Earth Muddy River Mercury Venus Saturn Mercury Saturn Venus beach K. G. Wettermark Venus Southern sky Virgo Crater Gamma Draconis Barn Woods Anthracite Coal East French Philadelphian Venus vacant lot 400 miles north of the Equator Southern sky Muckle’s farm train depot Earth Highland Lake Wasson & Miller flour mill and cotton gin ocean lagoon US Department of Agriculture French Main Street Coast Range 6th Street bridge Franklin Street Coast Ranges Davis Street Main Street City Hall Night one mile from town northwest 150 feet in the air 4 miles north of town 2,100 feet clearing nearby field Judge Proctor's property vacant lot Elkton blacksmith shop nearby field nearby pasture blacksmith shop printing office 112 Garfield Place one half-mile away Main Street Sunset Venus a hilltop nearby meadow grove of poplar trees path behind his family’s garden local mine shaft farm well barn house small hollow small hill water well horse trough southern side of the business district downtown courthouse tower shore of a lake beach nearby 300 feet away railway station brick kilns hills to the east pine tree 200 feet away Venus the spot the next day front yard church nearby marsh railway yard Royal Flying Corps Globe Elevators hills valley wall of hills pasture isolated ranch mountains in the east northwest 6 miles away sea General Electric Laboratories neighbor’s farm neighbor’s garden field row of houses near a creek stream leading to a pond farmhouse car wooded area pond grove of 100-foot-high maple trees hillocks near a canal Meteorological Office Lunar Craters farm paddock field to the north sheep pasture other planes of existence Garden undergrowth woods nearby mountain range woods field on his right radio towers (8 miles away) 27,500 feet Swedish Air Force train station west north railroad tracks US 4th Coast Artillery Regiment southwest southeast KFOX KMPC several cities 120th Street field 100 feet away country road nearby woods 8 miles east foothills 15 miles from town English coastline US Army British troopship SS Pulaski Army Chief of Staff English coastline Army Air Corps control tower AAC Advanced Flying School Site Y RAAF French coast Sea Northrop N-9M Army Air Force Air Tactical Service Command Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Air Tactical Service Command Earth another planet US Liberty ship SS John Harvey 390th Bombardment Group Road to the Stars coconut grove US Strategic Air Forces in Europe liberated countries Night ravine hill near his home nearby fairground Front Lines City house landed craft RAF 19,000 feet North America Enemy Territory Hollow Earth USAAF SHAEF First Tactical Air Force Amerika Bomber contract competition 800 meters outside the boundary of the airfield far edge of a clearing Bonneville Power Administration 416th NFS 13,000 feet 16,000 feet USS New York US 44th Armored Infantry Battalion 6 miles Seattle Times Market Street East West The White Dog The White Hart French countryside East West Air Defense department Defense Radio Institute 320 feet away Air Ministry MI10(a) western shore Boden engineer corps Defense Research Department Air Forces, Pacific War Department Operations Defense Staff's Air Defense Division south small island US Forces in Europe Theater Times nearby alley small river southeast Soviet State Department MI6 ranch house Swedish Defense staff northwest house Air Intelligence DCI USCG Defense Department Intelligence Review Eastern Sector area park USAAF beach Mountains Philadelphia Inquirer Northrop Army AF 25 miles south of the canyon Naval Night southwest Idaho Evening Statesman United Press service Mt. Jefferson 5,000 feet 44th and Market streets campsite mile marker 132 cliff Floyd and Loretta Proctor's home Sheriff's Office debris field gouge US Air Force 4333 N. 14th Street 2745 West Market Street 6:00 a.m. F-51 KGFL RAAF base KGPL US Army Air Force Assistant Secretary of War for Air Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg Idaho Statesman 4:17 p.m. crash site FBI headquarters 10,000 feet 2:40 p.m. War base hospital USAAF Fourth Air Force field one mile away National Military Establishment Department of the Air Force National Security Council Central Intelligence Agency Fred Crisman's place United Airlines United Press USAF AFSWP smelting lot DC-3 C-54 Soviet FBI Headquarters USMC Air Materiel Command T-3 blackened ground T-3 Air Institute of Technology two locations AMC Air Materiel Command Property owned by Walt Salyer European Command US Navy Second Officer Williamson USS Ticonderoga Air Force American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting ATIC AMC Air Materiel Command Crash Scene Barn USAF southwest Eastern Airlines Air Force Intelligence Air Intelligence Requirements Division