  
                                   Port Elliot Goolwa, South Australia 11:3 3/31/1959 #15682  
 p.m. Barry Neale, operator of the Port Elliot movie theater, is driving ho 3/31/1959 #15682  
about eight p.m. from Goolwa, near Port Elliott, South Australia. And at 11 3/31/1959 #15684  
as driving home between Goolwa and Port Elliot, South Australia when he saw 3/31/1959 #15684  
ject with a tapering tail fly over Port Elliot, South Australia at 6:13 a.m 5/31/1959 #15751  
                                   PORT LIHOU, QLD, AUST Natives and many.  7/8/1959 #15825  
            Prince of Wales Island Port Lihou Thursday Island Mapoon Missio 7/8/1959 #15827  
ed object land on top of a hill at Port Lihou. The same night, residents of 7/8/1959 #15827  
ctor Arnone and John Defilippo, of Port Arthur) saw an oval, luminous objec 10/25/1959 #16061  
brant bright saucer-fireballs over port Arthur. / r185.                     7/20/1961 #16766  
                                   PORT HURON, MI Cops chase large low obje 11/12/1963 #18031  
                                   Port Huron, MI Deputy Sheriffs chased a  11/12/1963 #18034  
. It passes within a mile of their port side, 15–30 feet above sea level an 11/20/1963 #18052  
he light wheel moves to the ship’s port side, another rotating light approa 1/23/1964 #18117  
Anthony, New Mexico El Paso, Texas Port of Entry Early evening. A round, wh 4/28/1964 #18216  
teche sees it moving west over the Port of Entry near El Paso, Texas. He sa 4/28/1964 #18216  
C-6B airliner (VH-INH) en route to Port Moresby, New Guinea, was buzzed by  5/28/1965 #18969  
inville Reef Queensland, Australia Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Brisbane  5/28/1965 #18973  
s of the UFO, but when he lands in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, he is no 5/28/1965 #18973  
, Queensland, Australia enroute to Port Moresby, New Guinea called Townsvil 5/28/1965 #18974  
ad a fin on the end and an exhaust port or some kind of hole below the fin. 11/1965 #19690  
. They had set out from Bluff, the port of Invercargill, New Zealand, to te 11/13/1965 #19719  
ng high-way, flashing body lights, port, door, antenna on top, spindly legs 3/23/1966 #20049  
                                   Port McNeil, British.Columbia, CAN 7:30- 2/27/1967 #21673  
ill after more than 30 minutes. In Port McNeill, British Columbia at 7:30 p 2/27/1967 #21678  
                                   Port Clinton, OH 9:00 p.m. EST. Six neig 4/19/1967 #22164  
. The observation lasted 3 hours. (Port Clinton Daily News 4/20/67, copy in 4/19/1967 #22164  
 flashing lights for one hour over Port McNeill, British Columbia, Canada.  6/16/1967 #22511  
        A young boy on a farm near Port Perry, Durham county, Ontario, Cana 8/15/1967 #22883  
                                   Port Townsend, WA 2:00 a.m. PDT. Four wi 9/5/1967 #23003  
ound on the golf course next day. (Port Townsend Leader, 9/7/67, copy in NI 9/5/1967 #23003  
                           SOUTH / PORT ELGIN, ON Several observer(s). Nigh 9/11/1967 #23035  
                                   Port Elgin, Ontario, CAN 3:30 p.m. EDT.  9/11/1967 #23039  
 motorbike between Fos-sur-Mer and Port Saint Louis in Arles, France observ 3/29/1968 #23873  
 15m altitude. Small figure / dome port.                                    8/1968 #24277  
ulphur in the air. At 9:00 p.m. in Port Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state, Br 1/5/1969 #24818  
ichigan City Police Department and Port Authority began seeing the UFOs. Ro 6/20/1969 #25230  
 a call to assist personnel at the Port Authority. Looking through his wind 6/20/1969 #25230  
                                   PORT MONMOUTH, NJ Glowing ball bounces / 7/4/1970 #25725  
                                   Port Monmouth, New Jersey 3:00 a.m. A 33 7/4/1970 #25726  
New Jersey 3:00 a.m. A 33-year-old Port Monmouth, New Jersey, housewife wak 7/4/1970 #25726  
                                   PORT ELIZABETH AND FORT BEAUFORT AND BRA 7/2/1972 #26752  
                                   PORT ELIZABETH, SOUTH AFR 2 / car. Red d 7/5/1972 #26768  
al light hovering while driving in Port Elizabeth, New Jersey at 8:50 p.m.  12/7/1972 #27164  
                                   PORT STANLEY, ON Ovoid / low altitude fo 11/2/1973 #28345  
                               OFF PORT TOWNSEND, WA 2 observer(s). Bright  12/30/1973 #28617  
                      OVER SAGRES, PORT 4 Al. crews. 10-15 orange saucers g 1/26/1974 #28705  
 observer(s). Huge bullet hovers / port. Portholes / side. Power fluctuates 7/9/1974 #29249  
let-shaped object hovered over the port of East London, South Africa at 11: 7/9/1974 #29255  
                                   Port Coquitlam, British Columbia 8:00 p. 8/16/1974 #29362  
ed sandpit close to their homes in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia. Sudden 8/16/1974 #29362  
p.m. three boys, ages 9 and 10, in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia saw a b 8/16/1974 #29364  
ea some miles off the coast of the port of Genova, Italy. (Source: Marco Bi 6/20/1975 #30110  
ea some miles off the coast of the port of Genova, Italy. The report arrive 6/20/1975 #30112  
            LEIRIA TO/FROM FATIMA, PORT MD and 1. 15M saucer / 1M altitude. 11/7/1975 #30569  
arger, making a comparable turn to port in order to pace the ship. The ship 4/23/1976 #31017  
d the light stations itself on the port beam. When the captain comes on dec 4/23/1976 #31017  
ship twice. Then once again off to port, it becomes a brighter green, tilts 4/23/1976 #31017  
                        ALBUFIERA, PORT 2 observer(s). Phony building hover 8/10/1976 #31248  
                                   Port Austin, MI G,V, AF radar & 5 UFOs ( 9/6/1976 #31348  
 bat-wing shaped UFOs were seen in Port Austin, Michigan; the next morning  9/6/1976 #31349  
                                   PORT AUSTIN AFS, MI 5 unidentified RADAR 9/7/1976 #31352  
                                   PORT PERRY, ON 3 / car. Night light over 9/11/1976 #31375  
                 LECA DE PALMEIRA, PORT UFO / same Hr / 4 nights. Filmed /  1/1/1977 #31675  
                                   PORT KENNY, SOUTH AUSTR Farmer. Flashes. 1/20/1977 #31730  
                 Brayfield Station Port Neill South Australia Rancher B. T. 3/11/1977 #31896  
at Brayfield Station, southwest of Port Neill, South Australia. No UFO is s 3/11/1977 #31896  
 a 36-year-old man in North Haven, Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Austral 4/17/1977 #31988  
                                   PORT MACQUARIE, AUSTR 16M saucer rises / 4/18/1977 #31991  
. As Rodrigues completes a turn to port, the object suddenly appears at his 6/17/1977 #32171  
                                   Port Columbus Airport John Glenn Columbu 8/6/1977 #32367  
o 8:55 p.m. A young woman close to Port Columbus Airport [now John Glenn Co 8/6/1977 #32367  
                                   PORT.MACAO Several orange-glowing object 7/9/1978 #33358  
              CASTANHEIRA DE PERA, PORT Street lights out. 1M sphere/orb/gl 7/17/1978 #33394  
                                   PORT CRANE, NY Magnetic UFO detector tri 8/18/1978 #33525  
                                   Port Crane, New York 11:20 p.m. A relati 8/18/1978 #33526  
of UFO researcher Douglas Dains in Port Crane, New York, notices the recept 8/18/1978 #33526  
 it, was seen in close vicinity in Port Crane, New York at 11:15 p.m. It ha 8/18/1978 #33528  
             ALL OVER ESTREMADURA, PORT Many observer(s) and Army. UFO / lo 8/30/1978 #33595  
                                   PORT MACQUARIE, NSW 2 observer(s). Silen 9/10/1978 #33653  
                   At 8:30 p.m. in Port MacQuarie, New South Wales, Austral 9/10/1978 #33658  
                                   PORT KEMBLA, AUST 6M non-metallic ovoid  10/2/1978 #33789  
n the afternoon in Unanderra, near Port Kembla, New South Wales, Australia  10/2/1978 #33792  
                   FIGUERA DA FOZ, PORT UFO / type unknown. All clocks stop 11/27/1978 (approximate) #34008  
ATANIA, ITL Separate observer(s) / port. Small ovoid going west from sea in 12/17/1978 #34161  
ng white lights soon appear on the port side of the plane. One settles into 12/31/1978 #34246  
seen such a craft. At 2:20 a.m. in Port Klang, Malaysia a spinning, luminou 6/5/1980 #35355  
     Perth, AU G,V, Four UFOs on a/port radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rat 12/4/1980 #35696  
                                   Port Byron, IL 10:30 PM. 5-1/2 mins dura 7/11/1981 #35996  
 Girl Scout camp headquarters near Port Byron, Illinois 10:30 p.m. A camp d 7/11/1981 #35998  
 Girl Scout camp headquarters near Port Byron, Illinois, suddenly hears his 7/11/1981 #35998  
 rapidly overhead. Through an open port he was briefly able to see a humano 9/1981 #36097  
n an isolated stretch of road near Port Lincoln, South Australia stopped th 10/24/1981 #36186  
xercises in the Black Sea near the port of Sevastopol in the Crimea, Russia 12/1982 #36704  
                                   PORT WASHINGTON, WI 2+1 observer(s). Ovo 1/3/1984 #37103  
 and was sighted by three women in Port Washington, Wisconsin. The UFO had  1/3/1984 #37104  
                                   Port Washington, Wisconsin Lake Michigan 1/3/1984 #37105  
 A woman wakes up in her home near Port Washington, Wisconsin, when a brigh 1/3/1984 #37105  
 and was sighted by three women in Port Washington, Wisconsin. The UFO had  1/3/1984 #37106  
e University campus Columbus, Ohio Port Columbus Airport John Glenn Columbu 2/23/1984 #37201  
nutes, heading in the direction of Port Columbus Airport [now John Glenn Co 2/23/1984 #37201  
y another ship, approaching at the port side. It was an Arab dry cargo ship 6/15/1984 #37365  
                                   Port Columbus International Airport John 7/1985 #37613  
lying a Grumman AA TR-2 toward the Port Columbus International Airport [now 7/1985 #37613  
they sense something moving on the port side of the plane, so Hastings take 9/9/1985 #37656  
                                   PORT ORCHARD, WA 1 observer. Huge silent 11/12/1985 #37702  
                                   PORT CHESTER, NY UFO photo shows only 7  11/21/1985 #37715  
photograph was taken of a UFO over Port Chester, New York. It showed only s 11/21/1985 #37716  
                               NEW PORT RICHIE, FL 2 observer(s). Flash / c 7/24/1986 #37950  
                               Bay Port, MI Cow and horse responded to hove 11/2/1986 #38058  
                               OFF PORT LINCOLN, SOUTH AUSTR Tuna boat crew 1/21/1988 #38424  
                                   PORT GRAHAM AND ENGLISH BAY, AK Flying w 1/22/1990 #39386  
ree beams of light coming from its port side destroy the missiles. Kurkchy  5/25/1990 #39592  
                                   PORT RICHEY, FL 3+3 observer(s). 3 red b 10/7/1990 #39763  
                   2 MILES NORTH / PORT CRANE, NY 1 observer / car. White d 6/8/1991 #40086  
seen by a 49-year-old housewife in Port Crane, New York at 11:35 a.m. It re 7/24/1991 #40131  
                             NORTH PORT, FL Silent cylinder/cylindrical obj 11/24/1991 #40237  
          On this evening in North Port, Florida a former WW II fighter pil 11/24/1991 #40238  
 pseudo-human/entity inside. Point/port/platinum metal rivets gone / observ 12/26/1991 #40266  
 / TETBURY, GLOUCS Glowing 5-point/port/platinum metal star rotates and fli 1/24/1992 #40300  
             From the shore of the port of Scarborough, South Africa in the 3/6/1992 #40361  
                                   PORT ELIZABETH, RSA 1+2 separate observe 5/7/1992 #40457  
 crossed the sky over the beach in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Afri 5/7/1992 #40458  
          Walking on a footpath in Port Pirie, South Australia at 3:10 a.m. 7/31/1992 #40541  
cops and 2. Large saucer 200M over port. Whirring sound. Red and white ligh 4/5/1993 #40926  
 daylight on this afternoon in New Port Ritchie, Florida. It then rose up i 4/18/1993 #40942  
                                   PORT MARLY, FR Many observer(s). Dozens  7/4/1993 #41051  
                               NEW PORT RICHIE, FL 1 observer. Huge coin-di 1/2/1995 #41936  
 hovered near the shoreline of New Port Richey, Florida for about a minute, 1/2/1995 #41940  
                                   PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 3 observer(s). Immens 1/9/1995 #41963  
                         ELLESMERE PORT, ENG 2 observer(s). Triangle going  3/11/1995 #42086  
                            EAST / PORT ORCHARD AND BALLARD, WA Bizarre obj 7/20/1995 #42312  
as seen again by a witness east of Port Orchard, Washington at 2:15 a.m.    7/20/1995 #42313  
                                   PORT VILA, VANUATU 2 pilots and many. Re 1/9/1996 #42676  
' box going quickly southwest over port in thunderstorm. 200mph. 600' altit 1/27/1996 #42716  
                                   PORT ANGELES, WA Round jet-black sphere/ 4/24/1996 #42881  
                                   Port Arthur, Tasmania 8:00 p.m. A mechan 8/29/1996 #42999  
c notices a white mass of light at Port Arthur, Tasmania. His car acts up a 8/29/1996 #42999  
                                   PORT COQUITLAM, BC 1 / (seen thru) binoc 4/6/1997 #43256  
s very bright. At the same time in Port Talbot, Wales two large shining whi 8/4/2001 #44224  
ight of a ring-shaped UFO over the port city of Santos, Sao Paulo State, Br 11/22/2002 #44448  
the fire department of Teramo, the Port Authority of San Benedetto, Italy a 6/22/2003 #44557  
he airliner. The UFO angles to the port side and the 737 experiences a huge 1/4/2004 #44643  
 looking cloud, over a mountain in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada 1/5/2004 #44649  
                                   Port Charlotte, FL Cat fearful as distan 8/25/2005 #44865  
ect moved towards two witnesses in Port Alberni, British Columbia at 6:00 a 10/28/2005 #44897  
There were definitely no red/green port/starboard lights, only the blue per 4/17/2007 #45018  
                                   Port Orchard, Washington Green Mountain  7/16/2007 #45038  
a.m. A witness is walking a dog in Port Orchard, Washington, when an orange 7/16/2007 #45038  
                                   Port Jervis, New York 12:15 a.m. A menta 11/25/2009 #45256  
m. A mental health professional in Port Jervis, New York, is driving home l 11/25/2009 #45256  
. He states USAF officials were in port when they returned and he was told  11/30/2020 #45666  
## Word: "port-arthur" (Back to Top)
ctor Arnone and John Defilippo, of Port-Arthur) saw an oval, luminous objec 10/25/1959 #16059  
## Word: "port-au-prince" (Back to Top)
                                   Port-au-Prince, Haiti 7:35–7:55 p.m. Whi 8/30/1962 #17373  
pper at an outdoor restaurant near Port-au-Prince, Haiti, three men, one of 8/30/1962 #17373  
## Word: "port-de-cavernes" (Back to Top)
                                   PORT-DE-CAVERNES, FR Misty sphere/orb/gl 10/5/1954 #10723  
## Word: "port-de-piles" (Back to Top)
                                   PORT-DE-PILES, FR Girl and several. Big  11/1979 #34980  
## Word: "port-gentil" (Back to Top)
                                   Port-Gentil, Gabon 2:40 a.m. A cargo shi 6/1/1952 #6417  
argo ship anchored at the wharf in Port-Gentil, Gabon, observes a mysteriou 6/1/1952 #6417  
## Word: "port-like" (Back to Top)
pse with fuzzy edges, two or three port-like black spots along the body, fl 6/24/1966 #20606  
## Word: "port-st" (Back to Top)
                                   PORT-ST.-LOUIS DU-RHONE, FR Sky turns gr 7/1/1965 #19041  
## Word: "port-wing" (Back to Top)
bound red light. It looks like the port-wing light of an aircraft but seems 10/18/1973 #28172  
## Word: "portable" (Back to Top)
(north of ), CAN Battery radio and portable short wave radio failed, tone s 11/6/1957 #14403  
              Fukushima-Ken, Japan Portable radio emitted strange buzz as g 10/3/1958 #15309  
for 20 minutes. The engineer has a portable theodolite with him, and they s 8/30/1962 #17373  
ject LETHAL CHASER is added, using portable manpack radars. The findings in 8/1968 #24284  
 unusual bright object after their portable TV is disturbed by interference 9/14/1972 #26999  
 ball made two passes, two-way and portable radios failed. International UF 8/1/1979 #34695  
s station by either low-band FM or portable radio.                          8/1/1979 #34696  
ineer Sergei Orlov switches on his portable radio and contacts a woman on d 2/1985 #37552  
lain spreading orange light. Their portable radio communications continued  8/25/2004 #44741  
## Word: "portage" (Back to Top)
                                   PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, MB Railroad/railway  10/1947? #3434  
ystery fall of ice from the sky in Portage, Pennsylvania.                   7/3/1960 #16330  
                                   Portage County, OH Various officers chas 4/16/1966 #20302  
iffs Dale Spaur and Wilbur Neff of Portage Countywere on patrol when an UFO 4/17/1966 #20305  
                                   Portage County Randolph, Ohio Mahoning C 4/17/1966 #20318  
gh International Airport 5:00 a.m. Portage County Deputy Sheriff Dale F. Sp 4/17/1966 #20318  
    Beginning at around 5:00 a.m., Portage County Deputy Sheriffs Dale Spau 4/17/1966 #20319  
                                   Portage County, Ohio The Air Force begin 4/18/1966 #20331  
s a cursory investigation into the Portage County, Ohio, police chase case. 4/18/1966 #20331  
                                   Portage County, Ohio Pennsylvania Quinta 4/22/1966 #20373  
ounces in a press release that the Portage County, Ohio, UFO is an Echo sat 4/22/1966 #20373  
uintanilla calls Spaur’s superior, Portage County Sheriff Ross Dustman, to  4/22/1966 #20373  
                                   Portage County (Ohio) Ohio When he learn Late 4/1966 #20416  
ngs of Quintanilla’s explanations. Portage County (Ohio) Judge Robert Eugen Late 4/1966 #20416  
                                   Portage County police headquarters in Ra 5/9/1966 #20469  
ers in Ravenna, Ohio Weitzel is at Portage County police headquarters in Ra 5/9/1966 #20469  
                                   Portage County, Ohio J. Allen Hynek writ 7/29/1966 #20695  
n UFOs and says that he thinks the Portage County, Ohio, case should be lab 7/29/1966 #20695  
or crashed into the ocean near Bon Portage Island, in the area of Shag Harb 10/4/1967 #23177  
                                   Portage la Prairie, Manitoba 11:30 p.m.  7/9/2001 #44207  
n a V-formation toward the west at Portage la Prairie, Manitoba.            7/9/2001 #44207  
## Word: "portal" (Back to Top)
 ft. diam. saucer, 30 ft. ht.; one portal window blown; 5 Aliens suffocated 1948 #3519  
 of a saucer shaped craft with one portal window blown out that caused suff 1948 #3527  
s exit through some kind of orange portal outside the closed window and dis 2/1976 #30842  
 and told her that it was a "light portal." She was then taken onboard. Ins 6/29/1989 #38997  
crawl up into an unseen opening or portal. It looked like they were going u 8/29/2007 #45050  
itness could only describe it as a portal or window like opening, which did 8/29/2007 #45050  
 hotspots. CRM told Green about a “portal” related to a underwater UAP base 10/20/2022 #45781  
## Word: "portalegre" (Back to Top)
      Ota, Portugal Granada, Spain Portalegre, Portugal Four Portuguese jet 9/4/1957 #13978  
 Near Granada they turn to head to Portalegre, Portugal. At this point, Fer 9/4/1957 #13978  
## Word: "portales" (Back to Top)
M Fireball going quickly east from Portales lands here. Gashes water tank.  12/13/1951 #5818  
                                   PORTALES, NM Observer(s) / drive-in movi 7/22/1952 #7004  
sky at a drive-in movie theater in Portales, New Mexico and then reversed d 7/22/1952 #7033  
                                   Portales, New Mexico Capt. J. W. Titus o 7/25/1952 #7138  
ng in formation at 400– 600 mph in Portales, New Mexico. They are silent an 7/25/1952 #7138  
ell over a 110 mile-long area from Portales to Hobbs, New Mexico.           10/23/1957 #14150  
                            EAST / PORTALES, NM Bus driver. Round metallic  11/8/1957 #14471  
## Word: "portals" (Back to Top)
icer notices two hollow spheres or portals in the bottom. The UFO takes 5 m 7/24/1984 #37412  
ch vast distance using dimensional portals. He remembered seeing an illumin 1/26/1991 #39966  
 they travel via inter-dimensional portals. A beam of green light hit the w 12/26/1991 #40267  
 electromagnetic anomalies, orange portals, and a giant wolflike creature.  Fall 1994 #41773  
NKmM?t=1500    https://www.nsa.gov/portals/75/documents/news-features/decla 10/14/2022 #45776  
## Word: "portbail" (Back to Top)
                                   PORTBAIL, FR Luminous ball(S) seen here  12/31/1994 #41920  
## Word: "portchester" (Back to Top)
ster county, New York a witness in Portchester sighted a large dark object  1/16/2003 #44476  
## Word: "porte" (Back to Top)
                                LA PORTE, IN Bowl saucer beams going down / 10/1909 #814  
                                La Porte, Indiana 10:30 p.m. Rev. Ruth Smit 10/1909 #815  
embers are riding in a wagon in La Porte, Indiana, when the horses rear and 10/1909 #815  
                                La Porte, IN Car lights and radio went off, 5/1954 #9738  
                                LA PORTE, IN Car radio and lights die as 3  5/22/1954 #9823  
                                La Porte, IN A bright light make a shallow  5/22/1954 #9824  
                                LA PORTE, IN 1 / new car. Radio and lights  5/28/1956 (approximate) #12872  
                        SOUTH / LA PORTE, IN Large red sphere rises / road. 9/30/1961 #16878  
                                La Porte, Indiana Eight km south of La Port 9/30/1961 #16880  
orte, Indiana Eight km south of La Porte, 16-year-old Dennis Bealor saw a l 9/30/1961 #16880  
his bicycle four miles south of La Porte, Indiana. It rose up into the sky  9/30/1961 #16882  
 Two witnesses named Barnes and La Porte reported that at 11:55 p.m. a glow 2/11/1966 #19898  
s of 1966, police and others in La Porte, Indiana saw a 40-foot-long lumino 3/19/1966 #19995  
                                La Porte, IN La Porte, IN: Patrolman Michae 3/20/1966 #19998  
                   La Porte, IN La Porte, IN: Patrolman Michael Spevak was  3/20/1966 #19998  
wing them from Michigan City to La Porte. According to the young men, the o 3/20/1966 #19998  
                                LA PORTE, IN UFO with X-antenna / underside 3/20/1966 #19999  
## Word: "portegrandi" (Back to Top)
                                   PORTEGRANDI, ITL 2 / car. 7M disk 3M ove 12/8/1978 #34072  
                                   Portegrandi, Italy A seven-meter diamete 12/8/1978 #34075  
 domed disc hovered over a road in Portegrandi. It had four windows on its  12/8/1978 #34075  
 domed disc hovered over a road in Portegrandi, Italy at 1:30 a.m. It had f 12/8/1978 #34078  
## Word: "porteiro" (Back to Top)
                                   Porteiro Ortiz, Mato Grosso do Sul, Braz 2/19/1958 #14881  
rã case from December. They are at Porteiro Ortiz, Mato Grosso do Sul, Braz 2/19/1958 #14881  
## Word: "portela" (Back to Top)
 in a field tending some cattle in Portela de Pau, Orense, Spain in the lat 10/20/1955 #12513  
re five minutes after takeoff from Portela Airport in Lisbon, Portugal when 9/19/1976 #31413  
## Word: "porter" (Back to Top)
g to Flight Engineer M/Sgt. Robert Porter, the soldiers go to the mess hall 7/8/1947 #3019  
ron “Jere” Boggs or Col. Edward H. Porter at the USAF Defensive Air Branch. 11/3/1948 #3867  
a Witnesses:  M/Sgt. and Mrs. G.S. Porter (he was off-duty control tower op 4/27/1952 #6199  
    At 8:30 p.m. Master Sgt. G. S. Porter, an off-duty control tower operat 4/27/1952 #6202  
g, Walter F. Colby, Col. Edward R. Porter, and Col. Jere Boggs. This is to  12/4/1952 #8376  
prings, Mississippi Witness:  J.M. Porter. A row of red lights flew slow, t 11/18/1959 #16093  
tal Springs, Mississippi Mr. J. M. Porter witnessed a row of red lights tha 11/18/1959 #16094  
ansky, rocket scientist Richard W. Porter, computer engineer Willis Ware),  2/3/1966 #19879  
                                   PORTER, TX Blazing object responds / pol 7/21/1977 #32295  
                                   Porter, TX 4:15 AM. Officer John W. Brun 7/21/1977 #32296  
, a deputy sheriff, was on duty In Porter, Texas and was the first person t 7/21/1977 #32299  
                    Pine Township, Porter County, Indiana 4:30 p.m. A man a 1/12/1983 #36745  
near their house in Pine Township, Porter County, Indiana. Both are floatin 1/12/1983 #36745  
## Word: "porter's" (Back to Top)
 heading to the east. At 8 p.m. at Porter's Lagoon, 15 miles east of Clare, 6/4/1969 #25199  
## Word: "porterville" (Back to Top)
                                   PORTERVILLE, CA AND FRESNO Boomerangs et 10/26/1988 #38696  
 boomerang and V-shaped objects in Porterville, California. Beginning at 8: 10/26/1988 #38699  
## Word: "portezuelo" (Back to Top)
                                EL PORTEZUELO, ARG Cops and more/others. Di 9/16/1958 #15267  
## Word: "portfolio" (Back to Top)
ts him later and shows him a bulky portfolio of glossy UFO photos, many of  6/1964 #18314  
in the US with intelligence in its portfolio.” Wilson states Perry wanted a 10/16/2002 #44418  
## Word: "portg" (Back to Top)
                       MATOSINHOS, PORTG 2 observer(s). Domed hat-saucer ho 7/12/1965 #19094  
## Word: "portgl" (Back to Top)
             OFF VIANA DO CASTELO, PORTGL Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 300 1/29/1959 #15570  
                     NORTH / FARO, PORTGL 3 flight crews and RADAR's. Big n 7/30/1976 #31198  
                         CARAPITO, PORTGL 2 observer(s). Box 8' x3' with he 1/3/1977 #31685  
         WEST / COSTA DE CAPARICA, PORTGL Airline(s)/airliner pilot. UFO ho 8/30/1978 #33596  
                           LISBON, PORTGL Ovoid hovers 400M overhead causin 9/12/1978 #33665  
                      NEAR MAXIAL, PORTGL 3 pilots. Metal saucer / low alti 11/2/1982 #36670  
## Word: "portglenone" (Back to Top)
                                   PORTGLENONE, NORTH IRE Black 2M flying o 12/28/1958 #15498  
                                   Portglenone, Ireland A black flying obje 12/28/1958 #15499  
              On this afternoon in Portglenone, Ireland a two-meter wide bl 12/28/1958 #15500  
                                   Portglenone, County Antrim, Northern Ire 12/30/1958 #15503  
0 p.m. Joseph Bennett, a farmer in Portglenone, County Antrim, Northern Ire 12/30/1958 #15503  
## Word: "porthcawl" (Back to Top)
                               OFF PORTHCAWL, WALES 3 cops. Large red sauce 9/1/1957 #13969  
       South Wales Swansea Cardiff Porthcawl 6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. South Wale 1/19/1983 #36750  
nd it. Similar objects are seen in Porthcawl and other Welsh localities.    1/19/1983 #36750  
## Word: "porthcothan" (Back to Top)
                                   PORTHCOTHAN, CORNWALL 2 bright disks and 7/7/1973 #27619  
                                   Porthcothan Bay, Cornwall, England RAF S 7/7/1973 #27621  
osing the curtains of her house at Porthcothan Bay, Cornwall, England, when 7/7/1973 #27621  
## Word: "porthill" (Back to Top)
                                   Porthill, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Stafford 8/23/1967 #22899  
## Word: "porthmadoc" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PORTHMADOC, NORTH WALES 3 / car. Silent  8/5/1967 #22809  
## Word: "porthmadog" (Back to Top)
n the afternoon three teenagers in Porthmadog near Mount Snowdon, Wales wit 8/5/1967 #22816  
## Word: "porthole" (Back to Top)
scene, they crawl through a broken porthole and find the bodies of 16 small 3/25/1948 #3598  
s US70 going east / 150' altitude. Porthole / door.                         8/31/1951 #5639  
by means of propellors. Suddenly a porthole opens, and a human figure looks 7/25/1952 #7137  
The film holder is pushed out of a porthole to the ground. One of the three 12/13/1952 #8414  
een the two sections was a kind of porthole through which the entity entere 10/5/1954 #10728  
ght-fitting jacket climb through a porthole on the UFO, which consists of a 10/5/1954 #10733  
een the two sections was a kind of porthole through which the entity entere 10/5/1954 #10740  
 a red beam of light coming from a porthole in the craft, which turned yell 10/17/1954 #11180  
hape / 30-40M altitude. Lights and porthole. Going down [to] riverbed. Quic 11/3/1954 #11544  
r-shape passes / 40M altitude. Big porthole / side. Suddenly quickly going  12/3/1954 #11748  
40-meters altitude. It had a large porthole on its side. It abruptly change 12/3/1954 #11755  
contained portholes. In one of the porthole windows she saw a man "with a t 12/27/1954 #11865  
Wales, AU Elliptical UFO with two "porthole" like markings. [UFOE, XII] (NI 2/2/1958 #14865  
nd figure looking out from a large porthole. The men were described as havi 7/18/1962 #17283  
ntic eye” looking at her through a porthole. Another witness, Juan Jiminez  2/6/1966 #19888  
f the ground. The dome had a round porthole, but he could not see if there  12/10/1968 #24757  
over Norton sound. Lands. Dome and porthole. / r166p61.                     8/17/1972 #26924  
ads. A fourth is visible through a porthole. Then Séverin is hurled onto hi 2/14/1975 #29812  
nears. Black shadow behind big red porthole.                                5/18/1976 #31059  
a red light shone. From inside the porthole a dark, shadowy, man-like figur 5/18/1976 #31060  
a red light shone. From inside the porthole a dark, shadowy, man-like figur 5/18/1976 #31061  
t she saw another figure through a porthole in the object. Moments later th 7/11/1978 #33368  
ic exercises, he notices through a porthole an elliptical object resembling 5/5/1981 #35930  
 was onboard a craft looking out a porthole. Her next memory found herself  8/10/1993 #41123  
. Large classic saucer with head / porthole! Hovers and maneuvers. CE3.     11/23/1994 #41861  
ow over a field. On the dome was a porthole, and inside a human-like head c 11/23/1994 #41863  
 a green hamburger-shaped UFO with porthole hovered 500 feet in the air ove 1/31/2007 #45003  
ulars he saw what appeared to be a porthole, and through the porthole he co 8/18/2009 #45236  
 to be a porthole, and through the porthole he could see a humanoid being w 8/18/2009 #45236  
## Word: "porthole-like" (Back to Top)
stralia An elliptical UFO with two porthole-like markings is seen somewhere 2/2/1958 #14867  
y members saw a silvery disc, with porthole-like openings visible around th 2/14/1967 #21546  
wo meters in diameter with several porthole-like windows on its lower part. 5/17/1968 #23970  
e ground, with a circle of orange "porthole-like" lights around its middle. 4/3/1988 #38533  
 has spotlights in front and back, porthole-like openings along the sides,  2/13/1989 #38839  
## Word: "porthole-shaped" (Back to Top)
e driving on highway D3. It had 76 porthole-shaped windows in three rows.   10/15/1955 #12505  
ide the top portion, and there are porthole-shaped indentations in the side 10/7/1967 #23189  
 humming sounds. The UFO had three porthole-shaped windows in the side, and 12/15/1983 #37076  
## Word: "portholes" (Back to Top)
a cigar-shaped object with lighted portholes on each side. The object appro 4/19/1897 #535  
 cigar-shaped object with luminous portholes in a field next to his house i 6/1914 #901  
on the ground in a pasture. It has portholes emitting ligt from the interio Late Summer 1917 #962  
) / diving-suits. Tank with square portholes. / MJ#309.                     7/1921? #1011  
 Copper 'fish' dives going down. 2 portholes. Clear dome. Propeller!        2/1923 #1031  
erver(s). Classic saucer with oval portholes / 4 legs. Traces / dirt. / r65 7/1925? #1048  
re/orb/globe stops over house. Lit portholes / bottom/underside. Drops line 4/1927 (approximate) #1071  
s a bluish-gray metallic disc with portholes take off from the ground at a  10/18/1927 #1081  
 periphery of yellowish lights or "portholes" on underside. (NICAP UFO Evid 1/29/1932 #1137  
ike disc with yellowish lights or “portholes” on the underside, about 100 f 4/1932 #1141  
E, STAFFS Cylinder/cigar-shape / 5 portholes very close / farm girl. Missin 9/1/1936 #1248  
 going up [to] from ground. Spins. Portholes and dome.                      4/1937 #1268  
MA Silvery object with rectangular portholes (Page 12 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 02 -  Summer 1938 #1284  
le, Massachusetts. It has apparent portholes in the sides, and he can see t Summer 1938 #1285  
s are taking turns looking through portholes. It disappears below some low  Summer 1938 #1285  
ow overhead. Thin figure(s) move / portholes. Going [to] clouds. / r65p17.  9/4/1938 (approximate) #1293  
 Egg-shaped object with spots like portholes observed through an astronomic 10/1939 #1316  
gg-shaped object with 8 spots like portholes is observed through an astrono 10/1939 #1317  
at. Domed saucer with antennas and portholes. Light signals / code.         7/1942 (approximate) #1423  
 emanate from an endless string of portholes which were arranged on a strai 12/1942 #1466  
side. It has several evenly spaced portholes. It is hovering at a 45° angle 5/26/1943 #1502  
ilvery-gold in color, with several portholes evenly spaced along its side;  5/27/1943 #1504  
a cigar-shaped object with lighted portholes along the side hovering in a n Spring 1944 #1586  
 sees small humanoids (or Greys) / portholes. 1 outside sees her and goes.  8/1944 #1628  
from bright yellow top white) like portholes in a ship; motionless. (Page 7 8/12/1944 #1642  
ylinder/cigar-shape with row / lit portholes going quickly northeast. / r65 8/1/1946 #2094  
e the size of a B-29 with luminous portholes. After 3 minutes, it disappear 8/1/1946 #2100  
 cylinder-shaped UFO with luminous portholes that flew in front of the plan 8/1/1946 #2101  
BASE, OK Saucer / 60M altitude. 12 portholes / lower part. 1 head looks out 8/25/1946 (approximate) #2158  
p. Spotlights going down / sea. No portholes. Shoots going quickly south.   7/3/1947 (approximate) #2572  
14M cigars / low / 70kph. 2 rows / portholes. Face / large window. 1M anten 7/15/1947? #3185  
n he sees two UFOs (this time with portholes) and manages to get the propel 7/23/1947 #3217  
dered by another door, and several portholes. Higgens by gestures asks wher 7/23/1947 #3218  
ng quickly north / 900kph. 6-7 lit portholes / bottom/underside. Blue-glow. 3/20/1950 #4686  
. One 100' circular disc with 9-12 portholes along the lower side emitting  3/20/1950 #4689  
 9–12 symmetrical oval or circular portholes in a circle approximately 75%  3/20/1950 #4690  
rliner. Light flashes / top. 8 10' portholes / underside.                   3/31/1950 #4776  
med saucer 30m from observer(s). 3 portholes / blue light. Going quickly no 4/8/1950 #4823  
ng, spinning slowly, and had three portholes shining with a blue-white ligh 4/8/1950 #4827  
ng, spinning slowly, and had three portholes shining with a blue-white ligh 4/8/1950 #4831  
 his wife saw a double saucer with portholes and a rotating antenna come to 7/2/1950 #5038  
 his wife saw a double saucer with portholes and a rotating antenna come to 7/2/1950 #5040  
A PARK, OR Domed tank / US101. Lit portholes. Aims beam / bank / clay. Away 8/10/1950 #5116  
ds. Huge metallic dome with square portholes. WHIRRs and maneuvers. Bright  9/1950 (approximate) #5157  
10m silent saucer with large round portholes floats over barn going southwe 9/5/1950 #5168  
NC Ex-USAF pilot. MLT blimp with 3 portholes hovers / 5 second(s). Going SS 10/23/1950 #5249  
r Convair C-99 cargo plane, with 3 portholes, arrived from southeast, hover 10/23/1950 #5252  
atched a metallic blimp with three portholes hover for five seconds over Bo 10/23/1950 #5253  
g engineer sighted two discs with "portholes." [VI] (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 8/1951 #5589  
NTRAL, NM Engineer. 2 saucers with portholes going [to] lone cloud. Instant 8/15/1951 (approximate) #5606  
f 500 mph instantaneously, and had portholes or orifices below the rim line 8/15/1951 #5610  
ip. Elongated orange object with 6 portholes.                               11/7/1951 #5769  
ed orange object with six glowing "portholes" speed towards Ontario. [XII]  11/7/1951 #5770  
ed orange object with six glowing “portholes” speed toward Ontario over Lak 11/7/1951 #5771  
 Orange burger-saucer going north. Portholes / rim. Accelerations very fast 2/1952 #5889  
0-foot silvery domed disc with two portholes and an apparent hatch appears  3/29/1952 #5995  
ers / 1100M. Blows white smoke / 4 portholes. Going quickly southeast.      7/23/1952 #7056  
tationary central hub with visible portholes and an extremely fast rotating 8/16/1952 #7613  
 saucer near ground / 5 minute(s). Portholes. Vague figure moves inside.    8/25/1952 #7724  
3+tots. Coin saucer lands / woods. Portholes or lights / edge. / r136#10p15 8/29/1952 #7778  
e-glowing hemisphere seen clearly. Portholes. Absolute(ly) silent.          11/22/1952 #8321  
highway. Shoots going up. 2 rows / portholes.                               11/25/1952 #8337  
 RADAR's. Large white object. Pink portholes. Fast 180° turns.              12/10/1952 #8402  
s. It has a red glowing bottom and portholes. The object dives low over the 1/1/1953 #8494  
   CONWAY, SC 7M ovoid over trees. Portholes. Hums. Observer(s) shoots. Obj 1/29/1953 #8608  
saucer going west slow and silent. Portholes. / letter to I. Sanderson.     4/1953 (approximate) #8802  
near reservoir. Silent. No wings / portholes.                               6/15/1953 #8933  
/ midair. Dome rises above saucer! Portholes. Control panel.                6/24/1953 #8960  
f red lights and a cabin with four portholes through which a control panel  6/24/1953 #8966  
f red lights and a cabin with four portholes through which a control panel  6/24/1953 #8971  
ars. 2 bright stars = saucers with portholes. Absolute(ly) still. Then craz 7/31/1953 #9023  
N, POL 7 observer(s). 22M saucer / portholes / edge. Round dome. Lands near 7/31/1953 #9024  
m, with a shallow dome on top with portholes. It rested on the ground on th 8/18/1953 #9081  
can also see an apparent cabin and portholes and he hears a sound like a pi Late 9/1953 #9179  
 altitude. Cabin lights / nose and portholes / side. / r137#3.              9/28/1953 #9182  
 Quickly going up / opposite spin. Portholes / dome. Beams. Reacts / lights 11/1953 #9267  
ESHIRE UFO whines overhead. Saucer portholes emit flw light. Several observ 11/10/1953 #9289  
shape going quickly [to] by. Row / portholes. Flames / rear. No navigation  11/19/1953 #9309  
tating top-saucer. Light streams / portholes.                               2/3/1954 #9531  
 beams of light streaming from its portholes, was seen by several on board  2/3/1954 #9532  
 saucer south / road. Ring low and portholes lower. Fast whirr sound.       3/23/1954 #9632  
e cylinder/cylindrical object with portholes going quickly SSW horizon / 1  4/16/1954 #9694  
lorer, watched elongated UFO with "portholes" pass overhead. [UFOE, VII] (N 4/16/1954 #9695  
. 2 large saucers. 2 rows / orange portholes top and bottom/underside. Sudd 5/1954 #9736  
cer / ground level. Figures move / portholes / bottom/underside. / r174p79+ 5/30/1954 #9842  
AINBRIDGE, NY Silver saucer with 4 portholes. Accelerates and shoots away.  5/30/1954 #9844  
 Silvery elliptical UFO with four "portholes" accelerated and shot away. [U 5/30/1954 #9845  
 30M shiny bronze ovoid with 3 lit portholes / dull dome going northeast /  6/11/1954 (approximate) #9891  
en thru) binoculars. Crescent with portholes / 1 side. Hovers / 30M altitud 7/3/1954 #9987  
 COD Dutch ship to NY. Saucer with portholes rises / sea. Away / extremely  7/28/1954 #10056  
h ship observed disc with apparent portholes. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Dist 7/28/1954 #10058  
R. Metal cylinder/cigar-shape with portholes and more. Flame / rear. Going  9/3/1954 #10236  
ge. It has two rows of oval-shaped portholes along the sides and an orange  9/3/1954 #10239  
uminum mushroom saucer / ground. 3 portholes. 2 observer(s) stopped / shock 9/30/1954 #10505  
OCQ, FR 5 observer(s). Saucer with portholes. Blinding. Lands / distance. / 10/2/1954 #10592  
 cylinder/cigar-shape / field. Lit portholes. Dark figure outside. Traces.  10/6/1954 #10746  
large artillery shell with several portholes on the front. He was also able 10/6/1954 #10758  
UL, FR Jailer. Domed 2M saucer / 2 portholes / N60. Going up [to] silent. / 10/10/1954 #10875  
ilent luminous/glowing saucer with portholes quickly going up [to] vertical 10/10/1954 #10883  
 like a plate, with a dome and two portholes. It was about 2 m in diameter  10/10/1954 #10888  
 plate, with a dome on top and two portholes. It was about two meters in di 10/10/1954 #10900  
ing light. It had some openings or portholes, and seemed to land far from t 10/13/1954 #10997  
ing light. It had some openings or portholes, and seemed to come down and l 10/13/1954 #11003  
ath, silvery and metallic, with no portholes or flames. The report is sent  10/14/1954 #11058  
 by a greenish light and had three portholes.                               10/14/1954 #11061  
lands. 2 helmeted figure(s) in lit portholes.                               10/15/1954 #11083  
e lands. Helmeted figure(s) behind portholes.                               10/15/1954 #11087  
 cigarshaped object with brilliant portholes, 30 m long, 6 m diameter, was  10/15/1954 #11103  
cigar-shaped object with brilliant portholes, 30 m long, 6 m diameter, was  10/15/1954 #11119  
ed device with several illuminated portholes following a complex trajectory 10/18/1954 #11221  
   GORIZIA, ITL 10M domed saucer / portholes lands. Quickly going up. Drags 10/19/1954 #11233  
rret, around which was a series of portholes, some illuminated with a very  10/19/1954 #11239  
dome, around which was a series of portholes. Some of the portholes gave of 10/19/1954 #11250  
a series of portholes. Some of the portholes gave off a very bright, bluish 10/19/1954 #11250  
2. Cylinder/cigar-shape maneuvers. Portholes. Going quickly west. Angel hai 10/22/1954 #11314  
 saw silver cigar-shaped UFO with "portholes" hover over school, then speed 10/22/1954 #11318  
15 p.m. a cigar-shaped object with portholes maneuvered in the sky over a s 10/22/1954 #11324  
 tubes and antennas and ladder and portholes..                              10/23/1954 #11328  
ers. He said he did not notice any portholes. At the broad back end there w 10/24/1954 #11368  
lindrical object / roadside. Row / portholes. 4 tubes and 4 fins. Quickly g 10/29/1954 #11472  
de-Calais, France. It had a row of portholes on its side, four tubes and fo 10/29/1954 #11480  
next to a cypress tree. It has two portholes and a little door, through whi 11/1/1954 #11518  
range elliptical object with blue "portholes" observed. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 11/5/1954 #11576  
upported a dome and showed several portholes.                               11/7/1954 #11588  
upported a dome and showed several portholes.                               11/7/1954 #11590  
 and had five evenly spaced yellow portholes. The body of the object itself 11/28/1954 #11725  
' altitude. Going northwest. Dark "portholes" / edge.                       12/5/1954 #11761  
 PA Domed object with double row / portholes hovers low over Lake Erie. Goi 12/5/1954 #11762  
, MI Red-orange saucer. White glow portholes in front. Speeds over. No furt 12/20/1954 #11846  
ircular UFO, with white glow from "portholes" at front, sped overhead. [UFO 12/20/1954 #11847  
early visible through one of three portholes, but a blast of heat emanating 12/27/1954 #11864  
d a flattish dome, which contained portholes. In one of the porthole window 12/27/1954 #11865  
 Green beam / top. Green / light / portholes. Clanks and whine.             1/1955 #11902  
  NEAR MERIDA, VNZ Top-saucer with portholes and rings paces airliner. Radi 2/2/1955 #11961  
ve and below this band are lighted portholes. Hurriedly the pilot cuts in h 2/2/1955 #11968  
e and below this band were lighted portholes.  The UFO leveled off and race 2/2/1955 #11969  
 NORTHEAST / CERET, FR 1 / D115. 4 portholes / ground level. No saucer visi 2/4/1955 #11972  
an descending from the center. Had portholes all around the middle, like a  2/23/1955 #12013  
ht blue light came from one of the portholes (like a mercury-vapor lamp). A 2/23/1955 #12013  
 about 20–30 feet in diameter with portholes around the center. Watching fr 2/23/1955 #12015  
ot diameter top-shaped object with portholes was seen hovering over a field 2/23/1955 #12016  
 a blue flash shot from one of the portholes the witness fell to the ground 2/23/1955 #12016  
hums going north. Spots = possible portholes. No maneuvers.                 8/11/1955 #12348  
(s). Classic domed saucer with lit portholes. Slow and conical. Whines.     10/1/1955 #12478  
d stops. 400M UFO 6M over oaks. 76 portholes / 3 rows. / r30p221.           10/15/1955 #12504  
flew to the west. It had two round portholes that gave off a white light. I 12/9/1955 #12601  
ble-plate saucer hovers over buoy. Portholes. Flashes.                      12/15/1955 #12611  
 feet. It resembles a hat with red portholes around its rim and is accompan 1956 #12637  
, GA Private pilot. Ovoid with lit portholes and 3 strong beams going down. 2/1956 (approximate) #12689  
vers and flashes / 3 hours. Ring / portholes.                               2/23/1956 (approximate) #12737  
 for three hours. It had a ring of portholes.                               2/23/1956 #12738  
rushes up. = 12M domed saucer with portholes. See dwg. Lost behind trees.   4/1956 (approximate) #12774  
3 hours. Small objects with square portholes orbit. All going west.         5/8/1956 #12835  
m. A cigar-shaped UFO with lighted portholes is seen by two witnesses in th Summer 1956 #12915  
 / 2 hours going northwest. Square portholes strongly lit.                  7/12/1956 #12965  
enna base. 3 pseudo-human/entity / portholes. Going quickly south. / r30p22 9/1956 #13164  
ay. Other crew members rush to the portholes to take photos. The object has Fall 1956 #13239  
S, FR Huge blue domed disk by N65. Portholes. Hot beams. Motor and lights e 9/27/1956 #13248  
ylinder/cigar-shape hovers / hill. Portholes. Going northeast. Returns.     10/15/1956 #13278  
nt / farm. Flat metallic disk. Lit portholes / rim. Away / extremely fast.  11/1956 #13299  
[to] and hovers. Changes color(s). Portholes? Back / 8 December.            11/28/1956 #13361  
t like a humming top, with lighted portholes. Just one year later the visit 11/28/1956 #13362  
t side of the road. It had several portholes, half a meter in diameter, tha 2/3/1957 #13482  
rt about 5 m long, showing several portholes, which was hovering close to t 2/9/1957 #13487  
round to the left of the road. The portholes, about 50 cm in diameter, were 2/9/1957 #13487  
t side of the road. It had several portholes about half a meter in diameter 2/9/1957 #13488  
ar-shape over road. Shadows move / portholes. Quickly going up / car nears. 2/10/1957 (approximate) #13491  
rs / 30° elevation. Equally spaced portholes. Fades..                       3/14/1957 #13547  
ota, when a silver domed disc with portholes appears directly above him. Sh Late Spring 1957 #13662  
him. Shadows are moving behind the portholes. The UFO is motionless and the Late Spring 1957 #13662  
u) telescope. Saturn-object with 4 portholes below ring. / r141#3p30.       6/15/1957 #13728  
ncashire, UK Saturn-like UFO with "portholes" observed through telescope in 6/15/1957 #13729  
n watches a Saturn-shaped UFO with portholes through a telescope at Mawdesl 6/15/1957 #13731  
een thru) telescope. Saucer with 3 portholes going west over city. / r46p93 6/18/1957 #13736  
d it and what appeared to be three portholes." [UFOE, VI] (NICAP: 01 - Dist 6/18/1957 #13737  
bling ascent. Amber lights / edge. Portholes? No further details. / r78p178 7/1957 #13761  
 (near), Brazil Disc with dome and portholes paced airliner. [UFOE, X] (NIC 7/4/1957 #13776  
led upon the object, complete with portholes, as it rested on 2 ball shaped 7/30/1957 #13860  
large box. The witnesses saw small portholes and a tripod landing gear. The 9/1957 #13964  
elongated objects with a series of portholes, maneuvering at ground level i 9/26/1957 #14035  
M altitude. Pseudo-human/entity in portholes! Telepathy?                    10/1957 #14048  
nd a dome on top. Several squarish portholes are visible around the center. Late 10/1957 #14156  
UTH AUSTR Huge saucer tilts / 45°. Portholes. Follows atomic tests. / FSRv3 11/2/1957 (approximate) #14197  
ver(s). Domed saucer spins / park. Portholes. Hovers / tree-height. / r242+ 11/5/1957 #14297  
ring. On top was a fixed dome with portholes. The object was hovering at tr 11/5/1957 #14340  
ound. On top was a fixed dome with portholes. The object was hovering at tr 11/5/1957 #14351  
(s). 12M cylinder/cigar-shape with portholes lands by lake. Figure(s) move  11/8/1957 #14472  
ed object, 12 m long, with several portholes from which fire and smoke appe 11/8/1957 #14482  
was 12 meters long and had several portholes from which fire and smoke appe 11/8/1957 #14493  
e cigar-shaped object with lighted portholes above Lake Imba-numa 10 miles  11/10/1957 #14524  
going up [to] 100M away. Beams and portholes.                               11/15/1957 #14558  
igar-shape. Heads and thin necks / portholes. 2 hours missing time.         12/1957 (approximate) #14646  
ARD TO SEILING, OK 16M saucer with portholes. Car restarts itself! 3 abduct 12/8/1957 #14687  
e was a disk 16 m in diameter with portholes around the periphery, emitting 12/8/1957 #14690  
s over 50 feet in diameter and has portholes. The whine increases in pitch  12/8/1957 #14691  
s about 16 meters in diameter with portholes around the rim. The electrical 12/8/1957 #14696  
         OLD SAYBROOK, CT Saucer / portholes. Robot(s)/android(s) float ins 12/16/1957 #14732  
 Saybrook, CN Elliptical UFO with "portholes." [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Dis 12/16/1957 #14734  
ject, brightly lit and with square portholes, hovers just above her clothes 12/16/1957 #14735  
ir feet were out of view below the portholes. Then a third man entered from 12/16/1957 #14736  
ce more clearly. As she did so the portholes faded and the entire object be 12/16/1957 #14736  
 bluish gray again, and instead of portholes small circular lights outlined 12/16/1957 #14736  
          MACEIO, BRZ 20M saucer / portholes hovers / waves. Going up and d 4/1958 #14952  
aped, about 12 m thick, and showed portholes with a glowing red light. Belo 4/1958 #14953  
d dome on top and a band of square portholes around its midsection through  4/1958 #14955  
hape maneuvers / river. Long row / portholes. Going west. / r78p181+/ r242p 4/2/1958 #14957  
Cigar-shaped UFO with long row of "portholes or windows." [UFOE, XII] (NICA 4/2/1958 #14958  
e Ohio River. It had a long row of portholes along its side, and flew downr 4/2/1958 #14960  
 slow spin. Lands / field. Faces / portholes! Quickly going up [to] fast.   6/1958 #15067  
damski-saucer near runway. Several portholes / dome. Wobbles.               7/1958 #15127  
CITY, KS Classic domed saucer with portholes chases jets around and hovers. 8/17/1958 #15205  
as City, KS Dome-shaped disc with "portholes" followed jets, hovered. [NICA 8/17/1958 #15207  
nd sees a cigar-shaped object with portholes and figures inside looking out 9/1958 #15239  
rth and 1 going south going. 5 lit portholes.                               11/1958 #15412  
disk / 10M altitude 200M away. Lit portholes / dome. Telepathy?             1/1959 #15517  
ing west / 150kph. All lit. Square portholes. Returns and hovers / 20m.     2/7/1959 #15580  
eddish-orange object with a row of portholes. It illuminated the trees, was 3/31/1959 #15681  
object with a row of evenly spaced portholes around it. He estimates it to  3/31/1959 #15682  
the ground. It had a row of 8 or 9 portholes, was about five meters (16 fee 3/31/1959 #15684  
ST 3 hunters. Huge saucer / trees. Portholes. 1 observer very sick-1 dies.  5/17/1959 #15733  
ader. Bright green 70' saucer with portholes hovers. Going quickly west. /  6/26/1959 #15787  
es later an oval-shaped craft with portholes was seen maneuvering over Giwa 6/26/1959 #15791  
 object and four illuminated domed portholes under the dark band, was sight 7/6/1959 #15819  
 going southwest / 10 minutes. Lit portholes.                               10/7/1959 #16024  
minutes. The craft had illuminated portholes. At approximately the same tim 10/7/1959 #16027  
 of light around its center, three portholes, three legs for landing gear,  4/27/1960 #16244  
     WELLINGTON, NZ Cigar-UFO with portholes. Time unknown. No further deta 5/18/1960 #16282  
lington, NZ Cigar-shaped UFO with "portholes." [NICAP UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 5/18/1960 #16283  
year later a cigar-shaped object w portholes was seen over Wellington, New  5/18/1960 #16284  
 60 minutes. Electric humming. Lit portholes. Glows.                        7/30/1960 #16349  
d 10M saucer drops / storm clouds. Portholes. Rocks. Going up.              8/1960 #16358  
dentified. "Japanese lantern" with portholes follows Echo satellite traject 8/23/1960 #16407  
cylindrical object object with lit portholes dives into sea and sinks.      9/23/1960 #16457  
 a cylindrical object with lighted portholes came down, hit the ocean, and  9/23/1960 #16458  
 a cylindrical object with lighted portholes came down, hit the ocean, and  9/23/1960 #16459  
[to] and away fast. Several square portholes. / r242p147.                   11/3/1960 #16492  
arge UFO's. Type unknown. Possible portholes. No further details.           11/7/1960 #16495  
e château’s park. It has two round portholes, behind which she sees indisti 12/9/1960 #16530  
k of May - Hemispherical UFO with "portholes", on road; took off as car app 5/1961 #16671  
    UNION MILLS, IN 4M saucer with portholes rests / county road. Takes off 5/3/1961 (approximate) #16673  
e date. A hemispherical craft with portholes, resting on a road, took off w 5/3/1961 #16674  
is date a hemispherical craft with portholes was sighted resting on a road  5/3/1961 #16675  
t / 30kph 150M away. Dome glows. 3 portholes.                               5/25/1961 #16699  
ton, Middlesex, UK Domed UFO with "portholes." [NICAP UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 5/25/1961 #16700  
icular object with a double row of portholes and half-a-dozen dark figures  9/19/1961 #16852  
icular object with a double row of portholes and half a dozen dark figures  9/19/1961 #16858  
lue discs with bands of lights or "portholes" on outer periphery. [NICAP UF 10/30/1961 #16936  
altitude. Spins. Lights / edge and portholes / bottom.                      11/10/1961 #16961  
allic cylinder/cigar-shape hovers. Portholes / side. / r78p190+/ r242p54.   11/22/1961 #16970  
ng, grayish cigar-shaped UFO with "portholes". [NICAP UFOE, VI] (NICAP: 01  11/22/1961 #16971  
omed saucer 10M / road. Car slows. Portholes. / r8#528+/ r70p3-78.          2/9/1962 #17040  
 metallic, was white in color with portholes, and made no sound. The car's  2/9/1962 #17044  
ous observer(s). Domed saucer with portholes / 750M altitude. Cat and mouse 5/23/1962 #17194  
ia, Pennsylvania a domed disc with portholes flew over the city for an esti 5/23/1962 #17195  
. 2 figure(s) visible inside via 2 portholes.                               5/31/1962 #17213  
 saucer / road. 3+observer(s). Lit portholes around. No figure(s).          11/5/1962 #17537  
c disc 12–15 feet in diameter with portholes hovering 3 feet above the grou 12/18/1962 #17593  
 7 observer(s). 100' crescent with portholes hovers. Drops going [to] 1K' a 2/27/1963 #17686  
R 3M saucer hits sand. Several lit portholes. Man with helmet. / FSR'63#5.  3/13/1963 #17704  
ued together. Through several oval portholes he could see light inside. A m 3/13/1963 #17705  
ued together. Through several oval portholes he could see light inside. A m 3/13/1963 #17706  
s looked at him through one of the portholes. He wore a sky-blue, one-piece 3/13/1963 #17706  
clouds going west. Stop and hover. Portholes. / LDLN#115.                   7/7/1963 #17826  
g north / 200' altitude. 12+square portholes / blue-light.                  8/1963 (approximate) #17854  
een. Cylinder/cigar-shape with red portholes going [to] over 2 tall buildin 8/20/1963 #17910  
he sees a metallic domed disc with portholes moving in front of him in the  8/20/1963 #17912  
 he saw an oval-shaped object with portholes emitting a harsh light. Pickin 10/12/1963 #17988  
 while another, showing a dome and portholes, was nea a house. When witnese 10/21/1963 #17996  
cks, while another with a dome and portholes is near another house. They ca 10/21/1963 #17997  
 while another, showing a dome and portholes, was near a house. When witnes 10/21/1963 #17998  
ns. Huge cylinder/cigar-shape with portholes / 10 second(s). Vanishes / thi 4/9/1964 #18164  
E, IL 15' silent domed saucer with portholes. Maneuvers / farm buildings. / 6/8/1964 #18337  
. Low / horizon. Lights / ends and portholes? / r171.                       6/24/1964 #18371  
 It was shaped like a disk, showed portholes and a cylinder about 1 m high, 4/23/1965 #18914  
 silvery-white disc with a row of  portholes that were about one-foot in di 5/20/1965 #18947  
isc-shaped object with illuminated portholes was seen in Smithfield, Queens 6/15/1965 #19006  
oing [to] sideways / low altitude. Portholes glow / entire side. / r98#30.  6/19/1965 #19016  
 SS JAWESTA Cylinder/cigar-shape / portholes rises / sea. 180° turn going q 7/6/1965 #19071  
 of a cigar, with a row of lighted portholes showing a clear yellow glow, a 7/6/1965 #19076  
igar shaped, with a row of lighted portholes showing a clear yellow glow, a 7/6/1965 #19079  
PACABANA, RIO, BRZ Saucer with red portholes slowly crosses sky. Date = 05  7/11/1965 #19092  
m in diameter, and showing several portholes. The object left traces on the 7/15/1965 #19105  
rs in diameter, and showed several portholes. It left behind ground traces  7/15/1965 #19108  
saucer going down / 100M altitude. Portholes / rim. Metallic tubes stick do 7/27/1965 #19185  
, PERU 3M tank / ground. Flashes / portholes. Arm spins. / FSR'67#6+/ r111p 7/27/1965 #19186  
ous observer(s). Domed saucer with portholes. Comes and goes. Changes color 8/1/1965 #19234  
 observer(s). Silent 12M cone with portholes hovers. Beams going down. Back 9/15/1965 #19564  
 ABKHAZIA Astronomer. Saucer / lit portholes. Makes nosedive and maneuvers. 9/24/1965 #19594  
 hayfield. 20' high. Figure(s) / 3 portholes. Retracts beams. Physical trac 10/1965 #19628  
seen thru) binoculars. Saucer with portholes. 15° tilt. Good photograph. /  10/21/1965 #19668  
30M saucer 15M high. Green-light / portholes clearly seen.                  11/1965 #19692  
e reported seeing clearly a row of portholes illuminated with a greenish li 11/1965 #19694  
ome to ground level. They observed portholes and a long bar with fingerlike 11/29/1965 #19739  
Nova Scotia, Canada. They observed portholes and a long bar with fingerlike 11/29/1965 #19740  
adside going [to] over car. Lands. Portholes. / r251p70+/ APRO 5'66+/ r8.   1/16/1966 #19836  
bout five meters in length and had portholes and red lights on the corners. 1/16/1966 #19841  
y bright light at the front, small portholes along the side, and a bluish g 2/14/1966 #19903  
). Rectangular windows. Ring / red portholes.                               2/22/1966 #19913  
med disc-shaped flying object with portholes approached a woman's parked ca 2/22/1966 #19914  
bject with blue lights in apparent portholes along its side. The UFO stoppe 3/15/1966 #19970  
eld. 12 meters diameter X 7M high. Portholes. Rotating section.             3/17/1966 #19976  
h glowing red light, evenly spaced portholes around the rim from which ligh 3/17/1966 #19979  
d. It had a revolving section with portholes.                               3/17/1966 #19981  
had a revolving section on it with portholes.                               3/17/1966 #19985  
rs. Flat-top cone-saucer with oval portholes hovers. Going west and going q 3/19/1966 #19990  
owing-ovoid. Figure(s) move behind portholes / r204p152.                    3/20/1966 #20001  
NEAR COOK, MN Trapper. Large UFO / portholes lands / snow. Matching traces  3/24/1966 #20061  
rs just over high-V power lines. 5 portholes glow / edge. / r41p319.        3/29/1966 #20125  
ical object with dome, five or six portholes emitting bright white light. T 3/29/1966 #20132  
d. A disc-shaped object with three portholes hovered near a radio transmitt 4/3/1966 #20211  
shaped object with body lights and portholes hovered above trees, rocking b 4/6/1966 #20255  
ro-magnetic effect (EME). Saucer / portholes hovers 250' away. Heat felt. / 4/25/1966 #20408  
eat, motorists saw a UFO with four portholes hovering about 350 feet away,  4/25/1966 #20412  
n they encountered a UFO with four portholes hovering about 350 feet away,  4/25/1966 #20417  
AST / ASUNCION, PARAGY Saucer with portholes and exhaust pipes circles priv 4/29/1966 #20425  
ed on top of the other (disc) with portholes, and emitting an apparent exha 4/29/1966 #20426  
:55 p.m. a disc-shaped object with portholes and exhaust pipes circled a Be 4/29/1966 #20428  
ucer lands / field / 60 minute(s). Portholes. Grinding noise.               7/11/1966 #20636  
955 NEAR LENTIER, FR 5M saucer / 4 portholes. All dogs bark. Light beams go 7/18/1966 #20651  
/ car and shepherd. 13' ovoid with portholes going down / 25M altitude. Spi 7/18/1966 #20652  
inated, 25-foot diameter disc with portholes on its lower convex surface. T 7/22/1966 #20667  
inated, 25-foot diameter disc with portholes on its lower convex surface. T 7/22/1966 #20669  
very low altitude over farm. Small portholes.                               8/1966 (approximate) #20707  
ery large ovoid / 2M altitude. Lit portholes. / r8#787.                     8/18/1966 #20760  
h dome on top, apparent windows or portholes rotating slowly around it. The 8/25/1966 #20805  
(s). Foul odor. Saucer with square portholes. Small humanoid (or Grey) face 10/2/1966 #20947  
AUSTR 5 observer(s). Cigar / row / portholes on side. Erratic course / 15 m 10/2/1966 #20948  
he sees an oval-shaped object with portholes and red, green, and white ligh 10/2/1966 #20949  
she saw an oval-shaped object with portholes and red, green, and white ligh 10/2/1966 #20950  
R Night light = 7M domed saucer. 2 portholes and legs. Lands by garage. Rum 10/3/1966 (approximate) #20953  
shape / 45-angle over water tower. Portholes or lights on side.             10/28/1966 #21043  
parent object had what looked like portholes near its upper edge. (NICAP re 11/10/1966 #21087  
  FORT ONTARIO, NY Domed disk with portholes hovers. Shoots up until gone.  11/12/1966 #21092  
rk domed disc with a row of orange portholes along the lower portion. The o 11/12/1966 #21094  
ht a domed disc-shaped object with portholes hovered over Fort Ontario, New 11/12/1966 #21095  
around it. There were no lights or portholes visible on it. It was complete 11/17/1966 #21119  
f and 3. Silent 12M grey disk with portholes hovers / farm. Lights all over 11/18/1966 #21120  
/ car. Domed 15M saucer. White lit portholes / bottom. Buzzes. Going quickl 1/15/1967 #21304  
sc with white light emanating from portholes in its base. The object was se 1/15/1967 #21308  
d it and white beams of light from portholes. The object passed between wit 1/15/1967 #21309  
sc with white light emanating from portholes in its base in Granville, Mass 1/15/1967 #21311  
ut, and when they come back on the portholes are showing red light. The obj 1/15/1967 #21311  
 axis horizontal, with two lighted portholes. Its body was blue-brown and d 3/15/1967 #21890  
 the dome were two moving figures. Portholes glowed on the perimeter of the Spring 1967 #21921  
home. The UFO had a central row of portholes and multicolored lights. The U 3/22/1967 #21949  
s base. There is a small dome with portholes on the top. Suddenly it takes  Mid 4/1967 #22134  
     A huge elliptical object with portholes was seen at 8:45 p.m. in New H 4/17/1967 #22156  
shroom-shape hums. Vapor. 8 yellow portholes / edge. R and west lights.     4/20/1967 #22166  
hing cloud. Metallic saucer with 2 portholes going west.                    4/21/1967 #22175  
s. UFO with rectangular-box shaped portholes. Goes going up / clouds when j 4/21/1967 #22177  
 film appears to show a craft with portholes and a sweeping searchlight.    5/1967 #22258  
cture with eight circular marks or portholes around its midsection. Above t 6/1/1967 #22446  
E). Brill 5M saucer. 5 cat-faces / portholes. / r8+/ r79+/ r41.             6/7/1967 #22475  
d over reservoir. Going northwest. Portholes / rim?                         6/21/1967 #22525  
d turning over on its side. It has portholes around its lower edge. After 2 7/1967 #22590  
hape / ground 400M / roadside. Lit portholes. Flies! / r156#13.             7/10/1967 #22640  
 away from the roadway. It had lit portholes. They watched it for two minut 7/10/1967 #22647  
port = cylinder/cigar-shape with 5 portholes. / APRO 7'67.                  7/18/1967 #22687  
ucer-shaped objects with domes and portholes. The object was estimated to b 8/1/1967 #22772  
ucer-shaped objects with domes and portholes at 9:00 p.m. Two were in the n 8/1/1967 #22773  
rips. Going south slow. Triangular portholes. / r109p54+/ r41.              8/4/1967 #22792  
med top and surrounded by a row of portholes and a thick central “stalk” in 9/14/1967 #23060  
nesses reported that a saucer with portholes landed on a soccer field. Phys 9/17/1967 #23074  
nesses reported that a saucer with portholes landed on a soccer field. (Bei 9/17/1967 #23075  
shed, showing only the illuminated portholes. The object then rose vertical 10/1/1967 #23160  
linking multicolored lights, three portholes, and a prism-like component on 10/5/1967 #23179  
E). Silent 22M glowing-saucer with portholes going north up valley. / r109p 10/7/1967 #23188  
und the center and had illuminated portholes. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp.  10/17/1967 #23242  
ject with an incandescent glow and portholes, and heard a whirring sound. ( 10/22/1967 #23289  
imated to be only 250 feet. It had portholes on the side and no visible mea 10/27/1967 #23355  
dome-shaped object with two square portholes bracketed by two round ports a 11/15/1967 #23457  
saucer quickly going down / field. Portholes. Whines. TV Radio Frequency In 11/16/1967 #23467  
 top. 3 somewhat rectangular (SWR) portholes. Pulsing glow..                1/10/1968 #23658  
UCKLAND, NZ Whine. Top-saucer with portholes extends tripod and lands. Beam 2/2/1968 #23726  
, CA 200+observer(s). 15M saucer / portholes. Violent maneuvers all over/al 2/4/1968 #23729  
ameter, with concave sides having "portholes" in the center of each gave of 2/9/1968 #23744  
rver. Domed saucer with rivets and portholes. Whines. Circles power pole. / 2/19/1968 #23764  
 Dull silver object / pointed top. Portholes / bottom. TV CH.6 fades.       4/24/1968 #23921  
ows on its lower part. Through the portholes shadows or sillouhetted figure 5/17/1968 #23970  
man-looking figures through square portholes that encircle the craft. These 7/22/1968 #24204  
man-looking figures through square portholes that encircled the craft. Thes 7/22/1968 #24205  
min. Beeps. Dark spots / side like portholes.                               7/31/1968 #24267  
spots on the side that looked like portholes.                               7/31/1968 #24273  
ield 100M away. 3 rods going down. Portholes.                               8/15/1968 (approximate) #24327  
mall bus with windows and luminous portholes.                               8/15/1968 #24332  
 that were pointing up, as well as portholes.                               8/15/1968 #24333  
am. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Portholes. Turns beams going up [to] and 8/28/1968 #24391  
 away / 2M altitude. 4 legs. Small portholes / top.                         8/29/1968 #24393  
regular clothes enters 16' saucer. Portholes. Footprints found.             8/31/1968 (approximate) #24404  
kly NNE. Follows bay to sea. Green portholes.                               9/1968 #24413  
server(s) / 180M away. Saucer with portholes hovers and wobbles. Going up [ 9/1968 #24415  
, resting on legs. It had a row of portholes all around the edge. Beside it 9/30/1968 #24527  
d hovers / beach. Blinding lights. Portholes etc.                           10/3/1968 #24539  
minute(s). Human shape seen 1 / 12 portholes.                               11/1968 #24609  
l near Brasilia. It had lights and portholes around the rim and the lower p 11/8/1968 #24644  
could be seen through some lighted portholes.                               11/9/1968 #24647  
7 photographs / 55' UFO 40' thick. Portholes. All dogs bark. / Dr. G. Allen 11/30/1968 #24735  
de UFO that was 40 feet thick with portholes. All dogs in the area were bar 11/30/1968 #24737  
RITTENDEN, VA NASA man. Ovoid with portholes. 1 blinks. Humming. Going up a 1/17/1969 #24854  
erver(s) stopped / invisible wall. Portholes. Heat. / r180p61+77.           2/7/1969 #24900  
angular object / low altitude. 4-5 portholes / top and bottom/underside. (E 3/21/1969 #25034  
, ON 9M saucer with spotlights and portholes sits / field / rain. Going up  4/22/1969 #25081  
tally and appears to have a row of portholes with pink light coming from wi 4/22/1969 #25082  
.m. The object had two spotlights, portholes, and made a humming sound. The 4/22/1969 #25083  
ant white saucer just over ground. Portholes / rim. Quickly going up. / r24 5/22/1969 #25155  
ar. Silent 2-story object 4 / 50cm portholes hovers over highway and trees. 7/5/1969 (approximate) #25255  
eral observer(s). Fake moon with 2 portholes rotates. Real moon = 1/2. / LD 7/21/1969 #25287  
        DAX, FR Saucer with square portholes going quickly northeast. Ident 9/11/1969 #25361  
ot says the object has three round portholes.                               10/24/1969 #25423  
rbike. Slow 10M sausage with row / portholes / front. Observer(s) sick late 1/13/1970 #25545  
ausage-shaped object with a row of portholes in front at 6:45 a.m. The witn 1/13/1970 #25546  
ite football going north. Stops. 3 portholes and beams going down [to] goin 5/13/1970 #25660  
 / 4 legs. 45cm and 1.5M antennas. Portholes. / r246p174.                   7/25/1970 #25749  
 high with windows in the dome and portholes in its side, sitting on 4 legs 7/25/1970 #25750  
rectangular object with elliptical portholes at close range. Panicked, he s 8/30/1970 #25816  
 AUDELANGE, FR Barge with 2 bright portholes going southeast 3M over canal. 9/27/1970 #25855  
 CASTANUELO, SP Buzz. Pyramid with portholes and legs. Observer(s) and shee 12/1970 #25924  
indows in the upper half and round portholes below the rim. There was a red 4/14/1971 #26073  
color with three large transparent portholes. The object was tilted downwar 4/24/1971 #26081  
est going northwest / 60kph. Small portholes / side. Green light.           4/30/1971 #26085  
 in Asenhoga, Sweden. It had small portholes along the side, and a green li 4/30/1971 #26087  
 level by railroad/railway-tracks. Portholes. Quickly going up. / r83p175.  5/31/1971 #26147  
feet above the ground. It had dark portholes around its perimeter, and was  5/31/1971 #26149  
RVINIO-EN-PLOEMEUR, FR 12M ovoid / portholes / edge near ground. Turns. Awa 7/8/1971 #26213  
    A 12 meter long ovoid UFO with portholes around the edge was seen near  7/8/1971 #26217  
tness believed she saw oval-shaped portholes of a light hue, and three or f 8/11/1971 #26280  
sses to feel fearful. It had three portholes of light and a convex row of s 9/8/1971 #26326  
sc-shaped object with brightly lit portholes and blue beams of light shinin 10/16/1971 #26427  
ball of light on top of it and two portholes. The lights on the object blin 3/10/1972 #26599  
otates very slow. Also saucer with portholes on hilltop. Gone with a bang!  3/18/1972 #26613  
ish-orange dome-shaped object with portholes flew to the east over Eucla, W 5/8/1972 #26673  
ESSEX 2 girls / age 9. Saucer with portholes on girdered pylon. Both vanish 7/1972 (approximate) #26748  
2 small objects orbit. Figure(s) / portholes. Hypno-beam! Missing time. Goi 8/11/1972 #26894  
e skies. Figures were seen through portholes in the craft. The object emitt 8/11/1972 #26899  
INS, AK 20+observer(s). Ovoid with portholes / dome lands. 3' indent / burn 8/16/1972 #26919  
tenna between 2 masts. Rectangular portholes. See drawing. / r28p441.       10/9/1972 #27060  
 the object better. Almost a dozen portholes are visible, while red and yel 10/23/1972 #27087  
 effects). Saucer hovers overhead. Portholes. Going [to] extremely fast.    11/9/1972 #27111  
upper part has a row of orange-red portholes. His wife Margarida and servan 12/13/1972 #27176  
y / low altitude. Orange smoke and portholes. Car gets cold.                1/1/1973 #27204  
s/glowing domed saucer going east. Portholes. Bottom/underside rotates.     2/17/1973 #27293  
et altitude. The lights seem to be portholes, each a different color: red,  2/21/1973 #27305  
h Carolina. It had nine windows or portholes along the side.                2/24/1973 #27316  
med metal saucer going up / woods. Portholes and stilts. Trees broken. / r4 4/6/1973 #27404  
m. a domed disc-shaped object with portholes and landing gear came down and 4/6/1973 #27407  
m. a domed disc-shaped object with portholes and landing gear came down and 4/6/1973 #27409  
ny black cylinder/cigar-shape with portholes going south. Size = ocean line 5/14/1973 #27483  
JP Watchman. Sphere/orb/globe with portholes spirals going down. Drops tube 7/1973 #27604  
 marsh. 20M saucer with many small portholes / side. Going up [to] and away 7/7/1973 (approximate) #27620  
aucer. Humanoid silhouettes seen / portholes.                               7/29/1973 #27661  
igures through three oblong shaped portholes. The object then flew over the 7/29/1973 #27662  
ucer-cylinder/cigar-shape with lit portholes hovers near church meeting. No 8/1973 (approximate) #27667  
r / 45° tilt. 2 rings / lit square portholes. Levels off.                   8/20/1973 #27716  
 separate observer(s). Saucer with portholes hovers over natural gas tank / 9/28/1973 #27881  
 Grey metallic football by US52. 6 portholes glow. Peaceful feeling.        10/1/1973? #27908  
stic-like compartment on front and portholes on sides. (NICAP: 02 - Close E 10/14/1973 #28027  
est overhead when hit / spotlight. Portholes. / r88p11.                     10/18/1973 #28159  
WEST CINCINNATI, OH 1+boy. Curve / portholes = possible saucer. Ape-figure  10/21/1973 #28225  
erous observer(s). Top saucer with portholes. Lands / mountain. Air Force p 11/8/1973 #28384  
p the I-5 freeway. It had circular portholes two to three feet deep, one in 12/2/1973 #28509  
sighted an oval-shaped object with portholes while driving on a highway eig 12/20/1973 #28594  
y observer(s). Glowing-object with portholes / edge. Police investigation.  1/2/1974 #28639  
Y Numerous observer(s). Ovoid with portholes and antenna on top seen. No fu 1/21/1974 #28686  
ilent cone-saucer going southwest. Portholes. 90° turn and away fast. / r30 2/21/1974 #28783  
             MONTCUQ, LOT UFO with portholes aims beams all over fields. Sh 2/21/1974 #28786  
r-sphere/orb/globe lands. 2 rows / portholes. Upper portholes = teardrop sh 2/28/1974 #28817  
e lands. 2 rows / portholes. Upper portholes = teardrop shape. / r30p460.   2/28/1974 #28817  
UM 1 / car. Domed bell saucer with portholes over woods. Night lights / sep 3/21/1974 #28918  
/ D21. Rectangular doors and round portholes. / r30p484.                    5/1974 #29073  
r sits / field / 20 minute(s). Big portholes with orange light. / r30p492.  6/24/1974 #29220  
ver(s). Huge bullet hovers / port. Portholes / side. Power fluctuates. / r1 7/9/1974 #29249  
 South Africa at 11:50 p.m. It had portholes along the sides of the craft.  7/9/1974 #29255  
 over beach fast. Stops / 3 hours. Portholes going quickly west. / r30p497. 8/1/1974 #29295  
d in place for three hours. It had portholes through which figures could be 8/1/1974 #29296  
D disk going northeast / 20kph. 16 portholes!                               8/12/1974 #29331  
r. Grey metal saucer with 6 orange portholes. Tilts and shoots going up / a 8/24/1974 #29381  
s than 5 feet. They see no visible portholes, doors, or markings. In additi 8/25/1974 #29386  
server(s). Saucer / large dome and portholes. 3X moon-size. Hisses. Going q 8/28/1974 #29394  
    At 8:55 p.m. a domed disc with portholes, about three times the apparen 8/28/1974 #29397  
 rectangular-box shaped and 2 oval portholes beam light. Going quickly sout 9/4/1974 #29420  
OSTREVENT, FR 20M dome overhead. 3 portholes / bottom/underside. Girl waken 9/13/1974 #29452  
sembled a boat; it had lights like portholes that emitted a very bright lig 9/19/1974 #29464  
 5 figure(s) move between 4 square portholes. Lit / inside.                 11/10/1974 #29590  
ate observer(s). Domed saucer with portholes going down / 3 legs. Traces an 1/5/1975 #29717  
ing gear legs, 15 meters long with portholes, took off from a landing on a  1/5/1975 #29719  
c-shaped craft 15 meters long with portholes, took off from a landing on  a 1/5/1975 #29726  
head. Green beams shoot up. Orange portholes / bottom.                      3/17/1975 #29904  
 sea. Circles US Navy ship. Dives. Portholes / side.                        5/1/1975 #30015  
/ 200M altitude. Hides near towns. Portholes and more.                      5/3/1975 (approximate) #30020  
nce a 6-meter diameter sphere with portholes followed a car west at 200 met 5/3/1975 #30030  
Ohio, sees three silvery UFOs with portholes flying in formation ahead and  5/6/1975 #30041  
. Silent dark saucer spins. Square portholes / rim. 35mph. Vanishes. / J. H 6/30/1975 #30133  
phere/orb/globe going down. Lands? Portholes. Possible traces / ground. Nor 8/6/1975 #30239  
, Nord, France a white sphere with portholes was seen by three independent  8/6/1975 #30241  
s and turns over. 4 antennas wave. Portholes. Fades!                        8/22/1975 #30293  
gan to rise and fall, and luminous portholes were now visible on the craft. 8/28/1975 #30315  
EE, FR 10M saucer turns slow. Oval portholes / top and bottom. Going quickl 9/5/1975 #30344  
jet crews. 15M fuselage with light portholes vanishes. Reappears. Gone.     9/23/1975 #30377  
ers long with several big, lighted portholes appeared. It moved rapidly and 9/23/1975 #30378  
ers long with several big, lighted portholes appeared over Cambrai, Nord, F 9/23/1975 #30382  
E BASE, MT Woman. Silent DC10 with portholes and no wings. Going quickly we 10/17/1975 #30434  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Portholes. Going south. / r30.           10/28/1975 #30497  
ry low overhead. 50mph. Many round portholes / bottom/underside.            11/3/1975 (approximate) #30543  
er hovers / lagoon / 15 minute(s). Portholes. 6 beams / all directions.     11/24/1975 #30657  
 10M / stable. Spins and going up. Portholes and square window / dome. / r3 11/24/1975 #30658  
rk round UFO sits / ground. 2 40cm portholes / blue light.                  1/15/1976 #30788  
 / car. Blinding ovoid / roadside. Portholes and more/others. / Flying Sauc 1/21/1976 #30805  
the middle section, which also had portholes. His car stopped running, and  1/29/1976 #30833  
g down [to] vertical / roadside. 2 portholes. Blinding light. / r30p607.    3/21/1976 #30950  
tom of the object that looked like portholes. The minimum distance to the o 9/19/1976 #31412  
WI Repeater. Saucer with welds and portholes 3m over River Road. Gone in a  9/28/1976 #31431  
 AUS 3 / car. Saucer hovers / low. Portholes / front. Radio Frequency Inter 10/5/1976 #31446  
0M altitude. 2 beams going down. 2 portholes / dome. Going south. / r30p631 10/19/1976 #31480  
ows truck going northeast / 6km. 3 portholes / top and 3 / bottom. / GEOS g 11/10/1976 #31534  
 were visible two dimly lit, small portholes, less than 8 inches in diamete 12/10/1976 #31594  
st going northwest. Hovers. Loops! Portholes. Beams going down.             12/14/1976 #31600  
 / cylinder/cigar-shape. Lady sees portholes. Several drawings agree.       2/1977 #31767  
er going [to] 9m over cruiser. Lit portholes. Shoots going up. / r210v25#9. 2/9/1977 #31801  
ue cylinder/cigar-shape with black portholes flashes south going quickly no 4/18/1977 #31990  
 blue on the bottom half with dark portholes along the side.                4/18/1977 #31992  
d blue cigar-shaped UFO with black portholes pass over the city in the pred 4/18/1977 #31994  
scooter/motorbike. Big saucer with portholes overhead. Mopod/motorscooter/m 5/1977 (approximate) #32039  
northeast going quickly southwest. Portholes and flames / rim.              7/1977 #32215  
   JESSUP, MD Domed saucer / green portholes all over/all about farm / 25 m 7/8/1977 #32248  
bject responds / police spotlight. Portholes? Power dims and Radio Frequenc 7/21/1977 #32295  
at the object appeared to have six portholes surrounding a type of framewor 7/21/1977 #32299  
 / beach. Domed saucer with square portholes. Going down [to] 30M away. Pos 7/25/1977 (approximate) #32312  
rs. Silent cylinder/cigar-shape. 5 portholes glow. Avoids plane / Heathrow. 8/4/1977 #32357  
metallic submarine shape with five portholes. It hovers for 20 seconds almo 8/4/1977 #32360  
, encircled by what appeared to be portholes, with a dome on top. As he wat 8/6/1977 #32366  
orth going quickly south overhead. Portholes / rim. Spins counterclockwise. 8/12/1977 #32390  
ame 2 / car. Dark ovoid with 8 lit portholes and headlight. Going west and  8/13/1977 #32399  
red. The outline of an object with portholes had been seen further down the 8/30/1977 #32441  
red. The outline of an object with portholes had been seen further down the 8/31/1977 #32446  
rectangle hovers / Spring. 5 small portholes. Low altitude.                 10/9/1977 #32562  
saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape with 4 portholes / top-section. Going quickly n 10/31/1977 #32641  
ia, watch a disc with four lighted portholes hovering and eclipsing the moo 10/31/1977 #32644  
 power station/depot/facility. 5-6 portholes / side. Going quickly northwes 11/1977 #32646  
Lampshade saucer dims in sections. Portholes / middle? Enters cloud.        11/17/1977 #32678  
 many red and white lights forming portholes along the sides. It is shaped  12/1/1977 #32722  
. Cylinder/cylindrical object with portholes and lights going west. Turns g 12/9/1977 #32752  
ings of a cigar shaped object with portholes in the late 70’s over Arctic r Late 1970's #32823  
 has three large spheres below it, portholes around the perimeter, and a do 1/1978 #32837  
ran pilot observed domed disc with portholes                                1/1/1978 #32840  
 very large elongated object with "portholes", hovering over the ground. He 1/10/1978 #32870  
and headlights follows west teens. Portholes. Going [to] overhead.          1/11/1978 #32874  
 Mytchett, Surrey, England. It had portholes and flew overhead.             1/11/1978 #32876  
r going down / field behind house. Portholes / rim. Noise / takeoff / 2400h 2/19/1978 #32978  
rones / low altitude. Ringed / lit portholes. Red light rotates / top. Goin 2/19/1978 #32979  
rom a field behind a house. It had portholes around its perimeter, and made 2/19/1978 #32983  
st. Turns going northeast. Colored portholes flash.                         3/1/1978 #33006  
 Michigan at 9 p.m. It had colored portholes that flashed light.            3/1/1978 #33008  
 in shape with several oval-shaped portholes. It had antennae and a multico 7/11/1978 #33368  
on the top and bottom, two rows of portholes, and is surrounded by a bright 8/8/1978 #33489  
lver fuselage hovers. Glows green. Portholes.                               8/15/1978 #33516  
ous green color. It reportedly had portholes. The sighting lasted for more  8/15/1978 #33517  
 Figure(s) move behind rectangular portholes.                               8/26/1978 #33571  
RET, FR Woman. 6M silver tube with portholes going north over field / 40M a 10/7/1978 #33802  
. Saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape with portholes hovers. Going west to sea.     10/7/1978 #33804  
ities glowing from compartments or portholes.                               10/22/1978 #33858  
EATHCOTE-MENAI, NSW Large saucer / portholes near Atomic Energy Commission  10/29/1978 #33888  
 over trees. Lights / ends and 6-7 portholes.                               11/1978 #33903  
. Dark-beige 3M disk / ground. 6-7 portholes. Small humanoids (or Greys) in 11/14/1978 #33953  
oing down / 3M altitude. Row / lit portholes. 3 beams going down / bottom.  12/14/1978 #34112  
 Rome. It had a row of illuminated portholes, and three beams of light came 12/14/1978 #34125  
F man photographs silver saucer. 8 portholes / edge and 1 big light / cente 1/2/1979 #34279  
ng. Grey cylinder/cigar-shape with portholes and green / orange lights. Cir 1/23/1979 #34367  
   A gray cigar-shaped object with portholes and green and orange lights, c 1/23/1979 #34369  
ay, see an oval-shaped object with portholes. One witness, Ernesto Fagundez 3/2/1979 #34458  
 working on then stop. Through the portholes he can see entities with large 3/2/1979 #34458  
 second(s). Figure(s) look through portholes. / News.                       5/5/1979 #34541  
hs / silent metallic hat-saucer. 3 portholes. Shoots going up. / LDLN#187.  5/5/1979 #34542  
Belo Horizonte, Brazil Object with portholes, blinding red-orange light, la 5/5/1979 #34543  
med L. Ferreyra. The UFO had three portholes, and made no sound. It shot st 5/5/1979 #34544  
      On this night an object with portholes landed in a field in Pampulhas 5/5/1979 #34545  
 could be seen looking out through portholes in the craft. It took off vert 5/5/1979 #34545  
four glowing lights that look like portholes. The object is only 16–65 feet 8/12/1979 #34739  
rver(s). Round object with glowing portholes in thunderstorm. Darts going q 8/19/1979 #34757  
sees a shimmering light with amber portholes silently darting around near s 8/19/1979 #34759  
. Near collision / 6M disk / D136! Portholes / rim. Going quickly southwest 9/23/1979 #34914  
'clock in the morning. The UFO had portholes around its rim. It flew off to 9/23/1979 #34918  
ached to it. Each sphere has three portholes. The pilot of an Antonov An-26 10/27/1979 #34971  
dark blue below, with no lights or portholes. He describes the sighting to  12/9/1979 #35062  
object blocks road. 1M high. Black portholes. Going quickly south as observ 12/25/1979 #35095  
erver(s). Unmarked 100M blimp with portholes seen. No further details.      3/19/1980 #35221  
ted onto silvery domed object with portholes, examined on metallic table (s 4/2/1980 #35247  
ted onto silvery domed object with portholes, examined on metallic table    4/2/1980 #35248  
. She saw a silver domed disc with portholes overhead. She next lost consci 4/2/1980 #35249  
ing [to] overhead 500M altitude. 3 portholes / bottom/underside. Fast turn  10/17/1980 #35574  
 [to] over road. Turns going east. Portholes.                               1/26/1981 #35800  
FO. The five meter long object had portholes, and was hovering four meters  1/26/1981 #35802  
ilots. Bright silver disk. 6 round portholes. Flash. / r41p141+/ r150.      7/4/1981 #35983  
 view with six evenly spaced black portholes along the edge. It then disapp 7/4/1981 #35987  
ted rectangles and a row of square portholes. After a while it shoots away  7/12/1981 #36002  
observer(s). Huge lens saucer with portholes northeast going southwest. Pho 7/24/1981 #36028  
China a huge lens-shaped disc with portholes was seen by thousands. It flew 7/24/1981 #36032  
 bright silver disc with six round portholes was seen by the crew of an Ibe 7/25/1981 #36035  
 bright silver disc with six round portholes was seen by the crew of an Ibe 7/25/1981 #36036  
 kids. Dark saucer going down. Lit portholes. Beams going down. Rises fast. 8/7/1981 #36061  
hin legs? Blinding 1M searchlight. Portholes.                               8/28/1981 #36087  
tended thin legs for landing gear, portholes, and a blindingly bright 1 met 8/28/1981 #36088  
ht lights. 30' saucer lands twice. Portholes. Absolute(ly) silent. / r210v3 2/10/1982 #36330  
 a turquoise blue light on top and portholes. It flew low at 400-500 feet a 4/29/1982 #36456  
 a turquoise blue light on top and portholes. It flew low at 400-500 feet a 4/29/1982 #36457  
 noted a saucer shaped object with portholes in the lower section. The obje 5/20/1982 #36476  
it was a saucer-shaped object with portholes around the lower part. It emit 5/20/1982 #36477  
like a flying saucer,” but with no portholes and a smooth surface. It sound 10/4/1982 #36634  
, and small white lights below row portholes, when it began making a purrin 5/9/1983 #36857  
M altitude. Seen / coast to Italy. Portholes. Contrail.                     6/6/1983 #36878  
lage going [to] 500M away. Silent. Portholes darken. Vanishes!              7/1/1983 #36899  
er/all about. Absolute(ly) silent. Portholes.                               8/5/1983 #36934  
). Ovoid 15' over Lake Michigan. 3 portholes. Turns 1 / min. Going southeas 1/3/1984 #37103  
gton, Wisconsin. The UFO had three portholes. (Source: Donald R. Schmitt, I 1/3/1984 #37104  
gton, Wisconsin. The UFO had three portholes.                               1/3/1984 #37106  
M saucer hovers / street. 3 rows / portholes? Observer(s) gets camera. Sauc 4/1984 (approximate) #37251  
saucer buzzes car. White lit round portholes. Going quickly SSW.            2/18/1985 #37557  
der/cylindrical object with square portholes skims wavetops going quickly s 7/27/1985 #37631  
HEATH, ENGL 4 / car. 50' disk with portholes. Complex abduction? Telepathy  9/15/1985 #37661  
foot diameter lenticular disc with portholes around the rim paced cars at t 9/15/1985 #37664  
ant cylinder/cigar-shape hovers. 4 portholes. Vanishes when lights hit.     2/1986 (approximate) #37777  
the center line runs a row of 8–10 portholes with warm, yellow light emanat 1/9/1987 #38096  
ng, top-shaped craft with a row of portholes across the midsection and a lu 11/11/1987 #38322  
e, bowl-shaped craft with darkened portholes and an illuminated orange ring 12/2/1987 #38348  
s). 3 silent cigars with row / lit portholes. Observer(s) paralyzed.        12/12/1987 #38355  
. Silent cylinder/cigar-shape with portholes. Goes when jets near.          1/4/1988 #38393  
"footprint-UFO". Many tinted-glass portholes. Slow..                        1/23/1988 #38430  
2:45 a.m. It had many tinted-glass portholes, and flew slowly.              1/23/1988 #38431  
going northwest / 5 minute(s). Lit portholes.                               2/1988 #38437  
aucer flies by. Light seen through portholes / edge.                        3/13/1988 #38502  
t, had a series of red luminescent portholes, and a white base.             1/12/1989 #38779  
A young witness saw an object with portholes on the ground in Voronezh, Rus 9/26/1989 #39121  
te lights / ends and blue / top. 3 portholes. Rises fast.                   12/10/1989 #39307  
nds and a blue light on top, and 3 portholes. The object moved to one side, 12/10/1989 #39308  
WOOD END, MA 4 / ship. Saucer with portholes going up / lighthouse. 4 booms 3/4/1990 #39444  
SIA 3 observer(s). "Ship" with lit portholes. Beam going up and down [to] l 3/13/1990 #39457  
some 980 feet in diameter and with portholes around its rim is seen hoverin 5/25/1990 #39592  
silver saucer exits strange cloud. Portholes. Conical top.                  6/21/1990 #39618  
/ WILLIAMS LAKE, BC Orange saucer. Portholes beneath. Vibrant bright. Follo 6/23/1990 #39622  
 an orange disc-shaped object with portholes on the bottom portion, very br 6/23/1990 #39623  
ses / swamp. Strong light / front. Portholes / side. Glides behind trees.   7/13/1990 #39642  
d a Saturn-shaped UFO with shining portholes on its rim that hovered over a 9/21/1990 #39744  
s stop. Bright white dome with red portholes at roadside swamp.             9/28/1990 #39750  
white, dome-shaped object with red portholes hover over a roadside swamp in 9/28/1990 #39753  
    FLAMENZI, ROMN 50M saucer with portholes. Beams sweep ground. 1 bends!  10/20/1990 #39797  
        MOUNT AIRY, NC Huge dome / portholes turns / sky. Dogs howl and rub 10/30/1990 #39818  
               A domed object with portholes which directed light beams tow 10/30/1990 #39819  
M boomerang going east over trees. Portholes? / r238p415.                   11/2/1990 #39824  
aneuvers around trees. Rectangular portholes. Rotating colored lights.      11/2/1990 #39825  
VOUTEZAC, FR Silent arrowhead with portholes curves going ESE. Possible lan 11/5/1990 #39844  
ark gray in color. On the side, 15 portholes are lit up in white light. Aft 1/6/1991 #39947  
y house. Extremely slow. 16 square portholes / bottom.                      2/6/1991 #39973  
ng cylinder/cigar-shape / 2 rows / portholes. Grey cone-searchlight going d 3/7/1991 #40003  
ormation suggest domed saucer with portholes / rim. Dives / canyon.         4/22/1991 #40047  
ation suggesting a domed disc with portholes and rim at 8:30 p.m. The objec 4/22/1991 #40048  
n the shape of discs with luminous portholes.                               8/4/1991 #40142  
rface detail except for two round "portholes" near the front, and some sort 8/28/1991 #40168  
ndrical object hovers 1M / ground. Portholes. Man fires shots. Vanishes.    11/23/1991 #40235  
0' altitude. Strong lights / ends. Portholes. Hovers. 300mph / instant.     12/4/1991 #40253  
down / 3M altitude. Yellow light / portholes. Several feel pulled toward(s) 3/14/1992 #40379  
 yellow light was seen coming from portholes in the craft. A power outage o 3/14/1992 #40380  
t. 100M green glow. Dims. Ringed / portholes. Sonic boom.                   4/26/1992 #40430  
ng disc-shaped object, ringed with portholes and estimated to be 100 meters 4/26/1992 #40431  
classic saucer maneuvers. Ringed / portholes.                               6/20/1992 #40500  
ary on this night. It had numerous portholes and a beam of light came from  8/11/1992 #40566  
 foot wide disc-shaped object with portholes was seen at 100 feet altitude, 9/13/1992 #40620  
all disks radiate light as if from portholes. Go straight going up.         12/5/1992 #40743  
N Double-cylinder/cigar-shape with portholes makes 90-turn. Follows main st 9/12/1993 #41195  
, FR 2 / car. Silent saucer with 3 portholes hovers 20M away. Shoots going  12/11/1993 #41328  
   WILSDEN, WEST YORKS Saucer with portholes and lights. Lights out when pl 1/5/1994? #41363  
is night a disc-shaped object with portholes and lights was sighted over Wi 1/5/1994 #41364  
(s). Oval torus swings to and fro. Portholes. Whistles. Vanishes. Photograp 1/10/1994 #41366  
. 2 domes glow / ground 100' away. Portholes? Dog growls. Geese quiet..     6/6/1994 #41554  
1:30 a.m. The objects may have had portholes.                               6/6/1994 #41555  
Hexagon circled / lights. 4 square portholes / bottom. Going north.         6/12/1994 #41566  
 circled by lights had four square portholes on its bottom, was seen at 8:4 6/12/1994 #41567  
. Silver cylinder/cigar-shape with portholes / side. Hovers / low altitude. 6/16/1994 #41569  
cop / I8. Domed saucer with arched portholes over freeway. 4 more appear.   9/1/1994 #41711  
observer(s). 20M saucer in meadow. Portholes around dome. No physical trace 10/29/1994 #41818  
 was seen by two observers. It had portholes around the dome; no traces wer 10/29/1994 #41820  
n ovoid crosses road. 3 circular / portholes / side.                        11/2/1994 #41829  
-like craft with blunt point up. 5 portholes / side.                        11/24/1994 #41864  
ame teacher. Pentagonal box with 5 portholes seen.                          11/24/1994 #41865  
FR 3 observer(s). Huge saucer with portholes over odd cloud. Going quickly  1/27/1995 #42000  
wl on top, and the upper level has portholes. The object buzzes like a “gia 3/30/1995 #42127  
size crescent as if side / saucer. Portholes? Radio Frequency Interference  6/30/1995 #42282  
of the Moon, that appeared to have portholes. He experienced radio communic 6/30/1995 #42283  
 BEACH, FLR 8+observer(s). Ring / "portholes" over coast / 15 second(s). /  9/20/1995 #42490  
 Florida a ring-shaped object with portholes was seen over the coast at 8:1 9/20/1995 #42493  
RG Saucer on 15 minute(s) / video. Portholes. Slow spin. Odd jelly hardens. 10/5/1995 #42535  
er of the witnesses saw any doors, portholes, or other similar features. Af 7/8/1996 #42950  
s and zigzags over dam. Many white portholes / rim.                         8/25/1996 #42993  
ag over the dam. It had many white portholes along the rim of the object. T 8/25/1996 #42995  
mounted by a dome with 3 sharp red portholes. On the cylinder was a fluores 9/11/1996 #43016  
then saw an ovoid craft with three portholes emitting a strong orange light 9/16/1996 #43024  
ject upright / field. 3 feet and 2 portholes. Going up [to] and going quick 3/5/1997 #43219  
n diameter, had three legs and two portholes. It took off to the west when  3/5/1997 #43220  
NIA 15M black sphere with halo and portholes hovers / ground. Size-9 footpr 4/16/1997 #43262  
meter black sphere with a halo and portholes hovered near the ground at 6:4 4/16/1997 #43263  
lic hat-shaped object with several portholes around the rim, hovering betwe 7/23/1997 #43358  
 overhead. 600M altitude. Ringed / portholes. Strobes / all color(s).       12/9/1997 #43456  
ver(s). Saucer spins / clouds. Lit portholes. Away / plane lands. Thin beam 1/8/1998 #43495  
he captain observes rows of square portholes on the UFO just before it bath 2/3/1999 #43721  
going north over county dumps. Lit portholes / rim. / NURC.                 8/1/1999 #43816  
ro-magnetic effect (EME). Blue-lit portholes / dome. Going quickly west. St 3/30/2000 #43970  
noticed a round object ringed with portholes. The UFO hovered over them and 7/25/2000 #44022  
 then slowly. It had three lights, portholes, or circles that were white on 5/16/2007 #45030  
## Word: "porthols" (Back to Top)
It flew from right to left, had to porthols and interior lighting, and was  10/27/1952 #8201  
## Word: "porticcio" (Back to Top)
                               OFF PORTICCIO, CORSICA Several observer(s).  1/3/1974 #28640  
## Word: "portico" (Back to Top)
                                   PORTICO, ITL 3 / car. Power out / 2 town 12/17/1978 #34163  
## Word: "portiera" (Back to Top)
                                   PORTIERA ORTIZ, BRZ Many observer(s). Sa 2/19/1958 #14879  
## Word: "portieux" (Back to Top)
                                   PORTIEUX TO/FROM CHARMES AND REHAINCOURT 6/14/1976 #31109  
## Word: "portilla" (Back to Top)
e, Melvin A Lewis, Marc G Mills, M Portilla, Valentin N Rudenko, Paul A Mur 5/6/2003 #44526  
## Word: "portion" (Back to Top)
raveling along the extreme eastern portion of the horizon (NICAP: 02 - Clos 4/16/1897 #503  
again floats over the southeastern portion of Indianapolis, Indiana, and is 10/7/1906 #690  
 South Wales, Australia. Its lower portion was lighted while the upper port 8/13/1909 #804  
ortion was lighted while the upper portion was dark, and as the body of the 8/13/1909 #804  
 of fire sweeps over the southeast portion of Montpelier, Vermont, seen by  8/14/1914 #912  
that for several nights a “certain portion of the sky in the vicinity of Ma Winter 1936 #1254  
nd value; as well as a substantial portion of important documents and perso 2/23/1944 #1577  
ed in rocket construction. Largest portion of the object has been taken ove 1/7/1947 #2223  
w it, possibly obscuring the lower portion of a sphere. The UFO is darker t 1/24/1950 #4509  
himmering red ring circles the top portion of the disc. The objects soon sp 9/1950 #5159  
nal study, Mayher submits the main portion of the film to the Air Force for 7/29/1952 #7330  
cer-like object in the upper right portion of the frame. No one actually re 1954 #9421  
da, MD Object, shaped like a small portion of the bottom of moon (NICAP: 01 2/10/1955 #11990  
y. One object, shaped like a small portion of the bottom of the Moon, with  2/10/1955 #11991  
ficers manning ECM gear in the aft portion of the aircraft. Their names are 7/17/1957 #13808  
Silver, circular object, its lower portion seen through green haze (NICAP:  6/20/1958 #15101  
silver, circular object, its lower portion seen through a green haze, hover 6/20/1958 #15104  
silver, circular object, its lower portion seen through a green haze, hover 6/20/1958 #15106  
d lighted windows around its lower portion and blinking red, yellow, and gr 3/19/1959 #15654  
nd the entrance to the underground portion of the facility has been buried. 6/1959 #15754  
rranged to be held in the security portion of a Washington government build 7/9/1959 #15829  
speculating that what we have is a portion of a very large device which cam 6/12/1960 #16312  
e hallway that encircles the front portion of the craft. The one remaining  9/19/1961 #16857  
/ NY Small oval night light / dark portion / moon. Moves with moon. Fades a 8/12/1962 #17332  
ing to move across the illuminated portion of the Moon, then continues pass 12/1/1962 #17568  
nd about 9–10 feet high. The lower portion, about 3 feet high, is rotating  2/15/1963 #17669  
direction and is bluish. The upper portion appears to be stationary, battle 2/15/1963 #17669  
the white trail is a smoky, spiral portion about one mile long. The vapor t 4/11/1964 #18169  
s, Ochsner notices that the spiral portion is still visible, having moved a 4/11/1964 #18169  
 six pipes along the straight rear portion, made a "whishhh" sound.  Witnes 8/15/1964 #18489  
 six pipes along the straight rear portion fly through the sky, making a "w 8/15/1964 #18491  
he constellation Lyra. The central portion is white and green, while the re 9/14/1964 #18552  
ject w two stubby fins in the rear portion followed a C-119 "flying boxcar" 10/7/1964 #18575  
ppendage protruding from the lower portion of the UFO.                      3/20/1966 #19998  
f orange portholes along the lower portion. The object, illuminated by a fa 11/12/1966 #21094  
 of fluorescent light on the lower portion, and pulsating colored lights (b 1/6/1967 #21266  
he road. A second witness saw this portion of this event.                   4/6/1967 #22083  
partially hidden by a tree, with a portion of its landing gear visible. The 5/6/1967 #22284  
meter of about 50 feet. The bottom portion contains nozzles that emit flame 9/1967 #22972  
 object, haze or mist around lower portion, approached airliner from west,  9/10/1967 #23031  
nd-off, revolving across the lower portion.                                 10/2/1967 #23167  
 is rotating slowly inside the top portion, and there are porthole-shaped i 10/7/1967 #23189  
nt row of windows around the upper portion. (Unidentified newspaper clippin 10/26/1967 #23331  
holes around the rim and the lower portion was spinning.                    11/8/1968 #24644  
g the shiny square section and the portion of the object hat had been invis 1/6/1969 #24822  
t blue imaginable," and the bottom portion had three large transparent hole 4/25/1969 #25091  
 humanoid figures visible in upper portion (UFOE II, Section XII). (NICAP:  1/1/1970 #25530  
 humanoid figures visible in upper portion                                  1/1/1970 #25531  
 and wearing headgear in the upper portion. One stands at an instrument pan 1/1/1970 #25532  
rightest blue imaginable." The top portion of the UFO was transparent and t 4/24/1971 #26081  
0 feet long with a curved standing portion at one end, so that it had the p 8/16/1971 #26289  
or in the upper part of the curved portion, the UFO then rose vertically to 8/16/1971 #26289  
wards seven other UFO cases with a portion of the reward, the last going to 3/12/1972 #26601  
d then became purple. In its upper portion he could see a spherical cabin w 12/30/1972 #27193  
ture through the transparent upper portion. They were behind a kind of "par 5/27/1973 #27535  
 security policeman at the eastern portion of Kirtland AFB near Albuquerque 11/6/1973 #28376  
ter and 12-14 meters tall. The top portion looked like a yellow dome. Four  12/10/1973 #28553  
 counterclockwise around the lower portion. They experienced loud static on 12/10/1973 #28553  
ear beneath the craft, the central portion begins to revolve rapidly, and t 4/16/1974 #29040  
ar, dome-shaped cabin on the upper portion of the object that was 30 feet w 4/16/1974 #29042  
he dome was red and the underneath portion was yellow, and it made no sound 8/8/1975 #30244  
s a vibrant blue green, the middle portion white, and the bottom part red.  9/3/1975 #30340  
der with a narrow waist, the upper portion larger than the lower one, and w 1/9/1976 #30781  
brated. A door opened in the upper portion, and three beings that looked li 1/9/1976 #30781  
. He could only make out the upper portion of the figure because the bushes 1/26/1976 #30821  
ess saw ten aircraft circling that portion of the sky. (Source: CUFOS inves 2/18/1976 #30879  
ess saw ten aircraft circling that portion of the sky.                      2/18/1976 #30882  
's radio had heavy static during a portion of the sighting. The two objects 2/20/1976 #30891  
ern part of the sky. In the middle portion of the object protruded somethin 5/9/1976 #31041  
elgium at 10:30 p.m. In the middle portion of the object protruded somethin 5/9/1976 #31042  
mall cylinder protrudes, its lower portion rotating.                        8/1976 #31217  
                         northeast portion of the city of Tehran, Iran Mehr 9/18/1976 #31395  
30 p.m. Residents of the northeast portion of the city of Tehran, Iran, wat 9/18/1976 #31395  
vapor was issuing. In the top left portion of the craft was a window, throu 11/14/1976 #31549  
had two lights sunk into the lower portion, and also two darker 8" squares, 12/10/1976 #31594  
wide band running across the broad portion and are cut into mirror-like sec 9/15/1977 #32484  
hen tilts back (showing its bottom portion with two Saturn-like rings of li 11/24/1977 #32697  
tinues to follow the plane until a portion of the UFO separates from it and 6/11/1978 #33274  
 soon as John saw it a rectangular portion on the front end lit up and shon 12/14/1978 #34127  
ploded over U.S.’” that includes a portion of a December 1979 interview by  2/28/1980 #35186  
. It looked like a crescent-shaped portion of a disc of the Moon.           8/23/1980 #35478  
         Changping District Juyong portion of the Great Wall of China 4:08  8/24/1980 #35479  
Changping District near the Juyong portion of the Great Wall of China take  8/24/1980 #35479  
 front and sides. The unlit center portion appears to be like brushed alumi 9/18/1981 #36128  
ase in CAUS v. NSA, especially any portion of the top-secret Yeates affidav 4/27/1982 #36455  
 Yeates releases a highly redacted portion of his 21-page affidavit used in 5/18/1982 #36473  
 above an alfalfa field. Its upper portion is slowly rotating, showing a si 6/5/1983 #36876  
 grayish metallic shine. The lower portion of the craft had a precise round 6/15/1984 #37365  
an twenty meters. Around the lower portion of it they also observed "waves" 6/15/1984 #37365  
tention was centered on the bottom portion of the UFO. It looked as if it w 6/15/1984 #37365  
Many lights illuminated its bottom portion. The crew of GORI tried to attra 6/15/1984 #37365  
lligence community, while a lesser portion comes from open sources and his  5/4/1988 #38553  
m. by a man and a woman. The upper portion of the object glowed white, whil 8/14/1989 #39062  
de-down cup and saucer. The bottom portion has a red light in the center, a 11/4/1989 #39214  
crustlike skin rash on the exposed portion of his face that lasts for more  12/24/1989 #39338  
ly, he is unable to read the first portion of the tape, so it is lacking th 1990 #39349  
bject with portholes on the bottom portion, very bright, followed the cours 6/23/1990 #39623  
ponse to a flash in the lower left portion of the picture. NASA explains th 9/15/1991 #40187  
e were driving on a flat, straight portion of the highway when they noticed 11/29/1993 #41309  
of whom consciously recall a large portion of their abduction experiences w 1994 #41345  
ld clearly see both the lower disc portion and the dome.                    5/3/1995 #42178  
dark glass and facets on its upper portion. It passes behind trees to the r 7/15/1995 #42303  
lar windows were around the middle portion of the craft. One window in the  8/20/1996 #42986  
learly be seen as it blocked out a portion of the clear sky as it moved.    3/26/2000 #43969  
 states a source familiar with the portion of the UAPTF report presented to 6/29/2021 #45697  
## Word: "portions" (Back to Top)
 and the blotches are round sores. Portions of their hair falls off. Trees  10/24/1886 #276  
iter Irve Tunick cuts out critical portions of Keyhoe’s material (including 12/1957 #14654  
ad; from every one, “certain small portions of the digestive organs were mi 3/10/1968 #23834  
pped and floating down." The outer portions of the object looked reflective 2/19/1979 #34436  
e withheld and blacked out certain portions of UFO-related government docum 7/1/1989 #39002  
## Word: "portiragnes" (Back to Top)
                                   PORTIRAGNES, FR 1 observer. Silent 2M bu 10/28/1969 (approximate) #25427  
bove the ground over a vineyard in Portiragnes, France. The vines later die 10/28/1969 #25430  
## Word: "portis" (Back to Top)
nesses:  consulting engineer R. J. Portis and three others.  Six groups of  9/14/1952 #7936  
. and 1:20 a.m. the next day R. J. Portis, a consulting engineer, and three 9/14/1952 #7942  
## Word: "portland" (Back to Top)
                                   Portland, OR SKY OBJECT A MYSTERY ROCKET 1/7/1947 #2223  
e cylindrical object which fell in Portland yesterday from a clear sky esta 1/7/1947 #2223  
                       NORTHEAST / PORTLAND, OR 2 observer(s). 3 then 10-12 7/1/1947 #2503  
a.m. three discs were spotted over Portland, Oregon, then another 10-12 dis 7/1/1947 #2526  
                                   Portland, OR Portland area mass sighting 7/4/1947 #2590  
                      Portland, OR Portland area mass sightings, hundreds o 7/4/1947 #2590  
                                   PORTLAND, OR Cops and more/others. Pigeo 7/4/1947 #2606  
                                   PORTLAND, OR 2 cops / car#82+separate ob 7/4/1947 #2607  
                                   PORTLAND, OR Hundreds include/including  7/4/1947 #2608  
                                   PORTLAND, OR 3 harbor patrolmen. 3-6 shi 7/4/1947 #2609  
                                   PORTLAND, OR 2 separate police report(s) 7/4/1947 #2614  
                                   Portland and Milwaukie, OR, Vancouver, W 7/4/1947 #2645  
                                   Portland, OR 3 metallic discs glinting s 7/4/1947 #2646  
                                   Portland, OR A silvery disc-shaped objec 7/4/1947 #2647  
                                   Portland and Milwaukie, OR, Vancouver, W 7/4/1947 #2648  
                                   Portland Oregonian Beaverton, Oregon 11: 7/4/1947 #2657  
ry Hale, production manager of the Portland Oregonian, sees one shiny disc  7/4/1947 #2657  
                                   Portland, Oregon Clark County Oregon 1:0 7/4/1947 #2658  
egon 1:05–5:30 p.m. Many people in Portland, Oregon—including KOIN newsman  7/4/1947 #2658  
 Clark County Sheriff Fred Krives, Portland police officer Kenneth A. McDow 7/4/1947 #2658  
 officer at police headquarters in Portland, Oregon saw five flying discs,  7/4/1947 #2675  
                                   Portland, OR Frank Cooley, a former Mari 7/5/1947 #2680  
ver now with radio station KOIN in Portland, confirmed numerous reports of  7/5/1947 #2680  
merous reports of witnesses in the Portland are Friday afternoon. Cooley es 7/5/1947 #2680  
oise, Idaho; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Portland, Oregon; and Mount Vernon, Wash 7/6/1947 #2815  
                                   PORTLAND, OR 2 separate observer(s). 1 d 7/8/1947 #2969  
                                   Portland Oregonian Boise Stateman Capt.  7/27/1947 #3235  
. Richards, aviation editor of the Portland Oregonian, informs the FBI of t 7/27/1947 #3235  
                                   PORTLAND, OR Police and many. Silver obj 9/11/1947 #3393  
t Bluebook Case #416. Airliner and Portland Air Traffic Controller and cops 7/30/1949 #4296  
rthwest Airlines Capt. Thrush, two Portland control tower operators, and on 7/30/1949 #4299  
                             NORTH PORTLAND, OR Long "sharpened pencil" pac 8/20/1950 #5129  
                                   PORTLAND, OR Ex-Air Force P47 pilot. 3 s 8/11/1951 #5600  
                                   Portland, OR Dodge Case (P) (NICAP: 11 - 8/11/1951 #5601  
                                   Portland, Oregon Former USAF pilot Rober 8/11/1951 #5602  
e disc-like UFOs in formation over Portland, Oregon.                        8/11/1951 #5602  
                                   PORTLAND, ME 3 observer(s). 3 rotating n 5/1/1952 #6235  
                 Silverton, Oregon Portland 3:00 p.m. Two Ground Observer C 8/7/1952 #7509  
 shaped. Army and air observers in Portland confirm that jet interceptors a 8/7/1952 #7509  
                                   PORTLAND, OR Blue Book. 2 saucers hover  9/9/1952 #7882  
                                   Portland, OR Two oval objects observed i 9/9/1952 #7884  
                                   PORTLAND, ME Navy PV2 chases cylinder/ci 9/16/1952 #7954  
                                   Portland, ME RV: Navy Patrol Plane Crew  9/16/1952 #7958  
                                   Portland, Maine Witnesses:  crew of U.S. 9/16/1952 #7961  
oak, Prentis and Hara, flying near Portland, Maine at 6:22 p.m. sighted a d 9/16/1952 #7963  
                                   Portland, Oregon Two bright silver ovals 9/3/1953 #9139  
                                   PORTLAND, OR 1 observer. 2 small ovoids  5/1/1954 #9740  
                                   Portland, OR 2 fighter pilots saw round  7/20/1955 #12273  
                                   PORTLAND, IN 2 men. Round black saucer h 9/9/1955 #12439  
                                   PORTLAND, OR Bright silent orange umbrel 8/1956 #13034  
                                   Portland, Oregon The Project Moonwatch t 9/25/1958 #15281  
egon The Project Moonwatch team in Portland, Oregon, is looking at the Moon 9/25/1958 #15281  
B [now closed], Novato, California Portland Seattle Center USAF Air Defense 9/24/1959 #15987  
hich scrambles six F-102 jets from Portland to intercept the object. FAA st 9/24/1959 #15987  
                                   PORTLAND, ME AND ENTIRE STATE Wave / nig 2/5/1961 (approximate) #16594  
                             Maine Portland Brunswick Many people report st 2/5/1961 #16596  
Some blink and move up and down. A Portland Press Herald editorial, Februar 2/5/1961 #16596  
 of fire and going fast’ zoom over Portland. Unidentified shapes with green 2/5/1961 #16596  
ound its rim circled Great Lake in Portland, Connecticut three times before 3/16/1966 #19975  
wn, IN Francis Bedel, Jr., (23) of Portland, Indiana, was driving on State  1/17/1967 #21329  
                                   Portland, IN 10:06 p.m. A dark-colored d 3/1/1967 #21712  
      At 7:45 p.m. Kathy Skolem of Portland, Connecticut, age 13, saw an or 10/3/1967 #23172  
                              NEAR PORTLAND, ENGL Cylinder/cylindrical obje 10/26/1967 #23326  
                                   Portland, UK Cylinder w/ 4 arms over nuc 10/26/1967 #23328  
r backyard on this summer night in Portland, Oregon when they saw an object 6/10/1969 #25209  
                                   PORTLAND, AUSTRALIA 6 observer(s). 30cm  11/16/1969 #25462  
                                   PORTLAND, OR 2 separate groups. Odd circ 8/11/1972 #26893  
wo separate groups of witnesses in Portland, Oregon watched an odd circular 8/11/1972 #26900  
                                   Portland, OR 9:45 p.m. A 39-year-old wom 8/21/1972 #26943  
                                   PORTLAND, OR 4 observer(s). Large saucer 2/23/1973 #27313  
rge circular object passes over. / Portland Journal 6.12.73.                12/4/1973 #28518  
                                   PORTLAND, ME Cop and ground RADAR. 60' d 9/24/1978 #33742  
                            EAST / PORTLAND, OR Saucer hovers / Columbia Ri 3/17/1981 #35864  
calls to the Coast Guard came from Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Wells, Ogunqui 6/28/1981 #35980  
                              NEAR PORTLAND, OR 4 observer(s). Silver disk  7/22/1981 #36022  
                                   PORTLAND, OR 2 observer(s). Metallic obj 5/24/1986 #37892  
                                   PORTLAND, OR 2 observer(s). Silent 60M s 9/6/1986 #38015  
                                   PORTLAND, VCT, AUS Cars chased / extreme 10/5/1989 (approximate) #39144  
               Cars were chased in Portland, Victoria, Australia by a clust 10/5/1989 #39146  
                                   PORTLAND, OR 1 observer. Bright red ball 4/22/1995 #42168  
                                   PORTLAND, OR Man in bed. Bright ball ent 4/25/1995 #42174  
ball of light entered a bedroom in Portland, Oregon at 12:30 a.m. making a  4/25/1995 #42175  
                                   PORTLAND, OR 1 observer. Flash. Thin win 5/15/1995 #42207  
                                   PORTLAND, OR Mother / MUFON investigator 7/29/1995 #42340  
                                   PORTLAND, OR Woman. Round shiny-black di 8/8/1995 #42366  
                                   PORTLAND, OR 2 observer(s). 25-35 points 1/7/1996 #42668  
                          Pentagon Portland, Oregon Rear Adm. Thomas R. Wil 4/10/1997 #43260  
ct those files. As Greer informs a Portland, Oregon, audience in 2001, Wils 4/10/1997 #43260  
en zigzagging through the sky over Portland, Oregon. At 8:00 o’clock in the 12/21/1999 #43901  
0 feet of an apartment building in Portland, Maine. It was in sight for 30  10/28/2000 #44064  
 thought airliners taking off from Portland International Airport must have 9/3/2004 #44746  
 thought airliners taking off from Portland International Airport must have 9/5/2004 #44748  
an "X" on the bottom was seen from Portland, Oregon at 7:12 p.m.            11/3/2007 #45090  
        Northern California Oregon Portland, Oregon The FAA detects an unid 10/25/2017 #45487  
 F-15Cs from the 142nd Air Wing in Portland, Oregon, to investigate. Bearin 10/25/2017 #45487  
## Word: "portmanteau" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Portmanteau” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT 8/30/1974 #29403  
## Word: "portneuf" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / PORTNEUF, QB 1 observer. "Fuse" saucer l 8/28/1970 #25806  
## Word: "porto" (Back to Top)
                                   Porto Novo, Brazil Mr. Campello and seve 7/20/1950 #5074  
                                In Porto Novo, Brazil Mr. Campello and seve 7/20/1950 #5075  
                                   Porto Maldo, Peru Photograph of oval UFO 7/19/1952 #6921  
                                   Porto Alegre, Brazil House lights failed 8/30/1954 #10208  
       Santa Maria Airport Vila do Porto, Azores 9:45 p.m. A guard at the S 9/21/1954 #10383  
the Santa Maria Airport in Vila so Porto, Azores, sees a 10 x 5-foot, light 9/21/1954 #10383  
                                   Porto Alegre, Brazil Formation of silver 10/24/1954 #11359  
             Canoas Air Force Base Porto Alegre, Brazil Rio de Janeiro 1:00 10/24/1954 #11365  
 at the Canoas Air Force Base near Porto Alegre, Brazil, watch a number of  10/24/1954 #11365  
n, over Gravatai Air Force Base in Porto Alegre, Brazil.  It began making f 10/24/1954 #11373  
                                   PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Air Force officer. Gre 10/26/1954 #11411  
                              NEAR PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 2 long-haired pseudo-h 11/10/1954 #11616  
                                   Porto Alegre, Brazil An agronomist and h 11/10/1954 #11619  
                                   Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul Brazil An 11/10/1954 #11620  
unter a landed UFO along a road in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 11/10/1954 #11620  
orce Base Rio Grande do Sul Brazil Porto Alegre 9:45 p.m. At Santa Maria Ai 11/22/1954 #11691  
 report to weather headquarters at Porto Alegre. The object remains in view 11/22/1954 #11691  
obe flies over town. / Comercio do Porto.                                   8/30/1956 #13152  
                                   Porto Alegre São Paulo, Brazil Araranguá 11/4/1957 #14283  
rig Airlines C-46 cargo plane from Porto Alegre to São Paulo, Brazil. They  11/4/1957 #14283  
 disappears. De Beyssac returns to Porto Alegre. It turns out that the righ 11/4/1957 #14283  
going quickly south. / Comercio do Porto.                                   11/26/1957 #14620  
es colors over city. / Comercio do Porto.                                   7/12/1958 #15137  
                        BEACH NEAR PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 4 / car. Domed saucer  11/2/1959 #16075  
                                   Porto, Portugal Porto Airport 4:30 a.m.  7/12/1965 #19096  
                   Porto, Portugal Porto Airport 4:30 a.m. Laura de Freitas 7/12/1965 #19096  
well for some water at her home in Porto, Portugal, near the Porto Airport. 7/12/1965 #19096  
 home in Porto, Portugal, near the Porto Airport. She notices a luminous re 7/12/1965 #19096  
                              NEAR PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Air Force C47+ground o 3/21/1967 #21928  
   Serviços Aéreos Cruzeiro do Sul Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil  3/27/1967 #22001  
craft see a UFO in the vicinity of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 3/27/1967 #22001  
                                   PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Bright saucer zigzags  8/4/1967 #22793  
                  Morro do Policia Porto Alegre Brazil Night. A bright obje 8/4/1967 #22805  
in the area of Morro do Policia in Porto Alegre, Brazil, for 30 minutes and 8/4/1967 #22805  
                                   PORTO ALEGRE AND MORRO AZUL, BRZ Moon-si 5/31/1968 #23995  
                                   PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Large light violet ovo 9/1/1968 #24418  
                                   PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Soldiers / Vila Flores 1/5/1969 #24817  
t hovers until Dawn. / Comercio do Porto.                                   3/26/1970 #25606  
                                   Porto Alegre, Brazil Brasília The Porto  1/23/1971 #25999  
 Porto Alegre, Brazil Brasília The Porto Alegre, Brazil, newspaper Correiro 1/23/1971 #25999  
                 BEACH SOUTHEAST / PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 2 observer(s). Silent  12/19/1971 #26507  
                                   Porto, Portugal The Centro de Estudos As 1972 #26530  
 Fenómenos Insolitos is founded in Porto, Portugal. It begins publishing a  1972 #26530  
                    SOUTH ROCCO AL PORTO, ITL 1 / car. Radio Frequency Inte 7/15/1974 #29261  
                                   PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Many observer(s) and p 1/10/1977 #31714  
                          Melaria, Porto Nogaro district, Italy Whistling s 9/18/1978 #33706  
                          Melaria, Porto Nogaro district, Italy Whistling s 9/18/1978 #33707  
                               OFF PORTO D'ASCOLI, ITL 3 / boat. Luminous/g 11/8/1978 #33925  
                                   PORTO ALEGRE AND AREA, BRZ Several separ 5/20/1982 #36475  
      Corumbiara, Rondônia, Brazil Porto Velho, Rondônia Night. Farmer Alci 5/23/1983 #36865  
 is about to land on his farm near Porto Velho, Rondônia, he sees an opaque 5/23/1983 #36865  
                                   PORTO NACIONAL, GOAIAS, BRZ 1 observer.  5/20/1986 #37883  
                                   PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 1 observer. Glowing-cl 2/24/1992 #40333  
       At 7:50 p.m. an observer in Porto Alegre, Brazil saw a glow in the c 2/24/1992 #40336  
                                   PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Silent 4 / 1 cylinder  4/3/1992 #40407  
## Word: "portobello" (Back to Top)
ad Edinburgh Musselburgh, Scotland Portobello Night. 12 female and 4 male f 11/8/1957 #14490  
–10 minutes then moves off towards Portobello leaving a double vapor trail. 11/8/1957 #14490  
## Word: "portoferraio" (Back to Top)
                                   PORTOFERRAIO, ITL 3 military pilots. Fla 10/10/1936 #1251  
amily of three was driving home to Portoferraio from an outing in Marciano, 8/28/1977 #32439  
## Word: "portogruaro" (Back to Top)
                                   PORTOGRUARO, ITL Boy / 10. Transparent d 8/1964 #18462  
## Word: "portola" (Back to Top)
. A rectangular area 70' x 270' on Portola Road was engulfed in the blaze.  8/27/1954 #10191  
ang! 70x270' rectangular section / Portola Road ablaze. Metal pellets found 8/28/1954 #10194  
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Portola” YieldMax: 40KT                  2/6/1975 #29788  
## Word: "porton" (Back to Top)
m the crash site at a place called Porton Down military personnel opened th 1/23/1974 #28693  
m the crash site to a place called Porton Down where the UK Ministry of Def 1/23/1974 #28694  
itary weapons research facility at Porton Down near Salisbury, England. Acc 1/23/1974 #28695  
## Word: "portoscuso" (Back to Top)
                                   PORTOSCUSO, ITL Soldier. 3M sphere stops 9/26/1974 #29479  
## Word: "portrait" (Back to Top)
years of age. The room contained a portrait of an older being, apparently a 9/14/1979 #34884  
## Word: "portray" (Back to Top)
ds, one of the earliest stories to portray a conflict between humans and an 1898 #614  
## Word: "portrayed" (Back to Top)
s book of the same name. Walton is portrayed by actor D. B. Sweeney.        3/12/1993 #40881  
is film. The military cameraman is portrayed by a homeless man in Los Angel 8/28/1995 #42425  
## Word: "ports" (Back to Top)
, with what appeared to be exhaust ports on the sides. It was almost hat sh 8/13/1947 #3322  
onning tower" at the top and three ports on the rim giving off a blue light 4/8/1950 #4829  
tower" turret on top. It had three ports on the rim giving off a blue light 4/8/1950 #4831  
and a row of at least three oblong ports extending to the rear of the objec 7/1950 #5035  
e center line of the fuselage. The ports are a dark smoky gray but not lumi 7/1950 #5035  
 like a “coolie’s hat, with oblong ports from which emanated a copper-green 9/1950 #5159  
 field; bluish lights seen through ports; swift ascent when observed (NICAP 8/27/1952 #7753  
f Hammad, director of the Egyptian Ports and Lights Administration, alerts  10/5/1954 #10731  
of light are shining from two oval ports at the bottom. As they drive close 3/22/1959 #15665  
e was blinking. It also had square ports or windows along the side.         11/22/1961 #16973  
 an antenna on the top and exhaust ports all around its mid-line, and it is 8/30/1962 #17373  
      Leroy Township, OH Disc With Ports Spooks Dog And Horse (NICAP: 04 -  5/20/1965 #18946  
d facing her. There were no doors, ports, or landing gear visible, but a la 1/5/1966 #19806  
 UFO was orange and had windows or ports with a hazy appearance in the inte 3/19/1966 #19994  
er) with a double row of lights or ports around the rim hovering 150- 200 f 4/24/1966 #20401  
object with many colored lights or ports on the underside, some red, some g 1/24/1967 #21373  
sc-shaped object with a cupola and ports underneath, and forwardly placed l 2/9/1967 #21493  
num" discs with a row of lights or ports around the edges. At one point the 2/25/1967 #21646  
ed objects with a row of lights or ports around the center of each. The obj 2/25/1967 #21651  
aughter saw an oval with three red ports. The object emitted green" flashes 3/8/1967 #21807  
med disc with eight glowing yellow ports around the perimeter, white light  4/20/1967 #22170  
at had a row of lighted windows or ports. They viewed it through binoculars 6/21/1967 #22528  
rows of revolving yellow lights or ports on a dark object. The object tippe 6/22/1967 #22533  
e portholes bracketed by two round ports and emitting a loud humming sound. 11/15/1967 #23457  
ted attention to round object with ports, flames from underside. Object mov 2/4/1968 #23733  
gling sensations", domed disc with ports maneuvered around farm, emitting h 2/19/1968 #23766  
dge, surmounted by a dome with 6–7 ports, rounded at the top and extending  2/19/1968 #23767  
own to the base of the dome. These ports are indented and white in color, r 2/19/1968 #23767  
on edge to reveal a row of glowing ports around its peimeter. The object mo 5/29/1971 #26142  
pright egg-shaped object with dark ports around its perimeter. It hovered a 5/31/1971 #26148  
     Ellsinore, MO Domed disc with ports and legs hovered in a grove of tre 4/6/1973 #27408  
tion and they note several exhaust ports emitting yellow flame.             11/5/1974 #29586  
could see it had two open doors or ports. Near his dog kennel were two silv 12/2/1977 #32727  
d, and saw a "row of shining green ports along its periphery." Then, she th 12/12/1978 #34100  
:30 p.m. The craft had two exhaust ports emitting sparks; it rose in the ai 10/30/1981 #36194  
a thick fog was coming out of some ports around the object. She next rememb 5/14/1991 #40061  
## Word: "portsdown" (Back to Top)
rver(s). 2 silver rod-cigars. Over Portsdown Hill. Suddenly vanish!         3/31/1973 #27393  
## Word: "portside" (Back to Top)
away from the larger one, three to portside and two to starboard, and begin 10/24/1969 #25422  
## Word: "portslade" (Back to Top)
                                   PORTSLADE, WEST ESSEX 1 observer. Big el 8/1/1995 #42350  
                  On this night in Portslade, East Sussex, England a huge y 8/1/1995 #42352  
## Word: "portsmouth" (Back to Top)
                                   Portsmouth, New Hampshire Kittery, Maine 4/13/1917 #955  
re stationed on the bridge linking Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Kittery,  4/13/1917 #955  
                                   PORTSMOUTH, NH Guards fire on mystery pl 4/14/1917 #956  
       39 Highland Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, England 2:00 a.m. Annie Bake Late 7/1921 #1012  
ker of 39 Highland Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, England, sees a “strange loo Late 7/1921 #1012  
                                   PORTSMOUTH, VA 11 observer(s). Black dis 7/6/1947 #2778  
 black disc flew across the sky in Portsmouth, Virginia. It flight was sile 7/6/1947 #2825  
                                   PORTSMOUTH, NH 2 military observer(s). 1 7/24/1951 #5582  
                                   Portsmouth, NH Greyish 100-200 ft tubula 7/24/1951 #5583  
                                   Portsmouth, New Hampshire Witnesses: Han 7/24/1951 #5584  
h at an altitude of 1500 feet over Portsmouth, New Hampshire at 7:10 p.m. I 7/24/1951 #5585  
                      Pease AFB in Portsmouth CFB Goose Bay Night. A 509th  7/1958 #15130  
ase in New Hampshire [Pease AFB in Portsmouth?] from Goose Bay [now CFB Goo 7/1958 #15130  
dentified submerged object outside Portsmouth, New Hampshire harbor on this 10/5/1959 #16017  
                                   Portsmouth, New Hampshire Quebec US High 9/19/1961 #16857  
and Betty Hill are driving home to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, from a vacati 9/19/1961 #16857  
ome from Montreal to their home in Portsmouth, New Hampshire late on this e 9/19/1961 #16858  
ew Hampshire. They arrived home in Portsmouth unable to account for about t 9/19/1961 #16858  
                         Pease AFB Portsmouth, New Hampshire 2:14 a.m. Peas 9/20/1961 #16861  
 Pease Air National Guard Base] in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, picks up an u 9/20/1961 #16861  
                                   Portsmouth, New Hampshire The Hills atte 11/23/1962 #17559  
onage of their Unitarian church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where the inv 11/23/1962 #17559  
               Unitarian Church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire Boston, Massac 9/7/1963 #17927  
meeting at the Unitarian Church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. After the lec 9/7/1963 #17927  
                                   Portsmouth, NH Portsmouth (NH) Herald ed 8/13/1965 #19381  
                    Portsmouth, NH Portsmouth (NH) Herald editorial: "Perha 8/13/1965 #19381  
 Pease Air National Guard Base] in Portsmouth Boston Around 1:00 a.m. Exete 9/3/1965 #19511  
 Pease Air National Guard Base] in Portsmouth to reconfirm the incident. By 9/3/1965 #19511  
                                   PORTSMOUTH, NH Family. Egg-shape 45M ove 3/13/1966 #19955  
                                   Portsmouth, NH Time not available. A rep 3/13/1966 #19956  
 150 feet over some power lines in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The felt a vi 3/13/1966 #19958  
                                   PORTSMOUTH, COPNOR AND WOODSIDE, HAMPSHI 2/22/1973 #27306  
ct was seen by two in Copnor, near Portsmouth, England at between 6:30-6:45 2/22/1973 #27311  
le witness, who reported it to the Portsmouth police. It was described as l 4/28/1974 #29069  
                                   PORTSMOUTH, VA 1 observer. House-sized 3 9/17/1979 #34894  
                                   Portsmouth, Virginia 9:00 p.m. A witness 9/17/1979 #34896  
nia 9:00 p.m. A witness driving in Portsmouth, Virginia, sees a large star  9/17/1979 #34896  
                                   Portsmouth, Virginia 8:00 p.m. Barbara K 9/9/1980 #35508  
 driving home with her daughter in Portsmouth, Virginia, when they see a da 9/9/1980 #35508  
 quickly west. Also night lights / Portsmouth and S. Webster, oh.           10/23/1996 #43092  
ular object came out of nowhere in Portsmouth, Ohio and dropped above a tre 7/17/2004 #44716  
## Word: "portugal" (Back to Top)
                           LISBON, PORTUGAL Flying red cylinders and fireba 1/3/1551 #28  
                           FATIMA, PORTUGAL 3 kids. Flash. Small woman appe 5/13/1917 #957  
              Cova da Iria Fátima, Portugal Three shepherd children at the  5/13/1917 #958  
ren at the Cova da Iria in Fátima, Portugal—Lúcia dos Santos and her cousin 5/13/1917 #958  
                           Fátima, Portugal The three children at Fátima, P 6/13/1917 #959  
ugal The three children at Fátima, Portugal, again see the lady, who reveal 6/13/1917 #959  
                  Fátima Aljustrel Portugal Cova da Iria Some 18,000 people 8/13/1917 #960  
ng to Fátima and nearby Aljustrel, Portugal, drawn by reports of visions an 8/13/1917 #960  
ed at Fatima, in the Cova da Iria, Portugal to see another monthly appariti 8/13/1917 #961  
            Cova da Iria Valinhos, Portugal Instead of the promised apparit 8/19/1917 #963  
he Virgin Mary at nearby Valinhos, Portugal. She asks them again to pray th 8/19/1917 #963  
                     Cova da Iria, Portugal With the three children in atte 9/13/1917 #965  
ce, the crowd at the Cova da Iria, Portugal, see a “luminous globe” sail ac 9/13/1917 #965  
                           FATIMA, PORTUGAL 50000 observer(s). Opalescent s 10/13/1917 #969  
                     Cova da Iria, Portugal After some newspapers report th 10/13/1917 #970  
graphers, gathers at Cova da Iria, Portugal. What happens then becomes know 10/13/1917 #970  
 Cova da Iria, a grotto in Fatima, Portugal to witness a promised miracle.  10/13/1917 #971  
                    ALENTEJO AREA, PORTUGAL Odd bluish ball / light seen /  9/14/1946 #2181  
                      Castanheira, Portugal Two greenish globes, one follow 9/18/1946 #2184  
 the other, zoom over Castanheira, Portugal.                                9/18/1946 #2184  
             OLIVEIRA DO HOSPITAL, PORTUGAL Numerous observer(s). Disk nort 3/23/1950 #4710  
                 CALDAS DA REINHA, PORTUGAL Odd cloud darts upward 'at brea 5/13/1952 #6307  
                         ALCOBATA, PORTUGAL Cigar goes back and forth sever 5/13/1952 #6308  
                         SANTAREM, PORTUGAL Dazzlingly brilliant sphere wit 5/13/1952 #6309  
l times over the town of Alcobaca, Portugal before "blowing up." Over the t 5/13/1952 #6318  
ng up." Over the town of Santarem, Portugal a dazzingly brilliant sphere th 5/13/1952 #6318  
                           CHAVES, PORTUGAL Cops and many. Several classic  9/3/1952 #7832  
itain France Canada Denmark Norway Portugal Netherlands Belgium Exercise Ma 9/14/1952 #7939  
, France, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Netherlands, and Belgium. Its  9/14/1952 #7939  
ar the village of Fregim Amarante, Portugal when he heard a whistling sound 5/5/1954 #9755  
                           LISBON, PORTUGAL Ovoid leaves (something behind) 9/7/1954 (approximate) #10261  
     Almaseda, near Castelibranco, Portugal Cesar Cardoso and three others  9/24/1954 #10434  
                   Castelo Branco, Portugal Hoaxed story of an alleged sigh 9/24/1954 #10436  
y Cesar Cardoso at Castelo Branco, Portugal, who sees two entities in shini 9/24/1954 #10436  
t in Almaseda, near Castelibranco, Portugal. They were dressed in shiny uni 9/24/1954 #10438  
                         CONDEIXA, PORTUGAL Hunter. Saucer crosses sky. Mak 10/7/1954 #10775  
                 V.N.DE FAMALICAO, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Ovoid in c 10/11/1954 #10916  
               SANTO TIRSO, DOURO, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Cylinder/c 10/13/1954 #10988  
                    PACO DE ARCOS, PORTUGAL Observers saw disk-shaped objec 10/17/1954 #11154  
                         O ALVITO, PORTUGAL Hunter. Cylinder/cigar-shape ta 10/17/1954 #11155  
                         O Alvito, Portugal A hunter, Manuel Madeira, saw a 10/17/1954 #11172  
ect while out hunting in O Alvito, Portugal. It took off and flew away as h 10/17/1954 #11178  
         FUNCHAL, MADEIRA ISLANDS, PORTUGAL / Diario popular. Flying saucer 11/12/1954 #11626  
                           LISBON, PORTUGAL 1 observer. Silver ball expels  12/10/1954 #11791  
                        In Lisbon, Portugal at around 2:45 p.m. local time  12/10/1954 #11797  
s and going quickly west toward(s) Portugal as observers near. Noisy" / r13 12/19/1954 #11835  
high altitude and flew away toward Portugal, making a great deal of noise.  12/19/1954 #11840  
                    ENCONTRAMENTO, PORTUGAL Small white sphere/orb/globe fl 8/30/1956 #13152  
                  ALDEIA DO BISPO, PORTUGAL Disk at differing speeds seen o 7/10/1957 #13783  
                            EVORA, PORTUGAL 2-3 observer(s). Big noise. Dis 7/26/1957 #13843  
age couple on the beach in Nazare, Portugal saw an ellipsoidal UFO low over 8/28/1957 #13940  
                     Unknown City, Portugal Portuguese Air Force Jets Have  9/4/1957 #13977  
                              Ota, Portugal Granada, Spain Portalegre, Port 9/4/1957 #13978  
ortugal Granada, Spain Portalegre, Portugal Four Portuguese jet fighter-bom 9/4/1957 #13978  
 night at 24,600 feet between Ota, Portugal, and Granada, Spain. Near Grana 9/4/1957 #13978  
a they turn to head to Portalegre, Portugal. At this point, Ferreira notice 9/4/1957 #13978  
itude between Cordoba and Coruche, Portugal sighted a large disc-shaped obj 9/4/1957 #13979  
                          VIMIOSO, PORTUGAL Luminous disk going quickly sou 10/16/1957 #14125  
                           FATIMA, PORTUGAL Angel hair all over just like 1 10/17/1957 #14132  
                OPORTO AND LISBON, PORTUGAL Unidentified cylinder/cylindric 11/6/1957 #14364  
                           OPORTO, PORTUGAL Several calls / newspaper. Big  11/14/1957 #14548  
find no apparent cause. In Oporto, Portugal at 7:30 p.m., several witnesses 11/14/1957 #14552  
                            MOURA, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Bright 2M  11/15/1957 #14557  
                           SEGURA, PORTUGAL Globe-shaped object flies over  11/16/1957 #14563  
                    OPORTO, DOURO, PORTUGAL Circular object fast over city. 11/26/1957 #14617  
         FUNCHAL, MADEIRA ISLANDS, PORTUGAL Fast bright sphere north going  11/26/1957 #14620  
   LOUISA MTS SOUTHEAST / COIMBRA, PORTUGAL Scientists. Slow blinding objec 11/28/1957 #14634  
                      SERNANCELHE, PORTUGAL Elongated metallic object going 4/20/1958 #14997  
                           Lisbon, Portugal Caracavelos, Portugal 8:05 p.m. 6/25/1958 #15116  
     Lisbon, Portugal Caracavelos, Portugal 8:05 p.m. Rádio Renascença in L 6/25/1958 #15116  
5 p.m. Rádio Renascença in Lisbon, Portugal, broadcasts a Portuguese-langua 6/25/1958 #15116  
supposedly landing in Caracavelos, Portugal. A certain amount of confusion  6/25/1958 #15116  
                     GRAGA, MINHO, PORTUGAL Fiery disk changes colors over  7/12/1958 #15137  
                             BEJA, PORTUGAL Observer(s) / balcony. Saucer-s 7/12/1958 #15138  
                           OPORTO, PORTUGAL Airport workers and small plane 10/17/1958 #15350  
                        FRONTEIRA, PORTUGAL Strange bright sphere seen here 10/27/1958 #15388  
          ALGES AND CRUZ QUEBRADA, PORTUGAL Several observer(s) can't agree 9/21/1959 #15983  
                            EVORA, PORTUGAL Scientists and many. 2 saucers. 11/2/1959 #16074  
                            Evora, Portugal University of Lisbon 12:00 noon 11/2/1959 #16076  
falls from two UFOs seen in Evora, Portugal, and is collected and analyzed  11/2/1959 #16076  
                            ELVAS, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Strange ob 11/5/1959 #16079  
                         ESTREMOZ, PORTUGAL Several / train station. Cylind 4/21/1960 #16236  
 station at 9:00 p.m. in Estremoz, Portugal.                                4/22/1960 #16237  
a landed disc-shaped UFO in Algoz, Portugal at 3:30 a.m. The boarded the cr 6/10/1960 #16311  
                           LISBON, PORTUGAL 2+observer(s). Luminous yellow  8/15/1960 #16384  
                        In Lisbon, Portugal at 10:00 p.m. a luminous yellow 8/15/1960 #16386  
                          CASCAIS, PORTUGAL Several satellite watchers see  9/13/1960 #16445  
                           OPORTO, PORTUGAL Green fireball / sky splits / 2 11/8/1964 #18609  
                          VIMIOSO, PORTUGAL Powerful light in sky. Back 15  2/15/1965 #18815  
                   Puerto La Cruz, Portugal The commander and crew of the N 7/6/1965 #19076  
ut of the sea from Puerto La Cruz, Portugal. First Officer Toronin Lien fir 7/6/1965 #19079  
                    VILA DO CONDE, PORTUGAL Vitor Moniz sees saucer here in 7/8/1965 #19081  
 Santa Maria Island Azores islands Portugal Santa Maria Airport 4:30 p.m. A 7/9/1965 #19088  
aria Island in the Azores islands, Portugal. All electric clocks at the San 7/9/1965 #19088  
                            Porto, Portugal Porto Airport 4:30 a.m. Laura d 7/12/1965 #19096  
r some water at her home in Porto, Portugal, near the Porto Airport. She no 7/12/1965 #19096  
                           LISBON, PORTUGAL Night lights and strange object 7/15/1965 #19103  
                  CARREGAL DO SAL, PORTUGAL Unidentified glowing triangle s 7/19/1965 #19126  
                      MASCARENHAS, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Saucer and 7/27/1965 #19189  
                          PENICHE, PORTUGAL Odd cone shape seen near Cabo C 7/28/1965 #19193  
                      NEAR SINTRA, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Unidentifi 7/29/1965 #19197  
                 ALJEZUR, ALGARVE, PORTUGAL Civil and military observer(s). 7/30/1965 #19207  
                             BEJA, PORTUGAL Cop. Luminous object zigzags aw 9/8/1965 #19534  
zagged away from the town of Beja, Portugal.                                9/8/1965 #19539  
                       MATOSINHOS, PORTUGAL 4 observer(s) near Castelo do Q 12/7/1965 #19755  
                  FIGUEIRA DO FOZ, PORTUGAL Orange sphere over coast. No fu 4/22/1966 #20360  
over the coast at Figueira da Foz, Portugal at nine p.m. local time. At 3:3 4/22/1966 #20379  
                            OLHAO, PORTUGAL 2 spheres pass / sky. May. '71  9/3/1966 #20836  
                             BEJA, PORTUGAL Bright night light zigzags in s 9/7/1966 #20856  
t zigzagged over the city of Beja, Portugal at midnight. At 8:00 p.m. Mrs.  9/7/1966 #20862  
                 VIANA DO CASTELO, PORTUGAL Fast cylinder/cigar-shape passe 9/16/1966 #20887  
          Luanda, Angola A TAP Air Portugal airliner piloted by Capt. Henri 12/7/1966 #21190  
              NEAR PONTE DA BARCA, PORTUGAL Farmer and 2. UFO passes. 2 cla 7/1967 #22584  
                          TAROUCA, PORTUGAL Saucer with 4 lights seen same  7/28/1967 #22744  
    Lajes Air Base Terceira Azores Portugal Morning. At Lajes Air Base on T 1/31/1968 #23715  
                          COVILHA, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Bright fir 2/5/1968 #23735  
              COIMBRA AND REDINHA, PORTUGAL College students photograph UFO 2/9/1968 #23741  
                 MIRANDA DO DOURO, PORTUGAL 2+/ car. Strange object lands / 2/28/1969 #24950  
                 PAREDES DE COURA, PORTUGAL Many observer(s). Mystery objec 3/7/1970 #25600  
                           LEIRIA, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Odd glowin 3/26/1970 #25606  
 a car driving on a road in Alijo, Portugal at 10:30 a.m. Two 5-foot-tall b 9/20/1970 #25844  
                            Porto, Portugal The Centro de Estudos Astronomi 1972 #26530  
nos Insolitos is founded in Porto, Portugal. It begins publishing a monthly 1972 #26530  
                            ALIJO, PORTUGAL 2 / car. 2M saucer buzzes car.  9/20/1973 #27842  
                  OFF MONTE GORDO, PORTUGAL 3 saucers buzz fishing boat / 3 11/2/1973 #28343  
         VILA REAL DE STO ANTONIO, PORTUGAL Orange saucer makes V-shaped tu 11/30/1973 #28487  
                           Lisbon, Portugal B-727 crew rep v-form of 10-15  1/26/1974 #28706  
                           Lisbon, Portugal V-formation of luminous orange  1/26/1974 #28708  
                           Lisbon, Portugal Norway Britain 2:59 a.m. Capt.  1/26/1974 #28709  
g 727 airliner flying near Lisbon, Portugal, see a V- formation of 10–15 lu 1/26/1974 #28709  
27 airliner flying east of Lisbon, Portugal encountered a precise V formati 1/26/1974 #28710  
                             AVIS, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Power outa 3/23/1974 #28928  
                             BEJA, PORTUGAL 3M saucer seen / sky. No furthe 4/16/1974 #29034  
200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 199; Skylook, April 1975, 1/1/1975 #29687  
     AVEIRO AND ROMAO DO CORONADO, PORTUGAL Fast cylinder/cigar-shape / bot 3/1975 #29858  
                           OPORTO, PORTUGAL Observers / (seen thru) binocul 3/1/1975 #29861  
      Several witnesses in Oporto, Portugal at 8:15 p.m. viewed a cone-shap 3/1/1975 #29862  
                     In air space, Portugal Battleship-Sized Object Tracked 7/30/1976 #31201  
            North Atlantic Lisbon, Portugal 9:00 p.m. A British Airways Tri 7/30/1976 #31203  
ic about 40 miles south of Lisbon, Portugal, when air traffic control radio 7/30/1976 #31203  
st, 64 kilometers south of Lisbon, Portugal. The UFOs were seen by three cr 7/30/1976 #31204  
        Hotel Da Balaia Albufeira, Portugal 5:00 a.m. Teresa de Tejero wake 8/10/1976 #31251  
 the Hotel Da Balaia in Albufeira, Portugal, and sees a vivid luminous rect 8/10/1976 #31251  
l Da Balaia in Albufeira, Algarve, Portugal and had gone into the hotel bar 8/10/1976 #31252  
                        MIRANDELA, PORTUGAL UFO seen / same hour for severa 9/12/1976 #31379  
                           Lisbon, Portugal A TAP Air Portugal Boeing 707 n 9/19/1976 #31410  
        Lisbon, Portugal A TAP Air Portugal Boeing 707 nearly collides with 9/19/1976 #31410  
O shortly after takeoff at Lisbon, Portugal. The oval object is glowing blu 9/19/1976 #31410  
ean between the Azores and Lisbon, Portugal at 35,000 feet altitude encount 9/19/1976 #31412  
ff from Portela Airport in Lisbon, Portugal when they spotted a bluish whit 9/19/1976 #31413  
llite objects near Lisbon airport, Portugal.                                9/22/1976 #31419  
                           AVEIRO, PORTUGAL Cylinder 4km over town / 1 minu 10/10/1976 #31457  
                            OUTAO, PORTUGAL 2+1+1+observer(s). 10M ovoid wi 10/19/1976 #31478  
pe. At 1:30 a.m. in Ponte de Lima, Portugal, a 2-meter tall dark figure, we 12/10/1976 #31593  
                           Lisbon, Portugal Fernando António Milhano Patinh 1977 #31653  
inha founds OVNIGrupo 7 in Lisbon, Portugal. It publishes a quarterly magaz 1977 #31653  
Leca de Palmeira, Oporto Province, Portugal 9:00 PM. A TV crew filmed a UFO 1/1/1977 #31679  
eports on this day from France and Portugal. A pink glowing sphere hovered  1/1/1977 #31682  
Leca de Palmeira, Oporto Province, Portugal a TV crew filmed a UFO. It made 1/1/1977 #31682  
that was near Carapito Beira Alta, Portugal. They saw on top of a nearby hi 1/3/1977 #31687  
              Carapito Beira Alta, Portugal 12:30 a.m. A man was training h 1/4/1977 #31689  
              Carapito Beira Alta, Portugal 12:30 a.m. A man was training h 1/4/1977 #31690  
pine grove in Carapito Beira Alta, Portugal when the animal suddenly became 1/4/1977 #31691  
                           GUARDA, PORTUGAL Several reports / radio station 1/5/1977 #31698  
                      SANTO TIRSO, PORTUGAL 2+observer(s). Semicircular obj 1/8/1977 #31710  
       Castelo de Bode dam central Portugal 12:00 noon. José Francisco Rodr 6/17/1977 #32171  
the Castelo de Bode dam in central Portugal. When he emerges from the cloud 6/17/1977 #32171  
                         TRAFARIA, PORTUGAL 4 observer(s). Large sphere off 7/30/1977 #32320  
                  SOUTH / ESTORIL, PORTUGAL 2 / beach. 7 silent saucers hov 7/31/1977 #32326  
                REGUENGO DO FETAL, PORTUGAL 30M red saucer hovers / 30M alt 8/5/1977 #32361  
ight in Reguengo do Fetal, Leiria, Portugal, and then it took off fast.     8/5/1977 #32363  
                LISBON AND OPORTO, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Silent sau 10/18/1977 #32588  
             CORUCHE AND SANTAREM, PORTUGAL Green-glowing saucer leaves (so 10/18/1977 #32589  
                         BARREIRO, PORTUGAL Several calls and airport weath 12/13/1977 #32762  
 Antonio de Caparica, Estremadura, Portugal Two men leaving a beachfront ca 1/6/1978 #32855  
 Antonio de Caparica, Estremadura, Portugal at 10:30 p.m. saw a bright blui 1/6/1978 #32856  
                           OPORTO, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Fireball / 1/21/1978 #32903  
                  FIGUIERA DO FOZ, PORTUGAL Disk hovers over city / 30 minu 1/22/1978 #32904  
 over the city of Figueira da Foz, Portugal for 30 minutes, radiating red,  1/22/1978 #32905  
                          CINFAES, PORTUGAL Dark blue object north going qu 3/24/1978 #33075  
                          COIMBRA, PORTUGAL Large UFO hovers / 15 minute(s) 4/21/1978 #33156  
                           LISBON, PORTUGAL Bright ball-shaped object flies 6/7/1978 #33257  
                           OPORTO, PORTUGAL 6 teens. Bright blue globe with 6/8/1978 #33259  
                           NAZARE, PORTUGAL Vibrant bright UFO seen / type  6/8/1978 #33261  
                           CAXIAS, PORTUGAL 3 observer(s). 70' x11' saucer  6/24/1978 #33302  
                            SOURE, PORTUGAL 2 / car buzzed by fireball. Whi 7/12/1978 #33370  
                           LISBON, PORTUGAL 30 workers. Silvery sphere zigz 7/13/1978 #33377  
              Castanheira de Pera, Portugal A one-meter diameter sphere was 7/17/1978 #33395  
the ground in Castanheira de Pera, Portugal at 5:30 in the morning. At the  7/17/1978 #33396  
                           LISBON, PORTUGAL Several calls / radio station/d 8/30/1978 #33597  
                           Lisbon, Portugal Late night. Residents of Lisbon 8/30/1978 #33603  
l Late night. Residents of Lisbon, Portugal, see a large round object with  8/30/1978 #33603  
00 meters over the city of Lisbon, Portugal at 7:30 p.m., causing several t 9/11/1978 #33663  
                           LISBON, PORTUGAL Cylinder/cigar-shape over city  11/21/1978 #33969  
                             GOIS, PORTUGAL Cylinder/cigar-shape-shape flie 11/23/1978 #33988  
haped UFO flew over Gois, Coimbra, Portugal very rapidly to the north, radi 11/23/1978 #33991  
in the village of Figueira da Foz, Portugal stopped for one hour and then s 11/27/1978 #34011  
                           LISBON, PORTUGAL Bright green round metallic obj 12/13/1978 #34105  
         VILA REAL DE STO ANTONIO, PORTUGAL Figure-8 object maneuvers oddly 12/26/1978 #34209  
       FIGUERA DA FOZ AND COIMBRA, PORTUGAL Many observer(s). Saucer and wi 1/6/1979 #34308  
                     CEPOES-VISEU, PORTUGAL 2+observer(s). Bright sphere at 2/15/1979 #34422  
                        MONTARGIL, PORTUGAL Farmer meets 2 8' beings. No he 2/6/1980 #35158  
55-year old farmer from Montargil, Portugal had just left his farm and was  2/6/1980 #35160  
                           Maxial, Portugal Round object made pass at AF tr 11/2/1982 #36671  
     Maxial, Estremadura Province, Portugal Shiny disc below two military a 11/2/1982 #36672  
Vedras Ota Air Base Ota, Alenquer, Portugal 10:50 a.m. Capt. Júlio Miguel G 11/2/1982 #36674  
a de Montejunto and Torres Vedras, Portugal, near Ota Air Base [now Militar 11/2/1982 #36674  
f the Air Force] in Ota, Alenquer, Portugal. He encounters a metallic disc  11/2/1982 #36674  
                UK US France Italy Portugal Spain Australia Canada China Ru Summer 1987 #38198  
ents of the UK, US, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Australia, Canada, Chin Summer 1987 #38198  
ering circular object near Lisbon, Portugal from which descended several sm 5/18/1993 #40984  
ave near Cabeca da Penha Mountain, Portugal and while in it apparently pass 9/15/1996 #43020  
     Southampton, England UK Spain Portugal Romania Ukraine Russia France I 9/1999 #43838  
 UFO researchers in the UK, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Fran 9/1999 #43838  
 Alverca do Ribatejo e Sobralinho, Portugal Afternoon. Miguel Monteiro is w 10/25/2014 #45421  
 Alverca do Ribatejo e Sobralinho, Portugal, when he sees white, cottony fl 10/25/2014 #45421  
## Word: "portugal--a" (Back to Top)
-within an hour of the sighting in Portugal--a flying saucer flew down the  4/22/1966 #20379  
## Word: "portugl" (Back to Top)
                       MATOSINHOS, PORTUGL Saturn-saucer beams white light  1/21/1980 #35139  
## Word: "portuguese" (Back to Top)
wn language; he understood neither Portuguese nor French. He patted the gua 9/20/1954 #10373  
ra Islands, Azores Witnesses: four Portuguese nationals. One object, shaped 10/29/1954 #11479  
t nine o'clock in the evening four Portuguese nationals at the airport on T 10/29/1954 #11484  
ing quickly southeast under nose / Portuguese airliner. / r139 #1p72.       5/24/1955 (approximate) #12153  
            Unknown City, Portugal Portuguese Air Force Jets Have 40-Minute 9/4/1957 #13977  
a, Spain Portalegre, Portugal Four Portuguese jet fighter-bombers under the 9/4/1957 #13978  
                 At 8:06 p.m. four Portuguese F-84 fighter jets from Ota AF 9/4/1957 #13979  
            Grenada, Spain Córdoba Portuguese Air Force Capt. Lenos Ferreir 11/4/1957 #14281  
e luminous eyes, and spoke perfect Portuguese. He gave Sr. do Rio an "unear 8/14/1965 #19390  
 boy fled, but a voice told him in Portuguese: "Don't run away." He saw two 9/14/1967 #23059  
m his helmet and talks to Diniz in Portuguese, telling him not to run away. 9/14/1967 #23060  
oy started to flee, but a voice in Portuguese told him, "Don't run away." H 9/14/1967 #23061  
 Base on Terceira in the Azores, a Portuguese military watchman, Serafim Vi 1/31/1968 #23715  
ge. They then told Luis in perfect Portuguese that they were leaving since  2/12/1969 #24915  
gner.” The beings do not speak any Portuguese but, using pictures, the lead 5/4/1969 #25114  
vious to his presence. Speaking in Portuguese, the figure gives da Silva ce 5/4/1969 #25114  
d like a monk, who spoke to him in Portuguese, giving him a message, which  5/4/1969 #25115  
 than ours." This man, speaking in Portuguese, told the witness not to be a 5/16/1973 #27496  
fter the formation passes, another Portuguese aircraft reports the same obj 1/26/1974 #28709  
w and to the right of the light. A Portuguese airliner in the vicinity also 7/30/1976 #31203  
rways Trident II airliner near the Portuguese Coast, 64 kilometers south of 7/30/1976 #31204  
, captain and first officer of the Portuguese airline TAP, flying a Boeing  9/19/1976 #31413  
sé Francisco Rodrigues is flying a Portuguese Air Force Dornier Do 27 light 6/17/1977 #32171  
The beings communicate with him in Portuguese and tell him they are from “C 3/5/1992 #40358  
 him. Frightened, he asked them in Portuguese what was going on, and he rec 3/5/1992 #40359  
 witness telepathically in perfect Portuguese. Soon the leader left to spea 3/5/1992 #40359  
ree more that came from across the Portuguese border. The twelve lights wer 4/15/1996 #42870  
## Word: "portuguese-language" (Back to Top)
 in Lisbon, Portugal, broadcasts a Portuguese-language version of The War o 6/25/1958 #15116  
## Word: "portulaca" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Portulaca” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT   6/28/1973 #27597  
## Word: "portville" (Back to Top)
                                   PORTVILLE, NY Cop and 2. 2 silver cigars 7/24/1960 #16345  
                                   Portville, NY State policeman reported t 7/24/1960 #16346  
 others saw two UFOs maneuver over Portville, New York at 8:45 p.m. The sig 7/24/1960 #16347  
## Word: "porziano" (Back to Top)
                Rome, Italy Castel Porziano Presidential Estate 9:30 p.m. I 8/20/1963 #17912  
FO near the entrance of the Castel Porziano Presidential Estate in Rome, It 8/20/1963 #17912  
## Word: "porã" (Back to Top)
                             Ponta Porã, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil Paragua 12/21/1957 #14755  
c, Marcio Gonçalves, towards Ponta Porã, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, along  12/21/1957 #14755  
o do Sul, Brazil Highway 463 Ponta Porã 10:30 p.m. Cicero Claudino da Silva 2/19/1958 #14881  
asquez are investigating the Ponta Porã case from December. They are at Por 2/19/1958 #14881  
de of the car. They head for Ponta Porã at breakneck speed.                 2/19/1958 #14881  
## Word: "poręba" (Back to Top)
                         Szklarska Poręba, Poland A triangular object with  6/19/2013 #45373  
s in each tip is seen at Szklarska Poręba, Poland.                          6/19/2013 #45373  
## Word: "posad" (Back to Top)
                Novoselye Sergiyev Posad Yakovlevo Dubki Kablukovo Fryazino 3/21/1990 #39475  
a encompassing Novoselye, Sergiyev Posad, Yakovlevo, Dubki, Kablukovo, Frya 3/21/1990 #39475  
## Word: "posada" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR POSADA, ITL 2 / car. 3M glowing-sphere / 12/31/1978 #34234  
                                   Posada, Italy A 3-meter in diameter glow 12/31/1978 #34240  
                                In Posada, Italy at one o’clock in the morn 12/31/1978 #34251  
## Word: "posadas" (Back to Top)
f a Beechcraft Bonanza en route to Posadas, Argentina, saw a gray object li 4/29/1966 #20426  
ying between Asuncion, Paraguay to Posadas, Argentina, the UFO moved extrem 4/29/1966 #20428  
 Trotskyist using the pseudonym J. Posadas, who formed a movement in 1962 b 6/26/1968 #24084  
rgie, la science et le socialisme, Posadas pleads that “We must call upon b 6/26/1968 #24084  
## Word: "poschiavo" (Back to Top)
                               VAL POSCHIAVO, SWZ 1 / (seen thru) binocular 5/20/1960 #16293  
## Word: "pose" (Back to Top)
 the study of UFOs. Flying Saucers pose two elements of danger to the Unite 10/2/1952 #8084  
xtremely interesting,” they do not pose a national security threat.”        6/13/1959 #15767  
sses to dressing up in overalls to pose as an alien, although his story doe 1/26/1965 #18769  
erjadin admits that sometimes UFOs pose a problem for the country’s air def 5/5/1967 #22276  
isciplines to discuss whether UFOs pose a threat to aerial safety. Among th 7/31/2014 #45412  
nt of SWEEP utilizes personnel who pose as government agents including for  4/5/2016 #45449  
ying in United States airspace may pose,” Walker tells Politico.            9/6/2019 #45606  
ying in United States airspace may pose.” An earlier letter from Walker on  9/6/2019 #45607  
atalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to US national security. I 8/4/2020 #45658  
ed” and the potential threats they pose. The premise behind the provision i 12/27/2020 #45670  
h US aircraft, and that they could pose a security threat if they are forei 6/25/2021 #45694  
when possible and when it does not pose a national security risk, adding th 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "posed" (Back to Top)
and they discuss security problems posed by UFOs at sensitive installations 12/19/1951 #5821  
gram adopted to assure public UFOs posed no danger, or threat to national s 1954 #9415  
ngham” is really Peter Davies, who posed for the photograph with Moore’s re 10/1954 #10536  
n to answer the critical questions posed in our 1991 briefing to STAC, Entr 3/11/1998 #43532  
 be aware of the potential hazards posed by unauthorized or uncoordinated d 6/27/2013 #45376  
## Word: "poseidon" (Back to Top)
ew photos. The lights are probably Poseidon missiles launched by the submar 11/22/1974 #29603  
naval missile launch. However, two Poseidon missiles are launched in the ar 6/22/1976 #31129  
gy.” The time correlates with four Poseidon missile launches by the submari 11/19/1976 #31559  
 correlates with the launch of two Poseidon missiles from the USS Woodrow W 3/24/1977 #31929  
 but the US Navy has launched four Poseidon missiles from the USS Kamehameh 3/5/1979 #34465  
## Word: "poses" (Back to Top)
LAKE NORMAN, NC Saucer with 4 legs poses as water tank over fogbank. Fog cl 10/18/1982 #36650  
ector of Investigations Dan Wright poses a set of open questions for John L 5/4/1988 #38553  
## Word: "posing" (Back to Top)
 for supplies or mechanical parts, posing either as tourists or “harmless c 4/21/1897? #551  
 In the summer, two suspicious men posing as building contractors seem to b 1/1952 #5853  
e increasing number of drone cases posing a risk to aircraft leads the UK A 2017 #45462  
## Word: "posited" (Back to Top)
een strongly debated, as many have posited it was the result of a common op 7/15/2019 #45593  
## Word: "position" (Back to Top)
There are no visible stars in that position in the sky.                     8/7/1869 #180  
st 3° then returns to its original position. As it maneuvers near them, it  Late 11/1894 #317  
reappears for 6–7 days in the same position.                                Autumn 1914 #917  
fore zigzagging back to its normal position. Witnesses report that their pr 10/13/1917 #970  
ressed together. It approaches his position, and he hears a humming sound l 9/1929 #1103  
oss the circle and take up another position until they all seem to relocate Fall 1936 #1249  
y near Dorotea. A light similar to position lights on an aircraft flies ove Late 1/1937 #1262  
hree-quarters of a mile from their position. It moves laterally about 50 fe 2/20/1944 #1576  
 but it stays in the same relative position until, after 8 minutes, it make 8/11/1944 #1640  
cked and then returned to original position. (Page 136 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 -  2/13/1945 #1781  
ty. After it rises to a horizontal position, it begins to spin faster and f 3/1945 #1805  
d or flame-colored light, constant position, same size as B-29 landing ligh 5/14/1945 #1867  
ipse was observed opposite the sun position, estimated to be 5 to 10 miles  5/25/1945 #1869  
pinkish in color; Hovered in fixed position and then went straight-up and d Mid 7/1945 #1895  
ish in color. It hovers in a fixed position at 65,000 feet and then goes st Mid 7/1945 #1896  
, move and then return to original position. (Page 195-196 Ref.1) (NICAP: 0 9/1945 #1933  
 not to state his military rank or position, but he is a special aide to Ge 12/1945 #1948  
n fly away. “He flew in an upright position and appeared to be manipulating 1/6/1948 #3533  
n fly away. “He flew in an upright position and appeared to be manipulating 1/6/1948 #3534  
entucky. After Mantell reports his position to Standiford Field in Louisvil 1/7/1948 #3544  
bject maintains a constant angular position as seen from Godman as it appar 1/7/1948 #3544  
ickly north / 20K' altitude. Shift position. 1500MPH.                       7/17/1948 #3712  
Shalett stating an “official” USAF position, his claim that the Air Force i 3/2/1949 #4032  
. It then returned to its original position, finally engaging in some errat 4/9/1949 #4085  
t with erratically varying height, position and speed (NICAP: 01 - Distant  5/9/1950 #4934  
asses from 11 o’clock to 7 o’clock position to the left at a slightly highe 5/29/1950 #4972  
ect hovers in an almost horizontal position, elevation 20°–25°, azimuth nor 7/1950 #5035  
ction and returned to its original position.  The object then made a right- 7/13/1950 #5063  
ction and returned to its original position. The object then made a ninety- 7/13/1950 #5066  
ter B. Smith fills the vacant MJ-3 position.                                8/1/1950 #5095  
h a glowing outer edge zoomed to a position directly over Main Street at 5: 8/12/1950 #5122  
tical objects maintaining relative position to each other following the B-5 8/30/1950 #5150  
front of us. It was not in a level position; it was tilted about 25 degrees 2/8/1951 #5434  
bout 25 degrees. It stayed in this position for a minute or so. It appeared 2/8/1951 #5434  
 was white. When it dived from its position it appeared circular with a clo 7/10/1951 #5571  
ms as chief of operations. In this position, Wisner is instrumental in supp 8/23/1951 #5616  
ove the first row, through it to a position below.” Biologist James Cecil C 8/30/1951 #5638  
-shaped object to their 11 o'clock position and below their aircraft, three 9/10/1951 #5661  
 be three targets on the PPI (Plan Position Indicator) scope. (See report a 9/13/1951 #5664  
. It stops circling and takes up a position behind the plane’s wingman, rem Fall 1951 #5686  
55 a.m. PDT at the 12 o'clock high position. It was in a left orbit at abou 9/23/1951 #5687  
the object at the one o'clock high position back to the north toward Muroc/ 9/23/1951 #5687  
the east. It passes north of their position, traveling horizontally and sil 1/20/1952 #5868  
ll. 50-75 grey-white discs changed position within formation continually, t 4/6/1952 #6038  
ay-white discs continually changed position within a flight formation. The  4/6/1952 #6039  
tated 90 degrees into a horizontal position, and left behind an odor of ozo 6/28/1952 #6662  
ht. While all were in the edgewise position, the last five slid over and pa 7/14/1952 #6817  
 window screen (no glass) from his position inside the photo lab at Coast G 7/16/1952 #6843  
OC). Yellow-white cylinder changes position every 5 second(s). Balloon?     7/25/1952 #7126  
hovering light that is in the same position as the radar targets. ATIC’s Ro 7/29/1952 #7319  
Washington and headed toward their position. Twelve of them saw two to five 7/29/1952 #7335  
at generally supports the official position that UFO reports contain no inf 7/31/1952 #7372  
ct V at one point. Their shifts in position are incredibly swift and fantas 8/1/1952 #7411  
 York UFOs first appeared near the position of the Sun and then dispersed a 8/1/1952 #7413  
0 feet some 10 miles away from his position at the mouth of the Rio Guayas  8/3/1952 #7435  
 Each object seemed to be changing position vertically by climbing or divin 11/13/1952 #8271  
Base, North Carolina. It stayed in position eight miles south of the base f 12/10/1952 #8410  
 350 feet long at their 11 o’clock position, paralleling their course at th 12/29/1952 #8462  
r 5 minutes, the object moves to a position 30° eastward and suddenly becom 5/5/1953 #8866  
hree streaks that maintain a fixed position with regard to the main light.  5/26/1953 #8910  
 high white cloud and takes up its position after the plane has left toward 7/19/1953 #9004  
butterfly. It then took a vertical position, resting on a tripod, and took  9/4/1953 #9144  
fly. It then shifted to a vertical position, resting on tripod landing gear 9/4/1953 #9145  
 before his death, Olson quits his position as acting chief of the Special  11/28/1953 #9324  
 10 minutes it noiselessly changes position and assumes the form of several 12/9/1953 #9352  
that he “would be in a much better position to defend the Bureau in the eve 5/20/1954 #9820  
bjects take up the same triangular position with the first. They then begin Summer 1954 #9922  
o exhaust trailing him in the same position a little above and behind at cl 6/23/1954 #9936  
UFO remains in relatively the same position until it departs to the southea 6/23/1954 #9936  
ton Air Traffic Center to hold his position over the Rhode Island coast. Ho 6/29/1954 #9962  
 as Howard is giving the pilot his position, the small objects disappear. M 6/29/1954 #9962  
d objects veered north and changed position in formation during the 10 minu 8/29/1954 #10202  
enland. They veer north and change position in formation.                   8/29/1954 #10204  
at veered to the north and changed position in formation for ten minutes.   8/29/1954 #10205  
n front of his aircraft, taking up position on his port beam, where it appe 8/31/1954 #10218  
the Sea Fury and then turns in the position where the first light was obser 8/31/1954 #10218  
ointed nose standing in a crouched position about 20 feet away. It is dress 9/2/1954 #10232  
jumps, then resumed its horizontal position and flew away.                  9/3/1954 #10238  
jumps, then resumed its horizontal position and flew away.                  9/3/1954 #10240  
 front end quickly into a vertical position. It emits vapor from its lower  9/14/1954 #10299  
 front end quickly into a vertical position. It emitted vapor from its lowe 9/14/1954 #10301  
 It makes a brief dive, returns to position, then zooms straight up, leavin 9/17/1954 #10333  
haped object stopped in a vertical position when illuminated by car headlig 10/4/1954 #10707  
rly 3 hrs, then assumed a vertical position, rose slowly, hovered 30 m abov 10/12/1954 #10975  
y 3 hours, then assumed a vertical position, rose slowly, hovered 30 meters 10/12/1954 #10985  
d be heard. The object shifted its position and the cylinder hit trees, bou 10/30/1954 #11490  
o be heard. The object shifted its position and the cylinder hit trees, bou 10/30/1954 #11493  
reat speed, resumed its horizontal position and was soon lost to sight."    11/3/1954 #11547  
reat speed, resumed its horizontal position and was soon lost to sight."    11/3/1954 #11548  
s Laughead is forced to resign his position at Michigan State College [now  11/22/1954 #11689  
il and? / B47. Metal ovoid changes position as plane turns. / r43p24.       1/12/1955 #11929  
ped objects, hanging in a vertical position in the sky for 64 minutes. The  1/8/1956 #12650  
ight moves about 90° to dead ahead position about 8–10 miles away at high s 4/8/1956 #12803  
. It moves in a straight line to a position about 15 miles northwest of Ben 8/13/1956 #13080  
lying at 36,000 feet in the second position (far left side) of a formation  8/27/1956 #13140  
slowed down and is maintaining its position. The second Javelin pilot has c 8/30/1956 #13156  
olls over then resumes its upright position. He picks it up and is surprise 9/7/1956 #13202  
 from the left and take up a fixed position on the left wing less than 300  Fall 1956 #13239  
nd rumored MJ-12 member. From this position Hillenkoetter and others could  10/24/1956 #13288  
isk going quickly south / vertical position. Terrific speed.                3/10/1957 #13543  
p.m., the target is at a 2 o’clock position 10 miles away when the aircraft 8/3/1957 #13875  
 times, possibly due to changes in position. The UFO maintains its position 9/4/1957 #13978  
in position. The UFO maintains its position 90° to the left of the squadron 9/4/1957 #13978  
went toward it, but it shifted its position every time he went close. It va 10/14/1957 #14109  
went toward it, but it shifted its position every time he got close. The ob 10/14/1957 #14112  
s in two separate groups, changing position in formation. [UFOE, II] (NICAP 10/22/1957 #14143  
ine died as he neared the object's position, and it started again only afte 11/9/1957 #14504  
ine died as he neared the object's position. When the object left the perfo 11/9/1957 #14508  
 in a terrific burst of speed to a position above them. They try to follow  6/29/1958 #15126  
ghts remain at about the 9 o’clock position for 40 minutes, providing an op 2/24/1959 #15604  
t from the ground. It stays in one position for 20 minutes then climbs away 2/25/1959 #15615  
00 mph, and they often stop in one position and hover for 30 minutes to sev Spring 1959 #15662  
 not come to ground level, but its position above the ocean was almost on a 6/26/1959 #15789  
ing, a UFO re-appeared in the same position in the sky over the Boianai Mis 6/27/1959 #15799  
nesyn compass follows the objects’ position as they circle the plane, and a 8/13/1959 #15913  
oon very slowly in the six o’clock position. Once nearly in line with the l 12/13/1959 #16118  
eless and then hovered in a tilted position over Paracuru, Ceara State, Bra 5/13/1960 #16271  
oach to within 100 meters of their position. It glowed red and lit the grou 12/3/1960 #16523  
urch for two minutes. It reached a position over the local aerodrome and th 5/23/1961 #16698  
off smoke. It remained in the same position for six minutes.                4/3/1962 #17096  
Jupiter, even though that planet’s position is only at 5° elevation.        6/7/1962 #17221  
, US ships already are moving into position in the waters around Cuba. Sovi 10/23/1962 #17489  
es from a horizontal to a vertical position with greater smoke activity. It 4/11/1964 #18169  
fly above the airplane and take up position above and to its left side. The 4/20/1964 #18180  
flying at low altitude circled its position. On Jul. 31 and August 1, the d 7/28/1964 #18456  
flying at low altitude circled its position. On July 31st and August 1st, t 7/28/1964 #18457  
e expresses his dislike of NICAP’s position that USAF is trying to muzzle t 1965 #18681  
 As the object reaches an overhead position, it disappears. The length of o 1/5/1965 #18699  
 quarter mile west of its original position on a zigzag course and then app 1/27/1965 #18776  
s back and forth from its original position. Through binoculars it looks 25 3/15/1965 #18859  
 blue, white) as it zigzags from a position about 30° above the horizon in  7/3/1965 #19064  
as a solar mirage, even though the position and time of day rule that out.  8/12/1965 #19373  
vate plane. 3 round objects change position in formation. / r150p18.        4/30/1966 #20429  
 8–10 miles away at the 10 o’clock position, then approaching the Braniff a 5/4/1966 #20447  
about five miles to the 11 o'clock position from Braniff Airline Flight 42  5/4/1966 #20448  
 8-10 miles away at the 10 o'clock position, then come at the Braniff airli 5/4/1966 #20448  
 having a UFO on radar at the same position as his aircraft. Other radar un Mid 6/1966 #20564  
and the disc reappeared, taking up position between the two cylinders, whic 6/27/1966 #20615  
toward the Moon. When they reach a position just below the Moon, they loop  8/1966 #20711  
voir where it assumed a horizontal position. A dome then became visible on  8/19/1966 #20769  
voir where it assumed a horizontal position. A dome then became visible on  8/19/1966 #20773  
ights, but they are in a different position somewhat to the north. Both boy 10/4/1966 #20957  
he highway. It was in a horizontal position, and had huge running lights an 10/30/1966 #21051  
y found tracks. At the approximate position of the "eyes" he found a large  11/14/1966 #21101  
d objects hovering in a horizontal position over the Beverly Farms area. (F 11/15/1966 #21106  
und tracks, and at the approximate position of the "eyes" he found a large  11/15/1966 #21109  
uminous object in their 10 o’clock position. The object splits into four sm 1/13/1967 #21299  
instrument panel. It maintains its position in front for a few minutes then 1/13/1967 #21299  
 five minutes back in its original position before flying off. In the morni 1/13/1967 #21300  
 luminous object in the 10 o'clock position. The object split into four sim 1/13/1967 #21301  
trument panel, and it maintained a position in front of the Lear for a few  1/13/1967 #21301  
aneuvering coneshaped object, took position above tail. Lights in plane dim 2/2/1967 #21441  
 and then returned to its original position (maneuvered). (NICAP report for 2/14/1967 #21549  
Propulsion Laboratory Low writes a position paper that expects the Colorado Early 3/1967 #21730  
rver(s). CE3+RADAR's. Wild jumps / position. Going northwest. Type unknown. 3/13/1967 #21880  
or he sees a group of the entities position themselves around something lyi 3/28/1967 #22004  
   Colorado Robert J. Low issues a position paper that outlines, after mont 4/21/1967 #22192  
s bright pink or red. It holds its position for 2–3 minutes then moves away Mid 5/1967 #22347  
le the UFO returns to its original position. The same thing happens when th 6/18/1967 #22520  
ved towards him and dropped into a position directly in front of his car. I 7/17/1967 #22683  
milarly. The lights maintain their position in front of them, moving from o 8/3/1967 #22787  
t he had been frozen in a standing position for 5 minutes. Flack is intense 8/27/1967 #22940  
ile maneuvers. The object stays in position for more than two hours, but di 9/1967 #22971  
e object hovered, moved to another position, and hovered again. The man's c 9/14/1967 #23054  
 just before contact. Resuming its position in the formation, it joins the  9/28/1967 #23144  
imilar lights appear and take up a position near the formation. The objects 10/22/1967 #23290  
 out and then appearing in the top position. This cycle repeated and the fo 10/24/1967 #23300  
on top approached in a tilted down position. (EM effects). (Hall, 2001, p.  10/24/1967 #23301  
red near ground, moved abruptly to position behind car, road illuminated; m 1/20/1968 #23680  
red near ground, moved abruptly to position behind car, road illuminated. M 1/20/1968 #23681  
perhaps five feet nine. He changed position a few times...and then he was g 2/26/1968 #23784  
 it stops and assumes a horizontal position. It now resembles a white, glow 8/7/1968 #24307  
 ovoid object landed in a vertical position. The encounter lasted ten minut 3/9/1969 #24985  
der hovering, inclined in vertical position. Fighter aircraft sent to inves 3/14/1969 #25011  
 cylinder hovering in the vertical position during a daytime flight. When a 3/14/1969 #25012  
ct rocked gently while keeping its position. After a few minutes of hoverin 3/19/1969 #25030  
r house. The witnesses shift their position and can still see the light hov 5/23/1969 #25160  
e cylinders hovering in a vertical position in front of his vehicle. Next D 6/11/1969 #25211  
sts of scientists with no previous position on UFOs and reaches several mid 1/21/1970 #25548  
conclusions. It criticizes the NAS position that the ETH is the least likel 1/21/1970 #25548  
explanation and rejects McDonald’s position that it is the “least unsatisfa 1/21/1970 #25548  
ing, leaving them in a north-south position. After a short time, they move  5/14/1970 #25662  
line that glided lower towards his position. He saw a very brightly lit, la 8/15/1970 #25787  
rd figure is outside in a crouched position, picking up rocks. They all app 6/9/1971 #26162  
, he was almost in a full standing position. The being raised its right, th 8/16/1971 #26291  
 that the being flew in a crouched position resembling that of someone ridi 8/19/1971 #26296  
ey speed up. It maintains the same position above their car even though the 1/1972 #26535  
ght as the full moon and remain in position in a formation of three rows. T 9/1972 #26973  
disappears but returns to the same position in the formation.               9/1972 #26973  
e met officials in Washington in a position to discover the “true state of  10/7/1972 #27055  
d and orange sparks. It takes up a position about 2,500 feet in front of th 10/23/1972 #27087  
round, then it settled in a tilted position beside the highway he was on. I 3/13/1973 #27343  
 its legs, returned to an inclined position, and took off. Herrera was abou 3/13/1973 #27343  
each have one. Our probe is in the position of Arcturus, known in our maps. 4/1973 #27396  
 objects’ actual velocity, course, position, distance, and size. Observatio 4/1973 #27397  
found herself lying in a different position. Under hypnotic regression, she 6/23/1973 #27584  
 oval moves back near its original position and disappears by growing small 6/28/1973 #27598  
lls for help as the UFO moves to a position across the street, hovering and 11/2/1973 #28352  
ator Walter N. Webb finds that the position of the UFO corresponds too clos 11/2/1973 #28352  
igar-shaped UFO land in a vertical position. He did not stay around but cam 12/31/1973 #28623  
ed 50 yards away from its original position and stood motionless again for  5/11/1974 #29100  
ey also saw a second UFO move into position above the car. Frances fell asl 5/31/1974 #29150  
, Illinois, and he is checking his position on the aeronautical map to dete 11/28/1974 #29619  
on, sees 6 balls of light from his position at the east gate. They vary in  1/31/1975 #29774  
iced a red light approaching their position at high speed. It stopped over  10/19/1975 #30449  
t was very high but did not change position in regard to other stars. He wa 11/15/1975 #30623  
 their windshield, and remained in position near their slowly moving car fo 11/27/1975 #30669  
ound. The light had maintained its position relative to his truck for some  2/13/1976 #30868  
ound. The light had maintained its position relative to his truck for some  2/17/1976 #30877  
ect comes closer and takes a fixed position off the left wing. The object i 8/13/1976 #31261  
t is about 10 miles north of their position and close to the launch control Autumn 1976 #31421  
 for one minute over their initial position, 50-100 feet above the ground,  9/25/1976 #31429  
ay. As the truck is abreast of his position, the second object ascends and  10/22/1976 #31486  
ht. It fades from view in the same position.                                1/21/1977 #31741  
nds, back towards our 8:00 o’clock position and slightly upward.” Daniels a 3/12/1977 #31901  
ddenly 6 to 12 blue lights took up position 2 to 3 feet in front of her slo 3/23/1977 #31927  
ddenly 6 to 12 blue lights took up position 2 to 3 feet in front of her slo 3/23/1977 #31928  
s hovering 100 feet up in a tilted position. Jos did not fire his gun, but  4/6/1977 #31953  
t 15 miles away at their 1 o’clock position. The crew sees two targets brie 4/14/1977 #31980  
w sees two targets briefly at that position but only on radar. Then all thr 4/14/1977 #31980  
igh speed back to a 1 or 2 o’clock position only 3 miles away. There is sti 4/14/1977 #31980  
om the northern horizon to a fixed position overhead in one minute. A secon 5/11/1977 #32089  
cond, rises from the west to a 50° position above the western horizon. Both 5/11/1977 #32089  
e rear left side of the plane to a position “one plane length” behind it. T 5/26/1977 #32135  
suddenly appears at his 11 o’clock position no more than 20 feet away. It i 6/17/1977 #32171  
 believes is an initial stationary position. The Dornier begins to vibrate  6/17/1977 #32171  
he lights approached, not changing position, they couldn't see any stars be 7/1977 #32219  
louds pass overhead. It “skips” in position slightly once and increases in  7/13/1977 #32269  
a, moves 10°–15° from its original position and back again. The object rema 7/16/1977 #32282  
in. The object remains in the same position, even though the stars have shi 7/16/1977 #32282  
bject and informs the pilot of its position. The object is flying at 10,000 10/26/1977 #32617  
acts Fort Worth Center, giving the position of the object and asks if he is 10/26/1977 #32617  
wn, and glides to another hovering position. Eventually it moves out of sig 12/6/1977 #32737  
When the disc turned to a vertical position both cars in the vicinity stall 12/17/1977 #32793  
haped object hovered in a vertical position over Courbevoie, Hauts-Seine de 2/12/1978 #32968  
he sky in a slow arc and came to a position beside the larger object. (NICA 3/30/1978 #33100  
he sky in a slow arc and came to a position beside the larger object. There 3/30/1978 #33101  
ds, the object moves west of their position and 20°–30° up Briniger estimat 6/11/1978 #33275  
s that appeared to be in a slumped position standing over the tracks. The f 7/10/1978 #33363  
stward from directly overhead to a position 45° up in the east and vanishes 7/27/1978 #33428  
ADAR / cylinder/cigar-shape at 25° position. Ludington CG RADAR also has it 7/29/1978 #33441  
rs briefly in a slightly different position each time.                      7/29/1978 #33448  
.S. military. Stringfield was in a position to receive information because  8/1978 #33460  
igar drop vertically downward to a position 100 feet away and 15 feet up. I 8/4/1978 #33471  
eet up. It snaps into a horizontal position and hovers for 5–10 seconds. A  8/4/1978 #33471  
a approach from the northwest to a position 50 feet behind a tree and 45 fe 8/18/1978 #33526  
eft rear shifts over to occupy the position in the formation it had occupie 8/23/1978 #33553  
 UFO investigators triangulate the position of the supposed landing site an 9/1/1978 #33622  
ry. It moves back to his 3 o’clock position before it shoots off upward.    9/10/1978 #33655  
ow his tail, then to the 3 o'clock position, and then finally ascended abov 9/10/1978 #33660  
tired CIA employee who accepts the position after a number of other ex-CIA  10/1978 #33786  
p might have traveled to its final position from the area where the aircraf 10/21/1978 #33856  
, and then maintained a horizontal position.                                11/28/1978 #34018  
, New Zealand, alerting him to the position of the objects, which have stay 12/21/1978 #34193  
 the objects, which have stayed in position. He ascends to 7,500 feet and s 12/21/1978 #34193  
intense, elongated light above his position. The W-8 local radar detects a  2/25/1979 #34447  
r, the target reappears in another position, this time motionless. The Mira 3/13/1979 #34474  
 Mirage is vectored toward the new position. When the fighter is about 9 mi 3/13/1979 #34474  
cuments to prove it, but due to my position I know about that.”  http://www 8/13/1979 #34741  
air, flying slowly in a horizontal position, land bullet-shaped, looking bl 8/29/1979 #34799  
ot described) that was in a seated position.                                8/29/1979 #34806  
l moon in 2–3 seconds. Holding its position, it vanishes without a sound.   12/6/1979 #35056  
ude Poher resigns as director. His position is not made public, but it meet 12/30/1979 #35103  
k Observatory to the east of their position for 10 seconds. Then it acceler 5/2/1980 #35303  
object is unknown, even though its position observed by the pilot matches t 5/22/1980 #35339  
 It moved smoothly from a hovering position, and had two steady white light 10/26/1980 #35592  
 chest corresponding to light beam position. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 12/4/1980 #35695  
ground” and that “We had people in position to validate Halt’s narrative, b 12/28/1980 #35749  
 and hung in the sky in a vertical position. It moved slowly, then stopped, 4/25/1981 #35916  
ng the other two segments still in position. Another UFO appears and the ob 6/5/1981 #35952  
hts or forms that approached their position. One of the men grabbed a flash 10/24/1981 #36185  
various lights maintaining a fixed position, leading observers to suspect t 11/1981 #36201  
became bigger as it approached her position. It came closer without emittin End of 1981 #36240  
tays above them. They stay in this position for 30 seconds and then the UFO 1/3/1982 #36295  
hen rotates back into its original position. Grooms has “the overwhelming f 11/25/1982 #36690  
more lights visible. Between their position and the object is the Australia 7/22/1983 #36921  
h three circular lights in a fixed position about 50 feet from the shore of 1/3/1984 #37105  
then returned back to its original position. It left by making a sharp turn 1/9/1984 #37125  
ll of orange light in a stationary position about 900 feet above the neighb 1/22/1984 #37143  
with a hump on top in a stationary position about four feet above his neigh 2/7/1984 #37179  
with a hump on top in a stationary position about four feet above his neigh 2/7/1984 #37180  
 two minutes it reaches the ship’s position, turns south, and keeps pace wi Mid 6/1984 #37364  
ook a sabbatical from his teaching position about the same time as an anoma 3/23/1985 #37573  
star Antares but soon realizes the position is wrong. He takes measurements 12/23/1985 #37735  
 location each time as if changing position rapidly. After about 30 minutes 5/19/1986 #37880  
while it relocates to its original position. Over the next 3–4 weeks, he de 8/1986 #37964  
a few minutes they abruptly change position and appear side by side. They m 11/17/1986 #38072  
ut 500 feet away, it hovers in one position for about 2 minutes, wobbling w 2/25/1987 #38123  
ust above the ground in a vertical position. All three wore light-colored t 8/2/1987 #38226  
. The objects they are attached to position themselves side by side, one ab 5/16/1988 #38570  
 Dissipates. Solid UFO at original position.                                8/25/1988 #38622  
than breaking them up. Moving into position to collect telemetry informatio 10/1988 #38661  
d that he is overqualified for the position in question                     12/1/1988 #38732  
es traffic about one mile from his position. He requests permission to inte 12/1/1988 #38733  
in for what seems like a part-time position.                                12/5/1988 #38746  
olished aluminum, at the 9 o'clock position. It was at the same altitude as 7/22/1989 #39030  
moved dead ahead to the 12 o'clock position and it took on a reddish or ros 7/22/1989 #39030  
 with three lights in a triangular position and a red rotating light in the 12/1/1989 #39292  
e Research Institute. He holds the position until 1999. During this time, t 1990 #39352  
 the surface of the object changed position.                                12/2/1990 #39919  
ical but turns red when it changes position. It appears to be no more than  4/11/1991 #40034  
o cooperate. When the jets were in position around the object and within 80 8/28/1991 #40168  
lit room, and place in a reclining position on a chair. He felt a buzzing s 4/12/1992 #40414  
the attendees’ eyes. A third major position exists within the US research c 6/13/1992 #40492  
 The blonde, who was in a kneeling position on his bed, seemed to be in cha 7/23/1992 #40531  
ome trees. "It moved fast from one position to another." The first witness  8/25/1992 #40591  
the object as a flat cylinder with position lights on the left, right and b 11/9/1992 #40707  
ace Michael D. Swords examines the position of establishment astronomers on 4/1993 #40919  
r's headlights. It maintained this position in front of the vehicle for the 5/16/1993 #40983  
eturned, this time closer to their position. It seemed to float about five  5/28/1993 #40993  
n a chair curled into a semi-fetal position, rocking back and forth. She th 8/18/1993 #41146  
 on and off. Each time / different position.                                11/28/1993 #41305  
O is shown at a slightly different position and altitude, making it more di 9/16/1996 #43023  
 an unidentified target in another position. Talk of a UFO wave becomes emb 10/5/1996 #43056  
k goggles. He landed in a vertical position among the high grass. A few min 5/18/1997 #43298  
e Foreign Technology Desk. In this position, he would take technological ar 6/1997 #43304  
to be stunned, still in an upright position, as they floated up into the ob 6/5/1997 #43313  
escent tube of light in a vertical position, about 30 meters away. It was s 9/30/1997 #43421  
h entities. The letter conveys the position of ufologists to the Brazilian  12/7/1997 #43453  
ght, like floating in a horizontal position. It was a female with funny-loo 12/14/1997 #43462  
-5 is privately sympathetic to the position of Collins Elite; he reiterates 3/11/1998 #43532  
f Collins Elite; he reiterates the position of CANDLE on 4 May 1991 that ST 3/11/1998 #43532  
as a humanoid figure in a standing position. It flew closer and the flying  9/14/1998 #43646  
e Research Institute. He holds the position until 2006.                     2000 #43912  
lit for a mouth that never changed position. After about five minutes the f 7/16/2000 #44020  
othed. Its hands were in a praying position and its body and head jerked ar 7/31/2000 #44024  
ia, British Columbia, which change position in flight into a hexagonal form 8/12/2001 #44232  
usual maneuvers. From a stationary position it accelerated within a second  7/28/2002 #44367  
loser the two lights ahead changed position, and what she saw gave her shiv 9/15/2002 #44398  
ing, staying in a fixed horizontal position." He then stopped and videotape 11/22/2002 #44449  
sc was seen hovering in an upright position. The disc then leveled out and  12/31/2002 #44461  
 5:30 p.m. It stayed in a vertical position, hovering or floating as if bei 7/31/2004 #44721  
around the edges. They would shift position, tilting from horizontal to ver 9/3/2004 #44746  
around the edges. They would shift position, tilting from horizontal to ver 9/5/2004 #44748  
embers to a bogey at the 5 o'clock position while flying over France at 8:1 10/15/2004 #44768  
ATC cannot see any traffic in that position, but he picks up a faint primar 4/23/2007 #45022  
believes to be correlated with the position and time of the sighting. The f 4/23/2007 #45022  
 rate of speed; each light shifted position.                                9/17/2007 #45061  
remain stationary northwest of his position, then they shift from 4 lights  1/8/2008 #45112  
hift from 4 lights in a horizontal position to 7 lights in a vertical posit 1/8/2008 #45112  
position to 7 lights in a vertical position, emit a white flame, and blink  1/8/2008 #45112  
n the center of the bottom, but no position lights or anti-collision lights 6/7/2008 #45146  
n at 11:00 p.m. It remained in one position in the sky for over an hour.    5/4/2009 #45218  
ound in a circle. It stays in that position until it just disappears. Short 6/16/2009 #45226  
esigner Nathan C Price would be in position to know about Roswell materials 9/12/2009 #45246  
es the first of 38 Project Physics position papers (Defense Intelligence Re 12/1/2009 #45260  
r-shaped craft fly over, then hold position as a second craft emerged from  7/15/2010 #45287  
path appears and stops in the same position above the adjacent house. After 5/10/2012 #45343  
t 400 feet wide. After a change in position it moves off in the direction o 3/31/2013 #45363  
evin D. Randle upends his previous position and argues that while the Roswe 8/11/2016 #45457  
ercial passenger jets confirms the position, NORAD scrambles F-15Cs from th 10/25/2017 #45487  
solation and virtually no one in a position of open civilian governmental a 2018 #45498  
ts in order to maintain a hovering position over the helicopter landing pad 7/14/2019 #45592  
 the right side into the 2 o’clock position relative to the aircraft. It pe 11/11/2019 #45617  
 Houston, Texas. At an approximate position somewhere west of Ciudad Victor 3/19/2020 #45639  
Senior Review Group (SRG). In this position, Coulthart claims he was told E 6/29/2021 #45698  
e of the orbs is in an “overwatch” position, while at least six are in a “t 11/11/2021 #45721  
## Word: "positioned" (Back to Top)
, and laughter. Two red lights are positioned on the tail end and a large s 4/11/1897 #428  
 conclude that as all accounts are positioned along a great circle arc, the 2/9/1913 #881  
w at an air base in South Korea is positioned near the runway awaiting an e 1958 #14783  
y move into the Caribbean as well, positioned as if they might try to break 10/23/1962 #17489  
 and the object is oval-shaped and positioned so its long axis is horizonta 4/24/1964 #18200  
ance away. It is dark in color and positioned at a 45° angle from the horiz Fall 1965 #19592  
se parentheses with a vertical bar positioned between them. No other witnes 2/6/1966 #19888  
disc-shaped UFO flew into view and positioned itself between the cylinders  6/27/1966 #20618  
hite light was coming from windows positioned around the circumference of t 3/25/1967 #21981  
vealed to be that of a small model positioned in front of an egg.           7/21/1967 #22718  
me. Later, they see similar lights positioned directly in front of them. Da 8/3/1967 #22787  
ic-appearing ball with small discs positioned to each side. (Pennsylvania N 11/15/1967 #23462  
ut side by side. Naked, rigid, and positioned on their backs, the bodies be 5/4/1969 #25114  
e finds three ground indentations, positioned so as to form the inside poin 9/4/1969 #25351  
ts hovering over the bay. They are positioned on either side of a glowing,  7/7/1973 #27621  
, he became aware of three objects positioned extremely close around the pl 5/2/1974 #29079  
n minutes. The object is flat, but positioned directly overhead it appears  7/6/1977 #32241  
 at about 500 feet above the road, positioned at a 40° angle above the hori 8/17/1977 #32409  
 for several kilometers. The craft positioned itself only 15 meters above h 12/3/1979 #35046  
n unknown three-dimensional object positioned at least 30 feet away from th 10/8/1981 #36167  
ard duty, he notices an oval light positioned vertically 30 feet above the  1/5/1988 #38405  
d rotating light in the middle and positioned lower than the belly of the o 12/1/1989 #39292  
 was lit under a bluish light, and positioned itself in front of their vehi 5/16/1993 #40983  
 vertically, with the bottom party positioned 25° above the horizon. The ob 4/20/1997 #43268  
al UFO Reporting Center that a UFO positioned itself directly over his car  5/21/1999 #43772  
ady lights moving south in unison, positioned to make an uneven triangle. T 8/20/2001 #44240  
o known buildings. The lights were positioned in a triangle. At about 01:00 8/2/2004 #44725  
e four bright emerald green lights positioned at the four corners of the cr 8/2/2004 #44725  
craft, while four blue lights were positioned around it in a cross shape. T 8/2/2004 #44725  
 A yellow rectangular "window" was positioned over the face area, but no fa 8/2/2004 #44725  
int. Seven dimly yellow lights are positioned on the craft, while the rest  8/21/2009 #45238  
ly pausing near a transmitter mast positioned on the top of the hill. From  3/19/2013 #45362  
s to the north. When the object is positioned just to the left and in front 10/6/2013 #45389  
## Word: "positioning" (Back to Top)
5,000 feet then circles left as if positioning for another pass. In fear Ar 12/4/1952 #8377  
 the highway in Lathrop, Michigan, positioning itself above vehicles. It ha 11/28/1978 #34021  
iled, the squadron leader proposed positioning the jets on either side of t 8/28/1991 #40168  
ir car and then began pacing them, positioning itself directly overhead. Th 11/29/1993 #41309  
## Word: "positions" (Back to Top)
, still maintaining their relative positions, at about the speed of a man w 6/1904 #672  
raid wardens are summoned to their positions. At 3:16 a.m., the 37th Coast  2/24/1942 #1388  
metallic disks going north. Change positions in formation. 2000M altitude?  7/13/1947 #3167  
ly involve recruitment and filling positions with competent professionals.  1/1/1949 #3954  
t with two of the objects changing positions as they fly. The power of the  9/26/1949 #4372  
g out in a line, changing relative positions but always at the same level.  6/29/1954 #9962  
/ bright silver balls. Orbs change positions. Seen widely going quickly nor 7/22/1955 #12277  
ver balls was sighted that changed positions as they flew over Leicester, E 7/22/1955 #12278  
 about UFOs contradict many of the positions taken on UFOs by the Air Force 1/1956 #12642  
 the objects are maintaining their positions. He returns to his previous as 1962 #17006  
cle. Occasionally they leave their positions and form into a triangle with  Summer 1962 #17239  
ormation, flew very fast, changing positions within the formation.  The sou 8/15/1964 #18490  
ormation at a high speed, changing positions within the formation. The soun 8/15/1964 #18492  
Highway 100, they appear to change positions, forming a perfect triangle. F 10/22/1967 #23290  
r, then returned to their original positions within each other and into the 12/15/1967 #23592  
ong cone objects hover / different positions / one hour. Drift away going s 10/18/1973 #28146  
re twisted in strange and unstable positions, frozen while performing movem 7/12/1975 #30175  
ng that they had somehow exchanged positions in bed. Both felt nauseous, an 3/5/1976 #30928  
 flying object 10 feet in diameter positions itself above him. It slowly de 4/3/1976 #30983  
 The three small humanoids took up positions across the road, blocking Joao 9/3/1976 #31341  
ashing colored lights and changing positions at an altitude of 6,000 feet.  9/18/1976 #31395  
 jumping rapidly between different positions. After hovering for 15 minutes 12/5/1976 #31584  
t into various extreme and painful positions upon this "vaulting horse" ("c 12/10/1976 #31594  
d, Maki goes back to the lodge and positions himself behind it. The light m Mid 1/1977 #31723  
 at a time flashing from different positions. It flew to the northeast in a 7/28/1978 #33438  
ashing alternately and transposing positions when flashing, passed over two 10/30/1981 #36194  
o continues to land, but the light positions itself in front of the plane,  5/2/1989 #38935  
r(s). 5 silent orange balls change positions in formation / 20 minute(s). N 1/1/1990 #39360  
 formation as maintaining relative positions while moving slowly across the 3/30/1990 #39499  
ct moves with its base forward and positions itself 330 feet away at a heig 7/26/1990 #39663  
e the lights and reconstruct their positions. Ufologist Illobrand von Ludwi 8/24/1990 #39701  
s going north fast. 2 / front swap positions twice. 1600M altitude.         7/2/1993 #41048  
 the Navy, and he served in senior positions for a number of presidential p 12/10/1994 #41888  
an. 2 glowing-balls descend. Trade positions. Shoot going quickly east thro 4/20/1996 #42874  
hes the Cessna at high speed, then positions itself alongside, behind, and  8/6/2001 #44227  
gave the command to take defensive positions and prepare the grenade launch 8/25/2004 #44741  
t time, why they were in different positions in the car, or why they were s 6/7/2008 #45146  
ith humans, working their way into positions of influence. Their growing nu 9/2015 #45438  
n the United States government, in positions of oversight and who you would 5/1/2021 #45687  
## Word: "positive" (Back to Top)
g off all interlopers. It receives positive reviews from Ben Hecht and Boot 12/1/1919 #994  
configuration. It is unlikely that positive proof of their existence will b 2/11/1949 #4003  
ed a fairly serious stage and some positive action is necessary.” He does n 5/6/1949 #4159  
ever, those who believed in a more positive investigation could not win sup 1950 #4460  
ently in front of the F-51, with a positive radar lock-on. At 6,000 yards d 5/15/1952 #6334  
ve to take further steps to obtain positive identification of UFOs.         Mid 6/1952 #6499  
d to “take further steps to obtain positive identification” of UFO reports. Mid 6/1952 #6512  
ntal research into the question of positive identification is the responsib 10/13/1952 #8128  
ed to solve the problem of instant positive identification of unidentified  12/2/1952 #8363  
 necessary or helpful in obtaining positive and reliable data on everything 1/9/1953 #8521  
ease would state that, although no positive identification has been made, f 2/9/1953 #8653  
 flying over the Beth River. "I am positive it was not an aircraft or any k 11/3/1954 #11547  
 flying over the Beth River. "I am positive it was not an aircraft or any k 11/3/1954 #11548  
e the size of the objects but seem positive “they saw more than just lights 11/7/1957 #14462  
es to withhold publication of this positive result, so he never does receiv 4/8/1960 #16218  
eport states: “This sighting was a positive observation, under ideal circum 7/28/1965 #19196  
licopters have failed to provide a positive I.D. of the UFO.                10/28/1975 #30492  
litary bases. They fail to produce positive identifications. In a priority  11/11/1975 #30611  
ey in Anglesey, which can offer no positive identification.                 2/16/1977 #31821  
with the EBEs and began to promote positive film projects like Close Encoun 12/29/1987 #38379  
 metallic ovoid. Computer analysis positive.                                5/25/1996 #42912  
eport’s release engenders a mostly positive press response, but with little 11/28/1997 #43451  
), tests in Kohtpoa had “hoped for positive contact but was not to be,” Rus 11/1998 #43673  
sode of the 2004 Syfy series Proof Positive, and a 30-minute independent do 1/5/2000 #43920  
personal communications from other positive entities. *   https://everythin 8/2004 #44724  
ry. He argues that UFOs have had a positive influence on public support for 1/2011 #45311  
## Word: "positively" (Back to Top)
on of known objects…. We can’t say positively because our data isn’t good e 3/8/1953 #8739  
r missile type, or which cannot be positively identified as a familiar obje 8/12/1954 #10138  
a/c numerous times thus indicating positively the object being the signal s 7/17/1957 #13808  
e information only if an object is positively identified. Air Force personn 9/14/1959 #15975  
mated duration 1-2 minutes. [Note: Positively identified as a satellite re- 2/15/1967 #21555  
r 12 years at Groom Lake told him “positively” that UAP exist, and another  1990 #39356  
 extraterrestrially caused but are positively transformational for the huma 6/13/1992 #40492  
## Word: "positivity" (Back to Top)
t’s mostly dismissive tone and the positivity of the Project Saucer stateme 4/27/1949 #4117  
## Word: "positron" (Back to Top)
clear propulsion, anuclear fusion, positron propulsion, magnetohydrodynamic 6/24/2009 #45227  
## Word: "posits" (Back to Top)
tterson, the second pilot witness, posits some type of “atmospheric phenome 4/23/2007 #45022  
## Word: "poso" (Back to Top)
                                LK POSO, INDONS Many observer(s). Glowing-b 5/4/1968 (approximate) #23943  
## Word: "posorja" (Back to Top)
g from a tree branch on a beach in Posorja Beach, Guayaquil, Ecuador.       10/27/1978 #33886  
## Word: "posse" (Back to Top)
 / NOGALES, MX Silver bowl follows Posse. 1 sees small humanoid (or Grey) / 9/1899 #637  
 humanoid (or Grey) / silver suit. Posse leader vanishes.                   9/1899 #637  
ands. Darkens and going up [to] as Posse nears. / r242p43.                  1/10/1961 #16567  
## Word: "possess" (Back to Top)
lloons, except that one appears to possess short squat wings. As they hover 6/1/1933 #1158  
xtraterrestrials. Shaver claims to possess first-hand knowledge of the Dero 11/1943 #1541  
t their flying saucers and seem to possess little to no curiosity. He goes  3/28/1950 #4750  
in Denver, Colorado that claims to possess a UFO radio transmitter.         3/31/1950 #4773  
ouse. Ruppelt knows that USAF does possess a “flying wing” jet bomber, and  8/30/1951 #5638  
no more than 25 ICBMs and will not possess more in the near future, effecti 9/1961 #16809  
to inform the public. He claims to possess proof, but it "cannot now be rev 2/9/1974 #28755  
 UFOs carry crews of androids that possess the ability to appear and disapp 7/31/1981 #36047  
trol human minds, monitor them and possess individuals; that NHI seek to de 11/25/1991 #40241  
“experiencers” claim UAP occupants possess.  Note: Bushman also claimed bef 4/17/1997 #43264  
unty Sheriff’s Office says the men possess a “massive arsenal” that include 10/27/2016 #45460  
eeply covert programs that he says possess retrieved intact and partially i 6/5/2023 #45798  
## Word: "possessed" (Back to Top)
Col. William Blanchard who said he possessed “flying saucer” debris. The ma 7/8/1947 #3029  
and had the feeling that the being possessed extraordinary powers; it could 8/9/1972 #26890  
 from the house of the witness. It possessed a large round head, long arms, 12/2/1973 #28508  
e, the middle one being larger. It possessed a bright orange spot at its ce 12/12/1978 #34100  
ve him convinced that his truck is possessed and “they” have been in contro 11/11/1988 #38711  
tiations between 1994 and 1996 and possessed nuclear power reactors or rese 9/10/1996 #43014  
nts, and seemed to expand as if it possessed dark wing-like membranes on it 4/26/2000 #43986  
 flexible, almost gelatinous. They possessed small mouths and what appeared 5/2/2001 #44174  
claims Lockheed Martin at one time possessed a flying triangle shaped like  5/9/2001 #44183  
rge of the UAP project. Eric Davis possessed an org chart dated 1981. Dr. J 3/26/2004 #44682  
## Word: "possesses" (Back to Top)
he underside and darker on top and possesses no other structures. It procee 1/4/1949 #3959  
prejudice” but denies that the MoD possesses any evidence that can prove th 1/1972 #26534  
.  It is stated this covert entity possesses advanced technologies often mi 8/22/1998 #43635  
## Word: "possession" (Back to Top)
Blanchard, convinced that he is in possession of something highly unusual,  7/6/1947 #2812  
eral had crashed and came into the possession of the US government, and tha 11/18/1952 #8295  
much more. The book falls into the possession of Maj. Darrell L. Ritter, US 4/1956 #12777  
 civilization), “a civilization in possession of energy on the scale of its 1963 #17620  
f knowledge, which remained in her possession for nine days. During these p 1/25/1967 #21389  
 project officer Jim Wadsworth for possession of marijuana. He pleads no co 3/1/1968 #23801  
eps the case files in his personal possession. He is replaced by Alan Hall, 10/1978 #33786  
oid releasing all UAP files in its possession.  https://www.theparacast.com 12/15/1978 #34142  
me requesting all documents in its possession or under the control of the N 2/16/1979 #34430  
, diamond-shaped aircraft in their possession. Although there is no doubt t 12/29/1980 #35757  
FO reports that have come into his possession. One document appears to be a 10/28/1986 #38056  
 visitor allegedly wanted to "take possession" of the witness's soul. She r 4/10/1989 #38899  
 Oechsler parties in the US are in possession of extraterrestrial space veh 10/1989 #39139  
rk.” Some of the vehicles in their possession, he claims, have “very nice t 3/9/1992 #40368  
ent did have alien hardware in its possession, Area 51 or nearby areas in t 10/1992 #40653  
d as a "demonic" manifestation and possession.                              1/22/1993 #40810  
 Romanek is found guilty of felony possession of child pornography.         2000 #43913  
en says the samples arrived in CIA possession in 1982 and re-analyzed at Lo 5/3/2003 #44524  
s out that one of the pilots is in possession of a digital camera at the ti 11/7/2006 #44981  
g since we don’t have a Tic Tac in possession right now. We’re not in posse 6/24/2018 #45531  
possession right now. We’re not in possession of one.”  https://www.coastto 6/24/2018 #45531  
ndoli that the US government is in possession of recovered crashed and land 4/30/2019 #45576  
 Stars will provide samples in its possession of “metamaterials,” any data  10/17/2019 #45612  
off-world vehicle” might be in the possession of the US government.         7/23/2020 #45654  
cades” that Lockheed Martin was in possession of UAP fragments from a crash 5/1/2021 #45686  
antage over “Company B” due to its possession of alien technology. Elizondo 10/21/2021 #45717  
have an unfair advantage in having possession of crash recovered materials, 10/21/2021 #45717  
 into private aerospace, it was in possession of the Department of Energy.  1/13/2022 #45733  
s the British MOD may have been in possession of photographic evidence of U 8/12/2022 #45762  
n techniques to fly a craft in USG possession. Ramirez himself claims he tr 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "possessions" (Back to Top)
 spouses, and given away money and possessions to prepare for their departu 12/20/1954 #11849  
mined his fishing tackle and other possessions. Several carried weapons. Th 5/4/1969 #25115  
brothers were moving some of their possessions in a truck near Ely, Nevada. 2/14/1974 #28773  
n those houses, including personal possessions, are seized and incinerated. 9/13/1987 #38285  
## Word: "possibilities" (Back to Top)
 to appear as a silver disc. Other possibilities include an alteration in t 10/13/1917 #970  
, the origin of solar systems, and possibilities for life beyond the solar  1940 #1323  
and generally to explore any other possibilities of mind control. Another M 4/13/1953 #8823  
ded information that discounts the possibilities that these objects were je 10/13/1997 #43427  
this would open up a wide range of possibilities.”                          2/17/1998 #43522  
## Word: "possibility" (Back to Top)
speculation, and fiction about the possibility of intelligent life on Mars— 10/1877 #211  
nted Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks was one possibility, in which case Earth barely  8/12/1883 #255  
of Defence Janne Nilsson about the possibility of foreign spies.            1/4/1937 #1261  
orlds, an essay on the cosmos, the possibility of life arising, science’s t 1940 #1323  
e more than ordinary weight to the possibility that this is a domestic proj 7/30/1947 #3262  
Statesman he does not rule out the possibility of the flying disks being “f 12/17/1947 #3505  
 select scientists to evaluate the possibility that the flying discs might  7/21/1948 #3722  
y USAF R&D in July, especially the possibility that “some of the unidentifi 10/12/1948 #3832  
hat apparently takes seriously the possibility that UFOs represent interpla 11/30/1948 #3895  
alls of light. It acknowledges the possibility that “these aerial objects a 2/11/1949 #4003  
ssentially resurrects the ETH as a possibility, without clearly stating it. 4/28/1949 #4125  
igence had arranged to explore the possibility of a clandestine investigati 5/31/1949 #4218  
discuss recent UFO reports and the possibility of faster-than-light travel. Summer 1950 #4996  
tings going back to the Bible. The possibility of swamp gas in Michigan as  6/1952 #6403  
atory. Both analyses eliminate the possibility of aircraft or birds.        7/2/1952 #6694  
an ghost rockets. It rules out the possibility of Russian secret weapons an 8/15/1952 #7610  
restrial phenomena, with the added possibility that the present dispersal o 9/24/1952 #8022  
ials are seriously considering the possibility of (UFOs being) interplaneta 10/27/1952 #8187  
ials are seriously considering the possibility of interplanetary ships.”    10/27/1952 #8199  
lice surveillance “to minimize the possibility of loss of equipment.” The A 4/1953 #8806  
Project Blue Book unknown, but the possibility of the object having been a  12/17/1953 #9383  
y glided over ground. There is the possibility that the two witnesses exper 11/3/1954 #11550  
aims; liaison with the RAF and the possibility of forming a panel to assist 12/26/1954 #11862  
with the idea of demonstrating the possibility of the use of the weapon ove 7/19/1957 #13814  
 Legislative Action to discuss the possibility of holding open hearings on  1/1958 #14791  
of danger because of the impending possibility of hysteria and panic.” Keyh 6/1958 #15070  
ith us.” It also speculates on the possibility of finding alien artifacts o 12/14/1960 #16532  
g alien artifacts on earth and the possibility that contact might result in 12/14/1960 #16532  
has most concerned me has been the possibility that your government would n 10/22/1962 #17485  
paper ends in consideration of the possibility of extraterrestrial contact  11/15/1962 #17548  
oad foreheads. Simon discounts the possibility of an alien abduction and pr 3/7/1964 #18145  
ut a double exposure. However, one possibility is that the image is an over 5/24/1964 #18297  
cuss the UFO investigation and the possibility of an independent study.     Early 11/1965 #19697  
nd the need to take seriously the “possibility that these aerial objects ma 10/19/1966 #21016  
ars” and considers the “unpleasant possibility of alien visitors to our pla 10/1969 #25389  
 by reporter Joan London about the possibility of the president escaping hi 2/19/1973 #27298  
ghting something else in the area. Possibility of pictures. (NICAP: 01 - Di 12/4/1975 #30684  
ty of interstellar travel, and the possibility that alien probes have alrea 1976 #30749  
e have not been made aware of this possibility.  https://www.ufohastings.co 11/1977 #32648  
ach any conclusions because of the possibility that the bacteria represent  3/24/1978 #33077  
nvisible Machine, investigates the possibility that it may have been the re 4/2/1978 #33119  
h for ETI using telescopes and the possibility of life somewhere else in th 9/19/1978 #33710  
used it, but then he considers the possibility of a UFO. County Extension A 9/16/1979 #34890  
