+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | | May 30 | | | | 1940 - During the morning in Toledo, Ohio a dark ellipsoid object | | flew toward the northeast making a sizzling sound, then made a 90 | | degree turn. Its flame-like color changed from red to orange and then | | to yellow. (Source: Richard Hall: From Airships to Arnold: A | | Preliminary Catalogue of UFO Reports in the Early 20th Century | | (1900-1946), p. 18). | | | | 1953 - On this day a small bright blue UFO made irregular motions in | | the sky over Palmerston North, New Zealand. "Angel hair" fell to the | | ground. (Source: Leonard Stringfield, Situation Red: The UFO Siege, | | p. 49). | | | | 1954 - Five men and a woman on the doorstep of a house in East | | Malvern, Victoria, Australia watched an orange, oval-shaped UFO | | appear in the sky at close range at 12:25 a.m. The UFO maneuvered in | | a downward curve and then pulled up. A cloud of yellow smoke and | | flame was seen at the rear. Three of the witnesses saw shapes that | | looked like human-shaped shadows inside the craft. (Sources: | | Melbourne Argus, May 31, 1954; Melbourne Daily Telegram, May 31, | | 1964; James Holledge, Flying Saucers Over Australia, p. 53; Bill | | Chalker, The Oz Files, p. 4). | | | | 1958 - At 9:20 p.m. a science writer in Ural'sk, Kazakstan, USSR | | watched as a red light made the start of a pattern to land at the | | south edge of an airfield, but then stopped, stood motionless for a | | few moments, made a 90 degree turn, stopped again, and after several | | minutes got smaller. A second red light joined the first, then they | | separated and silently flew away. (Sources: Lloyd Mallan, Official | | Guide to UFOs, p. 28, citing the US Air Force; Loren E. Gross, The | | Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: A History. 1958: May-July, p. | | 34). | | | | 1965 - While sunbathing on the roof of her lake cottage on Lake | | Mason, Wisconsin at around 2 p.m., Ms. Gorzelle, age 45, witnessed a | | shiny disc-shaped object approach in a straight line from over the | | lake. She described it as metallic, about 40 feet wide, and with a | | row of windows and a dome on top. The domed disc hovered over her | | cottage property less than 200 feet away, then landed on tripod | | landing gear that emerged from the underside of the craft. From her | | roof she was looking down on the landed object. In one of the windows | | she was able to see an occupant. When the occupant saw her on the | | roof, he beckoned to another figure that appeared at a second window. | | Both of them seemed to be rather short--under four feet tall--with | | large, baldheads, slits for mouths and small noses. They stared at | | her for what seemed to be a long time. The next thing she recalled | | was watching the object depart rapidly in the direction of the | | setting sun. There was a time lapse of at least four hours in her | | memory. Under self hypnosis, the witness was able to recall walking | | up to the UFO and being led up a stairway into the vehicle by the two | | occupants. One of them held a small box that he opened, and inside | | the box was a dark-colored crystal that gave off a vapor or smoke. He | | held it in front of her face and the witness jumped back, but when he | | again passed it close to her face she discovered that the fumes were | | odorless. The next thing she remembers was being back on her roof | | watching the object depart. She had headaches following the incident. | | She would have another UFO encounter three months later. (Sources: | | Fred Merritt case file investigations; David F. Webb, 1976 CUFOS | | Conference Proceedings, p. 268; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: | | Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1965-19 (A0629), citing Fred | | Merritt). | | | | 1967 - Shortly before 8:00 p.m. an orange glowing mushroom-shaped UFO | | zig-zagged over Highway 57, southwest of Palmerston North, New | | Zealand. It was humming and making a swishing sound. There were two | | witnesses to the close encounter, and the entire event lasted 12 | | minutes. The same or a similar object was seen at Ohakea Air Force | | Base by two more witnesses a short time later. (Source: APRO | | Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 4). | | | | 1967 - At around 3:00 a.m. a five meter long cigar-shaped object was | | seen at very low altitude over a farm in Ribeirao Pires, Sao Paulo | | State, Brazil. It had 4 legs for landing gear. A short humanoid was | | seen leaning against a small window in the craft, which shot away at | | an extremely fast speed. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, | | case 7790, citing FSR, March-April 1971). | | | | 1969 - The witnesses were staying in a "caravan" camper on Cradle | | Hill in Warminster, Wiltshire, England and were out looking for any | | mysterious lights that might appear in the night sky. At 11:30 p.m. | | they spotted a crimson red, oval-shaped light flying over the area. | | It was completely silent. A short time later one of the witnesses | | noticed a luminous, cloud-like humanoid figure standing by a nearby | | gate. It appeared to be covered entirely by tiny pinpricks of white | | light. No facial features could be seen. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, | | Humanoid Contact Database 1969, case 901, citing Arthur Shuttlewood, | | UFOs: Visions of a New Age). | | | | 1971 - A woman was cutting grass for her rabbits in Dannes, | | Pas-de-Calais, France at 2:05 p.m. when she sighted a dark UFO in a | | large chalk quarry about half a mile away. The object was shaped like | | an overturned basin and was hovering near the ground. Beside it a | | small being with a large head was moving about, and it looked like he | | might have been collecting chalk samples. After approximately ten | | minutes he was "sucked up" into the object, which took off at once. | | No ground traces were found. (Sources: David F. Webb and Ted | | Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1971-41 | | (A1115), citing Rene Bazin, Lumieres dans la Nuit, March 1972; Michel | | Figeut & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le Premier Dossier Complet des | | Rencontres Rapprochees en France, p. 359). | | | | 1974 - On this day a 200 foot long cigar-shaped object making a | | humming sound passed within 500 feet of a farmhouse in Regent, North | | Dakota. It caused static electricity and radio interference. (Source: | | Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 11337, citing MUFON UFO | | Journal, issue # 253). | | | | 1990 - A mother and her two young sons were resting at home in | | Calumet City, Illinois at 10:15 p.m. when they noticed a gray domed | | disc-shaped object hovering over a house across the street. The | | object was described as about 30 feet in diameter with bright white | | windows around its circumference. The windows were wider at the | | bottom than at the top, and a dark line seemed to rotate inside the | | windows. The object emitted a fuzzy white glow from its flat bottom. | | It then drifted slowly away toward the southwest. That same night the | | younger boy had a strange dream-like experience. He found himself at | | the nearby schoolyard where he saw several landed gray domed discs. A | | short gray-skinned being befriended the boy, then accompanied him | | back home. The boy remembers being told several "things" that he | | could not remember. (Source: Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, | | p. 127). | | | | 1993 - Bourgata, Israel - Hannah Somech awoke at three o'clock in the | | morning when she heard her dog barking. She got up and went | | downstairs to her kitchen and looked out to the garden through a | | glass door when she saw her dog literally fly through the air and | | slam against a wall. Shocked and terrified, she bravely opened the | | door but was confronted by an invisible wall: she could literally go | | no further. She next saw an eight-foot tall giant in bright | | coveralls. She thought it might be a robber when she heard a voice | | inside her head that said, "You think I am a thief?" | | | | "What did you do with my dog!", she asked furiously. "He disturbed | | me, as you do now," the giant spoke telepathically, without moving | | its lips. "I could crush you, but I don't want to. Just leave me | | alone, I am busy." The woman ran back to her bedroom to wake up her | | husband, but when they both came downstairs the giant had | | disappeared. In the garden, they found huge footprints, 16 inches in | | length. After the encounter Hannah suffered from fatigue, headaches | | and muscle pain. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact | | Database 1993, citing Michael Hesemann, UFOs: The Secret History). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 25 May 2007). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: "angel hair" | | residue, cigar-shaped UFOs, dome-shaped or domed disc-shaped UFOs, d | | ream of humanoid encounter after close encounter UFO sighting, giant | | isolated humanoid without UFO, Grey UFOnauts, humming sounds, inside | | occupants, missing time, multi-year reports from New Zealand, oval or | | ovoid UFOs, red UFOs, luminous humanoid, short humanoids, telepathy. | | | | < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+