USAF installations European command of the 970th CIC Coast 15,000 feet USAF European Command HQ US Forces in Austria USAF Reserve National Security Council Office of Policy Coordination CIA OSO OPC military base wooded area northwest USAF Airport Control Tower Project Sign foreign lands January lake CIA AMC southwest northeast USAF Reserve US Army Office of Defensive Air ONI LaPaz LaPaz plateau Early morning US Army Intelligence (G-2) northwest Atomic Energy Commission CIA Power Plant Laboratory Gen. Charles P. Cabell NICAP Blue Book microfilm RAND project AMC ONR Air Weather Services foreign power NORAD LaPaz Army Maj. Godsoe International Petroleum Company another star system western horizon western sky low over the horizon FBI headquarters USAF Army Fourth Army Intelligence Project Grudge General Mills AMC Saturday Evening Post 2 miles away 150 feet away 100 feet away USAF Project Sign Grudge AEC 10,000 feet US Fourth Army Headquarters AMC American Psychiatric Association Research and Development Board third-floor roof below the 16th-floor kitchen 4.5 miles south of the plotting center 5,280 feet in the air Venus Air Force Office of Special Investigations LaPaz USAF campus building open country AFOIN HQ Air Materiel Command Directorate of Intelligence, HQ USAF Army 5 miles away USAF Civil Aeronautics Administration 500,000 acres three small towns 100-mile range setting 20-mile setting 50-mile setting southwest USS Tillamook ATIC LaPaz 50 miles USAF USS Bristol FBI headquarters Venus NBC television program Today with Mrs. Roosevelt CAA Tower mountain CIA Office of Policy Coordination Mineral Clearing CBS National Security Council ammunition storage area North American Aviation missile firing range Project Twinkle cinetheodolite station P-8 Project Twinkle cinetheodolite station P-10 field behind Mrs. Mason Vaughan's house quarry United Airlines plane another airliner navy transport plane another range station FBI headquarters OSI US Eastern seaboard Water Tower Air Force Intelligence Collection Division’s Collection Control Branch (AFOIN-CC-1) Air Force The Thing from Another World US Defense Dept. 1983 US Signal Corps open field Atomic Energy Commission Security Service USAF National Laboratory’s restricted area FBI headquarters USAF US Secretary of State Project Grudge Air Force CAA Control Tower Air Force B-50D bomber USAF Air Force AMC Whaleyville logging road Delhi Flying Club hanger US Army Pfc. Francis P. Wall Project Grudge Project Grudge Ministry of Defence’s Directorate of Scientific Intelligence CIA meadow 407 West Powell Street trailer home ATIC USAF Project Grudge southeast Sea USAF B-36 CVE class aircraft carrier Swedish Defence Staff 4,500 feet American Southwest Air Force USAF otherworldly place base salt flats APRO treasurer's home APRO secretary's home Project Grudge radar station Project Grudge open-air movie theater USS Philippine Sea ATIC Project Grudge dirt road 50 miles east ocean city airport northeast southwest 15,000 feet Japan Air Self-Defense Force Naval aviation student front lines Project Twinkle USAF DuPont Corporation Planet Venus USAF Soviet Forest Lawn Drive northeast part of the city USAF roadstead USAF AEC plant F-97 85 miles north-northwest of the station National Guard Airport 7 miles away Air Defense Command headquarters Research and Development Board 10,000 feet east 6,000 feet 10,560 feet altitude 7 miles distant Air Technical Liaison Office Directorate of Intelligence for the Far East Air Force US Coast Guard SS Yarmouth airport control tower USAF Coast Guard Station nearby flying saucer ATIC CIA another secret agency Eastern Airlines distant parts of the world south-southwestern sky CIA/OSI nearby house U.S. Army Engineers Neptune US Coast Guard Cutter Eastwind GCI site Sheriff Robert L. Carr US Navy underground RAF Ash USS Franklin D. Roosevelt Mainbrace fleet Officer's Club Streeter's home North America Western States US Court of Appeals, Second Circuit 7:00 a.m. CIA Defense Department USAF USS Curtiss USS Fletcher desert roadside 1:57 p.m. 2:04 p.m. 2:12 pm. UFO Scout ship telescope binoculars hill Air Force jets Army’s Psychological Warfare Research Section Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence U.S. defense installations OSI CIS CIA ATIC Off-shore 6,000–7,000 feet 5,000 feet base Soviet apartment building ATIC Battelle West CIA Building “M” ATIC Air Defense Command Air Force Northrop Aircraft Northrup AFOIN CIA PRAVDA 1947 Project Stork ATIC US Olympic Training Center Ground radar ATIC US Olympic Training Center USS Oriskany the cabin the neighboring forest Project Magnet CIA Director Allen Dulles Richard Helms FOIA request in 1977 Senate Hearings of 1977 Maritime Central Four US Army Old Baldy (Hill 