 Thomas F. McDonough discusses the possibility of extraterrestrial life in  1987 #38091  
at President Reagan had raised the possibility of an alien invasion during  2/16/1987 #38121  
tion hypothesis, there remains the possibility of other, undetected payload 3/1/1990 #39437  
aled additional witnesses, and the possibility of four to five additional h 8/31/1990 #39707  
however, Nick Redfern suggests the possibility that the records were destro 7/28/1995 #42335  
blic media programs discussing the possibility of alien life.  Goldin was a 8/7/1996 #42971  
fornia. Some reports hinted at the possibility that the sightings were asso 10/3/1996 #43052  
plained observations, there is the possibility that scientists will learn s 9/29/1997 #43420  
magnetic fields writing there is a possibility to “manipulate inertial mass 2/1/2007 #45004  
n of the sun off a greenhouse is a possibility but the UFO persists for a c 4/23/2007 #45022  
men. It would simply recognize the possibility that radar alone cannot alwa 7/29/2008 #45152  
c chemicals. They also examine the possibility that electromagnetic waves a 10/24/2017 #45486  
Bialy submit a paper exploring the possibility that the recently discovered 10/26/2018 #45541  
 for such symptoms. Ruling out the possibility that Havana syndrome could r 2/2/2022 #45737  
“information gaps.” Addressing the possibility that Havana syndrome could t 2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "possible" (Back to Top)
on the ground. Although cited as a possible early UFO report, the narrative 4/4/1561 #32  
ght they are painful to look at. A possible outgassing event from the Madre 6/18/1845 #141  
 it for 20 minutes and 20 seconds. Possible earth-grazing meteor or a candl 8/1/1871 #190  
gh space “like a string of beads.” Possible meteor procession.              3/22/1880 #226  
 be seen as metallic and long with possible wings. Some witnesses can hear  4/10/1897 #425  
the entire period to be declared a possible UFO. Dr. Eddie Bullard provided 4/15/1897 #480  
rs, Venus, or other planets. It is possible that he is intercepting Gugliel 1899 #628  
fterward. Although described as a “possible case of ball lightning,” the ob 7/2/1907 #697  
her two seem to be looking around. Possible Chinese lantern or airplane.    2/29/1916 #943  
e object shoots away to the south. Possible hoax.                           Late 9/1926 #1064  
                          Ward, CO Possible UFO In Old Photo (NICAP: 08 - P 4/1929 #1095  
ident Roosevelt stating "it may be possible to set up a nuclear chain react 8/2/1939 #1311  
orandum shows that a bomb might be possible using as little as 1–10 kilogra 3/1940 #1326  
o create a bomb, not whether it is possible.                                6/26/1941 #1366  
arolina Uwharrie National Forest A possible UFO crash/retrieval takes place Early 10/1941 #1372  
bronze color; domed upper surface; possible crew member, Cheshire cat emble Summer 1942 #1418  
Omura, Japan Multiple sightings of possible balloons. (Page 78 Ref.1) (NICA 10/25/1944 #1681  
      Aachen/Bonn/Cologne, Germany Possible jet; single light; 5 free lance 11/5/1944 #1694  
                  La Spezia, Italy Possible jet: dropped what looked like w 2/16/1945 #1786  
 for a volunteer to attack them as possible Japanese balloon bombs. Jean Ki 7/1945 #1888  
ng the two generals advice and, if possible, would place all available repo 8/19/1946 #2145  
a bit earlier than on earth, it is possible that Martians have been civiliz 6/22/1947 #2366  
n. No vapor trail or noise (except possible humming) is reported.           7/4/1947 #2658  
rs dart to and fro / news and FBI. Possible same / Palmdale objects. / MJ#1 7/6/1947 #2799  
nto Star reporter’s question about possible secret military aircraft. Vande 7/7/1947 #2933  
alerts his mother and grandmother. Possible searchlight beams.              7/7/1947 #2941  
. 1M disk going quickly southeast. Possible spin. Possible landing. / Austi 7/9/1947 #3046  
 quickly southeast. Possible spin. Possible landing. / Austin American.     7/9/1947 #3046  
 5 / car. Dark object going north. Possible landing / mountain peak. "No bi 7/12/1947 #3154  
 heading northwest at 700–900 mps. Possible meteors.                        11/12/1947 #3485  
n. Shoots going quickly southwest. Possible landing.                        1/7/1948 #3538  
necessary to the obtainment of all possible data on any reported and sighte 2/12/1948 #3576  
n islands, possibly Dagö or Osel A possible Russian rocket trail is seen ov 8/21/1948 #3785  
rongly backed with as much fact as possible. Using the Chiles-Whitted case  9/30/1948? #3817  
tude and flying faster than a jet. Possible meteor.                         1/6/1949 #3967  
 (see Report, Control No. A-1917). Possible Radiological warfare tests are  1/13/1949 #3972  
 locate the impact point, if any. (Possible search teams in UFOs.)          1/31/1949 #3986  
 by OSI: “all out investigation of possible crashed saucer, OK’d.”          2/4/1949 #3997  
rmation north going quickly south. Possible delta/triangle/box-like craft s 7/24/1949 #4279  
), NM Green fireball sighting-left possible copper particles (NICAP: 01 - D 7/24/1949 #4281  
 object, hence no triangulation is possible.                                5/24/1950 #4964  
m Shaffer. Radar observation, plus possible blue streak 3 minutes later. B- 8/25/1950 #5138  
ations. Suggests discussion on the possible offensive or defensive utilizat 1952? #5828  
en. George Schulgen states: “It is possible within the present U.S. knowled 1952 #5843  
          Mitchell AFB, NY TBM And Possible Balloon? (NICAP: 11 - Aviation  1/21/1952 #5870  
m 3-5 Minute Incident Described As Possible Meteor???? (NICAP: 01 - Distant 2/26/1952 #5932  
February 21 inquiry. It offers two possible explanations: aircraft exhaust  3/5/1952 #5946  
ry later, denying he was involved. Possible hoax.                           3/29/1952 #5995  
lorado ADC becomes frantic about a possible Soviet attack. Air Force Intell 4/16/1952 #6093  
er. Going south / sea. / FSRv17#3. Possible hoax / r142#1p47.               5/7/1952 #6263  
ront page of NY Times, reported as possible meteor but meteorologists were  5/12/1952 #6303  
ange night light. Swirling motion. Possible saucer.                         6/19/1952 #6546  
re sighting lasts only 15 seconds. Possible corroboration comes from a sigh 7/14/1952 #6817  
                   Santa Cruz, CA "Possible GCI Sighting" of Circular Light 7/23/1952 #7068  
MIS, OK Saucer blows car off road. Possible abduction try. Going west very  7/29/1952 #7294  
elsewhere and that space travel is possible, there is no shred of evidence  8/15/1952 #7610  
them have evidence that there is a possible correlation between sightings o 10/23/1952 #8178  
at extreme speeds, and there was a possible crash and subsequent retrieval  12/4/1952 #8378  
rts, declassify as many reports as possible, and enlarge Blue Book. Other U 1/15/1953 #8541  
 apparent irresponsibility and the possible use of such groups for subversi 1/17/1953 #8548  
y decide to also release the USAF (possible aircraft) and Navy (self-lumino 2/9/1953 #8653  
vable parts to make it as light as possible. With this modification, he is  Spring 1953 #8766  
ches in size, are found by police. Possible hoax.                           7/1/1953 #8982  
ight lights RADAR blips ovoids and possible figure in one.                  8/6/1953 #9051  
t behind at the landing spot. It's possible the presence of the UFO may hav 8/18/1953 #9081  
d fall and I’d lose my job.” It is possible that this object was a Skyhook  11/3/1953 #9279  
. Some sightings still would have “possible scientific intelligence value”. 12/8/1953 #9347  
in 1953, though there are some of “possible scientific intelligence value.” 12/8/1953 #9349  
ellowish lights on the bottom, and possible lights on each wing tip. It is  2/4/1954 #9535  
he S.I.V with the aim to get every possible information about Aliens and ho 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
which also radar-tracked the UFOs. Possible visual sightings of the radar t 6/21/1954 #9921  
from the mountains and out to sea. Possible meteor.                         8/1/1954 #10090  
s of UFO reporting as: “First as a possible threat to the security of the U 8/12/1954 #10138  
rm. Noise. Glowing-rings = saucer. Possible landing. No trace. / r217p85.   9/14/1954 #10292  
so see it and watch for 5 minutes. Possible contrail.                       9/17/1954 #10334  
g up [to] and going quickly north. Possible traces.                         9/23/1954 #10400  
ranged in the shape of a triangle. Possible helicopters.                    9/23/1954 #10419  
lent orange ovoid / 300M altitude. Possible landing going SW.               10/3/1954 #10635  
nd quickly moves toward the north. Possible hoax.                           10/15/1954 #11111  
 Odd group / night lights zigzags. Possible landing. Observer(s) flees. / L 10/28/1954 #11459  
e. 3 propellers / top and 3 below! Possible landing.                        12/30/1954 #11878  
to reach as many case solutions as possible, thereby reducing the percentag 2/15/1955 #12004  
 the hypotheses.” The probable and possible cases are merged into the “iden 2/15/1955 #12004  
ton that says: “Our studies of the possible merit or significance of occasi 3/1/1955 #12026  
reys) / roadside / sparkling tool. Possible missing time. / r41p468.        5/25/1955 #12156  
ing quickly southwest / 1300knts. "Possible balloon" / USAF.                7/26/1955 #12287  
e saucer hums going north. Spots = possible portholes. No maneuvers.        8/11/1955 #12348  
o make contact with him. There was possible missing time associated with th 3/23/1956 #12765  
BASE, MASS Jets chase 130' saucer. Possible gun-footage / landing lights. G 3/26/1956 #12767  
rge saucer. Silent / low altitude. Possible abduction. / r8#382.            5/9/1956 #12840  
 UAP-related research but the many possible linkages in the PUBLIC DOMAIN a Late 1956 #13281  
ly large number of reports, it was possible in some instances to determine  11/8/1956 #13314  
es pilot Duboise passed / torpedo. Possible landing / ground observer(s). P 11/23/1956 #13345  
apse photograph / moon. No visual. Possible prank.                          1/16/1957 #13458  
g up [to] and going quickly north. Possible plane / R141#12.                3/23/1957 #13554  
former Signal Corps engineer” with possible ties to the NSA. He admits faki 5/1957 #13629  
thwest overhead. Hovers / silence. Possible landing / trees.                5/21/1957 #13669  
ed in silence, and may have made a possible landing behind some trees.      5/21/1957 #13670  
rgy Commission (AEC) plant. RADAR. Possible scramble. / r43p029.            11/5/1957 #14308  
t light alternates bright and dim. Possible landing. / r111p99+.            11/5/1957 #14319  
 leaving a yellowish trail.” It is possible that this is the reentry of the 12/1/1957 #14660  
 reached, they will be released if possible.”                               1/28/1958 #14848  
linic in Albuquerque, to see about possible radiation burns and exposure. S 2/17/1958 #14878  
ng at 26,000 feet, he sees another possible balloon 9 miles away at a heigh 8/1958 #15171  
 / 20M altitude tilts and flashes. Possible electro-magnetic effect (EME).  9/1/1958 #15241  
comes from lumping “probable” and “possible” identifications into “identifi 10/1958 #15294  
six or nine months’ time it may be possible to speak with more precision on 1/1/1959 #15526  
estrials do exist, “it is entirely possible that some of them may have pass 1/28/1959 #15569  
at read: "Have gone to investigate possible plane crash. Please call law en 2/28/1959 #15624  
causing some slight earth tremors. Possible Russian missile test.           11/8/1959 #16084  
n going quickly southwest / 2 min. Possible Soviet missile.                 12/2/1959 #16110  
 hovers and turns / 200M altitude. Possible landing / hills. Balloon?       6/29/1960 #16319  
hts / 2 large UFO's. Type unknown. Possible portholes. No further details.  11/7/1960 #16495  
ting extraterrestrial life: “It is possible that if the intelligence of the 12/14/1960 #16532  
ctro-magnetic effect (EME) / auto. Possible telepathy. / Ouranos.           1/22/1961 #16584  
ject to the west. It was therefore possible to triangulate the object's loc 2/19/1962 #17053  
oject Blue Book documents, and now possible confirmation by a radar man at  4/18/1962 #17120  
nd tends to label every report as “possible” this or that.                  10/1963 #17967  
perience whose sources it might be possible to uncover through hypnosis.    12/14/1963 #18081  
uarters that he is investigating a possible car accident. He stops a second 4/24/1964 #18200  
te Gehman’s earlier results, but a possible 11x–12x drop in radiation level 12/21/1964 #18670  
ld list) Civilians Report Object / Possible Radar Confirmation (NICAP: 09 - 7/6/1965 #19072  
 that remains with him for 5 days. Possible helicopters?                    7/26/1965 #19181  
ject within 100' / Lewisville Dam. Possible landing / lake nearby. Type unk 8/2/1965 #19256  
             RENTON, WA Blue Book. Possible abduction-try / 2 girls. 2 5.5' 8/13/1965 #19377  
en ordered to shoot down UFOs when possible, but the objects appear to be “ 10/27/1965 #19684  
with resulting speculation about a possible relationship                    11/10/1965 #19710  
ore detail and depth than has been possible to date.” Furthermore, USAF sho 2/3/1966 #19879  
SW Smelly circular indent / swamp. Possible UFO-nest. Reeds sucked out.     2/14/1966 #19902  
otograph shiny silver bell-saucer. Possible fake / VUFORS. / r249p498+/ r11 4/2/1966 #20206  
 over the USSR; the craft of every possible shape, small, large, flattened, 2/1967 #21431  
les had their hoods up, indicating possible E-M effects. (Don Worley files) 3/1/1967 #21712  
s). Green night lights low / road. Possible structure. Car malfunctions due 3/12/1967 #21863  
s greatly upset (animal reaction). Possible EM effect on car headlights. (U 3/17/1967 #21909  
iery object hovers / low altitude. Possible spin. Fades? See case #35.      3/26/1967 #21992  
ight up. Tips and sways / descent. Possible lands.                          4/21/1967 #22179  
w before it disappears from sight. Possible balloon.                        4/28/1967 #22245  
paperboy. Paralyzed. Missing time. Possible abduction?                      5/12/1967 #22321  
es on record, and no conclusion is possible at this time. It seems inconcei 5/13/1967 #22339  
ngs / sky. Affects sound / trains? Possible re-entry.                       7/18/1967 #22689  
ons. Small sphere/orb/globe exits. Possible balloons.                       9/18/1967 #23079  
, GREECE Gold triangle going east. Possible landing or fall. No trace found 10/4/1967 #23173  
-50 feet wide and 15-18 feet tall. Possible EM effect noted on radio. (Keyh 10/13/1967 #23232  
and emitting a loud humming sound. Possible EM effects on TV. (The West Aus 11/15/1967 #23457  
IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 3.) [Possible high-altitude plastic research  11/21/1967 #23490  
rmined the origin of one object. A possible cover story of a crashed satell 3/1968 #23799  
otographs / saucer. 1 looks great. Possible hoax. See reference photograph  3/21/1968 #23854  
h at a fantastic speed. There is a possible VHF interference (“frequency fa 6/18/1968 #24044  
r two hours of missing time with a possible UFO abduction experience.       8/29/1968 #24402  
t and 3. 3M saucer / slow descent. Possible landing behind oil refinery.    9/25/1968 #24510  
 the dawn approached and it became possible to see better, the remaining li 10/15/1968 #24563  
ngle-page letter providing several possible explanations for the various re 10/24/1968 #24587  
re follows car. Going north ahead. Possible landing.                        11/5/1968 #24632  
 / bottom/underside lights ground. Possible landing.                        12/8/1968 #24749  
 is alerted by the lookout about a possible light from a fishing boat in th 1969 #24805  
'wheel' hovers. Going up and down. Possible landing. Quickly going up [to]  1/17/1969 #24855  
ght light / separate observer(s) = possible meteor.                         2/2/1969 #24890  
ear, they drove away as quickly as possible.                                2/28/1969 #24951  
 to the landing site to assist any possible survivors. As he watched hundre 3/31/1969 #25041  
, SP Rumors. Shepherd sees saucer. Possible landing and small humanoids (or 4/1969 #25042  
k / treetops. Maneuvers and tilts. Possible landing. Local wave.            7/24/1969 #25295  
bes all over/all about / 1 year! 2 possible landings..                      1970 #25516  
east. 90° turn going down. Splits. Possible landing.                        1/17/1970 #25547  
g [to] over. Red lights / corners. Possible windows / bottom/underside.     9/8/1970 #25829  
arly visible, about 6 inches wide. Possible hoax.                           2/5/1971 #26014  
errestrial probe. They consider it possible but inefficient.                5/1971 #26089  
ing. They were all concerned about possible prowlers, so he looked out from 7/8/1971 #26218  
d marks were found on their car. A possible UFO abduction involving time lo 8/1/1971 #26261  
e under certain conditions...” One possible interpretation is that high-ene 11/2/1971 #26450  
d test flown recovered UFOs. It is possible that the UFO involved in the CA 1972 #26526  
a car was levitated in Sweden with possible missing time.                   1/4/1972 #26538  
trom AFB, MT Rumors Of Red Alert & Possible Major Incident (Unfounded) (NIC 1/15/1972 #26546  
/orb/globe / sky. Pendulum motion. Possible landing traces / r30p374.       3/12/1972 #26600  
3 35 mm photographs / silver cone. Possible balloon? / r186#27.             11/11/1972 #27117  
aucer with antennas. Low altitude. Possible blimp. Going quickly southwest. 1/2/1973 #27213  
own / very low altitude near road. Possible landing. / saga.                3/23/1973 #27367  
 five meters across was found as a possible UFO landing site in Old Junee,  6/3/1973 #27548  
lsing night light maneuvers oddly. Possible landing / canyon.               6/19/1973 #27571  
uzz. Blob / jelly glows over lake. Possible figure inside. 3+hours / missin 7/1/1973 #27609  
ht lights going quickly northeast. Possible cigar? / r186#24.               8/5/1973 #27684  
R66 NORTH / SIX LAKES, MI Saucer / possible landing. Night lights all over/ 9/29/1973 #27885  
going southwest. Dim and brighten. Possible rocket launch.                  10/4/1973 #27932  
EN FIELD, SC Football object seen. Possible landing / Lower Richland. / new 10/12/1973 #28013  
 night lights circle forest fires. Possible cause? Hover and vanish. / news 10/18/1973 #28149  
ATI, OH 1+boy. Curve / portholes = possible saucer. Ape-figure in transpare 10/21/1973 #28225  
cktown, OH About 9:00 p.m. CE-III; possible CE-IV. Woman in car pulling int 10/24/1973 #28265  
ally to go to an isolated area for possible contact with "extraterrestrials 11/18/1973 #28443  
. Night lights all over/all about. Possible missing time. / r54p30.         11/22/1973 #28458  
, he was told, was to warn of the "possible destruction of Solar System by  2/9/1974 #28755  
uge ovoid surveys industrial zone. Possible landing. / r30p461.             2/28/1974 #28812  
ckly north. Night lights maneuver. Possible landing. / r30p469.             3/5/1974 #28859  
FR Dark mass. Gold beams protrude. Possible landing. Colored flashing. / r3 3/5/1974 #28861  
s follow cars. Phones and TVs out. Possible abduction?                      3/24/1974 #28941  
[to] over 2 houses / 50M altitude. Possible landing / woods.                6/5/1974 #29164  
d ovoids / 10 days. Phony village. Possible missing time.                   8/10/1974 #29319  
raska, Kansas, and Iowa,” it lists possible culprits: witchcraft cultists,  9/30/1974 #29494  
near lake. Going quickly SSW fast. Possible telepathy.                      2/25/1975 (approximate) #29844  
' saucer / road. Whines. Lit door. Possible repair noises. Traces. / MJ#263 3/13/1975 #29893  
 3M altitude. Plays cat and mouse. Possible lands / r30.                    5/1/1975 #30016  
ugh the trees for 35 minutes. It's possible that the object made a brief la 5/1/1975 #30017  
(s). 10M disk zigzags across road. Possible landing. Animals upset.         6/3/1975 #30076  
 New South Wales, Australia. It is possible there had been a landing becaus 6/3/1975 #30079  
es, where it disappears from view. Possible hoax.                           7/26/1975 #30208  
lobe going down. Lands? Portholes. Possible traces / ground. North going so 8/6/1975 #30239  
It may have landed, leaving behind possible landing traces on the ground. I 8/6/1975 #30241  
ro-magnetic effects). Light beams. Possible abduction? Observer cured / bad 9/14/1975 #30357  
carce, fearing an infiltration and possible assassination. Balch and Taylor 10/1975 #30407  
 call to local flight services for possible identification, without results 10/27/1975 #30488  
. Loud noise. 2M sphere going NNE. Possible landing. / LDLN#158.            6/23/1976 #31132  
d definite information, it will be possible to release the news to the worl 6/26/1976 #31142  
 20' saucer whines 400' over lake. Possible disinfo try. / r225p82.         7/28/1976 #31186  
 alien activity on the Moon. It is possible that Leonard has written the bo 8/1976 #31214  
all of light heading slowly south. Possible balloon.                        9/16/1976 #31387  
mpany his aircraft for 20 minutes. Possible barium cloud released by a rock 11/19/1976 #31558  
' bullet shape splits and rejoins. Possible landing field. No physical trac 12/28/1976 #31635  
e over wall on hill. Then 2nd UFO. Possible landing.                        12/31/1976 #31644  
n the day to express concern about possible water seepage. He also directs  1/10/1977 #31715  
y one of his time-exposure photos. Possible altocumulus cloud.              2/1977 #31771  
ere found burnt in the ground at a possible landing site. (Sources: Allan H 3/7/1977 #31871  
ere found burnt in the ground at a possible landing site.                   3/8/1977 #31879  
fects) and restarts. Missing time. Possible abduction. / r79p71.            6/17/1977 (approximate) #32167  
rtholes. Going down [to] 30M away. Possible landing / power station/depot/f 7/25/1977 (approximate) #32312  
ring metallic-looking coveralls, a possible helmet, a metallic belt, and a  8/31/1977 #32445  
ed to UFO. Missing time and panic. Possible abduction.                      9/27/1977 #32525  
ucer. 20 minute(s) / missing time. Possible telepathy. Observer(s) sick. /  10/1977 (approximate) #32535  
spects of the problem, such as the possible influences of the UFOs on the m 10/1977 #32539  
 and disappearing in the distance. Possible balloon.                        10/14/1977 #32575  
states he flashed a spotlight at a possible UAP to attempt to communicate a 11/1977 #32648  
if Congress has been made aware of possible abductions of USG personnel and 11/1977 #32648  
two flashing lights on the bottom. Possible balloon.                        11/18/1977 #32685  
tific Laboratory, New Mexico, as a possible a “superbolt”—an unusually larg 4/2/1978 #33119  
lta/triangle/box-like crafts also. Possible missing time.                   4/5/1978 #33124  
rilliant diamond-shape going east. Possible landing / beach. Vanishes.      4/15/1978 #33148  
ing committee to develop plans for possible UN involvement in UFO research. 7/14/1978 #33383  
 audience as evidence of some 9–10 possible retrievals of crashed or downed 7/29/1978 #33449  
 and two of them felt disoriented. Possible ground traces were found on the 10/2/1978 #33791  
of 15 UFO documents for review for possible declassification through the GS 11/9/1978 #33938  
e. Pseudo-human/entity in windows. Possible abduction?                      11/11/1978 #33943  
erver(s). White night lights seen. Possible electro-magnetic effect (EME) e 7/25/1979 #34676  
a satellite or rocket stage as the possible cause, suggested by Col. Ariel  8/10/1979 #34724  
ward and away to about 3,000 feet. Possible early use of a drone.           8/27/1979 #34788  
nd by house being built. Vanishes! Possible telepathy.                      11/1979 #34979  
y explanation. In order to avoid a possible collision, the captain changes  11/11/1979 #34997  
6:30 p.m. He reported it was quite possible he felt compelled to do so. He  11/20/1979 #35010  
 Venus. A false radar echo is also possible.                                5/22/1980 #35339  
hts. Allagash-Jim levitated / bed. Possible missing time. (Rpt abductee.)   6/1980 #35345  
 Greys) / bedroom! Unintelligible. Possible abduction / observer(s) 12 days 6/16/1980 #35376  
rs at the time that he believes it possible that Adamski was abducted by al 11/29/1980 #35682  
ing with radar confirmation, and a possible encounter with humanoids occurr 12/27/1980 #35748  
l humanoids (or Greys). Telepathy. Possible missing time. Traces. Odd tools 8/8/1981 #36062  
                       On this day possible UFO landing traces were also fo 9/5/1981 #36103  
safety as quickly and prudently as possible.” VonKeviczky shows the letter  9/28/1981 #36143  
ouds. 2 observer(s). Missing time. Possible abduction or misidentified (con 10/5/1981 #36157  
 and partly levitated / 45° angle. Possible sperm sample.                   5/1982 #36458  
thejohn_hutchison/     Note: It is possible the Hutchison effect was accide 1983 #36738  
 unknown dirt road, and they had a possible missing time experience. The en 3/26/1983 #36814  
 unknown dirt road, and they had a possible missing time experience. The en 3/26/1983 #36816  
ocket as a warning. On April 29, a possible sonar contact is recorded in Se 4/27/1983 #36846  
 also reportedly very lightweight, possible “aliens” constructed like insec 11/29/1983 #37058  
up / night lights going northwest. Possible attached / invisible cylinder/c 12/2/1983 #37060  
arance underwent a regular change (possible rotation) approximately every 6 2/22/1984 #37197  
ssociation. When he is asked about possible landing cases, such as the 1980 3/4/1984 #37216  
west. A temperature inversion is a possible cause.                          4/12/1984 #37258  
STER CO, NY Triangle / lights with possible fuselage. APRO v32#6 / Giamusso 5/31/1984 #37343  
t opened his door to see if it was possible to make a 180-degree turn, and  7/15/1984 #37401  
d objects with lights, including a possible abduction.                      8/20/1984 #37437  
s wheel" / night lights. Vanishes. Possible setup?                          10/5/1984 #37476  
osphere. The patent speculates on “possible ramifications and potential fut 1/10/1985 #37546  
 with the UFO occupants, and had a possible missing time experience and abd 9/15/1985 #37664  
 clouds. The objects shape was not possible to determine. In Maple Valley,  7/19/1986 #37949  
 abduction story consists of eight possible episodes—capture, examination,  1987 #38089  
y Strieber’s abduction story for a possible article. Black helicopters and  3/1987 #38127  
n makes another attempt to contact possible crashed-saucer insider Eric A.  8/30/1987 #38264  
ide flashes. Follows car / 1 mile. Possible figr.                           10/25/1987 (approximate) #38312  
L Mr. Ed. Several photos / saucer. Possible abduction / Ed. Wife on hold /  12/17/1987 #38365  
p entered into a relationship with possible ET intelligences between 1969 a 12/29/1987 #38378  
n triangular objects / large fins. Possible A10 Thunderbolts.               1/2/1988 #38387  
he exterior dust, which contains a possible trace of astatine, a radioactiv 1/20/1988 #38422  
like craft 300mph / treetop level. Possible door / side.                    5/20/1988 #38571  
y shines beam down / Silbury hill. Possible telepathy.                      7/13/1988 #38600  
vast program” to study impacts and possible reactions against a psychologic 10/23/1988 #38682  
ing down [to] and going [to] rear. Possible landing.                        10/25/1988 #38691  
er/cigar-shape hums / power lines. Possible abduction. KCl dust / cars. Bur 12/4/1988 #38738  
d terrified and disoriented, and a possible abductee. Potassium cloride dus 12/4/1988 #38745  
 Beam / light has 2 figures in it. Possible abduction.                      2/6/1989 #38817  
he surrounding area. Worried about possible intruders, he searched the camp 5/10/1989 #38942  
2 observer(s). White ovoid passes. Possible cloaked figure / bedroom that n 7/18/1989 #39026  
wlspace! One hour missing time and possible abduction.                      3/12/1990 #39455  
adside. 40 minute(s) missing time. Possible altered memory.                 3/24/1990 #39483  
ow altitude. Stops / 15 minute(s). Possible landing. Shoots going up [to] e 6/12/1990 #39614  
d. Vivid dream / alien arm / tent. Possible encounter.                      6/13/1990 #39615  
British expressed “concern about a possible stealthy platform flying in UK  8/4/1990 #39679  
uge delta/triangle/box-like craft. Possible penetration / Major RADAR base. 9/13/1990 #39728  
d with portholes curves going ESE. Possible landing. / r238p104+157.        11/5/1990 #39844  
Arbor, Michigan at around two a.m. Possible abduction.                      11/9/1990 #39883  
th appendage going [to] over town. Possible landing and burnt traces / Bato 1/18/1991 #39959  
ndage was sighted over the city. A possible UFO landing site with burnt tra 1/18/1991 #39961  
nd object east going quickly west. Possible landing?                        2/27/1991 #39985  
os titled “The UFO Archive and Its Possible Release.” The note is the resul 5/22/1991 #40074  
cept the object, to identify it if possible, to try to make contact with it 8/28/1991 #40168  
Orange rectangle follows boy home. Possible part / series of family abducti 1/12/1992 #40286  
s (or Greys) inside. Missing time. Possible abduction / 2 women. Home buzze 3/9/1992 #40366  
ore the company was founded. It is possible this site was Iron Mountain in  3/9/1992 #40368  
 good photographs / domed saucers. Possible McDonalds ad blimp?             5/5/1992 #40451  
ng advanced cloning techniques and possible hybrid characteristics.         7/23/1992 #40530  
H 3 observer(s). Saucer maneuvers. Possible landing. Flashing lights. Flies 11/28/1992 #40733  
see a large cigar-shaped object (a possible blimp) drifting slowly and sile 6/26/1993 #41038  
ing northwest. Helicopter follows. Possible misidentified (conventional phe 7/13/1993 #41061  
                         PERTH, ON Possible report abductee. 100' saucer ma 8/1993 #41098  
teor shower. Square night lights = possible windows / dark object. Red nigh 8/11/1993 #41125  
 car / 20 mile(s). Time anomalies. Possible abduction. See reference.       8/15/1993? #41141  
 place its speed as low as 50 mph. Possible blimp.                          9/2/1993 #41176  
er 4 / car. One hour missing time. Possible abduction and exam regressed. / 9/4/1993 #41179  
he xxxxxxxxxxx community and it is possible that this reflects a more forma 10/18/1993 #41246  
S intelligence community and it is possible that this reflects a more forma 12/2/1993 #41320  
le story of oil firms’ interest in possible UAP-related energy technologies 1994 #41347  
riangle incident occurred with the possible crash of a RAF Tornado fighter  3/12/1994 #41454  
/ 300' altitude "rise and cavort". Possible meteor shower. / r14.           7/29/1994 #41647  
       In a bedroom visitation and possible abduction attempt, a man report 9/9/1994 #41731  
d effects. 2 hours / missing time. Possible abduction.                      11/5/1994 #41836  
y written in 1951 and referring to possible virus contamination stemming fr 2/22/1995 #42058  
inton Administration and later the possible actions of Hillary Clinton’s te 3/31/1995 #42130  
dart / all directions. Videotaped. Possible landing.                        7/8/1995 #42293  
walking / railroad/railway tracks. Possible missing time.                   11/5/1995 #42582  
hwest slow. Videos. Faint humming. Possible dark structures.                1/28/1996 #42722  
e object going west slow overhead. Possible small lights / each corner. No  3/1/1996 #42792  
ylinder/cylindrical object hovers. Possible side view / object. Streaks awa 3/22/1996 #42832  
er mentally, then faded from view. Possible missing time involved.          5/22/1996 #42909  
here rises / sea and passes plane. Possible missile?                        6/9/1996 #42928  
er beach. Observer(s) disoriented. Possible missing time and dislocation.   8/1996 #42967  
d follows car. Blue-beams. Videos. Possible telepathy?                      8/21/1996 #42987  
to] slow overhead / 200' altitude. Possible from military base.             8/21/1996 #42988  
s all that she could recall of the possible abduction experience.           7/23/1997 #43358  
was in attendance. It is certainly possible, given his Navy triangle craft  8/1997 #43363  
h independent physical evidence as possible; continuing contact between the 9/29/1997 #43420  
she got past a sharp bend in road. Possible missing time of about ten minut 10/13/1997 #43428  
ristics of the RF energy, it seems possible that this technology could be d 2/17/1998 #43522  
this has ever been verified. It is possible the above document and others a 11/1998 #43673  
ion of the sea. As he braced for a possible impact the creature suddenly sh 8/2/2001 #44219  
ere- and isophthalate polymer with possible presence of inorganic silicate  10/23/2002 #44422  
Giulianova, Italy. Some spoke of a possible meteorite, judging from the for 6/22/2003 #44557  
l warfare purposes; he states it’s possible this sort of technology could b 7/2003 #44560  
 out when the lights get brighter. Possible light pillars.                  1/22/2004 #44654  
 centre of the frame, indicating a possible lens anomaly, [for example] a d 1/27/2004 #44657  
nd aerospace related projects. See possible example: the Lindbergh Foundati 8/2004 #44724  
k says faster than light travel is possible in 2004.  http://www.roswellpro 11/3/2004 #44777  
 All of these code names come from possible disinformation. The story alleg 2005 #44803  
aims USG knowledge of probable and possible futures is highly classified an 10/2006 #44970  
with a beam of light, along with a possible creature sighting, was reported 11/5/2007 #45091  
that AAWSAP was UAP-related. Is it possible DARPA’s AASC is also UAP relate 6/2008 #45144  
tion of liminality, in which it is possible to enter a “realm between the d 6/26/2008 #45147  
space applications of HFGW are not possible and wrong. Two years later, HFG 10/2008 #45173  
sion in the AAWSAP program.  It is possible JASON was tasked to debunk HFGW 10/2008 #45173  
uring the sighting, and there is a possible element of missing time.        1/8/2013 #45359  
ction from the quantum vacuum “was possible.” But modern electrodynamic the 12/24/2013 #45399  
irginia Beach, Virginia, detects a possible radar track at around 19,000 fe 3/26/2014 #45405  
aerial operations facility.” It is possible the NNSA has relevant UAP infor 3/5/2016 #45445  
sponsors technical research. It is possible the NNSA has relevant UAP infor 3/22/2017 #45465  
 fast relative to the Sun that few possible models define a Solar System or 10/19/2017 #45485  
 alleged UAP sources for study and possible reverse engineering.  TTSA purc 7/2018 #45532  
s, ills, and traumas than do other possible culprits—sonic attacks, viral i 9/1/2018 #45538  
d its own SNOOPIE team. Reports of possible UAV sightings and a red flashin 7/14/2019 #45592  
le explanation,” and proposes five possible categories of explanation: airb 6/25/2021 #45694  
e a safety issue, with regard to a possible collision with US aircraft, and 6/25/2021 #45694  
withholding UAP information. It is possible that even though elements are s 9/3/2021 #45707  
 But in hundreds of other cases of possible symptoms, the agency has found  1/19/2022 #45735  
 on UAP. Puthoff also states it is possible fundamental physics knowledge i 2/11/2022 #45739  
way, to try to find out as much as possible through harassment and simple t 5/2022 #45746  
eclassifying more information when possible and when it does not pose a nat 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "possibly" (Back to Top)
 observers in St. Paul’s Junction [possibly a railroad stop between Maynard 8/7/1869 #180  
Confederation, in Berlin, Germany. Possibly a light pillar reflection cause 9/26/1870 #187  
rsville [now Philo], Ohio, and are possibly in Bristol Township when they s Late 3/1873 #200  
ses out of sight behind buildings. Possibly the moon.                       Mid 7/1896 #328  
 for 20 minutes. A woman also sees possibly the same object “bounding along 4/14/1897 #470  
 May to making the whole story up, possibly in collusion with Akers.        4/20/1897 #546  
ta, Oklahoma, Mrs. William Peveto (possibly Mary Peveto) watches a fireball 10/4/1898 #626  
ens 770 square miles of forest and possibly causes up to three human casual 6/30/1908 #711  
United States Fort Lee, New Jersey Possibly the first UFO film ever made, T 4/26/1915 #927  
gible that slowly fades from view. Possibly a light pillar created by a nea 7/19/1916 #950  
 of her apparitions, a huge crowd, possibly between 30,000 and 100,000, inc 10/13/1917 #970  
s in south central North Carolina (possibly in or around the Uwharrie Natio Early 10/1941 #1372  
ly one foot above the pavement and possibly touching both shoulders of the  3/14/1946 #1977  
 implication and lack of frankness possibly interest defense budget and to  8/24/1946 #2154  
Stockholm reports that the Swedes, possibly worried about a Soviet veto of  8/26/1946 #2161  
pear. The sighting lasts one hour. Possibly these are part of the Taurid me 10/10/1946 #2202  
d tip.” It falls into the lake and possibly explodes on impact.             10/21/1946 #2204  
issner finds evidence in 1994 that possibly another object was seen in the  5/15/1947 #2282  
h speed, Project Grudge case #82. (Possibly 5/21/1947)                      5/15/1947 #2283  
issner finds evidence in 1994 that possibly another object was seen in the  5/15/1947 #2284  
alloon. Ramey proposes a plan that possibly originates from his bosses at t 7/8/1947 #3019  
ned away forcibly; a nurse friend (possibly 1st Lt. Adeline “Eileen” M. Fan 7/8/1947 #3026  
It appeared to be spinning, and it possibly landed remotely.                7/9/1947 #3075  
 send a top-level assessment team (possibly Alfred Loedding or Col. William 7/28/1947 #3239  
nly two ghost rocket sightings are possibly factual, but there is no eviden 10/14/1947 #3457  
loud cover. Vehicle disintegrated, possibly due to the warhead failure.)    10/23/1947 #3467  
annot locate a power plant, except possibly some electromagnets below the c 1948 #3522  
appears to be a metallic object or possibly reflection of sun from a metall 1/7/1948 #3544  
e does so to the end of 1952, with possibly 18 briefings in all.            Spring 1948? #3594  
ugust Night, 2022, p. 264) Summer [possibly 1958] — Early afternoon. Aircra Summer 1948 #3679  
m, NM Group of 7 aluminum circular possibly spherical objects (NICAP: 01 -  7/17/1948 #3713  
 group of seven aluminum circular, possibly spherical, objects approach fro 7/17/1948 #3715  
n Oblast, Russia Estonian islands, possibly Dagö or Osel A possible Russian 8/21/1948 #3785  
originating from Estonian islands, possibly Dagö or Osel.”                  8/21/1948 #3785  
t Sign for another Estimate. It is possibly composed by Maj. Aaron “Jere” B 11/3/1948 #3867  
is in charge of a merchant vessel (possibly the USS Hemminger) in the Strai 11/11/1949 #4413  
ge black smoky region is below it, possibly obscuring the lower portion of  1/24/1950 #4509  
odiak, Alaska Gen. Charles Cabell, possibly inspired by the Kodiak, Alaska, Late 1/1950 #4511  
inutes. One witness reported it as possibly a plane with engine trouble.    2/7/1950 #4532  
ed region in Bahía Blanca Partido (possibly between Macachín and Estación H 5/15/1950 #4944  
                       A disputed, possibly hoaxed report for disinformatio 1952 #5845  
 collision of larger UAP discs and possibly an experimental US craft; it st 1952 #5845  
olorado, that a classified source (possibly an electronic intercept) has pr 4/16/1952 #6093  
sible that the objects sighted may possibly be ships from another planet su 7/29/1952 #7324  
le in the sky at the same time and possibly at the same altitude. At 5:00 a 8/15/1952 #7609  
 the soil, suggesting overheating, possibly by microwave radiation. Karl Pf 8/19/1952 #7651  
ver Roanoke and Pulaski, Virginia, possibly landing near Arcadia, Tennessee 9/12/1952 #7905  
land, following an RAF Meteor jet (possibly piloted by Flight Lt. John W. K 9/19/1952 #7980  
o look for it but he can’t see it (possibly because he is told to look in t 12/29/1952 #8462  
method of UFO investigation. It is possibly here that he first suggests usi 1/14/1953 #8539  
3 minute(s). Silent. No contrail. (Possibly 14 July'53.)                    1/16/1953 #8542  
concentric rings around the craft, possibly due to a force field around the 5/5/1953 #8867  
d shaped objects were sighted, and possibly a figure was seen inside one of 8/6/1953 #9053  
nal lights in a crescent formation—possibly a single crescent-shaped object 3/8/1954 #9603  
 medium and author “Gerald Light” (possibly R.G. McFarland, his “publisher” 4/13/1954 #9686  
e above and behind at close range, possibly detected on airborne radar. Roe 6/23/1954 #9936  
west / 5000mph. Stay in formation. Possibly huge structure.                 8/21/1954 #10161  
ect traveling at tremendous speed, possibly 3,000 mph, in Kenya.            10/14/1954 #11055  
er solar system. I think that they possibly are manned by intelligent obser 10/24/1954 #11363  
-shape passes over town at 600mph. Possibly a saucer.                       11/11/1954 #11622  
aspio also see the object descend. Possibly another Radio Free Europe ballo 1/3/1955 #11917  
udes it is a “short-staple cotton, possibly lint from waste cotton used in  2/21/1955 #12011  
oses his sense of taste and smell, possibly permanently. His face is burned 10/2/1956 #13260  
in events, for a total duration of possibly more than 126 minutes. The RB - 7/17/1957 #13808  
 metal by an unnamed organization (possibly the Brazilian Air Force) shows  9/1957 #13966  
hese changes repeat several times, possibly due to changes in position. The 9/4/1957 #13978  
dentify any malfunction that could possibly make the radar targets agree wi 9/20/1957 #14020  
e “crazy” gyrations then vanishes, possibly behind cloud cover. The object  10/9/1957 #14085  
 p.m. he watched a blazing object, possibly disc shaped, play tag with him  10/14/1957 #14112  
ing red light thar turns to white, possibly 200– 300 feet in size and 4–5 m 11/3/1957 #14251  
r 25 minutes before it disappears. Possibly Venus in the southwest, which s 11/3/1957 #14251  
g up signals at 14.286 megacycles, possibly connected with Sputnik 2. The s 11/7/1957 #14461  
nt blue-white with two dark spots, possibly indicating a structure. The obj 7/1958 #15130  
 Walter Moilanion and his wife and possibly a young daughter, when he sees  8/18/1958 #15215  
 to Gdynia Polytechnic University [possibly the Polish Naval Academy]. A fe 1/21/1959 #15558  
a woman of her education could not possibly know the answers. Yet as questi 7/9/1959 #15829  
ils to recognize it as ferrous and possibly ships it to Japan. The other pi 6/12/1960 #16312  
chard Payne and John S. Warner are possibly there as well. The staffers are 7/15/1960 #16337  
re emotional outlet, ignorance, or possibly to use the organization as a ‘c 12/27/1960 #16541  
n agree to return to a small town, possibly Martin, North Dakota, 11 miles  Late 11/1961 #16978  
 “former Project Blue Book chief,” possibly Lt. Col. Robert J. Friend, tell 1962 #17011  
e, and then became covered with a (possibly artificially produced) fog.The  2/19/1962 #17053  
Phoenix, Arizona, and the jets are possibly heard over Nephi, Utah, after t 4/18/1962 #17120  
pecialty in hypnosis (unnamed, but possibly Benjamin Simon, of Betty and Ba 5/24/1963 #17765  
in the sky. They are perfect ovals possibly a quarter mile high. The lights 11/1963 #18022  
e steps to the front of the car to possibly 50 feet away from the object wh 4/24/1964 #18200  
drop in radiation level in 13 days possibly indicates a radionuclide with a 12/21/1964 #18670  
tention than Project Blue Book can possibly encompass at the present time.” 7/1965 #19038  
object of an unconventional nature—possibly of foreign origin, which could  7/28/1965 #19196  
Mercury capsule” shape at one end, possibly rounded at the other end. Sever 8/2/1965 #19266  
cities, NY NE power grid failure & possibly related sightings (NICAP: 03 -  11/9/1965 #19707  
cted to this close study, and that possibly an average of 10 man-days might 2/3/1966 #19879  
ievers who, although they couldn’t possibly prove a negative result, could  8/9/1966 #20734  
ng indentations 7 inches deep and [possibly] radiation level of 100 microro 9/13/1966 #20879  
 physics professor named Galloway [possibly Louie A. Galloway III] is drivi 12/30/1966 #21230  
owne" strap. They had bulky hands, possibly gloved, and wore boots. Their l 1/25/1967 #21389  
ok two Polaroid photos of a round, possibly disc-shaped UFOs, entirely lit  2/25/1967 #21652  
 over a field before disappearing, possibly landing. (Munday report, Urbana 3/18/1967 #21916  
gated object, split in the middle, possibly saucer-shaped, that was hoverin 4/8/1967 #22094  
eath it. The plane reversed course possibly to look at the UFO. (Florida NI 4/21/1967 #22182  
 other. They had very large heads, possibly due to the presence of helmets, 7/7/1967 #22631  
 result of a satellite re-entry or possibly a spectacular meteor. According 7/17/1967 #22684  
named Russian astronomers that may possibly have been conducted by members  8/18/1967 #22889  
ly overhead, stop, and hover. Two (possibly three) smaller bright round sil 9/20/1967 #23097  
 criminal Klaus Barbie advised and possibly helped the CIA orchestrate Guev 10/7/1967 #23190  
police sightings that morning very possibly or probably were astronomical.  10/20/1967 #23272  
tnesses saw a white ball of light, possibly with red blinking lights on the 11/15/1967 #23463  
 feet." They glistened like metal, possibly wearing flexible, tight fitting 1/3/1968 #23647  
 suggests the 1127th monitored and possibly attempted to retrieve the circu 3/1968 #23799  
ite, glowing, cigar-shaped object, possibly as far away as the Adirondack M 8/7/1968 #24307  
isc-shaped object with black dots, possibly windows, at 4:15 p.m. "Angel ha 11/3/1968 #24628  
tilted at an angle as it flew, and possibly landed nearby.                  7/24/1969 #25296  
presence of extraterrestrials, but possibly an indigenous intelligence that 1970 #25518  
ations for advanced aerospace (and possibly UAP-related) projects: the Defe 1970 #25523  
surveillance and intimidation, and possibly, assassination.  http://www.wha 1970 #25523  
c or advance technology that could possibly contribute to scientific or tec 10/2/1972 #27045  
lic opinion through mass media and possibly “disclose” UAP on the USAF’s te 5/1973 #27461  
bducted front her home, as well as possibly three of her children and a nei 10/16/1973 #28083  
 her home in Lehi, Utah as well as possibly three of her children and a nei 10/16/1973 #28093  
them at a dangerous rate of speed, possibly 684 mph. Coyne pushes the stick 10/18/1973 #28172  
s, who can now see a bright light (possibly another train) behind them. The 10/20/1973 #28216  
ncement was expected in late 1974, possibly by President Gerald Ford and th 1974 #28633  
tnesses. No details. (Hynek 4-19?, possibly Don Worley Files) (NICAP: 02 -  4/8/1974 #28999  
 no. 5 (September 1980): 1) May 7 (possibly 1973) — 9:00 p.m. Margaret K. R 5/5/1974 #29085  
y destination, deduced by Swann as possibly Alaska. Along with two twin bod 2/1975 #29781  
 an unidentified helicopter (UFO), possibly two, had been sighted flying lo 10/29/1975 #30506  
ntelligence collection activities, possibly indicating the Agency was consi 4/26/1976 #31027  
 weighed maybe five pounds max, so possibly some owl or something could hav 9/3/1976 #31337  
perations into a water-filled hole possibly connected to the incident. Noth 10/1976 #31439  
at sets in the west in 25 minutes. Possibly Jupiter.                        2/25/1977 #31847  
ired extraterrestrial hardware and possibly bodies. The book immediately pr 5/1977 #32042  
 intense light source and may have possibly been abducted, as he has an hou 6/16/1977 #32166  
h ribs connecting the light to it. Possibly a prank balloon.                12/27/1977 #32814  
are of a powerful odor of pine, or possibly ozone, a smell also detectable  2/5/1978 #32957  
old in color. A transparent helmet possibly covered the head. She yelled at 4/19/1978 #33154  
 later Marciniak denies the story, possibly because he wants to be left alo 9/27/1978 #33762  
oper took a photograph of a round, possibly disc-shaped object that was dir 12/11/1978 #34089  
taly took a photograph of a round, possibly disc-shaped object that was dir 12/11/1978 #34092  
 the remote viewer Rosemary Smith (possibly mentioned in the VADM Wilson no 1979 #34262  
en the involvement of a contractor possibly involved in deep black UAP work 2/16/1979 #34431  
y involved in deep black UAP work, possibly unbeknownst to Schmitt. *   htt 2/16/1979 #34431  
aterial.” Taylor thinks the UFO is possibly going transparent from time to  11/9/1979 #34989  
em. They are completely silent and possibly attached to an oblong-shaped ob 6/17/1980 #35379  
s not been established, but it may possibly be Doty’s superior officer, Col 9/30/1980 #35547  
gle, as large as the full moon and possibly surrounded by a light glow. As  10/1/1980? #35552  
s (23) including some Chinooks and possibly Hueys, near Dayton, Texas. It w 12/29/1980 #35752  
claimed these four locations — and possibly others — were integral in worki 7/1982 #36525  
ridge until it moves out of sight. Possibly the full moon.                  10/27/1982 #36666  
50 feet away. It is metallic gray, possibly 300 feet long, and elongated bu 7/25/1983 #36925  
nesses for 11 minutes. Light only, possibly explainable with some elements  8/9/1983 #36939  
 Bend, Oregon watched a red light, possibly with antennas shoot toward him. 10/25/1983 #37014  
 Bend, Oregon watched a red light, possibly with antennas shoot toward him  10/25/1983 #37017  
 to be an advanced black aircraft, possibly triangular in shape. In 1994, f 1985 #37542  
the reactor well. Fourteen men are possibly boiled alive. The incident is c 6/27/1985 #37609  
ist Jack Verona, Richard Helms, or possibly Henry Kissinger), appears to be Fall 1986 #38034  
ry Kissinger, Bobby Ray Inman, and possibly John Poindexter) to release inf 12/29/1987 #38378  
 big hangar with armed guards with possibly hundreds of people working on i 1990 #39358  
his tooth drilled and an "implant" possibly having been inserted.           7/29/1990 #39666  
ount Kearsarge, New Hampshire that possibly touched down of the mountainsid 3/6/1991 #40000  
 Scandinavian, with light colored, possibly blue eyes and long blond hair t 7/23/1992 #40531  
sage of illegal security controls, possibly through illegal use of unacknow 7/22/1993 #41077  
he allegation of a group existing, possibly not by this name, is corroborat 7/22/1993 #41077  
Note: It is worth looking into the possibly illegal use of Native American  8/1/1993 #41101  
al UFO, reddish-brown in color and possibly of large size. Radar at CODA, t 1/28/1994 #41390  
lowly to the north and disappears. Possibly a wind devil.                   7/2/1994 #41601  
al times larger than a Boeing 747. Possibly debris from the rocket that lau 9/14/1994 #41749  
e object does not appear on radar. Possibly a fireball meteor.              1/6/1995 #41956  
definitely a hoax, though it could possibly represent disinformation from R 2/22/1995 #42058  
 a brilliantly illuminated object, possibly cigar shaped, with windows on t 1/14/1996 #42685  
d seeing objects over the area and possibly other entity sightings.         2/10/1996 #42755  
ontaining five spherical lights or possibly light-emitting engines. Gov. Fi 3/13/1997 #43229  
rse code or other message systems, possibly even by voice communication.” A 2/17/1998 #43522  
ing sources for a clandestine (and possibly illegal) UAP management group w 11/1998 #43673  
ll him the Department of Energy is possibly involved in “fraud and deceit.” 5/17/1999 #43770  
           A bedroom visitation of possibly a holographic figure occurred a 12/31/2000 #44110  
he top of a house or building, and possibly a chimney on a house, is visibl 7/15/2001 #44209  
the wings, with a dark body color, possibly dark brown or black.            4/5/2004 #44684  
preneurial families and funding of possibly rogue UAP projects, one would w 8/2004 #44724  
 pairs of rapidly flashing lights, possibly representing triangular crafts, 9/11/2004 #44754  
ed at that time. Jonathan Axelrod [possibly Naval officer John F. Stratton] 11/14/2004 #44784  
 subjects were handicapped humans, possibly Japanese, including sufferers o 6/2005 #44846  
ng monitored for his spreading of “possibly spurious” information regarding 5/18/2006 #44945  
estimates both lights to be “up to possibly a mile across.” Radar traces al 4/23/2007 #45022  
00 p.m. PDT a cigar-shaped object, possibly hundreds of feet long, was view 9/20/2007 #45063  
rospace engineer Jonathan Axelrod [possibly John F. Stratton], Jim Costigan 7/2009 #45229  
’s families and friends. Who would possibly trust a government to exercise  2/24/2014 #45402  
 the authenticity of the images as possibly related to the Roswell incident 5/5/2015 #45437  
orders for the crew to man what is possibly a Mark 87 Electro-Optical Direc 7/15/2019 #45593  
or a liquid-fueled rocket engine,” possibly a 9M730 Burevestnik cruise miss 8/8/2019 #45604  
rad states the company “Orbitech” (possibly Orbital Technologies Corporatio 2/29/2020 #45635  
erial vehicles over military bases possibly exhibit technologies not in the 7/23/2020 #45654  
 least one of our adversaries, and possibly two, have played our own cultur 4/15/2021 #45682  
on, and a small group of military (possibly Army) personnel retrieved the g 10/2021 #45713  
               Anonymous site with possibly specific intelligence details o 8/23/2022 #45763  
ature, higher dimensional objects (possibly operated by higher dimensional  9/24/2022 #45770  
## Word: "possonniere" (Back to Top)
                                LA POSSONNIERE, FR Fireball going down / la 2/9/1974 #28752  
## Word: "possony" (Back to Top)
elligence specialist Dr. Stefan T. Possony as acting chief, and Lt. Col. F. 4/24/1952 #6179  
by Lt. Col. E. Sterling and Stefan Possony to Europe mentions that their wo 4/29/1952 #6216  
d in the Pentagon office of Stefan Possony, acting chief of the Directorate Early 5/1952 #6249  
zel express his views. Present are Possony, Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt, ATIC c Early 5/1952 #6249  
nn, Brig. Gen. William M. Garland, Possony’s assistant Leslie Rosenzweig, a Early 5/1952 #6249  
nd J. Allen Hynek. In the evening, Possony speaks with astronomer Francis J Early 5/1952 #6249  
Lieut. Col. E. Sterling and Stefan Possony begin a five-week temporary duty 5/15/1952 #6331  
ntifies the scientist as Stefan T. Possony, acting chief of the AFOIN Speci Mid 7/1952 #6829  
orce Intelligence headed by Stefan Possony to analyze a book written by Naz 1958 #14787  
## Word: "possum" (Back to Top)
ntractor within a location called “Possum Plant”   Area 51 had a triangle A 4/5/2016 #45449  
## Word: "post" (Back to Top)
story of the Baltimore Gun Club, a post–American Civil War society of weapo 1865 #163  
          According to the Houston Post, two men reported that they had dis 4/23/1897 #567  
liam H. Pickering tells the Boston Post that he believes Venus is populated 1/9/1911 #853  
 editor of “Watfordand West-Hersts Post” magazine (4/30/64) that while he w 1922 #1017  
ed. He wakes up back at his sentry post.                                    Late Summer 1942 #1440  
           NEWCOMB, NM 2 / trading post. Saucer straight and level going qu 6/25/1947 #2407  
e latrine. MacKenzie stayed at his post for twenty-four hours straight, but 7/1/1947 #2501  
 Edwin D. Easley and orders him to post guards on the roads around the debr 7/8/1947 #3011  
                            Denver Post Manzano Mountains Sandia Base New M 8/1947 #3277  
 Sandia Base New Mexico The Denver Post runs a story that claims the milita 8/1947 #3277  
ns going quickly northeast. / Wash.Post.                                    8/22/1947 #3359  
e on UFOs for the Saturday Evening Post. In a “Memorandum for the Record,”  11/24/1948 #3891  
 an Atomic Energy Security Service post west of Los Alamos, New Mexico, spo 12/20/1948 #3936  
’s article in the Saturday Evening Post. The writer is unknown, but it is m 4/27/1949 #4117  
l 30 issue of the Saturday Evening Post with part one of Sidney Shalett’s “ 4/29/1949 #4132  
ay 7 issue of the Saturday Evening Post, which takes a more skeptical tone  5/6/1949 #4160  
oving Artillery Patrol observation post linked to the Killeen plotting cent 5/19/1949 #4196  
et up a 24-hour visual observation post in the Sandia Mountains near Albuqu 5/19/1949 #4196  
ound, 3 miles S of the observation post, 4-1/2 miles S of the Plotting Cent 6/6/1949 #4227  
s 3 miles south of one observation post 9:05 p.m. Two observation posts at  6/6/1949 #4228  
s 3 miles south of one observation post and 4.5 miles south of the plotting 6/6/1949 #4228  
niversity of Cincinnati Cincinnati Post Cincinnati Enquirer 8:15–11:00 p.m. 8/19/1949 #4329  
f calls are received by Cincinnati Post and Cincinnati Enquirer offices reg 8/19/1949 #4329  
., has set up its first operations post, manned by two observers who scan t 2/21/1950 #4542  
ch project staff at an observation post at Datil, New Mexico, take five pho 2/24/1950 #4554  
the air stop for 5 minutes (Denver Post Special)                            3/16/1950 #4645  
ith slightly off-center triangular post or antenna. It hovered, rocking slo 5/11/1950 #4940  
ars off going quickly southwest. / Post Dispatch.                           6/28/1950 #5021  
K RIDGE, TN Blue Book. Saucer over post office / 60 second(s). Going east.  12/5/1950 #5316  
sc-shaped object was seen over the post office for 60 seconds in Oak Ridge, 12/5/1950 #5321  
fied the Headquarters USAF Command Post that at 1030 hours a number of unid 12/6/1950 #5322  
esses at the Ground Observer Corps post at the city hall in Elgin, Illinois 7/19/1952 #6933  
UZ, CA Ground Observer Corps (GOC) post and many. 4 saucers play tag / sky. 7/26/1952 #7156  
y. No further details / Palm Beach Post.                                    8/15/1952 #7604  
:00 a.m., in Napa, California, GOC post observer Diane Robinson sights a “c 8/15/1952 #7609  
LE, CA Ground Observer Corps (GOC) post Ph-04 / black. "Silent fighter-size 9/4/1952 #7841  
 Ground Observer Corps observation post.  Six discs in a group flew high an 3/21/1953 #8770  
tsmen’s club president Bill Beers, post office employee Ray Temple, and O.  5/21/1953 #8896  
ns publishing The Little Listening Post newsletter in Washington, D.C. It c 2/1954 #9520  
45 p.m. Sydney Baker is at a radar post in the RAAF Woomera Range Complex i 5/5/1954 #9753  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Post” Yield: 2KT                         4/9/1955 #12091  
w over Ground Observer Corps (GOC) post. 2 Ground Observer Corps (GOC) run. 5/24/1955 #12154  
ish. He stops at a Ground Observer post and notifies the women stationed th 9/2/1955 #12425  
IN 2 / Ground Observer Corps (GOC) post. Saucer with amber lights over town 11/4/1955 #12547  
ircles Ground Observer Corps (GOC) post. Rises until star-like.             11/21/1955 (approximate) #12581  
d zine called The Little Listening Post, which often covers UFOs.           Spring 1956 #12761  
 privately publishes Inside Saucer Post…3-0 Blue that summarizes his early  10/1957 #14050  
ght hops through sky. / Cincinnati Post.                                    11/6/1957 #14381  
oing west slow. Blimp? / Benkelmen Post.                                    11/10/1957 #14515  
n documentation out of the country post WWII, and one responsive document w 1958 #14787  
ryland, is walking from his sentry post to the barracks to sound reveille w 9/29/1958 #15286  
                     Lexington, KY Post Office safety engineer saw a round  1/24/1963 #17638  
                On this day a U.S. Post Office safety engineer in Lexington 1/24/1963 #17639  
e people at the Coppermine trading post, south-southwest of Page, Arizona s 6/3/1964 #18327  
they fail to report to the command post. Their equipment is left behind at  3/2/1965 #18832  
 failed to report to their command post, and a search by both military and  3/5/1965 #18844  
 BASE, WY 5+2 saucers over command post. Also numerous civil report(s) / Ch 8/1/1965 #19231  
                         US Denver Post editorial: "Maybe it's time for mor 8/3/1965 #19288  
nstruction area. Figure(s) inside. Post St.                                 3/31/1966 #20170  
cDonald, 1968a, pp. 57-58; Houston Post, Oct. 8, 1966.) (NICAP: 02 - Close  7/18/1966 #20654  
r. J. A. Hynek in Saturday Evening Post, stating that hundreds of puzzling  12/17/1966 #21205  
y, appears in the Saturday Evening Post.                                    12/17/1966 #21206  
Barker of the Seymour State Police post reported he followed a huge ball of 2/5/1967 #21455  
 object then flew away. (St. Louis Post Dispatch, 2/7/67, copy in NICAP fil 2/6/1967 #21468  
aight up and disappeared. (Houston Post, 3/9/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NIC 3/8/1967 #21808  
secure while he phones the command post. Meanwhile, one of the guards is in 3/24/1967 #21973  
accelerated away. (Reading Evening Post, England, 3/31/67, copy in NICAP fi 3/30/1967 #22013  
 flew in formation over a military post at an estimated 15,000 feet altitud 6/24/1967 #22544  
t fly in formation over a military post at an estimated 15,000 feet altitud 6/24/1967 #22548  
        Denver Colorado The Denver Post reveals that the Colorado project h 7/1/1967 #22591  
rch Group. John Rimmer assumes the post of associate editor with the third  1/1968 #23639  
+observer(s). Dome-object / border post. Clear hexagonal physical traces /  3/22/1968 #23857  
y radar. The Nakhon Phanom Command Post was informed that the sightings "de 11/28/1968 #24728  
wave antenna on the nearby central post office. He estimates it is 18–20 fe 5/24/1971 #26130  
d leading up to a military vedette post. He became aware of three giant fig 10/28/1971 #26438  
r(s) / low altitude. / Reading Eve.Post 7.6.73.                             6/6/1973 #27552  
proaching to her left. It passed a post on the patio and abruptly disappear 6/23/1973 #27584  
ught out of the trance and given a post hypnotic suggestion that she will r 8/4/1973 #27683  
IERE, FR Many observer(s) / border post. Brilliant silent salad-bowl saucer 9/19/1973 #27834  
 were many witnesses at the border post.                                    9/19/1973 #27840  
in saucer over Crown St. / Evening Post.                                    9/25/1973 #27866  
/globe over Puget Sound. / Seattle Post 28.9.73.                            9/27/1973 #27876  
Evening. Two sentries at a lookout post on the perimeter of Istrana Air Bas Mid 11/1973 #28424  
 / low altitude. / King of Prussia Post 30.11.73.                           11/29/1973 #28481  
erized by the road. At the Customs post at the South African border showed  5/31/1974 #29150  
eadgear. Physiological effects and post traumatic stress were reported.     9/29/1974 #29492  
s visit him in 1976 at an overseas post where he narrates an abduction scen 8/13/1975 #30264  
n gets out and puts his hands on a post and he seemingly becomes weightless 10/7/1975 #30421  
s dump, Lewis notifies his Command Post at the 42 Bomb Wing that an unknown 10/27/1975 #30487  
ne, when the call from the Command Post comes in. He observes the unknown t 10/27/1975 #30488  
e base. Through the Loring Command Post, the Wing Commander requests fighte 10/27/1975 #30488  
eports the sighting to his Command Post, and the Wing Commander comes out t 10/28/1975 #30503  
 Wurtsmith reported to the command post that an unidentified "helicopter" w 10/30/1975 #30523  
ce France-Presse story, Washington Post, July 18, 1976.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 7/16/1976 #31166  
erts the Iranian Air Force command post. Deputy Gen. Nader Yousefi also see 9/18/1976 #31395  
/ very long arms. Guard paralyzed. Post radio RFIs. Circle / burnt dirt.    12/12/1976 #31595  
ire fence and walked toward a lamp post only 20 feet away. The little man w 7/12/1977 #32266  
esweaver, on duty when the command post started receiving calls, said the b 7/9/1978 #33357  
        NEAR UMM QASR, KUWAIT Army post. UFO hovers / type unknown. Going q 12/1/1978 #34037  
 Silver to/from/between red "fence post" out of place. Flies southwest goin 8/29/1979 #34793  
when she sees what appears to be a post sitting a half-mile away. It is abo 8/29/1979 #34799  
over the moors. (Source: Yorkshire Post, The 5TH ANNUAL PRUFOS POLICE REPOR 3/10/1981 #35862  
 Europe NATO carries out a command post exercise code-named Able Archer 83. 11/7/1983 #37044  
             Soviet Union New York Post: Soviet scientists are puzzled by t 1/13/1984 #37129  
     Merrillville, Indiana Gary IN Post Tribune: The U.S. Government's proj 3/23/1985 #37573  
earchers, skeptics, and cranks can post articles. Dale Goudie takes over th 1/1/1986 #37745  
s later she discovers that a metal post on her dog lot has been magnetized. 3/23/1987 #38152  
ght bulb, [and I] couldn't see the post at all." Her neighbor heard the noi 3/23/1987 #38153  
ver on their own and hit the metal post, indicating that the post had been  3/23/1987 #38153  
he metal post, indicating that the post had been magnetized.                3/23/1987 #38153  
 in the New York Times, Washington Post, and ABC-TV’s Night Line. Many ufol 5/31/1987 #38180  
r for the Rainsville (Ala.) Weekly Post, is with general manager Teri Baker 3/9/1989 #38869  
ilots. Kurkchy is removed from his post and transferred to a remote locatio 5/25/1990 #39592  
 in one day. Local wave. / evening post.                                    10/1993 #41213  
 Laser beams? " / LDLN#330+evening post.                                    11/28/1994 #41870  
ri Sakhov was walking to the local post office in Nazareth, Israel when he  9/16/1996 #43026  
ng to a nearby security detachment post.                                    2/28/1999 #43739  
        At 7:15 p.m. two people in Post Falls, Idaho witnessed a fiery ball 9/21/1999 #43851  
Vallée there are four secret “iron post” sources that Hal Puthoff and Eric  3/6/2004 #44674  
ends fly 90 feet above their guard post.                                    Summer 2004 #44713  
an The Guardian and the Washington Post reveal the existence of the PRISM s 6/6/2013 #45371  
                 Pentagon New York Post Pentagon spokesman Christopher Sher 5/22/2019 #45579  
 Sherwood confirms to the New York Post that the AATIP program “did pursue  5/22/2019 #45579  
         China South China Morning Post: China military uses AI to track ra 6/4/2021 #45692  
## Word: "post-1967" (Back to Top)
ral previous contacts and numerous post-1967 abduction experiences as well. 1/25/1967 #21389  
## Word: "post-dispatch" (Back to Top)
d, Ohio Wright Field The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Air Resea 7/3/1947 #2582  
ouri and reported to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper by a Mrs. Doleza 4/26/1948 #3629  
                         St. Louis Post-Dispatch Journalist Peter H. Wyden’ 3/8/1953 #8739  
h Ruppelt appears in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Ruppelt tells him that Pr 3/8/1953 #8739  
## Word: "post-hypnotic" (Back to Top)
essional hypnotist and was given a post-hypnotic suggestion instructing her 4/5/1993 #40927  
## Word: "post-mortem" (Back to Top)
cember 3. Lee continues to channel post-mortem information through a medium 9/1962 #17379  
## Word: "post-stall" (Back to Top)
 minimum-radius, 180° turn using a post-stall maneuver, flying well outside 4/29/1993 #40956  
hm employee and proponent of using post-stall flight in air-to-air combat.  4/29/1993 #40956  
## Word: "post-traumatic" (Back to Top)
he abductions: cancer, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual d 1994 #41345  
## Word: "post-war" (Back to Top)
ping from a coal train at night in post-war Wesserbillig, Luxemborg 45-year 5/25/1948 #3655  
## Word: "posta" (Back to Top)
        Lemon Grove, California La Posta Astro-Geophysical Observatory in C 11/16/1973 #28434  
wise pattern. A magnetometer at La Posta Astro-Geophysical Observatory in C 11/16/1973 #28434  
## Word: "postal" (Back to Top)
a Night. Chester N. Crotsenburg, a postal clerk on the Chicago, Rock Island Mid 7/1896 #328  
lot and co-pilot of a DC-3 Swedish postal plane saw a UFO that looked like  8/26/1947 #3372  
                 SOUTH DAYTONA, FL Postal worker. 10m metallic hemisphere g 1/3/1952 #5858  
                     LEXINGTON, KY Postal inspector. Large saucer east goin 1/24/1963 #17637  
m. in Dearborn Heights, Michigan a postal clerk, Mr. T. Atkins, and five ot 9/10/1978 #33661  
ashington 10:00 p.m. A 60-year-old postal worker and his wife see a rectang 7/15/2013 #45377  
## Word: "postapocalyptic" (Back to Top)
n North America in preparing for a postapocalyptic social order. This will  Fall 1952 #8014  
## Word: "postdoctoral" (Back to Top)
arvard astronomer Avi Loeb and his postdoctoral assistant Shmuel Bialy subm 10/26/2018 #45541  
                                   Postdoctoral researcher Darryl Seligman  5/28/2020 #45646  
## Word: "posted" (Back to Top)
e center of the impact. Guards are posted, facing out, to keep the curious  7/5/1947 #2722  
topped by the guards who are still posted. When they arrive, they see that  7/8/1947 #3013  
 to remain aboard until a guard is posted and Marcel gets off taking one of 7/8/1947 #3019  
to the mess hall once the guard is posted. The remaining debris is transfer 7/8/1947 #3019  
3:45 a.m. Seaman Abelardo Marquez, posted on the USS Fletcher near Eniwetak Late 10/1952 #8185  
etter to APRO dated April 2, 1967, posted on NICAP web site.) (NICAP: 11 -  1/20/1967 #21358  
At the site where Puentes had been posted, Cuban and Soviet intelligence in 6/14/1968 #24033  
 Peugeot 404 well in excess of the posted speed limit. As the road was note 5/31/1974 #29150  
4:30 a.m. S/Sgt Joseph M. Brown is posted to a security team at the Malmstr 3/1992 #40343  
bject. These pillars may have been posted on either side of a door, althoug 6/4/1996 #42921  
 to a friend the next morning, who posted the report online.                8/24/2001 #44243  
amed "Rainbow" and "Hedgehog" were posted for night watch duty. The group h 8/25/2004 #44741  
 A video is taken of the event and posted on Greer’s website. Greer claims  1/27/2015 #45428  
ified number of Canadian diplomats posted in Havana show evidence of brain  3/2018 #45520  
## Word: "posten" (Back to Top)
Journal, Aug. 1976, p. 15; Jylland Posten, Feb. 25, 1975 (E,L) car (NICAP:  2/19/1975 #29826  
## Word: "poster" (Back to Top)
pcoming film Ché OVNI. The movie’s poster even shows a UFO carrying off an  Early 5/1968 #23939  
                      An anonymous poster on Above Top Secret claims a fami 8/4/2008 #45155  
## Word: "posthole" (Back to Top)
sing his burlap-covered feet and a posthole tamper.                         9/16/1979 #34890  
## Word: "posthumously" (Back to Top)
weller on Two Planets is published posthumously. It is a narrative channele 1905 #673  
## Word: "posthypnotic" (Back to Top)
ion of implants, implementation of posthypnotic suggestion, termination of  12/29/1987 #38379  
## Word: "posting" (Back to Top)
hem to Michael Hart’s Compufon for posting on the Usenet bulletin board.    12/1984 #37513  
oes up to the facility alone after posting guards. When he gets to the snow Winter 1987 #38370  
## Word: "postle" (Back to Top)
.m. Irena Scott and her sister Sue Postle are traveling west of Boston, Mas 7/13/1968 #24173  
## Word: "postlethwaite" (Back to Top)
Grounds, NM Capt. Virgil Armstrong Postlethwaite Captain of G-2 Air, receiv 1948 #3519  
## Word: "postman" (Back to Top)
                 NEWBLISS, IRELAND Postman. 8 'table-knives' pass / high-al 12/5/1950 (approximate) #5315  
                                 A postman in the farming community of Newb 12/5/1950 #5320  
                 TROWBRIDGE, WILTS Postman / thick fog. Brilliant saucer ov 1/20/1953 #8556  
                    LONG BEACH, CA Postman and several. 2 12' saucers. Slig 10/8/1953 #9206  
                 NEAR HUY, BELGIUM Postman. Ovoid lands. 2 appproximate hum 10/9/1954 #10827  
way 559 in Wallingford, Kentucky a postman saw an elliptical shape hovering 9/7/1959 #15961  
                    CHATSWORTH, CA Postman. Slow rotating disk with lights  1/29/1972 #26557  
                    SANTA ROSA, NM Postman telegrapher and 2. Saucer seems  8/8/1972 (approximate) #26884  
        MONTEBELLO DI BERTONA, ITL Postman. 'Space capsule' lands. Lights r 12/19/1978 #34172  
## Word: "postmarked" (Back to Top)
eriment]. He writes another letter postmarked May 25 that suggests hypnosis 1/13/1956 #12657  
asa and Alicia Araujo, are usually postmarked in Madrid, but as time goes b 5/31/1967 #22431  
first Ummo communication, a letter postmarked from Paris, Franca. An Ummo c 1969 #24804  
 and they have the roll developed. Postmarked Albuquerque, New Mexico, the  12/11/1984 #37522  
## Word: "postmarks" (Back to Top)
Madrid, but as time goes by, other postmarks indicate mailings from London, 5/31/1967 #22431  
## Word: "postmaster" (Back to Top)
                     Mr. Sisson, a postmaster, was walking in the woods on  4/19/1897 #540  
ommern state, Germany Mid-day. The postmaster of Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vo 2/4/1898 #618  
                       TUPELO, ARK Postmaster and 2. 4' diameter silver obj 6/30/1947 #2478  
ortheast of Adelaide, Carl Towill, postmaster, and Percy Briggs, mail carri 3/13/1959 #15640  
 a load of vegetables and Claypans Postmaster C. Towill as passenger. They  3/13/1959 #15641  
                      HONEYDEW, CA Postmaster. Delta/triangle/box-like craf 8/18/1960 #16405  
## Word: "postmortem" (Back to Top)
bility that the bacteria represent postmortem contamination. They do not di 3/24/1978 #33077  
## Word: "postpartum" (Back to Top)
lems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suff 2/1957 #13481  
## Word: "postpone" (Back to Top)
recy. Battelle requests the CIA to postpone the panel until March so they c 12/12/1952 #8413  
ish the study. Robertson agrees to postpone the panel, but is later overrul 12/12/1952 #8413  
ell Smith reverses the decision to postpone the panel meeting till March 19 12/22/1952 #8442  
## Word: "postponed" (Back to Top)
Panel is back on again after being postponed on December 12. Apparently und 12/22/1952 #8442  
out a recent nuclear test that was postponed for 2 weeks because the winds  6/2/1957 #13694  
 velocity. The test is immediately postponed by senior AEC personnel. Middl 1959? #15508  
ean initiative. But the project is postponed because of the political crisi 1967 #21237  
## Word: "posts" (Back to Top)
e also acting as “useful listening posts” through which the Council and US  1938 #1279  
ornia. On both coasts, observation posts, information centers, and filter c 5/1941 #1361  
to set up a network of observation posts with cameras, transits, and traine 2/24/1949 #4023  
s, it has four six-man observation posts equipped with instruments to obtai 5/4/1949 #4144  
n directional bearings. One of the posts serves as the plotting center to c 5/4/1949 #4144  
s, but with four 6-man observation posts equipped with instruments), is rev 5/19/1949 #4196  
ion post 9:05 p.m. Two observation posts at Killeen Base, Fort Hood, Texas, 6/6/1949 #4228  
eceived reports from 5 observation posts: ALL had witnessed the performance 6/10/1949 #4229  
lock in shifts at more than 16,000 posts and 73 filter centers to detect a  7/14/1952 #6816  
everal Ground Observer Corps (GOC) posts. Round disk zigzags all over/all a 8/4/1952 #7444  
This would consist of “observation posts with complete visual skywatch, wit 1/9/1953 #8521  
ucers and probes seen / 4 separate posts / military depot / 2 days. Total c 2/10/1953 #8659  
ry allegedly sets up UFO detection posts for 24/7 vigilance.                10/7/1954 #10789  
parate Ground Observer Corps (GOC) posts and Air Defense Command RADAR. Whi 7/29/1956 #13025  
ared as they watched. Two concrete posts were found pushed over at the land 2/23/1975 #29839  
around her became black; the road, posts, and houses had all vanished and a 10/8/1989 #39150  
etails on UAP in the PUBLIC DOMAIN posts an article on “NURO and the Uniden 8/23/2022 #45763  
## Word: "posture" (Back to Top)
gure standing in a slumped forward posture, long arms dangling nearly to th 1/4/1974 #28643  
gure standing in a slumped forward posture, with long arms dangling nearly  1/6/1974 #28654  
nder then increases local security posture and requests assistance from the 10/27/1975 #30488  
 yards from his house, in the same posture as before, but only 12 feet away 1/6/1976 #30771  
ng fatman grows tall and thin. Odd posture. Vanishes.                       11/11/1983 #37045  
rection, without changing speed or posture. It started coming down and seem 9/14/1998 #43646  
## Word: "postwar" (Back to Top)
 reveal Bill Donovan’s plans for a postwar intelligence agency and publishe 2/10/1945 #1778  
cret recruitment program to aid in postwar military research. The Joint Int 7/20/1945 #1903  
ice of Scientific Research and the postwar Joint New Weapons Committee. Add 7/3/1946 #2025  
## Word: "pot" (Back to Top)
ne) that looks like a rice cooking pot or incense burner in Hitachi provinc 2/22/1803 #100  
gray-blue and looks like two giant pot lids put together. He makes a sign t 8/20/1954 #10157  
owed fine white teeth, they took a pot of flowers from the witness and flew 11/1/1954 #11516  
. Description: Large craft, like a pot; no windows; had a dull glow and ste 3/21/1966 #20014  
AR DE BARRAMEDA, SP Guard. Silent "pot" north going quickly south over tree 1/28/1969 #24874  
Lucar de Barrame, Spain watched a "pot" fly silently over trees at a low al 1/28/1969 #24875  
riving saw an object shaped like a pot (truncated cone) flying rapidly towa 6/14/1973 #27567  
orange object shaped like a flower pot (truncated cone) hovering at low alt 9/14/1973 #27821  
eville saw an object shaped like a pot (truncated cone) flying rapidly towa 6/14/1974 #29190  
ZAIRE-EN-ROYANS, FR "Silver coffee pot" stops / 1M altitude. 3 robots exit  1/9/1976 #30779  
road. It had the form of a "coffee pot", a 50-60 foot high cylinder with a  1/9/1976 #30781  
## Word: "pot-" (Back to Top)
, near the Castillo when he sees a pot- shaped object rapidly approaching h 6/14/1974 #29191  
## Word: "pot-bellied" (Back to Top)
nd. They are about 5 feet tall and pot-bellied, with long, thin arms and la 1977 #31656  
## Word: "pot-ovoid" (Back to Top)
   PLOEMEUR, FR Silent orange-glow pot-ovoid going up / ground. Absolute(ly 8/16/1975 #30277  
## Word: "pot-shaped" (Back to Top)
hen he saw a bright light, then a "pot-shaped" object flying rapidly toward 6/14/1974 #29193  
## Word: "potassium" (Back to Top)
 consists of calcium carbonate and potassium carbonate.                     5/12/1962 #17165  
luminum, silicon, sulfur, chorine, potassium, calcium, iron, nickel. The su 10/22/1973 #28239  
tes high concentrations of sodium, potassium, zinc, and lanthanum. Other te 10/23/1973 #28250  
 4 times the normal level of zinc, potassium, and phosphorus. The scientist 3/24/1978 #33077  
ds “highly suspicious” deposits of potassium (70 times above normal), magne 7/5/1978 #33339  
dium, aluminum, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, silicon, chlorine, clay parti 1/20/1988 #38422  
oriented, and a possible abductee. Potassium cloride dust was found on the  12/4/1988 #38745  
## Word: "potato" (Back to Top)
erver(s). 5M saucer / road. 2 80cm potato sacks near. / r30p104.            10/1/1954 #10548  
. He sees short, dark shapes “like potato bags” moving around the object. H 10/1/1954 #10568  
y. He saw short, dark shapes "like potato bags" moving about the object. He 10/1/1954 #10576  
y. He saw short, dark shapes "like potato bags" moving about the object. He 10/2/1954 #10607  
saw some short, dark shapes, “like potato bags” moving about the object. He 10/2/1954 #10619  
 farm. 60cm washtub saucer circles potato patch 30x. Slow. 6 pegs / top.    9/5/1956 (approximate) #13188  
    CHARLTON, WILTS 8' x8'CRATER / potato field. Dirt gone. 4 holes. Crops  7/16/1963 #17831  
ater on the ground overlapping his potato and barley fields. It is about 8  7/16/1963 #17833  
n area some ten meters across in a potato field all the leaves were brittle 6/27/1966 #20618  
rotating lights hovering above her potato field. It quickly disappears. The 7/29/1971 #26252  
 the three tall beings walked to a potato field where several pounds of pot 4/23/1976 #31019  
         CURRIE, NV 2 observer(s). Potato ovoid 100' overhead zaps truck-be 2/28/1980 #35184  
ether. Their noses were large and "potato" like. Their mouths were large an 8/14/1999 #43822  
## Word: "potato-patch" (Back to Top)
inister. Lampshade saucer hovers / potato-patch. Quickly going up [to] stra 11/6/1957 #14369  
## Word: "potato-shape" (Back to Top)
. Then railroad/railway-car sized "potato-shape" UFO.                       8/1968 (approximate) #24274  
## Word: "potatoes" (Back to Top)
tato field where several pounds of potatoes were stacked high in a pyramid. 4/23/1976 #31019  
in a pyramid. After looking at the potatoes for a few seconds, the beings t 4/23/1976 #31019  
## Word: "potatos" (Back to Top)
ular patches of crushed and burned potatos where the UFO had hovered. Inves 7/29/1971 #26252  
## Word: "potbelly" (Back to Top)
d was bald and prominent. It had a potbelly and appeared to have only three 2/1/1993 #40831  
## Word: "poteet" (Back to Top)
                                   POTEET, TX Unidentified object over car. 11/13/1973 (approximate) #28417  
 on highway 1470 two miles east of Poteet, Texas. Paint peeled from the car 11/13/1973 #28418  
## Word: "potential" (Back to Top)
rapher), assigned to translate any potential Martian messages. The device r 8/22/1924 #1041  
 coveralls and tight caps. Despite potential damage to her car, she drives  1930 #1106  
ll AAF commanding officer, about a potential crash.                         7/5/1947 #2718  
of what could be experiments by a “potential enemy of the United States.” H 2/25/1951 #5458  
interviewing astronomers about any potential sightings made by them. The gr 7/7/1952 #6724  
is a ploy to gain the attention of potential investors in a bogus oil detec 9/1952 #7804  
vernment of the United States: the potential for psychological panic by cit 9/10/1952 #7891  
nd Robertson, and CIA concern over potential national security dangers. The 1/14/1953 #8539  
l Richard M. Bissell Jr reviews 50 potential sites with USAF liaison Col. O Early 1955 #11901  
cidents in history, and it has the potential for further revealing disclosu 7/17/1957 #13808  
ting statements in preparation for potential congressional hearings. It get 10/1959 #16003  
 that the nation guard against the potential influence of the military–indu 1/17/1961 #16579  
 indeed it looks for many types of potential attacks in all directions). Ha 7/29/1968 #24254  
 been brought here to show him the potential of the human race. Soon he ask 7/4/1970 #25727  
s these into a 693-page report on “potential flap activities,” including su 5/9/1973 #27472  
. Bennett leads investigators to a potential landing site. Using a radiatio 5/13/1975 #30056  
rg and Harold E. Puthoff and their potential military applications. As for  12/1980 #35686  
psychotronic weapons, he sees much potential, saying, “with development, th 12/1980 #35686  
 17 documents that illustrate the “potential threat of the UFO forces.” In  9/28/1981 #36143  
s dismissed, apparently because of potential scandal about GEPAN’s apparent 7/1983 #36898  
tes on “possible ramifications and potential future developments” including 1/10/1985 #37546  
dy of the UFO data could provide a potential for a leap in technology. This 5/20/1985 #37590  
n 29 September 1989 because of the potential radiation hazard; radioisotope 9/28/1989 #39132  
the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enh 1993 #40778  
. Lee J Lehmkuhl of AFIT describes potential USAF air and space capabilitie 5/1996 #42891  
esults indicate that the number of potential abductees has dropped from mor 1998 #43478  
e playing in various situations of potential ET contact.  https://www.amazo 9/14/2003 #44602  
e “pursuing related techniques for potential military purposes.” The report 5/15/2006 #44942  
 control tower, [it] constitutes a potential threat to flight safety.” The  11/7/2006 #44981  
op a strategy to characterize the “potential threat aspects of the phenomen 6/19/2007 #45036  
on’s C Ring to evaluate the threat potential of UFOs. With the support of S Fall 2007? #45070  
 seconds. But no F-16s pursue this potential interloper.                    1/8/2008 #45112  
      Jacques Vallée meets several potential co-sponsors for the AAWSAP pro 11/24/2008 #45191  
avy tells units to be aware of the potential hazards posed by unauthorized  6/27/2013 #45376  
been classed by the military as a “potential” submarine.                    10/31/2014 #45422  
ever the only links to UAP and the potential project occurring in a facilit 1/30/2015 #45429  
damentally limiting factors in the potential longevity of a program. The ex 2018 #45498  
 Nevada law enforcement also warns potential participants in the event agai 9/20/2019 #45609  
flage” for testing and analysis of potential application on Army ground veh 10/17/2019 #45612  
 have not been identified” and the potential threats they pose. The premise 12/27/2020 #45670  
intelligence, in order to identify potential interstellar travelers, alien- 7/26/2021 #45700  
 determine the feasibility of five potential causal mechanisms, including “ 2/2/2022 #45737  
agnetic energy.” They assessed the potential of each of these mechanisms to 2/2/2022 #45737  
stone Arsenal in Huntsville AL, on potential societal collapse and mass pan 6/4/2022 #45756  
## Word: "potentiality" (Back to Top)
ctions. Data points like lat/long, potentiality for recall, residual pain,  Mid 1995 #42258  
## Word: "potentially" (Back to Top)
 fuel, as it might have been for a potentially long search-and-rescue opera 12/5/1945 #1950  
on, rewrite a new EEI indicating a potentially serious but puzzling phenome 12/18/1947 #3506  
hould be watched “because of their potentially great influence on mass thin 1/17/1953 #8548  
s perceived as a threat trajectory potentially aiming for a nuclear knockou 9/20/1957 #14020  
heat of explosion was estimated to potentially inflict 3rd degree burns at  10/3/1961 #16891  
 he has no qualms about conducting potentially terminal experiments. The in 6/30/1966 #20623  
the Missouri River. This report is potentially an important sighting, becau 2/16/1967 #21576  
nce of MacDill AFB on the cable is potentially significant because the loca 3/1968 #23799  
corde supersonic transport and its potentially harmful effects. His opponen 3/2/1971 #26038  
 objects. Some of the findings are potentially noteworthy—the objects are f 1998 #43479  
of significant value to hostile or potentially hostile states. Associated c 5/3/2001 #44175  
. Opening certain doors, intros to potentially key personnel at contractors 10/2/2008 #45174  
encies work with FEMA to determine potentially hazardous near-Earth objects 3/22/2017 #45465  
tional to study the properties of “potentially exotic materials.”  https:// 8/16/2018 #45537  
alyze, and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to US national 8/4/2020 #45658  
## Word: "potes" (Back to Top)
                                   POTES, SPAIN 3 / cornfield. 3M saucer se 8/1966 #20704  
## Word: "potholes" (Back to Top)
wn accord onto a back road full of potholes, but they felt no bumps, which  10/27/1975 #30489  
## Word: "potin" (Back to Top)
ance Saint-Poix 6:00 a.m. Baptiste Potin of Méral, Mayenne, France, is ridi 10/11/1954 #10939  
## Word: "potocki" (Back to Top)
d in turn. The pilot, W. D. “Spud” Potocki, immediately shuts down all engi 9/29/1959 #15999  
## Word: "potomac" (Back to Top)
Anacostia Naval Air Station on the Potomac River in Washington, D. C. a yel 4/30/1948 #3635  
rontier, and the commandant of the Potomac River Naval Command. The directi 7/23/1954 #10043  
rontier, and the commandant of the Potomac River Naval Command. The directi 7/23/1954 #10044  
                                   POTOMAC, MD Boy. Domed saucer with row / 10/5/1966 #20958  
                                   Potomac, Maryland A boy saw a disk-shape 10/5/1966 #20962  
                          A boy in Potomac, Maryland saw a disc-shaped obje 10/5/1966 #20965  
IA HQs! Going quickly northeast up Potomac River.                           6/11/1995 #42249  
## Word: "potosi" (Back to Top)
ght in the town of Huayana, in the Potosi Valley, Bolivia a man saw a lenti 1/12/1980 #35132  
ge tree in Ciudad Valles, San Luis Potosi State, Mexico. Several gigantic f 9/13/1986 #38027  
Villa de Reyes highway in San Luis Potosi, Mexico when he began to see whit 8/5/1997 #43369  
## Word: "potpec" (Back to Top)
                                   POTPEC, SERBIA Red oval night light spir 10/1971 (approximate) #26394  
## Word: "potraux" (Back to Top)
wo railroad engineers, Bernard and Potraux, who were bringing a locomotive  9/28/1954 #10486  
hem for 15 sec before veering off. Potraux had to see a doctor.             9/28/1954 #10486  
## Word: "potrero" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Potrero” YieldMax: 20KT                  4/23/1974 #29057  
## Word: "potrillo" (Back to Top)
 Cruces, New Mexico Kilbourne Hole Potrillo Volcanic Field White Sands Prov 1/18/1954 #9493  
ole, a maar volcanic crater in the Potrillo Volcanic Field of southern New  1/18/1954 #9493  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Potrillo” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT    6/21/1973 #27578  
## Word: "pots" (Back to Top)
Invercargill, New Zealand, to tend pots in the area of Stewart Island, the  11/13/1965 #19719  
 "It was the shape of two geranium pots put together with the bands in the  5/24/1966 #20509  
## Word: "potsdam" (Back to Top)
e Caputh Ferch Brandenburg Germany Potsdam Leipzig Döberitz 6:00 p.m. Two w 3/13/1913 #886  
ne. They search the woods south of Potsdam until early morning but find not 3/13/1913 #886  
                  Glienicke Bridge Potsdam West Berlin, Germany CIA pilot F 2/10/1962 #17045  
the Glienicke Bridge that connects Potsdam to West Berlin, Germany.         2/10/1962 #17045  
## Word: "potted" (Back to Top)
rsists for two days. Several small potted trees are burned. Casalvieri de P 7/22/1968 #24204  
the landing site and several small potted trees had been burned. Mrs Casalv 7/22/1968 #24205  
se in a cardboard box next to some potted plants, the plants died three day 8/28/1975 #30315  
## Word: "potter" (Back to Top)
                      ANDERSON AND POTTER VALLEY, CA Several separate obser 11/30/1896 #371  
  At 7:15 p.m. an astronomer named Potter and one other witness in Norwich, 10/6/1954 #10760  
                                   POTTER VALLEY, CA 1 observer. Bright red 9/13/1995 #42466  
## Word: "potters" (Back to Top)
                                   Potters Mills, PA Motorists encountered  2/7/1987 #38115  
                                   Potters Mills, PA Motorists encountered  2/7/1987 #38116  
  On this night three motorists in Potters Mills, Pennsylvania and the Seve 2/7/1987 #38117  
## Word: "pottery" (Back to Top)
mes across a strange object in the pottery yard about 16 feet away. It is a 9/26/1968 #24516  
## Word: "potting" (Back to Top)
h an embedded tube, an “electronic potting can,” and a transistor. CARDE’s  6/12/1960 #16312  
## Word: "pottsdam" (Back to Top)
                                   Pottsdam, New York. A triangular object  9/24/2003 #44606  
## Word: "pottstown" (Back to Top)
                                   POTTSTOWN, PA 2 glowing-objects going so 6/26/1952 #6634  
                                   Pottstown, PA 3 different sightings of f 6/26/1952 #6636  
                                   Pottstown, Pennsylvania Witness: assista 6/26/1952 #6638  
                 Later that day in Pottstown, Pennsylvania a procession of  6/26/1952 #6640  
                                   POTTSTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #155 7/23/1952 #7047  
                                   Pottstown, PA Silver object, shaped like 7/23/1952 #7065  
                                   Pottstown, Pennsylvania Witnesses: the t 7/23/1952 #7075  
                                   Pottstown, Pennsylvania 8:40 a.m. The cr 7/23/1952 #7080  
ath it, flying at 170–210 mph over Pottstown, Pennsylvania. A smaller objec 7/23/1952 #7080  
                                   Pottstown, PA About 9:00 p.m. A woman sp 4/25/1971 #26082  
      About 9:00 p.m. a woman near Pottstown, Pennsylvania spotted a lumino 4/25/1971 #26084  
shape, was sighted at 2:26 a.m. in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. It shot straigh 8/10/2004 #44730  
## Word: "pottsville" (Back to Top)
                                   POTTSVILLE, PA 2 observer(s). Domed yell 8/25/1952 #7720  
AUGUSTA AND SEARCY AND NEWPORT AND POTTSVILLE, AR Wave / night lights / are 1/9/1967 #21273  
                                   POTTSVILLE, PA 1 observer. Silent night  1/31/1984 #37168  
## Word: "pouch" (Back to Top)
 office. It is sealed in a courier pouch and loaded on an airplane to be fl 7/6/1947 #2812  
bottle, and some pebbles in a belt pouch; he then rose up into air and vani 10/4/1954 #10703  
 your planet.” He then took from a pouch on his belt a disc about 1 inch in 8/11/1969 #25317  
## Word: "pouching" (Back to Top)
                 Four men were out pouching early in the morning in a field 1/27/1978 #32921  
## Word: "poughkeepsie" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 1 observer. Silent sauc 7/16/1952 #6836  
                         5MI NNE / POUGHKEEPSIE, NY Airline pilot. Meteor-n 10/2/1955 #12482  
                                   Poughkeepsie, NY Airline Pilots Report R 10/2/1955 #12485  
                                   POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 2 observer(s). Shiny ob 9/9/1957 #13987  
                                   POUGHKEEPSIE AND NEW PALTZ, NY 3+separat 6/10/1978 #33264  
                                   POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 25 calls / police. Boom 3/17/1983 #36787  
## Word: "poughquag" (Back to Top)
                                   POUGHQUAG, NY Ex-pilot. Saucer going sou 1/20/2001 #44126  
## Word: "pouilly" (Back to Top)
                                   POUILLY AND VENAREY, FR 30M vertical clo 7/18/1952 (approximate) #6882  
                   At 6:00 p.m. in Pouilly, Cote-d'Or department, France si 7/18/1952 #6899  
## Word: "poulderat" (Back to Top)
that evening at 6:00 p.m. a man in Poulderat, France Messr. J. Raphalan saw 2/10/1975 #29802  
## Word: "pouldergat" (Back to Top)
                                   POULDERGAT, FR Orange saucer / low altit 2/4/1974 #28735  
                              NEAR POULDERGAT, FR 1 / car. Hemisphere follo 3/26/1974 #28952  
t 8:00 a.m. a witness driving near Pouldergat, Finistere, France saw a hemi 3/26/1974 #28958  
                                   POULDERGAT, FR Big red luminous rectangu 2/10/1975 #29796  
## Word: "poullaouen" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHEAST / POULLAOUEN, FR Separate observer(s). Sil 4/7/1977 #31955  
## Word: "poulsbo" (Back to Top)
                                   POULSBO, WA Patrolman. Formation / 3 lig 1/15/1995 #41976  
                                   POULSBO, WA 1 observer. Small flat objec 12/21/1996 #43149  
                                   Poulsbo, Washington Naval Base Kitsap Ki 9/16/2004 #44757  
huck Martin, and three children in Poulsbo, Washington, watch a multicolore 9/16/2004 #44757  
## Word: "pounce" (Back to Top)
d of “MAJI clearance” and Projects Pounce (material collection), Luna (unde 2005 #44803  
## Word: "pounced" (Back to Top)
d, but two short creatures quickly pounced upon him and beat him. Each had  12/26/1996 #43150  
## Word: "pound" (Back to Top)
le breathing. The man proceeded to pound on the glass, trying to break it o 8/26/1972 #26956  
           Westchester County Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, New York Lewisb 8/1/1979 #34696  
me white ball of light at the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, New York, as th 8/1/1979 #34696  
                                   POUND RIDGE, NY Boy / woods. 3' maple tr 11/17/1979 #35003  
                                   Pound Ridge, New York 2:30 p.m. A 13-yea 11/17/1979 #35004  
through a clearing in the woods in Pound Ridge, New York, when he sees what 11/17/1979 #35004  
                              NEAR POUND RIDGE, NY Several observer(s). Slo 7/19/1984 #37402  
                                   Pound Ridge, NY 8:20 PM. A huge boomeran 7/19/1984 #37403  
 leading edge was seen flying over Pound Ridge. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/19/1984 #37403  
 leading edge was seen flying over Pound Ridge, New York at 8:20 p.m.       7/19/1984 #37405  
 of it, but just 223 grams (half a pound) can fuel a craft for a long time. 3/1989 #38855  
rs" on the ground. They were 50-60 pound humanoids with large heads, grayis 6/5/1997 #43313  
## Word: "pounded" (Back to Top)
icle as they attempted to flee. It pounded angrily on their car and dented  4/12/1977 #31978  
## Word: "pounding" (Back to Top)
 creatures lunged against the car, pounding their hairy fists against the w 4/10/1954 #9681  
park." Townsend said his heart was pounding and his legs were like rubber.  10/23/1965 #19679  
uge silver tube going [to] inland. Pounding vibration.                      10/18/1978 #33843  
aked. Terrified and with his heart pounding, Jeremy watched the beings walk 9/16/2007 #45059  
## Word: "pounds" (Back to Top)
rship can carry four men and 1,000 pounds of dynamite for dropping on Havan 11/22/1896 #347  
mewhat better,” having regained 12 pounds.                                  5/18/1949 #4192  
ised at its lightness (estimated 2 pounds); the top is spinning while the b 9/7/1956 #13202  
inches in diameter and weighing 33 pounds. As he returns to tell his friend 11/21/1957 #14590  
 both gain serious weight (some 50 pounds) over the next few months.        2/17/1958 #14878  
 He retrieves a smaller piece (800 pounds) and sells it to a scrap-metal de 6/12/1960 #16312  
active fuel chunks as large as 148 pounds shoot up into the sky and last as 1/12/1965 #18718  
a large bipedal lion of around 600 pounds.”                                 11/9/1968 #24648  
 that growls and barks at her. She pounds on the door and rings the bell an 11/2/1973 #28352  
 of a bowling ball and weighing 22 pounds. They think the sphere could be a 3/27/1974 #28961  
ed to a potato field where several pounds of potatoes were stacked high in  4/23/1976 #31019  
isappeared? She weighed maybe five pounds max, so possibly some owl or some 9/3/1976 #31337  
6 feet in diameter and weighing 66 pounds in his field in Dalabuszki villag 2/2/1977 #31780  
 be 3.5–4.5 feet tall, weighing 40 pounds, with large heads. They have slen 5/1977 #32042  
he fallen mass, estimated at 35–55 pounds. An investigation concludes that  12/17/1977 #32792  
er tank valve, which now showed 55 pounds of pressure on the gauge. He open 6/12/1981 #35967  
rth. The aliens have left only 500 pounds of it, but just 223 grams (half a 3/1989 #38855  
k is still hot and weighs about 30 pounds.                                  10/9/1992 #40671  
ts fill level, containing about 35 pounds of uranium, reaches about 11 gall 9/30/1999 #43856  
 next few weeks, he gains about 50 pounds (although exercising and dieting) 5/1/2005 #44828  
resent. He describes a male, 60–70 pounds, 4 feet 3 inches high, with no ha 3/2010 #45270  
## Word: "poundsgate" (Back to Top)
                                   POUNDSGATE, DEVON 2 observer(s). Flashin 8/19/1980 #35466  
## Word: "pounta" (Back to Top)
                                   POUNTA, SAMOS, GRC Orange teardrop shape 8/1946 (approximate) #2091  
## Word: "pour" (Back to Top)
 SUBURBS AND ALL AUSTRALIA Reports pour in. Huge cylinder/cigar-shape flash 5/5/1950 #4923  
em genuine, three Interface Pilote pour l’Analyse de Clichés d’OVNIs resear 5/11/1950 #4939  
d Roger Lorthioir found Groupement pour l’Étude des Sciences d’Avant-Garde  1965 #18685  
f rainbow colors which appeared to pour off its edges "like water" in a fan 8/20/1966 #20777  
ff rainbow colors that appeared to pour off its edges "like water" in a fan 8/20/1966 #20780  
mish counterpart to the Groupement pour l’Étude des Sciences d’Avant-Garde  1979 #34255  
ckly east over US395. White sparks pour off nose.                           2/1/1996 #42732  
## Word: "poured" (Back to Top)
aps a flammable fluid deliberately poured on the image carrier that is then 5/16/1953 #8879  
bare skin to feel like someone had poured kerosine on a wound. When he wash 7/22/1955 #12280  
th came in, tore up his newspaper, poured the contents of an oil can into a 12/16/1965 #19773  
iny gold suit emerged. White light poured out of the opening, but neither m 11/17/1966 #21119  
e feels as if hot plastic is being poured on his head. He suffocates and ca Early 2/1975 #29782  
## Word: "pouring" (Back to Top)
 cattle. It makes a sound like air pouring through a tube.                  Early 11/1928 #1090  
room fills with bluish-white light pouring in through the closed west windo 1948? #3524  
k and sees, glinting in the sun or pouring out a fantastic amount of its ow Spring 1953 #8766  
wo curved pipes or tubes that were pouring out water, and behind the hull w 11/28/1953 #9325  
ving snow from a section of it and pouring water on the exposed part. The s 11/2/1971 #26450  
ere made simultaneously with calls pouring into RAAF officials regarding ot 4/15/1974 #29028  
d Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, in the pouring rain when he sees three bright a 11/5/1974 #29587  
her units of the 42nd Police begin pouring into the area. Security vehicles 10/27/1975 #30488  
 feet wide, out of which light was pouring. They could hear a dull sound, l 8/6/1976 #31241  
tington, Teesdale, England, in the pouring rain when he sees two purple lig 6/6/1977 #32151  
d up the incline and notices steam pouring off his back and legs, which are 6/6/1977 #32151  
uzzing sound, and then a red light pouring into her house through windows.  1/14/1993 #40796  
a stream of beautiful golden light pouring forth from the base of his spine 4/3/1995 #42137  
t side of the ship and white smoke pouring out. After it crosses the highwa 1/13/1996 #42681  
## Word: "pournoy-la-chetive" (Back to Top)
                                   POURNOY-LA-CHETIVE, FR 2.5M saucer / 3 l 10/9/1954 #10829  
                                   Pournoy-la-Chetive, France Four children 10/9/1954 #10848  
                                   Pournoy-la-Chetive, France. Four childre 10/9/1954 #10866  
## Word: "pournoy-la-chétive" (Back to Top)
                                   Pournoy-la-Chétive, Moselle, France 7:30 10/8/1954 #10817  
t Maguin, 16—are roller skating at Pournoy-la-Chétive, Moselle, France, whe 10/8/1954 #10817  
## Word: "pours" (Back to Top)
IA Saucer over river. Pipes. Water pours out. 6 pseudo-human/entity. Fly wh 11/28/1953 #9323  
## Word: "poussay" (Back to Top)
                                   POUSSAY, FR Several separate observer(s) 6/23/1976 #31132  
## Word: "pouzin" (Back to Top)
          N86 LA VOULTE TO/FROM LE POUZIN, FR Dark round UFO sits / ground. 1/15/1976 #30788  
## Word: "pouzou" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR POUZOU, FR 2 / car. Electric shocks. Mot 10/21/1954 #11294  
                                   Pouzou, France Between Serifere and Pail 10/21/1954 #11300  
                            Paillé Pouzou Charente-Maritime, France Evening 10/21/1954 #11303  
 4-year-old son between Paillé and Pouzou, Charente-Maritime, France. He fe 10/21/1954 #11303  
                                   Pouzou, France. Between Serifere and Pai 10/21/1954 #11309  
## Word: "povelites" (Back to Top)
diana Witness:  USAF 2nd Lt. C. W. Povelites. Undescribed object flew at 60 6/26/1952 #6637  
## Word: "poverty" (Back to Top)
al relocation program to alleviate poverty in the area.                     10/13/2010 #45302  
## Word: "povo" (Back to Top)
gre, Brazil, newspaper Correiro do Povo notes UFO sightings are recurring i 1/23/1971 #25999  
## Word: "pow" (Back to Top)
s out and the humming ends with a “pow” sound.                              Fall 1933 #1175  
## Word: "poway" (Back to Top)
                                   POWAY, CA 1 observer. Bright fireball dr 2/21/1989 #38845  
ights in a V formation flying over Poway, California at 10:15 p.m.          9/20/1997 #43410  
m. while standing on the corner of Poway Road and Gate Lane in Poway, Calif 10/30/2004 #44776  
ner of Poway Road and Gate Lane in Poway, California. The object was in sig 10/30/2004 #44776  
## Word: "powder" (Back to Top)
d these pieces burn until they are powder. The original source is allegedly 6/12/1790 #91  
ke material, some of it reduced to powder (which burns the hands when touch 7/10/1946 #2046  
mber, the lab has analyzed ashlike powder found at the site. It turns out t 7/9/1947 #3068  
                             North Powder, OR (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 -  8/4/1948 #3773  
er. It went down toward the Little Powder River and came up again. The witn 1/1952 #5852  
 milky-white object, shaped like a powder puff, hovered for 5-10 minutes th 10/1/1952 #8083  
g showers. Betty notices a pinkish powder and a tear in her dress. There ar 9/19/1961 #16857  
d a carbonized residue and whitish powder. Some days previously, a neighbor 1/1963 #17624  
t. Police investigation. A whitish powder was also found at the site.       1/31/1963 #17646  
estigation, during which a whitish powder was found at the landing site.    1/31/1963 #17647  
ndrical object hole / ground. Blue powder in deep sloping cavities. / r30p2 5/5/1967 #22273  
epression was discovered, and blue powder was found in small trenches radia 5/9/1967 #22303  
depression was discovered and blue powder was found in small trenches radia 5/9/1967 #22304  
30 cm in size. An aluminum colored powder and some mysterious tubes were al 6/1/1967 #22449  
.5M altitude. Red beam going down. Powder and burns. / LDLN#95+r8#911.      6/21/1968 #24058  
lljar. Fire alarm trips. Ashes and powder. / r178p16.                       10/21/1973 #28224  
d slow. Figure inside waves. White powder going down.                       11/2/1973 #28346  
oar. 2M domed sphere near. Silvery powder left.                             11/26/1974 #29608  
 tree top was burnt, and a silvery powder residue made up of Calcium Oxide  11/26/1974 #29611  
esses fled the scene. Some glowing powder was allegedly found on the ground 7/12/1975 #30174  
l, and there is a smell like “baby powder” in the air. Other men wearing da 5/16/1979 #34563  
, and there was a smell like "baby powder" in the air. There were other men 5/16/1979 #34564  
eams of light. Ground traces and a powder residue were found at the landing 9/5/1981 #36102  
ter with a thin layer of yellowish powder sprayed on the grass. Some days l 5/4/1990 #39556  
anoids (or Greys) examine. Burning powder traces / body.                    9/16/1996 #43022  
 sprayed his face with a yellowish powder. Soon they were conducting numero 9/16/1996 #43026  
at he still had some of the yellow powder on his face. The powder was analy 9/16/1996 #43026  
the yellow powder on his face. The powder was analyzed at a local hospital  9/16/1996 #43026  
t almost like dusted with luminous powder.”                                 9/12/2004 #44755  
## Word: "powder-blue" (Back to Top)
t and his wife watch two spinning, powder-blue lights for 10 minutes outsid 7/26/1956 #13021  
## Word: "powder-like" (Back to Top)
car has been dulled and an unusual powder-like substance is found on the ex 12/4/1988 #38743  
## Word: "powdered" (Back to Top)
 elements. He thinks it comes from powdered milk residue, perhaps from the  2/21/1955 #12011  
## Word: "powdered-milk" (Back to Top)
shaped object, about the size of a powdered-milk can, stuck in the ground.  5/17/1968 #23969  
## Word: "powders" (Back to Top)
s going quickly. Traces / dirt and powders. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v2 9/5/1981 #36101  
## Word: "powdery" (Back to Top)
All three have whitish smears of a powdery substance like cinders. Fontes t Early 9/1957 #13971  
 area and ground marks, some white powdery balls were found that were cold  9/4/1964 #18534  
esses find three footprints in the powdery dust of their driveway. Further  7/23/1977 #32305  
 were coated with an unknown white powdery substance. Her son remembered se 1/27/1993 #40816  
## Word: "powell" (Back to Top)
f Intelligence), Lt. Col. Lewis F. Powell Jr., Col. Howard McCoy (chief of  9/6/1944 #1665  
       Hanford, WA Ensign Rolan D. Powell and 5 others, while stationed at  Summer 1945 #1879  
ford facility Noon. Pilot Rolan D. Powell and five other F6F Hellcat pilots Mid 7/1945 #1896  
h Bryant and his wife, at 407 West Powell Street, Brownfield, Texas, see a  8/25/1951 #5624  
In 2018, Michael Swords and Robert Powell borrow one Ubatuba sample from St Early 9/1957 #13971  
dent. A 1999 analysis by Martin J. Powell seems to indicate that the object 1/16/1958 #14831  
                             USS H.POWELL / PACIFIC 155° 52E-36° 25N Observ 6/17/1963 #17789  
isc Observed By Pilot & Passenger (Powell Case) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 5/21/1966 #20503  
Willow Grove 3: 15 p.m. William C. Powell is flying a light Luscombe aircra 5/21/1966 #20505  
e White House Press Secretary Jody Powell states in the “Washington Whisper 4/18/1977 #31993  
e story is a “misunderstanding” by Powell.                                  4/18/1977 #31993  
raffic Control contacts Capt. Vern Powell, pilot of a freight aircraft abou 12/21/1978 #34193  
ed, through the clouds. It follows Powell’s plane, and Wellington radar tra 12/21/1978 #34193  
As they near Christchurch Airport, Powell and his copilot Ian Pirie notice  12/21/1978 #34193  
f to the left and disappears. Then Powell and Pirie see a flashing light in 12/21/1978 #34193  
assigned to do a story on the Vern Powell sighting 10 days earlier, has cha 12/31/1978 #34246  
e Cook Strait near the site of the Powell sighting, Startup and Guard see 6 12/31/1978 #34246  
 conspiracy charges to poison John Powell, the head of the Suffolk County R 9/28/1989 #39130  
was sighted by a single witness in Powell River, British Columbia travellin 4/25/2001 #44167  
uary, responses to FOIAs by Robert Powell and Glen Schulze begin to arrive. 1/8/2008 #45112  
f Bob Wood, Charles Modlin, Robert Powell and Chuck Reever. MATE signs a co 10/17/2008 #45175  
      Bush ranch Researcher Robert Powell writes to NORAD’s Gen. Victor E.  11/5/2008 #45187  
 NORAD chief of staff, responds to Powell’s request. He claims an “exhausti 12/22/2008 #45197  
corroborate this event.” He refers Powell to the National UFO Reporting Cen 12/22/2008 #45197  
s a high of 95 mph. Chemist Robert Powell and five other members of the Sci 4/25/2013 #45365  
ts executive board includes Robert Powell, Richard Hoffman, and other scien 10/27/2017 #45489  
er points out to researcher Robert Powell, something that would not have oc 5/2021 #45685  
## Word: "power" (Back to Top)
a tour of the vessel, whose motive power is “highly condensed electricity.” 4/22/1897 #560  
drink wear clothes, but have great power. They are something people of this Summer 1931 #1130  
 uranium, by which vast amounts of power and large quantities of new radium 8/2/1939 #1311  
l observer(s). Lens saucer passes. Power fails. Light wind. / and Tabloid a 9/15/1940 #1345  
igh-tension wire on the Bonneville Power Administration in Washington State 3/10/1945 #1810  
and a fireball that results in the power being cut. Coincidentally, the lar 3/10/1945 #1810  
largest consumer of energy on this power grid is the Hanford site of the Ma 3/10/1945 #1810  
ttan Project, which suddenly loses power. The officer in charge at Hanford, 3/10/1945 #1810  
ree days to get it back up to full power again.”                            3/10/1945 #1810  
 his aircraft loses its electrical power and loses one of its bombs. He and 4/25/1945 #1854  
to base in England after regaining power.                                   4/25/1945 #1854  
r mother notes that the electrical power has gone out in their home.        7/12/1946 #2054  
fic research” in relation to naval power and national security.             8/1/1946 #2098  
 leading disc has a motor in it to power the others, because when it flips, 6/24/1947 #2397  
ame, propulsion equipment, and the power plant. It has no wings or tail. Th 7/5/1947 #2721  
e observer(s). 6 silver disks over power lines. Going quickly east. Radio F 7/7/1947 #2880  
ical weapons designed by a foreign power, experimental army aircraft, or sp 7/8/1947 #3016  
allic saucer follows car. Hovers / power lines. Blinks out.                 8/10/1947? #3309  
 on this day. It hovered over some power lines, then blinked out.           8/10/1947 #3310  
on, arrangement, landing gear, and power plant. It considers the objects “t 10/28/1947 #3469  
together, but they cannot locate a power plant, except possibly some electr 1948 #3522  
.m. Six surveyors, including Idaho Power Company surveyor E. G. Hall, see a 2/20/1948 #3583  
 can fly but require more advanced power plants than we have.               11/8/1948 #3871  
sitive Bases in NM area. A foreign power may be making “sensing shots” with 1/13/1949 #3972  
ur use of atomic energy, use solar power, no longer have sex, and reproduce 2/1949 #3994  
 Hanna (?), assistant chief of the Power Plant Laboratory (at Wright-Patter 2/1/1949 #3995  
buted to the activity of a foreign power or a science unknown to our specia 2/18/1949 #4017  
 4 other technicians turned the 25 power theodolite to track the UFO. It wa 4/24/1949 #4099  
ity. It is unlikely that a foreign power would expose a superior aerial wea 4/28/1949 #4125  
 CLSC metallic saucer / treetops / power station/depot/facility 300M away.  7/25/1949 (approximate) #4287  
/ 7000' altitude over high tension power lines lines.                       7/30/1949 #4296  
 undisclosed projects. It states a power plant was recovered from a crashed 8/17/1949 #4320  
hanging positions as they fly. The power of the illumination remains consta 9/26/1949 #4372  
t object lands / reservoir / hydro power station/depot/facility. Floats. Su 4/14/1950 #4848  
 notices something flashing near a power line. He goes to investigate and e 4/24/1950 #4888  
 lens-disk hovers near residential power lines.                             8/1950 (approximate) #5091  
  LITTLE ROCK, ARK 5 observer(s) / power company. Saucer going northeast re 8/4/1950 #5101  
g fooled by optical tricks and the power of suggestion.                     11/16/1950 #5278  
If they were launched by a foreign power, then they could lead to a worse P 2/25/1951 #5458  
the objects are not from a foreign power. But since there is still dome dou 4/23/1951 #5508  
 Stranges of the Propulsion Branch Power Plant Group, to help with the anal 2/8/1952 #5894  
ion moving over parked cars near a power plant in Salem, Massachusetts at 9 7/16/1952 #6845  
 the man seemed to “have me in his power completely. He gave the impression 7/27/1952 #7216  
00' altitude. Going down [to] near power lines. Going quickly northwest as  9/6/1952 #7861  
having visual contact with us. The power and acceleration were beyond the c 10/29/1952 #8215  
 square centimeter, well below the power level of microwave ovens and well  1/1953 #8486  
 the maintenance room to inspect a power unit that has caused a minor break 6/30/1953 #8976  
While observing the F-86 through 6 power field glasses an UFO, black in col 7/19/1953 #9001  
n. A tenfold increase in explosive power is achieved by a combination of fu 8/12/1953 #9065  
s cars. Hits signboard. H2S smell. Power outage. Quickly going up.          8/19/1953 #9083  
s craft, devices, damaged devices, power plants, fragments are to be taken  1954 #9424  
ning to an isolated area near some power lines and soon saw a white glowing 3/28/1954 #9648  
                   Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant Obninsk, Kaluga Oblast, Russ 6/27/1954 #9957  
 Russia Moscow The Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant, at the Institute of Physics 6/27/1954 #9957  
t, at the Institute of Physics and Power Engineering in Obninsk, Kaluga Obl 6/27/1954 #9957  
s the first grid-connected nuclear power plant in the world. The plan achie 6/27/1954 #9957  
ow is set up to provide electrical power to Moscow.                         6/27/1954 #9957  
p.m. Jean Besse, a draftsman for a power company in Tulle, Corrèze, France, 9/22/1954 #10396  
       RONSENAC, FR 3 observer(s). Power out. Dogs howl. Half barrel saucer 10/15/1954 #11093  
directions. This was followed by a power outage.                            10/23/1954 #11345  
ds it collides with a high-tension power line making a shower of sparks, an 11/23/1954 #11696  
se it collided with a high-tension power line with a shower of sparks, and  11/23/1954 #11698  
 small humanoid (or Grey) outside. Power outage.                            11/29/1954 #11727  
oire, France at the same time as a power outage. A 1.2 meter (4 foot) tall  11/29/1954 #11730  
eadlights dimmed, and the car lost power and slowed to 12-15 mph. The UFO s 3/30/1955 #12071  
ed saucer hovers very low / Barton power station/depot/facility / 15 second 8/13/1956 #13074  
Pilot Photographs Object Radiating Power (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 8/27/1956 #13138  
diating in excess of a gigawatt of power within the spectral range of the f 8/27/1956 #13140  
 therapy at 30–40 times the normal power, and sensory deprivation in a “sle 2/1957 #13481  
 a crude estimate of the UFO radar power output using the inverse-square la 7/17/1957 #13808  
akes off at a 45° angle to avoid a power line, then shoots away. Local resi 7/30/1957 #13862  
ect descend close to ground near a power transmission station. It made a hu 7/30/1957 #13863  
oing south. 180° turn over nuclear power plant. Going north.                10/1/1957 #14053  
     WICHITA FALLS, TX Rain. Brief power outage. Ovoid going northwest. Sou 11/3/1957 #14235  
ch time it glows bright, the car’s power goes on and off. The object leaves 11/3/1957 #14244  
ut. In the meantime, the emergency power is switched on but immediately giv 11/4/1957 #14284  
ucer. Beams and flashes and booms. Power out / 4 mile(s) area / 10 minute(s 11/14/1957 #14546  
                       Tamaroa, IL Power failed for 10 minutes in a four mi 11/14/1957 #14550  
hts in her home go out. Electrical power in a 4-mile area between Tamaroa a 11/14/1957 #14551  
ois is interrupted for 10 minutes. Power is restored when the company close 11/14/1957 #14551  
hts in her home went out. Electric power in a four-mile wide area was inter 11/14/1957 #14552  
ars electro-magnetic effect (EME). Power outages. Quickly going up. / r79.  11/15/1957 #14555  
kout only lasts 5 minutes, but the power station has no explanation.        11/25/1957 #14614  
 three minutes on KBR Rural Public Power Radio in Ainsworth, Nebraska, oper 12/5/1957 #14673  
hotographs / 120' saucer. Electric power out. Going northeast. / Internatio 1/16/1958 #14829  
re, at about 12:05 p.m. There is a power failure on the ship when the objec 1/16/1958 #14831  
 ship when the object is seen; the power returns upon the object’s departur 1/16/1958 #14831  
 hadn’t because all the electrical power aboard ship was out at the time. H 1/16/1958 #14831  
 He was sure of the reality of the power outage because just before the obj 1/16/1958 #14831  
         ROMA AND MORE/OTHERS, ITL Power outage as fireball going southeast 8/3/1958 #15175  
the object, and some of the ship’s power apparently goes out. After a few m 9/1958 #15239  
 saw a "huge silver disc" over the power lines and he asked the driver to s 10/28/1958 #15395  
Saucer passes / very low altitude. Power blackout / entire city. No further 12/6/1958 #15470  
pulia, Italy at about 11:00 p.m. A power blackout occurred over the entire  12/6/1958 #15473  
le, Georgia, is brought up to full power and unsheathed for the first time. 6/1959 #15754  
lobe north going south over hills. Power out / entire town / several minute 6/22/1959 #15781  
ina, and blacks out all electrical power for several minutes.               6/22/1959 #15784  
erlandia, Brazil Automatic keys at power station turned off as round UFO pa 8/17/1959 #15922  
, Brazil The automatic keys at the power station in Uberlândia, Minas Gerai 8/17/1959 #15923  
erais, Brazil, suddenly disconnect power to all four trunk lines. A technic 8/17/1959 #15923  
 toward the main station along the power lines. The chief engineer resets a 8/17/1959 #15923  
in. Domed circular object hovers / power station/depot/facility. Away fast. 9/1959 #15947  
oc, California, and Gen. Thomas S. Power, CINCSAC, declares the first ICBM  9/9/1959 #15962  
                     An electrical power outage occurred In Mariannelund, S 9/29/1959 #16000  
6:55 p.m. Going outside during the power failure, Mr. Gideon Johansson and  9/29/1959 #16000  
 A glassy deposit was found on the power line a kilometer away. Mr. Johanss 9/29/1959 #16000  
, Småland, Sweden, when there is a power failure. He goes outside to look a Late 10/1959 #16060  
re. He goes outside to look at the power lines when he bumps into his son R Late 10/1959 #16060  
 Glassy deposits are found on some power lines in addition to the damaged t Late 10/1959 #16060  
                 On this evening a power failure occurred in Miami, Florida 7/21/1960 #16342  
sion at the US Army’s SL-1 nuclear power reactor in Idaho Falls, Idaho, cau 1/3/1961 #16561  
uba, supported by considerable air power.                                   1/4/1961 #16562  
 altitude lights area near nuclear power station/depot/facility.            2/1961 #16591  
n Europe, France Disc near nuclear power station (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 2/1961 #16592  
Nevada saw several objects on a 20 power theodolite at 133.4 degrees azimut 9/30/1961 #16881  
         VUKOVAR, CROATIA Electric power surge. Radio station/depot/facilit 11/6/1961 (approximate) #16956  
ff's fields, trees, machinery, and power lines. The farm is located near Ch 11/18/1961 #16964  
 Clinton, Beds., UK Car motor lost power, headlights not affected, as UFO p 2/9/1962 #17041  
             EUREKA, UT UFO lands. Power plant out / 42 min. Goes going wes 4/18/1962 #17116  
rrupting electrical service from a power plant close to the landing site. I 4/18/1962 #17120  
gs / field. Buzz like high tension power lines power lines. No traces. / r3 7/1962 #17260  
Buzz like high tension power lines power lines. No traces. / r30p248.       7/1962 #17260  
 design features. Johnson wants to power the Q-12 with a ramjet engine modi 10/1962 #17449  
he use of metrics rather than pure power. The idea that the CTA-102 emissio 1963 #17620  
lgrade, Montana causing electrical power failures.                          2/22/1963 #17681  
                KIRKBY, MERSEYSIDE Power goes out. 6M saucer / antennae out 5/7/1963 #17734  
g. 30' saucer / 100' altitude over power lines. / R. Fowler / r83p3.        6/26/1963 #17805  
liant lights. The UFO follows some power lines across a field and disappear 6/26/1963 #17809  
owls rim-to-rim hovering over some power lines, approximately 300 feet away 6/26/1963 #17811  
ed UFO hovering over the Birchills Power Station in Staffordshire, England  8/12/1963 #17890  
pilot tries to switch to auxiliary power, it too is not functioning. At one 4/20/1964 #18180  
nishes after about 20 minutes. The power suddenly returns, and the crew can 4/20/1964 #18180  
5 / 2 cars. Domed saucer near main power station/depot/facility. Going quic 6/12/1964 #18343  
c-shaped UFO hovered near the main power station in Hallam, Victoria, Austr 6/12/1964 #18347  
 silver ovoid hovers near ground / power substation. Light roar.            8/25/1964 #18507  
t blank, and the car's engine lost power.                                   8/30/1964 #18523  
ckly [to] all directions. Electric power fluctuates. Formations.            11/6/1964 #18608  
here were no smells, vibrations or power coming from it and he was not awar 12/10/1964 #18655  
nt of him, the UFO narrowly misses power lines. It is so huge that when it  12/21/1964 #18670  
ed it narrowly missed hitting some power lines. There was a bluish glow fro 12/21/1964 #18671  
ect hovered nearby; the electrical power returned when the UFO sped away.   1/15/1965 #18741  
cs hovering over some high-tension power lines between Kent and Renton, Was 1/31/1965 #18788  
e hovered low over the New England Power Plant in Salem, Massachusetts at 5 5/22/1965 #18950  
 of Project Rover. It runs at full power for 10.5 minutes. Unfortunately, t 6/25/1965 #19027  
ight maneuvers / sky over Beckford power plant. No further details.         7/9/1965 #19086  
vered in the sky over the Beckford Power Plant north of Cincinnati, Ohio.   7/9/1965 #19091  
                           Chosica Power Plant, Peru Mr. Alva was awakened  7/25/1965 #19170  
ect on the ground near the Chosica Power Plant, Peru emitting flashes of gr 7/25/1965 #19174  
                           CHOSICA POWER STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, PERU 3M ta 7/27/1965 #19186  
ered as music, but that it had the power of raising the feelings to the hig 8/9/1965 #19350  
ng [to] over bakery. Descends over power towers nearby.                     8/13/1965 #19376  
ed into an area of some electrical power line pylons, one mile away.        8/13/1965 #19385  
ed crews. Huge saucer loops. Light power = 2.3MW. Going west. / LDLN#145+/  9/22/1965 (approximate) #19587  
can President Luis Echeverría. The power only fails as long as the UFO is t 9/23/1965 #19591  
 evening and caused three separate power failures. The domed object was see 9/23/1965 #19593  
aph 3 saucers over McGuire nuclear power station/depot/facility. / r95 v5#3 10/1965 #19627  
NC Three UFOs over McGuire Nuclear Power Station (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 10/1965 #19629  
/cigar-shape with hump hovers over power plant / 45 degree angle. Sways and 10/2/1965 #19636  
o saw a dark UFO hovering over the power plant in Salem, Massachusetts. It  10/2/1965 #19639  
e offloads saucer. Saucer drops to power lines. Pipe extends to wire!       10/21/1965 #19669  
uge ball / fire where high tension power lines lines cross river.           11/9/1965 #19703  
n electric transmission line. Huge power outage / northeast USA and E. Cana 11/9/1965 #19705  
                many cities, NY NE power grid failure & possibly related si 11/9/1965 #19707  
rk City, New York During the great power blackout, actor Stuart Whitman was 11/9/1965 #19708  
sachusetts 5:16 p.m. The Northeast power blackout, a significant disruption 11/9/1965 #19709  
om the Sir Adam Beck Hydroelectric Power Station No. 2 in Queenston, Ontari 11/9/1965 #19709  
           Northeastern US Massive power blackout in northeastern United St 11/10/1965 #19710  
ew York City, during the Northeast power blackout. He hears a “sound, like  11/10/1965 #19711  
 is a small demonstration of their power and ask Whitman to do what he can  11/10/1965 #19711  
 and small white night lights over power plant. Rainy day. Go off and back  11/16/1965 #19724  
e night lights all over/all about. Power outages and cars electro-magnetic  11/26/1965 #19735  
 Minnesota 8:00–9:00 p.m. Numerous power outages around St. Paul, Minnesota 11/26/1965 #19736  
in border, blue lights in the sky, power failures, and electro-magnetic eff 11/26/1965 #19737  
E, NH 1 observer. White ovoid over power lines. Rod touches wire and retrac 1/16/1966 #19837  
. 1 going south. 1 going west. All power out when they meet over town. / r7 1/19/1966 #19855  
UTH, NH Family. Egg-shape 45M over power lines. Power brownout. Vibration f 3/13/1966 #19955  
y. Egg-shape 45M over power lines. Power brownout. Vibration felt.          3/13/1966 #19955  
-shaped object about 150 feet over power lines. TV and house lights dimmed  3/13/1966 #19956  
g-shaped object 150 feet over some power lines in Portsmouth, New Hampshire 3/13/1966 #19958  
were experienced on local electric power systems, house lights blinked off  3/19/1966 #19994  
eared within seconds. An extensive power failure occurred in Freeport about 3/19/1966 #19994  
-blue-green-red) that hovered over power lines, bobbed around and rocked in 3/20/1966 #20005  
white-blue-green-red) hovered over power lines, bobbed around, and rocked i 3/20/1966 #20010  
 left and right all over/all about power lines. / r41p186.                  3/21/1966 #20016  
it moving back and forth over some power lines at 10:00 p.m. Other police s 3/21/1966 #20023  
lassic photograph / 3 saucers near power pole. Likely fake / BUFORA.        3/28/1966 #20109  
ver saucer hovers just over high-V power lines. 5 portholes glow / edge. /  3/29/1966 #20125  
a halo, and hovering near electric power transmission lines. Its body was d 3/29/1966 #20132  
ht white object maneuvering around power lines and a radio tower, making a  3/30/1966 #20155  
 over the sand dunes. After losing power Mr. Field allowed his car to roll  3/30/1966 #20166  
er(s). Silent 30M disk hovers over power lines. Lands / woods. White beam.  4/5/1966 #20230  
way, flying between a high-tension power line and a row of trees. Cows, dog 4/5/1966 #20250  
         DORCHESTER, MA Blue Book. Power outage. Many observer(s) domed sau 4/12/1966 #20286  
nd bobbing up and down. Coincident power failure (EM effects) in nearby Rox 4/12/1966 #20288  
Dorchester, Massachusetts During a power failure many residents, including  4/12/1966 #20290  
p and down. There was a coincident power failure (EM effects) in nearby Rox 4/12/1966 #20291  
CAP’s investigation shows that the power failure affected 2,500 homes in th 4/23/1966 #20390  
med ovoid hits apartment building. Power cable burnt out. / r83p327.        4/24/1966 #20398  
 (animal reaction). The start of a power failure, which affected about 2,50 4/24/1966 #20400  
ter moving about 10 feet above the power lines on a parallel path. The obje 6/8/1966 #20540  
as it flew about 10 feet above the power lines. It made no noise.           6/8/1966 #20547  
0' saucer hovers / steel plant and power station/depot/facility. Going quic 8/19/1966 #20764  
plasma discharge from high-voltage power lines.                             8/22/1966 #20786  
00 microroentgens/hour. Electrical power is off in the area for about 4 hou 9/13/1966 #20879  
tail appendage come down over some power lines. It made a whirling sound, a 10/10/1966 #20983  
bserver. Sparkling object glides / power lines. Arms protrude. Hums.        10/23/1966 #21027  
-light.  Traveled south along some power lines, then turned southwest.  Mad 10/23/1966 #21031  
oing up and down. Going [to] under power lines and across field.            11/4/1966 #21073  
r / 3M wings. Going [to] abandoned power plant. / r4p88.                    11/15/1966 #21105  
an" when she visited the abandoned power plant in Point Pleasant, West Virg 11/24/1966 #21146  
kes photograph / domed saucer near power lines. See reference photograph se 12/5/1966 (approximate) #21183  
hind road-bank. Back 26 Jul. '67 / power lines.                             12/13/1966 #21195  
ht saucer. Light and burns = 900MW power. / r5p32+/ r8#808.                 12/30/1966 #21225  
ay. He estimates its visible light power output at about one megawatt. Comi 12/30/1966 #21230  
 hover / 50 minute(s) then vanish. Power outage follows.                    1/15/1967 #21306  
  SOUTH WILLIAMSTOWN, MA Flash and power outage. Domed glowing-disk. Paces  1/18/1967 #21336  
w a flash in the sky just before a power failure occurred. Then they saw a  1/18/1967 #21339  
the sky was noted shortly before a power outage in Williamstown, Massachuse 1/18/1967 #21344  
ing north. Stops over high tension power lines lines.                       1/24/1967 #21371  
n sees and photographs saucer near power lines. Authentic / local Air Force 1/25/1967 #21379  
sides, they are able to affect our power resources, putting to a halt our e 2/1967 #21431  
 It also hovered over a theater. A power failure occurred about the same ti 2/12/1967 #21519  
d like a welding arc hovering over power lines. It was blindingly bright an 2/12/1967 #21521  
tion were seen within 50 feet of a power line. The objects sometimes bounce 2/17/1967 #21585  
 object speed in and hover under a power line, then retrace its approach pa 2/20/1967 #21605  
 farmhouse. When it passes above a power line, it stops and hovers for 4 mi 3/5/1967 #21763  
our and then faded out of sight. A power failure occurred during the sighti 3/8/1967 #21811  
S 3 observer(s). Domed saucer over power lines. Violet glow hovering-red wh 3/18/1967 #21914  
n front of a house and in front of power lines. The object disappeared but  3/25/1967 #21983  
inoculars. The object hovers above power lines for about 10 minutes then he 4/17/1967 #22153  
g occurred during an area electric power blackout (EM effects). The local n 6/5/1967 #22464  
ular formation that hovered over a power station, emitted a brilliant blue  6/5/1967 #22465  
ee UFOs, one of them low near some power lines during a daytime power outag 6/5/1967 #22468  
 some power lines during a daytime power outage at Shamokin Dam, Pennsylvan 6/5/1967 #22468  
orted on two generators at the dam power plant. There were power failures r 6/5/1967 #22468  
at the dam power plant. There were power failures reported at 10:16 a.m. in 6/5/1967 #22468  
 Delaware according to the Federal Power Commission. Later that evening at  6/5/1967 #22468  
                PALMA, MAJORCA, SP Power out. Light / patio. 2 small humano 7/1967 #22583  
  FARMINGDALE AGR COLLEGE, NY Many power outages. Several pigs gone / high  8/1967 #22767  
                ARBROATH, SCOTLAND Power out 2X. Rose-colored ovoid 25M ove 8/2/1967 #22775  
ound and descended from above some power lines, and landed giving off a red 8/6/1967 #22834  
                 CALEDONIA, NS 2 / power station/depot/facility. 2 brillian 8/15/1967 (approximate) #22879  
             Nova Scotia Light and Power substation in Caledonia, Nova Scot Mid 8/1967 #22882  
ounds at the Nova Scotia Light and Power substation in Caledonia, Nova Scot Mid 8/1967 #22882  
SHENANGO VALLEY, PA Cops and many. Power outage / transformer fails. Glowin 9/7/1967 #23014  
Six or more employees of a nuclear power plant saw a saucer- shaped object  9/11/1967 #23039  
m Neck, Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at 8:45 p.m. It was seen by  9/13/1967 #23050  
came a noise similar to that of "a power mower when it fires but fails to s 9/15/1967 #23066  
came a noise similar to that of "a power mower when it fires but fails to s 9/15/1967 #23071  
arents of one witness experience a power failure in their home on Elmira’s  12/27/1967 #23615  
s). Huge glow going southeast. Big power blackout. / r215p60.               1/24/1968 #23693  
east.  This was followed by a huge power blackout at 11:00 p.m.             1/24/1968 #23699  
ets and portholes. Whines. Circles power pole. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 2/19/1968 #23764  
                     CASTELAR, ARG Power drops. TV black. House flooded / l 3/3/1968 #23809  
ave burned out, seemingly due to a power surge. Once the transistors are re 3/4/1968 #23824  
rk saucer / small searchlight over power station/depot/facility. Follows po 3/10/1968 #23833  
er station/depot/facility. Follows power lines going [to] distance.         3/10/1968 #23833  
 It passed over the local electric power substation in Pawtucket, Rhode Isl 3/10/1968 #23835  
 Island and flew off following the power lines.                             3/10/1968 #23835  
rved a UFO descend and land near a power transformer. An opening appeared i 3/29/1968 #23873  
d in terror, in spite of a strange power that tended to make him stay. (Mag 7/1/1968 #24112  
d in terror, in spite of a strange power that tended to make him stay.      7/1/1968 #24114  
diameter. Their jeep's engine lost power during the five minute duration of 7/16/1968 #24183  
as on duty at the Central Electric Power Station at 1:00 a.m. when he saw a 7/23/1968 #24214  
saucer / luminous/glowing trail by power station. Big brief blackout.       9/18/1968 #24476  
settles on foliage, buildings, and power lines. The University of Manitoba  9/18/1968 #24478  
er. Magnetic instruments act up. 2 power outages.                           10/7/1968 #24547  
           MEDAN, INDONS 2 / home. Power out. Silent white disk 30M over ya 11/4/1968 (approximate) #24629  
disk 30M over yard. Shrinks. Gone. Power on.                                11/4/1968 (approximate) #24629  
 feet of their car the engine lost power and the radio filled with static.  11/25/1968 #24705  
the car, and again the engine lost power and the radio wouldn't work.       11/25/1968 #24705  
 and the car drops and regains its power.                                   1/25/1969 #24871  
ass under some high tension (5 Kv) power lines.                             1/29/1969 #24877  
hotographs / saucer. 2 objects and power outage / 1900h. Radio Frequency In 4/10/1969 #25053  
/ rain. Going up [to] and hovers / power lines / car nears.                 4/22/1969 #25081  
t turns and zooms over some nearby power lines, over the trees, and out of  4/22/1969 #25082  
 Sun, Indiana Evening. A localized power blackout cuts off electricity at t 5/18/1969 #25143  
minous object going [to] overhead. Power out. Car buzzed-spins out. / r156# 5/29/1969 #25168  
 Frequency Interference (RFI). All power out. 7-80cm night lights and sauce 7/6/1969 #25258  
east, still flying parallel to the power lines.                             7/11/1969 #25261  
t make a humming noise. The ship’s power and instruments go dead as the lar 10/24/1969 #25422  
When the UFO is 600 feet away, the power comes back on. The smaller objects 10/24/1969 #25422  
 night a security guard at a local power station in Urubupunga, Brazil repo 11/21/1969 #25467  
ers. Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / power lines / 20 minute(s). Tree leaves  12/18/1969 #25502  
A Flash. 8M saucer hovers 15M over power towers / Coyote Point. Lights / si 2/10/1970 #25577  
r. Bright orange saucer drops near power lines. Bright beam going down. Goi 6/27/1970 #25711  
ropped down from the sky near some power lines in Galston, Strathclyde, Sco 6/27/1970 #25715  
ILLERS, DOUBS Several observer(s). Power outage. Moon-size sphere/orb/globe 7/9/1970 #25728  
e of the UFOs was accompanied by a power outage in the area.                7/9/1970 #25729  
s from the nearby Big Rock Nuclear Power Plant. As he spoke to himself, his 8/15/1970 #25787  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Power outage. / r79.                     10/18/1970 #25882  
hen part of the city experienced a power outage. At the same time Moyses Sa 11/24/1970 #25917  
domed saucer soars over Bonneville power lines. / r108p10.                  12/7/1970 #25933  
, hovered briefly over some nearby power lines, then brightened while makin 12/7/1970 #25934  
s / 2M altitude. Lights area. Huge power outage. / r50p32.                  1/20/1971 #25992  
 Aliranta moved toward it with his power chain saw in hand. Through three w 2/5/1971 #26015  
       ANDERSON, IN 4 observer(s). Power and phone fail. Screech. Dogs howl 5/16/1971 #26113  
witnesses observed an object after power failed in their house. Saturn type 5/16/1971 #26114  
identified aerial object after the power failed in their house. It was a Sa 5/16/1971 #26115  
nation; lights dimmed, engine lost power. Flying Saucer Review Case Histori 5/25/1971 #26134  
headlights dimmed, the engine lost power, and a transistor radio died. An a 5/25/1971 #26137  
ers away from the object her car's power came back fully. No other vehicles 5/25/1971 #26137  
ric and sparks all over/all about. Power out. Many see huge sphere/orb/glob 6/18/1971 #26178  
g everywhere before the electrical power failed. They next observed a huge  6/18/1971 #26179  
ght during a widespread California power blackout that lasted one hour.     6/18/1971 #26179  
usly the generator which furnishes power to the ranch stopped functioning a 6/26/1971 #26195  
OUAGAN TO LES ESCOUMIS, QB 3 Major power outages / 10 days in UFO wave / ar 7/23/1971 #26241  
 Manicouagan, Quebec an electrical power outage was connected to UFO sighti 7/23/1971 #26242  
on Earth where there was "too much power." He was also shown 3-D pictures o 8/17/1971 #26293  
of a planet destroyed by "too much power." After feeling a "buzzing" sensat 8/17/1971 #26293  
ollows bus going north. Stops near power Stm. Power outage.                 10/28/1971 #26434  
going north. Stops near power Stm. Power outage.                            10/28/1971 #26434  
 glowing disk descends slowly near power station.                           10/28/1971 #26435  
us, going north. It stopped near a power station, and a power outage result 10/28/1971 #26437  
topped near a power station, and a power outage resulted. At 8:30 p.m. anot 10/28/1971 #26437  
ed slowly and silently down near a power station in Mont Laurier, Quebec.   10/28/1971 #26437  
 25M cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / power station. Rumbles and flames and sh 1/1/1972 #26536  
cigar-shaped object hovered over a power station in the town of Nedre Leirf 1/1/1972 #26537  
observer(s). Black saucer hovers / power station/depot/facility. Red and bl 3/5/1972 #26589  
 his car engine sputtered and lost power when he attempted to leave the sce 3/10/1972 #26599  
low / chicken Coop. Night lights / power lines. / r83p180.                  5/13/1972 #26678  
t beamed light at car, engine lost power (UFOE II, Section VII). (NICAP: 03 7/10/1972 #26788  
t beamed light at car, engine lost power                                    7/10/1972 #26789  
 spot. This time it seems to drain power from the car, causing it to stop,  7/25/1972 #26833  
                    MAGE', BRZ All power out and battery radios! Many sauce 7/31/1972 #26847  
                    At 9:30 p.m. a power outage was experienced by thousand 7/31/1972 #26850  
e/orb/globe / 80M altitude. 50kph. Power plant explodes!                    8/20/1972 #26934  
o creatures standing near a remote power station. Sgt. Alexander yelled for 10/14/1972 #27077  
n the ground, directly east of the power station. They circled the craft an 10/14/1972 #27077  
Huge glowing ball goes over. Local power failures.                          10/18/1972 #27078  
s. Watches several observers. Near power station/depot/facility. / r82p73.  10/28/1972 #27094  
Studies" man / tractor. Going [to] power line.                              12/16/1972 #27178  
AREA Several separate observer(s). Power outage as white glowing-dome passe 1/7/1973 #27224  
 lake. Hover / field. Photographs. Power outage / r231.                     3/14/1973 #27345  
tudes.Photographs were taken and a power outage was also noted.             3/14/1973 #27347  
observer(s). Silent 8m saucer over power station/depot/facility. 4 Air Forc 3/22/1973 #27359  
r. Low-flying disk going [to] over power transformer. / Awareness Mag / UK. 3/22/1973 #27360  
oximately 1,500' high hovered over power plant. Witness estimated the objec 3/22/1973 #27361  
iving near the Manor, Pennsylvania Power plant at 10:55 p.m. when he observ 4/15/1973 #27431  
y, was about 400 yards west of the power plant and approximately 10 feet ab 4/15/1973 #27431  
Highway 321, his car began to lose power and his car's radio filled with st 5/22/1973 #27519  
CLAUDE, FR Saucer / 4 arms touches power lines. Going southwest. Same obser 6/1973 #27541  
nd more. 5M fireball. Engine dies. Power outage. Headaches. / r79p57.       6/7/1973 #27555  
' saucer. Tapered beam going down. Power out. Trees sway. Odd tracks. / r41 6/28/1973 #27589  
o Frequency Interference (RFI) and power outages. / r175.                   7/16/1973 #27633  
ose from ground and shot into sky, power returned, engine restarted by itse 7/21/1973 #27644  
saucer going down / woods near new power plant. Cones / light going down.   8/1973 #27666  
etro Chemical Company plant. Brief power failure reported. (NICAP: 03 - EME 9/5/1973 #27766  
 for 20 minutes. There was a brief power failure reported.                  9/5/1973 #27768  
observer(s). 7' flowerpot hovers / power station/depot/facility. Jagged top 9/14/1973 #27819  
, almost directly over an electric power station. The upper edge seemed jag 9/14/1973 #27823  
tly. As they pulled abreast of the power station the object's luminosity di 9/14/1973 #27823  
2 odd objects over chemical plant. Power outage. / Clarion Ledger 18.10.73. 10/10/1973 #27974  
 Yazoo City, Mississippi causing a power outage. At 6:00 p.m. in Magnolia,  10/10/1973 #27983  
Low / field. Strobe-lights / edge. Power outage.                            10/16/1973 #28072  
ht. Her car suddenly began to lose power. The headlights flickered, dimmed, 10/16/1973 #28089  
 ovoid over Chevron oil rig / GMX. Power out. / r60#316.                    10/17/1973 #28095  
 from 1700 ft. to 3500 ft. with no power applied. After a slight “bounce” t 10/18/1973 #28144  
             Ashburn, GA Woman had power failure in car, encountered a smal 10/19/1973 #28185  
 on Interstate 75 when her engine, power brakes and steering quit. No UFO w 10/19/1973 #28190  
 Ashburn, Georgia when her engine, power brakes and steering quit. No UFO w 10/19/1973 #28200  
server(s). Saucer very low / large power station/depot/facility. Power brow 10/26/1973 #28293  
arge power station/depot/facility. Power brownout. Away fast. Photographs.  10/26/1973 #28293  
. Luminous object passes. Electric power fluctuates / same time.            11/9/1973 #28395  
lf a mile on Highway 65, near some power lines.                             11/26/1973 #28468  
server(s). Saucers / low altitude. Power out. 65 bulls panic and die.       12/5/1973 #28519  
ltitude no greater than the nearby power pole. It is surrounded completely  1974 #28632  
ghts in formation split apart over power plant / low altitude. / r71p105.   1/1974 #28635  
         BLACKSOD, IRL 1 observer. Power outage. Glowing bus with figure(s) 2/3/1974 (approximate) #28734  
VIS, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Power outage. UFO / dairy farm right aft 3/23/1974 #28928  
sts from Adelaide reported loss of power from their automobiles after sight 4/15/1974 #29028  
us "Rugby-ball" beams ray on 220kv power tower. Going quickly northeast.    5/14/1974 #29103  
        NORTH MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA Power outage. Black saucer-cylinder/ciga 6/1/1974 #29156  
 The car batteries were drained of power. At 2:25 a.m. a reddish orange lum 6/29/1974 #29231  
t hovers / port. Portholes / side. Power fluctuates. / r167p159.            7/9/1974 #29249  
the sides of the craft. Electrical power fluctuated in the area at the time 7/9/1974 #29255  
ar, and was told to look above the power lines ahead. He then observed a fi 8/1/1974 #29298  
hru) binoculars. Ball / light over power lines shoots going quickly east.   9/10/1974 #29450  
head lights up. The car then loses power as it travels up an incline, and e 9/16/1974 #29459  
ossing a bridge, the car then lost power and rolled to a stop. The entire e 9/16/1974 #29460  
vering above the Wiscasset Nuclear Power Station. After severl minutes it r 9/24/1974 #29474  
ecame cold and there was a loss of power resulting in no acceleration, plus 9/24/1974 #29475  
   RIEC-SOUTH-BELON, FR Dog barks. Power out. Area lit. Luminous traces / g 9/29/1974 #29490  
lear weapons, promotion of nuclear power, and other energy-related work, an 10/11/1974 #29522  
owing bodies fly over city. 30 min power outage. No explanation.            10/16/1974 #29537  
SEGRIE-FONTAINE, FR 3 observer(s). Power outage. Rounded flying box with an 10/20/1974 #29546  
 rural Texas. At 11:30 p.m. near a power station in Brookby, New Zealand a  1/8/1975 #29734  
. 3rd object exits 2nd and follows power line.                              1/13/1975 #29746  
ameter object stops 300' overhead. Power outage. Going [to] behind trees. / 1/23/1975 #29761  
nd 4 bright objects circle nuclear power station/depot/facility. Vanish / p 3/18/1975 #29908  
aucer offloads probes near nuclear power station/depot/facility. Gone / 30  3/22/1975 #29914  
r speeds up. 2 silent UFO's follow power line.                              6/22/1975 #30116  
LISBURY, RHD Separate observer(s). Power electro-magnetic effect (EME). Dog 7/16/1975 #30183  
 at the same time his car lost all power. The temperature in his car rose t 8/13/1975 #30257  
. As the UFO sped away he regained power to his car. The developed film whi 8/13/1975 #30257  
 screech. Human figure hangs / 3kv power lines! Vanishes!!                  8/16/1975 #30279  
isks and night lights zigzag. Over power lines etc.                         10/27/1975 #30479  
 over a filling station, causing a power outage.                            10/29/1975 #30513  
ike craft hover and maneuver. Near power lines. Reports until 0430.         11/11/1975 #30597  
Abruzzi, Italy under some electric power lines, moving slowly.              11/28/1975 #30673  
w St. Petersburg], Russia, nuclear power plant is being brought back online 11/30/1975 #30677  
ng by some high tension electrical power lines. The light vanished after se 12/8/1975 #30696  
. 400' ring / night lights. Follow power lines. Maneuver and play / low alt 12/13/1975 #30710  
(s). 25' dome with 5 12' legs over power lines. Physical traces and odor. / 12/14/1975 #30713  
 observer(s). Fireball going down. Power breakers trip 4X. 20cm circular bu 12/24/1975 #30735  
  Cotes-du-Nord, France 10:00 p.m. Power circuit breakers were tripped four 12/24/1975 #30737  
                     At 10:00 p.m. power circuit breakers were tripped four 12/24/1975 #30739  
ight cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / power lines / 10 mn. Brilliant light / t 3/24/1976 #30954  
 NY Cop and 2. Fireball spins over power station/depot/facility. Shoots goi 8/22/1976 #31290  
                        COLUSA, CA Power out. 150' domed saucer / 50' over  9/10/1976 #31367  
 / 50' over barn. 2 night lights / power lines. / MJ#108+/ r41p39.          9/10/1976 #31367  
e, rotating rim and bright lights, power failure. Object moved away, shone  9/10/1976 #31369  
e, rotating rim and bright lights, power failure. Object moved away, shone  9/10/1976 #31370  
wo other objects over high-tension power lines a mile to the west, emitting 9/10/1976 #31371  
casting blue light beams down onto power lines, and an arc of light was ext 9/10/1976 #31373  
ight was extending upward from the power lines to the objects. When the obj 9/10/1976 #31373  
, and were gone in 30 seconds. The power came back on in Mr. Pecha's mobile 9/10/1976 #31373  
00M altitude / 3600MPH. 15KW light power. / r5p27.                          11/5/1976 #31525  
                      MAUREPAS, FR Power outage. Orange glow = perfect ovoi 11/10/1976 #31536  
ect ovoid. Blinks slow. Vanishes / power on.                                11/10/1976 #31536  
et saucer / treetops. 2nd object / power lines.                             11/14/1976 #31545  
50' saucer hovers and zigzags over power station/depot/facility / one hour. 12/5/1976 #31581  
moves on and hovers above a nearby power station. Then it moves jerkily sid 12/5/1976 #31584  
 disc zigzagged over an electrical power station for about an hour in Solle 12/5/1976 #31585  
s / rigid trapezoid formation over power lines. Vanish.                     12/9/1976 #31592  
ight from rectangular windows over power substation.                        12/13/1976 #31597  
kly north / low altitude. Flashes. Power outage. Same / 13 Jan. '77.        12/20/1976 #31626  
ht object hovers over Lennox hydro power station/depot/facility. Red night  1/5/1977? #31692  
AR BEDNESTI, BC 30' domed saucer / power lines. Beam. 2 / cars moved. 20 mi 1/5/1977 #31693  
ing over the Lennox Hydro Electric Power Station. A red NL nocturnal light  1/5/1977 #31700  
 diameter domed disc was seen over power lines near the town of Bednesti, 2 1/5/1977 #31701  
        PAYSANDU, URUGUAY UFO over power tower. Electric blackout in entire 2/22/1977 #31837  
cer-wedge object near high tension power lines lines / 2 minute(s). Zooms o 2/27/1977 #31852  
echnician is lying in bed during a power blackout in Gloggnitz, Austria. Su 5/1977 #32043  
ghted a large silver sphere near a power plant that had many lights in the  5/3/1977 #32054  
00 feet above the ground near some power line towers and is in the shape of 5/16/1977 #32098  
 just 35 feet over twin electrical power towers. It was the length of a foo 5/17/1977 #32108  
e dark box shoots up / ground near power pole. Lights up. Traces.           5/28/1977 #32138  
 his side. He notices he is losing power as he rides up a small hill. A car 6/6/1977 #32151  
s Henshall that he lost all engine power for 30 seconds and yet was pulled  6/6/1977 #32151  
d both a car and a motorcycle lost power in the presence of at least two pu 6/6/1977 #32153  
nes of both vehicles began to lose power. Both vehicles were dragged twenty 6/6/1977 #32153  
ng the highway not under their own power. The motorcyclist also felt increa 6/6/1977 #32153  
ow altitude. Hums. Colored lights. Power outage. Going north. / r120p144+/  7/1/1977 #32223  
ing the compound. Simultaneously a power outage occurs at the Victor Alert  7/1/1977 #32227  
system immediately kicks in, minor power fluxes go on for the next 15 to 20 7/1/1977 #32227  
nds / police spotlight. Portholes? Power dims and Radio Frequency Interfere 7/21/1977 #32295  
 [to] 30M away. Possible landing / power station/depot/facility.            7/25/1977 (approximate) #32312  
50M silent phony airliner lands by power lines. Going up / 600kph. / MJ#120 7/30/1977 #32321  
others. 3M glowing-disk maneuvers. Power outage until gone.                 7/31/1977 #32325  
lia, Italy. The city experienced a power outage for five minutes, until it  7/31/1977 #32329  
d objects hovered nearby, car lost power (NICAP UFOE II, Section VII). (NIC 8/3/1977 #32349  
d objects hovered nearby, car lost power                                    8/3/1977 #32351  
around 3:30 a.m. when his car lost power from 50 mph to 35 mph despite appl 8/3/1977 #32354  
s south going north / high tension power lines lines. 1 shoots away. Electr 9/26/1977 #32520  
disc-shaped object flew along some power lines. One of the UFOs shot away v 9/26/1977 #32521  
disc-shaped object flew along some power lines in Griselles, France. One of 9/26/1977 #32523  
                        VIGIA, BRZ Power outage. 6 night lights shoot by. P 10/18/1977 #32587  
r outage. 6 night lights shoot by. Power resumes. Panic / Umbatuba nearby.  10/18/1977 #32587  
 between railroad/railway line and power lines. Going quickly northwest.    10/22/1977 #32599  
lver fuselage going west. Hovers / power station/depot/facility. 5-6 portho 11/1977 #32646  
server(s). 15M ball / high tension power lines lines. Splits. Shoots rays.  11/19/1977 #32687  
 ranch following some high tension power lines in the town of La Aurora, Ur 11/24/1977 #32698  
nterference. There was a 10 minute power failure in the city of Salto.      11/24/1977 #32698  
 skyquake was heard near a nuclear power plant, which caused some concern.  12/2/1977 #32731  
lectrical discharge. No electrical power lines are located near the paddock 12/13/1977 #32769  
           VILLAMMARE DI SAPRI, IT Power out and back on. Luminous half-moo 3/27/1978 #33086  
NY Several observer(s). Dog howls. Power outage. Huge saucer RADAR-visual ( 4/1978 #33108  
alls. Silent diamond 50' altitude. Power outage. / CUFOS.                   4/6/1978 #33126  
ghway 101 when her car engine lost power, and her car radio went off. A bri 4/23/1978 #33159  
7:30 p.m. when her car engine lost power, and her car radio went off. A bri 4/23/1978 #33160  
t some connect TV interference and power failures with the UFO’s appearance 4/29/1978 #33179  
 altitude over river. Lights area. Power outage. Car malfunctions due to EM 5/16/1978 #33221  
UFO seen / type unknown. Immediate power outage. No further details.        6/8/1978 #33261  
er/all about road and high tension power lines lines. Lands? / Il Resto.    6/23/1978 #33299  
urn. Quickly going up. 9 minute(s) power outage.                            8/7/1978 #33483  
engers, causing the engine to lose power as they drove past. The lights gav 8/24/1978 #33567  
ow. Others see 3 saucers. Electric power EMEs.                              8/30/1978 #33593  
it a high-pitched whistling sound. Power outages occurred throughout the ne 9/6/1978 #33637  
ched whistling sound at 11:15 p.m. Power outages occurred throughout the ne 9/6/1978 #33642  
 the light, but their engine loses power and slows down. The radio and tape 9/7/1978 #33645  
uerto, Santa Fe State, Argentina a power blackout occurred, followed by an  9/8/1978 #33648  
t of his exposure to the beam. The power outage was documented as occurring 9/8/1978 #33648  
ALE MONFERRATO, IT 10 observer(s). Power outages. Large cylinder/cigar-shap 9/14/1978 #33675  
n. Big night light south / island. Power fails twice. Going south?          9/17/1978 #33697  
er Island Lighthouse an electrical power failed twice when a big glowing li 9/17/1978 #33698  
se, Tasmania, Australia electrical power failed twice at 9:20 p.m. when a b 9/17/1978 #33702  
ds (or Greys). Antennas / helmets. Power out. / IURv4#3.                    9/21/1978 #33720  
 hovering within 500-600 over some power lines. All natural sounds stopped  Fall 1978 #33732  
Huge red disk over main road. Over power pylon / 2000h. Going quickly north 9/29/1978 #33774  
 seen hovering over a high tension power line tower by a 40-year-old woman  9/29/1978 #33780  
ta/triangle/box-like craft follows power lines. Breaks / square pieces! Bea 10/1978 #33785  
UFO swoops over city. All electric power out / 25 minute(s).                10/14/1978 #33830  
s / police station/depot/facility. Power brownout..                         10/19/1978 #33844  
Octopus-shape over city. Immediate power outage. No further details [in].   10/27/1978 #33882  
arrington, England Fiddler’s Ferry Power Station 10:45 p.m. Joyce Blackburn 10/28/1978 #33887  
hovering above the Fiddler’s Ferry Power Station. Her husband and two child 10/28/1978 #33887  
ay to the northeast toward another power station. Total duration is 7 minut 10/28/1978 #33887  
ox and antennas / top. Pulses over power lines.                             10/30/1978 (approximate) #33893  
own [to] slow and submerges / sea. Power outage.                            10/31/1978 #33900  
       LOS RIOS, DOM.REP 5 / home. Power out. 10' cone figure(s) and pseudo 11/20/1978 #33965  
r, and two housemaids experience a power failure in their home in a norther 11/20/1978 #33967  
hts turn on again and fly off. The power in the house returns. The episode  11/20/1978 #33967  
 time there occurred an electrical power failure. Two three-meter tall coni 11/20/1978 #33968  
their car engine temporarily loses power. After trying hypnosis with minima 11/22/1978 #33980  
hover close to the ground near the power station. The guard could see a doo 12/6/1978 #34070  
             PORTICO, ITL 3 / car. Power out / 2 towns. Car malfunctions du 12/17/1978 #34163  
on through the sky at great speed. Power outages were reported throughout t 12/21/1978 #34187  
ight blue light but made no sound. Power outages were reported throughout t 12/21/1978 #34194  
d 30M saucer low over high tension power lines lines. Beams going down. Lan 12/22/1978 #34195  
                 PIETRACAMELA, ITL Power station and phones electro-magneti 12/24/1978 #34200  
ito Franchi, 45, is working in the power station at Pietracamela, Terama, I 12/24/1978 #34201  
wo AC generators, one connected to power and the other disconnected, when h 12/24/1978 #34201  
ROYITO, CORD, ARG UFO signals. 3 / power CO truck translocated 15KM. Missin 12/27/1978 (approximate) #34213  
al hundred meters over an electric power generating plant. The generator st 12/28/1978 #34218  
generating plant, according to two power plant technicians, and the generat 12/28/1978 #34221  
for five minutes while the central power plant instruments went "haywire."  12/28/1978 #34221  
30 a.m. three men,  employees of a power company, were driving a company tr 12/28/1978 #34222  
minous object lights glaciers. Big power outage / 0230hrs.                  12/31/1978 #34237  
ng (Jan 1, 1979), a big electrical power outage occurred in the city. (NICA 12/31/1978 #34245  
the next morning, a big electrical power outage occurred in the city.       12/31/1978 #34252  
. There was steering loss, loss of power, and the main witness's car was re 1/5/1979 #34306  
nd white beam going down / garden. Power brownout. No source visible.       1/15/1979 #34344  
 Night lights over electric plant. Power outage. Flashlight quits! Photogra 1/17/1979 #34351  
Dark objects going up / reservoir. Power brownout. 1.5M saucer. Missing tim 2/18/1979 #34432  
uickly going down [to] vertical by power station/depot/facility. Diamond qu 3/15/1979 #34477  
                                 A power failure occurred in the predawn ho 5/9/1979 #34553  
3+observer(s). 3' x7'DISK hovers / power poles. Hums. Attracts birds that f 5/12/1979 #34555  
tched a 3' x 7' disc hovering over power line poles. It made a humming soun 5/12/1979 #34556  
 beams lights going down / nuclear power plant. 2nd object later. Both goin 6/12/1979 #34607  
ing and smokestack of the Carolina Power & Light nuclear power plant one ha 6/12/1979 #34608  
the Carolina Power & Light nuclear power plant one half mile away to their  6/12/1979 #34608  
ine Ridge, South Carolina Carolina Power and Light nuclear power plant 8:45 6/12/1979 #34610  
a Carolina Power and Light nuclear power plant 8:45 p.m. Members of a rock  6/12/1979 #34610  
ing and smokestack of the Carolina Power and Light nuclear power plant one  6/12/1979 #34610  
e Carolina Power and Light nuclear power plant one half mile away to the no 6/12/1979 #34610  
inutes to the right of the nuclear power plant and directing a beam of ligh 6/12/1979 #34610  
oward the northwest. No one at the power plant reports seeing anything unus 6/12/1979 #34610  
ing and smokestack of the Carolina Power & Light nuclear power plant one ha 6/12/1979 #34611  
the Carolina Power & Light nuclear power plant one half mile away to their  6/12/1979 #34611  
overed to the right of the nuclear power plant and directed a beam of light 6/12/1979 #34611  
oward the northwest. No one at the power plant reported seeing anything unu 6/12/1979 #34611  
one group, which hovers above some power lines. The couple continues to pur 8/11/1979 #34731  
                    All electrical power failed in the city of Huaihua, Chi 9/11/1979 #34861  
HUNAN, CH Several observer(s). All power out. UFO shoots rays going up. Lea 9/12/1979 #34864  
 Hunan, China 8:45 p.m. A complete power failure takes place in Huaihua, Hu 9/12/1979 #34866  
s had his hand swell up. A general power blackout occurred in the area at t 9/19/1979 #34902  
acked with static and the car lost power and was unable to exceed 40 mph. T 9/20/1979 #34908  
aped craft hover above some nearby power lines. The craft emitted a soft hu 9/26/1979 #34926  
aped craft hover above some nearby power lines. The craft emitted a soft hu 9/26/1979 #34929  
egedly, local residents reported a power outage near Marzano on this night. 12/2/1979 #35040  
box-like craft hovers nose-up over power poles. Strong lights. Going south. 12/4/1979 #35048  
ple lights as it hovers above some power poles to the west. It starts movin 12/4/1979 #35051  
strange phenomenon. The electrical power seemed to be out and he heard his  12/30/1979 #35104  
ST / TEXARKANA, ARK 2 observer(s). Power outage. 3 night lights over TV tow 3/18/1980 #35220  
 Reservoir, not far from a nuclear power plant in Rutherford County. (NICAP 4/20/1980 #35276  
rom the sky near some high-tension power lines. His vehicle suddenly stoppe 4/23/1980 #35286  
 Reservoir, not far from a nuclear power plant in Rutherford County, North  4/24/1980 #35288  
sence interrupted electrical light power and also caused battery-operated r 5/5/1980 #35307  
ow white fireball going southwest. Power outage at same time. / Flying Sauc 11/11/1980 #35631  
s and quickly going up [to] during power outage.                            11/16/1980 #35642  
ht at their vehicle the truck lost power, and they smelled an odor like ant 5/12/1981 #35934  
UAY Electric out / region. Unusual power demand. Tambourine disk hovers. Go 5/20/1981 #35942  
th an electrical blackout due to a power overload in the area.              5/22/1981 #35945  
his point the vehicle seem to lose power and would not accelerate. All the  7/15/1981 #36008  
his point the vehicle seem to lose power and would not accelerate. There wa 7/16/1981 #36010  
stationary. The car regains engine power after another 2 miles. A mechanic  7/19/1981 #36020  
oing down / 20M altitude 30M away. Power out.                               8/5/1981 #36057  
 of light, and cause an electrical power outage. The witnesses watched a la 8/5/1981 #36060  
so clearly and is doing all in his power to restore the national defense ma 9/28/1981 #36143  
me-bright fireball stationary over power lines / 6 minute(s). No outages.   10/1981 (approximate) #36145  
 Texas Darco Cutoff Road 9:30 p.m. Power company employee Dale Spurlock see 11/24/1981 #36232  
ff Road near a small lake and some power lines. It has four colored lights— 11/24/1981 #36232  
as seen near a small lake and some power lines, and had four colored lights 11/24/1981 #36233  
. Noises. Domed saucer lands 2X by power lines. Street light malfunctions d 4/3/1982 #36431  
sc-shaped object land next to some power lines. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 4/3/1982 #36432  
sc-shaped object land next to some power lines. It lifts off and then lands 4/3/1982 #36433  
s out. The police receive calls of power outages and blue flashes at the sa 4/3/1982 #36433  
sc-shaped object land next to some power lines. It lifted off and then land 4/3/1982 #36434  
 out. The police received calls of power outages and blue flashes at the sa 4/3/1982 #36434  
 odd shape flew rapidly toward the power plant in Romeoville, Illinois. It  6/15/1982 #36502  
 odd shape flew rapidly toward the power plant in Romeoville, Illinois. It  6/15/1982 #36503  
s that his car is gradually losing power and stops. He turns off the igniti 7/6/1982 #36531  
lew over Red Square, the center of power for the Soviet Union, in Moscow, R 7/31/1982 #36558  
and down. Lights car. High tension power lines lines spark and noise.       8/10/1982 #36566  
50' altitude going southwest. Near power station. Controlled flight.        8/11/1982 #36569  
ight, flying to the southwest near power lines. The sighting lasted two and 8/11/1982 #36571  
them from behind and the car loses power. When they arrive at their destina 9/1982 #36590  
ark and lights dim as disc follows power line (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions 9/6/1982 #36597  
                 Chernobyl nuclear power plant Unit One Pripyat, Ukraine Le 9/9/1982 #36599  
ltdown occurs at Chernobyl nuclear power plant Unit One in Pripyat, Ukraine 9/9/1982 #36599  
Number One of the Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant in Armenia Kola Peninsula in 10/1982 #36625  
Number One of the Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant in Armenia. The turbine hall 10/1982 #36625  
e glowing-ball. Solid inside. Over power lines.                             10/4/1982 (approximate) #36631  
; controlled, it could be a stable power source.  Note: Hathaway was one of 1983 #36738  
erver(s). Huge metal Pentagon over power lines. Follows car. 90° turn going 1/27/1983 #36753  
with two flanking lights over some power lines as she is returning home 2 m 1/27/1983 #36754  
requency Interference (RFI). Brief power outage. Saucer lands / field. Trac 4/10/1983 #36831  
oss, OH Luminous object descended, power failure, animal reaction, traces.  4/10/1983 #36832  
. Silent orange fireball 350' over power pole. Southwest going quickly nort 5/4/1983 #36851  
. Philips hovering 350 feet over a power line pole in Lawrence, Kansas. It  5/4/1983 #36852  
, Kansas, hovering 350 feet over a power line pole. It flies away toward th 5/4/1983 #36854  
. Philips hovering 350 feet over a power line pole in Lawrence, Kansas. It  5/4/1983 #36855  
e extends red pyramidal field over power lines. Vanishes top going down.    5/24/1983 #36867  
 and hover above a nearby electric power line. It ejects a pyramid-shaped a 5/24/1983 #36868  
vening when his car gradually lost power and coasted to a stop. He saw beyo 7/6/1983 #36903  
 observer(s). Domed saucer watches power line repairs. Seems to land / wood 7/22/1983 #36917  
g from the bottom. It crossed some power lines and headed to the east towar 10/13/1983 #37005  
ded to the east toward the nuclear power plant.                             10/13/1983 #37005  
Guards at the Indian Point nuclear power plant on the Hudson River, New Yor 6/14/1984 #37360  
                    New York State Power Authority Indian Point Nuclear Pla 6/14/1984 #37361  
New York 10:15 p.m. New York State Power Authority security police at the I 6/14/1984 #37361  
guards at the Indian Point nuclear power plant on the Hudson River, New Yor 6/14/1984 #37362  
kskill, NY UFO Hovers Over Nuclear Power Plant (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code 6/24/1984 #37377  
V formation slowly move toward the power plant. On July 25, the security gu 7/24/1984 #37412  
ox-like crafts going east low over power lines. 4' small humanoid (or Grey) 10/24/1984 (approximate) #37491  
capacity of most aircraft, and the power and intensity of the lights is far 11/1984 #37500  
ty of the lights is far beyond the power capacity of small planes.          11/1984 #37500  
l over for a look and some to lose power. Commercial airline pilot Randy Et 5/26/1985 #37593  
                  Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant, Saratov Oblast, Russia Duri 6/27/1985 #37609  
st reactor at the Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant, Saratov Oblast, Russia, a r 6/27/1985 #37609  
iangle/box-like craft fins follows power lines. Shoots away.                8/18/1985 #37646  
ltitude. Maneuvers. Avoids car and power lines. Strobes. Back 22 November.  11/19/1985 #37708  
t in front of the car avoiding the power lines. Triangular and black, the o 11/19/1985 #37712  
 Looking outside, she sees above a power line a black object hovering with  2/4/1986 #37779  
, but does not stop, moving over a power line and illuminating the cables b 4/22/1986 #37833  
                 Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant at Pripyat, Ukraine 1:23 a.m 4/26/1986 #37843  
r reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant at Pripyat, Ukraine, has a p 4/26/1986 #37843  
r Plant at Pripyat, Ukraine, has a power surge during a backup generator te 4/26/1986 #37843  
         Ukraine Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant About 4:30 a.m. During the n 4/26/1986 #37844  
 disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, Mikhail Varitsky 4/26/1986 #37844  
       DANVILLE, PA 3 observer(s). Power outage. Missing time. Injury heale 5/9/1986 #37859  
ers associated with an unexplained power failure that occurred at 9:30 p.m. 5/9/1986 #37860  
itation. Going northeast / nuclear power plant. / MJ#220.                   8/1/1986 #37967  
mbulance in April had passed above power lines.                             Late 12/1986 #38087  
bject is sitting near the overhead power lines between two stacks of straw. 1/9/1987 #38096  
 result of the object’s propulsive power.                                   7/27/1987 #38219  
3 cops and 2. Metallic saucer over power lines. Documented cause / power ou 9/3/1987 #38276  
er power lines. Documented cause / power outage.                            9/3/1987 #38276  
ring, disc-shaped object over some power lines in Greensburg, Pennsylvania  9/3/1987 #38277  
 documented cause of an electrical power outage.                            9/3/1987 #38277  
and his car’s radio and electrical power dies. All the other drivers—three  Mid 10/1987 #38305  
ghted on the ground near a nuclear power plant in Malvezi, France in a rest 12/12/1987 #38357  
when his own Peacekeeper APC loses power. At that moment, the alert team bu Winter 1987 #38370  
-like craft / 20' altitude follows power lines going quickly west.          2/10/1988 #38450  
lights. Domed saucer descends over power tower. Silently shoots off.        2/15/1988 #38465  
lake, Ohio Lake Erie Perry Nuclear Power Plant Detroit Coast Guard base in  3/4/1988 #38487  
al passes toward the Perry Nuclear Power Plant about 20 miles away. The Bak 3/4/1988 #38487  
 Lake Erie, not far from a nuclear power plant. Among the many witnesses in 3/4/1988 #38488  
aw bright light ahead, engine lost power, radio failed. Four square yellow  3/23/1988 #38519  
aw bright light ahead, engine lost power, radio failed. Four square yellow  3/23/1988 #38520  
 we were threatened by an outer– a power from outer space, from another pla 5/4/1988 #38554  
red object with lights hovers over power station/depot/facility.            9/30/1988 #38657  
p. 75' cylinder/cigar-shape hums / power lines. Possible abduction. KCl dus 12/4/1988 #38738  
th blinding white lights near some power lines. The object manuevered, hove 12/4/1988 #38745  
ngular object going down [to] over power station/depot/facility / 2 minute( 1/23/1989 #38794  
gon-shaped object descended over a power plant in Andebu, Norway and hovere 1/23/1989 #38796  
tricity with 100% efficiency. This power operates the amplifier, distorts t 3/1989 #38855  
                       METCALF, IL Power out. Repeat abductee fires 4 shots 5/1/1989 #38930  
ires 4 shots / figure(s) / window. Power back on..                          5/1/1989 #38930  
arms were observed standing near a power pole. The electrical power came ba 5/1/1989 #38932  
 near a power pole. The electrical power came back on.                      5/1/1989 #38932  
 CANYON / ANZA, CA 30' saucer over power lines. 6 figure(s) emerge and work 5/10/1989 #38940  
d and hover just above some nearby power lines. She stopped her car and obs 5/10/1989 #38943  
ic in appearance. Lazar claims the power plants inside the craft are so adv 5/15/1989 #38953  
                       YUQUIYU, PR Power outage. Ovoid over El Yunque Mount 7/4/1989 #39006  
hey discovered that there had been power surges and outages on the ground,  7/22/1989 #39030  
ection of the Maine Yankee Nuclear Power plant in Wiscasset. However, a spo 7/22/1989 #39030  
 several explosions the electrical power in Zaostravka went off. The gold-c 9/16/1989 #39109  
northwest / Stafford and toward(s) power station.                           10/2/1989 #39140  
IA 2 observer(s). 20' UFO low near power lines. Grass dies odd. / r123p231. 10/9/1989 #39153  
phere maneuvering near an electric power transmission line for 30 minutes.  10/21/1989 #39179  
 also see the lights interact with power lines. One reports that her power  11/20/1989 #39241  
 power lines. One reports that her power goes out for 10 minutes. On Novemb 11/20/1989 #39241  
Dark arrowhead drops and hovers by power station/depot/facility. Bright lig 11/30/1989 #39280  
ilently descended and hovered near power substation, then its bright lights 11/30/1989 #39286  
 observer. Dull grey ovoid / yard. Power out. Burnt grass and tree.         12/1989 #39289  
SR37. Circle / lights / field near power station/depot/facility. Huge domed 12/17/1989 #39317  
2 observer(s). 300' rectangle near power plant and lines. Seen 2X. Pulses f 12/21/1989 #39323  
s pass low over the Seneca Nuclear Power Plant in Warren, Pennsylvania. Eit 12/23/1989 #39328  
 Estoniya, see UFOs hovering above power lines along the Tallinn Highway, E Early 4/1990 #39506  
orce man. Night lights / triangle. Power out / 1 house. Responds / flashlig 4/15/1990 #39526  
     NEAR FRUNZE, KIRHGIZ Humming. Power out. 0030h huge red saucer. 1321h  5/18/1990 #39575  
e encounter. Later, during a local power outage, several witnessed a huge r 5/18/1990 #39576  
A 1 observer. Large boomerang near power lines. Vibration felt. 9 lights /  5/24/1990 #39586  
omentarily within 150 feet of some power lines. It then accelerated out of  5/24/1990 #39589  
edom) and the Soviet-built nuclear power plant at Lubmin [shut down soon af 8/24/1990 #39701  
oles. Beams sweep ground. 1 bends! Power outages. / LDLN#312.               10/20/1990 #39797  
rge glowing-ball over high tension power lines lines. Changes color(s). Van 10/29/1990 #39814  
ng quickly [to] under high tension power lines lines. Going quickly northea 11/5/1990 #39828  
   DOLHESTI, ROM Many observer(s). Power out. 12M glowing-saucer. Power dim 12/1990 #39915  
s). Power out. 12M glowing-saucer. Power dims again / 13 OOh. / r121p84.    12/1990 #39915  
e was hired to run electricity and power 3,000 feet underground on a “certa 1991 #39940  
ual. Fast erratic UFO over nuclear power plant.                             3/2/1991 #39990  
 an erratic pattern over a nuclear power plant in Sosnovyy Bor, Russia at 7 3/2/1991 #39991  
                   Tihange Nuclear Power Station, Belgium On two occasions  3/12/1991 #40010  
t is seen over the Tihange Nuclear Power Station, Belgium. One witness repo 3/12/1991 #40010  
 Sky lit / miles. Huge saucer over power station/depot/facility. Going quic 3/17/1991 #40016  
thought to be German, used nuclear power in a way not understood and were c 7/1991 #40108  
r(s). Huge saucer-fireball. Scouts power lines. Too low / RADAR.            8/8/1991 #40144  
L, UKR Saucer found / photograph / power plant 1 day after near nuclear inc 10/12/1991 #40210  
government guards. Classic saucer. Power outage. Back / 5 hours. / r121p246 2/9/1992 #40324  
ive him “as much money and as much power and as much access to technologies 3/9/1992 #40369  
ing from portholes in the craft. A power outage occurred, and several witne 3/14/1992 #40380  
ios electro-magnetic effect (EME). Power outages. / r226#9.                 4/2/1992 #40406  
 many. UFO's all over northern NJ. Power failure. Type unknown. No further  8/6/1992 #40554  
n / car / 2 minute(s). Flies under power lines going quickly [to] fog.      8/15/1992 #40575  
ys before these encounters a local power failure had occurred and a huge wh 9/24/1992 #40639  
. Flashes 5 times. Column / light. Power lines?                             7/7/1993 #41052  
rver(s) and videos / glowing-disk. Power lines humming. Going quickly [to]  9/2/1993 #41175  
a TS clearance and Senate subpoena power. D’Amato states the money was like 1994 #41346  
1M object wavers. Going [to] under power lines. Near landing. Going north.  5/8/1994 #41517  
bject was seen wavering under some power lines in Saaderup, Denmark close t 5/8/1994 #41518  
VILLE AND COUTANCES, FR "Thunder". Power meter fried! Huge saucer with peak 7/25/1994 #41638  
) see brilliant object over house. Power outage.                            12/5/1994 #41881  
 on a highway noticed her car lose power. At the same time, a short distanc 1/2/1995 #41939  
ver odd cloud. Going quickly west. Power outage later.                      1/27/1995 #42000  
server(s). Going quickly east. Big power outage. / r226#27.                 4/2/1995 #42133  
light at the witness. A widespread power outage was experienced in the area 4/2/1995 #42134  
           MASCOUTAH, IL Storm and power outage. Large Brill object over fi 5/15/1995 #42206  
 ARG Huge white saucer buzzes 727. Power outage. / r159#11+/ r226#28+/ r97# 7/31/1995 #42344  
ltitude. Going down / 3M altitude. Power out. Cars electro-magnetic effect  8/11/1995 #42371  
ove the ground, causing a regional power outage and cars to experience EM i 8/11/1995 #42375  
fluctuation in the radio station's power. Two children reportedly encounter 8/18/1995 #42401  
e formation gyrate back and forth. Power outage.                            10/20/1995 #42560  
 Going quickly west. Bright trail. Power outage.                            12/15/1995 #42645  
ht trail in the sky. An electrical power outage occurred in the area at the 12/15/1995 #42646  
rted steam-iron". Jets chase. Near power station.                           1/25/1996 #42710  
ds. 3 luminous/glowing orbs circle power lines. Join into 2 saucers. Footpr 2/18/1996 #42770  
 in nature, somewhat resembling a "Power Ranger." After a few minutes the b 2/23/1996 #42776  
ng towards his home during a local power black-out. Suddenly there was a br 2/29/1996 #42789  
ear the ground next to some nearby power lines. The craft was shaped like a 7/16/1996 #42959  
apparently connected to the nearby power lines. Dionisio also noticed a cur 7/16/1996 #42959  
t hovering above a group of nearby power lines in her backyard in West Manc 8/20/1996 #42986  
994 and 1996 and possessed nuclear power reactors or research reactors at t 9/10/1996 #43014  
ter big flash. 2 fireballs zigzag. Power outage.                            9/13/1996 #43018  
the same time there was a reported power blackout in the area.              9/15/1996 #43021  
eld. As they approached the nearby power lines the dogs got very quiet, whi 12/1/1996 #43130  
 zigzag in unison over some nearby power lines. They then hovered about 50  2/26/1997 #43210  
Red-orange ball swoops going down. Power out / apartments. 2-way radio out. 3/22/1997 #43238  
                 PUNTA ARENAS, CHL Power out. Street lights and house-light 4/23/1997 #43272  
CHILE Big saucer rams high tension power lines tower. Then quickly going up 5/1/1997 #43284  
ines tower. Then quickly going up. Power out to Arica. / Meganoticias.      5/1/1997 #43284  
 saw several bright objects over a power plant in Bloomington, Indiana. In  5/18/1997 #43299  
ight objects hovering over a local power plant. Mr. Tosti decided to drive  5/19/1997 #43300  
 he noticed what appeared to be a "power plant," well lighted, on the side  8/5/1997 #43369  
e cigar-shaped object followed the power lines; continuing on, it went out  12/18/1997 #43467  
nder/cigar-shape / pond. Dives in. Power out. Black sphere hovers. Dead duc 12/31/1997 #43476  
elves as employees of Indianapolis Power and Light and asserted that it was 2/15/1999 #43729  
 was illegal to take photos of the power lines. I.P. & L. was contacted and 2/15/1999 #43729  
d fusion experiment.  The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)’s Tom Pa 5/17/1999 #43770  
threads” covers hedges, trees, and power lines over 10,000 square kilometer 6/9/1999 #43782  
her satellite objects. There was a power failure simultaneously in the area 10/16/1999 #43861  
ked up, rose to the height of some power lines parallel to the road, and th 1/2/2001 #44116  
adlights by “turning off.” A local power failure was reported at the same t 1/2/2001 #44116  
CENTE, BRAZIL AND MORE/OTHERS Wide power outage and Radio Frequency Interfe 1/11/2001 #44122  
                      A widespread power outage accompanied by radio interf 1/11/2001 #44123  
as crashed, because they have lost power and are using a backup generator.  1/14/2001 #44124  
moving horizontally just above the power lines. It left no vapor trail, and 5/12/2001 #44184  
ved with only moderately increased power, but it’s beyond the scope of that 6/2001 #44189  
                   BUCHAREST, ROMN Power outage. Lights over city. 11M ovoi 6/28/2001 #44197  
                                   Power went out in Bucharest, Romania at  6/28/2001 #44198  
şti, Romania 10:30 p.m. Electrical power goes off in the small village of N 6/30/2001 #44199  
es sometime after midnight and the power returns mysteriously at around 2:0 6/30/2001 #44199  
omenon “able to produce a luminous power of up to 100 kW.” However, a 2003  8/5/2002 #44374  
s seen moving around a farm near a power plant for two minutes in Two Creek 8/11/2002 #44378  
o the water, as if had lost either power or control." The light gray craft  4/18/2003 #44516  
e then noticed that the electrical power seemed to be off in the neighborho 5/3/2003 #44523  
sound coming from a UPS (universal power supply) because the power had gone 6/2/2003 #44552  
niversal power supply) because the power had gone out. There was a smell of 6/2/2003 #44552  
ad something to do with electrical power, and that they would be forced to  9/3/2003 #44592  
t they would be forced to use some power they didn't want to use. She belie 9/3/2003 #44592  
t to use. She believed using their power would be a trick which would ultim 9/3/2003 #44592  
, and they again "knew" it was the power company calling them to force them 9/3/2003 #44592  
them to force them to use this new power, so they did not answer the phone. 9/3/2003 #44592  
terrible. In this vivid dream, the power company had set up a steel buildin 9/3/2003 #44592  
formation leak having to do with a power source that was unlimited and self 2004 #44640  
ircle the 737, which experiences a power drain. The A330 sees a purplish gl 1/4/2004 #44643  
eet wide. The interior lights dim (power drain) and the encounter continues 1/4/2004 #44644  
hbourne, Ireland. The UFO caused a power drain and a purple glow around the 1/4/2004 #44645  
 space travel applications of its “Power Cubed” technology. The company obt 3/2004 #44671  
include military and NASA, and the Power Cubed propellantless propulsion ro 3/2004 #44671  
ng strangely and there was a local power outage in the area.                5/17/2004 #44703  
                          During a power failure in Kerman, California that 7/26/2004 #44717  
 looking for a flashlight when the power came back on. Earlier that night a 7/26/2004 #44717  
 negative entities use humans as a power source. Sarfarazi is an acclaimed  8/2004 #44724  
ed out simultaneously as if from a power interruption. Finally, the craft a 8/2/2004 #44725  
s truck engine intermittently lost power over the course of one kilometer.  11/8/2004 #44779  
 of speed, knocking out electrical power in homes.                          10/6/2005 #44886  
nent of the service’s tactical air power. Its combination of stealth, aerod 12/15/2005 #44909  
udy them because those people have power.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden 9/27/2006 #44969  
d over the Surry, Virginia nuclear power station at 12:20 p.m. The object w 5/19/2008 #45142  
de a very leisurely circuit of the power plant. It moved against the wind,  5/19/2008 #45142  
 on 12 topics, such as propulsion, power generation, materials, configurati 9/22/2008 #45170  
apers on the subjects of UAP lift, power generation, human interface, alleg 10/17/2008 #45175  
me of the ongoing projects include power and propulsion systems (nuclear pr 6/24/2009 #45227  
and his vehicle suffers a complete power failure. His cellphone is also dea 11/25/2009 #45256  
u, Japan Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefectu 3/11/2011 #45318  
3 at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefectu 3/11/2011 #45318  
eactors are now unable to generate power to run their own coolant pumps, em 3/11/2011 #45318  
ators come online, as designed, to power electronics and coolant systems. T 3/11/2011 #45318  
om the right wing, the plane loses power. All of the electrical equipment ( 2/18/2012 #45339  
g silently above some high-voltage power lines. They watch it for 10 minute 11/8/2013 #45394  
closed in 1997); the Bugey Nuclear Power Plant, Ain; Blayais Nuclear Power  10/5/2014 #45416  
 Power Plant, Ain; Blayais Nuclear Power Plant near Blaye, Gironde; the Cat 10/5/2014 #45416  
aye, Gironde; the Cattenom Nuclear Power Plant, Moselle; the Chooz Nuclear  10/5/2014 #45416  
 Plant, Moselle; the Chooz Nuclear Power Plant, Ardennes; the Gravelines Nu 10/5/2014 #45416  
, Ardennes; the Gravelines Nuclear Power Station, Nord; and the Nogent Nucl 10/5/2014 #45416  
tion, Nord; and the Nogent Nuclear Power Plant, Aube.                       10/5/2014 #45416  
n obsolete. “One inch of air could power the US for hundreds of years,” he  10/26/2017 #45488  
the song’s “pulse repetition rate, power spectrum, pulse rate stability, an 1/4/2019 #45555  
lt of a failed test of an “isotope power source for a liquid-fueled rocket  8/8/2019 #45604  
V rocket and uses solar panels for power in space. While the complete paylo 10/27/2019 #45615  
omes on, indicating reduced engine power and traction control.              11/8/2021 #45720  
                  Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant in Forsmark, Sweden Ringhals 1/17/2022 #45734  
en Ringhals and Oskarshamn nuclear power plants Parliament buildings and th 1/17/2022 #45734  
drone circles the Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant in Forsmark, Sweden, operati 1/17/2022 #45734  
he Ringhals and Oskarshamn nuclear power plants. The previous week, drones  1/17/2022 #45734  
ained global campaign by a hostile power aimed at hundreds of US diplomats  1/19/2022 #45735  
are concealable, and have moderate power requirements” that could produce t 2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "power-plant" (Back to Top)
ratory chief), Col. Russell Minty (power-plant laboratory chief), and Brig. Mid 9/1947 #3396  
y blimplike object hovers low over power-plant by USCG station.             5/22/1965 #18949  
## Word: "powered" (Back to Top)
 in Suisun City, California saw a "powered balloon" flying into the wind.   11/15/1896 #338  
 propelled by four large wings and powered by electricity. Wilson gives Lig 4/19/1897 #539  
 controlled, sustained flight of a powered, heavier- than-air aircraft with 12/17/1903 #663  
              Germany The turbojet powered Heinkel He 178, the world’s firs 8/1939 #1309  
c community and reports of “atomic powered craft of unusual design” to the  4/28/1949 #4125  
s. It is believed that a very high powered Radar Station interfered with th 3/22/1950 #4696  
tronomer/meteorologist observed a "powered" disc-like object from the groun 5/20/1950 #4954  
cket, an air-launched rocket plane powered by the XLR-11 liquid fuel rocket 8/15/1951 #5607  
Hood Jr., AMC chief of the Nuclear Powered Aircraft Branch of Wright Air De 11/4/1952 #8245  
in diameter. The object made a jet powered takeoff, leaving behind ground t 10/6/1954 #10759  
i, Italy. Two tractors, one diesel powered and the other powered by a gasol 11/14/1954 #11654  
, one diesel powered and the other powered by a gasoline-combustion engine, 11/14/1954 #11654  
ating a “New type of jet aircraft, powered by a turbine larger than any now 12/1954 #11736  
orce project to develop a nuclear- powered upper stage for an intercontinen 1955 #11892  
tting hat or helmet. As the Saucer powered up a bright blue light came from 2/23/1955 #12013  
ehicle, a Circular-Foil Spacecraft powered by an Utron Electric Accumulator 1957 #13432  
 Edwards AFB, California The first powered X-15 flight is piloted by Albert 9/17/1959 #15981  
brightened and it appeared to be a powered craft (luminosity/motion correla 6/23/1966 #20595  
 brightens, and it appears to be a powered craft. The witnesses watch the o 6/23/1966 #20597  
, turned off their headlights, and powered away down the road. At one point 1/28/1967 #21411  
Santo, Brazil during which battery powered radios would not work. Many disc 7/31/1972 #26850  
 to build a working saucer, Atomic Powered. Two women and a boy exposed to  6/6/1988 #38581  
gests the engine may be able to be powered by mental thought but did not kn 1999 #43709  
of Aztec, NM.     Wade claims high powered radar units accidentally or purp 3/26/2011 #45320  
## Word: "powerful" (Back to Top)
ims are readily refuted using more powerful instruments. Gruithuisen also t 1824 #117  
he lunar surface. Using a huge and powerful telescope, Herschel supposedly  8/25/1835 #130  
 when she notices an object with a powerful headlight moving toward the wes 10/1896 #330  
ion toward San Francisco. It has a powerful headlight and another light on  11/20/1896 #343  
 town it swept the ground with its powerful light. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 4/1/1897 #404  
 town it swept the ground with its powerful light. It was seen to rise up a 4/1/1897 #405  
he town it swept the ground with a powerful searchlight. It was seen to ris 4/1/1897 #409  
a structure can be seen behind the powerful light. By 9:30 p.m., the airshi 4/9/1897 #420  
nd green lights on each side and a powerful electric light in front. Inside 4/11/1897 #434  
e southeast. In the front it has a powerful searchlight, and along the side 4/14/1897 #470  
a passenger coach in shape” with a powerful searchlight in the front and se 4/14/1897 #471  
hip, 50–60 feet long and bearing a powerful searchlight. He returns to tell 4/21/1897 #550  
e of Peterborough, England, sees a powerful light about 1,200 feet in the a 3/23/1909 #725  
e west toward London. It shows two powerful searchlights at each end very b 5/9/1909 #733  
s Tillinghast’s airplane bearing a powerful searchlight, but he identifies  12/24/1909 #825  
lberta 1:10 a.m. An airship with a powerful headlight and red and green tai 10/27/1910 #850  
vişte 8:00 p.m. An airplane with a powerful searchlight is seen over Iași,  1/29/1913 #875  
tion are treated to the sight of a powerful searchlight running along the t 2/21/1913 #883  
Sea when an airborne object with a powerful searchlight dipped down from th 2/28/1913 #885  
r, during which time it projects a powerful searchlight on the lake’s surfa Late 11/1933 #1176  
                  Unknown City, KY Powerful searchlight shining down, emana Spring 1942 #1401  
ockscar. Although the bomb is more powerful than the one used on Hiroshima, 8/9/1945 #1920  
ks it crashes into Mt. Landholm. A powerful burning smell lingers for 15 mi 7/9/1946 #2040  
dars in the southwest, including a powerful experimental radar in the Four  3/25/1948 #3596  
inded collections officers and the powerful Research and Development chief  9/30/1948? #3817  
                            UK The powerful Type 80 centimetric radars intr 1954 #9422  
 Atoll, Marshall Islands, the most powerful nuclear device detonated by the 3/1/1954 #9581  
6:45 a.m. Castle Bravo is the most powerful nuclear device detonated by the 3/1/1954 #9584  
lands. At the time, it is the most powerful artificial explosion in history 3/1/1954 #9584  
xpected. Castle Bravo was the most powerful nuclear device ever detonated b 3/1/1954 #9589  
r one-third the energy of the most powerful ever detonated), with a yield o 3/1/1954 #9589  
oad. He dropped his shotgun as two powerful arms closed over his throat. He 4/10/1954 #9681  
t, he finds himself paralyzed as a powerful orange beam of light is project 9/10/1954 #10286  
fter driving by he was struck by a powerful beam of light.                  10/8/1954 #10819  
landed in a pasture. It gave off a powerful red light, took off with a form 10/11/1954 #10936  
landed in a pasture. It gave off a powerful red light and took off with ext 10/11/1954 #10953  
o di Napoli, Italy. It gives off a powerful bronze-green light. He then see 10/21/1954 #11301  
he figure stands up and points two powerful light-blue lights at him. The e 10/26/1954 #11418  
t and tested in 1956, resulting in powerful thrust, a great deal of noise,  3/1956 #12742  
s the UFO and displaying unusually powerful lights. Later, at a point along 2/15/1957 #13509  
white, it was more blinding than a powerful searchlight. It was 50 m away f 5/10/1957 #13652  
the observation, except for a very powerful signal at one wavelength, modul 11/6/1957 #14416  
the observation, except for a very powerful signal at one shortwave wavelen 11/6/1957 #14440  
 they nearly capsized. They felt a powerful blast of heat and a strong blas 6/12/1958 #15092  
ter being discharged, Irwin felt a powerful urge to return to the site of h 2/28/1959 #15624  
raft, 20 meters in diameter with a powerful light, maneuvering and hovering 5/13/1960 #16273  
lar craft, 20 m in diameter with a powerful light, maneuvering and hovering 5/14/1960 #16275  
raft, 20 meters in diameter with a powerful light, maneuvering and hovering 5/14/1960 #16277  
omba” hydrogen bomb test, the most powerful thermonuclear weapon ever deton 10/3/1961 #16891  
Tsar Bomba, is supposedly the most powerful nuclear weapon ever tested. It  10/30/1961 #16939  
luation finds that Harvest is more powerful than the best commercially avai 1/1962 #17015  
ver and two other men observed two powerful lights lost sight of thern, but 1/8/1962 #17016  
t moderate altitude and emitting a powerful, multicolored light. They enter 5/13/1962 #17171  
re had long black hair, and gave a powerful and terrifying cry. He nearly r 5/8/1964 #18248  
ght illuminated the countryside. A powerful odor similar to "embalming flui 7/7/1964 #18397  
                 VIMIOSO, PORTUGAL Powerful light in sky. Back 15 Jun. '71  2/15/1965 #18815  
r 38 min. It was semi-oval, with a powerful yellow-orange light and left ra 8/25/1965 #19462  
es. It was semi-oval shaped with a powerful yellow-orange light and left ra 8/25/1965 #19464  
domed black disc with lights and a powerful light beam shining from its bot 6/16/1966 #20568  
sa, Italy, when he is dazzled by a powerful light coming from the Emissario 7/13/1966 #20644  
A, ARG 3 / factory. Lights go out. Powerful fireball outside / low altitude 12/14/1967 #23583  
ers sighted a beam of light like a powerful searchlight extending verticall 12/21/1967 #23596  
 50 m away on road 20, showing two powerful red headlights. Arriving at his 6/1968 #23998  
livia. It lands, leaves a strange, powerful odor, and burns grass and shrub 6/15/1968 #24040  
 light. It landed, left a strange, powerful odor, and burned grass and shru 6/16/1968 #24041  
 light. It landed, left a strange, powerful odor, and burned grass and shru 6/16/1968 #24042  
 himself drawn towards them by the powerful magnetism radiated by them," wh 7/1/1968 #24119  
humming noise and was blinded by a powerful beam of light accompanied by tw 7/17/1968 #24186  
 LA NUEVA GOING [TO] CHAUCHINA, SP Powerful night light goes east going wes 12/11/1968 #24759  
ing and waving on a still night. A powerful beam of light switches on acros 4/20/1969 #25073  
 is above the cane and she feels a powerful force lifting her up and pullin 4/20/1969 #25073  
him that intensifies and becomes a powerful throbbing. His muscles feel fro 6/19/1969 #25227  
 symbols. There was a sound like a powerful electric motor and the craft to 8/16/1971 #26291  
he object went behind the trees, a powerful reddish glow transformed the ni 9/20/1971 #26354  
 over a nearby field, and directed powerful light beams down onto the field 2/11/1972 #26572  
yptus trees, and it was emitting a powerful light. An enormous "wheel" was  12/30/1972 #27193  
 lot of instruments and clocks." A powerful flash of light came from the un 12/30/1972 #27193  
eet on bottom part. Emitted a very powerful light." (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 9/11/1973 #27800  
made modulated whistling sounds. A powerful white light beam was also seen. 10/19/1973 #28197  
, one of his students lit a large, powerful flashlight flooding the area wi 10/20/1973 #28222  
 onto a nearby tree. The UFO emits powerful beams of light, and the Frenchm 3/29/1974 #28968  
istère, France, when they notice a powerful light ahead at ground level. It 5/20/1974 #29119  
verin is hurled onto his back by a powerful flash of light. The beings run  2/14/1975 #29812  
as riding a lawn mower, saw by its powerful headlights a figure first stand 8/16/1976 #31273  
ing noise. Searching around with a powerful spotlight, they see an object 6 3/9/1977 #31888  
e sees a small object giving off a powerful beam of light. He faints, and o 4/19/1977 #32000  
    Undersaker, Jamtland, Sweden A powerful spotlight from a silent, delta- 5/7/1977 #32067  
                                 A powerful spotlight from a silent, delta- 5/7/1977 #32069  
te. Nevertheless, the signal is so powerful and unusual that Jerry Ehman, t 8/15/1977 #32402  
ad extremely broad shoulders, with powerful dorsal muscles showing prominen 2/5/1978 #32957  
At this point he became aware of a powerful odor of pine, or possibly ozone 2/5/1978 #32957  
l the lights in the town go out. A powerful rumble startles them, and they  6/19/1978 #33291  
gan maneuvering overhead, emitting powerful beams of multicolored, changing 9/6/1978 #33640  
m, completely silent, and shoots a powerful searchlight beam for at least 3 9/16/1978 #33694  
some housework, when a second more powerful orange flash of light again bro 12/6/1978 #34068  
i Beach, Poros, Greece. He hears a powerful buzzing or shushing noise overh 7/4/1979 #34646  
k to Los Llanos when he sees three powerful red-yellow lights in the shape  11/17/1979 #35005  
nd would stop cold at times. Three powerful lights in a triangle pattern we 1/5/1980 #35125  
me after visiting friends during a powerful electrical storm in the region. 4/20/1980 #35281  
ield in Heidelberg. The object had powerful headlights with a pinkish glow, 11/14/1980 #35638  
eidelberg, Germany. The object had powerful headlights with a pinkish glow, 11/14/1980 #35640  
 inside the craft. Using a pair of powerful binoculars, the cosmonauts see  5/14/1981 #35937  
 like flaming parachutes, emitting powerful lights, hung in the sky over th 11/12/1981 #36221  
gle of about 15°. Their color is a powerful white with a bluish hue, especi 10/14/1982 #36641  
ess a triangular object with three powerful white lights on its base that i Late 10/1983 #37015  
goes back to bed, but soon feels a powerful electric shock penetrate her bo 1/3/1984 #37105  
in. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Powerful light-beam.                     3/1985 #37560  
ing from outside. Simultaneously a powerful light came shining through his  5/29/1986 #37898  
 moments later he received a third powerful electrical jolt. He stood up an 5/10/1989 #38942  
ved a quiet triangular object with powerful headlights which stopped for a  5/4/1990 #39558  
be somersaults on the wet grass. A powerful vibrating sound permeated the a 5/18/1990 #39576  
Rico, is suddenly illuminated by a powerful white light. An officer orders  7/19/1990 #39651  
ed up to. Looking up, he noticed a powerful beam of white light in the sky  7/23/1990 #39658  
object, without warning it fired a powerful beam of concentrated energy tha 9/13/1990 #39732  
 went to check and suddenly felt a powerful odor and suffocating heat, and  12/4/1991 #40254  
 the CIA called Aquarius (around a powerful center known as MJ-12) and a gr 5/13/1992 #40463  
gray being only two meters away. A powerful sense of fear overcame him, and 12/16/1992 #40750  
along its side. Five huge beams of powerful light shone from the top into t 3/20/1993 #40894  
d. It swept the countryside with a powerful beam of light. At the same time 3/30/1993 #40906  
 and illuminated the ground with a powerful beam of light. Its movements we 5/28/1993 #40993  
he site. At 8:00 p.m., guided by a powerful light beam, eight volunteers cl 3/6/1994 #41443  
of an airplance, but its light was powerful enough to illuminate the water  2/12/1995 #42039  
ompletely dead. Without warning, a powerful light explodes over the vehicle 9/29/1995 #42519  
 town burned down as a result of a powerful wave of heat that appeared to c 11/1/1995 #42575  
lance, and three cars. He smells a powerful ammonia odor and is startled by 1/13/1996 #42681  
 outskirts of Gerona, Spain when a powerful light crossed in front of them  4/15/1996 #42870  
er the same location, shining down powerful beams of white light. The witne 9/23/1996 #43039  
he area at 9:55 p.m. and watched a powerful blue glow appear over a nearby  9/23/1996 #43039  
ulfed in brownish gas and emitting powerful floodlights toward the ground.  6/6/1997 #43315  
   Three silver round objects with powerful flashing lights lined up in the 6/1/1999 #43778  
vy Base, Argentina at 12:45 p.m. A powerful whirlwind developed at ground l 1/18/2000 #43930  
triangles, and changed color. Some powerful strobe lights hit the mountain, 5/8/2000 #43990  
tail section and is shooting three powerful beams of light from dome-like g 9/3/2000 #44036  
ng. The UFO bathed the ground in a powerful light. The next day cell phones 2/9/2001 #44138  
nd as she did so. She approached a powerful light that seemed to emanate fr 5/2/2001 #44174  
ce for prosecution, but an unnamed powerful individual in the DOD squashed  8/7/2004 #44728  
:30 p.m. The object had an unusual powerful, white/yellow, rotating beacon/ 11/9/2005 #44900  
ws. Some witnesses in Colon said a powerful light could be seen toward the  10/26/2006 #44977  
od-like implements which emitted a powerful white light. They seemed to ign 9/16/2007 #45059  
t to investigate, one armed with a powerful flashlight and the other with a 4/12/2008 #45128  
ystems, featuring the world’s most powerful radars (including the Solid Sta 6/23/2019 #45587  
## Word: "powerful-sounding" (Back to Top)
                                 A powerful-sounding, mystery triangle-shap 10/29/2000 #44065  
## Word: "powerfully" (Back to Top)
ange light in the center, and very powerfully illuminated, according to the 7/31/1995 #42347  
## Word: "powerhouse" (Back to Top)
lar object hovers 3km over Osborne powerhouse / 45 mn.                      12/7/1957 #14680  
## Word: "powering" (Back to Top)
ng research into atomic energy for powering ships. Bush’s negative experien 10/9/1941 #1373  
## Word: "powerless" (Back to Top)
heir house which had been rendered powerless. The entire incident lasted 20 5/16/1971 #26115  
## Word: "powerlines" (Back to Top)
ped object zapped energy from some powerlines while at the same time his pr 10/10/1966 #20984  
ed right to avoid hitting a house, powerlines and trees. The object went st 9/24/1987 #38294  
usquehanna River. It was above the powerlines on top of the mountain; it wa 8/6/2002 #44376  
## Word: "powerplant" (Back to Top)
Book. Ghostly domed saucer circles powerplant. Going quickly [to] St. Josep 5/9/1952 #6278  
a ghostly domed saucer circled the powerplant in Mishawaka, Indiana. It fle 5/9/1952 #6283  
                        BAURU, BRZ Powerplant guard buzzed / probe. Paralyz 7/23/1968 #24207  
L Fireball going quickly east near powerplant. Hovers and going quickly wes 6/15/1982 #36501  
## Word: "powers" (Back to Top)
                        The Allied Powers (Britain, France, and Russia) joi 5/24/1915 #928  
war between Germany and the Allied Powers.                                  6/28/1919 #988  
Hills, Oklahoma 1:00 a.m. Perry G. Powers and Duncan Miller are returning t 1/1924 #1039  
           Hinsdale, IL William T. Powers (later associated with the Center Spring 1940 #1327  
 in Hinsdale, Illinois, William T. Powers sees five disc-shaped objects in  Spring 1940 #1328  
ciated with “tests made by foreign powers with guided weapons.”             6/26/1946 #2016  
te us from “beings of far superior powers.”                                 7/29/1952 #7326  
police, subpoena, law- enforcement powers, or internal-security functions”  9/20/1955 #12463  
 1958: “We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than we ha 1/1/1959 #15526  
ing into closer contact with those powers, and in six or nine months’ time  1/1/1959 #15526  
following month, when Francis Gary Powers is shot down over the Soviet Unio 4/8/1960 #16218  
 spy plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers crosses into the Soviet Union fro 4/9/1960 #16219  
intercepts by a MiG-19 and a Su-9. Powers lands at an Iranian airstrip at Z 4/9/1960 #16219  
e, flown by CIA pilot Francis Gary Powers, takes off from Peshawar, Pakista 5/1/1960 #16248  
zakhstan, and Chelyabinsk, Russia. Powers has orders to continue across Sib 5/1/1960 #16248  
e orders to “attack the violator.” Powers parachutes safely and is captured 5/1/1960 #16248  
eals to the Soviet parliament that Powers is alive and much of the U-2 tech 5/7/1960 #16259  
 for downed U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers begins in Moscow.                 8/17/1960 #16402  
in, Germany CIA pilot Francis Gary Powers is exchanged for Soviet spy Rudol 2/10/1962 #17045  
he, Jacques Vallée, and William T. Powers are devoting more personal time t 1/5/1967 #21259  
de at the widest point. William T. Powers, assistant to J. Allen Hynek of N 4/21/1967 #22194  
nd 16 feet 6 inches, respectively. Powers concludes that the center of grav 4/21/1967 #22194  
 Teenagers Richard Frombach, Boone Powers, and Chris Beachner are parked ne 2/18/1968 #23763  
 the being possessed extraordinary powers; it could in fact control "nature 8/9/1972 #26890  
tness "proof" of his extraordinary powers by dematerializing a rock with a  4/10/1974 #29003  
, in collusion with other national powers of the Earth, is determined to ke 5/1979 #34532  
, in collusion with other national powers of the Earth, is determined to ke 5/1979 #34533  
xecutive Order 12333 extending the powers of US intelligence agencies. It i 12/4/1981 #36247  
om the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) headquarters in Ca 11/7/1983 #37044  
 the Coast Guard, and Seaman James Powers and Petty Officer John Knaub driv 3/4/1988 #38487  
 Research psychologist Susan Marie Powers publishes a study on 20 abductees 5/1994 #41511  
ntries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, a 1995 #41923  
 who attempted to harness “demonic powers” for espionage purposes under Ope 3/31/2011 #45322  
 that technology and says “certain powers” would rather keep ZPE/quantum va 12/24/2013 #45399  
ust a government to exercise these powers at all, let alone do so in secret 2/24/2014 #45402  
## Word: "powerscourt" (Back to Top)
untains, Ireland River Dargle near Powerscourt, County Wicklow North Beach  8/1/1954 #10090  
n fishing in the River Dargle near Powerscourt, County Wicklow, see a rocke 8/1/1954 #10090  
## Word: "powhatan" (Back to Top)
                                   POWHATAN, LA AND MORE 10 separate report 10/17/1973 #28096  
                                   Powhatan, LA At least 10 reports from ce 10/17/1973 #28123  
## Word: "powley" (Back to Top)
a Witnesses: USAF pilot Capt. C.J. Powley and wife.  Two star-like lights m 7/19/1952 #6928  
p.m. USAF pilot Capt. Charles John Powley and his wife Janet see two star-l 7/19/1952 #6934  
## Word: "pows" (Back to Top)
          On this afternoon Allied POWs on the ground watched a white, foot 1/22/1945 #1762  
tary aircraft tests using Japanese POWs, suffering from progeria (an early  6/2005 #44846  
## Word: "powys" (Back to Top)
  Ludlow Museum Llandrindod Wells, Powys, Wales 9:00 p.m. W. J. Norton, cur 7/22/1966 #20668  
 to the east of Llandrindod Wells, Powys, Wales. It hovers for 30–40 second 7/22/1966 #20668  
     Wales Wylfa Hill Machynlleth, Powys, Wales 5:00 p.m. A young boy on ho 7/22/1975 #30200  
 Wylfa Hill, south of Machynlleth, Powys, Wales. At the top he sees an appa 7/22/1975 #30200  
     On Wyfla Hill in Machynlleth, Powys, Wales a young man saw a domed dis 7/22/1975 #30201  
                        LLANGURIG, POWYS, WALES 2 government guards. Classi 2/9/1992 #40324  
                       Llangynidr, Powys, Wales Newport 10:40 p.m. A man is 1/27/1997 #43178  
ack road just south of Llangynidr, Powys, Wales, when he sees a “massive st 1/27/1997 #43178  
                       Llanidloes, Powys, Wales 10:30 p.m. Paul Best and hi 6/5/1998 #43580  
riend are driving near Llanidloes, Powys, Wales, when they notice three tri 6/5/1998 #43580  
## Word: "poya" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / POYA, NORTH CALEDONIA 30+observer(s). Br 2/23/1978 #32993  
## Word: "poza" (Back to Top)
                                   POZA RICA AND VERACRUZ, MEXICO Thousands 8/6/1967 #22823  
                              NEAR POZA RICA, MEXICO Many observer(s). Huge 5/22/1992 #40468  
## Word: "poznan" (Back to Top)
                                   POZNAN, POLAND Twice / 1957. Classic sau 1957 #13426  
## Word: "poznań" (Back to Top)
                                   Poznań, Poland Night. During a training  9/30/1959 #16001  
raining flight with a student over Poznań, Poland, a pilot named Leszczyńsk 9/30/1959 #16001  
## Word: "pozo" (Back to Top)
Storm Marilyn, a local resident of Pozo, Campo Rico, Puerto Rico saw a stra 9/16/1995 #42477  
                                   POZO ALMONTE, CHL Many and video. Glowin 6/21/1997 #43333  
## Word: "pozzi" (Back to Top)
mont, Italy 8:00–8:15 a.m. Roberto Pozzi, 14, hears a noise like ducks and  9/2/1978 #33626  
 main witness, a 14-year-old named Pozzi.                                   9/2/1978 #33627  
## Word: "pozzouli" (Back to Top)
 PM. A videotape was made by a Mr. Pozzouli of a ring of lights in the dark 7/24/1984 #37411  
0:20 a videotape was made by a Mr. Pozzouli of a ring of lights in the dark 7/24/1984 #37415  
## Word: "pozzuoli" (Back to Top)
                                   POZZUOLI, ITALY Several observer(s). Sil 10/21/1954 #11286  
:20 p.m. Electronics executive Bob Pozzuoli shoots a videotape of a large o 7/24/1984 #37413  
York Pease Air National Guard Base Pozzuoli Philip Imbrogno and Peter Gerst 8/25/1984 #37440  
 the National Security Agency. The Pozzuoli videotape is shown and 900 peop 8/25/1984 #37440  
## Word: "pozzuolo" (Back to Top)
                                   POZZUOLO / FRIULI, ITL White glowing-dis 8/31/1980 #35483  
## Word: "pp" (Back to Top)
 Bill Chalker, The Oz Files, 1996, pp. 35-36.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NIC 2/1944 #1569  
a History: 1948, The Author, 1988, pp. 28–29; Sparks, p. 34; Michael D. Swo 5/7/1948 #3643  
 “Edwin Jerome Radar Case”; UFOEv, pp. 83–84; Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Sightin Summer 1948 #3679  
gs, and Abductions, Methuen, 1979, pp. 151–152; Chris Rutkowski and Geoff D Summer 1948 #3679  
n UFO Report, Dundurn Press, 2006, pp. 51–52; Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFO Summer 1948 #3679  
-like sound. (Fund Report * C-7; 2 pp.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        7/9/1948 #3702  
rt missing. (Fund Report * C-13; 2 pp.) (Project GRUDGE Report Case No. 181 10/14/1948 #3834  
Flying Saucer,” True, August 1950, pp. 24–25, 75–79) August — 2:00 p.m. Hug 8/1950 #5094  
urse reversing light. (Willy Smith pp. 25-29; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 4/16/1952 #6092  
n the UFO question. (Keyhoe, FSTS, pp. 258–260) May 26, 29 — Adamski gives  Late 5/1959 #15747  
Lockheed A-12”; Jacobsen, Area 51, pp. 134–135)                             1/26/1960 #16157  
” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1965, pp. 1, 3; Joan Whritenour, “UFO Lands?”  3/2/1965 #18832  
rated and sped away. (Hynek, 1972, pp. 89-90, 238.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 1/11/1966 #19827  
r Review, 12(4), July-August 1966, pp. 32-33.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 2/14/1966 #19903  
errain. (McDonald, 1968a, Case 14, pp. 51-52; NICAP notes). (NICAP: 01 - Di 3/23/1966 #20040  
oving out of sight. (Fowler, 1974, pp. 116, 335, 337; NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 3/29/1966 #20132  
d normally. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969b, pp. 4-5; Bondarchuk, pp. 45-46, from the 3/29/1966 #20134  
 Lore, 1969b, pp. 4-5; Bondarchuk, pp. 45-46, from the Hamilton Spectator,  3/29/1966 #20134  
ng sound. (BB files, Fowler, 1974, pp. 125-27.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 3/30/1966 #20154  
 then disappeared. (Chalker, 1996, pp. 114-15.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)     4/4/1966 #20220  
ed in Flying Saucer Review, 12(4), pp. iii-iv.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)     4/12/1966 #20288  
aring after it left. (Fowler 1974, pp. 128-130, 340; NICAP report.) (NICAP: 4/19/1966 #20339  
he craft flew away. (Vallee, 1969, pp. 329-30). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)  4/22/1966 #20368  
 been seen. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969b, pp. 45-47; Walter N. Webb investigation  4/24/1966 #20400  
r, Vol. Ill, No. 8, May-June 1966, pp. 7-8; Fowler 1974, p. 340.) (NICAP: 0 4/24/1966 #20400  
, Vol. 12, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1966, pp. 27-28.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 6/17/1966 #20572  
d and sped away. (McDonald, 1968a, pp. 57-58; Houston Post, Oct. 8, 1966.)  7/18/1966 #20654  
ail of bluish light. (Hynek, 1972, pp. 95-96, 238; Ridge, 1994, pp. 12-13;  7/22/1966 #20667  
1972, pp. 95-96, 238; Ridge, 1994, pp. 12-13; NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 7/22/1966 #20667  
w, Vol. 12, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1966, pp. 4-5.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)      8/15/1966 #20744  
ly sped away. (Sagan & Page, 1972, pp. xxii-xxiii.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 9/22/1966 #20913  
 Vol. Ill, No. 10, Oct.-Nov. 1966, pp. 5-6.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 10/12/1966 #20996  
slowly, accelerated. Fowler, 1974, pp. 138- (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)         1/20/1967 #21357  
ting from the bottom. (Hall, 2001, pp. 286-87, from "The Yorba Linda Photog 1/24/1967 #21374  
 Review, Special Issue, Nov. 1967, pp. 26-35.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Ca 1/24/1967 #21374  
esting on three legs. (Hall, 2001, pp. 529-30, from Fowler, 1979, 1982, 199 1/25/1967 #21381  
rk (EM effect). (Bondarchuk, 1979, pp. 124-126.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)    2/8/1967 #21479  
ase 7; reprinted in Vaughan, 1995, pp. 205-6.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 2/13/1967 #21534  
100 ft., heat felt. Gillmor, 1969, pp. 295-297 (E,R,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME 3/1967 #21690  
ng out the rear. (Salisbury, 1974, pp. 46-48.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 3/12/1967 #21869  