266) USAF Vacuum Cooling Company plant USAF F-94 18,000 feet National Security Agency Project Blue Book field near a railroad track Air Filter Center earth USAF intelligence USAF 4602nd AISS Project Blue Book desert earth Army Chemical School Night Look Project Blue Book Gen. Sory Smith USAF Col. William C. Odell USN USAF North American Gamle Mossevei road secluded cabin RAF stations US Navy Times-Herald tank park tree line tank shed search area Canadian air space 17 miles to the southeast Scripps-Howard papers nation overseas 40,000 feet 60,000 feet Task force headquarters nearby tree US Navy shore USN Seaman Apprentice James B. Stephens Jr. house 60,000 feet 35 miles away 3,600 mph 90,000 feet 15 miles altitude 6 miles west of the city 15° above 32,000 feet FBI homes and offices 18,500 feet six miles Soulcraft Publications ATIC Office of Naval Intelligence Bureau of Aeronautics field pasture RB-47E aircraft Institute of Physics and Power Engineering Nine green spheres FLYOBRPTs ATIC Eastern Sea Frontier Potomac River Naval Command Naval Bureau of Aeronautics FBI Army’s Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 American Federation of Labor North America southwest mudflat 3 miles away 30,000 feet Cemetery pasture Farm wooden area off the road D60 road field near their car route N393 D220 road Rocket Launcher Apron 1, Range B Special School Varig airlines USAF wooded area farm field US Olympic Training Center nearby quarry newspaper office riverbank Park Hospital Richard Helms at the CIA Nelson Rockefeller Allen Dulles Mud Lake? Venus separate location US Olympic Training Center Ground forces Exercise Desert Rock VI 3,000 feet of ground zero mushroom cloud Westinghouse laboratory meadow Douglas Aircraft Company MTM-622 RAF base support facility single paved runway three hangars control tower Flying Saucer Review Cabinet rank US 129 USAF 20,000 feet driveway mailbox woods Mrs. Parsons's home CIA Air Force Soviet polar 15 feet of water 300 feet off the shore 40 miles southwest of the base Avro Canada Giant Rock Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention KTTV USAF Different location USAF east southeast west Office of Naval Research Earth coastline suburbs USS Franklin D. Roosevelt orchard square-mile area US Olympic Training Center North American Aviation Saab aircraft company Surface of the sea Various inaccessible places around the globe Victorian Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology House of Commons USAF road D24 road sign adjoining road Nearby Home UK Empire News mess hall dormitory Reynold’s News USAF 24 cases April 8 letter ground zero 18,500 and 20,000 feet altitude Night Daye Steel Plant Douglas Aircraft Company U-2 airstrip gulley surrounded by woods North America Soviet KGB ATIC world 20,000 square miles Earth corral window Different Location North America main highway farm-to-market road Near the same spot as James Long Army Garrison Detachment 5 US 54 Nearby School school building two blocks from where they live ravine field site north side of the base field Western Airlines Flight 61 ATIC US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces Department of National Defence Air Force Swissair coast 125,000 miles into space town April 16, 1956 USAF top of a hill Skandinavisk UFO Information ATIC USAF tarmac control tower 1,500 feet 900 feet Air Ministry USAF NORAD Soviet WOR-AM front lawn driveway lawn landing site half a mile long Lee Street US Air Force east side of the house Air Force UFO organizations USAF Earth USAF glade JANAP 146 US Navy Space Surveillance System NORAD Air Force same section of sky RAF stations Symposium on Aerospace Technology Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences the sea the house of the priest, Papa Costas Department of National Defence 150 miles further south Air Force USAF main road Air Force OTC Enterprises bridge creek 45 miles away main station FAA Air Traffic Communication Station Johansson's garden Nearby Mountains Air Force Command and Control Development Division, Air Research and Development Command Venus USAF ZI Earth hotel and apartment rooftops service station attendants at the intersection third of a mile to the north Swedish airplane CIA Directorate for Plans MKUltra Fidel Castro's television studio country roads large tree DRDC Valcartier impact area House Science and Astronautics Committee CIA NICAP one point on earth to another Echo I A-12 test facility Runway 14/32 CIA station the beach dry lake runways 9/27 runways 03/21 North America Central Intelligence CIA Cuban government John F. Kennedy U.S. Air Force House Committee on Science and Astronautics Blue Book ATIC Air Force Intelligence small clearing in a dense forest Mine Supply Truck US Army's SL-1 nuclear power reactor undisclosed site US Navy Gulf 12.5 miles 1.2 miles north-northwest 50,000 feet up high cliff main cantonment area reservoir pond 50th Street House Committee Project Blue Book Rep. McCormack sea 100th Bomb Wing sea clutter Betty Hill strange roadblock Coast Guard canyon roadside motel US Navy Department of State Project Blue Book Air Force National Science Foundation FTD Mountain R-4808N (somewhere) CIA field NICAP ATIC 314,750 feet (59 miles) DC-3 boat dock Rural area M-01 launch site Department of State Kennedy USS Essex USS Gearing Soviet Kennedy CIA 6:15 a.m. road field Earth Unitarian church school building Russian CTA-102 Soviet SETI earth power lines across a field De Havilland Aircraft Company gravel road King's home King's hotel rooms 3 miles from their location US Forest Service field hospital FCC Southwest Air Force Department 35,000 feet altitude wheat field Missile Site 7 parking lot to the south hospital back yard nearby barn neighbor's garden across the highway Atlanta Constitution US Project Blue Book field along the roadside tree bushes field General Motors foundry GM water tank USAF Site 7 Site 6 Site 8 field Air Force Plant 42 American airspace country road CIA screening southeast Department of Justice out to sea evergreens landing site church tree line to the east mountainside glowing aluminum barn Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society UFO Investigation Centre NSW the barn the house the hills two miles away US Navy ship Epsom Retreat Hotel nearby close to a telephone line Gemini 4 mission Project Rover neighbor's lawn nearby woods Echo LCF H-2 LF Airport KXWI-TV 2 miles away 490 feet altitude NORAD USAF jets tree-lined hill top of the hill drug store ditch home Office of the Secretary of the Air Force farmhouses 15,000 feet 24,000 feet USAF Swedish Defense Staff Swedish Defence Research Agency field near the city cemetery Boston Traveler newspaper site of the crash Earth North American XB-70 Valkyrie water-filled lagoon airport vicinity of the airport Ammunition dump coast swampy area dormitory Gulf several towns D-Calif. D-S.C. Rep. Morris K. Udall Gerald Ford wood lot behind their home south hilltop US Congress swamp high-tension power line row of trees bridge abutment local news outlets local newspapers radio weather agency personnel 33,000 feet 10 o’clock position northwest NORAD USAF CBS USATs Office of Naval Research US Army North American XB-70 Valkyrie north-northeast American Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis CIA Blue Book briefing store House of Commons Dairy Delight Drive-In USAF Office of Scientific Intelligence Directorate of Air Force Intelligence Department of Air reservoir field 10–15 miles south of the base M-4 N-1 missile alert facility Air Force Office of Scientific Research northwest horizon other side of the canal Air Force Base Air Force rural area gravel road Mrs. Janet Emery's home (1 mile away) field to the west past the dead end field some 840 feet into the field Air Force Air Force ESSA 4th Street governmental grant TNT area Spanish telegraph service TAP Air Portugal southeast Centre Nationale d’Études Spatiales McDonnell Douglas Corporation Interarmy Special Vehicles Test Center NORAD SAC 3 miles away US Army base Motor vehicle shed West road shoulder field a quarter of a mile away on a hill home two blocks away front walk creek Boeing Nearby Mountain launch control facility country road one mile west of town two Launch Control Centers LCC command post Brazilian Air Force C-47 NORAD state county country open field Federal Aviation Agency Project Blue Book March 7 column Fidel Castro President Johnson CIA Director Richard Helms CIA Inspector General John S. Earman Cuban military Project AMLASH Select Committee neighbor's house NPIC NPIC nearest town Johnson's Airport Control Tower CIA Earth farmhouse various bases mine headquarters building pond mine dump other shore northwest airport control tower Centro Ufologico Nazionale Office of Naval Research NICAP USAF APRO Air Canada flight Air Canada airliner Main Street Parking Lot DCI NSA FBI front porch neighboring pasture milk house nearby woods locked, deserted shack other side of a brook near the house whistling sound coming from the brook ravine President Johnson city hall US Forest Service farmhouse field football field CIA Special Activities Division Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie back of his home Associated Press McDonnell Douglas landing site field A307 road field MoD RAF Russian US Coast Guard House Resolution 946 Soviet Academy of Sciences cemetery sky NORAD south coast southwest intersection Low's office NORAD pond area main road pond Martha Heggs' farmhouse kitchen farmyard hospital