69a, p. 30; Keyhoe and Lore,1969b, pp.28-29; APRO Bulletin, March-April 196 3/28/1967 #22003  
ion as the objects. (Haines, 1994, pp. 88-89; Smith 1997, UNICAT #371). (NI 4/17/1967 #22147  
e and two greenish. (Haines, 1994, pp. 91-92, from UNICAT catalogue #403.)  5/6/1967 #22282  
5/18/67, NICAP files; Ridge, 1994, pp. 22-23 from Edwards, 1968, p. 152.) ( 5/15/1967 #22345  
p. 74, reprinted in Vaughan, 1995, pp. 129-30.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 7/4/1967 #22607  
 object in the sky. (Fowler, 1974, pp. 151-52, 349.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 7/26/1967 #22732  
 2, Oct. 1967, p. 3; Fowler, 1974, pp. 152-55, 349.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 7/27/1967 #22739  
d around. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 29-34.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 8/30/1967 #22959  
 minutes. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 10, 34-35.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 8/31/1967 #22961  
y facets. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 11,13, 40-43; witness interview tran 9/2/1967 #22980  
ntervals. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 14-15.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 9/6/1967 #23010  
into the water. (Bondarchuk, 1979, pp. 122-24.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 9/11/1967 #23039  
ect disappeared. (Weinstein, 1999, pp. 36, 50.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)     9/29/1967 #23146  
e water. (Ledger and Styles, 2001, pp. 14- 17, 21-44.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace C 10/4/1967 #23175  
on radio. (Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, pp. 10-11.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 10/13/1967 #23232  
 car approached. (Salisbury, 1974, pp. 53- 55.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 10/14/1967 #23236  
ortholes. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 17, 44-46.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 10/17/1967 #23242  
t.-Oct. 1967, p.10; Gillmor, 1969, pp. 376-78, case 38.) (NICAP: 03 - EME C 10/24/1967 #23301  
ject (body lights). (Haines, 2000, pp. 58-59.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 10/27/1967 #23342  
ing Saucer Review, July-Aug. 1968, pp. 15-16; Journal of UFO Studies, New S 10/30/1967 #23366  
FO Studies, New Series, v.2, 1990, pp. 27-28 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cas 10/30/1967 #23366  
under hypnosis. (Bondarchuk, 1979, pp. 83-88.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)   11/19/1967 #23481  
530-32, from: Blum and Blum, 1974, pp. 109-121; Gillmor, 1969, pp. 389-91;  12/3/1967 #23540  
 1974, pp. 109-121; Gillmor, 1969, pp. 389-91; Story, 1980, pp. 318-19.) (N 12/3/1967 #23540  
or, 1969, pp. 389-91; Story, 1980, pp. 318-19.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 12/3/1967 #23540  
530-32, from: Blum and Blum, 1974, pp. 109-121; Gillmor, 1969, pp. 389-91;  12/3/1967 #23541  
 1974, pp. 109-121; Gillmor, 1969, pp. 389-91; Story, 1980, pp. 318-19.) (N 12/3/1967 #23541  
or, 1969, pp. 389-91; Story, 1980, pp. 318-19.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)  12/3/1967 #23541  
459, from: Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, pp. 29-30.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)   12/8/1967 #23561  
fects again. Keyhoe & Lore, 1969b, pp. 40-41. (E,R) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Ca 11/25/1968 #24702  
Histories, Suppl. 11, August 1972, pp. 9- 11 (E,R,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME C 5/25/1971 #26134  
Annual Flying Saucer Review, 1983, pp. 4–9; Judith M. Magee, “The Close Enc 7/25/1972 #26833  
first seen. Ballester Olmos, 1976, pp. 40-41 (E) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases 4/22/1973 #27439  
ints found. Ballester Olmos, 1976, pp. 46.47 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cas 3/30/1974 #28971  
, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 122 & 264). (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases 7/6/1975 #30165  
, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 122 & 264). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 7/6/1975 #30166  
 my The UFO Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed., pp. 685-90. (Jerry Clark) (NICAP: 07 - E 10/27/1975 #30483  
UFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, pp. 11 & 14). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 12/5/1975 #30686  
UFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, pp. 11 & 14). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 12/5/1975 #30687  
ning. (Source: FSR, November 1978, pp. 30-31). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 5/17/1977 #32103  
MUFON UFO Journal, Mar.-Apr. 1979, pp. 8-9 (R) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)  1/5/1979 #34298  
 MUFON UFO Journal, February 1990, pp. 20-21; Omaha, Nebr., Morning World-H 2/11/1980 #35166  
 p. 21, dated 1987; Chalker, 1996, pp. 182-183 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME C 12/14/1984 #37524  
## Word: "pp-anm" (Back to Top)
ngers of National Airlines Douglas PP-ANM airliner at 9,000 feet over Paraí 11/21/1954 #11683  
## Word: "ppd" (Back to Top)
 does not provide a description of PPD location 1, only that a Cpt. Stanley 12/1993 #41313  
 his sole manager on site aware of PPD. All others who worked there worked  12/1993 #41313  
  Sgt. Dan Sherman claims while at PPD location 1 and performing regular US Early 1994 #41352  
                  Sherman moves to PPD location 2. He does not disclose whe Early 1995 #41927  
multiple countries are involved in PPD; Earth is in “geological infancy” an Early 1995 #41927  
sts the black project that cloaked PPD had to do with noise cancellation te Early 1995 #41927  
s he begins to receive “startling” PPD intcomm data that he believed had to Mid 1995 #42258  
denied; he is also denied from his PPD commander, who tells him he was indo Mid 1995 #42258  
ells him he was indoctrinated into PPD and would not be able to exit until  Mid 1995 #42258  
nd would not be able to exit until PPD allowed it. Sherman next decides to  Mid 1995 #42258  
## Word: "ppi" (Back to Top)
ppeared to be three targets on the PPI (Plan Position Indicator) scope. (Se 9/13/1951 #5664  
                   Keesler AFB, MS PPI Scope Of CPS-5 Tracks Slow Target (N 7/30/1952 #7357  
ed of 240 m.p.h.  Radar was FPS/3 (PPI).                                    11/13/1952 #8270  
e, Greenland Prominent Blip on GCA PPI While Tracking C-124 (NICAP: 09 - RA 2/26/1953 #8709  
r Objects Detected on Ground Radar PPI (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, R 12/3/1953 #9337  
Donald list) One to three blips on PPI Scope with speeds of 100 to 6,000 mp 1/14/1954 #9484  
## Word: "pps-100" (Back to Top)
 $100,000 on the study, Subproject PPS-100, confirming Ruppelt’s pattern).  12/19/1951 #5821  
## Word: "pptx" (Back to Top)
w.gravwave.com/docs/JASON%20Report.pptx                                     10/2008 #45173  
## Word: "pr" (Back to Top)
                         SAN JUAN, PR 2+2 saucers / pairs. Northeast going  7/8/1947 #2957  
                         ASCENSION PR, LA Project Bluebook Case #174. 1 obs 10/1/1948 #3823  
                         MAYAGUEZ, PR Project Bluebook Case #1213. Ex-Air F 5/14/1952 #6321  
             RAMEY AIR FORCE BASE, PR 2 / RB36. Red-orange fireball seen /  12/31/1952 #8466  
ect Blue Book, which is now only a PR front. Some good cases still go there 8/26/1953 #9112  
ites telex / Ramey Air Force Base, PR = UFO / 1930hrs.                      6/3/1954 #9863  
Y BASE 40 MI SOUTHEAST / SAN JUAN, PR Vibrant bright "clam-shell" saucer /  11/5/1954 #11573  
?t=6561   https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.113.357   ht 1955 #11898  
113.357   https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.115.206   ht 1955 #11898  
5-1.pdf   https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.111.315   ht Late 1956 #13281  
                  San Juan (near), PR Pan American Airways pilot took evasi 3/9/1957 #13536  
thly meetings where scientific and PR problems are reviewed. To get it goin 2/17/1959 #15591  
ain), Lt. Col. Theodore J. Hieatt (PR), Maj. Leroy D. Pigg (psychologist),  5/5/1959 #15723  
           Tortuguero, Islagrande, PR 11:15 a.m. A flight instructor and st 4/1967 #22030  
                NORTH / VEGA BAJA, PR 2 / Cessna. 30M dull metallic ovoid f 4/6/1967 #22070  
MBA 12M saucer paces truck. Lights PR 12. Hums. Colored bands rotate / bott 4/3/1968 #23885  
             RAMEY AIR FORCE BASE, PR 16 guards. Large brilliant ovoid rise 8/18/1968 #24347  
                 EAST / VEGA BAJA, PR 2 / car. Color-white saucer / roadsid 12/31/1968 #24798  
                         SAN JUAN, PR 2 airliners and 3 Air Force jets. Hug 6/1970 #25681  
                         SAN JUAN, PR Several separate observer(s). Red-glo 7/22/1970 #25744  
                            YAUCO, PR 20 night lights exit 1 oval cloud and 8/13/1972 #26914  
                     NEAR ISABELA, PR Ovoid offloads several small objects  8/22/1972 #26946  
                          ISABELA, PR 3+observer(s). Huge shining egg offlo 8/29/1972 (approximate) #26967  
                      RIO PIEDRAS, PR 30 families. Bright shiny ovoid down  10/7/1972 #27053  
                         ADJUNTAS, PR Many separate observer(s). Wave / nig 10/8/1972 #27057  
              JARDINES DEL CARIBE, PR Cops and several. Green object spins  10/11/1972 #27065  
                           JAYUYA, PR Observer(s) with telescope. Several m 10/12/1972 #27067  
             SOUTHWEST / SAN JUAN, PR Numerous observer(s). 3 bright disks  10/13/1972 #27068  
                        AGUADILLA, PR Many observer(s). Domed saucers. Nigh 10/13/1972 #27069  
                REXVILLE, BAYAMON, PR A. Martinez. Ovoid lands. Figure(s) e 10/14/1972 #27073  
MO AND ADJUNTAS AND BARRIO TANANA, PR Huge glowing ball goes over. Local po 10/18/1972 #27078  
                          ROSARIO, PR Several observer(s). Sombrero-shaped  10/19/1972 #27079  
                    SAN SEBASTIAN, PR 1 observer photographs disk / low alt 10/27/1972 #27091  
                      RIO PIEDRAS, PR Fireball / sky shoots beams. Watches  10/28/1972 #27094  
              EL YUNQUE MOUNTAINS, PR 9 observer(s). 4 weird 5' figure(s) a 10/20/1973 #28205  
                         MAYAGUEZ, PR 2 observer(s) photograph round metall 10/24/1973 #28259  
                   PINA, TOA ALTA, PR Silver ovoid with antennas / low and  11/2/1973 #28346  
                         SAN JUAN, PR E. L. Lebron sees 2 luminous disks ne 11/9/1973 #28397  
               ALTURAS DE BAYAMON, PR 1 observer. Flying egg shape seen. No 11/29/1973 #28478  
                        LA RAMBLA, PR 6-7 glowing objects exit odd star. No 12/4/1973 #28516  
               NEAR SABANA GRANDE, PR Observer(s) = B. R. Arroyo in car pac 12/10/1973 #28544  
                         SAN JUAN, PR Observer(s) = Manuel Padilla. Bullet  12/17/1973 #28579  
                          BAYAMON, PR 10+1 observer(s). 3 tiered cone-bell  12/21/1973 #28595  
                         SAN JUAN, PR 1 observer. 3 vibrant bright objects  1/12/1975 #29742  
                             MOCA, PR 11 observer(s). Dome spins / trees. G 3/12/1975 #29890  
                         SAN JUAN, PR Metallic domed saucer going quickly n 3/21/1975 #29913  
                         SAN JUAN, PR Radio DJ / studio / penthouse. 3 taps 4/6/1975 #29972  
                            PONCE, PR Monster floats going up. Zaps observe 4/18/1975 #29993  
             COAMO AND JUANA DIAZ, PR Dome seen / road. Orange disk hovers  4/19/1975 #29995  
                       SAN GERMAN, PR Object beams strong light going down. 4/29/1975 #30010  
                         GUAYNABO, PR Strange object hits ground. Big crate 7/8/1975 #30170  
                           AQUADA, PR Science teacher / beach. Saucer hover 9/1/1976 #31322  
                     QUEBRADILLAS, PR Small humanoid (or Grey) going [to] h 7/12/1977 #32259  
              Mediania Alta Loiza, PR Two witnesses suddenly noticed a disc 8/31/1977 #32444  
                     NEAR COROZAL, PR Farmer. Flash. Small humanoid (or Gre 9/4/1977 #32458  
                      RIO PIEDRAS, PR Large and small webfoot figure(s) gli 3/3/1980 #35192  
                        EL YUNQUE, PR Many separate observer(s). White glow 2/19/1984 #37191  
                 LAGUNA CARTAGENA, PR Huge platform over lake. Small lumino 6/1986 (approximate) #37902  
                 LAGUNA CARTAGENA, PR Red fireball sinks / lake. Huge sauce 5/30/1987 #38179  
                 LAGUNA CARTAGENA, PR Huge cylinder/cylindrical object with 6/1/1987 #38184  
                         BETANCES, PR Several observer(s). Huge cylinder/ci 4/1/1988 #38528  
              SOUTH / HORMIGUEROS, PR Man photographs saucer and jets. 3 ho 5/13/1988 #38564  
                       SAN GERMAN, PR 2 loud jets chase silent saucer south 11/16/1988 #38716  
                   NEAR CABO ROJO, PR Hundreds / observer(s). Huge delta/tr 12/28/1988 #38761  
              LA PARGUERA / LAJAS, PR Fisherman. Group / small humanoids (o 7/1989 #38999  
                          YUQUIYU, PR Power outage. Ovoid over El Yunque Mo 7/4/1989 #39006  
                       NEAR LAJAS, PR Guards. Small humanoids (or Greys) on 4/1990 #39505  
                          GUAVATE, PR 180' luminous sphere/orb/globe going  6/22/1990 #39621  
                          YABUCOA, PR UFO plays cat / mouse games with 2 US 6/29/1990 #39628  
                       JUANA DIAZ, PR Navy base lit up! Metallic saucer off 7/18/1990 #39646  
                       FORT ALLEN, PR Men ordered inside. Base lit / big lo 7/19/1990 #39650  
                        PALMAREJO, PR Separate observer(s). 5 grey small hu 8/11/1990 #39683  
                        CABO ROJO, PR Many observer(s). 5 grey small humano 8/31/1990 #39706  
                           CAGUAS, PR 2 unmarked military helicopters chase 12/19/1990 #39929  
                         CARRAIZO, PR Sky lit / miles. Huge saucer over pow 3/17/1991 #40016  
                          MAGUAYO, PR 2 grey small humanoids (or Greys) tak 8/14/1991 #40153  
                  NEAR LAS PALMAS, PR 3 observer(s). Saucer with cone-dome  8/17/1991 #40158  
              NORTH / LA PARGUERA, PR Small humanoid (or Grey) crouched ove 8/28/1991 (approximate) #40167  
                  EL PAPAYO BEACH, PR Inspect agents. Several observer(s).  11/1991 #40215  
                            LAJAS, PR Classic saucer teases F14 jet. Splits 4/28/1992 #40434  
                     NEAR GUANICA, PR 3 kids. Huge saucer hovers over water 3/19/1993 #40890  
                         BOQUERON, PR 2 women. Flash and heat. Small humano 5/15/1993 (approximate) #40982  
                          GUANICA, PR Several / Hwy116. Huge saucer / 700'  6/11/1993 #41013  
                       CAMPO RICO, PR Cops hits small humanoid (or Grey)-mo 9/5/1995 (approximate) #42441  
                        CANOVANAS, PR Small humanoid (or Grey)-monster on b 9/7/1995 #42446  
                       CAMPO RICO, PR Loud humming. Small humanoid (or Grey 9/16/1995 #42475  
                       RIO GRANDE, PR Small humanoid (or Grey)-monster land 10/7/1995 #42538  
                           ANASCO, PR Several observer(s). Big shiny saucer 4/24/1997 (approximate) #43273  
                 SOUTH / SAN JUAN, PR Hundreds and 2 TV crews and 50000 RAD 12/22/1997 #43469  
## Word: "pr10" (Back to Top)
E, BC 2 / (seen thru) binoculars / PR10. 2 23cm night lights hover and blin 5/7/1995 #42186  
## Word: "pr101" (Back to Top)
                                   PR101 / MT. UNIACKE, NS 2 cars going [to 1/2/1978 #32845  
## Word: "pr11" (Back to Top)
                                   PR11 30KM WITH LONGLAC, ONT Scientist/sc 12/30/1965 #19791  
## Word: "pr138" (Back to Top)
                                   PR138 EAST / SEPTEMBER ILES, QBC 2 / car 8/7/1995 #42364  
## Word: "pr16" (Back to Top)
STEW, BC RCMP man. Object hovers / PR16. Blinding flash. No physical traces 4/21/1976 #31001  
## Word: "pr169" (Back to Top)
                  LAC ST. JEAN, QB PR169. 1 observer. 1 UFO / 3 min. Earlie 2/24/1989 #38847  
## Word: "pr2" (Back to Top)
 CORNERS, ON Teacher and 2 / car / PR2. Definite silver disk hovers / 8km a 6/6/1957 #13709  
                                   PR2 SOUTH / MOOSE JAW, SSK 3+observer(s) 3/13/1987 #38140  
Orange night light parallels car / PR2 into Colborne. 2 small lights accomp 6/15/1993 #41016  
## Word: "pr28-30m" (Back to Top)
                GRAND CENTRE, ALTA PR28-30M south / weapons range. Mountie  1/27/1989 #38802  
## Word: "pr37" (Back to Top)
                                   PR37 / GULL LAKE GOING [TO] SHAUNAVON, S 11/19/1967 #23479  
## Word: "pr41" (Back to Top)
                                   PR41 SOUTH / VERMILION, ALTA 2 separate  3/5/1973 #27332  
## Word: "pr417" (Back to Top)
                                   PR417 EAST / OTTAWA, ON 5 / car. 10' ovo 11/11/1973 #28406  
size paces car going west. Crosses PR417 going quickly south.               10/7/1996 #43060  
## Word: "pr480" (Back to Top)
                                   PR480 EAST / ACADIEVILLE, NB Silent red  10/3/1976 #31444  
## Word: "pr57" (Back to Top)
ange-glowing mushroom zigzags over PR57. High humming and swish.            5/30/1967 #22424  
## Word: "pr9" (Back to Top)
                 SIBBALD, ALTA 3 / PR9. Night light going [to] over car. Mo 11/3/1957 #14231  
## Word: "pr95" (Back to Top)
 paces and buzzes car northbound / PR95 repeatedly / 15 miles.              10/15/1969? #25415  
## Word: "pr97" (Back to Top)
0' domed saucer over lake. Crosses PR97. Drops into trees.                  10/27/1967 (approximate) #23341  
## Word: "pra" (Back to Top)
                                   PRA, ITL Strong light. 3M silver saucer  9/1966 #20822  
## Word: "pracht" (Back to Top)
          Heimersdorf, France Anny Pracht, her sister Roselyne, and two oth 10/11/1954 #10931  
                          Ms. Anny Pracht, her sister Roselyne, and two oth 10/11/1954 #10947  
## Word: "practical" (Back to Top)
dely regarded as the world’s first practical modern automobile and was the  1885 #262  
                         The first practical radio transmitters and receive 1894 #312  
h Focke designed the world’s first practical, stable transverse twin rotor  6/26/1936 #1245  
 uranium-235, which would be quite practical for aircraft to carry.         3/1940 #1326  
ous fanatics, publicity hounds, or practical jokers. Considine asks him abo 11/16/1950 #5278  
al sheriff considered the report a practical joke.                          4/1/1963 #17721  
dmits to creating the circles as a practical joke, using his burlap-covered 9/16/1979 #34890  
## Word: "practically" (Back to Top)
oving from horizon to horizon in a practically identical path. Individual f 2/9/1913 #881  
V-2’s speed and trajectory made it practically invulnerable to anti-aircraf 9/7/1944 #1666  
 Ruppelt stated: “With the Soviets practically eliminated as a UFO source t 1948 #3518  
O chases his car along Benns Road, practically touching the telephone poles 1/13/1958 #14824  
lthough a UFO wave is in progress, practically no one at the Colorado proje 2/1967 #21429  
ing ahead of them, and the fog had practically dissipated. The car could be 8/6/1976 #31241  
 search was conducted, in an area "practically inaccessible" due to the ter 5/6/1978 #33191  
ide of a steep hill. It moved up a practically vertical cliff using reptili 4/26/2000 #43986  
## Word: "practice" (Back to Top)
land, is returning home from choir practice when he sees a bright searchlig 3/4/1909 #723  
stification’ ... this was either a practice raid, or a raid to throw a scar 2/24/1942 #1388  
River 7:45 p.m. Five students on a practice baseball field at Ohio State Un 7/7/1947 #2938  
 is flying a T-6 target plane on a practice intercept mission for two F-84s 3/29/1952 #5992  
 J. Slowinski flying an F-94B on a practice run to investigate. The pilot s 7/29/1952 #7331  
craft on collision courses as they practice ground-controlled approach land 3/5/1954 #9598  
mb Wing, while flying a KC-97 to a practice landing at 1,500 feet about 5-8 3/5/1954 #9598  
of-fire / Anti-Aircraft guns/teams practice / 7 minute(s). Extreme speed.   8/13/1954 #10140  
me Sister Thedra, she continues to practice channeling and participate in c Early 1/1955 #11912  
 radar tracking. Two USN jets on a practice night-flying mission are vector 12/11/1955 #12605  
rd Mesa at the Nevada Test Site to practice carrying out geological observa 2/16/1965 #18819  
tnesses could see military bombing practice in the distance at the same tim 2/3/1967 #21445  
Director of Operations. It isn’t a practice to allow the public to study th 10/2/1972 #27044  
blishes a Code of Fair Information Practice that governs the collection, ma 12/31/1974 #29666  
    A high school band was holding practice in the evening at a playing fie 10/23/1980 #35585  
wo RAF Phantom jets are performing practice intercepts under strict radar c 11/5/1990 #39869  
drone of the type used for defense practice.                                4/21/1991 #40046  
UK government introduces a Code of Practice on Access to Government Informa 4/1994 #41469  
tion, executive order, regulation, practice, or procedure relating to class 3/3/1997 #43217  
t disk while driving to basketball practice in Hazlet, New Jersey. The UFO  1/22/2002 #44310  
## Word: "practiced" (Back to Top)
 even once. His movements appeared practiced, deliberate and precise. When  10/16/1973 #28089  
vity of the caudate” in people who practiced these forms of meditation. Sta 12/12/2018 #45551  
## Word: "practices" (Back to Top)
 it. He cites USAF “administrative practices” Air Force Regulation 11-30, w 10/29/1962 #17516  
AMS violated fiduciary and control practices by “installing its own equipme 6/2004 #44706  
IC believed Parsons and his occult practices were responsible for some UAP  3/31/2011 #45322  
 meditation and “coherent thought” practices, and there are no ships or air 1/27/2015 #45428  
## Word: "practicing" (Back to Top)
ones out of Elkhart, Wisconsin, is practicing take-offs and landings with a 7/7/1947 #2932  
E. Steene Sr., Fullerton CA: While practicing in Bishop CA in 1949, was cal 1949 #3941  
 Ben Swett of Pease AFB, himself a practicing hypnotist, who tells them he  11/3/1963 #18027  
claims a helicopter is in the area practicing takeoffs and landings.        4/7/1967 #22090  
e Ridge, SC Members of a rock band practicing in a barn stepped outside to  6/12/1979 #34608  
t 8:45 p.m. Members of a rock band practicing in a barn in Pine Ridge, Sout 6/12/1979 #34610  
h Carolina. Members of a rock band practicing in a barn stepped outside to  6/12/1979 #34611  
Force pilots from 122 Squadron are practicing maneuvers in a Cessna T-37B D 8/6/2001 #44227  
 consciousness from his body. When practicing, he left his body and saw a U 4/28/2006 #44937  
## Word: "practitioners" (Back to Top)
locks, Satanists, and other occult practitioners.                           1969 #24800  
## Word: "prada" (Back to Top)
eón Febres, Miguel Talavera, Jesús Prada, and Tomás Hernández are returning 8/28/1956 #13146  
## Word: "pradash" (Back to Top)
                  Ladakh Arunachal Pradash Kargil Leh Thakung Lake Pangong  8/1/2012 #45350  
se border from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradash report as many as 100 UFO sighti 8/1/2012 #45350  
## Word: "prades" (Back to Top)
                                   PRADES, FR Huge shiny sphere / high alti 10/6/1973 #27956  
## Word: "pradesh" (Back to Top)
cts flew south over Vuyyuru, Andra Pradesh State, India in a delta formatio 4/27/1956 #12815  
     Samudra Tapu valley, Himachal Pradesh, India Ahmedabad Early morning.  9/27/2004 #44762  
rren Samudra Tapu valley, Himachal Pradesh, India, at an elevation of 17,00 9/27/2004 #44762  
## Word: "prado" (Back to Top)
, Paraiba, Brazil Walter Corrêa do Prado of Boqueirâo, Paraiba, Brazil, und 7/1988 #38596  
 UFO literature. In April 2000, do Prado is hypnotically regressed by Mario 7/1988 #38596  
## Word: "praglia" (Back to Top)
                                   Praglia, Italy 3:00 PM. Six boys were ra 10/8/1981 #36165  
                                   PRAGLIA, ITL 6 teens. 15M metallic ovoid 11/8/1981 #36210  
 meters away from six teenagers in Praglia, Liguria, Italy. The six boys we 11/8/1981 #36211  
## Word: "prague" (Back to Top)
                                   PRAGUE, CZ Astronomer Schafarick. Vibran 4/24/1874 (approximate) #202  
                                   Prague Czech Republic 3:30 p.m. Chemist  4/24/1874 #203  
 and astronomer Vojtěch Šafařík of Prague [now in the Czech Republic] sees  4/24/1874 #203  
said the project was underway near Prague in 1944-45 and the saucer was fli 1955 #11897  
             USSR Baku, Azerbaijan Prague, Czechoslovakia Czech Republic 7: 10/4/1955 #12488  
interviews Russell’s companions in Prague, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republ 10/4/1955 #12488  
e developed in Breslau, Poland and Prague, Czechoslovakia and once achieved 1958 #14787  
                                   Prague, Czechoslovakia London, England L 8/22/1967 #22892  
nternational Astronomical Union in Prague, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republ 8/22/1967 #22892  
                                   PRAGUE, OK 2 large night lights and fire 1/7/1992 #40281  
## Word: "prahova" (Back to Top)
                            BUCOV, PRAHOVA, ROMANIA Egg-UFO flies silently  9/14/1968 #24457  
## Word: "praia" (Back to Top)
                                   PRAIA GRANDE, BRZ 5 observer(s). Object  10/22/1957 #14142  
en on the ground near the beach in Praia Grande, Santa Catarina state, Braz 10/22/1957 #14146  
            Fortaleza de Itaipu in Praia Grande, São Paulo, Brazil Rio de J 11/4/1957 #14284  
ries at the Fortaleza de Itaipu in Praia Grande, São Paulo, Brazil, watch a 11/4/1957 #14284  
                                   PRAIA, CAPE VERDE ISLANDS Luminous objec 11/24/1959 #16100  
                           PONTE / PRAIA FUNDA, BRZ Thousands / observer(s) 10/18/1965 #19663  
                             Ponte Praia, Brazil Thousands of persons saw a 10/18/1965 #19666  
                                   Praia da Armação beach Florianópolis San 1/25/1971 #26002  
 taking photos of the scenery near Praia da Armação beach in Florianópolis, 1/25/1971 #26002  
                                   Praia dos Navegantes beach, Santa Catari 7/2/1974 #29237  
Brazil 3:30 p.m. Some fishermen at Praia dos Navegantes beach, Santa Catari 7/2/1974 #29237  
ge saucer going southeast to sea / Praia Grande Picares.                    1/11/2001 #44122  
outh Atlantic shore in the town of Praia do Cassino, Rio Grande do Sol, Bra 11/1/2002 #44431  
## Word: "prairie" (Back to Top)
                           Rolling Prairie, IN Tom Darby, with his brother  1904 #665  
int situated 3 km north of Rolling Prairie. The objects hovered 2 or 3 m ab 1904 #665  
                           Rolling Prairie, Indiana Tom Darby, with his bro 1904 #666  
int situated 3 km north of Rolling Prairie. The objects hovered 2 or 3 m ab 1904 #666  
                           Rolling Prairie, Indiana 10:00 p.m. When Tony Da 6/1904 #672  
 his farm 5 miles north of Rolling Prairie, Indiana, he notices two round,  6/1904 #672  
                        PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, MB Railroad/railway man. Big gl 10/1947? #3434  
    Naval Air Station Dallas Grand Prairie Armed Forces Reserve Complex Dal 3/16/1950 #4656  
al Air Station Dallas [later Grand Prairie Armed Forces Reserve Complex] ne 3/16/1950 #4656  
                              East Prairie, MO Several persons observed UFO 4/15/1953 #8827  
                              EAST PRAIRIE, MO 4+3 metal saucers near follo 4/16/1953 #8829  
                              LONG PRAIRIE, MN Car malfunctions due to EME  10/23/1965 #19675  
                              Long Prairie (4 miles from), MN Road Blocked  10/23/1965 #19676  
                              Long Prairie, Minnesota James Townsend, 19, w 10/23/1965 #19677  
             State Highway 27 Long Prairie, Minnesota Night. KEYL-AM radio  10/23/1965 #19678  
Highway 27 four miles east of Long Prairie, Minnesota, when he slams on his 10/23/1965 #19678  
road about four miles east of Long Prairie, Minnesota. As he was driving ar 10/23/1965 #19679  
e drove at high speed back to Long Prairie to report his close encounter. T 10/23/1965 #19679  
 night several hunters in the Long Prairie area claimed to have seen a stro 10/23/1965 #19679  
                           NORTH / PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, WI 2 girls. 4M ovoid / 9/30/1967 #23148  
                                   PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, WI 18 observer(s). Car 10/19/1967 #23268  
                          NEAR SUN PRAIRIE, WI Several separate observer(s) 11/8/1967 #23420  
eculiar tracks in the grass of the prairie. These circular tracks were six  11/8/1975 #30584  
novan publishes Mystery Stalks the Prairie with Cascade County Deputy Sheri 1976 #30746  
ok. (Reference: MYSTERY STALKS THE PRAIRIE by Roberta Donovan and Keith Wol 2/5/1976 #30847  
of the first kind happened in Eden Prairie, Minnesota to a witness named St 4/26/1978 #33173  
                             North Prairie, Wisconsin 10:00 p.m. A witness  6/17/1979 #34613  
nsin 10:00 p.m. A witness in North Prairie, Wisconsin, watches a star, slig 6/17/1979 #34613  
                               SUN PRAIRIE, WI Several observer(s). Silent  1/13/1989 #38781  
                        Portage la Prairie, Manitoba 11:30 p.m. A man and h 7/9/2001 #44207  
tion toward the west at Portage la Prairie, Manitoba.                       7/9/2001 #44207  
haped object was sighted over High Prairie, Alberta, Canada at 6:00 p.m. It 12/5/2006 #44990  
Tribune Oklahoma Fort Worth Temple Prairie Chapel Ranch Crawford, Texas 6:1 1/8/2008 #45112  
. At 8:00 p.m. it is 10 miles from Prairie Chapel Ranch. Two witnesses ridi 1/8/2008 #45112  
antic coast Edmonton, Alberta High Prairie, Alberta Winnipeg, Manitoba Morn 11/21/2018 #45548  
t of a cell phone tower” near High Prairie, Alberta. This time, CADS respon 11/21/2018 #45548  
## Word: "prairieton" (Back to Top)
                                   Prairieton, Indiana 10:15 p.m. Three set 1/15/1981 #35792  
15 p.m. Three sets of witnesses in Prairieton, Indiana, driving past two di 1/15/1981 #35792  
## Word: "praise" (Back to Top)
king at his reports, although they praise NICAP’s assistance.               12/1/1967 #23531  
## Word: "praises" (Back to Top)
                     Aviation Week praises the upcoming article in Look ide 2/19/1951 #5450  
OR-AM in New York City. After Carr praises his mentor, Nikola Tesla, anothe 6/28/1958 #15122  
## Word: "prank" (Back to Top)
ty, causing hysteria, or playing a prank.”                                  7/30/1947 #3260  
e” monotone. Apparently, this is a prank by Casey’s fighter pilot buddies a 7/12/1952 #6785  
ograph / moon. No visual. Possible prank.                                   1/16/1957 #13458  
gain. The photos are most likely a prank hoax by Heflin using a hubcap, com 8/3/1965 #19290  
ght. Kathleen thinks it might be a prank, so she throws a rock at it. Sudde 3/1966 #19930  
thers admitted to perpetrating the prank. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)  1/9/1967 #21275  
. He thought someone was playing a prank, but the apparition was well-defin 7/18/1967 #22694  
t he thought someone was playing a prank, but the apparition was well-defin 7/18/1967 #22695  
the objects. But the objects are a prank involving 15 engineering apprentic 9/4/1967 #22998  
south slow. Shoots sparks. Balloon prank?                                   10/17/1971 #26428  
cks out. His parents think it is a prank until a doctor finds slight burns  Early 12/1976 #31579  
ecting the light to it. Possibly a prank balloon.                           12/27/1977 #32814  
enter for UFO Studies, suggested a prank balloon might be the explanation,  12/27/1977 #32815  
 the figure. Some thought it was a prank and summoned the authorities. As t 12/15/1978 #34139  
 follows car. Lights inside. Laser prank?                                   12/21/1982 #36720  
 stops and turns upright. Box kite prank?                                   4/30/1990 #39544  
## Word: "pranks" (Back to Top)
rado to Texas and Ohio. Hoaxes and pranks pollute the information pool in a 2/1897 #385  
tigations” because many cases are “pranks.” Associate FBI Director Clyde To 7/10/1947 #3102  
hnical know-how and a penchant for pranks.                                  2/15/1957 #13509  
## Word: "prankster" (Back to Top)
. DesVergers has a reputation as a prankster and hopes to monetize his stor 8/19/1952 #7651  
d was the “creation of an educated prankster.” He apologizes for letting he 10/28/1986 #38056  
## Word: "pranksters" (Back to Top)
 buried high explosives set off by pranksters. A crater 16 feet in diameter 5/1/1954 #9744  
two kinds: copycat incidents where pranksters cut up the bodies of already  1984 #37091  
niversity of Oregon Self-professed pranksters Doug Bower and Dave Chorley m 9/9/1991 #40182  
## Word: "praszczałek" (Back to Top)
000 feet. Polish Air Force Captain Praszczałek and another pilot go up to i 7/7/1983 #36904  
## Word: "prat" (Back to Top)
                    CHILEAN ARTURO PRAT ANTARCTIC STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY Ph 2/23/1949 (approximate) #4019  
                                   PRAT DE LLOBREGAT, SP Plane landing abor 6/15/1967? #22507  
## Word: "prata" (Back to Top)
                                   Prata di Principato Ultra, Avellino, Ita 10/8/1984 #37480  
a goes into his alfalfa field near Prata di Principato Ultra, Avellino, Ita 10/8/1984 #37480  
                                   PRATA, UBERLANDIA, BRZ Huge sphere/orb/g 12/22/1994 #41903  
## Word: "prates" (Back to Top)
                            CARLOS PRATES AND BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ Several s 3/19/1969 #25029  
## Word: "prather" (Back to Top)
E, IN Project Bluebook Case #3800. Prather and Ahern. Silver-white saucer / 10/8/1955 #12493  
oogootee, Indiana Witnesses:  R.D. Prather, H. Ahern. One round, silver or  10/8/1955 #12495  
                             R. D. Prather and H. Ahern sighted a round, si 10/8/1955 #12496  
## Word: "pratica" (Back to Top)
                                   PRATICA DI MARE AND ROMA, ITL Thousands  9/17/1954 #10326  
me, Italy Ciampino Airport in Rome Pratica di Mare Air Base south of Rome A 9/17/1954 #10333  
 in motion. At 6:49 p.m., radar at Pratica di Mare Air Base south of Rome p 9/17/1954 #10333  
## Word: "pratinha" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / PRATINHA, BRZ Washtub-saucer paces plane 8/9/1971 #26275  
## Word: "prato" (Back to Top)
                                   PRATO, ITALY 2+hundreds. 2 luminous ciga 10/27/1954 #11429  
                                   PRATO / PRINCIPATO, ITL 4' figure / helm 10/8/1984 #37479  
a helmet was seen on the ground in Prato Principato, Compania, Italy carryi 10/8/1984 #37481  
## Word: "pratt" (Back to Top)
 Seventh Fleet. Gunner Cpl. Donald Pratt is preparing for a Japanese attack 3/22/1945 #1820  
or and military historian Fletcher Pratt initiated rumor waves in the press Early 1950 #4465  
                                   PRATT, KS Ground Observer Corps (GOC) an 5/8/1956 #12836  
perating with J58 engines built by Pratt and Whitney, allowing for speeds u 1/1963 #17623  
       Lynn, Massachusetts Richard Pratt, 17, heard a whistling noise and s 8/25/1964 #18509  
other witness, 17-year-old Richard Pratt, heard a whistling sound and sight 8/25/1964 #18511  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pratt” YieldMax: 20KT                    9/25/1974 #29478  
and 9:00 p.m. Joyce Bowles and Ted Pratt are driving down the A272 near Win 11/14/1976 #31548  
s. Joyce Bowles, 42, and Mr. Edwin Pratt, 58, were driving near Winchester, 11/14/1976 #31549  
1, citing Monte Blue Skelton & Bob Pratt). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)       3/5/1977 #31860  
mined him in silence. (Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death 7/10/1977 #32256  
. A follow-up investigation by Bob Pratt of the National Enquirer determine 11/16/1977 #32677  
he National Enquirer publishes Bob Pratt’s well-researched article, “UFOs S 12/13/1977 #32768  
s. US District Court Judge John H. Pratt makes the order a binding one, giv 8/17/1978 #33522  
by US District Court Judge John H. Pratt12/14/1978 #34124  
th CIA attorneys and Judge John H. Pratt at US District Court for the Distr 9/19/1979 #34900  
d so far are of little importance. Pratt gives GSW 60 days to provide a wri 9/19/1979 #34900  
f a December 1979 interview by Bob Pratt with Jesse Marcel Sr. as a pre-pub 2/28/1980 #35186  
                Arizona Writer Bob Pratt flies out to Arizona to meet Willi 1/2/1982 #36294  
us, and other alleged revelations. Pratt secretly tapes his conversations w 1/2/1982 #36294  
en Hynek, Philip Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt, Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UF 3/30/1983 #36823  
rbit vehicle, while Rocketdyne and Pratt & Whitney were awarded $175 millio 4/1986 #37815  
 Physics International Company and Pratt and Whitney.  Note: Mohsen Paul Sa 8/2004 #44724  
; ret. British Army officer Gerard Pratt who dreamt of going on board a lar 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "pravda" (Back to Top)
ns to sightings as reported in the PRAVDA.”                                 2/9/1953 #8654  
        Uzbekistan Tajikistan USSR Pravda asserts that “some regions” (incl 1/8/1961 #16565  
A. Leshkovtsev write an article in Pravda claiming that there have been no  2/29/1968 #23791  
is developed in the offices of the Pravda Ukrainy newspaper but it shows no 6/24/1989 #38994  
## Word: "prawda" (Back to Top)
nd author Igor Witkowski publishes Prawda o Wunderwaffe, describing a purpo 2000 #43910  
## Word: "pray" (Back to Top)
 the interior. The people begin to pray but they start vomiting as extensiv 10/24/1886 #276  
mselves to the Holy Trinity and to pray “the Rosary every day.” The childre 5/13/1917 #958  
, Portugal. She asks them again to pray the rosary daily, speaks about the  8/19/1917 #963  
ming in October, and asks them “to pray a lot.”                             8/19/1917 #963  
soft and slow." It advised them to pray and promised to return on October 7 7/22/1968 #24206  
rate manner, repeating the words, "Pray for peace in the world." A strong r 9/24/1992 #40639  
em he closed his eyes and began to pray fervently, and he did not see the e 2/20/1997 #43199  
head with his blanket and began to pray. After ten minutes the sound and th 1/17/2000 #43929  
## Word: "prayed" (Back to Top)
women terrified and got bibles and prayed. No landing indications in frozen 1/24/1968 #23694  
## Word: "prayer" (Back to Top)
dozen people returning home from a prayer meeting in Inavale, Nebraska, see 2/4/1897 #387  
d heads, and large eyes. He says a prayer for them, and afterward sees some Early Spring 1941 #1355  
ver and shut off the car, to say a prayer because he thought he had seen an 12/6/1976 #31587  
ncountered a being of light during prayer at a local grotto in Vila Peri. H 4/23/1993 #40948  
## Word: "prayers" (Back to Top)
ded. At dawn, they dismount to say prayers, and a vivid glow lights up the  2/8/1974 #28748  
## Word: "praying" (Back to Top)
ivalino walked toward the objects, praying. When he was 2 m away, the two s 8/20/1962 #17347  
ivalino walked toward the objects, praying. When he was two meters away, th 8/20/1962 #17349  
lot describes it as looking like a praying mantis.                          9/16/1993 #41199  
le Ursulina remained behind in bed praying. Soon she heard a sound resembli 4/27/1998 #43559  
 be unclothed. Its hands were in a praying position and its body and head j 7/31/2000 #44024  
tands on two legs and looks like a praying mantis. It has a triangular head 7/16/2020 #45652  
## Word: "prcirovnik" (Back to Top)
ts fly low over some pine trees in Prcirovnik, Poland. The object was oval  9/27/1978 #33764  
## Word: "pre-" (Back to Top)
 secure copies of the unsanitized, pre- redaction record copy 16mm microfil Early 3/1998 #43528  
## Word: "pre-arranged" (Back to Top)
                       Following a pre-arranged date with some mysterious e 12/6/1971 #26490  
## Word: "pre-cancerous" (Back to Top)
tal carcinoma in his left chest, a pre-cancerous condition, and undergoes s 5/1/2005 #44828  
## Word: "pre-dawn" (Back to Top)
berian taiga, which brightened the pre-dawn sky as far away as London and h 6/30/1908 #712  
 said they had been awakened early pre-dawn by a whirring noise outside of  1922 #1017  
rface of the Atlantic Ocean in the pre-dawn hours. They watched it on the s 2/8/1951 #5434  
      A man who was fishing in the pre-dawn hours in the Serchio River in t 7/25/1952 #7139  
s away from a refueling plane in a pre-dawn flight. The crew drops 5,000 fe 10/3/1955 #12486  
                            In the pre-dawn hours UFOs were also tracked on 3/14/1966 #19968  
                            In the pre-dawn hours of 1966, police and other 3/19/1966 #19995  
io to Atwater, Pennsylvania in the pre-dawn hours of this morning. It rose  4/17/1966 #20319  
ts. The incident took place in the pre-dawn hours, beginning at around 3:15 6/23/1966 #20599  
      A businessman driving in the pre-dawn hours north between Hook and Re 10/26/1967 #23335  
             In the early morning, pre-dawn hours a French physician living 11/1/1968 #24620  
welve feet above the ground in the pre-dawn sky in Baralaba, Queensland, Au 10/11/1969 #25409  
                       Peabody, KS Pre-dawn. Stewart and Lyle Leppke, doing 1/22/1971 #25994  
 forced to stop his vehicle in the pre-dawn hours on the Amaral Peixoto Hig 8/9/1972 #26890  
bique for more than an hour in the pre-dawn hours.                          5/12/1973 #27480  
                            In the pre-dawn hours a red disc-shaped object  12/5/1973 #28523  
wife and two small children in the pre-dawn hours near Mitchell Caverns, Ca 5/26/1974 #29135  
ot and she felt nauseated. On this pre-dawn morning while driving the same  9/3/1974 #29418  
ee friends were out hunting in the pre-dawn hours around 3:30 a.m. in a woo 11/24/1978 #33996  
                         That same pre-dawn night in New England a Dublin,  12/14/1978 #34126  
ute episode of missing time in the pre-dawn hours when they had a close enc 1/5/1979 #34303  
w a strange luminous object in the pre-dawn sky at around 5:30 a.m. It made 6/4/1980 #35354  
                            In the pre-dawn hours on this morning in 1987 o 12/1/1987 #38346  
                      Early in the pre-dawn hours a significant and well-do 11/6/1989 #39216  
          On the beach on a clear, pre-dawn morning on Fenwick Island, Dela 9/10/1992 #40616  
                            In the pre-dawn hours of the night six witnesse 5/10/1993 #40974  
                      In the early pre-dawn hours of this day a woman livin 7/24/1993 #41082  
                            In the pre-dawn hours a disc-shaped object with 6/18/1997 #43329  
                            In the pre-dawn hours, in a dream-like state a  5/17/2000 #43996  
ry man and a salesman had separate pre-dawn highway encounters with two bri 9/10/2001 #44256  
## Word: "pre-exposed" (Back to Top)
art of the skeptical group (having pre-exposed a spurious UFO image), as is 3/28/1970 #25613  
## Word: "pre-fab" (Back to Top)
n he landed there were tents and a pre-fab hangar and at the site were men  7/3/1967 #22604  
## Word: "pre-nsa" (Back to Top)
               OVER FORT MEADE, MD(PRE-NSA) Round ashtray-saucer. Whirring  12/7/1953 #9344  
## Word: "pre-positioned" (Back to Top)
 was engaged in destroying targets pre-positioned at Krepachi, Baranovichi  8/25/2004 #44741  
## Word: "pre-production" (Back to Top)
n entities don’t know about. After pre-production, permission to use the la 5/1973 #27461  
## Word: "pre-publication" (Back to Top)
b Pratt with Jesse Marcel Sr. as a pre-publication teaser for Berlitz and M 2/28/1980 #35186  
## Word: "pre-recorded" (Back to Top)
w, and the witnesses pass by it. A pre-recorded tape in the car’s player ge 9/28/1978 #33768  
## Word: "pre-sunset" (Back to Top)
ng from the north against a clear, pre-sunset sky. As it passed overhead at 8/20/1978 #33531  
## Word: "pre-teen" (Back to Top)
    Richmond, VA 11:30 a.m. EDT. A pre-teen boy and a 16-year-old S girl sa 6/1/1967 #22444  
                             Three pre-teen girls at a sleepover reported s 2/19/2000 #43954  
## Word: "preacher" (Back to Top)
 his saucer sighting has caused. A preacher has called him from Texas to sa 6/27/1947 #2431  
## Word: "preamble" (Back to Top)
of the Air Force and begins with a preamble by André Lebeau, former preside 7/16/1999 #43805  
## Word: "prearranged" (Back to Top)
 officer met two other aliens at a prearranged location in a desert in New  1954 #9414  
nce officer meets with 2 Aliens at prearranged location in the desert of Ne 4/15/1964 #18174  
## Word: "preble" (Back to Top)
ing in the window of a hog shed in Preble County, Ohio. watching the ten-ye 7/12/1975 #30176  
## Word: "precaution" (Back to Top)
rly. Mus started growling, so as a precaution Julio took his Winchester sin 2/5/1978 #32957  
## Word: "precautions" (Back to Top)
the project members decide to take precautions to protect local wildlife du 8/1/1958 #15174  
## Word: "preceded" (Back to Top)
, .32km altitude (Guidance failure preceded emergency cut-off at 31s)       11/7/1946 #2206  
River, MI Fiery-red, round object, preceded by light rays (NICAP: 01 - Dist 2/27/1961 #16608  
Palm. One fiery-red, round object, preceded by light rays, slowed and desce 2/27/1961 #16609  
village heard a terrific explosion preceded by the violent shaking of the g 1/23/1974 #28693  
es heard a loud explosion that was preceded by violent shaking of the groun 1/23/1974 #28695  
noid aiming the beam of light then preceded to take a small cylinder from h 7/11/1978 #33368  
urrey, England A luminous triangle preceded by a flashing light passes over 1/1984 #37102  
 At 2:55 a.m. a loud pulsing sound preceded the presence of a metallic ovoi 5/5/1984 #37319  
ism in Central and Eastern Europe, preceded by the Solidarity Movement in P 11/9/1989 #39221  
## Word: "precedes" (Back to Top)
 were approaching the descent that precedes Hericourt-St. Samson when their 10/19/1954 #11252  
## Word: "preceding" (Back to Top)
Air Forces in Europe. “Many months preceding the collapse of Germany, McDon 2/23/1944 #1577  
ight on top with a hazy blue light preceding it. No structural form was see 2/25/1967 #21650  
ay. As he ran, he found his shadow preceding him, as though a bright light  11/2/1967 #23392  
rt Hospital that his memory of the preceding events returns. His vehicle, a 2/5/1979 #34405  
## Word: "preceeding" (Back to Top)
 bright white light had a red glow preceeding it and one behind. When the w 4/15/1952 #6084  
ber 13th. Also, for several of the preceeding nights he would hear three lo 12/14/1997 #43462  
th 4 or 5 smaller starlike objects preceeding it, were seen traveling at a  9/8/2001 #44252  
## Word: "prechac" (Back to Top)
                                   PRECHAC, FR 4M tadpole-object landed / f 10/17/1954 #11159  
## Word: "precinct" (Back to Top)
            Washington, D.C. No. 1 Precinct 3:00 p.m. Harry G. Barnes, a me Winter 1943 #1556  
lice Department stationed at No. 1 Precinct, sees three oval-shaped objects Winter 1943 #1556  
## Word: "precious" (Back to Top)
to restart the engine and save the precious prototype. He undertakes a seri 2/18/1945 #1790  
## Word: "precipice" (Back to Top)
of two small figures standing on a precipice above the street only a few me 3/22/1969 #25037  
me of these "monsters" blocked the precipice flanked trail that constituted 10/20/1973 #28222  
## Word: "precipitated" (Back to Top)
 Ashland and Lincoln. His sighting precipitated a number of vivid dreams th 12/25/1967 #23609  
## Word: "precipitation" (Back to Top)
d no sound, and there was no local precipitation.                           12/1992 #40736  
epare those workers for the job. A precipitation tank reaches critical mass 9/30/1999 #43856  
## Word: "precipitous" (Back to Top)
00 p.m. LT. A man on the beach saw precipitous movement of water out of whi 8/25/1967 #22922  
Ruben Norato, after he observed a "precipitous movement of the water."      8/25/1967 #22924  
ela 5:00 p.m. Ruben Norato sees a “precipitous movement of the water” from  8/25/1967 #22925  
Ruben Norato, after he observed a "precipitous movement of the water."      8/25/1967 #22927  
## Word: "precipitously" (Back to Top)
tes. The temperature gauge dropped precipitously in one car, and the hood o 9/8/1968 #24441  
## Word: "precise" (Back to Top)
titude. Silent. Veer going south / precise tilt.                            5/2/1949 #4136  
 veered to the south with the same precise tilt.                            5/2/1949 #4138  
only shows slight variation from a precise V formation throughout, whereas  8/30/1951 #5638  
tely 36– 45 feet, they travel in a precise and light manner, both verticall 3/29/1952 #5993  
urnal lights in a V formation made precise maneuvers in sky.                6/23/1952 #6616  
miles and maintaining an extremely precise formation. Some of the objects a 3/14/1953 #8753  
UTA, SPANISH MOROCCO RADAR-visual. Precise speed and altitude charts made / 12/2/1954 #11744  
 hiring of Joshua N. Goldberg. The precise rationale for creating the progr 9/1956 #13166  
fied reports are “not sufficiently precise.”                                7/30/1958 #15163  
rs three bright lights flying in a precise line. The initial detection take 2/24/1959 #15604  
s a serious attempt to determine a precise number.                          11/1/1961 #16944  
e radar site, performing “perfect, precise flight maneuvers” in tandem, inv 5/15/1964 #18270  
pauses briefly and hovers. At that precise moment, Alan snaps a photograph  8/2/1965 #19263  
dressed alike. His speech was very precise. He pronounced each work very ca 11/17/1966 #21119  
appeared practiced, deliberate and precise. When he completed his task, all 10/16/1973 #28089  
elescope, the blob is seen to be a precise arrangement of round, yellow-gol 12/20/1973 #28591  
 of Lisbon, Portugal encountered a precise V formation of 10-15 bright glow 1/26/1974 #28710  
his group of nations acquires more precise and definite information, it wil 6/26/1976 #31142  
th what appears to be “a sharp and precise instrument,” and its internal or 3/24/1978 #33077  
rcular marks on the road forming a precise rectangle. The farmer, who knew  7/25/1979 #34681  
e lower portion of the craft had a precise round shape, its diameter no mor 6/15/1984 #37365  
se and blotting out the stars in a precise boomerang shape. The perimeter o Early Autumn 1987 #38274  
       AHWAHNEE, CA Night lights / precise formation suggest domed saucer w 4/22/1991 #40047  
 man spotted nocturnal lights in a precise formation suggesting a domed dis 4/22/1991 #40048  
at a low level in Ontario, Canada (precise location not given). There were  9/4/1992 #40610  
y of materials can be achieved and precise originating point of materials c 3/11/1998 #43532  
al in Austin, Texas, to choose the precise nature and scope of the papers.  12/1/2009 #45260  
. They made no sound and were very precise in their movment. He called his  5/16/2010 #45282  
ellingham, Washington. It executes precise turns that avoid electrical pole 7/15/2013 #45377  
## Word: "precisely" (Back to Top)
ar course. Rate of speed cannot be precisely estimated but is faster than t 5/12/1952 #6305  
te of speed could not be estimated precisely, but was faster than a jet air 5/12/1952 #6306  
sky. The see a bright orange light precisely due west of them at an elevati Spring 1967 #21926  
metimes pulsated, moved slowly and precisely in a pattern over a military f Summer 1967 #22529  
s it makes three circuits that are precisely the same. Two F-4 Phantom II j 3/1987 #38128  
## Word: "precision" (Back to Top)
er(s). Saucers maneuver / military precision during lunar eclipse. 90° turn 9/7/1820 (approximate) #112  
ing saucers maneuver with military precision during a lunar eclipse, making 9/7/1820 #113  
itude and latitude determinations (precision mapping), meteorology, oceanog 7/1/1957 #13768  
may be possible to speak with more precision on the matter.”                1/1/1959 #15526  
e with the lunar edge, it begins a precision journey, skirting the edge unt 12/13/1959 #16118  
a satellite reentry because of its precision. After the formation passes, a 1/26/1974 #28709  
ut history using a thermostat-like precision. He believes that it is produc 1975 #29672  
/ jaw and udder removed / surgical precision.                               7/23/1989 #39031  
## Word: "precisions" (Back to Top)
rom ground. Going southwest. (Sans precisions.)                             10/9/1954 #10834  
## Word: "precognitive" (Back to Top)
K Man,” attributes his psychic and precognitive abilities to UFO occupants  1969 #24803  
## Word: "preconceived" (Back to Top)
etation of statistics to support a preconceived notion.” Keyhoe asks Ruppel 10/25/1955 #12519  
rature. When asked if JASON had a “preconceived agenda to discredit HFGW re 10/2008 #45173  
## Word: "precursor" (Back to Top)
s from the previous 30 years, as a precursor to a full freedom of informati 4/1994 #41469  
## Word: "precy-sous-thil" (Back to Top)
                                   PRECY-SOUS-THIL, 21, FR Shiny UFO moves  8/12/1954 #10135  
## Word: "predale" (Back to Top)
                                   PREDALE, CASINA, ITL Luminous/glowing ba 12/11/1954 #11799  
 vertically over a nearby field in Predale, Casina, Italy. She said that a  12/11/1954 #11801  
## Word: "predation" (Back to Top)
ound mutilated / surgical cuts and predation. 16+others in JUNE75.          6/28/1975 #30128  
a normal case of death followed by predation. The animal’s heart, as well a 3/24/1978 #33077  
## Word: "predator" (Back to Top)
Junction, AZ Horses react as if to predator (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)  6/2/1970 #25687  
reacted as if to the presence of a predator at around two a.m. A low flying 6/2/1970 #25688  
he first flight of a CIA-developed Predator drone takes place at the El Mir 7/3/1994 #41604  
uccessfully launched from an MQ-1A Predator drone on a replica of Osama bin Early 6/2001 #44190  
 Nevada. A missile launched from a Predator explodes inside one of the repl Early 6/2001 #44190  
ve been killed. However, the armed Predator does not go into action before  Early 6/2001 #44190  
tude. The pilot returns to the 8th Predator Tactical Fighter Base in Isfaha 10/28/2004 #44773  
adron (the latter is the 1st MQ- 1 Predator squadron in the Air Force Speci 10/2005 #44882  
 Force officially retires the MQ-1 Predator drone from operational service. 3/9/2018 #45522  
ce by the start of 2018. While the Predator was phased out by the Air Force 3/9/2018 #45522  
 and more capable MQ-9 Reaper, the Predator continues to serve in the MQ-1C 3/9/2018 #45522  
## Word: "predators" (Back to Top)
rustlers, marijuana smugglers, and predators. In months and years to come,  9/30/1974 #29494  
n 1995 and in 2011 the last of 268 Predators were delivered to the service, 3/9/2018 #45522  
## Word: "predawn" (Back to Top)
                            In the predawn hours a US Army Air Force B-24 b 5/3/1945 #1863  
                            In the predawn hours a 30-year-old mechanic, Jo 10/6/1954 #10758  
                            In the predawn hours a motorcyclist, R. Ott, ri 10/8/1954 #10819  
                            In the predawn hours four beings 1.2 meters tal 10/10/1954 #10898  
              In the early morning predawn hours Dr. C. da Costa and two ot 2/24/1958 #14890  
wife in Vero Beach, Florida in the predawn hours. The discs flew along, tip 6/24/1964 #18372  
way 10C in Joplin, Missouri in the predawn hours. They had windows with whi 3/25/1967 #21986  
                            In the predawn hours on this day in Plant City, 10/7/1974 #29503  
ortholes pass over the city in the predawn sky. It flashed as it went from  4/18/1977 #31994  
 Caracas, Venezuela Early morning, predawn hours five UFOs emitted differen 12/16/1978 #34151  
s, Venezuela in the early morning, predawn hours five UFOs emitted differen 12/16/1978 #34157  
windows came out of a cloud in the predawn hours and was seen by four witne 2/13/1979 #34421  
   A power failure occurred in the predawn hours in Choconta, north of Bogo 5/9/1979 #34553  
g head had been in his room in the predawn hours. He had lights around his  11/27/1983 #37050  
                            In the predawn hours of the morning a witness s 11/22/1985 #37722  
                            In the predawn hours in the ocean off Shagwong  1/30/1989 #38809  
                        During the predawn hours of this morning in Puerto  6/8/1998 #43584  
ed the light from the stars in the predawn sky, while a nocturnal light als 7/7/1999 #43795  
rimsby, Humberside, England in the predawn hours and taken to watch a surgi 3/24/2000 #43968  
with missing time beginning in the predawn morning hours in Lexington, Kent 9/21/2007 #45066  
## Word: "predeal" (Back to Top)
                                   PREDEAL, ROMANIA Night light maneuvers a 1/30/1971 #26005  
 point in the sky over the city of Predeal, Romania.                        1/30/1971 #26007  
## Word: "predecessor" (Back to Top)
ffice of Strategic Services (OSS), predecessor of the CIA, begins operation 6/13/1942 #1415  
e Continental Air Command (NORAD’s predecessor) on February 4. The USAF Air 2/18/1949 #4018  
years of OSI intelligence (and OSI predecessor documents going back to ghos 6/1952 #6403  
lanetary” in origin created by the predecessor Project Sign in 1948. Ruppel 2/1956 #12691  
e: Eighteen years earlier, a NACA (predecessor to NASA) employee saw a disc 1966 #19799  
riously, 18 years earlier, a NACA (predecessor to NASA) employee saw a disc 3/1968 #23799  
nomena about psi and TK during the predecessor programs of Project Star Gat 7/1980 #35399  
 Intelligence, as was its informal predecessor program, the Advanced Aerosp 6/23/2020 #45649  
## Word: "predict" (Back to Top)
 square meter.  https://medium.com/predict/eugene-podkletnovs-new-gravity-m 2/4/2020 #45630  
nts either. *   https://medium.com/predict/eugene-podkletnovs-new-gravity-m 2/4/2020 #45630  
a test object.  https://medium.com/predict/searl-effect-generator-replicati 2/29/2020 #45635  
## Word: "predictable" (Back to Top)
stems and techniques for producing predictable human behavioral and/or phys 1964 #18101  
m. The Colorado project comes to a predictable conclusion: “Evaluation of p 12/3/1967 #23545  
mind that satellite re-entries are predictable in advance and could serve a 11/5/1990 #39872  
## Word: "predicted" (Back to Top)
 15 megatons of TNT, 2.5 times the predicted 6.0 megatons (due to unforesee 3/1/1954 #9584  
                 World catastrophe predicted by Prof. Loughead via Dorothy  12/22/1954 #11852  
at leaflets by a “Henri Dagousset” predicted in June would be found. Jordán 6/1/1967 #22448  
my in World War II. The hermit had predicted he would someday meet with adv 7/1968 #24109  
all, blond, Nordic type beings who predicted that a catastrophe would befal 3/1/1990 #39438  
## Word: "predicting" (Back to Top)
en him a startling printed message predicting that a spacecraft will appear 5/31/1967 #22431  
iven by Professor Carr on 10/11/74 predicting the government will launch a  12/1974 #29623  
 become the reality of the future, predicting: “I have a foreboding of an A 1995 #41923  
## Word: "prediction" (Back to Top)
a, Para state, Brazil fulfilling a prediction made on May 4, 1976 that UFOn 5/4/1977 #32055  
## Word: "predictions" (Back to Top)
                   US Against most predictions, Harry S. Truman wins the US 11/3/1948 #3866  
osing. The dream went on with dire predictions for humanity and coming Eart 9/3/2003 #44592  
universe and received messages and predictions from it for five years. Amon 7/2011 #45330  
## Word: "predicts" (Back to Top)
 in the USSR within 30 days. LeMay predicts that World War III will last no 3/1949 #4030  
communist economic system. He also predicts that Russia will dominate the w 8/20/1950 #5132  
is study of reports, the scientist predicts that “within the next few days  Mid 7/1952 #6829  
ius. Before her death in 1993, she predicts a mass landing of flying saucer 2/1954 #9522  
iety of Las Cruces, New Mexico. He predicts an increase in UFO sightings an 2/13/1954 #9541  
telligence Estimate (NIE) 11-10-57 predicts that the Soviets will “probably 12/1957 #14649  
ue tube maneuvers. Luminous figure predicts rescue..                        9/27/1996 #43045  
## Word: "predisposition" (Back to Top)
sis of ignorance.” Also, “Abnormal predisposition to attach belief to the m 5/23/1955 #12151  
## Word: "predominance" (Back to Top)
usual. Gordon Thayer discusses the predominance of anomalous propagation in 10/31/1968 #24608  
## Word: "predominantly" (Back to Top)
multi-colored cigar-shaped object, predominantly orange in color, settled o 8/3/1975 #30232  
0 p.m., da Silva sees more lights, predominantly red, but changing to yello 5/19/1986 #37878  
 her child was also there, another predominantly robotic person who has a f 9/3/2003 #44592  
## Word: "predominate" (Back to Top)
 come in various shapes, but three predominate: a bullet or cigar, a sphere 11/1981 #36201  
## Word: "predominating" (Back to Top)
ect was observed, with a red color predominating. It was then revealed to b 9/2/1973 #27749  
## Word: "predtechensk" (Back to Top)
                                   PREDTECHENSK, TOMSK, RUSSIA 1M gaseous b 9/16/1977 #32488  
## Word: "pref" (Back to Top)
                              SAGA PREF., JAPAN Golfers. Dark green triangl 8/26/1990 #39703  
                              SAGA PREF., JAPAN 1 observer. Triangular obje 11/17/1992 #40715  
## Word: "preface" (Back to Top)
eases a second edition, with a new preface and an addendum that brings the  10/25/1955 #12519  
October 1954 in France. The book’s preface is written by Gen. Lionel-Max Ch 1958 #14781  
er archives in June–July 1947. The preface is written by James E. Mcdonald. 11/1967 #23381  
Unclear: Lazar’s book says 1/89 in Preface)                                 12/1988 #38729  
## Word: "prefaced" (Back to Top)
equest with an extended commentary prefaced by a succinct, eight-point crit 10/7/1968 #24548  
ister Lionel Jospin. The report is prefaced by Gen. Bernard Norlain of the  7/16/1999 #43805  
## Word: "prefeccture" (Back to Top)
processing facility Tokai, Iberaki Prefeccture, Japan 10:35 a.m. A serious  9/30/1999 #43856  
O in the village of Tokai, Iberaki Prefeccture, Japan. The accident occurs  9/30/1999 #43856  
## Word: "prefecture" (Back to Top)
on Air Base Iruma Air Base Saitama Prefecture 11:45 p.m. A complex radar-vi 8/5/1952 #7472  
Iruma Air Base] in Sayama, Saitama Prefecture, goes after the object. The i 8/5/1952 #7472  
                 Ichinoseki, Iwate Prefecture, Japan Saguramachi Middle Sch 10/4/1957 #14058  
e UFO is seen at Ichinoseki, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. Afterwards, material  10/4/1957 #14058  
                  Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan 4:30 p.m. Five schoolg 12/12/1962 #17584  
ve schoolgirls in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, see a brightly glowin 12/12/1962 #17584  
he northwest to the west over Gifu prefecture, Japan. It kept changing its  12/24/1965 #19788  
zumi High School Tatebayasi, Gunma Prefecture, Japan 6:30 p.m. A 17-year-ol 11/29/1970 #25922  
 bicycle home at Tatebayasi, Gunma Prefecture, Japan, when he sees 5–6 obje 11/29/1970 #25922  
               Akita Airport Akita Prefecture, Japan Morning. Masaki Machid 10/17/1975 #30437  
pany, is at Akita Airport in Akita Prefecture, Japan, when he sees a disc-s 10/17/1975 #30437  
              Hakui City, Kanazawa Prefecture, Japan Videorecorder film tak 7/6/1989 #39012  
                   Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan 7:00 p.m. Yasuhiko Ham 7/6/1989 #39013  
nearly overhead in Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. At one point he uses  7/6/1989 #39013  
s videotaped in Kanazawa, Ishikawa prefecture, Japan by a Mr. & Mrs. Hamaza 7/7/1989 #39014  
                  A farmer in Saga Prefecture, Japan, who had been experien 1/4/1992 #40277  
  Cosmo Isle Hakui Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan A Space and UFO Scienc 3/21/1997 #43236  
f space history in Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. Symposium speakers in 3/21/1997 #43236  
ar Power Plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan 2:46 p.m. A 9.0 Mw ear 3/11/2011 #45318  
ar Power Plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, automatically shut do 3/11/2011 #45318  
## Word: "prefer" (Back to Top)
ewhere dry, but they tell him they prefer to get wet. They return to the sp 5/6/1897 #593  
bt the rockets are from Russia but prefer that the US and UK continue to th 1/20/1947 #2232  
ce a, vailable. “Swedish officials prefer to dismiss it as an unexplained p 4/15/1947 #2263  
might be related to UFOs. Some 53% prefer additional scientific study of UF 1/1977 #31665  
ascends and zooms away again. They prefer not to report the incident.       5/5/1995 #42179  
entists and “certain people” would prefer that he not talk about it. The ph 1/30/2015 #45429  
## Word: "preference" (Back to Top)
ovember 30, 1948, letter on Sign’s preference for radar tracks of aerial ob 2/18/1949 #4018  
ingly proclaim that the ETs have a preference for Tibetan music and strawbe 10/14/1988 #38674  
## Word: "prefers" (Back to Top)
sibility of an alien abduction and prefers to think that Betty’s dream infl 3/7/1964 #18145  
asty. Yerygina says it is, but she prefers cows’ milk. The woman then abrup 7/6/1990 #39637  
## Word: "pregnancies" (Back to Top)
ssion sessions, revealing apparent pregnancies induced by aliens.           Early 7/1983 #36900  
for generations. The aliens create pregnancies, steal fetuses, and grow hyb 1/1998 #43482  
## Word: "pregnancy" (Back to Top)
lf is judged hysterical due to her pregnancy. The Air Force’s explanation i 3/22/1957 #13553  
 a rectal probe, skin scrapings, a pregnancy test with a needle, the Star M 3/7/1964 #18145  
nt. There is no account of how the pregnancy turned out.                    8/11/1966 #20739  
s. A female witness miscarried her pregnancy the next day, and she has had  4/22/1973 #27440  
Tall black figure(s). Marks. False pregnancy? / MJ#321.                     8/8/1993 #41113  
## Word: "pregnant" (Back to Top)
Bly Southern Oregon Tokyo, Japan A pregnant woman, Elsie Mitchell, and five 5/5/1945 #1864  
e spaceman informs her that she is pregnant, which is apparently true, as s 11/16/1957 #14567  
y a medical doctor and found to be pregnant. There is no account of how the 8/11/1966 #20739  
erlines while at the same time his pregnant mother received a mental messag 10/10/1966 #20984  
ORTH, WI Night light stops / barn. Pregnant cow inside loses calf. No calf  4/1/1975? #29932  
trance-like state. Silvia, who was pregnant at the time, then fainted. Two  10/29/1977 #32633  
g time. Couple and baby abduction. Pregnant mother gets needle. 8' green me 11/25/1978 #34000  
board the UFO. She was five months pregnant at the time. She had no memory  11/25/1978 #34005  
nd a stretcher bearer are taking a pregnant patient in an ambulance from Żu 9/5/1979 #34838  
 of pneumonia and finds out she is pregnant. The man discovers a melanoma o 11/19/1980 #35659  
exam. The wife, who was two months pregnant, discovered a rectangular mark  11/19/1980 #35660  
r been able to subsequently become pregnant.                                1/25/1987 #38104  
                       HOPE, ARK 5 pregnant cows found mutilated. Impossibl 3/10/1989 #38870  
e burned scar tissue. She was also pregnant and made a comment to the witne 9/3/2003 #44592  
## Word: "prehistoric" (Back to Top)
re Man.” Shaver writes of advanced prehistoric races who built underground  11/1943 #1541  
w a horrible creature resembling a prehistoric pterodactyl. In yet a third  12/2/1979 #35040  
## Word: "preiswerk" (Back to Top)
tes his 15-year-old cousin, Hélène Preiswerk (“S.W.”), in Basel, Switzerlan 1899 #629  
## Word: "prejudgment" (Back to Top)
 with workload, peer pressure, and prejudgment—an enormous expenditure of r 10/31/1977 #32643  
## Word: "prejudice" (Back to Top)
to do what he can to fight malice, prejudice, and hate on earth. The object 11/10/1965 #19711  
ined with an open mind and without prejudice” but denies that the MoD posse 1/1972 #26534  
## Word: "prejudices" (Back to Top)
 extraterrestrial, in spite of our prejudices to the contrary.” The DOT agr 8/1953 #9034  
## Word: "prejudicial" (Back to Top)
ng the National security, would be prejudicial to the interests or prestige 8/9/1947 #3308  
## Word: "prela" (Back to Top)
light on or near the ground on Mt. Prela for about an hour. In front of the 9/18/1998 #43648  
## Word: "preliminary" (Back to Top)
y 75 miles northwest of Roswell. A preliminary briefing is provided by Blan 7/8/1947 #3012  
s release saying that, based on a “preliminary study,” the flying discs are 7/8/1947 #3016  
ions in the State of New Mexico: A Preliminary Report,” has been circulated 9/19/1947 #3407  
                  Fukuoka, Japan A preliminary EEI document, indicating tha 10/21/1947 #3465  
(though in greater detail) and the preliminary EEI of October 21. Titled “I 10/28/1947 #3469  
                                 A preliminary 25-page report, written by P 4/23/1948 #3628  
llations. Ruppelt reveals that his preliminary analysis of UFO sighting pat 12/19/1951 #5821  
cientists convened at ATIC to make preliminary review of accumulated report 11/1952 #8223  
           Washington DC MAJESTIC “Preliminary Briefing” document to Presid 11/18/1952 #8292  
in to assist ATIC (Blue Book) with preliminary and field UFO investigations 8/12/1954 #10138  
 News release from AEC announcing “preliminary work” had begun “on a small  5/18/1955 #12140  
602nd AISS reports that of its 194 preliminary UFO reports for 1955, it has 6/30/1955 #12221  
. Townsend Brown offers to draft a preliminary proposal.                    7/20/1956 #12995  
ted that ATIC immediately submit a preliminary analysis to the press” of th 12/4/1957 #14669  
ubcommittee whether, based on its “preliminary informal investigation,” it  2/28/1958 #14896  
rt Levelland The Air Force gives a preliminary briefing to associate counse 7/13/1960 #16335  
 Nevada, and has already undergone preliminary tests to measure its stealth 12/7/1962 #17574  
t UFO Study Group is launched in a preliminary meeting at the Moscow Aviati 5/17/1967 #22369  
 taking aerial photos as part of a preliminary study for future hydroelectr 9/4/1971 #26317  
te Kosmos-955. In the same year, a preliminary report for the Academy of Sc 9/20/1977 #32499  
by agent Richard Doty, who files a preliminary report on the incident. The  8/8/1980 #35447  
S Embassy in Havana, Cuba, and the preliminary results are published in the 3/2018 #45520  
## Word: "premanon" (Back to Top)
                                   PREMANON, FR 4 kids. Saucer and 'ghost'. 9/27/1954 #10465  
                                   Premanon, France Four children came out  9/27/1954 #10472  
                  Four children in Premanon, France came outside of their h 9/27/1954 #10478  
## Word: "premature" (Back to Top)
Pad 33, 127.3km altitude (Bumper 1 Premature cut-off of WAC 2nd stage)      5/13/1948 #3648  
altitude (Turbine overspeed led to premature propellant cut-off at 61s. 2rp 7/26/1948 #3739  
s Pad 33, Reaches 49.9km attitude (Premature V-2 cut-off; WAC stage failed  4/21/1949 #4096  
Cape Canaveral, Florida, suffers a premature first-stage cutoff, preventing 12/6/1958 #15472  
4 Russian jets fire rockets / UFO. Premature explosions down 3 jets.        8/26/1983 #36956  
## Word: "prematurely" (Back to Top)
natural bridge. The observation is prematurely confirmed by amateur Welsh a 7/30/1953 #9021  
ticaba tree both lose their leaves prematurely.                             5/27/1973 #27533  
## Word: "premier" (Back to Top)
rederic Barker and New South Wales Premier James Martin) through the air as 7/25/1868 #176  
ards Air Force Base in California. Premier Nikita Khrushchev announces the  5/5/1960 #16256  
just crazy. What we have here is a premier scientific research facility wit 1/10/1985 #37546  
## Word: "premieres" (Back to Top)
 ever made, The Mysterious Airship premieres in the United States. A lost t 4/26/1915 #927  
 Michael Rennie and Patricia Neal, premieres in New York City. The ultimate 9/18/1951 #5677  
nt Pictures’ The War of the Worlds premieres in New York City. It is a mode 8/13/1953 #9068  
ind, directed by Steven Spielberg, premieres in New York City. The plot inv 11/17/1977 #32680  
 Strieber’s book of the same name, premieres in the US. Directed by Philipp 11/10/1989 #39225  
                         Paramount premieres Fire in the Sky, a feature fil 3/12/1993 #40881  
 a documentary film by Allen Ross, premieres at the theatre of the School o 6/3/1993 #41002  
Kagan and produced by Paul Davids, premieres on Showtime. It stars Kyle Mac 7/31/1994 #41649  
elevision series Project Blue Book premieres on the History channel. The ma 1/8/2019 #45557  
## Word: "premiers" (Back to Top)
television series UFO Hunters that premiers on The History Channel on Octob 8/21/2004 #44738  
## Word: "premise" (Back to Top)
eports were then "evaluated on the premise that UFOs couldn't exist."       2/11/1949 #4001  
med forces. All seem to accept the premise that UFOs, whatever they are, ex 7/31/2014 #45412  
is insufficient to consider such a premise and that a tumbling solar sail w 10/26/2018 #45541  
e potential threats they pose. The premise behind the provision is that the 12/27/2020 #45670  
## Word: "premises" (Back to Top)
, offering to inspect their rented premises for free. He fails to mention t 1960 #16140  
ed seats. A maintenance man on the premises had noticed a failure on his "p 1/8/1974 #28665  
A maintenance man on the workplace premises had noticed a failure of his "p 1/8/1974 #28667  
mmoned the police who searched the premises but found nothing. Neighbors ha 9/10/1978 #33657  
IS agents arrived and searched the premises, detained him for six days and  7/2003 #44560  
## Word: "premonitions" (Back to Top)
ass needle, see vibrant auras, and premonitions. The incident is apparently 3/23/1974 #28936  
## Word: "premonitory" (Back to Top)
ter the event, Perez begins having premonitory dreams about unfortunate eve 9/6/1978 #33638  
## Word: "premont" (Back to Top)
                                   PREMONT, TX Minister. Saucer-cylinder/ci 1/19/1953 #8552  
## Word: "prenessaye" (Back to Top)
                                RA PRENESSAYE, FR Brilliant ovoid hovers /  3/11/1969 #24993  
## Word: "prensa" (Back to Top)
ly west to sea. Type unknown. / La Prensa.                                  7/24/1968 #24217  
## Word: "prentice" (Back to Top)
dward P. Sisson, Ernest T. Newton, Prentice Lanphear, and Edward M. Knapp)  8/18/1909 #805  
## Word: "prentice-hall" (Back to Top)
                                   Prentice-Hall publishes Clear Intent by  7/1984 #37385  
## Word: "prentis" (Back to Top)
vy P2V Neptune patrol plane, Boak, Prentis and Hara, flying near Portland,  9/16/1952 #7963  
## Word: "preoccupation" (Back to Top)
 Condon’s negative statements, his preoccupation with crackpot elements, Co 1/31/1968 #23714  
## Word: "preoccupied" (Back to Top)
rmat, ostensibly because it is too preoccupied with the Vietnam War.        9/12/1966 #20873  
## Word: "preparation" (Back to Top)
meone has attached fireworks to in preparation for a Fourth of July celebra 7/2/1907 #697  
 its way to the Solomon Islands in preparation for the Guadalcanal landings 8/5/1942 #1430  
ing above Mountain Home, Idaho, in preparation for landing in Boise. Harvey 7/28/1947 #3240  
t if a degree of guidance in their preparation is exercised.” Signed Novemb 11/24/1948 #3891  
alls, Montana, baseball stadium in preparation for a game. He walks up to t 8/15/1950 #5126  
 the subject of UFOs, directed the preparation of an NSCID for submission t 8/20/1952 #7654  
 Bedell Smith, who then orders the preparation of a National Security Counc 8/20/1952 #7663  
 Intelligence certain UFO cases in preparation for the Robertson Panel in J 12/9/1952 #8400  
continues collecting statements in preparation for potential congressional  10/1959 #16003  
e American UFO Committee Review in preparation for their first Congress of  3/1964 #18143  
ion and other materials to OSI for preparation of a paper on UFOs. Hall is  1/19/1965 #18748  
ing out geological observations in preparation for a moon landing.          2/16/1965 #18819  
f evidence Bryant is collecting in preparation for taking the government to 2/19/1973 #27298  
ch closer, and extend some legs in preparation for landing. One of the daug 2/22/1977 #31839  
. The next two days are focused on preparation of a draft resolution to be  11/28/1977 #32702  
1, 1959, manned balloon mishap, in preparation for Project Excelsior, at Ho 6/24/1997 #43338  
## Word: "preparations" (Back to Top)
crash/retrieval takes place during preparations for the US Army’s Carolina  Early 10/1941 #1372  
de Janeiro. When he begins descent preparations over the city of Passo Fund 1984 #37096  
## Word: "preparatory" (Back to Top)
     Australia Vienna, Austria The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehen 11/19/2018 #45547  
## Word: "prepare" (Back to Top)
tings over the next two months and prepare documents requesting an authoriz 8/1947 #3275  
ween Camp Hood and Killeen Base to prepare a test firing of some flares to  3/17/1949 #4049  
ed at 5:11 a.m. SAC is notified to prepare launch of nuclear missiles. The  4/17/1952 #6106  
 Ground Branch, W&E Division, OSI) prepare a summary of the UFO subject for 6/1952 #6403  
will participate in this study and prepare a report on UFOs by August 15, 1 7/29/1952 #7273  
iven away money and possessions to prepare for their departure. When no spa 12/20/1954 #11849  
s Finletter, he tried to “have him prepare a statement for release when com 4/3/1956 #12781  
ers armed with nuclear warheads to prepare a retaliatory strike. But at the 10/5/1960 #16481  
koetter and Keyhoe, asking them to prepare the best cases and proof of offi 8/4/1961 #16777  
the USS Essex and the USS Gearing, prepare to intercept it, which could hav 10/25/1962 #17495  
e to move quickly has forced it to prepare a proposal to extend its contrac Early 3/1967 #21730  
tegies. Ultimately, they decide to prepare their own report, one “so compel 9/27/1967 #23137  
 fleet commander orders his men to prepare for combat. After 30 minutes, co Early 1968 #23635  
ews attempted to arm a missile and prepare to fire at it, the weapons syste 9/19/1973 #27839  
y-engineered acclimation effort to prepare American public for an announcem 12/1974 #29623  
in D. Randle and Robert C. Cornett prepare a catalog of “Unknown” cases fro 1/1975? #29684  
cy for all legal documents used to prepare its case in CAUS v. NSA, especia 4/27/1982 #36455  
e US General Accounting Office, to prepare a report on the status of record 10/1993 #41214  
 NHI. The comms were as follows:  “Prepare for information string.”  Sherma Early 1994 #41352  
 (UFOs and Defense: What Should We Prepare for?), is published as the resul 7/16/1999 #43805  
appear to have been established to prepare those workers for the job. A pre 9/30/1999 #43856  
nd to take defensive positions and prepare the grenade launcher. After conf 8/25/2004 #44741  
om Charlotte, North Carolina, they prepare to land in Richmond. Above Chase 2/18/2012 #45339  
high-ranking advisors” helping him prepare the U.S. public through media fo 1/24/2016 #45443  
y hazardous near-Earth objects and prepare for them. NNSA’s three national  3/22/2017 #45465  
in Nevada and around the US, which prepare products for visitors for those  9/20/2019 #45609  
ill arrive in 2027 and “we need to prepare.”  https://youtu.be/Ku9GsJ94Dt4  12/20/2022 #45790  
## Word: "prepared" (Back to Top)
 La Paz, a meteor expert who later prepared a report on these anomalous gre 12/12/1948 #3927  
 correspondent Harry Mayo, who has prepared a feature story for Time, which 10/23/1949 #4401  
ho with his colleagues at ATIC has prepared sighting maps that show a conce 1/29/1952 #5884  
ty, the story “Flying Saucer-y” is prepared by King Features Syndicate and  9/1952 #7802  
g Document: Operation Majestic 12. Prepared for President-Elect Dwight D. E 11/18/1952 #8295  
ent (never published and now lost) prepared by USAF Col. William C. Odell t 10/1/1953 #9198  
 although the memo could have been prepared by NSC Executive Secretary Jame 7/14/1954 #10018  
n. He subsequently has a statement prepared, detailing Briggs’s claims. Thi 2/23/1955 #12015  
and AFB in San Antonio, Texas, has prepared a 17-page TV script based on a  6/1958 #15070  
, D.C., releases a 186-page report prepared for NASA titled Proposed Studie 12/14/1960 #16532  
Draft Policy letter (Betz Memo) is prepared by Lt. Col. Norman M. Rosner fo 11/13/1961 #16962  
soothing liquid, in which she was "prepared" for an unusual journey. Accomp 1/25/1967 #21389  
 basically a rewrite of a document prepared by NPIC staff and approved by L 5/1/1967 #22261  
pard, and Frank B. Salisbury offer prepared papers. NICAP representatives a 7/29/1968 #24254  
omena earlier in the week and were prepared to take a time exposure on this 12/24/1970 #25952  
Administration. Its task is to be “prepared to respond immediately to any t Late 1974 #29532  
olume report totaling 670 pages is prepared. The first volume is a synthesi 6/1978 #33245  
approaching head-on to them. As he prepared to take evasive action the UFO  5/11/1986 #37861  
y Lake known as S-4. Lazar’s ID is prepared, he is given a physical and tre 12/6/1988 #38748  
ollection Memorandum,” undated but prepared prior to October 20, 1947.      1994 #41342  
e here, real good guys, we must be prepared, a revolution is coming, disclo 12/10/1994 #41888  
of a female humanoid that had been prepared on another bed. The humanoids w 2/29/1996 #42789  
ale that Collins Elite initiatives prepared ot ensure a reasonably acceptab 3/11/1998 #43532  
nd NASA-TZER methods [deleted] has prepared a unique briefing paper on the  3/11/1998 #43532  
dia that cover this topic.” It was prepared by Capt. Joseph F. Gradisher an 7/24/2020 #45655  
ce Estimate on MJTWELVE operations prepared for the President’s Foreign Int 12/17/2022 #45787  
## Word: "preparedness" (Back to Top)
US Senate Members of the US Senate Preparedness Committee and the House Sci 7/1960 #16321  
as ordered the staff of the Senate Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee  7/6/1960 #16332  
French, staff member of the Senate Preparedness Committee, who wants to kno 7/13/1960 #16335  
year earlier McCormack, the Senate Preparedness Committee and the House Sci 2/16/1961 #16600  
## Word: "prepares" (Back to Top)
Bliss El Paso, Texas As their C-47 prepares to land at Biggs Field, Fort Bl Mid 2/1945 #1785  
tries Maj. Gen. George C. McDonald prepares a memorandum for the Commander  7/19/1946 #2074  
nding out against the clouds as he prepares to land at Gowen Field [now Boi 7/9/1947 #3063  
igence for the Far East Air Force, prepares Intelligence Report #29-52, det 7/11/1952 #6762  
ol radar locks onto the object and prepares to fire just as the UFO changes 7/22/1952 #7027  
the Research and Development Board prepares a memorandum that generally sup 7/31/1952 #7372  
os Angeles The CIA/OSI study group prepares an internal 6-page document of  8/19/1952 #7648  
end goes back to Dayton, Ohio, and prepares a memo for his boss.            7/5/1959 #15817  
ion of a congressional hearing and prepares a reply to Vinson on July 18, b 7/2/1963 #17824  
o the Canadian Chief of Air Staff, prepares a four-page “Suggested Statemen 4/20/1965 #18908  
ing Commander Douglas F. Robertson prepares a 28-page briefing document, CD 11/14/1967 #23450  
on a draft by Brad Sparks, Gersten prepares a stipulation that requests the 8/17/1978 #33522  
AF Air Command The RAF Air Command prepares a briefing for UK Defence Minis 11/2009 #45251  
ain takes a defensive attitude and prepares for evasive measures, but the b 3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "preparing" (Back to Top)
The USS New York is off New Guinea preparing to rejoin the Seventh Fleet. G 3/22/1945 #1820  
Fleet. Gunner Cpl. Donald Pratt is preparing for a Japanese attack when he  3/22/1945 #1820  
tery. As he is over Union, Oregon, preparing to land at La Grande to refuel 7/29/1947 #3254  
anager at Longview, Washington, is preparing for an air show when someone p 7/3/1949 #4261  
s Proving Ground, New Mexico While preparing for an MX-776A Shrike air-to-g 4/27/1950 #4909  
:40 a.m. A group of servicemen are preparing to observe the Buster Charlie  10/30/1951 #5754  
 Center 4:30 a.m. Fred J. Brown is preparing to milk the cows at the Evergl 9/14/1952 #7938  
k with Indians in North America in preparing for a postapocalyptic social o Fall 1952 #8014  
nd a UP executive editor. Smith is preparing a three-part series debunking  12/29/1953 #9406  
home from Willoughby, Ohio and was preparing to go into his house at around 8/1/1955 #12319  
ine pilot Capt. Truman Gile Jr. is preparing to take off from Lafayette (Lo 11/9/1957 #14506  
rnong Landing, South Australia was preparing for bed when he saw a five foo 3/12/1959 #15637  
 Union to waste time and effort in preparing defenses against fictitious ai 3/1962 #17066  
ject with legs that appeared to be preparing to land in the yard where the  10/12/1967 #23227  
e in Claremont, New Hampshire, are preparing to retire when they see a dome 7/30/1968 #24263  
. Future president Jimmy Carter is preparing to give a speech at a Lions Cl 1/6/1969 #24821  
t they were on a mission of peace, preparing people for eventual contact.   12/5/1971 #26489  
azil 2:00 a.m. A Mrs. Geni, 57, is preparing some wedding cake at her home  5/27/1973 #27533  
io, Nuclear Generating Station are preparing to greet the new year when the 12/31/1974 #29667  
e planet "Planteh." They have been preparing "a neighboring planet" for col 11/3/1975 #30547  
who came to earth long ago and are preparing them for a societal transforma 1976 #30745  
he city, Luis Barroso Fernandes is preparing to travel to a site a few kilo 4/3/1976 #30983  
s [now Japan Air System] pilot, is preparing to take off when he notices “a 10/17/1976 #31474  
d in an airliner on the runway and preparing to takeoff, and the control to 10/17/1976 #31475  
t 2 miles west of Tucson, Arizona, preparing to take night photographs of s Mid 3/1977 #31909  
amily friend—are breaking camp and preparing to go home from the Cotile Lak 6/17/1977 #32172  
ts dim, then stop and hover, as if preparing to land. At this point she was 10/6/1977 #32555  
unter the day before, a mother was preparing breakfast while her two childr 5/17/1978 #33225  
dent of Petrobras Oil Company were preparing to land, the control tower inf 5/19/1986 #37874  
anufacturing CEO for Petrobras, is preparing for a landing at São José dos  5/19/1986 #37880  
              A female witness was preparing for bed at 1:10 a.m. in Ipswic 9/3/1988 #38631  
circular light in the sky as he is preparing to land. Another plane flying  5/2/1989 #38935  
oast of Romney, Kent, England, and preparing to land at Heathrow Airport, L 4/21/1991 #40046  
 4:00 p.m. Pilots of two airliners preparing to land at Benito Juárez Inter 9/16/1993 #41199  
ht wedge-shaped object as they are preparing to land at Manchester Airport, 1/6/1995 #41956  
doing, and his answer was, "We are preparing you." She asked him not to lea 6/8/1998 #43584  
ose Trajano and Milton Leite, were preparing their boat to go fishing and h 4/1/1999 #43752  
cident occurs as three workers are preparing a small batch of fuel for the  9/30/1999 #43856  
zhou, Zhejiang, China. An airliner preparing for descent first notices the  7/7/2010 #45286  
AH-64 Apache attack helicopter are preparing to take off from an airstrip a 11/6/2018 #45543  
roller alerts another pilot who is preparing to land, and the Federal Aviat 10/14/2020 #45662  
## Word: "preque-ile" (Back to Top)
                             Erie, Preque-Ile Park, Pennsylvania Young witn 7/31/1966 #20701  
## Word: "prerecorded" (Back to Top)
Live at Area 51,” which includes a prerecorded interview with former Sen. B 10/1/1994 #41779  
## Word: "pres" (Back to Top)
operation allegedly established by Pres. Truman in 1947. Gray is listed as  11/20/1955 #12580  
            At 6:55 p.m. in Laulne pres de Lessay, Manche department, Franc 1/5/1975 #29726  
                                   PRES.PRUDENTE, BRAZIL Many observer(s).  8/6/1976 #31238  
arge Saturn saucer in photograph / pres.carters helicopter. Unseen when tak 6/17/1978 #33284  
       Eric Davis speaks to former Pres. George Bush Sr. on the phone about 3/26/2004 #44681  
## Word: "presbyterian" (Back to Top)
                           Red Sea Presbyterian religious scholar Barry Dow 1968 #23624  
## Word: "prescient" (Back to Top)
llas. Vincent Gaddis has written a prescient article on UFOs, titled “Visit 4/1947 #2256  
## Word: "prescot" (Back to Top)
                                   PRESCOT, ENG 3 / car. Cloverleaf-saucer  3/17/1980 #35219  
## Word: "prescott" (Back to Top)
                 Hastings (or near Prescott?), MN "Deke" Slayton / P-51 Enc 12/12/1951 #5816  
                                   Prescott, Arizona Occultist George Hunt  Spring 1952 #5965  
liamson and his wife Betty move to Prescott, Arizona, and immerse themselve Spring 1952 #5965  
           Lake Charles, Louisiana Prescott, Arizona Winslow, Arizona 3:00  8/2/1952 #7424  
 and his wife Betty are visited in Prescott, Arizona, by two other metaphys 8/2/1952 #7424  
                  Winslow, Arizona Prescott Evening. Lyman Streeter sees un 8/22/1952 #7683  
tar body.” Williamson arrives from Prescott on August 23.                   8/22/1952 #7683  
                                   Prescott, Arizona Brookside Boulevard 8: 2/3/1953 #8632  
eir home on Brookside Boulevard in Prescott, Arizona. Another UFO passes ov 2/3/1953 #8632  
                                   Prescott, AZ Beers Case (P) (NICAP: 11 - 3/21/1953 #8769  
                           NORTH / PRESCOTT, AZ Pilot and 3. 2+6 saucers ca 5/21/1953 #8893  
                                   Prescott, AZ A veteran private pilot wat 5/21/1953 #8895  
                                   Prescott, Arizona 10:00 a.m. Eight disc- 5/21/1953 #8896  
in the sky for an hour or so above Prescott, Arizona, by sportsmen’s club p 5/21/1953 #8896  
t near the Cape at over 1000 mph. [Prescott Evening Courier, May 22; UFOE,  5/23/1953 #8904  
                      Chicago area Prescott, Arizona Dorothy Martin leaves  Early 1/1955 #11912  
Martin leaves the Chicago area for Prescott, Arizona, home of the like-mind Early 1/1955 #11912  
                                   Prescott, Arizona Mexico Moyobamba, Peru 12/2/1956 #13384  
 Peru Dorothy Martin sets off from Prescott, Arizona, with the Laugheads, u 12/2/1956 #13384  
                                   PRESCOTT, ON 2 teens. Saucer zigzags up  8/1966 #20710  
                                   Prescott, Arizona Evening. Contactee Pau 8/7/1970 #25775  
s telepathically for 15 minutes in Prescott, Arizona, where UFOs have been  8/7/1970 #25775  
 sky over the next few nights, and Prescott Courier photographer Chuck Robe 8/7/1970 #25775  
tary man using the name of "Robert Prescott" that told him that he and some 1/23/1974 #28693  
ersonnel opened the crates and the Prescott saw two humanoid figures about  1/23/1974 #28693  
tary man using the name of “Robert Prescott” who tells him that he and some 1/23/1974 #28694  
tary personnel open the crates and Prescott sees two humanoid figures, appa 1/23/1974 #28694  
tary man using the name of "Robert Prescott" told him that he and some othe 1/23/1974 #28695  
r Salisbury, England. According to Prescott, military personnel opened the  1/23/1974 #28695  
ge craft, were seen heading toward Prescott, Arizona.                       3/18/1977 #31915  
                                   PRESCOTT, AZ Man videos 10' silver spher 9/15/1993 #41198  
da Phoenix Tucson, Arizona Paulden Prescott Barry Goldwater Range in southw 3/13/1997 #43229  
om Paulden to Tucson, passing over Prescott and Phoenix. Some witnesses see 3/13/1997 #43229  
 interview with Leslie Kean in the Prescott Daily Courier, Fife says: “It w 3/18/2007 #45012  
## Word: "prescribed" (Back to Top)
ing physically wrong, but they are prescribed sedatives and the Polish Navy 8/23/1979 #34768  
## Word: "prescribes" (Back to Top)
o a “doctor” in New York City, who prescribes him alcohol. He then plunges  11/28/1953 #9324  
Dr. Antônio Moreira Magalhães, who prescribes a tranquilizer. He continues  4/3/1976 #30983  
## Word: "presence" (Back to Top)
s they appeared to be aware of his presence. A door closed, and the craft t 6/1914 #900  
 military command want to keep the presence of chemical munitions secret fr 12/2/1943 #1549  
erday from a clear sky established presence of aluminum, titanium, magnesiu 1/7/1947 #2223  
planetary craft of some kind…. The presence of an unconventional or unusual 10/28/1947 #3469  
ect in the sky at 11:10 p.m. whose presence was confirmed with a visual sig 3/3/1950 #4577  
d odor of sulphur accompanying the presence of the UFOnaut.                 3/13/1950 #4629  
ted area. The intent is to map the presence of any unusual radiation, in th 12/5/1950 #5319  
radioactive material to see if its presence has an effect on the air above  12/5/1950 #5319  
 witnesses and radar confirmed the presence of two silver colored discs in  8/3/1952 #7438  
s channeling space messages in the presence of the Williamsons and the Bail 11/4/1952 #8247  
then pull away from him. The UFO's presence was confirmed on radar.         2/7/1953 #8648  
he landing spot. It's possible the presence of the UFO may have caused his  8/18/1953 #9081  
after their car had stalled in the presence of a black, 14 meter in diamete 8/23/1953 #9106  
wling dog alerted the witness to a presence outside the house in Sherbrooke 12/15/1953 #9367  
(Edwards AFB) in February 1954, in presence of president Dwight Eisenhower  2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
Ground radar returns confirmed the presence of the UFO. Project Blue Book " 6/25/1954 #9948  
n F. Twining (MJ-4) requesting his presence at an MAJESTIC-12 meeting with  7/14/1954 #10014  
 Officer Keith Jessop confirms the presence of 2 objects near the Sea Fury  8/31/1954 #10218  
   Alerted by some children to the presence of a UFO around ten o'clock in  12/27/1954 #11865  
No ground traces of the creatures' presence could be found anywhere during  8/22/1955 #12391  
red with IPP.  Note: Gordon Gray’s presence in IPP anti-gravity studies is  11/20/1955 #12580  
be 150 meters in length, and their presence was reportedly confirmed by rad 1/8/1956 #12650  
technician named Bassett "felt the presence of something" and looked up. He 3/23/1956 #12765  
ly missed but did not stall in the presence of a UFO. Many residents of the 12/3/1957 #14668  
nd a bus were also affected by the presence of the UFO.                     1/30/1958 #14852  
ington radar center to confirm the presence of the object. They were told b 7/9/1959 #15829  
esidue was analyzed and showed the presence of the elements magnesium, alum 4/27/1961 #16664  
      A smoke ring was seen in the presence of a UFO at 6:30 p.m. in Waynes 6/12/1961 #16726  
had his truck's engine fail in the presence of a glowing orange, cigar-shap 8/5/1962 #17322  
otos reveal for the first time the presence of MiG-21 jet fighters in Cuba. 9/1/1962 #17381  
 sound. A dog reacted to the UFO's presence by howling.                     1/9/1963 #17631  
d. The driver found himself in the presence of three strange beings with th 10/12/1963 #17988  
le commander were told about OSI’s presence at the base.  https://www.ufoha Late 1963 #17989  
e was associated with the object's presence. It flew silently at tree heigh 7/7/1964 #18397  
essure as a result of the object's presence.                                3/28/1965 #18878  
ove ground. Animals reacted to its presence.                                8/2/1965 #19274  
by kicking and neighing during its presence.                                9/3/1965 #19516  
er report that an intense military presence, most notably the US Army, is s 12/9/1965 #19762  
 150mph, dull black, quiet and its presence interfered with their radio. Th 1/18/1966 #19853  
nd ran in response to the object's presence. It left behind a smell like oz 4/23/1966 #20391  
 to his location and confirmed the presence of the unknown object. A second 8/24/1966 #20803  
. Her dogs reacted strongly to the presence of the UFO. The encounter laste 2/22/1967 #21624  
here was radar confirmation of the presence of the object.                  3/5/1967 #21769  
shocks and felt paralyzed in close presence to the object. The UFO wobbled, 3/8/1967 #21818  
. The witness's dog reacted to the presence of the object. (Witness letter  3/15/1967 #21890  
y large heads, possibly due to the presence of helmets, and huge eyes. The  7/7/1967 #22631  
s of the fragments established the presence of sulphur, copper and silicon  7/20/1967 #22712  
 was awakened on this night by the presence of an intruder who first tugged 9/22/1967 #23115  
.action?id=1968-022A     Note: The presence of the 1127th on the cable corr 3/1968 #23799  
ar metal disc in Nepal.  Note: The presence of MacDill AFB on the cable is  3/1968 #23799  
b-like claws. Realizing that their presence had been detected, the boys ran 9/30/1968 #24527  
e little men seem oblivious to his presence. Speaking in Portuguese, the fi 5/4/1969 #25114  
ing sound, and dogs reacted to its presence by barking.                     5/12/1969 #25133  
h UFOs apparently respond to their presence by turning toward them but soon 7/11/1969 #25261  
 cows did not seem to react to its presence.                                10/11/1969 #25408  
at such cases need not involve the presence of extraterrestrials, but possi 1970 #25518  
tion, Arizona reacted as if to the presence of a predator at around two a.m 6/2/1970 #25688  
escent-shaped object above it. The presence of the UFOs was accompanied by  7/9/1970 #25729  
ine. Horses were frightened by the presence of the UFO. At 9:00 a.m. a 59-y 10/5/1970 #25870  
ails. Ground radar confirmed their presence. At 10:30 p.m. a man saw three  6/5/1971 #26158  
 apparition completely ignored the presence of the witness, Paquin became f 7/12/1971 #26224  
 Ivory Coast. A car stalled in the presence of the disc, and the witnesses  7/17/1971 #26235  
 She felt an electric shock in his presence, and added, "He must have been  8/22/1972 #26949  
, but her son did not see him. His presence was accompanied by an abrupt ch 2/22/1973 #27310  
perience radio interference in the presence of a UFO. The disc-shaped objec 5/15/1973 #27491  
res in her mind and had a sense of presence. These "images" came in grays a 8/4/1973 #27683  
 to be about 40 feet away, and the presence of a strong odor at the same ti 8/14/1973 #27702  
ing a gloved hand apparition and a presence. Both Nancy and Jim became hyst 10/14/1973 #28031  
. and it alerted him to the nearby presence of a 10 meter long ovoid UFO, w 10/28/1973 #28314  
Manuel called his attention to the presence of three people floating in the 10/29/1973 #28319  
 that their dogs were upset by its presence. Later that evening, at 8:30 p. 11/14/1973 #28421  
to follow them. The couple feels a presence. Despite being on a lonely road 1/3/1974 #28641  
y 45 minutes. The purpose of their presence, he was told, was to warn of th 2/9/1974 #28755  
sensation of increased heat in its presence and a prickly sensation. After  2/19/1975 #29828  
tion, and their dogs howled in the presence of the object. (Source: E. Jahn 2/24/1975 #29842  
tion, and their dogs howled in the presence of the object.                  2/24/1975 #29843  
 The being seemed surprised by her presence and immediately disappeared int 3/6/1975 #29876  
ces often stopped working in their presence, and Mrs. Smith's pet bird went 1/6/1976 #30762  
et bird went wild with fear in her presence, and no longer would allow her  1/6/1976 #30762  
 in the Indian Ocean, while in the presence of a small cloud by the roadsid 3/27/1976 #30959  
y in the Indian Ocean while in the presence of a small cloud by the roadsid 3/27/1976 #30961  
ile dogs howled in reaction to its presence. The men took 17 photographs. T 6/7/1976 #31092  
A spectroscopic analysis shows the presence of nickel, cobalt, niobium, mol 2/2/1977 #31780  
the abduction scenario to mask the presence of troops and horses in norther 4/25/1977 #32026  
and a motorcycle lost power in the presence of at least two purplish ovoid  6/6/1977 #32153  
de with a flashlight. During their presence, dogs in the neighborhood bark  8/3/1977 #32353  
ained indifferent to the witness's presence. Feeling faint, Caferina sat do 8/3/1977 #32356  
s benevolent aliens who make their presence known to selected individuals a 11/17/1977 #32680  
 both had their bikes stall in the presence of a Saturn-shaped UFO with a r 12/16/1977 #32779  
 both had their bikes stall in the presence of a Saturn-shaped UFO with a r 12/16/1977 #32781  
e figure seemed surprised by their presence, turned around and with a heavy 1/6/1978 #32856  
boratories. Los Alamos detects the presence of naturally occurring Clostrid 3/24/1978 #33077  
owing UFO floating in the sky. The presence of the object caused electrical 7/16/1978 #33387  
owing UFO floating in the sky. The presence of the object caused electrical 7/16/1978 #33391  
 windshield fogged up by the close presence of the UFO. The nocturnal light 8/24/1978 #33566  
r disc. Ground radar confirmed the presence of the unknown craft. (NICAP: 0 8/27/1978 #33577  
ernoon. Ground radar confirmed the presence of the unknown craft.           8/27/1978 #33580  
oments later, they became aware of presence of two short beings standing ne 9/10/1978 #33657  
driver felt an intense cold in the presence of the UFO, which shot up verti 10/24/1978 #33870  
of a second ship also reported the presence of the UFOs, but not ground rad 2/9/1979 #34414  
., and the ship's radar showed the presence of many huge aerial objects. Th 2/9/1979 #34417  
e of many huge aerial objects. The presence of yellow lights in the clouds  2/9/1979 #34417  
of a second ship also reported the presence of the UFOs, but not ground rad 2/9/1979 #34417  
i remarks that that the “permanent presence of the UFOs over the uranium mi 5/1/1979 #34537  
enera. Many animals reacted to its presence. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 5/25/1979 #34578  
enera. Many animals reacted to its presence. The close encounter lasted sev 5/25/1979 #34579  
atched and threatened by an unseen presence. The couple was found incoheren 12/11/1979 #35073  
. It emitted a dull noise, and its presence interrupted electrical light po 5/5/1980 #35307  
Nearby airport radar confirmed the presence of a UFO.                       6/5/1980 #35355  
mpted to alert headquarters to its presence he found that his radio would n 11/28/1980 #35680  
ideo of the object is taken in the presence of other witnesses at Seal Char 12/15/1980 #35719  
ation of four characteristics: the presence of a light beam, loss of contro 1981 #35762  
eling that it was acknowledging my presence with this maneuver or was ‘chec 11/25/1982 #36690  
X Aggressive dogs become uneasy in presence of red light (NICAP: 04 - Anima 1984 #37090  
 a loud pulsing sound preceded the presence of a metallic ovoid or football 5/5/1984 #37319  
ute to Greece, and it confirms the presence of the UFO. After 90 seconds it Mid 6/1984 #37364  
e, radar at Brasilia confirmed the presence of an unknown ojbect. As they p 5/19/1986 #37882  
 studies of actual aliens, and the presence of an alien base on Area 51. Th Fall 1986 #38034  
in was brightly illuminated by its presence.                                2/7/1987 #38117  
n, his onboard radar registers the presence of another aircraft close by an 6/19/1987 #38194  
elease information about the alien presence on earth. Many ParaNet members  12/29/1987 #38378  
th Branch, MN Puppy indifferent to presence of domed, hat shaped object (NI 1/31/1991 #39968  
itnesses, who also attested to the presence of many military aircraft in th 4/2/1991 #40029  
 of Atlixco, Mexico because of the presence of an unknown flying object in  7/7/1991 #40114  
e moves or react in any way to the presence of the jets. When all attempts  8/28/1991 #40168  
e, when suddenly she felt a strong presence nearby. She saw two very tall,  3/11/1992 #40372  
had felt more comfortable with the presence of the two beings who looked hu 3/11/1992 #40372  
ight a neighbor reported feeling a presence and seeing peculiar shadows in  8/20/1993 #41148  
pparition. Not frightened by their presence, she watched them for almost an 11/18/1993 #41284  
udy on 20 abductees to explore the presence of PTSD symptoms. The results s 5/1994 #41511  
     Dogs alerted witnesses to the presence in the sky of three white light 10/11/1994 #41801  
e to him, seemingly unaware of his presence. The figures then walked toward 1/5/1997 #43166  
ustomed to the dark and she felt a presence in the room. She then saw two s 2/24/1997 #43207  
etal in a clearing and a “military presence” that is loading “body bags” on 3/24/1997 #43239  
ide of the road. Confused by their presence, he stopped his cab and noticed 8/5/1997 #43369  
s suddenly awoke feeling a strange presence in his bedroom. An odd feeling  10/15/1997 #43429  
 awake at 5:15 a.m. with a strange presence still in the room, and he once  10/15/1997 #43429  
ed around it became aware of their presence by first noticing the flashligh 8/24/1998 #43637  
 a man in Stra, Italy to the close presence outside his home of a bright ae 12/19/1998 #43700  
r 15 minutes the witnesses noted a presence to the left of the luminous for 5/5/1999 #43763  
five o'clock in the morning, whose presence blocked the light from the star 7/7/1999 #43795  
of the witnesses felt dizzy in the presence of the objects. The objects wer 10/17/1999 #43862  
isclosed) suddenly awoke feeling a presence in her room. Her body began to  10/26/1999 #43866  
 Air traffic control confirmed the presence of a radar target one mile from 6/22/2000 #44006  
ve. She suddenly became aware of a presence, and when she turned her heard  10/15/2000 #44058  
Meanwhile, Valentina felt the same presence and complained of a headache an 10/19/2000 #44060  
ury, North Carolina felt a strange presence while driving at 8:00 p.m., and 1/23/2001 #44129  
he scene the officer confirmed the presence of the object and also reported 4/25/2001 #44164  
ntly being diverted because of the presence of UFOs in the early morning ho 7/15/2001 #44209  
ples when they became aware of the presence of the students. They ignored t 8/1/2001 #44217  
isophthalate polymer with possible presence of inorganic silicate compounds 10/23/2002 #44422  
sc was being agitated by the UFO's presence. The craft took off at an angle 9/14/2003 #44601  
eros, several people witnessed the presence of a small silver oval-shaped U 5/8/2004 #44696  
heading south towards the dam. The presence of U.S. military personnel was  5/15/2004 #44702  
r guards had become alerted to the presence of the strange craft. Andrey al 8/2/2004 #44725  
but receives confirmation of their presence from radar operators on other v 11/10/2004 #44782  
 to avoid it.” London confirms the presence of unauthorized air traffic. So 6/28/2005 #44849  
 Janney about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth and the official cover 9/20/2005 #44877  
ludes that UFOs have an observable presence that is “indisputable,” but als 5/15/2006 #44942  
r traces also seem to register the presence of two objects, which Bowyer be 4/23/2007 #45022  
n’t happen.” Hastings suggests the presence of such phenomena means that al 9/27/2010 #45298  
Subsequent reports deny a military presence in the area and attribute the s 10/13/2010 #45302  
 to become a superconductor in the presence of an EM field was an alloy of  8/2014 #45413  
## Word: "present" (Back to Top)
 to the dozens of peasants who are present. A kind of door opens and a pers 6/12/1790 #91  
               SOFIA, BULGARIA All present. Basketball-size and shape going 7/1908? #713  
so begins to show that no water is present in the Martian atmosphere.       9/20/1909 #811  
, but it is reported that everyone present saw "something." The most common 10/13/1917 #971  
rth in a zigzag fashion. Catholics present interpreted these events as a si 10/13/1917 #971  
-table discussion focusing on the “present day needs in unifying all mankin 9/10/1937 #1277  
ther, who served with the RAF, was present when Churchill and Gen. Dwight E Late 1942? #1456  
 Nazi leaders Goebbels and Himmler present, occurred at 1:00 p.m. on this d 2/12/1944 #1573  
 weapon (because of pu-240 isotope present as an impurity in the pu-239).   4/5/1944 #1589  
 first meeting in London, England. Present are Air Commodore K. C. Buss (Ai 9/6/1944 #1665  
s, rust-colored fragments are also present. The same day, the beach is visi 7/10/1946 #2046  
 children would exit the craft and present themselves to the highest echelo 7/1/1947 #2523  
tter of less than 24 hours. “Their present local headquarters is on the uns 7/3/1947 #2551  
and Operations Department, is also present.                                 7/9/1947 #3060  
of Defense James Forrestal is also present.                                 9/24/1947 #3422  
 Other deletions and additions are present in the fake document.]           10/28/1947 #3469  
on Kármán presiding. Col. McCoy is present and speaks briefly about Project 3/17/1948 #3590  
 operation’s task is ultimately to present such a best-guess summary, stron 9/30/1948? #3817  
s slightly beyond the scope of our present intelligence thinking.” One of t 11/4/1948 #3868  
New Mexico. Joseph Gordon Vaeth is present as the Navy representative in ch 4/24/1949 #4104  
or crazy, and “further study along present lines would only confirm the fin 8/10/1949 #4315  
y of the world’s nations were also present.                                 Early 1950's #4457  
 has been one fifth as high as the present fall. If that rate should contin 11/9/1951 #5773  
states: “It is possible within the present U.S. knowledge—provided extensiv 1952 #5843  
ve evaluation had been made at the present time” on the Wonsan/Sunchon, Kor 2/21/1952 #5918  
Swords suspects that some of those present are physicist George Valley Jr., 4/1952 #6010  
r Donald Menzel express his views. Present are Possony, Capt. Edward J. Rup Early 5/1952 #6249  
evidence to support this theory at present.”                                8/15/1952 #7610  
f just beyond the frontiers of our present knowledge in the fields of atmos 9/24/1952 #8022  
ith the added possibility that the present dispersal of nuclear waste produ 9/24/1952 #8022  
t “is far too early in view of the present state of our knowledge regarding 10/13/1952 #8128  
that there may be some correlation present between unknown radar pickups an 11/4/1952 #8245  
ry of Defense Robert A. Lovett are present.                                 11/18/1952 #8296  
ons. Col. Howard McCoy is probably present.                                 11/24/1952 #8332  
A Building “M” in Washington, D.C. Present are scientists Howard P. Roberts 1/14/1953 #8539  
, and Frederick C. Durant are also present. All are skeptical, if not openl 1/14/1953 #8539  
 France. There is only one witness present, a fireman at the airport named  1/4/1954 #9445  
sts, and government officials were present according to witnesses.          4/13/1954 #9686  
k off, glowing orange. It had been present for an hour or more. There was a 8/7/1954 #10113  
age Air Force personnel to violate present Air Force policy and specificall 1/23/1958 #14840  
upervisor Alex Geddes, who was not present, sends a supportive letter to th 9/25/1958 #15281  
au of UFO Research and Analysis to present a lecture. By now he is calling  Early 12/1958 #15468  
erto assumed, and whose base is at present unknown to us. More I cannot say 1/1/1959 #15526  
nknown to us. More I cannot say at present. We are now engaged in entering  1/1/1959 #15526  
 Blue Book at the time and who was present at the session, telepathic commu 7/9/1959 #15829  
th two Naval Intelligence officers present, she went into a trance and they 7/9/1959 #15829  
 were answered "No." The officials present then asked to see a spaceship. T 7/9/1959 #15829  
nd Astronautics Committee, is also present. The USAF reps are Robert Friend 7/15/1960 #16337  
s operational support division, is present during the meeting. Declassified 9/1960 #16428  
d during the time that the UFO was present.                                 2/27/1961 #16610  
al or astronomical conditions were present to account for the sighting.” No 10/2/1961 #16889  
ours they cannot account for. Also present is a friend of the Hills, retire 11/25/1961 #16980  
tes, “This cannot be documented at present, but I heard him say so to a UFO 1962 #17004  
 in June, Adamski writes that the “present explosions of atomic energy are  3/27/1962 #17088  
 D. Jackson and Robert E. Hohmann, present a paper at the American Rocket S 11/13/1962 #17545  
 him and became upset when someone present saw some of his papers they shou 5/17/1965 #18945  
Book can possibly encompass at the present time.”                           7/1965 #19038  
visitors from somewhere beyond our present ken."                            8/13/1965 #19381  
to assure that such objects do not present a threat to our national securit 9/28/1965 #19619  
 Africa, in tracking Mariner 4, is present when the spacecraft’s signal str 10/22/1965 #19672  
FO Enigma, a general survey of the present state of the UFO problem. The fi 1966 #19794  
to the scientific community, would present the image of a group of nonbelie 8/9/1966 #20734  
ds outside. A 19-year old neighbor present at the time looked out the windo 1/15/1967 #21315  
 first time, the report is able to present an estimate of the amount of plu 1/21/1968 #23684  
of UFO reports. He states: “my own present opinion, based on two years of c 7/29/1968 #24254  
ton, on “UFO Investigations: Past, Present, and Future.”                    8/7/1968 #24306  
O was gone, but the odor was still present the next day.                    4/26/1969 #25096  
e was also a heavy breathing sound present, and the bridge began to sway in 8/16/1971 #26291  
w a 2" tall being, but with no UFO present. Fifteen minutes later a 12-year 2/15/1972 #26580  
 occurs while two other people are present with her, but they only report t 7/25/1972 #26833  
Society, 1996; Keith Basterfield, “Present at the Abduction,” IUR 17, no. 3 7/25/1972 #26833  
e NRC. Evidence suggests that UFOs present no threat to the world. They exh 10/2/1972 #27044  
e impression there were two people present. When she awoke on the patio, it 6/23/1973 #27584  
 this strange assemblage was still present, Jim jumped out of the camper an 10/14/1973 #28031  
e: Gen. Curtis LeMay was allegedly present at a close encounter between a F 12/28/1973 #28612  
o The documentary film UFOs: Past, Present, and Future is released along wi 5/9/1974 #29097  
ham Conway finds residual material present in three indentations at the sit 8/16/1974 #29362  
s the size of grapefruits are also present.                                 9/11/1976 #31377  
oods, claims that Richard Doty was present at the debriefing of his 1977 UF 1977 #31647  
sonnel wearing parkas. Symbols are present on the side of the crashed disc. 1977 #31659  
There were two witnesses and a dog present.                                 1/5/1977 #31703  
rage, KY Dogs bark while object is present (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)   1/26/1977 #31752  
tilian skin. A colorless liquid is present in the bodies; there are no red  5/1977 #32042  
h his uniform. However, no burn is present where the car door is between hi 5/13/1978 #33202  
ad. However, only one other person present, Rachel, heard any buzzing. Part 10/31/1978 #33902  
created a great fright among those present. Altogether four witnessed this  10/31/1978 #33902  
at there is too much coolant water present in the reactor and causing the s 3/28/1979 #34493  
b—at Kirtland AFB in New Mexico to present his film, photos, and electromag 11/10/1980 #35625  
sk to the operator. Range may be a present problem, but this will probably  12/1980 #35686  
, one of the military enlisted men present, claims that UFO occupants were  12/27/1980 #35748  
stopped the game as the 200 people present stared at the incredible sight b 4/28/1983 #36847  
stopped the game as the 200 people present stared at the incredible sight b 4/28/1983 #36848  
 Scajola, and Martino Scovacricchi—present a question to the government on  7/10/1984 #37390  
 to “determine whether or not UFOs present a threat to the security and def Fall 1984 #37466  
 on the incident and finds that at present, fewer than 100 documented death 4/26/1986 #37843  
tting a beam of light. It remained present for two hours.                   8/25/1988 #38625  
con” and others in the “Aviary” to present a nationally televised two-hour  10/14/1988 #38674  
ontinued and the lights were still present when the family left for work an 1/18/1989 #38786  
s for a long period of time before present day.  https://www.drboylan.com/s 1992 #40276  
an with his claim that he had been present on the Plains when he was 5 year 2/15/1992 #40331  
l. Hopkins, Jacobs, and others are present to elaborate what some have come 6/13/1992 #40492  
once spoke to any of the witnesses present. The two local children, Cristin 9/24/1992 #40639  
ren, Cristina and Sergio, who were present at this time, were to have anoth 9/24/1992 #40639  
here were also several other discs present in the sky at the same time.     12/21/1992 #40759  
ng the Earth either in the past or present. He worries that fake news and c 1995 #41923  
Pictures. Claims two psychics were present to interpret the responses from  2/1997 (approximate) #43182  
New York, in which UFO researchers present their best data to a panel of sc 9/29/1997 #43420  
plant biologist Bernard Veyret. To present the UFO evidence, Sturrock bring 9/29/1997 #43420  
nt signed by nearly all ufologists present, representing their nations and  12/7/1997 #43453  
the fall, collection, analysis and present whereabouts of unusual fabrics,  3/11/1998 #43532  
 infiltration and deception beyond present levels.”  “This writer sees that 3/11/1998 #43532  
likely to inflame situation beyond present levels due to STAC’s genuine sym 3/11/1998 #43532  
s this too and agrees that only if present attempts by NASA-TZER and WPAFB- 3/11/1998 #43532  
ident comments from STAC-5 that if present and near-future operations fail  3/11/1998 #43532  
color and there wasn't anyone else present. The man then escorted her into  7/11/1998 #43601  
eir chests. Another tall human was present; he wore a tight-fitting light b 7/11/1998 #43601  
ent with media industry executives present. John L. Petersen, Chairman of t 12/3/1999 #43892  
 corroboration. Experienced pilots present accounts of objects, ranging fro 10/15/2000 #44056  
 there were both females and males present but could not see any sexual fea 5/2/2001 #44174  
sion news crew, who happened to be present on the huge naval base filming a 4/18/2003 #44516  
ut they had a feeling it was still present, watching them. It reappeared, t 7/12/2003 #44563  
 footage. Although the media often present the two videos together to illus 11/14/2004 #44784  
UBOs (unidentified bright objects) present in MRI scans.  https://ufos-scie 2005 #44805  
inds of weird stuff” come into our present reality.  Deacon claims USG know 10/2006 #44970  
les around, though a haze layer is present at 2,000 feet, and a continuous  4/23/2007 #45022  
 must have been some sort of craft present, because when it started to move 8/29/2007 #45050  
y dome-shaped cloud which had been present in the sky for at least an hour. 11/29/2007 #45098  
he indicates a fifth individual is present. He describes a male, 60–70 poun 3/2010 #45270  
reat to aerial safety. Among those present are astronomers, psychologists,  7/31/2014 #45412  
FOs around the world, they “do not present a threat or a danger to air oper 7/31/2014 #45412  
f classified programs while he was present 1993-97, but he does “not recall 11/29/2019 #45619  
skridge stated she was planning to present novel foundational work regardin 6/15/2022 #45758  
## Word: "presentation" (Back to Top)
dak projector. The black-and-white presentation shows a blurred ellipsoid w 7/1950 #5035  
rtson Panel. Ruppelt completes his presentation, then Hynek discusses Batte 1/15/1953 #8541  
t. Lt. Col. Oder gives a 40-minute presentation on Project Twinkle. In the  1/15/1953 #8541  
ial engineer Jack W. Grant gives a presentation titled "Flying Saucers Have 10/2/1953 #9199  
eventually tell the public and his presentation would help soften the blow. 10/2/1953 #9199  
D-Mont.), commends Gregory for his presentation on Project Blue Book’s “imp 8/8/1958 #15184  
husetts Pease AFB The Hills give a presentation at the Two State UFO Study  11/3/1963 #18027  
zona atmospheric physicist, gave a presentation on UFOs to the Outer Space  6/7/1967 #22477  
e during WW2, gave his first major presentation on Crash Retrievals at the  7/29/1978 #33440  
Lazar meets Dr. Edward Teller at a presentation.                            7/28/1982 #36553  
w York City J. Allen Hynek gives a presentation on “Properties of the UFO P 5/29/1984 #37341  
as truly classified.” Wood gives a presentation on UFO propulsion. Other pe 5/20/1985 #37590  
no airspace restrictions above the presentation area and take aerial photog 11/22/1988 #38718  
 Vegas Bill Moore makes a stunning presentation at the MUFON UFO Symposium  7/1/1989 #39002  
 scientist Hal Puthoff states in a presentation in Stockholm that he pitche 1994 #41347  
. Jacques Vallée delivers the main presentation. Reid stays in frequent con 8/1996 #42968  
applied by the year 2025; during a presentation at a Military Sensing Sympo 7/2003 #44560  
ton, SC, he states he was giving a presentation for Army, Navy, Air Force a 7/2003 #44560  
rogram studied linked to UAP. In a presentation, Chase expressed scientific 4/28/2006 #44937  
d ufologist James Clarkson gives a presentation at a UFO Conference about e 11/6/2009 #45253  
lunt force trauma in 2004 before a presentation, zero point energy physicis 12/2014 #45425  
ntezuma Museum In a four-hour long presentation in front of nearly 7,000 pe 5/5/2015 #45437  
ard next to it. Within days of the presentation in Mexico City, a skeptical 5/5/2015 #45437  
se, USAF personnel observe a slide presentation that explains what to do if 5/2021 #45685  
 Alexander Wendt gives the virtual presentation “Dangerous Knowledge — UFO  6/4/2022 #45756  
er of BDM, was in attendance for a presentation from Hal Puthoff   https:// 9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "presentations" (Back to Top)
as a consultant, was giving public presentations at the Glendale CA Lions C 3/19/1953 #8761  
rch Institute. [rg: Also see books/presentations by physicist Paul Laviolet 1968 #23633  
orado, “Science and the UFO,” with presentations by James A. Harder, R. Leo 8/22/1969 #25325  
tor Curtis G. Fuller publishes the presentations in paperback format in May 6/24/1977 #32190  
290 pages, including three general presentations, three detailed investigat 12/1977 #32719  
. Pritchard and John E. Mack, with presentations, panels, and discussions a 6/13/1992 #40492  
a is desirable. After four days of presentations and discussions, Sturrock  9/29/1997 #43420  
e project funded. Negotiations and presentations continue through December, 2/7/2011 #45313  
n dies at age 89. Dean gave public presentations about secret documents we  10/11/2018 #45539  
## Word: "presented" (Back to Top)
cy.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 1948 #3525  
es would only confirm the findings presented herein.” The report concludes  8/10/1949 #4315  
d.”  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 1950 #4464  
e.”  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 1952 #5846  
ed.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 1952 #5847  
sh.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 1953 #8482  
ns.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 1953 #8483  
he objects were interplanetary was presented to the panel by Maj. Dewey Fou 1/12/1953 #8534  
the meetings to debunk all reports presented to them and “reduce” public co 1/18/1953 #8551  
t.”  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 5/21/1953 #8899  
s are authentic, then the evidence presented is such that it is difficult t 12/26/1954 #11862  
a terrestrial origin… the evidence presented by the reports held by the RAA 12/26/1954 #11862  
es.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 1955 #11900  
sis of UFOs and science fiction is presented that notes: “General public no 5/23/1955 #12151  
UFO’s). Since most of the material presented to the committees is classifie 1/28/1958 #14848  
phenomenon. They say that “the UFO presented a hazard to aircraft operating 11/4/1958 #15425  
59.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 1959 #15516  
ies in the Soviet Union and China. Presented with all the facts and figures 12/14/1960 #16533  
ed.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 12/10/1964 #18655  
ry in the book, as her husband had presented it to her first as the script  4/24/1965 #18916  
 Saucers: Friend, Foe or Fantasy?" presented extremely negative Air Force a 5/10/1966 #20473  
on.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 1967 #21239  
e supplies hidden inside a box are presented to Swann, who is asked to iden 8/1972 #26862  
ed.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 1974 #28633  
ance resembling chocolate; this he presented to the witness, urging him by  2/28/1974 #28822  
ar.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 3/14/1975 #29900  
e.”  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 3/28/1975 #29924  
nt.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 1977 #31658  
ration of a draft resolution to be presented to the General Assembly on Nov 11/28/1977 #32702  
id.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 1978 #32830  
ed.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 1978 #32831  
   Toronto, Ontario Six papers are presented at the American Psychological  8/28/1978 #33585  
nce retrieved from UAP on Earth if presented with it. In fact, it was Hinne 9/19/1978 #33710  
79.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 1979 #34263  
le.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 4/5/1979 #34499  
hs.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 6/27/1979 #34637  
 in front of a large TV screen and presented with a variety of images befor 6/28/1979 #34639  
 Range Investigator Paul Bennewitz presented his evidence of sightings near 11/10/1980 #35623  
se.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 12/14/1980 #35716  
ruce Maccabee, and Mark Rodeghier. Presented papers are printed in The Spec 9/25/1981 #36137  
the first time. Some 40 papers are presented and 17 of them are selected to 8/1985 #37634  
ay.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 9/28/1989 #39132  
ng.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 3/16/1991 #40015  
52.  [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfiel 4/12/1991 #40038  
avity, and Baker states she “never presented them with a final report” on t 8/1/1997 #43364  
 that would allow THE THEORY to be presented publicly and quickly and in a  3/11/1998 #43532  
            In a briefing document presented to some members of Congress an 4/2001 #44154  
t rarely are specific case studies presented. Large organizations are menti 2/13/2009 #45212  
2-53. Uhouse states the craft was “presented” to the USG.  Uhouse states th 11/1/2013 #45392  
f the hangar. A three star general presented a film of an ARV “hopping” ove 12/2014 #45425  
t are scientifically evaluated and presented with supporting data as having 10/17/2019 #45612  
th the portion of the UAPTF report presented to Congress that was not relea 6/29/2021 #45697  
## Word: "presenters" (Back to Top)
xosociology, and humanoid reports. Presenters include Ted Bloecher, Ann Dru 4/30/1976 #31029  
o investigate UFO experiences. The presenters are H. Kent Newman, R. Leo Sp 8/28/1978 #33585  
## Word: "presenting" (Back to Top)
de to side in unison, dipping, and presenting their lateral surfaces, which 6/24/1947 #2398  
nald makes the biggest impression, presenting 30 pages of UFO reports. He s 7/29/1968 #24254  
                             After presenting his findings to the GEPAN Sci 12/30/1979 #35103  
 Report II, New Sources, New Data, presenting the accounts and rumors he ha 6/1980 #35350  
an arc down to the left and rolls, presenting a side view with six evenly s 7/4/1981 #35987  
dly in a northerly direction while presenting a side on view; it then disap 2/11/2004 #44662  
## Word: "presently" (Back to Top)
sing with a former Navy man who is presently a radio technician for the San 1943 #1474  
ll which cannot be credited to any presently known culture on earth.” The d 11/4/1948 #3868  
 features, does not conform to any presently known aircraft or missile type 8/12/1954 #10138  
nological level close to the level presently attained on earth”; Type II (s 1963 #17620  
there are too many unexplained and presently unexplainable unidentified fly 2/1/1969 #24888  
d speaks for the STAC membership.  Presently STAC-5 is privately sympatheti 3/11/1998 #43532  
## Word: "presents" (Back to Top)
                          Einstein presents to the Prussian Academy of Scie 11/1915 #937  
  US The National Security Council presents President Truman with Report 68 4/7/1950 #4818  
nders on the theodolite the object presents a side view to the observers an 7/1950 #5035  
ton, Massachusetts, J. Allen Hynek presents a paper on “Unusual Aerial Phen 10/9/1952 #8107  
ircraft.” Astronomer Donald Menzel presents a dismissive paper on radar ang 10/9/1952 #8107  
ls and mirages, while Urner Liddel presents “Phantasmagoria or Unusual Obse 10/9/1952 #8107  
e fiction anthology TV series that presents scientifically plausible storie 4/5/1955 #12081  
gress The Second Hoover Commission presents its final report to Congress on 6/29/1955 #12219  
 or “deliberately fitted.” He also presents him Gen. Joe W. Kelly’s April 8 Mid 7/1957 #13799  
                   Richard Bissell presents an outline for the Cuban invasi 12/8/1960 #16527  
uss a strategic response. McNamara presents him with three basic options: a 10/16/1962 #17475  
mia Stanford astronomer Carl Sagan presents a paper at the American Rocket  11/15/1962 #17548  
 interview program, The Open Mind, presents a panel discussion titled “Are  2/27/1966 #19925  
 Space Institute James E. McDonald presents a paper, “UFOs: An Internationa 3/12/1968 #23839  
     Wilmington, Delaware McDonald presents “A Dissenting View of the Condo 2/12/1969 #24914  
do Sacramento, California McDonald presents a talk that is critical of the  5/28/1969 #25166  
to the occasion, James E. McDonald presents an excellent critique of the Ai 12/26/1969 #25509  
peration Trojan Horse, in which he presents a theory that UFOs are produced 1970 #25519  
rence in Tucson, Arizona, McDonald presents a paper on “Meteorological Fact 11/17/1970 #25908  
ning employment at CIA. The agency presents the agreement and the parts of  3/1972 #26584  
e into the trees. As it leaves, it presents a round face as large as the fu 1/10/1977 #31716  
oids recovered from the craft.” He presents 17 witness testimonies to the a 7/29/1978 #33449  
 of Hawaii Department of Sociology presents a paper prior to the American S 9/3/1978 #33629  
teur satellite tracker Ted Molczan presents strong circumstantial evidence  8/10/1979 #34724  
                              Nova presents the documentary The Case of the 10/12/1982 #36640  
nt of Science in New York City. He presents a summary of 400 UFO cases by r 5/29/1984 #37341  
  Boulder, Colorado Jacques Vallée presents “five arguments against the ext 6/1989 #38970  
and Harvard psychologist John Mack presents an entirely different spin: The 6/13/1992 #40492  
nd David Gotlib. Kenneth Ring also presents his interesting view comparing  6/13/1992 #40492  
on-based entrepreneur Ray Santilli presents it as an authentic autopsy on t 8/28/1995 #42425  
olidates the best information, and presents its research to appropriate Fre 1996 #42656  
              Ufologist Chuck Wade presents information at the 14th Annual  3/26/2011 #45320  
nalist and ufologist Jaime Maussan presents BeWitness, an unveiling of two  5/5/2015 #45437  
uter Solar System. Its light curve presents its motion as tumbling, rather  10/19/2017 #45485  
## Word: "preservation" (Back to Top)
sts joined in statement asking for preservation of Air Force UFO files for  12/26/1969 #25508  
 Jacques Scornaux. Its goal is the preservation and conservation of ufologi 2/1990 #39404  
## Word: "preserve" (Back to Top)
 Lockheed’s offices in Burbank. To preserve secrecy, personnel fly to Nevad 7/24/1955 #12283  
embryo” was produced under Project Preserve Destiny that aimed to develop p 1/1963 #17625  
ous object that rose from a forest preserve about 2 km from Colonia Yerua.  3/12/1963 #17702  
 of lights above a suburban forest preserve in Gurnee, Illinois. One steady 9/27/1978 #33763  
d behind the tree line of a forest preserve. The police report includes a t 11/27/1982 #36691  
enue Busse Woods (Ned Brown Forest Preserve) 5:00 a.m. A luminous object wi 11/27/1982 #36697  
g in Busse Woods (Ned Brown Forest Preserve). The entire episode lasts abou 11/27/1982 #36697  
              Big Cypress National Preserve Miami, Florida Jensen Beach Mia 1/30/1984 #37166  
atform in the Big Cypress National Preserve about 40 miles west of Miami, F 1/30/1984 #37166  
man is walking his dog in a nature preserve between Wolverhampton and Dudle 8/1989 #39040  
is only aware of one being Project Preserve Destiny, to establish intuitive 1990 #39354  
   An employee at a local forestry preserve was doing some work at the phea 10/31/1990 #39822  
erman claims it was called Project Preserve Destiny, and that there are pro 1992 #40276  
epresent his transfer from Project Preserve Destiny location 1 to Project P 12/1993 #41313  
erve Destiny location 1 to Project Preserve Destiny location 2. His clearan 12/1993 #41313  
es as a cover for periodic Project Preserve Destiny intcomm duties, he rece Early 1994 #41352  
aims he was recruited into Project Preserve Destiny run by the National Sec 1/1/1997 #43163  
er of ELINT training, he worked in Preserve Destiny on establishing communi 1/1/1997 #43163  
## Word: "preserved" (Back to Top)
he two crew members were perfectly preserved.                               1/16/1950 #4493  
ens from the Silpho disc have been preserved in a tin cigarette box housed  11/21/1957 #14590  
ng says that all reports have been preserved since 1967.                    3/4/1982 #36377  
case files prior to 1957 have been preserved digitally. In 2010–2012, Choat 4/12/1988 #38541  
## Word: "presided" (Back to Top)
ollective author of the report, is presided over by Gen. Denis Letty of the 7/16/1999 #43805  
## Word: "presidency" (Back to Top)
en announces his candidacy for the presidency of the United States at a pre 8/9/1960 #16366  
n of Eduardo Frei Montalva for the presidency of Chile and spent $3 million 9/4/1964 #18533  
astro had continued into Johnsonʼs presidency, Helms replied, ‘I just can’t 4/24/1967 #22214  
## Word: "president" (Back to Top)
launch three people—the Gun Club’s president, his Philadelphian armor-makin 1865 #163  
 light on the bottom. Musician and President of the University of the Pacif 11/26/1896 #364  
                     Washington DC President Franklin D. Roosevelt in offic 3/4/1933 #1156  
Byrd’s third Antarctic expedition. President Roosevelt asked Byrd to comman 1939 #1302  
in’s atomic bomb warning letter to President Roosevelt stating "it may be p 8/2/1939 #1311  
rd writes a confidential letter to President Roosevelt, in consultation wit 8/2/1939 #1313  
                                   President Franklin D. Roosevelt authoriz 5/21/1940 #1333  
nt Director Vannevar Bush and Vice President Henry A. Wallace. On Bush’s ad 10/9/1941 #1373  
  Washington DC Secret Memo to the President from Chief of Staff, G. C. Mar 2/26/1942 #1392  
bly confident that he can talk the president into the idea. J. Edgar Hoover 2/10/1945 #1778  
                     Washington DC President Harry S. Truman in office      4/12/1945 #1845  
ia. Harry S. Truman is sworn in as president.                               4/12/1945 #1846  
                                   President Truman discloses to Soviet lea 7/24/1945 #1905  
mains secret from Congress and the President.                               8/1945 #1910  
                                   President Truman creates a National Inte 1/22/1946 #1967  
                                   President Truman signs the Atomic Energy 8/1/1946 #2097  
gence Group, sends a memorandum to President Truman saying the ghost rocket 8/1/1946 #2099  
 Bader, and General David Sarnoff, president of RCA, arrive in Stockholm, S 8/19/1946 #2145  
enberg writes a top secret memo to President Truman via Adm. William D. Lea 8/22/1946 #2150  
erview with H. W. Flickinger, vice president for exports at Republic Aircra 2/28/1947 #2244  
             KNOXVILLE, TN College president and 1+1. Long saucer-cylinder/ 6/30/1947 #2481  
                        10:30 a.m. President Truman meets with Sen. Carl Ha 7/9/1947 #3058  
enberg 11:58 a.m. Vandenberg calls President Truman.                        7/9/1947 #3061  
int Research and Development Board President Truman signs the National Secu 7/26/1947 #3233  
nal Security Council to advise the president and the Central Intelligence A 7/26/1947 #3233  
y from Congress or (sometimes) the president. Much of the CIA’s funding ini 7/26/1947 #3233  
 domestic project, about which the President, etc., know.” The study is pas 7/30/1947 #3262  
eed for a clear directive from the President and coordinated scientific exa 9/19/1947 #3410  
ished and classified Top Secret by President H.Truman. It consists of 12 pe 9/24/1947 #3420  
                       White House President Truman meets with Vannevar Bus 9/24/1947 #3422  
                  A fake memo from President Truman to Secretary of Defense 9/24/1947 #3423  
                                   President Harry S. Truman asks his USAF  1948 #3526  
                                   President Truman asks Col. Robert B. Lan Spring 1948? #3594  
 14 July 1949 at Blair House where President Harry S. Truman proposed that  8/17/1949 #4320  
aded by Joseph Bryan III, a future president and board chairman of NICAP.   3/27/1950 #4741  
head Joseph Bryan III later became President and Board Chairman of NICAP, a 3/27/1950 #4742  
Diego, CA Letter sent from BSRA to President                                4/7/1950 #4804  
National Security Council presents President Truman with Report 68 (NSC-68) 4/7/1950 #4818  
                       South Korea President Truman orders US air and sea f 6/27/1950 #5017  
ange in Nevada is the right place. President Truman approves the location,  7/1950 #5034  
 the vicinity of Limestone, Maine. President Truman had been notified and i 12/6/1950 #5322  
use is notified at 10:31 a.m., and President Truman discusses the reports i 12/6/1950 #5329  
illis replies to Robert B. Sibley, president of the Aero Club of New Englan 1/29/1951 #5421  
au, with his son E. L. Plunkett as president. It publishes Flying Saucer Ne Summer 1952 #6580  
is, MD 3:30 p.m. Insurance company president William Washburn saw 4 large,  7/12/1952 #6772  
aryland Witness: insurance company president William Washburn. Four large,  7/12/1952 #6782  
ing AFB in D.C. Ruppelt hears that President Truman is personally intereste 7/21/1952 #6981  
ia Pikes Peak Broadcasting Company President Joseph H. Rohrer gives a lectu 7/22/1952 #7024  
BSRA sends a warning letter to the President, a large swath the US military 7/24/1952 #7091  
City, Missouri Washington National President Truman, resting in Kansas City 7/28/1952 #7265  
                        10:00 a.m. President Truman tells his air force lia 7/29/1952 #7321  
             Robert L. Farnsworth, president of the American Rocket Society 7/29/1952 #7326  
the American Rocket Society, urges President Truman and defense officials t 7/29/1952 #7326  
 in response to secret orders from President Truman to the CIA to investiga 8/8/1952 #7515  
lter Bedell Smith, who then briefs President Truman on the CIA UFO study gr 8/22/1952 #7682  
                                   President Truman signs National Security 10/24/1952 #8181  
   Dwight D. Eisenhower is elected president.                               11/5/1952 #8250  
“Preliminary Briefing” document to President (elect) Eisenhower from Admira 11/18/1952 #8292  
rective because he is briefing the president directly.                      12/2/1952 #8363  
xxx (name censured) established by President Eisenhower and renamed Project 1953 #8471  
                                   President Eisenhower in office           1/20/1953 #8553  
wight D. Eisenhower is sworn in as president.                               1/20/1953 #8558  
cott, Arizona, by sportsmen’s club president Bill Beers, post office employ 5/21/1953 #8896  
his 5-month tenure “was like being president of Antarctica on a nonexpediti 7/31/1953 #9027  
                                   President Eisenhower issues Executive Or 11/5/1953 #9285  
) in February 1954, in presence of president Dwight Eisenhower and James Fr 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
         Edwards AFB, CA Rumors of President Eisenhower disappearing from r 2/20/1954 #9559  
ely retracts a wire story that the President was dead. Dentist visit a cove 2/20/1954 #9559  
Air Force Base Roswell, New Mexico President Eisenhower is on a golf vacati 2/20/1954 #9560  
nce at an MAJESTIC-12 meeting with President Eisenhower on July 16. Note by 7/14/1954 #10014  
obert Cutler, special assistant to President Eisenhower, to Gen. Nathan Twi 7/14/1954 #10018  
een Gen. Nathan Twining (MJ-4) and President Eisenhower.                    7/16/1954 #10021  
clandestine operations directly to President Eisenhower. It negates the Sec 9/30/1954 #10515  
                                   President Eisenhower approves the develo 12/1/1954 #11743  
 the Secretary of Defense, and the President respectively. All proposals pa 12/28/1954 #11868  
                                   President Eisenhower announces a program 7/29/1955 #12301  
ation in Copenhagen, Denmark, that President Eisenhower has decided to back 8/2/1955 #12324  
    Kenora, Ontario 10:45 p.m. The president of a small Canadian air servic 8/20/1955 #12379  
                           Area 51 President Eisenhower gives the CIA contr 10/1955 #12476  
ity of North Carolina.  Former UNC President Gordon Gray approved funding f 11/20/1955 #12580  
fense and special assistant to the President of the United States (Truman,  11/20/1955 #12580  
                    eastern Europe President Eisenhower temporarily halts U 7/19/1956 #12989  
ORTHWEST / CELINA, TX School board president / farm. Flat metallic disk. Li 11/1956 #13299  
s not yet in the Soviet inventory. President Eisenhower is briefed multiple 9/20/1957 #14020  
rned over to NASA at the orders of President Eisenhower. Interestingly, USA 1958 #14785  
ponse to the launching of Sputnik, President Eisenhower creates the Advance 2/7/1958 #14874  
tan Badaber (Peshawar Air Station) President Dwight Eisenhower requests per 7/1958 #15128  
ed to Washington D.C. and met with President Eisenhower, Vice President Nix Spring 1959 #15656  
et with President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, and a CIA official at F Spring 1959 #15656  
ce, Dutch Aeronautical Association president Cornelis Kolff says “The Queen 5/18/1959 #15737  
     Brisbane car park Stan Seers, president of the Queensland Flying Sauce 8/1959 #15887  
 another witness, Israel Pinheiro, president of the New Building Company, w 10/1959 #16004  
ect scientist Dr. Leon Davidson to President Eisenhower over “inspection of 1/31/1960 #16159  
                              Cuba President Eisenhower signs off on a CIA  3/17/1960 #16200  
iet Union “under the aegis” of the president. The press begins to suggest t 5/10/1960 #16261  
nal Security Council recommends to President Eisenhower the establishment o 8/25/1960 #16415  
                              Cuba President Eisenhower severs diplomatic r 1/3/1961 #16560  
                     Washington DC President John F. Kennedy in office      1/20/1961 #16582  
Mountains Sancti Spiritus province President Kennedy is briefed, together w 1/28/1961 #16590  
         Bay of Pigs Cuba Trinidad President Kennedy approves the Bay of Pi 4/4/1961 #16643  
ican Republic An order approved by President Kennedy results in the dispers 5/15/1961 #16684  
urgents in the Dominican Republic. President Rafael Trujillo dies from guns 5/15/1961 #16684  
     An alleged one page memo from President Kennedy (not using auto signat 6/28/1961 #16738  
                 Langley, Virginia President Kennedy presides over the dedi 11/28/1961 #16982  
astro are officially authorized by President Kennedy after being given the  11/30/1961 #16984  
tired from the army, takes over as president.                               1962 #17009  
             Kennebunkport, ME The president of an advertising agency saw a 2/7/1962 #17037  
until the next morning to tell the President. Secretary of Defense Robert M 10/15/1962 #17472  
    Cuba US Soviet Union 7:00 p.m. President Kennedy addresses the American 10/22/1962 #17485  
d agrees after a phone call to the president that the removal of US missile 10/26/1962 #17499  
have drawn first blood.        The president had decided against advice     10/27/1962 #17505  
sidential Estate 9:30 p.m. Italian President Antonio Segni’s personal drive 8/20/1963 #17912  
                                   President John F. Kennedy Assassinated a 11/22/1963 #18055  
                                   President Lyndon B. Johnson in office    11/22/1963 #18056  
                     Dallas, Texas President John F. Kennedy is assassinate 11/22/1963 #18058  
                 Nevada California President Lyndon B. Johnson holds a pres 2/29/1964 #18140  
nce more as the FRAP candidate for president.                               9/4/1964 #18533  
rique Vega; Joaquín Díaz González, president of the Lion’s Club; founder of 9/23/1965 #19591  
alia Hernández; and future Mexican President Luis Echeverría. The power onl 9/23/1965 #19591  
 government, is signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson.             7/4/1966 #20630  
urston E. Manning, university vice president. The memo, which is not sent t 8/9/1966 #20734  
partment makes a recommendation to President Johnson to terminate the A-12  12/28/1966 #21223  
onald is lobbying Frederick Seitz, president of the National Academy of Sci Late 1/1967 #21384  
mpted to assassinate Fidel Castro, President Johnson directs CIA Director R 4/24/1967 #22214  
he report, Helms orally briefs the President about its contents. According  4/24/1967 #22214  
tee, when asked if he has told the President “that efforts to assassinate F 4/24/1967 #22214  
ms goes to the White House to give President Lyndon Johnson the answers to  5/10/1967 #22310  
tch for the A-12 Oxcart program to President Johnson, saying the aircraft a 5/16/1967 #22354  
 Yugoslavia Canada Fernando Sesma, president of the Amigos de los Visitante 5/31/1967 #22431  
 Idaho Tennessee At the request of President Johnson, the CIA sets up Opera 8/1967 #22770  
e Moraes, a wealthy man and former president of the Bank of Brazil. Between 8/13/1967 #22873  
sometimes modified before reaching President Johnson. At one point the CIA  9/1967 #22974  
way McMillan and Kelly Johnson for President Lyndon B Johnson states there  1968 #23634  
Services Evald Rudolfovich Mustel, president of the All-Union Astronomical  2/29/1968 #23791  
 NICAP Board of Directors write to President Lyndon Johnson, enclosing the  4/30/1968 #23932  
lparaiso, Florida 7:15 p.m. Future president Jimmy Carter is preparing to g 1/6/1969 #24821  
ces letter by Dr. Frederick Seitz, president, to secretary of the Air Force 1/8/1969 #24825  
                                   President Richard Nixon in office        1/20/1969 #24860  
om 1964 to 1973 is declassified by President Bill Clinton in 2000. The repo 3/18/1969 #25025  
                          Although President Richard Nixon does not trust J 6/1969 #25182  
s not only intended to provide the president with domestic and internationa 6/1969 #25182  
 may be of special interest to the President.” Nixon orders seven wiretaps  6/1969 #25182  
ryan III, who takes over as acting president.                               12/3/1969 #25483  
 a UFO researcher, becomes the new president of NICAP. He is the former exe 5/29/1970 #25676  
                       Oval Office President Nixon makes it clear that he w 7/23/1970 #25745  
ite light, reportedly followed the president of a local school board and hi 11/6/1971 #26463  
                                   President Nixon legitimizes the use of s 3/8/1972 #26592  
                         Moscow US President Richard Nixon and Soviet Gener 5/26/1972 #26689  
ontactee Gabriel Green runs for US President as a candidate of the Universa 11/7/1972 #27110  
r Woodbridge, Suffolk Biscayne Bay President Richard Nixon meets on the 18t 2/19/1973 #27298  
rector of the Secret Service under President Clinton, Lewis C. Merletti, cl 2/19/1973 #27298  
erletti, claims that the idea of a president escaping his secret service ag 2/19/1973 #27298  
ondon about the possibility of the president escaping his protection to go  2/19/1973 #27298  
 he explains that not only can the president disappear, but it has happened 2/19/1973 #27298  
                   Kampala, Uganda President Idi Amin was among a large num 3/3/1973 #27328  
anda on the shore of Lake Victoria President Idi Amin and his entourage saw 3/3/1973 #27329  
                     Chile Chilean President Salvador Allende is overthrown 9/11/1973 #27801  
expected in late 1974, possibly by President Gerald Ford and the President  1974 #28633  
y by President Gerald Ford and the President of France Giscard d’Estaing; W 1974 #28633  
bal Munoz Romero, a driver for the President of the Cadiz, Spain City Counc 3/17/1974 #28898  
ain 3:00 a.m. The chauffeur of the president of the Cádiz Provincial Commis 3/23/1974 #28935  
                                   President Richard Nixon resigns in the w 8/8/1974 #29315  
                     Washington DC President Gerald Ford in office          8/9/1974 #29316  
                                   President Gerald R. Ford creates the Nuc Late 1974 #29532  
he Privacy Act, signed into law by President Gerald R. Ford, establishes a  12/31/1974 #29666  
lic all the UFO files if he became president. Carter answers, “Yes, I would 3/31/1976 #30970  
f data available to the public, as President, to help resolve the mystery a 3/31/1976 #30970  
 caller identifies himself as vice president of the nonexistent New Jersey  9/11/1976 #31376  
er Fitzgerald take Carter and Vice President Walter Mondale aside to descri 11/19/1976 #31557  
imple curiosity on the part of the President wasn’t adequate.” Carter deter 11/19/1976 #31557  
ngs; and a 2019 photo, revealed by President Donald Trump, of a failed Iran 12/19/1976 #31620  
                     Washington DC President Jimmy Carter in office         1/20/1977 #31729  
Larry W. Bryant writes a letter to President Jimmy Carter, suggesting that  2/6/1977 #31793  
                       White House President Jimmy Carter is allegedly give 6/14/1977 #32162  
ime Minister Eric Gairy meets with President Jimmy Carter in the White Hous 9/9/1977 #32474  
end letters to Anatoly Alexandrov, president of the Academy of Sciences of  9/20/1977 #32499  
inda Arosemena is taking photos of President Jimmy Carter’s helicopter taki 6/17/1978 #33286  
d CIA employee, officially becomes president of NICAP among baseless charge 12/1978 #34035  
rchives and Records Administration President Jimmy Carter establishes the I 12/1/1978 #34044  
rque, NM Ufologist Paul Bennewitz, President and owner of Thunder Scientifi 1979 #34253  
                     Washington DC President Ronald Reagan in office.       1/20/1981 #35794  
work, writes a five-page letter to President Ronald Reagan, claiming that U 9/28/1981 #36143  
ief military advisor, writes: “The President is well aware of the threat yo 9/28/1981 #36143  
                         US Google President Ronald Reagan issues Executive 12/4/1981 #36247  
lose personal and business ties to President Ronald Reagan and then-preside 1982 #36286  
                                   President Reagan issues Executive Order  4/2/1982 #36430  
traterrestrial at the White House, President Reagan leans over to director  6/27/1982 #36521  
 reflects the enthusiasm of former President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and t 2/11/1983 #36764  
ation of Evangelicals Soviet Union President Ronald Reagan delivers a speec 3/8/1983 #36774  
s known as his “Star Wars” speech, President Ronald Reagan announces his pl 3/23/1983 #36792  
n 1993, when the administration of President Bill Clinton redirects the eff 3/23/1983 #36792  
document, A Briefing Paper for the President of the United States on the Su 4/9/1983 #36830  
ng Rep. Larry McDonald (D-Ga.) and president of the anticommunist John Birc 9/1/1983 #36968  
Research and Development Board and President and Chairman of the Board, Was 11/29/1983 #37053  
 Dr. Sarbacher had been invited by President Eisenhower to attend several d 11/29/1983 #37053  
                                   President Ronald Reagan alludes to a sec 6/11/1985 #37600  
 At the 1985 Geneva Summit between President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Gener 11/19/1985 #37711  
t UFO sightings. As Ospires Silva, President of Petrobras Oil Company were  5/19/1986 #37874  
n. Col. Ospires Silva, oil company president and former president of EMBRAE 5/19/1986 #37882  
, oil company president and former president of EMBRAER Airlines, with his  5/19/1986 #37882  
 public was made personally by the president of Brazil, and carried out by  5/19/1986 #37882  
t to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and President Ronald Reagan for his daily br Mid 12/1986 #38083  
n Palace in Moscow, Russia, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev discloses th 2/16/1987 #38121  
t Mikhail Gorbachev discloses that President Reagan had raised the possibil 2/16/1987 #38121  
Military Personnel) letter sent to President Ronald Reagan. This letter, ve 9/4/1987 #38278  
                     New York City President Reagan states to the UN Genera 9/21/1987 #38290  
lifornia 5:00 p.m. Edward Walters, president of a construction company in G 11/11/1987 #38322  
aining question is the role of the President in the Iran–Contra affair. On  11/18/1987 #38327  
gn rally in Rogers, Arkansas, vice president and presidential candidate Geo 3/7/1988 #38493  
m in Chicago’s Palmer House Hotel, President Reagan is asked about the most 5/4/1988 #38554  
n DC For the third time, publicly, President Ronald Reagan states that the  5/5/1988 #38555  
                                   President George H. W. Bush in office    1/20/1989 #38787  
. A second meeting took place with President Eisenhower at Edwards AFB, Cal 5/23/1989 #38960  
                 Malta Berlin Wall President George H. W. Bush and Soviet G 12/2/1989 #39295  
an) interviews Eric Walker, former president of Penn State University and f 1990 #39355  
estead. His security went from the President through the Director of the CI 1990 #39358  
of scientists that worked with the President called the “Special Committee. 1990 #39358  
laims former Penn State University president Eric A. Walker told him he att 9/6/1990 #39717  
s CIA director. A meeting to brief President Bush on the topic is scheduled Summer 1991 #40102  
len told him secrecy came from the President and he would say nothing. He s 9/16/1991 #40189  
 astrophysicist Jean-Claude Ribes, president of the French Astronomical Soc 1993 #40777  
                     Washington DC President Bill Clinton in office         1/20/1993 #40803  
k Ridge, Tennessee Area 51, Nevada President Bill Clinton issues an executi 1/15/1994 #41371  
are excluded on the basis that the president does not have a need to know.  1/15/1994 #41371  
Garden Court and Petersen told him President Bill Clinton signed an Executi 3/31/1995 #42130  
                                   President Bill Clinton issues Executive  4/14/1995 #42150  
d John H Gibbons, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, st 11/1/1995 #42576  
aft letter shows Rockefeller asked President Clinton to consider a classifi 11/1/1995 #42576  
SA Administrator on 1 April 992 by President George HW Bush and prior to th 8/7/1996 #42971  
 CIA director, and neither did the president.” In a July 4, 2008, appearanc 4/10/1997 #43260  
 with directives was saved after a President Nixon SCEO ordered all MJ-12 d 1/23/1999 #43720  
that UAP questions from NSC, JC or President should not be disclosed unless 1/23/1999 #43720  
as a government panel appointed by President Truman to look into extraterre 7/7/1999 #43798  
SAF SIOP.  He also states in 1969, President Nixon was briefed by MJ-12 on  7/7/1999 #43798  
 its public release, it is sent to President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minis 7/16/1999 #43805  
a preamble by André Lebeau, former president of the Centre National d’Étude 7/16/1999 #43805  
ience Board, senior advisor to the President and former chairman of TRW. *  7/31/1999 #43815  
 calls him and tells him Jim West, president of tech company SARA, had the  1/24/2000 #43934  
                     Washington DC President George W. Bush in office       1/20/2001 #44125  
William Schneider, Lockheed Martin President Robert J Stevens, IAM Intl. Pr 11/27/2002 #44452  
sident Robert J Stevens, IAM Intl. President Tom Buffenbarger, and Holland  11/27/2002 #44452  
 be polygraphed at his next job as President of ATK Missiles because he may 10/2/2003 #44610  
e Underground Construction Fund by President Eisenhower, that assisted the  2004 #44638  
, former Comptroller General under President Reagan, states he found a “cra 8/7/2004 #44728  
rt in Arlington, Virginia, causing President George W. Bush to be taken to  4/27/2005 #44827  
h to be taken to a bunker and Vice President Dick Cheney to be evacuated to 4/27/2005 #44827  
. The aircraft flies over the vice president’s residence and comes within m 5/11/2005 #44840  
e White House for safety, and Vice President Dick Cheney is taken to a secu 5/11/2005 #44840  
is traveling on a direct course to President George W. Bush’s Western White 1/8/2008 #45112  
                                US President Barack Obama in office         1/20/2009 #45207  
nature.  Duke claims in the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan was briefed on U 3/31/2011 #45322  
forms against the goals set by the president and Congress.                  2013 #45357  
blic is disputed. In January 2014, President Obama says that “the sensation 6/14/2013 #45372  
has greater say on UAP policy than President or Congress.  Greer adds that  4/18/2016 #45451  
                 Washington DC, US President Donald Trump in office         1/20/2017 #45464  
unrealistic to assume that a given president has been briefed on every SAP. 2018 #45498  
t has been briefed on every SAP. A president does not automatically have a  2018 #45498  
                                   President Donald Trump tells ABC News’ G 6/15/2019 #45584  
mer County. Kerry Garrison, a vice president at drone vendor Multicopter Wa 1/8/2020 #45625  
                     Washington DC President Joe Biden in office            1/20/2020 #45627  
                       US Pentagon President Donald Trump signs a $2.3 tril 12/27/2020 #45670  
n a public podcast that if he were President, the first thing he’d want to  5/5/2021 #45688  
Late Show with James Corden Former President Barack Obama admits on The Lat 5/18/2021 #45689  
 Attacks (HAVANA) Act is signed by President Joe Biden. It authorizes the C 10/8/2021 #45715  
                                   President Joe Biden signs into law the N 12/27/2021 #45730  
ew years before being nominated by President Bill Clinton as Secretary of D 9/26/2022 #45772  
DCI Allen Dulles shows he met with President John F. Kennedy on 28 June 196 12/17/2022 #45787  
TWELVE operations prepared for the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisor 12/17/2022 #45787  
                     Washington DC President Biden signs the 2023 NDAA (Nat 12/23/2022 #45791  
## Word: "president-elect" (Back to Top)
peration Majestic 12. Prepared for President-Elect Dwight D. Eisenhower: Ey 11/18/1952 #8295  
                                   President-Elect Eisenhower receives a 43 11/18/1952 #8296  
or for Plans Richard Bissell brief President-elect John F. Kennedy on the C 11/18/1960 #16508  
    Congressional Research Service President-Elect Jimmy Carter meets with  11/19/1976 #31557  
## Word: "presidente" (Back to Top)
                                   PRESIDENTE PRUDENTE, BRZ Doctor and 1. G 3/3/1969 (approximate) #24959  
## Word: "presidential" (Back to Top)
, War, Navy, Chief of Staff, and a presidential representative with the DCI 1/22/1946 #1967  
tions, Harry S. Truman wins the US presidential election against Republican 11/3/1948 #3866  
                        US Caltech Presidential press secretary Charlie Ros 4/4/1950 #4792  
 established by special classified presidential order on 24 September 1947  1954 #9424  
ting government covert operations. Presidential Directive NSC 5412/2 assign 12/28/1954 #11868  
r Richard M. Bissell Jr. secures a presidential action adding the Groom Lak 4/1955 #12077  
pionage and are flown pursuant to “presidential directives.”                5/9/1960 #16260  
       Rome, Italy Castel Porziano Presidential Estate 9:30 p.m. Italian Pr 8/20/1963 #17912  
he entrance of the Castel Porziano Presidential Estate in Rome, Italy. When 8/20/1963 #17912  
ons, such as COMSEC maintenance or Presidential transportation support. In  3/8/1972 #26592  
l. The agents working on the Nixon presidential detail were warned about it 2/19/1973 #27298  
rpart, the Pike Committee, and the presidential Rockefeller Commission. It  1/27/1975 #29767  
ch allegedly uncovers a history of presidential operations that has used su 10/25/1978 #33874  
gers, Arkansas, vice president and presidential candidate George H. W. Bush 3/7/1988 #38493  
to help Ronald Reagan win the 1980 presidential election, the collapse of t 8/10/1991 #40147  
ational laboratories by classified Presidential Executive Order in July 194 1994 #41349  
n senior positions for a number of presidential political campaigns in the  12/10/1994 #41888  
ccurred ten months before the 2016 presidential election.  DeLonge admitted 1/24/2016 #45443  
## Word: "presidentialufo" (Back to Top)
e.org/web/20190622183540/http:/www.presidentialufo.com/oldsite/disclosure72 5/1973 #27461  
e.org/web/20150703123417/http:/www.presidentialufo.com/oldsite/marciasmith_ 1977 #31659  
## Word: "presidents" (Back to Top)
 KOREA Silent blue object hovers / presidents house. Anti-Aircraft guns/tea 9/22/1970 #25849  
ent who worked with Merletti under Presidents Ford and Carter, however, tel 2/19/1973 #27298  
 officer on UAP for at least three Presidents, used intelligence satellites 1994 #41348  
## Word: "presides" (Back to Top)
angley, Virginia President Kennedy presides over the dedication of the new  11/28/1961 #16982  
## Word: "presiding" (Back to Top)
with physicist Theodore von Kármán presiding. Col. McCoy is present and spe 3/17/1948 #3590  
82. Rep. Larry Winn, Jr. ER-Kans.] presiding).                              3/1/1982 #36374  
## Word: "presidio" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Presidio” YieldMax: 20KT                 4/22/1987 #38165  
## Word: "presley" (Back to Top)
nessee AMC civilian engineer W. R. Presley takes a muddy photo of a UFO at  6/1947 #2306  
## Word: "presque" (Back to Top)
                         Tremonton Presque Isle and Limestone AFB [now Lori 11/25/1952 #8340  
ious sighting of an object seen at Presque Isle and Limestone AFB [now Lori 11/25/1952 #8340  
                                   Presque Isle Chadwell tells CIA Acting D 12/16/1952 #8426  
 Blue Book cases, especially since Presque Isle was identified as the plane 12/16/1952 #8426  
                   MILLINOCKET AND PRESQUE ILE, ME Several jets. Plain dark 1/29/1953 #8606  
                                   Presque Isle AFB, ME Radar tracking (NIC 1/29/1953 #8610  
 gray, oval-shaped UFO flying over Presque Isle, Maine.                     1/29/1953 #8618  
                                   Presque Isle, ME (McDonald list) 25 Targ 10/16/1953 #9233  
                                   PRESQUE ISLE, PA Project Bluebook Case # 7/31/1966 #20697  
                             Erie (Presque Isle State Park), PA Square or h 7/31/1966 #20699  
                                   Presque Isle State Park, Pennsylvania Wi 7/31/1966 #20702  
                                At Presque Isle State Park near Erie, Penns 7/31/1966 #20703  
                               OFF PRESQUE ISLE, MI Sailboat crew. Bright w 7/14/1998 #43605  
## Word: "press" (Back to Top)
 also falls under the grip of what press accounts call “aerialitis.”        7/1909 #778  
States. At Escanaba, Michigan, the Press states the “end of the world was a 2/9/1913 #881  
ldiers, and Reuterswärd alerts the press that planes had flown over restric 1/22/1934 #1196  
        Gen. Reuterswärd tells the press that several ghost flier reports i 4/30/1934 #1208  
 Institution of Washington holds a press conference at the Fifth Washington 1/26/1939 #1306  
ary of the Navy Frank Knox holds a press conference, saying the entire inci 2/24/1942 #1388  
 generate panic. Some contemporary press outlets suspect a cover-up. Rep. L 2/24/1942 #1388  
e SHAEF in Paris, France, issues a press release identifying the fireballs  12/13/1944 #1719  
ineer Works in Washington During a press conference with the Seattle Times, 8/7/1945 #1916  
 Norway issues a memorandum to the press asking it not to mention any ghost 8/21/1946 #2146  
edium Mark Probert later tells the press that he has established psychic co 10/9/1946 #2199  
, Ohio The War Department issues a press release on how German scientists a 11/1946 #2205  
er to dismiss it as an unexplained press sensation.”                        4/15/1947 #2263  
on, Oregon Texas Idaho In a United Press dispatch from Pendleton, Oregon, K 6/27/1947 #2431  
fficer Col. Alfred Kalberer hold a press conference in Fort Worth, Texas, o 6/30/1947 #2487  
Col. Alfred Kalberer holds another press conference in Fort Worth, Texas, a 7/1/1947 #2519  
                  BOISE, ID United Press International newsman and 3. White 7/4/1947 #2623  
n Francisco, California The United Press service rounds up theories about t 7/4/1947 #2654  
     Boise, Idaho 6:30 p.m. United Press correspondent John C. Corlett, alo 7/4/1947 #2663  
 Descriptions differ. / S. Evening Press.                                   7/6/1947 #2760  
e in order to have some fun in the press or with gullible saucer-seekers.   7/7/1947 #2930  
                            United Press reports on a phone call to Einstei 7/8/1947 #2952  
 Col. William Blanchard dictates a press release about the Roswell recovery 7/8/1947 #3015  
       The Army Air Force issues a press release saying that, based on a “p 7/8/1947 #3016  
ny civilians are involved, and the press is already alerted.                7/8/1947 #3019  
 Sheriff's Office 2:26 p.m. Haut’s press release about the recovered disc r 7/8/1947 #3020  
overed disc reaches the Associated Press wire. The story announces: “The ar 7/8/1947 #3020  
                     2:41 p.m. The press release is put on the United Press 7/8/1947 #3022  
press release is put on the United Press wire.                              7/8/1947 #3022  
ographer, James Bond Johnson, at a press conference held by Ramey and Col.  7/8/1947 #3025  
ld Roswell 6:29 p.m. An Associated Press story goes out that a Fort Worth A 7/8/1947 #3027  
claims Lt. Walter Haut delivered a press release to McQuiddy declaring the  7/8/1947 #3030  
 of a weather balloon given to the press were a “cover story” to divert att 7/8/1947 #3031  
June 14. Copies of Haut’s original press release are recovered. Three fully 7/9/1947 #3054  
. Journalist Ted Morello of United Press calls Arnold and says that a crack 7/30/1947 #3259  
down tight. The few members of the press who did inquire about what the Air 7/31/1947 #3265  
d into something worse. Associated Press reporter Elmer Vogel says that Dah 8/7/1947 #3306  
, The Canadian UFO Report, Dundurn Press, 2006, pp. 51–52; Chris Rutkowski, Summer 1948 #3679  
aylor speculates to the Associated Press that “If we can build such craft,  7/26/1948 #3743  
 that he has tried to dissuade the press from publishing articles like Shal 11/30/1948 #3893  
                              USAF press release admits that saucers may ex 4/27/1949 #4111  
ation A 22-page memorandum for the press (629-49) on “Project Saucer” is re 4/27/1949 #4117  
ime high. USAF issues another long press release completely debunking UFOs, 5/6/1949 #4160  
 magazine reports on the Air Force press release, remarking that “Spinners  5/9/1949 #4174  
ecurity threat. It recommends that press releases be created to “aid in dis 8/10/1949 #4315  
              NORWOOD, OH Many and press. Saucer with searchlight. Delta/tr 10/23/1949 #4400  
Pratt initiated rumor waves in the press by announcing that he had obtained Early 1950 #4465  
j. Jesse E. Stay and Jack T. Shea, press officers; and Maj. Jere Boggs, Pen 1/1950 #4470  
 Mashpee Lincoln LaPaz, citing the press of academic duties, withdraws from 2/2/1950 #4526  
e stories also appear in the local press. When Hall returns to Brookley Air 3/15/1950 #4643  
icer Maj. DeWitt Searles tells the press that all UFO cases are the result  3/31/1950 #4777  
           US Caltech Presidential press secretary Charlie Ross states that 4/4/1950 #4792  
 Russell Jr. (D-Ga.) states to the press that he is “completely baffled” by 4/5/1950 #4799  
utive Eddie Rickenbacker tells the press that if flying saucers “do exist,  6/12/1950 #4983  
 is how it turns up in the Western press and explains a confusion in the da 6/17/1950 #4991  
 and Development Board, convenes a press briefing at the Pentagon and annou 2/13/1951 #5441  
Massachusetts tells the Associated Press that he thinks UFOs are not “just  2/25/1951 #5458  
y O. Mirarchi tells the Associated Press that Urner Liddel and ONR are purp 2/27/1951 #5465  
ch puts them out on the Associated Press wire. ATIC examines the photos and 8/30/1951 #5638  
nd as far away as Wyoming. (United Press) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)  11/10/1951 #5774  
wn stepped down in 1957 and gave a press conference stating UAP were neithe 1952 #5843  
Force Secretary Finletter issues a press release about his May UFO briefing 6/4/1952 #6438  
hio Capt. Edward Ruppelt tells the press in Dayton, Ohio, that ground radar 7/18/1952 #6896  
         River Edge, NJ Associated Press reporter Saul Pett about midnight  7/19/1952 #6922  
 in Washington” before telling the press that such reports are sent to the  7/21/1952 #6982  
S government, representatives, and press concerning the recently announced  7/24/1952 #7091  
port was carried by the Associated Press wire service.                      7/24/1952 #7116  
ed at the airport with Al Chop, AF Press Officer, just in time to see the U 7/26/1952 #7140  
at the Air Force does not want the press around when they finally get a goo 7/26/1952 #7174  
gain, the objects speed away. USAF press spokesman Albert M. Chop is in the 7/26/1952 #7174  
vies / UFO. Some frames going [to] press. USAF takes rest / 29 July.        7/28/1952 #7231  
           According to the United Press, the Air Defense Command has alert 7/28/1952 #7263  
s to confirm this, but USAF Deputy Press Officer Lt. Col. Moncel A. Monts s 7/28/1952 #7263  
d flying objects, described by the Press as ‘flying saucers,’ were the subj 7/28/1952 #7267  
ton DC USAF Gen. Samford holds UFO press conference                         7/29/1952 #7272  
orce holds its largest and longest press conference since the end of World  7/29/1952 #7328  
    Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg tells the press that, although he does not believe 7/30/1952 #7363  
 CIA interest or concern reach the press or public.”                        8/1/1952 #7386  
 CIA interest or concern reach the press or public.”                        8/1/1952 #7409  
kesman for Andrews radar tells the press that “no radar sightings were made 8/5/1952 #7470  
 It has made a study of the Soviet press that shows “not one report or comm 8/19/1952 #7648  
ews mentions of UFOs in the Soviet press during the past two years.         8/22/1952 #7681  
es footage from the July 29, 1952, press conference given by Air Force Maj. 8/23/1952 #7693  
 Signed, Albert M. Chop, Air Force Press Desk.                              1/26/1953 #8569  
        Henry Holt & Co. Air Force Press Officer Albert M. Chop writes a le 1/26/1953 #8574  
Washington, Ruppelt hears that the press has heard rumors about the Utah fi 1/29/1953 #8613  
tah Pentagon Al Chop has written a press release on the Utah film with the  2/9/1953 #8653  
t sources) analyses, otherwise the press might suspect a cover-up. The rele 2/9/1953 #8653  
 M. Chop claims the CIA “killed” a press release written up on a UAP filmed 2/9/1953 #8656  
                 Pentagon Pentagon press officer Albert M. Chop writes to M 2/25/1953 #8703  
, the science editor of the United Press wire service, and a UP executive e 12/29/1953 #9406  
m Wright-Patterson AFB. [Cleveland Press]                                   1/6/1954 #9454  
erson AFB, Ohio Utah The Cleveland Press runs the headline “Brass Curtain H 1/6/1954 #9456  
s are soon debated publicly in the press and Congress. The Air Force begins 2/15/1954 #9548  
he incident is not reported in the press, and rumors start buzzing that he  2/20/1954 #9560  
f the sightings. [Quoted by United Press; Amarillo, Texas].                 5/15/1954 #9798  
 John O’Mara and demands that ATIC press legal action against contactees Tr 6/7/1954 #9872  
s radio broadcast, generating more press calls to ATIC. Capt. Charles A. Ha 6/12/1954? #9896  
cs, which were not reported to the press. It also mentions that Aviation We 8/1/1954 #10086  
troit, Michigan, send out a 7-page press release announcing that a geologic 8/20/1954 #10156  
       The US Air Force releases a press statement saying that after studyi 10/9/1954 #10852  
at deal of national excitement and press coverage.                          10/17/1954 #11183  
hivered the rest of the night. The press reported that Pugina remained in b 10/18/1954 #11225  
er Rome, Italy, seen by Associated Press reporter Maurizio Andreolo and US  10/28/1954 #11465  
    TAORMINA, SICILY Famous United Press International photograph / 2 white 11/19/1954 #11669  
 Caratinga shuts down from all the press inquiries, and soon the Brazilian  11/22/1954 #11690  
             Asked about UFOs at a press conference, Eisenhower says that i 12/15/1954 #11816  
ther place.” Immediately after the press conference, Eisenhower asks for a  12/15/1954 #11816  
ation inventor Bill Lear, during a press conference in Bogotá, Colombia, st 2/2/1955 #11967  
        Pentagon Colorado Pentagon press officer Capt. Robert White writes  Early 4/1955 #12079  
t delegate Leonid I. Sedov calls a press conference and announces that Russ 8/2/1955 #12324  
sperson denies the incident to the press and claims to know nothing about S 8/23/1955 #12399  
ry of Blue Book report released to press; linked with statement that Air Fo 10/25/1955 #12518  
own to 100. It is accompanied by a press release in which Secretary of the  10/25/1955 #12519  
me person. Gray Barker’s Saucerian Press publishes the Varo edition in July 4/1956 #12777  
fect. It affects all USAF official press releases, statements to Congress a 5/1/1956 #12823  
date and after, affecting all USAF press releases, statements to Congress a 5/1/1956 #12825  
nformation officer to Pentagon UFO press spokesman. The film uses only one  5/3/1956 #12828  
                                 A press leak from the Air Force Associatio 8/3/1956 #13050  
s director, and Fahrney convenes a press conference in which he announces t 1/14/1957 #13455  
Charles Wesley Shilling releases a press statement saying that “excessively 3/28/1957 #13566  
f Air Force information, tells the press that “There’s no valid evidence th Early 4/1957 #13576  
rglades, Florida, by an Associated Press employee who is a “former Signal C 5/1957 #13629  
s, FL. The source is an Associated Press employee and “former Signal Corps  5/1957 #13633  
n AFB near Dayton, Ohio, tells the press that of 5,700 UFO reports received 11/8/1957 #14488  
t as a result of pressure from the press and public, “Assistant Secretary o 12/4/1957 #14669  
bmit a preliminary analysis to the press” of the Levelland, Texas, cases, e 12/4/1957 #14669  
 on a round trip to the Moon. Some press accounts treat Carr as if he is a  2/3/1958 #14870  
amogordo, New Mexico An Associated Press writer in Alamogordo, New Mexico,  7/29/1958 #15158  
 issues a denial to the Associated Press about his “extraterrestrial” state 8/9/1958 #15186  
orce Base California NASA issues a press release saying a weather research  5/5/1960 #16256  
ence Cannon (D-Mo.) reveals to the press that the U-2 is a CIA plane engage 5/10/1960 #16261  
r the aegis” of the president. The press begins to suggest that Eisenhower  5/10/1960 #16261  
esidency of the United States at a press conference at the Los Angeles Bilt 8/9/1960 #16366  
    Moscow, Russia Fort Bliss In a press conference in Moscow, Russia, Mini 1/12/1961 #16577  
                            A USAF press release proclaims that “not even a 1/19/1961 #16581  
k and move up and down. A Portland Press Herald editorial, February 9, says 2/5/1961 #16596  
in fear of being laughed at by the press, scientific colleagues, and the Am 7/11/1961 #16760  
9-62). In the future it will issue press releases.                          2/6/1962 #17036  
o a colleague, the police, and the press, and soon loses his job.           12/18/1962 #17593  
going south. Huge globe Associated Press (AP.)                              5/28/1963 #17767  
resident Lyndon B. Johnson holds a press conference to announce that the US 2/29/1964 #18140  
on the UFOs. Official statement to press: the (single) blip was caused by f 12/19/1964 #18660  
 single UFO report is genuine. His press conference display includes false  2/11/1965 #18810  
lue Book puts out an official USAF press release declaring the majority of  8/2/1965 #19264  
ssachusetts The Air Force issues a press release that gives two basic expla 10/27/1965 #19684  
Luminous hoops maneuver in sky. No press coverage.                          12/8/1965 #19756  
erally assumed and reported by the press to be a meteor after authorities d 12/9/1965 #19762  
ple for about an hour. (Associated Press story, few details.) (NICAP: 02 -  3/25/1966 #20077  
s quick answers, so he schedules a press conference at Selfridge AFB [now S 3/25/1966 #20080  
der Gerald Ford (R-Mich.) issues a press release proposing that Congress in 3/25/1966 #20081  
                          US NICAP press conference at National Press Club. 3/28/1966 #20115  
NICAP press conference at National Press Club.                              3/28/1966 #20115  
inutes later. (NICAP notes; United Press International story.) (NICAP: 02 - 3/30/1966 #20156  
LIFE magazine: In a hastily called press conference, the USAF spokesman J.  4/1/1966 #20189  
 jet fighter plane." (Brief United Press International story.) (NICAP: 02 - 4/3/1966 #20211  
ylvania Quintanilla announces in a press release that the Portage County, O 4/22/1966 #20373  
US Dr. J. A. Hynek released to the press a letter rejected by Science magaz 8/27/1966 #20815  
             Hynek releases to the press a letter rejected by Science magaz 8/27/1966 #20816  
                  Condon tells the press that he knows “some people [McDona 11/5/1966 #21077  
 Sheriff George E. Johnson holds a press conference to discuss the sighting 11/15/1966 #21107  
rence to discuss the sighting, the press begins calling the creature “Mothm 11/15/1966 #21107  
de the two photos available to the press. Later found to be a hoax. (NICAP: 2/1967 #21426  
ngey-colored object." (London Free Press, Ontario, 2/27/67, copy in NICAP f 2/24/1967 #21639  
 green (body lights). (London Free Press (Ontario) 2/27/67, copy in NICAP f 2/26/1967 #21658  
ff. (Washington Star, D.C. (United Press International), 4/2/67; Flying Sau 3/31/1967 #22020  
vanished suddenly. (Escanaba Daily Press, Mich., 4/6/67, copy in NICAP file 4/5/1967 #22061  
rado The Colorado project issues a press release calling for photos of UFOs 5/1/1967 #22261  
d radioactive soil. (Winnipeg Free Press, Manitoba, 7/21/67, copy in NICAP  5/31/1967 #22429  
r about 15 seconds. (Winnipeg Free Press, Manitoba, 6/29/67, copy in NICAP  6/5/1967 #22463  
copy in NICAP files; Winnipeg Free Press 6/7/67 with date of sighting indic 6/5/1967 #22463  
om the witnesses. (Burlington Free Press, Vt., 7/14/67, copy in NICAP files 7/12/1967 #22653  
ascended and disappeared. (Pontiac Press, Mich., 7/14/67, copy in NICAP fil 7/12/1967 #22654  
 attention to the objects. (DeSoto Press Times, 9/25/67, NICAP files.) (NIC 9/1967 #22969  
 from the object, and according to press acounts the witness claimed to hav 9/2/1967 #22985  
orse named "Lady", but misnamed in press reports as "Snippy", was discovere 9/15/1967 #23070  
d the witnesses' car. (London Free Press, Ontario, 10/12/67, copy in NICAP  10/1967 #23154  
correlation). (London Evening Free Press,Ontario, 10/16/67, copy in NICAP f 10/10/1967 #23202  
ctates the story to the Associated Press, but it is never published. The Lo 10/10/1967 #23204  
                     Low tells the press Fuller has quoted him out of conte 4/29/1968 #23930  
epartment of Defense transcript of press conference in Illinois, October 16 Summer 1968 #24063  
        The Spanish Air Ministry’s press office issues a release inviting c 12/26/1968 #24792  
                     Washington US Press conference at National Press Club. 1/11/1969 #24833  
on US Press conference at National Press Club. Donald Keyhoe, NICAP directo 1/11/1969 #24833  
                          National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Keyhoe, S 1/11/1969 #24834  
hoe, Saunders, and McDonald hold a press conference at the National Press C 1/11/1969 #24834  
a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to criti 1/11/1969 #24834  
I do not believe in freedom of the press or freedom of speech. In my view,  4/26/1969 #25094  
information on UFO activity to any press, radio, or television reporter or  7/1969 #25241  
tter of national security, and all press releases will be made by the Brazi 7/1969 #25241  
ickly leaks to the local radio and press.                                   9/4/1969 #25351  
ors of science. Cornell University Press publishes the proceedings, UFOs—A  12/26/1969 #25509  
ver Paul Vandine farm. / Bloomburg Press 8.9.73.                            9/6/1973 #27772  
 over Belle Meade Ave. / News-Free Press 19.9.73.                           9/19/1973 #27832  
ndrical object hovers. / News Free Press 19.09.73.                          9/19/1973 #27833  
 Keesler AFB in Biloxi Mississippi Press Register Jackson County Sheriff's  10/11/1973 #27997  
 to the offices of the Mississippi Press Register a few blocks away, but it 10/11/1973 #27997  
 35 minute(s). / r181p21+Cleveland Press.                                   10/15/1973 #28040  
hartrain and going up. / Cleveland Press 17.10.73.                          10/16/1973 #28062  
w lights area. Going up. / Madison Press 17.10.73.                          10/16/1973 #28067  
              Illinois Pleiku At a press conference in Illinois, USAF Chief 10/16/1973 #28084  
e over Berkshire road. / Cleveland Press 19.10.73.                          10/18/1973 #28150  
going quickly [to] fast. / Oakland Press 29.11.73.                          10/24/1973 #28257  
len Hynek of CUFOS in Chicago in a press conference if official word was ma 1974 #28633  
w Orleans States- Item, Associated Press story, Aug, 13, 1974.) (NICAP: 02  8/13/1974 #29340  
ble Ron Morier, quoted by Canadian Press, says: “Something was there and I  9/1/1974 #29417  
er. (Source: London [Ontario] Free Press, January 10, 1975). (NICAP: 03 - E 1/10/1975 #29738  
 making a low whirring noise. (The Press, Atlantic City, NJ, Jan. 21, 1976. 1/19/1976 #30801  
fter a brief report appears in the press, the RCMP orders Toffan not to dis 4/22/1976 #31009  
os Roncoroni begins publishing UFO Press in Buenos Aires, Argentina, until  10/1976 #31440  
Washington White House White House Press Secretary Jody Powell states in th 4/18/1977 #31993  
            White House NASA Frank Press, director of the Office of Science 7/21/1977 #32297  
see if there are any new findings. Press also suggests that NASA become the 7/21/1977 #32297  
 to discuss what to do about Frank Press’s recommendation. The group decide 8/3/1977 #32352  
or Robert Frosch responds to Frank Press, saying that he is “inclined to ag 9/6/1977 #32463  
                                   Press again asks Frosch for help with Ca 9/14/1977 #32480  
. Frosch sends a response to Frank Press at OSTP, saying that NASA would be 12/21/1977 #32802  
                     A White House press release states that it accepts NAS 12/27/1977 #32813  
med saucer / 02 December. / United Press International.                     11/23/1978 #33987  
el telling them not to talk to the press in case they had seen anything.    5/1980 #35296  
shows the letter to the Associated Press, which contacts Schweitzer, who sa 9/28/1981 #36143  
The Public Deceived for Prometheus Press, claiming that all significant gov 1983 #36737  
ocomotive he feels a strange force press him against the train. He cannot m 2/1985 #37552  
Lima made these events public at a press conference and allowed the pilots  5/19/1986 #37874  
Lima, makes the events public at a press conference and allows the pilots a 5/19/1986 #37881  
a) in March and shares it with the press, adamantly refusing to say who sen 5/31/1987 #38180  
ndera, and Stanton Friedman hold a press conference on the MJ-12 briefing d 6/11/1987 #38189  
 J. Daniel Howard holds a Pentagon press conference and reveals the existen 11/10/1988 #38710  
any separate sightings. Associated Press (AP). / r96#302.                   2/10/1989 #38829  
Steven Schiff (D-N.Mex.) tells the press that he has been stonewalled by th 1/12/1994 #41370  
                      NASA holds a press conference declaring “Life on Mars 8/7/1996 #42971  
rizona Gov. Fife Symington calls a press conference, stating that “they fou 6/19/1997 #43331  
elease engenders a mostly positive press response, but with little effect o 11/28/1997 #43451  
etween 1998 and 2015. A university press release states the DODIG disabled  12/3/1999 #43892  
nia Phoenix, Arizona In a campaign press conference in Stockton, California 3/1/2000 #43959  
FO confidentiality at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The press 5/9/2001 #44182  
Press Club in Washington, D.C. The press conference is initiated by Steven  5/9/2001 #44182  
nt UFO secrecy. The purpose of the press conference is to build public pres 5/9/2001 #44182  
Candlish testifies at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. that grav 5/9/2001 #44183  
over? Cameron referenced UFOs in a press release in 2004. Haisch has refere 5/2002 #44335  
 report is picked up by the French press.                                   11/2002 #44427  
             Turkey US The Turkish press announces that Turkey’s National I 6/2003 #44551  
plications and references UAP in a press release. Founder Jeff Cameron stat 3/2004 #44671  
en. Gerardo Clemente Vega issues a press release on May 12 accompanied by v 3/5/2004 #44672  
  Arizona Washington D.C. National Press Club A press conference, moderated 11/12/2007 #45093  
hington D.C. National Press Club A press conference, moderated by former Ar 11/12/2007 #45093  
Symington, is held at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. Nineteen f 11/12/2007 #45093  
uary 23, the Air Force admits in a press release that there indeed were 10  1/8/2008 #45112  
is again, who now merely reads the press statement and is not helpful. In F 1/8/2008 #45112  
         Washington, D.C. National Press Club Researcher Robert Hastings or 9/27/2010 #45298  
ganizes a briefing at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., that bri 9/27/2010 #45298  
and Russian bases. At the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., they sta 9/27/2010 #45299  
s/   https://youtu.be/SULJf2-XnuE (press briefing)   https://www.ufohasting 9/27/2010 #45299  
. Capt. Moriano Mohaupt, Air Force press spokesman, says that the commissio 5/6/2011 #45323  
         Washington, D.C. National Press Club Stephen Bassett’s Paradigm Re 4/29/2013 #45366  
ring on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Forty UFO 4/29/2013 #45366  
is doing some trout fishing.) At a press conference later in the month, the 10/16/2014 #45417  
ng aid. In October, the Associated Press releases what it says is a recordi 8/2017 #45477  
etween 1998 and 2015. A university press release states the DODIG disabled  12/11/2017 #45492  
       Havana, Cuba The Associated Press reports that a non-public FBI repo 1/8/2018 #45501  
a and release it to the Associated Press. They conclude that the sound is c 1/4/2019 #45555  
ts existence later in the fall and press then-Secretary of State Mike Pompe 8/2020 #45657  
 Minister Taro Kono announces at a press conference that members of the Sel 9/15/2020 #45661  
ences the CDC report leaked to the press in December.                       1/15/2021 #45673  
Calvine, Scotland. Clarke suggests press at the time were subject to a “D-N 8/12/2022 #45762  
lso on this last file. There was a Press ‘D’ Notice issued at the time.”  h 8/12/2022 #45762  
etc. and they tell the public in a press conference that to this point they 12/17/2022 #45786  
## Word: "press-release" (Back to Top)
training/trade-associations-events/press-release/10812907/john-l-petersen-e 11/2/1993 #41259  
## Word: "press-releases" (Back to Top)
 https://gallagher.house.gov/media/press-releases/gallagher-presses-dod-uap 5/17/2022 #45751  
## Word: "press-scimitar" (Back to Top)
d left at terrific speed. (Memphis Press-Scimitar, 3/4/67, copy in NICAP fi 2/28/1967 #21682  
ghting (animal reaction). (Memphis Press-Scimitar, Tenn., 3/4/67, copy in N 3/2/1967 #21723  
more lights (rendezvous). (Memphis Press-Scimitar, 3/4/67, copy in NICAP fi 3/2/1967 #21725  
## Word: "pressac" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / PRESSAC, FR 2 / car. Extremely bright si 3/16/1995 #42107  
## Word: "presse" (Back to Top)
         Oued Beth, Morocco. Maroc Presse reported that one of its employee 11/3/1954 #11548  
rcel Laroche, a journalist from La Presse, takes some photos. The object di 11/7/1990 #39881  
all wave. 13 sightings / 4 days. / Presse du Manche.                        12/30/1994 #41913  
n here also. No further details. / Presse du Manche.                        12/31/1994 #41920  
## Word: "pressed" (Back to Top)
owish-white light like two saucers pressed together. It approaches his posi 9/1929 #1103  
lls a lever in the cage that, when pressed, activates the stimoceiver in th 1952 #5837  
Clark and finds an “oblong ring of pressed grass” 24 feet by 4.5 feet. In t 11/6/1957 #14422  
gh grass around the dog's body was pressed flat in a perfect circle 20 feet 11/20/1966 #21129  
fternoon two men dressed in neatly pressed, apparently new dark coveralls,  1/29/1968 #23708  
landing site was found a circle of pressed down grass.                      8/31/1968 #24409  
grass, weeds, and bushes have been pressed down.                            Late 9/1968 #24511  
 at Greenhill sees a hairless face pressed up against his kitchen window. I 4/2/1971 #26064  
, but he was of giant stature. She pressed hard on the accelerator and saw  3/7/1972 #26590  
 be walking on air. Next the being pressed some buttons on his belt apparat 11/28/1972 #27150  
ackdoor, and looking up at the sky pressed other buttons on his belt. The b 11/28/1972 #27150  
 small flat noses. Their ears were pressed back against the side of their h 10/3/1973 #27926  
lent. Panic-stricken Mrs. Versacci pressed her face to the windscreen strug 10/16/1973 #28089  
then started again when the driver pressed the pedal.                       6/23/1977 #32186  
 with no obvious nose appeared and pressed a metallic object against his fo 10/3/1978 #33797  
nes on the road, as if someone has pressed on a switch, the normal light re 11/22/1978 #33980  
 in which the grass appears black, pressed, and whirled in a counterclockwi 11/24/1978 #33995  
t looks like two “reversed saucers pressed against each other,” gray-metal  12/9/1979 #35062  
 entered, held her by her arms and pressed her down on the table. A third b 2/10/1981 #35823  
ragging, even with the accelerator pressed to the floor. The object keeps t 7/19/1981 #36020  
bling a silver staple gun that was pressed against her neck. Another witnes 3/6/1996 #42809  
d Belgium in the early 1990s. When pressed, Gordon was flustered and denied Late 1990's #43480  
## Word: "presses" (Back to Top)
ouse of Commons MP George Chetwynd presses further questions in the UK Hous 7/30/1958 #15163  
ts goes to her daughter’s bed. She presses the light switch, and the lights 8/1959 #15889  
## Word: "pressing" (Back to Top)
 he feels as if something heavy is pressing on his head; two weeks later, s 5/22/1979 #34574  
## Word: "pressure" (Back to Top)
ng of a turbine and feels heat and pressure. The object passes over him at  9/1929 #1103  
The bomber starts shaking, the oil pressure rises, and Surikov feels a stro 1944 #1559  
amjet air intakes designed to take pressure measurements. The missile trave 5/29/1947 #2301  
 yet formally organized, are under pressure to come up with some kind of an 1/7/1948 #3544  
the ground showed signs of extreme pressure.                                8/11/1948 #3778  
the ground showed signs of extreme pressure.                                8/11/1948 #3779  
nopy that results in a loss of air pressure. He manages to land on the bank 5/6/1949 #4158  
d on December 12. Apparently under pressure from the Air Force, which is se 12/22/1952 #8442  
 heat but clams up under Air Force pressure. The official investigation con 7/2/1954 #9984  
 car, apparently exerting a strong pressure and slowing it to a stop 5 m aw 11/1957 #14181  
gory complains that as a result of pressure from the press and public, “Ass 12/4/1957 #14669  
understands that he might be under pressure from the Air Force.             7/17/1958 #15148  
og over man walking. Big noise and pressure etc.                            3/28/1965 #18877  
e, and he felt a heavy atmospheric pressure as a result of the object's pre 3/28/1965 #18878  
erta, Canada four rings created by pressure from a heavy force or object we 8/5/1967 #22817  
ed disc hovered ahead, driver felt pressure on eardrums. Flying Saucer Revi 10/25/1967 #23316  
ro-magnetic effects). Driver feels pressure / shoulders. 30' saucer overhea 11/8/1967 #23419  
, CA Red-orange disc, witness felt pressure on head and shoulders. Gillmor, 11/8/1967 #23423  
 radio goes out. He feels a strong pressure on his head and shoulders. He t 11/8/1967 #23425  
       Britain Through unrelenting pressure by British ufologist Julian J.  11/8/1967 #23427  
s remaining UFO documents. Further pressure to retain files comes in 1970 f 11/8/1967 #23427  
 and one of the six witnesses felt pressure on his eardrums.                5/29/1968 #23994  
lt a sensation of high atmospheric pressure. When the beams vanished, the d 9/20/1971 #26356  
probed with needles, given a blood pressure test and a gynecological exam.  10/16/1973 #28093  
 and produced by a heavy weight or pressure.                                3/22/1975 #29916  
using her pain in her mouth. Also, pressure on her shoulders knocked her do 1/23/1976 #30817  
 car engine failed, lights dimmed. Pressure, tingling sensation felt, physi 3/9/1977 #31884  
esees problems with workload, peer pressure, and prejudgment—an enormous ex 10/31/1977 #32643  
a flashlight at the object and the pressure went away. He next states he se 11/1977 #32648  
t. Cardenas began feeling a strong pressure in his chest and at this point  1/3/1979 #34292  
 the reactor and causing the steam pressure release. No one is harmed by th 3/28/1979 #34493  
th feel strange sensations of both pressure and floating as this occurs. Th 8/12/1979 #34740  
allons of water in the tank and no pressure. At 2:10 p.m. he saw a bright o 6/12/1981 #35967  
lve, which now showed 55 pounds of pressure on the gauge. He opened the val 6/12/1981 #35967  
vibration and a sensation of heavy pressure, witnessed a blurred silvery sh 10/8/1981 #36169  
FR 2 observer(s). Silent "inverted pressure cooker" fires rays and red jets 1/23/1983 #36752  
of cold and increasing atmospheric pressure, heard buzzing, and saw a small 8/1/1983 #36930  
 which caused her to feel a strong pressure inside her head. She was eventu 5/18/1993 #40984  
ntal noises cease. They felt heavy pressure, like a static charge in the ai 7/15/1995 #42304  
ress conference is to build public pressure through the media to obtain a h 5/9/2001 #44182  
ne of silence and exerts a zone of pressure directly below it, causing the  4/2003 #44508  
the man fainted due to the intense pressure he was feeling, like a G-force  4/25/2007 #45023  
n. Some of them experience it as a pressure or a vibration; or as a sensati 8/2017 #45477  
 (abnormal sensations of sound and pressure) in April that are similar to t 5/23/2018 #45527  
ail accelerated by solar radiation pressure in an effort to help explain th 10/26/2018 #45541  
 is facing the window. The intense pressure in her head is accompanied by a 8/2019 #45603  
luding strange sensations of pain, pressure, and sound that often appear to 8/2020 #45657  
lude “the acute onset of… sound or pressure in only one ear or on one side  2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "pressured" (Back to Top)
, and that Rep. McCormack has been pressured by NICAP to hold hearings. Hin Mid 8/1961 #16794  
## Word: "pressurized" (Back to Top)
che claims mercury-based plasma is pressurized, heated and rotated to creat 1998 #43481  
## Word: "prestatyn" (Back to Top)
            WREXHAM AND RUABON AND PRESTATYN AND COLWYN BAY, WALES All repo 9/1/1978 #33620  
                                   PRESTATYN, WALES 2+3 kids. 3 saucers / s 1/22/1986 #37767  
stacked vertically, were seen over Prestatyn, Clwyd, Wales at 9:00 p.m. The 1/22/1986 #37768  
## Word: "prestes" (Back to Top)
Santana di Parnaíba 6:00 p.m. João Prestes is returning on foot from a fish 3/5/1946 #1973  
 be burned but not charred or red. Prestes dies on the way to a hospital in 3/5/1946 #1973  
                          Sr. Joao Prestes Filho, age 40, had anticipated a 3/5/1946 #1974  
## Word: "prestfoss" (Back to Top)
                                   PRESTFOSS, NORW 2+1 observer(s). Saucer  11/1/1977 #32649  
## Word: "prestige" (Back to Top)
be prejudicial to the interests or prestige of the Nation or any Government 8/9/1947 #3308  
edding in particular, his role and prestige are never the same. After a few 1/1949 #3950  
## Word: "preston" (Back to Top)
                                   PRESTON, ON 1 observer. Fiery red disk ' 7/6/1947 #2796  
                                   Preston Street and Bickels Lane in Louis 7/7/1947 #2942  
s photographer Al Hixenbaugh is at Preston Street and Bickels Lane in Louis 7/7/1947 #2942  
land, and Garrett County, Maryland Preston County, Morgantown, Fairmont, Wh 9/12/1952 #7905  
and, and Garrett County, Maryland; Preston County, Morgantown, Fairmont, Wh 9/12/1952 #7905  
                                   PRESTON, LANCASHIRE Flying saucer flies  3/17/1954 #9625  
                                   PRESTON, ON Bright fiery circular object 8/14/1957 #13891  
                                In Preston, Waterloo county, Ontario at 10: 8/14/1957 #13895  
 Marion, Virginia Evening. Rev. H. Preston Robinson and others in Marion, V 1/26/1965 #18768  
                                   PRESTON, MD 4 kids / car. Silent 18M pin 12/1/1966 #21174  
                            Author Preston Nichols claims he begins working 1/1971 #25962  
      Alleged AIL-Eaton contractor Preston Nichols claims experiments in co 1/1971 #25963  
                                   PRESTON, VC, AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). La 4/8/1973 #27415  
                                   PRESTON, LANCS Cloud-cylinder/cigar-shap 10/17/1975 #30432  
                                   PRESTON CAPES, NORTHAMPS 4 women / car.  11/22/1978 #33979  
h Stowe, Northamptonshire, England Preston Capes 5:30 p.m. Elsie Oakensen i 11/22/1978 #33980  
ving through the nearby village of Preston Capes see red and green lights a 11/22/1978 #33980  
                                   PRESTON CAPES, NORTHAMPS Several observe 10/8/1986 #38040  
## Word: "prestonsburg" (Back to Top)
                                   PRESTONSBURG, KY 35 kids and more. Terri 3/15/1950 #4640  
## Word: "prestwick" (Back to Top)
                                   PRESTWICK AIRPORT/APARTMENT, SCOTLAND Si 12/3/1978 #34053  
## Word: "presumably" (Back to Top)
ir Field [now closed], New Mexico (presumably to investigate the radar repo 7/4/1947 #2668  
yt Vandenberg. The conversation is presumably about the flying discs.       7/9/1947 #3059  
dirt, indicating a seventh planet, presumably Uranus. He eludes them by pre 7/23/1947 #3218  
iverting some Marshall Plan funds, presumably for covert black ops.         8/23/1951 #5616  
nse Command in the Pentagon (which presumably will send them to AMC at Wrig 9/6/1951 #5653  
 full Intelligence study in 1951” [presumably the report by the Flying Sauc 7/28/1952 #7267  
ience Board, on Project Blue Book, presumably because he wants to find out  9/16/1957 #14001  
uddenly disappears 3 miles astern, presumably into the water. The collier,  11/20/1963 #18052  
first, until a second disc landed, presumably to lend assistance. The UFO o 11/25/1964 #18638  
through the wall of the garage and presumably outside. The photos only show 1/9/1967 #21279  
ked like a box kite without paper (presumably rectangular) with two bright  1/16/1967 #21319  
hile the second showed no legs and presumably had been retracted. The third 5/6/1967 #22287  
e witness without moving his lips, presumably by telepathy. He asked where  10/10/1967 #23205  
-like” entity with four appendages—presumably two arms and two legs—was sig 12/3/1967 #23548  
eings floated out. The beings were presumably humanoid but were not describ 3/6/1969 #24979  
to some other worldly environment, presumably the being's home planet. The  3/14/1971 #26047  
e radar operator picks up an echo, presumably a surface vessel closing in o 6/23/1975 #30117  
a twisting and turning road, which presumably required the driver's constan 1/10/1978 #32870  
AC base flyover data, nor did they presumably have access to classified NOR 2/1979 #34399  
on occurred on this night in 1989, presumably connected with the UFO phenom 4/2/1989 #38888  
ew world order” to target Clinton. Presumably the notes are made by Jones.  4/15/1993 #40934  
he inputs into his terminal and is presumably sent to NSA.  A few days late Early 1995 #41927  
nd mentioned his trip to the USSR, presumably where he obtained smuggled So 1/28/1996 #42725  
ind at two o'clock in the morning, presumably from her bedroom, but she doe 5/2/2001 #44174  
for Discovery Science (NIDSci) and presumably received the notes at a NIDSc 10/16/2002 #44418  
AATIP commissioned a study on HFGW presumably for study of its relationship 2008 #45108  
e debris in Earth orbit (and UAPs, presumably), some as small as a marble.  3/28/2020 #45642  
, DARPA, FAA, NASA, NOAA, ODNI and presumably CIA, whose name is redacted.  6/25/2021 #45695  
avis states he briefed “findings,” presumably of his own investigation, to  10/2/2021 #45714  
## Word: "presume" (Back to Top)
tify the unknown craft, which they presume is a helicopter. They make a cal 10/27/1975 #30488  
## Word: "presumed" (Back to Top)
ose e-mails rose up the story of a presumed Vatican Intelligence Agency nam 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 0KT Yiel 10/16/1964 #18586  
41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 0KT Yiel 5/14/1965 #18942  
41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 20KT Yie 5/9/1966 #20468  
own to have been seen alive; it is presumed they go directly from the bar t 8/20/1966 #20779  
40.7440 89.7750 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 3300KT   6/17/1967 #22513  
fire. During the Allied attack the presumed helicopters move down the east  6/15/1968 #24040  
 a ring given to him by someone he presumed was an extraterrestrial. The se 1/15/1969 #24849  
88.3180 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China Yield: 19.2KT   9/22/1969 #25374  
40.7220 89.5150 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 3000KT   9/29/1969 #25385  
40.5200 89.7790 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 3400KT   10/14/1970 #25879  
41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 20KT     11/18/1971 #26474  
a field a mile from road that they presumed was the landing site. However,  4/30/1973 #27457  
40.7985 89.8091 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 3000KT   6/27/1973 #27588  
states that sightings of what were presumed to be enemy helicopters during  10/16/1973 #28084  
40.5180 89.6190 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 1000KT   6/17/1974 #29206  
 binoculars. 4 red lights / edge / presumed disk. "Searching" / woods.      10/11/1974 #29518  
ights around the rim at 8:30 p.m., presumed to be disc shaped. The object m 10/11/1974 #29524  
88.3260 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China Yield: 2.5KT    10/27/1975 #30485  
41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China                 9/26/1976 #31430  
88.3700 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China Yield: 2.6KT    10/17/1976 #31473  
40.6960 89.6270 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 4000KT   11/17/1976 #31555  
88.7220 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China Yield: 3.4KT    10/14/1978 #33833  
rcraft… (end of transmission…pilot presumed dead).                          10/21/1978 #33848  
to determine the cause, but it is “presumed fatal” for Valentich. In 1983,  10/21/1978 #33856  
88.5000 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China                 9/13/1979 #34871  
eady lights, which the flight crew presumed were windows. (NICAP: 11 - Avia 9/22/1980 #35527  
eady lights, which the flight crew presumed were windows. The distance betw 9/22/1980 #35529  
40.7190 89.6510 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 1000KT   10/16/1980 #35572  
88.5000 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China                 10/5/1982 #36635  
88.3680 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China Yield: 1KT      5/4/1983 #36853  
88.7200 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China                 10/6/1983 #36999  
88.7300 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China                 10/3/1984 #37475  
88.4250 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China Yield: 1.3KT    12/19/1984 #37528  
88.7130 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China Yield: 250KT    6/5/1987 #38185  
88.3800 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China Yield: 2.5KT    9/29/1988 #38656  
88.7010 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China Yield: 11.5KT   5/26/1990 #39593  
88.7390 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China Yield: 189KT    8/16/1990 #39690  
88.7740 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China Yield: 650KT    5/21/1992 #40467  
88.3360 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China Yield: 8KT      9/25/1992 #40641  
88.6950 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China                 10/5/1993 #41218  
88.7100 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China                 6/10/1994 #41564  
88.7500 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China                 10/7/1994 #41792  
88.8200 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China                 5/15/1995 #42210  
88.8000 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China                 8/17/1995 #42395  
38.8400 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: France                9/5/1995 #42443  
38.7400 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: France                10/1/1995 #42528  
38.9800 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: France                10/27/1995 #42565  
39.0300 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: France                11/21/1995 #42617  
38.9700 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: France                12/27/1995 #42649  
38.8200 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: France                1/27/1996 #42717  
88.6900 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China                 6/8/1996 #42927  
88.4200 Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China                 7/29/1996 #42966  
were taller than normal humans and presumed to be extraterrestrial in origi 5/7/2003 #44528  
 the sighting. The first object is presumed to have been near the Casquets, 4/23/2007 #45022  
## Word: "presumes" (Back to Top)
official-looking men visit him. He presumes they are Air Force intelligence Late 11/1961 #16978  
eady lights, which the flight crew presumes are windows. The distance betwe 9/22/1980 #35528  
azy pie-shaped hazy room, where he presumes he was given a medical examinat 5/1/1988 #38551  
## Word: "presuming" (Back to Top)
 why they were not going anywhere (presuming she would be abducted). She re 10/26/1999 #43866  
## Word: "pretend" (Back to Top)
e been in Oklahoma since February, pretend to attempt the launch of their O 4/19/1959 #15708  
## Word: "pretending" (Back to Top)
esumably Uranus. He eludes them by pretending to look for his wife and goes 7/23/1947 #3218  
, and finally “Falcon” (or someone pretending to be him) and “Condor” (iden 10/14/1988 #38674  
## Word: "preterhuman" (Back to Top)
300100006-5/mode/2up   https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/governmentinformat 1979 #34262  
g to rumors he heard.  https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/alien.ufo/Sarbache 11/29/1983 #37058  
s under cover of SDI.  https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/alien.ufo/UFOBBS/1 12/29/1987 #38379  
## Word: "pretext" (Back to Top)
 any political organization on the pretext of checking for Communists, incl 8/1956 #13042  
ired RADM Sumner Shapiro under the pretext he is interested in working with 10/1989 #39139  
## Word: "preto" (Back to Top)
                              OURO PRETO, BRZ Photographs / saucer. 2 objec 4/10/1969 #25053  
t Marco Antonio von Kruger in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais state, Brazil notice 4/10/1969 #25055  
                 SOUTH JOSE DO RIO PRETO, BRZ Many observer(s). 15' silver  6/4/1969 (approximate) #25196  
s over the town of Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil. It emitted blue and orang 6/4/1969 #25200  
                              OURO PRETO, BRAZIL 50cm disk found / kitchen. 12/29/1970 #25955  
                   Sao Jose Do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2:00 a.m. saw a 5/27/1973 #27532  
                   São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil 2:00 a.m. A Mrs 5/27/1973 #27533  
ake at her home in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. Through her ba 5/27/1973 #27533  
                   Sao Jose Do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil - Geni Lisboa w 5/27/1973 #27535  
                 SOUTH JOSE DO RIO PRETO, BRZ 4 observer(s). Animals run. 2 12/18/1980 #35726  
night on a farm in Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil, four men and women watche 12/18/1980 #35729  
## Word: "pretore" (Back to Top)
                                   Pretore, Ascoli Piceno, Italy Artist and 5/9/1993 #40971  
 a humanoid alien near his home in Pretore, Ascoli Piceno, Italy. He takes  5/9/1993 #40971  
## Word: "pretoria" (Back to Top)
                                   PRETORIA, RSA Several / courthouse. Sauc 9/21/1956 #13230  
                  JOHANNESBURG AND PRETORIA, RSA 2 saucers maneuver. Jet ch 11/1/1957 #14186  
Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa Pretoria 9:15 a.m. More than 50 workers  11/1/1957 #14189  
ie-Watson, from an ACF squadron at Pretoria. They move off at great speed.  11/1/1957 #14189  
                                   Pretoria, South Africa Edgar Sievers beg 4/1958 #14954  
mski newsletter titled Approach in Pretoria, South Africa. It folds in Marc 4/1958 #14954  
                                   Pretoria, South Africa NICAP Report #(?) 9/16/1965 #19569  
a, South Africa NICAP Report #(?): Pretoria, S. Africa: Constables John Loc 9/16/1965 #19569  
J.B. Brits, District Commandant of Pretoria North said the incident was “hi 9/16/1965 #19569  
                                   Pretoria, S. Africa Saucer Blasts Off Fr 9/16/1965 #19572  
                                   Pretoria, South Africa Constables in pol 9/16/1965 #19573  
. B. Brits, district commandant of Pretoria North, tells the media that the 9/16/1965 #19574  
                                   Pretoria, South Africa. Two police offic 9/16/1965 #19575  
                                   PRETORIA, RSA 2 hear "whoosh". 1 sees cl 10/20/1970 #25883  
## Word: "pretoria-" (Back to Top)
oos de Klerk are patrolling on the Pretoria- Bronkhorstspruit highway in So 9/16/1965 #19574  
## Word: "pretoria-bronkhorstspruit" (Back to Top)
 de Klerk, were on a patrol of the Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit Road when thei 9/15/1965 #19566  
os de Klerk, were on patrol on the Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit Road in Silver 9/15/1965 #19567  
                                   Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit highway South  9/16/1965 #19574  
## Word: "pretty" (Back to Top)
, fluttering along in a string and pretty soon they vanished toward the nor 6/23/1947 #2368  
en, Germany Army Lt. Col. Harry H. Pretty in Berlin writes a memo to the De 12/16/1947 #3503  
            Army Lt. Col. Harry H. Pretty writes to the Dep. Dir. of Intell 12/16/1947 #3504  
 duplicate their performance, it’s pretty certain they didn’t originate on  9/15/1950 #5177  
     US El Paso US scientists are “pretty shook up” about the recent UFO si 11/6/1957 #14423  
ss.) writes to Keyhoe that “it was pretty well established by some, in our  11/4/1960 #16494  
tion for some time. We think it is pretty big. It appears to be shining bri 6/19/1961 #16732  
in what resembled white coveralls, pretty close to the object on the northw 4/24/1964 #18200  
d a half hours that was doing some pretty good stunts. (Ridge, NICAP files) 2/2/1967 #21440  
r. The staff at the Air Force Base pretty much ignored these lights on the  1968 #23622  
mostly, and was described as "very pretty." After landing it made an abrupt 1/29/1969 #24877  
 would make people see that it is “pretty disturbing.”                      2/21/1974 #28787  
 he completes on November 13. It’s pretty clear that the mysterious radar b 10/5/1996 #43056  
 Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch is “getting pretty close” to what is going on, and a 4/2001 #44155  
h 2022) tells him the “evidence is pretty solid” that there are black budge 2002 #44302  
## Word: "pretzel" (Back to Top)
       Carlos Paz, Argentina Pedro Pretzel, 39, motel owner, observed an ob 6/1968 #23998  
5 minutes after midnight Mr. Pedro Pretzel, a 36-year-old hotel proprietor  6/14/1968 #24032  
 Highway 20 1:05 a.m. María Elodia Pretzel, daughter of the owner of the Mo 6/15/1968 #24039  
es later, her father, Pedro Jacobo Pretzel, arrives and discovers her. Minu 6/15/1968 #24039  
## Word: "prev" (Back to Top)
 more than 600 reports in China in prev. 5 years.                           1985 #37540  
## Word: "prevail" (Back to Top)
evine from pursuing this, but they prevail.                                 6/30/1967 #22578  
## Word: "prevailed" (Back to Top)
bruptly the rainy conditions again prevailed.                               2/22/1973 #27310  
## Word: "prevailing" (Back to Top)
insically brighter than Venus. The prevailing color is yellowish white. Ste 9/9/1914 #916  
e in a westerly direction with the prevailing winds. Collins is tasked with 1965? #18680  
 Then it moves north, although the prevailing wind is to the west, and disa 4/10/1995 #42145  
 EMEs near nuclear facilities. The prevailing belief of the group is based  7/7/1999 #43798  
## Word: "prevails" (Back to Top)
inging the strict secrecy that has prevails at Los Alamos.                  1/29/1947 #2236  
target right in front of him. Fear prevails and he breaks off the chase. Th 8/5/1953 #9049  
ly.” One overriding characteristic prevails: The UFO is a massive solid obj 3/13/1997 #43229  
## Word: "prevent" (Back to Top)
aches the first object, but clouds prevent any further observation. Swan se 9/2/1891 #296  
what he has seen. They also try to prevent him talking to reporters. He is  7/10/1947 #3111  
e can build such craft, what is to prevent others from doing so, assuming t 7/26/1948 #3743  
ntly hovering. Overcast conditions prevent a visual sighting. The radar the 9/11/1951 #5662  
the humanoids lying on a fabric to prevent freeze burn from dry ice underne 1953 #8482  
ing three classification levels to prevent a systematic flood of classified 11/5/1953 #9285  
erlands. Its agenda, originally to prevent another world war, is now define 5/29/1954 #9840  
the problem is that Adamski could “prevent anyone from testifying in court  6/1955 #12173  
ll are given protective eyewear to prevent flash blindness from the explosi 8/1/1958 #15174  
oot at the object but other police prevent him. After 3 hours, the object g 6/5/1961 #16721  
s the entire width of the road and prevent him from passing as the UFO move 9/3/1976 #31335  
 “off the record” within the IA to prevent Agency interest in the subject f 12/15/1978 #34143  
They have given humans religion to prevent them from self-destructing and c 3/1989 #38855  
NHI seek to deceive human minds to prevent belief in their conqueror (sugge 11/25/1991 #40241  
ith wires embedded through them to prevent the escape of held live extrater 8/30/1996 #43001  
 reverse-control the situation and prevent enemy infiltration and deception 3/11/1998 #43532  
empts by NASA-TZER and WPAFB-1T to prevent widespread infiltration and enem 3/11/1998 #43532  
them, the auditor and SAPOC SRG to prevent disclosure in the future.  Wilso 10/16/2002 #44418  
e men to keep silence, in order to prevent them from being discharged from  8/25/2004 #44741  
## Word: "prevented" (Back to Top)
ria” about saucers could have been prevented with a sky patrol in place.    12/26/1947 #3511  
.5km altitude (Low altitude flight prevented any data recovery)             3/19/1948 #3591  
 in fatigues was already there and prevented them from getting closer, and  4/12/1954 #9685  
 were called. The dense underbrush prevented investigation of the site.     8/13/1959 #15912  
in a wooded area. Dense underbrush prevented approaching landing site.      8/13/1959 #15917  
m tall. The light from their belts prevented him from seeing them in detail 9/5/1962 #17386  
 grab one of the men but was again prevented by a force that repelled him.  2/22/1969 #24939  
d to approach the beings, but were prevented by an "invisible" barrier. Aft 8/18/1975 #30288  
ble pains throughout his body that prevented him from working for two month 7/10/1977 #32257  
ll being and objects inside but is prevented by an invisible barrier. Perez 9/6/1978 #33638  
 the object several times, but was prevented from doing it by what appeared 9/6/1978 #33640  
d trying to enter the room but was prevented by a panel that rose from the  12/11/1979 #35073  
s. An invisible barrier apparently prevented the witness from approaching t 9/25/1980 #35535  
e. It  paced the sheriff's car and prevented their passage, forcing a detou 11/28/1981 #36236  
 so large that logistical problems prevented it from being transported and  12/29/1987 #38379  
s. For some time their vehicle was prevented from moving. After awhile the  2/7/1989 #38820  
rce Base [now Creech AFB] Lazar is prevented from going to work at Groom La 4/6/1989 #38895  
 eyes 'lit up", and he was somehow prevented from getting any closer. When  8/31/1990 #39708  
tgun during the abduction, but was prevented by a four-foot tall Grey human 11/9/1991 #40224  
 vanished. The husband was somehow prevented from witnessing this encounter 1/24/1992 #40302  
 a helmet with a tinted visor that prevented her from seeing the being's fa 3/30/1993 #40907  
forming autopsies. Lab workers are prevented from entering the site. Accord 1/23/1996 #42709  
## Word: "preventing" (Back to Top)
t had been oscillating in the air, preventing a stable image.) The men are  7/1950 #5035  
 states the object was oscillating preventing a stable image. They are told 7/1950 #5037  
short range radar stopped working, preventing anything being tracked close  1/22/1952 #5877  
volver, he feels that something is preventing him from drawing his weapon,  8/20/1957 #13913  
rs a premature first-stage cutoff, preventing the upper stages from achievi 12/6/1958 #15472  
ncerely hope you are successful in preventing a reopening of UFO investigat 9/1/1977 #32454  
dromechanical inhibitor activates, preventing him from disengaging the afte 4/26/1984 #37301  
n. They then surrounded the three, preventing them from leaving. The women  7/4/1989 #39009  
## Word: "prevention" (Back to Top)
ence center is responsible for the prevention of technological surprises.”  5/1953 #8852  
   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention US personnel in Cuba Havana,  1/15/2021 #45673  
he Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has conducted a two-year “epi 1/15/2021 #45673  
## Word: "preventive" (Back to Top)
 in “propaganda, economic warfare, preventive direct action, including sabo 9/1/1948 #3794  
## Word: "prevents" (Back to Top)
nraged mob, Agobard intervenes and prevents their lynching, persuading the  812 #2  
st of heat emanating from the ship prevents her from approaching. The UFO l 12/27/1954 #11864  
the horizontal. Radio interference prevents Ritzdorf from reporting the sig 2/1/1955 #11960  
ounters a type of force field that prevents him from approaching. The objec 5/1957 #13630  
 them carries a bright light which prevents him from seeing much detail. He 5/10/1957 #13653  
tching TV when sudden interference prevents them from further viewing. They 7/7/1964 #18398  
 results because a computer glitch prevents the satellite from reporting ba 10/17/1997 #43431  
ere subject to a “D-Notice,” which prevents publication of sensitive materi 8/12/2022 #45762  
## Word: "preview" (Back to Top)
beings.” The Navy, having gotten a preview of the article, removes him from 3/1950 #4565  
n the U.S. and abroad. *   https://preview.redd.it/0f0ad161jyf71.png?width= 10/1998 #43656  
3ab3935d8cc25c9db08190 *   https://preview.redd.it/fummqo71jyf71.png?width= 10/1998 #43656  
## Word: "previous" (Back to Top)
hat pass on the same course as the previous meteors from west to east over  2/9/1913 #881  
 a flying disc had been found” the previous week. It says that the disc is  7/8/1947 #3020  
Yar, 270km (Launched 5 hours after previous rocket and landed within 700 m  11/13/1947 #3487  
ands Pad 33, 144km altitude (Three previous launch attempts failed in year  4/2/1948 #3605  
, orders an investigation into the previous night’s green fireball.         12/6/1948 #3912  
rolina Witness:  Woodward. Same as previous observation.                    10/15/1950 #5235  
and nothing which would change our previous estimates on this subject.”     10/18/1950 #5241  
overs USAF investigations over the previous five years. Finletter asks ques 5/8/1952 #6276  
outhwest. Other objects reported / previous night.                          7/23/1952 #7036  
ore blips, just one week after the previous invasion of restricted air spac 7/26/1952 #7140  
Frederick C. Durant and others the previous day.                            7/29/1952 #7325  
ears. One of his cows had died the previous evening.                        1/29/1953 #8616  
ri. (Minneapolis, Minnesota, was a previous target.) It only targets black  4/1953 #8806  
ngs of “mysterious objects” during previous three weeks (Altus (Okla.) Time 9/11/1956 #13213  
" Her first encounter occurred the previous November 18th, when a man appea 1/7/1958 #14813  
), New Guinea Object returned from previous night with 2 others (NICAP: 07  6/27/1959 #15798  
     Twenty-four hours after their previous sighting, a UFO re-appeared in  6/27/1959 #15799  
 other reports from Mrs. Clark for previous 3 years.                        4/25/1960 #16242  
ue uniforms and white helmets. The previous day at 7:00 p.m., over 100 witn 5/13/1960 #16273  
ue uniforms and white helmets. The previous day at 1900, over 100 witnesses 5/14/1960 #16275  
e uniforms with white helmets. The previous day at 7 p.m., over a hundred w 5/14/1960 #16277  
nd the kitchen lights repeat their previous actions.                        2/28/1961 #16615  
ar’s trunk that were not there the previous day. Betty and Barney experimen 9/19/1961 #16857  
say they have a “report” about the previous night’s event. They ask him wha Late 11/1961 #16978  
their positions. He returns to his previous assigned altitude and heading.  1962 #17006  
 the son of Rivalino da Silva (see previous case), was awakened by the soun 8/19/1962 #17346  
tes, Brazil Raimundo da Silva (see previous cases) testified before the pol 8/20/1962 #17347  
 craft hovering near her house the previous Jul., observed a gray-colored o 10/1963 #17966  
 sank into the ground, grew to its previous size, and departed to the east, 10/1963 #17966  
 ran the creature down. A few days previous to this humanoid encounter a la 5/8/1964 #18248  
.m. EDT. The same family as in the previous entry saw an identical oval or  4/24/1966 #20400  
st of California. Unlike the three previous launches, this one is performed 7/30/1966 #20696  
ss had seen disc-like UFOs on many previous occasions.                      8/20/1966 #20781  
n. Betty was found to have several previous contacts and numerous post-1967 1/25/1967 #21389  
of Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich. (see previous entry), several witnesses saw r 3/8/1967 #21804  
 south of Canton, >> Illinois (see previous entry), two witnesses saw a sol 3/25/1967 #21983  
5/2/67, copy in NICAP files.) [See previous case re: dropped "fire ball."]  4/30/1967 #22248  
a, who has had a UFO encounter the previous November. He is 5 feet 9 inches 5/1967 #22254  
n Gusmao, who had been involved in previous humanoid encounters, was awaken 11/28/1967 #23517  
g named Satu Ra, who he had met on previous occasions. Satu Ra was sitting  1/15/1969 #24849  
one direction, north to south. The previous night, two men working night sh 4/17/1969 #25067  
er, consists of scientists with no previous position on UFOs and reaches se 1/21/1970 #25548  
discovered on the ocean bottom the previous day had gone.                   7/29/1970 #25756  
e UFOs have been reported over the previous few days. After Solem announces 8/7/1970 #25775  
ay the same young witness from the previous day encountered a small UFO on  8/20/1970 #25799  
and silent. Separate observer(s) / previous year.                           9/11/1970 #25835  
with his dog after camping out the previous day with two other boys. He was 5/15/1971 #26111  
 The object does not appear in the previous or following frames. Jacques Va 9/4/1971 #26317  
 red ball of light in the area the previous night.                          12/1971 #26482  
 first time in her life. Also, her previous medical condition of hypertensi 5/27/1973 #27535  
ree where she was able to drop all previous anti-hypertensive medication.   5/27/1973 #27535  
                            On the previous evening Enrique Castillo of Ful 11/18/1973 #28443  
uite different from the one he had previous encountered, of a rather peculi 11/18/1973 #28443  
 named Cyril, whom he had met on a previous occasion, met him at the doorwa 11/18/1973 #28443  
s that a break-in has occurred the previous night. A guard suffers a nervou 4/1974 #28982  
 and "Tombo" that she had met on a previous encounter, who invited her onbo 5/5/1974 #29086  
. A Bigfoot report occurred on the previous day in Burt County, three count 7/6/1974 #29239  
ng ballistic missile exercises the previous year. In one incident in August 7/17/1974 #29267  
hile driving the same route as her previous sighting, the witness heard a v 9/3/1974 #29418  
 Bigfoot sighting was reported the previous day in Jefferson, South Dakota. 9/7/1974 #29430  
-N with same description as nights previous. (UFOFC, Fran Ridge files) (NIC 10/6/1974 #29502  
 an isolated area where he had had previous close encounters. They parked a 4/22/1975 #30000  
en-year-old witness, who had had a previous UFO encounter. The boy ran to g 7/12/1975 #30176  
he levitation of their car. On the previous night they had seen a large red 10/25/1975 #30473  
ld that the man he had chased on a previous closer encounter was Muton, fro 8/23/1976 #31294  
nds before moving off 30° from its previous course at a much greater speed. 11/5/1976 #31528  
a Mr. and Mrs. Chapin, who had the previous experience in October 1969, aga 12/29/1976 #31639  
nd. The woman had been involved in previous close encounter incidents.      3/20/1977 #31921  
ff Farm Street, 1.2 miles from the previous night's humanoid sighting, when 4/22/1977 #32013  
rtheast of the Baxter sighting the previous night, they saw a small figure  4/23/1977 #32019  
ew York who had been involved in a previous UFO encounter a week earlier ha 8/1/1977 #32345  
right object 2 miles away from the previous site. It has several beige ligh 8/28/1977 #32434  
h a bright multicolored object the previous night, was again driving on the 9/25/1977 #32519  
 of unidentified aircraft from two previous sentries, Gunnery Sgt. Brininge 6/11/1978 #33275  
 / bottom/underside. Hovers / site previous landing. Quickly going up.      9/16/1978 #33693  
re white coverall suits, as in the previous encounters, and one wore black. 9/18/1978 #33709  
itness of a humanoid encounter the previous night was out with a friend che 9/24/1978 #33744  
l light over Argyll, Scotland, the previous December 31. The Earl of Halsbu 1/18/1979 #34358  
 a.m. a young man named Patrick, a previous UFO abductee, was driving in Qu 1/30/1979 #34393  
y top and a little larger than the previous object, descending swiftly. It  5/16/1979 #34563  
 top, and a little larger than the previous object. It had a small propelle 5/16/1979 #34564  
 have been referring to one of the previous smaller aerial craft. That man  5/16/1979 #34564  
at Mike had already seen twice the previous winter. They have staked out th 5/19/1979 #34568  
elf "Dargos", whom he had met on a previous occasion. The tall humanoid rep 12/2/1979 #35040  
                        During the previous evening, around 9:30 p.m., auth 8/8/1980 #35448  
ction report, with many reports of previous encounters. (Ridge files) (NICA 8/15/1983 #36953  
 house arrest and execution of the previous leader and second Prime Ministe 10/25/1983 #37016  
 Dibich, Bulgaria the witness of a previous UFO close encounter was visited 4/10/1989 #38899  
rect interviews conducted over the previous decade that led him to believe  1990 #39356  
os, who had been involved in other previous close encounters, saw an inexpl 8/15/1990 #39689  
sman Peter Khoury had at least one previous abduction experience in 1988 th 7/23/1992 #40530  
UFO group had gone to the scene of previous encounters in Huaika Tabio, Col 9/22/1992 #40636  
238 radio satellite into orbit the previous day. Pope later comes around to 3/31/1993 #40914  
ighbor of the UFO witness from the previous night felt her house tremble du 3/31/1993 #40915  
access government records from the previous 30 years, as a precursor to a f 4/1994 #41469  
nique V., who had been involved in previous UFO close encounters, had gone  2/21/1995 #42055  
ewing program. It encapsulates all previous work done by Gondola Wish (Army 6/30/1995 #42284  
shed by Roswell witnesses over the previous 50 years.  https://archive.org/ 6/24/1997 #43339  
med June, who had been involved in previous humanoid close encounters, had  9/11/1997 #43405  
med June, who had been involved in previous humanoid close encounters, had  9/12/1997 #43407  
old E. Puthoff. He talks about his previous meetings with Cmdr. Will Miller 10/16/2002 #44417  
. Army and NASA computers over the previous two years. McKinnon claims an i 11/2002 #44428  
entury, Kevin D. Randle upends his previous position and argues that while  8/11/2016 #45457  
Richard Doty allegedly states some previous and current DIA members believe 2/2/2020 #45629  
 would not have occurred 18 months previous. He finds the stigma associated 5/2021 #45685  
o 45 UFO cases analyzed during the previous year, plus occasional investiga 11/19/2021 #45723  
karshamn nuclear power plants. The previous week, drones are seen circling  1/17/2022 #45734  
## Word: "previously" (Back to Top)
ition. Witnesses report that their previously wet clothes become “suddenly  10/13/1917 #970  
wet and muddy ground that had been previously soaked because of the rain th 10/13/1917 #970  
Killeen Base, Texas, including the previously skeptical Capt. Horace McCull 3/17/1949 #4049  
om of Information Act to procure a previously classified communique from a  12/3/1950 #5314  
 UFO’s and extended consciousness. Previously, the BSRA was a loose/unoffic 1951 #5370  
nduct the ADC UFO briefing tour as previously scheduled due to the CIA meet 12/22/1952 #8442  
 high speed. The witness had never previously heard about flying saucers.   12/9/1954 #11789  
egulation, something the Air Force previously denied. Coleman states even i 5/1/1956 #12825  
        Horst Raps returned to the previously appointed site in Lampertheim 4/1/1959 #15689  
idue and whitish powder. Some days previously, a neighbor named Juan Geróni 1/1963 #17624  
 the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and do 7/4/1966 #20630  
 on a hypnosis session a few weeks previously with Benjamin Simon and was a 1/5/1967 #21259  
ir Force Intelligence. It has been previously used to collect intelligence  3/1/1968 #23802  
ings are an escalation of what has previously been tactical air attacks. Op 3/18/1969 #25025  
dez dies. His doctor claims he has previously been in good health. His inju 7/4/1969 #25251  
d vetted AU govt. sources properly previously.                              10/24/1969 #25424  
e contact to anyone else. Heinonen previously had a dramatic close encounte 5/5/1972 #26671  
y rounds at the plant. He enters a previously locked washroom and sees a ma 9/27/1972 #27034  
g of North Miami, Florida--who had previously seen mysterious multi-colored 10/5/1973 #27954  
ven a ride to this same individual previously on the night of his first enc 4/26/1974 #29064  
"good fortune" after the incident. Previously, she reportedly saw odd being 3/6/1975 #29876  
ireball maneuvers over farms. Seen previously.                              11/20/1976 #31561  
d to return to a spot where he had previously seen a UFO. A disc-shaped cra 5/16/1979 #34562  
d to return to a spot where he had previously seen a UFO. A disc-shaped cra 5/16/1979 #34565  
 Cosmic Conspiracy, emphasizes her previously expressed doubts that the inc 12/28/1980 #35750  
ew and known to have malfunctioned previously; also, a full-scale nuclear a 9/26/1983 #36986  
Chrysopetra, Macedonia, Greece had previously seen strange flashes of light 6/29/1989 #38996  
 wedge or boomerang shaped, he had previously worked at “S-3” beneath WPAFB 9/28/1989 #39132  
A woman named Iva Gospina, who had previously witnessed various UFOs maneuv 10/31/1989 #39199  
culi. The Zeta Reticuli system was previously claimed by Barney and Betty H 11/10/1989 #39224  
                Ms. D. MacPhee had previously heard strange sounds in her h 3/13/1990 #39458  
the notes are made by Jones. Jones previously served as an aide to Sen. Cla 4/15/1993 #40934  
p, and tells him “they” thought it previously impossible for a “water human 9/1994 #41709  
e Mogul balloons that had not been previously recovered.”                   9/8/1994 #41726  
pt their eyes were rounder. He had previously been involved in an abduction 11/8/1995 #42588  
 a large diamond-shaped craft land previously in the same area back in Febr 4/16/1996 #42871  
clouds in the sky. It was warm and previously there had been a strong north 10/13/1997 #43427  
an looking figure with black hair (previously encountered) accompanied her, 7/11/1998 #43601  
She was then taken to a wall and a previously undetectable door appeared, s 7/11/1998 #43601  
lars from Linton, Oregon. They had previously seen the same lights from the 9/5/2004 #44748  
ation on September 3rd, two nights previously. The lights were hovering in  9/5/2004 #44748  
t on this night, but had seen many previously. The following evening he did 4/12/2008 #45127  
at around 1:00 a.m., a man who had previously seen a multi-colored UFO many 8/18/2009 #45236  
McGuire and Arnold J. Lebotski (he previously said that they were CIA agent 11/5/2010 #45305  
rmation. More than 10,000 pages of previously confidential documents are re 4/18/2013 #45364  
e green light. The father, who had previously worked with low-powered laser 10/6/2013 #45389  
 the contract for the JASON Group, previously sponsored by the DOD. It was  4/25/2019 #45572  
Russell had this equipment onboard previously, or if “ghostbuster” devices  7/24/2019 #45598  
and GoFast) showing UFOs that were previously released between December 201 4/27/2020 #45643  
ill with symptoms similar to those previously experienced by diplomats in H 11/2020 #45663  
o outperform any other he has seen previously, flying circles around both h 2/9/2021 #45676  
ry black program underway that was previously run by a Chinese-American sci 5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "prevost" (Back to Top)
rs to the apartment of Jean-Pierre Prevost, 25, a clothing seller, who has  11/26/1979 #35015  
tory problematic. On July 7, 1983, Prevost confesses that the story was a h 11/26/1979 #35015  
    Duncan, British Columbia Mount Prevost Mechanic Granger Taylor, 32, of  11/29/1980 #35683  
are found at a blast site on Mount Prevost. Though DNA testing is not in co 11/29/1980 #35683  
## Word: "prewitt" (Back to Top)
 (file not clear).  Witness:  L.T. Prewitt, employee of Red River Arsenal.  6/8/1954 #9876  
ing and before 2:30 a.m. Mr. L. T. Prewitt, an employee of the Red River Ar 6/8/1954 #9878  
## Word: "preziose" (Back to Top)
 Alabama 7:40 p.m. Pilot Thomas J. Preziose takes off from Mobile, Alabama, 10/23/2002 #44422  
## Word: "priam" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Priam” Yield: 150KT                      11/30/1978 #34030  
## Word: "price" (Back to Top)
lass Americans. The relatively low price was partly the result of Ford’s ef 10/1/1908 #718  
ligence officers, Lt. Col. William Price Drury and Lt. C. Brownlow, on Dart 9/4/1915 #936  
w Mexico. At this time, the bomb’s price tag, adjusted for inflation, is $2 7/16/1945 #1900  
                                   PRICE HILL, OH Weird black 15M object go 1/20/1955 #11938  
ROY, NY Saucer / cemetery. Richard Price age 8 first abducted. Implants and 9/15/1955? #12454  
                                   PRICE CO, WI Humming. 7M domed metallic  11/3/1960 #16492  
                                   Price County, Wisconsin 4:30 p.m. Two 8- 11/3/1960 #16493  
walking over a small hill in rural Price County, Wisconsin, when they hear  11/3/1960 #16493  
gon Condon, Saunders, Low, William Price of AFRSTA(?), and Thomas Ratchford 2/20/1967 #21607  
                                   Price Hill, Ohio Two children saw a disk 6/11/1967 #22493  
      At 8:00 p.m. two children in Price Hill, Ohio saw a disc-shaped objec 6/11/1967 #22497  
comments that “Dick Helms paid the price for that ‘No’ [to the White House  11/20/1972 #27130  
a’s Northern Territory Psychic Pat Price accurately remote views the Soviet 7/9/1974 #29253  
Back in the SRI lab, Targ monitors Price, who describes 7 of the places acc 7/9/1974 #29253  
ore Jones has decided on a target. Price also claims to sense four undergro 7/9/1974 #29253  
            A 25-year-old man name Price observed two irregularly shaped br 1/10/1978 #32870  
y show a blurred yellow shape. Mr. Price next got out of his car and set of 1/10/1978 #32870  
rnational and a remote viewer, Pat Price, in 1973. Price believed there wer 7/1982 #36525  
remote viewer, Pat Price, in 1973. Price believed there were “underground”  7/1982 #36525  
              On this night in Tom Price, Western Australia a tourist saw a 8/14/1984 #37433  
                       SOUTH / TOM PRICE, WEST AUSTR 4 campers. Dull metall 8/8/1992 #40558  
 that a Lockheed designer Nathan C Price would be in position to know about 9/12/2009 #45246  
## Word: "prichard" (Back to Top)
 approached a car driven by a Mrs. Prichard with three passengers in Pacifi 11/15/1975 #30625  
 approached a car driven by a Mrs. Prichard with three passengers in Pacifi 11/15/1975 #30628  
## Word: "prick" (Back to Top)
ll of dystopian images. The beings prick their fingers and take blood sampl 9/1/1968 #24421  
## Word: "pricked" (Back to Top)
stands beside Brooks. Her ears are pricked, indicating she is worried about 10/26/1967 #23334  
d of the witnesses' left hands and pricked their fingers three times, takin 9/1/1968 #24422  
.m. He next felt as if he had been pricked by a needle in the leg from a be 10/15/1977 #32579  
lue metallic nails. The being then pricked Juan's right arm, apparently ext 9/6/1978 #33640  
## Word: "pricking" (Back to Top)
a, Spain, when he feels a peculiar pricking sensation throughout his whole  6/11/1961 #16724  
## Word: "prickled" (Back to Top)
re acting very disturbed. Her skin prickled as if she had entered an electr 9/26/1977 #32522  
## Word: "prickling" (Back to Top)
maintained its altitude. He felt a prickling sensation and saw a metallic d 7/23/1947 #3220  
s smell. Coming near it, he felt a prickling sensation throughout his body, 9/13/1952 #7916  
gins malfunctioning and he feels a prickling sensation like electricity. He 9/19/1954 #10361  
us object on the ground and felt a prickling sensation and a form of paraly 10/5/1954 #10739  
 Rio y Minas, Spain felt a strange prickling sensation all over his body bu 6/11/1961 #16725  
enveloped the car, and they felt a prickling sensation before losing consci 9/19/1961 #16852  
veloped their car, and they felt a prickling sensation before losing consci 9/19/1961 #16858  
p whistling sound, and Cova felt a prickling sensation in his body. In perf 8/26/1967 #22932  
ling sound that gave the witness a prickling sensation throughout his body. 8/26/1967 #22935  
of Miguere’s neck. Migueres felt a prickling sensation all along his spinal 8/11/1969 #25317  
ect. He was overcome by heat and a prickling sensation, and went blind. He  8/30/1970 #25816  
pproached, stopped 50 meters away, prickling sensation felt, later intense  6/7/1973 #27556  
y barn. At the same time he felt a prickling sensation and began to sweat.  1/5/1997 #43166  
omplete relaxation, and she felt a prickling sensation invade her entire bo 10/19/2000 #44060  
## Word: "pricklings" (Back to Top)
ous smell. Coming near it, he felt pricklings throughout his body, had to s 9/13/1952 #7914  
ve the ground. They stopped, felt "pricklings" until the craft took off ver 11/1953 #9269  
ous object on the ground and felt "pricklings and a sort of paralysis." The 10/5/1954 #10727  
herbonnieres suddenly felt painful pricklings similar to electric shocks an 10/21/1954 #11300  
herbonnieres suddenly felt painful pricklings similar to electric shocks an 10/21/1954 #11309  
ons. Another witness fled and felt pricklings on his face as he ran. Four p 11/5/1954 #11578  
ons. Another witness fled and felt pricklings on his face as he ran. Four p 11/5/1954 #11581  
oualle, France Andre Chaillou felt pricklings in his hands, "in spite of hi 11/8/1954 #11598  
oualle, France Andre Chaillou felt pricklings in his hands, "in spite of hi 11/8/1954 #11604  
inous craft take off while he feIt pricklings and was paralyzed. The engine 11/13/1954 #11637  
inous craft take off while he feIt pricklings and was paralyzed. The engine 11/13/1954 #11641  
## Word: "prickly" (Back to Top)
RWAY UFO goes over car and hovers. Prickly sensation. Observers watch magne 10/1956 #13254  
1956; Oslo, Norway. Motorist felt "prickly sensation," wristwatch magnetize 10/1956 #13255  
e damaged tree, and Johansson gets prickly pains in his lower body.         Late 10/1959 #16060  
, Eugenio Douglas feels heat and a prickly sensation all over his body. He  10/12/1963 #17987  
 / car radio. Visual type unknown. Prickly sensation.                       2/13/1967 #21531  
od, Northumberland, England felt a prickly feeling as he sighted a UFO near 2/13/1967 #21538  
was nearby and the witnesses felt "prickly." They also had intense headache 6/7/1973 #27557  
r object descended over car, heat, prickly sensation felt. MUFON UFO Journa 2/19/1975 #29826  
creased heat in its presence and a prickly sensation. After a few moments t 2/19/1975 #29828  
sensation sweeping over them and a prickly irritation in their eyes. They d 1/21/1977 #31742  
a fire has burned the old grass. A prickly pear cactus pad is found at the  5/20/1983 #36862  
## Word: "pricks" (Back to Top)
etallic nails. The tall being then pricks Perez’s right arm and apparently  9/6/1978 #33638  
ity. A medical exam found 108 tiny pricks on his body. Days after the encou 1/3/1979 #34292  
 the ears and found some small pin pricks in the same area.                 2/1/1993 #40831  
## Word: "prickwillow" (Back to Top)
MBRIDGE Saucer cruises near car at Prickwillow. Speeds up & vanishes. No fu 11/1987 #38314  
## Word: "prico" (Back to Top)
       ROUTES 185+187 NEAR JUNCOS, PRICO 1 / car. Luminous/glowing ovoid ho 8/15/1995? #42384  
## Word: "pried" (Back to Top)
jestic and Project Jehovah will be pried loose and that the CIA monitors ci 1/23/1999 #43720  
 sound of the bedroom window being pried open. When his eyes came into focu 10/15/2000 #44059  
## Word: "priest" (Back to Top)
ra moon'. Panic stops execution of priest / r186 #23.                       9/12/1271 #13  
                                 A priest named Ivanku Petrovszky saw a gli 12/24/1903 #664  
ohn de Marchi, an Italian Catholic priest and researcher who wrote several  10/13/1917 #970  
                        RENEVE, FR Priest. 17cm perfect midget / grey hair  4/20/1945 (approximate) #1849  
                                 A priest gathering mushrooms near Reneve,  4/20/1945 #1851  
              BOCARANGA, C.AFR.REP Priest and 7. 4 red saucers going NNW. C 11/22/1952 #8322  
 Coast, by many people: a Catholic priest named Fr. Myard, the local chief  9/18/1954 #10348  
bserved by Fr. Zilwes, a Brazilian priest at the Vatican Observatory in Cas 11/12/1954 #11628  
lock that same morning a Brazilian priest working at the Vatican's Castel G 11/12/1954 #11630  
  SOUTH MICHELE EXTRA, VERONA, ITL Priest. 10M cylinder/cigar-shape going [ 10/1957 #14048  
sc flies low over the house of the priest, Papa Costas, there is a loud noi 2/1959 #15574  
                       A man named Priest sighted a reddish orange object w 5/31/1959 #15751  
ext day he goes to the site with a priest and finds an area of singed grass Autumn 1961 #16869  
    GRAVOIS SOUTH / VERSAILLES, FR Priest sees saucer hover and Sashay abou 9/22/1967 #23108  
                    At 8:30 p.m. a priest named O'Sullivan saw a luminous b 9/22/1967 #23116  
s shorter than a 7-year-old boy. A priest and a teacher also reported seein 11/28/1968 #24729  
                                   PRIEST BUTTE, MT 2 / east slope. Large o 10/20/1975 #30451  
                                   Priest Butte, MT 4:30 p.m. A couple livi 10/20/1975 #30452  
m. A couple living on a ranch near Priest Butte, Montana, reported that the 10/20/1975 #30452  
m their home, on the east slope of Priest Butte. Using binoculars, they des 10/20/1975 #30452  
ed / UFO's for months according to priest. All stay inside.                 11/1979 #34978  
            MUGARDOS, SPAIN Jesuit priest. Huge triangle with turning light 5/1/1988 #38548  
## Word: "priest's" (Back to Top)
 night of an object shaped like a "priest's hat" in Pescara, Italy. It had  10/23/1978 #33865  
## Word: "priestly" (Back to Top)
stroys the atoll. USAF Capt. Jimmy Priestly Robinson of the 561st Fighter-D 11/1/1952 #8228  
## Word: "prieta" (Back to Top)
                              AGUA PRIETA, MEXICO Night light-sphere rises  6/10/1947 #2317  
             At 11:00 p.m. in Agua Prieta, Mexico a glowing sphere was seen 6/10/1947 #2320  
                          MT. LOMA PRIETA, CA 7 observer(s). White ball / l 2/6/1996 #42741  
## Word: "prigent" (Back to Top)
tnesses include the family of Yves Prigent, general superintendent of the l 10/17/1952 #8148  
## Word: "prim" (Back to Top)
ound a paperboy with the last name Prim, who found himself unable to move a 5/12/1967 #22328  
## Word: "prima" (Back to Top)
ara, Brazil, including Luis Carlos Prima, reported seeing a large disc-shap 8/1/2001 #44217  
## Word: "primaries" (Back to Top)
onium contained in the pits of the primaries.                               1/21/1968 #23684  
## Word: "primarily" (Back to Top)
ir Defense Command is established, primarily to defend the continental Unit 9/1/1954 #10228  
and finds the outer casing is made primarily from lead, and the copper foil 11/21/1957 #14590  
–30 feet in diameter. They consist primarily of calcium carbonate.          10/21/1963 #17997  
 Air Force and "scientific" views, primarily those of Dr. Donald Menzel and 5/10/1966 #20473  
olving 15 engineering apprentices, primarily Christopher Southall and Roger 9/4/1967 #22998  
 Gaithersburg, Maryland, and talks primarily about contactees and crackpots 9/13/1967 #23049  
 has been set up in the high Andes primarily as a Cosmic Ray measuring inst 5/17/1968 #23972  
involve 99% UFOs and only 1% IFOs, primarily because the system does not in 8/1968 #24284  
W U.S, various Flurry of sightings primarily in the southeastern and northw 11/22/1968 #24682  
            US Flurry of sightings primarily in the southeastern and northw 11/22/1968 #24686  
arent size of the full moon. It is primarily dark with a red light in the m 3/10/1977 #31892  
east. An ovoid-shaped object, seen primarily by its lights, shines two brig 6/12/1979 #34610  
east. An ovoid shaped object, seen primarily by its lights in the clear dus 6/12/1979 #34611  
 experience. The information comes primarily from hypnotic regression perfo 1981 #35761  
orners. In the center is a larger, primarily gray-blue light, although its  2/21/1990 #39425  
 involving an international cabal, primarily featuring a number of stories  8/10/1991 #40147  
eenland. These radars are designed primarily to detect ICBM or sea-launched 1/31/2001 #44136  
top secret R&D work is done there, primarily sensor testing and unmanned ae 3/5/2016 #45445  
 New York Times that Sen. Rubio is primarily concerned about reports of uni 7/23/2020 #45654  
## Word: "primary" (Back to Top)
, but occasionally 3,500 feet. The primary diagnostic for these false retur 4/1945 #1834  
s field. Armed guards encircle the primary areas, denying access to anyone  7/8/1947 #3011  
ally launches at Wright Field. The primary investigators are Capt. Robert R 1/22/1948 #3563  
 for UFOs. Sneider is probably the primary author. Deyarmond, Loedding, and 9/30/1948? #3817  
ople or the American economy. Five primary sites are considered: Dugway Pro Late 1948 #3842  
949 through 1950. The F-86 was the primary U.S. air combat fighter during t 1949 #3940  
ose to advocating the ETH, and its primary sources are high-ranking Air For 4/7/1952 #6042  
s see green spherical objects. The primary sighting takes place near Albuqu 5/28/1952 #6378  
t knowledge of UFO phenomena is a “primary concern” for the CIA, it “is far 10/13/1952 #8128  
he has been selected to act as the Primary Terrestrial Channel for messages 5/8/1954 #9763  
maximum extent consistent with its primary mission. ADC’s commander, Gen. B 9/1/1954 #10228  
, and Canada “agreed the command’s primary purpose would be…early warning a 9/12/1957 #13992  
y as 6–10, seem to emerge from the primary object as observations continue. 10/6/1957 #14066  
om the Army, becoming the agency’s primary planetary spacecraft center.     12/1958 #15464  
Space Force Base], California. The primary goal of this series of satellite 8/10/1960 #16367  
y lost to ground observers and the primary witness (Clark C. McClelland, wi 1/10/1961 #16574  
s the best solution is to give its primary advisor J. Allen Hynek a raise o 3/17/1961 #16634  
removed and no shot was fired. The primary witness (who remains in the car) Late 11/1961 #16978  
lickinger manages to interview the primary witness, who works as a supervis Late 11/1961 #16978  
ed 171,000 votes in the Democratic primary.                                 6/5/1962 #17217  
front of the Westall State School (primary students). After about 20 minute 4/6/1966 #20257  
w is made project coordinator. The primary team will be Saunders, ESSA astr 10/7/1966 #20970  
                 North Olmsted, OH Primary Target Tracked 90 Minutes (NICAP 11/11/1967 #23438  
e actual investigations. The NRC’s primary interest is in tracking meteors  1968 #23630  
, Washington, which soon becomes a primary source for media reports on UFOs 5/1969 #25104  
d to have landed next to the local primary school in Johore Baru, Johore pr 7/2/1969 #25245  
ation Tennis court adjacent to the primary school Eucalyptus tree at the en 11/12/1972 #27120  
e the tennis court adjacent to the primary school. At nearby Middelburg pol 11/12/1972 #27120  
uspended on a "beam of light." The primary witness's car lights and engine  10/17/1973 #28140  
the CIA, not the Air Force, is the primary perpetrator of the UFO cover-up. 12/1973 #28495  
e object and its occupants. As the primary witness drove off, he continued  1/7/1974 #28661  
fine with frequent branching.” The primary constituents are carbon and nitr 10/12/1976 #31461  
                       Broad Haven Primary School in Pembroke, Wales RAF Br 2/4/1977 #31790  
y 10-year-old boys, at Broad Haven Primary School in Pembroke, Wales, are p 2/4/1977 #31790  
                             Upton Primary Junior School Macclesfield Chesh 10/4/1977 #32550  
es while they are playing at Upton Primary Junior School in Macclesfield, C 10/4/1977 #32550  
pilot-operated relief valve in the primary system, which allows large amoun 3/28/1979 #34493  
                               Two primary school students were walking hom 8/29/1979 #34804  
s up three fieldwork stations, the primary one on Aspaskjolen mountain, and 1/21/1984 #37136  
asilia and São Paulo confirm three primary radar targets above São José dos 5/19/1986 #37878  
w what they are, although UFOs are primary suspects.                        Late 1990 #39786  
way for physical examinations. The primary witness felt pain in her left ar 2/11/1995 #42036  
the vehicle into a dark place. The primary witness also remembered several  2/11/1995 #42036  
ic Ocean east of Virginia. Triad’s primary client is the National Nuclear S 5/17/1999 #43770  
avorting near their aircraft.” The primary danger is in the human response, 10/15/2000 #44056  
UFO land in the field behind Fatma Primary School in the Santral district o 6/5/2002 #44347  
 position, but he picks up a faint primary return radar signal. A passenger 4/23/2007 #45022  
ding Montauk and Camp Hero and the primary aspect of the facility was the u 8/4/2008 #45155  
. The solicitation states that the primary focus is on “breakthrough techno 8/18/2008 #45159  
thers disappearing in mid-air. The primary light then gives off a strobosco 1/8/2013 #45359  
r over US cities. Jones states the primary contractor was Boeing and JP Aer 6/2013 #45368  
lighter than styrofoam used as the primary building material for triangular 6/2013 #45368  
tes the trees as it passed by. The primary witness exits his car and attemp 8/20/2013 #45384  
s in view for about 5 minutes. The primary witness owns a company that rece 8/28/2013 #45385  
er the new numbered air force. Its primary mission is to provide intelligen 9/29/2014 #45415  
shaped. Triad’s website states its primary client is the NNSA and it is com 6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "prime" (Back to Top)
ft are heard flying over his town. Prime Minister Robert Borden hears about 2/14/1915 #925  
examine the craft. It is headed by Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, Foreign 6/13/1933 #1159  
P Arvid Lindman puts a question to Prime Minister Per Albin Hansson, asking 1/27/1934 #1197  
                                   Prime Minister Hansson tells the Swedish 2/2/1934 #1200  
o records released in August 2010, Prime Minister Winston Churchill suppose Late 1942? #1456  
C Wave / ghost projectiles / Greek Prime Minister. / LDLN#342.              9/1/1946 #2166  
over northern Greece, according to Prime Minister Konstantinos Tsaldaris. P 9/1/1946 #2167  
s the reports in a meeting with UK Prime Minister Clement Attlee.           12/6/1950 #5329  
      Britain Personal Minute from Prime Minister W.S. Churchill to Secreta 7/28/1952 #7223  
UK William Sidney Lord Cherwell UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill writes  7/28/1952 #7267  
” The report is eventually sent to Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent.        8/10/1953 #9060  
idea, together with former Belgian prime minister Paul van Zeeland and the  5/29/1954 #9840  
onfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Wasp Prime” Yield: 3KT                        3/29/1955 #12067  
rmed. Country: USA Name: “Franklin Prime” Yield: 4.7KT                      8/30/1957 #13951  
was an industry minster in Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini’s cabine 1958 #14787  
he Congo with plans to place it on Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba’s toothbr 9/1960 #16429  
 Republic of the Congo Katanga DRC Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba is execut 1/17/1961 #16578  
rmed. Country: USA Name: “Dormouse Prime” Yield: 10.6KT                     4/5/1962 #17100  
rmed. Country: USA Name: “Starfish Prime” Yield: 1400KT                     7/9/1962 #17267  
ed. Country: USA Name: “Bluegill 3 Prime” Yield: 1000KT                     10/26/1962 #17498  
firmed. Country: USA Name: “Ferret Prime” Yield: 20KT                       4/5/1963 #17723  
nfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Gundi Prime” YieldMax: 20KT                    5/9/1963 #17738  
  UK MP John Langford-Holt asks UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson in the Hous 7/19/1966 #20657  
rade MP John Langford-Holt asks UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson whether he  6/11/1968 #24022  
t patrol near 24 Sussex Drive, the Prime Minister’s residence in Ottawa, On 3/4/1969 #24969  
      New York, NY Sir Eric Gairy, Prime Minister of Grenada, addressed the 10/7/1976 #31453  
ng, Walt Andrus, and Dennis Hauck. Prime Minister Eric Gairy makes a strong 4/17/1977 #31987  
da Acapulco, Mexico United Nations Prime Minister Eric Gairy of Grenada ope 6/14/1977 #32163  
       Grenada White House Grenada Prime Minister Eric Gairy meets with Pre 9/9/1977 #32474  
       Grenada UN General Assembly Prime Minister of Grenada Eric Gairy add 10/7/1977 #32558  
d John Krindler, meet with Grenada Prime Minister Eric Gairy in a closed-do 11/28/1977 #32702  
d Nations At the urging of Grenada Prime Minister Eric Gairy, the Grenada d 7/7/1978 #33349  
da United Nations US While Grenada Prime Minister Eric Gairy is at the Unit 3/13/1979 #34475  
 of the previous leader and second Prime Minister of Grenada Maurice Bishop 10/25/1983 #37016  
 of the island. Authorities notify Prime Minister Tom Adams, the Barbados D 4/12/1984 #37258  
worked with Hughes Aircraft as the prime contractors for the MILSTAR Progra 8/7/1996 #42971  
nt to President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Lionel Jospin. The report 7/16/1999 #43805  
            Swedish Waters Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven announces t 11/14/2014 #45424  
eval during the Operation Starfish Prime nuclear test which produced a larg 6/10/2021 #45693  
OIA response to Operation Starfish Prime, UFOs, DOE and AEC suggests files  7/29/2022 #45759  
## Word: "primetime" (Back to Top)
is too expensive. Appearing on ABC Primetime in 2009, Romanek makes the uns 2000 #43913  
## Word: "primitive" (Back to Top)
o the answer, he replied, "In your primitive time." He then asked what the  10/10/1967 #23205  
ette, he replied, "Oh, one of your primitive vices." He next asked about th 10/10/1967 #23205  
 about the car and said, "Oh, your primitive mode of transportation." When  10/10/1967 #23205  
## Word: "primorskiy" (Back to Top)
returning home with her husband in Primorskiy Kray, Vladivostok, Russia whe 10/8/1989 #39150  
## Word: "primorsky" (Back to Top)
                    Kamen-Rybolov, Primorsky Krai, Russia Lake Khanka Late  6/1/1899 #635  
ening. Observers in Kamen-Rybolov, Primorsky Krai, Russia, see a blue spher 6/1/1899 #635  
             lake Ozero Blagodati, Primorsky Krai, Russia Sea of Japan Fish 1956 #12637  
Fishermen at lake Ozero Blagodati, Primorsky Krai, Russia, allegedly see an 1956 #12637  
ark Helsinki, Finland Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia 4:00 a.m. A large 9/20/1977 #32499  
nland, in the west to Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia, in the east. Gov 9/20/1977 #32499  
ma Bay naval facility Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia The Russian nucle 8/10/1985 #37641  
y naval facility near Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia. A reactor tank l 8/10/1985 #37641  
                      Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia 8:30 p.m. Two men 11/3/1985 #37699  
sel in the waters off Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia, notice a high- a 11/3/1985 #37699  
                       Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia Height 611 (also  1/29/1986 #37775  
50 p.m. Inhabitants of Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia, see a reddish ba 1/29/1986 #37775  
                                   Primorsky Krai Far Eastern district Russ 11/28/1987 #38339  
 at low altitude over the coast of Primorsky Krai, Far Eastern district, Ru 11/28/1987 #38339  
                      Sea of Japan Primorsky Krai, Russia The Russian tanke 8/2/1989 #39042  
the Sea of Japan off the region of Primorsky Krai, Russia, when rew members 8/2/1989 #39042  
                       Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia A joint Russian a 5/21/1990 #39582  
y UFOs is initiated in Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia. An agreement is  5/21/1990 #39582  
                       Vladivostok Primorsky Krai Russia Sea of Japan Resid 9/5/2006 #44958  
of Japan Residents of Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia, see several type 9/5/2006 #44958  
## Word: "prince" (Back to Top)
      MELBOURNE TO/FROM SYDNEY, AU Prince / Wales and 13. "Phantom vessel a 6/11/1881 #242  
, AU 4:00 a.m. The two sons of the Prince of Wales, one of them the future  6/11/1881 #243  
sea, Australia The two sons of the Prince of Wales, one of them the future  6/11/1881 #244  
ey, Australia, the two sons of the Prince of Wales, one of them the future  6/11/1881 #245  
                    North Bedeque, Prince Edward Island Day. Animal ecologi 7/1/1947 #2517  
rs are driving near North Bedeque, Prince Edward Island, when they see a br 7/1/1947 #2517  
       Village Green Charlottetown Prince Edward Island Augustine Cove 5:45 7/3/1947 #2583  
lage Green, east of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, sees a black, rock 7/3/1947 #2583  
of another three reports came from Prince Edward Island, Canada at 5:45 p.m 7/3/1947 #2586  
olm, Sweden Early morning. Swedish Prince Carl Bernadotte and a friend, Ber 12/5/1951 #5805  
ville, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Prince William County, Virginia Blacksto 6/15/1952 #6510  
from Marine Corps Base Quantico in Prince William County, Virginia, and att 6/15/1952 #6510  
ws AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in Prince George’s County, Maryland Andrews 7/19/1952 #6935  
ws AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in Prince George’s County, Maryland, moving 7/19/1952 #6935  
                       Andrews AFB Prince George’s County, Maryland 2:30 p. 9/10/1952 #7891  
ws AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in Prince George’s County, Maryland, sees a 9/10/1952 #7891  
 Grime) and civilians also see it. Prince Philip suggests to RAF Air Marsha 9/19/1952 #7980  
m Palace London, England Australia Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, invite Mid 3/1954 #9622  
g Atlanticism. Retinger approaches Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who a 5/29/1954 #9840  
                              NEAR PRINCE CHRISTIAN, GREENL Project Blueboo 8/29/1954 #10200  
                                   Prince Christian, Greenland Lens-shaped  8/29/1954 #10201  
                                   Prince Christian, Greenland Witnesses:   8/29/1954 #10202  
s DC-4 (PH-DBZ) at 11:05 a.m. near Prince Christian, Greenland sighted thre 8/29/1954 #10205  
or then owned by Lord Mountbatten, Prince Philip’s uncle, sees a large disc 2/23/1955 #12015  
ture. By now he is calling himself Prince Neosom of Tythan, which is 8.5 li Early 12/1958 #15468  
an audience with Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands at So 5/18/1959 #15737  
e British royal family, especially Prince Philip, are also keen to meet Ada 5/18/1959 #15737  
                                   Prince of Wales Island Port Lihou Thursd 7/8/1959 #15827  
ego and other indigenous people on Prince of Wales Island in the Torres Str 7/8/1959 #15827  
                                   Prince of Wales Island, Australia Hunter 7/14/1959 #15851  
 a red glowing object on a hill on Prince of Wales Island, Queensland, Aust 7/14/1959 #15853  
glowing object landed on a hill on Prince of Wales Island, Queensland. Arou 7/18/1959 #15859  
                                   PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND, AUSTR Silver obj 6/15/1962 #17228  
                                   Prince of Wales Island, Australia Four p 6/16/1962 #17230  
ing quickly [to] over then dives / prince Phillip bay.                      8/29/1965 #19471  
                                   Prince George's County, MD 12:30 a.m. ED 8/1/1966 #20715  
eat Pleasant, and elsewhere around Prince Georges County, Maryland saw mane 8/1/1966 #20719  
                       Summerside, Prince Edward Island, CAN 6:30 a.m. LT.  9/21/1966 #20906  
                       Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada Burton, Pri 9/21/1966 #20909  
ince Edward Island, Canada Burton, Prince Edward Island 6:30 a.m. Eight RCA 9/21/1966 #20909  
fueling an aircraft in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada, when they  9/21/1966 #20909  
 an early morning catch at Burton, Prince Edward Island, when they see a ra 9/21/1966 #20909  
 down at high speed in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada. It stopped 9/21/1966 #20911  
                                   PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND, AK 2 / (seen thru) 1/16/1969 #24851  
                                   PRINCE GEORGE, BC Several observer(s). H 6/20/1973 #27575  
 (Sudbury). Reported by Mr. Julian Prince of Sudbury thru Ontario Provincia 11/12/1975 #30614  
town of Bednesti, 20 miles west of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada  1/5/1977 #31701  
                                   Prince George, British Columbia 7:30 p.m 4/6/1978 #33128  
utside the stable on her farm near Prince George, British Columbia, when a  4/6/1978 #33128  
s Irish Sea 7:30 p.m. Charles, the Prince of Wales, is returning to London, 2/26/1986 #37789  
ject landed on a farm in Ebenezer, Prince Edwards Island, Canada at ten o'c 8/22/1990 #39698  
             Jacques Vallée states Prince Hans-Adam II, head of state of Li 5/22/1991 #40075  
                                   PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND, AK 1 observer. M 10/27/1995 #42563  
rville, Nova Scotia Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Cape Blomidon, Nova 7/1996 #42943  
le, Nova Scotia, to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, at 3,500 feet. Whi 7/1996 #42943  
ht over the vehicle was driving in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada. 8/15/2001 #44235  
## Word: "princes" (Back to Top)
                                   Princes Highway (M1) Dandenong, Victoria 6/5/1954 #9866  
 Janette Brown, 16, is standing on Princes Highway (M1) at Dandenong, Victo 6/5/1954 #9866  
## Word: "princeton" (Back to Top)
                                   Princeton, Missouri Lineville, Iowa Nigh Mid 7/1896 #328  
, is on a train heading north from Princeton, Missouri, when he notices a r Mid 7/1896 #328  
              S-1 Section Columbia Princeton University of Chicago With the 12/18/1941 #1379  
r reactor research at Columbia and Princeton, and $278,000 at the Universit 12/18/1941 #1379  
                                   Princeton, NJ Einstein hired by USN to w 5/1943 #1495  
                                   PRINCETON UNIVERSITY/UNIVERSE(AL), NJ Ex 6/18/1947 #2339  
assistant Shirley J. Wright visits Princeton and studies under Einstein     7/1947 #2490  
                       SOUTHWEST / PRINCETON, MO Several separate farmers.  4/22/1950 #4878  
                On this morning in Princeton, Missouri several farmers, inc 4/22/1950 #4879  
   E. coast of Korea, Korea U.S.S. Princeton Tracks Fast-Moving Targets (NI 4/1951 #5497  
  OFF EAST KOREA April and May. US Princeton and PHL sea. Many RADAR report 5/1951 (approximate) #5510  
                   MIT Lincoln Lab Princeton Cal Tech MIT Center for Intern 12/3/1952 #8366  
 Lincoln Lab involvement, and that Princeton or Cal Tech would do, and that 12/3/1952 #8366  
                                   Princeton, NJ Albert Einstein dies       4/18/1955 #12095  
he Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University, the University of  11/20/1955 #12580  
 Deser and Richard Arnowitt of the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study.  11/20/1955 #12580  
                                   Princeton, New Jersey Physicist Freeman  6/3/1958 #15077  
 Jersey Physicist Freeman Dyson in Princeton, New Jersey, writes a speculat 6/3/1958 #15077  
ed it to NICAP. Dr. Richard Turse, Princeton, N.J., about 11:30 p.m., saw a 8/13/1963 #17896  
                                   Princeton University Exeter A nationally 2/27/1966 #19925  
ing Saucers Only Science Fiction?” Princeton University history professor E 2/27/1966 #19925  
                                   PRINCETON, NJ Astronomer. Silent 3M plat 4/4/1969 (approximate) #25048  
                                   Princeton, IN Three see flying saucer du 8/1973 #27670  
                                   Princeton, IN 4:40 p.m. Two young boys s 10/17/1973 #28115  
s Air Force jets near. Reappears / Princeton.                               11/27/1975 #30668  
 on the guided missile cruiser USS Princeton, notices the clear radar trace 11/10/2004 #44782  
ed by an E- 2C Hawkeye plane after Princeton sends them coordinates.        11/10/2004 #44782  
ntacts detected by the cruiser USS Princeton that is part of the USS Nimitz 11/14/2004 #44784  
r; they are quickly dropped by the Princeton’s radar when the computer cate 11/14/2004 #44784  
that the radar operator on the USS Princeton briefed him that they had been 11/14/2004 #44784  
                               USS Princeton radar technicians state two “u 11/14/2004 #44785  
 Kammerzell says he was on the USS Princeton at the time of the reported “T 11/30/2020 #45665  
c story is a coverup of a triangle Princeton encounter and infers AATIP and 11/30/2020 #45665  
## Word: "principal" (Back to Top)
han degrading it, and study of the principal contending explanations reveal 6/24/1947 #2398  
                 JEROME, OH School principal and 62. Cylinder/cigar-shape m 10/22/1954 #11314  
             Marysville, OH School principal, teacher, 60 students saw silv 10/22/1954 #11318  
            Jerome, Ohio 3:00 p.m. Principal Rodney Warrick and teacher Mrs 10/22/1954 #11320  
0 meters, the object took off. The principal witness was a 23-year-old man  1/5/1955 #11922  
tries Afternoon. Hosea D. Lambeth, principal of Whitsett Elementary School, 10/27/1955 #12524  
Chop assist in the production. The principal character is Chop, played by L 5/3/1956 #12828  
                  AMITY, OR School principal. 15M grey ovoid hovers over fi 11/6/1957 #14368  
          CHEROKEE, AL High School principal and 1. Saucer with flashing li 11/21/1957 #14585  
ion and “everything went out.” The principal witness wakes up from dozing i Late 11/1961 #16978  
ours later, around 12:00 noon, the principal witness is at work when three  Late 11/1961 #16978  
t for 90 seconds. According to the principal reporting witness, a retired B 5/11/1966 #20478  
 p.m. at a school in the area, the principal noticed the children on the pl 5/16/1966 #20487  
at of a jet. At 1:10 p.m. a school principal saw children on the school's p 5/16/1966 #20490  
 Psychologist David R. Saunders, a principal investigator for the Colorado  Spring 1967 #21924  
 bluff Highway 94 9:00 p.m. School principal John L. Metz and three teacher 4/17/1967 #22153  
    Shamokin, PA Evening. A school principal, teachers, and many elementary 6/5/1967 #22464  
                  In 1967 a school principal, several teachers, and student 6/5/1967 #22468  
 the dogs stopped barking. The two principal witnesses could hear voices co 6/25/1967 #22555  
by several witnesses including the principal witness, a Mr. Dumila. It had  5/5/1968 #23947  
      Ossipee, New Hampshire - The principal witness was fishing in a boat  7/4/1969 #25252  
Tunstead, England at 6:53 a.m. The principal witness hid behind a tree as t 11/25/1970 #25920  
                               The principal witness, along with her mother 6/1/1972 #26696  
n odd light above the town. School Principal Harold Truter sees the light m 11/12/1972 #27120  
ven months later Patero became the principal experiencer in an abduction ev 5/22/1973 #27519  
sture. The incident began when the principal witness and two boys proceeded 10/25/1973 #28286  
 seen moving around inside it. The principal witness, his wife, his son, an 3/31/1974 #28979  
e passengers inside except for the principal witness became sick and passed 5/9/1974 #29098  
ad three legs as landing gear. The principal witness was 12-year-old Yvon V 1/5/1975 #29726  
FLATHEAD MOUNTAINS, MT High School principal and more. Big bright object li 10/18/1975 #30439  
             SCHAUMBURG, IL School principal. Metal sphere/orb/globe east g 7/4/1978 #33327  
 Schaumburg, IL 34-year old school principal watched a distinctly outlined  7/4/1978 #33332  
ois 3:45 p.m. A 34-year old school principal in Schaumburg, Illinois, watch 7/4/1978 #33334  
                               The principal witness and her family had see 9/15/1978 #33689  
er 90 minutes of missing time. The principal abductee, the wife of an Ameri 11/25/1978 #34005  
etcalf, Illinois the mother of the principal witness had gotten up to go to 5/1/1989 #38932  
se to the end of the Cold War. Its principal mission is to deter military a 6/1/1992 #40480  
 carloads of people, including the principal witness 27-year-old Kelly Cahi 8/8/1993 #41118  
o the United States. Parsons was a principal founder of the NASA Jet Propul 3/31/2011 #45322  
                            Former Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defe 11/29/2019 #45619  
## Word: "principally" (Back to Top)
l football stadiums. The sightings principally take place in four locations 12/11/1996 #43137  
## Word: "principals" (Back to Top)
, ME David Stephens was one of the principals of this famous abduction case 10/27/1975 #30483  
## Word: "principato" (Back to Top)
                           PRATO / PRINCIPATO, ITL 4' figure / helmet probe 10/8/1984 #37479  
                          Prata di Principato Ultra, Avellino, Italy 7:40 a 10/8/1984 #37480  
to his alfalfa field near Prata di Principato Ultra, Avellino, Italy, to ge 10/8/1984 #37480  
et was seen on the ground in Prato Principato, Compania, Italy carrying a f 10/8/1984 #37481  
## Word: "principios" (Back to Top)
p at the newsroom of Cordoba's Los Principios daily newspaper, where he dro 6/21/1967 #22530  
## Word: "principle" (Back to Top)
g tracked. “They agreed with it in principle and suggested that I work out  3/19/1952 #5961  
sses and demonstrates a scientific principle that plays a role in the story 4/5/1955 #12081  
elopment. “I think that, under the principle of transparency,” he says, “th 6/14/2010 #45285  
ter a time even though at least in principle of the Special Access Program  2018 #45498  
## Word: "principles" (Back to Top)
 Explained upon Sir Isaac Newton’s Principles, proclaiming the certainty of 1756 #75  
lying machine utilizing gyroscopic principles’ . . . At the time we added t 5/18/1949 #4193  
nd actually do operate no magnetic principles, we have before us the fact t 6/25/1952 #6628  
trange experiment at sea utilizing principles of Einstein’s Field Theory, a 4/1956 #12777  
y cast aside well-known scientific principles almost with abandon, in an al 4/22/1967 #22208  
l device, it would be built on the principles involved in [Williams’] theor 4/1988 #38527  
statute is needed to set forth the principles for what may be declared secr 3/3/1997 #43217  
## Word: "princton" (Back to Top)
                                   Princton, IL UFOs were sighted by three  6/14/1973 #27566  
## Word: "prineville" (Back to Top)
                   Redmond, Oregon Prineville Highway Seattle Air Route Con 9/24/1959 #15987  
 Dickerson drives toward it on the Prineville Highway, then turns toward th 9/24/1959 #15987  
                                   PRINEVILLE, OR 1+2 observer(s). Large re 2/23/1996 #42775  
## Word: "pring" (Back to Top)
Indiana Eta Tauri 2:15 a.m. Rupert Pring is several miles outside of Anders 8/12/1981 #36070  
 right turn to the southeast. When Pring first notices the lights, he gets  8/12/1981 #36070  
ure. Further investigation prompts Pring to reveal that he and his wife had 8/12/1981 #36070  
 lights were most likely caused by Pring failing to close the shutter of hi 8/12/1981 #36070  
## Word: "pringle" (Back to Top)
ngland, two friends of author Lucy Pringle became ill with nausea, fatigue, 7/9/1996 #42953  
## Word: "pringles" (Back to Top)
the morning in the city of Coronel Pringles, Argentina Sr. E. Aguirre Zaval 12/4/1954 #11760  
                               COL.PRINGLES, ARG Luminous saucer circles do 12/14/1954 #11806  
                               CRN.PRINGLES, ARG 2 separate family cars ele 7/30/1968 #24257  
e corner of Calle Alsina and Calle Pringles, in Tres Arroyos. Their descrip 11/28/1972 #27150  
                            WEST / PRINGLES, ARG UFO's seen-type unknown. 8 9/20/1976 #31414  
## Word: "prins" (Back to Top)
                                   Prins Christianssund radio and weather s 8/29/1954 #10204  
3–4 dark, lens-shaped objects over Prins Christianssund radio and weather s 8/29/1954 #10204  
## Word: "print" (Back to Top)
ioration in quality due to age and print technique.                         7/7/1947 #2947  
a USAF officer confiscate both the print and the negatives; the newspaper’s 8/1956 #13045  
 published as a 272-page Committee Print for the House Committee on Science 12/14/1960 #16532  
gators, Eileen Buckle, rushes into print with a book, The Scoriton Mystery. 4/24/1965 #18916  
 indicate they will go to court to print the manuscript as written. The CIA 3/1972 #26584  
/ canyon. Ovoid shows on developed print.                                   10/23/1972 #27086  
er Saturn-sphere/orb/globe shows / print. / r34p17.                         3/7/1973 #27335  
ped flying object showed up in the print when the film was later developed. 3/7/1973 #27337  
tographs car wreck. Ovoid clear in print! Also separate observer(s) visual  7/9/1973 #27624  
sensation that lasts for months in print and broadcast news.                10/11/1974 #29521  
Double-dome Saturn saucer shows on print later.                             5/20/1976 #31064  
Gning-Agun. Dark saucer appears in print later.                             8/17/1976 #31276  
e astronomer who analyzes the data print out, annotates the signal with the 8/15/1977 #32402  
ped, he notices a dark spot on one print. Years later, he sends it to the C Summer 1978 #33295  
men in dark suits who demanded the print and the negative. The three men id 2/15/1999 #43729  
onia, John Rimmer decides to cease print publication.                       4/2008 #45126  
## Word: "printed" (Back to Top)
ment with a black cover and it was printed on legal-sized paper. Stamped ac 9/30/1948? #3817  
                              Some printed copies of Air Intelligence Repor 4/28/1949 #4126  
 Gazette Palomar Gardens The first printed account of the encounter with Or 11/24/1952 #8333  
g and 1 1/2 feet high with numbers printed on it, there were words too that 4/12/1954 #9685  
ing saucers.”) Only 100 copies are printed initially, but scientist Leon Da 10/25/1955 #12519  
son begins to distribute privately printed copies of Project Blue Book Spec 12/1956 #13378  
classified, the hearings are never printed. When conclusions are reached, t 1/28/1958 #14848  
s away) have given him a startling printed message predicting that a spacec 5/31/1967 #22431  
nd the Cult of Intelligence. It is printed with blanks for deleted passages 3/1972 #26584  
rk Rodeghier. Presented papers are printed in The Spectrum of UFO Research. 9/25/1981 #36137  
## Word: "printer" (Back to Top)
many, said to be observed by many. Printer Hans Glaser describes in his bro 4/4/1561 #32  
## Word: "printing" (Back to Top)
e San Francisco Examiner, has been printing falsehoods about him, including 11/22/1896 #347  
ws-Item, sets up his camera in the printing office to take lightning photog 4/25/1897 #574  
nd these are included in a special printing of the annotated book by the Va Summer 1956? #12914  
rt, The UFO Evidence, but due to a printing delay, copies are not actually  5/1964 #18237  
cribed the ID card as having black printing on a durable white stock. Both  1/28/1967 #21411  
e for most of the summer. A second printing in late August also sells out i 7/1984 #37385  
 publishes, through the Government Printing Office, The Roswell Report: Fac 7/1995 #42286  
## Word: "printout" (Back to Top)
range,15 seconds duration. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   3/21/1977 #31923  
four times. Radar and E-M. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   4/14/1977 #31979  
sses on a flight, one UFO. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   8/7/1977 #32368  
rved 4-5 UFOs. Very brief. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   10/26/1977 #32613  
de, range, 1,000', 5-mins. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   10/27/1977 #32622  
three UFOs, 4-mins 45 sec. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   12/12/1977 #32761  
min. duration of sighting. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   12/27/1977 #32812  
', two witnesses, 1 minute (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   7/4/1978 #33331  
three UFOs for 1/2 minute. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rati 8/28/1978 #33584  
at 10-14,000', 53 minutes. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   12/30/1978 #34230  
## Word: "prints" (Back to Top)
l Tennessee The Nashville American prints some tall tales about encounters  4/20/1907 #694  
ornia, visits Rhodes and takes the prints and negatives, but Rhodes is unab 7/7/1947 #2940  
lle Journal, Knoxville, Tennessee, prints article referring to the Wyandott 1/30/1950 #4519  
ially, but scientist Leon Davidson prints and sells copies of it beginning  10/25/1955 #12519  
 contractor Varo Manufacturing and prints 25 copies.  ONR’s link to Jessup  4/1956 #12778  
 x 11.5 feet. Two large three-toed prints are also found, but the relations 7/30/1957 #13862  
found, but the relationship of the prints to the object is unknown.         7/30/1957 #13862  
conference. NICAP unable to obtain prints. [NICAP UFO Evidence] (NICAP: 08  4/30/1962 #17138  
 from NORAD shows up demanding the prints and Heflin turns them over. They  8/3/1965 #19290  
aid and ran away. Police found six prints at the site.                      4/26/1967 #22223  
 in diameter and four wedge-shaped prints in the soil.                      7/20/1968 #24193  
ight. The next day the "dog's" paw prints were found. Six days later, the b 6/4/1970 #25690  
now (1.3 feet), leaving four round prints forming an even square 6.5 feet o 2/5/1971 #26014  
 campers made plaster casts of the prints and photographed them. These mate 10/20/1973 #28222  
ia Stringfield receives eight more prints showing an alien cadaver encased  6/2/1980 #35352  
 Force black project aircraft. The prints are sent to the Glasgow Daily Rec 8/4/1990 #39679  
ton [now closed] for scrutiny. The prints subsequently disappear and the Mo 8/4/1990 #39679  
## Word: "priolo" (Back to Top)
                 Several people in Priolo, Siracusa, Sicily, Italy saw a hu 2/2/2000 #43938  
## Word: "prior" (Back to Top)
acific Coast and training soldiers prior to their deployment overseas.      3/17/1941 #1357  
cut off after launch, fin 4 failed prior to cutoff)                         4/16/1946 #1982  
rigues has assumed duties in China prior to this and is no longer in Roswel 7/25/1947 #3230  
ous launch attempts failed in year prior. Excellent performance)            4/2/1948 #3605  
r tests are conducted in the 1940s prior to Green Run, although this is a p 12/2/1949 #4431  
arate theodolites film object just prior / missile test. / r120p354.        5/29/1950 #4967  
ve on both the dry run and hot run prior to missile release. The objects gi 8/30/1950 #5150  
UAPs over an undisclosed timeframe prior to the report. The incidents have  4/24/1952 #6179  
o look for the creature some hours prior to Stewert’s discovery. Ivan T. Sa 9/12/1952 #7905  
has already been written by Durant prior to the meetings, which Fournet has 1/16/1953 #8543  
ng objects” are seen by the pilots prior to the accident. Its distribution  6/24/1953 #8970  
o the air force for authentication prior to publication,” although it conta 3/1954 #9580  
 would seek the Attorney General’s prior approval, as with wiretaps. Browne 5/20/1954 #9820  
am about outer space and politics. Prior to this time, Angelucci has caught 12/1954 #11737  
first arrived 1 billion years ago [prior to the earliest known multicellula 1957 #13430  
ll Area 51 personnel are evacuated prior to the blast, but the military neg 7/5/1957 #13779  
ales, Brazil. This is three nights prior to his famous abduction experience 10/13/1957 #14105  
ge 23, had his second UFO sighting prior to his famous UFO abduction, when  10/14/1957 #14112  
time in the late 1950s a few hours prior to a nuclear weapons test at the N 1959? #15508  
 and intelligence officer--with no prior experience in telepathic communica 7/9/1959 #15829  
 FL (McDonald list) Object Tracked Prior to Launch of Polaris Missile (NICA 4/11/1961 #16646  
ston, Ontario, near Niagara Falls. Prior to and coincident with the blackou 11/9/1965 #19709  
    Cordoba, Argentina - Four days prior of a massive wave of UFO sightings 6/21/1967 #22530  
over a CIA-initiated program begun prior to January 1953.” The writer runs  7/29/1971 #26251  
lia Dallas, Texas Denver, Colorado Prior to the launch of a Black Arrow roc 12/20/1971 #26509  
mit his writings to CIA for review prior to publication. Marchetti appeals  3/1972 #26584  
es is checking a load on his truck prior to descending from the top of a hi 9/10/1972 #26986  
                      On the night prior to this experience, Mrs Maureen Pu 2/22/1973 #27310  
No index of these records was made prior to the fire.                       7/12/1973 #27631  
ad been awakened by a "voice" just prior to her observation.                9/6/1973 #27774  
mystery helicopters in the area in prior weeks. Jenny Randles hears later f 1/23/1974 #28694  
nvolved in two other UFO incidents prior to this encounter.                 4/23/1977 #32018  
al other close encounter incidents prior and after this encounter.          4/24/1977 #32021  
                     Arlington, VA Prior to a fireworks display, a retired  7/4/1977 #32234  
 lights and figures disappear just prior to the arrival of the police, the  7/23/1977 #32305  
ights and figures disappeared just prior to the arrival of the police, the  7/23/1977 #32306  
stling noise at the same time just prior to the motorist's encounter.       8/11/1977 #32385  
it had been serviced only two days prior to the sighting.                   12/7/1977 #32742  
eveloping in the area in the years prior to the collapse, and signs were pl 4/2/1978 #33119  
ment of Sociology presents a paper prior to the American Sociological Assoc 9/3/1978 #33629  
 be an invisible barrier. Six days prior to the incident the witness's fath 9/6/1978 #33640  
hat she remembers having felt just prior to the encounter. At 7:20 p.m., fo 11/22/1978 #33980  
She had no memory of the abduction prior to hypnosis. During hypnosis she r 11/25/1978 #34005  
ving monitored UAP events over the prior decade.  https://wikileaks.org/plu 12/8/1978 #34079  
ted repeatedly over several nights prior to this encounter. On the night in 12/27/1980 #35748  
t an encrypted message to the base prior to the sighting, ordering a “compl 8/16/1981 #36078  
owered into an 800-foot-deep shaft prior to testing, an alert goes off that 1982 #36285  
though fortunately APRO case files prior to 1957 have been preserved digita 4/12/1988 #38541  
any other dimensions. A few nights prior to this incident the same witness  6/29/1989 #38997  
sted at Fort Meade, MD five months prior. He stated he had been threatened  9/28/1989 #39132  
e responsible for all circles made prior to 1987, and for more than 200 cro 9/9/1991 #40182  
nd walls the same day and two days prior. An anomalous image did appear on  8/18/1993 #41146  
 Memorandum,” undated but prepared prior to October 20, 1947.               1994 #41342  
92 by President George HW Bush and prior to that, Goldin worked at the Spac 8/7/1996 #42971  
ights is seen by several witnesses prior to the incident.                   3/5/1999 #43743  
their rooftop as they had done the prior evening to watch for satellites. I 7/28/2002 #44367  
20 seconds and then left the area. Prior to seeing the figure, he had seen  7/28/2002 #44368  
PTF reporting channels or Congress prior to it being disclosed to a journal 1/2010 #45266  
ere investigating as well. Shortly prior to his death, Spiers gave a video  7/16/2016 #45456  
z had already worked at Los Alamos prior to the alleged crash, and was a me 4/25/2019 #45572  
here it was studied at high levels prior to AATIP, but after Project Blue B 7/19/2020 #45653  
                 During a briefing prior to a planned US Air Force exercise 5/2021 #45685  
on Products to become TRW in 1965. Prior to the merger, Ramo-Wooldridge spu 9/15/2021 #45710  
ansas, Annual Veterans Day Parade. Prior to the F-16 flyby, the witness see 11/11/2021 #45721  
## Word: "priorato" (Back to Top)
ietly on a mountain in Torroia del Priorato, Tarragona, Spain. It was the c 1/6/1961 #16564  
## Word: "priori" (Back to Top)
ares extraterrestrial UFOs to be a priori impossible because they do not fo 9/15/1967 #23068  
uing along those lines, they use a priori logic, which insists that if extr 5/6/2008 #45134  
## Word: "priorities" (Back to Top)
isfied with its administration and priorities. They break off and form the  12/1985 #37730  
## Word: "priority" (Back to Top)
This resulted in the collection of priority intelligence information of val 2/23/1944 #1577  
n design (Fat Man) becomes the top priority of the laboratory, and design o 7/4/1944 #1618  
SAF “issue a directive assigning a priority, security classification, and c 9/23/1947 #3417  
ntagon or AMC only if they are of “priority Counterintelligence interest.”  2/8/1950 #4535  
oceeding to establish an immediate PRIORITY research and development on UFO 11/25/1952 #8335  
No mention is made of NORAD’s high priority for not ignoring unpredictable, 3/28/1967 #22005  
 morning, RCC Halifax also sends a priority telex to the Air Desk at Royal  10/4/1967 #23176  
 Leader William Bain sends another priority telex to the Royal Canadian Nav 10/4/1967 #23176  
ted. The RCN in turn sends another priority telex tasking Fleet Diving Unit 10/4/1967 #23176  
uce positive identifications. In a priority message sent from SAC headquart 11/11/1975 #30611  
se,” indicating it had the highest priority to conduct radical research und 3/16/1991 #40015  
ial hypothesis and had a strategic priority to avoid “hysteria.”  https://w 7/24/2020 #45655  
## Word: "priors" (Back to Top)
                             ALTON PRIORS, WILTS Delta hovers here. Videos  8/7/1993 #41111  
## Word: "priory" (Back to Top)
e commissioned” are to establish a priory of the Brotherhood of the Seven R 12/2/1956 #13384  
## Word: "pripyat" (Back to Top)
nobyl nuclear power plant Unit One Pripyat, Ukraine Lenin Square A partial  9/9/1982 #36599  
yl nuclear power plant Unit One in Pripyat, Ukraine. Officials deny that an 9/9/1982 #36599  
  Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant at Pripyat, Ukraine 1:23 a.m. The Number 4  4/26/1986 #37843  
e Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant at Pripyat, Ukraine, has a power surge duri 4/26/1986 #37843  
## Word: "priscilla" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Priscilla” Yield: 37KT                   6/24/1957 #13750  
## Word: "prism" (Back to Top)
ent times, as if lit by a rotating prism within the structure. Suddenly, al 3/24/1983 #36807  
n Post reveal the existence of the PRISM surveillance program (which collec 6/6/2013 #45371  
## Word: "prism-ish" (Back to Top)
 five minutes. He reported it had "prism-ish" lights.                       3/21/1984 #37238  
## Word: "prism-like" (Back to Top)
red lights, three portholes, and a prism-like component on the bottom that  10/5/1967 #23179  
## Word: "prismatic" (Back to Top)
n front of a star-like glow with a prismatic, multi-colored aura 100 feet a 12/28/1969 #25512  
## Word: "prison" (Back to Top)
                            Harlem Prison Farm Fort Bend County, Texas Lake 4/19/1897 #536  
H. Tucker, physician at the Harlem Prison Farm [now the Jester State Prison 4/19/1897 #536  
 Prison Farm [now the Jester State Prison Farm] in Fort Bend County, Texas, 4/19/1897 #536  
                     Indiana State Prison in Michigan City, Indiana 8:00 a. 4/28/1949 #4128  
 3,000 feet near the Indiana State Prison in Michigan City, Indiana, when h 4/28/1949 #4128  
His activities were interrupted by prison sentences for mail fraud and embe Summer 1951 #5549  
                   NORFOLK, MASS 3 prison guards. Silent circular shadow ov 7/23/1952 #7054  
                At 9:10 p.m. three prison guards in Norfolk, Virginia watch 7/23/1952 #7089  
            AYACUCHO, PERU Several prison guards. 2 saucers hover over pris 8/1952 (approximate) #7376  
rison guards. 2 saucers hover over prison / 3 minute(s). No further details 8/1952 (approximate) #7376  
                            Osborn Prison Farm Somers, Connecticut 10:10 a. 9/6/1952 #7868  
cCracken, two guards at the Osborn Prison Farm [now Osborn Correctional Ins 9/6/1952 #7868  
s a bank. He serves three years in prison.                                  11/1952 #8227  
ake no public statements or face a prison term of 10 years and/or a fine of 2/17/1954 #9550  
yle sentences him to 1–10 years in prison.                                  11/5/1957 #14343  
m that they face up to 10 years in prison under JANAP 146 if they reveal de 12/1958 #15465  
tings under penalty of 10 years in prison or $10,000 in fines (JANAP 146).  12/21/1958 #15494  
ightings by penalty of 10 years in prison or $10,000 fine (JANAP 146) is “n 12/21/1958 #15495  
(s) going southwest. Vanishes near prison. 1 separate observer(s).          8/28/1972 #26963  
d he subsequently was sentenced to prison for swindling. Afterwards, there  10/28/1973 #28311  
                 WALLA WALLA, WA 8 prison guards / (seen thru) binoculars / 1/28/1974 #28711  
                             Khami Prison in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe 8:15 p.m. D 7/15/1975 #30182  
avid Burgess, an official at Khami Prison in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and a frie 7/15/1975 #30182  
 a rounded top, hovering above the prison about 1–2 miles away. At 8:45 p.m 7/15/1975 #30182  
ionless 2–3 miles northeast of the prison by a Mr. and Mrs. Rossiter and th 7/15/1975 #30182  
nge domed saucer hovers over Khami Prison. 5 observer(s) same place / 17 Ju 7/16/1975 #30184  
r cylinder/cigar-shape hovers near prison. Vanishes / thin air!             6/30/1977 #32207  
er reported this incident while in prison and again when out on work releas 7/1984 #37384  
ous ovoid hovers vertical 35M over prison. Vanishes and reappears.          4/11/1991 #40033  
Penitenciário da Papuda, a federal prison in São Sebastião in the Federal D 4/11/1991 #40034  
 no more than 1,650 feet above the prison. It flies up and down and horizon 4/11/1991 #40034  
minous ovoid object hovered over a prison in Brasilia, Brazil. It had a ver 4/11/1991 #40035  
                       LEBANON, OH Prison guards and separate reports / pol 4/8/1993 #40929  
                                   Prison guards and police in Lebanon, Ohi 4/8/1993 #40931  
                A man working at a prison in Auckland, New Zealand looked o 6/18/1993 #41022  
                     At 11:45 p.m. prison surveillance cameras caught a two 5/15/1994 #41527  
h perimeter fence of the Glenochil Prison in Alloa, Scotland. The object wa 5/15/1994 #41527  
" or donut. It was observed by two prison guards on the security video came 5/15/1994 #41527  
ere larger / full moon hovers near prison. Seen briefly.                    1/8/1996 #42674  
## Word: "prisoner" (Back to Top)
Gdynia, Poland Baltic Sea A French prisoner in a German labor camp near Gdy 7/18/1943 #1518  
caves, insisting he had been their prisoner for several years. The article  11/1943 #1541  
y is a scheme hatched by a federal prisoner to get leverage to be transferr 1975 #29679  
## Word: "prisoners" (Back to Top)
   SOUTHWEST / KOBLENZ, GERM 2 Fr. prisoners of war. Moonless night. Cresce 8/1942 #1426  
               KLIETZ, GERMANY Fr. prisoners of war. 3 silent luminous silv 3/1944 #1582  
 starts construction, using 70,000 prisoners from 12 labor camps. Later tur 1945 #1742  
EBRECK = KEDZIERZYN, POLAND Allied prisoners of war / ground. White footbal 1/22/1945 #1760  
p Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland British prisoners being force-marched out of the 1/22/1945 #1761  
                    Soviet bloc US prisoners of war in Korea The MKUltra pr 4/13/1953 #8823  
e of mind-control techniques on US prisoners of war in Korea. The project a 4/13/1953 #8823  
inistering LSD to mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts, and prostitutes 6/9/1953 #8930  
l about his techniques (hooding of prisoners for sensory deprivation, prolo 7/1963 #17819  
nger, in the process of taking two prisoners back to Canada, sees a silvery 8/19/1966 #20772  
] to experiment on three Viet Cong prisoners at Biên Hòa Hospital. Working  7/1968 #24107  
ent saucer paces 2 cops / cruiser. Prisoners / rear panic. Lands.           11/14/1973 #28419  
t could not tell if they were also prisoners. He remembered seeing a horrif 2/29/1996 #42789  
 “guinea pigs,” including Japanese prisoners and handicapped persons, who w 6/2017 #45472  
## Word: "prisons" (Back to Top)
es are used at US military and CIA prisons such as Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, an 7/1963 #17819  
## Word: "pristina" (Back to Top)
                                   PRISTINA, SERBIA 100 observer(s). Star o 12/1967 (approximate) #23526  
## Word: "pritchard" (Back to Top)
Massachusetts, chaired by David E. Pritchard and John E. Mack, with present 6/13/1992 #40492  
## Word: "pritz" (Back to Top)
30 a.m. he wakes his friend Johann Pritz in another house and they continue 10/28/1973 #28310  
ia Bad Traunstein 6:00 p.m. Johann Pritz notices an oblong object emitting  11/17/1973 #28437  
## Word: "privacy" (Back to Top)
                      Congress The Privacy Act, signed into law by Presiden 12/31/1974 #29666  
as the security classification and privacy review panel begins reviewing th 4/1975 #29930  
               CIA Information and Privacy Coordinator Gene F. Wilson asks  8/10/1978 #33496  
ter, signed by CIA Information and Privacy Coordinator George Owens, states 12/14/1978 #34124  
 the FBI Office of Information and Privacy affirms in a letter to researche 8/2/1989 #39041  
 the FBI Office of Information and Privacy informs researcher Nick Redfern  7/22/1993 #41076  
 the FBI Office of Information and Privacy tells ufologist Nick Redfern it  7/22/1993 #41077  
## Word: "privat" (Back to Top)
                               ST. PRIVAT / VALLONGUE, FR Cylinder/cigar-sh 10/15/1954 (approximate) #11090  
igar-shaped object landed in Saint Privat, Vallongue, Lozere department, Fr 10/15/1954 #11123  
## Word: "private" (Back to Top)
r and by John Rand Capron from his private observatory on Hog’s Back, Surre 11/17/1882 #249  
Alpes-Maritimes, France, who has a private observatory in the Alps, claims  Winter 1936 #1254  
                NEAR VAN BUREN, MO Private plane chases flying disk. Pilot  1/1937? #1255  
chases a disc-shaped object in his private aircraft over Van Buren, Missour 1/1937 #1256  
                     WARREN CO, NC Private pilot. 12M metallic gondola goin 1/1/1937 #1257  
n Stockholm, Sweden, ostensibly on private business, and independently of e 8/19/1946 #2145  
          Rehoboth Beach, Delaware Private pilot Forrest Wenyon is flying o 6/2/1947 #2309  
58 p.m. Kenneth Arnold, flying his private plane near Mount Rainier, Washin 6/24/1947 #2402  
oman AFB], New Mexico, is flying a private plane near Engle, New Mexico, at 6/27/1947 #2432  
         US10 ESE / NORTH BEND, WA Private investigator and 1. 24 washtub s 7/2/1947 #2540  
    TONOPAH TO/FROM AUSTIN, NV 2 / private plane. 5 brilliant disks going q 7/4/1947 #2601  
         WEST / LONG BEACH, CA 2 / private plane. 50' skeet-saucer / 7000'  7/4/1947 #2618  
 Beach, California After 5:00 p.m. Private pilot Dan Whelan and passenger D 7/4/1947 #2661  
  ELKHORN AND EAGLE, WI 2 separate private pilots. White ball drops / cloud 7/7/1947 #2859  
y and Clem Hackworthy are flying a private aircraft near East Troy, Wiscons 7/7/1947 #2934  
              COOK SPRINGS, AL 1 / private plane. Flash. 1M saucer seen aga 7/8/1947 #2960  
                       RED BAY, AL Private pilot. Near collision with silve 7/8/1947? #2963  
             NORTH / ALTON, NH Vet private pilot and 1. 6M metallic saucer  7/8/1947 #2989  
       GLACIER NATIONAL PARK, MT 2 private pilots. 7 saucers going quickly  7/9/1947 #3043  
                OVER UTAH LAKE, UT Private pilot. 6 silver disks flutter an 7/12/1947 #3149  
   16KM SOUTH / HIGH POINT, NC 2 / private plane. Huge fireball-saucer goin 7/12/1947 #3153  
 going west toward(s) mountains. 2 private planes follow. / r131#5.         7/13/1947 #3168  
                     On this day a private pilot named Jenssen, flying at 6 7/23/1947 #3220  
               Late in the day two private pilots flying over Mexico, Misso 8/26/1947 #3373  
          Paradise Valley, Arizona Private pilot Selman E. Graves claims to Early 10/1947 #3446  
mpenetrable by conventional tools. Private property purchased to facilitate 1948 #3519  
t tall with oversized human heads. Private property was allegedly purchased 1948 #3527  
LD, IN Project Bluebook Case #129. Private pilot. Small "Graf-Zeppelin" zoo 5/12/1948 #3646  
                                 A private pilot flying over Westfield, Ind 5/12/1948 #3647  
s, corporations, universities, and private individuals.                     5/14/1948 #3650  
 recalled, several copies still in private hands. This would have been the  6/1948 (approximate) #3665  
  PASCO, WA Near nuclear facility. Private pilot. Black saucer dives. Climb 7/1948 #3687  
a Bellanca Cruisair four-passenger private airplane.  A single bright white 7/1948 #3690  
ect Bluebook Case #233. 2 pilots / private plane. Near crash / 20m cylinder 1/1/1949 #3952  
omas A. Rush and his wife are in a private plane flying east of Jackson, Mi 1/1/1949 #3955  
 Indiana 8:00 a.m. Businessman and private pilot Leon A. Faber is flying at 4/28/1949 #4128  
for review and study. Found in the private BSRA archives now at the AFU in  5/18/1949 #4190  
OR Project Bluebook Case #392. 1 / private plane. 7 20' ovoids / row. 200mp 5/27/1949 #4211  
s to the Moon, Mars, and Venus. In private correspondence he later explains 8/1949 #4300  
 dives / sky. Very high and large. Private pilots can't catch up.           12/28/1949 #4449  
             PINCKNEYVILLE, IL 2 / private plane. 20m saucer / 1500m altitu 2/22/1950 #4545  
le and thin at the edges seen from private plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 2/27/1950 #4562  
 MEXICO CITY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, MX Private pilot. 7M dome with green glow / 3/14/1950 #4631  
                   On this night a private pilot at Mexico City Airport, Me 3/14/1950 #4637  
            BRADFORD, IL Several / private plane. Very fast metallic glowin 3/18/1950 #4670  
      Bradford, Illinois 8:40 a.m. Private pilot Robert Fisher, flying a Be 3/18/1950 #4675  
EST NATIONAL AIRPORT, DC Man dives private plane / 40' metallic saucer. Goi 3/26/1950 #4722  
is having lunch in his office at a private contractor’s building at Holloma 7/1950 #5035  
                     San Diego, CA Private letter from BSRA Director Meade  11/10/1950 #5271  
                         JOLON, CA Private pilot / Navion 4582K. 3 rectangu 1/14/1951 #5395  
                         Jolon, CA Private Pilot Reports Mile-Wide Rectangl 1/14/1951 #5397  
                    FAYETTE CO, GA Private pilot. Silver white disk. Electr 4/1951 #5495  
   EAST / PARIS, IL Blue Book 985. Private pilot and separate observer(s).  10/9/1951 #5708  
erre Haute, Indiana. At 1:45 p.m., private pilot Charles Warren, flying at  10/9/1951 #5715  
, WI Maneuvering Object Spotted By Private Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 10/10/1951 #5718  
t extremely fast. Near collision / private plane. / r135p83.                10/21/1951 #5737  
                  TORRANCE, CA 2 / private plane. Shiny metallic football o 12/7/1951 #5807  
              SOUTH / SAN JOSE, CA Private pilot. Group / odd red night lig 1/25/1952 #5878  
                      MARSHALL, TX Private pilot. 1 white saucer in straigh 4/29/1952 #6209  
                      Marshall, TX Private pilot saw a round white object f 4/29/1952 #6211  
         Marshall, Texas Witness:  private pilot R.R. Weidman. One round, w 4/29/1952 #6213  
n this same day in Marshall, Texas private pilot R. R. Weidman sighted a ro 4/29/1952 #6218  
#1390. 3 saucers hover until cop / private plane asks about them / radio.   7/5/1952 #6709  
     LAKE ERIE EAST / SANDUSKY, OH Private pilot. 55m saucer seen near Unit 7/17/1952 #6851  
at green-metallic going west under private plane / 800kph. 150M altitude.   7/21/1952 #6960  
e times. USAF officials report “in private conversations” that the object m 7/21/1952 #6982  
miles northwest of Kermit, Texas a private pilot experienced total radio fa 7/21/1952 #6986  
              NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL Private pilot and wife. Metallic disk ho 7/22/1952 #6994  
ar), FL Very Large Disc Sighted By Private Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 7/22/1952 #7016  
 observer. Saucer dives going [to] private plane. 65° climb and away. / LDL 9/13/1952 #7910  
  Allentown, Pennsylvania Witness: private pilot W.A. Hobler, flying a Beec 9/13/1952 #7915  
entown, Pennsylvania at 7:40 p.m., private pilot W.A. Hobler was flying his 9/13/1952 #7917  
ted” UAP study to universities and private nonprofits (like Battelle, menti 12/2/1952 #8364  
 P. Robertson told us in the first private (no outsiders) session that our  1/14/1953 #8539  
t, Louisiana Witness:  USAF airman/private pilot.  Five yellow discs made c 2/27/1953 #8713  
eport, Louisiana a USAF airman and private pilot spotted five yellow discs  2/27/1953 #8715  
s:  Mrs. Nina Cook, an experienced private pilot and wife of a Pan Am fligh 3/11/1953 #8745  
            Prescott, AZ A veteran private pilot watched as eight disc-like 5/21/1953 #8895  
             OVER WHITE PLAINS, NY Private pilot. 15cm saucer / 750M.alt. 3 6/28/1953 #8974  
rded by author Frank Scully in his private notes now at the AHC.            Mid 11/1953 #9301  
                   CA Meeting of a private “industrial group” discussing ma 12/1953 #9326  
Author Frank Scully records in his private notes 11/1953 rumors of a saucer 1/24/1954 #9496  
                        California Private Frank Scully note at AHC: CIC of 5/20/1954 #9817  
E, OH Project Bluebook Case #3072. Private pilot. 40' saucer / cone / top.  6/25/1954 #9943  
 Lake, Ohio Witnesses: experienced private pilot John Mark, flying Navion l 6/25/1954 #9946  
a cone-shaped top was sighted by a private pilot over Indian Lake, Ohio at  6/25/1954 #9948  
         Leonard Stringfield has a private talk for 26 minutes with Lt. Col 9/21/1954 #10384  
   Marshfield, Missouri Witnesses: private pilot J.N. Williams, E.J. Ash. A 9/22/1954 #10394  
i at eleven o'clock in the morning private pilot J. N. Williams and his fri 9/22/1954 #10398  
ent is held with many of his other private papers at the Broadlands Archive 2/23/1955 #12015  
 Air Base 2:30 p.m. The pilot of a private Beechcraft plane is flying at 1, 3/24/1955 #12059  
                   NEAR DAWSON, GA Private pilot. Ovoid with lit portholes  2/1956 (approximate) #12689  
                    LIVINGSTON, NJ Private pilot and 1. 2 white disks hover 9/3/1956 #13177  
  MOUNTAINS EAST / BANNING, CA 2 / private plane. Saucer returns light sign 11/14/1957 #14543  
N of), MI An object hit water of a private lake making a circle 10 ft acros 6/20/1958 #15102  
                     LA VERDE, ARG Private pilot. Engine REVs up. Flat 10M  8/31/1958 #15233  
                  Cedar City, Iowa Private Gerry Irwin stopped his car to i 2/28/1959 #15622  
                                   Private Gerry Irwin, a Nike missile tech 2/28/1959 #15624  
ond Leslie during their visit to a private address in London. Adamski gives 4/18/1959 #15707  
perators and the pilot of a Mooney private airplane.  One pear-shaped objec 9/13/1959 #15970  
Indiana plus the pilot of a Mooney private aircraft sighted a pear-shaped o 9/13/1959 #15974  
Force personnel are not to contact private individuals on UFO cases or disc 9/14/1959 #15975  
ht at about 11:05 p.m. A departing private plane also saw the object. Earli 1/3/1960 #16149  
trajectory. He said he contacted a private plane which had just taken off a 1/3/1960 #16149  
 a field day with this report, but private UFO investigators who interviewe 4/18/1961 #16654  
ed key Congressional committees in private.                                 6/1961 #16706  
                         AKRON, OH Private pilot and ground RADAR. Glowing- 7/4/1961 #16746  
round 12:00 noon. Waldo J. Harris, private pilot and real-estate broker, is 10/2/1961 #16889  
, Alaska Witnesses:  one U.S. Army private, six anonymous civilians.  One r 2/25/1962 #17061  
                           An Army private and six civilians in Kotzbue, Al 2/25/1962 #17062  
                    WASHINGTON, DC Private pilot and newsman. Pulsing yello 2/5/1963 #17649  
             Washington (near), DC Private pilot, newsman passenger, watche 2/5/1963 #17652  
taly Milan Adamski allegedly has a private audience with Pope John XXIII in 5/31/1963 #17774  
nd frequently changed direction. A private pilot made a report of a similar 4/28/1964 #18219  
ON, ND Luminous round object paces private pilot 15km back. Going quickly [ 6/10/1964 #18341  
rly 60's material (personal notes, private correspondences, newspaper clipp 6/23/1964 #18368  
RTH / DODGE CITY, KS Aero-writer / private plane. Circular mass tumbles and 9/12/1964 #18551  
 International Airport] 10:45 p.m. Private pilot George Henry Lissauer is d 11/22/1964 #18632  
es in UFOs, according to polls and private Air Force and NICAP estimates. T 1965 #18682  
r. The UFOs were also sighted by a private pilot in a Piper Apache flying o 3/18/1965 #18865  
                                   Private aircraft pilot Mr. C. Adams, and 6/6/1965 #18995  
                     NASHVILLE, IN Private pilot. 2 disks hover below cloud 8/10/1965 #19352  
void a collision. Later than day a private pilot attorney saw two discs fly 8/10/1965 #19363  
e found with hand written notes in private BSRA/BSRF archives containing th 1966 #19792  
ortholes and exhaust pipes circles private pilot / 10K' altitude. Extremely 4/29/1966 #20425  
Bonanza aircraft flown by a single private pilot at 10,000 feet altitude. A 4/29/1966 #20428  
            PASADENA, CA Chemist / private plane. 3 round objects change po 4/30/1966 #20429  
omed saucer buzzes 2 Navy jets and private plane. / MJ#277+/ r41p44.        5/21/1966 #20501  
                  NEAR SEBRING, FL Private pilot / 2900m chased / 300m cone 9/20/1966 #20899  
    Sebring, FL Giant Cone Shadows Private Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 9/20/1966 #20901  
                       Sebring, FL Private pilot encountered coneshaped obj 9/20/1966 #20902  
    A huge cone-shaped UFO paced a private aircraft being flown by J. O'Con 9/20/1966 #20903  
EST. Several witnesses including a private pilot saw a very bright, round,  11/13/1966 #21097  
                 NEW KINGSTOWN, PA Private pilot. Disk with blinking light  11/30/1966 #21161  
 Kingston, PA Time not reported. A private pilot watched a disc with a blin 11/30/1966 #21164  
ng military officers and harassing private citizens and confiscating UFO ph 3/1/1967 #21703  
 at Ohio University, who is also a private pilot, and four others saw an un 4/18/1967 #22159  
 9:35 p.m. MDT (11:35 p.m. EDT). A private pilot and his family saw a flatt 4/28/1967 #22243  
alling for photos of UFOs taken by private citizens and provides recommenda 5/1/1967 #22261  
0 a.m. a distress call came from a private pilot flying between Alexandria  7/27/1967 #22743  
port, Venezuela Esteban D. Cova, a private in the Marines, was relieved of  8/26/1967 #22932  
               At 2:00 a.m. Marine Private Esteban D. Cova was just leaving 8/26/1967 #22935  
T. A police officer, who is also a private pilot who has tracked aircraft w 11/19/1967 #23482  
  WAIHI AND TAURANGA, NZ RADAR and private pilots. White cylinder/cigar-sha 6/6/1968 #24011  
                   LA GUARDIA, ARG Private pilot. 30M domed saucer shoots g 6/18/1968 #24043  
        SOUTHWEST / CATAMARCA, ARG Private pilot and 4 / car. Cloud = fast  6/19/1968 #24046  
                  WEST SEATTLE, WA Private pilot follows 8 orange night lig 7/7/1968 #24152  
ermont. In the late afternoon at a private camp called Buff Ledge two teena 8/7/1968 #24308  
ny lights. Shoots going up [to] as private plane nears.                     8/14/1968 #24325  
ang, Vietnam 1:00 a.m. A US Marine private named Earl Morrison is on guard  7/1969 #25242  
                    MONONA, IA 2 / private plane chase 3' white night light 12/7/1969 #25492  
                     San Diego, CA Private letter sent to BSRF from an acti 1970's #25515  
s-shaped cloud quickly encircled a private plane flying from the islands of 12/4/1970 #25926  
, and then suddenly sped away. The private pilot was a 24-year-old man name 8/9/1971 #26278  
                        PLOVER, WI Private pilot and 2. UFO over US51. No p 8/21/1972 #26942  
                BRICEVILLE, TN 2 / private plane. 3 night lights land and f 10/2/1973 #27916  
same time, C. W. Bacon is flying a private jet about 35 miles southeast of  7/14/1974 #29259  
HONY, NFLD Date approximate. Small private plane has near collision / UFO o 10/18/1974 (approximate) #29542  
                 NEAR SHABBONA, IL Private pilot paced / 36m silver saucer. 11/24/1974 #29604  
me night a circular object paced a private aircraft flying over Shabbona, I 11/24/1974 #29607  
Ryan, an electrical engineer and a private pilot, went to his back door to  1/2/1975 #29698  
            NEAR NEW BALTIMORE, OH Private pilot. Silver object glows and h 10/26/1975 #30474  
n 1993), the Enquirer, and APRO. A private investigator named John McCarthy 11/5/1975 #30562  
                       CHIRENS, FR Private pilot / ground. 7M metallic sphe 7/30/1976 #31197  
  ESE / DIEPHOLZ, GER Ovoid buzzes private pilot. Compass spins. Loss / con 8/16/1976 #31272  
nce: Catalog of Military, Airline, Private Pilots Sightings from 1916 to 20 3/12/1977 #31900  
INGS Catalog of Military, Airline, Private Pilots Sightings from 1916 to 20 7/1/1977 #32224  
                        Dallas, TX Private pilot & T-38 pilot enc object, E 10/26/1977 #32614  
      NORTHWEST / SANTA MONICA, CA Private pilot. Domed saucer with 18 18x2 1/1/1978 #32838  
s engineer tells Jacques Vallée in private he is compiling a new close enco 1/5/1978 #32854  
es UFOs. (see NASA arrest laws re. private citizens)                        2/1/1978 #32938  
l’s liver are sent to two separate private laboratories. Los Alamos detects 3/24/1978 #33077  
                  PASADENA, CA 2 / private plane. White saucer hovers. Shoo 6/4/1978 #33252  
tely five hours earlier that day a private pilot and his passenger reported 6/4/1978 #33256  
       Los Angeles, CA 3:15 PM. US private aircraft at 2800', two witnesses 7/4/1978 #33331  
                Provincetown, MA A private plane flying over Massachusetts  8/27/1978 #33577  
                                 A private plane flying over Massachusetts  8/27/1978 #33580  
       In air space, W. Germany US private aircraft with three witnesses at 8/28/1978 #33584  
ight. Around the same time an army private at a nearby military barracks wa 9/23/1978 #33737  
            LAKE EYRE, SOUTH AUSTR Private pilot photographs 30M circle / i 1/2/1979 #34278  
                        Hailey, ID Private pilot and airline crew saw strin 5/26/1979 #34589  
y, Idaho 12:05 a.m. The pilot of a private airplane flying near Hailey, Ida 5/26/1979 #34590  
 Braniff Airlines crew, as well as private pilots flying in the area, indep 5/29/1979 #34594  
any in the 1930s, with the unknown private group gaining control of them af 6/1979 #34599  
        SOUTHEAST / CLEAR LAKE, CA Private pilot. 6' sparkly torus off wing 6/9/1979 #34603  
                                 A private pilot flying southeast of Clearl 6/9/1979 #34604  
    10 MI NORTH / MYRTLE CREEK, OR Private pilot. 30' metal sphere/orb/glob 9/10/1979 #34858  
lice who advised them to contact a private UFO organization.                5/7/1980 #35317  
observer. 2 10' burger-buns circle private plane / 10x. Away very fast. No  9/28/1980 #35539  
                         OZONA, TX Private pilot. Glowing-object going nort 11/3/1980 #35611  
                                 A private pilot flying near Ozona, Texas a 11/3/1980 #35615  
 Berryessa, California 8:45 p.m. A private pilot named Dennis is flying a P 11/5/1980 #35620  
 Reservoir, California 3:00 a.m. A private pilot named Dennis is flying a P 4/8/1981 #35887  
Reno, NV Small, shiny object below private plane. Object fluttered or tilte 4/20/1981 #35908  
ation System (PROMIS) developed by private firm Inslaw to aid prosecutors i 1982 #36286  
ormer Air Force pilots flying in a private corporate jet saw a ten foot dia 3/8/1982 #36382  
ormer Air Force pilots flying in a private corporate jet saw a ten foot dia 3/8/1982 #36385  
lion in funding from Congress, its private status keeps it safe from FOIA r 11/18/1983 #37046  
orktown, New York. An engineer and private pilot, he watched them turn and  5/31/1984 #37346  
orktown, New York. An engineer and private pilot, he watched them turn and  5/31/1984 #37349  
hether it would consider involving private and civilian experts as future c 7/10/1984 #37390  
re made. At about the same time, a private pilot flying over Snoqualmie Pas 3/1/1986 #37796  
    Memphis, Tennessee 9:05 p.m. A private pilot sees a V-shaped configurat 4/25/1986 #37839  
                     BRASILIA, BRZ Private pilot followed 460mi by small lu 5/16/1986 #37871  
                                 A private pilot flying from Brasilia, Braz 5/16/1986 #37872  
                          MESA, AZ Private pilot lands. Gulf Breeze type sa 3/6/1988 #38492  
               NEAR KARLSKOGA, SWD Private pilot. 50-100M saucer drops / cl 10/1/1988 #38662  
Reagan administration had set up a private network involving the National S 4/13/1989 #38905  
                 Blue Hill Bay, ME Private pilot saw shiny oval object maki 7/22/1989 #39029  
                     PANOLA CO, MS Private pilot. Gigantic solid round meta 10/23/1989 #39180  
even greater offense if they spend private money to do it…whatever the secr 1991 #39939  
                        ROGNES, FR Private pilot at home. Black disk north  6/25/1993 #41033  
                    At 8:50 p.m. a private pilot at his home in Rognes, Fra 6/25/1993 #41034  
levels of USG, USG contractors and private industry since the 1940s. The th 7/22/1993 #41077  
ack-and-white security camera at a private company in West Manchester, Engl 9/2/1993 #41176  
e awareness of the conduit between private industry and government UAP work 12/10/1994 #41888  
                          ROSS, CA Private pilot / car. 2 silent V-crescent 2/2/1995 #42012  
that he saw in the late 1970s at a private viewing in the Los Angeles house 8/28/1995 #42425  
erup by a rogue faction in USG and private industry, etc; Rockefeller told  11/1/1995 #42576  
n relates details about de Souza’s private life. Meanwhile, two soldiers fr 1/13/1996 #42681  
tia Springhill, Nova Scotia Day. A private pilot is flying his Piper Cherok 7/1996 #42943  
t Lake City UT.  CSETI also listed private entities believed to be involved 8/30/1996 #43001  
n technology that are dominated by private contractors. Others allegedly th 4/10/1997 #43260  
vered from a crashed spacecraft to private industry (without saying where t 6/1997 #43304  
ars. White-grey ovoid-disk follows private plane straight & level flight. N 9/26/1997 #43416  
ed not by Defense personnel but by private contractors. He has no idea how  1/5/2000 #43921  
as low-level maintenance work at a private contractor entrusted with keepin 5/9/2000 #43993  
lots; and 196 cases (11.8%) are by private pilots. In 200 cases (12.1%) the 2/2001 #44137  
ing on UAP related technologies at private laboratories.  Phillips also sai 4/2001 #44155  
own if those same scientists owned private labs in Utah where this work was 4/2001 #44155  
 older man with a long beard” on a private flight from New York to Paris. T 6/29/2002 #44354  
working on the EA-18G Growler; his private experiments with electro-optical 7/2003 #44560  
nder Nixon it was transferred to a private contractor to secure it.  https: 10/2/2003 #44610  
   Kit Green states he returned to private medicine and began working on a  2005 #44805  
quests are made in the first year. Private citizens make 60% of them, with  1/1/2005 #44806  
to the west, flew directly under a private aircraft flying at 3,500 feet ne 5/8/2005 #44834  
 to be placed on the web through a private company called Footnote.com (now 2007 #44994  
 of the technical items are in the private sector and the contractors can “ 8/4/2007 #45043  
 high rate of speed. At 6:15 p.m., private pilot Steve Allen and three othe 1/8/2008 #45112  
nding the same year the DIA sought private sector bids for AAWSAP.  https:/ 6/2008 #45144  
t this time they turned onto their private road and made it up to their hou 6/7/2008 #45146  
section of a hangar reserved for a private showing that displayed a “Fluxli 12/2014 #45425  
mpt from FOIA because it’s held in private industry.  The film also states  12/2014 #45425  
happen, intelligence, military and private industry was pooled together. “T 3/27/2016 #45446  
led together. “They’ve” been using private companies/publicly traded compan 3/27/2016 #45446  
rception on UAP has been shaped by private interests and his “advisors” rev 3/27/2016 #45446  
able to get from other areas of IC/private industry. DeLonge states he was  3/27/2016 #45446  
e states it is currently held by a private corporation where “certain laws” 4/2016 #45448  
includes the fraudulent tagging of private land as hosts to endangered spec 4/5/2016 #45449  
t that TTSA sought investment from private investors to develop said free e 10/26/2017 #45488  
Syndrome. In the spring of 2018, a private neurologist gives Polymeropoulos 12/5/2017 #45491  
“we” have crash retrievals and USG/private laboratories were not advanced e 10/28/2018 #45542  
re aware of any foreign nations or private companies that have introduced b 7/16/2019 #45594  
UAP, and if any foreign nations or private companies were responsible for t 9/6/2019 #45607  
ecember 2017 and March 2018 by the private company To the Stars Academy of  4/27/2020 #45643  
ence agencies (like the CIA) is a “private contractor.” He nervously says h 12/4/2020 #45668  
. Sheehan states it was put into a private trust and two partners from Brow 10/2021 #45713  
 been “deliberately divested” into private aerospace, and a group that invo 11/30/2021 #45726  
cal evidence and they’re paid by a private company based out of Long Beach, 11/30/2021 #45726  
ial” was moved out of USG and into private aerospace, it was in possession  1/13/2022 #45733  
m the broader physics community by private aerospace, derived from its work 2/11/2022 #45739  
 energy weapons and murdered by a “private aerospace company” in the US bec 6/15/2022 #45758  
pecifically affected ARPA, ONI and private/corporate laboratories.  https:/ 10/13/2022 #45774  
 the SSCI-approved bill to grant a private cause of action for persons who  12/6/2022 #45785  
## Word: "privateer" (Back to Top)
               US Sweden A US Navy Privateer bomber flying over Sweden pick 2/8/1947 #2239  
## Word: "privately" (Back to Top)
planet Kazik. Even Barker concedes privately that he cannot swallow Bender’ 9/28/1953 #9186  
vernment. Smith continues his work privately until his death in December 19 8/10/1954 #10118  
Leon Davidson begins to distribute privately printed copies of Project Blue 12/1956 #13378  
            Leonard H. Stringfield privately publishes Inside Saucer Post…3 10/1957 #14050  
der John W. McCormack tells Keyhoe privately that he has urged the Science  3/1961 #16618  
anwhile, Rep. Overton Brooks meets privately with Hillenkoetter and Keyhoe, 8/4/1961 #16777  
                                US Privately circulated letter from Manhatt 10/8/1961 #16900  
reaks up, the Hills approach Swett privately and tell him what they can rem 11/23/1962 #17559  
            Ufologist Ted Bloecher privately publishes a massive Report on  11/1967 #23381  
 of his plasma theory of UFOs in a privately circulated paper.              5/21/1968 #23977  
Arlington, Virginia McDonald meets privately with representatives on the Ai 6/11/1969 #25210  
 media and population. This writer privately engaged STAC Markale in conver 3/11/1998 #43532  
lobal social order.”  “This writer privately explained to Markale that Coll 3/11/1998 #43532  
C membership.  Presently STAC-5 is privately sympathetic to the position of 3/11/1998 #43532  
t in government in 1969 and became privately funded and was identified as J 7/7/1999 #43798  
keep ZPE/quantum vacuum technology privately known instead of in the public 12/24/2013 #45399  
## Word: "privatized" (Back to Top)
rtmentalization, (3) exists in the privatized contracting/work-for-others s 8/22/1998 #43635  
research has almost certainly been privatized in the US outside of governme 5/6/2002 #44341  
## Word: "privilege" (Back to Top)
nvoke the common law state secrets privilege to protect military secrets at 3/1996 #42790  
rea 51, and that once invoked, the privilege is absolute, protecting even i 3/1996 #42790  
court won’t review “state secrets” privilege in ‘Area 51’ case”. The U.S. S 11/16/1998 #43683  
## Word: "privileged" (Back to Top)
issiles because he may have leaked privileged information to Davis. Vallee  10/2/2003 #44610  
## Word: "privy" (Back to Top)
Congressional committees have been privy to information he’s been told “has 12/18/2022 #45788  
## Word: "privé" (Back to Top)
 France Martial Robé founds Groupe Privé Ufologique Nancéien in Nancy, Fran 1975 #29676  
## Word: "prize" (Back to Top)
es Alfven, who would win the Nobel Prize in 1970 for his work on magnetohyd 8/17/1949 #4320  
e of Lwoff, Monod and Jacob, Nobel Prize winners in 1965 and a Professor at 1959 #15516  
going [to] overhead. Photographs / prize winning photograph. No further det 8/17/1965 #19411  
ntries examined warranted the full prize, but it has decided to award $5,00 3/12/1972 #26601  
 Walton and his coworkers a $5,000 prize for “best UFO case of the year” af 11/5/1975 #30562  
ry Mullis (who in 1993 won a Nobel Prize for his work on the polymerase cha Summer 1985 #37606  
by Dan Shechtman who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this in 2011. *   1998 #43481  
## Word: "prize-winning" (Back to Top)
from a pasture. The next morning a prize-winning bull was found dead. No ne 6/5/1980 #35355  
## Word: "prk" (Back to Top)
-shape going up / ground / trailer Prk. Going north over hospital. Car shak 3/24/1999 #43749  
## Word: "prlss" (Back to Top)
h spikes / 100M. Whine and blinks. PRLSS. Going quickly west. Observer's ri 10/1988 (approximate) #38660  
## Word: "prnewswire" (Back to Top)
utu.be/vCehp1K7oKE *   https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/to-the-star 5/22/1992 #40469  
/form253g2.htm (p21)   https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/to-the-star 7/2018 #45532  
## Word: "pro" (Back to Top)
 Lizelia, MS 5:50 p.m. CDT. A golf pro, also Marine Corps retired, saw a do 7/10/1967 #22644  
izelia, Mississippi Witness:  golf pro Harold Washington (Capt, USMC, ret.) 7/10/1967 #22645  
 Mississippi at 5:50 p.m. CDT golf pro Harold Washington (retired Captain,  7/10/1967 #22646  
y Peter Gersten taking on the case pro bono, the case winds its way through 12/29/1980 #35757  
## Word: "pro-" (Back to Top)
columnist Robert S. Allen, about a pro- UFO report that USAF was going to r 4/18/1954 #9697  
## Word: "pro-adamski" (Back to Top)
 Edgar Sievers begins publishing a pro-Adamski newsletter titled Approach i 4/1958 #14954  
## Word: "pro-american" (Back to Top)
sner is instrumental in supporting pro-American forces that toppled Mohamme 8/23/1951 #5616  
## Word: "pro-eth" (Back to Top)
 may or may not be shocked. With a pro-ETH Wright-Patterson intelligence gr 9/30/1948? #3817  
 writer is unknown, but it is more pro-ETH than the current Project Grudge  4/27/1949 #4117  
## Word: "pro-saucer" (Back to Top)
                    Frank Edwards, pro-saucer newscaster fired.             8/1954 #10071  
## Word: "pro-tem" (Back to Top)
europathy. Burisch claims he was a pro-tem member of Majestic-12, MJ-9, and 2008 #45109  
## Word: "pro-ufo" (Back to Top)
nversions that cause radar echoes. Pro-UFO Maj. Dewey J. Fournet Jr., USAF  7/29/1952 #7328  
uthor C. D. B. Bryan, makes strong pro-UFO statements, he is later suspecte Summer 1962 #17238  
## Word: "proaza" (Back to Top)
                                   PROAZA, SPAIN 2 observer(s). Luminous/gl 2/15/1996 #42763  
ect hovered close to the ground in Proaza, Oviedo, Spain. A sphere with "st 2/15/1996 #42765  
## Word: "probability" (Back to Top)
nd develop conclusions as to their probability. This leads to the EEI “Anal 7/27/1948 #3747  
 concludes there is a “substantial probability of the real existence of ext 8/10/1953 #9060  
 was a personal endeavor, that the probability of UFOs being spacecraft is  Early 4/1955 #12079  
d various high estimates for their probability (such as those that result f 6/1974 #29154  
e physical reality of UFOs and the probability of their extraterrestrial or 1993 #40777  
aterrestrial hypothesis has a high probability of being the correct explana 7/16/1999 #43805  
## Word: "probable" (Back to Top)
 of such a report in its archives. Probable hoax.                           6/12/1790 #91  
auses burns on his face and hands. Probable hoax.                           7/5/1933 #1167  
, France Black tear-dropped craft; probable Me-163. (Page 63 Ref.1) (NICAP: 4/25/1944 #1591  
s as are reported, then it is most probable that its development is far in  2/1949 #3990  
 Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. Probable hoax.                           4/25/1950 #4895  
orea Several Pilots Saw Fireballs (Probable IFO) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases,  7/1/1951 #5557  
-blue tail streak through the sky. Probable bolide.                         11/11/1951 #5775  
 two smaller orange balls of fire. Probable meteor.                         5/8/1952 #6275  
 the explanation of the objects as probable balloons.                       7/1/1952 #6691  
 and the public, "in view of their probable alarmist tendencies" to accept  8/1/1952 #7387  
ken by George Adamski in the US. A probable hoax, although Darbishire still 2/15/1954 #9549  
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, invites probable UFO photo hoaxer Stephen Darbis Mid 3/1954 #9622  
sign of anything when he wakes up. Probable hoax.                           9/28/1954 #10488  
der a flat disc. Tracks are found. Probable hoax.                           10/5/1954 #10733  
 races to the nearest gendarmerie. Probable confusion, helicopter, and mili 10/6/1954 #10756  
he object takes off at high speed. Probable helicopter.                     10/9/1954 #10853  
s so bright that he stops his car. Probable meteor.                         10/14/1954 #11059  
by severe interference and static. Probable meteor.                         11/1/1954 #11519  
shrill sound and vanished rapidly. Probable fabrication according to Italia 11/8/1954 #11602  
t tremendous speed and disappears. Probable hoax.                           12/5/1954 #11764  
extent one of the hypotheses.” The probable and possible cases are merged i 2/15/1955 #12004  
vice of unknown origin as the most probable explanation of this sighting.”  8/13/1956 #13080  
cally and speeds off to the north. Probable hoax.                           8/20/1957 #13913  
e “refinement” comes from lumping “probable” and “possible” identifications 10/1958 #15294  
correctly identify the object as a probable U-2 aircraft flying out of Nell 6/3/1961 #16716  
era used for the study of auroras. Probable bolide.                         7/7/1962 #17265  
into the night sky. The photo is a probable fake of a color wheel for an al 8/2/1965 #19263  
e to an Adamski ship of the 1950s. Probable hoax. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic 6/18/1967 #22515  
O abduction involving time loss, a probable translocation, and levitation a 8/1/1971 #26261  
 25M saucer over fields and woods. Probable landing. Rises. Going quickly n 2/2/1974 #28725  
tion or appearing to stop briefly. Probable meteor.                         9/14/1978 #33676  
 It moves northeast and turns red. Probable balloon.                        9/20/1978 #33715  
bject appears on the second photo. Probable reflection or lens flare.       11/6/1980 #35622  
ess and mostly remains stationary. Probable sightings of Venus.             11/25/1980 #35669  
 we cannot inform observers of the probable identity of the objects seen.”  4/19/1985 #37580  
aNet for bad behavior and peddling probable disinformation.                 10/26/1988 #38697  
some roofs are damaged. Although a probable airburst from a meteor, some Ch 12/1/1994 #41875  
eastern side of St. Mary’s Church. Probable aircraft.                       7/2/1998 #43598  
TIP was referring to, but it seems probable similar events are driving that 10/1998 #43656  
1979 states Gary Richard Gochnour (probable, same person) was being monitor 5/18/2006 #44945  
y.  Deacon claims USG knowledge of probable and possible futures is highly  10/2006 #44970  
## Word: "probably" (Back to Top)
 newspapers revealed that this was probably Whitman’s meteor procession. Ar 7/20/1860 #155  
ikes a short distance in the road [probably Lawrence Road] ahead of them, f Late 3/1873 #200  
y Mary Peveto) watches a fireball (probably the same one as October 4) desc 10/4/1898 #626  
aun’s laboratory, but the story is probably mythical.                       Summer 1937 #1272  
                 Location unknown, probably, Germany Projectiles resembling 4/11/1944 #1590  
e of a baseball; spherical object, probably 5 or 6 feet in diameter, of a v 8/1/1944 #1634  
e of a baseball; spherical object, probably 5 or 6 feet in diameter, of a v 8/10/1944 #1638  
unner and copilot notice a sphere “probably five or six feet in diameter, o 8/11/1944 #1640  
oughout Sweden; however, the photo probably shows an unusual daylight meteo 7/9/1946 #2035  
artment that the ghost rockets are probably Soviet missiles.                8/29/1946 #2162  
eports seriously but concludes are probably only a few genuine reports of a 9/9/1946 #2172  
ny few men who had seen them would probably not be believed by anyone else. 6/22/1947 #2366  
rounds at White Sands (which would probably be Pad 33).                     6/29/1947 #2452  
entists conclude that the “vehicle probably flew on magnetic lines of force 3/25/1948 #3598  
ely from Venus, as Martians “would probably be three or four times as large 3/25/1948 #3598  
tson personnel say that these were probably just “angels” (spurious echoes  4/5/1948 #3612  
s that UFOs are interplanetary, is probably too early. See September 30.    8/5/1948 #3775  
strial origin for UFOs. Sneider is probably the primary author. Deyarmond,  9/30/1948? #3817  
hing to assent to. The Estimate is probably addressed to Chief of Staff Gen 9/30/1948? #3817  
ligence Gen. Charles Cabell. It is probably sent near the end of September, 9/30/1948? #3817  
go, North Dakota, on October 1. It probably lands in Garrett’s Collections  9/30/1948? #3817  
 idea is hardly noticed). UFOs are probably real, but if so, there is a sma 12/10/1948 #3923  
s rather than natural phenomenon,” probably made in Russia.                 3/25/1949 #4053  
 An equal number, the report said, probably would be explainable after furt 4/27/1949 #4112  
 takes place at a key atomic base (probably Los Alamos, New Mexico). The ba Fall 1949 #4366  
 green fireballs are identified as probably atmospheric in origin, but more 10/14/1949 #4394  
y objects that are not meteors are probably US test missiles. But he conced 2/20/1950 #4541  
 of the saucers." The informant is probably Silas M. Newton or Leo GeBauer. 3/22/1950 #4702  
itely involved” in the program and probably J. Robert Oppenheimer as well.  9/15/1950 #5178  
“hundreds” of sightings in detail (probably from Project Grudge). As for UF 2/27/1951 #5463  
ts by RAF pilots, explanations can probably be found for most reports. Copi 6/1951 #5530  
ssified, even though the object is probably a meteor.                       12/5/1951 #5805  
Montgomery, Alabama. This shift is probably why Blue Book’s Capt. Edward J. 1952 #5838  
d to obtain the copies and Ruppelt probably does not succeed in getting eve 1/29/1952 #5883  
he project lasts through 1952, but probably not much longer.                4/1952 #6009  
l occur in Washington or New York, probably Washington.” Brad Sparks identi Mid 7/1952 #6829  
ee it over Wright- Patterson), are probably USAF reconnaissance balloons se 7/23/1952 #7083  
ere believes the targets are “very probably caused by solid metallic object 7/26/1952 #7174  
Division. The report, which is one probably used in Maj. Dewey Fournet’s Mo 8/1/1952 #7411  
nt that flying saucer reports are “probably based on flights of imagination 8/14/1952 #7592  
first time and is given a summary (probably written by A. Ray Gordon, proje 8/14/1952 #7593  
report by an intelligence officer (probably Lt. Glen Parrish) at the base,  9/1952 #7801  
of UFO data, at least by 1958, but probably in 1953.                        10/24/1952 #8181  
vestigations. Col. Howard McCoy is probably present.                        11/24/1952 #8332  
ecretly the day before by Adamski, probably of a model. Bill Moore claims i 12/13/1952 #8414  
Blue Book listed as hoax, which it probably was. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic  1953 #8476  
 Keyhoe that their conclusion will probably be that UFOs are alien vehicles 4/1953 #8805  
e conclusion that the vehicles are probably extraterrestrial, in spite of o 8/1953 #9034  
olor three times in a few seconds. Probably astronomical.                   9/22/1954 #10396  
ite fluff embedded in his clothes. Probably an observation of the moon, acc 10/11/1954 #10939  
“saucers were staffed by small men—probably under four feet tall.” Flying S 5/22/1955 #12148  
t differences, the two classes are probably the same, the UFOs then represe 10/25/1955 #12519  
ich was subsequently identified as probably being Mars. At 10:55 p.m., anot 8/13/1956 #13080  
57 predicts that the Soviets will “probably have a first operational capabi 12/1957 #14649  
and it disappears below the waves. Probably an inferior mirage of an island 1/10/1958 #14817  
-8 minutes. However, the object is probably a Skyhook balloon launched from 8/18/1958 #15215  
 Soviet vessels around Cuba. He is probably referring to close approaches t 1/12/1961 #16577  
 “former Project Blue Book Chief” (probably Maj. Friend) gun-camera films o 1962 #17004  
 Strategic Wing reads a statement (probably JANAP 146(D)) stipulating fines Spring 1962 #17078  
e sky is a small star-like object (probably Venus). As they drive away, the 5/13/1964 #18262  
gineer for the experiments and who probably never saw the film, “identified 9/15/1964 #18556  
e up next to the moon with a fist (probably John’s) and blurring it with mo 8/8/1965 #19341  
w NOVA claimed the film shows what probably was a light aircraft.           4/15/1966 #20300  
CAP Subcommittee report.) The time probably is included in the NICAP file r 6/16/1966 #20567  
prove a negative result, could and probably would add an impressive body of 8/9/1966 #20734  
 cases he has examined. Low says, “Probably four or five.” Low says he ulti 3/1967 #21696  
 briefed by an unnamed specialist [probably Everitt L. Merritt of the Autom 5/5/1967 #22275  
killing. “Exhaust marks” found are probably fungal infestations, and indent 9/9/1967 #23026  
infestations, and indentations are probably weathered hoofprints. Alamosa v 9/9/1967 #23026  
ings that morning very possibly or probably were astronomical. (Hitt, 1999. 10/20/1967 #23272  
of careful study, is that UFOs are probably extraterrestrial devices engage 7/29/1968 #24254  
m fiber diameter of 5 microns, and probably rayon coated with a gummy subst 9/18/1968 #24478  
slucent oval light source that was probably several hundred feet long and h 10/1968 #24533  
of 16 miles and a speed of 20 mph, probably guided by air currents and not  10/18/1968 #24571  
t “further extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified in the expe 10/31/1968 #24608  
nly offered witness testimony, are probably misidentifications, and it make 10/31/1968 #24608  
Brazil. Analysis shows that it was probably a streetlamp.                   1/29/1970 #25559  
a circular light with a dark aura. Probably a film defect.                  1/25/1971 #26002  
sis suggests that the objects were probably aircraft taking off from the mi 3/20/1973 #27352  
 guards sleep on duty, and that is probably why no one else has seen the ob 5/1974 #29075  
takes a few photos. The lights are probably Poseidon missiles launched by t 11/22/1974 #29603  
in a tobacco field. Thinking it is probably a tank truck, he continues and  7/6/1975 #30167  
istance to be about 3,000 feet and probably as big or bigger than a DC- 10  3/12/1977 #31901  
were large and dark. The voice was probably telepathic and it seemed to com 4/4/1977 #31943  
into four categories: perfectly or probably identified (26%), insufficient  6/1978 #33245  
a of a meteorological station that probably was not the source of the light 7/14/1978 #33382  
 reported to police over two days, probably including Delta Aquarid meteors 7/27/1978 #33424  
 reported to police over two days, probably including Delta Aquarid meteors 7/27/1978 #33426  
mehameha around the same time that probably account for the phenomena.      3/5/1979 #34465  
 At Sea Spanish Radar Visual Case? Probably Not. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 11/11/1979 #34995  
e a present problem, but this will probably be overcome if it has not been  12/1980 #35686  
Whilst some puzzles remain, we can probably say that no unearthly craft wer 12/28/1980 #35750  
 Hueys, near Dayton, Texas. It was probably escorted to the Top Secret unde 12/29/1980 #35752  
hat 49% of Americans definitely or probably think extraterrestrial UFOs hav 1982 #36287  
 independent witness, Rita Rivera, probably sees the same object, a V-shape 2/26/1983 #36771  
independent witness that night saw probably the same object, a V-shaped arr 2/26/1983 #36772  
uperior was named “Richard,” which probably indicates USAF intelligence age 5/8/1986 #37858  
 Dolan in 2008 that the source was probably “connected to” Richard Doty.    5/31/1987 #38180  
rcado watches as two F-14 Tomcats (probably from an aircraft carrier) appro 12/28/1988 #38763  
 Lab experiments show that this is probably due to the effect of infrared l 3/31/1990 #39503  
the perimeter. Two F/A-18 Hornets (probably scrambled from Roosevelt Roads  7/19/1990 #39651  
rned after fetching his camera. It probably descended into a canyon.        4/22/1991 #40048  
in the US research community, the “probably extraterrestrial but I don’t kn 6/13/1992 #40492  
manoids who were "talking" to her, probably using telepathy to communicate. 11/15/1993 #41278  
and her husband) are driving home (probably along State Highway 8, adjacent 7/15/1995 #42303  
947 and that the Corona debris was probably from a Project Mogul balloon.   6/1997 #43305  
e that a flock of migrating birds, probably eiders, flying in formation is  11/11/1999 #43879  
g closer and closer to their tent, probably not directly to the tent but do 9/16/2007 #45059  
covert operations.” The slideshow, probably dating to spring 2012, was shar 2/24/2014 #45402  
 and time; Miller states there are probably multiple “control groups,” each 6/25/2020 #45650  
. The report also states that “UAP probably lack a single explanation,” and 6/25/2021 #45694  
## Word: "probe" (Back to Top)
hting, sets up an independent Navy probe of UFOs under Lt. Commander Fred L 4/1952 #6009  
ith a name change in 1958 to Space Probe.                                   10/12/1952 #8124  
52 UFO sighting and the ONR saucer probe. He emphasizes the Air Force’s 20% 11/22/1953 #9314  
Y, SHROPS Small slow silent silver probe turns ovoid. Going southwest.      10/31/1954 #11498  
ers / volcano. Going quickly east. Probe exits going west.                  2/16/1955 #12005  
mpire News on “Flying Saucer Clubs Probe: Peace Messages ‘from Outer Space’ 5/26/1957 #13680  
s reserved for the Pioneer 5 space probe, which isn’t launched until March  3/6/1960 #16198  
h an autonomous interstellar space probe (now called a “Bracewell probe”) s 5/28/1960 #16303  
ace probe (now called a “Bracewell probe”) sent for the express purpose of  5/28/1960 #16303  
n small pieces. They use a pole to probe the lake bottom and find a channel 6/22/1960 #16315  
mmands, semen extraction, a rectal probe, skin scrapings, a pregnancy test  3/7/1964 #18145  
s 96 (James Oberg), a Soviet space probe intended for Venus that fails and  12/9/1965 #19762  
                HENNIKER, NH L-box probe / ground / 4 legs. Maneuvers throu 3/29/1966 #20123  
ike implement, and the other has a probe sticking up from his helmet and ta 9/14/1967 #23060  
URU, BRZ Powerplant guard buzzed / probe. Paralyzed / 3 men. Fly away / VW  7/23/1968 #24207  
ttributable to an extraterrestrial probe. They consider it possible but ine 5/1971 #26089  
g delayed echoes by an alien space probe that had been detected in 1927. Pu 4/1973 #27396  
d third planets each have one. Our probe is in the position of Arcturus, kn 4/1973 #27396  
esearch Institute Pioneer 10 space probe Jupiter Ingo Swann, in a remote-vi 4/27/1973 #27450  
ncentrates on the Pioneer 10 space probe on its way to Jupiter. Monitored b 4/27/1973 #27450  
l-like device was used to prod and probe her and a large black rubber sucti 10/16/1973 #28089  
                 PLOEMEUR, FR 20cm probe maneuvers over airbase and reservo 2/3/1974 #28730  
dows. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) probe dirt. Telepathy images? / r76p268. 7/17/1976 #31168  
ent light going down. Night lights probe walls. / r117p212. / APRO 9'77.    9/20/1977 #32497  
      JOAQUIM MURTINHO, BRZ Saturn probe pulls TV-plug. 3 pseudo-human/enti 11/2/1977 #32654  
    ISLE OF DOGS, LONDON 8cm white probe maneuvers / grocery warehouse. Cat 12/5/1977 #32734  
al exam while lying on her back. A probe was inserted into her leg, and her 7/25/1979 #34680  
t examines Johnson’s eyes, but the probe light hurts so much that Johnson c 8/27/1979 #34787  
 absolute(ly) quiet. UFO's hovers. Probe and figure(s). Retarded boy franti 7/18/1980 #35416  
t wide delta-shaped UFO repeatedly probe the surface of a lake with a red b 10/28/1983 #37028  
s take blood samples from them and probe them with needles, also making an  3/7/1987 #38132  
              MARS Soviet Phobos-2 probe photos 25km-long UFO near Phobos.  3/25/1989 #38879  
 UFO near Phobos. Shadowed / Mars. Probe dies.                              3/25/1989 #38879  
                   The Soviet Mars probe Phobos 2 takes an infrared photogr 3/25/1989 #38881  
his is the last image taken by the probe. On March 27 it fails to reestabli 3/25/1989 #38881  
atures. He recalled having an anal probe examination to determine his healt 8/15/1990 #39689  
 like a “pod” or short-range recon probe. Von Braun, Condon, Oppenheimer an 7/1991 #40108  
 They jabbe him in the neck with a probe, which caused him an electric shoc 9/30/1992 #40649  
pdf (p92)     Note: To more deeply probe the connections between wealthy en 8/2004 #44724  
## Word: "probe-like" (Back to Top)
touched by the small entities with probe-like devices. These small entities 9/23/1996 #43039  
he disc-shaped bottom. There was a probe-like arm that hovered and moved 20 2/28/2006 #44927  
## Word: "probed" (Back to Top)
am she was hooked up to a machine, probed with needles, given a blood press 10/16/1973 #28093  
y alien beings on a spaceship, and probed in many uncomfortable ways. Elain 1/6/1976 #30762  
elieve that “their minds have been probed by extraterrestrials since the Ma 3/5/1976 #30928  
n aboard a circular UFO and being “probed and tested by four-fingered being 8/20/1976 #31282  
tmas tree with interest. They also probed into her mind with telepathy—“It  1/4/1979 #34296  
 with interest. She said they also probed her mind with telepathy, "it was  1/5/1979 #34304  
llic tables, and their bodies were probed by two humanoids using different  8/22/1980 #35475  
t night in Saginaw, Michigan. They probed his esophagus or inserted somethi 9/9/1994 #41731  
y the beings. His stomach area was probed with several needle-like instrume 12/9/1996 #43133  
y vaguely remember being poked and probed by the aliens. They took blood sa 10/18/1997 #43432  
## Word: "probert" (Back to Top)
. Works with expert medium Mark A. Probert. Their motto: "Serving Higher In 2/1945 #1766  
 Working with local medium Mark A. Probert, who channels “etheric” entities 2/1945 #1768  
nd two red lights. The medium Mark Probert later tells the press that he ha 10/9/1946 #2199  
## Word: "proberta" (Back to Top)
                                   PROBERTA, CA Truck radio and lights elec 12/1959 #16103  
                US Highway 99 near Proberta, California Sierra foothills 5: 12/1959 #16107  
ving to work on US Highway 99 near Proberta, California, when his radio beg 12/1959 #16107  
## Word: "probes" (Back to Top)
x found / leaves. Sprouts eyes and probes. Catches rat! References.         10/4/1871 #192  
that UFOs represent interplanetary probes, is accidentally destroyed. USAF  11/30/1948 #3895  
seudo-human/entity work on saucer. Probes exit.                             6/19/1951 #5544  
    RICHMOND, VA 2 20' saucers and probes seen / 4 separate posts / militar 2/10/1953 #8659  
ificial earth satellites and space probes, including US and Soviet payloads 11/29/1957 #14639  
car O / O / fuel. Upright egg with probes and beams circles. / r8#493.      8/9/1959 #15896  
y be some type of extraterrestrial probes.”                                 10/19/1966 #21016  
 may have well been some “harmless probes” sent to Earth from other civiliz 1968 #23634  
everal entities emerged and placed probes into the hides of several paralyz 1/26/1968 #23704  
everal report(s). Large object and probes. Small humanoids (or Greys) / woo 4/28/1968 #23927  
Shoots up. Observer(s) has medical probes. Missing time?                    8/1969 #25304  
 SP Foo-Fighters and fireballs and probes all over/all about / 1 year! 2 po 1970 #25516  
0cm glowing-ball scouts back yard. Probes parked car. Odd noises.           4/1973 #27395  
r and 2 / car. 60M saucer offloads probes near nuclear power station/depot/ 3/22/1975 #29914  
el, and the possibility that alien probes have already visited Earth.       1976 #30749  
 Jr. advocates searching for alien probes or artifacts on planets, satellit 3/1980 #35189  
e craft / 15' altitude. Repeatedly probes reservoir with red beam.          10/28/1983 #37025  
d beam of light from the underside probes the water. The UFO moves to four  10/28/1983 #37026  
PRINCIPATO, ITL 4' figure / helmet probes ground / forked tool. Box quickly 10/8/1984 #37479  
 AREA, STAFFORDS Wave / cigars and probes this area. Dates unknown. Cops an 3/1988 #38477  
d. Gear messed with. Fireballs and probes / 5 days.                         7/24/1992 #40532  
ped object zig-zagged and expelled probes over a two and a half hour period 9/6/1994 #41718  
ed at least nine forms of objects. Probes, flying saucer-shaped spaceships. 5/20/2005 #44844  
## Word: "probing" (Back to Top)
would be explainable after further probing.                                 4/27/1949 #4112  
r the North Pole and into Siberia, probing for electronic intelligence.     4/5/1956 #12790  
n’s cheek feels as if something is probing her.                             1965 #18689  
 as a giant worm. Further hypnotic probing brings forth apparent memories o 1/25/1967 #21386  
 it was explained, "are engaged in probing and programming" the minds of th 2/5/1978 #32957  
ned entity standing beside her and probing her torso with medical instrumen 1/1988 #38385  
## Word: "probiscus" (Back to Top)
 an anteater's trunk." The chin or probiscus was rigid and squared off at t 4/3/1968 #23886  
## Word: "problem" (Back to Top)
mo 004 turbojet engines develops a problem, catches fire and stops. Ziller  2/18/1945 #1790  
igence, requests FBI help with the problem of the flying discs from Special 7/9/1947 #3067  
ects” related to the flying saucer problem. The title of the memo is “Milit 9/19/1947 #3410  
elve (MJ-12), to deal with the UFO problem.                                 9/24/1947 #3423  
telligence provides answers to the problem that Col. Harold Watson identifi 10/22/1951 #5744  
ar with the general aspects of the problem.” Samford’s aide, Gen. William M 12/19/1951 #5821  
ht” on the “vexing ‘flying saucer’ problem.” It adds that the “Air Force ca 4/29/1952 #6216  
nd out how to proceed with the UFO problem.                                 7/29/1952 #7321  
the Agency continue monitoring the problem, in coordination with ATIC. He a 8/1/1952 #7387  
they rose to 28%. “I consider this problem to be of such importance that it 9/24/1952 #8022  
h activities required to solve the problem of instant positive identificati 12/2/1952 #8363  
er that a scientific review of the problem may be laid on.” However, he rec 12/3/1952 #8366  
 control” with respect to the UFO “problem.”  https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E 1/9/1953 #8526  
sion, does not want to take on the problem, saying it requires too much ana 5/1953 #8851  
he country were working on the UFO problem; Air Force could not explain 10  5/15/1954 #9798  
ntry working on the “flying saucer problem.” He adds that about 90% of the  5/15/1954 #9804  
ritain, and the USA to discuss the problem in 1956. The agreed upon the nec 1955 #11886  
irector Allen Dulles, who says the problem is that Adamski could “prevent a 6/1955 #12173  
in, and the USA to discuss the UFO problem. The agreed upon the necessity t 1956 #12626  
isers to begin work on solving the problem of Soviets tracking the U-2 flig 8/16/1956 #13094  
leaves, Kehoe’s car starts with no problem.                                 11/6/1957 #14421  
ld and are still being held on the problem of unidentified flying objects ( 1/28/1958 #14848  
s are a scientific, not a military problem. His staff complains that the wo 12/1958 #15465  
improve the ability to control the problem.                                 9/29/1959 #15999  
that Project Blue Book has the UFO problem at hand, and that Rep. McCormack Mid 8/1961 #16794  
vices have collaborated on the UFO problem and concluded that the objects a 2/1965 #18790  
s a willingness to examine the UFO problem. It is the first book by a worki 6/1965 #18978  
 another cyclist has had a similar problem, but with some difficulty he get 9/14/1965 #19560  
ey of the present state of the UFO problem. The first section gives an anal 1966 #19794  
ocial scientists … examine the UFO problem critically for the express purpo 4/5/1966 #20249  
ose of determining whether a major problem exits.” Quintanilla is the only  4/5/1966 #20249  
independent examination of the UFO problem.                                 8/31/1966 #20819  
ting more personal time to the UFO problem and are setting up a file area i 1/5/1967 #21259  
fic competence is looking into the problem.”                                4/6/1967 #22079  
 the burden of the troublesome UFO problem and has twice tried to ‘peddle’  4/22/1967 #22208  
 admits that sometimes UFOs pose a problem for the country’s air defense, a 5/5/1967 #22276  
national scientific aspects of the problem of the unidentified flying objec 6/7/1967 #22478  
systematic global study of the UFO problem, but it does not act on the reco 6/7/1967 #22478  
“UFOs: An International Scientific Problem,” at an astronautics symposium o 3/12/1968 #23839  
ponsibility to Investigate the UFO Problem?”                                6/3/1968 #24001  
oint service conference on the UFO problem” in Hawaii after a series of tra 6/20/1968 #24053  
as Congress does nothing about the problem.                                 7/29/1968 #24254  
and advice [regarding] ... the UFO problem.”                                9/4/1968 #24427  
inia, urging a new look at the UFO problem.                                 6/11/1969 #25210  
s report, UFO, An Appraisal of the Problem, recommending continued investig 11/1970 #25896  
ising approach” to solving the UFO problem, and sharply criticizes the Colo 11/1970 #25897  
 was a “cover up” and that the UAP problem was “glossed over.” Hynek said h 5/1972 #26666  
eated alerted them to the apparent problem with the incubated hybrid. His m 8/26/1972 #26956  
a serious international scientific problem.                                 10/7/1976 #31453  
ch for help with Carter’s UFO mail problem and repeats his suggestion for a 9/14/1977 #32480  
udying the military aspects of the problem, such as the possible influences 10/1977 #32539  
a serious international scientific problem. He says that he has seen a UFO  10/7/1977 #32558  
opes to have a solution to the UFO problem “in a few months.”               Late 1/1979 #34380  
e operator. Range may be a present problem, but this will probably be overc 12/1980 #35686  
. It had never before given them a problem, and 3-4 minutes after the objec 7/22/1989 #39030  
fic organizations which study this problem.” However, he later tells a grou 4/26/1990 #39543  
assing through the glass without a problem. He experienced an episode of mi 7/19/1992 #40528  
other team that put an end to that problem, one way or another.”  Note: The 8/30/1996 #43002  
akes several observations: The UFO problem is not a simple one, and it is u 9/29/1997 #43420  
king new funding before the “China problem surfaces.” Alleged funding sourc 11/1998 #43673  
J-12 on UAP and all aspects of EBE problem since 1947, after which Nixon ap 7/7/1999 #43798  
hicles around that could cause the problem. Suddenly, a very tall figure wa 10/27/2004 #44771  
 speed. The authors argue that the problem is that the idea of real UFOs ch 5/6/2008 #45134  
orce then quickly acknowledges the problem, saying that a backup system cou 10/23/2010 #45303  
ed at the base, the communications problem, while intermittent, lasts sever 10/23/2010 #45303  
d briefing to destigmatize the UAP problem and to promote more intelligence 5/1/2020 #45645  
 The other went bankrupt. That’s a problem, that’s a real problem…so you’re 10/21/2021 #45717  
t. That’s a problem, that’s a real problem…so you’re talking about big, big 10/21/2021 #45717  
## Word: "problematic" (Back to Top)
nent moons to be visible); and the problematic Florida scoutmaster case of  11/25/1952 #8340  
N investigates and finds the story problematic. On July 7, 1983, Prevost co 11/26/1979 #35015  
e to support the story” as well as problematic and inconsistent testimony.  2/15/1992 #40331  
## Word: "problems" (Back to Top)
 the inventor deals with technical problems. However, people in Oroville se 11/22/1896 #347  
Erwin Ziller takes off without any problems to perform a series of flight t 2/18/1945 #1790  
shington, admits the plant has had problems with aerial intrusions, but tha 8/7/1945 #1916  
ered gearbox and propeller control problems, until the Army Air Force can f 9/11/1946 #2176  
rocedure on X-Ray and Yoke without problems, but this time three of them su 5/15/1948 #3651  
ector for scientific intelligence. Problems almost immediately involve recr 1/1/1949 #3954  
y true), and they discuss security problems posed by UFOs at sensitive inst 12/19/1951 #5821  
dents in their syndicated column, “Problems of Scientific Development.” The 2/20/1952 #5916  
rown Effect to the Solution of the Problems of Space Navigation, published  12/13/1952 #8414  
cially at first, have fire-control problems and electrical short circuiting 6/1953 #8922  
nk or to suffer from psychological problems.                                10/18/1954 #11225  
humanity solve its current earthly problems and advance into the New Age. L 8/1956 #13044  
t 2:40 a.m. but experiences engine problems and aborts. Ministry of Defence 8/13/1956 #13080  
ve entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and p 2/1957 #13481  
ers addresses the public relations problems caused by Keyhoe, who is charac 10/1958 #15294  
y meetings where scientific and PR problems are reviewed. To get it going,  2/17/1959 #15591  
m. The mission is a failure due to problems with the Agena upper stage.     2/28/1959 #15623  
e planes is having instrumentation problems, but the other goes up. After 1 Spring 1959 #15662  
iss public. Due to recurring heart problems, Adamski cancels his remaining  Late 5/1959 #15747  
e activities because of management problems with the USAF satellite program 8/25/1960 #16415  
.) head of a Subcommittee on Space Problems and Life Sciences. Karth and tw 5/1961 #16672  
ther identifies a range of control problems.                                6/9/1961 #16722  
neer Leonard G. Cramp. In spite of problems with the story, one of the inve 4/24/1965 #18916  
 aircraft. The D-21 suffers engine problems and strikes the M-21’s tail aft 7/30/1966 #20696  
evidence of mishandling of the UFO problems by your sponsoring agency.”     11/22/1966 #21139  
point, French complains of stomach problems, and the woman recommends Jell- 5/1967 #22254  
t felt; later headaches and vision problems. Report in NICAP files, (E,R) c 5/1/1967 #22260  
assified safe. Saunders also finds problems when he examines the statistics 9/1967? #22970  
Association sponsors a program on “Problems and Methods of Gathering Data o 9/4/1967 #22999  
me. Saunders tells Condon that the problems with NICAP would not have arise 9/25/1967 #23131  
ul in addressing some of the major problems in the earth. In his pamphlet,  6/26/1968 #24084  
agazine, reporting on the internal problems of the Colorado UFO Project.    7/26/1968 #24233  
ide note nearby notes his domestic problems.                                6/13/1971 #26173  
Dedeu's car radio began to develop problems while driving in Bahia Blanca,  8/8/1972 #26885  
als for national and international problems. He gets less than 200 votes an 11/7/1972 #27110  
eveals no cause for the electrical problems.                                11/30/1972 #27154  
the air. The car starts up with no problems afterward.                      1974 #28632  
 experiences some engine and light problems and des not seem to be able to  2/22/1977 #31839  
 to have been Venus and the engine problems are due to a drained battery, a 2/22/1977 #31839  
zations and new cases. He foresees problems with workload, peer pressure, a 10/31/1977 #32643  
Then he begins experiencing engine problems. Asked to identify the aircraft 10/21/1978 #33856  
rochaska, who finds that Johnson’s problems have cleared up. Allan Hendry o 8/27/1979 #34787  
, and Blackwell experiences health problems the next week. The 10,000-gallo 9/30/1980 #35546  
 placed the blame for their health problems onto whatever they saw; and eve 12/29/1980 #35757  
as Air National Guard base. Health problems continued to plague Betty Cash, 12/29/1980 #35758  
orts flickering houselights and TV problems. Investigation of the landing s 4/10/1983 #36836  
has severe headaches, and develops problems with her shoulder, chest, and s 10/13/1983 #37004  
itness suffered from gynecological problems as a result of the encounter an 1/25/1987 #38104  
 more important to think about the problems that have entered our common ho 2/16/1987 #38121  
    PERM, RUSSIA UFO investigator. Problems with phone. Pseudo-human/entity 6/1987 #38181  
vision of NARA issues a list of 10 problems with the Cutler-Twining memo: i 7/22/1987 #38212  
day, the man feels sick with heart problems and is taken to a hospital for  Late 7/1987 #38218  
of asphalt, and serious electrical problems must be fixed after the inciden 12/14/1987 #38364  
1950s was so large that logistical problems prevented it from being transpo 12/29/1987 #38379  
already experienced some technical problems. South African and American mil 5/7/1989 #38939  
 who tell her they foresee serious problems in the future regarding the sur 6/1990 #39604  
er pencil shape going south. Phone problems. TV audio out.                  10/22/1990 #39804  
s, lower levels of happiness, more problems sleeping, and a greater inciden 1991 #39934  
r's side. He soon developed health problems a few weeks after the incident, 11/9/1991 #40224  
ted, and SEPRA has its own funding problems.                                12/1/1993 #41315  
d out on you?” A number of medical problems develop, apparently related to  1994 #41345  
type unknown. Low altitude. Engine problems. / Internet.                    12/30/1994 #41915  
 reported their vehicle had engine problems when they witnessed an ovoid ob 12/30/1994 #41917  
l with nausea, fatigue, and memory problems. The symptoms persisted for thr 7/9/1996 #42953  
, who reported experiencing recent problems with his electronic equipment o 8/2/2004 #44725  
ienced unusual, unexplained health problems dating back to late 2016. The h 8/2017 #45477  
ting back to late 2016. The health problems typically have a sudden onset:  8/2017 #45477  
## Word: "proboscis-shaped" (Back to Top)
ger, brighter and seemed to have a proboscis-shaped appendage in front like 12/1942 #1466  
## Word: "proc" (Back to Top)
emits bright orange light. / MUFON Proc.1979.                               8/14/1975 #30267  
## Word: "procedure" (Back to Top)
esearch, employment, organization, procedure, and plans of the German air f 2/23/1944 #1577  
ve apparently carried out the same procedure on X-Ray and Yoke without prob 5/15/1948 #3651  
One of the men who carries out the procedure for Yoke is then also found to 5/15/1948 #3651  
 the field of view. He repeats the procedure 3-4 times. Blue Book obtains t 7/2/1952 #6694  
ct spurted ahead again. After this procedure was repeated three or four tim 4/18/1962 #17120  
nality with the aid of hypnosis, a procedure he describes as “child’s play. 5/13/1968 #23959  
dy appear transparent. During this procedure his limbs felt cold, his head  7/17/1968 #24186  
 am going to “regenerate” you by a procedure that is not yet known on your  8/11/1969 #25317  
thy tests Walton using an outdated procedure with a polygraph in 1975 and f 11/5/1975 #30562  
g a below-ground azimuth alignment procedure at the Ellsworth AFB Delta-3 m Early 1/1979 #34280  
rts and establish a direct contact procedure for future cases. This allows  11/16/1992 #40714  
at this process was a mind-sharing procedure that would allow the witness t 3/16/1993 #40886  
d to be doing some type of medical procedure on him. He then passed out and 8/15/1995 #42387  
ve order, regulation, practice, or procedure relating to classified informa 3/3/1997 #43217  
inserting control rods in a safety procedure referred to as a SCRAM, which  3/11/2011 #45318  
## Word: "procedures" (Back to Top)
abotage, demolition and evacuation procedures; subversion against hostile s 9/1/1948 #3794  
nsidered that the establishment of procedures and training of personnel is  2/11/1949 #4003  
gation, psychotherapy, and medical procedures.                              5/6/1949 #4158  
 directive to all units explaining procedures in UFO situations, including  3/19/1952 #5961  
fficers and briefs them on the new procedures.                              Late 3/1952? #5974  
tery" created by military security procedures, and also keep the investigat 1/17/1953 #8544  
 issued by Secretary of Air Force; procedures for reporting UFOs, restricti 8/26/1953 #9111  
ns UFO reporting and investigating procedures, further restricting the rele 8/26/1953 #9112  
0-2, which restricts UAP reporting procedures and supersedes AFL 200-5. All 8/26/1953 #9113  
 discuss speeding up UFO reporting procedures. “Airline pilots are asked no 2/13/1954 #9540  
the ones we got and their analysis procedures are a hell of a lot worse.”   7/20/1954 #10031  
report to Congress on streamlining procedures in the executive branch. Gen. 6/29/1955 #12219  
e Sightings in line with the JANAP procedures.                              2/1/1959 #15575  
53, which restricted UAP reporting procedures and required UAP events to be 1960 #16145  
provise search and decontamination procedures. More than 1,400 tons of radi 1/17/1966 #19844  
e N7230.29 published, establishing procedures for "Reporting of Unidentifie 4/4/1967 #22051  
r the Colorado project’s goals and procedures. It includes acquiring data o 4/21/1967 #22192  
project and find its investigatory procedures “sadly lacking,” with no stan 10/10/1967 #23204  
efence Staff. It reviews facts and procedures and describes cases that have 11/14/1967 #23450  
ical risks of the missions. Safety procedures are reviewed and more stable  1/21/1968 #23684  
ed to be occupied with a series of procedures. The five were all dressed in 8/15/1970 #25787  
ooks like a mummy, various medical procedures, and a journey to a place wit 8/26/1975 #30310  
al body samples taken. Among other procedures they scraped her skin, and dr 5/21/1976 #31070  
eate incisions and perform medical procedures that are undetected; create t 11/25/1991 #40241  
n Madrid, Spain, which updates the procedures for reporting and investigati 1/15/1992 #40288  
ión General 40-5, a 28-page set of procedures for UFO investigations that i 3/31/1992 #40404  
rformed some painful physical exam procedures on her that she was made to f 10/8/1992 #40667  
ll caps. They administer intrusive procedures in her eyes, ears, and elsewh 3/16/1993 #40885  
 control, and embarrassing medical procedures. Kelly recalled through dream 8/8/1993 #41118  
t implants have you received? What procedures have they carried out on you? 1994 #41345  
ng a review of “DOD’s policies and procedures for acquiring, classifying, r 2/9/1994 #41408  
dents” to find out whether “proper procedures to ensure government accounta 2/9/1994 #41408  
ments related to USAF regulations, procedures or manuals that reference “Fa 5/25/1995 #42229  
s record retention and disposition procedures were unclear; however, Nick R 7/28/1995 #42335  
s of examinations and reproductive procedures from dozens of other experien 1999 #43708  
force crews now have step- by-step procedures for reporting UAPs on their k 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "proceed" (Back to Top)
angles, and it takes 20 seconds to proceed to the south and out of sight.   5/1942 #1411  
ips that appear out of nowhere and proceed from northwest to southeast. A G 12/23/1944 #1731  
then make a ninety-degree turn and proceed horizontally flying toward the s 7/4/1947 #2677  
.m. W/O Robert Thomas and his crew proceed to the impact site. The bodies,  7/5/1947 #2722  
cent, and are extended to hover or proceed in horizontal flight. Zaikowski  1/6/1948 #3533  
ent, and were extended to hover or proceed in horizontal flight. Mrs Zaikow 1/6/1948 #3534  
ouncil directly to find out how to proceed with the UFO problem.            7/29/1952 #7321  
ise about 50 feet into the air and proceed across the highway to the north  11/23/1957 #14603  
is, the car starts easily and they proceed to Salvador.                     2/24/1958 #14889  
er, I would hope we could properly proceed with a hearing early next year—p 9/19/1961 #16856  
as again able to start the car and proceed.                                 8/19/1969 #25324  
 "invisible barrier" and could not proceed. Meanwhile the beings continued  10/29/1973 #28319  
dent by SAC. Received authority to proceed into Canadian airspace, if neces 10/29/1975 #30506  
nsisting of 4–6 men are ordered to proceed to the areas. One SAT team drive 11/7/1975 #30576  
e site. The SAT team is ordered to proceed into the K-7 site. However, they 11/7/1975 #30576  
by the corresponding Air Region to proceed with a proper investigation. Som 1/16/1979 #34348  
w logical conclusions about how to proceed. If the government did have alie 10/1992 #40653  
 they answer yes, he tells them to proceed to the Alpha-01 missile launch f 1/1993 #40782  
acceptance of THE THEORY can still proceed with limited social disorder if  3/11/1998 #43532  
s refuse, asserting their right to proceed. The F-16s then fire four bright 5/11/2005 #44840  
## Word: "proceeded" (Back to Top)
base. In coming helicopter ARMY294 proceeded toward UFO which then complete 8/12/1954 #10131  
 be a piece of paper, when he then proceeded to draw a central point surrou 8/20/1954 #10158  
knocked me over. The Flying Saucer proceeded to rise and retract the centra 2/23/1955 #12013  
down the length of runway and then proceeded across town to the Muni Airpor 5/1958 #15006  
 near the top of the object. As it proceeded west, the UFO dimmed, turning  9/20/1963 #17951  
 radio also had heavy static. They proceeded to the scout hall without furt 1/11/1966 #19830  
ng off from his farm. The man then proceeded to chase a ball of light in hi 1/11/1967 #21288  
g spheres of light in their hands, proceeded to put the family to bed, Bett 1/25/1967 #21389  
 for 1.5 minutes.  The object then proceeded along its original path at hig 6/24/1967 #22547  
d wore fishbowl-type helmets. They proceeded to climb up the side of the st 2/21/1968 #23774  
The others went out and the leader proceeded to undress her and then rape h 5/3/1968 #23942  
00 yards from their house. The men proceeded to put on orange belts. A circ 7/7/1971 #26212  
 having trouble breathing. The man proceeded to pound on the glass, trying  8/26/1972 #26956  
ied a small black "kettle" that he proceeded to fill with snow. He then wal 11/28/1972 #27151  
n separated into a single line and proceeded north toward Mt. Algo, just so 9/11/1973 #27803  
n separated into a single line and proceeded north toward Mt. Algo, just so 9/12/1973 #27809  
the principal witness and two boys proceeded up a hill in a field and obser 10/25/1973 #28286  
ected to the scene. Arriving, they proceeded along the lake road and notice 5/3/1977 #32053  
, Italy. He parked his vehicle and proceeded to explore on foot. He soon sa 9/11/1981 #36110  
, Italy. He parked his vehicle and proceeded to explore on foot. He soon sa 9/12/1981 #36112  
 normal looking eyes. The humanoid proceeded to walk towards the lake, and  11/8/1981 #36211  
The creatures said nothing as they proceeded to remove blood from all three 3/7/1987 #38133  
thin seconds the Saturn-shaped UFO proceeded to pass him and moved in front 9/24/1987 #38294  
 He acted in a strange fashion and proceeded to explain to the witness in v 10/31/1990 #39822  
ve but to back off, and the object proceeded east through Alma-Alta airspac 8/28/1991 #40168  
ylindrical canister. That humanoid proceeded to walk around the object and  12/27/1991 #40268  
bling robots exited the object and proceeded to collect shrubs and rocks. T 8/12/1998 #43629  
rashing. They left their truck and proceeded over a nearby ridge to investi 10/19/1998 #43666  
 two men knocked on his door. They proceeded to ask the witness several que 7/14/1999 #43802  
ick, Nassau County, New York. They proceeded to individually dive, climb, a 8/30/2003 #44588  
uela's Guardia Nacional reportedly proceeded to cordon off the area, and un 5/15/2004 #44702  
## Word: "proceeding" (Back to Top)
, and other locations in the East, proceeding slowly from northwest to sout 7/20/1860 #155  
objects were in the north and were proceeding northwest at a high speed. He 7/3/1947 #2587  
N types of aerial vehicles. OSI is proceeding to establish an immediate PRI 11/25/1952 #8335  
motion very slowly eastward. After proceeding east for a distance of a bloc 2/5/1960 #16168  
Clarkson at about 10:30 p.m. While proceeding in a NE direction, the men no 6/1/1966 #20520  
to build a nuclear rocket has been proceeding well. Annie Jacobsen claims t 1/3/1973 #27218  
of Bowden, Alberta. Mr. Morrow was proceeding northbound on NBR 2 Highway a 11/5/1975 #30559  
ham and her nine year old son were proceeding toward their apartment buildi 5/20/1977 #32115  
ted launch sequence by themselves, proceeding to a countdown of 15 seconds  10/4/1982 #36634  
## Word: "proceedings" (Back to Top)
slides; it is not mentioned in the proceedings). NICAP is unable to obtain  4/30/1962 #17141  
ession for nine days. During these proceedings the other family members wer 1/25/1967 #21389  
tee, but Roush directs most of the proceedings. Hynek, McDonald, Sagan, Rob 7/29/1968 #24254  
ell University Press publishes the proceedings, UFOs—A Scientific Debate, i 12/26/1969 #25509  
ped craft. (Sources: Ted Bloecher, Proceedings of the CUFOS Conference: 197 1/12/1975 #29743  
Outer Space, p. 38; David F. Webb, Proceedings of the CUFOS Conference: 197 8/13/1975 #30262  
 Angeles, California, section. The proceedings are published under the titl 9/27/1975 #30390  
ouse in Lincolnwood, Illinois. The proceedings are published later in the y 4/30/1976 #31029  
re selected to be published in the proceedings. An article in China Daily r 8/1985 #37634  
ual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference Proceedings, November 12-14, 2004 Las Ve 1994 #41349  
n attendance according to workshop proceedings, but it is not disclosed if  8/1997 #43363  
## Word: "proceeds" (Back to Top)
tightly over the heads. Lethbridge proceeds to about 60 feet of them when t 5/18/1909 #758  
e on it. The object is not hit and proceeds to circle around the fleet. An  8/5/1942 #1430  
uds and another object emerges and proceeds west.                           8/14/1947 #3331  
 possesses no other structures. It proceeds for 15 minutes to make “rhythmi 1/4/1949 #3959  
straight and level flight, the UFO proceeds to the southwest until it is lo 3/15/1951 #5489  
 course, circling and rising as it proceeds. It is visually observed for a  2/6/1953 #8643  
res its original 30° elevation. It proceeds horizontally again, makes an ab 7/29/1955 #12302  
It makes a sharp right-angle turn, proceeds west, and disappears from sight 6/1964 #18314  
to the right of the Moon. The star proceeds to draw aright-angle step aroun 10/21/1966 #21026  
ted on its bottom surface. It then proceeds slowly west.                    9/22/1967 #23114  
orea. Instead of war plans, the US proceeds with negotiations for the retur 1/26/1968 #23703  
t and north of Colton Avenue, then proceeds to the northwest for about a mi 2/4/1968 #23734  
straining order in April. The case proceeds to trial, at which Bryan finds  3/1972 #26584  
 the shoreline. It is very bright, proceeds westerly past the Big Sable Poi 7/28/1978 #33435  
comes straight at them, turns, and proceeds to the north.                   5/6/1986 #37855  
 stops ahead of the airliner, then proceeds to the north.                   3/6/1991 #39999  
tion can be found. As the airliner proceeds to the west and the object begi 5/25/1995 #42227  
nsible” for the Phoenix Lights. He proceeds to make light of the situation  6/19/1997 #43331  
## Word: "process" (Back to Top)
er Wilhelm Institut für Chemie The process of nuclear fission is discovered 12/17/1938 #1301  
             Stockholm, Sweden The process of nuclear fission is explained  1/13/1939 #1304  
vestigating gaseous diffusion as a process for enriching uranium.           3/1940 #1325  
might be a fault in the developing process” that sometimes appears on a neg 6/18/1947 #2340  
gested some changes, and is in the process of interviewing astronomers abou 7/7/1952 #6724  
shot away at 300 knots, and in the process divided into three evenly spaced 8/6/1952 #7491  
cal reaction during the developing process, perhaps a flammable fluid delib 5/16/1953 #8879  
cial secure facilities to receive, process, analyze and study these materia 1954 #9424  
 and flew off >S, some died in the process. A silvery wheel-shaped UFO was  2/17/1956 #12725  
urdering 43 innocent people in the process.                                 11/8/1957 #14489  
 Baraúna through a double-exposure process. In August 2010, a major TV show 1/16/1958 #14831  
hout ambiguous results, but in the process it is split into three pieces. F 11/9/1958 #15435  
ates except Utah has or was in the process of obtaining ICBM bases: New Yor 4/18/1962 #17120  
zed and unable to move during this process. The car was brought to the grou 8/9/1965 #19350  
abilizers and its left wing in the process, and explodes, killing Walker. T 6/8/1966 #20544  
olman Donald E. Flickinger, in the process of taking two prisoners back to  8/19/1966 #20772  
ainst Helms, which is accorded due process within the agency.               9/1967 #22974  
the light is drawn into the UFO, a process that takes about 5 minutes. It s 8/13/1970 #25782  
 formed by a rather sudden melting process.”                                1/7/1971 #25982  
House Plumbers are arrested in the process of burglarizing and planting sur 6/17/1972 #26719  
his triangular eyes."repeating the process, the berry traveled to his mouth 5/15/1973 #27492  
ems to be fixing something. In the process of calling the police, she hears 10/21/1973 #28228  
s disappear. After 2–5 seconds the process repeats again and again. Around  10/28/1973 #28310  
g. The man believes that his aging process had slowed down subsequent to th 5/9/1974 #29098  
nd gave off blue sparks during the process. An animal reaction was noted: t 8/16/1974 #29364  
s, making animal sounds during the process. At one point he was told by the 12/4/1975 #30685  
 in an alien information-gathering process. Each abductee, they believe, ha 12/1977 #32720  
poorly executing the FOIA response process.  https://archive.org/details/cl 1/19/1978 #32900  
ently extracting some blood in the process. As he rode back toward home car 9/6/1978 #33640  
f that the human species is in the process of being ushered into a higher l 2/1987 #38108  
 would then regroup and repeat the process randomly. Another group of about 6/8/1990 #39610  
recycled into another body and the process begins again. Grace claims these 1/1991 #39944  
 UFO document is declassified. The process lasts until 1999, when 84 files  9/1992 #40601  
sed, increases the momentum of the process, and secures copies of all relat 11/16/1992 #40714  
 screens. The being said that this process was a mind-sharing procedure tha 3/16/1993 #40886  
Mack’s defense, 10 months into the process), questions arise from the acade 5/1994 #41510  
ed out and debated for months. The process goes on until April 27, 1998, wh 11/28/1997 #43451  
 creates a massive monograph, “The Process of Declassification of UFO Docum 9/14/1998 #43645  
 Arias ran from his van and in the process lost his mobile phone. At this p 7/21/2002 #44362  
eled to the right and reversed the process, again forming a circle at the e 4/17/2007 #45018  
p by Bigelow to help his clearance process move quicker but he declines. Th 11/24/2008 #45191  
) about the supposed alien. In the process he has gathered UFO researchers  5/5/2015 #45437  
ack of a coordinated investigatory process, asks the Pentagon for a detaile 6/23/2020 #45649  
y speaking, we let the normal FOIA process work as it is supposed to…but we 7/10/2020 #45651  
 identified a mechanism of injury, process of exposure, effective treatment 8/2020 #45657  
as no coordinated or comprehensive process for collecting and assessing int 12/27/2020 #45670  
 identified a mechanism of injury, process of exposure, effective treatment 1/15/2021 #45673  
andardizing the civilian reporting process will be useful. While the milita 5/17/2022 #45750  
FO’s is rushed. Mentions a 20 year process of acclimation focusing on young 6/4/2022 #45756  
Multiple sources familiar with the process tell the journalist that secreti 10/14/2022 #45778  
## Word: "processed" (Back to Top)
oject and that UFO reports will be processed through normal intelligence ch Late 1/1950 #4511  
eports dated before June 15, 1952, processed and evaluated by December 10,  11/10/1952 #8259  
 saying that UFO reports have been processed through October 15, 1952, and  2/23/1953 #8697  
he is not allowed to have the film processed until he returns to Australia. 5/28/1965 #18973  
 but they only show black sky when processed.                               5/19/1979 #34568  
n of the NRO, and raw UAP data was processed by the Technical Reconnaissanc 7/1991 #40108  
ered that year, and the craft were processed and analyzed by the Atomic Ene 1994 #41349  
## Word: "processes" (Back to Top)
tes data from many radar sites and processes it to produce a single unified 6/26/1958 #15117  
ed and shaped entirely by cultural processes as opposed to nonhuman intelli 1969 #24802  
a to the Hamilton Spectator, which processes the film in its darkroom.      3/18/1975 #29910  
er, are used to study the physical processes that occur in the excited regi 1993 #40778  
ring, analytics and communications processes secret and outside of Congress 7/22/1993 #41077  
## Word: "processing" (Back to Top)
 disks near vanadium CORPs uranium processing plant.                        5/5/1952 (approximate) #6256  
the Vanadium Corporation's uranium processing plant in Durango, Colorado.   5/5/1952 #6260  
global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data for f 10/24/1952 #8181  
with a guide for investigating and processing UFO reports.                  11/17/1954 #11664  
k Nevada atomic test Dairylea milk processing plant in Elmira Early morning 2/21/1955 #12011  
ue, perhaps from the Dairylea milk processing plant in Elmira. But milk pla 2/21/1955 #12011  
the continuous task of collecting, processing, evaluating, analyzing, integ 10/1/1961 #16886  
er on Merritt Island, Florida, on “Processing Reports of Sightings of Space 6/28/1967 #22568  
r of the film, sends it to a Kodak processing facility in Melbourne, Victor 3/2/1968 #23806  
onomical Institute in Moscow. Data processing and bookkeeping is performed  1/1978 #32835  
es it is not an emulsion defect or processing flaw.                         Summer 1978 #33295  
                 Tokaimura uranium processing facility Tokai, Iberaki Prefe 9/30/1999 #43856  
kes place in the Tokaimura uranium processing facility operated by JCO in t 9/30/1999 #43856  
## Word: "procession" (Back to Top)
this was probably Whitman’s meteor procession. Around 9:40 p.m., two meteor 7/20/1860 #155  
le understood until 1913, a meteor procession occurs when an earth-grazing  7/20/1860 #155  
ylvania 11:00 p.m. Another seeming procession of two meteors is observed in 8/2/1860 #156  
s compare it to the July 20 meteor procession.                              8/2/1860 #156  
the sky over Chatham, England. The procession continued for more than 20 mi 11/4/1867 #170  
New South Wales, watches a bizarre procession of the faces of two prominent 7/25/1868 #176  
 string of beads.” Possible meteor procession.                              3/22/1880 #226  
                                 A procession of numerous objects flew over 11/30/1880 #241  
         GREEN BAY, WI Summer Eve. Procession of white saucers goes west go 8/1910 (approximate) #841  
 9:00 p.m. An earth-grazing meteor procession is seen from locations across 2/9/1913 #881  
. Witnesses are surprised to see a procession of between 40 and 60 bright,  2/9/1913 #881  
t 30 to 40 seconds, and the entire procession takes some 5 minutes to cross 2/9/1913 #881  
t the various bodies making up the procession continue to disintegrate and  2/9/1913 #881  
appear to indicate a second meteor procession on the same course around 5 h 2/9/1913 #881  
rts seeing both the initial meteor procession and a second one on the same  2/9/1913 #881  
oved faster than balloons, and the procession lasted for a period of two an 1/8/1943 #1479  
n coast of Sweden. At 10:45 p.m. a procession of objects passed over the Ma 8/11/1946 #2118  
observer(s). 20 8m silver disks in procession east going quickly west. High 7/5/1947 #2709  
f Sgt. Ira L. Livingston watches a procession of glowing round objects movi 7/6/1947 #2813  
          At 3:41 p.m. there was a procession of a large number of glowing  5/29/1951 #5523  
owed the first, then two more in a procession passed over flying east to we 4/22/1952 #6156  
t day in Pottstown, Pennsylvania a procession of discs flew by. At 11:50 p. 6/26/1952 #6640  
                    At 2:00 a.m. a procession of bright orange discs in sin 7/18/1952 #6900  
                   At 10:05 a.m. a procession of white saucer-shaped object 7/27/1952 #7217  
esses in Beirut, Lebanon sighted a procession of 12 disc-shaped objects wit 2/28/1953 #8718  
                                 A procession of four or five flying object 8/11/1958 #15194  
                    At 5:15 p.m. a procession of three bright, orange to re 1/4/1965 #18694  
cross the sky one after the other (procession), spaced 30 seconds apart and 12/24/1967 #23604  
w around it. Within 5 minutes, the procession of 20 objects passes nearly o 8/21/1968 #24364  
rvers including police witnessed a procession of at least 40 white objects  3/1/1973 #27324  
pe and 13+small night lights / odd procession.                              6/22/1973 #27579  
                                 A procession of unidentified flying object 6/26/1973 #27587  
, NORTH WALES 2 teens. 4 saucers / procession. Clear photographs analyzed = 1/5/1977 #31694  
ur disc-shaped objects flying in a procession of objects. Their clear photo 1/5/1977 #31702  
 UC#2740. 12+observer(s). One hour procession / delta/triangle/box-like cra 1/24/1989 #38799  
esses observed what they called a "procession of monks" walking in single f 9/24/1992 #40639  
Australia at 7:00 p.m. there was a procession of orange/red fireballs that  4/26/2001 #44168  
ce. At 7:45 p.m. there was another procession of objects. Another object wa 4/26/2001 #44168  
at they created quite a scare. The procession of lights lasted for 14 minut 2/11/2009 #45211  
## Word: "processus" (Back to Top)
mphlet, Les Soucoupes Volantes: Le processus de la matière et de l’energie, 6/26/1968 #24084  
## Word: "prochaska" (Back to Top)
ination by ophthalmologist Leonard Prochaska, who finds that Johnson’s prob 8/27/1979 #34787  
## Word: "proclaim" (Back to Top)
ith unnamed Air Force officers who proclaim an “undeclared war on phony org 11/30/1958 #15462  
oices altered. They embarrassingly proclaim that the ETs have a preference  10/14/1988 #38674  
## Word: "proclaimed" (Back to Top)
 inevitability of nuclear war, has proclaimed an interest in UFOs as entiti 6/26/1968 #24084  
y were otherwise unmarked; the man proclaimed he had no identification and  2/24/2001 #44142  
## Word: "proclaiming" (Back to Top)
pon Sir Isaac Newton’s Principles, proclaiming the certainty of a plurality 1756 #75  
er dressed in an alien costume and proclaiming him “the guilty party.” He j 6/19/1997 #43331  
## Word: "proclaims" (Back to Top)
                      Radio Moscow proclaims that saucers are “figments of  12/7/1953 #9346  
ent by the US Air Force. The cover proclaims, “U.S. Air Force Reveals Our F 3/1956 #12742  
              A USAF press release proclaims that “not even a minute fragme 1/19/1961 #16581  
 in Turin disputes the finding and proclaims the material spider web.       10/18/2002 #44419  
## Word: "procles" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Procles” Yield: 20KT                     11/11/1981 #36215  
## Word: "procris" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Procris” Yield: 5KT                      11/27/1982 #36696  
## Word: "proctor" (Back to Top)
     English astronomer Richard A. Proctor writes Other Worlds Than Ours, i 1871 #188  
X: An “airship” crashed into Judge Proctor’s windmill and disgorged the man 4/17/1897 #517  
h the tower of Judge James Spencer Proctor’s windmill in Aurora, Texas, cau 4/17/1897 #523  
Brawley Oates, who purchases Judge Proctor’s property around 1935. Oates cl 4/17/1897 #523  
idely regarded as a hoax, although Proctor’s windmill apparently did exist. 4/17/1897 #523  
ng son of the Proctors, William D. Proctor. During the inspection, Brazel d 7/5/1947 #2723  
osest neighbors, Floyd and Loretta Proctor. He shows them “a little sliver” 7/5/1947 #2723  
    In the early morning hours Ms. Proctor went to the window in her home i 10/28/1973 #28312  
## Word: "proctors" (Back to Top)
g with him is the young son of the Proctors, William D. Proctor. During the 7/5/1947 #2723  
s Brazel of Chinese ideograms. The Proctors suggest he take it into town to 7/5/1947 #2723  
## Word: "procure" (Back to Top)
, two of whom take rubber bags and procure water from his well. The other t 4/28/1897? #582  
 the Freedom of Information Act to procure a previously classified communiq 12/3/1950 #5314  
## Word: "procurement" (Back to Top)
assumes responsibility for R&D and procurement and is redesignated as the A 4/1/1942 #1408  
cident, Defence Undersecretary for Procurement John Lee replies that these  3/4/1984 #37216  
                        A proposed procurement programs document suggests t 1985 #37542  
n fiscal 1987, according to a 1986 procurement document obtained by Aviatio 3/1990 #39434  
## Word: "procuring" (Back to Top)
 Akers of Eagle Pass, Texas. After procuring water from a hydrant in Baylor 4/20/1897 #546  
## Word: "procyon" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Procyon” Yield: 1000KT                   9/8/1968 #24440  
## Word: "prod" (Back to Top)
hin pencil-like device was used to prod and probe her and a large black rub 10/16/1973 #28089  
t of the UFO, poking plants with a prod and hopping about like kangaroos. T 7/9/1990 #39640  
## Word: "prodigious" (Back to Top)
“clack,” and the UFO takes off at “prodigious speed.”                       11/1962 #17525  
## Word: "prodigy" (Back to Top)
it was “undeniable” he was a child prodigy.  https://ufos-scientificresearc 3/20/2020 #45640  
## Word: "produce" (Back to Top)
hedule is no less breathtaking: to produce a nuclear chain reaction by July 12/18/1941 #1379  
lot plant stage and build piles to produce plutonium and electromagnetic, c 6/19/1942 #1417  
e, and gaseous diffusion plants to produce uranium-235.                     6/19/1942 #1417  
a are producing (or may be able to produce) 1,400 (or 1,800) aircraft based 6/9/1947 #2315  
is, morphine addiction, and LSD to produce amnesia and other vulnerable sta 8/20/1951 #5613  
 in Korea. The project attempts to produce a perfect truth drug for use in  4/13/1953 #8823  
r device, as it does not manage to produce a yield consistent with a true h 8/12/1953 #9065  
own’s and other ion-lifter devices produce thrust along their axis regardle 11/30/1955 #12594  
en electromagnetism and gravity to produce antigravity) to Wright-Patterson 2/25/1956 #12739  
ny radar sites and processes it to produce a single unified image of airspa 6/26/1958 #15117  
The Corona program is also used to produce maps and charts for the Departme 8/10/1960 #16367  
 about 300 miles. They immediately produce a proposal to the US Air Force t 8/25/1960 #16414  
g system is not adequate enough to produce the results described by Jacobs  9/15/1964 #18556  
s one of the capacitance gauges to produce erroneous readings. When confron 6/25/1965 #19027  
omachs. Mrs. Butcher says the cows produce only one can of milk that evenin 8/19/1965 #19427  
t of sight. Their hand-held radios produce loud static during the sighting. 10/24/1967 #23305  
luble salts and calcium. They also produce less seed growth than control sa 11/2/1971 #26449  
ut ten cycles per second…. You can produce changes in behavioral patterns o 7/25/1972 #26833  
 craft has flown over. All actions produce no results. The craft breaks the 10/27/1975 #30488  
 Tier military bases. They fail to produce positive identifications. In a p 11/11/1975 #30611  
hly classified, as are images they produce. The satellites are believed to  12/19/1976 #31620  
blatt, with the CIA for failure to produce materials on the 1952 Ralph Mayh 9/21/1977 #32502  
ge Nevada The Air Force decides to produce an F-117A stealth fighter based  11/1/1978 #33908  
ced a deadline of December 1977 to produce the documents but were granted a 12/14/1978 #34124  
 AM. A truck driver was delivering produce to a nearby village when he noti 3/1981 #35855  
ncidents, and Walters continues to produce more photos of the UFOs plaguing 11/11/1987 #38322  
 IC or even public ufology. He did produce documents proving Wackenhut Corp 5/13/1992 #40463  
o the CIA asking Bruce Maccabee to produce a relevant briefing to the White 4/15/1993 #40934  
he available physical evidence can produce results that will lead to the re 9/29/1997 #43420  
an “impulse gravity generator” can produce a beam of “gravity-like” energy  7/29/2002 #44370  
ospheric light phenomenon “able to produce a luminous power of up to 100 kW 8/5/2002 #44374  
.” They are driving a black sedan, produce no identification, one of them i 5/8/2009 #45220  
. One of the men is armed and they produce no identification.  They tell hi 5/8/2009 #45221  
lausible source of energy that can produce all the symptoms USG personnel r 11/29/2018 #45549  
tions more than others) that would produce an elongated shape. The fact tha 5/28/2020 #45646  
ate power requirements” that could produce the observed symptoms.           2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "produced" (Back to Top)
panied by fire and dense smoke. It produced the same effect as a tornado, f 12/7/1872 #194  
panied by fire and dense smoke. It produced the same effect as a tornado, f 12/7/1872 #195  
panied by fire and dense smoke. It produced much the same effect as a torna 12/7/1872 #196  
was attempted, in response the man produced an "alphabet" and spelled out a 12/7/1896 #376  
 Model T is an automobile that was produced by the Ford Motor Company. It i 10/1/1908 #718  
ates. A lost two-reel French short produced by the Ideal Film Company in Fo 4/26/1915 #927  
ctra. The signals are regular and “produced high in the meter band.” One of 9/1/1921 #1015  
 the natural symphonic radio waves produced by Jupiter.                     8/22/1924 #1041  
.m. It extinguished its lights and produced a cloud or fog cover, then vani 2/11/1937 #1266  
 Bohr that fission is more readily produced in the rare uranium-235 isotope 3/1940 #1325  
her flights. In 1948 the U.S. Navy produced a documentary about the operati 1946 #1955  
the ghost rockets as “V-5” weapons produced by the Siebel Works in Halle, G 11/29/1946 #2208  
e People, a 30-minute TV news show produced by Life magazine, devotes its a 8/1/1952 #7410  
up of a rapidly rotating part that produced a noise similar to an electric  11/18/1952 #8298  
on of patterns, which he has never produced. However, he has an imaginative 3/1953 #8721  
es from a test flight. The film is produced by George Pal, directed by Byro 8/13/1953 #9068  
hilosophy in the 1882 book Oahspe, produced by automatic writing by John Ba 9/1953 #9131  
he tried to approach it the object produced an intense "screen of light" an 10/14/1954 #11046  
he tried to approach it the object produced an intense "screen of light" an 10/14/1954 #11067  
elow the tree branches. The flight produced a soft buzzing noise. Pugina ra 10/18/1954 #11225  
 what the extent of the experiment produced, whether it was successful, and 4/1956 #12778  
ction film from Columbia Pictures, produced by Charles H. Schneer, directed 6/13/1956 #12900  
. Moss asks the USAF why it hasn’t produced more copies, to which it replie 7/5/1956 #12953  
northeast. The low level whirlwind produced by the object created magnetic  4/22/1957 #13613  
my Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) produced for the Army a classified study 3/20/1959 #15655  
sts conclude that the substance is produced by a small insect or some stran 11/2/1959 #16076  
ered with a (possibly artificially produced) fog.The object was estimated t 2/19/1962 #17053  
this month, the first “embryo” was produced under Project Preserve Destiny  1/1963 #17625  
of dome with a green light on top, produced radio interference, and made a  2/26/1966 #19923  
und the center. A vapor stream was produced, which changed to red sparks. ( 5/3/1967 #22270  
und the center. A vapor stream was produced, which changed to red sparks. T 5/3/1967 #22271  
ade of Tedlar (polyvinyl fluoride) produced by DuPont for the US space prog 6/1/1967 #22448  
ooks like a fake, more than likely produced by suspending a model from a st 6/10/1967 #22487  
uvered, hovered, and descended. It produced a humming sound. (Washington St 11/5/1967 #23404  
orporation, “UFOs: What to Do?” is produced as an internal document. It not 11/27/1968 #24725  
 it might have been a barium cloud produced by rockets launched from Eglin  1/6/1969 #24821  
ents involving Stella Lansing, she produced the following account by a 9-ye 11/9/1969 #25455  
he presents a theory that UFOs are produced by ultraterrestrials—beings who 1970 #25519  
indicate the sample is spider silk produced by a cribellate orb weaver spid 10/23/1973 #28250  
t the sphere is a ball check valve produced by the Bell & Howell company. I 3/27/1974 #28961  
ar area, all apparently recent and produced by a heavy weight or pressure.  3/22/1975 #29916  
s and the surrounding area, and it produced a smoke that didn't dissipate w 12/14/1978 #34125  
ral windows. While it descended it produced a horrific noise like a choking 5/16/1979 #34564  
ue to a high-altitude barium cloud produced by a rocket launch.             6/14/1980 #35368  
akaway group from SMOM.  Sunn also produced In Search of Noah’s Ark in 1976 7/1980 #35399  
igence (COMINT) reports which were produced between 1958 and 1979. Only mil 11/3/1981 #36205  
f the RSD-10; others suggest it is produced deliberately to dazzle US obser 10/1988 #38661  
 and no more technical reports are produced. Velasco is still tasked with s 11/1988 #38701  
and management of the TRESTLE. BDM produced at least ten papers on subjects 1990 #39357  
space vehicles, many of which were produced under Department of Energy cont 1990 #39357  
n reservation land, but nothing he produced ties this activity to the UAP s 5/13/1992 #40463  
a fireworks display. The lightning produced no sound, and there was no loca 12/1992 #40736  
movie directed by Jeremy Kagan and produced by Paul Davids, premieres on Sh 7/31/1994 #41649  
ness in Sumter, South Carolina. It produced a light that made no shadows. A 12/5/1994 #41885  
n. The "angel hair" appeaerd to be produced during the objects' acceleratio 8/10/1998 #43626  
r oval-shaped cloud in the sky. It produced the most amazing electrical sho 8/11/1999 #43821  
 UFOs and abductions titled Taken, produced by Steven Spielberg. The show t 12/2/2002 #44457  
se Intelligence Reference Document produced for the Defense Intelligence Ag 10/2008 #45173  
FO desk, ostensibly because it has produced “no defence benefit” and no evi 12/1/2009 #45259  
t first looks like a luminous spot produced by a searchlight against the cl 10/11/2010 #45301  
hover and fly into wind. The study produced a disc that was able to hover a 12/2011 #45335  
 typical comet. A detailed podcast produced by Rob Reid provides the full d 10/26/2018 #45541  
 “Morningstar Energy Box.” The box produced a 7% reduction in mass of a tes 2/29/2020 #45635  
 Starfish Prime nuclear test which produced a large EMP: “There may be some 6/10/2021 #45693  
 Applications Program (AAWSAP) has produced as part of its Project Physics  3/25/2022 #45742  
SAP), colloquially known as AATIP, produced under the direction of Hal Puth 3/25/2022 #45743  
## Word: "producer" (Back to Top)
                     Alaska Actor, producer, and director Mikel Conrad, in  8/1949 #4301  
rd Hawks The Air Force responds to producer Howard Hawks’s request for the  9/13/1950 #5176  
in 25 minutes. This event inspires producer Jack H. Harris to ask his frien 9/26/1950 #5199  
 Los Angeles, California Hollywood producer Clarence Greene and a friend se 8/1952 #7385  
                                   Producer Ivan Tors debuts Science Fictio 4/5/1955 #12081  
ank Edwards travels with a TV film producer to the Navy Department at the P 6/13/1955 #12196  
na Utah Washington, D.C. Hollywood producer Clarence Greene releases a semi 5/3/1956 #12828  
documentarist Robert Emenegger and producer Allan Sandler. The colonels enc 5/1973 #27460  
ary filmmaker Robert Emenegger and producer Allan Sandler and encourage the 5/1973 #27461  
 USAF Col. William T. Coleman is a producer.                                2/19/1978 #32982  
 North Hollywood, California, film producer Jaime Shandera receives an unma 12/11/1984 #37522  
                PASADENA, CA Movie producer Paul davids and 2. Silent silve 2/25/1987 #38122  
                             Movie producer Paul Davids and two others watc 2/25/1987 #38124  
segment director John Jopson tells producer Robert Kiviat that he suspects  8/28/1995 #42425  
but he never specifies which ones. Producer Spyros Melaris claims that he h 8/28/1995 #42425  
2019), Pandolfi was sued by FOX TV producer Robert Kiviat for allegedly run 10/2008 #45173  
                            FOX TV producer Robert Kiviat sues Joe Firmage, 2/26/2019 #45564  
## Word: "producers" (Back to Top)
r Force Richard E. Horner told his producers that the Senate Committee “sho 3/8/1958 #14920  
Unsolved Mysteries to clarify, the producers tell him, “Well, I’m not sure  12/5/1965 #19753  
## Word: "produces" (Back to Top)
r Command’s Air Intelligence staff produces a 5-page report representing th 4/26/1945 #1855  
           Malmö, Sweden A missile produces an enormous explosion over Malm 8/16/1946 #2141  
in Alaska by government agents. He produces a bogus FBI agent to “confirm”  8/1949 #4301  
Muroc AFB Newsman Edward R. Murrow produces the first extended TV commentar 4/7/1950 #4816  
The UK Flying Saucer Working Party produces its six-page final report for t 6/1951 #5530  
s at an altitude of 3,300 feet and produces a whistling sound that is loude 7/25/1957 #13837  
ling fast. His radio fades out and produces only a steady succession of two 2/25/1959 #15613  
pher calling himself Antonio Pardo produces two more photos of the edge-on  6/1/1967 #22448  
t, stops, turns yellow-orange, and produces a similar pattern of signals. T 10/28/1973 #28310  
other contacts continue, and Meier produces more photos so that he becomes  1/28/1975 #29772  
Wheeler in Cambridge, Ontario. She produces a bimonthly newsletter through  9/1976 #31320  
government since at least 1976. It produces a report titled Rapport sur les 6/20/1977 #32176  
order of Bolivia and Argentina. It produces a sonic boom that is heard 120  5/6/1978 #33190  
ologist and songwriter Zan Overall produces evidence that Walters knew how  11/11/1987 #38322  
 an Oklahoma UFO researcher, which produces accounts of repeated abductions 1988 #38383  
   Gulf Breeze, Florida Ed Walters produces his most famous photo—a brightl 1/12/1988 #38410  
, California Milton William Cooper produces a 25-page document titled The S 5/23/1989 #38960  
                DL Cravens of SAIC produces an electric propulsion study to 8/1990 #39674  
 ball lightning, and it supposedly produces an unexplained energy field tha 5/15/2006 #44942  
ntercept test since 1985. The kill produces an estimated 35,000 pieces of o 1/11/2007 #44998  
onsuming increasing resources, but produces no valuable defence output.”    11/2009 #45251  
## Word: "producing" (Back to Top)
ant bird covered with large scales producing a metallic noise. (NICAP: 02 - 7/1868 #173  
ant bird covered with large scales producing a metallic noise. Although not 7/1868 #174  
tut für Chemie in Berlin, Germany, producing barium by bombarding uranium w 12/17/1938 #1301  
nd Enrico Fermi’s experiments into producing a nuclear chain reaction at Co 10/21/1939 #1318  
chnical and contractual aspects of producing an atomic bomb, while the Army 6/19/1942 #1417  
the Soviets in eastern Siberia are producing (or may be able to produce) 1, 6/9/1947 #2315  
tories in question are at the time producing copies of the German Messersch 6/9/1947 #2315  
telligence Department, tasked with producing reports and estimates on forei 8/1947 #3276  
riefly on the airfield 100 m away, producing a dull sound. The object was d 10/27/1952 #8197  
du-Rhône, France, 100 meters away, producing a dull sound. The object is da 10/27/1952 #8198  
er made of rapidly rotating parts, producing a noise similar to that of an  11/18/1952 #8294  
f moon" seen here and all over oil producing regions.                       5/18/1953 #8882  
ight coming toward him. The object producing it was cigarshaped, red and bl 10/7/1954 #10784  
ight coming toward him. The object producing it was a one-meter long cigar, 10/7/1954 #10793  
the object, which quickly took off producing a hissing sound. When the obje 11/23/1954 #11697  
 subsequently was scrapped without producing a flying model). Reported no e 10/25/1955 #12518  
y of the girl), they used a device producing a bluish-white light and anoth 10/25/1957 #14154  
unded witnesses they used a device producing a bluish-white light and anoth 10/25/1957 #14157  
slowly, illuminating their car and producing a humming sound. The car engin 11/6/1957 #14409  
valuating, analyzing, integrating, producing, and disseminating military in 10/1/1961 #16886  
us size, and departed to the east, producing steam, a flash, and a noise.   10/1963 #17966  
aterial systems and techniques for producing predictable human behavioral a 1964 #18101  
nd walked within 20 m of the craft producing it, which took off with a yell 7/19/1965 #19131  
3 and 1 m respectively. The object producing the light flew away.           4/5/1966 #20239  
meters per hour. They move without producing the slightest sound, by creati 2/1967 #21431  
 for 7 minutes, begins to rise up, producing a hum and casting off more blu 3/19/1972 #26617  
 precision. He believes that it is producing a silent change in human consc 1975 #29672  
 low, and it skimmed over the pond producing a loud sizzle of boiling water 4/6/1977 #31953  
ing the navigation instruments and producing a large amount of static on th 10/26/1977 #32620  
brief, piercing whistle was heard, producing a slight commotion on the flig 2/5/1978 #32957  
ut 50 feet in diameter has landed, producing a 3-foot burn mark in the cent 4/10/1983 #36836  
mbardment and spontaneous fission, producing antimatter particles that are  3/1989 #38855  
l the sightings and radar targets, producing a 23-page report that he compl 10/5/1996 #43056  
breaking the sound barrier without producing a sonic boom, high maneuverabi 6/25/2021 #45694  
## Word: "product" (Back to Top)
alloon, with evasive maneuvers the product of Gorman’s imagination, since g 10/1/1948 #3827  
of a foreign nation, rather than a product from beyond the Earth.”          10/12/1948 #3832  
Only.” It states that UFOs are the product of an extraterrestrial civilizat 11/18/1952 #8295  
ge. He rules out mold or an animal product and suggests it is plant materia 11/9/1958 #15434  
h it was identified as the “normal product of a foundry, consisting of slag 6/12/1960 #16312  
is, which sees UFOs as largely the product of unusual mental states and per 1969 #24802  
ce Department of stealing its work product; the October Surprise theory tha 8/10/1991 #40147  
ur successive stages. The ultimate product is the human hybrid (“hubrid”),  9/2015 #45438  
## Word: "production" (Back to Top)
 was the first car put into series production.                              1885 #262  
brication, including assembly line production instead of individual handcra 10/1/1908 #718  
search at the Ministry of Aircraft Production (MAP).                        4/10/1940 #1331  
k Ridge, Tennessee, laboratory and production site.                         9/29/1942 #1449  
for the Hanford Site for plutonium production                               1/16/1943 #1481  
 in Washington State for plutonium production.                              1/16/1943 #1482  
ge, Tennessee Land for a plutonium production complex is acquired at Hanfor 2/9/1943 #1483  
mb project plant opened (Plutonium production, component manufacturing). No 1945 #1742  
nt at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, begins production.                              3/1945 #1804  
y Fighter Program) for accelerated production of inexpensive “wonder weapon 3/12/1945 #1811  
ude above the top-secret Plutonium production facility in Hanford, WA. Pilo Summer 1945 #1879  
land Field The US Army atomic bomb production unit, Z Division, named for i 9/1945 #1935  
mb project plant opened (Plutonium production, component manufacturing). No 1947 #2216  
ton, Oregon 11:00 a.m. Harry Hale, production manager of the Portland Orego 7/4/1947 #2657  
ificant numbers of the first three production models seeing combat.         1949 #3940  
            Hanford Site plutonium production facility eastern Washington T 12/2/1949 #4431  
ucts at the Hanford Site plutonium production facility in eastern Washingto 12/2/1949 #4431  
ons project plant opens (Plutonium production)                              1950 #4458  
f the Savannah River hydrogen bomb production facility, not yet constructed 12/2/1950 #5313  
liam M. Garland, Assistant for the Production of Intelligence, writes a sec 1/3/1952 #5859  
iam M. Garland, USAF Assistant for Production of Intelligence, and his staf 1/29/1952 #5884  
, and Albert M. Chop assist in the production. The principal character is C 5/3/1956 #12828  
es takes one sample to the Mineral Production Laboratory of the Ministry of Early 9/1957 #13971  
ontaneously at the Mayak plutonium production site (Chelyabinsk-40) for nuc 9/29/1957 #14044  
tor used for plutonium and isotope production at the Windscale facility [no 10/9/1957 #14083  
higher. Skunk Works will move into production at Area 51 in Nevada to work  1/26/1960 #16157  
ining the disposition and speed of production of Soviet missiles and long-r 8/10/1960 #16367  
nd McConnell AFB); Utah (Minuteman production at Air Force Plant 77 at Hill 4/18/1962 #17120  
ffects were noted on animals: milk production decreased from 2 1/2 barrels  8/20/1965 #19439  
       Civero, IL 9:30 p.m. CDT. A production engineer saw a lens-shaped di 8/27/1966 #20814  
onsibility for the development and production of nuclear weapons, promotion 10/11/1974 #29522  
r weapons program, nuclear reactor production for the US Navy, energy conse 8/4/1977 #32359  
aste disposal, and domestic energy production. It also directs research in  8/4/1977 #32359  
P programs quietly encouraged film production for disclosure purposes, was  7/1980 #35399  
ants on the US version of this BBC production include skeptics Philip Klass 10/12/1982 #36640  
f $455 million for “black aircraft production” in FY 1987. According to Avi 3/1990 #39434  
 they reported that the cows' milk production had dropped dramatically.     8/25/2004 #44741  
## Word: "productions" (Back to Top)
lle (Ky.) Tucson, Arizona Telenews Productions releases a 9½-minute short f 11/17/1950 #5279  
            July 29, 1952 Telenews Productions re-releases its 1950 UFO doc 8/23/1952 #7693  
yhoe has sold the rights to Clover Productions in Hollywood.                6/13/1956 #12900  
, January 5, 2000 by Darryl Barker Productions.                             1/5/2000 #43920  
## Word: "productive" (Back to Top)
983. Under his direction, GEPAN is productive, issuing a series of detailed 12/30/1979 #35103  
y and physical scientists could be productive; and institutional support fo 9/29/1997 #43420  
## Word: "products" (Back to Top)
nment releases radioactive fission products at the Hanford Site plutonium p 12/2/1949 #4431  
present dispersal of nuclear waste products might also be a factor.”        9/24/1952 #8022  
balt, consistent with manufactured products.                                11/11/1956 #13322  
lear test, meaning that no fission products are vented into the atmosphere. 9/19/1957 #14014  
aped but elusive flying objects as products of midsummer night dreams."     8/3/1965 #19288  
ussian soil. UFOs are “anti-Soviet products of decadent capitalistic warmon 2/29/1968 #23791  
t discovered.  https://www.gao.gov/products/nsiad-86-191                    7/24/1986 #37952  
                  A pharmaceutical products salesman was returning along a  3/26/2002 #44326  
ric Davis, author of several AATIP products years later, allegedly meets wi 10/16/2002 #44418  
eillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) products, applications, capabilities, an 9/29/2014 #45415  
ers, and masses of hybrids—the end products of the abduction program. These 9/2015 #45438  
a and around the US, which prepare products for visitors for those attendin 9/20/2019 #45609  
nd eventually merged with Thompson Products to become TRW in 1965. Prior to 9/15/2021 #45710  
## Word: "prof" (Back to Top)
ronauts, who identifies himself as Prof. Charles Davidson of Sacramento, Ca 4/24/1897 #568  
orated by a German informant named Prof. George, who describes a later Hort 11/1947 #3474  
Report of Project SIGN, written by Prof. George Valley, of MIT stating: “If 2/1949 #3990  
-size silver object crosses sky. 2 Prof. photographs show curvy lines.      1/15/1953 #8540  
OBERTSON PANEL convenes, headed by Prof. H.P. Robertson. He was chosen beca 1/26/1953 #8568  
re Capt. Ruppelt, Dr. Allen Hynek, Prof. S. GOUDSMIT, L. ALVAREZ, Sam Gouds 1/26/1953 #8568  
OUDSMIT, L. ALVAREZ, Sam Goudsmit, Prof. Luis Alvarez, Dr. Lloyd Berkner an 1/26/1953 #8568  
uis Alvarez, Dr. Lloyd Berkner and Prof. Thornton Page.                     1/26/1953 #8568  
    ST. GERMAINE-DE-LIVET, FR Math Prof. 7M saucer quickly going up [to] an 10/10/1954 #10877  
s samples in a jar and takes it to Prof. Cozzi at the Institute of Chemistr 10/27/1954 #11449  
    World catastrophe predicted by Prof. Loughead via Dorothy Martin.       12/22/1954 #11852  
                  VARGINHA, BRAZIL Prof. / medicine and 4. Silent 70cm meta 11/10/1957 #14514  
                     ST. CLAIR, NZ Prof. astronomers. Night light going qui 1/18/1959 #15554  
7 SOUTHEAST / MENDOZA, ARG College Prof. Perfect triangle east going quickl 9/28/1973 #27882  
, that of the second commission to Prof. Vladimir Migulin, supported by Dr. 10/1977 #32539  
iversity in Toulouse for analysis. Prof. André Touzé of the university’s Ce 11/27/1979 #35019  
                     Clearwater FL Prof. John Spencer Carr of Clearwater FL 2/6/1982 #36322  
sight them. The author stated that Prof. Hynek, of Northwestern University  3/23/1985 #37573  
             NAMIB DESERT, NAMIBIA Prof. and 3. Bright night light follows  6/28/1994 #41591  
 hovers. 5 minute(s) / videotape / Prof. photographer.                      6/11/1995 #42248  
## Word: "profession" (Back to Top)
 he is “ridiculed by members of my profession for chasing these imaginary o 1/13/1954 #9481  
he observer was anonymous, but his profession was Chemical Engineering.     7/14/1956 #12970  
tizens from every walk of life and profession” and stresses that “there doe 11/4/1956 #13305  
his night Mrs. Victor (a doctor by profession), woke up to find two beings  9/15/1975 #30363  
## Word: "professional" (Back to Top)
incredible speed. Maxim Cicaida, a professional photographer for Foto Heisl 12/14/1954 #11807  
 spokesman. The film uses only one professional actor, Harry Morgan, in a v 5/3/1956 #12828  
Chapter of the Michigan Society of Professional Engineers on space flight.  2/25/1959 #15614  
ew York Atlantic Ocean 6:00 p.m. A professional astronomer and his wife, al 8/9/1965 #19348  
ator exhibits an “odd” change.  “A Professional Observation,” IUR 7, no. 2, 1/18/1966 #19853  
of Hampton, New Hampshire, several professional people including a deputy s 3/29/1966 #20133  
anta Catalina Island, California a professional Hollywood movie cameraman n 4/15/1966 #20300  
paur's psychological condition and professional career deteriorated in the  4/17/1966 #20319  
two o'clock in the morning a woman professional secretary driving down a ro 1/3/1967 #21251  
 and submits the photo to “several professional photographers” in New York, 7/21/1967 #22718  
              At about 8:45 p.m. a professional man and his companion were  2/26/1975 #29853  
of Copenhagen, Denmark 8:00 a.m. A professional photographer is taking pict 5/3/1975 #30025  
 official report because he feared professional repercussions. The next day 12/31/1976 #31645  
ey on UFO sightings and beliefs of professional American astronomers. He ha 1/1977 #31665  
gar-shape over city / 5 minute(s). Professional news photographs. / Diario  11/21/1978 #33969  
                   At 10:45 a.m. a professional videographer filming the Ta 8/13/1982 #36577  
, Texas UFO abductee had gone to a professional hypnotist and was given a p 4/5/1993 #40927  
 suspected of ethics violations or professional misconduct. Concluding the  5/1994 #41510  
videotape was made of the UFO by a professional photographer.               6/11/1995 #42252  
ew York 12:15 a.m. A mental health professional in Port Jervis, New York, i 11/25/2009 #45256  
## Word: "professionally" (Back to Top)
 with the central operation. Until professionally manned optical tracking s 9/11/1956 #13214  
rd Kuiper that what he is doing is professionally risky. Nevertheless, the  10/5/1966 #20964  
ike that, you deserve to be ruined professionally!” Saunders avoids admitti 2/7/1968 #23739  
## Word: "professionals" (Back to Top)
d filling positions with competent professionals.                           1/1/1949 #3954  
tronomers and other scientists and professionals to put in place data- coll 5/1/1977 #32046  
w enforcement officials, and other professionals form the Scientific Coalit 10/27/2017 #45489  
 Hoffman, and other scientists and professionals.                           10/27/2017 #45489  
## Word: "professions" (Back to Top)
ctivity in these usually honorable professions.”                            4/26/1969 #25094  
## Word: "professor" (Back to Top)
 reappears later in the evening. A Professor Dodge of Galt, California, cla 11/25/1896 #360  
Planet Mars) by Théodore Flournoy, professor of psychology at the Universit 1900 #639  
                      LONGVIEW, WA Professor and 4. Several round shiny dis 7/11/1947 #3135  
                     Friuli, Italy Professor Encounters "Lens" & Creatures  8/14/1947 #3326  
of a University of Vermont physics professor, said she observed a fiery obj 7/11/1948 #3707  
5:57 p.m. University of New Mexico Professor of Civil Engineering Marvin Ma 2/17/1949 #4015  
lying saucers. Caltech aeronautics professor Clark Blanchard Millikan agree 4/4/1950 #4792  
         CORCELLES, NEUCHATEL, SWZ Professor and 300. Saucer / spurts / spe 3/12/1951 #5477  
k. However, Texas Tech mathematics professor Ralph Sylvester Underwood has  8/30/1951 #5638  
                TIJERAS CANYON, NM Professor. Small silver saucer hovers. G 4/30/1952 #6219  
            WASHINGTON, DC Physics Professor and 500 at G. Washington unive 7/1/1952 #6683  
ly. At about 12:00 noon, a physics professor at George Washington Universit 7/1/1952 #6690  
Case #1504. Unidentified. Chemical Professor. Detailed account. 2 night lig 7/20/1952 #6943  
itness: Seton Hall Univ. chemistry professor Dr. A.B. Spooner. Two large or 7/20/1952 #6952  
   Seton Hall University chemistry professor Dr. A. B. Spooner of Lavalette 7/20/1952 #6954  
a direct contact with a spaceman: “Professor George Adamski is in on this t 10/16/1952 #8138  
MIT Provost Julius A. Stratton and professor Max Millikan to discuss UAP si 12/2/1952 #8364  
Hospital in Atlanta, where Anatomy Professor Marion Hines identifies it pro 7/7/1953 #8989  
server(s). Orbs / V formation buzz professor of aero tactics / C54. South g 4/26/1954 #9723  
ion buzzed a University of Georgia professor of aeronautics and four other  4/26/1954 #9727  
                   LE PIN, FR Math professor and several. Gleaming saucer g 9/16/1954 #10319  
                     RIMINI, ITALY Professor sees rotating saucer over town 10/7/1954 #10762  
nt-Germain-de-Livet, France A math professor, Mr. Bon, observed a silvery d 10/10/1954 #10889  
               At 2:02 p.m. a math professor, Mr. Bon, observed a silvery d 10/10/1954 #10901  
os, France Around 2:00 p.m. A math professor at Lisieux named Bon is in Sai 10/12/1954 #10978  
                     BALTIMORE, MD Professor and 1. Luminous vertical cylin 11/7/1954 #11587  
                     CORVALLIS, OR Professor = ex-pilot. Bright white night 11/19/1954 #11670  
gon Witness:  P.J. Gunn, assistant professor of art at Oregon State Univers 11/19/1954 #11673  
          P. J. Gunn, an assistant professor of art at Oregon State Univers 11/19/1954 #11674  
             MANASQUAN, NJ College Professor and several. ~20 round luminou 11/26/1954 #11708  
 (Confidential report from college professor.) [UFOE, VII] Millville, N. J. 11/26/1954 #11709  
h. According to the description by Professor Maria Luisa de Amaya, it had t 12/28/1954 #11869  
of Cincinnati after RIAS and was a professor of physics 1968-1991.  https:/ 1955 #11898  
 Ilhabela 7:00 p.m. Lawyer (or law professor) João de Freitas Guimarães is  7/16/1956 #12974  
               JACKSON, MS Physics Professor / (seen thru) telescope. Sauce 6/18/1957 #13736  
               Jackson, MS Physics professor sighted UFO with "a halo of li 6/18/1957 #13737  
, BRZ 4 pseudo-human/entity invite Professor / saucer. 40 minute(s) ride. T 7/25/1957 #13831  
razil Mr. Joao Guimaraes, who is a professor at the Catholic Faculty of Law 7/25/1957 #13835  
     Mr. Joao Guimaraes, who was a professor at the Catholic Faculty of Law 7/25/1957 #13840  
               OTTAWA, ONT Physics professor Jacques Hebert. Rocket-shaped  11/5/1957 #14317  
        TABLADITAS, ARG University Professor and 1. 30M luminous object goi 4/12/1958 #14978  
          On this night university professor Dr. Garron and his wife were i 4/12/1958 #14979  
   CHAUTAUQUA LAKE, NY Engineering Professor. Circle / night lights seem at 8/11/1958 #15188  
   Chautauqua Lake, NY Engineering professor observed unidentified lights a 8/11/1958 #15190  
ng until 10:30 p.m. An engineering professor reported seeing a circle of no 8/11/1958 #15194  
 Nobel Prize winners in 1965 and a Professor at College de France; he claim 1959 #15516  
          Sandusky (near), OH UofM professor saw a yellow half-sphere in th 2/2/1959 #15576  
r. Raimundo Nascimento Teixeira, a professor at Don Bosco College, is walki 10/1959 #16004  
   KAZAKH LOCATION UNKNOWN Geology Professor. Bright disc / sky. Going [to] 8/16/1960 #16388  
             Carrizales, Venezuela Professor of engineering observed accele 9/15/1960 #16448  
         NEAR DEFIANCE, OH Physics Professor and 1 / car. Silent 30M black  11/24/1960 #16510  
0 a.m. in Defiance, Ohio a physics professor driving in a car, and his pass 11/24/1960 #16512  
tas-Gazinet, France An electronics professor at Bordeaux University and thr 1/22/1961 #16586  
                    An electronics professor at Bordeaux University and thr 1/22/1961 #16588  
                   McMinnville, OR Professor saw a bright star-like light h 12/11/1963 #18075  
ille, Oregon Witness:  W.W. Dolan, professor of mathematics and astronomy,  12/11/1963 #18076  
nnville, Oregon Dr. W. W. Dolan, a professor of mathematics and astronomy,  12/11/1963 #18077  
oye, Tver Oblast, Russia Assistant Professor Vyacheslav Zaitsev is aboard a 7/12/1964 #18404  
ecember 30 by investigators German professor Ernest G. Gehman and engineer  12/21/1964 #18670  
ion?” Princeton University history professor Eric F. Goldman is moderator.  2/27/1966 #19925  
rth. However, when B. Roy Frieden, professor of optical sciences at the Uni 4/2/1966 #20208  
s William B. Weitzel, a philosophy professor, begins his own investigation, 4/17/1966 #20318  
   NORTH / HAYNESVILLE, LA Physics Professor. Vibrant bright saucer. Light  12/30/1966 #21225  
  Haynesville, Louisiana A physics professor driving through a wooded area  12/30/1966 #21228  
lle, Louisiana 8:15 p.m. A physics professor named Galloway [possibly Louie 12/30/1966 #21230  
s north of Point Pleasant, a Ph.D. professor at Ohio University, who is als 4/18/1967 #22159  
:05 p.m. in Athens, Ohio a college professor and four others watched an uni 4/18/1967 #22160  
               AMHERST, MA Geology Professor and 1. 2 wingless silver cylin 9/23/1967 #23118  
herst, MA 1:37 p.m. EST. A geology professor saw an elongated, silver objec 9/23/1967 #23119  
               Amherst, MA Geology professor watched flight of two silvery  9/23/1967 #23121  
t 1:37 p.m. Dr. B. Hand, a geology professor and a NICAP UFO investigator,  9/23/1967 #23123  
State University–Oshkosh assistant professor of chemistry, writes Gerald Fo 11/30/1967 #23525  
k at night, Dr. Axel Aberg Cobo, a Professor of Human Relations and Journal 1/25/1968 #23700  
, Soviet cosmologist and assistant professor at the Moscow Aviation Institu 2/1968 #23720  
         GHEORGE GHEORGIU-DEJ, ROM Professor and 1. 50cm hat-saucer going q 6/8/1968 #24014  
en 4:30 and 5:00 p.m. a university professor named Richalda and a woman acc 6/8/1968 #24015  
fore briefly landing. One witness, Professor Sohail Saud, said he saw occup 9/9/1968 #24448  
                     CAMPINAS, BRZ Professor takes 3 photographs / spinning 1/25/1969 #24869  
igations. Allen R. Utke, associate professor of chemistry at Wisconsin Stat 5/31/1969 #25174  
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil A Uruguayan professor of socioeconomics takes a phot 1/29/1970 #25559  
                TURNU-SEVERIN, ROM Professor sees radiant UFO cross sky / 6 7/31/1971 #26254  
       CANOGA PARK, CA Engineering Professor and more. Night light skims gr 11/25/1971 #26476  
ryland State Trooper and a college professor, reported seeing a bright ligh 12/14/1971 #26498  
 Missouri State University physics professor Harley Rutledge hears of numer 4/1973 #27397  
                   NEAR OTTAWA, ON Professor and wife buzzed / car / saucer 7/29/1973 #27661  
                     MARSEILLE, FR Professor and several. Large disk hovers 3/18/1974 #28900  
    Târgu Mureş, Romania 8:30 p.m. Professor Andrei Antalffy and his wife a 9/9/1974 #29439  
 an authority figure, a university professor with official governments cont 11/2/1974 #29580  
      Tampa, Florida Date given by Professor Carr on 10/11/74 predicting th 12/1974 #29623  
          SOUTHWEST / CAMBRILS, SP Professor and 2 / car. 60M saucer offloa 3/22/1975 #29914  
                       On this day Professor Hernandez met a woman named "L 4/22/1975 #30000  
abductions and animal mutilations. Professor Hernandez mysteriously disappe 4/22/1975 #30000  
te University, Long Beach, English professor Alvin H. Lawson, along with te 1977 #31655  
                    NORMAL, IL Art professor and 2. Silent plain cylinder/c 7/31/1977 #32324  
    Normal, IL 6:30 PM. University professor called wife and secretary to s 7/31/1977 #32327  
llinois 6:30 p.m. A university art professor in Normal, Illinois, calls his 7/31/1977 #32328  
by James A. Harder, an engineering professor affiliated with APRO. He recal 3/18/1978 #33055  
                        GORDON, WI Professor and 1. Vague globe going west  9/4/1978 #33631  
Highway 53 12:15 a.m. A university professor in Gordon, Wisconsin, sees a f 9/4/1978 #33633  
H TERESA / GALLURA, ITL University Professor and 4. Brilliant cylinder/ciga 9/16/1978 #33692  
, California 6:35 a.m. A chemistry professor in Agoura Hills, California, g 10/10/1978 #33827  
hunks. Soil samples are taken to a Professor Corradi for analysis. Corradi, 5/1/1979 #34537  
      Urbandale, Iowa 11:00 p.m. A professor and his wife are getting ready 7/12/1980 #35412  
 in a vehicle, including a college professor and a social worker, in South  7/12/1981 #36003  
mph. Investigation/investigators / Professor E. Zeller.                     5/4/1983 #36851  
curity Archive, and Tom Nichols, a professor at the Naval War College, argu 11/7/1983 #37044  
0 people involved in UFO research. Professor Renglin of Guangzhou Jinan Uni 1985 #37540  
    Harvard Medical School Harvard Professor of Law The Dean of Harvard Med 5/1994 #41510  
n Harvard’s history that a tenured professor was subjected to such an inves 5/1994 #41510  
demic community (including Harvard Professor of Law Alan Dershowitz) regard 5/1994 #41510  
y of an investigation of a tenured professor who is not suspected of ethics 5/1994 #41510  
n ufologist Erling Strand, science professor Michael D. Swords, computer sc 9/29/1997 #43420  