American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics valley crest of a hill adjacent canyon nearby field Dos Santos' house local lab Ministry of Defence DMZ Earth tree line near the lake clearing Italian Army in World War II wooded valley north of town I-95 nearby park nearby house railway to the northeast police headquarters garrison casino nearby field House Committee on Science and Astronautics field ground sanitorium lawn bed Daily Citizen city dump field Fourth Air Zone Command of the Brazilian Air Force Brazilian Air Force facility 16 miles east RB-47 hotel garden village a field a solitary house ESSA Research Laboratories Martin Marietta TRW Systems Group Meteorology Research Douglas Missile and Space Systems Division US Army Electronic Command 45° to the bow Air Force neighbor's house next hill Secretary of the Air Force Office of Information 24 Sussex Drive power lines 1969 Farm Power Lines soybean field field family's farm 35,000 feet 50,000 feet mine site mine tailings canyon Sheraton Hotel US Air Force Project Blue Book CIA swimming pool meadows across the street creek Inter Agency Committee on Intelligence Southwest Arm Richard Johansson's small farm 3,200 feet in the air American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics raised enclosure raised tombstone hospital short-wave antenna on the nearby central post office Communications Center USS John F. Kennedy shallow creek small 'garage' in the bushes CIA abandoned well hollow in the field slope small valley north of the city busy street residence building across the street roofs of houses Southern sky wheat paddock US District Court for Eastern Virginia Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals vacant lot SRI International Spy Victorian UFO Research Society IUR 17 IUR 24 Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment backyard of some friends’ home nearby parking lot theatre circle ridge fields orchard nearby woods Canadian Department of National Defence mid-air Harold Truter's home CIA paddock hill approximately 3 miles from his home 165 feet in back of the house Senate Hearings of 1977 open field 158 different viewing stations top of the hill Mrs. Geni's home the rented buildings on the ground floor in the back beyond the horizon North America CIA nearby house country road backyard fields in the north small spring nearby lake remote area Vietnam War friend's house outskirts of town gravel road Nearby Warehouse field woods railyard 5.5 miles away hospital highway US 81 Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES) Institut des Hautes Études de Defense Nationale American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics dairy farm Zeta Reticuli binary system 39.3 light years from earth developed area mountain trailer 100 feet away 1,500 feet away hill to the southwest of town treeline plowed field just over a hill France Inter radio program CNES Fiat Corporation village ocean unnamed hospital Security Police dormitory Wigwam restaurant US Army US Defense Department A4 highway 30,000 feet father’s property separate locations near field creek 328 feet away park 9 separate metropolitan areas clearing where the sandpit lies outer space nearby field 2 miles local garage West South Energy Reorganization Act Atomic Energy Commission Energy Research and Development Administration US Department of Energy another planet east north Marjorie E. Fish’s analysis of Betty Hill’s star map Nearby Pylon river farmhouse CIA President Gerald R. Ford Courts 2,000 feet meadow Lotts’ house Deputy Herb Lynn's pickup truck a few miles out of town Deputy Russ Mill, within a mile of K-01 US Embassy in Algiers, Algeria Off the coast western horizon tall trees potential landing site dam on the far shore second-story window surface vessel NORAD neighbor's yard tobacco field tobacco plants 2–3 miles northeast of the prison highway Nike missile base in the mountains Western States American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Robert Suffern's barn Robert Suffern's sister's house Robert Suffern's property NBC-TV Betty and Barney Hill Center for UFO Studies NORAD Air Force AFOSI nearby computer facility Apollo Ancient south end of the plant north end of the plant 900 feet above the witness's house flight tower Central Expressway sports field opposite his house rough grass beyond the sports field another part of the city a site a few kilometers away home crossroad road shoulder 400 miles to the south Spanish Air Force USS Von Steuben hospital garden door Ammunition Storage Area Eldon’s Standard Service Station hayfield spot Beach tundra mining wasteland TV antenna near the barn high-tension power lines a mile to the west neighbor's house country road swamp Boeing 