land, by Totton College psychology professor Craig A. Roberts. Its editoria 9/1999 #43838  
        At 1:30 a.m. a woman and a professor friend of hers had just left a 7/13/2000 #44016  
                          Stanford professor Peter Sturrock confides to Jac 3/22/2003 #44504  
 German scientist Ulf Leonhardt, a professor at the Weizmann Institute of S 1/9/2018 #45503  
hese forms of meditation. Stanford professor Garry Nolan has regularly stat 12/12/2018 #45551  
UAP using artificial intelligence. Professor for Space Technology Hakan Kay 12/15/2021 #45728  
## Word: "professor-amateur" (Back to Top)
               AGOURA, CA Chemical Professor-amateur astronomer / (seen thr 10/10/1978 #33825  
## Word: "professors" (Back to Top)
 to SW. Two witnesses were college professors. (NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, H 1923 #1028  
the Lubbock lights, he is sure the professors are seeing plovers.           8/25/1951 #5624  
p.m. Three Texas Technical College professors (geologist Wilbur Irvin Robin 8/25/1951 #5625  
f lights several days earlier. The professors watch 10–12 such flights thro 8/25/1951 #5625  
ALMA DE MALLORCA, SPAIN 4 seminary professors. Luminous disc east going qui 9/3/1952 #7835  
      CESTAS TO/FROM GAZINET, FR 4 professors. Saucer. Electro-magnetic eff 1/22/1961 #16584  
              EAST / ARCELOT, FR 6 professors / car. Fireball lights fields 5/18/1970 #25665  
             VERONA, ITL 2 weather professors. Wingless cylinder/cigar-shap 6/25/1972 #26730  
er that day a group of meteorology professors saw a wingless cigar-shaped U 6/25/1972 #26732  
.m. A married couple, both college professors, are camping out in a garden  8/9/1972 #26889  
above a car containing two college professors, Professors Brunelli and Porc 8/16/1972 #26921  
containing two college professors, Professors Brunelli and Porchietto, at 2 8/16/1972 #26921  
## Word: "professors--robinson" (Back to Top)
      At 9:10 p.m. four Texas Tech professors--Robinson, Oberg, Ducker, and 8/25/1951 #5627  
## Word: "professsor" (Back to Top)
           ATHENS, GRC Mathematics Professsor. Dome-saucer going quickly no 12/4/1969 #25484  
## Word: "profile" (Back to Top)
e country with a flying craft. The profile of the 20-meter long machine cou 5/6/1897 #594  
en banked revealing its flat round profile, with no appendages. The UFO cur 9/10/1951 #5661  
ly 20 feet ahead. The object has a profile similar to a kerosene lamp chimn Early 11/1966 #21070  
her 20 are about the psychological profile of the witness. When he discover 12/1966 #21172  
r Watch concludes from its density profile in the photos that it is a solid 8/29/1969 #25337  
ding near him. He saw the being in profile. "His height did not exceed 4 fe 7/12/1971 #26224  
ion at one end, so that it had the profile of a huge smoothing iron. Three  8/16/1971 #26289  
ed out the right window he saw, in profile, the torso of a very tall figure 9/28/1972 #27038  
ize ball / sky. Tilts showing disk profile. Seen / 2 hours. / r30p510.      8/25/1974 #29384  
 feet away. The figure was seen in profile from the waist up. There was no  1/11/1976 #30785  
n which he could see projected the profile of a figure, ten feet tall, wear 8/2/1976 #31222  
 light is still there, now seen in profile. The object then performs a turn 12/11/1989 #39313  
Dark domed saucer seen by lights / profile. U-turn over car. Hovers. Going  10/19/1990 #39795  
emaining pages are a psychological profile of the reporting person, family, 8/30/1996 #43003  
## Word: "profiles" (Back to Top)
15.pdf   https://www.planetary.org/profiles/daniel-goldin   https://www.c-s 8/7/1996 #42971  
munity with specific psychological profiles are selected. It states the pro 7/31/1999 #43815  
eneral history of UAP, some common profiles of unidentified objects, safety 6/2019 #45583  
## Word: "profitable" (Back to Top)
ngry with Castro for closing their profitable brothels and casinos in Cuba. 9/1960 #16428  
## Word: "profits" (Back to Top)
eles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla ar 8/18/1996 #42985  
## Word: "profitt" (Back to Top)
d Nelson, A. C. Butler, and Albert Profitt) are driving 2 miles southeast o 9/1944 #1662  
## Word: "profound" (Back to Top)
A TO/FROM ARACENA, SP Driver feels profound fear. Km away sees 15cm light / 10/1968 #24530  
 and his wife were overcome with a profound drowsiness and lost consciousne 7/15/1979 #34656  
 Reportedly the event has caused a profound change in their philosophy of l 8/22/1988 #38618  
## Word: "profs" (Back to Top)
        NEAR LUBBOCK, TX 4 college PROFs and many. 2 waves / silent night l 8/25/1951 #5618  
## Word: "profusely" (Back to Top)
er horses begin to panic and sweat profusely. Later, UFO investigators tria 9/1/1978 #33622  
 and throws up. He starts sweating profusely.                               Early 3/1980 #35190  
zy. He fell to his knees, sweating profusely despite the sensation of cold. 3/10/1997 #43225  
## Word: "profusion" (Back to Top)
ial like spider web falls in great profusion around Saguramachi Middle Scho 10/4/1957 #14058  
R Several observer(s). Saucers "in profusion" all over Franco-Italian borde 12/5/1973 #28520  
## Word: "progeria" (Back to Top)
sing Japanese POWs, suffering from progeria (an early aging syndrome) or ra 6/2005 #44846  
y Japanese, including sufferers of progeria. She claims to know of 3 classi 6/2005 #44846  
## Word: "program" (Back to Top)
Francis Jenkins of Washington. The program is led by retired astronomer Dav 8/22/1924 #1041  
e of that panic is disputed as the program has relatively few listeners. In 10/30/1938 #1300  
age is expressed in the media. The program’s news-bulletin format is descri 10/30/1938 #1300  
tates should start its own nuclear program. It results in the establishment 8/2/1939 #1313  
osevelt approves an atomic weapons program after meeting with Office of Sci 10/9/1941 #1373  
ger-Notprogramm (Emergency Fighter Program) for accelerated production of i 3/12/1945 #1811  
ct Paperclip, a secret recruitment program to aid in postwar military resea 7/20/1945 #1903  
ntinue the wartime cable intercept program, both foreign and domestic, now  8/1945 #1910  
time, two witnesses, including the program director of WRDO Radio, saw twel 7/5/1947 #2729  
oving in to investigate. Later the program was interrupted again and quite  7/8/1947? #3018  
icle revealing the crash retrieval program.                                 6/1948 (approximate) #3665  
er Winchell announces on his radio program that the “flying saucers, never  4/3/1949 #4069  
commends a full-scale instrumented program. He says that Norris Bradbury, t 7/13/1949 #4269  
logy Transfer (ULATT) Exploitation Program houses six undisclosed projects. 8/17/1949 #4320  
cer “almost 3 years ago”, research program, exotic metals defying analysis, 12/31/1949 #4453  
 very high technology, acclimation program references. There are 2 years, 5 12/31/1949 #4453  
lation, exotic metals, acclimation program, etc.                            1/6/1950 #4472  
n 2 recovered saucers, acclimation program.                                 1/30/1950 #4519  
UFO sighting on her NBC television program, Today with Mrs. Roosevelt.      3/26/1950 #4730  
J. Taylor, on his syndicated radio program Your Land and Mine, announces th 3/27/1950 #4741  
n are “definitely involved” in the program and probably J. Robert Oppenheim 9/15/1950 #5178  
server Corps, a WWII Civil Defense program reinstated during the Korean War 11/1/1951 #5757  
viet “Zlatoust-36” nuclear weapons program plant opens (Warhead assembly)   1952 #5829  
chief of the Navy’s guided missile program RADM Delmer S. Fahrney. Brown st 1952 #5843  
her details. / Frank Edwards radio program.                                 4/26/1952 #6188  
o review the USAF UFO intelligence program at ATIC. Truman’s involvement is 7/28/1952 #7265  
ge of the CIA's UFO disinformation program, which started in 1952.          8/1/1952 #7387  
D.C. WNBW-TV, which originates the program, rents a DC-3 airliner, fills it 8/1/1952 #7410  
rk out a research and intelligence program on UFOs.                         10/14/1952 #8133  
IC begin an instrumented radiation program.                                 11/4/1952 #8245  
the CIA “formulate and carry out a program of intelligence and research act 12/2/1952 #8363  
tion. The scientists believed this program would "dispel any of the mystery 1/17/1953 #8544  
The panel suggested "an integrated program designed to reassure the public  1/17/1953 #8544  
hop says the CIA “killed the whole program. We’ve been ordered to work up a 2/9/1953 #8653  
he zinc cadmium sulfide dispersion program.                                 4/1953 #8806  
’s top secret “Perfect Concussion” program, which uses subaural frequency b 4/13/1953 #8823  
asts to erase memory. However, the program is never carried out. Because mo 4/13/1953 #8823  
 “terminal” interrogations under a program code-named Project ARTICHOKE. La 11/28/1953 #9324  
                   US US Satellite Program: “The U.S. Earth satellite progr 1954 #9413  
Program: “The U.S. Earth satellite program began in 1954 as a joint U.S. Ar 1954 #9413  
 1957, the initial Project Orbiter program was revived as the Explorer prog 1954 #9413  
rogram was revived as the Explorer program to catch up with the Soviet Unio 1954 #9413  
obtain more data. Public relations program adopted to assure public UFOs po 1954 #9415  
dwards mentions CRIFO on his radio program, and within a week Stringfield g 5/18/1954 #9811  
4602nd AISS has a “crashed object” program. His contact Lou Corbin thinks t 10/14/1954 #11054  
4602nd AISS has a “crashed object” program. Material has allegedly already  10/14/1954 #11075  
 Soviet “Penza-19” nuclear weapons program plant opens (Warhead assembly)   1955 #11887  
It was originally used for the U-2 program.                                 1955 #11889  
tivity while at RIAS, whose legacy program Lockheed eventually acquired. Wi 1955 #11898  
 the stringent requirements of the program. They reject Johnson’s proposed  Early 1955 #11901  
al was aware of the Navy espionage program on Nazi antigravity programs, wh 3/1/1955 #12027  
that has to do with a secret space program and also a large cave in the Was 3/1/1955 #12028  
e’s going to crash into a UFO. The program runs 78 episodes through 1957 an 4/5/1955 #12081  
he nation’s first aerial espionage program. It consists of one paved runway 7/1955 #12225  
  President Eisenhower announces a program to launch a scientific satellite 7/29/1955 #12301  
nternational Geophysical Year. The program will be run by the National Scie 7/29/1955 #12301  
CIA control over the U-2 spy plane program and Area 51.                     10/1955 #12476  
ge of the United States’ Antarctic program and supervised the U.S. Navy’s O 11/1955 #12534  
albert writes about an “incredible program” to solve the “secret of gravity 11/20/1955 #12580  
t “Krasnoyarsk-45” nuclear weapons program plant opens (Uranium enrichment) 1956 #12627  
nd. The Medical Research Volunteer Program (1956–1975) is driven by intelli 1/1956 #12641  
 Dayton, Ohio, launches an intense program to coordinate research into grav 9/1956 #13166  
precise rationale for creating the program and justifying its budgets and p 9/1956 #13166  
visual satellite observations. The program is largely the brainchild of Har 9/11/1956 #13214  
UFO reports from 1957 to 1966. The program is discontinued in 1975.         9/11/1956 #13214  
t “Chelyabinsk-70” nuclear weapons program plant opens (Weapons design and  1957 #13425  
 Circle Theater anthology drama TV program hosted by Douglas Edwards to tal 12/1957 #14654  
 and Arnold soon withdraw from the program, expanding Keyhoe’s segment to 1 12/1957 #14654  
on”, a military colony on the moon program                                  1958 #14774  
 NASA and the start of the Mercury program, the Air Force sponsors a projec 1958 #14785  
 German Air Force’s secret weapons program at the Air Force Historical Rese 1958 #14787  
open hearings on the Air Force UFO program. USAF fears “uncontrolled public 1/1958 #14791  
network nor the individuals on the program were authorized to release. As a 1/22/1958 #14838  
the Air Force is claiming that the program proves “there are no such things 2/1958 #14859  
n a Redstone missile, which has a “program failure,” causing it to go strai 8/1/1958 #15174  
ment cancels the Avro CF-105 Arrow program. Almost all Avro Canada employee 2/20/1959 #15596  
es that are part of the Corona spy program. The mission is a failure due to 2/28/1959 #15623  
Tonight on April 18 and on the BBC program Panorama on April 20 where he de 4/18/1959 #15707  
vated onto 50-foot pylons. The CIA program to develop the follow-on aircraf 9/1959 #15950  
 Murray was a part of the MK Ultra program. His experiments are not so much 9/1959 #15952  
g role. It recommends that the UFO program be transferred to the Air Resear 9/28/1959 #15996  
f “the eventual elimination of the program as a special project.”           9/28/1959 #15996  
began answering critics of its UFO program publicly. Late in 1960, Col. Tac 1960 #16138  
signs off on a CIA paper titled “A Program of Covert Action against the Cas 3/17/1960 #16200  
g-range bombers assess. The Corona program is also used to produce maps and 8/10/1960 #16367  
t problems with the USAF satellite program.                                 8/25/1960 #16415  
Dave Garroway's network television program.                                 12/5/1960 #16524  
cker on Westinghouse network radio program, "Washington Viewpoint."         12/18/1960 #16534  
                        US Mercury program : Mercury-Redstone 4 Mission — G 7/21/1961 #16770  
Project Moon Dust (an exploitation program to locate, recover, and deliver  11/13/1961 #16962  
         US Project 1794, a secret program to build a flying saucer-type ai 12/1961 #16985  
s once again to get rid of the UFO program, but its attempts to get NASA or 1962 #17005  
l Science Foundation to handle the program prove futile. It finally gives u 1962 #17005  
ally gives up the entire idea. The program remains at FTD as a special proj 1962 #17005  
aircraft to spy on China’s nuclear program when he is shot down by an SA-2  11/1/1963 #18023  
to the continuation of the MKUltra program. The MKSEARCH program is divided 1964 #18101  
 the MKUltra program. The MKSEARCH program is divided into two projects dub 1964 #18101  
out for you.” The FBI’s COINTELPRO program is also targeting Malcolm X.     11/21/1964 #18631  
oject Blue Book to be a worthwhile program and that the Air Force should co 9/28/1965 #19619  
l, I’m not sure we want you on the program.”                                12/5/1965 #19753  
The information provided by such a program might bring to light new facts o 2/3/1966 #19879  
broadcast public affairs interview program, The Open Mind, presents a panel 2/27/1966 #19925  
as the US Gravity Control Research Program.                                 3/21/1966 #20013  
A’s long-suspected role in the CBS program. In the September 10, 1966, lett 5/10/1966 #20474  
 days editing and censoring the TV program’s script to make sure it conform 5/10/1966 #20474  
is Fidel Castro. After attempts to program several would-be assassins, the  6/30/1966 #20623  
made for them to create a computer program to put Blue Book’s UFO reports i 9/12/1966 #20873  
Air Force Harold Brown to create a program to put UFO reports into a machin 9/22/1966 #20916  
dent Johnson to terminate the A-12 program due to budget concerns and becau 12/28/1966 #21223  
consider the cost of the Air Force program on UFOs, and determine if the ta 1/16/1967 #21322  
amese The CIA launches the Phoenix Program in Vietnam to gather information 5/1967 #22253  
ohnson about the mail interception program “and some other things that were 5/10/1967 #22310  
one last pitch for the A-12 Oxcart program to President Johnson, saying the 5/16/1967 #22354  
roduced by DuPont for the US space program. Independent analyses by French  6/1/1967 #22448  
n, and headed by Richard Ober. The program runs through 1973, amassing 10,0 8/1967 #22770  
E establishes the Ghetto Informant Program and instructs 23 FBI offices to  8/1967 #22770  
ychological Association sponsors a program on “Problems and Methods of Gath 9/4/1967 #22999  
see 2002) suggested a black budget program utilizes, and what Mark McCandli 1968 #23633  
 Forward Scatter Radar System 440L/Program 673A is turned over to NORAD’s C 3/1/1968 #23802  
 human testing is not pursued. The program is shut down later in 1969, with 5/12/1969 #25131  
p through an “intelligence letter” program, codenamed INLET. This program i 6/1969 #25182  
er” program, codenamed INLET. This program is not only intended to provide  6/1969 #25182  
usetts, at the Sheraton Hotel. The program is arranged by Thornton Page (NA 12/26/1969 #25509  
rs, and exposes the FBI COINTELPRO program by passing this material to news 3/8/1971 #26045  
  Hoover terminates the COINTELPRO program, but the FBI continues to use si 4/1971 #26061  
estic mail. However, the HTLINGUAL program, which is still in effect until  4/14/1971 #26072  
The New York City component of the program alone examines more than 2 milli 4/14/1971 #26072  
whitewash to cover a CIA-initiated program begun prior to January 1953.” Th 7/29/1971 #26251  
nistry investigates sightings. The program is part of the BBC’s Man Alive s 1/1972 #26534  
g questions from the audience. The program is filmed in Banbury, England, t 1/1972 #26534  
s controls and the “special access program” is finally made official. These 3/8/1972 #26592  
ven the name Biofield Measurements Program.                                 10/1/1972 #27043  
nts for the Norton AFB audiovisual program, promises to get the Holloman fo 5/1973 #27460  
 Galley for his France Inter radio program, OVNIs: Pas de panique! Galley s 2/21/1974 #28787  
egic Defense Initiative “Star Wars program” over the next decade.  https:// 4/1974 #28984  
ly tracked by a US Defense Support Program satellite.                       9/18/1976 #31395  
a strong plea for a United Nations program to investigate UFOs.             4/17/1977 #31987  
clude the nation’s nuclear weapons program, nuclear reactor production for  8/4/1977 #32359  
butes to the creation of the Setka program—Soviet research into anomalous a 10/1977 #32539  
ard Space Flight Center managed by Program Scientist Frank Martin. He sugge 1/17/1978 #32887  
nning a UAP hard evidence analysis program “UFOHEAP” that collects alleged  1/17/1978 #32888  
NASA is not involved in a research program involving UFOs, nor is any other 2/1/1978 #32938  
e writes the UAP physical evidence program is ongoing, known as “UFOHEAP,”  9/19/1978 #33710  
nel to initiate a formal UFO study program, but its efforts are unavailing. 11/27/1978 #34010  
       Dale Graff ran a smaller RV program at WPAFB, who employed the remot 1979 #34262  
classified name of a cold war USAF program to obtain Soviet space hardware  8/10/1979 #34724  
igence purposes and a secret space program utilizes teleportation technolog 1981 #35765  
rry King Show carries a three-hour program on UFOs with a panel consisting  2/7/1981 #35817  
ad of the US Army’s remote viewing program Skip Atwater discovers intellige 7/1982 #36525  
Document for the 2009 AAWSAP/AATIP program. *   https://www.theblackvault.c 1983 #36738  
the information on the MiG testing program to journalist Fred Hoffman. Ther 4/26/1984 #37301  
 lead to the exposure of the F-117 program, still secret and also based at  4/26/1984 #37301  
nts show the Army’s remote viewing program at the time investigated an anom 5/1984 #37308  
sitive orbiting US Defense Support Program spy satellite detects the entry  5/5/1984 #37317  
t 1400 hours GMT a Defense Support Program (DSP) spy satellite detected the 5/5/1984 #37320  
ly classified U.S. Defense Support Program spy satellite detects a UAP. It  5/5/1984 #37321  
o spend $80 million on an “Aurora” program in FY1986 and $2.3 billion in FY 1985 #37542  
 double the cost of the B-2 Spirit program at the time and was rumored to b 1985 #37542  
m was funding for a stealth bomber program, but that has not been corrobora 1985 #37542  
ng the weather. According to HAARP program manager John L. Heckscher, “HAAR 1/10/1985 #37546  
ne if UAP evidence supports an R&D program, to collect new data and obtain  5/20/1985 #37591  
 and had no oversight from the DOD program office.  The GAO states the Defe 7/24/1986 #37952  
SDI systems, the Brilliant Pebbles program is canceled in 1994 by the Balli 11/1986 #38057  
static energy into propulsion. The program experimentally explored if the c 4/1988 #38526  
e if UAP evidence supported an R&D program. The meetings were held at BDM I 4/1988 #38527  
homas R. Wilson where a secret UAP program was discussed (see 16 October 20 4/1988 #38527  
ing to do with UAP, it was a “vast program” to study impacts and possible r 10/23/1988 #38682  
           Area 51 Crash Retrieval Program worker Bob Lazar starts working  12/1988 #38729  
he failure of the “Crash Retrieval Program1989 #38767  
ring his onboarding to the Area 51 program, he read briefing documents desc 11/10/1989 #39224  
          The USAF SR-71 Blackbird program is officially terminated. The od 11/22/1989 #39245  
el of secrecy above Special Access Program for certain projects. He claims  1990 #39354  
pace radars (the Defense Satellite Program) have tracked about 500 UFOs (fa 9/1990 #39711  
uct radical research under the MED program during the 1940s; everyone insid 3/16/1991 #40015  
) had stayed up late to watch a TV program and had gone into the backyard t 7/21/1991 #40129  
 a need to know. Greer alleges the program was UAP related and one of the e 7/28/1991 #40136  
r Visitor Race, the Zetas/Greys; a program was begun in 1960 with the assis 1992 #40276  
t the DOJ, claimed he was hired to program a secret backdoor in the softwar 5/13/1992 #40463  
uch [secret U.S. triangular craft] program, we don’t have anything like tha 5/22/1992 #40469  
iangular UAP were an illegal human program.  Mellon stated on the U.S. cabl 5/22/1992 #40469  
uch [secret U.S. triangular craft] program, we don’t have anything like tha 12/22/1992 #40762  
 Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility begins construc 1993 #40778  
e of unacknowledged Special Access Program (SAP) protocols.  The allegation 7/22/1993 #41077  
y Council (NSC) serving as overall program coordinator with support from Ai 1994 #41349  
ormer consultant to the Deep Space Program Science Experiment with the Clem 1994 #41351  
e’s office of Security and Special Program Oversight directs its research a Late 1/1994 #41381  
, director of security and special program oversight of the USAF Office of  9/8/1994 #41726  
ncels the Star Gate remote viewing program. It encapsulates all previous wo 6/30/1995 #42284  
f an alien by the US military. The program, hosted in the US by Jonathan Fr 8/28/1995 #42425  
ng on the film’s authenticity. The program causes a sensation, with Time ma 8/28/1995 #42425  
pruder film.” Fox rebroadcasts the program twice, each time to higher ratin 8/28/1995 #42425  
ts, some subject to Special Access Program security measures. STG, for exam 8/7/1996 #42971  
 prime contractors for the MILSTAR Program, a global, secure, nuclear-survi 8/7/1996 #42971  
and that most psychics used in the program were frauds.                     5/23/1997 #43301  
as assigned to a secret government program that provided some material reco 6/1997 #43304  
akthrough Propulsion Physics (BPP) program at the time. *   https://archive 8/1997 #43363  
Steve Wilson claims a secret space program utilizes Vandenberg AFB and Beal 8/19/1997 #43387  
ere the result of an illegal human program.  Former SSCI Staff Director Chr Late 1990's #43480  
uch [secret U.S. triangular craft] program, we don’t have anything like tha Late 1990's #43480  
ation support for the secret space program and they house a minimum of four 1998 #43481  
 a deliberate and massive breeding program using individuals from childhood 1/1998 #43482  
one who worked on a US antigravity program, who told Hamilton the public sp 6/17/1998 #43589  
who told Hamilton the public space program was a “sham,” and there was anot 6/17/1998 #43589  
nd there was another “secret space program.” The secret space program uses  6/17/1998 #43589  
t space program.” The secret space program uses craft and astronaut crews o 6/17/1998 #43589  
poses. A later paper discloses the program is funded by NASA and independen 8/1998 #43618  
he Breakthrough Propulsion Physics program (see August 1997), and began in  8/1998 #43618  
 an “Unacknowledged Special Access Program” security framework manages some 8/22/1998 #43635  
zero oversight from Special Access Program oversight mechanisms.  It is sta 8/22/1998 #43635  
telligence source tells CSETI the “program” has considered the usage of man 8/22/1998 #43635  
 extraterrestrial life forms. The “program” is also allegedly considering t 8/22/1998 #43635  
rios are testing by assets of the “program.”  https://archive.org/stream/Di 8/22/1998 #43635  
ed Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) while it was run out of  10/1998 #43656  
urces, and states a UAP management program exists that falls outside of the 7/31/1999 #43815  
lls outside of the normal range of program activities and only members of t 7/31/1999 #43815  
ofiles are selected. It states the program was called Zodiac, and had diffe 7/31/1999 #43815  
  The results of the Russian Setka program are disclosed by Boris Sokolov,  2000 #43911  
 indicate that anyone in the Setka program attempted to seriously analyze t 2000 #43911  
ith total control exercised by the program manager. He concludes that most  1/5/2000 #43921  
le mutilations and a US Army black program. In 1977, Deputy Sheriff Jerry S 2/24/2001 #44142  
ment of a black budget antigravity program at the time.                     2002 #44302  
upport of the US drug interdiction program.                                 2/20/2002 #44319  
ter that, worked in the VIP health program in Green’s division of the CIA.  3/5/2002 #44323  
s is credible evidence of a secret program with access to biological materi 3/5/2002 #44323  
rticipated in the Pentagon’s AATIP program studying UAP and advised the ATP 5/2002 #44335  
ective of the CIA’s remote viewing program. Did any of these scientists lis 5/2002 #44335  
o an Unacknowledged Special Access Program dealing with reverse engineering 10/16/2002 #44417  
cords of a UAP reverse engineering program using technology “not of this Ea 10/16/2002 #44418  
ent between the DOD Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC)’s Se 10/16/2002 #44418  
closed party.  Wilson next calls a program manager attached to the records  10/16/2002 #44418  
surprised when he discovered their program(s) are actually UAP related (Wil 10/16/2002 #44418  
e vault and is given a tour of the program He sees a bigot list 1990-1993 t 10/16/2002 #44418  
apons, intelligence or special ops program, it was a reverse engineering pr 10/16/2002 #44418  
gram, it was a reverse engineering program from “something recovered years  10/16/2002 #44418  
de by human hands.” He is told the program had very slow progress and there 10/16/2002 #44418  
PUBLIC DOMAIN. “ McKinnon used the program Landsearch to search files and f 11/2002 #44428  
ned a “chameleonic” Future Soldier program; he states he wasn’t aware anyth 7/2003 #44560  
h to get into the secret UFO black program he believed existed. Puthoff wro 9/10/2003 #44595  
t get a reply. Haisch believed the program was split into four parts and ab 9/10/2003 #44595  
rything about the secret black UFO program to protect one critical “deep th 10/2/2003 #44610  
ee also states he is told that the program was inside government but under  10/2/2003 #44610  
an, states he found a “crashed UFO program” during a large audit of classif 8/7/2004 #44728  
e called a “bizarre special access program coverup which surely violated ev 8/7/2004 #44728  
 DOD squashed it. Bowsher said the program had to do with an “exotic, non-E 8/7/2004 #44728  
on Art Bell’s Coast to Coast radio program and describes his disinformation 2/27/2005 #44817  
). In 1965, the US had an exchange program with the aliens, where one entit 11/1/2005 #44898  
Puthoff and in the DARPA/DSO QUEST program (see 19 January 2022). The autho 2/1/2006 #44921  
e if UAP evidence supported an R&D program. The meetings were held at BDM I 4/28/2006 #44936  
ulsion research, an area the AATIP program studied linked to UAP. In a pres 4/28/2006 #44937  
ntary on NORAD’s Defense Satellite Program and its detection of UFOs (fastw 12/13/2006 #44991  
consultant for the Pentagon U.F.O. program (Advanced Aerospace Threat Ident 2007 #44993  
ed Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP)                       2007 #44993  
n Cirou, on a well-known French TV program called C dans l’air. Questioned  3/30/2007 #45014  
, the A-12 reconnaissance aircraft program, is declassified.                9/2007 #45051  
rospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP)—purposly misidentified  Fall 2007? #45070  
ed Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a Pentagon program to s Fall 2007? #45070  
cation Program (AATIP), a Pentagon program to study UFOs—as a DIA project o Fall 2007? #45070  
ed Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a small group of UFO-cu 2008 #45106  
dvanced Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) used in 2008–2010 as a  2008 #45106  
ct AIR-01.” AASC is described as a program to examine and evaluate emerging 6/2008 #45144  
s and methods to counter them. The program continued to be funded until at  6/2008 #45144  
ocument.  The language in the AASC program description is similar to the DI 6/2008 #45144  
ospace Weapons Systems Application Program (AAWSAP), and coincidentally rec 6/2008 #45144  
choke, was a real declassified CIA program that drugged unknowing citizens  8/4/2008 #45155  
rospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP), with a due date of Sep 8/18/2008 #45159  
rospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) is awarded to Bigelow A 9/22/2008 #45170  
e Defense Intelligence Agency. The program contract directs that the “contr 9/22/2008 #45170  
icer James T. Lacatski becomes the program manager, and biochemist Colm Kel 9/22/2008 #45170  
                     JASON Group’s Program Office, run out of the MITRE Cor 10/2008 #45173  
ospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP), which concluded HFGW c 10/2008 #45173  
due to its inclusion in the AAWSAP program.  It is possible JASON was taske 10/2008 #45173  
rospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP), but it is unknown of t 10/17/2008 #45175  
made its way into the hands of USG program managers at AAWSAP. It is also u 10/17/2008 #45175  
s. (Note: this did not happen, the program was cancelled, Reid’s request fo 10/29/2008 #45180  
tential co-sponsors for the AAWSAP program in Zurich, Switzerland, as reque 11/24/2008 #45191  
ospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP). BAASS tracks the licen 5/8/2009 #45221  
erospace Weapon System Application Program (misidentified intentionally as  6/24/2009 #45227  
ed Aerospace Threat Identification Program) has made such extraordinary dis 6/24/2009 #45227  
nated a “restricted Special Access Program.” Some of the ongoing projects i 6/24/2009 #45227  
 Reid’s request for Special Access Program status for the US Defense Intell 11/2009 #45252  
rospace Weapon System Applications Program is denied by a group at the Pent 11/2009 #45252  
fense Intelligence Agency’s AAWSAP program issues the first of 38 Project P 12/1/2009 #45260  
ospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP), claims to meet former  2010 #45263  
rospace Weapon System Applications Program is extended until December 21, 2 9/30/2010 #45300  
and was part of a rural relocation program to alleviate poverty in the area 10/13/2010 #45302  
ospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP), allegedly visited the  2/2011 #45312  
 in a SCIF and briefed them on the program.  Some time later that month or  2/2011 #45312  
WSAP in an attempt to transfer the program out of the Department of Defense 2/7/2011 #45313  
can set up BAASS as a UAP analysis program within DHS Science & Technology  6/2011 #45327  
nounces a “revolutionary” research program looking into sixth sense among h 2012 #45337  
t is worth determining if this ONR program looked at psychological communic 2012 #45337  
nts, including records of a secret program to build a flying saucer-type ai Late 2012 #45355  
down Soviet bombers. The ambitious program, called Project 1794, was initia Late 2012 #45355  
llance and tracking during the SDI program of the 1980s; he claims it dealt 6/2013 #45368  
xistence of the PRISM surveillance program (which collects the emails, voic 6/6/2013 #45371  
ect Pandora and Project Bizarre, a program focused on the Cold War secrets  2014 #45400  
rmful degrees. In the files of the program said to end in 1979 is the alleg 2014 #45400  
se Laboratory Independent Research Program mentions in a public budget docu 3/2014 #45403  
7). In 2017 the Navy combined this program with others and it is difficult  3/2014 #45403  
als and a Navy reverse engineering program. He states EMP was used in Gulf  8/18/2014 #45414  
 and appeared on a History Channel program about UFOs. Radar contacts, infr 2/2015? #45430  
 be a classified drone development program, but the near miss angers the pi 2/2015? #45430  
esta that the USAF Defense Support Program (DSP) collects “hard data” on UA 3/6/2015 #45433  
skeptical group uses a SmartDeBlur program to read the text of the placard, 5/5/2015 #45437  
—the end products of the abduction program. These hybrids begin as half-hum 9/2015 #45438  
ormer head of the Pentagon’s AATIP Program Luis Elizondo.  TTSA never menti 12/2015 #45441  
the advisors if the crash recovery program(s) were legal, or if they were i 4/2016 #45448  
 failed attempts to get the AAWSAP program funded agin through the Departme 5/13/2016 #45453  
O project known as the “Fast Mover Program.” D’Antonio states he asked a se 9/19/2017 #45481  
ed a senior Naval figure about the program and they told him “Sorry Marc, I 9/19/2017 #45481  
orry Marc, I can’t talk about that program.” This person then told him the  9/19/2017 #45481  
am.” This person then told him the program exists and that USOs are common  9/19/2017 #45481  
mes discloses the Pentagon’s AATIP program                                  12/16/2017 #45493  
e of a Defense Intelligence Agency program used to collect data on military 12/16/2017 #45494  
rospace Weapon System Applications Program (misidentified as the Advanced A 12/16/2017 #45494  
ed Aerospace Threat Identification Program) that was disbanded in 2010.     12/16/2017 #45494  
iology.”  Haisch states “the AATIP program did find the UFO crash retrieval 2018 #45498  
m did find the UFO crash retrieval program via official channels, but was d 2018 #45498  
so states: “It is easier to keep a program hidden in a contractor facility  2018 #45498  
eep, black industrial-based SAP. A program involving hardware would be cons 2018 #45498  
s (OUSDAT). Ironically, for such a program, even someone having an intellig 2018 #45498  
in principle of the Special Access Program oversight committee, SAPOC, shou 2018 #45498  
POC, should be cognizant of such a program. I do not know of any fundamenta 2018 #45498  
rs in the potential longevity of a program. The extreme compartmentalizatio 2018 #45498  
ted oversight would tend to keep a program in existence, perhaps indefinite 2018 #45498  
ced Aviation Threat Identification Program [in reality, the Advanced Aerosp 1/9/2018 #45503  
erospace Weapon System Application Program] has been involved with. The let 1/9/2018 #45503  
rked for the National Intelligence Program for non-military efforts. The ot 2/27/2018 #45516  
ld go to the Military Intelligence Program for the Defense Department.      2/27/2018 #45516  
some of the answers when the AATIP program ran out of appropriation funding 6/24/2018 #45530  
Davis states, “the crash retrieval program, it’s still there. And we would  6/24/2018 #45531  
ve gotten into the crash retrieval program using the legal authorizations t 6/24/2018 #45531  
g viewers, he concludes that “this program references real people by their  1/8/2019 #45557  
heir real names, a real government program, and real incidents. It then mix 1/8/2019 #45557  
) talks about the “crash retrieval program” that was terminated in 1989 for 4/30/2019 #45574  
o the New York Post that the AATIP program “did pursue research and investi 5/22/2019 #45579  
omena,” dispelling rumors that the program only focused on theoretical phys 5/22/2019 #45579  
asteroids and comets). This global program consists of at least 29 distinct 6/23/2019 #45587  
 Space-Based Situational Awareness Program, and the Navy’s sea-based X-band 6/23/2019 #45587  
Project SERPO rumors (an “exchange program” between USG personnel and ET pe 2/2/2020 #45629  
rd Doty worked for him in “another program before AATIP.”  https://ufos-sci 2/8/2020 #45632  
ed under the auspices of the AATIP program to study UFO reports and purport 2/14/2020 #45633  
e, as was its informal predecessor program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat I 6/23/2020 #45649  
ced Aerospace Threat Investigation Program. The task force is headed until  6/23/2020 #45649  
 Elizondo states on a public radio program that he was on the Hill, in a SC 7/19/2020 #45653  
m AATIP got further than the 1980s program, but didn’t clarify if that mean 7/19/2020 #45653  
o’s leadership role within the DoD program                                  4/26/2021 #45684  
n would not give him access to the program. “I don’t know…what kind of clas 5/1/2021 #45686  
d not find the UAP crash retrieval program when they looked because they ne 5/1/2021 #45687  
ed SAP where a UAP crash retrieval program is hidden.”  https://www.ufojoe. 5/1/2021 #45687  
tive allegedly told the source the program was controlled by a relatively s 8/1/2021 #45703  
 retrieval and reverse engineering program. Kobitz told him “multiple” UAP  9/3/2021 #45707  
nd he was told there was an active program to reverse engineer the technolo 9/3/2021 #45707  
 in the directory of the “Wingship Program,” a 1990s era program where USG  9/3/2021 #45707  
he “Wingship Program,” a 1990s era program where USG coordinated with Russi 9/3/2021 #45707  
or new approaches for the wingship program. *   https://imgur.com/a/tYbWkBa 9/3/2021 #45707  
rge     Note: If a crash retrieval program was managed by TRW in the 1960s, 9/15/2021 #45710  
oup, to replace the UAP Task Force program coordinated by the US Office of  12/27/2021 #45730  
 never came across an official UAP program, also stating Life Sciences used 1/30/2022 #45736  
rospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) has produced as part of 3/25/2022 #45742  
rospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP), colloquially known as  3/25/2022 #45743  
e working on the periphery of that program and there was concern that some  5/2022 #45746  
 Alabama, USA there’s a very black program underway that was previously run 5/2022 #45746  
here is a very active anti-gravity program…I’m told there is equally an ext 5/2022 #45746  
uch [secret U.S. triangular craft] program,” while D’Amato stated he believ 8/12/2022 #45762  
le” tell him there is a covered up program dealing with UAP work; he also s 9/2022 #45767  
 highly placed and say there is no program.  https://youtu.be/ETWqPQwkn2E?t 9/2022 #45767  
f there is an American antigravity program done in secret, he speculates it 2/22/2023 #45794  
e Office (NRO) states it manages a program known as Sentient that ingests a 2/27/2023 #45795  
ies. According to the records, the program detected a small “Tic Tac” shape 2/27/2023 #45795  
## Word: "program'" (Back to Top)
what's euphemistically called 'the program' in or around Huntsville, Alabam 5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "program20thannual" (Back to Top)
ation.org/sites/default/files/docs/program20thannual.pdf                    4/1988 #38527  
## Word: "programmable" (Back to Top)
materials science (metallic glass, programmable matter), recalculating the  6/24/2009 #45227  
## Word: "programme" (Back to Top)
Byrd to command the U.S. Antarctic programme. This time they again used the 1939 #1302  
## Word: "programmed" (Back to Top)
on of a “Manchurian Candidate,” or programmed assassin. Allen’s victim is a 2/19/1954 #9558  
non-thinking intelligence that was programmed to do certain tasks. The exam 10/16/1973 #28089  
it would not work, either from the programmed address book or with manual i 9/14/2009 #45247  
## Word: "programmer" (Back to Top)
el and a General Electric computer programmer watched a glowing oval object 3/24/1966 #20067  
## Word: "programmers" (Back to Top)
          NEAR PEEKSKILL, NY 2 IBM programmers abduction / 36 hours. Sperm  8/23/1958? #15218  
ontactees are manipulated by human programmers. Many ufologists think Vallé 6/1979 #34599  
## Word: "programming" (Back to Top)
ained, "are engaged in probing and programming" the minds of those humans w 2/5/1978 #32957  
## Word: "programs" (Back to Top)
knowledge of USG or USG contractor programs responsible for the UAP.  https 8/19/1947 #3354  
onsored by MKUltra and related CIA programs. A cache of some 20,000 documen 4/13/1953 #8823  
ociated with highly classified CIA programs of which he has direct personal 11/28/1953 #9324  
earn about secret Nazi antigravity programs. Tompkins provides no evidence  3/1/1955 #12027  
ionage program on Nazi antigravity programs, which he alleges led him to es 3/1/1955 #12027  
s COINTELPRO (counter-intelligence programs). These are employed against Am 8/1956 #13042  
oups, and gay rights groups. These programs prompt nearly 330,000 FBI inves 8/1956 #13042  
f war. Documents relating to these programs are marked “Do not file,” offer 8/1956 #13042  
ro to continue its “flying saucer” programs.                                2/20/1959 #15596  
exiled Cubans to manage opposition programs, begin a propaganda offensive t 3/17/1960 #16200  
se and other US government mapping programs. On August 11, after 17 orbits, 8/10/1960 #16367  
econnaissance and aerial espionage programs. The public face of the NRO is  9/6/1961 #16818  
nd related WS-606A supersonic VTOL programs are officially cancelled by the 12/1961 #16986  
 studies and other secret research programs as the scientific basis for the 7/1963 #17819  
n/depot/facility aired regular ufo programs.                                10/1966 #20942  
oped into more robust antigravitic programs later, almost assuredly done in 1968 #23633  
o the 1980s to work on the Montauk programs. Bielek changed his story sever 1/1971 #25963  
peration Often and other sensitive programs.                                11/20/1972 #27130  
7. HTLINGUAL and the NSA’s Minaret programs are shut down to avoid exposure 1973 #27199  
 York Times article. Covert action programs involving assassination attempt 12/22/1974 #29657  
escribe particularly sensitive CIA programs. Congressional Research Service 11/19/1976 #31557  
 Yuri Andropov who initiates these programs.                                10/1977 #32539  
ter support the DIA’s AAWSAP/AATIP programs, suggested the Ft. Dix body rec 1/18/1978 #32895  
 in the “dark side” of psi and ESP programs, including maintaining contact  1979 #34262  
Col. Philip Corso, who claimed UAP programs quietly encouraged film product 7/1980 #35399  
 psi and TK during the predecessor programs of Project Star Gate and The Ou 7/1980 #35399  
auk chair” (see 1971) and suggests programs utilize “time viewing” technolo 1981 #35765  
d Green he would clear him for the programs, but this never happened.  Even 1982 #36293  
documentation shows remote viewing programs Center Lane, Grill Flame, Gondo 1983 #36739  
safe from FOIA requests. Among its programs are: destabilizing Ferdinand Ma 11/18/1983 #37046  
            A proposed procurement programs document suggests the Departmen 1985 #37542  
cess to actual deep-black military programs on UFOs or provide consultants  5/20/1985 #37590  
of the Army and DIA remote viewing programs, gives two weeks notice and lea Summer 1985 #37607  
learances necessary to audit black programs.                                2/15/1987 #38120  
support for black budget aerospace programs. An anonymous engineer claims t 11/12/1988 #38714  
eve there are at least eight black programs flying out of Groom Lake includ 1990 #39356  
ates Talon Gold and Teal Ruby were programs for satellite recon objectives  7/1991 #40108  
USG/USG contractors are engaged in programs that attempt to control non-hum 11/25/1991 #40241  
i/mind control weapons development programs; NHI are spiritual beings that  11/25/1991 #40241  
eserve Destiny, and that there are programs above Waived Unacknowledged Spe 1992 #40276  
ived Unacknowledged Special Access Programs known as “grey programs” that c 1992 #40276  
ial Access Programs known as “grey programs” that consist of human-ET colla 1992 #40276  
efforts. Sherman claims these grey programs are given black project covers. 1992 #40276  
ople who were “connected to covert programs and black operations, corporate 3/9/1992 #40369  
USG/USG contractor black aerospace programs for Sen. Byrd, in addition to t 5/22/1992 #40469  
USG/USG contractor black aerospace programs, with D’Amato telling Vallee th 5/22/1992 #40469  
nnessee. Certain records involving programs in and around Area 51, Nevada,  1/15/1994 #41371  
n appeared in several public media programs discussing the possibility of a 8/7/1996 #42971  
 fitting a pattern of black budget programs allegedly changing the names of 8/30/1996 #43000  
ook, Snowbird and different covert programs. I would go interview people wh 8/30/1996 #43002  
in use by the NSA’s “Core Secrets” programs including Sentry Eagle.  https: 1/1/1997 #43163  
 nature of certain “special access programs” (SAPs) connected to the study  4/10/1997 #43260  
n sensitive US weapons development programs (such as the Stealth aircraft), 8/3/1997 #43365  
USG/USG contractor black aerospace programs for Sen. Byrd and claims “there Late 1990's #43480  
USG/USG contractors are engaged in programs that attempt to control non-hum 3/11/1998 #43532  
d diverted from DOD/HUD to illegal programs. *   https://msutoday.msu.edu/n 12/3/1999 #43892  
tain classified and Special Access Programs.”  https://books.google.com/boo 2000 #43914  
 approximately 150 “special access programs” within the Pentagon at the clo 1/5/2000 #43921  
ate NDA and illegal special access programs (SAPs) protected by USG classif 4/2001 #44154  
t there are black budget aerospace programs that contravene white world und 2002 #44302  
y would have worked on antigravity programs?  Note: Journalist Ross Coultha 5/2002 #44335  
a group of special legacy holdover programs from before SAP restructuring e 10/16/2002 #44418  
tigation into cost overruns at the programs but was told to drop it by an u 10/16/2002 #44418  
ived unacknowledged Special Access Programs where only four people knew wha 8/2004 #44724  
during a large audit of classified programs. Bowsher uncovered it in 1984-8 8/7/2004 #44728  
ises of introduction to legacy UAP programs, access, etc, that initially ma 4/26/2009 #45216  
nce Gen. James R. Clapper, special programs officer at USDI Susan Jones, De 11/2009 #45252  
 accepted into some Special Access Programs to progress much further.       12/11/2009 #45262  
 accepted into some Special Access Programs to obtain data on nuclear UAP o 2010 #45263  
es of other adjacent and ancillary programs and projects that can not be di 3/13/2015 #45435  
, assist. NNSA’s Office of Defense Programs (DP) sponsors technical researc 3/22/2017 #45465  
d diverted from DOD/HUD to illegal programs.  https://msutoday.msu.edu/news 12/11/2017 #45492  
ments on four alleged “legacy” UAP programs hidden from oversight. “A group 2018 #45498  
ed but separate unacknowledged SCI programs dating back to a 1947 Truman me 2018 #45498  
orp. etc. These would be expensive programs since the cost of secrecy can b 2018 #45498  
igger than the research… the black programs collectively have budgets in th 2018 #45498  
nd trust in that world. Deep Black programs can become quite independent of 2018 #45498  
rate Unacknowledged Special Access Programs.”  https://www.reddit.com/r/UFO 2018 #45498  
es” of UAP and reverse engineering programs are stovepiped into very small, 4/30/2019 #45575  
ld of crash recovery/alien biology programs in SCIFs with those aware of th 4/30/2019 #45575  
s in SCIFs with those aware of the programs, but suggests AATIP was not “re 4/30/2019 #45575  
ts AATIP was not “read into” these programs. There were red-lines they were 4/30/2019 #45575  
ves at aerospace firms know of the programs and at least one was last funde 4/30/2019 #45575  
ly being denied access to four UAP programs by SAPOC, but Ralston states he 7/5/2019 #45590  
OC reviewed a number of classified programs while he was present 1993-97, b 11/29/2019 #45619  
 would think had access to all UAP programs, did not find the UAP crash ret 5/1/2021 #45687  
nt of Energy, all of their Special Programs [...].” Mellon is likely sugges 5/5/2021 #45688  
 may indicate classified aerospace programs or commercial aerospace program 6/25/2021 #45695  
e programs or commercial aerospace programs linked to that agency, its offi 6/25/2021 #45695  
ot come across any evidence of UAP programs while working on SAPCO and mana 9/2/2021 #45706  
 SAPs; he states if there were UAP programs they were being run rogue with  9/2/2021 #45706  
formation with UAPTF, deeper black programs like Kobitz and former Dir. of  9/3/2021 #45707  
personnel from legacy ventures and programs have not yet contributed to DOD 5/16/2022 #45749  
re transparency than past Pentagon programs.                                5/17/2022 #45750  
nguage allows individuals in those programs to come forward without fear of 9/2022 #45765  
p with research that relates to US programs in the 1980s that dealt with UA 9/26/2022 #45771  
sted he did work in the area of US programs related to UAP in the 1980s.  h 9/26/2022 #45771  
e Department of Energy have hidden programs working on UAP technology.  htt 10/7/2022 #45773  
 retrieval and reverse engineering programs have been verified by Congress. 10/14/2022 #45778  
 he knows of at least four “legacy programs” that dealt with UAP issues tha 12/19/2022 #45789  
ed information about deeply covert programs that he says possess retrieved  6/5/2023 #45798  
d retired, with knowledge of these programs through their work in various a 6/5/2023 #45798  
## Word: "progres" (Back to Top)
de. Turns going west and away / Le Progres.                                 3/13/1974 #28875  
## Word: "progress" (Back to Top)
 of dirigibles, either built or in progress of being built, in Germany. Hal 5/17/1909 #753  
ers / 30M altitude. Atomic test in progress.                                1/31/1951 (approximate) #5422  
etts, to brief them on Blue Book’s progress. Afterward, he asks them about  4/1952 #6010  
oyd explains that USAF has made no progress in ascertaining the nature of U 7/29/1952 #7324  
The Air Force has made very little progress in learning what the phenomena  7/31/1952 #7372  
the first memo (MTM-622) about the progress to mid-December 1954.” Apparent 3/1/1955 #12026  
. No visual. Nevada atomic test in progress.                                3/5/1955 #12034  
in Washington, D.C., and discusses progress on Project Aquatone, proposing  4/1955 #12077  
cted with the apparent ineffectual progress of the Junta.” Varona requests  9/1960 #16428  
s the active departments to report progress.                                1/28/1961 #16590  
is chances of winning and the good progress of his campaign would have been 9/4/1964 #18533  
adio that a jet interception is in progress. Now in Pennsylvania, Spaur and 4/17/1966 #20318  
rsity of Colorado Project study in progress.                                9/19/1966 #20897  
Colorado Although a UFO wave is in progress, practically no one at the Colo 2/1967 #21429  
Thunder and lighting storm then in progress. (Investigated by NICAP's Capit 8/1/1971 #26260  
researchers are “vital for further progress,” implying the Agency may have  4/26/1976 #31027  
              A PTA meeting was in progress at a school in El Abrojal, Urug 10/30/1976 #31511  
range shiny object circles fire in progress.                                8/1977 #32337  
saucer goes by. (NATO war games in progress.)                               10/18/1977 #32588  
changing course. A windstorm is in progress and the object is beneath the c 1/26/1978 #32915  
ng and flew over a soccer match in progress in Huepul, Chile at only 5 mete 4/28/1983 #36847  
ng and flew over a soccer match in progress in Huepul, Chile at only 5 mete 4/28/1983 #36848  
nessed a live cattle mutilation in progress being performed by several shor 9/24/1992 #40640  
ol Center while the sighting is in progress and checks with military instal 5/25/1995 #42227  
ect Mogul; and New York University progress reports on the Constant Level B 7/1995 #42286  
Brou. Rises. Going quickly east. / Progress.                                12/5/1996 #43131  
Territory. Its hops forward in its progress through the sky before it moves 1/5/2001 #44117  
 is told the program had very slow progress and there was no collaboration. 10/16/2002 #44418  
s, which automatically tracked its progress. This may have caused some a ma 4/18/2003 #44516  
Lynn III that AATIP has made “much progress” with the “identification of se 6/24/2009 #45227  
to some Special Access Programs to progress much further.                   12/11/2009 #45262  
was terminated in 1989 for lack of progress.                                4/30/2019 #45574  
e and Armed Services Committees on progress made by the Unidentified Aerial 6/25/2021 #45695  
ravity devices did not show enough progress and their company closed down.  10/27/2022 #45784  
## Word: "progressed" (Back to Top)
sed over a religious center. As it progressed, the lights changed color fro 7/20/1966 #20659  
## Word: "progression" (Back to Top)
lligent beings, formed for endless progression in perfection and felicity.” 1756 #75  
cause similar damage, although the progression is much slower and requires  1/1988 #38385  
## Word: "progressively" (Back to Top)
ts emit luminous beams that extend progressively across the ground. Two cup 8/12/1972 #26911  
rot. This figure then disappeared “progressively,” beginning with the right 10/30/1976 #31510  
 engineer early-stage hybrids into progressively more human late-stage hybr 1/1998 #43482  
uman/half-Gray entities and become progressively more human over four succe 9/2015 #45438  
## Word: "prohibit" (Back to Top)
ible against the sky.” Regulations prohibit RAF planes from flying over Lon 6/11/1934 #1210  
aboratory materials, although they prohibit him from further military exper 5/1945 #1858  
it, but civil aviation authorities prohibit its release. Radar controllers  4/1978 #33111  
pace around the site. Armed guards prohibit entry, including firefighters,  7/11/1986 #37939  
## Word: "prohibited" (Back to Top)
gence agency in the US. The CIA is prohibited from conducting domestic surv 7/26/1947 #3233  
white-green lights fly slowly over prohibited area (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 11/12/1952 #8263  
te-green lights flew slowly over a prohibited area for 15 minutes.          11/12/1952 #8264  
nty, South Carolina, flying into a prohibited area. An earlier radar-visual 3/5/1953 #8734  
sightings. Civilian pilots are now prohibited from talking about UAP sighti 3/10/1954 #9611  
e UAP evidence, it would have been prohibited.  http://www.cufos.org/UFOIan 5/1/1956 #12825  
ained meteorological observer over prohibited airspace at the RAAF Woomera  12/20/1971 #26509  
Sakhalin island) while flying over prohibited Soviet airspace. All 269 pass 9/1/1983 #36968  
## Word: "prohibiting" (Back to Top)
O sightings, issues a police order prohibiting “The overflight, landing, an 10/25/1954 #11391  
## Word: "prohibition" (Back to Top)
nts Google and Yahoo! It repeats a prohibition against state assassinations 12/4/1981 #36247  
## Word: "prohibitive" (Back to Top)
widespread distribution because of prohibitive costs.”  https://files.afu.s 7/5/1956 #12953  
c support. Search fees have become prohibitive: In response to a CAUS reque 9/1979 #34815  
## Word: "prohibits" (Back to Top)
o effect on October 10. The treaty prohibits all above-ground tests of nucl 8/5/1963 #17867  
ibed sedatives and the Polish Navy prohibits them from going out to sea for 8/23/1979 #34768  
## Word: "project" (Back to Top)
l case, she writes to the Colorado project and offers herself for hypnosis  1930 #1106  
y to the creation of the Manhattan Project. Delayed by the outbreak of war  8/2/1939 #1313  
f the MAUD Committee the Manhattan Project would have started months behind 6/26/1941 #1366  
elt chooses the US Army to run the project rather than the Navy, although t 10/9/1941 #1373  
zi Amerikabomber long range bomber project study completed                  4/27/1942 #1410  
 is selected to head the Manhattan Project.                                 6/1942 #1414  
 becomes director of the Manhattan Project. The Military Policy Committee,  9/23/1942 #1447  
Purnell, is created to oversee the project.                                 9/23/1942 #1447  
ientific research of the Manhattan Project at the Site Y laboratory in Los  10/19/1942 #1457  
site in New Mexico is acquired for Project Y.                               11/25/1942 #1462  
 3; Witness report to Jan Aldrich, Project 1947.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 4/5/1943 #1491  
the next 10 minutes, they watch it project a bright and constant light.     5/1943 #1498  
ucer Review, No. 7, 1967; cited by Project 1947.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) ( 12/1943 #1547  
d sped away. (Ref. 3; Jan Aldrich, Project ACUFOE, from CUFOS report form.) 6/1944 #1599  
o the “Chelyabinsk-40” atomic bomb project plant opened (Plutonium producti 1945 #1742  
tate Hanford site of the Manhattan Project A Japanese Fu-Go balloon strikes 3/10/1945 #1810  
 the Hanford site of the Manhattan Project, which suddenly loses power. The 3/10/1945 #1810  
                         Manhattan Project US As part of the Manhattan Proj 4/10/1945 #1844  
roject US As part of the Manhattan Project, 18 people in the US are injecte 4/10/1945 #1844  
imes. (Ref. 3; Harley D. Rutledge, Project Identification, 1981, p. 251.) ( 5/25/1945 #1869  
peration Overcast, a forerunner to Project Paperclip, a secret recruitment  7/20/1945 #1903  
h foreign and domestic, now called Project SHAMROCK. No courts, no warrants 8/1945 #1910  
                         Manhattan Project Omega Site Los Alamos Laboratory 8/21/1945 #1925  
os Laboratory New Mexico Manhattan Project physicist Harry Daghlian is cond 8/21/1945 #1925  
     Operation Overcast is renamed Project Paperclip.                       11/1945 #1947  
on Soviet “Arzamas-16” atomic bomb project plant opened - the Soviet "Los A 1946 #1956  
Soviet “Sverdlovsk-44” atomic bomb project plant opened (Uranium enrichment 1946 #1957  
 volition may establish an interim project; however, to continue the projec 12/10/1946 #2211  
 project; however, to continue the project it must be approved for the next 12/10/1946 #2211  
binsk-40 and later 65” atomic bomb project plant opened (Plutonium producti 1947 #2216  
dlovsk-45” (Plant 418) atomic bomb project plant opened (Uranium enrichment 1947 #2217  
 energy from the wartime Manhattan Project. The Armed Forces Special Weapon 1/1/1947 #2222  
. The Armed Forces Special Weapons Project assumes responsibility for all a 1/1/1947 #2222  
            50 MI WITH DUTCH COAST Project Bluebook Case #54. RAF Mosquito  1/16/1947 #2226  
s the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, a new agency to take over respo 1/29/1947 #2236  
mes longer than thick, high speed, Project Grudge case #82. (Possibly 5/21/ 5/15/1947 #2283  
 direction of fight, manoeuvres” , Project Grudge case #92                  5/19/1947 #2289  
 direction of fight, manoeuvres” , Project Grudge chase #92                 5/19/1947 #2290  
t saw a silvery jar-shaped object (Project 1947; McDonald list; FOIA; Bloec 6/2/1947 #2308  
         Alamogordo Army Air Field Project Mogul flight number 4 is alleged 6/4/1947 #2312  
                  NEAR MINERAL, WA Project Bluebook Case #12. Kenneth Arnol 6/24/1947 #2387  
y first “unidentified” case in the Project Sign files.                      6/24/1947 #2400  
riel Command organizes an informal project at Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio, 6/30/1947 #2488  
nterests of national security. The project officer at Wright Field is Lt. C 6/30/1947 #2488  
                    HARBORSIDE, ME Project Bluebook Case #77. Astronomer Co 7/3/1947 #2562  
 Holloman AFB, New Mexico Morning. Project Mogul Flight number 8, a cluster 7/3/1947 #2580  
Holloman AFB, New Mexico 7:30 p.m. Project Mogul Flight number 9, a cluster 7/3/1947 #2585  
                        EMMETT, ID Project Bluebook Case #34. United Airlin 7/4/1947 #2634  
Holloman AFB, New Mexico 5:01 a.m. Project Mogul Flight number 10, a cluste 7/5/1947 #2720  
              FAIRFIELD-SUISUN, CA Project Bluebook Case #36. Air Force pil 7/6/1947 #2746  
                         TEMPE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #46. Photograph /  7/7/1947 #2887  
               ROGERS DRY LAKE, CA Project Bluebook Case #1. F51 pilot and  7/8/1947 #2972  
rail. The sighting later impresses Project Sign personnel to the extent tha 7/10/1947 #3110  
ash are relieved from duty on that project. However, it is now largely cons 7/25/1947 #3230  
ossibility that this is a domestic project, about which the President, etc. 7/30/1947 #3262  
ting that investigating a domestic project is a waste of time.              7/30/1947 #3262  
documents requesting an authorized project to investigate UFOs, per General 8/1947 #3275  
, the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project is building one of several bases 8/1947 #3277  
                NEAR EVERETT, MASS Project Bluebook Case #73. Pilot and nav 8/4/1947 #3287  
                   NEAR BETHEL, AK Project Bluebook Case #58. Local pilots. 8/4/1947 #3288  
eep-gold colored cigarette-shaped (Project 1947; McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR 8/4/1947 #3290  
                         MEDIA, PA Project Bluebook Case #70. Ex Air Force- 8/6/1947 #3296  
goes beyond the Army and Manhattan Project rules: “CONFIDENTIAL: Documents, 8/9/1947 #3308  
ll about one mile away. Hynek, for Project Blue Book, later identifies it a 8/13/1947 #3320  
 on the discs so an authorized UFO project can be requested. Col. Howard Mc Late 8/1947 #3369  
ore of the ETH-friendly faction at Project Sign.                            Late 8/1947 #3369  
uest stating that there is no such project as described.                    8/29/1947 #3377  
                   LAKE OSWEGO, OR Project Bluebook Case #51. 1 observer. 1 9/3/1947 #3380  
ses that the Army Air Force has no project with the characteristics similar 9/5/1947 #3385  
                         LOGAN, UT Project Bluebook Case #62. Several separ 9/8/1947 #3391  
                 NECKER ISLAND, HI Project Bluebook Case #59. PAA crew. Nig 9/13/1947 #3394  
                              USAF project "SIGN" started                   9/23/1947 #3414  
g the establishment of a permanent project to analyze future reports.       9/23/1947 #3416  
ht represent a deep-black domestic project; to pick up physical evidence; a 9/23/1947 #3417  
r.” This will ultimately result in Project Sign. Henceforth all disc report 9/23/1947 #3417  
dvisory Committee for Aeronautics, Project RAND, and the Nuclear Energy for 9/23/1947 #3417  
rgy for the Propulsion of Aircraft project at Oak Ridge. Twining promises a 9/23/1947 #3417  
ts UAP could be a black budget USG project or from Soviet/Bloc. Twining’s l 9/23/1947 #3419  
letter also led to the creation of Project Sign, whose sighting reports wer 9/23/1947 #3419  
dvisory Committee for Aeronautics, Project Rand, and the Nuclear Energy for 9/23/1947 #3419  
rgy for the Propulsion of Aircraft Project at Oak Ridge.  http://www.cufos. 9/23/1947 #3419  
nment sponsored a state government project that relocated a nearby road and 10/1947 #3440  
                     LAS VEGAS, NV Project Bluebook Case #71. Ex-USAF pilot 10/8/1947 #3449  
                     VAN BUREN, OH Project Bluebook Case #019. 2 observer(s 10/20/1947 #3461  
WITH OREGON Steamship Ticonderoga. Project Bluebook Case #35. 36' saucers g 11/11/1947 (approximate) #3483  
memo to this effect was in the old Project Sign files.”                     12/1947 #3496  
                              USAF project "Saucer" started                 12/30/1947 #3512  
                     Washington DC Project SIGN formed to obtain informatio 12/30/1947 #3513  
on the information. He establishes Project Sign (Project HT-304 under USAF  12/30/1947 #3516  
tion. He establishes Project Sign (Project HT-304 under USAF Technical Inst 12/30/1947 #3516  
ing: New Insight on the Man behind Project Sign,” IUR 23, no. 4 (Winter 199 12/30/1947 #3516  
 a waste of time and only approved Project Sign because of internal USAF po 12/30/1947 #3516  
                       VAASA, FINL Project Bluebook Case #99 / news. Saucer 1/3/1948 #3530  
a cloud at Godman at 3:50 p.m. The Project Sign staff, still not yet formal 1/7/1948 #3544  
 can detect a faint exhaust trail. Project Sign calls it Venus, because it  1/7/1948 #3547  
                       ACWORTH, GA Project Bluebook Case #121. Eastern Airl 1/9/1948 #3550  
                      HJORRING, DK Project Bluebook Case #149. 'Rockets' in 1/19/1948 #3558  
   Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton OH Project "Sign" (popular name "Saucer") e 1/22/1948 #3562  
                      Wright Field Project Sign officially launches at Wrig 1/22/1948 #3563  
ators are Capt. Robert R. Sneider (project chief), Alfred Loedding (T-3 eng 1/22/1948 #3563  
est Col. Howard McCoy takes in the project is unknown. Its task is to colle 1/22/1948 #3563  
                                   Project Sign becomes formally operationa 1/26/1948 #3565  
gn becomes formally operational as Project HT-304. Lt. Col. James C. Beam b 1/26/1948 #3565  
l. James C. Beam becomes its first project director.                        1/26/1948 #3565  
s present and speaks briefly about Project Sign, saying it has over 300 rep 3/17/1948 #3590  
nd Chance) are working on a secret project for the Air Force’s Watson Labor 4/5/1948 #3612  
t. Col. James C. Beam (the head of Project Sign), to New Mexico to intervie 4/5/1948 #3612  
 Sign), to New Mexico to interview Project Mogul scientist James W. Peoples 4/5/1948 #3612  
e of the discs shot up vertically. Project Blue Book listed this as an "uni 4/5/1948 #3613  
                        ASHLEY, OH Project Bluebook Case #112. Several obse 4/12/1948 #3621  
iminary 25-page report, written by Project Sign’s Col. Howard McCoy and Lt. 4/23/1948 #3628  
k balloons (without mentioning the project name) by Devon Francis is publis 5/1948 #3637  
mentions his work as a monitor for Project Sign.                            5/5/1948 #3639  
 trails. Lt. Col. James C. Beam of Project Sign goes to investigate. On the 5/7/1948 #3643  
er J. Allen Hynek in Columbus as a project consultant. (Loren E. Gross, UFO 5/7/1948 #3643  
Sparks, p. 34; Michael D. Swords, “Project Sign and the Estimate of the Sit 5/7/1948 #3643  
                NEAR WESTFIELD, IN Project Bluebook Case #129. Private pilo 5/12/1948 #3646  
                   BERLIN, GERMANY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Unidenti 5/28/1948 #3658  
        WILMINGTON, NC 1 observer. Project Bluebook Case #129. Cylinder/cig 5/31/1948 #3661  
                     UNIONTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #164. Several obse 6/29/1948 #3681  
                  INDIANAPOLIS, IN Project Bluebook Case #152. 20' saucer / 7/1/1948 #3693  
e ground in Osborn, Ohio, the USAF Project Sign officer who had flown to in 7/9/1948 #3705  
                      ARNHEM, NETH Project Bluebook Case #168. 2 observer(s 7/20/1948 #3717  
         ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Project Bluebook Case #165. 1 military o 7/24/1948 #3725  
wellyn (now apparently director of Project Sign) are flown by Capt. Clarenc 7/25/1948 #3738  
          CHAMBLEE AND AUGUSTA, GA Project Bluebook Case #165. 6 observer(s 7/26/1948 #3740  
ulling the case through September, Project Sign is disturbed even more than 7/26/1948 #3742  
                      COLUMBUS, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Unidenti 7/31/1948 #3755  
timate of the Situation,” in which Project Sign concludes that UFOs are int 8/5/1948 #3775  
t R. Sneider becomes a co-chief of Project Sign with Lt. Howard W. Smith.   9/1948 #3793  
                     SAN PABLO, CA Project Bluebook Case #176. 2 observer(s 9/23/1948 #3807  
    New Mexico Fargo, North Dakota Project Sign officer Capt. Robert R. Sne 9/30/1948? #3817  
d that the time has come to climax Project Sign’s task and write the requir 9/30/1948? #3817  
                  ASCENSION PR, LA Project Bluebook Case #174. 1 observer.  10/1/1948 #3823  
 sharp edges and no fuzzy outline. Project Sign personnel arrive within hou 10/1/1948 #3827  
rett Cabell Gorman A document from Project Sign to Garrett and Cabell is an 10/7/1948 #3829  
                     United States Project Sign’s Col. William R. Clingerma 10/12/1948 #3832  
sing. (Fund Report * C-13; 2 pp.) (Project GRUDGE Report Case No. 181) (NIC 10/14/1948 #3834  
on for nuclear testing, codenamed “Project Nutmeg,” commences under the dir Late 1948 #3842  
er to Wright Field in Ohio, asking Project Sign for another Estimate. It is 11/3/1948 #3867  
Patterson AFB in Ohio Pentagon MIT Project Sign personnel travel to the Nat 11/12/1948 #3874  
ruettner begin writing a sanitized Project Sign report. More scientific ove 11/12/1948 #3874  
nt, as well as Irving Langmuir and Project Rand.                            11/12/1948 #3874  
           Andrews AFB Report from Project SIGN, incident ?207 in Blue Book 11/18/1948 #3880  
        ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Project Bluebook Case #207. Unidentified 11/18/1948 #3881  
ermany Wire Report from Germany to Project SIGN: Capt. (blank) is an experi 11/23/1948 #3884  
onal Archives An interim report by Project Sign, one that apparently takes  11/30/1948 #3895  
s that such a document would be in Project Blue Book files, but it is not.  11/30/1948 #3895  
                        Dayton, OH Project SIGN evolves into Project GRUDGE 12/1948 #3896  
yton, OH Project SIGN evolves into Project GRUDGE and is conducted under th 12/1948 #3896  
ame BLUE BOOK. The liaison between Project GRUDGE and MJ-12 is the Air Forc 12/1948 #3896  
    USAF Scientific Advisory Board Project Sign is ordered to send copies o 12/6/1948 #3913  
raight and level. Then going down. Project Bluebook Case #223.              12/8/1948 #3915  
                  U.S. The revised Project Sign report is issued, Air Intel 12/10/1948 #3923  
                                   Project Sign files are sent to the Navy  12/13/1948 #3928  
ater appears as an appendix in the Project Grudge report.                   12/13/1948 #3929  
llen Hynek is officially tasked by Project Sign with studying UFO cases for 12/16/1948 #3930  
rmitted to examine some classified Project Sign reports. This is essentiall 12/20/1948 #3935  
is is essentially the beginning of Project Twinkle.                         12/20/1948 #3935  
ia Soviet “Tomsk-7” atomic weapons project plant opens (Uranium enrichment, 1949 #3943  
n representative; he claims he saw project names Archangel, Blue Book, Blac 1949 #3947  
s last claim has been confirmed as Project Twinkle).  He claims he heard ru 1949 #3947  
 to stop investigating saucers and Project GRUDGE is ordered to close at th Early 1949 #3948  
              Oak Ridge, Tennessee Project Sign personnel begin to be reass 1/1949 #3950  
assigned. Loedding disappears from project records. Deyarmond’s attention g 1/1949 #3950  
sell. He, too, disappears from the project. The civilian members are reliev 1/1949 #3950  
he only persons left active on the project are two of the lower ranks: Lieu 1/1949 #3950  
 commitment to a UFO investigation project will remain until the summer of  1/1949 #3950  
                       JACKSON, MS Project Bluebook Case #233. 2 pilots / p 1/1/1949 #3952  
oss the sky in front of his plane (Project 1947; McDonald list; FUFOR Index 1/1/1949 #3953  
                  HICKAM FIELD, HI Project Bluebook Case #275. 1 observer.  1/4/1949 #3956  
n AFB near Dayton, Ohio, transmits Project Sign’s list of UFO incidents to  1/5/1949 #3962  
       KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Project Bluebook Case #242. Military gua 1/6/1949 #3964  
rgy for the Propulsion of Aircraft project at Oak Ridge National Laboratori 1/10/1949 #3969  
 in size emitting beams of light. (Project 1947) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 1/24/1949 #3976  
 the Propulsion of Aircraft (NEPA) project at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Gasser  1/24/1949 #3977  
                   NEAR CORTEZ, FL Project Bluebook Case #252. Cucumber wit 1/27/1949 #3978  
on, OH Part of the Final Report of Project SIGN, written by Prof. George Va 2/1949 #3990  
oratory (at Wright-Patterson?) and project engineer for Project Sign, meets 2/1/1949 #3995  
tterson?) and project engineer for Project Sign, meets with other Project S 2/1/1949 #3995  
for Project Sign, meets with other Project Sign personnel and concludes tha 2/1/1949 #3995  
on Air Force Base, Dayton, OH USAF Project "GRUDGE" started                 2/11/1949 #4000  
                                US Project name changed to "Grudge." Becaus 2/11/1949 #4001  
ligence Directorate Cambridge Labs Project Sign releases a final sanitized  2/11/1949 #4003  
ort, “Unidentified Aerial Objects: Project ‘Sign,’” Technical Report F-TR-2 2/11/1949 #4003  
pendix D by James Lipp of the RAND project. “No definite and conclusive evi 2/11/1949 #4003  
 worth the effort expended on this project.” Truettner and Deyarmond, in a  2/11/1949 #4003  
o have no security risks, then the project should be terminated. The report 2/11/1949 #4003  
at Ohio State University, the RAND Project, and the USAF Scientific Advisor 2/11/1949 #4003  
                                   Project Sign officially becomes Project  2/12/1949 #4004  
   Project Sign officially becomes Project Grudge.                          2/12/1949 #4004  
          EAST / GANADO, AZ US191. Project Bluebook Case #262. Salsbury and 2/14/1949 #4006  
n attendance. Representatives from Project Grudge are noticeably absent. La 2/16/1949 #4010  
y A Fourth Air Force letter quotes Project Sign’s requirements for radar re 2/18/1949 #4018  
ote by Irving Langmuir criticizing Project Sign, and any inference that the 3/2/1949 #4032  
                     FORT HOOD, TX Project Bluebook Case #319. Fireballs et 3/17/1949 #4046  
aircraft” and ATIC’s office is now Project Grudge. It also discusses green  3/22/1949 #4052  
s on Unidentified Aerial Objects-- Project Sign,” stating that Deyarmond th 3/31/1949 #4062  
                        DILLON, MT Project Bluebook Case #304. 4 observer(s 4/3/1949 #4066  
              COLORADO SPRINGS, CO Project Bluebook Case #294. 2 frosty-col 4/15/1949 #4091  
o of his men to AMC to find out if Project Grudge plans to do anything abou 4/25/1949 #4109  
                      AMBRIDGE, PA Project Bluebook Case #272. Railroad/rai 4/26/1949 #4110  
                                US Project Saucer report released: About 30 4/27/1949 #4112  
                       FT HOOD, TX Project Bluebook Case #315. Many report( 4/27/1949 #4113  
brief Armed Forces Special Weapons Project personnel at Sandia Base, New Me 4/27/1949 #4115  
 be included. Kaplan, who says the project is “of extreme importance” becau 4/27/1949 #4115  
s,” recommends LaPaz to handle the project.                                 4/27/1949 #4115  
orandum for the press (629-49) on “Project Saucer” is released by the Penta 4/27/1949 #4117  
t is more pro-ETH than the current Project Grudge mentality, listing severa 4/27/1949 #4117  
ive tone and the positivity of the Project Saucer statement causes Maj. Don 4/27/1949 #4117  
                       HOMER, MICH Project Bluebook Case #313. 2 men / fact 4/28/1949 #4119  
            CATALINA MOUNTAINS, AZ Project Bluebook Case #332. 700' metal c 4/28/1949 #4120  
ttee. It summarizes the history of Project Sign up to its redesignation as  4/28/1949 #4125  
server(s). White saucers / 250mph. Project Bluebook Case #311-military obse 5/5/1949 #4146  
d the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project at Camp Hood, Killeen, Texas, th 5/5/1949 #4149  
” He does not send this message to Project Grudge. Headquarters responds qu 5/6/1949 #4159  
th and steady banked trajectory. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             5/9/1949 #4177  
oward McCoy forwards a copy of the Project Sign final report to the Researc 5/19/1949 #4195  
that later find their way into the Project Grudge final report.             5/19/1949 #4195  
                EAST / HANFORD, WA Project Bluebook Case #331. RADAR and te 5/21/1949 #4198  
                 HART MOUNTAIN, OR Project Bluebook Case #392. 1 / private  5/27/1949 #4211  
e course. This case is listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown" case.        5/27/1949 #4215  
ce of Special Investigations sends Project Grudge a copy of Rees’s report o 5/31/1949 #4218  
                 KLAMATH FALLS, OR Project Bluebook Case #497. CAA technici 6/1949 (approximate) #4220  
                     NEAR LIMA, OH Project Bluebook Case #381. Metal ovoid  6/11/1949 #4234  
         GUNTER AIR FORCE BASE, AL Project Bluebook Case #397. Saucers goin 6/18/1949 #4241  
                              USAF Project "Twinkle" started                Summer 1949 #4245  
                     OAK RIDGE, TN Project Bluebook Case #380. Teacher and  6/22/1949 #4248  
E BASE, CA 4 military observer(s). Project Bluebook Case #404. 2 white roun 7/18/1949 #4272  
                NORTH / DELPHI, IN Project Bluebook Case #408. 2 fishing /  7/23/1949 #4275  
                    FORT WORTH, TX Project Bluebook Case #411. Air Force Ca 7/24/1949 #4279  
                       SPOKANE, WA Project Bluebook Case #413. Man / ground 7/26/1949 #4291  
                     TROUTDALE, OR Project Bluebook Case #416. Airliner and 7/30/1949 #4296  
port, “Unidentified Flying Objects—Project Grudge,” Technical Report 102-AC 8/10/1949 #4315  
e all to behold such visitations.” Project Grudge enters a period of dorman 8/10/1949 #4315  
is of UAP states a special studies project within the DOD known as Unidenti 8/17/1949 #4320  
              TIGVARIAK ISLAND, AK Project Bluebook Case #428. Geodetic sci 8/22/1949 (approximate) #4335  
t US “Fat Man” plutonium bomb. The project is led by physicist Igor Kurchat 8/29/1949 #4340  
imb at tremendous speed to the S. (Project 1947) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 9/5/1949 #4347  
              NORTHEAST / ROME, NY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Lt. Col. 9/20/1949 #4361  
                  WINCHENDON, MASS Project Bluebook Case #513. Many observe 9/26/1949 #4370  
                    HUMBOLDT, NEBR Project Bluebook Case #475. Observer(s)  9/29/1949 #4377  
                     HOLLAND, MICH Project Bluebook Case #473. Vibrant brig 10/2/1949 #4381  
achusetts, is selected for a field project, under LaPaz’s supervision.      10/14/1949 #4394  
                        OXFORD, MS Project Bluebook Case #510. Several farm 11/16/1949 #4415  
              SOUTH / RACELAND, LA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 4 observ 11/18/1949 #4418  
                 AKITA, HONSHU, JP Project Bluebook Case #501. F80 pilot. 6 11/21/1949 #4420  
rd, Joseph Kaplan’s green fireball project is approved by AMC.              12/20/1949 #4441  
                              USAF Project "Saucer" closed                  12/27/1949 #4444  
                                US Project Grudge report released: Explaine 12/27/1949 #4445  
rackpot reports. Announcement that project had disbanded.                   12/27/1949 #4445  
               USAF announces that Project Grudge is terminated. Its files  12/27/1949 #4446  
                 LANGLEY FIELD, VA Project Bluebook Case #520. Military obs 12/28/1949 #4448  
ce the [4?] planes at high speed. (Project 1947; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 -  12/29/1949 #4452  
et “Krasnoyarsk-26” atomic weapons project plant opens (Plutonium productio 1950 #4458  
f UFO investigation. Following the Project Grudge report, the project was n 1950 #4460  
ing the Project Grudge report, the project was not disbanded. However, thos 1950 #4460  
j. Jere Boggs, Pentagon liaison to Project Grudge. Most of the interview in 1/1950 #4470  
eleaf notebooks with summaries of “Project Saucer” cases. His request to vi 1/1950 #4470  
 flying in straight level flight. (Project 1947; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 -  1/6/1950 #4474  
o the widely announced closure of “Project Saucer.” AFOIN Director Gen. Cha 1/12/1950 #4483  
that in fact AMC is taking its UFO project underground by announcing the cl 1/12/1950 #4483  
 sends a letter to ATIC asking why Project Grudge has ended, because he nev Late 1/1950 #4511  
that Grudge is no longer a special project and that UFO reports will be pro Late 1/1950 #4511  
of academic duties, withdraws from Project Twinkle. (Clark III 544) Februar 2/2/1950 #4526  
n sky and disappeared. Listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown" case.        2/5/1950 #4531  
 in Massachusetts that a “fireball project” ought not be pursued because an 2/20/1950 #4541  
          Holloman AFB, New Mexico Project Twinkle, with the assistance of  2/21/1950 #4542  
                    LOS ALAMOS, NM Project Bluebook Case #645. 2+12 Atomic  2/24/1950 #4548  
r Holloman AFB Photographic Branch project staff at an observation post at  2/24/1950 #4554  
mes J. Rodgers is named a chief of Project Grudge.                          3/1950 #4564  
      SELFRIDGE AIR FORCE BASE, MI Project Bluebook Case #650. 2 RADAR's an 3/3/1950 #4573  
 Oder to start a fireball research project come to fruition when the AF Geo 3/16/1950 #4655  
ues a letter directive authorizing Project Twinkle. A $20,000 half-year con 3/16/1950 #4655  
               MOTOBO, OKINAWA, JP Project Bluebook Case #678. Military RAD 3/27/1950 #4735  
it the Navy’s alleged “top secret” project the Flying Flapjack Vought XF5U. 3/27/1950 #4741  
                 MARROWBONE LK, TN Project Bluebook Case #682. 2 fishing. 3 3/29/1950 #4754  
                                   Project Twinkle officially begins.       4/1/1950 #4786  
If anyone should know about such a project, I should know—and I know of no  4/4/1950 #4792  
                        KOKOMO, IN Project Bluebook Case #706. 5M domed sau 4/8/1950 #4823  
                              USAF Project Rand contracts a white paper on  4/14/1950 #4853  
y. UFOs and UAP are not mentioned. Project Rand was a regular recipient of  4/14/1950 #4853  
co, Charles Riggs, a member of the Project Twinkle cinetheodolite camera cr 4/27/1950 #4909  
 the photos. Although the Colorado project initially thinks the photos seem 5/11/1950 #4939  
          VAUGHN, NM Contractors / Project Twinkle. 8 30' saucers and green 5/24/1950 #4962  
can Aviation missile firing range. Project Twinkle cinetheodolite station P 5/24/1950 #4964  
 Flat Armed Forces Special Weapons Project concludes a top secret study, na 7/1950 #5034  
oncludes a top secret study, named Project Nutmeg, to search for an atomic  7/1950 #5034  
at despite the official closing of Project Grudge, the Air Force still desi 7/7/1950 #5049  
O reports and take them seriously. Project Grudge begins to be reactivated  7/7/1950 #5049  
Grudge begins to be reactivated as Project 10073.                           7/7/1950 #5049  
              REDSTONE ARSENAL, AL Project Bluebook Case #758. 2 civil obse 7/13/1950 #5060  
          ATLANTIC SS MARCALA CREW Project Bluebook Case #773. 10' cylinder 8/4/1950 #5100  
aker Jr. in 1954, and the Colorado project in 1967. All studies of the film 8/15/1950 #5126  
                   NICOSIA, CYPRUS Project Bluebook Case #793. 3+USAF. Smal 8/20/1950 #5128  
               SOUTHWEST / BERMUDA Project Bluebook Case #787. 8 civil and  8/22/1950 #5135  
o. 51 at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, Project Twinkle cinetheodolite crews tra 8/31/1950 #5154  
                       SPOKANE, WA Project Bluebook Case #797. Air Force Ma 9/3/1950 #5165  
 10:49 a.m. A witness described by Project Blue Book as a "reliable source" 9/20/1950 #5188  
 of the December 10, 1948, revised Project Sign report destroyed.           9/25/1950 #5196  
[ack?] L. Rohn is named a chief of Project Grudge.                          10/1950 #5205  
                     OAK RIDGE, TN Project Bluebook Case #819. Several RADA 10/15/1950 #5227  
      OVER POPE AIR FORCE BASE, NC Project Bluebook Case #821. 4 shiny 100' 10/15/1950 #5228  
                            Canada Project "Magnet" authorized in Canada    12/1950 #5302  
                    NANYUKI, KENYA Project Bluebook Case #845. 2 observer(s 12/2/1950 #5306  
her quality UFO data. It is called Project Magnet.                          12/2/1950 #5311  
ike bees. This case is listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown."             12/2/1950 #5312  
 Gunnery Range, Nevada The AFSWP’s Project Nutmeg officially selects the To 12/12/1950 #5343  
                            Europe Project Mercury Astronaut Gordon Cooper, 1951 #5371  
 of these reports do not appear in Project Blue Book.                       1951 #5376  
j. Dewey Fournet, while serving on Project Blue Book, conducted his own FOI 1951 #5379  
 Watson, who has replaced McCoy in Project Grudge. It offends people so bad 1/1951 #5380  
            SOUTH / FORT WORTH, TX Project Bluebook Case #864. 15' delta/tr 1/8/1951 #5385  
                    FT BENNING, GA Project Bluebook Case #868. 10+observer( 1/12/1951 #5389  
There were nine other witnesses. A Project Blue Book unknown.               1/12/1951 #5393  
itnesses: Two members of a balloon project from the General Mills Aeronauti 1/16/1951 #5402  
utical Research Laboratory balloon project, observe a round disc near their 1/16/1951 #5403  
, a General Mills Aeronautical lab project engineer named McAleese, and ano 1/22/1951 #5413  
out 10,000–12,000 feet, tracking a Project Gopher plastic balloon at about  1/22/1951 #5413  
s K. Finletter asking that the UFO project be reinstated because pilots are 1/29/1951 #5421  
llis writes that, although the UFO project is disbanded, the Air Force stil 1/29/1951 #5421  
assachusetts New Mexico Los Alamos Project Twinkle head and chemist Anthony 2/25/1951 #5458  
           LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook Case #897. Observer(s)  2/26/1951 #5459  
sightings in detail (probably from Project Grudge). As for UFOs sighted by  2/27/1951 #5463  
                               AEC Project Twinkle head Anthony O. Mirarchi 2/27/1951 #5465  
flew off at an incredible speed. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             3/13/1951 #5481  
                  NEW DELHI, INDIA Project Bluebook Case #908. 25 observer( 3/15/1951 #5485  
 visible for over seven minutes. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             3/15/1951 #5490  
                  Holloman AFB, NM Project Twinkle Photographed UFO (NICAP: 3/24/1951 #5492  
              Wright-Patterson AFB Project Grudge’s Col. Harold E. Watson n 4/17/1951 #5505  
y results” have been obtained from Project Grudge other than the objects ar 4/23/1951 #5508  
e of Intelligence in the Pentagon. Project Grudge goes along with it.       5/21/1951 #5513  
                 NIAGARA FALLS, NY Project Bluebook Case #928. 3 military o 5/31/1951 #5524  
conds at 11:20 p.m. This case is a Project Blue Book "unknown."             5/31/1951 #5525  
                                   Project Grudge only has one person on st 6/1951 #5529  
                           US USAF project "Bluebook" is started            Summer 1951 #5548  
rst time to gather information on “Project Saucer” for an article. The visi 6/22/1951 #5550  
litary witnesses, Cobb and Fein. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             7/24/1951 #5585  
y DCI Roscoe Hillenkoetter, starts Project ARTICHOKE to study hypnosis, mor 8/20/1951 #5613  
ew Mexico, on the green fireballs, Project Twinkle’s Maj. Edward A. Doty ex 8/27/1951 #5636  
oty expresses skepticism about the project. Meteorologist Bernard “Duke” Gi 8/27/1951 #5636  
 to cease allocating funds for the project.                                 8/27/1951 #5636  
                                   Project Twinkle personnel talk to LaPaz  8/28/1951 #5637  
. Ruppelt says that in addition to Project Grudge investigators, another gr 8/30/1951 #5638  
                       MATADOR, TX Project Bluebook Case #962. 2 / car. Sil 8/31/1951 #5639  
ef of the newly revitalized AF UFO project (which later became Project Blue 9/1951 #5643  
AF UFO project (which later became Project Blue Book).                      9/1951 #5643  
                       SPOKANE, WA Project grudge. 30' bronze saucer / all  9/3/1951 #5649  
              EAST / CLAREMONT, CA Project Bluebook Case #964. 2 USAF obser 9/6/1951 #5650  
ated a high reliability unknown by Project Blue Book and Dr. James McDonald 9/10/1951 #5661  
 sends Lt. Jerry Cummings (head of Project Grudge) and Lt. Col. Nathan R. R 9/12/1951 #5663  
n. Received orders to set up a new project.                                 9/15/1951 #5669  
                        Dayton, OH Project Grudge is on hold, Intelligence  10/1951 #5692  
der. Edward Ruppelt, later head of Project Blue Book, hears the recording b 10/1/1951 #5694  
                      COLUMBUS, OH Project Bluebook Case #980. Physicist. B 10/2/1951 #5695  
n moving at 4,800 mph. Listed as a Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.   10/3/1951 #5702  
            EAST / TERRE HAUTE, IN Project Bluebook Case #985. CAA man and  10/9/1951 #5707  
 speed and heads to the northeast. Project Blue Book plots the sighting and 10/9/1951 #5715  
                   MINNEAPOLIS, MN Project Bluebook Case #989. 2 / plane. O 10/11/1951 #5721  
fficially takes over a revitalized Project Grudge, relieving Lt. Jerry W. C 10/22/1951 #5743  
                     US New AF UFO project (which later became Project Blue 10/27/1951 #5748  
AF UFO project (which later became Project Blue Book) officially establishe 10/27/1951 #5748  
 Fairbrother and D. E. Stewart . A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.   11/24/1951 #5791  
erman releases the final report on Project Twinkle. Basically, it admits th 11/27/1951 #5794  
                                   Project Grudge issues its first Status R 11/30/1951 #5798  
rman rocket scientist retrieved by Project Paperclip.                       12/1951 #5804  
                                   Project Twinkle closes down.             12/11/1951 #5814  
, using the newly established ATIC Project WHITE STORK contract with the re 12/19/1951 #5821  
                                   Project Grudge issues Status Report #2 a 12/28/1951 #5827  
Co. Thomas Townsend Brown proposes Project Winterhaven to the US military.  1952 #5843  
n Foundation when it was proposing Project Winterhaven. ONR’s Willoughby M. 1952 #5843  
                               CIA Project Moonstruck allegedly studies lon 1952 #5844  
recovered occupants that fall in a Project Grey Suit within Projects 612 an 1952 #5845  
MD; and a crash recovery team from Project Moon Dust and Project Stork were 1952 #5845  
ry team from Project Moon Dust and Project Stork were sent to a crash site  1952 #5845  
year it begins HTLINGUAL, a secret project to intercept mail destined for t 1/1952 #5854  
 the investigative shortcomings of Project Grudge and suggests policies and 1/3/1952 #5859  
de of the missing files for him at Project Grudge (though multiple visits a 1/29/1952 #5883  
d at the Pentagon on the status of Project Grudge by Edward Ruppelt, who wi 1/29/1952 #5884  
of UFOs (the basis for terminating Project Blue Book as an intelligence fun 1/29/1952 #5884  
                  Ruppelt releases Project Grudge Status Report #3, in whic 1/31/1952 #5888  
ibution of UFO reports, states the project’s obstacle, and includes a list  1/31/1952 #5888  
                        CORONA, CA Project Bluebook Case #2364. Unidentifie 2/19/1952 #5908  
e case was listed as an unknown by Project Blue Book. At 8:00 p.m. three or 2/19/1952 #5910  
dvisory Board Secretariat suggests Project Twinkle, which analyzed UAP at t 2/19/1952 #5911  
rking)  Note: On 20 December 1948, Project Twinkle astronomer Lincoln LaPaz 2/19/1952 #5911  
              SINUIJU, NORTH KOREA Project Bluebook Case #1061. B29 crew. B 2/23/1952 #5921  
ch, “Have We Visitors from Space?” Project 1947) February 29 — Project Grud 2/25/1952 #5931  
pace?” Project 1947) February 29 — Project Grudge issues a secret Status Re 2/25/1952 #5931  
 Ruppelt recommends a new name for Project Grudge, “Project Blue Book”.     3/1952 #5936  
ds a new name for Project Grudge, “Project Blue Book”.                      3/1952 #5936  
                                US Project Grudge had become a full-fledged 3/1952 #5937  
C-54 at a very high rate of speed. Project Blue Book explained it as a mete 3/4/1952 #5945  
wski of his staff to be liaison to Project Grudge., and the Ground Observer 3/19/1952 #5961  
                   CENTREVILLE, MD Project Bluebook Case #1074. 2 observer( 3/20/1952 #5962  
 two witnesses, named Hutchison. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             3/21/1952 #5966  
          WEST / PT CONCEPTION, CA Project Bluebook Case #1077. B29 navigat 3/24/1952 #5970  
             Iowa State University Project Grudge becomes a separate organi 3/25/1952 #5973  
ial Phenomena Group and is renamed Project Blue Book, apparently by Lt. Col 3/25/1952 #5973  
                 SOUTH / PECOS, TX Project Bluebook Case #1079. 4 Air Force 3/26/1952 #5975  
NORTH / MISAWA AIR FORCE BASE, JPN Project Bluebook Case #1082. 2 pilots. 2 3/29/1952 #5984  
f William T. Reid, folding it into Project Stork, an initiative to examine  3/31/1952 #5998  
h cards based on data forwarded by Project Blue Book files.                 3/31/1952 #5998  
es to Gen. Garland requesting that Project Blue Book be entirely declassifi 3/31/1952 #5999  
                                   Project Blue Book issues its Status Repo 3/31/1952 #6000  
    US Air Force Letter 200-5 gave Project Blue Book authority to cut red t 4/1952 #6003  
 the Office of Naval Research. The project lasts through 1952, but probably 4/1952 #6009  
livan, and North American Aviation project engineer Walther A. Riedel. The  4/2/1952 #6016  
iny oblong object above 54,000 ft (Project 1947; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 -  4/3/1952 #6019  
                        TEMPLE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1099. 1 observer. 4/6/1952 #6036  
nd reports on the revitalized USAF project. It comes close to advocating th 4/7/1952 #6042  
                      LACROSSE, WI Project Bluebook Case #1113. Central air 4/14/1952 #6073  
                          YUMA, AZ Project Bluebook Case #1127. Numerous ob 4/17/1952 #6097  
                    LONGMEADOW, MA Project Bluebook Case #1124. 2 engineers 4/17/1952 #6098  
                CORNER BROOK, NFLD Project Bluebook Case #1129+1131. Yellow 4/18/1952 #6113  
                      BETHESDA, MD Project Bluebook Case #1128. Parstell an 4/18/1952 #6114  
                NAHA, OKINAWA, JPN Project Bluebook Case #1144. 6 military- 4/22/1952 #6151  
at meets for the first time today. Project Second Storey, formed by Omond M 4/22/1952 #6155  
                      MILTON, MASS Project Bluebook Case #1148. 3 RADAR exp 4/24/1952 #6166  
ief and likely operated outside of Project Blue Book as a flexible study gr 4/24/1952 #6179  
stigation of UAP in the field than Project Blue Book. AFOIN offices doing U 4/24/1952 #6179  
eleases its first status report on Project Stork, noting that it has select 4/25/1952 #6186  
                     ROSEVILLE, MI Project Bluebook Case #1160. 4 observer( 4/27/1952 #6191  
                          YUMA, AZ Project Bluebook Case #1163. Air Traffic 4/27/1952 #6192  
              NORTH / GOODLAND, KS Project Bluebook Case #1168. B29 bombard 4/29/1952 #6210  
ll major USAF commands. It enables Project Blue Book staff to communicate d 4/29/1952 #6215  
                                   Project Blue Book issues its Status Repo 4/30/1952 #6223  
         GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA Project Bluebook Case #1176. 5 separate  5/1/1952 #6232  
 the development of the cameras in Project Twinkle. His attitude irks every Early 5/1952 #6249  
                 SAN FRANCISCO, CA Project Bluebook Case #1201. Clear photo 5/4/1952 #6255  
ame back. This case is listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown."             5/5/1952 #6261  
ves and is skeptical. The Colorado project finds a “glaring internal incons 5/7/1952 #6270  
         GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA Project Bluebook Case #1194. 2 F86's and 5/9/1952 #6279  
ge AFB, California at 10:20 a.m. A Project Blue Book "unknown." At 12:30 tw 5/9/1952 #6284  
ct dives at car. Roars! 90° turns. Project Bluebook Case #1260 / 7 June and 5/10/1952 #6287  
              SOUTH / ELLENTON, SC Project Bluebook Case #1198. 8 small sau 5/10/1952 #6291  
                      MAYAGUEZ, PR Project Bluebook Case #1213. Ex-Air Forc 5/14/1952 #6321  
t missiles and aircraft. As a side project they study “flying saucers” that 5/15/1952 #6331  
       RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1522. Air Force C 5/21/1952 #6346  
                   WALNUT LAKE, MI Project Bluebook Case #1227. Hoffman and 5/25/1952 #6354  
              SAIGON, FR INDOCHINA Project Bluebook Case #1232. Many observ 5/28/1952 #6368  
       NORTHEAST / ALBUQUERQUE, NM Project Bluebook Case #1233. 2 firemen.  5/28/1952 #6369  
       LACKLAND AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1236. Air Force p 5/29/1952 #6381  
                                   Project Blue Book issues its Status Repo 5/31/1952 #6393  
                    FULDA, GERMANY Project Bluebook Case #1249. Photograph- 6/2/1952 #6423  
 5-6X F86 speed. Seen 6 second(s). Project Bluebook Case #unknown.          6/5/1952 #6440  
 that were listed by the Air Force Project Blue Book as "unknowns." At 6:15 6/5/1952 #6449  
issues its second status report on Project Stork to ATIC. It describes a “t 6/6/1952 #6455  
                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM Project Bluebook Case #1260. B25 crew /  6/7/1952 #6458  
th of these reports were listed by Project Blue Book as "unidentified" case 6/7/1952 #6462  
                MARRAKESH, MOROCCO Project Bluebook Case #1270. US radarman 6/12/1952 #6479  
 WALKER AIR FORCE BASE-ROSWELL, NM Project Bluebook Case #1295. Staff Sgt.  6/16/1952 #6515  
t an estimated speed of 550 mph. A Project Blue Book "unknown" report.      6/16/1952 #6518  
        MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case #1298. Many observ 6/17/1952 #6520  
                    Two cases from Project Blue Book's list of unexplained  6/17/1952 #6530  
                   WALNUT LAKE, MI Project Bluebook Case #1305. Soft white  6/18/1952 #6535  
                    GOOSE BAY, NFL Project Bluebook Case #1308. RADAR-visua 6/19/1952 #6543  
E & LATITUDE COORDS. = APPROXIMATE Project Bluebook Case #1313. USAF. 10' s 6/20/1952 #6556  
          KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1319. B29 crew. B 6/21/1952 #6566  
E, KOREA 2 Sergeants / 753D RADAR. Project Bluebook Case #1323. Object hove 6/22/1952 #6585  
bject. The case was unexplained by Project Blue Book.                       6/22/1952 #6589  
     US60 3MI EAST / OWENSBORO, KY Project Bluebook Case #1335. 2 military. 6/23/1952 #6591  
MI WITH MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case #1332. Civil and m 6/23/1952 #6594  
Smith writes an “Interim Report on Project Magnet,” in which he states: “If 6/25/1952 #6628  
 in the night sky at a slow speed. Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.   6/25/1952 #6630  
                        TOPEKA, KS Project Bluebook Case #1355. 2 military. 6/27/1952 #6643  
imension as the object pulsated. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             6/27/1952 #6648  
                       NAGOYA, JPN Project Bluebook Case #1364. ECM officer 6/28/1952 #6650  
               LAKE KOSHKONONG, WI Project Bluebook Case #1361. 1 ground ob 6/28/1952 #6651  
y Ohio Northern University sets up Project "A" to investigate the UFO's.    7/1952 #6675  
a, Ohio, announce the formation of Project A: Investigation of Phenomena, s 7/1952 #6680  
rection of Dean Warren L. Hickman. Project A personnel seek reports from th 7/1952 #6680  
d collect newspaper clippings. The project receives a disappointing 54 comp 7/1952 #6680  
 groups, the university closes the project down in mid-1954.                7/1952 #6680  
              NEAR ROME CENTER, MI Project Bluebook Case #1380. 2 6m circul 7/3/1952 #6697  
                       CHICAGO, IL Project Bluebook Case #1382. 1 observer. 7/3/1952 #6699  
                SSW / NORMAN, OKLA Project Bluebook Case #1390. 3 saucers h 7/5/1952 #6709  
 issues its third status report on Project Stork to ATIC. It mentions that  7/7/1952 #6724  
                      KUTZTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #1409. Farmer. Alu 7/9/1952 #6733  
         NORTHWEST / ANNAPOLIS, MD Project Bluebook Case #1431. 2 observer( 7/12/1952 #6763  
                    KIRKSVILLE, MO Project Bluebook Case #1436. Many milita 7/12/1952 #6767  
trail flying in a straight course (Project 1947) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 7/12/1952 #6774  
               WEST PALM BEACH, FL Project Bluebook Case #1451. Pilot and 2 7/15/1952 #6822  
                       SALEM, MASS Project Bluebook Case #1501. USCG photos 7/16/1952 #6835  
d through the sky at high speed. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.   7/17/1952 #6871  
y were in sight for 5-6 seconds. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.   7/17/1952 #6874  
 going faster than jet aircraft. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.   7/17/1952 #6875  
        PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Project Bluebook Case #1458. Several obs 7/18/1952 #6886  
                   ELKINS PARK, PA Project Bluebook Case #1494. Unidentifie 7/19/1952 #6908  
              NEAR WILLISTON, NDAK Project Bluebook Case #1492. Pilot / US8 7/19/1952 #6910  
                    LAVALLETTE, NJ Project Bluebook Case #1504. Unidentifie 7/20/1952 #6943  
                WIESBADEN, GERMANY Project Bluebook Case #1514. USAF pilot  7/21/1952 #6964  
                   TERRE HAUTE, IN Project Bluebook Case #1533. USAF man. D 7/21/1952 #6965  
     SAN MARCOS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1516. Unidentifie 7/21/1952 #6968  
Air Technical Intelligence Center (Project Blue Book) in Dayton, Ohio, for  7/21/1952 #6982  
              SSW / LOS ALAMOS, NM Project Bluebook Case #1538. Air Traffic 7/22/1952 #6989  
                       TRENTON, NJ Project Bluebook Case #1588. Several F94 7/22/1952 #7003  
 Blue round object spins past F94. Project Bluebook Case #1556. No further  7/22/1952 #7005  
een for 25 minutes. An unexplained Project Blue Book report.                7/22/1952 #7030  
      USCG / NAHANT, MASS AND MORE Project Bluebook Case #1556. 2 5' saucer 7/23/1952 #7039  
                     POTTSTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #1554 unidentified 7/23/1952 #7047  
                        CLOVIS, NM Project Bluebook Case #1151. Unidentifie 7/24/1952 #7103  
est, and shot off at high speed. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.      7/24/1952 #7117  
f, lasting less than 10 seconds. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.      7/24/1952 #7118  
                    WILMINGTON, DE Project Bluebook Case #1664? Observer(s) 7/25/1952 #7123  
ournet was a radar specialist with Project HOLCOMBE and arrived at the airp 7/26/1952 #7140  
 interceptions are classified (but Project Blue Book chief Capt. Edward J.  7/26/1952 #7174  
rsions. In 1969, however, Colorado project physicist Gordon David Thayer co 7/26/1952 #7174  
t support his conclusion. Colorado project psychologist Michael Wertheimer  7/26/1952 #7174  
en another, and then a last one. A Project Blue Book unidentified case.     7/27/1952 #7217  
. They were seen for 15 seconds. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             7/27/1952 #7220  
                       HALLOCK, MN Project Bluebook Case #unknown. GCI RADA 7/28/1952 #7225  
                     BURLEY, IDAHO Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 1 observ 7/28/1952 #7242  
                  HEIDELBERG, GERM Project Bluebook Case #1700. Unidentifie 7/28/1952 #7244  
It was in sight for 4.5 minutes. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             7/28/1952 #7269  
                   8MI / ENNIS, MT Project Bluebook Case #1747 / unidentifi 7/29/1952 #7283  
                       WICHITA, KS Project Bluebook Case #1739. Unidentifie 7/29/1952 #7284  
                        MERCED, CA Project Bluebook Case #1738. Unidentifie 7/29/1952 #7289  
                   SAGINAW BAY, MI Project Bluebook Case #1680. RADAR and 2 7/29/1952 #7295  
right-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio; Project Blue Book head Capt. Edward J. R 7/29/1952 #7328  
                   SAN ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #1758. Saucer / 5K 7/30/1952 #7343  
fter 20-30 minutes it sped away. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.      7/30/1952 #7365  
                     LANCASTER, CA Project Bluebook Case #1771. 2 cops and  8/1/1952 #7388  
                  SOUTH / YAAK, MT Project Bluebook Case #2023. 2+observer( 8/1/1952 #7390  
                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM Project Bluebook Case #1755. Newsman. 10 8/1/1952 #7399  
 Motion Study, is missing from the Project Blue Book files.                 8/1/1952 #7411  
         HANEDA AIR FORCE BASE, JP Project Bluebook Case #1827. 2+2 Air Tra 8/5/1952 #7461  
                       Hynek sends Project Blue Book a report on his interv 8/6/1952 #7489  
      CHENNAULT AIR FORCE BASE, LA Project Bluebook Case #1870. 30cm disk z 8/9/1952 #7519  
es, and hovered for two seconds. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.   8/9/1952 #7526  
pposite directions over irrigation project. Going northeast slow.           8/14/1952 #7587  
probably written by A. Ray Gordon, project officer of the CIA’s Physics and 8/14/1952 #7593  
ch) of UFO history, an analysis of Project Blue Book, and a discussion of e 8/14/1952 #7593  
                    A. Ray Gordon, project officer of the CIA’s Physics and 8/22/1952 #7682  
              SOUTH / HERMANAS, NM Project Bluebook Case #1961. Air Force F 8/24/1952 #7696  
                NEAR PITTSBURG, KS Project Bluebook Case #1972. 75' saucer  8/25/1952 #7719  
                 COLORADO SPRS, CO Project Bluebook Case #2013. Pilot Magru 8/29/1952 #7781  
                        TUCSON, AZ Project Bluebook Case #2048. 2 observer( 9/6/1952 #7863  
                 NEAR RABAT, MAROC Project Bluebook Case #2062. 6 silent sa 9/9/1952 #7883  
 issues its fifth status report on Project Stork to ATIC. It says that 800  9/10/1952 #7890  
                     ALLENTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #2085. 1 observer. 9/13/1952 #7910  
       OLMSTEAD AIR FORCE BASE, PA Project Bluebook Case #2093. 2 civil obs 9/14/1952 #7919  
                  WHITE LAKE, SDAK Project Bluebook Case #2089. Unidentifie 9/14/1952 #7922  
                 SANTA BARBARA, CA Project Bluebook Case #2086. C54 pilot.  9/14/1952 #7923  
         ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Project Bluebook Case #2100. 2 glowing-n 9/16/1952 #7955  
            TOPCLIFFE, NORTH YORKS Project Bluebook Case #2087. Saucer foll 9/19/1952 #7976  
          400MI NORTHWEST / AZORES Project Bluebook Case #2126. Unidentifie 9/26/1952 #8033  
                      INYOKERN, CA Project Bluebook Case #2128. Unidentifie 9/27/1952 #8040  
. Aeronautical engineer and former Project Sign liaison Alfred Loedding and 10/1952 #8076  
           SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, SC Project Bluebook Case #2142. Unidentifie 10/1/1952 #8078  
                    PASCAGOULA, MS Project Bluebook Case #2143. Unidentifie 10/1/1952 #8079  
         OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Project Bluebook Case #2155. Blinking wh 10/10/1952 #8111  
 issues its sixth status report on Project Stork. UFO reports through 1951  10/10/1952 #8114  
ined and will become the basis for Project Blue Book’s form.                10/10/1952 #8114  
                       KILLEEN, TX Project Bluebook Case #2172. Unidentifie 10/17/1952 #8141  
                   SAN ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #2177. Unidentifie 10/19/1952 #8158  
          PACIFIC 155° 35W-12° 17N Project Bluebook Case #2175. 2 / USAF C5 10/19/1952 #8159  
                     KNOXVILLE, TN Project Bluebook Case #2179. Unidentifie 10/21/1952 #8168  
ntelligence purposes. NSA inherits Project Shamrock from the AFSA. It also  10/24/1952 #8181  
            ERDING AIR DEPOT, GERM Project Bluebook Case #2196. Unidentifie 10/29/1952 #8209  
                  FAYETTEVILLE, GA Project Bluebook Case #2200. Unidentifie 10/31/1952 #8218  
         LAREDO AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #2202. 2 Air Traff 11/3/1952 #8231  
t-Patterson AFB in Ohio Battelle’s Project Stork notes in its seventh statu 11/10/1952 #8259  
                    LOS ALAMOS, NM Project Bluebook Case #2219. Unidentifie 11/12/1952 #8261  
                     ANNANDALE, VA Project Bluebook Case #2246. Unidentifie 11/24/1952 #8329  
                         PANAMA CZ Project Bluebook Case #101. 2 separate o 11/25/1952 #8336  
                    WASHINGTON, DC Project Bluebook Case #2253. Unidentifie 11/30/1952 #8355  
d a means of studying them through Project Lincoln. Lincoln was an already  12/2/1952 #8364  
an already established air defense project at MIT for the USAF, specificall 12/2/1952 #8364  
dward J. Ruppelt later writes that Project Lincoln’s Beacon Hill Group reco 12/2/1952 #8364  
/docs/DOC_0000015345.pdf     Note: Project Lincoln may just be one example  12/2/1952 #8364  
mends that this “External Research Project Concerned with Unidentified Flyi 12/3/1952 #8366  
           LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook Case #2266. Ground RADA 12/8/1952 #8393  
               SOUTH / MADISON, WI Project Bluebook Case #2267. Unidentifie 12/9/1952 #8397  
At Ladd AFB near Fairbanks, Alaska Project Blue Book explained a brief sigh 12/10/1952 #8410  
                                   Project Blue Book issues its Status Repo 12/31/1952 #8468  
            Dayton, OH Director of Project Blue Book, Capt. Ruppelt stated: 1953 #8469  
                                   Project xxxxxx (name censured) establish 1953 #8471  
y President Eisenhower and renamed Project AQUARIUS (1960, 1968)            1953 #8471  
             NORTHWEST / CRAIG, MT Project Bluebook Case #2315. Anderson. S 1/1/1953 #8489  
         LARSON AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case #2323. 60+observer 1/8/1953 #8511  
C, arguing that “agreement between Project Stork [Battelle’s study] and ATI 1/9/1953 #8521  
C. Cross proposes that the ongoing Project Stork assist the Air Force to re 1/9/1953 #8526  
            NORTHWEST / SONOMA, CA Project Bluebook Case #2326. 2 HIQ obser 1/10/1953 #8527  
as all explainable, or whether the project should continue and seek better  1/12/1953 #8534  
n, then Hynek discusses Battelle’s Project Stork. The CIA shows a film of s 1/15/1953 #8541  
 gives a 40-minute presentation on Project Twinkle. In the afternoon, Gen.  1/15/1953 #8541  
The panel recommended that the UFO project be expanded, the investigative f 1/17/1953 #8544  
he public manifestation of the UFO project following the meeting. After a p 1/17/1953 #8544  
nie Zeidman come up with the name “Project Henry” to describe his consultan 1/18/1953 #8550  
            OFF POINT MUGU NAS, CA Project Bluebook Case #1261. 3 / ship. 5 1/28/1953 #8583  
                   NEAR ALBANY, GA Project Bluebook Case #2365. Saucer avoi 1/28/1953 #8589  
jets and moved away at high speed. Project Blue Book listed this later case 1/28/1953 #8605  
                                   Project Blue Book issues its Status Repo 1/31/1953 #8621  
 the west at a very high altitude. Project Blue Book lists the explanation  2/3/1953 #8633  
ost to sight behind some clouds. A Project Blue Book unknown.               2/4/1953 #8638  
                  HAMPTONVILLE, NC Project Bluebook Case #unknown. U.S. Mar 2/9/1953 #8650  
alifornia. North American Aviation project engineer Walther A. Riedel is a  2/9/1953 #8654  
ntified, and these they forward to Project Blue Book. Channing writes: “App 2/9/1953 #8654  
                 PORT AUSTIN, MICH Project Bluebook Case #2419. Unidentifie 2/17/1953 #8681  
                      STOCKTON, CA Project Bluebook Case #2426. Air Force B 2/20/1953 #8687  
      Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Project Stork’s William T. Reid writes t 2/23/1953 #8697  
tawa, Ontario Dominion Observatory Project Second Storey meets for the last 2/25/1953 #8704  
                    SHREVEPORT, LA Project Bluebook Case #2543. 1 observer. 2/26/1953 #8707  
                                   Project Blue Book issues its Status Repo 2/27/1953 #8714  
ightforward, factual answers about Project Blue Book, UFOs, and the inadequ 3/1953 #8722  
of the sighting was seven minutes. Project Blue Book lists the explanation  3/3/1953 #8728  
 of security at the Savannah River Project, Mr. J. Howard Jones, observed a 3/5/1953 #8731  
t at a very high altitude over the project. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 3/5/1953 #8731  
de at the Savannah River (Nuclear) Project. at 3:45 p.m. The sighting laste 3/5/1953 #8734  
t-Dispatch. Ruppelt tells him that Project Blue Book “has no evidence of an 3/8/1953 #8739  
                       SEA / JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #2496. RADAR's and 3/14/1953 #8749  
n the left side of the aircraft. A Project Blue Book unknown.               3/14/1953 #8754  
                    GREENVILLE, MS Project Bluebook Case #2692. Several Air 3/15/1953 #8756  
versity Ohio Northern University’s Project A reports that UFOs are usually  3/18/1953 #8760  
                        ELMIRA, NY Project Bluebook Case #2511. Unidentifie 3/21/1953 #8767  
                   SAN ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #2521. Military ob 3/25/1953 #8783  
                    MT. TAYLOR, NM Project Bluebook Case #2524. Unidentifie 3/27/1953 #8788  
The case is listed as an Air Force Project Blue Book "unknown."             3/27/1953 #8791  
t B. Smith is drafting a report on Project Magnet for the Canadian Departme 4/1953 #8805  
The US Army Chemical Corps’ Dew II project involves the secret release of f 4/1953 #8806  
soners of war in Korea The MKUltra project is launched on the order of CIA  4/13/1953 #8823  
 US prisoners of war in Korea. The project attempts to produce a perfect tr 4/13/1953 #8823  
 findings, he proposes to call the project “inactive” and devote only one p 5/1953 #8851  
         GOOSE AIR FORCE BASE, NFL Project Bluebook Case #2555. Tower and a 5/1/1953 #8853  
                              USAF project engineer on contract with the AE 5/21/1953 #8899  
                   SAN ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #2577. 2+observer( 5/27/1953 #8911  
                                   Project Blue Book issues its Status Repo 5/31/1953 #8917  
          Sidney Gottlieb approves Project MKUltra’s “Subproject 8” on LSD. 6/9/1953 #8930  
              GOOSE AFB.LABR, NFLD Project Bluebook Case #2601. F94 crew an 6/22/1953 #8954  
              IWO JIMA, BONIN, JPN Project Bluebook Case #2605. KB29 air RA 6/24/1953 #8962  
n Cal Tech Lt. Robert M. Olsson of Project Blue Book sends five supposedly  7/1953 #8979  
             Ed Ruppelt returns to Project Blue Book as either acting chief 7/20/1953 #9008  
ntarctica Lt. Robert Olsson leaves Project Blue Book. He later tells Ruppel 7/31/1953 #9027  
completes his classified report on Project Magnet for the Canadian Departme 8/1953 #9034  
fficial Air Force investigation. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.   8/3/1953 #9044  
 B. Smith issues another report on Project Magnet, in which he concludes th 8/10/1953 #9060  
 by USAF personnel no longer go to Project Blue Book, which is now only a P 8/26/1953 #9112  
rts by USAF personnel do not go to Project Blue Book. Fewer credible uniden 8/26/1953 #9113  
aucers with lights in V-formation. Project Bluebook Case #unknown.          8/28/1953 #9119  
          Edward J. Ruppelt leaves Project Blue Book permanently, leaving M 8/31/1953 #9124  
                                   Project Blue Book issues its Status Repo 9/30/1953 #9192  
al Intelligence Center, which runs Project Blue Book. The Air Force states  10/1/1953 #9198  
0:10 a.m. During the tracking of a Project Grab Bag balloon launch, a 40-fo 10/15/1953 #9230  
 Charles A. Hardin takes charge of Project Blue Book.                       11/1953 #9270  
                      MARIETTA, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 11/18/1953 #9305  
gations under a program code-named Project ARTICHOKE. Later forensic eviden 11/28/1953 #9324  
ht for ten seconds. This case is a Project Blue Book unknown, but the possi 12/17/1953 #9383  
never included in any declassified Project Blue Book documentation and is n 12/18/1953 #9384  
isor J. Allen Hynek said often the Project had poor organization. It is unk 12/18/1953 #9384  
                      QUANTICO, VA Project Bluebook Case #1654. Marines. Un 12/21/1953 #9387  
rmy and U.S. Navy proposal, called Project Orbiter, to put a scientific sat 1954 #9413  
inistration in favor of the Navy’s Project Vanguard, using a booster advert 1954 #9413  
k 1 on 4 October 1957, the initial Project Orbiter program was revived as t 1954 #9413  
                                US Project SIGMA established as part of Pro 1954 #9414  
oject SIGMA established as part of Project xxxx (name CENSURED). Top Secret 1954 #9414  
t xxxx (name CENSURED). Top Secret project that looked into how to communic 1954 #9414  
ects existence was revealed in the PROJECT AQUARIUS Briefing Document and i 1954 #9414  
t in New Mexico. Became a separate project in 1976.                         1954 #9414  
 not a national security risk. The project is kept secret until July 1967 w 1954 #9423  
          NEAR NOUASSEUR AB, MAROC Project Bluebook Case #2937. F86 can't c 3/12/1954 #9614  
             A memo about a recent Project Second Storey meeting show that  3/15/1954 #9621  
                       CHICAGO, IL Project Bluebook Case #2962. 3 observer( 4/8/1954 #9674  
                    PITTSFIELD, ME Project Bluebook Case #2974. 2 observer( 4/23/1954 #9707  
                      HARTLAND, ME Project Bluebook Case #2976. Flashy dome 4/24/1954 #9716  
                        ATHENS, GA Project Bluebook Case #2983. 5 observer( 4/26/1954 #9723  
            WASHINGTON AIRPORT, VA Project Bluebook Case #2997. RADAR and m 5/5/1954 #9752  
. It was the color of gun metal. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             5/10/1954 #9772  
ws media. The case is forwarded to Project Blue Book, but it does not appea 6/21/1954 #9921  
                   INDIAN LAKE, OH Project Bluebook Case #3072. Private pil 6/25/1954 #9943  
confirmed the presence of the UFO. Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.   6/25/1954 #9948  
 CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Colorado project Everybody's Magazine 5:03 p.m. A 6/29/1954 #9962  
age. Gordon Thayer of the Colorado project identifies the objects as superi 6/29/1954 #9962  
                      NEAR BERMUDA Project Bluebook Case #3088. B56 RADAR.  7/3/1954 #9986  
                      NORMANDY, MO Project Bluebook Case #3116. Unidentifie 7/18/1954 #10024  
son AFB in Ohio Ruppelt visits the Project Blue Book office at Wright-Patte 7/20/1954 #10031  
                      WESTLAKE, OH Project Bluebook Case #3149. Observer(s) 8/2/1954 #10091  
                  SHIRLEYS BAY, ON Project magnet. Big electro-magnetic eff 8/8/1954 #10115  
  Shirley's Bay, Ontario 3:01 p.m. Project Magnet’s only UFO incident of no 8/8/1954 #10116  
ment of Transport officially folds Project Magnet but permits Wilbert Smith 8/10/1954 #10118  
     SAN MARCOS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #3166. C47 crew. S 8/15/1954 #10142  
               EGILSTADIR, ICELAND Project Bluebook Case #3180. Farmer. 2'  8/24/1954 #10173  
                      DANVILLE, VA Project Bluebook Case #3182. 2 6m domed  8/26/1954 #10178  
                  DORCHESTER, MASS Project Bluebook Case #3185. Unidentifie 8/27/1954 #10184  
he color blue when they sped up. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.      8/27/1954 #10190  
     NEAR PRINCE CHRISTIAN, GREENL Project Bluebook Case #3189. KLM DC4 pil 8/29/1954 #10200  
                         PARIS, FR Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Several  8/31/1954 #10214  
                        BUTLER, MO Project Bluebook Case #3185 / 89. 2 obse 9/4/1954 #10244  
       KIMPO AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA Project Bluebook Case #3213. 1 Air Traff 9/18/1954 #10338  
TA.MARIA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, AZORES Project Bluebook Case #3224. 10' saucer  9/21/1954 #10378  
          3M EAST / MARSHFIELD, MO Project Bluebook Case #3226. 4 observer( 9/22/1954 #10388  
                    GATLINBURG, TN Project Bluebook Case #3227. Unidentifie 9/23/1954 #10401  
                            Canada Project "Magnet" discontinued            10/1954 #10526  
hortly afterwards, the skeptics in Project Sign win out, and Loedding’s eff 10/10/1954 #10894  
             NOUASSEUR, FR MOROCCO Project Bluebook Case #3260. Weatherman  10/13/1954 #10989  
           TERCIERA ISLAND, AZORES Project Bluebook Case #3287. Many observ 10/25/1954 #11385  
                    MIHO AB, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #3281. USAF pilots 10/28/1954 #11456  
ding to Italian researchers on the Project 1947 list.                       11/8/1954 #11602  
ng lasted three minutes. This is a Project Blue Book case classified as "un 11/15/1954 #11660  
               SOUTH / MANILA, PHL Project Bluebook Case #3341. Unidentifie 11/28/1954 #11717  
gone in three seconds. Listed as a Project Blue Book “unknown” case.        11/28/1954 #11725  
 U-2 reconnaissance plane as a CIA project under the direction of Allen Dul 12/1/1954 #11743  
                      GULFPORT, MS Project Bluebook Case #3352. Observer(s) 12/3/1954 #11749  
                     UPINGTON, RSA Project Bluebook Case #3356. Weatherman. 12/7/1954 #11767  
                          Europe A Project Blue Book memo acknowledges the  12/7/1954 #11772  
e sighting lasted seven minutes. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.   12/7/1954 #11775  
 Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico Project Rover, a US project to develop a 1955 #11892  
ry, New Mexico Project Rover, a US project to develop a nuclear-thermal roc 1955 #11892  
ry 1973. It begins as an Air Force project to develop a nuclear- powered up 1955 #11892  
continental ballistic missile. The project is transferred to NASA in 1958 a 1955 #11892  
Atomic Energy Commission and NASA. Project Rover becomes part of NASA’s Nuc 1955 #11892  
Rocket Vehicle Application (NERVA) project and henceforth deals with the re 1955 #11892  
is is later confirmed to have been Project Silverbug, a variant of the Avro 1955 #11897  
rojects Group, though, worked on a Project Y, Project 1794 and Project PV 7 1955 #11897  
up, though, worked on a Project Y, Project 1794 and Project PV 704 that wer 1955 #11897  
d on a Project Y, Project 1794 and Project PV 704 that were said to explore 1955 #11897  
aped aircraft. The German said the project was underway near Prague in 1944 1955 #11897  
i-gravity was “discovered” in this project. Witten suggests several ideas w 1955 #11898  
as management to assess cases from Project Blue Book including films and ph 1955 #11899  
re test site is needed for the CIA Project Aquatone (the Lockheed U-2 spy p Early 1955 #11901  
eed test pilot Kelly Johnson sends project pilot Tony LeVier and Skunk Work Early 1955 #11901  
          30 MI EAST / COCHISE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #3382. B25 pilot a 1/1/1955 #11904  
                  MELBOURNE, AUSTR Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2 / car. 1/3/1955 #11915  
 and some objects fell from sky. A Project Blue Book unknown.               1/26/1955 #11944  
          20 MI EAST / COCHISE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #3414. Vibrant bri 2/1/1955 #11957  
                   MIRAMAR NAS, CA Project Bluebook Case #3416. Navy Comman 2/2/1955 #11962  
                      BETHESDA, MD Project Bluebook Case #3427. HIQ observe 2/10/1955 #11989  
mid-December 1954.” Apparently the project examined some UFO reports (inclu 3/1/1955 #12026  
n” UAP occupants and a secret Navy project out of Naval Air Station San Die 3/1/1955 #12027  
rum, and Dick Miller. Retired USAF Project Blue Book head Edward J. Ruppelt 3/12/1955 #12046  
rea in Nevada Washington, D.C. U-2 project director Richard M. Bissell Jr.  4/1955 #12077  
n, D.C., and discusses progress on Project Aquatone, proposing to use the n 4/1955 #12077  
hat Dewey Fournet’s motion studies project was a personal endeavor, that th Early 4/1955 #12079  
case was listed as an "unknown" by Project Blue Book.                       5/4/1955 #12119  
                                US Project Blue Book "Special Report No. 14 5/5/1955 #12120  
 UFOs, completed in March 1954, as Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14  5/5/1955 #12122  
 https://www.academia.edu/49680297/Project   https://i.redd.it/etzfu3r7h4a6 5/5/1955 #12123  
ft hissing sounds (made by UFO's). Project Bluebook Case #unknown.          6/15/1955 #12198  
, along with the US Air Force, for Project Aquatone, the development of the 7/1955 #12225  
 Santa Maria Island in the Azores. Project Blue Book's explanation of this  7/22/1955 #12279  
                      COLUMBUS, NE Project Bluebook Case #3673. 1 observer. 7/29/1955 #12296  
                     ARLINGTON, VA Project Bluebook Case #3720. Amateur ast 8/23/1955 #12393  
                        COLFAX, IA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Ground O 9/7/1955 #12432  
                     LOOGOOTEE, IN Project Bluebook Case #3800. Prather and 10/8/1955 #12493  
share the case with the Air Force, Project Blue Book, or the Condon Committ 10/15/1955 #12506  
by Sen. Russell to the Avro Canada Project Y-2 (Silver Bug), a proposed ver 10/19/1955 #12510  
aft, the AVRO disc. (The AVRO disc project subsequently was scrapped withou 10/25/1955 #12518  
                    Columbus, Ohio Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14  10/25/1955 #12519  
off as worthless before I left the project… also this report was drawn up i 10/25/1955 #12519  
o had participated in the Battelle project, Mark Rodeghier and Jennie Zeidm 10/25/1955 #12519  
a and its conclusions. Because the project cannot reverse engineer a UFO fr 10/25/1955 #12519  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Project 56 No. 1” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 0 11/1/1955 #12539  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Project 56 No. 2” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 0 11/3/1955 #12545  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Project 56 No. 3” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 0 11/5/1955 #12551  
                     LAKE CITY, TN Project Bluebook Case #3862. Several obs 11/20/1955 #12576  
an, Eisenhower). Scientists in the project tell Talbert they expect to disc 11/20/1955 #12580  
          SOUTHEAST / WASHBURN, ME Project Bluebook Case #3893. Domed sauce 12/21/1955 #12616  
nology Division). Schriever states Project West Wing was set up on the “Wes 1956 #12639  
TD swept up UAP information in its Project Moon Dust, and personnel from Ra 1956 #12639  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Project 56 No. 4” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 2 1/18/1956 #12668  
Intelligence Center as director of Project Grudge at Wright-Patterson AFB i 2/1956 #12691  
 origin created by the predecessor Project Sign in 1948. Ruppelt states the 2/1956 #12691  
  38 MI SOUTHEAST / GOOSE BAY, NFL Project Bluebook Case #3969. 2 F89s RADA 2/12/1956 #12711  
                  NEAR HOUSTON, TX Project Bluebook Case #3977. Unidentifie 2/19/1956 #12730  
 then paced them for 28 minutes. A Project Blue Book unknown.               2/19/1956 #12733  
Force Base. The report refers to a Project Winterhaven that suggested a “sa 2/25/1956 #12739  
ars but it would need a “Manhattan Project” environment to achieve it; Clar 2/25/1956 #12739  
 the USAF $5.4 million funding the project. Numerous models are built, and  3/1956 #12742  
s additional funding to extend the project, by then highly classified and d 3/1956 #12742  
apt. Charles Hardin as director of Project Blue Book.                       4/1956 #12776  
rrell L. Ritter, USMC aeronautical project officer at ONR, who brings it to 4/1956 #12777  
 on board showed side effects. The project is soon allegedly linked to the  4/1956 #12778  
, who earlier that year proposed a Project Winterhaven to the US military t 4/1956 #12778  
ur years after Brown’s proposal of Project Winterhaven and months after Wri 4/1956 #12778  
           7MI EAST / MCKINNEY, TX Project Bluebook Case #4050. 2 observer( 4/4/1956 #12784  
                 CASABLANCA, MAROC Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 1 meteor 4/5/1956 #12788  
lter N. Webb visits and interviews Project Blue Book head Capt. George T. G 6/14/1956 #12904  
 Cambridgeshire Whitehall Colorado project Ent AFB 9:30 p.m. A radar-visual 8/13/1956 #13080  
hen it is analyzed by the Colorado project. Gordon Thayer suggests that the 8/13/1956 #13080  
                       JUNIATA, PA Project Bluebook Case #4348. 2 observer( 8/27/1956 #13134  
old witness shone a light on it. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             9/2/1956 #13173  
                        DALLAS, TX Project Bluebook Case #4379. Military ob 9/4/1956 #13182  
                     HIGHLANDS, NC Project Bluebook Case #4399. Cop and 1.  9/14/1956 #13219  
ible landing / ground observer(s). Project Bluebook Case #unknown.          11/23/1956 #13345  
     CHARLESTON AIR FORCE BASE, SC Project Bluebook Case #4543. Many milita 11/30/1956 #13366  
ribute privately printed copies of Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14, 12/1956 #13378  
a UFO that remained unexplained by Project Blue Book. At four o'clock in th 1/1/1957 #13446  
e of McGill University in Montreal Project MKUltra chief Sidney Gottlieb or 2/1957 #13481  
nd his contribution to the MKUltra project is actually not about mind contr 2/1957 #13481  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Project 57 No. 1” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 0 4/24/1957 #13614  
 Nevada Nevada Test Site 6:27 a.m. Project 57 is an open-air nuclear “dirty 4/24/1957 #13615  
                      NEW YORK, NY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 7/17/1957 #13805  
rrefutable case. When the Colorado Project scientists asked the Air Force f 7/17/1957 #13808  
reckless and incompetent. Colorado project investigator Gordon Thayer decla 7/17/1957 #13808  
                 NIAGARA FALLS, NY Project Bluebook Case #321. USAF RADAR-v 7/25/1957 #13828  
                       OLDSMAR, FL Project Bluebook Case #4848. Observer(s) 7/29/1957 #13849  
                OVER CLEVELAND, OH Project Bluebook Case #4847. Airline(s)/ 7/29/1957 #13850  
                   CAMBRIA AFS, CA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 6 includ 8/21/1957 #13916  
                       WICHITA, KS Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Flying m 8/29/1957 #13943  
     CHITOSE AIR FORCE BASE, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #4928. Unidentifie 9/1/1957 #13968  
ird sample is sent to the Colorado Project in February 1968. Roy Craig runs Early 9/1957 #13971  
d original notes from the Colorado Project and find that the team had cover Early 9/1957 #13971  
n of the Defense Science Board, on Project Blue Book, presumably because he 9/16/1957 #14001  
    KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA Project Bluebook Case #4959. 3 military. 9/20/1957 #14016  
                   (NIKE SITE), WA Project Bluebook Case #5003. 2 military  10/8/1957 #14071  
             WIESBADEN, HESSE, GER Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 10/22/1957 #14140  
and, TX A single investigator from Project Blue Book headquarters arrived a 11/5/1957 #14291  
r 5 minutes at Delavan, Wisconsin. Project Blue Book claims it is an aurora 11/5/1957 #14346  
                        BOERNE, TX Project Bluebook Case #5205. 5M red ovoi 11/6/1957 #14377  
                   RADIUM SPRS, NM Project Bluebook Case #5227. Several cop 11/6/1957 #14390  
returned. The case was listed as a Project Blue Book unidentified report.   11/6/1957 #14437  
                   CROWNSVILLE, MD Project Bluebook Case #unknown. UFO expl 11/13/1957 #14539  
iczaika and Eberhart W. Wahl, form Project Space Track in Building 1535 of  11/29/1957 #14639  
 south. This case is listed in the Project Blue Book files as case number 6 12/8/1957 #14693  
ays / light. No further details. / Project 1947.                            12/10/1957 #14702  
Japan and sent to the US Air Force Project Blue Book. Project Blue Book did 12/15/1957 #14731  
he US Air Force Project Blue Book. Project Blue Book did not provide an eva 12/15/1957 #14731  
nearby objects. The U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book recorded the case as " 12/16/1957 #14736  
the case as "little men in cigar." Project Blue Book filed a newspaper arti 12/16/1957 #14736  
         Washington, DC DoD kills “Project Horizon”, a military colony on t 1958 #14774  
Air Force Range, Nevada, where the Project 57 “dirty bomb” had been detonat 1958 #14779  
ea 25 of the Nevada Test Site Mars Project Orion, an effort to build a nucl 1958 #14780  
PA and the Air Force take over the project and redesign it for a space-base 1958 #14780  
 program, the Air Force sponsors a project named “Man-In-Space-Soonest” (MI 1958 #14785  
                      Alleged USAF Project Orion used drugs and hypnosis in 1958 #14788  
for national security. Horner says Project Blue Book has things well in han 1/1958 #14791  
               MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Photogra 1/30/1958 #14849  
KUNASHIRI ISLAND, JPN / (USSR OCC) Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2 10 min 3/1/1958 #14906  
                    HEALDSBURG, CA Project Bluebook Case #5716. 2 observer( 3/14/1958 #14927  
                 BOHOL ISLAND, PHL Project Bluebook Case #5800. Airline pil 5/9/1958 #15024  
r Bohol Island, The Philippines. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.   5/9/1958 #15027  
                        PUEBLO, CO Project Bluebook Case #5852. Weatherman. 6/14/1958 #15093  
 ROSWELL-WALKER AIR FORCE BASE, NM Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2 UFO's  6/21/1958 #15109  
       CARIBBEAN / 76° 05W-16° 00N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 1 UFO se 7/17/1958 #15144  
lindness or thermal radiation, the project members decide to take precautio 8/1/1958 #15174  
ds Gregory for his presentation on Project Blue Book’s “improved” methods.  8/8/1958 #15184  
                        WARREN, MI Project Bluebook Case #5999. 1 / (seen t 8/17/1958 #15206  
LUS AIR FORCE BASE, TRIPOLI, LIBYA Project Bluebook Case #6027. Blue-white  9/1/1958 #15240  
). No further details [in] at all. Project Bluebook Case #unknown. ? / r246 9/17/1958 #15268  
              Portland, Oregon The Project Moonwatch team in Portland, Oreg 9/25/1958 #15281  
rt J. Friend takes over as head of Project Blue Book, relieving Capt. Georg 10/1958 #15294  
                   STROUDSBURG, PA Project Bluebook Case #6089. 2 / car. Hu 10/2/1958 #15297  
ce, then went black momentarily. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.   10/2/1958 #15305  
                LOCH RAVEN DAM, MD Project Bluebook Case #6148. 2 observer( 10/26/1958 #15378  
                         MINOT, ND Project Bluebook Case #6153. Military ob 11/3/1958 #15418  
                                   Project SIGMA meets with success and est 1959 #15506  
Hynek; it appears to be a code for Project Blue Book. *   https://documents 1959 #15516  
                   BENGHAZI, LIBYA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 2/16/1959 #15589  
                       Canada USAF Project Office Just as the first working 2/20/1959 #15596  
 quite business as usual. The USAF Project Office devoted to the Avro proje 2/20/1959 #15596  
y a classified study report titled Project Horizon, A U.S. Army Study for t 3/20/1959 #15655  
the CIA's secret UFO investigation project, claims in the spring of 1959, h Spring 1959 #15656  
in the 1990's, Kewper claimed that Project Blue Book was just window dressi Spring 1959 #15656  
                       CORSICA, PA Project Bluebook Case #6317. Odd 20' "fi 3/26/1959 #15670  
          PEASE AIR FORCE BASE, NH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Many mil 5/2/1959 #15720  
o, Texas Night. Two observers on a Project Moonwatch team in San Antonio, T 5/28/1959 #15750  
                    EDMONTON, ALTA Project Bluebook Case #6400. 2 observer( 6/18/1959 #15774  
ER NAS, MD 2 military observer(s). Project Bluebook Case #6409. 9x1 gold ov 6/30/1959 #15801  
a straight and level flight path.A Project Blue Book "unknown."             6/30/1959 #15804  
 unit will also be responsible for Project Moon Dust and Operation Blue Fly 7/1959 #15807  
 been “blocked out.” Neasham urges Project Blue Book’s Maj. Robert Friend t 7/5/1959 #15817  
t Friend, the officer in charge of Project Blue Book at the time and who wa 7/9/1959 #15829  
 of Planets," and this group had a project monitoring Earth. The investigat 7/9/1959 #15829  
                    RIDGECREST, CA Project Bluebook Case #6962. Military el 7/12/1959 #15835  
                   IRONDEQUOIT, NY Project Bluebook Case #6446. 50' crescen 7/25/1959 #15874  
nutes, then mysteriously vanished. Project Blue Book lists this case as an  8/10/1959 #15903  
                       TRENTON, NJ Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Vertical 8/19/1959 #15927  
                        ELBURN, IL Project Bluebook Case #unknown. United A 8/19/1959 #15928  
                       SHELTON, CT Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Work cre 8/19/1959 #15929  
 aircraft to the U-2 is code-named Project Oxcart. EG&G agrees to move its  9/1959 #15950  
                    GILLS ROCK, WI Project Bluebook Case #6506. Large fuzzy 9/13/1959 #15965  
IR FORCE BASE WITH BUNKER HILL, IN Project Bluebook Case #6507. Air Traffic 9/13/1959 #15966  
stead of a single right-angle one. Project Oxcart is officially established 9/14/1959 #15976  
nation of the program as a special project.”                                9/28/1959 #15996  
                   QUEZON CITY, PI Project Bluebook Case #6538. 2 military  10/4/1959 #16014  
           SOUTHEAST / LINCOLN, NE Project Bluebook Case #6543. 2 military  10/6/1959 #16019  
ery fast speeds for two minutes. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.   10/6/1959 #16022  
 period of 33 days.” They write to Project Moonwatch about the observations 10/8/1959 #16028  
                    PLAINVILLE, KS Project Bluebook Case #6563. USAF pilot. 10/19/1959 #16038  
D 4 / rifle scopes / Hells canyon. Project Bluebook Case #6534. Vibrant bri 10/25/1959 (approximate) #16058  
          SOUTH / CRYSTAL SPRS, MS Project Bluebook Case #6600. 1 observer. 11/18/1959 #16091  
urveillance Control Center (NSSCC) Project Space Track moves to a new build 12/1959 #16106  
aso, Texas Early evening. A rocket project officer at Fort Bliss in El Paso 12/13/1959 #16118  
on at Area 51 in Nevada to work on Project Oxcart. (Wikipedia, “Lockheed A- 1/26/1960 #16157  
           Telegram from Manhattan Project scientist Dr. Leon Davidson to P 1/31/1960 #16159  
aucer Review” article by Manhattan Project scientist Dr. Leon Davidson      3/1960 #16188  
                       DUBUQUE, IA Project Bluebook Case #6667. Pilot and s 3/4/1960 #16193  
t is $4.4 million. Under the Cuban Project and under the direction of CIA D 3/17/1960 #16200  
 sound. Listed as a U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book unidentified report.   3/23/1960 #16205  
n Bank, West Virginia Soviet Union Project Ozma, set up only a few days ear 4/8/1960 #16218  
it for “discovering” the U-2.) The project only lasts through July.         4/8/1960 #16218  
IA officials who worked on the U-2 project and the Oxcart (SR-71, or Blackb 4/9/1960 #16219  
d the Oxcart (SR-71, or Blackbird) project, over half of all UFO reports fr 4/9/1960 #16219  
                        LACAMP, LA Project Bluebook Case #6711. Saucer goin 4/12/1960 #16222  
RICHARDS-GEBAUR AIR FORCE BASE, MO Project Bluebook Case #6721. 2 / 48X-(se 4/17/1960 #16230  
              GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Project Bluebook Case #6724. Unidentifie 4/21/1960 #16235  
                        SHELBY, MT Project Bluebook Case #6727. Unidentifie 4/25/1960 #16238  
e is “no logical explanation,” but Project Blue Book classifies the UAP as  5/19/1960 #16292  
s ago.” In June 1968, the Colorado project’s Roy Craig is in Ottawa and off 6/12/1960 #16312  
                     ST. LOUIS, MO Project Bluebook Case #6858. 8+observer( 7/19/1960 #16338  
                       WICHITA, KS Project Bluebook Case #6914. Unidentifie 8/23/1960 #16407  
                         CRETE, IL Project Bluebook Case #6929. Unidentifie 8/29/1960 #16422  
est for one additional staffer for Project Blue Book (raising it to 3) and  9/1960 #16430  
                    RIDGECREST, CA Project Bluebook Case #6962. 4 observer( 9/10/1960 #16439  
ng Company begins construction of “Project 51” at the Nellis AFB complex in 10/1960 #16472  
                   CHULA VISTA, CA Project Bluebook Case #7133. 7 / trailer 11/27/1960 #16513  
asted between 20 and 30 minutes. A Project Blue Book "unknown".             11/27/1960 #16516  
               SOUTH / KYUSHU, JPN Project Bluebook Case #7134. Unidentifie 11/29/1960 #16517  
g any sound. The case is listed by Project Blue Book as unexplained.        11/29/1960 #16522  
he blisteringly attacks critics of Project Blue Book, depicting them all as 12/5/1960 #16525  
evidence to the MUFON Journal that Project REDLIGHT was secretly being cond 1961 #16544  
t of land east of Nellis AFB. This Project “involved flight-testing of an U 1961 #16544  
                    BARK RIVER, MI Project Bluebook Case #7284. 13cm sphere 2/27/1961 #16604  
fter being associated with the UFO project for over three years, Col. Tacke 3/1961 #16616  
          ATLANTIC 43° 30W-42° 55N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military  3/4/1961 #16621  
her he gives to J. Allen Hynek for Project Blue Book; and the third he keep 4/18/1961 #16653  
escribes and provides guidance for Project Moon Dust reporting. Several ite 4/25/1961 #16662  
 for Moon Dust reports among them. Project Moon Dust is a covert project to 4/25/1961 #16662  
hem. Project Moon Dust is a covert project to exploit the discovery of Sovi 4/25/1961 #16662  
eral, Florida, as the first manned Project Mercury launch.                  5/5/1961 #16676  
         PACIFIC 124° 00E-22° 22N. Project Bluebook Case #unknown. US Navy  5/10/1961 #16680  
         PACIFIC 141° 55E-35° 26N. Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 5/15/1961 #16683  
          ATLANTIC 37° 00W-43° 46N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 5/16/1961 #16685  
        TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, FL Project Bluebook Case #7417. Pilots and  5/20/1961 #16689  
er into the air and disappeared. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             5/22/1961 #16695  
 an investigation of the Air Force project. Congressional hearings were con 6/1961 #16706  
            MIYAKO JIMA AFS, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #7437. Several obs 6/2/1961 #16708  
n altitude of 80,000–120,000 feet. Project Blue Book evaluators correctly i 6/3/1961 #16716  
          PACIFIC 148° 10W-26° 03N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military  6/17/1961 #16729  
o the Foreign Technology Division. Project Blue Book is included in the reo 7/1/1961 #16741  
                        BEULAH, MI Project Bluebook Case #7491. 4 observer( 7/8/1961 #16754  
see a mystery satellite as part of Project Moonwatch. The following day the 7/11/1961 #16760  
 following day the director of the project confiscates all their data and d 7/11/1961 #16760  
          PACIFIC 175° 19E-22° 27N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Observer( 8/6/1961 #16779  
                   KANSAS CITY, KS Project Bluebook Case #7579. 130' ovoid  8/12/1961 #16787  
 in five seconds. A U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book "unknown" case. "      8/12/1961 #16792  
als give him a tour, tell him that Project Blue Book has the UFO problem at Mid 8/1961 #16794  
y circulated letter from Manhattan Project scientist Dr. Leon Davidson to m 10/8/1961 #16900  
r and Ralston. No further details. Project Bluebook Case #unknown.          10/19/1961 #16916  
ngs, Colorado: UFO investigations, Project Moon Dust (an exploitation progr 11/13/1961 #16962  
                       OLDTOWN, FL Project Bluebook Case #7741. Huge saucer 11/21/1961 #16965  
          PACIFIC 173° 00W-40° 00N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 11/29/1961 #16983  
artment of State confirms that the project aims to “help Cuba overthrow the 11/30/1961 #16984  
62.” One of Lansdale’s ideas is to project a huge image of the Second Comin 11/30/1961 #16984  
                                US Project 1794, a secret program to build  12/1961 #16985  
                    WASHINGTON, DC Project Bluebook Case #7754. 3 observer( 12/13/1961 #16989  
e sighting lasted three minutes. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.      12/13/1961 #16993  
          ATLANTIC 17° 30W-50° 31N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military  12/14/1961 #16994  
          PACIFIC 174° 00W-40° 00N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 12/15/1961 #16995  
          ATLANTIC 06° 45W-61° 15N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military  12/16/1961 #16997  
tion Center According to a “former Project Blue Book Chief” (probably Maj.  1962 #17004  
rogram remains at FTD as a special project and without expanded resources.  1962 #17005  
t Richard H. Hall claims a “former Project Blue Book chief,” possibly Lt. C 1962 #17011  
John Glenn pilots the Friendship 7 Project Mercury capsule for three orbits 2/20/1962 #17055  
                      KOTZEBUE, AK Project Bluebook Case #7818. 7 observer( 2/25/1962 #17059  
                         SALEM, NY Project Bluebook Case #7823. 1 observer. 3/1/1962 #17068  
          ATLANTIC 67° 20W-22° 00N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Observer( 3/15/1962 #17076  
     RAMSTEIN AIR FORCE BASE, GERM Project Bluebook Case #7840. Thin silver 3/26/1962 #17081  
                    NAPERVILLE, IL Project Bluebook Case #7841. 2 observer( 3/26/1962 #17082  
                      WURTLAND, KY Project Bluebook Case #7851. Unidentifie 4/3/1962 #17095  
          PACIFIC 173° 15W-44° 45N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 4/5/1962 #17099  
          PACIFIC 160° 40W-22° 00N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 4/12/1962 #17110  
         NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Blip goi 4/18/1962 #17118  
ing this major incident, including Project Blue Book documents, and now pos 4/18/1962 #17120  
          PACIFIC 137° 30W-28° 23N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 5/1/1962 #17146  
                  BURLINGTON, MASS Project Bluebook Case #7927. Unidentifie 5/15/1962 #17175  
                     BLANDFORD, MA Project Bluebook Case #7930. 6 USCG and  5/26/1962 #17204  
isted as unidentified." (Air Force Project Blue Book 1962 Summary.) (NICAP: 5/26/1962 #17206  
                        PALMER, AK Project Bluebook Case #7931. Unidentifie 5/27/1962 #17208  
and is lost to view behind a peak. Project Blue Book concludes it is Jupite 6/7/1962 #17221  
             NEAR INDIANAPOLIS, IN Project Bluebook Case #7957. 3 / B52 bom 6/21/1962 #17234  
                      RICHMOND, VA Project Bluebook Case #7968. Observer(s) 6/30/1962 #17253  
s the object climbed and banked. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             6/30/1962 #17258  
                      METUCHEN, NJ Project Bluebook Case #8020. 2 observer( 7/19/1962 #17286  
          PACIFIC 163° 40E-34° 42N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 7/29/1962 #17297  
                 OCEAN SPRINGS, MS Project Bluebook Case #8034. Unidentifie 7/29/1962 #17298  
        CURACAO, DUTCH WEST INDIES Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Dutch Na 8/7/1962 #17324  
          PACIFIC 163° 44W-23° 34S Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 8/29/1962 #17371  
rates and disappears in 5 seconds. Project Blue Book concludes that the men 8/30/1962 #17373  
          PACIFIC 163° 03E-34° 35N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 9/3/1962 #17384  
                  WSW / BILOXI, MS Project Bluebook Case #8133. Fishing boa 9/21/1962 #17423  
 uses key technology from the A-12 project, including titanium construction 10/1962 #17449  
          ATLANTIC 16° 09W-61° 45N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military  10/16/1962 #17473  
          PACIFIC 173° 12W-37° 12N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 10/18/1962 #17477  
                    FARMINGTON, UT Project Bluebook Case #8182. Duck Hunter 10/23/1962 #17486  
EAR CANTON ISLAND, CENTRAL PACIFIC Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Airborne 10/25/1962 #17492  
 ACONIS / PACIFIC 160° 49W-11° 59N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 11/16/1962 #17549  
                     DADE CITY, FL Project Bluebook Case #8215. 2 observer( 11/17/1962 #17550  
          PACIFIC 174° 30W-20° 21N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 11/22/1962 #17556  
          PACIFIC 131° 58W-16° 08N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 11/23/1962 #17558  
acks that run parallel to the road project a brilliant beam of light on the 11/26/1962 #17563  
          Kennedy closes the Cuban Project, the CIA’s Operation Mongoose.   12/1962 #17566  
          PACIFIC 173° 30W-45° 50N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 12/7/1962 #17572  
          ATLANTIC 07° 15W-61° 38N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military  12/16/1962 #17586  
 first “embryo” was produced under Project Preserve Destiny that aimed to d 1/1963 #17625  
          PACIFIC 176° 41W-04° 35N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 3/13/1963 #17703  
 DURANT / PACIFIC 168° 19W-03° 45S Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Navy shi 3/15/1963 #17707  
          PACIFIC 173° 00W-42° 20N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 4/21/1963 #17728  
                  NEW PLYMOUTH, NZ Project Bluebook Case #8360. Unidentifie 5/18/1963 #17748  
                    PEQUANNOCK, NJ Project Bluebook Case #8363. 1 observer. 5/22/1963 #17757  
      INDIAN OCEAN 69° 57E-14° 17N Project Bluebook Case #8388. Steamship T 6/15/1963 #17784  
          PACIFIC 172° 00W-42° 20N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 6/19/1963 #17793  
          PACIFIC 176° 25W-31° 45N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 6/26/1963 #17804  
                    GLEN ELLYN, IL Project Bluebook Case #8434. 1 observer  7/1/1963 #17820  
          PACIFIC 174° 09W-35° 20N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 7/20/1963 #17841  
her sighting (not described in the Project Blue Book file) on the next day. 8/13/1963 #17899  
          PACIFIC 175° 19W-31° 45N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 8/16/1963 #17904  
                       ROMA, ITALY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Classic  8/20/1963 #17909  
          PACIFIC 174° 00E-31° 57N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 8/25/1963 #17918  
  Lt. Col. Robert J. Friend leaves Project Blue Book and is replaced by Maj 9/1963 #17926  
          PACIFIC 155° 27W-22° 00N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 9/9/1963 #17928  
                    SUSANVILLE, CA Project Bluebook Case #8548. 2 observer( 9/14/1963 #17935  
intanilla is appointed director of Project Blue Book. He is assisted by Sgt 10/1963 #17967  
                      MERIDIAN, ID Project Bluebook Case #8603. Several obs 10/23/1963 #18000  
. Well detailed and unidentified / Project Bluebook Case #8604.             10/24/1963 #18005  
No further details in files. Note: Project Blue Book chief Maj. H. Quintani 10/24/1963 #18007  
 found in the Air Force files, but Project Blue Book chief Major Hector Qui 10/24/1963 #18008  
st airlines crew. UFO near Hawaii. Project Bluebook Case #unknown. No furth 10/25/1963 #18009  
    USS FALGOUT / PACIFIC 174W-40N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Navy shi 11/3/1963 #18024  
      USS FALGOUT PACIFIC 173W-40N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Same Nav 11/11/1963 #18029  
s UFO work and helping him analyze Project Blue Book data.                  11/17/1963 #18047  
          ATLANTIC 17° 40W-41° 20N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military  12/9/1963 #18068  
            PACIFIC NORTH / MIDWAY Project Bluebook Case #8654. Observer(s) 12/16/1963 #18083  
nces in 1965 and ends in 1971. The project is a joint project between the U 1964 #18101  
ds in 1971. The project is a joint project between the US Army Chemical Cor 1964 #18101  
itating agents. The purpose of the project is to develop, test, and evaluat 1964 #18101  
 Austin, Texas Ray Stanford founds Project Starlight International to docum 1964 #18102  
          PACIFIC 170° 00W-50° 40N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 2/28/1964 #18138  
          PACIFIC 171° 40W-43° 01N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 3/14/1964 #18150  
                    MONTICELLO, WI Project Bluebook Case #8729. Scientist a 4/3/1964 #18154  
          PACIFIC 171° 00E-35° 50N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Cape Ken 4/9/1964 #18163  
             NORTHWEST / HOMER, NY Project Bluebook Case #8739. Cop and MD  4/11/1964 #18166  
t of New Mexico near Holloman AFB. Project SIGMA operates at AFB, New Mexic 4/15/1964 #18174  
stigated by Dr. J. Allen Hynek for Project Blue Book. Everyone, except UFO  4/24/1964 #18202  
                       CHICAGO, IL Project Bluebook Case #8788. 1 observer. 5/9/1964 #18250  
e oscillating in size and color. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             5/9/1964 #18256  
                    MT. VERNON, VA Project Bluebook Case #8811. Civil engin 5/18/1964 #18280  
                     CAMBRIDGE, MA Project Bluebook Case #8836. Pilot / sat 5/26/1964 #18300  
                  PLEASANTVIEW, PA Project Bluebook Case #8839. Saucer in f 5/26/1964 #18301  
  FLUSHING MEADOWS, NY World fair. Project Bluebook Case #9411. Good photo  5/30/1964 #18312  
                        ELMORE, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2 cops i 6/12/1964 #18344  
          PACIFIC 175° 50W-36° 50N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 7/2/1964 #18392  
          PACIFIC 178° 05E-20° 05N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 7/5/1964 #18394  
 Fraser says he is aware of the US Project Blue Book, and that 10% of the c 7/15/1964 #18411  
     15 MI SOUTH / HOUGHTON LK, MI Project Bluebook Case #8924. 4+2 night l 7/16/1964 #18413  
              WEST / LITTLETON, IL Project Bluebook Case #8942. 1 / car. 20 7/20/1964 #18426  
                        DENVER, CO Project Bluebook Case #8973. Observer(s) 7/27/1964 #18441  
r a farm in Sherburne, New York. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.      7/27/1964 #18450  
                  WAKE ISLAND, PAC Project Bluebook Case #9031. Night light 8/10/1964 #18473  
everses over the next two minutes. Project Blue Book lists this case as an  8/10/1964 #18477  
                      YOSEMITE, CA Project Bluebook Case #9049. Campers. Wh 8/15/1964 #18486  
ver happened. Kingston George, the project engineer for the experiments and 9/15/1964 #18556  
              SOUTH CHARLESTON, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 10/30/1964 #18597  
                  REDWOOD CITY, CA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 11/2/1964 #18603  
 and has rotating light beams that project downward and to the rear, as wel 11/9/1964 #18611  
          PACIFIC 164° 05E-34° 55N Project Bluebook Case #9183. Unidentifie 11/19/1964 #18625  
       PACIFIC 162° WEST-13° NORTH PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military  11/28/1964 #18642  
w. No further details [in] at all. Project Bluebook Case #unknown.          11/29/1964 #18644  
w. No further details [in] at all. Project Bluebook Case #unknown.          11/30/1964 #18647  
med from Q-12 in its transition to Project Tagboard) mounted on an M-21 beg 12/22/1964 #18672  
of the Nevada Test Site as part of Project NERVA. The nuclear rocket engine 1/12/1965 #18718  
ce Report 1, no. 1 (May 1965): 4; “Project Blue Book,” Interplanetary Intel 3/2/1965 #18832  
                     CORVALLIS, OR Project Bluebook Case #9301. 2 / car. 3  3/4/1965 #18837  
oily spots were found at the site. Project Blue Book lists this case as an  3/4/1965 #18842  
                    MOUNT AIRY, MD Project Bluebook Case #9305. 3 observer( 3/8/1965 #18847  
      MISAWA AIR FORCE BASE, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Ground-a 4/10/1965 #18902  
                        OXFORD, MI Project Bluebook Case #9389. 1 observer. 5/7/1965 #18931  
 objects may have been tumbling. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             5/7/1965 #18935  
of the Nevada Test Site as part of Project Rover. It runs at full power for 6/25/1965 #19027  
e to warrant closer attention than Project Blue Book can possibly encompass 7/1965 #19038  
                    PITTSBURGH, PA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Silver s 7/22/1965 #19158  
                      CASTALIA, OH Project Bluebook Case #9550. Amateur ast 7/25/1965 #19167  
           Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Project Blue Book puts out an official U 8/2/1965 #19264  
K Saucer near ground in city! Also Project Bluebook Case #9666 = photo / sa 8/3/1965 #19277  
                   CASA GRANDE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 8/4/1965 #19295  
                        DALLAS, TX Project Bluebook Case #9675. Red and blu 8/4/1965 #19301  
                   TINLEY PARK, IL Project Bluebook Case #9680. 2 teens. Ni 8/4/1965 #19304  
         YAP ISLAND, US TRUST TERR Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military 8/6/1965 #19330  
vania Beaver County Times Colorado project 11:30 p.m. A luminous UFO is all 8/8/1965 #19341  
hentic. However, both the Colorado project and UFO researchers determine th 8/8/1965 #19341  
ate at a speed of 690 mph or more. Project Blue Book evaluates this sightin 8/12/1965 #19373  
                 TRAVERSE CITY, MI Project Bluebook Case #555? unidentified 8/18/1965 #19415  
                        URBANA, OH Project Bluebook Case #9864. 3 observer( 8/30/1965 #19474  
ting lasted 3-4 seconds. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in offic 8/30/1965 #19481  
FO Evidence, p. 152; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). 1967  -  8/30/1965 #19481  
                      Angleton, TX Project Blue Book File #(?): Damon/Angle 9/3/1965 #19495  
                        EXETER, NH Project Bluebook Case #9890. 6 separate  9/3/1965 #19498  
                         DAMON, TX Project Bluebook Case #9915. 2 cops / ca 9/3/1965 #19501  
                CORPUS CHRISTI, TX Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 4 separa 9/5/1965 #19521  
                      CHISHOLM, MN Project Bluebook Case #9970. 3 observer( 9/25/1965 #19596  
                  US80 / RODEO, NM Project Bluebook Case #9971. Pilot / che 9/25/1965 #19599  
review the methods and findings of Project Blue Book. LeBailly noted: "Many 9/28/1965 #19618  
that Gen. Arthur C. Agan has found Project Blue Book to be a worthwhile pro 9/28/1965 #19619  
eat to our national security.” The project will remain at the Foreign Techn 9/28/1965 #19619  
 scientists be organized to review Project Blue Book—its resources, methods 9/28/1965 #19619  
                    MIDDLETOWN, OH Project Bluebook Case #10066. Observer(s 11/4/1965 #19698  
          PACIFIC 138° 44E-25° 04N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military  11/16/1965 #19722  
                       TANGENT, OR Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 12/8/1965 #19756  
th tail fin in Oregon cataloged by Project Grudge. *   http://www.nicap.org 1966 #19799  
                     SALISBURY, NC Project Bluebook Case #10193. Unidentifi 2/2/1966 #19873  
tific Advisory Board met to review Project Blue Book. Issued report dated " 2/3/1966 #19877  
-member Ad Hoc Committee to Review Project Blue Book, headed by University  2/3/1966 #19879  
                     NEDERLAND, TX Project Bluebook Case #10196. Street all 2/6/1966 #19881  
                 BRUNSWICK NAS, ME Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Luminous 2/16/1966 #19904  
                          MIMS, FL Project Bluebook Case #10247. USAF / NAS 3/20/1966 #20000  
                SOUTH / TEMPLE, OK Project Bluebook Case #10270. Laxson. Do 3/23/1966 #20037  
                       TEXHOMA, OK Project Bluebook Case #10291. Unidentifi 3/26/1966 #20086  
                 WALL TOWNSHIP, NJ Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 3/30/1966 #20145  
                     MARINETTE, WI Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 3/30/1966 #20148  
       NEAR FRANKLIN AND UNION, NJ Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2+many o 4/3/1966 #20209  
 Force. Ford was dissatisfied with Project Blue Book and was seeking an ind 4/3/1966 #20214  
                      LYCOMING, NY Project Bluebook Case #10385. 1 observer 4/5/1966 #20229  
                       KITTERY, ME Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 4 observ 4/5/1966 #20231  
                          ALTO, TN Project Bluebook Case #10384. 2 observer 4/5/1966 #20233  
ouse Armed Services Committee that Project Blue Book had “no radar cases wh 4/5/1966 #20253  
records show this is a lie, as the Project was cataloging at least one rada 4/5/1966 #20253  
                  BATTLE CREEK, MI Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 25M dome 4/18/1966 #20324  
nidentified bright orange object. (Project 1947 reports, Aldrich fit Greenw 4/20/1966 #20348  
ecruiting a university for the UFO project suggested by the O’Brien committ 4/22/1966 #20374  
                       ASHBY, MASS Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Silent U 4/24/1966 #20396  
                    SACRAMENTO, CA Project Bluebook Case #sUNK. Night light 4/30/1966 #20430  
                       HOLLY, MICH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 5/1/1966 #20437  
ting reports were made that day to Project Blue Book from nearby Columbus,  5/4/1966 #20449  
raight and level for 35 seconds. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             5/7/1966 #20460  
                        KANSAS, OH Project Bluebook Case #10629. 1 observer 6/8/1966 #20538  
 report to the Air Force remains a Project Blue Book unexplained case.      6/8/1966 #20546  
                  MT. MITCHELL, NC Project Bluebook Case #10663. Bell-sauce 6/18/1966 #20576  
      At 3:42 a.m. an Apollo Space Project engineer, Julian Sandoval, saw a 6/23/1966 #20600  
                      KIRKWOOD, PA Project Bluebook Case #10739. 2 observer 7/11/1966 #20636  
s” from Wright Field. This was not Project Blue Book but something else.  h 7/23/1966 #20673  
               NEAR GREENVILLE, NC Project Bluebook Case #10781. Saucer cha 7/25/1966 #20678  
                  PRESQUE ISLE, PA Project Bluebook Case #10798. Top-hat ma 7/31/1966 #20697  
er coordinator of the Colorado UFO project, sent a memo to University of Co 8/9/1966 #20733  
ool, is also interested in the UFO project. He consults with several scient 8/9/1966 #20734  
show university officials that the project will not embarrass them, says: “ 8/9/1966 #20734  
would be, I think, to describe the project so that, to the public, it would 8/9/1966 #20734  
s HR 866 for an investigation into Project Blue Book’s methods.             Mid 8/1966 #20749  
                    DONNYBROOK, ND Project Bluebook Case #10872. Radio beep 8/19/1966 #20766  
                   GAYLESVILLE, AL Project Bluebook Case #10899. NASA Aeros 8/26/1966 #20808  
  FINLAND AFS AND GRAND MARAIS, MN Project Bluebook Case #1321. 2 separate  9/5/1966 #20847  
        FRANKLIN SPRINGS, NY SR34. Project Bluebook Case #10942. Unidentifi 9/9/1966 #20865  
                        STIRUM, ND Project Bluebook Case #10944. Saucer lan 9/13/1966 #20875  
               SAULT STE MARIE, MI Project Bluebook Case #1323. 2 Sergeants 9/18/1966 #20894  
lecting the University of Colorado Project study in progress.               9/19/1966 #20897  
nformation, even from the Colorado project (explicitly modified November 9) 9/19/1966 #20898  
y is considering taking on the UFO project, with Condon directing. Cook say 9/21/1966 #20910  
stion-and-answer session about the project. George Gamow and Richard Sigism 9/21/1966 #20910  
e will participate in the Colorado project. (Clark III 1193) September 22 — 9/22/1966 #20916  
ek’s lengthy letter about UFOs and Project Blue Book is published in Scienc 10/1966 #20944  
                       OSCEOLA, WI Project Bluebook Case #10996. Several ob 10/5/1966 #20959  
o contract with the Air Force. The project is to run from November 15, 1966 10/6/1966 #20967  
 of the University of Colorado UFO project. Low is made project coordinator 10/7/1966 #20970  
 Colorado UFO project. Low is made project coordinator. The primary team wi 10/7/1966 #20970  
                                US Project Sign ("Saucer") report of Februa 10/11/1966 #20991  
ces him to lend his support to the project, for now.                        Mid 10/1966 #21007  
 to meet Condon and other Colorado project members. He notes that Condon ha 10/20/1966 #21019  
                  COLD BAY AFS, AK Project Bluebook Case #11092. Air Traffi 10/26/1966 #21034  
ract starting date of Colorado UFO Project.                                 11/1/1966 #21059  
ado The University of Colorado UFO project officially launches. Michael D.  11/1/1966 #21060  
77 Low and Hynek make the Colorado project’s first field trip, to Minot and Early 11/1966 #21070  
                       SAGINAW, MI Project Bluebook Case #11135. Ground and 11/8/1966 #21082  
don and his staff. Hynek urges the project to adopt a rating system, by whi 11/11/1966 #21090  
maker.” Hynek tells Craig that the project must recommend that scientific i 11/11/1966 #21090  
ippler of AFOSR brief the Colorado project staff. Quintanilla contradicts H 11/14/1966 #21100  
informally visits several Colorado project members. He explains radar compl 11/22/1966 #21139  
Hall and Keyhoe brief the Colorado project members. They meet with Low and  11/28/1966 #21156  
                 Colorado Colorado project member and psychologist William  12/1966 #21172  
covers that the witness is not the project’s main focus, he goes home.      12/1966 #21172  
                        MONROE, OR Project Bluebook Case #11239. Several ob 12/25/1966 #21218  
SAF and University of Colorado UFO project.                                 12/30/1966 #21230  
    France A French government UFO project, to be led by former inspector g 1967 #21237  
ends that the study first become a project of the Centre Nationale d’Études 1967 #21237  
ter a European initiative. But the project is postponed because of the poli 1967 #21237  
hroughs in gravity propulsion. The project includes laboratory evaluation o 1967 #21238  
ynek, Carl Sagan, and the Colorado project. The initiative is terminated in 1967 #21238  
mmendation due to its inability to project a technological payoff.          1967 #21238  
hroughs in gravity propulsion. The project includes laboratory evaluation o 1967 #21240  
ee part-time employees make up the project code-named BITBR (Boys in the Ba 1967 #21240  
d meets James E. McDonald and USAF Project Blue Book advisor J. Allen Hynek 1967 #21240  
LINDA, CA Huge saucer over housing project. Also rash / sightings / followi 1/4/1967 #21253  
He also suggests that the Colorado project recommend that police squad cars 1/5/1967 #21259  
(Air Force report form in Colorado Project files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 1/6/1967 #21266  
oulder, Colorado. Condon discusses project plans and asks the Air Force whe 1/12/1967 #21290  
s and asks the Air Force where the project should place its emphasis. Lt. C 1/12/1967 #21290  
ology Division Commander, says the project is not required to prove or disp 1/12/1967 #21290  
s Wertheimer’s suggestion that the project should concentrate on witnesses, 1/12/1967 #21290  
ion about what USAF wants from the project.                                 1/12/1967 #21290  
g “could be valuable in pursuit of Project Moon Dust.”                      1/12/1967 #21291  
es designed to discourage Condon’s project staff, Hynek, and McDonald from  1/13/1967 #21297  
                    CHARLESTON, SC Project Bluebook Case #1065. 2 silver-bl 1/16/1967 #21316  
hey drove away. (Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archiv 1/18/1967 #21339  
tific director of the Colorado UFO Project, spoke to the Corning, NY, secti 1/25/1967 #21382  
me mild criticisms of the Colorado project and the establishment of a UFO r Late 1/1967 #21384  
practically no one at the Colorado project has the knowledge or resources t 2/1967 #21429  
                        ODESSA, DE Project Bluebook Case #11350. 2 observer 2/6/1967 #21465  
buildings. The case is listed as a Project Blue "unknown."                  2/12/1967 #21524  
                 DAVIDSONVILLE, MD Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 2/13/1967 #21527  
                     STOUGHTON, WI Project Bluebook Case #11383. 1 observer 2/16/1967 #21558  
d at treetop height over a housing project for the elderly, then moved away 2/17/1967 #21582  
 Subcommittee Report, NICAP files; Project Blue Book files, National Archiv 2/17/1967 #21583  
                        OXFORD, WI Project Bluebook Case #11384. Ex-airman. 2/20/1967 #21600  
ided to the University of Colorado project.                                 2/23/1967 #21635  
ce Intelligence Report in Colorado Project and in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01  2/25/1967 #21646  
ions. No USAF unknowns or Colorado Project cases for this date. Suspected e 2/26/1967 #21660  
adquarters Members of the Colorado project visit APRO headquarters; the Lor 3/1967 #21697  
tion of motion. (Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archiv 3/2/1967 #21724  
on paper that expects the Colorado project will fail to support the ETH. Be Early 3/1967 #21730  
ETH. Before sharing his paper with project members, he shares his views in  Early 3/1967 #21730  
ttempts to “build the record,” the project’s failure to move quickly has fo Early 3/1967 #21730  
 in NiCAP files; Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archiv 3/3/1967 #21743  
                 BENTON HARBOR, MI Project Bluebook Case #11454. Several ob 3/6/1967 #21770  
                     HENDERSON, IL Project Bluebook Case #11460. Cop. Domed 3/6/1967 #21771  
sing sound was reported. This is a Project Blue Book "unidentified" case. T 3/6/1967 #21778  
de a hissing sound. This is also a Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.   3/6/1967 #21779  
                         PARIS, TX Project Bluebook Case #1207. 2 night lig 3/7/1967 #21783  
 report No. 00534B in Colorado UFO Project files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 3/8/1967 #21809  
                         ONAWA, IA Project Bluebook Case #11480. Huge white 3/9/1967 #21826  
                     TILLAMOOK, OR Project Bluebook Case #1212. Many observ 3/13/1967 #21880  
                       LEBANON, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Separate 3/16/1967 #21893  
ipal investigator for the Colorado project, launches UFOCAT, a computerized Spring 1967 #21924  
esearcher Jacques Vallée gives the project 3,000 cases from his own collect Spring 1967 #21924  
                       WAPELLO, IA Project Bluebook Case #11541. Observer(s 3/22/1967 #21941  
flew away at high speed. This is a Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.   3/22/1967 #21949  
                 EASTHAMPTON, MASS Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 3/23/1967 #21951  
                          BELT, MT Project Bluebook Case #11551. Many separ 3/24/1967 #21960  
                NEW WINCHESTER, OH Project Bluebook Case #11559. 3+2 observ 3/26/1967 #21988  
s a briefing paper to all Colorado project members on June 6, including Con 3/28/1967 #22005  
lerated away. (Air Force report in Project Blue Book files, National Archiv 3/29/1967 #22011  
. 1967, p. 31; Air Force report in Project Blue Book files, National Archiv 3/31/1967 #22020  
              NEAR HUGHESVILLE, MT Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 4/2/1967 #22046  
lying Objects" to the Colorado UFO Project.                                 4/4/1967 #22051  
orward UFO reports to the Colorado project.                                 4/4/1967 #22053  
he rug in a most disturbing way by Project Blue Book investigators and thei 4/6/1967 #22079  
 banked, s turned, and flew away. (Project Blue Book files, National Archiv 4/12/1967 #22119  
car, banked, turned and flew away. Project Blue Book files, (E) National Ar 4/12/1967 #22120  
                    SOUTH HILL, VA Project Bluebook Case #11677. Crowder. B 4/21/1967 #22178  
ings, a framework for the Colorado project’s goals and procedures. It inclu 4/21/1967 #22192  
 Castro. The operation is known as Project AMLASH. After receiving the repo 4/24/1967 #22214  
             Colorado The Colorado project issues a press release calling f 5/1/1967 #22261  
in the control tower. The Colorado project finds this to be one of the most 5/13/1967 #22337  
ust Low says he wants the Colorado project to compile a case book of its be 6/1967 #22437  
rted to the University of Colorado Project). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 6/5/1967 #22463  
             Colorado The Colorado project plays host to 34 Air Force offic 6/12/1967 #22498  
xcited about reporting UFOs to the project, but aren’t very successful.     6/12/1967 #22498  
dgment of the rest of the Colorado project staff, the Congress of Scientifi 6/22/1967 #22535  
                        AUSTIN, TX Project Bluebook Case #11815. Small car  6/24/1967 #22537  
d off to the south and took off. A Project Blue Book "unknown."             6/29/1967 #22575  
 Colorado Even though the Colorado project is requesting UFO reports from N 7/1967 #22589  
e that it clearly implies that the project is a “whitewash noninvestigation 7/1967 #22589  
ion.” The memo makes the rounds of project personnel, then gets refiled.    7/1967 #22589  
ver Post reveals that the Colorado project has requested an additional $280 7/1/1967 #22591  
   Colorado Red Bluff The Colorado project staff meet again to nominate the 7/6/1967 #22620  
                       LIZELIA, MS Project Bluebook Case #11869. Car malfun 7/10/1967 #22639  
ound. (Air Force unexplained case, Project Blue Book files, National Archiv 7/10/1967 #22644  
is wife. Roy Craig of the Colorado project conducts a test on the metal and 7/13/1967 #22656  
rds Air Force Base. RADAR confirm. Project Bluebook Case #1306.             7/30/1967 #22751  
s in the surveillance with its own Project MINARET. Operating between 1967  8/1967 #22770  
nd US citizens are included on the Project MINARET watch lists. NSA Directo 8/1967 #22770  
 Saunders proposes to the Colorado project team that they issue technical r 8/27/1967 #22939  
tterson AFB in Ohio to look at the Project Blue Book files. They find cases 9/1967? #22970  
wards AFB, California The Colorado project obtains a third-hand report of a 9/1/1967? #22977  
h a scientist cooperating with the project. According to the story, 6 UFOs  9/1/1967? #22977  
s follow an X-15 as it lands. When project members call Edwards, they get a 9/1/1967? #22977  
 might require a reorganization of project duties, namely that Low, Roach,  9/5/1967 #23006  
investigates Lady for the Colorado project and concludes that bacteria, bir 9/9/1967 #23026  
icked up the targets. The Colorado project sends John Ahrens and Norm Levin 9/11/1967 #23046  
do Roach resigns from the Colorado project in order to pursue academic inte 9/17/1967 #23076  
rgues that the public can tell the project is headed toward a negative conc 9/18/1967 #23084  
raws its support from the Colorado project. Saunders tells Low about it.    9/20/1967 #23099  
 similar vein. Condon talks to the project staff and retracts nothing, only 9/27/1967 #23137  
about being disenchanted about the project. Project members hold a meeting  9/27/1967 #23137  
ng disenchanted about the project. Project members hold a meeting without L 9/27/1967 #23137  
ped three fireballs. (Colorado UFO Project report form, NICAP files.) (NICA 9/30/1967 #23149  
a The Lorenzens visit the Colorado project and find its investigatory proce 10/10/1967 #23204  
who has been covering the Colorado project. They give him a 7-point rationa 10/10/1967 #23204  
blished. The Lorenzens suspect the project has a CIA mole. (Low did work fo 10/10/1967 #23204  
Robert M. Wood briefs the Colorado project on UFOs. Subsequently, Wood writ 10/13/1967 #23233  
ter listing his concerns about the project’s shortcomings. He later learns  10/13/1967 #23233  
   University of Colorado Colorado project Condon, Low, and editor Harriet  11/13/1967 #23443  
g everything in which the Colorado project participated in, even phone call 11/13/1967 #23443  
of metal that he shows to Colorado project investigators. It turns out to b 12/3/1967 #23545  
ach entity’s uniform. The Colorado project comes to a predictable conclusio 12/3/1967 #23545  
interviews with the patrolmen left project staff with no confidence that th 12/3/1967 #23545  
cuss forming a new group after the project ends, no matter what its conclus 12/12/1967 #23573  
                                   Project xxxxxxxx (name censured) establi 1968 #23620  
d expresses his concerns about the project. The two reach an impasse.       1/19/1968 #23676  
estigators, and the failure of the project to take seriously any assertions 1/31/1968 #23714  
n earlier.” He sends a copy to the project’s open files.                    1/31/1968 #23714  
 Russia University of Colorado UFO Project Tunguska event Felix Ziegel, Sov 2/1968 #23720  
 of the University of Colorado UFO Project, suggesting that the Soviet and  2/1968 #23720  
 since McDonald is a friend of the project. Condon says, “For an act like t 2/7/1968 #23739  
f Air Force-sponsored Colorado UFO project, fired by Dr. E. U. Condon for a 2/9/1968 #23745  
"incompetence" in controversy over project management                       2/9/1968 #23745  
eting “deeply concerned” about the project’s viability. Roger Harkins write 2/9/1968 #23746  
arkins writes up the events at the project for the Boulder Daily Camera; wh 2/9/1968 #23746  
 staff has no confidence in Low as project coordinator, that Low has no int 2/22/1968 #23777  
t cases, as he thinks the Colorado project will be unable to investigate th 2/23/1968 #23779  
rmstrong resigns from the Colorado project, citing an “almost unanimous lac 2/24/1968 #23782  
 Dust” (referring to a covert USAF Project Moon Dust at the time to recover 3/1968 #23799  
th tail fin in Oregon cataloged by Project Grudge. *   https://manmade-ufos 3/1968 #23799  
, Colorado, police arrest Colorado project officer Jim Wadsworth for posses 3/1/1968 #23801  
nd the near-mutiny at the Colorado project.                                 4/27/1968 #23926  
sh (D-Ind.) denounces the Colorado project in Congress based on the Look ar 4/30/1968 #23931  
te the use of public funds for the project.                                 4/30/1968 #23931  
al controversy in the Colorado UFO Project and the Low "trick" memo.        5/14/1968 #23961  
0% of his duties with the Colorado project, effective May 24 and will go ba 5/15/1968 #23963  
aniel S. Gillmor to edit the final project report. Gillmor receives editori Late 5/1968 #23983  
                           US "UFO Project: Trouble on the Ground" by Phili 7/26/1968 #24233  
ernal problems of the Colorado UFO Project.                                 7/26/1968 #24233  
g unidentified aircraft. The first project name is HAVE FEAR. At least 500  8/1968 #24284  
 in certain places. In mid-August, Project LETHAL CHASER is added, using po 8/1968 #24284  
rcular saucer glitters. 2 antennas project. Wobbles. Slight throb sound.    8/5/1968 #24298  
                     OTTSVILLE, PA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer 8/21/1968 #24361  
es that Hynek has publicly accused Project Blue Book of shoddy science, and 9/4/1968 #24427  
oach, and Rush to discuss what the project’s recommendations should be. He  9/13/1968 #24456  
eight-point critique of everything Project Blue Book has done wrong: the pr 10/7/1968 #24548  
ject Blue Book has done wrong: the project suffers from (1) inadequate exec 10/7/1968 #24548  
ons, and (8) inadequate use of the project’s own scientific consultant.     10/7/1968 #24548  
                   US Colorado UFO Project final report submitted to secret 10/31/1968 #24605  
eat Falls McMinnville The Colorado project delivers its report, Scientific  10/31/1968 #24608  
 It is a clear signal to shut down Project Blue Book. Yet 30% of its cases  10/31/1968 #24608  
 has installed an agent within the project. He disapproves of UFO “amateuri 10/31/1968 #24608  
mateurists,” especially NICAP. The project ignored old cases because they o 10/31/1968 #24608  
rther study “cannot be justified.” Project Blue Book scientific advisor J.  11/15/1968 #24662  
to orange-red as object flew away. Project Blue Book files, National Archiv 11/22/1968 #24681  
plains his version of the Colorado project in UFOs? Yes!                    12/1968 #24739  
eleases its review of the Colorado project report, giving its enthusiastic  1/8/1969 #24826  
t the soon-to-be-released Colorado project report will debunk the extraterr 1/8/1969 #24827  
e of such ‘flying saucers.’ Such a project, the report says in effect, woul 1/8/1969 #24827  
and money.” Sullivan dismisses the project’s critics as “UFO enthusiasts.”  1/8/1969 #24827  
                      The Colorado project report is released to the public 1/9/1969 #24830  
uintanilla as head of the moribund Project Blue Book.                       2/1969 #24887  
 in which “there was no doubt that Project Blue Book was finished.”         3/1969 #24956  
pproximately 10,000 reports in the Project Blue Book files, he estimates th 3/3/1969 #24961  
time after the end of the Colorado project in an address to the American Ph 4/26/1969 #25094  
          Moscow The DARPA Pandora Project committee discusses plans to mov 5/12/1969 #25131  
k that is critical of the Colorado project at the Sacramento, California, s 5/28/1969 #25166  
               WEST CARROLLTON, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. FAA Air  6/1969 #25177  
t saying that the “continuation of Project Blue Book cannot be justified ei 10/20/1969 #25418  
 only a front for a classified UFO project.                                 10/20/1969 #25418  
                                   Project xxxxxx (name censured) continues 12/1969 #25482  
xx (name censured) continues after Project BLUEBOOK is closed.              12/1969 #25482  
ans, Jr., announced termination of Project Blue Book UFO study.             12/17/1969 #25498  
amans announces the termination of Project Blue Book, based on the Condon r 12/17/1969 #25501  
ique of the Air Force and Colorado project investigations as well as an in- 12/26/1969 #25509  
bird at Groom Lake, Nevada. Called Project Aquiline, the agency wants to fl 1970 #25520  
om Area 51 more than 20 times. The project is cancelled in 1971 before depl 1970 #25520  
B in Montgomery, Alabama 3:30 p.m. Project Blue Book’s doors close as its o 1/30/1970 #25564  
 McDonnell Douglas documents state Project Skylite was a pitched effort to  4/5/1970 #25625  
all names attached to the proposed project that ultimately received no fund 4/5/1970 #25625  
                          Colorado project The UFO Subcommittee of the Amer 11/1970 #25897  
nd sharply criticizes the Colorado project’s conclusion that studying the s 11/1970 #25897  
ought into reality. Nichols claims Project Phoenix III worked on time trave 1/1971 #25963  
ions began in 1982. Nichols claims Project Rainbow began in 1983 and accide 1/1971 #25963  
s “corroborate” the existence of a Project Phoenix at the facility.  https: 1/1971 #25963  
 he was experimented on in a DARPA Project Pegasus that utilized the “Monta 1/1971 #25963  
ion that the CIA used the Colorado project as “whitewash to cover a CIA-ini 7/29/1971 #26251  
                                   Project SNOWBIRD established to test fly 1972 #26526  
an alleged ongoing 1972 Top Secret project that researched, developed and i 1972 #26526  
t by the Americans as part of this project, however another “Project Snowbi 1972 #26526  
 of this project, however another “Project Snowbird” has been found describ 1972 #26526  
 Research’s Code Names Dictionary. Project SNOWBIRD is another project that 1972 #26526  
onary. Project SNOWBIRD is another project that was revealed in the Project 1972 #26526  
r project that was revealed in the Project AQUARIUS Briefing Document.      1972 #26526  
                                   Project Blue Book scientific advisor J.  5/1972 #26666  
is editor of a technical report on Project Outgrowth at the Air Force Rocke 6/1972 #26694  
49,909 for an eight-month research project on remote viewing. It is given t 10/1/1972 #27043  
   Financial-records building Most Project MKUltra records are deliberately 1973 #27199  
               NASA announces that Project NERVA has been terminated, even  1/3/1973 #27218  
s been terminated, even though the project to build a nuclear rocket has be 1/3/1973 #27218  
gravitational field. The resulting Project Identification commences in Apri 4/1973 #27397  
Rutledge publishes a final report, Project Identification, on his field res 4/1973 #27397  
nature observed by four members of Project Identification team. (NICAP: 01  5/24/1973 #27524  
dge and three other members of his Project Identification team at the munic 5/24/1973 #27527  
eral seconds by Harley Rutledge of Project Identification (NICAP: 01 - Dist 6/19/1973 #27574  
 Have Returned to Earth” refers to Project Moon Dust: “the designator MOOND 7/26/1973 #27653  
t over Mt. Morris that appeared to project its orange glow in a beam toward 10/3/1973 #27924  
ed to take a polygraph, but former Project Blue Book advisor J. Allen Hynek 10/11/1973 #28009  
es Vallée there was a “secret” UAP project that called him from time to tim 10/27/1973 #28303  
tive review of the then unreleased Project Blue Book files at Maxwell AFB,  1/1974 #28636  
rn speculates that a UK version of Project Moon Dust might be in activation 1/23/1974 #28694  
American public to the findings of Project Blue Book, which concluded UAP w 3/1974 #28831  
tinued to rely on conclusions from Project Blue Book to debunk UAP, other e 7/17/1974 #29267  
atalog of “Unknown” cases from the Project Blue Book files before they are  1/1975? #29684  
                                US Project Blue Book files transferred from 3/1975 #29860  
chives at Maxwell AFB, AL withdraw Project Blue Book files from public acce 4/1975 #29931  
                                US Project SIGMA becomes an independent pro 1976 #30741  
oject SIGMA becomes an independent project from Project xxxxxxx.            1976 #30741  
ecomes an independent project from Project xxxxxxx.                         1976 #30741  
s starts microfilming the redacted Project Blue Book files through the comm 2/19/1976 #30886  
                                   PROJECT CITY / SHASTA DAM, CA TV electro 4/23/1976 #31014  
Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Report, p. 77; Thomas E. Bullard 5/14/1976 #31051  
ves publicly releases the redacted Project Blue Book paper files at its Col Mid 5/1976 #31055  
ls of 35mm microfilm with redacted Project Blue Book files.                 7/12/1976 #31160  
t as a review of and commentary on Project Blue Book records. It is largely 1977 #31649  
ook at the “classified sections of Project Blue Book.” He claims to have se 1977 #31650  
to look at “classified sections of Project Blue Book.” Sheehan claims to se 1977 #31659  
n “extraterrestrial communication” project with White House backing. He pla 1/1977 #31666  
e "people" that were involved in a project, which calmed him down and made  1/1/1977 #31683  
ber 1977, p. 8; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO,  5/7/1977 #32067  
n is known as “Executive Briefing: Project Aquarius” and later leaked to UF 6/14/1977 #32162  
. On one of the last nights of the project, Giovanni Mantero claims to have 8/3/1977 #32353  
arch in genomics; the Human Genome Project originated in a DOE initiative.  8/4/1977 #32359  
nding is provided, it could hire a project officer to review reports from t 9/6/1977 #32463  
amson sees two choices: refuse the project, or have NASA review the best ca 10/31/1977 #32643  
 UAP contactees in the 1960s named Project Windfall; he claimed it was enme 1978 #32829  
ase; Douglas has an ongoing secret project, well funded, with the blessing  1/5/1978 #32854  
AP groups. Robert M. Wood headed a project at Douglas at the time.  https:/ 1/5/1978 #32854  
ntist Frank Martin. He suggests as project scientist Stephen P. Maran at Go 1/17/1978 #32887  
          US The television series Project U.F.O. debuts in the US on NBC-T 2/19/1978 #32982  
 is based loosely on the real-life Project Blue Book. The show is created b 2/19/1978 #32982  
ries. He refers Boeker to the 1973 Project Moondust order. The US military  5/6/1978 #33190  
 him “they” have an ongoing secret project, well funded, blessed with offic 6/8/1978 #33262  
                     New York City Project Mercury Astronaut Gordon Cooper, 11/9/1978 #33929  
out. Dr. Willy Smith of the UNICAT project rated the witness as highly reli 12/2/1978 #34051  
 pass the draft resolution. Former Project Blue Book consultants J. Allen H 12/8/1978 #34079  
ents contradict the conclusions of Project Blue Book given to Congress and  12/20/1978 #34186  
                                   Project Blue Book scientific advisor J.  1979 #34260  
 serves as a model for the Tonopah project.                                 10/1979 #34935  
ed access to UAP information after Project Blue Book.                       1980's? #35109  
during the predecessor programs of Project Star Gate and The Outer Space Co 7/1980 #35399  
kville, MD. 20852. (The results of PROJECT AQUARIUS is still classified TOP 11/17/1980 #35644  
ence channels” called the Aquarius Project. Bill Moore calls it a retyped v 11/17/1980 #35645  
itz, who had observed an NSA laser project at Kirtland AFB from his own pro 11/17/1980 #35646  
onnell Douglas Aircraft, who was a project manager for the Space Shuttle Fl 12/29/1980 #35758  
asiago claims he served in a DARPA Project Pegasus in the 1970s which utili 1981 #35765  
and in a signed affidavit alleging Project Pegasus gave the DOD foreknowled 1981 #35765  
ennewitz an altered version of the Project Aquarius document from 1977. Moo Summer 1981 #35977  
 him to propose a non-fiction book project about UFOs. Moore tells him abou 1/2/1982 #36294  
UFOs. Moore tells him about MJ-12, Project Aquarius, and other alleged reve 1/2/1982 #36294  
ellbekkhøgda Hessdalen, Norway The Project Hessdalen team manages to take f 3/17/1982 #36396  
ain” there was a secret government project to study UAP.  https://ufos-scie 4/6/1982 #36435  
of USG work hours.  The unofficial Project 8200 claimed to view UAP associa 7/1982 #36525  
Mt. Perdido, Spain. The unofficial project claimed these four locations — a 7/1982 #36525  
ng-shaped formation of lights that project a bright beam of light to the gr 12/31/1982 #36733  
m 50 light years away. He mentions Project Aquarius, which he says is the g 1/10/1983 #36742  
a crashed UFO), Aquarius (umbrella project involving all ET contacts), Sigm 4/9/1983 #36830  
tells her he is officially off the project. Further contacts up to March 19 4/9/1983 #36830  
ish, and Finnish ufologists launch Project Hessdalen under the directorship 6/3/1983 #36874  
re Petit, who has suggested such a project.                                 7/1983 #36898  
-Gunnar Røed begins publishing the Project Hessdalen Bulletin in Duken, Nor 10/1983 #36988  
             Hessdalen, Norway The Project Hessdalen team goes to Hessdalen 11/1983 #37036  
sdalen, Norway, and explains their project to the locals.                   11/1983 #37036  
rway Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Project Hessdalen sends out a report for 1/1984 #37101  
tain Hersjøen Litlefjellet, Norway Project Hessdalen sets up three fieldwor 1/21/1984 #37136  
s standing in the snow outside the Project Hessdalen headquarters on Aspask 2/20/1984 #37194  
                                   Project Hessdalen ends its instrumented  2/26/1984 #37204  
                 Hessdalen, Norway Project Hessdalen II is launched to stud 1/13/1985 #37548  
ost Tribune: The U.S. Government's project to track UFO's: Barbara Drakis w 3/23/1985 #37573  
 to be connected to an engineering project under retired Adm. Bobby Ray Inm 5/20/1985 #37590  
s Jacques Vallée there is a secret project to study UAP within USG. They me 7/6/1985 #37616  
ntific consultant to the Air Force Project Blue Book for many years, and fo 4/27/1986 #37847  
Moore and received documents about Project Snowbird and Project Aquarius, w 5/8/1986 #37858  
cuments about Project Snowbird and Project Aquarius, writes to the Defense  5/8/1986 #37858  
nn (D-Ohio) stating that the NSA’s Project Aquarius does not deal with UFOs 1/27/1987 #38105  
ently there is or was an Air Force project by that name which dealt with UF 1/27/1987 #38105  
briefing document and asking about Project Aquarius. Three weeks later, Wal 8/30/1987 #38264  
dwards AFB. Franklin Mead, head of Project Outgrowth 16 years earlier, is l 4/1988 #38526  
16 years earlier, is listed as the project manager for Veritay’s paper on a 4/1988 #38526  
ogist Paul F. Bennewitz describing Project Beta: Alien base located in New  6/6/1988 #38581  
heleta near "the Diamond". Goal of Project Beta: to locate, inventory and p 6/6/1988 #38581  
am English regarding a nonexistent Project Grudge Report number 13 that ref 10/8/1988 #38665  
rs to alien bodies; and a paper on Project Excalibur regarding underground  10/8/1988 #38665  
1988 and April 1989 to learn about Project Galileo, which deals with gravit 12/6/1988 #38748  
tor.” He also reads about a second project, Looking Glass, concerned with s 12/6/1988 #38748  
 Fleet, he had seen two documents, Project Grudge Special Report 13 and an  12/18/1988 #38755  
ol. Wendelle Stevens which details Project Blue Book officials J. Allen Hyn 1/1989 #38773  
and he is made aware of an alleged Project Galileo, an antigravity and prop 5/15/1989 #38953  
leo, an antigravity and propulsion project and Project Looking Glass, an al 5/15/1989 #38953  
gravity and propulsion project and Project Looking Glass, an alleged techno 5/15/1989 #38953  
ng Glass, an alleged technological project to see back in time.  https://ww 5/15/1989 #38953  
gainst Bill Moore, saying that the Project Aquarius message was altered by  6/1989 #38971  
7.pdf     Note: On 6 January 1967, Project Blue Book scientific advisor J.  6/1989 #38972  
al U.S. military radar UAP case in Project Blue Book files is a NORAD case  6/1989 #38972  
  A man was walking near a housing project in Hartshead Moor, West Yorkshir 8/10/1989 #39055  
told him they didn’t think a black project was active, but it is unknown if 9/17/1989 #39112  
owns are effectively equivalent to Project Blue Book unknowns—high-strangen 1990 #39348  
n Sherman, while working on an NSA project with a USAF ELINT cover, claims  1990 #39354  
that he is only aware of one being Project Preserve Destiny, to establish i 1990 #39354  
n 1990 that he worked on a special project at Edwards AFB in the late 1960s 1990 #39358  
B in the late 1960s/early 1970s on Project Blue Heaven. The source states a 1990 #39358  
 it. The ret. scientist states the project is still active at the time of d 1990 #39358  
so claimed a “deep black” aircraft project existed at Groom Lake that was n 2/21/1990 #39426  
 1987. According to Aviation Week, Project Aurora refers to a group of exot 3/1990 #39434  
articular airframe. Funding of the project allegedly reaches $2.3 billion i 3/1990 #39434  
ge might show a US Air Force black project aircraft. The prints are sent to 8/4/1990 #39679  
viet Union launches the Thread III Project, a wide-ranging scientific and t 1991 #39938  
money to do it…whatever the secret project, it must be controlled by an inc 1991 #39939  
nd utilized advanced technology to project images of loved ones to convince 1/1991 #39944  
 the Bay Area, was on a government project in New Mexico or Arizona in 1946 4/12/1991 #40038  
nd told they witnessed a secret US project that failed and was told not to  4/12/1991 #40038  
ok that were UAP related including Project Black Book or Project Black Sky  7/1991 #40108  
ed including Project Black Book or Project Black Sky that used advanced cam 7/1991 #40108  
 He also claims he heard of a USAF Project White Book that looked into hist 7/1991 #40108  
ely.  Sherman claims it was called Project Preserve Destiny, and that there 1992 #40276  
hese grey programs are given black project covers. Sherman claims at Andrew 1992 #40276  
Psi-Tech personnel had an in-house project for ten years on a UAP “site,” s 3/9/1992 #40368  
t Kenneth Ring publishes The Omega Project, in which he argues that ostensi 5/1/1992 #40442  
              Former consultant to Project Blue Book and eventual BAASS/AAW 5/22/1992 #40469  
ieved the craft were human and the project that makes them was illegal. “No 5/22/1992 #40469  
ure scurried away into the housing project that was still under constructio 9/22/1992 #40635  
s the USG was working on the black project Aurora. Mellon states on the rec 12/22/1992 #40762  
or was, a USAF Research Laboratory project to develop a coaxial plasma rail 8/1/1993 #41100  
ment takes place on this date. The project’s initial success leads to it be 8/1/1993 #41100  
 information about the fate of the project is published after 1995.         8/1/1993 #41100  
   The first public experiment for Project MARAUDER is conducted, a USAF Re 8/1/1993 #41101  
ducted, a USAF Research Laboratory project to develop a plasma railgun. Two 8/1/1993 #41101  
t study of UFOs, which will become Project Condign in 1997– 2000. Paragraph 10/18/1993 #41246  
claims represent his transfer from Project Preserve Destiny location 1 to P 12/1993 #41313  
ect Preserve Destiny location 1 to Project Preserve Destiny location 2. His 12/1993 #41313  
shes, Kissner stated. He adds that Project Supremacy could have been UAP re 1994 #41349  
d the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP), an agency to manage nuc 1994 #41349  
INT duties as a cover for periodic Project Preserve Destiny intcomm duties, Early 1994 #41352  
                        Disclosure Project founder and alleged Clinton Admi Mid 1990's #41926  
”  Sherman also suggests the black project that cloaked PPD had to do with  Early 1995 #41927  
t annual report of the Majestic 12 Project, supposedly written in 1951 and  2/22/1995 #42058  
the Roswell debris on a top-secret Project Mogul balloon array sent aloft t 7/1995 #42286  
. The second part is a synopsis of Project Mogul balloon research findings  7/1995 #42286  
rviews with persons connected with Project Mogul; and New York University p 7/1995 #42286  
orts on the Constant Level Balloon project (a study to determine how balloo 7/1995 #42286  
he wreckage was most likely from a Project Mogul balloon train. The report  7/28/1995 #42335  
eley Laboratory issues a Report on Project Mogul by 1Lt. James McAndrew.    9/21/1995 #42495  
ockefeller briefed the Clintons on Project Starlight documents; claims of a 11/1/1995 #42576  
e way or another.”  Note: The term Project Snowbird (Proword: Cetus) shows  8/30/1996 #43002  
ord: Cetus) shows up in a disputed Project Aquarius document that alleges S 8/30/1996 #43002  
                    MT. VERNON, IN Project Lunascan videos object / lunar o 9/21/1996 #43034  
ion about this university research project or the “Gravity Generator” devic 1997 #43156  
erman claims he was recruited into Project Preserve Destiny run by the Nati 1/1/1997 #43163  
t the Strategic Defense Initiative project in the 1980s was part of that ca 6/1997 #43304  
k concludes with information about Project Horizon, a 1959 US Army plan to  6/1997 #43304  
 Corona debris was probably from a Project Mogul balloon.                   6/1997 #43305  
balloon mishap, in preparation for Project Excelsior, at Holloman AFB, Alam 6/24/1997 #43338  
. Joseph Kittinger is injured. The Project Mogul balloon is still invoked t 6/24/1997 #43338  
ity, and is also working on a HFGW project with Clive Woods at Louisiana St 8/1/1997 #43364  
nal, Studies in Intelligence, that Project Blue Book had known that more th 8/3/1997 #43365  
UAP between 1947-1990. Haines says Project Blue Book purposefully covered u 8/3/1997 #43367  
ian government source in charge of Project Kohtpoa (the Russian equivalent  11/1998 #43673  
so states he believes the files of Project Majestic and Project Jehovah wil 1/23/1999 #43720  
 the files of Project Majestic and Project Jehovah will be pried loose and  1/23/1999 #43720  
ll disclosure” is required by law; Project Artichoke and Project MK-ULTRA w 1/23/1999 #43720  
ired by law; Project Artichoke and Project MK-ULTRA will be used in “popula 1/23/1999 #43720  
ulation centers” to assist with MJ Project Spike and Project House Cleaning 1/23/1999 #43720  
o assist with MJ Project Spike and Project House Cleaning; and there is a “ 1/23/1999 #43720  
l signals, while Jehovah was a DOD project to back engineer recovered UAP h 7/7/1999 #43798  
rojects mentioned by him are a CIA Project Environment, which he claims alo 7/7/1999 #43798  
onment, which he claims along with Project Medea looked at damage caused by 7/7/1999 #43798  
    Note: Zodiac is described as a project “able to skirt the military chai 7/31/1999 #43815  
ster Olmos launches UFO FOTOCAT, a project to create a worldwide catalog of 2000 #43908  
to stimulate the creation of a new Project Blue Book. John Alexander and ot 1/24/2000 #43934  
tered was a secret U.S. government project, or something even more strange. 1/30/2000 #43937  
rt of a secret reverse-engineering project called Zodiac. Eric has compiled 5/8/2000 #43991  
 he heard regarding a SecDef black project audit. No timeframe is given. An 5/9/2000 #43993  
It will be released in 2006 as the Project Condign report.                  12/4/2000 #44097  
. Greer, founder of the Disclosure Project, which has the goal of disclosin 5/9/2001 #44182  
d a Pale Horse. Another Disclosure Project whistleblower, Philip J. Corso,  5/9/2001 #44182  
lls Jacques Vallée he finds a rare Project Blue Book file that shows Howard 12/17/2001 #44294  
ntigravity device. BBC reports the project is run in “top secret” by Boeing 7/29/2002 #44369  
 they obtained show it occurs in a Project GRASP (Gravity Research Applied  7/29/2002 #44369  
.  Boeing denies it is funding the project with company money, and then sta 7/29/2002 #44369  
ne’s Defense Weekly reports Boeing Project GRASP documents it obtains state 7/29/2002 #44370  
s Richard Schowengerdt, founder of Project Chameleo, who claims he has succ 7/2003 #44560  
n 1987 and took shape in 1993 with Project Chameleo, securing Patent No. 5, 7/2003 #44560  
egundo, and his supervisor knew of Project Chameleo; he states this technol 7/2003 #44560  
t or a person invisible but it can project a rendering of something else li 7/2003 #44560  
ology could be advanced in a black project through reverse engineered UAP R 7/2003 #44560  
 states he uncovered the UFO black project by discovering a $9B discrepancy 9/10/2003 #44595  
because “there was already another project.” Puthoff states it was “deeply  10/2/2003 #44610  
 Davis. Puthoff says to “join” the project you have to have something major 10/2/2003 #44610  
se meetings led to the creation of Project Joshua and Project Excalibur, an 2004 #44638  
the creation of Project Joshua and Project Excalibur, and that Rand Corpora 2004 #44638  
onfirm the existence of one hidden project reverse engineering “alien”hardw 3/6/2004 #44674  
Sr. also states there was a secret project and the security was “obscene.”  3/26/2004 #44681  
ology and notes about a secret DIA project. The notes said DIA took over a  3/26/2004 #44682  
es said DIA took over a collection project in 1961 and by the early 1980s,  3/26/2004 #44682  
 Jonkers were in charge of the UAP project. Eric Davis possessed an org cha 3/26/2004 #44682  
ntractors who touch the “real” UAP project(s) are Lockheed Martin, the Aero 3/28/2004 #44683  
(see 3 December 1999).  Note: USAF Project Outgrowth (see June 1972) refere 8/2004 #44724  
me viewing and time travel under a Project Pegasus are exaggeration. Green  8/7/2004 #44727  
aggeration. Green says there was a project like what he’s describing but sa 8/7/2004 #44727  
off says he had no evidence such a project existed at ARPA.  https://www.am 8/7/2004 #44727  
ne and began working on a research project that involved compiling a databa 2005 #44805  
avis that there was a confidential project known as “Senior Soda” that buil 12/5/2005 #44907  
) launches an Abduction Monitoring Project (later changed to Ambient Monito 2006 #44916  
ater changed to Ambient Monitoring Project), an effort to create a compact, 2006 #44916  
                        Disclosure Project founder and alleged Clinton Admi 4/28/2006 #44935  
                        Disclosure Project founder and alleged Clinton Admi 4/28/2006 #44936  
 public admission of a UAP special project at the company. Did GM perform U 4/28/2006 #44936  
                        Disclosure Project founder and alleged Clinton Admi 4/28/2006 #44937  
 in the open source. Deacon claims Project Shiva Nova uses arrays of lasers 10/2006 #44970  
nable to mend…this also relates to Project Rainbow.” Deacon claims jump roo 10/2006 #44970  
y are interested in. Deacon claims Project Looking Glass may have been real 10/2006 #44970  
it the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, a project under study by the National Inst 6/19/2007 #45036  
                                   Project Oxcart, the A-12 reconnaissance  9/2007 #45051  
gon program to study UFOs—as a DIA project on the fifth floor of the Pentag Fall 2007? #45070  
 unexplained. The man who runs the project is a GS15 reporting to managers  10/21/2007 #45078  
 claims to have been involved in a Project Aquarius investigating an extrat 2008 #45109  
me travel information.”  He claims Project Looking Glass involved a reverse 2008 #45109  
ions do not. Burisch also claims a Project Lotus is attempting to utilize E 2008 #45109  
or who assisted with the Manhattan Project involved in classified R&D work  1/1/2008 #45110  
nced Aerospace System Concepts or “Project AIR-01.” AASC is described as a  6/2008 #45144  
n Midnight Climax, a subproject of Project MK-ULTRA based on lessons learne 8/4/2008 #45155  
-ULTRA based on lessons learned in Project Artichoke, was a real declassifi 8/4/2008 #45155  
ace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) project with 40–50 full-time support sta 9/22/2008 #45170  
lls Jacques Vallée that the AAWSAP project has officially kicked off, but t 10/2/2008 #45174  
 interest, but that won’t stop the project as it goes higher than that; sev 10/29/2008 #45180  
w Aerospace Advanced Space Studies project in Las Vegas, its first full-tim 11/2008 #45184  
                 One unnamed BAASS project member tells Jacques Vallée he w 12/24/2008 #45198  
 to retrieve data from the days of Project Grudge and a rare “artifact” fil 1/23/2009 #45208  
fact” file that was kept away from Project Blue Book.  Hal Puthoff also tel 1/23/2009 #45208  
documents that referred to a MJ-12 project back in the 1950s designed to mi 1/23/2009 #45208  
SAP program issues the first of 38 Project Physics position papers (Defense 12/1/2009 #45260  
N Case Management System database, Project Colares, the Canadian government 9/30/2010 #45300  
) to attempt to get the BAASS-like project funded. Negotiations and present 2/7/2011 #45313  
nder states there was no black UAP project in the DOD or in the underground 2/15/2011 #45317  
ne if UAP had demonic origin. Some Project Blue Book cases at the time remi 3/31/2011 #45322  
US Army psychologists working on a project for the University of South Caro 3/31/2011 #45322  
cial bulletins of the Ufology News Project from 2012 to 2018.               7/2011 #45329  
 Maj. Ed Dames who participated in Project Star Gate’s various iterations,  7/2012 #45346  
ers. The ambitious program, called Project 1794, was initiated in the 1950s Late 2012 #45355  
rs would be more than $26 million. Project 1794 was cancelled in December 1 Late 2012 #45355  
estrial UFO visitation or a secret project developed by one or more governm 6/2013 #45367  
aft researcher Joseph Jones claims Project Brilliant Buzzard was a codename 6/2013 #45368  
DOD declassifies a lengthy file on Project Pandora and Project Bizarre, a p 2014 #45400  
engthy file on Project Pandora and Project Bizarre, a program focused on th 2014 #45400  
nly links to UAP and the potential project occurring in a facility under th 1/30/2015 #45429  
 is a safety issue and not a black project.                                 2/2015? #45430  
h a senior USAF NCO who worked for Project Blue Book in the 1970s after it  3/6/2015 #45434  
d Evans discloses the existence of Project Greenglow, described as a small  12/2015 #45441  
low, described as a small research project in the UK to investigate the con 12/2015 #45441  
ts, but Evans’ review of the small project is not comprehensive of all of t 12/2015 #45441  
posed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste project describing it as an “aerial oper 3/5/2016 #45445  
one time bigger than the Manhattan Project. He states it is currently held  4/2016 #45448  
e maintenance of the teleportation project. It is unknown how Spiers gained 7/16/2016 #45456  
he US Navy is running a secret USO project known as the “Fast Mover Program 9/19/2017 #45481  
or some classified continuation of Project Blue Book would likely exist as  2018 #45498  
Federation of American Scientists’ Project on Government Secrecy. One such  1/9/2018 #45503  
 formerly involved in the Stargate Project. Another project called “Invisib 1/9/2018 #45503  
d in the Stargate Project. Another project called “Invisibility Cloaking” w 1/9/2018 #45503  
(DOE)/Sandia National Laboratories project used to simulate various advance 5/2/2018 #45525  
_Page   https://www.sandia.gov/ccr/project/xvis/                            5/2/2018 #45525  
 Diego, CA Austin, TX TTSA’s “ADAM Project” (an acronym for Acquisition & D 6/13/2018 #45529  
ials, launch the A.D.A.M. Research Project to study “exotic metamaterials”  7/2018 #45532  
 The Stars Academy’s ADAM Research Project is announced to test extraterres 7/26/2018 #45534  
             The television series Project Blue Book premieres on the Histo 1/8/2019 #45557  
chers from the Breakthrough Listen Project cannot attribute it to any Earth 4/2019 #45570  
ely 4:45 p.m. The Skinwalker Ranch project in Uintah County, Utah, orchestr 6/15/2019 #45585  
rials represented in the TTSA ADAM project are scientifically evaluated and 10/17/2019 #45612  
IA members believe elements of the Project SERPO rumors (an “exchange progr 2/2/2020 #45629  
 Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, the AAWSA 2/14/2020 #45633  
h levels prior to AATIP, but after Project Blue Book unbeknownst to the pub 7/19/2020 #45653  
 of New York, and J. Allen Hynek’s Project Blue Book copies) are transferre 11/2020 #45664  
, New Mexico, where a digitization project begins that will ultimately make 11/2020 #45664  
rnan, leads this new Pentagon-wide project.                                 12/27/2020 #45670  
    Harvard University The Galileo Project, headed by a multi-institutional 7/26/2021 #45700  
gical civilizations,” or ETCs. The project, which includes Luis Elizondo, C 7/26/2021 #45700  
Ufologist Jacques Vallée joins the project in January 2022.                 7/26/2021 #45700  
materials paid for via interagency project contracts. Davis states he brief 10/2/2021 #45714  
AWSAP) has produced as part of its Project Physics under the direction of H 3/25/2022 #45742  
e UAP related projects at Area 51: Project Candid Sky for photographing UAP 6/13/2022 #45757  
 Candid Sky for photographing UAP, Project Radiant Bravo-One, Project Might 6/13/2022 #45757  
ng UAP, Project Radiant Bravo-One, Project Might using high speed lasers, P 6/13/2022 #45757  
ect Might using high speed lasers, Project Auburn Blue examination of captu 6/13/2022 #45757  
ue examination of captured UAP and Project Med-Star examination of “capture 6/13/2022 #45757  
tricted” minute from the author of Project Condign Ron Haddow, which states 8/12/2022 #45762  
e attendees   A “major engineering project” existed under Adm. Bobby Ray In 9/26/2022 #45772  
Navy as sensitive as the Manhattan project that may be UAP related; he hear 12/20/2022 #45790  
## Word: "project's" (Back to Top)
 100,000 feet (30,480 meters). The project's estimated cost was more than $ Late 2012 #45355  
## Word: "project-aquarius-documents" (Back to Top)
ps://siriusdisclosure.com/evidence/project-aquarius-documents/  Note: In 20 8/30/1996 #43002  
## Word: "project-controlled" (Back to Top)
ry, (6) has access that’s based on project-controlled inclusion and not gov 8/22/1998 #43635  
## Word: "project-greenglowb8683404" (Back to Top)
8   https://www.huffpost.com/entry/project-greenglowb8683404     Note: BAE  12/2015 #45441  
## Word: "project088" (Back to Top)
eyades.net/ciencia/secret_projects/project088.htm                           1/1998 #43483  
## Word: "project126" (Back to Top)
eyades.net/ciencia/secret_projects/project126.htm     Note: The obfuscation 5/17/1999 #43770  
## Word: "project1947" (Back to Top)
esearch institutions.”  http://www.project1947.com/fig/horten1.htm     Note 12/16/1947 #3504  
culates in newspapers.  http://www.project1947.com/fig/1948a.htm     Note:  1/31/1948 #3568  
o forget the incident.  http://www.project1947.com/folio/apro_holloman.htm  7/1950 #5037  
AP in Los Angeles, CA.  http://www.project1947.com/shg/csi/csicia.html      2/9/1953 #8657  
## Word: "project_serpo" (Back to Top)
on.  https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Project_Serpo   https://www.abovetopsecr 11/1/2005 #44899  
## Word: "projectavalon" (Back to Top)
ct+8200+(1982-07-28).mp4   https://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php? 7/1982 #36525  
## Word: "projectbetastory0000bish" (Back to Top)
122)   https://archive.org/details/projectbetastory0000bish/page/120/mode/2 1980's? #35109  
/2up   https://archive.org/details/projectbetastory0000bish/page/64/mode/2u 7/1980 #35398  
/2up   https://archive.org/details/projectbetastory0000bish/page/54/mode/2u 7/1980 #35398  
## Word: "projectbluebook" (Back to Top)
ments2.theblackvault.com/documents/projectbluebook/ProjectTwinkle-November1 2/19/1952 #5911  
## Word: "projectcamelot" (Back to Top)
isch/espdanburisch11.htm   https://projectcamelot.org/danburischsummary.htm 2008 #45109  
## Word: "projected" (Back to Top)
visited by a man in an airship who projected pictures onto the side of his  4/11/1897 #436  
e column. A blue beam of light was projected at the witness by the UFO, and 7/25/1938 #1289  
helmets. The center of their belts projected a "vapor," and the witness suf 8/14/1947 #3328  
aucer design “ever existed nor was projected by any of the German air resea 12/16/1947 #3503  
aucer design “ever existed nor was projected by any of the German air resea 12/16/1947 #3504  
lyzed as a strong orange light was projected at him.The creatures were unde 9/10/1954 #10284  
a powerful orange beam of light is projected at him from a square opening i 9/10/1954 #10286  
rong orange beam of light that was projected at him. The beings were under  9/10/1954 #10288  
e. At one point a huge video image projected on the wall allows her to view 4/7/1956 #12798  
lose encounter with a UFO. The UFO projected a beam of light at the aircraf 1/3/1963 #17626  
es. Small humanoid (or Grey) faces projected. See reference.                10/2/1966 #20947  
llic sphere, from the top of which projected a dozen "tentacles" over 2 m l 11/19/1966 #21127  
e with a red ring. A beam of light projected from the end. Radar contact wi 1/16/1967 #21323  
ove the ground in Galion, Ohio. It projected a circle of light down around  5/12/1967 #22328  
ange light, and from one end of it projected upward at a 45 degree angle a  6/13/1967 #22504  
ject hovered 200 ft. over barn and projected bright bluish beam into cornfi 8/1968 #24282  
ject hovered 200 ft. over barn and projected bright bluish beam into cornfi 8/1968 #24283  
rom behind, as if a "ray" had been projected at him. He lost control of the 3/5/1971 #26044  
er, he believes the experience was projected into his mind, rather than a r 3/21/1973 #27356  
be wearing a diver suit from which projected a bright, cylindrical, solid l 3/17/1974 #28898  
lliant, cone-shaped light beam was projected down toward the lake and swept 2/26/1975 #29853  
ure screen", on which he could see projected the profile of a figure, ten f 8/2/1976 #31222  
me to a halt just ahead of him. It projected an intense beam of red light f 9/3/1976 #31341  
ntensified and a cone of light was projected downward, but initially the be 9/10/1976 #31373  
ined his head. Another "slide" was projected and showed Antonio, still nake 9/15/1977 #32485  
he craft continued to descend, and projected two bright beams of white ligh 5/10/1978 #33199  
ar-shaped object over him. The UFO projected a beam of light and formed a d 1/12/1980 #35131  
ar-shaped object over him. The UFO projected a beam of light and formed a d 1/12/1980 #35132  
ad sensations of love and serenity projected to him by the tall humanoid.   1/12/1980 #35132  
. Two shielded beams of light were projected downward from the object onto  5/15/1980 #35335  
 Wisconsin a white nocturnal light projected a beam of light that moved bac 8/2/1985 #37635  
y south. Each night light "spins". Projected edges.                         1/11/1995 #41966  
ments) that define the current and projected state of the art in aerospace  12/1/2009 #45260  
## Word: "projectile" (Back to Top)
king rival, and a French poet—in a projectile with the goal of a lunar land 1865 #163  
ther two slag-like, after a bright projectile is seen over a beach at Njuru 7/9/1946 #2034  
 Kubikenborg A brilliantly glowing projectile trailing luminous smoke crash 7/10/1946 #2046  
en, when they hear a loud noise. A projectile comes in at a very low angle  7/19/1946 #2072  
sland, sees a black, rocket-shaped projectile trailing a blindingly white f 7/3/1947 #2583  
g when he is “dazzled by a strange projectile.” He sees four men 4–5 feet t 5/10/1957 #13653  
              Sea of Japan, At Sea Projectile Sighted From RB-47/ Tracked B 12/23/1957 #14759  
cily to Florence, watch a luminous projectile moving northward. Italian ufo 9/14/1978 #33676  
der at 25,000 feet when a wingless projectile passes 200–500 feet below the 8/15/1985 #37643  
feet below. Cantrell describes the projectile as short, squatty, and homema 6/25/1987 #38200  
o Hamburg, Germany, see a wingless projectile below and to the left of the  6/17/1991 #40101  
 efforts to develop a plasma-based projectile. It began development in 1990 8/1/1993 #41100  
## Word: "projectile-shaped" (Back to Top)
500 feet. They see a bright-green, projectile-shaped object, about the same 11/2/1951 #5763  
## Word: "projectiles" (Back to Top)
everal crews see “large numbers of projectiles resembling ‘schools of flyin 1/15/1943 #1480  
rachute rockets, or high-explosive projectiles at maximum altitudes of 18,0 2/9/1944 #1571  
ocation unknown, probably, Germany Projectiles resembling glider bombs; a l 4/11/1944 #1590  
tates that “a good number of these projectiles are of the V- 1 type in the  8/13/1946 #2127  
KA AND MACEDONIA, GRC Wave / ghost projectiles / Greek Prime Minister. / LD 9/1/1946 #2166  
actual proof that a test of rocket projectiles has taken place over Sweden  12/23/1946 #2213  
 watermelon-sized, teardrop-shaped projectiles made of tungsten as kinetic  11/1986 #38057  
## Word: "projecting" (Back to Top)
alls off the bike. The blue dot is projecting a strong light and hovering a 11/8/1954 #11600  
end with two shafts of white light projecting from the bottom. A rose-color 8/9/1959 #15898  
 p.m. a red sphere with light rays projecting out ahead of it was seen by M 2/27/1961 #16610  
aped like a top hat with four legs projecting from the bottom. (Hall, 2001, 1/24/1967 #21374  
ove the plant at about 45°. It has projecting, tapered spines that are as l 12/10/1967 #23567  
o cornfield. Moved off south still projecting fan shaped beam over countrys 8/1968 #24282  
o cornfield. Moved off south still projecting fan shaped beam over countrys 8/1968 #24283  
.m. Slowly moving round white ball projecting white beam of light onto fiel 8/16/1968 #24340  
its end pointed toward the ground. Projecting from the object is a long, na 11/1974 #29574  
linois, watches a gray-white light projecting “dots of color” that are draw 6/10/1977 #32157  
umanoids he noticed that they were projecting lights from the top of their  4/20/1980 #35281  
minated object above the treeline, projecting a beam of light into the sky  8/2/1982 #36559  
inated object above the tree line, projecting a beam of light into the sky  8/10/1982 #36568  
ght comes from two headlight beams projecting forward. The UFO has a “smoky 4/22/1984 #37281  
ationary ink light with three jets projecting downward. After several minut 10/9/1984 #37484  
ct about 25 feet high. The dome is projecting an intensely bright orange li 3/23/1987 #38152  
 sees it level off and turn. It is projecting two very long, divergent beam 11/5/1990 #39868  
orce blue uniform lying prone on a projecting part of their roof near a lad 5/14/1991 #40061  
d a bluish-green, cone-shaped beam projecting from it. The beam was narrow  4/8/1996 #42858  
sembled a wheel; it was made of 12 projecting lights revolving counterclock 6/5/1997 #43311  
een lights at the rear, and it was projecting a spotlight beam with an adja 4/16/2004 #44689  
he lake under the beam. The object projecting the light moves away to above 4/6/2007 #45016  
## Word: "projection" (Back to Top)
, is observing the sun by eyepiece projection when he and an assistant see  8/12/1883 #255  
s Battey can see a circular rim or projection, about one-quarter of the way Late 5/1947 #2298  
mmetrical, with two small peaks or projection on opposite sides of the disc 7/29/1952 #7330  
ferent colors and having a tail or projection. He quickly concludes that it 1/28/1953 #8602  
elliptical object with a dome-like projection on top just off the ground ne 3/23/1966 #20052  
e boy then touched an antenna-like projection at the end of one of the obje 3/29/1966 #20134  
d. He then touches an antenna-like projection at the end of one of the obje 3/29/1966 #20140  
im, a red light and an antennalike projection, and red and white lights spi 4/8/1966 #20275  
oximate date. The crowd at a movie projection panicked, thinking it was an  5/10/1966 #20472  
row of louvers and an antenna-like projection. After several minutes the ob 5/24/1966 #20509  
around its center and some kind of projection at its rear. The humming soun 11/22/1966 #21141  
tched a disc with a red light on a projection at the rear approach at low a 1/18/1967 #21341  
ulars a disc with a red light on a projection at the rear approach them at  1/18/1967 #21343  
ped object, with a whitish dome or projection underneath, hovering 10 feet  11/5/1967 #23405  
 disk-shaped object with a pointed projection on top and multicolored light 12/22/1967 #23599  
val shaped UFO with a finlike rear projection on this night. It had red bod 2/24/1968 #23783  
ng growing louder. At one point, a projection from the object descends to t 7/30/1968 #24263  
 the experience was a "holographic projection," because he noticed that beh 8/17/1971 #26293  
s). Rectangular object with funnel projection arcs going quickly north.     5/9/1976 #31040  
at 11:15 p.m. It had an arrow-like projection of light. It hovered for 30 s 8/18/1978 #33528  
r-shape south going quickly north. Projection up front in direction / trave 11/2/1978 #33913  
and at the top was an antenna like projection. The witness stood about 80 f 9/26/1979 #34929  
oing quickly [to] WNW. Rectangular projection spins.                        8/21/1985 (approximate) #37649  
tion; the example given is a false projection of a stealth fighter. The des 5/1996 #42891  
s have thought control and empathy projection.” The story also states a fil 7/31/1999 #43815  
gineer told him he learned “astral projection” to remove his consciousness  4/28/2006 #44937  
## Word: "projectionist" (Back to Top)
  Rinkerode, Germany Willi Hoge, a projectionist, saw four occupants of an  10/9/1954 #10845  
iving home from his job as a movie projectionist in Rinkerode [now part of  10/9/1954 #10858  
n Rinkerode, Germany Willi Hoge, a projectionist, was returning home in the 10/9/1954 #10863  
## Word: "projections" (Back to Top)
n-like wheel on front and fin-like projections on the side.                 9/7/1897 #608  
e wings, rudders, lights, flame or projections of any type. It appears to f 8/14/1946 #2135  
mall black object without apparent projections moving at high speed (Sparks 10/17/1949 #4397  
There were a number of antennalike projections on top of it. The noise did  4/14/1957 #13601  
essage stated that "our images are projections." Her first encounter occurr 1/7/1958 #14813  
bject has a number of antenna-like projections on its surface.              5/21/1962 #17187  
lindrical object with two vertical projections was seen from Norfolk Island 12/17/1962 #17588  
ams emanating from small wing-like projections, landed in a pasture, and th 2/21/1965 #18825  
an inverted silvery disc with four projections on top, surrounded by bright 3/8/1966 #19948  
 shape of the objects. "Antennas" (projections) extended and retracted rapi 3/11/1966 #19950  
 luminous yellow-white object with projections on top. The UFO paced a car, 3/19/1966 #19992  
as having horn-shaped antenna-like projections on the underside that were 1 3/19/1966 #19995  
entral dome and two protuberances (projections) on one side was seen hoveri 3/29/1966 #20137  
ndows around the middle, antennas (projections) on top, and lights at each  8/23/1966 #20795  
cts, one saucer shaped (disc) with projections and a dome on top, blinking  1/28/1967 #21407  
 a sphere with triangular fin-like projections . The object moved erratical 8/19/1967 #22890  
h a rim on the upper part and wide projections in the under part" about 100 3/16/1972 #26606  
le, and it had three antennae like projections on it. She told him that her 5/5/1972 #26671  
hute / sphere/orb/globe with shiny projections sideways. Going SSE fast.    8/2/1974 #29301  
ike a crayfish. They had two small projections on the top of their heads. T 8/25/1976 #31302  
d shape to become body-shaped with projections like arms and legs.”         7/1977 #32222  
ted the sunlight, two antenna-like projections from the top of its head, an 7/11/1978 #33367  
s, that some UAP sightings are the projections of physical 3D objects by un 11/25/1991 #40241  
## Word: "projector" (Back to Top)
ss-shape lights town like a strong projector. / Cromer.                     12/6/1269 #12  
 a film of 14 frames on a Recordak projector. The black-and-white presentat 7/1950 #5035  
etal rod.” On his chest is a light projector. Gatay tries to run, but he fi 9/30/1954 #10517  
pparently adjusting the light beam projector, and the other two handing him 8/26/1965 #19466  
 cone hovers / 90 minute(s). Beams projector light going down. / Abbot.     8/20/1968 #24358  
 Quebec, see a bright light like a projector emanating from a nearby field. 10/6/1973 #27960  
 object's attention using a signal projector. By this time Captain Sokolovk 6/15/1984 #37365  
document, an “airborne holographic projector” is described that displays a  5/1996 #42891  
## Word: "projects" (Back to Top)
ona, records a shaft of light that projects from a “well-known geographical 12/1900 #642  
for one hour, during which time it projects a powerful searchlight on the l Late 11/1933 #1176  
ot handle large-scale construction projects.                                10/9/1941 #1373  
cientists here, working on special projects until 1955.                     5/13/1946 #1991  
and work on secret military rocket projects under terrible conditions.      9/1946 #2164  
mington about establishing interim projects at the Air Materiel Center (AMC 12/10/1946 #2211  
or requests any information on AAF projects that might give rise to such UF 8/22/1947 #3360  
EC, JRDB, SAG, NACA, RAND and NEPA Projects. (AAF Record, U-39552)          9/23/1947 #3415  
aymond Llewellyn (chief of special projects branch), Lt. Howard W. Smith, G 1/22/1948 #3563  
ion Program houses six undisclosed projects. It states a power plant was re 8/17/1949 #4320  
ring on aircraft and pilot-related projects, entirely without oversight.    1951 #5377  
fall in a Project Grey Suit within Projects 612 and 621.  Tissue samples of 1952 #5845  
w to communicate with aliens. That projects existence was revealed in the P 1954 #9414  
ists are working on government UFO projects, the material used by Keyhoe in 6/7/1954 #9872  
Avro.  John Frost and Avro Special Projects Group, though, worked on a Proj 1955 #11897  
of ONR Capt. Sidney Sherby and ONR Projects Officer Cmdr. George W. Hoover, 4/1956 #12777  
r, ONR Capt. Sidney Sherby and ONR Projects Officer Cmdr. George W. Hoover  4/1956 #12778  
even countries participated in IGY projects. The IGY encompassed eleven Ear 7/1/1957 #13768  
heed’s secret Advanced Development Projects facility (the Skunk Works) in B 8/1957 #13867  
ower creates the Advanced Research Projects Agency and houses it in the Pen 2/7/1958 #14874  
, including those with the Special Projects Group. However, three days late 2/20/1959 #15596  
ee days later, many of the Special Projects employees are rehired, but it i 2/20/1959 #15596  
Project Office devoted to the Avro projects recommends that the WS-606A and 2/20/1959 #15596  
umference and an aerial array that projects from the top. Browning estimate 10/4/1960 #16477  
el are needed to support Air Force Projects Moon Dust, Blue Fly and “UFO,”  11/13/1961 #16963  
nd “UFO,” and other quick reaction projects. The document gives the 1127th  11/13/1961 #16963  
on Dust and Blue Fly, described as projects to locate, retrieve and deliver 11/13/1961 #16963  
SEARCH program is divided into two projects dubbed MKOFTEN / CHICKWIT. Fund 1964 #18101  
 MKSearch goes into overdrive. Old projects are resurrected, abandoned proj 6/30/1966 #20623  
rojects are resurrected, abandoned projects reactivated. The safe houses ar 6/30/1966 #20623  
ables to experiment on. One of the projects to be revived is the less than  6/30/1966 #20623  
ing the trees with a red glare. It projects two white light beams into the  3/7/1967 #21787  
ry of foreign space vehicles under Projects Moon Dust, Blue Bly and UFO. Th 3/1968 #23799  
s, natural phenomena, secret earth projects, and extraterrestrial intellige 10/1968? #24534  
rospace (and possibly UAP-related) projects: the Defense Industrial Securit 1970 #25523  
Permindex is aware of advanced UAP projects and protects them with surveill 1970 #25523  
gins working on a series of exotic projects at Camp Hero in Montauk, NY, wh 1/1971 #25962  
Research and the Advanced Research Projects Agency that explores whether lo 5/1971 #26089  
ary study for future hydroelectric projects. On board are photographer Serg 9/4/1971 #26317  
rmation. SAPs can range from black projects to routine but especially sensi 3/8/1972 #26592  
AZ, AUSTRIA 1 observer. Box-object projects 4 tapering beams / light. / Bel 3/26/1973 #27378  
vertently saw classified aerospace projects at the installation. Doty state 10/11/1973 #28009  
ho witnessed USG or USG contractor projects. Was the Pascagoula event an ea 10/11/1973 #28009  
 any work for advanced UAP related projects, where that work would have bee 10/11/1973 #28009  
h of Bad Traunstein, Austria, that projects two beams of light that creep s 10/28/1973 #28310  
mate. 1 observer. Sphere/orb/globe projects 2-5 "clock hands". Vanishes.    1/9/1975 #29737  
f 490 feet, its lights dimming. It projects a brilliant, cone-shaped light  2/26/1975 #29852  
linder/cigar-shape 12M over house. Projects truncated rays / all directions 1/15/1976 #30792  
ssistant administrator for special projects, drafts a memorandum of a propo 10/31/1977 #32643  
s 25cm ball follows car / tollway. Projects "cone of shade.                 1/1978 #32832  
eld “alien craft,” and claimed UAP projects were conducted at Langley Avon  8/1978 #33460  
ad a centralized database of these projects.  https://documents.pub/documen 8/1978 #33460  
FO research and public information projects. It remains active through 2011 8/1/1979 #34698  
 white globe pulses 1 / second(s). Projects blue spikes / light. Shoots goi 8/21/1979 #34765  
vertently saw classified aerospace projects at the installation. Doty state 1980's #35110  
ho witnessed USG or USG contractor projects.  https://youtu.be/I3U56KZbswU? 1980's #35110  
ctually observing secret Air Force projects. According to Doty, the Air For 11/26/1980 #35673  
d crash recovery efforts with USAF Projects Moon Dust and Blue Fly with OES 2/25/1982 #36370  
 the object. One has a device that projects an orange glow. The witnesses l 9/30/1982 #36621  
                                   Projects Phoenix, Phoenix II and Rainbow 1983 #36739  
t to the CIA Uri Geller claims the projects utilized radio, microwaves and  1983 #36739  
ng alien are mentioned, as well as Projects Snowbird (retroengineering a cr 4/9/1983 #36830  
 a spotlight on it, and the object projects a brilliant flash of white ligh 7/12/1983 #36909  
s become a “Black Hole” for secret projects spending. It is far bigger than 2/15/1987 #38120  
iculture or the environment. These Projects are classified above TOP SECRET 2/15/1987 #38120  
nd find secret UAP information and projects. Maccabee doesn’t know if any f 7/7/1987 #38206  
and began to promote positive film projects like Close Encounters and ET; s 12/29/1987 #38379  
t emits a slight humming sound and projects multiple beams of light toward  2/10/1988 #38452  
altitude of several kilometers. It projects four bright lights, some downwa 10/1989 #39138  
Special Access Program for certain projects. He claims certain black SAPs a 1990 #39354  
Ps are actually covers for “alien” projects known as Level 1; grey projects 1990 #39354  
n” projects known as Level 1; grey projects; grey matter or slant missions. 1990 #39354  
t missions. He is told within grey projects there is as expected need-to-kn 1990 #39354  
ut he assumes there are other grey projects.  Sherman states he is taken to 1990 #39354  
 the Navy had 2-3 similar research projects. He also states Nixon had aware 1990 #39358  
eapons and highly defined hologram projects are being explored for “mind co 2/21/1990 #39426  
 can’t spend appropriated money on projects that Congress doesn’t know abou 1991 #39939  
f the flickering lights. This beam projects to the ground onto the street,  5/17/1991 #40066  
n. He states there were other USAF projects besides Blue Book that were UAP 7/1991 #40108  
physical 3D objects by undisclosed projects, etc.  The scientists claim NHI 11/25/1991 #40241  
o is disinformation to protect NHI projects; the NHI established contact in 11/25/1991 #40241  
 by remote viewers in DIA/USAF/CIA projects before the company was founded. 3/9/1992 #40368  
glowing saucer hovers / fish farm. Projects cone / light down.              10/9/1992 #40668  
merican land for other USG weapons projects and any projects related to UAP 8/1/1993 #41101  
other USG weapons projects and any projects related to UAP study or reverse 8/1/1993 #41101  
80 billion annually was going into projects that could not be penetrated wi 1994 #41346  
 was likely going into UAP-related projects; “you are dealing with the Vars 1994 #41346  
with the Varsity Team of all black projects.”  https://archive.org/stream/D 1994 #41346  
tween personnel on related defense projects and oil company boards/groups/f 1994 #41347  
es Vallée writes there are two UAP projects being funded by Laurance Rockef 12/10/1994 #41888  
ers and works on UAP communication projects, and the other is run by Marie  12/10/1994 #41888  
ickly south. Luminous/glowing tube projects / rear. / r226#25.              1/3/1995 #41945  
t TRW STG, Goldin managed advanced projects, some subject to Special Access 8/7/1996 #42971  
s used to explain the non-activity projects were being worked on, but there 8/30/1996 #43000  
r black budget or extra-government projects. She states there should have b 8/30/1996 #43000  
 and a timeline of events on those projects but at SAIC it did not exist fo 8/30/1996 #43000  
members of Congress with a list of projects and facilities related to the U 8/30/1996 #43001  
ue. I have been in plenty of black projects, but when we tried to get into  4/10/1997 #43260  
ied study of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) shows advanced ae 1998 #43481  
cy (ARPA) shows advanced aerospace projects were performed by Wernher von B 1998 #43481  
as white lights at each corner and projects a white beam of light onto the  6/26/1998 #43595  
ate from conventional intelligence projects and black projects and uses som 8/22/1998 #43635  
al intelligence projects and black projects and uses some for cover, (5) dr 8/22/1998 #43635  
as a consolidation of two Pentagon projects Majestic and Jehovah overseen b 7/7/1999 #43798  
ve even deceived USG communication projects using remote viewing, he claims 7/7/1999 #43798  
 remote viewing, he claims.  Other projects mentioned by him are a CIA Proj 7/7/1999 #43798  
y, spend money earmarked for other projects, and generally do whatever it d 7/31/1999 #43815  
 low rent to paranormal groups and projects. Joe Firmage’s ISSO is there, w 2/20/2000 #43955  
ficult to do, even in the advanced projects he was aware of. Czysz states t 11/2000 #44070  
of the UAP issue using proprietary projects protected by corporate NDA and  4/2001 #44154  
ustrial “work for others” contract projects related to the application of a 4/2001 #44154  
inger worked on manned spaceflight projects and after that, worked in the V 3/5/2002 #44323  
any of them working on UAP-related projects using their public research as  5/2002 #44335  
 cannot comment on GRASP or “black projects.”  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/s 7/29/2002 #44369  
n in a car outside of EG&G Special Projects in Las Vegas. Davis transcribes 10/16/2002 #44418  
 Ward tells him to go to a special projects record group in OUSDAT files no 10/16/2002 #44418  
e in a few seconds. Apparently, it projects a zone of silence and exerts a  4/2003 #44508  
ell Haisch that there are now four projects dealing with UAP matters, dispe 6/11/2003 #44556  
03023003/http://www.tdimension.com/projects.html   https://arc-sos.state.al 3/2004 #44671  
 and funding of possibly rogue UAP projects, one would want to look at link 8/2004 #44724  
ns that may fund aerospace related projects. See possible example: the Lind 8/2004 #44724  
ho is told of “MAJI clearance” and Projects Pounce (material collection), L 2005 #44803  
ences that are “brushes with black projects,” some bordering on myth and “u 2005 #44804  
e Nevada Test Site at EG&G Special Projects, tells Jacques Vallée, Hal Puth 12/5/2005 #44907  
acuum energy and zero point energy projects. Sarfatti claims Hal raises a “ 1/25/2006 #44918  
rious agencies and end up in black projects.  https://archive.org/details/H 4/28/2006 #44935  
cess Program.” Some of the ongoing projects include power and propulsion sy 6/24/2009 #45227  
erations for the Office of Special Projects of the Air Force Office of Spec 12/11/2009 #45262  
erations for the Office of Special Projects of AFOSI, Jack Angelo, at Joint 2010 #45263  
 aerial vehicles could be military projects.                                Late 1/2010 #45268  
aims of “intuitive” communications projects at NSA between humans and UAP ( 2012 #45337  
s that he worked on UAP technology projects, including that the UAP craft c 8/2014 #45413  
could provide a nice cover for any projects happening in Antarctica, whethe 1/30/2015 #45429  
ad of references to Special Access Projects” and the names of other adjacen 3/13/2015 #45435  
djacent and ancillary programs and projects that can not be disentangled an 3/13/2015 #45435  
ed and could uncover active/recent projects related to Rendlesham. Green st 3/13/2015 #45435  
s total control over the disparate projects   Russia has their own back eng 4/5/2016 #45449  
ally traumatize witnesses of black projects and cover the human element   A 4/5/2016 #45449  
Military officials involved in the projects believe ET were interpreted as  4/5/2016 #45449  
 investor funding on entertainment projects, seemingly abandoning its promi 10/26/2017 #45488  
n. Jack Reed (D-R.I.) regarding 38 projects that the military’s Advanced Av 1/9/2018 #45503  
 used to simulate various advanced projects that concluded in 2017.  https: 5/2/2018 #45525  
stems, UAP and reverse engineering projects. The viewer claims Area 29 at W 5/30/2018 #45528  
tude as the aircraft. The UFO then projects an illuminating beam of bright  3/19/2020 #45639  
eference Documents on 37 of the 38 projects that its Advanced Aerospace Wea 3/25/2022 #45742  
 Documents (DIRDs) on 37 of the 38 projects the Advanced Aerospace Weapon S 3/25/2022 #45743  
ms he is aware of five UAP related projects at Area 51: Project Candid Sky  6/13/2022 #45757  
avity experiments and modern black projects allegedly developing triangle a 6/15/2022 #45758  
be sourced from USG/USG contractor projects Aurora or Astra. Noted in 22 De 8/12/2022 #45762  
           Former Manager, Special Projects at Los Alamos National Laborato 9/24/2022 #45770  
           Former Manager, Special Projects at Los Alamos National Laborato 9/26/2022 #45772  
. The Amendment limited funding of projects with no direct military applica 10/13/2022 #45774  
## Word: "projecttwinkle-november1951" (Back to Top)
ault.com/documents/projectbluebook/ProjectTwinkle-November1951.pdf (p22)    2/19/1952 #5911  
## Word: "prokofiyevna" (Back to Top)
the Dnieper River. Two women, Vera Prokofiyevna, a retired factory employee 7/4/1989 #39009  
Russian with a strange accent that Prokofiyevna described as "ancient" rath 7/4/1989 #39009  
## Word: "prokoshin" (Back to Top)
ground radar screens. Commander S. Prokoshin orders an interceptor jet scra 10/8/1990 #39766  
## Word: "prolapsed" (Back to Top)
out 5:00 a.m., Mrs. Geni suffers a prolapsed uterus, for which she has to u 5/27/1973 #27533  
ed for what the doctors labelled a prolapsed uterus. She had had a gynecolo 5/27/1973 #27535  
## Word: "prolate" (Back to Top)
ot across the sky. They are solid, prolate spheroids with a green luminesce 7/31/1933 #1169  
## Word: "proliferation" (Back to Top)
 Initiative as an alternative to a proliferation of missiles under the conc 3/23/1983 #36792  
## Word: "prolific" (Back to Top)
ncident he claims to have become a prolific inventor.                       5/26/1974 #29135  
## Word: "prolifically" (Back to Top)
oo much. But Hart is also blabbing prolifically, saying that two or three a 11/22/1896 #347  
## Word: "prolongation" (Back to Top)
thin two bright lights linked by a prolongation or tube. When witnesses fla 10/21/1963 #17997  
## Word: "prolonged" (Back to Top)
pose a superior aerial weapon by a prolonged ineffectual penetration of the 4/28/1949 #4125  
f Zaragoza, Spain, when he hears a prolonged whistle and sees a luminous, t 12/5/1954 #11764  
prisoners for sensory deprivation, prolonged isolation, humiliation, etc.), 7/1963 #17819  
               Jonesboro, TN Noon. Prolonged sighting (more than 5 hours) b 10/12/1966 #20996  
rom AFB, Great Falls, Montana, for prolonged periods. It eventually ascends 4/10/1967 #22105  
ightmares and severe anxiety for a prolonged period, followed by personalit 10/28/1973 #28311  
ts upper left. The student hears a prolonged, alarm-like noise. They watch  4/13/1974 #29012  
 Salisbury, South Africa 2:30 a.m. Prolonged car-pacing case during which m 5/31/1974 #29147  
a Beitbridge, Zimbabwe 2:30 a.m. A prolonged Peugeot-pacing case from Mvuma 5/31/1974 #29149  
n exposed to high temperatures for prolonged periods of time. One of the me 1/29/1986 #37775  
extremely bizarre, unexpected, and prolonged luminous and/or solid phenomen 10/15/2000 #44056  
## Word: "prom" (Back to Top)
                                   Prom. E. Coast AF Base, unknown Sept of  9/1951 #5645  
known Sept of 1951 to Nov of 1952, Prom. E. Coast AF Base, G (NICAP: 09 - R 9/1951 #5645  
## Word: "prometheus" (Back to Top)
ites UFOs: The Public Deceived for Prometheus Press, claiming that all sign 1983 #36737  
## Word: "prominence" (Back to Top)
Note: The MJ-12 conspiracy rose to prominence in the 1980s and 1990s when a 7/22/1993 #41077  
## Word: "prominent" (Back to Top)
r northern Italy. Perhaps the most prominent witness is Tiberius Cavallo, a 8/18/1783 #90  
rre procession of the faces of two prominent Australians (Archbishop of Syd 7/25/1868 #176  
 inventions are dental fittings. A prominent citizen of Oakland, George H.  11/22/1896 #347  
 Woodland, California 10:00 p.m. A prominent attorney and others in Woodlan 11/27/1896 #367  
   Kenly, North Carolina 7:30 p.m. Prominent citizens, including the mayor, 4/22/1897 #557  
passes below the horizon. It has a prominent tail of 8°–10° in length.      5/4/1916 #946  
 At twilight while walking home, a prominent industrialist saw a light in t 5/1946 #1986  
ratory sighting in New Mexico. Two prominent USAF intelligence officers (Ru 9/30/1948? #3817  
    Los Alamos, NM Green fireballs prominent in New Mexico                  11/1948 #3859  
ls a “highly placed American” and “prominent medical scientist” that UFOs a Summer 1951 #5549  
 forward them on to ATIC. Its most prominent member is Walther Riedel, Germ 12/1951 #5804  
e Bourget Airport, France, watch a prominent orange-red light hover in the  6/13/1952 #6496  
ibration causing Jupiter and its 4 prominent moons to be visible); and the  11/25/1952 #8340  
         Thule Air Base, Greenland Prominent Blip on GCA PPI While Tracking 2/26/1953 #8709  
            BARINAS, VNZL Numerous prominent observer(s). 6-12 domed saucer 12/23/1954 #11854  
brows. The heads are hairless with prominent wrinkles on the forehead. They 5/25/1955 #12159  
ening. Emanoil Manoliu, son of the prominent novelist Mihail Sadoveanu, is  Autumn 1961 #16869  
at same evening at 9:30 p.m. three prominent citizens of Salta, Argentina-- 6/14/1964 #18358  
wide unsolicited circulation among prominent members of the Congress and ot 2/3/1966 #19879  
ty of Colorado. Ratchford talks to prominent University of Colorado physici Late 7/1966 #20683  
Arizona, Tennessee, and Texas of a prominent fiery object shedding sparks a 2/15/1967 #21555  
Witnesses included businessmen and prominent citizens. Exact times generall 2/19/1967 #21596  
                On this night some prominent local citizens had a close enc 2/19/1967 #21599  
one calls and cable traffic of two prominent members of Congress, Sen. Fran 8/1967 #22770  
a small man, with a large head and prominent eyes, who said: "I want you to 9/3/1967 #22989  
 small being with a large head and prominent eyes (a Grey humanoid) was lea 9/3/1967 #22990  
5:40 p.m. The 13-year-old son of a prominent businessman is riding a bicycl 10/9/1967 #23201  
ith an unusual twist or concerning prominent personalities which may be of  6/1969 #25182  
al ears, a large "Greek" nose, and prominent jaws. Cyril declared that thes 11/18/1973 #28443  
f the UFO. They are bald with long prominent ears and long noses. The botto 5/3/1975 #30027  
because of their “slanted eyes and prominent cheekbones.” Wolski drives his 5/10/1978 #33196  
0 p.m. The 77-year-old mother of a prominent TV commentator is dazzled by a 6/26/1978 #33313  
            A 12-year-old son of a prominent local doctor encountered an un 8/1/1978 #33463  
     The owner of a large firm and prominent business executive was driving 9/14/1978 #33680  
 skin and slanted eyes with a very prominent chin (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 1/12/1980 #35131  
 skin and slanted eyes with a very prominent chin. The man claimed he had s 1/12/1980 #35132  
rgy (DOE) in 1977. If AEC played a prominent role in early UAP analysis, cr 7/24/1984 #37416  
ded documents and mails it to many prominent individuals in ufology. He cla 3/1/1989 #38859  
        Northeastern United States Prominent fireball meteor changing color 2/23/1990 #39430  
 study of the ionosphere. The most prominent instrument at HAARP is the Ion 1993 #40778  
d thin lips. Its head was bald and prominent. It had a potbelly and appeare 2/1/1993 #40831  
uctions have also been reported: A prominent ufologist and bis companion cl 3/1993 #40867  
many volunteer searchers. The most prominent comes from a unit of Yorkshire 3/24/1997 #43239  
 had a very pointed chin. Its most prominent feature was its huge black, ov 9/5/1997 #43395  
sts and analysis. The results show prominent components of kaolin (aluminum 11/27/1998 #43686  
## Word: "prominently" (Back to Top)
analysis. The Mayher case features prominently in the subsequent lawsuit by 7/29/1952 #7330  
th powerful dorsal muscles showing prominently, narrow waists, and they see 2/5/1978 #32957  
## Word: "promis" (Back to Top)
ors Management Information System (PROMIS) developed by private firm Inslaw 1982 #36286  
## Word: "promis-embedded" (Back to Top)
een “seeding computers abroad with PROMIS-embedded SMART (Systems Managemen 1982 #36286  
## Word: "promise" (Back to Top)
own places.” They release him, but promise to come back for him later. Aqui 12/9/1954 #11786  
 deal. JFK responds by offering to promise not to attack Cuba after the Rus 10/27/1962 #17505  
 paper [that] does not fulfill the promise of its title. . . [It] leaves th 4/1969 #25044  
 paper [that] does not fulfill the promise of its title…. [It] leaves the s 4/1969 #25045  
roposal takes place, including the promise of using 3,200 feet of a 1971 UF 5/1973 #27460  
effrey (or Geoffrey) Kaye with the promise of funding a new UFO organizatio 8/1984 #37426  
projects, seemingly abandoning its promise of developing anti-gravity techn 10/26/2017 #45488  
## Word: "promised" (Back to Top)
 Valinhos, Portugal Instead of the promised apparition in the Cova da Iria  8/19/1917 #963  
rs report that the Virgin Mary has promised a miracle for the last of her a 10/13/1917 #970  
o in Fatima, Portugal to witness a promised miracle. Miraculous events and  10/13/1917 #971  
nutes of following the object. The promised fighter jet interception is nev 4/8/1956 #12803  
he will only have 7 minutes. He is promised he will have final say over his 12/1957 #14654  
orted to authorities. The man also promised to return. Several people who d 11/2/1966 #21069  
orted to authorities. The man also promised to return. Several people who d 11/2/1966 #21071  
 continue on their journey if they promised to keep this meeting a secret.  3/10/1967 #21854  
nd without glasses." The humanoids promised to return for the witness.      3/4/1968 #23828  
slow." It advised them to pray and promised to return on October 7. That sa 7/22/1968 #24206  
h with UFO occupants. She had been promised a trip in a spaceship on Thursd 8/8/1969 #25312  
o the spaceship. She was given the promised ride, but she gave no details b 8/8/1969 #25312  
oke about, other than the creature promised to return. It took a step backw 4/15/1970 #25633  
o he should save his marriage, and promised subsequent "contacts."          4/10/1974 #29003  
o board one of their ships, but he promised that she would see a ship subse 9/3/1974 #29418  
 supportive of his proposal. He is promised approval of his proposal, but n 1/1977 #31666  
y binding commitment to secure the promised film footage. HBO wants the fil 4/9/1983 #36830  
 Larry W. Bryant that he had never promised film footage to Linda Moulton H 3/5/1988 #38491  
o remove a cyst from her body, and promised not to leave any scars. She the 7/11/1998 #43601  
sn’t delivered any access that was promised. Opening certain doors, intros  10/2/2008 #45174  
s of October–November 1975. Angelo promised to see what he could do, but BA 12/11/2009 #45262  
## Word: "promises" (Back to Top)
raft project at Oak Ridge. Twining promises a detailed “Essential Elements  9/23/1947 #3417  
iaison officer at Sandia Base). He promises to alert Scientific Advisory Bo 2/8/1949 #3998  
gations at the Pentagon. Carpenter promises to investigate. (Clark III 542) 4/14/1949 #4090  
Gen. Woodbury M. Burgess.” Chidlaw promises to issue a directive to all uni 3/19/1952 #5961  
vision Lt. Col. John Spalding, who promises to send an investigator. Stanto Late 4/1966 #20416  
he Norton AFB audiovisual program, promises to get the Holloman footage. Em 5/1973 #27460  
n of ETs on human evolution). Doty promises Howe thousands of feet of film  4/9/1983 #36830  
l the truth about UFOs. He sort of promises to declassify the information.  3/7/1988 #38493  
DIA has still not delivered on any promises of introduction to legacy UAP p 4/26/2009 #45216  
## Word: "promising" (Back to Top)
ar disc concept and that it looked promising.                               11/21/1957 #14588  
p Morrison, and still favored as a promising hailing frequency for interste 4/8/1960 #16218  
ked him about his nearsightedness, promising him that the condition would b 3/4/1968 #23828  
 scientific analysis” as the “only promising approach” to solving the UFO p 11/1970 #25897  
e woman says goodbye with a smile, promising to meet her again.             7/6/1990 #39637  
## Word: "promontorium" (Back to Top)
                      Mare Crisium Promontorium Lavinium Promontorium Olivi 7/30/1953 #9021  
Mare Crisium Promontorium Lavinium Promontorium Olivium Science journalist  7/30/1953 #9021  
idge joining the tips of the capes Promontorium Lavinium and Promontorium O 7/30/1953 #9021  
he capes Promontorium Lavinium and Promontorium Olivium. If viewing conditi 7/30/1953 #9021  
## Word: "promontory" (Back to Top)
                           Gargano promontory southern Italy Night. Bank of Early 9/1966 #20835  
he sky on the coast of the Gargano promontory in southern Italy. He manages Early 9/1966 #20835  
## Word: "promote" (Back to Top)
Hotel in New York City in order to promote his books and ideas.             1/26/1931 #1121  
pace beings. Bender does little to promote the book and soon moves to Los A 9/28/1953 #9186  
tualist medium, wants the group to promote the interdimensional science of  2/1954 #9522  
d of the Netherlands who agrees to promote the idea, together with former B 5/29/1954 #9840  
insiders to spread false rumors or promote factionalism. It creates bogus o 8/1956 #13042  
ontact (UK) in London, England, to promote contact between ufologists inter 4/1967 #22031  
the guest on a local radio show to promote the upcoming Flying Saucer Sympo 10/11/1974 #29521  
t the story was a hoax intended to promote a spiritual message.             11/26/1979 #35015  
dealing with the EBEs and began to promote positive film projects like Clos 12/29/1987 #38379  
orking to decarbonize aviation and promote new technologies in aerospace. T 12/3/1999 #43892  
estigmatize the UAP problem and to promote more intelligence collection reg 5/1/2020 #45645  
## Word: "promoted" (Back to Top)
S, a National Radio Silence Day is promoted during a 36-hour period in Augu 8/22/1924 #1041  
             Col. Leslie Groves is promoted to brigadier general and become 9/23/1942 #1447  
S illegally. To support himself he promoted various dubious health cures wh Summer 1951 #5549  
               Maj. Gen. Cabell is promoted to staff director for the Joint 11/1951 #5755  
tate subcommittee system that have promoted the organization for years. Reg 5/29/1970 #25676  
n personnel involved in UFO cases. Promoted by CUFOS, MUFON, and the Fund f 3/1994 #41432  
 nothing to UAP circulates, and is promoted by CIA and NRO web properties.  8/3/1997 #43367  
ony Choy (Peru). The conference is promoted by the Russian Kosmopoisk group 10/15/2018 #45540  
## Word: "promoter" (Back to Top)
 of 21,000 shares to Frontier City promoter Jimmy Burge, oilman Frank Buttr 5/4/1959 #15722  
## Word: "promoting" (Back to Top)
cer, and director Mikel Conrad, in promoting his soon-to-be-released film T 8/1949 #4301  
and Congress. The Air Force begins promoting its unfounded myth of a bomber 2/15/1954 #9548  
e brought together with the aim of promoting Atlanticism. Retinger approach 5/29/1954 #9840  
## Word: "promotion" (Back to Top)
th of Hässleholm as an advertising promotion around 12:30 p.m. that day.    12/15/1953 #9366  
and production of nuclear weapons, promotion of nuclear power, and other en 10/11/1974 #29522  
## Word: "promotional" (Back to Top)
dwards Air Force Base California A promotional photo of a Martin B-57 Canbe 1954 #9421  
## Word: "promotions" (Back to Top)
ilfred C. Gosnell. Soon he hires a promotions man named Norman Evans Colton 1955 #11894  
## Word: "prompsat" (Back to Top)
                           CHIRAT, PROMPSAT, FR Cylinder/cylindrical object 10/4/1954 #10683  
## Word: "prompt" (Back to Top)
 gay rights groups. These programs prompt nearly 330,000 FBI investigations 8/1956 #13042  
    MARACAIBO, VNZ 5 glowing UFO's prompt spate / calls to local radio stat 4/2/1991 #40027  
## Word: "prompted" (Back to Top)
at Boden, Norrbotten, Sweden, have prompted Gen. Pontus Reuterswärd to aler 1/4/1937 #1261  
r took place, always at night, and prompted shooting by US ground forces. A 10/16/1973 #28084  
Report of an "aircraft going down" prompted law enforcement officials to lo 7/24/1977 #32309  
## Word: "prompting" (Back to Top)
 HAARP is built using his patents, prompting Nick Begich Jr. to charge in 1 1/10/1985 #37546  
d some 100 feet above the highway, prompting the police officers to flee th 4/15/1996 #42870  
ect almost collides with two jets, prompting the VFA-11 fighter squadron to 2/2015? #45430  
## Word: "promptly" (Back to Top)
 the direction of the craft, which promptly took off fast.                  9/20/1954 #10374  
irty meters away from a woman, who promptly fainted. Following the incident 10/16/1954 #11147  
nd they would have proof. They did promptly and a dark saucer-shaped object 7/9/1959 #15829  
de scientific teams to investigate promptly and in depth certain selected s 2/3/1966 #19879  
s the frightened dog inside and it promptly hides. She goes out to the end  2/22/1967 #21623  
ich UFO researcher Barry Greenwood promptly files.                          12/13/1977 #32768  
ttaché of the US Embassy in La Paz promptly informs the US Defense Intellig 8/10/1979 #34724  
s home and calls Doty, who arrives promptly. Doty’s attitude is defiant and 4/9/1983 #36830  
 threw a rock at the object, which promptly dimmed and took off, flying bac 5/10/1994 #41521  
en went back inside the UFO, which promptly took off.                       2/28/1996 #42788  
ds turned and saw the witness, who promptly fainted. After a few moments sh 10/19/1997 #43433  
arious iterations, something Dames promptly denied.  Mendez claims the tele 7/2012 #45346  
 alleged basis that Ottawa has not promptly addressed the serious health co 2/6/2019 #45560  
## Word: "prompts" (Back to Top)
own Anderson’s plane. The incident prompts both leaders to realize the situ 10/27/1962 #17505  
d discovers some odd lights, which prompts him to retrieve a handgun from h 10/28/1972 #27095  
sibly bodies. The book immediately prompts dozens of alleged first- hand wi 5/1977 #32042  
me exposure. Further investigation prompts Pring to reveal that he and his  8/12/1981 #36070  
copter near Fort Morgan, Colorado, prompts officials to add ground-based sp 1/8/2020 #45625  
## Word: "promulgated" (Back to Top)
S Air Force Regulation (AFR) 80-17 promulgated to replace AFR 200-2, placin 9/19/1966 #20897  
## Word: "prone" (Back to Top)
 17 August 1949 that an informant, prone to exaggeration but trustworthy, s 8/17/1949 #4321  
 their peaceful home world that is prone to natural disasters and somehow a 8/17/1953? #9077  
 for one that appeared to be lying prone on the ground. These human like fi 7/20/1968 #24195  
rmuda Triangle as an area of ocean prone to disappearing ships and airplane 9/1974 #29412  
nd, luminous eyes. They lifted the prone colleague and carried him off towa 6/12/1977 #32161  
 blue Air Force blue uniform lying prone on a projecting part of their roof 5/14/1991 #40061  
any kind. He realized he was lying prone and unable to move, in some sort o 2/29/1996 #42789  
## Word: "proneness" (Back to Top)
octed episode amplified by fantasy proneness.                               6/18/1997 #43328  
## Word: "prong" (Back to Top)
th red lit prongs / rear and white prong / center. Low humming. / r98#261p2 10/17/1973 #28097  
## Word: "prong-like" (Back to Top)
rica, and sees a silvery disc with prong-like legs. He approaches to within 7/31/1975 #30218  
## Word: "prongs" (Back to Top)
 oblong, gray and red object, with prongs of various colors was seen over J 1/26/1967 #21401  
TULSA, OK Huge saucer with red lit prongs / rear and white prong / center.  10/17/1973 #28097  
 2 Saturn-UFO's / 200' altitude. 4 prongs on each with lights on ends.      6/2/1992 #40481  
200 feet altitude. There were four prongs on each with lights on the ends.  6/2/1992 #40482  
## Word: "pronin" (Back to Top)
Yevpatoriya, Russia 9:17 p.m. N.N. Pronin, senior editor with the "Mysl" pu 9/4/1967 #22995  
## Word: "pronounce" (Back to Top)
erisk", but she said she could not pronounce it correctly.                  8/22/1980 #35475  
## Word: "pronounced" (Back to Top)
arge, round eyes with eyebrows and pronounced eyelashes. Their legs are dis 7/23/1947 #3218  
e. His speech was very precise. He pronounced each work very carefully. Whe 11/17/1966 #21119  
very white face and white hands, a pronounced jawbone, and no apparent nose 2/24/1967 #21641  
. It has a white face and hands, a pronounced jawbone, and no neck. When it 2/24/1967 #21643  
l lengthy operations and was twice pronounced “clinically dead.” After an i 8/11/1969 #25317  
 near his home, where he was again pronounced “dead.” Nevertheless he survi 8/11/1969 #25317  
e with an odd, gray complexion and pronounced noses. They wear tight-fittin 5/1971 #26091  
eir clear photos were analyzed and pronounced as genuine by the Kodak film  1/5/1977 #31702  
ointed ears, red slanted eyes, and pronounced cheekbones. They gave off a s 9/27/1978 #33764  
## Word: "pronouncements" (Back to Top)
ucers” with the help of scientific pronouncements (suggested by Hynek) and  1/17/1953 #8548  
## Word: "pronounces" (Back to Top)
. The Chicago Tribune photo editor pronounces it a fake because it looks li 4/11/1897 #429  
o later to the Air Ministry, which pronounces them “temperature inversions” 2/1962 #17033  
## Word: "pronouncing" (Back to Top)
 come from, and they point upward, pronouncing a word that sounds like “Mar 4/16/1897 #508  
ina took a few more steps forward, pronouncing in Italian the word “Marte!” 10/18/1954 #11225  
## Word: "proof" (Back to Top)
                  The experimental proof of Maxwell’s equations was demonst 1890's #292  
 the first observations, no actual proof that a test of rocket projectiles  12/23/1946 #2213  
ort was kicked back for additional proof; later declassified and burned).   9/1948 #3792  
able and that no concrete physical proof exists to identify it. At the same 11/8/1948 #3871  
tion. It is unlikely that positive proof of their existence will be obtaine 2/11/1949 #4003  
ons challenged on basis of lack of proof; "explain-away" approach adopted b 1950 #4461  
the radar targets, but there is no proof. He later learns that Truman is li 7/29/1952 #7321  
ary: Evidence again challenged as "proof," this time by panel of scientists 1954 #9415  
 the first conclusive instrumented proof for the existence of UFOs. Calibra 7/17/1957 #13808  
n a field outside town. Additional proof of the incident came after an anal 7/30/1957 #13860  
out the window and they would have proof. They did promptly and a dark sauc 7/9/1959 #15829  
them to prepare the best cases and proof of official censorship for a meeti 8/4/1961 #16777  
n a month he will return and bring proof of “Mantell.” Ufologists who event 4/24/1965 #18916  
imploring him to contact NICAP for proof that the Air Force is withholding  3/29/1966 #20138  
ties too, though none provided any proof. Somewhat dubiously, all claim to  1/1971 #25963  
tory several times and there is no proof he was ever in the US Navy as he c 1/1971 #25963  
Biscayne Bay compound. There is no proof that Nixon escorted Jackie Gleason 2/19/1973 #27298  
m the public. He claims to possess proof, but it "cannot now be revealed."  2/9/1974 #28755  
pproached and offered the witness "proof" of his extraordinary powers by de 4/10/1974 #29003  
ld mail them back to the agency as proof that they existed.”                2/2/1978 #32945  
s for one of the giant’s gloves as proof of his experience. When it takes o 9/6/1978 #33638  
 him one of the giant's gloves, as proof of the experience, and when he rem 9/6/1978 #33640  
lie or episode of fantasy, nor any proof that he embellished his account.”  7/25/1979 #34679  
ained a rotating golden pyramid as proof of their existence, but Zanfretta  12/2/1979 #35040  
an episode of the 2004 Syfy series Proof Positive, and a 30-minute independ 1/5/2000 #43920  
ussan interprets the videotape as “proof of alien visitation,” but science  3/5/2004 #44672  
nced, but also as not representing proof that such encounters are real. It  5/15/2006 #44942  
orroborates Deacon, albeit with no proof.  Franc Milburn, former UK nationa 10/2006 #44970  
e study, arguing that there is “no proof that any kind of energy source aff 3/2018 #45520  
## Word: "proof-of-concept" (Back to Top)
den models at Burbank, California, proof-of-concept tests are to be carried 9/1959 #15950  
 Air Vehicle (WEAV) that studies a proof-of-concept demonstration of an ele 12/2011 #45335  
## Word: "proofs" (Back to Top)
ies is devoted in its entirety to “proofs” of Richard Shaver’s claims and i 4/1947 #2256  
## Word: "prop" (Back to Top)
 NM 4 observer(s). Fish-blimp with prop and 8 figure(s). Music and gibberis 3/26/1880 #227  
m view; the crew thought they felt prop wash; a group of lights that made d 12/26/1944 #1734  
 at 32k ft near LA, gets caught in prop wash and appears to disintegrate an 7/7/1947 #2833  
Several Navy aircraft of differing prop and jet types are flown near the ob 10/14/1949 #4395  
cylindrical object explodes in DC3 prop! No damage!                         7/29/1950 #5081  
 Red Bud, IL 2:30 p.m. Four-engine prop plane took evasive action to avoid  10/1973 #27898  
s was driving east when he saw the prop plane as it broke through clouds at 12/5/1987 #38350  
he craft’s hull and on the landing prop of another craft is the letter or s 9/27/1989 #39124  
he craft's hull and on the landing prop of another craft was the letter or  9/27/1989 #39126  
## Word: "prop-plane" (Back to Top)
 disk / shining edge. Going east / prop-plane speed.                        7/17/1967 #22674  
## Word: "propaganda" (Back to Top)
n New Mexico, Russia, and the UK), propaganda, and even an alien autopsy.   1948 #3523  
h the responsibility to engage in “propaganda, economic warfare, preventive 9/1/1948 #3794  
miracles that were used in Western propaganda, as well as horoscopes, chain 4/14/1950 #4852  
r. The PSB is tasked with creating propaganda that will subconsciously turn 4/4/1951 #5498  
t Blue Book does transition into a propaganda debunking mission over the ne 7/28/1952 #7261  
temporanul claims that UFOs are US propaganda designed to “stir up against  10/11/1954 #10940  
anage opposition programs, begin a propaganda offensive to draw support for 3/17/1960 #16200  
tactees and UFO organizations as a propaganda vehicle. Messages supposedly  3/1962 #17066  
3 million in anti–Salvador Allende propaganda “to scare voters away from Al 9/4/1964 #18533  
eep [Julio] Durán in the race, the propaganda campaign to denigrate Allende 9/4/1964 #18533  
domestic surveillance and domestic propaganda performed by CIA, FBI and NSA 4/26/1976 #31027  
## Word: "propagated" (Back to Top)
 for RF energy, “There is no sound propagated through the air like normal s 2/17/1998 #43522  
## Word: "propagation" (Back to Top)
gton, D.C. Suggestive of anomalous propagation, but they are unlike the Jul 11/30/1952 #8359  
eaction is to curse the “anomalous propagation” effects that they have gone Spring 1953 #8766  
thers are the result of “anomalous propagation.” Later computers filter out 1954 #9422  
t is evidently unrelated anomalous propagation.                             6/30/1954 #9970  
 the blip was caused by “anomalous propagation.”                            10/1954 #10537  
ms inconceivable that an anomalous propagation echo would behave in the man 5/13/1967 #22339  
s of mirages, birds, and anomalous propagation have been judged to be lacki 10/6/1967 #23186  
sses the predominance of anomalous propagation in radar cases. In finding n 10/31/1968 #24608  
ther station reported no anomalous propagation. Targets would turn out thei 11/8/1975 #30582  
## Word: "propane" (Back to Top)
e odor was described as resembling propane gas. Ronnie Hill also noticed a  7/21/1967 #22721  
t passes, like gas escaping from a propane tank.                            8/10/1981 #36068  
t passed, like gas escaping from a propane tank.                            8/10/1981 #36069  
## Word: "propel" (Back to Top)
f he had springs under his feet to propel him. He could take 10 feet in one 10/17/1973 #28142  
ith stories of a device that could propel itself without visible support.   2/20/2000 #43955  
zero point energy could be used to propel a craft; it is unknown if Puthoff 12/2014 #45425  
## Word: "propell" (Back to Top)
on its back, which may have helped propell it up the cliff. Once it reached 4/26/2000 #43986  
## Word: "propellant" (Back to Top)
ation and dematerialization, whose propellant is a form of telekinetic ener 7/7/1947 #2936  
Turbine overspeed led to premature propellant cut-off at 61s. 2rpm roll beg 7/26/1948 #3739  
Bumper 2 First stage failed due to propellant flow interruption)            8/19/1948 #3784  
the atmosphere. A malfunction in a propellant depletion circuit is found to 12/6/1958 #15472  
y one gauge that says the hydrogen propellant tank is nearly empty, and ano 6/25/1965 #19027  
nk is indeed nearly empty, and the propellant runs dry. Without liquid hydr 6/25/1965 #19027  
## Word: "propellantless" (Back to Top)
tary and NASA, and the Power Cubed propellantless propulsion rotor was deve 3/2004 #44671  
## Word: "propelled" (Back to Top)
s see that it is cigar-shaped and “propelled by broad canvas wings.” The ob 4/14/1897 #464  
is 130 feet long and 20 feet wide, propelled by four large wings and powere 4/19/1897 #539  
an airship about 100 feet long and propelled by wings that move up and down 8/3/1905 #679  
 limp [so the wind]…would not have propelled a...balloon."                  1/13/1910 #832  
2 observer(s). Washtub saucer "jet propelled". Makes sput-sput sounds.. (!) 7/9/1947 #3039  
 to fly at 1,200 mph because it is propelled by rockets.                    11/1947 #3474  
upright, as if they were men being propelled above the ground by some unkno 6/14/1968 #24034  
anifestations are fantastic images propelled via psychic technology from hu 1969 #24802  
 rises up several yards, seemingly propelled by three red, orange, and blue 9/17/1978 #33701  
rby woods. A third cow is suddenly propelled through the air nearby at near 9/13/1994 #41743  
## Word: "propeller" (Back to Top)
high rate of speed. It has a large propeller on its tail end, but it flies  4/21/1897 #552  
with a light on each end. It has a propeller and rotates as it moves forwar 8/28/1897 #607  
bag under which a framework with a propeller is suspended. After “maneuveri 7/25/1908 #715  
same direction. It seems to have a propeller.                               7/23/1909 #780  
of Revere reports wings, tail, and propeller, but other observers only see  12/23/1909 #822  
ing down. 2 portholes. Clear dome. Propeller!                               2/1923 #1031  
oot-long cylinder with no wings or propeller. Every time the object approac Late 9/1926 #1064  
 southeast / 250kph. No windows or propeller!                               1/1/1937 #1257  
y with no wings, no rudder, and no propeller. It is about 150 feet in diame Summer 1944 #1609  
ylinder/cigar-shape going down. No propeller. / r84p215.                    9/1944 (approximate) #1656  
anced the P-61, one of the fastest propeller driven aircraft of its time.   4/18/1945 #1848  
35, which has suffered gearbox and propeller control problems, until the Ar 9/11/1946 #2176  
ter and 13. Silent 25' saucer with propeller? Tilts and going northwest / 3 7/4/1947 #2616  
I 2 observer(s). Saucer with large propeller outruns light plane. Flash.    7/6/1947 #2794  
IS, MN 1 observer. 25cm plate with propeller / rear flies over home / treet 7/6/1947 #2801  
 portholes) and manages to get the propeller going again. This is one of th 7/23/1947 #3217  
Blue Book. 2 observer(s). 8' metal propeller shape going [to] 30' altitude  7/29/1948 #3749  
haped something like an airplane's propeller, with 10-12 small cups protrud 7/29/1948 #3752  
haped something like an airplane's propeller, with 10-12 small cups protrud 7/29/1948 #3754  
r and radar operator Hemphill in a propeller driven P-61 "Black Widow" nigh 10/15/1948 #3843  
t, described as a spaceship with a propeller, allegedly landed in Penon de  3/13/1950 #4629  
d to explode when it flew into the propeller of DC-3 over Williamsville, Il 7/30/1950 #5084  
t explosion, Mrs. M. Kennedy saw a propeller shaped object moving at high s 4/22/1952 #6157  
ng from it, each apparently with a propeller. Two men about 6 feet tall wit 12/5/1954 #11764  
AY, AUS Engineer. Roar! 40' silver propeller spins. Shoots up. / r160#261.  1/11/1955 #11928  
cer / sky. Sound like conventional propeller plane. No further details / ne 12/14/1957 #14726  
ipped with wheels and a very small propeller underneath Two min later it fl 1/19/1967 #21352  
of some 350 feet at the speed of a propeller aircraft. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 02  7/17/1967 #22679  
DORE, BRZ Round silver object with propeller? Vanishes. Reappears. Shoots g 2/5/1969? #24896  
descending swiftly. It has a small propeller on top and a long, pointed pro 5/16/1979 #34563  
efore landing. It also has a large propeller at one end and is covered with 5/16/1979 #34563  
he previous object. It had a small propeller like apparatus on top and a lo 5/16/1979 #34564  
before landing. It too had a large propeller at one end, and was covered wi 5/16/1979 #34564  
 encounter bay and sinks. Fins and propeller!                               5/24/1986 #37891  
was described as having fins and a propeller.                               5/24/1986 #37893  
ve like polished aluminum. A small propeller aircraft just south of the mou 1/22/2005 #44809  
## Word: "propeller-driven" (Back to Top)
 It is still the highest a manned, propeller-driven biplane has gone.       10/22/1938 #1298  
ust have been 3 times as fast as a propeller-driven aircraft. No sound can  8/7/1952 #7508  
## Word: "propeller-shape" (Back to Top)
            NEAPOLIS, OH TWA crew. Propeller-shape rotates slowly beneath a 7/5/1947 #2708  
## Word: "propeller-shaped" (Back to Top)
olis, Ohio a TWA flight crew saw a propeller-shaped object rotating slowly  7/5/1947 #2732  
            Indianapolis, IN Shiny propeller-shaped aluminum object (NICAP: 7/29/1948 #3750  
headed west when they see a shiny, propeller-shaped, aluminum object with 1 7/29/1948 #3753  
## Word: "propellers" (Back to Top)
r the town toward the east. It has propellers on each end, a red light in f 4/15/1897 #489  
 A very large aeroplane with eight propellers (Page 8 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 02 -  4/1/1934 #1207  
 30-40 foot in diameter object, no propellers, gun metal color (Page 10-11  1/1/1937 #1258  
has no appendages, wings, tail, or propellers. After about 60 seconds it di 6/29/1947 #2467  
erver. 2 objects like aluminum toy propellers going south. Stops. Rise unti 7/6/1947 #2741  
 overhead spews fire and smoke. No propellers.                              4/10/1950 #4836  
ct was 20 m in diameter, with five propellers in the rear and a dome with s 7/24/1952 #7113  
s 20 meters in diameter, with five propellers in the rear and a dome with s 7/25/1952 #7139  
section supported what looked like propellers. The object hovered 3 m above 8/24/1952 #7709  
section supported what looked like propellers. The object hovered three met 8/24/1952 #7715  
' altitude. Figure / window. Small propellers. / r70p316 / r185.            8/25/1952 #7719  
gular movement.  A series of small propellers were spaced close together al 8/25/1952 #7729  
ong its outer edge are a series of propellers 6–8 inches in diameter, space 8/25/1952 #7732  
egular movement. A series of small propellers were arranged along the outer 8/25/1952 #7736  
ould distinguish a number of small propellers. He said he did not notice an 10/24/1954 #11368  
ithout any noise the two groups of propellers started to turn, but in oppos 10/24/1954 #11368  
in. The craft had two sharppointed propellers in front, which started spinn 11/25/1954 #11703  
ehind some bushes. The UFO had two propellers in front that started spinnin 11/25/1954 #11704  
-shape going down / 5M altitude. 3 propellers / top and 3 below! Possible l 12/30/1954 #11878  
hips, the Saturnian ship has large propellers at both ends. Eventually Schm 11/5/1957 #14343  
             HOUSE, MS Saucer with propellers / road. 3 small humanoids (or 11/7/1957 #14444  
 object which appeared to have two propellers at either end and a third one 11/7/1957 #14457  
n object that appeared to have two propellers at either end and a third one 11/7/1957 #14464  
eats. There are no visible motors, propellers, jets, insignia, or identifyi Mid 10/1965 #19659  
 with a row of windows. Two small "propellers" were on top of each end. One 2/6/1967 #21466  
f shiny windows, and had two small propellers atop each end. It hovered ove 2/6/1967 #21472  
rs or windows, and with no visible propellers or engines. It is completely  10/28/1975 #30503  
the object with spikes topped with propellers. Two more small spiky spheres 11/9/1979 #34989  
## Word: "propellor" (Back to Top)
winged balloon with a pedal-driven propellor, plans for which he submitted  12/1/1896 #373  
ong Beach, California. There is no propellor and it has a rounded hump abov 4/5/1943 #1492  
off the ground. It seems to have a propellor attached to a red conical stru 7/4/1947 #2660  
op and two legs beneath it, with a propellor between them that rotates slow 1/19/1967 #21354  
## Word: "propellor-driven" (Back to Top)
and son, both pilots, are in their propellor-driven Mooney Ovation II flyin 2/18/2012 #45339  
## Word: "propellors" (Back to Top)
lat, silver-colored object without propellors or wings hovering silently in Late 3/1945 #1826  
 thinks it is hovering by means of propellors. Suddenly a porthole opens, a 7/25/1952 #7137  
o be resting on the discs, and its propellors are not turning. The three ob 8/1976 #31216  
 drone because they cannot see any propellors. They alert Gatwick, but the  7/14/2017 #45475  
## Word: "propensity" (Back to Top)
of abductees. These tests reveal a propensity for false memories and magica 10/2005 #44883  
## Word: "proper" (Back to Top)
es an artificial construction, its proper translation as “channels” implies 10/1877 #211  
sibility to know about it and take proper action.” Occultist Ole J. Sneide  7/4/1947 #2654  
lic Relations Office outlining the proper answers to questions such as John 12/11/1947 #3500  
rt for UFOs. It costs too much and proper interceptions are unlikely. He or 3/3/1948 #3587  
e result, so he never does receive proper credit for “discovering” the U-2. 4/8/1960 #16218  
t deeper than the surrounding lake proper. The object looked to be about 4- 6/22/1960 #16316  
le. Perfect flight maneuvers. Send proper IFF signals.                      5/15/1964 #18266  
wo scrambles, radar/vis, UFOs sent proper IFF (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Cod 5/15/1964 #18268  
nding Air Region to proceed with a proper investigation. Some reports are c 1/16/1979 #34348  
sh incidents” to find out whether “proper procedures to ensure government a 2/9/1994 #41408  
eld (RAAF) were “destroyed without proper authority.” Schiff says these raw 7/28/1995 #42338  
in the mid 1950s without following proper protocol.  https://ufologie.patri 7/28/1995 #42338  
p to her superiors and asked about proper accounting protocols, she was sex 8/30/1996 #43000  
n reports that he doesn’t have the proper security clearance to inspect tho 4/10/1997 #43260  
hat reactor in three years, and no proper qualification and training requir 9/30/1999 #43856  
port, available only to those with proper security clearances, is released  6/25/2021 #45694  
## Word: "properly" (Back to Top)
egative that has not been agitated properly in the developer.               6/18/1947 #2340  
ofessor Marion Hines identifies it properly as a shaved Capuchin monkey. Wa 7/7/1953 #8989  
wer; transmitter failed to operate properly. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 02 - Clos 9/16/1954 #10321  
tion transmitter failed to operate properly as round shiny UFO passed tower 9/16/1954 #10322  
n representing merely a failure to properly identify prosaic phenomena that 10/25/1955 #12519  
ste and smell and couldn’t swallow properly. He collapsed on the ground and 10/2/1956 #13258  
down. The car hadlights functioned properly again and they drove toward the 11/4/1957 #14280  
tement certifying the Air Force is properly conducting its UAP investigatio 2/28/1958 #14899  
 each other, I would hope we could properly proceed with a hearing early ne 9/19/1961 #16856  
 by radio across space. It is more properly thought of as an approximation  11/1/1961 #16944  
his radio transmitter did not work properly. The object, which now colored  3/17/1966 #19982  
his radio transmitter did not work properly. The 16 meter wide object, whic 3/17/1966 #19986  
levision immediately stops working properly. About a quarter of a mile away 2/8/1967 #21483  
s and radio then started operating properly.                                11/28/1967 #23520  
nd the lights and radio functioned properly againafter the UFO left, about  8/5/1969 #25311  
ty who had vetted AU govt. sources properly previously.                     10/24/1969 #25424  
hat the information in them is not properly or provably classified. The CIA 3/1972 #26584  
 such unidentified overflights are properly the concern of the Air Defense  11/11/1975 #30611  
a Colonel with security detachment properly armed. There was no mention of  1977 #31658  
ed and the plugs no longer sparked properly. Mus started growling, so as a  2/5/1978 #32957  
 radio, but these did not function properly either. They then heard some no 9/10/1978 #33657  
ort cannot get his compass to work properly unless it is directed at the ob 10/27/1979 #34971  
. Taylor is unable to walk or talk properly after the event. He suffers fro 11/9/1979 #34989  
d magnetometers failed to function properly in the vicinity of the object.  8/28/1991 #40168  
 response states the documents are properly classified by USNORTHCOM, and t 5/25/1995 #42229  
 object, but he could not see them properly because of the tall grass conce 8/25/2004 #44741  
t the men still could not see them properly. Dmitriy noticed that the figur 8/25/2004 #44741  
ect leaves, the cellphone operates properly again.                          8/20/2013 #45384  
t their cellphones are not working properly; both devices die and do not re 2/3/2016 #45444  
 of and wasn’t appropriated/funded properly.  Mellon states new Congression 9/2022 #45765  
sians; they do use military jargon properly; they could have been misinform 9/2022 #45766  
references that the operations are properly classified under the 1954 Atomi 12/17/2022 #45787  
## Word: "properties" (Back to Top)
have both subjective and objective properties.                              7/9/1954 #10005  
len Hynek gives a presentation on “Properties of the UFO Phenomenon” at a s 5/29/1984 #37341  
and is promoted by CIA and NRO web properties.  https://www.cia.gov/reading 8/3/1997 #43367  
lead telluride have thermoelectric properties, and cadmium telluride has ph 8/2014 #45413  
cadmium telluride has photovoltaic properties. Pure germanium is a semicond 8/2014 #45413  
rthtech International to study the properties of “potentially exotic materi 8/16/2018 #45537  
an article detailing six anomalous properties of ʻOumuamua that make it unu 10/26/2018 #45541  
## Word: "property" (Back to Top)
      Nilwood, IL 2:30 p.m. On the property of Z. Thacker, 19 km north of C 4/12/1897 #442  
          Nilwood, Illinois On the property of Z. Thacker, 19 km north of C 4/12/1897 #444  
od, Illinois - At 2:30 p.m. on the property of Z. Thacker, 19 kilometers no 4/12/1897 #449  
nded 2 km south of Gas City on the property of John Roush, terrifying the f 4/14/1897 #458  
nded 2 km south of Gas City on the property of John Roush, terrifying the f 4/14/1897 #460  
ilometers south of Gas City on the property of John Roush, terrifying the f 4/14/1897 #473  
tes, who purchases Judge Proctor’s property around 1935. Oates cleans out t 4/17/1897 #523  
hat an alien race considers us its property, warning off all interlopers. I 12/1/1919 #994  
ver just above the ground near his property in Aznalcázar, Seville, Spain.  4/5/1935 #1227  
amski moves from Laguna Beach to a property along the Star Route in Valley  3/1940 #1324  
While they were looking for desert property to buy they came upon the Papag 1/1947 #2221  
FO in Paradise Valley, Arizona, on property owned by his friend, Walt Salye Early 10/1947 #3446  
ble by conventional tools. Private property purchased to facilitate movemen 1948 #3519  
ith oversized human heads. Private property was allegedly purchased to faci 1948 #3527  
sh-landed on Mr. H.D.’s (initials) property. H.D. and family were sworn to  3/25/1948 #3596  
 3 by 2 m, landed on the witness's property after hitting a chimney. A litt 8/27/1952 #7754  
of cobwebby substance falls on her property. She takes three samples to the 2/1/1954 #9526  
wn object for 20 minutes above his property at Jouy- sue-Morin, Seine-et-Ma 9/30/1954 #10516  
a disk 5 m in diameter land on the property of Curzio Malaparte. Upon appro 10/17/1954 #11175  
ive meters in diameter land on the property of Curzio Malaparte on this nig 10/17/1954 #11184  
r that landed on Lord Mountbattens property. It was shaped like a child’s h 2/23/1955 #12013  
y, and marshy ground surrounds her property on three sides. On this night M 12/16/1957 #14736  
us UFO was seen close to the Marks property.                                3/12/1959 #15637  
 York, is driving a tractor on his property when he sees a shiny object on  4/24/1964 #18199  
 around her yard, illuminating her property in Brimfield, Massachusetts. Wh 10/29/1964 #18595  
omed disc hovered over her cottage property less than 200 feet away, then l 5/30/1965 #18977  
 hillside situated on Mr. Watson's property.                                6/2/1965 #18984  
illside situated on a Mr. Watson's property.                                6/2/1965 #18985  
e Colin Perks is checking business property along Alderley Road in Wilmslow 1/7/1966 #19813  
s wife are sleeping in a camper on property belonging to some relatives on  8/12/1967 #22868  
pon discovery by the owners of the property the creature fled. It matched t 2/26/1968 #23785  
 about 65 feet long falling on his property. He says it is like asbestos ro 5/11/1968 #23958  
g while chopping at a stump on his property in a village in the south of Fr 11/2/1968 #24625  
 sachalinensis) forage crop on his property. A roughly circular area is fla 4/17/1969 #25067  
uge mysterious footprints on their property in Vader, Washington three days 12/7/1970 #25934  
otprints were discovered on Ford's property.                                5/2/1971 #26097  
 in Bahia" was walking through his property by the river in Parafuso, Bahia 5/16/1973 #27496  
nous flying object approaching her property. The object circled her garden  5/27/1973 #27532  
nous flying object approaching her property. The object circled her garden  5/27/1973 #27535  
ance recovered outside on the base property. Neither Congress nor the Ameri 10/1973 #27903  
 couple saw bright lights on their property. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/6/1973 #27959  
 Quebec saw bright lights on their property. Later that morning they observ 10/6/1973 #27961  
s. When he arrives at his father’s property, the object hovers over the bar 6/14/1974 #29191  
artner purchase an abandoned ranch property in a remote rural area of weste Fall 1975 #30379  
scent light” in the pasture of his property. Moments later, he receives two 10/7/1975 #30421  
it rushed back over the neighbor's property again as the other two, more di 9/10/1976 #31373  
ght egg-shape hovers over westside property. No further details.            12/1/1976 #31577  
ng on the grounds of an abductee's property in South Middleton, Massachuset 5/2/1978 #33184  
thern sky about 100 feet above his property, lighting it up with an orange  Early 3/1980 #35190  
oject at Kirtland AFB from his own property near the base. Doty convinced B 11/17/1980 #35646  
ile doing agricultural work on his property. He then sees an object in the  1/8/1981 #35779  
gure" standing by the fence on his property. The being was a meter and a ha 2/13/1981 #35827  
ight light above an empty piece of property. The light moved to the north a 7/22/1982 #36545  
mong the branches of a tree on the property of a nearby house in Mendoza, A 7/30/1982 #36556  
val object that seems to land. The property owner at the location also sees 4/10/1983 #36836  
ver their own land and some nearby property for the next hour and three-qua 1/18/1989 #38786  
d light pass low and fast over his property in North Huntingdon, Pennsylvan 11/3/1989 #39213  
who claimed he found debris on his property; the next morning he got a call 12/30/1991 #40271  
 Lima is hunting armadillos on his property near Feira de Santana, Bahía, B 1/12/1995 #41971  
bright lights into the home on the property.                                3/19/1995 #42112  
ne to look for a small goat on his property, because an epidemic of unexpla 4/23/1995 #42173  
. Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers over property. 2 observer(s) see same earlier 5/14/1995 #42203  
 north and hover over his mountain property. He then had 40 minutes of miss 8/15/1995 #42389  
d a strange winged creature on her property at around one o'clock in the mo 11/11/1995 #42593  
itness is repairing a fence on his property near Valley, Ohio, when his dog 9/16/1996 #43023  
oast Guard called Peanut Island, a property near a facility owned by Joseph 2004 #44638  
objects hovering directly over the property of a local Chinese Communist Pa 11/2006 #44979  
 under section 181 of intellectual property law for national security reaso 2/13/2009 #45212  
rs low-flying helicopters near his property. One of the men is armed and th 5/8/2009 #45221  
 espionage and theft of government property, but in late July he is granted 6/14/2013 #45372  
ming from about one mile above the property. Between the rocket tests, the  6/15/2019 #45585  
 from attempting to enter military property. Nevada law enforcement also wa 9/20/2019 #45609  
o UAP and related phenomena on the property.  https://youtu.be/ndPdgyWIPcU? 10/14/2022 #45777  
## Word: "prophecies" (Back to Top)
ccording to the man’s account, the prophecies were fulfilled.               5/4/1932 #1143  
John A. Keel publishes The Mothman Prophecies, an investigation into sighti 1975 #29670  
 was given a number of apocalyptic prophecies, and was then handed a cube-l 9/11/1975 #30353  
## Word: "prophecy" (Back to Top)
rs are appearing because of a Hopi prophecy. Others see zigzagging lights i 8/7/1970 #25775  
og, “The Shameless Psychic and His Prophecy of Lies.” which throws doubt on 1991 #39935  
## Word: "prophesies" (Back to Top)
 by the Roman Catholic Church. The prophesies revealed that day have been k 10/13/1917 #971  
aranormal and fringe phenomena, or prophesies concerning future events, cou 4/14/1950 #4853  
## Word: "prophesized" (Back to Top)
xistence. Obviously, none of these prophesized events subsequently occurred 7/21/1965 #19156  
## Word: "prophet" (Back to Top)
 Dan Katchongva, that he is a true prophet heralding the coming of a True W 8/7/1970 #25775  
him look something like a Biblical prophet. A large black dog accompanied h 11/28/1980 #35680  
## Word: "proponent" (Back to Top)
f Life (1908). He remains a strong proponent for the rest of his life of th 5/1894 #314  
rschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm employee and proponent of using post-stall flight in  4/29/1993 #40956  
agan Administration and former SDI proponent and SecDef Caspar Weinberger,  3/20/2020 #45640  
## Word: "proponents" (Back to Top)
, D.C. Smithsonian Institution UFO proponents and debunkers square off at t 9/6/1980 #35500  
n the merits of UFO sightings. The proponents include Bruce Maccabee, J. Al 9/6/1980 #35500  
## Word: "proportion" (Back to Top)
less like a floodlight of gigantic proportion.”                             11/26/1964 #18639  
rmal, long thin arms and an out of proportion abdomen in relation to its th 10/23/1993 #41249  
having very large heads far out of proportion to their bodies.              9/8/1996 #43009  
in height, with a huge head not in proportion to the rest of the body, wide 4/27/1998 #43559  
ts writes in a paper that a “large proportion of the nation’s wealth is bei 6/2004 #44706  
## Word: "proportioned" (Back to Top)
ary, the girl can see a “perfectly proportioned tiny pilot wearing a leathe 1929 #1093  
t was between 4.0 to 4.5 ft. Large proportioned heads, no helmets. Tight fi 4/12/1954 #9683  
ng back at her. The woman was well proportioned with beautiful long dark ch 8/22/1969 #25326  
could see that they were perfectly proportioned adults but only two feet ta 5/22/1973 #27520  
out 1.5 meters (4 feet) tall, well proportioned, with large normal eyes and 11/18/1973 #28443  
## Word: "proportions" (Back to Top)
 in diameter, tapering to narrower proportions in the rear. It moved silent 3/10/1950 #4608  
1/2 ft. tall. Medium build, normal proportions. Dark face with glowing yell 12/19/1973 #28584  
 2.5 meters in height but human in proportions, and they wore tight-fitting 3/20/1993 #40895  
rfect black triangle of gargantuan proportions” crossing directly over the  8/13/2002 #44383  
## Word: "proposal" (Back to Top)
eed Engineer Kelly Johnson deliver proposal for the XP-80 jet fighter       7/1943 #1513  
associate engineers hand-deliver a proposal for the XP-80 jet fighter to th 7/1943 #1515  
 is not entirely sold on Donovan’s proposal, although Donovan feels reasona 2/10/1945 #1778  
rations at the Pentagon, rejects a proposal by Col. Howard McCoy and Brig.  3/3/1948 #3587  
 commander, considers Col. McCoy’s proposal to maintain fighters on alert f 3/17/1948 #3589  
r policy not to participate in any proposal that will perpetuate this hoax. 9/13/1950 #5176  
e contrary.” The DOT agrees to his proposal to set up an electronic station 8/1953 #9034  
as a joint U.S. Army and U.S. Navy proposal, called Project Orbiter, to put 1954 #9413  
nternational Geophysical Year. The proposal, using a military Redstone miss 1954 #9413  
oming out four years after Brown’s proposal of Project Winterhaven and mont 4/1956 #12778  
rown offers to draft a preliminary proposal.                                7/20/1956 #12995  
was when some crackpot sent them a proposal for antigravity or for converti 9/1956 #13166  
. Gen. James Ferguson) of the ATIC proposal.                                2/5/1960 #16167  
 miles. They immediately produce a proposal to the US Air Force to share da 8/25/1960 #16414  
        The Air Force turns down a proposal Hynek has made for them to crea 9/12/1966 #20873  
quickly has forced it to prepare a proposal to extend its contract.         Early 3/1967 #21730  
      Hynek submits a UFO research proposal to Col. George R. Weinbrenner,  3/3/1969 #24961  
ents taking place inside. Here the proposal takes place, including the prom 5/1973 #27460  
cy Staff, who is supportive of his proposal. He is promised approval of his 1/1977 #31666  
al. He is promised approval of his proposal, but never hears back from the  1/1977 #31666  
nal TV. Lord Trefgarne rejects the proposal on the grounds that there are m 1/18/1979 #34358  
National Laboratory puts forward a proposal for a 3,500-square-foot (with p 6/22/1983 #36889  
 Alfredo Chamorro Chapinal signs a proposal for full UFO document disclosur 4/13/1992 #40416  
gge, holds several meetings on the proposal in consultation with SEPRA’s Je 12/1/1993 #41315  
nt Member Nello Musumeci submits a proposal to create a Europe-wide “body f 1/20/2004 #44652  
or Defence, Des Browne, approves a proposal from the Directorate of Air Sta 9/2006 #44957  
## Word: "proposals" (Back to Top)
nd the President respectively. All proposals pass through the Special Group 12/28/1954 #11868  
4 and the 40 Committee in 1970 and proposals go to Richard Helms at the CIA 12/28/1954 #11870  
Air Force Association reveals that proposals for two types of UFO-detecting 8/3/1956 #13050  
## Word: "propose" (Back to Top)
lliam Moore, who has called him to propose a non-fiction book project about 1/2/1982 #36294  
ect Beta: to locate, inventory and propose ways of destroying Alien bases.  6/6/1988 #38581  
## Word: "proposed" (Back to Top)
nown, although A. G. Shlionsky has proposed 15 different explanations.      Late Summer 1927 #1079  
s earmarked for raw materials. His proposed schedule is no less breathtakin 12/18/1941 #1379  
creation. The article compares the proposed agency to the Gestapo. Knowing  2/10/1945 #1778  
ntation does not show that Derry’s proposed rules go into effect, but it do 8/9/1947 #3308  
se where President Harry S. Truman proposed that the “know how” of ULATT be 8/17/1949 #4320  
vices, approves Wilbert B. Smith’s proposed plan to use the Department of T 12/2/1950 #5311  
od cases until they unravel at the proposed Robertson Panel meeting.        11/25/1952 #8340  
the program. They reject Johnson’s proposed Site I (Mud Lake?) because it i Early 1955 #11901  
Canada Project Y-2 (Silver Bug), a proposed vertical take-off gyroplane now 10/19/1955 #12510  
nsend Brown, who earlier that year proposed a Project Winterhaven to the US 4/1956 #12778  
00 miles into space. The tests are proposed by Nicholas Christofilos in an  8/27/1958 #15229  
ine of interstellar hydrogen atoms proposed for SETI by Giuseppe Cocconi an 4/8/1960 #16218  
ge report prepared for NASA titled Proposed Studies on the Implications of  12/14/1960 #16532  
he Kardashev scale have since been proposed, including the use of metrics r 1963 #17620  
r after authorities discount other proposed explanations such as a plane cr 12/9/1965 #19762  
 is the same Thomas Townsend Brown proposed in the 1950s (see 1952), what F 1968 #23633  
dman are all names attached to the proposed project that ultimately receive 4/5/1970 #25625  
o anomalous atmospheric phenomena, proposed by scientist Anatoly Alexandrov 10/1977 #32539  
projects, drafts a memorandum of a proposed letter to be signed by Noel W.  10/31/1977 #32643  
ssissippi House Resolution No. 14, proposed by Rep. Horace Buckley of Jacks 2/1979 #34397  
e, quantum teleportation was first proposed in 1993 and achieved in 1997. M 1981 #35765  
                                 A proposed procurement programs document s 1985 #37542  
object failed, the squadron leader proposed positioning the jets on either  8/28/1991 #40168  
ommunity. The resolution was first proposed in 1991 by Belgian deputy Elio  12/1/1993 #41315  
dentified Aerial Phenomena Study - Proposed amendment to NNR2/113” states “ 12/2/1993 #41320  
he US would not retaliate with the proposed USAF SIOP.  He also states in 1 7/7/1999 #43798  
 a 7,500-page safety report on the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste pr 3/5/2016 #45445  
## Word: "proposes" (Back to Top)
y a torn-up weather balloon. Ramey proposes a plan that possibly originates 7/8/1947 #3019  
r of the Atomic Energy Commission, proposes a set of guidelines that restat 8/9/1947 #3308  
definition of Confidential that he proposes goes beyond the Army and Manhat 8/9/1947 #3308  
f Iowa astronomer Charles C. Wylie proposes a coast-to-coast sky patrol to  12/26/1947 #3511  
. Martin Co. Thomas Townsend Brown proposes Project Winterhaven to the US m 1952 #5843  
erhaven to the US military.  Brown proposes using Stanford Research Institu 1952 #5843  
al Institute’s Dr. Howard C. Cross proposes that the ongoing Project Stork  1/9/1953 #8526  
n the Robertson Panel findings, he proposes to call the project “inactive”  5/1953 #8851  
nti-Americanism in Western Europe, proposes an international conference at  5/29/1954 #9840  
Bissell, MKUltra’s Sidney Gottlieb proposes spraying Fidel Castro’s televis 3/17/1960 #16200  
g under the pseudonym “Peter Kor,” proposes that UFOs originate, not from s 9/1962 #17380  
efuses to nominate a case, but Low proposes the Red Bluff police report of  7/6/1967 #22620  
           Colorado David Saunders proposes to the Colorado project team th 8/27/1967 #22939  
assport to Magonia, Jacques Vallée proposes a radically revisionist argumen 1969 #24802  
phere, and/or magnetosphere,” that proposes a 40-square-mile radio transmit 1/10/1985 #37546  
)2, the Air Staff deputy director, proposes a secret government study of UF 10/18/1993 #41246  
ty News and Space Drive Technology proposes seven types of antigravity devi 1/1998 #43483  
n the radar traces and ferries and proposes that two solid airborne UFOs ar 4/23/2007 #45022  
ly lack a single explanation,” and proposes five possible categories of exp 6/25/2021 #45694  
## Word: "proposing" (Back to Top)
cret memo he has sent to Roosevelt proposing its creation. The article comp 2/10/1945 #1778  
nsend Brown Foundation when it was proposing Project Winterhaven. ONR’s Wil 1952 #5843  
sses progress on Project Aquatone, proposing to use the name “Paradise Ranc 4/1955 #12077  
d (R-Mich.) issues a press release proposing that Congress investigate the  3/25/1966 #20081  
hearings on Senate Resolution 281, proposing an international treaty to ban 7/25/1972 #26833  
rst book of many, The 12th Planet, proposing an explanation for human origi 1976 #30744  
## Word: "proposition" (Back to Top)
set of guidelines that restate the proposition that secrecy can be based on 8/9/1947 #3308  
cted to help them land on Earth, a proposition that the soldier rejected, f 5/4/1969 #25115  
hatever this technology is and its proposition…you now have a very interest 6/10/2021 #45693  
## Word: "propounded" (Back to Top)
not qualified to evaluate material propounded in science fiction. Absurd an 5/23/1955 #12151  
## Word: "propped" (Back to Top)
s someone take a photo of an alien propped up by the arms between two plain Early Spring 1941 #1355  
r. Morrison, a father of four, was propped up in bed when he saw a small pe 9/5/1966 #20852  
out and then came to on the floor, propped against the wall, unable to move 10/15/1973 #28059  
 into the air at high speed. Kobus propped himself against a soft object li 9/20/1979 #34909  
## Word: "propriano" (Back to Top)
                                   PROPRIANO, CORSICA 2+observer(s). Moon-s 3/18/1974 #28903  
                                   PROPRIANO, CORSICA Big silent saucer man 11/19/1974 #29600  
## Word: "proprietary" (Back to Top)
me elements of the UAP issue using proprietary projects protected by corpor 4/2001 #44154  
rotect their own breakthroughs and proprietary assets; DeLonge adds that he 4/2016 #45448  
## Word: "proprietor" (Back to Top)
ercial Hotel 9:00 p.m. J. E. Gunn, proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, and  4/1/1897 #407  
 She is accompanied by music store proprietor Thomas Brino and James Shaw o 8/10/1945 #1922  
 by two policemen and a restaurant proprietor. It moved unevenly thru the s 4/24/1950 #4889  
ded script is translated by a café proprietor from Scarborough named Philip 11/21/1957 #14590  
bottom near the front. Jay Munger, proprietor of an all-night bowling alley 7/4/1967 #22610  
Pedro Pretzel, a 36-year-old hotel proprietor in the resort town of Villa C 6/14/1968 #24032  
les Early morning. Rosa Granville, proprietor of the Haven Fort Hotel in Li 4/19/1977 #32001  
## Word: "props" (Back to Top)
and drops hose going down / river. Props / top and bottom/underside. Pseudo 7/25/1952 #7124  
 35cm figure(s) enter 150cm ovoid. PROPs.spin and going up. / r8+LDLN#104.  10/25/1954 #11378  
luminous saucer lands. Antenna and props. Pseudo-human/entity exit. Hiss an 12/8/1954 #11776  
e airplane / farm field. No jets / props. Gone later.                       10/15/1965 (approximate) #19658  
ly east. Black line along side. No props or jets etc.                       4/9/1978 #33134  
## Word: "propulsion" (Back to Top)
nd that it used compressed air for propulsion. Hooton saw the wheels spin a 4/20/1897 #544  
nd that it used compressed air for propulsion. Capt. Hooton saw the wheels  4/20/1897 #547  
 object with no apparent source of propulsion move steadily over the front  7/1944 #1615  
boxcar” with no apparent source of propulsion move steadily at about 90 mph Late 8/1944 #1646  
til the Army Air Force can fix its propulsion system.                       9/11/1946 #2176  
ad 33, 104.6km altitude (subnormal propulsion performance)                  10/10/1946 #2201  
d 33, 101.4km altitude (Sub-normal propulsion performance, beyond Kármán li 11/21/1946 #2207  
 33, 109.4km altitude (Blossom 1 — Propulsion degraded at 55.5s)            2/20/1947 #2242  
nt Chiefs, including the airframe, propulsion equipment, and the power plan 7/5/1947 #2721  
d to find out if they are nuclear- propulsion devices from Russia or elsewh 9/23/1947 #3417  
ND, and the Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft project at Oak Ri 9/23/1947 #3417  
nd, and the Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft Project at Oak Ri 9/23/1947 #3419  
 should try to determine about UFO propulsion, control, construction, arran 10/28/1947 #3469  
 unconventional or unusual type of propulsion system cannot be ruled out an 10/28/1947 #3469  
of the USAF Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft group, is flying  1948 #3521  
laims he worked on electromagnetic propulsion at Cal-Berkeley and analyzed  1949 #3947  
empt at interviewing about nuclear propulsion (at Oak Ridge, Tennessee) and 1/1949 #3950  
”) with the Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft project at Oak Ri 1/10/1949 #3969  
sser of the Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft (NEPA) project at 1/24/1949 #3977  
reached that of a jet aircraft. No propulsion method was apparent.          5/24/1949 #4208  
e article and speculates on saucer propulsion systems. McLaughlin writes th 3/1950 #4565  
 plane. 3K' over train. No means / propulsion.                              4/7/1950 #4806  
government research into UFO’s and propulsion technology.                   11/21/1950 #5280  
 exhaust fumes or visible means of propulsion. At an approx. distance from  7/10/1951 #5571  
n flight, with no visible means of propulsion and shiny silver in color. Th 9/10/1951 #5656  
 in 1959 he consulted on aerospace propulsion for General Electric, before  1952 #5843  
Division, Peter A. Stranges of the Propulsion Branch Power Plant Group, to  2/8/1952 #5894  
ere visible, nor were any signs of propulsion visible. They watched the obj 4/17/1952 #6111  
pprox. 1.5ft. No sound or means of propulsion observed. Later they observed 4/25/1952 #6180  
rience.” The object “utilized some propulsion method not in the physics boo 4/25/1952 #6185  
hape. No sound or visible means of propulsion was observed from the UFO. It 7/19/1953 #9001  
stabilizer and no visible means of propulsion. It was larger than a B-36, h 2/6/1954 #9538  
ry…Information regarding the discs propulsion, metal and structure would be 6/4/1954 #9864  
           ST. LOUIS, MO McDonnell propulsion lab. 10 observer(s). 50cm rec 7/14/1954 #10015  
e of magnetic fields in spacecraft propulsion. Smith asks the aliens to com 7/28/1954 #10059  
this case may provide clues to the propulsion system employed by the vehicl 12/13/1954 #11805  
It is managed by the Space Nuclear Propulsion Office, a joint agency of the 1955 #11892  
mble, VP for Aviation and Advanced Propulsion Systems at the Glenn L. Marti 1955 #11898  
 might use gravitational fields as propulsion.                              2/2/1955 #11967  
ducting a study of “Unconventional Propulsion Schemes/Systems” for the USAF 3/1/1955 #12026  
ications concerning Unconventional Propulsion Systems have been carefully c 3/1/1955 #12026  
glas was studying “unconventional” propulsion systems based in part on coll 3/1/1955 #12027  
e firms conducting gravity-control propulsion research, including Glenn L.  11/30/1955 #12594  
stants. Articles about the gravity propulsion research by the aerospace fir 11/30/1955 #12594  
RL scientist, says the antigravity propulsion purpose of ARL was “rubbish”  9/1956 #13166  
im. This UFO had no wings, fins or propulsion sounds, except for the sound  10/2/1956 #13258  
been moved to the Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory (see June 1972).   Late 1956 #13281  
View, California; and Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory [now Glenn Researc 10/1/1958 #15296  
                               Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, Californ 12/1958 #15464  
atory Pasadena, California The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif 12/1958 #15464  
tems, talks about nuclear aircraft propulsion. He mentions that if intellig 1/28/1959 #15569  
ek Radio Astronomy Observatory Jet Propulsion Lab Afternoon. Geof Gray-Cobb 10/22/1965 #19672  
 not have. The team alerts the Jet Propulsion Lab. The signal strength is n 10/22/1965 #19672  
ust use some sort of gravitational propulsion to avoid destruction from hig 2/22/1966 #19912  
h has no wings or visible means of propulsion.                              5/21/1966 #20505  
exploring breakthroughs in gravity propulsion. The project includes laborat 1967 #21238  
exploring breakthroughs in gravity propulsion. The project includes laborat 1967 #21240  
     Colorado Rand Corporation Jet Propulsion Laboratory Low writes a posit Early 3/1967 #21730  
lks with the Rand Corporation, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Boeing. Despi Early 3/1967 #21730  
n the side and no visible means of propulsion. It was metallic looking yet  10/27/1967 #23355  
 sky, without any visible means of propulsion."                             7/22/1968 #24206  
re are no visible means of lift or propulsion and no surface markings other 9/4/1971 #26317  
 Outgrowth at the Air Force Rocket Propulsion Library at Edwards Air Force  6/1972 #26694  
e report is devoted to Antigravity Propulsion, utilizing the concepts of gr 6/1972 #26694  
e is also no obvious mechanism for propulsion. The external surface of the  8/25/1974 #29386  
own origin endowed with an unknown propulsion energy.” The time correlates  11/19/1976 #31559  
aw. Neither is there any sign of a propulsion system. The sun reflects off  1/1/1978 #32841  
statistical methodology, models of propulsion, and the psychology of percep 6/1978 #33245  
French Army on magnetohydrodynamic propulsion experiments, done without the 7/1983 #36898  
s analyzed by Lew Allen at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who is apparently 7/24/1984 #37413  
s done by Dr. Lew Allen of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.                   7/24/1984 #37415  
arths magnetic field and gravity / propulsion.                              5/9/1985 #37588  
h's magnetic field and gravity for propulsion. After the conversation was f 5/9/1985 #37589  
” Wood gives a presentation on UFO propulsion. Other people supposedly conn 5/20/1985 #37590  
75 million each to develop engines/propulsion. The X-30 National Aerospace  4/1986 #37815  
Veritay’s paper on a 21st Century  Propulsion Concept. The contract is inte 4/1988 #38526  
converts electrostatic energy into propulsion. The program experimentally e 4/1988 #38526  
nal Corp (SAIC) studies electronic propulsion for Edwards AFB, again for Fr 4/1988 #38527  
o a unified field theory and novel propulsion methods. The report also ment 4/1988 #38527  
ileo, which deals with gravity and propulsion, and training on an “antimatt 12/6/1988 #38748  
uments dealing with the craft, its propulsion, and alien technology, as wel 3/1989 #38855  
everse engineering the antigravity propulsion system of one of nine flying  5/15/1989 #38952  
reverse engineer their antigravity propulsion systems. Lazar claims one sau 5/15/1989 #38953  
roject Galileo, an antigravity and propulsion project and Project Looking G 5/15/1989 #38953  
avens of SAIC produces an electric propulsion study to test coupling betwee 8/1990 #39674  
determine if it can apply to space propulsion.  https://documents2.theblack 8/1990 #39674  
He also writes about some “exotic” propulsion systems used in new aircraft  10/1/1990 #39756  
ott claims they are using “exotic” propulsion systems, and sightings occur  10/1/1990 #39757  
s and UAP can be tracked and their propulsion systems have been analyzed.   5/22/1992 #40470  
ikely to be hybrids; EM is used as propulsion; our Sun is unique; multiple  Early 1995 #41927  
skips through treeline. No visible propulsion.                              3/16/1997 #43233  
      NASA sponsors a breakthrough propulsion physics workshop at the NASA  8/1997 #43363  
 was in charge of the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics (BPP) program at the  8/1997 #43363  
RC while he was working at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at Edwards A 1998 #43481  
ies.  He states a full antigravity propulsion system was developed, there i 1998 #43481  
ls were an enabling technology for propulsion and communications.  Fouche a 1998 #43481  
ld be inherently linked to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). It is uncon 1998 #43481  
ith quantum vacuum interaction for propulsion purposes. A later paper discl 8/1998 #43618  
nd independent of the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics program (see August 1 8/1998 #43618  
 than light travel and antigravity propulsion that is a threat to conventio 8/22/1998 #43635  
t who works on “free energy” space propulsion concepts. Vallee also states  2/20/2000 #43955  
DST) is active, and studies exotic propulsion methods. Little is publicly a 2001 #44112  
ish testifies that gravity control propulsion research started in the 1950s 5/9/2001 #44182  
y 1981. McCandlish describes their propulsion systems in terms of Thomas To 5/9/2001 #44182  
second crash site at Roswell had a propulsion system resembling Brown’s gra 5/9/2001 #44182  
o features several gravity control propulsion statements made by Hermann Ob 5/9/2001 #44182  
b in Washington, D.C. that gravity propulsion research began in the 1950s a 5/9/2001 #44183  
secret. McCandlish describes their propulsion matches early concepts by Tho 5/9/2001 #44183  
e most likely candidate for exotic propulsion is the perturbation of space- 2002 #44302  
(Gravity Research Applied to Space Propulsion).  Boeing denies it is fundin 7/29/2002 #44369  
al gravity on spacecraft, aircraft propulsion and fuelless electricity gene 7/29/2002 #44370  
nce. They did not see any means of propulsion on the man. Nothing visible w 7/16/2003 #44565  
as Medusa and a gravitational wave propulsion system. It suggests clients i 3/2004 #44671  
and the Power Cubed propellantless propulsion rotor was developed on contra 3/2004 #44671  
 witness did not see any method of propulsion, such as wing movement. It ju 4/5/2004 #44684  
ead Franklin Mead studied advanced propulsion concepts for decades at Edwar 8/2004 #44724  
esearch Laboratory. Quantum vacuum propulsion techniques are described as f 2/1/2006 #44921  
LAB at MIT. Chase worked in exotic propulsion, metamaterials and low observ 4/28/2006 #44937  
rant to support vacuum fluctuation propulsion research, an area the AATIP p 4/28/2006 #44937  
nd applications to electromagnetic propulsion for aerospace purposes. The p 2/1/2007 #45004  
cal studies” on 12 topics, such as propulsion, power generation, materials, 9/22/2008 #45170  
 implants, abductions, antigravity propulsion and using superconductors for 10/17/2008 #45175  
sion and using superconductors for propulsion.  Soon after, BAASS served as 10/17/2008 #45175  
ongoing projects include power and propulsion systems (nuclear propulsion,  6/24/2009 #45227  
er and propulsion systems (nuclear propulsion, anuclear fusion, positron pr 6/24/2009 #45227  
pulsion, anuclear fusion, positron propulsion, magnetohydrodynamics, traver 6/24/2009 #45227  
 principal founder of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Aerojet En 3/31/2011 #45322  
 a framework to “leverage advanced propulsion” for deep space travel. Speci 4/2017 #45467  
ations experienced by conventional propulsion systems. The USAF authors als 4/2017 #45467  
on EmDrive as another breakthrough propulsion technology opportunity that c 4/2017 #45467  
ing revolutionary breakthroughs in propulsion, energy and communications.”  10/26/2017 #45488  
 fluctuations around the craft for propulsion purposes.  https://patentimag 11/2/2017 #45490  
 operations, related to deep space propulsion, Mach 10-plus vehicles, antig 5/30/2018 #45528  
ng, quantum physics, beamed energy propulsion and active camouflage. As of  7/2018 #45532  
 communications, and beamed energy propulsion.” According to the US Army, n 10/17/2019 #45612  
 vehicles” that use “beamed energy propulsion,” and any information or tech 10/17/2019 #45612  
acuum energy and faster-than-light propulsion. Jacques Vallée states it was 3/20/2020 #45640  
, no ailerons, no obvious signs of propulsion, and now it really does becom 6/10/2021 #45693  
 move with no discernable means of propulsion, and it is noted that the all 6/25/2021 #45694  
et hydrogen and compressed nuclear propulsion systems; additionally, his so 6/29/2021 #45697  
igravity, cloaking, quantum vacuum propulsion and field effects of UAP on n 3/25/2022 #45743  
nversation and working on advanced propulsion.  In 2020, Eskridge stated sh 6/15/2022 #45758  
## Word: "propulsive" (Back to Top)
emingly the result of the object’s propulsive power.                        7/27/1987 #38219  
 a study that states a “gyroscopic propulsive device” can counteract gravit 3/1990 #39436  
## Word: "propusion" (Back to Top)
irst paper is on “Advanced Nuclear Propusion for Manned Deep Space Missions 12/1/2009 #45260  
## Word: "pros" (Back to Top)
 1975 carries letters debating the pros and cons of the map, including one  12/1974 #29624  
## Word: "prosaic" (Back to Top)
ely a failure to properly identify prosaic phenomena that can already accou 10/25/1955 #12519  
## Word: "prosaically" (Back to Top)
ysterious aspects can be explained prosaically. He cites ornithologist Kenn 6/1980 #35349  
## Word: "prosecuting" (Back to Top)
crecy.” The FBI and Air Force mull prosecuting Mirarchi for violating AFR 2 2/25/1951 #5458  
ienced.” The FBI and USAF consider prosecuting Mirarchi for violating AFR 2 2/27/1951 #5465  
## Word: "prosecution" (Back to Top)
igence information of value in the prosecution of the war against Japan; te 2/23/1944 #1577  
en false, they would be subject to prosecution under the Canada Evidence Ac 7/3/1967 #22600  
ing secret custody, detention, and prosecution of such extraterrestrials is 6/24/1983 #36891  
r to the Department of Justice for prosecution, but an unnamed powerful ind 8/7/2004 #44728  
## Word: "prosecutors" (Back to Top)
ustice, covertly misappropriates a Prosecutors Management Information Syste 1982 #36286  
oped by private firm Inslaw to aid prosecutors in tracking cases. Inslaw cl 1982 #36286  
                   US Russia UK US prosecutors charge Edward Snowden with e 6/14/2013 #45372  
## Word: "prospect" (Back to Top)
nd. Adamson is skeptical about the prospect of building an atomic bomb, but 10/21/1939 #1318  
                                   PROSPECT HTS, IL 12m saucer hovers / 30M 5/1952 #6227  
, especially deficit spending, the prospect of the domination of science th 1/17/1961 #16579  
                                   PROSPECT, KY Electro-magnetic effect (EM 1/27/1977 #31755  
                                   Prospect, KY 1:05 AM. A teenager spotted 1/27/1977 #31756  
                                   Prospect, KY 1:05 AM. A teenager spotted 1/27/1977 #31757  
    State Highway 329 southeast of Prospect, Kentucky 1:05 a.m. A 19-year-o 1/27/1977 #31759  
 on State Highway 329 southeast of Prospect, Kentucky, when he spots a rect 1/27/1977 #31759  
        At 1:05 a.m. a teenager in Prospect, Kentucky spotted a rectangular 1/27/1977 #31760  
n asked how she would react to the prospect of facing death, she responded  4/4/1977 #31943  
rials designed to show the looming prospect of a world government imposed o 1991 #39933  
                                   PROSPECT, NS 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. 4/18/1995 #42156  
                                   Prospect Chebucto Peninsula Nova Scotia  4/18/1995 #42157  
a Nova Scotia 9:00 p.m. A woman in Prospect, Chebucto Peninsula, Nova Scoti 4/18/1995 #42157  
reached a place by a small lake in Prospect, Connecticut at 10:03 p.m. He n 1/22/2003 #44477  
## Word: "prospecting" (Back to Top)
 Lake, Northwest Territories, on a prospecting expedition and is waiting fo 6/22/1960 #16315  
:15 p.m. Stefan Michalak is quartz prospecting near Falcon Lake, Manitoba,  5/20/1967 #22382  
objects flying at high speed while prospecting at Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Ca 5/20/1967 #22384  
ends were returning from a weekend prospecting trip when they spotted the o 7/3/1967 #22597  
ily from Albuquerque is hiking and prospecting about 12 miles from Horse Sp Summer 1992 #40501  
## Word: "prospector" (Back to Top)
           NORTHWEST / GREER, ID 2 prospector. Huge brilliant gold globe ma 2/5/1910 #835  
                     MT. ADAMS, WA Prospector / (seen thru) telescope. Cyli 6/24/1947 #2389  
                     Mt. Adams, WA Prospector Compass Incident (NICAP: 03 - 6/24/1947 #2393  
egon Afternoon. Fred M. Johnson, a prospector in the Mount Adams, Oregon, a 6/24/1947 #2400  
                 On this morning a prospector named Johnson in the Hood Riv 6/24/1947 #2401  
         EAST / LARCH MOUNTAIN, WA Prospector. 9 silver ovoids going southe 7/12/1947 (approximate) #3144  
azine. Scully’s sources are an oil prospector named Silas M. Newton and a m 9/1952 #7804  
est, northern California, titanium prospector John Q. Black sees a silvery  5/20/1953 #8889  
                   SILVER CITY, NM Prospector. Distant brilliant red fireba 10/10/1957 #14090  
razil Rivalino da Silva, a diamond prospector, told his associates that he  8/17/1962 #17335  
zil Evening. Walking home, diamond prospector Rivalino Mafra da Silva sees  8/17/1962 #17336  
halac, 52, industrial mechanic and prospector, saw two redglowing objects f 5/20/1967 #22379  
age 52, an industrial mechanic and prospector, saw two red-glowing objects  5/20/1967 #22384  
                 BULLOO RIVER, QLD Prospector. 3 50M UFO land / 5 legs each 6/22/1977 #32184  
r object very low over Proveshenia prospector. No further details.          11/9/1989 #39222  
## Word: "prospectors" (Back to Top)
H VALLEY, CA 8M saucer going down. Prospectors chase 2 small humanoids (or  8/19/1949 (approximate) #4324  
      Death Valley, California Two prospectors are said to have observed a  8/19/1949 #4327  
      Death Valley, California Two prospectors, Buck Fitzgerald and Mase Ga 8/19/1949 #4328  
en jump out and start running. The prospectors chase them over a sand dune, 8/19/1949 #4328  
                               Two prospectors in Death Valley, California  8/19/1949 #4330  
                   BRUSH CREEK, CA Prospectors. Saucer and small humanoids  6/20/1953 #8942  
  NORTHWEST / ESSENDON, AUSTR Gold prospectors. Saucer going [to] over camp 12/25/1954 #11858  
             NEAR MT. HEAD, ALTA 3 prospectors. 8M ovoid drops small object 7/3/1967 #22594  
nza Borrego Desert, California Two prospectors, Ed Sampson and Bill Johnson Spring 1968 #23852  
-NORTHEAST / NULLAGENE, WEST AUS 2 prospectors. 1/2-moon UFO / 30M altitude 8/8/1992 #40559  
## Word: "prospectus" (Back to Top)
tive camouflage. As of TTSA’s last prospectus (May 2022), USACCDC is still  7/2018 #45532  
## Word: "prospekt" (Back to Top)
UFO flew very low over Proveshenia Prospekt, Petrograd, Russia on this nigh 11/9/1989 #39223  
## Word: "prosthetic" (Back to Top)
turning the vehicle into a pilot’s prosthetic extension.” In the article ar 3/27/2017 #45466  
## Word: "prostitutes" (Back to Top)
ents, prisoners, drug addicts, and prostitutes—“people who could not fight  6/9/1953 #8930  
## Word: "prostitution" (Back to Top)
 Nevada, for aiding and abetting a prostitution ring. The charge is reduced 6/5/1990 #39606  
## Word: "prostrate" (Back to Top)
he incident the witness had to lie prostrate in bed for several days.       10/18/1954 #11224  
## Word: "protagonist" (Back to Top)
erson narrative of both an unnamed protagonist in Surrey and his younger br 1898 #614  
## Word: "protect" (Back to Top)
einstated during the Korean War to protect against enemy attack.            11/1/1951 #5757  
bers decide to take precautions to protect local wildlife during the next t 8/1/1958 #15174  
 that the letter is classified to “protect official Air Force interest in t 10/30/1958 #15404  
 ingest capsules, after the effect protect metals await signal mask.” The t 8/20/1966 #20779  
n go more than a mile into Laos to protect the flanks of a major combat ope 1/22/1969 #24866  
n now go home, we will continue to protect you.” He went home, but for thre 8/11/1969 #25317  
n front of the large cats as if to protect them. This humanoid then lurched 8/21/1978 #33540  
he government take all measures to protect the country and its oilfields.   1/20/1979 #34364  
oor with a gun, saying he needs to protect himself from aliens. A strained  6/3/1980 #35353  
o do with aliens; rather, it is to protect the technologies and activities  11/17/1980 #35645  
r Lockheed (he wouldn’t specify to protect their identity) showed him the f 1984 #37098  
raft in 1991 and alluded he had to protect that information as he was in co 1990 #39358  
e ET scenario is disinformation to protect NHI projects; the NHI establishe 11/25/1991 #40241  
riment story was disinformation to protect a very legitimate experiment.  h 1994 #41350  
mon law state secrets privilege to protect military secrets at Area 51, and 3/1996 #42790  
ed metallic eyes. In an attempt to protect her, the boy jumped up in front  7/22/1996 #42963  
ut the secret black UFO program to protect one critical “deep throat” and i 10/2/2003 #44610  
nside and away from the windows to protect an incoming classified aircraft. 2005 #44804  
icipants. The purpose of SDI is to protect both countries from incursions b 9/20/2005 #44877  
dvanced aerospace engineering”) to protect it. He writes Deputy Defense Sec 6/24/2009 #45227  
e corporation where “certain laws” protect their own breakthroughs and prop 4/2016 #45448  
## Word: "protected" (Back to Top)
bited by the Black Brotherhood and protected by “space-warps.” In 1949 Dore 10/1946 #2195  
he edge of the object, as if it is protected. The UFO then turns toward the Spring 1959 #15662  
of a black triangular UAP over the protected area of Cooper Nuclear Station 7/24/1984 #37416  
iscovers that the traffickers were protected by the CIA. The subcommittee d 4/13/1989 #38905  
 109 helicopter. The crash site is protected from view by fire engines and  9/26/1994 #41775  
P issue using proprietary projects protected by corporate NDA and illegal s 4/2001 #44154  
gal special access programs (SAPs) protected by USG classification. The bri 4/2001 #44154  
nology “not of this Earth,” it was protected by a special agreement between 10/16/2002 #44418  
es to keep the secret information “protected” through organizations that ar 3/27/2016 #45446  
he people are not being adequately protected….there's a concern that basica 5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "protecting" (Back to Top)
h aircraft from the HMS Victorious protecting Malaysia.                     9/18/1964 #18559  
s in the high hurricane-type fence protecting the compound. Simultaneously  7/1/1977 #32227  
nvoked, the privilege is absolute, protecting even innocuous-seeming inform 3/1996 #42790  
s interpreted as a religious sign, protecting the tomb of a holy man. The m 3/27/2003 #44506  
## Word: "protection" (Back to Top)
io, Texas, issues a memo on UFOs, “Protection of Vital Installations.” It i 1/31/1949 #3989  
ng the January 31 communication on Protection of Vital Installations, empha 3/22/1949 #4052  
lly, telling him about a radiation protection system that exists around the 7/16/1956 #12974  
tting her hands up to her face for protection, she discovers she is complet 7/22/1968 #24204  
tting her hands up to her face for protection she now found she was complet 7/22/1968 #24205  
 Capt. Léopold Legros of the Civil Protection Service, who detect an abnorm 7/31/1968 #24271  
d up into a ball on the ground for protection” during the attack upon its m 2/12/1969 #24915  
 The committee recommends “gonadal protection be provided” to the male test 5/12/1969 #25131  
lity of the president escaping his protection to go out and secretly do som 2/19/1973 #27298  
on tries to cut his secret service protection. Venker also states that it w 2/19/1973 #27298  
d as soon as it no longer requires protection.                              12/1/1978 #34044  
tances, and that the Environmental Protection Agency failed to take necessa 1980's #35108  
iliated with the Committee for the Protection of Natural Environment of the 2/1984 #37170  
Texas, in order to offer them some protection and company. He had fallen as 7/18/1999 #43807  
 an airborne US Customs and Border Protection De Havilland Canada Dash 8 tu 4/25/2013 #45365  
partment and US Customs and Border Protection helicopters began to pursue i 2/9/2021 #45676  
## Word: "protections" (Back to Top)
 law, containing UFO whistleblower protections and references to back-engin 12/23/2022 #45791  
## Word: "protective" (Back to Top)
 Schweinfurt, Germany Discs Put Up Protective Shield Around B-17 Formation  10/24/1943 #1537  
nd around Johnston Atoll are given protective eyewear to prevent flash blin 8/1/1958 #15174  
of the failure is the setting of a protective relay on one of the transmiss 11/9/1965 #19709  
n, France Three humanoid beings in protective gear emerged from domed disc, 2/14/1975 #29810  
n, France Three humanoid beings in protective gear emerged from domed disc, 2/14/1975 #29811  
 grabbed what seemed to be a black protective eye shield from the humanoid' 4/5/1993 #40927  
 objects formed what seemed like a protective circle around a larger cigar- 1/31/1996 #42729  
## Word: "protects" (Back to Top)
themselves a pneumatic vacuum that protects them from burning up in our str 2/1967 #21431  
aware of advanced UAP projects and protects them with surveillance and inti 1970 #25523  
## Word: "protein" (Back to Top)
inds the samples test negative for protein, the basic composition of spider 10/8/1969 #25400  
econdary amide linkages similar to protein. It also contains volatile hydro 11/11/1999 #43878  
tion in 1961. The samples indicate protein and oily materials from an exter 7/22/2005 #44856  
## Word: "protest" (Back to Top)
ce and one has already resigned to protest NICAP’s support of a sham invest 1/31/1967 #21424  
inks to racial, antiwar, and other protest activity. The operation is launc 8/1967 #22770  
e’s resignation. He retires, under protest, at age 72. Leading the effort i 12/3/1969 #25483  
hat the plane’s airframe groans in protest, and the altimeter goes “wacky.” 10/24/1982 #36663  
ns from his Pentagon UFO office to protest what he says is excessive secrec 10/4/2017 #45483  
## Word: "protested" (Back to Top)
es from the ground and the witness protested. The men then put away the box 12/6/1978 #34070  
## Word: "protesting" (Back to Top)
line pilots have signed a petition protesting the official policy of debunk 12/1958 #15465  
 and a table. They jump out again, protesting that they can’t go.           1/4/1979 #34294  
lying saucer organizations will be protesting in Rachel, NV. Among those no 7/28/1991 #40136  
## Word: "protests" (Back to Top)
 was reviewed partly due to public protests.                                1950 #4460  
s. The incident causes outrage and protests in Denmark. USAF Strategic Air  1/21/1968 #23684  
## Word: "protezione" (Back to Top)
ents. The Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale in Turin disputes  10/18/2002 #44419  
## Word: "proteção" (Back to Top)
                 Bebedouro Área de Proteção Ambiental do Carste de Lagoa Sa 5/4/1969 #25114  
ntly a small lagoon in the Área de Proteção Ambiental do Carste de Lagoa Sa 5/4/1969 #25114  
## Word: "protić" (Back to Top)
throughout the country. Milorad B. Protić and other astronomers at Belgrade 10/25/1955 #12520  
aunch of Sputnik in November 1957, Protić decides that the object must have 10/25/1955 #12520  
## Word: "proto" (Back to Top)
 cryptoterrestrial, demonic/djinn, proto/ancient human, time travelers, etc 7/31/2022 #45760  
## Word: "proto-language" (Back to Top)
ms to have discovered “Mantong,” a proto-language that is the source of all 9/1943 #1526  
## Word: "protocol" (Back to Top)
ember 18, 1992. The move creates a protocol that requires the CIA deputy di 9/6/1961 #16818  
mid 1950s without following proper protocol.  https://ufologie.patrickgross 7/28/1995 #42338  
## Word: "protocols" (Back to Top)
 made official. These are security protocols that provide highly classified 3/8/1972 #26592  
 evidence to analyze and a lack of protocols for investigating UFOs as hind 10/31/1977 #32643  
edged Special Access Program (SAP) protocols.  The allegation of a group ex 7/22/1993 #41077  
 and asked about proper accounting protocols, she was sexually harassed. Sh 8/30/1996 #43000  
 using traditional blind targeting protocols. 22610 is actually Skinwalker  3/2010 #45270  
including development of reporting protocols. The report also indicates tha 6/25/2021 #45694  
## Word: "prototype" (Back to Top)
cipal Airport The Northrop N-9M, a prototype flying wing bomber with a wing 12/27/1942 #1473  
e Northrop N-9M flying wing bomber prototype crashes 12 miles west of Muroc 5/19/1943 #1500  
                 Germany The first prototype H.IX V1, an unpowered glider w 3/1/1944 #1585  
t the engine and save the precious prototype. He undertakes a series of fou 2/18/1945 #1790  
 his injuries two weeks later. The prototype aircraft is completely destroy 2/18/1945 #1790  
 inexpensive “wonder weapons.” The prototype workshop is moved to the Gotha 3/12/1945 #1811  
month, work commences on the third prototype, the Ho 229 V3.                3/12/1945 #1811  
cuments, which allegedly include a prototype flying saucer, are kept under  5/1945 #1858  
Pad 33, 79.3km altitude (Hermes II prototype with dummy Organ ramjet test.  5/29/1947 #2300  
               First flight of the prototype jet fighter XP-86 flies from M 10/1/1947 #3442  
sponsible for the Horten Ho 299 (a prototype fighter/bomber flying wing des 12/16/1947 #3503  
 1985 that the photos resemble the prototype space vehicle described in Mas 12/13/1952 #8414  
own on a second try. Damage to the prototype U-2 is very minor.             8/1/1955 #12316  
erational capability with up to 10 prototype ICBMs” at “sometime during the 12/1957 #14649  
 is conducted on a modified second prototype at the Avro facility in Missis 6/9/1961 #16722  
saw an object resembling a racecar prototype moving low over the field with 5/26/1974 #29136  
une 1990, a model UFO, seemingly a prototype for a fake UFO in his photos,  11/11/1987 #38322  
that a foam UFO model, seemingly a prototype for a fake UFO, has been found 6/10/1990 #39612  
er story for a malfunctioning A-12 prototype.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbi 5/11/2002 #44342  
## Word: "prototypes" (Back to Top)
at sufficient types of flying wing prototypes existed when the Russians inv 3/12/1948 #3588  
out detection. At least one of the prototypes is flown from Area 51 more th 1970 #25520  
manufacturing two flying Have Blue prototypes in Skunk Works Building 82 in 4/1976 #30971  
USAF. Fouche claims at least three prototypes were built and use “MFD” tech 1998 #43481  
e for three minutes, and different prototypes were flown, proving the WEAV  12/2011 #45335  
a team known as “Advance Group-6.” Prototypes of the craft, he claims, util 6/29/2021 #45697  
## Word: "protrude" (Back to Top)
an. 1M and saucer very close. Bars protrude. Vanishes / instant! / LDLN#321 10/18/1954 #11192  
 radio-(seen thru) telescope. Rods protrude top and bottom/underside. / Fly 7/30/1965 #19208  
 object glides / power lines. Arms protrude. Hums.                          10/23/1966 #21027  
me hovers / field. 2 glowing-tubes protrude. Observer(s) levitated. / r30p4 12/25/1973 #28603  
GIEN, 45, FR Dark mass. Gold beams protrude. Possible landing. Colored flas 3/5/1974 #28861  
tating counterclockwise. 5 shelves protrude / center.                       4/7/1975 #29980  
ircular metal object hovers. Pipes protrude. Disk spins counterclockwise on 7/22/1981 #36021  
ighted windows, and several spokes protrude from the surface. Each spoke ha 4/10/1984 #37257  
tructures with lights on them that protrude from the bottom. A hissing nois 7/17/1988 #38603  
 treetop level lights area. Spokes protrude.                                7/16/1989 #39022  
ghts. White halo. 4 gray triangles protrude.                                3/3/1991 #39992  
over farms and trees. Several rods protrude beneath.                        2/15/1993 #40849  
oking which made its chest seem to protrude. The being moved slowly toward  2/2/1995 #42013  
r floats over / 10 minute(s). Rods protrude / edges. (Balloon?)             10/13/1995 #42548  
d ovoid. Bright light dims. Spikes protrude. No further details.            10/14/1995 #42549  
oid with square windows. Red lines protrude. Going quickly northwest.       6/19/1997 #43330  
## Word: "protruded" (Back to Top)
 of squares, and a fin-like device protruded from one end.  AK states there 12/10/1964 #18655  
ding a box from which a short tube protruded. Its head was very large, cove 8/23/1967 #22908  
 a high-pitched beeping. Four legs protruded from the bottom of the object. 5/28/1969 #25167  
 onto his forehead. "Wooden slats" protruded from his sleeves and from belo 5/15/1973 #27492  
artment, France. Two glowing tubes protruded from the object, and the witne 12/25/1973 #28604  
n the middle portion of the object protruded something like a funnel. It fl 5/9/1976 #31041  
n the middle portion of the object protruded something like a funnel. It fl 5/9/1976 #31042  
ike a horizontal periscope or boom protruded form the right side. The objec 4/4/1977 #31943  
that it had a rectangular box that protruded out. The being also wore large 9/26/1989 #39121  
 body, like some type of bat. They protruded out near the end and tapered b 4/5/2004 #44684  
## Word: "protrudes" (Back to Top)
along the side; a boom-like aerial protrudes from one side. The other is di 6/13/1967 #22503  
ylinder/cigar-shape hovers. Device protrudes and shoots beam / boy / 11. Bu 3/19/1968 #23847  
ange of metal; a similar structure protrudes from its top. The cylinder has 7/31/1968 #24271  
aperboy. 16M saucer / ground. Cone protrudes. Silent and motionless. Gone / 10/24/1968 #24582  
ld. Antenna / Rh side. Boxy object protrudes / left.                        9/9/1975 #30349  
erside from which a small cylinder protrudes, its lower portion rotating.   8/1976 #31217  
ge dome-blimp. Metallic grey. Pipe protrudes. Long windows. / APRO 29#3.    9/11/1980 #35511  
## Word: "protruding" (Back to Top)
ribed it as having two windows and protruding pipe-like extensions, and emi 7/8/1947 #3028  
s propeller, with 10-12 small cups protruding from either blade.  Estimated 7/29/1948 #3752  
minum object with 10–12 small cups protruding from either blade. It is 6–8  7/29/1948 #3753  
s propeller, with 10-12 small cups protruding from either blade, at 9:38 a. 7/29/1948 #3754  
aped object with a dark center and protruding top. It made an intense roari 4/26/1954 #9727  
rd, France. It has large, slanted, protruding eyes and a squat, furry body. 10/14/1954 #11057  
Their mouths showed strong, rather protruding white teeth. Approaching Sr.  11/1/1954 #11520  
165 feet away. It has several rods protruding from it, each apparently with 12/5/1954 #11764  
re with sensing elements or spikes protruding from it (NICAP: 01 - Distant  10/12/1957 #14103  
r, with a transparent dome on top. Protruding out of the dome is something  2/15/1963 #17669  
er with a sandwiched piece of meat protruding around.” It is about 30–40 fe 6/26/1963 #17809  
d bank for 15 seconds. It had four protruding lights evenly spaced on the b 4/4/1965 #18896  
e located there. The disc had rods protruding from the top and bottom.      7/30/1965 #19212  
n noticed a cross-shaped appendage protruding from the lower portion of the 3/20/1966 #19998  
y-grey ellipse with a clear bubble protruding from its top, hovered about a 9/13/1966 #20878  
id object with a clear bubble dome protruding from its top; it hovered abou 9/13/1966 #20880  
y normal, but his eyes were large, protruding, like "thyroid eyes," and set 1/9/1967 #21278  
 ahead of him. It has two antennae protruding from the top and two legs ben 1/19/1967 #21354  
the head of a humanoid like figure protruding from the opening on top of th 1/19/1967 #21355  
ross the front and a silver object protruding from the top. The objects var 1/28/1967 #21407  
dren saw three dark humanoids with protruding stomachs who spoke an unintel 7/17/1967 #22684  
the size of a child, but had a big protruding stomach. She told other child 6/4/1970 #25690  
s were short and wide with a large protruding great toe.                    2/26/1973 #27318  
 with large round heads, big eyes, protruding lips, dark brown skin, small  5/27/1973 #27533  
 V. Smith. Undescribed object with protruding pipes / very low altitude. Sc 9/9/1973 #27788  
w stood a very short humanoid with protruding eyes and four fingers on each 10/15/1973 #28060  
ared as he is because its eyes are protruding. It is generally human in sha 12/2/1974 #29629  
iry torso. The eyes were large and protruding. Frightened, Mr. Bosak sped u 12/2/1974 #29631  
iangle and yellow pulsating lights protruding from the blunter ends. The ob 10/22/1976 #31486  
visors and with two small antennas protruding from the top. The beings spok 5/10/1978 #33199  
parachute. At the bottom was a man protruding from its tip. The parachute o 8/31/1978 #33611  
, so he ties his horse to a ladder protruding from the bottom of the object 9/6/1978 #33638  
med disc with a self-luminous tube protruding from the bottom. Other witnes 12/2/1978 #34048  
 ship is spherical with three legs protruding from the bottom, and the inte 6/28/1979 #34639  
 outfits “puffed up with air” with protruding black tubes. The UFO suddenly 7/25/1979 #34679  
pt for what appeared to be a black protruding face mask of some sort. Withi 7/25/1979 #34681  
hair and large, red, almond-shaped protruding eyes. The figure wore a shiny 10/7/1979 #34951  
oot naval mine-shaped objects with protruding spikes, which floated up to h 11/9/1979 #34991  
h webbed hands, long pointed ears, protruding mouths, and almost no hair. T 4/23/1980 #35286  
allic gray in color. It had a pipe protruding from it, and long windows. (N 9/11/1980 #35513  
 CA 1 / car. 18cm sphere with pegs protruding buzzes car / eye level closel 12/20/1983 #37078  
 by a 7" wide sphere that had pegs protruding from it. It flew by the car a 12/20/1983 #37079  
 by a 7” wide sphere that had pegs protruding from it. It flew by the car a 12/20/1983 #37080  
ht of different colors and lengths protruding from it. The witness was a 61 7/16/1989 #39023  
 sound. There was a black cylinder protruding from its base. They watched i 6/30/1990 #39632  
lack eyes, four fingered hands and protruding stomachs. They typically wore 3/20/1993 #40895  
earphones and a helmet with a thin protruding antenna on one side. It seeme 2/3/1994 #41406  
 eyes, and a large mouth with huge protruding fangs. It was covered with da 11/11/1995 #42593  
ng veins, enormous feet, and three protruding lumps on its head. The being  1/20/1996 #42697  
 bodies. They also had large, limp protruding bellies. They also had thin s 7/8/1996 #42950  
th 8 sides, on each of which are 3 protruding domes. Westendorff follows it 10/5/1996 #43057  
eads, black eyes, pointed ears and protruding bellies. The beings re-entere 9/26/1997 #43417  
central domes, and smaller, smooth protruding undersides. They approached t 5/15/2003 #44537  
## Word: "protrusion" (Back to Top)
ife or activity, and no antenna or protrusion. The witness drove away.      12/1951 #5802  
tion on top. It also had a conical protrusion, brown in color, on the top.  5/5/1954 #9755  
rl / 13. Saucer hovers. Rudderlike protrusion. Large oily circles found. /  7/22/1960 #16343  
One was black with an antenna-like protrusion and a small tail; the other w 8/20/1962 #17347  
One was black with an antenna-like protrusion and a small tail, and the oth 8/20/1962 #17349  
white craniums, large pores, and a protrusion at the back of their heads. T 8/13/1965 #19380  
ed light on top of an antenna-like protrusion. Red and white lights appear  4/8/1966 #20276  
observed a spherical object with a protrusion on one side emitting an extre 10/10/1966 #20980  
observed a spherical object with a protrusion on one side emitting an extre 10/10/1966 #20985  
(disc) with a "deck" and a "pole" (protrusion) at the rear. The object pass 6/25/1967 #22554  
sors from which a rubber hose like protrusion was apparently connected to t 8/25/1968 #24377  
appeared to be a long antenna like protrusion on its back. It appeared to h 11/28/1968 #24729  
at around 10:00 a.m. It had a dark protrusion on the leading edge, and flew 5/8/1969 #25119  
 a dome on top and an antenna like protrusion. After two minutes the witnes 5/21/1971 #26120  
 a dome on top and an antenna like protrusion. It had a door like opening t 5/21/1971 #26121  
nverted dish” with a small rounded protrusion centered on its upper surface 10/5/1971 #26410  
Harlowton and sees an antenna-like protrusion on the top. Deputy Herb Lynn  2/17/1975 #29820  
l of 15–20) fly out from the lower protrusion, accompanied by a blinding ex 8/8/1978 #33489  
n, and works on a horseshoe-shaped protrusion on the dome. Finally, it cont 9/18/1978 #33708  
opeller on top and a long, pointed protrusion on the bottom. As he tries to 5/16/1979 #34563  
apparatus on top and a long pointy protrusion on the bottom. As he tried to 5/16/1979 #34564  
 visor. There was also a hose-like protrusion that came out of the visor. I 7/22/1982 #36545  
lightly; the other end has a short protrusion. This is the last image taken 3/25/1989 #38881  
ide there is a round, turbine-like protrusion with many colored lights arou 7/19/1990 #39651  
hru) binoculars and 5. Saucer with protrusion. Size / airliner. Red and gre 7/16/1994 #41622  
15 a.m. The craft had some sort of protrusion, and red and green blinking l 7/16/1994 #41626  
 in the center. It had a tail like protrusion on its rear and two antennas  7/23/1997 #43359  
ected together with a large arm or protrusion extending from beneath it. Th 6/16/2009 #45226  
## Word: "protrusions" (Back to Top)
g 5 m above ground. Elongated with protrusions and blinding lights, it went 4/22/1897 #553  
g 5 m above ground. Elongated with protrusions and blinding lights, it went 4/22/1897 #555  
 the ground. It was elongated with protrusions and blinding lights. It went 4/22/1897 #561  
or its structure to be visible but protrusions and a light could be disting 4/25/1897 #571  
or its structure to be visible but protrusions and a light could be disting 4/25/1897 #572  
or its structure to be visible but protrusions and a light could be disting 4/25/1897 #575  
c object rises / ground. Lens-like protrusions. Sand / ground fused!        10/18/1927 #1080  
ot oval object with three bumps or protrusions on the bottom, as Jones desc Late 5/1948 #3654  
a turtle, and showed three oarlike protrusions that moved slowly. Estimated Summer 1952 #6576  
en two more objects with dome-like protrusions in the center fly past.      8/5/1952 #7469  
 off again. There were antennalike protrusions on top of the object.        9/20/1954 #10369  
center, with no wings, only stubby protrusions extending 3-4 feet and 25 fe 5/22/1956 #12865  
are spherical, and no tail fins or protrusions of any kind are visible. The 1/3/1958 #14800  
tenna on top and three ball-shaped protrusions on the bottom. Around the ri 10/1963 #17969  
een in the sky with three leg-like protrusions over Goonumbla, New South Wa 7/31/1965 #19224  
had a dome on top, short wing-like protrusions, and three wheels on its und 1/13/1967 #21300  
ith a red top. On top were several protrusions, along which moved green fla 1/26/1967 #21393  
 with "bubble" dome on top and two protrusions on its underside. (NICAP rep 4/27/1967 #22230  
gar-shaped object with windows and protrusions flew over Wallingford, Conne 5/28/1967 #22417  
ke object with a knob and antenna (protrusions) on top approached in a tilt 10/24/1967 #23301  
which had landed on three leg-like protrusions. Soon three bearded men, ver 6/23/1968 #24072  
 clear center, dark-blue ends, two protrusions on top and bottom, and measu 7/31/1968 #24270  
llow uniform and had two horn-like protrusions on his head. The other four  8/20/1970 #25799  
 tall humanoids with two horn-like protrusions on their heads emerged from  8/24/1970 #25801  
ged and had sparkling antenna-like protrusions at either end. The object wa 9/14/1973 #27823  
 humanoid being with tentacle-like protrusions about the head came from it  10/20/1973 #28219  
It is windowless and shiny with no protrusions. He sees three humanoid figu 6/15/1974 #29198  
ched down nearby on four legs like protrusions. A door opened and a very ta 10/7/1974 #29504  
he UFO of 10 meters. Two dome-like protrusions were visible on the undersid 8/13/1975 #30257  
seemed to have short antennae like protrusions from their heads, large poin 8/31/1977 #32447  
eared to have some short wing like protrusions and a bright halo type light 1/4/1978 #32852  
ppeared to have three antenna-like protrusions on top. The UFO now gave off 2/17/1978 #32974  
s dome is a bright chrome with two protrusions. Hallstrom turns the plane a 7/4/1978 #33333  
times larger than the moon. It has protrusions on the top and bottom, two r 8/8/1978 #33489  
 object. It wore two antennae-like protrusions on its head. Frightened, he  9/21/1978 #33725  
 surrounded by small antennae like protrusions. Next to the object stood tw 10/15/1978 #33837  
wo large eyes and two antenna-like protrusions on its head. A second simila 12/15/1978 #34136  
wo large eyes and two antenna-like protrusions on its head. A second simila 12/15/1978 #34138  
he ground on several thin leg-like protrusions. The intense pink glow emana 1/5/1979 #34303  
whistling sound, the thin leg-like protrusions telescoped back into the cra 1/5/1979 #34303  
 It has a pointed top and fin-like protrusions on each side. Next to the fi 5/16/1979 #34563  
t had a pointy top, and a fin-like protrusions on each side. Next to the fi 5/16/1979 #34564  
ed by three "telescopic" legs like protrusions. He then noticed several man 3/1981 #35855  
r-shaped object with three rounded protrusions hover in the sky for 2 hours 6/5/1983 #36877  
ingers, a huge head two three bony protrusions (one on each side and one in 1/20/1996 #42695  
, and a large head with three oval protrusions, near the grounds of the loc 4/21/1996 #42877  
him. It landed on several leg-like protrusions. Once the object had landed  12/9/1996 #43133  
 on its rear and two antennas like protrusions on top. Two of the witnesses 7/23/1997 #43359  
t 11:40 p.m.. The object had small protrusions on the bottom. Stunned and u 7/16/2000 #44020  
he UFO had two elongated dome-like protrusions on top, and three similar st 4/18/2003 #44516  
bserve a saucer-shaped object with protrusions for 30 seconds as it flies a 8/23/2003 #44578  
he 30-foot-wide object has cubical protrusions on its side and a smooth bot 9/16/2008 #45168  
## Word: "protuberance" (Back to Top)
a disc-shaped object with a double protuberance on top. Its estimated size  5/7/1952 #6271  
g at treetop level. Diameter: 4 m. Protuberance on top.                     10/9/1954 #10846  
op level for ten seconds. It had a protuberance or dome on top, and was est 10/9/1954 #10864  
nder the object was a quadrangular protuberance.                            6/7/1967 #22476  
c-shaped object with a rectangular protuberance on its underside flew close 6/7/1967 #22479  
toward them. On top is a knob-like protuberance with an antenna and hanging 10/24/1967 #23305  
stations. It had a square, boxlike protuberance supported by a pole underne 11/29/1967 #23523  
stations. It had a square, boxlike protuberance supported by a pole underne 11/29/1967 #23524  
Brooklyn, New York. He saw a small protuberance on the edge of the "disc" a 2/15/1969 #24921  
red cylinder and has a handle-like protuberance on top. At one point it mov 5/24/1971 #26130  
 be body armor and a helmet with a protuberance in the center. She was dist 9/3/1976 #31338  
ark red center. It also has a gray protuberance that shines a brilliant lig 12/27/1980 #35747  
d see what appeared to be another "protuberance" resembling a third eye. Th 2/29/1996 #42789  
hs and what appeared to be a small protuberance on top of their heads. She  5/2/2001 #44174  
## Word: "protuberances" (Back to Top)
 There are no wings or engines or “protuberances of any sort.” It appears t 4/28/1949 #4129  
rol tower sees an oval object with protuberances, accompanied by a pair of  3/1/1954 #9588  
ed superstructure. Three stiltlike protuberances appear briefly then are dr 6/25/1962 #17245  
) object with central dome and two protuberances (projections) on one side  3/29/1966 #20137  
e, blue flame was emitted from the protuberances, and it rose into the clou 3/29/1966 #20137  
outh Australia. It had no wings or protuberances, and flew to the east on a 8/18/1971 #26295  
t about two meters in length. Blue protuberances came from the light. It su 6/9/1972 #26711  
 two meters in length and had blue protuberances. It disappeared, then reap 7/10/1972 #26790  
nd helmets. They helmets had short protuberances like antennae on the sides 12/15/1978 #34141  
t that looks like a mace head with protuberances moving silently from north 11/15/1979 #35000  
ark, circular object, flat with no protuberances, flying overhead across hi 3/24/1983 #36802  
f it they also observed "waves" of protuberances on the outside plating. Th 6/15/1984 #37365  
## Word: "protuberant" (Back to Top)
 as a tall, human-like female with protuberant eyes, who made groaning nois 3/2/1978 #33011  
## Word: "proturberance" (Back to Top)
d object with a fin or rudder-like proturberance was seen hovering over Mar 7/22/1960 #16344  
## Word: "protvino" (Back to Top)
                                   Protvino, Moscow Oblast, Russia Apartmen 9/13/1989 #39098  
ing home from the grocery store in Protvino, Moscow Oblast, Russia, when tw 9/13/1989 #39098  
. The craft ascends and flies over Protvino before dropping the woman off a 9/13/1989 #39098  
## Word: "prouant" (Back to Top)
                          NEAR ST. PROUANT, FR 30+observer(s). Carrot-cloud 9/14/1954 #10294  
## Word: "prouille" (Back to Top)
                                   PROUILLE, FR 2 / car. 8M saucer seen 3X  11/1967 (approximate) #23380  
## Word: "prouvy" (Back to Top)
                                   Prouvy, Nord, France 1:00 a.m. A woman r 1942 #1385  
:00 a.m. A woman returning home in Prouvy, Nord, France, finds herself face 1942 #1385  
## Word: "prov" (Back to Top)
                          CAMAGUEY PROV, CUBA 4 good observer(s) / plane. 7 10/20/1950 #5245  
                        NORRBOTTEN PROV, SWDN 3 observer(s) / 3 separate to 5/13/1954 #9784  
   KAUTOKEINO, NORWAY AND FINNMARK PROV 3 cops and 2 / (seen thru) binocula 5/13/1954 #9786  
                          PAYSANDU PROV, URUG 3 observer(s). Silent grey do 5/1956 #12818  
                            ARUSSI PROV, ETHIOPIA Many observer(s). Silent  9/3/1957 #13973  
                           TUCUMAN PROV, ARG Truck nearly hits 40' saucer / 11/5/1962 #17537  
                           ATACAMA PROV, CHL Observer(s) / hotel window. Lu 7/26/1965 #19178  
                             NATAL PROV, RSA Pilot. Blue-green disk follows 5/1966 #20435  
                            CURICA PROV, CHILE Huge bluish UFO shoots orang 7/25/1968 #24222  
                            CHUBUT PROV, ARG Town unknown. 4 / car. Engine  2/25/1969 #24941  
 Fireballs all over/all about Cape Prov. / r231p'78.                        7/5/1972 #26769  
                          GASPESIE PROV PARK, QB Fog. Car paced / red spotl 8/6/1976 #31237  
                          SAN LUIS PROV, ARG Squad / 40 saucers circles / b 5/4/1978 #33186  
                   FALSE BAY, CAPE PROV, RSA 13 observer(s). Bright egg-sha 7/19/1978 #33401  
                            YUNNAN PROV / LOCATION UNKNOWN, CH Dull silent  11/11/1980 #35627  
                 NINGSIA AND GANSU PROV, CH Thousands / observer(s). Huge s 7/24/1981 #36027  
                      HEILONGJIANG PROV, CH 5 Air Force pilots. Huge odd ob 6/18/1982 #36507  
                           BIELSKO PROV, POLAND Many separate observer(s).  12/2/1983 #37060  
                        CORRIENTES PROV, ARG Several observer(s). Saucer la 3/21/1986 #37803  
                             HUBEI PROV, CHINA Land lit red. Huge saucer si 5/12/1989 #38945  
                 ANHUI AND JIANGSU PROV, CH 15-30 extra-bright stars near s 7/7/1990 #39638  
                      HEILONGJIANG PROV, CHINA White object lands / tree fa 6/7/1994 #41556  
                            RECUAY PROV, PERU 6 observer(s). 6 objects rise 1/31/1996 #42728  
## Word: "provably" (Back to Top)
e UFO appeared!” The ship’s log is provably incomplete since it does not ev 1/16/1958 #14831  
rmation in them is not properly or provably classified. The CIA appeals Bry 3/1972 #26584  
## Word: "prove" (Back to Top)
terviewing witnesses and trying to prove it involves a real UFO crash and c 3/25/1948 #3598  
idence is yet available that would prove or disprove the existence of these 2/11/1949 #4003  
re a test firing of some flares to prove that recent sightings are not anom 3/17/1949 #4049  
cludes there is little evidence to prove UFOs are real and do not represent 8/10/1949 #4315  
 an interim last-chance measure to prove whether anecdotal sightings have a 1/29/1952 #5884  
dence has yet reached us either to prove or disprove the existence of the s 6/4/1952 #6438  
e him to federal court to make him prove his story or face fraud for using  6/1955 #12173  
he IBM system tried out. It didn’t prove a thing, and I had written it off  10/25/1955 #12519  
issions over the next year finally prove that. At least in official circles 7/9/1956 #12957  
ld, open hearings, I feel it would prove beyond doubt that flying saucers a 1/22/1958 #14838  
e Foundation to handle the program prove futile. It finally gives up the en 1962 #17005  
siers held by the Department which prove the existence of ‘flying saucers.’ 2/27/1965 #18829  
ds “Adelphos Adelpho” are written) prove to be mundane and irrelevant to th 4/24/1965 #18916  
s and physical traces, in order to prove his theory that paranoia is much m 2/6/1966 #19888  
o, although they couldn’t possibly prove a negative result, could and proba 8/9/1966 #20734  
ook and suspects a hoax but cannot prove it conclusively.                   1/9/1967 #21277  
ays the project is not required to prove or disprove anything, but that “we 1/12/1967 #21290  
hl and his crew were attempting to prove that ancient Egyptians could have  6/11/1970 #25697  
oD possesses any evidence that can prove the existence of extraterrestrial  1/1972 #26534  
eward to “the first person who can prove that an Unidentified Flying Object 3/12/1972 #26601  
that was leaked in a periodical to prove UAP-related cables exist. Over the 1/19/1978 #32900  
’t have any papers or documents to prove it, but due to my position I know  8/13/1979 #34741  
to see whether the Lorenzens might prove to be “useful idiots.” Weitzel adm 7/1980 #35397  
ons to Iran. Sick is never able to prove his claims, but the evidence sugge 10/15/1980 #35569  
Geiger counter and infrared viewer prove unhelpful. Researchers categorize  1/21/1984 #37136  
p them walk in a straight line. To prove their case, they make a circle in  9/9/1991 #40182  
d a hypnotic regression session to prove his claims. The results supposedly Early 6/1994 #41548  
 the ranch, but they are unable to prove anything scientifically. Among tho Fall 1994 #41773  
t is the only alternative that may prove successful in thwarting plans of e 3/11/1998 #43532  
ined by 3-4 personnel who made him prove the information was in the PUBLIC  7/2003 #44560  
t abduction by Stan Romanek, which prove to be bismuth trioxide, used in th 7/22/2005 #44856  
arters] documents are the first to prove that a major western government is 2/24/2014 #45402  
## Word: "proved" (Back to Top)
n left. A search for the occupants proved futile. A bus driver was said to  10/10/1957 #14091  
n left. A search for the occupants proved futile. A bus driver was reported 10/10/1957 #14096  
is of paint samples from explosion proved inconclusive. Sighting lasted 2-3 4/12/1960 #16224  
f paint samples from the explosion proved inconclusive.                     4/12/1960 #16225  
 there was a white substance which proved to be calcium phosphate.          8/1/1966 #20720  
r check with the local gas company proved negative as far as it being one o 1/26/1967 #21402  
 physical reality of UFOs has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt.” McDon 7/29/1968 #24254  
d up to it the light on the ground proved to be four lights, one of which t 10/15/1968 #24563  
 A search of the area the next day proved fruitless.                        3/25/1971 #26054  
ter, three men that came into view proved her. Two stood to the left of the 10/16/1973 #28089  
er headaches for some weeks, which proved to be true; he also said that she 9/3/1974 #29418  
n subsequent recollections---which proved harder to recover and which clear 2/5/1978 #32957  
oting that the plaintiffs have not proved that the helicopters are associat 12/29/1980 #35757  
 subjected to alcohol tests but it proved negative, both were then sent to  1982 #36284  
ck her up, but to his surprise she proved to be unusually heavy and he was  10/8/1989 #39150  
## Word: "proven" (Back to Top)
t if enough cases are examined and proven to have no security risks, then t 2/11/1949 #4003  
             T. Townsend Brown has proven so financially inept that the NIC 1/14/1957 #13455  
that the photos are not a hoax; if proven false, they would be subject to p 7/3/1967 #22600  
: Magnetic monopoles have not been proven to exist in the scientific PUBLIC 4/17/1997 #43264  
one of these allegations have been proven in court.                         2/6/2019 #45560  
## Word: "provenance" (Back to Top)
k obtains metal samples of unknown provenance from the site in 1968.        5/20/1967 #22382  
all number of artifacts of unknown provenance and some soil deformation ano 9/16/2002 #44400  
of an alien with two documents, no provenance.  Green took it to likely Dia 2011 #45310  
ncident, since they seem to have a provenance of 1947. The two nearly ident 5/5/2015 #45437  
## Word: "provencal" (Back to Top)
] whistling and flashing red. / Le Provencal.                               10/15/1954 (approximate) #11094  
                                   PROVENCAL, LA Car stopped / beam / Army  11/1957 #14180  
                                   Provencal, Louisiana Haskell Raper, Jr., 11/1957 #14181  
## Word: "provence" (Back to Top)
 Marignane Airfield [now Marseille Provence Airport], Bouches-du-Rhône, Fra 1/4/1954 #9445  
 Marignane Airfield [now Marseille Provence Airport], Bouches-du-Rhône, Fra 1/4/1954 #9445  
                          Trans en Provence, France Object descends onto a  1/8/1981 #35777  
                       ST. REMY DU PROVENCE, FR 20M diamond-object lights L 3/30/1993 #40904  
## Word: "provencio" (Back to Top)
                                EL PROVENCIO, CUENCA, SP Extra moon hangs / 6/26/1953 #8973  
## Word: "provenzano" (Back to Top)
omas H. Hanley, navigator; John J. Provenzano, No. 1 monitor; Frank B. McCl 7/17/1957 #13808  
## Word: "proves" (Back to Top)
Force is claiming that the program proves “there are no such things as flyi 2/1958 #14859  
 an Avrocar takes place. This test proves the nozzle control system unaccep 11/12/1959 #16087  
Flight above the critical altitude proves dangerous if not nearly impossibl 6/9/1961 #16722  
ile away. On closer inspection, it proves to be a hovering UFO. He quickly  7/11/1969 #25261  
a magnetic tape backup. In 1982 it proves too expensive for CUFOS to mainta 1976 #30742  
ts speed as about 95 mph. The ball proves to be the front of a huge steel-c 8/29/1979 #34800  
et in the vicinity. But this later proves to be a small aircraft whose tran 5/25/1995 #42227  
## Word: "proveshenia" (Back to Top)
l rectangular object very low over Proveshenia prospector. No further detai 11/9/1989 #39222  
rectangular UFO flew very low over Proveshenia Prospekt, Petrograd, Russia  11/9/1989 #39223  
## Word: "provide" (Back to Top)
Cann and George A. Overrocker, who provide copies to several newspapers. Th 4/11/1897 #429  
 becomes the US Army Air Forces to provide the air arm greater autonomy.    6/20/1941 #1364  
                        The Swedes provide the British attaché with analyti 7/15/1946 #2057  
dolf Smekal of Frankfurt, Germany, provide leads, with confusing results fo 7/5/1947 #2721  
ement that all USAF installations “provide a minimum of one each aircraft,  2/12/1948 #3576  
obert B. Landry, his USAF aide, to provide him with quarterly verbal report Spring 1948? #3594  
is intended to spur innovation and provide competition to the nuclear weapo 1952 #5836  
munications and radars in order to provide strategic warning of a military  7/1953 #8979  
lity on May 6 and now is set up to provide electrical power to Moscow.      6/27/1954 #9957  
ques Vallee believes this case may provide clues to the propulsion system e 12/13/1954 #11805  
vidence for these claims, but does provide evidence he worked at Douglas an 3/1/1955 #12027  
or incoming raw reports that might provide information on foreign weapons R 2/9/1956 #12704  
an states even if Tacker wished to provide UAP evidence, it would have been 5/1/1956 #12825  
he RB-47’s electronic measurements provide an irrefutable case. When the Co 7/17/1957 #13808  
ifiable Duncanville radar signals, provide a unique, tight, interlocking we 7/17/1957 #13808  
ue Book. Project Blue Book did not provide an evaluation of the photo.      12/15/1957 #14731  
re made to the stability system to provide more control authority, while ne 9/29/1959 #15999  
tes that its radar coverage “would provide warning from all directions, not 2/24/1962 #17058  
 in clouds. The falls and mountain provide location points throughout.      12/21/1962 #17601  
s UFOs for 115 minutes. The pilots provide a minute-by-minute report by rad 10/1963 #17968  
that Blue Book “be strengthened to provide opportunity for scientific inves 2/3/1966 #19879  
ith a few selected universities to provide scientific teams to investigate  2/3/1966 #19879  
e universities should be chosen to provide good geographical distribution.” 2/3/1966 #19879  
ction that the witness was able to provide.                                 12/25/1967 #23609  
es a letter to Hynek asking him to provide 10– 15 of the best cases from hi 2/8/1968 #23740  
d beings from the cosmos who would provide him with the assurance of life t 7/1968 #24109  
is program is not only intended to provide the president with domestic and  6/1969 #25182  
causing the craft to tilt down and provide a view of its interior. Kendall  1/1/1970 #25532  
edly gave him a formula that would provide "the universe at his fingerprint 6/15/1971 #26176  
 These are security protocols that provide highly classified information wi 3/8/1972 #26592  
of Hynek’s background and does not provide him the list.                    2/1974 #28724  
and SAC helicopters have failed to provide a positive I.D. of the UFO.      10/28/1975 #30492  
ens’ investigations into UAP would provide value to its own intelligence co 4/26/1976 #31027  
wned UFOs, although his refusal to provide their names embroils him in cont 7/29/1978 #33449  
inistration, and its mission is to provide for an informed American public  12/1/1978 #34044  
paranomal/extrasensory departments provide covert funding from CIA/DIA “bla 12/15/1978 #34143  
d King Juan Carlos I in January to provide access to UFO information collec 3/3/1979 #34462  
rtance. Pratt gives GSW 60 days to provide a written response to the CIA mo 9/19/1979 #34900  
ht control center in Barcelona can provide any explanation. In order to avo 11/11/1979 #34997  
erate with these AFOSI sources and provide them with information. They tell 9/8/1980 #35504  
t of several attempts. Most people provide an estimated altitude for the li 11/18/1980 #35654  
y bases, but no one could or would provide them with an explanation. Cash w 12/29/1980 #35758  
the Secretary of State for Defence provide statistics on UFO landings, unex 3/9/1984 #37222  
black military programs on UFOs or provide consultants for them. It meets f 5/20/1985 #37590  
s is: “Study of the UFO data could provide a potential for a leap in techno 5/20/1985 #37590  
to the American public, nor did it provide any information to the GAO repor 5/20/1985 #37591  
rrestrial intelligence in order to provide a basis for judging the ETH as a 3/1989 #38854  
sted US Coast Guard helicopters to provide illumination from above; command 9/28/1989 #39132  
extensive enquiries have failed to provide any indication of what the sight 4/21/1991 #40046  
ld in Troy, Illinois. No one could provide an explanation for how they occu 6/6/1991 #40085  
the US Air Force to declassify and provide him with all material relating t 3/1993 #40871  
s of 3 APR 1990.  Sherman does not provide a description of PPD location 1, 12/1993 #41313  
ccess STAC and Collins Elite would provide a united front that would allow  3/11/1998 #43532  
identification and wasn’t going to provide anything, confidently smiling wh 2/24/2001 #44142  
ostat Radar System airship used to provide radar data in support of the US  2/20/2002 #44319  
ity and two key officers who could provide information on UAP crash retriev 4/25/2002 #44333  
ives, whose UFO webpage, set up to provide direct public access, receives m 5/12/2008 #45137  
 Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) to provide BAASS with technical papers on t 10/17/2008 #45175  
assment, etc. The documents do not provide any specifics on which organizat 2/13/2009 #45212  
e of the system was its ability to provide uncued data on new objects as op 10/1/2013 #45388  
r force. Its primary mission is to provide intelligence, surveillance, and  9/29/2014 #45415  
ything, wild UAP speculation could provide a nice cover for any projects ha 1/30/2015 #45429  
eosynchronous orbits that together provide continuous global coverage of in 1/2018 #45499  
ort the 60 scientists in JASON who provide independent technical advice and 4/25/2019 #45572  
 Network has numerous sensors that provide data. They are separated into th 6/23/2019 #45587  
ark 87 Electro-Optical Director to provide surveillance and tracking data.  7/15/2019 #45593  
igate the natter and are unable to provide an adequate investigation. Leake 7/15/2019 #45593  
ract states that To the Stars will provide samples in its possession of “me 10/17/2019 #45612  
s the Trump administration finally provide the report to a few Senate offic 8/2020 #45657  
ctor and the Secretary of State to provide financial support for personnel  10/8/2021 #45715  
ct, which calls on the military to provide an annual report and semiannual  5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "provided" (Back to Top)
 a possible UFO. Dr. Eddie Bullard provided this report to Brad Sparks in D 4/15/1897 #480  
ell, N.M., this date...Information provided this office because of national 7/8/1947 #2951  
Roswell. A preliminary briefing is provided by Blanchard about the separate 7/8/1947 #3012  
ked up their Speed Graphic cameras provided by LaPaz to try to photograph t 12/20/1948 #3936  
 within the present U.S. knowledge—provided extensive detailed development  1952 #5843  
pelt says it is based on the books provided for taking college tests at Iow 3/25/1952 #5973  
S. without going through channels; provided for wire transmission of report 4/1952 #6003  
sibly an electronic intercept) has provided an “indication” of ominous Sovi 4/16/1952 #6093  
ng out in a line." The explanation provided by the US Air Force, that they  6/29/1952 #6668  
                         Documents provided by former Douglas Aircraft engi 3/1/1955 #12027  
e has muzzled pilots. “Answers are provided on any unidentified flying obje 4/8/1957 #13589  
 his new-found knowledge and funds provided by Howard Hughes, he completes  1959 #15515  
He then went to sheriff Pfief, who provided him with the details of the ini 2/28/1959 #15624  
 at Nevada’s AEC between 1961–1963 provided evidence to the MUFON Journal t 1961 #16544  
ghting so studied. The information provided by such a program might bring t 2/3/1966 #19879  
revealed to be untrue, as the USAF provided Condon with an “informal liaiso 4/3/1966 #20214  
nks of the 1965 cases they already provided. Otherwise, NICAP might pull ou 12/1966 #21171  
ave to the DAILEY HERALD-TELEPHONE provided the most vivid description of a 2/5/1967 #21456  
p to and including Secret is to be provided to the University of Colorado p 2/23/1967 #21635  
d object for several minutes. They provided two descriptions: (1) a reddish 2/28/1967 #21681  
he back stop, consisting of stones provided by each province of Canada.     6/3/1967 #22457  
ptional cases, (6) inadequate data provided by local Air Force base investi 10/7/1968 #24548  
 recommends “gonadal protection be provided” to the male test subjects; how 5/12/1969 #25131  
ontauk activities too, though none provided any proof. Somewhat dubiously,  1/1971 #25963  
w different scenes in time. He has provided no evidence of these claims. *  1/1971 #25963  
. Their descriptions matched those provided by Sr. Rey. They said the stran 11/28/1972 #27150  
ed another blanket over her, which provided badly needed warmth. Noticing h 10/16/1973 #28089  
s charter. According to a briefing provided by CIA Director William Colby t 12/31/1974 #29665  
justified,” and that if funding is provided, it could hire a project office 9/6/1977 #32463  
lved in CE-III. Organization never provided any documentation or report. (N 11/1/1980 #35605  
                          The date provided in an interview by Dr. Eric W.  1989 #38767  
died soon after the encounter, but provided no information as to the cause  2/7/1989 #38820  
inst Paul Bennewitz. Moore says he provided Doty with information about Ben 7/1/1989 #39002  
         Michael Riconosciuto, who provided Inslaw Inc. with an affidavit i 5/13/1992 #40463  
ary personnel. Minimal coverage is provided at the time by the media, even  3/13/1997 #43229  
o a secret government program that provided some material recovered from a  6/1997 #43304  
 and IBM. Corso also states INSCOM provided some funding to a UAP working g 6/1997 #43308  
aissance flight to a UFO report is provided. These allegations are treated  8/3/1997 #43365  
ails. The RAAF and Australian Army provided information that discounts the  10/13/1997 #43427  
e abduction. No other details were provided.                                1/15/1998 #43500  
n conversation on 17 June 1997 and provided him with an amended copy of New 3/11/1998 #43532  
gram closely resembles the drawing provided earlier in Milton William Coope 5/9/2001 #44182  
ilots and air traffic controllers, provided by the Comité de Estudios de Fé 8/26/2003 #44584  
driveway. No specific details were provided about the appearance of the hum 10/26/2005 #44894  
-12 documents (47 pages total) are provided to Heather Wade, host of the Mi 6/2017 #45473  
oup, but at least $750,000 will be provided in support and resources for de 10/17/2019 #45612  
tified, though none of the data is provided. (The full report, available on 6/25/2021 #45694  
 Ross Coulthart states sources who provided UAP information for his recentl 12/17/2021 #45729  
rious agencies, have independently provided similar, corroborating informat 6/5/2023 #45798  
## Word: "providence" (Back to Top)
                                   Providence, Rhode Island In Providence,  12/24/1909 #825  
       Providence, Rhode Island In Providence, Rhode Island, author H. P. L 12/24/1909 #825  
                              East Providence, Rhode Island 5:30 a.m. Two o 10/29/1910 #852  
 great altitude are seen over East Providence, Rhode Island, by newspaper w 10/29/1910 #852  
                              EAST PROVIDENCE, RI 1 observer. Luminous disk 7/6/1947 #2793  
raight, northerly course over East Providence, Rhode Island.                7/6/1947 #2827  
                                   Providence, NC 8:35 p.m. EST. A man saw  1/22/1967 #21366  
ant for the FBI and CIA, tells the Providence Evening Bulletin that the key 5/13/1968 #23959  
ght flew parallel to I-95 south of Providence, Rhode Island at 12:15 a.m.,  3/27/1973 #27381  
                                   PROVIDENCE CANYON, GA 5 / camp. 6 small  9/28/1973 (approximate) #27883  
                                   PROVIDENCE, KY 2 observer(s). Silver sau 8/16/1979 #34746  
                                   Providence, Kentucky 4:30 p.m. A silver, 8/16/1979 #34748  
flies past an eastbound truck near Providence, Kentucky, at 2,000– 3,000 fe 8/16/1979 #34748  
year-old farmer and four others in Providence, Kentucky reported observing  8/16/1979 #34749  
                              EAST PROVIDENCE, RI 30' delta/triangle/box-li 4/4/1992 #40409  
                              EAST PROVIDENCE, RI 30' delta/triangle/box-li 4/18/1992 #40422  
                               NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ Dentist. Large craft whoo 6/28/1995 #42278  
                           NORTH / PROVIDENCE, RI 1 observer. 3 white balls 9/30/1995 #42521  
        At 10:30 p.m. in 2000 near Providence, Rhode Island a westbound com 6/22/2000 #44006  
## Word: "providencia" (Back to Top)
                                   Providencia Gen. Ricardo Bermúdez, direc 7/31/2014 #45412  
eneral of Civil Aviation (DGAC) in Providencia of 19 experts from a wide ra 7/31/2014 #45412  
## Word: "provider" (Back to Top)
 him to be their guide and weapons provider for what he supposes is a subse 5/4/1969 #25114  
## Word: "providers" (Back to Top)
e to suggest IT/accounting systems providers Lockheed Martin Information Sy 6/2004 #44706  
## Word: "provides" (Back to Top)
o the planet Mars and Jupiter. She provides a crude map of Jupiter’s surfac 8/1895 #319  
                    Sidney Shalett provides the USAF Directorate of Intelli 3/2/1949 #4032  
-page top secret policy paper that provides the “blueprint for the militari 4/7/1950 #4818  
assing behind a water tower, which provides a frame of reference for measur 8/15/1950 #5126  
   The Directorate of Intelligence provides answers to the problem that Col 10/22/1951 #5744  
h the normal chain of command, and provides for wire transmission of report 4/29/1952 #6215  
’s Physics and Electronics Branch, provides a briefing document explaining  8/22/1952 #7682  
is interviewed in See magazine and provides straightforward, factual answer 3/1953 #8722  
 not worried.” The lengthy article provides a good overview of Blue Book’s  3/8/1953 #8739  
azi antigravity programs. Tompkins provides no evidence for these claims, b 3/1/1955 #12027  
 and vibrations. In 1957, the USAF provides additional funding to extend th 3/1956 #12742  
who admits to faking the story but provides no motive.  https://books.googl 5/1957 #13633  
the Mafia for this work is that it provides the CIA with a credible cover s 9/1960 #16428  
sified Confidential, describes and provides guidance for Project Moon Dust  4/25/1961 #16662  
tes of the federal government, and provides satellite intelligence to sever 9/6/1961 #16818  
UFOs taken by private citizens and provides recommendations to the photogra 5/1/1967 #22261  
corded. Shortly afterwards, RAPCON provides vectors for the B-52 to overfly 10/24/1968 #24587  
 the B-52 crew debriefing. Werlich provides Blue Book with selected data th 10/24/1968 #24587  
 by federal agencies. The act also provides individuals with a means by whi 12/31/1974 #29666  
tes the case, and one of the girls provides him with a drawing of the creat 4/17/1976 #30998  
 December 31. The Earl of Halsbury provides a list of natural causes for UF 1/18/1979 #34358  
10, base commander Col. Ted Conrad provides a statement about the incident  12/28/1980 #35749  
t in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Doty provides Moore with copies of three docu 12/29/1981 #36282  
erican intelligence community.” He provides a copy of one page of the MJ-12 5/1987 #38169  
                             Moore provides photocopies of all the pages of 6/1987 #38183  
 DC The Fund for UFO Research Inc. provides $500 in funding to Elaine Dougl 9/19/1988 #38642  
ic A. Walker a second time. Walker provides some vague and bizarre informat 3/8/1990 #39453  
t. Dan Sherman (Daniel L. Sherman) provides a change of station orders form 12/1993 #41313  
 for information string.”  Sherman provides the following as a sample: “118 Early 1994 #41352  
 Ordnance Group at Fort Gillem, GA provides EOD response to incidents invol 1996 #42659  
ntifieds or natural phenomena, but provides no evidence. Blue Book head Rob 8/3/1997 #43367  
as the “pumpkinseed” craft. Wilson provides an org chart that shows Decisio 8/19/1997 #43387  
al Institute for Discovery Science provides the funding for the analysis of 1998 #43479  
uche claims the triangular “TR-3B” provides logistics and transportation su 1998 #43481  
s Townsend Brown’s gravitators and provides a line drawing of its interior. 5/9/2001 #44182  
Burial Ground on Arthur Kill Road, provides the most significant witnesses. 7/14/2001 #44208  
                             MITRE provides conference for several scientis 5/6/2003 #44526  
 no longer online and it no longer provides updates to the public on its an 3/2004 #44671  
s he believes the government still provides a funding path and a security u 8/4/2007 #45043  
ten to the agency by citizens) and provides readers with standard ridicule  5/26/2008 #45143  
er Ranch in Utah James T. Lacatski provides an in-depth briefing to Jim Bel 2/7/2011 #45313  
t-missing-scientists/     Note: He provides photos, a service medal certifi 1/30/2015 #45429  
VAULT team collects, analyzes, and provides their authentication of UFO sig 9/2017 #45480  
ailed podcast produced by Rob Reid provides the full details about the diff 10/26/2018 #45541  
usan Gough confirms. She states he provides technical assistance on a varie 8/23/2022 #45764  
                      Cameron also provides an audiotape of Green interview 10/20/2022 #45781  
## Word: "providing" (Back to Top)
nd asks for CRIFO’s cooperation in providing them with new UFO reports. He  9/9/1955 #12444  
 citizens plays a critical role in providing crucial information on the wor 9/11/1956 #13214  
9 o’clock position for 40 minutes, providing an opportunity for many of the 2/24/1959 #15604  
eed with a hearing early next year—providing the new chairman [Miller] auth 9/19/1961 #16856  
len Hynek later corroborated this, providing several radar unidentifieds su 4/5/1966 #20253  
10 feet later; Morris thinks about providing assistance, but the otherworld 3/28/1967 #22004  
arters. It is a single-page letter providing several possible explanations  10/24/1968 #24587  
he same time Bryant writes Gleason providing him with a draft affidavit. He 2/19/1973 #27298  
enly timed pulses.” In addition to providing the first photographs of the d 3/23/1992 #40397  
ng optical deception, cloaking and providing a momentary distraction when e 5/1996 #42891  
FighterSweep.com that, in spite of providing many details, remained unconfi 11/14/2004 #44784  
 video screen billboards, aimed at providing “advanced technology solutions 10/17/2019 #45612  
## Word: "province" (Back to Top)
                           Hitachi province, Japan An attractive young woma 2/22/1803 #100  
g pot or incense burner in Hitachi province, Japan. Fishermen bring her inl 2/22/1803 #100  
self, in a dazed state, in Guizhou province, which was 300 miles away from  5/8/1880 #233  
                      Västerbotten province, Sweden A mystery airplane is s 1/9/1934 #1194  
ne is seen again over Västerbotten province, Sweden. The Swedish Air Force  1/9/1934 #1194  
                  Tientsien, Hopeh Province, N. China China (NICAP: 08 - Ph 1942 #1383  
                              TULA PROVINCE, RUSSIA 20 Germans / battle. Si 8/15/1942? #1438  
 Loreto Castelfidardo Osimo Ancona province, Italy 10:30 a.m. During Allied Early 7/1944 #1617  
astelfidardo, and Osimo, in Ancona province, Italy, Antoni Szachnowsky, of  Early 7/1944 #1617  
raborg [now Västra Götaland] Vaasa province, Finland 8:30 p.m. One or more  2/21/1946 #1969  
 sets a farmhouse on fire in Vaasa province, Finland. It leaves a long trai 2/21/1946 #1969  
                          ROGALAND PROVINCE, NORWAY 4 observer(s). Vibrant  7/13/1946 #2056  
 in the sky over southern Norrland province. At Chatillon-sur-Seine, France 8/11/1946 #2118  
  Lanzhou City, Gansu, China Gansu province The antiaircraft command base o 7/19/1947 #3201  
bout 8:00 p.m., witnesses in Gansu province watch a red object cross the sk 7/19/1947 #3201  
 Villarta de San Juan, Ciudad Real Province. It emitted a very bright light 3/22/1950 #4703  
  Four people flying over Camaguey province, Cuba in a Beech Bonanza aircra 10/20/1950 #5248  
It is one of many UFOs seen in the province of Oran over several weeks.     7/26/1952 #7176  
            Abadan, Iran Khuzestan Province 6:55 p.m. A bright, luminous ob 5/18/1953 #8884  
 seen over oil fields in Khuzestan Province.                                5/18/1953 #8884  
                              Cape Province, South Africa Radar tracks a ta 5/23/1953 #8906  
ca Radar tracks a target over Cape Province, South Africa, that makes six p 5/23/1953 #8906  
        Brandvlei in Northern Cape Province, South Africa 5:10 a.m. D. Beye 5/26/1953 #8910  
outh of Brandvlei in Northern Cape Province, South Africa, sees a bright ye 5/26/1953 #8910  
                        Norrbotten Province, Sweden Morning. Three persons  5/13/1954 #9787  
      On this day in Durban, Natal province, South Africa a good photograph 7/31/1954 #10070  
 near Monte-Brandsen, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Two one-meter tall  9/20/1954 #10374  
                              Cape Province, S. Africa White, semi-circular 12/7/1954 #11769  
                              Cape Province, South Africa Witness: weather  12/7/1954 #11771  
:15 p.m. a weather officer in Cape Province, South Africa using a theodolit 12/7/1954 #11775  
 the same night in Cartaya, Huelva Province, Spain a circular craft landed  12/19/1954 #11840  
            Dudignac, Buenos Aires province, Argentina 9:30 a.m. Pedro Nava 8/30/1955 #12418  
clouds over Dudignac, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. When he develops th 8/30/1955 #12418  
of a flying saucer in the Kataghan province of Afghanistan. USAF attempted  1/24/1956 #12681  
e Pajas Blancas Airport in Cordoba province, Argentina shortly after 7 a.m. 5/1/1957 #13639  
ing near Joinville, Santa Catarina province, Brazil. It caused temporary di 8/14/1957 #13894  
uge disc southwest of Carora, Lara province, and one landed. The rest engag 8/20/1957 #13914  
                               Bua Province, Fiji Islands Natives in small  10/8/1957 #14074  
his wife were in Tabladitas, Jujuy Province, Argentina when they watched a  4/12/1958 #14979  
 the city of San Carlos, Maldonado province, Uruguay. The object, estimated 5/5/1958 #15019  
:15 a.m. over Chenxi County, Hunan Province, China. It was spinning out a c 6/21/1958 #15113  
en Unsue and Bolivar, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The object made a s 8/8/1958 #15185  
       Over La Verde, Buenos Aires province, Argentina an airplane's engine 8/31/1958 #15235  
 at 11:55 p.m. in Umbrete, Sevilla province, Spain. A moment later, when on 12/31/1958 #15505  
ear-old farmer in Brion, La Coruna province, Spain saw an egg-shaped object 8/12/1959 #15907  
water plant in El Cobre, Algeciras province, Spain at three a.m. when sudde 10/16/1959 #16035  
scambray Mountains Sancti Spiritus province President Kennedy is briefed, t 1/28/1961 #16590  
mbray Mountains in Sancti Spiritus province. Kennedy authorizes the active  1/28/1961 #16590  
35 near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina had a close encounte 5/9/1962 #17155  
                             Pampa Province, Argentina V. and G. Tomasini a 5/12/1962 #17162  
lometer 72 near La Pampa, La Pampa province, Argentina saw a rectangular ob 5/12/1962 #17166  
west of Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina that involved severa 5/12/1962 #17166  
 Mercedes, located in Buenos Aires province, Argentina an Air Force man nam 5/13/1962 #17172  
ora Naval Air Base in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The plane's radio f 5/22/1962 #17193  
were driving to Parana, Entre Rios province, Argentina and were near the to 6/3/1962 #17216  
eachers in Villa Tunuyuan, Mendoza province, Argentina saw three discs pass 7/27/1962 #17292  
   Camba Punat Airport, Corrientes province, Argentina. Sr. Luis Harvey, ai 8/2/1962 #17318  
 Pirana, Argentina in Buenos Aires province at 1:45 a.m., Sr. P. Atilli had 8/5/1962 #17322  
ellantoni in Dolores, Buenos Aires province, Argentina encountered a bright 8/28/1962 #17370  
ing in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina at 8:00 p.m. A noctu 10/10/1962 #17465  
Texas San Cristóbal, Pinar del Río Province Artemisa Province Western Cuba  10/14/1962 #17471  
l, Pinar del Río Province Artemisa Province Western Cuba A U-2 (loaned to t 10/14/1962 #17471  
te at San Cristóbal, Pinar del Río Province [now in Artemisa Province], in  10/14/1962 #17471  
 del Río Province [now in Artemisa Province], in western Cuba.              10/14/1962 #17471  
t of Abra Grande, Argentina in the province of Santiago del Estero, two men 11/26/1962 #17563  
                        Entre Ríos province, Argentina A formation of objec 1/17/1963 #17636  
 of objects passes over Entre Ríos province, Argentina, and discharges ange 1/17/1963 #17636  
                   Tranca, Tucumán Province, Argentina A family was held un 10/21/1963 #17995  
FO landing in Alta Gracia, Cordoba Province, Argentina at 10:00 p.m.        11/28/1963 #18059  
iving in Colonia Castelli in Chaco province, Argentina saw a creature more  5/8/1964 #18248  
e Pajas Blancas airport in Cordoba province, Argentina a doctor and his wif 6/5/1964 #18332  
ed from Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut province, Argentina flying in a curved t 9/20/1964 #18561  
vatory in San Miguel, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, astronomers watched 11/14/1964 #18617  
                      Buenos Aires province, Argentina A couple is driving  1965 #18689  
 on a country road in Buenos Aires province, Argentina, when their car engi 1965 #18689  
eople in Torrent, Argentina in the province of Corrientes saw a craft land  1/31/1965 #18789  
eral people in Torrent, Corrientes province, Argentina observed five lumino 2/4/1965 #18802  
ba Indian tribe in Chalac, Formosa Province, Argentina watched as a group o 2/21/1965 #18825  
the El Toreno oil field in Barinas province, Venezuela.                     3/20/1965 #18870  
ng in the Loretani Valley, Cordoba province, Argentina, Mr. and Mrs. Bosque 7/15/1965 #19108  
p.m. in Villas Rosas, Buenos Aires province, Argentina Maria Andres, a scho 7/19/1965 #19137  
a hotel guest in Chanaral, Atacama province, Chile was awakened by a loud n 7/20/1965 #19152  
e los Curas, Quilmes, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when he saw a parach 7/20/1965 #19153  
             In Macias, Entre Rios province, Argentina at eleven o'clock at 7/21/1965 #19156  
                       GUAICAIPURO PROVINCE, VNZ Separate observer(s). Silv 7/25/1965 #19166  
 river in Cruzeiro, Santa Catarina province, Brazil, a little man only 28"  8/14/1965 #19390  
southwest of Itabira, Minas Gerais province, Brazil. The craft hovered just 8/14/1965 #19390  
ome in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when they heard a lo 8/20/1965 #19444  
artin School, Aguas Blancas, Salta province, Argentina when they were attac 10/1/1965 #19635  
in Estacion Palavecino, Entre Rios province, Argentina was blinded for a wh 12/13/1965 #19767  
the sky over Obispo Trejo, Cordoba Province, Argentina for over a minute  a 2/6/1966 #19890  
 Relajal" estate in Aluche, Madrid province, Spain and took off again short 2/6/1966 #19891  
 nine witnesses in Simoca, Tucuman province, Argentina, returning from a hu 5/1/1967 #22263  
 morning in Necochea, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina a close encounter in 5/7/1967 #22296  
n Holbaek, Denmark in Vestsjaellan province a domed disc was sighted on thi 5/11/1967 #22320  
sisting of stones provided by each province of Canada.                      6/3/1967 #22457  
st named Alcazar in Igries, Huesca province, Spain saw a disc-shaped UFO ob 8/7/1967 #22842  
ta Coloma and La Roca in Barcelona province he saw a very bright "casserole 9/21/1967 #23106  
ield of maize in Centeno, Santa Fe province, Argentina, its major axis vert 11/12/1967 #23439  
 Baneasa airfield in the Bucuresti province of Romania. It then flew off to 12/2/1967 #23534  
the Andalgala highway in Catamarca Province, Argentina Mr. & Mrs. Clerici w 12/28/1967 #23617  
 object landed in Copahue, Neuquen province, Argentina and stayed on the gr 1/23/1968 #23688  
from a pond in Curbarsi, Barcelona province, Spain during the daytime. Upon 2/26/1968 #23785  
rth of the Gobi Desert in Xinjiang province, China on this evening. It shot 4/15/1968 #23907  
ome after midnight in Buenos Aires province, Argentina when he was confront 6/4/1968 #24006  
e reported in the northern Italian province of Abruzzi. A semi-hysterical w 6/14/1968 #24034  
rinkmann and Cotagaita, in Cordoba province, where the mysterious man in th 6/20/1968 #24056  
e Atacama Salt Beds in Antofagasta Province in northern Chile. Residents of 6/26/1968 #24085  
a nearby mountain in Cofico, Salta province, Argentina. At the same time th 7/2/1968 #24134  
 were driving near Canota, Mendoza province, Argentina on a cold, moonlight 7/8/1968 #24159  
he mountains in Andacollo, Neuquen Province, Argentina when a disc-shaped U 7/16/1968 #24183  
sh UFO shoots orange rays all over province. Many towns.                    7/25/1968 #24222  
base Demilitarized Zone, Quang Tri Province, Vietnam The US Air Force Weapo 8/1968 #24284  
 the Demilitarized Zone, Quang Tri Province, Vietnam, specifically for the  8/1968 #24284  
ain, Monte Gallicant, in Tarragona province, Spain swinging like a pendulum 8/2/1968 #24291  
rbs of Cerro de la Gloria, Mendoza province, Argentina. Two dwarves wearing 8/9/1968 #24313  
een Villaverde and Brenes, Sevilla province, Spain at 12:30 a.m. when they  8/15/1968 #24332  
            In Santiponce, Sevilla province, Spain at around eight p.m. fou 8/31/1968 #24409  
ino farmer north of Baras in Rizal province, the Philippines saw a red ligh 11/1/1968 #24616  
 his car in Las Pajanosas, Sevilla province, Spain and got out to investiga 1/15/1969 #24850  
in Las Pajanosas, Spain in Sevilla province a man and his dog encountered a 1/16/1969 #24853  
ear Pichidangui, Chile in Coquimbo province were paralyzed and their truck  4/15/1969 #25064  
mary school in Johore Baru, Johore province, Malaysia at 10:35 a.m. Several 7/2/1969 #25245  
field in Viana de Cega, Valladolid province, Spain, which took off when he  9/11/1969 #25363  
                            YUNNAN PROVINCE, CHINA Longitude & latitude coo 10/1/1969 #25390  
       Taijiang District of Fujian province, China Furnace Creek, Californi Early 1970 #25524  
the Taijiang(?) District of Fujian province, China, sees a metallic, pan-sh Early 1970 #25524  
tween Aznalcazar and Pila, Sevilla province, Spain encountered a white fogg 8/16/1970 #25790  
n in Puente De Herrera, Valladolid province, Spain heard a loud whistling s 8/16/1970 #25791  
ung boys in Bukit Mertajam, Penang province, Malaysia encountered a round b 8/20/1970 #25799  
ts as they flew over Kuusamo, Oulu province, Finland in an eschelon formati 1/11/1971 #25988  
                       Rota, Cadiz province, Spain. At around eight o'clock 8/14/1971 #26285  
Rodriguez, age 34, in Nuez, Zamora province, Spain at 12:30 a.m. It was dis 8/23/1971 #26301  
ning in Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina 19-year-old Osvaldo  9/19/1971 #26348  
                             HUBEI PROVINCE, CHINA Slowly rising sphere/orb 9/25/1971 (approximate) #26377  
t pace their car in Osuna, Sevilla province, Spain. There was heavy radio i 12/22/1971 #26515  
f San Martin de los Andes, Neuquen Province, Argentina beginning at 11:45 p 12/28/1971 #26521  
p a truck in Camas, Spain (Sevilla Province) at 9:35 p.m. When the truck dr 1/8/1972 #26544  
de of Alcaracejo, Spain in Cordoba province, Senor Aranda encountered a yel 7/10/1972 #26790  
30 p.m. in Pinelands, Western Cape Province, South Africa a witness by the  7/21/1972 #26823  
0 a.m. in Umkomaas, Kwa-Zulu Natal province, South Africa Mr. and Mrs. Marc 7/23/1972 #26827  
ving in Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. He stopped the car  8/8/1972 #26885  
 midnight in Gavea, Rio de Janeiro Province, Brazil a metallic saucer-shape 8/11/1972 #26899  
   At 1:00 a.m. in Yauco, Mayaguez Province, Puerto Rico 20 lights emerged  8/13/1972 #26915  
 highway west of Arroyito, Cordoba province, Argentina, an odd light appear 8/16/1972 #26921  
5:40 a.m. in Santa Isabel, Cordoba province, Argentina Sr. Teodoro Merlo, a 9/21/1972 #27022  
3:40 a.m. in Santa Isabel, Cordoba province, Argentina truck driver Luftold 9/28/1972 #27038  
itary base on Isla de Lobos, Rocha province, Uruguay and pointed his gun at 10/28/1972 #27097  
home in Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when the TV picture  11/28/1972 #27150  
        In 1972 in Huaco, San Juan Province, Argentina four men watched thr 12/12/1972 #27175  
                             Salta Province, Arg Jorge Roberto Herrera huma 3/13/1973 #27342  
Fiat 1500 in Oriente, Buenos Aires province, Argentina at 10:30 p.m. when h 5/14/1973 #27486  
r-old homemaker in Gerena, Sevilla province, Spain was in her kitchen washi 10/20/1973 #28221  
a lake, Lago Ramos Mejia in Nequen Province, Argentina at 2000 m altitude o 10/27/1973 #28302  
m. near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina when he became aware 10/28/1973 #28311  
 of General Pinto, in Buenos Aires province, Argentina was drinking tea whe 10/29/1973 #28319  
Tostado from Reconquista, Santa Fe Province, Argentina on Route 98, Alphonz 10/31/1973 #28326  
anoids, and E-M effects on cars in province (UFOE II, Section VIII). (NICAP 11/1973 #28327  
anoids, and E-M effects on cars in province                                 11/1973 #28328  
           Istrana Air Base Veneto province Italy Evening. Two sentries at  Mid 11/1973 #28424  
imeter of Istrana Air Base, Veneto province, Italy, see two beings, about 4 Mid 11/1973 #28424  
m near Castelleale, Emilia-Romagna Province, Italy when she noticed that so 11/15/1974 #29597  
a garden in La Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina at around 11:30 p.m. 11/26/1974 #29611  
the beach in Kawanoe City, Shikoku Province, Japan when he started to exper 3/31/1975 #29928  
 of the town of Villarrasa, Huelva province, Spain when she encountered a l 6/1/1975 #30074  
n driving near Taltal, Antofagasta province, Chile had their van chased by  8/4/1975 #30235  
r village of Forrieres, Luxembourg Province, Belgium on their way to work w 8/16/1975 #30281  
astronuno and Pollos in Valladolid province, Spain three men spotted a whit 8/22/1975 #30299  
eda, Cádiz Morón Air Base, Seville province 10:30 p.m. Lt. Rafael Muñoz Pas 9/1975? #30333  
led from Morón Air Base in Seville province, which also spotted the object, 9/1975? #30333  
t 12:30 a.m. in Benacazon, Sevilla province, Spain when he heard a noise “l 1/29/1976 #30832  
.m. in St. Job-in-'T Goor, Antwerp province, Belgium, two young women, a 19 5/18/1976 #31061  
he Bilbao suburb of Bulla, Vizcaya province, Spain reported seeing two smal 8/4/1976 #31232  
 seen over North Canton, Guangdong Province, China at 8:00 p.m. It flew up  9/3/1976 #31339  
ard in Vargem Grande, Minas Gerais province, Brazil 39-year-old Mr. Coelho  9/5/1976 #31346  
         LOCATION UNKNOWN, XINJIAN PROVINCE, CH Weathermen and many. Brilli 10/5/1976 (approximate) #31447  
          Leca de Palmeira, Oporto Province, Portugal 9:00 PM. A TV crew fi 1/1/1977 #31679  
e p.m. in Leca de Palmeira, Oporto Province, Portugal a TV crew filmed a UF 1/1/1977 #31682  
On this night in Gallarta, Vizcaya province, Spain a local farmer, Sr. Juan 2/20/1977 #31833  
                   Llíria Valencia province, Spain Vilamarxant Cheste 9:30  2/22/1977 #31839  
ng northwest of Llíria in Valencia province, Spain, and follows them throug 2/22/1977 #31839  
keeper in Ovre Soppero, Norrbotten province, Sweden was out on his motor sc 2/27/1977 #31853  
               Tabio, Cundinamarca province, Colombia 9:15 AM. A 22-year-ol 5/5/1977 #32058  
le flying over Tabio, Cundinamarca province, Colombia. (Sources: Richard H. 5/5/1977 #32058  
le flying over Tabio, Cundinamarca province, Colombia. There was a brillian 5/5/1977 #32059  
in a car in Hanover, Northern Cape province, South Africa experienced radio 6/3/1977 #32145  
s. They were driving towards Soria province, Spain. At about 4:30 a.m. Juli 2/5/1978 #32957  
ighway 11 near San Justo, Santa Fe province, Argentina when a strong white  2/13/1978 #32970  
dent near Villa Mercedes, San Luis province, Argentina about 100 city resid 5/4/1978 #33187  
r Baritu in northern part of Salta province. A widespread aerial and ground 5/6/1978 #33191  
                          San Luis province, Argentina A squadron of 40 UFO 5/7/1978 #33192  
f times in formation over San Luis province, Argentina, in the midst of a l 5/7/1978 #33192  
to schools in La Bajada, Catamarca province, Argentina saw three UFOs with  6/1/1978 #33248  
                           Shangxi province, China 9:40 p.m. Chinese Air Fo 7/26/1978 #33418  
 student at an airfield in Shangxi province, China. They are flying at 9,80 7/26/1978 #33418  
geltjern and Hageland in Hordaland province a small disc, described as a 0. 7/30/1978 #33453  
base in General Belgrano, Santa Fe Province, Argentina on this night. The o 8/10/1978 #33497  
s over Villaverde del Rio, Sevilla province, Spain at 1:00 a.m.             8/13/1978 #33515  
           Andes Mountains Neuquen province, Argentina An oval-shaped trans 8/22/1978 #33548  
ver the Andes Mountains in Neuquen province, Argentina, in a 300-mile path. 8/22/1978 #33548  
near Coronel Dorrego, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina heard strange noises 8/22/1978 #33550  
                   Guemes, Cordoba province, Argentina An ovoid object with 8/29/1978 #33589  
  On this night in Guemes, Cordoba province, Argentina an ovoid object with 8/29/1978 #33592  
d" craft in Necochea, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Their luminosity in 8/31/1978 #33612  
r a lake in Maria Teresa, Santa Fe province, Argentina when he spotted a re 9/20/1978 #33719  
ld boy in Marcos Paz, Buenos Aires province, Argentina photographed a UFO d 9/21/1978 #33724  
                      Buenos Aires Province, Argentina Car participating in 9/22/1978 #33728  
                      Buenos Aires Province, Argentina Car participating in 9/22/1978 #33729  
r the Parana River into Entre Rios province.                                9/23/1978 #33739  
endal Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. It was seen by a 9/29/1978 #33779  
e Reserve, Uitenhage, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa had been out hiki 10/2/1978 #33791  
s from Gobernador Crespo, Santa Fe province, Argentina.                     10/15/1978 #33839  
                             Kansu Province, China At an open-air motion pi 10/23/1978 #33861  
            Lintao Air Base, Gansu province, China 10:04 p.m. Chinese Air F 10/23/1978 #33863  
creening at Lintao Air Base, Gansu province, China, when an elongated objec 10/23/1978 #33863  
tion picture film showing in Kansu Province in China, several Chinese Air F 10/23/1978 #33864  
n a factory in Godoy Cruz, Mendoza province, Argentina two night-shift work 10/25/1978 #33876  
iamar in Gerena Guadiamar, Sevilla province, Spain when they all saw a red  11/24/1978 #33996  
nutes over several cities in Chaco province, Argentina on this evening. In  12/13/1978 #34110  
een Arroyito and Transito, Cordoba Province, Argentina when they were appro 12/28/1978 #34222  
uezet family in Mindalore, Gauteng province, South Africa experienced a 20  1/5/1979 #34303  
oom in Loreto, Santiago del Estero province, Argentina when he heard a sudd 1/13/1979 #34339  
e town of Bastia, Italy in Liguria province in the evening and had just tur 1/19/1979 #34362  
barren plain of Toquilla, Casanare province, Colombia when suddenly their m 1/23/1979 #34368  
                Serodino, Santa Fe province, Argentina Ernaldo Camusoni, ag 2/26/1979 #34449  
ce to a farm in Serodino, Santa Fe province, Argentina late in the evening  2/26/1979 #34450  
    Vizcacheras oil fields Mendoza province Andes mountains La Pintada Cues 5/1/1979 #34537  
remote area of Argentina’s Mendoza province accessible only to employees ar 5/1/1979 #34537  
                           GUIZHOU PROVINCE, CH 1 observer. Luminous/glowin 7/8/1979 #34650  
         Barrio La Gloria, Mendoza province, Arg A man was surprised to see 9/19/1979 #34899  
 home in Barrio La Gloria, Mendoza province, Argentina unable to sleep, so  9/19/1979 #34901  
o, the city of Santa Ines, Mendoza province, Argentina. The object, which w 9/19/1979 #34902  
      On this night in 1979 in the province of Guadalajara, Spain veterinar 12/3/1979 #35046  
i and the Xim An River in Zhejiang province, China. They were 200 meters aw 12/13/1979 #35080  
                         Rio Negro province, Arg A man was driving home whe 2/11/1980 #35167  
 Huergo and Cervantes in Rio Negro province, Argentina when he noticed a st 2/11/1980 #35170  
ing the mayor of Ahilinco, Neuquen province, Argentina saw an object shaped 2/11/1980 #35171  
UFO was seen in Chamical, La Rioja province, Argentina. The triangular obje 2/11/1980 #35172  
his family in El Medano, Catamarca province, Argentina saw an enormous oran 2/11/1980 #35173  
f the city of Santa Rosa, La Pampa province, Argentina when he noticed some 4/23/1980 #35286  
Melgar AFB, near La Joya, Arequipa Province, Peru. It fired on the round ob 5/9/1980 #35320  
r a motorcycle in Ayamonte, Huelva province, Spain at 1:15 a.m. and when th 7/31/1980 #35431  
                           JIANGSU PROVINCE, CH Many observer(s). Disk glow 9/6/1980 #35499  
       Yantan Park, Lanzhou, Gansu province, China 9:30 p.m. Construction w 12/27/1980 #35747  
ing in Yantan Park, Lanzhou, Gansu province, China, notice a red triangular 12/27/1980 #35747  
r in Los Acantilados, Buenos Aires province, Argentina observed flames in t 1/23/1981 #35796  
s canteen in Fuentecen, Valladolid province, Spain at 2:30 a.m. He was walk 2/13/1981 #35827  
           Manzano Amargo, Neuquen Province, Arg Jose Fermin Albornoz, an i 2/18/1981 #35831  
us area of Manzano Amargo, Neuquen Province, Argentina that they were in wa 2/18/1981 #35832  
ly over the city of Kunming, Yunan Province, China at low altitude on a cle 2/19/1981 #35836  
he mountains of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China making a roaring sound.  2/19/1981 #35836  
ntly by the town of Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China at 7:00 p.m.             6/15/1981 #35972  
                     Zigong, Henan Province, China A huge silent disc-shape 7/24/1981 #36031  
s were published. In Zigong, Henan Province, China at 11:00 p.m. thousands  7/24/1981 #36032  
ound on a farm in Trevelin, Chabut Province, Argentina, hovering at 2 meter 8/28/1981 #36088  
r the town of Linkou, Heilongjiang province, China from east to west at 350 10/8/1981 #36168  
 At dusk in 1981 in Aksaray, Nigde province, Turkey a bright light shaped l 12/15/1981 #36258  
In San Luis del Palmar, Corrientes Province, Argentina at 3:30 a.m. 42-year 12/15/1981 #36259  
                  Allen, Rio Negro Province, Arg Mushroom-shaped object abo 2/19/1982 #36352  
                         Rio Negro Province, Arg E-M effects on car, dome-s 2/19/1982 #36353  
                  Allen, Rio Negro Province, Argentina E-M effects on car,  2/19/1982 #36354  
secondary road in Allen, Rio Negro Province, Argentina when his engine sudd 2/19/1982 #36357  
                         Rio Negro Province, Arg 41-year old Juan Fattorel  2/20/1982 #36358  
                             Hebei province, China 9:10–10:53 p.m. Five Chi 6/18/1982 #36510  
orthern military frontier in Hebei province, China. At 10:06 p.m., a large  6/18/1982 #36510  
et pilots flying over Heilongjiang Province, China at 9:57 p.m. encountered 6/18/1982 #36511  
restry Center, also inHeilongjiang Province, China a beam shot up from behi 6/18/1982 #36511  
               Maxial, Estremadura Province, Portugal Shiny disc below two  11/2/1982 #36672  
r saw a UFO in Winifreda, La Pampa province, Argentina at 7:30 p.m. and fol 8/9/1983 #36940  
      Beijing Paris Lanzhou, Gansu province, China 10:40 p.m. A Chinese Boe 6/11/1985 #37598  
ight CA 933 is over Lanzhou, Gansu province, China, when Captain Wang Shuti 6/11/1985 #37598  
                    Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China -- A Chinese Civil Aviat 6/11/1985 #37599  
over Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu Province, at 2240 hours when Captain Wan 6/11/1985 #37599  
 near him in Santa Ana, Corrientes province, Argentina. Two short humanoids 3/21/1986 #37804  
e in the town of Ping Wu, Szechwan Province, China, including a young child 3/7/1987 #38133  
al engineers in Wuxi City, Jiangsu province, China watched a point of light 8/27/1987 #38262  
t 10:15 p.m. in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China the airport tower person 8/27/1987 #38262  
Rojo, east of Betances in Mayaguez province. According to two male witnesse 12/28/1988 #38764  
 disc-shaped UFO was seen in Hubei Province, China. It illuminated the surr 5/12/1989 #38946  
       Ürümqi, Xinjiang Autonomous Province, China 11:13 p.m. Tong Yuwei, a 9/6/1989 #39092  
ker in Ürümqi, Xinjiang Autonomous Province, China, sees a dark cloud light 9/6/1989 #39092  
Barrio Supe, Berisso, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina riding on a friend's 8/31/1990 #39707  
r in Dagestan, witnesses in Samara Province, Russia reported seeing a small 9/13/1990 #39732  
e day in Pelabuhan Klang, Selangor province, Malaysia.                      9/28/1990 #39751  
g, 260 miles from Chengdu, Sichuan province, China. The airliner dropped in 5/17/1991 #40067  
, South Africa in the Western Cape Province a huge, luminous silver, domed  3/6/1992 #40361  
         Near Victoria, Entre Rios province, Argentina four witnesses notic 5/28/1993 #40993  
le flying north of Dushan, Guizhou Province, China. The autopilot radar sys 3/14/1994 #41457  
                            LAGUNA PROVINCE PHILIPPINES Several towns. Huge 4/3/1994 #41474  
 Duxi Forest Farm Guiyang, Guizhou province, China A strong, flaming light  12/1/1994 #41875  
 Forest Farm near Guiyang, Guizhou province, China. Trees are broken off at 12/1/1994 #41875  
bao International Airport] Guizhou province, China A Boeing 737 is starting 2/1995 #42006  
ao International Airport], Guizhou province, China, when its anti-collision 2/1995 #42006  
   At 8:00 p.m. in Hanret, Hainaut Province, Belgium Veronique V., who had  2/21/1995 #42055  
                        North West Province, South Africa 8:30 a.m. Farmer  3/30/1995 #42127  
, 45, is driving in the North West Province, South Africa, when his truck s 3/30/1995 #42127  
os de Bariloche airport, Rio Negro province, Argentina. The object was esti 7/31/1995 #42348  
n this night in Cutral-Co, Neuquen Province, Argentina a witness filmed a 5 8/11/1995 #42375  
                           KAPYONG PROVINCE, SOUTH KOREA Good photographs a 9/4/1995 #42440  
ving in a forest in Jelling, Vejle province, Denmark at 9:30 p.m. The light 9/29/1995 #42520  
 remote mountain village in Ancash province, Peru at eight o'clock in the m 1/31/1996 #42729  
formation flew over Beufort, Sabah province, Malaysia on this night. A car  2/27/1996 #42786  
her home in San Bernardo, Santiago Province, Chile. At 10:00 p.m. the young 1/30/1997 #43181  
e in the town of Cullera, Valencia province, Spain. It had two sections, wa 8/16/1997 #43386  
                             Hebei province, China Cangzhou Qing County Fou 10/19/1998 #43665  
 different radar stations in Hebei province, China, pick up an unknown targ 10/19/1998 #43665  
ents' home in Bariloche, Rio Negro province, Argentina on this night. He wa 5/4/1999 #43762  
 Beijing, China Qinhuangdao, Hebei province Suzhou Tangshan Bureau of Publi 12/1999 #43890  
ns and flown to Qinhuangdao, Hebei province, in a UFO. The entities look li 12/1999 #43890  
f a hill in Tocopilla, Antofagasta Province, Chile saw a strange looking en 4/26/2000 #43986  
ouse in Capilla del Monte, Cordoba province, Argentina to empty the trash a 8/2/2000 #44026  
               In Alvear, La Pampa Province, Argentina several young men we 5/3/2002 #44336  
s was on patrol in Chaj'n, Cordoba Province, Argentina at 11:00 p.m. when a 7/21/2002 #44362  
his day in Lonquimay, La Araucania Province, Chile a circular scorched impr 11/15/2002 #44443  
       Santa Rosa Airport La Pampa province Argentina 7:30 p.m. Just as an  Late 7/2005 #44857  
o the Santa Rosa Airport, La Pampa province, Argentina, the airport control Late 7/2005 #44857  
s in Mae Chan District, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand claimed they witnesse 9/9/2005 #44871  
o the south over Guaynabo, Bayamon province, Puerto Rico at 7:06 a.m. It wa 9/14/2005 #44875  
           In Nobsa, Dicho, Boyaca Province, Colombia three men named Guio, 12/31/2006 #44992  
 Los Alerces National Park, Chubut province, Argentina next to the Torrecil 1/23/2008 #45113  
iver from Gualeguaychu, Entre Rios Province, Argentina. The photo shows cle 2/17/2008 #45120  
ling mountains of southern Shaanxi province, China village in the Qinling m 10/13/2010 #45302  
ling mountains of southern Shaanxi province, China 4:00 a.m. A village in t 10/13/2010 #45302  
ling mountains of southern Shaanxi province, China, supposedly disappears o 10/13/2010 #45302  
    Jacinto Aráuz, Hucal, La Pampa Province, Argentina In 2021, a woman in  11/16/2021 #45722  
## Word: "province's" (Back to Top)
eral members of the guard from the province's police headquarters. On the s 5/6/1978 #33191  
## Word: "provinces" (Back to Top)
oza, Teruel, Guipúzcoa, and Huelva provinces that seem to involve wayward b 12/3/1954 #11754  
ng seven close encounters from six provinces in Argentina: Buenos Aires, La 5/13/1962 #17172  
e early morning hours from various provinces of Spain, including Granada, M 12/20/1976 #31627  
ches in Beijing, Shanghai, and the provinces of Guangdong, Sichuan, Shanxi, 5/1980 #35297  
 Parma and Pavia and Massa Carrara Provinces.                               9/10/1997 #43404  
## Word: "provincetown" (Back to Top)
                                   PROVINCETOWN, MA Object buzzes F86's. 12 9/21/1950 #5189  
                                   Provincetown, MA SCR-615B Tracks UFO (BB 9/21/1950 #5190  
                                   Provincetown, Massachusetts Witness: M.I 9/21/1950 #5191  
                               MIT Provincetown, Massachusetts MIT research 9/21/1950 #5192  
V. Connelly are testing radar near Provincetown, Massachusetts, under contr 9/21/1950 #5192  
                                   Provincetown, Massachusetts. At 9:52 a.m 9/21/1950 #5193  
                    BOSTON TO/FROM PROVINCETOWN, MA Pilot and RADAR-OP. Blu 7/22/1952 #7005  
    Boston (near Braintree between Provincetown and), MA F-94B Chases Objec 7/22/1952 #7013  
                between Boston and Provincetown, Massachusetts Witnesses:   7/22/1952 #7021  
                       10 MI NNW / PROVINCETOWN, MA 2 / Lt. plane. 18' silv 8/27/1978 #33575  
                                   Provincetown, MA A private plane flying  8/27/1978 #33577  
s Bay, 10 miles north-northwest of Provincetown had a near collision at 250 8/27/1978 #33577  
                                   Provincetown, Massachusetts 1:40 p.m. Ar 8/27/1978 #33578  
Cessna 150 about 10 miles north of Provincetown, Massachusetts, with Harold 8/27/1978 #33578  
s Bay, 10 miles north-northwest of Provincetown, Massachusetts had a near c 8/27/1978 #33580  
                         Wood End, Provincetown, MA Sphere with windows see 3/4/1990 #39445  
                         Wood End, Provincetown, MA Sphere with windows see 3/4/1990 #39446  
s later fishermen off the shore of Provincetown, Massachusetts observed sev 3/4/1990 #39447  
## Word: "provincia" (Back to Top)
uel Thomé, a reporter for La Nueva Provincia, takes several photos of a lum 5/21/1962 #17186  
## Word: "provincial" (Back to Top)
re the apparitions usually appear. Provincial administrator Artur de Olivei 8/13/1917 #960  
also seen separately by an Ontario provincial policeman. The policeman desc 2/24/1967 #21639  
utheastern Ontario, including four provincial policemen, saw a bright shini 2/26/1967 #21658  
A forest fire lookout in Bow River Provincial Forest, Alberta, Canada saw a 10/10/1967 #23206  
) June 16 and 19 — Night. Chief of Provincial Police German Rocha and Polic 6/15/1968 #24040  
l Choro, Argentina Night. Chief of Provincial Police German Rocha and Polic 6/16/1968 #24041  
      El Choro, Argentina Chief of Provincial Police German Rocha and Polic 6/16/1968 #24042  
feur of the president of the Cádiz Provincial Commission is driving on the  3/23/1974 #28935  
                                   Provincial Highway 2 Olds, Alberta 7:30  11/5/1974 #29586  
hanna Chilton are driving south on Provincial Highway 2 near Olds, Alberta, 11/5/1974 #29586  
 (Reference: Letter to the Ontario Provincial Police) (NICAP: 02 - Close En 3/8/1975 #29880  
 that feels slippery and oily. The provincial police remove some soil sampl 7/6/1975 #30167  
ian Prince of Sudbury thru Ontario Provincial Police (also observed by 2 OP 11/12/1975 #30614  
amily were driving in the Gaspesie Provincial Park in Quebec when they enco 8/5/1976 #31235  
                                   Provincial Road 201 Sundown, Manitoba 6: 3/4/1977 #31858  
0 a.m. Ludwig Siegal is driving on Provincial Road 201 about 4 miles west o 3/4/1977 #31858  
 in a pickup truck northward along Provincial Highway 24 between Achiras an 9/9/2002 #44392  
   Some men at the Greenwater Lake Provincial Park in Saskatchewan, Canada  5/18/2006 #44944  
## Word: "proving" (Back to Top)
                       White Sands Proving Grounds, NM First atomic bomb te 7/16/1945 #1897  
     TRINITY SITE, NM (WHITE SANDS PROVING GROUNDS) 1st a-bomb test success 7/16/1945 #1898  
    Launch Complex 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Between 1946–1951 th 1946 #1958  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM First static test fi 3/15/1946 #1979  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM First V-2 missile te 4/16/1946 #1982  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM First nominal V-2 mi 5/10/1946 #1989  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  5/29/1946 #2000  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  6/13/1946 #2011  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  6/28/1946 #2017  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  7/9/1946 #2032  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Failed V-2 missile t 7/19/1946 #2065  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  7/30/1946 #2085  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  8/15/1946 #2136  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  8/22/1946 #2147  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  10/10/1946 #2200  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM First picture of Ear 10/10/1946 #2201  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  11/7/1946 #2206  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  11/21/1946 #2207  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  12/5/1946 #2210  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  12/17/1946 #2212  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  1/10/1947 #2225  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  1/23/1947 #2233  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  2/20/1947 #2242  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  3/7/1947 #2247  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  4/1/1947 #2258  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  4/8/1947 #2260  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  4/17/1947 #2264  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM A V-2 test missile a 5/15/1947 #2282  
                       White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico Alamogordo Ne 5/15/1947 #2284  
 test missile (V-2) at White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico, goes off cou 5/15/1947 #2284  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  5/29/1947 #2300  
                       White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico Tepeyac Cem 5/29/1947 #2301  
 V-2) is launched from White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico to test the 5/29/1947 #2301  
tricted areas near the White Sands Proving Grounds. On July 2, Steve MacKen 7/1/1947 #2501  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  7/10/1947 #3076  
                       White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico Wright Field, 7/10/1947 #3108  
2 launch is aborted at White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico, after 32 sec 7/10/1947 #3108  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  7/29/1947 #3244  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test fro 9/6/1947 #3387  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  10/9/1947 #3451  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  11/20/1947 #3493  
33, 26.7km altitude (GE technology proving flight)                          11/20/1947 #3493  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  12/8/1947 #3497  
                       White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Capt. Virgil Armstro 1948 #3519  
h a copy sent to G-2), White Sands Proving Grounds. Message: Crash of a 100 1948 #3519  
eaks of a UAP crash at White Sands Proving Ground this year where he was cl 1948 #3527  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  1/22/1948 #3561  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  2/6/1948 #3575  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  3/19/1948 #3591  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  4/2/1948 #3605  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  4/19/1948 #3626  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  5/13/1948 #3648  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  5/27/1948 #3656  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  5/27/1948 #3657  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  6/11/1948 #3668  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  7/26/1948 #3739  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  8/5/1948 #3774  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  8/19/1948 #3784  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  9/2/1948 #3795  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  9/30/1948 #3816  
                            Dugway Proving Ground, Utah Alamogordo–White Sa Late 1948 #3842  
imary sites are considered: Dugway Proving Ground, Utah; Alamogordo–White S Late 1948 #3842  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  11/1/1948 #3860  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  11/18/1948 #3879  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  12/9/1948 #3919  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  1/13/1949 #3971  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  1/28/1949 #3982  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  2/17/1949 #4011  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  2/24/1949 #4022  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  3/21/1949 #4051  
                       White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico 2 UFO's trac 4/1949 #4064  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  4/11/1949 #4086  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  4/21/1949 #4096  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  5/5/1949 #4145  
                       White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico Naval Unit Co 5/9/1949 #4176  
C Corporal B rocket at White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico. It disappear 5/9/1949 #4176  
                       White Sands Proving Grounds, NM White Sands, NM: Sci 6/10/1949 #4229  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  6/14/1949 #4236  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  9/16/1949 #4359  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  9/29/1949 #4376  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  10/6/1949 #4384  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  11/18/1949 #4417  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  12/8/1949 #4436  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Nominal V-2 missile  2/17/1950 #4539  
                       White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico Naval Command 3/1950 #4565  
 of Navy scientists at White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico, writes about 3/1950 #4565  
                            Dugway Proving Ground in western Utah Early mor 4/25/1950 #4894  
 patrols at the deactivated Dugway Proving Ground in western Utah view a se 4/25/1950 #4894  
nd UFOs where seen near the Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah. A "flying icebo 4/25/1950 #4896  
                       White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico While prepari 4/27/1950 #4909  
ground missile test at White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico, Charles Rigg 4/27/1950 #4909  
                       White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Daniel Fry makes UFO 7/4/1950 #5041  
                       White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico New York Even 7/4/1950 #5042  
 during the holiday at White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico, when a flyin 7/4/1950 #5042  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  7/24/1950 #5076  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  7/29/1950 #5080  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  8/31/1950 #5152  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  10/26/1950 #5256  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  11/11/1950 #5274  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  1/18/1951 #5404  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  3/8/1951 #5472  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  6/14/1951 #5540  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  6/28/1951 #5553  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  8/22/1951 #5615  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  10/29/1951 #5750  
onal Lab, Sandia Base, White Sands Proving Ground and Holloman AFB, not be  2/19/1952 #5911  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  5/20/1952 #6340  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  8/22/1952 #7672  
   White Sands Pad 33, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM V-2 missile test at  9/19/1952 #7974  
otrillo Volcanic Field White Sands Proving Grounds Cosette Weiss of Las Cru 1/18/1954 #9493  
anders reports this to White Sands Proving Grounds. Two Army security agent 1/18/1954 #9493  
                       White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico 10:00 p.m. A 1/25/1954 #9500  
hnical Service Unit at White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico, is setting  1/25/1954 #9500  
vada, just outside the AEC nuclear proving ground at Yucca Flat.            Early 1955 #11901  
oom Lake area in Nevada to the AEC proving grounds for CIA use. Kelly Johns 4/1955 #12077  
d Arsenal facility at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland The US Army Che 1/1956 #12641  
d Arsenal facility at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. The Medical Re 1/1956 #12641  
                       White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico US Highway 70 9/1956 #13167  
allegedly lands within White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico, just 150 fee 9/1956 #13167  
haped craft landing at White Sands Proving Ground, NM. Witnesses include do 9/1956 #13168  
          Trinity Site White Sands Proving Ground New Mexico 8:00 p.m. Army 11/3/1957 #14251  
sion, Trinity Site, in White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico. They see a p 11/3/1957 #14251  
ite on the White Sands, New Mexico proving grounds an Army patrol in a jeep 11/3/1957 #14254  
         Edgewood Arsenal Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland The US Army and 1959 #15510  
IA at Edgewood Arsenal at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, show significa 1959 #15510  
ce. He had thought Keyhoe would be proving the existence of spaceships, but 8/28/1961 #16806  
                       ESTREMADURA PROVING, SPN Air Force T33s cat & mouse. 6/9/1967 #22480  
 ufology. He did produce documents proving Wackenhut Corp. was testing adva 5/13/1992 #40463  
 states sources within White Sands Proving Ground and Naval Research Lab to 1994 #41349  
ag-lev train system at White Sands Proving Grounds. The Colonel allegedly k 6/17/1998 #43589  
d different prototypes were flown, proving the WEAV is scalable.  https://a 12/2011 #45335  
 Salt Lake City, Utah under Dugway Proving Grounds; he says “Mormon Corpora 4/18/2016 #45451  
ewer claims Area 29 at White Sands Proving Ground may be a meaningful locat 5/30/2018 #45528  
## Word: "provision" (Back to Top)
Watson notes that JANAP 146 has no provision for UFO reports to be sent to  4/17/1951 #5505  
 they pose. The premise behind the provision is that the Senate Select Comm 12/27/2020 #45670  
 last minute changes of note. 1. A provision of the SSCI-approved bill to g 12/6/2022 #45785  
## Word: "provisionally" (Back to Top)
                             NICAP provisionally withdraws its support from 9/20/1967 #23099  
## Word: "provisions" (Back to Top)
 slowly downward. They gather some provisions, hire three camels, and head  2/8/1974 #28748  
 is worth determining if there are provisions in the Department of Energy O 1994 #41349  
ining a number of long-anticipated provisions, including an Intelligence Au 12/27/2020 #45670  
                The associated UAP provisions of the final FY2023 National  12/6/2022 #45785  
## Word: "provo" (Back to Top)
                 12 MI NORTHWEST / PROVO, UT 1 observer. 2 then 12 shiny me 6/30/1947 #2474  
                                   PROVO, UT Many ground and air observer(s 10/3/1961 #16893  
                                   Provo, Utah 11:00 a.m. An Air Force Doug 7/1966 #20625  
in is flying 25 miles southwest of Provo, Utah, when the pilot snaps two co 7/1966 #20625  
                            EAST / PROVO, UT UFO investigator. Silver-white 8/26/1995 #42415  
## Word: "provocative" (Back to Top)
al interest in UFOs kindled by the provocative Life magazine article, CIA i 6/1952 #6403  
ips are systematically conducting “provocative actions” against Soviet vess 1/12/1961 #16577  
## Word: "provoking" (Back to Top)
 of Olekminsk, Russia on April 24, provoking a widescale search involving 1 4/24/1970 #25643  
## Word: "provost" (Back to Top)
                              base Provost Marshal Fort Worth, Texas 6:00 a 7/8/1947 #3011  
ey have seen. Blanchard calls base Provost Marshal Maj. Edwin D. Easley and 7/8/1947 #3011  
2-34; PFC. Max Eugene Manlove, 1st Provost Squadron, Camp Hood, Texas, obse 3/7/1949 #4036  
ge 5-minute meteor changes color / Provost Marshall Haynor.                 3/11/1950 #4610  