707 John Hopkins fast-food restaurant launch control facility missile silos Toa Airlines [now Japan Air System] woods road 4 miles away grass verge by the roadside CIA Spanish Navy school ship Juan Sebastian Elcano field military base power station east of the road Brennan's house mine site creek canyon wall road Project Blue Book Constitutional attorney Project Blue Book USAF personnel field three-story apartment building across the street rooftop in question ground northeast K. B. Dixon woodyard community gardens dike canal forest nearby village more than 6 miles altitude about 87 miles from the city desert distant range of hills rural area nearby hospital grass bank in a field major medical facility CNES Civil Aviation Air Force Meteorological Service ground zero railroad tracks bay A303 Brazilian Air Force Victor Alert facility soybean field neighboring farm trees Air India Flight 9 neighbor's farm 110-mile, north-to-south line European Space Agency deserted rural boulevard deserted field Southern Sky westward Soviet Navy adjacent farm swamp nearby house southwest west north south USS Saratoga gas station spot where they were originally standing grapevines house trees to the north Italian Air Force German Air Force over the horizon paddock bushes Missile Sites OSTP Russian Academy of Sciences Center for UFO Studies wood on a distant hillside a narrow dirt road bordering a ditch a nearby farm 48,000 square miles 3 miles away nearby field Barry Drive Public Works Garage Public Works building parking lot open areas I-275 Washington Way NBC-TV UK Atomic Energy Authority site UKAEA fire station UKAEA constabulary officers southwest Zeta Reticuli Somewhere with no trees and tall grass farm stable barn grove of trees Ford Motor plant home planet 3 light years away clearing site US Defense Intelligence Agency Observation tower roadside southwest northeast horizon rooftop terrace inner house court tree line to the east ravine treetop level road terrain area friend's house north field of her farm Chinese Air Force airfield Coast Guard station southwest northeast War Memorial Drive First Assembly of God church US District Court open area golf course southeast southwest I-380 wooded, rural area suburban shopping center new housing estate field vicarage some houses brushwood-covered wasteland south window fields southwest flat pampas 75 miles north military barracks nearby resort small nearby grove of trees 30 feet away 480 feet from the school clearing encounter site home village Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court another power station rail line 13,000 feet 40 miles away 8 miles water tower Main Street clearing 100 feet away Beach SAC bases weapons storage areas missile sites launch control facilities remote country road Japanese icebreaker Fuji UK government FBI W-8 military station transmitting tower truck USS Kamehameha their house road other states on an airliner stream access road to his field lakeside vegetation shore forest 8-acre estate Tree shore of a lake woods western sky southwest suburb 2.5 miles west of the Weedens Center for UFO Studies field railway crossing north Nearby Field Travis house neighbor's house nearby bush field to their left hayfield US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit National Security Agency/Central Security Service field field emitting a dense cloud of smoke nearby mound cabbage field Space Surveillance Network NORAD FAA north east French Air Force US Coast Guard Beach cornfield cypress tree National Enquirer pasture I-84 I-90 I-280 coastal mountains west of the reservoir airport B-52 Alert Pad parachute-rigging building Saab 105 aircraft German Lufthansa airliner Telephone Poles Road Home Barn 250 miles to the west Hidden Beach Runway southeast 1,200 feet to the north Stanton Friedman airport M4 distant hilltop Department of Defense Restricted Test Range north northeast east-northeast I-84 top of a hill county road east treetop level front of our house and yard Airport Control Tower mesa Western Airlines flight National Security Agency 7 miles 21 miles same spot coast guards RAF farmhouse USAF A1C Larry Warren farmhouse fence line two different fields on the same road Allen Hynek's home Centro Ufologico Nazionale P&C grocery store Soviet craft camp swimming pool small hill to the west home 150th Street farmhouse Forestry Commission Station observation tower outbuilding top of a hill back of her hand Intercontinental UFO Galactic Spacecraft Research and Analytic Network Associated Press NORAD Earth's atmosphere FBI AFOSI business district pay phone nearby roadway muddy plowed field rest area Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) US District Court for the District of Columbia small lake National Security Agency Yahoo! National Security Agency Department of Justice Earl W. Brian Edwin Meese UFOs school building backyard 12 miles west of town CAUS v. NSA I.5 Lane house across the street power lines 150 feet away launch pad number 1 adjacent housing complex house car meadow forest 9 miles from the plant county fair to the north IRBM missile base US Department of Defense 2,300 feet US Army Military Policeman Tower 5 Army Special Weapons Depot woods commuter-bus station quarter mile away utility pole 600 feet away Swedish road sewage plant boarding house treetop level swampy area near a manufacturing plant small lake Sherlocks Farm dirt road 100 feet from it inside the UFO mile marker 236 nearby ridge 43,000 feet logging road open area stand of trees county road ridge behind the tree line West All-Union Council of Scientific Technical Societies Centro Ufologico Nazionale British UFO Research Association field Cemetery country road Barbados Defense Force Beaches lake trailer park out to sea driveway field other side of the house NORAD 60659gme playground nearby apartments Italian Air Force Italy's National Research Council nearby vineyard clearing among some hazel bushes mountain range GEPAN CNES neighbor's house I-94 road uphill from the cabin 70,000 feet 31,000 feet 326 miles ASM-135 ASAT missile USAF F-15 Eagle fighter aircraft Earth north side of the street power lines north farmhouse 60-foot-high tree upstate New York north southeast sky Unit 4 reactor Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici Sixth-floor hospital window British military local pub Royal Army Corps National Security Agency open field steel tables in a circular room 7 miles from their home ABC-TV Ghana Air Force field less than one mile away to the northeast neighbor’s barn about 1,000 feet away nearby hill farmhouse weekend residence front of a campfire roof of the house front yard Aviators Square abandoned hospital site several sites woods hill clearing US Congress Contra Affair schoolyard N-06 launch site launch facility access road another town March 16, 1988 Oklahoma UFO researcher bridge to the only island on the lake clump of trees mall parking lot nearby bridge Air Force Office of Special Investigations FBI woods USAF John F. Kennedy Bob Lazar Aviary FBI Headquarters LTV A-7 Corsair II T-38 supersonic trainer four-lane road nearby lot Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2 star system treetop level Pravda Ukrainy newspaper MUFON UFO Symposium railway station low altitudes of 980–1,300 feet civil airport airport park kitchen shed hayfield barn pasture 8,500 feet KLAS-TV Zeta Reticuli 150 feet from the first couple's residence German border Spa 250 feet 300 feet 5 miles lower east side of Manhattan home neighbor's meadow UFO-Sweden farmhouse Centre d’Études et de Recherches sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Lockheed's Skunk Works division STS-36 1990 mid-1990s May 22, 1999 2004 2009 Delta IV Heavy launch designated NROL-15 northeast the bay factory courtyard 3,300 feet 3,200 feet a nearby field woods Glasgow Daily Record newspaper National Security Agency Defense Intelligence Agency US Space Command Space Surveillance Center CIA FBI NORAD Defense Satellite Program Philadelphia Inquirer CIA Soviet Air Defense NB47 N30 Center for UFO Studies city airport neighbor's garden abandoned field Ministry of Defense bus stop upper-level terrace 650 feet of a hovering UFO M6 motorway Spanish Air Staff Air Force Public Relations Office Near the car seven countries major American bank Time magazine Chief of Staff of the Air Force Spanish Air Regions Missile launch site KGB A-10 30th Street Strategic Command nearby farmhouse remote house remote track main road highway west of Belt base vehicle barn flight line of the base water tank old school USAF Venus General Electric Appliance Park Different Location rural area European Parliament European Community US Defense Department CODA Secretary of the Air Force’s office of Security and Special Program Oversight US Defense Department Department of Psychiatry vacant lot western suburb business district road south east Rep. Steven Schiff rough bush area MiG-21 interceptors snow-covered field field on the left Chinese airspace NORAD Government Printing Office Project Mogul balloon train many parts of the city Institut des Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale town woods restaurant intensive care main road cow pastures lake 2–3 miles from the base The Dean Martin Show Office of Technology Transfer at USC Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) facility known as the Oakley Installation woodlands of the open countryside clearing Larry King Live US Army