ilip Grandin Strong meets with MIT Provost Julius A. Stratton and professor 12/2/1952 #8364  
ood uncovers evidence that the U.K Provost and Security Services at RAF Rud Fall 1984 #37466  
## Word: "provs" (Back to Top)
               QINGHAI AND SICHUAN PROVS, CH Thousands / observer(s). Huge  7/24/1981 #36028  
## Word: "prow" (Back to Top)
er with a tall, slender man at the prow. He is dressed in a green coverall. 8/1945 #1911  
ark cylindrical object. Inside the prow of object stood a slender man in gr 8/28/1945 #1932  
le. About three miles ahead of the prow of the boat they saw a black cylind 6/22/1979 #34625  
nt. About three miles ahead of the prow of the boat they saw a black cylind 6/22/1979 #34626  
## Word: "prowler" (Back to Top)
 the area of the window on which a prowler could have stood.”               9/6/1969 #25354  
Later that week a mysterious dark "prowler" was seen peering through window 12/7/1970 #25934  
r and a bright light. Suspecting a prowler, she phones a neighbor, who call 10/16/1973 #28088  
## Word: "prowlers" (Back to Top)
 were all concerned about possible prowlers, so he looked out from his tent 7/8/1971 #26218  
## Word: "proword" (Back to Top)
  Note: The term Project Snowbird (Proword: Cetus) shows up in a disputed P 8/30/1996 #43002  
## Word: "proxima" (Back to Top)
rvatory New South Wales, Australia Proxima Centauri The Parkes Observatory  4/2019 #45570  
signal, labeled BLC1, emitted from Proxima Centauri. Researchers from the B 4/2019 #45570  
## Word: "proximity" (Back to Top)
ing object remains in the island’s proximity. Willy Smith’s April 20, 1983, 1/16/1958 #14831  
lot sees a “large balloon in close proximity” and radios air traffic contro 7/25/1973 #27650  
ing low over Loring AFB, Maine, in proximity to a weapons storage area. Arm 10/29/1975 #30506  
hes moved at a low altitude in the proximity of the local observatory. Resi 8/29/1978 #33589  
hes moved at a low altitude in the proximity of the local observatory. Resi 8/29/1978 #33592  
pproaches, and they hover in close proximity to each other for 30 minutes.  7/1981 #35982  
mewhere from his left and in close proximity. When he looked he saw a small 2/19/1982 #36357  
 The trees were undisturbed by the proximity of the object. A pole light on 5/3/1992 #40449  
es a number of cases to the “close proximity of plasma related fields” whic 5/15/2006 #44942  
issues with people coming in close proximity to craft, aerospace experts wo 8/31/2016 #45458  
ts. It is worth determining if UAP proximity effects account for any Havana 11/29/2018 #45549  
## Word: "prt" (Back to Top)
                           NAZARE, PRT 2 observer(s). Saucer beams going do 8/28/1957 #13938  
              VILA NOVA / FUENTES, PRT Several observer(s). Strong beam goi 3/28/1959 #15676  
                            ALGOZ, PRT Man sees saucer and hides. 6 "men" a 6/10/1960 (approximate) #16310  
                         ALPORTEL, PRT UFO / mountain top. Hole found. 3 3M 1/1962? #17013  
                           LISBON, PRT 2 separate 707 liners / near collisi 9/19/1976 #31403  
     CASTELO DE BODE DAM / TANCOS, PRT Dornier 27 buzzed / 45' saucer. Elec 6/17/1977 #32168  
                 VIANA DO CASTELO, PRT Dozens. Strange craft / night sky /  8/1977 #32336  
               GUARDA, BEIRA ALTA, PRT 12 firemen. Strange shiny object cir 8/1977 #32337  
                    PACO DE ARCOS, PRT Pink ovoid going southwest over Atla 12/25/1980 #35731  
                           ALFENA, PRT Many separate observer(s). Metallic  9/10/1990 #39722  
## Word: "prtgl" (Back to Top)
                            ALVOR, PRTGL Humming. Object hovers over house. 9/1977 #32451  
## Word: "pru" (Back to Top)
                200KM SSE / PIURA, PRU 2 Air Force officers. Domed orange-g 1/31/1955 #11953  
## Word: "prudence" (Back to Top)
                                   Prudence Calabrese starts Transdimension 1997 #43158  
## Word: "prudent" (Back to Top)
ance Coming home at night, Gilbert Prudent saw a lighted object on the side 10/1/1954 #10561  
t night around 10:00 p.m., Gilbert Prudent and one other witness saw a ligh 10/1/1954 #10578  
## Word: "prudente" (Back to Top)
                        PRESIDENTE PRUDENTE, BRZ Doctor and 1. Groups / sau 3/3/1969 (approximate) #24959  
                              PRES.PRUDENTE, BRAZIL Many observer(s). Sauce 8/6/1976 #31238  
## Word: "prudently" (Back to Top)
se margin of safety as quickly and prudently as possible.” VonKeviczky show 9/28/1981 #36143  
## Word: "prufos" (Back to Top)
h/April (Reference: THE 5TH ANNUAL PRUFOS POLICE REPORT 2006 by Detective C 10/30/1977 #32637  
ce: Yorkshire Post, The 5TH ANNUAL PRUFOS POLICE REPORT 2006 by Detective C 3/10/1981 #35862  
aily Star 30/03/82, The 5TH ANNUAL PRUFOS POLICE REPORT 2006 by Detective C 9/1981 #36095  
## Word: "prunchak" (Back to Top)
t of Walcott, Iowa 8:30 p.m. Holly Prunchak is working as a security guard  10/9/1977 #32564  
## Word: "pruning" (Back to Top)
 brilliant, and was shaped like a "pruning hook." Earlier, at a short time  11/13/1833 #128  
long hands to take away d’Ambros’s pruning knife. D’Ambros holds on to it t 11/24/1978 #33995  
nd attempted to take the witness's pruning axe from him. After a brief stru 11/24/1978 #33997  
## Word: "prussia" (Back to Top)
                           ERFURT, PRUSSIA Round glow. Rotating beam scorch 1/1520? #25  
                    Kattenau, East Prussia Furmanovka, Kaliningrad Oblast,  3/22/1880 #226  
rom east to west at Kattenau, East Prussia [now Furmanovka, Kaliningrad Obl 3/22/1880 #226  
                Heiligenbeil, East Prussia Mamonovo, Russia Former Messersc 11/1947 #3474  
ced aircraft in Heiligenbeil, East Prussia [now Mamonovo, Russia] right aft 11/1947 #3474  
triangle / low altitude. / King of Prussia Post 30.11.73.                   11/29/1973 #28481  
                           KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 2 boys. Large silent saucer  1/27/1984 #37155  
                           King Of Prussia, PA 6:15 AM. Two young boys deli 1/27/1984 #37157  
                           King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 6:15 a.m. Two boys 1/27/1984 #37159  
 boys delivering papers in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, see a circular ob 1/27/1984 #37159  
## Word: "prussian" (Back to Top)
          Einstein presents to the Prussian Academy of Science what are now 11/1915 #937  
## Word: "prv" (Back to Top)
                          HAMAGUIR PRV.GNDS, ALGERIA Black disk filmed. Hov 4/1963 #17718  
## Word: "prweb" (Back to Top)
ributor Robert Baker.  https://www.prweb.com/releases/2006/03/prweb364473.h 3/28/2006 #44931  
## Word: "prweb364473" (Back to Top)
s://www.prweb.com/releases/2006/03/prweb364473.htm                          3/28/2006 #44931  
## Word: "pryal" (Back to Top)
ndale, CA Jack Clerk (Jack Charles Pryal Clerk, 1919–1996, US Marine Corps  3/19/1953 #8761  
## Word: "prying" (Back to Top)
 with keeping “some material” from prying eyes. He was told the material wa 5/9/2000 #43993  
## Word: "pryor" (Back to Top)
trol tower operators Cpl. Roger G. Pryor and S/Sgt. Ellis R. Lorimer and ai 6/21/1950 #4998  
## Word: "przasnysz" (Back to Top)
                                   Przasnysz Airfield, Poland Night. The co 2/1984 #37172  
rd Regiment guarding warehouses at Przasnysz Airfield, Poland, sees a light 2/1984 #37172  
## Word: "przbylow" (Back to Top)
                                In Przbylow, Poland a man saw some flashing 8/11/1996 #42980  
## Word: "przemyśl" (Back to Top)
                                   Przemyśl Fortress, Poland Witnesses at P 4/16/1892 #302  
myśl Fortress, Poland Witnesses at Przemyśl Fortress, Poland, see a bright  4/16/1892 #302  
## Word: "przhevalsk" (Back to Top)
 Mountains, 100 kilometers east of Przhevalsk near a peak known as Pik Pobe 8/28/1991 #40168  
## Word: "przybylski" (Back to Top)
olish-Australian astronomer Antoni Przybylski and Dutch-American astronomer 11/8/1957 #14486  
 to the naked eye for two minutes. Przybylski has just finished observing S 11/8/1957 #14486  
## Word: "przyrownica" (Back to Top)
                                   Przyrownica Magnusy, Poland 8:00 a.m. Ka 9/27/1978 #33761  
olińska is on her way to school in Przyrownica from Magnusy, Poland, when s 9/27/1978 #33761  
## Word: "prémanon" (Back to Top)
                                   Prémanon, Jura, France 8:30 p.m. 12-year 9/27/1954 #10473  
 children on an isolated farm near Prémanon, Jura, France, see a brilliant  9/27/1954 #10473  
## Word: "préparer" (Back to Top)
I et la Defense: A Quoi doit-on se Préparer? (UFOs and Defense: What Should 7/16/1999 #43805  
## Word: "présence" (Back to Top)
 renames its AESV Bulletin as OVNI Présence and moves its publishing operat 9/1981 #36098  
## Word: "ps" (Back to Top)
type of aircraft. At the same time PS JOHN McMULLEN also spotted the UFO fr 8/28/1977 #32431  
olice (including PC Ian MacKenzie, PS James Trohear, PC Alexander Inglis, a 8/28/1977 #32432  
mshire, UK Two uniformed officers, PS. Ian Victory and PC Anthony Underwood 3/25/1982 #36413  
## Word: "psb" (Back to Top)
ivities during the Korean War. The PSB is tasked with creating propaganda t 4/4/1951 #5498  
## Word: "pscolka" (Back to Top)
Force Security Policeman Joseph C. Pscolka watches them make sharp-angled t Fall 1986 #38035  
Force Security Policeman Joseph C. Pscolka is awakened by the night shift f Winter 1987 #38370  
een heard from for nearly an hour. Pscolka assembles a security response te Winter 1987 #38370  
ith its lights out and engine off. Pscolka drives up to the vehicle when hi Winter 1987 #38370  
gh the snow outside is knee- deep. Pscolka goes up to the facility alone af Winter 1987 #38370  
## Word: "pseudo-aircraft" (Back to Top)
and Granada, Nicaragua witnessed a pseudo-aircraft silently make 90 degree  8/11/1973 #27695  
## Word: "pseudo-human" (Back to Top)
 with vibrant bright lights lands. Pseudo-human/entity asks / gets tools. G 4/21/1897 #549  
 northeast going southwest. Lands! Pseudo-human/entity speak English. "Catc 5/4/1897 #587  
 3 / boat. Shell saucer wobbles. 2 pseudo-human/entity / dome! Quickly goin 7/30/1909 #788  
cent saucer rotates. Only kids see pseudo-human/entity with silver sphere/o 10/13/1917 #969  
d hexagon with rivets scouts road. Pseudo-human/entity inside window. Going 5/1928 (approximate) #1084  
   WEARYAN RIVER, NT, AUS Nurse. 2 pseudo-human/entity appear and perform o 2/1941 #1353  
n for mystery package. Gives it to pseudo-human/entity.                     6/1942 (approximate) #1413  
                       MATTOON, IL Pseudo-human/entity looks through window 8/8/1944 #1635  
 MO 10M metallic disk over garage. Pseudo-human/entity / dome! Hums. Follow 5/1945 (approximate) #1856  
ses through disk / 15M altitude. 2 pseudo-human/entity in dome. / r244#17.  2/1946 (approximate) #1968  
OLM, SWD Domed saucer / ground. 11 pseudo-human/entity fix window. Observer 5/18/1946 #1993  
ONDA, BRZ 15M saucer going down. 2 pseudo-human/entity invite observer(s) / 12/4/1949 #4432  
ARGENTINO, ARG 2 saucers, 1 lands. Pseudo-human/entity / cabin. Smell and s 3/18/1950 #4672  
           ABBIATE GUAZZONE, ITL 3 pseudo-human/entity weld saucer body. Me 4/24/1950 #4886  
RG Engineer. 10M saucer and 3 dead pseudo-human/entity inside. Ashes. / APR 5/15/1950 #4943  
s) and birds and cows paralyzed. 4 pseudo-human/entity work on saucer. Prob 6/19/1951 #5544  
       BEAUSOLEIL, FR Cop and 2. 2 pseudo-human/entity / transparent bubble 8/1/1951? #5591  
 GARD, FR 1 observer. 3 giants and pseudo-human/entity translator. Wants bo 4/10/1952 #6054  
 Props / top and bottom/underside. Pseudo-human/entity. / FSRv23#1.         7/25/1952 #7124  
cylindrical object turns / bottom. Pseudo-human/entity inside!              11/16/1952 #8284  
            NORTHEAST / PAARL, RSA Pseudo-human/entity asks / water. Observ 12/25/1952 (approximate) #8447  
               CD VALLES, MEXICO 2 pseudo-human/entity talk trivia / cabbie 8/18/1953 #9079  
r river. Pipes. Water pours out. 6 pseudo-human/entity. Fly when observer(s 11/28/1953 #9323  
                SANTA MARIA, BRZ 2 pseudo-human/entity / saucer take grass. 3/1954 #9575  
SANTA MARIA, BRZ Same saucer 3 new pseudo-human/entity. "Scientists studyin 3/16/1954 #9623  
k-sounds. 5M domed saucer lands. 2 pseudo-human/entity exit. Observer(s) fr 4/1/1954? #9659  
 10M teardrop lands / tripod. 2 2M pseudo-human/entity exit and look / plan 6/1954 #9854  
            MOSJOEN, NRWY 2 women. Pseudo-human/entity draws planets / orbi 8/20/1954 #10155  
S, FR Saucer going down / field. 2 pseudo-human/entity / helmets / antennas 9/1/1954? #10227  
             MOURIERAS, FR Farmer. Pseudo-human/entity with helmet gestures 9/10/1954 #10279  
 #3224. 10' saucer lands. Aerials. Pseudo-human/entity unintelligible. / r1 9/21/1954 #10378  
  MOUSSOULENS, FR Ovoid on N269. 2 pseudo-human/entity exit. Gestures. Re-e 9/23/1954 #10400  
r(s). Dark silent 6M disk / woods. Pseudo-human/entity fixes it. Traces. /  9/24/1954 #10426  
               DEARBORN, MI 18 odd pseudo-human/entity / roadside. Saucer 4 9/30/1954 #10501  
domed saucer going down / field. 2 pseudo-human/entity / helmets by. / r30p 10/7/1954 #10776  
ENS, FR Metallic sphere on road. 2 pseudo-human/entity / translucent dome / 10/9/1954 #10828  
Boy. Cylinder/cigar-shape / field. Pseudo-human/entity says look but don't  10/12/1954 #10965  
             CHATELLERAULT, VIENNE Pseudo-human/entity talks unintelligibly 10/13/1954 #10986  
otorscooter/motorbike. Red glow. 1 pseudo-human/entity and 2 small humanoid 10/18/1954 #11204  
r(s) / very odd exchange with lost pseudo-human/entity. Saucer going up [to 10/20/1954 #11258  
). Saucer hovers low over house. 2 pseudo-human/entity / clear dome. Missin 10/21/1954 #11287  
etallic sphere/orb/globe / ravine. Pseudo-human/entity / Pilor suit unintel 11/2/1954 (approximate) #11528  
AR PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 2 long-haired pseudo-human/entity / saucer approach ca 11/10/1954 #11616  
RPO, NORW Black saucer going down. Pseudo-human/entity / clear dome stares  11/23/1954 #11693  
ver(s). Saucer lands / roadside. 3 pseudo-human/entity exit / European clot 11/27/1954 #11712  
s saucer lands. Antenna and props. Pseudo-human/entity exit. Hiss and away. 12/8/1954 #11776  
SA, ITL Man abduction / 2 days / 2 pseudo-human/entity. Weightless. = 13 Ja 12/9/1954 #11780  
LINHA BELA VISTA, BRZ Saucer and 3 pseudo-human/entity. Check hoe and fence 12/9/1954 #11781  
/ car. 50' saucer lands / field. 2 pseudo-human/entity outside re-enter and 12/28/1954 #11867  
lent 30M disk stops / 1M altitude. Pseudo-human/entity exits and walks. Lig 12/31/1954 #11883  
OLI, ITL Metallic disk / ground. 3 pseudo-human/entity outside. 1 like Chri 4/1955 (approximate) #12076  
 2 cops. 12M domed saucer lands. 4 pseudo-human/entity exit. Sphere/orb/glo 1/1956 (approximate) #12640  
 ROUTE 115 NORTHEAST / CERET, FR 4 pseudo-human/entity / huge motorcycles s 8/22/1956 #13111  
RIO, BRZ 20M object rises / sea. 2 pseudo-human/entity gather junk / beach. 9/1956 #13163  
tude. Rays shoot / antenna base. 3 pseudo-human/entity / portholes. Going q 9/1956 #13164  
                PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG Pseudo-human/entity asks observer(s) / 6 5/1/1957 #13634  
y asks observer(s) / 60' saucer. 5 pseudo-human/entity / instrument panels. 5/1/1957 #13634  
 PA 7M bowl 5M over ground. Tilts. Pseudo-human/entity inside studies obser 5/25/1957 (approximate) #13677  
              SAO SEBASTIAO, BRZ 4 pseudo-human/entity invite Professor / s 7/25/1957 #13831  
 SP, BRZ Man faints. Saucer lands. Pseudo-human/entity check out saucer and 9/1957 #13961  
oing [to] overhead / 20M altitude. Pseudo-human/entity in portholes! Telepa 10/1957 #14048  
                  DANTE, TN Boy. 4 pseudo-human/entity try / grab 2 dogs. F 11/6/1957 #14365  
L Hunter. Whistle! 2 disks land. 2 pseudo-human/entity exit and make repair 11/8/1957 #14469  
    MARACAJA, BRZ 2 observer(s). 6 pseudo-human/entity board 10' saucers. J 11/18/1957 #14572  
                    ASTON, ENGLAND Pseudo-human/entity materializes. Asks M 11/18/1957 #14573  
      COLEBROOK, NH Man abduction. Pseudo-human/entity = leader. Many sauce 3/19/1959 #15649  
FR Saucer over line / shoppers. 20 pseudo-human/entity / white suits / tran 10/30/1959 (approximate) #16067  
W Buzz. Big top-saucer / backyard! Pseudo-human/entity / south-suit walks g 8/1960 #16354  
                   MT. ETNA, ITL 2 pseudo-human/entity / diving suits give  4/30/1962 #17137  
0M bottle with 2 necks / ground. 2 pseudo-human/entity signal. / r8#538+/ F 7/30/1962 #17301  
, NH Repeat abduction taken / same pseudo-human/entity. Blue beam transport 9/23/1962 #17431  
 5M saucer lands by observer(s). 2 pseudo-human/entity. Gibberish and gestu 12/9/1962 #17575  
     NEAR ARICA, CHL Saucer lands. Pseudo-human/entity ask for water / mixe 6/15/1964 #18359  
(s) taken / ride. Long talk with 8 pseudo-human/entity! / r211p44+/ r249p36 1/30/1965 #18782  
C, ARG 50 indians and cops. 3 tall pseudo-human/entity / several saucers. C 2/21/1965 #18823  
      QUILMES, ARG Saucer lands. 2 pseudo-human/entity / transparent suits. 7/20/1965 #19141  
(s). Saucer going down [to] low. 3 pseudo-human/entity beam out. Fantastic  8/7/1965 #19338  
dents taken / space station / 2.1M pseudo-human/entity and odd types. / MJ# 8/23/1965 #19453  
. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) and pseudo-human/entity. Circles area. Silen 2/25/1966 #19916  
RACAS, VNZ Saucer going down. 2 2M pseudo-human/entity examine plants etc.  5/10/1966 #20470  
ers and lands. Sweeps area / beam. Pseudo-human/entity. / MJ#279.           7/31/1966 #20697  
going down [to] and blocks road. 2 pseudo-human/entity-1 outside. Telepathy 11/2/1966 #21066  
UTLER, PA Globes going down. 5 odd pseudo-human/entity / roadside. 170cm. E 3/20/1967 #21919  
pod / near landing. Dumps rocks. 8 pseudo-human/entity. See reference.      4/1/1967? #22032  
O, ITL 30M saucer / 5M altitude. 3 pseudo-human/entity / ground study birds 4/4/1967 #22050  
 LK, MB 2 saucers. 1 going down. 3 pseudo-human/entity inside. Observer(s)  5/20/1967 #22376  
                      CARACAS, VNZ Pseudo-human/entity / doctors office. "N 8/7/1967 #22836  
, BRZ Saucer on ground in park. 7' pseudo-human/entity ask boy to return /  9/17/1967 #23073  
BELFAST, NORTH IRL Man abduction / pseudo-human/entity. Sex with odd female 10/6/1967 #23182  
r going down. Hits tree. Hovers. 3 pseudo-human/entity / white overalls wal 11/24/1967 #23504  
r 2M over Lakeshore. 2 long-haired pseudo-human/entity and small humanoids  1/3/1968 (approximate) #23646  
. Saucer with transparent front. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside see observer( 1/24/1968 #23691  
-MER, FR Saucer lands. Door opens. Pseudo-human/entity exits. Observer(s) f 1/29/1968 #23707  
           TOSSA DE MARCH, SP Day. Pseudo-human/entity with ball in hand wa 4/1968 #23879  
AZ, ARG UFO quickly going down. 2M pseudo-human/entity / globe / hand speak 6/14/1968 #24025  
                      MENDOZA, ARG Pseudo-human/entity show man images / 30 6/30/1968 #24096  
      SIERRA CHICA, ARG Boy and 5. Pseudo-human/entity give odd written mes 7/2/1968 #24123  
                  OLAVARRIA, ARG 2 pseudo-human/entity offer boy ride / sau 7/4/1968 #24142  
              LINS, SP, BRZ Female pseudo-human/entity / unknown language.  8/27/1968 #24384  
         SANTIPONCE, SPAIN 4 kids. Pseudo-human/entity / regular clothes en 8/31/1968 (approximate) #24404  
ver courtyard. 3 beams going down. Pseudo-human/entity inside each. All flo 9/20/1968? #24488  
           CEDEIRA, SP 2 very tall pseudo-human/entity approach woman / roa 9/24/1968 #24506  
(s). Fake car = saucer / ground. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside. Rolls and fl 11/1/1968 #24613  
                     ZAFRA, SP Odd pseudo-human/entity / roadside. Car malf 11/14/1968 #24655  
  PONTEJOS, SPAIN 4 observer(s). 5 pseudo-human/entity in luminous square o 1/6/1969 #24820  
  AWANUI, NZ Glowing / roadside. 3 pseudo-human/entity behind invisible bar 2/22/1969 #24938  
P Earthquake hits. 5 tall luminous pseudo-human/entity seen by landed objec 2/28/1969 #24949  
ic effect (EME). Beams and sphere. Pseudo-human/entity and 2 humans inside. 3/20/1969 #25032  
Saucer hovers / hospital window. 2 pseudo-human/entity and instruments / do 1/1/1970 #25528  
ffects). Noise. 4M saucer / patio. Pseudo-human/entity views alfalfa field. 8/16/1970 #25789  
LE, ALTA Box going down / field. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside. 1 out gather 6/9/1971 #26160  
0cm altitude. Ladder going down. 2 pseudo-human/entity exit car and board.  7/7/1971 #26210  
 SP Bus-size UFO lands / field. 50 pseudo-human/entity March going [to] hol 9/12/1971 #26329  
AM, BUCKS, ENGL Green bullet beams pseudo-human/entity down. Waves hand / o 12/1971 #26481  
                 SANTA ISABEL, ARG Pseudo-human/entity / batman suit / fact 9/21/1972 #27017  
 PALENQUE, DOM.REP Ovoid / bushes. Pseudo-human/entity stand by. One is [a] 9/22/1972 #27023  
adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Pseudo-human/entity / airsuit appears /  11/25/1972 (approximate) #27141  
 SC Hat-saucer / tripod / road. 12 pseudo-human/entity outside. Entire scen 1/19/1973 #27243  
EAR KIMBA, SOUTH AUSTR 4 / 3 cars. Pseudo-human/entity / glowing door / fie 2/4/1973 #27269  
g student. 5M saucer lands / road. Pseudo-human/entity / odd suit exits. Gl 3/13/1973 #27340  
ngle/box-like craft / 3M altitude. Pseudo-human/entity outside. Blows fog a 10/4/1973 #27931  
cts) / saucer going down. Helmeted pseudo-human/entity talks / driver. Goin 10/5/1973 (approximate) #27939  
Red transparent 15' ovoid outside. Pseudo-human/entity stands / bubble / to 10/17/1973 #28111  
 / field / tripod. Dogs frantic. 3 pseudo-human/entity going up / ladder an 10/19/1973 #28183  
FFSTOWN, NH F. Dow. Thump / porch. Pseudo-human/entity with large hat and t 11/1/1973 #28335  
                 GREENVILLE, SC 3' pseudo-human/entity takes taxi. Pays / y 11/11/1973 #28403  
). Cabin lit. 5M saucer / woods. 2 pseudo-human/entity make apparent repair 2/1974 #28717  
 BRZ Row / old cars that look new! Pseudo-human/entity. Observer(s)' car le 2/1974 (approximate) #28723  
E, IN 4 / car levitated. Pass out. Pseudo-human/entity know observer's name 2/9/1974 #28753  
     YORK PLAINS, TASMANIA 3 150cm pseudo-human/entity / spacesuits stand / 2/25/1974 #28798  
loned! Guides double in his place. Pseudo-human/entity photographs bridge.  2/28/1974 #28814  
/ ROTA NAS, SP Night light. 2M and pseudo-human/entity / diving suit by roa 3/17/1974 #28893  
IJADEROS, SP 2 saucers hover. 4 2M pseudo-human/entity / spacesuits chase o 3/22/1974 #28923  
ROS, SP 3 saucers. Same trucker. 4 pseudo-human/entity dig / roadbank / too 3/22/1974 #28925  
tic effects). Saucer over road. 2M pseudo-human/entity / spacesuit! / r120p 3/24/1974 #28940  
GFORD, ENGL 2 / reservoir. 2 black pseudo-human/entity. White figure(s) lat 5/11/1974 #29099  
ay station/depot/facility. Glowing pseudo-human/entity stares / stove insid 6/25/1974 #29222  
ue domed disk on beach. Windows. 3 pseudo-human/entity outside. "You stay h 5/1975 #30014  
e Captain. Domed saucer / field. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside. Observer(s)  6/15/1975 (approximate) #30104  
               ALCORN, 12, FR 1.5M pseudo-human/entity / odd flight-suit. G 6/26/1975 #30120  
           NEAR LAMASTRE, FR Robed pseudo-human/entity glides along road. T 7/14/1975 #30178  
                  SOLNECHNOGORSK 3 pseudo-human/entity offer ride / artist. 7/21/1975 #30195  
d/motorscooter/motorbike. Lands. 2 pseudo-human/entity outside. All silent. 8/22/1975 #30296  
ction. Small humanoids (or Greys). Pseudo-human/entity. Air / saucer gives  11/5/1975 #30555  
.5M bullet lands / 5 thin legs. 2M pseudo-human/entity exit door roboticall 1/5/1976 #30759  
OMENE, FR 1+3 observer(s). Same 2M pseudo-human/entity back. Chases boy / 1 1/6/1976 #30763  
ZON, SPAIN UFO beams going down. 2 pseudo-human/entity strike with a disabl 1/28/1976 #30823  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Pseudo-human/entity / saucer ask many qu 1/29/1976 #30831  
EAR ALAMOGORDO, NM 3 / car "lost". Pseudo-human/entity / cone-saucer. 5 hou 5/21/1976 #31068  
lding hovers / hotel. Lights room. Pseudo-human/entity photograph observers 8/10/1976 #31248  
REP Old man. Saucer hovers / yard. Pseudo-human/entity pops out and right b 8/15/1976 #31267  
         STOCKPORT, ENGL 1+3 kids. Pseudo-human/entity / silver suit bags d 8/25/1976 (approximate) #31298  
 truck. 30M saucer / roadway. 2 6' pseudo-human/entity with flashlights exa 9/8/1976 #31354  
ers / 7 minute(s) / 100M altitude. Pseudo-human/entity move inside. Away ve 9/20/1976 #31415  
r-cylinder/cigar-shape / roadside. Pseudo-human/entity exits. Telepathy? mi 11/14/1976 #31546  
           HUYTON, MERSEYSIDE Tall pseudo-human/entity / silver suit float  1/1977 #31661  
oid circles and lands / riverbank. Pseudo-human/entity move inside. Landing 1/23/1977 #31747  
er overhead. 2 hours missing time. Pseudo-human/entity. Telepathy. / MJ#177 3/12/1977 #31897  
 ALENE, ID Woman abduction / home. Pseudo-human/entity operate. Scar. Telep 6/20/1977 #32175  
3 50M UFO land / 5 legs each. Blue pseudo-human/entity exit. / r96#161.     6/22/1977 #32184  
         NEAR HULBERT, MI 1 / car. Pseudo-human/entity / roadside. Car lift 7/1977 #32211  
 / farm. Cows and farmer frozen. 5 pseudo-human/entity exit and examine obs 8/6/1977 #32364  
lue beam going down. 2 silver-suit pseudo-human/entity / dome. Skin burns.  9/25/1977 (approximate) #32516  
SOUTH / MIDLAND, MI 2 / car. 170cm pseudo-human/entity jumps road / 2 large 10/15/1977 #32576  
ple / house and dog. Figure(s) and pseudo-human/entity visit! / r105p189.   10/29/1977 #32626  
 observer(s). Saucer going down. 2 pseudo-human/entity glide over coast. Do 10/30/1977 #32634  
 BRZ Saturn probe pulls TV-plug. 3 pseudo-human/entity examine house. Abduc 11/2/1977 #32654  
 light-saucer. Unstable 2d image / pseudo-human/entity fades and drifts. /  11/13/1977 #32669  
orb/globe lands. Cows paralyzed. 2 pseudo-human/entity measure cow / cage.  1/27/1978 #32916  
R Observer(s) boards 25M saucer. 4 pseudo-human/entity and lady.. similar t 1/31/1978 #32924  
cts with beams going down. Several pseudo-human/entity / schoolyard. / IURv 1/31/1978 #32926  
ue beam zaps man. Abduction. Sex / pseudo-human/entity. Telepathy / violent 3/3/1978 #33012  
E DI SAPRI, ITL Sphere going down. Pseudo-human/entity exits. Hides behind  4/25/1978 #33164  
RNHAM, MASS Betty Andreason. 2 odd pseudo-human/entity in driveway. They hi 6/8/1978 #33260  
s dark domed saucer on 3-4 legs. 2 pseudo-human/entity outside. All quickly 7/1978 #33316  
r going down. Dims / car passes. 2 pseudo-human/entity. / International UFO 7/4/1978 #33328  
BRZ Observer(s) 'hypnotized' takes pseudo-human/entity / tour / farm. Missi 8/1978 #33456  
 / tour / farm. Missing time. More pseudo-human/entity and ovoid.           8/1978 #33456  
0' bullet going down / field. 3 6' pseudo-human/entity scare animals. / MJ# 9/1/1978 #33619  
L 2 / car levitated into saucer. 5 pseudo-human/entity / metallic voices as 9/24/1978 #33740  
AR UITENHAGE, RSA 4 observer(s). 3 pseudo-human/entity / silver suits Carry 10/2/1978 #33788  
 SP 1 observer. 5M saucer and 2 6' pseudo-human/entity. 1 pushes rod / grou 10/15/1978 #33834  
cer hovers. 30+min / missing time. Pseudo-human/entity in windows. Possible 11/11/1978 #33943  
 Power out. 10' cone figure(s) and pseudo-human/entity circle car. Abductio 11/20/1978 #33965  
omed disk hovers / tree / 4 hours. Pseudo-human/entity / same spot / 0600h. 12/6/1978 #34059  
rical object overhead. Door opens. Pseudo-human/entity inside. Observer(s)  12/20/1978? #34179  
 2+kids. Flash. Burnt hair odor. 2 pseudo-human/entity pass glow sphere. So 1/3/1979 #34284  
er/cylindrical object with door. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside. Observer(s)  1/15/1979? #34345  
   EL DEAN, ARG Rectangle lands. 2 pseudo-human/entity and 5 robot(s)/andro 1/25/1979 #34379  
cement and 3 hours / missing time. Pseudo-human/entity and abduction regres 3/1979 #34452  
cer. Medical exam. Black and green pseudo-human/entity! / MJ#254+/ r41p555. 6/18/1979 #34614  
. Girl / 14+man and cat abduction. Pseudo-human/entity vanishes later.. / r 8/4/1979 #34708  
4 / LUSSAC, FR 1 / car. Long-armed pseudo-human/entity / roadside raises ha 8/15/1979 #34742  
res Mans shirts / rope and hook. 3 pseudo-human/entity inside. Tears free.  11/10/1979? #34992  
 Box appears / bedroom. Turns into pseudo-human/entity. Stays / 15 minute(s 1/14/1980 #35134  
             LIBERTAD, URU 2 green pseudo-human/entity try / enter house. O 6/14/1980 #35362  
 and her mother appear by helmeted pseudo-human/entity and 10M sphere/orb/g 9/1980 #35486  
etal saucer overhead. 2 abduction. Pseudo-human/entity shows dolphin / tank 1/1981 #35767  
 2. Small humanoids (or Greys) and pseudo-human/entity / green garb. Robot. 7/17/1981 #36013  
' fireball at tower. 3 silver suit pseudo-human/entity strike with a disabl 8/15/1981 #36074  
15M metallic ovoid lands 15M away. Pseudo-human/entity exits and walks on w 11/8/1981 #36210  
ertical egg hovers / 1M. 15M away. Pseudo-human/entity inside. Away fast.   5/1982 #36459  
ll humanoids (or Greys) and female pseudo-human/entity. Marks / skin. Watch 11/29/1982 #36701  
               SOSPEL, FR Woman. 4 pseudo-human/entity / appear. More outsi 4/30/1983 #36850  
ver(s). Saucer going down / field. Pseudo-human/entity enters it. 2 MIB tak 6/5/1983 #36875  
w flying pyramid. Lose it. Several pseudo-human/entity / car do likewise?   7/31/1986 #37961  
investigator. Problems with phone. Pseudo-human/entity / diving-suit in bac 6/1987 #38181  
     MALVEZI, FR 1 observer. 6 odd pseudo-human/entity near atomic plant. O 12/12/1987 #38354  
mmunication between us and them) / pseudo-human/entity! See reference.      7/19/1988 #38604  
                   KIEV, UKRAINE 2 pseudo-human/entity / boat. "From anothe 7/4/1989 #39005  
         DALLAS, TX 2 observer(s). Pseudo-human/entity apparently does mind 11/17/1989 #39234  
bject hovers over boat. Heat rays. Pseudo-human/entity threaten observer(s) 10/20/1990 #39798  
rd. Observer(s) beamed going up. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside. Point/port/p 12/26/1991 #40266  
oing quickly northeast. Odd wading pseudo-human/entity.                     4/1993 #40917  
istles. 2 circles / braided wheat. Pseudo-human/entity!                     6/20/1994 #41573  
AY, FR 1 observer. Girl / bridge = pseudo-human/entity? Stiff hair. Almond  6/19/1996 #42935  
                 GRAND-MERE, QBC 2 pseudo-human/entity / in space-suits tak 10/24/1998 #43668  
## Word: "pseudo-humans" (Back to Top)
           EAGLE RIVER, WI Dark 5' pseudo-humans/entities / 13' saucer ask  4/18/1961 #16650  
duction-try / 2 girls. 2 5.5' ugly pseudo-humans/entities. / FSRv21#4+v12#2 8/13/1965 #19377  
ar. 75M saucer / meadow. Robot and pseudo-humans/entities. Long conversatio 7/1968 #24099  
Mist and saucer / field. 3 Asiatic pseudo-humans/entities exit. Odd symbols 3/16/1972 #26605  
k. Voice. Bright ovoid / roadside. Pseudo-humans/entities inside and out. / 9/6/1973 (approximate) #27769  
netic effects). Saucer / ground. 2 pseudo-humans/entities / south-suits fee 2/28/1974 #28813  
ar beamed going up. Bat-figure and pseudo-humans/entities? Exams. / r41p541 10/27/1974 #29558  
arphone-computer translates / / 2M pseudo-humans/entities!                  1/21/1976 #30807  
ER LA REAL, SP Girl / 20. Flash. 2 pseudo-humans/entities appear. One hour  8/3/1977 #32348  
ey domed saucer over shop. 2 blond pseudo-humans/entities look going down.  3/1979 #34451  
A, ARG Farmer sucked into UFO. Odd pseudo-humans/entities sample blood. Wak 8/7/1983 #36936  
## Word: "pseudo-plane" (Back to Top)
le/box-like craft / night lights = pseudo-plane with phony engine sounds!   5/25/1973 #27529  
affic Controllers and many. Silent pseudo-plane / 90° turns. Going west. /  8/11/1973 #27693  
## Word: "pseudo-satellite" (Back to Top)
 GIRARDEAU, MO Physicist / camera. Pseudo-satellite going east makes 90-tur 7/8/1973 #27622  
## Word: "pseudonym" (Back to Top)
 Catherine-Elise Müller (under the pseudonym “Hélène Smith”) of Geneva, Swi 1900 #639  
shes a letter from Maurice Doreal (pseudonym of Claude D. Dodgin) of the Br 10/1946 #2195  
nds. On July 2, Steve MacKenzie (a pseudonym, actually Frank Kaufmann), sta 7/1/1947 #2501  
author Luigi Rapuzzi (who uses the pseudonym L. R. Johannis) is hiking alon 8/14/1947 #3330  
          Claude Degler, under the pseudonym John Chrisman, publishes a sin Fall 1947 #3418  
. Palmer and Fuller use the shared pseudonym “Robert N. Webster.” The issue Spring 1948 #3592  
lites of Jupiter. Félix, under the pseudonym of Dino Kraspedon, writes abou 11/1952 #8227  
 Cross (to whom Vallée assigns the pseudonym “Pentacle”) could have led to  1/9/1953 #8521  
         Kingman, AZ Fritz Werner (pseudonym), engineer at Wright-Patterson 5/21/1953 #8892  
 Kingman, Arizona. “Fritz Werner” [pseudonym of Arthur G. Stansel Jr.] clai 5/21/1953 #8897  
on Upshot-Knothole “Fritz Werner” (pseudonym) states he was placed on speci 5/21/1953 #8899  
l astronomer Patrick Moore using a pseudonym. His motive was to spoof Adams 10/1954 #10536  
s himself Carlos Miguel Allende [a pseudonym of Carl Allen], who alludes to 1/13/1956 #12657  
de Janeiro, Brazil, a housekeeper (pseudonym = Anazia Maria) is taking care 10/25/1957 #14155  
ites Les Extraterrestres using the pseudonym Paul Thomas. He links modern U 1962 #17010  
omas M. Comella, writing under the pseudonym “Peter Kor,” proposes that UFO 9/1962 #17380  
around the craft. “Dan Marckus,” a pseudonym for a source in the British ae 1968 #23633  
 An Argentine Trotskyist using the pseudonym J. Posadas, who formed a movem 6/26/1968 #24084  
         Author William Torbitt (a pseudonym for David Copeland, a lawyer i 1970 #25523  
eryds Hospital Night. A young man (pseudonym Harald Andersson) comes out of 3/23/1974 #28936  
nt Storm, New York a man given the pseudonym "Wright", a 16-year-old youth, 3/24/1983 #36803  
nt Storm, New York a man given the pseudonym "Wright", a 16-year-old youth, 3/24/1983 #36810  
na Debbie Jordan-Kauble (using the pseudonym of “Kathie Davis”) and her mot Early 7/1983 #36900  
t D. Scott Rogo, who gives him the pseudonym of “Sammy Desmond.” The case i 1984 #37094  
exander (Howard Blum gives him the pseudonym “Harold Phillips”), director o 5/20/1985 #37590  
of Debbie Jordan-Kauble (using the pseudonym of “Kathie Davis”) an Indianap 4/1987 #38155  
om 1988 to 2007 by Grace under the pseudonym Valdamar Valerian. These huge  12/1987 #38342  
15 a.m. A former London policeman (pseudonym Philip Spencer) is walking acr 12/1/1987 #38345  
, Nevada, in silhouette, using the pseudonym “Dennis.” Lazar discusses his  5/15/1989 #38952  
New York City, NY Linda Cortile's (pseudonym) abduction from 12th floor apa 11/30/1989 #39281  
    New York City Linda Cortile's (pseudonym) abduction from 12th floor apa 11/30/1989 #39282  
rk City resident Linda Napolitano (pseudonym “Linda Cortile”) is allegedly  11/30/1989 #39283  
                  Henry Azadehdel (pseudonym Armen Victorian) interviews Er 1990 #39355  
id hunter Habib “Henry” Azadehdel (pseudonym “Armen Victorian”) calls Eric  1/26/1990 #39390  
se Intelligence Agency (actually a pseudonym for Col. John B. Alexander). F 9/1990 #39711  
of books on the “Matrix” under the pseudonym “Valdamar Valerian.” Grace cla 1/1991 #39944  
y published in a UFO magazine by a pseudonym “Greg Halifax” about a UAP cra 7/31/1999 #43815  
P crash retrieval personnel member pseudonym “Sedge Masters.”  The story re 7/31/1999 #43815  
e Zodiac story, who was behind the pseudonym “Sedge Masters.” Dolan claims  7/31/1999 #43815  
a science fiction author using the pseudonym James Tiptree Jr. who worked f 11/1/2005 #44898  
er Alice Bradley Sheldon under the pseudonym James Tiptree Jr. Chapman clai 11/1/2005 #44899  
boratory physicist “Henry Deacon” (pseudonym) claims he is employed by a th 10/2006 #44970  
Park, California. Carl Mandeville (pseudonym) and his girlfriend had decide 9/16/2007 #45059  
USG contractor scientist using the pseudonym “Tyler” viewed “artifacts” he  2/20/2019 #45563  
## Word: "pseudonyms" (Back to Top)
Noall Bryce Cornwell (who uses the pseudonyms Mel Noel and Guy Kirkwood) cl 12/1953 #9329  
## Word: "pseudoscience" (Back to Top)
e and those that can be considered pseudoscience. Sagan states that when ne 1995 #41923  
 experiment to expose ufology as a pseudoscience and raise consciousness ar 1/5/2009 #45206  
## Word: "pseudosciences" (Back to Top)
h or teachers who teach any of the pseudosciences as established truth shou 4/26/1969 #25094  
## Word: "pseudoscientific" (Back to Top)
d claims about Die Glocke as being pseudoscientific, recycled rumors, and a 2000 #43910  
## Word: "pseudostars" (Back to Top)
unclouded night sky often reveals “pseudostars”—stationary lights camouflag 4/1973 #27397  
## Word: "psh" (Back to Top)
-magnetic effects). Saucer / road. Psh"dont fear.. i'm terrestrial". / r8+/ 6/5/1964 #18330  
## Word: "psi" (Back to Top)
  EAGLE LAKE, CA Hunters / camper. Psi effects? Night lights hover and mane 9/27/1958 #15283  
pcoming Flying Saucer Symposium by PSI Conferences in Tampa, Florida. Durin 10/11/1974 #29521  
was involved in the “dark side” of psi and ESP programs, including maintain 1979 #34262  
g World of Psychic Phenomena about psi and TK during the predecessor progra 7/1980 #35399  
eball. Odd house-key shape hovers. Psi effects? Military investigation/inve 4/25/1984 #37287  
ts; the NHI established contact in psi/mind control weapons development pro 11/25/1991 #40241  
ization of drugs to test subjects’ psi capabilities. He states there were r 8/4/2008 #45155  
that trauma could improve a user’s psi abilities. Of note, Operation Midnig 8/4/2008 #45155  
## Word: "psi-tech" (Back to Top)
BDM Intl. and eventual Chairman of Psi-Tech (in 1992). BDM Intl. hosted the 1983 #36738  
ansfer asked government contractor Psi-Tech to “do some anti-gravity work.” 3/9/1992 #40368  
“would like to have.” Dames claims Psi-Tech “transfer[s] the technology.” D 3/9/1992 #40368  
 the occupants.  Dames also claims Psi-Tech personnel had an in-house proje 3/9/1992 #40368  
P Group meetings. Other members of Psi-Tech include David Morehouse, Col. J 3/9/1992 #40368  
for BDM and involved in contractor Psi-Tech, allegedly states there are str 5/22/1992 #40470  
## Word: "psig" (Back to Top)
165 Gal / water turns / steam / 55 PSIG. / MJ#203.                          6/12/1981 #35963  
## Word: "psilocybin" (Back to Top)
Gottlieb organizes field trials of psilocybin for injection into 9 black in 2/1957 #13481  
## Word: "psitech" (Back to Top)
.org/web/20010123091700/http://www.psitech.net/transcripts/treativ.htm   ht 3/9/1992 #40368  
ive.org/web/20010620085705/https://psitech.net/lecture.htm                  3/9/1992 #40369  
## Word: "pskovskaya" (Back to Top)
                                   PSKOVSKAYA OBL, RUSSIA Scientists / camp 9/2/1967 #22979  
## Word: "pst" (Back to Top)
ad (30 miles NW of), NV 3:15 [1:15 PST?] p.m. Pilot saw a tight formation o 6/28/1947 #2445  
                       At 3:15 a.m PST an F9F pilot taking off from El Cent 5/13/1952 #6319  
         George AFB, CA 1:25 p.m. (PST) (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP 5/20/1952 #6342  
                      At 1:13 a.m. PST a B-36 was flying in the vicinity of 2/6/1953 #8644  
               Spokane, WA 4:40 PM PST, (04/0040Z) 1st Lt. Donald A. Stoner 3/3/1956 #12746  
               Indio, CA 2:30 a.m. PST. Three glowing yellowish objects wit 3/11/1966 #19950  
       Playa Del Ray, CA 6:50 p.m. PST. Along the coast of the Pacific Ocea 4/3/1966 #20212  
        McMinnville, OR 12:25 a.m. PST. Several witnesses in a car reported 11/18/1966 #21121  
         Yorba Linda, CA 5:25 p.m. PST. A 14-year-old boy saw and photograp 1/24/1967 #21374  
            Oakhurst, CA 11:55 p.m.PST. A couple saw a solid round object a 2/7/1967 #21476  
             Chester, MT 6:30 a.m. PST. A railroad foreman saw a saucer (di 2/9/1967 #21488  
             Novato, CA 12:30 p.m. PST. A witness watching aircraft first s 2/13/1967 #21532  
               Davis, CA 7:15 p.m. PST. Two women driving home saw an objec 2/13/1967 #21534  
            Woodland, CA 8:30 p.m. PST. An ex-Air Force man with pilot trai 2/13/1967 #21535  
          Bellingham, WA 6:30 p.m. PST (8:30 p.m.). A woman saw a cigar-sha 2/14/1967 #21545  
itish.Columbia, CAN 7:30-8:30 p.m. PST. Four people saw a large bright oval 2/27/1967 #21673  
ill, British Columbia at 7:30 p.m. PST four witnesses named Flick, Harrison 2/27/1967 #21678  
         San De Fuca, WA 8:15 p.m. PST. Two men watched a pulsating yellow- 3/13/1967 #21881  
               Linda, CA 4:30 a.m. PST. A woman saw a triangular object sur 3/15/1967 #21889  
           Camarillo, CA 8:50 p.m. PST (10:50 p.m. CST). A barking dog aler 3/22/1967 #21946  
              Hessel, CA 7:15 p.m. PST (10:15 p.m. EST). A family saw an un 4/1/1967 #22038  
               Davis, CA 1:50 a.m. PST (4:40 p.m. EST).-A woman saw a baske 4/5/1967 #22060  
       North Salinas, CA 8:45 p.m. PST; 9:45 p.m. MST). A couple watched a  4/6/1967 #22074  
        Los Angeles, CA 10:05 p.m. PST (11:05 p.m. MST). Two peoplen saw a  4/6/1967 #22075  
           Woodville, ID 9:30 p.m. PST. While driving, a woman saw an amber 4/11/1967 #22109  
       Shelley, ID 9:30-10:00 p.m. PST. A woman and her daughter, age 16, s 4/17/1967 #22149  
             Ephrata, WA 1:30 a.m. PST. Two couples saw an unexplained ligh 4/21/1967 #22181  
         Greenfield, CA 12:35 a.m. PST (2:35 a.m. CST). Two women saw a bri 11/4/1967 #23400  
     Alderwood Manor, WA 5:35 p.m. PST. A witness saw a bright orange oblon 11/5/1967 #23404  
  Fort Simpson, NWT, CAN 7:11 a.m. PST. A weather observer at a local airpo 11/15/1967 #23460  
      Rancho Cordova, CA 6:45 p.m. PST 8-10 discs were sighted flying in a  2/18/1976 #30879  
                      At 6:45 p.m. PST 8-10 discs were sighted flying in a  2/18/1976 #30882  
           Toppenish, WA 7:45 P.M. PST Four witnesses observed a disk-shape 7/4/1977 #32235  
is made public. Torr later founded PST Associates, LLC in North Carolina wh 3/1/1998 #43527  
a Barbara, California at 9:30 p.m. PST.                                     1/5/2002 #44305  
                      At 5:20 p.m. PST two black triangular craft flew abov 1/2/2003 #44465  
                      At 2:40 a.m. PST three large, white circular UFOs hov 1/4/2003 #44467  
 floating in the sky at 10:00 a.m. PST in Hayward, California. It was five  1/4/2004 #44646  
ng background. At around 9:55 p.m. PST, the witness went out onto his front 4/17/2007 #45018  
dge, British Columbia at 3:00 p.m. PST, flashing a light. About an hour lat 12/10/2007 #45099  
 to turn off. Later, at 11:00 p.m. PST a "little army of star-like lights"  2/11/2009 #45211  
## Word: "psu" (Back to Top)
 occupants.  https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= 11/20/1955 #12580  
(page 237)   https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= 3/1/1967 #21719  
on making.”  https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download;jsessionid=95DE 2012 #45337  
## Word: "psu-may-have-investigated-ufos" (Back to Top)
ps://www.psucollegian.com/archives/psu-may-have-investigated-ufos/article_c 9/6/1990 #39717  
## Word: "psucollegian" (Back to Top)
istopher “Kit” Green.  https://www.psucollegian.com/archives/psu-may-have-i 9/6/1990 #39717  
## Word: "psv" (Back to Top)
a East, Akrij and Sienna are three PSV craft in operation that deploy “MilO 3/27/2017 #45466  
## Word: "psyche" (Back to Top)
her paranormal experiences are the psyche’s attempt to escape the strangleh 1975 #29671  
## Word: "psycheans" (Back to Top)
d said they called themselves "the Psycheans". He claimed to have been give 9/21/1974 #29468  
## Word: "psychedelic" (Back to Top)
extraterrestrials or spirits using psychedelic drugs. Believing that such a 8/20/1966 #20779  
## Word: "psychiatric" (Back to Top)
o attend a meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. He says Forrest 5/18/1949 #4192  
?" He was placed in a hospital for psychiatric examination. On April 18th,  2/28/1959 #15624  
the experience that she goes under psychiatric care for the next 2 years.   10/2/1966 #20949  
t by the experience that she began psychiatric counseling and continued it  10/2/1966 #20950  
him blind, and is committed to the psychiatric ward of the V.A. Medical Cen 4/1971 #26062  
help, his family checks him into a psychiatric hospital in Fortaleza. His c 4/3/1976 #30983  
al paranoia and was committed to a psychiatric hospital as a result of AFOS 11/17/1980 #35646  
                          New York Psychiatric Institute Night. Novelist Wh 12/26/1985 #37738  
ns by Donald Klein of the New York Psychiatric Institute beginning in March 12/26/1985 #37738  
## Word: "psychiatrist" (Back to Top)
wife is vacationing. He meets with psychiatrist William C. Menninger (who d 3/31/1949 #4061  
borator Hannibal Hamlin is a staff psychiatrist. Delgado is reticent discus 1952 #5837  
n, Kentucky. Allen Dulles approves psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron’s appli 2/1957 #13481  
f hypnosis sessions performed by a psychiatrist in Boston brought back memo 9/19/1961 #16858  
ill meet with Patrick J. Quirke, a psychiatrist at the Baldpate Sanitarium  3/1962 #17067  
ew Hampshire The Hills meet with a psychiatrist (Duncan Stephens of the Exe 3/25/1962 #17079  
          Rome, Italy A well-known psychiatrist saw an object on the ground 1/4/1963 #17628  
 well-known Boston, Massachusetts, psychiatrist with a specialty in hypnosi 5/24/1963 #17765  
ell him that Barney was going to a psychiatrist, Duncan Stephens, whom he l 9/7/1963 #17927  
 Dr. Benjamin Simon, a well- known psychiatrist in Boston, Massachusetts, w 9/7/1963 #17927  
ing is later studied by New Jersey psychiatrist Berthold E. Schwarz, who fi 2/17/1967 #21586  
wis J. Fielding, Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist.                            9/3/1971 #26311  
## Word: "psychiatrists" (Back to Top)
and silently. Godoi is examined by psychiatrists, who find him neither neur 11/2/1954 #11537  
he witness was examined by several psychiatrists in Sao Paulo who concluded 11/2/1954 #11539  
much more widespread in Spain that psychiatrists are willing to admit.      2/6/1966 #19888  
which he was examined by a team of psychiatrists and put through fifteen hy 6/14/1968 #24033  
lly unresponsive and in shock. Two psychiatrists, Renato Barcelar and Barce 3/24/1978 #33078  
 again. Doctors, neurologists, and psychiatrists examine the crew and find  8/23/1979 #34768  
## Word: "psychiatry" (Back to Top)
onfidentially review Department of Psychiatry Head John E. Mack’s clinical  5/1994 #41510  
## Word: "psychic" (Back to Top)
               Geneva, Switzerland Psychic medium Catherine-Elise Müller (u 1900 #639  
ttempting to send signals to Mars. Psychic investigator Nandor Fodor, who h 10/27/1926 #1065  
 the press that he has established psychic communication with the occupants 10/9/1946 #2199  
fornia, receives the first of many psychic messages from extraterrestrial s 1/6/1952 #5861  
erhaps that Streeter has attempted psychic contact once before in 1950).    9/28/1952 #8048  
 subject is none other than gifted psychic Eileen J. Garrett, whom he has t 10/1952 #8074  
ion the contacts have been largely psychic. Adamski discourages him and the 11/24/1952 #8333  
ondon, England, when he receives a psychic message telling him that he has  5/8/1954 #9763  
oids (or Greys) cure illness. Gets psychic talent.                          11/8/1954 #11592  
ologist Andrija Puharich and Dutch psychic Peter Hurkos accidentally meet C 7/1956 #12940  
urses call “The Zombie Room.” His “psychic driving” experiments consist of  2/1957 #13481  
s away. He begins receiving subtle psychic messages on his earthly mission. 5/11/1957 #13656  
n Lilly, came to believe he was in psychic contact with extraterrestrials o 1958 #14788  
munication was attempted through a psychic channeler who was also a militar 7/9/1959 #15829  
of other questions were put to the psychic, including whether Catholics wer 7/9/1959 #15829  
ed intellectually, with subsequent psychic contact, and two cases of healin 5/3/1965 #18925  
   Charles Jones, who claims to be psychic and has frequently reported UFO  12/11/1965 #19765  
us instruments and also employed a psychic.                                 1967 #21234  
are fantastic images propelled via psychic technology from humanity’s futur 1969 #24802  
mself the “PK Man,” attributes his psychic and precognitive abilities to UF 1969 #24803  
 and its personnel, thereby ending psychic operations at Camp Hero.  https: 1/1971 #25963  
ous entities, the well known stage psychic Uri Geller and physicist Andrija 12/6/1971 #26490  
alifornia New York City artist and psychic Ingo Swann visits the Stanford R 6/6/1972 #26703  
ancy the next day, and she has had psychic, paranormal experiences ever sin 4/22/1973 #27440  
 in Australia’s Northern Territory Psychic Pat Price accurately remote view 7/9/1974 #29253  
s, California Alaska New York City psychic Ingo Swann receives a phone call 2/1975 #29781  
pnotic suggestion. Most claim some psychic abilities, and many report a fee 5/23/1980 #35340  
in the film), The Amazing World of Psychic Phenomena about psi and TK durin 7/1980 #35399  
 officers in ways to improve their psychic performance. In 1984, Maj. Gen.  1983 #36738  
 made no sound. She concluded that psychic interaction between her and the  11/28/1990 #39913  
                 Area 51 in Nevada Psychic Sean David Morton begins going t 1991 #39935  
bsite UFO Watchdog, “The Shameless Psychic and His Prophecy of Lies.” which 1991 #39935  
e window / repeat observer(s) and "psychic".                                4/16/1993 #40935  
 a.m. It was very bright, and some psychic effects resulted from the close  4/16/1993 #40937  
ien in custody. Aliens were highly psychic.                                 2/1997 (approximate) #43182  
cal, psychological, physiological, psychic, and cultural. The Data Warehous 9/30/2010 #45300  
 a woman “CRM” who was allegedly a psychic to understand UAP hotspots. CRM  10/20/2022 #45781  
## Word: "psychical" (Back to Top)
      Onondaga County, New York US psychical researcher James Hyslop begins 8/1895 #319  
## Word: "psychically" (Back to Top)
has written, all of them channeled psychically from extraterrestrial intell 2/1954 #9522  
## Word: "psychics" (Back to Top)
lairvoyants, astrologers, mediums, psychics, specialists in demonology, wit 1969 #24800  
aware their only foes on Earth are psychics. Later, Swann and Mr. Axelrod t 2/1975 #29781  
ew” by Rocket Pictures. Claims two psychics were present to interpret the r 2/1997 (approximate) #43182  
tion has taken place and that most psychics used in the program were frauds 5/23/1997 #43301  
## Word: "psycho-therapeutic" (Back to Top)
of insulin sub-shock combined with psycho-therapeutic interviews. Raines sa 4/9/1949 #4084  
## Word: "psychoactive" (Back to Top)
d-control research, and the use of psychoactive drugs during “terminal” int 11/28/1953 #9324  
## Word: "psychobabble" (Back to Top)
age than a film. There is also the psychobabble narration that is mumbled b 12/4/2018 #45550  
## Word: "psychodynamics" (Back to Top)
 sleep phenomena, psychopathology, psychodynamics, environment, and event-l 10/1996 #43048  
## Word: "psychokinetic" (Back to Top)
bility to break up clouds with his psychokinetic abilities.                 Summer 1951 #5549  
## Word: "psychologial" (Back to Top)
re sometimes quoted as evidence of psychologial experience correlated with  2/28/1959 #15622  
## Word: "psychological" (Back to Top)
ernative explanations that include psychological suggestibility of the witn 10/13/1917 #970  
ard Condon files the letter under “psychological” and does not respond.     1930 #1106  
 by commercial airplanes used as a psychological warfare campaign to genera 2/24/1942 #1388  
exico, crashes are the result of a psychological warfare operation by Sovie 7/1/1947 #2523  
government agencies interested in “psychological warfare” be informed of th 8/10/1949 #4315  
ents later wind up involved in the Psychological Strategy Board created in  3/1950 #4566  
olicy Coordination’s Political and Psychological Warfare staff headed by Jo 3/27/1950 #4741  
 Policy Coordination Political and Psychological Warfare Staff headed by Jo 3/27/1950 #4742  
jpg (Note: Bad URL?)     Note: CIA psychological warfare head Joseph Bryan  3/27/1950 #4742  
n of Superstitions for Purposes of Psychological Warfare.” She uses recent  4/14/1950 #4852  
n of Superstitions for Purposes of Psychological Warfare.” The paper writes 4/14/1950 #4853  
he Truman administration forms the Psychological Strategy Board to coordina 4/4/1951 #5498  
y Board to coordinate and plan for psychological operations. The board is c 4/4/1951 #5498  
ent), Director of CIA notifies the Psychological Strategy Board that “Flyin 1952? #5828  
ing Saucers” have implications for psychological warfare as well as for int 1952? #5828  
utilization of these phenomena for psychological warfare purposes.          1952? #5828  
e United States: the potential for psychological panic by citizens, and dem 9/10/1952 #7891  
ed States. The first involves mass psychological considerations and the sec 10/2/1952 #8084  
 DCI discuss this subject with the Psychological Strategy Board.            10/2/1952 #8084  
ledge regarding Flying Saucers for psychological warfare planners to start  10/13/1952 #8128  
tion of the Office of the Chief of Psychological Warfare, delivers a lectur 11/24/1952 #8332  
ng Pentagon officers in the Army’s Psychological Warfare Research Section a 11/24/1952 #8332  
t known to drink or to suffer from psychological problems.                  10/18/1954 #11225  
rthy. Gray was the director of the Psychological Strategy Board, a committe 11/20/1955 #12580  
inistration to coordinate and plan psychological operations. The Board incl 11/20/1955 #12580  
enches, are stationed to gauge the psychological impact of the bomb. The fl 7/5/1957 #13779  
oops are tested to determine their psychological reactions to witnessing th 9/2/1957 #13972  
n is now beyond question, and the ‘psychological’ explanations seem to have 1958 #14781  
ations as they related to Cold War psychological warfare plans.  https://ma 6/28/1961 #16738  
ns that all UFO’s are actually CIA psychological warfare.                   10/8/1961 #16900  
t he was also founder of the CIA’s psychological warfare staff. Bryan never Summer 1962 #17238  
ized many of the findings from its psychological research into what became  7/1963 #17819  
ersonnel receive training in these psychological techniques at places such  7/1963 #17819  
ve arranged for torture, rape, and psychological abuse of adults and young  7/1963 #17819  
set in motion an anxiety-provoking psychological experience whose sources i 12/14/1963 #18081  
 noise (unspecified), physical and psychological effects. Independent obser 4/7/1966 #20264  
ject in Mantua, Ohio. Dale Spaur's psychological condition and professional 4/17/1966 #20319  
he UFO, the other 20 are about the psychological profile of the witness. Wh 12/1966 #21172  
uring the exam, communication, and psychological aftereffects.              1/23/1967 #21368  
rm he is in a state of physical or psychological shock for many hours.      4/5/1967 #22066  
hologists’ section of the American Psychological Association sponsors a pro 9/4/1967 #22999  
 found. Aleixo subjects the boy to psychological testing and he finds no di 9/14/1967 #23060  
ictable conclusion: “Evaluation of psychological assessment tests, the lack 12/3/1967 #23545  
enhance memory recall, and the two psychological experts called in to evalu 12/3/1967 #23547  
s background checks, buttressed by psychological analyses, convinces him th 8/7/1968 #24307  
. Janzen, reportedly felt strange "psychological forces" and suffered physi 3/10/1969 #24991  
iven a full battery of medical and psychological tests. The committee recom 5/12/1969 #25131  
roup at Fort Belvoir, VA conducted psychological operations on U.S. citizen 10/11/1973 #28009  
 a woman, told him he had a stable psychological system, which was why they 7/21/1975 #30197  
f them experience odd physical and psychological symptoms. The women are hy 1/6/1976 #30770  
 that the UFO theme can be used in psychological warfare.                   6/20/1977 #32176  
encounter began. She suffered from psychological shock and had nightmares f 8/3/1977 #32356  
pers are presented at the American Psychological Association Symposium in T 8/28/1978 #33585  
.. The witnesses were administered psychological test, that indicated their 9/20/1979 #34909  
roup at Fort Belvoir, VA conducted psychological operations on U.S. citizen 1980's #35110  
I was targeting U.S. citizens with psychological operations.  http://www.op 7/1980 #35398  
turned to the school with apparent psychological effects.  Two to three mon 12/14/1980 #35716  
phrodite Clamar, who also conducts psychological tests on the abductees.    1981 #35761  
s and possible reactions against a psychological warfare attack directed at 10/23/1988 #38682  
eptual thinking. Through extensive psychological testing, Ring finds that a 5/1/1992 #40442  
chnology states it can be used for psychological operations and strategic p 5/1996 #42891  
d an inch of remaining pages are a psychological profile of the reporting p 8/30/1996 #43003  
ent/military targets, with adverse psychological effects. CSETI states this 8/22/1998 #43635  
telligence community with specific psychological profiles are selected. It  7/31/1999 #43815  
 else like a tree or an animal for psychological warfare purposes; he state 7/2003 #44560  
eing discharged from the Army for "psychological" reasons. One officer sugg 8/25/2004 #44741  
Aliens, in which she describes her psychological testing of a sample of abd 10/2005 #44883  
w comforting and, at some personal psychological level, true.” However, Cla 10/2005 #44883  
ee wonders if this is true or just psychological warfare targeted at the pa 12/6/2005 #44908  
gnated as physical, anti-physical, psychological, physiological, psychic, a 9/30/2010 #45300  
ning if this ONR program looked at psychological communication between huma 2012 #45337  
e cases can be attributed to known psychological or medical factors, others 2/2/2022 #45737  
n plans as they relate to Cold War psychological warfare plans.  A second d 12/17/2022 #45787  
## Word: "psychologically" (Back to Top)
 the base hospital, where they are psychologically tested. No one can ident 11/7/1975 #30576  
manifestations because percipients psychologically need them for some reaso 1984 #37092  
   “Alien” abductions are faked to psychologically traumatize witnesses of  4/5/2016 #45449  
## Word: "psychologist" (Back to Top)
itzerland Basel, Switzerland Swiss psychologist Carl Jung investigates his  1899 #629  
sity of Geneva. The medium and the psychologist remain very close until 190 1900 #639  
ional fatigue during the war”) and psychologist Capt. George N. Raines from 3/31/1949 #4061  
t his conclusion. Colorado project psychologist Michael Wertheimer intervie 7/26/1952 #7174  
tzerland, publishes two letters by psychologist Carl Jung, who says he has  7/9/1954 #10005  
d jumps to the conclusion that the psychologist believes them to be extrate 7/29/1958 #15158  
            UK Zurich, Switzerland Psychologist Carl Jung publishes Flying  1959 #15511  
. Hieatt (PR), Maj. Leroy D. Pigg (psychologist), V. J. Handmacher (physici 5/5/1959 #15723  
, Massachusetts Harvard University psychologist Henry Murray begins what ar 9/1959 #15952  
r Force Scientific Advisory Board (psychologist Launor F. Carter, industria 2/3/1966 #19879  
ogist Launor F. Carter, industrial psychologist Jesse Orlansky, rocket scie 2/3/1966 #19879  
isbury, journalist John G. Fuller, psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle, and astron 2/27/1966 #19925  
     At 2:00 a.m. Dr. Eula Page, a psychologist, was driving home from Texa 4/22/1966 #20377  
                          Colorado Psychologist Michael Wertheimer tells Co 9/22/1966 #20916  
lorado Colorado project member and psychologist William A. Scott devises a  12/1966 #21172  
                          Colorado Psychologist David R. Saunders, a princi Spring 1967 #21924  
hich takes off vertically. He sees psychologist and UFO researcher Hulvio A 9/14/1967 #23060  
t, Romania Magnet Strada 7:30 a.m. Psychologist Adina Păun is walking past  12/10/1967 #23567  
H. Estabrooks, a Canadian-American psychologist and former consultant for t 5/13/1968 #23959  
er witness undergoes hypnosis with psychologist Berthold Eric Schwarz, who  10/25/1973 #28285  
n Hynek, ufologist Jacques Vallée, psychologist David R. Saunders, Hynek as 1/20/1975 #29758  
 Clark, who puts her in touch with psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle, who has us 8/26/1975 #30310  
ewed by geologist John S. Derr and psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle, as well as Fall 1975 #30379  
ia Richard F. Haines, an aerospace psychologist at NASA’s Ames Research Cen 1980 #35112  
UFO investigator, on May 11 brings psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle in to meet  5/5/1980 #35306  
on UFO Investigation, organized by psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle to bring co 5/23/1980 #35340  
c regression performed by licensed psychologist Aphrodite Clamar, who also  1981 #35761  
William Heijster, a Dutch military psychologist who works at the Ministry o 8/10/1989 #39050  
                           A Dutch psychologist vacationing in Spain videot 8/10/1989 #39054  
William Heijster, a Dutch military psychologist, was vacationing in Spain w 8/10/1989 #39054  
necticut University of Connecticut psychologist Kenneth Ring publishes The  5/1/1992 #40442  
nference co- organizer and Harvard psychologist John Mack presents an entir 6/13/1992 #40492  
                          Research psychologist Susan Marie Powers publishe 5/1994 #41511  
nterviews them on September 17 and psychologist John E. Mack several months 9/16/1994 #41754  
naut and Senator Harrison Schmitt, psychologist Albert Harrison, and Christ 12/1995 #42635  
                                   Psychologist Stuart Appelle evaluates fa 10/1996 #43048  
ith Washington, D.C.–area clinical psychologist Neil Hibler. They are paid  1/10/1997 #43169  
dence, Sturrock brings in aviation psychologist Richard F. Haines, German u 9/29/1997 #43420  
n Anomalous Phenomena Retired NASA psychologist Richard F. Haines founds th 1999 #43706  
vard University Harvard University psychologist John E. Mack publishes a se 1999 #43708  
the story, an unnamed Col. tells a psychologist that during one crash recov 7/31/1999 #43815  
 ‘released’ and able to do so; the psychologist states “the little gray bas 7/31/1999 #43815  
as him hypnotically regressed by a psychologist from Suzhou. Cao also passe 12/1999 #43890  
ent hypnosis by R. Leo Sprinkle, a psychologist who specializes in alien ab 2000 #43913  
through binoculars by a counseling psychologist and his daughter. It seemed 8/24/2002 #44385  
                New York Cognitive psychologist Susan Clancy publishes Abdu 10/2005 #44883  
ic agenda theory, and an Air Force psychologist who argued abductions were  3/31/2011 #45322  
## Word: "psychologists" (Back to Top)
Cook says it will need the help of psychologists. William A. Scott and Davi 9/21/1966 #20910  
ann, physicist Frederick Ayer, and psychologists Dan Culberson and James Wa 10/7/1966 #20970  
                    The Industrial Psychologists’ section of the American P 9/4/1967 #22999  
s replies that both scientists and psychologists have been consulted.       11/8/1967 #23426  
cover story that they were US Army psychologists working on a project for t 3/31/2011 #45322  
ong those present are astronomers, psychologists, meteorologists, physicist 7/31/2014 #45412  
erts working on anti-UAP weaponry, psychologists meeting with witnesses and 8/31/2016 #45458  
## Word: "psychology" (Back to Top)
by Théodore Flournoy, professor of psychology at the University of Geneva.  1900 #639  
are “an interesting study in human psychology.”                             7/1/1947 #2519  
ucer.” He recommends stressing the psychology and sociology of the witnesse 8/9/1966 #20734  
ting of the University of Colorado psychology department, Stuart W. Cook an 9/21/1966 #20910  
s, including a graduate student in psychology at Harvard, saw an oval, dull 6/11/1967 #22492  
 from the University of Colorado’s Psychology Department. Condon tells Mary 2/8/1968 #23740  
 and Taylor describe the cult in a Psychology Today article in October 1976 10/1975 #30407  
ogy, models of propulsion, and the psychology of perception.                6/1978 #33245  
ampton, England, by Totton College psychology professor Craig A. Roberts. I 9/1999 #43838  
## Word: "psychologytoday" (Back to Top)
oped this technology.  https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/long-fuse-bi 11/29/2021 #45725  
## Word: "psychometrist" (Back to Top)
ars English-American geologist and psychometrist William Denton of Wellesle 1873 #198  
## Word: "psychopathology" (Back to Top)
e abductee, rejects fabrication or psychopathology as explanations for her  12/10/1976 #31594  
ity, personality, sleep phenomena, psychopathology, psychodynamics, environ 10/1996 #43048  
## Word: "psychosis" (Back to Top)
UFO reports as mass hysteria, fear psychosis, and sensation-seeking.        10/9/1952 #8107  
 up against Moscow a flying-saucer psychosis.”                              10/11/1954 #10940  
## Word: "psychosocial" (Back to Top)
irst to lay the groundwork for the psychosocial hypothesis, which sees UFOs 1969 #24802  
O events, and explains them all as psychosocial manifestations because perc 1984 #37092  
latterbauer conduct a study on the psychosocial characteristics of 27 abduc 1991 #39934  
## Word: "psychosomatic" (Back to Top)
visible. The witness suffered from psychosomatic blindness and other person 7/22/1975 #30201  
## Word: "psychotherapy" (Back to Top)
n undergoes intense interrogation, psychotherapy, and medical procedures.   5/6/1949 #4158  
ay away from brothels, and undergo psychotherapy.                           6/5/1990 #39606  
## Word: "psychotic" (Back to Top)
rrestal is suffering from a “total psychotic breakdown.”                    11/3/1948 #3866  
 who find him neither neurotic nor psychotic.                               11/2/1954 #11537  
## Word: "psychotronic" (Back to Top)
r discusses in Military Review how psychotronic weapons could be developed  12/1980 #35686  
tial military applications. As for psychotronic weapons, he sees much poten 12/1980 #35686  
hotos of individuals killed during psychotronic weapons experiments, that s 11/25/1991 #40241  
## Word: "psyco-effects" (Back to Top)
maneuver. Beam hits men going [to] psyco-effects. / LDLN#204.               3/1964 #18142  
## Word: "psyop" (Back to Top)
ct House Cleaning; and there is a “psyop” component of the MJ group.  https 1/23/1999 #43720  
## Word: "psyops" (Back to Top)
 member. Bryan III’s background in psyops was not known at the time publicl 3/27/1950 #4742  
## Word: "pt" (Back to Top)
                                   PT PLEASANT, WV Several observer(s). 'Fl 10/10/1931 #1131  
                                   PT LOMA, CA 7 TEARDROPs maneuver near pi 12/23/1950 (approximate) #5361  
  https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=osu.32435069145381&view=1up&seq=75 2/27/1951 #5464  
                            WEST / PT CONCEPTION, CA Project Bluebook Case  3/24/1952 #5970  
                  60 miles west of Pt. Concepcion, California Witnesses:  B 3/24/1952 #5972  
                                   Pt. Mugu, California Witness:  R.W. Love 1/28/1953 #8597  
                                   PT. MORESBY, NG Silver dart exits odd cl 8/23/1953 #9100  
            70 MI EAST / KEENEENAW PT, MI RADAR's. F89 joins UFO over lake. 11/23/1953 #9316  
                               OFF PT MUGU, CA 4 aero engineers / WV2 test- 12/16/1953 #9369  
                                   PT. MELBOURNE, VCT 20 / docks. Large red 5/9/1954 #9765  
                                   Pt. Lookout, Maryland Witnesses:  B. Hal 10/11/1955 #12499  
                                   PT HUENEME, CA Cops and hundreds. Unknow 3/24/1957 #13560  
                                   PT. MORESBY, PNG Several observer(s). Re 2/6/1958 (approximate) #14873  
le, New Haven, CT Former Air Force PT Boat Commander watched UFOs rendezvou 2/3/1960 #16164  
  https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=11 10/29/1962 #17518  
                         NORTHEAST PT / GROOT EYLANDT, AU Compass off. Unde 1/23/1964 #18115  
-ovoid going up [to] slow. Circles Pt. Marisco. Going west. / Flying Saucer 3/17/1966 #19977  
ca, Brazil at 1:50 a.m. It circled Pt. Marisco, and then flew off the the w 3/17/1966 #19984  
                                   PT. PLEASANT, WV Dogs frantic. Car-sized 1/10/1967 #21281  
                                   PT BARROW, AK 3+saucers going west. Land 2/12/1967 #21516  
                            SR 2 / PT. PLEASANT, WV Large brilliant UFO ext 6/5/1967 (approximate) #22461  
                                SS PT. LAUNAY Faint globe appears / all sid 6/1971 #26150  
ight blue sphere / low altitude. / Pt. Townsend Leader 3.1.74.              12/30/1973 #28614  
                            Indian Pt Nuclear Plant, NY 10:30 PM. Guards at 6/14/1984 #37360  
                            INDIAN PT. REACTOR, NY Very large delta/triangl 7/24/1984 #37409  
                            Indian Pt Nuclear Plant, NY 9:00 PM. A very lar 7/24/1984 #37410  
0210831153533/https://bdigital.ufp.pt/bitstream/10284/781/1/223-239Cons-Cie 1/1989 #38772  
                           MONTAUK PT, NY 3 / boat. Silent 150' delta/trian 1/30/1989 #38806  
 ice going up [to] and fills hole. Pt. traces.                              1/7/1990 #39368  
                             LEDGE PT, WEST AUSTR 2 observer(s). Glowing-cl 5/10/1992 #40461  
                          MAKAPU'U PT., OAHU, HI 1 observer. Domed triangle 1/7/1995 #41958  
                       NORTHEAST / PT. MACQUARIE, QLD White-yellow delta/tr 2/27/1997 #43211  
                       OFF MONTAUK PT., NY 3 disks hover 6M over sea. Spin  4/15/2000 #43981  
ation and the Naval Air Station in Pt. Mugu.  As of 2015, he worked with No 7/2003 #44560  
## Word: "pta" (Back to Top)
                                 A PTA meeting was in progress at a school  10/30/1976 #31511  
## Word: "ptbt" (Back to Top)
          Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT). At this point, 499 nuclear tests  8/5/1963 #17865  
## Word: "ptc" (Back to Top)
was unable to convince CIA S&T at “PTC” of viability of sharing with the Co 3/11/1998 #43532  
s on NM discoveries of 1947…S&T at PTC are aware of our briefing from STAC  3/11/1998 #43532  
## Word: "pterodactyl" (Back to Top)
 creature resembling a prehistoric pterodactyl. In yet a third container he 12/2/1979 #35040  
th blue lights "flaps wings like a pterodactyl".                            10/2/1995 #42531  
## Word: "pto" (Back to Top)
                  VALENCIA TO/FROM PTO CABELLO, VNZ Luminous saucer buzzes  6/9/1957 #13714  
                                   PTO.VALTRAVALGLIA, ITL 3 / car. Dark box 2/1978 #32933  
## Word: "ptolemaida" (Back to Top)
ori, Michaniona Giannitsa, Larissa Ptolemaida Lagyna 6:00 p.m. Air traffic  11/12/1981 #36220  
i, Michaniona, Giannitsa, Larissa, Ptolemaida, and Lagyna.                  11/12/1981 #36220  
## Word: "ptolemais" (Back to Top)
                                   PTOLEMAIS, GREECE 1 observer. Pear-shape 11/12/1981 #36218  
## Word: "ptsd" (Back to Top)
them for what will later be called PTSD.                                    1/4/1964 #18109  
ductees to explore the presence of PTSD symptoms. The results show that 45% 5/1994 #41511  
that 45% of the abductees manifest PTSD symptoms and 70% manifest dissociat 5/1994 #41511  
## Word: "ptsd-like" (Back to Top)
id Booher interviews him about his PTSD-like symptoms.                      2/20/1959 #15595  
## Word: "ptv" (Back to Top)
                NEAR VILLASOBROSO, PTV, SPAIN Triangular object clearly see 2/15/1996 #42761  
## Word: "pu-239" (Back to Top)
tope present as an impurity in the pu-239).                                 4/5/1944 #1589  
## Word: "pu-240" (Back to Top)
un-type fission weapon (because of pu-240 isotope present as an impurity in 4/5/1944 #1589  
## Word: "pub" (Back to Top)
ning onto a lane when they reach a pub called The White Dog. Amid great sec 1946 #1962  
il to find the farm. They locate a pub called The White Hart and a farmer n 1946 #1962  
these projects.  https://documents.pub/document/mufon-ufo-journal-1978-8-au 8/1978 #33460  
vember 1964. *   https://documents.pub/document/mufon-ufo-journal-1978-8-au 8/1978 #33460  
affic officers were parked up in a pub car park when they observed a very b 11/29/1980 #35681  
er 30 and agree to meet at a local pub a couple hours later. She brings alo 10/28/1986 #38056  
em, and offer them to Randles. The pub meeting ends with an agreement for “ 10/28/1986 #38056  
ing several passengers home from a pub in Hallbankgate, Cumbria, England at 11/23/1996 #43118  
other group of passengers from the pub, he came up a hill and saw a tall fi 11/23/1996 #43118  
## Word: "pubic" (Back to Top)
body. The tube was placed over his pubic hair just above the penis on the l 12/14/1997 #43462  
## Word: "public" (Back to Top)
0:00 p.m. A witness walking in the public square in New Haven, Connecticut, 1/22/1855 #149  
 canals and “Martians” capture the public imagination. Lowell publishes his 5/1894 #314  
hast never offers his aircraft for public viewing, and people gradually rea 12/22/1909 #821  
British Air Ministry has asked the public to submit reports on observations 9/1921 #1014  
 influence local leaders and shape public opinion to build support for the  1938 #1279  
s deceptive by some newspapers and public figures, leading to an outcry aga 10/30/1938 #1300  
g them on defective gas mains. The public did not believe this explanation  9/7/1944 #1666  
the Moon during WW2 according to a public statement by Dr. Oliver J. Lee.   1945 #1741  
                        New Jersey Public announcements of radar signals bo 1/10/1946 #1963  
s and might have adverse effect on public opinion or result in legal suits. 4/17/1947 #2265  
         Pentagon Pentagon Army AF Public Relations Officer Capt. Tom Brown 6/27/1947 #2430  
 William C. Anderson, Wright Field public relations officer, says there is  7/3/1947 #2582  
moon. This is apparently the first public mention of an extraterrestrial or 7/4/1947 #2654  
their own. 1:50 p.m., Stephen Leo, public relations officer for AF Secretar 7/7/1947 #2933  
litary authorities, to a number of public officials” that “a serious situat 7/8/1947 #2953  
ease about the Roswell recovery to Public Information Officer Lt. Walter Ha 7/8/1947 #3015  
d at Roswell Army Air Field as the Public Information Officer and received  7/8/1947 #3029  
s in terror and is tracked down in public archives to the southern Oregon a 7/29/1947 #3243  
lor write a memorandum to the USAF Public Relations Office outlining the pr 12/11/1947 #3500  
ark Camden, New Jersey Cooper Free Public Library Day. Edward E. Thompson w 7/4/1948 #3698  
ersey, across from the Cooper Free Public Library.                          7/4/1948 #3698  
                Pentagon Office of Public Information A 22-page memorandum  4/27/1949 #4117  
released by the Pentagon Office of Public Information, scheduled deliberate 4/27/1949 #4117  
ers” hits the newsstands. The USAF Public Relations Office has cooperated f 4/29/1949 #4132  
s be created to “aid in dispelling public apprehension.” On the other hand, 8/10/1949 #4315  
.m. Harley C. Marshall, manager of public relations at Palomar Observatory  10/14/1949 #4395  
d covering up information from the public in order to avoid panic: “For the 12/24/1949 #4443  
tuation was reviewed partly due to public protests.                         1950 #4460  
 with Gen. Sory Smith, director of public relations for the Air Force; Maj. 1/1950 #4470  
 Bryan III to confuse the American public. Taylor later admitted to the Sen 3/27/1950 #4742  
, which has to reply to groundless public excitement. His USAF contact has  3/31/1950 #4777  
re ain’t no such animal.” Pentagon Public Relations Officer Maj. DeWitt Sea 3/31/1950 #4777  
he FBI, but not in a way to arouse public suspicion of USAF interest.       7/6/1950 #5046  
 Note: This is at a time when USAF public messaging is debunking UAP cases. 7/6/1950 #5047  
uring a time of war in Korea. USAF Public Information Officer Clare Welch e 9/8/1950 #5171  
ings never reached Congress or the public.  https://www.nicap.org/docs/beth 1951 #5379  
                 Cosmopolitan USAF Public Information Officer Author and jo 1/1951 #5380  
O sightings to the Air Force. USAF Public Information Officer Clare Welch,  1/1951 #5380  
physicist Urner Liddel states in a public magazine article that all UAP rep 2/27/1951 #5464  
ecial assistant to the director of public relations.                        6/22/1951 #5550  
an to draw in UFO reports from the public so that triangulations might be o 1/29/1952 #5884  
 Bolster. The report is never made public.                                  3/14/1952 #5957  
              US Al Chop appointed public information officer for UFO's.    4/1952 #6002  
ld for nighttime photography. USAF Public Information Officer Capt. Irving  4/7/1952 #6043  
Congressional hearings or with the public.  https://archive.org/details/nee 4/24/1952 #6179  
      Michigan In the wake of mass public and governmental interest in UFOs 6/1952 #6403  
 A personnel seek reports from the public and collect newspaper clippings.  7/1952 #6680  
linois. The next day the Air Force public information office at O’Hare Airp 7/3/1952 #6705  
Roger M. Ramey issues an ambiguous public denial that the interceptors have 7/28/1952 #7264  
FO Maj. Dewey J. Fournet Jr., USAF public relations officer Al Chop, and Na 7/29/1952 #7328  
rest or concern reach the press or public.”                                 8/1/1952 #7386  
ts interest from the media and the public, "in view of their probable alarm 8/1/1952 #7387  
rest or concern reach the press or public.”                                 8/1/1952 #7409  
shed as to what should be told the public regarding the phenomena, in order 9/10/1952 #7891  
e will be the time and basis for a public policy to reduce or restrain mass 10/13/1952 #8128  
nce of the NSA is not known to the public. Due to its ultra-secrecy the US  10/24/1952 #8181  
nce of the NSA is not known to the public at this time.                     11/4/1952 #8246  
sist the Air Force to reassure the public that “everything is well under co 1/9/1953 #8526  
session that our job was to reduce public concern and show that UFO reports 1/14/1953 #8539  
ific Robertson Panel were not made public at the time. Since then, two conf 1/17/1953 #8544  
all over the country, and that the public be told "every detail of every ph 1/17/1953 #8544  
d program designed to reassure the public of the total lack of evidence of  1/17/1953 #8544  
 every reason to make an immediate public announcement. What is known about 1/17/1953 #8544  
t is known about the affair is the public manifestation of the UFO project  1/17/1953 #8544  
that would “result in reduction of public interest in flying saucers” with  1/17/1953 #8548  
reporting channels and suggest the public is told there is no legitimate ev 1/18/1953 #8551  
rts presented to them and “reduce” public concern.  https://www.cia.gov/rea 1/18/1953 #8551  
ormation should be released to the public (it didn’t). Fournet, Chop, and C 1/29/1953 #8613  
escribing a recent [late January?] public meeting of the Civilian Saucer In 2/9/1953 #8654  
                              USAF Public Information Officer Albert M. Cho 2/9/1953 #8656  
en Channing admits to monitoring a public meeting of U.S. civilians discuss 2/9/1953 #8657  
s upon the UFO occupants to make a public appearance on earth.              3/15/1953 #8757  
inance as a consultant, was giving public presentations at the Glendale CA  3/19/1953 #8761  
ts Reporting." Paragraph 9 forbids public release of unexplained sightings. 8/26/1953 #9110  
or reporting UFOs, restrictions on public discussion.                       8/26/1953 #9111  
d they are covering it up from the public to avoid panic. He has gotten cle 10/1/1953 #9198  
vernment would eventually tell the public and his presentation would help s 10/2/1953 #9199  
nd in Hyde Park and can charge the public sixpence a go to enter, it must b 11/3/1953 #9279  
dates to Congress and the American public.                                  12/18/1953 #9384  
(and adopted) to obtain more data. Public relations program adopted to assu 1954 #9415  
elations program adopted to assure public UFOs posed no danger, or threat t 1954 #9415  
er airmen and soldiers to tell the public nothing about UFOs.               1/25/1954 #9499  
of Ernest in 1971, she becomes the public face of Unarius. Before her death 2/1954 #9522  
to the nearest airport and make no public statements or face a prison term  2/17/1954 #9550  
he Holy See, they finally met in a public place in Rome. According to this  2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
 AF Intelligence and the Office of Public Information, after which his supe 4/11/1954 #9682  
Chief of Staff Nathan Twining. The public can now know that the 4602nd Air  8/12/1954 #10138  
ported to Congress or the American public, as the Air Force relied on state 10/14/1954 #11075  
 is an initially secret, but later public, subcommittee of the US National  12/28/1954 #11868  
anges names several times to avoid public exposure. In 1964, it is known as 12/28/1954 #11868  
m secrets he was not ready to make public yet. Carr attracts the funding of 1955 #11894  
ngland George King gives the first public demonstration of his contacts wit 1/1955 #11903  
ir Force does not try to influence public opinion on the matter.            Early 4/1955 #12079  
 is presented that notes: “General public not qualified to evaluate materia 5/23/1955 #12151  
960 and 1966 and withheld from the public until it was declassified in 2019 10/15/1955 #12506  
r been released to Congress or the public.  https://archive.org/details/rep 2/1956 #12691  
es, statements to Congress and the public, and publications about UFOs. It  5/1/1956 #12823  
es, statements to Congress and the public, and publications about UFOs. Col 5/1/1956 #12825  
s career going from skeptical USAF public information officer to Pentagon U 5/3/1956 #12828  
 (both shown for the first time in public). It concludes with the famous 19 5/3/1956 #12828  
 withhold UFO information from the public.                                  6/25/1956 #12919  
14” on UAP is not available to the public despite it being unclassified. Mo 7/5/1956 #12953  
e USAF and CIA wanted to cool down public reaction, the Air Force’s relucta 7/5/1956 #12953  
 the many possible linkages in the PUBLIC DOMAIN are interesting. Hubert Go Late 1956 #13281  
, and Martin H. Heflin is hired as public relations specialist. The headqua 10/19/1956 #13286  
from High Bridge, New Jersey, goes public on the Long John Nebel show on WO 10/29/1956 #13297  
n discrepancies in the Air Force’s public announcements and the actual data 12/1956 #13378  
viet aircraft. Stringfield is made public relations adviser.                1/14/1957 #13455  
round, the Air Force carries out a public relations event by having five Ai 7/19/1957 #13814  
d Antenor Gomes, then-Secretary of Public Security for Goiás.               10/10/1957 #14095  
e Department of Defense, Office of Public Affairs. These emphasized the per 11/1957 #14179  
he Department of Defense Office of Public Affairs issues a new UFO fact she 11/5/1957 #14344  
ult of pressure from the press and public, “Assistant Secretary of Defense  12/4/1957 #14669  
 up for three minutes on KBR Rural Public Power Radio in Ainsworth, Nebrask 12/5/1957 #14673  
ich has never been revealed to the public. For the last six months our comm 1/22/1958 #14838  
ized to release. As a consequence, public interest was served.”             1/22/1958 #14838  
, Virginia Capt. G. H. Oldenburgh, public information officer at Langley AF 1/23/1958 #14840  
t withholding information from the public. These conclusions are reached as 2/28/1958 #14899  
ter Wing Skrydstrup appeals to the public to report any UFOs.               4/10/1958 #14974  
how the management of “unfavorable public hysteria” was discussed. All part 6/20/1958 #15107  
ntelligence officers addresses the public relations problems caused by Keyh 10/1958 #15294  
 informs Congress and the American public that UAP are not advanced craft d 10/30/1958 #15404  
ctive, and ARDC could speak to the public with authority and persuasiveness 12/1958 #15465  
 and lulled Congress, the American public and the airline industry into a f 12/21/1958 #15495  
d are not available to the general public.”                                 1/11/1959 #15544  
k was just window dressing and for public relations, and the most interesti Spring 1959 #15656  
ub to discuss NICAP strategy. USAF Public Information Officer Lawrence J. T Spring 1959 #15660  
 the Orting Chief of Police and by Public Information Officer at McChord AF 4/1/1959 #15686  
 be given to him, but to the Swiss public. Due to recurring heart problems, Late 5/1959 #15747  
on devotes five full paragraphs to public release of information, which is  9/14/1959 #15975  
s, and then implement an effective public relations campaign with the goal  9/28/1959 #15996  
. The document is not intended for public distribution, but NICAP obtains a 12/24/1959 #16133  
ef of Staff. Col. Tacker went on a public tour to publicize the book, appea 1960 #16138  
e subject of UFOs from the general public.”                                 7/26/1960 #16348  
 request that “Congress inform the public as to the facts.” Based on a ther 8/31/1960 #16426  
nd vertically. When it reaches the public beach, it takes off at great spee 9/2/1960 #16431  
y, the domination of science-based public policy by what he calls a “scient 1/17/1961 #16579  
and aerial espionage programs. The public face of the NRO is the Office of  9/6/1961 #16818  
in nuclear testing could influence public opinion in a test ban treaty that 3/1962 #17066  
ent Kennedy addresses the American public for 18 minutes and announces his  10/22/1962 #17485  
hholding evidence on UFOs from the public is necessary if the means justifi 10/29/1962 #17516  
re withholding information “in the public interest” is allowed, and AFR 11- 10/29/1962 #17516  
re withholding information “in the public interest” is allowed and AFR 11-7 10/29/1962 #17518  
government to make its UFO dossier public, but Minister for Air David Fairb 6/28/1963 #17814  
other things, UFO reports from the public. Another office, Defense Secretar 4/1/1964 #18153  
              Less than 20% of the public believes in UFOs, according to po 1965 #18682  
 Island, Virginia 6:30 p.m. A NASA public relations employee named Milliner 1/12/1965 #18719  
ymous music teacher, a "high level public employee", was driving on the out 8/9/1965 #19350  
t, and that they did not appear in public because that would cause panic. A 8/9/1965 #19350  
c agency; the report is never made public.                                  9/16/1965 #19574  
cer with flame / rear. Photographs public / London papers. / r204p93.       12/26/1965 #19789  
 members of the Congress and other public persons.” The Air Force ignores t 2/3/1966 #19879  
sity Exeter A nationally broadcast public affairs interview program, The Op 2/27/1966 #19925  
h the witnesses, the media, or the public.                                  3/25/1966 #20080  
What is needed, obviously, is more public inquiry conducted under scrupulou 3/31/1966 #20178  
vices Committee conducts the first public hearing by the US Congress on the 4/5/1966 #20249  
about a rational study of UFOs and public enlightenment on the subject.”    4/6/1966 #20258  
US Gallup Poll reported 96 percent public awareness of UFOs, and that nearl 5/8/1966 #20462  
t to make sure it conforms to USAF public relations policy.                 5/10/1966 #20474  
m C. Garland, deputy chief of USAF Public Information at the Pentagon, agai 7/7/1966 #20634  
scribe the project so that, to the public, it would appear a totally object 8/9/1966 #20734  
sanitized version available to the public.                                  8/15/1966 #20748  
         Australian Directorate of Public Relations The chief of the Austra 8/16/1966 #20756  
f of the Australian Directorate of Public Relations writes to the Directora 8/16/1966 #20756  
Department of Air available to the public. DPR hopes the summaries will be  8/16/1966 #20756  
es will be useful in responding to public inquiries and thinks that restric 8/16/1966 #20756  
e the Air Force look better to the public and the scientific community.     9/22/1966 #20916  
                           US USAF public announcement of grant to Universi 10/7/1966 #20969  
nts or documentation is to be made public. After lunch, the group meets in  2/20/1967 #21607  
y dedicates a UFO landing pad as a public park and as a safe place for alie 6/3/1967 #22457  
ched before they are issued to the public. A final report might be cobbled  8/27/1967 #22939  
rs’s suggestions for improving the public image. Saunders argues that the p 9/18/1967 #23084  
ic image. Saunders argues that the public can tell the project is headed to 9/18/1967 #23084  
e, he would not disclose it to the public.                                  9/18/1967 #23084  
of Astrophysics in Ottawa, Ontario Public Archives of Canada [now Library a 1968 #23630  
parate file but transferred to the Public Archives of Canada [now Library a 1968 #23630  
ports for 1967 “reflects a wave of public interest in UFOs, reaching a peak 1/22/1968 #23685  
ralls, and claiming to be from the public water company, visited her. The m 1/29/1968 #23708  
heir story that they were from the public utility.                          1/29/1968 #23708  
. Staats to investigate the use of public funds for the project.            4/30/1968 #23931  
Sciences and later to the American public. It concludes “nothing has come f 11/15/1968 #24662  
 project report is released to the public in a 965-page Bantam Books editio 1/9/1969 #24830  
tnesses to banish the subject from public concern."                         2/1/1969 #24888  
 Washington, D.C. McDonald gives a public talk sponsored by NICAP in Washin 6/10/1969 #25208  
be made by the Brazilian Air Force Public Relations Department.”            7/1969 #25241  
irector Richard Helms gives a rare public address in which he insists that  4/14/1971 #26072  
ions to debunk UAP to the American public and Congressional inquiries.  htt 5/1972 #26666  
. It isn’t a practice to allow the public to study these files. Since the b 10/2/1972 #27044  
otes and subsequently retires from public life.                             11/7/1972 #27110  
spaper soliciting information. The public affairs officer at Homestead deno 2/19/1973 #27298  
 the Air Force’s attempts to shape public opinion through mass media and po 5/1973 #27461  
m. Onilson Pátero, an organizer of public libraries for the State of São Pa 5/22/1973 #27518  
re told not to say anything to the public or media about anything they hear Autumn 1973 #27860  
, Illinois, with Larsen’s existing Public Education Group as a base.        10/1973 #27901  
 names that are later redacted for public release.                          1/1974 #28636  
anner was instructed to inform the public. He claims to possess proof, but  2/9/1974 #28755  
eferring Congress and the American public to the findings of Project Blue B 3/1974 #28831  
ns, and persons in order to advise public policymakers) has, according to t 6/12/1974 #29180  
es It also struck a chord with the public, capitalizing on their distrust o 11/2/1974 #29580  
imation effort to prepare American public for an announcement of the existe 12/1974 #29623  
les before they are withdrawn from public access in April. About 40 of thes 1/1975? #29684  
nterviews and 250 executive and 21 public hearings. The committee’s efforts 1/27/1975 #29767  
Blue Book files are withdrawn from public access by Air Force Archives at M 4/1975 #29930  
hdraw Project Blue Book files from public access. Some documents deemed emb 4/1975 #29931  
tion Center, whether he would make public all the UFO files if he became pr 3/31/1976 #30970  
ese kinds of data available to the public, as President, to help resolve th 3/31/1976 #30970  
of the Soviet Union and China made public in 1997; images of Sudan and Afgh 12/19/1976 #31620  
ages of Sudan and Afghanistan made public in 1998 related to the response t 12/19/1976 #31620  
investigate reports and inform the public. It begins publishing the CUFORN  1977 #31651  
 Force encouraged reports from the public, but they had too many reports to 1977 #31657  
s Sillard. Its purpose is to quiet public fears about a flurry of UFO sight 5/1/1977 #32046  
Sheet and standard response to UFO public inquiries you requested. I sincer 9/1/1977 #32454  
anding and contact hidden from the public by an ingenious cover-up.         11/17/1977 #32680  
d be willing to continue to answer public inquiries and examine any bona fi 12/21/1977 #32802  
igures walk away toward the nearby Public Works Garage. The boys then notic 1/31/1978 #32928  
t. The woman then walks toward the Public Works building and at one point s 1/31/1978 #32928  
res walked away towards the nearby Public Works Garage. The boys then notic 1/31/1978 #32930  
woman then also walked towards the Public Works building and at one point s 1/31/1978 #32930  
re received by the police from the public in Billinghurst, England of a UFO 8/6/1978 #33481  
o provide for an informed American public by ensuring that the minimum info 12/1/1978 #34044  
rested in the formal study of UAP. Public records on these meetings show no 12/8/1978 #34079  
s Robertson Panel was concerned of public reaction to UAP, and “handed down 1979 #34260  
ay it down, cool it, don’t get the public excited.” Hynek states the USAF p 1979 #34260  
made their way to Congress and the public.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v 1979 #34260  
nbigh, North Wales A member of the public, Keith Jones was about to go into 1/1/1979 #34274  
R. E. Thompson convene an informal public hearing on cattle mutilations in  4/20/1979 #34517  
 this information from the general public.” He claims that the CIA does not 5/1979 #34532  
 this information from the general public. He states the CIA does not discu 5/1979 #34533  
upport scientific UFO research and public information projects. It remains  8/1/1979 #34698  
 momentum due to lack of money and public support. Search fees have become  9/1979 #34815  
director. His position is not made public, but it meets with strong opposit 12/30/1979 #35103  
witz makes its way to the American public and is the subject of various boo 1980's? #35109  
viet Union An All-Russian Research Public Organization is launched informal 1980 #35114  
ng all of its UFO materials to the public as requested by Peter Gersten.    3/24/1980 #35237  
OVER. One agency that deceives the public which such covert cover is the UF 11/17/1980 #35644  
rmation is to be withheld from the public. The affidavits are written by th 11/18/1980 #35653  
” version released to CAUS and the public. The affidavit says that it is in 11/18/1980 #35653  
 missing). Gesell states that “the public interest in disclosure is far out 11/18/1980 #35653  
rcraft is sent to the area, but no public conclusions are reached about its 11/25/1980 #35670  
LUE BOYS”. The Texas Department of Public Safety works closely with Gray AA 12/29/1980 #35752  
Basiago reiterates these claims in public media and in a signed affidavit a 1981 #35765  
eral nights over 20 members of the public saw a cigar shaped UFO over the t 9/1981 #36095  
witz. Bill Moore later stated in a public confession that he was recruited  1982 #36283  
  Philip J. Klass writes UFOs: The Public Deceived for Prometheus Press, cl 1983 #36737  
ze UFO investigations, educate the public, and resolve the UFO mystery. Ins Summer 1983 #36887  
rea-51 USAF seizes 89,000 acres of public land adjacent to Groom Lake       1984 #37088  
 ever, releases UFO reports to the public. Sixteen reports, most of which a 3/4/1984 #37216  
ce. This story made its way to the public not via a USG disclosure, but a d 5/5/1984 #37321  
arks that the Air Force restricted public access to Groom Mountain, NV with 8/7/1984 #37429  
brogno and Peter Gersten convene a public meeting on the Hudson Valley sigh 8/25/1984 #37440  
its main focal point for receiving public UFO reports. Its mission is to “d Fall 1984 #37466  
tings through FOIA to the American public, nor did it provide any informati 5/20/1985 #37591  
vio Moreira Lima made these events public at a press conference and allowed 5/19/1986 #37874  
lio Moreira Lima, makes the events public at a press conference and allows  5/19/1986 #37881  
ecision to release the news to the public was made personally by the presid 5/19/1986 #37882  
nd it was our decision not to make public spectacles of them, but to allow  8/30/1987 #38264  
ngful because it shows that in the PUBLIC DOMAIN, Edwards AFB could not rec 4/1988 #38526  
hey been delivered to the American public.  https://documents.theblackvault 6/1989 #38972  
. Osedacz suggests, was never made public.                                  6/1989 #38972  
ealing Bob Lazar’s identity to the public.                                  11/1989 #39202  
ocal employee of the Department of Public Works also sees the object.       11/4/1989 #39214  
ly does mindscan / Bob Oechsler in public. See reference!                   11/17/1989 #39234  
                 On this night the public in Chester, England reported seei 5/3/1990 #39551  
ce Col. Wilfred De Brouwer gives a public talk on UFOs at NATO headquarters 7/11/1990 #39641  
sseminate false information to the public is an offense that should send hi 1991 #39939  
arez Mateus, head of the Air Force Public Relations Office; and the Flight  5/22/1991 #40074  
y heard rumors from the IC or even public ufology. He did produce documents 5/13/1992 #40463  
ce marks the cracking apart of the public unity of American researchers int 6/13/1992 #40492  
 saucers come from? Why hasn't the public been told about them? There is no 10/1992 #40653  
de two F-111s. The sighting became public in 1992, after which, British off 12/22/1992 #40762  
                         The first public experiment for Project MARAUDER i 8/1/1993 #41101  
o such an investigation.” Upon the public revelation of the existence of th 5/1994 #41510  
have been made inaccessible to the public which pays the bills ... It’s tim 1995 #41923  
y few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issue 1995 #41923  
lary Clinton’s team in relation to public disclosure efforts (26 October 20 3/31/1995 #42130  
ecades, Goldin appeared in several public media programs discussing the pos 8/7/1996 #42971  
ity Generator” device is ever made public.                                  1997 #43156  
countable for its actions, and the public cannot engage in informed debate; 3/3/1997 #43217  
ity operations as well as to allow public servants to secretly consider a v 3/3/1997 #43217  
 only elected official to launch a public investigation, but she receives n 3/13/1997 #43229  
0:00 p.m. Reports come in from the public that there is a low-flying aircra 3/24/1997 #43239  
pite many reports from the general public. Soon, rumors circulate from the  3/24/1997 #43239  
General of Civil Aviation issues a public statement confirming the observat 3/30/1997 #43245  
 proven to exist in the scientific PUBLIC DOMAIN and the technology matches 4/17/1997 #43264  
tional Guard Arizona Department of Public Safety Arizona Gov. Fife Symingto 6/19/1997 #43331  
 head of the Arizona Department of Public Safety. But none of them have an  6/19/1997 #43331  
rds to verify the facts of Corso’s public service. He indeed had served hon 7/23/1997 #43357  
om the DOD research were ever made public, though the company still existed 8/1/1997 #43364  
but no further information is made public. Torr later founded PST Associate 3/1/1998 #43527  
ains convinced that if placed into public forum knowledge of THE THEORY wil 3/11/1998 #43532  
 the Lincoln County discoveries to public and media, as well as a reasonabl 3/11/1998 #43532  
attention on planned disclosure to public of THE THEORY if STAC, NASA-TZER  3/11/1998 #43532  
ity program, who told Hamilton the public space program was a “sham,” and t 6/17/1998 #43589  
 such as those by Tom Claytor, and public DOE statements about failure rate 5/17/1999 #43770  
, and by other experts. Before its public release, it is sent to President  7/16/1999 #43805  
province Suzhou Tangshan Bureau of Public Security Beihang University Qingl 12/1999 #43890  
ctor test at the Beijing Bureau of Public Security. Cao remembers meeting i 12/1999 #43890  
ings Cao to the Tangshan Bureau of Public Security in July 2000, where the  12/1999 #43890  
egedly discussing how to shape the public’s perception of UAP on behalf of  12/3/1999 #43892  
il 2005. The legislation creates a public “right of access” to information  11/30/2000 #44092  
 of access” to information held by public authorities.                      11/30/2000 #44092  
 states the group is quasi-private/public and operates transnationally, and 4/2001 #44154  
e also involved in disinformation, public deception, UAP tracking and speci 4/2001 #44154  
f the press conference is to build public pressure through the media to obt 5/9/2001 #44182  
n UAP-related projects using their public research as cover? Cameron refere 5/2002 #44335  
 Fairchild AFB and talked with the Public Affairs officer, who basically sa 10/29/2002 #44424  
 not find any corroboration in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. “ McKinnon used the progr 11/2002 #44428  
ongress; it recommends a series of public policy reforms to enable the aero 11/27/2002 #44452  
m prove the information was in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.  Schowengerdt states as o 7/2003 #44560  
 no longer provides updates to the public on its antigravity research. It w 3/2004 #44671  
etirement he began speaking in the PUBLIC DOMAIN about “negative” entities  8/2004 #44724  
hief of the Air Force’s Center for Public Communications. In an interview a 5/20/2005 #44844  
ake its UFO files available to the public worldwide and placed on the CNES  1/2006 #44917  
rporate email addresses despite no public admission of a UAP special projec 4/28/2006 #44936  
ilots over terminal. FAA tells the public it will not investigate.  https:/ 1/1/2007 #44996  
event, but notes that he didn’t go public with the information. In an inter 3/18/2007 #45012  
        In a phone call now in the PUBLIC DOMAIN between NASA engineer Bob  7/7/2007 #45037  
ore HFGW were linked to UAP in the PUBLIC DOMAIN by physicists.  Ning Li an 2008 #45108  
had no overt linkage to UAP in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.  Note that roughly 75% of 2008 #45108  
 webpage, set up to provide direct public access, receives more than 1.7 mi 5/12/2008 #45137  
PA PE 0603286E is disclosed in the PUBLIC DOMAIN for the first time and con 6/2008 #45144  
g a disinformation scheme to frame public perception of the UAP issue.  A r 10/2008 #45173  
ifies its UFO files and makes them public, including records of 40 cases th 6/2009 #45224  
 City, Kansas, is looking toward a public forest area behind her home when  6/16/2009 #45226  
s. But the staff is overwhelmed by public inquiries, which are at a 10-year 12/1/2009 #45259  
 argues that governments should go public with the information they hold an 6/14/2010 #45285  
 member states have a duty to make public and available to all scientific d 6/14/2010 #45285  
er 5,000 pages of UFO files to the public. This release alone generates 196 8/5/2010 #45290  
s have had a positive influence on public support for space exploration and 1/2011 #45311  
nts related to UFOs are to be made public, as established by the law on acc 4/18/2013 #45364  
tial documents are released to the public and are available at the National 4/18/2013 #45364  
orts have responsibly informed the public is disputed. In January 2014, Pre 6/14/2013 #45372  
ures more heavily than their civic public benefit. In its first assessment  6/14/2013 #45372  
 privately known instead of in the public.  https://youtu.be/eNU3MLqyzPk    12/24/2013 #45399  
 existing techniques to manipulate public opinion and online discourse. The 2/24/2014 #45402  
ent Research Program mentions in a public budget document it has been resea 3/2014 #45403  
m rejected by the Netherlands. The public has reported 250 sightings, five  10/24/2014 #45420  
sors” helping him prepare the U.S. public through media for USG disclosure  1/24/2016 #45443  
 of whom were not disclosed to the public when that media was published. In 1/24/2016 #45443  
es, DTRA and DARPA. The only other public mention of Area 6 is in a 7,500-p 3/5/2016 #45445  
eLonge states he has been told how public perception on UAP has been shaped 3/27/2016 #45446  
-21-27461     Note: Nothing in the PUBLIC DOMAIN suggests the planetary def 3/22/2017 #45465  
elf a fabrication to avoid further public attention and ridicule.”          4/18/2017 #45468  
ars Academy begins offering to the public $50 million worth of stock throug 9/2017 #45480  
of UAP information to the American public from USG/USG contractor sources.  10/26/2017 #45488  
f those papers was released to the public by Popular Mechanics on February  1/9/2018 #45503  
                         Anonymous PUBLIC DOMAIN site with details on UAP b 5/2/2018 #45525  
 O. Dean dies at age 89. Dean gave public presentations about secret docume 10/11/2018 #45539  
 UAP in a specific way to the U.S. public guided by current or former CIA p 2/26/2019 #45564  
ctors is never mentioned in TTSA’s public SEC filings, nor has TTSA ever me 8/8/2019 #45605  
ion.” According to the US Army, no public funding will go the group, but at 10/17/2019 #45612  
ue that either the military or the public got their money’s worth.”         2/14/2020 #45633  
tion (WHO) declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international 3/11/2020 #45638  
t. Joseph F. Gradisher, OPNAV N2N6 Public Affairs, admits in an email that  7/10/2020 #45651  
ail that he and Susan Gough of OSD Public Affairs seek to control FOIA repl 7/10/2020 #45651  
ssue as it relates to the American public. The emails of admission were dec 7/10/2020 #45651  
s Academy Lue Elizondo states on a public radio program that he was on the  7/19/2020 #45653  
oject Blue Book unbeknownst to the public.  Elizondo states the man told hi 7/19/2020 #45653  
 Capt. Joseph F. Gradisher and OSD Public Affairs Susan Gough. The card sug 7/24/2020 #45655  
s the Navy was attempting to avoid public discussion of the extraterrestria 7/24/2020 #45655  
ly withheld from congressional and public scrutiny after it is submitted. O 8/2020 #45657  
 reports of UFO sightings from the public. The issue is brought up when Kon 9/15/2020 #45661  
 Christopher K. Mellon states in a public podcast that if he were President 5/5/2021 #45688  
gress that was not released to the public relates to the following: energy  6/29/2021 #45697  
The Navy has been engaged in a UAP public messaging effort (see 24 July 202 9/3/2021 #45707  
ue Elizondo, Daniel Sheehan, makes public statements on the apparatus that  10/2021 #45713  
r and CIA Deputy Director, tells a public journalist he found “plausible ex 3/16/2022 #45740  
e, pushes for the Pentagon and the public to understand that UAPs are becom 5/17/2022 #45750  
intelligence details on UAP in the PUBLIC DOMAIN posts an article on “NURO  8/23/2022 #45763  
 by custom software unknown to the PUBLIC DOMAIN, but what is public states 8/23/2022 #45763  
 to the PUBLIC DOMAIN, but what is public states that the National Underwat 8/23/2022 #45763  
t to report the information to the public.  https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Sky- 10/20/2022 #45783  
s, records, etc. and they tell the public in a press conference that to thi 12/17/2022 #45786  
## Word: "public-facing" (Back to Top)
ics UAP Learning Tool (VAULT) is a public-facing database of UFO sightings. 9/2017 #45480  
## Word: "publication" (Back to Top)
itzerland, becomes famous with the publication of Des Indes à la Planete Ma 1900 #639  
he first Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication (JANAP) 146, based on Bernar 10/1/1948 #3826  
ppears in the BSRA’s “Round Robin” publication                              3/1949 #4027  
 force for authentication prior to publication,” although it contains offic 3/1954 #9580  
Flying Saucer News as the official publication of the Flying Saucer News Cl 3/1955 #12023  
 (Drake wisely decides to withhold publication of this positive result, so  4/8/1960 #16218  
erpool, England John Harney begins publication of the Merseyside UFO Resear 1965 #18683  
ney and Alan W. Sharp launch a new publication, Merseyside UFO Bulletin (MU 1/1968 #23639  
erpool, England, as an independent publication from the openly skeptical ne 1/1968 #23639  
in Whitehall, London Following the publication of their book Flying Saucer  6/20/1968 #24054  
009 to August 2011, when it ceases publication.                             5/1969 #25104  
ciates in Washington, D.C., begins publication of the UFO Research Newslett 4/1971 #26060  
 to seek an injunction against its publication. The basis for seeking an in 3/1972 #26584  
ritings to CIA for review prior to publication. Marchetti appeals the injun 3/1972 #26584  
goes to court to censor before its publication.                             3/1972 #26584  
ant advertisement and “forbade its publication.” At the same time Bryant wr 2/19/1973 #27298  
c Howard Gontovnick begins monthly publication of UFO Canada in Laval, Queb 7/1977 #32221  
he report is approved for official publication by Academician Nikolai Karda 1/1978 #32835  
uage Sri Lanka UFO Register begins publication in Weligama, Sri Lanka, edit 1979 #34259  
 a skeptical article in the weekly publication Nedelya that tries to show t Late 1/1979 #34380  
t and skeptical newsletter, begins publication in A Coruña, Galicia, Spain. 1992 #40274  
vidence consistent with scientific publication.”                            Fall 1994 #41773  
996.  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/2179675Advancesintheproposed 8/1998 #43618  
_21   https://www.researchgate.net/publication/2180514TowardanInterstellarM 8/1998 #43618  
                             After publication of the 99th issue of Magonia 4/2008 #45126  
John Rimmer decides to cease print publication.                             4/2008 #45126  
ct to a “D-Notice,” which prevents publication of sensitive materials in th 8/12/2022 #45762  
## Word: "publications" (Back to Top)
e to support his views in upcoming publications in Time and Look, Gen. Garl Early 5/1952 #6249  
lle, Indiana, working at Soulcraft Publications, run by mystic and fascist  Summer 1954 #9918  
ificance of occasionally appearing publications concerning Unconventional P 3/1/1955 #12026  
ts to Congress and the public, and publications about UFOs. It requires the 5/1/1956 #12823  
ts to Congress and the public, and publications about UFOs. Coleman later t 5/1/1956 #12825  
Venus, and Margaret Storm (Carr’s “publications editor” in Baltimore) decla 4/19/1959 #15708  
er witnesses is the manager of the Publications Department, William H. Leic 11/22/1966 #21142  
nter for UFO Research in Phoenix), publications, and a TV series about Hyne 8/1984 #37426  
GCHQ library contains numerous UFO publications, and evidence that GCHQ sti 3/1997 #43215  
Documentation and History a set of publications dated 1952–1969 on UFOs. Am 10/31/2008 #45181  
 underground facility” in some UFO publications in the early 1990s with no  2/20/2015 #45431  
## Word: "publicity" (Back to Top)
ht be desirous of seeking personal publicity, causing hysteria, or playing  7/30/1947 #3260  
te of Intelligence indicates that “publicity of this nature is undesirable  11/24/1948 #3891  
nrad, who admits to perpetrating a publicity hoax.                          8/1949 #4301  
 as crackpots, religious fanatics, publicity hounds, or practical jokers. C 11/16/1950 #5278  
henomenon” and requests no further publicity in his book. However, Texas Te 8/30/1951 #5638  
 value, Garland approves Ruppelt’s publicity plan to draw in UFO reports fr 1/29/1952 #5884  
ew are very interested but wary of publicity.                               8/6/1952 #7489  
d publisher, Raymond A. Palmer. As publicity, the story “Flying Saucer-y” i 9/1952 #7802  
t a three-year-low because of less publicity. Stringfield’s colleague, Cinc 6/7/1954 #9872  
ming book. He is told that all UFO publicity is handled by a lieutenant col 7/20/1954 #10031  
 arrest of occupants, is done as a publicity stunt. Claude Avril, the city  10/25/1954 #11391  
 least one full-time investigator; publicity to encourage more people to re 12/26/1954 #11862  
an speak from his spacecraft. As a publicity gimmick, two radio stations (K 4/28/1956 #12817  
977, Sheriff Clem said, “After the publicity of UFOs over the next few days 11/2/1957 #14194  
 program. USAF fears “uncontrolled publicity,” but agrees to go along with  1/1958 #14791  
n the investigation and agree that publicity is unwise, “particularly in an 6/20/1958 #15105  
e unwise to give the subject undue publicity, in an open or closed formal C 6/20/1958 #15107  
fter the photo receives some local publicity, Templeton gets a call from so 5/24/1964 #18297  
ewing him if the case receives any publicity.                               6/1964 #18314  
p formation for a General Electric publicity photo when his F-104 drifts in 6/8/1966 #20544  
 “We are most anxious that further publicity not be given to the informatio 8/15/1966 #20748  
d the Chascomús teleportation as a publicity stunt to spread a fantastic st Early 5/1968 #23939  
. The incidents first receive wide publicity in the December 22 Kansas City 12/1973 #28494  
ut uncooperative, seeking to avoid publicity.                               10/15/1978 #33837  
lated phenomena.” Beyond newspaper publicity, the meetings have no impact a 12/8/1978 #34076  
ago Maggiore. Photographs and wide publicity.                               3/3/1979 #34461  
under the influence of the current publicity for the Star Wars movie?”      7/25/1979 #34679  
 as approached. As a result of the publicity uproar following the events of 8/11/1979 #34733  
 Hoffman. There are fears that the publicity will also lead to the exposure 4/26/1984 #37301  
 documents have been getting local publicity and asks if the documents are  10/25/1988 #38694  
 going up and down [to] over farm. Publicity laser?                         10/10/1993 #41229  
ess. Zimmerman states there was no publicity about Lindbergh’s visit. Zimme 11/2/1993 #41259  
 at the time.  There was extensive publicity about this event in May 2004.  3/5/2004 #44673  
ested and concerned about negative publicity.                               2/7/2011 #45313  
## Word: "publicize" (Back to Top)
l. Tacker went on a public tour to publicize the book, appearing on radio a 1960 #16138  
## Word: "publicized" (Back to Top)
ada can be attributed to the well- publicized Air Force YF-12As based at Ed 2/29/1964 #18140  
and UFO was taken and subsequently publicized. The photograph is widely reg 7/21/1967 #22721  
he spot. This was the first highly publicized case of many more such animal 9/15/1967 #23070  
bout the same time that the widely publicized asteroid "Icarus" passed clos 6/14/1968 #24034  
 and touches, although there is no publicized mention of this at the time a 12/26/1980 #35737  
soil samples. The event was widely publicized around the world, although th 9/21/1989 #39115  
singer Phoebe Snow, which he never publicized.                              11/30/1989 #39283  
. Silent. Reflects sun. Photograph publicized / Italy.                      2/3/2000 (approximate) #43939  
## Word: "publicly" (Back to Top)
etation, but never writes about it publicly, since he knows that telescopic 1783 #88  
ing for The Sun at the time. Locke publicly admits to being the author in 1 8/25/1835 #130  
ars later the Air Materiel Command publicly explained the event as "birds o 7/3/1947 #2587  
                          The USAF publicly denies that UFOs are secret mis 3/18/1950 #4676  
n psyops was not known at the time publicly when he was involved with NICAP 3/27/1950 #4742  
                     The Air Force publicly announces that it has not stopp 4/3/1952 #6020  
y solved cases are to be discussed publicly; those still unidentified are t 8/26/1953 #9112  
 him “beyond belief,” but he never publicly reveals who the man is. However 12/1953 #9330  
ked not to discuss their sightings publicly or give them to newspapers.”    2/13/1954 #9540  
Bison. The rumors are soon debated publicly in the press and Congress. The  2/15/1954 #9548  
 announces the command’s formation publicly later in the month to integrate 8/2/1954 #10094  
but the results cannot be released publicly for security reasons. MP Maj. P 5/1955 #12110  
complain about the gag order about publicly talking about their sightings u 12/21/1958 #15494  
ed metal whose composition was not publicly disclosed. Several days later,  1/21/1959 #15560  
swering critics of its UFO program publicly. Late in 1960, Col. Tacker's bo 1960 #16138  
ines and jail sentences for anyone publicly reporting a UFO sighting and ha Spring 1962 #17078  
       USSR Cuba Guanajay The USSR publicly announces an agreement to suppl 9/1/1962 #17381  
iles from Turkey but cannot say so publicly. This is the moment when both n 10/27/1962 #17505  
 speak about it for the first time publicly.                                3/3/1963 #17692  
es the incident, but the witnesses publicly maintain their story. The Penta 1/11/1965 #18709  
The Betty and Barney Hill story is publicly revealed in an article by repor 10/25/1965 #19680  
ts Act if they reveal the sighting publicly.                                9/1966 #20825  
niversity of Arizona The Air Force publicly announces the creation of the U 10/7/1966 #20970  
 something that still has not been publicly admitted.  https://arc.aiaa.org 1968 #23633  
sion. Sleeper notes that Hynek has publicly accused Project Blue Book of sh 9/4/1968 #24427  
ersity of Colorado "Condon Report" publicly released.                       1/9/1969 #24829  
elphia, Pennsylvania Condon speaks publicly for the first time after the en 4/26/1969 #25094  
 should, on being found guilty, be publicly horsewhipped, and forever banne 4/26/1969 #25094  
he coming of a True White Brother, publicly calls for the appearance of the 7/12/1969 #25263  
he coming of a True White Brother, publicly summons his space brother frien 8/7/1970 #25775  
 Maryland The US National Archives publicly releases the redacted Project B Mid 5/1976 #31055  
 Washington DC For the third time, publicly, President Ronald Reagan states 5/5/1988 #38555  
rumman B-2 stealth bomber is first publicly displayed at United States Air  11/22/1988 #38718  
               Robert Lazar speaks publicly on KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, NV for 5/15/1989 #38953  
UAP and states if he were speaking publicly it would be for disinformation  4/15/1993 #40934  
 any relevant information on MJ-12 publicly, despite the OSTP documents sug 4/15/1993 #40934  
 Office of Special Investigations, publicly releases the Report of Air Forc 9/8/1994 #41726  
hut “types” told Stein not to talk publicly about UAP, surveilled him, and  8/30/1996 #43002  
 2020, Baker stated there was zero publicly disclosed funding for HFGW rese 8/1/1997 #43364  
d allow THE THEORY to be presented publicly and quickly and in a way that w 3/11/1998 #43532  
e name “Zodiac” for the first time publicly. *   https://youtu.be/sEFKaa2mI 7/31/1999 #43815  
otic propulsion methods. Little is publicly available about ADST but Eric D 2001 #44112  
o be taken seriously.” It is first publicly acknowledged in February 2003 b 12/2001 #44279  
?  Note: Journalist Ross Coulthart publicly states (see May/June 2022) Hunt 5/2002 #44335  
incing the Brazilian government to publicly release official information on 4/15/2004 #44687  
gets for two weeks. The footage is publicly released by the Pentagon in 201 11/14/2004 #44784  
n to analyze chronic conditions. A publicly available document states Green 2005 #44805  
ne 2016, three years before it was publicly disclosed that AATIP commission 2008 #45108  
s of which have not been disclosed publicly. *   https://irp.fas.org/dia/aa 2008 #45108  
 material since 1975. It was never publicly revealed what crashed in the ar 5/14/2008 #45138  
 Denmark Sweden Denmark and Sweden publicly release more than 15,000 UFO fi 2009 #45201  
tigation but refuses to release it publicly because there is a “military co 7/7/2010 #45286  
                   Area 51 The CIA publicly acknowledges the existence of A 6/25/2013 #45375  
lue Book in the 1970s after it had publicly disbanded. He was an ELINT tech 3/6/2015 #45434  
ea 6 activities for the first time publicly. Morgan states top secret R&D w 3/5/2016 #45445  
y’ve” been using private companies/publicly traded companies to keep the se 3/27/2016 #45446  
ests and his “advisors” review his publicly disseminated information. DeLon 3/27/2016 #45446  
lligence Christopher Mellon speaks publicly about UAP for the first time. H 5/9/2016 #45452  
ear Security Administration (NNSA) publicly discloses its partnership with  3/22/2017 #45465  
D both confirm the event and NORAD publicly confirms the launch of the F-15 10/25/2017 #45487  
y and the Department of Defense to publicly track and analyze data collecte 6/23/2020 #45649  
nel overseas, which have long been publicly reported.                       12/2020 #45667  
ach and stated purpose of speaking publicly.  https://twitter.com/UAPJames/ 5/5/2021 #45688  
not be very happy to know that two publicly traded companies were competing 10/21/2021 #45717  
 been given a “mechanism” to speak publicly without reprisal. As to this po 5/16/2022 #45749  
O, many of whom never before spoke publicly. The trained observers mentione 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "publio" (Back to Top)
talian Parliament—Giancarlo Abete, Publio Fiori, Alessandro Scajola, and Ma 7/10/1984 #37390  
## Word: "publish" (Back to Top)
. Olson and his colleagues finally publish their discovery in the July 2010 7/20/1860 #155  
bmit to magazines, which refuse to publish what they consider outlandish fi Summer 1933 #1162  
ying magazine editor Curtis Fuller publish the first issue of Fate magazine Spring 1948 #3592  
                     The Lorenzens publish the first issue of the APRO Bull 7/15/1952 #6828  
he Cosmon Research Organization to publish and study J.W.’s teachings, much 9/1953 #9131  
his contract exists but Witten did publish several theoretical articles con 1955 #11898  
to confirm whether or not he would publish a report. Ward replies that only 5/1955 #12110  
ractor Battelle Memorial Institute publish “Special Report No. 14,” a compr 5/5/1955 #12123  
rk Herald Tribune and Miami Herald publish two articles by aviation journal 11/30/1955 #12594  
             The first American to publish on the microwave auditory effect 1961 #16547  
el and science writer Lyle G. Boyd publish The World of Flying Saucers, a s 1963 #17621  
         Jacques and Janine Vallée publish Challenge to Science: The UFO En 1966 #19794  
cGowan and Frederick I. Ordway III publish Intelligence in the Universe, di 1966 #19796  
and G.M. Andrew of Northrop Norair publish a paper on Electroaerodynamics i 1968 #23633  
speech. In my view, publishers who publish or teachers who teach any of the 4/26/1969 #25094  
th his representation of cases and publish numerous refutations that are li 1974 #28629  
    Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman publish The Unidentified, one of the fir 1975 #29671  
 Jacques Vallée and J. Allen Hynek publish The Edge of Reality, which discu 12/15/1975 #30718  
            Jim and Coral Lorenzen publish Abducted!, a collection of 20 ye 12/1977 #32720  
rnia Ann Druffel and D. Scott Rogo publish The Tujunga Canyon Contacts, a r 1980 #35111  
es in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and publish three issues of a boletín inform 1980 #35113  
  Donald Goldsmith and Tobias Owen publish The Search for Life in the Unive 1980 #35115  
ell Charles Berlitz and Bill Moore publish The Roswell Incident, the first  9/1980 #35488  
Idaho Daniel Kagan and Ian Summers publish a 500-page book titled Mute Evid 1984 #37091  
in D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt publish UFO Crash at Roswell, disclosing 7/1991 #40105  
the Roswell incident of 1947. They publish an update in 1994.               7/1991 #40105  
 and Georgia Flamburis develop and publish an “Ethics Code for Abduction Ex 1994 #41343  
iversity of Alabama in Huntsville, publish a paper that states recent exper 8/1/1997 #43364  
uedo (California State University) publish a paper for the Lockheed Martin  8/1998 #43618  
 Helmut Lammer and his wife Marion publish MILABS: Military Mind Control an 1999 #43707  
ndle, Russ Estes, and William Cone publish The Abduction Enigma, offering a 3/1999 #43740  
ad been approached” by a client to publish a white paper on the subject of  12/3/1999 #43892  
f Lockheed Martin Space Operations publish a paper on altering the mass of  6/2001 #44189  
rgaret C. Turnbull and Jill Tarter publish a catalog of nearby habitable st 10/31/2002 #44426  
Alexander Wendt and Raymond Duvall publish an article, “Sovereignty and the 5/6/2008 #45134  
pment and Education at Maxwell AFB publish a framework to “leverage advance 4/2017 #45467  
## Word: "published" (Back to Top)
                            Ampère published his "Ampère’s law."            1825 #120  
tman, “Year of Meteors (1859-60),” published in a later edition of Leaves o 7/20/1860 #155  
                           Maxwell published A Treatise on Electricity and  1873 #197  
until 1900, when the book is first published, documenting her various serie 1900 #639  
s book A Dweller on Two Planets is published posthumously. It is a narrativ 1905 #673  
Special Theory of Relativity paper published                                9/6/1905 #683  
 first issue of Foreign Affairs is published in September 1922.             7/29/1921 #1013  
       Charles Fort writes in Lo!, published this month, that “Unknown, lum 2/1931 #1122  
mary of the intelligence report is published in December 1948 in Air Intell 6/9/1947 #2315  
riff George A. Wilcox. Contrary to published reports, Wilcox is excited abo 7/6/1947 #2807  
w is from the newspaper that first published it and suffers from deteriorat 7/7/1947 #2947  
y 50,000 copies. It is still being published in 2022.                       Spring 1948 #3592  
 project name) by Devon Francis is published in Popular Science.            5/1948 #3637  
ary 1950 issue of True magazine is published, with Donald Keyhoe’s article, 12/24/1949 #4443  
ne are ever officially released or published.                               1/22/1950 #4503  
              In a newspaper story published in December 1967, a man from S 2/15/1950 #4538  
and made no sound. The photos were published in Life Magazine.              5/11/1950 #4940  
s book “Behind the Flying Saucers” published                                8/1950 #5085  
 advanced insects. A US edition is published in April 1951 as Is Another Wo 12/1950 #5305  
d the incident in his memoirs, not published until 1979. At the time, he no 12/6/1950 #5322  
aris The first issue of Ouranos is published by the Commission Internationa 6/24/1952 #6619  
Albert K. Bender’s Space Review is published.                               10/1952 #8072  
 the Problems of Space Navigation, published in February 1952               12/13/1952 #8414  
ument against UFOs, one of the few published by an academic institution, an 3/1953 #8721  
s required to make UFO reports, is published.                               7/25/1953 #9014  
 Desmond Leslie and George Adamski published.                               9/1953 #9126  
Irish occultist Desmond Leslie and published as Flying Saucers Have Landed. 9/1953 #9130  
Flying Saucers from Outer Space is published by Henry Holt. Excerpts appear 10/1/1953 #9198  
 note of a curious document (never published and now lost) prepared by USAF 10/1/1953 #9198  
other witness names is immediately published by the BSRA. Einstein, Papercl 4/13/1954 #9686  
er-buff zine titled Nexus is first published by James W. Moseley in New Jer 7/1954 #9977  
ski follower Charlotte Blodget, is published by Abelard Schuman in the Unit 1955 #11896  
of America, founded in 1953. It is published twice a year until at least Ma 3/1955 #12023  
 at Mrs. Lankford’s house has been published a number of times by later aut 8/21/1955 #12386  
st early books on UFOs, originally published in French in 1954.             1956 #12633  
 on Unidentified Flying Objects is published. His candid opinions about UFO 1/1956 #12642  
led Stendek, and since then it has published occasional groups of papers on 1957 #13438  
gen, die am Himmel gesehen werden, published in Zürich, Switzerland, in 195 1959 #15511  
 on Unidentified Flying Objects is published with three new UFO debunking c 12/1959 #16104  
rence J. Tacker (Van Nostrand) was published, with a foreword by General Th 1960 #16138  
Australian Flying Saucer Review is published jointly by the Victorian Flyin 1/1960 #16147  
ies for Human Affairs. It is later published as a 272-page Committee Print  12/14/1960 #16532  
y at 10:40 a.m. The photograph was published in an Italian newspaper.       12/15/1961 #16996  
ine, Phénomènes Spatiaux, which is published through 1978. In 1964, Lionel- 1962 #17009  
pt. Ben H. Swett, who has recently published a book of his poetry. After he 11/23/1962 #17559  
aking ninety-degree turns, and was published in the local newspaper.        6/26/1963 #17811  
e takes a photograph but it is not published.                               3/17/1965 #18861  
the rear of the object. The photos published in London newspapers.          12/26/1965 #19790  
hide. The summaries continue to be published erratically through the end of 8/16/1966 #20756  
 had a belated change of heart and published the letter on October 21, with 8/27/1966 #20815  
bout UFOs and Project Blue Book is published in Science magazine. It addres 10/1966 #20944  
onceptions about UFOs is belatedly published in Science.                    10/21/1966 #21025  
            US FAA Notice N7230.29 published, establishing procedures for " 4/4/1967 #22051  
ain Ummo A bizarre announcement is published in the Spanish newspaper Infor 5/20/1967 #22383  
ed in UFOs, just to see if it gets published. Harkins dictates the story to 10/10/1967 #23204  
 Associated Press, but it is never published. The Lorenzens suspect the pro 10/10/1967 #23204  
viet Union: Feb. 1968, Soviet Life published three pages pertinent to UFOs, 2/22/1968 #23776  
t to UFOs, by Felix Zigel. He also published a UFO article in 1966. Until r 2/22/1968 #23776  
eronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) published its report, UFO, An Appraisal  11/1970 #25896  
 168 of the deletions. The book is published by Knopf in 1974 as The CIA an 3/1972 #26584  
re, Finland. Over the years it has published a Quarterly Report, an Annual  1973 #27203  
be that had been detected in 1927. Published along with an accompanying edi 4/1973 #27396  
ter Flugobjekte. The 12th title is published in 2009. Von Ludwiger publishe 1975 #29678  
rnia, section. The proceedings are published under the title Thesis and Ant 9/27/1975 #30390  
 anti-ETH, monthly CENAP-Report is published, continuing until May 2007.    3/1976 #30912  
ood, Illinois. The proceedings are published later in the year, featuring p 4/30/1976 #31029  
ues its first newsletter, which is published through December 1982.         6/1976 #31079  
nternational UFO Reporter (IUR) is published by the Center for UFO Studies, 11/1976 #31515  
s Situation Red: The UFO Siege! is published, supporting the thesis that th 5/1977 #32042  
to English by Bonita Samuelson and published by the Center for UFO Studies  6/20/1977 #32176  
ranslated by Richard F. Haines and published by the Center for UFO Studies  1/1978 #32835  
ailed cases. The reports are never published. According to Jean-Jacques Vel 6/1978 #33245  
H. Stringfield was a ufologist who published information relayed to him fro 8/1978 #33460  
t issue of the UFO Investigator is published, and its files are eventually  6/1980 #35347  
es Berlitz and William L. Moore is published.                               9/1/1980 #35489  
nterests not to have the documents published, as they can compromise nation 11/18/1980 #35653  
e Journal of UFO Research is first published by China’s UFO Research Organi 3/1981 #35858  
ses (some dating back to 1940) are published in the journal. Many of them a Summer 1981 #35978  
d in the journal. Many of them are published in UFOs over Modern China, by  Summer 1981 #35978  
e taken, and several drawings were published. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 7/24/1981 #36031  
e taken, and several drawings were published. In Zigong, Henan Province, Ch 7/24/1981 #36032  
ons by many Spanish ufologists, is published in Seville, Spain, by the Cole 1/1983 #36741  
 Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood is published.                               5/1/1984 #37309  
 and 17 of them are selected to be published in the proceedings. An article 8/1985 #37634  
ary 1998 to UFO Notizie and is now published as Notizie CISU.               12/1985 #37730  
 at multiple times reviews all the published research on the incident and f 4/26/1986 #37843  
inal issue of the APRO Bulletin is published by Jim and Coral Lorenzen.     9/1987 #38269  
 in The Matrix series of six books published from 1988 to 2007 by Grace und 12/1987 #38342  
ern Europe in the 1970s. In a work published by Socialist Industry slightly 9/27/1989 #39124  
October 1989. Phil Imbrogno states published NASA data showed no Soviet sat 9/28/1989 #39132  
ummary report on the conference is published in June 1992.                  2/15/1992 #40331  
development in 1990, and its first published experiment takes place on this 8/1/1993 #41100  
n about the fate of the project is published after 1995.                    8/1/1993 #41100  
 controversy. A revised version is published in 1999 that incorporates Webb 8/18/1996 #42985  
t address the dozens of affidavits published by Roswell witnesses over the  6/24/1997 #43339  
 origin called the “Collins Elite” published a lengthy document summarizing 3/11/1998 #43532  
g their beliefs. The report is not published but extracts are; they state t 3/11/1998 #43532  
Intelligence Christopher K. Mellon published a slideshow from the Advanced  10/1998 #43656  
and.html  Note: Other AATIP slides published on History Channel’s Unidentif 10/1998 #43656  
: What Should We Prepare for?), is published as the result of an in-depth s 7/16/1999 #43805  
 Kristin B Zimmerman about a story published in a UFO magazine by a pseudon 7/31/1999 #43815  
e: In 2017, Catherine Austin Fitts published a paper with a Michigan State  12/3/1999 #43892  
orted spending after the paper was published, and soon after, the DOD annou 12/3/1999 #43892  
         According to UFO Magazine published in England, a 15-meter by 6-me 12/8/1999 #43895  
Journalist Ross Coulthart, who has published USN sources indicating Navy in 10/2006 #44970  
backup)     Note: This article was published on 18 June 2016, three years b 2008 #45108  
 Lockheed Martin. It was seemingly published by mistake and later removed f 12/2015 #45441  
 to the public when that media was published. In 2017, DeLonge co-founded T 1/24/2016 #45443  
20 years before this framework was published. It is reasonable to ask if th 4/2017 #45467  
orted spending after the paper was published, and soon after, the DOD annou 12/11/2017 #45492  
a, and the preliminary results are published in the Journal of the American 3/2018 #45520  
ry, that have not been revealed or published to my knowledge.” Davis states 10/28/2018 #45542  
 UFO News after its 200th issue is published.                               1/2019 #45554  
e and BAE Systems. It is seemingly published by mistake and removed from In 8/8/2019 #45605  
al Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) is published. The UAPTF discloses (p2) it r 6/25/2021 #45695  
 “buoyancy in air.” The patent was published two weeks before the UAPTF rep 6/25/2021 #45695  
d UAP information for his recently published book have gone quiet. Coulthar 12/17/2021 #45729  
pdf     Note: At the time this was published, Inman had left the NSA and CI 9/26/2022 #45772  
 Authorization Act (H.R. 7776) are published and there are two last minute  12/6/2022 #45785  
## Word: "publisher" (Back to Top)
      Orangeburg, South Carolina A publisher and others see a bright disc h 3/10/1950 #4607  
cers, coauthored by his friend and publisher, Raymond A. Palmer. As publici 9/1952 #7802  
. Chop writes a letter to Keyhoe’s publisher Henry Holt & Co., declaring th 1/26/1953 #8574  
ht” (possibly R.G. McFarland, his “publisher”) and a detailed account along 4/13/1954 #9686  
y Mrs. Walton C. “Clara” John, the publisher of a mimeographed zine called  Spring 1956 #12761  
                       MISSION, KS Publisher and 1. White disc speeds overh 9/7/1958 #15256  
                       Mission, KS Publisher saw white disc speed overhead. 9/7/1958 #15258  
y Burge, oilman Frank Buttram, and publisher Edward K. Gaylord. Carr pleads 5/4/1959 #15722  
rufo.net/item.php?id=197     Note: Publisher of this account, to whom the C 10/24/1969 #25424  
ks, and signs a book contract with publisher Alfred A. Knopf. In August 197 3/1972 #26584  
 at East Gate, is withdrawn by the publisher, Cosimo, in 2017 after finding 12/28/1980 #35750  
## Word: "publishers" (Back to Top)
mployees of the American Newspaper Publishers Association in New York City  11/22/1966 #21142  
 or freedom of speech. In my view, publishers who publish or teachers who t 4/26/1969 #25094  
## Word: "publishes" (Back to Top)
r German philosopher Immanuel Kant publishes Universal Natural History and  3/1755 #73  
rk America Europe The New York Sun publishes a series of six articles on th 8/25/1835 #130  
ter and science writer Thomas Dick publishes Celestial Scenery: The Wonders 1838 #133  
               James Clerk Maxwell publishes “A Dynamical Theory of the Ele 1865 #162  
e Moon French novelist Jules Verne publishes From the Earth to the Moon. It 1865 #163  
enton of Wellesley, Massachusetts, publishes volume 3 of The Soul of Things 1873 #198  
       French novelist Jules Verne publishes Robur the Conqueror, which des 1886 #273  
ure the public imagination. Lowell publishes his views in three books: Mars 5/1894 #314  
England English author H. G. Wells publishes The War of the Worlds, one of  1898 #614  
                  Boni & Liveright publishes Charles Fort’s first book of s 12/1/1919 #994  
                  Boni & Liveright publishes New Lands by Charles Fort, who 10/1923 #1035  
rge Adamski’s Royal Order of Tibet publishes Universal Jewels of Life as a  1/1936 #1242  
h and KMPC in Los Angeles. He also publishes Wisdom of the Masters of the F 1/1936 #1242  
      New York City Tiffany Thayer publishes the first issue of the Fortean 9/1937 #1276  
ronomer Royal Harold Spencer Jones publishes Life on Other Worlds, an essay 1940 #1323  
                Mantong Ray Palmer publishes an article, “An Ancient Langua 11/1943 #1541  
ia Ray Palmer edits, rewrites, and publishes Richard S. Shaver’s descriptio 1/1945 #1748  
alley [Germany] The New York Times publishes an article stating that the fo 1/2/1945 #1752  
ates in San Diego, California, and publishes the first issue of its newslet 2/1945 #1768  
 a postwar intelligence agency and publishes a secret memo he has sent to R 2/10/1945 #1778  
                Lemuria Ray Palmer publishes a second story by Richard Shav 4/1945 #1835  
  Tibet Antarctica Amazing Stories publishes four short articles in its Sep 7/1946 #2021  
ount Shasta, California Ray Palmer publishes a letter from Maurice Doreal ( 10/1946 #2195  
                     Life magazine publishes a pictorial news story on the  7/21/1947 #3210  
under the pseudonym John Chrisman, publishes a single issue of the first fl Fall 1947 #3418  
nd ex-MI5 operative Bernard Newman publishes a novel titled The Flying Sauc 1948 #3523  
          Moon Mars George Adamski publishes Pioneers of Space, detailing h 8/1949 #4300  
                  WA Donald Keyhoe publishes “The Flying Saucers are Real”  12/1949 #4429  
         WA Aviator Kenneth Arnold publishes the pamphlet “The Flying Sauce 1950 #4459  
                    N. Meade Layne publishes The Ether-Ship Mystery and Its 1950 #4462  
                     TRUE magazine publishes first article on Flying Saucer 1/1950 #4466  
                     Donald Keyhoe publishes a condensed version of “The Fl 1/1/1950 #4471  
 Syndicated columnist Drew Pearson publishes “Worried about Flying Saucers? 3/31/1950 #4777  
                          Newsweek publishes an article, “Flying Saucers Ag 4/17/1950 #4858  
         Illinois Korea Henry Holt publishes Frank Scully’s Behind the Flyi 9/8/1950 #5171  
 UK US Science writer Gerald Heard publishes The Riddle of the Flying Sauce 12/1950 #5305  
Air Intelligence Training Bulletin publishes a facetious news item on how t 2/20/1951 #5452  
on E. L. Plunkett as president. It publishes Flying Saucer News from Spring Summer 1952 #6580  
aucer Investigation in Los Angeles publishes the first of only four issues  9/1952 #7803  
                      John P. Cahn publishes an exposé of Frank Scully’s Be 9/1952 #7804  
the Phoenix Gazette. The newspaper publishes one of Adamski’s photos as wel 11/24/1952 #8333  
Flying Saucer Research Society and publishes the Australian Saucer Record f 1953 #8480  
955 to 1963. From 1962 to 1971, it publishes Panorama.                      1953 #8480  
ersity astronomer Donald H. Menzel publishes Flying Saucers, in which he ex 3/1953 #8721  
                     The Air Force publishes, under the signatures of Chief 5/1953 #8852  
 Angeles, California Max B. Miller publishes the first issue of Saucers, a  6/1953 #8925  
     US Soviet Union Aviation Week publishes an article describing new Sovi 2/15/1954 #9548  
            Leonard H. Stringfield publishes the first issue of CRIFO Newsl 4/7/1954 #9672  
 Weltwoche in Zürich, Switzerland, publishes two letters by psychologist Ca 7/9/1954 #10005  
 publishing house Frederick Muller publishes a contactee book, Flying Sauce 10/1954 #10536  
n and businessman Morris K. Jessup publishes The Case for the UFO, the firs 3/1955 #12022  
      French ufologist Aimé Michel publishes The Truth about Flying Saucers 1956 #12633  
                       Gray Barker publishes They Knew Too Much about Flyin 1956 #12634  
                  Morris K. Jessup publishes The UFO Annual, an anthology o 1956 #12635  
Patterson AFB Mechanix Illustrated publishes a story on the Avro Canada MX- 3/1956 #12742  
 contracts with the military. Varo publishes 25 spiral-bound copies of the  4/1956 #12777  
son. Gray Barker’s Saucerian Press publishes the Varo edition in July 1972. 4/1956 #12777  
                      John P. Cahn publishes a second article in True on th 8/1956 #13043  
chaft in Wiesbaden, Germany, which publishes the newspaper-format UFO-Nachr 10/1956 #13256  
ctual data in the report. Davidson publishes further editions in October 19 12/1956 #13378  
 Congo basin moon Morris K. Jessup publishes The Expanding Case for the UFO 1957 #13429  
on Director in Cleveland, Ohio. It publishes Ground Saucer Watch Bulletin f 1957 #13433  
 in Marlborough, Massachusetts. It publishes the New England UFO Newsletter 1957 #13434  
UFO Bureau in Edmond, Oklahoma. It publishes the Interplanetary Intelligenc 1957 #13435  
Victorian UFO Research Society. It publishes the Australian UFO Bulletin fr 1957 #13437  
elona, Spain. From 1970 to 1981 it publishes a quarterly magazine titled St 1957 #13438  
            Leonard H. Stringfield publishes the final issue of CRIFO Orbit 3/1/1957 #13517  
                             NICAP publishes the first issue of The UFO Inv 7/1957 #13766  
  Leonard H. Stringfield privately publishes Inside Saucer Post…3-0 Blue th 10/1957 #14050  
ores in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It publishes the Boletim SBEDV through 1988 12/1957 #14652  
e name Sydjysk UFO Information. It publishes the journal UFO-Nyt from 1958  12/17/1957 #14741  
rance French ufologist Aimé Michel publishes Flying Saucers and the Straigh 1958 #14781  
Switzerland Psychologist Carl Jung publishes Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth  1959 #15511  
           Contactee Howard Menger publishes From Outer Space to You, an ac 1959 #15514  
Flying Saucer Clubs of America and publishes the AFSCA World Report from 19 7/1959 #15808  
oer Trench, 8th Earl of Clancarty, publishes The Sky People, in which he cl 1960 #16141  
the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel. He publishes his Space Age Platform at the  8/9/1960 #16366  
kesman Lt. Col. Lawrence J. Tacker publishes Flying Saucers and the U.S. Ai 12/5/1960 #16525  
                    George Adamski publishes Flying Saucers Farewell, signa 1961 #16549  
ar on Earth. In the report that he publishes in June, Adamski writes that t 3/27/1962 #17088  
ing in Cleveland, Ohio. Greenfield publishes the journal in Atlanta, Georgi 3/1964 #18143  
          Capitol Hill Mass. NICAP publishes its special 184-page report, T 5/1964 #18237  
Lestrem, Pas-de-Calais, France. It publishes Recherches Ufologiques from 19 1965 #18684  
Avant-Garde in Bruges, Belgium. It publishes Bulletin du GESAG.             1965 #18685  
n Uithuizermeeden, Netherlands. It publishes Tijdschrift voor Ufologie.     1965 #18686  
rch Association in Kobe, Japan. It publishes JUFORA from 1967 to 1991.      1965 #18687  
nce of Unidentified Flying Objects publishes the first issue of the Interpl 5/1965 #18923  
    Systems analyst Jacques Vallée publishes Anatomy of a Phenomenon, which 6/1965 #18978  
art, Tasmania, by Robert Burge. It publishes the TUFOIC Newsletter for many 10/1965 #19630  
elle, France. From 1975 to 1984 it publishes Ufologia.                      1966 #19797  
         Broadcaster Frank Edwards publishes Flying Saucers—Serious Busines 6/1966 #20515  
 of the Robertson Panel report and publishes a version of it in the Saturda 9/3/1966 #20843  
 Arizona The Arizona Daily Wildcat publishes an interview with James E. McD 4/6/1967 #22079  
tigation Group on Aerial Phenomena publishes the SIGAP Newsletter in Camber 6/1967 #22438  
           The Midwest UFO Network publishes its first issue of Skylook.    9/1967 #22973  
      Astronomer William Markowitz publishes an article in Science magazine 9/15/1967 #23068  
           The Rocky Mountain News publishes a commentary by Condon wherein 9/27/1967 #23137  
  Ufologist Ted Bloecher privately publishes a massive Report on the UFO Wa 11/1967 #23381  
an religious scholar Barry Downing publishes The Bible and Flying Saucers,  1968 #23624  
Science-fiction author Otto Binder publishes Flying Saucers Are Watching Us 1968 #23625  
lectrical engineer Philip J. Klass publishes his first UFO book, UFOs—Ident 1968 #23627  
les in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It publishes a monthly magazine, Cuarta Dim 1968 #23631  
sh physicist Reginald Victor Jones publishes a skeptical view of UFOs in Ph 7/1968 #24106  
                              NASA publishes a Chronological Catalog of Rep 7/1/1968 #24117  
’Études des Objets Spatiaux, which publishes GEOS International from July 1 1969 #24801  
as, beginning in July 1977. Farish publishes it on his own from January 199 5/1969 #25104  
 science. Cornell University Press publishes the proceedings, UFOs—A Scient 12/26/1969 #25509  
                 Ivan T. Sanderson publishes his last UFO book, Invisible R 1970 #25518  
                      John A. Keel publishes UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse,  1970 #25519  
office is located in Skånninge. It publishes the magazine UFO-Information f 1970 #25521  
te of Aeronautics and Astronautics publishes a formal statement in its jour 11/1970 #25897  
k, England, by Ivan A. W. Bunn. It publishes Lantern, a newsletter that con 2/1971 #26009  
      Industrial Research magazine publishes the results of a survey in whi 4/1971 #26059  
, Belgium, by Lucien Clarebaut. It publishes the journal Inforespace from 1 5/1971 #26090  
tas, Rio Grande de Sul, Brazil. It publishes a Boletim SPIPDV.              1972 #26532  
FO Center in Trondheim, Norway. It publishes UFO Forum from 1973 to 1978. T 1972 #26533  
78. The Norsk UFO Center in Bergen publishes Rapportnytt from 1974 to 1981. 1972 #26533  
                    J. Allen Hynek publishes The UFO Experience: A Scientif 7/1972 #26749  
n 1979 AFU moves to Norrköping. It publishes Ufologen from 1972 to 1974 and 8/1972 #26863  
ontinues through November 1980 and publishes several special UFO issues.    10/1972 #27042  
verbal or radio messages. Rutledge publishes a final report, Project Identi 4/1973 #27397  
eater Manchester area, England. It publishes the Skywatch newsletter throug 9/1973 #27740  
                  Donald E. Keyhoe publishes Aliens from Space, in which he 12/1973 #28495  
e in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It publishes the Irish UFO News from 1976 t 1974 #28628  
       UFO skeptic Philip J. Klass publishes UFOs Explained, taking on some 1974 #28629  
 light years from earth. She first publishes her results in Pursuit. Later  1/1974 #28637  
 Ufológicas in Córdoba, Argentina, publishes the first issue of OVNIs: Un D 6/1974 #29153  
                   Alfred A. Knopf publishes The CIA and the Cult of Intell 6/12/1974 #29180  
O reports throughout Australia. It publishes the ACOS Bulletin through Dece 11/1974 #29573  
o River Silver Bridge John A. Keel publishes The Mothman Prophecies, an inv 1975 #29670  
                    Jacques Vallée publishes The Invisible College, in whic 1975 #29672  
I in Sorgues, Vaucluse, France. It publishes Vaucluse Ufologie from 1977 to 1975 #29674  
 Ufologiques in Le Puy, France. It publishes OVNI 43 from 1978 to 1980.     1975 #29675  
ique Nancéien in Nancy, France. It publishes Réalité ou Fiction from 1975 t 1975 #29676  
is published in 2009. Von Ludwiger publishes two further monographs under t 1975 #29678  
         Historian David M. Jacobs publishes The UFO Controversy in America 6/1975 #30073  
Inexpliqués in Saintes, France. It publishes a CERPI Circulaire newsletter  11/20/1975 #30648  
oon Area 51 US writer Bill Kaysing publishes a book claiming that NASA lack 1976 #30743  
ls, Montana Author Roberta Donovan publishes Mystery Stalks the Prairie wit 1976 #30746  
fologiques in Chambery, France. It publishes a quarterly newsletter, Le Phé 1976 #30747  
   The New England UFO Study Group publishes its first newsletter, which la 7/1976 #31144  
ican SF novelist George H. Leonard publishes Somebody Else Is on the Moon,  8/1976 #31214  
mphorien-de-Lay, Loire, France. It publishes a quarterly newsletter, Siècle 11/1976 #31516  
hwestern University J. Allen Hynek publishes The Hynek UFO Report as a revi 1977 #31649  
s in Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, and publishes the journal UFOnotas.          1977 #31652  
VNIGrupo 7 in Lisbon, Portugal. It publishes a quarterly magazine, OVNI.    1977 #31653  
umont, Haute- Merne, France, which publishes five issues of Groupe 5255 in  1977 #31654  
nkle. Fate editor Curtis G. Fuller publishes the presentations in paperback 6/24/1977 #32190  
anian UFO Researchers” (RUFOR). It publishes 27 issues of a RUFOR newslette 7/17/1977 #32287  
uclear Bases The National Enquirer publishes Bob Pratt’s well-researched ar 12/13/1977 #32768  
illowdale, Ontario Gene Duplantier publishes one issue of Ufolk in Willowda 1978 #32825  
                           Playboy publishes a “panel discussion” on UFOs t 1/1978 #32834  
ence fiction author David Langford publishes an allegedly nonfiction novele 1979 #34254  
iences d’Avant-Garde in Bruges. It publishes SVL Tijdschrift from January 1 1979 #34255  
up of the USSR Academy of Sciences publishes a skeptical article in the wee Late 1/1979 #34380  
UFO investigator Raymond E. Fowler publishes The Andreasson Affair, introdu Spring 1979 #34482  
, Illinois Astronomer Allan Hendry publishes The UFO Handbook, a harshly pe 8/1/1979 #34699  
nter in Mountain View, California, publishes Observing UFOs, a technical bo 1980 #35112  
ur Erforschung des UFO- Phänomens) publishes the first issue of Journal für 1/1980 #35119  
            Leonard H. Stringfield publishes The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndro 6/1980 #35350  
 You Can’t Tell the People (2000), publishes a photo of the supposed landin 12/26/1980 #35737  
 York New York artist Budd Hopkins publishes Missing Time, which first desc 1981 #35761  
 Studies researcher Mark Rodeghier publishes UFO Reports Involving Vehicle  1981 #35762  
   British ufologist Jenny Randles publishes UFO Reality, in which she defi 9/1983 #36964  
     UK UK researcher Hilary Evans publishes Visions, Apparitions, Alien Vi 1984 #37092  
                     Prentice-Hall publishes Clear Intent by Lawrence Fawce 7/1984 #37385  
mville, New York Discover magazine publishes a cover story on the Westchest 11/1984 #37500  
                George M. Eberhart publishes UFOs and the Extraterrestrial  9/1986 #38009  
r and folklorist Thomas E. Bullard publishes UFO Abductions: The Measure of 1987 #38089  
                     Fortean Tomes publishes UFOs 1947–1987, edited by Hila 1987 #38090  
or-fiction writer Whitley Strieber publishes Communion, the first-person ac 2/1987 #38108  
Society for Scientific Exploration publishes the first issue of its Journal 3/1987 #38126  
 abduction researcher Budd Hopkins publishes Intruders, an account of his i 4/1987 #38155  
 Russia UK researcher Timothy Good publishes Above Top Secret, containing c Summer 1987 #38198  
                      Jerome Clark publishes volume one of the first editio 1990 #39351  
ical documents and information. It publishes a SCEAU Bulletin from 1991 to  2/1990 #39404  
e Research and Development (AGARD) publishes a study that states a “gyrosco 3/1990 #39436  
 York Times journalist Howard Blum publishes Out There: The Government’s Se 9/1990 #39711  
 Pentagon US journalist Tim Weiner publishes Blank Check: The Pentagon’s Bl 9/1990 #39712  
             Milton William Cooper publishes Behold a Pale Horse, an elabor 1991 #39933  
ence community member “John Grace” publishes a series of books on the “Matr 1/1991 #39944  
                      Jerome Clark publishes the second volume of the first 1992 #40273  
an ufologists on its board, and it publishes RIAP Bulletin (in English, edi 1992 #40275  
      US historian David M. Jacobs publishes Secret Life, in which he lays  3/1992 #40342  
necticut psychologist Kenneth Ring publishes The Omega Project, in which he 5/1/1992 #40442  
suales in Buenos Aires, Argentina, publishes the first issue of Los Identif 4/1993 #40922  
ch psychologist Susan Marie Powers publishes a study on 20 abductees to exp 5/1994 #41511  
             Astronomer Carl Sagan publishes The Demon-Haunted World, in wh 1995 #41923  
 York University USAF Headquarters publishes, through the Government Printi 7/1995 #42286  
Sec (AS) 2a UFO desk in 1991–1994, publishes a memoir titled Open Skies, Cl 1996 #42657  
he Colectivo Cuadernos in 1997 and publishes a new journal, Anomalía, from  1996 #42658  
l Los Angeles Journalist Gary Webb publishes his “Dark Alliance” series in  8/18/1996 #42985  
e (NRO) historian Gerald K. Haines publishes what claims to be an extensive 8/3/1997 #43367  
y Science Podiatrist Roger K. Leir publishes The Aliens and the Scalpel, in 1998 #43479  
iversity psychologist John E. Mack publishes a second book on abductions, P 1999 #43708  
urnalist and author Igor Witkowski publishes Prawda o Wunderwaffe, describi 2000 #43910  
n Odratzheim, Bas-Rhin, France. It publishes the SPICA News from January 20 5/2001 #44172  
                          BBC News publishes a story that claims researcher 7/29/2002 #44369  
oswell British author Nick Redfern publishes Body Snatchers in the Desert,  6/2005 #44846  
ognitive psychologist Susan Clancy publishes Abducted: How People Came to B 10/2005 #44883  
ave photographed the event. NARCAP publishes a 155-page report and has call 11/7/2006 #44981  
ffice, run out of the MITRE Corp., publishes a technical report evaluating  10/2008 #45173  
ospace Phenomena Reporting Scheme, publishes “UFOs and Exogenous Intelligen 1/2011 #45311  
        The Center for UFO Studies publishes the final issue of the Interna 3/2012 #45340  
           Researcher David Marler publishes Triangular UFOs, an evaluation 6/2013 #45367  
S UK US journalist Glenn Greenwald publishes information in The Intercept a 2/24/2014 #45402  
e UAP related research. Los Alamos publishes planetary defense research whi 3/22/2017 #45465  
nonymous website partially encoded publishes an article on “turning the veh 3/27/2017 #45466  
ry New Mexico Roswell Nick Redfern publishes The Roswell UFO Conspiracy, a  6/2017 #45472  
Development Catherine Austin Fitts publishes a paper with a Michigan State  12/11/2017 #45492  
e British UFO Research Association publishes Vehicle Interference Report, c 2018 #45496  
       Science writer Sarah Scoles publishes They Are Already Here, focusin 3/3/2020 #45637  
         Academic Dr. David Clarke publishes a clear photograph of the alle 8/12/2022 #45762  
os National Laboratory Oke Shannon publishes notes of his time at the Advan 9/26/2022 #45772  
           Ufologist Grant Cameron publishes a collection of people who cla 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "publishing" (Back to Top)
st issue of Fate magazine at Clark Publishing Company in Chicago, Illinois. Spring 1948 #3592  
s tried to dissuade the press from publishing articles like Shalett’s. Cabe 11/30/1948 #3893  
upes Volantes, in Paris. It begins publishing Ouranos in June 1952 and issu 1951 #5378  
down and requests that Ginna delay publishing an article until the Air Forc 2/25/1952 #5931  
ew Zealand) in Auckland. It begins publishing a quarterly newsletter, Flyin 10/12/1952 #8124  
to reduce excitement about UFOs by publishing cases.                        6/1953 #8924  
ornia Genevieve A. Johnston begins publishing the contactee newsletter Inte 9/1953 #9132  
, West Virginia Gray Barker starts publishing The Saucerian Bulletin in Cla 9/1953 #9133  
gs, sponsors lecturers, and begins publishing a CSI Newsletter in February  2/1954 #9519  
Washington, D.C. Clara John begins publishing The Little Listening Post new 2/1954 #9520  
       London Scotland Mars London publishing house Frederick Muller publis 10/1954 #10536  
Bookstore in New York City, begins publishing Flying Saucer News as the off 3/1955 #12023  
itzerland J. Heinrich Ragaz begins publishing Weltraumbote in Zürich, Switz 11/1955 #12536  
 of the annotated book by the Varo Publishing Company of Garland, Texas. In Summer 1956? #12914  
 Florida Norbert F. Gariety begins publishing S.P.A.C.E. (Saucer Phenomena  1/1957 #13441  
 King’s Aetherius Society has been publishing channeled messages in its Cos 5/26/1957 #13680  
 South Africa Edgar Sievers begins publishing a pro-Adamski newsletter titl 4/1958 #14954  
 UFO Information in Denmark begins publishing UFO-Nyt. (UFO-Nyt, November 1 11/1958 #15415  
bbing, and Roy Stemman, and begins publishing a monthly magazine, LUFORO Bu 12/1959 #16105  
e Ottawa Flying Saucer Club begins publishing Topside, edited by Wilbert B. 3/1960 #16190  
                 Ray Palmer begins publishing The Hidden World, a quarterly 1961 #16548  
 Greenfield and Rick Hilberg start publishing Saucer Album in Cleveland, Oh Summer 1963 #17801  
  Isle of Wight Lionel Beer begins publishing Spacelink, a newsletter of th 1/1964 #18104  
FO Research Association. It begins publishing a new magazine, BUFORA Journa 1/25/1964 #18119  
ick Hilberg, and Dale Rettig begin publishing the American UFO Committee Re 3/1964 #18143  
ral regional UFO groups. It begins publishing Notiziario UFO, edited by Rob 9/26/1965 #19608  
 Mountain View, California, begins publishing Data-Net Report, a UFO newsle 3/1967 #21698  
ted Aerial Phenomena Agency begins publishing Flying Saucer Digest, edited  Spring 1967 #21925  
 L.V. Antonova, an editor with the publishing house "Thought", and T.I. Dan 7/17/1967 #22679  
nin, senior editor with the "Mysl" publishing house in Moscow, accompanied  9/4/1967 #22995  
British Columbia John Magor begins publishing the quarterly Canadian UFO Re 1/1969 #24811  
 New York City John A. Keel begins publishing an unscheduled, free newslett 5/1969 #25105  
            UK Contact (UK) begins publishing The UFO Register, a journal e 6/1970 #25683  
 Vietnam The New York Times begins publishing excerpts of the Pentagon pape 6/13/1971 #26174  
ey Gene and Geneva Steinberg begin publishing Caveat Emptor, a newsletter o Autumn 1971 #26368  
nded in Porto, Portugal. It begins publishing a monthly journal, Insolito,  1972 #26530  
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. It begins publishing Boletim G-PAZ annually.       1972 #26531  
ssex, England Edward Harris begins publishing Cosmology Newslink, a monthly 6/1972 #26693  
  New York City Harry Belil begins publishing Beyond Reality, a newsstand m 10/1972 #27042  
ntes, in France in 1951. It begins publishing UFO Informations, edited by M 1973 #27202  
Spatiaux in Toulon, France, begins publishing the journal Approche in conju 12/1973 #28496  
 and Kalmthout, Belgium. It begins publishing the AESV bulletin through Jun 1974 #28626  
rd-des-Ormeaux, Quebec, and begins publishing the journal UFO-Quebec, edite 1975 #29673  
os Volantes Extraterrestres begins publishing Vimana, edited by Julio Arcas 1975 #29677  
ON Central European Section begins publishing a monographic series of repor 1975 #29678  
ire, France François Breuil begins publishing L’Insolite in Mâcon, Saône-et 7/1975 #30140  
rie and Raymond Bonnaventure begin publishing Ufologie Contact, a newslette 4/1976 #30972  
 Guillermo Carlos Roncoroni begins publishing UFO Press in Buenos Aires, Ar 10/1976 #31440  
s and inform the public. It begins publishing the CUFORN Bulletin in late 1 1977 #31651  
ian ufologist Irene Granchi begins publishing a quarterly magazine titled O 1978 #32827  
 City Timothy Green Beckley begins publishing a somewhat sensational UFO Re 1978 #32828  
n 1967 and 1969. Stringfield began publishing books on the sources’ claims  8/1978 #33460  
g, Manitoba Chris Rutkowski begins publishing the Swamp Gas Journal newslet 9/1978 #33617  
gny), Côte-d’Or, France. It begins publishing Vimana 21, a journal that con 1979 #34256  
phalia, Germany Axel Ertelt begins publishing Mysteria, a journal of UFO an 1/1979 #34269  
lian Centre for UFO Studies begins publishing the Journal of the Australian 2/1980 #35153  
sning in Trondheim, Norway, begins publishing the NIVFO Bulletin, edited by 1981 #35764  
tin as OVNI Présence and moves its publishing operation to its Swiss office 9/1981 #36098  
len, Norway Odd-Gunnar Røed begins publishing the Project Hessdalen Bulleti 10/1983 #36988  
tarville, Quebec Marc Leduc begins publishing Bulletin d’Information Ufolog 9/1984 #37452  
rrey, England Jimmy Goddard begins publishing Amskaya, a newsletter of the  1/1986 #37744  
 Ufologici in Turin, Italy, begins publishing its official journal UFO–Rivi 6/1986 #37903  
rare, Zimbabwe Cynthia Hind begins publishing UFO Afrinews in Harare, Zimba 7/1988 #38595  
pain José Semitiel Martínez begins publishing the newsletter Búsqueda in Ge 8/1988 #38612  
The Long Island UFO Network begins publishing the Long Island UFO Reporter, 1/1989 #38771  
Beauport, Quebec Marc Leduc begins publishing a newsletter, Lettre d’Inform 9/1989 #39083  
ronto, Ontario David Gotlib begins publishing the Bulletin of Anomalous Exp 1/1990 #39359  
tiaux in Marseille, France, begins publishing Aérospatial-Météorologie-Astr 2/1990 #39405  
sur les Soucoupes Volantes) begins publishing Phénomèna, edited by Perry Pe 1/1991 #39943  
 Paris, France Didier Gomez begins publishing UFOmania in Paris, France. It 4/1993 #40921  
Bad Kreuznach, Germany, and begins publishing DEGUFOrum in January 1994. It 6/5/1993 #41005  
City, Mexico Héctor Escobar begins publishing Perspectivas Ufológicas in Me 12/1993 #41312  
ro Italiano Studi Ufologici begins publishing UFO Forum, edited by Giuseppe 4/1995 #42131  
r, Cantabria, Spain. It takes over publishing Cuadernos de Ufologia from th 1996 #42658  
ews continues to pursue the story, publishing follow-ups to the original se 8/18/1996 #42985  
oble, France Didier Charnay begins publishing UFO Log in Grenoble, France.  9/1997 #43392  
             Scott Corrales begins publishing Inexplicata: The Journal of H 10/1998 #43655  
kandinavisk UFO Information begins publishing UFO-Mail in Ringsted, Denmark 4/2002 #44329  
e engineer Jean-Jacques Velasco is publishing a book, OVNIs: L’évidence, in 1/2004 #44641  
ivne, Ukraine Igor Kalytyuk begins publishing Novosti Ufologii, an online U 7/2011 #45329  
ro Italiano Studi Ufologici begins publishing Cielo Insolito, a journal of  6/2016 #45454  
## Word: "pubs" (Back to Top)
ps://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_memoranda/2008/RM365.pdf   4/14/1950 #4853  
e craft for space access.  https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/81 2/1/2006 #44921  
20140728030142/https://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/operationandplans/ExercisesandP 2014 #45400  
## Word: "puccinelli" (Back to Top)
  Palatine, Illinois 8:20 p.m. Sam Puccinelli is parking his car in his gar 4/20/1980 #35279  
## Word: "puce" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Puce” YieldMax: 20KT                     6/10/1966 #20548  
## Word: "pucioasa" (Back to Top)
           VULCANA-BAI, ROM West / Pucioasa. 30M cone hovers / 90 minute(s) 8/20/1968 #24358  
## Word: "puck" (Back to Top)
described as looking like a hockey puck.                                    4/28/1974 #29069  
            PIASTOW, POL 3M hockey puck hovers over path. Geometric figure( 5/22/1979 #34573  
 The enhancements reveal a “hockey puck” shape, and many of the recorded ob 7/11/1991 #40119  
5 a.m. It reportedly moved like a "puck on ice".                            9/30/2008 #45172  
## Word: "puckered" (Back to Top)
d nose, slanted eyes, and a little puckered mouth" standing near him. He sa 7/12/1971 #26224  
## Word: "puckett" (Back to Top)
                  Tampa (near), FL Puckett Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 8/1/1946 #2096  
Florida 6:00 p.m. AF Capt. Jack E. Puckett is flying over Tampa, Florida, i 8/1/1946 #2100  
itnesses including the pilot named Puckett, flying in a twin engine C-47 tr 8/1/1946 #2101  
## Word: "pucusana" (Back to Top)
                                   Pucusana, Peru C. A. V. an oil company e 2/1949 #3992  
## Word: "pudasjarvi" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PUDASJARVI, FNL 2 / woods. Brown bullet  8/1947 #3270  
                       SOUTHWEST / PUDASJARVI, FINL 2 / car. 4' vertical bu 11/13/1967 #23440  
                                   PUDASJARVI, FINL Glowing-sphere over mou 1/28/1970 #25557  
                                   PUDASJARVI, FIN Headlight beams bend / f 4/2/1980 #35246  
                                   Pudasjarvi, Finland Car drove into "fog, 4/2/1980 #35247  
                                   Pudasjarvi, Finland Car drove into "fog, 4/2/1980 #35248  
on occurred on this day in 1980 in Pudasjarvi, Finland. Ms. Ivanoff, age 25 4/2/1980 #35249  
## Word: "pudding" (Back to Top)
of two inverted soup plates with a pudding bowl on top, and the upper level 3/30/1995 #42127  
## Word: "puddle" (Back to Top)
off. Iriart dips the envelope in a puddle and finds that both the envelope  7/2/1968 #24131  
elling him to dip it into a nearby puddle. He did so, and found that neithe 7/2/1968 #24133  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Puddle” YieldMax: 20KT                   11/26/1974 #29609  
circular footprints leading from a puddle along the route taken by the bein 10/15/1976 #31465  
hem eventhough she had fallen in a puddle of water when she claimed to have 10/8/1989 #39150  
## Word: "puddles" (Back to Top)
king there he noticed that the mud puddles did not get their feet wet, and  8/18/1953 #9081  
e freezing for several days. Small puddles and mud patches surrounding the  2/18/1968 #23763  
lf-like man attempting to scoop up puddles of water from the bottom of the  2/27/1971 #26034  
## Word: "puddy" (Back to Top)
toria, Australia 9:15 p.m. Maureen Puddy, 27, sees a disc-shaped object on  7/3/1972 #26757  
Review Dartmouth 9:15 p.m. Maureen Puddy sees the same object she had seen  7/25/1972 #26833  
ith her, but they only report that Puddy lapses into unconsciousness. On a  7/25/1972 #26833  
e, “The Close Encounter of Maureen Puddy,” Australian Annual Flying Saucer  7/25/1972 #26833  
e, “The Close Encounter of Maureen Puddy,” Victorian UFO Research Society,  7/25/1972 #26833  
or to this experience, Mrs Maureen Puddy "heard a voice" calling her name.  2/22/1973 #27310  
ong blond hair. He beckoned to Mrs Puddy, but she did not respond; instead, 2/22/1973 #27310  
ainy. It suddenly cleared, and Mrs Puddy could see for miles. When the figu 2/22/1973 #27310  
## Word: "pudgate" (Back to Top)
ersities Research Reactor building Pudgate police station 11:30 p.m. Servic 3/17/1978 #33048  
e darkness. He later drives to the Pudgate police station to report the sig 3/17/1978 #33048  
## Word: "puebla" (Back to Top)
           Santa Maria Acuexcomac, Puebla, Mexico 10:00 p.m. A boy named Ma 3/19/1972 #26617  
s patio at Santa Maria Acuexcomac, Puebla, Mexico, to look for a broom when 3/19/1972 #26617  
                                   Puebla, MX A handful of mysterious seeds 1983 #36735  
red UFO with lights was taken by a Puebla State judicial police officer on  7/7/1991 #40114  
               Mexico City, Mexico Puebla Oaxaca 12:21 p.m. While many peop 7/11/1991 #40119  
ideos are recorded as far south as Puebla and Oaxaca. Skeptics claim the ob 7/11/1991 #40119  
                                   PUEBLA, MX Numerous observer(s). 3 round 6/1/1999 #43777  
t kilometers wide over the city of Puebla, Mexico in the early afternoon. I 6/1/1999 #43778  
## Word: "pueblo" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PUEBLO, CO Lowry and 1. 2 ovoids buzz ca 6/25/1947 #2405  
                                   Pueblo (Colorado) Memorial Airport 8:45  6/17/1952 #6529  
 US Weather Bureau observer at the Pueblo (Colorado) Memorial Airport, watc 6/17/1952 #6529  
   Pikes Peak Broadcasting Company Pueblo, Colorado Montana California Pike 7/22/1952 #7024  
t a chamber of commerce meeting in Pueblo, Colorado. He mixes a few genuine 7/22/1952 #7024  
                                   PUEBLO, CO Blue Book. Several observer(s 5/3/1956 #12827  
two saucers circle in the sky over Pueblo, Colorado and then "wink out".    5/3/1956 #12829  
                WEST / DURANGO AND PUEBLO, CO Blue Book. Weatherman / (seen 7/11/1956 #12963  
                      DS85 NORTH / PUEBLO, CO Cop and separate observer(s). 11/9/1957 #14496  
                                   PUEBLO, CO Project Bluebook Case #5852.  6/14/1958 #15093  
                                   Pueblo, CO A theodolite sighted an objec 6/14/1958 #15094  
                                   Pueblo, Colorado Witness:  airport weath 6/14/1958 #15095  
t weather observer O. R. Foster in Pueblo, Colorado using a theodolite, sig 6/14/1958 #15098  
             Texas Creek, Colorado Pueblo 11:20 p.m. Kenneth Flack is passi 8/27/1967 #22940  
ed driver gives him a ride back to Pueblo in a camper                       8/27/1967 #22940  
 Center in Denver Great Sand Dunes Pueblo Chieftain Colorado State Universi 9/9/1967 #23026  
 is only background radiation. The Pueblo Chieftain reports on the case in  9/9/1967 #23026  
pan, on a sortie to locate the USS Pueblo, which has been captured by North 1/26/1968 #23703  
y 23. His photographs pinpoint the Pueblo’s exact location in the harbor of 1/26/1968 #23703  
                                   PUEBLO, CO Airline crew and airborne RAD 5/25/1995 #42223  
. Another airline crew flying near Pueblo, Colorado that same night saw a l 5/25/1995 #42228  
as seen in the southwestern sky in Pueblo, Colorado. It zigzagged in flight 4/10/1998 #43546  
## Word: "puente" (Back to Top)
                   Santiago, Chile Puente Alto Valparaíso 9:30 p.m. A radio 11/12/1944 #1696  
 Spanish in which Martians land in Puente Alto, causing a panic and the dea 11/12/1944 #1696  
                                LA PUENTE, CA 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. C 2/1/1954 #9523  
                                La Puente, California Mount Wilson Observat 2/1/1954 #9526  
 10:00 a.m. Mrs. W. J. Daily of La Puente, California, sees a silvery, brig 2/1/1954 #9526  
                                   PUENTE DE HERRERA, SP TV malfunctions du 8/16/1970 #25789  
utes later, a 22-year-old woman in Puente De Herrera, Valladolid province,  8/16/1970 #25791  
                                LA PUENTE, CA 3 observer(s). Odd object rot 9/4/1971 #26312  
## Word: "puentes" (Back to Top)
cinity where militia member Isidro Puentes Ventura was on guard duty. At da 6/14/1968 #24029  
entura was on guard duty. At dawn, Puentes was found unconscious by an Army 6/14/1968 #24029  
ortly after 12:00 midnight. Isidro Puentes Ventura is on guard duty in Caba 6/14/1968 #24031  
nge and emits a whistling sound as Puentes loses consciousness. At dawn, an 6/14/1968 #24031  
cinity where militia member Isidro Puentes Ventura was on guard duty. At da 6/14/1968 #24033  
entura was on guard duty. At dawn, Puentes was found unconscious by an Army 6/14/1968 #24033  
d at the Naval Hospital in Havana, Puentes was diagnosed to be suffering fr 6/14/1968 #24033  
or another week. At the site where Puentes had been posted, Cuban and Sovie 6/14/1968 #24033  
sed to a high degree of heat. When Puentes recovered consciousness he repor 6/14/1968 #24033  
device was an American helicopter, Puentes fired at it. The craft turned or 6/14/1968 #24033  
nd emitted a loud whistling sound, Puentes last recollection before losing  6/14/1968 #24033  
intelligence specialists subjected Puentes to a fifty-hour interrogation af 6/14/1968 #24033  
## Word: "puerco" (Back to Top)
 MAGDALENA, NM AND SOCORRO AND RIO PUERCO AND MORE Round object maneuvers.  2/19/1952 (approximate) #5907  
## Word: "puerto" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PUERTO MALDONADO, PERU Several observer( 7/19/1951 #5577  
                Maldonado, Uraguay Puerto Maldonado, Cigar Photo (NICAP: 08 7/19/1951 #5578  
d a luminous disc buzz the city of Puerto Maldonaldo, Peru at 4:50 p.m. The 7/19/1951 #5579  
                           N.Y. to Puerto Rico, Various 1952, Fall; N.Y. to 1952 #5835  
 Rico, Various 1952, Fall; N.Y. to Puerto Rico, Zamott/Harris/Hutchins (AL) 1952 #5835  
                    Argentine Navy Puerto Belgrano Naval Base Punta Alta, A 1952 #5839  
cated to the UFO phenomenon at its Puerto Belgrano Naval Base in Punta Alta 1952 #5839  
                         San Juan, Puerto Rico New York Atlantic Ocean east 5/8/1952 #6275  
8,000 feet en route from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to New York, see a light, 1 5/8/1952 #6275  
ed over the shoreline of Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. One of the object hovered w 5/13/1952 #6318  
                         Mayaquez, Puerto Rico 2 shining orange spheres (NI 5/14/1952 #6323  
                         Mayaquez, Puerto Rico Witnesses: Attorney and ex-U 5/14/1952 #6324  
n the Madre de Dios region of Peru Puerto Maldonado 4:30 p.m. Agricultural  7/19/1952 #6932  
nd. It shows up 4 minutes later at Puerto Maldonado, 75 miles away, and Cus 7/19/1952 #6932  
                                   PUERTO REAL, SPAIN Several observer(s).  8/22/1952 #7673  
                             NY to Puerto Rico, In Airspace Three Pan Ameri Fall 1952 #8011  
                Ramey AFB (NE of), Puerto Rico Red-Orange Ball Passes RB-36 12/31/1952 #8467  
                                   PUERTO PIRITU, VNZL Crew and riders / La 12/17/1954 #11826  
                                   PUERTO AYACUCHO, VNZ 100 observer(s). Fu 12/25/1954 #11859  
                                   PUERTO CUMAREBO, VNZ 3 observer(s). Bril 8/6/1955 #12335  
                               OFF PUERTO CABELLO, VNZ 3 / plane. Luminous  6/5/1957 #13702  
a LAV DC-3 airliner flying between Puerto Cabello and Valencia, Venezuela.  6/9/1957 #13715  
                              NEAR PUERTO RICO Luminous UFO paces Venezuela 7/2/1960 #16325  
." Sample analysis was done by the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base.              5/12/1962 #17162  
Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, Argentina Puerto Belgrano Naval Base Universidad N 5/12/1962 #17165  
reno, chief of intelligence at the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base, interviews t 5/12/1962 #17165  
for analysis to either or both the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base and Universid 5/12/1962 #17165  
." Sample analysis was done by the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base. At 4:30 p.m. 5/12/1962 #17166  
                                 S Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Radar tracking  11/18/1964 #18624  
                    S Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Radar tracking of low altitu 11/18/1964 #18624  
                   220 miles NW of Puerto Rico, At Sea U.S.S. Gyatt Tracks  11/19/1964 #18627  
                    Atlantic Ocean Puerto Rico Roosevelt Roads Naval Statio 11/19/1964 #18629  
 Aponte de la Torre Airport Ceiba, Puerto Rico 9:00 p.m. The USS Gyatt dest 11/19/1964 #18629  
Ocean about 220 miles northwest of Puerto Rico when its radar detects a bog 11/19/1964 #18629  
nte de la Torre Airport] in Ceiba, Puerto Rico, which then contacts Lt. Cmd 11/19/1964 #18629  
                                   Puerto La Cruz, Portugal The commander a 7/6/1965 #19076  
 object flying out of the sea from Puerto La Cruz, Portugal. First Officer  7/6/1965 #19079  
                                   PUERTO MONTT, CHL Many observer(s). Blin 7/30/1965 #19206  
                                   Puerto Monte, Chile Hundreds of people i 7/30/1965 #19210  
           Hundreds of people from Puerto Monte, Chile in two separate loca 7/30/1965 #19213  
                                   PUERTO DESEADO, ARG 11M cylinder/cigar-s 3/18/1966 #19987  
d off the coast, 10 miles north of Puerto Deseado, Argentina. The UFO emitt 3/18/1966 #19989  
món Martín Middle School Guaynabo, Puerto Rico 11:00 a.m. A group of studen 3/1967 #21701  
 Martín Middle School in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, watch a triangle-shaped obj 3/1967 #21701  
ey AFB(Shoreline at NE corner of), Puerto Rico Disc shaped object with two  4/16/1967 #22137  
                                   PUERTO SERRANO, SP Rumor. Object / woods 9/22/1968 #24499  
gonia Nahuel Huapi Lake, Argentina Puerto Blest 11:30 a.m. Traumatologist S Late 12/1968 #24790  
king photos of the lake shore near Puerto Blest, but does not notice anythi Late 12/1968 #24790  
                                   Puerto Rico San Juan Ponce Adjuntas Barr 8/1972 #26864  
reported throughout rural areas of Puerto Rico, as well as in San Juan and  8/1972 #26864  
 a.m. in Yauco, Mayaguez Province, Puerto Rico 20 lights emerged from an ov 8/13/1972 #26915  
a.m., in the old part of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Sr. Joaquin Mercado and his 10/13/1972 #27071  
                      In Rexville, Puerto Rico at 4:00 a.m. a witness named 10/14/1972 #27076  
                                   PUERTO PLATA, DOMINICAN REP Extra moon s 11/2/1972 #27105  
gone to El Yunque Mountain Park in Puerto Rico hoping to "contact" UFOs and 10/20/1973 #28222  
t low altitude near Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico for two minutes.             12/10/1973 #28551  
ed out onto her patio in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico when she saw a bright oval-s 12/12/1973 #28559  
                En route San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Cordoba, Argentina Argen 3/13/1974 #28879  
                         San Juan, Puerto Rico Córdoba, Argentina An Argent 3/13/1974 #28880  
ines plane en route from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Córdoba, Argentina, is f 3/13/1974 #28880  
                                   PUERTO DE SOUTH MARIA, SP Car malfunctio 4/19/1974 #29045  
after a late night at 3:30 a.m. in Puerto Ingeniero, a town outside Bahia B 1/5/1975 #29723  
                                   Puerto Rico Domestic birds, ducks, goats 2/1975 #29780  
nd sheep are found dead throughout Puerto Rico with what one veterinarian c 2/1975 #29780  
d this time and through July, some Puerto Ricans see large, unidentified bi 2/1975 #29780  
right blue clear sky, was taken in Puerto Madryn, Argentina at the ocean sh 2/18/1975 #29824  
        On this night in San Juan, Puerto Rico Willie Lopez, a disc jockey, 4/6/1975 #29978  
was seen near the ground in Cupey, Puerto Rico at 4:20 a.m. in 1975. The ob 5/4/1975 #30033  
                           Aguada, Puerto Rico Day. A retired science teach 9/1/1976 #31325  
le walking on a beach near Aguada, Puerto Rico. The object moves slowly, ho 9/1/1976 #31325  
                     Quebradillas, Puerto Rico Night. A man and his daughte 7/12/1977 #32264  
 and his daughter in Quebradillas, Puerto Rico, see a small humanoid in a g 7/12/1977 #32264  
cony of his house in Quebradillas, Puerto Rico when he saw a very small fig 7/12/1977 #32266  
           In Mediania Alta Loiza, Puerto Rico at 8 p.m. two witnesses were 8/31/1977 #32447  
                          Corozal, Puerto Rico 3:30 p.m. Farmer Luis Sandov 9/4/1977 #32460  
resting in a hammock near Corozal, Puerto Rico, when he decides to get up a 9/4/1977 #32460  
re the scenery and says, “How nice Puerto Rico is.” He then turns into a fl 9/4/1977 #32460  
me highway on his way to San Juan, Puerto Rico when he began hearing voices 9/25/1977 #32519  
 Playa el Combate beach Pole Ojea, Puerto Rico 8:00 p.m. At Playa el Combat 11/30/1979 #35031  
l Combate beach outside Pole Ojea, Puerto Rico, Ramonés Torres and his wife 11/30/1979 #35031  
nt cabin in El Combate, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico saw a bright, multicolored o 11/30/1979 #35034  
mily in Buen Consejo, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico were awakened at midnight by 3/3/1980 #35194  
                      Mona Passage Puerto Rico Dominican Republic Two civil 6/28/1980 #35393  
feet over the Mona Passage between Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.  6/28/1980 #35393  
cer and jets south of Hormigueros, Puerto Rico. He then experienced three h 5/13/1988 #38567  
                              NEAR PUERTO MONTT, CHL LAN 737 banks sharply  6/1/1988 #38578  
              El Tepual Airport in Puerto Montt, Chile 8:10 p.m. A Boeing 7 6/1/1988 #38579  
the runway at El Tepual Airport in Puerto Montt, Chile, suddenly encounters 6/1/1988 #38579  
                        Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico Lago Samán 7:45 p.m. Many pe 12/28/1988 #38763  
:45 p.m. Many people in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, see a huge, bright-yellow t 12/28/1988 #38763  
ial case occurred on this day over Puerto Rico near Cabo Rojo, east of Beta 12/28/1988 #38764  
osevelt Roads Naval Air Station in Puerto Rico were ‘lost,” not from a mida 1/1989 #38774  
aseball field was near the base in Puerto Rico and three F-14s were sent to 1/1989 #38774  
m directly underneath in Adjuntas, Puerto Rico.                             6/4/1989 #38979  
len Training Center in Juana Díaz, Puerto Rico Roosevelt Roads Naval Statio 7/19/1990 #39651  
len Training Center in Juana Díaz, Puerto Rico, is suddenly illuminated by  7/19/1990 #39651  
                       Fort Allen, Puerto Rico. According to an article in  7/19/1990 #39652  
wn a  road in Palmarejo, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico at around two o'clock in the 8/11/1990 #39686  
cars in Lake Cartagena, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, and then down a road. They  8/31/1990 #39708  
                        Palmarejo, Puerto Rico For two nights in a row a co 3/31/1991 #40025  
ts in a row a couple in Palmarejo, Puerto Rico, hears their two Dobermans h 3/31/1991 #40025  
ld on this afternoon in Mini Mini, Puerto Rico encountered a small landed s 5/14/1991 #40060  
al elementary school in Mini Mini, Puerto Rico. It apparently tried to comm 5/15/1991 #40064  
 At two a.m. in Maguayo, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico Mrs. Camacho encountered two 8/13/1991 #40151  
 the balcony of a home in Maguayo, Puerto Rico. They made mumbling sounds,  8/14/1991 #40154  
30 minutes in Las Palmas, Bayamon, Puerto Rico. It made a humming sound.    8/17/1991 #40159  
t 6:30 p.m. a woman in Bellomonte, Puerto Rico was sitting alone in her roc 3/11/1992 #40372  
ght, several witnesses in Jacanas, Puerto Rico watched numerous lights mane 3/13/1992 #40377  
 a domed disc-shaped UFO in Lajas, Puerto Rico. The UFO would make multiple 4/28/1992 #40437  
                          Salinas, Puerto Rico MATES Camp Santiago military Summer 1992 #40502  
silent triangle pass over Salinas, Puerto Rico, heading toward the MATES Ca Summer 1992 #40502  
         On this day in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico a UFO abductee was allegedly 7/25/1992 #40535  
 a.m. near the town of San German, Puerto Rico saw tall thin being walking  11/23/1992 #40724  
 in the state forest near Guanica, Puerto Rico at 9:40 p.m. It was silent a 3/19/1993 #40891  
ter midnight in her home in Cayey, Puerto Rico after hearing a bang resembl 8/2/1994 #41653  
t her home in La Playa Guayanilla, Puerto Rico when she had the sudden sens 12/15/1994 #41895  
:25 in the evening in Saltos Coll, Puerto Rico noticed a three-foot tall hu 3/30/1995 #42128  
ntary school in La Vega, Orocovis, Puerto Rico noticed a four-foot tall cre 4/3/1995 #42138  
 155 on the outskirts of Orocovis, Puerto Rico was surprised to see a stran 4/3/1995 #42138  
o Ortega, a resident of Naranjito, Puerto Rico saw a gigantic bird-like cre 4/23/1995 #42173  
backyard in Barranquitas, Guayama, Puerto Rico to cut down some banana plan 5/15/1995 #42211  
ear a radio tower in Barranquitas, Puerto Rico, causing a fluctuation in th 8/18/1995 #42401  
ht a police officer in Campo Rico, Puerto Rico shot at and hit a creature w 9/5/1995 #42444  
 evening in Campo Rico, Canovanas, Puerto Rico a five-foot tall humanoid cr 9/7/1995 #42447  
ocal resident of Pozo, Campo Rico, Puerto Rico saw a strange five-foot crea 9/16/1995 #42477  
of a local nursing home in Caguas, Puerto Rico, heard a scream similar to t 11/9/1995 #42589  
      On this night in El Rosario, Puerto Rico farmer Elliot Feliciano fire 11/11/1995 #42594  
     A local resident of Toa Baja, Puerto Rico reported encountering a shor 11/24/1995 #42622  
his night near Vega Baja, Arecebo, Puerto Rico Jesus Medina Montes reported 11/28/1995 #42628  
izacion Country Club, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico Mrs. Carmen Vazquez, accompa 12/13/1995 #42642  
n her Isuzu Trooper in Campo Rico, Puerto Rico with the windows rolled down 1/4/1996 #42666  
er a woman awoke to a nosebleed in Puerto Rico. She had a sudden recall of  6/26/1997 #43342  
                      In Penuelas, Puerto Rico Ivan Rivero Morales and seve 9/26/1997 #43417  
                       GOLFITO AND PUERTO JIMINEZ, COSTA RICA Several day-s 12/22/1997 #43470  
                                   PUERTO VALLARTA, MX 2 airline(s)/airline 1/3/1998 #43487  
e predawn hours of this morning in Puerto Rico the witness, Belen, found he 6/8/1998 #43584  
oman in an unspecified location in Puerto Rico heard a masculine voice that 7/11/1998 #43601  
  Extension Forest Hills, Bayamon, Puerto Rico. On the night that Hurricane 9/21/1998 #43650  
ight that Hurricane Georges struck Puerto Rico Iris Rodriguez was outside h 9/21/1998 #43650  
e night Gerardo Mendez of Bayamon, Puerto Rico had gone out to pick up some 9/21/1998 #43650  
een people, including members of a Puerto Rican UFO investigation group, we 11/7/1998 #43678  
 on a night vigil on Monte Briton, Puerto Rico when one of the them began t 11/7/1998 #43678  
                             Chile Puerto Natales, Tierra del Fuego, Chile  4/2/1999 #43753  
 hovering above Mount Balmaceda in Puerto Natales, Tierra del Fuego, Chile. 4/2/1999 #43753  
een at 6000 feet altitude over the Puerto Belgrano Navy Base, Argentina at  1/18/2000 #43930  
b dinner and were driving south of Puerto Cuatro, Chile when they spotted t 7/13/2000 #44016  
the south coast of Viegues Island, Puerto Rico sighted a huge disc with a g 7/25/2000 #44023  
          In Bairoa, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico a woman was awakened around  7/31/2000 #44024  
              In La Joya, Guanica, Puerto Rico at 3:00 a.m., the same night 8/2/2001 #44218  
                                   Puerto Rico Southern Coast 8:15 a.m. A w 2/20/2002 #44319  
ise ship off the southern coast of Puerto Rico sees an irregularly shaped o 2/20/2002 #44319  
ky toward the mountains in Arroyo, Puerto Rico and was sighted by multiple  11/1/2002 #44433  
ecurity measures further north. In Puerto Ordaz residents saw low-flying, b 5/15/2004 #44702  
s house in Lavaderos, Hormigueros, Puerto Rico when he awoke at four a.m. a 11/8/2004 #44780  
hill near the airport in Carolina, Puerto Rico, it turned out to be a lumin 5/15/2005 #44842  
h over Guaynabo, Bayamon province, Puerto Rico at 7:06 a.m. It was the size 9/14/2005 #44875  
0 a.m. in Sabana Grande, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico he saw three or four Grey al 2/28/2006 #44927  
arked next to the Coronda River in Puerto Gaboto, Santa Fe State, Argentina 9/5/2009 #45242  
ández Airport runway in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico Atlantic Ocean northwestern  4/25/2013 #45365  
o Rico Atlantic Ocean northwestern Puerto Rico 9:20 p.m. An unknown object  4/25/2013 #45365  
ández Airport runway in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, causing the delayed departu 4/25/2013 #45365  
ect that crosses into northwestern Puerto Rico from the Atlantic Ocean, tra 4/25/2013 #45365  
ates a USO encounter occurred near Puerto Rico with a helicopter crew taske 9/2022 #45768  
e black object above a trench near Puerto Rico is seen and “sucks” the miss 9/2022 #45768  
## Word: "puff" (Back to Top)
ystery airplane that emits a large puff of smoke. It descends and flies off 8/22/1909 #806  
ichigan, when they hear a kind of “puff” noise nearby. Looking up, they see 7/9/1947 #3068  
ht hand to its belt, which emits a puff of smoke that knocks Rapuzzi to the 8/14/1947 #3330  
ne of the beings discharged a thin puff of smoke or "vapor" at him which kn 8/14/1947 #3334  
t terrific speed after releasing a puff of smoke. Other witnesses in the ar 9/6/1952 #7868  
white object, shaped like a powder puff, hovered for 5-10 minutes then flew 10/1/1952 #8083  
us object that first looked like a puff of smoke, then "like pickle with a  10/2/1958 #15305  
so seen. The craft took off with a puff of white smoke and a whistling soun 12/17/1962 #17587  
hout lights passes car. Vanishes / puff / smoke.                            12/15/1965 (approximate) #19769  
ssed a car, and then vanished in a puff of smoke.                           12/15/1965 #19771  
and a beard" that disappeared in a puff of smoke; they later saw him again, 1/28/1967 #21408  
e creature, but it disappears in a puff of smoke. The little man appears in 1/28/1967 #21409  
d shot away at great speed "like a puff of wind." The following night, Chis 10/24/1967 #23309  
00 feet they stop, each emitting a puff of gray vapor from exhaust-like ext 9/1/1974 #29417  
r station/depot/facility. Vanish / puff / smoke.                            3/18/1975 #29908  
. The figure then disappeared in a puff of pink smoke. Four non-human looki 10/4/1979 #34942  
anging down into a motionless “big puff of smoke.” It is in view for 5 minu 7/3/1997 #43345  
 body. At the same time she felt a puff of breath coming from the entity's  1/13/2000 #43928  
he window they could see the smoke puff up from the illuminated hilltops ag 1/30/2006 #44920  
ng metallic cylinder-shaped object puff out a cloud, and then try to hide b 11/9/2006 #44983  
## Word: "puffed" (Back to Top)
0' long and 10-12' thick, hovered, puffed smoke and sped away after 1-1.5 m 2/26/1951 #5461  
10-12 feet thick. The UFO hovered, puffed smoke, and sped away after about  2/26/1951 #5462  
 When they laughed at him while he puffed a cigarette, he could see that th 2/7/1969 #24902  
e, gray all over gray, that looked puffed up like a balloon. It had ridges  2/10/1977 #31808  
t. They are wearing white outfits “puffed up with air” with protruding blac 7/25/1979 #34679  
## Word: "puffs" (Back to Top)
disappearing suddenly, and leaving puffs of grayish brown smoke.            11/4/1867 #169  
CHILE Astronomers. Odd slow meteor puffs smoke. Hovers. Shoots away. / r129 5/19/1947 #2291  
 air base going quickly northwest? Puffs / edges.                           7/7/1947 #2906  
er(s). Small silver saucer hides / puffs / smoke. Maneuvers / 30 minutes. G 7/8/1947 #2986  
ltitude. Leaves (something behind) puffs / smoke / regular intervals.       7/28/1947 #3236  
 Norwood, Manitoba. If left behind puffs of smoke at regular intervals.     7/28/1947 #3241  
 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape puffs smoke. Northwest going quickly sou 9/26/1949 #4370  
GAPORE Silver cylinder/cigar-shape puffs smoke at intervals across sky. No  4/29/1952 #6208  
hed humming. Going southeast slow. Puffs smoke.                             8/25/1952 #7720  
er(s). Cigar going quickly west. 3 puffs / smoke to the rear.               9/14/1952 #7922  
d, cigar-shaped object, with three puffs behind it (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 9/14/1952 #7929  
d, cigar-shaped object, with three puffs behind it, flew west, then south,  9/14/1952 #7935  
cigar-shaped object. It left three puffs behind it, flew to the west, then  9/14/1952 #7945  
en cylinder/cigar-shape loops with puffs / smoke. / Irish news.             9/2/1954 (approximate) #10229  
r-shape-saucer hovers / foothills. Puffs smoke. Enters Sole cloud. Going qu 11/22/1955 #12583  
 and circle / pairs. 1 / each pair puffs smoke!                             8/22/1957 #13919  
e. Rounded flying box with antenna puffs smoke.                             10/20/1974 #29546  
s disappear into "what looked like puffs of smoke." A minute later one reap 3/1981 #35856  
ects disappear into what look like puffs of smoke. A minute later, one reap 3/1981 #35859  
## Word: "puffy" (Back to Top)
t of the cylinder, about 30 round, puffy objects with a central red spot ar 10/17/1952 #8148  
t 40 feet in diameter and emitting puffy clouds of smoke. Her eyes begin to 11/10/1957 #14521  
t, Utah. The first pair looks like puffy cotton joined together by “stringy 10/14/1961 #16911  
in metallic helmets and dressed in puffy suits like the Michelin Man (the t 7/31/1968 #24271  
## Word: "puget" (Back to Top)
 metallic with dark openings, over Puget Sound. One of the objects exploded 6/21/1947 #2353  
over a bay next to Maury Island on Puget Sound, Washington. One of the UFOs 6/21/1947 #2358  
                                   PUGET SOUND, WA 2 / Seattle to/from/betw 12/17/1949 (approximate) #4439  
49 two witnesses aboard a ferry in Puget Sound bound for Victoria, British  12/17/1949 #4440  
                           Central Puget Sound, WA Cylinder Maneuvers Aroun 6/9/1958 #15085  
ing an F-102 fighter aircraft over Puget Sound, Washington State and many o 6/9/1958 #15086  
. 3 going down / ground. 1 dives / Puget sounds (made by UFO's). / r224p98. 7/7/1968 #24152  
rs and white sphere/orb/globe over Puget Sound. / Seattle Post 28.9.73.     9/27/1973 #27876  
 Bright blue sphere/orb/globe over Puget Sound. / P. T. Leader 31.12.73.    12/30/1973 #28617  
s). Metallic disk hovers just over Puget Sound. Noises. Streaks away.       1/23/1995 #41992  
ted from Seattle hovering low over Puget Sound to the west. It made noises, 1/23/1995 #41993  
erver. Blue night light rises from Puget Sound. Turns. Zips away. Absolute( 2/10/1995 #42032  
d and maneuvered over the shore of Puget Sound northeast of Shelton, Washin 6/16/1995 #42261  
e object with flashing lights over Puget Sound. Zigzags.                    7/20/1995 #42312  
with flashing lights was seen over Puget Sound from Ballard, Washington at  7/20/1995 #42313  
inder/cigar-shape going north over Puget Sound. Suddenly streaks going quic 3/27/1996 #42842  
        Whistler, British Columbia Puget Sound 9:20 p.m. A former Canadian  4/22/1998 #43556  
urther south see the UFO stop over Puget Sound for 5–10 seconds, jump insta 4/22/1998 #43556  
## Word: "puget-sur-durance" (Back to Top)
                                   PUGET-SUR-DURANCE, FR Domed saucer hover 5/16/1976 #31057  
## Word: "puggish" (Back to Top)
s were very small and their noses “puggish.” One of them questioned Sands i 1/29/1976 #30833  
## Word: "pugh" (Back to Top)
Local UFO enthusiast Randall Jones Pugh brings the story to the attention o 2/4/1977 #31790  
ase 1977 -13, citing Randall Jones Pugh, BUFORA). (NICAP: 04 - Animal React 3/13/1977 #31903  
ase 1977 -13, citing Randall Jones Pugh, BUFORA). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases 3/13/1977 #31904  
7-17 [A1719], citing Randall Jones Pugh, British UFO Research Association). 4/7/1977 #31956  
ports, case 1977-18; Randall Jones Pugh, FSR, August 1977, p. 6 for BUFORA) 4/19/1977 #31997  
ports, case 1977-18; Randall Jones Pugh, FSR, August 1977, p. 6 for BUFORA) 4/19/1977 #31998  
ports, case 1977-18; Randall Jones Pugh, FSR, August 1977, p. 6 for BUFORA) 4/19/1977 #31999  
 BUFORA investigator Randall Jones Pugh, and the police immediately, but th 4/23/1977 #32018  
visible. They called Randall Jones Pugh, the BUFORA investigator, and the p 4/24/1977 #32021  
                         Dr. Joyce Pugh, a MUFON consultant, reported that  6/8/2002 #44349  
 again and then disappeared as Dr. Pugh continued to negotiate traffic.     6/8/2002 #44349  
## Word: "pugina" (Back to Top)
ust before midnight salesman Renzo Pugina, age 37, was parking his car in E 10/18/1954 #11225  
eturning home from seeing a movie. Pugina noticed a soft glow in the park o 10/18/1954 #11225  
 contact between the two elements. Pugina continued to climb the steps, but 10/18/1954 #11225  
ined unable to move for some time. Pugina noticed that the outer features o 10/18/1954 #11225  
een splashed with motor oil.” Once Pugina was able to grasp a bunch of keys 10/18/1954 #11225  
 he regained control of his body . Pugina took a few more steps forward, pr 10/18/1954 #11225  
ture appeared to grimace, and when Pugina advanced another step the creatur 10/18/1954 #11225  
ght produced a soft buzzing noise. Pugina ran after him, but the creature d 10/18/1954 #11225  
t home asleep but she woke up when Pugina made a hasty entrance. She saw he 10/18/1954 #11225  
ould not speak, and was shivering. Pugina’s wife said that her husband shiv 10/18/1954 #11225  
the night. The press reported that Pugina remained in bed for two days afte 10/18/1954 #11225  
The local Carabinieri claimed that Pugina was a “normal” individual not kno 10/18/1954 #11225  
Italy Around 12:00 midnight. Renzo Pugina has just put his car in his garag 10/19/1954 #11243  
ke a cone. It aims a light beam at Pugina that paralyzes him briefly. He on 10/19/1954 #11243  
    Panavicino d'Erba, Italy Renzo Pugina, 37, bad just put his car in the  10/20/1954 #11274  
         On this evening Mr. Renzo Pugina, age 37, had just parked his car  10/20/1954 #11283  
## Word: "puglia" (Back to Top)
hen take off at high speed towards Puglia, Italy two soldiers on guard duty 12/13/1978 #34109  
## Word: "puglio" (Back to Top)
lmen Robert Fiorentino and Amthony Puglio of the Maplewood (New Jersey) Pol 6/17/1978 #33285  
## Word: "puharich" (Back to Top)
                           Andrija Puharich, a medical doctor interested in 10/1952 #8074  
                  Pentagon Andrija Puharich, invited by an Army colonel fri 11/24/1952 #8332  
 Maine US parapsychologist Andrija Puharich and Dutch psychic Peter Hurkos  7/1956 #12940  
me that Hurkos is being studied by Puharich at his medical facility in Glen 7/1956 #12940  
. The Laugheads are convinced that Puharich and Hurkos are space people com 7/1956 #12940  
 Uri Geller and physicist Andrijah Puharich drove to the appointed place ne 12/6/1971 #26490  
ic noise. Geller remembered asking Puharich and another witness, named Iris 12/6/1971 #26490  
## Word: "puig" (Back to Top)
                                   PUIG MAJOR, MALLORCA NATO RADAR station/ 1/12/1978 #32878  
## Word: "puilly" (Back to Top)
                                   PUILLY, FR 2 observer(s). Silent red-ora 6/29/1975 #30131  
ed for 45 minutes over the town of Puilly, Meuse, France. It was completely 6/29/1975 #30132  
## Word: "puisserguier" (Back to Top)
                       N112 EAST / PUISSERGUIER, FR Teacher. Luminous Isosc 11/24/1994 #41864  
## Word: "puits-d'edme" (Back to Top)
tallic object landed near a car in Puits-d'Edme, Yonne, France. The car eng 8/16/1970 #25792  
                                LE PUITS-D'EDME, FR Metal dome lands near c 8/17/1970 #25793  
## Word: "pujaut" (Back to Top)
                            D177 / PUJAUT, FR Metallic saucer hovers / 2 mi 4/2/1995 #42133  
 disc hovered for two minutes over Pujaut, France and directed a beam of li 4/2/1995 #42134  
## Word: "puketapu" (Back to Top)
                                   PUKETAPU, NZ Separate farmer. Blue beam  11/26/1956 #13356  
## Word: "puketutu" (Back to Top)
rcle straddled a paddock fence. In Puketutu, Waikato, New Zealand some catt 11/5/1969 #25452  
## Word: "pukin" (Back to Top)
ighter Squadron 143 (VFA-143, the “Pukin Dogs”), flying out of Naval Air St 11/18/2013 #45395  
## Word: "pula" (Back to Top)
                                   PULA, ISTRIA, CROATIA Saucer carries lar 9/29/1971 #26385  
## Word: "pulaski" (Back to Top)
                 Lincoln, Illinois Pulaski Street 8:00 p.m. During a rainst 4/12/1897 #447  
nois, more than 50 people stand on Pulaski Street to watch a light moving t 4/12/1897 #447  
others on the British troopship SS Pulaski in the Mozambique Channel see a  9/1941 #1370  
ginia Washington, D.C. Roanoke and Pulaski, Virginia Arcadia, Tennessee Nor 9/12/1952 #7905  
travels southwest over Roanoke and Pulaski, Virginia, possibly landing near 9/12/1952 #7905  
                                   PULASKI, WI Animals panic. 60M top-sauce 11/14/1957 #14544  
                              NEAR PULASKI, TN 3 teens / thunderstorm. Huge 10/1/1973 #27906  
## Word: "pulham" (Back to Top)
                  On this night in Pulham Market, Norfolk County, England a 2/29/1968 #23793  
## Word: "pulido" (Back to Top)
 Spain Castillo 5:30 a.m. Santiago Pulido Romero is driving in Medellín, Ba 6/14/1974 #29191  
, so he runs into the house. Later Pulido goes outside to check, and the ob 6/14/1974 #29191  
   Earlier that same day, Santiago Pulido Romero, age 46, was driving to hi 6/14/1974 #29193  
## Word: "pulj" (Back to Top)
      ZAGREB AND RULA AND REKA AND PULJ AND MORE/OTHERS, YUGO Many / ground 10/8/1971 #26412  
## Word: "pulju" (Back to Top)
    Casper, Wyoming 9:00 p.m. Hugh Pulju and Shirley Moyer are driving 10 m 10/30/1957 #14167  
 in the road about 250 feet ahead. Pulju tries to turn around, but the engi 10/30/1957 #14167  
   A 19-year-old couple, Moyer and Pulju, were driving ten miles north of C 10/30/1957 #14168  
## Word: "pulkov" (Back to Top)
y Boulevard St. Petersburg, Russia Pulkov Highway 3:40–4:00 a.m. Ismailovic 3/14/1995 #42092  
other resident sees a UFO over the Pulkov Highway.                          3/14/1995 #42092  
## Word: "pulkova" (Back to Top)
UFO over atomic research reactor / Pulkova RADAR. Departs / 2200kph.        3/17/1991 #40018  
## Word: "pull" (Back to Top)
denly the cows become agitated and pull on their halters. She notices three 1926 #1053  
th of Bakersfield, California, and pull off to the side to watch a long, sl 1941 #1352  
500 feet altitude saw a dark shape pull alongside the plane and pace it at  2/1944 #1569  
 their plane before it appeared to pull up into a cloud and travel out of s 7/24/1948 #3724  
nge-red in color, descend and then pull up in front of his airplane. This e 9/13/1952 #7917  
t change speeds and altitude, then pull away from him. The UFO's presence w 2/7/1953 #8648  
rizontally, hovered, made a high-G pull up and then a steep climb into an o 6/25/1954 #9946  
a field near their car, which they pull over to watch more closely. The gre 10/18/1954 #11214  
nside to grab his gun and tries to pull the trigger as they are taking some 11/14/1954 #11653  
in 5.7 miles. The object starts to pull away from the fighter and at 13.8 m 12/17/1956 #13408  
ars in their headlights after they pull into a driveway at Rio Vista, Calif 5/13/1964 #18262  
car engine begins to fail, so they pull over in front of a tree. They notic 1965 #18689  
ew watched a UFO pace their train, pull ahead, hover, and climb (maneuver). 3/24/1966 #20064  
y provided. Otherwise, NICAP might pull out.                                12/1966 #21171  
 rear window of their car. As they pull into their home, the UFO is hoverin 3/7/1967 #21787  
onds even as his wife is trying to pull him back. As the lights and radio c 3/8/1967 #21815  
imlessly above the city dump. They pull off the road to watch, and a “thund 9/6/1968 #24434  
 7.5 miles, but the objects always pull away and climb higher. Even the bas 10/24/1969 #25423  
ained, the USAF and Pentagon would pull his access to case files as retribu 5/1972 #26666  
m for 47 miles. At 2:15 a.m., they pull into a Wigwam restaurant, where a m Early 4/1974 #28990  
ps, they were nevertheless able to pull out large clumps of Diaz's, but thi 1/5/1975 #29723  
the car over and the UFO begins to pull away. They continue following it, b Late 7/1975 #30204  
ph toward a crossroad where he can pull off the highway. The object catches 6/21/1976 #31121  
d it for 10-15 minutes, feeling a “pull” from it. Then when it blinked he s 8/25/1976 #31302  
aircraft to the point where it did pull the aircraft off course.”           3/12/1977 #31901  
 helicopters” for one minute. They pull out of formation, swoop low, regrou 5/26/1977 #32134  
scend and brush by the horse. They pull the glove up with a magnetic force. 9/6/1978 #33638  
through Madison, Connecticut. They pull over on Bishop Lane and watch it ma 12/7/1979 #35058  
n illuminated tower, but when they pull over, it appears to be about 25 fee 3/25/1980 #35241  
from behind, forcing the driver to pull over. The object was dark in the ce 6/14/1980 #35369  
ught to himself and he intended to pull over at the same time that he start 12/31/1980 #35759  
over her vehicle and forced her to pull off the side of the road. She was t 8/19/1981 #36081  
e triangular object in the sky and pull over to watch. It has 11 lights aro 1/19/1983 #36750  
asive turn only to have the object pull alongside and pace his vehicle. (NI 1/22/1984 #37142  
nterstate 84, causing many cars to pull over for a look and some to lose po 5/26/1985 #37593  
 AIR FORCE BASE, WA Many cars / I5 pull over. 9 large saucers drop night li 3/1/1986 #37794  
unning along its outer edges. They pull up almost directly underneath it, p 10/14/1986 #38048  
rk in Benton, Louisiana. When they pull into the mall parking lot, the daug 1/19/1988 #38416  
ged to grab the terrified girl and pull her away to safety as the grid rose 10/11/1989 #39164  
 stop because there is no place to pull over. The lights of an approaching  10/14/1990 #39785  
larm. The light moves away as they pull in to secure the site. The light is 9/1991 #40178  
compelled to go to the kitchen and pull open the window. She then became af 1/27/1993 #40816  
 floating on a pond. He manages to pull it to the shore when suddenly liqui 1/12/1995 #41971  
y soft. The humanoid then tried to pull the man's hand gently, in an attemp 8/18/1999 #43826  
heir car 100 feet above them. They pull over to watch and see three similar 1/1/2001 #44114  
s above a field. The witness can’t pull over, so the light is soon lost to  1/21/2004 #44653  
oken he finally had the courage to pull off his covers and go to the bathro 11/25/2005 #44906  
Florida 8:20 p.m. A married couple pull out of their driveway in West Melbo 1/12/2013 #45360  
, Ontario 9:45 p.m. Three vehicles pull over on Homer Watson Boulevard just 8/20/2013 #45384  
## Word: "pulled" (Back to Top)
 the oily mixture. The wounded are pulled from the water and sent to medica 12/2/1943 #1549  
heir plane at high speed before it pulled "up with a tremendous burst of fl 7/24/1948 #3724  
llel to it for a short while, then pulled ahead and to the left at a speed  11/27/1950 #5295  
 within 200 meters of the UFO, but pulled up for fear of a mid-air collisio 1/22/1952 #5877  
At 6,000 yards distance the object pulled away with an acceleration of 20 G 5/15/1952 #6334  
mbed to 35,000 feet, dove and then pulled out of the dive, heading off to t 6/1/1952 #6419  
ht lights maneuver. Car and driver pulled and shaken. Gravity?              8/24/1952 #7695  
ange-red color, descended and then pulled up in front of the witness' airpl 9/13/1952 #7915  
-on toward them, then stopped, and pulled up. Even though they were flying  12/10/1952 #8410  
vered in a downward curve and then pulled up. A cloud of yellow smoke and f 5/30/1954 #9847  
riven by a Mr. Guitta. The car was pulled to the left by an unseen force, a 9/18/1954 #10351  
(or Grey) / black suit inside. Man pulled going up. Crowd gathers. / MJ#210 10/8/1954 #10803  
airy creature with large claws. It pulled her under the water twice, and sh 8/14/1955 #12358  
EME (electro-magnetic effects) and pulled to roadside / 4 minute(s).        10/14/1957 #14107  
tic effects). Humming. Outer plate pulled in and replaced!                  8/11/1960 #16368  
 Saucer going [to] overhead. Truck pulled 1M going up. Falls / ditch. 2 sep 1/1/1961 #16556  
 and then flew away. The truck was pulled up nearly 1 m above the road and  1/1/1961 #16558  
eard. 28' depression. Wheat plants pulled out / center. / r180p36.          6/28/1965 #19029  
in each circle the plant roots are pulled completely out of the soil, as if 1/19/1966 #19858  
l Spevak was on duty when 2 youths pulled over and pointed out an UFO that  3/20/1966 #19998  
dillac drove through the trees and pulled up. He climbed into the car and i 1/9/1967 #21278  
ack behind the left wing, but then pulled forward again. When the object bl 1/13/1967 #21301  
 Going quickly northeast. Dog hair pulled up. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR)  3/3/1967 #21738  
vering low over the car, which was pulled and rocked when the object took o 4/5/1967 #22064  
mler and his automobile seem to be pulled to it. The car settles down so fa 4/5/1967 #22066  
 object had been, and some wire is pulled away from some pylons.            5/1967 #22257  
on, were riding on a trailer being pulled by a tractor when they observed a 5/1/1967 #22263  
tuation changed radically. The UFO pulled to the east (right) and passed ov 5/13/1967 #22339  
with a small antenna. The collosus pulled up a large piece of wood and sat  5/15/1967 #22348  
            ERIN, TN 2 nurses. Car pulled toward(s) transparent saucer / ro 11/9/1967 #23430  
his patrol car along a highway. He pulled in to investigate, then his patro 12/3/1967 #23547  
nd the motor sputtered. The driver pulled to the side of the road and opene 12/13/1967 #23582  
, states in 2002 that the Pentagon pulled the paper and “made it disappear. 1968 #23633  
p.m. Without opening the door, she pulled back a curtain and saw a very tal 8/31/1968 #24410  
ue to a strong “pulling” force. It pulled her by her blouse and suspended h 11/9/1968 #24649  
ct" landed beside him, and he was "pulled through an opening" into the ship 5/20/1969 #25151  
Maine - Randolph Whitcomb had just pulled off Route 137 onto Birches Road a 7/21/1969 #25290  
m the object, and the UFO actually pulled the airplane towards it.          9/11/1969 #25364  
ne, next felt a sucking force that pulled him outside, smashing him through 4/2/1971 #26065  
uge hairy creature with claws, and pulled to the ground. After a brief stru 5/2/1971 #26097  
its doors popped open. These beams pulled the witness from the car and into 9/22/1971 #26365  
hite corner lights, as their train pulled out of the railway station. It ho 2/11/1972 #26572  
-down motion. Many cars slowed and pulled over to look. the UFO carried a r 8/31/1972 #26971  
n intense white color. The witness pulled over to the side of the road and  4/15/1973 #27431  
moving about inside his car and he pulled over to the side of the road, thi 5/22/1973 #27519  
 to be vibrating slightly. As they pulled abreast of the power station the  9/14/1973 #27823  
ty, OH Dawn. About fifty motorists pulled off the expressway to watch two p 10/11/1973 #27992  
    At dawn around fifty motorists pulled off the expressway in Montgomery  10/11/1973 #28001  
light near Loxley, Alabama. He was pulled out of the truck by six robot-lik 10/17/1973 #28143  
etallic man appeared after she had pulled the car to the roadside. (NICAP:  10/19/1973 #28190  
etallic man appeared after she had pulled her car to the side of the road.  10/19/1973 #28200  
. One of the beings approached and pulled him to his feet, and a second one 10/28/1973 #28311  
black coat with a wide brimmed hat pulled down over the face. The figure ap 11/1/1973 #28338  
ghway between Exits 4 and 5, so he pulled off the road, got out, and began  8/20/1974 #29373  
of levitation force was used which pulled the witnesses in the car forward. 8/22/1974 #29376  
. Saucer / 600MPH. Army helicopter pulled going up [to] 2000 Ft.! Well docu 10/18/1974 #29544  
this caused him no pain. They even pulled out some hair from his chest. Fin 1/5/1975 #29723  
the air. He was so stunned that he pulled the curtains from the curtain rod 4/6/1975 #29978  
re dazzled by the light. When they pulled into a filling station for santua 4/26/1975 #30007  
erate. The plane feels as if it is pulled or lifted, and the controls refus 5/3/1975 #30026  
d away, but their car was abruptly pulled backwards several times by an uns 10/1/1975 #30409  
llid white skin. The upper lip was pulled back to show teeth, while the low 12/11/1975 #30705  
. Stafford feels as if it is being pulled. Moments later, they find themsel 1/6/1976 #30770  
er lights bridge. Truck and driver pulled inside.                           5/14/1976 #31050  
nter of the yard. One of them then pulled out a long thin object from a sac 10/29/1976 #31505  
ere coming to pieces." The car was pulled diagonally off the road. When the 11/14/1976 #31549  
g fast. After a minute the husband pulled over and shut off the car, to say 12/6/1976 #31587  
ed to back up. Instead the car was pulled forward onto the right shoulder o 12/10/1976 #31594  
ther side of the road. Curious, he pulled over and stopped his car. His dog 1/27/1977 #31761  
 DOUCETTEVILLE, NS 1 observer. Car pulled back 250' by 60' UFO. Memory loss 2/10/1977 (approximate) #31804  
cle electro-magnetic effect (EME). Pulled 25' / large grey saucer. Observer 6/6/1977 #32148  
ght. Henshall feels his bike being pulled up the incline and notices steam  6/6/1977 #32151  
e power for 30 seconds and yet was pulled forward. The metal side of the mo 6/6/1977 #32151  
above the nearby town of Fox. They pulled their car to the side of the road 11/13/1977 #32671  
ngine, and radio suddenly died. He pulled to the side of the road but could 12/18/1977 #32797  
 He signaled with his lights, then pulled over. Next, he was struck by mult 9/20/1978 #33719  
ed the vehicle in its tracks, then pulled it backwards into the mud on the  10/30/1978 #33894  
ed the vehicle in its tracks, then pulled it backwards into the mud on the  10/30/1978 #33898  
any. More puzzled than afraid, she pulled off to the side of the road, and  12/12/1978 #34100  
o-human/entity inside. Observer(s) pulled going up [to] grabs tree. Escapes 12/20/1978? #34179  
o-human/entity inside. Observer(s) pulled going up [to] 5X. Hot oil. Sick.  1/15/1979? #34345  
an then extended a gloved hand and pulled Arlindo inside the craft through  5/16/1979 #34564  
object descended from the sky, and pulled him inside the craft by means of  5/17/1979 #34566  
, but both feel the aircraft being pulled upward. They then see a large red 8/17/1979 #34752  
 kitchen window ledge, and when he pulled the curtain aside he was surprise 9/19/1979 #34901  
 one side. A truck driver has also pulled over to watch the UFO.            4/13/1980 #35271  
larger light appeared. The witness pulled off to the side of the road and t 4/1/1981 #35883  
er / ground. Vanishes. Observer(s) pulled toward(s) spot. Burnt grass.      5/4/1981 #35926  
 and then vanished. A witness felt pulled toward the spot. Burnt grass was  5/4/1981 #35927  
 and then vanished. A witness felt pulled toward the spot. Burnt grass was  5/4/1981 #35929  
ned they report that they had been pulled up into a cigar-shaped UFO, and t 2/10/1982 #36332  
ned they report that they had been pulled up into a cigar-shaped UFO, and t 2/10/1982 #36336  
 cut out. He coasted to a stop and pulled over to the side of the road. He  2/19/1982 #36357  
eering. She felt her vehicle being pulled by an unknown force towards a lig 3/1982 #36373  