IBM Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.) field field near a highway paddock higher elevation nearby trees Project Blue Book CIA journal Studies in Intelligence Swissair Flight 127 to Zürich, Switzerland Boeing 747 United Airlines Journal of Scientific Exploration National Institute of Aerospace Phenomena Investigations (INFA) Fluminense UFO Research Association (AFEU) Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research (CBPDV) southeast Jōyō experimental fast breeder reactor Department of Energy Nazi Betty Hill US District Court site of the abduction event hunting camp nearby mountains railroad tracks Defence Intelligence Staff 4th floor of an apartment building another airport House of Lords neighboring villages Departamento de Investigación de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (DIFFA) southwest hills in the south debris field site nearest mountain US Strategic Command US Space Command Hills National Institute for Discovery Science 1944 2002 Mountains Weapons Storage Compound in Area 2 European Parliament field Brazilian glass factory elsewhere US Navy’s Space Surveillance System Arak Air Defense Group USS Princeton USS Nimitz USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group USS Nimitz USS Theodore Roosevelt east end of the pond field Capitol Supreme Court vice president’s residence UK airport CNES COPEIPAN FM2611 wooded area across the highway Industrial chemist Betty Hill Army Signal Corps 20,000 feet 12 miles from the aircraft Zeta Reticuli UK Air Defence Region former Soviet Union forest nearby (now called Fold3) USAF F-15C fighters 17 miles in front of him 17,700 feet Prescott Daily Courier GEIPAN Defense Intelligence Agency National Institute for Discovery Science Defense Intelligence Agency farm a few yards from the highway Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Department of Defense Constable Lee Roy Gaitan's observation 153 miles altitude USS Lake Erie Brazilian Commission of Ufologists Office of the Deputy Chief of Legal Affairs Ministry of Defense globe Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) Center for Aeronautical Documentation and History NORAD FAA Senate House Committees on Homeland Security south-southwest Air Force public forest area Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III orchard pasture US Defense Intelligence Agency Ministry of Defence Defense Intelligence Agency EarthTech International US Navy USS Carl Vinson Defense Intelligence Agency NIDS database USAF Blue Book database UFOCAT MUFON Case Management System database Project Colares Canadian government’s UFO releases UK government’s UFO releases BAASS cases investigated Skinwalker Ranch database Skinwalker Ranch contagious health effects racetrack Missile Alert Facilities Alpha through Echo Ministry of Defence Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) Ministry of Defence different location parking lot 650 feet above some houses in the area Ministry of Defense National Security Agency FBI Washington Post W-72 warning area Departamento de Investigación de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (DIFFA) high-voltage power lines GCHQ W-72 warning area FACSFAC VACAPES W-72 warning area W-72 warning area W-72 warning area Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) above the sea USS Theodore Roosevelt US East Coast USS Nimitz US Embassy 1400 North Lake Shore Drive To the Stars Academy VAULT Department of Defense Navy Earth interstellar space medium-earth highly elliptical EarthTech International CIA Brazilian A2 highway adjacent meadow US Embassy in Havana, Cuba Journal of the American Medical Association Global Affairs Canada US State Department US Air Force US Army W-122 warning area To The Stars Academy EarthTech International Spitzer Space Telescope US Army AH-64 Apache attack helicopter airstrip Netflix Associated Press W-386 warning area W-72 warning area off the coast US Navy US Space Surveillance Network USS Rafael Peralta USS John Finn USS Kidd USS Russell hotel room village near the blast site US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command To the Stars Academy van National Defense Authorization Act for 2020 Eastern Planes Ministry of Defence AATIP program Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences US Senate Intelligence Committee Office of Naval Intelligence Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence US Intelligence Community Department of Defense US military bases Eric W. Davis China Airlines Overseas 14,000 feet somewhere skies US Navy Department of Astronomy highway trees Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG) Airborne Object Identification and Management Executive Council (AOIMEXEC) intelligence community 45,000 feet 10,000 feet