d by the UFO, but a second witness pulled the first witness away from an ap 11/1/1983 #37041  
f reality was twisted in some way, pulled apart. It was very much like some 5/1984 #37308  
                         Many cars pulled over on I-5 near Payne Field, Eve 3/1/1986 #37796  
ralyzed, lifted up a few feet, and pulled into the craft. When he enters, a 12/1/1987 #38345  
 on his porch to check and when he pulled a blind he saw a four foot tall G 12/2/1987 #38348  
nd hands. He stopped the truck and pulled over to the side of the road. He  1/12/1988 #38411  
00 p.m. in Benton, Louisiana. They pulled into the parking lot of her work  1/19/1988 #38417  
 After approaching her the figures pulled her by her arms, but she resisted 10/8/1989 #39150  
tructure surround him. He was next pulled up into the UFO, and the next thi 12/31/1989 #39345  
d that when they noticed him, they pulled out a box-like device from behind 5/18/1990 #39576  
he 1992 TREAT IV conference, he is pulled into a hotel room with Maj. Gen.  3/9/1992 #40369  
ow light / portholes. Several feel pulled toward(s) object. Electro-magneti 3/14/1992 #40379  
 several witnesses felt physically pulled toward the object. At the same ti 3/14/1992 #40380  
 Woman wakens. Disk outside. Feels pulled / window. Wakens / jolt / 0310h.  4/1/1992 #40405  
 crash, but the nose of the object pulled up and turned toward the witnesse 5/1/1992 #40443  
isted. Apparently very strong, she pulled harder. She pulled him forward an 7/23/1992 #40531  
ery strong, she pulled harder. She pulled him forward and his mouth was pla 7/23/1992 #40531  
                         Motorists pulled off road to watch yellow ball of  10/23/1992 #40690  
 HEIGHTS, IL Report abductee feels pulled going [to] UFO. Computer discs go 6/1993 #40998  
GAS, NM Odd humming. Cows panic. 3 pulled through trees by strange beam. Mu 9/13/1994 #41741  
object with three solid lights. He pulled off the highway to watch the craf 2/21/1995 #42054  
s window. Observer(s) and lamp oil pulled upward.                           8/31/1995 #42433  
felt a very odd sensation of being pulled upward at the same time that he s 4/15/1996 #42870  
 an instant he found himself being pulled into an egg-shaped object. Inside 9/16/1996 #43026  
corner, two white and one blue. He pulled over to get a better look, and wa 10/19/1998 #43667  
land saw a bright light in sky and pulled into a bus stop for better view.  3/10/1999 #43746  
 high speed near ground level, and pulled up to avoid a pickup truck whose  12/26/1999 #43904  
ash of light for 4-5 seconds. They pulled the car over and the driver felt  9/24/2002 #44403  
creature touched his knee and then pulled on the blanket. It then vanished  1/26/2003 #44480  
ime-green in color. Terrified, she pulled the covers over her head, but sud 1/27/2003 #44481  
 surburban Juanita, Washington. He pulled his truck to the side of highway  2/16/2003 #44493  
 light in his rear view mirror. He pulled to the side of the road in Pontyp 4/28/2003 #44519  
itness continued to watch it as he pulled into the parking lot at his place 12/10/2003 #44627  
soon as he saw the alien's face he pulled his blanket over his face. Moment 11/25/2005 #44906  
n elevation. He and his girlfriend pulled into the campground, loaded their 9/16/2007 #45059  
 the tent move, and if someone had pulled it aside to look in at them from  8/30/2009 #45240  
n 24 hours, three large black SUVs pulled into the area, wearing black suit 2/2011 #45312  
 and her 3-year-old child had just pulled out of a convenience store on U.S 6/1/2013 #45369  
witnessed a 10-12 foot silver disc pulled from the Atlantic Ocean near the  11/30/2020 #45666  
## Word: "pullen" (Back to Top)
rist, and navigator Capt. James F. Pullen, while flying a C-54 at 2,000 fee 3/5/1954 #9598  
## Word: "pulley" (Back to Top)
uled up from the water by electric pulley, and it stopped midway just as th 1/16/1958 #14831  
## Word: "pulling" (Back to Top)
tting the aircraft into a dive and pulling up several times in an attempt t 2/18/1945 #1790  
ntly occurs in cameras during film pulling in dry or cold climates.” Severa 10/14/1949 #4395  
water, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, are pulling duty on radar watch from dusk un 6/30/1950 #5028  
ff spinning and rising vertically, pulling the balloon with it.             10/19/1954 #11239  
rose vertically while spinning and pulling the balloon with it.             10/19/1954 #11250  
 flight track for 3 minutes before pulling away at 500–600 mph and disappea 2/1/1955 #11960  
a sputtering noise like someone is pulling into her driveway in Tamaroa, Il 11/14/1957 #14551  
oid photograph of the UFO and when pulling the film through the camera the  4/11/1966 #20285  
 it, putting him in a “trance” and pulling him into the craft, where he mee 11/17/1967 #23477  
as unable to move due to a strong “pulling” force. It pulled her by her blo 11/9/1968 #24649  
 powerful force lifting her up and pulling her toward the object when the “ 4/20/1969 #25073  
erneath, and he felt a "pulsating, pulling feeling" as the two men were lif 3/14/1971 #26047  
-III; possible CE-IV. Woman in car pulling into drive, notices her headligh 10/24/1973 #28265  
ing control of her and the car and pulling them in. Her car speeds up again 11/2/1973 #28352  
road when he suddenly felt a force pulling at him and a tingling sensation. 2/14/1974 #28770  
sees what he thinks are headlights pulling into his driveway. He sees three Summer 1974 #29218  
 also remembered seeing a waitress pulling out hot cakes from the oven, and 7/12/1975 #30175  
 then heard a noise at the window. Pulling back the curtains, he saw a whit 1/9/1978 #32862  
 to follow it for 6–7 miles before pulling over and stopping the car. When  2/1/1978 #32940  
escended and brushed by the horse, pulling off the glove like a magnet. Ano 9/6/1978 #33640  
senses that it is exerting a mild “pulling” force on him. It is visible for 9/20/1978 #33714  
 a collision. By now the object is pulling away in an arc described as a “w 12/11/1979 #35072  
, Pennsylvania 2 :00 p.m. As he is pulling up to his home in Danville, Penn 5/4/1981 #35928  
e are no airports in the vicinity. Pulling over to watch it, he sees it has 3/21/1982 #36404  
, which speeds up as if the UFO is pulling it. The train manages to stop on 2/1985 #37552  
Something invisible appeared to be pulling Anna by her arms and legs. Her h 10/8/1989 #39150  
lized his penis felt very painful. Pulling back the foreskin he found two t 7/23/1992 #40531  
d, and it felt as if something was pulling her from inside. At the same tim 11/24/1996 #43120  
lien looking figure suddenly began pulling on her left arm. She screamed hy 10/16/1997 #43430  
30 p.m. in Defiance, Ohio was just pulling out of a driveway when he notice 10/19/1998 #43667  
 her right side. They seemed to be pulling or tugging at something that fel 5/17/2000 #43996  
s walking, a car drove around him, pulling ahead of him quite a distance, a 8/11/2000 #44030  
                             While pulling his car into the parking lot of  3/14/2003 #44502  
he top putting it all together and pulling in what data they’re able to get 3/27/2016 #45446  
## Word: "pullman" (Back to Top)
A cigar shaped object as long as 2 pullman cars with 7 lighted square windo 1/27/1949 #3979  
cigar-shaped object as long as two Pullman cars and having seven lighted sq 1/27/1949 #3980  
h binoculars, seems as long as two Pullman cars, with 7 lighted, square win 1/27/1949 #3981  
                     10 MI NORTH / PULLMAN, WA 4 observer(s) / railroad/rai 7/13/1949 #4268  
                                   PULLMAN, WA 3 observer(s). 2 dark delta/ 4/18/1950 #4863  
  At 10:30 a.m. three observers in Pullman, Washington saw two dark delta-s 4/18/1950 #4866  
                                   PULLMAN, WA Ground Observer Corps (GOC)  1/25/1956 #12682  
             John Brady and Ronald Pullman were driving home to Milford, De 12/6/1976 #31586  
oached from the north-northwest in Pullman, Washington. It twinkled, and so 9/11/2002 #44396  
## Word: "pullover" (Back to Top)
tall, he wore a black, turtle-neck pullover with a white band at the belt,  4/18/1961 #16652  
l and wearing a black, turtle-neck pullover with a white band at the belt,  4/18/1961 #16653  
e red, tight-fitting coveralls and pullover boots, and their leader had an  5/17/1979 #34566  
## Word: "pulls" (Back to Top)
he aircraft radar, then the object pulls out of sight. A similar lighted ob 3/26/1945 #1829  
 it is within 2,000 feet, Cummings pulls the car over and stops, and they r 3/14/1946 #1977  
ed, Peck dives on the object as it pulls away, doing his best to get a bett 8/4/1947 #3291  
empts to dive at it, but the light pulls up, rises vertically, and disappea 10/1/1948 #3827  
e glow. No further details / train pulls away.                              3/29/1950 #4760  
suit–clad being who paralyzes him, pulls him inside a UFO, and flies him to 1952? #5840  
900 feet. At this point, the pilot pulls away to avoid a collision, as the  1/22/1952 #5876  
onds. The lead object reverses and pulls into a line with the other two bet 2/20/1952 #5915  
It flies between the two aircraft, pulls away, flips again, passes the F-84 3/29/1952 #5992  
akes clearly evasive maneuvers and pulls away at 30,000 feet.               5/31/1952 #6392  
trange object in the sky. Newhouse pulls the car to the side of the road, g 7/2/1952 #6694  
s at maximum speed, but the object pulls away. Both pilots hear a strange r 7/12/1952 #6785  
egins firing at the object, but it pulls up in a climb and disappears in se 9/1952 #7801  
o head towards him in a dive, then pulls up and climbs out of sight. A ligh 12/4/1952 #8377  
any kind, she picks up the gun and pulls the trigger on her sleeping friend 2/19/1954 #9558  
uvers in a downward curve and then pulls up. A cloud of yellow smoke and fl 5/30/1954 #9846  
adio/TV store in Willoughby, Ohio, pulls into his driveway and walks across 8/1/1955 #12317  
 glow around the rim. Gradually it pulls ahead, tilts upward, accelerates,  Fall 1956 #13237  
 on a collision course. Van Winkle pulls the plane upward in a climb to avo 3/9/1957 #13540  
, England 4:50 a.m. A truck driver pulls over at the edge of the disused RA 5/1957 #13630  
ashboard clock stops. The UFO then pulls up and moves rapidly into the sout 11/6/1957 #14419  
ng” noises, and his lights dim. He pulls over to the side of the road and g 12/1959 #16107  
and tries to close in, but the UFO pulls away swiftly before he can fire.   1/29/1962 #17026  
s. He loses control of the car and pulls to the side of the road and then h 1/15/1965 #18740  
 Another patrolman, David R. Hunt, pulls up and sees the pulsating lights a 9/3/1965 #19511  
isc going quickly north / 3000kph. Pulls straight up and gone.              1/16/1966 #19838  
back behind the left wing. It then pulls forward again. Albuquerque radar r 1/13/1967 #21299  
Wallace places the car in neutral, pulls the emergency brake, and steps out 3/8/1967 #21815  
points toward the light, something pulls his arm back and drops it on the r 3/8/1967 #21815  
ollides with the garage door as he pulls into his driveway. They return to  3/8/1967 #21815  
on changes radically. The UFO blip pulls to the right (east) and passes ove 5/13/1967 #22337  
es a series of flashing lights. He pulls his head back, noting that the wal 5/20/1967 #22382  
his engine and car lights fail. He pulls to the side of the road, along wit 8/27/1967 #22940  
a, when his engine heats up and he pulls to the side of the road to let it  Early 9/1967 #22983  
is diesel truck have failed. As he pulls over, he sees a glowing, 15-foot-w 11/6/1967 #23414  
lights dim and engine sputters. He pulls to the side of the road and opens  12/13/1967 #23581  
 constantly changing colors. Scott pulls over to the side of the road, load 7/13/1968 #24173  
e door. The last one in pauses and pulls out a kind of weapon, points it at 2/7/1969 #24901  
 the right side of the road. Honke pulls alongside it and steps out of the  9/19/1971 #26347  
es notices another light, and Bone pulls over for a closer look. They see l 2/21/1973 #27305  
p of the hill he is driving up. He pulls over to avoid a collision, but the 5/22/1973 #27518  
t, but the stick is still down. He pulls the stick up and the helicopter le 10/18/1973 #28172  
N, FL Saucer with tube into river. Pulls and flies on photograph flash. Dro 12/13/1973 #28564  
er(s). Huge saucer going down [to] pulls man in truck up and inside. Neithe 9/1974 #29406  
 as if the object has impacted. He pulls the landing gear lever, but it fai 5/3/1975 #30026  
, a large black Cadillac limousine pulls in front of him on the freeway. An 5/3/1975 #30026  
hway and remains hovering. The man pulls the car over and the UFO begins to Late 7/1975 #30204  
 Vibration. Observer(s) sleepy and pulls over. Dreams / abduction. Wakes wi 11/1975 #30528  
 gets out of the car, but Stafford pulls her back in. There is a “dead sile 1/6/1976 #30770  
get is an amber- colored disc that pulls away before they can catch up to i 7/11/1976 #31158  
truments give out. Only when Khani pulls away does functionality return. Sq 9/18/1976 #31395  
the car, and turns a corner as she pulls into her home. As she jumps out, s 1/13/1977 #31720  
ject moving swiftly in the sky and pulls over to watch. It moves to the nor 8/17/1977 #32409  
JOAQUIM MURTINHO, BRZ Saturn probe pulls TV-plug. 3 pseudo-human/entity exa 11/2/1977 #32654  
nders stops working. After the UFO pulls away, the transponder resumes its  11/18/1977 #32686  
her woman, driving an AMC Gremlin, pulls up behind her. While they are watc 12/17/1977 #32791  
ights moving slowly in the sky, he pulls over and gets out to look. The onl 2/22/1978 #32990  
st of Palm Springs, California. He pulls over when he sees a brown-colored  3/18/1978 #33054  
 The man extends a gloved hand and pulls dos Santos inside the craft throug 5/16/1979 #34563  
 engine lights fail, so the driver pulls over. The lights come back on but  9/3/1979 #34829  
he feels her face growing hot, she pulls sharply onto another street. Looki 9/9/1979 #34852  
rson tells her about them when she pulls up. She continues driving home, bu 1/21/1980 #35141  
ornia, when a bullet-shaped object pulls alongside the airplane. Simultaneo 4/8/1981 #35887  
in the sky approaching her. As she pulls into her driveway, it hovers above Mid 2/1982 #36347  
rives the remaining 15 blocks. She pulls up to the curb, and the UFO stops  3/30/1982 #36419  
g bright light approaching. Poland pulls the car over and they all jump out 9/30/1982 #36622  
t-like beam down on the woods. She pulls over to watch. Abruptly the object Spring 1983 #36790  
sky. While it is in view, a driver pulls up and stops almost directly under 3/24/1983 #36807  
nstruments start to go haywire. He pulls the plane sharply to the right, bu 5/23/1983 #36865  
ea. Man levitated. 2nd observer(s) pulls 1st going down. Sick / 1 Yr.       11/1/1983 #37039  
-red light strikes him and somehow pulls him toward the object. He wakes up 12/14/1983 #37074  
n altitude of 200 feet. The driver pulls over, and the object moves toward  1/9/1984 #37124  
ts as he is driving along I-94. He pulls off the road and snaps a photo of  5/26/1985 #37593  
 the north side of the street. She pulls over to the curb and sees the ligh 11/19/1985 #37712  
a 60-foot-high tree as the witness pulls his car past it. He gets out of hi 11/22/1985 #37721  
ut 5 minutes. Shortly after Henley pulls into Mundrabilla, the Knowles fami 1/20/1988 #38422  
ves away it starts to move, so she pulls over again and watches it (now dim 2/4/1988 #38439  
 at them at a 45° angle. The woman pulls to the side of the road at an angl 2/21/1990 #39425  
ears an unusual drumming sound. He pulls to the side of the road and sees a 3/3/1992 #40348  
rd time, Delgado slows his car and pulls off the roadway, fearing he might  3/20/1992 #40394  
with a dull-black matte finish. He pulls over and can hear no sound coming  8/19/1992 #40583  
, MG, BRAZIL Rectangular UFO. Beam pulls / observer(s). Separate observer(s 9/20/1992 #40632  
large, black triangular object. He pulls to the side of the road to watch,  6/17/1996 #42931  
a big light on the front. When she pulls to a stop, it shoots away to a spo 3/8/1997 #43222  
eing, which hovers for 10 seconds, pulls its wigs in close, and silently sh 8/9/2017 #45478  
## Word: "pulpy" (Back to Top)
dish, and consists of buff-colored pulpy substance with an overwhelmingly b 8/13/1819 #110  
"something like closely compressed pulpy leaves." Their faces were reddish, 12/2/1974 #29630  
## Word: "pulsar" (Back to Top)
ment official to view the Lockheed Pulsar, nicknamed the Aurora, that alleg 11/12/1988 #38713  
## Word: "pulsars" (Back to Top)
cast attributes Tesla’s signals to pulsars, which are not identified until  1899 #628  
## Word: "pulsate" (Back to Top)
hey hover motionless, they seem to pulsate in and out as though they are br 6/1/1933 #1158  
y saw a UFO hover at 6:50 p.m. and pulsate a brilliant red over Topeka, Kan 6/27/1952 #6648  
 The houselights appear to dim and pulsate in rhythm with the object.       8/25/1955 #12408  
ickly southwest fast. Lights / rim pulsate. / police report.                11/27/1958 #15459  
d clockwise, causing the lights to pulsate.                                 1/23/1964 #18118  
n thru) binoculars. 2 night lights pulsate and hover / 1 hour.              10/24/1966 #21033  
center. From this core, red lights pulsate outward toward the rim, somewhat 2/8/1967 #21483  
reddish-orange point sources. They pulsate with a 4.5-second period and an  5/16/1967 #22355  
ong and windowless it continued to pulsate colors. First, a bright orange,  8/11/1972 #26895  
 in a row. 3 separate night lights pulsate / 1hz / 45 second(s).            5/11/1973 #27475  
ous objects hover and maneuver and pulsate and light area. Windows etc...   10/17/1973 #28096  
 inside the base began to glow and pulsate in a strange mixture of colors,  7/22/1975 #30201  
ppeared to stand still in mid air, pulsate, travel at incredible speeds, an 7/21/1977 #32299  
for about 10 seconds and begins to pulsate, almost sounding as if it will s 9/13/1980 #35520  
patrol car’s engine and headlights pulsate. The deputy feels light-headed a 10/15/1980 #35568  
## Word: "pulsated" (Back to Top)
e vertical dimension as the object pulsated. A Project Blue Book "unknown." 6/27/1952 #6648  
wn round object which throbbed and pulsated, emitting red lights.           12/31/1953 #9411  
g of a round UFO that throbbed and pulsated, emitting red lights.           12/31/1953 #9412  
       North East, PA House radio "pulsated" as UFO observed hovering low o 12/5/1954 #11763  
med and brightened as hovering UFO pulsated (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)         8/25/1955 #12405  
 was surrounded by haze or fog and pulsated slowly. Holes, footprints and r 11/6/1957 #14441  
abrupt stop a short distance away, pulsated while hovering, and then shot s 12/20/1958 #15490  
 ring of lights around its rim. It pulsated and was in view for 15 minutes. 12/24/1960 #16536  
d the total size of the object. It pulsated rapidly and made no sound. The  12/13/1961 #16993  
ght. The UFO engaged in gyrations, pulsated, moved up-and-down, back-and-fo 8/6/1963 #17873  
      At 9:20 p.m. a red ellipsoid pulsated as it flew over Melrose, Massac 8/26/1964 #18513  
 with veins showing through it. It pulsated. On the rest of his cranium the 8/13/1965 #19383  
d to be rotating, and a blue light pulsated around its rim. The UFO gradual 4/24/1966 #20401  
e ground. The lights on the object pulsated, and the color changed in seque 7/25/1966 #20685  
low lights around bottom rim which pulsated red.  Flew level, east to west, 3/6/1967 #21776  
Bottom of object spun rapidly, rim pulsated red.  Approached witness and pa 3/6/1967 #21777  
ota saw a bright orange oval which pulsated. The object hovered for 3-4 min 3/10/1967 #21850  
e (swishing). The sound varied and pulsated as did the light. (NICAP report 3/25/1967 #21982  
band around it, was motionless and pulsated, then suddenly disappeared.     3/26/1967 #21995  
and around it, was motionless, and pulsated. It disappeared very suddenly.  3/26/1967 #21999  
 of Key Largo, Florida. The lights pulsated bright-and-dim on a half-second 4/12/1967 #22124  
 pale yellow object that sometimes pulsated, moved slowly and precisely in  Summer 1967 #22529  
olid appearing. The yellowish glow pulsated or flickered in brightness. (St 8/23/1967 #22899  
car passed, after which the object pulsated between very bright white and d 9/15/1967 #23066  
 car passed, afterwards the object pulsated between very bright white and d 9/15/1967 #23071  
red and two green body lights that pulsated off and on. (Stanway and Pace,  10/10/1967 #23203  
red and two green body lights that pulsated on and off. As the lights pulsa 10/10/1967 #23207  
pulsated on and off. As the lights pulsated, the color of the object change 10/10/1967 #23207  
bout magnitude-2 in brightness and pulsated twice a second.                 9/29/1968 #24522  
was longer than the others. Lights pulsated. (Phone call to NICAP) (NICAP:  9/30/1968 #24525  
Clare, South Australia a red light pulsated is it hung stationary over the  6/4/1969 #25199  
nty, New York. The UFO hovered and pulsated close to his house for 40 minut 1/4/1971 #25975  
then stopped ahead of the witness, pulsated and waited when he stopped his  3/27/1973 #27381  
ct with a tower or antenna on top, pulsated red over a pasture, a quarter o 12/11/1973 #28557  
ckly back to the object, which now pulsated an electric blue color on top.  1/7/1974 #28661  
d a deep red UFO that "roared" and pulsated, and chased their car for sever 8/2/1974 #29304  
d lights clustered underneath, and pulsated.                                3/4/1977 #31859  
out 300 yards distant. This object pulsated continuously from dull to very  5/3/1977 #32053  
a nearby orchard. The light slowly pulsated. Again the witnesses had to lea 1/3/1979 #34290  
ed, white, and blue in color, that pulsated in sequence. It was lost from v 4/20/1998 #43552  
n, Florida at 10:30 p.m., hovered, pulsated, and blinked while it rotated f 8/28/2003 #44587  
, California. It made no noise and pulsated, and appeared to change size th 9/11/2004 #44754  
 north, and the light on the ridge pulsated along the horizon, while clouds 1/30/2006 #44920  
## Word: "pulsates" (Back to Top)
illiant glow on the radar display, pulsates a number of times, then explode 7/4/1947 #2670  
histles and flutters overhead. Air pulsates. TVs blank out.                 4/21/1954 #9698  
sitting on the crossroads. The UFO pulsates steadily; each time it glows br 11/3/1957 #14244  
 down [to] fast. Slows. Hovers and pulsates in place. No further details.   11/5/1957 #14296  
2 separate cops. Saucer hovers and pulsates / 1100M altitude. 4 lights. Cha 10/31/1958 #15405  
100M over airfield / 20 minute(s). Pulsates. Vibrant bright. Going up. / r1 3/15/1959 #15646  
s. 2M polygon exits woods 4M away! Pulsates.                                9/1965 #19487  
800M NORTHEAST / VERNAL, UT Saucer pulsates multicolors. Wakes and freaks c 9/26/1966 #20927  
/ ROOSEVELT, UT Large round object pulsates left going [to] right moving ra 3/1/1968 #23800  
lent dazzling red globe hovers and pulsates / treetop level.                8/16/1968 #24337  
top and a tent-like structure that pulsates and changes color from silver t 2/18/1969 #24928  
ens. Classic 30M saucer hovers and pulsates nearby / 40 minute(s).          1/4/1971 #25974  
 the center with a red outline. It pulsates rapidly, changes color, and dis 10/2/1971 #26400  
he orange blob on color film as it pulsates and passes behind distant trees 1/11/1973 #27230  
ut 900 feet away that continuously pulsates from dull to very bright red fo 5/3/1977 #32050  
3M luminous bell-shape / roadside. Pulsates. "Motor sound".                 4/1/1978 #33112  
high in the sky for three minutes, pulsates for 7 minutes, then blinks out. 5/10/1978 #33197  
 bluish ring around it. The object pulsates and shoots forward about 4–5 mi 4/8/1981 #35887  
Large orange ovoid. 400' altitude. Pulsates. Going quickly north.           3/10/1988 #38494  
). Orange "star" grows very large. Pulsates / size. Shrinks into star again 12/16/1989 #39316  
## Word: "pulsating" (Back to Top)
, are adjusting some rods that are pulsating with various colors. The being 8/1914 #907  
l, they see three perfectly round, pulsating, orange-red balls about 900 fe 1933 #1151  
feet in diameter and has a ring of pulsating, multicolored lights around it 10/1938 #1296  
he northeast sky. The objects have pulsating, greenish-red exhausts that oc Winter 1943 #1556  
rs including a Lt. Col., watched a pulsating red fireball sail up to the fr Summer 1944 #1607  
to no regular formation. A regular pulsating flashing light appears in the  7/17/1948 #3714  
ormation, at which point a regular pulsating flashing light appeared amidst 7/17/1948 #3715  
 Gulf of Oman. He observes a huge, pulsating submarine light wheel, some 1, 11/11/1949 #4413  
s into a brilliant blue-green disc pulsating with light. Wall asks permissi Early Spring 1951 #5471  
Korea Orange luminous rotating and pulsating 3 ft sphere with blue flame ha 1/29/1952 #5881  
ht, yellowish orange object with a pulsating flame exhaust was spotted at a 2/11/1952 #5898  
 navigator on a B-29 bomber sees a pulsating bluish cylinder while the airc 2/23/1952 #5923  
tung, Korea at 11:15 p.m. It had a pulsating exhaust trail three times the  2/24/1952 #5929  
flew silently to the north slowly, pulsating at regular intervals. The brig 4/15/1952 #6084  
ades from sight. One guard hears a pulsating sound. An F-94 attempts to int 5/31/1952 #6392  
                        Topeka, KS Pulsating red object change shape from c 6/27/1952 #6645  
 2nd Lt. K. P. Kelly and wife. One pulsating red object which changed shape 6/27/1952 #6646  
were high in the sky and resembled pulsating stars, but they shot away as i 7/21/1952 #6987  
by Ground Observer Corps, chased a pulsating yellowish light. [UFOE, VII] ( 8/22/1952 #7680  
4 in Atwater, Ohio. The object was pulsating in intensity from very intense 8/23/1952 #7694  
aped about 50 feet away, which was pulsating between bright orange and dull 9/11/1952 #7896  
 hill, they reportedly see a large pulsating “ball of fire” about 50 feet t 9/12/1952 #7905  
was most likely a meteor, that the pulsating red light is likely an aircraf 9/12/1952 #7905  
      BELLMORE, LI, NY 1 observer. Pulsating orange ovoid-night light / sud 12/3/1953 #9334  
speed and altitude. At 7:35 p.m. a pulsating orange ovoid object was seen o 12/3/1953 #9340  
                    Cincinnati, OH Pulsating bluish-white luminous halo sur 3/9/1954 #9607  
looks like a disc with two bright, pulsating, bluish lights on the undersid 2/10/1955 #11992  
arge pearl-colored lens with wavy, pulsating edges.” Thinking it is a US ai 1956 #12636  
, while waiting for a bus, saw two pulsating lights flying horizontally and 5/9/1956 #12841  
, while waiting for a bus, saw two pulsating lights flying horizontally and 5/9/1956 #12842  
(20 miles south of), AZ Blue-white pulsating light fly fast straight and le 8/8/1956 #13060  
ore and J.W. Smith. One blue-white pulsating light flew fast, straight and  8/8/1956 #13062  
ling object larger, egg-shaped and pulsating. [NICAP UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 -  1/24/1957 #13472  
 nocturnal lights trailing a large pulsating ovoid object.                  1/24/1957 #13474  
n Airways pilot observed brilliant pulsating light, confirmed by radar. [UF 3/29/1957 #13570  
eir wives. The craft was luminous, pulsating between red and white (remaini 5/10/1957 #13652  
 three of this neighbors, he saw a pulsating object on the ground with the  5/10/1957 #13655  
eam of light. A second blue-green, pulsating object joins the first on the  6/3/1957 #13698  
ject/ bright red to reddish-yellow pulsating light (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 8/27/1957 #13934  
ith a bright red to reddish-yellow pulsating light flew over the Dry Tortug 8/27/1957 #13937  
ing Ground, New Mexico. They see a pulsating red light thar turns to white, 11/3/1957 #14251  
                        HEDLEY, TX Pulsating blue-green object near ground. 11/5/1957 #14315  
m high, surrounded by haze or fog, pulsating slowly. Holes, footprints and  11/6/1957 #14417  
e on top about 10 feet high. It is pulsating slowly, and a haze surrounds i 11/6/1957 #14430  
se of a honeycomb. It is clear and pulsating. He touches it and his fingers 2/28/1958 #14898  
ngle, silvery-orange in color, and pulsating with a weird light. He gets cl 8/1958 #15171  
swooped over their heads and away, pulsating and leaving a sparkling trail. 11/1958 #15414  
nsparent sphere emitting a bluish, pulsating light, 12 m diameter, 7 m high 11/23/1958 #15456  
nsparent sphere emitting a bluish, pulsating light, 12 meters diameter, sev 11/23/1958 #15457  
olid bright red while giving off a pulsating glow. After hovering a few sec 12/20/1958 #15482  
taly airfield at 11:00 p.m. It was pulsating and very bright, and hovered 2 3/15/1959 #15647  
bus, IN Family in car chased three pulsating object seen moving slowly at l 7/8/1959 #15826  
0 p.m. a student watched a bright, pulsating ellipsoid object hover in Midl 8/23/1959 #15933  
ery fast vertically while making a pulsating jet noise.  Sighting lasted 10 9/13/1959 #15969  
ee kilometers away, while making a pulsating jet noise. The tremendous puls 9/13/1959 #15972  
ulsating jet noise. The tremendous pulsating noise hurt the ears of the wit 9/13/1959 #15972  
       SOUTH SALVADOR / JUJUY, ARG Pulsating ovoid hovers / northeast sky.  10/20/1959 #16045  
ng on edge, 7 m in diameter with a pulsating halo of yellow light. Three be 8/1960 #16361  
 minutes, an object with a bright, pulsating light was seen by Francis Ridg 11/29/1960 #16518  
is, IN Spherical UFO with a row of pulsating lights viewed from many angles 10/12/1961 #16906  
ilot, newsman passenger, watched a pulsating yellow-white light maneuver ar 2/5/1963 #17652  
iago NICAP Subcommittee observed a pulsating luminous white sphere about 7: 3/12/1963 #17701  
). Classic silver saucer with loud pulsating sound. / r28p438.              10/23/1963 #18000  
over the observers, making a deep, pulsating, loud, extremely irritating so 10/23/1963 #18003  
ay from the ship. It is a ghostly, pulsating white light that is rotating i 1/23/1964 #18117  
         Liberty, NY 8:30 p.m. Two pulsating white lights with reddish ting 2/25/1964 #18137  
  MELROSE, MASS 2 observer(s). Red pulsating ellipsoid seen / 35x telescope 8/26/1964 #18512  
and has two brilliant white lights pulsating off and on once every second.  7/28/1965 #19196  
 verified by police, row of bright pulsating red lights, animal reactions   9/3/1965 #19509  
d comes toward them. They both see pulsating red lights that dim from left  9/3/1965 #19511  
vid R. Hunt, pulls up and sees the pulsating lights and the UFO. Bertrand s 9/3/1965 #19511  
wagen car failed as an object with pulsating lights appeared nearby. This o 1/18/1966 #19851  
hted object at 500; altitude and a pulsating red glow on the lawn.  The hou 2/6/1966 #19885  
de in Nederland, Texas. It casts a pulsating red glow on the lawn. Her hous 2/6/1966 #19887  
ct at 500 feet altitude. It cast a pulsating red glow that illuminated thei 2/6/1966 #19889  
 diameter and 7 m high, emitting a pulsating white light, in a field. It ha 3/17/1966 #19981  
row, Ontario, Canada. It emitted a pulsating white light, and landed in a f 3/17/1966 #19985  
                         Miami, FL Pulsating light, varying from white to i 3/20/1966 #20006  
loyee of NASA at Cape Kennedy. One pulsating light which varied from white  3/20/1966 #20009  
 object with red, green, and white pulsating lights descend from the sky an 3/21/1966 #20021  
deputy sheriff and a teacher saw a pulsating luminous white object moving b 3/29/1966 #20133  
g. It came close to the car, and a pulsating sound was heard, increasing in 3/30/1966 #20160  
s close to the car and she hears a pulsating sound, but it seems to come th 3/30/1966 #20163  
val-shaped UFO approach the car. A pulsating sound came over the car radio  3/30/1966 #20168  
men observed a large object with a pulsating bluish light on top, an orange 3/31/1966 #20175  
men observed a large object with a pulsating bluish light on top, an orange 3/31/1966 #20182  
. The next day she was told that a pulsating, luminous object had flown at  4/5/1966 #20240  
xt day, three witnesses tell her a pulsating, luminous object had flown dir 4/5/1966 #20247  
uvered around in the sky, making a pulsating sound. When they tried to flee 4/8/1966 #20277  
rose with an audible "swish" and a pulsating humming sound. The two men now 6/1/1966 #20518  
se with a "swish," emitting a low "pulsating hum." Plewman and Grant could  6/1/1966 #20520  
s while camping out, saw three red pulsating lights in a triangular pattern 6/19/1966 #20586  
rk, North Carolina, sees three red pulsating lights in a triangular pattern 6/19/1966 #20588  
                     Vanceboro, NC Pulsating object change color (NICAP: 01 7/25/1966 #20680  
id when he saw that it came from a pulsating object that flew within 100 m  7/25/1966 #20681  
roached a hovering object that had pulsating red, green, and white lights,  8/1/1966 #20715  
roached a hovering object that had pulsating red, green, and white lights,  8/1/1966 #20719  
ucer with blue-lighted dome lands. Pulsating red and yellow.                9/7/1966 #20859  
bluish-white light in the dome and pulsating red and yellow lights.         9/7/1966 #20862  
e. It landed on the ground and was pulsating reddish orange and yellow.     9/7/1966 #20863  
   A yellow-orange domed disc with pulsating white lights around the rim, a 9/20/1966 #20904  
light surrounded by a bluish-white pulsating glow (halo effect), sometimes  9/30/1966 #20938  
te pilot saw a very bright, round, pulsating orange light that hovered over 11/13/1966 #21097  
ge object on the ground, which was pulsating from dim to bright. They were  11/17/1966 #21118  
ly oval, with two large bright red pulsating lights, dived in front of a ca 12/1/1966 #21175  
5. It carried two large bright red pulsating lights. It stopped to hover si 12/1/1966 #21176  
           Haynesville, LA Bright, pulsating glow, changing from orange to  12/30/1966 #21226  
hrough a wooded area saw a bright, pulsating glow, changing from orange to  12/30/1966 #21228  
lle, Louisiana, and sees a bright, pulsating glow, changing from orange to  12/30/1966 #21230  
It was seen through trees, and was pulsating regularly from dull red to bri 12/30/1966 #21232  
nt light on the lower portion, and pulsating colored lights (body lights).  1/6/1967 #21266  
r object with red, white, and blue pulsating body lights. It hovered for ab 1/21/1967 #21363  
even children were frightened by a pulsating reddish-orange light outside t 1/25/1967 #21389  
idelberg, Germany, hears a strange pulsating sound. She tells her father, a 1/26/1967 #21399  
ase in Heidelberg, Germany heard a pulsating sound at 8:30 p.m., and then s 1/26/1967 #21400  
ar object with a core of dazzling, pulsating central yellow lights. From th 2/8/1967 #21479  
is core, red lights appeared to be pulsating outward toward the rim. The ob 2/8/1967 #21479  
ft” with a large core of dazzling, pulsating yellow lights in its center. F 2/8/1967 #21483  
gistered nurse encountered a large pulsating orange-yellow ball of light th 2/21/1967 #21612  
d over the road at treetop height, pulsating, and then emitted a wide beam  2/21/1967 #21615  
A couple saw a round bright light, pulsating and changing color. Red lights 2/27/1967 #21674  
ngth was reported. The lights were pulsating in a rhythmic pattern opposite 3/2/1967 #21724  
 around its bottom rim, and with a pulsating red light, at one minute past  3/6/1967 #21778  
 Moline at 4:25 a.m. The UFO had a pulsating red rim and a bottom that rota 3/6/1967 #21779  
d object with a spinning rim and a pulsating red light passed overhead, mak 3/8/1967 #21819  
ake with a rounded top; object was pulsating red, with red lights around it 3/9/1967 #21838  
A 8:15 p.m. PST. Two men watched a pulsating yellow-orange light for a half 3/13/1967 #21881  
o 1.75:1), with white lights and a pulsating red light (body lights). (Penn 4/1/1967 #22039  
bright white lights in formation, “pulsating bright-dim on a 1/2- second cy 4/12/1967 #22118  
n light on the other; with a large pulsating red light in the middle, hover 4/22/1967 #22209  
r-shaped UFO that was in a pasture pulsating with a red glow 100 meters awa 5/14/1967 #22342  
 light on the rear, and red lights pulsating from front to back underneath  5/15/1967 #22345  
A dark object with a circle of red pulsating lights which lit up the area w 5/21/1967 #22385  
ay. Two of the lights were red and pulsating, and the third was a steady wh 6/5/1967 #22465  
ere four square windows emitting a pulsating orange light, and from one end 6/13/1967 #22504  
r the color change, it moved in a "pulsating fashion as though leaping thro 7/29/1967 #22748  
EDT. A man saw a round object with pulsating, multicolored lights around th 8/29/1967 #22952  
d reported seeing a large glowing, pulsating object hovering nearby and sev 9/15/1967 #23064  
 Connecticut, see a large glowing, pulsating object hovering nearby and sev 9/15/1967 #23069  
loyee Russell Hill heard a strange pulsating sound and saw an object giving 9/18/1967 #23083  
Burke, Alberta. He hears a strange pulsating sound as a green light sweeps  9/18/1967 #23085  
loyee Russell Hill heard a strange pulsating sound at one o'clock in the mo 9/18/1967 #23086  
 to go outside and watch nine red, pulsating, cigar-shaped objects flying n 9/29/1967 #23147  
large triangle-shaped object, also pulsating red, flies into view. The tria 9/29/1967 #23147  
mped together. Around the rim is a pulsating green light that seems to come 10/7/1967 #23189  
at-bottomed dome (hemisphere) with pulsating red, green and yellow lights ( 10/11/1967 #23214  
hree brilliant, 2-3 foot diameter, pulsating red lights floating over a fie 10/22/1967 #23286  
tice a formation of brilliant red, pulsating lights above an adjacent field 10/22/1967 #23290  
 a.m. two police officers chased a pulsating bright flying cross-shaped UFO 10/24/1967 #23306  
             Kulikup, AU Luminous, pulsating ellipse, forward motion stoppe 10/30/1967 #23366  
about 30 feet in diameter that was pulsating and was an iridescent blue. Th 10/31/1967 #23375  
amaged by a close encounter with a pulsating yellow disc-shaped UFO.        11/6/1967 #23415  
                     ROOSEVELT, UT Pulsating night lights rotate and maneuv 11/20/1967 #23485  
velt, UT 10:00 p.m. MST. A man saw pulsating, rotating , red, green, and am 11/20/1967 #23486  
evelt, Utah a UFO was sighted with pulsating, rotating green, red, and ambe 11/20/1967 #23487  
side showing soft white light, and pulsating blue lights on each end (body  12/6/1967 #23554  
     Whitehorse, Yukon, CAN Bright pulsating yellow-orange object nearby, h 1/2/1968 #23643  
Yukon Territory, Canada observed a pulsating, orange-yellow object nearby a 1/2/1968 #23645  
. R. Mossir reported sighting four pulsating objects leaving a white UFO, w 1/13/1968 #23663  
ly toward the southwest.  Gave off pulsating sound, like a length of wire w 2/9/1968 #23744  
, Rhode Island at 7:00 p.m. It had pulsating white and pinkish-red lights a 2/11/1968 #23749  
 see two objects to the south with pulsating red lights moving in the same  5/10/1968 #23955  
obe of light was seen hovering and pulsating at treetop level in Cambridge, 8/15/1968 #24334  
ned observer, watched as a  bright pulsating orange ball descended over the 9/19/1968 #24487  
ng a flat dome on top and a row of pulsating multi-colored lights around th 10/15/1968 #24563  
Then the UFO begins moving up in a pulsating or jerky movement. The intensi 11/20/1968 #24672  
s, hovered near one car, and began pulsating. As it got brighter, the cars' 3/19/1969 #25030  
e saw a circular object with three pulsating red lights around the top, 200 4/26/1969 #25096  
 like an upside down saucer with a pulsating red light around the bottom. T 6/20/1969 #25230  
, ROM 1 observer. Silent violently pulsating light / west.sky. Shoots beams 7/23/1969 #25291  
Corn cobs” with green or turquoise pulsating lights are on the side. When t 10/24/1969 #25422  
ng in its hands a black box with a pulsating yellow light. Its arms and leg 1/7/1970 #25540  
lack box at his chest level with a pulsating yellow light from which a beam 1/7/1970 #25541  
d red light in the sky and heard a pulsating, humming sound. He ran to his  12/14/1970 #25939  
 started. A whitish-blue sphere of pulsating light was hovering over the ca 12/14/1970 #25939  
ht from underneath, and he felt a "pulsating, pulling feeling" as the two m 3/14/1971 #26047  
 rural road. It was a very bright, pulsating light. It would move and stop, 4/25/1971 #26082  
 rural road. It was a very bright, pulsating light. It would move and stop, 4/25/1971 #26084  
thers rush topside and see a huge, pulsating, orangish sphere stationed sil 6/1971 #26153  
others go outside and see a large, pulsating orange sphere sitting silently 6/1971 #26154  
p.m. There they saw a bluish light pulsating over a small square of open fi 12/6/1971 #26490  
t there and he set off towards the pulsating light. As he approached it he  12/6/1971 #26490  
piano lesson when he saw three red pulsating lights over the shore in Mucha 12/13/1971 #26496  
         Algodonales, Cadiz, Spain Pulsating yellow oval on road 5 meters a 6/9/1972 #26709  
torist experienced engine failure, pulsating yellow oval object visible on  6/9/1972 #26710  
to be a solid object surrounded by pulsating lights. She first spotted the  8/21/1972 #26943  
to be a solid object surrounded by pulsating lights. She first spotted the  8/27/1972 #26961  
ned with a cluster of multicolored pulsating lights. Brown notifies the 15  10/23/1972 #27087  
  Pine, LA Sheriffs saw and chased pulsating orange objects that alternatel 10/15/1973 #28057  
  Pine, LA Sheriffs saw and chased pulsating orange objects that alternatel 10/15/1973 #28058  
                       Elkhorn, WV Pulsating object photographed during sig 10/17/1973 #28118  
10 reports from central Louisiana. Pulsating luminous object changing color 10/17/1973 #28123  
                       Elkhorn, WV Pulsating object photographed during sig 10/17/1973 #28130  
three colored lights at each apex, pulsating at different rates. When the o 10/18/1973 #28173  
 appears to be either revolving or pulsating. He watches it for an estimate 10/25/1973 #28284  
d to within 400-500 meters. It was pulsating with a weak luminosity. It fin 10/27/1973 #28302  
blue with an occasional yellow-red pulsating tint. The object then moves of 11/6/1973 #28375  
 a green light on the other, and a pulsating white light in the center. It  12/1/1973 #28497  
 feet off the ground was an orange pulsating flying saucer. (NICAP: 02 - Cl 1/4/1974 #28643  
. Behind it was hovering an orange pulsating flying saucer, only a few feet 1/6/1974 #28654  
hree blue stationary lights, a red pulsating light, a silver colored saucer 2/14/1974 #28773  
 off heat and emitted a humming or pulsating sound. A hatch folded down and 5/20/1974 #29120  
 awakened by a humming sound and a pulsating light that reflected on the in 5/26/1974 #29135  
           GOLDENDALE, WA 2 teens. Pulsating night light northeast going qu 7/19/1974 #29270  
usetts, the witness observed a red pulsating object at treetop level. When  9/3/1974 #29418  
r about a half-mile away he sees a pulsating, dazzling white light like tha 12/11/1974 #29637  
ould at first see the orange light pulsating in the vineyard. Then it disap 2/23/1975 #29839  
ly obscurred by clouds. Each had a pulsating red light on the underside. Th 2/26/1975 #29853  
 very clearly defined with the red pulsating light very strong. It remained 2/26/1975 #29853  
Canada Flight 872 reported a green pulsating object at 35,000 feet, crossin 3/17/1975 #29905  
 above the ground. It shone with a pulsating silvery-gray light. In another 4/6/1975 #29975  
. The object had an intense yellow pulsating light, and a row of eight rect 5/4/1975 #30033  
n, darted above car, hovered, cast pulsating light beam down on it. Physiol 8/29/1975 #30324  
n, darted above car, hovered, cast pulsating light beam down on it. Physiol 8/29/1975 #30325  
, dark disc-shaped object was seen pulsating on the roadside of a highway.  9/2/1975 #30336  
aped object was seen at 12:30 a.m. pulsating on the roadside of a highway i 9/2/1975 #30337  
   Belt (NE of), MT 11:00 p.m. Two pulsating red lights at 500' (UFO 48 NID 1/10/1976 #30783  
an sees a cigar-shaped object with pulsating red, white, and blue lights.   1/21/1976 #30810  
go County when she noticed a green pulsating light off the road. It passed  4/21/1976 #31006  
m, age 9. All four boys then saw a pulsating glowing domed object emerge fr 7/5/1976 #31154  
ater, one of them reports seeing a pulsating white object in the sky. He ca Autumn 1976 #31421  
the tip of the triangle and yellow pulsating lights protruding from the blu 10/22/1976 #31486  
s, age 14, observed an object with pulsating red, green, and blue lights, w 11/12/1976 #31541  
ootball-shaped object, glowing and pulsating with fuzzy edges, rush from th 12/16/1976 #31608  
ont of her car, maintaining a red, pulsating glow, then approaches them, fl 3/19/1977 #31917  
isc-shaped object with a dazzling, pulsating white luminosity, about 35 fee 4/6/1977 #31952  
isc-shaped object with a dazzling, pulsating white luminosity, about 35 fee 4/6/1977 #31953  
ove a tree 35 feet tall. It bore a pulsating red luminous domed cupola on t 4/6/1977 #31953  
e. There was a light on it, like a pulsating star." Two creatures 8 or 9-fe 4/19/1977 #32002  
ning its lights on and off, with a pulsating white halo. Traces were found: 8/28/1977 #32436  
ve in Ardmore, Oklahoma, watches a pulsating star rush about erratically.   9/22/1977 #32512  
ndow at 10 p.m. when she noticed a pulsating red light on the ground beside 10/6/1977 #32555  
ll moon. Moments later two similar pulsating lights descended at a 45 degre 10/6/1977 #32555  
ix o'clock in the evening a bright pulsating light flew alonside a Soviet a 10/11/1977 #32569  
     TWEED HEADS, AUSTR 2 fishing. Pulsating night light rises / mountain.  1/17/1978 #32885  
was completely motionless, and had pulsating multi-colored lights on its to 2/15/1978 #32971  
 lights hovered ahead of car, made pulsating sound; tilted down, beamed a b 4/2/1978 #33117  
 lights hovered ahead of car, made pulsating sound. Tilted down, beamed a b 4/2/1978 #33118  
 triangular formation of three red pulsating lights above Monte Sona. They  7/4/1978 #33335  
ksmiths watched a mysterious light pulsating and hovering silently above th 9/23/1978 #33737  
o witnesses watched an object with pulsating red lights fly low over some p 9/27/1978 #33764  
also watch the UFO until it starts pulsating and moving away. Its glow is s 10/28/1978 #33887  
ard duty at the AFB saw a UFO with pulsating lights maneuver and hover near 12/13/1978 #34108  
disi Air Force Base saw a UFO with pulsating lights maneuver and hover near 12/13/1978 #34109  
 color to a reddish pink and began pulsating first slowly, then faster and  12/14/1978 #34127  
eous form, white in color with two pulsating lights, a red one at one end,  12/16/1978 #34155  
 Startup and Guard see 6–7 bright, pulsating lights like Chinese lanterns a 12/31/1978 #34246  
be coming from the cargo hold. Two pulsating white lights soon appear on th 12/31/1978 #34246  
 human hair. The light resembled a pulsating vertical bar, red in color enc 1/3/1979 #34290  
k off, emitting a bluish flash and pulsating twice before disappearing with 1/4/1979 #34296  
k off, emitting a bluish flash and pulsating twice before disappearing with 1/5/1979 #34304  
ile away. Suddenly another larger, pulsating light appears abut 1,500 feet  8/23/1979 #34768  
hen disappear in the distance. The pulsating light begins flashing erratica 8/23/1979 #34768  
an, Scotland. It glowed white with pulsating blue and red lights on either  11/8/1979 #34987  
son and the reflection seems to be pulsating as she focuses her camera. It  9/3/1980 #35493  
.m. James Garrigus sees an oblong, pulsating orange glow descending at a 30 12/13/1980 #35712  
scribed as 35-50 in length, with a pulsating orange front end, and having a 4/8/1981 #35888  
 employee Dale Spurlock sees a red pulsating domed disc at treetop level wh 11/24/1981 #36232  
           Dale Spurlock saw a red pulsating domed disc at treetop level wh 11/24/1981 #36233  
 dome at 8:00 p.m. There was a red pulsating light contained within the dom 5/5/1982 #36464  
lent, triangular object with three pulsating lights at 1,000 feet altitude. 1/19/1983 #36750  
 at a scenic overlook saw a bright pulsating light. As it neared he could s 8/13/1983 #36950  
ed he could see that its light was pulsating every two seconds. He could no 8/13/1983 #36950  
in Beaverton, Oregon, see a large, pulsating, yellow light high in the sky. 4/20/1984 #37278  
mont, South Carolina, hears a loud pulsating sound and looks out the window 5/5/1984 #37316  
           Mt. Vernon, IN 9:05 PM. Pulsating orange object sighted by MUFON 8/30/1984 #37447  
 of Sheffield, England saw a large pulsating orange ovoid UFO fly by at 400 3/10/1988 #38496  
te lights in each corner and had a pulsating red light in the center. Throu 11/29/1989 #39277  
 a steady white light on top and a pulsating red light on the bottom. He ca 2/5/1990 #39410  
   Beavercreek, IL Brilliant white pulsating oval paced truck, hovered over 3/2/1990 #39440  
   Beavercreek, IL Brilliant white pulsating oval paced truck, hovered over 3/2/1990 #39441  
t, typically observed as a bright, pulsating light, moving much faster than 10/1/1990 #39756  
call, and the team can see a blue, pulsating light above the site experienc 9/1991 #40178  
 an immense triangular object with pulsating lights flying 400–500 feet abo 3/3/1992 #40348  
 At 7:50 p.m. a huge triangle with pulsating bluish-white lights was seen b 3/3/1992 #40350  
the engine noise as “strange, loud pulsating roar... unique... a deep pulsa 3/23/1992 #40397  
pulsating roar... unique... a deep pulsating rumble that vibrated the house 3/23/1992 #40397  
 amber lights on the left side and pulsating lights. There was no wind at t 7/31/1992 #40541  
             CROESYCEILLIOG, WALES Pulsating sphere/orb/globe with rings or 3/1993 #40870  
                               Two pulsating objects zigzag and orbit aroun 7/19/1993 #41071  
ooked like a helicopter with a red pulsating light.                         7/27/1993 #41091  
g 18 inches above the grass. It is pulsating every 2–3 seconds with a yello 8/13/1993 #41135  
Oregon a ball of red-orange light, pulsating, travelled north to south just 9/5/1993 #41184  
eping late at night when a strong, pulsating blue light suddenly awakened h 5/11/1994 #41523  
ts at a higher elevation that were pulsating. One moved down, across, then  2/12/1995 #42039  
 observed cigar-shaped object with pulsating lights                         5/25/1995 #42226  
in Corpus Christi, Texas. It had a pulsating light on top.                  9/13/1995 #42467  
a white light in each corner and a pulsating orange light in the center.    3/9/1996 #42817  
ut a meter from the ground. It was pulsating and was red andwhite in color. 9/30/1997 #43421  
ut another shows up at 12:20 a.m., pulsating with an intense orange glow. S 12/31/1997 #43477  
h lights in each corner, and had a pulsating red light in the center. When  7/3/1999 #43790  
ountains. The light appeared to be pulsating and did not rise with the plan 11/15/1999 #43881  
 A disc with green flashing lights pulsating around its middle rim section  12/15/1999 #43898  
urt his eyes. He also heard a loud pulsating sound. Looking toward the wind 1/17/2000 #43929  
ern sky. The big light on the UFO, pulsating and changing in both color and 4/25/2001 #44164  
                          A bright pulsating ovoid object flew over the riv 7/17/2002 #44361  
nnisport, Massachusetts. Deep red, pulsating triangles flew over Fort Walto 9/11/2002 #44396  
xas 7:00 p.m. James Bunnell sees a pulsating light on the side of a mesa ne 11/21/2002 #44446  
                                 A pulsating light "danced" across the sky  5/4/2003 #44525  
t evening, changing brightness and pulsating, moving directly to the east.  5/15/2003 #44537  
          A bright, multi-colored, pulsating cigar-shaped object was observ 12/2/2003 #44624  
ually felt. The object also made a pulsating or drumming noise which also p 10/2/2004 #44766  
 witness captures video footage of pulsating, kaleidoscopic lights over the 5/8/2005 #44833  
 Yorkshire, England, spots a huge, pulsating mass overhead, shaped like a d 5/9/2005 #44836  
 lights. A second object with pink pulsating lights was also sighted.       5/29/2007 #45033  
hts, and a very bright red, slowly pulsating light, was seen over Sterling  10/29/2007 #45084  
te light growing and intensity and pulsating for 15 minutes. When it disapp 4/5/2018 #45524  
## Word: "pulsation" (Back to Top)
nter one turning white every fifth pulsation. At sunrise, the object lifts  6/19/1966 #20588  
## Word: "pulsations" (Back to Top)
ong as wide, with a tail and rapid pulsations, came in high and fast, made  2/23/1952 #5922  
e, with a tail. It flew with rapid pulsations, came in high and fast, and m 2/23/1952 #5924  
 car. Headlights dim in sync / UFO pulsations. / r11p325.                   11/2/1957 #14207  
wing red-orange with yellow-orange pulsations. It hovers over a streetlight 4/12/1967 #22121  
lights. Alarm bell rings / synch / pulsations.                              12/6/1973 #28527  
ng red and blue lights between the pulsations. It is about 10 miles north o Autumn 1976 #31421  
## Word: "pulse" (Back to Top)
flying at 500–600 mph. It seems to pulse its lights at 3- second intervals  7/9/1948 #3705  
adiation/radioactivity and gravity pulse. Meteor / France / 0300lt.         8/8/1954 #10115  
uickly [to] horizon. 2 blue lights pulse / bottom. / r139#4p27.             2/10/1955 #11988  
t several weeks), or an electronic pulse that could hypothetically damage t 8/27/1958 #15229  
 and many. Grey disk going west. 1 pulse / 3 second(s). Jumps 4° between pu 9/26/1963 #17954  
 / 10 minute(s). Blue night lights pulse / hills. Metallic object maneuvers 4/1965 #18884  
. The generator light continued to pulse, however. The object abruptly shot 1/20/1967 #21361  
S Forest Service ranger, records a pulse of unusually high radioactivity ne 9/9/1967 #23026  
hlands near Pleiku, Vietnam, using pulse acquisition radar, continual wave  1/31/1969 #24881  
bject hovers / low altitude. Beams pulse going down. Burnt patches / heavy  5/12/1969 #25129  
rs. Hinitt, watched beams of light pulse upwards from the ground toward the 5/12/1969 #25132  
tory Channel about electromagnetic pulse weapons, The Invisible Machine, in 4/2/1978 #33119  
 and 2 red 300' objects. Hover and pulse. Low humming. / r157v1#3.          11/3/1978 #33917  
 The light brightens and begins to pulse with an increasing frequency, then 11/5/1980 #35620  
nd maneuvers / NAS. 15 blue lights pulse / edge.                            1/21/1988 #38425  
 Going quickly southwest. Sections pulse light.                             5/7/1988 #38556  
over backyard. Red and blue lights pulse. / r96#302.                        2/7/1989 #38819  
way / 80' altitude. Colored lights pulse / bottom/underside. Vanish.        4/4/1991 (approximate) #40030  
 intense blue light that seemed to pulse with a hypnotic rhythm. He felt an 4/17/1993 #40940  
clouds. When the background clouds pulse with lightning, the UFO appears as 5/25/1995 #42227  
vers 12M overhead. 2 glowing-rings pulse.                                   11/25/1996 #43121  
he sound heard is dependent on the pulse characteristics of the RF energy,  2/17/1998 #43522  
cal device. They match the song’s “pulse repetition rate, power spectrum, p 1/4/2019 #45555  
e repetition rate, power spectrum, pulse rate stability, and oscillations p 1/4/2019 #45555  
te stability, and oscillations per pulse” to the recording.                 1/4/2019 #45555  
c relates to the following: energy pulse, ion, anti-gravity, anti-matter, r 6/29/2021 #45697  
## Word: "pulsed" (Back to Top)
 yellow-orange comet-shaped object pulsed flame for 1-2 seconds of a 1 minu 2/11/1952 #5897  
 Bauer. One white fan-shaped light pulsed 3-4 times per second for 2 second 4/29/1952 #6214  
hted a white fan-shaped light that pulsed 8 times per second for four secon 4/29/1952 #6217  
 circular to a vertical oval as it pulsed. Was stationary for about 5 minut 6/27/1952 #6646  
s greeted with a strong, periodic, pulsed signal on 1420 MHz, the hyperfine 4/8/1960 #16218  
cts are able to hear appropriately pulsed microwave radiation from a distan 1961 #16547  
ge radar antenna. The second disc "pulsed" first.                           6/3/1967 #22458  
y hears spoken words broadcast by “pulsed microwave audiogram.” Broadcast i 1973 #27200  
y-illuminated in white light which pulsed intermittently in an irregular pa 7/14/1975 #30179  
             A red UFO hovered and pulsed near Brooke High School in Bethan 11/3/1978 #33918  
 completely silent. Sections of it pulsed light.                            5/7/1988 #38558  
 others. The lights brightened and pulsed, hovered, then descended; and fad 5/11/1988 #38563  
          Three lights maneuvered, pulsed, and then faded out on a clear ni 7/13/2002 #44360  
flew toward the north. All objects pulsed brightly and then faded.          7/13/2002 #44360  
ation, invisibility, and weaponry (pulsed microwaves, high-powered lasers). 6/24/2009 #45227  
 hundreds of saucer-like UAP that “pulsed and throbbed” as if they were liv 3/31/2011 #45322  
 spacecraft that were downed using pulsed scalar weapons as of the 1970s; “ 4/18/2016 #45451  
ost likely subjected to “directed, pulsed radiofrequency energy” in malicio 8/2020 #45657  
nt research in Russia/U.S.S.R.” on pulsed radiofrequency technology, as wel 8/2020 #45657  
uld plausibly have been caused by “pulsed electromagnetic energy” emitted b 2/2/2022 #45737  
he other hand, they conclude that “pulsed electromagnetic energy, particula 2/2/2022 #45737  
al Puthoff. The topics range from “Pulsed High-Power Microwave Source Techn 3/25/2022 #45742  
## Word: "pulser" (Back to Top)
ffic had any association with the ‘pulser’ that had just flown over Amarill 3/23/1992 #40397  
## Word: "pulses" (Back to Top)
nstant throughout the incident (no pulses or flashes). Once the objects rea 9/26/1949 #4372  
al frequencies and some radar-like pulses at other frequencies, all below 1 9/18/1951 #5678  
2 / AT11 trainer plane. Comet-like pulses flame / 2 second(s). Straight and 2/11/1952 #5895  
. Blue cylinder/cylindrical object pulses. Maneuvers to evade flak? / r185. 2/23/1952 #5921  
bombardier. White fan-shaped light pulses 8X / 4 second(s).                 4/29/1952 #6210  
0mph going quickly northeast. Edge pulses blue.                             6/28/1952 #6650  
oing quickly west. Stops overhead. Pulses and squirms. Shoots going quickly 8/1/1952 #7398  
 to southeast in a shallow arc. It pulses in brightness at regular interval 1/25/1954 #9500  
House lights dim / unison when UFO pulses over house. Imprints / ground.    8/25/1955 #12402  
ow / rim. Going up and down. Light pulses / bottom/underside.               11/10/1955 #12561  
hru) telescope. Round body glows / pulses. Straight and level going quickly 6/27/1956 #12924  
ops / yard! Comes toward(s) porch. Pulses. Shoots up going quickly northeas 8/15/1957 #13897  
, Sputnik 1, which transmits radio pulses for 21 days. Some 4% of Americans 10/4/1957 #14057  
es slow then fast. 1500M altitude. Pulses.                                  10/29/1957 #14160  
erver(s). Orange sphere hovers and pulses. Going down [to] into forest. Arm 8/1958 #15165  
 over NJ Turnpike / low altitude. "Pulses".                                 7/15/1959 (approximate) #15855  
nt size of the Moon, and gave off "pulses."                                 7/15/1959 #15856  
th a second, low-gain antenna. The pulses are there as well, sadly disprovi 4/8/1960 #16218  
e beams / sky. Red sphere appears. Pulses.                                  5/4/1960 #16250  
r / mountain top. Ringed / lights. Pulses. Dog / panic-dies. / r70.         12/24/1960 #16535  
oing down [to] and all directions. Pulses. Flare / green light.             8/6/1963 #17869  
se / 3 second(s). Jumps 4° between pulses. / r70p3-86.                      9/26/1963 #17954  
2 / cement works. Sunnyvale saucer pulses going west over coast mountains.  9/26/1963 #17955  
uble-ring / light going west slow. Pulses / regular intervals.              12/28/1963 #18100  
The team directs a packet of radio pulses at the source, but it falls silen 10/22/1965 #19672  
0247. USAF / NASA man. Night light pulses blue and white. Erratic ascent. G 3/20/1966 #20000  
er(s). Flash. Luminous/glowing UFO pulses and circles / low altitude over t 4/5/1966 #20228  
ZH, RUSSIA 2 observer(s). Red disk pulses. Low speed and low altitude. Seen 7/25/1966 (approximate) #20675  
. Domed saucer / low altitude. Rim pulses. Bottom/underside spins. Hiss. /  3/6/1967 #21771  
 CO Brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape pulses red glow 100M from car. 2 rear ti 5/14/1967 #22341  
e-colored ovoid 25M over rooftops. Pulses and going quickly south.          8/2/1967 #22775  
          HUEY, IL Red night light pulses / 45 minute(s). 3m circle / dried 8/15/1967 #22877  
ffect (EME). Vibrant bright object pulses / treetops. Heat felt. / r79p40.  1/2/1968 #23642  
 many. Brill lens-cone circles and pulses. Photographs. / APRO 5'68.        5/17/1968 #23965  
L, BRZ Moon-size object hovers and pulses / size and color(s). Shoots away. 5/31/1968 #23995  
. Headlights beam spread as saucer pulses.                                  3/19/1969 #25027  
st. Turns. Stops. Splits / 2 orbs. Pulses / 15 minute(s).                   8/4/1970 #25767  
-lapse photographs / trajectory. 3 pulses / second(s).                      9/5/1970 #25824  
th halo hovers overhead / seconds. Pulses. Shoots going quickly south. / r2 9/7/1971 #26321  
iangle/box-like craft hover / sea. Pulses and dazzles. Also dull square obj 7/3/1972 #26754  
D, FL Dog barks. Orange-glow ovoid pulses and swings to and fro every 2 sec 9/29/1973 #27884  
. Slow house-size sphere/orb/globe pulses different color(s). Barely moves. 10/4/1973 #27929  
E, NC Cop / SR100. Red night light pulses. Radar unit malfunctions due to E 10/24/1973 #28262  
E, VAR Silent vibrant bright ovoid pulses white and orange. SSW going NNE.  12/6/1973 #28529  
kly return to the craft, which now pulses with an electric blue color, and  1/7/1974 #28660  
AMA, SP 1M night light / hillside. Pulses. Small night light rolls going do 6/13/1974 #29184  
r chased / miles. Object roars and pulses. Metallic noises. Car shaken badl 8/2/1974 #29299  
         LYNCHBURG, OH Night light pulses color(s). Observers shine beam. U 9/26/1974 #29480  
rver(s). 40' orange ball glows and pulses over shops. Shoots away.          12/31/1974 #29664  
pe. 1M wide. Hovers / 8M altitude. Pulses red. / r30.                       6/24/1975 #30118  
ND, OH 4 / car. Dark silent saucer pulses / roadside. Hovers / treetops. Sh 9/2/1975 #30335  
GERIA 2 / car. 6 luminous balls. 1 pulses brightly and going quickly west.  8/13/1977 #32398  
e(s)/airliner pilot. Glowing ovoid pulses white-green-red / Richard Hall.   9/7/1977 #32464  
EAR VANCOUVER, BC Large slow ovoid pulses / r60#293. Big RADAR blips / USA  12/17/1977 #32782  
overs near mountain / 3 minute(s). Pulses. Gone.                            5/10/1978 #33193  
n valleys. Box and antennas / top. Pulses over power lines.                 10/30/1978 (approximate) #33893  
IA, MO 1 observer. 28' white globe pulses 1 / second(s). Projects blue spik 8/21/1979 #34765  
video / saucer. Something / bottom pulses at 7.5 Hz. / MJ#239.              12/28/1987 #38376  
ar power plant and lines. Seen 2X. Pulses felt.                             12/21/1989 #39323  
ulars. Dark silent triangle. Light pulses 2x / second(s). Going west.       3/18/1990 #39465  
ise, but deeper, with evenly timed pulses.” In addition to providing the fi 3/23/1992 #40397  
, SOMERSET 1 observer. Night light pulses pink and white. Hovers / 15 minut 5/19/1994 #41532  
bs near fireworks test. Clicks and pulses.                                  7/3/1994 #41603  
ulars. Silent red sphere/orb/globe pulses and maneuvers. Vanishes when plan 2/4/1995 #42018  
southwest going quickly northeast. Pulses. Turns. Delta/triangle/box-like c 8/14/1995 #42382  
ts beams going down [to] on house. Pulses / top.                            9/13/1995 #42464  
Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) pulses 5 / second(s). Car malfunctions d 1/2/1996 #42663  
 / 4 nights. Bright colored object pulses. Shoots straight going up [to] an 1/4/1996 #42665  
brant bright object / sky. Regular pulses / light. 1 / 4 dia / moon. No fur 4/25/1996 #42883  
/ military Officers. Steel diamond pulses red and green. Ray going down. No 7/24/1996 #42964  
 magnetic monopole beam that emits pulses, levitates, degausses, stops elec 4/17/1997 #43264  
thin 10M / 5 observer(s). Rhythmic pulses and flashes.                      5/12/1997 #43291  
of five observers, making rhythmic pulses and flashes.                      5/12/1997 #43292  
d and get smaller. It also emitted pulses of light. Later in Bradford, Engl 10/5/2000 #44053  
ous separate cops and more. Saucer pulses. 2 more show. Car chased and more 4/21/2001 #44159  
## Word: "pulses-saucer" (Back to Top)
s / car. Saucer nears. Car speaker pulses-saucer is silent. Follows / 13km. 3/30/1966 #20150  
## Word: "pulsing" (Back to Top)
 midnight a bright reddish-orange, pulsing, maneuvering ball of light paced 8/10/1944 #1639  
nd (North of ), KS B-29 Encounters Pulsing Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 4/29/1952 #6212  
ue elliptical-shaped object with a pulsing border flew straight and level a 6/28/1952 #6658  
                         Akron, OH Pulsing amber light fly straight and lev 8/23/1952 #7691  
server, and two U.S. Navy men. One pulsing amber light was seen to fly stra 8/23/1952 #7692  
. Navy men watched an unidentified pulsing amber light fly straight and lev 8/23/1952 #7694  
station/depot/facility. Blue-green pulsing night light going quickly east / 9/4/1953 #9142  
                 ATL. SSE / NY, NY Pulsing saucer passes 3 PAA airliners /  4/23/1954 #9709  
rom horizon to horizon. It had two pulsing blue lights on the bottom, and w 2/10/1955 #11993  
OLA AND MORE/OTHERS, ZAMBIA Bright pulsing saucer all over/all about copper 8/9/1956 #13063  
brilliant night lights trail large pulsing ovoid. / r242.                   1/24/1957 #13470  
t they see a large, soundless, and pulsing light, with something like a pol 3/22/1957 #13553  
              RED BANK, TN Glowing pulsing object hovers by clouds. Finally 11/5/1957 #14312  
ous object surrounded by halo with pulsing light. / Novidades.              11/24/1959 #16100  
200' altitude going [to] overhead. Pulsing light beneath.                   12/13/1961 #16989  
TON, DC Private pilot and newsman. Pulsing yellow night light plays with pl 2/5/1963 #17649  
nd dark grey, with a long, bright, pulsing, purple light on the right side  9/3/1965 #19508  
t the middle, with a long, bright, pulsing, purple light on the right side  9/3/1965 #19512  
OUVER, BC Many observer(s). Silent pulsing saucer hovers / transmitter. Man 4/5/1966 #20232  
inging noise a light source begins pulsing with diffraction rings outside h 6/1966 #20516  
OK Cops and several observer(s). 4 pulsing red night lights maneuver low ne 10/3/1966 #20951  
C OCEAN. Pilot and ground RADAR's. Pulsing night light going down. Shoots b 2/16/1967 #21557  
     WEST / NANTON, ALTA Forester. Pulsing sound. Green-glowing saucer near 9/18/1967 #23078  
ewhat rectangular (SWR) portholes. Pulsing glow..                           1/10/1968 #23658  
cylinder/cigar-shape low overhead. Pulsing glow. Sudden hiss and quickly go 6/1/1970 #25685  
erhead at about 1:00 p.m. It had a pulsing glow, and made a sudden hissing  6/1/1970 #25686  
ffects). UFO / throbbing sound and pulsing colored lights. AOK after. / r79 11/7/1970 #25904  
ARIA AND VANDENBURG AIR FORCE BASE Pulsing night light maneuvers oddly. Pos 6/19/1973 #27571  
n Wooster, Ohio, notices a bright, pulsing, triangular object with three co 10/18/1973 #28173  
ar stop. 10M silent ovoid on road. Pulsing glow. Going up [to] 2.5M and goi 12/13/1973 #28565  
hio two men watched a hovering UFO pulsing different colors. The witnesses  9/26/1974 #29484  
o station CHOO in Agincourt, watch pulsing, multicolored objects maneuverin 2/4/1975 #29784  
tly obscured by clouds. Each has a pulsing red light on its base. The main  2/26/1975 #29852  
carrying the entities disappear by pulsing in and out and changing color ra 7/22/1975 #30200  
 hover / water tower and hospital. Pulsing red glow.                        1/8/1977 #31709  
A 3 test pilots. Blinding luminous pulsing object paces jets. VHF radios ou 10/11/1977 #32567  
istant, and it moved in small wavy pulsing actions, spinning as it went. At 11/23/1977 #32694  
gripped with pain, affected by the pulsing vibrations. Szomborg, feeling sy 8/23/1979 #34768  
ving along the tracks again with a pulsing “shh-shh” noise.                 3/24/1980 #35238  
ppearance and triangular in shape, pulsing red light on top and banks of bl 12/27/1980 #35738  
mily in Forreston, South Australia pulsing on and off once a second. They d 6/22/1981 #35979  
  PIEDMONT, SC 2 observer(s). Loud pulsing sound. Ovoid 750' altitude. Dogs 5/5/1984 #37314  
               At 2:55 a.m. a loud pulsing sound preceded the presence of a 5/5/1984 #37319  
 car. 2nd observer(s) / 7 October. Pulsing 1' sphere/orb/globe going down.  10/6/1985 #37674  
      ZEBBUG, MALTA 2 observer(s). Pulsing sphere shoots column / light goi 10/1989 #39135  
 or three of the craft are bright, pulsing, ellipsoid objects. He takes pho 2/28/1990 #39432  
 a high-altitude craft seen with a pulsing light. Scott claims they are usi 10/1/1990 #39757  
            NEAR TOORA, VCT, AUSTR Pulsing ovoid passes car. Driver feels a 6/27/1992 #40507  
O in Bayport, Florida. The UFO was pulsing as it hovered, then "hauled ass. 4/16/1993 #40938  
  WANDSWORTH, LONDON 1 observer. 2 pulsing UFO's zigzag and orbit mothercra 7/19/1993 #41070  
st Manchester, England, captures a pulsing ball of white light that appears 9/2/1993 #41176  
   AYLESBURY, BUCKS 2 video silent pulsing night light hovers 2 minute(s).  4/10/1994 #41486  
lies pointed-end forward and has a pulsing red light on its front tip and s 9/29/1995 #42518  
PSON, NWT 2 driving. Multi-colored pulsing object hovers / MacKenzie River. 11/13/1995 #42599  
             NEMEJIS, LITH 2 cops. Pulsing round object hovers / 25M altitu 6/26/1996 #42939  
 just above the blue glow that was pulsing while appearing to grow repeated 9/23/1996 #43039  
). Giant wedge splits and rejoins! Pulsing yellow lights.                   6/23/1997 #43335  
in Lewiston, Michigan, see a hazy, pulsing object outside their bedroom win 10/10/1999 #43860  
ith bright, blinking, strobing and pulsing white lights. The craft took thr 5/17/2001 #44185  
ll, with legs for landing gear and pulsing yellow white lights around its p 8/3/2008 #45154  
0 a.m. a disc-shaped object with a pulsing outer band and a transparent cen 8/30/2010 #45295  
the object displays a row of white pulsing lights that are set back or surr 11/19/2013 #45397  
## Word: "pultneyville" (Back to Top)
                                   Pultneyville, NY 9:25 p.m. EDT. A woman  8/24/1967 #22913  
## Word: "pulverized" (Back to Top)
e heaviest of which in the form of pulverized surface coral from the detona 3/1/1954 #9584  
osed landing site. The ground was "pulverized" with dirt torn up and small  9/22/1954 #10398  
## Word: "puma" (Back to Top)
il Field in Kuwait. At 6:00 p.m. a Puma helicopter pilot and several other  11/21/1978 #33975  
## Word: "pumice" (Back to Top)
UFO lands / park. Takes off. Black Pumice and burnt soil found.             10/24/1988 #38684  
ia, and then took off again. Black pumice and burnt soil was found at the l 10/24/1988 #38688  
## Word: "pumong" (Back to Top)
                                   Pumong, Australia Near Claypans, 150 km  3/13/1959 #15640  
## Word: "pump" (Back to Top)
nds Pad 33, 4.8km altitude (oxygen pump explodes)                           7/19/1946 #2065  
                        NEAR SHORT PUMP, VA 3 / car. Disk going southwest o 1/11/1959 #15543  
inutes. When the UFO vanishes, the pump starts working again. There are sev 11/9/1978 #33939  
ker Rusty Pennington is watching a pump a quarter mile west of Youngsville, 2/25/1980 #35182  
turns on the lights he noticed the pump is not running and the water level  7/11/1981 #35996  
urns on the lights, he notices the pump is not running and the water level  7/11/1981 #35998  
 noticed that their electric water pump was not working. Troubled by recurr 2/6/1996 #42743  
## Word: "pumped" (Back to Top)
zed heads came out with a hose and pumped water from the river. Later they  Spring 1960 #16201  
ghtings are related to water being pumped in or out of crafts. Reports forw 2/22/1966 #19912  
 heart, which she saw moving as it pumped blood through her body. During th 12/15/1994 #41895  
## Word: "pumphouse" (Back to Top)
saucer 6m over ground. Nearly hits Pumphouse. Straight and level going quic 7/6/1947 #2737  
## Word: "pumping" (Back to Top)
iston-like apparatus appears to be pumping in and out of its left end. It i 7/3/1967 #22601  
ISH, KUWAIT 45M saucer going down. Pumping station/depot/facility down-phon 11/9/1978 #33930  
t Umm Al-Aish, Kuwait, causing the pumping station to automatically shut do 11/9/1978 #33939  
cations and the malfunction of the pumping station electrical equipment.    11/9/1978 #33940  
## Word: "pumpkin" (Back to Top)
ervice (MATS, US) C124 crew. Amber pumpkin / 1000+knts / 7500M altitude. Go 2/11/1956 #12708  
described as looking like a silver pumpkin. It had an antenna. Roof lights  11/20/1966 #21129  
 SIZEWELL, ENGL 1+dog. 12' glowing pumpkin going southwest. Stops 20' away. 2/8/1975 #29789  
g three to four figures with large pumpkin shaped heads standing in front o 12/8/1978 #34078  
                                   PUMPKIN CENTER, NC 4 observer(s). Stubby 2/24/1993 #40857  
## Word: "pumpkin-colored" (Back to Top)
ken aboard a UFO by beings wearing pumpkin-colored jumpsuits and subjected  8/26/1962 #17362  
## Word: "pumpkin-like" (Back to Top)
ay-green overalls and have smooth, pumpkin-like heads. Their eyes are large 7/1/1965 #19047  
## Word: "pumpkin-shaped" (Back to Top)
er Walter E. Ogden sees a glowing, pumpkin-shaped object about 40 feet abov 9/7/1959 #15960  
body, no ears or nose, and a large pumpkin-shaped head with two orange glow 6/10/1960 #16311  
## Word: "pumpkinlike" (Back to Top)
when he sees 3–4 human shapes with pumpkinlike heads silhouetted against th 12/8/1978 #34077  
## Word: "pumpkins" (Back to Top)
lloons, but they resemble luminous pumpkins. One is far ahead of the other, 10/29/1910 #852  
## Word: "pumpkinseed" (Back to Top)
gineered man-made UAP such as the “pumpkinseed” craft. Wilson provides an o 8/19/1997 #43387  
## Word: "pumps" (Back to Top)
t in oil field, E-M effects on oil pumps and communications (section IV). ( 11/9/1978 #33934  
t in oil field, E-M effects on oil pumps and communications (section IV). ( 11/9/1978 #33935  
t in oil field, E-M effects on oil pumps and communications                 11/9/1978 #33937  
a fog like mist surrounded the gas pumps and the figure ordered Zanfretta t 12/2/1979 #35040  
ate power to run their own coolant pumps, emergency diesel generators come  3/11/2011 #45318  
## Word: "puna" (Back to Top)
                  USS SOUTH LUISA, PUNA ISLAND, ECUADOR Observer(s) = Holme 8/3/1952 #7428  
                                LA PUNA REGN, ARG Several cigars / amazing  3/15/1956 #12756  
## Word: "punaania" (Back to Top)
to] over. Makes 90° turn toward(s) Punaania. 40 second(s).                  4/15/1975 #29988  
## Word: "punat" (Back to Top)
                             Camba Punat Airport, Argentina Luis Harvey, ai 8/2/1962 #17316  
                             Camba Punat Airport, Corrientes province, Arge 8/2/1962 #17318  
## Word: "punch" (Back to Top)
FO analysis involves compiling IBM punch cards based on data forwarded by P 3/31/1952 #5998  
oding scheme, an example of an IBM punch card that will be used, and plans  6/6/1952 #6455  
951 have been coded and put on IBM punch cards. About 60% of the reports ha 10/10/1952 #8114  
the Air Force and tabulated on IBM punch cards. The original report by Batt 10/25/1955 #12519  
sed by a sharp instrument that can punch through flesh and bone, usually in 2/1975 #29780  
## Word: "punch-and-judy" (Back to Top)
hbridge (part-time dock worker and Punch-and-Judy showman) is traveling on  5/18/1909 #758  
## Word: "punchbowl" (Back to Top)
 amphitheater known as The Devil’s Punchbowl at Cheesefoot Head near Winche 8/1981 #36051  
## Word: "punched" (Back to Top)
ness decided to defend himself and punched it directly at the face. As soon 9/16/1996 #43025  
and grabbed her. She jumped up and punched the being in the face, and his s 2/24/1997 #43207  
## Word: "punches" (Back to Top)
astic window covering the cockpit, punches a hole in his helmet, and wounds 10/30/2007 #45086  
## Word: "punctuated" (Back to Top)
ed area and an orangish lower area punctuated by oval windows from which co 6/25/1974 #29224  
 the family dog barks frantically, punctuated by an odd pause for several s 2/4/1978 #32951  
## Word: "punctuation" (Back to Top)
French, though certain grammar and punctuation oddities indicate that Spani 1983 #36736  
## Word: "puncture" (Back to Top)
ith something that left five small puncture marks. He then told her telepat 9/3/1974 #29418  
inflamed and he discovered a small puncture wound over his spine and a few  8/13/1975 #30258  
les. Woods states he has two small puncture marks on his skin under his lef 11/1977 #32648  
and discovered that he had a small puncture wound on his arm, as if they ha 12/18/1977 #32797  
oubled mentally and discovered two puncture wounds on her buttocks and smal 8/30/1978 #33600  
e driver’s side shows a triangular puncture, and the lens is dislodged from 8/27/1979 #34787  
 fled at high speed. Red dots like puncture marks found on wrists (section  8/30/1981 #36091  
 fled at high speed. Red dots like puncture marks found on wrists           8/30/1981 #36092  
minutes of his time. Red dots like puncture marks were found on his wrists, 8/30/1981 #36093  
g a solid red triangle on her arm, puncture wounds, scratches, and bruises. 1988 #38383  
e found one of his goats dead with puncture wounds and with internal organs 11/13/1993 #41272  
perience he had a set of small red puncture marks on his neck, as if a clus 12/23/1994 #41904  
eadache afterwards and found three puncture wounds on her neck.             2/24/1997 #43207  
 gone, and they discovered several puncture wounds in their skin. After the 11/28/2000 #44085  
## Word: "punctured" (Back to Top)
on, who were allegedly repairing a punctured "air compartment."             4/23/1897 #567  
tures are delivered in a metal box punctured with holes to the University o 1/23/1996 #42709  
ing sound like air escaping from a punctured tire. The object then moved of 1/30/2000 #43937  
## Word: "punctures" (Back to Top)
wing day, marks resembling strange punctures appeared on the skin of two of 5/7/1980 #35317  
ng sounds. She wakes to find small punctures on her inner wrist and three w 1988 #38383  
## Word: "pungent" (Back to Top)
e witness felt a rush of air and a pungent smell.                           1/29/1950 #4517  
e witness felt a rush of air and a pungent smell.                           1/29/1950 #4518  
to their right. They also detect a pungent mist that makes their eyes and n 9/12/1952 #7905  
he initial sighting, they notice a pungent odor. Harold and the young daugh 8/19/1965 #19427  
 they leave the area, they smell a pungent, metallic odor.                  Autumn 1966 #20919  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Pungent odor. Going quickly north.       8/25/1975 #30306  
companied by a suction noise and a pungent odor,and at this point he passed 11/9/1979 #34991  
50' saucer 10' tall / 8' altitude. Pungent odor. Low whistle. Goes over hil 9/20/1980 #35523  
en p.m. when she smelled something pungent, like sulfur, which irritated he 1/4/1996 #42666  
t back to the area and noticed the pungent odor but did not see the creatur 1/4/1996 #42666  
 when he noticed a very strong and pungent odor in the air and heard a low  7/16/1996 #42959  
 the humming sound and smelled the pungent odor again. When he emerged from 7/16/1996 #42959  
## Word: "punished" (Back to Top)
rior accused him of going AWOL and punished him, to which KA told his super 4/12/1954 #9685  
## Word: "punishment" (Back to Top)
d then burn up the entire earth as punishment for our disbelief in their ex 7/21/1965 #19156  
e being sent back to Pendleton for punishment. RT states when he called APR 7/3/1967 #22604  
## Word: "puno" (Back to Top)
                                   PUNO, PERU Boy. 7 80CM 1-eyed small huma 9/8/1965 #19535  
                                   Puno, Peru A child reported the observat 9/8/1965 #19537  
 an object land in the vicinity of Puno, and to have made an unsuccesful at 9/8/1965 #19537  
 an object land in the vicinity of Puno, Peru and to have made an unsuccess 9/8/1965 #19541  
                        A child in Puno, Peru reported seeing a luminous ob 10/8/1965 #19653  
her object land in the vicinity of Puno, and to have made an unsuccesful at 10/8/1965 #19653  
## Word: "punt" (Back to Top)
 Levu, Fiji Day. Four Fijians in a punt with an outboard motor off Nabouwal 10/8/1957 #14078  
nd the engine of a car failed near Punt Gorda, Florida at 9:45 p.m. The mot 5/27/1968 #23989  
## Word: "punta" (Back to Top)
                                   PUNTA ARENAS, CHL 18cm sphere / 5400M al 3/11/1950 #4611  
                                   Punta Arenas, Chile Silver ping-pong-sha 3/11/1950 #4613  
ne Navy Puerto Belgrano Naval Base Punta Alta, Argentina The Argentine Navy 1952 #5839  
 its Puerto Belgrano Naval Base in Punta Alta, Argentina.                   1952 #5839  
                              NEAR PUNTA SAN JUAN, VNZ 2 airline(s)/airline 1/2/1955 #11910  
                                   Punta San Juan (near), Venezula Airliner 1/2/1955 #11911  
                             CAMBA PUNTA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ARG 8+observer( 7/31/1962 #17307  
                             Cambá Punta Airport [now Doctor Fernando Pirag 8/2/1962 #17317  
traffic control operators at Cambá Punta Airport [now Doctor Fernando Pirag 8/2/1962 #17317  
nvolved the Navy transport A.R.A. "Punta Medanos." A large airship (never i 11/12/1963 #18033  
ine Naval auxiliary transport, ARA Punta Médanos, sees a large UFO off its  11/12/1963 #18035  
 followed the Argentine Navy ship "Punta Medanos." Electronic interference  11/12/1963 #18036  
arf on the beach in the city of La Punta, Peru located not far from Lima. H 8/2/1965 #19270  
 the coastline and a peninsula, La Punta, west of the city. He was paralyze 8/9/1965 #19350  
                              NEAR PUNTA GORDA, FL Car engine and lights fa 5/27/1968 #23985  
                                   Punta Gorda, FL Domed disc, green-blue g 5/27/1968 #23986  
                                   Punta Gorda, Florida 9:45 p.m. A man is  5/27/1968 #23987  
da 9:45 p.m. A man is driving near Punta Gorda, Florida, when his headlight 5/27/1968 #23987  
                                   PUNTA ARENAS AND CHAVUNCO, CHL 2 pilots  6/4/1968 #24003  
                                   Punta Arenas, Chile Cylinder above airli 6/4/1968 #24004  
                                   Punta Arenas airport, Chile Capt. U. Tiv 6/6/1968 #24013  
 minutes during a night landing at Punta Arenas airport, Chile. An unusuall 6/6/1968 #24013  
                                   PUNTA ARENAS, CHL Truck lights dim. 4M s 3/6/1969 #24973  
                     Isla de Lobos Punta del Este, Uruguay 10:15 p.m. Cpl.  10/28/1972 #27095  
e lighthouse on Isla de Lobos, off Punta del Este, Uruguay. Fuentes goes to 10/28/1972 #27095  
ral anglers fishing in the surf at Punta Ocoa, Dominican Republic saw a dom 3/12/1975 #29891  
                                   Punta Umbria, Spain A bullfighter observ 7/25/1982 #36548  
ck in the morning a bullfighter in Punta Umbria, Spain observed blinking re 7/25/1982 #36551  
                                   PUNTA ARENAS, CHL Girl chased / UFO and  2/25/1997 (approximate) #43208  
                                   PUNTA ARENAS, CHL Power out. Street ligh 4/23/1997 #43272  
                                   PUNTA ARENAS, CHL 8+small humanoids (or  9/22/1997 #43413  
ed in an isolated wooded area near Punta Arenas, Chile at 11:30 p.m. They h 9/30/1997 #43421  
                                   PUNTA ARENAS, CHL Glowing-ovoid going ea 11/26/1997 #43450  
## Word: "puná" (Back to Top)
       Santa Luisa Rio Guayas Isla Puná Ecuador 3:00 p.m. An Air Force mast 8/3/1952 #7435  
 mouth of the Rio Guayas near Isla Puná, Ecuador. After 5 seconds, one obje 8/3/1952 #7435  
## Word: "pup" (Back to Top)
se director in Atlanta, George M. “Pup” Phillips, receives a report of the  7/21/1952 #6982  
nfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Husky Pup” YieldMax: 20KT                      10/24/1975 #30465  
## Word: "pupil" (Back to Top)
ructor Leslie Groves is tutoring a pupil aboard a Cessna 150 flying at 4,50 12/11/1979 #35072  
## Word: "pupils" (Back to Top)
 His eyes were round and showed no pupils, and his mouth had lips so thin a 11/2/1967 #23392  
ad very "penetrating" eyes with no pupils. They said to her, "We've watched 5/3/1968 #23942  
 had slits inside that looked like pupils. It had what looked like multi-le 8/16/1971 #26291  
d around the side of the head. The pupils were big, black, and round and mo 10/16/1973 #28093  
outh, and two large eyes with dark pupils. She feels that he is sending her 11/2/1973 #28352  
llow eyes exhibiting oval vertical pupils and veinlets. Pointed ears. (V.M. 12/19/1973 #28584  
, with yellow eyes with hard black pupils. Around them was a translucent, f 12/2/1974 #29630  
nd a third type with huge eyes and pupils like that of a cat, was 6.6 feet  3/5/1976 #30928  
ulls, no hair, and eyes with black pupils. The next thing he knew he was in 2/2/1977 #31781  
ells. The eyes are slanted without pupils, and they have heavy brow ridges, 5/1977 #32042  
 with almond-shaped eyes and large pupils. The entity stares at the shocked 9/18/1978 #33708  
 gray skin, black eyes lacking any pupils or eyelashes, large heads, wide s 3/5/1992 #40359  
ge round eyes that had round black pupils. The creature appeared to be wear 2/3/1994 #41406  
## Word: "pupin" (Back to Top)
               Columbia University Pupin Hall New York City A Columbia Univ 1/25/1939 #1305  
iment in the US in the basement of Pupin Hall on the south side of 120th St 1/25/1939 #1305  
## Word: "puppet" (Back to Top)
c gauntlets. He looked like a "big puppet" about 1.5 meters (5 feet) in hei 4/3/1948 #3607  
e beings with elongated heads and "puppet like" faces. She remembered being 8/19/1979 #34760  
arge head and a small body "like a puppet." He was about four feet tall, an 8/8/1998 #43620  
## Word: "puppets" (Back to Top)
ere described as resembling small "puppets," and were surrounded by somethi 8/28/1975 #30315  
heep brains and jelly stuffed into puppets made by a UK sculptor John Humph 8/28/1995 #42425  
## Word: "puppies" (Back to Top)
ver(s). Intense humming. Dog hides puppies. Flat disk over trees. / Interna 2/4/1978 #32947  
ile, the dog has been taking her 7 puppies one by one and hiding them behin 2/4/1978 #32951  
## Word: "puppy" (Back to Top)
                  North Branch, MN Puppy indifferent to presence of domed,  1/31/1991 #39968  
## Word: "purcell" (Back to Top)
m W. Naumann, Jr., Staff Sgt B. R. Purcell, Staff Sgt. William J. De Rause, 12/6/1952 #8389  
 has it repaired by Dr. Francis A. Purcell. However, the incident is not re 2/20/1954 #9560  
The lack of any dental record from Purcell’s office has fueled the rumors,  2/20/1954 #9560  
up are Edwin H. Land, Edward Mills Purcell, and Kelly Johnson. They look in 8/16/1956 #13094  
                                   Purcell Norman Chandler Meeker Shawnee O 8/1/1965 #19243  
e and highway patrol troopers from Purcell north to Norman to Chandler and  8/1/1965 #19243  
                            Joseph Purcell, age 19, sighted a cigar-shaped  8/28/1967 #22944  
                                   PURCELL, OK 4 observer(s). 200x600' UFO  7/29/1992 #40538  
                                   Purcell, OK Dog did not respond to oval  7/29/1992 #40539  
## Word: "purchase" (Back to Top)
s “Smith” and gives Barclay $10 to purchase lubricating oil, two chisels, a 4/22/1897 #559  
 $107,000 in 2018 dollars) for the purchase of uranium and graphite for Szi 10/21/1939 #1318  
nek a raise of $1,000 per year and purchase one new polaroid camera and one 3/17/1961 #16634  
tacazes saying that they needed to purchase some materials for work (althou 8/20/1966 #20779  
and the husband’s business partner purchase an abandoned ranch property in  Fall 1975 #30379  
zona. CUFOS had been attempting to purchase the APRO archives, but is thwar 4/12/1988 #38541  
alker Ranch Terry and Gwen Sherman purchase a 512-acre ranch in western Uin Fall 1994 #41773  
## Word: "purchased" (Back to Top)
orkmanship, but both artifacts are purchased by a “wealthy young Chinaman”  3/26/1880 #230  
nventional tools. Private property purchased to facilitate movement of reco 1948 #3519  
ds. Private property was allegedly purchased to facilitate transport of the 1948 #3527  
 Paul Church in Norwood, Ohio, has purchased from Army surplus an 8-million 8/19/1949 #4329  
osed items related to Mantell were purchased at a naval surplus store. Alic 4/24/1965 #18916  
ows that the waterproof coats were purchased at a shop there, and one bottl 8/20/1966 #20779  
ing looked as if it had been newly purchased and the bottoms of their shoes 1/28/1967 #21411  
hem some of the bread she has just purchased, but the women decline, offeri 9/13/1989 #39098  
 September 2022). In 1988, BDM was purchased by Ford Aerospace and became a 10/1989 #39139  
he Carlyle Group. In 1997, BDM was purchased by TRW, an aerospace and techn 10/1989 #39139  
inwalker Ranch Skinwalker Ranch is purchased by Robert Bigelow              1996 #42655  
ossible reverse engineering.  TTSA purchased alleged UAP metamaterials over 7/2018 #45532  
state developer Brandon Fugal (who purchased the land from Robert Bigelow i 6/15/2019 #45585  
## Word: "purchases" (Back to Top)
is the story of Brawley Oates, who purchases Judge Proctor’s property aroun 4/17/1897 #523  
## Word: "purchasing" (Back to Top)
lorida Witnesses:  former aircraft purchasing agent Harry Lamp and four boy 12/6/1950 #5328  
 Florida 5:00 p.m. Former aircraft purchasing agent Harry Lamp and four boy 12/6/1950 #5331  
 and include moving only at night, purchasing whole farms, cutting down for 12/29/1987 #38379  
## Word: "purdue" (Back to Top)
Advanced Mathematical Studies, the Purdue University Research Foundation, M 11/20/1955 #12580  
                 LAFAYETTE, IN 2 / Purdue campus. Shallow-domed manta-delta 8/27/1972 #26960  
## Word: "purdy" (Back to Top)
                        Editor Ken Purdy asks Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe to inve 5/9/1949 #4175  
## Word: "pure" (Back to Top)
ing as little as 1–10 kilograms of pure uranium-235, which would be quite p 3/1940 #1326  
t the appearance of the object was pure silver, round "like a balloon" and  1/10/1950 #4480  
e, oblong object with a solid dull pure white color (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 2/4/1953 #8635  
te. An analysis indicates in is a “pure white, silky, odorless, warm on tou 5/12/1954 #9780  
 that about 90% of the reports are pure imagination, with the rest unexplai 5/15/1954 #9804  
w Boston, NH, and the Institute of Pure Physics (IPP) at the University of  11/20/1955 #12580  
 All conclude that the material is pure magnesium, while one gives it a den Early 9/1957 #13971  
e found to consist of surprisingly pure magnesium.                          9/10/1957 #13988  
believe in spaceships as an act of pure faith.” Keyhoe repeatedly challenge 12/5/1960 #16526  
financial gain, religious reasons, pure emotional outlet, ignorance, or pos 12/27/1960 #16541  
ing the use of metrics rather than pure power. The idea that the CTA-102 em 1963 #17620  
 up, leaving in its wake a “nearly pure white” cloud that dissipates. The w 7/3/1967 #22602  
glass-like material made of nearly pure silicon. The metal glob is complete 10/30/1969 #25439  
ance, and the US. It contains some pure tones at first, followed by modulat 6/22/1972 #26726  
disappears and she is enveloped in pure darkness. Then suddenly a white cir 11/22/1978 #33980  
n pacing her car. She saw spots of pure white light on the road coming from 11/22/1978 #33983  
 Brilliant 4M metallic tank lands. Pure silicon found. 2.5M figure(s) to JU 3/20/1993 #40892  
d 600-1,200 feet altitude. It had "pure white" circular lights on the wingt 3/8/2003 #44500  
er head. In a soft female voice in pure Russian, she said, "Sons! Don't tel 8/2/2004 #44725  
uride has photovoltaic properties. Pure germanium is a semiconductor and th 8/2014 #45413  
## Word: "pure-colored" (Back to Top)
ker. Huge boomerang paces / 5 min. Pure-colored lights. Vanishes.           3/21/1984 #37232  
## Word: "pure-white" (Back to Top)
V- shaped formation of four round, pure-white discs flying in a northerly d 5/21/1950 #4959  
Louis, Missouri, is blanketed by a pure-white, sticky substance ranging fro 10/8/1969 #25400  
 aerospace man. Odd vibrant bright pure-white light going down [to] vertica 3/31/1995 #42129  
1 NORTHWEST / DOUAI, FR 4 / car. 3 pure-white moon-size ovoids / perfect tr 6/1/1997 #43309  
## Word: "purely" (Back to Top)
r if he was fed disinformation, or purely heard rumors from the IC or even  5/13/1992 #40463  
## Word: "purge" (Back to Top)
e 20,000 documents survive Helms’s purge, as they are incorrectly stored in 4/13/1953 #8823  
 20,000 documents survives Helms’s purge, as they are incorrectly stored in 1973 #27199  
required intelligence community to purge all references to MJ-12 in their U 7/7/1999 #43798  
## Word: "purged" (Back to Top)
 records for those cases have been purged, and hinted to Grossman that some Late 1/2010 #45268  
## Word: "purity" (Back to Top)
 be “magnesium of a high degree of purity.” Chemist Luisa Maria A. Barbosa, Early 9/1957 #13971  
. Both determine that the level of purity is not as high as was determined  Early 9/1957 #13971  
## Word: "purl" (Back to Top)
df   https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1028202                             5/5/1955 #12123  
## Word: "purnell" (Back to Top)
D. Styer, and Rear Adm. William R. Purnell, is created to oversee the proje 9/23/1942 #1447  
## Word: "purnong" (Back to Top)
this night 6-year-old Kim Marks of Purnong Landing, South Australia was pre 3/12/1959 #15637  
                                   PURNONG, SOUTH AUST 60M domed saucer / f 3/13/1959 #15638  
                                   Purnong Mannum, South Australia Cournamo 3/13/1959 #15641  
 a.m. Percy Briggs is driving from Purnong to Mannum, South Australia, with 3/13/1959 #15641  
t climbed Cournamont Hill near the Purnong Ferry over the Murray River. The 3/13/1959 #15641  
            Driving over a hill in Purnong Landing, South Australia at 2:10 3/13/1959 #15642  
## Word: "purple" (Back to Top)
 to the ground they are all a deep purple color. All are silent. The phenom 8/18/1893 #309  
t of Ireland. It was surrounded by purple lights, and made a whirring noise 12/25/1945 #1953  
                     PHILOMATH, OR Purple fireball cruises going quickly ea 9/6/1946 #2170  
ong the lower side emitting a soft purple light, and a light at the top whi 3/20/1950 #4689  
                       Bayview, WA Purple object for unknown length of time 6/2/1952 #6424  
ington Witness:  Larry McWade. One purple object seen for unknown length of 6/2/1952 #6426  
 5:02 p.m. Larry McWade observed a purple object for an unknown length of t 6/2/1952 #6429  
lver domed saucer stops and tilts. Purple glow. Shoots going quickly east.  6/7/1952 #6459  
 saw a dark object take off with a purple glow and follow them for 15 sec b 9/28/1954 #10486  
 saw a dark object take off with a purple glow and follow them for 10-15 se 9/28/1954 #10491  
, which gave off a yellowish and a purple light. Losing altitude, the craft 10/12/1954 #10974  
ft that gave off a yellowish and a purple light. Losing altitude, the craft 10/12/1954 #10984  
times as large as the sun, red and purple, spinning rapidly, was seen desce 10/29/1954 #11478  
arent diameter of the sun, red and purple in color, and spinning rapidly, w 10/29/1954 #11481  
               PORT ELIZABETH, RSA Purple sausage leads 10 large ovoids in  1/21/1955 #11939  
t the object takes off, changes to purple, and moves away to the southwest. 11/5/1957 #14345  
 an “elongated egg,” dull red with purple waves inside it, flying in a desc 2/24/1959 #15605  
mitted brilliant orange, green and purple lights. Next to the object stood  10/16/1959 #16035  
 and a third witness encountered a purple light while driving between Difqu 8/2/1960 #16364  
all.” It changed color from red to purple as it rose vertically into the sk 12/3/1960 #16523  
ors from white to orange to red to purple several times. Darnaude runs insi 6/11/1961 #16724  
lor from white to orange to red to purple to white again. Over a dozen othe 6/11/1961 #16725  
ight fitting bluish-black tunic, a purple cape, and a leather-like helmet.  2/29/1964 #18141  
FORD, ENG 6+observer(s). 1 ovoid / purple halo. 2 more join. All vanish. TV 11/30/1964 #18646  
or five min. It emitted a blinding purple light.                            7/30/1965 #19210  
ive minutes. It emitted a blinding purple light.                            7/30/1965 #19213  
ople. The object emitted a bright, purple light and a green beam.           7/31/1965 #19218  
ople. The object emitted a bright, purple light and a green beam.           7/31/1965 #19221  
the back of their heads. They wore purple jerseys and white shirts. They ha 8/13/1965 #19380  
 satin. Both beings wore sleveless purple vests over white coveralls. Ellen 8/13/1965 #19383  
nd a half cans. Harold discovers a purple, oily-smelling liquid and gives a 8/19/1965 #19427  
rey, with a long, bright, pulsing, purple light on the right side and a lon 9/3/1965 #19508  
 off highway and 100' in the air.  Purple light illuminated ground beneath  9/3/1965 #19508  
illuminate them and the terrain in purple light. Heat felt                  9/3/1965 #19510  
dle, with a long, bright, pulsing, purple light on the right side and a lon 9/3/1965 #19512  
e highway and 100 feet in the air. Purple light illuminates the ground bene 9/3/1965 #19512  
 11:00 p.m. a football-field sized purple oval or cigar-shaped object, 40 f 9/3/1965 #19517  
m and the surrounding terrain in a purple light. They reported that there w 9/3/1965 #19517  
which came out in two steps, and a purple light on the left, which lit the  9/3/1965 #19517  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Purple” YieldMax: 20KT                   3/18/1966 #19988  
t white light, and red, green, and purple blinking lights. Udvardy backs up 3/31/1966 #20179  
 saucer-shaped craft with a slight purple hue and about twice the size of a 4/6/1966 #20257  
described as a high-flying, bright purple light flew over Stoughton, Massac 4/19/1966 #20347  
 domed disc-shaped object with 4-5 purple lights around its perimeter hover 2/17/1967 #21587  
heir color changing from orange to purple. They then emitted a blinding lig 4/5/1967 #22061  
in before a door opened, showing a purple light. A high-pitched sound and a 5/20/1967 #22379  
 before a door opened, revealing a purple glow inside. A high-pitched hummi 5/20/1967 #22384  
ntina that would change color from purple to green from time to time. The o 12/26/1967 #23612  
ing object that changed color from purple to green from time to time. The c 12/28/1967 #23617  
/ 10M altitude. Hovers and flashes purple and red.                          7/5/1968 #24144  
p. The dome on the object glowed a purple color.                            1/5/1969 #24818  
 shapeless bodies." They emitted a purple and yellow glow. For about ten mi 1/14/1969 #24842  
m yellow to green, then blue, then purple, then back to green. The color ch 3/11/1969 #24998  
descends, and long red, green, and purple sparks float out from the lighted 1/7/1970 #25540  
ded again, and long red, green and purple "sparks" floated out from the lig 1/7/1970 #25541  
Wiltshire, England, see a flashing purple light. One of their sensors buzze 3/28/1970 #25613  
a light beam from a high-intensity purple spot-lamp operated by a group of  3/28/1970 #25613  
light changed color from orange to purple. When the drove off it followed t 1/26/1971 #26003  
sh orange in color and then became purple. In its upper portion he could se 12/30/1972 #27193  
uts walking in space". It was of a purple or orange color. The witness did  4/15/1973 #27431  
ning UFO with red, green, blue and purple lights buzzed a car with three te 5/23/1973 #27521  
ning UFO with red, green, blue and purple lights buzzed a car with three te 5/23/1973 #27522  
ght of the robot again. A flashing purple colored light was coming from it. 10/16/1973 #28089  
 Athens, Georgia observed a vague, purple shape about 50 yards from the hou 10/20/1973 #28219  
vided into red, green, yellow, and purple sections. After 10 minutes they c 1/24/1974 #28701  
 few minutes later he saw a bright purple light flashing outside his baseme 9/8/1974 #29437  
ow silent. Three minutes after the purple light was seen a bright white lig 9/8/1974 #29437  
reen door to the backyard, and the purple and white lights again came in th 9/8/1974 #29437  
 three-foot tall figure carrying a purple light like a flashlight. He was s 9/8/1974 #29437  
o spots of some substance, reddish purple in color, that feels slippery and 7/6/1975 #30167  
in the road held something reddish purple in his left hand, "with a wire on 12/11/1975 #30705  
. The entity is carrying something purple it its left hand that has a wire  12/14/1975 #30715  
through a clearing in the trees. A purple haze surrounds it and on top they 7/28/1976 #31189  
 the pouring rain when he sees two purple lights to his side. He notices he 6/6/1977 #32151  
A 16-year-old motorcyclist saw two purple objects for 30 seconds along the  6/6/1977 #32153  
 that changes from red to green to purple to blue. Its lights go off, and a 6/28/1977 #32203  
changed color from red to green to purple, then its lights went off. For 45 6/28/1977 #32204  
s on their heads, and these glowed purple. Cows on a nearby field seemed to 1/27/1978 #32917  
mps on their heads, and these glow purple. Cows on a nearby field seem to b 1/27/1978 #32919  
s on their heads, and these glowed purple. Cows on a nearby field seemed to 1/27/1978 #32921  
feet over Isfahan. He sees a huge, purple form passing below him at amazing 6/11/1978 #33274  
sunny day in summer in Spain.” The purple light continues to follow the pla 6/11/1978 #33274  
n aura, from which 30–40 beautiful purple rays shoot out at various angles  7/21/1978 #33407  
ops for 3–5 seconds and changes to purple then pale blue and moves off.     11/18/1979 #35006  
tial houses, emitting 6 to 7 pink, purple and white light beams. The green  9/10/1981 #36109  
ground and explodes in a shower of purple sparks. Out of the shower emerges 4/15/1984 #37263  
t cinnamon." He also found reddish purple stains on his hands that he could 11/9/1991 #40224  
 the soil. The woman was wearing a purple outfit and had what appeared to b 2/28/1993 #40866  
 the whole valley in an eerie deep purple light. The "mother ship" landed u 1/31/1996 #42729  
enly felt very cold. He next saw a purple light drop from the sky, and at t 3/10/1997 #43225  
after this they flew back into the purple light via the orange beam of ligh 3/10/1997 #43225  
y direction. One of them carried a purple blinking light and another of the 11/13/1998 #43682  
ic glowing orange to metallic deep purple and shades of blue. One more larg 1/1/2001 #44114  
ght of various colors (red, green, purple). Nothing is tracked on radar. Th 1/22/2001 #44127  
 colors of green, red/orange, blue/purple and white rotating around the rim 7/28/2002 #44367  
sc-shaped UFO changing colors from purple to green to blue, then with a sol 9/10/2002 #44395  
. when they encountered an intense purple flash of light for 4-5 seconds. T 9/24/2002 #44403  
 co-worker. Instead he saw a large purple light emanating from a teardrop-s 4/21/2003 #44517  
The UFO caused a power drain and a purple glow around the 737 as the triang 1/4/2004 #44645  
ad candle-like white lights with a purple hued. The sighting lasted 5 minut 11/30/2004 #44794  
 Oriental, North Carolina an eerie purple and greenish glow came from a cra 5/25/2005 #44845  
m. EDT a cylindrical object with a purple underglow was spotted moving very 9/20/2007 #45062  
s and several windows. There was a purple beacon in the center of the botto 6/7/2008 #45146  
## Word: "purple-blue" (Back to Top)
          Singapore, Malaya A long purple-blue parabolic trail. (Page 77-78 11/5/1944 #1693  
## Word: "purple-colored" (Back to Top)
 hot stainless steel with blinding purple-colored lights coming through sli 5/20/1967 #22382  
e rapidly across a road. They wore purple-colored luminous one-piece suits  2/10/1976 #30862  
e rapidly across a road. They wore purple-colored luminous one-piece suits  2/10/1976 #30863  
rapidly across the road. They wore purple-colored, luminous, one-piece suit 8/16/1976 #31274  
## Word: "purple-green" (Back to Top)
ittle men wearing square masks and purple-green coveralls are working with  8/1914 #907  
an soldier, watch the descent of a purple-green fireball. They drive to the 1977 #31656  
## Word: "purple-violet" (Back to Top)
of I-beams with hieroglyphics in a purple-violet hue. His father told him i 3/6/1991 #40002  
## Word: "purplish" (Back to Top)
             TIMMINS, ONT Globe of purplish light seen. Car stalls passing. 8/16/1947 #3338  
           At 9:00 p.m. a globe of purplish light was seen in Timmins, Onta 8/16/1947 #3339  
 flashlights on it, it gives off a purplish glow, “almost a mist, that look 9/26/1950 #5199  
 a sharp turn, the color shifts to purplish, and they head toward the airpl 3/24/1954 #9639  
 about 500 feet wide with a slight purplish tinge heading south at an estim 11/4/1957 #14286  
r was noticed, and the next day, a purplish liquid, 2"x2" marks and patches 8/19/1965 #19424  
r was noticed, and the next day, a purplish liquid, 2"x2" marks and patches 8/19/1965 #19428  
O in the back-woods roads when the purplish UFO shot instantly towards them 9/3/1965 #19495  
 (disc) with a dome on top and 4-5 purplish lights around its perimeter (bo 2/17/1967 #21582  
vered over them. It was emitting a purplish light from underneath, and he f 3/14/1971 #26047  
Irritated patches of his skin turn purplish blue. Later, these spots turn y 5/22/1973 #27518  
er in the presence of at least two purplish ovoid UFOs. A 16-year-old motor 6/6/1977 #32153  
d on the bank. It emitted a strong purplish glow that made it hard to look  1/27/1978 #32917  
eshire, England. It emits a strong purplish glow that makes it hard to look 1/27/1978 #32919  
d on the bank. It emitted a strong purplish glow that made it hard to look  1/27/1978 #32921  
0:00 p.m., Vivienne Roberts sees a purplish object with a mass of yellow li 9/1/1978 #33622  
UFO making a buzzing noise. It was purplish metallic gray in color. It had  9/11/1980 #35513  
lic and could not be broken, and a purplish foil with burn marks that could 3/1/2002 #44321  
ces a power drain. The A330 sees a purplish glow surround the 737, whose ca 1/4/2004 #44643  
## Word: "purplish-blue" (Back to Top)
is sharp and silhouetted against a purplish-blue sky. The object would be a 9/19/1991 #40194  
## Word: "purplish-bluish" (Back to Top)
it had some sort of oval lens of a purplish-bluish color. He spoke to the w 9/4/1965 #19520  
## Word: "purplish-white" (Back to Top)
nesium wire burning with a bright, purplish-white light.” It dives through  12/13/1950 #5345  
in three enormous circles. Strange purplish-white, foam-like substance was  2/23/1996 #42776  
## Word: "purport" (Back to Top)
 South African Air Force documents purport to describe a UFO crash in the K 5/7/1989 #38938  
ling of two Kodachrome slides that purport to show a dead alien. The slides 5/5/2015 #45437  
## Word: "purported" (Back to Top)
parently with telepathic help from purported extraterrestrials. According t 7/9/1959 #15829  
analyzes the “Hutchison Effect,” a purported method to generate antigravity 1983 #36738  
onym “Dennis.” Lazar discusses his purported employment at S-4, a subsidiar 5/15/1989 #38952  
ious. She also says that photos of purported extraterrestrial women “Asket” 1997 #43155  
Prawda o Wunderwaffe, describing a purported top-secret Nazi technological  2000 #43910  
tion. The site where the craft was purported to have crashed was later sear 8/25/2004 #44742  
P program to study UFO reports and purported paranormal phenomena. Accordin 2/14/2020 #45633  
## Word: "purportedly" (Back to Top)
 spread the message. The lady also purportedly reveals to the children a vi 6/13/1917 #959  
t line, “Recovery ‘Flying Discs,’” purportedly written by Maj. Edwin D. Eas 7/30/1947 #3261  
return for this, the United States purportedly arranges for Israel to ship  10/15/1980 #35569  
## Word: "purporting" (Back to Top)
advised this office that an object purporting to be a flying disc was recov 7/8/1947 #2951  
othy S. Cooper receives a document purporting to be the first annual report 2/22/1995 #42058  
## Word: "purports" (Back to Top)
irculated by Timothy S. Cooper. It purports to verify the “recovery of unid 9/19/1947 #3407  
ody Snatchers in the Desert, which purports to show that the 1947 Roswell c 6/2005 #44846  
## Word: "purpose" (Back to Top)
 was met by a man who told him his purpose was peaceful and requested some  4/22/1897 #555  
 it landed. A man who told him his purpose was peaceful met Barclay and req 4/22/1897 #561  
formance characteristics and their purpose on earth (with "2A" Security Cla 12/30/1947 #3513  
d educational organization for the purpose of studying parapsychology, UFO’ 1951 #5370  
g range use of frequencies for the purpose of stimulation of the brains of  1952 #5844  
t, says the antigravity propulsion purpose of ARL was “rubbish” and that “T 9/1956 #13166  
 warhead in an airplane crash. The purpose of the test is to verify that no 4/24/1957 #13615  
nada “agreed the command’s primary purpose would be…early warning and defen 9/12/1957 #13992  
hielded underground shaft with the purpose of irradiating military aircraft 6/1959 #15754  
ewell probe”) sent for the express purpose of communicating with alien civi 5/28/1960 #16303  
stablishes a division for the same purpose.                                 1962 #17008  
 It remains in use until 1976. One purpose of the machine is to search text 1/1962 #17015  
ocus on incapacitating agents. The purpose of the project is to develop, te 1964 #18101  
problem critically for the express purpose of determining whether a major p 4/5/1966 #20249  
nce, Vietnam, specifically for the purpose of investigating and tracking un 8/1968 #24284  
 his technical resources and their purpose on our planet.                   9/10/1968 #24450  
xcursion took only 45 minutes. The purpose of their presence, he was told,  2/9/1974 #28755  
the CIA works and how its original purpose (collecting and analyzing inform 6/12/1974 #29180  
of CNES Director Yves Sillard. Its purpose is to quiet public fears about a 5/1/1977 #32046  
rad Sparks, and Peter Gersten. Its purpose is to uncover UFO data through t 4/1978 #33110  
han anyone suspects, biological in purpose, and perhaps lifelong in scope.  1981 #35761  
ise code-named Able Archer 83. Its purpose is to simulate a period of confl 11/7/1983 #37044  
n the MOD appointed solely for the purpose of studying UFOs, and no staff a 4/19/1985 #37580  
Fairbanks, and DARPA. Its original purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and 1993 #40778  
d the NHI asks him if he did it on purpose, to which Sherman replies yes. S 9/1994 #41709  
s as symbolic agents of the larger purpose to save Earth from humans and hu 1999 #43708  
lleged government UFO secrecy. The purpose of the press conference is to bu 5/9/2001 #44182  
l US and Russian participants. The purpose of SDI is to protect both countr 9/20/2005 #44877  
ocuments detailing its history and purpose.                                 6/25/2013 #45375  
 nature of his outreach and stated purpose of speaking publicly.  https://t 5/5/2021 #45688  
## Word: "purposefully" (Back to Top)
ress that Urner Liddel and ONR are purposefully misleading people and true  2/27/1951 #5465  
al activity should be secretly and purposefully scheduled within the area,” 1/9/1953 #8521  
 is unknown if this case was lost, purposefully ignored or forwarded to a h 12/18/1953 #9384  
 Linda Moulton Howe that a UAP was purposefully landed in the southwest cor 1958 #14784  
repeated. It then circles the tree purposefully for several minutes. The br Summer 1960 #16313  
ic excited.” Hynek states the USAF purposefully debunked interesting cases  1979 #34260  
990. Haines says Project Blue Book purposefully covered up NRO overflights  8/3/1997 #43367  
that Haines’ report was created to purposefully wash away the national secu 8/3/1997 #43367  
owered radar units accidentally or purposefully may have interfered with so 3/26/2011 #45320  
## Word: "purposely" (Back to Top)
king that the other pilot might be purposely toying with him. The other air 10/21/1978 #33856  
## Word: "purposes" (Back to Top)
hiefs agree to use it for planning purposes.                                6/18/1946 #2012  
d for the Gulf of Bothnia for test purposes and “do not overfly Swedish ter 8/22/1946 #2150  
caverns for atomic weapons defense purposes. The article says the new base  8/1947 #3277  
 Exploitation of Superstitions for Purposes of Psychological Warfare.” She  4/14/1950 #4852  
“Exploitation of Superstitions for Purposes of Psychological Warfare.” The  4/14/1950 #4853  
henomena for psychological warfare purposes.                                1952? #5828  
y hoaxed report for disinformation purposes, detail an annual report for MA 1952 #5845  
up these stories for entertainment purposes.                                7/22/1952 #7024  
telligence and counterintelligence purposes. NSA inherits Project Shamrock  10/24/1952 #8181  
 use of such groups for subversive purposes should be kept in mind.” The pa 1/17/1953 #8548  
use electrogravitics for aerospace purposes.  The “Philadelphia experiment, 4/1956 #12778  
electrogravitics for naval stealth purposes. It is unknown what the extent  4/1956 #12778  
y had philanthropic and scientific purposes.                                12/1957 #14648  
 have philanthropic and scientific purposes.                                12/1957 #14653  
bridge, Massachusetts. Among other purposes, experiments focus on measuring 9/1959 #15952  
“are intended solely for defensive purposes.” Kennedy writes back, bluntly  10/23/1962 #17489  
ed in the 1950s for reconnaissance purposes, had supersonic capabilities an 1966 #19799  
ing electrogravitics for aerospace purposes was authored by Thomas Valone,  1968 #23633  
igate remote viewing for espionage purposes.                                6/6/1972 #26703  
ing withheld for national security purposes. Also, 196 other documents orig 12/14/1978 #34124  
manipulating UFO myths for its own purposes, while the UFO phenomenon opera 6/1979 #34599  
ged film production for disclosure purposes, was a Shickshinny Knight of Ma 7/1980 #35399  
ewing” technology for intelligence purposes and a secret space program util 1981 #35765  
he is too old and infirm for their purposes. They then let him go.          8/12/1983 #36948  
 NHI for military and intelligence purposes. The scientists claim the work  11/25/1991 #40241  
cly it would be for disinformation purposes, but ethically, he couldn’t do  4/15/1993 #40934  
 NHI for military and intelligence purposes.    “STAC remain committed to a 3/11/1998 #43532  
 vacuum interaction for propulsion purposes. A later paper discloses the pr 8/1998 #43618  
"container" for their own survival purposes. She became terrified as the th 5/2/2001 #44174  
n animal for psychological warfare purposes; he states it’s possible this s 7/2003 #44560  
 human consciousness for aerospace purposes. *   https://irp.fas.org/dia/aa 4/28/2006 #44937  
 techniques for potential military purposes.” The report describes people w 5/15/2006 #44942  
omagnetic propulsion for aerospace purposes. The paper was funded by the Ca 2/1/2007 #45004  
ess “demonic powers” for espionage purposes under Operation Often.  Duke cl 3/31/2011 #45322  
cies so it can be utilized for R&D purposes   A breakaway group exists with 4/5/2016 #45449  
echnology for energy and aerospace purposes. DeLonge also stated TTSA expec 10/26/2017 #45488  
ns around the craft for propulsion purposes.  https://patentimages.storage. 11/2/2017 #45490  
## Word: "purposly" (Back to Top)
stem Applications Program (AAWSAP)—purposly misidentified as the Advanced A Fall 2007? #45070  
## Word: "purr" (Back to Top)
                NEAR ROOSEVELT, UT Purr! Dome hovers / green glow. Lights / 8/11/1978 #33499  
## Word: "purr-buzz" (Back to Top)
 near car. Engine and lights fail. Purr-buzz. / r41p253.                    8/8/1971 #26271  
## Word: "purr-noise" (Back to Top)
      MT. HAWTHORN, WEST AUSTRALIA Purr-noise. Black ovoid hovers. Gold bea 3/15/1968 #23843  
## Word: "purring" (Back to Top)
. Soon the object flies overhead, “purring like a milk separator,” and he h 6/12/1929 #1098  
ters in length, heard a whistling, purring noise as it moved away. The mini 10/27/1954 #11451  
heir house making a low buzzing or purring sound, and was estimated to be t 5/20/1965 #18947  
steady course, and he heard a soft purring sound. (New Hampshire NICAP Subc 1/16/1967 #21318  
ering soundlessly, but there was a purring sound when it started to move aw 1/16/1967 #21319  
orth in a pendulum motion making a purring sound. At 6:30 p.m. five people  2/26/1967 #21663  
into their bedroom. The UFO made a purring sound. The incident lasted about 5/11/1969 #25127  
ree minutes, and made a buzzing or purring sound.                           8/8/1971 #26274  
h headlights front and rear. Light purring sound. East going quickly west.  9/10/1974 #29444  
y bright lights, and made a faint "purring" sound. There were multiple inde 8/28/1977 #32435  
w a silvery domed disc that made a purring sound. It had a green glow and h 8/11/1978 #33509  
he craft, which takes off making a purring sound. Quezet undergoes hypnotic 1/4/1979 #34294  
 portholes, when it began making a purring turbine noise. Their close encou 5/9/1983 #36857  
iod of objects making a buzzing or purring noise. At 7:00 p.m. in Chissay-e 11/5/1990 #39871  
 a formation of lights that made a purring sound.                           11/5/1990 #39871  
t hovered for 75 minutes, making a purring sound, and then turned and moves 1/22/1996 #42707  
lloon. He hears a sound like a cat purring at a low frequency. The UFO pass 11/25/2009 #45256  
## Word: "purrington" (Back to Top)
utside. Her foster daughter, Anita Purrington, joins Dale and they both get 11/1/1966 #21061  
## Word: "purrs" (Back to Top)
ER LAKE, WA Lumberman. Silver ball purrs. Reflects sun. Lost going [to] beh 7/12/1947 #3143  
TTE, FR 5 teens. Very fast object. Purrs. Searches / strong rays. Type unkn 7/31/1968 #24266  
d lights blink / bottom/underside. Purrs. / LDLN#306.                       7/13/1978 #33379  
ark double-disk hovers / roadside. Purrs. Fades away. 90m / missing time. / 1/2/1981 #35769  
## Word: "purse" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Purse” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT       5/7/1969 #25118  
our / missing time. Id card gone / purse.                                   8/3/1977 #32348  
## Word: "pursed" (Back to Top)
rd Tunnel, Pennsylvania a triangle pursed a vehicle, making a humming sound 11/21/1993 #41288  
## Word: "purser" (Back to Top)
the bereaved and mentally unstable purser Oliver Eugene Crosthwaite, has de 11/8/1957 #14489  
## Word: "pursuant" (Back to Top)
for aerial espionage and are flown pursuant to “presidential directives.”   5/9/1960 #16260  
## Word: "pursue" (Back to Top)
y. Flynn turns his plane around to pursue them, but they outdistance him qu 7/15/1947 #3187  
ne about 25 feet apart. The pilots pursue the objects for about 3 minutes,  10/15/1950 #5236  
ggested the Navy and Air Force not pursue the disc designs. *   https://arc 1952 #5843  
rea. Low on fuel, the pilot cannot pursue the UFO any further, so he breaks 8/12/1952 #7559  
 over oil refinery. Air Force jets pursue. Saucers disperse.                8/28/1952 #7763  
nd motion return. Balocco tries to pursue it again unsuccessfully. Captain  2/11/1953 #8664  
in pursuit. When Thompson turns to pursue it, the object makes a slight dip 3/3/1953 #8727  
d from Kinross AFB at 6:41 p.m. to pursue a UFO over Lake Michigan and the  11/23/1953 #9319  
 F-86 fighter jet was scrambled to pursue a UFO over Nouasseur AFB in Moroc 3/12/1954 #9619  
es to Knowles saying that ONI will pursue the matter no further. He turns t 6/8/1954 #9877  
0 p.m. Several USAF fighter pilots pursue a triangular formation of 15 obje 8/28/1954 #10198  
ible speed. Carswell tells them to pursue, but they can’t keep up. The UFO  9/3/1954 #10239  
house while the object appeared to pursue him less than 70 meters above the 8/1/1955 #12319  
AF ordering a commercial flight to pursue UFOs, citing the Meet the Millers 2/1958 #14859  
has been an explosion, he tries to pursue it, turning off to the right on a 4/24/1964 #18200  
ghters are constantly scrambled to pursue these objects. This information i 10/2/1965 #19638  
cts pace 2 men / light plane. Jets pursue! Objects shoot away. No further d 11/9/1965 #19704  
 even 100 mph. The entity does not pursue them into town, but they drive di 11/15/1966 #21107  
m the Colorado project in order to pursue academic interests.               9/17/1967 #23076  
sy does not hear back and does not pursue the subject.                      12/12/1967 #23574  
ase and told by higher-ups “not to pursue the matter further.” This is sign 5/1972 #26666  
me witnesses in a car attempted to pursue the object but it accelerated out 7/5/1972 #26775  
from Denver enter base airspace to pursue it.                               1975 #29680  
THEAST / MAXTON, NC SR71. Deputies pursue V-craft going quickly northeast t 4/3/1975 #29943  
y small arms fire. Security forces pursue the intruders but apparently do n 11/3/1975 #30546  
ure it back; when this fails, they pursue it in their truck. Running out of 10/1/1977 #32542  
 of the UFO situation and will not pursue its initiative any further.       12/27/1977 #32813  
re moving off. Yongkao attempts to pursue the objects unsuccessfully and is 7/26/1978 #33418  
eature, but it stopped and did not pursue him further.                      1/5/1979 #34306  
wer lines. The couple continues to pursue and be pursued by the similar for 8/11/1979 #34731  
d a metallic domed disc-shaped UFO pursue their car for about five minutes  12/3/1979 #35046  
se pilot requests authorization to pursue. He sees a bright gold object rig 10/31/1980 #35599  
 its radar. The pilot continues to pursue for 2 minutes before the UFO spee 10/31/1980 #35599  
ots up to 30,000 feet, too high to pursue.                                  7/7/1983 #36904  
le the boyfriend jumps in a car to pursue it. At one point he sees the obje 11/28/1983 #37052  
s maneuvers / 10 minute(s). 3 jets pursue east going quickly west.          1/23/1986 #37769  
stars or planes. They attempted to pursue the UFOs for 30 min. but gave up  5/19/1986 #37874  
rting the landing, they attempt to pursue one of the objects, which blinks  5/19/1986 #37880  
 Mirage fighter aircraft allegedly pursue a fast-moving UFO and shoot it do 5/7/1989 #38938  
xits and going quickly south. Jets pursue..                                 10/8/1991 #40207  
ght scoots over hills. Helicopters pursue and search area after.            10/21/1992 #40686  
izon. Shoots away. 3 military jets pursue.                                  7/7/1995 (approximate) #42291  
ca.” The Mercury News continues to pursue the story, publishing follow-ups  8/18/1996 #42985  
 no return.  Next, he attempted to pursue the object, but it disappeared.   1/26/2002 #44311  
ad. They turned off the highway to pursue it. They later sighted two more c 6/8/2002 #44349  
urners over residential areas, and pursue an unidentifiable light on three  7/26/2002 #44366  
the security teams that attempt to pursue it in Humvees.                    10/2002 #44411  
turn all lights off and descend to pursue the target. At 7,800 feet the tar 10/28/2004 #44773  
 arrive to watch it. People try to pursue the lights, but they soon disappe 11/2006 #44979  
sight in 1–2 seconds. But no F-16s pursue this potential interloper.        1/8/2008 #45112  
k Post that the AATIP program “did pursue research and investigation into u 5/22/2019 #45579  
er Protection helicopters began to pursue it. The law enforcement helicopte 2/9/2021 #45676  
## Word: "pursued" (Back to Top)
e the legs moved "carefully." When pursued, the creature accelerated very f Fall 1938 #1295  
 p.m. (GMT). RAF pilot of Mosquito pursued unidentified radar target (NICAP 1/16/1947 #2227  
 the fighter aircraft. The UFO was pursued for 30 minutes until over the No 1/16/1947 #2229  
 p.m. (GMT). RAF pilot of Mosquito pursued unidentified radar target (NICAP 1/17/1947 #2230  
ing his F-51 at 4500 ft. The pilot pursued the UFO which took evasive tacti 10/1/1948 #3822  
                         Homer, MI Pursued 6 flying discs 10 inches diamete 4/28/1949 #4121  
t were lost in the sand dunes when pursued. The object disappeared.         8/19/1949 #4327  
t were lost in the sand dunes when pursued. The object disappeared.         8/19/1949 #4330  
 a “fireball project” ought not be pursued because any objects that are not 2/20/1950 #4541  
ith a theodolite as USAF F-94 jets pursued them.                            6/17/1952 #6530  
oast, US Marine Corps jet fighters pursued a red disc-shaped UFO. The UFO o 1/28/1953 #8605  
   Mount Taylor, NM 900 MPH Target Pursued By F-86 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 3/27/1953 #8789  
land, flying a military transport, pursued a silver flying disc-shaped obje 3/24/1954 #9640  
 driving at high speed. The object pursued them for 20 minutes, until by th 12/28/1954 #11869  
 and then ran to this jeep, but it pursued him and clawed at him, ripping h 8/1/1955 #12318  
 an area 15 acres in size; it then pursued four witnesses in a car for 16 m 1/30/1956 #12686  
A blue glowing disc flying on edge pursued a car in Kwekwe, Zimbabwe in wha 5/28/1956 #12873  
ral. About two hours after the UFO pursued the jet and rocket, a mysterious 11/8/1956 #13315  
e the UFO blinks out visually when pursued by the RB-47. At the same time t 7/17/1957 #13808  
 African Air Force Sabre jet pilot pursued a high altitude, hovreing craft  11/1/1957 #14190  
hts and spotlight dimmed as police pursued low-flying UFO (NICAP: 03 - EME  11/4/1957 #14272  
irs and large groups. Jet aircraft pursued them but could not catch up.     11/6/1958 #15431  
 altitude for about 20 minutes. It pursued them for 18 kilometers, keeping  5/17/1960 #16281  
ter with three low level UFOs that pursued them for at least eight minutes. 5/9/1962 #17155  
irliner she had been flying in was pursued by an UFO. The jet, traveling at 7/17/1963 #17835  
utfit. They got out of the car and pursued the little man. Two more little  1/26/1965 #18770  
y was holding a metallic tube, was pursued, and vanished suddenly.          9/10/1965 #19547  
holding a metallic tube. When they pursued the being it vanished suddenly.  9/10/1965 #19552  
f towards the east as jet aircraft pursued it.                              3/19/1966 #19996  
FO changed color to blue, and then pursued their car for several miles.     3/30/1966 #20168  
some accounts describe it as being pursued from the scene by five unidentif 4/6/1966 #20257  
hey drove off at high speed and it pursued them. After two minutes it broke 4/22/1966 #20376  
arton County, Texas when they were pursued by a UFO. They first observed a  11/28/1966 #21160  
. EST. Two police officers saw and pursued a large orange glowing object th 2/19/1967 #21594  
                             A UFO pursued a car near Elgin, Illinois and t 3/7/1967 #21788  
 wings, and red body lights. As it pursued the witnesses' car and illuminat 4/26/1967 #22221  
k wing, and red body lights. As it pursued the witnesses' car and illuminat 4/26/1967 #22225  
ead (see June 1972) at Edwards AFB pursued for decades, what Hal Puthoff (s 1968 #23633  
proach he fled in terror, and they pursued him and knocked him to the groun 5/5/1969 #25117  
cts; however, human testing is not pursued. The program is shut down later  5/12/1969 #25131  
ay and to the right of the car and pursued the car closely. It had a hazy e 6/29/1970 #25721  
d. On their way home their car was pursued by a ball of yellowish-white lig 3/24/1973 #27373  
f. On their way home their car was pursued by a ball of yellow-white light, 3/25/1973 #27376  
 p.m. At 7 p.m. CDT a car was also pursued south of Memphis, Tennessee by a 10/17/1973 #28134  
urned and began running. The Chief pursued it in his patrol car, but the be 10/17/1973 #28142  
xed a beam of light on the car and pursued it for 15 minutes.               12/1/1973 #28497  
ok off, making a humming sound. It pursued the witnesses for awhile, then f 12/6/1973 #28535  
e got out and ran, and the figures pursued him. After running nearly 2 kilo 3/21/1974 #28921  
ark shortly after midnight. It was pursued by two men, a police officer and 5/12/1974 #29102  
ng low over some nearby houses. He pursued them, running down a farm road,  11/21/1974 #29601  
wo sheriff deputies in Hoke County pursued a delta-shaped object flying nor 4/3/1975 #29945  
.m. A Sheriff's deputy named Lewis pursued a V-shaped craft flying to the n 4/3/1975 #29950  
wo sheriff deputies in Hoke County pursued a delta-shaped object flying nor 4/3/1975 #29953  
.m. a Sheriff's deputy named Lewis pursued a V-shaped craft flying to the n 4/3/1975 #29953  
 witnesses felt fear as the object pursued them for three minutes. Finally, 8/4/1975 #30235  
 running on the golf course, so he pursued him on his riding mower. He saw  8/16/1976 #31273  
ight metallic ovoid object closely pursued a teenage driver at a very low a 8/16/1977 #32407  
d him, and then a small dull light pursued him for 30 minutes, retreating o 2/5/1978 #32956  
los Paz, Entre Rios, Argentina was pursued by a UFO that gave off a yellow  8/25/1978 #33569  
low lights. A couple of the lights pursued his car, and one of the two cros 12/23/1978 #34199  
 couple continues to pursue and be pursued by the similar formations of lig 8/11/1979 #34731  
e an emergency landing after being pursued by 2 UFOs at 14,000 feet. (NICAP 11/11/1979 #34996  
ect tumbles across sky while being pursued by two military jets. Any sound  10/16/1982 #36645  
police car, changed direction when pursued. Domed disc shape seen to east,  11/27/1982 #36693  
police car, changed direction when pursued. Domed disc shape seen to east,  11/27/1982 #36695  
round, then changes direction when pursued. The white disc is later seen to 11/27/1982 #36697  
l car, then changed direction when pursued. The white domed disc was later  11/27/1982 #36698  
ed Targets). Nearly two-thirds are pursued by fighter interceptors and more 1986 #37742  
, are seen, captured on radar, and pursued by jet fighters. Activity ceases 5/19/1986 #37881  
fied objects, and jet interceptors pursued them, making visual contact in s 5/19/1986 #37882  
ence of an unknown ojbect. As they pursued the object in the twin-engine Xi 5/19/1986 #37882  
ed 12-foot long cylindrical object pursued a car near Moose Jaw, Saskachewa 3/13/1987 #38141  
iving in Farmington, Michigan were pursued by a silvery disc with a greenis 5/10/1989 #38941  
et interceptors were scrambled and pursued the lights. Also at 11:30 p.m. a 3/30/1990 #39500  
of the witnesses, Miguel Figueroa, pursued the beings in his car, but as he 8/31/1990 #39708  
   At 5:30 p.m. police and militia pursued a Saturn-shaped UFO with shining 9/21/1990 #39744  
      Shortly after midnight a UFO pursued a couple named Silva in their ca 3/9/1991 #40007  
ver a car with four passengers and pursued it for seven minutes in Columbus 1/16/1992 #40290  
n a diamond-shaped array of lights pursued a car for 15 kilometers south of 6/26/1994 #41584  
hell, Washington UFO investigators pursued an ovoid UFO for 10 minutes at 8 3/1/1996 #42798  
itnesses see odd lights or objects pursued by one military jet. Two pairs o 7/26/2002 #44366  
in 1954; testimony from pilots who pursued 21 UFOs flying over São Paulo, S 5/20/2005 #44844  
## Word: "pursuer" (Back to Top)
 instant to glance back toward his pursuer. He then saw two bizarre creatur 4/10/1954 #9681  
 which time the UFO plays with its pursuer. After landing, the pilot is tol 12/1/1988 #38733  
## Word: "pursuers" (Back to Top)
 where it has landed. But when the pursuers get within 2,100 feet of the ai 4/16/1897 #507  
craft. It quickly outdistances its pursuers and is out of sight in a matter 8/13/1976 #31261  
## Word: "pursues" (Back to Top)
trolled, evasive action. The plane pursues it for 40 minutes, even though t 1/16/1947 #2228  
eet traveling at 800 mph. The F-86 pursues at maximum speed, but the object 7/12/1952 #6785  
lue-green fireball rushes F94. F94 pursues. Object suddenly dives.          7/23/1952 #7051  
               Michigan USAF pilot pursues UFO over Michigan                7/29/1952 #7271  
1992. His sister, Gloria Kronisch, pursues the case in the US Court of Appe 10/1952 #8075  
ain, then stops and hovers. Arnold pursues but after 2 seconds the object s 12/4/1952 #8377  
celerates to more than 500 mph and pursues it; the disc roars past them aga 1953 #8479  
Harvey N. Patton to give chase. He pursues it from Newport Beach to Long Be 1/28/1953 #8603  
terburner at 10,000 feet. The F-94 pursues it, both climbing to 40,000 feet 5/1/1953 #8856  
ect accelerate and climb. The F-84 pursues but can reach no closer than 3 m 8/5/1953 #9049  
periods of acceleration. The pilot pursues the object but cannot intercept. 11/19/1964 #18629  
ject. She drives away, but the UFO pursues her for 8 miles. It changes from 3/30/1966 #20163  
its wings, rises into the air, and pursues their car, keeping pace at even  11/15/1966 #21107  
t toward(s) Vernal. Very fast. Jet pursues at high altitude.                10/25/1967 #23315  
 unhurt, he runs away and his wife pursues him. She takes him to the hospit 4/2/1971 #26064  
re runs away and although Greenhaw pursues it in his car, it eludes him. Th 10/17/1973 #28133  
below. One of the objects silently pursues Sánchez and disappears as he ent 3/20/1974 #28914  
    HOKE COUNTY, NC Deputy McGuire pursues delta object going northeast tow 4/3/1975 #29938  
olmen 10:17 a.m. A Swedish J-5 jet pursues six delta-shaped silver objects  8/1976 #31215  
d two red lights on its bottom. It pursues their car for three-quarters of  4/22/1977 #32012  
igures run over a hill and Jenkins pursues them. He sees them entering a 20 11/16/1977 #32677  
ing Fort Dix army base. An Army MP pursues the object, but his radio transm 1/18/1978 #32894  
## Word: "pursuing" (Back to Top)
rd the light, keeping on its tail, pursuing at 260 mph and climbing to 16,0 3/18/1945 #1817  
t. Mantell of USAF is killed while pursuing UFO                             1/7/1948 #3535  
(1,100 mph). The object eluded the pursuing F-94 after five minutes.        6/22/1953 #8957  
, Ohio at 4:05 p.m. Jets were seen pursuing the object. Ground radar return 6/25/1954 #9948  
t the same object was seen earlier pursuing a rocket launched from Cape Can 11/8/1956 #13315  
as if toying with them. One of the pursuing jets allegedly goes missing and Late Spring 1957 #13662  
e in Walkerton, Ontario, have been pursuing for about an hour. They drive o Summer 1960 #16313  
known. Cape Kennedy RADAR's object pursuing missile?                        4/9/1964 #18163  
al jets at high altitude were seen pursuing the same course as the UFOs.    4/17/1967 #22154  
 dissuade Saunders and Levine from pursuing this, but they prevail.         6/30/1967 #22578  
titude over the highway ahead of a pursuing police car. The object suddenly 9/25/1967 #23130  
 he returned saw a "flying shadow" pursuing the horses. There was a great d 2/16/1969 #24923  
disc-shaped object, which had been pursuing his sisters as they drove in a  5/15/1971 #26111  
d it. A jet aircraft appears to be pursuing it. The mother says she can hea 4/19/1984 #37274  
.S. Air Force F-14 Tomcat was seen pursuing a domed disc-shaped UFO in Laja 4/28/1992 #40437  
and Plasma technologies,” and are “pursuing related techniques for potentia 5/15/2006 #44942  
 Vallée that he and Eric Davis are pursuing a Lockheed Martin technology fo 1/5/2007 #44997  
 Haisch tells Jacques Vallée he is pursuing an experiment of zero point ene 5/27/2007 #45032  
ach 6. However, USAF is officially pursuing the Northrop Grumman RQ-180 UAV 11/1/2013 #45391  
orting them. The drones seem to be pursuing the ships, even as they continu 7/15/2019 #45593  
ports. A police helicopter is seen pursuing a drone flying above it at a he 1/17/2022 #45734  
## Word: "pursuit" (Back to Top)
ng aircraft and Brown takes off in pursuit of a ball of fire that quickly l 12/23/1944 #1731  
c zoom above his plane. He goes in pursuit of it at 325 mph and closes to w 1948 #3521  
,000 feet during most of Mantell’s pursuit. Flying at 300 mph and gradually 1/7/1948 #3544  
quipment, adding a debris-catching pursuit plane. However, information is l 7/1951 #5556  
 running low on fuel and broke off pursuit. The second pair of F-86's was v 9/23/1951 #5687  
 Discs Over Uraniam Mines / Jet In Pursuit (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, 3/29/1952 #5988  
 the Belgian Air Force sets out in pursuit in a fighter plane from the city 3/29/1952 #5993  
ed of 930 mph. Pierre gives up his pursuit after about 15 minutes.          3/29/1952 #5993  
hot away to the east outdistancing pursuit aircraft at a terrific speed.    6/20/1952 #6563  
 communications channel during the pursuit saying the name of the pursuit p 7/12/1952 #6785  
the pursuit saying the name of the pursuit pilot, Casey, in an ethereal “gh 7/12/1952 #6785  
 Misawa AFB in Japan. The jet gave pursuit, but the UFO suddently shot stra 7/23/1952 #7088  
or pilots to take off instantly in pursuit of any flying saucers. The Inter 7/28/1952 #7263  
interceptors are at that moment in pursuit of the object. Replacement skywa 8/7/1952 #7509  
e Mainbrace fleet. It eludes their pursuit and disappears. As they are retu 9/21/1952 #7998  
 the unknown object. He attempts a pursuit, but the UFO disappears in 30 se 12/29/1952 #8461  
dron Commander leads his flight in pursuit of the UFO, it turns sharply so  1953 #8477  
ee the object but do not follow in pursuit. When Thompson turns to pursue i 3/3/1953 #8727  
e EM effects were noted during the pursuit.                                 8/28/1956 #13147  
to 32,000 feet over East Anglia in pursuit. Over the radio he receives an o 5/20/1957? #13667  
eam, E-M, maneuvers, cat-and-mouse pursuit (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU) 8/13/1960 #16378  
g in the field and both cars go in pursuit of them. The lights go out, the  Late 11/1961 #16978  
me into sight the object broke off pursuit and climbed into the sky at a te 11/26/1962 #17563  
est. MiG fighters are scrambled in pursuit but fail to intercept it. The of 1/1/1964 #18106  
ing erratically, with jets seen in pursuit                                  1/11/1965 #18707  
drews AFB in Maryland, are seen in pursuit, but the objects easily outmaneu 1/11/1965 #18709  
. Jet interceptors wereobserved in pursuit.                                 1/11/1965 #18710  
ortheast. He drove up to 80 mph in pursuit, but it dwindled in size until i 8/9/1965 #19349  
ghting of 12 UFOs, jet interceptor pursuit                                  10/7/1965 #19648  
officer Wayne Huston joined in the pursuit. At speeds of 100 mph in unfamil 4/17/1966 #20305  
e UFO reaches Mahoning County, the pursuit is being broadcast over police r 4/17/1966 #20318  
yed cat-and-mouse with them in the pursuit: approaching, waiting for them t 4/17/1966 #20319  
the sighting “could be valuable in pursuit of Project Moon Dust.”           1/12/1967 #21291  
 UFO, radios failed. Cat and mouse pursuit. Object shot straight up and dis 6/3/1967 #22455  
 UFO, radios failed. Cat and mouse pursuit. Object shot straight up and dis 6/3/1967 #22456  
 aircraft when the pilot attempted pursuit. After several minutes the objec 6/9/1967 #22483  
treetop level with witnesses it in pursuit. (Unidentified newspaper clippin 10/24/1967 #23299  
stion. A jet arrives, seemingly in pursuit, and the object levels out, taki 10/25/1967 #23322  
ere effected by the UFO during the pursuit. The UFO flew off to the south o 5/19/1969 #25146  
She first publishes her results in Pursuit. Later observations reveal some  1/1974 #28637  
es were sent aloft in unsuccessful pursuit, although the records gave no in 10/1975 #30401  
 jet with 1stLt. Jalal Damirian in pursuit at 1:40 a.m. Some 27 miles from  9/18/1976 #31395  
denly lost. As the pilot broke off pursuit, all aircraft functions returned 9/19/1976 #31396  
e car headlights to dim during its pursuit. The car's new battery had no wa 12/6/1977 #32738  
jets appeared and appeared to give pursuit to the object. Later that night, 8/22/1978 #33551  
n Valencia. The lights abandon the pursuit just before the aircraft lands.  11/11/1979 #34997  
ng for Africa. After 90 minutes of pursuit, the pilot is forced to return t 11/11/1979 #34997  
 show up in the sky, apparently in pursuit of the object. (Continued.) On t 12/29/1980 #35758  
argets on their radar screens. Six pursuit aircraft are scrambled, but the  11/12/1981 #36220  
O Air Base in Macedonia, Greece in pursuit of UFOs tracked on military rada 11/12/1981 #36221  
d the UFO. The other two cars gave pursuit to the UFO at speeds of between  11/27/1982 #36691  
Mediterranean Sea with the jets in pursuit. Only one jet returns to base, a 1/14/1983 #36747  
he rim. A jet aircraft was seen in pursuit of the UFO.                      4/19/1984 #37275  
t a police helicopter engaged in a pursuit of at least one nocturnal light. 10/10/1985 #37679  
tary jet interceptors scrambled in pursuit                                  5/19/1986 #37877  
 201 for three minutes. During the pursuit the FM radio on the car emitted  9/7/1986 #38020  
 over house. 4 military jets / hot pursuit. AWACS follows. / LDLN#311.      6/22/1990 #39621  
speed to the west with the jets in pursuit. The officer later tells UFO inv 7/19/1990 #39651  
lot Maj. P. Riabishev takes off in pursuit. Something makes him turn his he 10/8/1990 #39766  
echnical malfunctions during their pursuit. The Polish Army concludes that  10/8/1994 #41795  
ne of the fighters is chasing. The pursuit takes place between broken cloud 7/26/2002 #44366  
er comes over his house in obvious pursuit of the light and about 1,000–2,0 7/26/2002 #44366  
with six Security Policemen in hot pursuit, the unknown intruder seemingly  2004 #44637  
## Word: "pursuit%20-%20situ%20" (Back to Top)
ownloads/Magazines/United%20States/Pursuit%20-%20SITU%20(Sanderson)/Pursuit 4/1956 #12779  
## Word: "pursuits" (Back to Top)
                       Two UFO car pursuits occurred in the same twenty-fou 12/21/1982 #36724  
## Word: "purua" (Back to Top)
                          SAN JOSE PURUA, MICH, MEXICO AM tourist. Double t 3/16/1950 #4649  
## Word: "purus" (Back to Top)
                              ALTO PURUS R., BRZ Longitude & latitude coord 9/8/1965 #19533  
                              Alto Purus, Brazil After work, latex collecto 9/8/1965 #19536  
rk, rubber latex gatherers in Alto Purus, Brazil witnessed a flying object  9/8/1965 #19540  
lantation latex collectors in Alto Purus, Brazil saw evening an object rese 10/8/1965 #19652  
## Word: "pusan" (Back to Top)
                                   Pusan (40 miles E of), South Korea Radar 2/2/1952 #5892  
                                   Pusan (60 miles E of), South Korea Large 2/16/1952 #5904  
                                   PUSAN, SOUTH KOREA Several observer(s).  9/4/1952 #7844  
                    SEA / JPN NEAR PUSAN, KOREA Large glowing washtub falls 1/15/1956 #12660  
## Word: "push" (Back to Top)
ged the auto-pilot and stood by to push the nose of the plane over in hopes 2/8/1951 #5434  
veral rotating lights. They had to push their car, which could not be start 6/21/1954 #9917  
d. The car stalled and they had to push it because it would not re-start, a 6/21/1954 #9923  
nd battery die. Another car has to push them into town to get the battery r 11/4/1957 #14282  
rom the water the object seemed to push it as if there was an air pillow. A 6/3/1961 #16717  
got out with the idea of trying to push it over by hand. "When I got to the 10/23/1965 #19679  
e is the first DCI since Dulles to push hard for results in the mind-contro 6/30/1966 #20623  
distance. The witnesses panic then push the car to a main road where they a 4/8/1967 #22095  
They open the doors and get out to push the car to the side of the road (no 7/31/1981 #36049  
ty. The cycle breaks down, so they push it home and head back on foot to th 8/12/1983 #36949  
ch is a bright point. She tries to push it away but gets a shock. She screa 10/11/1989 #39161  
## Word: "push-broom" (Back to Top)
d. He appeared to be sweeping with push-broom. He was short in stature and  11/18/1973 #28444  
## Word: "pusharo" (Back to Top)
y of the Seven Rays Petroglyphs of Pusharo Manú National Park Cuzco Cadena  7/10/1957 #13788  
s [now known as the Petroglyphs of Pusharo, in the Manú National Park] in a 7/10/1957 #13788  
## Word: "pushed" (Back to Top)
to he borrowed. The film holder is pushed out of a porthole to the ground.  12/13/1952 #8414  
 of the men had a cylinder that it pushed into ground, and withdrew. They t 1/3/1953 #8500  
the object, hooked up his harness, pushed a button, took off with the objec 9/21/1954 #10382  
. After watching for some time, he pushed the motorcycle down the road, whe 10/14/1954 #11072  
covered with fur. But the creature pushed him back, while two other dwarfs  11/28/1954 #11720  
rks “like three large fingerprints pushed together into mud” are found, for 12/27/1963 #18098  
t flies into saucer / beach. Rocks pushed away / takeoff. / MJ#271.         11/30/1965 #19741  
s grant was to a scientist who was pushed into it, had little interest and  11/1/1966 #21060  
at beginning of 90 minute sighting pushed one witness against a car.        12/25/1966 #21220  
kly [to] overhead. Observers feel "pushed down". Gravity?                   8/30/1968 #24403  
playing a joke, she broke free and pushed her attacker back so that he fell 2/26/1973 #27318  
"Good bye, brother, I must go" and pushed a white button on his belt buckle 5/16/1973 #27496  
s nor eyelashes. Apparently it had pushed the drapes aside to look inside.  8/21/1973 #27718  
hand came down on her shoulder and pushed her to the ground. She struggled  10/16/1973 #28089  
 stocky. It had no neck and had a "pushed in" nose similar to a Pekinese. T 11/21/1974 #29601  
hed. Two concrete posts were found pushed over at the landing site.         2/23/1975 #29839  
ille, Nova Scotia, when his car is pushed back 250 feet by a 30-by-60 foot  2/10/1977 #31807  
at five beings came to his car and pushed down the window. They then took h 11/15/1978 #33959  
o search the area. He was suddenly pushed from behind and fell. He got up a 12/6/1978 #34069  
aped object in the middle. The man pushed a button on the wall and the obje 5/16/1979 #34564  
s onto whatever they saw; and even pushed the truth a bit trying to get the 12/29/1980 #35757  
ennae on its left side. The sphere pushed out four legs and landed. A hatch 10/28/1989 #39191  
mpted to touch her breasts but she pushed his arm aside and noticed that it 5/2/2001 #44174  
ng hard, and having something hard pushed into his rectum, which was very s 5/4/2009 #45217  
## Word: "pushes" (Back to Top)
 door about 1 foot in diameter. He pushes it and it swings open. Putting hi Summer 1933 #1163  
es vegetation samples. Force field pushes observer(s) to ground.            7/1948? #3688  
 the object, hooks up his harness, pushes a button, takes off with the obje 9/21/1954 #10383  
ondon to decide what to do. Levine pushes for mass resignation. Craig is th 9/27/1967 #23137  
. Thoroughly frightened, Milakovic pushes his wife and son back into the ca 11/20/1968 #24672  
 of speed, possibly 684 mph. Coyne pushes the stick down, forcing the helic 10/18/1973 #28172  
gling to regain control, Rodrigues pushes the control column forward. Air s 6/17/1977 #32171  
er and 2 6' pseudo-human/entity. 1 pushes rod / ground. Photographs = fog.  10/15/1978 #33834  
usly along a house wall. Something pushes him forward and he falls. When he 12/6/1978 #34065  
uare object in the middle. The man pushes a button on the wall and the obje 5/16/1979 #34563  
the rear of the helicopter. Graham pushes his speed up to 100 mph. The obje 4/28/1993 #40953  
 the House Intelligence Committee, pushes for the Pentagon and the public t 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "pushie" (Back to Top)
nadian Mounted Police officer John Pushie takes 7 photos (four of which tur 12/3/1979 #35045  
e returned with a note saying that Pushie had photographed the star Vega.   12/3/1979 #35045  
## Word: "pushing" (Back to Top)
singing. R. L. Lowry sees four men pushing the vessel by its wheels. The wi 11/17/1896 #340  
r opening similar to a vault door. Pushing it, he found the room full of vi Summer 1933 #1161  
d gotten a flat tire and they were pushing it toward the village around 2:3 6/17/1950 #4992  
tor Gen. Philip G. Strong has been pushing the Air Force to develop an infr 8/3/1956 #13050  
on that Williamson killed Betty by pushing her off a cliff, but the charge  8/11/1958 #15192  
r USSR devices, which is why he is pushing for a Congressional investigatio 6/1/1960 #16305  
the dear. The bigger object rises, pushing rocks and logs away from the cen 11/30/1965 #19742  
and placed them in this container, pushing a key on the box. When this happ 9/15/1977 #32485  
as crewmembers started desperately pushing buttons. The central platform be 2/5/1978 #32957  
bruptly, “like something heavy was pushing down on my head and shoulders.”  8/12/1981 #36070  
st spotted by a ramp worker who is pushing back United Airlines Flight 446, 11/7/2006 #44981  
## Word: "pushino-na-oke" (Back to Top)
                                   PUSHINO-NA-OKE, RUSSIA Silver sphere/orb 12/23/1977 #32808  
## Word: "pushkin" (Back to Top)
                                   Pushkin Leningrad Saint Petersburg Russi 9/1943 #1525  
ion fighting with the Germans near Pushkin outside Leningrad [now Saint Pet 9/1943 #1525  
## Word: "pushkino" (Back to Top)
                                   PUSHKINO, RUSSIA Saucers over German and 9/1943 #1520  
## Word: "puskas" (Back to Top)
 outline its frame. Witness Robert Puskas estimates its size as 800–900 fee 11/18/1989 #39237  
## Word: "pussy" (Back to Top)
s found a circular area of crushed pussy willow bushes, about 15 feet in di 4/23/1966 #20392  
## Word: "put" (Back to Top)
n automobile and was the first car put into series production.              1885 #262  
s stopped by a man who asks him to put his rifle down. He identifies himsel 4/22/1897 #559  
nd looks like two metallic saucers put together. The woman touches the witn 7/18/1943 #1518  
        Schweinfurt, Germany Discs Put Up Protective Shield Around B-17 For 10/24/1943 #1537  
RES plan is “on the verge of being put into effect.”                        5/5/1947 #2278  
s, the Atomic Energy Commission is put in charge of the remains.            7/1/1947 #2523  
    2:41 p.m. The press release is put on the United Press wire.            7/8/1947 #3022  
s region. The Army OSI and the IPU put on Red Alert and the ADC activated t 3/25/1948 #3596  
green object nearby like two bowls put together and about 5 feet in diamete 8/16/1949 #4318  
 craft where he is offered a trip, put in a tub filled with liquid, and tak 12/4/1949 #4434  
world journey, during which he was put into a tub of liquid for the duratio 12/4/1949 #4435  
rudge is terminated. Its files are put into storage. The Grudge report is r 12/27/1949 #4446  
t local Army Intelligence has been put “on immediate high alert for any dat 12/8/1950 #5334  
iles from the capital (which would put it over eastern Pennsylvania). Two o 5/1952 #6229  
unn says that Blue Book would have put some money into more formal versions Early 5/1952 #6249  
Monmouth detects the objects, they put on a burst of speed and head southwe 7/1/1952 #6690  
station/depot/facility. Destroyers put to sea.(silence.)                    7/26/1952 #7147  
E. Becker, that a CIA/OSI group be put together to review the USAF UFO inte 7/28/1952 #7265  
ing experience” that led him to be put into Brooke General Hospital for six 10/1952 #8077  
s through 1951 have been coded and put on IBM punch cards. About 60% of the 10/10/1952 #8114  
ded to heat anything. Shielding is put in place by 1964, but the discovery  1/1953 #8486  
rk blue hull was like two “basins” put together; 16 feet long, 8 feet high, 11/28/1953 #9325  
oposal, called Project Orbiter, to put a scientific satellite into orbit du 1954 #9413  
d the saucer was taken on base and put in Hangar 18, which was expanded ove 4/12/1954 #9685  
king in the yard. When he tried to put a spotlight on it, it would dodge th 4/23/1954 #9712  
  COUDES, FR Teen kids. 2 1M 'men' put stones from fence in box. Helmets an 8/1954 (approximate) #10077  
 and looks like two giant pot lids put together. He makes a sign to not com 8/20/1954 #10157  
te of excitement. Moments later he put both items back into his tunic throu 8/20/1954 #10158  
 or girdle, boots, and a tunic. He put water in a bottle, and some pebbles  10/4/1954 #10703  
00 midnight. Renzo Pugina has just put his car in his garage at Parravicino 10/19/1954 #11243  
, Italy Renzo Pugina, 37, bad just put his car in the garage when he saw a  10/20/1954 #11274  
aves, as well as water, which they put into a metal tube. They jump back in 11/4/1954 #11564  
 a huge red UFO like two washbowls put together hovering above the road wit 12/9/1954 #11788  
uminous object "like two washbowls put together." It was three meters wide  12/10/1954 #11798  
what has happened to us since they put us down here.”                       3/1955 #12022  
missed as a hoax, but other events put her claims in a new light.           5/22/1955 #12148  
 back with them, but Thomas has to put it down to negotiate a hedge, and th 9/7/1956 #13202  
s, 10 sheep, and 31 white rats are put in cages. Afterward, the contaminate 4/24/1957 #13615  
be found. Ultimately, the case was put together by better file searching at 7/17/1957 #13808  
-human/entity check out saucer and put samples / box. No further details.   9/1957 #13961  
where the encounter took place and put him aboard a military helicopter. He 11/10/1957 #14523  
 and his fingers leave marks. They put it in a jar, but it evaporates on th 2/28/1958 #14898  
dead aliens; the one in a coma was put in a special chamber aimed at suppor 1/21/1959 #15560  
the answers. Yet as questions were put to her, she was able to answer quick 7/9/1959 #15829  
rite down the answers to questions put to him by his associate Naval office 7/9/1959 #15829  
s achieved, several questions were put to him, and answers came back quickl 7/9/1959 #15829  
. A number of other questions were put to the psychic, including whether Ca 7/9/1959 #15829  
is two friends had apparently been put to sleep and were not disturbed. The 11/15/1959 #16088  
iven to the headquarters building, put into different rooms and debriefed.  1960 #16145  
 Technology Division began, he was put on it and received autopsy reports o 1961 #16553  
rking on the landing gear. He then put some plants into a silver colored bo 10/28/1962 #17514  
CIA researchers are, as one author put it, “a bunch of bumbling sci-fi buff 7/1963 #17819  
of Flying Saucers has “effectively put to rest all surmises about flying sa 9/19/1963 #17945  
iameter and looks like two saucers put together. It lands on a tree-lined h 8/11/1965? #19367  
ia A 37-year-old civilian had just put his car in the garage when he saw an 8/13/1965 #19379  
0 p.m.? Leonard Chalupiak has just put his car into his garage at Baden, Pe 8/13/1965 #19382  
ree stood 5’10” tall. The “doctor” put an object of some kind over her head 8/16/1965 #19410  
 told him not to be afraid, and to put down his gun. Once he did that, an o 9/4/1965 #19520  
se so loud that the witness had to put his hands over his ears. After going 4/4/1966 #20223  
state that it eventually had to be put down. One student who arrived before 4/6/1966 #20259  
was the shape of two geranium pots put together with the bands in the cente 5/24/1966 #20509  
em to create a computer program to put Blue Book’s UFO reports into a machi 9/12/1966 #20873  
arold Brown to create a program to put UFO reports into a machine-readable  9/22/1966 #20916  
ooking tracks like “two horseshoes put together.” After this sighting, more 11/15/1966 #21107  
illion curies of radionuclides. To put that in perspective, the Chernobyl i 1967 #21233  
light in their hands, proceeded to put the family to bed, Betty the abducte 1/25/1967 #21389  
mall humanoids (or Greys) exit and put balls / ground. Try abduction observ 2/5/1967 #21452  
g over Mexico at 10,000 feet. They put the aircraft into a sharp turn in or 2/15/1967 #21556  
 in a ditch. The UFO descended and put out three legs as if to land, but th 4/13/1967 #22128  
 domed disc, shaped like to plates put together with a crystal-like dome on 5/1/1967 #22263  
en, glowing object like two plates put together. It seems near enough to to Early 9/1967 #22983  
me up to his left side and somehow put his whole hand inside the upper left 10/24/1967 #23310  
rection. The figure approached and put an arm on the roof of the car. At th 12/16/1967 #23594  
ned by a team of psychiatrists and put through fifteen hypnosis sessions. N 6/14/1968 #24033  
etailed physical examination. They put a luminous wire device into his mout 7/17/1968 #24186  
diameter like two metallic saucers put face to face, standing on a "glass f 7/31/1968 #24272  
then turned to face Gusmao, and he put his hand on his belt again, causing  1/31/1969 #24882  
e cigarette pack close to one, who put his hand above it, and the pack floa 2/6/1969 #24897  
e cigarette pack close to one, who put his hand over it and the pack floate 2/7/1969 #24902  
ng looked directly at Steven, then put his helmet back on and re-entered th 10/16/1969 #25417  
n diameter. What they swept up was put into a basket-shaped container in th 12/27/1969 #25510  
 picking it up and running back to put it in the basket. When two teenaged  12/27/1969 #25510  
hrlichman. The plan was originally put together by Huston. Hoover torpedoes 7/23/1970 #25745  
ic object, shaped like two saucers put together, and with four thin legs, d 2/5/1971 #26013  
iting for 5 minutes, then begin to put on orange belts, talking together an 7/7/1971 #26211  
 their house. The men proceeded to put on orange belts. A circular, bell-sh 7/7/1971 #26212  
r from orange to blue to white. It put down a small staircase and the two m 7/7/1971 #26212  
 building and approached him, then put something in his hand. Geller felt a 12/6/1971 #26490  
tly underway. Puthoff subsequently put Vallee in touch with Howell McConnel 10/7/1972 #27055  
 then picked up a bit of grass and put it to his nose or mouth, then discar 1/4/1973 #27221  
aylight UFO shaped like two plates put together rim to rim about 20 kilomet 3/13/1973 #27343  
 EDT rotating red and green lights put on a display over a dam for two hour 4/22/1973 #27440  
he witness not to be afraid and to put away his gun, saying that he was "no 5/16/1973 #27496  
two-meters tall appeared suddenly, put a hand on the witness's shoulder. Th 10/5/1973 #27952  
first floor and gestured to him to put on a uniform, which stretched to fit 11/18/1973 #28443  
hypno-therapist Dr. Ture Arvidsson put him under a hypnotic trance and regr 3/23/1974 #28939  
t dropped into the sea. He at once put out in his motor-launch to the area, 6/18/1974 #29212  
 back in the afternoon. Soon he is put in touch with APRO’s Jim Lorenzen, w 8/13/1975 #30264  
had the almond-like scent. When he put these in a cardboard box next to som 8/28/1975 #30315  
s the object looks like two plates put together. After 5 minutes, it flies  10/17/1975 #30437  
 minutes. In fact, everything they put in the air for an attack on the US i Late 10/1975 #30471  
perimeter. The base is immediately put on major alert status, a Security Op 10/27/1975 #30487  
tton from his clothes. Finally, he put on his clothes, and was somehow tran 10/27/1975 #30489  
e blacks out as three other humans put a clear plastic mask over his face.  11/5/1975 #30562  
h blondish-white hair. The witness put his hands over his face, but could n 1/29/1976 #30832  
 her house. Inside the UFO she was put on a slab and hooked up to a complex 4/18/1976 #31000  
dish-orange dome-shaped light. She put her hands over her eyes and when she 6/11/1976 #31103  
D 0345 EDT. NMCC in Washington, DC put out this memo at 0545 EDT: 1. At app 7/30/1976 #31200  
 7 inches, the other shorter. They put their hands up and “disappeared some 8/7/1976 #31243  
foot seven inches tall. The beings put their hands over their eyes, and van 8/7/1976 #31245  
20 minutes of conversation, Treena put her spacesuit back on, and gave Ande 8/23/1976 #31294  
 frightened by the witnesses, they put both hands up to their faces. The wi 9/3/1976 #31340  
narling and barking, and had to be put outdoors. The dog behaved normally t 3/13/1977 #31906  
des, ordered the other soldiers to put out their campfire. The two large li 4/25/1977 #32024  
rido, orders the other soldiers to put out their campfire. The two large li 4/25/1977 #32026  
des, ordered the other soldiers to put out their campfire. The two large li 4/25/1977 #32027  
er scientists and professionals to put in place data- collection systems fo 5/1/1977 #32046  
sed under it, and then stopped and put his hand on his belt. Two red and tw 7/12/1977 #32266  
coverall type suits. A blanket was put over her head but she was reassured  10/30/1977 #32640  
ea. One of the other facilities is put out of operation when the main shaft 12/17/1977 #32790  
ain location 15 km further on, and put his foot down on the accelerator. At 2/5/1978 #32957  
lutely a poor conception of how to put a sentence together. The English was 4/25/1978 #33171  
he tower. The tracking computer is put on the target, which is showing very 5/14/1978 #33210  
atches an object “like two hubcaps put together” that alternately hovers an 6/18/1978 #33288  
 truck's headlights. Terrified, he put the truck in reverse to get away and 8/6/1978 #33480  
ownward. Locals rush out of bed to put out the flames.                      8/21/1978 #33539  
door, and in response both figures put their fingers up their noses and van 9/10/1978 #33657  
ushwood-covered wasteland. Firemen put out the blaze, but the area is overf 9/13/1978 #33671  
her Stephen MacDonald goes to help put out the fires at Martins Pond, where 11/13/1978 #33952  
 bright room by giant entities who put a hot and painful helmet on his head 12/6/1978 #34065  
y bright room by giant beings that put a painful helmet on his head. The be 12/6/1978 #34069  
he witness protested. The men then put away the box and calmly walked back  12/6/1978 #34070  
o she returned to the kitchen. She put down some food for the family Alsati 1/4/1979 #34296  
o she returned to the kitchen. She put down some food for the family Alsati 1/5/1979 #34304  
e Poer Trench, Lord Clancarty, has put down a motion for debate in the Hous 1/18/1979 #34358  
or, and as it neared the ground it put out four, leg like landing pods. Arl 5/16/1979 #34564  
t, watches a disc “like two plates put together” approach from the south. I 6/10/1979 #34605  
er craft further away. There he is put in front of a large TV screen and pr 6/28/1979 #34639  
lyzed 6 months later and he has to put them to sleep.                       8/1979 #34692  
. A being gave her a smock and she put it on without resistance, and then l 12/10/1979 #35068  
an factors” for the USAF’s plan to put a man into space, he was a consultan 1982 #36293  
them. The cosmodrome is said to be put out of action for two weeks.         6/1/1982 #36489  
he police commissioner. The BDF is put on Red Alert. By 2:20 a.m., the form 4/12/1984 #37258  
aulo. All civilian air traffic was put on hold, as jet interceptors were sc 5/19/1986 #37882  
 it changes its shape to two discs put together. In a split second it zooms 1/5/1988 #38405  
ing alerted witness to disc, which put light on witness (NICAP: 04 - Animal 4/21/1989 #38916  
ays that by mid-1982 Bennewitz had put together the story that contained al 7/1/1989 #39002  
c sequence to get it to come apart/put back together.  https://archive.org/ 10/1989 #39139  
h. Radar stations and aircraft are put on alert. At 9:38 p.m., a UFO is see 3/21/1990 #39475  
ed she noticed that the aliens had put her earrings back on backwards.      12/15/1991 #40261  
ouple of minutes, and then we were put down. Suddenly it wasn't there anymo 6/14/1992 #40494  
nny to a side chamber where he was put on a very comfortable sofa. He was t 5/13/1993 #40976  
.m. hunters in Udell, Pennsylvania put their spotlight on a boomerang-shape 11/22/1993 #41300  
oom at Wright- Patterson where you put all this secret stuff. Could I go in 10/1/1994 #41779  
 been captured by the military and put in a wooden box with a white plastic 1/20/1996 #42697  
y a UFO or UFOs in Lugo, Spain and put down on the opposite side of the roa 2/27/1996 #42786  
, then there was another team that put an end to that problem, one way or a 8/30/1996 #43002  
ay. At one stage, no-fly zones are put in place, an action that some UFO re 3/24/1997 #43239  
ck Redfern claims a source who was put into contact with him from AFOSI sta 3/11/1998 #43532  
to the UFO. She was questioned and put through what she thought was a "brai 9/23/2000 #44045  
      At 11:45 pm. several lights "put on a show" over a mountain in Middle 7/6/2002 #44356  
to 50 miles away, which would have put it over Buena Vista, Colorado or wes 11/22/2002 #44449  
e of UFO investigations, begins to put all its UFO files on its website. Th 3/22/2007 #45013  
covering the period 1988–2005, are put online first.                        3/22/2007 #45013  
iefly, and then took out a box and put the instrument in it. It then approa 4/25/2007 #45023  
d there was no leak, DeLonge just “put two and two together.”  https://yout 4/5/2016 #45449  
r creating nanotechnology implants put into abduction victims. He also clai 4/18/2016 #45451  
ical voice” when he was young that put him into a hypnotic state where he w 3/20/2020 #45640  
ng-in-Ground craft. In 2021, DARPA put out a Request for Information for ne 9/3/2021 #45707  
at the time. Sheehan states it was put into a private trust and two partner 10/2021 #45713  
## Word: "putaruru" (Back to Top)
                                   PUTARURU, NZ 2 observer(s). 2M silver mi 9/9/1956 #13209  
## Word: "putative" (Back to Top)
sclaimer, Lunan maintains that the putative message comes from an object at 4/1973 #27396  
## Word: "puthoff" (Back to Top)
 recoveries.  Alexander states Hal Puthoff told him the real MJ-12 group wa 1954 #9424  
 AFB pursued for decades, what Hal Puthoff (see 2002) suggested a black bud 1968 #23633  
              Ingo Swann meets Hal Puthoff and participates in a remote vie 6/1972 #26695  
iments. He is brought by Harold E. Puthoff and other scientists to a buildi 6/6/1972 #26703  
hen Swann is imagining the device. Puthoff is intrigued. He writes up his f 6/6/1972 #26703  
CIA intelligence analysts who want Puthoff and SRI to investigate remote vi 6/6/1972 #26703  
         Jacques Vallée states Hal Puthoff mentioned a former colleague of  10/7/1972 #27055  
ff mentioned a former colleague of Puthoff’s at the NSA told him a “fresh s 10/7/1972 #27055  
udy” of UAP was secretly underway. Puthoff subsequently put Vallee in touch 10/7/1972 #27055  
ll McConnell; on 21 February 1973, Puthoff mentioned he met officials in Wa 10/7/1972 #27055  
cover the “true state of affairs.” Puthoff stated by late 1973 he identifie 10/7/1972 #27055  
ay to Jupiter. Monitored by Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ, Swann yields 1 4/27/1973 #27450  
                               Hal Puthoff tells Jacques Vallée there was a 10/27/1973 #28303  
anded because of “current events.” Puthoff later told him a “biologist” was 10/27/1973 #28303  
ld not tell J. Allen Hynek because Puthoff asked Vallee not to share anythi 2/11/1974 #28758  
                               Hal Puthoff relays a message from Kit Green  6/2/1974 #29157  
California. In another experiment, Puthoff and a skeptical scientist named  7/9/1974 #29253  
ly —in some cases before Jones and Puthoff even reach the target or before  7/9/1974 #29253  
dies of Russell Targ and Harold E. Puthoff and their potential military app 12/1980 #35686  
                               Hal Puthoff tells Jacques Vallée that he had 9/29/1982 #36619  
, Don Keuble (Lockheed), Harold E. Puthoff (SRI), Ed Speakman (Army Intelli 5/20/1985 #37590  
                               Hal Puthoff, former head of the Army and DIA Summer 1985 #37607  
ites several individuals—Harold E. Puthoff (Partridge), John B. Alexander ( Fall 1986 #38034  
h was sponsored at the time by Hal Puthoff. Williams was still employed at  4/1988 #38527  
mployed at Los Alamos at the time; Puthoff became involved in AATIP eight y 4/1988 #38527  
ould and not hit the other side”; (Puthoff, Davis describe this as topologi 1/1989 #38772  
                               Hal Puthoff tells Jacques Vallée “nobody wit 7/11/1989 #39016  
         Later AATIP scientist Hal Puthoff states in a presentation in Stoc 1994 #41347  
co, Tenneco, Marathon and Coastal. Puthoff states the companies told him th 1994 #41347  
Vallée, parapsychologist Harold E. Puthoff, astronaut Edgar Mitchell, mathe 12/1995 #42635  
s: USAF Lt. Col. Peter McDuff, Hal Puthoff, Sandia engineer Marty Pilch, Ar 1/28/1996 #42725  
                               Hal Puthoff (Earthtech), Bernard Haisch (Loc 8/1998 #43618  
r CIA James Westwood, hired by Hal Puthoff to analyze MJ-12 documents with  1/1/1999 #43710  
ed out destiny.” On this date, Hal Puthoff also connects futurist Michael L 1/8/1999 #43712  
hTech and former CIA scientist Hal Puthoff emails former CIA Life Sciences  7/31/1999 #43815  
 group known as “Zodiac,” of which Puthoff states “we have reason to believ 7/31/1999 #43815  
ecords for the archives at WPAFB.” Puthoff asks Green if he’s ever heard of 7/31/1999 #43815  
n the minutes. AATIP scientist Hal Puthoff and AAWSAP contractor Bob Bigelo 12/3/1999 #43892  
llée states he, Eric Davis and Hal Puthoff discuss an “attorney friend” of  5/8/2000 #43991  
                 Vallee, Davis and Puthoff also discuss Kit Green’s claims  5/8/2000 #43992  
         Jacques Vallée states Hal Puthoff tells him about a “story” he hea 5/9/2000 #43993  
ts members looked at UAP data. Hal Puthoff was also a member, as were repre 2001 #44112  
ho had done extensive work for Hal Puthoff. Westwood claims to know that th 5/5/2001 #44178  
wood tells him a month later that “Puthoff really wants to find the hardwar 5/5/2001 #44178  
       Author Nick Cook states Hal Puthoff (eventual AATIP scientist, see 2 2002 #44302  
erstanding of the laws of physics. Puthoff states the most likely candidate 2002 #44302  
 rapidly spinning superconductors. Puthoff claimed No. 3 was the most likel 2002 #44302  
icipated in an “alien dissection”; Puthoff also gives the names Dr. Robert  3/5/2002 #44323  
iller writes to Eric Davis and Hal Puthoff and offers them his contractual  4/25/2002 #44333  
Technologies (see March 2004), Hal Puthoff of EarthTech (Summer 1985), Jean 5/2002 #44335  
 Haisch has reference them before. Puthoff participated in the Pentagon’s A 5/2002 #44335  
ence and an associate of Harold E. Puthoff. He talks about his previous mee 10/16/2002 #44417  
acques Vallée that he believes Hal Puthoff’s work on zero point energy is f 3/22/2003 #44504  
ular arguments.” Sturrock mentions Puthoff points to the significance of th 3/22/2003 #44504  
Vallee says he fails to understand Puthoff’s argument as well.              3/22/2003 #44504  
Froning Jr, Terence W Barrett, Hal Puthoff, Michael Bison and Eric W Davis. 5/6/2003 #44526  
    Jacques Vallée writes that Hal Puthoff and John Petersen of the Arlingt 8/23/2003 #44581  
isch of Lockheed Martin states Hal Puthoff tried the “front door” approach  9/10/2003 #44595  
black program he believed existed. Puthoff wrote to a Pete Aldridge and Und 9/10/2003 #44595  
ing for an oil company when he met Puthoff at the suggestion of John Peters 9/10/2003 #44595  
         Jacques Vallée states Hal Puthoff was a part of John Petersen and  9/14/2003 #44602  
                               Hal Puthoff admits to Jacques Vallée in a ca 10/2/2003 #44610  
n case Vallee is ever polygraphed. Puthoff states that the ATP Group in the 10/2/2003 #44610  
here was already another project.” Puthoff states it was “deeply black” and 10/2/2003 #44610  
’t want it exposed or duplicated.  Puthoff also shows Vallee the VADM Thoma 10/2/2003 #44610  
s they were written by Eric Davis. Puthoff says to “join” the project you h 10/2/2003 #44610  
ecret “iron post” sources that Hal Puthoff and Eric Davis deem to be unimpe 3/6/2004 #44674  
hile at a meal with Kit Green, Hal Puthoff, Eric Davis and Kristin B Zimmer 3/28/2004 #44683  
delusions in its participants. Hal Puthoff says he had no evidence such a p 8/7/2004 #44727  
rojects, tells Jacques Vallée, Hal Puthoff and Eric Davis that there was a  12/5/2005 #44907  
                               Hal Puthoff tells Jacques Vallée of several  12/6/2005 #44908  
en for a debate between he and Hal Puthoff over the physics behind vacuum e 1/25/2006 #44918  
 explored in the AATIP DIRD of Hal Puthoff and in the DARPA/DSO QUEST progr 2/1/2006 #44921  
-1999. Green often emailed Dr. Hal Puthoff and Col. John Alexander from a G 4/28/2006 #44936  
materials and recovered UAP craft. Puthoff and Alexander held their own Gen 4/28/2006 #44936  
                               Hal Puthoff tells Jacques Vallée that he and 1/5/2007 #44997  
                               Hal Puthoff tells Jacques Vallée he thinks h 8/4/2007 #45043  
the secret UFO hardware structure. Puthoff says he believes the government  8/4/2007 #45043  
                               Hal Puthoff tells Jacques Vallée that the Wh 12/24/2008 #45199  
 away from Project Blue Book.  Hal Puthoff also tells Vallee that ADM Edwar 1/23/2009 #45208  
p has subcontracted with Harold E. Puthoff, CEO of EarthTech International  12/1/2009 #45260  
 he had dinner with Teller and Hal Puthoff; Puthoff discussed zero point en 2/15/2011 #45316  
inner with Teller and Hal Puthoff; Puthoff discussed zero point energy, Tel 2/15/2011 #45316  
 craft. McCandlish also states Hal Puthoff explained to him how zero point  12/2014 #45425  
o propel a craft; it is unknown if Puthoff believed a craft was stored at N 12/2014 #45425  
eer and parapsychologist Harold E. Puthoff, and Jim Semivan and is composed 9/2017 #45480  
aign manager John Podesta, Dr. Hal Puthoff, former Deputy Assistant Secreta 10/26/2017 #45488  
gravity technology. Co-founder Hal Puthoff stepped off the board of directo 10/26/2017 #45488  
’ patent is similar to that of Hal Puthoff’s AATIP DIRD on vacuum engineeri 11/2/2017 #45490  
 a colleague of Eric Davis and Hal Puthoff, comments on four alleged “legac 2018 #45498  
al, which was founded by Harold E. Puthoff, who was formerly involved in th 1/9/2018 #45503  
ing will be done through Harold E. Puthoff’s EarthTech International in Aus 7/26/2018 #45534  
 TTSA statement of work sought Hal Puthoff’s Earthtech International to stu 8/16/2018 #45537  
 Institute with John Petersen, Hal Puthoff denies rumors that he and his fa 2/8/2020 #45631  
                                   Puthoff also states former AFOSI counter 2/8/2020 #45632  
cientist and EarthTech founder Hal Puthoff states in an interview that mate 2/11/2022 #45739  
ace, derived from its work on UAP. Puthoff also states it is possible funda 2/11/2022 #45739  
 the broader scientific community. Puthoff states it would be the case “if  2/11/2022 #45739  
hysics would have to be involved.” Puthoff claims something “is missing” fr 2/11/2022 #45739  
Physics under the direction of Hal Puthoff. The topics range from “Pulsed H 3/25/2022 #45742  
roduced under the direction of Hal Puthoff. Subjects included antigravity,  3/25/2022 #45743  
                               Hal Puthoff’s paper on the ultraterrestrial  7/31/2022 #45760  
ndance for a presentation from Hal Puthoff   https://files.afu.se/Downloads 9/26/2022 #45772  
 Fugal says Gen. Wesley Clark, Hal Puthoff and Kit Green convinced him ther 10/27/2022 #45784  
y closed down. Fugal says in 2015, Puthoff and Green again called him and s 10/27/2022 #45784  
s were claimed to be involved. Hal Puthoff states the 1961 SNIE is legitima 12/17/2022 #45787  
## Word: "putnam" (Back to Top)
                                   PUTNAM, CT 1 observer. Luminous disk cro 3/1947 #2245  
                   TUCSON, AZ Sgt. Putnam. 2 flat 25' silver saucers. 750+m 5/9/1949 #4171  
son, Arizona Witness:  M/Sgt. Troy Putnam. Two round, flat silvery objects, 5/9/1949 #4173  
                              Sgt. Putnam sighted two flat 25-foot diameter 5/9/1949 #4177  
                                   Putnam, CT Object Flies In Front Of DC-6 12/21/1965 #19784  
cling low over a house in Mahopec, Putnam County, New York. Six human-appea 2/10/1967 #21508  
                                   Putnam, CT 2:00 a.m. EST. Two police off 2/19/1967 #21594  
ation, Nova Scotia 3:15 p.m. R. G. Putnam, a brakeman on a train running fr 10/25/1967 #23322  
ar Wentworth Station, Nova Scotia. Putnam feels an intense blast of radiati 10/25/1967 #23322  
eek later, the hair on the back of Putnam’s hands disappears, his hands shr 10/25/1967 #23322  
                       North Creek Putnam County, Ohio Roy Hiltner discover 4/29/1974 #29070  
d near North Creek in northwestern Putnam County, Ohio. It is a depression  4/29/1974 #29070  
inutes later two witnesses, one on Putnam Avenue in Hamden, Connecticut and 6/2/1975 #30075  
                                   PUTNAM, CT Girl / car passes under 2 50' 11/10/1976 #31535  
                                   Putnam, Connecticut 8:20 p.m. A teenage  11/10/1976 #31538  
 A teenage girl driving alone near Putnam, Connecticut, passes underneath t 11/10/1976 #31538  
can Library, a division of Penguin Putnam Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York 8/6/1977 #32365  
can Library, a division of Penguin Putnam Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York 8/6/1977 #32366  
                     White Pond in Putnam County, New York 8:30 p.m. Moniqu 2/26/1983 #36771  
ving near the frozen White Pond in Putnam County, New York, when they see a 2/26/1983 #36771  
 frozen White Pond in Kent Cliffs, Putnam County, New York at around 8 p.m. 2/26/1983 #36772  
illwood New Castle Taconic Highway Putnam County Brewster, New York 8:30 p. 3/24/1983 #36807  
ame time, people 15 miles north in Putnam County see a smaller object exhib 3/24/1983 #36807  
ts on this night from Westchester, Putnam, and Dutchess counties.           3/24/1983 #36810  
                 SHRUB OAK, NY AND PUTNAM AND WESTCHESTER COS Delta-objects 3/30/1983 #36822  
                   WESTCHESTER AND PUTNAM CO, NY Deltas and night lights al 4/3/1983 #36829  
                   WESTCHESTER AND PUTNAM CNTYS, NY Delta/triangle/box-like 4/15/1983 #36840  
                   WESTCHESTER AND PUTNAM CNTYS, NY More deltas and night l 4/21/1983 #36842  
slowly across the sky over Carmel, Putnam County, New York for ten minutes, 9/18/1983 #36972  
                             SOUTH PUTNAM AND WESTCHESTER CO, NY Triangle / 5/31/1984 #37343  
r that night in Fishkill and south Putnam County.                           5/31/1984 #37349  
 sky over a pond in Mahopac Falls, Putnam County, New York, then followed a 8/20/1984 #37437  
                                   PUTNAM, CT Police report. 1 observer. Di 8/13/1995 #42379  
## Word: "putney" (Back to Top)
                                   Putney, UK 11:10 p.m. GMT. A glowing yel 5/12/1967 #22323  
was observed through binoculars in Putney, England.                         5/12/1967 #22325  
## Word: "putong" (Back to Top)
                                   PUTONG CO, HEBEI, CH Separate observer(s 9/28/1979 #34931  
## Word: "putre" (Back to Top)
                                   PUTRE, CHL Night lights. Guard gone 15 m 4/25/1977 #32022  
                                   Putre, Arica y Parinacota, Chile Norther 4/25/1977 #32026  
 on a military patrol 3 miles from Putre, Arica y Parinacota, Chile, sudden 4/25/1977 #32026  
## Word: "puts" (Back to Top)
-600th the size of the solar disc) puts them near the limit of resolution f 6/17/1777 #85  
 of her planchette experiments and puts them at Hyslop’s disposal. In Augus 8/1895 #319  
          Swedish MP Arvid Lindman puts a question to Prime Minister Per Al 1/27/1934 #1197  
 Marcel goes to Ramey’s office and puts the package on his desk. They both  7/8/1947 #3019  
tings are not anomalous. McCulloch puts the entire base on alert.           3/17/1949 #4049  
ny noticeable turn radius. Edwards puts the C-45 into a climb to 7,000 feet 1/24/1950 #4509  
ring in the sky for 5 minuites. It puts on a burst of speed and disappears  5/5/1950 #4924  
orted, especially after the object puts on a burst of speed. It dims to a p 12/27/1950 #5368  
it of the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing puts out periodic intelligence reports t 1951 #5376  
e Lubbock Morning Avalanche, which puts them out on the Associated Press wi 8/30/1951 #5638  
 (Berkner has already seen it) and puts it into final form. (By 11:00 a.m., 1/17/1953 #8548  
lue Book investigate UFOs. He also puts in for a transfer to Air Defense Co 1/24/1953 #8563  
fight back,” as one agency officer puts it.                                 6/9/1953 #8930  
nding light back at the DC-6. Kidd puts the plane into a steep dive. Caught 10/19/1953 #9243  
en’s victim is a secretary whom he puts into a deep trance and tells to kee 2/19/1954 #9558  
 the O’Mara interview, and Edwards puts it on his radio broadcast, generati 6/12/1954? #9896  
ll humanoid (or Grey) / streambed. Puts water going [to] bottle and pebbles 10/4/1954 #10676  
under the airplane. When the pilot puts the plane into a dive, the craft st 3/24/1955 #12059  
s, Phillips takes some samples and puts them in a mason jar. But when he un Summer 1957 #13744  
the key ELINT officer on the RB-47 puts it, “an antenna bigger than the air 7/17/1957 #13808  
es east of El Paso, Texas. Bachner puts the plane into a dive and the objec 7/17/1957 #13809  
is plane in a collision course. He puts the aircraft into a dive and the ob 7/22/1957 #13817  
ea 13 The Atomic Energy Commission puts a barbed wire fence around Area 13  1958 #14779  
passengers to take a look. He also puts out a call to nearby aircraft, and  2/24/1959 #15604  
d. The spot stays visible when she puts her hand on the bed or when she rem Fall 1962 #17434  
id lands. Small humanoid (or Grey) puts plants / silver box. / r211p42+/ FS 10/28/1962 #17507  
into the water. The collier, which puts about and makes for the object’s va 11/20/1963 #18052  
a City, Oklahoma Project Blue Book puts out an official USAF press release  8/2/1965 #19264  
ms about to land in a clearing. It puts on a red-and-green light show as it 10/26/1966 #21038  
ar, tilts, starts off slowly, then puts on such a terrific burst of speed t 4/5/1967 #22066  
ls an intense wave of heat when he puts his head out the window, and his ha 5/1/1967 #22262  
uages. There is no response, so he puts green lenses over his glasses and l 5/20/1967 #22382  
bag containing sheep entrails, and puts them into a rucksack on his back. T 3/10/1968 #23834  
nd studies it for 90 minutes, then puts it on a windowsill in the bathroom  5/17/1968 #23969  
ers a twig with angel hair that he puts in a plastic bag and freezes. A che 11/6/1968 #24637  
reports to scientific analysis. He puts together a team of 620 observers wi 4/1973 #27397  
 takes the controls from Jezzi and puts the helicopter into a descent. He c 10/18/1973 #28172  
e lines. She collects a sample and puts it in the refrigerator, but the sub 10/22/1973 #28239  
ly flips the inhibit switch, which puts the system offline. Then the system 3/1974 #28830  
ntacts ufologist Jerome Clark, who puts her in touch with psychologist R. L 8/26/1975 #30310  
into a field. Suffern gets out and puts his hands on a post and he seemingl 10/7/1975 #30421  
n, its light so brilliant that she puts her hands up to shield her eyes. Sh Late 9/1977 #32518  
fic noise like a choking motor and puts out four landing pods. He approache 5/16/1979 #34563  
ming straight for his aircraft. He puts it into an evasive dive. When it pa 11/11/1980 #35634  
00–400 feet, but a Trenton witness puts it at 1,000–1,500 feet, and Missour 11/18/1980 #35654  
ent night light lights large area. Puts out photocell central street lights 2/24/1982 #36361  
the Los Alamos National Laboratory puts forward a proposal for a 3,500-squa 6/22/1983 #36889  
er. Humming. Saucer with blue beam puts out street light. Firetruck appears 2/11/1989 #38834  
the east over the city. The mother puts the child in the back seat for safe 10/9/1989 #39155  
as deputy administrator. Alexander puts together a Scientific Advisory Boar 12/1995 #42635  
epartment of Defense contracts and puts together a 17-page report and a vid 8/28/2013 #45385  
               John Greenewald Jr. puts the Fold3 Blue Book files online in 1/10/2015 #45426  
## Word: "putt" (Back to Top)
 Development chief (Gen. Donald L. Putt) in between, Cabell doesn’t want to 9/30/1948? #3817  
n 8-page memo to Brig. Gen. Donald Putt on “Special Design and Performance  12/13/1948 #3929  
                 Brig. Gen. Donald Putt, Director of USAF Research and Deve 12/16/1948 #3931  
## Word: "putte" (Back to Top)
               KALMHOUTSE HOUK AND PUTTE, BELGIUM 2 / camp and cop. 50' dom 7/1/1976 #31145  
## Word: "putting" (Back to Top)
. He pushes it and it swings open. Putting his head inside, he cannot see m Summer 1933 #1163  
e other. He completes a full turn, putting the lights behind him on the por 12/1942 #1470  
hes fire and stops. Ziller is seen putting the aircraft into a dive and pul 2/18/1945 #1790  
 was able to re-start the plane by putting the nose down when he got contro 7/23/1947 #3220  
, shrubs, and other vegetation and putting it in a shiny box. Before they t 9/24/1954 #10438  
eturned, with at least one of them putting its “little clawed hands” up on  8/22/1955 #12391  
ic driving” experiments consist of putting subjects into drug-induced comas 2/1957 #13481  
ts a right turn to reverse course, putting the target dead ahead. It sudden 8/3/1957 #13875  
begins moving slowly and silently, putting on sudden and intermittent burst 9/19/1963 #17946  
is going to explode and runs away, putting the car between him and the obje 4/24/1964 #18200  
its back, into which the other was putting clumps of grass and soil samples 8/16/1965 #19410  
ble to affect our power resources, putting to a halt our electricity-genera 2/1967 #21431  
unty, IN 5:45 a.m. A farm wife was putting milkers on cows in a barn when s 4/1/1967 #22037  
0 p.m. Mr. & Mrs. De Carvalho were putting a new tile roof on a shed in Par 5/24/1967 #22394  
d. A beam of light shoots from it, putting him in a “trance” and pulling hi 11/17/1967 #23477  
ks slowly toward the outside door, putting one foot directly in front of th 6/15/1968 #24039  
finds that her legs are paralyzed. Putting her hands up to her face for pro 7/22/1968 #24204  
ound that her legs were paralyzed. Putting her hands up to her face for pro 7/22/1968 #24205  
olumbus, Ohio Night. A teenager is putting hay in a rabbit pen at his home  Late 9/1968 #24511  
nervous, clawing at the window and putting its head over its eyes and ears. 11/25/1968 #24704  
76] about 70 miles east of Denver [putting them roughly near Fort Morgan, C 8/29/1969 #25337  
counter, the neighborhood dogs are putting up a continuous volley of barkin 4/19/1974 #29047  
gures gathering snow and rocks and putting them inside the UFO. After 5 min 6/15/1974 #29198  
king things up from the ground and putting them into a little bag. The witn 2/19/1976 #30887  
d room, they place her on a table, putting handcuffs on er hands and feet.  6/11/1976 #31102  
ne patrol. While resting David was putting on his backpack when he noticed  3/1978 #33003  
what really happened. He remembers putting on his backpack when a dwarf-lik 3/1978 #33003  
tion 10:45 p.m. Joyce Blackburn is putting out milk bottles on the step of  10/28/1978 #33887  
tremendous speed. Huertas follows, putting the Sukhoi into Mach 1.2. As he  4/11/1980 #35269  
engaging in illegal activities, by putting radium in his toothpaste. Ford i 9/28/1989 #39130  
on, Ohio. I guess now that they’re putting it in the paper, I can tell you  7/9/1991 #40116  
t midnight on this day in 1993 was putting goats and chickens away in a bar 11/13/1993 #41272  
 countryside and had just finished putting away equipment and chairs into a 5/2/2003 #44521  
s the car on the side of the road, putting it in park with the engine runni 11/25/2009 #45256  
 small group” of people at the top putting it all together and pulling in w 3/27/2016 #45446  
## Word: "putty" (Back to Top)
she refused to move. Next, a small putty colored humanoid being with a larg 8/22/1980 #35475  
## Word: "putty-colored" (Back to Top)
onted with a being 1 m tall with a putty-colored face and frog-like eyes. H 11/6/1957 #14414  
d by a one-meter tall being with a putty-colored face and froglike eyes. He 11/6/1957 #14438  
## Word: "puuwaawaa" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / PUUWAAWAA, HI Silver ovoid rises / beach 8/14/1959 #15918  
## Word: "puy" (Back to Top)
                                LE PUY, FR Red cylinder/cigar-shape / conti 9/23/1954 #10403  
                                   PUY ST. GULMIER, PDD, FR 1.1M saucer fli 5/31/1955 #12168  
on the farm of Messr. Coulange, in Puy St. Gulmier, France a 1.1 meter (5 f 5/31/1955 #12170  
                         WEST / LE PUY, FR Luminous ovoid with legs / 50M a 12/29/1968 #24795  
                                Le Puy, France Gilbert Peyret founds Groupe 1975 #29675  
is de Recherches Ufologiques in Le Puy, France. It publishes OVNI 43 from 1 1975 #29675  
## Word: "puy-de-" (Back to Top)
tween Biozat, Alliers, and Effiat, Puy-de- Dome, France, when his engine di 10/20/1954 #11276  
## Word: "puy-de-dome" (Back to Top)
aucer going quickly west toward(s) Puy-de-dome. / LDLN#125.                 9/17/1954 #10328  
ast 11 people in Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dome, France. It was black with a 9/17/1954 #10336  
30 p.m. five women in Col du Beal, Puy-de-Dome, France saw a flat gray, met 9/19/1954 #10362  
e in the city of Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dome department, France saw a lum 10/2/1954 #10616  
               Cisternes-la-Foret, Puy-de-Dome, France. Messrs. J. Augard a 10/18/1954 #11216  
ving a van four miles from Coheix, Puy-de-Dome, France Mr. Bachelard, age 4 10/18/1954 #11218  
level in some woods in Laqueuille, Puy-de-Dome, France. It was seen by two  10/19/1954 #11255  
             Biozat Alliers Effiat Puy-de-Dome, France 9:15 p.m. Jean Lalle 10/20/1954 #11276  
        Between Biozat and Effiat, Puy-de-Dome, France at nine o'clock in t 10/24/1954 #11371  
ar the ground in Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dome department. The 20-meter dia 12/20/1958 #15492  
ed over Vichel at around 3 p.m. in Puy-de-Dome department, France for more  3/25/1960 #16208  
n the sky at 10:30 p.m. over Riom, Puy-de-Dome, France and vanish as if goi 11/1/1969 #25448  
                          Lempdes, Puy-de-Dome, France A motorist saw a sha 7/8/1978 #33353  
ters ahead on the road in Lempdes, Puy-de-Dome, France. As he came to the c 7/8/1978 #33355  
## Word: "puy-de-dorne" (Back to Top)
                           Coheix, Puy-De-Dorne, France Driver of light tru 10/18/1954 #11206  
## Word: "puy-de-dôme" (Back to Top)
                       Lac Chauvet Puy-de-Dôme France 6:10 p.m. André Frégn 7/18/1952 #6897  
égnale is hiking near Lac Chauvet, Puy-de-Dôme, France, when he sees a disc 7/18/1952 #6897  
                           Gelles, Puy-de-Dôme, France 7:15 p.m. A widow na 9/17/1954 #10334  
d object near her villa in Gelles, Puy-de-Dôme, France. Her neighbors also  9/17/1954 #10334  
                         Beaumont, Puy-de-Dôme, France 3:45 p.m. In Beaumon 10/5/1954 #10734  
ôme, France 3:45 p.m. In Beaumont, Puy-de-Dôme, France, witnesses Brun, Mar 10/5/1954 #10734  
                           Gelles, Puy-de-Dôme, France Coheix 5:30 p.m. A M 10/18/1954 #11212  
a light truck southeast of Gelles, Puy-de-Dôme, France. As he goes around a 10/18/1954 #11212  
## Word: "puy-en-velay" (Back to Top)
                                LE PUY-EN-VELAY, FR 2 police. Large red sau 8/19/1953 #9082  
## Word: "puy-saint-gulmier" (Back to Top)
                                   Puy-Saint-Gulmier, France A farmer, 74-y 5/31/1955 #12169  
## Word: "puy-verday" (Back to Top)
                                   Puy-Verday, France While enroute to work 10/1973 #27896  
## Word: "puyallup" (Back to Top)
                   A cropduster in Puyallup, Washington named Sagmiller saw 7/27/1949 #4294  
                                   PUYALLUP VALLEY, WA Crop duster. Saucer  7/28/1949 #4295  
                              NEAR PUYALLUP, WA Fireball quickly going down 3/23/1957 #13554  
fire rose up from behind a barn in Puyallup, Washington. It emitted two str 3/23/1957 #13559  
                                   PUYALLUP, WA Diamond shape with lighted  3/21/1988 #38517  
## Word: "puye" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Puye” YieldMax: 20KT                     8/14/1974 #29343  
## Word: "puyehue" (Back to Top)
No further details. Also 13 July / Puyehue, Chile.                          7/14/1947 #3173  
## Word: "puyfourcat" (Back to Top)
       Cier-de-Riviere, France Guy Puyfourcat, 22, who was coming back from 10/16/1954 #11142  
    In Cier-de-Riviere, France Guy Puyfourcat, age 22, was coming back from 10/16/1954 #11148  
ronne, France Around 9:30 a.m. Guy Puyfourcat is returning from the fields  10/17/1954 #11176  
ises about 9 feet into the air and Puyfourcat releases her, and the animal  10/17/1954 #11176  
## Word: "puzzled" (Back to Top)
are not deliberately lit, they are puzzled about the true cause. The lights 12/1865 #165  
rts emanate from manifestly sober, puzzled citizens, and they continue long 2/1897 #385  
are type of meteor. But others are puzzled by the brightness, trajectories, 11/3/1949 #4409  
th a dark center, but no details. (Puzzled about the film, he later talks t 7/1950 #5035  
               WICHITA, KS 3 teens Puzzled. Very fast object no disk. Resem 7/14/1952 #6803  
hoe writes to Ruppelt to say he is puzzled about his current stance on UFOs 7/17/1958 #15148  
ligent being.” However, he remains puzzled by the physical evidence.        1959 #15511  
 woke up form a deep sleep, he was puzzled by the absence of his jacket. He 2/28/1959 #15624  
 across the Las Vegas, Nevada sky, puzzled McCarran Field tower controlmen. 1/3/1960 #16149  
sight otherwise impossible. PJ was puzzled by the lack of security and wasn 1962 #17012  
tells the Carlisle police, who are puzzled. Kodak is intrigued enough to co 5/24/1964 #18297  
omplete on its western side. He is puzzled as to what made the marks, can f 8/5/1967 #22815  
north between Hook and Reading was puzzled when the electrical system of hi 10/26/1967 #23333  
d Reading, England was momentarily puzzled when the electrical system of hi 10/26/1967 #23335  
 and 63. Believe it or not!” He is puzzled to see it is 3:00 a.m. He gets a 12/3/1967 #23545  
’s memorandum, saying “I am rather puzzled by the viewpoints expressed ther 1/31/1968 #23714  
something explode outside. Briefly puzzled, they decide to go for a drive t 10/27/1975 #30486  
rn onto a south-southeast heading. Puzzled, the officer stops his vehicle a 4/2/1976 #30979  
Burghausen, Bavaria, Germany. More puzzled than afraid, she pulled off to t 12/12/1978 #34100  
w York Post: Soviet scientists are puzzled by the flight of a mysterious br 1/13/1984 #37129  
two beings look at each other in a puzzled way, then vanish. Khoury has a c 7/23/1992 #40530  
he called out but got no response. Puzzled, she went to bed and turned off  8/20/1993 #41148  
## Word: "puzzlement" (Back to Top)
hting, the couple notice with some puzzlement that the normally busy street 7/21/1978 #33407  
## Word: "puzzles" (Back to Top)
 the case, she notes: “Whilst some puzzles remain, we can probably say that 12/28/1980 #35750  
## Word: "puzzling" (Back to Top)
blindness and chemical burns. That puzzling development is further complica 12/2/1943 #1549  
dicating a potentially serious but puzzling phenomenon, and turn this over  12/18/1947 #3506  
dy of UFOs. He writes that “enough puzzling sightings have been reported by 7/1965 #19038  
ing Post, stating that hundreds of puzzling UFO cases exist and urging a se 12/17/1966 #21205  
n which he states that hundreds of puzzling UFO cases exit and urges a seri 12/17/1966 #21206  
t finds this to be one of the most puzzling radar cases on record.          5/13/1967 #22337  
his must remain as one of the most puzzling radar cases on record, and no c 5/13/1967 #22339  
ck of blood and footprints is also puzzling. Sheriffs from the affected cou 12/1973 #28494  
 unusual lights inside a room, and puzzling body scars. The poll, financed  5/1992 #40439  
it up by a dim glow. What was most puzzling and disturbing was that from th 5/4/2009 #45217  
a combination of four particularly puzzling “core characteristics.” These i 2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "pv" (Back to Top)
roject Y, Project 1794 and Project PV 704 that were said to explore develop 1955 #11897  
## Word: "pv2" (Back to Top)
                 PORTLAND, ME Navy PV2 chases cylinder/cigar-shape and sauc 9/16/1952 #7954  
## Word: "pval" (Back to Top)
MST. A soldier and his wife saw an pval object with red and green body ligh 2/16/1967 #21569  
## Word: "pvc" (Back to Top)
 into lead, the disappearance of a PVC pipe, time dilation and spontaneous  1983 #36738  
## Word: "pvt" (Back to Top)
y is based on the participation of Pvt. Guy B. Simeone, who relates a few d Early 10/1941 #1372  
a Northumberland England North Sea Pvt. Albert Lancashire, 27, is standing  Late Summer 1942 #1440  
y Air Corps control tower operator Pvt. Michael Solomon sees two small redd 8/29/1942 #1444  
At 8:55 p.m., a quarter mile away, Pvt. Harold Moore sees a white light wit 3/6/1949 #4035  
dar operators Sgt. M.W. Watson and Pvt. Gonzales and one other Sergeant. On 10/3/1951 #5701  
 Okubo Uji Kyoto Japan Night. USAF Pvt. Sinclair Taylor is on guard duty at 1952 #5842  
near Camp Polk, Louisiana. US Army Pvt. H.J. (initials) under Sgt. R.S. (in Summer 1953 #8945  
-93 in Derwood, Maryland 5:30 a.m. Pvt. Jerome A. Scanlon, stationed at Nik 9/29/1958 #15286  
## Word: "pvts" (Back to Top)
t Fort Hood], Texas 8:30 p.m. Army Pvts. Martin Fensterman and Frank Luisi, 3/6/1949 #4035  
## Word: "pvwhsi" (Back to Top)
s://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/pvwhsi/heresthedeletedvideoofericdavis_t 10/16/2002 #44418  
## Word: "pwllheli" (Back to Top)
                                   PWLLHELI, WALES Humming / field. Small h 2/8/1985 #37553  
cted in the early morning hours in Pwllheli, Wales. He was seized by the ar 2/8/1985 #37554  
## Word: "pwr-antigravity" (Back to Top)
 *   https://www.wired.com/2003/08/pwr-antigravity/ *   https://en.wikipedi 5/9/2001 #44183  
d)   https://www.wired.com/2003/08/pwr-antigravity/                         3/2004 #44671  
## Word: "py1xhqbqiy8" (Back to Top)
iographies-list   https://youtu.be/pY1XHQBqIY8   https://sgp.fas.org/otherg 10/16/2002 #44418  
## Word: "py4-2" (Back to Top)
/ THULE, GREENLAND 2 Navy pilots / PY4-2. 3 saucers / delta/triangle/box-li 8/29/1952 #7776  
## Word: "pyatigorsk" (Back to Top)
                                   PYATIGORSK, RUSSIA Astronomer triangulat 10/18/1967 #23254  
                                   Pyatigorsk, Russia 6:00 p.m. Astronomer  10/18/1967 #23261  
## Word: "pyecombe" (Back to Top)
                                   PYECOMBE, WEST SUSSEX Fireball goes 2mph 6/20/1993 #41024  
## Word: "pyeongtaek" (Back to Top)
                                   Pyeongtaek military base, South Korea 10 6/22/1952 #6588  
over the west end of the runway at Pyeongtaek military base, South Korea, s 6/22/1952 #6588  
## Word: "pygmy" (Back to Top)
at human “little people” (like the pygmy peoples of the Congo basin) were “ 1957 #13429  
e moon, Jessup speculates that the pygmy races either colonized the moon or 1957 #13429  
## Word: "pygra" (Back to Top)
 lights was observed hovering over Pygra in Larnaca District of southern Cy 10/28/2005 #44896  
## Word: "pylade" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pylade” Yield: 5KT                       3/22/1978 #33070  
## Word: "pyle" (Back to Top)
                              Ohio Pyle, PA 8:00 p.m. EST. About 345 miles  3/17/1967 #21912  
                                   PYLE, WALES 2 observer(s). Luminous spar 7/20/1967 #22707  
dnight a sparkling cloud seen over Pyle, England revealed itself to be a me 7/20/1967 #22711  
## Word: "pyles" (Back to Top)
                                   PYLES MOUNTAIN, MO Night light passes by 5/4/1973 #27467  
                                   PYLES MOUNTAIN, MO Night light going qui 5/18/1973 #27500  
## Word: "pylon" (Back to Top)
 Saucer with portholes on girdered pylon. Both vanish!                      7/1972 (approximate) #26748  
wish light suddenly appear above a pylon a quarter of a mile ahead of them. 11/18/1973 #28442  
e / light just over high = tension pylon.                                   4/24/1974 #29059  
rilliant lens hovers over electric pylon. Going down [to] and wobbles and v 8/5/1974 #29309  
ped disc hovering over an electric pylon. It rose, wobbled, and then vanish 8/5/1974 #29310  
 object that hovers above a nearby pylon and sends out beams of green, blue 12/9/1974 #29634  
ed disk over main road. Over power pylon / 2000h. Going quickly northeast.  9/29/1978 #33774  
im from behind a nearby electrical pylon on the side of the road. At first  1/19/1979 #34362  
ntly dancing around an electricity pylon. Upon approaching the figures, the 9/8/1987 #38280  
2M red ball hovers by high-voltage pylon / 15 minute(s). Rises away.        3/30/1990 #39493  
## Word: "pylons" (Back to Top)
cale mockups elevated onto 50-foot pylons. The CIA program to develop the f 9/1959 #15950  
area of some electrical power line pylons, one mile away.                   8/13/1965 #19385  
some wire is pulled away from some pylons.                                  5/1967 #22257  
lime green, solid looking luminous pylons or legs, giving the object the ap 9/7/1972 #26979  
dden behind some nearby electrical pylons. As they ran to town they were ch 7/11/1978 #33367  
GL Cops. Brownouts. 2 saucers over pylons / reservoir. Radio Frequency Inte 7/11/1980 #35410  
 orange lights moving through some pylons and causing sparks. They can smel 9/1982 #36590  
ite ball hovers between 2 ski-lift pylons.                                  8/7/1994 #41659  
## Word: "pymatuning" (Back to Top)
                                   PYMATUNING RESERVOIR, PA UFO stops overh 1/13/1959 #15545  
                                   Pymatuning Lake, PA Truck motor, lights  1/13/1959 #15548  
                    Hartstown Road Pymatuning Lake, Pennsylvania 7:00 a.m.  1/13/1959 #15549  
uck south on Hartstown Road across Pymatuning Lake, Pennsylvania, when he s 1/13/1959 #15549  
## Word: "pyongtaek" (Back to Top)
                                   PYONGTAEK AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA 2 Sergea 6/22/1952 #6585  
## Word: "pyongyang" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR PYONGYANG?, NORTH KOREA CT7943. Silent 1 11/15/1952 #8274  
                                   Pyongyang (near), North Korea Sphere Cir 11/15/1952 #8277  
cans flying in a T-6 aircraft over Pyongyang Sector CT 7943 at 1:07 p.m. lo 11/15/1952 #8282  
## Word: "pypard" (Back to Top)
ng between Broad Hinton and Clyffe Pypard in Wiltshire, England. It came to 2/8/1979 #34410  
ng between Broad Hinton and Clyffe Pypard in Wiltshire, England. It came to 2/8/1979 #34412  
## Word: "pyramid" (Back to Top)
                COUPAR ANGUS, SCOT Pyramid. Lifts cart. Knocks man / horse. 9/1767 #82  
                             Great Pyramid George Adamski’s account (ghostw 9/1953 #9130  
ana. He also argues that the Great Pyramid and megalithic structures were b 9/1953 #9130  
     GESTEN, RIBE, DK "Transparent pyramid" flies over road. 2 regular men  11/20/1957 #14580  
ool students came upon two glowing pyramid shaped objects sitting in the mi 3/3/1967 #21748  
UTHEAST / COMBES-LA-VILLE, FR 1.5M pyramid lands / road by railroad/railway 5/10/1967 #22307  
Combs-la-Ville, France a 1.5 meter pyramid shaped UFO landed on a road by t 5/10/1967 #22311  
           EL CASTANUELO, SP Buzz. Pyramid with portholes and legs. Observe 12/1970 #25924  
ON 13 / crypto. CORPs. Huge silent pyramid going south / 600mph. Instant 90 5/5/1972 (approximate) #26670  
 car. 3 figure(s) walk / roadside. Pyramid delta/triangle/box-like craft go 3/15/1974 #28887  
server(s). Bright grey saucer with pyramid dome hovers / 300M. Away fast.   1/3/1975 #29707  
     VALADALEN, SWD 2 observer(s). Pyramid / ground emits fireball and ligh 1/7/1976 #30773  
of potatoes were stacked high in a pyramid. After looking at the potatoes f 4/23/1976 #31019  
                           NORTH / PYRAMID HILL, VC, AUS 12 observer(s). La 12/13/1977 #32763  
O, ITL 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Pyramid going down / mountain peak. Cyli 1/6/1979 #34307  
UTHWEST / WENONA, IL 1 / car. Dark pyramid going east / low altitude stops  7/28/1979 #34685  
e that contained a rotating golden pyramid as proof of their existence, but 12/2/1979 #35040  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pyramid” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT     4/16/1980 #35272  
says that it looks like a deformed pyramid with a pointed top and estimates 4/26/1983 #36845  
ARY, IN 2 observer(s). Huge silent pyramid circles. Fast stops. Lights / ed 3/27/1986 #37812  
E HAUTE, IN 2 bikers follow flying pyramid. Lose it. Several pseudo-human/e 7/31/1986 #37961  
     WILMINGTON, DE 3 observer(s). Pyramid with cylinder/cylindrical object 6/30/1990 #39630  
mington, Delaware saw a four-sided pyramid (tetrahedron) at around 7:00 p.m 6/30/1990 #39632  
light. The object is shaped like a pyramid with the apex pointing forward.  10/23/1990 #39807  
             CARBONDALE, IL Silent pyramid / night lights just over home /  11/29/1990 #39914  
illuminated moon-like crater and a pyramid. He was eventually returned to h 1/26/1991 #39966  
ears ago." They pointed to a small pyramid shaped object and told Luis that 3/5/1992 #40359  
        CALVERTON, NOTTS Huge tall pyramid nose-first. Headlamp / front. Go 5/1993 #40961  
           NEAH BAY, WA 2 campers. Pyramid shape flashes and beams rays / l 5/13/1995 #42200  
utfits with an emblem containing a pyramid and a wing. A burnt circle was f 4/17/1996 #42872  
 car and cops and military. Double pyramid follows car. Blue-beams. Videos. 8/21/1996 #42987  
TAS, BRAZIL 4 / plane. Silent 150M pyramid hovers. Small disk exits going q 10/5/1996 #43054  
ABIRA, BRAZIL 1 / light plane. 30M pyramid going west. Dome opens. Small ov 10/18/1996 #43077  
Many observer(s). Battleship-sized pyramid hovers / 6km altitude. Shoots aw 10/18/1996 #43082  
, appearing as a “flattened silver pyramid.” It bobs up and down then disap 12/14/1997 #43460  
horizontal lights to appear like a pyramid). At the same time, the object b 1/12/2013 #45360  
 podcast he was told about a large pyramid beneath Alaska that “might” be s 9/28/2021 #45711  
cal studies of a large underground pyramid in Alaska between 1959-61. He cl 9/28/2021 #45711  
## Word: "pyramid-object" (Back to Top)
            EUPHRATES GOVNT, SYRIA Pyramid-object going [to] fast over 2 vi 1/21/1956 (approximate) #12675  
## Word: "pyramid-shaped" (Back to Top)
ak tree about 165 feet away. It is pyramid-shaped and about 8 feet high and 12/3/1954 #11754  
hop owner in Gesten, Denmark saw a pyramid-shaped, luminous, transparent ob 11/22/1957 #14596  
taking about 30 minutes, and see a pyramid-shaped object with a rounded top 3/20/1966 #20012  
s fiancé called his attention to a pyramid-shaped luminous object which was 3/15/1974 #28891  
ay, Warren claims he sees a large, pyramid-shaped object topped by a glowin 12/28/1980 #35750  
y electric power line. It ejects a pyramid-shaped array of colored lights t 5/24/1983 #36868  
 Terre Haute, Indiana saw a flying pyramid-shaped object, and they followed 7/31/1987 #38221  
                            A huge pyramid-shaped object was seem from an E 10/5/1996 #43058  
olumbia a very large, silent, dark pyramid-shaped object was sighted at 10: 5/3/2006 #44939  
 final sighting involving multiple pyramid-shaped objects. Despite the near 7/15/2019 #45593  
## Word: "pyramidal" (Back to Top)
ouse on fire” that soon takes on a pyramidal form is seen traveling along t 9/9/1767 #83  
OM Signs appear in sky. One is [a] pyramidal comet. Not weather balloon.    3/5/1843 #136  
Nevada a spinning top-shaped UFO w pyramidal sides and a two-foot long pede 6/25/1964 #18376  
rver. Sphere/orb/globe extends red pyramidal field over power lines. Vanish 5/24/1983 #36867  
ld about 325 feet away from him, a pyramidal or conical illuminated object  5/4/1990 #39556  
rside is triangular with a central pyramidal spire that points downward. Th 6/24/1994 #41581  
 size of a football stadium. It is pyramidal in shape with 8 sides, on each 10/5/1996 #43057  
 object turns, the lights are in a pyramidal shape (indicating rotation of  1/12/2013 #45360  
## Word: "pyramids" (Back to Top)
legedly flown on a trip to see the pyramids in Egypt.                       2/24/1955 #12017  
gh school students saw two glowing pyramids (truncated cones?), followed by 3/3/1967 #21742  
OARSEGOLD, CA 2 observer(s). 3 30M pyramids hover over old mines. Red light 11/6/1971 #26461  
   On this day three 30-meter wide pyramids hovered over some old abandoned 11/6/1971 #26466  
tors. He was shown images of three pyramids joined by a thin ray of light.  1/3/1979 #34292  
sand dunes. He could see hills and pyramids around him. He saw a man and wo 10/31/1989 #39200  
aw a man and woman exit one of the pyramids, but he remained paralyzed, and 10/31/1989 #39200  
o a moon-like planet and of seeing pyramids from above. He later found hims 12/26/1991 #40267  
             A couple visiting the Pyramids in Giza, Egypt saw multiple une 7/17/1999 #43806  
## Word: "pyramidshaped" (Back to Top)
Gesten, Denmark A shop owner saw a pyramidshaped, luminous, transparent obj 11/22/1957 #14595  
## Word: "pyrenees" (Back to Top)
ce Pic du Midi Observatory, French Pyrenees During the opposition of Mars,  9/20/1909 #811  
 du Midi Observatory in the French Pyrenees also bring formal discredit to  9/20/1909 #811  
                             SARE, PYRENEES ATLANTIC OCEAN., FR Cylinder/ci 4/28/1954 #9730  
                                   Pyrenees, France A group of persons taki 4/28/1954 #9731  
ar Sare in the region close to the Pyrenees border observed a cigar-shaped  4/28/1954 #9731  
That same night in Aveyron, Basses Pyrenees, France a farmer sighted a "she 1/11/1967 #21288  
      At 6:03 p.m. flying over the Pyrenees Mountains in a DC-6 at 16,000 f 9/10/1967 #23033  
 two o'clock in the morning in the Pyrenees. The four witnesses felt heat a 1/31/1974 #28716  
 of the panoramic landscape of the Pyrenees mountains just after leaving El 7/1/1975 #30144  
         At midnight in the Hautes Pyrenees, France many people observed a  5/5/1999 #43763  
## Word: "pyrenees-atlantique" (Back to Top)
etime before 3:00 p.m. in Bayonne, Pyrenees-Atlantique, France three metall 9/24/1954 #10439  
 of the D-21 highway in Maraunats, Pyrenees-Atlantique department, France.  7/8/1964 #18400  
## Word: "pyrenees-atlantiques" (Back to Top)
e ocean off the coast of Guethary, Pyrenees-Atlantiques, France. When it do 10/22/1954 #11323  
     In Saint Etienne de Baigorry, Pyrenees-Atlantiques, France at around 3 10/24/1954 #11368  
ngled down over the town of Artix, Pyrenees-Atlantiques, France before asce 10/22/1975 #30460  
## Word: "pyrennes-orientales" (Back to Top)
the middle of a vineyard in Cerat, Pyrennes-Orientales, France at 7:25 p.m. 2/4/1955 #11974  
## Word: "pyrite" (Back to Top)
es on photograph flash. Drops iron pyrite.                                  12/13/1973 #28564  
t a half inch in diameter, of iron pyrite were found near the site. Later t 12/13/1973 #28570  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Pyrite” Yield: 37.6KT                    5/25/1981 #35946  
## Word: "pyrogovskoye" (Back to Top)
                              LAKE PYROGOVSKOYE, RUSSIA 2 small humanoids ( 5/1978 #33180  
## Word: "pyrotechnic" (Back to Top)
eleases a report titled “A Note on Pyrotechnic Activity over Germany.” An u 9/25/1942 #1448  
object, fluctuating in brightness, pyrotechnic pink in color, changing spee 11/22/1944 #1699  
## Word: "pyrrhos" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pyrrhos” Yield: 20KT                     6/18/1979 #34617  
## Word: "pyrénées-atlantiques" (Back to Top)
              Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France Early after 10/17/1952 #8148  
 Residents of Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France, see a larg 10/17/1952 #8148  
                          Bayonne, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France Afternoon.  9/23/1954 #10419  
oon. Several residents of Bayonne, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France, see three  9/23/1954 #10419  
                          Mourenx, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France George Lang 2/1965 #18790  
 Fly,” gives a lecture at Mourenx, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France, and declar 2/1965 #18790  
        At 10:30 p.m. in Biarritz, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France an ovoid ph 8/28/1993 #41167  
## Word: "pyungthek" (Back to Top)
                                   Pyungthek, Korea 4 ft diameter orange ob 6/22/1952 #6586  
                                   Pyungthek, Korea Witnesses:  Two Marine  6/22/1952 #6587  
## Word: "pzt" (Back to Top)
amples of lead zirconate titanate (PZT), a piezoelectric compound. Woodward 6/2001 #44189  
 and say large mass fluctuation of PZT could be achieved with only moderate 6/2001 #44189  
ons using lead zirconate titanate (PZT), a piezoelectric compound, to achie 4/2017 #45467  
eriments confirm the findings that PZT can achieve flight and could enable  4/2017 #45467  
PULSION.PDF     Note: The Lockheed PZT experiments were done at the unclass 4/2017 #45467  
## Word: "pzuhl" (Back to Top)
ntonio, Texas 9:08 a.m. Mrs. Susan Pzuhl (or Pfuhl) observes over San Anton 8/7/1952 #7508  
## Word: "pátero" (Back to Top)
Brazil Catanduva 3:00 a.m. Onilson Pátero, an organizer of public libraries 5/22/1973 #27518  
t from its base toward the ground. Pátero panics and runs about 100 feet wh 5/22/1973 #27518  
ine, and the interior of the body. Pátero faints. An hour later, two young  5/22/1973 #27518  
policeman, Clóvis Queiros. Turning Pátero over, he regains consciousness an 5/22/1973 #27518  
o cause for the discoloration, and Pátero seems in good mental health. He e 5/22/1973 #27518  
## Word: "pátzcuaro" (Back to Top)
pas Tlaxcala Hidalgo Veracruz Lake Pátzcuaro Michoacán Mexico City Internat 8/6/1967 #22830  
xcala, Hidalgo, Veracruz, and Lake Pátzcuaro in Michoacán. Most are general 8/6/1967 #22830  
## Word: "pârvu" (Back to Top)
rmășești, Romania Bucharest George Pârvu and four other schoolchildren are  Early 8/1939 #1312  
away. Two of the children flee but Pârvu and two others remain. The bottom  Early 8/1939 #1312  
d grass where the object had been. Pârvu feels energized, but one of the ot Early 8/1939 #1312  
he other boys is temporarily sick. Pârvu encounters what he perceives to be Early 8/1939 #1312  
## Word: "pérez" (Back to Top)
ied as UN Secretary General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, who does not confirm a 11/30/1989 #39283  
, Entre Rios, Argentina, by Silvia Pérez Simondini.                         1991 #39937  
## Word: "pătruţ" (Back to Top)
n Turcu, Valeriu Niculescu, Adrian Pătruţ, and Augustin Moraru establish an 7/17/1977 #32287  
## Word: "păun" (Back to Top)
trada 7:30 a.m. Psychologist Adina Păun is walking past the Republic Factor 12/10/1967 #23567